Vocabulary workshop level f unit 3 words

What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2011.08.10 19:51 Molleficent The Stormlight Archive

A community for the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson.

2008.12.09 23:59 All About Learning Modern Greek

A subreddit for learners and speakers of Modern Greek (Nέα Eλληνικά). /GREEK initially joined the collective reddit blackout of June 2023 for two weeks and after polling its users, it was decided to return to business as usual.

2024.05.14 08:37 undeadreaper1370 new to gamemaker and cant get anything to work

"C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/igowindows/x64/Igor.exe" -j=8 -options="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\build.bff" -v -- Windows Run
Loaded Macros from C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\macros.json
Options: C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\bin\platform_setting_defaults.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID\local_settings.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\targetoptions.json
Setting up the Asset compiler
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/assetcompilewindows/x64/GMAssetCompiler.dll /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn="Survivor Game Template" /td="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP" /cd="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492" /rtp="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168" /zpuf="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID" /prefabs="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Prefabs" /ffe="d3t+fjZrf25zeTdwgjZ5em98a3GCN4ODbTZzeH5vdnZzfW94fW82eH92dnN9cjZ2eXFzeGl9fXk2fm99fjZtf31+eXdpb3iANnBzdn41cII2cYJpd3luaYFrdnZ6a3pvfDZxgml3eW5pcWt3b31+fHN6NnZzgG9pgWt2dnprem98aX1/bH1tfHN6fnN5eA==" /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg="Default" /o="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM" /sh=True /optionsini="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\options.ini" /cvm /ba
seproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp" "C:\Users\josep\GameMakerProjects\Survivor Game Template\Survivor Game Template.yyp" /preprocess="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492"
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 307.3348ms
Loaded Project: Survivor Game Template
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 39.1468ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 22.9409ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_effect_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 15.5875ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_blur_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 26.6557ms
Loaded Project: GMPresetParticles
Release build
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\ExtensionOptions.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\PlatformOptions.json
[Compile] Run asset compiler
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/assetcompilewindows/x64/GMAssetCompiler.dll /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn="Survivor Game Template" /td="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP" /cd="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492" /rtp="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168" /zpuf="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID" /prefabs="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Prefabs" /ffe="d3t+fjZrf25zeTdwgjZ5em98a3GCN4ODbTZzeH5vdnZzfW94fW82eH92dnN9cjZ2eXFzeGl9fXk2fm99fjZtf31+eXdpb3iANnBzdn41cII2cYJpd3luaYFrdnZ6a3pvfDZxgml3eW5pcWt3b31+fHN6NnZzgG9pgWt2dnprem98aX1/bH1tfHN6fnN5eA==" /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg="Default" /o="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM" /sh=True /optionsini="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\options.ini" /cvm /ba
seproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp" "C:\Users\josep\GameMakerProjects\Survivor Game Template\Survivor Game Template.yyp" /debug /bt=run /rt=vm /64bitgame=true
Looking for built-in fallback image in C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\bin\BuiltinImages
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_3 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_effect_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_effect_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_3 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_blur_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_blur_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compile Constants...finished.
Remove DnD...finished.
Compile Scripts...finished.
Compile Rooms...finished..... 0 CC empty
Compile Objects...finished.... 0 empty events
Compile Timelines...finished.
Compile Triggers...finished.
Compile Extensions...finished.
Global scripts...finished.
collapsing enums.
Final Compile...finished.
Saving IFF file... C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\Survivor Game Template.win
Writing Chunk... GEN8 size ... -0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... OPTN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... LANG size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... EXTN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SOND size ... 0.00 MB
Converting snd_attack_chimes_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_attack_chimes_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lose to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_click to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_impact_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_throw to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_impact_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_3 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_ui_close to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_3 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_music_menu to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_music_game to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_ui_select to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_win to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Writing Chunk... AGRP size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SPRT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... BGND size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... PATH size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SCPT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... GLOB size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SHDR size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FONT size ... 0.02 MB
Writing Chunk... TMLN size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... OBJT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FEDS size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... ACRV size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SEQN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TAGS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... ROOM size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DAFL size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... EMBI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PSEM size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PSYS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TPAGE size ... 0.00 MB
Texture Group - Default
Texture Group - __YY__0fallbacktexture.png_YYG_AUTO_GEN_TEX_GROUP_NAME_
Writing Chunk... TGIN size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... CODE size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... VARI size ... 0.03 MB
Writing Chunk... FUNC size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FEAT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... STRG size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TXTR size ... 0.04 MB
0 Compressing texture... writing texture __yy__0fallbacktexture.png_yyg_auto_gen_tex_group_name__0.yytex...
1 Compressing texture... writing texture default_0.yytex...
2 Compressing texture... writing texture default_1.yytex...
3 Compressing texture... writing texture default_2.yytex...
4 Compressing texture... writing texture default_3.yytex...
Writing Chunk... AUDO size ... 8.76 MB
Writing Chunk... SCPT size ... -0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DBGI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... INST size ... 0.02 MB
Writing Chunk... LOCL size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DFNC size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... STRG size ... 0.00 MB
Stats : GMA : Elapsed=5230.2736
Stats : GMA : sp=53,au=18,bk=0,pt=0,sc=33,sh=3,fo=6,tl=0,ob=27,ro=2,da=0,ex=0,ma=6,fm=0xB00C4AE00224
Igor complete.
[Run] Run game
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/windows/x64/Runner.exe -game "C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\Survivor Game Template.win"
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/windows/x64/Runner.exe exited with non-zero status (-1073741515)
elapsed time 00:00:06.1866255s for command "C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/igowindows/x64/Igor.exe" -j=8 -options="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\build.bff" -v -- Windows Run started at 05/13/2024 23:31:24
FAILED: Run Program Complete
For the details of why this build failed, please review the whole log above and also see your Compile Errors window.
any idea why i cant get anything to run? this is one of the prebuilt game and i havent made any changes to it.
submitted by undeadreaper1370 to gamemaker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:36 Cress_Green Saas Salestech Company seeking Data Engineer with advanced web scraping knowledge

If you are or know someone that might the below criteria and have advanced web scraping expertise, please DM me.
AutoLead researches, nurtures, qualifies, and delivers high-intent B2B leads right in your calendar.
Whether you’re a B2B company, agency, investor, recruiter, integrator, or else, AutoLead will reduce your meeting acquisition costs by x10, help you better understand your market, forecast your sales growth, and help your sales team focus on… selling.
📈 Forecast- The company is expected to grow to a multi-million ($) valuation by 2025. Not only because the addressed market is consequent (all the B2B companies) and our approach faces almost no concurrence yet, but also because the solution will be able to obtain meetings with its own potential customers. Yes, very practical.
As an early core member, **you would get shares** of the company and so **direct exposure** to this growth.
**📍Current Stage **- We're currently 80% finished with the research phase and are looking for more developers to lead and accelerate the release of a v1 (scheduled for release in Q3 2024).
**🌱 Team culture **- On a human-level, our foremost goal is to see our team members thrive and grow through their experience with us. We create a supportive environment where open communication of feelings and needs is encouraged. This ensures that everyone is always engaged in meaningful and enjoyable work. Additionally, we place great importance on fair value distribution, emotional caring, environmental respect, authentic relationships, and maintaining a positive, light-hearted culture.
💻 Technical requirements - For this Data Engineer role.
Only those passionate about making a real impact should apply. Startup life can be challenging, but the rewards are profoundly fulfilling.
Compensation: Initially, this role is equity-based, with specific percentages tailored on an individual basis(as we grow, you grow with us).
As we secure funding, the role offers a temporary monthly salary ranging from $3,500 to $5,000 USD. Post-funding, we will review and adjust salaries to align with individual experience and prevailing market rates.
Application Deadline: We aim to fill this position by June 1st, 2024.
Interested? Please direct message me and include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by Cress_Green to webscraping [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:31 AgileSissy /

Slutty Sister Has Her Brother Locked For Life (non-con, forced chastity, bondage, punishment)
Part 1
The keyholder nurse gave me instructions and explained everything after it was all over. My family had told me that I was a sex pervert and I was "being dealt with". I knew I was in trouble, but I was a young man, only 18 and I didn't understand what was going on. No one had told me anything after the hearing.
Mom drove me to an odd building, led me to a secure room and left. A young nurse told me to undress. I was totally naked. An older woman in scrubs and a man entered. They strapped my arms and legs down to a cold steel table. The nurse offered the woman a syringe, but she declined and said "No, I want this creep to feel it".
It all started a month ago. I lived with my mom and sister, dad was gone. My sister was 19, with a tight body and medium sized, perky tits. Mom was thick, curvy, with giant tits. Both recently got their naval's pierced with matching studs. Neither had boyfriends, but they were very promiscuous. We lived in a mobile home with thin walls, so I could hear them getting fucked often.
I made some mistakes. First, my sister caught me peeping on her in the shower and told mom. Then, two of her "friends" came over for sex. They took turns on her. She got very loud. After they left, I went in her room. She covered herself, but I saw her pussy and stomach first. There were small puddles of cum around her pantyline, and some more of it leaking out of her. I told her I was still a virgin and asked if I could "go next" on her. She yelled "get out" and told mom when she got home from work.
The third incident was more serious they said. Mom would sometimes drink and pass out. I'd never felt tits before and hers were so enticing. She had some drinks and went to bed. I snuck in. She was asleep, uncovered, wearing a gown. I grabbed her heaving boobs. Then I took one of my hands off her chest and pulled the gown above her waist, exposing her. I slid my hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy. She woke up and caught me. She was pissed. The next day my sister told me they had turned me in and there would be a hearing.
So I knew why I was on the metal table, but I didn't know what was next. I couldn't see, there was a drape at my waist. It started with gloves and cold metal on my genitals, then clamping, pinching, pulling, and eventually a sharp puncturing pain near my balls. I begged them to stop, but they did it 2 more times, once on my cock. Finally a metal device was brought out. I could feel it being slid on, clamped down, tightened, then locked. "All done" they said and left. The young nurse stayed behind.
She removed the drape and released the straps. I inspected the "device". My cock and balls had been fed through a steel ring that tightly encircled them at the base. It was secured to a piercing just above my taint and another at the top. My penis was locked in a tight steel "cage" with a hole at the end for pissing. The head had been pierced and a metal bar went through me as extra security. It wasn't going anywhere. The whole thing was super tight.
"What is this?" I asked.
She explained. "It's your chastity device. Your genitals have been locked up. At the hearing, your mother and sister requested that you be put in chastity. The safety council asked them how long they thought would be appropriate and both wanted you locked forever. Since the incidents involved incest, the council agreed. Your penis is locked for life. I'm your keyholder nurse. I will help with adjustments, cleanings, draining your balls, and anything else needed for chastity".
"When do I get to take off?" I said.
She answered, "You're locked forever. So you wont get to take it off. They have to keep you locked so your sister is safe and to punish you for what you did to your mom. You wont be able to have sex or force anyone. Since you can't masturbate, your balls might swell, so you will see me every other month to drain them, do a deep cleaning, and tighten your cage, if necessary.

