Hentai omega

Yehrus act summary and roundup.

2024.03.10 21:59 KaiSaeren Yehrus act summary and roundup.

The stories in gacha generally tend to be confusing for various reasons, whether it be poor pacing and execution, not planning the stories in advance or even just plain old poor localization/translation. I really enjoy the story of Snowbreak tho, even despite some of the above issues but it is hard to fully grasp and appreciate at times so partially for me and partially for anyone confused or those infidels who skip the story, I wanted to make a summary that is as clear and consice as possible.
I will try to go over as much as possible without going into too much detail, if I am incorrect somewhere or I am missing something please let me know and I will fill it in. Also note that a lot of this is just my understanding and interpretation of the story as there are still questions yet to be explained.

So the Yehrus act starts with us being shot.
Shortly after the end of chapter 11 (fogbound dream) where we helped dissolve the board of Yggdrassil we were sent out on clean up missions to rid the company of the late member's sympathisers, essentially rooting out their agents with our operatives.
During these inspections, Lyfe and the Adjutant are shot (Lyfe while protecting the Adjutant) and while the adjutant regains consciousness relatively soon he remains severely hampered by his injuries as well as having issues due to a bullet shard remaining close to his heart.
Due to this Tau begins to unravel, seemingly already rattled after the dismantling of the board and the new workload and responsibilities this heaped upon her she grows more and more distrustful and paranoid.
She intends to protect the adjutant by sending him away on a mission with very few operatives who were unlikely to be involved, while the rest of the Heimdall force is to be investigated, as well as rest of the company. To this end she creates a new investigative force and grants them great agency and powers.
Enter Tess Kotkin a up and coming magician with a past connection to the Adjutant who joined Yggdrassil to improve her family's lot but mainly to follow after the adjutant who made a big impact in her life (as you do when you are a protagonist) when he was teaching at her school a few yers ago as part of a mission.
She was working on the borders of Yehrus as a secret agent for Yggdrasil, eliminating its enemies, spying for information and generally making herself a nuisance to the powers that be over there.
The adjutant, Haru, Tess and Chenxing (who misteriously dissapers after the first chapter and is back at the headquarters later) are sent to work with a representative of the people of Yehrus, Duchess Orlova on a seemingly peaceful mission, to deliver Eatchel Gustav the only remaining direct family member of their old leader Gustav a symbol under which the entire Yehrus territory could muster and to investigate the new Titagen tree that sprouted there after events in chapter 10.Why Tau had her is not really explained nor is why Tau made a deal with Orlova to begin with, but I assume it was part of a deal to hide the adjutant and for her help in invetigating the tree.
On our way there a lot happens, including the reveal of Eachel being the "cargo" for delivery, as we are attacked by what seems like remnants of the coyotes from the containment zone. They were there to seemingly under the orders of the Kwarena military, a large regiment of soldiers from military that has been charged with keeping peace in Yehrus. Sadly as it turns out these guys are as evil and corrupt a they get and used the desperation of the coyotes, who seemingly lost their leader (chapter 11 I believe) and many of whom are dying from titagen infection to turn them into shock troops and throw them at the Heimdall force in an attempt to steal Eatchel and solidify their rule over Yehrus.
Later it turns out this wasnt entirely correct, while they rule Yehrus with iron fists they were using their charges, the citizens of Yehrus to experiment with Titagen under orders of Omega a previous board member of Yggdrasil, Yehrus native and one of its former generals and heroes. Stealing Eatchel was just a part of his larger plot to get the titagen tree in Yehrus under control and become immortal via assuming a Vessel that was part titan.
Adjutant and the present operatives overcome the Kwarena and coyote attack and keep Eatchel safe, Tess gets killed but dont worry she is fine, and with her would be death she separates the coyotes from Kwarena and they dissapear from the story for now.
The group arrives in Pribor, the mansion of duchess Orlova and the story gets really rather confusing here.
To the best of my understanding there is a very precarious balance of power in Yehrus, on one hand we have Kwarenah, representatives of the military who secretly work and are loyal to Omega, on the other hand we have the actual military who will soon arrive after the adjutant gives them the news about the defection of Kwarenah and try to do good on their promise to protect people of Yehrus. We also have Yggdrassil whose only interest in this location and conflict seems to be recent because of the tree and possibly commercial beforehand. And finally the free people of Yehrus, a resistance group of sorts that is under control of Orlova who has long planned to take back Yehrus for its people and out of hands of any kind of invaders.
The events in the mansion are more of a political nature as Orlova is trying to keep a thumb on what influential people are with Kwarenah and which are with her, recruit people to her side, eliminate or gain information on those who are not, but seemingly the arrival of Eatchel speeds up both her plans and Omega's as the mansion is almost immidiately thrown into chaos as Kwarenah tries to steal her and at the same time squash the resistance.
At the same time, Katya makes her debut in this act and actually steals, or more or less convinces Eatchel to leave with her so that they both can attain revenge against Omega, Eatchel would be used as more or less a bait for Katya to get closer and eliminate him. However Omega sees this coming, siezes Eatchel while Katya is on the run and gets injured, hiding in the bunker under Orlova mansion.
In the meantime Adjutant starts noticing that Kwarenah soldeirs use new modified gun that shoot Titagen, very dangerous to Manifestations due to flooding and generally deadly for ordinary people who turn into Titagen monsters after being shot. He also notices that he has some sort of connection with the Titagen and sees memories and such through it.
Kwarenah beat back the resistance and they hide in the bunker, Adjutant and Orlova cooperate with one another, he finds Katya and recruits her with his hentai protagonist sex appeal and learns of Omega's involvement. At the same time he gets to interrogate an agent of the investigative unit Tau established and learns that they were infiltrated from the begining and the reason behind their missions being compromised, as well as that Omega was behind the attack on their headquarters that ended with him being shot.. with a titagen bullet no less, explaining his new connection to the titagen (which sort of builds on his already preexisting relationship with it via Edda).
He contacts Tau and gives her a stern talking to, telling her she should just trust him and his operatives, that they are not tools and that she has grown paranoid. This somehow works and leads to her having a change of heart.
The second chapter (12a) ends with us infiltrating Suzdan (?) airspace center where Omega resides and is currently experimenting on Eeachel to finish his plans of activating the tree, becoming immortal and using Valhalla to somehow create a new world or whatever, this is super unclear. And we learn via Katya, who can perceive Titagen due to her time as titagen phantom, that adjutant is now able to process and transform titagen... no clue what it means in practice but there it is.
In the last chapter (12b) we start getting cooperation from Tau as Lyfe wakes up, suddenly having a link to the adjutant and an even deeper connection than their love facilitated previously due to something or other, likely also being hit by the titagen bullet but who knows. She explains the situation the adjutant is in and Tau sends the whole team over with different tasks.
In the meantime, adjutant, Tess, Haru and Katya continue to try and find Eachel, while making plans on how to deal with the tree. With adjutants new super powers he can hopefully deal with it and after being trained a bit by Katya (by hugging, which Haru didnt enjoy) she calls him hopeless orders them to leave. But that would suck so it doesnt happen.
Omega attacks them while adjutant is weakened and in a heartwrenching moment Haru is shot with Titagen bullet and sacrifices herself for the adjutant, refusing to be cured with the bullet and instead goes floded to fight off their enemies. In the meantime Orlova goes on offensive and starts her revolution, destroying the old bunker that they were fighting Kwarenah in, sacrificing many of her soldiers for destruction of a huge portiong of Omega's army.
As the tide of battle turns, Omega slowly loses control over his army and we learn that the military plans to drop a nuke on the Suzdan airspace if the tree isnt dealt with (typical) and that doctor Kent, the mastermind behind Omega's technology (the vessesels, immortality and titagen weapons etc.) has escaped, or rather that someone helped him get away from Omega taking all of his notes and research, we are not sure who but likely its one of the other ex board members as Omega knows who it was.
We find Eachel, adjutant goes badass and absorbs the titagen from the container she was in after which he proceeds to do nothing as Eachel destroys all the soldiers in their vicinity and passes out. But he gets called out by Lyfe and Eachel for being a dummy and he wakes up promptly.
The adjutant team makes their way to Omega who is completely alone by now, they are contemplating whether to kill him or not, Tess has a hypocritical moment about not killing people after being an assasin for a year Katya calls her out on. There is a phylosophical debate on the nature of power and how it corrupts, Tess understands her hypocricy but says that the situation is different now and that they dont have to be like Omega, they are not monsters possesed by the energy of power. Katya is sceptical and wonders how adjutant will deal with his increasing power and position, if he will also be consumed by it, he cant answer but comments that power is more like a view point where everyting and everyone loses their humanity and importance, so they can be used and abused as seen fit by the on with power. Omega is sick of their bullshit and tries to kill adjutant which prompts Katya to get her revenge.
The team consisting of Lyfe, Kaguya and the star of the show Fenny get shot down on their way to Yehrus, Fenny kicks some ass and they eventually get into the aerospace center where they find the now awake adjutant with Orlova who has near complete control over the aerospace now and bargains with adjutant over Eachel. She doesnt believe adjutant can deal with the tree and has her plans to blow it up.
The adjutant team is tryin to convince her they can do it without the explosions but Orlova doesnt buy it, revealing Haru's flooded uncoscious body touting that if he couldnt help her, how could he handle the tree. But luckily Lyfe team brought deus ex machina in form of Memento Mori fragment that we got from the version of Edda that fell out of the titan in chapter 10, which somehow lets aborb and conform the titange in Haru with help from Lyfe and Eachel (who can also go to Valhalla because of the experiments Omega and Kent did on her), showing they have what it takes and saving Haru in the process. (Thank god)
Orlova has some nice inner thoughts (after some really badass moments when innitiating the rebellion) about how hard it was for Yehrus and for her, trying to be heartless for the good of her people and sacrificing so much that she doesnt even deserves to be sad but essentially not wanting to give up on all hope and in the end decides to trust in the adjutant opening a path for them.
In the meantime we get snapshots of what the other operatives are up to as they think of the adjutant and how to help him, Nita and Yao meet captain Li from the military after bring them bald inhibitors from Yggdrassil for the people and soldiers to fight of the titagen escaping from the tree. Nita and Yao decide to go against orders and try to help the adjutant but learn from Li as they plead with her for help that there is only one hour untill the nuke comes in as the military learned of some secret assasination order from the leader of Kwarenah, but they dont know who at the time.
It turns out its Orlova, who has been betrayed by someone close to her, as her respirator, which she needs for breathing has been laced with Titagen and as she is alone waiting on the adjutants team to do their part of the deal, she is shot by the assassin with a titagen bullet, turning into a titan.
Adjutant and team arrive at the base of the tree, finding Orlova still fighting off to keep her consciousness and help the adjutant defeat her.
At home, Tau is doing her part by preparing to bully the media despite being an old introvert, but another ex member of the board interrupts to talk shit about her and her company, making things difficult for her.
The ending is rather abrupt as we only see the Adjutant get into Valhalla, choke a little girl to defeat the consciousnes of the tree after she faked a vaction for him and he wakes up several days later.
The nuke was called off by general Adrian (one of the people who appeared in the nature of power phylosophical debat, we will likely see more of him possibly in antagonistic form in the future), we dont find out anything about the media outcome other than it all turned out fine because the tree was destroyed. Eachel gets to become a child soldier and stay with us because the military wusses out of claiming her because of the whole nuke thing and the tree in Yehrus is gone, signalling a new sun filled day in this broken country that will hopefully begin to heal.
We also get a sort of epilogue where we learn more about Orlova and what prompted her to do what she did and also a hint that she may have survived as consciousness in Valhalla and thanks to adjutants power, he can possibly bring her back, hinting she could be a future operative (and hell yea, she is cool) And Tau shows up in person to give adjutant props for his work and tell him he was right telling her off, and her paranoia created a lot of unneccessary issues for them.

So thats it, I likely missed a lot of details and nuances and this was written from the top of my head so the pacing and structure is all over the place, sorry, but hopefully this will be helpful to someone.
If you think of more stuff to add, or wan to restructure it to make more sense, let me know and I will edit it (or you can make your own post of course). But I didnt want it to be too much longer. same with if you think I got something plain wrong, or have a better explanation, let me know, its one of the reasons I wrote this down.
Anyway, heck yea, besides some few localization issues this was a really cool act. What are your thoughts on it? Thanks.
submitted by KaiSaeren to SnowbreakOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 20:13 Most-Based If I think Seirei no Moribito is the best thing ever made what else should I watch?

