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The Official Subreddit for Scoliosis

2011.09.10 04:04 The Official Subreddit for Scoliosis

Please read our Scoliosis FAQ/Guide to answer (most) of your Scoliosis-related questions. This is a community to discuss Scoliosis, and for anyone who is suffering from Scoliosis. Share your stories, pictures, failures and successes regarding this condition along with any helpful advice and insight you want to contribute.

2015.10.15 01:25 RuneLFox Greg Will Survive


2017.11.02 09:58 Swaye73 Blockchain-based platform for Global Distributed Supply Chain Finance & Trade Services

AXenS is a secure and curated digital market place to provide both liquidity and efficiency to the import-export supply chain. It is a place that is trade-focused from the ground-up and that is secure not only by cutting-edge cryptography but also by customizable trust models, which make it possible to guarantee both the data privacy and auditability required by the many players in the industry.

2024.05.16 02:30 IBQC The Wealth Gap: An Existential Threat

The Wealth Gap: An Existential Threat
Since 1970 the value of the dollar has steadily declined. The lower 80% of Americans have lost income and purchasing power, largely due to the exodus of manufacturing by global corporations. As a result, the wealth gap between the global rich and the rest has widened.
From 2007-2016 the net worth of the richest Americans increased by 20% while the lower 80% decreased by the same percentage, widening the wealth gap considerably. The Federal Reserve sparked this change using quantitative easing to boost the sagging stock market. The rich could invest in this wealth explosion but the rest could not as much.
Increasingly wealthy globalists pressured the government and now the top 1% own over half of U.S. wealth while the top quintile owns about 94% of the wealth. The bottom 80% have their wealth tied up in their homes or vehicles and most suffer from chronic debt.
Not only does the Fed-backed stock market favor the super-rich, but the U.S. tax system does too. The average American pays an effective tax rate of 13% while the very rich pay 18%. But when wealth gains are included, the effective tax rate on the very wealthy averages a mere 4.8%.
While the wealth gap concentrates ownership in a small group of people so it does to industry. More and more large corporations dominate most sectors at the expense of small businesses. As small companies suffer and are saddled with increasing regulations, larger corporations benefit from monopoly power, less competition, and the ability to set prices artificially high.
The wider the wealth gap goes, the more our social and political fabric will deteriorate. According to the Great Gatsby Curve, increased inequality will result in less upward advancement from one generation to the next. This is precisely the conditions that exist when a democracy is overtaken by authoritarian rule.

The Triple “I” Curse

The wealth gap is widening faster than ever thanks to Biden's three-pronged Triple “I” Curse: Inflation, Immigration, and an Inflated stock market.
Inflation: Since 2021, government spending has ballooned. National debt has climbed to $35 trillion, increasing $1 trillion every 100 days, causing incredible inflation and the dollar to lose 23% of its value. The wealthy can withstand inflation to a certain extent, but most households in the lower 80% cannot. Nearly two-thirds of households do not have enough savings to cover three months out.
In a weak attempt to control inflation, the Federal Reserve tried to raise interest rates. This just made purchasing a house prohibitive and forced regional banks to lose value on the Treasury notes they held.
Immigration: The current policy of open borders delivers cheaper labor for globalists and more votes for Democrats. Available jobs are going to foreign-born workers and not American citizens in what is called the 'displacement theory,' resulting in even lower wages and purchasing power for many Americans.
Inflated Stock Market: Despite inflation and higher interest rates, the Fed still prints cheap money to boost the stock market and benefit the rich. But job and GDP growth result from massive government spending as company productivity and consumer demand slide. Not only does government spending spur inflation, but increasing government regulation hampers supply, making fewer goods cost more. This combined effect of inflation and lower demand creates stagflation. So why is the stock market soaring? The Fed's policy of printing cheap dollars. (It might be argued that such market chicanery will eventually lead to a crash, destroying much of the elite’s wealth, but by then the damage will be done.)

The Wealth Gap Lets the Super-Rich Wokize America

Concentration of wealth in both people and industry harms society. For the super-rich it is not as much about money as power. Thus both corporations and the super-wealthy buy influence, especially in education, environmentalism, and politics, all three of which have damaged American society. Education has turned from transmitting knowledge to racist indoctrination. Environmentalism has become a weapon against industrial productivity and prosperity. And politics has become a uniparty of frivolous spenders.
Their contributions have led to the wokization of American culture, society, and institutions. Based largely on racism, wokism is a neo-Marxist narrative that all Western white society is structured to oppress all non-whites. Billionaires, corporations, and their foundations augment government funding of woke activities including Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, drag queens, illegal immigration, climate change, reduction in law enforcement, and more.
Just 10 billionaires have pledged over $135 billion to focus on education, politics, and the environment. Three foundations mold the K-12 education system as they and others spend over $4 billion annually to engineer their Marxist vision of the future. Likewise charitable contributions to higher education exceeded $58 billion in 2023.
The average member of Congress receives 93% of his or her contributions from big, often out-of-state, donors, including dark money from unrevealed sources and PACs. Similarly, billionaire spending to members of Congress increased to over $1 billion in 2022 and will mount much further this year. Add this to the 12,000 Washington lobbyists who spent $4.3 billion in 2023 and understand why the recent $1.2 trillion omnibus bill included millions of dollars of woke earmarks.
Concentration has also hit charities. They used to have many small donors but now rely on a few super-rich who control the media and woke globalist narrative. Over two-fifths of their pledges gets rerouted to foundations they control and not actual charities. Thus billionaires “use philanthropy as a taxpayer-subsidized extension of their private power and influence,” making average U.S. taxpayers subsidize billionaire charity.

What Happens If It All Comes Apart?

The Triple “I” Curse has created an unstable U.S. economy to benefit the super-rich. In just three years, the wealth of the top 1 percent has risen from $30 trillion to nearly $45 trillion.

But what if it were to come crashing down?

