Is herpes scab still contagious

Herpes Cure Research

2020.04.11 01:13 Mike_Herp Herpes Cure Research

This is a space for promoting cure and vaccine research for herpes simplex virus (HSV 1&2). This group focuses on fundraising and activism to promote better treatments, vaccines and a cure for HSV. We are making researchers, investors and health authorities know the urgent need for better solutions for HSV.

2014.05.15 13:53 potverdorie Measles

Measles (Rubeola) is a childhood infection caused by a virus. Once quite common, measles can now almost always be prevented with a vaccine. It's highly contagious and can be serious or even fatal for small children. Measles (Rubella) also known as German measles, is an infection caused by the rubella virus. This disease is often mild with half of people not realizing that they are infected.

2022.06.03 14:38 huggothebear Mushrooms4Coldsores

A subreddit to talk about and share experiences trying to use BETA-GLUCANS / POLYSACCHARIDES to control oral herpes / HSV-1. I run this sub alone, for free, to help others. If you have been helped, and want to give back and support my efforts, you could donate some cryptocurrency; it would be appreciated, and is certainly not required! : ) BTC: bc1qxnaacgfult4u62axtavl87vtwm7v52w6qryek8 ETH: 0xA2fF293C84232306A1a50374977799c6dc7c92D9 SAVE 15% on TIMEHEALTH code: ”mushrooms4coldsores15”

2024.05.16 00:25 lavalamp222222 My (25F) boyfriend (30M) pretended like he didn’t have HSV-2?

I (25F) started dating my boyfriend (30M) and we had an instant connection- everything was perfect. About 3 months in, he comes out of the shower and shows me that he has something on his downstairs. I looked at it and said “looks like herpes- you should go to the doctor”. He was shocked. He said something along the lines of “I can’t believe this- I’ve never had any STD before and this could be herpes?!” He was distraught…. Like acted like the world was ending and he couldn’t believe this was happening to him. I calmed him down & assured him that I know so many people that have it and it’s truly not a big deal. He says with tears in his eyes “will you leave me if it is?” And I was like “oh my god no it’s really not a big deal I promise”. At some point, he asks if I have it & gave it to him…..
So I drop him off at the doctor and he says “the doctor said it doesn’t look like herpes & he won’t give me the meds unless you come in & get tested”. I didn’t have health insurance at the time & I’d never had a breakout & was just tested for everything 2 months prior so I was like no… I was confused because I’ve been told they hand out valtrex like candy & the fact that they didn’t even test him just as a precaution so weird to me because I was pretty sure it was herpes.
Anyways, the little spot just goes away. Now keep this in mind, he was sharing a cat with his ex so they were in communication at this point.
Fast forward to like 6 months in, he has another one. This time though, him & his ex had cut all ties & she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. He goes to the doctor, NOW it’s herpes. Interesting. But I believe him that he didn’t know and boohoo whatever & I stay and eventually get it as well (HSV-2 by the way).
Now fast forward to over a year in, he’s out of town. I’m cleaning up and I come across his old phone. Now look, I’m not one for going through phones but something inside of me told me to do so. So, I did.
I found texts from around the time of his first breakout, saying to her “you gave me something I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life” and a voice memo saying “he was having a really bad one & needed some of the pills”. Along with all these other texts to his ex during the first month of us dating that looked like he was trying to get back with her.
So, I screenshotted the worst ones, circled them, left the phone with a note that said “open me”, and went to Hawaii with my friends.
Anywho, after screaming & fighting & all of that, he convinces me that he was actually just trying to manipulate her (he used the word manipulate) into giving him the cat by making her feel bad. And he started telling her that she gave him herpes after they broke up to make her feel guilty. And I believe it.
However, my intuition doesn’t let me live lmao. I am an anxious wreck. So about once a week for a year, I bring up a text that doesn’t make sense or another question I have about the situation. I BEG him to tell me the truth if he’s lying because it’s genuinely driving me insane. It’s all I think about. He swears up and down that he’s not lying. He even says “I honestly wish I was lying just so you could have some closure.” And would get frustrated at me for “always bringing up his ex”.
Anyways, life still goes on normally. He asks my parents for permission to marry me, etc.
Now it’s Christmas time. I was at home with my family. I told him during this time that I just can’t shake the feeling that he is still lying and it’s unfair that I keep bringing it up so I’ve decided to go on Prozac (he’s very anti depression/anxiety med bc “it changes people”). So the day after Christmas, he calls me and tells me the truth. I flip the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk out. Because how could you lie to my face weekly when I BEGGED for the truth. My best friend spent probably a total of 300 hours while I talked through all of the evidence for a year. Like……. What. (Also I feel so fucking bad for my friend having to listen to this shit for so long).
Anyways, I chose to forgive him after a month of me just losing my fucking mind. And now, he’s going through a difficult time (seems like he always is) and just sooooo frustrated with life every day because the world is against him & everything goes wrong for him while my life is pretty good lol. And I think he resents me for it. It’s only been 5 months since he told me the truth & he’s getting frustrated when I complain to him, saying he’s picking on me (he said my outfit looked like I was a lesbian— also why is that an insult they have amazing style lmao) and just taking out his shit on me. Anytime anyone tries to help him, he sees it as an attack because he just has to be right.
Oh my god sorry this was so long and honestly just reading it back, I’m like girl………….. but what would you guys do? HAHA I’m so sorry but all I can do is laugh bc this whole thing is so rediculous. Oh, I’ve caught him in some other small lies as well that he didn’t fess up to until I presented him with evidence.
Anyways, do I break up with him? It’s been over 2 years now & the whole time it’s just been his problems & me helping solve them.
submitted by lavalamp222222 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:59 Lostgirltinkerbell AITAH for not going to the zoo with my family?

