Fire horse and wood dragon

House of the Dragon

2019.10.30 01:03 mwthecool House of the Dragon

This is a place for news and discussions relating to HBO's "Game of Thrones" prequel TV series "House of the Dragon" and George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" companion novel, "Fire & Blood."

2009.07.18 17:57 ThePowerOfGeek A Song of Ice and Fire

News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series.

2012.03.24 20:37 jmk4422 A Song of Memes and Rage

A place to post memes and other humor related to George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire book series, the HBO shows based on his works, Game of Thrones and House of The Dragon, and anything else relating to the world of ASOIAF.

2024.05.16 07:46 AmaruShijyou Suggestion on next weapon

Suggestion on next weapon
I’m LS main and I have built elemental sets for Thunder, Water, Ice, Fire and Dragon with all +5 elemental attack.
At this moment, the 4 main elements Thunder, Water, Ice and Fire sufficient to cover all available monsters now.
What’s the next I should focus to grind? Water I have stopped at G8.5 as I’m wondering if higher DPS Water LS will be available in the game soon? Meanwhile this is still sufficient to take down Kulu and Girros at 9*.
Dragon wise only Deviljho’s LS for now and I wonder if it worth with -30% affinity.
Thoughts and suggestions?
submitted by AmaruShijyou to MHNowGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:38 Mountain_Counter929 Making Aliens based off every pokemon type combination (Fighting)

Fighting/Normal: OHKO (One Punch Man but instead of one effortless punch it’s a touch of death combo he has to )
Species: Mugen
Planet: Sonof
Powers and Abilities
Species/Planet Fact: The Mugen started as semi-organic creations by a long dead civilization who sought to try experiments designing different types of warriors. Eventually the planet will be inhabited by foreign researchers. These researchers have been working on enhancing them with various effects to increase their capabilities, and give them more movement and combat options. But during testing it was discovered that watching the Mugen fight with or without enhancements is incredibly entertaining resulting and a strong source of combat study. This discovery redirected their experiments being used for sports instead of warfare even preventing what would’ve been an interplanetary war by turning it into a competitive sport, exploding the planet in popularity. During this explosion there was the discovery of a single fight between two Mugen that have went on for centuries before the first immigration and has been fiercely protected from interruptions since its discovery.
Fighting/Grass: Doungwun Nemetrix predator of the Chunwin (See Kung book in Grass Types)
Hunting Method
Planet/Species Fact: Despite the Doungwun seemingly biologically engineered to beat Cunwin on one to one combat, countering their various techniques. They rather take less ‘honorable’ tactics whenever possible. In populated areas they’d quickly overwhelm their prey with high numbers and quickly attack before the Chunwin gets a chance to swing. If there are aren’t any others nearby it’ll try to ambush its prey from hard to reach angles in the air. Only when it’s alone and has caught the attention of its prey, will it attach itself and engage its prey in close range combat. Most Chunwin societies simply use traps, or other tools to protect themselves from these predators. But a predator that chooses to engage in a one on one duel is more respected and results in a more respected death (for either one). So some Chunwin warriors leave themselves open to solo Doungwun attacks as some form of test.
Fighting/Fire: Racaln the Nemetrix predator of the Clabestro (See Firing Squad in Fire types)
Hunting Method
Planet/Species Fact: Racaln only prey on the Clabestro when they’re split up and small. They don’t do any harm when they’re merged on one bigger body. But since most Clabestro combat (which happens very often) has them in their small split up forms. This makes it common for Racalns to be collected from the wild or bred in captivity to be utilized as excellent traps, and denying area. This practice would also be used as a mark to safeguard places from violence, to prevent Clabestro from splitting to engage in combat. This practice has spread to official gatherings like courts and diplomatic meetings.
Fighting/Water: Ultimate Slush (See Original in Water Types)
Fighting/Elctric: Ultimate Fightning Rod (See Web Work in Electric Types)
Fighting/Flying: Ultimate Fight and Flight (See original in Flying Types)
Fighting/Ice: Giengar Nemetrix predator of the Ashe (See Burrzerker in Ice Types)
Hunting Method
Planet/Species Fact: Giengar are omnivores. In cold seasons they eat large predators with their primarily skill of inducing hallucinations that tire out its target before having its body frozen over for it to consume with its teeth designed to crush frozen objects. They gain this power by consuming mushrooms from warmer, jungle biomes that contain spores which has a similar effect to targets that breathe them in (though less concentrated and ends with less fatalities). Giengars are immune to these spores so during the warmer seasons they migrate to the jungle to consume high amounts of these mushrooms to expel their spores in large concentrations during hunting season. Normal Ashe that occupy these jungles stay away from the dangerous arctic biomes the Giengars hunt in, so to them the Giengar are seen as harmless. Since even if the Giengars try to use the spores against them, the conditions aren’t lethal and the lack of the Ashe’s adrenaline won’t inhibit their ability to recognize their condition and react accordingly instead of wasting their energy fighting.
Fighting/Ground: Ultimate Mudripper (See Original in Ground Types)
Fighting/Rock: Ovivine Nemetrix predator of the Sabter (See Mountain Goat in Fighting Types)
Hunting Method
Planet/Species Fact: While Ovivine can talk and mimic sentient emotions its only purpose is to gain the trust of prey as a mere predatory mechanism, their brains aren’t capable of deeper introspective thought or sentience when alone. Sabter are worn of the Ovivine though largely they are seen as myth with how very few sightings they are and how little the Ovivine are actually active due to their slow metabolism. Ovivines cover their prey on the floor and slowly consume it whilst morphing its body to appear as a mere lump of ground covered in grass, which is another factor into how little they’re seen. Occasionally they encounter some Sabter who are very much aware of them, and their tricks so in those cases they simply push them off the cliff side. Though this method relies on the element of surprise since their physical strength is much weaker than the average Sayter.
Fighting/Bug: Ultimate Float Stinger (See Original in Bug Types)
Fighting/Psychic: Muscle Memory (Alien Taskmaster)
Species: Reffox
Planet: Arbeitar
Powers and Abilities
Planet/Species Fact: Due to the fact that all Reffox are all physically the same and that any unique skill that are developed is quickly assimilated by one another. Reffox populations share a yearning for a sense of identity. So many Reffox head off to other cultures/planets to use their learned skills to be able to make an identity of themselves, whether it be an athlete a performer, a warrior, a hero, or in some cases a criminal or ruler. This feeling is felt through all Reffox and when two of them meet, they silently agree to not show their skills to each other to keep their identity. Though if they do want to share they return to Arbeitar to tell their stories or inspire new skills for the next generation who would tell their story.
Fighting/Poison: Biolence (Fist of the North Star Powered by drugs, and can weaponize their own explosions )
Species: Gomane Planet: Omawoshindyu
Powers and Abilities
Planet/Species Fact: Eons ago a large vapor of toxic alien pollutants was mysterious dropped on Omawoshindyu mutating all inhabitants and killing off massive amounts of life, however life stiff have adapted and eventually evolved resulting in the modern Gomanes. By the time their own society has formed, the pollutants have been absorbed into the earth or dissipated from the atmosphere allowing fertile greener life to grow. Ironically most of Gomane society promotes healthy activity like proper diet in exercise, for it allows them to control their cyst development more effectively even when there sped up, which they use in hunting and combat sports. However crime activity is still noticeable involving addiction, violence, and gang activity. Mostly originating in highly polluted/deserted wastelands. As various poisons are being produced and mines
Fighting/Ghost: Body-structor (Havik from MK1 with hints of Water Law from One Piece)
Species: Rankensain
Planet: Taxodoom
Powers and Abilities
Planet/Species Fact: Body parts are the Rankensains main currency. While most body parts are gathered from hunted animals on their world. Rankenstains have developed interplanetary transportation to gather valuable alien body parts. Often by nefarious methods like warfare, grave robbing, or even homicide, making them a disdained and feared species across multiple planets. There are labs made to create clones of existing limbs to replace active hunting to remove the need for travel, but with how often exploration is used and how slow the cloning process is, Rankensains still commonly hunt aliens for their limbs as part of a darker slightly underground culture. To get around their negative reputation, Rankensains would remove their own brains and implant them into other bodies to disguise themselves.
Fighting/Dragon: Medisnake (Combat Snake with Street Fighter Chi abilities)
Species: Ansatryu
Planet: Chakrenin
Planet/Species Fact: Initially Ansartyu were seen as pets of another more human-like species called the Shotogun and as intelligent as their owners. However, eventually the Shotogun would discover their ability to tap into their own personal well of the same chi-like energy and start practicing it for various means. However back then only a handful of masters would be able use it, and only at a very basic level. Until one Shotogun prince discovered that his treasured Ansatryu was able to tap into and unlock further levels of mastery. With this knowledge the prince learned from his Ansatryu and developed a closer bond with it, even teaching his pet higher levels of intelligence as he was taught further mastery of chi. Later he would teach others how to learn from their Ansatryu and his own Ansatryu will give intelligence to others of his species, leading to the point where Ansatryu are now partners living in the same world as the Shotogun in relative harmony.
Fighting/Steel: Weapon Blaster (Tank Knight with hand guns that shoots bladed weapons) Species: Arthmo
Planet: Palawar
Powers and Abilities
Species/Planet Fact: Arthmo is an artificial species created from a combination of alchemy and engineering by a master at both, commissioned by a great king. They were meant to be used as weapons of warfare and even companions. However an enemy army raided the kingdom, and killed both the lord and creator after the first Arthmo woke up. So the lab was well hidden so the Arthmo followed the instructions of its creator and created more of it, and slaying the enemy army. Now they defend the remaining members of their kingdom to allow it to rebuild. However, rumor has it that a surviving enemy found the original Arthmo lab.
Fighting/Dark: Spotshot
Species: Dalmate
Planet: Cerberence
Species/Planet Fact: The spotted biological materials that generate the Dalmate’s projectile “spots”, is a shared trait amongst a handful of different Cereberence animal species and even some plant life. Those species has a spot of a different color that was meant harm all other species/subspecie for predation or predator avoidance. Other species that don’t have this projectile ability do have spotted patterns on them to warn predators, or even create similar marks on objects to protect territory by intimidation.To weaponize their own “spots” Dalmate tribes would farm different animals and use them in different methods that changes their spot markings to battle other tribes with their own spot slinging skills to prevent it from being simply absorbed into its targets body.
Fighting/Fairy: Best-O Change-O (Magical Girl/Boy Recruiting Bunny)
Species: Usegin
Planet: Lunakessho
Planet/Species Fact: Lunakessho is a magical planet where all the inhabitants would practice magic, protected by an order of Usegin knights. However dark forces used by villains and monsters would arise practicing this dark magic and almost threatened to corrupt the universe. The Usegin order managed to fight them off but with a threat on that kind of scale and some remaining presence of their enemies they decided to seal of the planet into another realm. However, now there is an occult group mages summoned the order on various points of different moons using a ritual that was meant to be used in case they’re needed. While the Usegin heroes did manage to get involved in their traditional hero work. They’ve learned too late that this ritual will eventually corrupt them once all the full rituals is complete, and they’re powerless to stop them. So they now go to various planets and recruit and train other magical warriors to stop them when the time comes.
submitted by Mountain_Counter929 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:37 Administrative_Hat95 H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items (really looking for a V40p90 chainsaw or Gsbq ill bundle for one of them) looking Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:35 Pommallow Headcanons regarding Jeff Andonuts (and Tony!) [contains spoilers]

I saw both the Lucas and Flint headcanon threads, so I'm doing one for Jeff Andonuts (and Tony)!
This will mostly be based on Earthbound, but I'll also mention some based on late-game or even as far as Mother 3, but I could only tag for one series. I'll try my best to block out what *would* be a spoiler, but let me know if I missed something. It's a long post, sorry.
Jeff Andonuts (beginning + middle of the game):
Jeff Andonuts (endgame + post-game) - more spoilers here
Tony (beginning + middle of the game)
Tony (endgame + postgame)
Bonus: Maxwell Labs
This is what I'm able to remember for now, since ideas come and go. I would like to hear other people's theories, and if you want to comment on mine, go for it!
submitted by Pommallow to earthbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:33 Quirky-blurky A comment of mime..... Because why not eh?

