Smile now cry later poems

Fox Club

2015.06.24 01:23 Fox Club

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2012.05.08 18:02 ItsOnlyPain r/lovehurts has gone private to protest reddits api changes. this is indefinite till change occurs.


2013.05.21 04:50 BrotherDionysus A place for the discussion of Arthurian WorldBuilding

A world building sub for artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists interested in creating settings around the legends of King Arthur and his knight.

2024.05.15 16:53 hizzoze Any way around one per person EV rebate?

I recently upgraded myself to an EV and I love it, especially the fa t that the rebate is now built-in to the price up front. 2 weeks later, my daughter's car is on its last leg so I decide to get her a used EV as well, as the gas savings being a college student will really help. Problem is the rebate cannot be claimed by me, my wife, because we file jointly, or my daughter, because we claim her as a department. Is there any possible way around this or any other rebates the can be applied for? TIA
submitted by hizzoze to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 DrJanItor41 Lifting/Exercising Around Toddlers?

Hi all,
Looking for some stories/suggestions about how some of the rest of you made it work with lifting weights or doing formal exercise around toddlers.
We have a son who's around 2.5 years old and is in the thick of being really curious about everything and also wants to help with things and/or do the things we are doing. With how busy my wife is with work, it has become near impossible for her to find time to workout because of his late bedtime(between 8:30-9:00 he gets put in the crib and falls alseep later because he still naps at daycare). Judging by how he reacts around any new noise right now, it's a guarantee that he's going to want to be in our exercise area while she's working out if she does it while he's awake.
Have some of you made this work around this age by just slowly letting them watch with the other person keeping them back or buying them a play weight set or something like that? I'm hoping to free up time while he's awake so that she can find some time to workout.
submitted by DrJanItor41 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 International-Bug311 Watching others experience joy while I’m literally in hell

Someone in our circle is pregnant. They announced their pregnancy 2 months after we did.. she seriously used the exact wording in her announcement as we did.. our son is dead now. They just found out they have a son on the way… she again used our announcement. I know they are too busy being happy to even realize but man oh man it feels like a huge punch to the gut…. I don’t know what I want to hear… I don’t know why I’m sharing. I guess it’s just a safe space to feel some sort of way about it here.
Seeing others live their life and experience joy is so strange to me now. It makes me feel like I’m some sort of alien on a planet where I do not belong. All I do is cry and research for answers. Will I ever feel joy again??
submitted by International-Bug311 to babyloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 LaReinaDeLaImprenta How can I (30F) get my husband (30M) to self reflect and to be dedicated to me instead of his parents?

