Mythbusters maxim

Building Wealth - Becoming a Self-Made Millionaire: Myth or Reality?

2023.11.11 07:30 TheRealJim57 Building Wealth - Becoming a Self-Made Millionaire: Myth or Reality?

There is a commonly held belief that most millionaires (net worth $1M+) inherited their fortune, but this is a MYTH.
The reality is that most millionaires (roughly 80%) are first-generation wealthy and did not inherit anything. They made their money through investing their money and leveraging the power of compounding returns over time.
The first three links below reference several surveys of millionaires, the fourth is a mythbuster article about millionaires.
Now...why does this matter?
Well, if you believe that every millionaire inherited their money, that's a disincentive for you to even try to reach that goal--and that would be a shame, because becoming a millionaire by the age of 65 is within the reach of most Americans who don't suffer a calamity.
Great. So how do I become a millionaire?
It's a simple formula, but it takes determination and dedication to see it through for the long haul.
  1. Plan for it. If you don't set the goal and figure out how to achieve it, you won't be able to track your progress. The best time to start is now. The next best time is tomorrow--time is your biggest ally in this effort, as it takes time for compounding returns to work their magic.
  2. Budget. Allocate every penny of income to an expense category, prioritizing saving as an expense item (this is what is meant by "pay yourself first!"). Track your spending, and stick to your budget. Ideally, you would budget to put at least 10% of your gross income away into savings (preferably 15-25%, if you can swing it). Don't forget to account for any employer matching on 401k contributions!
  3. Create an Emergency Fund. Save $1k as an emergency fund, keep it in a high yield savings account (HYSA) so that it gets a decent interest rate. Do this before worrying about putting any money toward investing.
  4. Invest--every month (every paycheck, if that works better for you). That money in your monthly budget you allocated to saving? It can't just sit in a piggy bank, savings account, or under your mattress; you need to put it to work for you in investments. What investments are up to your individual tastes and strengths. Some people like real estate, some like stocks, some like index funds, etc. The important thing is to learn about the risks and benefits of the different types of investments and select the one(s) you like best for your situation, and get a healthy annual % return. As a comparison point, the S&P 500 has had about 10% annual returns on average over its lifetime. When estimating compounding returns for projected account values, I personally like to use a more conservative 7%. There are various strategies for allocating between different tax advantaged retirement accounts (traditional/Roth 401k/IRA, etc) and regular brokerage accounts--you will need to find the balance that works best for you and your individual situation. As an example: many people recommend putting enough into a 401k to maximize employer matching, then making the maximum contribution to a Roth IRA, and if you still have more money to invest, put it into the 401k. If you max out the 401k as well as the Roth IRA, then look at a regular brokerage account. This approach provides you with the tax advantages of having money taken out pre-tax (401k), plus the flexibility and tax-free gains of the Roth IRA. If you manage to retire early, you can also do a Roth conversion ladder from the 401k into the Roth IRA to get access to the money prior to age 59.5.
  5. Keep Working the Plan, and Make Adjustments as Needed. The road is long, and your circumstances will change over time as will your income. Keep your plan and budget updated as these things happen, and continue investing throughout. As your pay goes up, increase your budgeted savings as well. Example: you get a 2% pay raise, raise your savings contribution by 1% and enjoy the other 1%.
  6. Find a Balance and Enjoy the Journey. If you try to go too heavy on savings, you'll feel miserable and resentful. If you go too light on savings, you'll feel frustrated and discouraged by a lack of progress. Find your sweet spot.
Anyone who wants more specifics, I'm happy to discuss and share lessons learned. Yes, this works and I've done it (and am continuing to do it).
Before any naysayers decide to chime in, yes, this doesn't account for any calamities beyond your control, or getting divorced, etc. There are no guarantees in life, but people have come back from calamities or losing half of their wealth to a divorce and still made it work, so don't just give up.
submitted by TheRealJim57 to FluentInFinanceFacts [link] [comments]

2023.11.04 15:56 IntelligentImbicle Mauga's advanced mechanics

We're all excited about Mauga, but as with ever other new hero, people will want to mythbust and understand the hero's mechanics. Seeing as I'm rather quick to understand things like these (one of the very few talents I DO have), I feel like sharing my knowledge/understanding with everyone else.
Everything is subject to change based on Blizzard Entertainment's RNG balancing philosophy.

Incendiary/Volatile Chaingun (and Beserker)

First and foremost, a mechanic you NEED to know for this hero is that you lose accuracy and movement speed when firing both weapons at once, in addition to draining ammo twice as fast. If you're close to your target, this doesn't matter, but if you're shooting at that pesky Pharah, alternate between the Incendiary and the Volatile to maximize range.
Additionally, something really small but good to know is that the weapons have a small spin-up time. Just tap the button and the barrel will spin, but it won't fire. I don't know what use this has, but I'm sure someone will be able to find it.
Finally, and this should be obvious, but your passive procs off of critical damage, NOT just your Volatile Chaingun on burning targets. The VC deals critical damage to burning targets but you can also get your passive just from hitting normal crits.

Cardiac Overdrive

Haven't found anything interesting about this yet.


There are 2 ways to cancel the charge, which I will call Lunging and Halting
Lunging is when Mauga leaps into the air and slams back down. The leap gives a little less than a normal jump worth of height, and while you CAN use it for cheeky movement if the match's gravity is low, the startup in a proper game prevents anything creative with this bounce.
Halting is when you manually cancel the charge by pressing the button for Overrun again, halting your momentum.
Now, the interesting thing is that if you let the charge go for it's entire natural duration, the charge will automatically cancel using a Lunge. However, if you attempt to Halt DURING this "natural lunge", you will cancel the lunge and recover from the charge faster than if you completed the lunge or had manually Halted.
As a side note, I know people are always talking about "how does the charge interact with Fortify?". It doesn't. The horse will function like a stationary wall for Mauga's charge. He can be obstructed with Fortify, but neither will cancel.

Cage Fight

THIS is when shit gets interesting. Grab your popcorn, guys.
So, firstly, let's go over what is apparently obvious:
Now for some hidden mechanics:
And finally, advanced mechanics:
Notable Hero interactions:
submitted by IntelligentImbicle to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 21:10 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters submitted by West-Freedom3546 to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 21:09 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters submitted by West-Freedom3546 to SelfPromotionYouTube [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 21:09 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

submitted by West-Freedom3546 to GrowYoutubeChannel [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 21:09 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

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2023.10.11 21:09 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

submitted by West-Freedom3546 to FifaYoutube [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 21:08 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters submitted by West-Freedom3546 to AdvertiseYourVideos [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 21:08 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters submitted by West-Freedom3546 to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 21:08 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters submitted by West-Freedom3546 to soccergaming [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 21:08 West-Freedom3546 How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters

How to MAXIMIZE PACE Using Playstyles TESTED!!!!! - EA FC 24 Mythbusters submitted by West-Freedom3546 to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments]

2023.10.07 14:18 sanctum04 DadBodFootball - Weekly NFL Line and Total Picks

Hey Y'all - I'm DadBodFootball, a wannabe data nerd who built a model that analyzes NFL spreads and points totals for discrepancies between Vegas and historical trend and efficiency data. Though still in beta for the 2023 season, it's currently running at a 60% success rate and averaging 30% returns using weighted, confidence based betting.
It sounds more complicated than it is - at its core, the goal is to identify where Vegas may be favoring one side too much and using weighted bets based on the size of the deviation to maximize gains and minimize losses.
The other pet project in this is evaluating historical betting philosophies/mantras - for instance, is "Always Bet the Under" a viable strategy to make money? If you like an underdog ATS, should you just take the ML? Is doing weight based/confidence based betting even wise (No... it's not)?
It can be found at: - it is entirely free, and I try my best to be as transparent with what went right and horrifically wrong (for instance, forgetting to update the model for Deshaun Watson being out last week).
Week 5 predictions and post are live with a recap of performance thus far.
I'd love any feedback that you're willing to offer or suggestions on topics to dig in to from a betting mythbusters perspective.
Feel free to DM me on here or engage on the substack!
submitted by sanctum04 to NFLBETS [link] [comments]

2023.09.02 23:40 meowuru Dottore Analysis: 12 hrs. after my shift edition.

So last time – to be precise – about 7 months or so, there was some discussion in this subreddit in regards to Dottore that included some character analysis. I was one of the contributors of that post, but I have since deleted my initial response. Why is that?
First of all, I felt as though my analysis turned out a bit biased towards a certain ship without my meaning to, and I want to believe I have improved since then. Second, I really dislike that this analysis I wrote reached twitter, which I, as a disclaimer, think is an absolute cesspool composed of nightmares where everything good goes to die.
With that out of the way, and with many tears because I wrote a good 2k words before my entire file got deleted. I bring to you a small translation of one scene in the original CN text that might shed a better light on Dottore. I would like to thank my autism, but also this subreddit because no where else on the english side of things have I been able to find educated discussions regarding our beloved pookie.
  1. Chinese is a tonal language. That means tone is important in order to figure out the meaning of words. There are currently 4 tones used in modern China. The first tone, a high-pitched tone. The second tone, a rising tone. The third tone, a low tone. The fourth tone, a falling tone. Of course, this is a mere simplification and I encourage others to do their due research when it comes to tonal languages. This is also something I still struggle with, due to auditory processing issues.
  2. This is only my personal interpretation of Dottore, in NO way is this the final version of his character, especially because we don’t have the full picture yet. We could be wrong, or we could be right. Which is why I want to make emphasis on keeping an open mind. There are also always going to be things that will be left to interpretation, whether this is due to censorship or other circumstances.
  3. I might also write a fair amount on Scaramouche given the fact that I feel the way their stories are interlaced, you cannot bring one up without the other. I am also fond of analyzing the relationship, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please take care of your comfort first. Though there are not many instances of that yet. At least not in this scene. To those who might also be fond of the relationship, please keep in mind that I won’t be biased in my interpretation and will try to keep it as faithful as possible. At the end of the day, this is Dottore focused.
  4. I have also decided that the memory of Tatarasuna is subjective, given that it was delivered to Nahida via Dottore. And, as we have seen, Dottore is shown to have incredible mental prowess, he might have chosen to show that specific version of events to her which makes him an unreliable narrator in my eyes. At least for now. Of course, anyone is welcome to disagree with me on this point, and this is in no way absolving him of those events (for obvious reasons), this just means that any interpretation I base off of him in this scene is highly speculative until we get the full picture.
So with that in mind, let’s discuss.
Just who is Escher?
Escher within Genshin Impact’s story is a mechanic from Fontaine that has traveled to Tatarasuna. With his help, the forging industry of the island (which is reliant on the consumption of bone marrow), has been revolutionized. Of course, as we all know, Escher is only a guise employed by Dottore on The Jester’s orders to sabotage the island.
Characters in this scene:
埃舍尔: Escher
丹羽: Niwa
博士: The Doctor
Also author's note > W/VA: With the CN voice actor in mind.

埃舍尔 : …呵呵,您还是比我想的聪明了一点点。
埃舍尔 : 还以为至少刚来那几天我伪装得很好呢。却没想到,您从那时候就开始托人打听我的消息了。
埃舍尔 : 稻妻至枫丹路途遥远,您的人花了不少时间确定埃舍尔是个假名,我并不来自枫丹…
埃舍尔 : 但是啊,但是,您依旧想象不到我是谁,想象不到这踏鞴砂还有什么吸引我的东西。你当真以为,凭你就能破我设下的局吗?
丹羽 : …唔咳…杀了我,就没有人能进入炉心…你想毁掉…这里?
「博士」 : 不不,还有一个人。虽说人们未必觉得他是人…可你是这么告诉他的:「你不是人偶,而是人类啊,最多也就是少了颗心」。
丹羽 : ……!!

Escher: … Hehe, I can see now that you are a bit more clever than I realized.
Escher: I thought that I had done a good job of blending in, at least for the first few days I spent here. To think you were looking into my background from the beginning…
Escher: The journey from Inazuma to Fontaine is indeed a long one, and it took your people quite some time to discover Escher was a façade, and that I was not from Fontaine at all.
Escher: Ah, but… However, you still can’t imagine who I am, or what has attracted me to Tatarasuna in the first place. Tell me, do you think you can damage the plan I have set in motion? (W/VA: Personally, Dottore comes off as genuinely curious, and yet full of arrogance)
Niwa: … cough… if you kill me, no one would be able to enter the heart of the furnace… is it your plan… to destroy Tatarasuna?
[The Doctor]: Not so, no. There is another. Granted, not many would venture to call [them/it] a human… but you told [them/it] thus: “You are not a doll, you are a human being… Ah, at most, you only need the heart.” (W/VA: I interpret this as Dottore being in awe. Perhaps not at the Kabukimono, but at the words Niwa said to him, yet he still bears that curious arrogance\)*
Niwa: ….!!
* My personal interpretation thus far is that Dottore comes off as a man that removes himself from his humanity at any given opportunity. To him every obstacle, challenge, and situation seems like a poised question that must be answered through rigorous research and experimentation. This is not only a dehumanizing way to observe the world, but a dehumanizing way to live. I interpret his awe at Niwa’s words as a question that has perhaps long captivated him, ”So you think he only needs a heart to be human? Let’s test out that theory.”
today on mythbusters-
The name “Escher” is most likely a reference to M.C. Escher who was a Dutch graphic artist known for his iconic optical illusions. [1]
“With his puzzling depictions of tessellating staircases and interlocking objects within space, Escher offered visual conundrums to the viewer. ‘I can't keep from fooling around with our irrefutable certainties,’ the artist once remarked. ‘It is, for example, a pleasure knowingly to mix up two and three dimensionalities, flat and spatial, and to make fun of gravity.”” [1]
This seems to line up not only with Dottore’s psychic abilities and tricks of the mind, but with the importance he emphasizes on “perspective”.

[博士] is a term that roots back to feudal China, and has been used historically to refer to court academicians. Note that the difference between an academic and an academician is that an academician is “a member of a literary, artistic, or scientific academy. It is an honorary title in many countries and comes with significant prestige. The academies involved usually hold a great influence on national scientific life.” [2]
Assuming Zandik is Dottore, I have also chosen to include the Persian equivalent of the word:
Persian: بخشی‎ (baxši, “scribe, secretary; surgeon; vice-regent; inspector; grand falconer”) [3]
With the Japanese equivalent written the same as Chinese: 博士 > Hakase.

