Surgery weight for loss


2022.11.20 00:28 ArtThouWorthy OzempicForWeightLoss

We’re 1 day old, be patient with us. This will be a great community soon! This is a safe place to discuss weight loss via Ozempic use. No medical reasons asked - but you can share if you want to and are respectful of others. Soon we’ll have mods, fixed topics and flairs.

2010.09.29 05:48 cdharrison Weight Loss Surgery


2013.04.18 01:40 fatlogic

Fatlogic is anything that deviates from the scientific facts of body weight management. This can range from fundamental misunderstandings of how biology and physics work to lengthy political diatribes about how everything is society's fault. Falling victim to fatlogic means accepting misinformation that will harm efforts to keep your body at a healthy weight (or lose weight if you need to do so).

2024.05.18 21:22 candee710 Do I have a case against the hospital that

Around Thanksgiving last year, my 22 year old daughter Izzy started complaining about her back hurting. We just assumed she pulled a muscle or had a pinched nerve. After a couple weeks, the pain seemed to be getting worse. She went to urgent care on a Friday and they confirmed she probably had a pinched nerve. They gave her some meds. That following Monday (Dec. 18) she was in a lot of pain, so I rushed her to the hospital. It was her back and her left arm now bothering her. They blew her off and said that she was fine. I insisted that she get an MRI or cat scan done. Finally at my request they did a cat scan on her back and said they didn't see anything wrong. They said it's probably a pinched nerve, gave her more meds and sent us home.
The week of Christmas everything changed. She woke up each night covered in sweat. On the 28th, her heart was beating fast, she was extremely pale, and had two knots appear on the left side of her neck and one under her left underarm. I brought her to a different hospital.
When we got to the ER, they immediately took her to a room. Her vitals were extremely high (170 heart rate) from the pain she was in. They were considering that she could have meningitis or mono. They wanted to get tests ran right away. They admitted her, and did a spinal tap and MRI. 2 days later (Saturday) the doc said they found a large tumor on her spine. Can't say if it's cancer yet, she would need a biopsy first. They informed us that she would be moved that day to their sister hospital that specializes in cancer.
When we arrived, she was put on the neurology ward in a regular room. They immediately put her on a lot of meds. She was on so many pain drugs, (Oxy, Dilaudid, muscle relaxers, Morphine, Xanax, etc.) that I kept asking, "Is this end of life? Can she overdose from all these drugs?" They would respond with, "no, it's just to keep her comfortable and we're trying to get her heart rate down." On New years day they gave her Ativan. She responded horribly to it. It was a rough day. She was hallucinating and freaking out all day and night. The next day she told them to NEVER give her that again. They told her when we first arrived that anything she didn't want to take, they would respect and not put it in her charts to receive. They would put it under allergies. We assumed they would do so as they said they would.
They finally did the biopsy on Wednesday the 3rd. When she came back from surgery, she wouldn't wake up. She slept all day Wednesday and most of Thursday. I was really concerned.They kept adding more pain meds to her chart. I again was scared she would forget to breathe. That night she wasn't breathing properly and her vitals were going down. She had to be rushed to NeuroICU. They got her stable and explained it was from all the different drugs. They explained that it's trial and error. They're trying to figure out what works for her and they decided to put her on a drip line of Dilaudid. They still gave her other drugs but Dilaudid seemed to help her pain somewhat. They also said she had a spot on her lungs what looked like pneumonia starting.
All week she was constantly telling us that she was losing feeling in her legs and her left arm. By Saturday of that week she was paralyzed. They finally took her for an MRI and saw that the tumor had spread up and down her spine and to her ovaries, and it was stealing her blood supply. She would need emergency surgery asap. They of course came to explain what was happening and the surgeon informed me that Ativan would be used during surgery. I immediately told him no, and that she is allergic to it and it was supposed to be on her allergy list. I explained to him what happened when she received it before. On Sunday they rushed her into surgery and cut the blood supply to the tumor. It was too dangerous to try and remove any of the tumor. They didn't know if the paralysis was permanent, but they were hopeful that the surgery would work. It didn't we would later find out.
When she returned from surgery, she was out of control. She was violent and cursing at me. In 22 years I had never heard her curse, but she was fluent! She was hallucinating bad and kept freaking out. It was scary to watch. They decided to give her some meds to make her to sleep, to help her heal. For 2 straight days my baby screamed blood curdling screams, she would cry out "mommy, mommy" while she slept. She screamed so much and so loud that anyone in ear shot were questioning what was going on. It was heartbreaking to witness. I thought she was having a bad reaction to the anesthesia. I later found out that they were giving her Ativan anyway. They NEVER put it in her chart as an allergy the week before, and the doctor disregarded what I said about not giving her that. They had other options they could have used but he still chose to do what he wanted. I only found out because the nurse mentioned that she would be right back with her Ativan. The nurse had no knowledge that my daughter refused that medication previously. I informed her not to give that drug to her. She went and spoke with the attending physician who changed it to haldol and ketemine. That was Monday night. By Wednesday she finally calmed down from screaming, so they decided to try and wake her up.
