Swelling in right side of mans pelvic area

The Science of Deduction

2013.01.11 00:34 neowu The Science of Deduction


2008.08.24 13:12 The Faithful Latter-day Saint Community

The community for those interested in faithful discussions related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members, known colloquially as "Mormons".

2014.11.16 20:00 xak9021069 Amsterdam's Garden

Amsterdam's Garden is a top ranked medical marijuana dispensary in San Jose, California. There are numerous strains, waxes and edibles.

2024.05.14 12:20 StrategyBrilliant227 Is copper IUD a bad idea if I naturally struggle with period pain and heavy flow?

Hi I use hormonal mini pill (desogestrel) at the moment but I think it affects my mood a lot. I don't seem to get butterflies or feel excited romantic feelings anymore, not sure if it is the pill, but on the bright side it completely got rid of my periods and the pain with them. I'm not even in any relationship but I don't trust one day I would get in one with a man and only using condoms I would get pregnant. But since I'm not in a relationship I guess there is no point in getting a copper IUD right now, it's just it seems like the only reliable non-hormonal option but hearing that it causes super heavy period flow and cramps seems really bad. :( And then it has to be taken out and put back in.
submitted by StrategyBrilliant227 to CopperIUD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:15 Commercial-Fan3913 Possible Tonsil Cancer

Hey guys, I just need to vent and have people to talk to I guess.
I’m a 36F single parent , I only have my young teenage daughter and my elderly mother so I don’t really have anyone to talk to.
This will be a long post because I just need to get it all out there.
It all started mid January 2024, I was suffering severe pains in my stomach and rib areas and was vomiting mostly liquids/ stomach acid , I went the the emergency room a few times I was sent to have ultrasound done on my gallbladder, kidney and liver- results were normal , my GP put me on acid reflux medication since being on that the pains have gone and the vomiting it’s every once in a while compared to a few times a day.
Then in early February 2024 I started to get ringing in my ears mostly on the left side but in both, it never stops, my ears felt blocked/ muffled (no pain) I also had a feeling of something in my throat. I went to see my GP again who checked inside my mouth and noticed my left tonsil was swollen so she put me on antibiotics which didn’t work so she did a second course I ended up going to the emergency room as I noticed a weird thing on the bottom of my tonsil towards the front it looks like a skin tag? Not sure how to explain it but I was freaking out , the ER doctor said it “looks” like a small cyst nodule and did blood test , he said I don’t have a bacterial infection and to stop the antibiotics, if the cyst was there still in 3 weeks to go back to my GP. After 3 weeks the cyst was there still, I still had the issues with my ears and the feeling of something in my throat but it felt higher up more like the back of my mouth. I went to my GP who then referred me to a public ENT I got an appt with them for March 8th, I went to the ent appt and I was a complete mess, I just said straight up I think I have tonsil cancer so he got me to sit in the chair so he could scope up my nose/ down my throat, I asked him is it cancer and he said “ I don’t think so “ then he went to go get his boss which made me freak out more. In came the boss which seem to be nice he had a look with his light and eye piece and said that my left tonsil is slightly bigger than my right and was firmer he also said he didn’t think it was cancer. He said he wanted me to come back in 5/6 weeks for reassurance. He asked me to see my GP to get my anxiety sorted and also suggested I go visit my dentist to get teeth cleaning done as I have tartar ( I’m a smoker )
They sent a report to my GP which states on the report about having my tonsils removed and biopsy done. Why would they say that if they don’t think it’s cancer …. I’m a complete mess. Surgery absolutely scares me.
I was meant to have my next ent appt on the 16th of May but have just received a letter saying that it’s been postponed to the 29th July
I noticed about a month ago I have a swollen lymph node on the left side going along my jaw from just below my ear. It was tender to lay on to begin with but now there’s no pain but it’s still very large maybe 2-3cm in length (from ear going towards chin ) it’s not rock hard but it’s firm, I can move it only a tiny little bit
I’m just so scared , I’m scared that having to wait so long to see the ent that if it’s cancer it’s going to spread even more and then not be treatable
submitted by Commercial-Fan3913 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:14 Sleeping_HollowZ R2 only challenge featuring the Iron Spear

R2 only challenge featuring the Iron Spear
One of the standard 1h Spear r2 movesets with a thrusting poke followed by another poke. The charged versions add a delay to the attacks. Unfortunately as the 2nd shortest Spear the Iron Spear has a major disadvantage in a category where the size of the weapon really matters, however with enough spacing and prediction skills it can be overcome. Spear r2s typically rely on their reach to stay at max range to whiff punish and roll catch opponents since they do not do well when pressured at close range. When it comes to roll catching Spears have decent speed and release timing, so you can roll catch on reaction, but since the Iron Spear is a bit on the shorter side you'll need to dial in the spacing more than usual. When it comes to whiff punishing this relies on predictions to set yourself up in a position that when the opponent attacks you're in the right area to immediately counter with that poke. Since the follow-up attack is essentially the same as the initial attack you can bait and throw in mixup charge timings to throw off opponents. I do recommend playing unlocked when trying to roll catch as most opponents will try to roll/strafe a Spear. Typically I'll go for roughly 45° angles on a roll catch in the direction I think they'll roll/strafe to. You do not need to stack poise since you'll usually try to avoid trading and being put into a bad position, however putting on the spear talisman isn't a bad idea for extra counter damage. Overall though I can't really recommend the Iron Spear as the main reason you'd want to use a Spear r2 is for their long reach.
submitted by Sleeping_HollowZ to badredman [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:07 Excellent-Bad-8401 My PFS Odyssey

Hi guys, I've come here time to time for the past 7 or 8 months whenever I feel symptoms or anxious and I guess it's time I shared my story, as there could be some things I learned along the way that would be helpful for folks. I'm a 30 year old male. I took minoxidil for 5 years from the age of 25. Once that didn't seem to be working any more I tried to get oral minoxidil and my doctor told me to get on propecia instead. I told her I felt a little scared about that but she said I'd be fine. I've always had a good libido, maybe too good, like bordering on sex obsession.. so I figured if anything a little less libido might do me good. Soon after I started the propecia I got a concussion (mild) from a soccer ball, and that was after a weekend where I tripped on acid, so there were some things going on. I had also had pretty bad food poisoning some months ago that took forever to heal from with some lingering tummy problems. Anyway, I had weird symptoms after the concussion. I almost felt like, euphoric. It felt like my brain was just releasing all of its happy chemicals at once. Part of my euphoria was an absolute disinterest in sex, but I enjoyed that, I felt like I was attaining enlightenment or something. I was glowing and productive. After a week or so all of this went away and I went back to having normal sexual health and normal (bad) mental health and I didn't really think about it again. Fast forward 6 months. I quit my job because I am depressed about it and life in NYC is suffocating me, I want to travel the world before it burns down, in the interim I move back home to get my affairs sorted. I had to dye my hair for some short film, and I hated it, when I cut it my hair didn't look good, seemed I'd lost a lot more than I thought, and that made me sad so I was researching finasteride (does this stuff even work?) and then I accidentally found this community on reddit... and it freaked me out. I had a full blown panic attack reading these posts. Then I started thinking about things that had been happening in my life. Increased anxiety and depression. Chronic prostatitis. And the development of IBS, especially bad after drinking alcohol, which actually led me to give up drinking for a while. My sexual health was fine, but I think the anxiety from reading the reddit posts gave me some weird sexual side effects, not joking. That same day I started feeling an achey tingling in my balls, as if they were swelling up. I remember going on a walk with a girl I was seeing and I just felt so off and couldn't even enjoy walking because of the heaviness of my balls and I didn't want to sleep with her at all anymore. I immediately gave up both fin and min, kind of sad because I had just bought a years supply of the stuff from one of those new websites that makes it easy. So with all this happening, I had also been planing to ride my bicycle around the world. I left for India about a week after cutting the hair drugs and cutting alcohol. And then I'm in India. Without alcohol, my IBS pretty much completely healed. I was making very nice poos. The cycling irritated my prostate though. I started off by going over the Himalayas which involved a lot of climbing and therefore a lot of my groin pushing hard into a bike saddle. Still, I was able to pleasure myself in the tent successfully, which I only did to keep tabs on my progress of course. Things were looking up. Leaving work and NYC and America already did a 180 on all of my mental health issues, as did quitting alcohol. My memory improved. I was reading and writing and thinking clearly. I was a happy guy. After finishing the himalayas I had a few beers about it with some friends to celebrate. A few days later I got some cramps in my abdomen, and then the next day severe food poisoning. Both ends type. So bad. Had to keep going though. I kept cycling through the mountains. For two weeks I had diarrhea, and then that turned into regular old IBS again, like always running to the bathroom never knowing if I'll make it on time and the poop is this sludge like texture. It sucked. I was also sad about my hair, as it looked like I was losing all my gains. I bought a fin/min topical mixture and started using that while I was in a meditation retreat. I started having that weird euphoric feeling again, but I attributed it to the meditation, which was really life changing but no need to elaborate on that. I also started feeling prostatitis again (burning sensation tip of penis, feels like you want to pee). I had fixed the tilt on my bike saddle to eliminate prostate issues so it was weird that it was coming back again. I figured maybe coming from sitting in meditative posture all day. I guess I was in denial, but after about a month or so I figured it must be the finasteride so I gave it up again and switched to just minoxidil. But then, the minoxidil was making me feel weird too. I remember one time, the very same night I applied minoxidil it felt like my asshole was falling out, like I had a rectal prolapse, now I think it's hemorrhoids. I had the hemorrhoid feeling for a while. Keep in mind, my main issue at this time remains the IBS. I also had very low libido but honestly I rarely saw attractive women on my trip so who knows. So I kept cycling, I cycled all the way from the North in KashmiLadakh to Kerala, the south. My IBS never went away. I tried all sorts of things for my hair. I went to an ayurvedic place and they put leeches on my scalp which was hilarious. They also gave me this weird ayurvedic oil with no real instructions. I think that must have had some DHT blocker in it because it gave me the weird feelings too, especially the hemorrhoid feeling. I started drinking oregano oil and taking copious amounts of probiotics, which would always help for a couple days against the IBS but I think the heat of the Indian sun killed them off while they were in my saddle bags. Then I found this new chemical combo in South India, starring redensyl and backed up with procapil and anagain. I figured what the hell why not. It came with a dht blocker gummy vitamin but it was just green tea with biotin and zinc so whatever. I started feeling a lot better on that. One random week I started getting insane erections and it felt like my dick grew an inch. Can't really explain what was going on there. Prior to that the erections were meh and I would cum sometimes in a half-noodle like state which was very sad. Anyway, that didn't last forever. Once I got to the very south I decided I needed a full system reboot and went to another ayurvedic place and got something called a panchakarma. In panchakarma you go on a very restrictive diet and they massage all of your body toxins into your gut, they make you drink a ton of ghee to help do this, and then they purge you, so it all comes out of your butt, and then in my case I got 5 medicated enemas. It's a two week process, sometimes longer. I know it sounds crazy but it definitely makes you feel better. I was also doing yoga and meditating every day which was super helpful. After that my IBS went away. I had to keep to the diet for two weeks after: no sugar, caffeine, gluten, alcohol or meat. After the two weeks I dipped my toes back into all those things and my gut stayed solid. Crazy. I also felt good sexually. I started taking another hair serum, this one with redensyl, anagain, procapil, and pumpkin seed oil. Still felt great. I flew to Malaysia and started cycling there. In Malaysia I just started feeling better and better. No IBS, huge erections again. In fact, I became obsessed with sex again. And it was depressing. I actually started missing the days when I had no libido in India. I was really able to focus on other things. Sex is such a waste of mental energy. I could drink alcohol again. And so I did, and had no issues. Which was great but I also was kind of sad about it, am I just going to be a sex-obsessed booze hound again? Have I learned nothing? Anyway, the story continues. No one is bald in Malaysia so I had to order more of my chemicals to feed my hopeless hair serum addiction. I found a crazy one that was stacked with redensyl, anagain, procapil, baicapil, capixyl, biotin, aminexil, rice water, rosemary oil, and .... saw palmetto. The saw palmetto was maybe .3% so I figured it probably wouldn't have any effect, especially since I was fine with the pumpkin seed oil. Anyway, 10 days into that serum I got the tingly swelly feeling in my balls again and some prostatitis too! Oy, back to the start it would seem. I'm mainly just upset because I ordered 3 bottles of that stuff and had to pay taxes on the import because it came from India, and now I guess I have to throw it all out? Whatever. Anyway, you can call me an idiot, but by using my body as a guinea pig I believe I've uncovered some interesting info for everyone. Just as the early men who figured out which berries were poisonous, I serve humanity with my tragic misadventures. Still cycling, hoping to go around the world and find new ways to mess with my hormones and keep some of my hair. My advice from this, do something to fully cleanse your system, like the panchakarma. We've basically tampered too much with our settings and need to do a factory reset. You can do a lot of that stuff on your own, fasting, purging, enemas. It stimulates your body into healing itself. Hell, go to India. In India doctors actually listen to you and treat you holistically, and everything is cheap! You can get rifaximin for 2 dollars should you desire. You don't need to keep getting gaslit by expensive urologists and gastros in the states your whole life. Just do something crazy. You'll stay depressed if you linger on the internet for too long. And if you're stuck in a job/life you hate, take PFS as a sign and excuse to be selfish and get out of it, think of yourself as a terminally ill person that just wants to live life for the little time they have left. Obviously I still have no idea if any of what I've experienced is actually PFS or if it's maybe related to the original food poisoning or the concussion or maybe even Long Covid. No clue. But I do think a lot of my symptoms have been consistent with what you guys talk about. Either way, whatever it is, treat your body well and you may heal. I hope? I'm currently sitting on a swollen sack hoping that the PFS Gods will be merciful once more, but I know I don't deserve it. My desire to have hair still hasn't gone away, and I keep thinking maybe if I try just one more thing that'll be the thing that works. And that's what keeps pulling me back into this mess. But at the end of the day I can thank PFS for forcing me to make the big life changes that have made me a much happier person today, regardless of the state of my pelvic area.
submitted by Excellent-Bad-8401 to FinasterideSyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:00 Ok-Drawer-4933 Revolutionize Your Sleep Routine with an Online Sleep Consultant: Proven Strategies Inside

Sleepless nights, tossing and turning, waking up groggy—sound familiar? If you're struggling with sleep, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, quality rest can feel like a luxury. But what if I told you there's a solution at your fingertips? Enter online sleep consulting—a revolutionary approach to tackling sleep troubles from the comfort of your own home.

