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All things NFA

2010.11.29 14:36 Mr45 All things NFA

A community of hobbyists interested in NFA items, history, and news. We seek to expand general understanding of the laws collectively referred to as the National Firearms Act and their implications for gun owners and citizens of today. Silencer, SBR, SBS, DD, AOW, and MG posts are all welcome here. Content suggesting non-compliance or discouraging NFA ownership will not be tolerated.

2014.10.25 16:02 vekula Canadian Investor

Canadians interested in investing and looking at opportunities in the market besides being a potato. Discussion is geared towards investment opportunities that Canadians have access to, including questions regarding individual companies, ETFs, tax implications, index investing, and more!

2009.03.16 18:49 ma1kel asexuality

Asexuality is a sexual orientation where a person doesn't experience sexual attraction towards anyone. This is a place for asexuals, demisexuals, aromantics, gray-a's, questioning, supporters, folks just interested, and everyone in between.

2024.05.19 20:28 Pacogatto Two Pitbull Attack a Golden Retriever and Her Owner - Sanremo, Italy - 19th May, 2024

In recent days the news has reported fatal attacks by pitbull dogs against humans that ended tragically. Not least is the news this morning where two dogs of this breed, despite being on a leash, attacked a small animal, seriously injuring it. She is a reader who, present at the episode, wonders whether the muzzle should be made mandatory.
“This morning in front of the 'Il baretto' bar in front of the Morgana in Sanremo – says the reader -, I was sitting with my husband and many other people at the bar, when we all witnessed the sudden attack of two medium-sized pit bull dogs , to the detriment of a dog who was calmly walking on a leash with its owner. I believe the dog attacked was a Golden Retriever or similar (I don't know about dog breeds). The two pit bulls were kept on a leash by their owners who were also sitting at the bar. As mentioned, when the Golden R. passed by, they pounced on him and grabbed him by the nose and never let go. Panic scene and, although the dog owners did their utmost to try to detach the two animals from the Golden R., one of the two pitbulls also attacked the hand of the owner of the Golden R.. Someone then suggested squeezing the testicles of the pitbull to make them give up and so it was. But the attack lasted more than 5 minutes. The police were called and promptly intervened and poor Golden R. was made to lie down in a flowerbed and treated as best he could with quantities of water and handkerchiefs. But he bled a lot as well as his owners' hand."
These are the facts but the reader now reflects on what happened and launches an appeal to the mayor of the city of flowers: "I looked around and a group of people had formed, many of them with dogs of all sizes and breeds and all with leashed or held in the arms of their owners. None of these were muzzled! All this to ask for your intermediary from the Mayor of Sanremo: but why not make an ordinance making muzzling mandatory? All 3 dogs in question were kept on a leash by their owners but what was the point? What if a child had passed by? We hear similar news every day! And we are all truly baffled by it. I no longer want to witness scenes like this morning and I kindly ask the Mayor to immediately draw up the ordinance requiring leashes and muzzles for all animals in circulation, under penalty of severe fines and the certainty of the same.
Article Link:
submitted by Pacogatto to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:24 gjohnsit Looks like a police state to me

Looks like a police state to me
More people were killed by police in 2023 than ever before.
Police in the US killed at least 1,232 people last year, making 2023 the deadliest year for homicides committed by law enforcement in more than a decade, according to newly released data.
At the same time, mass incarceration remains near all-time highs.
we have thousands of federal, state, local, and tribal systems. Together, these systems hold over 1.9 million people in 1,566 state prisons, 98 federal prisons, 3,116 local jails, 1,323 juvenile correctional facilities, 142 immigration detention facilities, and 80 Indian country jails, as well as in military prisons, civil commitment centers, state psychiatric hospitals, and prisons in the U.S. territories — at a system-wide cost of at least $182 billion each year. ... In 2022, about 469,000 people entered prison gates, but people went to jail more than 7 million times. Some have just been arrested and will make bail within hours or days, while many others are too poor to make bail and remain in jail until their trial. Only a small number (about 102,700 on any given day) have been convicted, and are generally serving misdemeanors sentences of under a year. At least 1 in 4 people who go to jail will be arrested again within the same year — often those dealing with poverty, mental illness, and substance use disorders, whose problems only worsen with incarceration.
Meanwhile, police killed in the line of duty dropped dramatically in 2023.
According to the report, 136 federal, state, county, municipal, military, tribal and campus officers died in the line of duty in 2023, a 39% decrease from the year before. The report found 47 officers were killed by gunfire, 37 died in traffic-related incidents and 52 died from “other causes” such as medical events, aircraft crashes and other forms of violence
So enormous amounts of people being imprisoned, plus horrific numbers of people being killed by police, adds up to a nation undergoing unprecedented amounts of crime. Right? Actually, no.
"The national picture shows that murder is falling. We have data from over 200 cities showing a 12.2% decline ... in 2023 relative to 2022," Asher said, citing his own analysis of public data. He found instances of rape, robbery and aggravated assault were all down too. Yet when you ask people about crime in the country, the perception is it's getting a lot worse. A Gallup poll released in November found 77% of Americans believed there was more crime in the country than the year before. And 63% felt there was either a "very" or "extremely" serious crime problem — the highest in the poll's history going back to 2000.
There is simply no justification in mass incarceration and all of these police homicides in a time when violent crime has dropped by half and property time has dropped by 2/3rds. Of course I could have said the exact same thing a decade ago (I believe that I did), and I probably will say it again 5 years from now.
submitted by gjohnsit to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:22 Aralmin What if we make contact with a distant civilization that is at the same technological level as us on the Kardashev scale?

What if we make contact with a distant civilization that is at the same technological level as us on the Kardashev scale?
In light of the recent search for advanced civilizations whom may have developed giant mega-structures such as a recent paper about the search for possible Dyson Spheres or Dyson Swarms, what if there are other civilizations out there that are not that different from us? I was recently reading this other paper about civilizations trapped in their own worlds and it got me wondering, what if there are other civilizations out there that are just starting out kind of like how we are? What if these civilizations have only reached at a computer age technologically speaking.
If we made contact with such civilizations, what would happen? Could we beam signals to them in real-time and make contact with them? Could we establish real-time communication with them? Could we initially use simple forms of communication such as radio and laser communication to finally build a stronger "tether" such as building some form of communication system using Quantum Entanglement to transmit data in real-time? But if we can build real-time communication with such a civilization, what would happen afterwords? I would imagine that eventually, we would want to find a way to meet and we might possibly work together to figure out a method of space travel that might allow us to finally bridge the gulf.
I would imagine that one way we could do this is by creating some sort of portal or wormhole. If you are wondering why does this sound familiar, well it should because this idea came to me from the movie Contact (1997) with Jody Foster.
I always wondered when I saw the film, how is it that a supposed "Advanced Civilization" can only make contact with Humanity using radio signals? And why did they send blueprints to build a teleportestargate?
This got me really suspicious, what if such a civilization is actually not much smarter than we are and possibly only a few decades or even a century more advanced but not advanced enough to cross the vast space as they have not developed FTL just yet. To me, this reads out exactly like a Trojan Horse: the beings making contact, send Humans a blueprint which could then be used to beam in their forces to invade and conquer Earth and thereby expanding their empire across the stars. So while Dr Ellie Arroway is so eager to make contact, she doesn't realize the danger she is inviting to Earth. At least that's my theory.
I think that there is another reason why I bring up this scenario of making contact with a civilization that is at our technological level, I think that they are realistically more likely to understand us than those that are above or below our level. Yet, if they are at our level, more than likely they are not entirely benevolent. So then you have to wonder, who is a good fit for benign relations with our planet and our people if technological level doesn't always tell you how benign a people are? Who should be our friends?
This is not the conspiracy sub but I do wonder sometimes what the people at CERN are up to. In real life, if the international community did make such a discovery about a possible intelligently inhabited star system, the last people to know is the public. I imagine that the international community along with Scientists and other Experts would consult with one another first and make a plan on how to move forward and only once they have sorted everything out, only then would they let the public know literally at the last second. I imagine something like CERN being the perfect cover for a possible "Stargate". But in my opinion, even if CERN wanted to, they don't know what the hell they are doing and have no shot of making something like this with current technology. I am only using this scenario as an example so people don't think that they are the real-life A-Sync from The Backrooms.
This whole scenario does create an interesting question though, why do Aliens always have to be super-advanced? If a civilization has different stages of advancement that they develop towards, why would we assume that there can only be more advanced groups out there? There must be an entire spectrum of civilizations on the tech tree.
submitted by Aralmin to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:20 DougDante A father despaired in a private Facebook group that he recently won in court, and while appealing he feels mom is poisoning the children against him.

A father despaired in a private Facebook group that he recently won in court, and while appealing he feels mom is poisoning the children against him.
Here is my reply, edited to maintain anonymity, in the hopes that it helps to protect children from child abuse, parents from domestic violence, and that it serves the interests of justice. Those doubting the authenticity of appeals are invited to join fathers groups on Facebook and observe how sadly common such appeals and posts are there.
I'm not an attorney and this is not legal advice.
You wrote:
A motion for contempt of court is one path to seek parenting time and prevent this abuse:
Sometimes a former, or soon-to-be former, spouse or co-parent can make your life difficult by refusing to pay support or cooperate with parenting time or fighting your efforts to resolve your divorce. When inconvenience and annoyance crosses the line into the violation of court orders, you may be able to use contempt of court proceedings to correct the other party’s behavior and get your case, and your life, back on track.
Minimum standards for child abuse:
Federal law definitions of child abuse and neglect
Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum:
"Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or
"An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."
Possible failure to respect:
"There is a fundamental right under the Fourteenth Amendment for a parent to oversee the care, custody, and control of a child."
Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000)
Promoting hatred of a parent may be child abuse. If the authorities are aware of this and allow it to persist they may be failing to report that abuse:
A person who, while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) of section 226 of the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 on Federal land or in a federally operated (or contracted) facility, or a covered individual as described in subsection (a)(2) of such section 226 who, learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, as defined in subsection (c) of that section, and fails to make a timely report as required by subsection (a) of that section, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 1 year or both.
18 U.S. Code § 2258.Failure to report child abuse
18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law
Possible honest services fraud:
For the purposes of this chapter, the term “scheme or artifice to defraud” includes a scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services.
18 U.S. Code § 1346.Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”
State child support, parenting time, and child protection, and elder abuse are all primarily funded under federal law Title IV-D and Title IV-E. Consider filing complaints.
HHS Office of Inspector General
Phone. 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477)
HHS Office of Civil Rights
Failure of the authorities to protect civil rights of parents may be:
Possible cause for a federal civil rights action or lawsuit (often against a municipality, state, non-profit agency, or company) under:
42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights
US courts provide forms:
Complaint for Violation of Civil Rights (Non-Prisoner)
Possible basis of a class action lawsuit for similar situated people:
Please keep us updated.
I wish you the best of luck in your search for justice.
submitted by DougDante to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:40 guest271314 [AskJS] How would you create an ext4 inode/directory byte by byte on Linux in the browser?

We can create files and directories in the browser multiple ways. On all modern browsers we can create and download files using File API and element with download attribute set, or use with a Blob URL or Data URL, or use a
to make a GET request, in brief see How to download a file without using element with download attribute or a server?.
On Chromium based browsers WICG File System Access API is shipped (see Window: showDirectoryPicker() method and FileSystemDirectoryHandle), so we can do something like this which creates the "writable" director on the local filesystem.
``` const dir = await showDirectoryPicker({ mode: "readwrite", id: "mkdir" });
const handle = await dir.getDirectoryHandle("writable", {create: true}); ```
Reading Linear (Classic) Directories we find a table reflecting the basic ext4 directory structure.
In theory we should be able to write those bytes to an ArrayBuffer using a DataView object so we can set the expected endianess, pass the ArrayBuffer to a Blob with type set to inode/directory, download the Blob using an element with download attribute set and get a directory in the filesystem.
This is the start of my attempt
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(263); var view = new DataView(ab);
Not sure what to set as the inode number at offset 0x0.
Has anybody tried doing this manually/programmatically in the browser on Linux?
submitted by guest271314 to javascript [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:39 PuttEgg0202 Welcome! Read my journey here:

Hey everyone! I created this group after struggling with DE for over 2 years. In those two years, my condition would fade and come back and was very mild. Until about February 2023, then it really ramped up and never went away. It only seemed to get worse and worse and was spreading very rapidly from the tip of my right ring finger to eventually my right palm and spreading far in attempts to affect other fingers.
During this time, I was doing constant research and looking for any form of relief. I turned myself into a human guinea pig and would go on to try countless things I had read online. Although it is important to note: I never used any topical steroid creams or pill forms such a prednisone, triamcinolone, etc.
When my condition was at its worst, I came across this website . I followed the protocol twice (along with an extremely strict diet). I was unable to get the Itraconazole medication in my country and I also altered the vitamin A dosing after doing my own research on the potentially dangerous affects. After doing the protocol, I saw a lot of improvements but the condition would relapse whenever I ate something "wrong" or sometimes just for an unknown reason it would come back worse. If I stopped taking the Nystatin, it would come back. It was clear to me that this protocol helped me a lot, has worked for several others, but was not fully curing me. It could have been the missing Itraconazole and/or the lower vitamin A dosing but those were two things I personally was not willing to compromise on after doing my own research on both.
I ended up finally deciding to try and find a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor near me. I had done a lot of research on Chinese Medicine and its ability to cure eczema, including DE. I found this website and decided I would commit to giving it a try. I booked an appointment for Oct. 20, 2023. When I went, she was so knowledgable and kind. She gave me extremely easy and practical steps to follow but did inform me that because I had dyshidrosis for 2 years or more, the condition is considered chronic and will take longer to heal.
I decided to give it a try and after just 14 days of taking the herbs she gave me, I had seen significant improvements in my hand. I continued with the herbs in 2 week treatments, I would go in for a follow-up, she would assess the progress and then adjust the herbal blend accordingly. I did this for about 3 months. My hand was improving extremely quickly and I am still experiencing last effects to this day (5/19/2024). As of today, my hand is about 98% healed. I can still tell where the affected areas are because I have seen them for 2 years straight but at first glance, my hand actually looks to be a completely normal, healed hand. I can still experience flares if I expose my hand to chemicals, too much hot water, or if I consume too much spicy food but aside from that, my hand does great! I highly recommend anyone with this condition, normal eczema, or any skin condition to seek out a TCM doctor as soon as possible and get treatment right away. The sooner, the better!
