Kerig coffee

Christmas Gift for Mom

2023.12.12 00:33 GooeyEggLookinAss Christmas Gift for Mom

Hello everyone, I really need some help on choosing a machine for my mom. She wants something simple where she doesn't have to ground beans but still gets a starbucks like experience. She likes a Venti Iced Mocha with 4 shots of expresso in it from Starbucks and has been trying to replicate it at home with no success. She has all of the syrups but has been using kerig coffee instead of an actual expresso machine. Please help guide me as I have little experience besides working somewhere that had a professional machine where we offered expresso but was not a full on coffee shop so it was just one grinder with the same bean and so on.
submitted by GooeyEggLookinAss to nespresso [link] [comments]

2023.11.07 18:18 NewTorai Playboy Magazine, February 1986

Playboy Magazine, February 1986

Playboy Magazine, February 1986
Nothing like a steamy cup of caffeine to get the juices going.
Our stimulating cover, designed by Managing Art Director Kerig Pope and shot by Contributing Photographer Stephen Wayda, with hair by John Victor, make-up by Pat Tomlinson and styling by Perry/Hollister, Chicago, features Miss February 1985, Cherie Witter the New Coffee Generation's best ad yet.
Playboy Magazine, February 1986
submitted by NewTorai to PlayBoyUSAcovers [link] [comments]

2023.10.09 06:30 mckbrooks96 Unsure of how to price this project. Any help appreciated.

Unsure of how to price this project. Any help appreciated. submitted by mckbrooks96 to woodworking [link] [comments]

2023.10.08 16:47 Realistic_Grand_6719 Newbie!

In the past month, I tasted Nespresso for the first time and my small standard pot broke after many years use. I dislike Kerig, but really liked my Nespresso experience. I have a large standard pot for guests, but just for myself wanted the capacity to make a single cup that actually tastes good as opposed to just being a caffeine infusion.
Yesterday, I bought the Vertuo Pop. I thought it was a good choice for being coffee focused with the occasional espresso. I went all out, signing on to the app, pairing the machine, and ordering some pods and a descaling kit. I had two cups this morning and want more!
Any advice/recommendations for a newbie?
submitted by Realistic_Grand_6719 to nespresso [link] [comments]

2023.05.15 18:46 Fluffy-Cuttlefish Been off caffeine for a long time but don't remember how long

Hi everyone! I'm so glad this community exist! I just want to word vomit about my (mostly) decaf life!
So, sometime in the past...idk 6 months at least (if not longer), I decided to stop drinking caffeine, for the most part. I'm definitely at a point where I don't need caffeine anymore.
So before I began controlling my caffeine intake, I absolutely needed to have at least 1 cup of coffee in order to make it through the day without a migraine. That wasn't so bad because I like the taste of coffee.
Though I don't really know what happened, but I began to notice my anxiety would spike up more if I had more coffee/caffeine (like I'll have coffee and then tea from my favorite Boba place).
So I decided I was going to wean off of it. I did this with my Kerig machine. So first what I did was buy decaf coffee. I know it still has caffeine, but it's a start! I would first mix the regular coffee and decaf coffee.
So week 1 I did 8 Oz of caffeine coffee, and then 2 Oz of decaf.
The second week I reduced the caffeine coffee to 4 Oz and increased decaf to 4 Oz.
And did it like that until it was totally just decaf coffee. I will say that first month was pretty tough. The withdrawals were real. I was tired, slight headache, but it was manageable with pain killers.
But I did it! I was now living the decaf life. It was a work in progress because I was still learning that tea has enough to make it difficult to sleep at night.
I eventually just began to drink decaf coffee and tea for a long while, and still do. Though, I was able to at some point to go days without drinking any coffee or tea (decaf), since decaf still has a small about of caffine.
Then I got COVID. And the migraine came back, and I didn't think it was caffeine related until I drank decaf coffee and I made it through the day without a headache.
So I resumed drinking just decaf coffee for awhile.
Throughout the process, I would intermittently drink Boba tea because that shit is just so delicious. So that's just the one thing I treat myself with every so often.
I started a new job and experimented with moving from decaf coffee to caffeine free tea in the morning and that was a pretty seemless transition.
Now my regular morning drink is caffeine free tea.
I wouldn't say I'm totally caffeine free, as I don't feel the need to do that for myself. I drink regular coffee when I do feel specifically tired (because I stayed up late and can't concentrate), or when I get that Boba tea (oolong tea with passion fruit flavoring and aloe vera, yum!!)
But in my new job I work in the office more often, and it's funny to me to observe the culture of coffee as an outsider now. I very much used to be the person who'd relate to the "I need my coffee" jokes, and now it's more like, "I drink coffee only if I feel that I need to"
People at first offered me coffee and I'd ask if they have decaf, I could almost hear their thoughts about, "Oh your one of those people" haha, but it's not big deal, they just don't ask anymore. And I have offered decaf tea to my coworkers and they also politely said no.
It's kind of nice to have control over my caffeine intake rather than having to drink it to hold of withdrawal symptoms for the day.
Like just in the past, because I'd wake up early in the morning for work, I'd drink coffee before work, but when I slept in on the weekend, I'd wake up with a heachade already because it was past the time I would drink coffee on the weekday. So mornings on the weekend were harder.
Now I can wake up on the weekends without a headache, I don't even need to have my tea. I can just get up and on with my day!
So I haven't been counting the days, but it's also because I'm not just trying to cut it out completely. It was rather something I just wanted to get to a point where I didn't need it to make it through the day, and I accomplished that.
I don't think it's necessary to cut it out completely, as it seems to be fine to do it in moderation, like most things.
It's been an interesting journey! Thanks for reading! 😁
submitted by Fluffy-Cuttlefish to decaf [link] [comments]

