Kohls job application printable

Got my first offer for 75k

2024.05.15 06:05 Zckary Got my first offer for 75k

Hello all,
I graduated last May with my Bachelors in Management Information Systems with a focus on Technology and Management. Post graduation I didn’t have anything lined up, so during the summer I worked as a bag boy at a local golf course, then eventually went back to a broker I interned for to work as an office assistant part time all while I continued to job search. Sent out hundreds of applications and got interviews here and there, but no luck getting hired. It was honestly such a draining experience. I couldn’t even get hired for a position paying 45-50k a year and a lot of them were customer service based roles, very entry level. Fast forward to now, I got hired to be an ‘engineer’ but the role is more so a project management role. Absolutely no experience in the field and they are willing to train me. One thing I learned about obtaining a job is it’s all about who you know and if the timing is right. The guy whos position I am taking over got promoted and I happen to know someone within the company which definitely helped. One in-person interview and three weeks later they sent me an offer, which definitely caught me off guard. Nervous to start to say the least, but definitely excited and motivated to get my professional career underway. Wish me luck!
submitted by Zckary to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:04 Epic_Finance Need Advice: Ghosted and Reposted

Earlier this year, I went through a comprehensive interview process that consisted of six interviews, covering both behavioral and technicals. After the interviews ended, I never heard back from the recruiter, so I reached out to them to get an update. The recruiter explained to me that the delay was due to a firm-wide hiring freeze. However, they reassured me that the team remained very interested in my candidacy and that I aced every interview. As far as next steps, they suggested for me to stay in touch until the hiring freeze ends.
At the start of the new quarter, I reached out per their suggestion to check for further developments but received no response to my email. So, I decided to call the recruiter. They informed me that there were no new developments and to remain in touch.
After three weeks passed, I received a notification from a random job board website indicating that the company reposted the position. To confirm whether the hiring freeze had ended, I reached out to the recruiter (GHOSTED). Feeling confused about the lack of communication, I decided to reach out to the two senior members of the hiring team (GHOSTED).
I’m honestly in disbelief that a company would act like this towards an applicant, especially considering this is a F100 firm. What would be the reason for ghosting me in the first place? Why not just deny me? It’s been a week and I have not received a single response.
While I lost a lot of respect for the company and the team at this point, I would still accept the position if given the opportunity. Do you have any suggestions for me? Can I dig myself out of this hole or accept defeat?
submitted by Epic_Finance to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:59 Beginning-Push9720 I am really struggling with trying to decide a career path that can help me land my specific goals in life?

Okay, I am going to try to be as detailed as possible here, and definitely go way over the top, in order to try to help you help me. I am currently a 19 year old male going to college at a small school with limited degree paths, but I am on the baseball team and it helps out a lot with paying for school, so obviously it is challenging to change schools. I live in Missouri between the KC and Ozarks regions and ideally don't want to move too far away, but I am not totally opposed to moving out of state or overseas. I am currently working towards a dual major in Computer Information Systems and Finance with plans to get an MBA from my school in either finance or accounting (then get a CPA license).
I have been looking at computer science, computer information systems, finance, accounting, and business administration as all possible degrees. I feel like I probably prefer business to computers slightly, but I have been with computer classes since middle school and already hold 2 testout certifications, so I have a definite passion for both industries. My problem is that I need to decide on one undergraduate degree and one minor then get a masters, which is tough to decide on. I keep getting lots of contradictory information from the internet about "CS is dead" or "Al will replace accounting" and "you have to live in a major city to make money in finance". I really want to have a good career since I don't have anything else going for me (never had a friend, too ugly to have a girlfriend) and I want t help out my parents, both are teachers struggling in this economy. I have been looking on Indeed, Ziprecruiter, and Linkedin multiple hours a day and I just keep seeing that every entry level job has over 100 applicants.
My goal by the time I am 40 is to have a house (between 300k and 500k likely) as well as 2 cars and a race car that cost a combined 190k. What can I do to be able to afford this as a single person in these degree or maybe something else. Any help is appreciated and please feel fres to DM if you need to.
submitted by Beginning-Push9720 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:54 Embarrassed-Maize-73 Need advice re: scheduling

