Sucralfate for dogs dosage


2019.11.05 20:30 TheHempStore CBDDogs

Welcome to CBD, Hemp Oil, Cannabinoids or cannabis related things For Dogs! This sub-reddit is for educational information regarding the use, dosage & everything you would like to know about our doggies little endocannabinoid system!

2024.06.09 22:05 snottytears lost my baby of 15 years yesterday

this has been extremely hard for me since i’ve had her since I was 3 years old and now i’m 19. my fur baby was a 5 pound chihuahua and she was nothing but a sweetheart and I mean that. whenever someone would meet her they would tell me how she (my dog) changed their perspectives about chihuahuas because she was so sweat and loving and all she did was lick you and love you unconditionally. she was perfectly normal until the night before she passed. I took her to the er because she’s been screaming in pain for hours and I had waken up around 4am freaking out because my baby is in pain and I don’t know how to fix it. so I went to the er, they gave her meds and such and I thought I was good to go. I went home and I gave her the meds as prescribed, twice a day and 12 hours apart. I gave her the first dose around 12pm and then I waiting until 12am exactly got the second dose. however, while I gave her the first dose she started acting so weirdly and I was freaking out so much that I even watched videos on youtube on signs that your pet is dying and she didnt have those symptoms yet. after the medicine, she started drooling and bleeding through her vagina which is really rare for her, so I called the vet and they told me to lower the dosage. fast forward, it’s around 2am and I can’t sleep because I just want my baby to be okay and i’m petting her and praying that she gets better. when I woke up, I screamed in horror, my baby has died right next to me. me and my baby have slept together my entire life. I do have to admit that she was old, and that nobody is prepared for this. but this was the hardest thing i’ve ever been through especially since this is my first ever big loss. I love her so much and I feel guilty that I killed her with the medicine. maybe if I never took her to the vet she would’ve been fine. I want my baby back, that’s my everything and all she did was love me no matter what. when I had to give her up for cremation that was genuinely my hardest goodbye. I didn’t want to give her up at all, I didn’t want to let go of her, even though she was hard. she would fart when I would hold her a certain way and when I was saying my last goodbye to her, I hugged her so tight that she farted lol. releastically it’s the rigor morris sitting in but that’s how I knew she was there still. I love my baby so much. and even tho it’s bittersweet, i’m so honored that she died right next to me because that confirmed that she loves me as much as I love her.
submitted by snottytears to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:07 Stunning_Influence54 Dogs switching from keppra to pheno today. Is he okay to be alone ?

For some context : I have a 3 year old Catahoula Leopard who started having seizures right at 2 yrs old. It’s now been just over a year of him having seizures and he’s had 7 or 8 seizures in total . (He may have had one when no one was home 😔)
He had his second seizure 2 months after his first one, then went about 4-5 months before having another one (this is where I’m unsure about a possible seizure) i say this because he pukes and then pees while it’s happening and I came home to puke and pee on the floor. A week after this is when we started him on levatiracetam (keppra) 750mg / 2x a day. He then went 4 months until another seizure occurred. And then had another one just two weeks after that ( which was last month )
Then we upped the dosage to 1000mg / 2x a day A month later he had another seizure ( last week)
Today my vet wants me to start him on phenobarbital 64.8 mg 2x a day as well as giving the keppra for the next two weeks with it then after two weeks only using the phenobarbital.
I’ve read from other people on going from phenobarbital to keppra but I’m unsure on the other way around. Does this seem okay with anyone else that’s experienced this ? I’ve had to change my entire work schedule around his medicine as well. I’m doing 10am/10pm every day and am supposed to leave for work soon but am now worried I should take the day off with him as I’ve read some pretty serious side effects. Is there anything I should look out for or be worried about specifically? Is it best to keep him supervised under this new drug ?
Sorry for long post , and if you read all of this thank you for taking the time out of your day and if your going through something similar I hope your dog is doing well 😊
submitted by Stunning_Influence54 to EpilepsyDogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:18 Flat_You3484 Wheezing Cough

So Im not diagnosed asthma but have recently had induced asthma symptoms from a dog i just adopted (trouble breathing, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath) and i have been taking an arbetrol inhaler for the past week. It is my moms from when she had a cough except she didnt tell me the proper dosage so I have been slightly overusing it. Id say the most i took it was 6 times a day. I know this was incredibly stupid. I now have a worsening cough and specifically at night and really bad wheezing that is waking me up and preventing me from sleeping. During the day its not too bad, just coughing. Ive stopped using the inhaler, but did i fuck up my lungs ? plz help.
submitted by Flat_You3484 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:57 abp120 9 months suffering - what am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong? I’ve become so depressed and feel so helpless. I have never suffered from depression. I’m having suicidal thoughts! I’m doing everything I can to fix this and nothing seems to work. The depression has led me to dark places. I am a cook and foodie. I use to cook 4x a week for my husband and I. I go to Europe with family in 12 days where I’ll be going to eating a michelin star restaurants and Im so nervous. On vacation, I will go from eating out never to eating out for almost every meal.
I developed gastritis from NSAIDS and stress in October 2023. The NSAIDS use was from a orthopedic surgery. I had an endoscopy in Nov ‘23 that showed mild gastritis. GI doc said there’s no treatment and that 80% of people who get endos have mild gastritis. She gave me 40mg omeprazole and told me to avoid spicy foods, acidic foods, alcohol, and coffee. So I did just that. By Dec and January I was 10x worse. Since January i’ve had yellow weird stools with undigested food, feeling extremely full after a couple bites, tight swollen stomach, bloating, stomach burning, and right side rib pain. I’ve tried everything. supplements DGL, Zinc Carosine, Megamuscosa, Digestive enzymes, etc. I saw my therapist to help with stress. I did meditation daily. I followed the gastritis healing diet as best as I possibly could and I see a naturopathic doc. Naturopathic diet worked but it was extremely restrictive just carrot boiled pure, eggs, almond milk, broth, banana and chicken for 2-3 weeks. I could only do it for one week but it helped! At that point, I discovered the PPI was really making me sick so I weaned off in May and now I take 10-20mg famotidine and sucraflate. The extremely full feeling went away after I got off PPIs but all my other symptoms remain. My GI doc hasnt been helpful at all. She said I shouldnt be in pain anymore. I’m getting a second opinion in July and I just want another endoscopy to help me understand whats going on in my stomach. My GI doc refuses to give me another endo despite my symptoms being 10x worse. She ordered me a HIDA scan, ultrasound, and CT. All came back normal. But im not surprised bc the symptoms are in my stomach! I think I have ulcers now but who knows.
This is what I currently eat every single day for the last 3 weeks.
6am: famotidine 10mg-20mg 7:30am: 3 GF pancakes (they’re like small silver dollars) with banana, tablespoon of maple syrup, and chamomile tea with almond milk 11am: sucralfate 12:30: 2 eggs with spinach, sometimes mushroom with 2 slices of turkey or avocado sometimes I’ll have another banana or date with peanut butter if I have a sweet tooth 4:30pm: sucralfate 6pm: white rice, grilled zucchini, spinach, mushroom with protein (chicken, cod, or canned tuna), chamomile tea with almond milk 10pm: bedtime 12pm: I wake up and take a sucralfate
Exercise: yoga 30 mins daily, peloton bike 2-3x a week, walk my dog 2 miles a day
submitted by abp120 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:44 moticurtila I don't want to jinx it but I might find an answer after 1 year of suffering.

