Creative senior class shirt ideas


2019.07.17 21:42 FaustinoA49 TshirtLovers

This community has made only for T-shirt lovers. Share your creative T-shirt design or ideas as you like.

2017.11.01 15:13 lilitbroyan is a blockchain-based token system connecting marketers with creators of content. The platform utilizes a user-friendly interface and front-end for analytics and marketing. By connecting marketers with content creators, enables the creative class to better monetize ideas. This connection also allows, via token launches, the ability to crowdfund outstanding content.

2012.03.18 03:29 LoveBeingLoved Metal Mania!

Metal subculture oriented DIY jacket/vest community, we are about music, not ideology. Please read the rules before posting.

2024.05.02 19:34 Aromatic-Orange-7490 How was transitioning out of service for everybody else

Good morning Navy vet here 2019-2023 I've been out since June I did 5 years 2 in Yokosuka, Japan forward deployed on a destroyer during covid then we homeport shifted to San Diego and Finished my time out there in 1st fleet. My first deployment was during covid working 13 + hour days every single day for 7 months straight without being able to touch land or see your loved ones. I think we pulled into Okinawa once and couldn't leave the pier when we did. The only thing you had to look forward to was Sunday when senior let us sleep in for 2 more hours then right back to work. Dude even told us when we were watching a movie in the shop at 10 PM at night " If ya'll got enough energy to watch movie's ya'll get enough energy to keep working". Around this time is when I felt myself go in this really dark hole because we legit had no idea when we we're gonna be able to come home everday I would have thoughts of just killing myself or jump off a ladder well so I can get off this blood sucking parasite of a ship. This of course put a bad taste in my mouth about the Navy which led to me getting out 1st contract because this was just the first deployment if you know 7th fleet you know that was just the beginning. The only thing I can credit me not killing myself was my family and my brothers on my ship that were in the same boat I was in literally lol. That bond you make with those dudes after going through all of that together is hard to put in words man. Now that I'm out I moved back to my small town in Texas to be close to family which is great but I feel myself slipping into that dark hole I used to be in. Because now I come home after 5 years and of course everybody forgets you existed you have nobody out here other than your family but they have lives too they can't worry about you all the time. I tried to hang out with some guys I used to be friends with before I went to the Navy but I just got out and I've been battling these mental health issues for 5 years and constantly have thoughts of suicide you can't expect them to relate with you I'm a completely different person from the last time we met. I guess my question is how did everybody else do transitioning out? Because it's been really hard for me and the voices in my head giving me all these bad thoughts I feel like have been eating me alive I have no emotions I can't even remember the last time I was happy for a full day. Sorry for the long post guys and I don't care if you judge me for anything I posted this as an attempt to get advice from some of my fellow brothers because I know I'm not the only one.
submitted by Aromatic-Orange-7490 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:30 Repulsive_Sale_1455 Small Party/Celebration

Hello Neighbors! I am looking to host a small party of ~20-30 people somewhere in the New Haven area. I don’t want it to be too drinking oriented, I want there to be good food, and am hoping that there could be activities (e.g. lawn games, board games, etc.). Any ideas on venues / locations that could cater to something like this? We’re thinking that we could host it at a brewery, or maybe do a dinner cruise, but want to see if anyone else has any other creative ideas.
submitted by Repulsive_Sale_1455 to newhaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:30 bmhockey19 Personal Statement/Disadvantage Statement Help!

Hi, I am seeking some assistance with where I should highlight the adversity I have faced in my premed journey. I am confused if I should write about these two occurrences in my personal statement as well as my disadvantage essay or just one or the other. When I was a junior in high school I was sexually assaulted by my hockey team doctor, at the time I didn't comprehend that I was a victim of sexual assault until I was in my senior year of college when Homeland Security pulled me out of class to interview me and that is when my emotions from the trauma came back. I had to testify in court (and this is still an ongoing trial that has caused a lot of extra stress). Approximately a month later, my brother was a victim of a hit-and-run accident and suffered very severe injuries and I immediately went home. He suffered from a traumatic brain injury and 2 broken legs and was in a coma for weeks. Both of these events contribute to why I want to go to medical school. During this time I pushed myself very hard to make sure I didn't fall behind and school although fighting with my mental health due to all the trauma. Looking back, I changed as a person for the better, and now more than ever I want to attend medical school.
Should I talk about both of these events in both my personal statement and disadvantage statement or just one or another?
Thank you!!!
submitted by bmhockey19 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:28 HonestEternity [37/F] Got some free time before Friday so why not

Hi. I’m Irish. From Limerick Ireland. Movved to the states when I was in my early 20s. My work takes me all over the place. I work in the sports entertainment industry. I enjoy CrossFit, working out on cardio, strength and conditioning, and also occasionally taking yoga classes. I’m not by any means flexible though, but I’ll tell you that healthy gym lifestyle paid off when I had my first kid 2 years ago. My daughter. I am a “red head” if anyone was wondering. I’m one of the bros in every single friend group, that’s why I’m pretty straight fire to get along with. Call it being a tomboy if you will. With the whole flat body and all. Speaking of:
I work in the sports entertainment industry. Professional wrestling. Would anyone want to break down some of my matches? Some of my ring gear? It could be fun getting some feedbacks. Oh and even some of my not so casual and not so practical outfit choices. Things like a hoodie that only has the shoulder guard and hood, big blocky Minecraft sunglasses that covers my forehead probably, tank top with disco designs and spike, and a shirt with just the arm sleeve and torso covering.
Who saw my match way back at the beginning of the year on Day 1 Raw? If you did and can send me a screenshot of a moment you think it’s cool, that’s what I want to start with in regards to the feedback I mention earlier. You screenshot moments, I ask questions with that moment and you comment on what’s asked using the screenshot. Sounds fun?
Waiting for someone to be able to hit every point that I shared and establish an elaborate message.
submitted by HonestEternity to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:28 Quirky_Mix_7197 The Story of My Christian Life