2023.04.24 00:37 1lik3turtl3s Improvements?

Curious if the order of my photos could be changed or an addition of a different photo/ get rid of one?
I feel like I’m lacking in about me stuff, but I’m not sure what to put. I also paint and I’m working on an Adam Sandler portrait painting, but idk what photo I would take out/ if I should put it in there?
The Audio is an impression of a Kerig coffee machine that I can do . it makes me laugh lol
I am also very aware I’m no skinny legend. I’m working on it at the gym so just putting it out there that I don’t need those comments lol I’m hard enough on myself about it, but I’m not self conscious in front of guys when I meet them (:
Thanks I’m advance!!!
submitted by 1lik3turtl3s to hingeapp [link] [comments]

2023.01.04 05:06 Box_of_Omens I am so confused

So I've been deconstructing for at least the past 1-2 years. It all recently came to a head. We just had my daughter a few months ago and my spouse and I had to move into my TBM grandparents basement so they can go to school. I also work with my dad (who is also on the fence about the church and confuses me greatly sometimes). We set up a time for the baby blessing, mostly for family at this point. But I don't want my daughter having the Same we religious trauma that we have. We don't want to indoctrinate her. We want her to make her own decision.
I've started drinking coffee this past week and tea, and I don't feel bad about it, but I feel silly hiding it. But my grandma will freak out if she finds out, it wpuld break my moms heart, and I don't want to use the kerig at work because I don't want to influence my dad's decision on the church. I feel like it's such a personal decision that I'd feel awful if he left because if me and not because of his own thoughts and feelings. Not to mention how much it would hurt my mom if he left again. I did bring coffee into work from the local gas station. I wonder if my dad noticed. He does offer me coffee time to time.
I just don't understand why I am following rules with no good reason behind them. I have started reading the CES letter. But the real start to all of this is all the Trump Worshipping a lot of family has done, despite all the obviously wrong things he has done (ie Jan 6) they just brush it off and say everything is a lie. It makes you wonder what else they do that with. What truths they blind themselves to in the name of being right.
I also have had a lot of hard times with my garments. The women's feel like female anatomy was completely ignored causing non stop camel toes. Let alone the way they make me feel, it feels like a toxic relationship. They make me feel gross and unsexy but when I take them off I get a pit in the bottom of my stomach, because I worry family will notice and start asking questions while I'm still figuring it out myself. And part of me still has the thought that I will damn myself if I don't wear them. I have been off and on about wearing them recently. I even bought some cheap crop tops to see how they would make me feel. Ngl they make me feel cute. I'm just worried about how ill go about starting to wear them. I also bought some short shorts. I miss wearing them from before I got endowed.
My father could not attend my temple wedding, we did have a ceremony after where he gave me away, because he really wanted that, and so did I. I wish I just had a civil ceremony and waited the year to get sealed anymore. It has been something that my heart breaks over. I wish my husband and I exchanged real heartfelt vows and not the pre-made vows that the temple had us do. I wanted my dad there with me to witness the exact moment my husband and I were married. I can never get that moment back.
I do feel comfort in the fact that the way my parents are, they would never treat me any different, maybe less church discussions, and my mom might even buy me immodest clothes tbh, but they would never disown. My grandma scares me though, she would try to get me back. She has a hard time listening to boudries. And I can't escape her. I could see her trying to get me back so hard that we might have to find a new living situation. Which really isn't an option. And it's hard to hide things living downstairs from her and being her and my grandfather's caretakers in a way, makes it so we have to check on them while we are home. I worry most about hurting those I love. But hey, I have already hurt those I love while making "righteous" decisions.
There are so many more issues and thoughts thay I have.
I hope no one I know finds this, and if you do I hope that you understand.
Sorry for the long ramble, I just have a lot on my mind. Don't worry about my husband and I, our marriage is good. I just don't want to speak for him and his story.
Where should I go from here? How do I slowly introduce the way I want to live to my family (ie coffee and not wearing garments ad the big ones) ? What should I do about my grandmother? Any advice in general would be welcome as well.
Edit: some grammar issues
submitted by Box_of_Omens to exmormon [link] [comments]

