Sayings that make you laugh


2020.05.20 02:52 radtrashboii MemesThatMakeYouLaugh

You laughin' ass meme lover, you.

2020.07.29 19:38 antisa22 MemesThatMakeMeLaugh

idk man just post some memes that make me laugh

2012.01.14 19:56 jrblast For cute things that make you WTF

I think it's pretty self explanatory. This is for things that are kind of cute, and kind of make you WTF?!?!?!

2024.05.19 09:47 Soup-Cool 31[M4F] UK/Online - Looking for a romantic connection

Hey all hope you're having a great day :)
So like most people i'm missing that special person in my life and it would be really nice to find someone that i can relate to, be 100% honest and open with and generally find my best friend.
Hopefully this would start out as friendship and if we click then we click, open to anyone from anywhere :)
Some stuff about me/hobbies
Video games, this is my biggest hobby by far, i play have an pretty big library of games i play so if you game, there is a high chance we would share stuff we could play, a few games i play often, League(i question it too don't worry) soulsbourne games (unga bunga builds) fallout's, i mainly play pc but have a switch and ps4 too.
TV/Film, if not doing the above, you can find me binge watching shows or films, such as B99, the office HIMYM, GoT (we can discuss how shit the last season was forever), Star Wars, Marvel stuff, SAW.
Animals, i have 2 dogs (yes i'll show you lots of pictures) and in general i love animals so much, so i'll probably spam you with pictures of random animals i think are cute or funny :)
Music, i listen to a wide variety of stuff, from rock and metal to dance/pop some electro swing, rap and other stuff, in general if i like a song i'll listen to it on repeat till i hate it but still listen to it anyway.
I try and be witty and funny most the time, I have a stupid sense of humour but will try and make you laugh most of the time, I can be shy to start with but i open up pretty quickly when i get comfortable with you :)
Don't be shy and hit me up if you think we would get on :)
submitted by Soup-Cool to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:47 Ufratys First Time ACOMAF Reader (ch. 21-25) Thoughts & Impressions

Not much to say here since I wanted to see what happened with the Weaver. Enjoy!
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
These recent cliff hangers have been great so far! Let's hope Feyre taps into her abilities and freezes the Attor’s nuts off. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Ufratys to acotar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:47 jakwen I don’t know how to make friends or how to get a girlfriend

I was originally going to post this is dating_advice but I kept going on into my problems so I think I need some different kind of help (i copy pasted the text I was writing there here, but also kept typing on it.) Halfway through I start talking a lot about my family so that’s not as relevant. Also this is an alt account because I wanted to be anonymous while posting this. I tried formatting it by different issues I guess. I formatted it after writing and i’m on phone (i’m trying to follow the community rules. Lemme know if this is acceptable or not):
(Intro and main topic) ———————————— • As of last year i’m a freshman in college just finishing up the second semester and I haven’t even made a single friend in college. Well I have met and talked to some people but the connection isn’t all too deep. It’s like we would call each other friends because we see each other “sometimes” but it’s not like we hang out for the sake of hanging out if that makes sense. So this entire year of college I haven’t made a single friend. This problem of not being able to approach people extends to my inability to find a girlfriend. I’ve never been in a relationship like that so i’m not even sure I would make a good boyfriend. But I know i’m longing for deeper connections with new friends or a girlfriend. I’ve never tried approaching someone or asking someone to go on a date. Except one time in high school where I thought I had feelings for someone but I’m still unsure I even did. I texted them asking them on a movie date but they said no. It was upsetting a little bit and made things awkward because I was unsure how to talk to them after that but I also wasn’t that worried about it later.
(Why approaching people is hard) ———————————— • Sometimes I think about approaching someone but then I think that there’s no point. The interaction won’t go anywhere besides a couple little back and forths and then we’ll never talk again. Or lots of times never see each other again. Why should I say anything. I end up overthinking like this until the chance is gone. I tend to keep to myself a lot.
(Personal issues I guess) ———————————— • I think I have social anxiety. I don’t like places with a lot of people so it makes approaching even harder because if I say something stupid other people will hear. Since middle school i’ve been conscious of my volume thinking other people might listen in on my conversations with others. It’s easier to talk to people one on one. It made it hard to be myself to the point I didn’t know how to be myself. I acted like other people. Adopting their mannerisms because I thought it would help me fit in. One time I got called out on it and I felt.. despair I guess. They didn’t directly say why I acted like that but they did point out that I acted like someone else specifically they said “you’re not (person’s name)”. I try not to act like others. I feel like I’m a boring person to others because I can be very quiet. I try and balance this by speaking confidently on the rare times I use my voice.
(Why I don’t think I can get a girlfriend or be a good boyfriend) ———————————— • Back tracking to the relationship thing. I also don’t know if i’m even worthy of having a girlfriend. As i’m writing this i’m trying to find the words to defend that sentence because I know everyone is worthy of love and I know that what I wrote is wrong but all I have is the reasons I feel like this. I’m already 18 and I don’t feel like i’ve matured enough to deserve a girlfriend. I’ve never had a job, I don’t have my license, and it’s embarrassing to admit but I live with my grandparents because they live 10 min away from campus. Maybe if I was really good looking or something none of that stuff would matter but i’m just average. Not fat, not muscular, just skinny and kind of short but I am pretty athletic actually but I have asthma (my body is a system of checks and balances). I’m taller than my dad who’s kind of my role-model so that gives me a confidence boost.
(Why i’m grateful for my family/not as relevant) ———————————— • I don’t see my dad a lot (only in the summers) but he’s an amazing father and I want to be just like him when have children someday. I can’t help crying right now. I’m very thankful to all of my caring family. Even if I can’t make friends I know every single one of them will always be there for me. I know not everyone is as lucky with the family they are born into and I cherish the connections I have with them. I’ve been told many times by them that they’d accept me for who I am no matter what. Just recently I had some awful news that was difficult to tell my mother but she didn’t get angry like I thought. She just said calmly that she’s glad I told her and then she comforted me about it. I’m so glad my dad taught me the importance of honesty and owning up to my mistakes quickly. I’m sorry if this is off topic but I just suddenly feel like I need to give them thanks. I will always be connected to my brothers and sisters as we grow older. When I lived with my mom over the school years I always had a best friend but when we drifted more and more apart I felt more alone. I couldn’t make that connection with anyone else again. We’re still friends but I can’t honestly call him my best friend. We were friends in elementary and middle school is when we drifted apart. Still close then but not as close as I thought especially because now we went to the same school(in elementary we didn’t). So i’m very grateful for being able to understand the experience of being an only child when I lived with my mother and the experience of having siblings when I was with my dad. It makes me grateful for my siblings because i know i’ll never be alone in the world. Not truly. My mom eventually gave me sisters when I was 12 and I love them to death.
submitted by jakwen to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:46 WindowsME04 Tech Gijinka Prompt List 2024 is live!

