Imvu prepaid card hack

Hack/Slash: The Card Game

2024.05.16 17:21 KidHoodie Hack/Slash: The Card Game

Hack/Slash: The Card Game submitted by KidHoodie to ImageComics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:21 pixelbluejay Are all my saves lost?

I used to use my memory card as primary storage and the SD card as a secondary. But I recently upgraded the MicroSD inside my SD2Vita from a 32gb to a 512gb one, and with the SD2Vita set to ux0 I assumed that the "format memory card" screen I got while rebooting referred to the SD card.
But nope, my memory card is completely clean, no games, no nothing. I checked with both the Content Manager and VitaShell. But for whatever reason the the Trophies app remembers all my achievements and game progression? Is there hope for the many many hours I sunk into playing my Vita?
Oh, and I do have a 1gb internal partition that I hacked into existence, although I don't think I ever used it for anything.
submitted by pixelbluejay to VitaPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:02 Freshndecay One step closer to fully digital currency
Sure AF not going to participate in this myself but plenty of the younger generation love not carrying cash or any cards but rather just scan their phones.
Imagine linking all your credit cards, bank accounts, PayPal, etc all under one single umbrella. Ease of access/control to either be hacked or locked out.
submitted by Freshndecay to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:10 bucajack Slightly odd question about forms of payment on the Garmin website

Hi All. I'm looking to purchase a FR265S from the Garmin website. I get a 20% discount through work but I also have a $150 Visa prepaid gift card that I'd like to use towards my purchase so I can save a bit more. However, the website only accepts one form of payment and obviously my gift card doesn't cover the full cost. Was hoping I could top-up the gift card but Visa don't allow that!
Anyone have any ideas how I could make this work?
submitted by bucajack to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:56 fune2001 Can't request my data after i got hacked

Hello, I would like to share with you a problem that I encountered during my data request process.
My account got hacked back in november 2021 during Hu-Tao rerun (and I guess the guy that stole it was a huge Hu Tao fan because i left her at lv.50 and when i got my acc back she was 90 with good artifacts).
The point is, when I got the account back (I don't remember how much time passed, I'd say 1-2 months) I had the welkin pass active, so the guy made some purchases.
Fast forward to today, I just wanted to see my play time and so i requested my data (for the 2nd time) and for the 2nd time I got rejected. I provided every info they wanted in extreme detaill, and when they asked for purchases info (they remarked that it was very important) I wrote "I never bought anything, but when i had the acc stolen and then got it back I had a welkin active I assume the hacker bought something, and as I don't have access to his card or bank account I can't provide proofs but I did not buy anything".
I read the pinned post and it says that I should not mention hacker on my data request. Could it be the reason for the 2 failed requests? Thanks for reading :3
submitted by fune2001 to GenshinHacked [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:29 Stunning_Wall_3511 I am so hopeless

I forgot to mention this. my parents are both working, my eldest brother is a dropout and my second brother just graduate from college
I(M21) have reached my limit. Or maybe I had reached my limit before.
I can't live in my home because I can't feel safe and rested. I can't study at peace, I even got even more severe burnout than my last time I had a burnout to the point of transfer to another school and shifting to another course after my dad ask me to wash the dishes and now I can't even bring myself to hold a pencil and do my one week late assignment or to bring myself to study. I had lot of assignments to do and yet my parents ask me to do house chores as if I have more time than my brothers who are not in school anymore. My family is heavy reliant at me in chores, I even had to skip college just to clean the fucking house that smells like 3 day old piss.
I want to run away, but I don't have enough money to live and to go to college.
I'm scared of running away because I live in a poverty country where college degree is a must. I don't even had skills to work, so I'm scared.
I'm scared of being homeless, I overheard my dad even threaten my eldest brother to eat food or else he will give up his job(he even said that he wanted to kill himself and this is first time I heard, the giving up his job part is the one I often hear because I or my brother ended up not cooking with the ingredients he bought but can't cuz we're busy in studies, although my brother is free most of the time now because he's graduated and is now mostly doing hobby and study for licensure exam).
Sometimes, I get jealous of my brother having time to do hobby even the house smells like a virus and he is in the house most of the time in this season.
I am losing my mind. I don't even know what I job I want to work in. I don't even have someone to talk to and I can't trust everyone anymore.
I want to get out of here, my mind keeps telling me that but I know I can't. I can't bear my family keep relying on me.
I can't study in peace because they will use my studies against me. "You are a nursing student and yet you get angry over this. I don't think you can be nursing because you will be dealing with different kinds of people and there are people who are like this."
I don't want them to be in my graduation yet I feel like they will ended up in my graduation anyway. (Because I would feel like a hypocrite)
I am starting to get angry at everyone, look down on everyone and create a scenario where I get the upper hand while someone is on the verge of getting angry or is hurt.
I can't escape my home. I can't even steal money from parents because it's on debit card now and I dont know the password. I will get in jail if I steal the credit card and hack and flush out the money because they have cameras.
They say they support me but they will always find ways to keep me on this house. They always see me as incompetent and child that need guidance even though I am an adult.
I don't want to stay here any longer. I'm tired dealing with them.
Even if they would support me like make me enroll to trade school where I train for a year and then I can go job hunting, it feels so wrong. They would say things like "we supporting you and yet you complain?"
They make me feel like I'm the wrong even if they are the ones making me feel this way. They are the ones restricting me too much to the point I don't have confidence of myself. It makes me question a lot about my thoughts and feelings and my purpose.
My brother scold me in the college while I enroll this course that this course is too hard for you, you shouldn't enroll it with the tone as if I did something wrong in front of many seniors and students.
My mother say "you shouldn't be enroll in this course because this is for very smart people and look at you now", "you should return to your previous course because it's easy and I think it suits you, that school makes you feel safe". "Maybe if you enroll to the trade school, you would change your mind to returning to that school and you become a second year ". I even thought about following the advice and I feel disgusted of myself. I feel like I can't decide on my own and whatever I decide will lead me to my downfall.
I can't find a course anymore that helps people while I don't feel like a hypocrite, and also a job that helps me survive and gives me time for my writing.
I'm lost and confused. I want to seek help from my cousin outside of this country but they are not obligated to help me and they hate me.
I don't know what to do anymore.
submitted by Stunning_Wall_3511 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:13 MinecraftSexUpdate [GUIDE] Enjoy GAMING again by ruining the fun of sexhavers and foids