My last post: You can go back to the previous posts in each post.
First of all, this is not a post to spread hate towards doctors. I believe they do an incredible job, and they are the only ones who can help us. We are the minorities left at the extremes of the bell curve. Most treatments work for maybe more than 95% of the people. That’s why we are all here trying to be our own advocates and trying to find a solution for our problems. I am just sharing my story to help someone who might be in the same situation as me.
Summary: 13 years of gastritis. Since then, I’ve been on PPIs. Got Nissen F. in 2019, gallbladder removal in 2020, and FMT in 2023. For the last year, I have had stomach pains even though I take PPIs. Periodically, I have had severe nausea. Multiple ER and GI doctor visits, blood work, endoscopies, colonoscopies, MRIs, and CT Scans all showed normal results, other than mild chronic gastritis which I have always had. Lots of money was thrown away.
I again started to go to the ER multiple times a week with stomach pain and severe nausea. Sometimes, the Zofran and Dramamine combination didn’t even work.
Again, I went to a different GI doctor. Again, he ordered an endoscopy. This one showed a new thing: multiple ulcers! I have never had them before. This almost proved something was going on. The doctor increased my PPI dosage and added Sucralfate, but they didn’t help, and I even got worse with more pain and nausea, leading to more ER visits.
Then I decided to look through my endoscopy scan. Surprisingly, my doctor sent the full resolution images to the government online health services. They almost never do that except for MRI and CT Scans. You can see them here: Imgur link
Anybody can diagnose gastritis and ulcers just by looking at these images. Then I realized I have lots of bile liquid in my stomach, which my doctor didn’t mention. I know some bile liquid is normal, but I started to think that maybe this is my problem, and maybe taking PPIs makes it worse since PPIs and high bile liquid together make the stomach pH high, which is technically not good for the stomach’s health. My diagnosis is Bile Reflux Gastritis.
Then I decreased my PPIs to the lowest possible dose, which is Pantoprazole 20mg. I added UDCA 1000mg to dilute my bile so it wouldn’t irritate my stomach that much. And I also continued to take Sucralfate in the morning. After two days, I immediately started to feel good. I don’t even feel my stomach. I try to eat low-fat food too, but occasionally I eat some low-fat corn and rice chips. It’s been one week, but I feel like I have found the answer. I hope I am right.
After this, I visited my doctor again and told him about this, and he said I might be right. He said if that works for you, we should add enzymes to your diet. So I added them. I am still doing fine. I am going to try this for two months and then see how my ulcer is doing. Then I will try to quit PPIs slowly.
I hope this helps someone. I will update this post if I have any new information. Thanks for reading. Good luck.
submitted by moticurtila to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:49 sthpwcees 13lb dog on 125mg of Ursodiol

My dog weighs 13 pounds and was prescribed 125 mg of Ursodiol twice a day for what he called a sludgy gallbladder. Upon reading about the medication, it appears that it is a really high dosage, more than what is recommended. He is a 12 year old Chihuahua terrier mix.
He is supposed to take this everyday for the next 3 months. I guess my question is if this is the proper treatment for what I'm assuming is Biliary Sludge based on what I've read. I just can't find anything that details the course of treatment of the gallbladder with ursodiol.
This is my first post here. Sorry if it's not correct in any way. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by sthpwcees to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:44 deidarabotchi advice on breaking up with my (30f) partner(32m)? (we live together)

I have been dating my (30f) boyfriend (32m) for a little over two years now. Things started off fine but over last year I have noticed I am no longer sexually attracted to my partner. At first I thought it was due to my taking an SSRI and having increased that dosage over time. however, I've been debating this for the past six months and nothing has improved. I do not enjoy being kissed or touched by them, although I am content with the relationship as we do not fight and generally are best friends. I do not think it's fair to continue a relationship where one person is not getting the physical touch they need- and they are constantly wondering why I do not want to kiss, cuddle, etc. We rent a house together with my two dogs and cat. He is going on a trip this weekend so I wanted to finalize the proper way to end things. Does anyone have advice on how to do it gently while not making the living situation complicated? I am assuming he will likely move out temporarily into his parent's house until he can find something as he would not be able to afford the rent alone. I am still unsure if this is the right decision as I really do love him as a person and he's my best friend, but I know something is missing. thanks
edit: I take an SSRI for something mild- ppmd. it's more of a mood stabilizer. I have only felt much better since starting to take it and had already been on it before we met. I love my partner and he is an amazing person, but I am not in love with him romantically and have been thinking this over long enough to know it is not my medication causing this. thanks
submitted by deidarabotchi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:24 Pwydde Vet is referring my "Little Angel" to a Behaviorist

We're just on this sub looking for a little emotional support for me as owner. For the dog behavior advice, I'll go to Dogtraining.
Captain Charlie is a 22lb, 3yr, rescued Manchester Terrier. Right now, he's sleeping quietly, recovering from heavy sedation. We've been together for about a year now, and have worked through a few habits and issues already. But this morning, I took him in for an exam and nail trim. After the previous tumultuous visit, months ago, the vet asked me to very gently get him accustomed to wearing a muzzle. We made some progress, but I haven't been able to actually secure the muzzle to Captain. I manage to get it loosely over his nose, but he panicks whenever I try to secure the buckle.
Last night, I sedated him with Gabapentin and Trazadone (as prescribed), with booster doses this morning. He wouldn't take the muzzle. I didn't force the issue, of course. The vet gave him additional injected sedation. Evidently, the little angel was friendly enough until they actually handled him. Then, he fought off the sedation and struggled and bit. They got a cone on him so the work could proceed, but the Doc said he can't safely increase the dosage. He said Captain fights so hard that he might actually injure himself or staff. I was presented with a short list of Veterinary Behaviorists, none of which are in my city.
Captain and I live alone. I work full time on an evening shift. I take Captain to the park for a hour every morning to run and swim in the pond. I have a reliable dog walker who takes him out in the middle of my shift every day, and I take him for a walk after I get home at night. I feel like I'm already struggling to get by, with the drain of work and the ordinary tasks of day-to-day life. I don't know how to add in an extra hour of time and energy to get a handle on this worsening issue. Is a live-in girlfriend the answer? (jk)
submitted by Pwydde to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 11:26 misisligaya How did you cope from your pet’s death?

Hi. I bought my shih-tzu last January 2024. I’ve been meaning to get one for the longest time since I am living independently din. Kaya when I got him, sobrang nagkaroon ako ng motivation to do well at work & iimprove yung lifestyle ko. Recently na-diagnose sya ng parvo and was told na we have to really medicate him. Sobrang gulat kami kasi napakabibo niya pa a day before ko sya dinala sa vet. Nung ipapatake ko na ulit sya ng dextrose, nagulat na lang ako na hindi na sya nagrerespond and wala na ngang malay. And ever since, parang hindi na ako makapagfunction, to the point na gusto ko nang sumunod sa kanya.
I was diagnosed with depression last year and sya lang talaga yung nakapagpaayos ng buhay ko, like first time na bumaba yung dosage ko, kaya he means a lot to me. Naghahanap ako ng mga pwedeng i-adopt na dog na katulad nya pero mostly ang laki ng pinapabayad. Kaya ngayon I feel stuck sa buhay.
submitted by misisligaya to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 09:32 Paigeliciouz Fluoxetine dosage

I've been reading a lot on the forums that people split their dogs dosage 2x a day. I was never recommended to do this, does it make any difference at all? I would presume nor as its overall the same amount. Just wondering if there is a specific reason for this?
My boy is on 45mg My girl is on 40mg
submitted by Paigeliciouz to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 06:08 ebsurf10 What is happening to my 3yo dog??!