Introduction to Sleep Troubles

Understanding the Importance of Quality Sleep
Sleep isn't just about closing your eyes and resting; it's a vital process that rejuvenates both your body and mind. From boosting immunity to enhancing cognitive function, the benefits of a good night's sleep are endless.
Common Sleep Issues Faced Today
However, with the rise of screens, stress, and busy schedules, achieving that elusive eight hours can seem impossible. Insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome—these are just a few of the sleep disorders plaguing millions worldwide.

The Rise of Online Sleep Consulting

Explaining the Concept of Online Sleep Consulting
So, what exactly is online sleep consulting? Think of it as having a personal sleep coach available at the click of a button. Through virtual consultations, sleep experts assess your sleep habits, identify underlying issues, and design personalized plans to help you reclaim your ZZZs.
Benefits of Seeking Help Online
The beauty of online consulting lies in its accessibility. No need to commute to appointments or rearrange your schedule; you can access professional guidance from anywhere with an internet connection. Plus, with a growing number of certified sleep consultants offering their services online, finding the right fit has never been easier.

Meet Your Online Sleep Consultant

Qualifications and Expertise
But who are these sleep consultants, and what qualifies them to guide your slumber? Rest assured, they're not just self-proclaimed "sleep gurus." Many hold advanced degrees in fields like psychology, sleep medicine, or counseling, and undergo rigorous training to become certified sleep coaches.
How They Can Help You
From analyzing your sleep patterns to providing practical strategies, online sleep consultants are your partners in the quest for better sleep. Whether you're struggling with erratic sleep schedules or battling chronic insomnia, they're equipped with the knowledge and tools to address your unique needs.

Understanding Your Sleep Patterns

Importance of Understanding Sleep Cycles
One key aspect of online sleep consulting is gaining insight into your sleep architecture. By deciphering your sleep stages and rhythms, consultants can pinpoint areas for improvement and tailor interventions accordingly.
Tools and Techniques Used by Consultants
So, how do they do it? Through a combination of sleep diaries, questionnaires, and cutting-edge technology, consultants gather data on your sleep habits and preferences. Armed with this information, they devise customized strategies to optimize your sleep quality.

Customized Sleep Plans

Tailoring Strategies to Your Unique Needs
There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to sleep. That's why online Sleep consultant online take a personalized approach to crafting your sleep plan. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, they'll work with your natural rhythms to develop strategies that stick.
Personalized Recommendations for Better Sleep
From setting a consistent bedtime to creating a calming pre-sleep routine, your sleep plan will be tailored to address your specific challenges and goals. Whether you're aiming for more restful nights or seeking relief from sleep disorders, your consultant will be by your side every step of the way.

Addressing Sleep Disorders

Identifying and Managing Sleep Disorders
For those battling more serious sleep issues like insomnia or sleep apnea, online consulting offers a lifeline. Consultants are trained to recognize the signs of sleep disorders and can provide guidance on managing symptoms, accessing treatment, and improving overall sleep hygiene.
Strategies for Coping with Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, etc.
Whether it's cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) or lifestyle modifications for sleep apnea, consultants are well-versed in evidence-based interventions to tackle a range of sleep disorders. With their support, you can take proactive steps towards better sleep and better health.

Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Tips for Optimizing Your Bedroom for Sleep
Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for sleep, free from distractions and conducive to relaxation. From blackout curtains to white noise machines, consultants can offer recommendations for creating a sleep-friendly environment that promotes restorative rest.
Using Technology to Enhance Sleep Quality
In the digital age, technology isn't just part of the problem—it can also be part of the solution. Consultants can introduce you to apps, wearables, and other gadgets designed to track your sleep, monitor your progress, and even lull you to sleep with soothing sounds or guided meditations.

Developing Healthy Sleep Habits

Importance of Consistent Bedtime Routine
Just like Pavlov's dogs salivated at the sound of a bell, your body responds to cues that it's time to sleep. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine signals to your brain that it's time to wind down, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Tips for Relaxation and Stress Reduction Before Bed
In today's hyper-connected world, unwinding before bed can be easier said than done. That's where relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching come in handy. By calming your mind and body, you can ease into sleep more effortlessly.

Diet and Exercise for Better Sleep

Impact of Diet and Exercise on Sleep Quality
You are what you eat—and how you move. Diet and exercise play a crucial role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle and promoting restful slumber. From limiting caffeine and heavy meals before bed to incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, small changes can yield big improvements in your sleep quality.
Recommendations for Improving Sleep Through Lifestyle Changes
Consultants don't just focus on what happens between the sheets—they're interested in your entire lifestyle. By addressing factors like diet, exercise, stress, and screen time, they can help you create habits that support healthy sleep and overall well-being.

Tracking Progress and Adjustments

Using Apps and Devices to Monitor Sleep Patterns
In the age of smartphones and smartwatches, tracking your sleep has never been easier. Consultants may recommend apps or wearable devices that monitor your sleep patterns, providing valuable insights into your nightly habits and trends.
How Consultants Modify Plans Based on Progress
But it's not just about collecting data—it's about using it to drive meaningful change. Consultants will regularly review your progress and adjust your sleep plan as needed, ensuring that you stay on track towards your sleep goals.

Benefits of Online vs. In-Person Consulting

Convenience and Accessibility of Online Services
Gone are the days of waiting weeks for an appointment or trekking across town to see a specialist. With online consulting, help is just a click away. Whether you're a busy parent, a frequent traveler, or simply prefer the comfort of your own home, online services offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility.
Effectiveness Compared to Traditional Methods
But don't let the lack of face-to-face interaction fool you—online consulting is just as effective as in-person sessions, if not more so. Research has shown that virtual interventions can produce significant improvements in sleep quality, making them a viable alternative for those unable to access traditional services.

Success Stories: Real-Life Examples

Testimonials from Clients Who Improved Their Sleep
Still skeptical? Hear it straight from the source. Countless individuals have transformed their sleep and their lives with the help of online sleep consulting. From chronic insomniacs to weary shift workers, the proof is in the pudding—better sleep is within reach.
Case Studies Highlighting Positive Outcomes
Take, for example, Sarah, a busy executive struggling to juggle work, family, and sleep. After just a few weeks of working with an online sleep consultant, she's sleeping soundly through the night, waking up refreshed, and tackling her days with newfound energy and focus.

Cost and Accessibility

Affordability of Online Sleep Consulting
You might be wondering, "How much does it cost?" Surprisingly, online sleep consulting is more affordable than you might think. With a range of pricing options to fit every budget, there's no reason to put a price on your health and well-being.
Availability of Services Worldwide
And the best part? Online sleep consulting isn't limited by geography. Whether you're in New York or New Zealand, you can access top-tier sleep expertise without ever leaving your home. The world is your oyster—and a good night's sleep is just a click away.

Getting Started: Tips for Finding the Right Consultant

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Online Sleep Consultant
Ready to take the plunge? Before diving in, consider factors like credentials, experience, and specialization. Look for consultants who are certified by reputable organizations and have a track record of success in addressing your specific sleep concerns.
Questions to Ask Before Committing
Still unsure? Don't hesitate to ask questions. A good consultant will be happy to provide information about their approach, methodology, and success rate. After all, your sleep is too important to leave to chance.


Sleep shouldn't be a luxury reserved for the lucky few—it's a fundamental human need that impacts every aspect of our lives. With the rise of online sleep consulting, help is more accessible than ever before. Whether you're struggling with insomnia, sleep apnea, or simply can't seem to switch off at night, there's a solution out there waiting for you. So why wait? Take the first step towards better sleep today and revolutionize your sleep routine for good.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Is online sleep consulting covered by insurance?
  1. How long does it take to see results from online sleep consulting?
  1. Can online sleep consulting help with children's sleep issues?
  1. Are online sleep consultants qualified to diagnose sleep disorders?
  1. What if I'm not tech-savvy? Can I still benefit from online sleep consulting?
Sleepless nights, tossing and turning, waking up groggy—sound familiar? If you're struggling with sleep, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, quality rest can feel like a luxury. But what if I told you there's a solution at your fingertips? Enter online sleep consulting—a revolutionary approach to tackling sleep troubles from the comfort of your own home.

Introduction to Sleep Troubles

Understanding the Importance of Quality Sleep
Sleep isn't just about closing your eyes and resting; it's a vital process that rejuvenates both your body and mind. From boosting immunity to enhancing cognitive function, the benefits of a good night's sleep are endless.
Common Sleep Issues Faced Today
However, with the rise of screens, stress, and busy schedules, achieving that elusive eight hours can seem impossible. Insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome—these are just a few of the sleep disorders plaguing millions worldwide.

The Rise of Online Sleep Consulting

Explaining the Concept of Online Sleep Consulting
So, what exactly is online sleep consulting? Think of it as having a personal sleep coach available at the click of a button. Through virtual consultations, sleep experts assess your sleep habits, identify underlying issues, and design personalized plans to help you reclaim your ZZZs.
Benefits of Seeking Help Online
The beauty of online consulting lies in its accessibility. No need to commute to appointments or rearrange your schedule; you can access professional guidance from anywhere with an internet connection. Plus, with a growing number of certified sleep consultants offering their services online, finding the right fit has never been easier.

Meet Your Online Sleep Consultant

Qualifications and Expertise
But who are these sleep consultants, and what qualifies them to guide your slumber? Rest assured, they're not just self-proclaimed "sleep gurus." Many hold advanced degrees in fields like psychology, sleep medicine, or counseling, and undergo rigorous training to become certified sleep coaches.
How They Can Help You
From analyzing your sleep patterns to providing practical strategies, online sleep consultants are your partners in the quest for better sleep. Whether you're struggling with erratic sleep schedules or battling chronic insomnia, they're equipped with the knowledge and tools to address your unique needs.

Understanding Your Sleep Patterns

Importance of Understanding Sleep Cycles
One key aspect of online sleep consulting is gaining insight into your sleep architecture. By deciphering your sleep stages and rhythms, consultants can pinpoint areas for improvement and tailor interventions accordingly.
Tools and Techniques Used by Consultants
So, how do they do it? Through a combination of sleep diaries, questionnaires, and cutting-edge technology, consultants gather data on your sleep habits and preferences. Armed with this information, they devise customized strategies to optimize your sleep quality.

Customized Sleep Plans

Tailoring Strategies to Your Unique Needs
There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to sleep. That's why online Sleep consultant online take a personalized approach to crafting your sleep plan. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, they'll work with your natural rhythms to develop strategies that stick.
Personalized Recommendations for Better Sleep
From setting a consistent bedtime to creating a calming pre-sleep routine, your sleep plan will be tailored to address your specific challenges and goals. Whether you're aiming for more restful nights or seeking relief from sleep disorders, your consultant will be by your side every step of the way.

Addressing Sleep Disorders

Identifying and Managing Sleep Disorders
For those battling more serious sleep issues like insomnia or sleep apnea, online consulting offers a lifeline. Consultants are trained to recognize the signs of sleep disorders and can provide guidance on managing symptoms, accessing treatment, and improving overall sleep hygiene.
Strategies for Coping with Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, etc.
Whether it's cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) or lifestyle modifications for sleep apnea, consultants are well-versed in evidence-based interventions to tackle a range of sleep disorders. With their support, you can take proactive steps towards better sleep and better health.

Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Tips for Optimizing Your Bedroom for Sleep
Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for sleep, free from distractions and conducive to relaxation. From blackout curtains to white noise machines, consultants can offer recommendations for creating a sleep-friendly environment that promotes restorative rest.
Using Technology to Enhance Sleep Quality
In the digital age, technology isn't just part of the problem—it can also be part of the solution. Consultants can introduce you to apps, wearables, and other gadgets designed to track your sleep, monitor your progress, and even lull you to sleep with soothing sounds or guided meditations.

Developing Healthy Sleep Habits

Importance of Consistent Bedtime Routine
Just like Pavlov's dogs salivated at the sound of a bell, your body responds to cues that it's time to sleep. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine signals to your brain that it's time to wind down, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Tips for Relaxation and Stress Reduction Before Bed
In today's hyper-connected world, unwinding before bed can be easier said than done. That's where relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching come in handy. By calming your mind and body, you can ease into sleep more effortlessly.

Diet and Exercise for Better Sleep

Impact of Diet and Exercise on Sleep Quality
You are what you eat—and how you move. Diet and exercise play a crucial role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle and promoting restful slumber. From limiting caffeine and heavy meals before bed to incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, small changes can yield big improvements in your sleep quality.
Recommendations for Improving Sleep Through Lifestyle Changes
Consultants don't just focus on what happens between the sheets—they're interested in your entire lifestyle. By addressing factors like diet, exercise, stress, and screen time, they can help you create habits that support healthy sleep and overall well-being.

