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2024.05.15 16:28 Resident-Reward-8645 Looking to buy a high end laptop for game developing

Hello, I've been looking for different laptops for 2 weeks, I've been mostly looking for 16' laptops like the legion pro 7 i9 but now i want a 18' laptop I want a laptop so i can be flexible if i want to go somewhere I will use it for character creation, coding and everything else that is required for game developing, of course also for playing some games I want a laptop that can be upgraded to 64gb RAM and even more in the future and I've been thinking to get a 4090 graphic card so i don't have to change it later if i choose a 4080 now I would not want to spend 4000€+ for it I would appreciate some opinions, thanks : )
submitted by Resident-Reward-8645 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:26 Old_Amoeba5736 fc ingolstadt 04 gegen borussia dortmund ii statistiken

fc ingolstadt 04 gegen borussia dortmund ii statistiken
FC Ingolstadt 04 Spielstatistiken
Titel: Eine Analyse der Spielstatistiken des FC Ingolstadt 04
Der FC Ingolstadt 04 ist ein deutscher Fußballverein, der in der 2. Bundesliga spielt. Eine gründliche Analyse seiner Spielstatistiken bietet einen Einblick in die Leistung und Taktik des Teams.
In der Saison [Jahr] verzeichnete der FC Ingolstadt 04 eine durchschnittliche Ballbesitzquote von [Prozentsatz]. Diese Statistik zeigt, dass das Team eine ausgewogene Spielweise verfolgt, die auf Ballkontrolle und Ballbesitz basiert. Durch eine solide Ballkontrolle kann das Team das Spieltempo bestimmen und Chancen für Tore schaffen.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt der Spielstatistiken ist die Anzahl der Torschüsse. In der vergangenen Saison verzeichnete der FC Ingolstadt 04 durchschnittlich [Anzahl] Torschüsse pro Spiel. Diese Statistik deutet darauf hin, dass das Team aktiv nach Tormöglichkeiten sucht und sich bemüht, den gegnerischen Torhüter unter Druck zu setzen.
Des Weiteren ist die Passgenauigkeit ein entscheidender Faktor. Der FC Ingolstadt 04 erreichte eine Passgenauigkeitsrate von [Prozentsatz]. Diese hohe Passgenauigkeit zeigt, dass das Team in der Lage ist, präzise Pässe zu spielen und das Spiel effektiv aufzubauen.
In Bezug auf die Verteidigung verzeichnete der FC Ingolstadt 04 eine durchschnittliche Anzahl von [Anzahl] abgewehrten Schüssen pro Spiel. Diese Statistik unterstreicht die Fähigkeit des Teams, gegnerische Angriffe zu vereiteln und die Gefahr vor dem eigenen Tor zu minimieren.
Zusammenfassend zeigen die Spielstatistiken des FC Ingolstadt 04 eine ausgewogene Leistung in Angriff und Verteidigung. Das Team verfolgt eine Spielweise, die auf Ballbesitz, aktives Angriffsspiel und solide Verteidigung basiert. Diese Analyse bietet Einblicke für Fans und Experten, um die Leistung des FC Ingolstadt 04 besser zu verstehen und zu bewerten.
Borussia Dortmund II Spielergebnisse
Borussia Dortmund II ist die Reservemannschaft des renommierten deutschen Fußballvereins Borussia Dortmund. Die Mannschaft spielt in der Regionalliga West, der vierten Ebene des deutschen Fußballligasystems. Die Spiele der Borussia Dortmund II sind oft von großem Interesse für die Fans, da sie die Gelegenheit haben, die aufstrebenden Talente des Vereins in Aktion zu sehen.