Tech Gijinka Prompt List 2024 is live!
Well here it is, the prompt list for 2024! I think I may have anticipated too much when I had planned this but only like 2 of the 9 people that voted at the discord server gave suggestions to what to put on the list (thanks vistairoha and clementinutile from the Discord server) but at least there were some suggestions as to what should go on it.
The list is kinda learning more towards retro stuff that is lesser known since most art is of newer characters and most of the ones on the list don't have characters, but next year if people agree I can lean that list towards more modern stuff.
The rules are simple: I will allow all sorts of art formats such as music, digital art, literature, handdrawn art, comics and so on but strictly no AI stuff that is machine generated due to the issues with AI stuff in general. I want this to be fun and not just people typing words into a machine. The rules about nsfw, ecchi and CW still apply so if you thing has something sensitive or is ecchi, it must be spoilered and have a CW and no NSFW content.
As for Windows 11 being on the list despite this the discord server not really encouraging the use of the well known Ichika design, I put it on there in hopes people would make their own designs or use one of the designs in this pixiv post that has all the other Windows 11 designs from Futaba:
And btw even though it is 31 days you don't have to follow the 31 days and simply pick and choose what thing you want to do. I won't really stop you from drawing ichika too, just saying before I get accused of stuff :P
submitted by WindowsME04 to OStan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:46 UjraChaman Yamaha FZ FI V3 faulty ABS

Hi folks!
My bike's front break started behaving weirdly within 8-9 months of buying it. When I reported it to the service center, they were like - "sir you might be using front breaks more often, please use back break" and dismissed my complaint. I was tolerating it (it is still tolerable) but I went to the service center (1.5 years after buying the bike) so I asked them once again to check it. Now they are saying that the ABS is faulty and the replacement cost is ~13k. I am completely in shock that a bike which I have been using very safely and getting all the servicing done on time has such a big fault. I searched on the internet and it looks like other people are facing a similar issue. 13k is too much for me. I had bought extended warranty of 5 years but it appears the extended warranty is only for engine. I had an insurance too but it appears the insurance was valid for own damage only for a year and it has expired as well (the document said it is valid for 5 years but apparently the validity is only for 3rd party damage and not own damage). I want to understand that does the company not hold any accountability because the bike is just 1.5 years old, how can such a new bike have a faulty ABS when bikes usually work for 5-10 years. Is there no way i can make the cost cheaper by getting warranty extension or renewal of insurance?
submitted by UjraChaman to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:46 Chemical-Washed Book/chapter release time

I was thinking about the time between releases and being annoyed about it. That lead me to the thought that I could do it faster. This had me ask how long it would take for me to release a new chapter, so I started to think about it. This lead me down a rabbit hole of exponential amounts of work to make the next chapter. If someone dies then they are, obviously not there anymore which could lead to even more exponents. As an example let's say if you take Eiden's deal when you meet him for the time and he kills Daren that theoretically leads to more exponents. Daren isn't there to heal FlowePetal when they get cursed by the orge shaman, they then die. This leads to you not getting saved during the ambush by the apprentice royal guard. It also has Arraka having no where to go when she escapes during the final fight in the end of book one. Might have mixed some details since I have very busy lately.
submitted by Chemical-Washed to Magium [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:45 PatientFrame5052 Am at the same place i was a year ago, physically and mentally, how to win against my own brain??