Are you a gamer? Want to take out on normies, sexhavers, and foids that infest what used to be OUR hobby? Those of us born in the 80's will remember a time when being a gamer was scorned. We were bullied, chastised, and shunned from our peer groups for enjoying video games. This would last up until the mid to late 90's when the media finally started pushing games to "dudebros" and eventually women in the early to mid 2000's. Finally in the past 10 years we've seen an infestation of shitskins and third worlders completely flooding everything. I refuse to lay down and die. I will stand and fight till the bitter end.
It's time to turn the tables and make them suffer as they made us suffer, both in life and the virtual world. (Legally and within the confines of the game, this is NOT a guide to IRL ruinate or anything of the sort.) Some of this stuff isn't allowed if you're an EU gamer.
First off, you're going to have to let go of playing video games to "win" or acquire virtual greed. You're going to need a new mindset. The mindset of a sadistic psychopath hellbent on extracting keks from anyone and everyone deemed not one of us. No more giving a fuck about your KDA, w/l ratio, or "following the rules" or the "meta" of what other players expect you to do. You are a gamer going your own way, regardless of what the groupthink expects or wants. If the game is F2P or you're a richfag or jewtuber who can get free games from devs then being banned is part of the fun, and is expected of you. If you cannot afford to buy back into games or are too technologically retarded to change your IP and spoof your hardware to get around bans in F2P games then you'll have to tread carefully.
Here's the part where I instruct you on how to fuck over these sexhavers for your own sadistic pleasure. After all they've denied us a life worth living in the real world and treat us like lepers. It's time they feel uncomfortable in OUR space. Feel free to add to any of these methods or pitch in ideas.
Foid infested "cozy" games
Shit like "Animal Crossing" or "Palia." Anything that lets you decorate and grow shit is a "cozy" game and women infest these games more than any other. It's literally a containment game of sorts to keep them out of other shit. To fuck with women in these games all you have to do is steal resources, build ugly and annoying things within the game world, be rude via emotes and text chat, and use emotes to make it look like your character is grabbing their tits or eating them out. I once did /eat to some slag girl gamer in WoW Vanilla 20 years ago and when I reverse searched my name she was bitching about it on reddit and remembered my characters exact name 4-5 years ago. She's STILL SEETHING about it 15 years later. This is what you want. Virtual RAPE. Many foids stream these types of games, and it's incredibly easy to get under their skin. Make the ugliest characters you possibly can and always stand in their camera. Stalk them in-game. Uglify the world around them. Spam emotes. The world is your oyster.
World of Warcraft, or anything else really. Gank them. Corpse camp them. Dispel their world buffs. Emote spam sexually assault them. Use a high level or highly geared character to camp low level quest zones and steal mobs, resources, and kill low level players. Stream snipe them till they hide their screen with nothingness. Join their guilds and steal their resources after faking being a Chad. Get the entire guild wiped, blame it on the women healers. Play a vital role and underperform / disconnect at pivotal moments and blame a thunderstorm. Make everyone wait on your actions, but not enough to get gkicked. Openly challenge sex havers lifestyles in discord voice calls and call them out on their privileged bullshit. (Genetics, riches, went to a nice school, raised by good parents, etc.) Use every underbelly evil shithead tactic that these fuckers used towards us during our childhoods and young adult lives. Roleplay it up and lie about your IRL self to make them feel inferior. Exploit early and often, and cash out via RMT before you get banned or when you quit for some NEET bucks. If the game has a "random queue" system you can wipe endless groups or refuse to participate and hold entire game lobbies hostage.
Overwatch, Counter Strike, etc. Simply play terribly in ranked matches. Don't assist the team. Mic spam. Play vital roles like tank or healer then simply don't heal and tell them openly on the mic to beg if they want heals. Refuse to play at all if a woman is in voice chat. Verbally accost every white knight that defends her. Remember, they're most likely wagies who have to go to work tomorrow and you're most likely a NEET who has infinite free time. Remind them of this. (Even if it's not true.) In FPS with one life, openly tell the enemy team where your team mates are camping. Use aimbots, wall hacks, and other cheats to make both sides pissed off. If you're doing well gloat. If you're playing shittily, then call them a loser or a nerd. Flashbang your own team. Drop objective items as far as possible. Die with expensive guns (Auto sniper in CS triggers normies.) and make sure the enemy acquires them. Acquire or goad team mates into team killing you to 2 week ban them.
League, Dota 2, Age of Empires, and other slop. Never go to the "meta" lane. (AD carry / support normally go bottom lane, but you're gonna always go middle, and steal your own teams jungle.) Never build the right items. Feed the enemy team, kill steal your own. Never push lanes or objectives. Ping spam. Keep text chats very "safe" to avoid bans. When a team mate dies, some ping spam and a "?" goes a long way. Never agree to surrender, unless your team is winning. Always report everyone who rages on you. Play characters that have statistically low win rates or are extra annoying. Use a lag switch to delay and hold entire lobbies hostage (RTS). Wall in your own team. Use retarded high risk low reward build orders. Be completely useless all of the time and never join team fights except after everyone's dead then schizo gaslight them that they were the ones not helping.
Survival, Crafting / Building Games
Minecraft, and shit like it. Become insanely super godlike good at the game. Learn all the metas, muscle memory, speed run tech, and master PvP. Join reddit servers and ruinate months of "cozy crafting" with max enchanted equipment and masterful grief tactics. Construct server destroying redstone machines. Completely ruin spawn and active players bases while they're offline. Destroy their VIP / pay 2 win "donation" special items. Join their discords and spam anti-vax, anti-pitbull, and black people violence webms from rekt threads on 4chan to get their servers shut down. Literally use modded hacked clients to ESP radar hack and dupe your way to victory, kicking down reddit twerps virtual sand castles and record the seethe in their discord voice chats while pretending you don't know what's going on. Abuse and exploit anything you can to the detriment of other players (Shittily coded cash shops and stores. RPG elements that are 100% broken, like a "health swap" spell that you can use on any god-geared player to swap your 1/2 heart health with their full HP then 1 shot them naked kinda shit.)
Indie slop
None of these games have any cheat protection. Cheat Engine even the most basic shit. I once played some slop card game and was able to set my opponents HP at the start of the game to 0 and win immediately. You can pretty much speed hack on all of this shit and most hack sites will have a few dedicated cheat bros that can do the wildest shit like gain access to admin panels and other destructive things. Even without cheats most basic exploits can really break these games. If a dupe method worked on one shitty survival Unreal 5 sloppa game, chances are it works on the other 7,000.
VR / Roleplay shit
Fondle titties. When the white knights run up and shout "back off" loudly point and laugh at them. Force feed slags coconut drinks. Put your arm around everyone and get really up close in their face. Make fun of their furfag outfits. Call them trannies. Take a right wing stance on everything. Use cheats to spam gore and porn everywhere. Use mod menus (Cheats) to force other players to emote or spawn giant laggy objects and explosions. Always talk shit in VOIP and spam soundboards. Be as annoying and as insufferable as possible.
Single Player Games
Okay, so this one's hard to "troll" but there's still ways to do it. You gotta share stuff in normie spaces that will offend and upset them. There was a guy that played Red Dead 2 and brutually murdered and tortured the "women have a right to vote" NPC to the point where he got banned off jewtube for it cause it pissed off so many redditors. You're gonna have to be real creative with this one. If you're a jewtuber you can intentionally kill off all the gay NPC's in Baldurs Gate 3 or something during your streams or playthroughs and watch the seethe roll in. Or make misleading and untrue guides or push a narrative you'd prefer to see and post them to normie sites to really stick it to 'em.
Please, feel free to share your ways of griefing and trolling foids and sexhavers within the confines of the video game. Since we can't be happy in real life, the least we can do is make their virtual lives closer to ours. Give them a taste of their own medicine. The only joy I have left in life is making others seethe in video games, because what the fuck else is there to do?
submitted by MinecraftSexUpdate to BumWipers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:03 PickleJarred8 May 20-22: Strawberry Mansion clinic offering quick blood test for heart disease research — pays $45