In den letzten Spielen der Borussia Dortmund II gab es eine Mischung aus Ergebnissen. Die Mannschaft hat eine solide Leistung gezeigt, aber auch einige Herausforderungen gemeistert. Zum Beispiel verzeichnete die Mannschaft einige überzeugende Siege gegen starke Gegner. Diese Siege zeigten das Potenzial und die Qualität der Spieler von Borussia Dortmund II.
Jedoch gab es auch einige Spiele, in denen die Mannschaft mit Niederlagen konfrontiert war. Fußball ist ein Sport voller Höhen und Tiefen, und die Spieler der Borussia Dortmund II haben in diesen Momenten wertvolle Lektionen gelernt, die ihnen in ihrer Entwicklung helfen werden.
Trotz einiger Herausforderungen bleibt die Zukunft vielversprechend für die Borussia Dortmund II. Die Spieler arbeiten hart daran, ihr Spiel zu verbessern und sich kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln. Die Unterstützung der Fans ist ebenfalls entscheidend für den Erfolg der Mannschaft, und die treuen Anhänger von Borussia Dortmund II stehen fest hinter ihrem Team.
Insgesamt zeigen die Spielergebnisse der Borussia Dortmund II, dass die Mannschaft auf dem richtigen Weg ist. Mit harter Arbeit, Engagement und der Unterstützung ihrer Fans wird die Borussia Dortmund II weiterhin Erfolge feiern und sich in der Regionalliga West behaupten.
Vergleich FC Ingolstadt 04 vs
FC Ingolstadt 04 und FC Bayern München: Ein Vergleich der bayerischen Fußballvereine
Der Fußball in Bayern wird von zwei herausragenden Vereinen dominiert: dem FC Ingolstadt 04 und dem FC Bayern München. Beide Teams haben eine lange und stolze Geschichte, die von Erfolgen und Triumphen geprägt ist. Doch wie unterscheiden sich diese beiden Vereine?
Der FC Ingolstadt 04, gegründet im Jahr 2004, ist vergleichsweise ein junger Verein im deutschen Fußball. Trotzdem hat er sich schnell einen Namen gemacht und ist in die Bundesliga aufgestiegen. Der Verein hat eine treue Anhängerschaft und ist bekannt für sein kämpferisches Spiel.
Im Gegensatz dazu steht der FC Bayern München, einer der erfolgreichsten Fußballvereine der Welt. Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1900 hat der Verein zahlreiche nationale und internationale Titel gewonnen. Der FC Bayern München ist bekannt für sein dominantes Spiel und seine herausragenden Spieler.
Ein weiterer Unterschied zwischen den beiden Vereinen liegt in ihrer finanziellen Situation. Während der FC Bayern München zu den finanzstärksten Vereinen der Welt gehört und regelmäßig große Transfers tätigt, muss der FC Ingolstadt 04 mit einem kleineren Budget auskommen.
Trotz dieser Unterschiede haben beide Vereine eine starke Bindung zur bayerischen Fußballkultur. Sie repräsentieren die Leidenschaft und den Ehrgeiz, die den Fußball in Bayern auszeichnen.
Insgesamt zeigen der FC Ingolstadt 04 und der FC Bayern München, dass es verschiedene Wege gibt, um im Fußball erfolgreich zu sein. Während der eine auf Tradition und Kontinuität setzt, setzt der andere auf finanzielle Stärke und internationale Spitzenleistungen.
Tore und Karten FC Ingolstadt 04 gegen Borussia Dortmund II
Am vergangenen Samstag, den 3. Mai, fand das spannende Fußballspiel zwischen dem FC Ingolstadt 04 und Borussia Dortmund II statt. Die Fans waren gespannt auf das Aufeinandertreffen der beiden Teams. Das Spiel endete mit einem Sieg für den FC Ingolstadt 04 mit einem beeindruckenden Ergebnis von 3:1.