I, 25 f, have a family that has a tendency to talk about everybody and everything. Most specifically my aunt, we will call her tara, 45 f. Tara talks about everyone so much, she even talks about her own kids. Important detail, she’s also my neighbor. I have been on and off with my child’s father for a few years, and now we are at a perfect place and doing really well, so my child and I stay at his place a lot. My family is not his biggest fan due to the issues we have had in the past.
Well, Sunday was Mother’s Day. My family, my dad’s family I might add, planned a zoo trip. I have a zoo pass which allows me to take one additional adult and 6 kids for free. A few days before, my child ended up getting strep throat. And I also did not feel well. By Sunday it was no longer contagious due to antibiotics but still was getting rid of the scarlet fever caused by strep throat. I also still was not feeling well by Sunday. We were staying at my boyfriends all weekend he helped me take care of our sick child and helped take care of me. I told my family that due to us being sick we would not be going to the zoo. My dad was upset and tried to ask if my child could go but I said no because she was still a little under the weather, and it was Mother’s Day I wanted to spend my day with her. He had an attitude but I ignored it, I couldn’t help that we were sick.
Monday I went home, and my family all came and sat on my porch. We all live on the same block. My aunt had an attitude with me the whole time, so I’m not even sure why she came over. She had short responses to everything I said and also had an attitude with my daughter it seemed like. I just brushed it off because she is the type of person that you never know what mood you’ll get from her. If she’s in a good mood she’s great and if not, everyone has to deal with her attitude.
Today, my brothers girlfriend told me that everyone was mad at me for not going to the zoo. So I texted my cousin that I’m close with and asked if she heard anyone talk crap about me for it. She said that at the zoo she asked where I was and my aunt replied and said “they are sick, but how sick can they be”. My cousin said she asked if we were home, and my aunt said “no she’s up her babydads butt at his house”. My cousin said she just ignored it and kept going because she knows how my aunt is. i explained to my cousin how sick we were and that I just didn’t want to get anyone else sick and she understood. My grandma who went, was there when I took my daughter temp a few days before and that she had a fever so she knew about her being as sick as she was, and didn’t stick up for me when I was talked about. She seems to be afraid of my aunt, her daughter, because any time my aunt goes on a rage on somebody my grandma stays silent, and usually nobody deserves the way she talks to them.
My family apparently thinks I lied about being sick so I could be with my boyfriend on Mother’s Day. So, AITAH?
Side note- I was never asked to go to the zoo I was told we were all going.
submitted by Lostgirltinkerbell to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:58 Penelope0416 Looking for advice on my cat

So my cat has had these small reoccurring lumps all around her neck and head. Majority of them go away on their own within a day or two but some of them on the back of her head have scabbed up. I took her to the vet around three weeks ago and they told me it was her lymph nodes and they gave me antibiotics. My cat finished the round of antibiotics and still continues to get the small bumps, today two showed up one near the base of her ear and the other one down by her jawline. They are small bumps probably about the size of a dime. Is this maybe an allergic reaction to grain or something she’s eating? Should I focus on trying new foods to avoid allergies or Is it more concerning that I should get her checked immediately?
submitted by Penelope0416 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:37 Spiritual_Sympathy27 Tumour - when do you know it’s time?

