Proper nouns worksheet

RedditDefines: Write Funny Definitions

2020.05.25 18:32 soda-hero RedditDefines: Write Funny Definitions

Write funny definitions

2008.06.09 22:35 Wordplay

Like foreplay but with words : a reddit for readers, writers, wordsmiths, storytellers, logolepts, puns, punsters, and all lovers of the English language.

2019.02.24 19:36 Crocket_Lawnchair Home of all Koniving Krokodiles

A subreddit dedikated to the Kremling Kommander, King K. Rool. [PAGE UNDER KONSTRUKTION]

2024.06.09 07:37 political_penguin Amish*¹ Dialects*² and a Plattdeutsch*³ Kids Book

This will be a small rant with some questions because this rabbit hole has stripped my life away.
I (college student, current B2.2 in Hochdeutsch) live in Iowa, not far from a few large (comparatively) Amish communities. For reasons undisclosed, my family and I were exploring some of the shops and meeting the people there. In a little shop that sells flour, we found a little book for sale. It is a children's book titled "Bivvel Shtories fa Kinnah" (educated guess: Bible Stories for Children/Bibelgeschichten für Kinder.) After lamenting that I hadn't the money to buy it, my mom drove back the next day and got it for me as a birthday gift (aww) and so I set out to translate it, but not before trying to make sense of what I could on my own. It was really weird the things I learned, like how they put definite articles before proper nouns (Da Adam un di Eve.) And sentences I can make out: Da Goliath voah en grohsah giant.
But there is something about this book or maybe the specific dialect in which it is written. For one, there seem to be English words sprinkled about: Di soldiers henn nett vella een fechta (educated guess: the soldiers had... a fight) I wonder if this is some type of 'Denglisch' that real world Amish people actually use. But even more odd, the language is like no other source I can find. It was my thought that Amish people speak Plattdeutsch and that Plattdeutsch was nearly synonymous with the Amish, but this book is starkly different that any Plattdeutsch manuscripts I can find. For one, the Plattdeutsch use the word "Bibel" to refer to the Bible, not "Bivvel" as this book does. So I googled what languages the Amish actually speak and I got three answers: Plattdeutsch, Pennsylvania Dutch, and Pfälzisch (aka Palatine German.) From what I understand, Palatine German is either a dialect of Plattdeutsch or Plattdeutsch is a dialect of it or they are both sort of sister dialects that coexist as dialects of German in a similar geographical region. Also I did see that Palatine German has its own sub-dialects namely West- und Nordpfälzeisch which, if you ask me, makes Palatinian its own language but there's a reason linguists don't consult me before making these categories, isn't there. Anyways, as for the alleged Pennsylvania Dutch language, which even the book's author claims the language to be ("At last, some of our favorite Bible stories have been written in the everyday language of the Pennsylvania Dutch!") can I not even tell if it be a language or not. My first thought is that "the language of the Pennsylvania Dutch" or "spoken in Pennsylvania Dutch" as written many times in various sources discussing the Amish/Pennsylvania Dutch (which is just a term that means Amish... right?) is just a way of referring to Plattdeutsch without saying Plattdeutsch because then they have to explain what Plattdeutsch is and how it's not standard German and the whole story of religious oppression that led to the mass migration of Northern Germans to (eventually) North America where they rejected change and held fast to their traditions blah blah blah. So it's easier to just say Pennsylvania Dutch. But based on this book being spoken of as having been written in Pennsylvania Dutch and the fact that this book is certainly not written in any Plattdeutsch I have seen before or since, I am starting to believe (and asking for confirmation from you all) that Pennsylvania Dutch as a language is something different in at least some ways from Plattdeutsch. My guess would be that Plattdeutsch refers to some dialect spoken in Germany (maybe in the Northern Rhine Region with all that Franco-Pfälzisch influence) and the Pennsylvania Dutch language was at some point the same but all these years of geographical separation has caused a rift in spelling and jargon that has warranted a debate of whether or not they are to be referred to as the same or as different names and that I am caught in the middle of this debate now. Just a guess. Or perhaps it's a classic example of a lack of standardized spelling in which a word like Bibel might also be spelled Bivvel given the extensive linguistic history of the 'B' and 'V' sounds intermingling.
So there we have it folks, the fruits of the tree that is me not sleeping and pacing in my room over a children's bible story book. So I ask y'all to tell me what you can about Plattdeutsch, the Amish's linguistic habits, Palatine German and history, and also if you can find any good dictionaries/translators for any of the aforementioned, as what I found was lacking at best. I would be happy to scan and send you a copy of the children's book on request. Thanks for reading and I hope such a rant was enough to inspire any baby German learners into learning more.
P.S. it is very late and I very well may have made some spelling and grammar mistakes. My bedtime is usually 10 pm :(
submitted by political_penguin to German [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:10 sameed_a benefits of strategic planning in education?

Never in a million years did I think I would be teaching a classroom full of squirmy 3rd graders. My corporate background had me more used to boardrooms than classrooms, but a sudden career change led me to the field of education. And boy, was I in for a surprise!
In the corporate world, I relied heavily on strategic planning to ensure the success of my projects. Without a proper plan, things could spiral out of control. It was soon apparent that the same could be said for my adventures in teaching. I remember one particular Wednesday when our principal decided to drop in for a surprise visit. My third graders were in the throes of a sugar-fueled chaos, crayons and worksheets strewn everywhere. I was trying to teach them math, they were more interested in drawing cats.
In that moment, I realized the importance of strategic planning in education. Just as in a business setting, it ensured that learning objectives were met, resources were being used efficiently and the learning environment remained conducive. I began implementing a more strategic approach to my lessons – I defined clear learning objectives, planned engaging activities around them, and tracked their progress regularly. I also used my past experience in problem-solving and decision-making, applying the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis model.
Can I say that everything became rainbows and butterflies? Definitely not. But did it help? Absolutely! My students began to understand and enjoy the lessons more, discipline was better managed, and even my principal was impressed. It was like directing an orchestra, each element coming together to create a harmonious learning experience.
So, if you’re stuck in a rut, or feeling overwhelmed in your classroom, remember the power of strategic planning. It's not just for the corporate world. It can make the difference between teaching a class and inspiring young minds.
P.S.: Before you start thinking I am transformed into a real-life superhero teacher who tamed a horde of feral eight-year-olds, let's just say this is a hypothetical tale. It’s a demonstration of what can happen when we use models like SWOT in our everyday life. So, no cape for me... yet!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:38 ill-fatedcopper user xattr