Nothin' wrong with that. However vagabonds throughout history were villainized because we're free. Which is a real thorn in the arse of those who would benefit from us "participating" in "society" like everyone else. The problem isn't really a problem really, lol, it's more of a symptom of a terribly run social order.
So long as people put their trust in the dollar or equivalent (think gold, and jewellery) which have no real value and disregard what really matters (think family, nature, and time) then us free mofizzlers are gonna be demonized as a "problem". But real vagabonds don't care about any of that. What I care about is mofos coming into our space and polluting it with their crap. It's like I'm sleeping in the woods minding my own business when all of a sudden some random voyeur that's been watching me for who knows how long come up to me, wakes me up, asks me how to ride a damn train or comments that my fire that's fired down wasn't built right then argues with me when I tell them to fuck off.
I'm part native and grew up learning the in-depth history of what happened to us. I'm not at all surprised that society found our Vagabond sub and decided to kick their feet up and take it over. Bunch a vagabourgoise if you ask me. But as I've eluded to it's inevitable that normies fuck shit up, it's all they're good at.
That's why the environment is fucked up, the banks seize accounts when the government says so, the "economy" (whatever that is/they can't even define it) works only for rich mofos, animals are in cages, whole species are dying, gender is an argument inducing subject, the president is falling over and can't talk, were finding the massacres of poor people in places we haven't been to, racism, generational divide, housing isn't a thing anymore for most, relationships are irreparably dysfunctional if they exist at all, health care is almost wealthy exclusive, private jet owners blame us for the environment, can't find work thats sustainable and doesn't drain your soul, technology that tracks you and throws ads at you constantly, the glorification of social disorder and consumerism, I can go on...........
All of that is "society" I'm not responsible for that shit, I'm just a guy in the woods, who likes to photograph skylines, to do that I gotta keep moving. Usually on the tax payers dime as cheaply as possible. I live outside as both a choice and a necessity simultaneously, as I've explained to my family. My parents understand (which is crazy because they're boomers) my siblings call me a leach and hate that I'm freer than they'll ever be, and I think that the people who attack me on here are similar. Housed mangoes that have no idea what the road means to people like me, and wouldn't care anyways.
The roads my life, always has been (nomadic family) I've lived the life of a poor man and travelled more than most will before I was 10, and way more since. I'm like a veteran come home to a bunch of people who don't understand what I've seen and try to argue with me about it. It is what it is, I'll Vagabond till I die, and when I do I'm gonna think about everything I did and smile as I take my last breath...... Good enough for me.
Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭
submitted by Quirky-blurky to vagabond [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:14 Administrative_Hat95 [Xb1] H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items (mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:13 AppointmentClassic82 In case you were looking for polished/carved crystals

In case you were looking for polished/carved crystals
Needing to sell some pieces. Shipping will be based on weight and distance. I can send more photos upon request!
  1. Amethyst tower $80
  2. Tiger dendritic agate moon with stand $80
  3. Petrified wood sphere and petrified wood sphere holder $90
  4. Citrine sphere $40
  5. Blue onyx sphere with stand $50
  6. Carnelian sphere $45
  7. Ocean jasper cube $35
  8. Kambaba jasper free form $40
  9. Pink agate (cotton Candy agate) flame $25
  10. Uruguay amethyst with stand $60
  11. Small petrified wood $15
  12. Small blue lace agate tear drop $15
  13. Fire quartz moon $15
  14. Rutile quartz $30
submitted by AppointmentClassic82 to lookingforcrystals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:56 Krayzfrog There’s something off with the people on campus

I think there’s something off about my campus
Hey everyone, I’m typing this on my phone so I apologize if there is weird formatting. Anyways, to get to the point, there’s something really off with some people on my campus. I have come seeking answers.I noticed it first walking home from my 7pm class last Wednesday.
To set the scene, most of the campus is tucked back into the woods a little, and my 7pm class is in the farthest building from the parking lot (further into the woods). I get out from that 7pm class around 9pm, so on cloudy nights like last Wednesday, the only lights on that long sidewalk are the lights radiating from the other buildings. Usually, there’s roughly 30 feet where it’s pitch black because the foliage is pretty dense. I usually walk back to my apartment with some classmates that live in the same complex as me, but I told them to go ahead of me while I finished the rest of the project.
After packing my laptop away, I started heading back home. It was roughly 9:30 at this point, and my brain was slowly shutting down preparing for the deep sleep that has yet to come.Walking down the sidewalk, I heard somebody not too far into the woods laughing like they’ve just heard the funniest joke ever. I immediately thought, “probably some Freshman walking the trails with their friends smoking weed”. Chuckling to myself, I put in my AirPods and picked a playlist for my journey back home.
When I looked up from my phone, there was the silhouette of somebody walking towards me. I have no idea how I missed them before, but honestly, it’s very possible they were just in a spot where the light wasn’t quite reaching them. A little unnerved, I shifted over to the left side of the sidewalk.
(Now I’m usually fine walking alone at night; I’m a 6’2 man who’s dabbled in the world of MMA. But something about this person gave me a primal feeling of unrest.)
When they shifted over to the left mirroring me, I felt my blood run cold. But alas, I had to keep walking because this was my only way back home. As I neared closer to the figure, I almost laughed at myself when I realized it was just some harmless girl walking towards the Murphy building. If anything, I’m the intimidating one to her.
This is where it really gets weird. She stopped as I was passing her and turned to me. Thinking she needed to ask me something, I took an AirPod out and asked “what’s up?”. After staring at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, she opened her mouth, and I kid you not, mimicked the laugh I heard moments before perfectly. Before I could chalk it up to it just being her in the trails earlier, I noticed something. Her mouth wasn’t moving at all. If I had left my AirPods in, it would just look like she was just opening her mouth and staring at me. She then shifted into a deep raspy laugh. She did all of this without moving her mouth at all; I couldn’t even see her throat moving as you would expect if someone was laughing. It was almost like she was some fucked up human-shaped gramophone. The feeling of absolute horror that came over me is something I’ve only experienced in my imagination. Before I could think to do anything next, My body began to run off some sort of primal instinct. With my legs burning, it took me about 10 minutes to get all the way back to my apartment and lock myself in relative safety.
I’m coming on here now to ask if anybody knows what I experienced? I have been hearing that same laughter outside my window every night since that night, I am too terrified to sleep well and have refused to go to any of my classes. Please I just want answers, I don’t want to keep living in fear.
Part 2:
Hey everyone, I’ve gotten some DMs telling me what it may be. I’ve heard everything from banshee to skinwalker. After further research I pray to god it was neither of them. I’m praying it was just some girl with a speaker playing some sort of cruel joke. I mean yes there are people who don’t like me on campus, I’ve made some enemies over the past 4 years. But, I just don’t understand what could’ve brought it to this point. I had to stop hiding in fear and go to my classes before my grades plummet, I’m almost done with my degree and only have a few more weeks. If I let some sort of stupid prank ruin my career, It would be everything I swore against to my parents.
A lot of you guys in the DMs were also asking what college I go to and what my name is. First I want to say sorry for not providing that information in the first post, I’m sure you can understand where my head was at typing that. So let me introduce myself, my name is Nick and In order to keep my privacy, I will only provide that I go to a midwest university.
I’m sure you may be wondering, “so did it just stop?”. I would love to say yes, but really things have just gotten weirder. Though, I am pleased to say that there is no longer laughing out my window every night.
Ever since that night, I’ve been noticing more things off with the people on campus. Now you may just think it’s paranoia, but just be patient and listen.
Yesterday, I decided to muster up all of my courage and go to class. Luckily my first class is at 10AM, when the sun is well in the sky, so walking across campus seemed much less threatening. When I sat down in my first class, I noticed something off with the girl that sits in front of me. Usually she’s chatty and excited to be in class, but today she just stared blankly ahead. I tried to say good morning and ask about her weekend, as we do every Monday, but she continued to have that blank stare. She did turn her head towards be, but her eyes read “lights on, but nobody is home”.
Thinking to myself, she may just be hungover, or going through the bout of college student depression. I decided to shrug it off and turn to the front of the class and get my notes ready. But the moment I turned around, I could feel it. Her eyes burrowing deep into the back of my head. When I flipped around to see if I was just being irrational, I quickly learned I wasn’t. Her eyes went from the blank glare, to the most enthusiastic face I’ve seen on her. It was horrible, it almost seemed like she was trying so hard to pretend she was thrilled to be in class and to speak to me. It was inhuman.
I’ve been on the internet long enough to catch on to the term “Uncanny valley”, and what I witnessed In my first hour gives me that same gut feeling I got when I saw that girl last Wednesday.
I was right to be uncomfortable though, I texted her after class to make sure she was doing alright. But her response only reignited the flames of deep fear burning in my soul.
I’ll copy and paste the messages here:
Me: Hey Is everything good? You seemed off in class today.
Steph SCI 101: Uh yeah, I’m fine. but I was not in class today, I’m severely hungover from Tanner’s party last night.
Me: Haha, good one.
Steph SCI 101: No I’m so Fr, are you okay?
Steph SCI 101: Are you trying to fuck with me or something?
Me: Nevermind, I’m sorry to bother you.
(End Of Texts)
Okay so I’m sure that this gives you all the same feeling of dread that it gave me but I’m sure scaled down a bit. This is where I have started to doubt that it’s a prank, because me and Stephanie are cool. There’s no level of hate for either of us, and even if it was some joke, we don’t know each other on that type of level.
Not only did this seem to happen in my first class, but in between classes while I was walking across campus as well. I walk past hundreds of faces in my many treks across campus, and I swear to you, at least 1/4th of the people I walked past had that same dead stare look. And the way they walked, god I hate even thinking of it. It was like they were an alien trying out their new body suits for the first time. The steps and the bends of their legs just seem so meticulous, dramaticized, and puppeteered.