Although the stock market is highly inflated, the super-rich must cling to it. Their other main sources of wealth are real estate and private-held businesses. While real-estate values rose slightly, privately held businesses declined, leaving stocks to generate their wealth for the past three years. Biden's latest brainstorm is to levy a 20% tax on unrealized stock market gains, forcing Americans to pay taxes on their annual gains on all assets, including stocks.
It's a distinct possibility that government spending and insurmountable national debt will ultimately collapse the dollar. National debt already affects credibility and purchasing power of the dollar. This emboldens the China-led BRICS countries to pursue a gold-backed currency to replace the dollar as the world's currency. If that happens, the dollar will hyper-inflate, causing a huge dollar crash and devastation to all Americans.
The cumulative effect of expanding the wealth gap through the Biden-globalist Triple “I” Curse is to make the United States a borderless part of a nationless world, which of course countries like China and Russia will never endorse. The curse is a recipe to create a permanent underclass, controlled by an authoritarian cartel of business and government, a key ingredient of the globalist new world order and made possible by an ever-widening wealth gap.
Ironically, by crippling the U.S. economy, the super-rich may capitulate to the China-Russia cabal while arranging their own demise – and taking us all with them.
submitted by IBQC to conservatives [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:27 Business-Coconut-69 Temperature and motion help for family member with dementia

Hi all,
Thanks in advance for any help here. I am new to home automation, but not computers. I have two scenarios I'd like to tackle in order to help my parents - one who has severe dementia, and the other who is his caretaker.
Easy thermostat: I'm considering a Nest because of the big dial, to replace the standard unit installed by their HVAC company. We live in Florida and it's difficult for my mom to program the thermostat schedule, so ideally the "big round dial with huge numbers" is the way to go.
Motion detection: I'd like to know when my dad gets out of bed and wanders around, and possibly get some type of alert. Previously I did this with a Wyze camera connected to IFTTT, but I am wondering if there are better options that will work with whatever hub I get to run the Nest unit.
Cost is not an issue, really, but I'm not looking to get the "ultimate" premium hardware since the use-case is very simple and it's for non-technical people who won't need advanced features, and they are unlikely to upgrade this system in the future.
Thanks a bunch!
submitted by Business-Coconut-69 to homeautomation [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:22 Running_on_Vibes Mat Teacher Training

Hi folks,
I'm looking at doing a mat teacher training to start teaching as a side hustle (mat primarily because I'm obsessed with mat and that's how I have fallen in love with pilates, but also because it's more financially accessible to low-income communities that I would like to serve).
Anyway, I'm in NYC and I've narrowed it down to in-person BASI mat program or in-person Power Pilates Core Mat I and II. I'm wondering: Does anyone have a success story with actually starting a successful side hustle after going through either of these mat programs? I'm leaning toward Power Pilates because it seems to actually hire (some of?) its Core Mat II graduates and also has a page on its website where it shows available jobs; so the network seems promising. If anyone is willing to share, I would love to hear details and whether either of these programs have actually been reliable routes for anyone to get hired part-time. Thanks ever so much!
submitted by Running_on_Vibes to pilates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:21 321BIZ Want to buy a 2010 1st Gen Supercab 5.4L ... Is this risky?

I know this might be a biased place to ask but I want to know what I could be getting myself into. Looking at a few ranging from 90k-110K miles. The few I've seen have original shocks and never been replaced/rebuilt. The rear glass on one has already been replaced due to the defrost issue. I've also heard about moonroof issues. Will this be a money pit or can I get away with this being a daily without heavy costs down the line? Thanks in advance for your input.
submitted by 321BIZ to FordRaptor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:20 leeohdee9 Should I leave my career behind and become a teacher?

I’m in my mid 30s, and have spent my time climbing the engineering/corporate ladder. Currently making 140k in a pretty low cost of living area (rural) as an engineer. With a physics/mathematics/engineering education background, and a deep love for teaching, I’m considering throwing it all away to do something I believe (on paper) would truly fill my cup. I’m thinking at the high school level, teaching math/science. Calculus and physics light me up and have been told that when I discuss it, the enthusiasm for learning it is contagious.
I’ve also heard horror stories about teaching. So.. is it worth it? I don’t want to preemptively romanticize something that I would end up detesting.
submitted by leeohdee9 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:20 VegetablePainter1507 One person Retired 2.5 years and now looking forward to the future

54M 49F NW 11.8m with 2 kids (1 in college, 1 in middle school , both public schools)
Wife decided and retired 2 years ago, now looking back of the numbers after 2 years.
NW: from 11.3M down to 10.8M ( stock and property depreciation), then grow to 11.8M ( thanks to property appreciation)
Income: rental income :around $300-400k after property tax and mortgage.
Cash flow $230k (after deduction of rental property tax and mortgages And Also house property tax and mortgage)
Husband income :$300-800k mostly $300-500k
Health insurance: have to buy it after wife retire $30000-40000 year
Utility: $6000 ? groceries: $20000 -30000? Car etc: $5000 Car insurance/umbrella etc: $10000-20000 ? Travel: $30000 ? All other stuff: $30000 ? College expenses: $40000 ?
Totaled to $200k or do I miss anything ?
Income Tax and state tax: 100k ? ( rental property depreciation, mortgage deduction, business expenses,401k deduction and pay kids salary deduct quite some)
401k and Roth conversion: 100k ?
So $400k is about the necessary pre tax number needed. ————————————————————————— Thoughts after retirement:
  1. Health care has been a big number.
  2. We dine out less but still from time to time.
  3. Wife Travel more and can travel at slow seasons with much less cost.
  4. After retirement, wife health conditions have been greatly improved and really appreciated the decision and enjoy retirement life.
  5. Did not save much money, mostly NW increase from equities grow.
————————————————————————— Asset allocation:
Stocks: 1.18M property equity: 10.4 M ( grow from 9.5M) House equity: 3.3 M Rental property equity: 6.1 M Land etc: 0.95M Cash: 330k —————————————————————————
Looking into the future:
  1. Could try to get health care from a company in 3 years or have to wait for Medicare to kick in.
  2. Will continue the college expenses for 7 or more years. ( if kids went to graduate school)
  3. If all kids get into college and we may not need a $4m house in 4 years. ( though appreciation was good) . That 3.3M equity can be used to take part out and generate some income.
  4. Rental properties income : some good, some no good. Overall cap rate < 8% ==> could improve on this part by replacing those not performing well
  5. Land: appreciate is good , but negative cash flow
  6. Stocks: I don’t have good luck or skills, so basically underperform. Try to invest in dividends stocks. Right now can generate $10k dividends per year. Looking to have more dividends.
Any comments and suggestions to make the numbers more solid and could make husband retire comfortably too in 5-10 years ?
(Looking to get all expenses covered by passive income like rental income + dividends)
submitted by VegetablePainter1507 to fatFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:20 Flyinace2000 Second Opinion Saved me $800

Took my 2017 Clubman S All4 to the dealer about 6 months ago for an oil change (special offer for $80). Asked them to give me a price on the engine mount which was on its way out. When it was done they also noted my rear struts were leaking and would need replacing soon. Thought that was odd since the car only had 50k miles and didn't show symptoms.
Fast forward to 3 weeks ago and we are getting ready for a summer road trip. Made an appointment at my local indy shop that we started to use and asked them to check the rear struts and call me if the work was actually needed. Good news it wasn't. So all in the cost was $60.
(I did the engine mount my self for about $250)
submitted by Flyinace2000 to MINI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:20 Glad_University6613 AC 24v Problems