(Crossposted. TL;DR I just started a new job and don't know how to communicate that I need to miss a shift for a important event without causing conflict/potentially losing new job)
Today was my first day training (in the kitchen) at a new restaurant. When I interviewed last week I mentioned I would be busy this upcoming Saturday because I have several friends/roommates graduating college and I plan on attending the ceremony. We agreed I would come in a few hours late at 12/12:30.
After the interview I realized I had gotten the ceremony timing mixed up, and I wouldn't be able to make it until 1:30. I was told that that's too late (lunch ends at 3) and I need to come in at noon. I feel really strongly about supporting and celebrating my friends, and have been planning to be there for months. My first day went really well until I brought this up, and it seemed like the owner was frustrated with me and wouldn't accept the possibility of me not being there on Saturday, as it's expected to be particularly busy.
Ultimately I wish I had just known the timing when I first interviewed. I think if, at the time, I'd just said I would be busy all day then it would've been fine. Is there any way I can communicate that I will be prioritizing going to my friends' graduation without ruining this opportunity for myself? Should I consider this a red flag? Otherwise they've been very kind and welcoming.
Additional info: I'm under the impression that up until a few days ago (when I was hired) they did not expect to have any additional help on Saturday. I responded to a 'help wanted' sign and - based on how quickly they hired me and how little experience I have - I imagine there haven't been any other applicants.
submitted by Embarrassed-Maize-73 to restaurant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:54 ApprehensiveCut799 Running serverless functions as background jobs instead of using Inngest or AWS sqs.

I'm developing a Next.js application deployed on Vercel, and I'm facing a design decision regarding handling multiple API calls concurrently. In my application, a user action triggers a batch of x number of API calls to OpenAI, each initiated through a separate API route in Next.js. These routes invoke functions that execute the API calls asynchronously, without awaiting their completion before responding to the initial HTTP request. Once the api call is completed the result is updated on Supabase. Since Vercel supports up to 30,000 concurrent functions for the pro version, I'm considering running all API calls simultaneously for each user action. Before I was using Inngest or thinking about using AWS SQS for handling the background jobs but I'm just wondering would it be cheaper and more simple to just run them on Vercel's function and update the result on Supabase?
submitted by ApprehensiveCut799 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:52 AlyssaStarBowers How do I handle being poor?

Hi, I'm 17 (F), and I live with my parents. For a while now, I haven't been able to afford basic necessities like shampoo, conditioner, feminine products, underwear, and bras. What do I do? I am constantly reminded to get a job, but almost every day I submit at least two applications. For jobs I've gone to many interviews and nothing It's hard to get money nowadays. And my original plan to sell items at school wouldn't work because I am not currently in school. At all I know this seems like a lot, but it is to completely understand my situation. So that I can get good and proper advice. I'm not allowed to go outside or leave the house on my own either. So what do I do? How can I earn money?
submitted by AlyssaStarBowers to Ask4Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:52 SlightRaspberry1673 AITA for wanting to break-up