Sorry for the long paragraph. I don't know which community is right. I am new here.
just to give you a bit of background, yes I changed it a little,
I would appreciate it if any of you take the time to read it. it took a lot to share my problems.
So, um when I was in class 8. We have a board exam that year. So I kinda started my year with a banger. I was studying more attentively. I was being more present in class. I was answering questions. I never answer unless the teacher picks me, which rarely happens. I am a good student. This makes me a bit arrogant, cuz if I got such decent results by not even properly studying, I don't need to stress. So yeah. My year was going super good. And boom covid fucking started. And even tho I was super studying. I am way too lazy too. Now that we were in lockdown. I completely abandoned my books. Forget studying. I was on my phone all day. Like actually all day. To give a bit more info. Class 8 has a board exam. Class 9,10 are studied with the same books, it's where we choose majors like science, commerce, and arts, I was a science student. 11,12 is college and we still have majors like science, commerce, and arts, still choose science. After that is uni. Class 8,9 went like this. Then in class 10. We finally went to school. Like I said classes 9, and 10 are the same book. Soo, I didn't touch my book for a year now I know nothing. That went like this. In the class sitting helpless cuz I know nothing. Then my sister told me about her tutor, so me and my friend went to him. He, we will call him C, introduced us to his friend, and we'll call him K who also became our tutor. Side note, I got comfortable with K, way more than C. K was kinda of my motivation, I wanted to make him proud, but I didn't, I failed. I haven't called him in a year. I am so sorry. I didn't want to disappoint you of all people. But I did.
I think since all I did during lockdown was be on my phone I am still kind of stuck at that age in some ways, mentally. I am almost 18. I was 13 when COVID started. Me and my mum were in some bad blood at that time, probably she asking me to study, but I not. Other than studying for my tutor's homework. I didn't touch my books enough. Suddenly it was exam time. It was a fucking board exam. It would decide my college. To be honest, even at that point I don't think I ever realized the importance, the gravity of the exam. I was prepared I'd say 60%. And yeah. when it was exam time, she became all affectionate. Bringing me milk, stay with me at night. You better believe I fucking hated that. I wanted to be alone. she didn't leave me alone. She was in my room. I hated her sooo much at that time. Just leave me alone na. So just to fucking spite her I didn't study until she was here. I would be on my phone and phone and she still wouldn't leave so I went to study at around 1 or 2 at night. In case you couldn't tell I was heavily dependent on my phone at that time just to well forget what's happening in my life. I kinda got addicted, maybe. So even if I was watching videos I was making plans about how I would study and all. In my head. I was preparing myself mentally. Guess who it took to crash all of this down. Yes, my one and only mum. While I was encouraging myself and all, my mum would come and be like you don't study, look at the maid's daughter doing much better than you ever will. My luck was this bad that I was your mum and all that shit. My maa always talks about how she didn't have to worry about me ever cuz I did everything myself. I don't understand what she thinks this will make me feel. Maybe I didn't want to do shit alone. Now that I truly want to be left alone, yall up my ass.
You think I will study now. Hell, nahh. So I didn't. Some day I went to my exam after barely reading the book at around 8. My exam starts at 10. Yeahhh. good times. It went like this all exam season. Of course, I didn't do well. I got a GPA of 4.52. Of course, I wasted all my free time for 6 months after the exam. I bed rotted the whole 6 months and more. I put on a lot of weight. Soo, I got very insecure. So when me and my friends went to the same tutor I also went there. But suddenly everything was new. I couldn't get past if I went like I was before. I went for a month maybe. I got behind them. I got so scared and insecure. All of them got into the government college there. Only I didn't. I got more insecure being there. I felt like I couldn't catch up even if I tried. So I did what I am best at. Run away. The college started with me bed rotting. I put on a lil more weight. I got even more insecure. It's been almost a year since then, I can count the times I went. Not more than a week. And the half-yearly exam, I failed it's my fault. I didn't study. Only time was passing by. I still am where I was a year ago. In my bed rotting. I haven't touched them, my textbooks, I mean it, they are still brand new. Now my final is in a month. I am still in my bed rotting. I just am soo insecure with my weight and study now. I can't bring myself to study. I feel like I already failed. More my mum started staying with me cuz it's hella hot. I felt like me studying would make her win. I would lose the battle I started. My brain is like unless someone tells me step-by-step detailed instructions on how to do life, I can't do shit. What do I do?? I am so lost mentally. I am just soo scared that I will be the one left behind. I mean I already am. My friends are not mine anymore. I am just one of many of theirs. I fear I would be left behind to rot. I know I am not some saint. I know what I am doing isn't what I of all people should be doing. But how do I win against my brain? It's like if I can't catch up with everyone in a day then it isn't worth trying. If I can't lose that weight, it isn't worth trying. What do I do?? I can't go to a gym. Can't jog or stuff. My mother becomes angsty if I starve. What do I do? Sometimes I just want to disappear for a while.
truth be told, I have no motivation. I don't have anyone, I am willing to work for, not even myself, parents, a better life, everything I dreamt of, future, nothing seems worthy. the only thing I can do is daydream. I understand I am not hardworking as much as I should be. I am quite privileged in life. but I don't know what to do. I am like a sponge, I am all my environment is. I don't want to do this anymore. I hate myself like this. I want to change. I like studying. I like knowing things. I just physically can't bring myself to do the necessary things. it feels like I already lost, I can never catch up. it's upon me to get into a good fucking university, even if I plan to go abroad for higher study.. see I have soo many dreams, yet I can't bring myself to work for them. it's like I am being physically stopped. I am just waiting for something to happen that will be the push I need, but I fear it will be too late then. it's my life I don't need a reason to change myself, especially when I know that this version is doing me more damage than good. I guess it seems from the fact that others know this version, and change is terrifying, especially when you are alone. I am always jealous of the people that have somebody to look up to. I have a lot to add. But I just need to do this it's been 2 days since I wrote it. Sorry if there are any typos. Thank you, if you took the time to read all that. -♡♡
submitted by PatientFrame5052 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:44 -notausername_ TSMR X - The X Factor