Tumour - when do you know it’s time?
Picture for rat tax!
One of my female rats has a large tumour under her left arm. It’s been slowly growing for a few months now. I had a female rat with a tumour years ago and I put her through a surgery to remove it but it failed, she didn’t come round afterwards. Unlike my rat years ago, this one is about 2 years and 2-3 months old. She’s too old to put through surgery.
My predicament is that she seems ok in herself. She still happily potters about and eats and drinks and her movement doesn’t seem restricted. However, she’s always hated being picked up. She screams and is terrified, she’s just never warmed up to people much. If I take her to the vet it’s going to be a very traumatic experience for us both. I also feel guilty if I put her down now when she’s otherwise happy in herself (from what I can tell) but also don’t want to the tumour to get any bigger and it starts to scab and rupture. I don’t know what to do.
Tldr: my rat has a large tumour but she’s too old for surgery. How and when do I make the decision to put her to sleep?
submitted by Spiritual_Sympathy27 to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:28 jordyfruit bald spots and scabs on cat?

Is it possible for cats to develop a flea allergy randomly? Our cat is an indoooutdoor cat, we give her over the counter flea ointment, the kind that goes on the back of their neck. But honestly I don't think my family has been consistent with it and we've learned those arent the best to tackle fleas anyway. Shes been getting bald spots around her body and scratching and biting these spots like crazy to the point of scabbing and wounds. We took her to a holistic animal "doctor" who told us it was her diet, so we switched up her diet to more nutritious food, as well as wet food and 4 supplements the lady recommended. It's been about a month and half and our cat is not getting better. She still eats and plays just fine (just finished running around the house with her lol) but her fuskin is not getting better. We know she still has fleas, so is it possible for cats to develop a random flea allergy all of a sudden? I'm just trying to 'trial & error' this before we have to take her to the vet again. Last trip was over $200 for the lady to tell us its allergies and to switch her diet. And that didn't work. Any things to try before we have to take her back to the vet? Also its worth mentioning, shes an outdoor cat and absolutely hates baths. We haven't given her a bath in nearly 3 years. Should we give her a bath? My partner thinks we shouldn't because of her already irritated skin with the wounds and scabs but I think it might help? The holistic animal wellness lady also told us she could use a bath. Thank you in advance.
submitted by jordyfruit to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:22 Old_Bee8877 Has anyone ever thought ..

Has it ever crossed you that if you are positive via swab and negative via blood work that you actually don’t really have herpes in your system? Of course the sore is positive it’s a sore but if it’s not positive in your bloodstream what would make you believe this is something you have for the rest of your life? You’re only contagious and can give it to someone through an outbreak . Just like flu, a cold, Covid, you’re only contagious when you’re positive for those sicknesses. But if your levels aren’t high enough to be in your bloodstream have you ever thought I really don’t have this I’m not really contagious or at high risk since it’s not fully in my blood.
submitted by Old_Bee8877 to HerpesQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:10 Spirited-Nobody-9682 Why does my mom refuse to take accountability for her actions and play the victim

My entire life I have been my mother’s disappointment. Nothing I have ever done was good enough for her. lol my life I have chanced her approval and for her to say good job baby or something along those lines. But by my sophomore year of high school I finally realized I would never get it so I quit trying. I finally realized I was the SEVERLY unwanted child. She treated my siblings so much better than me. The one sibling that’s a year older than me got away with anything. But when I did it I would be hit in some manner or punished in some way. My father was always the parent that loved me unconditionally and without prejudice. No matter what. But my mother hated me. Hated who I was as a person. And for nearly 16 years I tried to force myself to be someone I wasn’t. For example I had to have basically waist length hair that had to be either straighted, curled or done in anyway like braids or other hair styles. And I always had to have make up on or I wasn’t allowed to leave the house with her. But my other sibling didn’t have to. And I had to be dressed to the nines.
 And when I finally had enough I moved out of her house. Cut my hair into a “man’s hair cut”. That pissed her off so badly. But I honestly did it because that’s how I wanted my hair. Short. I HATED having long hair. And always having to do something with it. Never being able to just brush it and leave it be. And I have a skin condition that isn’t contagious or anything. But she absolutely hates it and tells me I look disgusting because all the damn medicine she made me take and rub on my skin wasn’t working like she wanted too. I mean what 16 year old girl wanted to smell like medicated head and shoulders. And I refused to take meds that would damage my kidneys(there’s a family history of severe kidney problems in my birth line I’m adopted) I didn’t wanna risk it. But that made her angry. And my father promised to get me my first tattoo. To keep my mother somewhat calm I chose to wait until I graduated to get it because I wanted it on my fourarm. Which she hit me over that even tho I was 18. And she couldn’t stand the fact my “man hair cut” was now blue. And it’s been an unnatural color since. Being 8 years now. I’m so fucking feed up. And her latest stunt was ruining my child party. Oh and that’s another thing. I got pregnant at 19. But had my child at 20. Our birthdays are 6 months apart. Got pregnant in August turned 20 in October. She hates the fact I got pregnant and chose to keep my little bundle of chaos. But honestly out of only three things I’ve done right in my life. He is number one. The second is my “viscous pit bulls” (one is 8 years old and the other is 4 months old((she still doesn’t know about the 4 month old one tho)). And the third is my husband(not my child’s biological father) but I love him endlessly. I just wish my mother was more like my father. And would let me just be me. She can’t say oh it’s how I was raised. That’s bullshit my daddy was only 4 years younger than you he was able to love me for me. Why can’t she understand I’m not gonna be a little marching soldier for her to parade around town. I wanna be myself. I wanna be me. Not just a different hair color version of herself. I wish my dad was still alive. I miss him so much 
submitted by Spirited-Nobody-9682 to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:08 Creepy_katt I hurt myself like 7 days ago and I'm not sure about what to do