I have lots of music, videos, books, pictures, coding projects, etc. I currently organize them by topical folders/subfolders. For ebooks, I use linux hardlinks to list the same book in multiple category folders.
In an attempt to have more information, I have created excel worksheets to provide a brief book or video summary. I've created excel worksheet to store imdb scores for movies.
But I'm not at all satisified and I often can't find what I know I have stored somewhere.
I've thought about using git but it really isn't for storage of media files. Even if such files were ok, I nevertheless think it's overkill - and besides I still don't even use it for my programming projects (which are a mess when I have 160 versions and haven't properly documented the differences).
I've been thinking about user xattr for a while. Today I took a deeper dive and spent 6+ hours trying to find out if xattr have been widely used the way I am considering. I've googled generally as well as well as google xattr and I am puzzled by my inability to find anyone really using them. Which is causing me to rethink my idea out of concern that I am missing something about xattr that makes using them a very bad idea.
They are supported using options by many commands: rscync, cp, find, etc..
Have any of you had experience using xattr the way I am considering and perhaps share your experience and recommendations?
edit: poor title by me... the word user was intended to refer to the xattr user namespace.
submitted by ill-fatedcopper to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:15 coolio_zap What are some fundamental aspects of reality that you could not wish out of existence?

I was doing some busted homebrew for my high-magic campaign, and it got me to thinking: imagine there was a spell where you could name a noun, proper or otherwise, and remove it from existence, both literally and as an idea. As an example, one could say "bananas," and in an instant, bananas would no longer exist, and no creature or artificial mind could conceptualize one, leaving a banana-shaped hole in reality.
It occurred to me that there are certain nouns that physically could not be removed-- for instance, "numbers." You cannot wish numbers cannot exist: so long as there are things in a universe (X number of things in the universe), or aren't things in a universe (0 things in a universe), or there is no universe (0 universes), numbers exist. What other nouns fit this description, where they are fundamental abstract aspects of reality that could not be wished out of said reality, which fit the description of "noun, proper or otherwise?"
submitted by coolio_zap to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:46 simplifynator Son with TBI and we just returned home from the hospital.

A week ago I posted about my 17 year old son that was involved in a car accident. He came out of a 5 day medically induced coma last Friday and spent the next several days in the regular hospital ward recovering.
First off, thank you to everyone for the support and advice. It helped us to know what types of questions to ask the doctors and ensure he was properly setup for follow up care.
Fortunately he was able to recover to a point where he could come home and begin outpatient therapy. Right now his biggest symptoms are aphasia, short term memory, and generally being exhausted all the time. Our priority is to get him setup with a speech therapist and neuropsychology as early as next week.
The aphasia isn’t extreme. He can understand everything and his speech is fair for the most part but he gets his nouns and verbs wrong frequently - especially if he’s tired. He will say something like “I need to go to the _____” and the noun could literally be whatever random word pops into his head. I can tell he is getting frustrated but he tries not to show it. He just seems a little more sad than normal and detached. I think the memory issues also make the aphasia worse and that is also a point of frustration for him. If he’s really tired he will say things that are completely nonsensical but that’s usually only after he just woke up from a nap. He has said a couple times that he feels dumb. We are being graceful with him and encouraging him without trying to push him so hard that he gets frustrated.
He’s still a 17 year old and doesn’t always want to listen to us. I will try to get him to work on an exercise but he’ll just go back to his room. I don’t want to push too hard, especially right now having just come home from 2 weeks in the hospital. There must be a lot of things he’s trying to process right now. One interesting thing is that he is actually much less combative than he was before the accident. He never gets angry, he’ll get mildly annoyed and laugh at us but that’s it. He’s also not cried or anything like that. I am afraid that he’s bottling up all his emotions.
Any thoughts on anything else we should do or maybe even things we are doing that we should chill out on?
submitted by simplifynator to TBI [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:31 Express_Helicopter93 iOS keyboard predictions not working anymore

Not sure what has changed but when typing in a proper noun from a selectable list (football players in yahoo fantasy for example, like Carr or Richardson) the name appears in the grey predictive text bar but when I tap on it, it no longer enters the word/name into the search bar like it used to. I have to fully type out the word now. When I tap the word that appears, nothing is entered.
Never used to do this and I can’t find a setting for it. How do I change this?
submitted by Express_Helicopter93 to ios [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:59 ogpample MTBMB Alphabet Murder-Mystery Theory