您 is a formal way to address your superiors or elders. Dottore’s tone throughout the exchange is fairly formal and respectful, if arrogant and detached. Many contradictions when it comes to this man. In less words, his facade is one of well-spoken and calm arrogance.

他 has historically been used as a gender-neutral term. Though in modern China, it’s used to refer exclusively to males. I have chosen to include the pronouns “they/them” to respect the Kabukimono's attested androgynous beauty and implied transgender identity. However, I have also chosen to include “it” pronouns as 他 has also been used in cases where the gender of the person is irrelevant (for those that want to interpret Dottore a different way, too).

心 (xīn) can also be translated to heart, soul, and “heart-mind” in some cases (to refer to the emotional mind). In my translation I have chosen to use “heart of the furnace” as opposed to core, if only for the sake of drawing more parallels relevant to Kabukimono.

Onto the next scene:
「博士」 : 自然是为了欣赏和实验。要知道,我可不是一般的有耐心。
「博士」 : 当然了,你如果好奇,我也愿意报出真正的名号。你可以称呼我为愚人众执行官——「博士」。
丹羽 : …愚人…众?要…做什么…
「博士」 : 想给你们的国度增加一点小麻烦而已。
丹羽 : 所以,你才…改良技术,最大程度激发晶化骨髓中的…邪祟之力…
「博士」 : 呵呵,你这般高洁的人,死前竟然也会露出狰狞的表情啊。
「博士」 : 我做的装置可不是骗人的。想瞒着外面的人解决这场灾难,就必须用到它。只不过,那个装置不是为你准备的罢了。
「博士」 : 带着憎恨的人更容易被邪祟附身,你尽情愤怒吧,我想看看这样的心脏放到人偶里会带来什么效果。
「博士」 : 反正没有你,别人早晚也会利用那位纯洁的人偶吧。否则,人类又为什么要跟非我族类的东西做朋友呢?
丹羽 : …哈哈…哈…咳!

First possible trans.:
Niwa: You… there is some other force [behind/helping] you… sooner or later, you will reveal yourself… but I don’t understand… just how many layers there are to your intent… you could have been more careful with your work, no?
Second possible trans.:
Niwa: You… there’s some sinister power behind what you are… sooner or later, you will reveal yourself… but I don’t understand… What are your true intentions?… You could have been more thorough, no…?*
Doctor: Naturally. Rather, it was all for pleasure and experimentation. Keep in mind, I am an unusually patient man.
Doctor: However, if you are still curious, I am willing to give you my real name. You can refer to me as the second Harbinger of The Fatui. – The Doctor.
Niwa: The… Fa…tui… why? What do you want?
Doctor: Just trying to add a bit of trouble to your nation, is all. (W/VA: I know I shouldn’t be laughing but the delivery and Escher’s :3 face makes it funny)
Niwa: So that’s why you improved the forging technique… to maximize the power of the evil spirits within the crystalized bone marrow…
Doctor: Hehe… you are a very noble man, and yet you face death with a hideous scowl.
Doctor: Make no mistake. The device I designed is not a trick. If you want to solve this disaster without outer involvement, you have to use it. Though, you see... It wasn’t intended for you.
Doctor: It’s said people with hatred are most likely to be possessed by evil spirits. I’d like to see what effect such a heart would have on a certain doll. By all means, be as angry as you want.
Doctor: If not for you.. Sooner or later, someone else would have taken advantage of such a pure doll… Otherwise… Why would humans want to be friends with someone who doesn’t belong with us? (W/VA: I interpret Dottore’s question as one of genuine confusion with a mix of anger)
Niwa: … haha… haha- cough…
*Power in this case could imply the harbingers, or it could be interpreted as Dottore making himself out to be inhuman/larger than life. Personally, the latter makes more sense to me given the sentence that follows. To support this, I feel as though Niwa refers more intimately to Dottore, as opposed to that detached way of addressing each other in the official English translation.
I did have a bit of trouble translating the layers of intent bit. But considering the context, I feel that’s as close as I can get. Here Niwa also seems to imply there might be more to Dottore’s intentions, given that he got sloppy towards his plan and wasn’t careful enough as a result. It seems to imply that the goal of the Kabukimono’s heart caught his attention instead.
I feel like there’s a very sublime tragedy here. Niwa does directly address Dottore, and yet it comes off as Niwa berating him for his betrayal. Even with the initial suspicion, I speculate that Niwa did consider Escher to be another resident of Tatarasuna. That closeness did exist to him, however brief. This is also reflected in Nahida’s fairy tale, with the implication that the monster felt as though he had to hide himself. And yet, it’s very probable he would have been accepted by the residents of Tatarasuna as one of their own anyway.
To add more to this, the Kabukimono did consider Escher to be his friend and I don’t doubt others felt the same towards him, though I don’t have the exact source and would appreciate any contribution. But I feel as though it’s reasonable to assume as much, anyway.
This is my personal interpretation, but it took me aback that Dottore’s question about the Kabukimono not belonging seems to be that of genuine confusion and anger. And yet, as much as he denies himself his humanity, he also reassures himself of that fact. Yet, another contradiction. I feel like I’m at the verge of realizing something here, though I can’t quite place it. Perhaps having to do with his backstory, but having such a cynical view of the world is important to keep in mind, and another word.

The topic of “utility” seems to be a common theme within the Harbingers, and I don’t believe it’s exclusive to Scaramouche. Either you make yourself useful, or you are no better than a nuisance to the Fatui. We have seen a bit of this philosophy reinforced with Dottore (which I will discuss in another post regarding his bargain with Nahida). Also knowing Hoyo’s fanaticism with Evangelion (which they have referenced many times), the theme of “utility” is most likely borrowed from there. In particular with regard to Rei Ayanami.
Rei: I am not a doll.
Asuka: Shut up! You do anything you're ordered to, don't you? You'd kill yourself if Commander Ikari told you to, wouldn't you?!
Given that Dottore shares the iconic blue hair and red eyes of Rei Ayanami, along with the clones (that he regarded as disposable enough, just as she regarded herself to be disposable), I want to know if Pierro is to Dottore what Rei is to Gendo Ikari. Though of course, perhaps on a much less intense level. If that is the case, then you could say it’s a negative cycle of reinforcement given that this mentality dripped to Scaramouche via Dottore: Pierro > Dottore > Scaramouche.
Closing note:
This is the first part of hopefully many posts I’ll make in the future. So far, I want to remind the reader that I have tried to keep things as neutral as possible, but I feel like language is always going to be partly subjective. I do make these posts because language is endlessly fascinating to me and I adore Dottore. I do appreciate all and any feedback!
submitted by meowuru to DottoreMains [link] [comments]

2023.01.18 16:10 Timujina Genius Invokation Mythbusters

Genius Invokation Mythbusters
There are a lot of interesting interactions that I've thought about and tested in the Genius Invokation TCG. Unfortunately I don't have any proof because I didn't think to record anything and match-history wasn't around in 3.3 which is when most of my testing was done. A lot of these results are fairly obvious, but I'm listing them mostly as clarification, in case anyone wanted to be extra sure these cards worked exactly like you'd imagine them to.
Also, all my testing was done vs the AI controlled opponents. What a hassle. Opponents never cooperate with me, so making some of these setups is very difficult! If someone with recording equipment and a FRIEND TO PLAY WITH wants to easily recreate these situations that will rarely ever be relevant and wants to make some videos, I think that would be really neat! Videos like this one that carnivy made: ! You should check it out!
Leave a comment if you have any other ideas of stuff to test, or if you discovered some other interesting Genius Invokation trivia, but ESPECIALLY comment if you noticed a mistake that I've made, let me know so I can correct it!
But first, here's a thing I did, not as any sort of mythbusting, but just for "fun"
The Xiao card already says it destroys ALL summons including yours, so the fact that I went out of my way to destroy 8 summons all at once does not show anything new. But I still think it is cool, so I did it anyway. Since this was against an AI, it took DOZENS of tries to actually get the setup to happen. Was it worth it? No! My Current Mood: Lament
Complicated/Interesting interactions:
Two Jade Chambers and Three Artifact-Set Artifacts (all the things that ensure 2 dice in the roll phase will be certain elemental types): Since you only roll 8 dice in roll phase, and these five cards collectively control what 10 dice will be, it is the second Jade Chamber that becomes redundant.
Xingqiu's Rain Sword and Ningguang's Jade Screen (and presumably also Beidou's Burst):(Rain Sword: if you take 3 or more damage, take one less damage. Jade Screen: if you take 2 or more damage, take one less damage)They take effect in the order they were applied. For example, if you take 3 damage from an attack, and rain sword was applied first, Rain Sword will reduce damage by 1, then Jade Screen will reduce damage again and you will take 1 damage.If they were applied the other way around, Jade Screen will reduce the damage taken from 3 to 2, and since you are no longer taking three damage, Rain Sword will do nothing. You will take 2 damage.
Preparation: Enemy Cards- Nobushi with their bursts (the ones that prepare for two turns before dealing 6 damage): The preparations can be halted with freeze or jean/sucrose/overload switching them to other characters. However, once switched back in/unfrozen, they will continue their preparation right where they left off (even if it's a different round and the enemy intent doesn't mention it at all!)Beidou: If beidou is frozen, her preparation will similarly be paused. However, once that happens all you can really do is Choose To End Round or switch to another character. Choosing to end round will have Beidou immediately use her thingy at the start of the next round, skipping your "you go first this round". If you switch character while Beidou is frozen, or jean/sucrose/overload switches her out, her entire preparation thing goes away entirely. Also if the shield goes away once preparation is done, even if not fully consumed.
---------------------Simple Clarifications
Ayaka Talent: makes her switch-in buff better. You still have to switch-in to get the improved buff, playing the talent card does not improve a pre-existing buff. Fun fact: it's the only talent that you can play when the character is on standby!
Ganyu: Frostflake Arrow (5 cost to do AoE damage) counts as a normal attack for all those things that buff normal attacks!
Eula: Icetide Vortex: Her elemental skill's Grimheart status means that Eula will deal +2 damage every other time she uses it. So 2 damage first time, then 4 damage, then 2 damage, then 4, etcEula Burst: the summon will get a stack of Zeal if you use Quick Knit on it (Quick Knit: give a summon +1 Usage)
Kamisato Ayato: His burst's summon only consumes usages when dealing damage at the end of a round. The passive buff for normal attacks will not consume usages.
Xiangling Talent: Her skill normally summons Guoba and does nothing else, with the talent, the skill also does 1 damage. This 1 damage can be improved by weapons!
Keqing: The Lightning Stiletto card cannot be created while you have 10 cards. Also, you can do Elemental Tuning with it. Neat! Fun Fact: Lightning Stiletto is the only kind of 'uncollectible' card, a card which you can generate and have in your hand, but can never be put into your deck build!Keqing Talent: makes her electro infusion buff better. you still need to do a cast of her skill involving Lightning Stiletto to get the improved buff, playing the talent card does not improve a pre-existing buff. Also, you can't play the talent card when Keqing is on standby, even if you have Lightning Stiletto in hand.
Arataki Itto: Superlative Superstrength reduces the cost of your charged attacks if you have 2 or 3 stacks of it. If you have only one stack, you don't get a cost reduction.You also can't get a cost reduction when you play Itto's talent card, even though the talent card triggers the other effects of superlative.Ushi gives superlative to Itto when your active character takes damage, even if your active character is not Itto.Ushi can only give you a superlative superstrength once per turn, even if you give use Quick Knit to give it another usage.However, if you create a second Ushi by 'refreshing' Ushi with a second cast of Itto's elemental skill, both Ushis are able to give their own stacks of Superlative in the same round.The first time you take damage while Ushi is on the board, Ushi will attempt to give you a superlative stack even if you are already at maximum stacks. If you use a stack and then later take damage, Ushi will not give you any more stacks since it already attempted to do so earlier.If you are are attacked but other sources reduce the damage taken to zero before Ushi participates, Ushi will not consume a usage but he will give you a superlative stack (if all the other things I mentioned earlier still apply). Ushi disappears at the end of the round even if it still has usages left. The usages are solely used for the number of times Ushi can reduce damage that you take.
Rhodeia of Loch: If you have three summons, her 5-cost skill that summon 2 mimics will only summon one mimic and do nothing else, since you can only have 4 summons.Her burst gets damage increased from all summons, even if they aren't water mimics. With her talent, all summons get +1 usages, again including summons that aren't water mimics.
Mirror Maiden: Influx Blast gives the target the Refracton debuff, removing it from characters on standby if a Refraction if already applied. The debuff will still be removed from standby characters even if Influx Blast defeats the target outright. Also, with the talent, Refraction also makes switching characters cost more. I think this is the only instance of cost increasing in the game so far. Anyway, switching characters will cost 2 unaligned dice.

Aquila Favonia: If the opponent swaps your character (with sucrose/jean/overload), then Aquila Favonia will trigger if it is on the new active character. If the original target of the enemy attack had Aquila Favonia, it will not trigger.
Exile's Circlet: gives all standby characters 1 energy once per round. Will consume that 'once per round' usage even if all standby characters are already on full energy.
General's Ancient Helm: You get a 2-damage shield every turn, starting on the turn after you equip this artifact. So you won't get a shield right away.
Elemental Artifacts: These are the ones that reduce the cost of a skill by 1 specific elemental dice. They can also reduce the unaligned dice cost on normal attacks, such as if you have the wrong element artifact on the wrong character or if some other effect is already lowering the other part of the cost.

