How much a ballistic knife cost

Organizing the Private Trade / Sale of knives

2012.01.30 03:29 Apalis Organizing the Private Trade / Sale of knives

Welcome to Knife_Swap! If you have any questions, please contact the mod team through modmail, accessible via a link in the about section. Please read the rules before posting!

2012.08.26 00:31 BewilderedAlbatross The EDC Exchange

EDC = Every Day Carry (though we like to switch it up sometimes, too). This is a place to find new gear or sell gear that’s not finding its way into your rotation. From hanks to pens, knives to wallets, EDC is all about what finds its way into your pockets, bags, etc. We’ve all been EDC’ing our whole life and maybe just didn’t know it yet. To see examples of what others are carrying, head over to edc!

2019.08.24 01:21 UnknownEssence Arbitrum

Arbitrum is a suite of Ethereum scaling solutions that enables high-throughput, low cost smart contracts while remaining trustlessly secure via Arbitrum Rollup, Arbitrum Anytrust Chains, and Arbitrum Orbit.

2024.06.02 10:05 Victory_Vi 2 years of Hogwarts Mystery 2022-2024 (bunch of pictures with captions)

2 years of Hogwarts Mystery 2022-2024 (bunch of pictures with captions)

1. It took me much time to understand what's going on on my first ever loading screen. 😅 And to know who are half of the characters on one of the next pictures)

2 I started with another character screen and for quite some time enjoyed dark-blue background for Clubs tab

3 I played very first Scavenger Hunts and Carnivals.

4. 1st Carnival went for 12 days, had cooldowns in booths, wasn't accessible if you have any ongoing task running, had small costs and rewards for mini-games and a boost for only 8 hours for 30 gems!! 😵

5 Want to compare the number of TLSQs then and now??

6 Btw, when I started, Quidditch had only 3 seasons, and story was ending at Y7C38

7 Magical Milestones just changed format in June 2022 and its free and premium rewards' places were reversed then. As for bundles, I haven't seen \"Create your own offers\" for quite some time already 🤔

![img](kaqkrc1q744d1 "8 Memories in Memory book costed only 10 coins! And Duelling spells were added to MB just then (We had then real duelling events, btw!) ")

9 And Crests, which counted only stars from classes, but were giving bonus crests for certain classes, and also quidditch!

10 They often were in trio with House Pride and Clean Sweep events, giving different parts of furniture sets in them (that's why I have so many uncompleted old sets)

11 Oh, and about furniture?! I won first ever customized chair!

![img](eadsbstw744d1 "12 \"One tap - one energy spent\" - that's how I started it, and I liked it! I could probably say that I like gem boost for FMs too, as since it was changed to coins, I stopped to win them... ")

13 I got 3-days cooldown for TLSQs once

14 And 2 years ago golden chocofrogs weren't a thing

15 And on bookshelves in dormitory were actually books! First tappies only started to appear

16 I get a beta which showed all the requirements for tasks to complete. Unfortunately, no one asked me how much I LOVED IT!!

17 I witnessed the introducing of Brilliant Bargains too. They were more often for pages, and when for gems, they asked 25 gems for 100 food and 200 gems for an outfit. Or even 100 gems sometimes

18 Back then you weren't punished for achieving 1 required star for study sessions, and developers were apologising for game errors with gifts

19 Right?!)

submitted by Victory_Vi to HPHogwartsMystery [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:02 Latter_Ambassador618 Planning to buy Honda Elevate. Please guide.

I am planning to buy a car too in the next few weeks. And i have mostly settled on Honda Elevate.
My top factors are -
  1. Petrol, since my running will occasional or average and not a lot. Diesel can be banned anytime soon and no to Hybrid and EV since upfront cost is high and my running wouldn’t be that much.
  2. Automatic, since i don’t want to deal with the gear changing irritation in traffic. Also, easy for family members if they wish to pick ip driving. And i still learning to drive and this is my first car.
  3. Reliability. After paying money i want peace and not problems. It’s CVT engine seems to be known for good stuff.
  4. Safety should be at least 4 stars in GNCAP if not 5 stars. What is the point of saving money, when i feel safe or die after a small accident! Mostly like the new Honda Elevate with 6 airbags will be a 4 or 5 star.
  5. I am ok with Sedans, but the ground clearance with Indian roads is a problem. Slavia has good ground clearance but has other cons. Hence, SUV.
  6. Maintenance cost should not be too high. Hence, not going with Jeep, Skoda, etc. There are cheaper once like Suzuki, etc. but then they have way to many other problems.
With the above Honda Elevate seems appropriate to me.
A few questions, If you own a Honda Elevate -
  1. What was your comparative choice against this?
  2. How much mileage are you getting?
  3. Any regrets?
  4. Anything i should be aware of before buying?
  5. Also, which model is recommended?
submitted by Latter_Ambassador618 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:02 hadroniporguti Sending a parcel from Krakow

I am travelling to Krakow mid june by plane and therefore can't carry very many liquids. I wanted to buy some soju (alcohol) and cosmetic sprays while I am there, because they are unavailable in my home country. So I was wondering, does anybody know is it possible to send a package from Krakow to Estonia and how much would it cost? I tried googling but wasn't very successful apart from DHL which was very expensive. And poczta polska homepage I just couldn't figure out lol, but say I use that - how much would it approximately cost (say a 2kg package) and do the post office workers speak English there (or perhaps Russian, though mine isn't perfect)? Thanks in advance!
submitted by hadroniporguti to krakow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 No_Recording_6287 Taking the exact amount of pictures requested

There are two stories that I will be posting separately since I wrote them much longer than I thought I would have.
During the holidays, I work as an assistant manager at what is essentially a retail photo op booth, pictures with a mall Santa. The company normally wants us to only take a maximum of three pictures per group. The problem with this for us is that the pictures are purchased in expensive packages (ranging from $40-50 for 3 different options, with each add on picture being $10, meaning that getting the smallest package and a single add on would cost the same as the largest package but with less items). The most expensive package includes several print outs big and small of two poses separated evenly between them and a digital file that has access to each click of the camera. The middle package only gave you the small print outs and the digital file, and the cheapest package only gave you the small photos.
When we aren’t busy, we like to take our time with each family to make sure we get the most out of the pictures and give them a good experience. The system lets us take up to 15 pictures before some pics have a chance of being accidentally deleted off the system so we try to get as close as we can. So if you got a package with a digital file, you would have a lot of extra pictures that were printed out.
One morning, me and another assistant manager were the only ones on set for the first hour, let’s call her Jessie. I love her, we all did, she was a super nice woman who sometimes gave too much good treatment to nice customers, even going as far to outright break rules. She was also very petty to rude customers.
We were on maybe our 5th customer of the slow morning, it’s early in the season and no one comes in early December to get their Santa photos, when one lady, let’s call her Karen, with her like 5 kids starts getting really impatient. (She wasn’t in line for more than maybe 10 minutes and when we get busy most people would be in line for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.) Jessie goes over to talk to her while I’m taking pictures of the family I have with me, but I was listening to their conversation. I’m paraphrasing but it goes something like this:
Jessie: Hi ma’am can I help you? What seems to be the problem?
Karen: Do you have to take so much time with all of them?
Jessie: We are trying to give every child their time with Santa Claus. The experience is the best part-
Karen(interrupting): We’ve been waiting here for over an hour! Just take one damn picture and send them away.
Jessie: Ma’am-
Karen(interrupting again): I don’t care hurry this shit up. Just one picture per family, that’s how it should be.
I could hear Jessie’s eye twitch as I finished up with the current family.
Jessie: You are right ma’am we should be doing one photo per family.
Right on cue I waved at her to tell her I was ready for the next family. She asks me to finish ringing up the previous family while she took care of Karen.
Per Karen’s request, Jessie situated everyone perfectly and set up the camera. She took a single click of the camera, didn’t even check if it was a good picture, and told Karen they were all done. She ushered them to the cash register and made sure she didn’t let any of the kids stay behind to talk to Santa Claus. The kids thankfully didn’t seem to mind too much as I would’ve felt bad for punishing kids for their parents behavior.
The kicker is that with that one picture Karen begrudgingly still bought the most expensive package, which includes the digital file that normally would’ve had access to every photo, but now only has that one lone picture.
submitted by No_Recording_6287 to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 Character_Cupcake201 How do i stop feeling responsible for my dad’s drinking?