TSMR X - The X Factor
Tansio Mirai is a Chinese company that has quickly been building in notoriety over the last few years, and I would be surprised if you have not already heard of them. Their Sands and Lands iems in particular were very big sellers and quite highly regarded in their respective price range for high levels of detail. Will they continue to tread that path on their tenth anniversary edition iem? In a simple word, no. The "X" feels like a compilation of everything they have released and all that they have learned. I'll explain how further shortly.
The unboxing is a great experience and includes a very nice braided cable, some ear tips, a cleaning tool, case and a tool to change the tuning switches. Tuning switches you say? That will be part of the explanation I mentioned above so please dear reader, don't give up on me so soon ;). The iems themselves are a very nice 3d printed variety, with a beautiful aquamarine type colour that really looks fantastic in the sunlight. They are a hybrid type iem, containing 2 dynamic drivers, + 4BA + 1 Custom Film Retarding Driver. From the manufacturer:
Low frequency: 2 x 8mm strong magnet dynamic, hollow coaxial structure, Carbon mixed diaphragm
Mid frequency: 2 x Knowles balanced armature
High frequency: 2 x Sonion balanced armature
Full frequency effect: 1 x custom film retarding driver
The custom film retarding driver seems similar to the tech in u12t and the like, not sure if this is considered a "driver" persay, but I am not here to get hung up on semantics.
There are three tuning switches as well (123), the default being 020. I spent most of my time hovering between 020 and 003. I can without a doubt say that unlike other iems I have tried with tuning switches, these are legitimately not a gimmick and have a very audible effect on the sound. In a sense it makes them sound like three totally different iems. 100 is extremely bassy, causing bleed into the mids. If you are a supreme basshead this may be your bag. For me, it was far too much and caused a loss of upper detail that is important to me. 020 on the other hand is a w shape style, causing the mids to recess very slightly yet still sound full bodied, and brings the bass down enough to bring out the treble nicely. 003 still has loads of bass but brings the mids forward and brings out much more of the high end detail, without ever getting sibilant. I feel like this was personally my favorite setting, though as always ymmv! This is where I feel Tansio Mirai have really changed their game! Previously known for treble filled iems with gobs of detail, this is a comparably different path for them, yet with the tuning switches you still get the option to get a more detailed, analytical style. Win win for all really!
I recommend tip rolling with these, since they have short nozzles I needed a longer tip to really do them justice and get the seal I was looking for. Once I did however, WOW. This leads me to my next section and the one you have probably been patiently waiting for, the sound!
First let's start off with what I think is the best part of these, the bass. It is visceral, raw, but also textured and well presented. It does not bleed into the mids or cause these to be a warm iem. The best way I can describe these is a baby IER-Z1R, and considering the price difference, that is probably one of the biggest compliments I can bestow! Seriously, the bass presentation here is fantastic. It is bass you feel deeply, and it is deep with loads of impact. Easily the best I have heard in this price range.
The mids are slightly recessed, though mostly in the lower mids. I would say this is done perfectly for my tastes. The mids have loads of detail and sound equally good with male and female vocal ranges. Upper mids have a lot of energy but never getting peaky, shouty or sibilant. Percussion sounds fantastic, guitars have lots of crunch, vocals soar and are never placed too far back.
The treble is great, well extended with lots of detail while rolling off at the top to avoid any sibilance or sharpness. Micro detail is present, without being too in your face.
They have an airy presentation that leaves lots of room to pick out individual sounds, however I would not consider them analytical at all. Imaging is average for the price.
The soundstage is decently wide, however it is taller and deeper than usual in this price giving a pretty 3d or holographic effect uncommon at this price.
If you can't tell, I think this is a fantastic IEM, and at the price I think it is an absolute steal. Even at the regular price of 699 usd this would be a competitive IEM.
submitted by -notausername_ to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:43 Patriacorn Just realized my mom is a boomer. Smh

I’ve been bingeing this subreddit and have slowly realized that my own mother is a boomer. She’s usually pretty good about stuff, however she has my cousins husband do work for her as a general handy man. He has a company and set rates. I’ve used home before and thought he did great work.
She recently mentioned how she thought it was absurd that he charged $30/hour to do the landscaping that he was working on for her. She said “ I compare it to what I make as a college educated person and think it’s not worth that much”. Like what??? This guy will re-glaze windows, repair shingles and flashing, paint and mulch gardens. About anything else you need done, he can do it.
He’s a tradesman, I know I don’t and mostly can’t do the stuff he does. It just saddens me every time she says something dumb.
submitted by Patriacorn to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:42 Vivo00640 Creating a Genshin Impact Isekai

Long story short, I started playing Genshin the day it came out and basically lived my life in it for a year with two accounts (AR58 and AR56). Given my ADHD, it was pretty amazing for me to be able to focus on it for such a long time and actually dedicate time to something, but then I quit for two years. Life happened, and I kept logging in once or twice because I had to for some characters (Nahida) but I am back now, mainly cuz of Father. The time back reminded me how much I love the game, not just for the Cough Cough ASSests Cough Cough and Lore. Which leads to my main point.
The plot, flow, and mechanics are mostly done, and the progression and JOURNEY are set. But I want to know what you would like to see or what you would do in a situation where you've been isekai'd. Be wild, and imagine what you wish you could change or make happen in the story or in the background where many NPCs don't get the spotlight. Or certain things to try out that you never could do again or ever. Or something you wish would happen that maybe it might happen. Any relationSHIPS that u wanna see or be apart of. Can be anything. Also things that u dont want to happen.
ps. If it wanst clear, I will be taking a shot at this "Journey" thing that everyone keeps saying in the game.
submitted by Vivo00640 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:42 ICANTJUMPFORMYLIFE Always trust your gut feeling