Be sure to scroll through the reddit page as I have posted updates throughout this journey periodically. I was documenting every single day in my personal journal from August 2023 to February 2024 and it is truly amazing what had been accomplished in just a few months between the two protocols that I did.
As always, if you have any questions, please post in the group and ask. I will do my best to help you based on my own experiences and the research I have done on this condition.
Most importantly, please know that this condition is curable!!! I don't care what a "normal" doctor or another reddit group tells you. This condition does in fact have a cure and can in fact be healed!
submitted by PuttEgg0202 to dyshidrosiseczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:38 dnelson2408 Summary of this channel, data, and news for the last 3 weeks.

Summary of this channel, data, and news for the last 3 weeks.
Afternoon all,
I thought it might be fun to try and take the last three weeks and have a recap of the data and news surrounding RILY. I just searched this sub and news outlets and such for the last 3 weeks and took notes then fed them into an AI software asking it to summarize everything. In no way is this Financial Advice just a fun task.
"The financial landscape for B. Riley Financial, Inc. showcases a dynamic narrative of operational resilience and strategic positioning. The company's recent activities reflect a strategic focus on managing debt obligations effectively while optimizing business segments for sustainable growth. The strategic review process for Great American Group retail liquidation and appraisal businesses is progressing, indicating a commitment to enhancing operational efficiency and value creation.
In the earnings summary, a net loss of $51 million was reported, primarily driven by investment-related losses and professional services expenses. Despite these challenges, the company's strategic initiatives and operational performance remain robust, as highlighted in the earnings call. Executives Bryant Riley and Tom Kelleher emphasized the company's operational excellence and strategic direction, underscoring a commitment to shareholder value and sustainable growth. The company's strategic reviews and commitment to shareholder value remain steadfast amidst market volatility caused by short manipulation.
Furthermore, the full redemption of $25,000,000 aggregate principal amount of 6.75% Senior Notes due 2024 signifies a proactive approach to managing debt and strengthening the company's financial position. This strategic move aligns with the company's focus on optimizing its capital structure and enhancing financial flexibility.
Overall, B. Riley Financial's narrative is one of resilience, strategic foresight, and operational excellence in navigating market dynamics and challenges. The company's commitment to financial prudence, strategic reviews, and operational performance positions it well for sustained growth and value creation in the evolving financial landscape."
Below is the data the AI used to create the summary. Just copy and pasted from a very quick and crude gathering of information into a word doc. I also enjoyed the earnings summary the AI did. The last line made me feel happy thoughts. - In summary, B. Riley Financial's first-quarter 2024 results underscore its strong operational foundation and strategic foresight, positioning it well for future growth and shareholder value creation.
1. Cohodes being loud and classless examples
2. Discussion about FUD and shorts deception
I see the shorts (Marc Cohoded and Co.) are still at it, trying to l use a fake psychological twist to cause doubt. Let's stick to the facts and let the price go where it will in the long term. Short thesis was and is there was fraud, both proven wrong by independent investigation and a clean independent audit if the 10-K and now 10-Q. You can slap that one around anyway you want, but both came up clean. First, they have stated their intentions of a sale of a carried undervalued asset (Great American) by a third party for a massive realized gain. Good for the investors and bond holders as they said they would use funds to deleveverage the balance sheet and buy back stock which already has very little float. Second, I have never seen a company that is paying dividends go under whith out, completely eliminating the dividends first (RILY still pays a dividend and baby bonds are all current--none are in any default). Third, business has been good with lots of new hires, new capital makets raises and fees and their business seems to be thriving. Shorts will try to mislead all of us with their lies and deciept but if we hold strong I believe that the stock will go to at least 50 ish in the short term where they did their secondary. I believe at that point, RILY may run into a bit of resistance. However, a squeeze could easily send us through that to new highs. Patience is the key as they have stated all this in their press releases in the recent past. If we al on this sitel just buy 100 to 1000 shares on Monday and hld through the 29th to get the dividends. this will rocket to new heights. This is not a recommendation, simply my thoughts. Do your own due diligence.
3.Stop lending shares=pain for shorts = short squeeze
If all longs can stop lending shares at least I believe we can cause shorts to cover. There is no valid short narrative, both longs and shorts know this. Now it’s purely who can hold out longer. Shorts have been very active as of late trying to push share price lower and with many of us loaning shares out we are actually helping the shorts hurt us. I believe if we stopped lending out shares borrow rate skyrockets and that added cost combined with dividend and gradual upward movement will force shorts to cover. Granted news release can help but we don’t need news we just need to stop lending and wait and see.
4. Link to short sale volume post
5. Article showing RILY coming back
6. Rily - Day 3 of short attacks - There's a positive
Our favorite shorts cohodes&co is on overdrive releasing as much fake accusations as possible, they now have been adding a lot to their position at a higher price point with shares in the 30s, now the shorts cost basis has gotten worse for them. With more shares at a worst cost with dividends coming due as well as borrow fees , shorts have less wiggle room especially if stock goes to 40 again. Now at 40 I believe they will be losing money. With insiders hopefully buying soon and the company continuing their share buy back program , that can lead to upward movement in share price leading to the “squeeze “.
7. $RILY Earnings Summary
Not financial advice.
It was an interesting investor call, an almost boring call which was refreshing. The company had a net loss of $51m driven by non-cash items including $29m unrealized loss on investments and a $30m fair value adjustment on their loans.
Cash flows were pretty good, with operating cash flows of $135m and adjusted operating EBITDA of $66m.
Targus and American Freight contributed nothing this quarter, both companies are historically strong businesses but have been working through a business cycle post-COVID after many Americans bought the things they needed. Those companies should improve in the next year.
The company previously announced a potential sale of Great American Group. Q-1 earnings for that segment increased to $35m of EBITDA, so at 10-12x a potential sale is looking like $350-$420m. On the call they said that is expected by early Q3. They also mentioned possibly looking at a sale in their Brands division later this year with the goal of retiring their discounted debt, citing it as an opportunity.
The short thesis crumbled last month with a clean 10-K and two internal investigations which added an additional $7m in expense but presumably were quite thorough and completely debunked claims by bears.
There are no shares available to borrow per Fintel:
And short interest remains at approximately 65% with 9 million shares short, though the retail float is thought to be much smaller, maybe 2m shares.
The company has $34m available at quarter end for buybacks from a previously approved program.
I see value here, and I liked what I heard on the call.
8. Misconceptions - Rily Share Structure
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the company’s share structure and I would like to use this post to help not only my own understanding but also help others. It’s a bit confusing but let’s tackle it together.
I got this information from marketwatch: Total Float = 30 million shares Public float = 16 million shares Shares sold short = 9 million shares % of public float sold short = 56.38%
According to fintel: Institutional ownership = 14.18 million shares
So let me get this straight, there is 16 million shares in the public float and institutions own 89% of that (14.18 million shares). So that would mean retail investors collectively only have about 1.82 million shares to trade around amongst ourselves. Let’s call that retail float.
So, retail float = 1.82 million shares.
Let’s wrap up all the most important information (imo) regarding the current share structure and please correct me if any of the information I presented here today is false:
Total float = 30m
Public float = 16m
Shares short = 9m
Retail float = 1.82m
Where I think it gets the most interesting is when you divide shares short by retail float. 9/1.82= 4.95 or 495% of retail float.
Hope this helps clear up any confusion regarding the share structure.
3d ago
THIS RESPONSE IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NFA. Do your own DD, make your own decisions.
Based on OP calculation.
1. Total Float: About 30 million shares.
2. Public Float: 16 million shares.
3. Shares Sold Short: 9 million shares.
4. % of Public Float Sold Short: 56.38%.
5. Institutional Ownership: 14.18 million shares.
6. Retail Float: 1.82 million shares (calculated as Public Float - Institutional Ownership).
Given this information:

Understanding Short Interest

· Shares Sold Short: About 9 million shares.
· Retail Float: 1.82 million shares.
· Short Interest as a Percentage of Retail Float: 9 million shares/1.82 million shares≈495%
This high percentage indicates that the short interest is nearly five times the available retail float, which could lead to a short squeeze if investors hold onto their shares and/or demand increases.

Days to Cover (Short Interest Ratio)

The Days to Cover metric gives an estimate of how many days it would take for short sellers to cover their positions based on the average daily trading volume. Here’s how to calculate it:
1. Determine the average daily trading volume (ADTV): This information is usually available on financial websites like MarketWatch or Yahoo Finance. Let’s assume the ADTV is 1,000,000 shares (this is an example, you should use the actual ADTV for a more precise calculation).
2. Days to Cover: Shares Sold Short/ADTV
Using our example ADTV: Days to Cover=9,000,000 (short shares)/1,000,000(Avg. Daily Volume)=9 days Days to Cover

Potential Implications

· High Short Interest Ratio: A high Days to Cover ratio suggests it would take a significant amount of time for shorts to cover their positions, which can lead to increased volatility.
· Potential for a Short Squeeze: With a high percentage of the retail float sold short, if retail investors decided to hold their shares and the stock price rises, short sellers may be forced to buy back shares at higher prices, leading to a potential short squeeze.
· Limited Retail Float: With only 1.82 million shares available for retail trading, any significant buying pressure from institutional investors and/or retail investors it could quickly drive up the stock price.
9. Why Even the Joker Thinks You’d Be a _____ For Not Taking A Look at RILY Stock
Batman here. You might know me as the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader, or the guy who really, really, really wants to own a spaceship. Today, straight from the Batcave, lets talk about something as exciting as racing the Batmobile or the return of Roaring Kitty—RILY stock.
First off, let’s talk numbers, because even a superhero knows the importance of a strong financial foundation. RILY has been buying back shares like Alfred buys Bat-gadgets—strategically and frequently. This move isn’t just a nifty trick; IMO it’s a signal that RILY is confident in its value. When a company buys back its own shares, it’s like Batman investing in more Batarangs—it’s a smart play that shows belief in future performance.
But that’s not all, folks. The recent buzz around RILY isn’t just cat signals in the sky—it’s grounded in solid developments. RILY had to work hard to file their 10K after all the mudslinging from the shorts, but got it done. The first big catalyst domino to fall.
Now, let’s get to the juicy part—earnings and dividends. RILY’s about to drop their Q1 earnings tomorrow, and you know what that means? Dividends! That’s right, folks. RILY is likely to declare a dividend, that our short friends will be paying. Dividends are like the Batmobile’s turbo boost—an extra kick that gets you excited and propels you forward. Plus, once they file their Q, a few days later insiders should be able to start buying again. Form 4s anyone?
Here’s where it gets really interesting: meme stocks are back with a vengeance, wow talk about a left jab, and shorts are on their heels. The RILY squeeze might start very soon or it might not, but with shorts potentially facing margin calls due to price movements in various holdings, and especially if they’ve been shorting RILY all the way down it has not been a good week for the shorts so far. Just look how RILY stock popped this morning on about 200k in volume.
To add insult to injury, to date, NONE of the short thesis has come to fruition or has been confirmed by independent information. They’re in quicksand, and it’s time to gas up the rocket. There are still several catalysts that may come into play here:
Q1 Earnings Release: Scheduled to be filed tomorrow, providing insights into the company's recent performance. The deal flow on their website was up YoY.
Dividend Announcements: Anticipated dividends right around the corner.
Insider Buying: Once the Q1 earnings are filed, insiders should be able to buy stock again, expect to see some Form 4s in very short order.
Sale of Great America Division: If RILY sales Great American, they have said the proceeds from this sale are expected to be used to reduce debt and fund further stock buybacks, potentially enhancing shareholder value.
Low Float: With a limited number of shares available for trading, increased demand can lead to significant price movements.
Buybacks: Ongoing buybacks can continue to support the stock price.
Meme Stock Momentum: With meme stocks making a comeback, there's increased interest and activity in stocks that are short and that could drive up RILY’s stock price.
Short Squeeze Potential: Low public float, company buybacks, insider buying…mix that up and you have the recipe for a potential squeeze.
Roaring Kitty's Return: The return of Roaring Kitty, a key figure in the meme stock movement, brings renewed attention and excitement to the stock market in general.
And, guess who just chimed in on RILY earlier today? That's right—JeffAmazon from the GameStop meme trade and Netflix documentary! He made a little tweet tweet on $RILY
Additional Catalysts: What do you all think…..
Stay vigilant, stay smart, and just my thoughts—do your own due diligence and make your own decisions. NFA.
Well, IMO even Stevie Wonder can see that the latest article on FRG is just another hatchet job. IMO the problem with creating a narrative is that the facts can’t keep up, and boy, did they fall behind here.
RILY conducted not one, but two independent investigations and found zilch issues with its FRG investment or loans made to Kahn. And guess what? No connection with Prophecy either. FRG did their own investigation and also found no connection with Prophecy. So, to call the relationship between RILY and FRG controversial is like calling a puppy dangerous—laughable.
In RILY's 10k, they marked up their FRG investment FMV $281 million to $286 million…
FRG's FY23 financials are public, and the attached table shows the maturities of their debt. In 2024, about $10.5 million in debt is maturing. Big deal. Looming debt? Hardly. The real kicker is in 2026 when about $1.5 billion of debt matures—not this year, not next. LOL.
The FRG financials clearly state they were in full compliance with their debt covenants in FY23 and fully expect to be in compliance in FY24. Yet, "the people" say FRG is down double digits in Q1. Funny timing with RILY's Q1 financials coming out on Wednesday, huh? And by the way, FRG's adjusted EBITDA for Q1 FY23 was $66 million, not the $62 million the article claims. Why not use the actual FRG public company number? Maybe because when you're rushing to write a hit piece, you just pick random numbers.
So, according to the article, FRG is down 63% in revenue ($66 million vs. the alleged $25 million).
Sure, FRG sold Badcock and Sylvan Learning, so they might be down YoY, but down 63%?
FRG sold in FY24 Q1 Sylvan for $185 Million cash….and they’re worried about paying $10.5 million in long term debt due this year. Got it.
