5mg 500 oxycodone cold water extraction


2022.06.03 14:38 huggothebear Mushrooms4Coldsores

A subreddit to talk about and share experiences trying to use BETA-GLUCANS / POLYSACCHARIDES to control oral herpes / HSV-1. I run this sub alone, for free, to help others. If you have been helped, and want to give back and support my efforts, you could donate some cryptocurrency; it would be appreciated, and is certainly not required! : ) BTC: bc1qxnaacgfult4u62axtavl87vtwm7v52w6qryek8 ETH: 0xA2fF293C84232306A1a50374977799c6dc7c92D9 SAVE 15% on TIMEHEALTH code: ”mushrooms4coldsores15”

2024.05.19 07:12 alexinstar Meds and Movement Disorders

Has anyone else had almost every medication they’ve tried cause muscle twitching in various parts of their body?
Or have intolerances to medication and the side effects are bad?
When Im not on any psych med, my muscles in my body don’t twitch. As soon as I start psych meds and continue taking them, my muscles twitch. The twitching is similar to as if I just did a full body workout out, but I haven’t.
It seems every drug I try, causes EPS/a movement disorder. Latuda caused my eyelids to twitch and facial tics. Serequel caused muscle twitching throughout my body.
Caplyta makes me physically ill and have flu like side effects that don’t go away. Im currently on the lowest dose (dropping from 42mg, to 21mg, to 10.5mg), and it still makes me feel shitty and isn’t even therapeutic anymore.
Lithium really messes with my thyroid and landed me in the ER.
Mood stabilizers for me don’t work because of the birth control interaction. I have endometriosis, and without birth control, I am constantly in debilitating pain. I don’t want to get an IUD because of how incredibly painful and traumatic it is to get one inserted, and the side effects. To be fair, my current oral contraceptive amps up my depression a lot and has side effects. But I can’t mentally handle being in excruciating pain all the time and not able to move. I also can’t mentally handle this depression either. Having to decide which to deal with — being in debilitating pain and be on a mood stabilizer to help my mental health or have a very bad mental state and not be in physical pain is a truly shitty decision to have to make as a woman. There is no winning if you’re a woman. (I do want to state that being in excruciating pain all the time DOES NOT help my mental health, regardless if Im on a med or not)
I’ve already tried Lamictal, while being on birth control. Lamictal made the BC ineffective and made my hormones not be stable and go up and down everyday, and I was in hell. And the BC made the Lamictal not effective.
Depakote is the only mood stabilizer that doesn’t affect birth control, even though birth control makes depakote less effective. Depakote makes my arm muscles twitch, and makes my leg muscles twitch more than they do now. It’s only 250mg of depakote too, so not therapeutic. I did run a lil experiment. I stopped the depakote for a week to see if some of my muscle twitching subsided.. and it did. My arm muscles no longer twitch. My leg muscles still do and it drives me INSANE.
I just.. I don’t get why my body is like this. There was a point when I was on 200mg Lamictal, 60mg Latuda, and 100mg of Serequel and the muscle twitching was so bad. My whole entire body was constantly spasming and moving.
Prior to July, I tolerated psych meds really well! Until a psychiatrist (who can rot in hell), cold turkey cut me off of a very high dose of klonopin. I went through a 2 month withdrawal and couldn’t get water or food down for at least a month and lost 30 pounds in 3 weeks. My body has never been the same again, and I now have severe GI issues because of the trauma my stomach went through during withdrawals.
After being cut cold turkey off of benzos.. my body and brain do not tolerate psych medications at all. experience EVERY side effect and they don’t go away, on top of movement disorders.
Im desperate for a medication to work and Im hopeless currently. Everything that seems to help me somewhat mentally, makes my muscles twitch and jerk!
I don’t know what to do and how long I can last with my current mental health! I don’t know if anyone would have advice or have gone through similar things? Has anyone else experienced numerous psych meds causing movement disorders?
submitted by alexinstar to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 Willing_Breath_8866 Fuck scalpers

Fuck scalpers
Ran into 2 scalpers here trying to steal vintage lighting and all the wiring to this place, Cold War era missile silo, 2/3 were flooded. One was completely flooded, other had 5-6 feet of water was well as being welded shut.
They seemed like absolute tweakers, "I just collect light bulbs, they go for $500".
Sad to see them stealing history, it might be something small, but still. I'd rather keep this place in its original state. Probably last time you'll see these lights.
submitted by Willing_Breath_8866 to MinnesotaUrbex [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:45 Honest-Sample-665 Rahu, Hanuman, Kuafu