Okay, I did it, those erre the deepest cuts I've ever had, I was passing out. My husband who is a nurse did everything to stop the bleeding. I only have oxygenated water and surgical soap. Scabs were forming but I thought my wounds were infected. Today I took a shower, scabs were maybe too superficial and it was still fresh underneath so water made them fall off. Scabs were almost covering the whole thing and one wound wasn't wet (you know, those liquids that they have for healing) Any advice on how to wash them without scabs falling? I swear I cleaned them very carefully I only have oxygenated water and surgical soap at my disposition and I can't go to the hospital. I wash my hands with that soap first, then pour some oxygenated water and carefully wash the wounds with that soap. I noticed that the healing and scabs form faster with the wounds exposed and without getting washed, just with pouring oxygenated water and dried carefully with cotton swabs. Am I missing something?
submitted by Creepy_katt to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:49 burnerburnerrrr_ hyperactive adhders, do you struggle with skin picking?

i have the hardest time staying still, but it is so hard because i am at this constant battle with myself and my hyperactivity. i need to move— but “am i annoying everyone around me?” or “im being so loud”
i try to resist the hyperactivity as much as possible, but its IMPOSSIBLE. so i resort to skin picking, like biting the inside of my cheeks, lip biting, nail picking, scab picking, scalp picking. i don’t do it because of anxiety, i know that, i do it out of boredom and needing to move.
i was curious, does anyone else struggle with this? any tips to help stop this habit?
submitted by burnerburnerrrr_ to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:38 littlemoonbeem No one can figure out the rashes on my body