Part 2

The room was cold. My keyholder nurse was a cute twenty-something. A name tag with "Beverly" was pinned above her perky boobs. Her scrub top was tight around her chest. I could see the shape of her breasts and her hard nipples pressing againt the fabric. I stared and my cage got tighter. She noticed and grinned slightly.
I got back to business, "Can I appeal or get parole or something? What happens next?"
She answered, "Sorry, no appeals for chastity. There is parole, but not for incest cases. What you did is considered extremely disgusting, so they deemed you a "most extreme pervert". Incest offenders get more severe penalties and no parole. I'm not supposed to be judgemental, but you're my first incest case and it sounded really awful at your hearing. It's hard to believe creeps as bad as you even exist, who rubs their own mom's pussy? This case is really bad, so I'm gonna go harder on you than my other guys. I hope it was worth it. So here's what's next...your mother and sister are entitled to a final inspection of your genitals, then you'll go directly to prison to be processed and locked up in the chastity unit."
I was confused and responded with frustration, "I can't believe this is happening to me. I just got too horny seeing the girls dressed like sluts and listening to them getting fucked all the time. After seeing my sisters cum-filled pussy, I lost control and slipped up. If she just gave me sloppy seconds, I wouldn't have done all that to mom....What do you mean prison?!?!"
She responded, bursting with excitement, "Dont worry, you'll learn your lesson! OH! I see they didn't tell you about prison yet, since you were a rush case. Chastity is just an add-on to your prison sentence as an extra penalty and to keep everyone safe. Let me look at your file to see how much time you'll serve."
Looking at her tablet, she smiled big and replied, "I've never gotten to do this before! Most guys hear about their sentence before they get to me...Ok, so they actually got you taken care of pretty good here. It got split up into multiple counts, so fortunately, they were able to put you away for a long time."
She continued, "Your sister had you convicted on two charges, one for the shower incident and one for the bedroom incident. You got two more for mom, one for groping her tits and another for going between her legs. I'll read them off...
Count 1, Incestual peeping, sentence: 1 year special confinement
Count 2, Incestual peeping with propositioning, sentence: 1.5 years special confinement
Count 3, 2nd Degree Incestual Sexual Battery, 2 years special confinement
Ok and here's the big one! For touching mom's pussy...
Count 4, 1st Dregee Incestual Sexual Battery, 4.5 years RIGOROUS confinement in the SCU-I, (Special Chastity Unit, Incest wing), with intensive perversion correction."
So you'll do nine years total, with the first four-and-a-half in the incest wing."
I was completely shocked, "Nine years!? Are you serious? What's special confinement? Am I going to regular prison or what?
Beverely explained, "Special confinement means you'll be put in the chastity unit. It's a separate level for inmates that have their genitals locked, like rapists and other perverts. It's a little different. The cells are super small, you don't get any privileges like TV, and you stay locked in your cell for 23 hours a day. But don't worry. Most of my guys are in the chastity unit. They all want out really bad, but they're fine. Some eventually leave for regular population if their sentence allows, but you'll actually just be finishing up in the main chasity unit after you're done with rigororous confinement for the first four-and-a-half. You'll start off in the incest wing".
"What is all that? I asked
Beverly explained further, "It's a big deal. That's why I got so excited when I read your sentence on count 4. It wasn't just the amount of time you got, but what'll be happening to you that makes it a heavy one. I've heard it's very extreme. Since you're my first incest case, I'm not as familiar with it, but I've heard you're basically caged up 24/7 and pretty much treated like an animal. I'm not sure if you even get a toilet or a bed. You only leave your cage once every two weeks for perversion correction, which I might get to assist with, and you'll get another device I've heard about, called the "silver bullet". I think it's an anal device? You'll learn more about that when you get there. Oh! Looks like it's time to get you ready for inspection."
The door opened as she left and two female guards entered. One had a tazer. They led me to another table. This one had wheels. I sat on the edge. One grabbed my ankles and another tried to push me on my back. I resisted, trying to spin off the table. I was immediately tazed, then sedated, imobilizing me. "This will be easier for if you just comply" she said. I was on my back again. My ankles were lifted toward my head, folding my legs over me. Thick zip ties were placed around my ankles and calfs. My hands and forearms were looped through both, then "zzzzzzzztttt", it was all cinched down tight, securing my arms to my legs. A bar was secured between my knees, keeping me exposed. Beverly came back in. One of the guards said "He's all yours hon" as they left.
"Let's get you cleaned up" Beverly said. "Your mom and sister are on their way and they're excited to see your private parts all locked up for good.
She put gloves on, then approached the table, placing one hand over my nose. I opened my mouth and she shoved a gag in and secured it around my head. "This is just a temporary gag. Your sister didn't want you talking during inspection. I believe you'll get more securely gagged and muzzled when you get to processing. I've heard the guys don't get solid food in the incest wing, you get fed a liquid diet, like that soylent stuff, that you'll take through a drinking tube in your gag. It's really amazing how good they have you incest perverts locked up over there. I can't wait to see you like that.
She started the cleaning by soaping and lathering around my crotch, exposed parts were shaved. She walked away, coming back with a tube and a bag full of fluid that she hung from a pole. The label read "Enema". Beverly explained, "Gotta clean you inside and out. First I'll get you lubed up". She grabbed a metal syring, inserted the tip in my ass, and injected me with lube. At the end of enema tube, there was a detachable nozzle with two inflatable bulbs. One was forced in my ass and both were inflated, locking it in place. I could see the tube going from the bag to inside me. I felt like I was being treated like an animal already. She turned a valve, the fluid began flowing and filled me up. She set a timer for 35 minutes, and sat on her stool, reading cosmo. After an agonizing wait, she removed the nozzle plug, allowing me to release. Finally, thank goodness. I was soaped up again and rinsed. She cleaned up the enema nozzle plug, added more lube, and shoved it back1 inside me. "Putting this back in so we dont have any potential leaks" she said, as she inflated it. She disconnected the outside end of the inflatable nozzle where it attached to the longer enema tube, clamped it off, and let go of it. I felt it bounce around as it settled. "You're all set" she exclaimed.
I was wheeled on the cart-like table through a long, busy hallway to a different room for inspection. I could feel the protruding nozzle plug in my ass flop around as the cart moved. The other employees stared as I went by, a few smiled with satisfaction. How humiliating I thought. I heard murmuring. "Bitchtied pervert getting what he deserves!" one girl said angrily.
Finally in the inspection room, I waited. The door opened, Beverly entered with two blondes behind her, my mom and my sister. The two gorgeous sluts were dressed similar. My mom was wearing tight, denim, high waisted shorts that displayed her ass and curvy hips, they were pulled-up high in a way that you could see the denim tight against her twat. My sister came dressed in super short spandex yoga shorts, tight ones that lifted her already firm butt into perfection. Both wore crop tops with their stomachs and matching naval piercings exposed. Images of my sister's sloppy pussy flashed in my head, my cock and balls both swelled. I stared at their bodies and let out a loud, desperate moan as my cage grew excruciatingly tight.
Part 3 to follow...
submitted by AgileSissy to u/AgileSissy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 officecompliancema Understanding Electrical Compliance in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Electrical Compliance in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide
In the United Kingdom, electrical compliance is a vital aspect of ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical installations in both residential and commercial settings. From regulations and standards to testing and certification, adherence to electrical compliance requirements is essential for safeguarding lives and property. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of electrical compliance in the UK, shedding light on its importance, key regulations, testing procedures, and the role of professionals in maintaining electrical safety standards.
Importance of Electrical Compliance
Electrical compliance regulations exist to protect individuals, properties, and businesses from the dangers associated with faulty electrical installations. Compliance ensures that electrical systems meet stringent safety standards, reducing the risk of electric shocks, fires, and other hazards. By adhering to electrical compliance requirements, property owners can demonstrate their commitment to safety, minimise liability, and comply with legal obligations outlined in the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
Key Regulations and Standards
In the UK, electrical compliance is governed by a framework of regulations and standards established to maintain high levels of safety and quality in electrical installations. Some of the key regulations and standards include:
  1. The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989: This legislation sets out legal requirements for the safe use, operation, and maintenance of electrical systems in the workplace. It places duties on employers, employees, and self-employed individuals to ensure that electrical installations are safe and fit for purpose.
  2. BS 7671 (IET Wiring Regulations): Commonly referred to as the Wiring Regulations, BS 7671 is the UK's national standard for electrical installations. It provides comprehensive guidance on the design, installation, inspection, and testing of electrical systems, covering everything from wiring methods to protective measures and earthing arrangements.
  3. Building Regulations: Part P of the Building Regulations in England and Wales, and equivalent regulations in Scotland and Northern Ireland, impose requirements for electrical safety in domestic properties. These regulations govern electrical installations in new buildings, extensions, and alterations, ensuring compliance with safety standards and certification by competent persons.
Testing and Certification
Testing and certification are integral components of electrical compliance, serving to verify the safety, performance, and compliance of electrical installations. Qualified electricians and electrical contractors conduct various tests and inspections to assess the integrity and functionality of electrical systems. Some common testing procedures include:
  1. Visual Inspection: A visual inspection involves assessing the condition of electrical components, such as switches, sockets, cables, and distribution boards, for signs of damage, wear, or non-compliance with regulations.
  2. Continuity Testing: Continuity testing checks the integrity of electrical conductors, ensuring that connections are secure and free from breaks or faults that could impede the flow of electricity.
  3. Insulation Resistance Testing: Insulation resistance testing measures the resistance of insulation materials surrounding electrical conductors, helping to identify potential faults, leaks, or deterioration that could compromise safety.
  4. Earth Fault Loop Impedance Testing: This test evaluates the effectiveness of earth fault protection devices by measuring the impedance of the earth fault loop, ensuring that protective measures are capable of operating effectively in the event of a fault.
Upon completion of testing, electrical installations deemed compliant with regulatory requirements are issued with certificates or reports confirming their safety and compliance status. These certificates provide assurance to property owners, insurers, and regulatory authorities that electrical installations meet established standards and pose minimal risk to occupants and property.
Role of Professionals in Electrical Compliance
Qualified electricians and electrical contractors play a pivotal role in ensuring electrical compliance by applying their expertise, knowledge, and experience to design, install, inspect, test, and certify electrical installations. These professionals undergo rigorous training and certification to acquire the skills necessary to carry out their duties competently and safely. Their responsibilities include:
  1. Design and Installation: Electricians design and install electrical systems in accordance with relevant regulations and standards, considering factors such as load requirements, circuit protection, earthing arrangements, and fire safety.
  2. Inspection and Testing: Electricians conduct thorough inspections and testing of electrical installations to identify any defects, non-compliance issues, or safety hazards. They use specialised equipment and techniques to assess the condition and performance of electrical systems accurately.
  3. Certification and Documentation: Upon completion of testing and inspection, electricians issue certificates, reports, or documentation confirming the compliance status of electrical installations. These documents serve as evidence of compliance and facilitate regulatory compliance, insurance purposes, and property transactions.
  4. Maintenance and Remedial Work: Electricians perform routine maintenance and remedial work to ensure the ongoing safety and reliability of electrical installations. They address any faults, defects, or deficiencies identified during inspections or testing, implementing corrective measures to restore compliance and functionality.
In summary, electrical compliance London is a fundamental aspect of electrical safety and regulatory compliance in the UK. By adhering to regulations, standards, and testing procedures, property owners can ensure the safety, reliability, and legal compliance of their electrical installations. Qualified electricians and electrical contractors play a crucial role in achieving and maintaining electrical compliance, safeguarding lives, property, and businesses from the risks associated with electrical hazards.
submitted by officecompliancema to u/officecompliancema [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:07 New_Adhesiveness_825 Driving Factors: Key Catalysts Shaping the Solvents Market in 2030

The was valued at US$61.41 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$81.91 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period.

Market Overview

The global solvents market has been analyzed in detail to provide insights into the most recent revenue and market trends. This comprehensive industry report includes a thorough market definition, overview, and structure, compiling primary and secondary data to ensure authenticity and accuracy.
Free sample link: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/54142solventshttps://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/54142

Market Report Scope and Research Methodology

The report delves into the latest trends within each sub-segment of the Solvents market, examining revenue growth at local, regional, and global levels. It offers a qualitative and quantitative overview of the industry, focusing on global trends and key statistics related to market competitors. Moreover, the report includes a detailed analysis of market dynamics, encompassing drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges, serving as a valuable guide for investors. A SWOT analysis is also incorporated to identify the strengths and weaknesses of key players in the industry.
The report combines primary and secondary data collected through thorough research, investigating factors such as government policies, market environment, historical data, competitive landscape, current market trends, technological advancements, and upcoming technologies. The methodology employed a bottom-up approach to estimate the global market size, while Porter's five forces and PESTLE analyses facilitate an understanding of the market from various perspectives.

Market Regional Insights

The report segments several key countries, including:
For each country, the report provides data on market size, growth rate, importsand exports.

Market Segmentation

by Type
Alcohols Glycol Ethers Aromatic Esters Ketones Aliphatic
by Application
Pharmaceuticals Paints & coatings Adhesives Metal cleaning Personal care Polymer manufacturing Printing inks Agricultural chemicals
by Source
Pharmaceutical Based Bio-Green

Market Key Players

Key questions addressed in the report cover the definition of Solvents , the expected CAGR during the forecast period, anticipated market size by the end of the forecast period, prominent players in the market, emerging trends, factors restraining market growth, and regional markets expected to grow significantly in the forecast period.
  1. Royal Dutch Shell
  2. Eastman Chemical Company
  3. BASF SE
  4. ExxonMobil Corporation
  5. LyondellBasell Industries Holdings B.V
  6. Ashland Global Holdings
  7. Celanese Corporation
  8. Huntsman Corporation
  9. Solvay
  10. Honeywell International
  11. Ineos Group
  12. Sasol Solvents
  13. Dow Chemicals
  14. Chr. Hansen Holding A/S
  15. Ajinomoto
  16. Herza Chocolate GmbH & Co. KG
  17. Indena Spa
  18. Martin Bauer Group
  19. Frutarom Ltd.
For More Details: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-solvents-market/54142/Chr.https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-solvents-market/54142/
Key Offerings
The key offerings of the report include past market size and competitive landscape, past pricing trends, market size, share, forecast by segments, market dynamics, market segmentation, competitive landscape, PESTLE analysis, PORTER’s analysis, value chain analysis, legal aspects by region, lucrative business opportunities with SWOT analysis, and actionable recommendations for market players.
About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research is a reputable market research and consulting company comprised of professionals from diverse industries. Their expertise ranges across various sectors, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, engineering, technology, automotive, and more. They offer a range of services, from market estimations to competition analysis, technical trend monitoring, and strategic advice.
Contact Maximize Market Research:
3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2 Pune-Banglore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra, 411041, India Email: [sales@maximizemarketresearch.com](mailto:sales@maximizemarketresearch.com) Phone: +91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656
submitted by New_Adhesiveness_825 to u/New_Adhesiveness_825 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:58 Zenithoid What Pali/Sanskrit terms do I need to know to be able to discuss Buddhist philosophy effectively?

I want to expand my Buddhist vocabulary. I know basic terms like Nirvana, Samsara, Dukkha, Anatta, etc. I'm looking to learn ones that are the next level up from these.
I'm also curious about sect specific terms. For example I've heard Vajrayana uses the word "bardo" while Mahayana and Theravada don't. What other sect specific terms should I know?
submitted by Zenithoid to Buddhism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:47 GamiNami Tips for a n00b?