11. Post talking about NT-10Q
12. Friendly PSA: Manage your emotions
Great Post Below talking about managing emotions during this trade.
13. RILY RS Article 76 to 83
B. Riley Financial (RILY) saw a welcome improvement to its Relative Strength (RS) Rating on Thursday, with an increase from 76 to 83.
IBD's proprietary rating tracks share price performance with a 1 (worst) to 99 (best) score. The score shows how a stock's price performance over the trailing 52 weeks stacks up against all the other stocks in our database.
Over 100 years of market history reveals that the stocks that go on to make the biggest gains typically have an 80 or higher RS Rating as they begin their biggest climbs.
Now is not an ideal time to jump in since it isn't near a proper buy zone, but see if the stock manages to form a base and break out.
The company showed 0% EPS growth last quarter. Revenue rose -9%. The company is expected to report its latest earnings and sales numbers on or around May 15.
The company earns the No. 24 rank among its peers in the Finance-Investment Banking/Brokers industry group. Interactive Brokers (IBKR), Piper Sandler (PIPR) and Ameriprise Financial (AMP) are among the top 5 highly rated stocks within the group.

14. Announcement of 2024 Annual Meeting June 21st
15. Repost: $RILY DD: The real price potential...when the stock is a solid/growing company (not just a squeeze).
16. $RILY- “They can win by doing nothing
12 days ago
Whitebrook capital assessment addressing cohodes&co BS at the peak of their false accusations and in a polite way stating short funds were making things up (misinformation & manipulation ). It seems $RILY is executing on some of the recommendations Whitebrook capital had - share buy back and bond buy back has been executed and continues to be executed on. Whether you invest in $RILY for the long term prospects or the short squeeze that can be triggered any day as lie after lie is exposed. Bottom line is the fair value of $RILY is a lot higher then where it currently trades. We will get a better idea whether share prices deserves to be in the 50s or 60s as we get an update on GAG valuation. Seems many here forget that $RILY creates value by turning companies around and then monetize, this process takes time , they have been able to do this successfully, repeatedly over the years.
17. 3 Videos from Value Don’t Lie on Youtube talking about Financials of RILY and overall company valuation
18. Getting around the NBBO and Longing the Box
So let this sink in… the market opens and in 5 minutes we rally to $34.42, then over the next 15 minutes we drop to $28.80 at which point SSR was triggered and sell volume slows WAY the hell down. That drop was ALL short sellers and NO longs selling shares (otherwise the sell-off wouldnt have stopped literally minutes after SSR triggered). NOW, what the scumbag shorts are doing is going Long Against The Box.
19. Steve Cohen and Point 72 buy 24,917 shares long on May 15th
20. Summarize this earnings call and keep pertinent quotes and data in the summary.
Chat GPT Summary of the full report below
B. Riley Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ: RILY) reported its first-quarter 2024 financial results, showcasing resilience and operational strength despite facing challenging market conditions and unique internal events. Here's a summary with a positive outlook:

First Quarter

2024 Highlights:

1. Quarterly Dividend Declaration:
  • B. Riley declared a quarterly dividend of $0.50 per share, reflecting the company's commitment to returning value to shareholders. The dividend will be paid on or about June 11, 2024, to shareholders of record as of May 27, 2024.
2. Operational Performance:
  • Despite reporting a net loss of $51 million, the company's core operating businesses demonstrated solid performance. This loss was primarily due to non-cash, unrealized investment losses.
  • Total revenues for the quarter were $343 million. Operating revenues, excluding investment-related impacts, were $379 million, showcasing the underlying strength of the company's operations.
3. Strategic Debt Management:
  • B. Riley successfully retired $115 million of its 6.75% 2024 Senior Notes and repaid $57 million of bank debt facilities and notes payable. This strategic move highlights the company's focus on strengthening its balance sheet and reducing interest expenses.
4. Cash and Investments:
  • As of March 31, 2024, the company had total cash and cash equivalents of $191 million and total cash and investments of $1.61 billion, providing a robust liquidity position to support ongoing operations and future investments.
5. Segment Performance:
  • B. Riley Advisory Services: Delivered its strongest first-quarter results in the firm's history, driven by increased demand for appraisals, bankruptcy restructuring, litigation consulting, and real estate services.
  • B. Riley Securities: Benefited from a steady dealmaking environment, generating higher fee income despite a decrease in overall capital markets segment revenues.
  • Wealth Management: Continued to improve operating margins and managed $25.8 billion in assets by quarter-end.
  • Communications: Provided steady cash flow, contributing to the platform's stability.
  • Consumer Products (Targus): While facing macro headwinds in the PC market, Targus remains a leader in its sector, poised for growth as the market stabilizes.

Leadership Insights:

  • Bryant Riley, Chairman and Co-CEO, emphasized the company's operational stability and strategic focus amidst challenging conditions. The firm's resilience is attributed to the dedication of its employees and robust core business performance.
  • Tom Kelleher, Co-CEO, highlighted the impressive performance of B. Riley Advisory Services and the steady contributions from B. Riley Securities and Wealth Management. He expressed optimism about Targus's potential recovery and the company's strategic investments.

Looking Ahead:

B. Riley's strategic initiatives, such as debt reduction and selective investments, position the company for continued success. The ongoing strategic review of its Great American Group retail liquidation and appraisal businesses indicates a proactive approach to optimizing its portfolio. The firm remains committed to delivering value to its shareholders through dividends and operational excellence.
In summary, B. Riley Financial's first-quarter 2024 results underscore its strong operational foundation and strategic foresight, positioning it well for future growth and shareholder value creation.
20. State of the Stock
15 days ago
Not financial advice, do your own research. Don't take advice from the internet, consult a professional financial advisor.
On April 19th, the stock closed at $19.99. Today, it is over 50% higher after a positive 10-K clearing the company of fraud allegations.
The stock touched $40 on April 26 and 29, a 100% gain from a week prior.
The short interest has remained relatively consistent during the move, with 10-11 million shares still short. However, given the time lapsed, I think it's safe to assume that most of those shares were covered and re-shorted in the last two weeks. For future research, we should assume they have an average $35 entry on their short positions.
1st quarter earnings are coming soon. Like many of you, I am a little curious that it hasn't been announced yet, but I have no concerns with everything the company has on its plate. 10-Q's are unaudited and it's very unlikely there is anything to be concerned about, in my opinion.
The company could be coming to the end of their strategic review for GAG. That will eventually result in some additional financial statement adjustments for presentation.
I would expect 1st quarter earnings to be good based on their deal flow and reported transactions.
In November 2023, the board approved $50m for stock buybacks. The company repurchased 728,330 shares at an average price of $21.85, but mainly bought shares in November. That's $16 million spent, and means the company had $34 million approved to buy back stock at year end. The program continues through October 2024. At our current price, that would be 1.1 million shares (3.3% of the outstanding stock).
That is significant for a stock with this many outstanding shares, but more significant for the number of freely traded shares which is far less. How many times have we seen huge price moves on small blocks of shares? If the company adds $10-15 million to that program, that's another 300,000-500,000 shares. Again, it doesn't sound like a huge number but it would add pressure to what will become a dire situation for the shorts.
The shorts may decide not to cover, or to continue the strategy of taking their losses and re-shorting, but their ability to influence the stock back to a level where they truly profit is nonexistent in my opinion, particularly when volume dies between market-moving events.
I am eyeing the $50-$55 range as my price target in the next move up.
21. NOTE on FRG Independent Auditor’s Report
One of the positive things I see IMO was for the billion dollar loan that matures in 2026. “On July 2, 2021, the Company repaid $182.1 million of principal of the First Lien Term Loan using cash proceeds from the sale of the Liberty Tax business. The prepayment also satisfied the requirements for the quarterly principal payments so no additional principal payments with respect to the First Lien Term Loans (excluding the Incremental First Lien Term Loan) are due until the First Lien Term Loan maturity date.” To me this gives them some flexibility for their cash as there isn’t much long term debt due in 2024 or 2025.
22. on May 3rd Cohodes or someone else got media to report 4th quarter from last year as q1 earnings this year. Which was a lie and FUD
23. B. Riley Financial Announces Full Redemption of 6.75% SR Notes Due 2024
17 days ago Wolfiger
LOS ANGELES, May 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- B. Riley Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ: RILY) ("B. Riley" or the "Company") today announced that it has called for the full redemption equal to $25,000,000 aggregate principal amount of its 6.75% Senior Notes due 2024 (the "Notes") on May 31, 2024 (the "Redemption Date").
The redemption price is equal to 100% of the aggregate principal amount, plus any accrued and unpaid interest up to, but excluding, the Redemption Date, as set forth in each notice of redemption delivered to noteholders on May 1, 2024.
24. 8k filed May 1st for Nasdaq Compliance
25. Found management bonus if above 136 by October. Did anybody else know that a part of managements comp was in the form of Performance-based Restricted Stocks Units with a vesting date of 10/27/24 AND A HURDLE PRICE OF $135?!?

submitted by dnelson2408 to RILYStock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:10 juan186 When to use vanilla js or framework?

I'm ending up an application with elements such as modals, tables with pagination, lists of elements with ajax paginations, etc.
When I started it, I decided to build it in laravel + vanilla js because I thought that it wasn't worth it to use a stack like Angular + nestjs or any other nodejs framework since It would be an simple application and I thought that those stacks only are used when it comes to big scalable applications.
Now, after 8 months of developing, I feel like I'm reinventing a little the wheel. For example, for the list of elements with ajax pagination, I've to write the template in html of the element and then create a function in js that it clones the template, modify the titles and then appends to a container, but in angular I would have only to have binded the element to an array of objects with directives like ngFor.
For the tables, I'm using the library tabulator and It's fine, but for stuff like showing errors in the fields of a form, I've had to create a generic method in js that I pass it the id of the form and an array of errors and it create the html tags behind each input that has an error. In angular with reactive forms, It would be easier.
It's true that for creating those generic function that I mention, I've had a lot of help with chatgpt but even so, I feel that I've chosen the incorrect stack.
What do you believe? Do you use vanilla js currently?
submitted by juan186 to learnjavascript [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:51 ringgobbler Payseur Family

payseur family
Here are some things what may be associated with world control
My answer is central banks. When looking into the makings of central banks and financal affairs in the uk and europe i came up with this
Some interesting links to consider. Finance has been run predominantly by jewish families long before 1066 when William the conquerer borrowed significant funds in securing his throne in England from French Rouen Banking family, name still undisclosed. If anyone knows let me know.
government bonds from 1066 in the british library
The Worshipful goldsmiths company a 700 year old group of investors to this day buys up government guilds aka bonds aka loans. Aswell as owning vast estates in and around london. This was formed after the jewish were originally exiled from britian for controlling the UKs finances between 1066 and 1290 🤔 ( insert capitalism cloak and dagger) hide behind a business
a group of goldsmith lenders unnamed but prominent figures in london financing that formed the basis for the state bank of England This company became of interest to me, little is said about who founded the goldsmiths company other than goldsmiths of the time. But they controlled london finance as they were the gold standard by royal charter. Coincidence?
I wonder who these prominent people were that formed vastly wealthy corporation that controlled englands gold from then until now. 700 years ago goldsmiths were almost all jewish as in england lending money was strictly forbidden in Christianity (if you weren't Christian in england 1000 years ago what even were you?
Also note the Rothschilds family owned the building to the royal mint for the last 200 years. Strange that🤔
royal mint
Also an interesting financial scale. Jewish law states that jewish can only charge interest to non jewish. So if a huge percentage of banks are jewish owned and only charge interest to non jewish that would denote a pyramidal scale. Note the largest hedge companies are jewish owned.
halachah or jewish law
Now i am not saying this is the entire jewish race, but certainly prominent familes hidden behind a cover of a capitalist system that obscures it for what it is. If you have checked out the links above note- from jewish sources. You can start to imagin how long the banking business has been going on for. If halachah must be followed that would mean continual money supply into a pot for one race from everyone else.
Some examples of said families
rothschilds family archives
The duke of wellington recieved 1 billion in 1815 now worth over 20 trillion in todays money. This is supposedly being still repaid by british taxpayers today.
Can you imagin what interest repayments the Rothschilds must be recieving for a loan that's over 200 years old. Calculations below
Oh and guess who funded the loan to pay slave owners for freeing slaves. You guessed it the Rothschilds and Montefoire family if you haven't already come across the latter another one to consider.
Rothschilds and Montefoire
The slave ownership loan has only just been repaid by british tax payers only a few years ago. If you understand how loan repayments work from mortgages you can imagin what a 200 year old loan does to the total repayment cost.
For those unable to work it out 15 million over 200 years at 4% works out to a total repayment of 38,261,246,866.00 thats just over 38 billion. So where is all this money as their net worth vastly differs 🤔.
I believe that we are built on a system of finance, either capitalist who want a share of other nations interests or communist who want to retain the financial system for their own.
who ever owns the finance owns the world.
Im not sure who secretly runs the countrys of the world but in delving deeper into the history behind finance i found the above. Some will say this is antisemetic trope. But everything i looked up was backed up by jewish authors and resources. Jewish chronicles being one of them
Thodore Herzle is another prominent name in zionism as its founder who started the zionist movement from Basel switzerland, the mothership of all central banks the IBS International Bank of Settlements. He also founded the jewish colonial bank which later became the central bank of israel
jewish virtual library source
Its interesting that more of this is not known or more public knowledge, or is that the point keep this buried and call everyone antisemitic for brining it up?
Whilst im not from the US, its domination in war time affairs raises some questions. As war requires large bonds borrewed from the prominent families mentioned above. Creating debts that continue to be paid by tax payers. Worth researching who bought the long term bonds for the covid packages and Ukraine/ Israel piggy bank.
Nearly the entire biden administration is made up of jewish, so theres no wonder why he keeps vetoing everything. A list below of his jewish team.
biden administration jewish team list
and well the US economy has a big hand in debt making and taking. If you arent with it, your in the way as many countries have found out the hard way.
I have lots more, but conscious this is long and getting bored now.