I just came across these myths, Maybe they can tell us something about Luffy, Dragon, Imu and the One Piece.
Rahu (my take is IMU):
The tales begin in the "remotest periods of the earliest of time, when the devas and asuras churned the ocean of milk to extract from it the amrita, the elixir of immortality." - Svarbhanu, an Asura (demon) deceived Vishnu’s female avatar Mohini, posing as a Deva(god) to steal the elixir of immortality. Displeased, Mohini cut Svarbhanu’s head. Svarbhanu was henceforth referred to as Rahu (head) and Ketu (body), could not die, but his head was separated from his body.
Following this event, Rahu (IMU) and Ketu (Five Elder planets representing his torso, both legs and arms) gained the status of planets, and could influence the lives of humans on Earth.
Rahu and Ketu became bitter enemies with Surya (Sun - Sun God Nika or Monkey D. Luffy) and Chandra (Moon - Marshall D. Teach) for exposing his deception and leading to his decapitation.
Hanuman (hindu deity that inspired Sun Wookong):
When Hanuman was an infant, he was once left unattended by his earthly mother and father. He became hungry, and when the Sun rose, he believed it to be a ripe fruit. So, Hanuman leapt up towards the Sun with extreme speed. Vayu (Wind God) his celestial father, blew cold wind on him to protect him from the burning Sun. Coincidentally, Rahu (Imu maybe) was meant to swallow the Sun (Eternal Flame?) and eclipse it that day. As Rahu approached the Sun, he saw Hanuman (Nika) about to eat it.
Hanuman saw Rahu and thought Rahu to be a fruit as well, so he attempted to eat him too. Rahu fled to the court of the king of the devas, Indra (Lightning God), and complained that while he was meant to satisfy his hunger with the Sun, there was now a bigger Rahu who tried to consume the Sun and himself.
Indra set out on Airavata, his divine elephant (Zunesha?), to investigate alongside Rahu, who retreated once more when he saw how enormous Hanuman had grown. Hanuman was playing with the Sun's chariot and reached for Rahu again. As Rahu cried out to Indra for help, Hanuman saw the Airavata and mistook it for yet another fruit.
When he approached in his giant form, Indra struck his left jaw with a thunderbolt and injured him. Hanuman began falling back towards the Earth when he was caught by Vayu.
Kuafu (a giant of chinese legend):
There was a vast mountain in the desolated plains of the north. In the mountain forest lived a tribe of mighty giants (The Kuafu-Shi). They were led by Kuafu (Joyboy and Roger); the grandson of Houtu (Mother Earth). The giants were strong but kind, leading simple lives.
The leader, Kuafu, was not only tall and muscular, but also had strong legs which enabled him to run faster than a rabbit. He often led his people to fight with beasts for survival. Thus he often wore yellow snakes he caught as earrings, and swung snakes in his hands with pride.
One day, Kuafu sat on a slope watching the sun slowly setting in the west. As the land was gradually covered in darkness, he suddenly came up with a wild idea. If he captured the sun, would he then bring bright light and warmth to the world forever?
Hearing his idea, many people tried to talk him out of it.
“Don’t even think about it,” one said. “The sun is too far way, and you will die from fatigue!”
“The sun is too hot. You will be burned alive,” another said.
But Kuafu was determined to compete with the sun and try to catch it.
As the sun rose the next morning, Kuafu bade farewell to his tribe and started chasing the sun with a cane in his hand.
The sun was just like a naughty child, prancing across the sky. Kuafu raced across the land like a gush of wind, chasing the sun relentlessly. He chased it over mountains and rivers, shaking the land with every step he took.
The sun rose higher and higher and yet Kuafu kept chasing it with sweat streaming down his face.
He was famished and extremely thirsty so he ran to a fruit tree to quench his thirst and relieve his hunger. When tired, Kuafu leaned against his cane and took a quick rest.
The chase continued and the sun began dropping in the west.
Kuafu got agitated and shouted, “You keep on running, and see if I don’t catch you!”
The sun didn’t seem to care at all and moved even faster into the western horizon. Kuafu twirled his cane, and scurried across the plains, racing thousands of miles toward the sun. It seemed that he was getting closer and closer. He chased it all the way to the Mount Yanzi. As Kuafu stretched forth his mighty arms in an attempt to catch the ball of fire, a wave of heat gushed in, blowing him far way. Fortunately, he regained balance with his cane.
Kuafu kept his chin up and started chasing yet again. The closer he got to the sun, the hotter it got. His sweat drained profusely, leaving his clothes soaked. He took his clothes off and exposed his dark and strong chest.
As he kept running, Kuafu felt terribly thirsty. His throat was dry and sore. Suddenly, his eyes lit up with the Yellow River coming into his sight. He rushed over and leaned into the river, gulping up the water fiercely.
He was so thirsty that he drank up all the water in the Yellow River. Still thirsty, Kuafu ran to the Weihe River and started gulping again. The Weihe River got drunk dry as well. But Kuafu’s thirst was still not quenched. So he headed north to another big lake.
The big lake sat in the north of Mount Yanmen. The water was clean and clear, with birds flocking and flourishing around. Thinking all of the fresh water, Kuafu scurried over even faster. He tried to get there before the sun set, so that he could keep on chasing the sun again after quenching his thirst.
However, his footsteps got heavier and heavier. The intense thirst slowed him down immensely, and Kuafu fell down like a mountain with a large booming sound.
Just as he fell, Kuafu flung his cane over with all his strength. The cane made an arc in the air and then fell into the distance.
Just then, the sun set into the Yu Valley of Mountain Yanzi, leaving a golden afterglow on Kuafu’s face.
The sun rose again the next dawn, yet Kuafu had already turned into a huge mountain where he fell down.
On the northern side of the mountain, there was a lush peach orchard, which was turned from his cane.
Kuafu (Joyboy and Roger) believed that there would always be someone else trying to chase the sun like he did and the peach orchard (One Piece) he left would help them quench their thirst. Just as he planned, the orchard flourished, creating shelter and shade for passers-by and offered fruit (Devil Fruit?) to relieve their thirst and exhaust (give hope).
Though the myth suggested that Kuafu chased the Sun on the spur of a moment, some scholars conjectured that it may have actually been planned for the whole tribe searching for water source in the draught. Chasing the sun indicated that the tribe tried migrating westward for water.
submitted by Honest-Sample-665 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:31 realMast3rShake Hot Granola Recipe

Hot Granola Recipe
I want to mimic the Alpen Fuel breakfasts as they are delicious and high in calories. It says granola, but is like a thick and hearty oatmeal when mixed with hot water, no crunchyness at all. Anyone have any tips on how to make granola that you can heat up on the trail? I have been messing around with making dehydrated steel cut oats but I think a hydratable granola would be better. Any tips or recipes would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by realMast3rShake to trailmeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:46 ChristLover10 The Last Child