Hello :)
Im a little older at 47, and to stay fit (and be very disciplined about it), i signed up for Karate lessons. The trainer is quite famous and a 7th Dan, he also works with other high level Dan's, so I know I'm in good hands.
Officially a new 'season' (or class of students) begins in September when the schools open following summer holidays, and I joined with 4 months to go, so essentially 2/3 of the way through.
The team is very cool and said it's not a problem to begin now, and I've had 3 classes so far (adults take place twice a week, Monday and wednesday). Naturally I'm kind of thrown into the thick of it and while they do take me aside to help me learn the basics, I also do not want to slow everyone else down waiting for the official start 4 months from now.
Hence, I wanted to ask if anyone can recommend websites or YouTube videos that can bring me up to speed, for example on terminologies, the words (I can read some some Japanese and know about 200 words, but everything here is brand new and not words I've learnt before) and of course how to behave correctly (so far I've imitated others in order to fit in).
Well, that's all for now. Looking forward to any advice for a new comer, and I wish everyone all the best for your journey and progress :)
submitted by GamiNami to karate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:45 eatratshitt I’m struggling to figure out where I fit in on the levels scale

disclaimer before I get to the actual post: I’m not self diagnosed (fully support self diagnosis tho) but my country doesn’t use the level system I’m 20F diagnosed at the age of 17. I know I’m pretty good at masking, people who don’t really know how autism usually presents in afab people can tell that there’s something a little off about me and treat me differently but I don’t think it’s enough to the level 2 point? I was completely unable to say even a word to strangers when I was a kid but ig it was just brushed off as being shy. At school I never really talked to anyone and really struggled to understand how the hell do I make friends. It just felt like everyone was in on some big secret to how to socialize and I had no idea what it was. I only started making some friends at the age of 14 when I found other neurodivergent and mentally ill people but even then I always felt like an outsider. I also don’t know if my support needs are level 1 or 2. As a kid and young teen I wasn’t able to keep up with school or daily tasks like cleaning, showering on brushing my teeth. I don’t know why, I just couldnt ever get myself to do it and I didn’t really have a parent to help me with that stuff. I’d spend the whole time playing video games that brought me comfort. Mind you I did live in a pretty abusive household so that also for sure impacted my ability to function. As soon as I turned 18 I dropped out of school and got a job. The dropped out part was a good decision but the job destroyed me mentally. After just the first week I was so overwhelmed and dysregulated I attempted and ended up in a hospital. I went back to work after 2 weeks tho and managed to keep working by abusing alcohol until 3 months later I was so exhausted I ODed again (not as badly tho) to have an excuse not to go to work. I quit the job right after that and was unable to function for the next 3 months after which I gave in to my parents, societal and financial pressure and got another job that I lasted 9 months in. It was a little easier as I made sure I worked only 2-3 shifts a week but eventually once again I slipped into alcohol and my brain and body just stopped functioning properly. My tourette’s also got worse to a point of it making it even harder for me to work as my wrists would lock in one position. It’s been 8 months since then and I’ve slowly realized that I am disabled and I will never be able to live alone. I wouldn’t be able to get groceries, clean, throw the trash out regularly, work enough to afford to live and just do any other adult thing. But then again I know level 2 requires more communication issues? I’m just very confused and bothered by the inability to fit myself into one or another label
submitted by eatratshitt to SpicyAutism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:39 HistorianJolly8683 AITA for ending a (best) friendship over parenting choices?

I (26F) have had a BEST friend (26F) for years who has always struggled with partying. Drugs, alcohol, guys. We grew distant at the peak of that phase, but then she found out she was pregnant. She turned her life around and we began talking more. We have actually talked every day for the last 3 years.
Fast-forward 3 years. She broke up with the dad of her child & started the single mom life. I was very supportive because her ex was very toxic (ie: ALL types of abusive). I was hoping this was her second wind of improving her life.
Instead she more openly showed me that she smokes weed ALL the time. I mean before, during, and after work. While her kid is asleep AND awake. Sometimes mixes in a few drinks if not more. Sometimes seeming entirely inebriated while the sole caretaker of her child.
She starts dating a guy whose profile pic is an unusual amount of firearms he owns. Turns out he is a drug dealer, although I’m not certain what type. But burner phone, dangerous lifestyle, all of that.
My half-brother passed at 25 from an OD and his mom was just like her. Always f*cked up, always bringing in scummy guys. Suddenly it clicked and I realized I had no respect for her. Icing on the cake is she comes to me for advice, says she’ll dump them, doesn’t respond to me for days & then I see her post pics with that same guy.
Suddenly I didn’t even want to associate with her ever again. I said my goodbyes and explained—she gave me two words, “Lol. Okay.”
submitted by HistorianJolly8683 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:38 Didujustsitonmyface My Therapist was the last person I spoke to the night I attempted to end my life.

This is a very long one. Trigger warning ⚠️
I (19f) have been in and out of long term/short term facilities since I was 12 years old. I’ve had suicide attempts and have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. This is definitely not my first experience with a therapist. Over the years I’ve had over 6+. Not because they haven’t worked for me all the time, but because they either move onto another facility or I move onto another phase in life.
Last year I adopted a new therapist “Mere” thanks to my older sister “North”. My current Therapist “Tina” who I’ve been working with for the past 3 and a half years, switched to a facility where my insurance only covers 30 min sessions. North didn’t think that was enough for me at the time since I wasn’t doing so well mentally. The therapist she recommended worked closely with her own and offered 1hr long sessions, so I agreed wanting to try something new since my old therapist seemed to not specialize in trauma and ptsd. Kerr was highly recommended for those topics.
We started our sessions not soon after my sister offered. The first couple months were hard. Our personalities seemed to clash. Not because mine was bad, but because I was deeply depressed. I was not a joy to be around and everyone seemed annoyed with my constant melancholy. Even my therapists seemed sick of me.
Over time I learned to adapt my personality to be more palatable. My therapists loved it now that I was interacting with them and making jokes. I treated them more like friends now instead of therapists and they seemed to appreciate that. I found it funny because a lot of my issues I explained to them was faking my personality to fit into the crowd and adapt. Due to me being f a people pleaser. They didn’t see anything wrong with the change since I seemed to be getting better mentally.
I was better. I wouldn’t attribute much of my success to my therapists tho. It was nice to have someone to talk to since at the time I had no friends, but they didn’t seem to know how to handle my constant depression so I started to hide it from them. Even from myself. Over time I was able to function a lot better. I switched my sessions to only once every two weeks and I was planning on ending them all together since I was doing so well on my own and haven’t need much help in a while.
It seems that I ah e bad luck. Right when I was at my peak recovery and condition, I was raped on the first day of the new year. I spiraled back into my deep deep deep depression worse than any other relapse I had before. I survived on Benadryl and ice cream for weeks. I took the pills so I didn’t have to be awake to long. I ate only food that I liked the most (mainly unhealthily) my health declined.
My mental health was the worst of it tho. The day after the rape occurred I had a session with my newer therapist. I start telling her the details of my assault. The shock was still fresh in my brain and my memories were scrambled. I greatly blamed myself. I thought I was the weirdo.
Mere only confirmed my sentiments. Before I could fully list out the details of the night it happened she immediately started to spew accusations of my intentions that night. Saying phrases like “Well when someone is pleasuring you it’s hard to say no and there’s nothing wrong with that”
I shut up then and just agreed with her but something still didn’t sit right with me. I went on Reddit and there was mixed opinions about it. A lot of ppl validated my feelings and others thought It was my fault. After fully processing this event and fully remembering it in its entirety I can say confidently that what happened to me was rape.
The next session we had I was able to tell the full story. Mede had just said “Oh. Well you didn’t mention all this before. That’s definitely not ok”. The thing is tho, she was the one to cut me off and make assumptions instead of trying to pull out the full story. She knew I had extreme ptsd and I probably wouldn’t be able to give an in-depth detailed explanation of what happened. She still insulted me anyway and brushed me off.
I thought this to be weird but I brushed it off. When you think k you’re in the presence of a professional you don’t often question things especially if you aren’t in the mental space to do so. So ignored her.
There have been times where she’s been short with me. One time she had asked to switch a 12pm session to 5pm. When I refused she said she’d have to charge me a cancellation fee. It seemed that she just wanted to get paid for that session still and wanted to guilt me into paying. I refused and explained that she was the one who cancelled on me and she immediately backed down realizing I wouldn’t be easily pushed around. I didn’t think much of it then.
Another time. I had gone to this tattoo parlor to get my belly button pierced. I took videos and pictures of the process. She requested in our session that week to see the pictures. I agreed to send and emailed them to her in two emails. In one there was all the pictures of the parlor, the. The other had the videos of the full process. Accidentally I had added one singular picture of me. I was at school and I took a picture in the schools bathroom. There was nothing indecent about it I just accidentally pressed on that picture as I was sending the others. IT happened a lot when using your iPhone to email and I didn’t really notice.
She brought it up the next session and started to berate me for sending that singular pic out of all the obvious other intended pictures. She said it’s inappropriate to send her pictures of myself. I explained to her the accident and she seemed shocked. All she said was “oh well ok”. I don’t know why she got so triggered I’ve always kept good boundaries with her. I can’t believe she immediately started accusing me for one picture of me posing in the mirror while having a turtle neck in a jacket and everything.
Those are just a few of the shady things she’s done. Now back to current time. After I was raped. I still continued sessions with her and tried to get back on track. She wasn’t really helping. I would have extreme panic attacks on therapy video calls with her and she seemed at loss of what to do. I distanced myself from her and I started to get a little better, but then I started to have issues with some of my friends. That added onto my load of issues and started to push me to the edge.
I called my therapist the night of my attempt. I try not to call her after hours but I was in genuine crisis. I had spent the whole day being practically verbally abused by one of my friends. I was cracking slowly it surely and I reached out for help.
Otp I expressed to her how I felt betrayed by everyone around me. I asked her why everyone felt it was ok to treat me wrong whenever. Why wasn’t I able to find peace? Why I couldn’t find ppl who cared? My parents are emotionally abusive as well. That all stems into my ppl pleasing habits. I’ve let a lot of ppl take advantage of my nature because I’ve been conditioned to since birth. She knows my history and why I am the way I am. Instead of consoling me she yelled at me. “Well you knew they were bad ppl!” “If you knew they were bad ppl why are you blaming them you just need to stop hanging around bad ppl”. She then told me she had to go and hung up. She did ask me if I was safe but of course I lied. She knows I always try to see the best in ppl. I don’t see the bad till it’s too late most times. Her words stung like acid. I had been prescribed some sedatives to calm me during panic attacks. I had taken two but they weren’t helping. After that call I took the whole bottle. I didn’t want to die alone so I called my mother to stay in my room with me. Then I drifted into a deep sleep for hours into the next day’s afternoon. I had fallen asleep around 10 pm. I woke up the next day around 3pm still kicking but disordered.
I spent two weeks in a mental hospital. During that time I do t have access to my phone. I had my sister contact everyone that needed to be. Even Mere. She knew I was in there. I didn’t call her while I was there bc I was still upset at her after everything.
I was discharged but I didn’t set up a session for weeks. She emailed and called me once but I didn’t respond till I was fully settled back into my routine and okay enough to talk to her. I emailed her this
“Hallo, Sorry. I didn’t mean to ghost you. I just needed some time to get myself together. I called you just now. You are probably busy. I hope everything is doing well on your end. Sorry again. Sent from my iPhone”
I had planned to set up an appointment in the future to talk to her about everything but by the time I checked my patient portal a week or so later I had been discharged with no warning. No calm text or email.
I set up a meeting with her over the phone for 45 mins. When she first came onto the call the first thing she said was “I saw that you put our appointment for 45 mins. I changed it to 30 bc you know I did discharge you”. I thought it was pretty rude so instead of explaining everything I told her about how I didn’t have my phone in the hospital and the hospital themselves didn’t notify her because they were disorganized and were extremely unprofessional. It’s not like she wasn’t updated by my sisters anyway. When I got my phone after I got home I saw texts from her asking if I was still having a session with her. Knowing that I was in the hospital. It seemed she either didn’t care or didn’t believe I was in the hospital. In fact when she had spoken over the phone with one of my sisters she had lied to them about that night. She had told her “After I got otp with her I immediately started praying for her because I m ew something was deeply wrong” how delusional of her to say after she yelled at me and hung up.
Anyway after I explained my reasoning for going MIA she started to realize how fucked up she was and asked me how I was doing. I didn’t say much because I was done with her and she obviously didn’t intend of hearing the full story since she shortened our session. She started asking me why I didn’t want to continue therapy and seemed confused why I didn’t seem to beg her to re admit me. I told her I was done with therapy. She seemed concerned and said that she discharged me because she thought it’d be better for me to find an in person therapist. I knew it was a shitty excuse. I quickly hang up on her and don’t address anything.
I’m only processing this now because I’ve had much bigger things going on. I’m only now realizing how fucked up her behavior was. If I hadn’t spoken to her the night of my attempt I probably wouldn’t have tried to kill myself. I feel cheated out of help. I don’t feel angry at her I have to reserve that for someone more worthy of my rage. I only wished she didn’t use the fact that I would never call her out on her behavior usually. She knew my temperament and took advantage of that. I don’t think I’ll ever trust a therapist again. She victim blamed me, mocked me, berated me in my time of need, and then abandoned me on baseless assumptions that could’ve been easily cleared up if she actually listened to what my sisters and I were saying. She didn’t even say sorry when we were talking. Or express any remorse besides embarrassment for jumping to conclusions. SMH.
TLDR: My therapist berated me for trusting ppl in my life the night of my suicide attempt. Then Discharged me from her care without consulting me first. Blamed me for all her mistakes and jumped to conclusions randomly then never apologized for the baseless accusations. I am at a loss for words and at a loss for trust in therapy again.
submitted by Didujustsitonmyface to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:36 Comfortable-Rush1481 Am I ( f22) a horrible person to m26?