Grand Narukami Shrine: Will create a dice immediately after being played, and on subsequent turns, it will create a dice for you immediately after you finish rolling dice.
Liyue Harbor Wharf: Will consume its usages by attempting to draw two cards at the end of the turn even when your deck is empty.
Wangshu Inn: "Heal the most injured character on standby"Most injured means "most damage taken", as opposed to "lowest current HP" or "lowest current HP%". This distinction is only relevant when Stonehide Lawachurl, the only character without 10HP, is involved. Also, in case of a tie, the character to the right of the active character (i.e. the "next character") is healed. And also, if both standby characters are at full HP, Wangshu Inn will do nothing and not consume a usage.
Liben: since Omni dice can count as any element, a single liben can collect as many dice as they want from omni dice. Also, as far as I can tell, Liben is smart when there are two Libens. In all my tests, they always collect dice in such a way as to maximize their stacks.For example, if you have 2 pyro dice, 1 cryo dice, 1 hydro dice and 1 geo dice, and both Libens haven't collected any dice: a dumb Liben would collect the hydro, geo and cryo dice, leaving 2 pyro dice behind for the second Liben. Libens can only collect one dice of each type, so the second Liben would only be able to collect one dice. Fortunately, what actually happens is that, the first Liben makes sure to prioritize dice you have 2 or more of, so it collects one of the two pyro dice, allowing the second Liben to collect more dice.
Changing Shifts, Leave It to Me, When the Crane Returned: these character switching cards give you a combat status effect. (if you switch characters without consuming the buff, such as by an opponent using jean/sucrose/overload, the new active character will still have the buff)
Elemental Resonances: Pyro, Cryo and Dendro resonances give a damage buff. This is a non-combat status effect, which means only whoever is the current active character can use it (if you switch characters, the other characters can't use it). Also only the characters 'direct damage' from their skills will activate it, as opposed to damage dealt by combat statuses for example.
Strategize: The popular Pot of Greed card of Genius Invokation! By paying one dice, I can draw two cards from my deck and add them to my hand. If your deck is empty though, you can pay one dice to do absolutely nothing and waste your card. You should use a useless Strategize for elemental tuning instead!
Starsigns: the gain 1 energy card. You aren't allowed to use it if your active character has maximum energy.
Calx's Arts will take energy from both standby characters if possible, even if your active character only needs one energy to max out!
Calx's Arts: Deducts 1 energy from both standby characters. Then gives that much energy to the active character. Cannot be used if the active character is at max energy, but can be used if the active character only needs ONE energy, and will still delete energy from BOTH standby characters if possible.
Master of Weaponry/Blessing of Divine Relic's Installation: The transfer equipment cards. Transferred weapons/artifacts that have already used up some of their 'once per round' sort of effects will still have those usages used up after transfer!
Quick Knit: You can give additional usages even to summons at their maximum. For example, the elemental reaction summon Burning says that it has a Maximum of 2 usages, but Quick Knit can give it 3 usages (or even four usages with a second Quick Knit).
Lotus Flower Crisp: Blocks 3 damage from stuff before other shields block damage.
Healing Food: Full health characters are invalid targets for health restoring foods, so that's one way you won't be able to completely waste a card
Miscellaneous rulebook stuff:
Dynamic Skins: If a card has its shiny skin on, cards that they make will also be shiny. Relevant for when you make summons (including with the Abyssal Summons card), and Keqing's Lightning Stiletto. Bonus: a Burning created by damage from a golden charactesummon will also be golden! Super Bonus: Klee's Sparks n' Splash activating on a golden character and causing a Burning reaction will create a golden Burning summon!
Cryo and Dendro: No matter the order they were applied, if a character gets Cryo and Dendro applied, Cryo will be on the left. Electro/Hydro/Pyro that is applied to the character will react with Cryo and Dendro will be left alone.
Burning: If Burning is created during end phase, such as by Xiangling's Guoba and Collei's Cuilein-Anbar, the Burning summon won't trigger during that same end phase.
Crystallize: the four different flavors of Crystallize all give the same shield status, so you can only get at most two points of crystallize shielding at a time even you use multiple different hydro/pyro/cryo/electro crystallize reactions.
"Skill" vs "Normal Attack" vs "Elemental Skill" vs "Elemental Burst": Skill can refer to all three of the categories of Normal Attack, Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. Pay attention to the wording of stuff to see if any of those three types of skills can trigger an effect or if it has to be one of those specific types of skills to trigger something.
"Status" vs "Combat Status": the non-combat statuses are the ones that are character-specific, displayed inside the character's rectangle and don't transfer when you switch characters. Combat statuses are the ones displayed under a character and do transfer when you switch characters. Pay attention to wording of stuff to see which is which.
"Next Character" / "Previous Character": the "next" character is the character to the right of your active character, and the "previous" character is to the left. Relevant for: who you switch to with Maguu Kenki's talent. Wangshu Inn heals the "next" character in a tiebreak. Sucrose's skill switches to "previous" character, and Jean's skill and Overloaded reactions switch to the "next" character. Razor's Talent, Electro Resonance High Voltage, Iron Tongue Tian will provide energy to the "next" valid candidate.
Weapons: the increased damage is from damage directly dealt with their Skills. It doesn't effect summons, statuses, etc.Charged attacks: when your number of dice is even, certain characters can get effects when using a Normal Attack skill. Any effects that would have applied to regular normal attacks will still apply to your charged normal attack.
Equipment: Weapons, artifacts and talents that have 'once per round' sort of effects can have that effect trigger twice in one round if you 'refresh' the usage with a second copy of the card.
Healing: You can't heal past full HP. Any effects which heal you that are triggered when you are at full HP will heal 0 HP and use up a usage (eg. once per round heals, aquila favonia, healing artifacts). Notable exceptions are Wangshu Inn and Favonius Cathedral which don't trigger at all or use a usage if the relevant characters are all at full HP.
Card draw: If you draw a card but you have 10 cards, any extra cards will be destroyed.
16 dice: You can have a maximum of 16 dice. If you have 16 dice and trigger things like Chef Mao and Parametric Transformer, they will be used up but nothing will happen. You can even play the Elemental Resonance Dice to completely waste a card, if you want to for some reason.
Cost Reduction: If the cost of something is reduced to zero, any further reductions won't apply (and thus not use up their usages). For example, with Two Ellins and Yoimiya, you can use her 1-cost skill three times in one turn, the first cast costing 1 dice, the second cast being free due to Ellin#1, and the third cast being free due to the Ellin#2, who was not used up during the second cast.
End Phase: Whoever ended their round first, ALL of their stuff will trigger first before the other player's things. Especially relevant for things like Jadeplume Terrorshroom's Radical Vitality stacks or Mona's Reflection. For example, if Mona's team ended round first, Reflection will disappear before blocking damage from enemy summons. Another example is, say you end your turn first, your Favonius Church support card will heal you before your opponent's summons deal damage to you, potentially saving your character.
Supports and Summons: You can have a maximum of four Supports. If you attempt to get another Support on the field, you will be asked to choose a support to be removed. No matter which support you remove, the new one will be placed at the end. All supports trigger in the order that they were played. Same deal with Summons, except if you try to get a Summon but you already have four, nothing will happen (you won't be able to choose any summons to replace). The exception is if you try to summon a summon that you already have- the duration will be refreshed and the summon will stay in the same spot (i.e. with no effect on the summon trigger order). Otherwise, summons trigger in the order that they were created.
Here's a fun thing I noticed when using Rhodeia of Loch's The Myriad Wilds to summon two mimics while all three mimics are already on the board! It refreshed the duration of the same mimic twice! Unlucky but also really neat!
TODO: need to do more testing on what sources of damage can take advantage of the buffs given by the Talents of Mona, Sucrose, Jean, Ningguang, Collei. Gotta confirm with summons, combat statuses, non-combat statuses, other character skills
TODO: need to test how the Geo Resonance Enduring Rock works. Can non-combat status shields also be improved (e.g. Lithic Spear, and if it effects General's Ancient Helm, does it lose the bonus points come the next round? How about Beidou through freeze switch shenangians?) and what sources of damage can trigger the effect(eg. can summons trigger it)? And how does it decide which status to improve (e.g. whichever shield was made first presumably?) If it buffs a 1-point crystallize shield, can a second crystallize reaction give it another point to be a 5-point shield?
submitted by Timujina to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2022.05.09 15:48 sledge98 Hey! I'm ROCKET SLEDGE, a full time Rocket League Content Creator. **Ask Me Anything!**

Hello rocketleague, Sledge here to answer questions about myself, Rocket League, my content, or just content creation in general. My journey in Rocket League started at launch in July 2015, followed my first post on this sub in August 2016 and the creation of my Youtube channel a month later. I currently have 262 thousand subscribers and making content is my full time job. If you’re unfamiliar with what I do I recommend this 2 and half minute introduction video I made that won 3rd place in a recent Psyonix sponsored Content Creator Contest.
Otherwise I will explain a little more about myself here:
I first became “known” in this community for demolitions. It’s weird to think of it now, but physical play was not a common thing in the early days, and there was also a lot controversy that surrounded it. My clips were regularly on the front page of this sub and I also put together montages and eventually tutorials covering the often ignored “dirty” side of Rocket League. Somehow I came through this era and did not end up being the most hated person in Rocket League.
From there I decided to broaden my content scope and learn to be a real Rocket League content creator. But with a fulltime job, wife and kid, and no prior editing experience my youtube channel was mostly just a hobby that I slowly improved at as the years went by. Then in April 2020 I lost my job as a College Instructor and decided to take the opportunity to try full time content creation. But I was sitting at around 60k subs and knew I had a long way to go before I could consider the channel sustainable. Fortunately 5 months later, Free to Play came around at the perfect time as I now had the experience, skills, and back catalogue of videos to benefit from the boost in popularity.
While my channel never really seemed to have the broad appeal of some of the others that took off with Free to Play, I believe my own unique take on Rocket League content has kept it fresh during a time where many in the community are complaining about the lack of new ideas in RL Youtube. On my channel you can find:
Historical Retrospectives – 10 times Psyonix Broke their Game
Mythbuster-type Experiments Is GC even good anymore?
Mods and Challenges – I added save explosions to Rocket League
Satirical Essays and Skits – 6 ways to maximize your HATE of Rocket League
Contests that challenge my viewers – Rocket League Snow Art Competition
Road to SSL – citation needed
And speaking of Contests, I want to use this opportunity to announce: The ONE BUTTON Training Pack Contest.
I am asking the community to make a training pack that can be completed with only one or two buttons. The best entries will be featured in a video and the top 3 will be taking home cash prizes. For an example of what a one-button training pack looks like as well as all the other info you’ll need, check out this google entry form.
Youtube Discord Twitter Patreon
Alright Reddit, Ask Me Anything! - NOW OVER Thanks for all the great questions guys!
submitted by sledge98 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2022.02.27 12:30 leduck_lol LeDuck's TFT Tips Collection #1 - #5

Hey Everyone!
So recently I wanted to explore a format with Daily TFT Tips that explains certain mechanics that usually don't fit that well into a Mythbuster format and are better off as short videos. For now I'm aiming to release a new Tip every day and post a weekly summary for you guys at the end of each Week.

#1 Debonair ViP Trick
So this is a mechanic I believe most people don't know about, but you will never receive a ViP that you sold until you buy another one. So as a short example, if you see a ViP Brand in your shop, you can buy and sell him instead of ignoring him, which will now result in ViP Brand never appearing again until you buy a new ViP. Keep in mind you can only "block" a single ViP, so if you continue the example and buy + sell a ViP Syndra then Brand can now appear again.

#2 Luden's Echo Secret
There are two main points I wanted to share about Luden's Echo. People are missing out on utilizing Luden's Echo with physical champions like Ezreal, Khazix or Irelia since all of them are capable of triggering the effect. There is also an annoying bug regarding putting fresh units on the board that will proc Luden visually, but not dealing any damage for one round.

#3 Augment Manipulation
Augment rules can go quite deep and here I only cover a few points that everyone should know. As you probably know Augments in Stage 3 and 4 are based on the previous PVP round, however Augment choices you receive are also based on whether or not your traits can get filled up by selecting the Augment or simply if your traits are activated. As a short example, if you have a single Innovator in Stage 3-2 you can't receive an Innovator Heart. With 2 Innovators you can receive an Innovator Heart and with 3 or more you can get both the Heart and Self-Repair.

#4 Woodland Trinket
Woodland Trinket is a super interesting and sadly also very bugged Augment. There are ways to manipulate the spawn of the clones and ways to buff them, I definitely recommend utilizing the showcased positioning to get copies to spawn to the left and right of your carry to maximize your damage and block potential ´Blitzcrank hooks.

#5 Tome of Traits
Since Tome got reworked and the rules about it were made public, this opened up a good opportunity to influence the Tome of Traits in your favor. The most common units to help you out with it are Lulu and Corki, since Yordle/EnchanteTwinshot will fill up your traits to help you get tailored Emblems, but they can't be selected which heavily increases your chance at getting the Emblem you were looking for.

Hope you guys were able to learn something and see you next Sunday!
submitted by leduck_lol to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

2021.08.16 16:40 seyandiz Why do champions max a single ability first?

Hey /summonerschool, been gone for a while so I thought I'd do an easy but interesting guide this time. I also believe I've submitted enough stuff to gain your trust as a content creator, so check me out @Seyandiz.

1) Why do most champions max a single ability first?

That is a good question, and it has a few reasons so lets break it down into the parts.

1.1) Burst is better than consistent damage

This one comes first, since it is the biggest reason. If you have your ability points spread across 3 abilities, you have to hit all 3 to get the full value from your levels. It makes you consistent, but you do less burst damage. But if you have all of your ability points in one ability, you only have to hit that ability to get the full value but you do have to hit it.
So when your opponent is in lane and has lost a little health - they might step up within flash range. You Flash into range and cast ignite and your strongest ability, and they immediate flash out. With your abilities spread - they might flash away before you get to cast your 2nd and third ability missing out on precious damage that would have secured the kill.
This is why burst is so important. Enemies will use their escapes or back if you do consistent damage, where they may misjudge and die before they can escape or back to burst damage.

1.2) It is simply the best ability per point, why put points elsewhere?

Aka "If x ability gains more "power" per level, why would you switch later on?"
If one of your abilities clearly gives the most strength per rank, it makes sense to put as many points as you can into it.
For example, lets look at Ahri.
Nothing makes sense to even put points in compared to her Q. Every point gives her more damage, wave clear, and trading potential than the others. Once she finishes her Q - people max W or E depending on the game. Either one they chose - they'll max that spell before moving on.

1.3) Mana efficiency

Most mana increases are typically only 5-10 mana per level. If you spread your damage amongst 3 abilities, you also have to cast all 3. Even if each point in all 3 spells is equally strong - you'll have to cast 3x the mana to access your skill point damage versus someone who maxed a single ability can just cast the one - even if it went up by a little bit of mana per cast - it's not as much as an entire extra ability.

2) If that's the case, why do some champions not max a single ability?

This is a bit dependent on the champion, but I'll try to give a few cases and examples.