(Part 2 out now)
I woke up with a cough of blood and pain. I felt something metal with my hands as I looked down. A long stint of rebar poked out of my ribcage and through my chest plate, covered in a mix of my blood and the bile of a bug.
I reached down and grabbed my Senator, feeling its trusty weight in my hands. I haphazardly tried to place the barrel against the portion of rebar sticking out of my back. This had better work, I thought. I pulled the trigger once and with a loud Crack I felt the vibration from the shot in my stomach. I tried to choke down vomit and pulled the trigger twice more Crack, Crack. With the third shot the rebar gave way and I rolled to my side and collapsed on the ground. Agony shot through my body as I hit the dirt.
I realized then, Hmmph, they left me. During Extraction one of the other divers called in a 500kg as we were about to board Pelican 1. She had thrown it over one of those damned chargers in an effort to kill one last bug but... it started charging us. I was the last one in line and just as I was about to board... i was thrown 200 feet away from extraction site. I don't blame them. I'd have left me too. We had successfully evacuated a number of scientists and other military personnel, but we'd lost the planet. No hard feelings I guess.
I tried to pull my mind away from those thoughts and just focused on one. Survive. I pulled myself to my knees and looked at the rebar again. Cant park there bud, I thought tryna cheer myself up. I had dropped my senator when I fell and ended up with two free hands. I reached down and with the assistance of my servo-assited armor prepared to wrench the rebar from my chest. Alright, count of three, I thought. One my heartrate quickened. Two I adjusted my grip ever so slightly. Three I ripped the metal rod out and felt a hot stinging pain shoot through my body. I quickly grabbed a stim and applied it.
I winced as the stim numbed my broken ribs and began rapidly working to heal them and my open chest wound. After a couple seconds, I could stand.
I took quick stock of my inventory. My Senator with 23 rounds left, two ration packs, a canteen of water, 1 stim, a knife, and a bag of oatmeal. Oatmeal? Seriously? I'd rather have ammo but... beggars can't be choosers.
I looked around me. Snow and beaten down rubble surrounded me. This was some kind of research station, I think. Didn't bother grabbing the name. Cold as hell and nothing really around to get my bearings. Great. I thought. Im gonna die inside a freezer. I started looking through the rubble for anything useful. I found a corpse of one of the scientists that hadn't made it to evac. I grabbed the ID card off his jacket. Figured It'd get me inside a building if there were any left standing. I crawled out of the rubble and onto the snowy tundra.
The sun had set and with it most of the light I would've been able to utilize. I scanned the horizon for a blinking light. Blinking like meant beacon. Beacon meant possible radio, maybe some ammo. I clocked one to the southwest and began walking that direction senator drawn.
I spotted a few distant bug patrols illuminated by moonlight but they had no interest in me. I kept my head down and kept moving towards the light. Details started to take shape and I could see this was a research station. Perfect I thought.
I reached the door and used the key card. There was a Beep and the red light flashed green. The door cracked open before jamming. Oh no you dont, I thought and with one hand yanked the door open. I closed it behind me with the same hand to keep the wildlife disinterested.
Inside was dark and damp. I had lost the seal integrity on my suit so there was barely any oxygen regulation. Didn't need it on this planet but still, it's a bitch to fix. I turned my flashlight on and started scanning the room for a light switch. I found one but wouldn't ya know it... dead. At least the beacon had power. I walked over to the radio and pulled off my helmet. I wedged the flashlight in my neck and leaned my head to the side. I started flipping switches and turning dials to see if there was a response. Nothing. Id have to find the master terminal. I grabbed the flashlight and donned my helmet again. I began scanning the room again before I heard it. A little shuffle behind me. I turned quickly and drew my senator raising it at the source of the sound.
It was a small child. At least... thats what it appeared to be. At first glance I could see bindings on its legs and arms. A hospital gown with little ducklings on it and a teddy bear tucked under its arm. I lowered my senator as it spoke.
"Dr. Mehon told me to wait here. He said hed be right back."
Dr. Mehon was probably dead I thought. I knelt down and put my hand on the child's shoulder. "Whats your name kid?"
"3". I felt a rage build up. I swallowed it quickly.
"Well 3, what uh... why.. why do you have bin.." I stopped myself. Whatever those scientists were doing here...
3 looked up at me and I noticed it. A cat like set of eyes. Other little details started to click as well. Four fingers on each hand, slightly pointed ears, a discoloration of skin and a rigid scale-like spine on the shoulder.
"The radio doesnt work mister." 3 seemed to have understood their situation. "Dr Mehon destroyed it before he left."
I realized then that it was unlikely either of us would make it off this planet alive.
EDIT: Part 2 out now! (Part 2's a lil shorter) I Didnt think itd get this many upvotes and comments. Ill keep writing then. Feel free to suggest names for 3!
submitted by ChristLover10 to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:51 david9527 How screwed am I

How screwed am I
Paid $13,500 to a paver. Who replaced base by and put asphalt top on it. It turned out that it was not leveled properly as water pools here and there after rain.
Called him and he came over. He put another 1/4-1/2 inch of asphalt on the top. Water drainage is now better, tested by rain.
However, top layer of asphalt was so coarse and it looks so damn ugly now. The reason might because it was too thin of a layer that it got cold before it was compacted. Plus not the right type of mix that should be on the top.
What should I do? Sue? Or live with it?
submitted by david9527 to asphalt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:08 Solelydesigner Phentermine 1 week

So I just wanted to come on here to discuss MY experience on this weight loss aid pill. 35F SW 176.6 CW 167.8 I was prescribed after trying to lose weight the 37.5mg dose. Before I decided this route we ran several test and all came back normal. I do have a knee injury and some herniated disks so exercise for me was a bit complicated. Day 1 I started to feel the extreme dry mouth. Metal like flavor. Constipation set in shortly after. Next the numbness face , legs , hands! That was an odd feeling because it feels like when you’ve been sitting long and your circulation starts to act up but won’t go away. I do feel my appetite has suppressed by a lot! I don’t really get hungry I remember to eat because I hear my stomach growling but I literally have to force myself to eat. Headaches ahhh those are real. It’s pretty constant. I drink alot I mean a lot of water. So I have been staying hydrated. I took half a pill today but I’ll be honest I wasn’t going to take it all. I’m second guessing if I want to continue this journey because the numbness and cold feet are really getting to me it’s kind of annoying. Any one here care to share tips , thoughts , comments :)
submitted by Solelydesigner to PhentermineTopiramate [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:11 Alternative_Unit692 Who else enjoys driving by themselves in the city at night?

Tl,dr: you're not missing anything
It's Saturday night, and my best friend is out of town. I was bored. Usually I'm a home body, but I decided to get out of the house by myself. Took out the car, stopped by at an NBC to take a beverage along. I'm more of a panwadi-wali-cold coffee type of guy but felt like treating myself for no reason. Went through the menu, Googled what a couple of things exactly meant, still fantasizing about my favourite roadside cold coffee but realising it would probably close by the time I reach. I ended up asking for the thing closest to a generic cold coffee. Ordered it, sat down. It was prepared sooner than I thought. Took a sip, was surprisingly not dissatisfied with it, bai nu keha thanks and left.
Got back in the car, and went out to the arterial roads. I went through GK, Anand Lok and finally Hauz Khas. Now, I have driven by myself at night before and I enjoy it, but sometimes I'm able to extract so much joy out of such a simple thing. At nights, the roads seem roomier, the heat doesn't feel like it's sucking all the water out of you, and generally feeling grateful for a moment of peace amidst all the other uncertainties of life. The time seems to slow down a little, in sync with the speed of the vehicle. Driving slow, appreciating the city in it's dormant glory, listening to Roop Ghuman, Raf Saperra, Hrjxt, Aujla and the like. Another thing I enjoy about solo gedi'an is the fact that there's no-one to criticise or scoff at my slightly unconventional choice of music, which sadly happens so often. (I'm like it's not my fault that your taste is so bad lol.)
Sister called, to ask why I'm taking so long. I didn't realise I had been out a bit longer than expected. Told her I'll be back soon, cut the call, but didn't feel like returning yet, so I turned towards the main Hauz Khas village, not with the intention to go anywhere, just to kill some more time and see what the crowd was like.
The coffee was now getting over, and so was my appetite for being out. I got out of Hauz Khas and onto the Outer Ring Road. The traffic seemed to have swelled up and brought me back to the realities of the city. Ended the gedi, parked the car. I just realised this might be what journaling is. Not bad. Do you guys go for a solo gedi like this too? Maybe you feel it's not safe or not fun alone? Anyways, thanks for reading and good night!
submitted by Alternative_Unit692 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:50 dza108 Thank you diastatic malt!

