Teaching adult esl and pronouns and beginners


2008.12.23 12:39 Teachers

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2008.03.21 22:29 Education

The goal of Education is to provide a community in which educational stakeholders can participate in meaningful, reflective, and thought-provoking discourse about educational policy, research, technology, and politics. Additional Keywords, teachers, students, education

2013.07.19 08:46 Whales_Vagina23 ESL Teachers

A subreddit for teachers of ESL working in their home countries/English speaking countries. Working in an English speaking country with non-native speakers is a whole different experience than working and teaching abroad. The goal here is for discussion of that experience along with lesson ideas and exchange. Also welcomed are the occasional rants and raves, material sharing, and discussions.

2024.05.15 06:47 Typical_Ad9474 What is a simpler way to teach kick patterns to students?

I’m planning to start teaching my students how to produce hip-hop. They are all beginners and are eager to learn how to make trap beats. It is easy to explain how the snare is usually on 3 and the hi-hats follow a two-step pattern, but I find it difficult to simplify the process of creating kick patterns. I personally figured this out through years of trial and error and listening to the drum patterns of my favorite tracks, but I want my explanation of this process to be more accessible and digestible to my students. What is a simpler way to explain the mindset behind finding the right kick pattern bounce?
submitted by Typical_Ad9474 to trapproduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:38 iWantFUmoney Forgive me for I have signed a new contract

I have been teaching since 2005, and was a tutor (I helped other students in Japanese studies) for an additional 2.5 years. Teaching is all that I know for the most part, and I have never really put thought into signing a new contract for the next 2 years. However, just before the annoying beer named virus took over, I had started to feel like the place I am in was no bueno. There was as noticeable change in the "quality" of the students. They started to show more open hostility, disrespect, and defiance towards the teachers.
In my school in particular I am a foreign language and ESL teacher on top of being a gen ed teacher, and as much as I don't like it I have classes over multiple grades at the same time. Post beer, the school really changed. It was like admin and education department used that down time to mess up everything, the class times changed, the schedules changed, the school rules changed, it got worse and worse.
Also during this time a lot of the parents too stock in how well their children were actually doing in school versus what the teachers were saying (this is a semi-private schools so there is a higher incentive to smudge how well the children are doing). This led to a lot of the good children being removed from the school for better places, or for cheaper places (why pay so much if the quality isn't there), or they just moved away to a different city.
So to fill those spots the school did massive open enrollment drives and stalked the school with children who ... honestly they need special education to help them. Don't take this the wrong way, we had a lot of children who have ADD ADHD or were autistic, I am neurodiverse myself so I never really had issues with those kids after we learned a pattern that worked for them. These days, we have more neurodivergent children who have behavioral issues, who have a hard time maintaining themselves in the classrooms, but they can be managed with the right efforts (most of them).
The real problem are the children who come from real money families that zero respect, zero manners, zero self control, and zero drive to learn. At the beginning of this year I signed a new one year contract because, I can no longer see myself working in this school. Daily I am met with the hours of effort I put in the design of my lessons being turned to waste, the daily barrage of students screaming at me because they can't for the life of them talk with a normal voice volume, the daily frustrations of having to repeat everything in two languages 10 times because in neither language do they pay attention, I am tired of not being able to reuse lessons that were massive hits with the children in previous years because the child now don't have the language abilities or the practical abilities to do the work and the amount of time it takes to reduce, simplify, and remake the lesson is wasted because it no longer has the original meaning behind why they were doing it.
I am so tired of weak management, unhelpful administration, out of touch parents, and openly hostile or dismissive coworkers. Why did I sign a new contract, because I wasn't prepared to leave yet, I wasn't prepared for the move, and I have no idea what to do other than teaching and this school has made me hate being a teacher. Forgive me for I have signed a new contract when I am mentally checked out now. I will continue to do my work to standard, but I am tired of burning myself out to make stellar lessons to have them shat on.
Thank you for letting me rant.
submitted by iWantFUmoney to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:22 AdApprehensive6895 A tv show made me realize that ive always imagined myself as a parent

My whole life ive always imagined myself being the parent that i needed as a kid. I can see me w a small kid, teaching them how to be a good person, helping them navigate this confusing existence, and protecting them from what mine didnt for me.
I wouldnt have my own, god no, ill never be pregnant. But im a teacher, a coach, and a former child caregiver. Ive always been around kids, even when i claimed id never have my own. I didnt even decided to be a coach, it was just a random thing i was only gonna help temporarily w and next thing u know im the head instructor and in college for teaching just 4 years later.
I think i want to adopt an older kid, maybe around 10, skip the baby years, ive never been a fan of babies anyways. Find a kid who needs someone, a kid who i can help become an adult.
The tv show mob psycho made me realize this. Seeing mob, a 13 yr old boy, go so much pain, so much trauma, it hurts me and i want to help him. I want to tell him itll be ok. Or maybe i just want someone to tell me its ok. Idk.
The thought of creating a beautiful person who'll go on to hopefully do great things is really wonderful. I wonder if ill ever get the chance.
submitted by AdApprehensive6895 to Fencesitter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:00 Ornery_Historian_759 I don't know what I am doing with my life anymore, my relationships are falling apart and I think I am on the verge of having a huge mental breakdown.

