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Bybit Kode Referal: 24120 30% Diskon

2024.05.18 15:59 PayesTop Bybit Kode Referal: 24120 30% Diskon

Bybit Kode Referal: 24120 30% Diskon
Apabila Anda berminat memperoleh diskon di Bybit, Anda bisa menggunakan Bybit Kode Referal (Opsional) 24120 untuk mendapatkan potongan 30% pada semua transaksi beli dan jual Anda.
Dengan mendaftar menggunakan kode ini, Anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan berikut:
  • Potongan 30% pada komisi transaksi beli dan jual (berlaku seumur hidup).
Bybit Kode Referal (Opsional)
Bybit adalah platform perdagangan mata uang kripto yang semakin populer dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena fokusnya yang kuat pada perdagangan derivatif mata uang kripto.
Berdiri sejak Maret 2018 dan berbasis di Singapura, Bybit telah berhasil menarik perhatian pedagang kripto di seluruh dunia.
Meskipun masih relatif baru jika dibandingkan dengan bursa lainnya, Bybit telah cepat membangun reputasi sebagai pilihan yang menarik bagi para pedagang mata uang kripto global.
Salah satu aspek yang membedakan Bybit dari platform lain adalah penekanan kuatnya pada kontrak abadi.
Kontrak abadi merupakan jenis derivatif keuangan yang memungkinkan pedagang untuk berspekulasi tentang harga mata uang kripto tanpa perlu memiliki aset tersebut secara fisik.
Fitur ini memberikan keuntungan unik bagi pedagang karena memungkinkan mereka mendapatkan keuntungan dari fluktuasi harga baik ketika pasar naik maupun turun, sehingga memperluas peluang profit.
Bybit menawarkan berbagai kontrak abadi untuk sejumlah mata uang kripto populer seperti Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), dan EOS (EOS).
Kontrak ini juga memiliki fitur leverage hingga 100 kali lipat, yang memungkinkan pedagang untuk melakukan perdagangan dengan volume yang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan modal yang mereka miliki secara fisik.
Namun, perlu diingat bahwa penggunaan leverage juga membawa risiko yang lebih tinggi, karena potensi kerugian dapat menjadi signifikan jika pasar bergerak melawan posisi pedagang.
Selain kontrak abadi, Bybit juga menyediakan kontrak berjangka sebagai bagian dari portofolionya. Kontrak berjangka memiliki kemiripan dengan kontrak abadi, namun dengan perbedaan utama yakni adanya tanggal kedaluwarsa yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya.
Ini bisa sangat bermanfaat bagi pedagang yang ingin melakukan transaksi berdasarkan peristiwa atau berita tertentu yang diperkirakan akan mempengaruhi harga mata uang kripto dalam jangka waktu tertentu.
Salah satu keunggulan utama dari penggunaan Bybit adalah platform perdagangannya yang sangat mudah digunakan dan intuitif.
Platform ini dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan baik pedagang pemula maupun yang berpengalaman, dengan menyediakan berbagai alat dan fitur seperti grafik waktu nyata, indikator teknis, serta berbagai jenis pesanan lanjutan.
Fitur-fitur ini memungkinkan pedagang untuk menerapkan strategi perdagangan yang kompleks. Selain itu, Bybit juga menawarkan antarmuka seluler, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk berdagang kapan saja dan di mana saja, memberikan fleksibilitas yang sangat dibutuhkan di dunia perdagangan kripto.
Keamanan merupakan salah satu perhatian utama dalam dunia perdagangan mata uang kripto, dan Bybit sangat menitikberatkan pada perlindungan dana serta informasi pengguna.
Menggunakan teknologi mutakhir seperti enkripsi SSL, Bybit memastikan bahwa platform dan data penggunanya terlindungi dengan baik. Selain itu, sebagian besar dana pengguna disimpan dalam cold wallet (dompet offline), yang membantu meminimalkan risiko peretasan.
Bybit juga dikenal dengan layanan dukungan pelanggannya yang luar biasa. Mereka menyediakan dukungan 24/7 melalui chat langsung dan email, memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan jawaban cepat atas pertanyaan mereka dan solusi efektif atas masalah yang mungkin timbul.
Lebih dari itu, Bybit juga menawarkan bagian Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan (FAQ) yang komprehensif serta tutorial video yang memberikan informasi tambahan dan panduan langkah demi langkah tentang bagaimana menggunakan berbagai fitur platform.
Harus diingat bahwa perdagangan mata uang kripto membawa risiko tertentu, dan Bybit bukanlah pengecualian.
Pedagang disarankan untuk berhati-hati, melakukan analisis mendalam, dan menerapkan strategi manajemen risiko yang tepat saat menggunakan Bybit atau platform perdagangan lainnya.
Reputasi yang baik dan semakin meningkatnya popularitas Bybit dalam komunitas mata uang kripto menjadikannya platform yang patut dipertimbangkan bagi siapa saja yang tertarik untuk menjelajahi dunia perdagangan derivatif mata uang kripto.
submitted by PayesTop to mypromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:30 MPO108slot108 MPO108 DAFTAR AKUN PETIR 1000% PASTI JACKPOT