Here’s the timeline:
Beginning of October 2023 Completely normal dog, energetic eating and drinking happy. Goes outside one night and comes back in with a limp on his left foot
Oct 24, 2023 Took him to vet #1 because he was not using his leg at all after about 2 days before just limping. They took an X-ray and said they believe it’s a torn Achilles’ tendon. They splinted it and sent us home. Told us to come back in a couple days and get it reprinted. They prescribed him rymidal and gabapentin.
Oct 28, 2023 Got it resplinted at vet #1.
Oct 29, 2023 Drooling, lethargic, not eating or drinking Took him to vet #2. They say he’s nauseous and gave him cerenia, said his leg they think is torn acl, took X-ray of chest to see if he ate anything or has pneumonia, said to not splint it. Sent us home with sucralfate and otc acid reducer and something else? I think some kind of antibiotic but we didn’t give it to him.
Trying to remember what happened after this. I think I took him back to vet# 1 and they prescribed prednisone.
Then went to vet #3 and was told to keep him on prednisone and then they did joint tap. Has has stayed on prednisone ever since.
May 20, 2024 Took him to slaton vet #4. They say he looks terrible has no muscle mass is on way too much prednisone and shouldn’t be living his life like this. They tell us to switch to cyclosporine. Which we had tried before his joint tap but I think we took him off pred too fast and added too high of an initial dose of cyclo and it seemed he had a bad reaction. Now he’s on a schedule of going off pred and back onto cyclo.
June 5, 2024 Currently this week he is on 10mg pred morning and 10mg at night 100cyclo at night. He’s also on sucralfate and cerenia and omeprazole and an antibiotic for all his scabs/sores/cuts. But these ones are only for about a month.
Any ideas or things I should ask a vet would be very much appreciated.
submitted by ebsurf10 to DOG [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 06:05 ebsurf10 What is happening to my 3yo lab??

Couldn’t attach a photo but he has no muscle, looks like he hasn’t eaten in 3 weeks, head caving to a point that looks terrifying.
Here’s the timeline:
Beginning of October 2023 Completely normal dog, energetic eating and drinking happy. Goes outside one night and comes back in with a limp on his left foot
Oct 24, 2023 Took him to vet #1 because he was not using his leg at all after about 2 days before just limping. They took an X-ray and said they believe it’s a torn Achilles’ tendon. They splinted it and sent us home. Told us to come back in a couple days and get it reprinted. They prescribed him rymidal and gabapentin.
Oct 28, 2023 Got it resplinted at vet #1.
Oct 29, 2023 Drooling, lethargic, not eating or drinking Took him to vet #2. They say he’s nauseous and gave him cerenia, said his leg they think is torn acl, took X-ray of chest to see if he ate anything or has pneumonia, said to not splint it. Sent us home with sucralfate and otc acid reducer and something else? I think some kind of antibiotic but we didn’t give it to him.
Trying to remember what happened after this. I think I took him back to vet# 1 and they prescribed prednisone.
Then went to vet #3 and was told to keep him on prednisone and then they did joint tap. Has has stayed on prednisone ever since.
May 20, 2024 Took him to slaton vet #4. They say he looks terrible has no muscle mass is on way too much prednisone and shouldn’t be living his life like this. They tell us to switch to cyclosporine. Which we had tried before his joint tap but I think we took him off pred too fast and added too high of an initial dose of cyclo and it seemed he had a bad reaction. Now he’s on a schedule of going off pred and back onto cyclo.
June 5, 2024 Currently this week he is on 10mg pred morning and 10mg at night 100cyclo at night. He’s also on sucralfate and cerenia and omeprazole and an antibiotic for all his scabs/sores/cuts. But these ones are only for about a month.
Any ideas or things I should ask a vet would be very much appreciated.
submitted by ebsurf10 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 06:03 ebsurf10 What is happening to my 3yo lab??

Couldn’t attach a photo but he has no muscle, looks like he hasn’t eaten in 3 weeks, head caving to a point that looks terrifying.
Here’s the timeline:
Beginning of October 2023 Completely normal dog, energetic eating and drinking happy. Goes outside one night and comes back in with a limp on his left foot
Oct 24, 2023 Took him to vet #1 because he was not using his leg at all after about 2 days before just limping. They took an X-ray and said they believe it’s a torn Achilles’ tendon. They splinted it and sent us home. Told us to come back in a couple days and get it reprinted. They prescribed him rymidal and gabapentin.
Oct 28, 2023 Got it resplinted at vet #1.
Oct 29, 2023 Drooling, lethargic, not eating or drinking Took him to vet #2. They say he’s nauseous and gave him cerenia, said his leg they think is torn acl, took X-ray of chest to see if he ate anything or has pneumonia, said to not splint it. Sent us home with sucralfate and otc acid reducer and something else? I think some kind of antibiotic but we didn’t give it to him.
Trying to remember what happened after this. I think I took him back to vet# 1 and they prescribed prednisone.
Then went to vet #3 and was told to keep him on prednisone and then they did joint tap. Has has stayed on prednisone ever since.
May 20, 2024 Took him to slaton vet #4. They say he looks terrible has no muscle mass is on way too much prednisone and shouldn’t be living his life like this. They tell us to switch to cyclosporine. Which we had tried before his joint tap but I think we took him off pred too fast and added too high of an initial dose of cyclo and it seemed he had a bad reaction. Now he’s on a schedule of going off pred and back onto cyclo.
June 5, 2024 Currently this week he is on 10mg pred morning and 10mg at night 100cyclo at night. He’s also on sucralfate and cerenia and omeprazole and an antibiotic for all his scabs/sores/cuts. But these ones are only for about a month.
Any ideas or things I should ask a vet would be very much appreciated.
submitted by ebsurf10 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:49 QuickMathss [Advice] Rehoming Reactive Dog (Seattle Area)

My husband and I have recently come to the conclusion that we can no longer continue to care for our rescued hound/pit mix, and are devastated with the two options we know remain. She has seen multiple behavioralists and trainers, has been on the highest dosage of prozac available for the past three years, and has had major surgery for mast cell cancer recently.
We adopted her when she was four years old, and were told by the shelter that she had separation anxiety—however, the moment she walked out of the pound, she began reacting to any other animal despite introductions occurring slowly, on neutral territory, and with extreme supervision. Desensitization has been in vain, and attempts to create a relaxation protocol or build up resilience to being alone has failed. If any animal (dog, cat, bird, CHILD, rabbit, squirrel) crosses her vision field, an explosion occurs (screaming, whipping violently on leash or at windows, will build to frustration to the point of snapping at leash holdeanyone in space). It took 6 months before she was able to co-exist without incident with our original pup (who, when adopted, had separation anxiety and was aggressive on leash, but we successfully worked with to overcome all issues), and recently she has begun targeting our original dog again any time she is left unsupervised.
We have been work at home parents, and organized our entire life around her extra needs for the past 3.5 years (blacked out our windows, enrichment activities around the clock, big yard with lots of play time together, moved to isolated areas) but it has gotten to the point that we can no longer continue to endanger our other pet and fear that if she were to ever break out serious damage could occur to another animal/person in the way.
This being said, she has no bites to a human on her record and is totally devoted/in love with the person/people in her life, loves cuddles and pets, but I am the only person she has learned to not jump on violently despite exposure and training attempts (she has broken thumbs, split lips, crunched noses, etc with others). We are at our wits end, and would appreciate ANY and all suggestions regarding rescues and specialized trainers/behavioralists in the Seattle area though we know it is a long shot. We are heartbroken.
submitted by QuickMathss to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:33 modzer0 Ever take a dogman to the vet?