I’m going to try to investigate further, because at this point my fear for my life is more of a reason to try and figure out what it is so I can try to stop it.
I’m no hero, and I’m sure as hell nothing special, but If I can know what to expect for another encounter, maybe I can avoid meeting the demise I have imagined.
Part 3
First off I would like to apologize for my 20-day hiatus. For those who were worried that curiosity killed the cat so to speak, I appreciate your concern. On top of my investigation, I have also had to go through finals and work for a boss who didn't believe in life outside of work. So let's start where we left off. I had a feeling that this task was left for me to solve. it may sound stupid, but let me explain why. That night, after my last post, I had a dream that further solidified my need to solve the mystery. I tried to write all that I remembered down the morning after so here is what I wrote. 
April 4th, 2024
I had a strange dream last night, stranger than usual at least. I awoke in the woods, laying face down in the grass with someone looming over me. I heard their footsteps flee rapidly before I flipped over. I found myself just off the trail where the “incident” happened, on the trail laid a girl, bloodied and motionless. When I got up to approach her, she was quickly dragged into the parallel section of the woods. Seeing this I turned and ran into the section of woods I was in. When my legs gave out I found myself near an old supply shed, worn and long abandoned. Searching for cover, I tried the door, which luckily gave after a quick pull. There I found a trapdoor which emanated a blue hue through the cracks. The only thought on my mind, survival brought me to throw it open and climb down. I clattered down the ladder and right before my feet touched the ground, I was pulled backwards by my shirt. That’s where I woke up.
I have always trusted my gut and having a dream that vivid gave me a sense of courage I did not previously have. I know where to start my search now. I have decided my best course of action will be to record my findings on a tape recorder app. After I finish each entry it will be uploaded to a cloud that will ensure if anything happens to me, the story will get out. I am packing my backpack now with a flashlight, glow sticks to mark my trail, and a machete I was gifted by a local in Mexico. All of my recordings will be uploaded below and auto posted after 10 days. Wish me luck everyone, I’m going to need it.
Entry 1: I have started at the only place that makes sense, the trail. It is currently 1:45 PM and I have plenty of sun left in the sky. I just needed to find exactly where to start my journey into the woods. Strangely it was very easy to find. I recall one of the trees having a funky twist near the middle of the trunk. Probably just some two lovebirds trying to carve their name into the tree and realizing there were softer trees to carve into. Anyways hiking further into the woods I believe I can see the shape of the shed through the branches. I wish you guys could see how dense these trees are so you can understand my struggle.
Entry 2: I made it to the shed, but unfortunately the floor in here is concrete. This really sucks for me because I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. It’s identical on the outside but I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m just delusional, which in that case what a waste of time and energy. I’m going to head back home and just start packing for summer. Maybe it’ll be best if I just forget about all of this and leave it behind me. I am graduating after all. Wait hold on what is this?? there’s a button behind one of these shelves. I am going to press it, but idk how it would work because this floor is seamless. I’m just going to leave this recording so if anything does happen I don’t have to worry about holding the phone the whole time. Holy shit, the entire floor is lowering. It’s a fucking elevator.
Entry 3: Okay so I’ve been going down this elevator for like 30 seconds, how far down am I going?.. Oh wait hold on, Im stopped… There’s a metal door with a padlock. Ig since I have the machete there’s only one thing to do, break it. Im going to use the blunt side so I don’t ruin this thing, I like it too much. the lock clatters to the ground after 3 solid hits. Well ig there’s only one way to go now, there’s no button to get back up so I pray there’s another way up. The metal door creaks loudly. Fuck I regret this, It’s dark and I can tell it’s a big area because it’s so echoey in here. I’m currently praising my past self for thinking about the flashlight and glow sticks. I need to find out what in the hell this place is and most importantly, if there’s a damn light switch.
Entry 4: God this place is terrifying I’ve been walking around the sterile white halls of this place for like 10 minutes and have found nothing, no doors, no light switch. I feel like a rat in a maze. Also scratch what I said about being glad I packed glow sticks, because my stupid ass only brought like 20 of these things and I’m already down to 5. Also I feel like I’m not alone, every now and then I’ll turn a corner and the glow from the previous glow stick quickly vanishes. I feel like it might just be because the darkness seems to envelop everything like a blanket. But I have that feeling that I’m being followed. You know the one, where you know somethings wrong you just can’t pin point what it is. Oh shit no way, there’s light, I think there’s a door or something up ahead.
Entry 5: Holy shit… It’s a lab, and worse, there’s people strapped too tables, completely naked and unconscious. I know they are alive because each of them are hooked up with a million different cords, and one of those are plugged into a heart monitor. This place is huge, there has to be at least 50 people on these tables.
“Hey you, you’re not supposed to be in here” yelled a man adorned in a lab coat.
“What are you doing to these kids you sick fucks.” I yelled back at the man across the lab.
In a haste the scientist rushes towards a red button, setting off a loud alarm, turning the lights to a flashing red. With no exit behind me, I could only do one thing... Rush towards him. My training kicked in as I launched into a flurry of calculated strikes. My first hit connected, a right overhand clean under his eye. The doctor stumbled back, but I didn't give him a chance to recover. I pressed the attack, keeping him off balance with a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. He fought back ferociously, but I was one step ahead, anticipating his moves and countering with swift, efficient strikes. We wrestled, the room around us becoming a blur of pain and adrenaline. I used the environment to my advantage, improvising weapons from the scattered medical equipment and turning the empty tables on my opponent. Pinning him to the ground, I laid down a harsh barrage of final blows. His face was a bloody pulp, unrecognizable. But I didn’t walk away unscathed, somewhere in the tussle, the scientist buried a scalpel deep into my stomach. With my adrenaline wearing off, the pain overtook me, sending me into darkness as I fainted from the blood loss and adrenaline dump. I awoke with my arms and legs strapped to the cold metal operating table. Before I could try to struggle, a face overtook my field of vision.
“Quite a fight you put up, you turned poor Dr.Samson into a soup” the looming face said with a chuckle. “You are the first person to put the pieces together and for that I am thoroughly impressed Mr. Hayes”
“Who are you?!” I said fighting at my binds. “Let me go!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Mr.Hayes. You have seen far too much, and I definitely can’t have you running around telling the world what you saw here. Although nobody would believe you.” “And to answer your other question, I’m surprised you don’t recognize me… really take a moment and look at me” He said pulling down his face mask.
“Dr.Blackwood?” I said as I looked back on my freshman year biology class.
“Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner!” He said in a maniac joy.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked.
“Well Mr.Hayes, first I’m going to sew you up from your little tussle you had with my late assistant and then I will put you under and cut into that skull of yours and take out a small piece of what we call in the science world your hippocampus. Then I will draw from that all of the necessary memories to create the perfect clone of you.” He responded.
“Why? Why would you need a clone of any of us. Why can’t you just clone someone willing to be apart of this?” I asked
“Because that’s no fun Mr.Hayes, the hunt excites me. Actually you’re lucky I didn’t get you the first night. Unfortunately my creation had a little bit of a malfunction and formed a wee bit of an attachment to you. I’m sure you remember the ruckus outside your window? Anyways I digress, I do this because everyone of you lowly students will go onto do mediocre jobs where you waste away at a desk. I must also add that with having a clone of you under my control, I can do anything and get away with clean hands. My plan with you originally was to have you go into the admissions office and steal every last cent all for me. On top of that I like the power, because one day I will have a clone of every student on this campus and eventually I will cause a revolt against our comedy of a government. Who will stop me, when I won’t even be on the front lines?” Dr.Blackwood explained.
“I will” I said freeing my last hand from the binds.
What he didn’t realize is that with all of this monologue and the questions I had been feeding him, I was slowly loosening my binds with each wiggle and movement in retaliation.
Lurching forward I grab onto his collar, pulling him into a vicious headbutt. The impact sent Dr. Blackwood reeling backward, his grip on consciousness loosening as he staggered. Seizing the moment, I lunged off the table, adrenaline coursing through my veins despite the searing pain in my abdomen. With a swift motion, I grabbed a nearby surgical instrument, holding it in a defensive stance as I faced my adversary. Dr. Blackwood, recovering from the blow, snarled with rage, his once calm demeanor now replaced by a feral intensity. The room seemed to shrink around us, the tension thickening with each passing second. This was my chance to stop Blackwood's twisted plans. As he lunged forward, I met his attack head-on, the clang of metal reverberating through the room. Blow after blow, we fought with an intensity born of desperation and determination. Despite my injuries, I refused to yield, driven by a fire burnt under me to protect myself and others from Blackwood's actions . In a final, swift move, I delivered a powerful front kick, sending Blackwood crashing to the ground. The room fell silent, the echoes of our struggle fading into the darkness. Coughing he sat in the corner laughing with blood spilling down his face. “You know that it’s too late to save any of these one lying on the tables. I would’ve released you, you know that right? I would’ve simply taken your memory from today out of your brain and leaving you in your bed to wake up thinking you had a fun night” he said with final resolve as he watched me grab the scalpel from the ground taking slow steps near him.
Looking down over him, It was my turn to laugh. Kneeling down to eye level with him I grabbed him by his hair and delivered a final message to him “Fuck you and your little science experiment” as I sliced deep into his throat watching the life fade from his eyes.
I eventually found an exit door, which lead me to a storm drain deep in the woods far from my campus. It took me 2 hours to limp my way onto a main road and flag down a passing car. Pulling over I was rushed to the hospital and later interrogated by some men in suits, my guess is CIA. Here I am now, writing my final entrance. I think I heard them say something about trying a new medical process on me to help me heal quicker
submitted by Krayzfrog to CreepsMcPasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:55 Krayzfrog There’s something off with the people on campus