Hello friends of reddit. My husband (30M) and I (30F) have been married for 6 months and it is not going as expected. In the beginning, he made it clear that due to his religious beliefs that he did not to have sex before marriage. I agreed as I had horrible judgement in men and was not looking to get taken for another ride again.
Background on him: He comes from an extremely religious family (Baptist). Worked his own business with the family since he graduated high school. He has also lived with his parents and has never lived on his own other than a year in his parents other home before his accident (he fell 27ft and had to relearn to walk). No drinking no smoking, only spend time with family and outdoor activities. Background on me: While I come from an abusive traumatic family I am currently 5 years therapy strong working on myself as it is my responsibility not my partners. I went to college and lived on my own until covid lay offs and I had to move back home with my father, which wasnt ideal. I work full time and have my own business; I am very motivated.
As time progressed he changed his mind and we ended up sleeping together. I asked for us to move in together for a lil while before we got married. My parents (divorced) were not okay with that but I did not care. He told me that we would need to sit down and discuss the idea of moving in together with his parents. I said; "Why would we need to ask permission we are 30?" and he said that we would have to in order to save face. I said "I am not comfortable with discussing this with your family as it is not their business." He said we were not to move in together until we do. I told him if he forced me to meet with his parents then I was going to tell his mother that we have already had sex so there was no reason not to move in together. He never set up the meeting. We never moved in together. He is very close to his parents in my opinion to the point it is unhealthy. I watch as his dad undermines, belittles, and ignores his mother with a smile and charming laugh on his face until she is in complete submission. She admitted to me that while she was clipping coupons for the family, he was out spending all the money on machines / equipment that they did not need. She has cried to me in front of my husband about how she still needs to voice her opinion even though it is never listen to or goes the way she suggests. That was a red flag to me.
My now husband of mine and I started to plan out life together. He told me that he owns his own business and has 60 acres of property and wanted to build a life there. He promised me that we were going to work together and build a home that we can make a guest house and eventually build a bigger home. He wants it to be similar to a Lowcountry plantation. I was all for it, finally excited that I had someone I could create a life with that we both wanted and deserved.
That is when things turned. He started to move forward on building a home for us without a permit nor engineer drawings. Before he started, I told him that made me very uncomfortable and I need security to know this home is done correctly since he will be out of town a lot and I will be left alone in a town I know no one. That made him insulted and said this is how his father and family did their home and he just moved forward on building it himself. I begged, cried, and pleaded with him to please let's get the water and septic out there first and work on a budget of plans / permits to break ground. That I was not comfortable living that way, my father was a GC and taught me a lot of what needs to be done for a home to be an asset. He waved me off, told me that my father was just a carpenter. I cried for months over it and almost moved the wedding back a year. His father was behind the scenes telling him and motivating him to continue to do whatever he wanted to do regardless of how I felt. He finally heard me after I threaten to postpone the wedding and stopped construction and told me he would get a permit on the home and drawings before he did anything else.
The closer the wedding got, the difficult it became. I gave him my pay stubs, W2, and showed my assets to him up front. I showed all of my cards and asked to see his in return. He said he would and he never did. When I asked him more than once he would get annoyed with me. I started to get suspicious. I felt as if he was hiding something. So I did my own investigation. It turns out that his father and him own the property together in a way that if one passes the other gets it and he only owns 20% of the business he claimed was his. I was stunned. Everything he told me was half truths. I brought it to his attention many times and he acted like he told me already. I told him I knew the truth and he said it wasn't a big deal and I am making something out of it that it isnt. If his father had more respect for his wife and for women, I would not be this concerned. His father throws trash on the ground and ignores rules and regulations while having a problem with authority at his own home. Now everything he doesnt want at his house is being thrown over to my husband's property (which is his too and he has a right to do what he wants). Being in that type of chaotic environment along with the sense of having someone stomp on my boundaries for me would be extremely triggering and something that I will not be able to do. He is already throwing trash and leaving debris and junk all over the property. I communicated my feelings and got met with resentment, anger, and denial from my husband. He told me that it was not going to be that way. He also called me controlling bc instead of spending 25,000 on permits / our home, he spend it on a brand new truck (he has two other trucks). I was so upset and said how could he spend that much money on a toy when he hasn't even provided a home for our family. He was texting his dad about the truck behind my back and he was motivated to do whatever he wanted to do regardless of what I thought bc I am "controlling".
I told him from day one that I am a career woman, that I am not going to be solely responsible for the household and I am not his mother and I will not pick up after him. I expect things to be 50/50 in finances and in house work until we figure out what works best for us. He said he agreed and was very happy with that. I then told him in order for me to feel comfortable moving out to his 60 acres of land, that it would need to be solely in his name and he would need to get a permit and engineer drawings. He told me as soon as we were married that he would move forward with that.
With all these red flags, I continued to move forward with the wedding as he promised me the world. He kept dragging his feet on the home construction and it was failing to be completed before our wedding. His dad was telling him to take his time it is not that big of a deal. 4 months before our wedding, his family and him expected me to live in an unpermited non CO having shed like house, with no power, water, septic, nor appliances, an empty shell, no sheetrock (his father made his mother live like that). In complete distress I begged my father to do a lease to own with one of his rental properties for me so that my husband and I would have a place to live after we got married since the home was in no condition to live in. My father begrudgingly agreed and then told me to not Marry him. I did always. My family ended up ruining the wedding for me and causing our special day to not be as special.
Fast forward a few months when it was time for us to pay our lease to own payment. He was late every month, got angry at me for asking for his part of the money, I asked him to help with the chores and he would get annoyed with me, he has not mowed the grass once (my father and I have). I can count on my hand the times hes raked the yard and done dishes. He makes double the amount of money I made but I am writing the checks for the bills. I am just asking for his portion and he told me that I am treating him like a roommate not like a husband / wife. I asked him to explain and he couldn't. I finally got fed up and told me to give me 4 checks signed so when he is out of town for work and I need to pay the bills I can. He handed me the checks and they had him and HIS MOTHER on the account. Admitted, I lost my cool. I was overwhelmed with the amount of involvement his parents had in his assets and life. He has made me feel like he has lied to me. I told him as long as my boundaries are disrespected and I have no say in our home and our life that I do not want anything to do with their property. He would get mad and say it was his and id remind him, no it is not. It belongs to him and his father. He said it is his home and he is going to build it the way he wanted.
A few weeks after that argument he completely distant himself from me. He was out till 8pm every night for weeks and I kept asking him where he was. All he said was "working". A few weeks later, I finally go out to the property to see a full blown house. Behind my back he was working on that home putting roofing, plumbing, tile, siding, everything! He told me we were going to work on this together. I was so upset, everything is half ass done. He let me pick out nothing. I called him on it and he denied it. Come to find out him and his father had been working on it behind my back. While I was struggling to pay our bills he was using his money to continue on building on the home without drawings, permits, engineering, nothing. He couldn't give me money for our house hold bills, but he could spend thousands and thousands on something he promised me he was not going to do. Then he proceeded to tell me what "we" were going to give his father a $2,000.00 fish finder for a present. I told him is he out of his mind we can not afford that (mind you he gave me nothing for my birthday though he did bake me a cake and it was sweet). I said you are going to spend that much money on a gift and you didnt even get your wife anything for her birthday? he said "you got an engagement ring, that was expensive enough" I said "so bc you gave me an engagement ring, that means you do not have to purchase anything else for me as a gift?" he just waved me away. I said you never discussed this transaction with me and you are saying "we" are getting it. He said "well when I said 'we' I meant me and my mother."
I just stared at him. He considers WE as him and his parents. Finally got him into marriage counseling and it does not seem to be helping. He has missed 4 sessions already bc he chose work over me. He is pulling away from me completely, no affection, no sex (I did not know he had an issue brushing his teeth so now I cringe in fear of getting dumpster breath anytime we are intimate). This was NOT like this during our dating time.
I feel like I am drowning and I have made a HUGE mistake. Typing this out makes me feel guilty for telling the truth and maybe I am being controlling and overbearing like his parents are saying? This is why I am coming to you people of reddit.
I feel like I am in a polyamorous relationship. I feel like I have escaped the control of my family only to end up in a place where I am controlled by another man that I am not even MARRIED TO. I feel like I am a ship with two anchors that are my parents, when I got married I thought he was going to help captain my ship, not be another anchor on my vessel to weigh me down. All my friends have noticed that I have changed and I am not my normal self.
How can I get my husband self reflect on how he is treating me and be dedicated to me and not his parents?
Am I out of line? is this weird? Am I expecting too much?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I love my husband very much but I am stuck.
submitted by LaReinaDeLaImprenta to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 InformalAd9314 Fake friends ig idk

So today in school just like always i was just casually chilling with my friend group i have noone else except them since im an introvert(a BIG one) so then this one guy who was not even part of our group but like was close with two people in my friend group asked my friend if hes gonna come on saturday at that time idm what that meant so i asked them and they immediatelly started telling me it was nothing but later i found out that it was my friends bday and everyone from my friend group were invited except me this hurt me deeply since ive known them for 3 years now and i have noone else excpet them as friends in my school idk what to do now i dont have any toher friends but i dont want to keep on hanging with these so called 'friends' anymore but im too shy to make new friends idk what to do
submitted by InformalAd9314 to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 Master_Bicycle7066 I feel so depressed and unstable. Are my blood work results telling of a physical cause more than a psychological one? How do I fix it?

I (29F, 5'5" 118lbs) feel so depressed and unstable despite a very happy life. I go to a therapist, exercise 4-5 times a week, and have been vegan for 9 years. I do drink relatively heavily (2-4 light beers anywhere from 4-6 days a week) and have for around 3 years now. I am actively trying to cut back by counting how many days a month I don't drink and increasing that day by one every month. I also take 5-10 mg of Adderall a day.
Recently I've noticed not feeling like myself. I'm tired all of the time, I keep having crying spells with seemingly no explanation. Getting out of bed, socializing, do anything just seems harder. As far as physical anomalies go my partner and I have noticed that I'm not only waking up with bruises in random places but they take forever to heal.
I recently found a PCP after not having one for years and at my initial checkup I had blood work done. The doctor ordered a standard CMP serum or plasma and CBC with auto diff but I noticed when getting my results back she also ordered a vitamin d 25-hydroxy test and no other tests for vitamins/minerals. Viewing my results everything tested came back fine accept for:
globulins: 1.8 gm/dL
vitamin D 25-hydroxy: 11.2 NG/mL
Are either of these particularly concerning and/or could explain my psychological symptoms? How much vitamin D do I need to take to get my levels back up? Should I be tested for any other deficiencies based on my symptoms? I hope I'm not looking too far into this but something really just feels not right and I want to feel like myself again.
submitted by Master_Bicycle7066 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 JimDesignsCo Should I raise my rates?