The Story of My Christian Life
BTW if you don't want to read all the text; I do have a podcast episode that goes into more detail.
Not sure if I'm allowed to put a link for it so if you look up the podcast 'Barf City' and look for the episode 'Why Kevin Left Christianity' you should find it.
Growing up in Church
I was born and raised in church and literally, my pastor at the time was at the hospital when I was born. He even held me in his arms before my dad did. However, even though I was raised in church (PCG), as a kid I never really made it the focus of my life. In fact, as far back as I can remember up till the age of 10 I often considered if I would even go to church when I became an adult. Don't get me wrong I believed in Yahweh, and I believed in the bible, (I mean I had been taught that my inter life after all). I just didn't seem like the lifestyle I wanted. However that all changed in the summer of 2002 when I was just 11 years old.
When I got "Saved"
When I was 11 for some reason I "felt called" to go to the altar and pray. We had an evangelist preaching that night and he was praying over people at the altar, when he got to me he asked me if I needed to get saved. (I guess because I was young, so he probably figured I'd never said the sinner's prayer before. I actually had, but admittedly I probably never meant it before that point.) So I said yes, I needed to get saved and you know the drill. I repeated everything he said and made Jesus Christ my lord and savior. I took this moment so seriously that from that moment on, every day I prayed and read my bible. I started paying more attention to the preacher and trying to apply what he said to my everyday life. Later when I realized this was not a super common thing for kids my age, I started to become very judgmental towards other Christians. I had that "I read my bible and pray and you people do whatever you want and call yourselves Christians" kind of attitude. (I was probably not a very pleasant person to be around.) This went on till I was about 14 years old. I started to change my attitude a lot and started to become a much more forgiving Christian and person. I started being more understanding as well. I think there were 2 reasons for this: reason number 1 I thought of Yahweh as a very forging and understanding god. I wanted to be like him, so I took on that personality as well. Reason number 2 I had some skeletons in my closet...
Skeletons in My Closet
From a very young age, I could tell I had an attraction to guys. The earliest I can remember having a crush on a boy in my 1st-grade class at school was when I was about 6 years old, although I didn't really understand this feeling at the time as I realized what this meant. I first heard the term gay and understood its meaning when I was about 8 to 9 years old, but at the time I didn't consider myself gay because I also liked girls. So I thought "Maybe this is just a weird phase I'm having?" I wasn't sure, so I tried not to think about it too much. However, in my 8th-grade health class, I finally learned the term bi or bisexual when I was about 13 years old, and I thought "This must be what I am since I like girls and guys".
I heard sermons at church that talked about the "spirit of homosexuality" or the "demon of homosexuality". So since I had this "sin" that I couldn't seem to get rid of, I tried my best to be understanding when other Christians were struggling with their "sin".
My Obsession with Joining the Ministry
Around my early 20s I "felt called" to go into the ministry. (By this point I switched from PCG to AOG) I "felt" like I was supposed to teach the gospel around the USA and be a praise and worship leader in many churches. From my early 20s to my mid-20s this caused major problems with my mental health. For example, I wanted to also work on side projects like making YouTube videos, making music, or making video games, but a lot of times I would hold back from doing them because I would feel guilty that I wasn't working on the ministry. It even got to the point where working a paying job made me feel guilty because I felt it was just distracting me from my ministry. This cycle would continue until I was about 24 to 25 years old. I was 25 years old and still no ministry. I became very disappointed and I felt like a failure. I felt like I'd let Yahweh down. I kept thinking "I must have done something wrong". "Maybe I missed some kind of opportunity that Yahweh had for me." By this point, I'd become very depressed. I stayed in my room every day for hours because I didn't want to see anyone. I started eating tons of junk food for nearly a year straight. I eventually gained nearly 50 lbs. I remember looking in the mirror one random day and seeing how much weight I'd put on. I felt like a failure with the ministry and a failure with life in general...
A Slave of Christ
In saying all that, after feeling like I hit rock bottom, I actually started to feel much better a few months after that. (However, this wouldn't last long.) I started eating better and was losing some weight. I also started reading my bible and praying again. One day came across a verse in the bible (1 Corinthians 7:22) that talked about being a slave for Christ and I was kind of taken aback by this. I knew the church was doing the work of Yahweh, but slaves? That seemed a little extreme to me. (Keep in mind this was the NLT, I think other versions say servant of Christ.)
I read the chapter a few times and prayed about it for a few weeks, and finally decided if that's what the bible said, then that's what I was going to do. For the next 2 years, I took on this bizarre mindset where I literally thought of myself as god's slave.
This caused me to stay at home a lot so I could spend more time with "god". Another thing I did was I wouldn't do anything without god's permission. Like, not even watch a movie or a TV show without checking it with him first. I would praise and worship him on a daily basis. Sometimes for hours a day. During this praise time, I would speak in tongues. It got to the point where I was speaking in tongues so much, that I finally started to ask myself: "Am I faking this?"
Leaving Pentecostalism
Even though I was questioning some of the "gifts of the spirit" at this point, it's actually not the first thing about my denomination I started to question. Between the years of 2015 to 2017, I often asked myself if I really believed in the pre-trib rapture. I wasn't finding it in the bible, and when I prayed about it, I wasn't getting an answer. However, through the years different preachers like Perry Stone would use some kind of typology saying "If you study the Jewish wedding then you'll see it has to be a pre-trib rapture". And these answers would satisfy me temporarily, but eventually, I would start to question it again.
One day I was watching a debate between 2 Christians. One believed in the pre-trib the other believed in the post-trib, and during this debate, the one that believed in post-trib made a statement that forever changed my life. He said: "The only reason why some Christians believe in a pre-trib rapture is because they've been taught that concept. If you read the bible without this pre-conceived idea, your conclusion would not be a pre-trib rapture."
Leaving Christianity
This lead me to read stories in the bible in a very deferent way. I also realized that the doctrine of the Trinity is not really talked about anywhere in the bible. Niter is Satan or the devil (at least not in the Old Testament).
I also realized that there are some serious moral problems with the bible. Examples: Exodus 32:26-28, Numbers 31:14-18, Luke 14:25-27. After everything that happened up to this point and through a very kicking and screaming process, in the late year of 2019, I finally admitted to myself that I didn't believe in the god of the bible anymore and I was no longer a Christian.
submitted by Quirky_Mix_7197 to ExPentecostal [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:27 Quirky_Mix_7197 The Story of My Christian Life

