Graffiti banner creatorc

Vandals & Scribes

2010.11.22 19:02 wallychamp Vandals & Scribes

Less art, more vandalism. Bombing, wildstyles, freights, handstyles, and any regional graffiti.

2011.07.03 19:45 brainswho /r/handstyles

The buttery essence of tags..

2024.06.05 17:19 rthur_vsf Novidades do sub

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Aparência geral
Banner novo, ícone novo e cor nova. Não gostou do verde, acha que o graffiti do viaduto na entrada não representa a cidade ou achou o ícone feio? Comenta aqui!! A ideia é deixar esse sub com a cara da cidade :)
submitted by rthur_vsf to florianopolis [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:01 olordmike Devs, are you going to release these missing items?

Devs, are you going to release these missing items?
I'm 4 paints and one sticker away from completing my collection, but these items aren't available on xbox. They were added like 6 months ago and look like pack paints, so i'm not expecting them in ravenger season.
submitted by olordmike to Crossout [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:00 Winter_cat_999392 Another NSC-131 Nazi arrested for child porn. Shocker.

One of the nazis that was protesting the drag queen story hour in Concord. Always projecting more than an IMAX...
"A local member of a New England-based neo-Nazi group known for disrupting children’s “drag queen story hours” has been charged with possessing child pornography. Stephen Thomas Farrea, 34, a member of the Nationalist Social Club-131, had been arrested two years ago while distributing white nationalism leaflets in East Providence. Then, last month, the Portsmouth police got a tip that Farrea may be in possession of child pornography. After getting a court-authorized warrant, detectives searched Farrea’s home at 37 Souza Way and seized multiple electronic devices. The police said that Farrea’s devices contained sexually explicit images of children. The masked, khaki-pants-wearing men have drawn attention for harassing people during “drag queen story hours,” spreading graffiti, leaflets, and banners praising white nationalism, and shouting slurs and waving Nazi flags."
submitted by Winter_cat_999392 to newhampshire [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:49 Grey_Gxd Joeyys tag?

Does anyone in here know if joeyy has a tag that he writes? I see under his soundcloud banner three of what I assume to be his 1mane tag on a dumpster? hes also seen in many videos like petco and thanks writing, anyone know if he has any history in writing graffiti or any other work?
submitted by Grey_Gxd to joeyy [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 19:51 Naurgul Nearly 175 arrested as climate protesters target France’s TotalEnergies and key investor • Demonstrators gathered outside Paris meetings of energy giant and Amundi, with some forcing their way into fund manager’s tower block

Nearly 175 arrested as climate protesters target France’s TotalEnergies and key investor • Demonstrators gathered outside Paris meetings of energy giant and Amundi, with some forcing their way into fund manager’s tower block
The head of TotalEnergies has told shareholders that new oilfields have to be developed to meet global demand, as the annual meetings of the French energy giant and one of its biggest shareholders were picketed by climate activists.
Police said they detained 173 people among hundreds who gathered outside the Paris headquarters of Amundi, one of the world’s biggest investment managers and a major TotalEnergies shareholder.
Climate activists also gathered hours before the TotalEnergies annual general meeting opened. Greenpeace members unfurled a huge “Wanted” banner calling its chief executive, Patrick Pouyanné, “the leader of France’s most polluting company”.
The banner was quickly taken down by police.
Several hundred activists belonging to Extinction Rebellion gathered outside Amundi for its general meeting.
A few dozen protesters forced their way into Amundi’s tower block, daubing graffiti on the walls and smashing some windows, police said. Amundi said eight of its security staff were injured.
The activists say TotalEnergies is contributing to global warming and the destruction of biodiversity through its gas and oil activities.
submitted by Naurgul to europes [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 03:35 KarmaCosmicFeline Mesoamerican Influences Genshin Impact and My Theory for Natlan


This post is intended to explore and discuss various aspects of Mesoamerican mythology and history in the game which I will use to form my theory for Natlan. These interpretations are purely speculations by me, it is not an definitive study. As I am not native to the place I apologize in advance if any of my points comes of as unintentionally offensive or wrong.
1. Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview
Let's begin the discussion with the Preview itself.
Dainsleif:- The rules of war are woven in the womb: the Victor's shall burn bright, while the lovers must turn to ash.
Here this line is interesting as the term "womb" in mesoamerican mythological context also refers to Chicomoztoc, also known as "Place of the seven caves"which is ancestral home of the Aztecs, each of the seven caves housed a different group or tribe. They went on to form the Mexica/Aztec empire. Here Dain talks about how the seeds and rules of war were laid in Chicomoztoc/womb itself.
2. The 6 Tribes
The 7 tribes (Xochimilca, Tlahuica, Acolhua, Tlaxcalan, Tepaneca, Chalca, and Mexica) from the caves in mythology followed the instructions of their God Huitzilopochtli and migrated to the valley of Mexico where they formed 7 major cities in Central Mexico. They were constantly at war with each other there. I will get to where 1 tribe went in theory and speculation part.
3. Talking Stick Claymore Lore
The claymore takes direct inspiration from mesoamerican weapon Macuahuitl. The lore of claymore also mentions Tenoch who in mesoamerican context is debated to be either a mythical figure or real figure who was mythicalized later. He formed Tenochtitlan (largest mesoamerican city) but in game lore he united 6 tribes against an immediate threat of "black tide". The lore also mentions they gazed upon the vast burning plains and transverse through hot springs and lava which hints the threat is in volcanic parts of Natlan.
4. Unfinished Reverie
It talks about half brothers Atahualpa and Huàscar, and warrior Yupanqui who allied to fight against a tyrant king when the banners of the tribes had been coated in dust (tribes had been long deafeated to someone) All of these are real historical figures who fought against the Spanish Conquistadors. This implies that tribes had long defeated by someone, possibly a foreign entity.
5. Xbalanque
He with his brother Hunahpa are mythical twin heros who avenged their father's death by outsmarting the loads of Xibalba (Mayan Underworld) and killing them.

Theory and Speculation

Let's get back to point 1 and speculate what if one tribe never left the caves and became the enemies of all the other tribes? They also took help from a foreign entity in their plan to destroy 6 other tribes (This actually happened when Tlaxcalans helped the Conquistadors in defeating the Aztec empire).
Pyro tribe (ostracized to volcanic parts) with the help of some foreign entity was the "black tide" which attacked the other 6 tribes in point 3 and won then were betrayed by foreign entity to establish leader of the country. They are still ostracized this is why we don't see 7 Saurians or all of their Saurians were killed in wars. Note:- The ostracized tribe could also be cryo tribe.
The situations we encounter in Natlan will be directly the result of these developments over a long time and fatui interfering in this mess.


I have many more mesoamerican connections we can make such as geography where the mountains are inspired from Tepuyes and the lush green forest from Yucatan Jungle, the underground lava caves from underground world Mictlan. Natlan landscape will be a mix of real life and mythical places. I believe every tribe will live in an entirely different landscape from each other.
The mesoamerican musical instruments used in teaser are mix of Teponazli drums, temple blocks and flutes, krin and moskushos with a modern touch.
The scenery has a modern touch too with mesoamerica inspired graffiti on mountains.
I also believe the hydro saurians (maybe all) are inspired from Cipactli and other mythical creatures.


My main goal of this post was to draw connections between ancient mesoamerican mytho and history with whatever little info we have about Natlan. I hope Natlan lives upto our expectations and is amazing. If I missed anything or am wrong about something very obvious feel free to tell me. With this my long yapping ends. Thanks for reading.
submitted by KarmaCosmicFeline to Genshin_Lore [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 01:51 throwaway8257396 [TOMT] weird childhood animation video from youtube

My brother is asking about an animation he and I watched back in around 2013 (?)
This is the synopsis he gave me : “A white person is being chased by a dark figure, and hides in an alleyway. While hiding, they take out their red spray can, and they begin spraying graffiti on the wall and smiles. Behind the protagonist however, two glowing white eyes appear, and then a smile, and it is revealed that a dark figure is behind them (see attached image). The dark figure attacks them, but the protagonist sprays them with the red spray can, causing the dark figure to turn into a red human. The red person gets up and the two begin laughing together, however the red person gets pulled by a long dark hand, away from the protagonist. The protagonist follows them and sees a giant smiling dark creature. The red person that's in their hands gets transformed back into the dark figure they were seen as earlier. The other dark figure around them are seen, surrounding the protagonist. The protagonist begins getting angry, starts crying, and runs up to the giant dark creature. They sacrifice themself, killing both themself & the creature. Then, all the other dark figures turn back into colored people (similar to the red person earlier), and the last shot is of the protagonist lying on the floor”
I personally can’t remember anything about it other than one small part of the video sounding vaguely familiar. I asked him whether this was more of a “newgrounds content” type of animation or a thesis animation made by a student and he said the latter, but apparently the art style makes him think that it might have just been just an independent one off (?) and not a thesis film. The creator apparently had the protagonist from this animation as part of their youtube banner and had more than one video / animation on their channel.
This image is his recreation of what the video looked like approximately.
Thank you for anyone who helps us find this old youtube animation.
submitted by throwaway8257396 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 12:39 The_IPKat [Guest post] Can a trademarked mascot drink, smoke, and spray graffiti under the banner of artistic expression?

[Guest post] Can a trademarked mascot drink, smoke, and spray graffiti under the banner of artistic expression? submitted by The_IPKat to u/The_IPKat [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 16:09 ParallelHorizon Patch 3.4.5 - Misc. Datamined Info