So I’ve been running Jim Designs, my one-person subscription-based design studio for SaaS startups, for a bit more than a year now, going from making my first internet dollar to close to $10k MRR.
I’m getting too much demand these days, and I’m genuinely wondering if I should raise my rates.
The obvious answer is yes, but I know these spikes come in waves, and I'm concerned that if I raise my pricing, it will diminish future demand, and I’d lose a competitive edge.
I’ve been gradually increasing my pricing ever since I started, but I feel like I'm hitting a glass ceiling, although I realize my current rates are quite low for the provided value.
I’d for sure rather have fewer clients willing to pay more, but I see quite some benefits in having lower prices:
I’m not sure if these arguments are legit, or if I’m just trying to justify my lack of confidence here.
The one thing I’d like to avoid is to increase my rates, but then have to revert back in case it doesn't work out well. I'd feel bad for the customers who'd go for a given price point, then later realize prices went down :/
I don’t wanna sound like I’m creating reach man’s problems for myself, but I’m genuinely interested in what the best approach would be here.
PS: You can follow me on Twitter as I continue to share my journey.
submitted by JimDesignsCo to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:51 InformalAd9314 Fake friends ig idk

So today in school just like always i was just casually chilling with my friend group i have noone else except them since im an introvert(a BIG one) so then this one guy who was not even part of our group but like was close with two people in my friend group asked my friend if hes gonna come on saturday at that time idm what that meant so i asked them and they immediatelly started telling me it was nothing but later i found out that it was my friends bday and everyone from my friend group were invited except me this hurt me deeply since ive known them for 3 years now and i have noone else excpet them as friends in my school idk what to do now i dont have any toher friends but i dont want to keep on hanging with these so called 'friends' anymore but im too shy to make new friends idk what to do
submitted by InformalAd9314 to introvert [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:50 idkdudejustkillme Why is the Advanced Power Armor mk II in Fo4 called X-02?

Does this not bug anyone else? I thought it was established in lore that the X-01 was a pre war predecessor to the Advanced Power Armor, and the two were completely separate things. I was under the impression that the creation club mod only referred to the mk II as X-02 as it was released before 76 ironed out the lore confusion with the two other suits and it was still thought that the X-01 and APA were the same, and in actuality there was no "X-02" or "X-03". But now it's years later and this mod is now part of the base game I guess and they never changed the name of the armor in it. Is this a mistake or is this name actually canon? Why would they call it that? Does this imply that advanced power armor actually is called X-01?
submitted by idkdudejustkillme to falloutlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:50 KitchenBox574 Elain theories

This is a long post but I have connections that haven’t turned into fully formed theories but I’m curious to know if anyone else thinks these things might be related/come into play regarding Elain.
When Feyre is with Nuala and Cerridwen UTM in chapter 41 of ACOTAR, it’s the only scene that I know of in all the books where we have of actual spying, besides the brief Azriel and Cassian scene in Acosf:
Nails clicked on stone, and my escorts swapped glances before they swung me into an alcove, a tapestry that hadn’t been there a moment before falling over us, the shadows deepening, solidifying. I had a feeling that if someone pulled back that tapestry, they would see only darkness and stone. One of them covered my mouth with a hand, holding me tightly to her, shadows slithering down her arm and onto mine. She smelled of jasmine—I’d never noticed that before. After all these nights, I didn’t even know their names.(…)My escorts pressed in tighter to me, so tense that I realized they were holding their breath. Handmaidens—and spies.(…)My escort’s shadowy hand clamped tighter around my mouth, and the Attor passed on.(…)The tapestry vanished, and we slipped back into the hall. “What was that?” I said, looking from one to the other as the shadows around us lightened—but not by much. “Who was that?” I clarified. “Trouble,” they answered in unison.
On my reread that scene made me pause because I always thought the scene in ACOFAS with Feyre and Elain in the shop with the weaver was interesting. And I’ve always thought that tapestry will have something to do with Elain:
The tapestry had been woven from fabric so black it seemed to devour the light, so black it almost strained the eye (…) A sort of iridescent thread that shifted with sparks of color. Like woven starlight. “You’re thinking of getting it?” Elain asked. (…) The moment my nail touched the velvet-soft surface, it seemed to vanish. As if the material truly did gobble up all color, all light. (…) “I call it Void. It absorbs the light. Creates a complete lack of color.” “You made it?” Elain asked, now staring over her shoulder toward the tapestry. (…) “The silver thread,” Elain asked. “What is that called?” The weaver paused the loom again, the colorful strings vibrating. She held my sister’s gaze. No attempt at a smile this time. “I call it Hope.”(…) I stared and stared at the black fabric that was like peering into a pit of hell. And then stared at the iridescent, living silver thread that cut through it, bright despite the darkness that devoured all other light and color.(…) The impossible depth of blackness before me, the unlikely defiance of Hope shining through it,(…) “Feyre?” Elain was again at my side. I hadn’t heard her steps. Hadn’t heard any sound for moments.(…) “Then there would be no Hope shining in the Void.”
Elain (and Azriel) are attributed to Hope. I just always wondered why this was even a part of the story and why Elain was there for it at all. I’ll come back to the void, but here’s another ACOFAS scene that had me interested. When Rhys visits his preferred jeweler in chapter 11:
She slid the tray beneath the counter and pulled out another, her night-veiled hands moving smoothly. Not a wraith, but something similar, her tall, lean frame wrapped in permanent shadows, only her eyes—like glowing coals—visible. The rest tended to come in and out of view, as if the shadows parted to reveal a dark hand, a shoulder, a foot. Her people all master jewel smiths, dwelling in the deepest mountain mines in our court. Most of the heirlooms of our house had been Tartera-made, Feyre’s cuffs and crowns included. Neve waved a shadowed hand over the tray she’d laid out.
Nuala and Cerridwen are described so similarly to this! And it brings me to this next part. There is a scene in ACOSF where Rhys and Amren are sharing a little history lesson with Cassian and Azriel after Nesta Made her weapons:
“Once, the High Fae were more elemental, more given to reading the stars and crafting masterpieces of art and jewelry and weaponry. Their gifts were rawer, more connected to nature, and they could imbue objects with that power.”
Feyre, Art. Nesta, the Made daggers and sword. And Elain is always connected to jewelry- Graysons ring, Lucien’s earrings, Azriel’s necklace.
So… am I reaching, or does anyone think these things might be connected? Does anyone think Elain might make a trip to those mountains where the jeweler is from? Maybe Make an object with a jeweler like Nesta Made the weapons with the blacksmith? I guess I’m just wondering why the jeweler was described the way she was and if it connects with the twins at all. If there might be a reason for her to go there in her book. Like maybe… I don’t know… a call back to “Perhaps even Elain would receive an engagement ring that hadn’t been forged with hate and fear.” How about a ring forged with love and beauty?
And finally, back the void. Chapter 76 in ACOWAR when the Cauldron breaks:
The … thing in the Cauldron. Or lack of it. It was lack and substance, absence and presence.(…) in those ruins of the Cauldron … It was a void. But also not a void—a growth. It did not belong here. Belong anywhere.(…) Including that thing behind us. That hole.(…) It was a hole. Airless. No life could exist here. No light.(…) Light danced along the fissures where the broken thirds had come together. There—there I would need to forge. To weld. To bind.(…) Until the thing it contained … it was in there. Locked away.
Spoilers for HOFAS
When Bryce opens the black hole in chapter 97 near the very end of the book:
There was no air here, no warmth.(…) They had created a void that had sucked the Asteri in—the only sort of prison that might destroy a being of light. The only force in the universe that ate light, so strong no light could ever escape it. A portal to nowhere. To a black hole. Wasn’t that the unholy power that Apollion possessed? The power of the Void. The antithesis of light.(…) So she’d met their black hole with one of her own. A bigger one. A black hole—a void—to eat other black holes.(…) No more kill switch,
So when a void is mentioned, it’s all talked about exactly the same, which is why again I’m always thinking about that scene with Feyre/Elain and the tapestry. Maybe fixing the cauldron is something all the sisters do together, but it’s interesting to me that HOFAS was to set up Elain’s book and she has such strong ties to the cauldron. Going into it, being captured by it, being loved by it and gifted Sight, Feyre questioning the cauldron in regard to elain and Azriel, Azriel questioning it in regard to not being Elain’s mate(only to find out it’s corrupted the next time we see him.)
I’m wondering if Elain is that hope in the void. If she is able to fix the cauldron that adores her so much. Maybe it saw a semblance of the part of it that was corrupted when she went into it. What if she goes BACK into it? What if it gives her the opportunity to go back to being human but she chooses this time to be fae? That’s a shot in the dark but I would love something like that.
submitted by KitchenBox574 to acotar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:50 negan08070 Drawing error

