Cute birthday ideas boyfriend


2008.11.18 03:38 Faces

This is the wholesome place to post your face. SFW pictures of human faces.

2018.08.28 02:28 KurtisEckstein Author Kurt

A collection of short-stories by author Kurtis Eckstein. PLEASE NOTE that this is a vanity sub, all the content posted is copyrighted, and that posting is restricted to the author (anyone can comment). Website: See information about Facebook Groups below.

2024.06.09 19:56 otherlamb Massage recommendations

My boyfriend’s birthday is coming up and I want to get him a massage somewhere (will be his first time). Looking for recommendations for spas / clinics & therapists. Thank you!
submitted by otherlamb to SaltLakeCity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:56 Life_Ad_273 Should I text my friend

Hi everyone I’ve never posted on Reddit at all before so please be kind. I (22F) had two friends (both 23F) that are twins. I won’t say their names for privacy. Let’s say one is Danielle and the other is Eve. So to give background, we all went to the same high school and have been friends for at least 4-5 years but Danielle moved to another state after we graduated but Eve was still living nearby. I couldn’t see Danielle so we just talked on the phone but she was always working. I tried to hang out with Eve but she always made excuses like she got her period or something. And she never made plans with me to make up for it. Then she moved away to another state (not the state Danielle lived in) with her boyfriend. I was devastated because Eve never told me that she was planning on moving so soon. Eve then became pregnant and engaged after she moved away. I don’t think I reacted to the news as well as I should’ve because after that Eve stopped talking to me. I have since removed Eve on socials but not Danielle because she wished me a happy birthday and Eve didn’t. I want to at least reach out to Danielle to see how she’s doing but I fear that maybe Eve will either hear about it or Danielle won’t want to talk to me because she knows that I haven’t spoken to Eve. I’m still kind of confused to why Eve stopped talking to me. But you should know I made many attempts to talk to Eve on her birthday and when she gave birth to her baby. I removed her after she didn’t respond to my text about her baby and me saying congratulations. Sorry this is long but the main question is should I reach out to Danielle even though I don’t talk to Eve? Thank you in advance
submitted by Life_Ad_273 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:50 Athanoskydor Gigantic city structures and engineering issues.

Gigantic city structures and engineering issues.
Gigantic cities and engineering issues [reposted because I made drawing to explain]
My world runs on pure logic. I stretch the laws of the universe to their breaking point, and finding complex but increasingly possible ways to do things. Th race is a anthropomorphic canine based species, with slip-space [or fold space or warp or wormhole idk] level technology. It's more complex and runs much deeper but that is the over view.
Primary question is: In huge cities, with buildings that make our building look like cute houses, what would make the most sense for a foundation material? Like I mean huge literal "skyscrapers" that can house hundreds of thousands. I want ideas and help. Realistic to pushing universal laws of physics kind of ideas.
submitted by Athanoskydor to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:50 sameed_a difference between prototype and mental schema?

Gather around folks, it's story time! I want to share an amusing incident that happened a few years back when I was tasked with organizing a surprise party for my little brother’s 16th birthday.
Being one of those overly-organized party planners, I found myself trapped in the pool of "what could be the perfect party schema?" You know, the kind where you've got balloons, cake, goofy hats, and blaring music? That's what I call a typical birthday party prototype. But then it struck me, my little brother isn’t really the 'typical' party person.
Now, this is where my mental schema kicks in. A schema, for those unfamiliar, is a mental framework or concept that helps us organize and interpret information. I knew my brother’s interests, his likes and dislikes, and his personality style. So, I ditched the typical party prototype and organized a quiet, gaming themed party for him. We had gaming consoles, a tower of pizzas, and a horde of his gaming buddies. It was a huge success!
So the lesson here is, while prototypes might be the standard or the typical idea of things, it's our mental schema that helps us in tweaking those prototypes according to our personal needs. After all, we don’t live life by the book, do we?
P.S. Don’t worry, no little brothers were traumatized in the making of this story. It’s just a hypothetical scenario to show you how you can apply mental schemas to your real life. It’s not all just psychology jargon, trust me!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:42 darrylthedudeWayne My pitch for MCU Spiderman 4, AKA, The Spectular Spiderman: Back in Black and with Love.