The Story of My Christian Life
BTW if you don't want to read all the text; I do have a podcast episode that goes into more detail.
Not sure if I'm allowed to put a link for it so if you look up the podcast 'Barf City' and look for the episode 'Why Kevin Left Christianity' you should find it.
Growing up in Church
I was born and raised in church and literally, my pastor at the time was at the hospital when I was born. He even held me in his arms before my dad did. However, even though I was raised in church (PCG), as a kid I never really made it the focus of my life. In fact, as far back as I can remember up till the age of 10 I often considered if I would even go to church when I became an adult. Don't get me wrong I believed in Yahweh, and I believed in the bible, (I mean I had been taught that my inter life after all). I just didn't seem like the lifestyle I wanted. However that all changed in the summer of 2002 when I was just 11 years old.
When I got "Saved"
When I was 11 for some reason I "felt called" to go to the altar and pray. We had an evangelist preaching that night and he was praying over people at the altar, when he got to me he asked me if I needed to get saved. (I guess because I was young, so he probably figured I'd never said the sinner's prayer before. I actually had, but admittedly I probably never meant it before that point.) So I said yes, I needed to get saved and you know the drill. I repeated everything he said and made Jesus Christ my lord and savior. I took this moment so seriously that from that moment on, every day I prayed and read my bible. I started paying more attention to the preacher and trying to apply what he said to my everyday life. Later when I realized this was not a super common thing for kids my age, I started to become very judgmental towards other Christians. I had that "I read my bible and pray and you people do whatever you want and call yourselves Christians" kind of attitude. (I was probably not a very pleasant person to be around.) This went on till I was about 14 years old. I started to change my attitude a lot and started to become a much more forgiving Christian and person. I started being more understanding as well. I think there were 2 reasons for this: reason number 1 I thought of Yahweh as a very forging and understanding god. I wanted to be like him, so I took on that personality as well. Reason number 2 I had some skeletons in my closet...
Skeletons in My Closet
From a very young age, I could tell I had an attraction to guys. The earliest I can remember having a crush on a boy in my 1st-grade class at school was when I was about 6 years old, although I didn't really understand this feeling at the time as I realized what this meant. I first heard the term gay and understood its meaning when I was about 8 to 9 years old, but at the time I didn't consider myself gay because I also liked girls. So I thought "Maybe this is just a weird phase I'm having?" I wasn't sure, so I tried not to think about it too much. However, in my 8th-grade health class, I finally learned the term bi or bisexual when I was about 13 years old, and I thought "This must be what I am since I like girls and guys".
I heard sermons at church that talked about the "spirit of homosexuality" or the "demon of homosexuality". So since I had this "sin" that I couldn't seem to get rid of, I tried my best to be understanding when other Christians were struggling with their "sin".
My Obsession with Joining the Ministry
Around my early 20s I "felt called" to go into the ministry. (By this point I switched from PCG to AOG) I "felt" like I was supposed to teach the gospel around the USA and be a praise and worship leader in many churches. From my early 20s to my mid-20s this caused major problems with my mental health. For example, I wanted to also work on side projects like making YouTube videos, making music, or making video games, but a lot of times I would hold back from doing them because I would feel guilty that I wasn't working on the ministry. It even got to the point where working a paying job made me feel guilty because I felt it was just distracting me from my ministry. This cycle would continue until I was about 24 to 25 years old. I was 25 years old and still no ministry. I became very disappointed and I felt like a failure. I felt like I'd let Yahweh down. I kept thinking "I must have done something wrong". "Maybe I missed some kind of opportunity that Yahweh had for me." By this point, I'd become very depressed. I stayed in my room every day for hours because I didn't want to see anyone. I started eating tons of junk food for nearly a year straight. I eventually gained nearly 50 lbs. I remember looking in the mirror one random day and seeing how much weight I'd put on. I felt like a failure with the ministry and a failure with life in general...
A Slave of Christ
In saying all that, after feeling like I hit rock bottom, I actually started to feel much better a few months after that. (However, this wouldn't last long.) I started eating better and was losing some weight. I also started reading my bible and praying again. One day came across a verse in the bible (1 Corinthians 7:22) that talked about being a slave for Christ and I was kind of taken aback by this. I knew the church was doing the work of Yahweh, but slaves? That seemed a little extreme to me. (Keep in mind this was the NLT, I think other versions say servant of Christ.)
I read the chapter a few times and prayed about it for a few weeks, and finally decided if that's what the bible said, then that's what I was going to do. For the next 2 years, I took on this bizarre mindset where I literally thought of myself as god's slave.
This caused me to stay at home a lot so I could spend more time with "god". Another thing I did was I wouldn't do anything without god's permission. Like, not even watch a movie or a TV show without checking it with him first. I would praise and worship him on a daily basis. Sometimes for hours a day. During this praise time, I would speak in tongues. It got to the point where I was speaking in tongues so much, that I finally started to ask myself: "Am I faking this?"
Leaving Pentecostalism
Even though I was questioning some of the "gifts of the spirit" at this point, it's actually not the first thing about my denomination I started to question. Between the years of 2015 to 2017, I often asked myself if I really believed in the pre-trib rapture. I wasn't finding it in the bible, and when I prayed about it, I wasn't getting an answer. However, through the years different preachers like Perry Stone would use some kind of typology saying "If you study the Jewish wedding then you'll see it has to be a pre-trib rapture". And these answers would satisfy me temporarily, but eventually, I would start to question it again.
One day I was watching a debate between 2 Christians. One believed in the pre-trib the other believed in the post-trib, and during this debate, the one that believed in post-trib made a statement that forever changed my life. He said: "The only reason why some Christians believe in a pre-trib rapture is because they've been taught that concept. If you read the bible without this pre-conceived idea, your conclusion would not be a pre-trib rapture."
Leaving Christianity
This lead me to read stories in the bible in a very deferent way. I also realized that the doctrine of the Trinity is not really talked about anywhere in the bible. Niter is Satan or the devil (at least not in the Old Testament).
I also realized that there are some serious moral problems with the bible. Examples: Exodus 32:26-28, Numbers 31:14-18, Luke 14:25-27. After everything that happened up to this point and through a very kicking and screaming process, in the late year of 2019, I finally admitted to myself that I didn't believe in the god of the bible anymore and I was no longer a Christian.
submitted by Quirky_Mix_7197 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:26 cruzefit Unveiling the Timeless Elegance: The Cruzefit Burberry T-shirt