2.1) Certain threshold where value of spell spikes, but drops off afterwards

Good different examples of this are Sion, and Vel'koz.
His W - Soul Furnace deals damage only if it holds for 3 seconds. To maximize the value out of the spell, we'll want to block for the full shield strength and then re-cast it after 3 seconds. If we don't put any points into this spell - it is a weak shield that is popped very easily. Most Sion mains even know to use the W to block only the last parts of the enemy's trade so that it still has enough health to re-cast. But if you don't put any points in this - the enemy can pop it no matter what.
By putting a few points in W early on, you ensure that you can still get full value out of the spell. Any shield value still up when you re-cast it is wasted too - so you don't need to max it.
His W - Void Rift has a much longer cooldown than his Q and they deal comparable damage when putting points in each. So why do a large swath of Vel'koz mid mains put 3 points in W early on? Because it allows you to clear a wave with just WEQ. This leaves another W in the chamber while you go to roam for vision or skirmishes. Anything more is unnecessary, and getting a longer slow on your Q will help you land more Ws since around level 7 almost everyone will have T1 boots.
Most Vel'koz supports will simply max Q since they don't have the burden of clearing wave.

2.2) Their role changes in game

While typically seen as a squishy scared peeler. It would make sense that you'd max your Q - Howling Gale or E - Eye of the Storm first in order to protect your ADC as much as possible. But actually, a lot of Janna will start off maxing W - Zephyr instead, using the constant un-dodgeable damage with a strong slow to trade with the enemy and walk away. If they try to chase her or engage - she can peel them with an easy Q.
But eventually her ADC becomes stronger and more important in fights. Depending on the lane state and how fed she is / the enemy is - Janna will opt to switch into her Shield. The flat AD on her ADC from her shield will provide her team with more damage than she can provide with her slow. It also falls into the first category, as the shield needs to hold for them to keep the bonus attack damage threshold of it being strong enough to provide damage throughout the fight is important.

About the Author

submitted by seyandiz to summonerschool [link] [comments]

2021.07.04 10:04 onanist13 Magnificent Eyeball Masterlist (current as of 7/3/21)

Name/URL Eyeballed in on
Radical Reviewer Superman, and the Utility of Strength Aug 2, 2019
Spider-man: A hero with bills to pay by Curio Breaking the YouTuber's Code: How to YouTube Aug 9th, 2019
Suck my Opinion Chelsea Manning is still in jail. Aug 16th, 2019
Lost in the fold Destiny and the Liberal Mind Prison Aug 23, 2019
Bad Empanada It's Just a Joke Sept 6th, 2019
Huntress Thompson Just be nice you nerds Sept 13th, 2019
Wobbly Dev The Summer of Skateboarding Sept 20th, 2019
Intellectual Dark Wave Ben Shapiro's Weapon's Grade Bad Takes Sept 27th, 2019
Skylar Szabo But how come revolution? Oct 4th, 2019
Camazotz Easy Direct Action Oct 11th, 2019
Bemundolack How to finally defeat your boss Oct 18th, 2019
Sabre What if they threw a purge and nobody came? Oct 25, 2019
Harrison Engstrom How to lose an argument Nov 1st, 2019
Dumpster Flower 50 Ways Capitalism is hurting you, part 1 Nov 8th, 2019
Kathrin 50 Ways Capitalsim is hurting you, part 2 Nov 15th, 2019
Faye Fahrenheit Hats off to Pim tool Nov 22nd, 2019
BretMwxyz My Second Job Nov 29th, 2019
Goods for the people We must destroy Santa Claus! Dec 20th, 2019
Javatrino Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Just my narratives Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Conquest of Dread Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
People's Bayonet Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Bread of the Left Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Rat Pack (Ya Herd) Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
FOCAL: Filmmakers of lustre and color Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Armchair Justice Warrior Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Material Analysis Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Died Famous Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
TrashCan1312 Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
SuperOcean Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Another Slice Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Anark Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Yaz Minsky Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Silverface Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
San Jenaro Co-Op Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Queer Potus Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Hardcore Lime Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Kay and Skittles Oops! All Eyeballs! Jan 3rd, 2020
Colonialism in Canada You are expendable. Jan 10th, 2020
Pamphleteer HBO's Watchmen and Copaganda Jan 17th, 2020
Casey Explosion The Mistery Industrial Complex Jan 24th, 2020
Viki1999 Are liberals our enemies? Jan 31st, 2020
Anarcho Pac 2000 Subscriber Q & A Feb 7th 2020
Unist'ot'en Canada Delenda Est Feb 14th, 2020
Another Slice (again, whoops) Is Bill Gates a Good Billionaire? Mar 6th, 2020
Obnoxious Anarchist Utopia Mar 13th, 2020
The Gilded Kants Pointlessly Dunking on Libertarians to Cheer Up My Friends During These Hard Times Mar 20th, 2020
Afro-Syndicalist Landlords Are Bad Everybody Mar 27th, 2020
General Strike 2020 Is Politics just wrestling? Apr 3rd, 2020
Tooth 'N Nail [PROBLEMATIC DELETED VIDEO](NAH) Apr 10th, 2020
Left Click TV Let's talk about last week. Apr 17th, 2020
Moon Punk! Fake Economies in Minecraft Apr 24th, 2020
Lexicogue Today is Labor Day May 1st, 2020 (Which is labor day)
LaborKyle I must begrudgingly admit I like Tom Nook, betraying my principles. May 8th, 2020
Les Exploitable Is ELON MUSK a Super-Genius? Is he a real life IRON MAN?! May 15th, 2020
LonerBox We are drowning in nonsense May 29th, 2020
Lucky Black Cat We are drowning in nonsense May 29th, 2020
Jett Cloud Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Deadman Animations Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Yung Simba Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
KAR Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Cute Bridge Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
We are the ones Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Agitprop TV Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Widdlebug Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Fuller Spectrum Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Black Red Guard Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Halim Alrah Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Alki Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Oreo Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Pikachulita Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Fluffybyte Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Move left Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Swordsfall Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
JOnehundred Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Ghetto News Network Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Adorpheus Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Trapped in Time Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
GXG Entertainment Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
Professor Flowers Eyeballs on Black Creators June 5th, 2020
The Left Wing Propaganda Machine Crime and Legitimacy June 12th, 2020
Satenmadpun How the far-right weaponizes nostalgia June 19th, 2020
Neala Is the CHAZ a heck on earth? June 26th 2020
The Subtly Fascist Messaging of Fantasy Games by That Jess Centrist Comedy Always Sucks July 3rd 2020
Beyond the Genderbread Person - The Failures of Biological Sex (Lextra) Fake Materialism for Real Transphobes July 17th 2020
Failure of the Modern Skeptic Movement Anti-Vaxxers (Ordinary Snowflake) Fake Materialism for Real Transphobes July 17th 2020
Masculinity by David J Bradley Abandoning counter-revolutionary SLIME and adopting Maupin-thought! July 24th 2020
Tacticool Girlfriend The Soft Link Breaks the Chain: Ben Shapiro and Ian Miles Cheong think Kindness is dangerous. July 31st 2020
Yusuf Takes Conservative comedy always sucks too. Aug 14th 2020
The Tolerant Left by Caelan Conrad Thanks Obama Aug 21st 2020
Tristan won't shut up I was wrong about Landlords Aug 28th 2020
Queer eye, Healing through Consuming Salari Achewood is Genius and Here's Why Sept 4th 2020
How Law Enforcement Taught Me To Dehumanize That Dang Dad Achewood is Genius and Here's Why Sept 4th 2020
some thoughts on black capitalism by Xee Matthews Why is everyone pretending to be mad about critical race theory? Sept 25th 2020
Left Merch Apparel Why is everyone pretending to be mad about critical race theory? Sept 25th 2020
Grading is Capitalist Conditioning, by Ryan Hibbs Trust The Process™ Oct 2nd 2020
Little Shop of Horrors: Critiquing Capitalism with Carnivorous Camp Wholesome Halloween Truth is dead and Project Veritas Killed It Oct 9th 2020
We're All We've Got, We're All We Need: A Mutual Aid Explainer Put on a Happy Face! Oct 16th 2020
The Dirty Con Job Of Mike Rowe Corporate Aesthetic My Final Crummy Jobs (I hope) Oct 23rd 2020
The Lies of the Lighthouse Acolytes of Horror A deep read of the Maniac Cop films for some reason. Oct 30th 2020
The Electoral College is a SHAM! Piley Benton Hey democracy didn't happen, how come? Nov 6th 2020
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2021.04.09 04:50 TopPostOfTheDay April 8th, 2021 - Top Post of the Day

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From fake shares to millionaires! 🚀 Common misconceptions and questions explained for apes! 🦍 + My theory for the best exit strategy! 💎🚀🌙
Okay fellow apes, I see a lot of confusion and worries about all sorts of stuff, especially all this mess with real, fake and synthetic shares, what exactly short sellers need to do to cover, and also when it comes to selling your shares, a topic we don't discuss too much, because apes only know how to BUY and HODL! 💎🤲🏼
I'll try to clear up some confusion, point out some common misconceptions, answer some questions, and in the end present my theory for the best exit strategy!
This post is for all apes. I'll do my best to explain stuff in a way that even smooth-brained apes may be able to follow, but I also dive a little deeper here and there, for the more wrinkle-brained apes who are interested in the deets.

🚀 Topics I will cover:

  • Are my shares real?
  • Is there any point in buying more shares when there are no real shares left?
  • Can short sellers cover using fake/counterfeit shares?
  • How can there be more than 100% of the float/shares sold short? (And is it possible without naked shorting?)
  • How do the short sellers keep up the naked shorting?
  • Do the short sellers have to buy every single share to cover?
  • Will I get to sell my shares at any price I want?
  • What is the best exit strategy?

But where's the TLDR?

I will not provide a TLDR, but I will throw in some bullet points to summarize each question along the way. If you read the bullet points, you should get the essence of it.
If you think you know the answer to all of the above questions, I suggest you just look for the bullet points, and see if you agree. If you don't, you can read more, if you still don't agree, we can have an interesting conversation in the comment section.
At least scroll down and read the part with the big diamonds! (Near the bottom.)

A note on terminology

I hate the very idea of short selling, and often use the derogatory term 'Shit' when referring to a short seller, and pretend it's an abbreviation for 'Short selling Hedge fund, Investor or Trader' or some BS like that. Other than that, I'll try to define each abbreviation where I use them.

🚀 Are my shares real?

I'll use the following 4-step illustrating to explain this stuff. (You don't need to understand all of it, I'll explain every step eventually.)

4-step illustration of short selling
Step 1: There are 70M shares issued by the company (the shares outstanding), no shares are sold short, and no apes are confused.
Step 2: Some Shits come and borrow a bunch of shares and sell them! Whoa! Who owns the shares now? Are there any fake shares? Apes be confuse!
First, those who bought from the Shits get the actual, real shares. The Shits didn't have any shares, and still has no shares. The tricky part is the ones who lent the shares. If they file their holdings to the SEC at this point, they would actually still list these shares in their holdings, just as they would before they were lent out. In fact, if all shareholders were to report their positions at this point, and 40M shares were borrowed and sold short, then a total of 70M+40M=110M shares would be reported as being owned, even though there are only 70M real shares! In this way, short selling adds shares to the pool of shares on the market.
But since the shares were lent out, the lenders don't actually have the shares. For example, they will not be allowed to use their shares to vote at the annual shareholders' meeting. But they still own the right to the shares, more specifically, they have the right to recall them at any time they want. Recalling is the lender saying "Hey, Shit! Give me my shares back!" and the Shit has no choice but to do so. A lender will usually only recall their shares if they plan to use them for voting, or if they want to sell them. Note that lenders are free to sell their shares at any time, since they can just recall them to deliver them to the buyer!
The Shit, however, does not have to get the same shares back when they are recalled, since all shares on the market are interchangeable. The Shit may go and buy shares in the market, or find someone else to borrow them from, to get their hands on real shares to give back to the lender.
(The terminology here is really confusing, but many would call the lenders' shares "synthetic" at this point. But the term "synthetic shares" can mean a number of other things too, so if I just called them synthetic, a horde of apes would spam the comment section screaming "That's not what synthetic shares are!", so I will try to refer to them simply as "lent".)
What did we learn?
  • If you bought shares, you own real shares! (Unless your broker lends out your shares.)
  • The lenders don't own any actual shares, but have the right to recall them, and are free to sell them at any time. They just have to recall them when they sell.
  • Short selling increases the number of shares on the market, both the lender and the buyer will report that they own them.

🚀 Is there any point in buying more shares when there are no real shares left?

Simple answer: Yes!
The "no real shares left" part is actually a myth. From the above lesson, we learned that the shares being sold are the real shares. If they originate from someone lending them for shorting, the lender is stuck with "fake" shares, not the buyer! As a buyer, you will never know where your shares came from, you only know that you own the shares. In a way, you could rather say that only the real shares are left to buy.
What did we learn?
  • There are always real shares left. If you buy shares, you always get real shares.

🚀 Can short sellers cover using fake/counterfeit shares?

Simple answer: No, that's just not possible.
Many apes have asked me, that with all their trickery, isn't it possible that those Shits may cover their shorts using fake or counterfeit shares? I have read many suggestions on how people imagine the Shits could trick their way out of all of this, but all the suggestions have some flaw(s), based on a lack of understanding of either the basic principles of shorting, or the technicalities regarding how trades are actually executed. At best, the suggested scam only moves the responsibility to deliver the shares around, and/or extends the deadline to deliver them, and this kind of behavior is observed with GME. But this is like tossing a hot potato around, the potato doesn't disappear until someone swallows it.
The simple truth is that the only way to really cover a short sale is to deliver back an actual share to the lender. (Only exception to this rule is if the lender sells their shares to the very same Shit that borrowed them, in which case they will end up owing each other the same amount of shares, and the short sale is closed without any shares changing hands. This is like paying for a book you never returned to the library.)
What did we learn?
  • The only way to cover a short position is to deliver a real share to the lender, or buy the share from the lender.

🚀 How can there be more than 100% of the float/shares sold short? (And is it possible without naked shorting?)