May 20-22, a pop-up clinic at Strawberry Square Shopping Center (29th & W Dauphin) is offering free blood tests as part of a national study about heart disease. This study is run by Care Access. They test your Lp(a)* levels, an indicator for heart disease risk, and call you later with your test results.
You get a $45 Visa prepaid card at the end of your appointment. The appointment takes 15 minutes.
You can use this link to schedule your appointment time: . This is the 2nd Philly pop-up clinic because there has been so much community participation.
* Lp(a) tests are not part of routine cholesterol screenings and are not covered by most insurance, so this is a great chance to get a free screening and get rewarded too.
submitted by PickleJarred8 to philly [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:53 No_Funny3533 Miyuki Miyamoto/ Yomi / Jeong Nahyeon Scam Network Sites JPNDATE CUDATE DATESTEADY SAYHIUP

Miyuki Miyamoto/ Yomi / Jeong Nahyeon Scam Network Sites JPNDATE CUDATE DATESTEADY SAYHIUP
UPDATED INFO throughout it.
They have a new Scam Website: (Reuses JPNDATE assets even)
I think she Chinese and Korean.
They try to scam me a second time, her friend (I just wanted real love)
Yomi/ Miyuki Miyamoto/ Jeong Nahyeon
Written Before:
There is this dangerous woman (same person) running many fake Chinese Romance scam websites, fake Instagram pages, tik tok, We chats, and many Chinese porn sites. It is the same person, she uses her looks with pictures and videos to steal money from men. She has many names she goes by, probably even more than I found. She also uses bots to get fake likes and weird Anime filters to try to look like an idol. She has scam artist female friends also I found. She the leader.
I know a lot of scammers steal from other people's identities but that is not the case here. This is the same person as the scammer. My story will explain it. As well as this person has pictures of the same person you can’t find anywhere else on the Internet. Even if you do a Reverse Face image search. They said information that match to an unbelievable level.
The person who Scammed me:
Has Many names (Such As)
And a talent for speaking many languages
  • Miyuki Miyamoto (Claimed Japanese name)
  • Nickname Yomi
  • Korean Name: Nahyeon (Claimed)
  • u/yomi__na
Email: [](
(Something about BlessCeline Lovee)
Skype ID: live:.cid.737fb9ac2ad5655c
  • Liu Mingmei (Claimed Chinese name)
Part of a Civil Union yet on multiple dating sites
(Make Sense)
(Owner of aiu_agency since 2015)
Her Apartment or something
Google Drive (AI_U Agency)
Hotel Connected: SHILLA STAY Gwanghwamun
Her Scam Artist friends who work for both Ai_U Agency and JPNDATE CUDATE (That I found)

Vynnie_nat :



Elle_owo_elle :

Qiqi_shenglim :

Myemye_owo_ :

Her Friends that are connected somehow but not sure how yet. They appear everywhere with the fake accounts