I (f 22) met (m 25) last year. From the start I made it very clear that I was not interested in an exclusive serious relationship. I was just starting my final year of university and knew I was going to be working abroad for at least four months. I didn’t want to be in a committed relationship so I could truly focus on graduating and deciding my next goal/ move without having someone else rely on me. I knew quite quickly that he was falling for me faster than I was for him. While he has remained very understanding, I've noticed some developing habits that I find confusing (at least for me). It started minor, like always ordering the same things I do (food, drinks), copying the way I talk (I understand the more time you spend with others, the more likely you are to pick up your vocabulary), and trying to dress more in my style ( very different from his original ). These things don't bother me as I understand he wants to show an interest in what I enjoy. However, I'm worried he is not respecting my desire to remain independent based on my current situation. He makes plans for us without asking me (the whole weekend and a few days a week), constantly wants to drop things off to give me, refuses to eat shellfish (I'm allergic but can still be around it) despite him loving it, and repeatedly tickles me despite me telling him I don't like to be touched in that way (I'm just not a touchy person in that sense ). While these things are lovely, I'm starting to feel slightly overwhelmed, and while I hate saying this word, I'm feeling somewhat love-bombed. He is not my boyfriend, and this seems like too much. The job I have is for a little less than half a year, but it could lead to more. When I told him this, he said I was " worth the wait" and was beginning to talk more about the future together. I'm starting to feel more pressured despite me telling him I was trying to focus on myself and my overall future. I don't know if I'm being overdramatic due to stress and anxiety or if I have the right to feel this way. Now I’m four months into my abroad job and he is coming to visit. I’m both excited and nervous about it. I’m due to move back home soon. I feel like I’ve changed, matured, and grown. I’m moving back home, and I gotta get a new job. I’m extremely stress and suffocated I don’t know what to do. Overall, he is a sweet guy, but I'm starting to feel slightly suffocated. I'd appreciate some advice. I feel heartless and confused.
submitted by Comfortable-Rush1481 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:35 duckowucko [Long-Schall] Jackson Administration (1965-1969) Neoprogressivism

[Long-Schall] Jackson Administration (1965-1969) Neoprogressivism

President Henry Martin “Scoop” Jackson

41st President of the United States
Vice President
Nellie Stone Johnson
Secretary of State: Claude Pepper
Secretary of the Treasury: Maurine Neuberger
Secretary of Defense: William Winter
Attorney General: John Tower
Secretary of the Navy: Arleigh Burke
Secretary of the Interior: Edmund Muskie
Secretary of Agriculture: Hubert Humphrey
Secretary of Commerce: Asa Randolph
Secretary of Labor: Leonard Woodcock
Secretary of Education: Jane Jacobs
Secretary of Health & Welfare: John Gardner (Since March 1965)
Speaker of the House: Charles Halleck (Republican, 1965-1967)/Adam Powell Jr (Labor, 1967-)
Pro Tempore: Lyndon Johnson (Labor)

1964 Election Results

Liberal candidate John Kennedy receives 115 electoral votes
Margaret Smith received 38.57% of the vote
John Kennedy received 20% of the vote
Henry Jackson received 41.43% of the vote
Jackson defied poll numbers
While polling has consistently showed the election as a close race, almost all polls had the incumbent President, Margaret Smith, winning by 1 or 2 points up until the election. The last poll conducted on October 28th had Smith leading by 1 point, and Kennedy far behind both major candidates. Some have already begun to blame the Liberal Party and Kennedy for stealing moderate voters from another Republican victory. Regardless, The ever-ambitious Senator Scoop Jackson will enter the White House come January 20th.
House Results
House Results After Liberal Dissolution (1965)
  • The one Independent is Speedy O. Long of Louisiana
Senate Results
Senate Results After Liberal Dissolution (1965)
  • The one Independent is Russell B. Long of Louisiana

First 100 Days

Revenue Act of 1965
The Revenue Act of 1965 would take a more progressive approach to taxation, increasing income taxes up to 7% in the highest tax bracket; all while lowering income taxes down by 4% for lower income households. The Act would also increase the Social Security Tax to 8%.
House voted 228-207
Senate voted 52-48
Mass Transit Tax Act of 1965
The second Mass Transit Tax Act would lower short range rail and air transport by an average of 5%, while increasing long range rail and air transport by an average of 2%. International flight tickets would be increased as well, by an average of 6%.
House voted 236-199
Senate voted 62-38
Minimum Wage Act of 1965
The long-standing federal Minimum Wage of $0.80/hour has been around since 1949, with no increase on the federal side of things. President Jackson and other Laborites were able to pull their weight and increase the federally-mandated minimum wage to $1.30/hour. Although the Labor Party advocated for a higher hourly wage, others in Congress feared a wage any higher would result in another economic panic following the near-collapse of the National Debt Ceiling a few years prior.
House voted 227-208
Senate voted 52-48
Department of Health Foundation Act of 1965
Founded the Department of Health and Welfare to help administer and regulate various healthcare practices and the distribution of Social Security, medical tax breaks, and more. Though indirectly, Congress soon changes the Executive budget to cut the Department of the Interior's funding by 40%; most of that money going into the new Department of Health and Welfare.
House voted 249-186
Senate voted 64-36
National Environmental and Water Policy Act of 1965 (NEWPA)
Championed heavily by the President and young members of the Labor Party in Congress like Edmund Muskie, NEWPA places greater regulations and laws into place regarding water safety and treatment, water pollution, trash allocation, dump sites, and recycling; unseen since the progressive era of the early 1900s. These regulations are expected to greatly improve the environmental state of decay for decades to come.
House voted 221-214
Senate voted 54-46

Death of former President, Theodore F. Green: May 19, 1966

This morning, former President Theodore Francis Green passed away in his Rhode Island home at the age of 98, marking the oldest President at the time of his death. Green was a member of the Democratic Party and briefly the Anti-Fascist Alliance, taking charge from his previous position as Secretary of State after the sudden assassinations of sitting President Earl Browder and Vice President Upton Sinclair. President Green helped uncover the “Business Plot” orchestrated in part by J.P. Morgan Jr. and Prescott Sheldon Bush Sr, the latter being the father of sitting Texas Congressman George Bush.
President Theodore F. Green led us through the horrors of the second world war after the sudden attack on Pearl Harbor, resigning his post and organizing a special election the year following the conclusion of the war itself. He was instrumental in the foundation of the United Nations and eventual foundation of both NATO and EATO two Presidents later. He was, and still remains a national hero in our hearts. President Henry Jackson, among former Presidents and dignitaries are expected to show up for his public funeral in Providence, Rhode Island. The public has been allowed to pay their respects at his grave site before his proper burial et to take place from May 19 at 9:00 AM to May 20 at 9:00 AM.

Foreign Policy Ventures prior to the 1966 Midterms

Embargo Act of 1965
Supported already by the majority of the country, Scoop Jackson directed Congress to pass a full embargo of all raw and manufactured Cuban goods on entering the United States through any port or checkpoint.
House voted 313-122
Senate voted 76-24
With the law being signed by the President in August that year, he would make a speech in Miami celebrating the passage of the act, glorifying its protections of American, anti-communist goods. Scoop would face some backlash over his anti-communist posturing, as the Labor Party has a small (but noticeable) sect of Communists in their ranks.
The Saigon Summit
In July of 1965, after riots against the French government in Saigon, and the breakout of a guerrilla war in French Cambodia, a summit was called in Saigon to determine the future of the city. President Jackson, President Ho Chi Minh, and President Charles de Gaulle met within the French administrative building to discuss the recent riots in the city and future between Saigon and Vietnam. Although much of Vietnam was granted total independence from French rule in 1950, French Saigon remained a thorn in Vietnam's side. France wished to keep as much of its dying empire as possible, and no one would fight harder at that than Charles de Gaulle himself. President Jackson wished to keep the peace and eventually coerce Vietnam into rejoining EATO.
Talks were messy at times, as yelling could be heard from the chambers the talks were being held in, but the three would come to an agreement. Saigon would be administered by a joint Vietnamese-French government, and policing and law would gradually transition to local and Vietnamese systems. In return, Vietnam would promise to not get itself involved in the Cambodian guerilla war.

1966 Midterms

House Results
7 Third Party/Independents
  • Speedy Long (Louisiana Independent)
  • Edward "Ted" Kennedy (Massachusetts Independent)
  • deLeppes "Chep" Morrison (Louisiana Independent)
  • Spiro Agnew (Maryland Independent)
  • Gus Hall (Minnesota Communist League)
  • Jarvis Tyner (New York Communist League)
  • Charlene Mitchell (California Communist League)
Senate Results
2 Independents
  • Russell Long (Louisiana Independent)
  • Edward Brooke (Massachusetts Independent)

Invasion of Saigon

In December 1966, a clash between Vietnamese and French police during a riot led the Vietnamese side of the Saigon Transitional Government to call on Vietnamese military aid. Within hours, the Republic of Vietnam marched into the jointly occupied city. Rumors immediately began amassing that the Saigon police force worked with the Vietnamese government in order to cease Saigon before the transitional period was up. Although these rumors were just that, President Jackson was surely worried when the news hit him the next morning; alongside the French Ambassador asking for an audience with the President.
French Ambassador Hervé Alphand would share with Scoop three things:
  1. France intends to treat the invasion of Saigon as an act of war.
  2. France is already mobilizing troops to southern Cambodia for a naval invasion of Vietnam.
  3. France intends to call on the force of NATO and EATO to defend “France in her hour of need.”
No matter how Jackson tried to argue, Alphand was keen on these points. Jackson would argue that the incident be investigated by the United Nations to determine whether it was an act of war; while Alphand threatened that American delay on the issue could lead to French withdrawal from both NATO and EATO. Jackson, reportedly furious, refused to be threatened by a “dying empire”. He denied meeting with any French foreign dignitary for the time being until they promised to allow the UN for an investigation.
The French response was quick, with France officially leaving both NATO and EATO on December 18, 1966. The French declaration of war and further campaign into Vietnam began on the 20th. With naval and air landings concentrated around Rach Gia, Can Tho, My Tho, Saigon, and Vung Tau, the Second Indochina War began. Although Australia would provide weapon assistance, the other nations within both NATO and EATO held their breath on what to do. France had left the two most powerful military and economic alliances in the world, and President Jackson could not be more angry.

Glasgow Conference of 1967

With the war having gone on for nearly three months, and French military forces having begun to get bogged down by the Vietnamese harsh tactics; Can Tho remained the only major French-held territory in the young Republic. And although Vietnamese war tactics were questionable at best; much of the world was united in believing the French declaration of war was not entirely justifiable; with President Scoop Jackson and General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev at the forefront of organizing peace efforts within and without the UN. Although the United Nations have begun investigations into both the Vietnamese invasion of Saigon and the French declaration of war, they both had gotten bogged down by the surrounding war effort.
It was agreed upon by several major powers to meet in Glasgow with French and Vietnamese delegates to discuss an armistice. The United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and the People’s Republic of China agreed to enforce the following terms:
  1. Saigon and surrounding territories that formerly made up the French Vietnam Territory following the 1950 Treaty of Manila shall be ceded to the Republic of Vietnam. Saigon and the surrounding territories shall become a United Nations sponsored demilitarized zone until an official peace treaty between the 5th Republic of France and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  2. French military and bureaucratic personnel shall be allowed free and safe passage out of the cities of Can Tho and Saigon; sanctioned by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force. The French and Vietnamese governments must release all prisoners of war; sanctioned by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force.
  3. Saigon officials implicated in the initial invasion of the city on December 16, 1966 must release all official, personal, and private documents to the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs for investigation.
  4. Vietnam must retain its promise from the 1964 Saigon Summit to not aid or abet Cambodian guerilla forces or rebels.
  5. All combat between the 5th Republic of France and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam shall cease and abide by the above rules, the United Nations, and Geneva Conventions.
Although both nations had much to say and change in their favor, the above is the final version of the armistice agreed upon by all parties. The armistice paper was signed by:
  • President Henry Martin Jackson of the United States
  • General Secretary Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev of the Soviet Union
  • Prime Minister James Harold Wilson, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx of the United Kingdom
  • Chairman Mao Zedong of the People's Republic of China
  • Foreign Minister Ernest Charles Lucet of the 5th French Republic
  • Foreign Minister Nguyên Duy Trinh of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Military Aftermath of the Second Indochina War:
  • 57,000 KIA (66% Vietnamese)
  • 12,000 MIA (81% French)
  • 72,000 WIA (52% French)
  • 134,000 Civilians KIA/MIA (89% Vietnamese)
Although the Glasgow Conference was seen as a great triumph of diplomacy between the major powers, Taiwan (the Republic of China) was greatly hindered in its geopolitical influence for the time being. President Jackson had recognized the People’s Republic of China the week prior to the Conference; Communist China would replace Taiwan's spot as a permanent member of the UN Security Council within the month.

The Better Society Plan

Plans drawn up between Pro Tempore Lyndon Johnson, Representative Claude Pepper, and Speaker Adam Powell Jr. would be taken to the President's desk following the first relatively calm year in the administration's history. Although much of the work on marketing the plan would be placed on Scoop himself; Johnson, Pepper, and Powell would act as the main sponsors of each piece in Congress. What would become the beginnings of the “Better Society Plan” would officially pass both houses of Congress throughout mid 1968.
Cheap Food and Housing Act of 1968
A large bill authored primarily by Speaker Adam Powell Jr. and Secretary Hubert Humphrey; the Cheap Food and Housing Act would cover extensive social programs. Although, with weak support in Congress, many Republicans were able to push to soften these programs and add their own agendas on top of them. The final contents of this massive bill were as follows:
  1. A federal Food Stamps program would begin and be administered and funded by the Department of Health and Welfare. Certain imported foodstuffs would receive a 15% higher tariff. All American citizens that either fall below or are less than 6% above the poverty line would be eligible for the Food Stamps program.
  2. Store-bought meat products will receive price controls to fit the monthly income of the average family. The Federal Government will cut 60% funds toward GMO Agriculture, Meat, Fish, and Poultry research.
  3. Houses that take up less than a certain area size will be price capped based county-by-county income. This job is in the hands of State Governments. (Apartments are not covered in this)
  4. Housing discrimination shall be made illegal based on identity.
House voted 241-194
Senate voted 53-47
Medical Bill Reduction Act of 1968
This bill was authored by Representative Claude Pepper and Secretary John Gardner in order to fundamentally reduce medical expenses for the youth, elderly, and medically unable. The bill however was weakened significantly by the Republicans in Congress, only allowing for those receiving Social Security benefits to have reduced medical expenses paid for partially by the Department of Health and Welfare; no matter if the recipient is signed on with private insurance or the Public Option.
House voted 220-215
Senate voted 53-47

Apollo 8: Americans on the Moon in November 1968!