No one can figure out the rashes on my body
I’ve had a recurring rash on my lips since 2020. July 2020- one small bump that is barely noticeable starts out itchy July 2021- same as before
June 2023- starts as the same small bump in the same exact spot (why I think it’s connected) then spreads across my entire top lip and turns into tiny pin pricked oozing sores. I called my doctor and they gave me valacyclivor 2 grams every 12 hours for a day. The blisters lasted two weeks.
October 2023- i feel itching and tingling on my lips so i take the 2 grams of valacyclivor and go to bed and wake up to small bumps covering my lips like on the 8th slide of the photos. I take 2 grams again and the bumps quickly turn into those tiny sores again. After 5 days I ask for more of the valacyclivor so I take 500mg a day for 5 days. The rash is still there but about two weeks after it first showed up it starts to clear up finally but never goes fully away. I then get the tiny blisters above my eyelids that are seen in slide 14. I do not feel tingling beforehand I start to apply rubbing alcohol and hydrocortisone on both my eyelids and lips and then it goes away fast.
December 2023- I get the same blisters only above my eyelids I do not feel any tingling beforehand and my eyes get really irritated. It went away in 2 days after applying alcohol and hydrocortisone.
Every month since then I feel tingling and zapping on my lips for a few days so I take the valacyclivor 1 gram pills twice a day for 5 days and it usually stops.
March 25 2024- I come back from a trip and go to the mall with a friend who is buying perfume so I spray some on my wrists.
March 31 2024- I wake up to the red spot under my bottom lip seen in slide 11 and my top lip has the small bumps in one area and is very itchy. I did not feel tingling prior to this. It never blisters I take the valacyclivor three 1 gram pills a day just in case and apply alcohol and hydrocortisone and it goes away in 2 days but the following day of seeing those I wake up extremely sick. And begin to see a rash forming on my arms. I continue to take valacyclivor because I’m worried it’s herpetic. The rash on my wrist lasts weeks despite me taking 3 grams a day. I get a swab test on my wrist and it’s negative for everything but I was taking valacyclvor and I’m not sure if that affects it. I stop the pills on April 8th.
April 29 2024- the rash on my wrist finally clears up after using clobetasol but I still get blister like bumps in the same area on and off
April 30 2024- my lip is itchy again but no tingling. I take 2 grams of valacyclivor immediately and have been taking it since this day until present time. 3 grams a day every 8 hours. I wake up to leaking blisters covering my lips. My lips get better in a week this time but not fully.
Since April 30th my lips have been covered in clusters of bumps on and off like the photo in slide 12. They usually spread across but I made sure to take a photo of that one because it appeared the most herpetic. I have constant tingling sensations and have not had any relief for more than a couple hours. I am taking 3 grams of valacyclivor a day still and have tried abreva, acyclivor cream mixed together but I get the most results from using alcohol and hydrocortisone cream. I also now have the small bumps on my arms and hands but they are not blistering probably because I immediately apply clobetasol onto them. I am getting the blisters around my eyes as well. My eyes are extremely irritated and have discharge.
I have seen many doctors, dermatologists, allergists. My allergy tests with the allergist were not reactive to anything so I do not have allergies. My patch test at the dermatologist came back reactive for propolis (I already knew that and avoid it), epoxy resin, and fragrance. I do not use any products with beeswax, fragrance, I do not wear makeup, perfume, or nail polish. I used to use many natural products containing essential oil with no symptoms but since this has been going on I am only using cetaphil and Vaseline and I still have no relief.
I am most concerned it’s herpes since the igg tests have a 38% false negative. However, my mother, father, and sisters have never had a cold sore. My closest friends have never had a cold sore. I was raised to not share drinks/saliva with other people and only do so with my boyfriend. He has never had a cold sore and I made him get tested twice and they both came back negative. All my IGG blood tests have come back negative. (Not taking any antivirals) and did it 4 times. All of my swab tests have come back negative. I got swabbed on my lips once and my arms once but I was taking valacyclivor during both. The appearance is not typical and is spread across my lips. It is also on other places of my body so it is very unlikely. No doctors believe it is herpes and will not prescribe me more antivirals but they do not have any other explanation. I even spoke to Terri Warren who is known as a herpes expert and she said she thinks it’s not herpes but I just get so many of the same symptoms.
submitted by littlemoonbeem to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:00 Neat-Tea Has this community helped you? (Be honest)

I’m reaching out for your honest feedback on whether this community has helped you.
When I first discovered my situation, I felt completely alone. There was no one to talk to, and I found myself frantically searching for information online. Most resources, like older posts or general forums, didn’t quite fit what I needed, especially as a Muslim seeking connection.
That’s why I started this subreddit. Initially, I didn’t have any grand plans—it was simply about creating a space where Muslims affected by HSV could connect and support each other. With sites like Honeycomb and BlessingsInDisguise no longer available, our subreddit remains one of the few places for us to meet and share experiences. There is another subreddit that has been created recently, I'm more than happy to promote any other platforms and resources other fellow Muslims have created.
Over the years, I’ve talked to many of you and still stay in touch with several members. It’s been invaluable to have people I can turn to for advice, or just when I need support dealing with things like rejection—things I can’t always discuss with family and friends.
I’m truly grateful for the connections I’ve made here and the ongoing relationships that have formed.
This community was never about having a specific objective, other than to offer support. Even the ISO marriage thread was just a temporary measure, never meant to be a long-term solution.
But I believe we can achieve more with this community, and I can’t do it alone. I’m asking for your help to continue building this community into something even more helpful and meaningful even beyond Reddit.
How has this subreddit helped you, and what more would you like to see from it?
I will share some strategies in another post, but I would like to get your honest feedback on this community first.
submitted by Neat-Tea to MuslimsWithHSV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:44 AgitatedReward8001 Hey there. Just needing some advice after the surgery

So I got the no scalpel vasectomy done ladt friday (10th may) and as of today (15th may) there is still quite a bit of tenderness and my scab came off with a surgical covering I have.
Just wondering if anyone can sort of reassure me or walk me through the healing process as the after vasectomy pamphlet I was given seems very light on actual information involving cleaning the open wound and how best to cover it (if at all). Any help is extremely welcome as im a bit nervy as I cant see much online I can relate to. Thank you in advance 😁
submitted by AgitatedReward8001 to Vasectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:49 AlternativeJacket273 Bleeding postop tonsillectomy

