Poquito mas vegetarian tostada calories

Does anyone have any calorie estimates for these 3 pastas? First one is pomodoro, second is napolitana and third is vegetarian with an unknown sauce. Which of these would be the lowest calorie option if I removed the garnishes + meat? All pastas are served al dente, 120g (cooked?)

2024.06.02 10:00 InternationalFuel543 Does anyone have any calorie estimates for these 3 pastas? First one is pomodoro, second is napolitana and third is vegetarian with an unknown sauce. Which of these would be the lowest calorie option if I removed the garnishes + meat? All pastas are served al dente, 120g (cooked?)

submitted by InternationalFuel543 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:59 dinopillz trying to reintroduce eggs and white meat

I’m sure there are many other posts like this but everyone has their own circumstances, so here are mine.
I am a college student and I was vegetarian for 3 years, and strictly vegan for only about 1 years. I am a transmasc dude (ftm) which means I’m trying to masculinize my body which is a difficult feat without even the vegan aspect. I hit a plateau in the gym and spent MONTHS stressing over tracking what I ate to see how I could incorporate more foods with higher calories and more protein (I also have the metabolism of a hamster for reference) but nothing was helping. I was eating whole blocks of tofu in a meal and downing two meal shakes a day on top of my 3 meals and still felt drained and like nothing was working. I also felt like I was sacrificing my love of whole foods to meet my goals with processed ones like fake meats and protein powders.
So today I started eating chicken. I just kind of made up my mind that I would and it happened. Immediately I felt terrible and my stomach has been in knots all day. I have been super nauseated as well. I know this is something I want to commit to but I just don’t know how to get over this “ick”?? Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by dinopillz to exvegans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:19 Trsh-usr Opciones para tratamiento emergencia de un bebe 3 meses

Parese que tuve influencia esta semana, y aunque me distancie de mi esposa y mi hija se terminaron enfermando.
Ya voy para 7 dias enfermo, mi esposa ya va para 4 dias con síntomas.
La bebe de 3 meses ya esta estornudando y tociendo. Ya consultamos con su pediatra y nos reseto algunos medicamentos, pero tememos que la cosas vaya empeorar. Y estamos comenzando a evaluar a donde ir en caso de que la bebe tenga mucha fiebre, o se ponga grabe.
No contamos con seguro, pero tenemos poquitos ahorros en caso de una emergencia.
A donde recomienda ir si se llega a necesitar un cuidado mas extensivo?
submitted by Trsh-usr to tijuana [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:11 SuuperNoob You have to consume 100g of protein per day on a vegetarian diet. What do you eat for the least amount of calories?

Somewhat in this situation so I figured I'd see how you folks would do it.
Can anyone help plan my next month of diet staples?
Thanks in advance!
PS I hate strawberries and refuse artificial sweetener.
submitted by SuuperNoob to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:00 shobonasty Help! With this milk and cheese appearance.

Help! With this milk and cheese appearance.
I've been a fan of these guys since 92 and will look for random stuff related to them every once in a while. I got this on eBay and litterally can't find anything about it. It's not listed in comprehensive lists of their appearances. It has a single panel comic in it that honestly isn't the best. Anyone have any info?
submitted by shobonasty to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:26 Loveonethe-brain After gaining 60 lbs and losing 20lbs here is some encouragement