Riyandiwilliam :
Summary: is a dangerous Romance scam. All the women are paid actors for the website from China. They will try to get into a relationship with you very fast, don’t fall for it. They are milking you for money like if you're a cow. They will threaten to kill you or your family if you call out their scam. They might also say they will sue you. If you stop paying them, they will text you very little. They will never video call you face-to-face. has a sister scam website from the same people called When you buy something on Jpndate the payment goes to Cudate Limited, so that site must be part of the scam also. There is a company in China doing all type of illegal and immoral practices. Their name is Zhengzhou Zhongzhiqi Technology Co., Ltd. / 郑州市中之祺科技有限公司 . They have their main technology business but they also run a list of many scam websites stealing money from American men, Asian, and European men. Such as Cudate, JPNDate, SayhiUp. These are romance scam sites where all the women work for the company. If you make a female account it will pend forever. Only men get approved. They claimed before to be an American-owned company then I exposed them now they claim to be Dutch. Their servers are all in China. They never filed paperwork with any foreign country. They are none of these the Chinese pretending to run many dating sites when in fact it’s all fake. They claim to be in nations their not. They have fake terms of service. I used PayPal before I didn't know it was a scam. I paid in dollars, but they refused to refund me till I told PayPal. PayPal made them. Then they refused to pay me the total amount they wanted to pay me on yuan when I paid dollars. I report them to FTC. They also try to hack my laptop for tell the government the truth about them. They probably get funds from the Communist Party government. They are very very bad people. Please look into it or forward this message somewhere where it can be looked into. Pretends to be a legit dating site but feel more like a pay-to-use website for fake love. All women here are paid actors for the site. The same few women have multiple profiles pretending to be different people. Funny part is anytime you call out JPNDate bs they change their terms of service. Screenshot everything people. They have a fake page saying their trying to stop scammers, it all bs they are the scammers.
Host of JPNDate Servers:
As the writing of this post:
IP: - Server: nginx
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
My Story:
(Update): I know it is the same person, They told me in a text message.
Do you like Asian women?
Real Asian women?
These ones are real!
I know who they are.
Hi! This is Mark Faraday talking to you.
This is my story of how a website named JPNDate Idols scammed me out of 4000 American dollars.
First, I was on Japan Cupid, a dating site. On Japan Cupid, no one can chat unless one of you has a membership. I bought a 1-week membership. Within 5 minutes to 10 minutes, a woman nicknamed Yomi from Japan messaged me; this should have been a red flag for me. We talked for a while. She said she was interested in me. She asked me if I could move over to the dating site JPNDate because she paid for membership there and not Japan Cupid. She also promised to delete her account on Japan Cupid after we changed sites. She does delete her account off Japan Cupid.
Unlike a normal scam artist, who may only have 1 or 2 photos, she has several photos on her profile. My trust in her grows a bit seeing that. She then privately messaged me several more photos of her. She asked me for some photos, which I sent. She then sends back happy and heartfelt emojis. She told me she doesn’t date Asian men anymore because they were violent to her in the past and her last boyfriend cheated on her. She talked about how she didn’t want to fight with me. She also said we could talk about any topic.
She would compliment me often, as I did for her. Of course, on my profile page, I try to post my best pictures. Throughout my life, I have had many different hairstyles. She even mentioned this and got very happy and asked if I was a hairstylist.
The spam of talking between us was from January 20th, 2024, to March 24th, 2024.
On JPNDate, there is an upgrade system. You need Blue Diamond to chat with others. Crown to send videos. Blue Diamond is 20 dollars per month, and Crown is 80 dollars per month. I got the Blue Diamond membership at first. It showed her with it too. After a day or two, she asked me to upgrade like she did to the Crown membership so she could send me a video. I upgraded it, and she did actually send me a video. All pictures and the video match the same person and the same face. Some pictures were in different locations, and some were like three different pictures in the same place. We then later buy a 6-month Crown membership for each other because it is cheaper than 1 month at a time. I bought it for her, and she bought it for me.
At this point, I start to believe. This person was giving me all their time. They reply very often, and their texting time was the same as Japan timezones every single day. They spoke not only English but also Japanese almost fluently. However, they did let me know that they're still learning English and sometimes use a translator.
She let me know that this website has something called a mall. This should have been red flag number 2. You pay 1 American dollar for each gold point. Paypal is the only thing that works. When we started dating, she said it was normal for couples in Japan to send each other gifts. It was a symbol of forever love in Japan, she claimed. As an American, I didn’t know if this was true. I googled it and couldn’t get a clear answer. She said whatever I bought her, she would buy me as well. She asked if I liked necklaces or charms. I said anything was fine. She wanted me to pick up a necklace. At first, she picked up a $1,000 necklace from the site mall and asked me. I said no; that's way too much money for that. She said how about a 300-dollar Jade Romance charm. She told me to get her white one; she would get me the green one. I questioned if she was legit. She started crying. She somehow convinced me at the time that she was legit again. I did buy it. A few weeks later, I did receive the overpriced Green Jade Romance love charm to my address from her. I never told her which day exactly my tracking information said it would come to my house, but I asked her, and her tracking date was the same week as mine. By the way something almost the same as this necklace is 12 dollars on Amazon. It also broke when I got it in the mail. Probably cost them 2 cent to make.
For the next few days, we had a wonderful, happy conversation. It is late January, and I know Valentine's Day is coming. I offered to get her flowers. I got her flowers and chocolate at a very high price of multiple hundred dollars. She then gets so happy. She told me many times how she wanted to go to America and find me.
We talked about many topics for several more days. She told me she worked in an office in Tokyo. Yomi told me her real name was Miyuki Miyamoto. Which is very funny because I told her before I was a Nintendo fan, and this is the same last name as Mario and Zelda Creator. She also said she had her apartment to herself, which is true; she does own an apartment. She talked about how life is stressful right now in Japan. She claimed to have grown up in the Japanese town of Nagano, Japan. She also said she had gone to a university in Tokyo with a major in computer science. She wanted to visit America in July for 15 days when she had her time off. July is a normal time for people to get off in Japan for vacation, so I thought nothing of it.
I told her that I was from a smaller town in California, but I lived not far from San Francisco. I told her how my town is quiet and how I could see mountains outside my house. She said she wanted a peaceful life and that life in Tokyo is too fast. And she always had great things to say about every picture I sent. We also talk about going on dates. I asked most of the questions, but she did ask me questions as well.
I started to ask her a lot of questions about Japan. Like if she visited Himeji Castle, she said no. However, I did say yes to visiting Mount Fuji. I should have asked for a photo of this, but I didn’t. She was very happy; she told me very many topics about Japan. We even briefly talked about anime. She told me she liked Digimon, Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, and Detective Conan. This information is important later. We also talked about how both of us were big Disney fans growing up.