In der ersten Halbzeit zeigten beide Mannschaften eine starke Leistung, aber es war der FC Ingolstadt 04, der den Anfangstreffer erzielte. Mit einem präzisen Schuss gelang es ihnen, in Führung zu gehen und die Fans in Jubelstimmung zu versetzen. Doch Borussia Dortmund II kämpfte hart und glich bald darauf aus. Es war ein intensives Hin und Her auf dem Platz, während beide Teams um die Kontrolle kämpften.
In der zweiten Halbzeit gelang es dem FC Ingolstadt 04, die Führung wieder zu übernehmen. Mit zwei weiteren Toren zeigten sie ihre Entschlossenheit und sicherten sich einen komfortablen Vorsprung. Borussia Dortmund II kämpfte tapfer, konnte aber nicht mehr aufholen. Das Spiel endete schließlich mit einem verdienten Sieg für den FC Ingolstadt 04.
Neben den Toren gab es auch einige Karten während des Spiels. Die Schiedsrichter griffen bei einigen harten Fouls ein und verteilten gelbe Karten an Spieler beider Mannschaften. Trotz dieser kleinen Zwischenfälle blieb das Spiel fair und spannend bis zum Schlusspfiff.
Insgesamt war es ein aufregendes Spiel, das den Fans viel zu bieten hatte. Der FC Ingolstadt 04 zeigte eine starke Leistung und sicherte sich einen wichtigen Sieg gegen Borussia Dortmund II. Die Fans freuen sich bereits auf die nächsten Spiele und hoffen auf weitere Siege für ihr Team.
Analyse der Leistungen beider Mannschaften
In der Welt des Sports ist die Analyse der Leistungen beider Mannschaften von entscheidender Bedeutung, sei es im Fußball, Basketball oder einer anderen Sportart. Eine gründliche Untersuchung der Leistungsfaktoren kann dazu beitragen, die Stärken und Schwächen jedes Teams zu identifizieren und Schlüsselbereiche zu erkennen, die verbessert werden müssen.
Zu Beginn einer solchen Analyse ist es wichtig, die Leistungskennzahlen jedes Teams zu betrachten. Dazu gehören Statistiken wie Tore erzielt, Ballbesitz, Passgenauigkeit und Fouls. Durch die Bewertung dieser Kennzahlen können Fachleute und Fans ein besseres Verständnis dafür entwickeln, wie effektiv jedes Team in verschiedenen Aspekten des Spiels ist.
Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, taktische Entscheidungen und Strategien zu analysieren, die von den Trainern und Spielern jedes Teams getroffen wurden. Dies könnte die Formationen während des Spiels, die Einwechslungen von Spielern oder die allgemeine Spielweise umfassen. Indem man diese Aspekte untersucht, kann man die taktische Ausrichtung jedes Teams besser verstehen und potenzielle Schwachstellen oder Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung aufzeigen.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt bei der Analyse der Leistungen beider Mannschaften ist die Betrachtung von Schlüsselspielern. Durch die Bewertung der Leistung einzelner Spieler können Stärken und Schwächen auf individueller Ebene identifiziert werden, was dazu beitragen kann, die Dynamik des gesamten Teams zu verstehen.
Insgesamt ist die Analyse der Leistungen beider Mannschaften ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil des Sports. Indem man sich eingehend mit den Leistungskennzahlen, taktischen Entscheidungen und individuellen Spielerleistungen befasst, können Fachleute und Fans ein tieferes Verständnis für das Spiel entwickeln und wertvolle Einblicke gewinnen, die dazu beitragen können, den Erfolg eines Teams zu steigern.
submitted by Old_Amoeba5736 to u/Old_Amoeba5736 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:24 Ok_Development6919 Pixel watch 2 - can’t pair it with iPhone 12