So I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS ever since I was 17 (it would’ve been 12 if I had better doctors). Anyway I’ve always been plus sized and by college I was 180ish. After college I met a man, fell in love, and he ghosted me after wanted to move in and get engaged. I didn’t handle it well and between being put on the pill again because my hormones, developing vertigo and worse ibs because of anxiety, and the depression I gained 60lbs at my heaviest I was 244lbs. Here’s my advice from that times.
  1. Be gentle with yourself. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror I was so ashamed of what I had “become” because of a man. But that’s life, weight isn’t morality. I was going through a break up, newly disabled, and at risk at my job because of the disability. I should’ve given myself more grace.
  2. BUY CLOTHES THAT FIT!!! Instead of moping that you can’t fit into size 16 anymore, go to the thrift store or buy on SHEIN (I know it is bad for the environment but a new wardrobe is expensive) or somewhere cheap and find you some clothes that fit you well. Go for flowy dresses and stretchy fabrics.
  3. Weight isn’t moral and food isn’t either. Being skinny or fit doesn’t make you a good person and being fat or disabled doesn’t make you a bad person.
Okay and then I went to the doctor in January and found out my A1C is 6.3 and was prediabetic. My grandma lost her leg to diabetes so that was a wake up call. So I talked to my friend and she set up a plan that helped.
  1. Myfitnesspal app is a must. I’m a vegetarian and I really didn’t realize how many calories I was consuming each day even though I was eating healthily. I also had an ED in high school so I was concerned about that but what I love about MyFitnessPal is that it warns you if you eat too little calories a day too. I am very calorie conscious and I hate that but at least I am eating full meals which I couldn’t say in high school.
  2. Movement can come in many forms, I hate exercising and I walk with a cane (vertigo) so yeah that was the hard part. But then I realized I love window shopping and going to Disney springs. Just going to the mall and walking around is a mile at least and it doesn’t feel like it.
  3. My favorite foods, protein shakes (specifically Chobani complete) they fill my sweetness cravings while giving protein that helps you to feel full. Popcorn (you can mindlessly eat and not as many calories as chips. Hello fresh recipes have nutrients on them and pretty easy to follow (just use olive oil instead of vegetable).
  4. Drink water instead of juice/soda. What I did was water down my juice a bit and then eventually just went to water and used protein shakes when I wanted a sweet drink.
  5. Medicine is there to help. I was so afraid to go on the pill or jardiance because I was afraid of the side effects and felt like a failure that I couldn’t get this down on my own. But that’s not true. The bc pill mad me gain weight but I don’t have an ovarian ruptured cyst anymore. Jardiance makes me pee a lot but I’m drinking more water and I don’t have to worry about my A1C
submitted by Loveonethe-brain to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:14 InternationalFuel543 Does anyone have any calorie estimates for these 3 pastas? First one is pomodoro, second is napolitana and third is vegetarian with an unknown sauce. Which of these would be the lowest calorie option if I removed the garnishes + meat? All pastas are served al dente, 120g (cooked?).

Does anyone have any calorie estimates for these 3 pastas? First one is pomodoro, second is napolitana and third is vegetarian with an unknown sauce. Which of these would be the lowest calorie option if I removed the garnishes + meat? All pastas are served al dente, 120g (cooked?). submitted by InternationalFuel543 to u/InternationalFuel543 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:13 InternationalFuel543 Does anyone have any calorie estimates for these 3 pastas? First one is pomodoro, second is napolitana and third is vegetarian with an unknown sauce. Which of these would be the lowest calorie option if I removed the garnishes + meat?

Does anyone have any calorie estimates for these 3 pastas? First one is pomodoro, second is napolitana and third is vegetarian with an unknown sauce. Which of these would be the lowest calorie option if I removed the garnishes + meat? submitted by InternationalFuel543 to CalorieEstimates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:24 kianalas Take $150 Off Factor75.com Meals

Factor75.com is a meal delivery service that offers fresh, chef-prepared, and dietitian-approved meals. The meals are delivered to your doorstep and are ready to eat in two minutes with no cooking or preparation other than microwaving. Factor75 offers a variety of plans with 4–18 meals per week, and meals can be customized with add-ons like snacks, soup, extra protein dishes, breakfast dishes, juice, and dessert. Meal preferences supported include: High protein, Vegetarian, Low calorie, Low carb, Ketogenic, Plant-based, Paleo, and Gluten-free.