When she woke up she could no longer speak properly, use her left arm, or move her legs. Her fingers and toes were turning black. They said it was from a certain med she was on. That it's normal. A lay person could see something was horribly wrong.
Everyday we would see up to 30 doctors. I say we, because I never left her side. One would say one thing while another would say something else. It was confusing and scary. We still didn't have a diagnosis. We just knew she had cancer. They suspected stage 4 but couldn't say until pathology came back. It was traumatic and a nightmare. It went from a diagnosis of a pinched nerve to stage 4 cancer in a matter of a week. WTF?
We finally got the diagnosis on Tuesday the 9th.. Stage 4 anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Very rare and aggressive. They said they were starting chemo immediately. They gave her the first dose that Wednesday night. We had hope. It was a rollercoaster of terror, but the doctors kept saying that she could beat this. I googled everything I could and prayed for a miracle. It's always been my girl and I, so I was desperate for her to live through this. She wasn't just my daughter, she was literally my everything.
By week 2, she needed blood on a daily basis. She couldn't eat or drink. She couldn't relieve herself. She couldn't move. She couldn't speak clearly to explain her needs or wants. Her breathing was shallow. Her vitals were not normal. They would go down and then jump extremely high. She was so out of it, that they had to come to me concerning everything. Her oxygen was dropping significantly and they had to keep changing out the masks and oxygen levels to help her breathe. They kept changing her meds and she had multiple complications from that. They couldn't find any good spots on her arms to put her IVs anymore, and her legs were so swollen that they couldn't locate a useable spot anywhere. They put it on her right side of the neck. During all this she had multiple medical emergencies. One example is they said that spot on her lungs wasn't pneumonia but they now suspected a small blood clot. That medicine she was given would hopefully help, the only problem was that medication was causing problems for her back surgery. A few days later we found out it was blood and it was completely filled up in her chest. She was drowning in her own blood. They couldn't do surgery right away because she would bleed out since her platelets were so low even while receiving blood transfusions. That blood was somehow going into her lungs. I was floored. Everyday I would ask about it and I was told it was getting better, nothing to worry about. In fact the doctor said that very morning it had cleared up significantly. Imagine my shock when the critical team comes rushing in that evening to do ultrasounds on her and tells me they suspect it's why her breathing was going downhill.
On Monday she was transferred to a MICU room on a different floor. This floor felt uneasy to me. There was death all around and you could see it. They said that this floor was where her main doctors were, so that she would get the best care. Now they introduce fentanyl to her med regimen. They explained it that it would help with her pain. She would be allowed so much every hour if needed.
The next day they decided to do the surgery to put a tube in her chest to drain the blood. She now had an extremely dangerous back surgery, staples running up her entire back with tubes, a huge scar under her arm from the biopsy with tubes, and now a huge tube coming out her chest. Her fingers and toes at this point were in a stage of necropsy. But they couldn't do anything about it. They would just have to fall off in time. It was devastating. My daughter was a trooper through out this whole time. She never complained or was negative. She was just scared when she understood what was going on. Honestly I've never seen so much courage in my life.
When it came to her pain meds she was only on fentanyl and Dilaudid drip. She would only receive it when she asked. That was her rule. She was scared she would overdose or become hooked on it and didn't want that monster on her back. She would be in so much pain but would just sit through it. Her vitals were better, but when the pain would become to much to bare, her heart rate would go into the 150 to 170 range. As soon as she got some meds it would go down to the teens to low twenty's.
On Thursday night she had a new nurse. He would administer pain meds even when she didn't request it. I saw him give her shot when she was sleeping. I walked in on him. I asked him if she requested it as I saw she was asleep and he said no. He stated he was trying to keep her comfortable. I asked him not to unless she asks. He didn't listen.Throughout the night as we slept, he would give her meds that she didn't even need. He gave her haldol. She only received that for two days after her back surgery. No one had given her that since. He would give her a shot of fentanyl behind it. I later found this out while talking with her doctors and from her records.
That Friday morning she started having these weird episodes, what later looked like seizures to me. Her vitals would drop and she would go into a deep stare. They blamed the meds. It was constant apologies for her being over medicated again. Even the doctor didn't understand why he gave her so much.She had 4 separate episodes before they (at my constant request) sent her to get a MRI done.
She had a blood clot in her brain. Again they said nothing to worry about. But after experiencing what we went through already, I was highly concerned. As I should have been. They kept apologizing and said they would change her medication up again. I told them it wasn't the medicine it was the nurse. I couldn't understand why he would give her two doses of haldol when she didn't need it. The nurse said my daughter was anxious and thought it would help. My daughter was sleeping so how could she have been anxious. I went off. Something in my spirit was telling me to get her out of there. But how could I when she was hooked up to all these tubes. She was suffering and I couldn't help her. The only thing I could do was use my voice to try and protect her and be her advocate. The next day Jan. 20th, I woke up after a couple hours of sleep, and I knew something was wrong. She was awake and trying to talk. Her vitals were back at a steady 170 with high blood pressure and a low oxygen number so I knew she was in pain. I could feel it in every bone of my body something was different that day. I felt my baby didn't have long as I thought cancer was winning. I called all of our family to come see her. I can't explain it. At one point I pulled one of her doctors out of her room and begged him to tell me what was happening. Shoot it to me straight. He kept saying she's always been critical but she would pull through. He had so much hope.