I should not be writing this. I know they will be looking for me as soon as this goes live. I had to get the word out despite all the secrecy surrounding the project. I don't know what they'll do to me when they find me, but this has to get out.
I was unemployed vet tech looking for work when I came across a job listing offering a strangely large amount of money. What did I have to loose? I called the number and they gave me a website to go to that took me through an application process and a security clearance form that I had to fill out the last seven years of my life. They said it would be months until the clearance would come through but to my surprise a month later I got a phone call telling me I had been granted Interm Secret clearance and the job would proceed.
I had to go to a building without any name on it downtown and they took my photo for an ID card and a packet of information about where I was to go to the next day.
The next morning I drove to the address with a mix of excitement and apprehension. What about this job required a security clearance? Why had I gotten my interm secret so quickly? I figured I'd soon find out when I pulled up to a gate with a card reader. I swiped my ID and the razor wire topped gate slid open so I could pass. Yeah nothing ominous about that. I drove a mile or so down the road and parked in the parking lot in front of a building that looked like the set of a prison movie. The windows were narrow slits and I could tell from a distance that the door was very heavy duty. Thinking back a few minutes ago wasn't the top of that razor wire fence angled in as if to keep something in rather than people out?
I got out and approached the heavy door. I spotted the card reader and used my ID on it and it flashed green and there was a loud clunking sound from the door as it unlocked. I had to put some muscle behind it to get it to open and then it shut behind me followed by another loud clunk as the locks reengaged.
I turned to see a thick armored window with a guard staring me down.
"First day huh?" he asked me as he looked at his screen.
"Yeah," I said a bit nervously.
"Sit tight, your department head will be coming to pick you up and take you to your in-brief," he said.
"What uh, what is this place?" I asked.
"All that will be answered by the briefing so have a seat and relax. You're likely in the safest spot in the facility," he said.
I looked at the inner door and noticed it was just as thick and heavy as the outer one. I was essentially sitting in an armored booth so he was technically right about it being safe.
When my boss arrived he was wearing scrubs and had his ID card clipped to the bottom of the V of the top.
"So, you're my new tech?" he asked.
"Yes, Sir," I replied.
"Good, hopefully you follow instructions better than the last one," he said. "I'm Dr. Tanner. You can call me 'Sir' or 'Doctor'."
"Sir, can you tell me what I'll be doing here?" I asked.
"All in due time. First you need to complete the safety briefing. It is not a joke. Take a look at the windows and doors if you need convincing. The government doesn't spend this kind of money unless it's very necessary, and it is. You'll understand the need for it when I introduce you to our charges. I'm not going to tell you yet because I enjoy the look on people's faces when they get their first peak of what we're doing here," he said. "Now, for the safety briefing. Follow me."
He began to open the inner door when he stopped and looked back at me. "Do you have any electronic devices on you?"
"No Sir, the security documents instructed me to leave my phone and anything with a digital memory in the car," I said.
"Excellent, you're already demonstrating that you can follow directions," he said. Was that a hint of a smile I saw?
He lead me down the hallway to a room on the left and used his card to unlock and open the door. After I walked inside what appeared to be a conference room he followed me inside and let the door shut.
I immediately noticed the back of the door wasn't the usual thing one would expect to see. It had a big lever in the middle that looked like it operated bolts to secure the door shut. I started to wonder what the hell I had gotten myself into. I expected to be working with maybe the facility's guard dogs. This kind of security was on a level I hadn't experienced before.
"Good, you're observant, another plus," the doctor said.
He walked over to the table and picked up a recorder and pressed play. A trilling alarm sound came for it and he let it play for a few seconds before cutting it off.
"If you hear that sound along with flashing red lights you are to go to the nearest safe room, such as this one and use this lever to bolt the door," He walked over and pressed a button by the windows and the thick glass became opaque.
"And you are to opaque the windows with the control in the room so nothing can see in," he said and then pointed to a door on the other wall that had 'Emergency Supplies' written on it. "There you will find food, water, and other necessities if you happen to be locked down for an extended period of time. There is also a radio already set to the control room frequency. If the phone is not working pull the tab on the back of the radio so the battery makes contact and reports in with the information posted on the back of the door. That's basically who you are, where you are, and if there are any threats you know of near you. Otherwise sit tight unless told otherwise."
"Threats?" I asked.
"Our charges are out of containment or an external threat," the doctor replied.
"What's so dangerous that we need bunker rooms like this?" I asked.
"All in due time," he replied. "Have you ever used a tranquilizer gun?"
"No," I responded.
"No matter, you'd need to qualify on the two types we use anyway with the security team," he said.
"Why do we need tranquilizer guns?" I asked.
"The animals we work with are dangerous. They're sedated before they get to us and one of our tasks is to make sure they stay sedated until they're returned to the enclosure. If one wakes up and slips a restraint you are not going to want to go near it to give an injection. That's why we have tranq guns," The doctor said.
"That makes perfect sense to me," I said. My curiosity was burning wondering what we were working with. Had to be something like large predators to require this much security. A grizzly would be a plausible reason why the doors had the extra bars. The force they could produce could snap the usual latches.
"Good because it's time for my favorite part. Showing the new guy what we work with," the doctor said and led the way deeper into the facility and up a set of stars to a room labeled 'observation deck'.
"The windows are to remain frosted by the electronic controls there whenever the room is not in use. They cannot see in but they seem to know someone is watching them and it upsets them. It's best for everyone if they are not upset," He reached over and pressed the button and the electronic frosting cleared.
That's the moment where my brain completely derailed and I questioned my own sanity.
"W-Werewolves?" I asked.
"No, at least not at this facility. These are a lesser known cryptid called Dogmen, kind of like Bigfoot."
"Wait, is Bigfoot real?" I asked.
"Yes, but not nearly as widespread as 'sightings' would make you think," he said.
"If these exist, what else is real?" I asked him.
"That's beyond your need to know," he said sternly, but then his face softened. "I'll lend you a book later that contains everything we've confirmed and studied. After all, if you continue with this job you will have the opportunity to work with them in the future, and it's best you know what you're getting into," he said. "One benefit they probably haven't gotten around to telling you yet is that they will pay for your education. You can become a full veterinarian working with the most interesting creatures that exist," he said. "Not a bad gig, huh?"
"Except for the part where I'm working with large dangerous creatures," I said.
"Large, intelligent, dangerous creatures," he replied. "And that is why we have procedures and rules. Things like always having more sedative staged to inject if a patient starts to wake up, having them restrained at all times, and if they do wake up you have the tranq guns to put them back under without risking yourself," he said and tapped the control to frost over the glass again.
Our next stop was back in the conference room where there were now a couple of binders.
"Now for the boring part. Study these because you'll have to pass a test on them later. It's those procedures I mentioned. It covers everything from handling the animals, dosages we use, and why we can't leave after dark."
"Wait, we can't leave after dark?" I asked, a bit alarmed.
"There are dogmen in the woods surrounding this facility. The fence does a decent job of keeping them out but they do get in and they're not happy we have some of their kind captive. They're fairly shy during the day and become active at night so it's for your own safety that once the sun sets you stay here. We have secure rooms just for the occasion, and scrubs are not short in supply if you need a change of clothing. We have a mess hall staffed 24/7 by some excellent cooks. People who can do this job are rare so they take care of us. Now get to reading, you'll have to pass a test before you're allowed to work. I'll come pick you up for lunch."
I did as he said and spent the next few hours reading with a break for the promised lunch that was beef stroganoff and actually really good. I went for seconds. Then it was back to memorizing policy and procedures till I was finally done and managed a passing score on the test. That was followed by some time at an indoor range getting qualified on the tranq guns.
The doctor reviewed my test and nodded. "Excellent, you're a fast learner. We've rescheduled some things for tomorrow so we'll have the extra help. You head home and get a good night's rest. I'll see you in the morning in the veterinary section, just follow the signs it's easy to find," the doctor said.
I did as he said and drove home. I couldn't help but be a good deal more vigilant as I looked at the woods on the way out. Dogmen were out there and no one in the area except us knew. There were the cryptid hunters but they didn't know for sure like I did from seeing a pack close up.
Needless to say I didn't get a whole lot of sleep that night. My mind was racing with the possibilities of what was real from all of the stories.
In the morning I made breakfast and sat for a bit having to give myself a reality check that yesterday wasn't just a dream, so I finally picked up my keys and headed out. I drove down the lonely road and passed through the gate without incident. I parked my car and made my way through the security checkpoints and began following the signs to the Veterinarian department. As the doctor had said, it wasn't difficult to find.
There were three entrances all like airlocks that were long enough for a gurney. It didn't take long to figure out the purpose. If you had dangerous animals inside you wanted at least one door containment so they couldn't get past you and into the larger facility.
I went inside through the airlock like doors one at a time and found myself in a very familiar veterinary clinic though one that was very well stocked.
It was then that I met my other coworker, I'll call him Mike, who was sitting on a stool reading a magazine.
"Hey, you must be the new guy. I'm Mike," he said and I introduced myself.
"So, your first big day. You excited, or terrified?" Mike asked.
"A bit of both," I said honestly.
"Relax, by the time they get to us they've been pumped with enough drugs to drop an elephant. We take samples and the guards take them back out. Then we run the usual tests like any other animal. It's easy money," Mike said. "We're never in any danger."
"What about all of the procedures?" I asked.
"There's what's written down on paper and then there's what is practical and works. If we followed the checklist for every dogman that's brought in here it would just take us twice as long, and twice as long that it can wake up," Mike said. "So relax, I'll show you what you really have to do to streamline things."
What was I to say? He'd obviously been doing this for a long time and if his system worked who was I to question it?
Our first patient of the day made me the most nervous. The security team wheeled in a restrained female on a gurney right into the middle of our space then they backed out. Being the new guy I did the basics by checking heart rate, breathing, and looking into the eyes to make sure she was out cold. Everything was normal based on the numbers I had memorized.
Mike watched me, corrected my stethoscope placement a little and started drawing blood as soon as I was done. The moment he was done he buzzed the guards to take her back out while he labeled the samples.
"Less time they're in here the better so label your samples and fill out the papers once they're taken out," Mike said. "No need to have a dangerous animal laying around while we fill out forms."
"What about the extra sedative we're supposed to have ready?" I asked.
"The tranq guns are right there. Much safer to back off out of reach and just shoot them with another dose," Mike said. I couldn't fault his logic.
We had four more patients that day all went as smoothly as the first and I was beginning to relax. It was our last patient of the day when things went wrong.
It started normally with the guards rolling the male into our space and I took vitals and checked the eyes.
"Hey, I have some dilation here. I don't think he's under enough. Where's the sedative?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be done before he realizes what happened," Mike said and undid one of the restraints a little so he could get to the vein. It was at that point things went horribly wrong. As soon as Mike inserted the needle the male woke up and jabbed it's hand upward catching Mike in the throat and spraying blood everywhere. I moved forward out of instinct to try and tighten the restraint when I felt a searing pain across my face and my right eye went red.
I stumbled back. Oh God had I lost my eye? I shook myself out of it long enough to badge through a door and throw the bolts before pressing the intercom button. "Creature out of containment in veterinary. I think Mike is dead. I'm hurt and need a medic!" I said before blacking out.
I don't know how long it was but when I woke up I was in a hospital room and the Veterinarian was sitting beside my bed.
"You're safe, you're in a hospital and just out of cosmetic surgery. You'll have some scars but it'll look like the result of a big cat. Your eye is fine."
"Mike?" I asked.
"Dead before any help would get to him. We have video of the whole thing including you questioning him multiple times on matters of procedure. Don't let someone senior intimidate you into not being safe. You have a month's paid leave to recuperate." he said.
So here I am. I need some advice. Should I go back to work after my leave is done or turn in my resignation? It won't take them much to figure out who I am if they find this post. I also don't know what they'll do to me if they do.
submitted by modzer0 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:05 Hedowitz I'm so burnt out I don't even feel like a person anymore