For $150 Off your first Factor75 deliveries, use discount code:


submitted by kianalas to PromoCodeShare [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:00 sweetmarie525 Vegetarian Fast Food Options

Hi! I am a vegetarian and am about a month into counting calories and maintaining a deficit for weight loss.
My lifestyle involves a lot of eating out at “fast causal” or fast food places. It is relatively unavoidable and I probably eat out on average a meal a day. I have been going to chipotle, Panera, cafe Zupas, jimmy johns, most of the time when I eat out.
What are recommendations for fast causal/fast food places and menu items where I can eat a good meal without “breaking the calorie bank?” Thank you!
submitted by sweetmarie525 to CICO [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:42 Jennilee123 vegetarian coronation chicken

vegetarian coronation chicken
I’m kinda new to volume eating so i’m not sure if this counts? I went on a walk today and got really hungry around 4pm (i don’t usually eat breakfast/lunch) and I was going to grab a snack, but came up with this coronation “chicken” bowl for 250 ish calories :)
I found that the vegetarian chicken pieces I used have 18g of protein for 100g, so hoping this will keep me full until i eat my dinner later.
submitted by Jennilee123 to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:33 Opethfan1984 Introduction to Carnivore Experiment

A couple of months ago, I started on an experimental journey to see how my body would react to a predominantly Carnivore Diet. I will publish highlights of my Diary between then and now with things like weights ever week or so and any notes from lessons learned.
Where I was at the beginning:
I have tried every other diet I could think of to lost weight from Vegetarian, Keto and Mediterranean. The only time I ever lost weight was the first 2 weeks of Keto and extreme Fasting when I was ill. Other than that, my weight has only ever gone up each month.
At the beginning of this experiment, I weighed 230 lbs. I had low energy, Depression and Anxiety most days. Occasional night terrors, terrible snoring and itchy raised skin on my hands. Worse, I had a feeling of impending doom that I couldn't explain. It was as though I was dying but couldn't tell you what the cause of this feeling was.
SPOILER ALERT: 3 weeks on, I had NONE of those symptoms. NONE.
In future posts, I will explain my progress along with the small number of issues I went through, how to get fat-adapted more quickly and less painfully, and my theories on the long-term consequences of this diet. I have put a lot of thought into what the human diet would've been for the 200,000 years or so before we developed Agriculture but were (for all intent and purpose) the same species.
There would have been a lot of fatty meat. Fattier than we have access to today because the mega-fauna are extinct now. We would've foraged for mushrooms, sea-food like mussels and seaweed, weed leaves and fish but the majority of our calories would've come fro extremely fatty meat like mammoth and rhino. Anything else would've been used to plug gaps or to improve flavour, not as the basis for survival.
This is why there are no healthy long-term Vegans who aren't taking supplements and other medication while there are many Carnivores with near perfect health, who consume nothing but Meat, Butter and Salt.
submitted by Opethfan1984 to WelshCarnivore [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:02 Fluffy_Government164 Unpopular Opinion: Desi food can be as healthy as white ppl food

I keep seeing on this sub that Desi food can’t be healthy. I see this mentality back in South Asia too, where many ppl I know who are trying to be healthy will start eating kale salads but then won’t stick to the diet as it’s too different from their usual palate. I find it irksome as I think to a large extent it’s tied to how Desi food is perceived in the west and somehow we’re adopting this mentality too of rejecting our own foods (until the west tells us otherwise like with yoga etc 😏). Well I believe Desi food can be just as healthy (tried and tested) and will actually argue it’s healthier due to its impact on gut health
Hear me out: - I eat 120g of protein a day. Through meat, dairy, and 1 scoop protein powder. - All Desi food can be cooked in a less caloric dense way. Yes this isn’t the food you get in restaurants eg makhni dal with garlic naan but that’s like saying all Americans eat a big steak for lunch everyday. No one living a healthy lifestyle is eating that way - our food is also healthier for the gut: the lentils provide fiber; the spices are good for gut health, yogurt is a probiotic, and veggies are the key to life - Example of a Desi lunch at home : chicken tikka in air fryer, one whole wheat roti, and veggies on the side - another example: Achar chicken (not drowning in oil, count your calories!), sabzi, with a mix of brown rice/ cauliflower rice - this is an extreme but if I’m craving a rice dish like biryani I’ll make it in brown rice, add a ton of veggies, and balance the brown rice with cauliflower rice. It satisfies the cravings
If you’re making a dish that requires a high fat content in the form of oil etc, balance it out by using a leaner protein: - Low fat beef - Fish/ shrimp
Happy to provide more details. For non meat eaters sorry I can’t help much here but I have many friends who are healthy/ eat Desi food daily/ vegetarian so I know it’s possible!
submitted by Fluffy_Government164 to Vindictabrown [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:15 adireloaded Too few calories are somehow increasing my weight