tl;tr what is my life (Leaving note at the top of my post cause post is too long lol) Note 1: Didn't expect for the post to be that long. I apologize for any grammatical errors or incoherences, don't have the energy to read proof everything, took me almost 4 hours to write.
Note 2: Before you guys suggest therapy. I do believe in mental health and always wanted to go see a therapist but you hear a lot of horror stories about therapists where I live. Like a friend of mine went to see one at one point and he literally told her "you are too dramatic and you are lying. There is no way you feel the way you say you do". Plus even if I manage to find a good one they are expensive as fuck.
Note 3: Moving out isn't a solution either at the moment cause can't afford it. Plus it is hard to find somewhere to rent as a fairly young bachelor in a conservative country plus if they do rent to young people the apartments are usually falling apart, they over charge and you would end up with like 7 other roommates in a 3 bedrooms apartment.
I don't really know where to start since it is 1 am where I live and I am exhausted. But yeah, basically I think that I might not be a good person? that I might be a bit of an asshole and also a loser? I am not sure.
The situation that I am facing right now is that I am 29, jobless, 5 years into my PhD that i wanted to quit for a while now, live with my mom and aunt (I live in a place when it is normal for someone to live with their parents or family in their 20s or 30s, people usually only move out if they either get married or their job isn't close to where their parents live). I am really unhappy with my life, with how I usually handle things and with how I turned out.
I graduated university at 23, got my first job as a phone repair technician few months after graduating, got pressured into doing a PhD but at the same time I was like "why not?". Wasn't a fan of my job anyway and I haven't heard from the couple of interviews I have been to. I was excited to start doing academic research actually, but as soon as I got accepted things started going downhill. Our lab director passed away before we got assigned out subjects and supervisors, then COVID lock down, my dad passed away from COVID, my supervisor retired and I got assigned a new one that is clueless, they wouldn't let me stay at the dorms during my third year cause "of the volume of new students they received that year" according to them, decided to teach a class during the first semester of last year so I would have to stay close to our lab that entire time. I didn't make much progress. Nowadays I feel burnt out and I stopped trying. When people ask me about my PhD I lie and tell them that I am almost done. I have been to quite a few job interview during the past few years but they never called back. Had some projects in mind that were good business ideas imo but whenever I started I would never go through with them cause of the stress PhD is causing me. Never been good under pressure.
As for my relationships, I will start with my parents. We have had my fair-chair of big and small arguments in my teen and adult years, but I have always had a good relationship with them and I loved them. Now, since my dad passed away my mom, sister and I became really close (or closer than we already were). Then my aunt moved in with us a little while after that (due to some personal stuff), everything was good and well at first but the thing is I live in a conservative country, in a very conservative city and my aunt is super old school and she got an influence over my mom who has become super controlling which caused some friction between us for the past few years but especially during the past year and it has gotten worse during the past couple of days (well I wouldn't put the issue entirely on her cause my mom has always nosy and controlling but she would stop if you talked to her). Now when I say controlling and nosy I mean she is trying to control everything even what I wear, and whenever I am talking to the phone she always comes into my room to know who I am talking to. Sometimes she acts like she is disciplining a 15 yo and not talking to a grown man. I have always given up a small part of my independence since my parents were sheltering me, I have had a couple of friends telling me I shouldn't when we were younger and I was always like "nah, it's fine". Well now that I am trying to get 100% of my independence and autonomy back and receiving a big push back I am starting to understand what they meant.
Now to my friends. Well, I should start by saying that during my teen years I did have friends but I had a lot of difficulties connecting with people or knowing how to react during social situations which also lead to me being bullied quite a lot up until I was around 19/20. During my uni years and early 20s things have gotten better all of a sudden, I was less shy, it was easier to talk to people and to know how to react to different situations, it was easier to make new friend and my relationships with the couple of friends I made during middle school and high school was great. Even my old bullies became respectful and would stop for a chat whenever they saw me. It got me thinking "maybe that's how it is like to turn into an adult" at some point. Now I have made quite a few friends from a couple of groups I hang out with, and I like to think that I am pretty close to most of them or at least was. The thing is that over the years some of them either criticize my quirks or tease me which I always thought was fine, I would either answer them back jokingly, take their criticism seriously and try to work on myself depending on what the quirk is or just ignore them. The problem is that over the year some of my friends have started to either take themselves or their teasing too far. Sometimes it just feels like they are walking over me. Like that one friend who always lectures me "about being a grown ass man" (and in a mean way might I add, he literally screams at me) just because I haven't seen him while outside, because I only drive inside our town (because I am not that good of a