Hi everyone, F(21) and it’s my first post on reddit so I apologize if it just sounds like one big run-on sentence but after reading some posts I could really relate to and find semblance with, I thought maybe it’d be a good thing for me (and hopefully someone reading this) to share some of the challenges i have had/been having. ((p.s. this might get long so warning in advance))
For some context, my dad has always been a heavy drinker. He’s consistently made poor decisions throughout my life due to his drinking that has put a strain on our relationship as well as his relationship with my mother. My mom used to be very embarrassed of his habits, especially out in public when he’d have too much and begin saying things he would never usually say. These days however, she’s beginning to reach that point of just letting go and letting him act on his own impaired judgement without sparing a second glance. When I was younger, my dad was a reasonably strong drinker that could have shots on shots without getting blackout drunk, unless that was what he was aiming for. However due to aging, new health conditions and certain medications, etc etc, one rum and coke is enough to get him pretty much 80% impaired. Having to deal with some of his own family issues, new transition to being retired and not really having much to do on a daily basis has made him miserable and when he’s drunk he occasionally voices that he ‘knows he’s no good’ and that ‘there’s nothings left for him’.
Before I continue i’ll take this time to add in that my dad isn’t inherently a bad guy. I have to say he isn’t the best either. He’s just an average older man with some health concerns and good days along with bad days that unfortunately, he self medicates with liquor. He’s not super dad and we’ve definitely hit rock bottom in our relationship more than a handful of times but at the end of the day he’s my dad and that’s enough for me.
Fast forward to today, he got into a heated argument with my mom after having too much to drink and I caught him trying to leave when I got home from work. He usually does this and doesn’t ever end up leaving, just sits out on the steps or until someone approaches him and low and behold, every time that person is me.
I feel like i’m being split into a million different directions because there’s a part of me that really feels sorry for him when I see him even begin to cry about how he feels like his life is ‘f***ed’ and keeps “going downhill never up.” Another part of me wants to scream and yell at him demanding why all my hard work and dedication (that goes almost entirely to my parents) isn’t enough. A part of me wants to pack my things and leave and accept that it isn’t my responsibility or even my right to make my dad acknowledge his drinking problem and seek help. And the final part that is scouring the internet for up to 5-6 hours of every AA meeting within a 50 mile radius and cost breakdowns for every withdrawal rehab program in my area along with how many shifts i need to pick up to afford them. Every waking minute I spend consumed by the overwhelming dread from the consequences of my dad’s drinking. For anyone that may be experiencing something similar, have you had any luck getting rid of this seemingly endless guilt/headache/paranoia/stress about a loved one’s drinking habit? A lot of times I get advice telling me that i need to let go and let him make his own decisions which i KNOW i SHOULD be doing but for sometime reason there’s something inside me that can’t not get overwhelmingly stressed by. Thank you all for letting me get this off my chest and taking a moment to read :-)
submitted by Character_Cupcake201 to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:45 bbmq How much should I save up for an apartment? (First time)

I’m moving out of my parents house for the first time and we dont discuss financially or apartment hunting tips and tricks so here i am askin for yall’s advices. This is my first time ever hunting for an apartment and looking for a place on my own in general so im so clueless in this side of adulting
That being said, how much is sufficient for an apartment (long term stay) aside actual monthly cost for an apartment?
If this helps, I’m in bay area
submitted by bbmq to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 Cryptalaus Dirty shoes

‘Do not bring home the mudmen.’ That’s what my uncle said to me when I went camping in the woods behind his farm. I asked him for more information but he shook his head. ‘It’s a tradition. It's just a thing people around here used to say in the old days.’ He smiled at me, even though his eyes looked rather sad. I said goodbye and started walking. Ever since my sister died, I have not been the same. My mother had sent me camping in these woods to defeat the numbness. ‘A bit of fresh air will do you good. One night alone in the woods, that's all you need!’. I remembered her words when it started raining, only one hour into my camping trip. Part of me wanted to return to the farm but my body kept walking. I have to admit that it felt good to be outside. While the rain fell, my thoughts kept going back to the funeral. It had also rained then. It was hard actually to remember a single thing about that day. All the speeches and the faces and the condolences blurred together in my head. The only moment that I did remember, was after the funeral when everyone had gone home and I lingered for a while at my sister’s grave. I joked around like we used to do but with no response, all the while crying like a child. Joking to my sister’s grave did make me feel better though it did not stop the numbness.
The afternoon passed while I thought about my sister and my future. Every couple of hours the rain stopped, only to begin again a few minutes later. The earth made squishy sounds while I trudged my way towards a good camping spot. Sometimes one of my boots got stuck in the dirt but it didn’t bother me. My sister and me, we used to go on adventures in the small woods near our school. A world of imagination and freedom awaited us there between the trees. My current trip made me reminisce about our adventures. With my shoes in the wet soil, I felt like an adventurer myself, a lonely hero on his way towards an epic quest. I smiled while the rain kept falling.
By nightfall, I had secured a cosy camping spot on a hill, high and dry from the ever-present rain. I ate the sandwiches my uncle made for me and fell asleep to the faint beginnings of a thunderstorm in the distance. I broke up my tent and returned to the farm. I felt much better, to be honest. It had finally stopped raining and the sun guided me during my walk back. I had some time for myself. Time to think about my sister but also about me. I’d finally started thinking about my future. Made some plans and jotted some things down in my journal. So it was with great enthusiasm that I returned to the world of the living. Even though the rain had stopped, the mud was still there. It was impossible to traverse the woods without getting dirty. But I didn’t care. I felt happy and a little mud had never killed anyone, right?
When I came back, my uncle wasn’t there. He had left a note that he had gone to a friend’s house and that he wouldn’t return until that evening. Because my shoes were already dirty I decided to help my uncle out and do a bit of work on the farm. I cleaned up the stables, fed the pigs and reorganized his storage. When I was ready, I left my muddy shoes outside.
I woke up to the sound of a scream. Sleep still had me in its thrall when I came down the stairs. A second scream shook me from my slumber and I raced outside, towards the sound. It came from the stable. I crossed the courtyard and saw dirty footprints everywhere, all ominous looking in the moonlight. I threw open the stable’s door but I saw it was already too late.
I want you to imagine my uncle. He’s in his forties. Short brownish hair, modest beard, big friendly eyebrows. Now imagine him again but with mud and dirty black water coming out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. His scream had turned into a desperate gurgle when I saw him. He sat upon his knees surrounded by three humanoid figures entirely covered in mud. At second glance, they weren’t covered in it. They were mud. Their whole body was mud. These figures stared at me or I thought they did. They had no faces but their heads turned towards me. My uncle tried to gurgle a warning or something but he had wasted his last breaths. As he fell in a puddle of saliva and dirt I ran away as fast as I could. I heard the wet squelching steps of my pursuers, reminding me of my return to the farm while it rained earlier that day. I ran inside, shoved a closet against the door and started thinking about an escape plan. Meanwhile it had started to rain again.
My initial plan was to escape through the front door. But what to do after that? Where to go? I searched for the keys to my uncle’s pickup truck but found nothing. Shit. He probably had the keys on him. Which meant I had to get all the way back to the stable and face the mudmen. I picked up a big knife from the kitchen and decided to risk it. On foot in the rain with mud everywhere I probably won’t last long, especially when my pursuers were made out of the same dirt I was walking upon. The steady rhythm of rainfall synchronised with the beating of my heart as I went outside. When I put on my shoes, I noticed they were clean as if I never even had been camping. While adrenaline raged and all my rational thinking was being crushed by raw fear, I darted towards the stable. On my way I sank halfway into a deep puddle and when I reached the doors I had become some of a mudman myself. All my muscles strained and my brain was going in survival mode as I opened the door. I was ready to stab these mudmen. To avenge my uncle and… I saw no one. The stable was empty. No mudmen but also not a trace of my uncle.
I decided to return back to the house and that was the moment I found out where all the mudmen had been. They had been gathering reinforcements. Outside the stables stood eight mudmen. Their slick featureless heads ‘looked’ at me. It was difficult to say where their legs ended or where the ground started. One of them seemed new. The mud was not as thick as with the others and pieces of farm overall were visible. It was my uncle. Before I had any time to process this, the fuckers began to make their way towards me. I quickly decided to abandon my hope of a pick-up truck and to go with my plan B. I ran away as fast as I could. They followed me, slowly but surely. Mud was everywhere as I sprinted through the woods. Water, dirt and tree branches clung to me as I tried to shake off the mudmen. They moved like boneless masses, ever merging with the ground upon which they persuaded me.
I don’t know how far or fast I ran. I passed some other farms and wondered whether they could be potential targets of the mudmen. The way my uncle had warned me this morning, seemed like folklore but real. Maybe everyone that lived there knew to watch out when walking through mud. After crossing multiple asphalt roads and some hills, I arrived in a small village. I went to the local diner and decided to call my parents to come and pick me up. I have no idea how I will explain any of this to them or to myself.
I’m currently waiting for my parents. I decided to post my story here to get my thoughts straight. Has anyone ever heard of these mudmen? Or encountered them? I wonder if there is any way to stop them. As I write this grey clouds gather once again and I just heard a conversation between two truckers. According to them, it will keep raining for the next couple of days. Better avoid the woods for a while.
submitted by Cryptalaus to NoSleepAuthors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 alccorion Moving a grappled enemy through spike growth?