So this was a long time coming. So i was originally going to do this pitch awhile ago, all the way back near the start of the year (or at least when I first moved back to Ottawa) no less, at the time, it was going to be titled "The Spectular Spiderman: Team RED" based off the rumors that Ant-Man and Daredevil were going to be in it. But, then Born Again got overhauled, and I believe the stuff related to Ant-Man either wasn't true or it was, but his part got scrapped when Born Again was reworked (as in early set photos, it showed that Pym Particles at one point was going to be involved), and when they said Sony wanted it to be a Multiverse film like NWH, I lost faith and interest in it, and decided to do an Avengers 5 pitch instead (which I am still working on, and is basically going to be my equivalent to the Snyder Cut at this point, due to how big it is).
But, now that it's been confirmed they found a middle ground between Street Level and Multiverse in terms of its story, and also that my Avengers 5 pitch is going to take alittle bit, and my faith in MCU spidey 4 is back, AND that I've done pitches for post-NWH versions of Raimi Spiderman 4 and TASM 3, which I'll leave links to here:
Raimi Spidey 4:
I think it only makes sense that I come back around, and try doing a pitch for MCU Spiderman 4 again, so without further ado, and no delay. Here is my pitch for MCU Spiderman 4, AKA, "The Spectular Spiderman: Back in Black and with Love".
Before the Marvel intro, we open to the night, that changed, everything. As Peter is seen trying to redeem a gift card he got in the newspaper to get Aunt May a necklace for her birthday, the jewler won't accept it, Peter tries to argue, but he just replies "I miss the part where that's my problem, now Beat It!" Peter leaves, just then, another man enters, with a gun.
You can guess what happens next, the burglar takes the jewlery and money, and on the way out, Peter let's him escape, the burgler says thanks and throws him the necklace he was going to get Aunt May. The mall security gaurd and jewler asks why he didn't do anything, Peter replies "I miss the part where that's my problem".
We get Uncle Ben's death, but I'd have it be closer to the alternate version of Ben's death in the first TASM movie, where Ben (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan) only sees the burgler in the shadows, believing it to be Peter, he follows him in an alley way, only for shoots to be heard in the distance. Peter finds Uncle Ben's body, and we get this emotionally powerful showcase of Hollands acting, as he mourns over Uncle Ben.
We then cut to Ben's funeral, where see he is buried....right next to where Aunt May will be buried years later, we then cut to sometime after that, Peter on a Rooftop, listening to a phone message Ben sent him before he died, just then, he hears some commotion and goes to investigate, seeing the same man who shoot Uncle Ben in an alley way, behind the man, the shadow of Wilson Fisk slowly coming closer. The man pleads for Spidermans help, Peter simply says "You want my help, then you shouldn't have killed my Uncle". Peter then swings away, we then see Fisk beat the man to death, telling him that he warned Walter this would happen if he didn't pay up. From behind we see a little girl approach the scene, Fisk tries to comfort her, but she runs away in a panic.
Peter is now in his room, unsure if he did the right thing. We then cut to sometime after that, were we see Peter picking out a laptop from the garbage and returning to May's apartment to find...Aunt May talking to Tony Stark.
After the Marvel intro we then cut to more recent times. Where in a montage we get an idea of where Peter's life is, since the events of NWH. We see thay Peter's life as Spiderman is thriving. As he's earned the public and the law enforcements trust back, to the point where he's no longer a wanted criminal, and Damage Control has taken him off there black list, and we see him being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman, even bringing in some C and D-listers I don't see them using as villains anytime soon. These include Big Wheel, Stilt Man, Vermin, Swarm, Grizzly, Rhino (played by Paul Giamatti, though this is an MCU Variant, not the TASM version), Screwball (who is comedically revealed to be Liz Allen), the Real Moltan Man, Pot Paste Pete, and Hypno Hustler.
Though Jameson still slanders him whenever he can. However, we see that Peter's life as Peter Parker, is not going so well. He's way behind on his rent, to the point where his landlord is threatening to evict him, his apartment is very messy with pizza boxes and Chinese food boxes stacked in the corner, he can't keep a steady job, he's always late to his classes if not outright misses them and is failing collage, and he's become extremely anti-social. He doesn't interact with any or his fellow collage students and any if the neighbors in his apartment. It's only as if he's strictly Spiderman now. The only place where he acts like the Peter we know and love is at FEAST, as he comes by and helps and volunteers whenever he can. We also learn that FEAST is now being run by one Martin Li (played by Steven Oyoung).
However, things change when Fisk is elected Mayor of New York (which can be the cliffhanger of Born Again Part One, by the way), and makes Vigilantes illegal, creating a Anti-vigilante Taskforce, funded by Alchemax. Consisting off Vulture (ignore Morbius), Shocker (with a more comic accurate attire), Prowler (Aaron Davis, as last seen in ATSV), Scorpion, Hydro-Man (the real one, who was alluding too as existing in FFH), and Mysterio (somehow, still alive). Things get even weirder, when a new elusive Vigilante known as the Black Cat (played by Anya Taylor-Joy or Sydney Sweeney) comes into the fray, as well as a new student in Peter's collage names Felicia Hardy.
Basically the film would be Peter going up against Fisk and his Anti-vigilante Taskforce. Along the way, Black Cat tries to push Peter into abandoning his civilian persona and embrace being Spiderman. Ironically, neither of them know the others secret identities, and the two becomes close friends at collage, which leads to Peter to opening himself up to some of the others at the collage. Which leads to him making new friends in the form of Robbie Robertson, Carly Cooper, Flash Thompson, and Gwen Stacy (played by Thomasin Mckenzie). The latter of which, like Felicia, also forms an attraction towards Peter. Simultaneously, Spidey meets Daredevil who he finds out is Matt Murdock, and simultaneously, thanks to his Radar Sense, Matt finds out that Peter is Spiderman, and remembers even who he is.
Throughout the movie, Black Cat is the Devil on Peter's shoulder, and (like I said) is trying to push him away from bring Peter Parker and embrace Spiderman, for solely selfish reasons, while Matt is ironically the angel on Peter's other shoulder, trying to push him to keep his civilian persona and try harder to find that balance. Peter's good nature also ironically rubs off on Felicia, and while she starts the movie with bad intentions, she does grow to become a more heroic and selfless person throughout the movie, and becomes a better person by the end, respecting Peter for who he is and his decisions, and realizing why it's important for him to have a civilian identity.
Also, there is a subplot of Gwen trying to get closer to Peter, but Peter rejects her advances, not only because of his attraction to Felicia, but also because he remember what Peter 3 said about her fate, and wants to avoid that as much as possible. Also, yes, we find out the man who killed Uncle Ben was Felicias father, and yes Felicia finds out Peter basically let him die, which creates friction. Ultimately however, with help from Matt and Felicia, Peter defeats the Sinister Six, including Mysterio, who we find out isn't his Quentin Beck, but a Variant from a universe where Mysterio successfully defeated Peter Parker, who somehow ended up in 616, and the three fight Fisk, which ends in a stalemate, with Fisk agreeing to take end the Anti-Vigilante taskforce, and make a sort of middle ground. Though it's also made clear, the conflict is far from over (with this leading directly into Born Again Part Two, which I think will be the culmination of the Street level subplot now instead, by the way).
The film ends with a montage, of Peter improving his life as Peter Parker. Finally paying his rent, and sees he has new neighbors, this is where we meet officer Jefferson Davis (played by Terry Crews) and Miles Morales, Spiderman meeting with the new Captain of the NYPD, Captain Stacy (played by Aaron Eckhart or Josh Dallas), about helping out more and having better ties with the police, which he agree as assigns Yuri (played by Ming Da Wen) as Peter's partner, and Peter starts to get better acquainted with his new group of friends, yes, even Flash. He also takes Robbies advice and gets an internship at the Daily Bugle, where he reunites with Betty, sending videos of Spiderman to Jameson.
The last shot of the movie however, i have two ideasn first is Spiderman and Black Cat meeting on a Rooftop of Peter's apartment, and the two reconciling, and while they decide to call off there relationship (for now) the two decide to remain friends and allies, even revealing each other's identities to one another. Peter then returns to his apartment, he then hears a knock on the door, he answers to see it's Gwen with flowers. He asks Peter if he wants to go onna date, which Peter accepts and the two walk off hand in hand.
My second idea is the same, accept, Peter and Felicia remain in a relationship, and the two share a kiss, and still revealing there identities to one another, Peter is then left there on the Rooftop, thinking about everything that has happened recently, and smiles as we cut to black.
The film would obviously focus on the aftermath of NWH, and Peter struggling with balancing both his personas, it would also explore the idea of learning to let others in and not pushing them away. Yes Peter, shouldn't just let everyone knows he Spiderman, but that doesn't mean he has to isolate himself or decline help when he clearly needs it. It would also show how Peter's good nature can actually help seemingly selfish people change for the better, Felicia being a prime example of this. Anyways, I didn't have the Symbiote play that big of a role, because I didn't have room for it, but to make up for it, it will be the first, of six post credits scenes. Yep im pulling a Gaurdians 2.
submitted by darrylthedudeWayne to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:41 Practical-Skirt-944 WIBTA if I told my Mom she doesn't need to be a mother to her boyfriends kids because they already have one