Before I go any further with this I know I have done some pretty stupid things over the years and I never really believed in the paranormal until this incident happened.
So about when me and my best friend were in highschool (year 11 to be exact) I was staying over at her place for the weekend after I had finished my work shift, it was around this time my best friend had an art project that was due soonish and she didn't have any inspiration to help her create something original. Then she came up with the idea to do a freaky photo shoot to see if that would help inspire her to create something ( and I ended up being her muse you could say) and mind you she is very much into special effects and stuff as she is a make-up artist in the making. So by the time she was finished with the make up you could say I looked like a decaying and walking corpse.
We decided to take some photos out in her backyard and then go analysis the pictures some got her attention and some didn't, so then I cleaned myself up and then we tried again, but this time an elf like character. That's when I got the "brilliant"(not so brilliant ) idea that maybe we should got to the nearby lake since there was some awesome places there that would be perfect. Mind you it was already 11:30pm at night.
The first mistake we made was actually going through with that idea at 11:30pm at night which well it was pretty stupid to begin with since will all the bad things happening around our local area ( missing people/ animals, murders etc), that alone should have been a clear indication that we shouldn't be going.
That wasn't a thought to us in the slightest,
So when my best friend drives us there and parks in the big empty car park( which was another clear indicator that we really shouldn't be there), we just sat in her car for a good minutes just discussing how the photos should be taken.....then that's when I got a chill down my spine and the sensation that we were being watched from somewhere. That feeling never left and to this day I can't believe my stupid self had just blantanly ignored that altogether. I wasn't the only one ,my best friend also got the exact same feeling I did and then we proceeded to get out of her car and start taking photos like we discussed. She has fake realistic swords and other weapons so we were using those as props and Everything was going perfectly fine (besides feeling like we were being watched).
What happened next still makes my heart stop, because the place we were at had hiking and biking trails as well as being surrounded by a woodland area. What we heard whilst in the middle of taking some more photos was the sound between a strangled and drying animal mix with a high pitch human scream and when I tell it sounded way too close comfort, I mean it sounded to close for comfort. That sound lasted for a good solid minute (just one singular sound with no breath in-between it) then it stopped and went erriely quiet. Way too quiet.
Now looking back on it, there was no sound of insects making any noise when we got out of the car and there was very certainly none after that sound. Which only means that there was a predator or something of the sorts nearby. I thought I was just hearing things or thought it possibly was just a native animal of sorts.
At this point me and best friend were starting to freak out a little bit, because then we heard the sound of sticks on ground snapping in half to the right of us near one of the hiking trails (which wasn't too far from where we were not that long ago) We tried to not panic and finish the last of the photos.(That was dumb idiotic idea know, but at this point we have made a few.)
I think I was zoning out and focusing on what she wanted me to ( for example,like hold the sword in a swinging position like you were about to slay down beast) I sensed that my best friend had stopped giving instructions and looked to her to see that she was standing and looking terrified to say the least
(This was our conversation in that moment)
Me:"uh... You good??"
My best friend:" slowly come over to me, but whatever you do. Don't .look , behind you."
When she said those words I instinctively and very stupidly looked behind me. To see that standing about a good 10 metres or so from me was a tall stocky but lean black figure that wasn't quite human nor animal from the looks of it ,but at first I thought I was a kangaroo ( yes I forgot to mention we live in Australia) with the way it was carrying itself. A very big kangaroo in this instance.
I then wished that I hadn't looked and now looked back at my best friend and now realised we needed to leave immediately. Because whatever the hell that thing behind me was, definitely wasn't friendly at all.
But we couldn't just bolt off back to the car as that would definitely cause the thing to chase down and it definitely would catch up with no trouble at all, so we had to as calmly as possible,pick up our belongings and slowly go back to the car. But since I didn't know what hell we were dealing with I didn't want to keep my back it as that would have very very stupid and I wanted to make sure it was still there. Thankfully it was but as soon as we got to her car and quickly got in(making sure the doors were locked), I look out the windshield and saw that it was no longer there.
We quickly high tailed it out of there and once back on the road, I then looked in the side mirror on my side of her car and saw the figure standing motionless in the middle of road watching us leave. That we when me and my best friend finally could process what just happened.
Then just before we got to the main road again, there was an actual kangaroo standing in the middle of the road which freaked us out more( but we didn't have a car accident from it) and went the car horn was beeped the kangaroo went on its way and so did we.
Once her place we quickly got inside and locked the doors, shut any open windows and locked as well as closed the curtains.The rest of the night and early morning we could hear scratching and tapping on the windows which we ignored and decided to go to bed.
Needlessly to say always trust your gut feeling or you may not live long enough to tell the tail.
submitted by ICANTJUMPFORMYLIFE to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:42 Ruffffian Do we get her another companion? When does the cycle of “always have at least 2” end?

Do we get her another companion? When does the cycle of “always have at least 2” end?
We’ve had this lovely little fireball for 20 years now. In that time, she has known all 4 of our other horses, and gone through the loss of each one. She’s a very independent and stoic gal, but she showed her cards and grieved each one. I hate that she’s alone now, especially as she herself is a senior (25) and seems a wee bit more company-needy than in her younger days. (That said, it’s subtle with her. Last thing she wants is to let us know she gives a fuck about anything.)
We do have 4 goats in a pen in clear view from her stall so she’s not alone-alone, but obviously it’s not the same. We just lost our other pony in December and the thought comes to me about taking in a senior mini or Shetland gelding that just needs a soft spot to land.
But we ourselves are getting older and our plates filling up; oldest son starts college this fall (he will still live at home) and youngest starts high school. I see our mini mare as being our last horse for a while—but I hate for her to be alone. At the same time, if she passes first then the other pony is alone and it becomes an endless cycle. I do love and want to own horses, but there are things going on (too much go get into) that are complicating it.
Is she okay with just the goats? Or is it not really enough? Would getting another pony as her companion, only to rehome him should she pass first, be fair to that other pony? (Should add girl is a very young looking 25. She looks the same as when she was over a decade younger.)
Not sure if in making sense—it’s late and my mind is keeping me awake busily buzzing over this. Hope you are able to get what I’m saying and thanks in advance.
submitted by Ruffffian to Horses [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:42 Yummytoe9 In conflict avoidant and I find it exhausting to set boundaries

