Treatment for aspiration pneumonia


2023.12.01 20:25 askit whitelungdisease

Welcome to whitelungdisease, a subreddit dedicated to sharing information, experiences, and support for people who have or are interested in white lung disease. White lung disease is a term that refers to a condition where the lungs appear white on chest X-rays or CT scans due to severe pneumonia or acute lung injury. White lung disease can be caused by various factors, such as infections, trauma, aspiration, or exposure to hazardous materials.

2013.11.29 12:25 juggaloholocaust "bob's game"

"bob's game" is a Multiplayer Adventure RPG for PC, Mac, Linux, and Android (Phones, Tablets, OUYA, nVidia Shield, Kindle TV, and more!) The infamous cult Action RPG by one person- The last great 16-bit game! A mix of "Zelda," "Pokemon," "Harvest Moon," and "Earthbound."

2024.05.19 04:24 cnunezp Pneumonia 3 months after remission + mass apparently grew

We're after some help/advice as we navigate a scary situation. My wife was diagnosed with a Stage 2 PMBCL last September and went through 6 rounds of DA-R-EPOCH. During treatment, the mass shrunk significantly, it went from 10x7cm to 2x2cm as of February (during the post chemo PET scan). Her deauville score was 1 and she was declared to be in CMR1.
Fast forward 3 months, she was checked last week for her 3 month checkup and her bloodwork came back immaculate - all levels are normal. That said, she had a cough that wasn't going away (we all caught some virus from our son) and she was prescribed a Z pack + steroids to see if the cough would go away after a week. It didn't and she picked up a fever yesterday (Friday 5/17), so they did a CT scan without contrast to see what was going on with her lungs. She has pneumonia and they are treating her with amox-clav, doxycycline, benzonatate. She's seen significant improvement in 24 hours, which has us very happy.
The radiologist's report measured the mass at 3 cm x 5 cm, which is significantly bigger than the pet scan result from February. He did state on the report that the lack of contrast made it difficult to measure the mass, and our oncologist advised to wait two weeks to complete the pneumonia treatment to re-do the CT scan with contrast this time. He also asked to call him on Monday so he can see the images from the test and make a decision whether a PET scan is more appropriate. I've talked to a few doctor friends and they are not overly concerned, as the area is likely inflamed from the pneumonia and the CT scan without contrast is not really a great tool to assess a mass. That is encouraging, but we are very, very worried.
Our questions are the following:
  1. Does the recommendation from the doctor make sense?
  2. Should we be concerned that the cancer is back?
  3. Is it normal or even plausible for a mass to be inflamed as a result of pneumonia/infection in the area?
I'd love to hear anything that is relevant for our weekend wait...
submitted by cnunezp to Lymphoma_MD_Answers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:03 East-Increase3524 Mold Kit Identification?

Mold Kit Identification?
Yes, I know, these mold kits are mostly not worth it, anything will grow in them when exposed, etc. However, I have been deathly ill and my Drs have been stumped for months while I gradually get worse and worse. Wondering if anyone knows what type of mold these look like?
I have a neck injury that has morphed into burning skin sensation on the majority of my body and muscle weakness in my extremities, brain fog, headaches, chronic fatigue, freezing cold hands. The spine drs I’ve seen have all said my neck injury should not be causing these symptoms (multiple MRIs, CT scans, X-rays) and my primary Dr now thinks I have MCAS with mold toxicity after numerous other tests have come back negative. I did have long covid in October brought on my grief…I go for a mycotoxin urine test next week, but before that I got these kits to confirm there was mold and afterward sprayed down my bedroom and bathroom where I’ve noticed my symptoms are the worse with concrobium because I have no where else to go. I’ve noticed when I’m at work some of my symptoms reduce or completely disappear, but as soon as I’m home they are back with a vengeance.
I live in a basement apartment that was renovated 9 years ago from a 1920s house in Seattle. It has had a chronic water leak in the corner of the bathroom that I’ve told my landlord about a few times but she has someone come snake the pipes and that’s it. I’ve been told by some of the service guys who come out that they’ve seen this health issue with ppl living in Seattle basements many times because these dwellings were not made for living in due to clay soil, lack of ventilation and bad building materials. My dog also randomly died of pneumonia out of no where in September of this past year, like got sick and was dead within 6 hours. We had just left the vet ER when he passed…I’d like to take these kits in for testing since my landlords response has been that I should move out, and she won’t pay for someone to come assess mold. Which I agree about moving out but this puts me in a shitty situation and I don’t know what type this mold is, which would be helpful in treatment. Any ideas would be helpful. I’m currently looking for a local lab to test them.
submitted by East-Increase3524 to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:42 idk_hi_98 Puppy recovering from pneumonia - extraneous findings on xray?

Puppy recovering from pneumonia - extraneous findings on xray?
Hi! We have a 5mo puppy who had labored breathing and a rash on his belly come on very suddenly last weekend. We brought him to the emergency vet and they said his heart and lungs sounded normal, but we insisted there was a breathing issue at home so they did chest radiographs/xray. That showed signs consistent with aspiration pneumonia (multiple lobes with bronchointerstitial pattern coalescing to aveolar pattern in one), potentially of a severe irritant given his rash.
Now, 6 days later, we did recheck radiographs. Our vet said things look improved lung wise which is great! But she pointed our 1) she thought the lower part of his heart might have fluid? But I don't see anything seeming strange in his heart. And 2) she said his shoulders have 'hooks' she wouldn't expect.
We trust our vet and are going to go forward with whatever treatments they recommend but I was interested if others also saw these two extraneous findings/had experience seeing these. Particularly, is the hook shape of his shoulder potentially a dachshund thing? Given their extreme skeletal structures for the long spine, do they have other extreme skeletal features like this? And for his heart, does it actually look abnormal to you? (VHS was 10 so we know it wasn't enlarged)
submitted by idk_hi_98 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:40 nmmju invigilators are detrimental to mental wellbeing and should be BANNED from the exam hall

