Skin on my dogs stomach is really inflammed

Subreddit for Shiba Inu dogs

2010.10.24 20:37 jwegan Subreddit for Shiba Inu dogs

Subreddit for Shiba Inu dogs. Post your pictures, videos, questions, etc.

2009.10.12 01:04 cat pictures!

Pictures! Of cats! A welcoming subreddit for images of your cats.

2019.11.06 17:26 niapattenlooks TheOrdinarySkincare

Forum for discussing The Ordinary skincare regimens, getting advice and sharing skincare tips

2024.06.10 00:20 Time_Individual_833 Don't know how to feel about it

I started my CNA Job last Thursday. It was super weird because it seemed like nobody really wanted to train me. The other CNA's don't follow any sort of protocol with patient privacy, basic care, and more. I'm only here because I'm waiting for the results of my skills exam and if I don't pass I'll have to wait until I can take it again to leave the job. I was so appalled with how they leave some patients when I went to put a lady on a bed pan her bedding/sheets had BM on them. I was so sick to my stomach that they let her lay there. I liked the job more then thought because I'm on the rehab side and the patients are super nice and coherent but it seems like training is terrible and I was put out to figure everything out by myself......... is it bad im nervous to go in tomorrow ??? And I feel like I should be picking up the pieces of the other CNAs. I answered most of the call lights while they just let them go off.
submitted by Time_Individual_833 to cna [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:18 Bimefrenchfries02 AITA for feeling like my friend neglects me? (Part 2)

I (23F) and my friend Todd (35M) have always been very close. We met last year in May, and our long-distance relationship (LDR) has had its ups and downs. (Ive never posted on Reddit before so forgive if this hard to follow) I ask that all responses be respectful.

A Significant Event: The most hurtful incident was when my uncle died suddenly. I didn’t respond to anyone for almost a week because his passing was so sudden. When I apologized to my friends and explained about my uncle, everyone except Todd acknowledged my loss. He started talking about himself instead.
Thinking he might not have received my message, I replied, but he didn’t respond. Then I saw a concerning post of his, and it worried me, so I checked in on him. He didn't respond for a few days, so I followed up with a voice note. I told him I just wanted to know if he was okay, and that I’d give him all the space he needed. I just asked if he could let me know he's okay.
When he finally did reply, he said he was busy and promised we would talk, but more days passed without contact.
I changed my number not too long after that since I just moved to a new state. I messaged him, and he seemed happy to hear from me. We flirted and talked a bit, but it quickly returned to the same pattern of brief, unengaging conversations. The last straw was when he sent me a text, I responded, and he said nothing.
A Confrontation: I finally asked him if we could talk. I told him how I felt—that it seemed like he didn’t want to engage in conversation with me anymore and that our connection was fading. I was sad because we hadn’t had real conversations in a while, just the same repetitive questions about our days. I suggested scheduling phone calls once or twice a month, thinking it might help us bond without overwhelming each other. I made it clear I wasn’t upset and didn’t blame him for anything.
Todd’s Response: He responded by saying he felt punished and criticized, and that he couldn’t handle conversations about life’s hardships, even though I never said that’s what I wanted. He felt I was only considering myself and not him, which isn’t true. He also claimed no one inquires about his struggles, which is not true. At least in my case. I've often put aside my feelings to make sure he knows he's loved.
My Dilemma: I see a pattern where whenever I express my feelings, he feels attacked. Despite understanding he’s going through a lot, I feel it’s unfair for him to expect me to navigate his needs without clear communication. Now, he wants to do phone calls, but I can’t stomach talking to him after he downplayed our friendship and ignored my uncle’s passing.
I’m heartbroken and contemplating ending our friendship. I’ve tried to fix things, but it seems like nothing I do makes a difference. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Should I end things with him? I really need advice.
[Link to Part 1 in the comments]
submitted by Bimefrenchfries02 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:18 iseeyoualwaays My story

My story begins me as a little 7 year old boy. The year is 1994.
As a young child. I played with G.I Joe's and barbie dolls. I wpuld undress them and swap clothes on each one. I would put the G.I Joe in the barbie car and put Barbie in the G.I Joe jeep.
I had a fascination with horses and western stuff as any other young boy of the 1990s. Would always watch western starring Clint Eastwood with dad. I was always a mommas boy, eventually spending nights on the couch watching Allie Mcbeal and episodes of E.R starring George Clooney among others. I spent a lot of time with my mother. Really just ignoring the macho stuff with my dad who was a coach of my brother's hockey team.
I used to run around alot with friends among the condominiums, where we once lived. My childhood was sparwling with freedom of movement and wonder and imagination. I truly enjoyed the connections I made and friends along the way.
Around the age of 7, I made a friend. Her name was Maddy (not using real names). He father was Canadian and she spent weekends with him because Maddies Parents were recently divorced. I remember Maddies room being so vibrant in color, pinks, oranges, reds everywhere.
Maddie and I would hang out a lot, and me hanging around her father also. The three of us used to trek up to the community pool and I would bask in the sun, while also doing belle flops from failed cannonballs.
One of the greatest things I developed as a child was my imagination. Granted it's no surprise children develop alot mentally around this time. Such wonder, beauty and possibilities in the world we see or so we should.
I would say one of the biggest things that stood out was my ability to fantasize about worlds. To see the world I created in my mind. The plastic Lego blocks and sets I would build had a major development in this I imagine. I was always working with my hands "making" something.
Anyways, I would always imagine fantastical worlds. Worlds filled with dinosaurs, cars and bright colors, vibrant colors.
As time pressed on, I would venture into Maddies room when she was away with her mother. Often times I would find myself in Maddies father condo while he went out for grocery shopping. This was the 1990s and young kids could be left alone in an unlocked apartment.
I had free reign over Maddies Room, and I ventured into her wardrobe. She mad the most colorful dresses and outfits to see. So naturally I try on some of her dresses to boot.
I found this particular red dress enticing. I couldn't quite understand what I felt when I wore that red dress and, and immediately upon Maddies father coming home from the grocery store, I promptly took the dress off.
From that time on, I'm convinced Maddies dad did see me wear it, but didn't tell my father. I was scared.
My family had been going through family therapy and I was declared ok by the psychiatrist to be ok. A little Welbutrin went a long way I supposed.
A few things wpuld shortly happen that would solidfy my femininity for the rest of my life (and I'm glad it did despite the circumstances I was put in)
A while later after that summer had passed, I remember an overflow of overcast skies. Now in my mind at the time, this meant Halloween and shortly thereafter Christmas was near by. It was a pleasant feeling I felt in the air, just like the cool pool warer around my skin on a hot day.
There were to gay gentleman that lived above us. (To this day, I'm convinced these memories are represses) because the life of me I cannot recall most details.
Anyways, they were always so nice to me and I enjoyed their company. They spoke to me in such a kindness I could not hold back and embraced thier hospitality. I would eat dinner up there sometimes and watch TV sometimes. So one night in particular I remember going up there and seeing them. They were both so kind and welcoming.
This is where it gets fuzzy. Like the order of operations we later learned in school, it is as follows.
I remember walking up to thier condo. I remember hanging out on thier bed. They were both laying on thier bed side by side. Then the rest is blank. I wake up on the bed, many hours later and felt a little funny. Again, these men were so kind, as I child I didn't know what to think, if I did any thinking at all.
The following day, a mysterious brown wallet with 400 dollars was dropped outside my small bedroom window. I brought the wallet up to them but they denied it being thier wallet, and told me that I could keep it.
My dad was enthused I "found" the money, but I never told him where it came from.
Shortly after this, I feel something changed inside me. I felt at ease, maybe it was a release of tension, I honestly could not explain it.
Same-sex experiences were rampant in my childhood, and to be honest it took me years to understand it's method of solidifying my effinate nature. I was not only sexually exploited by two homosexual men, but also from a mentally challenged man in his 30s. The entire neighborhood found out that I A.B (not using real names) and I were not the only ones that were abused sexually.
Since that experience wit the two gentleman above my parents condo, my path as a transgirl (many years later) would come to fruition.
I tried on Maddies dresses more, and eventually, I stop because Maddies father dead on sees me and I freak out. I remember the cold eyes in his face. The look of disappointment. I was shamed. The feeling inside me was pushed down so far that I forget out about it. I quashed it perhaps.
Later in high-school, I began to talk to Juan (not using real names). I flirt with him and and made plans to see him. He was a beautiful young boy just as I was I imagine. I never had problems getting girls. Every girl in high school that I showed interest in, I would make love to and kiss. So many different kinds of girls, beautiful girls.
Anyways I feel like I'm losing my steam here lol.
I became part of the LGBT club on campus. Meeting different people and making great friends. I think what I failed to notice is maybe people thought I was bi sexual, but made no inclination to prove people right about that assumption. I was told by a dear friend that she saw the true person I was and not to be afraid to be that person. It never hit me what she meant by that, but I suppose this in reference to her ability to read a person's true character.
Time would go by and and I would get married and have a daughter. I was married for 15 years. Through us growing part and much trauma later, the marriage ended. After some soul searching and thinking in my echo chamber, I came across transsexuals.
There was a huge stigma against them and not much was known. I saw photos of them and how beautiful they were and didn't know how they became to be that way. I was just blown away that an individual could become a beautiful woman.
It wasn't until after I found out about HRT in the 2020s that I cross analyzed myself. How a person can come to a conclusion about thier body, mind and spirit is still beyond me but only the fact that "it felt right" for me.
I remember myself wearing those dresses at age 7 and I'm sad i wasn't able to further explore that part about myself but since now I have the means and motivation, I will become the woman I was meant to be.
Thanks for reading. If I piqued an interest. Feel free to comment.
submitted by iseeyoualwaays to u/iseeyoualwaays [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:17 Nearby_Stretch_3578 Health anxiety is taking over me