Datamined information is from Dislyte Origin Miracle: Patch 3.4.5
Datamined info is just stuff that has been added to the game but might not be in use yet so they are always subject to changes. So take this information with a pinch of salt. Do not take datamined info as 100% accurate as Lilith has shown that some data might just be placeholders.
Once again I have to caution people from spreading the below information too widely as I do not want the additional scrutiny, if any, from Lilithgames. If they change anything in subsequent patches, I might not be able to datamine the patches anymore. Also, please do not share such information to official communities too (Official Facebook, Discord, reddit, twitter, etc). Datamining is a violation of Lilith's TOS and may get you banned.
You are also encouraged not to post datamines to wide-reaching communities as leaks can be spread repeatedly through the masses, leading to others posting them to official communties.
Also, do factor in that I no longer play the game and therefore I do not have knowledge of what stuff are already viewable in game. Apologies if there are redundant information provided here.
Edit: 26 April 2024 - Added the imgur album for the event images which I forgot to post. Link
Edit: 19 April 2024 - Added a comment link to Floors 17-20 stat table
Current / Upcoming Events - All dates are specific to Origin Miracle
Inactive events are events that are not activated but can be triggered on by the developers at any time. Active events are those that will be active on the dates at the time of datamining. Likewise, they can be triggered inactive at any time.
Active / Inactive Name Start Date End Date Remarks
INACTIVE 7-Day Login Reward
ACTIVE Trainee Milestones
ACTIVE Path to Mastery
ACTIVE Curtain Up
ACTIVE M-Pass 14-May-2024 25-Jun-2024
ACTIVE E-Pass 01-May-2024 01-Jun-2024
ACTIVE Prizes Galore 23-Apr-2024 14-May-2024
ACTIVE Trainee Milestones
INACTIVE Rising Star
ACTIVE Road to Legend
INACTIVE Shopping Fiesta
INACTIVE Communities
ACTIVE Esper Academy
INACTIVE Trainee Milestones
ACTIVE Shopping Fiesta
ACTIVE Rookie Echo Reward
INACTIVE Rookie Championship
INACTIVE Rookie Championship
ACTIVE Reset Espers
ACTIVE Conqueror
ACTIVE Melody of Reunion
ACTIVE Login Rewards
ACTIVE Reunion Manual
ACTIVE Reunion Prayer
ACTIVE Event Package
ACTIVE Rookie to Regular Yang Jian / Yun Chuan
ACTIVE Treasure Hunt
ACTIVE Shimmer Reverbotron
ACTIVE Esper Pop Quiz 20-Apr-2024 24-Apr-2024 Tai Yi / Chu Yao
ACTIVE Alice's Magic Hut 18-Apr-2024 02-May-2024
ACTIVE Golden City Challenge 11-Apr-2024 23-Apr-2024
ACTIVE Esper Pop Quiz 11-May-2024 15-May-2024 Sakuya-Hime / Sakura
ACTIVE Championship 24-Apr-2024 11-May-2024
ACTIVE Burning Beat Ball 28-Apr-2024 04-Jun-2024
ACTIVE Warm-Up Match 24-Apr-2024 13-May-2024 Yang Jian / Yun Chuan
ACTIVE Heron Box 24-Apr-2024 08-May-2024
ACTIVE Scratch-Off 07-May-2024 21-May-2024
ACTIVE Endless Nightmare 28-Apr-2024 12-May-2024
ACTIVE Sweet Wishes 10-May-2024 04-Jun-2024
ACTIVE Flaming Echo 10-May-2024 04-Jun-2024
ACTIVE Flash Back 10-May-2024 04-Jun-2024
ACTIVE Anniversary 10-May-2024 04-Jun-2024
INACTIVE Graffiti Wall 10-May-2024 04-Jun-2024
ACTIVE Rockin' Puzzles 10-May-2024 04-Jun-2024
ACTIVE Rewind 10-May-2024 04-Jun-2024
ACTIVE Burning Beat Bazaar 10-May-2024 04-Jun-2024
Esper Pop Quiz (Late April 2024) Tai Yi / Chu Yao
Q1. Which mythology is Taiyi from?
Ans. Chinese
Q2. Which of these customs is associated with Taiyi?
Ans. Hanging Lanterns
Q3. What kind of weapon does Chu Yao use?
Ans. Shaman Dagger
Esper Pop Quiz (Mid May 2024) Sakuya-Hime / Sakura
Q1. Which mythology is Konohanasakuya-hime from?
Ans. Japanese
Q2. What activity does Sakura like?
Ans. Flower Arrangement
Q3. What is Sakura's favorite flower?
Ans. Cherry Blossom
Image Corner
Esper Art
Esper Files
Chibi Art
Sakuya-Hime / Sakura
PLEASE READ - Do take note that stars, elements and types might be placeholders. Hence there might be discrepancies.<---PLEASE READ
Star Esper Name Coded name Element Type Released
5 Taiyi Chu Yao DongHuang Flow Fighter Yes
5 Dijiang Wu You DiJiang Shimmer Defender Yes
5 Bakeneko Momo Bakeneko Flow Fighter No
3 Sakuya-hime Sakura Kono Inferno Defender No
Oh no, why is Sakuya-Hime a 3 star and yet she is in the quiz? 💀
1) Tai Yi / Chu Yao
2) Jiao Tu / Lian
3) Hestia / Ginny
Modified / New Items
Item Name Description
Scion of the New World Chu Yao's Divinate, enhances Chu Yao's combat abilities.
Chu Yao Legendary Esper Chu Yao
Chu Yao Divinate Fragment A fragment containing divine powers. Fuse 50 fragments to get a Chu Yao Divinate.
Li Guang - Wintry Wonder Skin Li Guang's Skin: Wintry Wonder The night's wind has given the world a chilling bite, it's time for new attire!
Burning Beat Charm Collect Burning Beat Charms to obtain generous rewards in the Burning Beat Bazaar event
Legendary Esper Opt-Box Select one Legendary Esper from the box. Max-resonated Espers cannot be selected.The box contains the following Espers: Jin Yuyao, Tiye, Yun Chuan, Triki, Hyde, Gaius, Gabrielle, Sally, Ollie, Clara, Ahmed, Brewster, Leora, Fatum Sisters, Cang Ji, Lian, Ethan, Embla, Jin Qiu, Ginny, Valeria, Liam, Hilda, Hailey, Farrah, Mavis, Yu Ran, Fumitsuki, Fu Shi, Archibald, and Feng Xun.
Chu Yao Divinate Residue Converted by acquiring a duplicate Chu Yao Divinate. Used to raise the Tier for Chu Yao Divinate.After obtaining Divinate Residue more than 5 times for a Divinate, any further Residue will be converted into a selected number of Divinate Crystals or Monoprisms.
Chu Yao Ripple A fragment containing the divine power of Chu Yao. Fuse 50 fragments to get the Esper Chu Yao.
Spirit Seeker Flow Pack Select one of 12 Flow-attuned Epic Espers from the box, except for Max-resonated or unowned Espers.The box contains the following Espers: Emma, Parmi, Mona, Jiang Man, Celine, Kara, Eira, Heng Yue, Dhalia, Kaylee, Aurelius, and Xiao Yin.
Spirit Seeker Wind Pack Select one among 9 Wind-attuned Epic Espers from the pack, except the Max-resonated or unowned Espers.The pack contains the following Espers: Ain, Lu Yi, Arcana, Luo Yan, Jacob, Long Mian, Lynn, Li Guang, and Jin-hee.
Spirit Seeker Inferno Pack Select one of 10 Inferno-attuned Epic Espers from the box, except for Max-resonated or unowned Espers.The box contains the following Espers: Adrina, Djoser, Falken, Sander, Chloe, Pritzker, Ren Si, Stewart, Nick, and Koharu.
Spirit Seeker Flow Divinate Select one from among 13 Flow-attuned Epic Espers' Divinate in the pack, except the Divinate of Max-Tier Espers.The pack contains Divinate of the following Espers: Emma, Parmi, Mona, Jiang Man, Celine, Kara, Eira, Heng Yue, Dhalia, Kaylee, Aurelius, Xiao Yin, and Xie Chuyi.
Spirit Seeker Wind Divinate Select one from among 13 Wind-attuned Epic Espers' Divinate in the pack, except the Divinate of Max-Tier Espers.The pack contains Divinate of the following Espers: Ain, Lu Yi, Arcana, Luo Yan, Jacob, Long Mian, Lynn, Li Guang, Jin-hee, Alolin, Meredith, Xie Yuzhi, Fabrice, and Yu Xu.
Spirit Seeker Inferno Divinate Select one from among 14 Inferno-attuned Epic Espers' Divinate in the pack, except the Divinate of Max-Tier Espers.The box contains Divinate of the following Espers: Mei, Djoser, Falken, Sander, Chloe, Pritzker, Ren Si, Stewart, Nick, Koharu, Adrina, Daniel, Alexa, and Daylon.
Jade Disc Can be redeemed for valuable rewards at the Sacrificial Altar. Sources: Missions and Event Map.A Jade Disc is a circular jade artifact with a hole in the center, commonly used in ceremonial rituals like sacrifices. It signifies reverence towards the heavens and the earth through the medium of jade.
Spirit Candle Can be redeemed for valuable items in the Seer's Chambers. Source: Event Map, Ritual Miracle, Sonic Miracle, Sonic Rift, Desolate Lands, Story, Ancient Mysteries, and other stages. A simple candle that, once lit, emits wisps of purple smoke to guide one in a specific direction.
Protective Talisman Can be used to make Equipment in the Shamanic Shrine. Source: Event Map, Ritual Miracle, Sonic Miracle, Sonic Rift, Desolate Lands, Story, Ancient Mysteries, and other stages. A purple stone with intricate engravings of unknown patterns, adorned with delicate tassels. It is believed to have a miraculous calming effect when worn daily.
Harmony Ballot Harmony Ballot: Used to vote in the Burning Beat Ball event.
Chu Yao Materia Converted by acquiring a duplicate Chu Yao. Used to conduct Resonances and activate Divine Gates for Chu Yao. After obtaining Materia more than 6 times for an Esper, any further Materia will be converted into a selected number of Dioprisms or Monoprisms.
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Exclusive 2024 Burning Beat Fest Frame Get: Exclusive 2024 Burning Beat Fest Frame
Items of Faith Get: Limited-edition Namecard - Items of Faith
2024 Burning Beat Fest Get: 2024 Burning Beat Fest Namecard
Icy Veneer Get: Icy Veneer Namecard
Warm-Up Match - Red Ruckus Get: Warm-Up Match - Red Ruckus Namecard
Rare Triple Threat Insignia Get: Rare Triple Threat Insignia
Epic Triple Threat Insignia Get: Epic Triple Threat Insignia
Legendary Triple Threat Insignia Get: Legendary Triple Threat Insignia
Other info
  1. Discboom alt for vietnam countries called "Binz"
  2. Text stating "Expert mode" for Kronos, Apep, Fafnir and Andras
  3. Difficulties added for Kronos, Apep, Fafnir and Andras up to stage 20.
  • Example of changes - Kronos acts first at the start of combat. Each time it takes hits, it gains 1 stack of Supreme Fury, and its ATK, DEF, and SPD +1%. For every player unit with HP below 20%, all player units deal -20% damage. When there are fewer than 5 player units remaining, for each fallen player, the Boss deals +20% damage and takes -20% damage.
Club content is in the works. Guild Versus Guild Versus Guild called "Triple Threat"
Triple Threat unlocks 6 weeks after the server opens.
Triple Threat seasons are launched irregularly, with each season lasting for a max of 6 matches, 1 match per week. After each match, season points will be calculated based on the Club's ranking.
Single-match competitions start sign-ups and defense setup on Thursday at 00:00 UTC; matchmaking occurs on Saturday at 00:00 UTC. Then, the battle stage lasts from 01:00 on Saturday to 23:59 UTC on Sunday. The tally and announcement stage takes place from Monday at 00:00 UTC to Tuesday. Wednesdays are rest days.
Single-match competitions will pair 3 Clubs for battle. Once successfully matched, all Club members will promptly receive a mail notification with the opponent Clubs' names.
Following each single-match competition, the top three Clubs will be selected based on their performance. Single match rewards and Club season points will be distributed accordingly.
Additionally, each Club member will receive point rewards based on their battlefield points and individual ranking rewards based on their performance in the match.
When all 6 matches have concluded, Clubs will be ranked within the division based on the season points they obtained. Season rewards will be distributed to all members via mail according to the Club's ranking.
Sign-up stage begins at 00:00 UTC on Thursday and ends at 23:59 UTC on Friday.
Each Club must have at least 10 members participating in defense deployment to proceed to the subsequent matches. If the number of members participating in the deployment is insufficient, the Club will not enter the matching and subsequent battle process.
During this period, each Club member needs to deploy at least 1 defensive formation to participate in the match, up to 10 defense teams. Only Lvl 50+ Espers can be deployed.
All Club members participating in the deployment have the permission to attack after the start of battle by default. If admins want to prohibit a member from attacking, they can choose to do so via the member list during the sign-up stage.
Each match is divided into three sides: Red, Yellow, and Blue. During the sign-up stage, the battlefield will be provided in Blue perspective for each Club to deploy defenses. The official faction colors will be based on the battle stage.
Each faction will have 1 Base Camp and 12 Power Reservoirs.
All defensive teams deployed by Club members will default to enter the Base Camp for dispatch. During the sign-up stage, the Clubmaster and Deputy Clubmasters will have the authority to move each team to different Power Reservoirs to form defensive formations.
Each Power Reservoir can allocate up to 5 defensive teams, at most. Except for special circumstances, the defensive teams cannot be changed after the start of the battle.
Therefore, in addition to providing as many powerful defensive teams as possible, the dispatch of teams by Club admins is also critical during the sign-up stage. It may directly affect the subsequent situation.
The 12 Power Reservoirs are divided into 9 Ordinary Power Reservoirs and 3 Epic Power Reservoirs. Ordinary Power Reservoirs allow for any team, while Epic ones only allow for teams composed of Epic or lower Espers.
During the battle stage, starting from Saturday at 01:00 UTC, the 3 Clubs matched for the same battle will be assigned to different factions, and they will confront the defensive teams set during the sign-up stage.
To start, the single-match Power Points for each faction are 0. During the battle stage, points will be increased every minute based on the number of Power Reservoirs connected to each faction's Base Camp. Each Power Reservoir adds 1 point, and if the number of Power Reservoirs connected to the Club's Base Camp is greater than or equal to 13, an additional 10 points will be added per minute.
Upon attacking or defending successfully, the Club and the winning member will also gain energy points. Each attack victory grants 15 points, and each defense victory grants 5 points.
The battle stage ends at 00:00 UTC on Monday, and the energy points of all factions will stop increasing. However, during the battle stage, if one faction's energy points reach 20,000 first, the competition will end early. The energy points obtained by each Club will determine the ranking of the single match.
During the battle stage, all Espers will use Rival Runes for battle, and Espers below Lvl 50 cannot participate in battle.
Each faction can attack Power Reservoirs adjacent to any other faction's Power Reservoir. Points that are not adjacent cannot be attacked or viewed in advance of the opponent's defensive formations.
If all defensive teams in an Power Reservoir are defeated by the same faction, the faction of that Power Reservoir will be captured by the winning side. The original defensive teams in that Power Reservoir will return to the defeated faction's Base Camp for standby. Meanwhile, that Power Reservoir will enter 1-hour of Invincibility. During this period, all members of the winning side with attack permissions can dispatch the remaining defensive teams in their Base Camp to the Power Reservoir. After 1 hour of Invincibility, the Power Reservoir can be attacked and occupied normally.
When attacking Epic Power Reservoirs, only Epic or lower Espers can be used for battle.
At the start of the battle stage, each participating Club member with attack permission will receive 10 Triple Tickets for challenging other factions' defensive teams.
Each member's Espers can only participate in battle once, regardless of the battle result. Please match your teams carefully.
At the end of each single match, the 3 Clubs will be ranked based on their Power Points. In case of a tie in Power Points, the Club with more Power Reservoirs ranks higher. If the number of Power Reservoirs is the same, the Club that wins the first match earlier ranks higher.
Based on their respective rankings, each Club's members will receive a set reward along with one chance to draw rewards. The higher the rank, the better the reward.
Starting from the battle stage, once a member accumulates a certain threshold of points from victories in attacks and defenses, they are eligible to claim corresponding point rewards.
At the tallying stage, individual ranking rewards will be sent via mail based on each member's points obtained in the match. Players with 0 points will not be ranked.
At the end of the tallying stage, unclaimed single-match Club ranking rewards and individual point rewards will also be sent via mail.
If a member leaves their Club after the start of the battle stage, they must wait until the next competition's sign-up stage upon joining a new Club to participate in defense and sign up again; the original competition qualification will automatically be canceled (unless they return to the original Club in time).
When a new season begins, the starting points will be reset based on the Club's season points in the previous season.
The Practice Match will commence on April 25, 2024, and will last for 6 weeks. Please stay tuned for the opening time, and the scheduling of subsequent seasons.
Only Lvl 50+ Espers can join defense deployment, and they will battle using equipped Rival Runes.
Club members' defensive formations are automatically stored in their own Base Camp to await dispatch. During the sign-up stage, only admins can assign each team to different Power Reservoirs. During the battle stage, all participating team members with attack permissions can utilize the Invincibility time when occupying new Power Reservoirs to move the defensive teams from their Base Camp to that Power Reservoir.
Epic Power Reservoirs differ from Ordinary ones. Only Epic or lower Espers can be deployed in the defensive teams.
Similarly, players from other factions can only use Epic or lower Espers to attack this Power Reservoir.
Anniversary Gacha
During the event, players will be given 1 Reverb Coin. Complete Daily Quests each day to max out your Activeness and gain an extra 5 Reverb Coins.
Players can spend Reverb Coins to draw non-Shimmer Legendary Esper options. See the probabilities below for the range of available options
Spin 50 times in any card pool during the Flaming Echo event to obtain one (and only one) Esper of your choice from the acquired options!
At the end of the event, if a player meets Esper option requirements but hasn't made a selection, the system will send them a random Esper option that they have obtained via mail.
Upon selecting an Esper, you can no longer change your choice or draw more Esper options.
submitted by ParallelHorizon to u/ParallelHorizon [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 21:24 Silver_liver The Ashtapadan chapter 13. The Mystery thickens.

Gentry is back at the real world. The next clue from Ashtapada drops. Who will help her solve it this time?
link to AO3
chapters 1&2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