Im actually crying right now. I lost my 6 hour drawing with no way to get it back. I don’t know why/how or what happened. This is the first thing that made me cry in months and I’m so sad.
submitted by negan08070 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:50 Smoll-viking How do I look more competitive in the LE job market

I am trying to lateral transfer but I can’t seem to land a job anywhere in my area.
I am currently working as LEO at a community college.(our community colleges in my state have LEOs at the state level) I have been there for over 2 years. I know it isn’t the most exciting place to be a police officer but for now it pays the bills. I’m not in a hurry to leave but I would like to get out of the college environment. It’s hard to relate my experience with a normal municipality because my department maybe arrests one person per year and my department doesn’t have a whole lot of crime. Most of my calls are opening doors, medical call, sometimes the occasional lost item.
I try to stand out by becoming an instructor for pepper spray and I have my POST instructor credentials for my state.
Whenever I apply I only get to the oral board. They always tell me they found someone with more experience. (Most of the time is someone from a larger agency). Or they only want someone from a larger agency and don’t outright say it.
During the interview they always are more interested in my previous job as a CO in a max state prison. I saw a lot when I was there but I was only a CO for six months. I left corrections for the academy.
submitted by Smoll-viking to AskLE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:50 TheCornerReviews69 An analysis of Wheatley from a mental health perspective.

TRIGGER WARNING! This post will go into topics relating to mental illness, mental health and other related topics, including autism, bipolar disorder and PTSD, along with other trauma based things, as somebody who (Likely?) has these too, im going to be as tasteful as i can be, infact this post is being made to hopefully make discussion about wheatley a bit more tasteful, as ive found that discussions about him can (as a neurodivergent person myself) feel a little bit ableist. and if you have these too and feel like you have your own pov, or if ive gotten anything wrong, please let me know, id love to hear your opinions (:
Howdy! I'm Alice, I've been a fan of portal 2 for as long as I can remember, it still is one of my favourite games of all time. and for the longest time i have always related myself to the character of Wheatley, it started since we were both British and had blue eyes lol, but i feel since I'm older, i feel like that connection goes deeper.
first off, as almost all neurodivergent people have experienced, bullying, in portal 2 Wheatley has dropped hints of him being bullied, as other cores saw him as too different, and getting lied to and mocked, for example other people telling him turning his light on and getting off your rail would kill him, I've experienced this type of bullying before, too, where people would tell me not to do a certain thing, which is completely harmless, probably to make me look stupid, now as somebody who experienced excessive bullying throughout my childhood, the negativity and badness rubbed off on me, to the point where i likely have ptsd from the bullying i had endured, for a long time, and still now, i get extremely paranoid amongst new freind, as im scared they will hurt me as others had before, or alternately, that my annoying nature will push them away, sound familiar?
now i want to go onto Wheatley's betrayal, and where i feel the most passionate to get my opinion out, when Wheatley betrays chell he says that she "bossed him around" which, obviously through the course of the game, never happened, i feel as if many people misinterpret this scene, as him revealing himself to be "evil" and while Wheatley has and will do very objectively bad things, mental illness or not (we will get there later), i see this less as a evil awakening and a ptsd induced mental breakdown, again as i have said, my past experiences with bulling, lying and misdirection, very commonly make me paranoid that the people closest to me have ulterior goals that I'm not aware of, I've been bossed around too, and i wouldn't be surprised if Wheatley's main trauma point is him being "bossed around".
The evidence for him being bossed around are mostly work related, which i find to be interesting as neurodivergent people do have it hard in the work space, at the beginning he is confined to a job that he doesn't like, forced into it, but with no way to quit, i feel as if a lot of neurodivergent people would relate to this, feeling bound by societal pressures to stay at the job they don't like, after his "murder" by glados, he seems to have gotten a new job, specifically to aid chell, but he makes a accident, hitting part of the elevator, where his boss then fires him on the spot, this is also something that slot of neurodivergent people can relate to, getting heavily punished for making an accident.
with that in mind i want to discuss why i don't think Wheatley himself was ever "evil" nor had "evil motivations", since the beginning of the game his only goal is to escape with chell, it only goes downhill when he accidentally wakes glados up, if Wheatley was actually evil im sure he would've purposefully talked about "hacking into the mainframe" from the start or something, which he only does later on as a final resort, even then the two of them didnt really know what to do except, defeat glados, then escape, hell, even when Wheatley gets in control he still talks about wanting to just escape, but then the mainframe get too in control of him, where he succumbs to its will.
The mainframe muddies things up, but in the context of this lets say it feeds the host bad thoughts, bad thoughts that put the host in a stable mindset to test sufficiently i think it is expanding Wheatley's paranoia and wanting to belong, with it expanding his paranoia to levels that make him want to get revenge on people who wronged him, taking it out on people who didn't even do anything to him, this is also another think neurodivergent people can relate on, as due to the bullying we feel as if we should become as bad as the bully, even if it is wrong.
thats it for me! i hope this can inspire some people to be a bit more thoughtful while discussing the character, and i hope if there's a portal 3 that Wheatley will return and hopefully be as cool of a character as ever (:
submitted by TheCornerReviews69 to Portal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:49 sillysazzz move in was a disaster!!