Dalam industri Game online yang terus berkembang, banyak platform seperti MPO108 menarik perhatian pemain dengan berbagai klaim menarik. Salah satu klaim yang mungkin Anda temui adalah klaim bahwa dengan mendaftar akun "petir" di MPO108, Anda akan mendapatkan jaminan pasti untuk meraih jackpot, bahkan hingga 1000%. Namun, sebelum Anda tergoda untuk langsung mendaftar, mari kita telaah lebih dalam apa sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan klaim ini.
Apa Itu Akun Petir?
Konsep "akun petir" dalam Game online sering kali terdengar menarik dan misterius. Namun, dalam banyak kasus, klaim semacam ini lebih merupakan bagian dari strategi pemasaran untuk menarik minat pemain baru daripada fakta yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara objektif. "Akun petir" seringkali hanya merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk menarik perhatian, tanpa memberikan informasi konkret tentang apa yang sebenarnya dijanjikan.
Realitas di Balik Klaim
Klaim bahwa dengan mendaftar akun petir di MPO108 Anda akan mendapatkan jaminan pasti untuk meraih jackpot hingga 1000% sebenarnya tidak didasarkan pada bukti yang kuat. Game, baik dalam bentuk online maupun offline, selalu melibatkan unsur keberuntungan yang tidak dapat diprediksi dengan pasti. Tidak ada strategi atau jaminan mutlak untuk meraih jackpot dalam Game.
Bermain dengan Realisme dan Bertanggung Jawab
Daripada terjebak dalam klaim yang terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan, pemain di MPO108 dan platform Game online lainnya sebaiknya mempertimbangkan Game sebagai hiburan semata. Selalu penting untuk bermain dengan realisme, menggunakan dana yang dapat Anda relakan untuk diinvestasikan dalam Game, dan mengingat bahwa tidak ada jaminan kemenangan dalam Game.
Klaim seperti daftar akun petir dengan jaminan pasti jackpot hingga 1000% mungkin terdengar menarik, tetapi penting untuk diingat bahwa klaim semacam itu sering kali lebih merupakan bagian dari strategi pemasaran daripada fakta yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Sebagai gantinya, fokuslah pada pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan dan bertanggung jawab, dengan memperlakukan Game sebagai hiburan semata. Dengan pendekatan yang realistis dan disiplin dalam pengelolaan dana, Anda dapat menikmati pengalaman Game online dengan lebih baik tanpa terjebak dalam klaim yang tidak realistis.
submitted by MPO108slot108 to u/MPO108slot108 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:18 WingedRabbits Valarr Scales, Lord of The Scales + Aurion Scales

Reddit Account: WingedRabbits
Discord Tag: professorpisstake
Name and House: Valarr Scales
Age: 62
Cultural Group: Valyrian (Westerosi)
Appearance: Valarr is a withered, frail, old man with a permanent scowl on his face - despite this or perhaps because of this, he is quite an imposing character. His hair is white and wispy, and falls just down to his shoulders where it meets his well-maintained beard. A jagged scar runs along the right-side of his face, starting at his lip and twisting up to his ear. Valarr walks with a limp, and is seemingly always clutching his silver cane.
Trait: Numerate
Skill(s): Architect, Avaricious (e), scrutinous, administrator
Talent(s): Haggling, Bargaining, Familial Matters
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lord of the Scales, Lord of house Scales.
Starting Location: Opening
Alternate Characters: Aurion Scales
Name and House: Ser Aurion Scales
Age: 30
Cultural Group: Valyrian (Westerosi)
Appearance: In contrast to his father, Aurion is a strapping, elegant man. He has wonderful, straight, brown hair which droops down to his shoulders, and a fine beard. He wears bright, fanciful clothing - which makes him stand out like a sore thumb against his father and his father's retinue, who tend to wear dull, dark clothes. Aurion has a well-mannered stride.
Trait: Just
Skill(s): Vanguard, Two-Handed Weapons, Armored
Talent(s): Public Speaking, Fashion, Charm
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Heir to The Scales,
Starting Location: Opening Event