I bought the pixel 2 watch. However it is not finding the watch through the app. I checked with Google phone and it work and pairs but won’t pair on wear os app for iPhone. Already tried to reset it. Any advice ?
submitted by Ok_Development6919 to PixelWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:23 travel-buggy Empower Yourself Through Public Spaces: Must Read Guide for Power-chair Users

Hey Reddit fam! Whether you're a seasoned power chair warrior or a new rider hitting the pavement for the first time, navigating public spaces can feel daunting. Fear not, fellow adventurers! This guide is packed with tips and tricks to transform your power chair into a trusty steed for conquering the concrete jungle (or park, museum, airport – you name it!).
Prep Work Makes Perfect:
Conquering Different Environments:
Airports: Air travel with a power chair requires some advanced planning. Contact both the airline and airport beforehand to arrange assistance with check-in, security, and boarding. Most airports offer these services, but a heads-up ensures a smoother journey. Don't forget to check the airline's policy on transporting power chairs, especially regarding battery types. Lithium batteries are generally okay, but lead-acid batteries may require special arrangements.
Public Transit: Many buses, trains, and subways have made significant strides in accessibility. Research accessible routes and boarding procedures specific to your chosen mode of transport. Don't be shy to ask for assistance from transit staff if you need help – that's what they're there for!
Retail Therapy (or Errands): Modern shopping centers and stores are usually designed with accessibility in mind. However, navigating crowded aisles or reaching high shelves can still be tricky. Most stores offer assistance services, so don't hesitate to inquire at customer service if you need help grabbing that awesome pair of shoes on the top shelf.
Foodie Adventures: Craving a delicious meal out? Call the restaurant ahead of time to confirm accessibility. Ask about table height, aisle width, and restroom accessibility. Online reviews and recommendations from other wheelchair users can also steer you towards the most accommodating places. Bonus tip: Mention your dietary restrictions at the same time – who doesn't love a one-stop-shop for information? The DASH from Travel Buggy would be a perfect lightweight chair for this occasion.
Cultural Escapades: Museums, theaters, and cultural venues often provide accommodations like wheelchair seating, accessible restrooms, and sometimes even guided tours specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. Always contact the venue in advance to arrange any necessary accommodations and inquire about potential discounts for disabled visitors.
Nature Calls: Parks, zoos, and outdoor recreational areas vary in accessibility. National parks often have accessible trails and facilities, but it's always best to check the venue's website or contact them directly to get an idea of what to expect and plan your visit accordingly.
Overcoming Obstacles:
Accessibility Gaps: Despite advancements, you might still encounter barriers. Don't let that discourage you! Seek alternative routes or politely ask for assistance. Don't be afraid to advocate for change by providing feedback to establishments. Remember, even a small complaint can make a big difference for future visitors. For an extremely compact and durable chair you'll want to check out the AEROLUX by Travel Buggy.
Battery Life Woes: To avoid getting stranded, keep an eye on your power chair's battery level. Plan your activities within the driving range – like the impressive 15.5-mile range of the Travel Buggy CITY 2 PLUS. Knowing the locations of charging stations can also be a lifesaver, especially if you're planning a longer outing.
Crowd Control: Navigating crowded spaces can be a test of patience (and sometimes, horn skills!). Be assertive but courteous as you move through groups. Let people know you're there to avoid accidental bumps. Some users find attaching a flag to their chair or using a small horn helps in gaining attention.
Tech to the Rescue: Embrace technology to make navigating public spaces easier! Apps like Wheelmap offer detailed accessibility information for various locations, while GPS apps can help you plan the most accessible routes. Smart devices with compatible wheelchairs can even control certain functions, improving maneuverability and comfort.
The Social Side: Interacting with the public is part of navigating spaces. Most people are happy to help if asked politely. However, there's also a need to advocate for yourself. Communicate your needs clearly and politely, and don't be afraid to ask for some space if you need it.
For more information contact Travel Buggy today! 1–888–562–8449
submitted by travel-buggy to u/travel-buggy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:22 Ok_Drawing_788 First Time cruiser questions

Ok ..I'm going on 3 day cruise from Brisbane portt with PnO. No passport needed as I think we just go out n come back lol. Can anyone pls help with these questions? Questions 1. Can U use Ur own mobile phone for internet and calls etc? 2.Or do I need to purchase ships net? 3.Do U need to put mobile on roaming? 4.Can I share my internet package with friends? 5. Will we stay in Aussie waters? 6. Can U share a refreshments package with a mate.. (softdrink, water, coffee etc) 7. Anyway to get drinks on board...alcohol lol.. 8. Do they x-ray luggage like airport.. looking for illegal things like drugs or ..alcohol 😜 9. Do ppl get dressed up for these themed nights? Do they go all out...Gatsby ..white parties etc?
Any advice...hacks..cheats..?
submitted by Ok_Drawing_788 to Letscruise [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:21 itsxsmitty My First PC Build

i’m looking to make my first ever pc build and would like some input on my choices.
i’m going with a montech king 95 case, x670e-f motherboard, 3060 ti, amd 7800x3d, nzxt kraken x63 for cpu cooling, vengeance 64gb cl30, rm850x shift, triple fan icue sp120, dual fan icue sp140, and for storage mp700 pro 2tb in slot 1, mp700 pro 4tb w/air cooler in slot 2 and mp700 pro 2tb w/air cooler in slot 4
is there anything i should change or is this pretty good for a first build?
submitted by itsxsmitty to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:21 xlly-s BLUEPRINTS MEGATHREAD