I think there’s something off about my campus
Hey everyone, I’m typing this on my phone so I apologize if there is weird formatting. Anyways, to get to the point, there’s something really off with some people on my campus. I have come seeking answers.I noticed it first walking home from my 7pm class last Wednesday.
To set the scene, most of the campus is tucked back into the woods a little, and my 7pm class is in the farthest building from the parking lot (further into the woods). I get out from that 7pm class around 9pm, so on cloudy nights like last Wednesday, the only lights on that long sidewalk are the lights radiating from the other buildings. Usually, there’s roughly 30 feet where it’s pitch black because the foliage is pretty dense. I usually walk back to my apartment with some classmates that live in the same complex as me, but I told them to go ahead of me while I finished the rest of the project.
After packing my laptop away, I started heading back home. It was roughly 9:30 at this point, and my brain was slowly shutting down preparing for the deep sleep that has yet to come.Walking down the sidewalk, I heard somebody not too far into the woods laughing like they’ve just heard the funniest joke ever. I immediately thought, “probably some Freshman walking the trails with their friends smoking weed”. Chuckling to myself, I put in my AirPods and picked a playlist for my journey back home.
When I looked up from my phone, there was the silhouette of somebody walking towards me. I have no idea how I missed them before, but honestly, it’s very possible they were just in a spot where the light wasn’t quite reaching them. A little unnerved, I shifted over to the left side of the sidewalk.
(Now I’m usually fine walking alone at night; I’m a 6’2 man who’s dabbled in the world of MMA. But something about this person gave me a primal feeling of unrest.)
When they shifted over to the left mirroring me, I felt my blood run cold. But alas, I had to keep walking because this was my only way back home. As I neared closer to the figure, I almost laughed at myself when I realized it was just some harmless girl walking towards the Murphy building. If anything, I’m the intimidating one to her.
This is where it really gets weird. She stopped as I was passing her and turned to me. Thinking she needed to ask me something, I took an AirPod out and asked “what’s up?”. After staring at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, she opened her mouth, and I kid you not, mimicked the laugh I heard moments before perfectly. Before I could chalk it up to it just being her in the trails earlier, I noticed something. Her mouth wasn’t moving at all. If I had left my AirPods in, it would just look like she was just opening her mouth and staring at me. She then shifted into a deep raspy laugh. She did all of this without moving her mouth at all; I couldn’t even see her throat moving as you would expect if someone was laughing. It was almost like she was some fucked up human-shaped gramophone. The feeling of absolute horror that came over me is something I’ve only experienced in my imagination. Before I could think to do anything next, My body began to run off some sort of primal instinct. With my legs burning, it took me about 10 minutes to get all the way back to my apartment and lock myself in relative safety.
I’m coming on here now to ask if anybody knows what I experienced? I have been hearing that same laughter outside my window every night since that night, I am too terrified to sleep well and have refused to go to any of my classes. Please I just want answers, I don’t want to keep living in fear.
Part 2:
Hey everyone, I’ve gotten some DMs telling me what it may be. I’ve heard everything from banshee to skinwalker. After further research I pray to god it was neither of them. I’m praying it was just some girl with a speaker playing some sort of cruel joke. I mean yes there are people who don’t like me on campus, I’ve made some enemies over the past 4 years. But, I just don’t understand what could’ve brought it to this point. I had to stop hiding in fear and go to my classes before my grades plummet, I’m almost done with my degree and only have a few more weeks. If I let some sort of stupid prank ruin my career, It would be everything I swore against to my parents.
A lot of you guys in the DMs were also asking what college I go to and what my name is. First I want to say sorry for not providing that information in the first post, I’m sure you can understand where my head was at typing that. So let me introduce myself, my name is Nick and In order to keep my privacy, I will only provide that I go to a midwest university.
I’m sure you may be wondering, “so did it just stop?”. I would love to say yes, but really things have just gotten weirder. Though, I am pleased to say that there is no longer laughing out my window every night.
Ever since that night, I’ve been noticing more things off with the people on campus. Now you may just think it’s paranoia, but just be patient and listen.
Yesterday, I decided to muster up all of my courage and go to class. Luckily my first class is at 10AM, when the sun is well in the sky, so walking across campus seemed much less threatening. When I sat down in my first class, I noticed something off with the girl that sits in front of me. Usually she’s chatty and excited to be in class, but today she just stared blankly ahead. I tried to say good morning and ask about her weekend, as we do every Monday, but she continued to have that blank stare. She did turn her head towards be, but her eyes read “lights on, but nobody is home”.
Thinking to myself, she may just be hungover, or going through the bout of college student depression. I decided to shrug it off and turn to the front of the class and get my notes ready. But the moment I turned around, I could feel it. Her eyes burrowing deep into the back of my head. When I flipped around to see if I was just being irrational, I quickly learned I wasn’t. Her eyes went from the blank glare, to the most enthusiastic face I’ve seen on her. It was horrible, it almost seemed like she was trying so hard to pretend she was thrilled to be in class and to speak to me. It was inhuman.
I’ve been on the internet long enough to catch on to the term “Uncanny valley”, and what I witnessed In my first hour gives me that same gut feeling I got when I saw that girl last Wednesday.
I was right to be uncomfortable though, I texted her after class to make sure she was doing alright. But her response only reignited the flames of deep fear burning in my soul.
I’ll copy and paste the messages here:
Me: Hey Is everything good? You seemed off in class today.
Steph SCI 101: Uh yeah, I’m fine. but I was not in class today, I’m severely hungover from Tanner’s party last night.
Me: Haha, good one.
Steph SCI 101: No I’m so Fr, are you okay?
Steph SCI 101: Are you trying to fuck with me or something?
Me: Nevermind, I’m sorry to bother you.
(End Of Texts)
Okay so I’m sure that this gives you all the same feeling of dread that it gave me but I’m sure scaled down a bit. This is where I have started to doubt that it’s a prank, because me and Stephanie are cool. There’s no level of hate for either of us, and even if it was some joke, we don’t know each other on that type of level.
Not only did this seem to happen in my first class, but in between classes while I was walking across campus as well. I walk past hundreds of faces in my many treks across campus, and I swear to you, at least 1/4th of the people I walked past had that same dead stare look. And the way they walked, god I hate even thinking of it. It was like they were an alien trying out their new body suits for the first time. The steps and the bends of their legs just seem so meticulous, dramaticized, and puppeteered.
I’m going to try to investigate further, because at this point my fear for my life is more of a reason to try and figure out what it is so I can try to stop it.
I’m no hero, and I’m sure as hell nothing special, but If I can know what to expect for another encounter, maybe I can avoid meeting the demise I have imagined.
Part 3
First off I would like to apologize for my 20-day hiatus. For those who were worried that curiosity killed the cat so to speak, I appreciate your concern. On top of my investigation, I have also had to go through finals and work for a boss who didn't believe in life outside of work. So let's start where we left off. I had a feeling that this task was left for me to solve. it may sound stupid, but let me explain why. That night, after my last post, I had a dream that further solidified my need to solve the mystery. I tried to write all that I remembered down the morning after so here is what I wrote. 
April 4th, 2024
I had a strange dream last night, stranger than usual at least. I awoke in the woods, laying face down in the grass with someone looming over me. I heard their footsteps flee rapidly before I flipped over. I found myself just off the trail where the “incident” happened, on the trail laid a girl, bloodied and motionless. When I got up to approach her, she was quickly dragged into the parallel section of the woods. Seeing this I turned and ran into the section of woods I was in. When my legs gave out I found myself near an old supply shed, worn and long abandoned. Searching for cover, I tried the door, which luckily gave after a quick pull. There I found a trapdoor which emanated a blue hue through the cracks. The only thought on my mind, survival brought me to throw it open and climb down. I clattered down the ladder and right before my feet touched the ground, I was pulled backwards by my shirt. That’s where I woke up.
I have always trusted my gut and having a dream that vivid gave me a sense of courage I did not previously have. I know where to start my search now. I have decided my best course of action will be to record my findings on a tape recorder app. After I finish each entry it will be uploaded to a cloud that will ensure if anything happens to me, the story will get out. I am packing my backpack now with a flashlight, glow sticks to mark my trail, and a machete I was gifted by a local in Mexico. All of my recordings will be uploaded below and auto posted after 10 days. Wish me luck everyone, I’m going to need it.
Entry 1: I have started at the only place that makes sense, the trail. It is currently 1:45 PM and I have plenty of sun left in the sky. I just needed to find exactly where to start my journey into the woods. Strangely it was very easy to find. I recall one of the trees having a funky twist near the middle of the trunk. Probably just some two lovebirds trying to carve their name into the tree and realizing there were softer trees to carve into. Anyways hiking further into the woods I believe I can see the shape of the shed through the branches. I wish you guys could see how dense these trees are so you can understand my struggle.
Entry 2: I made it to the shed, but unfortunately the floor in here is concrete. This really sucks for me because I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. It’s identical on the outside but I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m just delusional, which in that case what a waste of time and energy. I’m going to head back home and just start packing for summer. Maybe it’ll be best if I just forget about all of this and leave it behind me. I am graduating after all. Wait hold on what is this?? there’s a button behind one of these shelves. I am going to press it, but idk how it would work because this floor is seamless. I’m just going to leave this recording so if anything does happen I don’t have to worry about holding the phone the whole time. Holy shit, the entire floor is lowering. It’s a fucking elevator.
Entry 3: Okay so I’ve been going down this elevator for like 30 seconds, how far down am I going?.. Oh wait hold on, Im stopped… There’s a metal door with a padlock. Ig since I have the machete there’s only one thing to do, break it. Im going to use the blunt side so I don’t ruin this thing, I like it too much. the lock clatters to the ground after 3 solid hits. Well ig there’s only one way to go now, there’s no button to get back up so I pray there’s another way up. The metal door creaks loudly. Fuck I regret this, It’s dark and I can tell it’s a big area because it’s so echoey in here. I’m currently praising my past self for thinking about the flashlight and glow sticks. I need to find out what in the hell this place is and most importantly, if there’s a damn light switch.
Entry 4: God this place is terrifying I’ve been walking around the sterile white halls of this place for like 10 minutes and have found nothing, no doors, no light switch. I feel like a rat in a maze. Also scratch what I said about being glad I packed glow sticks, because my stupid ass only brought like 20 of these things and I’m already down to 5. Also I feel like I’m not alone, every now and then I’ll turn a corner and the glow from the previous glow stick quickly vanishes. I feel like it might just be because the darkness seems to envelop everything like a blanket. But I have that feeling that I’m being followed. You know the one, where you know somethings wrong you just can’t pin point what it is. Oh shit no way, there’s light, I think there’s a door or something up ahead.
Entry 5: Holy shit… It’s a lab, and worse, there’s people strapped too tables, completely naked and unconscious. I know they are alive because each of them are hooked up with a million different cords, and one of those are plugged into a heart monitor. This place is huge, there has to be at least 50 people on these tables.
“Hey you, you’re not supposed to be in here” yelled a man adorned in a lab coat.
“What are you doing to these kids you sick fucks.” I yelled back at the man across the lab.
In a haste the scientist rushes towards a red button, setting off a loud alarm, turning the lights to a flashing red. With no exit behind me, I could only do one thing... Rush towards him. My training kicked in as I launched into a flurry of calculated strikes. My first hit connected, a right overhand clean under his eye. The doctor stumbled back, but I didn't give him a chance to recover. I pressed the attack, keeping him off balance with a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. He fought back ferociously, but I was one step ahead, anticipating his moves and countering with swift, efficient strikes. We wrestled, the room around us becoming a blur of pain and adrenaline. I used the environment to my advantage, improvising weapons from the scattered medical equipment and turning the empty tables on my opponent. Pinning him to the ground, I laid down a harsh barrage of final blows. His face was a bloody pulp, unrecognizable. But I didn’t walk away unscathed, somewhere in the tussle, the scientist buried a scalpel deep into my stomach. With my adrenaline wearing off, the pain overtook me, sending me into darkness as I fainted from the blood loss and adrenaline dump. I awoke with my arms and legs strapped to the cold metal operating table. Before I could try to struggle, a face overtook my field of vision.
“Quite a fight you put up, you turned poor Dr.Samson into a soup” the looming face said with a chuckle. “You are the first person to put the pieces together and for that I am thoroughly impressed Mr. Hayes”
“Who are you?!” I said fighting at my binds. “Let me go!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Mr.Hayes. You have seen far too much, and I definitely can’t have you running around telling the world what you saw here. Although nobody would believe you.” “And to answer your other question, I’m surprised you don’t recognize me… really take a moment and look at me” He said pulling down his face mask.
“Dr.Blackwood?” I said as I looked back on my freshman year biology class.
“Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner!” He said in a maniac joy.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked.
“Well Mr.Hayes, first I’m going to sew you up from your little tussle you had with my late assistant and then I will put you under and cut into that skull of yours and take out a small piece of what we call in the science world your hippocampus. Then I will draw from that all of the necessary memories to create the perfect clone of you.” He responded.
“Why? Why would you need a clone of any of us. Why can’t you just clone someone willing to be apart of this?” I asked
“Because that’s no fun Mr.Hayes, the hunt excites me. Actually you’re lucky I didn’t get you the first night. Unfortunately my creation had a little bit of a malfunction and formed a wee bit of an attachment to you. I’m sure you remember the ruckus outside your window? Anyways I digress, I do this because everyone of you lowly students will go onto do mediocre jobs where you waste away at a desk. I must also add that with having a clone of you under my control, I can do anything and get away with clean hands. My plan with you originally was to have you go into the admissions office and steal every last cent all for me. On top of that I like the power, because one day I will have a clone of every student on this campus and eventually I will cause a revolt against our comedy of a government. Who will stop me, when I won’t even be on the front lines?” Dr.Blackwood explained.
“I will” I said freeing my last hand from the binds.
What he didn’t realize is that with all of this monologue and the questions I had been feeding him, I was slowly loosening my binds with each wiggle and movement in retaliation.
Lurching forward I grab onto his collar, pulling him into a vicious headbutt. The impact sent Dr. Blackwood reeling backward, his grip on consciousness loosening as he staggered. Seizing the moment, I lunged off the table, adrenaline coursing through my veins despite the searing pain in my abdomen. With a swift motion, I grabbed a nearby surgical instrument, holding it in a defensive stance as I faced my adversary. Dr. Blackwood, recovering from the blow, snarled with rage, his once calm demeanor now replaced by a feral intensity. The room seemed to shrink around us, the tension thickening with each passing second. This was my chance to stop Blackwood's twisted plans. As he lunged forward, I met his attack head-on, the clang of metal reverberating through the room. Blow after blow, we fought with an intensity born of desperation and determination. Despite my injuries, I refused to yield, driven by a fire burnt under me to protect myself and others from Blackwood's actions . In a final, swift move, I delivered a powerful front kick, sending Blackwood crashing to the ground. The room fell silent, the echoes of our struggle fading into the darkness. Coughing he sat in the corner laughing with blood spilling down his face. “You know that it’s too late to save any of these one lying on the tables. I would’ve released you, you know that right? I would’ve simply taken your memory from today out of your brain and leaving you in your bed to wake up thinking you had a fun night” he said with final resolve as he watched me grab the scalpel from the ground taking slow steps near him.
Looking down over him, It was my turn to laugh. Kneeling down to eye level with him I grabbed him by his hair and delivered a final message to him “Fuck you and your little science experiment” as I sliced deep into his throat watching the life fade from his eyes.
I eventually found an exit door, which lead me to a storm drain deep in the woods far from my campus. It took me 2 hours to limp my way onto a main road and flag down a passing car. Pulling over I was rushed to the hospital and later interrogated by some men in suits, my guess is CIA. Here I am now, writing my final entrance. I think I heard them say something about trying a new medical process on me to help me heal quicker
submitted by Krayzfrog to LazyMasquerade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:54 BusAmbitious7680 The Absolute Power Of Gun Park.