Thank you diastatic malt!
I've seen some recent posts here and on Breadit about using diastatic malt. I've used it in bagels and it works really well but didn't realize I could use it in my sourdough breads to enhance rise and keep the yeast from being exhausted. Recently bought the Modernist Bread books and read about using it to compensate for long fermentation and non-malted flour. I've been making a lot of sourdough loaves that include organic flours that are 100% extraction and not malted like many commercial flours, and I couldn't understand why when doing everything else correctly, the loaf would look great going into the oven and then collapse. Bran and germ in the flour can weaken gluten development plus the majority of the flour in the loaf wasn't malted. So, I tried this:
200g Grist and Toll hard red spring wheat (Joaquin Oro) 100% extraction 50g Carolina Ground's Dirty Blonde 100% extraction 50g Einkorn 200g Bob's Red Mill Artisan 3g diastatic malt (1% of the 300g of un-malted flour) 400g water 100g levain (50/50 rye and 80% extraction wheat) 11g Maldon salt
Autolyse the flour and water for an hour; Add levain and let it sit for another 1/2 hour. Fold in salt; bulk ferment for three hours with 6 stretch and folds. Reshape, bench rest 15 minutes, final shape, and into banneton. Refrigerated for 18 hours Preheated oven at 500, baked covered at 450 for 25 minutes and uncovered another 25 minutes.
Nothing was different other than the small amount of diastatic malt. Was such a success compared to the loaves I've been making that look great but collapse in the oven or barely get a good spring. I think there's a lot of misunderstanding about when to use diastatic malt and some people are using either too much or using it when their flour is already malted so it's not necessary. Not sure - I know people have complained about gummy loaves but this was perfect. The crust was super light and crunchy and the interior wasn't gummy at all - even cutting it while still warm. Anyway, I recommend trying it if you have struggled with say Tartine Book 3's loaves or loaves high in non-commercial or home ground flour.
Also, including a photo of this amazing wooden bowl that I got to bulk ferment my bread in. I don't like using plastic - too many micro plastics in our diet. I think the wood is superior to glass/ceramic/metal - it keeps the warmth generated by the yeasts fermentation - keeps the temperature stable.
submitted by dza108 to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:40 muirtonmatt Confused by 5/5 blend...

Can anyone help me with the maths here...
If I was using just bpc in a 5mg vial I would mix in 2ml of biostatic water then draw up .20ml to get a 500mcg dose. That's 10 injections per vial.
I have got a bpc157/tb500 blend which is 5mg of each in the vial so 10mg.
If I want to administer 500mcg of each in one .20ml injection how much water do I put in the vial? My brain just can't cope with this for some reason. Surely it should be easy!?
I used a peptide calculator to come up with the above for just bpc157 but the fact it's a blend and I want 500 of each per administration is throwing me off...
submitted by muirtonmatt to bpc_157 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:52 coolyourchicken Been 6 Years, Need This Back (Or a Copycat Recipe...)

submitted by coolyourchicken to DunkinDonuts [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:25 Zealousideal-One6643 650 Cal / 52g Protein Angel Food Cake Recipe

By popular demand (and about a week late) here is the recipe I followed to make an entire cake, complete with frosting, only 650 calories with 52 grams of protein (You can add berries, but that will obviously increase the calories). I simply followed these two recipes with some substitutions and sweetness modifications (because I didn't enjoy the cake as sweet as the original recipe).

Angel Food Cake Recipe



  1. Adjust the oven rack to the lower middle position and preheat oven to 325°F (163°C).
  2. In a food processor or blender, pulse the monkfruit until fine and powdery. Remove 1 cup and set aside to use in step 3; keep the rest inside the food processor. Add the cake flour and salt to the food processor. Pulse 5-10 times until monkfruit/flousalt mixture is aerated and light.
  3. In a large bowl using a hand mixer or a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip egg whites and cream of tartar together on medium-low until foamy, about 1 minute. Switch to medium-high and slowly add the 1 cup of monkfruit you set aside. Whip until soft peaks form, about 5-6 minutes. Add the vanilla extract, then beat just until incorporated.
  4. In 3 additions, slowly sift the flour mixture into the egg white mixture using a fine mesh strainer, gently folding with a rubber spatula after each addition. To avoid deflating or a dense cake, don’t add the flour mixture all at once. Sift and very slowly fold in several additions. This is important! Pour and spread batter into an ungreased 9 or 10 inch tube pan. Shimmy the pan on the counter to smooth down the surface.
  5. Bake the cake until a toothpick inserted comes out clean, about 40-45 minutes. Rotate the pan halfway through baking. The cake will rise up very tall while baking. Remove from the oven, then cool the cake completely upside-down set on a wire rack, about 3 hours. (Upside-down so the bottom of the tube pan is right-side up, see photo and video above.) Once cooled, run a thin knife around the edges and gently tap the pan on the counter until the cake releases.
  6. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.


  1. Prepare the angel food cake one day in advance, then cover tightly and store at room temperature overnight. Angel food cake can be frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator, then bring to room temperature before serving.
  2. Tools (for convenience if you have them) a. Blender or Food Processor b. Electric Mixer (handheld or stand) c. Egg separator (Idk what this is) d. Rubber Spatula e. Tube Pan (required according to the recipe, see notes) f. Cooling rack
  3. Sugar (monkfruit): In this recipe, you use granulated sugar and pulse it in a food processor to make superfine sugar. If you have superfine sugar or caster sugar, use that. Pulse 3/4 cup of it with the dry ingredients in step 2. Use 1 cup of it in step 3.
  4. I strongly recommend using fresh real egg whites instead of egg white substitutes, previously frozen egg whites, or egg whites from a carton. Separate the eggs when they’re cold, then bring the egg whites to room temperature. Fresh room temperature egg whites whip into the fluffiest volume. With the extra yolks, make lemon curd or other egg yolk recipes.
  5. Pan: An angel food cake pan (aka tube pan) is imperative. Do not use a Bundt pan. Angel food cake’s structure and stability requires the tube pan’s particular specifications. Some angel food cake pans come with little feet, which makes cooling the cake upside down easy. If your pan has feet, no need to use a wire rack. Whether your tube pan has feet or not, cool the cake upside down as directed in step 5.