I moved in yesterday and it was the biggest disaster i’ve ever dealt with on a move in day. my mom had to be my co-signed bc my credit is shit and she had been coordinating for a week with the leasing agent who showed me the apartment I was supposedly moving into. well, the things that she promised my mom didn’t happen. and yes it is partially my fault as well but let’s get to the point. when I first got there I was made to wait for over thirty minutes. no biggie I had nothing else to do. as we’re signing paperwork she is kind of snarky and a little rude. she had a maintenance man go check the apartment before I was given the keys (spoiler alert she didn’t even look at the apartment before I signed the apartment). he comes back and says the only repair needed is the fan above the stove is broken but will be repaired by the next day. whatever ok. she also tells me the flooring in my apartment has been upgraded and i’ll love it bc it looks so modern and nice. cool! and the she hands me my key fobs and sends me on my way.
I ask where I’m supposed to go and she points me in a general direction. I’m lost within two minutes but tell myself it’s no biggie and I can figure it out. the complex uses key fobs for everything. gates, door to get in the apartment, mailbox, etc. I can’t figure out the gate but finally do and make it up the stairs to my apartment.
when I walk into the apartment there’s small dead bugs literally everywhere on the floor. I start doing my checklist so I can turn it into the office and notice there’s a HUGE crack in the quartz countertop that looks to be filled in with caulk (terribly done btw), a huge stain on the dishwasher (that I later try to scrub and it doesn’t come off), and the fan in the bathroom doesn’t work. whatever, i’ll add it to the list of things needed repaired and turn it in. again no biggie I’ve had way worse apartments.
I have in unit laundry and when I went to check the washer it smelled SO BAD. so I decided to put laundry soap in and run a cycle on self clean. well, halfway through sweeping and mopping my apartment my washer leaks. so I call and ask if someone can come check it out.
someone does come and tells me when they were installing the new floors yesterday they did not hook the washer back up. not only is my new flooring soaked but he tore up the vinyl so badly that the water has soaked the flooring below it and now I’m worried about mold. I leave the apartment for a couple minutes to update my mom and come back to him leaving with a mop and bucket and him telling me the flooring would be fixed in the morning.
I go and check it out and it’s literally like he did not clean any of the water out from behind the washer and dryer before he mopped in front of it… so I call again and they say they will fix it with the flooring in the morning. bad on my part to come without a big towel I guess but I def should have.
now at this point I’m frustrated between everything not working and trying to set up wifi and being told i’ll need to spend $100 for a tech to come out when I was told that I could set this up by myself. not important but just adds to the frustration of the day!
she calls the girl who leased me the apartment and the girl just doesn’t say anything when my mom is asking why I wasn’t shown the apartment before signing and why the apartment has so many problems. the girl insists she did a walk through and knew all the problems the apartment had and was insistent that they would get fixed (spoiler she admitted she did not do a walk through after my mom asked her if she actually knew what was wrong with the apartment) and instead she receives an email a couple hours later that everything will be replaced. washedryer, flooring, dishwasher with huge stain, and countertop if the crack in it is still visible after they try to repair it.
I’m just frustrated. this was supposed to be a new beginning after having a shitty roommate. today I’m supposed to go into the office with a list of things the leasing agent promised to fix and have her sign it and I’m really just wondering if anyone thinks I need to do more regarding it all actually get fixed? I have no family besides my boyfriend who live in the same state as me. my mom literally lives five states away and so this falls onto me responsibility wise and it obviously needs fixed. advice please?
submitted by sillysazzz to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:49 SweetCapital6767 Right person, wrong time?

I am a junior in college & have been seeing a guy (senior in college) for the past few months. We started seeing each other in March, and it is currently May. He is moving about 2 hours away for his new job after undergrad. We haven’t had the “what are we” conversation. I’m scared to bring it up because I think I know what will happen: the way I’m logically looking at it, we will probably still talk occasionally once he moves & if he comes back into town we may meet up. But- it’s not the relationship that we have now. I can tell that this guy likes me. I’m conflicted rn because I’m trying to enjoy the present moment (while he’s still here). But I know the time is coming for him to move and everything is going to change. I would love the opportunity to explore a relationship with this guy. My plan is (at some point) to tell him that I really like him, he’s the kinda person I would date, I know he’s moving away and that sucks for me but it is what it is & I just want to tell him how I feel so I don’t regret it later on. I’m not asking a specific question here, but anything that anyone has to say, I’d really appreciate it :)
submitted by SweetCapital6767 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:49 erickokitale Staring game

Today during lunch hours i decided to go to artcaffe in Garden city and while eating i noticed this lady looking or let me say staring at me. At first i thought she was just gazing or had thoughts but i noticed she changed her position from side to now facing me. Weeeh let me tell you,i folded😃.so i waved and she smiled. I ate my lunch and left. I alwaz wonder why women cant approach a man and be intentional about it.
submitted by erickokitale to Kenya [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:48 Lifeinpeace_ I (25F) found old raunchy photos on my boyfriend’s (28 M) phone. Where do I go from here?