the night before my chem paper 1, i was stressing profusely over the exams seeing that my predicted grade was a 9a which isn't good enough for me so i endeavoured to rest my head in order to tranquilise the chaos inside my mind and find some solace. however, overnight, all of my chemistry knowledge had perished; i dreamt it was squandered by a malevolent leprechaun with a macabre, sinister pattern of speech consisting of a strict ABABAB rhyme scheme and trochaic tetrameter signifying his desire for power and avarice for the acquisition of knowledge. my gargantuan intellect slipped through my fingers; I had been Light Yagami before (metaphor; i was not literally the antihero protagonist), with the chemistry knowledge of Walter White and a reputation that truly preceded me as when i walked to school that morning i realised i would be receiving a U despite my overwhelming intellect. destitute, despaired, despondent. if only that machiavellian villian hadn't seized my smarts. i held a vast sea of repressed rage inside of me, and once i opened my paper to a 6 marker on equilibria, i arose from my creaky chair and disenthralled a mighty bellow, tearing my shirt apart with my bare fists like the hulk, and releasing my agonising mental anguish through the form of sound waves in which shook the mortal ground, quaking under my feet in submissive obedience. this caused most of the students in the silent hall to turn to look at me in disbelief, so in a fit of anger i lost my temper and absolutely dashed my desk at the nearest student. (he suffered minor fractures to his skull and a couple bruises but nothing major. not that i could say the same for the desk; alas, it had shattered into fragments.) the students in the hall gasped in shock at the sight of their classmate consummating the role of the catalyst for a catastrophic carnage to emenate (note my alliteration of the fricative "c" amplifying the harshness of the situation). another ear-piercing screech ensued, resounding from the molten iron core of my chest, as I threw myself to the ground in defeat.
now then, any moral person witnessing this incident would clearly relate to my pain and suffering, and would at the very least leave me to grieve the remnants of a drained IQ of 341, but an invigilator chose to approach me and had the AUDACITY to REMOVE me from the hall. i was promptly disqualified and issued several consequences for disrupting the exam. this is clear evidence that examiners do not care for mental health, a stark contrast to the claims held by thousands of them worldwide. it is time to take action. it is time to make a change. it is time to fire every invigilator in the country and beyond; students' feelings shouldn't be invalidated and we have the right to express them in any form necessary, especially during the stressful exam period. i listen to the drone of students chattering as they leave the exam and i think to myself about my perpetual experiences with being dismissed and punished for natural behaviour. i can no longer pursue my lifelong aspiration of becoming a high-school chemistry teacher in Alberquerque, New Mexico because this examiner was unable to CONTROL THEMSELF IN THE EXAM HALL. they didn't even think about how much escorting me out would disturb the hardworking students completing their questions. for this reason you must make a stand against invigilators; join me in my venture to cease this barbaric treatment of well-behaved, well-prepared students such as myself.
submitted by nmmju to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:48 Which_Law_583 Advice : 15 year old on the wrong path

So background first because it could be relevant then story time and what I need some advice navigating
My 15 y/o's biological mother passed away unexpectedly in 2018, and prior to that he had been being SA'd under her care. I had 50/50 custody in my state, and she left one night and didn't surface for a couple of years, from the time my son was 5-7 then again from 8-9 bouncing threw a few states.
A week after her passing his grandfather drove him across state lines and filed emergency custody instead of meeting as agreed to give me my child. Court battle for a year, and judge ultimately granted full custody to me.
After awhile he seemed to be transitioning great, he was in therapy, trauma therapy and getting what we would consider the help he really needed. We were active and involved (and still are) in anything he wanted to do or showed interest in. We are family first type of people - lots of family outings, vacations, etc.
After covid, he ended up in several residential psychiatric treatment centers for 6m to a year at a time ultimately diagnosed with aspergers (high functioning autism which seems to mostly be socially) odd, mood dysregulation disorder, and severe delusions of grandeur. He was set up on a medication schedule, and has had consistent therapy sessions weekly for years. However, he is now well over 6ft tall, approaching 200lbs, and forcing him to swallow meds is very difficult - he is usually great for a month or two, then gradually starts spitting them out or refusing to take them.
While in these centers, he became obsessed with what I'll call thug culture - I'm not sure what else to call it - sagging pants, mumbly slang talk, obsessed with rap, basketball, and hating on anything that took any effort or time (school, chores, even games and entertainment, if it wasn't instant gratification he dropped it like a hot potato. He came home at 14, and had absolutely 0 aspirations and wouldn't do anything and thought everything should be handed to him on a platter, with no effort.
He turned 15 ran away (a frequent occurrence that he usually says is because he likes the chase) made a mistake of running from the police after they stopped him, and caught a charge and ended up in Juvenile detention - which had the opposite effect it should have
He said he likes it there, told his po he wants to stay and he will keep running til they let him stay. He calls on his phone time to tell is we are pos, he hates us, he will never come home (and if he would just take his meds we supplied to the JDC, he would call begging to come home and telling us he's sorry) - it's like jekyll and Hyde.
He grew up for those 5 years without us in a pretty poor situation from what he has said, and what we have found out over the years, did we just find him too late to make a difference? We obviously love our son to death (and have 3 other kids) and nothing we do or try seems to help, and our others all under 12 don't understand why he's always here one day, gone and mean the next. And honestly same. He barely makes it 3 months at a time without runaway/cps/legal issues. And after 5 years we are exhausted, and not sure what to do that might make a difference.
I don't want to try bootcamps, troubled teen camps, nature camps etc, I've seen too many documentaries and toomany horror stories for that.
We have tried loving it out of him, we tried tough love, and we have tried Psychiatric residential to get deeper help for root causes of things that happened to him as a young child.
He is such a good boy and has his entire life ahead of him, and could do amazing things.
So the advice piece - what else can we do? What have Y'all done that worked? Do we let natural consequences run their course?
Thank you all!
submitted by Which_Law_583 to raisingkids [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:45 Which_Law_583 Advice : 15 year old on the wrong path

So background first because it could be relevant then story time and what I need some advice navigating

My 15 y/o's biological mother passed away unexpectedly in 2018, and prior to that he had been being SA'd under her care. I had 50/50 custody in my state, and she left one night and didn't surface for a couple of years, from the time my son was 5-7 then again from 8-9 bouncing threw a few states.
A week after her passing his grandfather drove him across state lines and filed emergency custody instead of meeting as agreed to give me my child. Court battle for a year, and judge ultimately granted full custody to me.
After awhile he seemed to be transitioning great, he was in therapy, trauma therapy and getting what we would consider the help he really needed. We were active and involved (and still are) in anything he wanted to do or showed interest in. We are family first type of people - lots of family outings, vacations, etc.
After covid, he ended up in several residential psychiatric treatment centers for 6m to a year at a time ultimately diagnosed with aspergers (high functioning autism which seems to mostly be socially) odd, mood dysregulation disorder, and severe delusions of grandeur. He was set up on a medication schedule, and has had consistent therapy sessions weekly for years. However, he is now well over 6ft tall, approaching 200lbs, and forcing him to swallow meds is very difficult - he is usually great for a month or two, then gradually starts spitting them out or refusing to take them.
While in these centers, he became obsessed with what I'll call thug culture - I'm not sure what else to call it - sagging pants, mumbly slang talk, obsessed with rap, basketball, and hating on anything that took any effort or time (school, chores, even games and entertainment, if it wasn't instant gratification he dropped it like a hot potato. He came home at 14, and had absolutely 0 aspirations and wouldn't do anything and thought everything should be handed to him on a platter, with no effort.
He turned 15 ran away (a frequent occurrence that he usually says is because he likes the chase) made a mistake of running from the police after they stopped him, and caught a charge and ended up in Juvenile detention - which had the opposite effect it should have
He said he likes it there, told his po he wants to stay and he will keep running til they let him stay. He calls on his phone time to tell is we are pos, he hates us, he will never come home (and if he would just take his meds we supplied to the JDC, he would call begging to come home and telling us he's sorry) - it's like jekyll and Hyde.
He grew up for those 5 years without us in a pretty poor situation from what he has said, and what we have found out over the years, did we just find him too late to make a difference? We obviously love our son to death (and have 3 other kids) and nothing we do or try seems to help, and our others all under 12 don't understand why he's always here one day, gone and mean the next. And honestly same. He barely makes it 3 months at a time without runaway/cps/legal issues. And after 5 years we are exhausted, and not sure what to do that might make a difference.
I don't want to try bootcamps, troubled teen camps, nature camps etc, I've seen too many documentaries and toomany horror stories for that.
We have tried loving it out of him, we tried tough love, and we have tried Psychiatric residential to get deeper help for root causes of things that happened to him as a young child.
He is such a good boy and has his entire life ahead of him, and could do amazing things.
So the advice piece - what else can we do? What have Y'all done that worked? Do we let natural consequences run their course?
Thank you all!
submitted by Which_Law_583 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:24 Imaginary-Eye7634 Beyond stressed on what to do 18M about my girlfriends' emotional abuse 18F