Unveiling the Timeless Elegance: The Cruzefit Burberry T-shirt
In the realm of fashion, some brands stand as timeless symbols of elegance and sophistication. Among them, Burberry holds a revered position, renowned for its iconic designs that seamlessly blend tradition with modernity. The Cruzefit Burberry T-shirt is a quintessential representation of this ethos, embodying the brand's legacy of quality craftsmanship and refined aesthetics.
From the bustling streets of metropolitan cities to the serene countryside landscapes, the Burberry T-shirt has transcended geographical boundaries, becoming a global fashion statement. The Cruzefit variant, in particular, has garnered attention for its impeccable design and unparalleled comfort.
Crafted with the finest materials, the Cruzefit Burberry T-shirt exudes luxury in every stitch. The fabric, meticulously chosen for its softness and durability, drapes effortlessly, promising a comfortable fit that feels like a second skin. Whether you're lounging at home or attending a social gathering, this T-shirt ensures both style and comfort without compromise.
What sets the Cruzefit Burberry T-shirt apart is its timeless design. Featuring the iconic Burberry check pattern, meticulously woven into the fabric, it exudes sophistication and class. The subtle yet distinctive motif instantly elevates any outfit, making a subtle yet powerful style statement. Whether paired with jeans for a casual look or layered under a blazer for a more formal ensemble, this T-shirt effortlessly transitions from day to night, epitomizing versatility at its finest.
Moreover, the Cruzefit Burberry T-shirt embodies the brand's commitment to sustainability. Burberry has long been dedicated to minimizing its environmental footprint, and this ethos extends to its Cruzefit collection. From sourcing eco-friendly materials to implementing sustainable production practices, every aspect of the manufacturing process reflects a dedication to environmental responsibility.
Beyond its aesthetic appeal and sustainable credentials, the Cruzefit Burberry T-shirt symbolizes a lifestyle—a celebration of individuality, elegance, and timeless sophistication. It serves as a reminder that true style transcends fleeting trends, rooted instead in quality, craftsmanship, and enduring design.
In a world where fashion trends come and go, the Cruzefit Burberry T-shirt stands as a beacon of timeless elegance, a wardrobe essential that effortlessly bridges the gap between past and present, tradition and innovation. It's not just a garment; it's a testament to the enduring legacy of Burberry and a timeless symbol of refined style.
submitted by cruzefit to u/cruzefit [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:26 Background_Yard_1591 I don't see why Cosmetic Inspection needs to hide weapons in WvW and PvP

to preserve competitive integrity in the PvP and WvW game modes, cosmetic inspection cannot be used to determine what weapons enemy players have equipped.
A few things about that, we can see what a weapon is anyway. So not showing it on the cosmetic inspection helps hide it how? Like, Kymswarden, if I didn't know it was a greatsword I'd be scratching my head trying to work out what that is. I suppose a few weapons can be mistaken, some Staves have blades, perhaps Red Crane or Steel Lotus staves could be mistaken for greatswords to those unfamilliar with them. Maybe a mace could be mistaken for a scepter, Equinox skins could be an example of that. Or a long bow mistaken for a short bow. But then you can see the class you are fighting, so there is a chance that if the weapon looks like something else, then your enemy can't equip the other item. Then there is what they do with their weapon. But yeah, most weapons I can tell by looking which of the 19 weapon classes they are, but I might not know the skin.
If I'm in a fight, bringing up their cosmetics window is just going to distract me. I'd say I'm likely to lose the fight trying to find out what their weapon is. If getting that skin is worth losing the fight, then hey.
I could understand not showing the weapon that is currently not switched to. If you haven't switched weapons yet I have no idea what your other weapons will be.
Also, it doesn't seem to show ally weapons as either.
submitted by Background_Yard_1591 to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:24 Remarkable-Goat1491 Transferring from a TV to a UNI