Tracking Progress and Adjustments

Using Apps and Devices to Monitor Sleep Patterns
In the age of smartphones and smartwatches, tracking your sleep has never been easier. Consultants may recommend apps or wearable devices that monitor your sleep patterns, providing valuable insights into your nightly habits and trends.
How Consultants Modify Plans Based on Progress
But it's not just about collecting data—it's about using it to drive meaningful change. Consultants will regularly review your progress and adjust your sleep plan as needed, ensuring that you stay on track towards your sleep goals.

Benefits of Online vs. In-Person Consulting

Convenience and Accessibility of Online Services
Gone are the days of waiting weeks for an appointment or trekking across town to see a specialist. With online consulting, help is just a click away. Whether you're a busy parent, a frequent traveler, or simply prefer the comfort of your own home, online services offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility.
Effectiveness Compared to Traditional Methods
But don't let the lack of face-to-face interaction fool you—online consulting is just as effective as in-person sessions, if not more so. Research has shown that virtual interventions can produce significant improvements in sleep quality, making them a viable alternative for those unable to access traditional services.

Success Stories: Real-Life Examples

Testimonials from Clients Who Improved Their Sleep
Still skeptical? Hear it straight from the source. Countless individuals have transformed their sleep and their lives with the help of online sleep consulting. From chronic insomniacs to weary shift workers, the proof is in the pudding—better sleep is within reach.
Case Studies Highlighting Positive Outcomes
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submitted by Ok-Drawer-4933 to u/Ok-Drawer-4933 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:57 Intelligent-Swan-479 My (31M) girlfriend (27F) wants to buy a house without me and I'm not feeling too good about it.

My main language is Spanish. I might have some mistakes here and there.
We've been together as a couple for over a year. Yes, not that long, but we even felt comfortable enough to start living together after just 6 months, and we're now on a rental, doing good enough as a couple, although there are areas that I'd like to improve together.
She has received from her parents a good amount of money (€100K) to buy a house, and we've been talking about the topic, but more about placing us both on the mortgage, although of course with me owning less part of the house since I would put less on the starting point (around €20K) which I completely agree. I'd love to help more, but unfortunately, my savings are just not as good as hers right now. We've been checking houses together and do feel that agree with most of the things we'd like to have, so it's good.
However, lately, she's been telling me that she'd prefer to buy the house on her own to avoid possible legal issues in the future if we split up or anything (which I also understand) but it has just been a bit sad and impotence for me since I can't help as much as her, and I've been working to also save up more money and help more, and it does lower a bit my trust on her since I feel she can't trust me as much as I thought.
She also has asked if I could help her pay part of the mortgage as a "rental" for me but without me owning anything, as well as services, furniture, and more, which I understand and would agree, but it doesn't help too much with my feeling of being there as a "temporary" person, but at the same time she does feel me as the father of our children, she does talk about marriage and gives hints as to what she would like, and we do match in several ways of thinking for the future, which is a great bonus point.
I do feel that we are having a good communication about all the process, I do feel her receptive on my emotions, and we do and will have a deeper conversation on this topic soon, so I hope at least we can get up to a middle ground where we feel good.
How can I make sure I feel comfortable with her decision down the road? How can I feel more trust from her side in all of this?
TL;DR: My gf wants to buy a house without me legally owning anything, but paying part of the mortgage and it makes me feel a bit insecure or with a bit of loss of trust about everything.
submitted by Intelligent-Swan-479 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:56 DharmaBaller Polarization and Tribalism

I think to me what's most disheartening about this Quagmire of a situation is that most people are just aligning with their historical patterns of political/religious/racial/national identities and biases.
Which is not surprising because I just basically described the entire history of the human race and how we generally lean one way or another when it comes to conflicts and beliefs.
I think you know true impartiality is pretty much impossible and that's probably a whole super long discussion about how we even arrive at truth and reality and what pushes us in different directions.
I just it really makes you very depressed and forelorned at times just to see most people reacting as you would expect.
Like most of my social media friend circles are Lefty anarchist types and they pretty much are like fully on board free Palestine movements and busting out the watermelon emojis and all the all these kinds of things which to me is like the the 2024 version of the BLM black/blank profile support solidarity thing.
Of course now that you read that last paragraph you probably already thinking oh this guy is already revealing his cards of where he stands.
Basically my position is leaning pro Israel pro peace pro equilibrium pro stability in the region. This is a departure from my long held leanings of free Palestine because of all of my radical backgrounds and volunteering for things like food not bombs and all this sorts of things in Portland.
I basically am leaning this way and open to shifting of course at any time given new information and new insights, but the two main sticking points for me are what follows:
1.) Wary of the regressive left element within the free Palestine movement that is and on par for the course given the conflict. What worries me is the toxic othering prejudice and often scary anti-Semitic rhetoric coming out because of this. The narrative of the support for the "brown Arab oppressed people versus the white facing European ancestry colonizer Jewish people Israelis". It's alarming.
2.) Wary of extremist radical Islam jihadist intifada sentiments messaging and direct calls to eradicate and harm a people group and a nation. This last point I think doesn't get enough airtime in some circles and this is nothing new and has been a concern of mine for many years, and is often maybe overlooked or people are afraid to bring it up even because it looks like it's bigoted or racist or whatever. But to me it seems like this is why we are in this position most assuredly. You swap out Hamas with some other Hardline Fringe religious group and I don't think you get the same results. There is something uniquely dangerous about a religious Fringe element that promotes martyrdom and jihadism. Ain't nobody ever had issues with Buddhist extremists on this level. Or even Christian extremists on this kind of level, although there have been pockets of hate and othering of course from almost every group of people/ideology in our sordid human history.
Like even I've been trying to track just in the comment sections of let's say various kinds of YouTube videos from all different perspectives and I keep coming back to this weird unsettling feeling when I see a lot of pro Islamic things and from accounts that seem like they come from an Arab origin. Like I just don't know if you can reach common cause and common ground with that sort of extremist ideology, it seems pretty baked in on a deep level. And that's the the real issue in many ways because religious fundamentalism just breathes a kind of lack of discourse and lack of understanding because you can just refer to your book and what all the people around you are saying and shut down your critical thinking skills.
Put another way.. what is the percentage or total number of folks that have a Islamic Arab Middle eastern background that are actually pro Israel?
And then along the same lines how many folks with a Jewish background or connections are actually pro Palestine?
Cuz to me one is not like the other in this regard, and my hypothesis is that the Muslim Arab tribalist group would skew predominantly one way that I think we all can assume is for the free Palestine movement.
Whereas I think the Jewish Community has definitely some elements within it that is more peaceful negotiation and not so caught up in their religiously motivated perspective. This could be because you know maybe a lot of the Jewish Community is leaning more secular or they come from Western countries and all this sort of thing but like I just I don't think people are realizing the fundamentalists difference here in the factions.
I guess my question is how many people have switched historical sides over this conflict right now in the spring of 2024?
Is there something from either side that made you go oh man I need to reevaluate my whole position on this and lean one way or the other?
Or even when I think what is probably more profound and supportive of the general conflict would be to be also aimed at a third way out above The fray if that's even possible. because a third way out often makes me feel like I just need to stay out all together and let people that have a much better idea of what's going on engage.
That last part is really key I think because all these folks are throwing in their positions when they may only have an understanding of like 5% of this thousands of year old conflict. The more I dig into it and ask questions and talk to people the more I feel even more lost and it seems like an unwinnable and unknowable thing.
submitted by DharmaBaller to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:56 International_Set663 Am I 21F getting played by 20M waiter. Is this worth pursuing or does he do this with everyone?

HIIIII!!! I 21F overthink alot and I was wondering if anyone who is Japanese or have been to japan could look at my virgo moon overthinking and see if I was being delulu or if this waiter was flirting with me and if I should try to pursue it. This all took place in a Japanese bar. B-31M Bartender (European) T- 20M Waiter boy in question (Japanese) K-ME (Wasian) first when we got there the first time. He gave me drink recommendations.gave me a phone charger bank without me asking cause he noticed I needed one. Was the one to set up my birthday stuff, and also asked me my name and when said it in Japanese went “really? That’s cute” he kept checking on me and then gave me another recommendation without me asking. And made the drink himself and gave it to me. he kept coming to talk to me about his time working at usj and then took our picture. he took a shot with me and taught me how to say cheers in the “young adult way”when I was given birthday stuff he was the one to come up to me and tell me to sit. I look over and he is standing behind me with both his arms fully up and going crazy. he also gave me water immediately after our shot together he then ran to me when he thought we were leaving even though it was sooooo busy. he ran to the elevator to say goodbye to us. The elevator is outside the bar and he left his post to come say bye. Next day. When I enter he immediately smiles and goes “K!!” And then brushes his hair back so it’s pushed back. Then I sit at the bar , not the tables and he finds every reason to come up to me and try to talk to me. (His post is the tables not the bar) He gets a coaster from right next to me when he could’ve just gone to the other side of the bar to get it or somewhere else. He gives me a recommendation again and leans super close.Friend noticed he kept trying to get into my line of sight and talk to me. I was sitting near the close area of the servers and everytime he came over to check the orders he would glance at me and see me and try to talk to me. He told me his favorite drink and tried super hard to talk in English. He told me when he was getting off and wanted to take a shot with me got me water without me asking cause he remembered I didn’t like the shot. He said goodbye when he was leaving to just me when he talked to us he only talked and looked at me. He coughed and I went you ok? In Japanese and he looked over and smiled and went yes yes don’t worry .He gave just me his instagram and immediately after work liked my story. When talking about the servers to B he would come over and try to join the convo.We asked B ages of everyone and even though it was busy T came over and suddenly asked us ages. He asked friend one and went ok ok.. skipped my next friend and went “K ???” And I went Oh “21” he was so excited and said “03”??? And I said yes and he was admit that we should be friends because we were the same age. (My other friends were all 03 as well) Asked us what we did and kept wanting to see my pictures of me in my kimono. He kept coming over to the bar and asking B about us.The kicker is that B told us once T was getting ready to leave, “Do with this information what you will, but T has a girlfriend…” I am confused as to why B told me the T has a girlfreind as wouldn’t he tell me that beforehand or did he only tell me after?
submitted by International_Set663 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:51 lovemywifie Strangest thing for me yet

The Navigate address took me to a whole different address. So, I took a crap run at the end of my day thinking it would be quick and easy for the $2 tip (yes, I know), but anyway leaving the store customer messaged to confirm the address. Driving, I saw that she said the last driver ended up on the wrong side of town. I asked are u in X city, she said nearby. So, I assumed I was in the right area. After driving up and down the dead end road (with neighbors in the yards looking), I was like what is your WHOLE address? You guessed it, whole nother city. No, problems I will bring it even though its waaaayyy out of the way. Well, thinking she would be more appreciative she answers the door, grabs her bags and says she’ll get Instacart to fix her address. Not rude, but no sense of appreciation. Silly me for thinking differently. I was thinking some old lady just needed her stuff. Never again for a $10 bump (which I now see is standard). 😒
submitted by lovemywifie to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:49 Commercial-Fan3913 Possible Tonsil Cancer

Hey guys, I just need to vent and have people to talk to I guess.
I’m a 36F single parent , I only have my young teenage daughter and my elderly mother so I don’t really have anyone to talk to.
This will be a long post because I just need to get it all out there.
It all started mid January 2024, I was suffering severe pains in my stomach and rib areas and was vomiting mostly liquids/ stomach acid , I went the the emergency room a few times I was sent to have ultrasound done on my gallbladder, kidney and liver- results were normal , my GP put me on acid reflux medication since being on that the pains have gone and the vomiting it’s every once in a while compared to a few times a day.
Then in early February 2024 I started to get ringing in my ears mostly on the left side but in both, it never stops, my ears felt blocked/ muffled (no pain) I also had a feeling of something in my throat. I went to see my GP again who checked inside my mouth and noticed my left tonsil was swollen so she put me on antibiotics which didn’t work so she did a second course I ended up going to the emergency room as I noticed a weird thing on the bottom of my tonsil towards the front it looks like a skin tag? Not sure how to explain it but I was freaking out , the ER doctor said it “looks” like a small cyst nodule and did blood test , he said I don’t have a bacterial infection and to stop the antibiotics, if the cyst was there still in 3 weeks to go back to my GP. After 3 weeks the cyst was there still, I still had the issues with my ears and the feeling of something in my throat but it felt higher up more like the back of my mouth. I went to my GP who then referred me to a public ENT I got an appt with them for March 8th, I went to the ent appt and I was a complete mess, I just said straight up I think I have tonsil cancer so he got me to sit in the chair so he could scope up my nose/ down my throat, I asked him is it cancer and he said “ I don’t think so “ then he went to go get his boss which made me freak out more. In came the boss which seem to be nice he had a look with his light and eye piece and said that my left tonsil is slightly bigger than my right and was firmer he also said he didn’t think it was cancer. He said he wanted me to come back in 5/6 weeks for reassurance. He asked me to see my GP to get my anxiety sorted and also suggested I go visit my dentist to get teeth cleaning done as I have tartar ( I’m a smoker )
They sent a report to my GP which states on the report about having my tonsils removed and biopsy done. Why would they say that if they don’t think it’s cancer …. I’m a complete mess. Surgery absolutely scares me.
I was meant to have my next ent appt on the 16th of May but have just received a letter saying that it’s been postponed to the 29th July
I noticed about a month ago I have a swollen lymph node on the left side going along my jaw from just below my ear. It was tender to lay on to begin with but now there’s no pain but it’s still very large maybe 2-3cm in length (from ear going towards chin ) it’s not rock hard but it’s firm, I can move it only a tiny little bit
I’m just so scared , I’m scared that having to wait so long to see the ent that if it’s cancer it’s going to spread even more and then not be treatable
submitted by Commercial-Fan3913 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:49 TroubleMost5192 Tamiya TT-02 Suspension lift modification