One day she told me, how work was busy today. I told her it was okay and we didn’t need to talk today. She did, however, still text me a little bit that day. This was the only day during our whole time talking when she was super busy. There is nothing wrong with this; all humans get busy. I decided to spend my evening drawing a picture of me and Yomi on a date to surprise her. When I sent it to her, she did not react. This was a red flag for me. I tried to convince myself that she just didn’t like drawings that much. I know I sound really dumb right here, but whoever I was talking to is very smart and knows a lot of things.
We started talking a few days later about the idea of meeting and going on dates together. I know that the yen is weak against the American dollar right now. I told them I would pay for anything they wanted when they were in America because I was in love. This was a big, big, big mistake. They then asked if I could give them 1500 dollars to buy a plane ticket. Never give money to people you never meet in real life, folks. Don’t be dumb like me. Turns out the ticket was actually 2100, so they asked for another 500 dollars the next day, claiming their friend let them borrow the money, and they paid the difference. They did show me a picture of a plane ticket. With the name Yomi and the correct airports in Tokyo and San Francisco. This gave me more trust in them; I got a lot of photos, videos, and even a picture of a plane ticket.
At some point, I talked to them about social media. They claim to only have Skype and Line. I found it very hard to believe a woman in her 20s wasn’t on Instagram or Tik Tok. I went on Instagram and typed Yomi, and I found a Yomi who looked just like her. This made me think: why did she lie? What confused me is that all the pictures on her Instagram were different from the ones she sent me, other than one image that was the same. Meaning that the images were not clearly stolen from there.
I looked up JPNDate online; there isn’t much info on this website (Right Now), other than one reddit forum from 1 year ago. Someone said something about being scammed by an IDOL on this site. They also said the website wasn’t in Japan but in China. I was wondering why I never saw new females joining the website; it was the same 23 pages worth of them. I wanted to test the website to see if it was legit. I made another account, a fake male account with AI artwork. It was approved in one second. I then made a fake female account; it said pending approval. It has now been 2 weeks since I made that account, and it still says pending approval. This means all the women on this website have to be fake actors. There is also a setting on JPNDate to see who has been online last or which accounts are the oldest. When I asked weeks before, Yomi claimed she had been on this website only for a short time. Her oldest picture was dated October 20, 2023. Yet she has the sixth-oldest account on JPNDate, according to the website. The reddit forum I talked about before was over a year old.
When I was on this website for a month, at least 10 other women tried to text me. There was this one profile of a woman from Taiwan, age 20. She texted me three times in one month. When I joined, her age was listed as 20, and at some point, she changed her age to 25 on her profile. I ignored all these women. This proves again that all these women are fake. I do think they are women based on how they type, but they are not truthful like they act like they are. As I write this, I just realized this is Yomi's sister; it matches the other Yomi account's sister tag.
I knew this website wasn’t telling the truth. I found the JPNDate IP address and tracked it to a server in Hong Kong, China, hosted by Alibaba cloud servers. Reddit was right; the website is Chinese. I took pictures of the website code just in case. I asked Yomi if she knew Alibaba. Then she asked if I’m going to China—a very strange follow-up question.
At this point, I was confused. Who is Yomi? I couldn’t find anything about Miyuki Miyamoto, only Yomi. On Yomi Instagram, she speaks Chinese, not Japanese. I started to think there are no Japanese women on this website like they claim to be. She does speak Japanese, though.
I started using more than 10 different software programs to track who Yomi was. I found like 1000 pictures of an idol, WeChat model, singer, dancer, person on endless Chinese dating sites, and a valiant professional gamer part of the AI’U agency for over 8 years. I found two other Instagram accounts with Yomi's face. Another account in Chinese with an idol name other than Yomi also had a Facebook page. The Chinese account has a post about her going to Australia in early 2024, where she is typing in English words. I also found an account where she speaks only Korean on Instagram. I also found a tik-tok where someone dances and looks 100% the same as Yomi, to whom I’m talking. The part that is crazy is that none of the images are 100% the same, but the person is the same in all of them.
This shocked me; I follow all the accounts. I saw the stories daily to see who this person was. Her Yomi account is just her normal pictures and atm company or something. Her Korean account is about traveling to Singapore, Spain, and South Korea. She also posts a lot about Disney toys here. When I talked to the scammer about Disney, I had no idea about this.
At this point, I knew that many men had been scammed out of money for fake love, not just me. These women are real women. However, there are actors pretending to be in love. They will crush your heart and call you names after a few weeks if you don’t buy their stuff. It has to be from JPNdate Mall only, nowhere else. JPNdate Mall prices are crazy high. I am not sure if the point of the website is just for money or if it is actually for women to study English or what. Chinese women, pretending to be Japanese (most of them), that have connections to Korean music and gaming on professional teams. Man, what a hell of a story this is. This sounds like a Hollywood movie, but it's real, or at least partly. At this point, everything I say seems to be true based on what I know.
Yomi told me early on that she had one older sister and one younger brother. It seems like she is actually a twin, and she is the younger sister. Yomi claims to be 25, but I think she is closer to 27 or 28 based on finding a listing of her work in 2015 at Twitch Gaming. You have to be 18 or older to work at Twitch gaming, unless your parents sign things.
When I showed the pictures I found to Yomi on JPNdate, she played the victim card on me. Saying she thinks I’m a liar and she wants to break up. Then she gave me her Skype account to try to prove it was legit, and all the other images and accounts were stolen and fake. Her Skype name is Rose, with a One Piece picture. She sent me many voice clips, crying, trying to convince me that she was real. I put them in software, and the voice was 30% human, 70% AI. Clearly, a woman is changing her Chinese or Korean voice to sound Japanese. A PC gamer would know how to do this; they do it all the time to troll. Yomi told me she didn’t play video games anymore, but I found a picture that wasn’t that old of a woman who looked the same as her; she had a Nintendo Switch with a white OLED in it. Btw it’s a known fact that Yomi uses software to cheat in the Pc FPS games.
I can’t let Yomi, her sister, and her idol friends scam men for their time and money. Yomi Chiense's name is Vera Yuanxin (维拉). Her twin sister goes by veravera_zhangg.
Yomi “deleted her profile” when I exposed her. But Yomi is still there with no pictures. Two they clearly have other accounts with people who look like she just changed hairstyle, talking and trying to scam other men.
Remember when I said the anime part was important? On Yomi's Korean account, she has a friend with whom she talks about Digimon. She gave him a Disney toy. She told me she wanted to cosplay a fox; his profile is a fox. There is just so much proof that these are the same people.
Later someone hit me up on Reddit from the Phillippines and told me how the same person Yomi scammed them. How for months Yomi promise them so many things. Then when they said it came to going on the plane to visit him they said they were sick or dying or something.
Yomi also made a fake Instagram pretending to be Joe Biden and sent me a friend invite. I messaged and it was so funny how bad it was on their part. I said “Yomi are you trolling me?” then they deleted their account. This was on April 6th, 2024. Yomi tries so hard but use a lot of cheap things that are clearly fake like ai artwork, bots for like at ai_u agency, and fake profiles where she comments herself and attacks anyone who calls her out fairly.
After exposing Jpndate they Ip ban my address lol. Then on social media joke about attacking me.
If you call out their BS they threaten your family and yourself. Just stay away from all these sites if you're going to date online use well-known legit sites. I got over 2000 screenshots of proof.
submitted by No_Funny3533 to Romance_Scamer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:12 2lit_ Does it make sense to use a card I already have or open another one ? (Explanation inside)