They gave her some meds to help bring her vitals down and it started to work again. Her vitals started going from 160 to 150. At this point she was having a brain scan done in her room to see what the episodes were exactly. She was awake but could no longer move from her neck down. Which had just started the 2 days before. She had a blood infection and they had to move the pic line from the right side of her neck to the left side but we're unsuccessful because she had obstructions there (2 huge tumors) They had to put the new line back on the right side in the back of the neck. I don't know what happened since I wasn't allowed in the room. I do know my daughter said after they finished, she wasn't able to feel anything but her face. She never turned her head again.
During that day she kept having flem and spit from the congestion she had due to the chest infection and surgery. I would sit there and suck it out for her. No problem, I had been doing it for days with no complaints on my end. The doctors were coming in and out constantly all day to check her brain test and at one point the doctor seeing me and my nephew take shifts suctioning her out said he wanted to try a new medicine she had never received. My daughters nurse interrupted him and said that she didn't think that it was a good idea. They went back and forth for a few minutes and I stepped in and said, it was fine, I would sit there and suction out forever if I had to. Something felt different in this exchange as well. In all of 24 days of being in the hospital, I never saw a nurse challenge a doctor. I immediately went to the computer, where the nurse had typed in the order for this drug, and googled it. The first thing that popped up, was not to give this drug to someone with high blood pressure or high heart rate. It causes a person's heart rate to shoot up high quickly. It was too late. They already administered it to her. Since her heart rate was already high it caused her to go into cardiac arrest. I just stood there in shock screaming is she in cardiac arrest? To which the doctor finally responded "I'm sorry, yes"
They ushered me and my nephew out of the room so they could work on her. After about 30 minutes they called my phone and told me she flatlined but they got her heart beating again. I went flying back in that room screaming at them. I refused to leave the room. She was now on life support, but there was no hope for her to ever wake up again. After consulting with my family and her doctors, and looking at where her vitals were, I decided to pull the plug. She passed within seconds. I feel like the doctor should have listened to the nurse, but his ego would not allow him to. I feel like he's somehow responsible, but at the same time I saw what was happening to her on a daily basis and what cancer was doing to her body. I also witnessed a lot of negligence too on their part. I've been going back and forth since January 20th, about contacting an attorney and seeing if I have a case. I requested an autopsy to be performed, because I wanted to know what all was wrong with her. They informed me they normally don't do that because of the cancer. I argued with them and said I wanted one anyway. I wanted to know what happened. I was trying to understand this whole situation. 25 days prior it was just supposed to be a pinched nerve, but it wasn't. They explained I would have to pay for the autopsy, and I was okay with that. The next day after she passed away, I received the phone call to give my permission for an autopsy. They said it would take a couple days and would let me know when it was finished so the funeral home could pick up her body.
I've been calling for months about the autopsy report with no luck. Here we are in May, I go to the hospital to get the autopsy results and it's all of five pages. It's not even an autopsy report. It doesn't even state her cause of death. It's just bullshit paperwork. All it mentions is the necropsy to her fingers and toes and her basic info like height and weight. I'm so angry right now. I have her medical records, and I noticed on the 19th of January they finally put she was allergic to Ativan. There's a lot wrong with this situation. I even asked for a CD of all her images, from pathology. What I received only two images come up. Everything else is blocked from opening. I know my daughter took multiple MRIs, ultrasounds,and CAT scans in those three and a half weeks. There's no way it's only two images.
I counted all the times the nurse gave my daughter pain meds that Thursday night and it was double what any other nurse had given her at any other time plus with other drugs she didn't need at that time. I found out that haldol and fentanyl is something they give to patients that's in end of life care. Which I was constantly told my daughter was not. Her death certificate states she passed from lymphoma related cardiac arrest. I'm just so confused on what to do. I feel like I'm letting my daughter down if I don't look into this further.
I'm sorry this a novel. I couldn't just ask a simple question with out the back story for you to understand. It was so much more believe me, this was the short version!
Do I have a case or should I just move on and accept my daughter died from cancer related complications? Thank you....
submitted by candee710 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:22 twizzlepuff Heading on vacation and want to enjoy the food! Am I crazy to skip a dose?