So it been 7 days since the operation. everything has been going as smoothly as it could be, despite the horrible pain and not being able to talk or eat well. Last night i woke up for my pain med dose, and noticed my mouth tasted like blood. i should mention about 4 hours before going to bed, the pain on the left side of my throat was severe. i was experiencing highly sharp twinges of pain whenever i swallowed but that seemed to go away after i took my medicine. anyways I started spitting into the sink to see how much i was bleeding. i couldn’t open my mouth too well because my jaw hurts so much and is really tight, so i couldn’t really tell what was going on. i managed to take a peek and it seemed that i was bleeding on one side of my throat. i kept spitting up blood and it seemed to be a lot too, which scared me. the blood also seemed to be bright red and was persistent for about an hour. my parents questioned taking me to the ER but decided to call a 24 hour office instead to talk to a doctor. the doctor said this is normal for day 7 because the scabs should be coming off around now. personally i can’t really tell if the scabs are or have come off. he also said that if it’s blood mixed with saliva, it’s nothing to worry about. when it’s oozing blood from the wound site, that’s when it should be concerning. i wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about this information because i don’t know what’s bad and what’s not bad during this healing process.
woke up today with minor blood spots in my spit. tried to look at my throat and it looks like there’s a blood clot or something that has formed on the left wound. there’s still some whit parts which i know is normal but there’s a pretty large dark red almost blackish spot, which i am assuming is the clot. i’m not bleeding as heavily as before, which is good. i just need to know if this is a cause for concern or not? should i go to the doctors to have them check it out? should i be worried? did i hemorrhage? i’m so confused and this whole process has been extremely stressful. what are some things i can do to help this not happen? the doctor we called said to gargle (i can’t gargle tho) ice water for about 10-15 minutes, so i’m assuming this means letting the water sit in the back of my mouth/throat. so i’ll be doing that. i also heard it’s better to sleep elevated so the bleeding has a lesser chance of occurring. i just hope i’m not hemorrhaging. i’m sure i’d probably be able to tell
but please can someone, anyone, help me out here? i’m really nervous about this. i desperately need this to heal properly
submitted by AlternativeJacket273 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:51 name-1357 Update to “child’s betta is sick” and new question

Update to “child’s betta is sick” and new question
Update to “child’s betta is sick” and question.
I wanted to post an update for all those who helped me a almost a month ago as I sought some advice to help my daughter’s sick betta fish. As a quick recap my daughter has had the betta for almost a year.
Up until a month anda half or so ago he seemed healthy, happy, and loved to interact with my daughter in his 3 gallon tank, heated and filtered tank. She had been dreaming about upgrading him to a ten gallon tank and getting him some Cory “friends” she had been doing odd jobs to save for his new home. So when he started acting unwell and we were unable to get him to perk up we went ahead and bought the larger tank for him hoping it might help.
Following the kind advice of some of the members here I increased his tank temperature to 79-80 F. Increased the decorations, water changes every week, added almond leaf, changed his food to bug bites and bio gold betta pellets. He began to show a small improvement. I thought his color looked a bit better, and instead of lying on his side more he he started hovering slightly on his belly in a normal upright position. He still would rarely swim around the tank, and didn’t interact with us. He chose to mostly hide in his cave or rest on his leaf hammock. And he still only rarely ate, maybe one or two pellets every couple days, the bug bites, and freeze dried bug treats, were left mostly untouched.
After about three weeks he was still showing no further improvement. I let my daughter add a couple Corys so he could have some “friends” I was pretty sure at this point that whatever was wrong with him was probably not contagious. And told her if they bothered him we would have to put in a tank divider. She wanted terribly to try to make him happy so I thought I would let her give it a shot. Inspite of my misgivings it did appear to cheer him up a bit, he now moves about the tank a little and shows some interest in the antics of the Cory’s, he even started eating more because food is more interesting if he can chase a Cory away from it first.
But the small lump behind his fins has changed, what was at first a slight lighter colored lump at his stomach area. Is now a much darker almost sunken area.
I feel like we’ve been doing all we know to do for him and I’m glad the Cory’s have breathed a bit more life into him but inspite of our efforts he just doesn’t seem to really be getting back to his former self. I’m starting to wonder if this could be some kind of internal organ failure or a tumor.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this?
submitted by name-1357 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:55 aWicca Taking my German Spitz to the groomer for the first time. Few questions, please help.