I made a post about this a week ago and was informed she was emotionally abusive, but I still have no idea what to do
I love this girl so much. She's incredibly attractive, intelligent, funny, and we have the same sexual interests, life aspirations, and educational/career goals. We've been together for almost a year and a half now.
I'm in University and do a lot for her, I drive 100 miles round trip to see her and bring her flowers weekly. We haven't cuddled or had sex since January, and I desperately miss it. I bring it up to her and she gets defensive, telling me to stop bringing it up and that we'll have more time in the Summer when we both don't have school. For her birthday, I got her some lottery tickets, her favorite energy drink, home-made cookies in the shape of hearts, flowers, and a hand-written card with a love letter and cute drawings of us and her cat on it.
She didn't like it. She was mad it seemed like "last-minute" and the cookies were terrible (they were honestly, I fucked up). She said I ruined her birthday and in a fight called me a r*tard, childish, immature, and claimed I don't care about her. I had a nervous break from other extreme stressors in my life and sped off, making a scene with my tires squealing and getting uninvited from an end-of the academic year trip with her and her mom.
I texted her about how I felt afterwards, and she told me some reassuring things. She goes through some periods in her life where she lashes out, that she just needs to work through this and it'll be better when we can finally spend more time together, that shes disappointed how hurt she made me feel both then and over the past semester with me feeling unwanted, saying its a bad habit she wants to get rid of because she knows how it hurts. We agreed that open communication was the key to fixing it, that we love each other and that is more than enough to fix any issue. She told me it was really nice talking to me like this, and that she appreciated everything I did for her. She did nice things for me like giving me cute cat stickers and sending me recipes so that I could learn to be a better cook.
I told her I wanted to talk to her in person about it, and we did. I envisioned a long drive where we talked for a while, she spent 5 minutes telling me she appreciated me for putting up with her, that she knows shes hard to deal with, and she loves me, and she wants to spend more time together in the future/summer when it'll be better. Then she moved on.
I wasn't ready to move on, and later on in the short drive back, she got mad at me for communicating too much. She didn't think I had anything else important to say, that I was repeating myself (Its hard for me to get words out when I'm interrupted and stressed sometimes), and that I ruined it because we were on a positive note and then I turned it into a negative note by bringing up somethign that we already talked about. She got mad and refused to move on when I offered that, remaining mostly silent. She asked what my parents thought and if I told them about the argument we had on her birthday. I did, she dropped me off and gave me an I love you.
She left for her trip yesterday. Last night texted that something went wrong, and she might be coming back today. This morning she texted me that she doesn't appreciate me sharing everything about our argument with my family/friends (and the internet via this throwaway account, but she doesn't know that). That she values privacy and I'm victimizing myself after ruining her birthday yet again, and that she "just can't". I can't either. I feel stressed and like I can never do anything right to make her happy. She makes me feel like a bad boyfriend when I don't think thats the case.
I know its emotional abuse by now. I have a therapy meeting on Thursday to discuss this. But I don't think its intentional on her part, this is her first relationship too and she has had a whole life of being emotionally/physically abused so shes used to this. Not to justify it. I want her to change with how much I love her and how perfect she is in so many ways. That said, I don't see how it can be done if she doesn't want to communicate with me.
I don't even know how to respond to her texts this morning. I'm tempted to write a big letter of how I love her and how I feel and why, but I'm scared shes just going to get mad at it and me. I dont think she knows how much shes hurting me, and I'm not sure if I'm to blame at all. What is love without communication and improving to be better for each other? I'm also terrified that if I leave her as everyone I ask for advice from is telling me to, I won't find anyone better. She's just so perfect for me in so many ways. I'm heartbroken our relationship has deteriorated to this, and the only way I can see it getting better is through mutual communication and acknowledgement of faults which is proving difficult.
Any thoughts or opinions/reassurances would be deeply appreciated. Thank you
TLDR; girlfriend verbally abuses me when she's mad, apologizes, does nice things for me, then "solves" the issue on her own through communication and gets mad at me when I'm not done communicating and bring up the issue already "solved" by her and ruining the high note it left on. I love her more than anything and know I shouldn't tolerate this treatment, but I don't think she realizes how wrong it is. I want to inform her in a nonjudgemental way and help her to get better, but I don't know how. I'm terrified of leaving her. I feel like she truly loves me and our relationship can get better, but only if she acknowledges something is wrong and we work through it together, which we are having trouble with.
submitted by Imaginary-Eye7634 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:44 4eva2four Not finishing treatment

Hi all - this subred has been a god send for me and my mother (SCC, hard pallet, F, 72 years old). She got surgery and a flap placed in early March and started chemo radiation early April. Marginga were generally good and there was 5/41 lympnodes her neck with cancer. Original treatment being at least 5 cisplantin and 33 sessions of radiation for 6 1/2 weeks. The surgery was presumed to be successful but t
Things escalated half way through the 5th week after dealing with weeks of nutrition issues, weight, and eating (she lost 25 lbs and decided on getting a G-tube at the end of week 4). After her 23 radiation session she went into routine weekly hydration and a vitals check showed she had low oxygen levels. It was then discovered after a scan she had blood clots in the lung. She was admitted to the hospital for 4 days in heparine IV.
She was discharged a week ago and the next day met with her chemo oncologist and radiation oncologist for her weekly check up and radiation session. Her oncologist recommended to skip chemo that week as she's already gotten to 5 and her body needed a break. That evening, after radiation, I found her shivering and unconscious on the couch. Her oxygen levels were low so I called the ambulance that took to her the hospital to discover she had 104 degree fever and .98 count of white blood cells.
They are treating her at the hospital for Pneumonia. The theory is the secretions and mucus in her nose and mouth causes dripping into her lungs and caused this infection.
We are now in a position she competed 24 radiation, 5 chemos, and she has been hospitalized twice in the last week. She has decided to end treatment early as she believes her body can't take any more sessions. The radiologist tried to convince to just get to 30 treatments total (6 more) but she's not budging. These sideeffecta have becoke life threatening and there doesn't seem to be an alternative to make sure she stays safe through treatment and the weeks following recovery.
Has anyone here ended their treatment early? Obviously we are terrifield of reoccurrence but I believe my mom has tried her best and it must have been for something.
submitted by 4eva2four to HeadandNeckCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:41 Nutzeramenurumzu How do I get the courage to fire my therapist?