37 BC - Valarr is born as the first child of Lord Aurane Scales. He is born a sickly child. Maester Corwyn begins taking care of Valarr.
36 BC - Valarr is declared healthy by Maester Corwyn. He is expected to grow into a healthy young child. A daughter is born to Lord Aurane Scales. She is named Helicent, after her grandmother. She is said to have cried for hours after her birth.
32 BC - Another son is born to Lord Aurane. He is named Edric. Young Valarr begins his tutelage under his father. Luthor Scales is born to Valarr’s uncle, Lucerys ‘The Wise’. Luthor weighed ten pounds at birth.
31 BC - Pirates assault The Scales in a surprise raid. Although they are repelled, the damage they dealt will be felt for years to come. Valarr is given a cat for his nameday - he affectionately names it “Balerion”, after the dragon which he often saw soaring above.
29 BC - Helicent becomes subject to relentless bullying by some older kids in court. Valarr witnesses this, and starts teaching Helicent how to fight back using techniques he had learned from his father and his other tutors. The siblings become friends. Johanna Scales is born to Lucerys ‘The Wise’.
27 BC - Following his tenth nameday, Valarr is sent to study in Dragonstone for a year. He grows to miss his siblings greatly, though. Valaena Targaryen allows Valarr to hold and play with the newborn Aegon on occasion, which helps him deal with his homesickness when his parents did not visit. Edric begins his tutelage under Lord Aurane.
26 BC - Valarr returns home from his year-long stay in Dragonstone. Valarr and Edric struggle to get along - but find common ground in their hatred of their oafish cousin Luthor.
24 BC - Aurane begins teaching Valarr how to command and lead armies, and how to manage a domain. Valarr shows unusual aptitude with the logistics and management of a fiefdom.
22 BC - Edric begins shirking his studies to spend time at the local port. Valarr and Luthor’s rivalry intensifies.
21 BC - Valarr celebrates his 16th nameday, and the beginning of his adult life. His studies under his father conclude. Valarr struggles with his feelings for his sister. They share their first kiss. Aurane announces that Helicent is to be betrothed to Maekar Belaerys. Valarr is upset.
20 BC - Helicent celebrates her 16th nameday, and is wed to Maekar Belaerys. Valarr leaves The Scales for Dragonstone, to serve in the court of the Targaryens.
16 BC - Edric and Luthor both celebrate their 16th nameday. Edric takes the first chance he gets to sign on as a sailor with a merchant ship, right under his father’s nose. Lord Aurane is infuriated. Luthor undergoes a growth-spurt, and by the end of it - he is as tall and broad as men twice his age.
14 BC - Luthor begins frequenting brothels on Dragonstone and brings home his first bastard. The child is named Aerion. Valarr does not enjoy having to explain to Lord Targaryen that Luthor’s choice of name was meant as a compliment, rather than an insult.
13 BC - Lucerys ‘The Wise’ falls ill with consumption. He is dead within the year. There is a suspicious increase in the number of silver-haired babies born on Dragonstone this year.
10 BC - Luthor brings home a second bastard child, and names this one Aegon. Valarr returns to The Scales after spending the last few years serving in the court of the Targaryens. Luthor and Valarr begin to bicker constantly. Lord Aurane falls ill. Valarr begins courting Calla Blackberry.
8 BC - Edric returns home after receiving word of his father’s condition - with him, he brings a Tyroshi woman named Rohanne and a young child. He explains that he and Rohanne fell in love during his time in Essos, and wed. The child is their son, Elyas. Valarr is just glad to see his brother again.
7 BC - Lord Aurane dies clutching at his heart during a feast. Valarr becomes the new Lord of House Scales, and is eager to make his father proud. New construction efforts within the Scales begin immediately.
6 BC - Lord Valarr marries Calla Blackberry. He commissions a suit of plate-armour - decorated with ornamental scales across the breastplate and base. Calla becomes pregnant.
5 BC - Aurion Scales is born to Valarr and Calla.
2 BC - Triston Scales is born to Valarr and Calla.
2 BC - Aegon Targaryen declares his intention to unite the Seven Kingdoms. Valarr Scales is among one of his first and most ardent supporters. When Aegon rallied his banners, Valarr was the first to arrive. When Aegon landed in the Blackwater Bay, Valarr was one of the first to feel the sand under his boots. Alongside Valarr was his brother Edric and cousin Luthor. The trio were unstoppable on the battlefield. Valarr and his men participate in the Battle of the Reeds and Wailing Willows.
1 BC - The Last Storm. Valarr, his brother, and his cousin all fought on the front line. Valarr commanded his men from atop his horse. They withstood the Storm King’s initial assaults, but upon his fourth charge the line broke. Argilac’s spearmen surrounded his position and picked off his retinue - eventually, they even got Valarr. They butchered his horse and pierced his hip. Valarr fell from his saddle, and then his horse fell on him - or at least, on his right leg. He eventually managed to free himself, only to be met with a hammer directly to his face. He was lucky the padding beneath his helmet took most of the impact. He was found the following morning by healers, and carried back to camp for treatment. Many of his bones had been broken, and much of the skin on the right side of his face was only hanging on by threads. Despite this, he made a miraculous recovery after a short battle with infection. However, his leg never healed right - and it seemed unlikely he would ever be able to fight again because of it.
1 BC - The Field of Fire. After Orys Baratheon’s successful campaign in the Stormlands, Valarr and his forces were reassigned to fight once more under Aegon’s banner - this time in his conquest of the Reach. Valarr did not participate directly in the Field of Fire, rather he was put in charge of managing the logistics for Aegon’s army. He was to make sure Aegon’s men were fed and supplied for the duration of his campaign in the Reach, and Valarr excelled at this job. When the day came that Aegon’s forces met the combined forces of the Kingdoms of the Rock and the Reach, Valarr took position as one of Aegon’s commanders. Although he was not in any chief leadership position for the battle, he played a role in devising the crescent formation that would keep Aegon’s men from being surrounded. Edric and Luthor again fought on the frontlines.
1 AC - Valarr is present for Aegon’s coronation. Valarr returns home to the Scales with Edric and Luthor in tow.
2 AC - Valarr commissions a Qohorik blacksmith to forge a cane to assist with walking. The cane is to be made half of lightweight silver and half of polished black wood, and the silver is to be engraved in the style of scales, with the handle of the cane to be fashioned in the style of a dragon’s head. The commission nearly halves Valarr’s treasury. Edric is given the task of staying in Qohor until the cane is completed, and then returning it to Valarr.
3 AC - Valarr’s cane is finished. Edric returns with it in haste. Luthor sires another bastard - Brea ‘Waters’.
5 AC - Rohanne Quaynis gives birth to a daughter. Edric names her Rohanne, after her mother. Luthor and his sister Johanna begin an affair. Valarr begins renovations of his holdfast - with the goal of elevating his home into a proper Keep. Aerion ‘Waters’ becomes known as a formidable warrior.
7 AC - Several pregnancies coincide this year, causing the House to grow quite a bit. Valarr and Calla introduce their daughter Cyrenna Scales to the world. Edric and his wife have a son, who they name ‘Aurane’, after Edric’s father. Luthor and Johanna have a bastard of incest together. They might have been able to keep their affair a secret, but Johanna dies during childbirth and Luthor takes open responsibility for the child. She is named Rhaenys. Luthor begins to spiral into his vices, namely drink and food. Aegon ‘Waters’ leaves The Scales to search for work as a mercenary.
7 AC - Valarr attends Aegon’s feast in King’s Landing. He reconnects with his King, and they share many stories of their childhood and their younger years, and then stories of their time during the Conquest. Valarr leaves to handle some issues with his family. By the time he returns, Aegon has already been wounded. After a few tense days of waiting, Aegon’s death is made public. Valarr mourns the loss of his King, and his friend.
8 AC - Luthor finally marries after spending years as a bachelor. He has a daughter with his new wife. He names his first trueborn child ‘Saera’.
10 AC - Aurion Scales - son of Valarr - reaches his tenth nameday. He is sent to live in the court of Dragonstone for a year. Triston grows resentful of his brother. Luthor has a son, who he names Morgan.
11 AC - Aurion returns from Dragonstone. Luthor has another daughter, who he names Falyse. Elyas Scales - son of Edric - marries.
12 AC - Triston has a bastard son with a servant girl. He names him Oswyn. Elyas has twins, who he names Lucerys and Casella.
14 AC - Edric arranges a betrothal for his daughter Rohanne, but she refuses to marry. Rohanne hides on a merchant ship as a stowaway. Rohanne winds up in Pentos and begins living as a beggar.
15 AC - Many Scales attend Orys’ Kingswood hunt, including Edric, Aurion, and Elyas. Elyas is struck down during the Kingswood Catastrophe by brigands while protecting his mother - who is also slain. Edric is distraught over the death of both his son and his beloved wife. Aurion displays great bravery during the event, and manages to free a group of hostages on his own while slaying a small band of brigands. For his bravery and courage, Aurion is knighted.
16 AC - Edric boards a ship bound for King’s Landing. During the voyage, he is reported to have flung himself overboard in an apparent act of suicide. His body could not be found. Valarr is very upset to have lost his brother. Valarr makes up with his cousin Luthor.
18 AC - Aurion leaves Dragonstone for the mainland, and begins traveling across Westeros as a hedge-knight - focusing on fighting in tourneys, and helping anyone who needs it. Rohanne joins up with the Company of the Rose after years of begging and stealing to survive.
20 AC - Triston Scales begins aiding his father with his duties, as Valarr becomes increasingly frail. Brea ‘Waters’ leaves The Scales on a ship to Storm’s End. She bounces between port towns until she winds up Tyrosh, where she joins up with a band of pirates.
21 AC - Aerion ‘Waters’ becomes the Master-At-Arms of The Scales, replacing ‘old’ Ser Clayton.
22 AC - Oswyn ‘Waters’ becomes entranced with books and legends and history. He is never seen without a book in his hand.
23 AC - Brea ‘Waters’ manages to become the captain of her own vessel, ‘The Black Wyrm’. Her crew is a nuisance to many traders along the coasts of the Free Cities.
24 AC - Valarr is discontent with the state of House Scales, and with how little recognition they have received despite their contributions to their liege. He drafts plans to forge alliances with as many houses as he can, and to build up the prestige and power of his house.
25 AC - Present. Valarr, Aurion, Luthor and a few other members of House Scales attend the festivities in The Kingswood.
House Scales in 25 AC
submitted by WingedRabbits to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:15 Vulphere Monthly Rant/Rage Thread - May 2024