Meringue Frosting



  1. Place egg whites, monkfruit, and cream of tartar in a heatproof bowl. Set bowl over a saucepan filled with two inches of simmering water. Do not let it touch the water. (You can use a double boiler if you have one.)
  2. Whisk constantly until monkfruit is dissolved and mixture has thinned out, about 4 minutes. The mixture will be thick and tacky at first, then thin out and appear frothy on top. To test that it’s ready, you can use your finger or an instant read thermometer. Lightly and quickly dip your finger (it’s very hot, be careful) and rub the mixture between your thumb and finger. You shouldn’t feel any granules. If using a thermometer, the temperature should read 160°F (71°C).
  3. Remove from heat. (No need to let it cool down before continuing.) Add the vanilla extract, then using a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat on high speed until stiff glossy peaks form, about 5 minutes.
  4. Spread onto cake! Serve immediately OR torch it with a kitchen torch for a delicious toasted marshmallow topping. (Do not place in the oven under the broiler– it will melt.)
  5. Cover and store leftovers for up to 2 days in the refrigerator. Baked goods topped with this marshmallow meringue can be left at room temperature for up to 6-8 hours. After that, it’s best to refrigerate or else the topping will begin to wilt. For best taste, texture, and appearance, I do not recommend freezing this.
submitted by Zealousideal-One6643 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:50 Zealousideal-One6643 650 Cal / 52g Protein Angel Food Cake Recipe

By popular demand (and about a week late) here is the recipe I followed to make an entire cake, complete with frosting, only 650 calories with 52 grams of protein (You can add berries, but that will obviously increase the calories). I simply followed these two recipes with some substitutions and sweetness modifications (because I didn't enjoy the cake as sweet as the original recipe).

Angel Food Cake Recipe



  1. Adjust the oven rack to the lower middle position and preheat oven to 325°F (163°C).
  2. In a food processor or blender, pulse the monkfruit until fine and powdery. Remove 1 cup and set aside to use in step 3; keep the rest inside the food processor. Add the cake flour and salt to the food processor. Pulse 5-10 times until monkfruit/flousalt mixture is aerated and light.
  3. In a large bowl using a hand mixer or a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip egg whites and cream of tartar together on medium-low until foamy, about 1 minute. Switch to medium-high and slowly add the 1 cup of monkfruit you set aside. Whip until soft peaks form, about 5-6 minutes. Add the vanilla extract, then beat just until incorporated.
  4. In 3 additions, slowly sift the flour mixture into the egg white mixture using a fine mesh strainer, gently folding with a rubber spatula after each addition. To avoid deflating or a dense cake, don’t add the flour mixture all at once. Sift and very slowly fold in several additions. This is important! Pour and spread batter into an ungreased 9 or 10 inch tube pan. Shimmy the pan on the counter to smooth down the surface.
  5. Bake the cake until a toothpick inserted comes out clean, about 40-45 minutes. Rotate the pan halfway through baking. The cake will rise up very tall while baking. Remove from the oven, then cool the cake completely upside-down set on a wire rack, about 3 hours. (Upside-down so the bottom of the tube pan is right-side up, see photo and video above.) Once cooled, run a thin knife around the edges and gently tap the pan on the counter until the cake releases.
  6. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.


  1. Prepare the angel food cake one day in advance, then cover tightly and store at room temperature overnight. Angel food cake can be frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator, then bring to room temperature before serving.
  2. Tools (for convenience if you have them) a. Blender or Food Processor b. Electric Mixer (handheld or stand) c. Egg separator (Idk what this is) d. Rubber Spatula e. Tube Pan (required according to the recipe, see notes) f. Cooling rack
  3. Sugar (monkfruit): In this recipe, you use granulated sugar and pulse it in a food processor to make superfine sugar. If you have superfine sugar or caster sugar, use that. Pulse 3/4 cup of it with the dry ingredients in step 2. Use 1 cup of it in step 3.
  4. I strongly recommend using fresh real egg whites instead of egg white substitutes, previously frozen egg whites, or egg whites from a carton. Separate the eggs when they’re cold, then bring the egg whites to room temperature. Fresh room temperature egg whites whip into the fluffiest volume. With the extra yolks, make lemon curd or other egg yolk recipes.
  5. Pan: An angel food cake pan (aka tube pan) is imperative. Do not use a Bundt pan. Angel food cake’s structure and stability requires the tube pan’s particular specifications. Some angel food cake pans come with little feet, which makes cooling the cake upside down easy. If your pan has feet, no need to use a wire rack. Whether your tube pan has feet or not, cool the cake upside down as directed in step 5.

Meringue Frosting



  1. Place egg whites, monkfruit, and cream of tartar in a heatproof bowl. Set bowl over a saucepan filled with two inches of simmering water. Do not let it touch the water. (You can use a double boiler if you have one.)
  2. Whisk constantly until monkfruit is dissolved and mixture has thinned out, about 4 minutes. The mixture will be thick and tacky at first, then thin out and appear frothy on top. To test that it’s ready, you can use your finger or an instant read thermometer. Lightly and quickly dip your finger (it’s very hot, be careful) and rub the mixture between your thumb and finger. You shouldn’t feel any granules. If using a thermometer, the temperature should read 160°F (71°C).
  3. Remove from heat. (No need to let it cool down before continuing.) Add the vanilla extract, then using a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat on high speed until stiff glossy peaks form, about 5 minutes.
  4. Spread onto cake! Serve immediately OR torch it with a kitchen torch for a delicious toasted marshmallow topping. (Do not place in the oven under the broiler– it will melt.)
  5. Cover and store leftovers for up to 2 days in the refrigerator. Baked goods topped with this marshmallow meringue can be left at room temperature for up to 6-8 hours. After that, it’s best to refrigerate or else the topping will begin to wilt. For best taste, texture, and appearance, I do not recommend freezing this.
submitted by Zealousideal-One6643 to 1500isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:28 thingboi89 Ahh Ducks [OC]

Ahh Ducks [OC]
First time posting here. Thanks.
submitted by thingboi89 to comics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:12 7e7en87 Anybody taking OptimALA version of NA-RALA(most bioavailable R-lipoic acid)