Hello, i could use from a little help from all of you because i’m concerned if i’m doing something wrong.
Context: I’m a 26 y/o male and i have been overweight my entire adult life, both from my love of eating and not burning enough calories.
This week i made up my mind to change everything for good. I was 106 kg/234 pounds when i started and i began a very strict regimen of burning 800-1000 cal per day by playing tennis or walking/jogging in the morning and evening, and severely restricting my calories to around 800 or less. Im a vegetarian but i like eggs so ive been eating a lot of lentils and eggs for protein too.
I know these are too few calories and i don’t plan to do it for the long run, but i was hoping for a faster boost to drop the first few pounds. And it worked.
For 4 consecutive days i lost a kilo per day, and after just four days i was at 102kgs/225 pounds. i was extremely happy with this because my hard work and self control was paying off. But yesterday and Today, instead of losing weight, i gained a pound and half a pound respectively.. This is concerning me.
I know the first few pounds were water weight and that the reduction rate would slow down soon, but i wasn’t expecting an INCREASE in weight after all the calorie deficit and exercise. I don’t know if this is normal or im doing something wrong. Ive heard the body goes into something called as starvation mode but im unsure .
Gaining weight while being lazy and eating junk is understandable.. but this just hurts to see after im working so hard for it to drop.
submitted by adireloaded to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:13 starsgirl123 i cannot stop gaining weight

i want to try and give as much information i see relevant in order to hopefully get some advice :) i’m 22y/o and a female, i am 5’3.75 and I just weighed in at 188 lbs.
my freshman year of college (5yrs ago) i went vegetarian and lost about 40 pounds. I was so happy because i went from 190 to 150.
now, five years later i think im much healthier but the number still keeps going up. i’m still vegetarian, i go to the gym and work out more frequently, and im more aware of the things im eating and whether they are healthy or not. so why does the number keep rising?
i had suspicions that i maybe had PCOS or some sort of metabolic issue, but my blood work came back totally normal. they are referring me to and endocrinologist to be safe and get more in depth testing, but as of now im at a standstill it seems.
it’s just so incredibly frustrating because my weight is something i have always struggled with both physically and mentally. it sucks not having answers as to why i am trying to hard to lose weight and keep it off when nothing seems to work. from counting calories, to fasting, and to different workout or diet “trends” nothing seems to work.
i’m open to any advice <3
submitted by starsgirl123 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:56 daversedflash What are the calories in a big chez it tostada? The app shows two different numbers

What are the calories in a big chez it tostada? The app shows two different numbers submitted by daversedflash to tacobell [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:53 limestred Crisis vocacional a punto de titularse