The Absolute Power Of Gun Park.
We see Gun making some wood sculptures, specifically Dragon, Dragon in wood carving symbolises power, authority, abundance, change, health and spirituality. It also symbolizes good luck, fortune, and prosperity. In some cultures the dragon is a protector and is often associated with royalty,
which certainly makes sense because, he possess insane power and authority, I'm not sure what does abundance and chance means but health probably implies he's really healthy, as for spirituality, we've seen gun Park praying (2nd slide), not to mention his Royalty towards Charles choi
submitted by BusAmbitious7680 to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 Krayzfrog There’s something off with the people on campus (full story)

I think there’s something off about my campus
Hey everyone, I’m typing this on my phone so I apologize if there is weird formatting. Anyways, to get to the point, there’s something really off with some people on my campus. I have come seeking answers.I noticed it first walking home from my 7pm class last Wednesday.
To set the scene, most of the campus is tucked back into the woods a little, and my 7pm class is in the farthest building from the parking lot (further into the woods). I get out from that 7pm class around 9pm, so on cloudy nights like last Wednesday, the only lights on that long sidewalk are the lights radiating from the other buildings. Usually, there’s roughly 30 feet where it’s pitch black because the foliage is pretty dense. I usually walk back to my apartment with some classmates that live in the same complex as me, but I told them to go ahead of me while I finished the rest of the project.
After packing my laptop away, I started heading back home. It was roughly 9:30 at this point, and my brain was slowly shutting down preparing for the deep sleep that has yet to come.Walking down the sidewalk, I heard somebody not too far into the woods laughing like they’ve just heard the funniest joke ever. I immediately thought, “probably some Freshman walking the trails with their friends smoking weed”. Chuckling to myself, I put in my AirPods and picked a playlist for my journey back home.
When I looked up from my phone, there was the silhouette of somebody walking towards me. I have no idea how I missed them before, but honestly, it’s very possible they were just in a spot where the light wasn’t quite reaching them. A little unnerved, I shifted over to the left side of the sidewalk.
(Now I’m usually fine walking alone at night; I’m a 6’2 man who’s dabbled in the world of MMA. But something about this person gave me a primal feeling of unrest.)
When they shifted over to the left mirroring me, I felt my blood run cold. But alas, I had to keep walking because this was my only way back home. As I neared closer to the figure, I almost laughed at myself when I realized it was just some harmless girl walking towards the Murphy building. If anything, I’m the intimidating one to her.
This is where it really gets weird. She stopped as I was passing her and turned to me. Thinking she needed to ask me something, I took an AirPod out and asked “what’s up?”. After staring at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, she opened her mouth, and I kid you not, mimicked the laugh I heard moments before perfectly. Before I could chalk it up to it just being her in the trails earlier, I noticed something. Her mouth wasn’t moving at all. If I had left my AirPods in, it would just look like she was just opening her mouth and staring at me. She then shifted into a deep raspy laugh. She did all of this without moving her mouth at all; I couldn’t even see her throat moving as you would expect if someone was laughing. It was almost like she was some fucked up human-shaped gramophone. The feeling of absolute horror that came over me is something I’ve only experienced in my imagination. Before I could think to do anything next, My body began to run off some sort of primal instinct. With my legs burning, it took me about 10 minutes to get all the way back to my apartment and lock myself in relative safety.
I’m coming on here now to ask if anybody knows what I experienced? I have been hearing that same laughter outside my window every night since that night, I am too terrified to sleep well and have refused to go to any of my classes. Please I just want answers, I don’t want to keep living in fear.
Part 2:
Hey everyone, I’ve gotten some DMs telling me what it may be. I’ve heard everything from banshee to skinwalker. After further research I pray to god it was neither of them. I’m praying it was just some girl with a speaker playing some sort of cruel joke. I mean yes there are people who don’t like me on campus, I’ve made some enemies over the past 4 years. But, I just don’t understand what could’ve brought it to this point. I had to stop hiding in fear and go to my classes before my grades plummet, I’m almost done with my degree and only have a few more weeks. If I let some sort of stupid prank ruin my career, It would be everything I swore against to my parents.
A lot of you guys in the DMs were also asking what college I go to and what my name is. First I want to say sorry for not providing that information in the first post, I’m sure you can understand where my head was at typing that. So let me introduce myself, my name is Nick and In order to keep my privacy, I will only provide that I go to a midwest university.
I’m sure you may be wondering, “so did it just stop?”. I would love to say yes, but really things have just gotten weirder. Though, I am pleased to say that there is no longer laughing out my window every night.
Ever since that night, I’ve been noticing more things off with the people on campus. Now you may just think it’s paranoia, but just be patient and listen.
Yesterday, I decided to muster up all of my courage and go to class. Luckily my first class is at 10AM, when the sun is well in the sky, so walking across campus seemed much less threatening. When I sat down in my first class, I noticed something off with the girl that sits in front of me. Usually she’s chatty and excited to be in class, but today she just stared blankly ahead. I tried to say good morning and ask about her weekend, as we do every Monday, but she continued to have that blank stare. She did turn her head towards be, but her eyes read “lights on, but nobody is home”.
Thinking to myself, she may just be hungover, or going through the bout of college student depression. I decided to shrug it off and turn to the front of the class and get my notes ready. But the moment I turned around, I could feel it. Her eyes burrowing deep into the back of my head. When I flipped around to see if I was just being irrational, I quickly learned I wasn’t. Her eyes went from the blank glare, to the most enthusiastic face I’ve seen on her. It was horrible, it almost seemed like she was trying so hard to pretend she was thrilled to be in class and to speak to me. It was inhuman.
I’ve been on the internet long enough to catch on to the term “Uncanny valley”, and what I witnessed In my first hour gives me that same gut feeling I got when I saw that girl last Wednesday.
I was right to be uncomfortable though, I texted her after class to make sure she was doing alright. But her response only reignited the flames of deep fear burning in my soul.
I’ll copy and paste the messages here:
Me: Hey Is everything good? You seemed off in class today.
Steph SCI 101: Uh yeah, I’m fine. but I was not in class today, I’m severely hungover from Tanner’s party last night.
Me: Haha, good one.
Steph SCI 101: No I’m so Fr, are you okay?
Steph SCI 101: Are you trying to fuck with me or something?
Me: Nevermind, I’m sorry to bother you.
(End Of Texts)
Okay so I’m sure that this gives you all the same feeling of dread that it gave me but I’m sure scaled down a bit. This is where I have started to doubt that it’s a prank, because me and Stephanie are cool. There’s no level of hate for either of us, and even if it was some joke, we don’t know each other on that type of level.
Not only did this seem to happen in my first class, but in between classes while I was walking across campus as well. I walk past hundreds of faces in my many treks across campus, and I swear to you, at least 1/4th of the people I walked past had that same dead stare look. And the way they walked, god I hate even thinking of it. It was like they were an alien trying out their new body suits for the first time. The steps and the bends of their legs just seem so meticulous, dramaticized, and puppeteered.
I’m going to try to investigate further, because at this point my fear for my life is more of a reason to try and figure out what it is so I can try to stop it.
I’m no hero, and I’m sure as hell nothing special, but If I can know what to expect for another encounter, maybe I can avoid meeting the demise I have imagined.
Part 3
First off I would like to apologize for my 20-day hiatus. For those who were worried that curiosity killed the cat so to speak, I appreciate your concern. On top of my investigation, I have also had to go through finals and work for a boss who didn't believe in life outside of work. So let's start where we left off. I had a feeling that this task was left for me to solve. it may sound stupid, but let me explain why. That night, after my last post, I had a dream that further solidified my need to solve the mystery. I tried to write all that I remembered down the morning after so here is what I wrote. 
April 4th, 2024
I had a strange dream last night, stranger than usual at least. I awoke in the woods, laying face down in the grass with someone looming over me. I heard their footsteps flee rapidly before I flipped over. I found myself just off the trail where the “incident” happened, on the trail laid a girl, bloodied and motionless. When I got up to approach her, she was quickly dragged into the parallel section of the woods. Seeing this I turned and ran into the section of woods I was in. When my legs gave out I found myself near an old supply shed, worn and long abandoned. Searching for cover, I tried the door, which luckily gave after a quick pull. There I found a trapdoor which emanated a blue hue through the cracks. The only thought on my mind, survival brought me to throw it open and climb down. I clattered down the ladder and right before my feet touched the ground, I was pulled backwards by my shirt. That’s where I woke up.
I have always trusted my gut and having a dream that vivid gave me a sense of courage I did not previously have. I know where to start my search now. I have decided my best course of action will be to record my findings on a tape recorder app. After I finish each entry it will be uploaded to a cloud that will ensure if anything happens to me, the story will get out. I am packing my backpack now with a flashlight, glow sticks to mark my trail, and a machete I was gifted by a local in Mexico. All of my recordings will be uploaded below and auto posted after 10 days. Wish me luck everyone, I’m going to need it.
Entry 1: I have started at the only place that makes sense, the trail. It is currently 1:45 PM and I have plenty of sun left in the sky. I just needed to find exactly where to start my journey into the woods. Strangely it was very easy to find. I recall one of the trees having a funky twist near the middle of the trunk. Probably just some two lovebirds trying to carve their name into the tree and realizing there were softer trees to carve into. Anyways hiking further into the woods I believe I can see the shape of the shed through the branches. I wish you guys could see how dense these trees are so you can understand my struggle.
Entry 2: I made it to the shed, but unfortunately the floor in here is concrete. This really sucks for me because I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. It’s identical on the outside but I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m just delusional, which in that case what a waste of time and energy. I’m going to head back home and just start packing for summer. Maybe it’ll be best if I just forget about all of this and leave it behind me. I am graduating after all. Wait hold on what is this?? there’s a button behind one of these shelves. I am going to press it, but idk how it would work because this floor is seamless. I’m just going to leave this recording so if anything does happen I don’t have to worry about holding the phone the whole time. Holy shit, the entire floor is lowering. It’s a fucking elevator.
Entry 3: Okay so I’ve been going down this elevator for like 30 seconds, how far down am I going?.. Oh wait hold on, Im stopped… There’s a metal door with a padlock. Ig since I have the machete there’s only one thing to do, break it. Im going to use the blunt side so I don’t ruin this thing, I like it too much. the lock clatters to the ground after 3 solid hits. Well ig there’s only one way to go now, there’s no button to get back up so I pray there’s another way up. The metal door creaks loudly. Fuck I regret this, It’s dark and I can tell it’s a big area because it’s so echoey in here. I’m currently praising my past self for thinking about the flashlight and glow sticks. I need to find out what in the hell this place is and most importantly, if there’s a damn light switch.
Entry 4: God this place is terrifying I’ve been walking around the sterile white halls of this place for like 10 minutes and have found nothing, no doors, no light switch. I feel like a rat in a maze. Also scratch what I said about being glad I packed glow sticks, because my stupid ass only brought like 20 of these things and I’m already down to 5. Also I feel like I’m not alone, every now and then I’ll turn a corner and the glow from the previous glow stick quickly vanishes. I feel like it might just be because the darkness seems to envelop everything like a blanket. But I have that feeling that I’m being followed. You know the one, where you know somethings wrong you just can’t pin point what it is. Oh shit no way, there’s light, I think there’s a door or something up ahead.
Entry 5: Holy shit… It’s a lab, and worse, there’s people strapped too tables, completely naked and unconscious. I know they are alive because each of them are hooked up with a million different cords, and one of those are plugged into a heart monitor. This place is huge, there has to be at least 50 people on these tables.
“Hey you, you’re not supposed to be in here” yelled a man adorned in a lab coat.
“What are you doing to these kids you sick fucks.” I yelled back at the man across the lab.
In a haste the scientist rushes towards a red button, setting off a loud alarm, turning the lights to a flashing red. With no exit behind me, I could only do one thing... Rush towards him. My training kicked in as I launched into a flurry of calculated strikes. My first hit connected, a right overhand clean under his eye. The doctor stumbled back, but I didn't give him a chance to recover. I pressed the attack, keeping him off balance with a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. He fought back ferociously, but I was one step ahead, anticipating his moves and countering with swift, efficient strikes. We wrestled, the room around us becoming a blur of pain and adrenaline. I used the environment to my advantage, improvising weapons from the scattered medical equipment and turning the empty tables on my opponent. Pinning him to the ground, I laid down a harsh barrage of final blows. His face was a bloody pulp, unrecognizable. But I didn’t walk away unscathed, somewhere in the tussle, the scientist buried a scalpel deep into my stomach. With my adrenaline wearing off, the pain overtook me, sending me into darkness as I fainted from the blood loss and adrenaline dump. I awoke with my arms and legs strapped to the cold metal operating table. Before I could try to struggle, a face overtook my field of vision.
“Quite a fight you put up, you turned poor Dr.Samson into a soup” the looming face said with a chuckle. “You are the first person to put the pieces together and for that I am thoroughly impressed Mr. Hayes”
“Who are you?!” I said fighting at my binds. “Let me go!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Mr.Hayes. You have seen far too much, and I definitely can’t have you running around telling the world what you saw here. Although nobody would believe you.” “And to answer your other question, I’m surprised you don’t recognize me… really take a moment and look at me” He said pulling down his face mask.
“Dr.Blackwood?” I said as I looked back on my freshman year biology class.
“Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner!” He said in a maniac joy.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked.
“Well Mr.Hayes, first I’m going to sew you up from your little tussle you had with my late assistant and then I will put you under and cut into that skull of yours and take out a small piece of what we call in the science world your hippocampus. Then I will draw from that all of the necessary memories to create the perfect clone of you.” He responded.
“Why? Why would you need a clone of any of us. Why can’t you just clone someone willing to be apart of this?” I asked
“Because that’s no fun Mr.Hayes, the hunt excites me. Actually you’re lucky I didn’t get you the first night. Unfortunately my creation had a little bit of a malfunction and formed a wee bit of an attachment to you. I’m sure you remember the ruckus outside your window? Anyways I digress, I do this because everyone of you lowly students will go onto do mediocre jobs where you waste away at a desk. I must also add that with having a clone of you under my control, I can do anything and get away with clean hands. My plan with you originally was to have you go into the admissions office and steal every last cent all for me. On top of that I like the power, because one day I will have a clone of every student on this campus and eventually I will cause a revolt against our comedy of a government. Who will stop me, when I won’t even be on the front lines?” Dr.Blackwood explained.
“I will” I said freeing my last hand from the binds.
What he didn’t realize is that with all of this monologue and the questions I had been feeding him, I was slowly loosening my binds with each wiggle and movement in retaliation.
Lurching forward I grab onto his collar, pulling him into a vicious headbutt. The impact sent Dr. Blackwood reeling backward, his grip on consciousness loosening as he staggered. Seizing the moment, I lunged off the table, adrenaline coursing through my veins despite the searing pain in my abdomen. With a swift motion, I grabbed a nearby surgical instrument, holding it in a defensive stance as I faced my adversary. Dr. Blackwood, recovering from the blow, snarled with rage, his once calm demeanor now replaced by a feral intensity. The room seemed to shrink around us, the tension thickening with each passing second. This was my chance to stop Blackwood's twisted plans. As he lunged forward, I met his attack head-on, the clang of metal reverberating through the room. Blow after blow, we fought with an intensity born of desperation and determination. Despite my injuries, I refused to yield, driven by a fire burnt under me to protect myself and others from Blackwood's actions . In a final, swift move, I delivered a powerful front kick, sending Blackwood crashing to the ground. The room fell silent, the echoes of our struggle fading into the darkness. Coughing he sat in the corner laughing with blood spilling down his face. “You know that it’s too late to save any of these one lying on the tables. I would’ve released you, you know that right? I would’ve simply taken your memory from today out of your brain and leaving you in your bed to wake up thinking you had a fun night” he said with final resolve as he watched me grab the scalpel from the ground taking slow steps near him.
Looking down over him, It was my turn to laugh. Kneeling down to eye level with him I grabbed him by his hair and delivered a final message to him “Fuck you and your little science experiment” as I sliced deep into his throat watching the life fade from his eyes.
I eventually found an exit door, which lead me to a storm drain deep in the woods far from my campus. It took me 2 hours to limp my way onto a main road and flag down a passing car. Pulling over I was rushed to the hospital and later interrogated by some men in suits, my guess is CIA. Here I am now, writing my final entrance. I think I heard them say something about trying a new medical process on me to help me heal quicker
submitted by Krayzfrog to BeingScaredStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:43 Cultural_Sleep9678 Fulgrim's little Muse and how I'll try to create his backstory (1/?)