driver, I used to get extreme anxiety just being behind a wheel)(he lectured me 3 times during the same day last month and 2 of them was in front of mutual friends) or that one time he berated me about something that I thought so stupid that I made a joke and his literal answer was "shut the fuck up and listen to me when I am talking to you, I am older than you (by 2 months), I have more experience than you (cause he moved abroad) and I know better than you". Or when that group of friends that tried to catfish me at one point (they did a very bad job btw). Or that other friend that does fucked up shit or says hurtful things and his out of jail card is literally "it was just a prank bro". Like whenever I tell him the smoke from his cigarettes his bothering me he literally blows smoke on my face, or that time he threw a lit cigarette butt on me and it ruined my pants, or when we were complaining about or PhDs (he used to be a PhD student) and he told me "you stagnating so you wish for people to go backwards so it would feel like you are making progress" or that time were he told a mutual acquaintance that "I was a simp"(which I am lol) and that "I stuck to girls like glue". And sure enough whenever I stop talking to him his response would be "it was just a joke", or when I loaned him money cause he had money issues few years back he has promised me several times that he would pay me back after he gets paid for jobs he is doing but then when I ask him again he is like "Why didn't you ask me 2 days ago I used it to pay back few debts. You are the only debt I have left.". He has done the same thing over the past few years and given me the exact same answer each time. Until, I told him last year that it was okay if he didn't pay me back cause he had to loan a big amount to pay for his parents' rent .
Now I am not sure the way I respond to those situations is the healthiest. My go to strategy is to just go home and not talk to them for a while. The most recent example is from last weeks. I have a friend that always asks me to download softwares for him, to install them and set them up. Honestly I didn't mind it at first but he does it so often that it has become annoying and it feels like I can't refuse cause he always says "if I am bothering you that is okay", plus whenever he sits next to me while I work on his PC he goes on rants I don't want to hear about. Anyway, he is a PhD student and he asked me to help him with a paper he is working on cause it is overlapping with my field, I didn't mind. Then, he called me the other day and asked if I could meet him immediately, I accepted (to be fair to him he did ask me if I was going to take a lot of time to arrive, I answered with "no" then it did take me 25 minutes more than it should have) and when I called him to tell him I was almost there he answered with "are you kidding me? I don't have time", I just hang up before he could finish his sentence and went back home. Or two voice messages I impulsively sent yesterday cause I was really upset and needed to let my anger out one way or another. The first one was to the "it was just a prank, bro" dude, I lent him some more money few months ago that he promised he would pay back by the end of 2023 and still hasn't. The message went like this "give me back my money or I will kick you in the balls and break your nose" (it sounded cooler in my language lol. And I want to add that he would definitely win in a fight. ). It wasn't about the money I was just tired of him and would get upset every-time I would think about the way he is treating me. Then I followed up with another message calling him a parasite. The second one was to the dude who always berates me. Despite the way he treats he considers me as a best friend, so I have been thinking about sending him a message for the past 2 weeks explaining to him that I didn't like the way he treated me. But because I was angry the message went like this "Go fuck yourself, and fuck your so called advice. You are just trying to enforce some random criteria you have made up on me. Let me give you the same advice you give me, you are a 30 yo man so it would be about time you came back to reality and to close your asshole (which is a rude way of saying you have got a big head in my language). Also shut the fuck up.". Needless to say that he was confused and tried to call me and left me like 2 voice messages that I ignored (cause I wasn't feeling like hearing from anyone) and a screenshot from his note app saying that he was sorry that I felt that way and that he considered me like a good friend and that I was a good guy (I haven't read everything). He probably tried to contact me today, but I can't be sure cause I spent the entire day messing with my phone and installing different ROMS (OS). But yeah, I received an SMS from him few hours ago saying that he was going to press charge for "defamation and mental distress " (I think that is the correct translation), which I thought was ridiculous plus he is not the kind to press charges. But then, he has people in his life that he respects a lot and if they advised him to he would definitely do it. Plus he used the number he uses when he comes to our country to text me, on the other hand the country he is at is close enough that he could just text me from that number. I mean I think it would be ridiculous to press charges for that voice mail lol, but again some stupid law got voted few months ago that if you were caught cussing that could cause you up to 6 months of jail, and I definitely cussed. Oh and he also followed with "we obviously don't deal with conflicts the same way. There is the dirty way then there is the smart way" (Again not sure about the translation so I am using the literal one). When I saw it I was like "there is no way I am not ignoring you now"
If you managed to read the whole thing I thank you, I feel a lot better, I mean it still feels like the earth is about to swallow me whole but I still weirdly feel calm about it lol.
submitted by Ornery_Historian_759 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:25 Ryudok Meetup with parents of young children