Hi, 1(24F) found a ton of old nudes on my boyfriend's (28M) phone. Before starting the actual story, I have to back track a bit. Back in March, he asked me to look for something on his phone and I accidentally came across a private photo vault app and immediately asked him what was on there. He got super flustered and told me he forgot about that app and didn't know what was on there, I teased him about it but we went on with our day. Later that day, I brought it up again and he said "you can open it if you want but idk the password to it." I said okay and typed in his iPhone password, and it unlocked it with just two photos in the vault of random text messages of his ex talking shit about him. In my head I really doubted that that was all that was originally in there but l let it go. Fast forward to yesterday. I came across this on accident while looking on his phone for a picture of us to send to myself before work. I was scrolling through his cameral roll and found nude pictures time stamped back in March, I felt my heart drop to my a**hole and I hate to say this but I went to his recently deleted and saw that he recently deleted a ton of nude photos, however those were dated back to years ago and before our relationship so I wasn't upset about those. were they gross? 100% but I know l don't have a right to be upset with those. I calmly woke him up and told him to take a few minutes to wake up before I talk to him, I then VERY calmly asked him why those pictures were on his phone. He took a long hard look and explained that those were pictures of his ex and he swears he doesn't know how and why it's time stamped in march and that maybe when he was uploading pictures to the new mac that he just got, it just accidentally transfer over but he genuinely does not know how it ended up there because those pictures were very old (he's a photographer and a model so he has a TON of pictures). I told him how that logically does not make sense and that if it transferred over then it would be time stamped the original date. He said " I'm sorry that you had to see but this is so annoyina cause idk how it got there" so i just went to work. He me during lunch and we briefly talked over it and I sai i want to trust his words so i will let it go this time but if this happens again then i wont be able to overlook it a second time, and told him that I just wanted to make my boundary clear. he got super offended and said that it's not fair for me to threaten him of ending our relationship when he didn't do anything wrong and that it was just an unfortunate event. When I got home we talked about it more and i asked him if it was possible that when i found his secret photo vault, he secretly went to delete pictures on there and it accidentally got transferred to his camera roll. He admitted that he did do into the photo vault before letting me open it because he was embarrassed of what was on there. So now I'm upset about the photos AND the fact that he basically lied about the photo vault. I bring up all the point from the beginning, telling him how I'm still upset and he said "Well if that's how you feel that's how you feel. I didn't do anything wrong you can't get mad at me for nude photos before you. I don't even know how it got there and you're sitting here threatening me that if this happens again you'll leave me when I didn't even put the pictures there. I don't even know HOW it got there. There's nude photos everywhere what if i accidentally save it. You're going to get mad at me for saving nude photos?" i said yes and that was my boundary and reiterated everything. how i wasn't mad at the photos I was upset at the timestamp AND that he lied. we took time to breathe and got back together and we talked it through. But l'm not over it and i keep thinking about it. I know l'm supposed to decipher what is and is not a dealbreaker for myself but im genuinely confused to where to go from here on out and how to feel about this situation. Where do I go from here and how do I get over this???
TLDR: I found nudes on my boyfriend’s phone that was time stamped a couple months ago. He admitted that it was a photo of his ex but does not know how it got there and why it’s time stamped in march. After talking through the situation, I asked him if could possibly be because when I found out he had a secret photo vault app on his phone, he quickly hid and tried to remove photos from here before letting me see and it accidentally transferred over. He admired that he did that, but does not see how this whole situation is his fault when the pictures are old and I cant be upset, and no one knows why the time stamped is wrong so he didn’t do any anything wrong abt that either. I’m still shaken up over this since, and now sure how to go on from here. How do I get over this
submitted by Lifeinpeace_ to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:48 sohurt102938 How do you grieve someone who isn’t dead?

My sister has what we think is onset schizophrenia, or some mental disorder. She started having delusions and hallucinations since 2019 since her relationship with her extremely abusive boyfriend. It seemed to click a light switch in her. Some of the current delusions have to do with my family and how we are evil pedophiles and evil demonic people. Her delusions and coherency got better during her pregnancies but a year after her last pregnancy she ran away from our house last year with my niece and nephew.
She lived with us with her babies for two years where we helped raise them because she was struggling. I have a lot of sympathy for my sister because I know a good amount of what she went through with the guy but feel a lot of anger at this point. I am angry she never decided to go into treatment and let it get this bad, I am angry the courts think it’s safe for her kids to stay with her even though it constantly feels like she’s having some sort of break and on the edge of doing something stupid, I am angry my relationship with my niece and nephew are severed and being replaced with a fake memory of what is actually was.
But most of all it hurts me how it feels like I will never get my little sister back and the relationship we had. She was bright, witty, smart, and one of my favorite people. I love my sister. I always envisioned us accomplishing our big dreams and growing old together and causing mischief. She would have been the bridesmaid at my wedding and I wanted all of those stupid experiences with her.
It seems, up to now, she truly believes everything she deludes and it just becomes part of her fake memories. So I just have to live with the fact that my niece and nephew will grow up thinking that I am a evil pedophile and that our family is evil when it couldn’t be further from the truth.
It hurts because I truly feel confident in saying that I tried my best to be the best sister and auntie to those kids and those experiences seem like they disappeared into the abyss and feel like just a dream to me. I want to just shake my sister and tell her to wake up and come back. I’m angry at mental illness, I’m angry that she continued doing weed because it made everything worse for her, I’m angry at myself that I stopped living my life the past years to help her in any way, I’m angry at the kids father for hurting her that bad that she felt she needed to numb herself to that extent.
At this point my entire family has to move on and continue living their lives. How do you move on knowing your sibling is still alive and they believe you are evil? Also with the fear that anything could happen and she could kill herself or her kids and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it?
My fiancé thinks it’s extreme in a way but my brain has started to think of them as deceased at this point. I want to grieve this in a healthy way and I don’t know how. It’s such a wild, complicated situation. I just need to put this aside, being as we’ve been told there is nothing we can do, and start living my life for myself again.
I also wanted to know if there was anyone out there who dealt with anything similar with the mental health of a family member and what your journey was with processing all of it. I’ll talk to my therapist tomorrow about all of this but just wanted to vent and maybe talk to people in a similar situation in the meantime. Life is freaking hard and I can’t stop crying.
submitted by sohurt102938 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:48 Lady-Lilith289 AITA for preforming a medical procedure on my little cousin?

So I (20f) went to babysit my cousin Lisa (fake name 13f) over the weekend. Around noon my cousin asked me to look at a pimple on her back. Lisa explained that her mother my aunt wanted her to leave it alone, but over the past week it’s became pain to lean against anything.
I agreed and had her sit at the dining table. When I pulled up her shirt I saw a giant hamster sized pimple on her back. It was so swollen and had a white tip meaning it was ready to pop. Now I’ve suffered with bad acne all my life but this was new even to me. I suggested to take a picture and send it to her mother before doing anything. Lisa agreed but still wanted me yo do something about it.
And I agreed that if her mother didn’t text me back in a few hours then I’ll pop it myself.
Well I sent the picture and texted my aunt explaining that I planned on popping it if she didn’t get back to me by 2.
She did not get back to me.
So I grabbed a box of Alcohol wipes, bandages and q-tips along with a blue diabetic needle the small ones to help test your blood sugar. If you know you know. Anyways I explained what I was gonna do before I leaned Lisa against the dining table and cleaned the area. Before taking the needle and punctured the pimple puss immediately started pouring out. I took a q-tip and whipped up some puss smelling it before leaning in and sniffing the pimple it self. Luckily there was no smell.
I continued squeezing the puss out saying there was a lot would be an understatement. Eventually I stopped after a minute because of Lisa’s begging do to the pain. So I stopped and cleaned her back again before touching the pimple feeling something hard still under her skin. I apologize to Lisa before violating pushing down on her back and removing a hard piece of puss. Blood began to drip from the bigger hole so I cleaned it again before putting on a bandage.
Lisa complained about soreness and took an aleve from the bathroom.
Her mother came home three hours later. She immediately went to check on her daughter but when Lisa explained what happened my aunt lost it.
It turned into a huge argument where my aunt accused me of being immature and stupid for preforming a medical procedure with her permission.
I explained to my aunt that I’ve done it before on my self and that it was safe.
She went on to scream that I was supposed to be the adult in this situation. And Lisa had no idea what she was getting into. I just left arguing with my aunt is like fighting a brick wall.
I talked to my mom about it today and she said I should’ve just apologized. Now I wanna know if I’m the asshole for helping Lisa?
submitted by Lady-Lilith289 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:48 Happy-Perception-823 Why are there no consequences for them?