"Get your arses clean, lads" our beloved sergeant wakes us, his uniform already neat, with an azure rifle already humming "our Benefactors from Above grants us respite"
We all stand, rifle at our left, as we watch him climb from his trench quarter and pass down the hall. And when he did pass, we have to restrain old Johan there from gathering a mud to "generously" gift it to him
"How many lies?" he mutters, before walking to his part of the trench
The time was exactly 0700, or at least that was the hour before a shipment of supplies came, saying a different hour, days, and months written on it. Sarge said that the war would end exactly at 0900 today, whether it was our time or from this "Benefactor from above"'s time.
"Musa, get your pointing at the ready, if what sergeant said is true, I doubt those on the other side would wait hours before this war would really end" a senior of mine, climb to the steep stair enough to let her rifle peek through the sandbags above the wall. And I follow suit, standing beside her and aiming to the other side.
The trenches was fully alive at 0400, where men and women would done their necessity be it for the good of their body or the good of their spirits. Rations would be cooked and eaten, guns would be meticulously cleanse and rearmed, and by the 0600, we could take a brief rest before the other side would engage. That is, if we didn't get the order to engage first.
Guns lining up between the ashen and muddied bags, like a snake hidden carefully in the earth. Every captain of the company, surrounded by their companion, grip their whistle tightly, waiting and watching for any sign of metal helm peeking out of their trench for their valiant last charge before the war ended.
Their anxiousness spread to everyone, fingers at the trigger yet disciplined enough not to pull it. As do I, as my left palm sweat and grip the wood of my rifle as if they were star-crossed lover.
Minutes stretches by, and they turned into hour. By 0821, hails of tiresome scoffs were audible across the trench.
"If these karkers wouldn't charge, what's the point of this?" she spoke once again
"patient Maria, maybe they are looking for their white flag" I quietly smirk at her antics, she stole my heart and it seems as if fate was generous enough. So far, at least
As when clouds ran faster than they should, bright orange bullets rain upon the other side. Their caliber, even as seen so far away, was clearer that our lead bullets was dwarfed greatly. Trenches belonging to the other side, once the bane of our daily lives, converted into craters no different than the swathes of No Man's Land standing between us, as if it naturally engulfs them, embracing the man-made structures with mud, water and ash. As if God was indeed real and amongst us, and it is a foolish endeavor to earn their ire.
When vapors and smoke finally settles, the land beyond our trench was bereft of life. And what supposed to be our jubilee, we can only stare in fear and obedience, the structure that was slowly reaching on us these past years, reduced to mounds and craters of mud.
Another bullet drops, this time so close to our trenches, big enough to be a piece of artillery.
"At ease you sod, the war is over, look at your watch" the squeaking of sergeant grows quieter by the second. All of us too stunned at the metal pods hitting just few meters from ours, and if it weren't for the whistle blaring on our ears, we would've taken action, done something.
And the pods burst, one being cladded in armor too intricate to be designed by hands emerge from every pod. Their stature impossibly tall, matching that of buildings back home, and their guns was equally baroque, they're gripping them lightly.
One being relaxed their gun-hand at the sight of carnage before them, before spinning their heels to us. Maria, in a panic shot at the bulge of the armor, and we were too late to stop her. The being was covered by their head armor too, but we can see it glance down on us as the bullet ricochet from her, returning back between Maria's cranium. Fate was no longer generous.
The being pulls their piece of armor on their head, bright and sublime pale hair flow gracefully out of her, with sharp eyes scanning across the trench.
"So it seems, a friendly fire was it not?" she turns to the other of her being, on which they nod. She turns back to us, looking for our sergeant it seems "To whom you answer your command to?"
"Gov'ness, we have been expecting of you" he shoves some people, climbing up the trench intending to make friendly gesture to her "my name is Casimir, dearest Gov'ness, and these are the proud men and women of Narodow, express our grandest gratitude to you"
"Amusing, you still clung to your planetary identity, and a primitive one at that" sergeant was taken aback, and it earned him some grin with occasional scoffs "no longer are you child of your nation, nor are you of Moravia, you now pledge your allegiance to great unifier of man, to the Grandest Imperium and to His Majesty, the Emperor" her words travel across the trench, demanding every drop of our obedience lest we face the same way Maria did.
It didn't take long for us to disband the trench, we were eager albeit skeptical of the end of war, yet when it did happened, all hands came to pick up leftover ammunition, supplies, food and barbed wires. None was seen slowing down, as they pack it on top of horses.
But I did slow down, it took great measure before the dam in my eye could flooded, ruining my soot-stained face. I kneel before Maria, gathering her hands and her rifle, placing on top of her cold body, before closing her eyes. It took even greater measure not to crumble at this.
"Casimir told me" a familiar and regal voice came up to me "for what's its worth, you have my most sincere apology" her gigantic palm came to envelop my back, a thing that I'd hope to be a friendly pat in the back
"You need not to apologize, Gov'ness, it is entirely within her fault to anger you so" I'd hope she would drop the matter and be the enticing conqueror, too foreign and alien to even care
"She didn't, nor hadn't, and yet it cannot be changed" I can almost hear her pitying tone "what is your name again?"
"Private Musa, dear Gov'ness" I sat upright, now remembering the hierarchy if even the sergeant pays her respect
"And you need not to be so respectful, Musa, her death is within my hands" she stands up, easily towering against me "and I dearly long to see you again, Musa" and something changed between her smile, her tone follows too "My name is Fulgrim, Matriarch of the Phoenix"
submitted by Cultural_Sleep9678 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:36 Primrosescripts Meeting an Elf

This is just a repost from my other account. If you choose to use this script please let me know I'd love to see how it turns out there is another version of this but M4A which is on my profile if you're interested. Please don't change anything that will change the story, small changes are fine like if you want to add pronouns or anything like that. All SFX is optional what is written is just what I think would fit for the script. Tags: Forest Elf, F4A, Fantasy, Enchanted Forest, Enemies to Lovers [F4A] [Forest Elf] [Fantasy] [Enchanted Forest] [Enemies to Lovers]
Ivory: Look I’m going whether you like it or not I can’t just stand and do nothing after what they did. That isn’t fair they shouldn’t be allowed to just walk freely after all of that. They’ve been doing this for too long and I can’t sit back and do nothing anymore. I’ll be back in a few days. If anything happens I need you to protect the village. Stay safe brother, I'll be back as soon as I can take care of our mother and the rest of the village. I love you too. (footsteps run off and fade out)
(Crickets chirping, leaves crunching, footsteps, owls hooting in the distance)
Ivory: It’s getting dark. I should probably set up camp for the night. Right here should do now let me see if I can actually get this fire rune right for once (Magic sound effects start for a few seconds then stop) Damn it. (Magic sound effects start for a second then stop again) (Ivory sighs heavily) I guess I'm using the humans (Said with disgust) way. (Said as if annoyed) Once I get back to the village I need to work on my rune magic more. (Fire starts) At least I have a fire. I might as well sharpen my arrows (branch snaps, footsteps move away quickly, a few seconds pass) Hi there. ( Thud as if someone fell, everything goes quiet)
(Sounds slowly starts to come back and get louder)
Ivory: Finally your awake human. Now tell me who you are and what you are doing on this side of the kingdom. You should tell me because your life depends on it. If I wanted to, I could shoot you right here right now. And what makes you think I wouldn’t? I don’t have to question you. I am choosing to question you. Now if you would just answer my questions this would be a lot easier. Who are you? A soldier from this king's army, yeah right. I say that because I know what the king’s soldiers look like and you are not one of them. I know because one you don’t have a single scar on you and before you say you just joined his army I know you didn’t you’re too soft and small the king would never recruit you. If anything you look like one of his children. Am I correct? Yeah that's what I thought. Now what are you doing out here? What do you mean getting revenge?
Ivory: Ha you think we killed your mother, the queen? I’m sorry but we never killed your mother. Your people were the ones to kill our queen and your mother is still alive. You don’t know? She saw the wrong your kingdom was doing and came to help us. No, I don't know where she is now. If I had to guess I’d say she’s somewhere in the sun elf village. No one knows exactly where she is, only the Dragon Queen does; she also relocates a lot; you never know where she’ll be next unless she tells you.
Ivory: Why would I cut you loose if you tried to attack me? I don’t trust you. I don't trust any humans after what they did to my village and all the other villages. I can't, I just can’t. Of course you think what they did was for the good of everyone. Tell me what you think of your kingdom's army attacking my village for no reason at all for just living peacefully. We never did anything. You guys killed my father for defending me and my siblings. Even after that they came back and ransacked our village. They drained all the magic from our village, ruined our farms and we couldn’t do anything or else we’d be killed. Tell me do you think doing that was for the good of everyone. Yeah that's what I thought. Your father did that out of fear, fear of some of the most happy and peaceful people all because one elf made a mistake five hundred years ago. It’s not our fault that he killed the prince over five hundred years ago. We shouldn’t have to pay the price of his mistake. My father shouldn’t have to pay the price of his mistake. You can say you're sorry all you want, it won't bring him back, nothing can bring him back.
submitted by Primrosescripts to u/Primrosescripts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:33 Primrosescripts Meeting an Elf [M4A] [Forest Elf] [Enchanted Forest] [Enemies to Lovers]

This is just a repost from my other account. If you choose to use this script please let me know I'd love to see how it turns out there is another version of this but F4A which is on my profile if you're interested. Please don't change anything that will change the story, small changes are fine like if you want to add pronouns or anything like that. All SFX is optional what is written is just what I think would fit for the script.
Tags: Forest Elf, M4A, Fantasy, Enchanted Forest, Enemies to Lovers [M4A] [Forest Elf] [Fantasy] [Enchanted Forest] [Enemies to Lovers]
Calix: Look I’m going whether you like it or not I can’t just stand and do nothing after what they did. That isn’t fair they shouldn’t be allowed to just walk freely after all of that. They’ve been doing this for too long and I can’t sit back and do nothing anymore. I’ll be back in a few days. If anything happens I need you to protect the village. Stay safe brother, I'll be back as soon as I can take care of our mother and the rest of the village. I love you too. (footsteps run off and fade out)
(Crickets chirping, leaves crunching, footsteps, owls hooting in the distance)
Calix: It’s getting dark. I should probably set up camp for the night. Right here should do now let me see if I can actually get this fire rune right for once (Magic sound effects start for a few seconds then stop) Damn it. (Magic sound effects start for a second then stop again) ( Calix sighs heavily) I guess I'm using the humans (Said with disgust) way. (Said as if annoyed) Once I get back to the village I need to work on my rune magic more. (Fire starts) At least I have a fire. I might as well sharpen my arrows (branch snaps, footsteps move away quickly, a few seconds pass) Hi there. ( Thud as if someone fell, everything goes quiet)
(Sounds slowly starts to come back and get louder)
Calix: Finally your awake human. Now tell me who you are and what you are doing on this side of the kingdom. You should tell me because your life depends on it. If I wanted to, I could shoot you right here right now. And what makes you think I wouldn’t? I don’t have to question you. I am choosing to question you. Now if you would just answer my questions this would be a lot easier. Who are you? A soldier from this king's army, yeah right. I say that because I know what the king’s soldiers look like and you are not one of them. I know because one you don’t have a single scar on you and before you say you just joined his army I know you didn’t you’re too soft and small the king would never recruit you. If anything you look like one of his children. Am I correct? Yeah that's what I thought. Now what are you doing out here? What do you mean getting revenge?
Calix: Ha you think we killed your mother, the queen? I’m sorry but we never killed your mother. Your people were the ones to kill our queen and your mother is still alive. You don’t know? She saw the wrong your kingdom was doing and came to help us. No, I don't know where she is now. If I had to guess I’d say she’s somewhere in the sun elf village. No one knows exactly where she is, only the Dragon Queen does; she also relocates a lot; you never know where she’ll be next unless she tells you.
Calix: Why would I cut you loose if you tried to attack me? I don’t trust you. I don't trust any humans after what they did to my village and all the other villages. I can't, I just can’t. Of course you think what they did was for the good of everyone. Tell me what you think of your kingdom's army attacking my village for no reason at all for just living peacefully. We never did anything. You guys killed my father for defending me and my siblings. Even after that they came back and ransacked our village. They drained all the magic from our village, ruined our farms and we couldn’t do anything or else we’d be killed. Tell me do you think doing that was for the good of everyone. Yeah that's what I thought. Your father did that out of fear, fear of some of the most happy and peaceful people all because one elf made a mistake five hundred years ago. It’s not our fault that he killed the prince over five hundred years ago. We shouldn’t have to pay the price of his mistake. My father shouldn’t have to pay the price of his mistake. You can say you're sorry all you want, it won't bring him back, nothing can bring him back.
submitted by Primrosescripts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:29 SignalCelery7 Vacuum oven for filament drying