I volunteered to nanny for friends in my congregation and due to the specifics of the circumstances (I didn't have a driver's license at the time) I was sleeping over at their house for the part of the week that I was needed. I ended up being on baby's schedule as much as the parents were, because I wasn't reverting to my old sleep cycles in the 3 days I slept at my parent's house. I did eventually get my driver's license, with the help of the folks I was nannying for, but it was also during a month where I was basically off from my day job and ALL of my free time was immediately diverted to being available so they could get projects done. I figured I'd have a few free days here and there to go on hikes with my dog while the weather was nice. But nope. Same routine as before. Going from work to nannying, and directly from nannying to work. It got to the point where I had a meltdown over not having time to eat a bowl of cereal and then had to go right on ahead to nannying like nothing happened. And it's stupid and petty but I have been craving that stupid fucking bowl of cereal for MONTHS. Basically all of my free time, or the closest thing I have to free time, is spent on someone else's kid.
Tuesday before last, my dog who comes with me to nanny started having breathing issues that I couldn't make sense of, and a few minutes after the kid's parents got home, my dog collapsed and we had to take him to the emergency veterinary hospital, where he was diagnosed with heart failure and had to be put on oxygen for two days while we waited for meds to get him stable.
I am at the point now where I absolutely cannot afford, emotionally or energetically, to take any more hits while still in my current arrangement, and since heart failure is terminal and my dog's particular case means a 12-month prognosis at best, of fucking course hits like this are going to keep coming every time the progression of the disease outstrips the ability of his med combos/dosages to fight it back, and of course every med adjustment is going to mean more strain on his kidneys, and so every so often I am going to have to try and make evidence-based and informed decisions on how quickly my little boy dies and go through this grieving process over and over again.
I can't fucking do this and work seven days a week, 3 and a half of them for free, watching these people garden and run errands and do projects and plan purchases in front of me, things they get to do because of me, and talk about how they have ~no free time~ and ~money is soooo tight~. At one point the mom said to me, while their spouse was at work, "I'm basically a single mom paying for everything." I let this go because at the time the baby was like 7 weeks old and everyone was very frazzled, but it infuriates and haunts me because they make well over $60k a year, and their spouse does very much pay bills. Meanwhile I'm on fucking social programs. I make like $15k a year. I was looking for a third job that I could do remotely and while the baby--somebody else's baby! Not even my own baby!--is napping. (This was also in the midst of some rando online trying to go after me and severely violating my privacy, so I had to shut down my ebay and etsy to avoid getting doxxed. So my usual backup sources of money are gone for a while.) My parents covered a third of the emergency visit to stabilize my dog, because he's my dog first and foremost, but still our family dog. And while this was helpful and appreciated, I'm still out ~$2k because around the clock, specialized care is fucking expensive.
The week I came over after the emergency visit, the baby's mom was immediately on me, wanting to compare notes about medications because they've lost their last two dogs to heart failure, with a kind of enthusiasm that was just absolutely fucking disgusting. Like this was fun, like this was polite conversation. They then progressed to complaining about not having money, and, "dang, that Sunday you weren't here was ~such a bad mental health day.~" Meanwhile my dog almost died and when I had to cut a visit short on that preceding Wednesday night to hand him back over, because he wasn't coping without oxygen yet, I cried so hard I almost puked because he's never been in such bad shape before and I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that once he's stable, that's the healthiest he'll ever be again in his life. And then the news I got from the cardiologist at the vet hospital the next day was about the added complicating factors that drastically shorten his time left. And I had to sit with that while I went to my paying day job and had to try and get through the day until I could sneak out a little early to go pick him up. I cried almost constantly that entire week.
But, you know, like, sorry to hear your young and healthy child was being annoying, or whatever.
Last week when I was over there, I hit my limit. For several weeks before my dog's medical incident I have been slowly realizing that I do not have the energy, even borrowing from tomorrow like I habitually have been, to give this baby the kind of care she needs. I'm exhausted and out of patience. I get no time to recuperate between my day job and spending more time with a kid than her own parents do, having less free time than her actual parents do. I have no time free to spend with my own dog, which I strongly suspect was a major factor in how the heart failure snuck up on us. I missed my dog's birthday and gotcha day, which may very well have been the last birthday and gotcha days I had a chance to spend with him and the guilt is destroying me.
I essentially gave the kid's parents my two MONTHS notice the day after I got back to my own house, made a recommendation for a conveniently located daycare that was currently accepting new kids so they wouldn't have to be waitlisted, and affirmed I would still be available in the interim while they sorted out a childcare situation that didn't primarily/exclusively involve me. I also noted for them that costs will start to drop after the first year for childcare. (It would have cost them about $10K for the baby to be in daycare over the span of time I nannied for free. Ten months. Did they save up money for alternatives in the time I was nannying their child for free? Of course not. They took out loans to renovate their fucking house, where I also helped with demo, cleanup and new drywall in the early days of that project. For free.) I got absolutely NO response for three full days and was simply told, "we have childcare sorted this week. We'll keep you posted." No other communication from them since. At this point I am refusing to nudge them since I don't see the point in investing any more effort in people treating me like I'm fucking disposable.
The other parent did start secretly paying me a token amount in the past few months, which was appreciated, but ultimately there was no amount of money that would be able to justify the continued time investment.
Even laying my thoughts out long enough to write them up has taken me the entire day, needing constant breaks. I want so badly to just enjoy my free time but my body is giving me an emphatic and non-negotiable NO on that issue. I was able to run basically a single errand on my birthday and spent the entire next day recuperating. No laundry. No cooking. No nothing. Just sitting in bed all day feeling inhuman and not having enough mental clarity to even drink water. Too exhausted to get out of my chair when I had my morning coffee. My mother had to make me dinner, which she hasn't done in years.
And I'm still here feeling like I am the bad guy, like I am irresponsible, like I am inconsiderate, and lazy, and unreliable, and selfish, even though I know rationally what I desperately need is to be something OTHER than a caregiver, or at least to be able to prioritize my dog--who thankfully, at least, is currently stable and doing beautifully on his current meds. I want to be something other than busy and isolated and do SOMETHING that isn't work so I don't feel like I am cramming the rest of my dog's life into stolen moments.
I'm just tired as fuck and lonely and need people to take care of me.
submitted by Hedowitz to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:56 HotHuckleberry2423 8 grams