I just don't understand it...I am based in the UK, I was married for 5 years, no kids. What caused the end of our marriage was the constant pointless fights about anything to turns out she has an undiagnosed mental health condition called 'BPD' . We attended marriage counselling who confirmed she was the main cause of the issues in our relationship as she didn't listen to my point of view.
I filled for divorce 14 months ago, and I was told on paper "your divorce is super easy! and will be done within 10 months" No kids, only 1 house to sell and you both will go on your way as its a 'short marriage' you will get a 50/50 split.
14 months later she continues to drag her heels on everything...we are both wasting our money and life (time) but she has no willingness to end the divorce process. Every letter is a battle, I sent one letter and it takes her 4 -6 weeks to respond.
We are now at the point where I have instructed the courts to take action against her to split the assets as she simply doesn't respond or provide a decent response to any of my letters. I have a court date set for the end of July. However, she then made me an offer to settle out of court which I accepted...she now isn't responding to her solicitor and its been almost 1 month!
Despite calling / emailing her solicitor every other day I get told 'we are waiting for your ex wife to respond'.
This seems like her one last attempt to 'punish me' yet there are no consequences for her!!
Even if it goes to court I've been told she can continue to waste the court time with no consequences!
submitted by Happy-Perception-823 to Divorce_Men [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:47 BillydeFatman420 Reported My Ex and her Friends to CPS and the police AITAH