Please don't make any diagnosis based on this post
Hi all
TL;DR: I want to fire my therapist, but I'm scared of what comes after, because I have never experienced life without a weekly visit to a therapist. I am constantly angry at her when I'm not in her office, but I'm too timid to stand up for myself and fire her. How can I deal with problems without a therapist?
I know I need to fire her urgently, because I realised I have stopped having opinions on anything, I have become very cautious about having any thoughts or views the therapist might disagree with and I don't trust myself with any decisions. I am turning into a shell.
The therapist has a very privileged point of view (financially, intellectually and racially) and I feel like she mockes me for my personal opinions (on topics that aren't related to the treatment), which trigger a CPTSD-Emotional flashback after each session. I feel wrong, disgusting.
I have very big dreams for my future, but she discourages me. Whenever I say "I want to be a successful-" she interrupts: "Why does everyone need to be successful??" I didn't say that...
And I wish she would stop laughig at things I say or comically widen her eyes when I say something "disturbed". Last time I talked about my aspirations for my future, she had to keep herself from laughing out loud. I should have asked her what's so funny, but again, I was too scared.
I have been forced into therapy by my abusive parents my whole childhood and youth, where I was repeatedly abused. The worst came when I was barely in my teens and was hospitalised. Most of my trauma and related behaviour stems from this time behind bars.
Although my current therapist harshly criticises my parents (rightfully so), she gets very defensive when I dare to criticise abusive therapists. She changes the subject, makes me talk about "the good side" of my incarceration, she gets desperate. She asked if I'm "blaming everything in your life on the hospital". I was ridiculed by her for speaking about therapy abuse. She has made it clear she's on the side of her industry, not the patients. I confronted her once about this subject, she apologised, but kept doing it.
She also made a racially insensitive remark about my parents (which is, by extent, a racial remark on me).
How do I get the courage to fire her?
submitted by Nutzeramenurumzu to therapyabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:58 cnunezp PMBCL - mass grew a bit after 3 months remission. Should we be worried?

My wife (35 f) finished 6 rounds of DA-R-Epoch to treat a PMBCL (stage 2). Her mass went from 7x10cm to 2x2cm (per the last PET scan) and was declared in CMR1 after the treatment. Deauville score of 1. This was in early February.
We recently completed the 3 month check up and her bloodwork is immaculate. That said she picked up a virus from our son and had been coughing for about a month. As imagined, this was been very triggering. Given the persistent cough her oncologist ordered a CT scan with no contrast today and my wife had pneumonia which is being treated for now. The report says that the mass is still visible and it is approximately 3x5 cm. The radiologist says that it it is difficult to measure well because of the lack of contrast. We’re freaking out nonetheless, but her doctor isn’t to worried. He will repeat the ct scan with contrast in 2 weeks (after the pneumonia treatment finishes).
Has anybody been through something similar? Is it normal for masses to grow again or should we start considering the possibility of the cancer coming back. Any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by cnunezp to lymphoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:25 viviana1994 Mom with MS has to skip doses of medication.

65F not quite sure of weight maybe around 200lb, has MS, high blood pressure, high cholesterol.
She uses a specialty pharmacy through Ascension that has her Copaxone at no cost with her insurance and Ascension went through a huge cybersecurity attack and they’re unable to fill her prescription there at the moment. The only other specialty pharmacy that carries it is a Walgreens in the city. But the cost is astronomical. She has missed 2 doses so far, and is probably going to have to miss 2-3 more by the time she’s able to get it. Is this going to be detrimental to her MS treatment? We just lost my dad due to kidney failure, pneumonia and sepsis back in February. I really don’t know what I’ll do if her disease progresses because of this. She says that it’ll be fine, but hopefully there’s a neurologist on here that can confirm that missing a few doses isn’t the end of the world.
PS: thoughts and prayers to everyone working for ascension during this trying time 😭😭
submitted by viviana1994 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:53 VeMas360 Possible exposure to asbestos in High School Theater

This is in the state of Maryland in the US The school was built in 1966, I have no knowledge of renovations.
I was in the theater program for three of my years of highschool. This was 2012 - 2015. While I was in the program we had a room we called the prop closet which was more like a really big crawlspace with vaulted ceilings that filled the area between the mostly rectangular school and the round auditorium. It had unfinished concrete floors and the wall beams were exposed with insulation exposed.
I remember most of the insulation resembling yellow fiberglass except the insulation around some of the pipes and ducts which looked a lot like asbestos insulation.
I don't have a photo but the white stuff definitely looked similar to this if I remember correctly.
The prop closet was chocked full of props of all sizes and some of the large ones definitely scraped the insulation on the ducts as well as the yellow insulation. The air was pretty thick with dust.
The kicker is that I remember there being a "Danger Asbestos" sign. I knew asbestos was dangerous, but I wasn't sure what it looked like, I just knew the yellow insulation was likely not it. I figured that they wouldn't knowingly put us in danger so everything must be fine.
We spent a lot of time in there. Even at one point spending multiple whole class periods reorganizing the props. I've recently watched some videos that are making me question whether everything is fine.
I have no idea if anyone else has had any issues or if the school still lets the department use that closet. Perhaps they even removed the possible asbestos.
When I go to the doctors they say my lungs sound fine. Aside from when I had covid and pneumonia. Within the past year I have had an X-ray of my lungs (because of aspiration during a procedure). No one has noticed anything else, however I haven't really told anyone about the possible asbestos exposure.
What should I do?
submitted by VeMas360 to asbestoshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:00 idk_hi_98 Resolving pneumonia or pneumonitis/question about radiographs

Species: Dog Age: 5mo Sex/Neuter status: Male, not neutered Body weight: 12.5lbs History: Labored breathing and a rash on his belly came on very suddenly last weekend. We brought him to the emergency vet and they said his heart and lungs sounded normal, but we insisted there was a breathing issue at home so they did chest radiographs/xray. That showed signs consistent with aspiration pneumonia (multiple lobes with bronchointerstitial pattern coalescing to aveolar pattern in one), potentially of a severe irritant given his rash. He has been on clavamox twice a day for 5 days. Clinical signs: 2 days after his initial symptoms, he developed a deep cough. We think it is productive. Also sneezing and runny nose - clear discharge. Energy levels are good, readily drinks at regular intervals, very excited to eat food. Normal urination/bowel movements Duration: 1 week since initial signs General location: Midwest
6 days since his initial symptoms, we have done recheck radiographs (the ones in this post). Here:
Our vet said things look improved lung wise which is great! she did pointed our 1) she thought the lower part of his heart might have fluid? But I don't see anything seeming strange in his heart. And 2) she said his shoulders have 'hooks' she wouldn't expect.
We trust our vet and are going to go forward with whatever treatments they recommend but I was interested if others also saw these two extraneous findings/had experience seeing these. Particularly, is the hook shape of his shoulder potentially a dachshund thing? Given their extreme skeletal structures for the long spine, do they have other extreme skeletal features like this? And for his heart, does it actually look abnormal to you? (VHS was 10)
submitted by idk_hi_98 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:21 Yourmum2004x Losing weight?