I've never had my 7yr old German Spitz groomed. I am planning to do so for the first time.
Up until now, I have always taken care of my doggo myself. I brush him consistently, but not too much, and also do his sanitary cut myself (otherwise he pees over his coat). He started to shed, and I could do it myself as usual, but it always takes such a long time. I brush him out, shower, and brush again, but then he still sheds. That's why I decided to go with professional this time.
I wanted to take him to professional last year, and the year before, but each time I got very scared from reading too many horror stories. There was one case, two years ago, in local newspapers where groomers destroyed German Spitz's hair by shaving him down, and he also had scabs.
How do I go about explaining to groomers I only want his undercoat taken care of with a little scissoring cleanup. No shaving or BOO haircut or anything such as. Just his normal shape, but with an undercoat removed so he's not hot?
Also, do I need to bring anything with me for an appointment?
And lastly, I know shedding season is twice a year. When exactly would be the best time to take my doggo to the groomer (what month)? Will I be too early if I take him in the next two weeks?
submitted by aWicca to doggrooming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:49 missthatisall Year 2 Update

It’s been a little over two years since my first OB. I got GHSV1 from a boyfriend who had oral hsv1.
We ultimately broke up over it. I ended up meeting my now boyfriend only a couple months after that relationship ended. We now live together and are in the process of buying our first home.
Everyday for the first 7 months or so Herpes was on my mind, bringing me down. I was left wondering if I was having recurring outbreaks or just a few zits here and there.
At the end of the day, herpes is a treatable rash. I’m fortunate to live somewhere that I have access to medication to help control outbreaks.
I probably think about my disease less than once every couple weeks! I’m still selective with who I share it with because of the stigma. I’ve also found that when I do share I find myself surrounded by other people who also have it themselves.
submitted by missthatisall to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:47 BrooBu 1.5 Month Lip Lift update!

If you want to see the progression it’s in my post history. Second picture shows the before and 3 days, and 3 week update. Doctor was Dr Dahan in Reno, NV and was just under $4000.
Overall I’m still super happy with it, I am so much more confident now! Before I hated how uneven and lumpy my lips were (they were like that even before filler). I got filler and it helped with volume, but couldn’t fix the unevenness. The surgeon measured and my right side was 0.5cm lower than my left.
I had a setback literally on the 1 month date, I mentioned in previous posts that my smile hurt on my right side and it was red, but I thought it was just muscle healing. Turns out my body rejected the internal sutures and I had some spitting out. I got them trimmed, but didn’t see the doctor because I was in a rush (bad idea). 3 days later I had a bump, it popped and it turned out it was a stitch abscess, a rare complication. It was gross, but the pain relief was immediate. My amazing doctor responded to my call within 5 minutes and called in new antibiotics and went over what to do, it was very reassuring. He said in all his years it’s only the second one he’s seen.
I’ve been on antibiotics since then and paused the scar cream to keep neosporin on it. The redness is now almost completely gone and the scar is not visible. The only visible part is the tiny scabs from the abscess and the spitting stitches. Other than that setback, it was really smooth. I still would do it again 100x!
The lips look big in pictures, but honestly I have an oval face and my face is so much more balanced now! Another note, the right side of my lip seems “heavier” because of the extra filler that was put in to compensate. I wanted to dissolve it all, but I’m hoping to wait it out and avoid any potential complications.
No more fillers for me!
submitted by BrooBu to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:04 NonyWasHere Advice

I just found out that I have HSV2, which is shocking to me. I have always stood up for people who are carriers to not be ashamed and still live their lives and be safe about it. I understand that it isn’t life threatening, and so many people have it, along with the fact it’s needed to be asked for as it isn’t included on full panel testings which is why I have stuck up for them.
I entered a new relationship recently, we became official in April but have solely been together since January. One night we had a talk about partners and everything, which ultimately led to us discussing not having anything ourselves. He stated during that conversation that he would never be with someone who had any STDs including that he’s turned down every female who told him they had herpes. Of course, at the time of this talk - to my knowledge - I was clean. Finding out has me worried about the relationship coming to a quick end now, and that’s the last thing I want.. how would you go about bringing it up ?
submitted by NonyWasHere to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:00 NonyWasHere Advice.. new relationship & hsv2

I just found out that I have HSV2, which is shocking to me. I have always stood up for people who are carriers to not be ashamed and still live their lives and be safe about it. I understand that it isn’t life threatening, and so many people have it, along with the fact it’s needed to be asked for as it isn’t included on full panel testings which is why I have stuck up for them.
I entered a new relationship recently, we became official in April but have solely been together since January. One night we had a talk about partners and everything, which ultimately led to us discussing not having anything ourselves. He stated during that conversation that he would never be with someone who had any STDs including that he’s turned down every female who told him they had herpes. Of course, at the time of this talk - to my knowledge - I was clean. Finding out has me worried about the relationship coming to a quick end now, and that’s the last thing I want.. how would you go about bringing it up ?
submitted by NonyWasHere to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:55 Alex_Is_Anon How concerned should I be?