Enjoy your rabbit hole hunting
submitted by ringgobbler to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:28 Vegetable-Pack9292 QGIS in VSCode: Unable to find the qgis module. Missing from site packages

QGIS in VSCode: Unable to find the qgis module. Missing from site packages
Hello Everyone,
I am an intermediate self-taught GIS programmer that usually works with arcpy to write scripts for work. I am wanting to start doing more projects on my spare time outside of work and I want to learn QGIS to kind of get me more familiar with different GIS softwares (I have the Pro $100 subscription as well).
I am wanting to run QGIS scripts in VS Code and have gone through a tutorial that basically gets me set up (no real need to watch the video. Just FYI. QGIS VSCode Link
Here is my problem:
The problem is when I run the python environment associated with QGIS, it says:
from qgis.core import QgsApplication # Supply path to qgis install location default path = QgsApplication.setPrefixPath("C:\\Program Files\\QGIS 3.28.3\\apps\\Python39", True) # second argument to False disables the GUI. qgs = QgsApplication([], False) # Load providers qgs.initQgis() # Write your code here to load some layers, use processing # algorithms, etc. # Finally, exitQgis() is called to remove the # provider and layer registries from memory qgs.exitQgis() 
PS C:\Users\me\PythonProjects\KAT> & "C:/Program Files/QGIS 3.28.3/apps/Python39/python3.exe" c:/Users/me/PythonProjects/KAT/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\me\PythonProjects\KAT\", line 1, in
from qgis import QgsApplication
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'qgis'
I look in the site packages for the qgis module, and I see that it is missing (photo below)
Missing Module
I am not understanding why the qgis module is missing. Is there another folder it is located in? Do I need to install it? I am figuring this is why I cannot find the module since it is looking in this folder and cannot find it.
Here are the docs. It LOOKS like it should come with QGIS upon download.
The location of my env is at
C:\\Program Files\\QGIS 3.28.3\\apps\\Python39 
PyQGIS Developer Cookbook — QGIS Documentation documentation
EDIT: Worse case scenario is I redownload and see if it is in the folder. Not optimal but might be my only option
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Vegetable-Pack9292 to gis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:39 CrofterNo2 Almasty is not the plural of almas

In many cryptozoological sources, particularly online, it's become common for almasty to be used as a plural for almas, with the implication that the two terms refer to the same thing. If both are real, then zoologically, the names would indeed be interchangeable; linguistically and culturally, however, these are two completely different terms, both singular, used respectively in the Caucasus Mountains and in Mongolia's Gobi Desert.
In Bits & Pieces, No. 57, a long-running bigfoot web periodical, leading Russian hominologist Igor Burtsev explains:
During the North Caucasus expeditions of Marie-Jeanne Koffmann (1970s) the teams gathered a lot of eyewitness reports about what was called the "almasty" or "almasti"; so local people in that region called the Russian snowman by that name ("almastys," or "almastis" in plural form) [...] Some American authors and media people use the term "alma." I would like to caution everyone not to use this term. In Russian there is no such name! The term was coined by American media people who mistakenly mixed the North-Caucasian name of "almasty" (or "almasti") with the Mongolian term "almas" and decided that "almas" is the plural of "alma."
Australian cryptozoologist Malcolm Smith, who has translated a large amount of foreign-language hominological literature, makes a similar complaint on his blog.
The Caucasus is a refuge, not only for wildlife from many different zones, but also of ethnic groups and languages, and each language has a different word for the animals. Koffmann settled on the Kabardian term, almasty. This is perhaps unfortunate, since it invites confusion with the almas of Mongolia – which may well be a similar animal, but it is certainly a completely unrelated word. (Note that, in Mongolian, almas is singular; it is not the plural of alma.)
In the link above, Smith translate's one of Kauffmann's full reports detailing the almasty, in which she uses the plural almasties.
Whether or not the word is completely unrelated is not firmly established. The great expert on the almas, Yöngsiyebü-Biambyn Rinchen, believed that almasty was a Turkic derivation of almas, but that's probably the closest possible connection between the two terms. Rinchen used almases as the plural of almas. See Rincen, "Almas Still Exists in Mongolia," Genus, Vol. 20, No. 1-2 (1964).
submitted by CrofterNo2 to Cryptozoology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:17 LegalBeagleEsquire Harry's in-law and felon King Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi who crowned Meghan accused of rape.

Harry's in-law and felon King Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi who crowned Meghan accused of rape.
Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Akanbi
Multiple felon banned from the United States accused of rape, violent abuse, coercive control, and being a deadbeat dad by ex-wife. He always carries a tape recorder.
The Daily Markle barely mentions the rape accusation.
Video Of Crowning
A 5 minute google search of his ex-wife's name brings up some wild interviews.
Just a few of the tidbits:
"She added that after talking to Oluwo at the party held in Ikeja, she retired early to her room because she had too much to drink. But she woke up at 3 am to find the Oluwo on top of her in her room, with her clothes discarded.She said she told him “no no no. Get off me.”According to her, Oluwo told her that he is a King and that once he “extends his leg” to her, she can’t refuse him, adding that Oluwo decided to compensate her with marriage after raping her.“Tell the people that you raped me the first night you met me."
"I was actually begging and prostrating (myself), telling him not to destroy our family. While I was begging, he had a small tape recorder he always carried in his agbada (flowing gown). He always used it to record things. He recorded me apologising to him."
"He has six personalities. When you wake up in the morning, you don’t know the kind of personality that will greet you. And I have names for them. The one that is violent, I call it Dexter. The one that is nice, I call Paul. The one that is sensationalist, I call it Jerry. "
"He just woke up, saw the message on my phone and shouted that I had a boyfriend and I should leave. The policemen were standing over me while I packed four years of my life. I had one hour to pack four years of my life. The policemen were standing there to ensure that I did not pack any of my clothes or wigs or my child’s toys. He said when an Olori leaves, he leaves everything for the incoming Olori and that it is the culture."
"We did not even have a generator. It was a senator that donated a Mikano generator to us. What we had before was a small generator that we could only switch on at 6pm and the only things it could power were the televisions, bulbs and the fan. You could not turn on the fridge or freezer or air conditioner. This was what I went through whereas he was busy ‘forming’ (pretending to be living) a life of luxury."
"I believe there are six of us and I am the fourth wife. When we met, I asked him to tell me the number of children he had, but he didn’t (tell) me the truth. He did not say 10 or even five. Our relationship was built on the foundation of lies. It was not until my son was six months old that I saw a blog post from one of his past wives, showing the names of all his children, wives and the ages of the children."
"She then narrated how she was taken to Iwo the day after the alleged rape and her shock when she arrived.She said: “The next day, he said to me, ‘we’re going to the palace, we’re going to Iwo and I’ll make you queen.’ So I went with him.“The very next day, when we got to Iwo, there was no palace. The palace didn’t even have a roof. "
"From the day we left the palace, he has not given one naira to my son. He does not know how my son eats or where he sleeps at night. He does not care because my son is number 10. My son is three years old and has never been to school. He went to the primary school at Bowen University, Iwo for only two days. That was in May 2019. He withdrew him from the school and said he was popular and famous, and that they would kidnap him. He said, ‘You don’t know Africa, kidnapping is a big business. Do you have N20m to pay as ransom? I will tell them I don’t know you!’ "
Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Akanbi (far right)
submitted by LegalBeagleEsquire to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:02 BoloBun_ NUS Architecture AMA 2024

National University of Singapore Architecture 2024 AMA Thread
Heya! Welcome to NUS Architecture AMA thread, we are students from the Department of Architecture hosting an Ask-Me-Anything session in hopes of sharing what life is like at NUS DOA! Whoever you are, whether a prospective student, Freshman, Final year student, Exchange Student or just curious, pop your questions down below!
Academic Programme
NUS Architecture is offered within the College of Design and Engineering, BA Arch core modules curriculum comprises 5 main pillars.
*For more information, refer to BA Arch & MArch Programme Handbook AY2023-24
* *For more information, refer to
Ever wondered, "How do I print my boards?", "Where can I snag the best deals on materials?", or "How do I access school facilities and use the machinery?" 🤔 Well, you're in luck because we've got 41 new machines this year! The details of which are right here for you to dive into:
  • Zund Digital Cutter (x1) Form 3L SLA Printer (x6) Adventure 4 FDM 3D Printer (x20) Bigrep Studio, FFF 3D Printer (x1) Markforged Mark Two, Carbon Fiber 3D Printer (x1) Versatil 2500 CNC Milling (x1) Epilog Laser Engraver (x10) CNC Foam Cutter (x1) Spray Painting Booth (Lvl 2 & 3) Material Library [New!]
  • Online User Manuals
How do I access the school facilities? DOWNLOAD nVPN to access Fabrication Lab Booking.
Nearest printing services: SDE 3 Level 2 - Just beside our studio!
[For Exchange Students / Freshmen] Don’t forget to sign up for a Fabrication Lab Training session with the Senior Lab Officer, Mr. Muji ([]( before operating on the machines.
Student Life @ NUS Aki
You must be asking, do Architecture students have a life, much less student life? We do in fact have a life, and it’s here - Build lifelong friendships with us! 🌟Join us in celebrating entrepreneurship and student-led initiatives! Get ready for exciting events like our fresh orientation camp, where you can meet new friends and dive into unforgettable experiences. 🚀
Student Support
Are you new to NUS DOA and unsure where to begin? No need to worry—we're here to help! 🌟 Below, we'll provide guidance on course registration, joining Telegram chatrooms to connect with peers, reaching out to seniors and alumni for advice, and accessing mental health services if needed. Check it out! 📚
  • What is CourseReg (Mod Reg)?
    • An exercise that occurs before the start of each semester where students can bid on their modules and tutorials.
    • A process over a Schedule/Timeline that consists of 4 key COURSE SELECTION Rounds (Rd 0, Rd 1, Rd 2, Rd 3) and 2 key TUTORIAL SELECTION Rounds (Rd 1. Rd 2). Appeal and Swap requests are also available.
    • Edurec is the website which student access to do their Official Course Registration Exercise [Academics>Select Modules]
    • NUSMod is another website which students access to research on available modules and plan their time table.
    • Upon admission acceptance, more information will be sent via your school email
  • Telegram Chats to Join!
    • Student life :
  • Counselling Services
    • Career CFG Extremely passionate career guidance counsellors!
    • University Counselling Services u/UHC
    • 24hrs Chicken Therapist at Technoedge, 24hr Bell Curve God Shrine
  • Student Enterprises; Offering 3DPrinting Services and Selling Materials at affordable prices always! #bystudentsforstudents
Beyond NUS Architecture
Entering the architecture industry requires a realistic understanding of its realities. While the field is undeniably beautiful and creative, it's essential to recognize its challenges. The truth is, the industry is continuously adjusting to our changing lifestyles and needs, influenced by factors beyond our control. Yet, there's immense satisfaction in navigating these complexities and finding a balanced path that aligns personal interests with industry demands. Career Prospect *Emerging Trends and Prospects (AI, AR, BIM, Sustainable Design, Adaptive Reuse), SIA-YAL Mentorship [July]
submitted by BoloBun_ to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:34 Sangenkai Ryoichi Sasakawa and Yoshio Kodama, the "Lords of War"

This interesting article on the "Lords of War" discusses Ryoichi Sasakawa, who called himself "the world's richest fascist", and was a major financial backer of the post-war Aikikai, and his cell-mate from Sugamo Prison, Yoshio Kodama, the ultra-nationalist Yakuza "fixer" who become known to the West during the Lockheed scandals.
Former International Aikido Federation chairman Peter Goldsbury recounts meeting Ryoichi Sasakawa:
"In 1984 I was elected IAF Assistant General Secretary, in succession to K Chiba Shihan. After this election an unusual episode occurred. I had a meeting with Kisaburo Osawa, who was General Director of the Hombu, and was requested to visit the Aikikai Hombu the following day. In particular, I was expected to wear a suit and tie and have with me my meishi [名刺: name cards] from Hiroshima University. I duly arrived at the Hombu and met Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba and Osawa Shihan. A car was waiting and Doshu got in and invited me to get in, too. We were seen off by Osawa Shihan and drove to Akasaka in the center of Tokyo and there met the IAF General Secretary, Mr Seko. After some coffee—and this was the only time ever that I was served coffee by the Aikido Doshu, who had insisted taking a tray and waiting in line at the senondescript building and were introduced to an elderly man with white hair, sitting behind a truly enormous desk. This was also the only time in my experience that I saw Doshu very much in the junior position, making a deep bow to someone who did not respond in kind. I was introduced and my meishi duly requested, with the white-haired man clearly showing his approval. After a few more minutes of mutual pleasantries, the meeting ended and we were driven back to the Aikikai Hombu. I was profusely thanked by Doshu and also by Osawa Sensei—and left the Hombu completely bewildered by what had happened. All I knew was that the white-haired man was known as Sasakawa Ryoichi Sensei. Later, back in Hiroshima, I asked my aikido teacher who Sasakawa Ryoichi Sensei was and he was very surprised that I had actually met him. He said that Sasakawa was the millionaire ‘godfather’ of Japan. He was an ex-war criminal who had made his fortune from betting and controlled a vast network of influence and contacts within the Japanese government establishment. I learned later that he regularly donated a substantial sum of money to the Aikikai and that this was the reason for our formal visit.
I mention all this because I also learned later that it was Ryoichi Sasakawa who suggested to Doshu Kisshomaru that the IAF join GAISF, which is the acronym for the General Association of International Sports Federations. I also realized that, coming as it did from Sasakawa, the suggestion was one that could not easily be rejected. The result was another source of acute bewilderment for Japanese teachers, who had taught their students that aikido did not have championships or competitions and could be called a ‘sport’ only if the term was being used extremely loosely. "
  • Aikido and the IAF: Some Personal Reflections, by former IAF Chairman Peter Goldsbury
Note that the Aikikai today continues friendly relations with the Sasakawa Foundation.
The attached CIA file notes that Kodama was strongly influenced by Morihei Ueshiba's close friend Shumei Okawa, who ran a pan-Asian indoctrination center for young Japanese men at which Morihei Ueshiba was an instructor.
Yoshio Kodama's CIA file
Morihei Ueshiba remained friendly with Okawa, who, along with Ryoichi Sasakawa and Yoshio Kodama, was held in Sugamo Prison as a class A war criminal. It's worth noting that Morihei Ueshiba maintained a close friendship with Okawa well after the war, until his passing in 1957.