Outdoor unit will not turn on unless I manually engage the contactor. I’ve replaced the contactor with no difference, still won’t close on it’s own. When my thermostat calls for ac I get 24v at the outdoor unit as I should, as long as my low voltage wires are disconnected. When the 24v wires are connected to the contactor I loose voltage, and the contactor won’t close. One time the contactor managed to stay closed on its own for a minute during my troubleshooting. So temporarily I’ve just rigged my contactor shut, and use the 220v disconnect to turn the outdoor unit on and off manually when I want cool air. Is there a transformer for the 24v line that may be failing?
submitted by Glad_University6613 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:17 Accurate_Minimum_994 Sexual shame and guilt 21(F)

Sexual guilt and shame 21(F)
Over the past few months I’ve been thinking of things I’ve done with past sexual partners and feeling shame because of how my current boyfriend reacted to me telling him that I already had sex with 2 other guys (within committed relationships — 1 of them sorta.. we had more of a talking phase but we had gone out on more than 5+ dates ) another one within a commited relationship I never had sex with but we did a few things so 4 partners including him. I however, was the first person he had sex with and I’m his first girlfriend.
I had started dating kind of young with the idea that I HAD to marry my first boyfriend no matter the cost, got me into lots of trouble and then he left me out of the blue. I kinda then dated people out of wanting the experience and love but they always turned too sexual and I always thought that’s what you were supposed to do when you like someone. I had only ever had sex with them once and then I left cause things just didn’t work out and the situation leading up or after sex just went sour , I always felt bad about that but I stood my ground about wanting a healthier relationship even after doing the unhealthy thing… worse part is I just kind of let these things happen acknowledging that it might’ve not been the best idea.
I met my boyfriend and I was head over heels, he wasn’t sexually forward, he was polite and the sweetest. He won my heart by always wanting to spend time with me and having a solid heart of gold. However, a little less than dating he had gotten EXTREMELY cold and angry at me because he had thought that I was someone who would go to parties and have sex with anyone before I met him because of some post that was about being “overstimulated” he misunderstood the post but realized he knew nothing of my past. I never told him cause he never asked.i would’ve told him but the way he was so mad I was scared . He literally threw a fit when I had told him my “body count” I was honest. He told me he just didn’t want other guys to look at me and be like “ yeah I fuckedddd his b!tch & whatever “ “ he saved ms.305” we had a lot of tension and arguments about it for like a month, half of it was me being extremely upset that he was ever like that with me. I felt shame that I was the first he’d ever been with and he wasn’t mine I still had this mentality over the perfect love story.
In the end, he apologized a million times and made up for it. He said that he had accepted it and doesn’t even think about it. Just didn’t want to have someone with a high body count 5+ ( note: I only agree because people with higher counts (10+)tend to not be reliable within relationships IN MY EXPERIENCE , I know it doesn’t apply to everyone, I really don’t judge I still even give him the side eye for judging people for that when he knows nothing of their life but he stands by it. Understandable it’s just the way he says it sometimes) It actually brought us closer in a lot of ways. Our communication, the way we handle problems, our tempers, and overall we’ve actually been extremely happy. I love this man with all my being. I just don’t want to self sabotage with these insane thoughts.
Later, he tells me that he had gone on 15+ dates all with different women and that he had been sexual with at least 4 of them, in a way I was very relieved and happy because it seemed more even. But then maybe realized he was projecting onto me ? I still feel shame about some of it but that’s because of this weird attitude towards sexual women that men tend to have . I feel better writing out and seeing that I really have nothing to worry about but now I can’t accept that I did these things sometimes and it makes me feel shame and guilt when I remember I did certain things with my past partners. Nothing ever so crazy but you know your 16 year old lust. I am getting over it but I don’t know. I don’t want to ruin my relationship thinking I’m not worthy somehow.
submitted by Accurate_Minimum_994 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:17 Pinata_full_of_bees Boomers are cowards, plain and simple. Stand up to them every chance you get.

This all happened a few months ago. Just wanted to share and let you guys know that all boomers are the biggest pushovers ever. Don't ever be afraid to stand up to them.
Here's the deal, I work in a building that houses many businesses. Of course, there is a shared bathroom amongst each of the floors and we interact with people who aren't even within our company whenever we go to the restroom.
Of course, the business next to me employs the dumbest fucking boomers I've ever seen. Example ahead.
One day when I was taking a leak, a guy I've seen around, about 65, heads out OF THE STALL and proceeds to not wash his hands and walk straight out of the door. Exclaimed, I:
flabbergasted that someone would call out their, literally, shitty behavior
"You heard me. Gross. Wash your hands."
Boomer scoffs, then leaves. Absolutely nothing happens for three weeks afterwards.
One day, I walk into the restroom and I'm mad because my dumbass co-workers can't schedule or mange anything correctly and it's costing me time and money. I'm mad, I admit, and washed my hands in the sink a little too vigorously. I got some water on the sides of the counter. Its a bit of water that the janitors will wipe away. That's my transgression.
For context, I was the facilities manager for about a dozen different apartment buildings in a life before this career. I have literally swam in human shit up to my elbows. Ive witnessed ceilings collapse under the weight of human feces and urine. Meth labs, tweakers, and illegal businesses were an altogether different issue. A bit of water on the side of the sink doesn't even register as a problem.
I'm in the urinal.
Boomer walks into the restroom, clearly still fuming about being told off weeks prior, and heads directly into the stall while I was washing my hands. I hear him pull down his pants and sit on the toilet. From there, he mumbles that "morons getting water everywhere. Dont wash your hands so hard, fucking idiot."
It's also a good time to mention that I'm a big man, with a big voice. Not self-described, either. A regional newspaper covered me as that once. Don't ask.
"The fuck did you say?"
"Uhhh..." (realizing I am not a fucking pushover. I got loud. Real loud.)
"First off, you are way too comfortable jawing at men with your pants around your ankles, so I bet you've done this before. Second, at least I wash my hands. And third, I WILL DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT! Anything else you want to yap about big boy?"
"That's what I thought. Don't shit in the toilet too hard, asshole!"
Turned the lights off, and I slammed the door. Fucking hard, too. I had stuff to go and manage. You can wipe in the dark, motherfucker.
A few days later, I am coming out of the restroom and boomer-cunt is walking in. Literally, I-open-the-door-and-he-is -reaching-for-the-handle-on-the other-side situation.
I take up the doorway. I do not move.
Boomer-cunt shrinks when he sees me, steps right back and moves around the jamb to the other side. Bows his head down and looks intently at the floor.
I waited for a second, too. I wasn't moving, fuck this asshole. Stared him down. Took up the entire doorway until I was done.
And now, it's been golden silence for months. His office door is right next to the restroom, and I literally hear him plan out his bathroom breaks when I'm not around. Dude shuts his door when he hears my footsteps coincidentally walking down the hallway and he was planning on going to the bathroom.
Anyways, it helps to be big and scary but I promise, anyone can stand up to these shitty cowards. They are all paper Tigers, every. Last. One. Of. Them.
And wash your fucking hands, people. Jesus christ. I don't need another Typhoid fuckin' Mary walking around.
submitted by Pinata_full_of_bees to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:16 whitePumpFarm week 6 and getting depressed, is this part of the process?