I haven't watched anime in over a decade but recently decided to watch avatar and legend of korra and that left me wanting more, I don't care to watch cartoons so I turned to anime and after some research I was recommended kingdom, demon slayer and seirei no moribito (guardian of the spirit)
Since I read kingdom early on is kinda ass I went with demon slayer but watched the first scene in the snow and decided the art style wasn't for me and the main little dude gave me naruto screaming for the sake of screaming vibes, and that's not what I'm looking for
I don't have any specific genre I'm looking for because my knowledge of anime is 0. I've only watched naruto, some bleach, some dragon ball and death note. Recently I also watched One punch man and vinland saga
Since apparently no one liked Moribito because all I see is like 5 threads online and 3 reviews on youtube, and people saying the anime is slow paced (????) I can only asssume I'm a superior specimen with refined taste
But really, I'm looking for something with decent realistic art style (no anime titties or hentai voices, or characters that look cartoonish to compensate for lack of personality), world building and character development (by this I don't mean something like Canute being a big clueless pussy his entire life and suddenly hears one speech and unlocks omega brain, I like vinland saga but some things feels very childish in the way they are portraid)
So yeah, if you read my whole post you might think I'm dumb or an ass hole, which you're probably right, but help me out still. If nothing comes up I'll probably research more Nahoko Uheashi's work or try to find more stuff made by Moribito's studio
And if you haven't yet, watch the anime and ask everyone you know to buy the books so I don't have to learn japanese just to read all volumes, thanks
submitted by Most-Based to anime [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 16:06 Wardstone99 No urge to fap from day one - Need help!

Hello guys,
New here, I'm a 24M med student and noticed that my libido was basically non existant for some time 2-3 years and I fapped a lot during puberty to porn and hentai as a habit, which started to get to extreme tags, good thing it started to decrease with time.
I'm clearly desensitized by stimuli and I'm not sure that's involved but it affected other areas like needing a too good of a food to experience that real pleasure or strong situations to feel emotions, so I decided to start NoFap with no libido but, differently from food that I stay like a week clean and start having urges to eat shit, I have no urges to masturbate or see girls in a sexual manner, currently 15 days in without urge from day one. My health is one of the best it can be, 10-12% BF, lean, exercise everyday, lift weights, fast, eat clean, take supplements like omega-3, astaxanthin, curcumin, magnesium... Don't drink, don't smoke, good sleep, my hormonal panel is perfect with over 800ng/dl and low SHBG with adequate estrogen, but seems like my dopamine is fucked tho lol.
Will my libido increase? Similar experiences? How long would it take? Will I regain drive towards women? Does a healthy libido REQUIRES urge to fap? Any tips would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance
submitted by Wardstone99 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2023.12.02 22:02 Mopru_Memed Why did he check?

Why did he check? submitted by Mopru_Memed to texts [link] [comments]

2023.10.20 00:17 BurningLariat13 Booking The Golden Lovers Had They Not Been Injured (Round Five, Part Seventeen: Vendetta For A Samurai)