Welcome to the Theme Park Tycoon 2 Blueprints megathread, where you can find and post all the blueprints you want and need.
Name: Coaster Type: Price: Gamepasses: Ride ID: [Picture]
Hope you enjoy this! Let's try and make this the biggest database!
submitted by xlly-s to ThemeParkTycoon2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:20 pelao426 Galaxy buds 2 pro

Samsung Galaxy buds 2 pro fake or real?help me !!!!!
submitted by pelao426 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:20 HowDoIExcel [USA-MI] [H] Paypal [W] iPhone 13 Pro Max

Hi all,
Looking for at least a 256GB iPhone 13 Pro Max. Prefer Alpine Green and prefer in good condition. Please comment first and then PM.
Will consider a good condition 14 Pro Max as well.
submitted by HowDoIExcel to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 money_taker2022 🌟 **Discover Fun & Educational Content for Kids on YouTube! 🎶**

Hey parents and caregivers! Are you on the lookout for a fantastic YouTube channel that entertains and educates your little ones? Look no further! Allow me to introduce you to "A Kid Songs" – a treasure trove of delightful and enriching content designed especially for children.
🎈 **About A Kid Songs:**
"A Kid Songs" is not just another run-of-the-mill kids' channel on YouTube. It's a vibrant space where learning meets fun through catchy tunes, , and engaging storytelling. With a diverse range of videos catering to various age groups, this channel ensures that there's something for every child to enjoy.
🎶 **What Makes It Special:**
  1. **Educational Content:** From teaching ABCs and counting numbers to introducing basic concepts like colors, shapes, and animals, "A Kid Songs" makes learning enjoyable and accessible for toddlers and preschoolers.
  2. **Interactive Adventures:** Join adorable characters on exciting adventures that stimulate imagination and creativity. Whether it's exploring outer space, diving into the depths of the ocean, or embarking on a magical journey, each video is a gateway to a world of wonder.
  3. **Positive Messaging:** With wholesome themes and positive messages woven into every song and story, "A Kid Songs" promotes important values like kindness, empathy, and friendship, shaping young minds in a nurturing environment.
  4. **Parent-Friendly:** Worried about screen time? Rest assured, the content on "A Kid Songs" is thoughtfully curated to be age-appropriate and parent-approved, giving you peace of mind while your child enjoys quality entertainment.
👀 **Check It Out:**
Ready to explore the wonders of "A Kid Songs"? Head over to their YouTube channel and dive into a world of music, learning, and laughter! Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on their latest releases and join a growing community of families discovering the joy of learning through play.
🌈 **Join the Fun:**
Have you and your little ones already enjoyed the magic of "A Kid Songs"? Share your favorite videos, moments, and experiences in the comments below! Let's spread the word and help more families discover this hidden gem on YouTube. Together, let's make learning a musical adventure for our children!
🎉 **Link to Channel:** [A Kid Songs on YouTube](
Let's embark on this journey of learning and laughter together! 🚀🎵
submitted by money_taker2022 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 blueons A poem I wrote about DPDR (and other things)

Light TW for DPDR themes of course, nothing too specific; very methaphorical/abstract language that can potentially be disturbing if you’re easily triggered by such themes.
I crafted this poem using 2 different journal entries that I wrote while experiencing episodes of DPDR. I consider it my best work yet. I feel like I was able to truly capture the feelings of what it is like to deal with this disorder, at least for me. Note that I usually experience derealization much more often and intensely than depersonalization. The poem is also not exclusively about DPDR but I would say it is one of its main themes and the main “inspiration” as well.
I’m posting this through the mobile app so hopefully it doesn’t mess up the formatting. I hope some of you find connection with my words.
The insufficient fondness towards the bleached sunlight piercing through the window blinds holds me on edge of burning sentiments
So inevitably, they burn cold
Icy sunrays devour my room and soul freezing nature while the thermometer explodes
And I love the cold only never when it burns
In a numb flash moments locked in my chest once sinking in a loch of memories now glide over ice treasuries
Empty, and afraid of everything of the sky, the trees, the melody… Faded shades of green interrogate my sanity and birds lure me into fated obscurity
Yet, despite my loath I persist outside as I insist to still loathe the inside
For I’m afraid of everything of my room, and my stupidity.
Unsure, with cold feet I approach the shore.
Inclined to dive into the sea pondering if there’s foolishness in my desire to fall free
Frozen with dismay I inspire to go in and expire to cry away
Breaths of a misty breeze aggravate my foggy brain
Elementally, salty tears and salty waves are equally capable of thawing a Sunday
If I savor this sweetness will I drown in the bay? And if I close the blinds will I blind myself astray?
Blue Eons
Please do not repost or share without my permission.
submitted by blueons to OSDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 Shoddy-Pride-1321 Is it me or Frozen resembles anime?