I have been having stomach issues from last 1 week. At first it was very bad i had stomach pain and all but it is subtle now but i still feel a kind of pressure in my belly while laying on bed and im freaking out. I wanted to go to doctor but can’t due to some family problems and money issues too. Idk what should i do i have health anxiety from 2016 and now it’s on its peak maybe the pain and pressure is due to anxiety only as gut-brain axis. Idk im really scared too about discovering any major issue with me 😿
submitted by Nearby_Stretch_3578 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 Imadancingfish How to make your own breathing techniques

So as a demon slayer fan I of course did the quiz on what breathing style I would be but it didn't quite work out as I got love breathing (previously I had flower breathing from same one ) which has a lot of acrobatics in it which I am horrible at so I did it again for 3 rd time and again got flower breathing which is lots of agility in it which is good because I can jump high very easily but I lack physical strength which before the quiz made me think I would be insect breathing because I am small and it would be impossible for me to cut a head off a demon so I thought what Shinobu did would be easier and I am very good at biology and chemistry so it would make sense for me to be that since of the poison but then I thought what if I chose both I mean tanjiro combined flame and water breathing but what if I made a new breathing style for myself and this is where it begins so I will help you create one for yourself .(this is not official I just wanted to help people to understand so someone like me can do it easily )
Step 1. Take a quiz (preferably this one so you can get an idea of your character traits :
Step 2. Look at yourself e.g are you good st gymnastics or contortion maybe you are very fast or can jump high if you aren't very physical or maybe how tall or muscle built you are . (This is important since e.g flower breathing you must be good at jumping and running a lot and with live breathing you need to be very flexible )
Step 3:if you are like me and wouldn't be able to take a demons head off because of strength of course you could train like tanjiro but sometimes your body takes more then useual to do that like shinobu so you might use poison or your just like me and can't be bothered too so make sure to decide which one of those or you can create your own way to kill demons maybe using something that can containe something like the sun which is very hot so maybe something extremely hot you could use or other poisons.
Step 3. Pick your breathing styles : Water breathing Flame breathing Sound breathing Stone breathing Flower breathing Love breathing Insect breathing Wind breathing Sun breathing Moon breathing Mist breathing Serpent breathing Thunder breathing Beast breathing Chart of breathing styles at the bottom)
Step4: now you've picked take the ability's from one and add it too another to create your own breathing technique for example what I did was take the focus on agility and eyesight from flower breathing and the poison technique from insect breathing along with the thrusting and stabbing technique and combined it to create my own breathing style (not sure of name)
(Edit:sky breathing maybe since the sky is high and this involves a lot of jumping and you need precision to strike the poison and be able to change technique really fast like how fast days go bye)
First form: no idea what to call it
The user runs in a straight line towards the demon before jumping over the demon and stabbing it gently in the back,neck or top of head before landing behind it.the poison should damage them especially in the neck or head since those are vital parts of the human body and is great if you want to finish at fight quickly to get to others
2nd form:
The user aims their sword (katana) at the demon and throws it from over the shoulder like you would with a vortex the sword should hit dead on the enemy's chest and be ejected with poison this attack is great for slowing down enemy's and must be used from a far distance.
3rd form
The user will run in a zigzag motion from high up and going lower using objects to bounce off from (the enemy must be below ) as they reach the enemy they will use a slicing motion to make a scratch that is sharp enough to draw blood for the poison to get into the body slowly killing them.
4th form:
(Objects must be being thrown at them) the user will use a stabbing motion to inject the object with poison before using their foot to throw it back at them presumably at a cut or open wound unless the object is sharp enough to break skin so the poison can enter.
5th form:
(Great for close fighting) The user continues to swip across the enemy's body (of course they might have a sword so the will need to be able to defend and be quick to avoid strikes) to inflict multiple wounds in a short period of time.
6th form: The user comes down from sky or from underneath enemy and goes around getting higher or lower in's circular motion as they struck multiple slices on ankles,back,hand,neck until jumping up in the air and bouncing back from enemy.
7th form:
The user pretends to strike at one spot but quickly changes and stabs or slices at they run past the enemy. That's what I made from flower breathing and insect breathing now it's your turn I hoped this helped and encouraged your love for demon slayer have fun making them and write it down in the comments what you came up with! (If you use this please credit me and my channel on YouTube AB_GAMING🤍)
submitted by Imadancingfish to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 Human-Iron9265 How to not hate chemo

Hey guys.
Tomorrow I head in for round 14 of chemotherapy. Technically, this would ld only be round 12 of the chemo specific for my type of cancer.
I have been non stop chemo since September of last year. No breaks at all, which isn’t bad per se, my body just recovers fairly quickly. I’m only 21, so chemo typically isn’t as hard on me as some. My youth definitely helps physically, but not mentally.
Honestly i’m mentally getting tired of chemo. The side effects are just awful for like 5-7 days afterwards and I also get different side effects every time. The only constant thing is diarrhea, of course and the stomach pain.
How do the ones who have been getting treatment for years deal with this? I seriously wish I could just have a month off chemo, but my doctor said no more than an extra week they are attacking the disease aggressively still.
I seriously don’t see the point anymore why it’s such a huge deal. I mean, i’m pretty much going to die anyway, so why do they care so much? I hate to say it, but I think they care more than me at this point. I really just don’t understand it. They keep pushing aggressive treatments when likely we won’t get the desired result.
Any tips on how to keep plugging along would be appreciated. Do you guys have something to look forward to that keeps you going?
Thank you all.
submitted by Human-Iron9265 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:15 Old-Dare5505 Need some encouragement