I’m heading to an all-inclusive resort on vacation in two days, and today is supposed to be my dosing day. I’m obviously trying to lose weight, but my appetite is almost nonexistent on this medicine and I’d like to be able to enjoy the food to some degree since I’m paying darn good money for it whether I eat it or not. $$
Have any of you ever skipped a dose for vacation, and if so, how did it impact your appetite and weight gain/loss?
submitted by twizzlepuff to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:21 Sven-Ost TIPS TO LOSE WEIGHT NATURALLY

TIPS TO LOSE WEIGHT NATURALLY submitted by Sven-Ost to A_Healthy_LifeStyle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:16 Litera123 Advice if unhappy with Breast Augmentation results?

I had breast augmentation done 3 months ago. I done it alongside other facial surgeries. So far I feel okay about facial results would rate it 7/8 / 10, got realistic results for what we are working with. My BA feels 4/10, I feel disappointment and regret.
I decided to go for breast augmentation because I was less than A cup (I think, I never filled 34A it was flying around so must have been). It caused me great distress as I am tallish 5.9ft and weight gain, hormones and family genes would not affect growth whatsoever. My family is obese/overweight, but even when they were my weight 65-70kg, they had C-D cups.
I liked results initially, when they were high up and nice and circular. I have wide cleavage gap 2-3 fingers can fit into it, but I was aware this could happen as I am trans.
Post 3 months now they dropped, but I hate them - they are still rock hard like pecs. They don't jiggle/bounce/move at all with or without a bra (surgeon said it's because of smaller implant I ended up getting 400cc high profile dual plane and was aiming to get a C cup) When I measured them initially before surgery they looked perfect, so had no reason to go larger. Reality is now I really regret picking smaller, because they look too small and wide + zero movement whatsover. I am not in financial position and won't be for a while to replace them.
Anyone in situation when they had to get revision or did you ended up accepting not so successful surgery?
If you had revision, -Was it much more expensive than first time? -Did you ended up satisfied 2nd time round?
submitted by Litera123 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:16 __butterytoast__ Appearance

She is looking super rough these days, every single time I see her pop up you can see the huge difference since Wyatt has been locked up, she literally looks like she had a grey cast on her, I would advise her to take this time to take care of herself, she wouldn’t even need to get her nails, hair, & lashes done, she’s actually very pretty without all that stuff, however, because she doesn’t take care of herself at all she’s starting to look bad, the weight isn’t even like a big deal, ( you can look good regardless of weight gain or loss) but it’s the fact that she stays indoors all day, doesn’t get fresh air, isn’t productive, and doesn’t even bother to eat somewhat clean for her own health ( vitamins /nutrients etc. ) she use to cook a good amount of time prior to wyatt leaving, she would actually even cook / eat a lot healthier than Wyatt even would, so what changed? Seriously? I’m aware of her drug addiction but even during the first couple months when Wyatt was away she would actually leave the house and do something to not be in the house all day in her dark room. It’s truly sad I will say, ideally she could’ve been able to keep herself busy and do all the things that would make her happy, I know Wyatt would control her all the time, yes, however at least she was actually doing activities to get out of the house and live life all the time, they would actually do fun activities and go to places besides shopping and eating out, AT LEAST she had something to do, all that while still doing drugs, so what’s the difference now? Im a firm believer that you can have fun on your own & go out on dates by yourself, and if she did want companionship, why not try to make a mends with her and Wyatt’s previous friendships, I feel like that would motivate her to actually do something that just be at home all day. Idk what are your thoughts on this? Let me know ! :) I’m genuinely curious to see what you guy’s think about this !
submitted by __butterytoast__ to icywyattsnarkk [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:15 Sven-Ost 10 BEST SUPPLEMENTS FOR WEIGHT LOSS

10 BEST SUPPLEMENTS FOR WEIGHT LOSS submitted by Sven-Ost to A_Healthy_LifeStyle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:15 DatMufugga This game helped me eliminate a deadly medical condition