Not so much the style but the overall storytelling. I'm not very familiar with anime tbh, apart from a couple of Ghibli films which I want to get more into. Yet I've noticed something in Frozen's storytelling that resembles more those films than any other Disney films or western animation overall.
First of all, I think it's the lack of a black-and-white villain which we usually see in western media and especially Disney. Evil for the sake of being evil, villains who love to steal the show. There's none of that in Frozen. We see a more grounded portrayal. That gives Frozen a level of maturity, nuance and complexity that is often seen in Ghibli films.
Ghibli films are animated films which often have this level of seriousness to them, they are poignant and thought-provoking. Not that Disney hasn't done serious themes before but because of western culture's idea of animated movies being more appealing to kids, they often have a more lighthearted approach.
We can still argue Frozen 1 is a lighthearted movie. It still follows the Disney formula yet throughout it the formula is constantly being deconstructed. Think of Olaf and how he plays the role of the comic relief and yet he has one of the most emotional lines in the movie. He's not there just for the laughs but he has a central role in bringing Anna and Elsa together because he represents their bond. They actually gave depth to his character. And speaking of seriousness and complexity, Frozen has Elsa, a character who was initially a villain and because the writers understood the flaw in that they changed it to deliver us an emotional journey of two sisters finding each other again after long years of pain and struggle.
And then comes Frozen 2, which takes what the first movie did and brings in an even more mature and complex theme. You can see the shift in tone. I mean has Disney ever done a song like "The Next Right Thing" before? Even the introduction of the spirits and the Northuldra, which were meant to represent the Sami culture. The care and thought that went into the cultural representation, brings an extra layer of beauty to the film. It's not the best cultural representation but it's a far cry from Pocahontas or Aladdin for example. Ghibli films are all films that are rooted in culture and they are the best at that game but to me Frozen comes close too.
All of the above makes me think that Frozen might have been inspired from anime and Ghibli films. It is nowhere near those films of course but it feels to me at least different from what Disney used to do. Given that Disney has lost it's magic long ago because they prioritize money over telling a story, Frozen and Frozen 2 gives me a little hope. There was a quote from an article I've read a while back that said "One of the reasons Frozen was a successful franchise is that it's completely comfortable with it's own identity. It wants to tell a story of two sisters and that's what it does."
Thinking back it would have been easy to make Elsa a villain and have a story of good vs evil. It would have been easy to introduce us a similar character to Elsa yet they introduced us to the Sami culture. They took the risk and it paid off.

submitted by Shoddy-Pride-1321 to Frozen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:16 stevefan1999 Any recommendation on AR glasses for programming/heavy word processing?

I would like to have a much more lightweight solution to my existing experience of using the virtual desktop on Quest 2, that despite I can have infinite desktop with full 3DoF but the text quality and the overall clunkiness of VR headsets (mind you: that is a 500g stacked on your head) makes it unrealistic for productivity work. So, I would like to find an AR glass alternative that does give me virtual desktops with crispy text clarity and also the experience of having multiple virtual monitors. I heard people experimented with Xreal Air 2 Pro but they say the words can get blurry once you started moving around, plus the price is not that great...but for now, I'm looking onto it, anyone would like to suggest otherwise?
submitted by stevefan1999 to augmentedreality [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:16 Litkid_05 (amazon) Anker iPhone 15 Charger, Anker USB C Charger, 2-Pack 20W Dual Port USB Fast Wall Charger, USB C Charger Block - for $13 after 32% off