To move with or drag a creature, you have grappled, halfes your movement, but that takes you moving. How does it count if you stand still and you only move the other creature? To reposition them to use them as cover or as stated in the head text through spike growth?
I would think it normally halves your speed as you move 2 creatures, so you also have to use your movement for their movement. But if you stand still, would that then cost 5 ft. to move them 5 ft. or would it cost 10 ft??
I personally think it works that for each movement of any creature, it costs that much movement from your personal movement pool.
What do you all think?
submitted by alccorion to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:35 Additional-Yam6345 Row 7 of the Anime All Stars roster has made it's official debut! Originally, I have replaced a Uzui from KNY and Minato from Naruto for another character. Let's see their replacing characters and the new fighters. Since they're new, there is a description on their moves.

Row 7 of the Anime All Stars roster has made it's official debut! Originally, I have replaced a Uzui from KNY and Minato from Naruto for another character. Let's see their replacing characters and the new fighters. Since they're new, there is a description on their moves.
Row 7 will now feature the next wave of expansion fighters.
114. Bu-Ling Huang / Mew Pudding (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: PuRing Ring Warp
Mew Pudding begins to twirl around leaving a trail of yellow pudding which damages the opponent. The move can be charged and does more attack damage if charged. Similar to Pyra's Neutral Special, Flame Nova in Smash.
Side: Ribbon PuRing Swing
Mew Pudding leaps forward and grabs the enemy slapping and punching them. (This is similar to Diddy Kong's Side Special in Smash). Press the button again to cancel the attack.
Up: Jello Trampoline
Mew Pudding will summon a trampoline shaped like jello which bounces her to new heights. it falls if used in the air but sticks if used on the ground. Like Sonic's Spring Jump in Smash.
Down: Jello Prison
Mew Pudding uses her PuRing Rings to play a melody, then unleashes a blast of yellow energy which encases the enemy in a force field similarly shaped like jello.
Final Smash: Ribbon PuRing Ring Inferno
Mew Pudding Mew Pudding performing a series of acrobatic flips, kicks and somersaults before summoning a tambourine and a bell on a ring. She taps them together, performing a melody in the air. Her Mew Mark glows and she brings the instruments down, unleashing a blast of yellow energy which encases the enemy in a force field similarly shaped like jello. The jello force field will then explode launching the opponents captured.
115. Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) (Replacing Uzui)
Neutral: Lightning Blade
Kakashi pulls out a Kunai Spear then runs forward with his right hand shrouded in blue electricity. When they get close enough, they drive their hand into the opponent's middle, blasting them away.
Side: Kamui Shuriken
Kakashi throws a barrage of shuriken at his opponent in a radial pattern, creating an explosion after a second. Charging the technique increases the damage output, even when blocked.
Up: Water Style Geyser
Kakashi erupts the floor with a giant geyser that helps him get lifted up to new heights.
Down: Lightning Style Shadow Clone
Kakashi enters a counter stance where he reads a Make-Out series novel. If the opponent hits them during that time, they fake them out with a Lightning Style Shadow Clone, then they use Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu, to lift the opponent up, then finish them with Water Style Giant Vortex Jutsu.
Final Smash: Kamui Lightning Blade
Kakashi pulls out a Kunai and charges a Lightning Blade then rushes at his opponent. If he connects, he launches them up with his attack, activates his Susano'o and obliterate his caught opponent with a stronger Lightning Blade, dubbed the Kamui Lightning Blade.
116. Himura Kenshin (Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin)
Neutral: Nine-Headed Dragon Flash
Kenshin flies forward while holding a sword. If they connect, blue afterimages follow behind them and strike the opponent, blasting them back.
Side: Kusu-ryusen
Kenshin charges a dash attack. If fully charged, he phases through the enemy which slashes with the kanji showing on the hit opponent. (Similar to Ike's Side Special; Quick Draw in Smash Bros)
Up: Tsui-sho Sen
Kenshin will slash upward. If the button is pressed after the uppercut slash, he will dive downward. The downward slash has a meteor effect.
Down: Counter
Kenshin enters a counter stance. If he gets attacked, he will open his sword and give a payback slash. Depending on how much damage the enemy attack does, Kenshin's counter will give the counter attack a multiply by 1.3%.
Final Smash: Godspeed Flash of the Heavenly Flying Dragon
Kenshin runs at the opponent at high-speed. If they connect, they slash the opponent once to stun them, then charges another to cut them to the floor.
117. Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)
Neutral: Double Sword Slash
Armin jumps up and slashes down with both Ultrahard steel blades.
Side: Barrel Roll
Armin uses his Ultrahard steel blades to barrel roll. This move is similar to Mii Swordfighter's Airbone Assault move in Smash Bros.
Up: ODM Gear Hook.
Armin will use either one or both wire hooks to help him hook onto the ledge. He can use it on ceiling's, walls, and opponents.
Down: Ultrahard steel blade change.
Armin's Ultrahard steel blades have a durability limit live Steve's tools in Smash Bros. But unlike Steve where the tool's limit are seen when they break, Armin has a gauge telling the sword's durability limit. Some attacks will be less effective without the blades.
Final Smash: Green Smoke Assault.
Armin fires a green smoke shot from his gun to signal five allies to help attack his opponent. One of them is Sasha Braus. After the assault concludes, Armin pulls out a thunder spear to obliterate the opponent.
118. Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail)
Neutral: Ice Super Freeze Arrow.
Gray makes a Ice Bow and Arrow from his ice molding magic. It's similar to Byleth's Neutral Special in Smash. Pressing the button does little damage, but holding down will charge up the arrow and pierce through his opponent launching or freezing them. The latter of which will see them frozen in ice. Just like in Smash, the more damage they have, the longer they will stay frozen.
Side: Crescent Blades.
Gray summons crescent like boomerangs that he throws. It's like Min Min's neutral special where she throws Ramram where they return after a brief distance.
Up: Ice Grappling Hook.
Gray makes a grappling hook out of his molding ice which he can use to recover from the stage. It will work like Byleth's Up Special in Smash. If he grabs a curved ceiling, he will jump off of it, and grabbing an opponent will see him propel himself and bounce off their heads with a meteor spike occurring in the process.
Down: Ice Devour.
Just like with Natsu where he eats fire to replenish his power and even heal himself, Gray will open his mouth to try and eat ice attacks. Said ice users like Todoroki (MHA), and Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill), are at a huge disadvantage against Gray. If he eats an ice projectile, he will replenish his Ice Magic and take away some damage.
Final Smash: Lost Ice Shell