Hi, I have a 2 year old kid and was thinking if any other parents with kids of similar age would be interested on meeting up some day so the kids can play and also practice whatever language they need. I am teaching mine to speak both English and Japanese and can accommodate both.
We can just meet at a park and have the kids play, I can bring a tent and mats to lay on the ground and be protected from the sun if needed… anything goes!
We live in Minami-kun but don’t mind going anywhere within reach for a daily trip.
I already did this recently with a couple and it was quite productive and fun, plus it allows the adults to talk about anything that may not be easy to talk in a Japanese setting daily. Feel free to comment or send a DM if interested!
submitted by Ryudok to Kyoto [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 Foreign_Friend8971 (UPDATE) AITAH For telling my wife she's free to find a hotel room if she doesn't want my daughter here?

I've been thinking a lot and in fact I'm the AH because of the way I treated my wife, Even if most of the comments agreed with me, I don't think it was right to say that to the woman I love even though I was angry.
I apologized to her for what I said and the way I said it but I told her that I don't like it when she ignores me and gives me the cold shoulder when I try to talk about our issues and the fact that she denied the familiarity between our son and daughter was just cruel, she apologized for it and said she was angry and said things she regret.
I made it clear to her that Anna is coming even if she doesn't like it because no one can forbid any of my children to live with me, she tried to argue but I asked her how she would feel if we divorced and my new girlfriend refuses to let our son live with me just because she didn't sign up for it. I asked her if she would appreciate a man who abandons his children for a woman more than a man who cares about his children, if she would feel confident knowing that she is married to a man who abandons his children that easily.
My wife said no, that obviously she knows how much I care about our children and hates the kind of mans who abandons their kids, that she knew she wanted to have a child with me because she saw how even though my daughter was so far away I made video calls to her every day and we always help each other with things around the house. Then I asked her why she rejects the idea of my daughter being here and she admitted being jealous of Anna, it is something that I have noticed in the past. For example, for one of my daughter's birthday I sent money to her mother to buy her a dress that was quite expensive and my wife just said 'I guess you will buy our son something just as expensive' it was my mistake to let those comments pass and think they were just a weird joke.
She said that she doesn't want my daughter to come and took time away from our son, that bothered me and I told her that if we had two children my time would also be divided and that as a father I can give the same attention to both, Changing our routine doesn't have to be a negative thing and she knows that Ana is not a problem teenager.
We talked a lot, My wife admitted that her jealousy is wrong but it's how she feels and she feels awful for that after realizing what she was doing, I told her that feeling isn't right, being jealous of my daughter isn't right and I told her that it would be okay to start going to the psychologist if we want to fix this because I'm not going to leave my daughter live in a place where she doesn't feel loved, my wife accepted after talking about it a lot these days and she wants to work on herself about that because doesn't like feeling like that about a little girl.
My wife and daughter always had a nice treatment, when I make video calls with Anna, my wife usually talks a little but not that much, I think my mistake was not offering my wife to make video calls alone with Anna like Anna does with my toddler sometimes. My daughter really likes my wife and calls her 'auntie' even if they don't know each other too well, so I don't want her to know how my wife really feels about her.
I offered my wife to teach her how to play the same video game I play with my daughter so they can play together and get to know each other more, I know Ana would love that! They both have a lot of same intereses, she accepted and said she loves me and wants to try it for me and for our toddler.
If I leave my wife I would be breaking my son's house, he's my baby too and the last thing I want is letting adult matters affect him, I don't want to do that and I love this woman, I want this to work and I'm going to do my part for it but the first moment she treats my daughter badly, I will end things with her and I clarified that to her and she was right with that and promised me to work on this.
I still haven't confirmed anything to Ana's mother about the date on which our daughter can come since I need to fix the room for her first and I want my wife and little girl to get to know each other better, talking about it with my psychologist, he told me that the best thing is always to get them closer little by little before Ana comes to live here. This last four days my wife and Ana have been talking longer and I told Ana that we could teach my wife how to play with us, Ana feels really comfortable talking with my wife and they started talking about random things.
I suppose a lot of people are going to call me an idiot for not divorcing my wife because that was what most of the comments told me, but it's not all that simple as "Yeah, we argued so let's get divorced and have 50/50 of custody" And I personally think it's been better for us to have spoken up like mature people instead of just getting divorced. Seeing that my wife has opened up to me and is trying to work things out, I prefer to give this a second chance and hope that she can see my daughter as her friend and even as her family if she allows it to herself.
I'm not going to force them to be bestfriends, I want them both to flow on their own. I'm also not going to use my daughter as a free babysitter as many in the comments suggested as a supposed solution.
Edit: In the previous post several people said that my wife also made a post here but it's false, she doesn't use this site
submitted by Foreign_Friend8971 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:08 AdPuzzleheaded5169 Advice for a newbie recruiter

Teach me the basics of recruiting
I've bought a course online called Nomad Recruiting, made by Aijalon Wallace, maybe you've hear of him from youtube.
I have zero recruiting experience, but I want to get into it. I am open to getting a recruiting job for the sake of learning, but long term I want to have my own business.
Please tell me everything a beginner needs to know.
I'm interested in what are the best niches a brand new recruiter should focus on, what locations, how many sales should I be able to make a month.
Please tell me whatever you think is useful.
Personally I'm trying to have a recruiting business so I can work from the Philippines and hopefully save a bunch of money as the cost of living is very cheap there.
To me recruiting seems like there are people very successful and people that don't quite make it. I really don't need to make a huge amount of money to make this happen, I just want to know what advice experienced recruiters can offer me.
Please share
submitted by AdPuzzleheaded5169 to linkedin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:07 AdPuzzleheaded5169 Advice for a newbie recruiter