The TV on the wall of the cafe Gentry was sitting at blared the evening news. She had gotten sick of hiding in her hole and wanted a breath of fresh air, but now was regretting ever showing her nose. The sub par sandwich and the bitter coffee didn’t help, either.
But the place wasn’t the one she frequented, so she was less likely to get spotted this way.
The federal channel gave way to the local program and Gentry tuned into the words, eyes on the window overlooking the street.
“Today in "Patriot's Pulse" we are asking people’s opinions in the streets about the most pressing issues that stir our glorious nation,” the TV bellowed. Gentry wondered if other cities of the country had to go through this government-sanctioned clownery or it was their unique position close to the border that warranted this endless stream of brainwashing.
“What issue do you think should get more attention?” the interviewer went.
An elderly woman’s voice overlapping the traffic noise answered: “I’m retired and I need medicine for my hip. My pension hardly covers the bills and the treatment. I love our country but I don’t understand we don’t have enough money for…”
“For healthcare, exactly,” the presenter interrupted and took the microphone over. “With the constant threat of the enemies it’s paramount that we ensure the safety of the nation first. Sadly, this woman and many other retirees have to suffer because of the necessary cuts to the social needs. The growing generation has a responsibility to protect our borders and help the country.”
Gentry scoffed and bit into the stale bread.
“And you, young man? Are you in school?”
“Yeah!” came a youthful male voice.
“Ah, very good. Have you already enlisted?” the interviewer asked.
“Of course! I’m graduating this year and can’t wait to get a gun and go kick some ass!”
“Haha, that’s the spirit! It’s people like you that our motherland relies on most!”
No shit.
The presenter got back on track, “What do you think do we need to talk about more?”
“People like my brother. He left my mom and I and ran away across the border because he was afraid to serve, a wuss!”
“Oh, so he betrayed the country and fled?”
“He did! I’ve always said he was a— ” the muffled noises from the speakers made Gentry turn her eyes to the TV. A woman with a frightened face was dragging the young boy away from the camera, frantically gesturing towards the cameras.
“He’s joking! Joking!” she waved. “It was a neighbour! He was a traitor and a coward. We don’t know him!”
“Exactly!” the presenter’s face came into focus again. “This is so worrying. So many of the youth have succumbed to the putrid influence of our enemies that they are leaving the loving embrace of the country that gave them a roof over their head, education, and jobs! We encourage everyone report those who disseminates dangerous destabilizing ideas especially if they are talking about running away. Please use the phone numbers you see on the screen.”
Destabilizing ideas, huh.
The government was patting itself on the back for providing the bare minimum to people who were of any use and abandoning those who weren’t anymore, be it because of age or otherwise.
Holding their own citizens hostage. The system was blowing its own trumpet for not starving its citizens and letting them to earn a living.
As if it wasn’t what any government was supposed to do!
The evening streets were starting to fill with people, the cafe window slowly darkened, reflecting Gentry’s own sour face.
Perhaps, Exxy felt trapped with her, too. She probably wanted a real family, not a living arrangement with a fellow runaway.
Had she been unhappy living with G? They got a cheap flat after getting out of the camp. At first, it was a tiny, dark and empty cage, not too dissimilar to a basement. But then, Exxy’s pampered potted plants that took over every little nook of the small apartment quickly turned it into a real home. Gentry used to groan every time her friend insisted they take the pots outside for rainwater and sun, but secretly loved the look on Exxy’s. The plants thrived and gratefully sprouted tillers which Exxy would dutifully repot without losing a single one.
Then, she took all of them with her when she left.
All but one.
G sighed.
It was all her own fault that they grew apart. If she really wanted to, she’d at least make an effort to stay in touch.
Case in point: Pete. The smartphone lying on the table still showed the string of his messages, sent as soon as he was well enough to type.
“I lived, bitch! The police are already up my ass about what happened. I said I didn’t know who you were, just in case.”
“wtf is everyone hating me”
“just saw your interview.”
“Don’t call me anymore.”
Outing him in front of the whole city: what did G expect? She deserved it all. The loneliness, the shame, the resentment. Now the guy had to deal with the fallout of her loose tongue AND he didn’t get the justice he deserved. Not only hadn’t the investigation moved forward with his, but he also started getting more threats. On his hospital bed! What a nice surprise to wake up to.
It had to be her who was getting the threats, but she was just too cowardly to come forward and show her face. What a spineless excuse for a human being.
No way! It was… the last challenge?
A picture.
Somewhat relieved to take her mind off the heavy thoughts, she enlarged the image and peered into the screen. The decrepit airport on the outskirts, what seemed like the abandoned waiting room with rows of decaying seats and a departures display slantingly hanging from the ceiling.
G knew the place but only from the thrill seekers’ vlogs and pictures from the Internet. It wasn’t a particularly creepy place, just an old and deserted airport that used to faithfully serve the city in its younger years, left behind after a newer, bigger one was built. Now attracting all sorts of rebellious teenagers and an occasional tourist, it had been slowly falling apart under the elements.
Besides the picture, the letter was empty, not offering any additional instructions. If that was the final challenge that was supposed to bring her to Ashtapada, then the picture had to hide a clue. To what though? How does one find an answer without having a question? Was there someone already there waiting for her? Was she supposed to hurry?
It was tricky to go to the airport now, though. First of all, the journey itself would take a couple of hours and required either renting a car or asking someone to drive there. Secondly, it was getting dark already, and she’d rather not meet any homeless inhabitants of the place who might not be delighted about an intruder.
There HAD to be some clue in the picture! A piece of cake would surely help boost her brainpower.
In half an hour or so she was already getting frustrated. The paper napkin on Gentry’s table was covered in scribbles that hardly helped.
birdpoop on seats & floor (no shit!) (lots actually)
walls covd. in graffiti (can’t read)
lights out (why would they be on?)
The only thing of value was some graffiti that was discernible, covering the table along with some street gang symbols. The departures column said something in characters G didn’t recognise and the time and date were covered with two stickers: a weird sort of cow head with clown makeup and the Moon. The text recognition software on her phone seemed to finally point in the right direction because apparently, the characters were Chinese and spelt “八條盤碁” that lead to a webpage about Ashtapada.
Did there use to be a flight to Ashtapada? Why else would the departures display show its name? There was no way the dilapidated airport was still accommodating flights from anywhere.
Also, why Chinese? It wasn’t uncommon in to see Chinese characters in airports but the rest of the cities’ on the departures board weren’t written like this.
What about those stickers? Were they just random addition from a local teenage gang or another clue?
Well, why not travel to the site first thing in the morning then?
The cup was empty and it was already dark outside. It was time to move, even though her flat was even darker and emptier. The only thing that waited for her at home was Exxy’s monstera plant, the only one surviving the exodus. Gentry paid the bill and left the cafe.
What she didn't notice though was a burly young man a couple of tables over who texted someone and briskly walked out after her, neglecting to pay for his untouched dessert.
The evening streets were full of people dashing home and car horns blaring at every junction. The faceless crowd made her feel safe, providing the background to disappear into, but the noise was so deafening that it hurt Gentry’s ears. She quickened her pace and in no time found some relief diving into the apartment building where she rented the flat now. The one they used to rent with Exxy. She squeezed her phone in the pocket of her leather jacket and felt it vibrate.
It wasn’t from the Ashtapadan race: just another newspetter she didn’t remember subscribing to. Unable to resist opening a notification though, G tapped on the 5 WAYS TO SURVIVE AN ARMED ROBBERY (the last one will SHOCK you!) and quickly glanced through the badly-formatted list, each accompanied by a silly gif. The “article” was utter trash, that much she could tell just by briefly looking through it while waiting for the elevator.
How was she supposed to know if it’s not empty? Of course the robbers would be discreet, not putting up “ROBBERY IN PROGRESS” banners while doing the deed.
Yeah, wasn’t human “fight or flight” response already supposed to take care of that?
Whoa, article. Paranoid much?
Horrible advice. Everyone knows you’re supposed to keep calm and give them the money or whatever else they are after. How are such “safety lessons” even legal?
Great ideas! Maybe also splash some boiling water into their eyes? That worked out well...
The door to her apartment was creaked open.
Had she forgotten to lock it? No, it never happened before. What did that stupid article say? Don’t walk in? It didn’t seem too stupid now!
She had only taken several steps back to the elevator when its doors opened even before she had a chance to press the button. A guy she’d seen at a Pete’s cafe walked out, eyes full of grim determination, hand reaching into his denim jacket. The sound of several thudding steps and low male voices came from her apartment door, none looking like they were there to throw her a surprise birthday party. These guys weren’t here for the money either.
Her few belongings weren’t worth getting stabbed over. The flat could be thrashed too, for all she cared. With a blood-curdling scream, she threw her phone at the startled man’s face and dashed to the stairs.
It felt like a surreal nightmare. But it’s easy to know if you’re dreaming or not. When you’re not dreaming that is. If you scream at the top of your lungs and it comes out like a proper scream — good news! Whatever made you yell is real and is probably breathing down your neck.
G was almost flying down the stairs, voice soon hoarse, then raspy, then lost, the pounding of several pairs of feet behind her. The few doors that creaked open on the way down promptly shut as she was rushing through the stairs. The neighbours who wanted to see who was making all the noise preferred not to get involved.
A familiar stress-induced lucidity came over Gentry again as she contemplated how easy it seemed to cross one flight with just two leaps if there’s enough motivation. She knew that if she were to twist an ankle she would probably not feel the pain, adrenaline pumping through her veins just like that evening at The Clockface. She changed her mind. Make some noise and run away? Use what you have on hand? Don’t walk into the compromised apartment and watch your back? Excellent advice!
It wasn’t before the morning sun began its journey across the sky that G finally saw the ramshackle airport. It really was in the middle of nowhere: it had taken her two attempts to hitchhike but ultimately she just walked the whole way over. After losing her pursuers, sitting at a dark bus stop, she had realised an uncomfortable truth: there was nowhere that was safe for her now. No friends left to stay at.
Maybe it was good, after all. No people to get into trouble anymore. The police would just charge her with assault. No phone, no spare clothes, pockets empty, she had stood up and started walking. She still had her legs. She still remembered the clues. She would get to Ashtapada if it took her away from this damned place. Still shaken from what had happened, she tried calming herself with the physical exertion of the walk but it wasn’t what helped her after all. It was the rage and resentment. With a cold clarity, she hated the system that had brought her up. Hated the people, hated the streets, hated the violence, hated the person she had to be there.
They wanted her gone? Fine.
She wasn’t one to be asked twice.
The first thing that G noticed stepping into the abandoned waiting room was the smell. The rot and decay of the seats covered in bird droppings and the dusty choke of the air assaulted her senses and made her eyes water. In a fit of cough, she inhaled even more of that foul tang and had to rush outside through the broken glass of the gates, into the small airport apron. It looked peaceful in the crisp morning light. The asphalt on the ground was covered in deep cracks with low grass and weeds poking through. Some signs of vandalism were visible, too: some soot on the ground, some airport equipment that had been dragged outside and blown up, some obscene graffiti.
Could it be called vandalism though? If the place was deserted and not in use anymore, wasn’t it just being repurposed? Like a stray dog that technically can’t be neglected, this place didn’t need being cared for anymore. Maybe it started living its own life after people left. Like this, it had immeasurably more personality than any inhabited place. Could whole cities come alive like this, after everyone rendered them dead?
“Got a cig?” — came a hoarse male voice from behind. Not threatening, but it made G jump.
She turned around, ready to run again, but the hunched man in some dirty oversized coat, the rest of the clothes not matching each other in the slightest, looked innocent enough, if a bit groggy.
“Sorry, don’t smoke,” — she answered, still a bit apprehensive.
The man grunted but stayed silent otherwise. An uncomfortable pause filled the air, though it seemed like it was only Gentry who was uncomfortable: the man just sat on the ground, closed his, and soaked in the light. He looked pretty old, grime caking his face adding a decade or two, no doubt, and G suspected his body odour was mixed into stench of the waiting room.
“You live here?” — she asked. If he’d been here when the race organisers were setting up the clues, he might be of help, especially since she had no phone and no Internet to look up information.
“Yeah, why? Wanna move in?” he answered, not bothering to open his eyes.
“I was just wondering if...” — she suddenly had an idea that never occurred to her before — “Have there been people like me coming?”
If there were other contestants, as the NPC said during the simulation, they might come here too in search of clues, and they might help each other. Or rather, she’d have to piggyback on their findings since the only thing she could figure out was the Chinese word for Ashtapada.
“Constantly,” the homeless guy answered. “Those jerks barge in, bother me with petards, break glass, sometimes threaten to beat me up. Hate them.”
G could relate.
After several of hours of looking, the horrible smell wasn’t as noticeable anymore, or maybe it had been somehow diminished by the rain that came after a promising sunny morning. The man went about his daily business, not bothering her. The filth on the floor seemed less and less disgusting as Gentry’s fatigue grew. In the end, after all her efforts to find a clue proved fruitless, she finally took a seat on the floor in the corner, not trusting the broken seats, and scrutinized the departure table again. The Ashtapada graffiti was there, as were the stickers. After a while, her new buddy sat near G in silent contemplation, reeking of unwashed skin and old cigarettes.
It was tricky to think without a smartphone at her disposal and the ability to look anything up in an instant. So what did she have? Assuming the code was in front of her, it must have been hiding the time of departure to Ashtapada, supposedly from this airport. Why not just wait here and see when someone arrives to pick her up? She could just camp here, the stench be damned, and meet the organisers when they arrive. There was no way she could actually decipher that weird cow face and moon symbols! Not unless there was someone to bounce her ideas off of.
“See those stickers on the display?” she asked the bum who was enjoying a smoke. So he had a stash after all! Just wanted a freebie. “The ones on the right of the Chinese graffiti.”
“Yeah,” he puffed out. “What about them?”
“What do you think they mean?”
“Fuck me if I know. There’s so much crap on the walls here, who cares?”
No, that didn’t work.
Gentry fell silent again, and her neighbour didn’t mind. After a while though, he spoke up.
“What I do hate, though, is that people use language they don’t understand to seem all edgy and what not when they write shit on the walls. Or tattoo it on themselves, you know? I had a buddy once who thought he had “Follow your heart” tattooed on his back. It actually said “sissy”. When I told him, he didn’t believe it, thought I was bullshitting him.”
G, who has heard a similar story a thousand times, just grunted in acknowledgment. Then with a sudden realisation, shifted to look at him, face incredulous.
“You know Chinese?” she said in disbelief.
“Yeah. Used to teach it, believe it or not,” he said with a shrug exhaling the last wisps of smoke.
“I want to believe,” she answered and pointed to the board. “So what does that phrase in Chinese mean?”
“Something like eight stripes game of Go,” he said without skipping a beat. “I’m telling you, it’s just random crap.”
“What about the stickers? What’s Chinese for a cow? Or a clown?”
“Now that I think about it,” he answered, “It’s not a cow. It’s an ox.”
“Because “ox” and “clown” are written with the same character.”
That was something. Could it be a clue? What next?
“And the moon? What’s “moon” in Chinese?” — he gave an answer that didn’t stick in her mind whatsoever, — “Do the two symbols make up a new word?”
Another dead end. After a while, the steady droning of the outpour lulled her into a tranquil stupor. She didn’t dare doze off with a stranger in the same room though. To avoid falling asleep, she forced herself to speak: “You’re pretty smart. What are you doing here? There’s plenty of work in the city for someone who knows languages.”
“Nah,” he said again, sitting back and stretching his legs out. “The city can bait me with fancy shit all it wants, I ain’t going back. It just takes more than it can ever give, you know?”
“Tell me about it. Still. What if there’s a city that doesn’t take? Or rather, it does, but you don’t mind it because you’re happy to give whatever it asks for. Because it doesn’t demand, doesn’t bait, doesn’t hold anything over your head. It just lets you be. And do what you want.”
“What kind of communist propaganda have you been reading? There ain’t no place like this on this godforsaken planet. And if there was, they probably just harvest organs from suckers like you.”
“Maybe, maybe.”
G focused on the departure table again. Something she forgot about was that the board itself had some words: Ashtapada was written under the “destination” heading, so could the stickers code the time and date?
“Say, erm... sorry, what’s your name again?”
“Call me Kei.”
“Right, Kei, if the symbol for the clown-ox was a time, would it make sense?”
“I dunno, like, an ox could mean “the second”, I guess. It’s from that old story about the zodiac. So, perhaps, 2 pm?”
“Beats me what the clown face would mean though.”
“Ok. And the moon where the day should be?”
He regarded the display with a skeptical look.
“In English, Monday actually comes from the word for Moon.”
“Wow, Kei, how many languages do you speak?”
Gentry went silent for a while.
The man lit another cigarette.
“Kei, what day is it?” Gentry said.
“And the time?”
“Around noon, I think.”
It was all coming together now.
submitted by Silver_liver to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 04:11 ParallelHorizon Patch 3.4.4 - Misc. Datamined Info