NJPW G1 Climax 33, Night Three - July 18, 2023
Kenny Omega vs. Hirooki Goto
Starting on a loss, Kenny Omega recognises he has a long way to go should he expect to replicate his 2016 feat, making it all the more fitting when the man he shared that Finals stage with back in the day stands in the doorway between him and a successful return to form. And Goto starts the action nice and simple – WITH A SLAP TO THE FACE! Omega traces his cheek, before looking back up at Goto, who’s all business, returning a slap of his own! The two trade shots, the Aramusha surprisingly getting the upper-hand over the Cleaner, looking to turn him beet-red with repeated slaps, a crushing LARIAT following to knock him to the mat! Hirooki backs him up in the corner, nailing a Forearm Smash and a Spinning Wheel Kick, followed by a MURAMUSA!
Not one to let himself be pushed around like that though, Omega lights Goto up with stiff forearms to his jaw, flooring him with a Step-Up Knee to the chest, before scoring a stiff Spinal Tap, Goto left heaving for air! Kenny sets him up for an early You Can’t Escape, only for Goto to slip out of harm’s way, Omega getting stuck in the ropes as Goto pulls him into a ROPE-HUNG NECKBREAKER! Hirooki gets waist control, looking to snap Kenny back into a Belly-to-Back Suplex, only to receive a spray of back elbows for his troubles, a V-TRIGGER dropping him!
The two exchange blows, before Hirooki suddenly snaps Kenny into a HEADSHOT, getting a close count off of it, but not enough. He tries for the waist again, only to be blasted with a SPINNING HEEL KICK, a V-TRIGGER following! Setting himself on the top rope, Omega blasts him with a MISSILE DROPKICK, before driving the hips to land a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Kenny strolls on the outside, but he doesn’t notice Goto coming at him for a BASEBALL SLIDE that knocks him into the guardrail, a DIVING ELBOW DROP meeting him!
Goto calls for the GTR, but he’s pulled into a stiff DDT, but no dice! Omega works for One Winged Angel, but Hirooki fights him off, instead nailing a HEADBUTT and a SHOUTEN! Ode to Shibata, he locks in a SLEEPER HOLD, but Kenny flips him over, squashing him with a KOTARO KRUSHER! In the ropes, Omega calls for a V-TRIGGER, but Goto turns it into a LARIAT… OMEGA FLOATING OVER INTO A DOCTOR BOMB! ONE! TWO! THR-KICK OUT!
Scoring close-range knee after knee to Goto’s skull, he leaves the Daredevil of Chaos battered but not broken, Hirooki striking back! A Headbutt is checked by a brutal STANDING V-TRIGGER from Omega, who drops Goto with another accompanied by full force! Getting cocky, he lines up one final finger gun… CAUGHT WITH AN USHIGOROSHI! Hoisting Omega up, Goto drills him on his head with a BRAINBUSTER, before setting him up for a GTR… VERTIGO BE DAMNED, OMEGA DODGES! V-TRIGGER! ONE WINGED ANGEL! ONE! TWO! THREE! OMEGA’S ON THE BOARD!
Kenny Omega def. Hirooki Goto in 19:20 (2 Points)
NJPW G1 Climax 33, Night Five - July 21, 2023
Kenny Omega vs. Jeff Cobb
Omega’s Tokyo Dome war with Will Ospreay still fresh in everyone’s memories, especially United Empire’s, what goes around is finally ready to come back around as the Hawaiian Hulk has eyes only for tearing down the Final Boss who broke his leader. It’s a battle of agility vs power as the match gets underway, Omega testing out Cobb’s resilience with teasing boots, only to find him swatting away each shot, running through a V-Trigger attempt to launch Omega with a BODY BLOCK! Taken aback by his strength, Kenny approaches him with more caution, not wanting to risk humiliation, instead trying to chop his trunk-like legs from underneath him, shooting for the base with blows!
Cobb feels the heat but he continues to stand strong, instead scoring a RUNNING EUROPEAN UPPERCUT, sending Omega tumbling into the corner, where he chops him over the chest repeatedly, driving the air out of his lungs, a CAPTURE SUPLEX following! Using his deadly aerial abilities, he flattens Kenny with a SLAMFEST, the Standing Moonsault/Shooting Star Press combo leaving him hurting! Cobb scrapes Omega off the mat, going for a Chokeslam, only for it to be turned into a KOTARO KRUSHER mid-air!
He uses the opening to drill a DOCTOR BOMB on the beast, who’s relatively unfazed with a powerful kickout, but a V-TRIGGER rocks his body! Justin Timberlake. He tattoos him with a series of hard shots all over his body, the knees keeping Jeff on his knees, Kenny eagerly sonning another UE member, only for him to catch one of them and roar back to his feet, connecting an ATHLETIC-PLEX, before transitioning into a flurry of BAM-BAMS, paying homage to the late Bigelow with the Rolling Gutwrench Suplexes!
He calls for a Headbutt, only for Omega to wind him with a kick to the solar plexus, somehow muscling him up to connect an AOI SHOUDOU! Cobb fires back with an earth-shaking POP-UP SITOUT POWERBOMB, almost sealing the deal, but Omega stays in it! He sets up a TOUR OF THE ISLANDS, only for Omega to slip out and connect a V-TRIGGER! Another is swatted away, Cobb instead planting Kenny into the mat with a SCOOPSLAM, before Mr. Athletic signals for the GACHI-MUCHI SAULT… BUT THERE’S NO WATER IN THE POND, COBB MISSING!
As he regains his bearings, on his knees, he sees Omega running at him for a V-TRIGGER! COBB DOESN’T GO DOWN! ANOTHER! COBB STILL REFUSES, SPITTING AT KENNY! A third is caught, Cobb finally nailing the Headbutt, before teasing a mocking COBBGOYE! OMEGA NAILS THE THIRD V-TRIGGER! Feral from the attempted disrespect, he slams his own KAMIGOYE into Cobb’s skull like he did Ospreay, before scoring the massive ONE WINGED ANGEL! ONE! TWO! THREE!!!
Kenny Omega def. Jeff Cobb in 14:53 (4 Points)
NJPW G1 Climax 33, Night Seven - July 25, 2023
Kenny Omega vs. SANADA
Despite having met in two prior G1s, this SANADA is far different to the one Kenny’s 2-0 against, the co-Finalist with Omega’s Golden Lover in 2020 a sure test after the hell he’s inflicted on NJPW greats so far this year since aligned with Just5Guys. Radiating coolness even the Weeb Man struggles to match, they’re soon on the mat with a tactical cold open. Omega pressures SANADA, giving him little space to move about, only for the Cold Skull to twist and turn his way out the ropes, using his superior agility and smaller frame to break away from Omega, the two checking each other’s kicks, before SANADA rocks him with a picture-perfect DROPKICK, Kenny surprised.
SANADA’s zeroed in on the neck, but Omega is quick to create distance, instead lashing out with boots to keep the LIJ member at bay, a stray shot to the gut flooring him, allowing Kenny to work over him with knees, laying him out with a YOU CAN’T ESCAPE! Dragon Suplex in his sights, he hooks the arms only for SANADA to escape his trajectory, nabbing a Backslide for a quick 2 count into another DROPKICK that knocks Omega to the outside, following up with a MOONSAULT to wipe him out!
SANADA continues working for the neck, trapping Kenny in a PARADISE LOCK, before stomping on the neck! He gets his foe on his shoulders for a TKO, only for Omega to slip behind and land on his feet, scoring a BRIDGING GERMAN SUPLEX, SANADA kicking out! Omega gets him in a pinch, a DOUBLE UNDERHOOK PILEDRIVER dazing SANADA, before ceaseless knees search for concussion on delivery! A RAIN TRIGGER crumples him, SANADA struggling as he finds himself for the pickings of a V-Trigger, but a sudden SNAP SWINGING NECKBREAKER is enough to drop Kenny!
He blasts Omega with a SUPERKICK and a SHINING WIZARD, before pulling him back into a BRIDGING TIGER SUPLEX, the Cleaner getting his shoulder up, only to find himself trapped in the SKULL END! SANADA wrenches back, but only until Omega starts squirming, thinking he knows all of SANADA’s tricks, but instead of the usual Moonsault, DEADFALL CONNECTS! Wanting to make a statement, SANADA readies a second, Kenny damn near biting the bullet on this one, but as far as SANADA’s come, hubris brings him crashing down, baited into an escape and SNAP DRAGON! A second ragdolls him, and a ONE WINGED ANGEL takes him down for good! But Kenny’s clearly hurting at the neck, and who’s next but… Bryan Danielson. Fuck.
Kenny Omega def. SANADA in 16:23 (6 Points)
NJPW G1 Climax 33, Night Nine - July 27, 2023
Kenny Omega vs. Bryan Danielson
Two times they’ve fought this year, and both times Kenny’s left in a depressive state. Survived once and mutilated the second, he’s been lusting for the chance to return the favour to the American Dragon, who’s remained utterly dominant in the Block so far, ready to go 5-0 here unless Omega has something to say about it. The bell rings, and the lock-up is intense, both men darting quickly to the middle of the ring to aggressively jockey for position. Omega tries to use his size to corner the Dragon, but Bryan’s lower center of gravity keeps him planted.
Omega and Bryan circle each other now, eventually locking horns in the center of the ring as they engage in a collar and elbow tie-up. We see Bryan initiate the lock-up as he instantly goes for the arm wrench, getting Omega down to one knee as he twists and twists on that right arm. However, Omega is able to roll into an arm wrench of his own before grappling with him and getting the hammerlock. Quickly, we see Bryan escape and lock in the side headlock, however Omega shoves Bryan into the ropes, forcing the break. Omega puts his hands up as a sign that he doesn’t plan on attacking Danielson… BUT IT’S BRYAN WITH THE BIG LARIAT THAT TAKES OMEGA OFF OF HIS FEET!!! He’s not done there however, as he grabs the leg of Omega now BEFORE LOCKING IN A SINGLE LEG BOSTON CRAB!!!
Trapped in this hold, Omega does his best in order to crawl over to the ropes, as he needs to force the break before this submission hold can do any major damage to his leg. Eventually, he completes the slow climb, BUT BRYAN DRAGS HIM STRAIGHT INTO THE CENTER OF THE RING AGAIN! When Bryan lets go to drag Omega back into the middle of the ring, he releases the hold just enough for Omega to roll onto his back for the upkick that frees himself. Once Omega’s back up, he dodges the Discus Elbow Smash from Bryan now, BEFORE COMING BACK UP FOR THE FLASH HIGH KNEE! We see Bryan stumble around now as Omega hits the ropes hard, coming back at Bryan OFF THE REBOUND FOR THE KOTARO KRUSHER THAT TAKES HIS HEAD OFF!!! AND OMEGA GOES FOR THE QUICK COVER… ONE… TWO… BUT BRYAN KICKS OUT!
Danilson sits up quickly after the kickout, catching an attempted V-TRIGGER from Omega now before turning it into a huge Dragon Screw that whips Omega down to the mat. Clutching his leg now, we see Bryan rise back to his feet and grab that leg once more before landing two more rapid grounded Dragon Screw Leg Whips. He looks to lock in a potential Heel Hook now, however Omega kicks away at Bryan, preventing him from cinching in the submission. Bryan stumbles back a bit now, watching Omega as he returns to his feet BEFORE DROPPING HIM WITH THE HUGE BASEMENT DROPKICK!!!
Omega wails in agony as he clutches that bad leg of his, and Bryan hoists him back to his feet BEFORE LETTING LOOSE ANOTHER DRAGON SCREW… ONLY FOR OMEGA TO FIRE OFF THE BIG ENZUIGIRI TO FREE HIMSELF!!! Limping towards Bryan now, he throws a desperate Dropkick in an attempt to ground the Dragon, ONLY TO MISS WILDLY AS BRYAN SUBSEQUENTLY KICKS OMEGA’S LEG OUT OF HIS LEG, DROPPING HIM TO THE GROUND!!! Bryan hoists Omega to the top rope now, looking for what could be a Superplex now… BUT IT’S OMEGA WITH THE HEADBUTT TO SEND BRYAN BACK DOWN TO THE GROUND!!!
Sacrificing himself from the damage SANADA already did to his neck, he stands up on the middle rope now, watching as Bryan stumbles back to his feet… AND IT’S OMEGA WITH THE MISSILE DROPKICK!!! BUT IT HURTS OMEGA AS MUCH AS IT HURTS BRYAN!!! Nonetheless, he’s still able to hook the leg for the cover… ONE… TWO… BUT BRYAN KICKS OUT!!! Stumbling back to his feet, we see Omega try to slap some feeling back into that leg of his, eventually attempting to throw some good striking offense at Bryan as well, but he’s extremely limited due to the leg, WHICH ALLOWS BRYAN TO DODGE THE V-TRIGGER AND FIRE BACK WITH THE BRIDGING DRAGON SUPLEX!!! ONE… TWO… TH-NOOO!!! OMEGA GETS THE KICKOUT!!!
We see Bryan stumble back to his feet as he picks up Omega’s leg AND STARTS TO WAIL ON IT WITH KICKS!!! He’s not done there however, as he throws Omega into the corner AND BLASTS HIM WITH THE CORNER DROPKICK!!! We see Omega crumble out of the corner now, but Bryan throws him right back in as he sits him up on the top rope, NOW LOOKING FOR AN AVALANCHE BACK SUPLEX… BUT OMEGA SLIPS THROUGH BRYAN’S LEGS AND LANDS ON HIS ONE GOOD LEG!!! AND HE LEAPS UP TOP… AVALANCHE CROYT’S WRATH!!!
Limping back to his feet, Omega watches as Bryan’s body inadvertently bounces to it’s feet, BEFORE CHARGING FOR THE V-TRIGGER!!! BUT OMEGA’S LEG IS STILL DESTROYED!!! He desperately crawls for the cover now… ONE… TWO… THR-NOOOOOOO!!! BRYAN KICKS OUT!!! Both Bryan and Omega lay motionless on the mat now, eventually stumbling back to their feet at the same time as Bryan begins to throw vicious headbutts at Omega, switching his strategy to a sure-fire concussion for Kenny… BUT OMEGA’S ABLE TO DODGE A DIVING HEADBUTT, NAILING ANOTHER V-TRIGGER!!! Fishing Bryan onto his shoulders, HE LOOKS FOR THE ONE WINGED ANGEL… BUT HIS KNEE GIVES OUT, AND BRYAN IMMEDIATELY CAPITALISES WITH A SOCCER KICK TO THE INJURED AREA!
Gloating, he wraps on a HEEL HOOK, using the ropes for leverage behind the referee’s back as Kenny screams in agony! Composed, Danielson knows he’s alone in the driver’s seat, but when Ken Dog flips him off, the Dragon inside him is awakened! Absolutely irate, he releases and chews Kenny out, only giving him the opportunity for a SMALL PACKAGE ON ITS MASTER! ONE… TWO… THR-KICK OUT!!! BRYAN GETS BACK UP, KENNY RUSHES AT HIM, AND DANIELSON TIMES A PERFECT KNEE PLUS! HE COULD BEAT HIM RIGHT HERE, BUT HE GRABS BOTH OF HIS ARMS AND STARTS STOMPING KENNY’S HEAD IN ONTO THE NECK SANADA WORKED ON! TRANSITIONS INTO A LEBELL LOCK, AND HE’S ALREADY OUT COLD, THE REFEREE CALLS IT!
Bryan Danielson def. Kenny Omega in 23:49 (6 Points)
NJPW G1 Climax 33, Night Eleven - August 1, 2023
Kenny Omega vs. Tomohiro Ishii
It’s getting hard out here for a pimp. Another suffering – one more and he could be done for good. Even worse, he’s now against the man with his number in tournaments, having suffered losses to Ishii in both the New Japan Cup and G1 Climax. Does he still have that dog in him? Let’s see. Picking up immediately where they left off even after 5 years, they jump into an exchange of forearms, the two rattling each other’s marbles with devastating blow after devastating blow!
Omega comes in with such intensity to prove his point, he manages to KNOCK ISHII TO HIS KNEES, Kenny scoring uncontested forearms and a SHOOT PUMP KICK TO PUT TOM DOWN! BUT ISHII POPS RIGHT BACK UP AND RETURNS THE FAVOUR, KNOCKING HIM OFF HIS FEET WITH CHOPS! He calls for a SLIDING LARIAT, Omega countering with a BACKSLIDE, rolling Ishii through into a HIGH KNEE! ISHII ABSORBS IT AND THROWS A HEADBUTT TO CRUMPLE OMEGA!
Tossing him into the corner, Ishii lays in SHOULDER TACKLES to Omega’s midsection, driving the air out his lungs, before catching him with an ENZUIGIRI and a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! OMEGA BOUNCES TO HIS FEET AND CATCHES HIM WITH A SURPRISE ROUNDHOUSE KICK! KOTARO KRUSHER! ONE! TWO! ISHII SENDS OMEGA FLYING! A LARIAT has Omega somersaulting through the air before he lands on his face! Tom gets him up for a POWERBOMB, but Omega cracks down on his head with strikes, countering into a FRANKENSTEINER! Omega stomps Tom’s head, but Ishii brushes it off, responding with SLAPS, knocking Kenny off his feet!
Omega catches him with punches and kicks to the gut, a knee doubling Ishii over, before Omega launches himself off the ropes for a MISSILE DROPKICK, ISHII CATCHING IT AND SWINGING IT AROUND INTO A BRAINBUSTER! 1…2…KICK OUT! Almost snapping the ropes with the velocity he sends Omega into them, Ishii flattens the Cleaner with a CROSSBODY BLOCK, before rocking him with forearms and going for another ENZUIGIRI, Omega scouting it this time and firing a V-TRIGGER! Sending Ishii out the ring with a DROPKICK, OMEGA LANDS A GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULT!
Kenny chips away with strikes on Ishii as he takes him back up to the apron, Ishii responding with blistering forearms and trying for an APRON BRAINBUSTER, but Omega kicks free and lands a DOUBLE FOOT STOMP! Sliding inside the ring, Omega DEADLIFTS ISHII OFF THE APRON FOR AN ELEVATED GERMAN SUPLEX! ISHII POPS THROUGH TO HIS FEET AND BLASTS KENNY WITH A SLIDING LARIAT! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX CRUMPLES THE TAG CHAMP!
The Stone Pitbull takes Omega to the top rope, wanting his patented DELAYED VERTICAL SUPERPLEX, but already having suffered it once, Kenny is desperate to evade the vertigo, BUSTING ISHII’S LIP OPEN WITH A KNEE! As fearless as Omega is, even he realises what he’s just done as Ishii calmly sets Omega down on the top turnbuckle, BEFORE BLASTING HIM WITH AN ENZUIGIRI THAT SENDS HIM BUMPING OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR! ISHII STANDS ON THE TOP ROPE, OMEGA STRUGGLING TO HIS FEET… ISHII LAUNCHES HIMSELF OFF WITH A DIVING CROSSBODY, FLATTENING KENNY LIKE A PANCAKE!