This is a throw-away account, I have a personal one that my Mom monitors. I (14f) and my Mom (40f) haven't had the greatest relationship. My Mom is a nurse and isn't home most of the week. When she is home, she hangs out with her boyfriend (40m). The only time she doesn't hang out with him is when he has his kids, A(12f) and Q(9f).
The boyfriend was in a previous marriage but got divorced a few years ago. He has split custody with his ex. I don't know much about the ex or the kids.
When I first met them I noticed how my mom acted really motherly to them. Every time I was about to say anything, she would glare at me. Then, when we got home, she would scold me for all the things I said that she thought was inappropriate. For example, I asked A what her mom worked as. I was trying to make small talk because the silence was too awkward. When we got home she scolded me for 30 mins about how that question was inappropriate. She didn't even tell me the reason why it was inappropriate.
I've also noticed that she was more of a mother to the kids than me, when I was their ages. She taught them how to bake and cook, I had learn by myself with youtube videos. She also is super nice to them but not me.
Now she decided to put together a birthday party for Q at our house. When I heard that I thought wouldn't the Mom want to put together a birthday party for her OWN daughters and not have her exs new girlfriend put together the party. I didn't ask the question because I knew I would get grounded but I kept it in my mind.
I dont really, like the kids that much but I deal with them. I would like to confront Mom about how she acts towards them and how she acts towards me but I know I would get grounded, so I won't. So WIBTA?
submitted by Practical-Skirt-944 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:37 UrMomUrGay AITA for not wanting my "bestie" at my birthday sleepover?

So this happens when I was younger, (10th grade 16 yrs old) and my "bestie" hates me for it to this day.
Info about me: I've always been a petty, and sassy person, and it was terrible when I was younger, to the point of my parents had to remind me about my sass/sarcasm when I was 13. I'm also a musical kid(important for later), and during these events I was in 10th grade, and was playing Sharpay in our schools musical of "High School Musical"
The event: Before the incident in the titel, me and my friend(Abigail) were very close, and did everything together, until one day when I forgot to pay my phone bill, and it said something about message blocking, or whatever, when she texted me. She then started talking shit about me to my best friend, calling me a slut, a whore, and telling me to kms, and even listed ways I could do it. After my friend told me, I then started saying stuff about her(classic petty girl things) I called her fake, and an annoying bitch. She then found out, and tried turning everyone against me, and getting my boyfriend to break up with me.(Wtf?) After that, she tried apologizing to me, and even had teachers trying to get us friends again. With me being extremely petty, I of course refused, the only exception of us being friends was for the Musical. After the musical, she tried talking to me, and I eventually started talking to her again(I felt bad, bc she was moving away) after a few months of us trying to become friends again, she invited me to a "double date" at the movies, I agreed, and we went. When me and my boyfriend got there, she was alone. I asked her, and she said that her boyfriend canceled, but the outfit she was wearing told otherwise. (I should mention, I'm extremely self conscious about my body, as I a bit more chubby, and she is skinny, and always telling me how skinny she is.) When I saw what she was wearing, I could tell she wanted attention from someone(she has expressed she "used" to like my boyfriend) After the "double" date, she started talking to my boyfriend, being VERY touchy. Eventually my boyfriend left, and Abigail looked at me, and said "I think your boyfriend likes me, I mean like not trying to be rude, but did you see how he looked at me?". (BITCH WHO THE FUCK!!?!?!?) I looked at her, and then I left, when I got home I called my boyfriend, balling my eyes out, thinking he was going to break up with me. After that I didn't speak to her for 4 months. During those months, my birthday started coming up, and me not having that many sleepovers when I was younger, I decided to have a sleepover as my birthday party. I invited my best friend, and 2 others, and we had a lot of fun, and posted it on snapchat, tictok, and Instagram. The next morning I wake up to 38 missed calls and 196 unread messages(WTF!!?!) I say that it was from Abigail, and I read all the texts, saying stuff like "your so fake" or "I can't believe you did this" and "I hope your life goes down hill" I of course ignored this, and blocked her on everything.
It's been 5 years, and she still holds it against me. She even tried to make my boyfriend cheat on me, and then she found out how loyal my boyfriend is, and now I'm happy without her in my life, and I am happily engaged to my high-school sweetheart! I just wanna know, Am I the asshole?
submitted by UrMomUrGay to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:37 stinkylittlegoose AITAH for getting together with my best friends boyfriend?