Datamined information is from Dislyte Origin Miracle: Patch 3.4.4
Datamined info is just stuff that has been added to the game but might not be in use yet so they are always subject to changes. So take this information with a pinch of salt. Do not take datamined info as 100% accurate as Lilith has shown that some data might just be placeholders.
Once again I have to caution people from spreading the below information too widely as I do not want the additional scrutiny, if any, from Lilithgames. If they change anything in subsequent patches, I might not be able to datamine the patches anymore. Also, please do not share such information to official communities too (Official Facebook, Discord, reddit, twitter, etc). Datamining is a violation of Lilith's TOS and may get you banned.
You are also encouraged not to post datamines to wide-reaching communities as leaks can be spread repeatedly through the masses, leading to others posting them to official communties.
Also, do factor in that I no longer play the game and therefore I do not have knowledge of what stuff are already viewable in game. Apologies if there are redundant information provided here.
Current / Upcoming Events - All dates are specific to Origin Miracle
Inactive events are events that are not activated but can be triggered on by the developers at any time. Active events are those that will be active on the dates at the time of datamining. Likewise, they can be triggered inactive at any time.
Name Active / Inactive Start Date End Date Remarks
M-Pass ACTIVE 02-Apr-2024 14-May-2024
E-Pass ACTIVE 01-Apr-2024 01-May-2024
Trainee Milestones ACTIVE
Rising Star INACTIVE
Road to Legend ACTIVE
Shopping Fiesta INACTIVE
Communities INACTIVE
Esper Academy ACTIVE
Trainee Milestones INACTIVE
Shopping Fiesta ACTIVE
Rookie Echo Reward ACTIVE
Rookie Championship INACTIVE
Rookie Championship INACTIVE
Reset Espers ACTIVE
Conqueror ACTIVE
Melody of Reunion ACTIVE
Login Rewards ACTIVE
Reunion Manual ACTIVE
Reunion Prayer ACTIVE
Event Package ACTIVE
Rookie to Regular ACTIVE
Treasure Hunt ACTIVE
Shimmer Reverbotron ACTIVE
Esper Pop Quiz ACTIVE 30-Mar-2024 03-Apr-2024 Suan Ni / Fu Shi
Treasure Kingdom ACTIVE 21-Mar-2024 04-Apr-2024
Scratch-Off ACTIVE 25-Mar-2024 08-Apr-2024
Esper Pop Quiz ACTIVE 20-Apr-2024 24-Apr-2024 Tai Yi / Chu Yao
Championship ACTIVE 03-Apr-2024 20-Apr-2024
Collection ACTIVE 08-Apr-2024 22-Apr-2024
Alice's Magic Hut ACTIVE 18-Apr-2024 02-May-2024
Zodiac Trials ACTIVE 08-Apr-2024 22-Apr-2024
Golden City Challenge ACTIVE 11-Apr-2024 23-Apr-2024
Championship ACTIVE 03-Apr-2024 21-Apr-2024
Championship ACTIVE 03-Apr-2024 21-Apr-2024
Championship ACTIVE 03-Apr-2024 21-Apr-2024
Esper Pop Quiz INACTIVE 11-May-2024 15-May-2024 Bai Ze / Yu Ran
Championship INACTIVE 24-Apr-2024 11-May-2024
Sweet Wishes INACTIVE 10-May-2024 25-Jun-2024
Flaming Echo INACTIVE 10-May-2024 25-Jun-2024
Flash Back INACTIVE 10-May-2024 25-Jun-2024
Burning Invite INACTIVE 10-May-2024 25-Jun-2024
Graffiti Wall INACTIVE 10-May-2024 25-Jun-2024
Rockin' Puzzles INACTIVE 10-May-2024 25-Jun-2024
Rewind INACTIVE 10-May-2024 25-Jun-2024
Esper Pop Quiz INACTIVE 01-Jun-2024 05-Jun-2024 Bai Ze / Yu Ran
Championship INACTIVE 15-May-2024 01-Jun-2024
Esper Pop Quiz INACTIVE 22-Jun-2024 26-Jun-2024
Championship INACTIVE 05-Jun-2024 22-Jun-2024
Esper Pop Quiz INACTIVE 13-Jul-2024 17-Jul-2024 Bai Ze / Yu Ran
Championship INACTIVE 26-Jun-2024 13-Jul-2024
Esper Pop Quiz INACTIVE 03-Aug-2024 07-Aug-2024 Bai Ze / Yu Ran
Championship INACTIVE 17-Jul-2024 03-Aug-2024
Esper Pop Quiz (Late March 2024) Suan Ni / Fushi
Q1. Which mythology is Suan Ni from?
Ans. Chinese
Q2. Which of these things does Fu Shi like?
Ans. Aromatherapy
Q3. Who is Fu Shi in love with?
Ans. Embla
Esper Pop Quiz (Late April 2024) Tai Yi / Chu Yao
Q1. Which mythology is Taiyi from?
Ans. Chinese
Q2. Which of these customs is associated with Taiyi?
Ans. Hanging Lanterns
Q3. What kind of weapon does Chu Yao use?
Ans. Shaman Dagger
Image Corner
Esper Arts
Suan Ni / Fushi's Story Images (Spoilers)
Esper File
Tai Yi / Chu Yao
Unreleased / Released Espers for this patch
Do take note that stars, elements and types might be placeholders. Hence the discrepancy of the stars, element type. As we know banner espers are always legendaries so it's very likely to be a placeholder.
Star Esper Name Element Type Released
3 Taiyi Chu Yao Inferno Defender No
5 Dijiang Wu You Shimmer Defender No
5 Suan Ni Fu Shi Inferno Defender Yes
5 Bakeneko Momo Flow Fighter No
  1. Suan Ni / Fushi
  2. Prometheus / Mateo
  3. Geb / Ahmed
Modified / New Items
Item Name Item Description
His Promise Fu Shi's Divinate, enhances Fu Shi's combat abilities.
Yu Xu Epic Esper Yu Xu
Wu You Legendary Esper Wu You
Fu Shi Legendary Esper Fu Shi
Momo Legendary Esper Momo
Wu You Divinate Fragment A fragment containing divine powers. Fuse 50 fragments to get a Wu You Divinate.
Fu Shi Divinate Fragment A fragment containing divine powers. Fuse 50 fragments to get a Fu Shi Divinate.
Momo Divinate Fragment A fragment containing divine powers. Fuse 50 fragments to get a Momo Divinate.
Invitation Letter Collect Invitation Letters to invite designated Espers in the Curtain Up event
Wu You Divinate Residue Converted by acquiring a duplicate Wu You Divinate. Used to raise the Tier for Wu You Divinate.After obtaining Divinate Residue more than 5 times for a Divinate, any further Residue will be converted into a selected number of Divinate Crystals or Monoprisms.
Fu Shi Divinate Residue Converted by acquiring a duplicate Fu Shi Divinate. Used to raise the Tier for Fu Shi Divinate.After obtaining Divinate Residue more than 5 times for a Divinate, any further Residue will be converted into a selected number of Divinate Crystals or Monoprisms.
Momo Divinate Residue Converted by acquiring a duplicate Momo Divinate. Used to raise the Tier for Momo Divinate.After obtaining Divinate Residue more than 5 times for a Divinate, any further Residue will be converted into a selected number of Divinate Crystals or Monoprisms.
Wu You Ripple A fragment containing the divine power of Wu You. Fuse 50 fragments to get the Esper Wu You.
Fu Shi Ripple A fragment containing the divine power of Fu Shi. Fuse 50 fragments to get the Esper Fu Shi.
Momo Ripple A fragment containing the divine power of Momo. Fuse 50 fragments to get the Esper Momo.
Mists of Memory Flow Divinate Select one from among 13 Flow-attuned Epic Espers' Divinate in the pack, except the Divinate of Max-Tier Espers.The pack contains Divinate of the following Espers: Emma, Parmi, Mona, Jiang Man, Celine, Kara, Eira, Heng Yue, Dhalia, Kaylee, Aurelius, Xiao Yin, and Xie Chuyi.
Mists of Memory Wind Divinate Select one from among 13 Wind-attuned Epic Espers' Divinate in the pack, except the Divinate of Max-Tier Espers.The pack contains Divinate of the following Espers: Ain, Lu Yi, Arcana, Luo Yan, Jacob, Long Mian, Lynn, Li Guang, Jin-hee, Alolin, Meredith, Xie Yuzhi, Fabrice, and Yu Xu.
Mists of Memory Inferno Divinate Select one from among 14 Inferno-attuned Epic Espers' Divinate in the pack, except the Divinate of Max-Tier Espers.The box contains Divinate of the following Espers: Mei, Djoser, Falken, Sander, Chloe, Pritzker, Ren Si, Stewart, Nick, Koharu, Adrina, Daniel, Alexa, and Daylon.
Chu Yao Materia Converted by acquiring a duplicate Chu Yao. Used to conduct Resonances and activate Divine Gates for Chu Yao. After obtaining Materia more than 6 times for an Esper, any further Materia will be converted into a selected number of Dioprisms or Monoprisms.
Wu You Materia Converted by acquiring a duplicate Wu You. Used to conduct Resonances and activate Divine Gates for Wu You. After obtaining Materia more than 6 times for an Esper, any further Materia will be converted into a selected number of Dioprisms or Monoprisms.
Fu Shi Materia Converted by acquiring a duplicate Fu Shi. Used to conduct Resonances and activate Divine Gates for Fu Shi. After obtaining Materia more than 6 times for an Esper, any further Materia will be converted into a selected number of Dioprisms or Monoprisms.
Momo Materia Converted by acquiring a duplicate Momo. Used to conduct Resonances and activate Divine Gates for Momo. After obtaining Materia more than 6 times for an Esper, any further Materia will be converted into a selected number of Dioprisms or Monoprisms.
Feather Pillow One of Feng Xun's keepsakes.
Crocheted Lamb One of Feng Xun's keepsakes.
Divination Board One of Feng Xun's keepsakes.
Dragon Jacket One of Feng Xun's keepsakes.
Rabbit Doll One of Feng Xun's keepsakes.
Steamed Buns One of Feng Xun's keepsakes.
Black Pearl Necklace One of Feng Xun's keepsakes.
Jade Talisman One of Feng Xun's keepsakes.
Pan Flute One of Ethan's keepsakes.
Accordion One of Ethan's keepsakes.
Star Necklace One of Ethan's keepsakes.
Carrot One of Ethan's keepsakes.
Business Card One of Ethan's keepsakes.
Comb One of Ethan's keepsakes.
Sheet Music One of Ethan's keepsakes.
Horned Hat One of Ethan's keepsakes.
Kung Fu Novel One of Jin Qiu's keepsakes.
Sunglasses One of Jin Qiu's keepsakes.
Snake Earring One of Jin Qiu's keepsakes.
Iron Whip One of Jin Qiu's keepsakes.
Dumbbells One of Jin Qiu's keepsakes.
Scratching Post One of Jin Qiu's keepsakes.
Old Photo One of Jin Qiu's keepsakes.
Police ID One of Jin Qiu's keepsakes.
Feng Xun's Keepsake Collect a total of 8 Keepsakes to sign a contract with the Legendary Esper, Feng Xun.
Ethan's Keepsake Collect a total of 8 Keepsakes to sign a contract with the Legendary Esper, Ethan.
Jin Qiu's Keepsake Collect a total of 8 Keepsakes to sign a contract with the Legendary Esper, Jin Qiu.
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
Dynamic Avatar A dynamic avatar. Complete the Esper's Paths of Experience to obtain
2024 Burning Beat Fest Frame Get: 2024 Burning Beat Fest Frame
2024 Burning Beat Fest Get: 2024 Burning Beat Fest Namecard
submitted by ParallelHorizon to u/ParallelHorizon [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 19:40 Hampden-in-the-sun Paisley, Saturday 11.00

Paisley, Saturday 11.00
Come and support the ceasefire and stop the killing! Help get the people of Gaza fed and the kidnapped home by showing your support. Not only speakers but music, drama, poetry and a bit of graffiti.
submitted by Hampden-in-the-sun to Scotland [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 19:34 Hampden-in-the-sun County Square, Saturday!

Saturday at 11.00 there is a demo in support of a ceasefire in Gaza. 30,000+ dead and continually increasing. Let's stop the killing, feed the people of Gaza and get the kidnapped back to their families.
submitted by Hampden-in-the-sun to Paisley [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 23:10 CP4-Throwaway Chris Brown singles that sound more McBling, Electropop, Core 10s, or even CovidTok

I'm gonna continue this compilation series with Chris Brown. He first came on the scene in the fall of 2005 with "Run It!" (both the album and the single) and became one of the most popular artists during the mid-late 2000s. He was still largely relevant up until the mid 2010s but had a few hit songs here and there up until 2019 or 2020 so I'll stop it there.
Here, I will see which of his songs lean toward either the McBling, Electropop, Core 10s, or even the CovidTok eras.
McBling Era
Not distinctly McBling or Electropop (a.k.a. "2K7")
Electropop Era
Not distinctly Electropop or Core 10s (a.k.a. "2K12")
Core 10s
Not distinctly Core 10s or CovidTok (a.k.a. "2K18")
CovidTok Era
That does it for this list.
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 11:22 Silver_liver I wrote a YA sci-fi novel inspired by you lovely people. These are cha[ters 1&2/43

Link to .pdf on dropbox

Password: WelcometoAshtapada

Link to AO3: coming soon.

Future NSFW chapters will be posted on TheAshtapadan

The Ashtapadan

Chapter 1

The sky wasn’t yet dark. The bloody-red sun sinking towards the horizon cast the last if its splatters on the two friends’ faces sitting outside the patriotic youth camp walls in silence. If anyone found them here, they’d be in a lot of trouble.
In just a couple of minutes, the lights-out would ring inside, calling every young future soldier to finally hit the sack, putting an end to the hour of personal time for that day. The hour they had spent here, on the hill slope that overlooked the empty planes beneath.
Exxy pressed her shoulder to Gentry’s, shivering in the cold breeze. Gentry leaned in to share some of the warmth.
“You think…” said one. “You think the city is real?”
“Of course,” said the other. “Before you joined us, Captain told us about how she used to live there.”
“What do they do there?”
“I don’t know. Captain says they eat a lot, play games, lie in the bed all day. Everyone wears what they want.”
“I think if you go to school you still have to wear one. But I wouldn’t mind because once you are thirteen you are done and can wear anything.”
The evening stillness shattered with the deafening bell. A flock of birds that had settled for the night in the tall grass fluttered into the air.
“Captain also said a soldier is only loved with a uniform on,” — They had to hurry. If the Command caught them outside their barracks at this hour…
They shared a comfortable minute in silence. Then, Gentry took her friend’s hand in hers.
“U UANNA RUN TU CITI WIF ME?” she spelled with their coded language, pressing on the other’s knuckles in a special order. It was a way for them to keep themselves entertained and exchange messages in a dark and overcrowded barrack at night. Some letters had to go, so it took some skill to decipher the words.
Exxy didn’t answer straight away. She looked at G with a question in her eyes, as if to see if her friend was serious.
Then, she clenched her fist in a silent “yes”.
"Where did it all go?" G wondered, scrolling the long-time dead social media page belonging to her old friend. How did they grow apart so easily? She'd thought they had something special, a real bond, hard to come by these days, something to guard and cherish. Was it salvageable anymore? Probably not after several years of no contact. Despite staying in the same academic field, they never crossed their paths anymore, not to mention sharing their days together like they used to. G guessed it was only natural and not the only disillusionment everyone had to deal with in their early thirties.
Exxy used to be much more active online. Since sharing news about getting invited to do research in Astapada, she'd never posted anything and didn't call anyone either. The profile said that she was last seen online several months ago.
Not that G was cyber-stalking her or asking around!
But she was a little worried. She'd hate to learn that something bad had happened and it was because of them falling out that her friend didn't think to reach out and ask for help. She scrolled down a bit more. And more. Until the sun in the window got progressively pinker and finally sank behind the darkening skyline.
Ashtapada, Ashtapada... The name had been popping up more and more these days and it was time to find out more. A quick online search yielded several video essays, a Wikipedia article and countless speculations on why this place was so weird. Located somewhere in Central Asia, this newly-emergent city-state had been called a giant cult, a hoax, a tax haven of the wealthy to hide their fortunes, the next step in the evolution of humanity and a boring destination where nothing ever happens.
So which one was it?
G continued scrolling through the search results for a thousandth time.
Cyber-communism? What's that about? Let's see...
According to some accounts, the city was in the middle of building some kind of utopia with zero job shortage, zero crime, all-needs-provided-for with almost no impact on the environment and no relying on fossil fuels. Apparently, it all was achieved with careful immigration planning and using cutting-edge tech to run the citizens' lives.
So, some kind of Bruce Waine level type of billionaire was building a nightmarish big-data-run city for his assembly line workers? Those "needs provided" were probably a daily ration of yeast protein bars and a liter of water recycled from the sewers.
Several accounts of those who had visited but didn't stay painter a boring picture that could describe any mid-sized city around the world. However, some things did catch G's eye: lots of green spaces, no visible advertisement and other eyesores like graffiti and overhead wires, people that looked almost normal, if not for the weird fashion sense.
Well, G couldn't blame them. For her, a regular uniform has always been a pair of comfortable jeans and one of the ten identical t-shirts that got replaced with the same ones once they got worn out.
Honestly, the place looked like nothing like a dystopian efficiency farm, if anything, it looked quite inviting! There were several pictures of the main square with one of its pieces of public art: a bronze man in a turban sitting down with a board of chess as if inviting anyone to join the game. It didn't look like her friend X was stuck in a mini-totalitarian society with egotistical leaders' busts littered around. What's with the "cyber-communism" thing then?
"Ashtapada's economic model" brought up another bunch of articles and social media posts ranging from praising to downright panicked. It was hard to make sense of the noise and speculations, but it looked like the state's leaders had decided to focus their efforts on tapping into the growing world's need in cyber-security and basically invested all their resources in building giant mining farms that were working 24/7 and covering around half of the world's banking systems with transaction validation for smooth trading and exchange.
The more technical it was becoming, the more thoroughly G's eyes glazed over: after encountering phrases like "cryptocurrency" and "proof of stake" she gave up. But from a quick glance at the page, it was apparent that all this mining business was supposed to be using a colossal amount of electricity to run calculations.
So much for "near-zero carbon emissions" then.
So why did some people move there? Did Ashtapada need workers to run these 'farms' or whatever?
"Jobs in Ashtapada" didn't bring any meaningful vacancies but more speculations.
"Are the cryptocurrency business and postcard-worthy city views just a cover-up for luring people and harvesting their organs for the elites?" one blogger wondered. "After all, it has been noted that most of those who apply for citizenship there eventually lose contact with their close ones and rarely return back."
"You're a moron," offered an anonymous user in the comments. "If they needed human organs, they would invite just about anyone, but they only care for people with skills and education, and even those have to get some kind of degree once they get there, so why don't you do research next time before you spew nonsense out of your ass?"
"It would be nice if you provided some actual data to back it up, do you have it? Didn't think so, you armchair expert. Of course Ashtapadans not going to bring ANYONE to the city, imagine if the rest of the world found out! Of course, they are going to run some selection, but it's for the bodyparts, not the skills," retorted some other hotshot.
So it looked like if Exy had settled there, she was either comfortably applying her microbiology degree, — teaching maybe? — or had long been sawed into various pieces of meat and sold as high-quality transplantation material. Going by the information online, there was no in-between.
Wait, so who exactly ran this place? The articles kept alluding to "leaders" of some sort. Let's see...
"Ashtapada government". Search.
Nothing. Except for more "expert opinions" and conspiracies of course. No one really knew who the city-state elites are? Could it be democratically run? All citizens vote on important decisions and collectively decide what to do?
That just sounded like an amazing place to live and work in, honestly. If G's liver was going to be left alone, that is.
"How to become a citizen of Ashtapada"
Hmm... A case of "How do I find you? — You don't."
It seemed like certain people got selected and invited to live there for a period of time to assimilate before applying to live there permanently. All were different kinds of high-skilled specialists: scientists, engineers, medics, IT workers and so on. Someone even compiled a list of things Ashtapadan officials probably looked for in an applicant: initial expertise in a field of knowledge, willingness to relocate permanently, aversion to violence (all sound quite nice!), good health and no active addictions (or an organ harvesting lair after all?).
Weird! Should she swallow her pride and reach out to X? Chat a bit, ask about the new place, remember the good old days? Or were they already too far gone to salvage their friendship?
An email notification distracted G from the tormenting thoughts. The subject read: "Hello, Gentry! We have a reason to believe that you might be interested in learning more about Ashta..."
What the fuck?