Music to Be Murdered By is a choose your own adventure, murder-mystery, concept album, where Eminem kills himself, the listener, and letters of the alphabet (like he established in "Still Don't Give a Fuck" from SSLP).
The clues are "Discombobulated" throughout the course of the album, if listened to in its intended order. However, it's also possible to listen to the tracklist alphabetically (follow capital letters in the tracklist), which you'll find will be almost entirely possible, spare for a few letters (and offering extras of a few others for your curating pleasure). This could be a reference to "I'm about to rape the alphabet" from "The Ringer" on his previous album, Kamikaze . Essentially meaning he scrambled the alphabet by raping the tracklist...Slim Shady, man...
Missing letters: C, J, Q, V, X
Note: It mostly works, in terms of album flow. A couple transitions can be awkward, but you can pick and choose from a couple of the songs that use the same letters and find the order that suits your ears best. Obviously the transitions are best when listened to in the originally curated order. Still working on if backwards (Z-A) or forwards (A-Z) works best, but for now I'm going with forwards. But he does say "Let's take a em back in time" on Discombobulated. Again, choose your own adventure.
"Only way you're ahead of me's alphabetically cause if you diss me I'm coming after you (U) like the letter 'V'" - Premonition - Intro (P)
"I think it's obvious, we ain't ever going to see (C) eye (I) to (2) eye (I)" - There's no capital "C" in the tracklist. - There are 2 I's (shout-out Pat Sajak).
"Here go my last trick/I'm 'bout to say "Abracadabra" and pull a B Rabbit up out of my hat" - Unaccommodating
"If you're still looking for smoke, I already gave you an L" - Marsh (M)
"With all this ABC shit I'm starting to feel like ALF, a bit (alphabet)/Ha, I kill me" - Marsh
"I'm bout that capital, like a proper noun" - Alfred's Theme (A/T) - Indicates to the listener to be on the look out for capital letters.
"I'll pee (P) on your head, like a Phillies hat" - Alfred's Theme (A/T) - Side "A" officially starts with Premonition (P). - This verse starts with Marshall doing a lot of spelling (EPMD, D-R-E, MMLP to MTBMB).
"Is that a key in my pocket or am I just happy to see (C)" - Key - Skit - This one's sort of a stretch, but I'm pretty sure "Key" is somehow the "Key" to unlocking the whole puzzle. He references see/"C" in this line, and then drops a whole bunch of "C" words, and then says they are "stemming back to bro (B)". I think there's something deeper here but I'm not 100%.
"Now here's to LL, Big L and Del/ K-Solo, Treach, and G Rap/DJ Polo, Tony D, ODB, Moe Dee, Run-DMC/Ed O.G., and EPMD, D.O.C., Ice-T, Evil Dee/King Tee, UTFO, and Schoolly D, PE, and BDP/YZ and Chi-Ali, Rakim and Eric B., they were like my therapy/From B.I.G. and Paris, Three Times Dope, and some we'll never see, and PRT/N.W.A and Eazy-E, and D-R-E was like my GPS/ Without him, I don't know where I'd be" - Yah Yah - Just an insane amount of spelling/capitals here. Almost whole alphabet (Missing: H, Q, V, X). Seems very intentional. Also notice the three "L's" he starts things out with (re: Marsh).
Also notable:
submitted by ogpample to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:40 edgarecayce Proper Nouns

Proper Nouns submitted by edgarecayce to meme [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:38 edgarecayce Proper Nouns

Proper Nouns
I made this one myself
submitted by edgarecayce to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:00 NorinBlade Balancing your Blurb Budget

I've seen a lot of requests for blurb feedback here and other forums recently. So I've put together my own personal, highly opinionated advice of blurb writing.
Your blurb budget: How to responsibly write a blurb for your fantasy novel
So you've decided to write a blurb. That's great! It can be a rewarding and exciting experience. Below are the budget items that will go into your blurb, with hard limits for each.
☑ indicates a required item ☐ indicates an optional item ☒ indicates a loss item you'll need to offset
Balancing a budget is no fun! Hope this helps.
BUDGET ITEM 0: Word Count
You are allowed no more than 300 words. Preferably fewer.
BUDGET ITEM 1: Proper Nouns You are limited to six proper nouns. (people, places, races, etc.) Cross them out as you write your blurb.
☑ Proper Noun #1 ☑ Proper Noun #2 ☑ Proper Noun #3 ☐ Proper Noun #4 ☐ Proper Noun #5 ☐ Proper Noun #6
BUDGET ITEM 2: Emotions You must include, at minimum, one emotion chain with at least a starting emotion and ending emotion. Come on, you can do it. Two measly emotions:
☑ Emotion #1 (starting state) > Emotion #2 (ending state)
Now let's move on to advanced emotion chains! These are optional but recommended:
☐ Emotion #1 (starting state) > Emotion #2 (transition) > Emotion #3 (ending state)
You can even try more than one chain:
☐ Emotion #4 (starting state) > Emotion #5 (ending state)
Each emotion you mention is like a hit of caffeine to your sleepy reader.
BUDGET ITEM 3: Relationships
You must include, at minimum, two relationships:
☑ Relationship #1: positive/supporting relationship ☑ Relationship #2: antagonistic relationship
BUDGET ITEM 4: Personal stakes
You must include at least one personal stake as a connection point between the reader and your character(s). Bonus if you have more.
☑ Personal Stake #1 ☐ Personal Stake #2 ☐ Personal Stake #3
BUDGET ITEM 4a: Personal conflict
You can't have personal stakes without some sort of personal conflict or opposing force that is trying to prevent your character's success. Don't keep it a secret!
☑ Personal conflict #1 *
* NOTE: The clashing armies of the dark hordes of Morgorth versus the shining paladins of Highwater do not count as personal stakes. The death of the king and salvation of the grubby peasants of the realm does not count as personal stakes. The impending doom of the world at the hands of an insane god does not count as personal stakes.
BUDGET ITEM 5: Reader Reward
You must include at least one benefit the reader can expect to receive for their time. Laughter, catharsis, wish fulfillment, escapism, titilation, or what have you.
☑ Reader Reward #1 ☐ Reader Reward #2 ☐ Reader Reward #3
BUDGET ITEM 6: Loss items
For each of the following items in this list, you must offset your blurb with optional items above to atone for taxing the reader's already thin patience. Each time you mention any of the following things, your reader takes one step towards falling into a coma of eye-glazing boredom:
☒ royalty (princess, king, etc) ☒ end-of-the-world ☒ god/goddess ☒ hidden powers ☒ a weapon ☒ a powerful magical artifact ☒ amnesia ☒ a rhetorical question ☒ the word mysterious
Q: My story has five competing kindgoms across four worlds, with 12 gods and 6 predominant religions. It spans 5000 years with 300 characters. I'm afraid I can't stick to only six proper nouns. It simply won't reveal the epic scope of my novel.
A: Too bad.
Q: I'd rather pry my own molars out with a rusty crowbar than write about an emotion. And I'm pretty sure my readers would run screaming for the hills if I were to hint at any sort of emotional content.
A: Too bad.
Q: No, seriously. Imma need more than six proper nouns. This is ridiculous.
A: Budgeting is not an exact science. Some budgets temporarily go into the red. If you feel like playing with fire and overwhelming your reader, you need some sort of buffer, such as extra personal stakes, advanced emotion chains, bonus reader rewards, etc.
Q: Who made you the Blurb authority?
A: No one. My blurbs suck. That doesn't mean I can't critique yours.
Q: I'm a new writer and I'm nervous about my blurb. Will you read my blurb and give a critique?
A: No.
Q: My story is literally about gods and princesses with hidden powers that need to save the world. How am I supposed to stick to this budget?
A: You can cross as many loss items off your blurb as possible, thereby offsetting the need for optional budget items to offset them. Try focusing on one character, their emotions, and their personal stakes.
Q: I didn't follow your advice, and now my reader is in an eye-glazing coma. What can I do?
A: You need to take drastic steps. Try the irony gambit as a last resort. Something like:
"...But Phinneas the Rogue cares nothing for such lofty concerns. He'd rather guzzle ale until his burps shake the rafters, and pick the pockets of anyone foolish enough to blather on about king what's-his-face and the end of humanity. He has kittens to save."
submitted by NorinBlade to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:00 avtolik Changelog from the last week [31 - 7 Jun]