i (19f) and my best friend emily (20f) have an extremely complicated past; we first met in my junior year of high school when we were both 17, we instantly clicked and had a lot in common. she had a boyfriend mike who was also in our highschool. emily and i had a mostly good friendship but she was only interested in what i had to say when it was something she was interested in, this created some issues in our relationship because i often felt ignored. 6 months into our friendship emily confessed she had feelings for me, i did not reciprocate those feelings and i rejected her. 2 months or so later emily, mike, and i got very drunk on mikes birthday. emily and i started dancing and we kissed, mike then asked if he could join and she said yes. i was 17 at the time and a virgin, we all had sex and i remember absolutely 0 about that night. i honestly don’t even remember kissing her, nor did i want to have sex with mike. i felt very uncomfortable and just wanted to ignore that it ever happened, mike agreed. emily however thought i used her and threatened seweside if i didn’t start dating her, so i started dating her. mike didn’t care if we dated and he continued to date emily separately. i was very weirded out by this situation but i felt like i couldn’t get out of it. i ended up breaking up with her after about 3 months, she did not take it well to say the least. my heart was never in the relationship, but i was so scared that emily would react poorly or even harm herself physically that i felt obligated to stay till i couldn’t take it any longer. she basically said that she thought i was leading her on and i made her think i liked her. which i did, platonically. also i would like to clarify that we didn’t have sex at all during our 3 month relationship, i did not want her to get more attached, and i just wasn’t sexually attracted to her. this is a very long story and emily and i took a lot of long breaks in our friendship along with her frequent mental hospital stays so pardon me if i forget some details, but i think we took a 4-6 month break of talking after i broke up with her. in that time her and mike broke up. after we took our break i initiated that i wanted us to hang out again, i missed her a lot and i always felt connected to her as a friend. we ended up hanging out and i met fred, her then boyfriend, he and i hated each other at first and we didn’t click, she kept bringing him everywhere and just ignoring him while we hung out. emily started flirting with me a lot, even going as far to try and kiss me in front of fred. it made me super uncomfortable and i felt very violated honestly. i also started feeling bad for fred because he always seemed sad and left out, i began trying to talk to him more and include him in our conversations. we ended up connecting and eventually, became great friends. emily and fred had a very toxic relationship. emily would hold sewecide over his head and make him bend over backwards for her. she also decided she wanted to be in an open relationship that was only open to her, so she could date women while keeping him around. her bipolar kept getting worse and she went to over 4 mental hospitals in the span of a year, when she wasn’t in the hospital she would have mental breakdowns and manic episodes daily. she would hit him, scream at him, have him chase her down the street, etc. we both felt horrible for her but i also felt horrible for fred being the one who has to handle it. emily also admitted to me that she is a lesbian, she said she didn’t find fred attractive and was only with him because it makes her life easier and he took care of her. fred would get constantly ignored, she would never help with he had depressive episodes, she relied on him financially, and she never touched him. it got to the point where i started thinking less and less of emily for treating a human like that, i knew what it was like to feel ignored by someone and i started making even more of an effort to hang out with him. about a year 1/2 into fred and emily’s relationship i told fred he should work with me at the restaurant job i had at the time because he was looking for work, he ended up getting hired. emily went on a 3 month long trip and it was just me and fred hanging out and working without her. we had a great time, we realized how toxic emily was in our lives and how freeing it was to be able to have conversations not revolving around her. 2 months into emily’s trip her and fred broke up mutually, they were both emotionally separated from the relationship for over a year by then. about a month later emily was still out of town and fred and i began developing feelings for each other, we did not flirt or anything while emily and him were together but i think deep down we always kinda liked each other. i did not want to tell emily because i didn’t want to ruin her trip or trigger a manic episode which usually resulted in her hurting herself. when emily got back from her trip fred and i were full on dating, i still was way too scared to tell her. a couple months in to fred and my relationship i still didn’t openly tell emily, but i would drop hints and talk about our dates, expensive gifts, ask for advice, etc. and i just kinda assumed she knew we were together. ignorantly i thought she wouldn’t mind because she said she was a lesbian and wasn’t even romantically interested in fred, but oh was i wrong. i ended up saying something about fred’s beard being annoying when we kissed and she flipped tf out, it was incredibly awkward and i was literally shaking. i said “i just assumed that you knew sense i talked about him so much” and she said “i just thought you were close friends”. she was extra offended because i wasn’t hanging out with her nearly as much because i opted to hang with fred instead. she was never that good of a friend to me and fred made me feel way more heard and supported. fred and i have been together 8 months now, we’re in love and happy. fred has a lot of past trauma from the relationship but he has improved so much, i always make him feel appreciated and attractive. emily and i have only talked a little sense the debacle but i think our friendship is basically done. i still miss her sometimes but i know what i did is irreversible and our relationship will never be the same. so am i the asshole for getting with my best friends boyfriend?
submitted by stinkylittlegoose to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:36 meerkat855 Detailed step by step SA experience, for anyone curious