2022.10.13 18:17 InsuranceSlow3212 It looks soooo broken. 🤣

It looks soooo broken. 🤣 submitted by InsuranceSlow3212 to Drueandgabe [link] [comments]

2022.08.18 08:08 wackywandaaa can I bring a coffee machine to the dorms?

heyyyy so I’m an avid coffee drinker and wanna have my own single-serving kerig machine in my room (the smallest or second smallest) and use k-cups for my morning brew. Is this normal/allowed? What do people do to get cheap caffeine on campus as a first year? Many thanks!
submitted by wackywandaaa to CalPoly [link] [comments]

2022.06.07 03:06 Daniel6982 my coffee addiction route to espresso

Started with a cheap mr coffee drip coffee maker, then Kerig (thought it was an upgrade 🤣). Got refillable pod for Kerig. Used preground coffee (cheaper Than buying pods). Then got Baratza Encore grinder and fresh grind beans for Kerig. Still not good enough . Then got a Delonghi espresso from Target. Definitely a great improvement. And a bodum French press. Delonghi too cheap only pressurized baskets would work so upgraded to Breville Infuser. Wow what an improvement, now can use single walled baskets and dial in shots. Baratza Encore grinder not quite good enough barely can handle espresso and wasn't calibrated properly at factory. Upgraded grinder to Niche Zero. Almost happy. Upgrading tools. Saint Anthony's Block Party coming (love this hobby and gadgets! Getting pricey though.)using Normcore calibrated tamper with 30 lbs spring for tamping consistency training and a WDT. Going to go regular tamper when I think I have feel for it . (Update)- just used my new Saint Anthony's tamper designed for Breville machines that has a magnetic area so you can store it in original Breville tamper spot on the Breville Infuser and any other Breville espresso machine. Successful tamp, kept it level, little to no channeling. Have a bottomless portafilter on the Breville Infuser also. Now just gotta decide what machine to upgrade to. Thinking Lelit Bianca with flow control. Just got a 2 cup moka pot in the mail today. Gotta love it ❤
submitted by Daniel6982 to espresso [link] [comments]

2022.05.13 16:45 ThoughtAdmirable6178 Cometeer Review & a Promo: $25 off AND a free Fellow Thermos/Tumbler

I got an offer from Cometeer that will give referred friends $25 your first order PLUS a free Fellow Carter thermos!
Here’s my invite link:
My friend referred me so I was able to get the Fellow Carter travel mug too. Love that it’s matte black- super sleek. And surprisingly it actually kept my coffee warm all day! I would have probably paid the $30 for this mug lol so super cool that it was free with my order
As for the Cometeer coffee itself: huge game changer. So smooth and rich in flavor. I have been drinking one everyday and it brings me so much joy??
One day I actually forgot to pack one so I had to drink a kerig k-cup at work..omg it tasted stale to me. I was drinking k cups every morning prior to ordering Cometeer and thought they taste great?! So crazy how your palette changes when you feed it the good stuff. Guess I’m a coffee snob now 🤷🏼‍♀️
submitted by ThoughtAdmirable6178 to cometeer [link] [comments]