Tamiya TT-02 Suspension lift modification
The area I usually drive my TT-02 in is typically rougher asphalt with some debris sometimes, which as you would imagine makes things a bit difficult when sending the car at full speed, an issue that has been amplified since I went brushless. Lots of bumps and small ruts in the pavement, so on. I decided to try and lift the chassis up without buying any kits to do so (I don’t even know if there are kits for it I didn’t look).
If you think something about this modification is going to fail horrifically please let me know. Here was my process -
Was tearing down the car to clean up and re-grease everything when I saw that the tie rod connection on the steering knuckles seems to catch or limit the travel of the suspension. I took out the old screws from those connections and replaced them with longer ones, with two rubber O rings added as spacers to prevent the tie rod from catching the edge of the steering knuckle. Did this to each side. For the rear I saw that two small plastic extensions on the inside of each knuckle limited the the travel up and down. I took a knife and whittled the lower one away so that it would no longer catch on the lower control arm. (Terrible picture below, can see the little extended bit on the right side of the knuckle and where I took it off on the left - lower - side. This part made me have a few doubts, because of course the people at Tamiya put that piece there for a reason and I don’t know if it’s going to mess something up. But oh well, already did it)
As you can see in the comparison picture, the modified side sits a good deal lower, with the center of the wheel being lined up with the chassis. After a little bit of tweaking to the back side I managed to get all four wheels level with each other. I haven’t driven it yet, though I did run it while holding it for a bit to make sure the angle on the dogbones wouldn’t be too drastic (It wasn’t - so far). I was also already running the car with the higher ground clearance setup, which this mod has seemingly quadrupled. Please scrutinize this to death, need as much input as possible in case I need to improve (or just get rid of) the design.
submitted by TroubleMost5192 to rccars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:46 BigSnekEnergy She’s back

My ex girlfriend who physically abused me for years resulting in permanent facial disfigurement is back. After I cut contact with her, she went off-line for a very long time. I had a feeling she would be back because she’s a vengeful type.
To be honest, I deserved it. I’m a trans man and she dated me. I found out later she had trauma associated with mad to the point she was triggered by anyone who looked even remotely masculine. It’s still my fault. I should’ve been able to figure out based off some of the things she said in the early days that this would be a problem, but I didn’t. Right now, based off some of the things she said, in the early days, it’s very clear that she had trauma associated with men, particularly bisexual men like me. There are things she said in the early days that made this very clear now in retrospect, but back then I didn’t pick up on it because I’m a fucking douche bag. Yes, she chose to pursue me, but I should’ve turned her down.
Things got serious she moved in with me. That was when she actually told me about her trauma. She wanted me to do transition, I didn’t want to. I wasn’t even on hrt at the time But they were many things about me that were masculine that made her uncomfortable. For instance, my voice has always been very deep to the point of my mom, someone who also has trauma associated with men to the point of hating all of them and thinking they’re all evil, hit me in the face over it too. But I can’t blame either of them for it. They are frightened women and they have full right to hit anybody who makes them feel unsafe.
I thought I would never see her again, but unfortunately she’s back in my life. I ran onto her Facebook account the other day. She also cyber stalked me for about a year after we broke up and called me a lot. I disappeared for a while before resurfacing, and I thought I was OK. I don’t think I am though because I’ve been getting a lot of funny phone calls recently from a number with a Michigan area code. It’s not her number, but she could’ve changed it, and she is the only person I know from Michigan.
I can’t prove it, but I’m a little worried she may have been trying to reach me when I was at a hotel a few days ago. Early in the morning, like 5 AM, I received a phone call on the phone they have in the room. I picked up And all I heard was breathing and they hung up. That one didn’t have caller ID on it, so I don’t know who called me, but I’ve been on edge ever since.
submitted by BigSnekEnergy to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:44 shaneka69 LIBRA ZODIAC PREDICTIONS MAY 2024


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:42 OutThere_2044 My town's pine forest has a secret...

Part 1
I ended up buying a house at the edge of this town.... before i knew all the bullshit that was goin' on around here. Got bored and went down to the local sheriff Jack and asked about an opening, Didn't even fill out an application, got the job on the spot. For the first few months it was the usual, speeding tickets, drunk and disorderly, normal shit right? Well... let the fuckery commence....
I had been a deputy for 7 months when one of the local farmers called in and reported he had some animals killed last night and wanted someone to come out to his house. John Nixon was a 60 year old farmer who lived by himself. His wife passed away years ago, but he never remarried and they never had kids. We met one day at the local tackle shop. Me being new in town, he took me to some of the good fishin' spots. The man was a huge military history buff and would always ask about my time in. I thought I knew him personally, so i took the call.
As I rolled up to the gate on his property, I saw John standing at the gate with a shotgun. " Hey john, can I ask why you are standing there with that cannon in your hands?" No response, he just stared at me. "John! put that damn shotgun down!!" I yelled. Its like he snapped to out of a trance. "Mason, i need you to come round the back side of the house to the barn, now!" he snapped.
"OK, OK, let me get outta the car and grab some gear." I said opening the car door. While i was grabbing my gear, John was standing there with his eyes scanning the tree line. "Come on mason! you need to see this!" He said heading towards the back. I closed the trunk and started walking over in his direction.
"So what the hell is going on that's got you walking around here with that damn bazooka?" No response, he just keeps walking and scanning the tree line. We finally got to the back of his house where the barn is. It looked like a horror movie in that pen.
"What the fuck happened here!?!" I said covering my mouth. There were pieces of chickens and goats everywhere, a few pigs looked like they had been filleted. "Its back mason, after all these years" John mumbled. "John what the hell are you talking about? what did this?" I asked.
John took his eyes off the tree line and looked me dead in the face. "Your not from here so you dont know." "Know what man? what are you saying?" I asked getting annoyed now. "Years ago this same thing happened to a few guys I know. All of their livestock had been killed. Not killed and eatin', just killed. It got people 'round here up in arms. Well, a few of us got together and decieded we were gonna look for whatever did it" he said. "What the hell are you telling me john?" I interrupted. "There were four of us. We were young, thought we were bullet proof. We went out into the woods one morning, determined to find the damn thing that had been killing our animals.
Tommy was the first to say something. "Hey, did you guys hear that?". The rest of us didnt hear a thing, so we kept moving. We got about three miles deep into the old pine forest at the edge of town. Will was the next to say something, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" he yelled out while looking down at the mud. We ran over to where he was standing to find him wide eyed. "I dont know what the actual fuck did this, but we..we need to go and I mean right fucking now!!!" he said pointing. This track was huge, at least 14 inches long with huge claws. Gerald spoke up "Let's fuckin' go guys!!".
We started back tracking out of the area, when we were stopped cold in our tracks, we all heard it this time. It was coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same damn time. A sickening, shrieking laugh was coming from all around us. We panicked and starting runnin'. As soon as we did that, whatever was making that noise centered as if right behind us, and it was coming fast, ungodly fast" John said eyeing the remains of a chicken that was torn apart.
"We were about a mile from the trucks when I heard a thud and a scream, when i looked back Gerald wasn't there. Will and tommy were right behind me, terror all over their faces. Tommy pulled his pistol and started shooting backwards. Only one shot rang out before something tackled him and Will. I stopped, raising my rifle, but they had already been torn apart. It was seconds, and they were in shreds" John said.
"Mason, what i saw standing over their shredded bodies has haunted me since then. The fucking thing was nine feet tall, shaped like a man, but not. Its skin, or or scales was a mixture of black and grey and it looked slimy. It looked like a damn bodybuilder with hugh claw like hands. Its head was massive, with what looked like horns coming from the jaw to around the chin. Its eyes, glowed bright green in the middle of the fucking day, and it had a mouth full of fucked up jagged teeth." He said lowering his head.
"I jus.. just stood there, waitng for my turn. This thing paced back and fourth, staring at me, with this creepy damn smile. It looked down at Will and Tommy, then it looked back up at me. My heart almost stopped when it pointed and shook its head at me. It started making that shrieking laugh as it grabbed what was left of my friends in each giant claw and walked off into the woods, still fucking laughing. I fell to my knees as it vanished into the trees."
I stood there, thinking he lost his damn mind. John had stopped talking, he had this way off look in his eyes. "John..., john.., JOHN!!" his eyes snapped back to mine. "So what are you telling me? A nine foot creature with claws killed your friends and animals?!" I half mocked. "Yea.... thats what i'm telling you. Its back for me, i know it." "What makes you think it was this thing you say killed your friends? It could have been coyotes" I asked " I know mason, i heard that same horrible shrieking laugh in the woods behind the barn last night."
Now I’ve heard some real bullshit in my time, especially during my time in the contracting field... But this was the most out there shit I had ever heard.
"Alright, alright... let's just take a big ass step backwards. I need to wrap my head around all of this." I said takin a deep breath. John laid the shotgun down to his side. "I'm telling you the truth mason. i'm too old and tired to lie about shit" he said shrugging. I looked deep into this man’s eyes. When I did, I saw something that told me this was the absolute truth as he knew it. " You haven’t given me any reason to doubt you... but fuck man... this is hard to swallow. I need proof John, that's the way this works." A look of frustration washed over his weathered face.
"Proof?! you want proof huh? follow me" John groaned.
He started walking towards the tress behind the barn. As we got closer to the trees, I started to smell rusty copper. Blood I thought out loud. John raised his shotgun as we walked closer. That damn gun had to be illegal, but this wasn’t the time for that. Him raising that gun made me a lil' uneasy, so I pulled my Glock 9mm out and flipped the safety off.
John owned about 90 acres, most of it unkept. A lot of the land was behind the barn which butted up to a state forest. We took about 12 steps into the wood line when the smell of death hit me like a brick. "I'm taking you to where I heard the noise coming from last night... your PROOF is out there Mason" He said with a slight edge to it.
We walked almost a hundred yards into the woods when john stopped in front of a tree. It looked twisted and warped all the way to its top. I stepped around John and saw huge claw marks cut deep all the way around the base of the tree, it's hard to even call it that. "What the hell is this?" I said looking up. "This is a marker, it's territory starts here" John replied. I looked at john like he was crazy, which at this point I thought he was. "This thing travels throughout these woods. I've found five more of these trees in our town" he said putting a hand on the tree.
"This isn’t telling me anything John, just that you've got a weird ass tree on your property" I said back to him. "Do you hear that?" So we could move this mess forward, I stopped talking and just listened. I hadn't noticed that during our walk into the woods it had got quiet, and I mean not one sound. " What the hell? where did all the animals go?" I asked looking around. "They're scared mason... you should be too. Let's get back to the house."
We turned and started making our way out of the woods. We were damn near the tree line when I heard a snap. I turned around, gun raised to see a black streak dart back deeper into the woods. "What the fuck was that?!" All John said was "we need to leave, now!" We turned and started sprinting the rest of the way out of the woods. I was surprised at how fast john was for an old man. We got all the way back to my patrol car. "I don't know what that was, but I don't think you should stay here tonight John. Pack some stuff and come to my place" I said pointing my gun at the trees. John just let out a sigh as if frustrated and defeated.
"You weren't listenin'. The pine forest, these trees, it’s all connected. I’m talkin’ bout before this area was even inhabited by native peoples. This fucking thing has been around for a very long time. I have been looking into this since that day, I had to find out what it was and if it can be killed" he tried to explain. The whole time john was talking I had my eyes and weapon pointed at the trees. " You can put that down mason, it just wanted you to know it's here" He said.
"John, I to need process this shit. I've never seen or heard anything like this and to be straight with you, I’m at a loss right now" I said opening the trunk. "I get it, I get it. The sheriff jack was a deputy back then. When you see him... tell him I said the dark is here..." And with that, he just turned his back and walked back into his house not saying another word.
I got back in the car and sat there. Looking at the treeline. After a few minutes I went back to the station. I must've walked in with that universal what the fuck look on my face, because Cathy the clerk asked what was wrong with me. I told her I was fine and asked if she had seen the sheriff? "Yeah, he is in the gun cage. Are you sure you’re ok Mason?" She asked again.
"Yeah, I'm good, just need to talk to Jack." I started walking towards the back of the building, when Jack came around the corner. "Hey mason, what's up?" he says walking up to me. "I just got back from John's house." The look on his face completely changed. "He had a bunch of animals killed last night. It looked like a slaughterhouse. He told me to tell you the dark was back?" I told him noticing his reaction.
Jack stiffened up and not saying a word gestured for me to follow him towards the back security door. We headed towards the back and out the door. Jack had stopped to make sure the door was secure then pointed at his truck and said "get in."
After getting in he looked over "I need some coffee" then started the truck up and headed west out of the parking lot towards the coffee shop. He ordered a large black coffee with extra sugar then asked if I wanted one. "I'll take a small black, no sugar." We pulled out and headed east back past the station. We ended up driving towards the edge of the county. "What's going on and why are we heading way the hell out here?" I looked at jack and said.
Jack just took a long sip of his coffee then placed it back in the holder.
After a long breath "You want some answers about what happened at Johns' house... I’m sure he told you about a few other things about this town... well we're gonna go get you some answers" He said looking at a black sedan passing in the opposite direction. "Aight so, like you mason, I’m not from here either. I was a trooper in New York for a few years before I came down here. I resigned after a call to an old couple’s house" He said reaching for his cup. "My partner Jake and I responded to what was thought to be an animal attack. We were the first on the scene, having been a couple miles away lookin' for speeders.
When we rolled up an older woman came running over to the cruiser. She had a panicked look on her face and just kept repeating "they're dead, they're dead!!" We hopped out and sat her in the back of the car then asked what happened. "I...I... came over to talk to gloria and... and I saw the door open. I walked in yelling her and Alan’s name, but they didn't answer... I found them upstairs... it's horrible!!" She said sobbing. Jake and I drew our weapons and started making the move inside. Like the witness said the front door was open, so we moved in. It smelled like sulfur and blood when we entered. We started clearing rooms. The first floor was clear, so we made our way up the steps.
The smell was overpowering now. We cleared the bathroom, and the two smaller rooms were clear also. The door to the master bedroom was slightly opened. I motioned to Jake and we hit the door.... it looked like some movie shit!! I kid you not. Jake turned and went back into the hallway and threw up. I stepped into the room and... listen I had never seen anything like this before" Jack stammered out.
"These two people were in shreds on the bed, they're insides had been yanked out and thrown around the fucking room. After looking at the bodies I noticed these huge claw marks in the wall, I’m talking if Andre the giant had had a Krueger glove. I stepped back out of the room and radioed to dispatch that we needed more units. I walked back to the front door where Jake was standing hunched over looking out of it.
Parked outside were 3 black SUVs and a black sedan. I counted 11 men dressed in black tactical military gear, some with a type of rifle I had never seen before, but you could tell it was large caliber. The rest with SMG weapons. When i looked over towards the patrol car, one of the men had the door opened and was talking to the witness. He saw us and started our way. He was dressed in all black too and carried what looked like a desert eagle in a chest holster.
When he got closer I got a better look at him. He looked to be in his late 40's with salt and pepper colored hair and a big ass scar that ran down the right side of his face. He got about ten feet from the steps "We appreciate the assistance, but you are no longer needed" He said in deep voice. As he is saying this, one of the other guys escorts the witness out of our car and into the back of that sedan.
The guy started walking away from us "Who are you? and what the fuck is going on?" I yelled at him. He turned with a look on his face that you only see in movies then took a few steps towards us. "Your command has been informed and you are to leave now!" He said raising his hand up towards that holstered pistol. Jake looked at me and shook his head "fuck it, let's go, let them deal with that mess upstairs" he said still coughing then started heading towards the car. I followed him down the steps... looking this guy up and down, checking out the vehicles... for anything that might tell me who we were dealing with.
The only thing I saw was on the assholes uniform... there was a patch on his shoulder. It was an all-black diamond with a weird looking black M in the middle on it. The guy stared us down until we were in the car driving away. He had that pistol in his hand and the other men starting moving into the house. Jake and I didn’t say a word until the radio squawked and we were told to head back to the barracks.
When we got there, we were told to report to the troop commander’s office. Commander Thompson was sitting in his office along with a man in a nice 2-piece suit. The man in the suit stood there quietly while Thompson told us that we never responded to any call out to that farmhouse, and that this was the first and only time he would say it. With that, he dismissed us and and we walked out. The shit didn’t sit well with me, and I ended up resigning a few months later.
I came down here and then that shit in the woods happened. I was on the scene, I saw the claw marks. They looked just like the ones in New York, and the same damn trucks showed up with different personnel. I knew just to shut up and walk away, and after making that choice I have had a pretty good career here." he finished grabbing his cup out of the holder.
My brain was in overdrive. I was just about to completely question bomb jack when he said, "We're here." He pulled off onto this overgrown driveway and drove for about a quarter mile. We pulled up to an old two-story house that looked like it was in ruins... but the lights were on. "Where the hell are we?" I asked As the last word of that question left my mouth, the front door of the house opened... standing in the doorway was a old man, dressed in weathered black clothing. Jack leaned over to me "You wanted answers... well.... there they are."
submitted by OutThere_2044 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:33 bfazzz Random Tips That I Don’t See People Talk About - Solo Female Traveller