I just had a surgical abortion done 2 days ago, and wanted to document my experience in great detail for anyone who may be anticipating their own and looking for a thorough firsthand account. I was extremely nervous to get my abortion and was scouring the internet reading people’s experiences in order to calm my nerves and have some idea of what to expect, so hopefully this is helpful for someone else. My procedure took place at a Kaiser in the SF Bay Area of California.
I had originally wanted to go the medical abortion route but went in for an ultrasound and found out I was already past 10 weeks, and so was told I could only do the in clinic procedure, which they scheduled me for 3 days later. I asked if I could be asleep for the procedure and they said that no, I would be awake but given pain relief to make me more comfortable, and would need to have someone drive me home. I asked what kind of pain management I would be getting, and they said I would be given some pills and an injection before the procedure, injections to numb my cervix during the actual procedure, and likely some prescription pain meds to take home with me.
I went to the medical office at 2pm with my boyfriend. The nurse asked him to stay in the waiting room at first and brought me back alone. Asked me the usual questions, including if I felt safe at home, and then brought me my stuff for pain. I expressed that I was really anxious about the pain during the procedure because I have a high tolerance for pain medicine, and I was worried it wouldn’t be enough to make me comfortable. She said that I could express my concern to the doctor once I went into the procedure room and she could potentially give me more. She gave me 2 Norco pills (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) and 4 antiobiotic pills to prevent infection. Then she gave me a Toradol shot (basically like extra strength Tylenol) in my left butt cheek, which actually burned quite a bit. The nurse gave me a cold pack to put on my butt afterwards haha.
The nurse told me there’d be a bit of a waiting period while those pain meds kicked in, and that my boyfriend could come back and wait with me, which he did. Then at 3pm they took me to the procedure room and told my boyfriend to go back into the waiting room.
Once I got in the procedure room i undressed from the waist down (I kept my socks on) and sat on the chair with a paper sheet to cover my lap. The doctor came in and asked how the medicine was kicking in. I told her how anxious I was about the pain and that it didn’t feel like enough medicine, and she basically said she understood how I felt but that they don’t like to overmedicate as there are increased risks involved. She said she would put in a prescription for extra strength ibuprofen and a small amount of Norco to take home with me. She said the cervix injections would help numb things and that what I would mostly feel was bad cramping, and that the best thing I could do was focus on my breathing. I laid back in the chair and put my feet in the stirrups, and the nurse gave me a hot pack to hold on my lower belly.
The doctor inserted the speculum into my vagina and then gave me 3 injections into my cervix to numb it. I felt a slight pinch on the first one and flinched a bit, but did not feel the next 2. After a minute I started to feel numbness in my lips and asked if that was normal, and she said yes that was a good sign that the medicine was moving well through my body. Then she started to dilate my cervix in order to make it large enough to fit the suction tube through. This involved inserting increasingly larger rods to slowly stretch open my cervix. This step is when the cramping started. I kept my eyes closed and just focused on slow deep breathing, in through nose, out through mouth. This part of the procedure took about 5 minutes, and the cramping was about a 5/10
Once my cervix was dilated enough she inserted the suction tube and turned on the vacuum, and began suctioning the tissue out of my uterus. The cramping immediately intensified and got up to about an 8/10. Again, I just focused on my breathing and held the heat pack firmly to my belly. I could feel her moving the tube around the walls of my uterus and lots of pressure, and I did get some tears in my eyes at this point from the pain. The doctor just kept telling me I was doing a great job with my breathing, and that it wouldn’t be much longer. She had to stop for about a minute to adjust the speculum, which gave me a little bit of a break. Then she went back in to finish the suctioning. This part took about 5 minutes total and felt the most intense. I found it helpful to just keep reminding myself that it would be over very very soon.
As soon as she finished with the vacuum she inserted an ultrasound wand to make sure there was no tissue left behind. She let me know my uterus looked “nice and empty” and that it was all over. Then she removed the wand and speculum. The abortion procedure itself took about 12-15 minutes from start to finish.
I felt very lightheaded once the procedure was over, and the doctor told me I looked very pale and to just keep breathing nice and slow. I stayed laying back in the chair with my feet elevated. I kept the hot pack on my belly as I was still feeling cramps (about a 4/10), and the nurse gave me one cold pack to hold on my chest to calm my heart rate, and placed another cold pack on my forehead, which made me feel a lot more comfortable. Another nurse gave me a box of orange juice to sip on. The doctor stood next to me for a couple minutes comforting me and letting me know I had done a great job. I cried a little bit and thanked her for being so encouraging. She said that I was already getting my color back after just a couple minutes. She reminded me that if I got a fever or was bleeding so heavily I was having to change my pad every 1 or 2 hours that I needed to come in to the ER, and told me to just take it easy the next couple of days and get lots of rest. Then she left and it was just me and one nurse in the room. I stayed laying down for another 5 minutes or so.
The nurse asked me how I was feeling and if I wanted help getting dressed. I told her I was ready to stand up and that I felt I could dress myself. She gave me some moist towelettes to wipe myself and a maxi pad to put in my underwear. I was bleeding similar to a heavy period, but my cramps were almost gone. The nurse walked me back out to the waiting room once I was ready. Physically I felt a little shaky and weak but was able to walk fine on my own.
We stopped at the pharmacy on site and picked up my prescriptions, and then stopped at Walgreens on the way home for maxi pads and snacks (gushers and pringles ftw).
I had gotten to the hospital at 2pm and was home by 4pm. I spent the rest of the day resting in bed in my pajamas and watching movies. Around 8pm I started to feel crampy, so I used my heating pad and took 2 Norco pills and was able to sleep pretty well.
Since my procedure I’ve only had mild cramping, and have been bleeding like a regular period. Recovery has been less intense than I anticipated, which I am grateful for. I definitely bought way too many pads haha. Ibuprofen has been enough to manage the cramps. Emotionally I mostly just feel relief that the experience is over, and proud of myself for getting through it. I’ve had moments where I get teary eyed remembering how vulnerable and intense the procedure was, but those moments pass relatively quickly. Of course, everyone’s experience will be different, and it’s totally normal to feel a range of emotions or even not feel emotional at all.
Overall, it was more intense and painful than I expected. I thought I would be more heavily sedated for the procedure and not as aware of everything that was going on. But ultimately I’m sort of glad that the surgical abortion ended up being my only option. After reading a lot of negative MA experiences, I’m grateful I was able to have my abortion dealt with quickly and handled completely by professionals. 2 days later I am feeling almost completely back to normal.
To anyone needing an abortion who is dreading the experience, just know that you can do it. Your body can handle whatever pain may come, and you are strong enough to get through it. Soon enough it will just be a memory. Be gentle with yourself, and allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel through this experience. You will be okay.
Feel free to comment or DM me with any questions you may have, and I will do my best to answer them thoroughly. 💜💜
submitted by meerkat855 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:34 Athanoskydor Realistic worldbuilding of gigantic structures