Yoshio Kodama was also arrested in connection with the League of Blood Incident committed by Nissho Inoue, another associate of Morihei Ueshiba, and his terrorist group, the Katsumeidan, the "League of Blood".
Inoue was part of the inner circle of the Sakurakai terrorist group formed by Kingoro Hashimoto (who twice tried to overthrow the civilian government of Japan, once with Morihei Ueshiba's participation) that met at Morihei Ueshiba's Kobukan Dojo and included Taku Mikami (later responsible for the assassination of Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi, and who would hide with Morihei Ueshiba in Iwama after the war), and the aforementioned Shumei Okawa.
Kodama was also connected to the Nihon Seinensya, which was founded in 1961, and remains today one of the largest right wing ultra-nationalist organizations in Japan. The Nihon Seinensya was established under the umbrella of the Sumiyoshi-kai yakuza syndicate through the effort of Morihei Ueshiba's close associate Kohinata Hakuro - at the time that this was happening Kohinata Hakuro was on the board of directors of the Aikikai Foundation. His assistant later said "wherever we went, East or West, the members of the Nihon Seinensya and the Sumiyoshi-kai treated him like a god". The Nihon Seinensya was attached to an activist division loyal to Yoshio Kodama under the Zen Nihon Aikokusha Dantai Kaigi right wing umbrella organization that Kodama himself established, the Seinen Shiso Kenkyukai (Society for the Study of Youth Ideology), which represented a hard core within the umbrella organization, and was composed mainly of yakuza members.
submitted by Sangenkai to aikido [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:22 arcanepsyche Winlock Lands $23 Million State Broadband Grant
Lewis County and local internet provider ToledoTel formed a public-private partnership that made them eligible to receive a $23.5 million grant from the Washington State Broadband Office. ToledoTel will engineer and design the project, and provide an additional $2.35 million in matching funds.
submitted by arcanepsyche to SW_Washington [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:29 ThusWhatnot Advice for my freelance endeavour!

What's a good techstack for building simple websites for small businesses?
My current idea ( and I'd love some feedback)
I'll take design from here:
Html, css, typescript, node js, Jekyll for static site generation.
3rd party service for stuff like forms.
Requirements for the website: -Contact forms. -Email collection for newsletter. -The client wants to be able to add news to the website once a week. -The client want to be able to add different offers once in a while. -About 30 different pages all together.
That's about it.
Can I do this with a static page generator? Are there better options?
What would you use? I'm new to this so I'd take any advice you can give
submitted by ThusWhatnot to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:50 ItzAlphaWolf [Discussion] Furry Worries - Week 366

Hey furries, u/The-Woop hasn't made one of these in a little bit. I've always liked these posts so I thought that I'd help him out again by taking over until he gets back.
Users have sometimes stated that it is difficult to express their sorrows or misfortunes on this sub because they do not want to feel burdensome or unwelcome in what is normally a very happy-go-lucky environment. And so, this thread is to encourage furs to open up with their issues, not only on here but on the sub as a whole. If grief has been on your mind or something has been bothering you as of late, big or small, please leave a comment for myself and others to see if we can be of any help, or at least lend a sympathetic ear.
Alternatively, if you feel pretty nice about yourself today, don't be afraid to browse any existing comments and see if you can make somebody's day a little better. Maybe you have experience with what that person might be dealing with. Or perhaps you just want to let them know that they have a person to talk to. However, there are the principles that should be considered:
1:If you are responding to a comment do your best to be as thorough and insightful as possible. Do not just comment and forget about the other person afterward. While little pick-me-ups can help, do your best to be there for the other person. Encourage discussion and do not be afraid to have more in depth conversations. The comment section is always fine, but if either of you feel that you must talk in a more private setting, do not be afraid to use something such as PM, or a different instant messaging service.
2: I am aware that unfortunately, misfortune does not have a curfew. This thread is not in any way meant to contain negative emotion on the sub, but is meant to be a convenient place for others to open up and find somebody to talk to. If you experience strife at any other time during the week, do not feel like you must wait until Saturday to state it. Please feel free to make your own post.
3:This thread is not meant to replace professional help. If you feel that you could have depression or any other similar psychological condition, you are still invited to post, but it is highly recommended that you seek a form of professional help as well as look into the resources below.
4: Suffering is not a competition. Do not feel like your issues are too slight, or insignificant to post. You are invited to express your problems no matter their scale. Your sadness is just as valid as any others.
5:If you are not looking for advice and would just like to receive emotional support or simply get something off of your chest, you are more than welcome to state so. After all, a shoulder to lean can be a great remedy.
Last but certainly not least, here are a list of resources that anyone can contact. Please do not hesitate to use them if you feel the need. It is better to call and it not be worth it, than to not call and forgo the help you deserve.
International Suicide Prevention Hotlines
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (USA): 1800 273 8255
Distress Centre (Canada): 416 408 4357
UK The Samaritans or 08457 90 90 90
Samaritans (Ireland): 1850 60 90 90
Lifeline (Australia): 13 11 14
Lifeline (New Zealand): 0800 543 354
Greece KLIMAKA Center for Suicide Prevention or 101
Japan TELL Tokyo Lifeline in English/Japanese or 03-5774-099
Spain Teléfono de la Esperanza or 902500002 2
Chile Teléfono de la Esperanza or (00 56 42) 22 12 00
Germany Telefonseelsorge or 0800 111 0 111 (or 222)
Brazil CVV or 141 France S.O.S Amitié International Association for Suicide Prevention
More numbers - hotlines.html
Trans Lifeline
Trans Lifeline -
UK Support -
LGBT Resources
The Trevor Project 24 hour hotline - 866-488-7386
Website -
Twitter - u/
Addiction Resources
Alcoholic Anonymous -
Narcotics Anonymous - National
Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders Association's toll-free hotline (Mon–Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PST) - 1-800-931-2237
Crisis Chat
In the United States Chat anonymously with an Active Listener:
Self Harm
Alternatives for Stopping Self Abuse or 1–800-DONT-CUT (366–8288)
Rape and Sexual Abuse
Rape Abuse & Incest National Network or 800-656-HOPE (4673)
Finding a Professional
Feel free to comment with a link to where others can donate something to help you out. Also, unfortunatly, there seems to be no globe wide way to find food banks, but from what I can tell, Google Maps should give a good starting point to find your local ones.
And as always, if anyone has any ideas on how this thread could be improved upon or if the concept is in any way flawed, please do not hesitate to send u/The-Woop a PM.
submitted by ItzAlphaWolf to furry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:21 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: May 12-18, 2024

Record temperatures, record migration, record emissions, record displacement, record PFAS……start building an ark.
Last Week in Collapse: May 12-18, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 125th newsletter! You can find the May 5-11 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Flash flooding in northern Afghanistan killed 300+ people and destroyed 1,000+ homes. Hundreds of thousands of others have been affected. Last month, similar floods in the region killed 70+. Four died in Texas storms last week as well.
Venezuela is suffering from record wildfires, which so far this year have burned about 5M acres—almost the size of Sardinia. Some experts think indigenous people started the blaze as an attempt at forest clearance, which quickly got out of hand. “Institutional failures” compounded the disaster when the ailing government responded with an inadequate number of poorly equipped firefighters. Another study from last week examined the impact of wildfires on soil health.
Flooding and “cold lava” killed 50+ in Indonesia, injuring dozens and displacing several thousand. Cold lava is a mixture of water and rocks tumbling down the side of a volcano. Meanwhile, an actual volcano erupted in Indonesia, sending smoke & ash 5000m high; further eruptions are possible soon.
The Swiss Re Institute published a 37-page report last week about natural disasters in 2023—and how much damage, in USD, they caused. The largest catastrophe was the February 7.8 earthquake in Türkiye & Syria, which killed 59,000+ people and caused $163B+ in damage. The report is full of interesting graphics & data about natural disasters.
“Last year, economic losses from natural catastrophes reached USD 280 billion, meaning that 62% of the global losses were uninsured….the insured losses surpassed USD 100 billion for the fourth consecutive year….annual insured losses will grow by 5–7% over the long term…today’s insured losses could double in 10 years….There were 142 insured-loss inducing catastrophes in 2023, a new record. Most were of medium severity, which we define as events resulting in losses of USD 1–5 billion….Over the last 30 years, we estimate that natural catastrophe insured losses have grown by 3 percentage points more annually than the global economy (in inflation adjusted terms)...”
Flooding and heat waves are impacting Brazil’s oranges, responsible for about 70% of the world’s supply. One food analysts declared that the “era of cheap food is over”—in the UK, at least. That may be one reason why UK residents took record food bank packages last year. Madagascar is struggling to adapt to a future with far less rainfall.
France is growing more concerned about a dam on Lake Geneva, controlled exclusively by Switzerland. The Rhône River, which begins in Switzerland and flows south through France, is shrinking in summers as climate change melts Switzerland’s remaining glaciers.
The Tonlé San River has been dammed in Vietnam, lowering the level in Cambodia and sometimes drying the river downstream entirely. Meanwhile, China’s lychee harvest is getting blasted by rain, impacting the world’s largest source of lychee. And, once again, Saudi Arabia is suffering flooding in its inland regions. 7 dead in historic flooding in Iran.
The eminent climate scientist James Hansen posted that, since “human-made aerosols and their cooling effect are in decline,” the cooling effect of La Niña will be counterbalanced by these rising temperatures. He also identifies a “large anomaly of increased absorbed solar radiation at midlatitudes in the Northern Hemisphere” responsible for rising temperatures there. CO2 levels are rising faster today than they have at any point in the previous 50,000 years…and a study of millennia-old trees determined last summer was the hottest worldwide in 2,000+ years…
Record nighttime May temperatures were tied in the Philippines and Vietnam. A couple Indonesian cities broke records for May temperatures. And a number of southern African states saw more records drop. And Toronto saw a record tied for the number of days reaching 14 °C (57 °F). A heat wave has returned to Bangladesh. Flooding in Cali (pop: 2.9M), Colombia.
The University of Washington was ordered to stop a geoengineering project that scientists sere conducting from the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier. The experiment ejected aerosolized saltwater in an attempt to reflect solar radiation. A comparative study in Nature Communications of a number of carbon pricing found that, yes, carbon pricing does work to reduce the total CO2 emitted.
It’s that time of the year again. Wildfires in Canada grow, some of which are moving towards the tar sands—forcing thousands to evacuate. 39 of the total nation’s blazes are “out of control,” resulting in air quality alerts in the United States. Meanwhile, across the Caribbean, water shortages have become the new normal, and residents (and tourists) are finding their old consumption habits hard to change. St. Lucia has declared a water emergency. In Myanmar, water shortages worsen, particularly as related to the spiraling conflict.
At least ⅛ of Europeans live in a place at risk of extreme flooding—so says a 175-page report from the European Environment Agency posted on Wednesday. The number of people living in flood-risk coastal areas in the EU & UK is expected to jump 24% by 2050. The graphics-packed report also considers how flooding will impact healthcare facilities, mental health, wastewater treatment plants, the spread of disease, cyanobacteria, permafrost thaw, and much else.
“Europe has seen devastating floods following record rainfall, droughts of magnitudes not experienced in hundreds of years, continuing sea level rise, and increasing lake and sea temperatures….permanent water stress already affects 30% of people in southern Europe….since 2018, more than half of Europe has been impacted by extreme drought conditions….Climate change is expected to increase mercury bioaccumulation in the marine food chain due to rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification and permafrost thawing….Depression, anxiety and PTSD may persist for years after a flooding event….Under the changing climate, northern Europe is becoming wetter in general, but drier in summer. Southern Europe is becoming drier, especially in winter. For central-eastern and western Europe, the trend is less clear…” -selections from the report
Milan suffered flooding last week, the worst May flooding in 170 years. Early spring in the UK has disrupted migratory bird species and their usual patterns.
A 74-page working paper which is not yet peer-reviewed claims that earlier estimates for how much GDP would be impacted by another 1 °C temperature rise is way less than it would be in actuality. The paper claims the real cost (in USD) is about 6x greater. They claim “global temperature has much more pronounced impacts on economic activity than local temperature” and that extreme weather is mostly behind the projected decline in productivity.
Epidemiologists are worried about how climate change in Africa may extend the life of disease-bearers like ticks and mosquitoes. Other epidemiologists are worried about how cattle may become a permanent reservoir for H5N1. Growing traced of bird flu have been found in wastewater testing in the U.S., but investigators think it may be runoff from infected dairy farms.
Obesity, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure rates today globally are 50% higher than in 2000—though researchers claim that air pollution still poses a larger threat. Of a study participants in Hawai’i, 75% had respiratory issues, probably from the Maui wildfires last year.
The 2024 World Migration Report is out, and its 384 pages are not as apocalyptic as one might think. However, internally displaced people are at their all-time highest. India, Mexico, Russia, China, and Syria lead the world in emigrants; another document contains the definitions for who exactly constitutes a migrant. Unfortunately much of the data relied upon ends in 2022. Data from this year, not included in the above report, indicates a 40% jump in traffic through the Darien Gap compared to the same time period in 2023.
“The last two years saw major migration and displacement events that have caused great hardship and trauma, as well as loss of life….There have also been large-scale displacements triggered by climate- and weather-related disasters in many parts of the world in 2022 and 2023, including in Pakistan, the Philippines, China, India, Bangladesh, Brazil and Colombia….disinformation tactics are increasingly being used by nefarious actors with negative impacts on public, political and social media discourse on migration….Forced displacement is the highest on record in the modern era…overconsumption and overproduction linked to unsustainable economic growth, resource depletion and biodiversity collapse, as well as ongoing climate change (including global heating) are continuing to grip the world….the risk of further conflict has not been higher in decades, as military spending reached a new record high of USD 2,240 billion in 2022…” -excerpts from the introduction
Another report, focusing on internal displacement, came out last week; its 69 pages show a cross-section of about 47M people displaced by natural disasters (56%) or armed conflict (44%). Most of the disasters were storms & flooding, and most of the conflicts were civil wars of some form. This report also provides detailed region-by-region analyses—with sub-Saharan Africa accounting for 46% of global IDPs.