So I’ve been working on my health and weight for the past year (a few months on contrave and then switched to compound titz in April) and have lost 20ish pounds so far with a little over 10 pounds since I started tirz(from 185 to 163) which is a big deal for me since I’ve never really been able to lose much at all before. I have 20-30 more to go to be in the “normal” bmi category but have been feeling so much more confident in how I look and feel- I feel like my clothes are fitting better, I cringe a little less when I see myself on video conference room calls, etc.
But today, I took my daughter to camp and they took a bunch of photos and posted them online and there I was- well, there my stomach was. Poking out and looking a mess.
I know I shouldn’t let a few pictures be so upsetting. And I know I’m still in the middle of making changes etc. But it sucks to make progress and then feel like oh, um, I still look pregnant (something many - I mean there’s been a lot- of people have asked me. Can not stand when people do that!).
Anyway, pity rant over. Sigh.
submitted by Old-Dare5505 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:12 loveandkindessinsght Looking for some Buddhist perspective/advice on a problem I'm facing at work.

Sorry if this is off topic but I work in construction and a lot of the advice in construction related subs have tend to just call people snowflakes. So basically I (22m) started a job in construction where I have to drive a truck and trailer with a mini excavator on the back and I don't have much experience driving and the main problem I'm facing is backing up the trailer as it's very difficult to master as you have to steer the opposite way for the trailer then follow it steering the normal way with your truck and I never got anytime to practice it they just threw me in and when I'm backing up in the yard I have 3 different people telling me different things and some of the people are shouting "What the f are you doing" "Get the f out of the yard" and I pushed through the negative emotions I felt from getting yelled at and same thing happened the next day and I spent that day just trying not to cry and finally when I got home I started crying pretty hard to my mom. I didn't go into work the next day and was thinking about quitting, it was a friday so I've had the whole weekend to let this settle. This has caused me a lot of anxiety and stress about going into work because I don't want to be belittled by co workers, not everyone is mean but it's a construction site and a lot of these guys are manly men and don't really think about emotions or that it would effect people and I don't think they're necessarily bad people its just cause a lot of men in the trades are naturally thick skinned and a lot of stuff doesnt bother them but I'm naturally more of a sensitive person. Anyways after crying and letting time pass a bit my anxiety about is is kinda flip floppy some times I have a mentality of I don't really care if they chirp me I'm just gonna try my best and learn and sometimes the anxiety/worrying about it seems to overwhelming. A weird way I felt relief about the situation is how comical it is that I'm just trying to learn how to do it and I've got people yelling at me about how I suck at doing it and just visualizing myself in the truck being like "wtf am i supposed to do". I would just like to know from a Buddhist wisdom perspective, a way to not feel so much anxiety and scared of going into work and getting yelled at for not knowing how to back up a trailer.
submitted by loveandkindessinsght to Buddhism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:11 milkybicycle [Acne] My last ditch effort before the nuclear option Miss Accutane

[Acne] My last ditch effort before the nuclear option Miss Accutane
Last Ditch Attempt Before Nuclear Option (Accutane)
So I have struggled with acne since I was about 14 (20 now). It all started with a fatal mistake of jumping on an internet trend of using Black African Soap. Before, I only had a few bumps once in awhile that I wanted to clear and I turned to this trend. It ravaged my skin and destroyed my moisture barrier. Ever since then I have been trying to fix my skin. It was REALLY bad for probably a bit over a year. I tried all kinds of stuff but what eventually calmed it down was cutting out major dairy use (byebye milk) and using the CeraVe SA cleanser + CeraVe tub moisturizer. This helped clear active breakouts but didn't really prevent them because it never fully went away.
Fast forward about another year-ish of consistent use of this routine and I decided to add in Differin plus a Vitamin C serum to help with PIE. So I was alternating SA cleanser and the Gentle Cetaphil Cleanser + Differin at nights and then Vit C in mornings with sunscreen (AB Skin Aqua 50spf). Eventually I also changed to Vanicream face lotion because I had a suspicion that the CeraVe tub was too thick for my skin. After awhile my skin was the best it has ever been, my PIE and scarring was gone and my breakouts were super minimal (a few spots if any). It was around this time I began to think I had developed hormonal acne because what spots I did get were those underneath the skin ones mostly on my cheeks/jaw and seemed more common around my period.
Then, after about 4 months with this new skin, I started breaking out again and it consistently got worse even though I hadn't changed much in my routine. Only thing different was I had stopped using Vit C after my PIE cleared but that was long before this acne came back. Oh, and I was on BC but I started after the Differin had been working and didn't go off it until quite a while after the acne had already come back, so not sure if there was any correlation. Seemingly, the Differin had stopped working. I waited about 2-3 more months just to see if it was a fluke before I quit Differin.
From then to now it has pretty much been just fluctuation of moderately bad to not great but not the worst. I have tried things here and there to mostly no avail and have become 99% positive my acne now is hormonal. Recently I decided to do a full reset and just really take my time rebuilding my routine, starting from scratch. That has helped, and what I am doing now has definitely helped maintain it, but my skin is still not clear and at this point I would rather finally go on Accutane and save my skin from more scarring and my pockets from more useless spending on OTC products. Also, my skin is pretty sensitive and dry so I have to be careful about not overloading it with products and protecting my skin barrier. My skin is always much more upset with me when my barrier is damaged and begging for moisture lol. This is my routine:
AM: - Rinse with water - Timeless Vit C Serum - AB Canmake Sunscreen - Vanicream moisturizer if i'm feeling dry
PM: - If wearing makeup, Gentle Cetaphil Cleanser to get it + sunacreen off - Panoxyl BP 4% wash (this has helped the most recently I think) - Vanicream Gentle Moisturizer mixed with a pea size of their tub moisturizer for extra umph - Pimple Patch on any active spots to prevent me picking or feeling the need to wear makeup over them
Currently I will usually have 1-2 active hormonal spots (sometimes more but not very often), some whiteheads, and really just a LOT of PIE/scars. The Vit C definitely helps fade spots faster but ultimately i'm most concerned with stopping the active spots because that's the only way to truly stop the scarring, and imo the scars/PIE makes my skin look worse than it is which sucks. I'm mostly just here looking for anyone with similar skin or a similar journey and to get confirmation if I should just bite the bullet and schedule a derm appointment to get on Accutane. Right now i'm dealing with some serious texture and whiteheads, especially in my T-Zone which isn't very common for me, and i've chalked it up to one if not more of these causes: - started using Joseon Cleansing Balm. wanted to try an oil balm or cleanser for double cleansing for makeup and sunscreen removal since I feared my Cetaphil and Panoxyl back to back was stripping. - the Vanicream tub, I like incorporating it for hydration but I think that thick cream might just be too much for my skin even in pea sized amounts - recently cleaned my makeup brushes with a soap + olive oil mix....cleaned the brushes great but I have a suspicion that if there's still traces of olive oil it's contributing to my clogged pores - did the big dumb like a week and a half ago and slept in my makeup 🥲
so i'm in damage control rn and currently i've stopped the cleansing balm AND tub moisturizer to see if the whiteheads clear. will use Cetaphil to get off makeup in meantime and just be religious about hydration. I heard the soybean in the balm can be a trigger for some acne prone individuals so if I try it again i'm gonna spot test on my forehead or something before going gung-ho. also gonna re-clean my brushes again soon.
anyway, thank you so much for sticking with me through this long ass ramble, I just wanted to make sure I had all the info on the table. for the pictures, the first is how my skin looked all those eons ago when it was just totally screwed up, then my skin at its best, and then my skin after it started up again, and my skin now. ANY advice or input or even just sharing your own experiences is welcome!!
submitted by milkybicycle to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:10 theprincessmeg 30 pounds free