I have previously been on fluoxentine and before that when I was much younger paroxetine (terrible) for MDD. SSRIs work for me but they make me kind of labotomized, tired all the time, no energy, also effectively chemical castration. Hence why the Dr and I agreed bupropion might be a good fit.
I've been taking bupropion for for 6 weeks now. I'm currently on 300mg XL but did the first 3 weeks at 150mg. I had common experiences starting the drug, the honeymoon period for the first 3-4 days (amazing), then quite bumpy - feeling great, not feeling great from day to day. Interestingly I never had any anxiety which I was anticipating. I was waking up at 3am for a couple weeks. Then after about week 4 I was side effect free, and I felt fine, sometimes great, I felt I had the resolve to get through things and I had energy. Now at week 6 I've hit a real low, this is day 3 of this now. I'm just curious, is this part of the adjustment period still? I know this will pass but feel pretty hopeless.
submitted by whitePumpFarm to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:15 GrandRevenant Few PedalPCB builds

Few PedalPCB builds
From left to right, Brown Betty(BE-OD), Kliché mini SE(KTR style klon) and the Cepheid chorus(CE-2).
All these builds went really well! While this isn't the first time I'd used a pedalPCB pcb, this is the first time I've used them as intended. I previously built a SOFTii(SFT) but used a big enclosure I found at a thrift store and that required I offboard everything, it made it a lot more complicated. This time around I actually used the drilling templates and that made drill prep a breeze. Saved a lot of time compared to the tayda pcbs with offboard wiring too, pcbs are just supremely layed out.
The kliché is the only one that's mine to keep, it's replacing my archer. To my ear, in the quick 10 minutes I fiddled with it while testing, I liked it better than the archer! Only down side is the form factor difference, archer is real small in comparison.
I'm going to end up building myself one of these Brown Betty's for myself, I think. The gain structures pretty good but the amount of tonal control you have is awesome. Bottom 3 knobs are a 3 band eq, middle 2 up top are presence and "tight". To be honest they both seem to shape treble in some way or another, they do different things but I couldn't put my finger on exactly what they do when I was quickly testing. Definitely not just 3 treble controls though.
The cepheid; I'm not a huge chorus guy but with the internal trim, that seemed to be a depth control, made this a really usable chorus for me. Complaint would be the rate doesn't go high enough to get a leslieish vibrato.
submitted by GrandRevenant to diypedals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:15 Rich-Pick4572 I [31F] am not convinced my bf [32M] of 9 years will ever move to my current city

I've been with my boyfriend since 2015. It hasn’t been an easy relationship (definitely some low periods), but he’s always insisted that I’m the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with, to the extent that in 2021 he chose a job in a part of the country he doesn’t particularly like so that he could stay close to me while I finished school. Still, that job was ~3 hrs away, so we’ve been long-distance for over 2.5 years.
At the beginning of this year, I moved even further away for a postdoc position. I moved to a major city where his company had a location so I thought he could transfer, but it turns out he’d work remotely for his old location if he were to move here (we didn’t know this at the time I accepted the position because he didn’t investigate it). He was clear from the start though that he doesn’t like this city, but he also insisted I not factor him into my decision when accepting the job. At the time I was suspicious of that; things weren’t going smoothly relationship-wise in part because I was stressed finishing my degree, so I figured maybe he wanted to breakup and was hoping the longer distance would cause me to leave him. Accepting this job created an undercurrent of resentment when things were already rocky. I kept him from seeing me all Aug-Dec because we were suddenly arguing so much that I didn’t want him to interfere with me finishing my degree. Generally, it was going so poorly (and he was being so absent/unsupportive) that I decided I would break up with him once I finished school; I figured even if he did move to the new city with me, he’d be so miserable and resentful that things wouldn’t work out.
In December though, he came to me apologetic about not being supportive and insisted that he wanted to live together, would move soon, and not be resentful about it. He’s super good at his job so his employers were very open to him working remotely but we both know that doing so will negatively impact him (putting aside the mental health aspect of working from home, he wouldn’t be able to accept certain opportunities/responsibilities if working from afar). I tried to alleviate some of my bf’s worries by encouraging him to spend half of every month in his current city so that he wouldn’t have to work entirely from home (cost of travel is a non-issue for him).
My problem is that he originally promised he would move here by the end of March. A certain work deadline got pushed back (not uncommon for him), so I understood him needing until April, but in April he said he wants to wait until end of August to move. His current lease ends in Aug but he claims that date was chosen according to his work/case schedule. He doesn’t even like where he currently lives; I suspect that because his sense of self is wrapped into being a high achiever, he’s anxious about not progressing in his career as quickly as he would if he moved to be near me. For this reason, I’m not convinced he would even move in August. His deadline to move has already moved twice; I’m worried he’ll come up with another excuse (e.g. “well now you only have a year left in your contract—no point in me moving for just a year!”) and never move here (i.e. wait until I find my next location, and also limit where that next location is).
Meanwhile, I’m miserable here in the new city (like actually clinically depressed I think, despite my meds). The nature of my position is isolating and I’ve seen him for 6 days total (2 visits) since January. I feel like the rug was pulled out from under me when he asked for more time; I was really looking forward to finally building our life together after being long distance for so long. We only really lived together when we were in our early and mid-20s, and it didn’t go well back then. I want to live together asap not just because I wouldn’t have to be as lonely, but because we can’t move forward until we see how well we get along sharing a space now that we’re more mature. We’re already in our 30s and we’d both like kids (he’s desperate for kids even more than me); these delays aren’t helping us meet our mutual goals.
I’m so angry and hurt by this request, and I don’t trust him to stick to his word and even move in August. He says that 4 months is nothing considering the big picture and that I’m being unreasonable (he’s the one, after all, who must make the sacrifice to move; points out that I don’t have to do anything in this situation, I’m the one who took this job, etc), but I’m getting increasingly concerned he’s just wasting my time/fertile years. I know nobody knows the intricacies of us and our relationship, but am I being foolish for wanting to break up over this? I actually tried to breakup with him because I can't emotionally handle waiting anymore, but he wasn't willing to accept it--eventually I started second guessing my decision and began talking to him again.
TLDR; moved even further away from already long-distance boyfriend. Bf keeps using work as an excuse to not move, but claims he’ll move in August. I’m not convinced that he will, and don’t know if I should leave him.
submitted by Rich-Pick4572 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:15 a22x2 Are international students struggling with the group healthcare plan?