Having to teach people how to treat me and having to enter potential conflicts and fights for dominance is exhausting to me and because everyone tests your boundaries (mostly unintentionally) so they can understand you, and so I find it extremely debilitating to be around other people. I often have short fuse with others where if someone makes one mistake to upset me, I feel severely disappointed and like I have distance myself completely from that person. All of this has resulted in me identifying myself as an "introvert" even though I was always naturally extroverted. I just prefer to be alone rather than around other people's exhausting behaviours. I'm conflict avoidant because I find irrational and explosive emotions to be extremely inhuman and unnecessary even though they should be a normal part of human relationships. And when someone gets passionate or aggressive around me, I find it hard to stick up for myself and I kinda freeze or start downplaying their point and invalidating them (perhaps this is really bad) so they give up and stop making my nervous system shut off. My theory on why l'm like this is that I was around a very toxic and manipulative mother and explosively angry father who did not care about my free will or the fact that I'm an individual. When I'd try to set boundaries or voice things to them they'd dismiss or even explode and abusively gang up on me and so i eventually learned to keep things to myself and stay out of the way. While I helped me survive being around them, it doesn't help me with other relationships because I need to be able to trust people and share myself with them, but whenever there is a conflict or the other person seems to have strong emotions towards something, i back down quickly and say sorry and try to calm them down because I'm severely afraid they’ll get angry and humiliate or say something that really hurts me. I even found myself in a relationship with someone for longer than necessary because of my guilt and empathy and feeling like I should do what I said I’d do. I know that it's okay to change your mind about being in a relationship, even if you genuinely loved that person, but it's like I can't apply that validation to myself. And now this partner actually takes advantage of the fact that I just apologise and fawn when I don't need to (l've suspected he might be a narcissist and l'm his favourite supply). I cant live like this because I want genuinely safe and feeling relationships with other people and I don't wanna live my life encountering people who want to exploit me some more and get away with it because I have zero boundaries! Sorry for the long message, there was a lot to say. How do I fix this and how do I build my nervous system so that I can make a stand for myself and vocalise what I want?
submitted by Yummytoe9 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:41 JustBlobbolo Im bad at conversations

So of course this is about a girl. She is in my class (3rd year) and I really like her, and we text each other like almost every evening until sleep. She often asks me for help in subjects like maths and physics, and I do have good grades but she knows I never study. so I asked her why she wouldn't ask someone else, like the dude who has good grades in every subject (i would say nerd but hes a cool guy, one of my best friends). of course I told her that I wasn't asking because I didn't want her to ask me, but just out of curiosity, and I told her that I'm happy when she texts me. she responded telling me that she likes how I explain things, which is quite confusing since I'm bad at saying what I think, but I didn't ask further Couse i didn't want to make her uncomfortable. she often texts me first and at school she always tries to have some conversations with me, and also the while fucking class keeps telling us that know we like each other, and thank god (or maybe that wouldnt be that bad, its either a super good thing or super bad imo) that never happened when we were together. So, I know I should tell her my feelings and I'm pretty sure she likes me back, but there's a problem. I'm really bad at having conversations. like, I never know what to talk about, even with some of my friends, unless they keep up the conversation, and we end up in that weird state of silence not knowing what to say,but we end up laughing cuz we know its embarrassing but we accepted it for how it is. But even if I asked her and she said yes, then we would have to hang out toghether, and i would realky like it. but i know that probably, if she isnt the best talker, we would end up being silent and that would ruin it all. I get that if that happens it's both's fault, but I wouldn't surely blame her. also, I've been in relationships before, but well last one it was middle school so ye not something to talk about ig. Anyway, even in those relationships, I've always felt like I had to be perfect for her, even if she was the one that asked me out. I feel like if I'm not always perfect I couldn't be at her same level, even though she doesn't even have to try for me to like her. what is my problem, and is there any way I could avoid that weird silence and not get both of us embarrassed? also, sorry if my English was bad but I'm not a native
submitted by JustBlobbolo to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:40 clash8920 24 tipsy and stoned. Id really like to make some new friends and have good conversations 😌

Hello there everyone. I had a couple shots and I'm stoned and im feeling social and would like to get to know some of you wonderful people on reddit
I am in need of friends men and women and everyone in between or if youre an alien thats cool too. The point is, I dont have many friends and I feel like the ones I do are slowly starting to fall out with me so I really want to make some friends online.
I want to get to know you through conversation, I tend to ask a lot of questions because I'm a curious person so if you like talking about yourself then im all for it! Im also an open book so go ahead and ask any questions you'd like.
About me: i am 24 and I live in the western US, I am a Virgo and my personality type is ISTP. My favorite genre of music is metal but I like mostly everything and I am always open to new music so if you have a recommendation or got a song stuck in your head please send it to me! Id love to listen. I play video games as of lately I've been playing a lot of tarkov, warno, dinkum and a few other games. I play on pc if you ever want to play something! Lastly im Hispanic and I speak Spanish so if you speak Spanish as well say Hola!
420 and lgbtq friendly! Hope to hear from someone (:
submitted by clash8920 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:39 -notausername_ TSMR X - The X Factor