Teach me the basics of recruiting
I've bought a course online called Nomad Recruiting, made by Aijalon Wallace, maybe you've hear of him from youtube.
I have zero recruiting experience, but I want to get into it. I am open to getting a recruiting job for the sake of learning, but long term I want to have my own business.
Please tell me everything a beginner needs to know.
I'm interested in what are the best niches a brand new recruiter should focus on, what locations, how many sales should I be able to make a month.
Please tell me whatever you think is useful.
Personally I'm trying to have a recruiting business so I can work from the Philippines and hopefully save a bunch of money as the cost of living is very cheap there.
To me recruiting seems like there are people very successful and people that don't quite make it. I really don't need to make a huge amount of money to make this happen, I just want to know what advice experienced recruiters can offer me.
Please share
submitted by AdPuzzleheaded5169 to RecruitmentAgencies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:06 Nicara1111 Enrolling my teen in the local high school…

My family and I are moving to Japan this month. We are from the states and I wanted to enroll my teen into the local high school next school year. My son has a tutor set up in Japan that has been teaching him Japanese. Although he’s still a beginner learning the language, I thought I’d get some insight/advice on others who have gone through the process. We will be living on the island of Kyushu.
submitted by Nicara1111 to movingtojapan [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 AdPuzzleheaded5169 Advice for recruiting

Teach me the basics of recruiting
I've bought a course online called Nomad Recruiting, made by Aijalon Wallace, maybe you've hear of him from youtube.
I have zero recruiting experience, but I want to get into it. I am open to getting a recruiting job for the sake of learning, but long term I want to have my own business.
Please tell me everything a beginner needs to know.
I'm interested in what are the best niches a brand new recruiter should focus on, what locations, how many sales should I be able to make a month.
Please tell me whatever you think is useful.
Personally I'm trying to have a recruiting business so I can work from the Philippines and hopefully save a bunch of money as the cost of living is very cheap there.
To me recruiting seems like there are people very successful and people that don't quite make it. I really don't need to make a huge amount of money to make this happen, I just want to know what advice experienced recruiters can offer me.
Please share
submitted by AdPuzzleheaded5169 to IT_Recruiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 AdPuzzleheaded5169 Advice for a newbie

Teach me the basics of recruiting
I've bought a course online called Nomad Recruiting, made by Aijalon Wallace, maybe you've hear of him from youtube.
I have zero recruiting experience, but I want to get into it. I am open to getting a recruiting job for the sake of learning, but long term I want to have my own business.
Please tell me everything a beginner needs to know.
I'm interested in what are the best niches a brand new recruiter should focus on, what locations, how many sales should I be able to make a month.
Please tell me whatever you think is useful.
Personally I'm trying to have a recruiting business so I can work from the Philippines and hopefully save a bunch of money as the cost of living is very cheap there.
To me recruiting seems like there are people very successful and people that don't quite make it. I really don't need to make a huge amount of money to make this happen, I just want to know what advice experienced recruiters can offer me.
Please share
submitted by AdPuzzleheaded5169 to startup_recruiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:58 Due_Football8776 Any lacrosse pick up games in va or Maryland

New to lacrosse and trying learn as an adult but could use pick up games or even more beginner friendly Any advice or directions be great thank you
submitted by Due_Football8776 to lacrosse [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 AdPuzzleheaded5169 Advice for a newbie

Teach me the basics of recruiting
I've bought a course online called Nomad Recruiting, made by Aijalon Wallace, maybe you've hear of him from youtube.
I have zero recruiting experience, but I want to get into it. I am open to getting a recruiting job for the sake of learning, but long term I want to have my own business.
Please tell me everything a beginner needs to know.
I'm interested in what are the best niches a brand new recruiter should focus on, what locations, how many sales should I be able to make a month.
Please tell me whatever you think is useful.
Personally I'm trying to have a recruiting business so I can work from the Philippines and hopefully save a bunch of money as the cost of living is very cheap there.
To me recruiting seems like there are people very successful and people that don't quite make it. I really don't need to make a huge amount of money to make this happen, I just want to know what advice experienced recruiters can offer me.
Please share
submitted by AdPuzzleheaded5169 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:18 Myparentsarestrict LGBTQ+ after cult life.