My world runs on pure logic. I stretch the laws of the universe to their breaking point, and finding complex but increasingly possible ways to do things. Th race is a anthropomorphic canine based species, with slip-space [or fold space or warp or wormhole idk] level technology. It's more complex and runs much deeper but that is the over view.
Primary question is: In huge cities, with buildings that make our building look like cute houses, what would make the most sense for a foundation material? Like I mean huge literal "skyscrapers" that can house hundreds of thousands. I have the idea to make them slant in just slightly to support the upper levels.
I want ideas and help. Realistic to pushing universal laws of physics kind of ideas.
submitted by Athanoskydor to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 Striking-End-3384 "Clarissa Darling's Shameful Attempt at Exploiting Fear for Views: A Cautionary Tale of Desperation"

Ladies and gentlemen, gather round and let me tell you about the latest atrocity to grace our screens. Clarissa Darling, the supposed “girl next door” from the hit show Clarissa Explains It All, has released a new video titled “Living in Fear” and let me tell you, it is a steaming pile of garbage.
First off, who does Clarissa think she is, pretending to be some kind of expert on fear? Last time I checked, she was just a snarky teenager with questionable fashion choices and a penchant for breaking the fourth wall. Now suddenly she’s an authority on fear? Give me a break.
But that’s not even the worst part. The title of the video itself is just plain offensive. “Living in Fear”? Really Clarissa? Do you have any idea how insulting that is to people who actually suffer from anxiety and fear on a daily basis? It’s not some cute little catchphrase for you to exploit for views. It’s a real, debilitating condition that millions of people struggle with every day.
And let’s not even get started on the content of the video. It’s just Clarissa prancing around in her room, trying to look all deep and introspective while spouting some inane nonsense about facing your fears and blah blah blah. It’s like she watched one too many TED Talks and now thinks she’s some kind of motivational speaker.
But the real kicker here is that Clarissa’s parents should be absolutely ashamed and embarrassed. How did they let their daughter morph from a quirky, relatable teen into this self-important, self-absorbed hypocrite? They should be hanging their heads in shame.
So, Clarissa Darling, consider this a warning. This isn’t the last time I’ll be calling you out on your BS. You may have fooled some people with your faux-inspirational videos, but I see right through you. Get wrecked, Clarissa. You’re a joke.
submitted by Striking-End-3384 to FamilyVloggersandmore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 Princess_Pebble Update on Chuck-I finished him!

Update on Chuck-I finished him!
So long, farewell little buddy, it’s been swell 🥹
I’ve never made a toy before, I’m so proud of my cute lil guy-so sad to see him go 💔
It all started as I’m frog sitting for a neighbour who happens to love Jurassic Park. 🐸 I remembered I have some J.P. Barbie clothes that came free with a purchase a while back. Which sparked the idea of making a mini Fuggler type fella to wear said clothes-hence Chuck was born.
I made him green for obvious reasons 🦖🐸 dressed him and put him in the outfit bag with a bunch of Dino stickers from collection and covered the Barbie logo on the bag with a Jurassic park sticker. Popped a sparkly froggy sticker in the back coz why not and he’s ready to go to his new home.
My neighbour has no idea, so when he gets back from his holiday-he’s going to be nicely surprised to find Chuck with a little note introducing himself 😂
I love him so much I am going to have to make more just like him ❤️‍🩹💝💚 so watch this space..
submitted by Princess_Pebble to FugglerCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 Zealousideal_Run918 A4A] The Cafe Barista Doesn’t Recognize You [Barista Speaker] [Popular Musician Listener] [Meet-Cute]