Gray will use his finishing attack, Lost Iced Shell where he casts himself in an circular ice shell. However, the shell will break if Gray dosen't capture anyone on the initial hit. But if he does, he freezes them. If they're over 100%, they're chilled to the bone...
119. Rikka Takanashi (Love Chuunibyou and Other Delusions)
Neutral: Umbrella Barrage / Dark Matter Blaze
Umbrella Barrage: Rikka strikes 10 times with an Umbrella. / Dark Matter Blaze: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka fires a huge magical ball that knocks her opponents away.
Side: Slide / Mana Blast
Slide: Rikka slides like Mega Man's down tilt in Smash where she trips her opponent. Leaving them prone to followup attacks. / Mana Blast: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka now fires 3 to 6 energy blasts with little to medium damage and knockback.
Up: Umbrella Leap / Kanntwinkle
Rikka leaps up with her Umbrella which reduces falling like Peach and Daisy's up special in Smash. / Kanntwinkle: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka dashes upward and fires three energy balls depending on the stick's direction.
Down Chuuni-Charge / Magic Selection
Rikka will get super armor and will not get knocked back from heavy attacks. Every hti fills up her Banishment of this World gauge like Joker's Rebel's Guard in Smash Bros. / Magic Selection: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka will choose between three moves: 1. Maximum Shield, Makes a 5 second shield. She can't move in the process like Hero's Kaclang move in Smash. 2. Bash, Swings her powered up weapon, Konigin der Nacht onto the ground damaging opponent critically like Hero's Hatchet Man move in Smash. And 3. Schwarz Shield; Rikka enters a counter stance. If someone hits her, she will hit back.
Final Smash: True Banishment of this World
Rikka summons Yuuta Togashi as both raise their hands to combine their power mixed with dark magic fire and mana to make a giant vortex.
120. Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)
Neutral: Frog Leap
Tsuyu winds up and lunges at the enemy player to kick them.
Side: Frog Arrow
Tsuyu rapidly extends her tongue in a straight line, damaging and knocking away (or just staggering if the enemy is using a yellow attack) any enemy struck by it.
Up: Froppy Hopper / Tongue Hook
Asui has two up specials for recovery like Min Min in Smash. Froppy Hopper sees Asui using her frog-like body to hop to extreme heights. This move can only be done on the ground. If she's in the air, she will use her tongue instead.
Down: Toxic Mucus
Asui will barf out a toxic sludge from her mouth. If it makes contact with an opponent, they will slowly take damage. The effect lasts for 8 seconds.
Final Smash: Frog Dash
Just like Her Level 2 Plus Ultra move in My Hero One's Justice, Tsuyu launches herself towards the enemy player and slams her feet into them. She will then kick her target away only to pull them back in with her tongue, rapidly spin them around, then smash them into the ground.
121. Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
Neutral: First Dance, White Moon
Rukia steps forward to slash the opponent. If they connect, a pillar of ice will shroud the enemy before breaking, causing a hard knockdown.
If the move does not connect, a ring of icy energy will be placed behind the user in its place, acting as a trap that stays for 5 seconds.
Side: Next Dance, Hakuren
Rukia takes a stance and charges her beam in their sword, then stabs the air, creating a stream of ice stalagmites.
This technique can be charged. The longer it's charged the beam will pierce through.
Up: Rukia infuses her sword with icy energy. For the following 15 seconds, all her sword attacks have the added Ice element. She then uppercuts with her sword which is useful for recovery to the stage.
Down: White tree
Rukia will grow roots from her sword that scatter through the ground.
Final Smash: Bankai: White Haze Punishment
Rukia takes a stance, then fires a beam of icy energy at her opponent. If it connects without blocking, the opponent is frozen over in a long strip of ice, and she then transforms into her Bankai State
122. Ryo Saeba (City Hunter)
Neutral: Quickshot
Ryo shoots his opponent with his revolver.
Holding the energy charge button makes him fire up to 3 times, at the cost of extra stocks.
Side: Bullseye
Ryo shoots his opponent with his revolver up to 2 times.
The first shot can break an opponent's guard, and the second shot is guaranteed damage.
Up: Grenade
Ryo pulls out a grenade and throws it down to help him get blown up to new heights at the cost of taking some damage in return.
Down: Double Rocket Launcher.
As the name suggests, Ryo pulls out a pair of rocket launchers, and fires them. The rockets travel up, then at the opponent.
Holding the energy charge button simply delays the move.
Final Smash: X-Y-Z
Ryo fires a bazooka at his opponent. If it connects without blocking, he pulls up in his red car, rolls out and fires at a trio of explosive barrels in the air, alongside his opponent, which makes them explode.
123. Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Neutral: Saggi the Dark Clown
Kaiba summons Saggi the Dark Clown. Although this monster lacks attacks damage, Kaiba will use his negative energy card, a Magic Card, to multiply Saggi's attack points by 3 and attacks with Dark Light.
Side: Judge Man
Kaiba will summon the Judge Man. He bangs on the ground causing the ground to shake, tripping his opponents.
Up: Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
Kaiba will call his Blue Eyes Shining Dragon to ride on his back and take him to new heights.
Down: My Turn!
Kaiba draws a card from his deck. Here, he can use these moves that go around like a pattern:
1: Crush Card Virus: Kaiba fires 2 balls of dark magic. 2: Ring of Destruction: Kaiba drops an explosive ring on the opponent. 3: Shadow Spell: Kaiba creates an Area of Effect that has purple clouds rain down electricity on the opponent.
Final Smash: Triple Burst Stream
Kaiba will summon all three of his Blue Eyes White Dragons to merge as one and become the "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon". he will then use it to fires three burst streams to destroy the opponent.
124. Minto Aizawa / Mew Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: MinTone Arrow
Mew Mint uses her signature weapon, the MinTone Arrow, to fire an arrow shaped like a feather.
Side: MinTone Boomerang
Mew Mint throws her MinTone Arrow like King K Rool's side special, Crownerang in Smash. Unlike said move, it comes back instead of landing on the ground and becoming an item.
Up: MinTone Arrow Hook
Mew Mint turns MinTone Arrow into a grappling hook where chains resemble feathers.
Down: Mew Aqua Drop
Mew Mint trades her MinTone Arrow for the Mew Aqua Rod and enters a counter stance. If attacked, she uppercuts with the Mew Aqua Rod and switches back to her MinTone Arrow usage.
Final Smash: Ribbon Mint Echo
Mew Mint is seen summoning a bow and arrow out of a windy burst of feathers, charging up a shock-wave, and releasing it into a light pink blade of energy.
125. Teru Momijiyama / Shy (Shy)
Neutral: Flame Bracelet Shot
Shy will use her Heart-Shift Bracelets to fire flames which damage the opponent.
Side: Heart-Shift Bracelet flash
Shy will prepare to dash with her fist ready. It's like Mii Swordfighter's Gale Strike move in Smash.
Up: Bracelet uppercut
Shy uppercuts with her Bracelet leaving a trail of fire
Down: Heart-Shift Counter
Shy will make an X shape with her arms in a guarding position. If someone gets her, she will unleash a flame wall.