“Conflict and violence triggered 13.5 million movements, the highest figure for the past 15 years….Disasters and conflict are presented as different triggers, but their impacts can overlap, often leading to repeated and/ or protracted displacement….Drought triggered 331,000 displacements in Somalia….Floods triggered 550,000 displacements in Ethiopia….Conflict and violence triggered 3.8 million displacements in DRC in 2023, a slight fall from the record four million in 2022, but still the second-highest figure globally after Sudan….nearly two-thirds of the internal displacements recorded in 2023 originated from Khartoum state. More than 39 per cent of the state's inhabitants were forced to flee, leaving entire neighbourhoods empty….Criminal and communal violence triggered nearly three-quarters of Nigeria's 291,000 conflict displacements….” -selections from the spotlight on sub-Saharan Africa
Experts are concerned about the mental health impacts that climate change has on our minds. Hotter temperatures reportedly increase depression & aggression. Wildfires and storms can cause PTSD. Workers feel stress and desperation as their usual industries are impacted. And air pollution influences ordinary brain processes in many ways.
Some analysts believe “Peak China” may be over, signaling a period of economic tapering-off, as well as a growing militancy. Increasing U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods are continuing to separate the two economies. The Netherlands finally formed a provisional government, though its proposed immigration & farming policies have set it at odds with the EU.
The Federal Reserve, the U.S. central bank, released a 46-page report on potential climate risks to the banking system’s resilience. As far as I understood, most of the risk lies in extreme weather events and the risk to insurance agencies.
Part of southeast England experienced an outbreak of Cryptosporidium, a diarrhea & vomiting illness, highly contagious, which can last weeks. At least 22 cases have been reported. Meanwhile, the CDC is issuing warnings about the more dangerous strain of monkeypox circulating in the DRC, although cases are currently limited to Africa.
North Carolina’s Senate voted to ban mask-wearing last week, under the reasoning that it would make police identification of protestors difficult. An fMRI study found lasting neurological changes in COVID survivors; they “had significantly higher cognitive complaints of mental fatigue and cognitive failure….even two years after recovering.” Experts say a summer rise in COVID cases is coming to the United States.
A study on The Canadian/American Great Lakes found that PFAS levels are increasing in the 3 largest lakes (Superior, Huron, and Michigan), while decreasing in the other two (Erie, Ontario). The study also found that precipitation is the primary means by which the Lakes are accumulating PFAS, since the chemicals are small & stable enough to move through the water cycle. Meanwhile, in England’s Lake District, a telecom failure resulted in raw sewage being pumped into England’s largest and most famous lake, Windermere, on-and-off for 10 hours; and a major British water CEO took a $4M USD pay package last year. And a look into the Chicago River’s health found that microplastics & trash are endangering health & biodiversity.
An assassination attempt by a lone wolf on Slovakia’s PM left him in critical condition, but likely to survive. 11 civilians were slain by cartel fighters in a few battles in Mexico. Violence continues to spiral out of control in Goma, DRC.
In Haiti, everything worsens indefinitely. Guns have reportedly entered from Florida, a phenomenon which officials call an “iron river.” Police have been put on the defensive against the growing might of the gang warlords.
A brawl broke out in Taiwan’s parliament. An Iranian plot was allegedly foiled to smuggle weapons into Jordan to destabilize the pro-U.S. regime.
Dozens more died in Sudan from escalating violence around Darfur. People are warning about “a disaster on top of a disaster” and the possibility of Sudan splitting apart. Others have called it “hell on earth” as 1,000+ refugees cross the Chad border every day. Disease and malnutrition are growing, while famine encroaches upon 9M helpless victims of the conflict—but the world’s attention is elsewhere.
The U.S. Army Engineers completed constructing the pier in Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid. Some 600,000 Gazans have been displaced from Rafah already, and fighting has escalated against Hamas militants in northern Gaza.
Taliban forces skirmished with Pakistani soldiers for about 90 minutes last week. Taliban attacks in Pakistan, and counterattacks have resulted in a kind of ambient disruption for the rocky border zone.
Violent protests—and counteroperationsare continuing in New Caledonia (pop: 270,000), a Pacific island part of overseas France. The riots, which have killed 6 people so far, began after metropolitan France proposed a plan to expand voting rights beyond indigenous residents. A state of emergency has been declared amid worries about a spiral of violence taking hold.
As the Sahel dries out, experts are concerned about the links to rising terrorism in the region. The Sahel accounts for over 40% of global terrorism deaths—according to the analysts’ understanding of “terrorism.” Mali in particular has reportedly become home to 41 new, different non-state armed groups (NSAGs) since 2007. A contested election in Chad resulted in the consolidation of the interim leader’s power.
“If governments are continually unable to solve regional issues, the people will be at the whim of any terror group that has a basic organization. It serves these groups’ interests to promote insecurity where they can and create security where they want. A “hearts and minds” campaign in the Sahel could lead to long-term and locally supported insurgencies in a land that is currently rife with civil strife.” -from the article
Some wargamers concluded that a Trump victory in 2020 would spell the end of NATO, or at least the end of its utility. Vladimir Putin replaced his minister of defense with a top economic advisor, just before going to Beijing to reaffirm their friendship with “no limits.” Some say Putin is planning on a forever war. Some say NATO is gearing up for one, too.
Russia made several gains in the suburbs of Kharkiv, seizing several settlements which some analysts doubt they will hold. Putin claims they aren’t really trying to take Kharkiv anyway… Russia also made small progress in the Donbas—although they suffered their largest one-day casualties since the start of the war. The U.S. allocated another $2B to hasten the delivery of weapons to the front lines. The next weeks will be crucial on the front. Switzerland has invited 160+ nations to send delegates to a peace summit intended to design a path to making peace in this War.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-Brazil’s flooding was really, really bad, judging from this post and its accompanying images. Across just one of Brazil’s 26 states, 600,000+ people have been made homeless, 100+ have died, and the storm season isn’t over yet. Some of the flooding isn’t expected to subside for another month.
-How specifically might climate change make humanity extinct? This thread crowdsources a number of plausible ways, from ordinary famines to nuclear war and even a massive deoxygenation process. I tend to think it will be a consequence of an eventual nuclear exchange, followed by extended famine and disease.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, doom prophets to follow, hugelkultur guides, directions to off-grid bunkers, ark schematics, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
submitted by LastWeekInCollapse to collapse [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:23 Accurate-Screen8774 A Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture

A Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture
Disclaimer: the following is a recent medium article. it is being posted in full on Reddit to compare feedback and engagement of Reddit users with long-form articles.
Decentralization can mean a lot of things because it can be open to interpretation. In this article, we would like to talk about what decentralization means to us and how we are approaching our definition of decentralized. We are working on a typical chat app, but our approach is unique and may push the boundaries of what it means for something to be self-hosted.
Our decentralized chat application is built as a Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and leverages modern web technologies to deliver a user experience comparable to native apps. Unlike traditional centralized chat apps, our chat app is designed to operate independently of central servers, ensuring that user data remains private and secure. This article will delve into the various components and architectural decisions that make our app truly decentralized.

The Decentralized Chat App

An overview of how our chat application leverages Progressive Web App (PWA) technology to provide a seamless user experience across different devices and platforms.

Data Storage and Networking

A typical app relies heavily on data storage and networking capabilities. In our decentralized chat application, we’ve implemented advanced solutions to handle these aspects efficiently and securely.

Data Storage

In our app, we use IndexedDB to store data directly in the browser’s storage. While browsers provide multiple options for storing information, ranging from cookies to local storage, IndexedDB offers a more advanced and robust solution.
Capacity: IndexedDB can store significantly larger amounts of data compared to cookies or local storage. Structure: It allows for complex data structures, including collections of files and blobs. Performance: IndexedDB operates asynchronously, meaning it won’t block the main thread of your application, leading to better performance for data-heavy applications.
Using IndexedDB, we ensure that user data is stored locally on their devices, providing both privacy and independence from central servers.


For networking, our app uses PeerJS-server as a connection broker to establish WebRTC connections between peers.
Direct Peer-to-Peer: WebRTC, provided by the browser, enables real-time communication between peers. This allows two users to connect directly and exchange data with minimal latency. Efficient Routing: Once a connection is established, data is sent via the shortest possible network route, enhancing speed and efficiency. Multiple Connections: Browsers can handle multiple WebRTC connections simultaneously, though the number of connections can vary depending on the device and network capabilities.
PeerJS-server helps in the initial connection setup by acting as a signaling server. It facilitates the exchange of connection information between peers, enabling them to establish a direct WebRTC connection.
By leveraging IndexedDB for data storage and WebRTC with PeerJS-server for networking, our chat application achieves a high level of decentralization, ensuring user data remains private and connections are efficient and reliable. These components form the backbone of our approach, pushing the boundaries of what it means for an app to be truly self-hosted and decentralized

Static Distribution and Deployment

Our app is essentially a bundle of static files, which makes it highly portable and easy to distribute. We leverage AWS services such as S3 and CloudFormation to deploy our app, ensuring it is distributed efficiently over a Content Delivery Network (CDN) across AWS servers.

AWS S3 and CloudFormation

AWS S3: We host our app on AWS S3, a scalable storage service that allows us to serve static files reliably. S3 ensures that our app is always available and can handle large numbers of requests without performance degradation. CloudFormation: By using AWS CloudFormation, we automate the deployment process, managing our infrastructure as code. This makes it easy to replicate and manage our app’s deployment environment.
Hosting on S3 and using CloudFormation means our app benefits from AWS’s global CDN. This ensures that our static files are cached and served from servers closest to our users, reducing latency and improving load times.

Offline Availability and Self-Hosting

We go a step further by providing users with the option to download a zip file of the app directly from within the app. This ensures that users can run the app locally without relying on our servers.
Direct from Index.html: Unlike some other apps, our app is a pure JavaScript implementation, designed to run directly from the index.html file. Users can simply open this file in their browser and start using the app without needing a server. Docker Option: For users who prefer or require a server setup, we offer a Docker configuration. This allows the app to be run in a containerized environment, providing flexibility and ease of deployment for different use cases.

Unminified Code for Transparency

We believe in transparency and accessibility. Therefore, we run the app as unminified code. This has several advantages:
Ease of Download: Users can download the entire app using simple browser commands like Ctrl/Cmd+S. Transparency: By providing unminified code, we ensure that users can inspect and understand the code they are running. This fosters trust and allows for easier customization and debugging.
By distributing our app as static files and offering multiple ways to run it, we ensure that users have maximum flexibility and control. Whether using AWS’s robust infrastructure or running the app locally, our approach embodies the principles of decentralization and user empowerment.

Webpack 5 Module Federation

Our app leverages Webpack 5’s Module Federation feature to implement a microfrontend architecture. This approach allows us to modularize our application, making it easier to maintain, develop, and scale. You can explore our open-source implementation here:

Current Implementation

We have used Webpack 5 Module Federation to build the chat application, which you can find here: Additionally, we have created a federated module for cryptography that can be imported at runtime, available here: Our current setup is straightforward, allowing us to dynamically load different parts of the application as needed. This modular approach provides flexibility and efficiency in how we develop and deploy our app.

Future Enhancements

We plan to further decompose the application into separate microfrontends, each responsible for a specific aspect of the app. This will not only simplify maintenance but also enhance documentation and development processes for individual components.
Planned Modules:
1. UI Components: A collection of reusable UI components that can be shared across different parts of the application, promoting consistency and reducing duplication. 2. P2P Framework: The core framework for peer-to-peer networking, facilitating real-time communication between users. 3. State Management: This module will manage the application’s state, ensuring efficient data handling and synchronization across different components and peers. 4. Permission Manager: A dedicated module for managing user permissions and access control, enhancing security and user management.

Individual Storybooks and Module Exports

Each module will have its own Storybook and module export, providing a dedicated space for documentation, testing, and showcasing individual components. This approach will:
Enhance Documentation: Each module will be well-documented, making it easier for developers to understand and use them. Simplify Maintenance: By isolating modules, we can update and maintain them independently, reducing the risk of breaking changes affecting the entire app. Promote Reusability: Well-defined modules can be reused across different projects, promoting a modular and efficient development approach.
By embracing Webpack 5 Module Federation and breaking down our app into distinct microfrontends, we aim to create a more robust, scalable, and maintainable architecture. This approach not only benefits our development process but also enhances the overall user experience by ensuring that each component is well-crafted and easily accessible.

Redundancy and Reliability

In the past, we have encountered difficulties when deploying our app to AWS due to various technical issues. Given that our app functions as a self-hosted static application, we have started exploring alternative hosting options, such as GitHub Pages. You can view our deployment on GitHub Pages here:

GitHub Pages Deployment

Our microfrontend architecture allows us to deploy each module independently. This capability has enabled us to host copies of the app on GitHub Pages for each repository. While this approach is unconventional and can lead to redundant copies of the app, we believe it is a valuable exercise in exploring module federation redundancy.
Accessibility: Hosting on GitHub Pages makes the app easily accessible to users and developers. Simplicity: GitHub Pages offers a straightforward deployment process, reducing the complexity often associated with other hosting solutions. Cost-Effective: GitHub Pages is free, making it an economical choice for hosting static sites.

Redundancy and Interoperability

We aim to make our app interoperable across different hosting sources. By leveraging Webpack 5 Module Federation, we can ensure that the app works seamlessly whether it is served from AWS or GitHub Pages. This redundancy enhances the app’s reliability and availability.
Module Federation Redundancy: We are investigating ways to make modules interoperable between different sources, ensuring that the app remains functional even if one source becomes unavailable. Interoperable Deployment: Our goal is to allow the app to fetch and integrate modules from both AWS and GitHub Pages dynamically.

Future Plans

To further enhance our deployment strategy, we plan to use a infrastructure as code tool, to deploy the app across multiple cloud service providers. This approach will increase the resilience of our deployment, ensuring the app remains online and functional even if one provider experiences downtime.
Multi-Cloud Deployment: We can deploy the app to various cloud service providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. This will distribute the app’s load and reduce the risk of a single point of failure. Scalability: This will enable us to scale the app easily across different providers, ensuring it can handle increased traffic without performance issues. Cost Management: Static file hosting is relatively a cheap option for hosting a webapp, we can optimize costs and ensure that the app remains affordable to maintain.