I was supposed to finish my required classes before fall, but plans were changed and now I have to finish my last three classes in the fall semester. The university I was supposed to transfer to says I'll have to sign up for next spring in 2025. It feels like my whole life has been engulfed in flames and now I have no idea what to do. I've been sitting here for the past hour trying to process this, but I just feel so hopeless. What do I do now?
To help understand why my reaction to this is so severe, I'm neurodivergent, and it makes it hard for me to deal with situations like this.
TL;DR I can't transfer to uni until 2025 and It feels like my life is ending. What do I do now? (I'm neurodivergent)
submitted by Remarkable-Goat1491 to CollegeRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:23 Kind-Claim-2577 Knitting Beyond Scarves: Creative Projects for Intermediate Knitters

Knitting Beyond Scarves: Creative Projects for Intermediate Knitters
Congratulations! You've mastered the basic knitting stitches, conquered the art of casting on and binding off, and knit your fair share of scarves. Now, it's time to take your knitting skills to the next level and explore the world of creative projects that go beyond the traditional scarf. As an intermediate knitter, you have a whole array of techniques and patterns at your fingertips, waiting to be unleashed. In this guide, we'll delve into a variety of exciting projects that will challenge and inspire you to expand your knitting horizons.

The Joy of Intermediate Knitting

As an intermediate knitter, you've likely become comfortable with the fundamentals of knitting, including knit and purl stitches, increasing and decreasing, and reading basic patterns. This newfound confidence opens the door to a vast array of projects that allow you to explore different techniques, textures, and constructions. Intermediate knitting is all about pushing your boundaries, trying new things, and honing your skills to create beautiful, intricate pieces that showcase your talent and creativity.

Exploring Stitch Patterns

One of the joys of intermediate knitting is the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of stitch patterns beyond the basic knit and purl. From cables and lace to bobbles and slipped stitches, there are countless stitch patterns to explore, each offering its own unique texture and visual appeal. Try your hand at a classic cable sweater, knit a delicate lace shawl, or add some texture to your projects with a simple seed stitch or ribbing. Experimenting with different stitch patterns is a great way to expand your knitting repertoire and create stunning, one-of-a-kind pieces.

Beyond Accessories

While scarves and hats are classic beginner projects, intermediate knitters have the skills to tackle more ambitious endeavors, including garments and home decor items. Knitting a sweater may seem daunting at first, but with the right pattern and a little perseverance, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. From cozy cardigans and stylish pullovers to elegant dresses and chic tops, there's a world of wearable knits waiting for you to explore. And don't forget about home decor – knit a cozy blanket for your sofa, a set of plush pillows for your bed, or even a whimsical tea cozy for your kitchen.

Colorwork and Fair Isle

Once you've mastered the art of knitting with a single color, it's time to dip your toes into the world of colorwork and Fair Isle knitting. Colorwork involves incorporating multiple colors of yarn into your knitting to create intricate patterns and designs. Fair Isle knitting, a traditional technique originating from the Fair Isle in Scotland, is characterized by its use of stranded colorwork, with two or more colors of yarn carried across the row. Whether you're knitting a cozy sweater with a bold geometric motif or a festive holiday stocking adorned with Nordic-inspired patterns, colorwork and Fair Isle knitting add depth and dimension to your projects and allow you to unleash your creativity in new and exciting ways.

Lace Knitting

For knitters who crave a touch of elegance and sophistication, lace knitting is the perfect technique to explore. Lace knitting involves creating delicate openwork patterns by strategically increasing and decreasing stitches. From intricate floral motifs to swirling geometric designs, lace knitting adds a romantic, ethereal quality to your projects. Knit a lightweight shawl to drape elegantly over your shoulders, a lacy scarf to accessorize your favorite outfit, or even a delicate lace blouse to wear on special occasions. With its timeless beauty and endless design possibilities, lace knitting is sure to captivate and inspire you.

Advanced Techniques

As an intermediate knitter, you may also want to challenge yourself with some more advanced techniques and constructions. From seamless top-down sweaters and intricate cables to complex lace patterns and three-dimensional motifs, there's always something new to learn and master. Explore the world of garment construction by knitting a sweater in the round with no seams to sew, or try your hand at steeking – cutting your knitting to create openings for sleeves or pockets. And if you're feeling really adventurous, why not experiment with unconventional materials or knitting techniques, such as entrelac, double knitting, or modular knitting? The possibilities are endless when it comes to advanced knitting techniques, so don't be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone and explore new creative avenues.
Here are five more knitting project ideas for intermediate knitters:

Color-Blocked Sweater

Combine your love of colorwork with the satisfaction of knitting a garment by creating a color-blocked sweater. Choose a simple sweater pattern and experiment with different color combinations to create bold blocks of color across the body and sleeves. You can play with contrasting hues for a striking effect or opt for a more subtle gradient of shades for a sophisticated look. Color-blocked sweaters are not only stylish but also allow you to showcase your creativity and knitting skills.