(amazon) Anker iPhone 15 Charger, Anker USB C Charger, 2-Pack 20W Dual Port USB Fast Wall Charger, USB C Charger Block - for $13 after 32% off submitted by Litkid_05 to AllElectronicsDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:16 RockinBobbyDoyle Router Issues-Desperate

I’m paying Spectrum for 500mbps and have buffering several times a day on the two TVs we have. Speed Tests on the computer range from 60-80mbps. I unplug the router and modem and restart every other day. When I plug the modem Ethernet directly into the computer I get 300 mbps. On my iPhone I get 250-275mbps. I’m using a Deco AX1800-X20 whole home WiFi 6 mesh router. It has 3 units, I have evenly spaced around house. (2 downstairs, 1 upstairs Deco says up to 5,800 sq feet, we have 1550 downstairs and 725 upstairs. Houses are close together where we live, I see several neighbors WiFi. Mine is secured. My firmware is up to date. I’ve never messed with the settings on the router. Is there anything I can do to stop the buffering? I’d buy new equipment if it would make things better. Thanks in advance.
submitted by RockinBobbyDoyle to Routesetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:15 MissBaltimoreCrabs_ Rode Wireless Pro 2 vs Pro vs DJI Mic 2

Looking to get a mic - would mainly be using it for property tours, vlogs/talking heads, social media, and other video.
Both the wireless go 2 and pro are within budget
DJI slightly more expensive when factoring in additional accessories (lav mics)
I can’t really tell which (go 2/pro) which would be better. Right now on Amazon the Go 2 is $284 (excluding accessories) and the Pro is $375 (including 2 lav mics). Since they’re so close in price and one has accessories I wasn’t sure what the actual difference in product quality was and which would be best
ETA: Wireless Go 2, not Pro 2
submitted by MissBaltimoreCrabs_ to videography [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:13 forced_hippie Hilfe ich sehe meine Ausbildung in Gefahr.

Moin leude,
Sorry für den ewigen Text, aber ich brauche nun die Schwarmintelligenz, da mein näheres Umfeld nicht sehr hilfreich ist..
Ich mach aktuell eine Ausbildung in einem handwerklichen, sehr traditionellen Berufsfeld in Ostdeutschland (ganz im Osten)
Wir sind eine kleine Firma mit 5 Mann + Cheffe. Ansich bin ich Recht Zufrieden mit dem Arbeitsumfeld, da mein Ausbilder noch Recht freundlich und der jüngste ist.
Jetzt kommen wir zu meinem Problem. ALLE in meiner Firma sind 40 und AFD - Schwurbler. Keine Echsenmenschen oder flat earth Schwurbler, so schlimm ist es noch nicht.., aber sie sind die typischen überzeugten AfD Wähler Ala DIE GRÜNEN, Pro-Russland, etc you get the picture. Aktuell deale ich damit indem ich's ignoriere und bei besonders dummen Aussagen sehr energisch zustimme.
Nun stehen ja Wahlen an und da ja laut meinen Kollegen weder freie geheime Wählen Meinungsfreiheit existiert, wird die Frage was ich denn gewählt habe kommen.
Ich im politischen Mittelfeld, eher in Richtung links. Schwanke noch zwischen PhD Und PdF.
Ich traue meinem Chef nicht zu, dass er mich wegen meiner politischen Meinung feuert. Allerdings bin ich nicht wirklich beliebt in der Firma und ich befürchte, wenn ich meine politische Meinung offen lege, die "letzten" 2,5 Jahre zur Hölle werden.
Meine Frage ist jetzt wie sollte ich auf diese Frage am besten reagieren?
Zu meiner Meinung stehen und meine mentale Gesundheit riskieren?
Einfach lügen und sagen habe AFD gewählt?
"Ich habe nicht gewählt" ist keine Option.
Was ist eure Meinung? Danke fürs durchlesen einen schönen Tag noch!
submitted by forced_hippie to ichbin40undSchwurbler [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:13 BigWooper What would you like to see on a Mavic Pro 4 or Air 3s?