TSMR X - The X Factor
Tansio Mirai is a Chinese company that has quickly been building in notoriety over the last few years, and I would be surprised if you have not already heard of them. Their Sands and Lands iems in particular were very big sellers and quite highly regarded in their respective price range for high levels of detail. Will they continue to tread that path on their tenth anniversary edition iem? In a simple word, no. The "X" feels like a compilation of everything they have released and all that they have learned. I'll explain how further shortly.
The unboxing is a great experience and includes a very nice braided cable, some ear tips, a cleaning tool, case and a tool to change the tuning switches. Tuning switches you say? That will be part of the explanation I mentioned above so please dear reader, don't give up on me so soon ;). The iems themselves are a very nice 3d printed variety, with a beautiful aquamarine type colour that really looks fantastic in the sunlight. They are a hybrid type iem, containing 2 dynamic drivers, + 4BA + 1 Custom Film Retarding Driver. From the manufacturer:
Low frequency: 2 x 8mm strong magnet dynamic, hollow coaxial structure, Carbon mixed diaphragm
Mid frequency: 2 x Knowles balanced armature
High frequency: 2 x Sonion balanced armature
Full frequency effect: 1 x custom film retarding driver
The custom film retarding driver seems similar to the tech in u12t and the like, not sure if this is considered a "driver" persay, but I am not here to get hung up on semantics.
There are three tuning switches as well (123), the default being 020. I spent most of my time hovering between 020 and 003. I can without a doubt say that unlike other iems I have tried with tuning switches, these are legitimately not a gimmick and have a very audible effect on the sound. In a sense it makes them sound like three totally different iems. 100 is extremely bassy, causing bleed into the mids. If you are a supreme basshead this may be your bag. For me, it was far too much and caused a loss of upper detail that is important to me. 020 on the other hand is a w shape style, causing the mids to recess very slightly yet still sound full bodied, and brings the bass down enough to bring out the treble nicely. 003 still has loads of bass but brings the mids forward and brings out much more of the high end detail, without ever getting sibilant. I feel like this was personally my favorite setting, though as always ymmv! This is where I feel Tansio Mirai have really changed their game! Previously known for treble filled iems with gobs of detail, this is a comparably different path for them, yet with the tuning switches you still get the option to get a more detailed, analytical style. Win win for all really!
I recommend tip rolling with these, since they have short nozzles I needed a longer tip to really do them justice and get the seal I was looking for. Once I did however, WOW. This leads me to my next section and the one you have probably been patiently waiting for, the sound!
First let's start off with what I think is the best part of these, the bass. It is visceral, raw, but also textured and well presented. It does not bleed into the mids or cause these to be a warm iem. The best way I can describe these is a baby IER-Z1R, and considering the price difference, that is probably one of the biggest compliments I can bestow! Seriously, the bass presentation here is fantastic. It is bass you feel deeply, and it is deep with loads of impact. Easily the best I have heard in this price range.
The mids are slightly recessed, though mostly in the lower mids. I would say this is done perfectly for my tastes. The mids have loads of detail and sound equally good with male and female vocal ranges. Upper mids have a lot of energy but never getting peaky, shouty or sibilant. Percussion sounds fantastic, guitars have lots of crunch, vocals soar and are never placed too far back.
The treble is great, well extended with lots of detail while rolling off at the top to avoid any sibilance or sharpness. Micro detail is present, without being too in your face.
They have an airy presentation that leaves lots of room to pick out individual sounds, however I would not consider them analytical at all. Imaging is average for the price.
The soundstage is decently wide, however it is taller and deeper than usual in this price giving a pretty 3d or holographic effect uncommon at this price.
If you can't tell, I think this is a fantastic IEM, and at the price I think it is an absolute steal. Even at the regular price of 699 usd this would be a competitive IEM.
submitted by -notausername_ to iems [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:37 RowRowThrowwaway Quick vent about the ouroboros period.

I just hit the two year mark of starting my business and it’s performing fairly well. I’d recently paid off all the initial investment debt. However, I still feel like a hamster running on the wheel. My business has been growing where my income matches my expenses.
It’s been kind of exhausting and I’m ready to hit a net positive in income. I know it’s there and I can see it but it’s just so annoying how right when I get a bump in income I’m immediately spending it to invest in my business. Which of course is a good problem to have, but I’d like at least a little something for me to put back into savings, retirement, or fun money.
No one in my everyday life understands. They’re all congratulating me and saying “good job” and “you’re making so much money now”. Which they’re right but 100% of that money is already spent on growing the business more.
I figure y’all would relate a bit to this.
submitted by RowRowThrowwaway to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:37 Slow-Passenger-1542 National Party Preselection Announcements (For Mayo and Nicholls)

National Party Preselection Announcements (For Mayo and Nicholls)
Slow-passenger stands alongside Mooneylupin at the press conference in Shepparton
"Good afternoon all thank you for being here, today we gather here to make some special announcements regarding our preselection. I am very delighted to announce that Mooneylupin will be our Nationals candidate for Nicholls at next month's election!"
Shakes hands with Monneylupin and congratulates him on winning preselection
"This is an excellent choice, Mooneylupin is a strong committed advocate for the people of Nicholls. With his commitment, passionate and knowledge of the local issues here, he will make a wonderful member of parliament." Slow says. "Especially with him polling an impressive 16% of the vote at the by-election, there is no doubt that he will put on a strong result next month."
"I can also announce that I have won preselection in Mayo. I'll be running for re-election for my beloved electorate, over the past terms I have delivered for Mayo and recently we have secured funding for rail upgrade for regional SA so I very much look forward to serve Mayo and lead the National Party to bring forward a voice for regional Australia. From cost of living to farmers rights to energy. A Coalition government will get Australia back on track! Stay tune for more announcements in the upcoming weeks."
Slow-passenger and Mooneylupin has been selected to be the Nationals candidates for Mayo and Nicholls
submitted by Slow-Passenger-1542 to AustraliaSimPress [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:37 HymnoftheBrokenMan Week from hell pt3