Just throwing this out there - I feel like I’ve fallen through the cracks and I can’t be the only one. Concordia’s health insurance plan requires us to pay out-of-pocket for most of our services and prescriptions, and has a yearly cap for any mental health stuff at $500, which is absurdly low.
Basically, we have to pay for most of our mental health care ourselves. Any of us with high-cost prescriptions are stuck in a loop - even though they’re covered, we front the $1,000/2,000/whatever, submit a receipt, wait a few weeks, get reimbursed, theoretically set that money aside, then do it all over again in 1-2 weeks.
Since we’re international, we don’t have access to any public resources (understandable). I’ve looked into adding a secondary private plan with better coverage, but anyone with pre-existing conditions is only eligible for plans with similar caps (and they cost several times more than the group plan anyway). From what I understand, the only real option for any non-citizen with preexisting conditions in Canada is to either pay out of pocket or join a decent group plan (presumably, in the workforce).
I know international students are often considered to have significant means, but I can’t be the only one. It’s a long shot, I realize, but just putting some feelers out there to see if anyone might be interested in working together and at least … trying? to encourage Concordia to reconsider their group plan. I’m just trying to live and study and have decent health insurance coverage and it’s been impossible to do all three so far lol.
submitted by a22x2 to Concordia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:14 Kay0929 AITA for wanting to be buried with my sister?

My 20 year old sister passed away in March of last year. She was buried directly behind our paternal grandfather (and when she passes our grandmother). My paternal aunts will be buried in the plots side by side to their parents. My parents bought the two plots on either side of my sister.
The plan right now is my dad will be on one side and my mom on the other. My maternal grandmother will be buried with my mom (one casket + two things of ashes can be buried in one grave in our cemetery).
Our older sister will be buried with little sister.
So basically my parents, both sisters and 3/4 grandparents and two aunts will be buried in the same place. I want to too when the day comes. I’m only 22 but I don’t care if it takes 70 years.
My dad is against adding me directly to my little sister’s stone as of right now, which I agree with. We are finally able to look into grave stones after her funeral costs so we have been discussing it more lately.
But I said “we can always do it later” and he kept on insisting I can only do it after I get married because my future husband might not want to be buried there and want to share a grave with me in a different plot or cemetery all together.
I get what he is saying. I do. And I would not make the final decision for a few years at least. But here’s the thing I’m single right now, and I wouldn’t mind being buried in the plot directly behind my sister(s) grave if my future husband wanted to be buried there as well (which I can purchase it if it want to). But if he doesn’t want to be buried there then I’ll insist to be cremated and some ashes go into the grave my sisters are/ will be one day. And some with my future spouse or for my future children to have.
My dad will end up being buried with 2 of his children (all 3 if I’m buried there) his wife, parents, MIL and sisters, he also has a brother but I’m not sure about him as he lives in Europe. I want to be buried with my family. My mom’s two sisters are divorced and so are my maternal grandparents. There is always a chance I get divorced or something. If I’m buried with my family I’ll always know I’m with people who love me I am not sure about the future and who I will end up marrying.
My dad says i shouldn’t do anything until I’m married.
AITA if I end up choosing this before I get married like according to my dad?
submitted by Kay0929 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:13 leyjim123 Solo Attorneys - how much to review a commercial lease

Hey guys. I was recently approached about reviewing a lease for a convenience store.
I do this for a company as an in house, have no idea what to charge to review, issue spot and renegotiate. This has a potential to create more side work collaborating on future deals.
How do you charge? Do I do one as a freebie, charge the next to create goodwill? It's a 40 page lease/rider. I can see myself spending a couple of hours easily on it.
They mentioned in the past they'd expect to pay and would want to use me for their leasing needs, but how do I approach this topic of cost?
submitted by leyjim123 to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:13 GreyIgnis Questions about passive moon mining and null ore changes under Equinox and potential effects

I’m 23, and my time in Eve (around 5 years as a consistent, active player) comes after Upwell and passive moon mining. I’m not an industrialist, nor am I particularly consistent in playing with Eve’s markets so bear with me while I ask the following questions out of an abundance of humility. Thank you.
So with null groups now having the ability to passively moon mine and potentially dictate which sorts of ore and minerals spawn in their space, along with a rework to PI, does this mean that nullsec no longer needs to interact with other areas of space in order to extract minerals and PI for basic industrial needs?
And does this also mean that morphite, which is the only ore not affected by this update is still bound to anomalies that exist mostly in nullsec and Pochven?
And if these are the case, can we expect a boom to industry with a morphite bottleneck in T2 production, that replaces the current isogen bottleneck, along with a similar bottleneck for lowsec gas?
How does this affect Rorqual mining, and the logical outworking — whaling? I would imagine that these changes mean that rorquals would be potentially only really be used (with any real cost effectiveness) to mine in lowsec, or in anomaly spawns with Mercoxit? Does this mean even fewer Rorquals in space despite the potential for them to be even cheaper?
How does the centralization of resources like ore, moon goo, and PI affect the ability of individual miners within various blocs to make isk? We can probably bet on a decrease in mineral and PI prices almost across the board, so does this effectively mean the end of individual/multiboxed miners to generate income in a profitable way? Or rather does this mean that a pivot to resources like lowsec/wh gas by smaller miners en masse is far more likely?
I don’t really make any sort of value judgement with any of these questions/observations, I just am trying to understand what might be coming down the pipe in a few months.
submitted by GreyIgnis to Eve [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:13 420MacMan [USA-CA][H] PS1+2+3+4+Vita, XBox360+One+Controllers, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Switch, Wii, N64, Gameboy, DS, 3DS, Manuals/Covers/Cases [W] Nintendo Material, Gaming Magazines and Lists

Looking at lists for Switch games be it regular, loose or special/collectors editions.
Looking at lists for a SNES console with hookups and 2x controllers if possible.
Looking at lists for N64 game loose or complete especially Ogre Battle 64.
Looking at lists for DS/Gameboy/Gameboy Advance Flashcarts.
Looking for Physical Magazines like EGM, GamePro, Nintendo Power and Wizard magazines.
And lastly looking for Gameboy/ColoAdvance games loose or complete.
Thanks Much Fellow Gamers.