An outrageously poor diet, lifestyle, and past medications led to fatty liver disease and liver damage, which led to fluid buildup in my belly, which is called Ascites, which has a 5 year survival rate of 30-40%. My belly was the size of a 5 months pregnant woman. It was firm like a balloon, and had a higher protrusion at the top, and it would feel like it was going to pop when I took a deep breath. When my doctor looked at my MRI and told me, he didn't say what I should do. To me it felt like he thought, this guy is screwed, so why bother. That scared me straight.
I made big changes to my diet, and started working out at the gym. And this game was an important part of my fitness, as I depend on it when my legs needed to recover from high intensity cardio at the gym, and I need upper body cardio. And doing it through a game that's engaging and entertaining was the best way, as its something i've stuck to, and enjoy more as time goes by.
I need exercise daily as its a natural anti depressant, and it gives me energy. I feel crappy if I don't exercise at all. I've been at this for 13 months now and my belly is back to the normal size it was before I was diagnosed with those medical issues. And though most of the weight loss was from the diet changes, the 900 calories i'd burn per session from totf helped with that, along with my mental health. I've lost 20 pounds in the past month.
The first time I played, I was gassed by the end of the second round. Now I can play for an hour and a half, beating all the opponents consecutively, throwing 150 punches a round. Being able to TKO most of them, and knocking out the last opponents. I'm drenched in sweat after.
I'm also doing better in the game from technical skill. I never used to throw hooks because I threw them much slower than jabs, and I thought the game calculated damage just from speed. I didn't realize that it accounted for distance/momentum. So I worked on my hooks, getting them faster, and rotating my torse to load them up, and now its my money shot. I'm also working on crosses and uppercuts.
Also, I started paying more attention to defense. Bobbing and weaving, keeping my gloves up by my cheeks. Ducking and moving my head back. It also makes the game feel more realistic. After a fight I like looking at the stats to see how many punches the opponent missed.
I still have a lot more improvement to make. I still have more weight i'd like to lose, and I am going to move from challenger difficulty to champion.
Can't wait for the sequel.
submitted by DatMufugga to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:14 Neat_Lab_2234 How’d I do for $30?

How’d I do for $30?
1980 Topps Rickey Henderson rookie card.
submitted by Neat_Lab_2234 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:12 literallylaur 3 months post-op and only lost 28 lbs :/ Lost 115 total since start of my journey. I barely see a difference.

3 months post-op and only lost 28 lbs :/ Lost 115 total since start of my journey. I barely see a difference.
HW: 398 lbs SW: 313 lbs CW: 285 lbs GW: 160?
TL;DR: struggling with body image, chronic illness and expectations. 3 months post-op and only lost 28 lbs. Lost 115 total since start of my journey. I barely see a difference.
I’m a 23 year old college student and had to take 3 years off to focus on my health. At my highest weight, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Lipo-Lymphedema. These illnesses make it extremely difficult to lose weight naturally, in a healthy way. I started ozempic in 2022 and stopped in July 2023. In that time I was able to lose 65 lbs. I started looking into surgery or seriously around July 2023. I was able to lose I started looking into surgery or seriously around July 2023. I was able to lose another 20 lbs without medication before surgery.
I had surgery on February 13, 2024. I was 313 pounds and now it’s May 18, 2024 and I’m 285. I’ve been stuck at this weight for almost 2 months. I’ve been stalled here since Easter. I’ve been more active and still eating 80 g of protein. I feel stuck. I feel like I’m not doing enough. I’ve lost 115 lbs total in the last two years but still barely see a difference since surgery.
My chronic illnesses: endometriosis, lymphedema, and Lipedema all cause pain and fatigue. I was finally able to start a medication that helped with my chronic fatigue, but I still feel like the pain of endometriosis and Lipedema are keeping me from being as active as I want to. I get around 7000 steps a day which I’m very proud of. However, the last week I had really painful. And the week before I could barely move due to, chronic back and knee pain also caused by endometriosis. I still can’t even get an excision surgery until I lose another 40 pounds. I feel like I am running in circles and in a horrible cycle.
I do all I can when the pain is absent, getting 10k steps and being active. But some days I can only get 3-5k because of the pain. How do I work through this? I feel my weight has always been a roadblock and just want to have actionable steps to break this stall and not feel so alone with chronic pain even after 115 lb weight loss.
Anyone else have a similar experience? What helped you with real, chronic fatigue? Sometimes I feel so alone because I see so many people able to overcome fatigue and pain, but I feel like I have all of the motivation in the world, but the pain is unbearable. I’m trying to compare myself to others that I’ve also had the gastric sleeve.
Any advice would help so much. I’m seeing my surgeon for my 3 month appointment this week. I just hope they’re understanding and see how hard I’m trying despite the obstacles.
submitted by literallylaur to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:10 Chapter97 My last job laid me off and now they're struggling.