Some people claim that any shares sold short after the entire float is shorted are "fake" or "counterfeit" or something like that, you even see apes who provide otherwise excellent DD say something like this from time to time. This is simply not true!
Let's look at the illustration from the beginning of the post again. In step 2, 40M shares were borrowed and sold short, and we'll assume that these were all the shares that were available for borrowing at this point. The remaining 30M shares are held by someone who does not allow their shares to be borrowed. After step 2, these 30M real shares remain, but there are also 40M real shares that are now held by "new owners", and they may very well want to lend their shares! (Remember, they don't know if their shares originated from a short sale or a long sale, all they know is that they bought the shares, and can do with them as they please.) Let's say 25M of these 40M become available to be borrowed, and 15M don't. (We're now at Step 3 in the illustration.) 65M shares are sold short, this is almost all of the shares outstanding, and significantly more than the float (usually the float for GME is estimated to be around 45M shares). But in theory, this process could go on indefinitely, as long as new buyers allow their shares to be lent. If more than 5M of the 25M shares sold short in step 3 were borrowed and sold short again, there would be more than the shares outstanding sold short, without any shady business!
At this point I'll throw in some mafs, just so you'll assume my brain has wrinkles, and you'll accept everything I say as the absolute truth.
If X is the fraction of shareholders who allow their shares to be borrowed, and this fraction is the same for "new buyers", then the theoretical limit L for how much of the shares that may be borrowed and sold short is given by:
L = (X + X2 + X3 + X4 + ...) = X / (1-X)
If X = 0.2 (only 20% of all shares are available to be borrowed), we get:
L = 0.2 / (1 - 0.2) = 0.25, or 25%
meaning 25% of all shares can be sold short.
If X = 0.8 (as much as 80% of all shares are available to be borrowed), we get:
L = 0.8 / (1 - 0.8) = 4, or 400%
meaning all shares could be shorted 4 times before running out of shares to borrow!
(This is very simplified. Different kinds of owners, like insideres, institutions and ETFs, have vastly different likelihood of lending their shares.)
What did we learn?
  • In theory, **the entire float could be shorted many times over without breaking any rules (**without naked shorting), as long as enough shareholders are willing to lend out their shares.
  • Since not all shareholders allow their shares to be borrowed, the short sellers will at some point run out of shareholders to borrow from, and can only keep selling short if they resort to naked shorting. (This is illegal, but those Shits still do it).

🚀 How do the short sellers keep up the naked shorting?

Many big actors on Wall Street, including our "beloved" Shitadel (Citadel Securities LLC, a huge hedge fund that largely bases their business on short selling), have been fined multiple times for playing dirty, but they don't stop. They just consider the fines "the cost of doing business" and continue to fuck over everyone they can squeeze a cent out of. The simple fact is that naked shorting, even though illegal, occurs on a daily basis, partly because the rules allow for too much slack, partly because Shits don't give a fuck. Evidence points to this happening on a massive scale with GME. But how does it work? This is insanely complicated, so I'll only scratch the surface on this one, but it will still be a wall of text.
When you buy shares, it usually looks like you get the shares immediately in your trading account. But in reality, all trades are actually executed (or "cleared") on the second business day after the trade occurred, denoted T+2. This basically means that the buyer (or the broker) has two days to come up with the cash, and the seller has two days to deliver the shares. Almost all trades are executed through a clearing house (DTCC). When you buy a share, the trade is sent to the clearing house, who issues an IOU, a "fake share" to the buyer, which is more or less just a promise that a share will be delivered. Then they wait for the seller to actually deliver the share within T+2 days. Once the share is delivered, money goes to the seller, and the share goes to the buyer. All this happens "in the background", you'll never know if you have a real share or an IOU assigned to you, but you should assume that your newly bought shares are only IOUs for the first three days (the day you bought them and the following two business days). So, even if nothing shady is going on, there are always millions of "fake shares" (IOUs) out there, simply because millions of shares change hands every day, and trades aren't cleared yet. But without short selling, an IOU is always paired with a real share in the seller's account, it is simply not delivered yet.
The problems only start when shares are sold short, and the seller hasn't bothered to borrow them. (This is Step 4 in the illustration.) The Shits don't worry about such tiny, insignificant details like owning what they sell, and the rules only say they must think it is probable that they will find the shares somewhere in time. If the short seller is unable to borrow shares, the seller will fail to deliver the shares in time, which will make DTCC really upset, and they may even start crying. (Or they may revoke some of the Shit's short selling privileges until they deliver the shares, or even go buy the shares in the market on their own to force the seller to close the short sale, and bill the seller for any losses, or something like that. Boring stuff, who cares, point is that:) Nobody wants that!
So what do the Shits do in this situation? Do they realize they had no right to sell those shares in the first place, and buy the shares back to close their position, like any reasonable person would? Of course not! They go to a market maker and says "Hey, if I give you a little cash, could you pretend for a while that you sold me some shares?" The market makers, whose primary task is to provide option contracts to those who want them, have more privileges than most, which is intended to maintain the liquidity of the options market, i.e. to make sure anyone can buy options when they want. And of course, if they can make some money by exploiting these privileges, many market makers are happy to oblige. Now this is really complicated, but if you feel you have enough wrinkles in your brain for it, you can read this post to learn exactly how they do it. I'll just try to give you the general idea of how they pull it off:
A Shit sells a share short. Shit now has two days to deliver a share to DTCC. Two days later, the Shit still doesn't have the share. The shit goes to a market maker (MM), and they agree that for a small premium, the MM will sell a share to the Shit, so the Shit can deliver it to the DTCC, but the Shit must in return also sell a share to the MM. (They do this using options and some trickery, to camouflage what they are up to.) The trade saying the Shit bought a share from the MM is sent to the DTCC, and the deadline from the short sale is considered met, and DTCC is happy. The MM now owes a share to the DTCC, but then the trade saying the Shit sold a share to the MM is also sent to the DTCC. Now the MM both owes a share and is owed a share, so this cancels out, the MM has done their job and earned some quick bucks, and is now out of the picture. But the Shit still owes one share to the DTCC, the one sold to the MM, and has a new deadline of two days to deliver it, since this is a new trade. Final result: the same amount of shares is owed to the same people from the same people, but the deadline is extended. In this way, the Shit is able to kick the can down the road. This process can be repeated almost indefinitely, as long as the Shit can pay off the MM to keep doing this, and in some cases, they are able to extend the deadline a lot more than two days at a time.
If you still didn't understand anything, it's okay, just know that the Shits are able to extend the deadline for delivering shares after naked short sales, by paying off (bribing) market makers who are in on it, by doing some tricks with options, etc. (This is what all the "deep ITM options" talk is all about.) It costs the Shits money to keep this up, but less than buying shares when the price has gone up a lot. This stuff is illegal, not too well hidden, and new rules recently issued by DTCC has also made it a lot more difficult to keep up. (Some posters here have claimed that it will soon be impossible to keep this up, and some have already pointed out a decline of volume for deep ITM options, but we'll just have to wait and see. They know many tricks, those Shits...)
So short selling creates "fake shares", shares that are only promised to be delivered, but who gets them? Well, nobody and everybody. The DTCC does. You see, the DTCC doesn't keep track of every single share and every single shareholder in a one-to-one relationship like you may imagine. Shares are just like money in this sense, completely interchangeable. You can think of it like the DTCC simply has a record of all the shareholders who should have shares, as well of records of who owes shares, and who is owed shares. Like you may go to the bank and withdraw cash from your account, you can get your shares from the DTCC when you need them, e.g. when you sell your shares. And just like your Bank won't have enough cash in their vaults to match the value of all their deposit accounts, the DTCC won't always have enough shares to match the positions of all shareholders combined. And just like the liquidity of your bank is nothing you ever need to worry about, how DTCC does all their transactions is not anything you need to worry about! Just know that you can sell your shares whenever you want, and you will get the money for them, no matter how many "fake shares" there may be in existence. This business with fake shares, naked shorting, etc. may in the end cause huge losses for many "innocent" parties when this rocket lifts off, like the DTCC and their members, but never for the shareholders! I won't go into any details, but there are a number of mechanisms in place to ensure this. The shareholders are the most protected party in all of this mess.
What did we learn?
  • There are always lots of "fake" shares out there, called IOUs, simply because of the way trades are executed.
  • Naked short selling creates more "fake" shares (IOUs), but the short sellers have a deadline to deliver actual shares.
  • Short sellers are able to pay off market makers to help them extend this deadline again and again, pretty much indefinitely, as long as they can afford it. This is illegal, but definitely happening.
  • You don't ever have to worry about whether you own real or "fake" shares. You can always sell your shares, and will always get your money for them.

🚀 Do the short sellers have to buy back every single share?

Simple answer: No, just the same amount as they sold short.
This quickly gets a bit complicated, but I'll do my best to explain. For short sellers to close their position, or "cover" as it is often referred to, they must deliver back real shares to whomever they borrowed from. If they borrowed and sold 10M shares, they must buy 10M shares and give them back. If they shorted 100M, they must buy back 100M. And in the end, when all Shits have covered, there will be 70M shares left, the same amount that was issued in the first place. But even if the float has been shorted several times, it is still very possible that some shares are not involved in this process at all!
At step 3 in the illustration, there are 135M shares on the market, and they have to get it back down to 70M as in step 1 to cover all their positions. Suppose the Shits do the exact reverse of step 3 and 2 (in that order) in the illustration. Now all shorts are covered, and all is well, but note that the 30M shares that was not lent out in step 2 were never involved in the process of shorting and covering. And the 40M shares that were lent out to be sold short in step 2 were held by the same people the whole time (the lenders), and were not bought back. This sums up to 70M shares (the total number of shares outstanding) that were not bought to cover! Even if the entire float was shorted many times over, some portion of the shares may never be involved in this process at all, and 70M shares (the number of originally issued shares) will never be bought to cover. If the Shits have shorted more than the float, this simply means they have to buy back some shares more than once. More specifically, they must buy some shares and return to one lender, then buy shares from this lender to give to another lender, and so on, until all lenders have gotten their shares back.
It doesn't matter to the short sellers which shares they buy to cover. If they buy real shares, then great! If they buy shares that have been lent out, the lender must recall the shares and deliver them, and the short seller still gets real shares to give back, so also great! (If the shares were lent to the short seller in question in the first place, they will end up owing each other the same amount of shares when the lender recalls, so it just cancels out. If it was lent to a different short seller, the other short seller is now forced to cover to deliver them.)
What did we learn?
  • No matter how many shares are sold short, not all shares must be bought to cover. The number of shares outstanding (almost 70M for GME) will not be bought back in the end.
  • It doesn't matter to the short sellers which shares they buy, they just have to buy the same amount as they sold short.
  • Even shares that are lent out can be bought to cover, it just means that the lender who sells them must recall the shares, which will force more shares to be covered.

🚀 Will I get to sell my shares at any price I want?

Simple answer: No. Unless you personally own all shares outstanding, the price you'll be able to sell at depends on others.
This is not easy to explain in a sentence or two, and I actually wrote an entire DD on the subject a few days ago, but I'll give you the essence of it here.
I already concluded above in the section "Do the short sellers have to buy back every single share?" that they don't. This means, for example, that if you set your price to a trillion dollars, and everybody else are willing to sell for 100 million, you will never get to sell your share, no matter how many shares are sold short. As I tried to explain using the 4-step illustration, short selling adds shares to the original shares outstanding. Simply put, this means that no matter how many shares are sold short, 70M shares (the number of shares outstanding) will not be bought back when the short sellers cover. For example, if 100M shares are sold short, then there will be 170M shares "out there" owned by some person or entity, and any of those 170M shares could be put up for sale, and the short sellers must only buy 100M of those to cover all their positions. If all shareholders simultaneously offered their shares for sale at the price they desired for each share, and all the short sellers bought all the shares they needed to cover, the 70M most expensive shares would not be bought. By this simple observation, one could assume that the peak price of the squeeze will be determined by the 70 millionth most expensive share among all shareholders (but it's not that simple, at least there's a lot of psychology involved as well).
But not only apes will be holding those 70M shares! Some shares will never be put up for sale, at least not under normal circumstances. We can only speculate on how many shares are truly "locked up", but I would say that it's safe to assume that Ryan Cohen won't be selling any of his 9M shares any time soon, ETFs have specific rules and dates to do their rebalancing, market makers are holding shares for hedging, and many big whales are holding shares for the long run, and don't really care for the "mood swings" of the market. All this will significantly contribute to the squeeze, as the short seller must buy back a larger portion of the shares that are available on the market, at the very least, this will significantly raise the price of the 70M most expensive shares, and thus increase the peak of the squeeze.
But what if the entire float is held by someone who refuses to sell?
The diamond handed apes are what separates GME from anything previously seen in the history of squeezing. We have already established that the most expensive shares will determine the peak of the squeeze, and just holding shares will definitely contribute massively to the squeeze. But if all the shares outstanding were held by truly diamond handed apes (together with insiders like Ryan Cohen, ETFs, and possibly some funds and long whales), who simply refuse to sell their shares, THAT is when the short sellers would be in REAL trouble! This would mean that there would be less shares available than they need to cover, and they would be forced to buy every single remaining share, no matter the price, and would still not be able to cover! This is often referred to as an infinite squeeze. This would truly be the Mother Of All Short Squeezes (MOASS), I'm even willing to put a few extra MO's in front of that! If you really want to squeeze those Shits, this is the scenario you should aim for.
Is the infinite squeeze a realistic scenario?
I cannot factually answer this question. There are just too many factors involved, and too little reliable data to accurately estimate these factors, the most important factor being how many shares are actually held by retail investors, and how many of those actually have true diamond hands. (Unfortunately, this is a scenario many apes out there are already taking for granted, like in this post which is trending today, but this is dangerous thinking!) In my opinion, a literal infinite squeeze can never happen. At some point, the price will reach levels where even the most diamond handed ape, insider or investor would sell. So the infinite squeeze is more like an utopia than a realistic scenario, if you ask me.
But in my last DD titled "The MOASS is inevitable!" I argued that even with very conservative estimates, it seems very likely that retail does own the entire float, quite possibly even all shares outstanding. We can't say for sure how much retail owns, and we can't say how diamond handed the average retail investor will be when this starts to squeeze. But apes don't need to own everything, and the short interest does not have to be several hundred percent, for this to squeeze extremely hard. In fact, what I sincerely believe is that this will squeeze harder than anything we've ever seen! The squeeze will just keep going as long as retail continues to control the float, by holding. And every share with a "ridiculous" price target will increase the peak of the squeeze!
And there's one important thing to notice here: this does not really depend that much on how big the short interest is! A higher short interest simply means that more shares must be bought, but the infinite squeeze could happen with just a single share sold short! The most important factor is how many shares that are held by diamond hands!
What did we learn?
  • This will squeeze harder than anything we've ever seen! Even by conservative estimates, the numbers say we're in for a massive squeeze!
  • Still, you can't just "name your price", the 70M most expensive shares will never be bought. If you set your price at 1 trillion, you simply won't get to sell.

🚀 What is the best exit strategy?