This special thread series was originally maintained by u/mbok_jamu, since the scheduled post feature is now available on Reddit I will take over this monthly series - Vulcan
Thank you for sharing your stories on the previous rant thread. You guys are awesome and so brave for sharing your problems. Now let's do it again.
Is there something that makes you sad, angry, or stressed out? Do you want to cry or express your emotions, but you have no one to talk to?
Here, here, let it all out. Tell us everything, set your worries free. We're here to share and to listen. Use a throwaway account if you need one. Let it all out, don't leave a mess in your head. Tomorrow morning, you'll wake up feeling fresh and grateful, so you can celebrate your days with a bright smile and positivity.
If you need peer support or help from the professionals:
PS: If the information listed above is outdated or not accurate, feel free to contact the moderator team via modmail.
submitted by Vulphere to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:13 Carnival_Dogs So, the studio where The Doors recorded LA Woman is now a Tiki bar with $18 cocktails. And now Jimbo officially has a drink named after him. With burning rosemary. Please kill me.

So, the studio where The Doors recorded LA Woman is now a Tiki bar with $18 cocktails. And now Jimbo officially has a drink named after him. With burning rosemary. Please kill me.
Motel money murder madness Let's change the mood from glad to sadness
submitted by Carnival_Dogs to thedoorscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:16 Aethenoth [Canada to US/Canada][Sell/Picky Swap][Perfume] Samples and full-sizes from many houses including Stereoplasm, CocoaPink, Astrid, Fantome, Sucreabeille, and more!

Bundle deals available! There are mostly samples, but there are some full-sizes as well. I priced to sell, but am open to reasonable offers. More details are on my spreadsheet. New items have been added recently.
Pulp Fragrances:
Nui Cobalt:
Arcana Craves:
Arcana Wildcraft
Andromeda's Curse
Black Hearted Tart
Link again:
Thanks for checking out my destash!
submitted by Aethenoth to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 Optimal_Difference91 Aplikasi Jagoan Cheat Slot Gacor Gampang Jebol Scatter Pragmatic

Aplikasi Jagoan Cheat Slot Gacor Gampang Jebol Scatter Pragmatic

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Dengan menggabungkan kecerdasan buatan dan analisis pola, Jagoan Cheat Slot pencari pola gacor dirancang untuk menjadi solusi terkini dalam menavigasi kompleksitas informasi digital.
Keberadaan Jagoan Cheat Slot Mesin Pencari Pola Jitu berpotensi memberikan dampak positif pada pengguna. Kemampuannya dalam menyediakan informasi yang lebih relevan dan personal dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penelusuran, mengurangi kebingguangan dan memberu pengalaman lebih memuaskan bagi pengguna.
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Selamat Mencoba Bosku...!!

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View Poll
submitted by Optimal_Difference91 to u/Optimal_Difference91 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:19 Possible_Science_279 Rahasia Menang di DragonPoker88: Strategi Terbukti

Rahasia Menang di DragonPoker88: Strategi Terbukti
DragonPoker88 adalah salah satu platform poker online yang populer, menarik ribuan pemain setiap hari untuk bersaing dan mencari keberuntungan di meja-meja virtual. Namun, poker bukan hanya tentang keberuntungan semata. Ada strategi dan keterampilan tertentu yang dapat membantu Anda meraih kemenangan secara konsisten. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mengupas beberapa rahasia dan strategi terbukti yang dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang di DragonPoker88.
1. Pelajari Dasar-dasar Poker
Langkah pertama untuk menjadi pemain poker yang sukses di DragonPoker88 (atau platform lainnya) adalah memahami dasar-dasar permainan. Pastikan Anda memahami peringkat tangan, aturan taruhan, dan strategi umum seperti menggertak, membaca lawan, dan manajemen bankroll.
2. Mulailah Dengan Meja Taruhan Rendah
Saat memulai, disarankan untuk memulai dengan meja taruhan rendah. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk belajar tanpa risiko besar dan memperoleh pengalaman berharga tanpa menguras dompet Anda. Selain itu, permainan di meja taruhan rendah cenderung lebih lunak, dengan pemain yang kurang terampil.
3. Perhatikan Lawan Anda
Poker bukan hanya tentang kartu yang Anda pegang; itu juga tentang cara membaca lawan Anda. Amati pola taruhan mereka, tindakan mereka, dan cari tahu kebiasaan permainan mereka. Informasi ini dapat membantu Anda mengambil keputusan yang lebih baik saat bermain.
4. Kelola Emosi Anda
Salah satu keterampilan penting dalam poker adalah kemampuan untuk mengendalikan emosi Anda. Jangan terbawa emosi jika Anda mengalami kekalahan atau ketukan buruk. Tetaplah tenang dan fokus pada strategi permainan Anda.
5. Mainkan Tangan Anda dengan Bijak
Jangan terjebak dalam godaan untuk terus menelepon atau mengangkat hanya karena Anda sudah terlanjur memasang taruhan. Pelajari kapan saatnya untuk melipat tangan Anda dan kapan harus tetap bertahan. Menghindari keputusan impulsif adalah kunci untuk sukses dalam jangka panjang.
6. Manfaatkan Bonus dan Promosi
Banyak platform poker online, termasuk DragonPoker88, menawarkan bonus dan promosi kepada pemain baru dan yang sudah ada. Manfaatkan ini sebaik mungkin untuk meningkatkan bankroll Anda dan memperpanjang waktu bermain Anda.
7. Pelajari Strategi Lanjutan
Selain strategi dasar, ada beragam strategi lanjutan yang dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan permainan Anda. Pelajari tentang posisi, teori permainan, pengelolaan ukuran taruhan, dan teknik lainnya yang digunakan oleh pemain poker berpengalaman.
8. Tetaplah Konsisten
Konsistensi adalah kunci untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan hasil permainan Anda. Bermain secara teratur akan membantu Anda memahami permainan secara lebih dalam dan mengasah kemampuan Anda.
9. Evaluasi dan Pelajari dari Pengalaman
Setelah setiap sesi bermain, luangkan waktu untuk mengevaluasi kinerja Anda. Apa yang berhasil? Apa yang bisa diperbaiki? Belajar dari pengalaman adalah cara terbaik untuk tumbuh sebagai pemain poker.
10. Bersabarlah
Rahasia terbesar dalam poker adalah kesabaran. Tidak semua tangan akan menghasilkan kemenangan, dan terkadang Anda harus sabar menunggu momen yang tepat untuk bertindak.
Dengan mengikuti strategi ini dan mempertajam keterampilan Anda, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk sukses di DragonPoker88. Ingatlah bahwa poker adalah permainan yang membutuhkan latihan dan pengalaman. Selamat bermain dan semoga sukses!
submitted by Possible_Science_279 to u/Possible_Science_279 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:25 twindigital 6 Manfaat Menulis Buku Harian: Dari Healing Sampai Pemecahan Masalah