Buenas gente sabia de reddit, estoy por cumplir 27 años, este año si todo sale bien me titulo, el problema es que me titulo de algo que me apasionó mucho en su momento pero hoy en dia odio con el alma. Ni siquiera es tan asi, pero ya no lo soporto. Estoy dudando si acaso terminarlo pero falta tan poco que pienso: qué daño hace aguantar un poquito mas, seguir gastando plata en esto por lo que queda de año y asi sentir que no desperdicié todos estos años de mi vida estudiando algo a lo que no me voy a dedicar? No al menos en un 100%, porque me sigue gustando como hobby, pero lo odio como trabajo.
De verdad lo único que me ha dado paz últimamente es pensar que en un año mas ya no voy a estar estudiando esto, que se va a terminar, que al fin va a acabar esta agonía culia, porque eso es lo que he estado haciendo los ultimos años, alargando la agonía de una carrera que ya no disfruto y murió para mi hace sus buenos años, pero que sigo aqui porque cuando sentí las ganas de salirme congelé, pero en vez de ir por otra cosa, volví, porque lo pensaba en frío y decía que lo mejor en todos los casos era terminar esto primero y después ver, llevar esto hasta la última y quien sabe? quizás me reencantaba con la carrera, pero no ha sido asi, por momentos sí, pero últimamente cada vez es mas difícil y solo quiero que termine luego.
Por qué me hice pasar por esta tortura? Nosé, quizás porque antes de esta carrera había empezado a estudiar otra en la que duré 1 año y no quería que la historia se repitiera, no quería salirme sin terminar y después preguntarme "qué hubiese pasado si?" porque la verdad es que esa carrera nunca me disgustó, pero me salí por las razones equivocadas. Me gustaba todo lo que rodeaba esa carrera, y la carrera en sí tambien, me gustaba el cómo me hacía ver y tambien lo que tenía que hacer, que era en gran parte ayudar a la gente (era una carrera del area de salud).
Estos días he pensado en volver a esa carrera, terminarla esta vez. Es un pensamiento que me ha traído mucha calma y felicidad la verdad, porque veo en retrospectiva y de verdad me salí solo por pasar un mal momento, por estar triste y no bien enfocado. Luego de salirme ahi esperé un año y me metí a esta otra carrera, y si bien al principio fue muy bacán, a la larga ha sido un suplicio.
Ya no estoy triste, ya no estoy mal enfocado, solo estoy chato. Será muy tarde para cambiar de carrera? Aunque si les soy sincero lo único que quiero es hacer plata, también quiero viajar y conocer el mundo, pero para eso necesitas plata. Para formar una familia también, me gustaría conocer a alguien y formar planes a largo plazo, pero estoy muy lejos de ser capaz de algo así, sé que no es el momento pero quiero estar listo para cuando se dé. También siento que he desperdiciado mis 20's y me gustaría disfrutar los años que quedan, y con disfrutar me refiero a eso de viajar y conocer el mundo, conocer gente y hacer plata al mismo tiempo, cosa de entrar a los 30 tranquilo y saber que a pesar de todo he aprovechado bien mi vida y he hecho lo que tenía o necesitaba hacer sin arrepentirme de nada. Pero es lo correcto? Todo lo que quiero no se puede dar al mismo tiempo y eso lo tengo claro, lo único que me detiene es la carrera en la que estoy, estoy terminando el semestre y ya el próximo es practica y tesis, pero me gustaría mucho salirme, ponerme a trabajar y hacer plata para irme el proximo año y empezar a viajar, si al final tengo claro que no voy a ejercer entonces para qué seguir? Si me voy a ir igual, pero sinceramente nosé qué es lo mejor, me digo "dejar esto y trabajar para hacer plata" pero ni siquiera he podido encontrar pega de part time estos últimos meses, primero debería asegurarme con eso o no?
También está lo otro de que salí del colegio a los 17 y nunca jamás visualicé mi vida mas allá de los 27 años, nunca me proyecté mas allá de 10 años en el futuro y sinceramente pensé que a estas alturas mi vida sería totalmente distinta, que tendría todo resuelto y que me estaría yendo bien pero no es asi. Quiero hacer cambios, no quiero seguir así, pero estoy tan agobiado que de verdad nosé qué es lo mejor en estos momentos, tampoco tengo referencias o personas conocidas mas "grandes" que me aconsejen. Me siento estancado.
Solo busco opiniones, consejos y lo que sea que se les ocurra. Necesito diferentes perspectivas porque de verdad estoy en la media crisis vocacional y no tengo a nadie con quien hablarlo (al menos nadie del que no sepa de antemano qué es lo que me va a decir)
submitted by limestred to chile [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:22 NeedleworkerQuiet731 Me estoy volviendo loco comparando monitores. IPS o VA para 27" 2K (1440p)? No juego a nada competitivo y tampoco juego en un cuarto a oscuras.