So my roommate of only 3 months has decided to move out (breaking her portion of the lease)... she has asked that we give her deposit of $734 back... We are looking for a new roommate and I think it is fair to ask the new roommate for a deposit and then reimburse her that way... However, her dog has chewed up our couch, ottoman, a pair of my Adidas sneakers, among other things... is it fair to deduct some of that money from the deposit, if so how much should we deduct? She also wants us to give her a receipt for our couch being fixed which may be more costly than what we were going to ask for..
She has also taken advantage of us in that she drank 2 cases of our beers, a large quantity of our hard liquor (to the point where we hid it), cans of soda, and my Kerig k-cups (about 15-20 cups of Petes coffee and other assorted coffees) without asking, paying for them, or replacing any of it. As well as using the toilet paper and paper towels I bought and hasn't contributed to the stock/restock of those at all.
I may not get a roommate that has pets either and that would make their deposit less than hers by up to $100.
here's a photo of couch and ottoman:
submitted by Inside-Tea-6043 to badroommates [link] [comments]


So my roommate of only 3 months has decided to move out (breaking her portion of the lease)... she has asked that we give her deposit of $734 back... We are looking for a new roommate and I think it is fair to ask the new roommate for a deposit and then reimburse her that way... However, her dog has chewed up our couch, ottoman, a pair of my Adidas sneakers, among other things... is it fair to deduct some of that money from the deposit, if so how much should we deduct? She also wants us to give her a receipt for our couch being fixed which may be more costly than what we were going to ask for..
She has also taken advantage of us in that she drank 2 cases of our beers, a large quantity of our hard liquor (to the point where we hid it), cans of soda, and my Kerig k-cups (about 15-20 cups of Petes coffee and other assorted coffees) without asking, paying for them, or replacing any of it. As well as using the toilet paper and paper towels I bought and hasn't contributed to the stock/restock of those at all.
I may not get a roommate that has pets either and that would make their deposit less than hers by up to $100.
submitted by Inside-Tea-6043 to Advice [link] [comments]

2020.04.20 04:03 IzZ_0125 After several days of research, still don’t know what Nespresso machine to get.

I am someone that likes the best of both coffee worlds which logically means I should get VL but I’m not convinced. I drink black coffee during the week and currently use a Kerig (hate the coffee but the convenience is key which results in spending a lot at coffee shops on the way to work). I like to have lattes on the weekend and maybe a few times in the evening. I am most interested in VertuoPlus. Is this the right choice?
submitted by IzZ_0125 to nespresso [link] [comments]

2019.01.15 15:56 pandasarepeoples2 What are the markings on coffee carafes?

Just got a normal coffee pot (Hamilton Beach, and am in US) after using a Kerig for years. The instructions say to add one scoop for every cup of coffee. The markings on the side are 4, 6, 8, etc. up to 12. Are those in cups? If cups, real measuring cups or "cup of coffee" and how much is that? Also, is the one-to-one ratio standard for coffee grounds to water? I also read 2 tablespoons for every cup. I've tried googling but there are so many answers – thanks in advanced to the coffee-guru who can break it down for me!

Edit: Realize 4 oz is the size of a shot glass and I asked if it was in oz. or cups
submitted by pandasarepeoples2 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2018.08.30 03:10 Genericshitposter123 An update to the youth group situation, went twice and its not that bad.