Hello, I (28M) am making this post because I need to get this crazy story off my chest. I met a girl on Tinder (22F) at the beginning of this year and I thought we really hit it off. She had recently broken up with a long term boyfriend and was actually couch surfing between different family and friends. I work a lot and I really liked her so I offered to let her stay at my apartment. I also asked her to be in a relationship with me. At first she declined, but on Valentines I managed to pull out all the stops and tried my best to be romantic. (took her out, giant teddy bear, candy all that) I asked again if she wanted to be in a relationship with me and she agreed and moved into my apartment. Everything was good for a couple of months, we really didn't argue and the sex was great.
Her birthday was in April and I asked what she wanted for her birthday. She said she wanted to go on a camping trip and invite a bunch of friends. I was good with that plan and made arrangements to be off from work and spent a couple of hundred dollars on the supplies needed for the trip. She invited a ton of people but the only ones that ended up coming were here best friend, her best friends boyfriend, her brothers, her mom, and two other friends that were neighbors of her best friend. They only showed up at the end of the trip but, I was happy somebody else came for her.
Her best friend also brought her toddler. I had said before we went on the trip that bringing the toddler was not a good idea considering the plan for the weekend was to get drunk and smoke the whole time and that probably wasn't the best place for a two year old. I got ignored and my concerns were dismissed.
Anyway, on 4/20 we all end renting canoes and kayaks from the outfitters at the campground to float down the river. Halfway through; one of my then girlfriends brothers gets sick from to much to drink and ends up falling in the river multiple times. The river is still really cold and we end up having to split up and she takes her brother to get a ride back to the campsite at the halfway point. Then I was stuck with her friends that I didn't really know; to get back to the campsite with the canoes. I had met these friends about a half dozen times and they had struck me as rude and irresponsible but I hadn't spent much time with them. The boyfriend actually had never spoken directly to me at this point even though we had met several times.
I had been told by my ex over and over again how the boyfriend was abusive and how terrible he was to her friend. I told her since I hadn't seen anything I didn't want to be involved. On the second half of the trip her best friend and her boyfriend get into an argument over something. To this day I have no idea what either of them were upset about. This argument keeps escalating but only to yelling and throwing stuff and essentially a temper tantrum on the part of the boyfriend. We get back to the campsite and reunite with my ex, and they keep arguing and yelling at each other. Keep in mind the girl has been carrying around a two year old for this entire ordeal.
Eventually the boyfriend is in his vehicle shouting obscenities' and my exes friend goes to his vehicle and what happens next is the only point of disagreement between myself and my ex. I say he hit her, my ex says he pushed her out of the way. Tomato, tomato, it was still most definitely physical assault of a dating partner and since she had the toddler it was also child abuse. My exes mom then intervenes and they separate, I go over to the girl to ask if she's is alright and she starts asking me to fight her boyfriend. Then the boyfriend threatens to shoot me!!!?????
Keep in mind this guy has never spoken to me directly. As a side note I have trained MMA for over five years at this point and it is well known that I can fight. Normally fighting/sparring is very fun for me but if this dude is actually upset and not wanting to wrestle around for fun then I was going to need him to sign a waiver before I administered the beat down. Besides the dude had a gun and had threatened to shoot me so I'm not just going to attack him?
I tried to tell my ex that we needed to leave but she refused and said that if I wanted to leave I was more than welcome but that she would be staying. I decide to stay, and the rest of the night essentially consisted of her best friend wandering around the campground crying hysterically and the boyfriend posted in his vehicle between us and the exit in some kind of sad attempt to be intimidating. At one point while my ex and her friend attempt to console the boyfriend they essentially left the child unsupervised with me and her friends neighbors.
Both of the neighbors were under 21 and definitely to intoxicated to supervise a toddler. To be honest no one there was sober enough to care for a two year old at that time. At one point I actually stopped the toddler from running into the fire while my ex and her friend made the boyfriend food. (which I bought by the way) Literally the guy assaulted his girl, threatened to shoot me, and put his child in danger and my girlfriends reaction was to make him a hamburger. I was thrown.
Towards the end of the night its starting to calm down and I was coming back from collecting firewood. The boyfriend had moved his vehicle closer to the campsite but was still not interacting with the rest of the group. When I get back my exes friend is blocking my chair so I grab another from my trunk and offer it to her so I can sit down next to my girlfriend. Apparently the boyfriend was offended by this and actually spoke to me directly for the first time by stating that I needed to pay attention to my girl and if I talked to his again he would shoot me.
I had no idea how to react; this is now the second time this dude has threatened my life with a firearm and both times with no reaction from anyone. I tell my ex again that we need to leave and I was once again dismissed. Keep in mind there is no signal at this campground; so we are completely cut off from the outside world. It was already late so everyone turned in for the night shortly after. The next morning we pack up the campsite to go home.
When we get back to my apartment, I confirm with my ex everything that happened. She did confirm that the boyfriend had threatened to shoot me twice. Like I said earlier; I say he hit his girl my ex says he pushed her out of the way. Whatever; same difference. She also confirmed she understood that because the toddler was there it made everything that happened an act of child abuse. My goal for the conversation was to get my ex to report what happened so I could sit in the background and just confirm what she was saying was true.
However, my ex just kept trying to say that this was normal behavior by her friends boyfriend and that she wasn't going to do anything. I tried to reiterate over and over that this was not "Normal" behavior and that by not reporting what happened we could be considered liable if something worse happened in the future. I am not a mandated reporter but, I clearly understood that if I was; what happened would have been a mandatory report.
My ex then blew up at me and accused me of being and asshole and trying to isolate her from her friend. This was the farthest thing from the truth; since when I was told the boyfriend was abusive, I told my ex since I hadn't seen anything I couldn't do anything but, if her friend had no where to go and wanted to leave she was more than welcome to crash in my spare room. I had to go to work to get ready for the upcoming week so I couldn't keep arguing with her and started getting ready to head out. I told her we would discuss it when I got back and left for work. While I was showering I did consider kicking her out for not taking what happened more seriously but, I decided against it because overall I still liked her at that point and I didn't want her not to have anywhere to go.
While I am at work I text her an apology because admittedly I was mean at the end when she wouldn't take what happened seriously. I told her I still didn't know exactly what I needed to do but that the boyfriends behavior was completely unacceptable. She texts me back that she was breaking up with me and going to stay with her brother. I was a little shocked by this as we had not had any disagreements up until this point and I pressed her to figure out why. At first she lied and tried to say it had nothing to do with the argument and was because she wasn't ready for a relationship. I moved past the fact we had already been in a relationship for two months, she had me in her phone as daddy, was living with me, and had started receiving mail at my apartment and just accepted that she wanted to leave.
When I got back to my apartment a couple of hours later she had already packed her stuff and left. I was sad but I have been through a lot of breakups with women I liked so this wasn't new to me. I started going through my apartment to make sure all my stuff was still there and her stuff was gone. I did reach out to here that night because I wanted her to come get the stuff she had left and at least give me the opportunity to speak my peace in person. At this point I still thought she left because she wasn't ready for a relationship and that she was at her brothers.
At the end of the night, I called her expecting her to be at her brothers, she answered and instead I found out she was at her friends? Yes the one with the boyfriend who had just threatened to shoot me, had assaulted her friend, and put his child in clear danger due to his emotional tantrum. This was the only time I truly snapped at her because I couldn't believe she would do something like that. Two things became clear to me 1.) She never cared about me and was just using me for a free place to stay and free food. Which honestly I wouldn't have cared about if she had just been honest about it. And 2.) She was no longer a witness to what had happened, she was an accessory as she was actively trying to deter me from reporting the behavior.
My understanding of the statues around child abuse is that any action taken in an attempt to conceal child abuse makes you an accessory to said child abuse. Because of all that the feelings I had for her immediately died. I decided to sleep on everything and the next day I wrote out everything that happened and emailed it myself to time stamp the report. I gave it to a coworker that I trusted just to confirm I wasn't crazy. She is a mandated reporter and her words to me were that I absolutely did need to report what happened and that if I didn't she would. So I got the number that I needed to call from my coworker and filed a police report at my local police station. A few days later CPS did pay them a visit and I received a lot of nasty texts accusing me of filing the report because she broke up with me and intentionally trying to get the child taken by child services.
She even tried to say she wanted to get back together later when she was "in a better headspace" I called bullshit because to me and everyone I have told this story to she broke up with me in order to avoid the confrontation and distract me from making the report. Her admission confirmed that her plan was to come back when I had forgotten about what had happened. I quickly told her coming back was not an option for her and that I was not interested in her anymore. AITAH?
Also an update that happened last week, some different friends of my ex reached out to me on FB. I had only met these friends once so I was suspicious as to why they reached out. They did invite me over and looking back I think they were just wanting to get the full scoop on what happened as my ex had told them virtually nothing and had been overly vague as to why we had broken up.
I told them the full story to the best of my ability and they confirmed that similar incidents had happened in the past with the couple and that they do not associate with my exes friends due to the boyfriends behavior. I also learned that apparently one of my exes brothers was on my side and thought his sister was a "fucking idiot."
My exes friends apologized to me and expressed their support and agreed I did the right thing. NGL finding that out did really validate me because it was clear to me my ex was trying to protect her friends abuser but I still didn't understand why. What I have tried to believe, in order to not have so much negative emotion towards my ex, is that in her mind she feels like if she is there with her friend she will be safe. Also if anybody asks the neighbors would be shit witnesses to what happened, they were both under 21, highly intoxicated, and while I'm not sure what they are on narcotics wise. I am 90% sure they get it from the boyfriend. I apologize if this was to long of a read but AITAH?
submitted by BillydeFatman420 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:47 AcadiaOriginal42 I think I’ve relapsed

When I was a teenager, I struggled with anorexia (undiagnosed). Since lockdown, I’ve gained around 30 lbs and I thought I had recovered because I started eating a normal amount regularly.
Lately, I find myself obsessing over the way I look and how fat I feel. I want nothing more than to go back to my teenage weight, even though I wasn’t even happy with my body at the time. The other day someone told me that it’s unhealthy to eat so much of a specific food. I reacted in a really emotional way (crying and arguing) and this signalled to me that I might still have an unhealthy relationship with food.
The difficult part for me is that I am slightly overweight now so I do want to lose weight in a healthy way. But I fear that unhealthy habits are sneaking up on me. I’ve started calorie counting which I never even did before. The confusing thing is also that when I originally(?) had an eating disorder, it was never about weight. I’m not even sure what triggered it or the motivations behind it. But it’s definitely about weight now so I’m not sure if it’s something different.
Not sure if anyone has any advice but just wanted to vent.
submitted by AcadiaOriginal42 to AnorexiaNervosa [link] [comments]