Gasps of shock resonate around the arena for the insane spot, Tomohiro brushing himself off as he dumps Omega back inside the ring, hoisting him up for the ISHII DRILLER, Omega frantically kicking free, remembering how it went for him last time, instead going for a DOCTOR POWERBOMB! ONE! TWO! THR-KICK OUT!!! Omega nails Ishii’s busted lip with forearms as further blood pours out, only firing Ishii up more to SLAP OMEGA’S HEAD INTO THE MAT! Ishii unleashes a hailstorm of OPEN PALM STRIKES, Omega with no protection against the unrelenting blows, Ishii suddenly trying for another BRAINBUSTER, but Kenny takes him down with a LARIAT!
Despite having beaten the tar out of each other, the two remain unsatisfied as they get to their feet, unleashing MORE forearms, not knowing when to quit! Omega switches to SHOOT KICKS, Ishii responding with CHOPS, tit for tat with each blow! Omega throws a ROUNDHOUSE, Ishii cracking an ENZUIGIRI, Omega stunning him with a V-TRIGGER, Ishii rocking him with a DISCUS FOREARM, BOTH NAILING LARIATS, AND THEN RIGHT BACK TO FOREARMS! V-TRIGGER FROM OMEGA! HEADBUTT FROM ISHII! ISHII WITH ANOTHER HEADBUTT! AND A THIRD!
Kenny Omega def. Tomohiro Ishii in 20:51 (8 Points)
NJPW G1 Climax 33, Night Thirteen - August 5, 2023
Kenny Omega vs. EVIL
Elite vs House of Torture time. The two weirdo offshoot BULLET CLUB groups get to decide who the bigger freak is through their hentai and adult toy collections, Kenny mindlessly gooning to Ibushi while Jado reads Gay Smosh Fanfic to EVIL. They eventually lock-up though, and surprisingly, it’s on. EVIL tosses Omega into the corner, bludgeoning him with a LARIAT, before laying into him with forearms, Omega doing his best to cover up from the onslaught!
He launches the Cleaner across the ring with a massive BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX, Kenny landing hard as EVIL stays on him with punishing blows. The action spills to the outside, EVIL ramming Omega back-first into the apron and then guardrail too, before retrieving a couple of chairs, proceeding to put one around Omega’s head whilst trying to swat it with the other chair!
To his chagrin, Kenny ducks, EVIL’s chair bending around the steel post instead, giving Omega an opportunity to remove the one on him. He tosses it to EVIL, who catches it, nailing him with a JUMPING V-TRIGGER, driving the chair into his face! Leaping onto the apron, Omega goes for a DIVING DOUBLE FOOT STOMP, only for EVIL to SLAM THE CHAIR INTO HIM, the Cleaner crashing to the floor! EVIL rolls him back inside, nailing a FISHERMAN BUSTER, before locking in the BANSHEE MUZZLE!
Omega fights free, firing a ROLLING KOPPU KICK, before scoring a V-TRIGGER and a DRAGON SUPLEX! Measuring his man, he races for another Trigger, only to be turned inside-out with a DISCUS LARIAT – OMEGA SURVIVES! Growing more and more incensed by the minute, EVIL rocks him with a RUNNING ELBOW, before nailing a HALF & HALF SUPLEX! Hauling Omega on his shoulders, he pops him up into DARKNESS FALLS! ONE! TWO! THR-ANOTHER KICK OUT!
EVIL signals for the end, wanting Everything Is Evil, only to eat a flurry of forearms from Omega, followed by a HIGH KNEE and a DOCTOR BOMB! Omega calls for a ONE WINGED ANGEL, but Jado hops on the apron, distracting the referee, allowing EVIL to nail a LOW BLOW, Omega crumbling to the mat! EVIL sets a steel chair in the ring, trying for EVERYTHING IS EVIL, but he’s spiked into the chair with a DDT! Gingerly pulling himself back up, Omega nails a silencing CROYT’S WRATH! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Kenny Omega def. EVIL in 13:27 (10 Points)
NJPW G1 Climax 33, Night Fifteen - August 8, 2023
Kenny Omega vs. Tetsuya Naito
It’s time. Over a year ago, Kenny’s journey began at Wrestle Kingdom opposite Tetsuya Naito, where he failed to put away his iconic rival to earn the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship shot he’s been pining for. Legendary in the realm of G1s, Kenny beating Naito in 2016’s Block Finals, Naito beating him back in 2017’s Finals, before Omega cleared him in 2018’s opening night, and now tied 2-2, once more the fate of the Block rests in their hands, and once more it’ll bang.
The two charismatic stars keep the action slow and steady in the early goings, using their personalities to shine through instead, leading to a series of fun exchanges, before suddenly flipping the switch, getting to some competitive lock-ups, Omega using his reach to control Naito, before sending him rolling across the ring and telling him to come at him, Naito smirking. He races at Kenny, who catches him with a knee, only to get rocked by a fist to the head, the two exchanging impassioned strikes before Naito gets the better of Kenny, a FLYING FOREARM SMASH sending him out of the ring, Naito doing his ‘Tranquilo’ pose, now taunting Omega to come at him!
The Best Bout Machine grins, game recognising game, sliding back inside with lightning-speed, biding through a few stomps to connect an Enzuigiri, followed by a STANDING V-TRIGGER, meeting its mark flush on the bridge of Tetsuya’s nose! Omega teases a Kotaro Krusher, only for Naito to step back, instead connecting a ROLLING WHEEL KICK, followed by a Snapmare and a DROPKICK to the back of Kenny’s head! Whipping him across the ring, Naito lands a CORNER DROPKICK, followed by a Legsweep into a SLINGSHOT CORNER DROPKICK!
As Tetsuya does his ‘Abre les Ojos’ taunt, Omega gets back to his feet and catches him off guard with his own Dropkick, before rolling him to the apron and connecting a DOUBLE FOOT STOMP! With Naito on the outside, Omega floors him with an ASAI MOONSAULT, before returning him back inside the ring. Muscling Naito onto his shoulders, he calls for YOU CAN’T ESCAPE, only to get countered into a POISONED FRANKENSTEINER! Naito follows up with a TORNADO DDT, before hooking Kenny in for an ESPERENZA! He calls for the DESTINO, only to get caught with a TILT-A-WHIRL BACKBREAKER!
Omega pummels Naito with kicks, a knee disorienting his foe and a RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX sending him crashing! He teases the Aoi Shoudou, but Naito almost turns it into a DESTINO, Omega just able to back him into the corner mid-trajectory! Pulling Naito off the top rope, Kenny nails a BRAINBUSTER, before seating himself on the top rope, waiting for Naito to get back to his feet. He signals for a Missile Dropkick, but Naito is too quick, meeting him up there for an AVALANCHE FRANKENSTEINER! Picking him off the mat, Naito plants him with a GLORIA for a near-fall!
A Neckbreaker finds its mark, but as Naito attempts a Dragon Suplex, a series of back elbows sully his efforts, Omega turning around to nail a knee to double-over Tetsuya, before a V-TRIGGER rocks his dome! In perfect position, he nails a REAR V-TRIGGER on Naito, before going for seconds, only for Naito to leapfrog over him and land a DESTINO! Now Naito goes for seconds, Kenny countering his attempts, setting him down to try once more for another V-TRIGGER, but a side-step into a Kitchen Sink catches him off guard, Naito capitalising with another DESTINO- CAUGHT ON THE SHOULDERS! ONE WINGED ANGEL! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Kenny Omega def. Tetsuya Naito in 24:26 (12 Points)
NJPW G1 Climax 33, Night Seventeen - August 10, 2023
Kenny Omega vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Alas, the end is nigh and of course, it comes down to these two. With Bryan Danielson spiralling in his last 3 matches, joining these two at 12 points, this is a guaranteed Block Finals as much as it is guaranteed that NJPW hangs in the balance between these two men of diametrically opposite ideologies. The crowd is booming, the competitors are weary, and the world is ready to implode once more.
It’s a very technical match from the jump, the two gifted wrestlers jostling for the advantage. Tanahashi wrings out Omega’s arm, only for him to cartwheel out, tripping up the Ace for a quick cover and kick out. Omega does his finger gun taunt, Tana returning a strum of his air-guitar. Using his muscly frame, Tana drops Kenny to the mat, only to get his legs swept from beneath him, Kenny following up with a well-placed knee to double his foe over. He goes for another, but Hiroshi grabs it this time, teasing a DRAGON SCREW, only for Omega to blast him with his free leg, creating separation.
The Cleaner opts for his striking game, looking to knock Tana down with a flash knees, the first couple catching him flush on the chest to make a nasty sound, but Tana’s able to brave through them to scout the third one, turning it into a DRAGON SCREW! Kenny shakes his leg off, only for Tana to floor him with a Drop Toe Hold, before jumping to the top rope, calling for an early HIGH FLY FLOW, but an ENZUIGIRI sends him crashing to the outside! Omega cracks him with chops to the chest on the outside, before laying him out on the apron with a BRAINBUSTER!
Back inside the ring, Kenny lands his signature YOU CAN’T ESCAPE, burying his forearm into Tana’s face in an aggressive cover, but Hiroshi kicks out! They get into a striking match, Tana instigating it with a DRAGON SHIKI-HARITE, but it’s a mistake as Omega drops him to his knees with nasty rights, coming completely unhinged on the Ace of the Universe! V-Trigger is blocked as Tana goes for the leg again, but the Cleaner successfully bats him away, before tossing him into the ropes, Tana coming back with a SLING BLADE!
Dropkicking Omega into the ropes, Hiroshi takes him to the outside with a DRAGON ROCKET, before scaling to the top rope, landing a HIGH FLY FLOW TO THE OUTSIDE! Returning Kenny back inside, Tana goes up top for another, only to be stopped once again, this time by a LEAPING DROPKICK! With Tana seated on the top rope, Omega meets him up there, the two trading forearms, before Kenny tries to get him on his shoulders for a ONE WINGED ANGEL, but Tana hangs on! Instead, Kenny drops him down for an AVALANCHE CROYT’S WRATH! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOOOOO!!! him around and kicks out his leg from behind, connecting a LUNGBLOWER!
As the Once in a Century Talent grabs at his back, Omega softens it up further with knees, before going to his corner for a mocking Ibushi-style BOMAYE attempt, but it’s cancelled by a DROPKICK to the knee! Kenny tries to shake it off but this time Tana finally has him, straightening out his leg with a DRAGON SCREW, before floating over into a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! The Cleaner desperately searches for the ropes whilst Hiroshi uses his core strength to keep him in one place, but he’s eventually able to make the break, albeit spending a little longer in the hold than he’d hoped.
As he leans in the ropes, Tana fishes for the leg again, only to get blasted in the jaw for his troubles. Stunned, Omega takes advantage of his blind spot and rocks him with a blunt trauma V-TRIGGER! He goes for a RAIN TRIGGER, but it’s countered into a FALL IN LOVE, Kenny just kicking out in time! He’s not quick enough to escape the next manoeuvre though, getting rocked by a DARUMA-SHIKI GERMAN SUPLEX, yet still kicking out again! A pair of TWIST AND SHOUT ensue on the bad neck, before heading up top a third time, Omega yet again going after him, only to fall in a Tree of Woe, TANA CONNECTING A HIGH FLY FLOW!
He heads up top again, looking for seconds, this time to a grounded Omega… BUT IT’S COUNTERED BY A V-TRIGGER!!! Kenny rallies for a DRAGON SUPLEX, but it’s fought out of, Tana landing a BRIDGING GERMAN! ONE! TWO! THR-KICK OUT! He goes for a second, before connecting a SLING BLADE and heading for the top, but all those years of wear and tear slow him down long enough for Kenny to recover, plucking Tanahashi off the turnbuckles from underneath… ONE WINGED ANGEL! ONE! TWO! THREE! HE’S ONTO THE FINALS!
Kenny Omega def. Hiroshi Tanahashi in 27:59 (14 Points)
From looking like neither he nor Ibushi will make it out the Blocks at all to going the distance, Kenny has a shot at a two-peat, but who could possibly be standing in the way of that? Night Eighteen. Coin drop. Rainmaker. 1-2-3. Kazuchika Okada has won B Block, and he’s out for Kenny’s head.
NJPW G1 Climax 33 Finals, Night Nineteen - August 13, 2023
Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada
2-1-1. One of the greatest series in wrestling history saw its last match wrestled 5 years ago when Kenny Omega finally put down his rival decisively. Ever since, Okada’s dreamt of redeeming the night which set him down a dangerous descent into depression, and now, he finally has that chance. The other two of his fellow NEVER Openweight Six-Man Tag Team Champions falling victim to Omega, Okada cannot afford to let Kenny best him this time as he looks to go two straight in G1s.
In typical Okada fashion, the match starts off at a slow pace, both men looking to control the action, trading lock-ups, headlocks, the works. Omega targets Okada’s arm in order to eliminate the Rainmaker from the Ace’s arsenal, wringing it out and toying with the shoulder joint. Okada breaks Omega’s grip in the ropes, proceeding to spike him into the canvas with a DDT, before nailing a Basement Dropkick to the back of his head, followed by a SENTON ATOMICO! Getting control of Kenny’s neck, he softens it up with a Neckbreaker, before cinching in DEEP IN DEBT!
He knows it’s been bothering Kenny, and he knows it’ll make the Rainmaker that much sweeter as he keeps the hold in tight whilst driving a knee into Omega’s back for maximum discomfort. Omega searches for a break, eventually getting his foot on the bottom rope, but the damage has been done. The two trade forearms, before Kenny switches up to knees, Kazuchika bringing the fire with uppercuts, only for an ENZUIGIRI to knock Okada down!
Omega brings out his signature offense, crashing a RISE OF THE TERMINATOR Okada, a YOU CAN’T ESCAPE compressing him further! Wrecking the arm further, he gets surprisingly technical to a fault, a rare Fujiwara Armbar soon resulting in Okada’s leg on the ropes and subsequently after directly in Kenny’s mush with a MILLION DOLLAR DROPKICK! Omega on the floor, Okada fights back, BOOTING him over the guardrail, before wiping him out with a JUMPING CROSSBODY! Draping Omega from the guardrail, he nails a HANGMAN DDT, before rolling him back inside the ring.
Okada heads up to the top rope, soaring for the DIVING ELBOW DROP, but he’s intercepted with a FLYING V-TRIGGER! ONE WINGED ANGEL is rolled into a flash pin, but Kenny knows how this one ends, popping up the shoulder and going ham with knees, one especially catching Okada’s shoulder! A DOCTOR BOMB folds him like a pretzel, a DRAGON SUPLEX not making it any easier on him as the shoulder continues to become harder to raise on each kick out! Of course, Omega’s struggling too though, unable to get the bridge, his neck bothering him.
Nonetheless, he hoists Okada up on his shoulders instead, only for Okada to slip behind and score a BACKDROP SUPLEX! A Flapjack and a SHORT-ARM LARIAT allow Kazuchika to scale to the top rope again, this time successfully connecting the DIVING ELBOW DROP! He does his signature Rainmaker pose, but as he tries to get wrist-control, Omega kicks his shoulder away, Okada firing back with elbows to Kenny’s neck, only to get blasted by a RAIN TRIGGER!
Prelude to the end, Omega lands a V-TRIGGER in the ropes, but the One Winged Angel is slapped away, Okada pulling him into an AIR RAID CRASH NECKBREAKER and a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER, further damaging Kenny’s neck! Okada tries for the Rainmaker once again, only this time Omega ducks under, connecting a LUNGBLOWER, followed by a REAR V-TRIGGER! Perched on the top rope, Kenny calls for the Diving variant, only to eat a MILLION DOLLAR DROPKICK!
On their last reserves of energy, the two slug it out, Okada going for a DISCUS LARIAT, but Omega meeting it with another V-TRIGGER! Okada shakes off the arm, going for the Dropkick once more, Omega holding onto the ropes, calling for the V-TRIGGER, only for Okada to collapse, Kenny flying right over him! Omega tries again, but he’s tugged into a LANDSLIDE, before Okada gets wrist-control, nailing a RAINMAKER, both men collapsing to the mat, Okada feeling the burn on his arm! He pulls him back up to his feet, spinning him around, only to eat a RAINMAKER FROM OMEGA! AND A V-TRIGGER! A SECOND! A THIRD! A FOURTH! A FIFTH!!! KENNY’S ASCENDED, OKADA’S EYES GLAZED OVER! With one final point to the heavens, he lifts Okada up… ONE WINGED ANGEL!!! ONE! TWO! THREE!!! THROUGH ALL ADVERSITY, OMEGA’S WON THE G1 CLIMAX!!!
Kenny Omega def. Kazuchika Okada to win the G1 Climax 33 in 34:07
Tickertape, flag, trophy, briefcase, it’s nothing out the ordinary for someone of Kenny’s stature as a downtrodden Okada sulks away. And yet, he still lets himself get lost in the moment, having missed this side of his life after years of not being the Best Bout Machine he once was. Tonight, he’s silenced all the critics who said he fell off, but will that let him forget who was meant to be standing here tonight instead of him? Kota Ibushi, rest in peace, your Lover has your prize…
submitted by BurningLariat13 to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2023.10.17 04:53 Twili95 Comment yer type in every system ya know PLUS whether ya heard of any of these game titles before