I’m 23 and born a woman (this is important) and when I was young and still in my faith I learned that I am a lesbian. I did everything a good Mormon would and told my dad and my bishop but ultimately this discovery led me away from the church and I’m happy for that. I moved out at 18 and spent the last few years just fighting to survive as a new adult and I believe I finally found my footing I have a gf who is loving and supportive, a home with my pets and belongings, and friends who love me and you’d think after all the work I’ve done to get here I’d be happy but I’m not. My body has recently began to change and become more “womanly” and I’ve never felt so alienated. I don’t know if I just hate myself or if I hate my body and the ideas that were forced into my mind from a young age still seem to have a grip on me that I can’t shake. I’m afraid of the idea that I might not be a woman but I don’t understand things outside my own mind enough to embrace the idea that I might be more comfortable as a man. The Mormon faith teaches that your body is a gift and for years I was the “ideal Mormon girl” long blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny build, and smaller chest. I got compliments regularly and attention I didn’t really want but silently liked because I felt wanted. Now I am older and I can control how I look so I cut all my hair off and made a goal to gain weight, I was tired of being that girl they use to describe me as. Now that I’ve grown into my body I have big hips and a big chest and a round face and for the first time ever I hate how I look. I don’t mean to sound conceited when I saw that but it’s true I never really worried about my looks before. It’s absolutely disheartening for me to be here now, I made all the changes to myself, changes I thought would make me feel more like myself, and dare I say attractive and happy just to learn that I hate how my appearance has changed and feel like I made a mistake. I don’t want to look like a feminine I never really have I’ve always been a tomboy and yet I find myself stuck in this in between state of wanting to be pretty but masculine. Strong but beautiful. That feels like an impossible dream. Something I’ve fabricated in my mind but can never achieve. I wish I was taught how to love me instead of how to love the womanly body I was so graciously given from god.
submitted by Myparentsarestrict to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:14 SirMaurice1023 Best classical guitar method book for an upper intermediate guitarist (electric mainly but also steel string acoustic)

Hello! I am wondering what is the best guitar method book for classical guitar. I can read sheet music to an extent from taking some band in school and playing piano. Tabs are also second nature, but would prefer sheet music. My main concerns are more on the technique and reading side. I tried teaching myself classical guitar a few years ago as I was wanting to go to school for music but I gave it up because I didn't have the structure I needed. I have looked around in my (very small) town and couldn't find a classical guitar teacher that teaches adults.
submitted by SirMaurice1023 to classicalguitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:48 abbie-evie Kids Misplacing Things

I feel like it’s that time of year where stuff is getting sent in constantly (extra clothes, sun hats, sunscreen, etc.) I teach an integrated Pre-K classroom and we’ve worked a lot on being responsible for your own belongings but these parents get so upset when one thing doesn’t get sent home one time during the week. We try so hard to make sure things are accounted for, put away and sent home but we still can’t be responsible for every single item each child brings into school! Am I being unreasonable to expect my students are able to put their sweatshirt in their cubby and carry it to pick up? Especially now as we are preparing for Kindergarten and making sure everybody packs their own bag at the end of the day. Of course the adults in the room do their best to make sure if things were missed, they’re packed but we are overall encouraging them to be responsible!
I’ve had one parent already this week be absolutely rude to us and then give us the cold shoulder because her daughter didn’t come home with her sweatshirt. She was ranting about how “this always happens to her daughter” (her water bottle was misplaced in September during the afterschool program). One of my other students found it in the play kitchen this afternoon stuffed among the baby clothes. This was after we looked in other classrooms, the gym, the playground and even asked some parents if it went home with them. I’ve had other parents accuse us of losing their kids things and then message us on Seesaw saying “oops it was in the back of grandma’s car”. I’m not a parent so maybe I’m being too harsh and I understand that it is frustrating for your child’s stuff to be missing or not sent home, but I feel like there is also an opportunity to teach your child about being responsible for their own things, we do that all day in the classroom. Or, maybe don’t send your child to Pre-K with a yeti water bottle or brand name sweatshirt if you’re so concerned about them misplacing it or leaving it at school! It just can be really frustrating to have parents blaming us for these things constantly when there is already so much stuff happening and we have to drop everything and go on a massive search for a water bottle or sweatshirt. Does this happen to anybody else? How do you handle the attitude from parents??
submitted by abbie-evie to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:45 RichGirl1000 Men who can’t perform basic chores consistently are not yet men

Just seeing so many posts about men who fail to manage household tasks on their own.
Men who can’t do basic chores consistently are mentally CHILDREN. People teach toddlers how to wash up, vacuum, do the washing. There are 6 year olds at montessori who know how to put things away, clean up - and they consistently do it.
Adult men who can’t manage a household haven’t mentally graduated from being dependent teenagers to self sufficient adult men. They have missed a pivotal growth milestone mentally and it’s quite embarrassing to see 35+ year old dudes who can’t prepare meals, clean, or tidy up when there are kids in daycare outperforming them.
You and no other woman will turn him into an adult - his own parents couldn’t. If this is your partner, leave.
submitted by RichGirl1000 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:37 qqwertyy ACTIVITY IDEAS: Gamifying conversation

I teach face-to-face classes that are meant to be 100% conversation based. Maximum 4 students at one time. Teens and adults. Just speaking obviously gets boring for some, so I look for ways to spice things up. Examples: Jenga where every piece has a number written on the side. Take a piece, you have to ask or answer a question with the corresponding number from a list. Rolling 2 dice to determine which question, item etc in a 6x6 grid. Playing cards: everyone draws a random card, highest number asks a question (or does some action), and the suite determines which of 4 categories that question comes from. Board games: ISLcollective has tonnes of these. Everyone gets a counte piece and tries to progress around the board by rolling dice, but each square has a question, word, grammar item etc. Obviously all of these could be adapted to not just questions but individual items of vocabulary, grammar, challenges etc. Just looking for similar ideas, a simple format that you can use to gamify pretty much any topic. Thanks, peace and love.
submitted by qqwertyy to TEFL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:24 lilhiroshima [18+] [Online] [Flexible] [Biweekly] [EST] Three friends looking for a GM and an extra player or two to run and play a superhero themed campaign!