Small bits of information before the story: This was not intentional petty revenge. I have epilepsy. It is mostly controlled with medication so I can drive.
In February of last year, I was hired at No Frills in the town next to me (about a 30min drive) to stock shelves. Even though it wasn't a great job, it was better than nothing and I was just happy to work since it's hard for epileptics to get jobs (most companies see us as unreliable and/or liabilities). It was part-time but that was fine. I told them about my condition after they hired me.
My first shift was the only training I got. After that, I was on my own. It took me a couple months to find my rhythm and remember where everything was, but I was giving 110% effort regardless. There was the occasional day when I had to leave early because I was having side effects from epilepsy (mostly loss of center of balance or severe headaches), but it didn't happen often. I only had 1 actual seizure during my time there, and I was at home, so I called to say I couldn't work that day.
When my probationary period was about to end (July), I was called into the office and told this was my last week. It really sucked because my birthday was also that week. They said I "wasn't being productive enough" and "that it was likely due to my lack of training." This was bull, but I didn't say anything. I was working just as hard as the other guys, averaged about the same amount of work as them, and I was the only one doing the job properly (putting new stock behind the old).
To put in perspective, I once had to clear and refill an entire shelf (foreign snacks) because everything there was expired (by a couple months) since no ond had checked the dates (something I always did). A customer even found expired rice on the shelf once. EXPIRED RICE!!! Do you have any idea how long the lifespan of rice is?
Cue a couple months later, and I chat with one of my ex-co-workers (she worked on the till). I asked her how things were going, and she said things went down the toilet after I left. They tried to get her to do some of the things I had done, but she couldn't cause she'd knee surgery a year or 2 before I started. They ended up hiring 2 people to replace me to get the same amount of work done.
I probably would have taken the job back (ask for a small raise maybe) if they had called and begged me to since I'm desperate for work, but they didn't. I haven't had a job since I left them but I'm working on it.
TLDR; job fired me and had to get 2 people to replace me
submitted by Chapter97 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:09 Responsible_Froyo_21 Ozempic is incredible

For some background, until I was around 20, I never had issues with my weight. I am 5'8" and before that time, I hovered between 140 - 150lbs. At the time, I had an inoperable tumour in my left thigh that was fed by the main arteries and blood vessels in my leg. It was a vascular tumour called an Arterial Vascular Malformation. It was around the size of a football, and was deeply imbedded in my thigh, close to the bone. I had sclerotherapy treatments to try and reduce the size of the tumour, but with the last session in 2011, some of the chemicals used in the process leaked into the surrounding tissue. The tumour had already killed a lot of the surrounding muscle, but the chemical damaged the nerve tissue and caused further damage. This caused me to be sedentary and essentially bed ridden for most of the day. I was taking 10mg Vicodins 4-6 times per day, Nycynta at night, a compound anti-inflammatory cream, gabapentin, and using a tens unit. I can say with certainty that that combination of medication barely touched the pain. I would at times blackout and wakeup at the hospital because I had a pain episode. Then my brother tragically passed away in 2013 and I was dealing with both crippling depression from the insufferable pain both emotionally and physically. Fortunately, later that same year, we found a highly specialized surgeon who could remove my tumour and once this was excised, the pain was significantly reduced, but I was still depressed and food was my comfort at the time.
When I started ozempic, I was around 315lbs. This was in august 2023. At first, I was very nauseous often and at times would be vomiting at work (I would carry a bucket with me when needed) and I had to take zofran to manage these symptoms. Once my dose was increased to 1mg/mL, I started noticing a rapid drop in my weight.
It is now May 2024, and I am currently 276lbs. I want to preface this with I wasn't even trying. The ozempic caused me to eat less and because of the moderate physicality of my job, I started losing weight. I didn't really change what I ate, on the contrary, I would eat a McDouble at McDonalds every night, but I could never finish the sandwich. I do have to say it is getting a lot easier getting around having lost that weight.
Due to this progress, I thought to myself, "what if I actually tried?" My current goal is to go from 276lbs to 200lbs by December 31st, 2024. That is my ideal target weight, but my minimum target is 215lbs.
My current plan is listed below:
Does anyone want to share their success stories? I would love to hear them for inspiration while on my journey to get back to where I was 11 years ago. Even if you only lost a few pounds, losing weight in of its own is a great achievement, no matter how big or little the loss is. If you are losing, you are not gaining and should be very proud!
submitted by Responsible_Froyo_21 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:09 Smarie234 Weight loss trackers

Hi all!
What apps are you using to track your progress?? I’ve downloaded a couple but haven’t loved any of them. I’m looking for something that’s maybe like a weight loss diary type of thing?
Let me know! 🙂
submitted by Smarie234 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:08 LateGrapefruit9309 Scared of going to the doctor, in that it’s too late