So I, 19f (98lbs) have tuberculosis and necrotising pneumonia, and am currently 3 months into my treatment, I lost weight when I was in hospital for 2 months. I went there as 102lbs, then lost 3lbs, put it back on , but now I’ve lost it again. Does this mean maybe my treatment isn’t working? Because I am feeling a little better, but not 100%..
submitted by Yourmum2004x to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:12 The-Lightbringer The High Septon

Reddit Account: The-Lightbringer
Discord Tag: Indigo
Name and House: The High Septon
Age: 26
Cultural Group: Andal
Appearance: Rumor tells that no mortal eyes have glimpsed the face of the man once known as Septon Amory. He garbs himself in liturgical vestments of silver and pure white embroidered with thread-of-gold, the sleeves and skirts of his robes covering everything underneath. On his right hand he wears a doeskin glove, and his left is always carefully bandaged with clean strips of white linen. A single ring adorns his finger, the heavy silver and gold piece that bears his signet. Instead of a crystal coronet, he wears a simple cloth headdress of the same make as his other garments. The most striking and visible feature of the High Septon are his eyes, a piercing shade of blue, deep as the sky in summer, seen through the ornate silver of the mask that veils all else from view.
Trait: Mastermind
Skill(s): Covert (e), Sabotage (e), Ravenmaster
Talent(s): N/A
Negative Trait(s): Maimed (Left Arm)
Starting Title(s): His High Holiness, Father and Shepherd of the Faithful, Voice of the Seven, Supreme Leader of the Faith Militant, The Ecumenical Arbitrator of the Will of the Father, and so on.
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters:N/A

Family Tree



A son was born in the year before the Conqueror’s arrival to the Lord of Riverrun’s younger brother, who served as a household knight and steward of the keep. Known by all as a proud and shrewd man, he worked diligently in his efforts to maintain the finances and prestige of their house. Not long afterwards, a sister made her appearance, and the riverlords rejoiced for their many blessings. Taken on by his uncle as a page and cupbearer at the age of six, the boy began the long journey towards knighthood. He served Lord Tully’s food, cleaned his armor, fed his hounds, and held a sword for the first time, albeit a training weapon. Whenever his services were not needed, he learned heraldry and horseback riding, attending his father and the other men on hunts within the Whispering Wood.
One of the boy’s earliest glimpses of memory was fire and blood. Buildings crumbling, dust choking, fire scorching, and the heavy, beating wings and terrible roar of a furious beast. When the septons arrived to bless the remains of the deceased, they found him tucked in a corner of the ruined stables, clutching at the corpse of his nameday gift, an orange tabby kitten. The hair had been singed from his small head, his skin was blistered and weeping, and the fingers of his left hand were fused together by the heat. Taken to Stoney Sept by his saviors, he spent many long, terrible weeks in a milk of the poppy-induced sleep at the hands of the healers, who fought tirelessly to keep the Stranger away. When he woke, he blessedly remembered nothing of the ordeal.
The kindly Septon Ambrose oversaw the boy’s continued education – reading, writing, numbers and history, all with a focus on the workings of the Faith. Amory, as they called him, was a quick and attentive learner. He made many friends amongst the wandering septons, sitting rapt at attention whenever they told stories of the realms beyond the borders of their humble home. His true identity was kept as a closely guarded secret by those who found him, for fear of bringing dragonfire down upon their heads. At five and ten, Amory set aside his brown cowl for robes of white, the youngest ever ordained septon (to anyone’s knowledge). He took to wearing a carved wooden mask to hide his scars from the world, though he’d long forgotten where they even came from. Traveling the riverlands from village to village, he held sermons on the goodness and grace of the Seven and healed the smallfolk of their spiritual ailments, performing marriages, blessing infants and forgiving sins. As a wandering minister, he became immensely popular, garnering much fame and attention and often being asked to visit various towns and villages.
While delivering sermons south of the Trident, Amory was called back to Stoney Sept where Ambrose lay upon his deathbed. The truth was revealed in the dying gasp of the old man; he was really Tristram Tully, the last of a fallen house. Utterly shaken by the news, he spent seven days and seven nights struggling with his beliefs while holding vigil within the sept for all that he’d lost – his family, his adopted father, and his name. He tore his robes and his hair, scourged his back bloody and raw, and prostrated himself before the gods. By the end of it, his faith had not fled but grown even deeper, for though he could no longer stand against the Targaryens in the name of House Tully, he firmly believed that the Seven would guide him on the path to retribution. On the morning of the eighth day, he emerged from the sept and made preparations to leave the village of his youth behind. He would travel to the Westerlands, where rumors told of a new militant order of the Faith on the rise.
There, he made the acquaintance of knights such as Ser Morden ‘Morningstar’, who became his traveling companion, and Ser Alesander, an aspiring captain within the Warrior’s Sons. Just two years after arriving at the temple, his popularity in the West had grown to heights rivaling the riverlands. While wandering with his constant shadow, he spoke out against the treatment of the smallfolk by the upper class during times of war: the fires set in their villages, the looting of their homes and the rape of their women. How, during times of peace, they were forced to hand over their hard-earned food for the lord’s granary and their coin for the king’s taxes. The rich in their castles lived in great excess and benefitted from the suffering of those who worked the land and lived simple, honest, godly lives. He paid for any provisions requisitioned from families out of his own pocket, and such was the fame and magnanimity of Amory that eventually the folk came running out to meet him whenever he arrived to give a sermon, acclaiming his name and offering gifts.
Whenever Septon Amory left the Westerlands behind, he was accompanied by a sizable flock of supporters, Warrior’s Sons, Poor Fellows and peasants alike. His teachings proved to be substantiated when the lords of the Reach answer with violence against the crowd. As the ground ran red with the blood of the martyrs, the High Septon himself was pressured to denounce the slaughter of the septons and their followers. Mercenary companies were unleashed by various lords to quell the unrest, which only served to harden the hearts of the smallfolk and the Faith Militant against them. Continuing on toward Oldtown, Amory was granted refuge at Holyhall for a time, where he befriended the bastard grandson of Lord Graceford. The two remained in touch even after the septon’s departure, and exchanged many letters.
Upon arriving at the city, a meeting was arranged with the High Septon himself, along with members of his council, and representatives from various lords. They offered to build Amory his own sept, tempted him with mountains of gold, and even promised a position within the Most Devout if he would control his fanatical followers and stop railing against the nobility, all to no avail. He could not be bribed, claiming to see the Faith as it truly was at that time – corrupt beyond redemption, and maintained that he had been chosen by the Seven as its savior. In his own words, the ‘wicked would fall before the righteous, and all creation would tremble before the standards of the faithful.’ Able to do very little against his growing influence, the High Septon was forced to concede, granting the Warrior’s Sons a portion of the land held by the Faith within Oldtown to build a chapterhouse.
Remarkably, things seemed to settle after that in spite of Septon Amory’s words. He busied himself with overseeing the building of the chapterhouse, and took to wandering the Reach as he had previously. The smallfolk were found to be as malleable as any he’d encountered thus far, and it wasn’t long before he had become a figure of great eminence among them. A year passed, and then another, and still a third, after which the uprisings all but seemed a thing of the past. The Warrior’s Sons kept themselves busy with expanding their holdings and influence, and Amory’s decree became little more than an afterthought. All was truly well, until the High Septon suddenly became ill after a meeting attended by members of various orders. Although a robust and healthy man, he began to waste away over the course of days, with the maesters of the Citadel and numerous holy men doing what they could to treat a perceived stomach illness. Eventually, his speech became too slurred to comprehend, and he died on the seventh day.
After a period of mourning and funerary rites, the Most Devout began the selection process to determine which of them would become the new High Septon. Before the voting could conclude, the Warrior’s Sons arrived at the steps of the Starry Sept with a figure both familiar and altogether new at their head. Septon Amory had shed his humble appearance as an adder sheds its skin, exchanging his wooden mask for one of silver and his plain linen robes for richly embroidered vestments. He was thusly appointed as the new High Septon by the Most Devout out of fear of his power and influence. His first act was to renounce the false gods of the East and to affirm that, as decreed by the laws laid down within the holy texts by the Seven, incest was an abomination. An excess of wealth was then transferred to the Westerlands for the upkeep of the temple garrison there. Many more drastic changes would take place after the new High Septon’s rise to power.
The first of these was the formation of the Knights Inquisitor, tasked with rooting out and punishing heretics within ecclesiastical courts. With the Faith Militant spreading to other kingdoms, the order was desperately in need of cohesive leadership. Ser Alesander, now Warden of the Temple, was anointed a third and final time and raised to the position of Grand Captain of the Warrior’s Sons. The Exemplary Soldiers of the Holy Brotherhood of the Sword were chartered, with seven of the greatest champions of the Faith chosen to serve as pillars of authority and shining examples of virtue. They pledged their swords not to the will of man, but to the gods themselves. Members of the Most Devout found embezzling money or otherwise participating in corrupt practices were ousted from their positions, which were then filled by the High Septon’s loyal followers. A lengthy meeting with Lord Hightower soothed any tensions that remained between the Reachlords and the faithful, and established much favor between them.