Comment yer type in every system ya know PLUS whether ya heard of any of these game titles before submitted by Twili95 to entp [link] [comments]

2023.10.17 04:51 Twili95 Comment yer type in every system ya know PLUS whether ya heard of any of these game titles before

submitted by Twili95 to mbti [link] [comments]

2023.10.03 04:07 Twili95 Which game titles are the most ESTP-sounding?

7 Days to End with You
A Little Lily Princess
A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future
Animal Crossing™: New Horizons
Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Beach Bounce Remastered
Beauty Bounce
BloodRayne 2: ReVamped
BloodRayne: ReVamped
Brain On: Dot Physics
Bunny Bounce
Combat Core Demo
Crawlco Block Knockers
Crush Crush
Dating Life: Miley X Emily
Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Demetrios Demo
Elves Fantasy Hentai Puzzle
Escape Lala - Retro Point and Click Adventure
FUZE Player
Fight'N Rage
Forest Guardian
Fragment's Note+
Fragment's Note+ AfterStory
Fragment's Note2+ Trial.Ver
Hentai Stars Deluxe Edition
Hentai World Extended Edition
Highschool Romance
Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom: Princess of the Black Rabbit
Jisei: The First Case HD
Katamari Damacy REROLL Demo version
Kill la Kill The Game - IF- DEMO
Kurokami-sama's Feast
Last Beat Enhanced
Legend of Arcadieu Bundle
Legends of Talia: Arcadia
Light Fairytale Episode 1
Lovekami -Divinity Stage-
Lovekami -Useless Goddess-
Magic Exposure - Yuri Visual Novel
Magical Girls
Magical Girls Second Magic
Marble Maid
Marco & The Galaxy Dragon
Miracle Snack Shop
Murder on the Marine Express
Nurse Love Addiction
Nurse Love Syndrome
Omega Labyrinth Life Deluxe Edition
Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s
Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Pretty Girls Panic!
Roomie Romance
SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy
Sakura Fantasy
Sakura Gamer
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 2
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura Santa
Sakura Spirit
Secret Kiss is Sweet and Tender
Song of Memories
Starlight Shores
Strawberry Vinegar
Summer Days
Syrup and The Ultimate Sweet
THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny (trial version)
Takorita Meets Fries
The Language Of Love
The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island
The World Next Door (Demo)
Time Tenshi
Tokyo School Life
Waifu Uncovered
Worldend Syndrome
Would you like to run an idol cafe?
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world.
Yumeutsutsu Re:After
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
ハーレム過ぎる異世界は俺が救う Isekai Harem Saver - TRIAL -
submitted by Twili95 to mbti [link] [comments]

2023.10.02 22:26 Twili95 Which game titles sound the most, and least, ESTP-like?

7 Days to End with You
A Little Lily Princess
A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future
Animal Crossing™: New Horizons
Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Beach Bounce Remastered
Beauty Bounce
BloodRayne 2: ReVamped
BloodRayne: ReVamped
Brain On: Dot Physics
Bunny Bounce
Combat Core Demo
Crawlco Block Knockers
Crush Crush
Dating Life: Miley X Emily
Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Demetrios Demo
Elves Fantasy Hentai Puzzle
Escape Lala - Retro Point and Click Adventure
FUZE Player
Fight'N Rage
Forest Guardian
Fragment's Note+
Fragment's Note+ AfterStory
Fragment's Note2+ Trial.Ver
Hentai Stars Deluxe Edition
Hentai World Extended Edition
Highschool Romance
Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom: Princess of the Black Rabbit
Jisei: The First Case HD
Katamari Damacy REROLL Demo version
Kill la Kill The Game - IF- DEMO
Kurokami-sama's Feast
Last Beat Enhanced
Legend of Arcadieu Bundle
Legends of Talia: Arcadia
Light Fairytale Episode 1
Lovekami -Divinity Stage-
Lovekami -Useless Goddess-
Magic Exposure - Yuri Visual Novel
Magical Girls
Magical Girls Second Magic
Marble Maid
Marco & The Galaxy Dragon
Miracle Snack Shop
Murder on the Marine Express
Nurse Love Addiction
Nurse Love Syndrome
Omega Labyrinth Life Deluxe Edition
Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s
Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Pretty Girls Panic!
Roomie Romance
SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy
Sakura Fantasy
Sakura Gamer
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 2
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura Santa
Sakura Spirit
Secret Kiss is Sweet and Tender
Song of Memories
Starlight Shores
Strawberry Vinegar
Summer Days
Syrup and The Ultimate Sweet
THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny (trial version)
Takorita Meets Fries
The Language Of Love
The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island
The World Next Door (Demo)
Time Tenshi
Tokyo School Life
Waifu Uncovered
Worldend Syndrome
Would you like to run an idol cafe?
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world.
Yumeutsutsu Re:After
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
ハーレム過ぎる異世界は俺が救う Isekai Harem Saver - TRIAL -
submitted by Twili95 to INTP [link] [comments]

2023.10.02 22:23 Twili95 Which game titles are the most ESTP-sounding?

7 Days to End with You
A Little Lily Princess
A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future
Animal Crossing™: New Horizons
Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Beach Bounce Remastered
Beauty Bounce
BloodRayne 2: ReVamped
BloodRayne: ReVamped
Brain On: Dot Physics
Bunny Bounce
Combat Core Demo
Crawlco Block Knockers
Crush Crush
Dating Life: Miley X Emily
Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Demetrios Demo
Elves Fantasy Hentai Puzzle
Escape Lala - Retro Point and Click Adventure
FUZE Player
Fight'N Rage
Forest Guardian
Fragment's Note+
Fragment's Note+ AfterStory
Fragment's Note2+ Trial.Ver
Hentai Stars Deluxe Edition
Hentai World Extended Edition
Highschool Romance
Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom: Princess of the Black Rabbit
Jisei: The First Case HD
Katamari Damacy REROLL Demo version
Kill la Kill The Game - IF- DEMO
Kurokami-sama's Feast
Last Beat Enhanced
Legend of Arcadieu Bundle
Legends of Talia: Arcadia
Light Fairytale Episode 1
Lovekami -Divinity Stage-
Lovekami -Useless Goddess-
Magic Exposure - Yuri Visual Novel
Magical Girls
Magical Girls Second Magic
Marble Maid
Marco & The Galaxy Dragon
Miracle Snack Shop
Murder on the Marine Express
Nurse Love Addiction
Nurse Love Syndrome
Omega Labyrinth Life Deluxe Edition
Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s
Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Pretty Girls Panic!
Roomie Romance
SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy
Sakura Fantasy
Sakura Gamer
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 2
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura Santa
Sakura Spirit
Secret Kiss is Sweet and Tender
Song of Memories
Starlight Shores
Strawberry Vinegar
Summer Days
Syrup and The Ultimate Sweet
THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny (trial version)
Takorita Meets Fries
The Language Of Love
The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island
The World Next Door (Demo)
Time Tenshi
Tokyo School Life
Waifu Uncovered
Worldend Syndrome
Would you like to run an idol cafe?
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world.
Yumeutsutsu Re:After
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
ハーレム過ぎる異世界は俺が救う Isekai Harem Saver - TRIAL -
submitted by Twili95 to infj [link] [comments]

2023.10.02 05:12 Twili95 Which of these game titles sound the most, and the least, stereotypically ESTP?

7 Days to End with You
A Little Lily Princess
A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future
Animal Crossing™: New Horizons
Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Beach Bounce Remastered
Beauty Bounce
BloodRayne 2: ReVamped
BloodRayne: ReVamped
Brain On: Dot Physics
Bunny Bounce
Combat Core Demo
Crawlco Block Knockers
Crush Crush
Dating Life: Miley X Emily
Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Demetrios Demo
Elves Fantasy Hentai Puzzle
Escape Lala - Retro Point and Click Adventure
FUZE Player
Fight'N Rage
Forest Guardian
Fragment's Note+
Fragment's Note+ AfterStory
Fragment's Note2+ Trial.Ver
Hentai Stars Deluxe Edition
Hentai World Extended Edition
Highschool Romance
Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom: Princess of the Black Rabbit
Jisei: The First Case HD
Katamari Damacy REROLL Demo version
Kill la Kill The Game - IF- DEMO
Kurokami-sama's Feast
Last Beat Enhanced
Legend of Arcadieu Bundle
Legends of Talia: Arcadia
Light Fairytale Episode 1
Lovekami -Divinity Stage-
Lovekami -Useless Goddess-
Magic Exposure - Yuri Visual Novel
Magical Girls
Magical Girls Second Magic
Marble Maid
Marco & The Galaxy Dragon
Miracle Snack Shop
Murder on the Marine Express
Nurse Love Addiction
Nurse Love Syndrome
Omega Labyrinth Life Deluxe Edition
Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s
Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Pretty Girls Panic!
Roomie Romance
SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy
Sakura Fantasy
Sakura Gamer
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 2
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura Santa
Sakura Spirit
Secret Kiss is Sweet and Tender
Song of Memories
Starlight Shores
Strawberry Vinegar
Summer Days
Syrup and The Ultimate Sweet
THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny (trial version)
Takorita Meets Fries
The Language Of Love
The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island
The World Next Door (Demo)
Time Tenshi
Tokyo School Life
Waifu Uncovered
Worldend Syndrome
Would you like to run an idol cafe?
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world.
Yumeutsutsu Re:After
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
ハーレム過ぎる異世界は俺が救う Isekai Harem Saver - TRIAL -
submitted by Twili95 to mbti [link] [comments]

2023.10.01 04:10 Twili95 Which game titles sound the most, and the least, stereotypically ESTP?

7 Days to End with You
A Little Lily Princess
A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future
Animal Crossing™: New Horizons
Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Beach Bounce Remastered
Beauty Bounce
BloodRayne 2: ReVamped
BloodRayne: ReVamped
Brain On: Dot Physics
Bunny Bounce
Combat Core Demo
Crawlco Block Knockers
Crush Crush
Dating Life: Miley X Emily
Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Demetrios Demo
Elves Fantasy Hentai Puzzle
Escape Lala - Retro Point and Click Adventure
FUZE Player
Fight'N Rage
Forest Guardian
Fragment's Note+
Fragment's Note+ AfterStory
Fragment's Note2+ Trial.Ver
Hentai Stars Deluxe Edition
Hentai World Extended Edition
Highschool Romance
Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom: Princess of the Black Rabbit
Jisei: The First Case HD
Katamari Damacy REROLL Demo version
Kill la Kill The Game - IF- DEMO
Kurokami-sama's Feast
Last Beat Enhanced
Legend of Arcadieu Bundle
Legends of Talia: Arcadia
Light Fairytale Episode 1
Lovekami -Divinity Stage-
Lovekami -Useless Goddess-
Magic Exposure - Yuri Visual Novel
Magical Girls
Magical Girls Second Magic
Marble Maid
Marco & The Galaxy Dragon
Miracle Snack Shop
Murder on the Marine Express
Nurse Love Addiction
Nurse Love Syndrome
Omega Labyrinth Life Deluxe Edition
Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s
Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire
Pretty Girls Panic!
Roomie Romance
SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy
Sakura Fantasy
Sakura Gamer
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 2
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura Santa
Sakura Spirit
Secret Kiss is Sweet and Tender
Song of Memories
Starlight Shores
Strawberry Vinegar
Summer Days
Syrup and The Ultimate Sweet
THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny (trial version)
Takorita Meets Fries
The Language Of Love
The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island
The World Next Door (Demo)
Time Tenshi
Tokyo School Life
Waifu Uncovered
Worldend Syndrome
Would you like to run an idol cafe?
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world.
Yumeutsutsu Re:After
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
ハーレム過ぎる異世界は俺が救う Isekai Harem Saver - TRIAL -
submitted by Twili95 to entp [link] [comments]

2023.09.10 05:54 Precogvision Trip Report: Solo 22M, first time in Japan for one week (with photos)

Hey everyone, I just wrapped up a two week vacation going through Japan for one week then South Korea and Singapore. For a little more context, I’m an introverted 22M that graduated college about a year ago and that’s been working since. I’ve done a couple of short solo trips in the past, mostly stateside, but this was the first ‘big’ one that I planned myself. I bought all the plane tickets about six months advance, and then started putting together a rough itinerary a couple months out. Because this was my first trip, I didn’t set anything in stone although I had a general idea of what I wanted to do.
My focuses on this trip were mostly a mix of food and my hobbies (personal audio, photography, watches, and anime). Mostly just a bunch of nerd stuff; I’m not really a historical or cultural buff if I’m being 100% honest, so this is the stuff that I’ll mainly be talking about.