One of my favorite movie scenes is from "A Beautiful Mind" when John Nash (Russel Crowe) realizes that "the best result will come from everyone in the group doing what's best for themselves AND for the group". This "Equilibrium Game Theory" is highly relevant here. If all apes acted to maximize the gains only for themselves, everyone would just try to sell before everyone else, because in the end, 70M shares will not be bought, and nobody would want to be left bagholding any of those. The result would be that this would never squeeze at all, and nobody would get any tendies. On the other hand, if nobody thought of themselves, nobody would sell, but keep holding to maintain the squeeze, and even if this would become the biggest squeeze ever, nobody would get any tendies, because nobody sold. The point is, if apes want max tendies, apes need to find the middle ground between looking out for themselves, and looking out for the group.
I can't tell you what to do with your money, and your shares, and you're ultimately on your own when it comes to the decision to sell. What I can say is that this squeeze will only reach its full potential by holding as many shares as possible for as long as possible. The peak of the squeeze will be determined collectively, and all apes will benefit the most from collectively holding on to all shares as long as possible.

💎💎💎My theory is that apes collectively will maximize their profits if they aim to keep holding most of their shares to the very end, and only sell off a small fraction of their shares AFTER they believe it has peaked! 💎💎💎

We know that the more shares that are kept off the market, the harder this will squeeze. It will be tempting to start selling off shares quite early to secure some profits, cover the original investment, etc., but if all apes do this, it will significantly reduce the squeeze! By continuing to hold on to all shares, the squeeze will probably peak literally more than 10 times higher, which means that apes can sell less than 10% of their shares for the same number of tendies, and apes will still have more than 90% of the shares left to keep the squeeze going! I mean, instead of selling 10 shares at 100k to get 1M, it is FAR BETTER for both you and for other apes if you sell one share at 1M and have 9 shares left! This will maintain the squeeze for much longer, and make sure all apes get serious tendies! With the 90% remaining shares, each ape can then wait to see if it squeezes even higher, or slowly sell on the way down, without causing the price to plummet, or just keep them because the ape already got tendies, and the ape likes the stock!
Say the price peaks at 1M, and an ape with 10 shares sells 1 share at 1M, and then one share every time the price is halved, the ape will then end up with (1M + 500k + 250k + 125k + ...) ≈ 2M! That's a doubling, using probably the most relaxed strategy there is, and without causing any harm to fellow apes!
Even if you don't completely buy my theory, I believe there are some general guidelines that will benefit both you and all other apes when the time comes to sell:
  • Never sell on the way up! Selling on the way up will take fuel from the rocket, reduce the squeeze, reduce the peak, and ultimately reduce your own returns. Every share you sell before the true peak is reached will reduce the peak. Only start selling when you believe the peak has been reached!
  • Be prepared for some turbulence! The way to the highest peak will probably not be a straight line, and dips are to be expected even after the rocket has launched. (Just imagine what it would look like if a major whale decides to cash in at a point. The price would stagnate or even dip significantly, but the squeeze won't be over until the apes say it's over!)
  • Never sell all at once! If you sell off your entire position at once, not only will you ease the squeeze, and contribute to a plummeting price, you may also miss out on the true peak.
  • Sell as slowly as you can! If you sell only a small fraction of your shares at a time, you will help maintain the peak of the squeeze for as long as possible, and help your fellow apes get some tendies as well.
  • Believe in the MOASS! Lack of faith is what causes paper handing and panic selling. The squeeze is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You decide when to stop squeezing using your shares!
  • Trust your fellow apes! Apes together strong! In the end, squeezing those Shits is a collective effort, and the peak of the squeeze will be determined by the collective effort of all apes. If you trust that your fellow apes are holding, you will hold too!
  • Don't listen to anyone saying the squeeze is over until it is over! The MSM, maybe even our subs, will be overrun by people telling you to "cash in before it's too late", or anything that will convince you that the squeeze is over, and all other apes are selling. Don't you dare believe them! Stay calm, stick to your plan, and follow all the above guidelines. This is not over until it's over!
If you want to read more about exit strategy, I recommend Warden's post. You will also find more links in the compilation of all DD in GME.
What did we learn?
  • As always, the best an ape can do is to HOLD!
  • If you skipped it, scroll up a little and read the part with all those big diamonds!

🚀 Thank you for reading (or at least scrolling) to the bottom!

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2021.04.08 11:46 BinBender From fake shares to millionaires! 🚀 Common misconceptions and questions explained for apes! 🦍 + My theory for the best exit strategy! 💎🚀🌙

From fake shares to millionaires! 🚀 Common misconceptions and questions explained for apes! 🦍 + My theory for the best exit strategy! 💎🚀🌙
Okay fellow apes, I see a lot of confusion and worries about all sorts of stuff, especially all this mess with real, fake and synthetic shares, what exactly short sellers need to do to cover, and also when it comes to selling your shares, a topic we don't discuss too much, because apes only know how to BUY and HODL! 💎🤲🏼
I'll try to clear up some confusion, point out some common misconceptions, answer some questions, and in the end present my theory for the best exit strategy!
This post is for all apes. I'll do my best to explain stuff in a way that even smooth-brained apes may be able to follow, but I also dive a little deeper here and there, for the more wrinkle-brained apes who are interested in the deets.

🚀 Topics I will cover:

  • Are my shares real?
  • Is there any point in buying more shares when there are no real shares left?
  • Can short sellers cover using fake/counterfeit shares?
  • How can there be more than 100% of the float/shares sold short? (And is it possible without naked shorting?)
  • How do the short sellers keep up the naked shorting?
  • Do the short sellers have to buy every single share to cover?
  • Will I get to sell my shares at any price I want?
  • What is the best exit strategy?

But where's the TLDR?

I will not provide a TLDR, but I will throw in some bullet points to summarize each question along the way. If you read the bullet points, you should get the essence of it.
If you think you know the answer to all of the above questions, I suggest you just look for the bullet points, and see if you agree. If you don't, you can read more, if you still don't agree, we can have an interesting conversation in the comment section.
At least scroll down and read the part with the big diamonds! (Near the bottom.)

A note on terminology

I hate the very idea of short selling, and often use the derogatory term 'Shit' when referring to a short seller, and pretend it's an abbreviation for 'Short selling Hedge fund, Investor or Trader' or some BS like that. Other than that, I'll try to define each abbreviation where I use them.

🚀 Are my shares real?

I'll use the following 4-step illustrating to explain this stuff. (You don't need to understand all of it, I'll explain every step eventually.)

4-step illustration of short selling
Step 1: There are 70M shares issued by the company (the shares outstanding), no shares are sold short, and no apes are confused.
Step 2: Some Shits come and borrow a bunch of shares and sell them! Whoa! Who owns the shares now? Are there any fake shares? Apes be confuse!
First, those who bought from the Shits get the actual, real shares. The Shits didn't have any shares, and still has no shares. The tricky part is the ones who lent the shares. If they file their holdings to the SEC at this point, they would actually still list these shares in their holdings, just as they would before they were lent out. In fact, if all shareholders were to report their positions at this point, and 40M shares were borrowed and sold short, then a total of 70M+40M=110M shares would be reported as being owned, even though there are only 70M real shares! In this way, short selling adds shares to the pool of shares on the market.
But since the shares were lent out, the lenders don't actually have the shares. For example, they will not be allowed to use their shares to vote at the annual shareholders' meeting. But they still own the right to the shares, more specifically, they have the right to recall them at any time they want. Recalling is the lender saying "Hey, Shit! Give me my shares back!" and the Shit has no choice but to do so. A lender will usually only recall their shares if they plan to use them for voting, or if they want to sell them. Note that lenders are free to sell their shares at any time, since they can just recall them to deliver them to the buyer!
The Shit, however, does not have to get the same shares back when they are recalled, since all shares on the market are interchangeable. The Shit may go and buy shares in the market, or find someone else to borrow them from, to get their hands on real shares to give back to the lender.
(The terminology here is really confusing, but many would call the lenders' shares "synthetic" at this point. But the term "synthetic shares" can mean a number of other things too, so if I just called them synthetic, a horde of apes would spam the comment section screaming "That's not what synthetic shares are!", so I will try to refer to them simply as "lent".)
What did we learn?
  • If you bought shares, you own real shares! (Unless your broker lends out your shares.)
  • The lenders don't own any actual shares, but have the right to recall them, and are free to sell them at any time. They just have to recall them when they sell.
  • Short selling increases the number of shares on the market, both the lender and the buyer will report that they own them.

🚀 Is there any point in buying more shares when there are no real shares left?

Simple answer: Yes!
The "no real shares left" part is actually a myth. From the above lesson, we learned that the shares being sold are the real shares. If they originate from someone lending them for shorting, the lender is stuck with "fake" shares, not the buyer! As a buyer, you will never know where your shares came from, you only know that you own the shares. In a way, you could rather say that only the real shares are left to buy.
What did we learn?
  • There are always real shares left. If you buy shares, you always get real shares.

🚀 Can short sellers cover using fake/counterfeit shares?

Simple answer: No, that's just not possible.
Many apes have asked me, that with all their trickery, isn't it possible that those Shits may cover their shorts using fake or counterfeit shares? I have read many suggestions on how people imagine the Shits could trick their way out of all of this, but all the suggestions have some flaw(s), based on a lack of understanding of either the basic principles of shorting, or the technicalities regarding how trades are actually executed. At best, the suggested scam only moves the responsibility to deliver the shares around, and/or extends the deadline to deliver them, and this kind of behavior is observed with GME. But this is like tossing a hot potato around, the potato doesn't disappear until someone swallows it.
The simple truth is that the only way to really cover a short sale is to deliver back an actual share to the lender. (Only exception to this rule is if the lender sells their shares to the very same Shit that borrowed them, in which case they will end up owing each other the same amount of shares, and the short sale is closed without any shares changing hands. This is like paying for a book you never returned to the library.)
What did we learn?
  • The only way to cover a short position is to deliver a real share to the lender, or buy the share from the lender.

🚀 How can there be more than 100% of the float/shares sold short? (And is it possible without naked shorting?)

Some people claim that any shares sold short after the entire float is shorted are "fake" or "counterfeit" or something like that, you even see apes who provide otherwise excellent DD say something like this from time to time. This is simply not true!
Let's look at the illustration from the beginning of the post again. In step 2, 40M shares were borrowed and sold short, and we'll assume that these were all the shares that were available for borrowing at this point. The remaining 30M shares are held by someone who does not allow their shares to be borrowed. After step 2, these 30M real shares remain, but there are also 40M real shares that are now held by "new owners", and they may very well want to lend their shares! (Remember, they don't know if their shares originated from a short sale or a long sale, all they know is that they bought the shares, and can do with them as they please.) Let's say 25M of these 40M become available to be borrowed, and 15M don't. (We're now at Step 3 in the illustration.) 65M shares are sold short, this is almost all of the shares outstanding, and significantly more than the float (usually the float for GME is estimated to be around 45M shares). But in theory, this process could go on indefinitely, as long as new buyers allow their shares to be lent. If more than 5M of the 25M shares sold short in step 3 were borrowed and sold short again, there would be more than the shares outstanding sold short, without any shady business!
At this point I'll throw in some mafs, just so you'll assume my brain has wrinkles, and you'll accept everything I say as the absolute truth.
If X is the fraction of shareholders who allow their shares to be borrowed, and this fraction is the same for "new buyers", then the theoretical limit L for how much of the shares that may be borrowed and sold short is given by:
L = (X + X2 + X3 + X4 + ...) = X / (1-X)
If X = 0.2 (only 20% of all shares are available to be borrowed), we get:
L = 0.2 / (1 - 0.2) = 0.25, or 25%
meaning 25% of all shares can be sold short.
If X = 0.8 (as much as 80% of all shares are available to be borrowed), we get:
L = 0.8 / (1 - 0.8) = 4, or 400%
meaning all shares could be shorted 4 times before running out of shares to borrow!
(This is very simplified. Different kinds of owners, like insideres, institutions and ETFs, have vastly different likelihood of lending their shares.)
What did we learn?
  • In theory, **the entire float could be shorted many times over without breaking any rules (**without naked shorting), as long as enough shareholders are willing to lend out their shares.
  • Since not all shareholders allow their shares to be borrowed, the short sellers will at some point run out of shareholders to borrow from, and can only keep selling short if they resort to naked shorting. (This is illegal, but those Shits still do it).

🚀 How do the short sellers keep up the naked shorting?