Estoy buscando monitores hace bastante y veo en hardgamers.com.ar que estan bajando de precio estas ultimas semanas y creo que es hora de comprar. Lo unico que tengo dudas es si comprar monitor VA o IPS. Actualmente tengo uno Samsung 24" 1080p con IPS a 75Hz y me encanta como se ven los colores y el poquito ghosting que tiene.
No juego nada full competitivo, no necesito 300Hz, con 144Hz estaria mas que joya. Me encanta jugar juegos single-player con los graficos al palo ahora que por fin tengo una buena GPU y queria hacer el upgrade a 2K con un monitor un poco mas grande el tema es que no se que tipo elegir.
Supuestamente los VA tienen mejor contraste y son un poco mas baratos pero tiene mucho mas ghosting por el peor response time. El tema es que parece que los buenos paneles VA son tan buenos como los IPS (los de Samsung mas chetos tipo G7 o G9 que se me van de presupuesto).
No se que tanto afecta que tengan mejor contraste los VA, siempre que leo sobre los VA en otros subs dicen que mayor contraste es mejor para cuando jugas en habitaciones con poca luz, cosa que no es mi caso, y no se que tanto afectaria el ghosting en juegos a 80FPS ponele.
Si alguno tiene data o referencias de algun buen monitor le agradezco. Gracias!
submitted by NeedleworkerQuiet731 to ArgamingConsultas [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:17 blahgraves Vegetarian finally losing weight.

Vegetarian finally losing weight.
I've been working since the end of last year trying to lose weight. I've been trying on and off for years and only gaining weight. 5 frustrating months later, I'm finally below my start. It's so hard to do, that even a couple of pounds feels like a major victory. Hoping that this isn't a fluke!
Things that have been working for me:
  • Walking instead of the gym, I've been able to be more consistent with walking and enjoy it more.
  • Focusing on adding way more protein to my diet. I calculated how much protein I needed and have been focusing on meeting the minimum. This has also helped keep my cravings down and stay in a deficit.
  • Adding fortified nutritional yeast to every meal. I'm vegetarian and believe I had/have a B-12 deficiency, since I've added the nutritional yeast to my meals I have waaay less cravings. I also notice a lot more energy. I'm consuming about 5 tablespoons a day.
  • Those sad rice cakes that your mom would eat. These have helped take the edge off of wanting to snack. They aren't that bad! There is a chocolate one that really helps me from getting out the ice cream/high calorie sweets.
Things that haven't worked for me:
  • Fasting, OMAD, and any sort of not eating at some point in the day time.
  • Keto/carb cutting
  • Basically any fad diet!
  • Working out too much, would end up eating way more and getting out of my calorie deficit
submitted by blahgraves to WeightLossSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:30 Lonely-Bluebird7296 Is 250-300 too low for 8 spring rolls?

8 (vegetarian) spring rolls from Oriental with a cup of sweet chili sauce. I estimated the sauce to be around 25 calories and the spring rolls a total of 250, but I'm not sure of that's way too low since they seemed pretty oily?
submitted by Lonely-Bluebird7296 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:04 Common_Eggplant437 Fellow vegetarians - give me your go-to protein recommendations

TL;DR: Vegetarian having VSG looking for high protein food recommendations
Currently pre op but have VSG scheduled for 10/21/24 and have my first meeting with my new dietitian on monday. I'm trying to incorporate more protein (and eating protein first in order during meals) and I'm finding a lot of my vegetarian proteins also have a lot of carbs and or calories and not enough protein.
Please give me your favorite high protein foods! I already eat a significant amount of tofu, Greek yogurt, beans, and cottage cheese. I do not like to eat eggs in any form like hard boiled, scrambled, poached, omelette, over easy, sunny side up, etc., (severe texture aversion that makes me vomit). I love to make seitan from scratch with vital wheat gluten but I feel like it has so many calories since it's technically flour. Also tell me your favorite pre made protein shakes and/or powders!
And please no one suggest I stop being vegetarian, that will not change. Ive been vegetarian by choice for nine years and its extremely unlikely that would ever change so it is not a realistic or helpful suggestion.
submitted by Common_Eggplant437 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:32 chrispaultolakers Thoughts on dairy/milk?

I’ve been a lifelong vegetarian and I’ve pretty much grown up drinking milk (my fav drink as well), but I’ve heard many mixed opinions when it comes to dairy, and specifically milk. Do you guys incorporate much dairy/milk into your diets? If not, what are your reasons? Finding many conflicting statements online whether this stuff is bad for you or not. I find the macros for a glass of milk to be extremely balanced (reasonable ratios of protein, carbs and fat to the calories), and personally have had no problems with digestion.
submitted by chrispaultolakers to nutrition [link] [comments]