Generally, I really liked Japan. I hung out with a friend for two days in Tokyo, and then another friend for three days in Osaka (with a day trip to Kyoto). A couple of the other days in Tokyo, I met up and went drinking with some people off Discord which was cool. But even during the times when I was by myself, I didn’t feel particularly lonely - there’s plenty to do in Tokyo and lots of other people who are solo. Unfortunately, I can't really remember what I did chronologically (I didn't follow my itinerary to a T), so I'll just throw out a bunch of topics and my experience.
Travel Style
Something that I really wanted to challenge myself to do is onebag (or 1.5 bag) this trip. I used my GoRuck GR2 with a Peak Design 6L sling (carrying my Sony A7IV camera) inside. I’d leave the GR2 at my accommodation, then just take the PD 6L sling out with me for the day. But the decision to bring one bag really paid off on the first day. I landed early in the morning, and I was able to visit Tsukiji market and TeamLab Planets without double-tracking and dropping off my bags first at the hotel. The storage lockers they have at the stations made this even easier.
Picture Tips
If you want to get good pictures while you’re solo, the best tip I can give is to find other travelers and offer to take some photos for them. Take a bunch so they’re more likely to do the same. This is a pretty useful foot in the door technique because you can’t take a tripod everywhere and there’s certain angles you won’t get otherwise. Ask the mainland Chinese girls if you can because they love taking photos and they know what’s up.
Not speaking Japanese
Speaking of ethnicity, some of the locals are xenophobic (which is not surprising given that the country is overrun with tourists). This isn’t true for a lot of locals in Japan, and no one will explicitly say you’re a dirty gaijin, but I picked up on it more than a couple times. It doesn’t help that I’m East Asian, so a lot of the time the locals would start speaking to me in Japanese. Then I could read their expressions and change in demeanor when they realized I didn’t speak Japanese.
I think what I’ve read holds up. Almost all of it is decent, and notably, you can get it for very cheap compared to the USA. One of my favorite meals ended up being a pork cutlet curry at a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant called Ken’s Curry or something like that. Another highlight was an all-you-can-eat meat place called Yakiniku 298 for $8 in Osaka. Pretty sure I made them lose money, which would be nearly impossible in the USA haha. The sweets in Japan are awesome, they’re all really light so you can eat a crap ton. But I was really excited to try some boba here, and found it to just be average, maybe slightly above average.
More food pictures:
super fluffy pancakes
These were incredible. Super light and just tasted high quality af.
donuts from Hocus Pocus (vibes here were immaculate btw)
This place had some crazy expensive, high-quality donuts. I think one of the ones I tried was steamed which was interesting. That said, the donuts at the Mister Donut were just as enjoyable in their own way, and I'd say this place was more about the vibes for me.
mango + vanilla soft serve (taken before it dropped on the ground rip)
matcha soft serve
truedan boba (I'd say this was a 6/10 at best)
If you’re into the stuff I am, you’re going to have a blast in Japan. The camera stores are insane in Japan and they have so much stuff (couldn’t find a Fuji X100V, though, which was kind of disappointing). Most of it is standard MSRP, but I’d recommend checking out used stuff which you can find for better prices than in the US. Nakano Broadway is pretty crazy in terms of watches if you’re into that, but be aware that it’s predominantly Rolex. Omega was probably the second most popular brand that I saw. E Earphone is probably the most stacked audio store I’ve visited. And if you like Uniqlo’s stuff, definitely buy stock up in Japan because it’s almost 40% off compared to US prices. Highly recommend visiting the flagship store in Ginza.
I finally had my first capsule hotel experience in Osaka (at J-Ship Capsule Hotel) - I wanted to try it at least once. It was also like only $40 a night which was tough to pass up. Honestly, the accommodations were really clean and I can see why this is a popular option for solo travelers. But the capsule itself was claustrophobic, and I don’t really see myself using one of these again for more than an overnight (I stayed for three nights). There was a public bath at both of the hotels I stayed at in Japan which was a pretty cool experience too.
You probably already knew this, but you’re going to walk a lot. I did about 20K steps every day. This wouldn’t be a big deal normally, but the heat was absolutely brutal this time of year (late August) - about 100F factoring in the high humidity. I’m really glad that I packed four pairs of shorts and only one pair of pants because I only wore the latter the first day. Sunblock was a must-have, and I saw a lot of people carrying around umbrellas to block out the sun. Contrary to what I’ve read online, I also saw a lot of locals wearing shorts, just not the shorter 5-7” inseam that’s more popular in the USA.
More photos (locations and attractions):
This was a fun place to be, but I wouldn't really recommend going here if you're not into anime. It's definitely doable in one day because once you've seen one store, you've basically seen the rest. However, there are some niche stores for specific series which I thought was pretty cool. I also saw a hentai art exhibition here (like literal hentai paintings in frames on a wall) which I thought was pretty funny.
stayed in Akasaka in Tokyo which I felt like was a pretty chill, upscale neighborhood
Suga shrine (this is from the Your Name anime)
For the shrine, I definitely recommend going here early in the morning. I got there when there were only a couple people and was able to get a couple really nice shots. This is a very different experience from a lot of other attractions which are overloaded with loud tourists. Everyone here was really quiet and introverted, set up tripods, and basically just took turns getting photos lol
Shibuya Sky
I think this was definitely worth it even if I wasn't able to lock down the more desirable sunset timeslot. Definitely purchase further ahead of time if you want that. Anyways, it's an incredible view and going up the elevator to the top is pretty cool experience too (look up while on the elevator, and through the glass ceiling, you'll see each floor has a light that zips by as you go up).
Honestly, this street probably would have been a lot more exciting if I was still a teenager. It's very pop-y and vibrant with a lot of trendy shops and teenagers hanging around.
Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto
I got a really nice shot, but this attraction wasn't really exciting because it was completely overloaded with tourists.
Fushimi Inari
My friend and I hiked all the way to the summit in ~100F weather. Absolutely the most brutal day of the trip for me. But the crowd thins out the the higher up you go, so the better your chances of getting a good pic. FYI: the summit looks exactly like all the other checkpoints lol. I think the best view was at a checkpoint about halfway up.
Osaka lightning photo
Osaka lightning photo #2
This was probably one of my luckiest photos the whole trip. It was raining extremely hard outside when my friend and I were coming out of a sushi restaurant, and I happened to snap a couple photos at just the right moment. You can see the lightning hitting another building's lightning rod a few hundred meters away, then the reflection as it hits right above our building!

Some Additional Reflection

My diet was pretty garbage the whole trip. I drank boba and matcha lattes every day, drank alcohol most days, ate as many sweets as I wanted, and probably consumed between 3-4K calories a day. Now that I’m back, I just checked on the scale and I’m basically the same weight as I left. Bottom line: it’s difficult to gain weight in these countries unless you’re just taking taxis (and you definitely don’t want to do this in Japan because it’s $$$).
As for whether I’d do more solo travel, I think I learned a lot about myself from this trip. I definitely started getting burned out near the end of the trip, and it felt like I was running out of things to do. There were a lot of points where I just wandered around, found a cafe, and crashed for a couple hours. I didn’t necessarily dislike these points, but in the future, I’d slap more things on my itinerary as ‘just in case’ items. I’d also probably scout out better cafes in the future because sometimes I just went into the nearest one (or even a McDonalds).
I hung out with friends for a lot of days and met a lot of new people, but loneliness also definitely hit me more than a few times. I don’t think I ever truly hit it off with the new people I met. I enjoyed my conversations with them, but implicitly I knew I’d probably never see them again. And honestly, it kind of felt bad seeing all the couples around, especially in South Korea and Singapore. Maybe I just had less things to do in these countries, so this is what I fixated on. But on the next trip I take, I might try going with a friend to stave this feeling off.

Other things that didn’t go well:

submitted by Precogvision to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2023.09.10 05:33 Precogvision First Big Trip Report: Japan > South Korea > Singapore (w/ photos)

Hey everyone, I just wrapped up a two week vacation going through Japan (1 week) > South Korea (3 days) > Singapore (4 days). For a little more context, I’m an introverted 22 year old that graduated college about a year ago and that’s been working since. I’ve done a couple of short solo trips in the past, mostly stateside, but this was the first ‘big’ one that I planned myself. I bought all the plane tickets about six months advance, and then started putting together a rough itinerary a couple months out. Because this was my first trip, I didn’t set anything in stone although I had a general idea of what I wanted to do.
My focuses on this trip were mostly a mix of food and my hobbies (personal audio, photography, watches, and anime). Mostly just a bunch of nerd stuff; I’m not really a historical or cultural buff if I’m being 100% honest, so this is the stuff that I’ll mainly be talking about.


Generally, I really liked Japan. I hung out with a friend for two days in Tokyo, and then another friend for three days in Osaka (with a day trip to Kyoto). A couple of the other days in Tokyo, I met up and went drinking with some people off Discord which was cool. But even during the times when I was by myself, I didn’t feel particularly lonely - there’s plenty to do in Tokyo and lots of other people who are solo.
Something that I really wanted to challenge myself to do is onebag (or 1.5 bag) this trip. I used my GoRuck GR2 with a Peak Design 6L sling inside. I’d leave the GR2 at my accommodation, then just take the PD 6L sling out with me for the day. But the decision to bring one bag really paid off on the first day. I landed early in the morning, and I was able to visit Tsukiji market and TeamLab Planets without double-tracking and dropping off my bags first at the hotel. The storage lockers they have at the stations made this even easier.
If you want to get good pictures while you’re solo, the best tip I can give is to find other travelers and offer to take some photos for them. Take a bunch so they’re more likely to do the same. This is a pretty useful foot in the door technique because you can’t take a tripod everywhere and there’s certain angles you won’t get otherwise. Ask the mainland Chinese girls if you can because they love taking photos and they know what’s up.
Speaking of ethnicity, some of the locals are xenophobic (which is not surprising given that the country is overrun with tourists). This isn’t true for a lot of locals in Japan, and no one will explicitly say you’re a dirty gaijin, but I picked up on it more than a couple times. It doesn’t help that I’m East Asian, so a lot of the time the locals would start speaking to me in Japanese. Then I could read their expressions and change in demeanor when they realized I didn’t speak Japanese.
For food, I think what I’ve read holds up. Almost all of it is decent, and notably, you can get it for very cheap compared to the USA. One of my favorite meals ended up being a pork cutlet curry at a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant called Ken’s Curry or something like that. Another highlight was an all-you-can-eat meat place called Yakiniku 298 for $8 in Osaka. Pretty sure I made them lose money, which would be nearly impossible in the USA haha. The sweets in Japan are awesome, they’re all really light so you can eat a crap ton. But I was really excited to try some boba here, and found it to just be average, maybe slightly above average.
super fluffy pancakes
These were incredible. Super light and just tasted high quality af.
donuts from Hocus Pocus (vibes here were immaculate btw)
This place had some crazy expensive, high-quality donuts. I think one of the ones I tried was steamed which was interesting. That said, the donuts at the Mister Donut were just as enjoyable in their own way, and I'd say this place was more about the vibes for me.
mango + vanilla soft serve (taken before it dropped on the ground rip)
matcha soft serve
truedan boba (I'd say this was a 6/10 at best)
You probably already knew this, but you’re going to walk a lot. I did about 20K steps every day. This wouldn’t be a big deal normally, but the heat was absolutely brutal this time of year - about 100F factoring in the high humidity. I’m really glad that I packed four pairs of shorts and only one pair of pants because I only wore the latter the first day. Sunblock was a must-have, and I saw a lot of people carrying around umbrellas to block out the sun. Contrary to what I’ve read online, I also saw a lot of locals wearing shorts, just not the shorter 5-7” inseam that’s more popular in the USA.
For shopping, if you’re into the stuff I am, you’re going to have a blast in Japan. The camera stores are insane in Japan and they have so much stuff (couldn’t find a Fuji X100V, though, which was kind of disappointing). Most of it is standard MSRP, but I’d recommend checking out used stuff which you can find for better prices than in the US. Nakano Broadway is pretty crazy in terms of watches if you’re into that, but be aware that it’s predominantly Rolex. Omega was probably the second most popular brand that I saw. E Earphone is probably the most stacked audio store I’ve visited. And if you like Uniqlo’s stuff, definitely buy stock up in Japan because it’s almost 40% off compared to US prices. Highly recommend visiting the flagship store in Ginza.
I finally had my first capsule hotel experience in Osaka (at J-Ship Capsule Hotel) - I wanted to try it at least once. It was also like only $40 a night which was tough to pass up. Honestly, the accommodations were really clean and I can see why this is a popular option for solo travelers. But the capsule itself was claustrophobic, and I don’t really see myself using one of these again for more than an overnight (I stayed for three nights). There was a public bath at both of the hotels I stayed at in Japan which was a pretty cool experience too.
More photos:
This was a fun place to be, but I wouldn't really recommend going here if you're not into anime. It's definitely doable in one day because once you've seen one store, you've basically seen the rest. However, there are some niche stores for specific series which I thought was pretty cool. I also saw a hentai art exhibition here (like literal hentai paintings in frames on a wall) which I thought was pretty funny.
stayed in Akasaka in Tokyo which I felt like was a pretty chill, upscale neighborhood
Suga shrine (this is from the Your Name anime)
For the shrine, I definitely recommend going here early in the morning. I got there when there were only a couple people and was able to get a couple really nice shots. This is a very different experience from a lot of other attractions which are overloaded with loud tourists. Everyone here was really quiet and introverted, set up tripods, and basically just took turns getting photos lol
Shibuya Sky
I think this was definitely worth it even if I wasn't able to lock down the more desirable sunset timeslot. Definitely purchase further ahead of time if you want that. Anyways, it's an incredible view and going up the elevator to the top is pretty cool experience too (look up while on the elevator, and through the glass ceiling, you'll see each floor has a light that zips by as you go up).
Honestly, this street probably would have been a lot more exciting if I was still a teenager. It's very pop-y and vibrant with a lot of trendy shops and teenagers hanging around.
Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto
I got a really nice shot, but this attraction wasn't really exciting because it was completely overloaded with tourists.
Fushimi Inari
My friend and I hiked all the way to the summit in ~100F weather. Absolutely the most brutal day of the trip for me. But the crowd thins out the the higher up you go, so the better your chances of getting a good pic. FYI: the summit looks exactly like all the other checkpoints lol. I think the best view was at a checkpoint about halfway up.
Osaka lightning photo
Osaka lightning photo #2
This was probably one of my luckiest photos the whole trip. It was raining extremely hard outside when my friend and I were coming out of a sushi restaurant, and I happened to snap a couple photos at just the right moment. You can see the lightning hitting another building's lightning rod a few hundred meters away, then the reflection as it hits right above our building!