My boyfriend (24) and I (23) live together in a town about 6 hours away from both our families, having grown up in the same town. We reconnected while I was on school break and have not stopped hanging out since. It’s been a little over 3 years. We were madly in love until about 1 year and a half ago, since then, we fight mostly all the time. One week, we got into big brawl outs every single day. For some reason, we cannot communicate calmly, and there’s always a problem. He insists I do not listen, but I don’t know what it is I’m not hearing? I swear I’ll hear every bit and give him my opinion and I didn’t listen. He’s very reactive and and progressively has gotten more angry. He says he will work on his anger if I work on my listening skills and that it’s my fault if he calls me “bitch” or “whore” or ugly. So many names you wouldn’t believe it. And I stay, mainly because we made promises about our future and he says he will never find anyone and will forever be alone if I leave him. And honestly it makes me scared for him because I know for a fact there’s a line waiting for me, not that I’m taking applications. He also has not had a job in over a year and I’ve given him so many options to get one. I even will do his applications for him. His laundry too. He cleans sometimes but hardly ever cooks and I’m the sole financial provider even though we aren’t married. I can’t even pay off school debt. I think I’m ready to break up, but I don’t know I guess I don’t know how to do it verbally and I don’t know what steps to take since we live together. I love him, I’m just so far from happy. I think I could be treated better. Let me know what I should do.
submitted by SlightRaspberry1673 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:50 MiddleDaikon3336 [CA] Live scan was “flagged” by DOJ according to potential employer

TLDR at the bottom.
I applied for a job within the CA school system (neighboring district) in March and received a tentative offer in April. I did not disclose that I had a misdemeanor on my record so upon the employer receiving the live scan results they stated they have a nondisclosure agreement and for those reasons they cannot move forward with me.
It was so dumb of me and I completely understood. Not to make any excuses but it was 17 years ago and I have neglected to disclose it since I have been with my current employer for 10 years now. I was not trying to be deceitful it was pure neglect. When I applied for positions within the organization I never disclosed my record because my fingerprints were done when I first got hired. Got in a bad habit with other applications from that point on.
Anyway they reposted the position so I applied again, disclosed the item, and got another offer. I just completed my 2nd live scan. I initiated the scan on May 3rd and both the FBI and CA DOJ both state completed as of May 13th. I called my employer to see if there was any movement and they said that my live scan has been “flagged” on the DOJ side, most likely because it was conducted 2 times for the same position in 1 month. I assumed that since my ATI showed completed results it would just be sent straight to my employer from that point.
She couldn’t clarify what this actually meant. It went over my head as she ultimately said she would call me when it clears and she is unable to call the DOJ and check the status until a 14 day window has passed otherwise they won’t give her the time of day.
Has anyone ever encountered this?
TLDR: applied for a job and had the offer rescinded due to not disclosing my record. Applied to the job again and got a 2nd offer pending livescan. Employer says status has not cleared and has been “flagged”.
submitted by MiddleDaikon3336 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:48 an-asa Aspiring UK resident here, need help with the residence requirement

I'm a Polish citizen looking to apply for a Fiance Visa in marrying an UK native. My fiance rents a place that doesn't allow new permanent residents and we have no resources to secure a solid new rental for us before I get a job in the UK, so we're using his mother's mortgaged home instead.
Now, we genuinely intend to stay there for a bit while I look, but I'm not sure what the exact constraints are. I've read that I need to go to the UK as soon as I apply and stay at the address until the decision has been made.
Do eitheboth of these apply to someone within the EU? My fiance has a job that might require him to leave the address in the application temporarily and go back to his rental, is that viable? I can stay in his rental temporarily as per his lease agreement, will UKVI have a problem with me doing so?
To specify, both properties are in the UK, though in different cities separated by a couple of hours by car.
In essence: I'm applying for a fiance visa. Do I need to immediately head to my exact residence address and stay there without leaving the UK until my application is approved?
submitted by an-asa to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:46 Beginning-Push9720 I am really struggling with trying to decide a career path that can help me land my specific goals in life.