Final Smash: One Stroke
Shy crosses her arms, only to open them and unleash a wave of powerful flames against her opponent.
126. Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) (Replacing Minato. I felt like we should have 2 Soul Eater reps after Maka)
Neutral: Black Blood
Crona will punch the ground and black goo will go out and turn into spikes.
Side: Bloody Needle
Crona uses her Black Blood to turn them into needles, usually to surprising the opponents and skewer them.
Up: Black Blood Wings
Crona will grow wings from her back to fly to new heights. Like Pit's Power of Flight in Smash. It can't do damage but is useful for recovery.
Down: Black Blood Vines.
Crona will use her Black Blood to makes vines and use them to poke out of the ground. If done in the air, Crona will instead use the vines to spike his opponent.
Final Smash: Scream Resonance
A special type of Soul Resonance that functions ordinarily like usual Soul Resonance, except that the result instead is a high pitch scream that gives Crona's weapon (such as Ragnarok) increased cutting power through vibrations.
127. Arthur Boyle (Fire Force)
Neutral: Plasma Sword Shake
Arthur uses his plasma sword to charge up a decisive blow. Similar to Roy's Neutral Special in Smash. The longer it's charged, the more damage it does.
Side: Plasma Sword Strike
Arthur dashes three times with his plasma sword striking forward. It's similar to Sora's Side Special, Sonic Blade in Smash.
Up: Plasma Sword Spin
Arthur will spin around and be lifted to the sky. It's like Sora's up special, Aerial Sweep in Smash. He will be lifted up no matter if he's on the ground of air..
Down Special: Plasma Counter
Arthur enters a counter stance with his plasma sword. If he gets hit, he will attack with his attack damage multiplied by 1.5%.
Final Smash: Star Ring
Arthur will pull out the Star Ring and use his pyrokinesis to erupt the floor and make a flame pillar. It's like Ken's Final Smash that's is done if his opponent is far away.
128. Simon (Gurren Laggan)
Neutral: Spiral Power
Simon fire massive beams of spiral power from his core drill and can create drills for various purposes the latter requiring a gunman.
Side: Giga Drill Break
Simon forms a huge amount of spiral power into an enormous drill and spins. This is similar to Meta Knight's Side Special, Drill Dash in Smash. If in the air, Simon will fall vulnerably.
Up: Drill Rush
Simon drills upward with rockets boosting him. He falls down once the rockets run out of fuel.
Down: Energy Absorption.
Simon will stab a drill into his opponent to take away some damage and do the ammount of damage to them.
Final Smash: Drilling Finish
Simon will gather his largest drill to try and hit an opponent. If successful, he drills them until the ground shakes and erupts. If his opponent is over 100%, it's an immediate KO.
129. Trunks (Dragon Ball)
Neutral: Burning Attack
Trunks rapidly moves his arms, then thrusts his hands forward to fire a large fireball. (Consumes 1 Ki Gauge)
Side: Galick Gun
Trunks fires a Galick Gun which travels a distance. (Consumes 1.5 Ki Gauges)
Up: Cyclone Jump
Trunks performs a jumping somersault. Can do any aerial attack shortly after the jump. Different inputs causes Trunks to travel in a different direction. If a flip is now done on the ground, Trunks can use a second flip in the air.
Down: Change the Future
Trunks charges forward and shoots an explosion from his palm. If the opponent gets hit near Trunks' hand, this move has a Smash property that deals a moderately strong wallbounce. (Consumes 2 Ki Gauges)
Final Smash: Heat Dome Attack / Shining Sword Attack
Shining Sword Attack: If Trunks' opponent is at a distance, he jumps forward with his sword. If he connects with the opponent, they rapidly slash the opponent 8 times, then fires a Masenko. / Heat Dome Attack: If Trunks' opponent is close, he grabs. If it connects, Trunks spins once and tosses the opponent up into the air and causes a yellow orb of energy to be formed around him as he fires a vertical yellow blast at the midair opponent. Has some of the highest damage of any level 3 Meteor attacks. (Consumes three Ki gauges)
130. Toshiro Hitsuyaga (Bleach)
Neutral: Hail Flower Dragon
Toshiro rushes forward with his sword. If he connects, he creates an ice pillar around his opponent, which shatters a second after.
Side: Icicle Birds
Toshiro summons dragon-like wings and a tail, which fire icicles at his opponent. Charging the move doubles the amount of projectiles.
Up: Ice Slash
Toshiro uppercits with his sword leaving a trail of snowflakes.
Down: Six-Point Ice Formation
Toshiro points his sword to the ground, creating a trap that freezes an opponent in an ice pillar upon contact.
Final Smash: Four Elements Freeze
Toshiro turns into his adult form, freezing the air around him, and slashes the air. If he connects, he freezes the opponent over, creating a tall pillar of ice that crumbles on top of itself after a few seconds.
131. Sunraku (Shangri-La Frontier)
Neutral: Screw Pierce
Sunraku does a quick blow as a compact attack. It is very powerful, but cannot be fired repeatedly.
Side: Drill Piercer
Sunraku emits a blue energy when in contact with target, dealing heavy drill damage and if on a weak spot deal critical damage.
Up: Glowing Pierce
Sunraku emits a stronger blue energy around the weapon, unleashing a spiral twister on the user when dealing more damage to target. The twister lifts him up for recovery.
Down: Spiral Pierce
Sunraku channels a blue energy aura around the weapons and impacts them on target, acting like a spiral rotation that drills into the target with stronger battle damage.
Final Smash: Assassination Pierce. Level MAX
A combined linkable skill. A skill that boost attack force when an enemy Mob hasn’t noticed someone or if their attack focus is elsewhere. Emits a powerful deep blue energy force upon impacting target.
132. Asuka Takizawa / Cure Flamingo (Tropical Rouge Pretty Cure)
Neutral: Buttobi Flamingo Smash
Cure Flamingo's solo attack that she can perform with her Heart Rouge Rod.
Side: Flamingo Stride
Cure Flamingo spins like a turbulent to strike his opponent.
Up: Flamingo Wings
Cure Flamingo uses her Heart Rouge Rod to make wings on her back to help make her fly to new heights.
Down: Tropical Reverse
Cure Flamingo uses her Heart Rouge Rod to stab in front. If she catches a projectile, she will spin 180 degrees before sending it back to sender.
Final Smash: Super Tropical Paradise
Cure Flamingo will team up with the other 4 Tropical Rouge Cures, Cure Summer, Cure Coral, Cure Papaya, and Cure La Mer, to unleash a wave of attacks to finish out their enemies.
133. Retasu Midorikawa / Mew Lettuce (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: Lettustanets Toss
Mew Lettuce throws her Lettustanets at the opponent.
Side: Droplet Barrage
Mew Lettuce fires bullets of water droplets.
Up: Wavy Strings
Mew Lettuce uses her white strings to hook onto a ceiling, wall, ledge or opponent.
Down: Ribbon Whip
Mew Lettuce uses the ribbons of her Lettustanets to be a counter attack barrier.
Final Smash: Lettuce Lashup
Mew Lettuce rises up into the air with her arms crossed over her chest. She then parts them and manifests the Lettustanets in each hand. Playing a small rhythm with them, she spins around and then fires a blast of water power at the opponent.
submitted by Additional-Yam6345 to makeafighter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:35 jay_elle00 Car Shipping: SYD > WELLINGTON