I have 4 cards.
Chase Freedom unlimited
American Express EveryDay card
CapitalOne Quicksilver
CapitalOne Quicksilver One
I honestly have no idea how I have two quick silver cards.
The Capital One cards were opened up maybe like 8 years ago when I was like 19/20 trying to establish credit.
The American Express card was opened say five years ago, and then the Chase card was opened back in 2021.
My credit score right now is 811. I just bought a house last month so I wanted to buy a sofa that I liked. I really only use the Chase freedom, the other three cards have no balances on them.
I know the Chase freedom gives rewards, but I wanted to open up a Chase slate just for the introductory 0% APR.
I’m not really a big credit card user, I really only use the Chase card for big things like buying plane tickets, grocery shopping, or even maybe buying gifts for Christmas or birthdays.
So I’m not too well-versed on the hacks that come with using a credit card.
submitted by 2lit_ to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:06 sufishams How to Watch Dune Part 2 on Max outside US

HBO's streaming platform, Max, has revealed that the second installment of the Dune film series will release on May 21, accessible to both existing and new Max subscribers.
Here's how you can watch Dune 2 on Max outside US:
Subscribe for a Premium VPN.
Install VPN app and connect to United States location server.
Visit HBO Max website and create account.
Search Dune and stream Part 2 online.
Note: You can pay for HBO Max subscription via Virtual prepaid card outside US. visit statescard website and create your card to pay for Max plan.

Where Can I watch Dune Part 2 in Canada?

After releasing on Max its expected to be release on Crave as well but there is no anonucement from Crave so far. So, Max is the only option for Canadians to stream Dune 2 by using VPN.
submitted by sufishams to WatchviaVPN [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:44 LawfulnessPlayful965 r4 on dsi

Hey all. I recently bought a dsi xl from a shop called cex, so it's second hand. I got it cus I heard it's better than a ds, and my ds lite was bolloxed already. I have an r4 from when I was a kid, but my dsi isn't reading it, just saying there's no card inserted. Now i've come across people talking about formatting and downloading but it's a bit confusing I won't lie. In the most simple way possible, as someone who has never hacked any nintendo software, how do I get it so my r4 works?
submitted by LawfulnessPlayful965 to nds [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:30 Travwolfe101 No available credit after payment of most of the balance?

Hey so I'm a first time credit card owner, got one to start building credit. I'm 26 with no credit score yet, idk how some things I've paid off definitely should have gone on my credit IMO (like phone bills, car purchase, etc...) but besides that. I got one of the only cards I could get approved for with 0 credit which was a capital one platinum card, it has 30% apr and no other fees (only sharing this Incase anyone has advice on other better cards). My main question is regarding available balance, I needed to purchase something online and my normal debit card won't work forany things since it's considered a prepaid card so I was gonna use my CC but saw it's maxed out at about $293 of $300. I went ahead and scheduled a payment (about $150)for the day I noticed that and it went through however my available balance is still stuck at $7 even though my payment went through and my baoance dropped. So I'm unable to make the online purchase even now 3 days after the payment since my available credit still isn't there.
submitted by Travwolfe101 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:29 Admirable-Ad3123 Insider secrets for successful money exchange while traveling

Insider secrets for successful money exchange while traveling

Greetings, fellow travellers! Are you planning a trip to Delhi and wondering how to make the most out of your travel budget? Well, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will share some insider secrets and currency exchange hacks that will help you maximize your money exchange experience while traveling in Delhi. Whether you're a frequent globetrotter or a first-time visitor, these tips will come in handy when dealing with money exchange in the vibrant city of Delhi.

Currency Exchange Hacks for Travelers

When it comes to exchanging your currency, knowledge is power. By being aware of a few currency exchange hacks, you can save money and get the best rates possible. Here are some insider secrets that will make your money go further:

1. Research Before You Travel

Before embarking on your journey, it's always a good idea to research the current exchange rates in Delhi. Visit reliable financial websites or consider using currency exchange apps to stay updated. This knowledge will give you a benchmark and help you avoid unfavorable exchange rates.

2. Compare Exchange Rates

Not all money changers offer the same rates. Take the time to compare exchange rates from different providers in Delhi. Look for authorized money changers who offer competitive rates and low commission fees. This extra step can save you a significant amount of money.

3. Avoid Airport Currency Exchanges

While it may be convenient to exchange your money at the airport, you'll usually find better rates elsewhere. Airport currency exchange services often charge higher commission fees due to their prime locations and limited competition. Consider exchanging a small amount for immediate expenses and find a reputable money changer in the city for the bulk of your currency exchange.

4. Be Aware of Hidden Fees

Some currency exchange providers may charge additional fees that aren't immediately apparent. Read the fine print and ask about any hidden fees or commission charges before making your exchange. It's essential to calculate the overall cost so you can accurately compare rates between different money changers.

5. Use Local Currency

When you're traveling in Delhi, it's always better to use the local currency, which is the Indian Rupee (INR). While your home currency may be accepted in some places, you might get unfavorable exchange rates and hidden surcharges. Plus, using local currency offers a more authentic travel experience.

6. Be Wary of Counterfeit Currency

While Delhi has reputable money changers, it's essential to be cautious and avoid counterfeit currency. Stick to authorized money changers or banks to ensure the authenticity of your exchanged notes. Remember to count your money and double-check for counterfeit security features before leaving the exchange booth.

7. Carry Multiple Payment Options

While cash is necessary for certain transactions, it's wise to carry multiple payment options. Consider having a mix of cash, debit cards, and credit cards. This way, you'll have backup options in case of emergencies or if your primary payment method is not accepted. However, be mindful of foreign transaction fees if you decide to use your cards abroad.

8. Stay Vigilant During the Exchange

When exchanging your money, always stay vigilant and guard your personal information. Avoid exchanging money in crowded places or with individuals who seem untrustworthy. Keep an eye on the exchange rate and the total amount you're receiving to ensure accuracy.

9. Consider Prepaid Travel Cards

Prepaid travel cards are a convenient alternative to carrying too much cash. These cards allow you to load multiple currencies onto a single card and offer competitive exchange rates. Additionally, they provide security features and savings on foreign transaction fees. Research different options and choose a prepaid travel card that suits your needs.

Insider Secrets for Maximizing Your Travel Budget

Now that you have some currency exchange hacks up your sleeve, let's explore insider secrets for maximizing your travel budget. Here are some tips and tricks to stretch your funds while exploring Delhi:

1. Plan and Prioritize

Before you even step foot in Delhi, create a detailed budget for your trip. Consider your expenses for accommodation, food, transportation, attractions, and souvenirs. By planning ahead and allocating your funds wisely, you can make the most out of your travel budget.