6 Manfaat Menulis Buku Harian: Dari Healing Sampai Pemecahan Masalah
Manfaat menulis buku harian telah tervalidasi oleh beberapa jurnal terkemuka. Ingatlah bahwa menulis buku harian hanyalah salah satu aspek dari gaya hidup sehat untuk mencapai kondisi mental yang lebih baik. Untuk memperoleh manfaat menulis buku harian, pastikan kamu juga melakukan kegiatan positif lainnya. Sebut saja, bersantai dan bermeditasi, makan makanan yang sehat, dan berolahraga secara teratur. Lalu, apa saja manfaat dari menulis buku diary?

Apakah Manfaat dari Menulis Buku Harian?

Di bawah ini adalah enam manfaat hebat dari kegiatan menulis buku harian yang perlu kamu ketahui.

1. Healing

Manfaat menulis buku harian untuk penyembuhan atau healing. Baik secara emosional, psikologis, dan fisik. Mengutip Huffpost, penulis Writing to Heal, Dr James Pennebaker, menemukan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan fungsi kekebalan pada peserta latihan menulis. Dengan menulis cerita harian di notebook, kamu membebaskan diri kamu dari mental yang terjerat dalam trauma. Sebab pada dasarnya, stres datang dari penyumbatan emosional, dan hipotesis yang terlalu banyak berpikir atau biasa disebut overthinking.

2. Meningkatkan Kualitas Tulisan

Secara tidak langsung, manfaat menulis buku harian adalah meningkatkan kualitas tulisan. Seiring tingginya intensitas menulis, maka semakin meningkat juga keterampilan komunikasi kita secara terutama secara tertulis. Saat menulis diary dengan pulpen mungkin kamu tidak memiliki topik yang sempurna, namun dengan terus mengasah kemampuan menulis, bukan tidak mungkin kamu dapat menulis dengan cara yang cerdas. Untuk mulai memperbaiki tulisan, kamu cukup menulis apa yang kamu rasakan atau pikirkan setiap harinya.

3. Meredakan Stres

Melakukan self-talk, mengekspresikan berbagai macam emosi yang ada, kemarahan, kesedihan hingga frustasi adalah bagian dari manfaat menulis buku harian. Ini membantu melepaskan energi negatif yang sedang tumbuh dalam tubuh dan mengurangi dampaknya. Dengan menulis pemikiran ke dalam kertas, mengurangi intensitas emosi sekaligus membuat diri merasa lebih tenang. Dr James mempercayai bahwa menuliskan peristiwa yang membuat kita stres, membantu kita menerimanya sehingga mengurangi dampak negatif stres.

4. Menemukan Pemecahan Masalah

Salah satu manfaat menulis buku harian yang mengejutkan adalah membantu memprioritaskan pemecahan masalah. Membuat jurnal membantu kamu mengidentifikasi tentang apa yang membuat stres. Melihat gambaran besar masalah, membuat kamu memiliki pandangan holistik terhadap masalah. Dari sana kamu akan menyusun rencana untuk menyelesaikan masalah, atau setidaknya mengurangi efek stres yang mengganggu. Dengan kata lain, menulis buku harian bermanfaat untuk mendapatkan pengakuan atas pola proses berpikir kita yang mungkin tidak disadari.

5. Memperkuat Disiplin Diri

Apa manfaat buku harian untuk anak anak? Mungkin memperkuat disiplin diri bisa menjadi manfaat yang paling besar dampaknya. Pasalnya, menyisihkan waktu secara teratur pada pagi, sore, dan malam hari untuk menulis buku harian adalah tindakan disiplin. Dari kebiasaan yang teratur ini dipercayai akan membentuk sikap disiplin yang sama bagusnya dalam kegiatan lainnya. Misalnya, menjaga kerapihan kamar tidur, atau menjaga kebersihan spot bekerja.

6. Menambah Daya Ingat

Mengutip Journey Cloud, otak cenderung menyimpan informasi yang telah ditulis di buku, termasuk buku harian. Setelah menuliskannya di buku, otak akan membuat koneksi yang lebih kuat dengan informasi yang telah dipelajari. Hal ini karena tangan dan otak memiliki hubungan yang unik, yang dipicu oleh komposisi pikiran dan gagasan. Dengan begitu, kamu pun lebih mudah untuk mengingatnya pada masa mendatang.
Apa yang bisa ditulis di buku diary? Buku diary biasanya berisi berbagai pemikiran yang ingin dituliskan secara subjektif. Jadi, kamu bisa menulis tentang apapun termasuk hal yang bersifat rahasia dalam buku harian kamu. Untuk membuatmu bersemangat menulis setiap harinya, gunakan pulpen dan notebook custom dari Twin Digital. Kamu bisa custom sesuka kamu loh!