Hello, here is the latest changelog.
Content: * Add Alcoholic Snow Cones by TheMurderUnicorn * Add murky water, make regular water safer by nornagon * More tie-able fridges/freezers by Holli-Git * Ruger MK IV by Holli-Git * Vitamin Cost per mutation by Maleclypse * Regen serum by GuardianDll
Features: * Add turpentine, camphine as flammable liquids for crafting by natsirt721 * Corpses can decay into bones etc (defined as a harvest group) by RenechCDDA * Introduce half face gas masks by aapocalypseAArisen * Hold your arrow by osuphobia * Unholy Debug Angel Cake added to the game. 10k calories for easy calories gain and for basecamp companions by SomeGuyIGues * Automatic turrets will not fire guns if they are going to overheat by linewriter1024
Balance: * Adjust Copper Wire Deconstructions by TheMurderUnicorn * Switched Reload Speeds for Plasma Rifle and PPA by halosammy * Lower the warmth values of some undergarments and thin clothes. by Aerin-of-the-Toast
Interface: * Warn on setting an auto feature when auto features are off by Brambor
Mods: * Removes the habitat block palette introduced in my last PR and expands the palettes in habitat structure. by QuillInkwell * Fixed jmath in magiclysm to prevent reverse-scaling due to proficiency increases by Infoturgist * [MoM] Reduce maximum length of Nether Conduit attunement effect by Standing-Storm * [MoM] Extended channeling lowers Nether Attunement event odds by Standing-Storm * Aftershock: Update bug brewing nutrients to be equivalent to red meat. by John-Candlebury * [Magiclysm] Add more enchants to effect scaling by Standing-Storm * Summon Mojocycle gets better at lvl 10 by OromisElf * Aftershock: Add urban farms as town buildings by John-Candlebury * [MoM] Torrential channeling research no longer has required proficiencies by Standing-Storm
Performance: * cache available recipe list in craft menu by mischief
Bugfixes: * Fixed proper nouns in lore doc by halosammy * slow-sand water filter weighed half of what it should by nornagon * Fix M27 melee damage by ProjectMithril * [MoM] Fix Earthshaker ter_transform by Standing-Storm * Stop showing suffix of vehicle in overextended link by Bobtron * Monster difficulty (and exp for killing them) cannot be lower than 1 by RenechCDDA * Allow using hotkeys to select spells in other categories by b3brodie * Reduce Mini 14/Judge Spawns by Holli-Git * Removes unnecessary use of 'surface_heat' from recipes with 'plastic_molding' by TealcOneill * Hordes won't wander without a reason by RenechCDDA * Removes Railgun Fouling by halosammy * Readjust descriptions for fridges/freezers by Holli-Git * Fix cata-static-string_id-constants in char_volume_test by osuphobia * Fix Foam Guns and Hazardous foam not spawning on shelves in Aftershock Urban Farms. by QuillInkwell * Fix an assertion failure by osuphobia * fix sort armor ui list indexing by mischief * Added a weapon category to the G80 by halosammy * Fix Various Typos/Mistakes in Flier Snippets by TheMurderUnicorn * Fix inconsistencies in corn and popcorn by osuphobia * Remove 9mm from .22 spawns by Holli-Git * [Magiclysm] Reduce preserved food in druid tower by Standing-Storm
Build: * stlemulation span::count is not const anymore by mischief
None: * Corrected exodii base roof shape to match courtyard by PatrikLundell * rename acetylene -> oxyacetylene to avoid name collision by Brambor * Correct the duct tape requirements in aquarium recipes by Karol1223 * Break recursive death spiral by PatrikLundell * godco got roofs by PatrikLundell * Fixed tools/json_tools/ and this get clean csv file for tools/gfx_tools/ by mdtrooper * use local coordinates instead of global in avatar::rebuild_aim_cache() by PatrikLundell * provided scrap yard with roofs by PatrikLundell * weather_glass description etc. by Brambor * Remove the ability to force feed NPCs petfood by Karol1223 * Cut down on gun_variant_validator blacklist by anothersimulacrum * catch incorrect component strings by nornagon * Weekly Changelog 2024-05-20 to 2024-05-27 by kevingranade * Characters have actual volume, sane-ify sane-ified vehicle size checks. Enforce with unit tests by RenechCDDA * Load sound-triggered traps with more safety by RenechCDDA * Cooldown fix and minor changes by Ramza13 * Remove extern trap ids by Procyonae * Prevent gun variant script identifiers from being cut off by anothersimulacrum * A little bit of everything - Minor JSON fixes from the voices on discord by Karol1223 * Added chimney/vent pipe to shelter by PatrikLundell * Added chimney/vent pipe above fireplace/wood stove on base shelter 1 by PatrikLundell * Allow appliances to looks_like furniture by Procyonae * small tipo fix by casswedson * Routine i18n updates on 01 June 2024 by kevingranade * Added chimney/vent pipe to shelter 2 base camp fireplace/wood stove by PatrikLundell * Routine tileset updates on 01 June 2024 by kevingranade * hound of tindalos looks like hound of tindalos by casswedson
submitted by avtolik to cataclysmdda [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 06:46 Silas_Ascher The Therian Enigma