Synopsis: You, a famous musician, walk into a cafe in your hometown during one of your tours. The moody barista who serves you has absolutely no idea who you are, and treats you like any other customer. This exchange is shocking, but strangely welcome.
[SFX] - Optional (emotions) {action} \interchangeable depending on the speaker’s preference\
Heya! It's Lumina~ Here with a meet-cute concept I've had for a while of two people who went to the same school but went their separate ways. One became super successful and the other stayed in town. Years later, they reunite unexpectedly and catch up with one another and form a bond stronger then it was before.
If this script is received well, I'm more than willing to make a part 2 on it!
If you end up filling this script, feel free to send it in the comments or tag me! I'd love to support you <3 And if you have any suggestions on what I should write about next, feel free to comment or message me! I'm more than willing to take requests
I also have a radio play I plan on writing and developing, and am currently looking for scriptwriters and interest checks for VAs. If you'd like to know more about it, you can check out my post here
That's all for now! Remember: Lumina Loves U<3
submitted by Zealousideal_Run918 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 theaveragehoovymain2 a small but nice change I'd want to see for millie

In millie and sallie's short as millie waited she had a MUCH thicker, beefier, tall and I like that idea it'd be good for her fight scenes with her using it as a third arm to hit people with and hold weapons and if she had some insecurity about it I Think it'd be a cute episode mirroring the camp one with her being shy about her gray spots in hair from scaring and her tail being to thick with her looking to moxxie as some action hero and her being shown to actually need others instead of being some super-epic badass it'd be cute giving her this and It'd let her star in episode (with her taking center-stage over moxxie this time around) but what'd you think? also I just like look on her
submitted by theaveragehoovymain2 to HelluvaBoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 RobbyHamLin Why do I get overwhelmingly upset when I see childlike objects/toys?

[Sorry for the long post/essay] I was diagnosed with Major Depression about a year ago, but I’ve felt I’ve struggled with it since I was a small child. My first introduction to depression was actually, weirdly enough, a side effect of Singulair when I was 5-7 ish years old. That went away, but when I turned 13 it really got worse. My sister had turned to substance abuse, and suffered from Bipolar 2 and Borderline Personality disorder. Long story short, she got involved with the wrong people, and brought a lot of bad people to our house. I never felt safe in my own home, I quickly learned to be distrustful of people. My sister and parents were fighting constantly. This, in turn, made me turn in binge drinking at the age of 14. The situation got infinitely worse when she had a child, and left him for my parents to raise. After an aborted suicide attempt at 19, I ended up, slowly, getting better. I’m 24 now, I live with my girlfriend, I work as an EMT/ER Tech, and only one semester away from being an RN. My family situation, while not perfect by any means, is substantially better. I’ve been sober for 1 year. And, I’m currently taking 450mg of Wellbutrin and 30mg of Vvyvanse, they’re working wonderfully. Despite all this progress, one lingering thing remains. Everytime I go to the mall, and walk passed a toy store, or plushies, or similar upbeat/happy/cute items, I get an overwhelming feeling of sadness. It gets bad to where I end up holding back tears, and can’t even entego near those places. It sounds so weird, any idea why I feel like that? And has anyone else?
submitted by RobbyHamLin to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 ilovebrocoliss How can I be prettier ?

I (16F) will go to my first date with another boy since my last break up with my toxic, manipulative, pervert, narcissist, controlling ex boyfriend. ( im traumatized bc of him )
Im so happy I moved on and I can finally talk with other men without feeling guilty or anything.
Im already pretty but I want to be the prettiest girl for my new date because he’s kind and cute ! He’s a year younger than me so idk if we have the same expectations but I hope everything will be ok.. please any tips to be prettier?
submitted by ilovebrocoliss to AskTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 Enough-Performer-466 I don't know how to feel about my realtionship

Me and my bf have been together for over 2 years now and we had our ups and downs. We broke up once after he ignored me for a few weeks but then got back together after a month or so. But atm I am not sure if this realtionship is still worth my time.
The way he has been trreating me makes me kinda unhappy. He never gives me compliments or any cute gifts or if I text him "I love you" he doesnt respond. I alredy talked to him about that issue but he brushed me off by saying that he wasn't the type for such things. This really annoys me but I tried to look over it. A lot of the time he doesn't acknowledge my emotions and feelings. He also gets annoyed if I try to take a picture with him.
If I'm over at his house don't ever really spent time together. He rather sits on his pc all day to play video games. Sometimes I bring my PC over to his house but then we also dont really play together. Generally he doesnt really want to play games with me bc I tend to rage over a lot of things. He also doesn't want to do a lot of activties when I suggest to do something such as having a picknick or else bc it's "not his vibe"
Another thing that bothers me is his hygene. He barely brushed his teeth and showers like once or twice a week but the teeth brushing thing bothers me a lot more (obviously)
Also he didn't wish me a happy birthday two years in a row bc he doesn't like it if others do it for him, so he doesn't do it for others. But to be fair he got me really cool gifts for my birthday
There are also good aspects about our relationship like that he makes me laugh or pays for my food if we order takeout and IF we spend time together it is a lot of fun.
But yeah I really don't know what to do
submitted by Enough-Performer-466 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:17 Enough-Performer-466 I don't know if my relationship is still worth it bc of the way my bf behaves