Vacuum oven for filament drying
Got myself a surplus vacuum oven for random shit. Considering using it for filament drying (and likely drying some wood and things like that). I have some snappy filament in my drybox that needs some reconditioning.
I had to make a gasket for it so my fingers are crossed that it doesn't implode when I fire it up.
Any tips?
The temp controller is not very specific so I'm considering adding a pid controller with the TC at the same location as the one from the existing thermostat.
Should I be looking for 20 in hg? 28 in hg? 10^1 , 10^0 10^-1 etc Torr? or should I just use my other little air circulating oven with a good pid control?
submitted by SignalCelery7 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:23 Cute-Purple-2880 Purple-Verse Idea: Marine Straw Hats.

Purple-Verse Idea: Marine Straw Hats.
In this Idea, there will be an alternate universe (possibly the Edolas Universe or something Marvel and DC Earths) where Luffy and Ryuko become Marines like Garp and Soichiro was, do not worry, Luffy's crew with the Straw hats like Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp and the Others still exists but they band together as The Straw Hat Squad of the Marines, basically Luffy found them and he would have Ryuko, Satsuki, his adopctive Brothers and even Coby and Helmeppo in their Squad. While being in the crew, Ryuko and Satsuki would work together with Ragyo run Honoji City as a Marine Nation along with the Elites and School Club presidents where they arent really big jerks than the original Universe, even Mako as the Fight Club President is there being Ryuko's Best Friend, and there will be a base where Luffy and his team will held. Speaking of Ragyo, in this universe she never turned back on the Marines in this universe since she was grown in liking the Planet Earth and helping others (like Omniman). Despite them being Marines, They still hated some parts of the World Government's system, being corrupt, the Warlords and orders that make people find lack of peace. Luffy and Ryuko would then set sail to the world taking down all the bad parts of the Navy and create the system that protects more people and defeat the evil pirates and know there are good ones. Also their personalities would be different than the original.. well they still are gonna be happy and friendly a lot at times but they are more intellegent, professional, and patient than their original red selves. Luffy would then have a goal on being Fleet Admiral instead of Pirate King. Im also planning for other series there like Dragon Ball (imagine James being one of the Fire Princes), Fairy Tail (Natsu being a Magic Counselor) and etc, but this one comes to mind a lot.
Also as for Ryuko wearing Junketsu in that picture, pretend that's Senketsu but in the same deisgn as Junketsu cause Marine Color Scheme. Luffy would still be friends with Shanks and his crew and ate the Gum Gum fruit but doesnt become a Pirate but forms a crew. And Garp, Ragyo and Soichiro would train Luffy, Ryuko and their siblings Satsuki and Luffy's adpoted brothers Ace and Sabo
submitted by Cute-Purple-2880 to Dbmlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:16 SeaSubstantial2294 I need help rescuing my cat!

Hello, I need urgent help but the animal control and fire departments are not helping me. I live in Buffalo city, and my cat is stuck on my neighbor’s roof, he jumped there but cannot come back and it has been 5 hours he is there. I asked my neighbors if I could get in their house and get him from their window but they were not helpful at all. I do not know what to do anymore. I have put a wood plank from my balcony to my neighbors, so that he could climb and walk on it to cross into my balcony but he is not using it. I don’t know what to do and whom to ask for help. Please advise me what should I do.
submitted by SeaSubstantial2294 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:05 drakeredflame REVOLUTION PPV 2024

Tony Schiavone and Ian Riccaboni welcome us to tonight's Revolution PPV and send us right to the opening match!!
ROH Tag Titles Champs: Breakker and Alexander w/ Robert Stone vs New Catch Republic
NCR look to reclaim their titles from Robert Stone clients Josh Alexander and Bron Breakker. Alexander's ability to withstand punishment and Breakker's raw make that a tough ask.
NCR has deep technical ability and experience teaming together, while the new Champs are still learning their Rhythm. Everytime it looks too close, Stone can be seen distracting the referee or pulling someone out of the ring.
Late in the match, the referee tosses Mr Stone for excessive interference!! Unfortunately, Tyler Bate turns into a Breakker spear that nearly cuts him in half and the champs retain!!
Winners: Bron Breakker and Josh Alexander
Austin Theory vs Jimmy Uso
From the opening bell, both competitors demonstrated their exceptional skills and determination, trading high-impact moves and near falls. Theory, known for his technical prowess and agility, seemed to have the upper hand at several points during the match, showcasing his ability to outmaneuver Jimmy with precision strikes and calculated offense. Jimmy never backed down as he is used to high-pressure situations.
Despite the relentless assault from Theory, it was the unwavering support of the crowd that proved to be the deciding factor for Jimmy Uso. The fans in attendance were firmly behind him, their cheers and chants creating an electric atmosphere that reverberated throughout the arena. Every time Jimmy looked to be on the verge of defeat, the deafening roar of the audience seemed to reignite his fighting spirit. Theory was able to land Ataxia, but Jimmy kicked out a split-second before the 3 count.
In the final moments, the crowd's energy reached a fever pitch, fueling Jimmy’s final surge of offense. A completely unexpected Full Nelson Bomb caught Theory off guard and Uso scored the 3!!
Winner: Jimmy Uso
WOH International Title Sol Ruca vs Tegan Nox
Salina de la Renta joins Commentary for this one. She proudly points out the talent of the two competitors looking for their first title in WOH. Sol is somewhat hesitant in the early going, as she saw what Tegan Nox did to her last opponent.
Tegan takes full advantage of this, and starts laying in some heavy blows.. every cry of pain from Sol seems to derive a cry of joy from Tegan!!
Salina de la Renta is a little unsure of Tegan’s new attitude, but complements her on finding a way to push herself up the ladder in WOH.
Moments later a wicked looking Shiniest Wizard lands and Tegan Nox is the winner.
Winner and New WOH International Champion: Tegan Nox
Renée Paquette approaches, to get a word with the new Champion, but Tegan brushes her off and stalks up the rampway with her title .
ROH International Title Damian Priest vs Marcel Barthel
In a match for the newly unified International Championship, Damian Priest faces Marcel Barthel. Priest is known for his imposing size and strength, giving him a significant power advantage. Barthel is a master technician, excelling in grappling and submission holds.
And that is what plays out. Barthel doing his best to outwrestle Damian, and his opponent using his power and agility to stay out of his grasp. Barthel does manage a couple of Near-falls but the match is definitely Priest's when he wants to end it.
A big boot staggers Barthel and a huge South of Heaven chokeslam wins the match.
Winner and New International Champion: Damian Priest
A strange music erupts that commentary is able to identify as a hybrid of Imperium and Ringkampf’s themes mixed together.. A spotlight shines on the entrance ramp. The crowd grows silent. Damian Priest looks up angrily as his celebration is cut short.
Damian is shocked as none other than GUNTHER himself steps through the curtain. The crowd doesn't know how to react. He smiles darkly and points at Damian, then steps back through the curtain. Priest rolls out of the ring and races after him with a look of pure rage on his face!
Pentagon Jr vs Nic Nemeth w/ Robert Stone
The third match in this recent series of matches starts like the others have.. Penta taking to the Sky, showcasing his Lucha skills and Nemeth using a ground based offense. As we have seen, these 2 talented veterans are very evenly matched.
The referee is watching Robert Stone like a hawk after the opening match shenanigans. Stone raises his hands and says he's just there to advise his client. What he misses is Nic punting Penta low and hitting a Danger Zone for the tainted victory.
Winner: Nic Nemeth
WOH Tag Titles Open Challenge Champs: Sky Pirates vs ????
The Sky Pirates, the WOH Tag Team Champions, come out to the roar of the crowd!! They raise their titles in the air and bask in the love of the crowd.
We all await their opponents. First through the curtain is a woman wearing a demon mask! The bigger shock is her partner, a larger woman dressed in black and wearing a dragon mask!!
Io and Kairi have no Idea who the masked women are, but they start the match Kairi vs the Demon mask. Cat and mouse seems to be the idea here, as Kairi plays hit and run with the much stronger Demon. A tag to Io keeps things moving at a fast pace.
The Demon woman does manage to knock down Io and makes a tag to her masked partner. Things slow down as the dragon masked one grabs Io in a bear hug and starts to squeeze. A belly to belly suplex from the bear hug stuns Io. A Powerbomb crumples up Io and suddenly we have New WOH Tag Team Champions!!
Winners and New WOH Tag Team Champions: The Masked Women
WOH World Title Champ: Jamie Hayter vs Asuka
As everyone tries to figure out who the new Women's Tag Team Champions are, the introductions for the WOH World Title Match begin. The challenger, Asuka, comes out first.
The leader of the Queens of Violence and our WOH World Champion - Jamie Hayter is out next . Both combatants are a touch slow after what they witnessed in the last match. But within minutes, the match is going in earnest.
Asuka makes the first move, catching the champ in an octopus stretch!! Hayter gets to the ropes after several minutes of pain. Asuka doesn't want to release the hold, but eventually does. A pair of clotheslines take Asuka down, and the champ starts raining down the fists.
Just as it seems like the champion is going to kick it into a higher gear, the arena goes black. When the lights come back up, four masked women stands over a downed Asuka and Jamie Hayter!!
The new Tag Champs are now joined by a fox mask and a black masked woman wearing a crown. They start to remove their masks.
The Fox mask is new International Champion Tegan Nox !!
The Demon is Zoey Stark!! The Dragon is none other than Salina de la Renta's enforcer Kris Statlander!!
The Crown now produces a microphone and speaks..
“Do you see how easy this was? Tegan is the International Champion. Zoey and Statlander are the Tag Team Champions, and soon - I will be the Women's Champion!!” She drops her mask to reveal, in the biggest shock of the night - Charlotte Flair!!!
“We are The Standard And You Don't Measure Up!!”
As The Standard leaves the ring, we head to a brief PPV commercial break - hyping up Anarchy in ROH, next month's PPV. Commentary let's us know that both Jamie Hayter and Asuka have been taken to a local medical facility for observation.
We also hear from GM Nigel McGuiness. He let's us know that Anyone who interferes in the Main Event will be automatically FIRED !!!
ROH World Title Champ: Jay White vs Malakai Black
In the highly anticipated Main Event clash of Superstars, Malakai Black faced off against Jay White. Both competitors brought their unique styles to the ring, with Black's striking martial arts contrasting sharply with White's cunning and technical prowess. The match began with a series of rapid exchanges, showcasing the agility and precision of both men. Black's swift kicks and devastating strikes kept White at bay, but "Switchblade" countered with his own brand of methodical offense, targeting Black's limbs to slow his momentum.
As the match progressed, the intensity only escalated. White, known for his cerebral approach, tried to wear down Black with a series of submissions and suplexes, aiming to weaken his opponent. However, Black's unyielding spirit shone through. He absorbed the punishment and retaliated with vicious knees and kicks that echoed throughout the arena. The turning point came when White attempted his signature Blade Runner, only for Black to counter mid-move, stunning the crowd. With an almost supernatural agility, Black slipped out and delivered a lightning-quick Black Mass that left White reeling.
The climax of the bout saw both men exhausted, each digging deep into their reserves. White, in a last-ditch effort, went for another Blade Runner, but Black evaded it with one fluid motion.
In a moment of sheer brilliance, Malakai Black delivered a second Black Mass, catching Jay White flush on the jaw. The impact was definitive, and White crumpled to the mat. Black covered for the pin. The referee's hand hit the mat for the third time, and the arena erupted in applause, as they realized they have a New ROH World Champion in Malakai Black!
Winner And New ROH World Champion: Malakai Black
submitted by drakeredflame to RedflamesBookingNow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:03 Melpsu How do I get her to stop peeing in her shelter?!