Hi all! I’ve just completed a week as a solo female traveller in Tokyo. I’m moving on to other places but have decided to come back to Tokyo for another week because I love it so much!
  1. If you want to see Shibuya crossing but don’t have / can’t afford a ticket to Skytree or Shibuya Sky, there’s a Mexican restaurant on the 14th floor of Shibuya metro station / Shibuya Sky that we just walked straight into. We got a booth directly overlooking the crossing, it was very quiet, we sat there for a few hours and had really nice drinks. (we being me and a first date!)
  2. IMPORTANT: I’m not sure if other people are aware of this tradition - i wasn’t - but in smaller bars and izakayas there is a tradition of paying in rounds, i.e buying everyone at the bar a drink - usually 6-8 people in my experience. I was charged for this before I realised and then the next time, I was with a local Japanese companion who told me this is a cultural thing (we didn’t pay it and left). If you’re handed a free drink in a local bar just know the next tab is on you and there isn’t really a choice.
  3. Express v Local trains - if you’re getting on the metro be mindful that it’s not an express train. These ones skip a lot of stops and you can end up accidentally going super far away without realising :/
  4. I think i only saw this maybe once - but on the metro people don’t cross their legs and also always put their bags on their laps, EVEN when it’s dead quiet.
  5. Smoking in public is EXTREMELY frowned upon (unless you’re outside a nightclub or bar). And for gods sake, do not throw the butt on the ground!! A lot of Japanese smokers carry around portable ashtrays so use theirs or even put it out and carry it with you in a bottle or something … This ALSO includes vaping. In busy areas like Harajuku they have tiny enclosures on the side of the road where people smoke. Same in shopping centres and some metro stations. (I’m European so this surprised me!)
  6. If you need the toilet there’s one in every metro station. Starbucks will also let you use theirs. If you need a bin both options have them.
  7. If you’re handing someone something it’s polite to do it with both hands. If there’s a tray for example at a cashier desk then use that.
  8. Elderly people are highly respected in society. If your culture isn’t like this then be mindful and let them pass before you, open doors, let them skip you in the queue, give up your seat. (you should do this in your home country anyway but …)
  9. People stare a lot. I find Japanese people curious, and if you smile at them or wave in response they light up! This was new for me because in my culture staring is rude. Don’t take it personally! It can lead to lovely interactions.
  10. People don’t show skin. For me, 25 celsius is a summer day. For them, every single person is covered head to toe (unless dressed alternatively). I wish i had brought more long trousers and long sleeve tops!
  11. They don’t wear perfume either. In fact if you smell perfume in public it stands out a looot because it’s so rare. My Japanese friend confirmed they wear very light stuff if anything. Just be aware if you’re taking the metro it might not be the best time to wear Hypnotic Poison …
  12. Nicotine vapes are illegal. You can import up to 120ml of your own but you cannot get them here. This includes disposables.
  13. I just saw this on another post but all the painkillers here have caffeine. I get terrible menstruation cramps at night so i brought enough caffeine free stuff to knock out a horse in my bag and didn’t have any issue.
  14. Adding this one because I almost got into huge trouble: people here cycle on the footpath. If you’re not used to that and especially if you’re solo and tend to have earphones in, be VERY CAREFUL! I was inches away from getting mowed down. It seems as if pedestrians also give cyclists the right of way here (perhaps because they’re commuting?). They also run red lights. Very chaotic and dangerous (to me at least!)
That’s everything for now! Apologies if any of these seem obvious to you but they were things i found important to pick up on and be mindful of. Tokyo is the biggest city in the world yet it runs so smoothly - perhaps because of the amount of unwritten rules that people abide by to maintain politeness and give others space / consideration. Let me know if you also noticed any of these :)
submitted by bfazzz to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:31 Legendary_gloves Is it fair to suddenly drop clues for mani quest, given players are going through it at lightspeed?

Hi everyone.
So i created a homebrew city and filled it with quests and npc's. Once here, players have a main quest that eventually will lead them out of said city, once they are done with it. Players are already aware of a world outside the walls, so its not like i can just turn the campaign upside down and suddenly start playing dragon heist.
Having said that, i filled the city with side quests, promise of gold and magical item rewards, while the main quest seems bare in terms of rewards, and its only "the right thing to do" Yet players keep ignoring the baits i throw at them. I literally threw a quest hook at them, by throwing a magical gem with direct connection to the pc character, and its left to the side.
Im coming to a point now where i sorted expected the party to take on this content, in order to inflate this quest area, and make it seem more alive and complex. They are instead running through it at light speed, making my campaign feel smaller, less spetacular and bare.
Would it be fair on the party for clues for the main quest to suddenly drop, in order for them to engage in side objectives, knowing that the trail will resurface once they dive a bit more towards the city? Or should i take this as player choice, and send them towards areas i know they will be outmatched cause they skipped content that would help them?
submitted by Legendary_gloves to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:31 JadedNostalgic "Husky mix" lol

So my girlfriend had a dog who she adored that passed away a few months before I met her a year and a half ago. When we met I had 3 huskies at the time (because I needed backup vocalists for my Acapella band), all rescues, and she sort of fell in love with them. Since we have been together, I lost my oldest boy to an injury, but hadn't thought about getting another pup, as my other two are bonded to me really hard.
A few months ago she mentioned to me how she has been thinking about getting another dog. I told her I thought it was a good idea. It had been about 2 years since her girl passed and she was ready to start the healing. So I start looking at the shelters, local social media groups, and rescues and keep sending photos of pups to her.
A few weeks ago I learned that my great aunt passed and so I had to go to her funeral. At the same time, my gf had a trip planned to visit her parents a few states away, set for about a week after I get back.
I take my girl Hannah, as she needed some 1 on 1 training with me and leave my other boy Viktor at home with gf. She messages me and says she asked to see one of the pups I sent her a link to. A few days later she has an appointment to see a completely different puppy, a 6 month old husky. She sends me pictures later in the day of this cute little 12 week old pup who won her over instead.
Her litter mates definitely had some husky features like the mask or spitz tail, but then there's this girl who looks nothing like a husky lol. She's 14 weeks old right now and her ears just started standing up and I swear this dog is a malinois.
Girlfriend took off after having the pup for about a week, so I ended up getting stuck with this poor pup who didn't understand what was happening (just like poor Viktor when a new pup showed up in the house while I was away). He was beyond pissed when I got home lol. It took him like 2 days to forgive me for allowing this to happen.
I've raised probably a dozen puppies in my life so far and this girl was, putting it mildly, an absolute terror when gf took off. For the first 2 days I didn't have even 2 minutes to myself. That said, in this week I've had her, I've come to love her and we've reached an understanding. I'm not going to say I didn't love her or wasn't going to love her, but we just didn't have that bond at the beginning. After all, she picked my girlfriend, not me, which is what the gf wanted. She wanted a "her" dog, which is to say a dog that either prefers her or is bonded with her, as my dogs clearly prefer me and follow me around/stay near me when I'm away from her.
We've gone from screaming in the car endlessly while solo to riding with the other pups happily and riding solo happily. We've gone from accidents in the house to her telling me she wants out, from maybe 6 accidents a day down to 1. We've gone from zero leash experience to wearing a harness happily and fundamentals of leash walking, though she just stays by my side at all times regardless. We've gone from chewing on bad things to chewing on good things. From not understanding of dog play to playing with both my pups. From no training at all to sit, come, stay, and we're working on shake hands. She even learned the "load up" procedure for the car from the other pups.
I've never seen such a smart puppy who is motivated entirely by wanting to make me happy. She likes food, but it's secondary to praise for her. I'm absolutely stunned how fast she is learning. None of my huskies took to instruction this well, though they were older when I adopted them.
Which leads me to the subject line. Man, there might be some husky in there, but I sure don't see it. We only know the mom was part husky. We're getting a DNA panel done so we know what to prepare for; I'm used to high energy/working dogs but I hear malinois is a whole other ball game. I thought maybe she looked more like a GSD but the vet said the ears looked more like malinois than Shepard or husky ears and I don't disagree.
submitted by JadedNostalgic to fosterdogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:29 Connect_Paper_3510 Why Attending IELTS Classes in Faridabad is Your Smartest Move

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a mandatory hurdle for students and professionals aiming to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries. While self-study is an option, attending IELTS classes in Faridabad offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly boost your score and confidence on test day. Here's why enrolling in a reputable IELTS institute in Faridabad is your smartest move for IELTS success:
Personalized Guidance Tailored to Your Needs:
Imagine having a dedicated IELTS expert by your side throughout your preparation journey. IELTS classes in Faridabad provide this invaluable advantage. Experienced instructors can assess your strengths and weaknesses through diagnostic tests and then create a personalized study plan that addresses specific areas needing improvement. This targeted approach ensures you optimize your study time and resources, focusing on the areas that will yield the most significant score gains.
Mastering the Test Format with Practice Makes Perfect:
The IELTS exam format can be daunting, especially for first-time test takers. With IELTS classes, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the four test modules: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Experienced instructors delve into the specific question types, techniques, and strategies for each module, equipping you with the necessary tools to tackle the exam confidently.
Practice Tests: Simulate the Real Exam Experience:
Practice tests are an essential ingredient for IELTS success. By enrolling in an IELTS institute in Faridabad, you gain access to a wealth of realistic practice tests that mirror the actual exam structure and difficulty level. This allows you to not only assess your progress but also refine your time management skills, a crucial element for achieving a high score.
Feedback that Fuels Improvement:
Taking practice tests is just one piece of the puzzle. Receiving valuable feedback on your performance from a qualified instructor is equally important. IELTS classes offer the opportunity to receive detailed feedback on your strengths and weaknesses on your practice tests. This expert feedback equips you to identify areas for improvement and implement the necessary strategies to achieve mastery.
Confidence Boost: Feeling Prepared for Test Day:
One of the most significant benefits of attending IELTS classes in Faridabad is the increased confidence you gain through the entire process. The combination of personalized guidance, exam-specific strategies, and practice tests under realistic conditions empowers you to approach the actual IELTS exam with calmness and confidence. This translates into a more focused and positive test-taking experience, ultimately leading to a higher score.
Beyond the Test: Building a Strong Foundation in English Communication:
IELTS preparation goes beyond simply acquiring a high score. IELTS classes in Faridabad emphasize developing strong overall English communication skills that benefit you beyond the test day. The focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking enhances your fluency and accuracy in using the English language. This not only helps you achieve your IELTS goals but also prepares you for success in academic and professional settings where strong English communication skills are crucial.
Building a Support Network and Staying Motivated:
The path to achieving a high IELTS score can be challenging at times. Attending IELTS classes in Faridabad allows you to connect with fellow students who are on the same journey. This fosters a supportive learning environment where you can share strategies, exchange study tips, and motivate each other throughout the preparation process. Feeling connected to a network of like-minded individuals can be a game-changer, especially when facing moments of doubt or difficulty.
Finding the Right IELTS Institute in Faridabad:
With numerous IELTS institutes in Faridabad, researching and choosing the right one is crucial. Look for institutes with experienced instructors who consistently achieve high student success rates. Consider factors like class size, flexible scheduling options, availability of online learning platforms, and student reviews. Many institutes offer free consultation sessions where you can discuss your IELTS goals and explore if their programs are the right fit for you.
Investing in Success:
While self-study for the IELTS is an option, enrolling in IELTS classes in Faridabad offers a strategic advantage. The personalized guidance, expert feedback, practice tests, and overall confidence-building approach provided by a reputable institute can significantly increase your chances of achieving the desired IELTS score. Consider your investment in IELTS coaching as a stepping stone towards achieving your academic or professional goals. The potential benefits significantly outweigh the cost, leading you one step closer to your dream of studying, working, or living in an English-speaking country.
So, are you ready to take the first step towards IELTS success? Research IELTS institutes in Faridabad, attend consultations, and choose the program that aligns with your learning style and goals. With the right preparation and support system in place, you can conquer the IELTS exam and unlock a world of opportunities.
submitted by Connect_Paper_3510 to u/Connect_Paper_3510 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:25 CursedButHere Game won't let you delete a room, says Sim is using object.