Thanks to streamlined efforts by Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Margaret Smith the past 11 years, NASA and furthermore America were able to place the first men on the moon on November 12, 1967. In a speech made on national television that night in the hour following the conclusion of the live coverage of the moon landing, Scoop Jackson would put much of his thanks on the “Greatest mind our nation has ever had,” referring to Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer, since 1961, has been placed in a secondary charge of the Apollo missions and a potential moon landing until his resignation in January 1967 and death the following month. Dr. Oppenheimer's expertise in theory and former President Smith's dedication for space exploration are likely candidates as to the victory America achieved that night.
State of Asia in 1968
The United Nations has concluded their investigation into the potential legality and coercion in the events leading up to the invasion of Saigon.
“While France has made compelling arguments for the contrary, regarding available documents and other pieces of evidence, the Vietnamese military occupation of Saigon was not a result of coercion, manipulation, embezzlement, bribery, or corruption within the Republic of Vietnam. The invitation of Vietnamese armed forces into the territory limits was done by the legal Vietnamese co-government of said territory, and therefore, is deemed a semi-legal occupation of the city. The United Nations upholds the results of the Glasgow Conference.”

Gearing up for Reelection: A look at Potential Challengers

Notable Republicans that have declared candidacy
Former Vice President, Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon is back at it with his 4th attempt at a Presidential run, and if he wins the nomination or is selected as a running mate, 3rd attempt on a Presidential ticket. He is generally a moderate, but is definitely the wildcard. Despite his past of losing elections, he is somehow the safest, and perhaps most dangerous, to the Jackson administration.
Governor Ronald Reagan
The Governor of California has perhaps one of the most charismatic voices in the nation, and is definitely a threat should he receive the Republican nomination. While he is charismatic, he is also the most Conservative of the major players for the Republican nomination. Reagan has instituted a mix of conservative and liberal policy as Governor of California, but has spouted rhetoric like all the former dixiecrats; just without blatant racism. Scoop believes Reagan is not only a credible threat to his Presidency, but also a threat to minority groups nationwide.
“Draft Jack Kennedy” and “Draft Bobby Kennedy”
Despite neither Kennedy having decided to throw their hat in the ring this year, 1960 and 1964 Presidential candidate John Kennedy has received some support among anti-nixon moderates for the head of the ticket later this year. He has an air of charisma around him, much like his fellow Republican Ronald Reagan, but Kennedy has only commented on the matter stating he is “far too tired” for 3 Presidential runs in a row. The Senator's health is seemingly beginning to fail, as well. Despite the unlikeliness of the matter, Jackson is prepared to deal with Jack Kennedy again if he wins a draft.
Opposed to his older brother, Governor Robert Kennedy has remained Non-Partisan since the fall of the Liberal Party 3 years prior. Bobby has had moderate support from both parties since the beginning of his governorship in 1963. Despite this, and probably with wishes to go against one of his brothers, Bobby Kennedy has denied to run or entertain a draft movement in his name. Scoop has declared Bobby to be of little threat.
Other potential challengers
Senator Russel Long
The long-serving Senator and son of former President Huey Long has walked the line of conservative, liberal, and progressive support throughout his career. In recent years, he has become more supportive of progressive social policies, and definitely leans economically toward Labor; but his reach across rural southerners matches a more populist approach. Long has already declared his independent candidacy for President. If Nixon isn't one, Long is certainly the most dangerous wildcard if he plays his hand right. Scoop will closely watch him.
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2024.05.14 07:34 Pookie-Parks Can I play my main Metagross without feeling guilty?

Just found out about the buffs and just want to make sure people aren’t losing their minds about the buffs before I pop into a ranked match. I have played Metagross on release, first buff, and post nerf. The unite move and Zen Headbutt NEEDED a buff and I can say confidently with a few quick play games that you can really feel the change…..I can definitely see people going crazy over the gyro ball buff though. Feels really really strong but the only patch complaints I can see so far involve T Tar. Evidently the community is less concerned with level 4 eveelutions than they are about 3 stage Pseudo evolutions being strong. That being said….verdict on Metagross?
submitted by Pookie-Parks to PokemonUnite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:29 No_Pressure_2337 What is causing these symptoms?

26 female, 200 pounds, 5 months postpartum, diagnosed hypertension, vape, no alcohol.
Currently taking: Labetelol 100mg twice daily, and a water pill (cannot think of name and have a sleeping baby)
So since about 8 weeks gestation I started itching.I have been itching since. It’s mostly at night, and it’s worse on my feet. My other symptoms are dizziness, runny nose, sneezing, headache, brain fog, faintness, feeling my heartbeat, skin crawling, blackness creeping at corner of eyes, shaking, joint pain that comes and goes, frequent UTI, heightened anxiety, overall weakness in joints/muscles.
I have cut out detergent with dyes and fragrance, I have took my BP medicine and water pills, I’ve cut down salt intake, I shower regularly, I’m getting enough sleep when I’m not itching. However I am still ill feeling. I am going to the hospital to take more blood work done as my thyroid hormone is low. However I’ve been going to the clinic over these symptoms for almost 10 months and I cannot live like this anymore as well as my insurance runs out soon. I care for a baby primarily all day feeling like I might faint, and itchy constantly at night causing a loss of sleep sometimes.
I recently had blood work done: (I had my gallbladder removed 2 months ago but all of these symptoms were present before.)
White Blood Count 7.53 x103/uL (3.98-10.04)
Red Blood Count 4.60 x106/uL (3.93-5.22)
Hemoglobin 12.6 g/dL (11.8-15.3)
Hematocrit 39.2 % (36.9-46.9)
Mean Corpuscular Volume 85.2 fL (79.4-94.8)
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin 27.4 pg (25.6-32.2)
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concent 32.1 g/dL (32.2-35.5) Low
RDW Standard Deviation 43.7 fL (36.4-46.3)
RDW Coefficient of Variation 13.9 % (11.7-14.4)
Platelet Count 417 x103/uL (182-369) High
Mean Platelet Volume 9.3 fL (9.4-12.3) Low
Neutrophils (%) (Auto) 65.1 % (34.0-71.1)
Lymphocytes (%) (Auto) 24.6 % (19.3-51.7)
Monocytes (%) (Auto) 8.8 % (4.7-12.5)
Eosinophils (%) (Auto) 1.1 % (0.7-5.8)
Basophils (%) (Auto) 0.3 % (0.1-1.2)
Neutrophils # (Auto) 4.91 x103/uL (1.56-6.13)
Lymphocytes # (Auto) 1.85 x103/uL (1.18-3.74)
Monocytes # (Auto) 0.66 x103/uL (0.24-0.86)
Eosinophils # (Auto) 0.08 x103/uL (0.04-0.36)
Basophils # (Auto) 0.02 x103/uL (0.01-0.08)
Absolute Immature Granulocyte (auto 0.0100 X103/uL (0-0.0310)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells % (auto) 0.0 /100 WBC (0-0.2)
Immature/Total Granulocytes (auto) 0.100 % (0-0.429)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells # 0.000 x103/uL (0-0.012)
Sodium Level 140 mmol/L (136-145)
Potassium Level 4.1 mmol/L (3.5-5.1)
Chloride Level 104 mmol/L (98-107)
Carbon Dioxide Level 28.4 mmol/L (21.0-32)
Anion Gap 7.6 mmol/L (5.0-15.0)
Blood Urea Nitrogen 17 mg/dL (7.0-18.0)
Creatinine 0.51 mg/dL (0.55-1.02) Low
Estimat Glomerular Filtration Rate > 60.0
Estimated GFR (African American) > 60.0 BUN/Creatinine Ratio 33.3 Ratio (6.0-20.0) High
Glucose Level 94 mg/dL (70-99)
Hemoglobin A1c 5.6 % (0-5.6)
Estimated Average Glucose (eAG) 114 mg/dL (70-99) High
Calcium Level 9.2 mg/dL (8.5-10.1)
Magnesium Level 1.9 mg/dL
Total Bilirubin 0.46 mg/dL
Aspartate Amino Transf (AST/SGOT) 105 U/L High
Alanine Aminotransferase 151 U/L High
Alkaline Phosphatase 331 U/L High
Total Protein 7.5g/dL
Albumin 3.4 g/dL
Albumin/Globulin Ratio 0.8 Ratio Low
Triglycerides Level 47mg/dL
Cholesterol Level 157 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol, Calculated 91 mg/dL
VLDL Cholesterol 9 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 57 mg/dL
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 3 Ratio Low
Vitamin B12 Level 496 pg/mL
25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Total 14.5 ng/mL Low
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) < 0.007 mIU/ Low Urine Color Yellow
Urine Clarity Hazy Abnormal Urine pH 6.0
Urine Specific Gravity > 1.030 High
Urine Protein 1+ Abnormal
Urine Glucose (UA) Negative mg/dL
Urine Ketones Negative
Urine Blood Negative
Urine Nitrite Negative
Urine Bilirubin Negative
Urine Urobilinogen Normal mg/dL
Urine Leukocyte Esterase 1+ Abnormal
Urine RBC None seen grad/HPF
Urine WBC 6-10 grad/HPF Abnormal
Urine Squamous Epithelial Cells 1+ grad/HPF (None/1+)
Urine Bacteria 1+
submitted by No_Pressure_2337 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:29 BladeSeraph To kill some time, lets chatter about Desire`ables on 1.3.1 and maybe future updates~

So i only finally got my first Fully-awakened Weapon+Terminus-like+Warpath with Twen a few days ago and certainly enjoying how Proto bahamut and Behemoth runs feel alot faster, though its certainly driving home the half burn out i feel on the `grind` still, even when i only do a few runs a day.
So thought it be neat to maybe see what some others might want out of the game before they feel its a `complete` game overall.
Just to start off the list here`s a few i feel it could really need, especially would of been nice day 1 of the game: -Proud mode versions of the Primal Beasts and Tayu`itar: I spammed about it multiple times already around the reddit for this game, but I`m sure many would agree that its half a pain to get multiple copies of dread-tails, sequester manes, Tayu`itar head units and Ukar units. Problem aint present with the Avia Commanders thanks to Wolf and Veil.
-Probably over-used, but a Rogue-lite mode or a `Proper bonus reward system` might be nice, maybe to replace quick quest itself: Since i seen plenty, including myself complain there`s nothing really to justify the grind one has todo even after acquiring the `base stuff` of a good sigil combination or put all the effort into fully awakened a weapon. Plus how sparse the end game feels since its just boiled down to Proto Bahamut, then Lucy and now Behemoth, which even if the latter feels way more interactive and you dont have bosses constantly spamming either cutscenes or being out of range causing forced fixed down times of no damage or SBA generation...
...Well them doing something to FIX a problematic mode that had the intention of doing multiple quests back to back for a goodie reward would of been kind of nice, especially since many games whether triple A or not seem to want to include a Rogue-lite every since stuff like Slay the spire popularized it and it fits into many genres. So just like how Dragon Quest: Infinite Strash started right off with a rogue-like for the sake of grinding levels/materials/etc. GBF: Relink could take a page from that or even how Warframe a f2p online looter-shooter made its diviri paradox into a rogue-lite gamemode of collecting buffs and getting more and more ridiculously powerful in that mode in particular.
In GBF: Relink`s case, this could simply be done where each quick quest could add a small resource & drop rate multiplier, which could probably either reset 24 hours after you did the first one or when doing a non-quick quest, and after 3 or maybe 5 quick quests it could gurantee a gold dahlia badge and give an additional chest till maybe it caps to giving 5 additional chest rewards (after say, 15 quick quests for that `24 hour period), every quick quest past that and a gold dahlia badge every quick quest. While having multi player double the rewards instead of guranting the badge and the tickets would just let you add +1 to it period, no online requirements at all so one can stop staring at 99/99 gold tickets in storage. Very least this way when the ability to play online for GBF: Relink can`t happen anymore, it would let it still work as a stand alone game.
As for how they could push it into a rogue-like mode, well, a solo only version of quick quests might be nice that maybe trade off chain bursts and link time by giving buffs as you progress that could serve as an alternative way to get dahlia badges and maybe push players to enjoy favorites more then `meta cheesies or something.` Probably be too much to ask for at this point, but if they were to suddenly take a Xenoblade chronicles 3 approach due to game popularity, i can totally see them re-rigging some content with some basic tweaks and easily adding a dozen or two dozen new kinds of buffs you get for running thru hyper scaled up versions of particular bosses and having things like movement speed buffs, break power buffs and more could even fix some issues in particular characters, make them feel awesome like most rogue-lite modes in many games do, even when the character itself is normally `bad` in the standard gameplay loop of said game.
-Quick-scrap during Transmute/marvel screen and max capacity of Vouchers when GBF:Relink team?: Deeeefinitely one of my earliest complaints because im sure even if its to match up with the cap of 30, on multiple transmutes, it would be nice while looking at the list of pulled sigils, if i could say, press Square on my PS5 controller and immediately scrap those back to vouchers, when i `exit` the results screen, like how a number of games have with similar `pulling` systems. With of course, i think it would be nice to loop around 400~ sigils per voucher cap stock instead of going back-forth every 40, even if multi-rolls cut the spam down from 39 `rolls` to only 2, even if it might of been smoother to let us have a button to just roll as many time as we have vouchers instead.
-With just to finish things up, probably a more tuned up filter system: This is more of a minor gripe but it would be nice if i could select a specific sigil effect so i can only see sigils of that specific type. Despite the fact they have icons to SLIGHTLY differ certain effects(Too bad thats not the case with all so its a dissonance design headache with that), its still a bit of an eye-sore when i could be checking 10 or more sigils of a specific category. Especially if im say, wanting to only look at my sigils with Critical hit rate to drag out a particular combination i want to optimize-match up a build without overlap issues.
Anywho, what else do you guys think the game could use, if we are guranteed further updates, even if they will be `unplanned` after 1.3.1, which as far as im aware of, outside of impossible Lucy and Sandy, is mostly just additional character improvements and transmutation Synthesis, which we still have no idea what kind of resources it will require, if it will be locked behind defeating impossible lucy first and if it will be more unreasonable by requiring something like 10 copies of a sigil with a specific effect to `allow` you to remove the secondary effect on a sigil to replace it with the one you want from the 10 copies.
Probably wont be that extreme, but its likely not gonna be as simple as Transmarvel i would think, to force people to keep having to burn vouchers for `sigil fodder` atleast...
submitted by BladeSeraph to GranblueFantasyRelink [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:28 Didujustsitonmyface My Therapist was the last person I spoke to the night I attempted to end my life.