When one should notice the term Therian:
Alas Therian, a great deal and when asked of someone a definition, they are always going to differ because in my view the phenomena is introspective. You can't necessarily teach someone how to feel or tell them what they think they're responding to is a confusion, a lament to themselves as they are, with the wish to be, or extrasensory phenomena. One could feel to term it a mental illness in some cases, and a harmless desire in another, a personality gesture, a rogue soul.
I can't get a proper expression for a one word with so many definitions, and when it so happens I say I am Therian, it will confuse others into thinking I was due inside of the last conversations they had of it with someone such unlike myself. Many I see are asked to consult a blog on the Internet which is but a other opinion.
I decided into an approach to a more scientific name, yet people do not inquire much on prefixes and suffixes, or the Latin and Greek meanings where they're derived, the etymology and philological quests we undertake... to give us proper understanding in a straightforward manner. As such what I have come up with is preliminary, and below is my definition. Take no news or heed of it if you must feel the need to do so, as I know so it will conflict.
In itself, the word Theria, Therian is a major group classification of the marsupial and placental family.
*** Introspection of What Sapience has Become ***
Scientific Term:
Omnimorphegenisologæ Ametanthraporiæ
Syllabification, Suggested Wording:
That in spite of individual feelings of the Human 'Therian' race; there is a singular proposition, which are sensitivities which might range from melancholia to ecstasy; based on one's own countenance to the definition the scientific name implies. (Peoples who may or not be anthropomorphic enthused).
Definition out of the Verbatim:
All things that are within In their form (what may be of flesh, of the mind, heart, and spirit); shall be and are created... However, Without change; the unique Hominid of his own form and fashion, will have constant irreconcilability within himself, a conflict.
The Human Therian, shall do their absolute best to find the homeostasis of themselves, and with that failure of not being allowed to do so, could lead to many types of seeking of harmful effects and outlets, such as drug addiction. Exempli Gratia. So self expression must be a mandatory right, and in an unforgiving society; Id Est: Dangerous creatures who are quick to judge, discriminate, prejudicious, brutalize, bully, exile.. The victims are made to suffer their internal conflict.. so I say, express yourself as you can, and love as you will, and understand some individuals may be hiding their strife for fear of rejection, losing family and friends.
No one should or has the right to take from you the medicine for what cannot be healed by any other means.
I'd like some help, to think of a less complex word, with an metonymic pathway, to express what I am trying to say ..
There is the condition of Omnimorphegenisologæ Ametanthraporiæ.. of the Hominoidea Sapient which, is the ailment of the the afflicted "Therianthropic". The saliency is how you handle the condition, and to be able to self actualize what you really are, acceptance of your status, there is no cure for it. There is a good amount of support and a community, which helps but self actualized individuals I need well stated definition for, that doesn't imply illness.
Opinions, thoughts, questions, concerns? Thank you for reading.
submitted by Silas_Ascher to therianthropy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:19 rustroomofdoom Why is He not capitalized in Return of The King?

Hi! I’m very new to Lord of The Rings and have been reading the books for the first time in preparation to see the extended editions in the theater!
I’m currently at Chapter 4 of Book 5 (first half of RoTK) and finally noticed that in both my ebook and physical copy, the pronouns of he, him, and his, have not been capitalized into proper nouns when referring to Sauron as they had been in the previous two books.
Is this intentional or is it understood to be a publishing error in some releases?
submitted by rustroomofdoom to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:12 Practical_Artist6461 autocaps?

hi! I just made the switch from apple to samsung and I'm trying to turn off auto capitalization (i like the lowercase better for the aesthetic haha). I turned off autocaps, but autocorrect will still capitalize proper nouns like "I," names, and places. does anyone have a solution to this?
submitted by Practical_Artist6461 to galaxyflip5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:41 furgfury Desert Wasteland with Quadrants that have different 'anomalies' and artifacts

Its a book where there are these people that train to become these explorers in this wasteland that is arbitrarily split into different quadrants after these alien robots have taken over. Each quadrant has different anomalies, like one I remember is a big gravity well that is a pillar of light that a city is built around because the gravity is so low they can build really high. They have this book with information about the anomalies and what quadrants they are in. There are also artifacts that get like frozen in time from when the wasteland was created, I think one was an abacus, and they have special properties or powers. There is also tribe that is super in tune with the wasteland and they are DNA themed and have cool rods with multicolored crystals on them and they can flip around and do agile things while traversing. (Slight Spoiler) The anomalies begin to change and some go between quadrants, leaving their book basically useless. The gravity well stops working and the whole city falls and breaks, and the robots are looking for the main protagonist because she is the "Zion" and catch her and hold her in some warehouse next to a gas station. I also remember some town of metal or airplanes or something with an elevator in it that gets attacked by glowing balls of electricity? I don't know why I remember so much about the book and plot but cannot remember any proper nouns regarding the book. Thank you guys so much!
submitted by furgfury to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:50 LeaveSad8833 names, locations changing in later seasons

i prefer to watch all my anime subbed, it keeps my adhd mind occupied while i can hear the authentic expression of mood, emotion, etc.
i’m american, and english is my only language. i’ve noticed that some proper nouns in one piece are being spelled differently throughout the series, but they’re all phonetically correct. the main one i notice is (in the current crunchyroll subtitles) Mariejoa. previously was Mariejois, which is much more french obviously. Are they changing the subtitles to make them more phonetically english? i don’t really get how east asian languages translate to english so i thought i’d ask. any thoughts and opinions welcome!
also, if anyone can tell me how Mariejois, and ‘Fire-fist Ace’ is spelled correctly in the manga, much appreciated!
submitted by LeaveSad8833 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 23:28 stevenjklein How do we know the right pronunciations of Dune proper nouns?