i (27f, sw: 226, cw: 196) have finally hit the 30 pounds lost mark and it feels so good.
earlier this year i reached my heaviest and seriously realized i had to change. i was eating a lot, drinking multiple times during the week and not watching a single calorie. well it showed.
after valentine’s day, i got serious. spent more time in therapy, discussed options and blood work w my doctor and moved more. cut back a ton on drinking and eating out.
4 months later im down 30 pounds. im less fatigued after work outs, my clothes are looser, my skin has cleared up and i can really see a difference physically.
i’ve always been scared to ask for help, thinking i can do this on my own. i can, but asking for help is what kick started this. it’s okay if you need help, whether it’s w mental health or medication, it’s worth it in the end!!
submitted by theprincessmeg to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:09 J_A_Emory Tapping on the window

The blaring of the fire alarm woke me from my sleep. I swore loudly as I dragged myself out of bed. The alarm had been malfunctioning since early evening and this was the third time it had gone off since I had decided to go to bed for the evening. Each time I had checked everywhere for any sign of a fire and each time I had found nothing. The landlord would not come to fix the problem until the next day and I was not willing to take the risk of taking out the alarms.
So it was that I decided to put on my housecoat, grab a blanket and head out to sleep in my car for the night. Perhaps this was not the best idea. Perhaps I should have gone to a hotel, to gone to stay with a friend. However, I was exhausted both from lack of sleep and the previous days’ work, and my brain was not really working at full capacity. As such, I decided to sleep in my car. If I had known what would happen I would probably have just tried to suck it up and sleep through the fire alarms.
Needless to say, trying to sleep in my car was no fun. It was hard to find a comfortable sleeping position and, even with my pajamas, my housecoat and the blanket, it was cold. I am pretty certain that I spent at least two hours uncomfortably laying in the driver’s seat, trying to sleep and getting increasingly frustrated with my inability to do so.
At that moment, it started to rain. It had been overcast for most of the previous day and the forecast had been for overnight showers, so I suppose I should not have been surprised. Nevertheless, it came as a shock when I saw the flash of lightning and, about twenty seconds later, heard the thunder, followed by the tap, tap, tapping of raindrops on the roof of my car and on the windows. The already cold weather got a little bit colder and I contemplated going back inside, but then I heard the distant sound of my fire alarm once again going off for several seconds before stopping and decided not to do so.
And so I remained where I was. Lying in the driver’s seat of my car, a decidedly uncomfortable position. Clutching my blanket to myself and trying in vain to escape into unconsciousness, to ignore the discomfort of my impromptu bed, the discomfort of the cold, the sounds of the thunder and the tapping of the rain. And deep down inside, I felt, though trying to suppress it, the slight gnawing sensation of fear, a deep-buried, primal fear of the storm outside, the sort of fear that most can ignore, sheltered behind walls and doors when the bad weather comes out, but from which I had only the limited protection of the metal and glass box which I normally used for transportation but which had now become my shelter.
It was at that moment that I heard another tapping. At first I could not distinguish it clearly from the raindrops but eventually I started to tell it apart. A light tapping, regular and persistent, coming in a sequence of three, then a pause, then another sequence of three, then another pause, then another sequence of three, and so on. At first I tried to convince myself that it was nothing, just the rain. After a time, however, I could no longer convince myself of anything other than that somebody must be on the other side.
Part of me thought that perhaps it was somebody who needed help, or maybe someone who had noticed me and had gotten worried. I thought for a moment that perhaps I should look and see if one of these things was the case. However, the other voice in my head, the frightened one, was stronger and overruled in my thoughts. I wondered if perhaps it was a burglar, or someone on drugs who might attack me. And deep down inside, I feared something else. The persistence, the fact that there had been no interruption to the regularity of the tapping, the fact that nobody had called out my name and, possibly, something else, all made me wonder what could be on the other side of the glass. While the rational part of my mind told me that it was just a person or, more likely, a tree branch being blown by the wind or some such thing, some part of me, buried deep in my mind, feared the source of the tapping, feared that it might be something far worse than human, and did not dare to look.
But I did look, eventually. The tapping just would not stop and the worry would just not go away. I do not know how long, it felt like hours but it was probably not more than thirty minutes, all while the rain kept coming down. The tension kept building and building as the tapping would not let up and I clutched by blanket to myself like a frightened child. In the end, it was simply too much and I uncovered my face and stared through the driver’s side window.
What stared back at me was not human. A face, white as paper, oval-shaped and far wider near the top. The entire top part of the face was dominated by two circular, lidless eyes, solid silver glinting in the streetlight save for small black pupils rimmed by red irises, no nose and a wide mouth stretching in a grin from one pointed, bat-like ear to the other, revealing what must have been more than a hundred needle teeth. There was a strange quality about the apparition, which I do not know how to properly describe, something insubstantial, as if it were a reflection in a pond. Except for the eyes. Those were solid, silver disks with black pinpricks staring at me with hatred and nothing can convince me that they were not real.
As I stared at the creature, stiff with terror, the pale white fist that it had raised to knock once more stopped and opened slowly as the grin on its face grew even wider. Moved by a sudden realization of how much this thing resembled a reflection, I turned suddenly to face the passenger side, fearing that it might be in the car. Noticing that nothing was there, I breathed a sigh of relief, turning back to face the driver’s side window, only to see that the creature was on the other side of the glass, in the car with me.
I did not have time to scream before it was upon me, one hand covering my face, claws digging into the flesh of my cheeks, the other holding me down by my chest as its mouth filled with needle teeth opened wide, slowly approaching my neck.
I had accepted, in those seconds, that I was about to die, when suddenly the force of the creature’s hands bearing down on me seemed less solid, almost as if it were fading somehow. The expression in those terrible eyes which had been one of sadistic glee, suddenly turned to one of frustrated rage as the horrifying mouth which had been slowly approaching my neck rushed in that direction, as if the creature were desperate to finish what it had started. The needle teeth were barely able to break the skin, however, before they faded along with the rest of the creature.
After my attacker had vanished I looked about, bewildered, wondering how I had suddenly survived this attack. I noticed in that moment that the rain was beginning to die down. Looking out of the window, I even perceived a few stars. I was not able to register anything else, however, before I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
The sound of tapping on my driver’s side window caused me to wake, screaming, only to realise that it was my neighbour wondering if I was all right and why I was sleeping in my car. Tired from my poor night’s sleep put relieved that this had apparently all been a dream, I lowered the window and explained to him the situation with my fire alarm.
I was about to exit my vehicle and return indoors to get myself ready for work when my neighbour asked “what happened to your face and neck? Did someone attack you?”
I felt my spirits sink as I asked “what do you mean?”
“You’ve got scratch marks on your face and neck,” he answered.
Looking into the rear view mirror, I noted with growing horror the puncture marks and scratches breaking the skin where the creature’s claws had cut into my cheeks as it held a hand over my face and where its teeth had broken the skin on my neck. The proof that what had happened last night had not been a dream, that it had all been real. Struggling to come up with an answer, I simply mumbled something about having been fallen and scratched my face before returning indoors and calling in sick from work.
There is not much more to say, really. My landlord showed up that day and fixed the fire alarm, which worked fine up until I moved eight months later. I am living in a new place now and doing all right.
There are a few more things which I would like to say, however. I did some research about what had happened to me the day after this horrific experience, to try and get some explanation. Most of the results which I got online were related to sleep paralysis and night terrors and in truth part of me believes that that is what happened to me that night.
However, in my research I came across two news articles. One was about a woman found dead in her car one morning seven years before my experience, having died the night before. Her throat had been torn open and a wild animal was suspected of being responsible, even though her doors had all been locked and the windows were up. The front driver’s side window was shattered, though police investigation suggested that it had been broken from the inside. The other story was from twelve years before my experience. This was about a man who was fatally attacked one night. He was found by a pedestrian running down the street, clutching his bleeding neck, then collapsed and died before he could say anything. The man was found to have run from his car which was parked beside the road, and blood stains indicated that he had been attacked while seated in the driver’s seat. Both attacks had taken place at night, during heavy rainstorms, while the individuals in question were alone. I will not provide their names out of respect for the deceased.
Whatever attacked me that night, I think it can only manifest itself at dark and in heavy rains. I also think it meant to kill me and that I only survived by chance, from the storm letting up just in time. I also firmly believe that it has killed before and intends to kill again. This is a warning to everyone to be careful when alone at night in the rain. That is when it hunts.
For my part, I rarely go out at night these days and never when rain is forecast. I especially avoid driving. I furthermore have always shut my blinds when it has gotten dark or overcast ever since that night, and when it rains and I hear the tapping of raindrops on my windows, I never look in their direction, especially when I hear a certain regular tapping that does not quite sound like rain.
submitted by J_A_Emory to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:08 crime_duck please, anybody, I need help