This is a very long one.
I (19f) have been in and out of long term/short term facilities since I was 12 years old. I’ve had suicide attempts and have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. This is definitely not my first experience with a therapist. Over the years I’ve had over 6+. Not because they haven’t worked for me all the time, but because they either move onto another facility or I move onto another phase in life.
Last year I adopted a new therapist “Mere” thanks to my older sister “North”. My current Therapist “Tina” who I’ve been working with for the past 3 and a half years, switched to a facility where my insurance only covers 30 min sessions. North didn’t think that was enough for me at the time since I wasn’t doing so well mentally. The therapist she recommended worked closely with her own and offered 1hr long sessions, so I agreed wanting to try something new since my old therapist seemed to not specialize in trauma and ptsd. Kerr was highly recommended for those topics.
We started our sessions not soon after my sister offered. The first couple months were hard. Our personalities seemed to clash. Not because mine was bad, but because I was deeply depressed. I was not a joy to be around and everyone seemed annoyed with my constant melancholy. Even my therapists seemed sick of me.
Over time I learned to adapt my personality to be more palatable. My therapists loved it now that I was interacting with them and making jokes. I treated them more like friends now instead of therapists and they seemed to appreciate that. I found it funny because a lot of my issues I explained to them was faking my personality to fit into the crowd and adapt. Due to me being f a people pleaser. They didn’t see anything wrong with the change since I seemed to be getting better mentally.
I was better. I wouldn’t attribute much of my success to my therapists tho. It was nice to have someone to talk to since at the time I had no friends, but they didn’t seem to know how to handle my constant depression so I started to hide it from them. Even from myself. Over time I was able to function a lot better. I switched my sessions to only once every two weeks and I was planning on ending them all together since I was doing so well on my own and haven’t need much help in a while.
It seems that I ah e bad luck. Right when I was at my peak recovery and condition, I was raped on the first day of the new year. I spiraled back into my deep deep deep depression worse than any other relapse I had before. I survived on Benadryl and ice cream for weeks. I took the pills so I didn’t have to be awake to long. I ate only food that I liked the most (mainly unhealthily) my health declined.
My mental health was the worst of it tho. The day after the rape occurred I had a session with my newer therapist. I start telling her the details of my assault. The shock was still fresh in my brain and my memories were scrambled. I greatly blamed myself. I thought I was the weirdo.
Mere only confirmed my sentiments. Before I could fully list out the details of the night it happened she immediately started to spew accusations of my intentions that night. Saying phrases like “Well when someone is pleasuring you it’s hard to say no and there’s nothing wrong with that”
I shut up then and just agreed with her but something still didn’t sit right with me. I went on Reddit and there was mixed opinions about it. A lot of ppl validated my feelings and others thought It was my fault. After fully processing this event and fully remembering it in its entirety I can say confidently that what happened to me was rape.
The next session we had I was able to tell the full story. Mede had just said “Oh. Well you didn’t mention all this before. That’s definitely not ok”. The thing is tho, she was the one to cut me off and make assumptions instead of trying to pull out the full story. She knew I had extreme ptsd and I probably wouldn’t be able to give an in-depth detailed explanation of what happened. She still insulted me anyway and brushed me off.
I thought this to be weird but I brushed it off. When you think k you’re in the presence of a professional you don’t often question things especially if you aren’t in the mental space to do so. So ignored her.
There have been times where she’s been short with me. One time she had asked to switch a 12pm session to 5pm. When I refused she said she’d have to charge me a cancellation fee. It seemed that she just wanted to get paid for that session still and wanted to guilt me into paying. I refused and explained that she was the one who cancelled on me and she immediately backed down realizing I wouldn’t be easily pushed around. I didn’t think much of it then.
Another time. I had gone to this tattoo parlor to get my belly button pierced. I took videos and pictures of the process. She requested in our session that week to see the pictures. I agreed to send and emailed them to her in two emails. In one there was all the pictures of the parlor, the. The other had the videos of the full process. Accidentally I had added one singular picture of me. I was at school and I took a picture in the schools bathroom. There was nothing indecent about it I just accidentally pressed on that picture as I was sending the others. IT happened a lot when using your iPhone to email and I didn’t really notice.
She brought it up the next session and started to berate me for sending that singular pic out of all the obvious other intended pictures. She said it’s inappropriate to send her pictures of myself. I explained to her the accident and she seemed shocked. All she said was “oh well ok”. I don’t know why she got so triggered I’ve always kept good boundaries with her. I can’t believe she immediately started accusing me for one picture of me posing in the mirror while having a turtle neck in a jacket and everything.
Those are just a few of the shady things she’s done. Now back to current time. After I was raped. I still continued sessions with her and tried to get back on track. She wasn’t really helping. I would have extreme panic attacks on therapy video calls with her and she seemed at loss of what to do. I distanced myself from her and I started to get a little better, but then I started to have issues with some of my friends. That added onto my load of issues and started to push me to the edge.
I called my therapist the night of my attempt. I try not to call her after hours but I was in genuine crisis. I had spent the whole day being practically verbally abused by one of my friends. I was cracking slowly it surely and I reached out for help.
Otp I expressed to her how I felt betrayed by everyone around me. I asked her why everyone felt it was ok to treat me wrong whenever. Why wasn’t I able to find peace? Why I couldn’t find ppl who cared? My parents are emotionally abusive as well. That all stems into my ppl pleasing habits. I’ve let a lot of ppl take advantage of my nature because I’ve been conditioned to since birth. She knows my history and why I am the way I am. Instead of consoling me she yelled at me. “Well you knew they were bad ppl!” “If you knew they were bad ppl why are you blaming them you just need to stop hanging around bad ppl”. She then told me she had to go and hung up. She did ask me if I was safe but of course I lied. She knows I always try to see the best in ppl. I don’t see the bad till it’s too late most times. Her words stung like acid. I had been prescribed some sedatives to calm me during panic attacks. I had taken two but they weren’t helping. After that call I took the whole bottle. I didn’t want to die alone so I called my mother to stay in my room with me. Then I drifted into a deep sleep for hours into the next day’s afternoon. I had fallen asleep around 10 pm. I woke up the next day around 3pm still kicking but disordered.
I spent two weeks in a mental hospital. During that time I do t have access to my phone. I had my sister contact everyone that needed to be. Even Mere. She knew I was in there. I didn’t call her while I was there bc I was still upset at her after everything.
I was discharged but I didn’t set up a session for weeks. She emailed and called me once but I didn’t respond till I was fully settled back into my routine and okay enough to talk to her. I emailed her this
“Hallo, Sorry. I didn’t mean to ghost you. I just needed some time to get myself together. I called you just now. You are probably busy. I hope everything is doing well on your end. Sorry again. Sent from my iPhone”
I had planned to set up an appointment in the future to talk to her about everything but by the time I checked my patient portal a week or so later I had been discharged with no warning. No calm text or email.
I set up a meeting with her over the phone for 45 mins. When she first came onto the call the first thing she said was “I saw that you put our appointment for 45 mins. I changed it to 30 bc you know I did discharge you”. I thought it was pretty rude so instead of explaining everything I told her about how I didn’t have my phone in the hospital and the hospital themselves didn’t notify her because they were disorganized and were extremely unprofessional. It’s not like she wasn’t updated by my sisters anyway. When I got my phone after I got home I saw texts from her asking if I was still having a session with her. Knowing that I was in the hospital. It seemed she either didn’t care or didn’t believe I was in the hospital. In fact when she had spoken over the phone with one of my sisters she had lied to them about that night. She had told her “After I got otp with her I immediately started praying for her because I m ew something was deeply wrong” how delusional of her to say after she yelled at me and hung up.
Anyway after I explained my reasoning for going MIA she started to realize how fucked up she was and asked me how I was doing. I didn’t say much because I was done with her and she obviously didn’t intend of hearing the full story since she shortened our session. She started asking me why I didn’t want to continue therapy and seemed confused why I didn’t seem to beg her to re admit me. I told her I was done with therapy. She seemed concerned and said that she discharged me because she thought it’d be better for me to find an in person therapist. I knew it was a shitty excuse. I quickly hang up on her and don’t address anything.
I’m only processing this now because I’ve had much bigger things going on. I’m only now realizing how fucked up her behavior was. If I hadn’t spoken to her the night of my attempt I probably wouldn’t have tried to kill myself. I feel cheated out of help. I don’t feel angry at her I have to reserve that for someone more worthy of my rage. I only wished she didn’t use the fact that I would never call her out on her behavior usually. She knew my temperament and took advantage of that. I don’t think I’ll ever trust a therapist again. She victim blamed me, mocked me, berated me in my time of need, and then abandoned me on baseless assumptions that could’ve been easily cleared up if she actually listened to what my sisters and I were saying. She didn’t even say sorry when we were talking. Or express any remorse besides embarrassment for jumping to conclusions. SMH.
TLDR: My therapist berated me for trusting ppl in my life the night of my suicide attempt. Then Discharged me from her care without consulting me first. Blamed me for all her mistakes and jumped to conclusions randomly then never apologized for the baseless accusations. I am at a loss for words and at a loss for trust in therapy again.
submitted by Didujustsitonmyface to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:27 Scolarion Tip for all super new players wanting retired heroes!

Hey all!
This past week I started playing and was following Melfi's guide. At some point it got super confusing as to why I couldn't find heroes like Alchemist or Black Mage, since such a heavy % gold boost and the description "You should quit this game if you don't plan to put him in your lineup" put such a spotlight on them.
So after some searching I found out they, along with a bunch of other heroes, got retired a while ago. To me that seemed like a complete slap to the face, especially when you consider that older players got to keep the heroes. I'd even say it's straight up immoral to keep a hero like alchemist from newer players while keeping it for older players, since there's such an emphasis on gold and newer players may be tempted into buying gold with real life money because of it.
Since I do love the gameplay but absolutely hated the way the devs thew such disdvantages at me (which stung extra hard after buying the ad removal bundle) I did some Sherlock Holmes'ing and found a loophole to get the older heroes!
Beware though... Upside: You get all the old good stuff. Downside: You have to start over.
Step 1: Unlink both Facebook and Google Play (not sure about iOS) from your account. Uninstall the app.
Step 2: Remove the Wild Castle game from your Facebook account. Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook. Select Settings & privacy, then click Settings. Click Apps and Websites in the left side menu. Go to the app or game you want to remove, then next to the name of the app or game, click Remove.
Step 3: The wildcastle.io website still runs on the game version with all the older heroes. Spend an evening or so leveling up your account there and getting all the heroes available. I finished up unlocking them all around wave 85-90, getting the 100 challenge Yeti. Beware!! Don't click any unnecessary menu buttons or leaderboard buttons, since it may freeze the website and reset your progress. Also!! Keep this final game state opened in your browser until finishing all the steps so you have a backup point if your phone acts up.
Step 4: Once you unlocked all the Heroes, link your Facebook account to the new account.
Step 5: Reinstall Wild Castle on your phone. If it opens your old account through Google Play (or iOS?) unlink it again and reinstall until you get a fresh account.
Step 6: Once you get a fresh level 1 account. Link your Facebook account and it should pull up the data from your browser game. I pressed the Save Game button in the settings on my phone after just to make sure (and I was paranoid I'd lose the progress).
Step 7: Optional. You can double check if it worked by closing your browser version now and reopening it. In my case it said I have to update to the newer version just like before when I had my original account. I assume this verifies my account is up to date on the patching now, but don't take my word for that blindly.
Small caveat. I now can't link my Google Play to my account because it will shoot me back to a fresh account as soon as I do. When I click link Facebook it takes me back to the new account though. Since I'd like my Google Play to be connected too I shot the devs a support message, also asking if it's possible to restore the 'ad removal' purchase. Not expecting anything to come from that, but I'll update the post if I get more information.
Maybe as a final message to the developers. It truly truly truly felt like a slap in the face when I realized all these good heroes loads of people have were unavailable to me. If they were event heroes, sure I'd understand, but you basically took a ton of content out of the game and did nothing to compensate (as far as I can tell, correct me if I'm wrong). Please just unretire the heroes so people don't have to jump through these kind of crazy loopholes to properly play the game.
Hope whoever was looking for the same answers got some good information out of this. Either way, have a good one!
submitted by Scolarion to WildCastle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:24 wtfsalty [Online] Good old fashioned [DND 5E] campaign. Weekly. Starting Saturday June 1st @ [6pm EST].