Are there any recordings of Frank Herbert reading Dune or mentioning the names of places and characters?
I’m curious because some of them are definitely inspired by Arabic, and Kwisatz Haderach is taken from the Hebrew Kefitzat Haderech.
So where am I going with this? My wife’s name is Chana (Hanna in English) but everyone calls her Chani. The CH at the beginning is pronounced the same as the CH in Chanukkah.
So, do we know that Herbert intended it to sound like the CH in chair? Or does everyone just assume that to be true, without knowing for sure?
submitted by stevenjklein to dune [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:31 Fenexe8 Need help with using semicolons in a list

Hello, I am writing a fantasy story currently, but found myself a little confused when listing the different ancient kingdoms on the continent. I wanted to explain a few of the kingdoms on the list since a few of them are no longer around in the world, and the reader would not know these names as opposed to the other familiar ones in the list. So I explain some of the kingdoms in the list (Kingdom name 1 [comma] explanation of kingdom 1 [semicolon] Kingdom name 2), using semicolons to make sure that the information is separated and not confusing. However, my problem arises because I only explain a few of them in a longer list of names. Would I continue using semicolons in the list despite the rest of it only being one word proper nouns? Or would I only use the semicolon for the kingdoms with commas before explanations of said kingdom and just leave it at that without using semicolons in the rest of the list.
submitted by Fenexe8 to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:47 Desperate-Wafer-7216 Creating a Summary Box

Ok, total noob here but I’m creating a worksheet where there are 42 text boxes where in each box I would make a statement about a specific shortfall for that category. (Example: Is this equipment properly grounded? The text box would read: “No, cable end is loose and must be corrected.”)
I’d like to create a box that would take all the boxes that have statements and transfer all the “discrepancies” to a single summary section?
I’ve played with it for a couple days and searched … and searched some more and tried some JavaScript stuff that “may” work, to no avail.
submitted by Desperate-Wafer-7216 to Adobe [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:25 Kanzarem Honor Mode - Shortlist of no-escape moments for a blind playthrough ?

[Edit for clarity]
By "blind", I mean that it is my first full playthrough. I don't know parts of Act 1, most of Act 2 and never played Act 3. I'd prefer not to be spoiled about the story.
What I'm asking for is this : What are the very specific moments when you cannot panic escape a fight / go to camp to long rest, to avoid wasting this first run on a "surprise" overpowered/underprepared fight.
- No proper nouns - No specifications on why you would come across any particular fight - Where the difficulty lies (i.e. outnumbered, funnel tactics, inescapable rooms, big enemies) - Tactical tips (use stealth, use x potion, bludgeoning damage is great here, etc.) again without mentioning the specifics of what/who you'd be fighting.
You can read the examples I provided if it's not clear. Thank you !!
Hello everyone,
So I've only made one playthrough of BG3 prior to going HM, and I stopped mid-act 2.
Wanted to start a new game for the extra challenge, so I'm now running my first HM, it's more engaging and difficult, it makes every choice and fight actually life-threatening, no option to save scum, I like it better.
Please note that I don't want to be spoiled about how the story goes, but at the same time I don't want to be completely unprepared for a "surprise" extra difficult fight that I have little chance to win, typically a boss in a room without escape options (to flee and rez companions at camp) for instance, or something that could kill you in one turn without the opportunity to react.
Please do include all acts, as I don't remember Act I all that well, and it might help others too.
Example of things I would have liked to know for that first run, that are spoiler free :
"In Act II, at the very end of an underground temple/dungeon with religious trials, there's a very difficult fight in a small arena in another dimension against a necromancer that deals AoE dmg and summons tons of undead adds without escape routes. Killing him doesn't kill all the adds."
"In Act II, a friend will propose to open a portal to another dimension that you must defend against waves of undead enemies. Escaping will result in losing said friend. Focus on killing the creatures attacking the portal itself."
Thanks !
submitted by Kanzarem to BG3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:30 shrugir B2B Mobile App Development

B2B Mobile App Development
B2B Mobile App Development
One-stop Destination for Top B2B Mobile App Development Services

Travelopro is a top-notch b2b mobile app development company, building feature-packed and interactive b2b mobile applications for startups, medium and large enterprises. Our cutting-edge and out-of-the-box approach will deliver cost-effective b2b mobile app development solutions to turn your business into a leading enterprise.

As a custom mobile app development company globally, our aim is to help clients by providing custom mobile apps to boost their sales for generating higher ROI (Return on Investment).

We believe in doing a lot of research work and competitor analysis before starting up with mobile app development. At Travelopro, the expert team of experienced developers makes sure that every custom mobile app we develop meets world-class standards.

Travelopro offers inclusive B2B mobile apps development services to increase profitability while fulfilling business-specific needs. Our highly- qualified and experienced B2B mobile apps development consultant works closely with our customers and vouch to deliver excellence for catering to their business-critical requirements.

Travelopro has a committed team of B2B & B2C eCommerce developers with expertise in all leading platforms. We focus on customizing, implementing B2B & B2C eCommerce solutions.

From planning to development and launch, we follow the agile project management process to get things done faster and with maximum quality. No matter how unique or complex your business ideas are, our highly skilled team architects are ready to take the challenge.

Our B2B mobility solutions increase the interaction accuracy within an organization, optimize business processes and provide fast customer feedback with better communication. Most of the corporations have B2B mobile apps for data sharing and analysis, supervision, 24x7 support services, communication, and other operations.

We have a dedicated pool of 50+ designers, strategists, and developers in our work centers to deliver perfectly crafted, created, and innovative b2b mobile app development solutions to our clients. We take your business to new heights!

When compared to other b2b mobile app development companies - what makes us unique and stand out from the crowd? We take every project as an opportunity to deliver unique and next-gen solutions using state-of-the-art technologies. At Travelopro, perfection is not just another trait but also a way of life that we have become accustomed to.

We understand how important it is for businesses to build and cultivate customer loyalty, and secure a higher ROI. And that's what Travelopro aims to do through mobile solutions. As a leading eCommerce app development company, we build robust and intuitive apps that drive growth to your business.

We know what exactly your business needs, and on the basis of that we create top-notch mobile applications with cutting-edge technologies. With the latest range of technologies, Travelopro provides extended functionalities, capabilities, and robustness while undertaking mobile enterprise development. We deliver B2B, B2C, and B2E mobility solutions across the globe.

Below-mentioned are the most common types of eCommerce mobile applications. What best matches your business needs?