Context/Original post:
First youth group thing: Before it started I spoke to the youth minister and explained that I won't be going to the small group thing, blaming my social anxiety (being in a small room with lots of people is a big "trigger"). There was a childhood friend there so I sat with her and talked a little.
They had a coffee bar set up and it was $1 for a basic kerig (not sure how to spell it) and $3 for iced. Sadly they didn't have decaf iced so I was stuck with hot coffee (which was REALLY hot). After the 30 minutes of "coffee time" it officially started. Announcements, Singing, and all that bullshit. I pretty much zoned out while they were singing so I don't remember the songs.
I had to skip last week because I was at the church all day for something and was super tired.
Tonight was the second one that I went to- They changed the seating so it was rows instead of a giant circle, so no one can see me not participating now lol. A family friend (who's a volunteeleader) was there so I ended up talking to him. Same thing with the songs/announcements... Appearently the youth group has an IG page/account, I'm obviously not going to folloe it (don't want them to see all my heathen posts lol).
A very important thing that I noticed: SHITTY CHRISTIAN HIP HOP/RAP. I FUCKING HATE IT! Especially the cringy Family Force 5 songs. I'm currently obssesed with Die Atwoord so I was thinking about their songs while the Christian rap was playing.
Also, The youth minister mentioned the phrase "Not Today Satan"... I felt VERY ATTACKED when he said it... Stealing stuff from drag queens to use in shitty Christian hip hop is very rude (I mentioned this in a previous post). Idk why but that pisses me off.
Sadly I'm going to have to start going to the small group thing sometime in the future... From past experience I know that they force people to participate and I'm not looking forward to that (my plan is to be an asshole if they try to make me participate lol).
Edit: Forgot to add- Hail Satan! (Or Hail Thyself if your that type of person)
submitted by Genericshitposter123 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2018.08.15 22:29 Kippy181 DAE have an Nparent that moves their stuff without asking? Even into adulthood.

I’m 26 and married with a son. We live in my Nmom’s house. We are in the process of moving, and the house is a mess. I clean what I can. But this place is falling apart. Half the carpet is ripped out. My kid, hubby and I sleep in one room, because ours got flooded. So it’s a mess, I admit this. We are actually cleaning it today, Friday, and part of Sunday.
Anyway, we had a Kerig and a little k-pod coffee holder drawer on one of three usable kitchen counters. My Nmom broke a coffee pod in it and never told anyone. Then got mad at me for coffee grounds being in it. I tried to clean it so many times, but decided it wasn’t worth my time to maintain it anymore, when I use it once a day and she uses it multiple times a day, when she’s home. I recently bought a single serve filter and kettle for coffee, and told her she can keep the Kerig and drawer, or donate it. She got mad at me for not trying to sell it. So I told her she could sell it. Today, she briefly mentioned an old colleague might possibly want it. Well after running a few hours of errands we get home and she left a passive aggressive note stating that she claims the counter as hers and for us to keep it clean. She moved my bagged coffee, I don’t know where. She moved some of my medicines. And she took the drawer and Kerig. She set up her coffee pot and a wine opener. Then she unplugged our phone chargers and I don’t know where they are either.
I can’t wait to move.
submitted by Kippy181 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2017.10.02 21:56 notrab TBM BIL response when I mentioned Hales passing: "Ï'm surprised it was just him they all look like they're ready to die!"

Then some comment I don't recall with the word octogenarian in it. We stayed at their house last weekend and GC wasn't turned on and everyone seemed happy to have the weekend off church.
I just thought it was an interesting reaction. I don't see them leaving the church ever but my TBM Sister bought a Kerig and some coffee and told us to enjoy some coffee in the morning so I thought that was pretty cool of her.
At one point I saw my BiL on the couch with headphones on iPad in lap and I thought oh no! Conference time. But it was just football.
She also let's us enjoy our "herbs" out on the back patio. So points for the TBMs my sister and BiL are pretty cool!
submitted by notrab to exmormon [link] [comments]

2013.12.27 07:19 Spiritdad Awesome Christmas! ( or, I made out like a bandit)

Hey kids! Well we've made it through the Christmas season without me strangling anybody...LOL. I have to tell you though, this has been, without a doubt, the BEST Christmas a guy could have! Let me tell you about it. I believe that My Christmas began on June 14, 2013 when the most beautiful woman in the world married me! Thank you my Lady, My Bobbie. Anyway, even though my honey had to work, she pulled off some amazing things for me this christmas. I'm just going to list off some of the things I was blessed with, a new coffee pot from my wife, a second new coffee pot from my baby brother, a wood router, an 8 inch tablet, new internet service that is so damn fast it blows my socks off, a new microphone,stand, cord, an adapter ( for when I play my guitar) , oh yeah, a beautiful new guitar! 2 guitar stands, a kerig coffee maker from my son, some awesome cologne from my Bobbie, and the list goes on and on... yep, I made out like a bandit this year, and it all would be for naught if not for my Bobbie, and that was the greatest gift of all, her becoming my wife. So, you see, for even an old grump like me, well, good things happen. I pray that in 2014 something good will happen for you.
Blessed Be.
submitted by Spiritdad to MyPonderings [link] [comments]