i (24f) started drinking when i was 14 because my dad would buy me alcohol. ive never not drank excessively, i dont know how to stop myself. i dont think ive ever once just “had a few drinks” i always full send. over a year ago i started working somewhere that was right next door to 2 bars, and in the last year its been getting worse and worse. i finally moved to a new workplace on the other side of town and hoped that it would stop me or at least slow me down from drinking so much but no. in the last 6 months or so i keep going out and telling my partner that i “wont be out long” and i disappear into the night for hours and hours without a word to anyone about where i am, hanging out with fellow scum of the earth and ruining my own life and body in the process. i come crawling home doing the walk of shame and my partner is so worried for me. and i hate it. i become so suicidal and upset with myself but after a day of recovering i do it again. and again. and again. and again. last night was the final straw. i literally lost an entire day to a bender. it started with going to a friends bonfire, i said id be there to have a few drinks then leave. but once i start drinking i never want the party to end. so i ended up hanging out at this drug dealers house until god knows when, and several hours passed into the entire next night and i have no recollection of anything that happened for a good 8-10 hours. i didnt even show up for work yesterday. i kept drinking and drinking until finally it was like i snapped out of it and was like “i have to get home”. i had my roommate come get me at around 3am and when i got in the car i just broke down. i got a little bit of sleep but im covered in injuries and feel like absolute dog shit. my partner is very upset with me, so i did some research and want to try going to an outpatient rehab tomorrow. i told him and thats the only exchange weve had since i got home. im so tired of feeling like this all the time, and doing this to myself. the rational part of me knows that its self destructive and bad for me and is desperately screaming for help. ive kicked a xanax addiction in the past, so why is this so fucking hard for me? i went to 2 different inpatient rehabs when i was in high school, have been to so many AA meetings, im on medication, i know all the coping skills, and still i just keep doing this. i know i know better but i keep choosing to pretend like its totally fine and i can be normal and drink like everyone else. but this is NOT normal. normal people don’t go on 2 day benders. its fucked up and im so tired of being this way. i just need help and advice and support but im terrified to ask for it from anyone in my life and i dont even know why. i feel like i should probably do inpatient again to make sure im safe and being held accountable to at least get through the withdrawal, but what the fuck do i tell my job i just started at? why would they want to keep me on board if i tell them im having to be out so i can go to fucking rehab? i really dont know what to do, i cant trust myself and im scared. any advice or supportive words or hard truths i may need to hear is much appreciated.
submitted by crime_duck to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:08 stinamariechris Neighbor using my property

I live in NY in a woodsy area and the properties are strangely divided. The far corner of my property, about a quarter acre, juts out and covers, diagonally, half of my neighbor’s back yard, so his backyard is basically a triangle. He has more acres than I do, but they are off into the woods through a strange shaped bottleneck, so he doesn’t really utilize the land. The previous owners of my house put up a 6’ high chain link fence in a rectangle shape, so the part that juts out into his backyard is on the other side of my fence. It’s been woods there for many years until he moved in a few years ago. He has been constantly mowing it, knocking down brush and clearing the area without our permission. I spoke to him twice when he first moved in, the first to show him my survey and the second when he was attempting to put an electric dog fence down the side of my fence. I explained it was my property and he couldn’t build any structures on it. He recently started more aggressively making changes. He built a very large duck pen with a fence. I told him he had to move it and then paid a surveyor, again, to mark my stakes. He pulled the markers out. Yesterday he rented a back hoe and was digging holes. I told him to stop and he said it was to make the property easier to mow. I asked him again to stop mowing and put up a camera on the fence. This made him angry, saying I’m violating his privacy. I’ve offered to sell him the land, but he won’t accept. I didn’t even put a price on it, I would have taken any offer and I told him I’m not trying to make money off of him, just clear myself of liability. My question is, what do I do to keep myself from behind held liable if something happens to him or his kids on that land. What precautions should I take to protect myself?
submitted by stinamariechris to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:07 No-Lengthiness-4589 Can you guys advise on behavior?

Hi! Our guy is 6 months old. He is a very sweet boy, literally loves hugs, isn’t snuggly like he won’t take a nap with you but loves your company.
But… he’s biting!
Every interaction snowballs into the same thing eventually. We greet. He gets zoomies for a sec. Or happy tippy taps. We’re working on no jumping. He does big body rolls into you for pets. Loves fetch. But he tugs your hand in his mouth for pets or belly rubs and he’ll guide. Or just “hold hands “ with his mouth. He’ll be a complete mush mouth so it isn’t painful except for the slight yank he does when he wants you to pet him.
His new thing is well, bothersome. You can be doing something and he’ll bounce into you with his face. Then nip your hand or leg. Ignore him, he’ll graze his teeth on your hand or leg. Today he bit me right under my butt/ above my knee. Then really bit my hand barking the whole time Nothing seems to translate into what he needs. You try petting? Bite. Like hard. You push him away. With a stern no. He still tries. Dog trainer said to put him seated between our legs. Doesn’t really go great constantly. Then she suggested a spray bottle for the behavior with a firm no bite he now just makes a groan noise and chomps at the water. We also say no bite and give him his toys. Sometimes
We then put him in our kitchen where he’s baby gated. And give him a few minutes and retry. Any advice?
submitted by No-Lengthiness-4589 to goldenretrievers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:07 J_A_Emory Tapping on the window