Many big actors on Wall Street, including our "beloved" Shitadel (Citadel Securities LLC, a huge hedge fund that largely bases their business on short selling), have been fined multiple times for playing dirty, but they don't stop. They just consider the fines "the cost of doing business" and continue to fuck over everyone they can squeeze a cent out of. The simple fact is that naked shorting, even though illegal, occurs on a daily basis, partly because the rules allow for too much slack, partly because Shits don't give a fuck. Evidence points to this happening on a massive scale with GME. But how does it work? This is insanely complicated, so I'll only scratch the surface on this one, but it will still be a wall of text.
When you buy shares, it usually looks like you get the shares immediately in your trading account. But in reality, all trades are actually executed (or "cleared") on the second business day after the trade occurred, denoted T+2. This basically means that the buyer (or the broker) has two days to come up with the cash, and the seller has two days to deliver the shares. Almost all trades are executed through a clearing house (DTCC). When you buy a share, the trade is sent to the clearing house, who issues an IOU, a "fake share" to the buyer, which is more or less just a promise that a share will be delivered. Then they wait for the seller to actually deliver the share within T+2 days. Once the share is delivered, money goes to the seller, and the share goes to the buyer. All this happens "in the background", you'll never know if you have a real share or an IOU assigned to you, but you should assume that your newly bought shares are only IOUs for the first three days (the day you bought them and the following two business days). So, even if nothing shady is going on, there are always millions of "fake shares" (IOUs) out there, simply because millions of shares change hands every day, and trades aren't cleared yet. But without short selling, an IOU is always paired with a real share in the seller's account, it is simply not delivered yet.
The problems only start when shares are sold short, and the seller hasn't bothered to borrow them. (This is Step 4 in the illustration.) The Shits don't worry about such tiny, insignificant details like owning what they sell, and the rules only say they must think it is probable that they will find the shares somewhere in time. If the short seller is unable to borrow shares, the seller will fail to deliver the shares in time, which will make DTCC really upset, and they may even start crying. (Or they may revoke some of the Shit's short selling privileges until they deliver the shares, or even go buy the shares in the market on their own to force the seller to close the short sale, and bill the seller for any losses, or something like that. Boring stuff, who cares, point is that:) Nobody wants that!
So what do the Shits do in this situation? Do they realize they had no right to sell those shares in the first place, and buy the shares back to close their position, like any reasonable person would? Of course not! They go to a market maker and says "Hey, if I give you a little cash, could you pretend for a while that you sold me some shares?" The market makers, whose primary task is to provide option contracts to those who want them, have more privileges than most, which is intended to maintain the liquidity of the options market, i.e. to make sure anyone can buy options when they want. And of course, if they can make some money by exploiting these privileges, many market makers are happy to oblige. Now this is really complicated, but if you feel you have enough wrinkles in your brain for it, you can read this post to learn exactly how they do it. I'll just try to give you the general idea of how they pull it off:
A Shit sells a share short. Shit now has two days to deliver a share to DTCC. Two days later, the Shit still doesn't have the share. The shit goes to a market maker (MM), and they agree that for a small premium, the MM will sell a share to the Shit, so the Shit can deliver it to the DTCC, but the Shit must in return also sell a share to the MM. (They do this using options and some trickery, to camouflage what they are up to.) The trade saying the Shit bought a share from the MM is sent to the DTCC, and the deadline from the short sale is considered met, and DTCC is happy. The MM now owes a share to the DTCC, but then the trade saying the Shit sold a share to the MM is also sent to the DTCC. Now the MM both owes a share and is owed a share, so this cancels out, the MM has done their job and earned some quick bucks, and is now out of the picture. But the Shit still owes one share to the DTCC, the one sold to the MM, and has a new deadline of two days to deliver it, since this is a new trade. Final result: the same amount of shares is owed to the same people from the same people, but the deadline is extended. In this way, the Shit is able to kick the can down the road. This process can be repeated almost indefinitely, as long as the Shit can pay off the MM to keep doing this, and in some cases, they are able to extend the deadline a lot more than two days at a time.
If you still didn't understand anything, it's okay, just know that the Shits are able to extend the deadline for delivering shares after naked short sales, by paying off (bribing) market makers who are in on it, by doing some tricks with options, etc. (This is what all the "deep ITM options" talk is all about.) It costs the Shits money to keep this up, but less than buying shares when the price has gone up a lot. This stuff is illegal, not too well hidden, and new rules recently issued by DTCC has also made it a lot more difficult to keep up. (Some posters here have claimed that it will soon be impossible to keep this up, and some have already pointed out a decline of volume for deep ITM options, but we'll just have to wait and see. They know many tricks, those Shits...)
So short selling creates "fake shares", shares that are only promised to be delivered, but who gets them? Well, nobody and everybody. The DTCC does. You see, the DTCC doesn't keep track of every single share and every single shareholder in a one-to-one relationship like you may imagine. Shares are just like money in this sense, completely interchangeable. You can think of it like the DTCC simply has a record of all the shareholders who should have shares, as well of records of who owes shares, and who is owed shares. Like you may go to the bank and withdraw cash from your account, you can get your shares from the DTCC when you need them, e.g. when you sell your shares. And just like your Bank won't have enough cash in their vaults to match the value of all their deposit accounts, the DTCC won't always have enough shares to match the positions of all shareholders combined. And just like the liquidity of your bank is nothing you ever need to worry about, how DTCC does all their transactions is not anything you need to worry about! Just know that you can sell your shares whenever you want, and you will get the money for them, no matter how many "fake shares" there may be in existence. This business with fake shares, naked shorting, etc. may in the end cause huge losses for many "innocent" parties when this rocket lifts off, like the DTCC and their members, but never for the shareholders! I won't go into any details, but there are a number of mechanisms in place to ensure this. The shareholders are the most protected party in all of this mess.
What did we learn?
  • There are always lots of "fake" shares out there, called IOUs, simply because of the way trades are executed.
  • Naked short selling creates more "fake" shares (IOUs), but the short sellers have a deadline to deliver actual shares.
  • Short sellers are able to pay off market makers to help them extend this deadline again and again, pretty much indefinitely, as long as they can afford it. This is illegal, but definitely happening.
  • You don't ever have to worry about whether you own real or "fake" shares. You can always sell your shares, and will always get your money for them.

🚀 Do the short sellers have to buy back every single share?

Simple answer: No, just the same amount as they sold short.
This quickly gets a bit complicated, but I'll do my best to explain. For short sellers to close their position, or "cover" as it is often referred to, they must deliver back real shares to whomever they borrowed from. If they borrowed and sold 10M shares, they must buy 10M shares and give them back. If they shorted 100M, they must buy back 100M. And in the end, when all Shits have covered, there will be 70M shares left, the same amount that was issued in the first place. But even if the float has been shorted several times, it is still very possible that some shares are not involved in this process at all!
At step 3 in the illustration, there are 135M shares on the market, and they have to get it back down to 70M as in step 1 to cover all their positions. Suppose the Shits do the exact reverse of step 3 and 2 (in that order) in the illustration. Now all shorts are covered, and all is well, but note that the 30M shares that was not lent out in step 2 were never involved in the process of shorting and covering. And the 40M shares that were lent out to be sold short in step 2 were held by the same people the whole time (the lenders), and were not bought back. This sums up to 70M shares (the total number of shares outstanding) that were not bought to cover! Even if the entire float was shorted many times over, some portion of the shares may never be involved in this process at all, and 70M shares (the number of originally issued shares) will never be bought to cover. If the Shits have shorted more than the float, this simply means they have to buy back some shares more than once. More specifically, they must buy some shares and return to one lender, then buy shares from this lender to give to another lender, and so on, until all lenders have gotten their shares back.
It doesn't matter to the short sellers which shares they buy to cover. If they buy real shares, then great! If they buy shares that have been lent out, the lender must recall the shares and deliver them, and the short seller still gets real shares to give back, so also great! (If the shares were lent to the short seller in question in the first place, they will end up owing each other the same amount of shares when the lender recalls, so it just cancels out. If it was lent to a different short seller, the other short seller is now forced to cover to deliver them.)
What did we learn?
  • No matter how many shares are sold short, not all shares must be bought to cover. The number of shares outstanding (almost 70M for GME) will not be bought back in the end.
  • It doesn't matter to the short sellers which shares they buy, they just have to buy the same amount as they sold short.
  • Even shares that are lent out can be bought to cover, it just means that the lender who sells them must recall the shares, which will force more shares to be covered.

🚀 Will I get to sell my shares at any price I want?

Simple answer: No. Unless you personally own all shares outstanding, the price you'll be able to sell at depends on others.
This is not easy to explain in a sentence or two, and I actually wrote an entire DD on the subject a few days ago, but I'll give you the essence of it here.
I already concluded above in the section "Do the short sellers have to buy back every single share?" that they don't. This means, for example, that if you set your price to a trillion dollars, and everybody else are willing to sell for 100 million, you will never get to sell your share, no matter how many shares are sold short. As I tried to explain using the 4-step illustration, short selling adds shares to the original shares outstanding. Simply put, this means that no matter how many shares are sold short, 70M shares (the number of shares outstanding) will not be bought back when the short sellers cover. For example, if 100M shares are sold short, then there will be 170M shares "out there" owned by some person or entity, and any of those 170M shares could be put up for sale, and the short sellers must only buy 100M of those to cover all their positions. If all shareholders simultaneously offered their shares for sale at the price they desired for each share, and all the short sellers bought all the shares they needed to cover, the 70M most expensive shares would not be bought. By this simple observation, one could assume that the peak price of the squeeze will be determined by the 70 millionth most expensive share among all shareholders (but it's not that simple, at least there's a lot of psychology involved as well).
But not only apes will be holding those 70M shares! Some shares will never be put up for sale, at least not under normal circumstances. We can only speculate on how many shares are truly "locked up", but I would say that it's safe to assume that Ryan Cohen won't be selling any of his 9M shares any time soon, ETFs have specific rules and dates to do their rebalancing, market makers are holding shares for hedging, and many big whales are holding shares for the long run, and don't really care for the "mood swings" of the market. All this will significantly contribute to the squeeze, as the short seller must buy back a larger portion of the shares that are available on the market, at the very least, this will significantly raise the price of the 70M most expensive shares, and thus increase the peak of the squeeze.
But what if the entire float is held by someone who refuses to sell?
The diamond handed apes are what separates GME from anything previously seen in the history of squeezing. We have already established that the most expensive shares will determine the peak of the squeeze, and just holding shares will definitely contribute massively to the squeeze. But if all the shares outstanding were held by truly diamond handed apes (together with insiders like Ryan Cohen, ETFs, and possibly some funds and long whales), who simply refuse to sell their shares, THAT is when the short sellers would be in REAL trouble! This would mean that there would be less shares available than they need to cover, and they would be forced to buy every single remaining share, no matter the price, and would still not be able to cover! This is often referred to as an infinite squeeze. This would truly be the Mother Of All Short Squeezes (MOASS), I'm even willing to put a few extra MO's in front of that! If you really want to squeeze those Shits, this is the scenario you should aim for.
Is the infinite squeeze a realistic scenario?
I cannot factually answer this question. There are just too many factors involved, and too little reliable data to accurately estimate these factors, the most important factor being how many shares are actually held by retail investors, and how many of those actually have true diamond hands. (Unfortunately, this is a scenario many apes out there are already taking for granted, like in this post which is trending today, but this is dangerous thinking!) In my opinion, a literal infinite squeeze can never happen. At some point, the price will reach levels where even the most diamond handed ape, insider or investor would sell. So the infinite squeeze is more like an utopia than a realistic scenario, if you ask me.
But in my last DD titled "The MOASS is inevitable!" I argued that even with very conservative estimates, it seems very likely that retail does own the entire float, quite possibly even all shares outstanding. We can't say for sure how much retail owns, and we can't say how diamond handed the average retail investor will be when this starts to squeeze. But apes don't need to own everything, and the short interest does not have to be several hundred percent, for this to squeeze extremely hard. In fact, what I sincerely believe is that this will squeeze harder than anything we've ever seen! The squeeze will just keep going as long as retail continues to control the float, by holding. And every share with a "ridiculous" price target will increase the peak of the squeeze!
And there's one important thing to notice here: this does not really depend that much on how big the short interest is! A higher short interest simply means that more shares must be bought, but the infinite squeeze could happen with just a single share sold short! The most important factor is how many shares that are held by diamond hands!
What did we learn?
  • This will squeeze harder than anything we've ever seen! Even by conservative estimates, the numbers say we're in for a massive squeeze!
  • Still, you can't just "name your price", the 70M most expensive shares will never be bought. If you set your price at 1 trillion, you simply won't get to sell.

🚀 What is the best exit strategy?

One of my favorite movie scenes is from "A Beautiful Mind" when John Nash (Russel Crowe) realizes that "the best result will come from everyone in the group doing what's best for themselves AND for the group". This "Equilibrium Game Theory" is highly relevant here. If all apes acted to maximize the gains only for themselves, everyone would just try to sell before everyone else, because in the end, 70M shares will not be bought, and nobody would want to be left bagholding any of those. The result would be that this would never squeeze at all, and nobody would get any tendies. On the other hand, if nobody thought of themselves, nobody would sell, but keep holding to maintain the squeeze, and even if this would become the biggest squeeze ever, nobody would get any tendies, because nobody sold. The point is, if apes want max tendies, apes need to find the middle ground between looking out for themselves, and looking out for the group.
I can't tell you what to do with your money, and your shares, and you're ultimately on your own when it comes to the decision to sell. What I can say is that this squeeze will only reach its full potential by holding as many shares as possible for as long as possible. The peak of the squeeze will be determined collectively, and all apes will benefit the most from collectively holding on to all shares as long as possible.

💎💎💎My theory is that apes collectively will maximize their profits if they aim to keep holding most of their shares to the very end, and only sell off a small fraction of their shares AFTER they believe it has peaked! 💎💎💎

We know that the more shares that are kept off the market, the harder this will squeeze. It will be tempting to start selling off shares quite early to secure some profits, cover the original investment, etc., but if all apes do this, it will significantly reduce the squeeze! By continuing to hold on to all shares, the squeeze will probably peak literally more than 10 times higher, which means that apes can sell less than 10% of their shares for the same number of tendies, and apes will still have more than 90% of the shares left to keep the squeeze going! I mean, instead of selling 10 shares at 100k to get 1M, it is FAR BETTER for both you and for other apes if you sell one share at 1M and have 9 shares left! This will maintain the squeeze for much longer, and make sure all apes get serious tendies! With the 90% remaining shares, each ape can then wait to see if it squeezes even higher, or slowly sell on the way down, without causing the price to plummet, or just keep them because the ape already got tendies, and the ape likes the stock!
Say the price peaks at 1M, and an ape with 10 shares sells 1 share at 1M, and then one share every time the price is halved, the ape will then end up with (1M + 500k + 250k + 125k + ...) ≈ 2M! That's a doubling, using probably the most relaxed strategy there is, and without causing any harm to fellow apes!
Even if you don't completely buy my theory, I believe there are some general guidelines that will benefit both you and all other apes when the time comes to sell:
  • Never sell on the way up! Selling on the way up will take fuel from the rocket, reduce the squeeze, reduce the peak, and ultimately reduce your own returns. Every share you sell before the true peak is reached will reduce the peak. Only start selling when you believe the peak has been reached!
  • Be prepared for some turbulence! The way to the highest peak will probably not be a straight line, and dips are to be expected even after the rocket has launched. (Just imagine what it would look like if a major whale decides to cash in at a point. The price would stagnate or even dip significantly, but the squeeze won't be over until the apes say it's over!)
  • Never sell all at once! If you sell off your entire position at once, not only will you ease the squeeze, and contribute to a plummeting price, you may also miss out on the true peak.
  • Sell as slowly as you can! If you sell only a small fraction of your shares at a time, you will help maintain the peak of the squeeze for as long as possible, and help your fellow apes get some tendies as well.
  • Believe in the MOASS! Lack of faith is what causes paper handing and panic selling. The squeeze is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You decide when to stop squeezing using your shares!
  • Trust your fellow apes! Apes together strong! In the end, squeezing those Shits is a collective effort, and the peak of the squeeze will be determined by the collective effort of all apes. If you trust that your fellow apes are holding, you will hold too!
  • Don't listen to anyone saying the squeeze is over until it is over! The MSM, maybe even our subs, will be overrun by people telling you to "cash in before it's too late", or anything that will convince you that the squeeze is over, and all other apes are selling. Don't you dare believe them! Stay calm, stick to your plan, and follow all the above guidelines. This is not over until it's over!
If you want to read more about exit strategy, I recommend Warden's post. You will also find more links in the compilation of all DD in GME.
What did we learn?
  • As always, the best an ape can do is to HOLD!
  • If you skipped it, scroll up a little and read the part with all those big diamonds!