PS4 Slim 500 GB Console with 1x OEM Black Dualshock
Metro Redux CIB
Rise of the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary Extras Only No Game
Plants vs Zombies 2 : Garden Warfare
Has Been Heroes CIB
The Division
Deus Ex MD


Metro Redux
Rare Replay/Ultimate Gears of War
Torment Tides of Nememura in GameStop Case
Lords of the Fallen
Transformers Devastation
Sunset Overdrive
Pillars of Eternity in GameStop Case
One Lords of the Fallen
XBox One Phantom Black Controller CIB USED
XBox Series S White OEM Controller


Metroid Dread 2 Pack BNIB


Cruis'N USA
Body Harvest
Aerofighters Assault
Top Gear Overdrive
Tony Hawk 3
Buck Bumble
Pokemon Puzzle League with Manual (game and manual in great condition)
Space Station Silicon Valley
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko (Entire label was missing so a cheap replacement was made)
Command And Conquer
The New Tetris
Snowboard Kids 1 with Manual (manual and game in great shape small tear on back of Cart)
Robotron 64
Forsaken 64 (video rental sticker on label)
Yoshi's Story
Mischief Makers
Doom 64
Kobe Bryant In NBA Courtside Box(good shape includes inner tray)
NHL Breakaway '98 Box (good condition no inner tray)
Mario Tennis 64 Game with Box (Box is rough shape, missing ride side flap. includes inner tray, Cart is clean)


TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan


Hori Split Pad Pro Blue CIB (used about 7 months in 9/10 condition)
Old Skool GC Controller Adapter (Works on Switch/PC/Wii U)
Hyperkin Joy-Con Grip Charger
Sushi Striker
Monster Hunter Rise Joy-Cons with Grip NIB
Blacksad: Under The Skin [Limited Edition] SEALED
KORG Gadget
Psikyo Collection Vol. 3 JAP
Super Mario Odyssey Carrying Case

PS Vita

The Walking Dead: Season 2
Hot Shots Golf World Invitational
Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel 1
Dynasty Warriors Next
Stranger Of Sword City
Shantae Half-Genie Hero [Risky Beats Edition]
Risk Of Rain SEALED
Aqua Kitty SEALED
Grand Kingdom Case
Toukiden : Kiwami Case


Legend Of Legacy Launch Edition SEALED
Crush 3D Loose in 3DS Case
Cubic Ninja Loose in 3DS Case
Codename S.T.E.A.M
Smash Bros 3DS CIB
Steel Diver CIB


Fighter Maker Loose
FF9 CIB (Case damaged)
Crash Bandicoot 2 Loose in Twisted Metal GH Case
Sim City 2000 Game+Case (damaged)
Oddworld Abes Oddysee CIB


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring Of Fates loose
OEM Charging Base for original 3DS
Intec DS Case
Bleach Blade Of Fate Loose


Final Fantasy X/X2 Remaster Limited Edition CIB
NiNoKuni 1 Steelbook CIB
Zone Of The Enders HD Collection CIB
Yakuza 3 Loose
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Loose
Genji Days Of The Blade
Genji Days Of The Blade Loose
Need for Speed Most Wanted CIB
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3
Need for Speed Pro Street
Red Faction Guerilla x2
MoH Warfighter LE Loose
Crysis 2
Mercenaries 2 in Generic Case
Call of Duty MW3 x2
Assassins Creed 4 BF
Beyond Steelbook Bad shape broken at spine
Uncharted Dual Pack in Custom generic case


Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
Soul Caliber 2 CIB
ATV Offroad Fury 4
MDK 2 Armageddon Loose
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2
The Getaway
007 Agent Under Fire Loose
Test Drive GH
Star Wars The Force Unleashed CIB
Army Men Soldiers of Misfortune
Welcome to Jumpack Demo Disc
Metal Arms in Generic Case
Army Men
NCAA Football 2004
Army Men : Sarges Hero
Full Spectrum Warrior
NCAA Football 2003
NCAA Football 2004
Eye Toy Antigrav with Eye Camera
Wheel of Fortune
Motorcross Mania 3
Seaworld Deep Sea Adventures
Socom US Navy Seal
Red Faction Case
Final Fantasy X-2
DQ8 missing Demo Disc
Onimusha 2 CIB
MX vs ATV Unleashed CIB
Tekken 5 CIB
Kingdom Hearts 1 GH CIB
Kingdom Hearts 2 GH CIB
Stuntman CIB
Looney Tunes Back in Action CIB Looney Tunes Back in Action
Soul Caliber 3 CIB
God of War 1 First Print CIB
GTA San Andreas missing manual


BF3 Limited Edition
Kinect Adventures
Call of Duty Ghosts
3rd Party Controller
Darksiders 2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance in Gamestop Case
OEM Black Controller with Battery Pack


Donkey Kong Bundle (includes CIB copy of Donkey Konga, 1x loose Bogo Drum controller and DK Jungle Beat Bongo Drum controller in box but missing game BOX IS IN ROUGH SHAPE)
Odama CIB with Microphone (Big Box is in rough shape but Game/Case/Manual/Mic are in perfect condition)
GB Player OEM Case Holder *Missing outer cardboard and Manual
Monopoly Party+Manual in Blockbuster Case
Star Wars Rogue Leader+Manual in DVD Case
Spiderman 2 Player's Choice (Missing Manual)
Megaman Anniversary Collection (Missing Manual)
MC Groovez Dance Craze
Fifa Soccer 2002
Spiderman 1 Case
007 NightFire Case with Fantastic Four Games


Nights Journey of Dreams in Gamestop Case & Manual
Generic Dual Wiimote Charging Dock