Hi, I did 8gr of psilocybin and this was my experience.
This lasted about 8 hours, and I don’t remember everything because it was too long, but I’ll try to write everything.
I did this alone for the first 3 hours, and then my girlfriend arrived.
I lost my senses. I was in the living room of our home with the lights on. I felt that my brain started disconnect from the body. The “disconnection” feeling escalated quickly, to a point where I couldn’t see with my eyes, I mean… I saw only darkness. But I was able to touch things normally. This didn’t last long, and then I started to see everything slowing down in time.
My first impulse when this started was to fully undress, I even wanted to cut my hair bald, but I didn’t because I wasn’t sure about my motor abilities to do it. So I just got fully naked.
I was able to partially “get out”, of the experience by focusing in reality. I did that.
Then I wanted to “really experience” this, so I sat, and took a quilt to cover myself with it. I was now sat in the living room in full darkness. Here, if I opened my eyes felt exactly the same as if they were closed. I saw the same “world”. It didn’t matter if my eyes were open or closed.
I was able to see, even though I was in complete darkness, everything I touched was “light”. I was able to “see” with my hands.
Then I lay down with the quilt still covering me from the living room lights.
I never turned off the lights and preferred to use the quilt, because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to “get out” of the experience so easily. I thought that light was an easy escape.
While laying down in the darkness, the experience intensified, actually it was way too intense that I panicked. I started to feel and see in my head that my body was disintegrating. So I choose to not do that, I focused my thoughts into my own, myself. That thought more or less “saved me” from the disintegration sensation. I started to deepening into myself. My body now, was fully disconnected from me. It was only “me”. Not my body, not my perspective, it was only me.
I was looking at my own consciousness.
Then one question a raised ¿If I am looking at my consciousness, then what am I?
That question was the main reason I didn’t “disintegrate”, every time I "leaved" that question I started to feel my body disintegrate again which made me panic. So, I stayed with it, I tried to answer it.
I was looking now my own brain cells connections, and moving trough them... And then, I finally found "the real me". And it was a loop, there it was... A collection of thoughts looping with themselves. I was "looking" now at my own thoughts.
That went on for a while... As I was too afraid to leave that question... I didn't wanted to "go on" with the disintegration because I was alone, and doing it so, it'll mean that I'll stop for sure having control over my body.
Then, I decided that it was enough. I wasn't experiencing anything worth. I was just trapped in that "loop" inside myself. So I took the quilt away.
Oh by the way... My thoughts and brain cells looked like a fractal rainbow with fast growing moving, and every bit of it emited a thought. Also, it was floating there in the middle of the dark.
I got tired of that, I felt I was just surviving some treat... So I decided to end it.
I read a lot about psilocybin effects before of doing this. So, my reasoning was that, most of this was caused by my neurons connection overlapping with each other. To me, that explained "why" the experience was WAY stronger when being in the dark. My brain was desperately trying to "fix himself" by gathering information to reconnect. But that was impossible. As my brain himself was "broke", reality was now just a perception and not reality it self.
So, my "way" of leaving this experience was to stimulate my body as much as I could so my brain somehow managed to "connect" the basic senses. I went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. This more or less worked, it turned out this was just beginning... I went again in the shower to the same "full disconnection" mode. This time, every time my eyes were close by a second -just by blinking- I got trapped again inside my thoughts. It looked more or less like cyan fractal bubbles. Like those "multiverse" pictures.
I started to panic, but managed to get out of it by staying calm. I went into a cycle of going back to the living room, and then to the bathroom to take multiple showers, then screaming that I wanted to stay alive, and then calm down. I thought that if "let go" my thoughts I was going to to die. The reason, was that "disintegration" feeling.
I finally, got out of it.
I sat naked in the living room, looking at my scared dog. But I was finally calm, and just looked around.
Now, time wasn't there.
I mean, the flow of time seemed to go incredibly slow and incredibly fast at the same time. I saw the days past by and the consequences of all my actions in a moment. Even the consequences of this fungi experience. I saw my dog age, then die, then to rot... And finally turn into dust. I saw the same for the house. I saw and feel the sun rising, I saw the wind taking all the dust that everything turned in to.
But, all the time I was on the same place and I knew it. Looking through time past, present or future was as simple as just moving my head to one side or the other. But I wasn't in control to were I was looking at.
I was there, but then I got trapped again in my thoughts... The difference was that this time, my thoughts were present with my eyes open. So, I did the thing of "first shower, then calm" loop again a couple of times. I managed to calm down, but I was still trapped.
This time, I didn't panicked, now. I was living and re-living the same moment again and again. This time I was trapped in time.
In every iteration, I saw my whole life developing since the moment I took the 8 grams psilocybin tea, to the moment I supposedly was. I was trapped, and this time "physical" stimulus won't get me out. I lived at least 30 loops of restarting my life from the moment I took the tea.
I started to panic again, because I thought I was going to stay trapped forever. I was living again and again an immense tree of possibilities. And I was so afraid to stay trapped. But then, I managed to calm down. I realized that I got closer to the actual present. every time I accepted what reality was... My real life problems and joys.
Then I blinked, and this experience was finally nice. Now I was able to look through time at will. I then looked at my past, my family past, my ancestors, my non human ancestors, all the way to the cambric period. That time was savage, all life was eat or be eaten. I couldn't go further back, actually when I hit that period in time, I kind of "bounced back" and couldn't go back that far again.
My girlfriend opened the door and came in, she looked at me. And asked me what was going on, then sat with me and started to question me. At least that's what she saw.
To me, I saw our whole life together, we never had kids but we were more or less happy together, we aged until our hair went white, and our skin looked like raisins.
Then I moved to our immediate past, and then all the way back to the time we meet. And I was so releef for that to happen. Because I lived everything we lived together again, but this time I said sorry. I said sorry for every time I was wrong, or did something to make her cry, I even used this "second opportunity" to make things better, I proposed to her way earlier so we were able to have kids.
But she was there, sitting by my side in the living room.
And I was looking at her, while I re-living all that, and saw her face, her clothes and her skin change when something relevant in the past changed. I apologized a lot for everything, way more times than I can count.
At this point, I was in full control of space time, and I was able to manipulate reality at will.
However, I discovered something... I discovered that reality is just a perception, and that we all are one. We, all humanity and every living being come from the same place for the same purpose.
We are souls, that's our conscience, that was "the observer" looking at the neurons when this whole experience started.
Our bodies and our reality is just a mean for a purpose. We all are part of a greater self, and he want us to love. Love is the answer to everything. And the reason is that we all are part of him. You may call this superior being "God", but he is unaware of our existence... We are, the equivalent of "neurons" to him. And every time we love another being, we make a connection... And that connection is what gives him the ability to "think" or to "act". He's a being outside our reality, but still a being among other beings trying to survive in their own world. Our bodies, our conscious, time, and space are just the means for us to experience "connection", and that connection serves him as a mean to survive. We all are one because we all are him.
I looked at him... And he was a kind crab which my existence didn't managed to be any help for him. The ultimate act of love is reproduction, and wasn't going to have kids.
Then I started to choke. I was seriously afraid that I was so "outside" of my body that I was in reality actually choking. Apparently, breathing is the main indicator for our conscience to be worthy of living. So, when I resignated to not have kids I started to die. My girlfriend saved me here, I just kissed and she did it back.
When the experience started to fade, I started to see reality as it is. Before of that, I still dancing between past and present... And everything in present was being modified by the actions I did in the past.
That's it.
My girlfriend kept one trace of that trip, when I changed parts of our past, her hair changed from full painted blond, to black hair with a single blonde lock of hair.
This whole experience made me doubt of what reality is, and I'm not sure if my girlfriend hair has been always like that or if it actually changed.
Of course, that I choose to believe that it was always like that, and I just didn't noticed before. I just wanted to share this.
submitted by HotHuckleberry2423 to PsilocybinExperience [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:46 Admirable-Pass-1143 No weight loss at all in two weeks!!?