I've seen this problem posted several times, and I just experienced it myself with my cafe. Despite there being no Sims there, and no shifts being run, it wouldn't let me delete my top floor. Here is what I have done so far to be able to delete the rooms and balcony:
For the room it wouldn't let me delete, I first sold every object in that room. Then, I sold all the wall lights on the exterior of the room. It still wouldn't let me delete. I changed the floor and wall inside of the room, and it let me delete it.
So now I'm thinking maybe the same thing would work for the balcony, right? Nope. I changer the paving and railing on my balcony, and it still wouldn't let me delete it. So I deleted everything off the balcony. Still wouldn't work, so I started resizing the balcony. I narrowed it down to a smaller area that wouldn't let me delete it, so I investigated. Under this small portion of my balcony, I had two roof lights hanging in the room below. I sold those lights, and then it let me sell the balcony.
I still have a third room I need to delete that says a Sim is using an object, and the previous tricks haven't worked. Once I find out what's causing that room to not be deleted, I will update in the comments.
*I'll just update here instead. The final room, which had a mezzanine, I had to sell the mezzanine. It wouldn't let me sell the mezzanine immediately. To be able to sell the mezzanine, I had to sell all of the windows and doors in the room below the mezzanine room. Then it left me sell the mezzanine and delete the room, and I could finally remove the top floor from my cafe.
To summarize the things that worked:
Make sure all objects are deleted.
Change wallpapers and floors.
Make sure there are no roof lights in the room below the one you need to delete.
Sell the windows and doors in the room below the one you need to delete.
If all else fails, resize the room/balcony from all sides to be as small as possible to identify the problem area.
submitted by CursedButHere to simsfreeplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:21 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter XII: Reunions and Relishing in Calm-