The blaring of the fire alarm woke me from my sleep. I swore loudly as I dragged myself out of bed. The alarm had been malfunctioning since early evening and this was the third time it had gone off since I had decided to go to bed for the evening. Each time I had checked everywhere for any sign of a fire and each time I had found nothing. The landlord would not come to fix the problem until the next day and I was not willing to take the risk of taking out the alarms.
So it was that I decided to put on my housecoat, grab a blanket and head out to sleep in my car for the night. Perhaps this was not the best idea. Perhaps I should have gone to a hotel, to gone to stay with a friend. However, I was exhausted both from lack of sleep and the previous days’ work, and my brain was not really working at full capacity. As such, I decided to sleep in my car. If I had known what would happen I would probably have just tried to suck it up and sleep through the fire alarms.
Needless to say, trying to sleep in my car was no fun. It was hard to find a comfortable sleeping position and, even with my pajamas, my housecoat and the blanket, it was cold. I am pretty certain that I spent at least two hours uncomfortably laying in the driver’s seat, trying to sleep and getting increasingly frustrated with my inability to do so.
At that moment, it started to rain. It had been overcast for most of the previous day and the forecast had been for overnight showers, so I suppose I should not have been surprised. Nevertheless, it came as a shock when I saw the flash of lightning and, about twenty seconds later, heard the thunder, followed by the tap, tap, tapping of raindrops on the roof of my car and on the windows. The already cold weather got a little bit colder and I contemplated going back inside, but then I heard the distant sound of my fire alarm once again going off for several seconds before stopping and decided not to do so.
And so I remained where I was. Lying in the driver’s seat of my car, a decidedly uncomfortable position. Clutching my blanket to myself and trying in vain to escape into unconsciousness, to ignore the discomfort of my impromptu bed, the discomfort of the cold, the sounds of the thunder and the tapping of the rain. And deep down inside, I felt, though trying to suppress it, the slight gnawing sensation of fear, a deep-buried, primal fear of the storm outside, the sort of fear that most can ignore, sheltered behind walls and doors when the bad weather comes out, but from which I had only the limited protection of the metal and glass box which I normally used for transportation but which had now become my shelter.
It was at that moment that I heard another tapping. At first I could not distinguish it clearly from the raindrops but eventually I started to tell it apart. A light tapping, regular and persistent, coming in a sequence of three, then a pause, then another sequence of three, then another pause, then another sequence of three, and so on. At first I tried to convince myself that it was nothing, just the rain. After a time, however, I could no longer convince myself of anything other than that somebody must be on the other side.
Part of me thought that perhaps it was somebody who needed help, or maybe someone who had noticed me and had gotten worried. I thought for a moment that perhaps I should look and see if one of these things was the case. However, the other voice in my head, the frightened one, was stronger and overruled in my thoughts. I wondered if perhaps it was a burglar, or someone on drugs who might attack me. And deep down inside, I feared something else. The persistence, the fact that there had been no interruption to the regularity of the tapping, the fact that nobody had called out my name and, possibly, something else, all made me wonder what could be on the other side of the glass. While the rational part of my mind told me that it was just a person or, more likely, a tree branch being blown by the wind or some such thing, some part of me, buried deep in my mind, feared the source of the tapping, feared that it might be something far worse than human, and did not dare to look.
But I did look, eventually. The tapping just would not stop and the worry would just not go away. I do not know how long, it felt like hours but it was probably not more than thirty minutes, all while the rain kept coming down. The tension kept building and building as the tapping would not let up and I clutched by blanket to myself like a frightened child. In the end, it was simply too much and I uncovered my face and stared through the driver’s side window.
What stared back at me was not human. A face, white as paper, oval-shaped and far wider near the top. The entire top part of the face was dominated by two circular, lidless eyes, solid silver glinting in the streetlight save for small black pupils rimmed by red irises, no nose and a wide mouth stretching in a grin from one pointed, bat-like ear to the other, revealing what must have been more than a hundred needle teeth. There was a strange quality about the apparition, which I do not know how to properly describe, something insubstantial, as if it were a reflection in a pond. Except for the eyes. Those were solid, silver disks with black pinpricks staring at me with hatred and nothing can convince me that they were not real.
As I stared at the creature, stiff with terror, the pale white fist that it had raised to knock once more stopped and opened slowly as the grin on its face grew even wider. Moved by a sudden realization of how much this thing resembled a reflection, I turned suddenly to face the passenger side, fearing that it might be in the car. Noticing that nothing was there, I breathed a sigh of relief, turning back to face the driver’s side window, only to see that the creature was on the other side of the glass, in the car with me.
I did not have time to scream before it was upon me, one hand covering my face, claws digging into the flesh of my cheeks, the other holding me down by my chest as its mouth filled with needle teeth opened wide, slowly approaching my neck.
I had accepted, in those seconds, that I was about to die, when suddenly the force of the creature’s hands bearing down on me seemed less solid, almost as if it were fading somehow. The expression in those terrible eyes which had been one of sadistic glee, suddenly turned to one of frustrated rage as the horrifying mouth which had been slowly approaching my neck rushed in that direction, as if the creature were desperate to finish what it had started. The needle teeth were barely able to break the skin, however, before they faded along with the rest of the creature.
After my attacker had vanished I looked about, bewildered, wondering how I had suddenly survived this attack. I noticed in that moment that the rain was beginning to die down. Looking out of the window, I even perceived a few stars. I was not able to register anything else, however, before I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
The sound of tapping on my driver’s side window caused me to wake, screaming, only to realise that it was my neighbour wondering if I was all right and why I was sleeping in my car. Tired from my poor night’s sleep put relieved that this had apparently all been a dream, I lowered the window and explained to him the situation with my fire alarm.
I was about to exit my vehicle and return indoors to get myself ready for work when my neighbour asked “what happened to your face and neck? Did someone attack you?”
I felt my spirits sink as I asked “what do you mean?”
“You’ve got scratch marks on your face and neck,” he answered.
Looking into the rear view mirror, I noted with growing horror the puncture marks and scratches breaking the skin where the creature’s claws had cut into my cheeks as it held a hand over my face and where its teeth had broken the skin on my neck. The proof that what had happened last night had not been a dream, that it had all been real. Struggling to come up with an answer, I simply mumbled something about having been fallen and scratched my face before returning indoors and calling in sick from work.
There is not much more to say, really. My landlord showed up that day and fixed the fire alarm, which worked fine up until I moved eight months later. I am living in a new place now and doing all right.
There are a few more things which I would like to say, however. I did some research about what had happened to me the day after this horrific experience, to try and get some explanation. Most of the results which I got online were related to sleep paralysis and night terrors and in truth part of me believes that that is what happened to me that night.
However, in my research I came across two news articles. One was about a woman found dead in her car one morning seven years before my experience, having died the night before. Her throat had been torn open and a wild animal was suspected of being responsible, even though her doors had all been locked and the windows were up. The front driver’s side window was shattered, though police investigation suggested that it had been broken from the inside. The other story was from twelve years before my experience. This was about a man who was fatally attacked one night. He was found by a pedestrian running down the street, clutching his bleeding neck, then collapsed and died before he could say anything. The man was found to have run from his car which was parked beside the road, and blood stains indicated that he had been attacked while seated in the driver’s seat. Both attacks had taken place at night, during heavy rainstorms, while the individuals in question were alone. I will not provide their names out of respect for the deceased.
Whatever attacked me that night, I think it can only manifest itself at dark and in heavy rains. I also think it meant to kill me and that I only survived by chance, from the storm letting up just in time. I also firmly believe that it has killed before and intends to kill again. This is a warning to everyone to be careful when alone at night in the rain. That is when it hunts.
For my part, I rarely go out at night these days and never when rain is forecast. I especially avoid driving. I furthermore have always shut my blinds when it has gotten dark or overcast ever since that night, and when it rains and I hear the tapping of raindrops on my windows, I never look in their direction, especially when I hear a certain regular tapping that does not quite sound like rain.
submitted by J_A_Emory to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:07 ivlia-x Today is my birthday and my father pretends I don’t exist even though I did nothing and I feel so, so alone I want to off myself