Temukan Twin Digital di:

Situs Web: Situs Blog : Facebook. : Instagram: Tiktok: Shopee: twindigitalprinting dan twin_creative Tokopedia: twin digital dan digital printing indonesia

submitted by twindigital to u/twindigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:44 twindigital Hang Tag adalah Alat yang Memotivasi Penjualan, Bagaimana Caranya?

Hang Tag adalah Alat yang Memotivasi Penjualan, Bagaimana Caranya?
Hang tag adalah salah satu item yang dapat memainkan peran yang esensial dalam menarik perhatian konsumen. Apa fungsi hang tag? Pada umumnya hang tag ditempelkan dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi penting tentang produk yang ditempelkan di tag tersebut. Namun, sebetulnya hang tag memiliki pengaruh yang lebih signifikan dari itu.
Cetak hang tag di produk memiliki pengaruh untuk mengekspresikan esensi merek dengan cara yang paling sederhana. Bahkan terlepas dari ukurannya, sekecil apapun ukuran hang tag dengan pesan yang relevan, tetap dapat merangsang calon pelanggan potensial untuk melakukan pembelian.
Mungkin kamu bertanya-tanya, bagaimana hang tag dapat meningkatkan prospek bisnis? Bagaimana barang kecil ini dapat memberikan dampak yang signifikan dalam mengembangkan bisnis? Simak selengkapnya di bawah ini yuk!

Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Hang Tag?

Hang tag adalah label merek yang digantungkan di produk fashion seperti pakaian, tas, dan kaos kaki. Berdasarkan Collins Dictionary, hang tag adalah label karton atau plastik kecil yang digantungkan pada item pakaian dan memberikan informasi seperti ukuran , warna , kain, dan harga.
Adanya hang tag digunakan untuk memberikan informasi seperti ukuran, warna, jenis bahan, dan harga produk. Hang tag biasanya ditempelkan pada produk dengan menggunakan tali atau bahan sejenisnya.

Apa Saja Isi Hang Tag?

Pada dasarnya hang tag adalah media untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang produk. Para calon pelanggan potensial merek kamu tentu penasaran dengan kualitas kain, bahan yang digunakan dalam produk, asal produk atau produsen lokal, detail ukuran, dan harga produk.
Jika kamu bertindak sebagai pelanggan, kamu akan menyetujui bahwa hang tag adalah cara terbaik untuk menyampaikan informasi terkait produk kepada pelanggan. Oleh karena itu, hang tag setidaknya berisi informasi ukuran, bahan, dan harga produk.

Berapa Ukuran Hang Tag?

Pada umumnya hang tag persegi panjang berukuran 9 x 5 cm. Ukuran hang tag sangat bervariasi, begitupun dengan variasi bentuk hang tag. Ada hang tag yang berbentuk bulat, persegi, persegi panjang, atau bentuk-bentuk unik lainnya seperti love, atau bintang. Custom produk hang tag ukuran berapapun dan bentuk apapun cukup hubungi di sini!

Hang Tag Menggunakan Kertas Apa?

Bahan label atau hang tag yang berkualitas adalah Art Carton 260gsm, BW Lokal, dan Linen. Ketiga material tersebut sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan dasar hang tag. Pilih warna dan cetakan yang halus sehingga orang dapat membaca isinya. Kamu dapat memilih opsi cetak 2 sisi atau hanya 1 sisi.
Selain pemilihan bahan, penting juga untuk menentukan desain hang tag merek kamu. Gunakan konten visual yang mencerminkan merek kamu dan pertahankan teks seminimal mungkin untuk menarik perhatian orang. Jadilah seinovatif mungkin dalam pembuatan hang tag kamu. Jika kamu tertarik, kamu bisa custom hang tag yang menarik di Twin Digital.

Bagaimana Hang Tag Meningkatkan Penjualan?

Hang tag adalah alat yang memicu pembelian pelanggan. Kamu dapat memanfaatkan hang tag untuk memotivasi penjualan di masa mendatang dengan menjadikannya sebagai kupon robek untuk diskon pembelian selanjutnya. Beritahukan pelanggan kamu bahwa dengan mengumpulkan 10 pcs hang tag merek bisnismu bisa ditukar dengan 1 produk khusus tertentu. Kalkulasikan loyalitas pelanggan yang sesuai dengan jumlah pembelian mereka.
Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk memperkenalkan produk kamu kepada pelanggan baru. Seperti yang kamu lihat, dengan desain hang tag kreatif dan inovatif, kamu dapat mengubah hang tag menjadi faktor penentu keberhasilan bisnis secara praktis dalam waktu singkat!
Mau custom hang tag yang menarik untuk bisnismu? Konsultasikan saja di Twin Digital. Sebagai digital printing terbaik di Jakarta, kami menawarkan produk hang tag yang dapat dicustom sesuai permintaan pelanggan. Dengan harga yang bersaing, kami dapat memberikan penawaran harga terbaik untuk kamu. Pesan sekarang!

Temukan Twin Digital di:

Situs Web: Situs Blog : Facebook. : Instagram: Tiktok: Shopee: twindigitalprinting dan twin_creative Tokopedia: twin digital dan digital printing indonesia
submitted by twindigital to u/twindigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:40 twindigital 3 Perbedaan Flyer dan Brosur yang Penting Diingat

3 Perbedaan Flyer dan Brosur yang Penting Diingat
Perbedaan flyer dan brosur cukup signifikan. Baik flyer dan brosur sama-sama merupakan kebutuhan promosi cetak dalam bentuk kertas. Kedua produk ini kerap dianggap sama, meski sebenarnya berbeda.
Lalu, apa saja perbedaan tersebut? Mari temukan jawabannya di bawah ini!

Apa Persamaan Flyer dan Brosur?