By exploring these new hosting options and implementing a robust deployment strategy, we aim to make our decentralized chat app more resilient, scalable, and cost-effective. Our efforts in redundancy and interoperability will ensure that the app continues to function seamlessly, providing a reliable user experience regardless of the hosting source.

Multi-Device Architecture

As our app continues to develop, we are excited to introduce the concept of a decentralized profile that can be shared across multiple devices. This feature is designed for individuals who want to use the same profile on all their devices, providing a seamless and integrated multi-platform chat experience, much like any modern chat application.

Decentralized Profile

A decentralized profile allows users to maintain a consistent identity and settings across different devices. This means that whether you are using a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, your profile can remain synchronized and up-to-date.
Profile Synchronization: Users can access their chat history, contacts, and settings on any device by synchronizing their decentralized profile. Data Consistency: Changes made on one device are automatically reflected on others, ensuring a consistent experience.

Multi-Platform Chat Experience

Implementing a decentralized profile enables us to offer a robust multi-platform chat experience. Users can switch between devices without losing their chat continuity or settings, enhancing the overall user experience.
Convenience: Users can start a conversation on one device and continue it on another without any interruptions. Flexibility: The app adapts to various devices, providing a user-friendly interface and experience on each platform.

Decentralized File Storage

In addition to profile synchronization, we are exploring the potential of decentralized file storage. This feature would allow users to move large files between devices quickly, easily and securely.
Cross-Device Sharing: Users can share files between their devices effortlessly, whether they are transferring a document from their laptop to their phone or vice versa. Collaborative Work: Teams can collaborate more effectively by sharing encrypted files directly through the app, regardless of the devices they are using.
By introducing a decentralized profile and exploring decentralized file storage, we aim to enhance our app’s functionality and user experience. These features will provide users with the convenience and flexibility expected from a modern chat application while maintaining the principles of decentralization and security.

Decentralized Peer Discovery

Decentralized peer discovery is a critical component of our app’s architecture. By leveraging innovative technologies such as QR codes, NFC, and BLE, we facilitate seamless connections between peers without relying on a central authority.

QR Codes

QR codes provide a straightforward method for establishing peer connections. Users can generate a QR code that contains their connection details, which other users can scan to initiate a peer-to-peer connection.
Ease of Use: Users can quickly and easily share connection details. Security: QR codes can be generated dynamically, reducing the risk of interception.

NFC (Near Field Communication)

NFC allows devices to establish connections simply by being in close proximity. This technology is particularly useful for quick and secure peer discovery.
Speed: Connections are established almost instantly. Convenience: Users can connect devices by simply bringing them close together, making it ideal for spontaneous interactions.

BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

BLE enables devices to discover and communicate with each other over short distances with minimal power consumption. This makes it a suitable option for maintaining constant peer-to-peer connections.
Energy Efficiency: BLE conserves battery life, making it ideal for mobile devices. Range: BLE provides a reliable connection over a short range, perfect for personal or localized networking.

Combining Technologies for Enhanced Discovery

By integrating QR codes, NFC, and BLE, we create a robust and versatile peer discovery mechanism. Users can choose the most convenient method for their situation, ensuring that connections are both seamless and secure.
Hybrid Approach: Users can combine different methods for an optimal connection experience. For instance, initial discovery via QR code followed by connection via BLE for sustained communication. Adaptability: The app adapts to the available technologies on the user’s device, providing the best possible peer discovery experience.
These innovative approaches to peer discovery, coupled with our decentralized microfrontend architecture, form the backbone of our commitment to enhancing decentralization, scalability, and user experience. By continually exploring and implementing cutting-edge technologies, we ensure our app remains at the forefront of decentralized communication solutions
These sections outline the key aspects of our decentralized microfrontend architecture and provide a roadmap for our ongoing and future efforts to enhance decentralization, scalability, and user experience.


Our journey towards building a decentralized chat application has been driven by a desire to push the boundaries of what it means for an app to be truly self-hosted and independent of central servers. By leveraging modern web technologies such as Progressive Web Apps, IndexedDB, WebRTC, and Webpack 5 Module Federation, we have created a robust and scalable architecture that emphasizes privacy, security, and user empowerment.
We have explored innovative hosting solutions like GitHub Pages and plan to implement multi-cloud deployments to enhance resilience and scalability. Our vision for a multi-device architecture, incorporating decentralized profiles and encrypted file storage, aims to provide a seamless, cross-platform user experience. Additionally, our commitment to decentralized peer discovery using QR codes, NFC, and BLE ensures that users can connect easily and securely without relying on centralized authorities.
As we continue to develop and refine our app, we remain dedicated to the principles of decentralization, transparency, and user control. We invite you to join us on this journey, explore our open-source repositories, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of our decentralized chat application. Together, we can redefine what it means to communicate in a decentralized world.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our project. We look forward to your feedback and collaboration as we continue to innovate and improve our decentralized chat application.
submitted by Accurate-Screen8774 to darknetplan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:21 idlechat [2024 Read-Along] Week 20, The Silmarillion - Quenta Silmarillion - Of Maeglin (Chapter 16)

[Eöl] shunned the Noldor, holding them to blame for the return to Morgoth, to trouble the quiet of Beleriand; but for the Dwarves he had more liking than any other of the Elvenfolk of old.
Welcome one and all again to the 2024 Read-Along and Discussion of The Silmarillion here on tolkienfans. For Week 20 (May 12-May 18), we will be exploring The Quenta Silmarillion (The History of the Silmarils) chapter 16, "Of Maeglin."

Aredhel, the daughter of Fingolfin, resided awhile in Nevrast with her brother Turgon, but later went with her people to dwell in the hidden city of Gondolin. However, she soon wearied of her hidden life in Gondolin and was permitted to set out purportedly to visit with Fingon in Hithlum with three lords of the household of Turgon. Upon reaching the Ford of Brithiach, she commanded her companions to instead turn south in the hope of passing through Doriath to eventually find the Sons of Fëanor, "her friends of old".
Upon arriving at the borders of Doriath, they were refused entry by King Thingol. And so Aredhel and her companions instead sought the dangerous route between the haunted valley of Ered Gorgoroth and the northern edge of Doriath. This passed through the land of Nan Dungortheb, where Aredhel was separated from her companions. They searched but could not find her, and barely escaping death themselves returned to Gondolin to share their tale, and there was great sorrow at the assumed fate of Aredhel.
But Aredhel, having lost her companions, continued on and eventually arrived in Himlad, where she was welcomed by the people of Celegorm and waited for his return. There for a while she was satisfied, but as the year lengthened, she took to riding further afield, seeking new and unknown paths and fields. By chance, she crossed into the forest of Nan Elmoth, where dwelt Eöl, who was named the Dark Elf. In earlier days, he was of the kin of Thingol, but he had left Doriath and fled to the shadows of Nan Elmoth. He loved not the Noldor, but learned from the Dwarves much skill of metalwork, and was often a guest to the halls of Nogrod and Belegost. He espied Aredhel from afar and desired her, and ensnared her in enchantments so she could not find the way out, but instead came deeper into Nan Elmoth. Being weary, she finally came to the halls of Eöl, and he welcomed her, and took her for his wife, and it was a long time before any of her kin heard rumour of her again.
Though at Eöl's command she was required to shun sunlight, it is not said that she was completely unwilling to their union, and in the darkness of Nan Elmoth was born their son, who, in her heart, she named Lómion, which means "Child of the Twilight" in Quenya. But Eöl gave him no name until he was twelve years old, at which time he named him Maeglin, that is "Sharp Glance".
As Maeglin grew to full maturity, he resembled, in face and form, one of the Noldor. But speaking few words, except in matters important to him, he resembled his father in mood and spirit. Often he went with Eöl to the cities of the Dwarves, and learned much from them, especially the craft of finding ores and metals in the mountains. Yet he loved his mother more and would often listen to her tales regarding the Noldor, and the valour of the House of Fingolfin, while Eöl was abroad.
In speaking of her kin to Maeglin, Aredhel desired to see them again, and these tales stirred also in Maeglin the desire to see the Noldor. But upon revealing his inner wishes to Eöl, his father became infuriated, and threatened to bind his son if he would associate with the Noldor. Maeglin became cold and silent, and no longer went abroad with Eöl, and Eöl mistrusted him. One midsummer, Eöl went away to a feast in Nogrod. During this time, the desire grew hot in the heart of Maeglin to leave Nan Elmoth and look upon his mother's people and to seek the city of Gondolin. Seeing this, Aredhel was glad and they departed, telling Eöl's servants they sought the sons of Fëanor.
However, Eöl returned earlier than anticipated and found his wife and son two days gone. He set out immediately in wrathful pursuit. On entering Himlad, Eöl was ambushed by the riders of Curufin, and was taken to their lord. Curufin mockingly asked Eöl what urgent matter brought him to his land, and Eöl told him that he wanted to join his wife and son on their visit to him. Upon learning from Curufin that they turned westward, travelling along the northern fence of Doriath, Eöl asked leave to discover their purpose. Curufin instead coldly bid him go back to Nan Elmoth.
Thus Eöl rode off in haste, full of shame and anger. He perceived that Aredhel and Maeglin were heading towards Gondolin and rode after them. As the two arrived at the Outer Gate of Gondolin, they were received joyfully and passed inside the Hidden Kingdom, where Turgon listened with wonder to the story of his sister, and gave Maeglin the highest honour in his realm. Eöl watched them from afar and followed them to the city, but was taken in by the Guard, and was brought before Turgon after claiming to be husband and father to Aredhel and Maeglin. Aredhel confirmed this and Turgon welcomed Eöl as his kinsman, giving him leave to stay in Gondolin. But Eöl insulted the King, and bid Maeglin to "leave the House of the slayers of his kin, or be accursed". Maeglin did not answer.
Turgon then set a choice before Eöl and Maeglin of either abiding in Gondolin, or dying in Gondolin. Eöl stood a long time in silence, before he abruptly took a spear from under his cloak and threw it at Maeglin, crying "the second choice I take, and for my son also! You shall not hold what is mine!" But Aredhel came between the spear and Maeglin, and was struck. Eöl was restrained, set in bonds and led away. However the tip of the spear was poisoned, and Aredhel died in the night. Eöl was brought before Turgon and no mercy was shown to him; he was led to the Caragdûr, a precipice upon the northern side of the city, to be cast down. Maeglin stood by in silence, and Eöl cried out "so you forsake your father and his kin, ill-gotten son! Here shall you fail of all your hopes and here may you yet die the same death as I". And he was cast over the cliff-edge. Thus ended Eöl, Dark Elf, of the shadows of Nan Elmoth.
Maeglin grew great in stature in Gondolin, and was high in the favour of Turgon. He rose to be mighty amongst the Princes of the Noldor, and was the greatest other than Turgon in the realm of Gondolin. And yet not all things went as he would have liked, though he did not reveal his heart. For from his first days in Gondolin, he loved Idril Celebrindal, his first cousin, and desired her, but without hope. For the Eldar did not wed with kin so close, and further, Idril loved him not at all. Maeglin's love turned to darkness, and he sought more to have his will in all matters, no matter the cost to him, if it might grant him more power.
And so it came to be that in Gondolin, at the height of all its bliss, majesty, and beauty, a dark seed of evil was sown in the heart of Maeglin.[1]
Of Maeglin at The Lord of the Rings Wiki: This chapter introduces Maeglin, and his father Eöl, and tells the history of Maeglin's life from his birth to his becoming a citizen of Gondolin. Also in this chapter is the death of Eöl.
Chapter discussion at Entmoot TolkienTrail.
Chapter discussion at The Barrow-Downs.
Questions for the week:
  1. Eöl is described as grim -- "his eyes could see deep into shadows and dark places." Does this just mean his eyes have adjusted to life in the dark, or is there also a hint of his being able to see beyond what is there, in a "foresight" or "farsighted" kind of way?
  2. Maeglin and Eöl argue because Eöl won't let him see his mother's kin which causes a major rift between the two. Why did Eöl object?
  3. What is significant of Maeglin's given name of Lomion, i.e. "Child of the Twilight" by his mother, Aredhel, but at age 12, Eöl named him Maeglin, i.e. "Sharp Glance".
  4. Why did Eöl have more liking for the Dwarves "than any other of the Elvenfolk of old."?
For drafts and history of this chapter see The War of the Jewels, "Part Three: The Wanderings of Húrin and other Writings not forming part of The Quenta Silmarillion", Chapter III, "Maeglin)", pp. 316-339.
For further history and analysis of this chapter, see Arda Reconstructed (by Douglas Charles Kane), p. 155.
Be sure to have your copy of The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad on hand as you go through this chapter.
Some Tolkien-related hangouts on YouTube (relevant to this week):
  • Nerd of the Rings This episode: Maps of Middle-earth: The First Age The Silmarillion Explained
  • Nerd of the Rings This episode: The Origins of Melkor Tolkien Explained
  • Nerd of the Rings This episode: The History of Morgoth [COMPILATION] Tolkien Explained
  • Nerd of the Rings This episode: Eöl the Dark Elf Tolkien Explained
  • Tolkien Untangled This episode: The Return of the Noldor Of the Lords of Beleriand : Silmarillion Explained - Part 2 of 10
  • Ælfwine's Road This episode: Silmarillion Summary: Ch. 16 - Of Maeglin [19/31]
  • Voice of Geekdom This episode: Chapter 16.1 - Eöl the Dark Elf, and Aredhel, White Lady of the Noldor Silmarillion Explained
  • Voice of Geekdom This episode: Chapter 16.2 - The Rise of Maeglin Silmarillion Explained
  • The Tolkien Road Podcast This episode: Silmarillion 2022 Ch 16 » Of Maeglin
  • The Tolkien Road Podcast This episode: 0047 - The Silmarillion - Chapter 16 - Of Maeglin
  • The One Ring This episode: Tolkien’s Disney Princess!? – Of Maeglin – The Silmarillion – 18
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide at Tea With Tolkien.
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide by askmiddlearth on Tumblr.
Quettaparma Quenyallo (QQ) - The most extensive list of Quenya words available on the internet, by Helge Fauskanger, 1999-2013.