Textured Blanket

Knit a cozy textured blanket using a variety of stitch patterns to add depth and interest to your project. Mix and match simple textures like seed stitch, garter stitch, and ribbing, or incorporate more intricate patterns like cables and bobbles for a visually stunning design. A textured blanket is perfect for adding warmth and coziness to your home decor or as a thoughtful handmade gift for friends and family.

Fair Isle Mittens

Dive into the world of Fair Isle knitting by making a pair of colorful mittens featuring intricate stranded colorwork. Choose a traditional Fair Isle motif or create your own custom design using multiple colors of yarn. Fair Isle mittens are not only practical for keeping your hands warm during the colder months but also allow you to explore the artistry of colorwork knitting in a small, manageable project.

Chunky Cable Pillow

Knit a luxurious chunky cable pillow to add a touch of elegance to your living space. Use super bulky yarn and oversized cable stitches to create a plush, cozy pillow that's both stylish and comfortable. Experiment with different cable patterns, such as braids, twists, and knots, to add visual interest and dimension to your pillow. A chunky cable pillow makes a beautiful statement piece for your sofa or bed and is sure to be a conversation starter.

Lace-Edged Shawl

Elevate your wardrobe with a delicate lace-edged shawl that adds a touch of romance to any outfit. Choose a lightweight yarn in a soft, drapey fiber like silk or alpaca and knit a simple triangular or rectangular shawl body. Then, add a beautiful lace border along the edge using a delicate lace stitch pattern. Whether you wear it draped over your shoulders for a special occasion or wrapped snugly around your neck as a scarf, a lace-edged shawl adds elegance and sophistication to your look.

Cable-Knit Headband

Knit a stylish cable-knit headband to keep your ears warm in chilly weather while adding a fashionable accessory to your outfit. Experiment with different cable patterns, from simple twists to more intricate braids and lattice designs. You can customize the width and length of the headband to suit your preferences, and add buttons or a twist detail for extra flair. Cable-knit headbands are quick and satisfying projects that make great gifts for friends and family.

Colorful Socks

Take your sock knitting skills to the next level by creating a pair of colorful, patterned socks. Choose a vibrant variegated yarn or mix and match solid colors to create eye-catching stripes, Fair Isle motifs, or textured stitch patterns. Knitting socks allows you to explore new techniques like knitting in the round with double-pointed needles or circular needles, turning a heel, and grafting toes. Hand-knit socks are not only cozy and comfortable but also make thoughtful gifts for loved ones.

Market Bag

Knit a reusable market bag that's both practical and eco-friendly. Using sturdy cotton or linen yarn, knit a large, stretchy bag with handles that can comfortably carry groceries, books, or knitting projects. Experiment with different stitch patterns or add colorwork details to customize your bag. Market bags are portable, lightweight, and durable, making them perfect for trips to the farmers' market, beach outings, or everyday errands.

Knitted Toys

Delight children and adults alike by knitting a collection of adorable stuffed toys and plushies. From cuddly animals and quirky monsters to classic teddy bears and dolls, there are endless possibilities for knitted toys. Explore different shaping techniques, from simple increases and decreases to more advanced techniques like short rows and shaping with intarsia or colorwork. Knitted toys make charming gifts for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions and provide endless hours of joy and entertainment.

Chunky Knit Throw

Create a cozy, oversized chunky knit throw to add warmth and texture to your home decor. Choose a super bulky yarn and large needles to knit up a soft, squishy blanket with a luxurious feel. Experiment with different stitch patterns, such as garter stitch, seed stitch, or basketweave, to create a visually interesting texture. A chunky knit throw is perfect for snuggling up on the couch with a good book or Netflix binge session and makes a stylish addition to any living space.


As an intermediate knitter, the world is your oyster when it comes to creative knitting projects. Whether you're knitting garments, accessories, home decor items, or experimenting with advanced techniques, there's always something new and exciting to discover. So, pick up your needles, choose a pattern that inspires you, and let your creativity soar. And if you are looking to buy the knitting kit, you can buy it online from TrueGether, an amazing eBay alternative with so many options. With a little patience, perseverance, and a whole lot of yarn, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. Happy knitting!
submitted by Kind-Claim-2577 to u/Kind-Claim-2577 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:23 nefariousPie Did not get much interview calls while switching from my previous company Requesting Your Insight on My CV - Pls suggest improvements!

Did not get much interview calls while switching from my previous company Requesting Your Insight on My CV - Pls suggest improvements! submitted by nefariousPie to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:19 MegaGarchamp Idea for Spell caster Cannon Alternative

This idea is inspired by The Legends of Korra
Stats/Info Immobile, Large object Armor Class: 20 Hit points: 80 Damage Immunities: Poison and Psychic Damage Resistance: Magic
Operation Requirements: Two individuals to move the turret and barrel (magically or physically) and One Spell caster inside the turret.
Magic Cannon: Spells fired through the cannon’s barrel have +6 to hit and their range extended to 600/2,400ft. Spells act as normal on hit.
There’s no specific set of spells that can be fired through, it depends on what the DM thinks is okay.
submitted by MegaGarchamp to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:19 nefariousPie Not getting much call-backs Requesting your insight on my CV - please take a look.