Heyo! My group of Five friends is looking to be a part of superhero themed campaign. We are perfectly okay to run with beginner or experienced GMs (same with players). We aren't picky the only requirement we have is for the GM and players to be adults. We aren't quite sure what system would be best for a type of game like this so we want to leave it up to GM preference (we also have no problem learning a new system). Since we are a pretty small group we thought it'd be good to see if we can get another player or two to fill out our group and bring it to a more average size.
For availability, we're all within the EST time zone! We are available on Tuesday nights and looking to play that day. Be sure to respond to this thread, DM me, or message me on Discord if you're interested or have questions! Thanks for reading this post.
Finally, here's my discord: lilksubi
Have a great day/night!
submitted by lilhiroshima to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:13 Overall_Tone4761 I have no clue what my gender is and it’s driving me insane

I’m afab and have always presented feminine, till puberty started hitting and my chest developed and I got my period (around 12, I’m almost 18 now) I started becoming very uncomfortable with my body getting curvier. I thought I was trans but when I tried to come out my mom told me I was over reacting and was just uncomfortable with my body but I would out grow it. I thought I would and repressed the feelings for a long time. But then they came back, I tried to talk to my mom about it again and the same thing happened, so I repressed again. The feelings have been coming back now, but I have no clue what to do with it, I hate my curves and am so jealous of men and their flat chests and non curvy hips and sharp features. But I also love traditionally ionaly feminine things (dresses, makeup, growing my hair long, etc). As for pronouns the three main ones (she/her, he/him, they/them) don’t really feel right. I want to explore my gender especially since I’m almost a legal adult but have no clue where to start. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Overall_Tone4761 to QuestioningTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:55 mahalololo Please be kind. I'm learning how to express my needs in friendships and friend hasn't responded to my email. It's my first attempt at something like this. I'd like some perspective but with grace please.