My mare is housed in a large paddock with a 3-sided shelter, with pine shavings for bedding inside the shelter only. She regularly lays down in the shavings as I always see them in her mane and tail. In the 9 months that I’ve had her, she’s been a very clean horse, always pottying in the same outside area in her paddock.
2 weeks ago she had a fever of 104.4 the day after vaccines were given. On her sickest day, she had peed inside her shelter. I cleaned it up right away and of course we treated the fever and she was back to normal within a few days. EXCEPT she now pees in her shelter almost daily. I pitched all the wood shavings and left the floor bare for 48 hours in the hopes that it would deter her (and to allow it to dry out). I put the soiled shavings in her “normal” potty area in the hopes that it would prompt her to go there again. And she does…sometimes. But not consistently. She didn’t pee in the shelter when the floor was bare, but as soon as I put in new clean shavings, she started up again.
I bought some Manure and Urine Eliminator ( and am planning to scrub the floor with that and let it dry out again. Any other suggestions to encourage her to start going outside again?
submitted by Melpsu to Horses [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:01 Substantialmajestic Suspicious Circumstance

A police officer received a call to help another officer, who he had known for many years. The call was designated as "suspicious circumstance."
The call was from a son who said that when he went to check on his mom at her old farmhouse, he had heard noises from downstairs in the basement.
It took the officer about 15 minutes to get out to this old farmhouse outside of town. It was yellow stucco and very old. He could see the old knob and tubing wiring on the outside of the house.
There is an upset old woman on the porch, the mom, and then a younger adult male standing next to her, the son, and then his fellow police officer standing next to them.
He goes up to them and gets all the information. When the son got to his mom's farmhouse to check on his mom, while he was talking to his mom on the main floor, he heard a noise in the basement like something being dropped. He dismissed it as perhaps an animal.
However, then there were more noises of things moving around and then he also started hearing voices.
The son said he thinks maybe someone is living down there taking advantage of his mom. He says the basement is unlivable as it has a dirt floor and no electricity.
The mom is upset. She said she didn't want the son to go down in the basement. And now, the mom didn't want the police officers to go down in the basement either.
So, he asks her why she doesn't want them to go down there. She says, "Because the others are down there."
And he asks her what she means by that. She says "The others were here long before me and they will be here long after me."
He says he understands but that they need to go check the basement. The mom says nicely "You are both good boys. Don't go down there."
Meanwhile, the officer sees that the fellow officer has a very scared look on his face. This fellow police officer has helped the police officer who is calling into the show many many times. The intuition from him has saved both of them in many situations. So, this guy trusts him a lot. He pulls him to the side and says "What's going on here?" The fellow police officer says "There is a very dark fog around this house."
The two police officers decide to go clear the basement with their weapons drawn. They let dispatch know they are going to clear the basement and then they make their way into the old house.
They go through the front door and enter an entryway. There is a kitchen to the left. There are two double doors to a living room on the right. They go through the kitchen and then through a small hallway towards the garage where there are steps down to the basement.
They open the basement door and start going down the steps. The steps are very steep and narrow like steps on a boat. There is no electricity downstairs. He only has the light on his gun. He said every single inch of his exposed skin felt like it was under assault from a thickness in the air.
They get downstairs and to the left are a bunch of old boilers. First a wood fire one, then an oil fire one, and then an updated furnace. To the left are steep stairs that go back outside through a bulkhead entrance (like the wizard of oz -- those basement doors that are flat in the ground).
And, in between the boilers and that bulkhead stair is a door to a back room inside the basement. And they focus on opening up that door.
The fellow officer opens the door and he goes inside. The room is filled with old wooden items and some boxes. There is nothing for anyone to hide behind. In the center of the room near the back is an old rocking horse. The white paint has been chipping and the hair on the horse has faded severely.
They both stand there looking at the rocking horse. He says he was drawn to the rocking horse in a very weird way.
Then he hears his radio as dispatch is calling. Dispatch says "Security check" as in "Are you guys ok?" He answers back that they are ok and dispatch says "What is taking you so long." He thinks this is very odd since usually dispatch does not interrupt you when you are clearing a house like that as they know you are highly focused.
He looks over to his fellow officer and he is staring at that rocking horse. His eyes are glossed over in a daze. He shakes his fellow officer and his fellow officer snaps out of it. They make their way back upstairs. They both talk in the kitchen that they are going to have to talk about this with each other after they leave the house to get their bearings back.
They go back out on the porch. The old woman has a smirk on her face. She says "Didn't feel good did it? You should have listened shouldn't you?"
He gets back in his vehicle and he asks dispatch why they interrupted him. Dispatch says he was gone too long. He says he wasn't gone long. Dispatch says he was gone for 10 minutes. He says he was not gone for 10 minutes. He says he was gone for about 2 minutes before they interrupted him.
There are more calls that come in and they move on to those.
However, later, back at the police station, they review the police body camera. Sure enough, once they get down into that room with the rocking horse, both he and the fellow officer freeze for 7 minutes looking at that rocking horse. They do not move. They do not speak. You can hear them both breathing for 7 minutes on the video. The only reason they snap out of it is because dispatch interrupts them on the radio. They both stood looking at that rocking horse for 7 minutes without realizing it.
submitted by Substantialmajestic to Ghoststories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:58 Slight-Dimension-165 Strategies for my party

Hello all, I've been playing for a few years but this is my first wizard, and only like the third character thats reached this high in level. That said, I am looking for strategies and even spell suggestions for next level to help my party survive. We are very strong and consistently punch above our weight class, so to speak, but while the DM is very generous, we have also nearly TPK'd twice in the last few sessions (One we pulled out a win and the other was a tactical retreat.) The other two in the party are (were?) new players when we started the campaign. Sorry in advance for the wall of text, I just like full context and don't post much. Hopefully this is in the right place.
So in the party we have a: Level 7 Heavy weapon master+Sentinel bear-barian human. Tanks and DPS (second character ever)
Level 5 Newbold wolf barbarian, 2 fighter that switches from point man to dagger throwing with quick toss and I think has plans to go Rune knight? (First character ever)
Then me Level 1 Artificer, 6 Bladesinger Harengon. Quandrix background (no free feat). Was originally supposed to be a Van Hellsing like character, then has become more party mom and watch dog that does everything from Face to Healer to Crowd Control to Buffer. I wear many hats and am stretched thin while trying to also shove spotlight onto the Newbies by facilitating what they wanna do with their characters. I have come to play 90% support in one way or another.
Spells: Cantrips: Guidance Thorn Whip Booming Blade Mind Sliver Minor Illusion Prestidigitation
Artificer: Cure Wounds Guiding Bolt Feather Fall Catapult Absorb Elements
Wizard: 1st Bless (Fey Touched) Silvery Barbs Shield Entangle Mage Armor Detect Magic Floating disk Guiding Hand
2nd Misty Step (Fey Touched) Summon Beast (Story reward) Dragon's Breath Mind Whip Vortex Warp Shadow Blade Spider Climb Water Breathing Blindness/Deafen Detect Thoughts Augry Suggestion Hold Person Invisibility
3rd Fireball Aura of Vitality Hynotic Pattern Counterspell Spint Shroud
4th Black Tentacles
Relevant magic items:
Custom Staff - 10 charges, 1 charge to cast: Find Familiar, Silent image, Comprehend Languages, or Grease. If I succeed a saving throw against a spell that only targets me, I can reflect it as if I cast it for a charge.
Mask that casts darkness, centered on you, when you put you fingers in it. Used in combination with a severed goblin hand that as a bonus action acts like a mage hand and saves me hand.
Brassiere of Fire Summoning (GM flubbed so now wizardress has a bronze breast plate) summons a Fire Elemental for 4 turns, but no saves required, once per day.
Staff of Swarming Insects.
Magic abilities. Has permanent Detect magic. 1 minute per day flight. 1 minute per day. Ghost form with resistance to all damage, but also all damage I deal is now halved and turned to necrotic. Can pass through walls.
We fight a lot of undead and magic items are mostly random. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Slight-Dimension-165 to 3d6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:54 Substantialmajestic Suspicious Circumstance

A police officer received a call to help another officer, who he had known for many years. The call was designated as "suspicious circumstance."
The call was from a son who said that when he went to check on his mom at her old farmhouse, he had heard noises from downstairs in the basement.
It took the officer about 15 minutes to get out to this old farmhouse outside of town. It was yellow stucco and very old. He could see the old knob and tubing wiring on the outside of the house.
There is an upset old woman on the porch, the mom, and then a younger adult male standing next to her, the son, and then his fellow police officer standing next to them.
He goes up to them and gets all the information. When the son got to his mom's farmhouse to check on his mom, while he was talking to his mom on the main floor, he heard a noise in the basement like something being dropped. He dismissed it as perhaps an animal.
However, then there were more noises of things moving around and then he also started hearing voices.
The son said he thinks maybe someone is living down there taking advantage of his mom. He says the basement is unlivable as it has a dirt floor and no electricity.
The mom is upset. She said she didn't want the son to go down in the basement. And now, the mom didn't want the police officers to go down in the basement either.
So, he asks her why she doesn't want them to go down there. She says, "Because the others are down there."
And he asks her what she means by that. She says "The others were here long before me and they will be here long after me."
He says he understands but that they need to go check the basement. The mom says nicely "You are both good boys. Don't go down there."
Meanwhile, the officer sees that the fellow officer has a very scared look on his face. This fellow police officer has helped the police officer who is calling into the show many many times. The intuition from him has saved both of them in many situations. So, this guy trusts him a lot. He pulls him to the side and says "What's going on here?" The fellow police officer says "There is a very dark fog around this house."
The two police officers decide to go clear the basement with their weapons drawn. They let dispatch know they are going to clear the basement and then they make their way into the old house.
They go through the front door and enter an entryway. There is a kitchen to the left. There are two double doors to a living room on the right. They go through the kitchen and then through a small hallway towards the garage where there are steps down to the basement.
They open the basement door and start going down the steps. The steps are very steep and narrow like steps on a boat. There is no electricity downstairs. He only has the light on his gun. He said every single inch of his exposed skin felt like it was under assault from a thickness in the air.
They get downstairs and to the left are a bunch of old boilers. First a wood fire one, then an oil fire one, and then an updated furnace. To the left are steep stairs that go back outside through a bulkhead entrance (like the wizard of oz -- those basement doors that are flat in the ground).
And, in between the boilers and that bulkhead stair is a door to a back room inside the basement. And they focus on opening up that door.
The fellow officer opens the door and he goes inside. The room is filled with old wooden items and some boxes. There is nothing for anyone to hide behind. In the center of the room near the back is an old rocking horse. The white paint has been chipping and the hair on the horse has faded severely.
They both stand there looking at the rocking horse. He says he was drawn to the rocking horse in a very weird way.
Then he hears his radio as dispatch is calling. Dispatch says "Security check" as in "Are you guys ok?" He answers back that they are ok and dispatch says "What is taking you so long." He thinks this is very odd since usually dispatch does not interrupt you when you are clearing a house like that as they know you are highly focused.
He looks over to his fellow officer and he is staring at that rocking horse. His eyes are glossed over in a daze. He shakes his fellow officer and his fellow officer snaps out of it. They make their way back upstairs. They both talk in the kitchen that they are going to have to talk about this with each other after they leave the house to get their bearings back.
They go back out on the porch. The old woman has a smirk on her face. She says "Didn't feel good did it? You should have listened shouldn't you?"
He gets back in his vehicle and he asks dispatch why they interrupted him. Dispatch says he was gone too long. He says he wasn't gone long. Dispatch says he was gone for 10 minutes. He says he was not gone for 10 minutes. He says he was gone for about 2 minutes before they interrupted him.
There are more calls that come in and they move on to those.
However, later, back at the police station, they review the police body camera. Sure enough, once they get down into that room with the rocking horse, both he and the fellow officer freeze for 7 minutes looking at that rocking horse. They do not move. They do not speak. You can hear them both breathing for 7 minutes on the video. The only reason they snap out of it is because dispatch interrupts them on the radio. They both stood looking at that rocking horse for 7 minutes without realizing it.
submitted by Substantialmajestic to ScaryCampfireStories [link] [comments]