Has anyone shipped a car from Sydney to Wellington? Would love some advice / experiences.
Any gotchas? How much did it cost? Who’d you ship with? Roll-on-roll-off or container? Insurance? GST payable for an Australian, first time in NZ?
submitted by jay_elle00 to Wellington [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:33 jay_elle00 Car Shipping: SYD > WELLINGTON

Has anyone shipped a car from Sydney to Wellington? Would love some advice / experiences.
Any gotchas? How much did it cost? Who’d you ship with? Roll-on-roll-off or container? Insurance? GST payable for an Australian, first time in NZ?
submitted by jay_elle00 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:30 crabman6969 green M-LOK Rail Kit 8?

I love my 300 blackout SBR, but I wish it was M-Lok. I don't know why I even thought about anything else. I know it will be pricey, but I got to know, how much will a replacement M-Lok (in green) cost?
I don't see a green on one their website. Any chance I would be able to find it for less than MSRP?
submitted by crabman6969 to LWRC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:28 Edgy_Bleach I (25F) just found a bunch of random women noodles on my BF's (28M) phone, what do I do?

I normally trust him, I love him...but he fell asleep with the same YT short video playing on repeat for like 20 minutes and well....I let my curiosity get the best of me. I have never gone through his phone in the 4 years of our relationship. Yet, I just felt the need to. In his photos are hundreds of noodles of women. I know he's not cheating, but in a way, a prawn addiction is. I can tell they are prawn or OF crap because it's not still hurts. I've told him before that I don't like prawn and had an ex that would compare me to the girls in those videos. Honestly, I'm devastated and have no idea what to do. I just stuck a neon yellow sticky note on his phone saying that "I know" and left it on his desk. We don't have intimate moments much anymore, I figured he was drowning the kids in the porcelain bowl, but like it still feels like a knife in the heart having it verified. It's moments like this that really make me feel like I'm not enough. How do I go about having a level-headed conversation about it? Do I point out how much he would hate it if I had over 100 pp photos? How degrading it feels to know I'm not enough to please him? Like dang, I feel like crap and can't sleep.
submitted by Edgy_Bleach to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:23 Arshaad_10 Bkk to dmk in the morning

I will arrive to bkk at 7am and i have a second flight at dmk around 12:20. Will i make it on time, if so, what is the best option and how much it may cost me? Any advice is most welcom.
submitted by Arshaad_10 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:15 definietlynotalessi how much does a regular hospital checkup cost in the ph?

hey, its me again, the one who crashed 3 days ago. if you need the story ill link it here.
now does anyone know how much a regular checkup costs because my elbow, face and hand wound are getting better (they feel better than before and there's no signs of infections because i clean them) but my knee is kind of a different story. my knees arent like normal knees, im pretty sure that my knee has a lot less fat or skin on top of the knee cap and im scared there might be like a hairline fracture there since it was hit pretty decently hard during my fall (i know my knees are weird because im still pretty young but i cant go into a kneeling position for more than 5 seconds without it hurting and i doubt its because im "overweight" since im pretty lean and healthy if anything).
my knee has been "nangingilo" (?) if thats even the right term basta it doesnt hurt its just weirdly uncomfortable and it wasn't like this naman yesterday since this only started last night. my worry lang naman is maybe theres like a hairline fracture somewhere in the knee (though i doubt because i heard you would know because they'd hurt alot) and i'd atleast want to get it seen by a doctor if it did actually have a fracture.
the "nangingilo" feeling has subsided though ever since i woke up and it feels kind of the same (though theres still remnants of the nangingilo feeling but definitely way less).
now does anyone know if its gonna cost me anything or how much it'd cost since i dont think i have health insurance and im still a minor so i dont really have that much money to spend.
advice and insight as to what i should do is appreciated. thank you!
submitted by definietlynotalessi to RedditPHCyclingClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 GuiltlessMaple Best Agile Gun Safe

Best Agile Gun Safe
Welcome to our roundup of the best Agile Gun Safes on the market! Whether you're a seasoned gun owner or a newcomer to the sport, we've got you covered with our top picks for the most secure, reliable, and user-friendly gun safes out there. So sit back, relax, and let us help you find the perfect Agile Gun Safe for your needs.

The Top 5 Best Agile Gun Safe

  1. Snapsafe Super Titan Modular Gun Safe: Fire-Resistant, Durable, and Easy to Assemble - Secure your valuables with the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe, featuring a quick-assemble design, a secure 3/16" solid steel door, and a one-hour fire rating for ultimate safety.
  2. Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock - VEVOR's 3 Rifle Safe offers top-notch security, craftsmanship, and quick access for firearm owners, ensuring your valuable weapons are safely stored and protected.
  3. Ultralight, Heavy-Duty Mil Spec Gun Safe with CradleGrid Technology - Experience the ultimate in security and convenience with the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Gun Safe Model 12, featuring CradleGrid Technology for adaptable storage and flexible floor security options.
  4. Military-Grade Secure It Fast Box Gun Safe - The Secure It Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe combines military-grade storage with a silent, fast-access push-button lock, offering home defense solutions in a sleek, versatile design.
  5. Reliable and Adaptable Ultralight Gun Safe for Secure Storage - The SecureIT Model 52 Ultralight Gun Safe offers a premium, heavy-duty 14-gauge storage solution with patented KnockDown technology, efficient transportation, and adaptable CradleGrid Technology for organized firearm storage.
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🔗Snapsafe Super Titan Modular Gun Safe: Fire-Resistant, Durable, and Easy to Assemble
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe, and let me tell you, it left quite an impression. This bad boy assembles in minutes without needing any additional tools, thanks to its convenient modular assembly system. The sledgehammer and pry bar-resistant 3/16" solid steel door gives me peace of mind, knowing that my valuables are well protected.
One thing that stood out to me was the 9 gauge steel exterior walls, which provide a sturdy and reliable barrier. And with a UL Listed 1-hour fire rating, my mind is put at ease knowing that my fireproof gun safe can withstand some serious heat.
However, there were a few things that didn't quite live up to my expectations. The lock mechanism felt a bit cheap and had some slop to it, which wasn't exactly reassuring. Additionally, the bolts used for assembly were not the strongest, and a couple of them actually sheared during the process. It's worth mentioning that some users have also reported gaps between the side and front panels, which could potentially compromise the overall functionality of the safe.
All in all, the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe has its moments, but it's not flawless. If you're in the market for a fireproof gun safe with some extra features and the convenience of a modular design, this might be the one for you. Just be prepared for some minor hiccups along the way.

🔗Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock
Nestled within the realm of personal security, the VEVOR 3 Rifles Gun Safe has been an invaluable ally in safeguarding my collection of firearms. Its digital keypad and robust construction create an aura of safety, providing me with peace of mind. The quick access feature has proven incredibly useful, especially during those moments when every second counts.
It's hard not to rave about its craftsmanship, a crucial aspect that never ceases to impress. The removable shelf, ammo storage box, and pistol rack make organization a hassle-free affair. However, one minor drawback - the locking mechanism could benefit from a more secure two-way system for enhanced security. Despite this, it's a reliable storage solution that ensures my loved ones remain protected from accidental access.