During one of my feverish sleep sessions during the day I recalled my wife coming home. Like always she’s screaming and yelling. (This has been a problem the entire time we’ve been married) I vividly recall waking up heart racing in a panic at one of rants. She doesn’t have enough time and I never help around the house. She’s gotta pant our toddlers room, can’t get the painters tape off the walls and trim and I never do laundry. I stumble out trying to make sense of everything. The grandmas are out on the deck with the kids. She’s just standing there. Fucking tried to act all coy, “why aren’t you resting” well… I’ve got into a habit now when she starts yelling I call her out on her bullshit. (This never works well, and honestly has just lead me further and further into my personal hell.) we argue and I tell her I’m sorry I can’t do shit but I’m barely standing and about to pass out from the after effects of everything.
From there I can’t recall what happened I just know we apologized and I went back to rest. She leaves again in this time frame. I try to sleep but I’ve got some issues after the years of yelling I start feeling sick and anxious. So I force myself awake. Wonder out to the grandmas and say good morning (it was about 11 or noon I think) maybe I get really mixed up with the feverish bullshit Thursday and Friday. So I decide well I’m a shit husband and I need to do more. I stumble into the back room and start taking down all the painters tape. (Leaving the obvious take that needs to stay for second coats and all). My huge mistake… I keep standing on my tip toes to get the ceiling tape off instead of using a ladder. (I figured it probably fall) I get really light headed and fall anyway.
I pull myself up and keep going. Here is where I fucked up beyond any recognition, I just crumpled it up and threw it on the ground (yay foreshadowing). I go down start some laundry bring up the clean stuff and surprisingly the rest of Thursday and Friday go off without a hitch!! I’m so happy my wife and I are talking I didn’t sleep in it was all great. For a moment I actually didn’t feel that deep seated hatred for myself.
Saturday comes….
submitted by HymnoftheBrokenMan to u/HymnoftheBrokenMan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:36 sadgirlautumnv3rsion Was it always like this? Or did I just get older?

Hi everyone! I've only been hanging out here a couple of weeks, but I love the vibe. Just wanted your thoughts on something. This recent drama just got me thinking.
I'm in my 20s right now, and I've been participating in fandom spaces since I was 12/13 years old. My first real experience with a community was on deviantart, in an anime fandom with a relatively young, female audience (think 13-17). It felt like it was easy to make 'friends' (only one has survived the test of time, but they were all fun while they lasted), and people were making fun, indulgent stuff and didn't seem to take themselves too seriously.
I've got a tumblr blog now, which is my main 'fandom stuff' avenue. And everyone seems so isolated from each other, even though interaction features are better than ever; or they're just sending each other asks that honestly seem performative. I get 100-150 likes on my posts, a handful of reblogs... and actual communication like once a month. So... someone's reading it but no one SAYS anything, in the replies, in their reblogs, wherever.
I love the comments I get on AO3, because they're very thoughtful, and seem genuinely so happy to read my work; but we all know the etiquette seems to be comment-> reply-> done.
And then I saw some of the screenshots that were shared re: the comments on tiktoks, and it just felt so consumerist. Calling our work 'content', being annoyed that the authors wanted some say in how their work was shared, and all that. I know the tiktok audience skews young, but I just don't think I'd ever have said these things at 13 years old.
So... is this the online equivalent of becoming best friends in elementary school because you both have the same favourite colour vs struggling to move past small talk with acquaintances in adulthood; or has the way people interact online really changed?
It's just a little disappointing, because I used to love sharing the things I made, but it feels pointless to make that effort sometimes. Are there still places that are both conducive for writing AND have community features?
submitted by sadgirlautumnv3rsion to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:36 Immediate_Treat_1890 RGH - Nursing Office

I worked for this company from September of 2022 to February of 2024 and I will not be coming back. I got this job while I was studying for my masters program, it’s was a temporary full time job for me, because I knew I don’t want to work here for all my life. People in my department especially the supervisors were extremely jealous of me. They will make nasty side comments about me. I will ignore them because they don’t have a masters and do not care about their education at all. I come from a highly educated and respectful family and education is very important to us. I did not like my supervisor and my senior management team because I did not get good vibes from them. She will also look at my private parts and “sniff” me. I’m an organized and neat person unlike her because she can’t even clean her house. They were extremely jealous of me and try belittle me as much as possible. One time a mean girl at the department covered her mouth while talking to me. That girl was extremely rude to everyone who comes to work at RGH. I’m so sorry that you did not got to college and now are getting a bachelors, because you clearly do not care about your education at all and you’re 38 years old woman so act like one. You are an immature human being and I do not look up to you at all. The other woman was in 40s as well. Shame on you for picking and bullying a person in her 20s. I learned nothing while working there. In addition, there is a difference between laughing at someone and laughing with someone. I feel like I was being bullied and harassed, by many people at the department. It is probably because they were intimidated by me and jealousy is an ugly disease. Also, one girl bought marijuana in the office and they did not say anything to her. Disgusting humans. They are not going very far in life. This place is not a professional place to grow at all. God is watching you and will teach you a lesson one day.✌🏼
submitted by Immediate_Treat_1890 to Rochester [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:34 small_Jar_of_Pickles Tryhards are ruining multiplayer videogames and developers shouldn't be cater towards them too much.

Now let me start with saying that I'm perfectly fine with games having a notable learning curve. An experienced player should be having an advantage over a newbie. BUT: In way too many games, the massive, hardly balanced skillgap is ruining most people's experience. Like, you buy a game and because you work a 9-5 Job and have other obligations, you only get to play a few hours per week. In way too many games you're thrown in with James, 21, a college Student who plays that game for 5 hours per day for the past 2 years. And because you certainly don't have time to catch up on experience, so you abandon that game.
On the other side, when i was in college, i used to be the tryhard. Especially in older games, what i just described also leads to a situation that sucks for the "regulars". New players are confronted with unsurmountable skillgaps and leave. And the only people still playing are the tryhards who then only play what's meta because it's the most effective...which just makes the game boring and repetetive again.
Game devs: please balance your games in some way.
submitted by small_Jar_of_Pickles to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]