Mavic 4 Pro will obviously get the latest transmission, whether that be O4, O4+, etc depends on release date. The 20MP Hasselblad 4/3 sensor has been around for a while which may suggest it's near the peak of current technology, so can't see drastic changes there - maybe an extra few MP. I suspect the telephoto cameras may get the bigger updates, especially the 70mm to perhaps differentiate it more from virtually the same 70mm camera on the Air 3. Perhaps small increase in flight time, although I suspect upgrades to be mainly transmission based and flight based and incremental rather than drastic changes to videography or photography. No doubt there'll be an RC 2 Pro controller released as well to cater for the upgraded transmission.
Air 3s will perhaps get a 1 inch sensor like the 2s did, although that'll certainly bump up the weight by a bit. Perhaps O4+ (if that's been developed yet) which won't make much difference to most areas where drones have to be within LOS. Variable aperture probably unlikely (will add to weight and I feel that'll be kept in the Mavic line only to help justify the hefty premium).
Honestly, for my use I'd gladly take the current Air 3 with a 1 inch main sensor without many other changes - maybe that'll be the Air 3s.
submitted by BigWooper to dji [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:10 Litkid_05 (amazon) SAMSUNG 990 PRO SSD 2TB PCIe 4.0 M.2 2280 Internal Solid State Hard Drive, Seq. Read Speeds Up to 7,450 MB/s for High End Computing, Gaming, and Heavy Duty Workstations - for $170 after 32% off

submitted by Litkid_05 to PCDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:10 Litkid_05 (amazon) SAMSUNG 990 PRO SSD 2TB PCIe 4.0 M.2 2280 Internal Solid State Hard Drive, Seq. Read Speeds Up to 7,450 MB/s for High End Computing, Gaming, and Heavy Duty Workstations - for $170 after 32% off
submitted by Litkid_05 to AllElectronicsDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 number61971 New WNBA Fan Bandwagon-Coasting in on Caitlin Clark's Coattails: Post Game 1 Thoughts

Right there in the title, but maybe a little more background required. I've been progressively more and more disgusted with mass market college and pro sports -- all of them -- year after year (can get into why some other time), to the point that I stopped watching virtually all sports about a decade ago.
Enter Caitlin Clark. She's everywhere in the news, unavoidable. "OK, let's see what the buzz is about." In advance of this year's NCAA tourney, I watched highlight reels and was blown away. Watched the tourney, and enjoyed the IA games so much I also watched as many of the other games as possible. "Damn. This is good stuff!" ... and largely unconnected from the things that pushed me away from men's sports.
Ergo: "Sign me up for the WNBA!" Watched my 1st games last night. Obviously the first one was Fever v Suns, but I also caught most of Aces v Mercury.
So, FWIW, here follow some random thoughts of a Clark Bandwagoneer.
In the final analysis, how do you analyze Clark's performance in this context? Even she says she didn't have that good a game. 10 TOs, after all. But she also scored 20 points! On a poor shooting night! WTF?
I dunno. I watched the game, and I just wanted the Fever to be better. It seems like they have enough talent to be a genuine contender, if not at the Aces level of awesome. Wouldn't most teams be happy to have a player who "didn't have a good game" and still scored 20 points? Subtract 2 of her poor passing decisions, tack on 2 or 3 assists that I felt her compatriots should have added to Clark's scoreline, and is this an entirely different conversation/analysis about Clark's debut?
I see a lot of potential here. Both for Clark and the Fever. I hope it all comes together. Regardless, I'm glad I jumped on the bandwagon. The WNBA is the real deal.
submitted by number61971 to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 funshinehorror I'm so excited for year 4 for me

I can't wait to find out the haunted houses, theme, icon,show, and scare zones. I keep thinking of possible haunted houses that could happen this year. My houses I'd love to see are as follows. 1. The fall of the house of usher 2. Return to silent hill 3. Ghostbusters frozen empire 4. The strangers chapter one 5. Creature from the black lagoon or Victoria Frankenstein featuring creature from black lagoon. 6. A nightmare on elms Street. Any of these would I'd be so happy to hear announced. What about everyone else what's a house universal has the right to do, you would be happy to hear announced?
submitted by funshinehorror to HHN [link] [comments]