🚀 Thank you for reading (or at least scrolling) to the bottom!

TADR(Too Ape; Didn't Read):

Buy and HODL! 💎🤲🏼🦍🚀🌙

submitted by BinBender to GME [link] [comments]

2020.03.18 13:37 Fiishman Volleyball Mythbusters!

Welcome to Mythbusters: Volleyball Edition!
Like most anything on the internet, there is a lot of “knowledge” around volleyball that you’ve maybe heard in person or seen online that maybe you’re wondering the validity of. How many times have you been told to snap your wrists if you hit goes flying out the back of the court? How many arguments have you gotten into with someone who said that your set was a double because it spun? In this post, I’m going to try to answer some commonly asked and controversial questions we see around the community. Let’s begin.

Myth #1: To get better topsin when hitting or to hit the ball in, snap your wrist

This is one of the most common pieces of advice that gets thrown around anytime someone is struggling to bring the ball down into the court. “Just snap your wrist”. I hear it from newer players, veterans, and everyone in between. But just what is the truth on this?
In reality, snapping your wrist will not get you better topspin for a better hit. On a powerful hit (aka not a rollshot or something), snapping your wrist does not impart significant enough spin to change the trajectory of the ball. The contact time of the hand and ball is simply too quick to matter. So what exactly can you do to get topspin on the ball? How can you get your ball to land in the court and not 5 bricks up the back wall?
This graphic shows a basic breakdown of how to generate topspin. Topspin is generated by hitting through the ball above the center of gravity IN RELATION TO THE DIRECTION OF MOTION OF THE BALL. I do mention that this is all in relation to direction of motion because I don’t want you to imagine “above” as being “above” relative to the parallel plane of the ground. For instance, in the bottom 3 images, the direction of motion of the ball would be almost straight down on the left-most image, about 45 degrees downward in the middle image, and relatively straight or a few degrees upward in the right-most image.
So now that you can do a killer topspin, how come your balls are still landing out of bounds or aren’t bouncing as sharp as you would like? Topspin isn’t going to make a huge difference if you’re looking to hit downward more. It can if you’re hitting from off the net/low position and you’re trying to paint the back line but if you’re already comfortably above the net, and can’t seem to control the ball, topspin won’t do it.
In 99% of cases of someone hitting the ball out constantly or weakly compared to where they should be, the issue is being underneath the ball.
Take a look at this graphic. No amount of topspin is going to save the first hitter. Topspin may save the 2nd one but it’s going to be less powerful than the 3rd hitter. And in the case of the 3rd hitter, no amount of topspin or lack thereof is going to cause the ball to alter path. If you’re struggling to get good power and downward movement even though you’re up above the net, take a look at what your body/arm looks like at the point of contact. Keep that ball in front of you.
So are there situations when snapping your wrist is useful? Definitely but they tend to be unique situations. In offspeed rollshots, snapping your wrist can impart some extra spin on the ball due to the longer contact period between your hand and the ball. It also gives you more control of the ball.. Another situation is when the ball is super tight to the net and you can’t swing through as much as you would like. Changing the angle of your wrist can impact the direction the ball goes and can allow a more downward hit than normal but sacrifices some speed and power.

Myth #2: You should not follow through on your float serve

This one hits close to home because it’s actually how I was taught to serve way back in the day (middle school). In fact, I’m sure many of us were specifically coached to stop your hand at the moment of contact to get that perfect float serve and that’s what we’ve done for years.
In fact, following through on your float allows more powespeed and will still result in a float when done correctly. If you watch any pros or higher level players execute a float, no one will stop right at the ball unless maybe they’re trying to drop it in front of the 10’ line. So why were we all taught to stop our hand at the point of contact?
When learning to float serve, taking away the follow through can let us practice visualizing the point of impact on the ball and get immediate feedback on how our serve went. Learning the way to contact the ball for 0 spin is crucial at this point rather than speed. Once you’re familiar with hitting through the center of gravity of the ball (remember that earlier graphic?), feel free to add follow through and increase the velocity of your serve. You’ll see a huge difference.

Myth #3: Setting should be done with the fingertips

I’m not sure how or why this one gets propagated so much. As a setter, it drives me absolutely bonkers hearing this being taught to young players. In fact, I play with a pretty decent player who coaches varsity at her local high school but her sets are all off of her fingertips and they are just ugly. I have no question that she is teaching her kids the exact same thing.
Setting should be done with as much finger area as possible. The ball should be contacting almost up to the palm on at least 4 of the 5 fingers (some people use pinky, some don’t). Here is a graphic that really highlights how much of your fingers should be touching the ball. This increased surface area drastically increases the control you have over the ball and allows a smoother transition of force from your wrist to the ball.
Here are some more photos of some setters. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Notice how deep the ball sits in their hands and how the fingers contour with the ball to maximize that contact area. There isn’t a single good setter who uses their fingertips to set and neither should you.

Myth #4: Setting mainly comes from the legs

This isn’t really a myth but more of an understanding issue. In short, younger setters who are learning to set will learn to use their legs for power simply because their forearms aren’t developed enough to use their elbows and wrists alone. As setters progress, they will switch to be more forearm/wrist focused. For a setter to jumpset, almost all of the power comes from the forearm/wrist as you can imagine. Hard to use leg power when your legs are just dangling in the air.
Generally, the more advanced a player you are, the less you will rely on your legs. However, this is not to say that good or even great setters never use their legs to power a set. Botched plays, scrambles, and all sorts of miscues can force setters to use their legs to add that extra oomph to their set to get the ball out a bit further.

Myth #5: Passing/serve receive is controlled and powered with the legs

Leg control vs arm control in passing has been a relatively recent shift. The old school of thought was to keep your arms pretty much locked and let your legs control the pass. But if you really think about it, this doesn’t make much sense when we look at how passers have to react and adapt to hits and serves coming in at velocity.
Your arm muscles in general are very highly tuned and can adjust the speed and direction of a ball quicker and more precisely than your legs. Your arms are simply much better suited to take power off or add power to a pass than squatting up and down at different intervals. They can also easily twist and shift for redirects whereas your legs will just kind of clumsily try to turn your entire body. Your arms can also kill the power of a high speed hit or serve when necessary. Try doing that with your arms locked out.
In general, while you can’t neglect your legs when passing obviously, your arms will be the main guiding force behind your bump. They are way more capable than your legs at adjusting passing force and direction.

Myth #6: I need to bend my legs backwards when hitting

If I asked you to draw a person hitting a volleyball, we’d all probably draw something similar to this. The legs will generally be in a bent up position that we all know and love. In fact there are probably very few high level players who don’t look like this photo when smashing a ball into the court but what exactly is going on here?
This “myth” isn’t really a myth but it does pop up as a question that gets asked a lot. Some players are concerned that they don’t look like this photo so they try to consciously bend their legs to look like the picture.
Bending legs midair generally is a “natural” result of broad jumping slightly into your hit and having a solid armswing with a good cocked position. As a player gets more comfortable with hitting from a high position (you do need some form of vertical to have enough time to be loading like this), they should see that their legs automatically bend backwards to counteract the shift in your center of gravity from the “cocking” of the hit. Watching in slow motion, the swing happens in sync with the legs kicking out. All of this combined together equates to a more powerful swing. Imagine if I gave you a huge sledgehammer and told you to do a running jump swing at a target. You’d probably look a little something like this. Same idea really.
In essence, bending your legs is something that will come naturally with a strong approach, decent vert, and solid armswing mechanics. It’s not something that you need to “work on” to improve but if you’re not seeing this in your swing, I would take a look at what part of your approach/swing is lacking.
And no, bending your legs does NOT let you jump higher.

Myth #7: Spin indicates a double contact when setting

This one is probably the most argued over rules in beach volleyball. It’s even bleeding into indoor a little bit but thankfully not much. Good thing this is a very easy myth to bust.
In no official rulebook anywhere, is spin called out as a fault. No rule that says if it spins more than half a rotation, it’s a double. Nada. In fact, the USAV beach volleyball rule states “Rotation of a set ball may indicate a held ball or multiple contacts during the set but in itself is not a fault.”
BUT in reality, without proper officials with good line of sight and a proper understanding of the rules, setting an arbitrary “spin” rule may just be a simple way to self ref amateur games.
Here is a great video that explains the faults in beach setting.

Myth #8: Volleyball shoes are the best shoes for volleyball

One of the most popular questions on this subreddit is “what shoes should I buy?”. If you’ve read these threads, you’ll notice that a lot of people are actually suggesting basketball shoes rather than volleyball shoes. Simply put, the R&D money going into basketball shoes eclipses the money in volleyball shoes. The movements and requirements of both sports are pretty similar with a lot of emphasis on traction, cushioning, and support.
That’s not to say that volleyball specific shoes aren’t great but when researching your next volleyball shoe, take into consideration some basketball models as well. Although at the lower end of the budget ($50-80), it seems like there are more volleyball shoes available.
One issue I’ve noticed with basketball shoes is that because new models come out just about every year and there is such a huge selection, trying on and comparing all the models is quite a pain in the ass. Also, basketball shoes are discontinued and refreshed every year meaning that sometimes the model you want is just impossible to find for a reasonable price.

Myth #9: You are too old to start learning volleyball

Well not right now right now maybe because a lot of gyms and such are shut down but ANYONE can start learning volleyball at any time. Yes you may be behind some of your friends who started earlier but with enough time and effort, it’s possible to get yourself up to a competitive level. Will you make the varsity team with no experience prior? Probably not but hey, you never know unless you try. At worst, you spend a couple of days exercising and at best, you find a new life long passion to pursue.

Myth #10: You can go pro

Frankly? If you’re reading this right now, you probably aren’t going to be able to become a professional player. Pros began training at young ages and even then, they are already the best of the best. And even the best of the best don’t all go pro. If you’re here on Reddit taking advice from chumps like me, chances are, you’re not going pro. Sorry.

Myth #11: Haikyuu! is good

Just kidding. Haikyuu is great. No spoilers please!
submitted by Fiishman to volleyball [link] [comments]

2018.11.03 23:34 Hazard_GL Boot Camp Special: 7* Knight Delita

At the request of Mars, I've put together this unit guide for one of my all-time favorite units, Knight Delita, using Mars' Boot Camp formula. It continues to surprise me that the most memorable character from arguably the best Final Fantasy game ever made is so undervalued as a whole by the community.
Wait, no it doesn't - polls consistently show most fans like FF7 the most, so my faith in humanity has long since been shattered. Moving on!

This post has two purposes:
  1. Educate people about a largely misunderstood unit
  2. Provide a space where people can share builds, strategies, and friend units.
Knight Delita is a man of many talents, and the true hero anti-hero bad-ass of Final Fantasy Tactics. In FFBE, this version of Delita can chain, finish, break, imperil, imbue, and even do a little healing!
Wiki Link



How to Use Knight Delita

I'm going to list these in order of overall usefulness to the average player:
This is the role that I think most people will find Knight Delita shines best in. Build him for ATK and LB fill, max his LB (a must), and use him as your dedicated breaker who finishes on off-turns. Off-turns should be plentiful; between chainers and innate fill, KD's gauge will fill up very quickly. He's a must-have for any boss who can be ATK/MAG/DEF broken.
This was my preferred role when Knight Delita was a 6*, as he was a top tier chainer in terms of damage (no, seriously!) and his LB break was icing on the cake. As a 7*, this same idea is intact, but chaining partners will be even less common.
BreakeSupport Chainer
This is probably Knight Delita's most intriguing, if niche, role. I've found it particularly useful in 10-man trials because breaks are sorely needed and dupe units are banned. Here's how to maximize this role:
This is the role for which I've used him the least, but it is still a very viable strategy. The idea is to use the turns you are not using his LB for support skills. Calamity Border, Cradle of Horns, World Destroyer, Rikku's Pouch, and the like allow KD to fulfill multiple support roles with some efficiency.


As I said in the Pros section, Knight Delita is very easy to gear and has a lot of flexibility. His TMR, Grand Armor, is a MUST for any of these roles, by the way. Gear for each role:
Go back to the Pros section for links to different builds. Knight Delita is very new-player friendly; he doesn't need much gear to reach high ATK and viability.


As I mentioned earlier, Knight Delita works extremely well in the breakefinisher role alongside any two Lightning chainers, most commonly Hyoh. He's also stellar next to his partner in crime, Mercenary Ramza for 10-man domination and shenanigans, and obviously with a dupe Knight Delita for maximum manipulation of nobles.

Knight Delita Mythbusting

This is the section where I address common questions about a unit that I hear in the DHT:
"Knight Delita is a troll unit."
Try again, bucko. This commoner-turned-king not only has BiS TMR and STMRs for your tanks, he can dish out serious damage and save your own team from taking significant damage in return. In fights where you can ATK/MAG break, breakers are more important to your survival than any other role.
"I need to find Knight Delita friends in order for him to come off the bench."
While that's true if you're using him as your main chainer, his LB is so bonkers that in fights where it is usable, there's almost nobody more impactful to have on your squad.
"Gumi blew it by not giving Knight Delita chaining partners."
Myth confirmed! Damn you Gumi; I will be harassing every single employee I can find at Fan Festa until I get the answers I want!

Tips for New Players

Get his TMR and a sword and you're golden. As for enhancements, do all three for chaining, Black Sheep Knight and War Hero for breaking/finishing, and just War hero for support/breaker role.

The Crystal Ball

The Crystal Ball section looks at Knight Delita's future and how he’ll likely fare in the long run. The short of it: as with all units, he will be powercreeped, because that's all Alim knows how to do. But even so, 74% breaks and 100% imperil will be relevant and useful for a long time. If you are only in need of a breaker long term, there are other options: Beatrix, CG Lid, Machina, Loren 7* are all solid choices if you've got them.


Thanks for reading! If I’ve missed anything, please let me know so I can make edits. I am only human, which means I often make mistakes...and Knight Delita's abilities are super-effective against me.
submitted by Hazard_GL to FFBraveExvius [link] [comments]