South Korea

If Japan is beginner difficulty for traveling solo, then South Korea is probably intermediate difficulty. You’re not going to have a good time here unless you know people. In general, I feel like the culture here can be cold:
Stack on activities designed around two or more people, lots of couples, high beauty standards, and I felt pretty lonely and out of place when I was on my own.
On the other hand, I had a good time when I was with others. I was staying at a family friend’s apartment and she brought me as a guest to the gym she uses. I met some SK gym bros there and had a great time working out with them. Even met a Korean actor there who was super down to earth (no pic, I promised him I wouldn't share lol). Same story meeting up with a friend I knew from online who introduced me to some others. Basically, your connections are everything in this country. Drinking culture is also big if you want to make friends.
The food here is pretty good for the most part, but it sort of echoes the culture. I say this in the sense that it’s kind of surface-level. A lot of things here taste really good, but they’re missing ‘soul’ for lack of a better word. Relative to Japan, it’s like the difference between someone who’s a good jack-of-all-trades versus someone who’s a master of one thing. My favorite dish was honestly probably a beef stew. I also had raw beef bibimbap which was pretty good.
Eel I had first night
Raw beef bibimbap
So I was expecting something very different (I though it'd be cooked beef like in the States) than what I got. But apparently the health standards for meat are much higher here, so raw beef is not uncommon and honestly this was super good.
Korean seafood pancake + Makgeolli
Dried fish fries?
Pork Katsu
another pork katsu
Yeah, you can probably tell what my go-to meal was this trip lol.
coffee and ice cream
Korean air in-flight meal
Side note: I really wanted to find some K-Pop merchandise but didn’t have much luck. Apparently a lot of it has moved online, so something to be aware of if you’re into that. I tried going to Kwangya for some SM merchandise and even there the selection wasn’t great. This store was packed with teenage/college girls and their moms and I felt so out of place lol.
obligatory Starfield library shot


I cheaped out and got a Scoot (budget airline) flight from SK to Singapore with a transfer in Taipei. Honestly, this was only like three hours of flying total, but it was kind of ass. I probably heard “Consumption of outside food and drinks is not allowed on Scoot flights” over six times, and they had a menu where they sold small meals for $12. The silver lining is that they served me one of the meals for free on both flights. I think they messed up because I don’t remember ever paying for it.
This was my second time in Singapore; I have more friends here which is why I decided to allocate four days to it. Singapore is probably the most foreigner friendly of these three countries, as it’s basically a big melting pot of Asians and most of them speak English. If you’re single and on the apps, this is probably also a good place to be. It was crickets in Japan/SK but I got like fifty likes on Bumble in a single day here.
Anyways, I had a good time here when I was hanging out with my friends. I guess it’s also probably fine enough if you’re completely solo, but there’s definitely not as much to do here as in Japan. For example, this time I went to the top of the Marina Bay Sands. It’s a nice view, sure, but the ticket was expensive and I think the views from Shibuya Sky / Haruka’s 300 in Japan were better. Gardens by the Bay is pretty cool if you’re into that stuff. At the end of the day, though, Singapore is mostly about the food and shopping - it’s like South Korea just with less bougie vibes.
I’d caution that inflation has definitely hit Singapore in the last couple years. Food felt noticeably more expensive since my last time here, comparable with US prices in some instances. I also stayed at a hostel (Dream Lodge Singapore) which I didn’t really feel was worth it. The hosts were very friendly but the bathrooms were super dingy and everyone had to walk around barefoot. It was definitely a pretty big difference compared to the J-ship Osaka capsule hotel I stayed at in Japan for almost half the money.
The flight back mostly went off without a hitch, although my Leatherman Style PS got confiscated because it was a tool (which really sucks because it’s discontinued). This time I took China Airlines. I was a little worried because their stated limit for carry-on is 15lbs (and I was much closer to 22lbs) but they never checked. China Airlines definitely had the best food and seating of all the airlines I took.
More photos:
Hakata Ikkusha (ramen)
hawker center, hainan chicken rice
Mochi pancake and ice cream in Chinatown (this was good, but way too expensive)
Chye Seng Huat Hardware - banana bread and ice coffee (super expensive but damn best banana bread I've had)
Burger (forgot the name of this place we went to)
Steak lunch
China Air meal #1
Chain Air meal #2
some boba (I went to like three or four places in SG)
So here is my mini boba review. Between these three countries, SG has the best boba. The boba in Japan and South Korea is unfortunately pretty mid and it's a lot of Gong Cha (which is a Taiwanese chain but I've never liked it so yea). SG basically has the most variety and the highest consistency. They all serve the boba fresh and cooked about right. The tea also has kick and doesn't seem watered down like some other places I've tried.
fried chicken from layover in Taiwan
I really wanted to try some Taiwanese boba again during my layover, but I got super unlucky. The first place I got to was out of boba, the second was closed for the day, and the third gave me some pre-made crap from behind the counter.

Some Additional Reflection

My diet was pretty garbage the whole trip. I drank boba and matcha lattes every day, drank alcohol most days, ate as many sweets as I wanted, and probably consumed between 3-4K calories a day. Now that I’m back, I just checked on the scale and I’m basically the same weight as I left. Bottom line: it’s difficult to gain weight in these countries unless you’re just taking taxis (and you definitely don’t want to do this in Japan because it’s $$$).
As for whether I’d do more solo travel, I think I learned a lot about myself from this trip. I definitely started getting burned out near the end of the trip, and it felt like I was running out of things to do. There were a lot of points where I just wandered around, found a cafe, and crashed for a couple hours. I didn’t necessarily dislike these points, but in the future, I’d slap more things on my itinerary as ‘just in case’ items. I’d also probably scout out better cafes in the future because sometimes I just went into the nearest one (or even a McDonalds).
I hung out with friends for a lot of days and met a lot of new people, but loneliness also definitely hit me more than a few times. I don’t think I ever truly hit it off with the new people I met. I enjoyed my conversations with them, but implicitly I knew I’d probably never see them again. And honestly, it kind of felt bad seeing all the couples around, especially in South Korea and Singapore. Maybe I just had less things to do in these countries, so this is what I fixated on. But on the next trip I take, I might try going with a friend to stave this feeling off.

Other things that didn’t go well:

submitted by Precogvision to solotravel [link] [comments]

2023.08.09 02:25 Twili95 Guess type based on these video game titles

"7 Days to End with You", "A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future", "AKAIITO HD REMASTER", "Alchemy POIPOI SS", "Animal Crossing: New Horizons", "AOISHIRO HD REMASTER", "Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue", "Arcade Archives TOUKI DENSHOU ANGEL EYES", "Beach Bounce Remastered",
"Beauty Bounce", "BloodRayne 2: ReVamped", "BloodRayne: ReVamped", "Brain On: Dot Physics", "Bunny Bounce", "Crawlco Block Knockers", "Crush Crush", "Dating Life: Miley x Emily", "Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire",
"Elves Fantasy Hentai Puzzle", "Fight'N Rage", "Forest Guardian", "Fragment's Note+", "Hentai World", "Highschool Romance", "Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom Princess of The Black Rabbit", "Idol Days", "JarataireRPG",
"Last Beat Enhanced", "Legends of Talia: Arcadia", "Light Fairytale Episode 1", "LoveKami -Divinity Stage-", "LoveKami -Healing Harem-", "Lovekami -Useless Goddess-", "Magic Exposure - Yuri Visual Novel", "Magical Girls", "Magical Girls Second Magic",
"Marble Maid", "Miracle snack shop", "Nurse Love Addiction", "Nurse Love Syndrome", "OmegaLabyrinth Life", "Pantsu Hunter", Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire", "Pretty Girls Panic!", "Rabi-Ribi",
"Robox", "Roomie Romance", "Sakura Fantasy", "Sakura Gamer", "Sakura Spirit", "Secret Kiss is Sweet and Tender", "SENRAN KAGURA Peach Ball", "SENRAN KAGURA Reflexions", "SKYPEACE",
"SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy", "SNK VS. CAPCOM: THE MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM", "Song of Memories", "Starlight Shores", "Strawberry Vinegar", "Summer Days", "Synergia", "Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet", "Takorita Meets Fries",
"The Language Of Love", "The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island", "Time Tenshi", "Tokyo School Life", "Waifu Uncovered", "WORLDEND SYNDROME", "Would you like to run an idol café?", "Yumeutsutsu Re:After", "Yumeutsutsu Re:Master"
submitted by Twili95 to INTP [link] [comments]

2023.08.09 02:17 Twili95 Guess type based on these video game titles

"7 Days to End with You", "A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future", "AKAIITO HD REMASTER", "Alchemy POIPOI SS", "Animal Crossing: New Horizons", "AOISHIRO HD REMASTER", "Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue", "Arcade Archives TOUKI DENSHOU ANGEL EYES", "Beach Bounce Remastered",
"Beauty Bounce", "BloodRayne 2: ReVamped", "BloodRayne: ReVamped", "Brain On: Dot Physics", "Bunny Bounce", "Crawlco Block Knockers", "Crush Crush", "Dating Life: Miley x Emily", "Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire",
"Elves Fantasy Hentai Puzzle", "Fight'N Rage", "Forest Guardian", "Fragment's Note+", "Hentai World", "Highschool Romance", "Hopping girl KOHANE Jumping Kingdom Princess of The Black Rabbit", "Idol Days", "JarataireRPG",
"Last Beat Enhanced", "Legends of Talia: Arcadia", "Light Fairytale Episode 1", "LoveKami -Divinity Stage-", "LoveKami -Healing Harem-", "Lovekami -Useless Goddess-", "Magic Exposure - Yuri Visual Novel", "Magical Girls", "Magical Girls Second Magic",
"Marble Maid", "Miracle snack shop", "Nurse Love Addiction", "Nurse Love Syndrome", "OmegaLabyrinth Life", "Pantsu Hunter", Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire", "Pretty Girls Panic!", "Rabi-Ribi",
"Robox", "Roomie Romance", "Sakura Fantasy", "Sakura Gamer", "Sakura Spirit", "Secret Kiss is Sweet and Tender", "SENRAN KAGURA Peach Ball", "SENRAN KAGURA Reflexions", "SKYPEACE",
"SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy", "SNK VS. CAPCOM: THE MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM", "Song of Memories", "Starlight Shores", "Strawberry Vinegar", "Summer Days", "Synergia", "Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet", "Takorita Meets Fries",
"The Language Of Love", "The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island", "Time Tenshi", "Tokyo School Life", "Waifu Uncovered", "WORLDEND SYNDROME", "Would you like to run an idol café?", "Yumeutsutsu Re:After", "Yumeutsutsu Re:Master"
submitted by Twili95 to entp [link] [comments]

2023.08.07 07:28 asdronin List of Games that feature nudity at some point on the Switch

Hi all,
I have been asked about this and I have read about it being asked sometimes and I think it could be useful in many cases to know what games do feature nudity in the Switch because if you have a kid that will play it you dont want him to see that or maybe its you that dont want to see any nudity and you can check this list for this purpose, or you can do it for the opposite too of course.