Campaign is set on the continent of Windermere. About 150 years ago the dwarves, elves, and their human allies who already had control of much of the continent tried to take full control from the beastkind and races they deemed lesser than themselves. The rest of the races banded together to fight back and almost lost, but the well trained knights and military of the dragonborn joined the fight and fought back the dwarves into their mountain region and home in the south-west; Uthakar, which left the elves to retreat back to their forest home of Nilyra-el.
After the war, the dragonborn settled and built three military/border control like cities along the northern border of Uthakar. This was to make sure that the dwarves could not try to take power from the rest of the world again. The elves, no longer having their more powerful allies to aid them, have mostly kept to their lands in the north-east.
Years later, there’s mostly peace on the continent. Cities and borders have been set as the world furthered into an age of working together after the wars. Rumors of a strange, dwarven ran, mercenary group pops up. The rise in information and history gatherers from the Dragon ran, island sized, library on Vesleria has increased as the dragon's reach out for more items of history, gossip, and information on the ongoings in the world. There are ongoing stories and rumors about sailors and the like never returning from voyages beyond the seas of Windermere as the continent takes the newfound prosperity and groups begin their try to explore the rest of their world.
This story starts out on a smaller scale though, the adventurers drawn in, whether for money, gossip, or their own goals to do good and be heroes, to the town of Toridge. Word has gotten around about what seems to be a normal agricultural town, almost large enough to be called a city by some, being targeted by a group of bandits. From what our adventurers have gathered on their journeys before coming to the town, is that the attacks seem far more targeted than just bandits after money or the like. So the adventurers head for the town, with their own goals in mind, to do what they can to help the struggling town.
Player slots: probably only four, might allow for five
System: 5e
Session duration: 4ish hours, longer if its wanted or able to (Would hate to stop in the middle of good roleplay because of time)
Schedule: Discord, Weekly, Saturdays @ 6pm EST
Character Building: starting level 3, one uncommon magical item (ran by me first), dnd beyond or roll20 for character sheets. Roll 20 for maps etc. No homebrew races or classes. Roll for stats(in discord), or point buy if an individual prefers.
Race Availability Info: There is a homebrew continent and pantheon. Warforged, as well as interplanar races, are not allowed (because setting) (such as astral elves, gith, shadar-kai, fairies, etc) Any race based on being in the mortal realm I can make space for if not already thought of.
About me: I’m 30, male, gay. Been playing for six or so years and have a good handle on the rules. I have a small amount of DMing experience, and I’m wanting to do it again after about three years of only playing. Played in a lot of heavily homebrewed worlds with weird magic systems and wild world stuff going on, and I just miss a good old simple dnd campaign. I’m a proponent of keeping the rules as they are, but rule of cool is of course a case by case basis.
Also, as I am 30, would prefer to play with other adults, 21 and up. Gonna be honest, not very lenient on this. Sorry.
Will be doing interviews for future players through discord.
Send me a message with some interesting facts about you, your discord name, favorite classes and past characters. Some of your own dnd stories that have stuck with you, good or bad. Experience with the game and roleplay in general. Favorite dnd shows, or shows in general, books series etc. Just some general stuff you think could sway my heart lol. Also any questions you might have.
And a quick reminder that, though I’m a "veteran" player, still fairly new to DMing.
Thank you.
submitted by wtfsalty to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:22 Emily00 Next City Council Meeting tomorrow (5/14/2024) at 5:45pm

The City of Mountain View will have its next council meeting tomorrow (May 14, 2024). It begins at 5:45pm with a closed session. This meeting is in person at City Hall (500 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041), but you can also join the meeting online on zoom or by dialing (669) 900-9128 and entering Webinar ID: 843 5126 7142. Regular session begins at 6:30pm with two presentations (Teen Week and Affordable Housing Month) and the consent calendar.
View agenda here
Consent calendar items do not anticipate much discussion and can be passed with a single motion. The agenda items on the consent calendar are:
4.1: Approve Minutes 4.2: Senate Bill 1, Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017-Project List 4.3: City Council Policy D-9, Council Appointee Communications and Performance Evaluation Process 4.4: City Buildings Workplace Study (City Attorney’s Office Phase), Project 21-50-Various Actions 4.5: Renewal of Downtown Parking Maintenance and Operation Assessment District for Fiscal Year 2024-25 4.6: Mountain View Transportation Management Association-Community Shuttle Agreement 4.7: Public Works Department Landfill Operations-On-Call Engineering Services Contract 4.8: Public Art for Evelyn Park, Project 21-60 4.9: Public Art for Villa-Chiquita Park, Project 21-61 4.10: El Monte Corridor Improvements, Design and Construction, Project 21-38 - Professional Services Agreement 4.11: Safe Routes to School Program-Professional Services Agreement 4.12: Biodiversity Strategy, Project 23-37-Various Actions 4.13: Community Workforce Agreement 4.14: Water and Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement Crossing U.S. 101, Project 16-61-Various Actions 4.15: Public Works Department Capital Outlay Operating Budget-Appropriations 4.16: Increase Appropriations in the Fire Department for Reimbursement of Mutual-Aid Support
Item 5 is open public comment where people can speak on any topic not on the agenda. It is usually limited to less than 3 minutes per person. Please note that we anticipate a large turnout relating to police enforcement on RVs.
After that item, we have a couple of items that anticipates more discussion.
6.1: Lot 12 Affordable Housing Development - Supplemental City Funding and Project Modifications As part of a Request for Proposals (RFP) process on May 19, 2020, the council selected the team of Related Affordable and Alta Housing to develop Lot 12 into a 100% affordable housing project. The project includes 120 units, with a mix of affordable units for households earning between 30% and 80% of the area median income, including 20 rapid rehousing units. The Developer faced a $36 million funding gap due to high construction costs and insufficient state funding. To address this gap, they proposed securing tax credits and bond financing, modifying project plans to reduce costs, adjusting unit income levels, and adding units for intellectually and developmentally disabled persons to qualify for additional County funding. Additionally, to defer more of the cost, staff is recommending council approve a temporary street closure on Bryant Street during construction and a city contribution of $5 million.
6.2: Potential Revenue Measure for 2024 General Election Ballot The Council is considering a revenue measure for the November 2024 ballot to improve infrastructure, fund affordable housing, and mitigate climate change. The Revenue Measure Ad Hoc Sub-Committee recommended a property transfer tax initiative based on polling results showing initial support above 60%. This tax would apply to property sales over $5 million, raising approximately $9.5 million annually for the City.
6.3: AB 481 Military Equipment Annual Report and Policy Adoption As part of police reform efforts, AB 481 aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and oversight regarding the funding, acquisition, or use of military equipment by state or local government officials. Law enforcement agencies are required to prepare an annual military equipment report and hold at least one community-engagement meeting for public discussion. The bill also mandates that local agencies must review and renew the ordinance and report at a regular meeting of the City Council.
If you have any questions or comments about the upcoming meeting, please email me at emily.ramos@mountainview.gov. You can also email the entire council at city.council@mountainview.gov.
submitted by Emily00 to mountainview [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:00 New_Adhesiveness_825 Market Outlook for Food Coating: Predicted Market Share and Growth Opportunities by 2030

The food Market is expected to reach US$ 3.10 billion . by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.83% during the forecast period.

Market Overview

The global Food Coating market has been analyzed in detail to provide insights into the most recent revenue and market trends. This comprehensive industry report includes a thorough market definition, overview, and structure, compiling primary and secondary data to ensure authenticity and accuracy.
Free sample link: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/75927billion https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/75927

Market Report Scope and Research Methodology

The report delves into the latest trends within each sub-segment of the food coating market, examining revenue growth at local, regional, and global levels. It offers a qualitative and quantitative overview of the industry, focusing on global trends and key statistics related to market competitors. Moreover, the report includes a detailed analysis of market dynamics, encompassing drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges, serving as a valuable guide for investors. A SWOT analysis is also incorporated to identify the strengths and weaknesses of key players in the industry.
The report combines primary and secondary data collected through thorough research, investigating factors such as government policies, market environment, historical data, competitive landscape, current market trends, technological advancements, and upcoming technologies. The methodology employed a bottom-up approach to estimate the global market size, while Porter's five forces and PESTLE analyses facilitate an understanding of the market from various perspectives.

Market Regional Insights

The report segments several key countries, including:
For each country, the report provides data on market size, growth rate, importsand exports.

Market Segmentation

by Ingredient Type
Cocoa & Chocolate Fats & Oils Flours Breaders Batter Sugars & Syrups Salts, Spices, and Seasonings Others
by Ingredient Form
Dry Liquid
by Equipment Type
Coaters & Applicators Breader Applicators Flour Applicators Batter Applicators Seasoning Applicators Other Coaters & Applicators Enrobers
Mode of Operation
Automatic Semi-Automatic
by Application
Meat & Seafood Products Confectionery Products Bakery Products Bakery Cereals Snacks

Market Key Players

Key questions addressed in the report cover the definition of Food Coating, the expected CAGR during the forecast period, anticipated market size by the end of the forecast period, prominent players in the market, emerging trends, factors restraining market growth, and regional markets expected to grow significantly in the forecast period.
  1. Cargill
  2. Kerry Group
  3. Archer Daniels Midland Company
  4. Ingredion Incorporated
  5. JBT Corporation
  6. Tate & Lyle PLC
  7. PGP International
  8. Newly Wed Foods
  9. Bowmen Ingredients 10.Marel 11.GEA Group 12.Buhler AG 13.Dohler GmbH
  10. Sensory Effects (Balchem Corporation)
  11. DPS/Dutch Protein & Services B.V.
  12. McCormick & Company, Inc.
  13. Continental Mills, Inc. 18.TNA Australia Pty Limited 19.Dumoulin
For More Details: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-food-coating-market/75927/17. Continentalhttps://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-food-coating-market/75927/

Key Offerings

The key offerings of the report include past market size and competitive landscape, past pricing trends, market size, share, forecast by segments, market dynamics, market segmentation, competitive landscape, PESTLE analysis, PORTER’s analysis, value chain analysis, legal aspects by region, lucrative business opportunities with SWOT analysis, and actionable recommendations for market players.
About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research is a reputable market research and consulting company comprised of professionals from diverse industries. Their expertise ranges across various sectors, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, engineering, technology, automotive, and more. They offer a range of services, from market estimations to competition analysis, technical trend monitoring, and strategic advice.
Contact Maximize Market Research:
3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2 Pune-Banglore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India Email: [sales@maximizemarketresearch.com](mailto:sales@maximizemarketresearch.com) Phone: +91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656Maharashtra,
submitted by New_Adhesiveness_825 to u/New_Adhesiveness_825 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:51 LeftLiner My review: HW3 - An okay game but the worst HW game ever.

Homeworld 3 is on track to becoming my least favorite HW game. Is it terrible? No. Is it great? Also no. Is it *good*? Eeeh... also no, not really. But it's also not bad. It's very mid.
Homeworld 3 *definitely* does not have the original’s gripping story or sense of mystery and player freedom.
It also does not have Cataclysm’s incredibly rewarding rags-to-riches feeling.
It also also does not have Homeworld 2’s polished gameplay.
And it also does not have Desert’s of Kharak fresh new take on the genre and franchise.
It’s okay. That’s about it.
Visuals and UI
It's stunningly beautiful, like every HW game. Space is gorgeous, filled with visual spectacle and lovingly detailed ships and environments (though frankly, space battles in this game are visually far less impressive than any previous installment). I'm not a sound guy so I have very little to say except that for my money the sound design is actually more impressive than the graphics. Everything from explosions to weapon effects to the background chatter sounds lovely.
UI is clunky as hell, I'm about six hours in and I'm still not friends with the camera and I can never orient myself quickly. Ships often feel like they're not responding to orders – I might be wrong, but I find myself going back to double-check that I definitely ordered those corvettes to guard that frigate etc. It feels much more micro-managey than previous installments.
Lots of features introduced in HW2 are gone: Fighters and corvettes no longer belong to squads, you’re back to each fighter being an individual unit. Modules are gone – you don’t build certain types of sensors or research modules or cloaks or fire control modules etc. I’ve not played around with carriers much yet but it seems they also come out of the construction bay completely finished, without any additions you can make, unlike in HW2 where you could specialize them. If there is an equivalent to the Research Module from HW1 or any other way to affect research speed or to give you more options the game hasn't introduced it yet (I'm on mission 8).
The number of units in the game also seems a little disappointing. I've unlocked three types of fighters, four types of frigates and at least one capital ship but only one type of corvette? Leads me to believe there only is one type, which would be very disappointing.
Minor detail but the ship design is for the most part really dull, too. Even quite closely zoomed in it's hard to distinguish one ship from another - their silhouettes just blend together.
In short, HW3 has less choices you can make and much more to keep you constantly busy. In 1998 this gameplay was fine (although far better executed) and in 2003 the sequel gave it a much-needed polish that honestly holds up OK to this day, imo. But HW3 has regressed back to what HW1 did in ’98 and then stripped off some of the polish so beware this plays like a very dated game.
Player agency
The game takes a lot of liberties with player agency: They've opted to remove the option to let you decide when you’re done with one level and proceed to the next. Unlike previous games (at least unlike HW1 and Cata) once you complete the last mission objective you enter a cutscene and the level ends. No time to gather resources or replace casualties taken.
One of the missions also takes a break for the Mothership to be repaired off-screen and when you are put back into control the game gives you a bunch of mine-laying corvettes, defense turrets and a carrier - units you've not researched, not built and that the game decided you should have for the next mission. The mission after that provides you with a small fleet of ships to conduct a raid – you have no hand in selecting these ships, they’re not taken from your own fleet, they’re just magicked into existence because the game decided you needed them for the story. Disappointing for a game series that used to let you build your own fleet more or less uninstructed and make it work (or not) on your own terms.
Furthermore this raid is set up to you as the player in the following way: Intel tells you to capture two disabled enemy ships - but doesn't explain why, just that he 'has a plan'. Later, during a cutscene, that plan is revealed: They are going to use these ships to sneak a strike force into the enemy camp and deliver a knock-out blow. The cutscene transitions to a cutscene where these two captured enemy ships hyperspace in, deliver said strike force and then hypserspace out. You as the player don't get to prepare for the plan, you don't get to experience sneaking in with your stolen ships, avoiding patrols or anything like that - you're not even told what the plan is until it's happening. The game tells you to do something without telling you why. Then you get to watch the plan you weren't told about begin to unfold in a cutscene and then you get to execute the plan with some resources the game created specifically for this mission. You are not a part of this plan until the very end.
The story is a bit messy - though this isn't entirely its fault. HW2 already made a mess of the story of this world. The motivation for you being in control of *another* mothership and once again being given a mighty starting host of a Resource Collector and five scouts despite the Hiigarans by now being major galactic player is no more or less ham-fisted than it was in HW2. HW2 was the game who leaned fully into mysticism and Chosen One prophecies and muddled up the genre, can't really blame HW3 for not course-correcting.
However the game is *way* too in love with exposition dumping. One mission involves navigating the Mothership through an asteroid field and am not kidding when I say that playing through the mission only took marginally longer than the cutscene once I reached the end. It was five minutes if not more. The cutscenes are gorgeous and the voice acting great, but they end up becoming more distracting than rewarding. They also do not go at all for the classic Homeworld look, nor do they attempt for a twist on them like Deserts of Kharak; they’re just pre-rendered full-on cutscenes with people carrying out full conversations to advance the plot.
Honestly I half-expected for there to be a dialogue wheel after a while. The plot is fairly unsurprising so far. Everything is just very predictable and uninspired.
The story focuses on Imogen S'Jet, a descendant of Karan S'Jet. I didn't mind this switch in narrative to follow single individuals so clearly in Deserts of Kharak because that game felt so different overall (in a good way, I very much enjoyed DoK); a prequel not set in space exploring Kushan society rather than Hiigaran society like Cata did. But in a full-blown 'proper' Homeworld game I much prefer the inner workings of the ships to be a little more mysterious and up to the imagination, and for the story to follow the epic tale of *a people*, not of *persons*.
I backed this game on Fig years ago and I’m glad I did – if I’d paid €59 for it now and gotten it in the state it’s in I’d have felt cheated. I can’t comment on the Multiplayer or the War Mode – I only really play HW for the Singleplayer Campaigns.
Fans of Homeworld *might* enjoy it if they go in with low expectations. New players will probably find this game enjoyable enough, if a little basic and clunky to play. Neither should pay €59 for it, though.
Presentation - stunning. Gameplay – disappointing. Story - meh. 6/10
submitted by LeftLiner to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:47 sinomaltanews "Nefaq £1,500 fi vjaġġ biex nara lil Olivia Rodrigo f’Co-op Live