My sixth bottle came yesterday from ND. Was taking 3 capsules daily for first 2months, now 2 capsules(2caps would be reccomended dosage and one month stash as it has 60 capsules).
This supplement did what lyrica()pregabalin never come close to do stopping nerve pain(pins and needles, burning sensations, cold sensations and like ants crawling through my whole body). I realize also my tinnitus dissapered completely and eye floaters especially on clear sky and white backgrounds is gradually depleted.
OptimALA is mix of NA-RALA which is most bioavailable natural R-isomer of lipoic acid with a highly specialized starch called Cyclodextrin. By loading R-ALA into these cyclic starches, R-ALA stability is drastically improved, as is the bioavailability. Also third component is sesame seed extract that is very high in two sesame lignans called sesamin and sesamolin. The combination of alpha lipoic acid and sesamin has been shown to enhance each other effects, especially when it comes to fat loss and the optimization of our metabolic process.
Taking NA-RALA deplete thiamine so taking also fat soluble B1 called Benfotiamine is smart move and B1 is most important B vitamin for nerve health and normal glucose levels.
As I realize and read from studies R-lipoic acid is only antioxidant soluble in fat and water that passes blood brain barrier and chelate mercury, iron etc.other heavy metals, toxins., slow brain atrophy in MS by regenerating glutathione, vit.C, vit.E and Coq10, also new studies confirm that R-lipoic acid increase NAD levels.
Suplements that also can boost glutathione like NAC and sulforaphane I never felt anything, maybe something from Curcumin bcm-95 version but nothing significant,
It is being tested for its ability to boost myelin repair in MS as it lowers several markers of inflammation and reduces the number of immune cells that migrate into the brain and spinal cord and damage the myelin coating of nerves.
Main problem is with short 3hour half life of lipoic acid and R-S plain ALA is highly unstable, that is improved by NA-RALA, but OptimALA improved that even further with other two compounds that blend perfectly with NA-RALA.
I was taking before ALA 600mg, ALA sustained 600mg, NA-RALA and only with NA-RALA like 500mg seeing some progress. OptimALA is on whole another level as it has best bioavailability by far and clearly it is doing something.
Best way to take it is 2hours before or after food.
I truly believe this supplement is a wonder for brain and nerves. Our body produce tiny amounts of lipoic acid and when we age(also like CoQ10) levels are dropper from around 35 years old age and toxins and heavy metals are gradually contributing to this even before.
Red meats, particularly organ meats are the highest food source of Alpha Lipoic Acid. With that, broccoli, spinach, beets are other great sources too.
When I buy supplements I want best quality(3party lab tested) and what is in the vein with research.(bioactive compounds and to get highest bioavailability).
This is only supplement that I would highly reccomend even in front of mushroom extracts and some peptides.
submitted by 7e7en87 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:38 Devilsdrandruff excruciating wisdom tooth pain please suggest remedies

Hi, for some background I live in the UK (which should immediately inform you the dental care is hopeless on NHS).
My lower left wisdom tooth is just destroyed, it’s half broken, eroding downwards, swollen, rotted. I have been in pain for over a month, spent some money to get a private check up, and all she said to me was “I can give you antibiotics. The waitlist for the NHS is a few months long, alternatively you can go private but it’ll cost you around £500 for one tooth.” The extraction is a bit complex because the bottom of the root is curved and slightly touching the nerve layer, so she couldn’t do it.
Not great. Anyway, I couldn’t get it removed privately by virtue of the fact I don’t have 500£, at least not until now. For over the month I’ve been alternating between ibuprofen, paracetamol, salt water mouthwash, and biting down on cloves.
I have an appointment in 4 days for a 3D scan, and the removal is booked for 12 days time, but I am really struggling with the pain. It doesn’t help that I’m doing a Masters and have 15 assessments to prepare for.
I found clove was more effective than ibuprofen and everything else but it’s just not making much of a difference anymore.
Any of you have some sick home remedy or OTC medication to recommend so I can study without pain just for the last few nightmarish days.
submitted by Devilsdrandruff to Teeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:57 cuddlebug236 Should I titrate up to 7.5mg or stay on 5mg?

Last week, I finished my 5th dose of 5mg. The fifth dose was extracted using an insulin needle.
From last week I have fluctuated by 1-2lbs and I'm now 1lb or more heavier than my lowest weight on 8/5. I think I need a new scale as I have weighed myself 6 times now and been given a different reading each time, but every reading has still been heavier than my lowest recorded weight on 8th May.
This past week I have noticed that the appetite suppression and craving suppression has lessened and I am hungrier and eating slightly more. However, the effect of Mj is not totally eliminated, as in, I'm still eating less than before I started Mj and eating healthy meals, but I have also given in to cravings for sweet snacks. I am not sure how much of this is the reduced effectiveness of 5mg, and/or pre-menstrual cravings.
I have PCOS. My periods since Mj have come back but are still irregular. If they were regular, my period would have been due Thursday just gone. If it does come - and I expect it will because I haven't missed a period since Mj, they've just been far apart (like 35-39 days) I am not sure if this gain/weight fluctuation is due to my period being due soon - probably 22/23/24th next week. Historically when i have tried to lose weight and had some limited success, I typically gained 2-4lbs a week before my period, and then once my period was coming towards the end, I would then resume losing.
Today is injection day - now week 9. Do I stick to another 5mg dose hoping that it's period water weight retention and i'll lose once my period comes and leaves, or do I titrate up to 7.5mg and attribute this lack of weight loss to 5mg no longer being properly effective for weight loss? Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by cuddlebug236 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:22 Gothontheinside22 Everywhere

This is a sad day... absolutely starving, so I grabbed a scotch egg (egg in bread batter and pork sausage) and then I saw the ingredients.
submitted by Gothontheinside22 to StopEatingSeedOils [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:15 Lopsided_Seat_9611 Your tips and tricks?

Yesterday it began with the visual aura (my usual first symptomps). This glittering thing going wider and wider. I was really sad that in an hour it would be two days of hell. I wen to find anything that could help. Usually sumatriptan makes the worst symptoms last for 8 hours instead of 24. But with the pain,not ability to move or do anything except suffer.
I was desperate that I took this steps: aspirin 500 mg sumatriptan 50 mg 6 minutes HIIT glass of water cola zero (trying to find coffein) cold shower and then hot shower for the neck lying on the bed with my head down and massaging it... and them I went to bed to lying down and may be sleep at least 15 minutes before this pain goes wide...
Guys, it helped. I feel numbness in the half of the head, but like only 5% of this Crucis pain and I am able to walk, talk and live!!!
I have no idea which step or combination helped. Have you got your recipes to make pain stop at the beginning?
submitted by Lopsided_Seat_9611 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:14 thingboi89 I didn't feel confident enough to post in comics

I didn't feel confident enough to post in comics submitted by thingboi89 to drawing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:29 firefighter_raven Humans Honor Officers That Take Care of Their Men