Wade took a breath as he picked up his old duffel bag, now loaded with his DD uniform and a few other items from the Ceres mines as he slotted it to his side, with the large band handle around his neck. Having gathered his belongings, he joined Tina, who was waiting near the ship's open bay door as he walked over to her. The couple watched several of the other troopers inside marching out as well, some carrying crates of supplies and items out of the craft as they departed for the base outside. Kelly was one of the last ones still on board, checking on a section of the cargo bay as she did what Wade presumed was some maintenance work.
With the way now clear, Wade and Tina stepped off the transport, glancing at the massive base around them as they touched the roughened pavement. Throughout the large landing port were several more chameleon dropships, their crews disembarking with similar items and loads of rescued drones aboard. Beyond the ships were several hangar bays and fighter craft, mostly A-20s and their space-borne cousins docked in lines going across the pad. And beyond the landing zone, towering over several buildings at the base, were the few cruisers docked to the large clamps holding them in place.
Walking ahead with Tina, Wade observed some of the departing Coalition troops as they neared one of several tents stationed near an inactive group of planes, the military personnel interacting and exchanging the crates with the Coalition officers upon reaching each other. Hearing a low roar of engines from afar, the lover drones looked upward to see the large USN warship that was present at the factory earlier, having followed the transport convoy home and now was beginning to descend for landing. Wade gave a silent gasp as he caught a glimpse of the ship's name and SIC number at the side, remembering it from the ship he and Ron saw while returning to Earth.
"Always a wondrous thing to see, isn't it Wade?" Tina said as she and her boyfriend watched the ship slowly come lower to the unoccupied dockyard clamps below it.
"Sure is, wonder how they built those babies?" Wade replied as the two looked upon the landing starship, the former worker drone smirking as he added, "I could've swore I saw that same exact ship over Henderson when Ron and I came back, before we got mugged earlier."
Tina glanced to Wade with surprise as she spoke up on his claim. "Really? Well, that had to be the one that helped our friends here back at the factory. I think I saw the same name on it too!"
"Wouldn't surprise me, seeing all that's happened today." Wade replied as he chortled a bit, Tina doing the same as the former spoke further. "I wonder, what kind of ship is the... Vickers again? You know?"
"Autumn class, dear. A heavy destroyer variant, not as strong as those enormous Yamato dreadnoughts or Adelaide battlecruisers, but she'll put up a good fight for whatever comes at her." Tina explained as she held back another chuckle, thinking of her education on various USN craft as she teased Wade lightly. "You know, I may just have to grab one of those ship roster tabs when we get in the base. I'd love to show you all they got in their arsenal."
Wade chortled again as he gave his thoughts on the idea. "Well, it wouldn't be bad to have a little more knowledge in ship-story."
Tina almost burst out laughing at his crude pun, Wade smiling at her as F and Nathan jogged over to the two, the latter carrying his own backpack behind him as he spoke. "Well, not a bad place, huh? You guys heading to the clearance station?"
"Oh yes, we were just admiring the ships around us while we walked." Tina said with a stifled laugh, easing herself as she chatted with her new friends. Wade, however, was quickly overcome with panic as he remembered something. Checking his pockets, his fears were confirmed as he failed to find one of his key possessions: his ID card. Wade felt he must have lost it when he was stripped of his old clothing while in the factory.
Oh no, guys? I don't think I can pass through." Wade said with greenish-yellow circles for eyes as Tina and the others looked to him in concern, the drone feeling through his pockets once more before stating his issue. "My ID, they must've taken it off me when they turned me into a disassembly drone!" Wade began to hyperventilate lightly as he grew fearful of the potential outcomes when they reached the security gate ahead. "Oouuugghh, if I don't have my ID, they'll have to keep me lo-"
"Wade, Wade... it's okay. I'll have them make a pass for you, surely we can get them to after getting them to understand what's happened." Tina stated as she put her hand to Wade's chest, who eased his panic as he looked to his girlfriend.
"Yeah, and besides Wade, those people over there went around gathering what ever items the company stole from the drones during their conversion. I'm sure that once they find it, they'll have it sent off to be given back to you!" Nathan said as F nodded in agreement, shunting Wade's panic out of him with their words as he replied to the hopeful responses.
"Right, yeah, they should do that. Sorry." Holding Tina's hand, Wade spoke to her once more. "Lead the way."
Tina nodded to Wade before the two began to walk over to the security gate nearby, several people, drones and humans alike, already in the line as they checked themselves in to the base to relax after the hard-fought battle. Once they reached the line, the four stood together as they waited for the line to slowly go up, more troops and rescued drones coming over to add to the long line. During the wait, a loud, mechanical 'SLAM' erupted through the air, prompting Wade and Tina to glance over to the direction of the noise. The two felt at ease once more as they saw the Vickers finally landed at the base, the loud clang being the docking clamps attaching to the ships hull just moments ago.
As the line moved up further to the gate, Wade and Tina caught sight of a pair of A-20 aircraft passing over them, the two watching as the planes slowed down while descending onto the runway nearby. The four drones' collective viewing of the fighters landing ceased as they caught sight of J, who took flight as she departed the transport nearby before flying over to the tents near the hangar bays.
"Huh, wonder what she's over there for?" Nathan said as he observed J landing onto the ground in front of one of the tents.
"Probably checking on the drones we got back, or meeting up with one of those commanders there." F said as she motioned an arm towards the tents, J walking under one as she made her way to one of the soldiers coming over to her. "Seems like the latter, from the looks of it."
Wade shrugged as he responded to the group's pondering over J's actions. "Well, she'll be here with us if we need her, right? Shouldn't be much to worry about."
Returning their focus to the line ahead, Wade and his team waited as the line moved up over the next few minutes, moving impressively fast as the people in front cleared themselves in one at a time. Eventually, the four of them were up, Tina stepping up to show her ID for clearance. "Hello, it's been a busy day, hasn't it?"
The security agent smirked at Tina's small-talk. "Hah, not too busy here until you all showed up."
As the guard finished scanning Tina's ID, she handed the card back to her as she raised a finger to begin her request. "Oh, um, there's a little issue we need to resolve." Putting a hand to Wade's arm, Tina explained her boyfriend. "This is my dear friend Wade, Wade Carter. We both managed to escape that blasted factory with the help of those Coalition folks there." Wade gave a pleading look as Tina continued. "Unfortunately, Wade was converted into a disassembly drone before he was rescued, and it seems those people at the company took all his belongings he had on him, including his ID. Do you think there's... anyway you could write up something to let him by?"
Stepping forward, F gave her end of the story. "I can vouch for him, Ma'am. Wade and I we're among the teams helping in getting the worker drones out of the factory during the operation." The disassembly drone pulled out a pair of cards as she finished her explanation, one of them being her company-issued Disassembly Service Passcard, which resembled a normal civilian ID in appearance, save for the 'JCJenson (In Spaaace!) Logo on the top left and hazard markings around the rim of the card. As for the other card, it was a well worn, still legitimate ID card, showing F as how she appeared when she was a worker drone. At the side of her picture was a name with an initial. "FELICITY A LEE"
Taking the two cards in her hand, she looked them over and scanned them as Nathan tried to back Wade up as well. "So can I, Ma'am! I helped there too, when he was under the company's control. We all got him out of the factory so we could get him back in order." Pulling out his own ID, Nathan handed it out as the guard returned F's IDs to her.
The guard accepted Nathan's ID as she spoke over what to do with Wade. "Well, normally it takes clearance from higher ranked personnel here to allow someone inside without a legitimate form of identification. We can't just take someone's word on things like this, after all." Tina seemed to frown in disappointment as the guard explained her protocols, Wade looking down at the ground as he felt his worries were about to be proven correct. Going over Nathan's ID further, she gave an intrigued expression at the card before continuing. "Huh, interesting. Got two veteran folks here, I see?" She glanced to Nathan and F as she said that, taking into account their former military background as the former spoke up.
"Three, actually. My pal Kurtis is somewhere back there, I think. He should be heading down here later this evening." The guard glanced back at Nathan's ID as she took in the veteran drone's reply, sighing as she decided to make a slight amendment to the issue put before her and the four friends.
"Well, seeing you two here, I believe I can write something up. The Major won't be happy with me for this, but I think I can trust you with appropriate behavior." Taking a small sticky name-tag, the woman pulled out a pen before starting to write on it. Initially, she glanced to Wade, who stated his name again before she began to write his name on the tag. Once she was finished, the guard gave the tag to Wade, who slapped it onto his jacket before she spoke to him. "You should be fine to enter for the most part, just stick close to your friends and don't cause any trouble. Understood?"
Wade gave a stern salute to the security officer, who held back a chuckle at the honest, yet amusing effort the disassembly drone showed to her. Giving a simple nod and a flick of her hand, she permitted Wade and his friends entrance to the base, the four walking past the walkway barricades as they made their way past the gate.
Wade let out a heavy sigh of relief as he thanked his allies. "I owe you both so much for this, thanks!"
"Don't mention it, Wade." F said warmly as she and Nathan laughed at his joyful face.
"Yeah, just doing what any good friend should." Nathan said as Tina wrapped an arm around Wade, holding him tightly as the two walked together.
Looking to his girlfriend, Wade spoke to Tina about what to do next. "Well, since we're in, you wanna go fi-" He ceased his words as he remembered that there was someone else they needed to find amongst the base. "Oh, I almost forgot about her,"
"Jasmine!" Tina and Wade said aloud together as the former remembered her sister, Wade's words snapping her mind to Jasmine in an instant. "We should look for her, you think she might be here somewhere?"
"Probably. If they got Ron after they captured me, they have to 've picked her up too." Wade stated, Nathan raising a hand as he offered to help.
"I could go looking for her! You know what she looks like?" Readying a holo-projector, he tried to display an image of Jasmine from one of his many memories of her. The picture was, while pixelated and under a blue hue, incredibly well-detailed. And for Nathan, that was all he needed to see to note Jasmine's appearance in his memory. Nodding, he spoke again to his friends. "Got it! I'll see if she's around!" Then, turning to run down one of the paths leading to a nearby base facility, he stopped as he asked one more question. "Oh! One more thing, you got a smartcomm on ya, Wade?"
Readying one from his holo-projector hand, he nodded as he spoke into it. "Seems so, though I don't seem to have all my contacts added in."
Running back over, Nathan pulled out his own smartcomm before putting it up against Wade's hand one, allowing the two devices to exchange information. Upon the devices beeping, Wade and Nathan nodded to each other, the former ignoring a pop-up that stated, "New Contact Added" while the latter spoke once more. "Okay, I'll call you once I spot her!" With that, he began running down the path once more, intent on finding Tina's sister at the base, wherever she could be.
"Fowley! Her last name's Fowley!" Tina said aloud to the departing Nathan, hoping he heard her words before turning away from the miner drone and facing Wade and F again.
As Tina sighed in partial relief, Wade put his own arm around her before asking the question he tried to ask before. "So, uh, with that out of the way for now... You wanna go look for one of those ship tabs?"
Putting a hand to Wade's chest, Tina smiled as she replied. "Oh, certainly." Then, as the three began walking down a different path that Nathan hadn't taken, the pilot drone continued with a chuckle. "I hear they have a place here that sells model kits too!"
Jasmine sat in silent sorrow as she took another gulp of her glass of Proxi-Vodka, a tasty, but heavy alcoholic beverage produced at the colony of Proxima 2... and one of Jasmine's preferred drinks to have when she wasn't in a good mood. When she awoke after being stunned by the station guards, she found that she was just recovered by a group that called themselves the 'United Earth Coalition', and that her drone friend, Tina, was unfortunately taken by the JCJenson corporation to be turned into one of their horrid disassembly drones. While the people that saved her offered to help her find Tina, so far there had been no luck in doing so. No successful calls, no response from Wade nor Ron, nothing.
The whole situation widdled at her like scrapes to her form, slowly draining any bit of hope that she had in finding her sister. And once the mission at that factory was over, the ship began heading back to the Nellis Base to escort the recovered drones back to a safe area. Unfortunately for Jasmine, Tina's presence was not given confirmation. Alone, she walked off to one of the bars down at the base, specifically Drexler's Cantina, one of the more popular bars down at the military starport. Thankfully, though she didn't openly exhibit feelings of wanting to be alone in her wallowing, she was glad the place was nearly barren of patrons, with only a few at a couple of tables within the bar.
The stage at the back of the bar also had a few singer drones performing aloud, the lead singer girl reciting the words of a quiet, yet exciting song that, instrumentally, consisted of a strange mix of bass, techno, and a hint of opera. The song itself was one Jasmine had heard a good many times before in her life, known as, 'You Complete My World' by a decades old Earth band by the name of HeartStar. The song, as Jasmine and many others who'd heard it interpreted it, was about someone who described their world like a puzzle, and that the one whom the main singer cared for beyond all was the only thing that could keep their world from shattering into ruin before them.
An oddly fitting tune, given what had just happened on the JCJ Central earlier. For all Jasmine knew, Tina was either alive beyond her knowledge, hopefully searching for her wherever she could, or, the answer Jasmine feared... Dead.
Not wanting to even consider the thought, the human pilot took another swig of the colonial Vodka, relishing in its taste before forcing herself to swallow, almost gagging from the strength of the drink. Easing herself, she glanced out to one of the windows of the bar, taking the faint glimpse of night into her eyes. Then, looking to the clock at the wall ahead of her, she saw the time was about a little over an hour to 10 pm. Jasmine gave a sigh to herself, certain she would be alone for the rest of the night.
Unbeknownst to her, however, Jasmine had been spied upon a little while ago. Nathan, in his search for the woman Tina called Jasmine Fowley, had spotted a woman matching the physical appearance of the target. Knowing Jasmine wouldn't know who he was if he tried to talk to her himself, Nathan immediately went looking for Wade, easing his return to his team by calling the former worker drone and signaling him about his findings.
Deciding to check on the news, Jasmine slowly pulled out her smartcomm, resisting her urge to press the contacts button as she tapped the news app. Looking through it, she spotted a recent story that was posted just over an hour ago, titled, "JCJenson 'Recall' effort sabotaged by joint Government/Militia forces! The Truth Exposed!" Above the article was a video, a play button in front of it teasing Jasmine. Curious over this sudden development, she pressed the button, her attention in complete focus on the video as it began to play.
After the news station's logo appeared on-screen for a short few seconds, the current host for the story, Mrs. Tiffany Joy, appeared at her seat before beginning the story. "Good evening, this is Nevada-78, I'm your host, Tiffany Joy. Tonight, we start with a rapid development for the 'drone recall' incidents propagated by the business conglomerate JCJenson In Space. Throughout the afternoon up to now, several advanced factories under the ownership of the corporation have fallen under violent assault by various militarized forces, ranging from official United Nations operatives to private militia groups with varying goals." The small screen to Joy's left shifted to show the state of Nevada, zooming into it to show a portion of the Mojave desert as Joy continued her story.
"Among these facilities, one such factory based right here in southern Nevada has recently succumbed to the successful efforts of the USN Defense Force and a group by the name of the United Earth Coalition, an alliance consisting of humans and automatons working to create a unified world for both species." The screen shifted again to show the logo for the UEC, which appeared as one half of a human head outline and another of a drone's, along with two arms behind the heads belonging to both beings pictured. "With the attack having concluded just hours ago, we have reporters gathering at the New Nellis Staryards near Henderson City to bring you the aftermath of the conflict. We go to Mr. Jelico, on the scene in five."
The camera shifted after the countdown of five to show Mr. Jelico in front of the camera, the cameraman filming a large tent housing several worker drones being tended to by the base soldiers. "Alright, Jelico here, we're on station at New Nellis. What you're all seeing here are some of the recovered worker drones, many of them were pretty spooked by the events that unfolded in that factory earlier." As the camera panned over the lot of drones, some of them looked to the camera, curious at the news crew filming them as Jelico continued. "A few of them are real glad to be here, Joy. Seems like they feel safe here, as far as I can tell."
As the camera moved to show Jelico again, a plane could be seen taking off as he spoke. "Yeah, these people did them quite a service. The staff here are working to find their original owners and families, it'll probably be a little bit before they can get them all home." The camera switched once again to another view of the base, the lights of various buildings illuminating the night as the news story continued.
At the entrance, Nathan pushed open the door to the bar, the chime failing to catch anyone's attention as he, Wade, F and Tina stepped inside. Carefully pointing at Jasmine, he whispered to Tina, "That's her, from the looks of it. She's been here for a good minute!"
Taking another drink of the Proxi-Vodka, Jasmine listened further to the story. "The authorities didn't just recover a majority of the worker drones taken into the factory, however. A recent update provided by Mrs. Yuka, shows her interviewing a disassembly drone who claims to be among the unfortunate drones the assault force failed to save before their conversion."
"Jasmine!" Tina called out, the voice instantly grabbing the woman's attention as she paused the news story. Swiftly turning her head, her heart began pounding with immense excitement as she saw her drone sister, who grinned upon seeing her face.
"Tina!" Jasmine said aloud, somewhat weakly from her previous wallowing as she tried to run over to her sister, landing on her knees as the two embraced in a flush of emotions. Wade and his friends stood behind the two girls as they hugged each other, clinging onto one another as tightly as they could give. Jasmine seemed to erupt with a pained cough as she allowed some of her sorrow out of her heart, Tina carressing her back in a comforting manner as she held back her own tears. The sisters held the hug for a long moment, not daring to let go of one another for fear of losing each other again. Eventually, however, they did, the two sisters taking heavy breaths as Jasmine spoke up while wiping her face. "I thought I'd lost you."
"Can't say I didn't feel the same way, love." Tina replied as she broke out in light laughter, glancing to Wade before continuing. "But, fortunately, those Coalition boys helped out quite a bit. Though, not as much as my knight in his new armor."
Standing herself up, Jasmine took Tina's helping hand as she looked to the one her sister spoke of. A grateful smile formed on Jasmine's face as she saw Wade, standing in front of her and Tina as he returned the expression. Looking upon her family friend, Jasmine noticed something... different about Wade. He was taller now, his arms were shaped like white cones rather than the silver bendy tubes he and Tina normally had. As for his face, his pure green eyes were replaced with a set of greenish-yellow ones, and above his forehead was a band holding five yellow bulbs that she didn't know the function of.
While the pieces started to click together in her head, Jasmine took Wade's held out hand as she spoke to him. "Wade, I'm so glad to see you! You look different, too. Did something... happen to you?" She already guessed it by this point, but feigned confusion as she opted to hear Wade's take on the matter.
"Yeah, I hope you don't mind your sister dating a vampire from now on." Tina chortled in amusement at Wade's comment at himself, Jasmine raising an eyebrow in confusion at the former worker drone as he returned his expression to a more sincere smile. "The company got me too, and unlike the workers we got out... they managed to turn me into a disassembly drone. From now on, I'm gonna need to take in more oil than I usually did before I was turned. My cooling system's not as good as it should be, from what I've heard." Pulling out his two full canteens, Wade finished his partial explanation. "Don't worry, though. I've got some to keep me down."
Jasmine took in the news with immense surprise, noticing the hazard stripes at the rims of Wade's arms as she replied to her friend. "Oh... Well, if Tina's fine with it, then I see no problem with that, Wade." Admittedly, she was a bit unnerved by the change, concerned for both him and Tina's safety due to this supposed oil coolant issue. Trying to sound as nice as she could on the matter, Jasmine hesitantly asked Wade, "Though... I am a bit concerned with that bad cooling problem you mention. You... don't think you would-"
"Hurt Tina?!" Wade assumed, understanding Jasmine's concern as he gave a horrified glance to the two sisters. Standing with his fists to his hips, he gave his answer to Jasmine's presumed question. "Don't even say such a thing, Jasmine. I'd rather overheat than dare strike her."
Admittedly amused as well as concerned for Wade's selflessness, Tina chuckled at him before speaking up on the matter. "Now now, Wade. It won't be so bad. We'll manage."
Jasmine nodded as she agreed with her sister's optimistic view on the problem. "Indeed we will, we always do." Then, taking notice of the other two drones in the room, Jasmine smiled at them before speaking again. "Ah, I see you brought some friends too."
Wade and Tina glanced over to Nathan and F upon Jasmine's statement, the two friends smiling pleasantly as Wade spoke up. "Oh, yeah. These are some of my work buddies from Ceres, Jasmine. This is Nathan, I first met him when Ron and I came to the mines, showed us around a bit too." Putting a hand on F's shoulder, Wade introduced her too. "And this is Serial Designation F, or, just F. She was one of the guards keeping watch on the place while we worked."
F seemed to blush out of embarrassment as she remembered her and Wade's first meeting. "I... did come off a little rough on them when they first came in, though. Stopped Nathan's touring run too. Just following colony protocol."
Nathan patted F's back as he tried to ease F's guilt. "Oh, it's nothing F. We had to start work in a few minutes anyway. Besides, it's a bit more fun exploring the place yourself without a guide." He winked at the others as he finished his praise. "Trust me, it really is."
Wade, Tina and Jasmine all chuckled at their friend's amusing words, F joining in as she replied to Nathan's encouragement. "Alright, alright."
Walking up to the two, Tina put her hand onto Nathan's as she gave her own praises. "And they may not look like it, dear, but Nathan and F were both formerly in the military, from what Wade's told me."
Jasmine gave a proud smirk at the two as she responded to her sister's claim. "Well, that's quite something. Did she tell you we used to fly for them some years back?"
"Oh, she did, Mrs. Fowley." Nathan replied as he chuckled lightly, F giving a smile of her own as she added her own part to the story.
"Yeah, and given what's happening now, maybe they might call you back for service again. Wade told me you two were excellent pilots."
It was now Jasmine's turn to blush as she chuckled from the compliment, knowing Wade's high praise for her and her sister's flying as she replied. "Well, I can't say that's wrong, Tina saved the day during the flight back here. We ran into an asteroid cluster while in the middle of a jump."
Wade patted Tina on her back as he quietly cheered his love on. "That's what I'm talking about, she's a wonder among the stars, I'm telling you!"
The group fell into an excited fit of laughter at the conversation, a few of the bar patrons taking notice of the bunch as they eventually ceased their joyful moment.
As everyone calmed down, Jasmine spoke up, intending to bring the discussion to another place. "Well, with all that said, it feels great to see you all here. It was such a terrible day after all those company folk showed up." Then, as she scanned the group of friends around her, she noticed someone else missing from this puzzle. "Hey, uh... is Ron here? Did he head off somewhere?"
The mood was quickly put down to a mournful aura as Wade and Tina glanced to the floor in sadness, Nathan and F giving uncomfortable postures as they awaited for someone to speak up on the matter.
Eventually, Wade was the one to open his mouth, breathing steadily as he tried to speak to Jasmine. "Um, Jasmine? Things, uh... really took a nose dive after we got captured. You think we could find a place to sit? It's a lot to talk about."
Looking to the four drones with concern, Jasmine eased her returning fear as she nodded to Wade in agreement. "...Sure, there's plenty of space at the table here." Pointing her arm to the table, which was surrounded by a U-shaped seating bench, Wade and his friends began to move to the table as Tina spoke up.
"I can get us some drinks for the talk, you all want anything?"
"Just some oil, thanks. "Wade answered as F and Nathan gave their own nods to Tina, the drone girl walking over to the bartender near the stage as she went to purchase some beverages.
Sitting down, Jasmine picked up her smartcomm from the table, glancing to it as she spoke up on her half-finished drink. "Heh, and to think I was drowning myself in this drag of a drink before. Probably have to find a different glass."
"Proxi-Vodka? Haven't seen you touch that since we lost Aunt Susan." Wade said solemnly as he examined Jasmine's drink, sighing as he reluctantly continued. "Well, maybe it can go for a few more sips."
Looking to the vodka, Jasmine nodded as she put her smartcomm in her pocket. "I figured, I didn't think this was gonna sound good."
"I wish it did." Wade replied as Tina walked back to the table, a plate of three oil glasses resting on her careful hand as she set it down.
After delivering the drinks, Tina took a seat next to Wade, holding his hand as Jasmine spoke up. "So, where do we start this terrible story?"
Wade gulped a bit as he began to recount the events that transpired today. "Well, it all started when Ron and I came back from the mining colony."
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:15 casefilesofVJ Flooded, forget it.