1 BC – Born at Riverrun.
5 AC – Becomes a page for his uncle, Lord Tully.
7 AC – His home and family are destroyed by House Targaryen and he is found by septons who nurse him back to health. Septon Ambrose begins tutoring him.
14 AC – Ordained as a septon.
17 AC – Septon Ambrose tells him the truth of his origins on his deathbed before passing away. He travels to the Westerlands to join the fledgling Warrior’s Sons.
19 AC – Leaves the temple and travels to the Reach with a large following. Skirmishes erupt between the holy men and the nobility.
20 AC – Founds the Oldtown chapter of the Warrior’s Sons.
24 AC – Annointed as the High Septon.
25 AC – Travels to King’s Landing for the festivities.
Name and House: Morden ‘Morningstar’
Age: 32
Cultural Group: Andal
Appearance: Outwardly, the sworn defender of the High Septon is a plain-looking man. Fair of skin, with a chiseled face, brown hair, and two bright, attentive eyes, and he stands well above average height. His armor is steel and bronze with very little embellishment, and he carries an enormous mace in the place of a sword. On his shield is the device of the Warrior’s Sons, and from his shoulders hangs a cloak striped with the seven colors of the Faith. Inwardly, the septon-turned-knight is a man of great faith and piety, deeply linked to the knightly code of honor. The man shows absolute loyalty even to his enemies, while charity and help are the rules of his life. He considers excessive violence abhorrent, does his utmost for the weak and vanquished, and burns with furious anger in the face of all cruelty and injustice.
Trait: Hale
Skill(s): Blunt Weapons (e), Brute
Talent(s): N/A
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Septon Knight, Defender of the Faith, Sworn Shield of His High Holiness
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters: N/A

Family Tree



7 BC – Born to a smallfolk family from the Westerlands.
3 AC – Sent away to study at the local sept by his mother, who can no longer afford to feed him and nine other siblings.
5 AC – Taken on as a squire by the septon knight Ser Edmure the True, continuing his studies as both a holy man and a soldier.
9 AC – Anointed as a septon.
11 AC – Assists Ser Edmure in saving a family of farmers from bandits and is knighted for his bravery.
15 AC – Joins up with the Warrior’s Sons under the direction of Septon Karron.
17 AC – Meets Septon Amory and acquires Jeb Adaron as a squire.
22 AC – Knights Ser Jeb for outstanding skill and valor in a melee held at Starpike.
24 AC – Amory receives the mantle of High Septon and Morden is appointed as his faithful shield.
25 AC – Accompanies the High Septon to King’s Landing for the feast in honor of the princes.

Supporting Characters

Septon Ilyn (Questioner) – A confessor in the personal service of the High Septon.
Symond of the Seven-Pointed Star (General) – A champion of the Faith who serves as the commander of the Warrior’s Sons in Oldtown.
submitted by The-Lightbringer to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:40 ScrappleCrapple Chronic congestion/shortness of breath

39 year old female. 5’8, 170 pounds. In December of 2021, I was hospitalized for 8 days with pneumonia. Positive for parainfluenza virus 4, gram positive coccus. I have asthma. Some smoking history but haven’t smoked a cigarette since 2018. Resting heart rate is always over 100. Currently 124. When walking, cleaning, or any regular tasks, heart rate can go as high as 160. During hospitalization my heart rate would spike to 165, so I was mostly confined to my bed, otherwise nurses would rush in as though I was having a stroke or heart attack. Blood oxygen level upon hospitalization was 88. They did an EKG. Basic rundown of results, trace MR, trace TR. Mild LVH.
Doctor told me there is some thickening of the heart wall that I would need to follow up on. Breathing returned to normal, was discharged and all was well. Got pregnant shortly thereafter and had my daughter December of 22. No breathing difficulties at all during pregnancy, aside from when I got sick from a family members child right before giving birth. Was great until July of 2023 when I experienced severe head pain. Thought it was a migraine and went to emergency for dizziness, chest pain, and head pain. They did a chest x-ray. Lungs were clear. Head CT was overall normal.
Moved to a new home. Windows were improperly fit and one unbeknownst to me was taped up on the inside. Mold started to develop on anything stored in my bedroom from shoes to furniture. Code enforcement was called by a neighbor experiencing the same issue and all windows replaced. Threw out all contaminated items and thoroughly cleaned. Haven’t had any further issues but will still be moving because landlord had to be fined before agreeing to fix the problem. Since the mold, my breathing has become terrible almost constantly. I wake up at night to use my nebulizer, every night. I bring it with me on outings. Trip outdoors with the kids resulted in oxygen dipping to 89 until I did a breathing treatment. I feel chronically congested. Cough up white or clear mucus daily. When my chest tightens and I get short of breath, oxygen level will drop to 90-92. Sometimes breathing exercises can rectify it, others not so much. It has been months of breathing issues. I lost my insurance unfortunately, and Florida is not keen on giving any adult person Medicaid. Is it possible for a lung infection to last this long? No evidence of COPD. What potential causes could result in such a decline with breathing and hugely elevated heart rate? I’m still young and it feels I’m on a steep decline. I’d like to avoid the hospital if I can, but will go if necessary. Thanks for any input!
submitted by ScrappleCrapple to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:25 Justpeace143 Need advice for overcoming interview anxiety