“Begin Audio Recording, Personal ID #38916907”
Fuck, I hate this world. Let the damn Squawks have it. The cold seeps through my body armor. I never feel warm unless we’re fighting. The wind whips up massive dust storms, gets in everything, fucks with our sensors and visibility. Worse, it fucks up our pulse rifles and leaves us these damn slug throwers. Don’t get me wrong, they hit hard but their range is less than a km. Not like we often have that much visibility in this terrain, even without the dust storms
. And going hand to hand with a Spike is practically a death sentence. Their claws rip into our armor like it’s not there. Their armored bodies can withstand a slash from our blades so we are limited to stabbing at their weak points. But their size makes them slow.
The only positive is it fucks with the Squawks equally and really fucks up their Spike’s senses. Their superior senses are almost useless during the storms. I guess the sound of the sand hitting their carapace really overwhelms their hearing.
I’m not sure why I’m recording this. Maybe to leave something of myself behind. Besides my bones in a shallow grave.
Who am I? Lance Sergeant JT Collins, currently in command of the 4th Cohort of the Dominion Marines Dead Rift Legion. At your service.
If you can call less than 62 (out of 500) combat effectives a cohort still. Which is why I am in command. All the other NCOs and officers above me are casualties. I’ve heard the other cohorts aren’t much better.
17 Cohorts made it to the ground and now there are less than half of the 8500 that hit the ground are combat effective. Only the 1st Cohort of Burning Haven Legion is close to full strength and they are kept in reserve to guard Echo Base and deal with any breakthroughs. It was supposed to be a standard sweep and clear of a recently abandoned mining colony world overrun by the Squawks last month. It’s a shit world but its location and launch facilities have made it an ideal base for Squawks to cut our supply lines into the next system. The Squawks had been upgrading the launch facilities and adding repair facilities for smaller ships that could land for repairs. They also started to build an orbital installation to repair their big ships.
Intel said there were less than 50k enemies on the entire world. 4 Legions were supposed to be enough to deal with them. As usual, intel fucked up and severely underestimated enemy strength. So we had 20k marines dropped into a hornets' nest of a quarter million Squawks and their pets. The enemy fleet in orbit should have been their first clue that something was wrong. Half of the Burning Haven never even made it to the drop ships before their ship exploded. 8 Cohorts of the Echo Fields Legion were still aboard when the fleet jumped out. I can’t blame them for jumping being outnumbered 2-1.
Better the Admiral save some than none of us. I just wished they made that decision before dropping us on this world. At least the mining facility we landed at still had plenty of food and water, since most of ours was still on the ships when they jumped. Another lucky break is they got 2/3rds of our ammo and other gear dropped. None of the armor made it down but some of the fast-firing mortars and a couple of light arty pieces did. Both inbound heavy dropships were shot up and never made it to the surface, or at least in one piece. One big ass chunk of a ship squashed a dropship flat. It’s a good thing it was mostly empty of people and gear.
The rest went with the fleet. Hopefully, they’ll be back with more ships and troopers but it’ll still take at least a week for them to get here.
Which is why I am huddled in this god-forsaken trench, riding out this damn Squawks artillery barrage. Every day, more and more of them arrive from all over the planet. We managed to secure the launch facilities, surprisingly easy, but we’ve been getting probing attacks all along the perimeter. Our defensive perimeter is slowly shrinking to less than 10 km in diameter. Another 5 km and that damn artillery will be able to shell the main base with some accuracy. The dust storms reduce them to old-school methods of dropping them in the general area and relying on the old Mark I eyeball. They really don’t want to do more damage to the facility than they have to.
They’ll probe the perimeter every so often but no major assaults since 2 days ago. The bodies of 1000+ Squawks and Spikes still rot in no man’s land. It was their first time running into the new squad-level railguns. They fire 40% faster and easy enough to be moved by a couple of men. Their new ammo system hits like a bitch too. Tears through armor like it’s not even there. 1st Cohort is spending its time building a final fallback defensive line. They’ve been using all the material left behind to build some wicked defenses and bunkers that’ll be a bitch to take out. Rumor has us falling back into the line as soon as it’s done.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, Squawks is our slang for the Scraasqok. They descended from some sort of bird-like creature. They kind of look like a Harpy Eagle where a pair of arms replaced the wings.
The Spikes are an alien species found on one of their planets that they then bio-engineered to make them bigger, faster, and meaner. I have no idea of their actual names and don’t care.
Damn things are around 3 meters tall with 4 legs and 4 arms. Their carapace is split into 3 pieces and covered in 10cm spikes all over the dorsal side of the thorax section. They slightly resemble an ant in that regard except they have alligator-like jaws and some nasty teeth.
One pair of arms ends in hands with opposable thumbs with short claws and the other 2 have a wicked, hook-like claw. I’ve seen them gut a man with one swipe.
At least they are fairly stupid and have really hurt them with ambushes but chances for that are getting fewer and fewer.
Unfortunately for us, their Squawk masters are damn smart. They’re about our height but much lighter, I guess they retain some of those hollow bones from back in the day. Doesn’t take much to cave their chest in, so they wear that power-assisted armor full-time on these heavier grav worlds.
Their pulse rifles don’t work any better than ours on this world. They have some weird kind of dart throwecrossbow thing but the range is only around 180 meters. And then, there are their blades. They are damn fond of using them and they are sharp. 1 meter long, split-blade sword that cuts through most body armor with little effort combined with their body armor.
By themselves, they’d never get within range to use those blades but using Spikes as meat shields lets it happen. .
Each attack costs them dearly but they can afford the losses. They keep pecking away at our defenses and we’ll lose a man here or there. Dead or wounded, doesn’t matter, they’re still out of the front line. Hell, it’s looking like by the time the fleet returns, we’ll all be dead. Surrender isn’t an option. No quarter offered, no quarter given. We know what the damn Squawks do to POWs and no way in hell I’m taking that route. So we just sit, watch, and wait for them to come or for our turn off the line.
Maybe when I go back they’ll be some good…
[The following was taken after Lance Sgt Collins stopped recording his personal log but it was accidentally left open. Names of speakers marked when known]
Unintelligible speech in the background
“They’re what? Fuck. Get em up and on the line” Lance Sgt Collins
8th (Unintelligible) been overrun and (Unintelligible) time. Unknown
“ Pull in the pickets and shorten the line on the left. It’s not good if they broke through on the left. We’ll need to consolidate in the center and still keep tied in with the 7th on the right. I want the men on the left redeployed at a 45-degree angle to the rear of the main line. Hopefully make it harder for those bastards to just roll us up.” Lance Sgt Collins
But (Unintelligible) it? Unknown
“ We’ll never make it until we push them back on their heels. And tell the men I’m going to try and get some fire support so stay in their damn holes.” Lance Sgt Collins
“HQ, HQ. Fire Mission. Coordinates 77-tango-8-9. Enemy has broken through the lines.” Lance Sgt Collins
“Aye Sir, thank you, Sir. Good Luck to all of us. “Lance Sgt Collins
Weapons fire, shouts, and explosions heard in the background
“Stay the fuck down, idiot. Want to get your head blown off by our own arty?” Lance Sgt Collins
(Unintelligible voice)

Weapons fire continues and explosions getting closer. Some kind of faint chittering noise.
Spikes! Unknown
“ The belly, you idiots. Shoot them in the belly! Headshots are a waste of ammo at this range.” Lance Sgt Collins

Chittering sounds much louder, Human sounding shouts, cussing, yelling and weak cries for help
“Hold the Line Marines! Show them that you don’t fuck with the Dead Rift Marines” Lance Sgt Collins
“ You, you, you, you and you 5 with me, Jackson take the wounded and whoever is left and beat feet towards the vehicles and back to base. We’ll hold them off.”
We should (Unintelligible ) together. Unknown
“ We’d never make it. We'll buy some time and join back up at the base.” Lance Sgt. Collins