Okay, I am going to try to be as detailed as possible here, and definitely go way over the top, in order to try to help you help me. I am currently a 19 year old male going to college at a small school with limited degree paths, but I am on the baseball team and it helps out a lot with paying for school, so obviously it is challenging to change schools. I live in Missouri between the KC and Ozarks regions and ideally don't want to move too far away, but I am not totally opposed to moving out of state or overseas.
I am currently working towards a dual major in Computer Information Systems and Finance with plans to get an MBA from my school in either finance or accounting (then get a CPA license). I have been looking at computer science, computer information systems, finance, accounting, and business administration as all possible degrees. I feel like I probably prefer business to computers slightly, but I have been with computer classes since middle school and already hold 2 testout certifications, so I have a definite passion for both industries. My problem is that I need to decide on one undergraduate degree and one minor then get a masters, which is tough to decide on.
I keep getting lots of contradictory information from the internet about "CS is dead" or "Al will replace accounting" and "you have to live in a major city to make money in finance". I really want to have a good career since I don't have anything else going for me (never had a friend, too ugly to have a girlfriend) and I want t help out my parents, both are teachers struggling in this economy. I have been looking on Indeed, Ziprecruiter, and Linkedin multiple hours a day and I just keep seeing that every entry level job has over 100 applicants and barely makes what a frycook (nothing against frycooks obviously) makes. My goal by the time I am 40 is to have a house (between 300k and 500k likely) as well as 2 cars and a race car that cost a combined 190k or so.
What can I do to be able to afford this as a single person in these degree or maybe something else. Any help is appreciated and please feel fres to DM if you need to.
submitted by Beginning-Push9720 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:35 Logarithmic-Pickerel Another “should I work in a rental house” post 😃

I’ve seen a lot of these from people in the past, but alas I am in the same position and looking for some opinions…
I’m currently a prep tech at a film school campus — have been for about a year now — and when I’m not at work, I’m 1st and 2nd AC-ing indie stuff. I’ve been extremely lucky to work with just about all the major brands of camera and plenty of other fancy camera-related gadgets.
Now I know there’s always more to learn and so on one hand I’m sure a job in an actual rental house would be fantastic, on the other hand I’ve been learning loads from being on set with all that same gear. I’m also prepping my application for the camera trainee program that is allegedly going to be running soon in my city, which is the main thing I’ve been waiting to be back up and running since I got out of film school.
My question then is: should I bother looking into other rental house openings right now and starting a new job when I’m at a place where I really want to start prioritizing set work and there’s potential for me to be getting a lot more of it soon? Or do I stick with the “okay” campus prep tech job for the time being while I figure out set work and potentially the trainee program?
submitted by Logarithmic-Pickerel to cinematography [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:31 Glittering-Big-8975 What skill set should I improve or focus?

So currently I am a grade 12 stem student, and I'm struggling to find what language I should focus that can be also used for future jobs.

I have experience creating portfolio website with html, css, and with a little js, but I did not enjoy creating this since more on design siya, so maybe i should focus in the backend, if so, what language should i practice from now that can be also used in future employment?
I also have experience creating discord bot parang "shop/order bot" siya connected to mongodb, i use discord.js for this
I also used Lua for scripting, I usually use it for bot/automation sa game, and I earned some money by selling the scripts I made
and currently, I am using C++ with ENet for a console application, parang cheat din siya sa laro para maka add ka custom commands, and for automation na rin.
Most of my projects are on the game side, but i do not want to be a game dev.
submitted by Glittering-Big-8975 to PinoyProgrammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:30 Regular-Hour-3875 Where to host/build my website for a referral agency.

I’m looking to build a website for a referral agency. As of right now I plan to have •home page •about •contact •resources •getting started page with info for clients •client application •application to join my agency (I match them with employer) •contact page
I have not decided how I would take payments. I would like to eventually add a job board/job listings page. I have purchased my domain and am choosing between Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace business plans.
I created a website YEARS ago through Shopify but I know that’s not what I need as I’m not selling products.
Please point me into the right direction.
submitted by Regular-Hour-3875 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:29 mls2md Passport