I was in a car accident a few years ago, which caused a ton of physical problems for me. The last few years I have been receiving treatments from many doctors and specialists. I have continued to work and graduated with my bachelor’s throughout this time. Most of the jobs I had were temporary. I have always had huge dreams and aspirations, and wanted to build a career I love that feels purposeful and meaningful—one where I’m contributing to society and helping people. With physical limitations, I couldn’t do what I planned to do, and have had to revise. I’ve applied to 1000s of remote roles, and haven’t had any interviews. I just receive almost an immediate rejection email. Running out of time and financial resources, I have decided to apply for onsite jobs. I’ve scored a few interviews, but freeze every single time. It’s hard to express my skill set in quantifiable and proven ways… it feels like another lifetime ago when I was a high-achieving, active employee. I know I have the capabilities and skillset to excel in these roles I’m applying for, but for some reason I am completely unable to display that with confidence. What can I do to overcome this?
submitted by Justpeace143 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:22 shubai91 [QCrit] Adult Contemporary: Of Blood. 80k

Hi! Happy Friday. Thanks so much for taking the time to review this. I really appreciate your feedback.
Dear [Agent],
Being a death-magnet is not a good look for a first-year medical student. After her sudden disappearance before her college valedictorian speech two years earlier, Prin returns to her alma mater to start medical school. OF BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE, complete at 80,000 words, is a contemporary novel with romantic and suspense themes. The story combines the angst and coming of age themes from Gabrielle Zevin's Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, with the mystery and adventure found in Jennifer Lynn Barnes' The Inheritance Games.
After visiting an Indonesian monastery and becoming convinced that she is responsible for her mother's death, Prin comes back to take the Hippocratic oath with her med school class–an ironic gesture for someone who has frequently found herself entangled in lies. She has to confront the former friends she ghosted — including her college crush, Parker. Becoming the campus leper makes her a textbook case that is contagious and disfiguring for her on social media.
Parker, now her anatomy TA, hates her the most. His evaluations threaten her number one rank on the class bleederboard, a requirement to keep her scholarship. After she receives blood-stained threats in her anatomy locker, Prin realizes her issues are far more serious than class rankings.
Prin knows the monks' puzzling tenet—that life and death, love and hate are circular — holds the key to finding her stalker. However, time is not circular, and she must find the person behind the threats before she not only loses her scholarship, but possibly her life.
[bio paragraph]
Seven hours before my disappearance
Lies get a bad rap. Not all of them harm someone. Many are used to protect either those you love, or even yourself. Studies tell us that the average person lies about five to ten times a day. I’d argue this number grossly underestimates the number of falsehoods we tell. Especially those we tell ourselves.
People build lies using the same scaffolding that doctors employ to help patients. Aspiring to become a doctor, I’d shadowed clinic physicians as a candy striper, bearing witness to the gears that spun underneath their white coats. Each patient’s story held clues, resembling glittering rocks in the depths of the Earth's mantle. The doctor formed a differential, a list of common causes, to decipher a patient’s fever or cough. A viral infection. Pneumonia. Asthma. The hidden jewel lay dormant in the patient’s words, and it took years of training to hone the physician’s ability to mine them.
Fabrications operate the same way. A differential--or list of reasons--can explain why the lie was told. To protect others? A necessary lie. To simplify a situation? A white lie. To protect yourself from plunging into something dark? An aspirational lie. The latter were the most dangerous. Telling the same falsehood too many times tricks your mind into believing it as truth.
Tap. Tap. A faint knock reverberated off the hardwood slab of my bedroom door before it creaked open. Zara, my best friend, filled the entryway, her figure backlit by incandescent lighting as hair spilled out from her makeshift ponytail onto a white silk robe. Like the Gonocephalus chameleon found in Jakarta, it was a look she donned only at night and shed during daylight for designer couture.
I glanced up at her, feeling stranded at sea, my weight shifting on the pink life raft that doubled as my bed. Help me! I’m drowning.
submitted by shubai91 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:58 PLpro12 What are the pros and cons of using Amazon FBA versus dropshipping for e-commerce reddit?

Understanding Amazon FBA

The Pros

Amazon FBA presents a compelling solution for e-commerce entrepreneurs aiming to leverage the retail giant's expansive infrastructure. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Prime Shipping Advantage

By utilizing Amazon's vast network of fulfillment centers, sellers can offer Prime shipping to customers, enhancing the appeal of their products and potentially increasing sales. The trust associated with Prime delivery often leads to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

2. Scalability and Efficiency

Amazon FBA handles order fulfillment, customer service, and returns, freeing up valuable time for sellers to focus on growing their businesses. The scalable nature of the platform enables seamless expansion into new markets without the logistical complexities associated with traditional warehousing.

3. Enhanced Visibility

Products fulfilled through Amazon FBA are eligible for Amazon Prime and may receive preferential treatment in search results, leading to increased exposure and sales opportunities. Moreover, access to Amazon's vast customer base can significantly boost brand visibility and credibility.

The Cons

While Amazon FBA offers numerous advantages, it's essential to consider potential drawbacks:

1. Cost Structure

Utilizing Amazon FBA incurs fees for storage, fulfillment, and other services, which can eat into profit margins, particularly for low-margin products. Sellers must carefully evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the platform based on their business model and product pricing.

2. Dependency on Amazon

Relying solely on Amazon for fulfillment entails a degree of dependency on the platform, leaving businesses vulnerable to policy changes, competition, and potential account suspensions. Diversifying distribution channels can mitigate this risk and provide greater flexibility.

Embracing Dropshipping

The Pros

Dropshipping offers an alternative approach to e-commerce, characterized by its simplicity and flexibility. Here's why it appeals to many entrepreneurs:

1. Minimal Upfront Investment

Unlike traditional retail models that require substantial capital for inventory procurement, dropshipping allows businesses to start with minimal investment. By partnering with suppliers who handle inventory and shipping, entrepreneurs can focus on marketing and sales without the burden of inventory management.

2. Diverse Product Range

Dropshipping enables access to a vast array of products without the need for warehousing or stocking inventory. This versatility allows businesses to experiment with different niches, test product demand, and adapt quickly to changing market trends.

3. Location Independence

The remote nature of dropshipping operations affords entrepreneurs the freedom to run their businesses from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility appeals to digital nomads, solopreneurs, and those seeking a lifestyle-oriented approach to entrepreneurship.

The Cons

Despite its appeal, dropshipping is not without its challenges:

1. Supplier Reliability

Success in dropshipping hinges on establishing reliable relationships with suppliers capable of fulfilling orders promptly and maintaining product quality. Poor supplier performance can lead to fulfillment issues, customer complaints, and damage to brand reputation.

2. Profit Margins

While dropshipping eliminates the need for upfront inventory investment, it also tends to result in lower profit margins due to increased competition and pricing pressure. Moreover, shipping costs and delivery times can impact customer satisfaction and retention.