What's going on?? I was having decent success. I started this in mid March and did the 2.5 for first month and I've been on 5mg the past couple of months. I was dropping 3-5 lbs every week, I am a 42 f, sw 158 current w 133 gw 120. I do cardio every day, I have a home gym so I try to at least walk 5 miles a day between treadmill and taking my dog on a walk, and do weights every other day. (I'm always active, just got fatter over the course of this year, my fat jeans became my barely-can-button jeans.) Anyways I was pretty much seeing the scale move any time I checked ever few days. I totally understand some fluctuations but this is so expensive and now I'm frustrated I'll just be stuck at 133 forever! 😭 I would like to be able to swim with my children and wear shorts but nothing fits and summer is upon us! Should I up dosage to 7.5? I'm feeling the effects at 5 still, up until day 6 or so, I can barely eat, I will eat but just get stuffed and feel uncomfortably full after almost no food. So I think it's still working. But days 6 and 7 I'm eating fuller meals and thinking of food more. Advice??
submitted by Admirable-Pass-1143 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:07 AdamAngel1 Hypothyroid Meds

My dog is a 12 year old, male, neutered Chihuahua. He weighs 12 lbs.
He has a heart condition which he takes meds for (Lasix, Vetmedin, Enalapril) and also had surgery on his spine a little over a year ago, only to have similar neck pain symptoms 11 months later, which he is on an ongoing low dose of Dexamethosone to manage. (25 mg - 1/4 tablet)
Lately he’s been more sluggish than usual (although he’s never been an active dog) so I had a full blood panel done. Turns out he now has Hypothyroidism. 🤦🏻‍♀️
The test says: T4 <0.5 / Free T4 Equilibrium 5.5 pmol/L.
It’s recommended that he starts taking 0.1 mg of Thyro Tabs 2x per day. I’ve read conflicting reports on the dosages. For his size, 0.1 once daily and others say twice daily. Seems like a huge difference! Since he’s already on so many meds, I’m nervous about the conflicting dosage information out there. Also, the last thing I want is for him to be jittery and anxious from a higher dose with his heart issue.
I’d love a second opinion regarding the dosage before he starts taking this medicine.
Thanks for reading all of this! 😊
Edited to add his weight
submitted by AdamAngel1 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:33 42FruitLoopWars The guilt is suffocating.