Chapter 2

Dear user, you have been assigned a recruitment task.
Timeframe: 2-6 months
Designation: Social
Reward: 10'000 points
Summary: a new human specialist is required for the system's testing and maintenance. Initial requirements: synthetic thinking, control and oppositional defiance higher than average, risk aversion lower than average.
Type: mandatory, confidential
Please click here to receive the full file.
If anyone ever asked Q what he thought of mandatory system assignments, he would probably answer that he's not a fan. Recruitment tasks excited him even less, but he wasn't in the habit of thinking twice about accepting them regardless. Not that you could say no to a mandatory task anyway. They were only given to the citizens who have proved their worth to Ashtapada. With the state doing so much for its people it was only natural that he would try to repay it by doing his job as best he could. Not to mention for a huge award like that.
For a second he felt bad about feeling a rush of excitement at the giant number and letting his imagination run wild with everything he could afford when his rating reached a new height, maybe even surpassing his mentor Miriam's. But he quickly put himself straight: his main duty was to help Ashtapada prosper, and he would not have asked for anything in return even if the points weren’t offered. Even though he had classes to teach at the academy tomorrow, he decided to go through the list of potential recruits offered by the system and filter out the least suitable ones tonight. Then tomorrow after the Gymnasium he will have a task that’s already halfway done.
The file that the system coughed up was quite long and not very efficiently sorted: the AI wasn't human after all so while a live brain lost at efficiency and speed of calculations, nothing could beat it when it came to making decisions like these.
If "gabrage in — garbage out" principle was right (and it was), Q's job was to feed the thoroughly filtered and selected information back into the system so it could make an informed choice.
Let's see, he would probably have enough time before bed to go through about five or six of these people's Onternet histories to weed out those who are definitely a bad match: being under eighteen, showing psychopathic and violent tendencies, clearly addicted to heavy substances, the physically unfit and so on.
Doing recruitment tasks offered a guilty pleasure of his: having a glimpse into the Outernet. Although it could be accessed from within the city, it was so excruciatingly slow that the endeavor wasn't worth it. With the people's searches presented on a silver platter for review, however, Q was able to satisfy his curiosity about the outside world telling himself that it was all for the greater good of the city.
Maybe it's a good thing he got the assignment before bed: sometimes these private searches that he saw in the files fired up his imagination. It worried him a little how affected they left him sometimes, but after all, it's only natural for a young man like himself to respond to visual stimuli like that. When the video files he came across resonated with what he found exciting, he couldn't help but chase and savour the dopamine release that no good meal, intense workout or increasing your score by 10'000 points could provide.
This time was no better: despite trying to calm his mind, Q couldn’t help but be thorough in his research. Ashtapada needed him to carefully assess each of the candidates’ online patterns so he would need to…
Oh, no, he was going to have to take care of it before bed, wasn't he?
Well, enough work for today.
Stepping under the strong rush of a hot shower, Q considered casting a play signal in the area to see if someone would be interested in seeing him tonight but quickly dismissed it as too much work. He still had his imagination, though, the greatest gift of the human consciousness.
In a couple of minutes, he was already getting into bed, somewhat proud of himself for dealing with the urge in such a hassle-free way. His senses calm, muscles relaxed and body clean, he was now ready for a good night's rest.
Good job for doing the right thing and not bothering anyone with this. Now, the primitive urges dealt with, he was ready to drift off.
Q’s morning was an early one, as usual. He hoped to use the extra time not for himself though but to thank the kind woman whose spare bedroom he was occupying this night, with a breakfast. Just as she walked into the kitchen, yawning, he was finishing a nice filling meal of fried eggs and toast for both of them.
"I really hope you are not vegan," he said, easily reaching into the high cupboard shelves for two plates and getting some juice out of the fridge. "I didn't get a chance to ask you yesterday after you authorised my request to stay."
"That's alright, dear, you didn't have to," the woman said. She was in her sixties and had a vaguely familiar voice. "Smells delicious though, I'm starving."
"Good!" Q smiled, then became serious. "I also had the liberty to order some chicory for you to replace the coffee, you know how addictive caffeine can be."
The woman seemed unfazed by the scolding. "Dear boy, I've had so much coffee in my life that it basically flows in my veins now. Take away my coffee and I'll die"
"Please give it a try, ma'am" he insisted, serving the plates and sitting down next to her. "By the way, I didn't introduce myself yesterday. My name's Q, I'm teaching Rationality at the Academy at the moment. What about you?"
"I'm in health care," she answered, between bites, fork clanging on the porcelain. "Zee Mah."
"It's a pleasure meeting you, madam Zee Mah."
Some time passed while they enjoyed the food, admiring the waking city in the large windows.
"Forgive me if I’m imposing," Q said, “But since you own an apartment, you must be a Citizen, is that right? You seem so familiar but I just can’t pin down…”
“Remember, it’s important to take regular exercise and drink enough water during the day,” Zee started with a broad smile, her voice suddenly more sonorous, no morning grogginess left in it. “Especially on hot days like today.”
Of course!
“The billboard lady!” he guessed, slapping his forehead. “How could I forget? I see you everywhere in the city every day!”
She went on, a devious smirk in the eye, “And in case you try to deprive heathcare workers of their well-deserved caffeine, beware of sudden attacks!”
They laughed, taking a moment to share this lighthearted teasing, Citizen to Citizen.
"I'll remember that, " Q said as he got up to wash the tableware.
Since he had decided to skip his usual morning workout in favour of some networking, he walked to the Academia on foot to make up for it. His own small apartment wasn't too far from it, but yesterday's assignment by the system had brought him to a different part of the city entirely and by the time he had finished he was too tired to take a tubecab home.
Instead, he had used his trusty wrist-comm to cast a request in the neighbourhood for a room to stay the night. With his current rating, he was pretty much guaranteed to get enough offers to choose from.
Of course, the system would reward those who fulfilled his need for a stay, but he liked to think that even without the need to upkeep their rating with community building points, people of Astapada were conscientious enough to make sure no citizen had to suffer the inconveniences of having nowhere to sleep.
He only wished his own apartment had not been empty last night: it seemed a waste to have a perfectly good place to stay with no one who could have used it.
After leaving his new acquaintance, Q quickly calculated the timing of the walking route that would take him to the Academia and compared it with taking a tubecab. Most would prefer the latter option, but he wasn't feeling like sharing a tiny space with strangers: driven by its endless need for optimizing the use of resources, the Ashtapada transport system didn't permit vehicles for individual use.
Transportation, like accommodation and everything else, was supposed to be shared and available to anyone.
So not only would he have to walk to the nearest stop but also wait until his request for a tubecab would get picked up by one of the automated cabs zooming underground, probably already nearly full of passengers who were going about their business. Some welcomed the opportunity to talk to strangers while in a cab, but to him, it was tiring. Especially when he could just take a walk and arrive at work just in time for his lecture instead.
On the videos from the Outernet, he saw things very similar to tubecabs, but those were very inefficient from what he had gathered: first of all, allocating public street space exclusively to transportation vehicles didn't make any sense to him.
Why not use the underground tube system that Astapada had? This prevented any kinds of accidents and made sure that there would be no delays on the way since the tubecab system was fully operated by AI. Like everything else in the city, more or less.
Why trust the imperfect human brain to operate a piece of complex machinery, to make split-second decisions and hope no one would cause inconvenience at best or make a devastating mistake at worst?
But even that was not the most baffling thing! There, most of the vehicles people drove weren't even half-full!
From what he understood, often there only was one or at best two people in the “car” when there clearly was room for at least two more, which in itself was pretty wasteful.
Why have a vehicle that takes up so much space in the street and not fill it with at least ten, like the tubecabs? Could it be that those non-Ashtapadans also disliked talking to strangers?
The city was already bustling with activity as Q was on his way, bareface. On a sunny morning like this, he really didn't feel like putting on his augmented reality glasses, for two reasons.
The first was that having an excellent sense of direction: he simply had no need for the built-in navigation system that every pair had.
The second was because he really wanted to cut off all the visual noise of the virtual layer of the city. Of course, sometimes it was nice to activate the information-rich level and see Ashtapada through the lens of a typical person: all its bright neon advertisements, animated signs on various businesses doors, three-dimensional pieces of art and various digital helper desks, always eager to provide a service.
But today he just wanted to enjoy the city in its barest form: no words forcing themselves into his consciousness, no signs demanding his attention. Ashtapada was beautiful: built for people, everything unnecessary hidden underground or neatly tucked away into the virtual layer. Just clear open walks by the river, broad sunlit streets, sculpted and well-maintained leafiness of the parks, the geometry of every thoroughly designed element of the city echoing the overall square-shaped plan that really complemented something deep in his analytical brain.
The only thing that did intrude into the orderly cadence of the city was a giant information banner taking up most of the entertainment centre wall. The digital billboard ran messages that were not meant to be ignored by any Newcomer or Citizen alike: health concerns, important announcements and so on. One of those that his new friend was in charge of. Zee’s weary but strict face looked at everyone in the street with a motherly concern.
“Finishing your Citizenship assignment is a big deal,” she said with a now familiar voice. “That’s why after successfully completing it, you will be entitled to a celebration of your choice. This is the Ashtapadan way to thank the Newcomers for their dedication. However, what comes next is most important as you will be offered to stay in the city and assume the status of a Citizen. This is a big deal! I became a Citizen about a year ago and trust me, it was a life-changing event! You could even say I became a different person. Now you might see me at your regular health check-up which, may I remind you, is due every six months. Do your best and Ashtapada will reward you with your best life.”
Good words, well spoken.
Q felt proud to have made her acquaintance as he was on his way again, easily navigating the city along the most efficient route.
Soon, the regular symmetrical beauty of the city made him think of a perfect challenge for this new assignment. Something that will test the candidates' ability to connect the dots. If he hurried up, he might have some time before the lecture to draft a plan and submit it to the system for approval.
Quick note to self: request access to the candidates’ phones.
And then in the afternoon, he'd deal with the trivial details like tailoring the challenge to suit each of them individually, setting up the surveillance and writing the invitation letters.
With an energetic bounce in his step, he headed towards the Academy.
submitted by Silver_liver to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 14:05 Academic-Waltz-3116 A (Hopefully) Well Rounded and Well Supported Post on how I Feel as an Anti-Zionist Leftist, and why I Do

I am fully for trans rights. Fully for abortion rights. Fully for DEI policies. Fully against the military industrial complex. Fully for protected gun rights, with reasonable & smart checks. Fully for fighting the corporatist system we are in.
I am fully against DEI policies being eliminated because of alleged anti-semetism:
I am fully against government censorship of free speech under the guise of fighting anti-semetism, especially when it is done to filter information surrounding a genocide:
I am fully against anti-BDS legislation and it's punishment of peaceful protest of genocide/apartheid, and its violation of free speech:
I am fully against AI models being trained to do the opposite of showing a Black George Washington, which would be to allow it to treat the ruling class as an oppressed class in their weights. I am fully against the Jewish community at large denying its history related to the North Atlantic slave trade, apartheid in South Africa, and trading illegal arms to child soldiers in Africa for blood diamonds and how that has paid for Israel's founding and maintenance in a very direct way that all Israelis and qualifying Jewish citizens benefit from de facto. Kanye West really hammered trying to talk about this one bad:
I am fully against Israel and it's supporters weaponizing anti-semetic hoaxes and non violent threats against the Jewish population in other countries to get support for their colony project. Actual violent attacks on other minorities and at risk groups get ignored, and it delegitimizes actual anti-semetism when it does occur:
I am fully against AIPAC and it's unique status and influence in the US government, and the weaponization of suggesting Israeli influence and control of US government is anti-semetism:
I am fully against the genocidal rhetoric from Israel, it's leadership and it's supporters. I am fully against Israel not complying with the International Court system to at the very least, give basic aid to Palestinians. I am fully against the attrocities of the IDF and it's previous incarnations against Palestinians:
I am fully against being surrounded by an entertainment and and media industry rabidly supportive of a genocide and weaponizing suggesting strong Jewish influence within that industry as anti-semetism. A Jewish man accepted an award at an awards ceremony that was initially started by a Jewish man to stop the movie industry from unionizing. The award was the top honor for a movie made about the Holocaust of the Jewish people, and his speech called for an end to the genocide being enacted by the Jewish state, and was met with wide disdain, largely by Jewish writers in newspapers. I am fully against what this means for the Jewish community and those looking to break from the mold, too.
submitted by Academic-Waltz-3116 to u/Academic-Waltz-3116 [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 14:04 Academic-Waltz-3116 A (Hopefully) Well Rounded and Well Supported Post on how I Feel as an Anti-Zionist Leftist, and why I Do

I am fully for trans rights. Fully for abortion rights. Fully for DEI policies. Fully against the military industrial complex. Fully for protected gun rights, with reasonable & smart checks. Fully for fighting the corporatist system we are in.
I am fully against DEI policies being eliminated because of alleged anti-semetism:
I am fully against government censorship of free speech under the guise of fighting anti-semetism, especially when it is done to filter information surrounding a genocide:
I am fully against anti-BDS legislation and it's punishment of peaceful protest of genocide/apartheid, and its violation of free speech:
I am fully against AI models being trained to do the opposite of showing a Black George Washington, which would be to allow it to treat the ruling class as an oppressed class in their weights. I am fully against the Jewish community at large denying its history related to the North Atlantic slave trade, apartheid in South Africa, and trading illegal arms to child soldiers in Africa for blood diamonds and how that has paid for Israel's founding and maintenance in a very direct way that all Israelis and qualifying Jewish citizens benefit from de facto. Kanye West really hammered trying to talk about this one bad:
I am fully against Israel and it's supporters weaponizing anti-semetic hoaxes and non violent threats against the Jewish population in other countries to get support for their colony project. Actual violent attacks on other minorities and at risk groups get ignored, and it delegitimizes actual anti-semetism when it does occur:
I am fully against AIPAC and it's unique status and influence in the US government, and the weaponization of suggesting Israeli influence and control of US government is anti-semetism:
I am fully against the genocidal rhetoric from Israel, it's leadership and it's supporters. I am fully against Israel not complying with the International Court system to at the very least, give basic aid to Palestinians. I am fully against the attrocities of the IDF and it's previous incarnations against Palestinians:
I am fully against being surrounded by an entertainment and and media industry rabidly supportive of a genocide and weaponizing suggesting strong Jewish influence within that industry as anti-semetism. A Jewish man accepted an award at an awards ceremony that was initially started by a Jewish man to stop the movie industry from unionizing. The award was the top honor for a movie made about the Holocaust of the Jewish people, and his speech called for an end to the genocide being enacted by the Jewish state, and was met with wide disdain, largely by Jewish writers in newspapers. I am fully against what this means for the Jewish community and those looking to break from the mold, too.
submitted by Academic-Waltz-3116 to NoTechForApartheid [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 16:15 rollepige Making a d100 table of small flavourful events that can happen in a hive city in between scenes (At 83 out of 100)

As the title says am I planning to make a d100 table with small flavourful scenes that can make ones game feel more alive and populated.