Josh (M,16)
Back in 2011 in the big flood that swept the town (Gympie) we were trapped on the southern side. Because the place is all hills surrounding a river, it turned the town into an almost set of islands.
Our dad worked FIFO and was gone at the time, my older bro (18) had about 4-5 of his mates staying over, the floodwater came up right to our backyard that was usually grazing paddocks.
Home suddenly evolved into a lakeside party house. It was grouse.
We had a tinnie and a couple of canoes so we decided to make the most of the town shutting down and did grog runs and became a little ferry service, bringing friends and family and friends of friends back and forth and what not.
Half the town was submerged, The main street was completely underwater.
It was honestly like a holiday. A mud smelling holiday, but everything shut down and we had an unknown amount of time before things would return back to normal. The town was abuzz with people driving around their little sections seeing where the flood water levels were at now. It was a sight to see.
The cleanups always gross and it's devastating for some townsfolk whose homes and businesses were damaged, but we were young, no responsibilities and no assets lost, so it was fucking awesome for us.
So one night about 4-5 days into the flood, two of my brother's mates and I took the canoe across the ‘lake’ near pengullies bridge which was meters under. There was this weird patch of water that had been bubbling for days, it was around a fossicking field and the town's littered with thousands of abandoned mine shafts, so we speculated it was one of those, or a sewerage line, or a gas vent, but whatever it was the whole time it was flooded the water never stopped it's strange bubbling motion and it was straight up sus.
Now we don't know if that patch of water had anything to do with what we experienced. It could be completely irrelevant, but I wanted to add that in because we were close to that part of the water.
Now, this wasn't just like going through a lake, there were half submerged trees, floating logs/ branches and debris floating around. A time or two before that, logs had seemingly popped up out of nowhere and rammed into us. It was actually pretty dangerous if you weren't careful.
So anyway, it was night time and we were headed across the lake, we were just nearing the weird patch. Our destination was where the water hit the road, where our mates were waiting in their car parked up to the water's edge with a delivery.
So we were about 100 meters offshore when we hit something solid. It jolted us in the boat as we went from fast paddle to stop.
We continued onwards assuming it was just a big branch or something, and we slowly navigated through that area inspecting the depths with our paddles.
Then something between us and the shore thrashed at the surface of the water. Whatever it was, it was big to make that sort of splashing. Our mates in the car turned on their spotties to get a better look as they noticed it too. This in effect blinded us.
The three of us in the canoe stayed dead quiet. The land was so close, yet so far away. The big splash was between here and there.
We very enthusiastically paddled the rest of the way over and had a good laugh with the boys once we got on shore. They said the looks on our faces was priceless, but agreed whatever had jumped had been big and we speculated on what sort of fish it could have been.
We spent an hour or so ‘in town' before we decided to head back. One of my brother's mates bailed saying he was gonna chill this side of the lake and head back over tomorrow. Dog.
So it was Richy and me to brave the floodwater alone after the big splash. The others made sure to bring it up as much as they could to try and freak us out, but they didn't have to. The sort of fear that comes to you on water when you feel uneasy or unsafe is an instinctual primal one. I was honestly terrified but I put on a brave face.
This time we didn't have the headlights pointed over the water so it was darker and the world was turned to shadows, even the house lights on the hilltops were mostly out.
It was so silent, I remember the oars sounded so loud as they splashed through the water and try as you might it's impossible not to get drenched. My discomfort was through the roof to put it mildly.
We passed the weird spot and I began to feel safer. That was the creepy part done, now the other 800 or so meters. Yippee.
We hit another solid thing and did our careful prod and poke method to slowly maneuver away.
My oar touched something and it jolted. I don't know if you've ever felt that feeling before, it's similar to stepping on a fish at the beach. It's happened to me before with big eels during the day but this time I was SHOOK, mostly due to the fact I was in this situation.
I brought my paddle out of the water and began swearing profusely letting Richy know that I touched something and it moved.
We stared around the glass like water around us for a few breaths, then out of nowhere breaking the silence something rammed the canoe… hard. We rocked back and forth and kept it steady somehow. All my wildest nightmares seemed to be playing out.
Richy pleaded frantically for me to paddle. I was honestly just stunned and frozen.
I was reluctant to put my arms anywhere near the water, but staying out here we were sitting ducks.
I joined in Richys paddling, the lights of the varanda were off in the distance, we were getting closer. Then bang, whatever it was collided with the canoe again and it lifted the back of the canoe where I was seated upwards, the hit was hard enough to propel us forward a few metres.
By this point we were shouting out towards the house as we paddled for dear life. One more hit like that and the canoe would capsize and if that happened… It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.
My bro and his mates ran down with torches and were shouting out to us. Communication was intangible at this point. My ears were rushing, I was puffed and felt like I couldn't breath yet all the same I tried to convey that there was ‘a thing.’
On that last leg, nothing else happened except loud scraping and scratching sounds under the canoe, at the time I thought it was ‘the thing’ but later summed that up to the tops of bushes in the shallows. All the same my body clamped up at the sounds and I let out more swear filled wails.
We stood watching the water for a few hours into the night... from a safe distance. After I went to bed, my brother, Richy and another mate said they saw something splash again.
The next morning I still went out on the water, but only in the tinnie. I hate canoes and personally think kayaks are only for the truly reckless.
I was sitting on the veranda the next afternoon when I swear I saw something big bob in the water from very far away, it was probably just a log, but I swear every stick and shadow I came across felt like it was ‘the thing' from that point. I honestly don't even know what it looked like.
Straight up strange. Don't know what it could have been, but I personally think it was a cave monster from one of the old mine shafts and the mysterious bubbling swirl. Richy thinks it was a croc. The ‘Dog’ thinks it was just some sort of fucked up fish, my brother thinks WE were just fucked up. Guess we'll never know.
One thing I do know is… be careful near floodwater. You never know what lies beneath.
submitted by casefilesofVJ to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:13 These_Number_1892 Should I divorce my wife? M36 wife F35

I am so unsure about my wife.

Dear Reddit. I come to you with my hat in my hand as I do not know what to do. I am split down the middle in terms of self respect, love, and fear.

I 36(M) have known my wife 35(F), since we were 18, and have been married since 2016

We have 2 kids M(8), F(9), a house, jobs, cars, dogs.

But things from the past have now come back to haunt me, and I am unsure about everything, about respect, love, pride, attractiveness, safe to say my mind is in the biggest turmoil it has ever been. I’m going to cut straight to the chase, with a little about me in order to get my point across as clear as I can.

We met young, and I found my soulmate with no prior experience with woman. She was my first everything, while I know that she has had a few sexual partners. This didn’t bother me at first, but years down the line I found out that while I was head over heels for this girl, she met with a random guy and had sex. (We were not a couple then, but became a few weeks later) She has not had many sexual partners; from what I’ve been told I am her 7th partner.

I must admit still to this day that, this episode doesn’t affect me much anymore, but with all that has/is happening right now its re-surfaces and stings like a needle.

Throughout our relationship she has done things that crosses my boundaries. Let me come with the examples here:

1) We were at a party with mutual friends, and one of our friends was hooking up with a guy, we went into their room and started teasing them as they were making out. Out of the blue, my wife, then girlfriend, grabbed his crotch and said “It’s not even hard” right in front of me, I obviously got furious, and we had a fight but made up over a few days.

2) During her school year, she had to travel to Germany with her class, and be with a German family as part of her education, sort of like an exchange student. While she was in Germany she went out with her entire class for drinks, and from what she says there was a few guys that was making moves on her, and since she got drunk and had no way to figure out how to get home safe to her exchange family, she decided to head home with one of her male classmates to his exchange family and went to sleep in his room. As she put it, he slept on the floor, and she slept in the bed. And he was a friend, not one of those making moves.

3) We were once again with mutual friends at a BBQ and was later heading out into the cityLife to hit up bars and discos. Me and my best friend were on the toilet, putting wax in our hair, putting on fresh cologne and all that jazz. She the suddenly burst in, saying she really needs to pee, proceeds to pull down her pants and thong, honestly from what I remember you could see everything. We had a big fight about this again.

4) This episode was last summer during two mutual friends that got married. She was the toastmaster, and after all was done, she needed to do a wardrobe change. We went to our hotel room; she got changed to another more comfortable dress. While walking back, we could see some of our mutual friends with their husbands, and she decided to lift up her entire dress up to the start of her bra and do a silly side-to-side dance. Everyone saw it no questions asked. I again got furious, and I told her calmly, that I will not tolerate this, and be disrespected like this, there is other men seeing what only I should be seeing. She apologized immediately, and I said, I don’t want to talk more about this now, as I don’t want to ruin the night. We didn’t talk about it afterwards.

5) This is a month ago. She was celebrating her 35 birthday and went out with all her girls. One of her girlfriends is addicted to social media, and she must post everything. I have a very strict rule when it comes to nights out, this goes both ways.
Example 1 to 3 was when we were from the ages of 19 - 25

1. Don’t dance with other men!
2. Don’t go away from the venue alone!
3. Don’t take a pirate taxi, or a normal taxi home, call me instead!
4. Don’t flirt (This is a grey area, you cannot define flirting so if she flirts a little it’s fine, but don’t overdo it kind of way)
At this party I saw a video from the social media addicted girlfriend of hers on her snapchat story of my wife dancing and having a blast, she looked so good, and so happy, and I smiled when I saw it, quickly my smile faded away as a guy approached holding out both his hands towards my wife, and she looked different then, I can’t put it as to why, it’s like her personality changed, she looked very keen on going with this guy, to the dance floor, the exit, the toilets I don’t know because I could not see much from the video. What happened next is one of her other girlfriends grabbed her hard and pulled her away from the guy and the video ended.

I was the designated driver that night, so when she would call me in the night, I would come pick up her, and girlfriends and drive them home safely. But I got a call from one of her girlfriends that they could not find my wife anywhere and that she has been gone for like 30 minutes, they asked if I could track her from “Find my iPhone” but I have not saved her location so I could not. I got scared that she broke rule nr. 2 and that something bad might have happened.

Also in my mind, I thought about the video I saw, and then all else mentioned above. All the instances where she crossed my boundaries came flooding in. I am not proud of it. My first thought was her safety, the second thought was, did she envelope with this guy, and is doing something a married woman should not. Her girlfriend that called me, called me back 10 minutes later, saying they found her, and that she was just escorting the social media addicted girlfriend to her car, as she was not drinking, she basically broke rule nr. 2. I got relieved she was ok. But the pit in my stomach was still there.

I later picked them all up, and on the whole drive my wife obviously drunk, kept talking about nothing than men/boys “And then there was this guy” “And this guy looked like name of a friend we know” “and this guy reminded me so much of our boy” on and on, I was upset at this point, not showing it, but in my head I wanted to scream. All these emotions, all these times my line was crossed, the sex she had with another guy while I was in love with her. I know this is some sort of PTSD.

We got home, I put her to bed. And a few days went by, where I was silent, hurt, and went to the gym as much as I could as I could not look at her without being sad, hurt, angry. After about a week when we were lying in bed, I told her not to say anything but just to listen. It went something like this (it was not smooth at all, but I needed to get it out)

“In all our time together, you have touched a man’s crotch in front of me, went with another man and slept in the same room, not that I think anything happened between you two. You have basically shown your lady part, and butt to one of my best friends with me being present, at the wedding you decided to flash nearly your entire body to your girlfriends and their husbands in front of me, and lately at your birthday party (I explained the video) and then you were gone for like 40 minutes with no one knowing where you were. I’m not saying you did anything, but can you see how all of this puts a boulder in my stomach?”

She cried and said we have talked about this before, and we have, many times. I let say her piece. But in my mind, it went something like this:

“Yes we have talked about it many times before, but you keep triggering everything by crossing my boundaries, and you know it, so don’t cry and play the victim, this is your fault, and just because we have talked about it 2-4 times doesn’t mean that my feelings just disappear, feelings takes times, and when you constantly say sorry but then do it again, how am I suppose to heal?” I know I should have said this out loud, but I just got so small in the moment, as I opened up about some deep feelings.

This brings me to now. Why I am reaching out for external inputs on how to proceed.

I feel emasculated as a man, I feel disrespected, I do not feel like the most important person for her, I’m angry, hurt, and all of this has led me down following options none of which I want to do, but I feel like I must in order to respect myself, and say enough is enough.
1) I have been thinking of divorce.
2) Swallow my pride and move on, maybe talk it over with a professional.
3) Continue as always.
4) Give her an ultimatum, that if she crosses any of these in the future, I am gone for good.
It’s all very hard, because I love her so much, I love my kids, I don’t want to destroy everything. But I can’t handle being disrespected and emasculated any longer, and have my boundaries crossed again.

I trust her fully when she says nothing has ever happened, she is not that kind of girl, but you can always be surprised down the road.
Am I controlling, is this all justified in your eyes, am I wrong?
Any help, tips, how to proceed, personal opinions is welcome.
TL;DR Wife keeps crossing boundaries in the relationship, should I leave or stay?
submitted by These_Number_1892 to relationships [link] [comments]