“ You’re in charge until I get back Cpl now follow my damn orders” Lance Sgt. Collins
Do you (Unintelligible) this? Unknown
“ Naw, we’re fucked but it was the only way to get them moving. (Coarse laughter) Kenzin, get on that railgun.” Lance Sgt Collins
Aye, Sir Probably Pvt. Kenzin
Here They Come!
“Kenzin! Bring the Pain. Conway, Parker take the left, Jensen stay with Kenzin and that means you and me on the right Gonzales” Lance Sgt. Collins
Intense weapons fire, wordless shouts, loud chittering noise
“Come get some, you ugly fucks” Lance Sgt. Collins
Extremely loud chittering, high-pitched squeal
“Yeah, how you like th..” Lance Sgt Collins
Sound of ceramic shattering(?), human yell, loud chittering sound, gurgling noise, drumming sound.
Sarge is dead! Unknown
Shouts, screams and weapons fire diminish until only hear chittering.
- End Recording
“Please enter into the record that was taken from the personal recorder of a Lance Sgt. JT Collins, Dominion Marines, 4th Cohort, Dead Rift Legion. KIA 9th of March, 2243- Lapita V
“Pvt. Paul Kenzin, Dominion Marines, 4th Cohort, Dead Rift Legion. KIA 9th of March, 2243-
Pvt. Jack Parker, Dominion Marines, 4th Cohort, Dead Rift Legion. KIA 9th of March, 2243-
Pvt. Billy Conway, Dominion Marines, 4th Cohort, Dead Rift Legion. KIA 9th of March, 2243-
Pvt. Juan Gonzales, Dominion Marines, 4th Cohort, Dead Rift Legion. KIA 9th of March, 2243-
Pvt. Jeremy Jensen, Dominion Marines, 4th Cohort, Dead Rift Legion. KIA 9th of March,2243-”
[ Source of Background Speech]
Captain Henderson asked the Recorder for the Galactic Council’s Board of Inquiry.
Captain Henderson walked to the stand where all the Council Members could see him.
“Honored Members of the Council and Guests, I present this posthumous piece of evidence along with the testimonies of survivors, from the ‘Siege of Echo Base’ as it is being called, the initial drop mission, and the later battles on the ground and in space once Admiral Zamug’s fleet returned with reinforcements.”
“Not a single member present, blames Admiral Zamug of the Krang’Zal for retreating in the face of a superior force, even with troops on the ground. Specifically Dominion Marines from Terra”
Captain Henderson slowly turned to look every Council member in the eye, or 2 of their eyes anyway in 5 instances, before speaking again.
“And unlike some ‘Civilian’ members of the Council and the Press, Do any of them see the actions of a Being committing suicide to avoid the consequences of his actions.”
“ It is the opinion of Terrans that Admiral Zamug’s death in the fighting above Lapita V happened while performing the duty of a superior officer to the Beings serving below them.”
“The Dominion of Terra and her Military high command, do not hold him responsible for the death of Terran Marines on the surface but we honor him for his sacrifice in the line of duty the Dominion’s Star of Valor, the highest honor possible for a non-Terran”
Captain Henderson stood up straight, nodded to the Krang’Zal delegation, and continued,
“We call for the exoneration of Admiral Zamug of the Krang’Zal for the actions at Lapita V and the restorations of his rights.”
“We deplore the charges of Specie Discrimination and Cowardice tainting his memory. Admiral Zamug did his duty as the Superior Officer to his subordinates.”

“Thank you for your time, Honored Council Members and Guests” Captain Henderson finished.
“Thank you for your testimony Captain Henderson, you may step down. But please approach the table” Chief Councilor Takalam of the Izirie said.
Captain Henderson approached the Chief Councilor, who covered his microphone. “Captain, I was curious why you included the rest of that last audio recording after the relevant information was shared.” The Chief Councilor asked
“ Well your Honor, it was for 3 reasons. For 1, the transcripts I shared were taken for use in a hearing of our own.” Captain Henderson started
Unable to contain his curiosity, Chief Councilor Takalam interrupted, “ What kind of hearing? Does it pertain to this case?”
“No, your Honor, it was to determine how to honor Lance Sergeant Collins and the other 5 Marines for their actions. When the Squawks, my apologies your Honor, Scraasqok were driven back and we could begin to retrieve our dead, The trench these 6 Marines held was filled with dead Spikes. We counted 52 dead either in the trench or near it.” Captain Henderson replied
“52 Spikes? Just 6 of them? That’s incredible. I remember facing those things when I was just a pup. Nasty things. “ Chief Councilor exclaimed. “And the other 2?”
“ We wanted to share another example of a Superior officer, or NCO in this case, doing their duty to their subordinates. Just like Lance Sgt Collins held his ground to let not only his men but 2 other Cohorts escape to base. He put their lives above his own.” the Captain explained
“And most of all, We wanted the rest of the Council to understand how Dominion Marines die, in case any of them gets any ideas to test us.” He replied with a wicked grin.
Author's note- I hope you enjoy the story. I feel a bit iffy about it since the first part was written sometime ago but wasn't sure where to go next so the second part was not originally intended to be part of the story. So not sure how well it actually fits together.
If you feel like it, I started a https://ko-fi.com/tomcarey#
As always, thank you
submitted by firefighter_raven to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:22 bread_harrity1 Question on Orbit Automatic Anti-siphon Valve - Prior Homeowner Install

Question on Orbit Automatic Anti-siphon Valve - Prior Homeowner Install
My wife and I purchased our home last fall and the home has an irrigation system, something I have no prior experience with. I decided to read up on what I could with our setup while trying to compare to conventional setups since weather is finally warming up here in MA. From what I can tell, this seemed to be a DIY install and the parts look like Orbit although the only part number I can pull may be outdated as I can't find it exactly (pictures attached).
The water from the home feeds into what I believe is an automatic anti-siphon valve which feeds into either a 3 valve manifold or 3 separate valves in the irrigation box (there are two irrigation boxes with this setup). In reading up on anti siphon valves, I was under the impression that you could not install valves downstream of them as they could force the plunger on the anti siphon to remain closed which negates its ability to do its job. I'm not sure I fully understand why a downstream valve would cause this issue so I'm turning to you guys for some guidance. It seems like what you're supposed to do with these cheaper automatic anti siphon valves is have a valve for each zone which feeds into a non-valved distribution manifold (which tees off to each sprinkler head). Or if you want under ground in line valves, you should be using a backflow preventer valve instead of an automatic antisiphon.
Obviously I don't want contaminants entering my home water so I'm leaving the system off for now (the system is winterized, no water in the lines). Am I completely off on my understanding or is this a bad system install? Or am I overreacting? What would you do next?
Again this is all new to me so please bear with me if I'm totally misunderstanding. I appreciate any help.
submitted by bread_harrity1 to lawncare [link] [comments]