"Nefaq £1,500 fi vjaġġ biex nara lil Olivia Rodrigo f’Co-op Live
Danielle Nolan iddeċidiet li tittratta lil bintha ta’ 10 snin b’biljetti biex tara lil Olivia Rodrigo fl-arena Co-op Live bħala rigal tal-Milied – tonfoq £500 fuq biljetti u mijiet oħra fuq titjiriet u lukandi.
Iżda l-gig tal-ħolm ta’ bintha sar “ħmar il-lejl assolut”, wara li l-post ta’ Manchester £365m kellu jwaqqaf il-kunċerti tal-kantant-awtur fi tmiem il-ġimgħa u jerġa’ jipposponi l-ftuħ tiegħu.
""Hija assolutament imnaddaf,"" tgħid is-Sinjura Nolan, 36, minn Belfast, lil BBC News.
“Bkijt filgħodu kollu.
""Kollox kollox, għat-titjiriet, il-biljetti tal-lukanda u l-ħwejjeġ, swieli aktar minn £1,500.""
'Assolutament meqruda'
Meta titkellem dwar kif il-kapijiet tal-arena mmaniġġjaw it-tnedija tagħha, is-Sinjura Nolan tgħid: ""Jien diżgustat.
“Jekk il-post ma kienx konformi mal-istandards, għaliex qed joffru wirjiet li jinbiegħu?
""Se jkun hemm nies li jivvjaġġaw minn madwar, bl-ispiża ta 'ħafna flus, li se jkunu assolutament meqruda issa.""
Reuters Olivia Rodrigo fuq il-palkReuters
Rodrigo kellha tibda t-tour tagħha fir-Renju Unit fil-Co-op Live
Marie Imrie, minn Wakefield, W Yorks, kellha tara lil Rodrigo ma’ bintha ta’ 11-il sena.
Inizjalment kienet riluttanti li tibbukkja l-biljetti f’post ġdid minħabba r-riskju ta’ dewmien iżda “sempliċement ma setgħetx titlef iċ-ċans li tagħmilha ferħana”.
Kien ikun l-ewwel kunċert ta’ bintha u baqgħet “fl-għargħar ta’ tiċrit”.
Rabja hekk kif Rodirigo jingħaqad mal-kanċellazzjonijiet ta' Co-op Live
X'tista' tagħmel jekk xi gig jitneħħa?
Id-dispjaċir tal-partitarji hekk kif l-arena Co-op Live tikkanċella l-ispettaklu mill-ġdid
""Onestament qatgħetli qalbi li ngħidilha, peress li kienet imdawra bis-settijiet tal-brazzuletti tagħha - okkupata tagħmel brazzuletti għall-kunċert,"" tgħid is-Sinjura Imrie.
“Jien ħallast mijiet ta’ liri għall-biljetti, imbagħad ma ridtx inkun mitluq tard fiċ-ċentru ta’ Manchester, għalhekk ibbukkjajt lukanda ta’ £200.
“Nifhem li s-sigurtà hija importanti ħafna – imma sempliċement ma nifhimx għaliex Co-op ibbukkjat artisti daqshekk qrib id-data tat-tmiem.
“Is-sens komun jipprevali li jinqalgħu kwistjonijiet.
""Nixtieq li ma kontx fiduċja fihom fl-ewwel post.""
PA Media Co-op Live arenaPA Media
Il-Co-op Live se tkun l-akbar arena ta’ ġewwa tar-Renju Unit
William Bruce, minn Larkhall, Lanarkshire, kien se jieħu wkoll lil bintu ta’ 11-il sena – li kienet bid-dmugħ il-lejl kollu, wara li skopra l-aħbar.
""Il-flus ma jimpurtawx - imma s-sentimenti ta 'binti jimpurtahom,"" jgħid.
“Għandi ilment mal-arena kollha.
“Il-management irid kellu pjan.
“Forsi ma kellhomx ibbukkjaw lill-artisti daqshekk qrib il-ħin tat-tlestija.
“Mhux biss il-flus, huwa l-impatt emozzjonali fuq in-nies.
""Kollox iħossu ftit mgħaġġla.""
Grace (xellug) u Aimee
Aimee (lemin) xtrat biljetti bħala sorpriża għal ħabiba Grace
Fan oħra, Aimee ta’ 16-il sena minn Manchester, xtrat biljetti bħala sorpriża għal ħabiba Grace.
“Iġġilidt biex nikseb dawn il-biljetti u għadu kif inħatfet minn taħt imnieħri fl-aħħar minuta,” tgħid Aimee fil-programm Newsbeat ta’ BBC Radio 1.
""Huwa biss orribbli.""
'Hyping it'
Grace tgħid li ""qatt ma kienet daqshekk kuntenta f'ħajti kollha"" bħal meta ngħatat il-biljetti.
""Kien aqwa,"" tgħid.
“U ilna nistennewha.
""Konna tant lesti għaliha - l-ilbies tiegħi kien fil-gwardarobba tiegħi - u mbagħad ittieħdet ilbieraħ filgħaxija.""
Huwa ""dejjaq u taqlib"", tgħid Grace.
""Huma ilhom hyping up għal daqshekk twil - u ilhom iserrħu moħħ kulħadd dwar kif il-kunċerti kollha se jkomplu,"" tgħid.
""Huwa imbarazzanti.""
'Skuża ħafna'
L-operaturi tal-arena, Oak View Group, qalu li huma ""dispjaċuti ħafna għal dawk kollha milquta"".
L-aħħar kanċellazzjonijiet ġejjin wara li nkisret pajp tat-tisħin u tal-ventilazzjoni waqt il-soundcheck tar-rapper Amerikan A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, nhar l-Erbgħa.
Eluf ta’ fans tiegħu, li kienu diġà nġabru fil-post, baqgħu diżappuntati meta l-kunċert twaqqaf fl-aħħar minuta.
Il-kap eżekuttiv tal-Oak View Group, Tim Leiweke qal li ""s-sikurezza u s-sigurtà ta 'dawk kollha li jżuru u jaħdmu fuq Co-op Live huma l-akbar prijorità tagħna"".
""Niskuża ruħi ħafna għall-impatt li dan kellu fuq id-detenturi tal-biljetti u l-partitarji,"" żied jgħid.
Rappurtaġġ minn Ian Youngs, Peter Gillibrand, Kris Bramwell & Mary Litchfield.
Banner li jgħid ""Kun kuntatt""
Int ħaddiem f'Co-op Live? Jew għandek biljetti għal spettaklu? Ġejt effettwat minn gigs li jitneħħew? Tista' tagħmel kuntatt billi tibgħat email lil haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk.
Jekk jogħġbok inkludi numru ta' kuntatt jekk inti lest li titkellem ma' ġurnalist tal-BBC. Tista' wkoll tagħmel kuntatt bil-modi li ġejjin:
WhatsApp: +44 7756 165803
Tweet: u/BBC_HaveYourSay
Ittella' l-istampi/video tiegħek hawn
Jew imla l-formola hawn taħt
Jekk jogħġbok aqra t-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet u l-politika tal-privatezza tagħna

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
"我花了 1,500 英鎊去看奧利維亞·羅德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 的 Co-op Live
丹妮爾·諾蘭(Danielle Nolan) 決定送給她10 歲的女兒一張在Co-op Live 競技場觀看奧利維亞·羅德里戈(Olivia Rodrigo) 演出的門票作為聖誕禮物——門票花費500 英鎊,機票和飯店費用則高達數百英鎊。
但她女兒的夢想演出變成了一場“絕對的噩夢”,耗資 3.65 億英鎊的曼徹斯特場館不得不取消本週末這位歌手兼作曲家的音樂會並再次推遲開幕。
來自貝爾法斯特的 36 歲諾蘭女士告訴 BBC 新聞:“她徹底崩潰了。”
“總而言之,機票、酒店票和服裝,我花了 1,500 多英鎊。”
路透社 奧利維亞·羅德里戈在舞台上路透社
羅德里戈原定在 Co-op Live 開始她的英國巡演
來自紐約州韋克菲爾德的瑪麗·伊姆裡 (Marie Imrie) 原本打算帶著她 11 歲的女兒去看羅德里戈。
Co-op Live 競技場再次取消演出,粉絲們感到沮喪
「我已經支付了數百英鎊的門票,然後不想在曼徹斯特市中心滯留很晚,所以預訂了一家 200 英鎊的酒店。
「我知道安全是最重要的,但我只是不明白為什麼 Co-op 會在如此接近結束日期的時候預訂藝術家。
PA Media 合作直播競技場PA Media
Co-op Live 將成為英國最大的室內競技場
來自拉納克郡拉克霍爾的威廉布魯斯也準備帶上他 11 歲的女兒,她在發現這個消息後整晚都在流淚。
另一位來自曼徹斯特的 16 歲粉絲艾梅 (Aimee) 買了門票給她的朋友格蕾絲 (Grace) 一個驚喜。
「他們已經炒作了這麼久 - 他們一直在向每個人保證所有音樂會將如何進行,」她說。
該場館的營運商 Oak View Group 表示,他們「對所有受影響的人深感抱歉」。
最近一次取消是在周三美國說唱歌手 A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 試音期間供暖和通風管道破裂之後。
Oak View Group 執行長 Tim Leiweke 表示,「所有到 Co-op Live 參觀和工作的人的安全是我們的首要任務」。
您是 Co-op Live 的工作人員嗎?或是有演出門票嗎?您是否受到演出被取消的影響?您可以透過發送電子郵件至haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk 與我們聯繫。
如果您願意與 BBC 記者交談,請提供聯絡電話。您也可以透過以下方式取得聯繫:
WhatsApp:+44 7756 165803

今日亞馬遜優惠(聯盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
"我花了 1,500 英镑去看奥利维亚·罗德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 的 Co-op Live
丹妮尔·诺兰 (Danielle Nolan) 决定送给她 10 岁的女儿一张在 Co-op Live 竞技场观看奥利维亚·罗德里戈 (Olivia Rodrigo) 演出的门票作为圣诞礼物——门票花费 500 英镑,机票和酒店费用则高达数百英镑。
但她女儿的梦想演出变成了一场“绝对的噩梦”,耗资 3.65 亿英镑的曼彻斯特场馆不得不取消本周末这位歌手兼作曲家的音乐会并再次推迟开幕。
来自贝尔法斯特的 36 岁诺兰女士告诉 BBC 新闻:“她彻底崩溃了。”
“总而言之,机票、酒店票和服装,我花了 1,500 多英镑。”
路透社 奥利维亚·罗德里戈在舞台上路透社
罗德里戈原定在 Co-op Live 开始她的英国巡演
来自纽约州韦克菲尔德的玛丽·伊姆里 (Marie Imrie) 原本打算带着她 11 岁的女儿去看望罗德里戈。
Co-op Live 竞技场再次取消演出,粉丝们感到沮丧
“我已经支付了数百英镑的门票,然后不想在曼彻斯特市中心滞留很晚,所以预订了一家 200 英镑的酒店。
“我知道安全是最重要的,但我只是不明白为什么 Co-op 会在如此接近结束日期的时候预订艺术家。
PA Media 合作直播竞技场PA Media
Co-op Live 将成为英国最大的室内竞技场
来自拉纳克郡拉克霍尔的威廉·布鲁斯也准备带上他 11 岁的女儿,她在发现这个消息后整晚都在流泪。
另一位来自曼彻斯特的 16 岁粉丝艾梅 (Aimee) 买了门票给她的朋友格蕾丝 (Grace) 一个惊喜。
“他们已经炒作了这么久 - 他们一直在向每个人保证所有音乐会将如何进行,”她说。
该场馆的运营商 Oak View Group 表示,他们“对所有受影响的人深感抱歉”。
最近一次取消是在周三美国说唱歌手 A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie 试音期间供暖和通风管道破裂之后。
Oak View Group 首席执行官 Tim Leiweke 表示,“所有到 Co-op Live 参观和工作的人的安全是我们的首要任务”。
您是 Co-op Live 的工作人员吗?或者你有演出门票吗?您是否受到演出被取消的影响?您可以通过发送电子邮件至haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk 与我们联系。
如果您愿意与 BBC 记者交谈,请提供联系电话。您还可以通过以下方式取得联系:
WhatsApp:+44 7756 165803

今日亚马逊优惠(联盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
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