Me and my bf have been together for over 2 years now and we had our ups and downs. We broke up once after he ignored me for a few weeks but then got back together after a month or so. But atm I am not sure if this realtionship is still worth my time.
The way he has been trreating me makes me kinda unhappy. He never gives me compliments or any cute gifts or if I text him "I love you" he doesnt respond. I alredy talked to him about that issue but he brushed me off by saying that he wasn't the type for such things. This really annoys me but I tried to look over it. A lot of the time he doesn't acknowledge my emotions and feelings. He also gets annoyed if I try to take a picture with him.
If I'm over at his house don't ever really spent time together. He rather sits on his pc all day to play video games. Sometimes I bring my PC over to his house but then we also dont really play together. Generally he doesnt really want to play games with me bc I tend to rage over a lot of things. He also doesn't want to do a lot of activties when I suggest to do something such as having a picknick or else bc it's "not his vibe"
Another thing that bothers me is his hygene. He barely brushed his teeth and showers like once or twice a week but the teeth brushing thing bothers me a lot more (obviously)
Also he didn't wish me a happy birthday two years in a row bc he doesn't like it if others do it for him, so he doesn't do it for others. But to be fair he got me really cool gifts for my birthday
There are also good aspects about our relationship like that he makes me laugh or pays for my food if we order takeout and IF we spend time together it is a lot of fun.
But yeah I really don't know what to do
submitted by Enough-Performer-466 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 Life_Ad_273 Should I text my friend?

Hi everyone I’ve never posted on Reddit at all before so please be kind. I (22F) had two friends (both 23F) that are twins. I won’t say their names for privacy. Let’s say one is Danielle and the other is Eve. So to give background, we all went to the same high school and have been friends for at least 4-5 years but Danielle moved to another state after we graduated but Eve was still living nearby. I couldn’t see Danielle so we just talked on the phone but she was always working. I tried to hang out with Eve but she always made excuses like she got her period or something. And she never made plans with me to make up for it. Then she moved away to another state (not the state Danielle lived in) with her boyfriend. I was devastated because Eve never told me that she was planning on moving so soon. Eve then became pregnant and engaged after she moved away. I don’t think I reacted to the news as well as I should’ve because after that Eve stopped talking to me. I have since removed Eve on socials but not Danielle because she wished me a happy birthday and Eve didn’t. I want to at least reach out to Danielle to see how she’s doing but I fear that maybe Eve will either hear about it or Danielle won’t want to talk to me because she knows that I haven’t spoken to Eve. I’m still kind of confused to why Eve stopped talking to me. But you should know I made many attempts to talk to Eve on her birthday and when she gave birth to her baby. I removed her after she didn’t respond to my text about her baby and me saying congratulations. Sorry this is long but the main question is should I reach out to Danielle even though I don’t talk to Eve? Thank you in advance
submitted by Life_Ad_273 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:15 makimakimeow Got rid of cat because it got outside and killed her bunny.

She said she had an older cat she had for years (can’t remember exactly but I believe 8?) And she had the rabbits for way less. Well her cat got outside and instinctually it killed a bunny. She got rid of the cat which is so fucked up but is keeping a viscous bunny that she tells people he bites?!? AND they free roam the house? She said he’s ok with people but has no idea a baby will literally grab animals and if the rabbit has a history, I wouldn’t put it past him to bite. Shit made me fume when she thought it was cute when she told that story and acted like the cat was a piece of shit for having natural instincts.
submitted by makimakimeow to MarkHoffmansdoll2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:13 _maytenth advice for beginner seeking professional help?

hello! first of all i’d like to thank everyone here for being so nice and supportive to each other.
i’m a early 20s F with depression and anxiety. i’ve always been well aware i have serious feaanxiety about relationships/intimacy due to self image issues. my self-esteem issues are so deeply rooted that i don’t even know where they came from 😭
a few years ago i hung out with some guy who invited me to his apartment. he was the coolest guy ever in taking Extra steps to make me feel comfortable and i didn’t feel coerced or pressured AT ALL. but i was still so terrified of something that i started to disassociate. there was literally zero reason for my body to react the way it did but for some reason i couldn’t say no. thankfully nothing happened but point is i have issues
this past year, there’s been this weird disconnect where my brain is super horny but my body is not at all. i’m always daydreaming about sex with some imaginary amazing boyfriend so i’ve been trying to masturbate, but i basically feel nothing. and then i discovered i can’t fit more than a finger in myself without it hurting so bad 😐 which lead me here.
i figured i should try resolve my psychological issues before my physical ones, but i have no idea where to start. is it possible for me to see a gynaecologist to make sure nothings wrong, and then get a referral to some kind of sex therapist? i’m planning to bring up my self esteem issues to my current therapist when i feel ready but they’re related to sex and i don’t want to talk sex with her (nothing personal). my body’s lack of horniness is probably related to my depression so should my psychiatrist later get involved? the road to help seems so daunting. i don’t know what help exists or what i should be looking for.
i’d honestly appreciate any and all support and advice. thank you to anyone who read this far! i hope everyone here finds success in our journey. we can do it! 🫂🫶
tldr; second last paragraph
submitted by _maytenth to vaginismus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:13 NewPassenger5943 Having a hard time connecting...

How did you bond with your plushies?
My biggest issue is I have some of my favorite pokemon plushies (I currently sleep with a cubone and have a smaller cubone for my workdesk. I also have cozy magikarp that I rarely sleep with), but I'm just not... connecting with them. I grew up with stuffies and know that cozy, warm, comforting feeling they can give but I'm just not feeling it with what I have and I want to SO BADLY. I forget them at home when I run out for errands and rarely think about them unless I'm at my desk or in my bed. I want to love them, but it's just not happening. I'm 31F with kids, btw.
Could it just be I haven't found "the one" yet? I went to BaB with my little one for her birthday and scoped the options there, but none really screamed "me me pick me!!". The only one I could've mayyyybe taken home is the original timeless bear. I've gone thrifting to see what I can find, and same issue. Anyone have any ideas? Where did you get your favorite plushie that you just adore? Am I just too old for this? I feel so lost :(
submitted by NewPassenger5943 to plushies [link] [comments]