Not getting much call-backs Requesting your insight on my CV - please take a look. submitted by nefariousPie to SalesforceDeveloper [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:19 extra_kj7 help

I have to study 18 curses in a week any idea of a study routine? BTW my classes end at 6pm
submitted by extra_kj7 to GetStudying [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:18 PerspectiveWest4701 Carnography

Cruelty Squad draws heavily from the film genre of carnography which in many ways is derivative of pornography.
Cruelty Squad follows the usual structure of a porno. In the opening, Cruelty Squad begins with "bad sex", or an unappealing scene of death and carnage. The protagonist stands outside the scene as an observer from his apartment. Perhaps, the scene is a memory or a hallucination. Regardless, the carnage is "bad sex", stale and unappetizing. The scene might also be thought of as a kind of lesbian beaver action, a stag-like immature and dissolved dystopia. Anyhow, there is not a real happy ending.
Throughout the game, the protagonist steadily involves himself in more and more gore. In the game, there are two anti-climaxes or false endings. Like the titular Snuff, there is a fakeout, and a lifting to another level of reality before the renewed horror sets in. In such scenes, Cruelty Squad simulates violence against the player not just through nauseating visuals, but also the suggestion of eternal boredom.
In the third and true ending of the game, the protagonist is rewarded with death, and the player is rewarded with game completion. The pessimistic ending of Cruelty Squad is made necessary by the structure of the porno. Cruelty Squad begins with the problem of "bad sex", and so must end with the solution of "good sex" where "sex" is gore. In this way, Cruelty Squad provides a more general criticism of how we may be locked into narrative frameworks which can only lead to greater destruction.
One might argue, Cruelty Squad's overall message is weakened by being set in an escapist "dissolved dystopia." Every atom of Cruelty Squad is dystopic, and so Cruelty Squad can provide a frightening nightmare, but only a nightmare. Building off Linda Williams discussion of "Hard-Core Utopias" in Hard Core: Power, Pleasure and the "Frenzy of the Visible", one might posit a more grounded "integrated dystopia" featuring "gore numbers" intermixed with the mundane offers better potential for addressing the motivating issues of carnography such as class, race, gender and power.
But the modern world, provides alternative methods of interacting with media. It is through fanwork remixing Cruelty Squad which the dissolved dystopia can still offer critical power. In many ways, such video game memes are comparable to trans\* micropornography such as discussed in Aster Gilbert's "Sissy Remixed: Trans* Porno Remix and Constructing the Trans* Subject" of Transgender Studies Quarterly volume 7, number 2. Such internet micropornography recalls the prototypical dream-like stag films, but are different in offering identity self-insertion and community interaction. Sissy hypno and Cruelty Squad memes are both kinds of "identity porn", not just playing with the erotics of sexuality and death, but the erotics of gender identity and social identity. So Cruelty Squad both is a dissolved dystopia and an integrated dystopia as the player finishes their session for the day, and discusses the video game on the internet. Beyond memes, forum interactions and interacting with the developer during the Cruelty Squad beta, Cruelty Squad now has a thriving small community of game modding and new level creation. In this sense, Cruelty Squad is not just a one-time nightmare, but a truly interactive reoccurring nightmare.
The death drive is often under discussed in psycho-analysis, but understanding the death drive is both important to Cruelty Squad's lurking themes of capitalist excess, and the nature of the internet and video gaming. I posit the thanototic itself as the set of structures emergent in the intertextuality of media and the self. The death drive not as the cause of repetition and obsession, but the links of repetition in the text itself. Here, I would build upon Hiroki Azuma's Otaku: Japan's Database Animals, Filipa Melo Lopes "What do Incels Want?: Explaining Incel Violence Using Beauvoirian Otherness" of Hypatia, volume 38, number 1, and Jacob Johansson's "Fantasy, Online Misogyny and the Manosphere", and posit the internet community as fascist body armor, or a kind of "id-ego". Internet video game communities can provide an illusion of control, and can help the Sovereign Subject construct a protective pseudo-ego, by providing virtual fantasies of the Other to idealize or demonize, and provide recognition of the protagonist and the player. But the id-ego is not a "real ego" only in that it has more of a thanototic "over-structured" nature than an erotic creative nature. The id-ego is a kind of "database discursive-self", the self as dictionary or visual novel rather than narrative.
So we can also unravel the nature of carnography, and why Cruelty Squad should follow the structure of a porno. The death drive is not separate from the life drive, but bound up in and parasitic on the life drive. All art engages in both the thanototic and the erotic, and both structure and creativity. A video game, being a computer simulation, is the perfect media to reflect upon the overly thanototic id-ego, and the violent obsessive personality.
Should we condemn such concentration camp pornography as violent, or encouraging violence? From an anarchist perspective, force is not bad, it is the state monopoly on force which is bad. To an anarchist, organization is not bad, it is vertical organization which is oppressive. I posit that all art is violent, but some art is horizontally violent, and some art is vertically violent.
I posit such considerations apply as well to the concentration camp personality. But what is a horizontal id-ego eludes me.
submitted by PerspectiveWest4701 to CrueltySquad [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:17 Unusual-Attention484 Just started this game and need help for my first character

So i already know or have a idea on who and what build i want i just dont know how to achieve it (I want to make a sung jin woo character from solo leveling and dunno how to do it and what classes and origin to choose any help)
submitted by Unusual-Attention484 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:17 Able-Weird4637 Graduation Project?

Ive heard a couple people in different majors (journalism, poli sci) talk about a senior project/class you take to be able to graduate, its supposed to be a semester long project or essay depending on your major. Does anyone know if its the same for Bio majors?? Ive never heard anything about it until now and theres nothing on my dpr. I graduate next year so im like....
submitted by Able-Weird4637 to SFSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:17 DryStrawberry4166 Creative Date Night Idea!

Me and my fiance are trying to find incredibly fun date night ideas, so we tried "Netflix's NAILED IT!" at home trying to make a deadpool themed cake.