I know it has become a buzzword at this point, but my father is a textbook example of a narcissist, or at least he ticks many boxes. He’s always been emotionally unavailable to say the least, basically abusive.
I have a younger brother, he will be 19 in a month. My father hates him. Mother says he never wanted a son, only a daughter, and it shows. He treats me like shit and treats my brother even worse. He never allowed him to play video games, have a phone (he got his first very cheap phone for 15th bday if I remember correctly. My mom bought it. Father once bought me an iphone which was fairly expensive since we live in central europe and demanded me, a 14yo at the time, to somehow pay it back in 6 months. I was unable to since I couldn’t work legally and didn’t get any allowance, so he took it away and it was just stored in a cupboard, unused, for at least a year before his phone broke so he took it). I had to give them my phone (which I bought with my own earned money a few years later) at 21:00, once he caught me using it at 21:05 and took it for 6 months. I couldn’t go out, when I would ask he would “jokingly” reply with “no, because i said so” and then would act all confused when I was crying alone in my room because “he was just joking”. So any friends I had just left because it was pointless since I could never hang out anyway.
I never went to any bday parties, missed all the 18th bday of my classmates because I was never invited. I was invited once and he didn’t let me go “because he said so”. I missed out on so much that I don’t remember almost anything from this time period other than mental pain. I only threw one pitiful bday party and got SAd by my older cousin (from his family). No consequences for him, of course.
And you will probably think I was some naughty bratty child. I never was, I couldn’t even stomach the thought of opposing him, of saying no or doing what I wanted because I feared the consequences so much. I’ve always had excellent grades, the highest possible, all the competitions and scholarships. I have a BA cum laude. And it still wasn’t enough, I was never enough. Never even heard a “congrats”, it was expected of me to be the best so that he could brag to his coworkers, idek. I selfed harmed, developed anorexia, and had to deal with everything on my own. I got assigned a school psychologist (in high school, the worst period) and he just laughed at me that I’m mentally ill.
I had a bf in high school he really didn’t like, like really really. From today’s perspective I’m happy that the story went the way it did because I wouldn’t have met my current bf, but hindsight is always 20-20. At that time, I had to come up with wild shit to meet with him. He would never say hello or goodbye when the bf came to my house (and continues this behavior towards my current bf of 5 years) so the bf decided not to come which made shit difficult and all. And it all peaked on the day of his prom, my father told me to be home at 22 or something (the proms here end at 3-4 AM). I laughed, thought it was a joke (one of “those” jokes) and left the house. And he came to pick me up at 22, made a fuss with all the teachers and all. I was absent for an hour trying to settle the entire thing with a teacher supporting me (she knew about the entire situation), he left but I had to be at home at 1:00 (my mom came to pick me up) and my bf left me. Which broke me even more.
And there were so many other situations like that I don’t even remember most of it right now. And of course my brother went through similar treatment. And my mother for so many years tried to convince it’s my fault. She realized how wrong she was about 8 months ago.
They were arguing because of my brother (due to the problems at home he failed one year in HS and had to repeat it, he had no support) because my mother was fed up with the way my father treated him. Some mildly heated argument and he decided to move out and live in our “dacha” type house for the entire summer last year, no contact and all. Mother made me visit him, I did, thinking it would help. It didn’t ofc and he only came back like a month later when she visited and resolved the conflict through bed, as always. It lasted for maybe 2 months and in Octobenovember they had another argument (she was so fed up with the way he treated her and my brother and just spoke out, it wasn’t even unreasonable, she just stated facts) and he doesn’t speak with us ever since while STILL LIVING WITH MY MOM AND BROTHER (i moved out 3 years ago and live with my bf). So, he just spends his entire days in this one room (which belongs to my brother), plays video games and watches movies. AND DOESN’T PAY FOR ANYTHING. Whenever I visit, i sleep in my room, my brother on the couch in the living room and my mother in the floor in the living room (has been a case for years, first they would sleep together in the living room but my mom started to have problems with snoring so he “evicted” my brother from his room and since it’s weird for a son to sleep in one bed with his mother, my mother ended up sleeping on the floor, while still snoring).
So yeah, he doesn’t pay for anything. Lives there as if he were in a hotel, has a maid who cleans, does the laundry and all. Legally, the flat isn’t his either. He never paid rent.
And here I am, I did nothing this time. But he chose not to talk to me as well, which is probably good but still hurts. I always get so scared every time I see him in the hall or in the kitchen now, I flee immediately.
I have zero friends I could talk to. I only have my boyfriend who is a blessing in Earth but I hate sharing all those things with him because his family isn’t good either. I just want him to be happy. I feel so, so alone in this and needed to finally tell somebody. I am barely handling it all and just want to go back to my old ways so hurting myself. Just to feel something, to let it go, i don’t even know. Today just broke me and I wish I was never born. And since I was born, I wish I had a friend, one good friend. But I have nobody but myself.
So, if you’re still reading, thank you. I wish you all a happy and loving home
submitted by ivlia-x to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:06 bb_trex Graduating soon : anxiety resurgence

Hi. I'm in desperate need for advice. This might be a long post, I'm sorry about that
I have generalized anxiety disorder. Almost 3 years ago I was diagnosed and started taking lexapro. It was magical for me. I still had anxiety but it was nowhere near before. I started making friends and feeling way better. Then I switched to celexa because lexapro was too expensive for me. I was really scared but every health professionnal told me it was the same thing.. After almost a year on it, I felt like it didnt work anymore and I was told lexapro was now covered by insurance, so I went back on it. I saw it as the thing that would save me... but it didnt. It's been 2 months and there's been no change....
I don't know if it just doesnt work on me anymore or if it's the circonstances that are making me too anxious for me to see the difference...
I'm graduating uni in december and I'm so anxious about not finding a job and making my bf and I live in poverty. He still has a year and a half before his diploma. I'm not in the best field for employment... Right after graduation, I have to begin paying my student loan back. I know that I could take any job that don't require a diploma but I'm scared to miss my chance in my field. I'm also autistic and working drains me. I'm scared I won't be able to. I'm scared I will fail and loose everything.
My dad also left my mom and is acting like a jerk and I have to be there for her, calling her every two days and worrying about her constantly.
I'm currently working full time during the summer, while learning to drive and learning a new skill to have more chances of employment...
I'm constantly sick to my stomach, tired and angry. I constantly think about what I should do next, and what could happen if I dont. I don't know what to do. Everything I do just can't not be done. I just want to forget everything and be numb for a day. My anxiety used to mostly be social and health anxiety, now it's about my future and the future I want for the people I love.
My coping mecanism is going to the gym, but by being tired and distracted I hurt myself and havent been able to go in a week.
I'm scared my level of anxiety will prevent me from receiving gender affirming surgery in july. That makes me even more anxious because I've been waiting for it for so long and I can't imagine living without it.
I don't even know what to ask, but please if you have any advice for me I appreciate it. Have a beautiful day/night
submitted by bb_trex to Anxietyhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:05 GlamourHattress Laurel, Hardy And The One That Got Away!