Same time last year my 10 year old boy started acting a lil funny. After a vet visit where nothing seemed wrong was just told to keep an eye on him. Fast forward a few months and something is wrong as by 6pmish he would turn into a completely different dog. Not aggressive by any means but his anxiety was through the roof, pacing and getting lost…I attempted some new training with him as stuff online said as dogs age sometimes they can revert back to some puppy habits.
By January it was clear something was more off. After blood tests and X-rays by three different vets with no signs of anything they said he might be sun-downing. Only one vet told me that maybe he wasn’t 10 he might be closer to 12 (when I adopted him they told me he was 7 months old). They prescribed him trazodone (100mg) and gabapentin (400mg) and they said to play with it to find a balance on what would calm him down.
From January to March the dosage worked about 60% of the time but he just started sliding downhill fast and the medication didn’t seem to be keeping up or helping anymore. Two weeks ago he went into our basement, panicked from getting lost and hurt himself.
Today we helped him cross the rainbow bridge and I am in shambles. I feel like I failed him. Like I could have done more meditation but at the same time being medicated for 70% of your day doesn’t feel like a way to live. He’d stopped eating consistently but he hadn’t dropped too much weight…during the day he would seem so normal. Older but normal but that switched would flip and the panic and fear in him…but maybe I could have given him a few more months..but now he’s gone. My most beautiful handsome baby boy is out in the ground. It’s raining out and he’s never been out in the rain I just want to go help him but he’s not there. Idk, I feel crazy. I feel guilty. I feel like a bad mom.
He was my first boy. I’ve lost family pets before but I got him when I was 23 and he’s been with me at every turn…whenever I cried this hard previously he was by my side and now he isn’t and that makes me cry harder.
Podrik you were the best. I’ve never met a sweeter boy. You never jumped at anyone, I never heard a single growl. Everyone who met you loved you. I love you. Please don’t hate me.
submitted by 42FruitLoopWars to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 Thick_Novel09 (Urgent) Something is very wrong with my dog

Species: Canine Age: 3 years Sex/Neuter status: Female/ Not spayed Breed: Miniature Dachshund Body weight: 11 lbs (?) History: She almost passed as a puppy due to allergic reactions that caused her to break into hives all over. I took her to four different vets and none of them could figure out the source. It eventually went away on its own. Clinical signs: Bloody vomit, bloody diarrhea, lethargic, loss of appetite, pacing/ sudden jolting. (IMPORTANT: Vet does NOT believe it is parvo). Duration: Almost a week. General location: Arizona
Please help me. I am extremely short on money as I was just in the hospital for kidney failure myself. My dog Ophelia is my entire world and has become very sick. For the sake of eliminating confusion, Day 1 will be the day this all started and Day 6 is today.
Day 1: Acting normal all day. At night she begins excessively vomiting. Her vomit starts out as a light yellow, then turns to yellow-orange, and then to red and red-brown-black. I rush her to the emergency vet (it’s now early morning of Day 2) where they check her vitals. Vitals are all stable. She is still spewing watery bloody vomit. Ultra sound is done with no obvious concerns. The vet gives her fluids (bubble on her back) and Cerenia. She stops throwing up and we go to sleep.
Day 2: She is fine again all morning and then resumes vomiting (lightly colored, no more blood) around noon. I bring her back to the emergency hospital because she should not be vomiting within 24 hours of Cerenia injection. We do an ultra sound and X-rays. There is no obvious blockage. IMPORTANT: We do not send the X-rays to the lab as I am extremely short on money right now and sending X-rays to the lab is several hundred extra. The vet does her best to look over the X-rays and second ultra sound and explains that she sees no blockage or alarming swelling. Vitals are still stable. They give her Cerenia in pill form. We go home and sleep.
Day 3: Fine all day again. Acting perfectly normal and happy. Night comes, and she starts uncontrollably defecating all over the house. It watery, starts out brown in color, eventually becomes red-brown, then finally straight blood. We are back at the animal hospital but I am out of funds. Vitals are stable. The vet takes her overnight and puts her on fluids and she has stopped defecating at this point.
Day 4: Completely fine. Happy all day. Eating. Drinking. Sleeps great through the night.
Day 5: Again perfectly fine and happy.
Day 6 (Today): Has not vomited or had diarrhea but will not eat. Seems exhausted. There’s a new symptom which is her jolting upright, running forward a couple of paces, and then turning to lay back down. Not acting like herself.
4/13/24 Vaccines: Rabies 1 year, bordetella 1 year, round/hookworm dewormer 1 year, Canine 6-in-1 (DA2PP + Lepto) 1 year.
Medications prescribed by emergency vet: -Cerenia -Sucralfate -Metronidazole -Ondansetron
Where do I go from here. I’m scared of her getting sick again and I don’t know how to help her get better. I have no money but I can borrow from family to save my dog, but I need to be smart about how to proceed. Should I have the X-rays sent to the lab or request blood work? What is the best option?
submitted by Thick_Novel09 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:23 Thick_Novel09 Please Help (Urgent)

Species: Canine Age: 3 years Sex/Neuter status: Female/ Not spayed Breed: Miniature Dachshund Body weight: 11 lbs (?) History: She almost passed as a puppy due to allergic reactions that caused her to break into hives all over. I took her to four different vets and none of them could figure out the source. It eventually went away on its own. Clinical signs: Bloody vomit, bloody diarrhea, lethargic, loss of appetite, pacing/ sudden jolting. (IMPORTANT: Vet does NOT believe it is parvo). Duration: Almost a week. General location: Arizona
Please help me. I am extremely short on money as I was just in the hospital for kidney failure myself. My dog Ophelia is my entire world and has become very sick. For the sake of eliminating confusion, Day 1 will be the day this all started and Day 6 is today.
Day 1: Acting normal all day. At night she begins excessively vomiting. Her vomit starts out as a light yellow, then turns to yellow-orange, and then to red and red-brown-black. I rush her to the emergency vet (it’s now early morning of Day 2) where they check her vitals. Vitals are all stable. She is still spewing watery bloody vomit. Ultra sound is done with no obvious concerns. The vet gives her fluids (bubble on her back) and Cerenia. She stops throwing up and we go to sleep.
Day 2: She is fine again all morning and then resumes vomiting (lightly colored, no more blood) around noon. I bring her back to the emergency hospital because she should not be vomiting within 24 hours of Cerenia injection. We do an ultra sound and X-rays. There is no obvious blockage. IMPORTANT: We do not send the X-rays to the lab as I am extremely short on money right now and sending X-rays to the lab is several hundred extra. The vet does her best to look over the X-rays and second ultra sound and explains that she sees no blockage or alarming swelling. Vitals are still stable. They give her Cerenia in pill form. We go home and sleep.
Day 3: Fine all day again. Acting perfectly normal and happy. Night comes, and she starts uncontrollably defecating all over the house. It watery, starts out brown in color, eventually becomes red-brown, then finally straight blood. We are back at the animal hospital but I am out of funds. Vitals are stable. The vet takes her overnight and puts her on fluids and she has stopped defecating at this point.
Day 4: Completely fine. Happy all day. Eating. Drinking. Sleeps great through the night.
Day 5: Again perfectly fine and happy.
Day 6 (Today): Has not vomited or had diarrhea but will not eat. Seems exhausted. There’s a new symptom which is her jolting upright, running forward a couple of paces, and then turning to lay back down. Not acting like herself.
4/13/24 Vaccines: Rabies 1 year, bordetella 1 year, round/hookworm dewormer 1 year, Canine 6-in-1 (DA2PP + Lepto) 1 year.
Medications prescribed by emergency vet: -Cerenia -Sucralfate -Metronidazole -Ondansetron
Where do I go from here? I’m scared of her getting severely sick again and I don’t know how to help her get better. I have no money but I can borrow from family to save my dog, but I need to be smart about how to proceed. Should I have the X-rays sent to the lab or request blood work? What is the best option?
submitted by Thick_Novel09 to AskVet [link] [comments]