B2B (Business to Business)

Are most of your B2B sales being mobile? Then maximize growth with B2B eCommerce application development. Let's create mobile-first experiences.

B2C (Business to Customer)

Reach a wider customer base with our eCommerce application development services. Let's build feature-rich apps that your customers love.

B2A (Business to Administration)

We offer B2A eCommerce mobile app development to industries ranging from defense to aerospace. Build an app with a highly skilled team.

C2A (Customer to Administration)

Mobile apps are a great way to increase the flexibility of transactions. Build C2A mobile apps as per your requirements with us.

C2B (Customer to Business)

Have an idea for a C2B mobile app? Hire a team that has both technical and industry expertise for eCommerce application development.

C2C (Customer to Customer)

Launch and scale your C2C business with a marketplace app. Hire expert who can deliver solutions as per your business logic.

Our Powerful Solutions for B2B App Development

Our targeted and customized solutions are tailor-made for specific business models and operations, that empowers you to optimize your ROI and carve a unique niche within the B2B mobile ecosystem.

JOS App Development

We will design and launch efficiently designed and feature-rich IOS business apps for B2B operations and take your business to the next level.

Android App Development

We will develop state-of-the-art Android mobile apps for corporates and enterprises, leveraging the power and reach of the Android ecosystem.

Mobile App Consulting
With our end-to-end development model, we focus on building apps and client relations, which is why we will be there for you at every step of the way.

React Native App Development
Unleash the best of both worlds with B2B mobile apps developed using React Native, which is platform-independent.

Flutter App Development
Attain faster speeds, efficient development cycles and better results with the cross-platform flutter app development for the B2B niche.

Xamarin App Development
Save time with the Xamarin App, one of the fastest methods for cross-platform development for ventures whose ideas cannot wait any longer.

Our B2B Mobile Application Development Process
Our leading b2b mobile app development company follows DevOps and agile processes for offering on-time & error-free solutions to our clients.

Our experienced development team conducts in-depth analysis, understands the project's goals, and ensures validation for delivering comprehensive documentation. We also come up with a dedicated mobile app development plan based on your specific requirements.

· With end-to-end, full-stack mobile application development knowledge & expertise, we help in designing as well as developing customized mobile applications based on the specific requirements of our clients.

· Our advanced development services include full-cycle mobile app development, integration with the ongoing environment, testing, and deployment. We also offer reliable after-deployment support.


· For delivering the assurance of the overall stability after delivering mobile applications successfully, we offer comprehensive mobile app maintenance as well as support services.

· Right from upgrades & the overall improvements to performance monitoring, security audit, server & OS migration-we offer it all.

Mobile App Industries We Cover


· Let your target audience map the health record and fitness with the accuracy of mobile apps. As the structured apps developed by the Mobile App Development Company are intelligently designed to keep one in good health and shape.

· Additionally, by enabling the customized features to improve the user experience, the developed applications are technologically advanced.

· Healthcare apps are developed for the health-conscious individual by suggesting the ways to lose weight to what should be the right diet to choosing the right form of exercise. Further, these mobile apps appropriately offer services to the concerned audience.


· Making learning fun and an easy process for students, e-learning apps developed by our application development company are attractive and interactive because, with the impact of user-friendly graphics and videos in the e-learning apps, an institution gets the opportunity to share a mirage of knowledge. And, with the added test series to worksheets, the apps systematically cover the syllabus of students.

· These e-learning mobile apps are compatible with students of any age. However, e-learning apps are a way to generate success for students who cannot afford the high fees of tuition classes.

Travel & Hospitality

· Get an intensive app built on travel and hospitality, and provide engaging services to your target audience with the modified app. From the bookings of the travel plan to the arrangement of the stay at the resorts, the travel app is the comprehensive portal for tourists.

· Make traveling fun and hassle-free, the travel, and hospitality app lets the tourist find everything concerning their trip on one platform with an organized mobile app. Developed by the Mobile App Development Company.


As an application development company, we develop a user-friendly portal for students and teachers. And with systematic designing of educational classes and forums, we facilitate an educational platform to usher in the growth of the students. However, our inquisitive approach in building the educational app is commendable and noteworthy.

Finance and Insurance

· One can get proficient apps from the Mobile App Development Company in India like ours, we specialize in developing fintech apps with improved features.

· Keeping the track of your finance and payments of insurance premiums with the adequacy of mobile apps, the arranged portals with managed platforms helps one in dealing with finances. helps one in dealing with finances.

· With the constant reminder feature of due dates and alerts, the app assists the consumer in choosing the best plan for the long run and short run. However, the app acts as the virtual guide for the consumers looking forward to making smart investment decisions.

Retail and e-Commerce

· Shopping through mobile apps is comfortable, with added features and multiple diverse categories to browse at the retail and e-commerce apps, a brand name can sweep the market presence with accelerated sales and greater audience reach.

· Thus, let your audience shop online as the diversified mobile apps allow shoppers to browse the diverse categories and proceed with a quick assessment of the payment. The multiple offerings and easy-to-shop alternatives of the retail and e-commerce apps developed by the mobile app Development Company in India Are competent and effective.


· With the streamlined information about each process of the logistics, the mobile app helps in the quick and transparent execution of the logistics. Thus, by giving a holistic development to the apps, we progress towards having a systematic app that helps in quick shipment processing and showcases real-time delivery status.

· Logistics app can bring about the seamless delivery process, the stepwise execution of packaging to delivery and updating of stock, the logistics app designed by the application development company assures to simplify the operations.


The enhanced marketplace apps created by the Mobile App Development Company worldwide take you to the virtual marketplaces.

How to Develop a Successful B2B Mobile App

Business to business (B2B) is becoming popular in the application business area. Instead of reaching customers through mobile apps, businesses focus on reaching other businesses like doctors, restaurants, etc.

However, very few businesses opt for the B2B application; hence, the competition is not yet intense in the market. The slow adoption of B2B in the mobile application development process is due to the small size of the B2B market. It requires better communication and robust sales, which is still difficult. However, the best part of the B2B application is that the user focuses on the conversion rate.