Utilizing Seller Tools

Jungle Scout , a comprehensive Amazon tool, can significantly aid individuals navigating the complexities of e-commerce, particularly when evaluating the viability of Amazon FBA versus dropshipping. This powerful software provides invaluable insights into product research, market trends, and competitor analysis, empowering users to make informed decisions that drive business success. By leveraging its intuitive interface and robust features, entrepreneurs can identify profitable niches, analyze sales data, and optimize their strategies for maximum efficiency and profitability.
Whether assessing the demand for specific products, monitoring pricing dynamics, or conducting keyword research to enhance product visibility, this tool equips users with the tools they need to thrive in the competitive landscape of online retail. With its user-friendly interface and actionable insights, it serves as an indispensable ally for e-commerce entrepreneurs seeking to unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable growth in the ever-evolving world of online commerce.


In the dynamic landscape of e-commerce, choosing between Amazon FBA and dropshipping requires careful consideration of one's business objectives, resources, and risk tolerance. While Amazon FBA offers the benefits of scalability, Prime shipping, and enhanced visibility, dropshipping appeals to entrepreneurs seeking minimal upfront investment and flexibility. Ultimately, the optimal strategy depends on factors such as product type, target market, and long-term growth aspirations.
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An all-in-one Amazon seller tool to easily find, list, and sell 10K+/month products! Disclosure: I get a small kickback if you click through. Thanks for reading! DM if you have any questions :)
submitted by PLpro12 to newamazonsellers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:07 ZealousidealClerk297 Why Choose Camp X-Ray for Your Diagnostic Needs

Clear Perspective: How Camp X-Ray Enhances Diagnostic
In the realm of medical diagnostics, the choice of imaging services plays a pivotal role in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Camp X-Ray services stand out as a cornerstone in this domain, offering advanced technology, skilled professionals, and a commitment to precision. This blog explores the reasons why Camp X-Ray should be your preferred choice for diagnostic needs, highlighting its benefits, technological advancements, and impact on patient care.
Medical diagnostics have undergone significant advancements over the years, revolutionizing how healthcare providers detect, diagnose, and treat various medical conditions. Among these advancements, Camp X-Ray services have emerged as a critical component in the diagnostic toolkit, providing healthcare professionals with essential insights through advanced imaging technology.
Precision and Accuracy
Camp X-Ray services are renowned for their precision and accuracy in diagnostic imaging. Unlike traditional methods, such as film-based X-rays, Camp X-Ray facilities employ digital radiography (DR) and computed radiography (CR) systems. These technologies offer several advantages:
Optimizing Medical Care: Efficiency and Improved Outcomes
Camp X-ray services offer significant advantages for medical professionals and healthcare facilities:
Camp X-Ray Services: More Than Just Convenience
While convenience is a significant advantage of Camp X-ray services, their offerings extend beyond simply bringing X-ray imaging to your doorstep. Here's a deeper dive into some of the additional benefits they provide:
Safety and Quality: Maintaining High Standards
Camp X-ray services are built on a foundation of safety and quality:
Camp X-ray services are not just about convenience; they represent a paradigm shift in diagnostic imaging. Their commitment to patient comfort, efficiency, and safety is transforming the way X-rays are performed. By bringing imaging directly to patients, Camp X-ray service are creating a more positive and streamlined diagnostic experience for everyone involved in the healthcare journey. As the demand for convenient and efficient diagnostic solutions grows, Camp X-ray service are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of medical care.
submitted by ZealousidealClerk297 to SurveyCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:37 JelloJuice Pneumonia in dogs looks like…

Pneumonia in dogs looks like…
I wanted to show the development of pneumonia of my lab across 12 hours. She first vomited water twice around 1:30pm Wednesday, and was a bit gaggy and coughing (nothing like kennel cough though). She had her regular vaccine appt at 2:30pm so I had her vet check her out. He didn’t find anything concerning. We did vaccines and went home. By 4:00pm she had a huge vomit and was gagging/coughing, drooling a bit worse. Took her back to the doc who gave her anti nausea and Benadryl injections (we didn’t think it was vaccine reaction but wanted to cover based).
By 7:30pm she was like the first video. She got a little sleep between 12-1am, and was gagging, drooling, gurgly breathing many times the rest of the night. Had another big puke at 4am, with a little less drool, but still wet breathing and drool, gagging.
By 7am Thursday she was like the last two videos (very wet breathing, lethargic, drool) and we went to emergency. Blood tests showed low oxygenation, she was developing a fever (was normal at her check up the day before). X-rays showed no obstructions or foreign bodies in abdomen or trachea (touching her throat made her cough, touching her belly showed pain) but fluid in her lungs and inflamed stomach. We will get interpretation of heart size today but the vet thinks she ate something that made her sick (or triggered pancreatitis) and she aspirated while vomiting. She’s on antibiotics, anti nausea, and codeine and is home improving.
This cough was way different than kennel cough and I couldn’t find much online while waiting for answers so I wanted to post so others could know this weird symptom presentation. Hug your beautiful pups for me! She’s gonna be ok!
submitted by JelloJuice to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:20 thelansis Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPE) – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033

Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPE) – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033
Malignant pleural effusions (MPE), commonly found in cancer patients, are often associated with advanced disease and indicate poor survival prospects. These effusions are primarily caused by metastases to the pleura, particularly from lung or breast cancer, and their presence in lung cancer patients escalates the disease to stage 4. Typically, these effusions present as significant, unilateral exudates causing dyspnea. Diagnosis involves confirming the malignant nature of the effusion and ruling out any infection before proceeding with treatment. Thoracic imaging is crucial, with computed tomography widely regarded as the gold standard. However, thoracic ultrasound is also valuable, especially for detecting diaphragmatic or pleural thickening and nodularity. Cytology is crucial and is usually obtained through pleural fluid aspiration or biopsy. Treatment aims primarily at symptom relief and may include various interventions, from simple thoracentesis or the placement of an indwelling pleural catheter to more aggressive measures like pleurodesis. Since there is no universally best treatment approach, decisions should be tailored to each patient's specific needs and circumstances.
Thelansis’s “Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPE) Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033" covers disease overview, epidemiology, drug utilization, prescription share analysis, competitive landscape, clinical practice, regulatory landscape, patient share, market uptake, market forecast, and key market insights under the potential Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPE) treatment modalities options for eight major markets (USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, and China).
KOLs insights of Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPE) across 8 MM market from the centre of Excellence/ Public/ Private hospitals participated in the study. Insights around current treatment landscape, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, future treatment paradigm, and Unmet needs.
Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPE) Market Forecast Patient Based Forecast Model (MS. Excel Based Automated Dashboard), which Data Inputs with sourcing, Market Event, and Product Event, Country specific Forecast Model, Market uptake and patient share uptake, Attribute Analysis, Analog Analysis, Disease burden, and pricing scenario, Summary, and Insights.
Thelansis Competitive Intelligence (CI) practice has been established based on a deep understanding of the pharma/biotech business environment to provide an optimized support system to all levels of the decision-making process. It enables business leaders in forward-thinking and proactive decision-making. Thelansis supports scientific and commercial teams in seamless CI support by creating an AI/ ML-based technology-driven platform that manages the data flow from primary and secondary sources.
Read more: Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPE) – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033
submitted by thelansis to u/thelansis [link] [comments]