  1. A servitor is acting oddly, a local clerk sighs and calls out to another clerk "This servitor is glitching again, it's useless, pass me my euthanizing laspistol. And ask the Mechanicus to send in a replacement." the second clerk pulling out a laspistol with the Adeptus Administratum logo and a hot-shot cell.
  2. A cherub is flying in an unpredictable pattern and speaking in techno linga. "Mummy? Mummy? It's dark in here. I can't feel my legs. Where are you, mummy? I'm scared" Before flying into a wall, knocking itself out. It gets up a few seconds later, seemingly normal
  3. A small merchant stall sells all kinds of knick-knacks useful for anyone working in the lower level of the hive. The merchant is a jolly fellow who is willing to make good prices, and a few customers linger at the stall. If someone buys an item from him, the merchant gifts him a knuckle-sized brass bell "As a good luck charm...ring it in dark places, and good luck will come..."
  4. An enforcer Scarab pulls up in front of a small shop and a couple enforcers go in. A couple minutes later they come out dragging someone who is clearly unconscious. They throw them in the back of the cruiser and leave.
  5. An ecclesiarchal parade slowly makes its way down a crowded thoroughfare. Penitents and pilgrims carry dozens of banners. In the middle a preacher passionately exclaims the virtues of a local saint from atop a ponderous, multilegged mobile pulpit. Incense and his laud hailer-amplified voice fill the air.
  6. A pair of street kids are working hard putting up posters for a local music hall that plays "Emperor save the Governor" in a few days time.
  7. An old man in an older looking worn out uniform stands with a big sign that seems to have seen just as much as his uniform, "Earn an additional flavour packet for your CS rations; sign up today", says his sign with no additional information.
  8. A homeless mand missing a leg sits at the side of the road with a dirty bowl and a sign hanging around his neck. His sign reads: "I gave a leg to the Manufactorum. Would gave an other if they took me back."
  9. A group of flagellants gather in an alleyway on the route the players are going. The sound of their barbed whips can be head, and they preach of the galaxy's end and the Emperors Salvation. They will hurl insults to any player that looks at them for too long, and could suspect of sin.
  10. A group of surprisingly clean and well socked PDF troops are doing a recruitment drive for the guard, telling about the almost paradise like living people will get if they sign up. Any player with actual guard background would see through their scam. They mainly target drunk or inebriated youth to sign up.
  11. A servo skull flies through. It stops at every few meters, extends it's scanner, and lists a number of possible complications in machine lingua. The place is about to fall apart, the last maintenance is late by a decade.
  12. A mob chases down a person with some "mutation". (Big distace between the eyes, weird birthmark, redhead etc...) If they catch up, they will crucify the 'mutant'.
  13. A person is strung up between two hive sections above the road, for their crime which hang on a sign from their feet. When the giant metal-concrete structure of the hive experience the heat of midday, or nightly cold, the change in size will tear the poor soul apart or squeeze him into mush.
  14. Street kids are running around the masses, using sling shots to help them catching rats, so they can turn in their tails at the office. One remarks how nice and fat the last catch looks and ponders out loud if they should rather eat them instead.
  15. Public screening of an old vid real of a heretic burning. The vid is projeced up on the only clean wall in he area by a hefty servitor with local law enforcements forcing anyone that comes to close to stay and wait for he next screening and watch it to end.
  16. The owner of a small cart selling "genuine" bone relics are talking with a priest, and sounds to be rather surprised by how the priest lift up one of his bone relics and declares it a lost bone of one of the local minor saint.
  17. A pedlar offers religious pamphlets for a small donation - "For the Vraksian crusade, Mamzel". If observed for some time, he also appears to sell literature of a different bent to customers, who pay quickly and vanish into the crowd without looking back. If the players buy a pamphlet can they for he same amount buy some of his literature, which turns out to originate from another planet, with nothing else unusual about it.
  18. A pilgrim, ostensibly an off-worlder, ostensibly very lost, asks whoever that will lend him an ear about the way to the ossuary of some saint that the local folk have never heard of. With a successful Scolastic lore Imperial creed roll does the players know about the saint, and their resting place on another planet.
  19. A few people in homemade gasmasks stands near a pipe that have broken and slowly growing chemical spill and does their best to guide people around it, a few are in too big a hurry and walks trough the spill, the soles of their shoes sizzling.
  20. A group of tech priests are pulling up multiple floor plates to get to some sort of tech arcana, forcing everyone to go around them and their guards.
  21. A pair of bounty hunters stands ready with webber each, one on each side of the door to a local eatery, their target was apparently not warned about them as they shoot him and ties his webbed body up in broad daylight, while the crowds ignore them.
  22. A group of up hive nobles walks slowly and casually down the street, seemingly "slumming around" in what they think is normal wear, surrounded by nervous gene-jacked guards with a hand each on their weapons.
  23. A pair of Adeptus clerks conducting walks around and are doing a survey about corpsestarch rations in batch 23B/199.2-KRX, while a pair of the locals watch warily:
  24. A legless veteran still in the armour of the guard sits in a small alcove, playing the flute for alms.
  25. A pair of puppeteers acts out a central scene of the Horus Heresy with puppets on a string. The puppets are very sophisticated, and the play is accompanied by the bombastic voice of a cleric coming from a crank-powered voxphone. Just now, a tiny golden Sanguinius rips apart a demonic figurine, spilling red streamers and clots of brownish paper maché. Sparklers hiss and spit from the match-box bolter of a hand-sized Astartes. A rapt audience of children and not a few grown-ups watches the war of the tiny figures.
  26. Two ragged preachers are having a discussion about the exact nature of a certain aspect of the God Emperor's divinity. The point appears obtuse to most layfolk, still a small crowd has assembled. The tone of the verbal sparring is getting more strident, and while noone has been accused of heresy yet, it seems only a matter of time...
  27. In front of one of the all too common orphanages stands a collection of kids around a tech priest who is blessing broken toys. "By the Blessing of the Omnisiah, be ye healed!"
  28. A haggard menial and a verdigris covered servitor change the glow globes in the streetlamps. It takes the menial about one hour to do this; it is an elaborate dance of ritual with each step done precisely and thoroughly while the area around the lamp is blocked. He then takes the old glow globe and puts it in wire basket on the servitor's back, replacing it with a glow globe from the same basket. He then closes up the lamp's covering in the same slow, studied manner. About two thirds of the street lamps stay dark after he is done.
  29. A group of street urchins walks down the street, offering anyone wearing their solid protectile weapons openly to polish their bullets. "Shiniest spit polish you can find noble SiMa'am! Price is only as many bullets as you can spare!"
  30. A woman walks around from person to person, dragging allong with her a child, the child looking sick and have a very wet couch. "Please... Cant anyone spare a few drops of oil so my child can lubricate their throat and get rid of their couch?"
  31. An old woman walk around with a basket full of slimey looking eggs balancing on her head, offering them to anyone that looks at them. "Fresh milisaour eggs! Get your fresh milisaour eggs here while they are still wet!"
  32. A group of pilgrims are doing their best to clean up a small space up against a normal looking wall, laying down offerings and offering to tell the tales of why this place is very holy and should be cared for.
  33. A small collection of young teens are gathered around a priest, the choir practicing hymns at a small road shrine, and are doing a half decent job of it.
  34. The walls and alleyways are covered with graffiti, each marking the territory of different gangs in intricate and sometimes cryptic symbols, a servitor slowly working away with a small chisel, chipping away at the many lays to reveal the original wall.
  35. A procession of Tech-priests and Skitarii march through the hive city streets, their cloaks billowing around them, as they carry a mysterious arcane relic trough the hive.
  36. The walk slows down to a slow pace as a sudden fighting pit have formed in the middle of the street. Two rival gang members engage in a tense sparring match, surrounded by cheering comrades and onlookers placing bets on the outcome.
  37. The rumble of heavy treads announces the arrival of a Munitorum supply convoy, guarded by soldiers armed to the teeth, any and all on foot grumbling loudly under their breath as their normal road trough the hive city's main artery couldn't be used that day.
  38. A group of children playfully mimics the noble houses of the hive city, wearing rags of different colours as their noble attire and wielding metal rods as makeshift swords and wearing crude crowns, sparking their imaginations as they fight each other for the planetary governors honour.
  39. The players witness a group of stern-faced Administratum officials scanning peoples cognomen and collecting tithes from reluctant citizens, their silent expressions revealing the strain of the city's constant demands.
  40. A food vendor's cart bumps into something on the road and overturns in the crowds, causing a frenzied rush as hungry civilians scramble to salvage what they can.
  41. A scribe pushes a small handcart with different types of parchment and ink, about to set up shop on a street corner, offering to compose heartfelt letters or legal documents for those who lack the ability to write.
  42. The players witness a boisterous negotiation between a shrewd vendor and an expert haggler over something that looks like a towel, both determined to strike a deal beneficial to their interests.
  43. The players see PDF troopers engaging in a "charity drive", distributing rations and supplies to the needy. As people are lining up for extra rations does the PDF forces go trough the lines, scanning peoples cognomen to see if they are in family with anyone there are active in the PDF forces, and turning those away without connections to them.
  44. A group of Skitarii overseen by a Tech-Priest is repairing a malfunctioning cogitatorbank, sparks flying as they work to restore the vital machine's function.
  45. An agile servo-skull with mechadendrites hanging after it, darts through the crowded streets, collecting data from various cogitators and data-ports, no one seemingly paying it any attention.
  46. A low Rumble can be heard and the people around moves with a quicker pace, talking about how it have been multiple months since the last hive quake, so its about time for the next one.
  47. A group of street kids sits in pairs and plays Regicide around a collection of boards they have drawn on the hive floor, using different types of trash for their game pieces.
  48. A parade of servitors of many different designs marches down the streets, followed by their Mechanicus handlers there are swinging censers filled with incense and singing binary prayers over the workforce traveling towards their new work side.
  49. A pair of Tech-priests looks over a line of chained people, measuring devices in hand. None of the people can be used for whatever project they have in mind and as the players leave can they hear the Tech-priests asking if there ain't a single symmetrical person in the mix.
  50. The players witness a grand parade celebrating the bravery of the local PDF and their newest victory, with banners flying high and soldiers marching proudly through the hive city streets, all wearing clean armour and bright smiles and handing out recruitment forms to all wants them.
  51. A man tries to climb to the very top of a wox tower on the players route, proclaiming that he have seen the truth and knows the true way of the Emperor, spreading his arms wide to proclaim his newfound truth to the people below him and falls down, no one even looking at him once.
  52. An ogryn walks down the street, people for once in their life making space and trying to avoid getting in the way of the abhuman, a low murmur about how the hive have lost it standards since they let such creatures and other remarks being made when out of earshot of the ogryn.
  53. The crowd of people are even thicker than normal, and almost as loud as if they are in prayer. It takes a moment for the players to figure out what it is all about, a dozen or so ratlings in rags are being pushed and prodded by the mob, led by a small group of Astra Militarum soldiers, that slowly marches and keeps the abhumans moving, making them repeat the same mantra over and over again and again "I am abhorred. I am unclean. And yet I am forgiven"
  54. A group of three mischievous children slowly work a long pole under the edge of a small flakboard shack with the word "Outhouse" painted on the door, trying to tip it over and ruin the unknowing strangers day.
  55. A small group of merry drunks leans up against a building, each helping the others up while they loose their balance while singing a rather off key tune to the planetary goveners honour.
  56. A Techpriest slowly works on a ritual, flanked by a pair of skitarii, as it works away on changing some rather large tubes with what there looks like slices of brain matter, changing some important part in a cogitator standing in a public space. A few adepts have gathered to observe reverently, and some are seen holding data slates and other pieces of work related machinery they want to bring to the Techpriest for rites next.
  57. A trio of sentinels, two power lifters and one with a wicket big chainsaw walk as quickly as they can down the street while avoiding stepping on anyone. The first swinging the blade around, still turned off for the moment, to make space for the lifters and their cargo they are holding.
  58. A hovercar flies over the crowd so fast and so low that people stop up for a moment since it seems like it is about to crash, but soon keeps walking as they hadn't almost been flattened when they figure out that it apparently only was to showoff.
  59. While most of the travels trough the hive happens as quickly as ones feet can take you, does the players have to slow down for once, the road ahead taking them over a precarious gantry connecting of old make that can only take a certain amount of weight at once. It shirking and complaining under the players feet as their group gets the go ahead to slowly walk across in a single line.
  60. A loud metallic sheik can be head overhead the players, and as they look up can they see one of the many hive trains run under its rail, blue electrical sparks trailing after it as its mag drive pulls it forward
  61. One of the many hive trains that run over the heads of the masses are standing still. A few passengers seemingly trying to break up doors to see if they can still get to work
  62. A pair of conmen is just about done setting up a stand of cards before they notices a pair of the local lawmen and quickly leaves, not even packing their things down as they hurries away, the lawmen in hot persuit, drawing their guns while they run.
  63. A large corpse cart gets slowly pulled trough the street by a group of big burly looking men, each wearing work uniforms and some kind of fabric over their mouths and noses. A sign on their wagon says "1 corpse = 1 starch!" with a drawing underneath for those that can't read.
  64. With a resounding thud louder than natural thunder, complex machinery above the players springs to life. Simultaneously, the air around them swirls, recycled and refreshed with new oxygen, cascading down through the hive's layers.
  65. The distinct discharge of a plasma weapon echoes from far away, soon followed by the ominous whine of the weapon's overload before it erupts and its destructive explosion rings in all ears, no one of the locals seeminly seeming to react to the sounds.
  66. A group of three bounty hunters can be heard being detained by local law enforcement, a lot of strong words being thrown back and forth, but no weapons drawn yet. The whole scene that happens and draws onlookers attention are seeminly being based on their weapon permits and its wording, and the heavy stopper that one of them carries.
  67. The local laws are many and draconic in the hive, and in this section of the hive are billboards seeminly prohibited, since numerous individuals stand still on the streets in the sea of people walking thou and fro. Each person holds aloft a tall pole adorned with various advertisements and messages, aimed at reaching the masses.
  68. A duo of "Doc-in-a-cart" have sat up beside each other, the pair of makeshift medical clenics being run of each of their own skilled physicians. Each offering very different treatments to the injuries and ailments that a few hive workers present to them, treating those that can afford their prices but sending most on their way.
  69. From a multitude of loud hailers adorning nearly every wall, can the players hear a myriad of different voices reading official proclamations and uplifting news about all of the Imperiums victories all over the universe. Each voice maintains an eerily monotone tone, blending into a droning sea of information, making it nearly impossible to distinguish one piece of information from another.
  70. With a loud ruckus does a herd of different off world animals run trough the street, snarling and bumping into each other and those that can't get out of the way in time. Each beast are carrying a pair of yungsters, nobles it looks like by their clothing and the air that they have about them, and the mere fact that no one are stopping their race and carnage.
  71. An ex-imperial guard, her flak armor clearly having seen just as much action as herself, sits outside a bar, having gathered a small but curious crowd as she reeds from her copy of The Infantryman's Uplifting Primer. If the players pays attention to her and listens will t soon becomes apparent that she is illiterate like the crowd, mostly pointing at the illustrations in the book and retelling the content to the best of her memory, and filling in the blanks her own frontline experience.
  72. A red faced Ecclesiarchy preacher screams at the top of their lungs at a stone faced local law enforcer, claiming that one of their Cybermastiffs soiled the holy crypt of a local saint by releaving itself of oil. The Enforcer, while clearly unable to retaliate due to the preacher's standing, does noticeably have their gun hand twitch every time a fleck of spittle hits their armor.
  73. A hunched over figure in a thick trench coat that makes a clinking sound with every step he takes makes his way through the crowd. Upon making eye contact, he smiles and peels back his coat to reveal a wide range of autogun and other slug thrower ammo along with a few power packs. In a hushed tone he whispers that he even has a bolter round available for the right price.
  74. Two passersbys engage in a heated debate over the ridiculous assertion by one of them that water is supposed to be see through and not brown.
  75. A group of local children sits at the foot of an overwhelmed looking missionary, as he attempts to keep up with the stream of questions about the Sisters of Battle miracles and deeds of chivery coming from the excited children, trying time and time again to tutor the children about the virtues of prejudice but are clearly failing.
  76. A single red robed mechanicus adept walks slowly down an alleyway, gently wafting incense over every air recycler, duct and light source that they walk by, slowly and monotone praying to the Omnisiah. Some citizens look at the adepts gold and silver censer, some with eyes full of revery at the wealth, most others with envy.
  77. An Adeptus Aministratum adept can be heard trough the masses yelling obsinities and curses towards a junior adept of lower rank for having mislead the proper quill for signing some important form or another, the lower ranking adept pleading for forgiveness.
  78. The local enforces can be seen raiding a store, throwing its wares out of the windows into big piles on the street. While many are hoping to loot some spoils are all kept back with threats of " complicity". A lot of different rumours can be heard from the gathered people, from owners ticked off the wrong person, forgot to pay protection money, its a front for a cult or even the outragious rumour that the enforcers are corrupt.
  79. Two preachers of the same church of the Emperor stands in the middle of the street, each trying to see who can remember and deliver the oldest and most esoteric sermon of the same Saint. They are so swept up in their religious tribute/friendly contest that they haven't noticed how people around them seems to have gathered in two groups, unknowingly riling up a crowd and splitting them into factions ready to fight for their preacher.
  80. The street is suddenly filled with the shrill sound of loud sirens. Their blare bounces off the rockrete walls of the hive dome, but the citizens seem to go about their business undisturbed and soon after can the thuds of hive defence cannons be heard, it being "just a standard test" if the players ask anyone on the street.
  81. A group of people are seen trying to clean the streets, sweeping large heeps of trash in front of them. Wearing only the most simple of clothes and with their hands tied to their brooms with barbed wire does each and every one of them wear a heavy looking sign hanging from their necks, each saying the same thing: "We will only be forgiven our sins when the streets are clean and worthy of the Emperor."
  82. A cybermastif can be heard barking and clawing at stone, and as the players turn a corner can they see a the cybermastif tear at a hole in a buildings wall, a rat-catcher standing by with a owerflowing sack on his back eagerly encuraging the dog to catch its pray.
  83. In one of the myriad side streets to the streat that the players are walking on can a drunk Astra Militarum soldier still in uniform be seen, and very loudly be heard, trying to charm a duo of women. While one of them seem quite flattered does the other however reach her limit, delivering a resounding slap across the soldiers face before storming away in annoyance, pulling her friend away leaving the soldier in an embarrassed and slightly tipsy state, trying to salvage some dignity amidst the passing crowd, who seem more amused than sympathetic to his plight.
submitted by rollepige to d100 [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 16:13 rollepige Making a d100 table of small flavourful events that can happen in a hive city in between scenes (At 83 out of 100)