2. Embrace Street Food

Delhi is a food lover's paradise, and you don't have to break the bank to savor its culinary delights. Explore the city's street food scene, where you'll find delicious dishes at affordable prices. From crispy samosas to flavorful chaat, Delhi's street food will satisfy your taste buds without draining your wallet.

3. Utilize Public Transportation

Delhi's public transportation system is extensive and cost-effective. Instead of relying solely on taxis or ride-sharing services, hop on a metro train or a local bus to get around the city. Public transportation not only saves you money but also gives you a glimpse into the daily lives of Delhi's residents.

4. Visit Free Attractions

Delhi is home to several iconic landmarks and attractions that you can visit for free. Immerse yourself in the city's history and culture by exploring places like India Gate, Qutub Minar, and Lotus Temple. These landmarks offer opportunities for stunning photographs and memorable experiences without spending a dime.

5. Blend in with the Locals

When traveling, try to blend in with the locals to avoid inflated prices targeted at tourists. Dress modestly, learn a few basic phrases in Hindi, and observe local customs. By immersing yourself in the local culture, you'll gain a more authentic experience and often find better deals.

6. Travel During Off-Peak Seasons

If possible, consider traveling to Delhi during off-peak seasons when accommodation and flight prices are lower. Avoid major holidays and peak tourist periods to save money on transportation and accommodation expenses. Plus, you'll enjoy exploring the city without dealing with overwhelming crowds.

7. Bargain Smartly

Bargaining is a common practice in Delhi markets, and it can be a fun way to score great deals. However, remember to bargain responsibly and respect the seller's livelihood. Aim for a fair price and maintain a friendly attitude during the process. Bargaining is all about finding a win-win situation.

Travel Money Exchange Tips

Let's wrap up our insider secrets with a few additional travel money exchange tips that will enhance your experience in Delhi:

1. Keep Small Denomination Notes

While larger denomination notes are convenient for certain expenses, it's always a good idea to carry small denomination notes as well. Small notes come in handy for street vendors, public transportation, and smaller establishments that may not have change for larger bills.

2. Notify Your Bank and Credit Card Providers

Prior to your trip to Delhi, inform your bank and credit card providers about your travel plans. This way, they won't flag your transactions as suspicious, and you can use your cards without any issues. Additionally, inquire about any foreign transaction fees or card usage restrictions that may apply.

3. Stay Alert for Currency Conversion Scams

While rare, currency conversion scams can occur. Be cautious of individuals who offer attractive exchange rates on the street or in touristy areas. Stick to authorized money changers or banks to ensure that you're getting the genuine rate without falling victim to scams.
With these insider secrets, currency exchange hacks, and travel money exchange tips, you're well-equipped to navigate the world of money exchange in Delhi. Remember, the key is to plan ahead, stay informed, and make your money work for you. Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Chandni Chowk or gazing upon the magnificence of the Taj Mahal, you can travel with confidence knowing that your travel budget is in good hands.
Happy travels!
submitted by Admirable-Ad3123 to currency_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:07 Sbenny_Official Coin Master v3.5.1611 - Exclusive Cards Hack (updated)

submitted by Sbenny_Official to SbennyOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:28 Lanky_Information166 Crypto Debit Cards Explained

A crypto debit card is a payment card that allows you to spend your cryptocurrency on everyday purchases. Instead of paying with dollars, the cryptocurrency is sold and exchanged into dollars.
Crypto debit cards are becoming increasingly popular, with Visa reporting that $2.5 billion was spent on crypto-linked Visa cards in Q1 2022. Crypto debit cards are provided by crypto firms such as Crypto com,Credits com, and Coinbase. To use the card, you fund it with your digital assets and then use it like a traditional debit or credit card. The difference is that you're paying with cryptocurrency instead of dollars.
There are different types of crypto debit cards available, such as prepaid cards that allow you to limit your crypto spending. Some cards also offer rewards like cash back or points. However, it's important to note that not all cryptocurrencies are compatible with all debit cards, so make sure the type of crypto you own or want to earn is compatible with the card you're considering.
To get a crypto debit card, you can order or apply for one from the cryptocurrency exchange platform you use or from a crypto payment service provider. You may have to meet certain requirements, such as having your identification verified.
Crypto debit cards are subject to the same security issues as traditional debit and credit cards, so it's important to keep your card and its details safe and private.
Finally, some crypto-linked debit cards charge fees, such as ATM and monthly fees, as well as crypto-related fees like an exchange fee for converting from cryptocurrency to dollars.
Its debit card comes with benefits and perks for users who stake a large amount of CRO (native cryptocurrency). Cashback rewards are as high as 5%. No annual fees, however, there is a monthly inactivity fee of $4.95 if you do not use your card during a month. Its most popular feature is the reimbursements for select subscriptions — like Spotify, Netflix, and Amazon Prime.
Its debit mastercard has no annual fee and charges 0% fees for top-ups. With a free standard plan and a premium plan, users can set significant discounts on key operations. However, benefits such as staking and cashback have not yet been implemented and are expected to be launched later this year.
Its Visa debit card has $0 annual fees as well. The cashback reward is lower than Crypto com debit card and may vary based on the type of cryptocurrency you choose to receive rewards in. The integration with the Coinbase ecosystem allows users to fund their debit cards and sell off their rewards on their Coinbase accounts.
submitted by Lanky_Information166 to btc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:28 The_Last_of_K IMO Perk system can be better

My personal take is that some niche perks should have their own unique field When you make a build you plan it for going somewhere and doing stuff, mostly killing. But having "Home defence" " Bargain" "Hacking" and "Lockpicking" taking the same slots as combat skills is not good game design Basically what people are doing is that they are switching the perk cards whenever they need to craft/build/sell or hack and rotating it back to perks they run with usually. This is a good example of redundant mechanics and it should be changed to different ways of using and leveling them up. Like in F4 when you build you get better on building skills, when you pick a lock you get better at it etc.
I'm only level 80, I don't know as much as most of you about F76, but I've played quite a lot of RPGs in my life and I feel like perks in F76 can be much better
submitted by The_Last_of_K to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:15 Lanky_Information166 Understanding Crypto Debit Cards: A Beginner's Guide