I highly recommend doing this together. Incredibly fun, creative, and not expensive at all. Here's how we did it:
submitted by DryStrawberry4166 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:17 dbnrdaily Background Orientation / Interview / Ride Along - What kind of questions should i be asking?

Im nervous to say the least, and im probably over thinking things a bit, but i have background orientation for CHP on Monday.
I want to prepare some decent questions, but im fumbling and worried my questions might make me look bad. In addition to "do's and donts" does it sound like im asking the right questions? Too vague? To early in the process for certain questions? Anything i should be focused on?
I feel like i have a pretty good idea on some of these questions already... but not sure if theyre still worth asking.
Examples: * What does a typical day consist of for an officer? * How many officers are typically assigned to an office in our given area? * What made you want to choose this division? (Maybe in a 1 on 1) * What traits do you look for in promotions to leadership positions? * What is the average career span of an officer? * Advice for officers maintaining a healthy balance outside of work? * Advice for things to focus on before/during academy? * Average number of graduates per class? * Any reasons to reconsider pursuing this career? (Idk about this one)
submitted by dbnrdaily to AskLE [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:16 Starscream_baker Fan made merch idea

Ok so I had a funny idea. I was gonna get a shirt and draw lankman on it and have the words “one fear” under it.
Idk I just randomly thought it would be funny
submitted by Starscream_baker to lankmann [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:15 TooMuchInfoHelpme Personal Knowledge Managment - combining notes and files

Hi All- I have tried Notion and am exploring other tools, but many of these systems are for writing notes or GTD. I have a slightly different interest that I haven't figured out how to meet. I'm using my personal example for clarity.
When I teach a class, I want a place where I can pull together notes about the class session, documents to upload for students, relevant web links, ppt, etc. I have a system where I refer to files that are related, but then I need to go to another location to find them. What I really want is something like this:
Class Topic
Overview of class is ABC.
Relevant files are file1 file2 file3 (linked)
Show these youtube clips:
Additional files, etc.

submitted by TooMuchInfoHelpme to PKMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:12 JasonBetter10 Handmade Gifts for Mother’s Day

Handmade Gifts for Mother’s Day
Part of Little Sunshine’s Reggio Emilia Philosophy is the belief that children are collaborators in their own learning. One of the best ways to include your children in an active, educational way is by getting creative with them. For all the dads and spouses out there looking to build a special moment for your whole family this Mother’s Day, roll up your sleeves, break out the crafting supplies, and get ready for some fun as you get creative with these 11 handmade gifts.

Fingers & Toes

Few things bring out the “ooos” and “awwws” like a homemade gift made with fingerprints and footprints. Create an instant keepsake with these five different gift ideas.
Fingerprint Art – Load up a palette with different colored paints and let your kids go wild! Use fingerprint dots to make a bigger picture about why mom is special to them. Give your kids idea starters if they need them, but let them take ownership of what they create.
Handprint Bouquet – If your kids aren’t quite at the level to create their own art with fingerprints, use just their hands and various paints to create a bundle of “flower-prints” that mom can keep forever.
Handprint Art (from Mod Podge Rocks) – For something a bit more ready-to-hang, buy canvases from a local craft store and get to work on creating a gift that captures your child’s age and personality through one piece of art.
Footprint Kitchen Towels (from A Crafted Passion) – Don’t forget that feet make great paintbrushes, too! With a couple of tea towels and your kids favorite colored paint, you can create a gift mom will use and see everyday.
Footprint Stepping Stones (from A Crafted Passion) – What’s more permanent than stone? Your love for mom, of course! (Aww…) This craft is more involved and takes more prep work on the adult’s end, but the finished product is sure to please.

Mother’s Day Bouquet

Mother’s Day and springtime go hand in hand. Use this time of year to inspire the gifts you and your kids make for her special day.
Personalized Flower Pots – No matter the age, your kids will have fun painting flower pots to give to mom. Don’t forget to put your children’s names and dates on the finished product so anyone who sees it will know who your local artisans are
Cupcake Liner Flowers (from First Palette) – Flowers are beautiful, but they only last so long. Work alongside your kids to create fun, whimsical flowers that will last all year long.
Pressed Flowers in a Frame (from Lily Ardor) – Be the envy of everyone else on Mother’s Day by working with your kids to create these incredible, one-of-a-kind gifts. Have your children be the ones to choose which flowers to press and how they are arranged. They’ll be beautiful reminders of how much they love mom!

One-of-a-Kind Treasures

Just like greeting cards, generic gifts are nice… but there’s something extra special about presents that are made with one person in mind. Use these three gift ideas as inspiration for creating something unique for mom this Mother’s Day.
Mother’s Day Book – Immortalize how much mom means to everyone by creating a book all about her. Feel free to create your own story or use a starter template if you need some inspiration.
Personalized Bookmarks – “I love you” bookmarks are perfect gifts for a mom who loves to read. They’re simple, highly customizable, and something mom will see and love every time she picks up her newest book.
Interview on Mom (from Morning Motivated Mom) – Have a talk with some of mom’s biggest fans — your kids! Come up with your own questions or use a few tried and tested ones from others who have done it before. The answers will be totally unique to your kids about the person you all are celebrating … mom!
There are lots of ways you can celebrate mom this Mother’s Day. As you work with your kids to create gifts just for her, think about how those activities enrich their lives and engage them in the learning process. Creating these gifts can engage their writing and drawing skills. Giving small gifts gives them practice with being generous and social. And crafting with other family members lets them get their hands messy while learning how to be creative and work as a team. That’s a win for everyone!
submitted by JasonBetter10 to u/JasonBetter10 [link] [comments]