Covers, Cases and Manuals

8x Universal Game Cases (N64,SNES,Genesis,etc)
3DS Persona Q : Shadow of the Labyrinth Case
Grand Kingdom Case
Toukiden : Kiwami Case
Wii Dragon Quest Swords Manual
Wii Monster Hunter 3 Manual
Wii Elebits Manual
GC Ghost Recon Case & Manual
GC True Crime Streets of LA Case & Manual
GC Spiderman 1 Case Only
GC Dead to Rights Case & Manual
GC Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Case & Manual
GC Hitman 2 Case & Manual
GC MoH Frontline Case & Manual
GC Rainbow Six 3 Case & Manual
PS2 Red Faction Case
PS2 Call of Duty FH Case & Manual
GC NFL 2K3 Case
PS4 Nioh Case
PS Vita Exist Archive Case
PS3 Zone of Enders HD Collection Case & Manual
PS2 Dragon Quest 8 Case & Manual
PS2 Onimusha 2 Case & Manual
PS2 Tekken 5 Case & Manual
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 1 GH Case & Manual
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 2 GH Case & Manual
PS2 Area 51 Case PAL version
GC NBA 2K2 Case & Manual
PS2 Final Fantasy X-2 Case $ Manual
PS2 Starwars Battlefront Case & Manual
GC Prince of Persia Cover & Manual
GC Viewtiful Joe 1 Manual
PS2 Katamari Damacy Cover & Manual
GC Burnout 3 Takedown
PS2 Nightmare before Christmas Oogies Revenge Cover & Manual
PS2 GTA San Andreas Cover & Manual
PS2 Capcom Classic Collection Cover & Manual
PS2 Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Manual
PS2 Megaman X Collection Cover & Manual
PS2 Star Ocean Till the End of Time Cover & Manual
PS2 R-Type Final Cover & Manual
PS2 Soul Caliber 2 Cover
XB Panzer Dragoon Orta Cover & Manual
XB Ninja Gaiden Black Cover & Manual
PS2 Mad Maestro Cover & Manual
PS2 007 Everything or Nothing Manual
PS2 Half Life 2 Cover
PS2 Devil May Cry 3 Cover & Manual
PS2 FF X-2 Cover & Manual
PS2 REZ Cover & Manual
PS2 Rygar Cover & Manual
PS2 Chaos Legion Manual
PS2 Zone of Enders 1 Cover & Manual
PS2 Final Fantasy 12 Manual
PS2 Front Mission 4 Cover & Manual
PS2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Cover
PS2 Escape from Monkey Island Cover
PS1 Final Fantasy Chronicles GH Back/Front Cover & Manual
PS1 Tenchu 1 Cover & Manual
PS1 Final Fantasy 7 GH Front/Back Cover & Manual
PS1 Buster Bros Collection Cover & Manual
GC Zelda Master Quest Manual + Windwaker Promotional Paperwork
PS2 Black Case & Manual
submitted by 420MacMan to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:12 MozartsMiddleFinger Amplifier recommendations Yamaha or Schiit or other?

I’m looking for a new receiveamp to pair with Polk ES20 speakers, mostly Spotify and record listening, listening position about 9ft.
My current setup is a hand me down vintage Yamaha CR-820 + WiiM Mini, which I love dearly, but unfortunately it has developed some issues with crackling noise and I don’t have time right now to repair it, maybe a project in the winter time.
So for now I want a replacement, I tried both the Fosi ZA3+WiiM mini and the WiiM Amp, I not feeling either of them. Maybe I got really used to the CR820’s sound, especially the Loudness control, which I use lot when I need to listen at a lower volume (household peacekeeping).
For that reason I’m also considering the Yamaha AS-301 for the similar look and loudness dial. Also thinking a single Schiit Gjallarhorn, I don’t listen at very loud levels around 70-75db max, so maybe the low wattage is ok but I don’t know if it’ll be able to drive the Polk?
Which one can get close to the CR820 level? Maybe with my budget of $400 that’s not possible, I’m just looking for good enough. Any other recommendations welcome! Oh I do have an external phono preamp.
submitted by MozartsMiddleFinger to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:12 sheriffderek Massive Skill Gap: Are Coding Bootcamps and New Developers Missing the Mark? A recent chat with DonTheDeveloper.