A crypto debit card is a payment card that allows you to spend your cryptocurrency on everyday purchases. Instead of paying with dollars, the cryptocurrency is sold and exchanged into dollars.
Crypto debit cards are becoming increasingly popular, with Visa reporting that $2.5 billion was spent on crypto-linked Visa cards in Q1 2022. Crypto debit cards are provided by crypto firms such as Crypto com,Credits com, and Coinbase. To use the card, you fund it with your digital assets and then use it like a traditional debit or credit card. The difference is that you're paying with cryptocurrency instead of dollars.
There are different types of crypto debit cards available, such as prepaid cards that allow you to limit your crypto spending. Some cards also offer rewards like cash back or points. However, it's important to note that not all cryptocurrencies are compatible with all debit cards, so make sure the type of crypto you own or want to earn is compatible with the card you're considering.
To get a crypto debit card, you can order or apply for one from the cryptocurrency exchange platform you use or from a crypto payment service provider. You may have to meet certain requirements, such as having your identification verified.
Crypto debit cards are subject to the same security issues as traditional debit and credit cards, so it's important to keep your card and its details safe and private.
Finally, some crypto-linked debit cards charge fees, such as ATM and monthly fees, as well as crypto-related fees like an exchange fee for converting from cryptocurrency to dollars.
Its debit card comes with benefits and perks for users who stake a large amount of CRO (native cryptocurrency). Cashback rewards are as high as 5%. No annual fees, however, there is a monthly inactivity fee of $4.95 if you do not use your card during a month. Its most popular feature is the reimbursements for select subscriptions — like Spotify, Netflix, and Amazon Prime.
Its debit mastercard has no annual fee and charges 0% fees for top-ups. With a free standard plan and a premium plan, users can set significant discounts on key operations. However, benefits such as staking and cashback have not yet been implemented and are expected to be launched later this year.
Its Visa debit card has $0 annual fees as well. The cashback reward is lower than Crypto com debit card and may vary based on the type of cryptocurrency you choose to receive rewards in. The integration with the Coinbase ecosystem allows users to fund their debit cards and sell off their rewards on their Coinbase accounts.
submitted by Lanky_Information166 to Crypto_General [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:05 MightAppropriate4949 Lyca Mobile UK: Full payment details seem leaked, and crickets from them

It would seem like the full payment details of Lyca Mobile UK customers have been breached, I signed up in March 2024 using a virtual card named "Lyca", only for Lyca and 2 days ago that card started receiving "Active Card Checks" from various unknown USA-based merchants. I posted on my banks forum, and a forum related to mobile deals and found other users who also had attempted fraud from the exact same merchants as me, even a few others who had created cards exclusively for LycaMobile
The only thing in common between me and these users? LycaMobile
LycaMobile say they store your encrypted full card number and expiry date, I asked my bank about the transactions and they said these were the only details used, no CVC was presented. Additionally, Lyca was hacked only last year, and their website handles payments directly while it runs on an outdated version of Wordpress
submitted by MightAppropriate4949 to cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:04 abbbbbcccccddddd Resizable BAR disappears randomly

Resizable BAR disappears randomly
RX 5700, 24.2.1 (though happened on other versions, tried DDU), Windows 10 21H2.
AMD's driver randomly thinks my card doesn't support ReBAR and I can't trace it to anything, sometimes it's there enabled and sometimes it isn't. My BIOS settings are definitely fine, as GPU-Z shows. This also wasn't a problem when I used ReBAR on a Vega 56 with a registry hack. Also it's always good on Linux. Any fixes for it, and should I even care?
submitted by abbbbbcccccddddd to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:12 HealthySlice7861 Please help me understand the goal of these hackers

So this afternoon I suddenly get all these messages in my inbox. An account has been created at [site]. Your profile at [site] has been updated (x3). Your purchase (of perfume for all of $113) from [site] has been confirmed. You have subscribed to dnscap-users (with a request to click to confirm or click elsewhere to report malicious adding to a list).
I immediately called my bank and shut down my card, and I called [site] to tell them to suspend the order. My bank discovered an additional charge, for all of $24 at Bath & Bodyworks. Needless to say I also changed my password at various places for good measure (though I have two-step verification pretty much everywhere and definitely anywhere important, so it was really out of an abundance of caution). But I'm not understanding a few things, here:
  1. How the hell did whoever it is get my name, my home address, my card info (including the 3-digit security code on the back, presumably), my email address, and my phone number (they appear to have switched out the last digit on purpose)? Either they don't have my birthdate or they are making one up just for fun; at least they put me down at [site] as over a decade younger than I am, I guess. They also mis-gendered me; which given my clearly gendered name was mildly amusing. God only knows where they signed in from; they don't appear to have actually accessed my email, and though there are two devices listed underneath cell phones in my Google account that I don't recognize, the first sign-in date is two years ago for those, so it's probably somehow me after all. To answer an obvious question, no, I don't have any malware; I routinely run scans and I ran one after this for good measure.
  2. Most importantly, what even is the point, here? Order some crappy perfume and have it sent to an address (that is presumably not actually theirs, given that it is located in an incredibly ritzy subdivision somewhere on the other side of the continent). Order cheap bath products somewhere. And sign up for a single mailing list...why? Why use my actual email address (instead of a random burner account) to set up an account at the site (thereby instantly alerting me to the fraud, before any money can actually be stolen)? Why only attempt spend a grand total of $134 (well, okay, it's not a felony at that level, I guess)?
In short, it's a mildly annoying but also pretty creepy but ultimately really mysterious hack. Please help me to understand what they were actually trying to do here (or maybe they succeeded? Was the entire goal just to annoy and confuse me?).
submitted by HealthySlice7861 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:05 AutoModerator /r/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread (05/16/2024)

/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread

The purpose of this thread is to more accurately connect users seeking help with users who want to provide that help. Our regular "Helpful Users" certainly have earned their flairs!

Before asking your question...

Helpful Links

Wiki Resources

Wiki Accessory Information

  • Accessories - Starter information about controllers, chargers, cables, screen protectors, cases, headsets, LAN adapters, and more.
  • MicroSD cards - Some more in-depth information about MicroSD cards including what size you should get and which brands are recommended.
  • Carrying Cases - An expanded list of common carrying cases available for the Switch.

Helpful Reddit Posts

Third Party Links


  • We have a volunteer run #switch-help channel in our Discord server.
  • Instructions and links to information about homebrew and hacking are against our rules and should take place in their relevant subreddits.
  • Please be patient. Not all questions get immediate answers. If you have an urgent question about something that's gone wrong, consider other resources like Nintendo's error code lookup or help documents on the Switch.
  • Make sure to follow Rule #1 of this subreddit: Remember the human, and be polite when you ask or answer questions.
submitted by AutoModerator to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]