Flyer dan brosur sama-sama berfungsi sebagai media promosi. Keduanya digunakan untuk mempromosikan merek, acara, atau produk tertentu.
Materi cetak dinilai menarik bagi pemilik usaha kecil dan pemula karena merupakan alat pemasaran yang efisien dan ekonomis. Oleh karena itu, banyak pelaku usaha memilih flyer dan brosur untuk materi pemasaran dan branding produk.

Perbedaan Flyer dan Brosur

Selain kartu nama, flyer dan brosur adalah dua media promosi cetak yang paling populer. Apa perbedaan dari brosur dan flyer? Mari kita uraikan bersama perbedaan keduanya.

Apa Itu Flyer?

Flyer biasanya berupa lembaran cetak tunggal yang tidak dilipat. Lembaran flyer biasanya dicetak datar atau persegi panjang. Umumnya flyer hanya dicetak dengan metode cetak 1 sisi saja.
Berapa ukuran standar flyer? Jawabannya 8,5 x 11 cm. Ukuran ini dipilih untuk menghemat biaya. FYI, kalau di Twin Digital, kamu bisa cetak custom ukuran flyer sesuai kebutuhan kamu.
Flyer juga biasanya dicetak dengan tajam dan berwarna. Dengan begitu, secara visual flyer dapat memberitahu pembaca tentang apa yang ingin disampaikan dalam flyer. Cetakan flyer Twin Digital pasti terjamin kualitasnya. Kami akan memberikan opsi harga paling bersahabat untuk kamu.

Apa Itu Brosur?

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), brosur diartikan sebagai bahan informasi tertulis mengenai suatu masalah yang disusun secara bersistem. Brosur biasanya berupa cetakan yang terdiri dari beberapa halaman.
Isi brosur kebanyakan menginformasikan mengenai suatu produk, perusahaan, atau organisasi tertentu. Metode cetak 2 sisi atau bolak balik selalu menjadi pilihan metode cetak terbaik untuk brosur.
Jika flyer tidak dilipat, brosur selalu memiliki lipatan dari 2 lipatan hingga 3 lipatan. Ukuran brosur pun cukup variatif, namun kebanyakan berukuran A5 atau lebih besar. Jenis kertas yang dipilih haruslah tebal dan berkualitas tinggi.
Jadi dapat disimpulkan, perbedaan flyer dan brosur antara lain dari jumlah cetakan, metode cetak dan lipat, serta ukuran yang berbeda. Dengan semua perbedaan tersebut, harga brosur lebih mahal dibanding dengan harga flyer.

Cetak Brosur dan Flyer Terbaik di Jakarta

Mau cetak brosur atau flyer dengan harga bersahabat? Brosur dan flyer memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, tetapi keduanya adalah media promosi yang penting bagi bisnis.
Jika kamu memiliki pertanyaan tambahan tentang brosur atau flyer, hubungi Twin Digital. Kami dapat membantu kamu dengan ide, desain, dan tata letak karya kamu. Tertarik melakukan cetak brosur dan flyer? Dapatkan penawaran harga terbaik di sini!

Temukan Twin Digital di:

Situs Web: Situs Blog : Facebook. : Instagram: Tiktok: Shopee: twindigitalprinting dan twin_creative Tokopedia: twin digital dan digital printing indonesia
submitted by twindigital to u/twindigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:31 NumasVanegasTijerina Looking for a Perfect Garden Scent + My list of potential garden fragrances

I wan’t to smell like a natural garden - fresh, wet, green, herbal, earthy, aromatic (
But not limited to only these ‘ingredients’ because I myself might not know what I’m looking for. I just know I probably don’t want it to be citrusy, because that’s immediately a whole different vibe for me. And maybe it shouldn’t have a strong floral accord, because it would also overpower my initial green garden wish (but maybe somewhere in the background would help with the photorealistic garden feel?)
I also want to share my 'library' of potential garden scents. Big part of them I haven’t even smelled yet so let me know if something from this list matches my criteria. Meaning - if something you would recommend is already in this list, I still want to hear your recommendation! Some are more straightforward green garden, some are less, some are a bit foresty gardens, but all of them are mostly green:
4711: Acqua Colonia Lavender & Thyme ( Aedes de Venustas: Aedes de Venustas ( Aesop: Hwyl ( Aesop: Karst ( Avatim: Águas Naturais Concentração ( Balenciaga: Florabotanica ( Bjork and Berries: Botanist ( Bottega Veneta: Parco Palladiano V: Lauro ( Carine Roitfeld: George ( Chanel: No 19 ( Comme des Garcons: Hinoki ( Comme des Garcons: Laurel ( Comme des Garcons: Sugi ( Comme des Garcons: Yoyogi ( Creed: Original Vetiver ( Demeter Fragrance: Greenhouse ( Demeter Fragrance: Provence Meadow ( Diptyque: L’Ombre Dans L'Eau ( Diptyque: Venise ( Diptyque: Vinagre de Toilette Edition Méditerranée ( DS&Durga: Bistro Waters ( DS&Durga: Coriander ( DS&Durga: Cowboy Grass ( Eris Parfums: Green Spell ( Ffern: Summer 23 ( Frederic Malle: Synthetic Jungle/Synthetic Nature ( Gucci: Mémoire d’une Odeur ( Guerlain: Aqua Allegoria Herba Fresca ( Hermès: Le Jardin de Monsieur Li ( Hermès: Un Jardin en Méditerranée ( Hermès: Un Jardin Sur Le Nil ( Hermès: Un Jardin Sur Le Toit ( Hilde Soliani: Stelle di Ghiaccio ( Honore des Pres: Nu Green ( Imaginary Authors: Every Storm a Serenade ( Jacomo: Silences ( Jo Malone London: Blackberry & Bay ( Jo Malone London: Lavender & Coriander ( Jo Malone London: Sorrel & Lemon Thyme ( Jo Malone London: Wild Strawberry & Parsley ( Kajal: Sareef ( KITOWA: Hiba ( KITOWA: Hinoki ( L'Artisan Parfumeur: Vétiver Écarlate ( Le Couvent Maison de Parfum: Kythnos ( Le Labo: Baie 19 ( Les Liquides Imaginaires: Tellus ( Lorenzo Villoresi: Spezie ( Maison Francis Kurkdjian: Aqua Media Cologne Forte ( Maison Martin Margiela: From the Garden ( Maison Trudon: II ( Malin+Goetz: Stem ( Miller Harris: La Feuille ( MiN New York: Coda ( MiN New York: The Botanist ( Molinard: Thé Basilic ( Mugler: Mystic Aromatic ( Nishane: Unutamam ( Nomenclature: Shi-sõ ( Olympic Orchids Artisan Perfumes: Chevalier Vert ( Oriza Le Grand: Deja Le Printemps ( Oriza L. Legrand: Chypre Mousse ( Parfum d'Empire: Corsica Furiosa ( Parfum d'Empire: Mal-Aimé ( Parfums Dusita: Le Sillage Blanc ( Perris Monte Carlo: Lavande Romaine ( Pierre Guillaume Paris: Aube Pashmina ( Profumum Roma: Ichnusa ( Profumum Roma: Victrix ( Régime des Fleurs: Falling Trees ( Santa Maria Novella: Melograno ( Santa Maria Novella: Potpourri ( Scents of Wood: Hinoki in Hinoki ( Sisley: Eau de Campagne ( Solstice Scents: Wilcox's ( Sora Dora: Greasque ( St Giles: The Writer ( St. Clair Scents: Gardener's Glove ( Svensk Parfym: Prakt ( Tom Daxon: Salvia Sclarea ( Zoologist Perfumes: Sloth (
submitted by NumasVanegasTijerina to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:00 sandinugroho95 Kadiv Humas Polri Irjen. Pol. Sandi Nugroho resmi meluncurkan Perkadiv Nomor 1 Tahun 2024