As the title says am I planning to make a d100 table with small flavourful scenes that can make ones game feel more alive and populated.
  1. A servitor is acting oddly, a local clerk sighs and calls out to another clerk "This servitor is glitching again, it's useless, pass me my euthanizing laspistol. And ask the Mechanicus to send in a replacement." the second clerk pulling out a laspistol with the Adeptus Administratum logo and a hot-shot cell.
  2. A cherub is flying in an unpredictable pattern and speaking in techno linga. "Mummy? Mummy? It's dark in here. I can't feel my legs. Where are you, mummy? I'm scared" Before flying into a wall, knocking itself out. It gets up a few seconds later, seemingly normal
  3. A small merchant stall sells all kinds of knick-knacks useful for anyone working in the lower level of the hive. The merchant is a jolly fellow who is willing to make good prices, and a few customers linger at the stall. If someone buys an item from him, the merchant gifts him a knuckle-sized brass bell "As a good luck charm...ring it in dark places, and good luck will come..."
  4. An enforcer Scarab pulls up in front of a small shop and a couple enforcers go in. A couple minutes later they come out dragging someone who is clearly unconscious. They throw them in the back of the cruiser and leave.
  5. An ecclesiarchal parade slowly makes its way down a crowded thoroughfare. Penitents and pilgrims carry dozens of banners. In the middle a preacher passionately exclaims the virtues of a local saint from atop a ponderous, multilegged mobile pulpit. Incense and his laud hailer-amplified voice fill the air.
  6. A pair of street kids are working hard putting up posters for a local music hall that plays "Emperor save the Governor" in a few days time.
  7. An old man in an older looking worn out uniform stands with a big sign that seems to have seen just as much as his uniform, "Earn an additional flavour packet for your CS rations; sign up today", says his sign with no additional information.
  8. A homeless mand missing a leg sits at the side of the road with a dirty bowl and a sign hanging around his neck. His sign reads: "I gave a leg to the Manufactorum. Would gave an other if they took me back."
  9. A group of flagellants gather in an alleyway on the route the players are going. The sound of their barbed whips can be head, and they preach of the galaxy's end and the Emperors Salvation. They will hurl insults to any player that looks at them for too long, and could suspect of sin.
  10. A group of surprisingly clean and well socked PDF troops are doing a recruitment drive for the guard, telling about the almost paradise like living people will get if they sign up. Any player with actual guard background would see through their scam. They mainly target drunk or inebriated youth to sign up.
  11. A servo skull flies through. It stops at every few meters, extends it's scanner, and lists a number of possible complications in machine lingua. The place is about to fall apart, the last maintenance is late by a decade.
  12. A mob chases down a person with some "mutation". (Big distace between the eyes, weird birthmark, redhead etc...) If they catch up, they will crucify the 'mutant'.
  13. A person is strung up between two hive sections above the road, for their crime which hang on a sign from their feet. When the giant metal-concrete structure of the hive experience the heat of midday, or nightly cold, the change in size will tear the poor soul apart or squeeze him into mush.
  14. Street kids are running around the masses, using sling shots to help them catching rats, so they can turn in their tails at the office. One remarks how nice and fat the last catch looks and ponders out loud if they should rather eat them instead.
  15. Public screening of an old vid real of a heretic burning. The vid is projeced up on the only clean wall in he area by a hefty servitor with local law enforcements forcing anyone that comes to close to stay and wait for he next screening and watch it to end.
  16. The owner of a small cart selling "genuine" bone relics are talking with a priest, and sounds to be rather surprised by how the priest lift up one of his bone relics and declares it a lost bone of one of the local minor saint.
  17. A pedlar offers religious pamphlets for a small donation - "For the Vraksian crusade, Mamzel". If observed for some time, he also appears to sell literature of a different bent to customers, who pay quickly and vanish into the crowd without looking back. If the players buy a pamphlet can they for he same amount buy some of his literature, which turns out to originate from another planet, with nothing else unusual about it.
  18. A pilgrim, ostensibly an off-worlder, ostensibly very lost, asks whoever that will lend him an ear about the way to the ossuary of some saint that the local folk have never heard of. With a successful Scolastic lore Imperial creed roll does the players know about the saint, and their resting place on another planet.
  19. A few people in homemade gasmasks stands near a pipe that have broken and slowly growing chemical spill and does their best to guide people around it, a few are in too big a hurry and walks trough the spill, the soles of their shoes sizzling.
  20. A group of tech priests are pulling up multiple floor plates to get to some sort of tech arcana, forcing everyone to go around them and their guards.
  21. A pair of bounty hunters stands ready with webber each, one on each side of the door to a local eatery, their target was apparently not warned about them as they shoot him and ties his webbed body up in broad daylight, while the crowds ignore them.
  22. A group of up hive nobles walks slowly and casually down the street, seemingly "slumming around" in what they think is normal wear, surrounded by nervous gene-jacked guards with a hand each on their weapons.
  23. A pair of Adeptus clerks conducting walks around and are doing a survey about corpsestarch rations in batch 23B/199.2-KRX, while a pair of the locals watch warily:
  24. A legless veteran still in the armour of the guard sits in a small alcove, playing the flute for alms.
  25. A pair of puppeteers acts out a central scene of the Horus Heresy with puppets on a string. The puppets are very sophisticated, and the play is accompanied by the bombastic voice of a cleric coming from a crank-powered voxphone. Just now, a tiny golden Sanguinius rips apart a demonic figurine, spilling red streamers and clots of brownish paper maché. Sparklers hiss and spit from the match-box bolter of a hand-sized Astartes. A rapt audience of children and not a few grown-ups watches the war of the tiny figures.
  26. Two ragged preachers are having a discussion about the exact nature of a certain aspect of the God Emperor's divinity. The point appears obtuse to most layfolk, still a small crowd has assembled. The tone of the verbal sparring is getting more strident, and while noone has been accused of heresy yet, it seems only a matter of time...
  27. In front of one of the all too common orphanages stands a collection of kids around a tech priest who is blessing broken toys. "By the Blessing of the Omnisiah, be ye healed!"
  28. A haggard menial and a verdigris covered servitor change the glow globes in the streetlamps. It takes the menial about one hour to do this; it is an elaborate dance of ritual with each step done precisely and thoroughly while the area around the lamp is blocked. He then takes the old glow globe and puts it in wire basket on the servitor's back, replacing it with a glow globe from the same basket. He then closes up the lamp's covering in the same slow, studied manner. About two thirds of the street lamps stay dark after he is done.
  29. A group of street urchins walks down the street, offering anyone wearing their solid protectile weapons openly to polish their bullets. "Shiniest spit polish you can find noble SiMa'am! Price is only as many bullets as you can spare!"
  30. A woman walks around from person to person, dragging allong with her a child, the child looking sick and have a very wet couch. "Please... Cant anyone spare a few drops of oil so my child can lubricate their throat and get rid of their couch?"
  31. An old woman walk around with a basket full of slimey looking eggs balancing on her head, offering them to anyone that looks at them. "Fresh milisaour eggs! Get your fresh milisaour eggs here while they are still wet!"
  32. A group of pilgrims are doing their best to clean up a small space up against a normal looking wall, laying down offerings and offering to tell the tales of why this place is very holy and should be cared for.
  33. A small collection of young teens are gathered around a priest, the choir practicing hymns at a small road shrine, and are doing a half decent job of it.
  34. The walls and alleyways are covered with graffiti, each marking the territory of different gangs in intricate and sometimes cryptic symbols, a servitor slowly working away with a small chisel, chipping away at the many lays to reveal the original wall.
  35. A procession of Tech-priests and Skitarii march through the hive city streets, their cloaks billowing around them, as they carry a mysterious arcane relic trough the hive.
  36. The walk slows down to a slow pace as a sudden fighting pit have formed in the middle of the street. Two rival gang members engage in a tense sparring match, surrounded by cheering comrades and onlookers placing bets on the outcome.
  37. The rumble of heavy treads announces the arrival of a Munitorum supply convoy, guarded by soldiers armed to the teeth, any and all on foot grumbling loudly under their breath as their normal road trough the hive city's main artery couldn't be used that day.
  38. A group of children playfully mimics the noble houses of the hive city, wearing rags of different colours as their noble attire and wielding metal rods as makeshift swords and wearing crude crowns, sparking their imaginations as they fight each other for the planetary governors honour.
  39. The players witness a group of stern-faced Administratum officials scanning peoples cognomen and collecting tithes from reluctant citizens, their silent expressions revealing the strain of the city's constant demands.
  40. A food vendor's cart bumps into something on the road and overturns in the crowds, causing a frenzied rush as hungry civilians scramble to salvage what they can.
  41. A scribe pushes a small handcart with different types of parchment and ink, about to set up shop on a street corner, offering to compose heartfelt letters or legal documents for those who lack the ability to write.
  42. The players witness a boisterous negotiation between a shrewd vendor and an expert haggler over something that looks like a towel, both determined to strike a deal beneficial to their interests.
  43. The players see PDF troopers engaging in a "charity drive", distributing rations and supplies to the needy. As people are lining up for extra rations does the PDF forces go trough the lines, scanning peoples cognomen to see if they are in family with anyone there are active in the PDF forces, and turning those away without connections to them.
  44. A group of Skitarii overseen by a Tech-Priest is repairing a malfunctioning cogitatorbank, sparks flying as they work to restore the vital machine's function.
  45. An agile servo-skull with mechadendrites hanging after it, darts through the crowded streets, collecting data from various cogitators and data-ports, no one seemingly paying it any attention.
  46. A low Rumble can be heard and the people around moves with a quicker pace, talking about how it have been multiple months since the last hive quake, so its about time for the next one.
  47. A group of street kids sits in pairs and plays Regicide around a collection of boards they have drawn on the hive floor, using different types of trash for their game pieces.
  48. A parade of servitors of many different designs marches down the streets, followed by their Mechanicus handlers there are swinging censers filled with incense and singing binary prayers over the workforce traveling towards their new work side.
  49. A pair of Tech-priests looks over a line of chained people, measuring devices in hand. None of the people can be used for whatever project they have in mind and as the players leave can they hear the Tech-priests asking if there ain't a single symmetrical person in the mix.
  50. The players witness a grand parade celebrating the bravery of the local PDF and their newest victory, with banners flying high and soldiers marching proudly through the hive city streets, all wearing clean armour and bright smiles and handing out recruitment forms to all wants them.
  51. A man tries to climb to the very top of a wox tower on the players route, proclaiming that he have seen the truth and knows the true way of the Emperor, spreading his arms wide to proclaim his newfound truth to the people below him and falls down, no one even looking at him once.
  52. An ogryn walks down the street, people for once in their life making space and trying to avoid getting in the way of the abhuman, a low murmur about how the hive have lost it standards since they let such creatures and other remarks being made when out of earshot of the ogryn.
  53. The crowd of people are even thicker than normal, and almost as loud as if they are in prayer. It takes a moment for the players to figure out what it is all about, a dozen or so ratlings in rags are being pushed and prodded by the mob, led by a small group of Astra Militarum soldiers, that slowly marches and keeps the abhumans moving, making them repeat the same mantra over and over again and again "I am abhorred. I am unclean. And yet I am forgiven"
  54. A group of three mischievous children slowly work a long pole under the edge of a small flakboard shack with the word "Outhouse" painted on the door, trying to tip it over and ruin the unknowing strangers day.
  55. A small group of merry drunks leans up against a building, each helping the others up while they loose their balance while singing a rather off key tune to the planetary goveners honour.
  56. A Techpriest slowly works on a ritual, flanked by a pair of skitarii, as it works away on changing some rather large tubes with what there looks like slices of brain matter, changing some important part in a cogitator standing in a public space. A few adepts have gathered to observe reverently, and some are seen holding data slates and other pieces of work related machinery they want to bring to the Techpriest for rites next.
  57. A trio of sentinels, two power lifters and one with a wicket big chainsaw walk as quickly as they can down the street while avoiding stepping on anyone. The first swinging the blade around, still turned off for the moment, to make space for the lifters and their cargo they are holding.
  58. A hovercar flies over the crowd so fast and so low that people stop up for a moment since it seems like it is about to crash, but soon keeps walking as they hadn't almost been flattened when they figure out that it apparently only was to showoff.
  59. While most of the travels trough the hive happens as quickly as ones feet can take you, does the players have to slow down for once, the road ahead taking them over a precarious gantry connecting of old make that can only take a certain amount of weight at once. It shirking and complaining under the players feet as their group gets the go ahead to slowly walk across in a single line.
  60. A loud metallic sheik can be head overhead the players, and as they look up can they see one of the many hive trains run under its rail, blue electrical sparks trailing after it as its mag drive pulls it forward
  61. One of the many hive trains that run over the heads of the masses are standing still. A few passengers seemingly trying to break up doors to see if they can still get to work
  62. A pair of conmen is just about done setting up a stand of cards before they notices a pair of the local lawmen and quickly leaves, not even packing their things down as they hurries away, the lawmen in hot persuit, drawing their guns while they run.
  63. A large corpse cart gets slowly pulled trough the street by a group of big burly looking men, each wearing work uniforms and some kind of fabric over their mouths and noses. A sign on their wagon says "1 corpse = 1 starch!" with a drawing underneath for those that can't read.
  64. With a resounding thud louder than natural thunder, complex machinery above the players springs to life. Simultaneously, the air around them swirls, recycled and refreshed with new oxygen, cascading down through the hive's layers.
  65. The distinct discharge of a plasma weapon echoes from far away, soon followed by the ominous whine of the weapon's overload before it erupts and its destructive explosion rings in all ears, no one of the locals seeminly seeming to react to the sounds.
  66. A group of three bounty hunters can be heard being detained by local law enforcement, a lot of strong words being thrown back and forth, but no weapons drawn yet. The whole scene that happens and draws onlookers attention are seeminly being based on their weapon permits and its wording, and the heavy stopper that one of them carries.
  67. The local laws are many and draconic in the hive, and in this section of the hive are billboards seeminly prohibited, since numerous individuals stand still on the streets in the sea of people walking thou and fro. Each person holds aloft a tall pole adorned with various advertisements and messages, aimed at reaching the masses.
  68. A duo of "Doc-in-a-cart" have sat up beside each other, the pair of makeshift medical clenics being run of each of their own skilled physicians. Each offering very different treatments to the injuries and ailments that a few hive workers present to them, treating those that can afford their prices but sending most on their way.
  69. From a multitude of loud hailers adorning nearly every wall, can the players hear a myriad of different voices reading official proclamations and uplifting news about all of the Imperiums victories all over the universe. Each voice maintains an eerily monotone tone, blending into a droning sea of information, making it nearly impossible to distinguish one piece of information from another.
  70. With a loud ruckus does a herd of different off world animals run trough the street, snarling and bumping into each other and those that can't get out of the way in time. Each beast are carrying a pair of yungsters, nobles it looks like by their clothing and the air that they have about them, and the mere fact that no one are stopping their race and carnage.
  71. An ex-imperial guard, her flak armor clearly having seen just as much action as herself, sits outside a bar, having gathered a small but curious crowd as she reeds from her copy of The Infantryman's Uplifting Primer. If the players pays attention to her and listens will t soon becomes apparent that she is illiterate like the crowd, mostly pointing at the illustrations in the book and retelling the content to the best of her memory, and filling in the blanks her own frontline experience.
  72. A red faced Ecclesiarchy preacher screams at the top of their lungs at a stone faced local law enforcer, claiming that one of their Cybermastiffs soiled the holy crypt of a local saint by releaving itself of oil. The Enforcer, while clearly unable to retaliate due to the preacher's standing, does noticeably have their gun hand twitch every time a fleck of spittle hits their armor.
  73. A hunched over figure in a thick trench coat that makes a clinking sound with every step he takes makes his way through the crowd. Upon making eye contact, he smiles and peels back his coat to reveal a wide range of autogun and other slug thrower ammo along with a few power packs. In a hushed tone he whispers that he even has a bolter round available for the right price.
  74. Two passersbys engage in a heated debate over the ridiculous assertion by one of them that water is supposed to be see through and not brown.
  75. A group of local children sits at the foot of an overwhelmed looking missionary, as he attempts to keep up with the stream of questions about the Sisters of Battle miracles and deeds of chivery coming from the excited children, trying time and time again to tutor the children about the virtues of prejudice but are clearly failing.
  76. A single red robed mechanicus adept walks slowly down an alleyway, gently wafting incense over every air recycler, duct and light source that they walk by, slowly and monotone praying to the Omnisiah. Some citizens look at the adepts gold and silver censer, some with eyes full of revery at the wealth, most others with envy.
  77. An Adeptus Aministratum adept can be heard trough the masses yelling obsinities and curses towards a junior adept of lower rank for having mislead the proper quill for signing some important form or another, the lower ranking adept pleading for forgiveness.
  78. The local enforces can be seen raiding a store, throwing its wares out of the windows into big piles on the street. While many are hoping to loot some spoils are all kept back with threats of " complicity". A lot of different rumours can be heard from the gathered people, from owners ticked off the wrong person, forgot to pay protection money, its a front for a cult or even the outragious rumour that the enforcers are corrupt.
  79. Two preachers of the same church of the Emperor stands in the middle of the street, each trying to see who can remember and deliver the oldest and most esoteric sermon of the same Saint. They are so swept up in their religious tribute/friendly contest that they haven't noticed how people around them seems to have gathered in two groups, unknowingly riling up a crowd and splitting them into factions ready to fight for their preacher.
  80. The street is suddenly filled with the shrill sound of loud sirens. Their blare bounces off the rockrete walls of the hive dome, but the citizens seem to go about their business undisturbed and soon after can the thuds of hive defence cannons be heard, it being "just a standard test" if the players ask anyone on the street.
  81. A group of people are seen trying to clean the streets, sweeping large heeps of trash in front of them. Wearing only the most simple of clothes and with their hands tied to their brooms with barbed wire does each and every one of them wear a heavy looking sign hanging from their necks, each saying the same thing: "We will only be forgiven our sins when the streets are clean and worthy of the Emperor."
  82. A cybermastif can be heard barking and clawing at stone, and as the players turn a corner can they see a the cybermastif tear at a hole in a buildings wall, a rat-catcher standing by with a owerflowing sack on his back eagerly encuraging the dog to catch its pray.
  83. In one of the myriad side streets to the streat that the players are walking on can a drunk Astra Militarum soldier still in uniform be seen, and very loudly be heard, trying to charm a duo of women. While one of them seem quite flattered does the other however reach her limit, delivering a resounding slap across the soldiers face before storming away in annoyance, pulling her friend away leaving the soldier in an embarrassed and slightly tipsy state, trying to salvage some dignity amidst the passing crowd, who seem more amused than sympathetic to his plight.
  84. A tech-priest floats by on a grav-skiff just big enough for themself and a metal cage half-filled with servo skulls. They navigate up to a corner of the ceiling and use their mechadendrites to capture another servo skull hiding there, adding it to the cage.
  85. A group of four grapple hawks fly overhead and people on the streets seems to be hurrying around with more pace than normal. Seems like the local enforcers are on the hunt for someone, or perhaps something.
  86. A small personal vehicle have been stopped on the street, its owner being pulled out of the drivers seat by a group of local law enforcers there apparently took the "Enforcer Muncher" bumper sticker a tad too literal and as "admittance of crime".
submitted by rollepige to 40krpg [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 15:34 Delicious_Student896 Problems with interface and effects :(