With the evolution of new and innovative technologies, it has become easy to access emails, social accounts, games, music, and other entertainment area on the smartphone device at any time and also including the latest technologies in the business such as wearables, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, etc., these technologies have also made B2B application important.

Various studies have also suggested that more than 85% of mobile phones are spent on smartphone apps. Hence, mobile apps that are useful for existing clients can help the business to grow.

Below are some of the tips on developing a successful B2B application. App development, deployment, and app service and maintenance are important factors for developing successful B2B applications and proper resources and time.

Purpose of B2B App

B2B mobile applications are developed by one business for another business. Thus, the ultimate aim of the app should be to provide useful tools for businesses that can help the business retain new clients and convert new leads into business or clients. Companies are creating new B2B apps with better features by providing the cost to develop a mobile app.

Going with the Flow of Latest Trends

· The key to creating a B2B mobile application is knowing about the customer or client requirement, ongoing trends, and customer interest. It is important to know what customers need before starting with the mobile application development process.

· To understand the user's requirements, the business should look at the already available apps in the market. A business should examine and study these B2B apps and the way they provide value to other businesses.

· Conducting robust research and planning accordingly can help businesses develop the best B2B app for a client and enhance customer experience.

Marketing B2B Mobile App

There are various ways in which the company or business can market B2B mobile apps. Below are some of the most effective B2B app marketing techniques.

Optimizing App Store

· Every store has its own algorithm; hence, it becomes important to comprehend the multiple ins and multiple outs of each store to ensure that the mobile application has maximum exposure.

· In the case of the iOS mobile app, it is important to ensure that the app is optimized for the App Store, and in the case of the Android app, it should be optimized for the Play Store. Regardless of the cost to develop a mobile app, the company should deliver a quality app to the customers and users.

Reviews and Ratings

· Reviews and rating options are some of the most important tools in the B2B application marketing strategy. This means more reviews and ratings, the higher the search credibility in the App Store. Ratings and reviews provided by customers help add to the application's reputation and encourage more app development.

· With an increasing number of apps in the market, it has become important to provide reviews and ratings to customers. Today, it has become essential for businesses to develop mobile apps as most people use smartphones and spend maximum time on the apps. Moreover, by providing B2B apps, businesses can easily achieve their goals.

Social Media
· Social media has become an important part of our lives as it helps people connect and helps businesses achieve their goals. Hence, companies and businesses are focusing on taking full advantage of social media and developing techniques.
· Businesses are developing interesting and attractive social media pages with important information about the business, pictures, videos related to the brands by the company.

· Along with mobile application development processes, companies are also building social media pages to enhance the user experience. Businesses are also focusing on developing campaigns targeting smartphone audiences and encouraging them to install the app.

Benefits of B2B Mobile App Development

B2B applications are a wonderful way for B2B companies and brands to streamline their in-house B2B processes and operations. Right from tracking sales and leads to stock and logistics, B2B applications can be built and used for anything and everything.

Increases Efficiency

B2B applications make managing simple things such as hiring more people, making new teams, creating new departments, etc. easier. With just a couple of clicks, both admin and sub-admin can manage such things and improve the overall efficiency of the teams.


With B2B mobile apps, businesses can take advantage of flexibility. In fact, the mobile platform has made it simpler and easier for businesses to interact with customers, identify leads, and communicate with team members anytime and anywhere.

Simplify Things

From tracking employees' in and out time to sudden sick leaves, a B2B application can cover all the functionalities, letting businesses create effective reports on a daily, monthly, and quarterly basis.

Enhances Communicate

To enhance communication between offices and internal teams, tailor-made B2B mobile/web applications are a great alternative to discuss the precise communication requirements of your business, making a huge difference.

Why Choose Travelopro For Your B2B Mobile App Development?

Travelopro is a leading app development company, our team of proficient mobile app developers holds profound exposure and experience gained through continuously working and delivering diverse mobile applications catering to the varied needs of different industries and markets.

Our Mobile app developers are extensively experienced to deal with any challenges faced while building a challenging and innovative mobile application. They enjoy investing their time in learning about your needs in all the details and proceed with coding only after performing an in-depth analysis of the project requirements.

Understanding your app ideas and needs first and then, working to translate these into the most cutting-edge and lively mobile applications, is the philosophy our mobile application team believes in - the very reason why we develop and maintain trusted and long-term relationships with a majority of our clients.

When it comes to the core technical expertise of experimenting to introduce new features to an existing application or bringing about a significant modification in the current features of an application, their vast experience plays a huge role in the successful execution of such projects to meet the immediate business needs without losing sight of the long-term business goals.

Our business motto is to help businesses achieve a competitive advantage by building advanced and feature-rich mobile applications for their companies that comply with the latest mobile trends.

As a professional organization, we make it a point to always meet the industry benchmarks of quality by following the coding standards and the industry-defined protocols. Our rich UI/UX imparts seamless experiences to the end-users.

Our team of mobile application developers is committed to their responsibilities and capable of utilizing their skills to develop expedient mobile applications that correctly address your business needs.

Our team is equipped with the sharp business acumen to understand business logic, apply technical concepts and effectively reap the advantages of the advanced technologies by translating them into business benefits.

Our developers directly interact with you and work closely with you to understand your needs in detail, to provide you with regular progress updates and weekly demos, ensuring you stay on top of the project schedule and the project workflow.

Leveraging their domain expertise, they develop your mobile apps within the defined timelines while covering all the requirements specified as part of the project scope.

For more details, Pls visit our Website:
submitted by shrugir to u/shrugir [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:56 Winter_Necessary_482 do americans really say "to xerox sth"?

im currently in one of my linguistic class and my teacher who is not american but lived there for a long time is telling us that in america people don’t usually say "to photocopy something". instead americans apparently use "to Xerox something": the verb Xerox here is coming from the photocopy machine company Xerox.
a. can you xerox this document? b. can you photocopy this document?
Im aware that some proper nouns like Google can be changed into verbs (my language does that too), but i am very confused and curious because ive never heard of this, could any native speaker give me their opinion on this? thanks!
edit: thanks to everyone who answered this, your answers have been very interesting!!
submitted by Winter_Necessary_482 to language [link] [comments]