Hello again Reddx Ind!!! I'm back after the chaps story since my memory started shaking loose while talking in the discord. I've started remembering some neckbeard stories from my days as a baby sailor. It's a really cool community and I've been made to feel really welcome!! If you see me there my name is Kali Chevalier. Alright now let's get down to the brass tax. After leaving my first school getting comfortable in my first command I broke off from my school house love (might write about him later thinking Cowboy Beard).
I was making new friends and picked up playing Magic The Gathering. There were three friends I usually hung with but the two of note I'll call Laurel and Hardy because the body types mostly fit save Hardy was not AS large but the contrast was clearly there. Sometimes we hung out with my then boyfriend Bulldog. Bulldog always had and still has a case of perfect resting fuck you face. Some people were intimidated by it or even by the sound of his voice. Despite that we got along swimmingly then got married especially since we knew I was up for orders soon and we definitely wanted to stay together. Right after we got married one night Hardy snidely remarked to me about how I had married lower or about Bulldog's truck situation. He drove a clunker of a truck from his old command to his new base and it died right after it got there. RIP with no money or hope of repairs.
I ignored it since I didn't think much about it at the time which was because FNM was going on. I was up against Laurel who for some reason started getting super cocky about wiping the floor with me. The heart of the cards was just not with me that night. I don't mind losing but his speech really hurt me. He had made it a point to be really harsh each time he made a move to take life from me. I knew Hardy really liked me but never made a move and knew it was POSSIBLE that Laurel liked me too but just like his friend didn't make a move. At the time however I didn't see a cause and effect relationship since I was purely just in the moment as a young dumb adult. I might have entertained a date if they asked before but no guts, no glory.
After my destruction one of my friends there who was admittedly a neckbeard (due to size and loneliness) saw that I was upset I'm going to call him Uncleboros because he took on that sort of role. He saw I was upset and of course asked "Kali what's wrong?" I told him that my friends were being mean to me so he holds out his hand and says "Give me your deck Darlin'."
Forgive the nerding to follow but you need a teeny bit of background about this deck starting with that I love playing black. This deck was during Return to Ravnica runnin a black devotion deck that Uncleboros had helped me build. I say helped I mean I bought cards and he pretty much assembled it for me based on what I wanted. This deck was particularly monstrous using The Grey Merchant of Asphodel and Whip of Erebos as a combo. In only a few turns Uncleboros had Laurel licking fresh wounds to his ego muttering 'Gay Merchant'. Uncleboros made my earlier defeat look like a skinned knee in comparison. He handed me my deck back with a smile after smiting my enemies with such ease. I gave Uncleboros a massive hug and thanked him for helping me which gave me the courage to write an email to both Laurel and Hardy. I told them that they were being jerks and whether they liked it or not Bulldog was my husband so I would not deal with their shitty behavior. They both apologized and stayed friends until we grew apart over time.
As for what happened with me and Bulldog there was a lot that happened. I got shipped off to Bahrain for a year since he had to finish off his orders where we met. This kind of sucked but it was done so our rotation dates would match up. I came back to the states and we went to San Diego together. We got custom rings made for Lililana of the Veil for me and Jayce Beleren for him instead of the ring he originally proposed with (that's another story all together and I'll post that if there is interest). We're still married to this day but his nickname isn't Bulldog anymore. He has evolved to Shadow Bunny and as of last November we've been married 10 years. I started thinking about this story after musing over all the people that probably didn't want us to get or stay together along with the challenges of him being in Japan for the last two years. Now he's conked out in bed after getting in at almost midnight last night. He's still got a fuck you kinda face but its still my favorite. Thanks for reading my last story Reddx and I hope you like this one too!! Have a good one and make it a great one!!I wish y'all love, happiness and bendy straws to drink from the skulls of your enemies! Lates!
submitted by GlamourHattress to ReddXReads [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:04 PossessionRough621 I feel like I am being set up. Is there a legal way I can have my house and vehicle searched voluntarily for illegal drugs, but not be liable if something is found?

I recently completed a 30 day drug rehab/mental health program which I went to voluntarily. I have a past history of addiction and currently am out on bond for one possession charge and on probation for another. I take three UA‘s a month and have been doing very well for over a year now. Currently there is someone I know who is nearing the end of their parole and I don’t know the exact situation but I know they got arrested a few months ago. They have been very pushy to try and get me to use and purchase from them. They knew I was in treatment away from home and told me after I got back that they came by my house multiple times while I was gone.
Upon returning from treatment I felt like someone had been in my house. I have a bent window screen that looks like it was pried open and a window that was unlocked that I have never unlocked. I feel like they are in trouble and trying to set me up in order to get them out of whatever their legal situation is. Maybe I’m being overly paranoid, but I have a horrible feeling in my stomach that someone was in my house and possibly planted something in here or on my property or vehicle to give them credibility and get them out of their situation.
There are many more details, which I don’t necessarily want to go into here, but their behavior is extremely strange, even going as far as to try and give me drugs, as well as multiple offers, letting me know that they have drugs if I need them or want them. They know my situation and know I am doing my best to stay on the straight and arrow and stay sober. If something was found in my house, vehicle, or on my property, I wouldn’t really have any credibility due to my past two charges.
submitted by PossessionRough621 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:04 AstralFarmer Worried that my dog will bite someone

As the title says I’m worried that my 1 yo 25lb beagle/chowchow mix is going to bite someone/someone’s dog. He is a fixed good boy, but is incredibly reactive on leash. When we go on walks he wears a basket muzzle and we avoid everyone/everything like the plague. Unfortunately we live in a city (where I adopted him) and there isn’t much space.
Personally after 6 months of having him it seems like he is unhappy with me and our situation. We haven’t really bonded. I love him, but he could care less about me unless scared. He doesn’t listen to a word I say when it matters. On walks he lunges and tries to grab people. With his muzzle he can’t get anyone, but I also can’t leave him with a sitter because so far they’ve refused to walk him with a muzzle and not loose leashed. He loves doggy daycare, but is horribly reactive on leash. I’ve done my best with a trainer and there are no certified behaviorists around me. Plus I can’t afford $500 a session. I think he would do better in a multi person home with a backyard to avoid these problems while still being exercised.
Ultimately I’m terrified of him managing to bite someone and knowing that someone else could probably do better by him. I’ve always had dogs, but he’s really opened my eyes to the fact that I don’t think I’m capable of handling everything that comes with a rescue/shelter dog. I love him, but I don’t think I’m doing right by him.
submitted by AstralFarmer to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:03 LordMortibus How to get rid of this???

How to get rid of this???
Hello, I‘ve has this skin issue for quite some time and it’s really starting to bother me. It‘s mainly on my cheeks near my nose (?? don’t know what to call it sorry) and near my ears on my cheeks. But really it‘s on my whole face and it’s even starting to go down my neck, but my right side is a lot worse than my left. I‘m going to get an appointment to go see a dermatologist, but that will probably take some time. So until then can anyone help??? (I didn’t want to show my full face, sorry if the picture are‘nt that good)
submitted by LordMortibus to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:03 Classic_Elevator785 New cleanser

New cleanser
I have acne prone, dry skin, and am looking for a new cleanser. I really don’t experiment with cleansers, since I think they’re a lot scarier, but I feel like I could improve. I currently use the CeraVe acne control 4% benzoyl peroxide cleanser, and i hate the way it stains my clothes. I was thinking of the Roundlab Dokodo cleanser, as I’ve heard great things, but i’ve also heard some bad things on reddit. I was also considering the B.LAB matcha cleanser. I use the Anua green cleanser maybe one a week, just cause I think it’s too harsh to use everyday. What should I buy!!!!!!? Current morning skincare routine: Cerave face wash, anua 77 heartleaf toner, roundlab toner, codex snail mucin, skin 1004 centella ampole serum, beauty of joseon glow serum, roundlab lotion, skin 1004 spf
Night: Cerave, anua 77 heartleaf toner, roundlab toner, cosrx snail mucin, beauty of joseon revive serum, tretenoin, roundlab lotion Super side note, been thinking about getting the torriden hyaluronic acid serum, is it good? where should I put it in my routine??
submitted by Classic_Elevator785 to koreanskincare [link] [comments]