A few weeks ago, someone posted a link to one of Don’s rants and I went through and commented on each of the points. I can't find that post, but I had copied it over here: https://www.reddit.com/perpetualeducation/comments/1c7k9re/donthedeveloper_on_a_rant_about_how_aspiring/
We had a chat about it. Here’s the video/podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHmqZkC3LqU&lc
Don titled it: There's a MASSIVE Skill Gap Among New Developers
I'll attempt to write a bit about that - (even though we went over many other topics - and I'm having a hard time grouping them)
It’s easy to simplify this into “the market” or “the boot camp” or “the tech stack” or "what's fair" or "the resume" - but I think people are missing the various multidimensional aspects at play. Is it:
Is it all of those things - and more? (Yes). And it's "the student" too." We're all different (cue reading rainbow moment). But it's true. Some of us are slower. Some of us are faster but miss the details. Some of us have a background that alignes neatly with tech. Some of us already know what job we want and why - and other people just want to make a good bet on a stable career. No matter what zone you're in, we still have to face the music - and deal with (trigger alert) - the truth.
The market is real. Companies aren't aggressively hireing random barely capable developers right now (like they have in the past). They're scared and holding on to their money. They also kinda realized they were spending more money on middle management and probably developers too - and are going to need some time to figure out how to make profitable businesses (or how to keep getting more VC funding to burn through).
But if there's a huge gap between your skills/experience and what it takes to do the job you're applying for, none of the other factors matter.
Many people choose a coding boot camp based on superficial factors like the price, the timeline, the website design, and the sales pitch. They often don't consider other important aspects because they simply don't know better. This isn’t unlike any other product or service or school.
Some people pick out a boot camp and learn a bunch of awesome stuff and they go out there and start a new career and for some reason, they don’t come back to Reddit to tell us about it. There are some legit colleges and boot camps and other alternative learning paths out there - that are really great. It's just a fact.
If you read the bootcamp marketing, paid your tuition, went through the steps they lined out, and came out the other end unable to get that job they promised you, well - that’s awkward. Maybe for you, it’s that simple. If you feel like you got a raw deal, I’m sorry. There are some businesses that should be ashamed of themselves - but they won't be. All you can do is warn other people. That’s over now. We can only work with the present.
For people who really want to work in this industry - they'll keep moving forward: at the end of the day, this is the playing field. So, if you want to get off the bench, we’re going to have to design a path to that – and you might need to rethink some of your assumptions.
It could certainly be said that new developers are now expected to know about–and have experience with–a lot more things.
Are the expectations that someone brand new to development is going to be able to get a job unreasonable? Well, does it matter what someone’s opinion about that is? You either want the job - or you don’t. And you need to know how to do the job, or no one will hire you. Do you need to know everything on this huge list to get an entry level position https://roadmap.sh/javascript ? (no) (in fact - close that - and don’t ever look at it again)
When I started (at the age of ~30) (in ~2011), you needed to know HTML, CSS, (Probably some PhotoShop to get your assets), maybe a little PHP (and likely HTTP and more about URLs and request types and forms), FTP and DNS to get your site hosted, and maybe some JavaScript. You might have used jQuery to help out or Knockout.js. And you had to know how to hook up a database and MySQL and probably a CMS or some sort. And maybe your code was a mess or maybe it adhered to some common patterns. But that was life. Not everyone needed to know all those things. Some people would focus more on getting the mockup into the HTML and CSS. Other people might focus on the server and the PHP or Perl or Java. There were all sorts of jobs and some of them were done by people with a formal education in Computer Science studies and other people just figured it out as needed. There was a lot of work to be done. Lots of custom stuff to build and maintain. And it was just normal to learn more incrementally as the years went by. You could totally get a job knowing just HTML and CSS (and you still can BTW). There was still an infinite amount of things you could know. But it seemed to ramp up naturally because we were closer to the grain of The Web.
So, what do people learn now? (Generally) They rush through some HTML and CSS really quick (which actually teaches them more bad habits than good). They rarely learn about DNS or FTP because a tutorial showed them how to type a few random things into a terminal to have their site on a free service and they don’t buy a domain name because there’s a free subdomain. Apparently paying for anything is for suckers and companies that don't give you things for free are evil capitalistic pigs who should be shut down. New devs don’t know much about servers because their text editor is actually running an advanced web application behind the scenes that starts a virtual server and runs all sorts of other things they don’t understand outside of that context - like connecting to version control, opening a terminal pane, SSH, code completion and typeahead, autoimport completion, AI suggestions and other additional layers like typescript and many other linters to tell them where all their errors are. If they couldn't use VSCode - they might be dead in the water. It can feel like you’re just a bag of meat being yelled at by VSCode as you try and solve the errors and remove all the red lines. And we do all of these - to put the training wheels in place.
And I’m not saying that a LAMP stack doesn’t have it’s own level of black-box and mysteries with how Apache handles your HTTP requests and MySQL starts up it’s own server - but we have to be comfortable with some level of abstraction or we’d be writing all ones and zeros at the machine code level.
So, the new developer is manning this huge stack of tools unknowingly, but they do get a lot of benefits. We can spin up a pretty complex web application with a front-end to make requests, a server to talk to a database and other third-party systems and respond back to the client/front-end, and an auth layer to make sure people are properly signing in and only seeing what they need to see. There are abstractions for HTML and CSS and JS that put that template logic and controller logic into a neat little component file (which is great) and that component file is properly registered based on file name conventions and everything gets set up in this larger system of conventions that all happen behind the scenes in the framework architecture. So, as a new developer - you can really ride the framework and know hardly anything about how it works - as long as you know the language to speak to this layer of the abstraction (the API).
These aren't just arbitrary add-ons that people made to complicate things. They solve real-world problems. The new dev won't really understand what they are - but I'm not saying we should just get rid of them. They allow us to move faster and to build interfaces and business logic without having to write tons of behind the scenes repeated structural code by hand. And with those training wheels, we have more time on our hands. We can also add in the chance to further define our programs with safety measures and plan automated testing routines, and built-in documentation of our code base. We can keep adding layers and layers or pull in more and more third-party tools. It’s pretty amazing. But what people end up learning is how to maintain that configuration - and there’s only so much time - and so, they end up learning 10% of all the things you used to need/want to know. And some jobs have a path for that. But there's likely going to be a long-term cost for you.
Arguably - it doesn’t matter how much “code” you know - and making things is what matters. And that’s true. That’s what matters to the business that pays you. And to the school that wants you to feel good about your progress. But I think you should protect your learning journey. It’s for you. It’s going to be what you carry on throughout the years and it’s a seed.
Getting proficient with a popular tech stack - when the market is booming proved to be a great decision for boot camps and their students. And I'd bet that the majority of people mean well.
But when it's not booming, students are in it for the wrong reasons, schools have tightened up and moved online, the market has plenty of devs who already have 5+ years working with that framework/stack -- then all of the sudden - the surface-level fake-it-till-you-make-it path (as much as I respect that) doesn't work as well. You're going to have to put in some more energy.
When it's obvious that you can't build an HTML page with semantic markup, that's accessible, and has a universally pleasurable experience, and you can't write CSS without a UI framework or do anything custom, it's obvious. You should be aware of that gap. When you've never owned a domain name or setup a deployment pipeline, you should be aware of that gap. When your personal website looks like your boot camp gave it to you, you should be aware of how that looks. When you can't take a server-side scripting language like Python or Go or PHP and build out a little personal website framework - you should be aware of that gap. When you can't plan a project and don't have experience with diagrams and explaining things, you need to be aware of that gap. When you've never written about your process or created any case-studies to explain your projects, you should be aware of that gap. When you're only proof of work is the class assignments, you should be aware of that gap. When your github history goes dead after the last day of class, you should be aware that we'll see that. When you claim to no nothing about visual design and that's for someone else on the team - you should be aware of that gap. If you refuse to turn on your camera and just want to be left alone, you should be aware of that huge gap. If you can't build a little prototype app without React, they you probably don't JavaScript, and you should be aware of that gap. And there will ALWAYS be a gap. There's always more to learn. So - it's an important skill to know what to learn and why - and when. You can't learn everything. And if you're having a hard time finding work right now, then get clear on your goal. Stop applying for general "Software engineer" jobs you aren't ready for. Narrow your scope. Figure out a job that you think you can do confidently. Get clear on how big your gap is and what you need to learn to get centered and confident with your toolset. Ideally, it's fun. Try and ignore all the doom and gloom and focus on your own personal goal.
It's not just the market. Too many people are applying for jobs they aren't anywhere near qualified to do. And it probably doesn't feel good. But luckily - you can learn the things and get back on track.
submitted by sheriffderek to codingbootcamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:12 GebOshanti Grease Management for Kettle Griddle

Hey there. Used my plancha griddle insert for a charcoal kettle today for the first time. And it was great. Got super hot and the smashburgers worked well. Nice sear.
Wondering about both free / low-cost options for grease management.
There are two holes on opposite sides of the round insert. I guess you’re supposed to push grease through those.
For my first cook, I just lined a charcoal basket with foil and threw it under one of the holes. It worked fine.
Wondering if there are other options out there.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
submitted by GebOshanti to grilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:10 GiraffeHolder314 How to go about being published in Magazines?

Even though RE Photography is a business for me, and I keep costs low, I think it would be such a cool accomplishment to be featured in Magazines. I’d like to know how I could go about that? How much it’d cost? What would it take?
Every once in a while I shoot these beautiful, high-end and staged homes from realtors in my area. Would I submit these somewhere?
My ultimate goal would be to attract more interior design and luxury real estate agents/brokerages. I’d love to hear some of your experiences or advice.
submitted by GiraffeHolder314 to RealEstatePhotography [link] [comments]