Tolkien Collector's Guide - Guide to Tolkien's Letters
A (Hopefully) Light Guide to the Silmarillion — Or What I Wish I’d Known Before Reading It by u/Ok_Bullfrog_8491/
The Definitive Family Tree of the Tolkien Legendarium by u/PotterGandalf117
Wikipedia - The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Announcement and Index: (Take 2) 2024 The Silmarillion and The Fall of Gondolin Read-Along
submitted by idlechat to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:16 smellytrashyy My code works properly in Codepen, but not in a website host. Help.

I made this code with the help of AI, I read rule 10 but trust me this kept me up at night (bad at coding). Can somebody please explain why it only works properly in Codepen, but not when I place it in a website host? I saved it as styles.css, index.html, script.js., then to a folder, then zipped it.
When I put it in Codepen, the questions drop down when I choose the gender, this doesn't work in the website host. Any help/tip is appreciated. Thanks!
CSS: body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; background-color: #7074A0; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .container { max-width: 800px; margin: 2rem auto; background: #D5D5D5; padding: 2rem; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-radius: 10px; } h1 { text-align: center; color: #333; } .form-group { margin-bottom: 1.5rem; } label { font-weight: bold; } select, input[type="checkbox"], button { width: 100%; padding: 0.5rem; margin-top: 0.5rem; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; } button { background-color: #2C3055; color: white; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s; } button:hover { background-color: #008080; } #recommendationResult { margin-top: 1.5rem; font-weight: bold; } HTML:      Style Recommendations    

The Fashion Anatomist

JS: const bodyTypes = { male: ["Rectangle", "Triangle", "Upside Down Triangle", "Trapezoid", "Oval"], female: ["Rectangle", "Apple", "Pear", "Hourglass", "Upside Down Triangle"] }; const questions = { male: [ { question: "What is your go-to outfit for a casual day out?", options: ["Jeans and a T-shirt", "Casual shirt and pants", "Athleisure wear", "Vintage finds", "Tailored clothes", "Simple and clean", "Bohemian styles", "Chic and trendy", "Unique and artsy"] }, { question: "Which colors do you prefer to wear?", options: ["Bright and bold", "Neutral tones", "Pastels", "Earthy colors", "Classic black and white", "Monochrome", "Mixed prints", "Sleek and modern", "Vibrant and contrasting"] }, { question: "What kind of shoes do you usually wear?", options: ["Sneakers", "Casual shoes", "Formal shoes", "Boots", "Loafers", "Minimalist shoes", "Ethnic sandals", "Designer shoes", "Artsy shoes"] }, { question: "Which accessory do you never leave the house without?", options: ["Cap", "Scarf", "Statement watch", "Tie", "Belt", "Simple necklace", "Layered bracelets", "Stylish bag", "Artsy accessory"] } ], female: [ { question: "What is your go-to outfit for a casual day out?", options: ["Jeans and a T-shirt", "A dress", "Athleisure wear", "Vintage finds", "Tailored clothes", "Simple and clean", "Bohemian styles", "Chic and trendy", "Unique and artsy"] }, { question: "Which colors do you prefer to wear?", options: ["Bright and bold", "Neutral tones", "Pastels", "Earthy colors", "Classic black and white", "Monochrome", "Mixed prints", "Sleek and modern", "Vibrant and contrasting"] }, { question: "What kind of shoes do you usually wear?", options: ["Sneakers", "Flats", "Heels", "Boots", "Loafers", "Minimalist sandals", "Ethnic sandals", "Designer shoes", "Artsy shoes"] }, { question: "Which accessory do you never leave the house without?", options: ["Cap", "Scarf", "Statement jewelry", "Watch", "Belt", "Simple necklace", "Layered necklaces", "Stylish handbag", "Artsy bag"] } ] }; const styleMap = { "Jeans and a T-shirt": "casual", "Casual shirt and pants": "casual", "A dress": "chic", "Athleisure wear": "casual", "Vintage finds": "vintage", "Tailored clothes": "formal", "Simple and clean": "minimalist", "Bohemian styles": "bohemian", "Chic and trendy": "chic", "Unique and artsy": "artsy", "Bright and bold": "streetwear", "Neutral tones": "casual", "Pastels": "preppy", "Earthy colors": "bohemian", "Classic black and white": "formal", "Monochrome": "minimalist", "Mixed prints": "vintage", "Sleek and modern": "chic", "Vibrant and contrasting": "artsy", "Sneakers": "streetwear", "Casual shoes": "casual", "Formal shoes": "formal", "Boots": "bohemian", "Loafers": "formal", "Minimalist shoes": "minimalist", "Ethnic sandals": "bohemian", "Designer shoes": "chic", "Artsy shoes": "artsy", "Cap": "streetwear", "Scarf": "vintage", "Statement watch": "formal", "Tie": "formal", "Belt": "preppy", "Simple necklace": "minimalist", "Layered bracelets": "bohemian", "Stylish bag": "chic", "Artsy accessory": "artsy", "Statement jewelry": "chic", "Watch": "formal", "Layered necklaces": "bohemian", "Stylish handbag": "chic", "Artsy bag": "artsy" }; const recommendations = { male: { Rectangle: { casual: "Opt for well-fitted t-shirts and straight-cut jeans.", chic: "Tailored pieces with sharp lines and neutral colors.", minimalist: "Stick to monochromatic outfits with clean lines.", vintage: "Go for retro patterns and fitted blazers.", formal: "Choose structured suits with shoulder padding.", bohemian: "Flowy shirts with earthy tones and relaxed pants.", artsy: "Abstract prints and asymmetrical designs." }, Triangle: { casual: "Wear darker colors on top and lighter on the bottom.", chic: "Structured blazers and vertical stripes to elongate the torso.", minimalist: "Neutral tones with minimal layering.", vintage: "High-waisted pants and vintage tees.", formal: "Suits with padded shoulders and tapered pants.", bohemian: "Loose tops with fitted bottoms.", artsy: "Bold, artistic prints and unique cuts." }, "Upside Down Triangle": { casual: "Fitted shirts and loose trousers for balance.", chic: "Tailored jackets and darker colors on top.", minimalist: "Simple and clean lines with solid colors.", vintage: "Classic patterns like houndstooth or plaid.", formal: "Structured suits with well-defined shoulders.", bohemian: "Loose tops with wide-leg pants.", artsy: "Geometric patterns and unconventional designs." }, Trapezoid: { casual: "Fitted tops and straight-leg jeans.", chic: "Structured blazers and well-fitted trousers.", minimalist: "Clean lines and tailored silhouettes.", vintage: "Retro-inspired pieces with a modern twist.", formal: "Tailored suits with balanced proportions.", bohemian: "Relaxed fits with layered textures.", artsy: "Experimental designs and unique accessories." }, Oval: { casual: "Opt for fitted tops and straight-cut bottoms.", chic: "Structured blazers and tailored trousers.", minimalist: "Simple, streamlined outfits with solid colors.", vintage: "Classic pieces with flattering silhouettes.", formal: "Well-tailored suits with structured jackets.", bohemian: "Flowy tops with relaxed bottoms for balance.", artsy: "Statement pieces and bold accessories." } }, female: { Rectangle: { casual: "Tuck in your shirts and pair with skinny jeans.", chic: "Structured blazers and high-waisted pants.", minimalist: "Simple, straight-cut dresses and tops.", vintage: "High-waisted skirts and fitted blouses.", formal: "Peplum tops and pencil skirts.", bohemian: "Flowy dresses with cinched waists.", artsy: "Bold patterns and unique textures." }, Apple: { casual: "V-neck tops and A-line skirts.", chic: "Structured blouses with wide-leg trousers.", minimalist: "Monochrome outfits with clean lines.", vintage: "Empire-waist dresses and skirts.", formal: "Wrap dresses and tailored blazers.", bohemian: "Loose tops with flared pants.", artsy: "Unique cuts and statement accessories." }, Pear: { casual: "Fitted tops and wide-leg pants.", chic: "Blazers with shoulder pads and A-line skirts.", minimalist: "Simple tops with straight-leg pants.", vintage: "High-waisted pants and tucked-in blouses.", formal: "Structured dresses with defined waists.", bohemian: "Flowy tops with fitted bottoms.", artsy: "Layered textures and asymmetrical designs." }, Hourglass: { casual: "Wrap tops and high-waisted jeans.", chic: "Tailored dresses with cinched waists.", minimalist: "Fitted tops with straight-leg trousers.", vintage: "Retro-inspired dresses with belts.", formal: "Bodycon dresses and pencil skirts.", bohemian: "Cinched waists with flowy skirts.", artsy: "Form-fitting pieces with artistic prints." }, "Upside Down Triangle": { casual: "Fitted shirts and loose skirts.", chic: "Structured jackets with flared pants.", minimalist: "Simple tops with wide-leg trousers.", vintage: "A-line dresses with vintage patterns.", formal: "Blazers with shoulder pads and pencil skirts.", bohemian: "Loose tops with flowy bottoms.", artsy: "Bold prints and unique cuts." } } }; document.getElementById('bodyTypeForm').addEventListener('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const gender = document.getElementById('gender').value; const bodyType = document.getElementById('bodyType').value; const hideRecommendations = document.getElementById('hideRecommendations').checked; if (!gender) { alert("Please select gender."); return; } if (!hideRecommendations && !bodyType) { alert("Please select body type or choose to hide recommendations."); return; } const questionElements = document.querySelectorAll('.questionContainer'); const answers = []; questionElements.forEach(questionElement => { const answer = questionElement.querySelector('select').value; if (!answer) { alert("Please answer all questions."); return; } answers.push(answer); }); const styleCount = {}; answers.forEach(answer => { const style = styleMap[answer]; if (style) { if (!styleCount[style]) { styleCount[style] = 0; } styleCount[style]++; } }); const preferredStyle = Object.keys(styleCount).reduce((a, b) => styleCount[a] > styleCount[b] ? a : b, null); let recommendation = `Your preferred style is ${preferredStyle}.`; if (!hideRecommendations && bodyType) { const bodyTypeRecommendation = recommendations[gender]?.[bodyType]?.[preferredStyle]; if (bodyTypeRecommendation) { recommendation += ` For your ${bodyType} body type, we recommend: ${bodyTypeRecommendation}.`; } else { recommendation += " Please consult a stylist for personalized recommendations."; } } document.getElementById('recommendationResult').innerText = recommendation; }); document.getElementById('gender').addEventListener('change', function (e) { const gender =; const bodyTypeSelect = document.getElementById('bodyType'); const hideRecommendationsCheckbox = document.getElementById('hideRecommendations'); if (gender) { bodyTypeSelect.removeAttribute('disabled'); hideRecommendationsCheckbox.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { bodyTypeSelect.setAttribute('disabled', true); hideRecommendationsCheckbox.setAttribute('disabled', true); } bodyTypeSelect.innerHTML = ''; bodyTypes[gender].forEach(bodyType => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = bodyType; option.innerText = bodyType; bodyTypeSelect.appendChild(option); }); const questionContainer = document.getElementById('questionContainer'); questionContainer.innerHTML = ''; questions[gender].forEach((question, index) => { const questionDiv = document.createElement('div'); questionDiv.className = 'questionContainer'; const questionLabel = document.createElement('label'); questionLabel.innerText = question.question; const questionSelect = document.createElement('select'); questionSelect.innerHTML = ''; question.options.forEach(option => { const optionElement = document.createElement('option'); optionElement.value = option; optionElement.innerText = option; questionSelect.appendChild(optionElement); }); questionDiv.appendChild(questionLabel); questionDiv.appendChild(questionSelect); questionContainer.appendChild(questionDiv); }); }); document.getElementById('hideRecommendations').addEventListener('change', function (e) { const bodyTypeSelect = document.getElementById('bodyType'); if ( { bodyTypeSelect.setAttribute('disabled', true); } else { bodyTypeSelect.removeAttribute('disabled'); } });
submitted by smellytrashyy to CodingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:58 tfosnip CS50W - Proj4 Network - Django doesnt recognize my JS code at all

I've double checked the following:
  • I'm referencing the script correctly inside my index.html;
  • none of my codes (python/html/js) are returning errors;
  • I've cleaned cache & tried on incognito mode, problem still exists;
  • my looks okay?(as given by cs50)
I've put down several triggers inside this JavaScript code yet none of them run.
console.log("newlikes.js is loaded"); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { console.log("DOM fully loaded and parsed"); document.querySelectorAll('button[id^="like_button_"]').forEach(button => { button.addEventListener('click', function() { console.log("clicked!") let postId ='_')[2]; let userId = this.dataset.userId; let likeCountElement = document.querySelector("#like_count_" + postId); let likeButton = this; fetch('/like/' + postId + '/', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ 'user_id': userId }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-CSRFToken': document.querySelector('input[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').value } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (data.like_status) { = 'grey'; likeCountElement.textContent = parseInt(likeCountElement.textContent) + 1; } else { = 'red'; likeCountElement.textContent = parseInt(likeCountElement.textContent) - 1; } }); }); }); }); 
my index.html code:
{% extends "network/layout.html" %} {% load static %} {% block body %} 
{% if user.is_authenticated %}

Create New Post

{% csrf_token %}
Image Link Url:

{% endif %}
{% comment %} list of posts for people that users follow {% endcomment %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% for post in page_obj %}

    Posted on: {{post.created_time}}
    {% csrf_token %} {{post.liked_by.count}}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}
and my
""" Django settings for project4 project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 3.0.2. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ import os # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = '13kl@xtukpwe&xj2xoysxe9_6=tf@f8ewxer5n&ifnd46+6$%8' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'network', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', ] MIDDLEWARE = [ '', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'project4.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'project4.wsgi.application' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), } } AUTH_USER_MODEL = "network.User" # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"), '/network/project4/network/static', ] 
my folder structure looks like this:
I've been stuck on this project for half a week now because I thought my JS code was bugged, and only until today I added more triggers and realized it wasn't run at all...... (I have 2 more earlier versions of js code in the same folder but none of them are quoted anywhere so I assume this isn't a problem)
I truly really appreciate anyone's help to get out of this brain prison!! I used 120% of my brain and I am still 100% clueless rn :P
submitted by tfosnip to cs50 [link] [comments]