How concerned should I be?
A couple days ago I noticed that my cats face was a little poofy on one side but I thought it was just his fur but now it’s gotten a tad bit bigger and he seems to be squinting his eye a bit. He’s still eating & bathroom habits are normal. I didn’t feel any puncture wound or scabs. I’m worried it’s an abscess but I’m not sure how immediate of an issue that is. It’s been less than a week since this issue came up. He’s also about 10 years old.
submitted by Alex_Is_Anon to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:09 DiJade526 Is this more than hormonal / cystic acne?

Is this more than hormonal / cystic acne?

TLDR: Went to the derm. Forgot to ask a question... Could my "cystic acne" be me getting transferred skin bacteria from others?

I went to the dermatologist a couple of days ago and she prescribed me dapsone and trentinoin. But the problem is I forgot to mention one of the possible causes...
I was wondering if someone who has near perfect skin her entire life minus some acne here and there during puberty and never had to use specific skincare products. Why all of a sudden is my skin breaking out with painful acne / pimples I've never had before? Yes I am now 42 at the end of the month but this rarely has happened in my family's history.
The pimples come out of nowhere for a day. Will be really painful and then scar up the next day. As soon as I think it's over another one will pop up and it seems to be happening in a line across my chin?
I've been wearing mask more.often as I'm immunocompromised and started working in the public but I take breaks from my mask and wear a clean disposable every day.
It's weird that it happens on the ONE side my boyfriend sleeps on / kisses me / Eskimo kisses my face. He's had acne and cycstoc acne issues in the past. Is it possible he's passing it off to me ? I know acne isn't supposed to be contagious but if the derm is giving me a cream to combat bacteria is it that far off of a theory ?
I recently found out I'm allergic to dogs and cats. He loves to snuggle with his pets... One of them has constant yeasty ear infections... And does face to furry face Eskimo kisses. I've asked him to refrain but of course he doesn't or forgets. Am I crazy for thinking he's transferring bacteria to my face and it's breaking out cause of it ? I sleep on satin pillow cases and have been washing my face specifically before bed too. Is it just acne or could it be more ?
Also I've taken OTC supplements that could possibly give me break out such as probiotics but ive been past the break out stage and have been taking probiotics for years. I stopped them just in case it was that and all other supplements. Still the same issue. Please help! Thanks 🙏🏾
submitted by DiJade526 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:01 HiyaShifty Fear of hemorrhaging post leep

Hi all! I just want to start this post by thanking everyone for sharing and posting here. It has helped me immensely in my own journey!
To preface all of this, I have diagnosed OCD and anxiety disorder. My main trigger is health related things, so all of this has thrown me for a huge loop and has caused a relapse.
I’m so scared of hemorrhaging out of no where that I am struggling to eat and sleep. I made the mistake of reading online prior to my leep about so many people’s terrifying experiences with hemorrhaging that started seemingly out of nowhere after their recovery had been going great.
So, I had my leep on May 8th (7 days ago today) and have had 0 bleeding so far. Lots of yellow/coffee grounds discharge but no bleeding. My period is expected to begin in about 3-5 days however (another worry I have).
During the procedure itself i was sobbing and extremely upset and told the doctor and nurse about my fear. The doctor remarked after the procedure how little I bled during it! The nurse said this usually is a promising sign for avoiding issues with heavy bleeding during recovery. the doctor also said she'd be extra careful to cauterize everything. (but it seems that the scab can be the issue anyway?)
However, I’m still going insane with anxiety. Every little drop of discharge has me running to check whether or not it’s blood. My personal life is impacted by my ocd/anxiety flare up…. And I can’t seem to find any literature online that actually provides statistics for this risk of hemorrhaging. i feel as though i cannot relax until i pass the 2 week recovery window where most people who posted online experienced their hemorrhaging.
I’ve limited all exercise except for gentle walks for 4 weeks and am not lifting anything over 10lbs.
I know that no one here can really tell me whether or not I will experience this, but i figure this is the best place to post. thank you for reading
submitted by HiyaShifty to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]