Hello champions :)
Please tell me the answer to a few of my questions :)
1) The selected banner is not displayed for me.
I chose the "Master Morigesh" banner but every fight I see Iggy's banner :(
2) During season 3, I was given green effects for starting from the base and returning to it.
I have blue effects, I can’t change anything.
3) There are no dots in my nickname, my nickname is written together :(
4) Graffiti is always Murdock, it’s impossible to change...
5) Elements from the Master Hero set do not work, none of the cosmetics are visible.
Thanks to whoever answers my questions :)
submitted by Delicious_Student896 to PredecessorGame [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 10:22 Elongo06 TC2 MAD Vol.2 Patch Notes - March 6, 2024

TC2 MAD Vol.2 Patch Notes - March 6, 2024

TC2 MAD Vol.2 Patch Notes - March 6, 2024

Mad Vol 2

Patch Size per platform

PC: 36 GB
  • MENA: 32.8 GB
  • SCEJ: 33.4 GB
  • SCEA: 34.6 GB
  • SCEE: 35.8 GB
Xbox: 36.92 GB

Patch sizes may vary based on your game version.


  • [Added] 25 vanities
  • Nitros : 8 items
  • Outfits: 1 item
  • Rooftops: 1 items
  • Smokes: 10 items
  • Tires: 2 items
  • Underglows: 3 items
  • [Fixed] Forgotten Island Smoke's particules no more spawn under the ground
  • [Fixed] Smoke now function while performing Donut/Burnout
  • [Improved]Design modifications have been made to Underground Underglow and Golden Eagle Underglow


  • [Added] 8 new Bundles including 2 new LIVE Summit Bundles


  • [Added] 2 new summits premium.
Note: Apart from these 2 new summits, LIVE Summits will be generated based on the automated content rotation using the pool of existing previous summits.


  • [Added] A new hobby call " The Stunt performer Volume 2", focusing on ALL MAD skills (from volume 1 and 2).


  • [Fixed] : SFX for Story completion is no longer triggered incorrectly when pining Photoquest in freedrive


  • [Fixed]: Fixed bugs where rain is visible inside abandoned buildings
  • [Fixed]: Graffiti is no more flickering in Aquapark
  • [Fixed]: The AIs doesn't get confused anymore when the player reaches 12% progression in the event Jersey Chaebung Cup Touring Car
  • [Fixed]: Wrong Text For USST2 events in Your Next Activity is fixed


  • [Added] 12 new "Mad Skills"
ON THE EDGE - Parkour
FLY & SMASH - Bouy Smashing
NO WAY BACK - Parkour
STORM ONE - Slalom
SMASH ZONE - Bouy Smashing
IT'S A TRAP! - Slalom
  • [Fixed]: Ladder texture is no longer missing in the "Maze Escape" skill
  • [Fixed]: Camera stand is not clipping anymore with the asset in "Maze Escape" skill
  • [Fixed]: Mad skill tent is not clipping anymore with stage besides the skill gate of "Drift & Smash"
  • [Fixed]: Mad skill theme container assets are no longer floating in the air in The Leap skill
  • [Fixed]: Tree is not floating anymore in air near the rear end of the The Monument Climb MAD Skill
  • [Fixed]: The focus light asset is not floating anymore in the air of the skill The Perfect Spot
  • [Fixed]: MAD Skill poster is no longer clipping with the vegetation in The Monument Climb MAD Skill
  • [Fixed]: The Mad skill Flags are no longer floating in the air in Maze Escape skill
  • [Fixed]: Asset texture is no more flickering in the donut jump Mad Skill.
  • [Fixed]: Mad skill theme patch is no more present on the track near the finish gate of The Longest Jump skill
  • [Fixed]: No more blank ticket for the MADSkill DRIFTIN' POOL
  • [Fixed]: Mad skill banner has now supporting pole and floating in "The Catfish Slalom" skill
  • [Fixed]: Asset collision is now here for the camera present in the Driving test


  • [Improved]: New HUB menu, with bundle and vanities shop displayed. No more This Week in the Crew displayed on the right side.
  • [Added]: New background in profile menu
  • [Improved]: Modified profile menu with only driver and vehicles sections.
  • [Improved]: Modified activities menu with hobbies and stories added
  • [Removed]: No more seasonal highlight ticket
  • [Improved]: Race creator is possible in boats, planes & helicopters!
  • [Added]: New words and tickets
  • [Improved]: Retry will now bypass vehicle selection
  • [Fixed]: Now, all filter categories applied by players remains active when the player tries to apply conditions from two different filter categories in the "Community Races" tab of the Main Menu
  • [Improved]: The Race Creator "tutorial" displayed when arriving for the first time on the community races tab was modified to add "boat" and "plane" mentions
  • [Fixed]: Extra modifier icon is no more present on every event tickets after creating race


  • [Added] 8 new vehicles:
Dodge Charger RT HEMI MAD Edition (1969)
Jaguar D-TYPE (1955)
Jaguar XE SV Project 8 (2018)
Jaguar XJ220 (1992)
Maserati GHIBLI (1969)
Maserati LEVANTE TROFEO (2021)
Mazda RX-7 Evo Group B (1985)
Nissan 350Z Roadster Ultimate Edition (2004)
  • [Fixed]: The DeLorean DMC12 Rad Edition is now having a proper reward flow


  • [Added]: New multiscrap feature
  • [Fixed]: Colored callipers on default vehicle configuration does not switch to black anymore
  • [Added]: Restore to default color caliper button in vehicle custom menu
  • [Improved]: Buyed vanities are not automatically equipped on current vehicle anymore
  • [Added]: Back button when vehicle selection menu in summit
  • [Added]: New filter for summit vehicle in vehicle menu
  • [Added]: New icon is displayed for bonus set on vehicle snapshot


  • [Fixed]: SFX is now added when you switch between the options of Community Race tickets under Community Races tab with mouse
  • [Fixed]: SFX is now added when you switch between the options of Config menu under race creator with mouse
  • [Fixed]: SFX is now added while selecting or deselecting option in Filters Menu under Community Races tab
  • [Fixed]: Count down SFX in the rolling start is now present for the Motorcross Stunt events
  • [Fixed]: MAD skill music is now audible through out the game when player made changes in the audio setting and restore it to the default
  • [Fixed]: Skill music is no more audible even after reducing the game volume to the minimum value

The Crew 2 patch notes
The Crew patch notes history
Motorfest Patch Notes
submitted by Elongo06 to The_Crew [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 05:10 GeodeCraft Why is there still TMNT features on the Island?

So I was playing today, and I notice there are still the Foot Clan Banners from TMNT update around the map. And there's also still shredder graffiti in the train tunnels. I thought everything was removed after it ended, because even Sewer Drain cover and animations are blank now. Any ideas why?
submitted by GeodeCraft to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]