🔗Ultralight, Heavy-Duty Mil Spec Gun Safe with CradleGrid Technology
As a gun owner who constantly needs to find a secure and efficient solution for my firearms, I recently tried the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Model 12. This gun safe offers an incredible balance of portability and heavy-duty security features, making it suitable for any gun owner.
What truly stands out is its ultralight design, which cuts hundreds of pounds off the weight of older gun vaults. This means you can easily reposition the safe without compromising its security, a convenience that's hard to find elsewhere.
One of the highlights, the CradleGrid Technology, enables organized and adaptable storage. For someone like me who likes to keep track of my firearms, this feature is a game-changer. Additionally, the fact that it's fully welded and can be secured to the floor adds an extra layer of security.
However, no product is without its drawbacks. One potential downside is the relatively low gun capacity of 12 long guns. While it's sufficient for most people, I can see how some might appreciate a larger capacity.
Overall, the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Model 12 has been a reliable and practical solution in my daily life. Its innovative features coupled with its portable design make it an excellent investment for any gun owner.

🔗Military-Grade Secure It Fast Box Gun Safe
In my quest for ensuring the safety of my home and family, I recently came across the SecureIt Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe. This sleek and compact gun safe was surprisingly easy to install and use. Within minutes of opening the package, I had it securely mounted under my bed, ready to protect my firearms.
The gun safe's silhouette is perfect for blending in with the surroundings, and its locking system is a breeze to use with a push-button mechanism. It's incredibly satisfying to know my firearms are securely locked away, yet readily accessible when needed.
While I appreciate the versatility of the safe, with optional mountings for horizontal or vertical storage, I must admit that the lack of specific mounting hardware for these positions was a little frustrating. Nonetheless, I managed to find a suitable solution.
What stood out the most to me was the durable construction of the safe, with a 14-gauge all-welded steel finish that exudes quality. The weight of the safe also contributed to my reassurance that it's a robust and reliable product.
With the SecureIt Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe, I feel confident that my family and I are safe from any potential dangers. Though there are minor drawbacks, the pros clearly outweigh the cons, making this an excellent investment for anyone seeking to secure their firearms.

🔗Reliable and Adaptable Ultralight Gun Safe for Secure Storage
A few weeks ago, I found myself in need of a secure firearm storage solution. I came across the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet and decided to give it a try. This 14-gauge firearm storage device, claimed by the manufacturer to be an ultralight gun safe, was surprisingly easy to handle despite its heavy-duty construction. Assembling it was a breeze, all thanks to the internal assembly system and the KnockDown technology that allows it to be taken apart quickly for easier transportation.
What really stood out for me was the CradleGrid Technology. It made the Model 52 stand out from other safes because of its adaptable and organized storage capabilities for six long firearms. The adjustable grid system allowed me to easily customize the setup according to my needs, much like playing Tetris or building with Legos. The compatibility with other Cradle Grid accessories is a plus, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a modular and customizable firearm storage solution.
While the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet has many great features, there are a few drawbacks. The pricing might seem high to some, but considering the premium materials and features, it seems justifiable. I also found that the rear-wall louvers could be more secure, as they are quite open to potential fire or water damage from the outside world.
Overall, the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet was a solid purchase for me, offering convenience, ease of use, and a customizable approach to firearm storage. It might not be perfect, but the pros certainly outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone in the market for a reliable, high-quality gun safe.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to purchasing an Agile gun safe, there are several factors to consider in order to select the best one for your needs. Here is a comprehensive buyer's guide to help you make the right decision.

Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of the Agile gun safe play a crucial role in determining which one to buy. Consider the number of firearms you own and plan to store, as well as the dimensions of your gun safe. Make sure the safe is large enough to accommodate all your firearms while also providing enough room for other valuables.

Security Features

Security should be your top priority when purchasing an Agile gun safe. Look for models with reinforced locking mechanisms, heavy-duty construction, and other security features like an internal locking system and pry-resistant doors. A fire-resistant outer shell is another important security feature to consider, especially if you live in an area with frequent fires.

Ease of Use and Access

A good Agile gun safe should be easy to use and access. Look for models with user-friendly features such as quick-access locking mechanisms, biometric fingerprint scanners, or digital keypads. Additionally, consider the height and width of the safe, as well as the angle of the shelving, to ensure ease of access to your firearms and other valuables.

Material and Construction

The material and construction of the safe are essential factors to consider. A high-quality Agile gun safe should be made of solid steel, with a thicker gauge used in areas where extra security is needed. Additionally, consider the overall build quality and construction of the safe, including the welds, hinges, and mounting hardware.

External Finish and Appearance

Although the external finish and appearance of the Agile gun safe are not as important as security and functionality, they can still influence your decision. Look for a safe with an attractive and durable finish that complements your interior décor. Some models also come with customizable exterior designs or logos for added personalization.

Warranty and Customer Support

Lastly, consider the warranty and customer support provided by the manufacturer. A reputable company should offer a comprehensive warranty, as well as reliable customer support to address any issues or concerns you may have with your Agile gun safe.
By taking these factors into consideration, you can ensure that you choose the right Agile gun safe for your needs and budget.


What is an Agile Gun Safe?

An Agile Gun Safe is a type of gun safe that offers quick access, high-quality security features, and versatility. It is designed to provide fast and convenient access to firearms while keeping them safely stored away from children and unauthorized individuals.

What security features does an Agile Gun Safe have?

Agile gun safes typically come equipped with several high-security features, including: * Digital or mechanical keypad lock access for quick entry
  • Solid steel construction for maximum protection
  • Four-way locking system for added protection
  • Customizable internal shelves and racks to optimize storage
  • Lightweight and portable, allowing easy transportation

How easy is it to access the firearms in an Agile Gun Safe?

Access to an Agile gun safe is typically fast and convenient, thanks to its digital or mechanical keypad lock. This allows the user to quickly enter their unique access code, providing access to their firearms in as little as 3 seconds.

Can I trust an Agile Gun Safe for the safekeeping of my firearms?

Yes, you can trust an Agile gun safe to protect your firearms. The safes are made from heavy-duty steel materials and boast secure locking systems, ensuring your firearms are well-guarded and secure.

What is the ideal location to place an Agile Gun Safe?

For maximum protection, an Agile gun safe should be placed in a secure location that is not easily accessible to intruders. This could include a locked room, a storage closet, a basement, or a dedicated gun safe room.

Is it expensive to maintain an Agile Gun Safe?

The cost of maintaining an Agile gun safe is relatively low. Depending on the brand and specific model, the yearly maintenance cost may range from $25 to $50, which typically covers routine service, parts, or warranty support.

What are some optional features that can be added to an Agile Gun Safe?

You can customize your Agile gun safe with additional features like a built-in dehumidifier to protect your firearms from rust, a vented interior for proper air circulation, battery backup kits, and more.

What is the typical warranty period for an Agile Gun Safe?

The warranty period for an Agile gun safe varies depending on the brand and specific model. However, most manufacturers offer a warranty ranging from 1 year to 5 years, with some even offering lifetime warranties for certain parts or components.

Can I easily move or relocate my Agile Gun Safe?

Yes, an Agile gun safe is designed with portability in mind. It is lightweight and compact, making it easy to move or relocate as needed. This feature also allows for temporary storage or transportation of the safe.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:07 Mindless_Depression How much would it cost to get a 240v circuit?