I’ve been having a lot of symptoms
Dark tarry stools
Weight loss (11 pounds) night sweats, hot flashes, indigestion, loss of appetite, hair loss, skin changes (drier)
My skin got paler
This has been going on for 1 months and 1-2 weeks.
I’m 25 male, and I suffer from CPTSD which I believe diminished my health from the constant stress and survival mode.
I’m afraid that it’s already stage 4 and the only option is aggressive chemo to only extend my life 2 months until I wither away and die.
I had a doctors appointment May 14th with my PCP, and I was so paralyzed by anxiety I couldn’t take myself to go. I skipped the appointment
submitted by LateGrapefruit9309 to coloncancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:03 Interesting_Gain1482 Feeling HORRIBLE and in pain

How long do the horrible stomach aches last. I almost feel sick. I feel so horrible and I can’t function beyond the most basic life supporting tasks, I can’t even drive like this. Been on this since August for weight loss, non-diabetic. I am at 2 milligram and have been at this dose for three or four weeks. I have had a riproaring upset stomach yesterday and about every other day since Monday. Yesterday was by far the worst. I actually took narcotic pain relievers because the pain was so bad. Today it’s not as bad but I’m still so miserable. Working with small doses of THC to help my stomach not feel so bad. This is injection day for me and I am definitely skipping till my stomach distress passes. I said in another thread that I’m pretty sure it’s my supplements that may have been destroying my stomach, three of them are enteric coated and I have to take them. I’m wondering if the slowed emptying lets them stay in my stomach and hurt it? I skipped everything but what I absolutely have to take. And I’m still miserable again not as bad as yesterday but so horrible. How long after stopping injections does the pain go away? I think I understand that 2 is not my dose at all. Going back down to 1.5 or 1.75, and nothing till my stomach resolves.
submitted by Interesting_Gain1482 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:01 literallylaur 3 months post-op and only lost 28 lbs :/ Lost 115 total since start of my journey. I barely see a difference.

HW: 398 lbs SW: 313 lbs CW: 285 lbs GW: 160?
TL;DR: struggling with body image, chronic illness and expectations. 3 months post-op and only lost 28 lbs. Lost 115 total since start of my journey. I barely see a difference.
I’m a 23 year old college student and had to take 3 years off to focus on my health. At my highest weight, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Lipo-Lymphedema. These illnesses make it extremely difficult to lose weight naturally, in a healthy way. I started ozempic in 2022 and stopped in July 2023. In that time I was able to lose 65 lbs. I started looking into surgery or seriously around July 2023. I was able to lose I started looking into surgery or seriously around July 2023. I was able to lose another 20 lbs without medication before surgery.
I had surgery on February 13, 2024. I was 313 pounds and now it’s May 18, 2024 and I’m 285. I’ve been stuck at this weight for almost 2 months. I’ve been stalled here since Easter. I’ve been more active and still eating 80 g of protein. I feel stuck. I feel like I’m not doing enough. I’ve lost 115 lbs total in the last two years but still barely see a difference since surgery.
My chronic illnesses: endometriosis, lymphedema, and Lipedema all cause pain and fatigue. I was finally able to start a medication that helped with my chronic fatigue, but I still feel like the pain of endometriosis and Lipedema are keeping me from being as active as I want to. I get around 7000 steps a day which I’m very proud of. However, the last week I had really painful. And the week before I could barely move due to, chronic back and knee pain also caused by endometriosis. I still can’t even get an excision surgery until I lose another 40 pounds. I feel like I am running in circles and in a horrible cycle.
I do all I can when the pain is absent, getting 10k steps and being active. But some days I can only get 3-5k because of the pain. How do I work through this? I feel my weight has always been a roadblock and just want to have actionable steps to break this stall and not feel so alone with chronic pain even after 115 lb weight loss.
Anyone else have a similar experience? What helped you with real, chronic fatigue? Sometimes I feel so alone because I see so many people able to overcome fatigue and pain, but I feel like I have all of the motivation in the world, but the pain is unbearable. I’m trying to compare myself to others that I’ve also had the gastric sleeve.
Any advice would help so much. I’m seeing my surgeon for my 3 month appointment this week. I just hope they’re understanding and see how hard I’m trying despite the obstacles.
submitted by literallylaur to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:00 SweetTeaMama4Life Pancreatic cancer now in the liver

We have a 65f relative who was diagnosed last fall with pancreatic cancer. She started treatments and had a whipple procedure. After the procedure she continued receiving chemo treatments. She recently had to go to the hospital for severe abdominal pain. They inserted stints and did a biopsy of her liver. The biopsy showed cancer in her liver. Throughout this whole process there has been many oversights during her medical care. Most notably a very important medication she should have been given after her whipple procedure was not prescribed for weeks. She went through weeks of pain, extra increased weight loss, and uncomfortable bathroom related issues before the connection was made that she was not given an important enzyme that would be necessary after the whipple procedure. We had no clue she should have been given this enzyme prescription until after she had suffered for quite a while. Other things along the way have happened (procedures she should have had that no one performed until much later, follow up appointments they didn't tell her she needed until well after the fact, etc) that make us concerned that someone with more medical knowledge than we process needs to be double checking that everything that should be happening for her is in fact happening. What should we expect after learning that it has progressed to her liver? Should she continue her treatments? Will continuing the treatments only cause her additional suffering that won't help at this point?
submitted by SweetTeaMama4Life to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:00 Sven-Ost FASTING ACCORDING BELLY