I made an appointment to get a new passport on Thursday. I am unsure if I qualify for renewal or if I need a whole new passport. It's like 2 years and a few months expired. I am doing some reading and it sounds like they will take my original birth certificate and mail it in with my passport application, and it will not be returned until the passport comes back. The issue is that I am moving to a new state and will be starting a new job, so I will very likely need my passport when applying for license/registration as well as onboarding at work. Can anyone confirm if they still do this or if they just verify the original document, then make a copy and let you keep the original? If they send off my original, I for real need to cancel this appointment on Thursday.
submitted by mls2md to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:18 MiddleDaikon3336 Livescan flagged according to employer

I applied for a job in a CA school system in March and received a tentative offer in April. I did not disclose that I had a misdemeanor on my record so upon the employer receiving the live scan results they stated they have a nondisclosure agreement and for those reasons they cannot move forward with me.
It was so dumb of me and I completely understood. Not to make any excuses but it was 17 years ago and I have neglected to disclose it since I have been with my current employer for 10 years now. When I applied for positions within the organization I never disclosed my record because my fingerprints were done when I first got hired. Got in a bad habit with other applications from that point on.
Anyway they reposted the position so I applied again, disclosed the item, and got another offer. I just completed my 2nd live scan. I initiated the scan on May 3rd and both the FBI and CA DOJ both state completed as of May 13th. I called my employer to see if there was any movement and they said that my live scan has been “flagged” most likely because it was conducted 2 times for the same position in 1 month.
She couldn’t clarify what this actually meant. It went over my head as she ultimately said she would call me when it clears and she is unable to call the DOJ and check the status until a 14 day window has passed otherwise they won’t give her the time of day.
Has anyone ever encountered this?
TLDR: applied for a job and had the offer rescinded due to not disclosing my record. Applied to the job again and got a 2nd offer pending livescan. Employer says status has not cleared and has been “flagged”.
submitted by MiddleDaikon3336 to CAStateWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 amranan 400+ apps, not a single callback or interview. Getting ghosted by everyone. What am I doing wrong?

Hi everyone,
I'm a spring 2024 grad and just graduated with a degree in CS. I've sent about 400 applications since October, and got nothing, and I'm starting to feel so worthless and scared. I really want a job in either front end or UX design, but at this point, I'm okay with getting my foot in the door in any way possible. I'm not sure why I'm not even getting callbacks; it has to be my resume right?
A couple of things to note:
  1. I have a VERY foreign-sounding name, and a woman who wears a headscarf, but I am a U.S. citizen. There's no way to make my name sound less diverse, unfortunately.
  2. Both of my work experiences come from working at my university directly, not big-name companies.
  3. I'm applying EVERYWHERE. I don't care about prestige, or a crazy starting salary as long as it's not straight up too low
Is it my resume? How screwed am I now for getting a j
submitted by amranan to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:13 Low-King3567 Severely understaffed depts still picky with applicants

I’m a 30 yr old EMT in Seattle, I have around 2 years of EMS experience in Seattle (OD’s, stabbing, shootings, MVC’s) . I’ve been applying for LE and getting disqualified recently. I’ve noticed a trend and I’m wondering if it’s nationwide or just this area. PD’s around Seattle that claim they are understaffed are still pretty picky with applicants. I’ve applied with Seattle PD and many surrounding depts, all DQ’ed.
Background on me: I experimented with harder drugs in college 2012-2016 (coke, LSD, shrooms, adderall, whippets), smoked pot a lot, drank underage, partied hard but still went to class and got my BA. One buzzed driving incident in 2017 from a bar close to my house.
Quite a few jobs but clean work history my entire twenties except for a fire academy that asked me to resign in 2023, and a previous EMS company that I was fired from in 2022. In the fire academy I liked to ask the instructors a lot of questions and I think I annoyed some of them unintentionally and they saw it as disrespectful, my physical performance and skill retention was great. The EMS company did only interfacility transfers of people, no 911, I refused a call with 5 minutes left of shift because I had very important plans after work, that got me fired, this company would exploit employees end of shift times constantly.
During my oral board interviews I’m completely transparent that I’m not a perfect Boy Scout type applicant with my drug use and work history, and they seem to have appreciated that. But the depts I’ve gone to backgrounds with I will get a disqualification letter after they screen my background. Should I keep applying and hope to find a dept that is willing to hear my job explanations or take a break from applying?
I find it very strange a department like Seattle PD is that picky with applicants when they are in a staffing crisis. Thanks guys.
submitted by Low-King3567 to AskLE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 Animelizards apartment breeds to help get more active