I have a shed that has power to it already but I want a kiln which needs 240v, how much do you typically charge for something like that?
submitted by Mindless_Depression to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:06 Legitimate_Book6028 Round the US Road Trip

Round the US Road Trip
Well, I just got back from my first road trip with my EV6. I got my ‘23 EV6 Wind RWD in September of last year and had only put just over 3k miles on it driving around town or commuting to work (less than a mile from here). That said, I really wanted to take her out for a solid road trip, so I decided to set out to visit family in Louisville, KY. I live in Oregon BTW. I didn’t make any real plans other than to take the I-40 over and the I-70 back.
The route was more complex than that, but that was basically how I wanted to go. I made quite a few detours to see the sights. Went to out of the way places to check out anything that seemed interesting or different.
Overall, I was extremely impressed with her. And yes, she and I bonded on this trip. Her name is Christine because she seems to have a mind of her own. I exclusively used the built in gps and maps to route the trip. I told her where I wanted to end up and she got me there. Sometimes she took me off course, but it was always a happy accident. It kinda felt like having a TARDIS. She didn’t always take me where I wanted to go, but she always took me where I needed to go.
I never once had any worries about charging or having enough range to get to the next charger. I hit mostly Electrify America chargers along the route and among those, most were 350kW. It made charging super fast. A lot of them were located at truck stops or had restaurants nearby so I was able to take a break, stretch my legs, pee, eat and get drinks for the road. Charging times were never an issue, I only ran into one bad station along the way, luckily the one right next to it worked great. I used 5 different networks along the route. For all of them, I opted to use the phone app rather than swipe my credit card. I had issues with EA accepting my NFC tap, but the app was able to start the charge. My favorite though was EVgo. Their Autocharge+ system is awesome. Just plug it in, it detects your car and starts charging. You don’t need to pull out your phone or interact with the screen. Just plug and charge. It was the smoothest charging experience I had on the entire trip.
For those interested in the numbers: Total Miles = 6,607.64 Electricity Cost = $865.10 Electrify America = $542.39 ChargePoint = $218.60 Francis Energy = $32.93 EVGo = $49.56 Stay-n-Charge = $21.62
Now, I’m figuring that a comparable ICE running the A/C for most of the trip like I did, would probably get around 20mpg. I watched gas prices the entire route, and I figure that I’d have paid around $3.00/gal. That puts the gas cost somewhere around $991. Not that much of a savings, but I typically do all of my charging at home, so it’s much cheaper to drive.
It was an amazing trip, and the car handled like a dream. I let her do most of the highway driving, and I know for a fact that she saved my life a couple of times. I would absolutely recommend this car to anyone looking.
submitted by Legitimate_Book6028 to KiaEV6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:03 queskow Liquor Licensing and Compliance

My friend and I are about to open our first bar, the liquor licensing and compliance requirements has been sort of confusing though.
For those of you who have been through this process, what advice do you have for navigating liquor licensing and staying compliant? Are there any resources or strategies that you found particularly helpful?
I’m especially interested in hearing about any unexpected challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Any tips for a newbie trying to keep everything in order and avoid costly mistakes would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by queskow to BarOwners [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:58 folkpunkboytoy options for low income driving tests?

hi all,
I'm 29 years old and only got my learners permit last year (I was homeless for most of my life and didn't have any documents until recently, still trying to get myself set up properly) Ive been wanting to learn how to drive to give me more options for jobs and also so that when I move next I can borrow a car rather than paying someone to help transport belongings
unfortunately, I still don't have much disposable income especially now with the cost of living crisis, and I'm obviously aged out of the free lessons under 25 and I don't have any friends who have a car and very few with a full license so I can't ask anyone I know for help
are there any options for me to learn? I'm in the north suburbs but I'm willing to travel for this
submitted by folkpunkboytoy to melbourne [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:55 scared-to-be-here Feeling weird after my assessor told me I have “a little bit of Asperger’s”

After a year of learning much more about ASD and obsessing over whether or not I’m on the spectrum (with strong internal feelings that I am), I finally decided to go through a formal assessment. I went with an in-network provider due to cost, but was definitely wary of their methods and how accurate it would be since I associate as very high masking (32F) and understand the diagnostic criteria wasn’t really made for women. This place conducts neuropsych evaluations but specializes in ADHD. I had a 30 minute intake, which focused on sensitivities, and then did three hours of testing (IQ test, house-person-tree test, personality test, etc).
As part of the verbal readout, the PhD who reviewed my assessments shared that I have “a little bit of Asperger’s.” I’m left feeling pretty confused. What does that mean? I thought you are either on the spectrum or not. And when she reinforced “just a little bit”, it really confuses me.
Would love folks thoughts on this situation & the following questions:
  1. Would you question the reputable of a place that still gives Asperger’s diagnoses (instead of just ASD)? I thought Asperger’s was no longer being used as a formal diagnosis.
  2. How would you interpret “a little bit” of Asperger’s?
Thank you so much!!! Appreciate any help.
submitted by scared-to-be-here to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:52 sigma_male_steve Bumble Dating App Review - Is Bumble Legit Or A TOTAL SCAM?

Bumble Dating App Review - Is Bumble Legit Or A TOTAL SCAM?
Welcome to Bumble, the dating app that lets women make the first move but often leaves everyone swiping in circles. If you've been considering giving Bumble a try, you might want to read on before taking the plunge. In this scam dating site guide, we're going to explore why Bumble might not be the best place to find love or even a casual date.
For those who don't want to read the entire guide, a much better alternative to Bumble is Ashley Madison. Unlike Bumble, Ashley Madison actually has millions of members and doesn't use shady tactics to scam you. Check it out here.

Scam 1: Limited Free Features

One of the biggest complaints about Bumble is the limited functionality of its free version. Users often find that they cannot fully utilize the app without upgrading to a premium membership. Basic features such as messaging matches and applying filters are locked behind a paywall, which can be frustrating and expensive​.

Scam 2: High Subscription Costs

Bumble's premium subscriptions are not cheap. With costs reaching up to $16.99 per month, the expense can add up quickly. Many users feel that the features offered do not justify the high price, especially when compared to other dating apps that offer similar services at lower costs.

Scam 3: Fake Profiles and Bots

Users frequently report encountering fake profiles and bots on Bumble. This can lead to wasted time and frustration as you try to sift through profiles that are not genuine. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that many of the app's positive reviews seem suspiciously vague and may also be generated by bots​.

Scam 4: Scammers and Catfish

Bumble has seen a rise in scams and catfishing incidents. Scammers often use fake profiles to lure victims into sharing personal information or sending money. This can be particularly dangerous, and users need to be vigilant to avoid falling prey to these schemes.

Scam 5: Poor Customer Support

Many users have expressed frustration with Bumble's customer support. When issues arise, getting a timely and satisfactory response can be challenging. This lack of reliable support leaves users feeling abandoned, especially when dealing with serious problems like scams or account issues.

Scam 6: Privacy Concerns

There are significant concerns about how Bumble handles user data. The app collects a large amount of personal information, and there have been instances of data breaches. This raises questions about the security of your information and whether your privacy is being adequately protected.

Scam 7: Algorithm Bias

Bumble’s algorithm has been criticized for being biased. Users often feel that the app prioritizes certain profiles over others, which can lead to an uneven playing field. This bias can make it harder for some users to get matches, leading to frustration and disappointment​.
Another frequent complaint is the inaccurate representation of the distance of potential matches. Users report that the app often shows matches that are far beyond the specified distance range, which defeats the purpose of setting a distance filter and can lead to wasted time​.

Overall Verdict and Recommendation

Bumble might not be a scam in the traditional sense, but it certainly has its drawbacks. The limited free features, high costs, fake profiles, scammers, poor customer support, privacy concerns, algorithm bias, and inaccurate distance representation make it a less-than-ideal choice for many users. If you're looking for a legit hookup app, try Ashley Madison.
Ashley Madison has millions of real members, no shady bot tactics, and an upfront and clear cost of membership. People have been using it for years for hookups. You can get a free trial for Ashley Madison using the link on this page.
Good luck, and may your swipes lead to something more fulfilling!
submitted by sigma_male_steve to OnlyTheCoolest [link] [comments]