FASTING ACCORDING BELLY submitted by Sven-Ost to A_Healthy_LifeStyle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:58 LectureAccomplished8 If I hadn't encountered this profile

I would have at least die with a little less grief. I would have been grieving my looks like I am right now, but not for this loss in addition.
You give the ugliest woman in the world one virtual friendship which at some points becomes a physical friendship, meaning this person has to see you. What did I think would happen? I knew at some point my face wins and it has. Any good, interesting, fun conversations can't overcome such broken bones and muscles. And it has gotten worse since the first time we met so it couldn't have been more predictible.
It would have been better if he had cut it off immidately because of my face and would have said that this is reason instead cutting it off bit by bit slowly with those lame ass excuses every time. This isn't right for him anymore and this isn't and he wants to end every conversation after the first sentence. And above all, for so long there isn't any affection. This is an insult to my intelligence. We all know what the real reason is. The same reason no one else in the world is capable of speaking to me.
I would have still be dying in the greatest sadness in the world but at least wouldn't have had this additional hell. This loss. The extra jeulosy. The unfairness. The memory if the good interactions.
This feature in the middle of my face is now the worst in the world, since it got more broken. Sticking out broken bones under so little skin. I saw a pic of myself from yesterday and it devestad me. All day long I dream about the surgery I won't have. And it's just that feature.
I had so much in me. All covered under broken, malformed bones and muscles, so no one will evercsee. And I got to have one friendship with someone who did care about me for a short while, and now I know he won't give a dam when I die. He might be a little sad for a couple of hours but that's it. He will never miss me. He will pity me for what I had gone through but won't miss me for a second. No one can truly enjoy or miss anything covered in this monster, no matter how much they like the charachter.
TAKE THIS BODY AWAY. I loved life so much. I wanted to live so badly.
submitted by LectureAccomplished8 to uglywomenunite [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:57 FickleAssistant7095 Gaining weight but found I have high cholesterol?

For reference I’ve had ammenorhea for 1 yr after weight loss and stress (I reached 46kg but after increasing my food intake currently 48.5kg at 168cm). I recently went to the gyno and also got a blood test there. To my surprise my cholesterol levels were outside the optimal range…2.2 mmol/L for HDL and 3.3 mmol/L for LDL. My hormone levels were within the normal range though my oestradiol seems low at 70 pmol/L. Anyways, this seriously has scared me and I don’t know how to approach HA recovery now.
I gained the 2kg by increasing my dairy intake and being more free with what I eat. But now I’ve completely cut out cheese, switched to plant based milk and low fat alternatives because I don’t want to raise my cholesterol. also decided I'm cutting out red meat and just eating chicken breast and fish. With this I don’t know how Im gonna continue gaining weight. There’s only so much legumes and avocados I can eat…Also worried about reducing my cardio and exercise if it will exacerbate my cholesterol
I really wanted to just relax, be unrestricted with my food, enjoy having some pastries or desserts more frequently…but after seeing this high cholesterol I feel compelled to eat even “cleaner” than I did before starting my recovery. Considering I lost weight with my food intake before I have no idea how Ill continue gaining weight with this new way of eating.
submitted by FickleAssistant7095 to Amenorrhearecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:54 Beginning-Till-4996 A little tip…

For my friends who are using this exclusively for weight loss, keep in mind that many side affects you may be feeling, (weakness, dizziness, feeling faint.etc) can be hypoglycemic reactions due to the fact that this medication will be lowering your already normal blood sugar. A helpful little tip (that seems like common sense but you never know), is to carry around some candy with you! Just something small- like a little box of nerds, or some sweet tarts. Even glucose tablets. I know it feels counter productive to eat sweets while trying to lose weight, but it’s not healthy to be feeling those things all the time! I’m not talking about gorging on a box of chocolates- just a couple candies. I’ve recently seen quite a few posts of people complaining/looking for solutions to those kinds of symptoms so I just thought I’d offer my two cents.
submitted by Beginning-Till-4996 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:54 Sven-Ost FASTING ACCORDING BELLY

FASTING ACCORDING BELLY submitted by Sven-Ost to KetoIFforBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:46 No_Imagination7405 Found inventory at Kayes Drug store in NJ.

Found inventory at Kayes Drug store in NJ.
Tristate area fox. Plz call them and give a try. I found this inventory paper at my Dr office
submitted by No_Imagination7405 to Zepbound [link] [comments]