  1. Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs?
  1. Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a reputable breeder?
  1. Describe your ideal dog.
  1. What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why?
  1. What sorts of things would you like to train your dog to do?
  1. Do you want to compete with your dog in a sport (e.g. agility, obedience, rally) or use your dog for a form of work (e.g. hunting, herding, livestock guarding)? If so, how much experience do you have with this work/sport?
Care Commitments
7) How long do you want to devote to training, playing with, or otherwise interacting with your dog each day?
8) How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What sorts of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly and does that include using a dog park?
9) How much regular brushing are you willing to do? Are you open to trimming hair, cleaning ears, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly?
Personal Preferences
10) What size dog are you looking for?
11) How much shedding, barking, and slobber can you handle?
12) How important is being able to let your dog off-leash in an unfenced area?
Dog Personality and Behavior
13) Do you want a snuggly dog or one that prefers some personal space?
14) Would you prefer a dog that wants to do its own thing or one that’s more eager-to-please?
15) How would you prefer your dog to respond to someone knocking on the door or entering your yard? How would you prefer your dog to greet strangers or visitors?
16) Are you willing to manage a dog that is aggressive to other dogs?
17) Are there any other behaviors you can’t deal with or want to avoid?
18) How often and how long will the dog be left alone?
19) What are the dog-related preferences of other people in the house and what will be their involvement in caring for the dog?
20) Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets? What breed or type of animal are they?
21) Will the dog be interacting with children regularly?
22) Do you rent or plan to rent in the future? If applicable, what breed or weight restrictions are on your current lease?
23) What city or country do you live in and are you aware of any laws banning certain breeds?
24) What is the average temperature of a typical summer and winter day where you live?
Additional Information and Questions
25) Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant.
26) Feel free to ask any questions below.
submitted by Animelizards to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 belgian_choco27 Laid off on h1b

Hi Folks,
I was laid off and currently with only 17 days of grace period left. I’m unsure of how to proceed further, as I didn’t have any fruitful call backs yet after several applications. I have just been rejected for asking a H1B transfer to recruiters for the 6 company call backs I received.
I see that many has changed to B1/B2 Change of status. Now with this ongoing job market, I’m so uncertain if I would even find a job in the 6 months of B1B2. Is there an option to extend the 6months validity or are all option exhausted, only letting me to leave US.
Any help is much appreciated!
submitted by belgian_choco27 to h1b [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 drewkep7 Should I even bother?

College student, applied as AQR English (US). Reading through this sub after I finished the application, I feel like this almost isn’t even worth it. Keep in mind I already have an in person job for this summer and was looking for a remote position that would be very flexible for me so this job isn’t a “Need” per say, more of a want more money kinda thing.
I hear all this about NTA and 3 month onboarding process, almost makes me think this isn’t worth it.
I applied today (8 hours ago), how long does it take for them to get back to me?
Should I even pursue this position? Thanks 🙏
submitted by drewkep7 to Welocalize [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 dikemariel Credit score ?

Hi guys! Is it normal for a prospective employer to ask for a credit score (before the interview) ? & how does that impact my job application ? What’s a good (or bad) score ?
submitted by dikemariel to jobsearchhacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 dikemariel Credit score ?

Hi guys! Is it normal for a prospective employer to ask for a credit score (before the interview) ? & how does that impact my job application ? What’s a good (or bad) score ?
submitted by dikemariel to jobs [link] [comments]