There seems to be confusion also because some games may show nudity on other platform and not on the Switch, so maybe you check a video from PC and seems to be +18 but Switch version is all ages friendly, so I will try to specify if known to avoid mistakes

Please if you know about some Switch games that feature nudity tell here so that the list can be updated, if you can also explain to what level its portrayed so that people know if its a game to avoid or get depending on what they can/want to see. Also correct any mistake made so far if you know of any
Someone told me that Nintendo was allowing topless girls in the games being published, I dont know if this has changed, but at some point it was not allowed, if you know about this also share with us so that we can determine if game released on certain time may or may not contain it
PS Some people may not know what is hentai or waifu or so, then knowing what these games are about will help them decide before purchasing


20 ladies
This game is a platformer, it displays 2D topless girls on completion of levels

Agony Several topless enemies and other acts portrayed, not checked on Switch version but probably the same as other platforms

Akiba's Trip 1 & 2
Dont have nudity but the core feature of the gameplay is remove clothes from people so its not good for all ages

Animal Crossing
Nudity shown in classic art paintings and sculpture

Features some boss enemies that are nude or some characters aound level are nude and captive

Crawlco Block knockers
Its puzzle game that unlocks images of girls with less clothing items, again I have doubts about this, I think physical has full nudity while digital has only topless girls, apaprently the different is minimal only in 2 girls

Deathwish Enforcers
Topless girls shown in first stage

Princess Maker Faery Tales Come True
Seems that it has nudity in some parts

Hentai vs Evil
Its 3D shooter, your main character and other girls in the game can be topless optionally through the game (option is available from start)

Hentai make love not war
It has some jiggsaw puzzles that will unlock nude images of girls

Hentai uni
Im not sure about this, I think it has jiggsaw puzzles that reveal images of girls but I believe it has no nudity

Hentai uni 2
Im not sure about this either, it has jiggsaw puzzles that reveal images of girls but I believe it has no nudity

Hentai World
Jiggsaw puzzle, will unlock topless images of girls

Hot tentacle shooter
Shmup, you unlock new images of girls. It has no nudity

LA Noire
Show nude female in homicide scenes, its more about gore than nude but still is there

Mario Odissey
A swimsuit can be purchased and this leaves Mario topless

Metropolis Lux Obscura
Its a puzzle fighter and has some visual novel parts where nudity is displayed

Neko Secret Homecoming
You wander around in 3D city to later solve some jiggsaw puzzles, these feature topless girls in the end, I think PC version has full nudity

Neko Secret room
You wander in a 3d house to later solve some jiggsaw puzzles, there is no nudity shown, I think pc version has nudity

Nirvana Pilot Yume
Its 3D racing game with visual novel elements, in the visual novel parts there is nudity

Its same game as above but it has no nudity instead so its perfect if you want to avoid this component

Omega Labyrinth Life
Doesnt have nudity but they focus in rubbing or using boobs in various ways so its not very convenient for all ages just for the themes

Perky little things
Its a kind of point and click game where one has to know what item to click in what order to continue. It shows nudity all through the game

Pikmin 4
It shows classic sculpture with nudity but its rare and hard to see

Saints row 3
Allows you to play with nude character, probably nudity is somewhere else

Senran Kagura Reflections
Doesnt have nudity but suggestive themes are everywhere

Shuttlecock H
Its shmup that will unlock topless girls, again Im not entirely sure, some people say its full nudity other say its topless, I havent seen it

South Park stick of truth
Shows full sex during a battle

The future you have been dreaming of
Shows no nudity, but we see a girl through the day and she even uses a massaging device

The Witcher 3
Shows sex scenes and nudity in some events

Tormented souls
Its survival horror game, but at start there is a scene with main character nude in bathtub, apparently this scene is shown again later, maybe extended as its revealed what happened and I think some statues are nude as well

Waifu Impact
The game is a 3D platform shooter, you go with a girl in bikini and collect stars to later beat arena, there is no nudity, in pc there is nudity

Waifu uncovered
Its shmup, it will unlock images of girls with less clothing items, but there is some controversy over this, some people say only physical version of this has nudity, other say only EU digital version but with Konami code, I cant tell

Waifu discovered 2
Its shmup, it will unlock images of girls with less clothing items, but there is some controversy over this, some people say only physical version of this has nudity, other say only EU digital version but with Konami code, I cant tell

Zelda BOTW and TOTK
Male character can go topless through the adventure
submitted by asdronin to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2023.07.23 19:41 Ill-Program-2713 [WTS] Buy my Shit - G$ 10.3 URGI; Optics: Eotech XPS2 (2022 DOM); Rails: HK, DD, G$, PSA; LMT TGs; AK 303M; BCGs: Aero EPC; Sig P365 WC Grip, 870 Stuff, FCD LMC, Optic Mounts

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/jveoPGA
Hi folks, Venmo or Paypal FF or Cashapp/Zelle only. Got a looooot of shit to sell here, please comment here and PM me afterwards. If you don't PM me, I will assume you pass on the item. help me clear this shit out, offer me something and ill work with you on the price
If you want stickers - LMK. I got Hentai stickers and Gun slaps, and animal stickers. If you buy more than $100 i will give you all of my hentai stickers.
Pricing and Items:
Bendy Bill Special - 10.3 - Unfired Geissele Stripped upper, Factory Assembled in BLACK. No salt. Great for larping around as an operator and giving the middle finger to the ABC agency. $550 $500
LMT Shovelnose: unfired and I never even mocked it up with any barrels, so this MRP hole is a virgin. Bought this a couple months ago but never bothered to get a piston barrel so letting it go for a bit lower than what I paid for.
Optics stuff:
2x XPS2-0: One is salty on the hood, one just has a mild safe scuff on the hood rim. Both have excellent glass and no Delam.
XPS2-0 w/ Light salt, DOM April 2021 - $420
XPS2-0 w/ Medium salt, DOM Jan 2022 - $400
30mm scope rings, Warne: $40
UTG Mount: $10 addon
Offset Mount with RMR footprint (not arisaka): $20 Add on
Random Stuff
HK OEM MR556 Mlok rail 12 inch: $69 like new, 9.5/10 condition
Daniel Defense Omega Handguard: $169, like new, 9.5/10 condition
PSA 12inch mlok: $40 salty barrel nut, otherwise looks mint. Takeoff.
G$ Blemula MK16, 15Inch, Black, comes with barrel nut and screws installed. Does not have any blems except for small dings on front and back of rail, in picture: $180 $170
Surefire Warden, salty on the rim: $165 7/10 condition
AK303M: $120 9.5/10 condition
FCD LMC: $30 new
Aero AR9 EPC BCG, 0-20 rounds: $120 $110 each
P365 Wilson Combat grip, new: $55 $50
LMT TGs 5x: $35 add on, or $39 each.
Random Shit:
Milspec Stock + Buffer Tube: $30 bundle
Random pistol shit, 2 sig mag plates, sw backstraps, random double stack mag (cz?), glock magwell: $15 add on
870 Takeoffs, Polymer + screws: $50
submitted by Ill-Program-2713 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2023.07.22 06:54 Ill-Program-2713 [WTS] Optics: Aimpoint H2, MRO Post 89k; Rails: HK, DD, G$, PSA; LMT TGs; AK 303M; BCGs: Microbest, Aero EPC; Sig P365XL Grips, 870 Stocks, FCD LMC, Optic Mounts and more!

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/m4oXGmk
Hi folks, Venmo or Paypal FF or Cashapp/Zelle only. Got a looooot of shit to sell here, please comment here and PM me afterwards. If you don't PM me, I will assume you pass on the item. help me clear this shit out, offer me something and ill work with you on the price
If you want stickers - LMK. I got Hentai stickers and Gun slaps, and animal stickers.
Pricing and Items:
Unfired 10.3 G$ Upper (Non-Blemula) - Has no salt on it, $550.
Optics stuff:
Aimpoint H2, mild safe scuff on the top, not very noticeable. $550
Trijicon MRO, some mild line scuffs on the top, but otherwise good. $325
Aimpoint Pro, mild salt, mostly dust but still some salt. $350
30mm scope rings, Warne: $40
Aimpoint QRP Mount: $30
UTG Mount: $10 addon
Aimpoint QRP mount salty, just the bottom: $Free Add on
Offset Mount with RMR footprint (not arisaka): $20 Add on
Random Stuff
MR556 Mlok rail HK: $69 like new, 9.5/10 condition
Dd omega HG: $169, like new, 9.5/10 condition
PSA 12inch mlok: $40 salty barrel nut, otherwise looks mint. Takeoff.
G$ Blemula MK16, 15Inch, Black, comes with barrel nut and screws installed. Does not have any blems except for small dings on front and back of rail, in picture: $180 $170
Upper Receiver Complete with EPC and FA, unknown brand: $45
BA Barrel w/ GB and Tube, 200 rounds: $100 SOLD
Surefire Warden, salty on the rim: $165 7/10 condition
AK303M: $120 9.5/10 condition
FCD EPC: $55
FCD LMC: $30 new
Magpul mlok slot thing: $5 add on
Microbest BCG with chrome lining and phosphate bolt, 150 rounds: $95 $80
Aero AR9 EPC BCG, 0-20 rounds: $120 each
P365 Wilson Combat grip, new: $55 $50
LMT TGs 6x: $35 add on, or $39 each.
Random Shit:
Larue Grip + BCM Grip + 2 A2 grips + 2x BCM picatinny foregrips: $60 bundle SOLD
Milspec Stock + Buffer Tube: $$30 bundle
Random pistol shit, 2 sig mag plates, sw backstraps, random double stack mag (cz?), glock magwell: $15 add on
870 Takeoffs, Polymer + screws: $50
TLR1HL, no salt: $105 SOLD
Larue Dillo: $5 add on
submitted by Ill-Program-2713 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2023.07.21 05:59 Ill-Program-2713 [WTS] Optics: Aimpoint H2, Pro, MRO Post 89k; Rails: HK, DD, G$, PSA; LMT TGs; TLR1HL; BA Barrel; AK 303M; BCGs: Microbest, Aero EPC; Sig P365XL Grips, AR Grips, Mags, 870 Stocks, Larue Trigger, FCD EPC Single, FCD LMC, Upper Complete Receiver, Random double stack mag, Optic Mounts and more!

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/wZhXvw5
Hi folks, Venmo or Paypal FF or Cashapp/Zelle only. Got a looooot of shit to sell here, please comment here and PM me afterwards. If you don't PM me, I will assume you pass on the item. help me clear this shit out, offer me something and ill work with you on the price
If you want stickers - LMK. I got Hentai stickers and Gun slaps, and animal stickers.
Pricing and Items:
Optics stuff:
Aimpoint H2, mild safe scuff on the top, not very noticeable. $550
Trijicon MRO, some mild line scuffs on the top, but otherwise good. $330
Aimpoint Pro, mild salt, mostly dust but still some salt. $350
30mm scope rings, Warne: $40
Aimpoint QRP Mount: $30
UTG Mount: $10 addon
Aimpoint QRP mount salty, just the bottom: $Free Add on
Offset Mount with RMR footprint (not arisaka): $20 Add on
Random Stuff
MR556 Mlok rail HK: $69 like new
Dd omega HG: $169, like new
G$ Blemula MK16, 15Inch, Black, comes with barrel nut and screws installed. Does not have any blems except for small dings on front and back of rail, in picture: $180
Upper Receiver Complete with EPC and FA, unknown brand: $45
BA Barrel w/ GB and Tube, 200 rounds: $100 SOLD
Surefire Warden, salty on the rim: $165
AK303M: $120
FCD EPC: $55
FCD LMC: $30
Magpul mlok slot thing: $5 add on
Microbest BCG with chrome lining and phosphate bolt, 150 rounds: $95
Aero AR9 EPC BCG, 0-20 rounds: $120 each
P365XL Wilson Combat grips, new: $55 each
LMT TGs 7x: $35 add on, or $39 each.
Random Shit:
Larue Grip + BCM Grip + 2 A2 grips + 2x BCM picatinny foregrips: $60 bundle SOLD
Milspec Stock + 2 AR 30rd Mags + Larue MBT2S + Buffer Tube + Carbine HG: $120 bundle (no ban states) SOLD
Random pistol shit, sig mag plates, sw backstraps, random double stack mag (cz?), glock magwell: $15 add on
870 Takeoffs, Polymer + screws: $50
TLR1HL, no salt: $105 SOLD
Larue Dillo: $5 add on
submitted by Ill-Program-2713 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2023.07.14 17:18 DanieleMelonz 50K JOBBERS? Time to celebrate with my personal and (in)accurate KENGAN ICEBERG! [+ template]

50K JOBBERS? Time to celebrate with my personal and (in)accurate KENGAN ICEBERG! [+ template] submitted by DanieleMelonz to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2023.07.13 12:27 Seltox [Multiple Games] Platinum number 100! First was Final Fantasy 13, 100th was Final Fantasy 16

[Multiple Games] Platinum number 100! First was Final Fantasy 13, 100th was Final Fantasy 16 submitted by Seltox to Trophies [link] [comments]