Long text warning: I tried to have a phone call about it.but she started crying and deflecting the situation. I have to say I haven't felt super valued in this friendship for years. I feel like I'm the side friend, but not the main friend for her. I am learning how to communicate my feelings and understand my needs in friendships and life in general. I come from an unhealthy family where we never talked about how we felt. I was hoping by addressing this I could understand my friend better but also share how I felt. Here is the email:
I'm writing this email to follow up on our conversation. I think email may be better because it gives me more time to gather my thoughts and express them. I also hope it's easier to read and take time to respond as you see fit. I want to take my time to put my thoughts together because I do value our friendship and I don't want to say something hurtful, however I do need to express my side of things so I think it still may come across as hurtful even though I don't intend it to.
I thought after our conversation about the unfolding of last year helped me understand your end better, but I don't think I was able to fully express why I felt as I did and I don't feel like you understood where I was coming from so I still feel uneasy about the whole thing.
My intention was not to hurt you by expressing how I feel and I could see during our conversation you did feel hurt and I feel terrible about that. I'm sorry for that because I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I do feel I need to express how I feel because I feel hurt as well. It has made me feel less valued in our friendship and my trust in our friendship has also come into question.
I was thinking about why I feel this way and I think it comes down to my expectations of our friendship. I thought we were closer, but I felt after these experiences that we aren't as close as I thought. There are also a few instances where I felt a bit disrespected or undervalued. Since coming back to the U.S. I've had different jobs and when I got my teaching and program job I thought you would be happy for me and you did say you were, but I was really shocked when you said I was secretive about my job. This shocked me because I actually recall you saying you want to hear how things go with my job and I sent you a video and didn't get a response.
I remember messaging you for us to chat about it since you didn't respond and even still I don't recall you asking many questions about my job. It wasn't until I mentioned I would travel to DC for work that you asked any questions about it. This stood out to me because I was sharing some challenges I was experiencing with the job and I found it confusing that that was the only thing that grabbed your attention. It's a bit weird in that I didn't feel you really were happy for me for my new opportunities but then also when I was facing some challenges I didn't feel like you really cared to hear those.
I have to say what I have appreciated about our friendship is that all this time we do always talk about all kinds of things. I also appreciate how you have been there for me and that we make time to have phone calls even though we are so far apart and life has taken us in different directions. It's been hard to actually be there for each other in ways we might have if we lived in the same place. So, I do value that and I also want to say I understand you have a lot of different things on your end.
I know you have your own job, you're a mom, wife, photographer, and have other friendships and relationships to tend to so I really do appreciate and value that we've been in touch and do our best to be there for each other as we can. So, I don't want to share this as criticisms it's just from my point of view how things came across and why I didn't feel very valued in these situations. I know I've probably come short in many ways over the years as well. I also know we usually talk about pretty deep things and I know we've talked about you feeling like you need to have an answer or solution for certain things and I've felt this way sometimes as well because we do want to help our friends solve things, but often I just want to be able to express what I'm going through to get it out and then figure out a solution.
I think it's great to hear your perspective and point of view on things because it does help to look at things from another angle but I hope you know my expectations of our friendship is not for you to solve any of my problems and not to burden you with anything I'm experiencing but to just talk and share as things happen. I value our friendship because we've been there for each other for so long and have grown through our adult years together so I really do value that. I love that we can talk about so many different things and are still connected even though we're so far apart.
I can also understand sometimes it can feel like too much when someone shares difficulties and challenges. My life hasn't been easy and it's been a real struggle navigating life without my family and it's still something I deal with so I think the reason I feel really hurt by this situation is because you are one of the closest people in my life. When you said I was secretive about my job after I was sharing that I wasn't feeling heard felt very hurtful to me because I felt like I had been trying to talk to you about it so it went against how I experienced the situation.
I also recall when I shared my job opportunities you sharing that I would make a good coach which confused me because even though these new jobs had some drawbacks for me they were still great opportunities so I wasn't sure why you'd suggest being a coach when I never expressed interest in that. There are also a few comments that stood out to me where I felt disrespected or that they were slights and this when you referred to my office as "small" and looking at the hotel I was staying at with work and commenting how it "only three stars." I hadn't even looked at the star rating of the hotel until you pointed it out and I don't even get why that would matter or why that needed to be pointed out.
I'm not sure what your intentions were with those comments but they did feel like little jabs. What really put in question the trust in our friendship is when I shared I was going to go on a trip to DC with my work. I don't recall you asking much about my trip but you did go into detail how your boss asked you to go on a trip and you were so persistent that you didn't want to go. When you said it would be in DC I suggested it'd be great for us to meet up and then soon after you said you were going so I was happy because I thought it would be for us to meet up but then you talked about how your boss looks out for you and how he's so great. I was left wondering like this is a bit strange you were just sharing how you didn't want to go and all this stuff and I thought the reason you changed your mind was so we could meet up.
There was not much talk about us getting to spend time together which made me feel undervalued and like I was caring more about our potential meetup. I know you shared it was the cost afterwards and that initially your trip wasn't going to be covered by work, but what made me feel we are not as close as I thought is that you didn't share that during that initial conversation. You just shared how you didn't want to go so it did make me question if you felt close to me to share the real reason you didn't want to go and that you would just flip your decision like that was surprising.
I guess after all these years I thought we were close where we could be that honest with each other and I wasn't sure why you didn't share the cost thing with me and why after deciding to go on the trip you made it all about your boss wanting you to go instead of you sharing that you actually wanted to go on it. I understand afterwards you were trying to find ways for us to meet up, but it did feel like a bit of an after thought. It seemed like you were valuing more your boss, your other colleagues, and the photography you would do and of course I understand the value of those and their importance so I'm not saying I should matter more than that, but it just felt odd to me how you had no interest in the trip and then all of the sudden you did after I mentioned it, but then there was no much mention of us but rather about your work and these other things. This made me feel undervalued and given that you changed your mind so drastically about it.
I wasn't sure what to make of this to be honest and it felt a bit like you were only going because I shared I was going but then you didn't really acknowledge that. This is hard to write because I don't want it to come off the wrong way, but I also do feel I need to share how and why I feel this situation has created distance in our friendship from my end.
I know I'm not perfect either and I've made mistakes in our friendship too and haven't always been there in the ways you needed. I don't want this to come off as me just saying all that's wrong because I value how we have been able to stay friends for so long and talk about all kinds of things and respect each other, but this has raised doubts for me that I'd like to address. I also understand with time and distance things to do change and our needs for friendships evolve as well. I do worry that sharing this will impact our friendship and dynamic.
I'm not sure what will happen, but I also do want to be honest and it's hard for me to pretend things are all good if I don't think they are. My intention is to express myself honestly and to understand where you are coming from. I don't want to make assumptions or think I know what you were thinking or going through. I know you have your own priorities in life so I can understand we may not come off in the way we intend.
We've also grown and changed over the years so it may be that our friendship is changing too. This has been hard for me to share and I've thought about whether I should or not, but the reason I decided to share it is because not addressing it would just keep me distant from our friendship. I worry sharing it would cause the same from your end. I wanted to be careful with how I expressed myself, but I can only express things from my point of view which I realize may come across as self-indulgent so I'd just really like to understand your end better and why things came about as they did. I do hope it allows us to understand each other in a deeper way. Ultimately, I just want both of us to feel like we can openly and honestly express ourselves and to feel heard and respected.
After reading it again I realize I could have been more concise and to the point.
submitted by mahalololo to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:55 tarantinos Any job board recommendations?

I’m specifically looking for boards that show jobs I can get outside the US or contract/freelancing positions.
I currently work in data analysis and sustainability. I have previous technical and content writing experience. I also used to teach ESL part time irl. I know R, SQL, GIS and started learning Power BI. I’ve been having a hard time finding remote work that doesn’t require me to have a US Visa. Thanks for any advice in advance!
submitted by tarantinos to remotework [link] [comments]