Kadiv Humas Polri Irjen. Pol. Sandi Nugroho resmi meluncurkan Perkadiv Nomor 1 Tahun 2024
Kadiv Humas Polri Irjen. Pol. Sandi Nugroho resmi meluncurkan Perkadiv Nomor 1 Tahun 2024 tentang standar operasional prosedur di lingkungan Divisi Humas Polri. Peresmian itu dilakukan dalam Rakernis Divisi Humas Polri yang juga dihadiri As SDM Polri Irjen. Pol. Dedi Prasetyo, Aslog Polri Irjen. Pol. Argo Yuwono, dan Kapolda Jawa Timur Irjen. Pol. Imam Sugianto.
“Kami Humas Polri kembali menerima kado terindah oleh bapak Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo berupa pengesahan Perkadiv No. 1 Tahun 2024, di mana di dalam perkadiv ini mengatur tentang standar operasional prosedur yang menjadi tugas pokok dan fungsi,” ujar Kadiv Humas Polri dalam sambutan pembukaan rakernis, Senin (22/4/24).
Dengan adanya Perkadiv Nomor 1 Tahun 2024 itu, ujar Kadiv Humas, akan menjadi standar dalam pelaksanaan setiap tupoksi kehumasan yang dapat dijadikan dasar bertindak dalam melaksanakan tugas kehumasan oleh seluruh personel Humas Polri.
Dalam sambutan tersebut, Kadiv Humas juga berharap rakernis dapat memperbaharui dan meningkatkan kemampuan kehumasan. Dengan demikian, semua semakin siap dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan yang mungkin muncul dalam pelaksanaan tugas ke depannya.
“Karena upaya pengelolaan citra dan persepsi publik adalah tugas kita semua dan diharapkan seluruh anggota Polri sebagai pengemban fungsi kehumasan, sehingga dapat mendukung stabilitas kamtibmas yang kondusif dalam proses demokrasi guna percepatan transformasi ekonomi yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan,” jelas Kadiv Humas.
Di sisi lain, Kadiv Humas menyampaikan terima kasih kepada seluruh anggota atas kinerja dan dukungan dalam rangka menyukseskan berbagai pelaksanaan tugas Polri, khususnya dalam pengamanan event-event besar nasional, seperti pemilu dan ops ketupat. Sehingga, Polri masih dipercaya oleh masyarakat untuk melaksanakan tugas di bidang pemeliharaan keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, perlindungan pengayoman dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, hingga penegakan hukum.
“Tahapan demi tahapan pemilu satu persatu telah dilewati, tetapi masih menyisakan beberapa tahapan yang perlu dimitigasi agar kebhinekaan, kerukunan dan kesatuan bangsa tetap terjaga,” ungkap Kadiv Humas.
Sebagai informasi, rakernis sendiri mengusung tema Humas Polri Yang Presisi Siap Mendukung Stabilitas Kamtibmas Yang Kondusif Dalam Proses Demokrasi Guna Percepatan Transformasi Ekonomi Yang Inklusif Dan Berkelanjutan. Rakernis diikuti seluruh PJU Divisi Humas Polri, mulai dari Karo dan Kabag, serta Kabid Humas Polda jajaran hingga Kasie Humas Polres jajaran.
submitted by sandinugroho95 to u/sandinugroho95 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:02 2ndgenerationcatlady Trip Report: Four(ish) days in Early May

I’ve noticed this sub tends to have a lot of people asking for feedback on their itineraries, but few people returning to the sub to share their reflections post-trip. When I’m planning a trip, I find these sort of trip reports from ordinary people (as opposed to the countless outdoor influencer blogs you find online that rave about everything) to be the most helpful – so I’m posting this here as a way of paying it forward. It’s long, but I’ve used headers to help people skim.

Basic Details:

Who was on the trip: My partner and I, who are both in our 30s and in somewhat above average shape, at least compared to the typical American. We jog/hike/do yoga on a weekly basis, but are by no means super fit. Our style of travel with trips like this is to have fairly full days, but we also don’t like feeling rushed either.
When: May 4 – May 7.
Weather: May 4 and 5 were mostly solid days of rain (moderate to light), May 6 was rain and then scattered showers/sun, May 7 started with light rain and ended with mostly sun. Of course, it was no doubt different in different parts of the park.

Our Itinerary:

Day 1 (Lake Quinault): Because our trip began in the Columbia River George, today we woke up in Portland. We had been warned by a Reddit user that I-5 could get crowded on weekends, so we got up early and arrived at a coffee shop when they opened at 6am and then headed out to Lake Quinault. We encountered no traffic of significance, and arrived around 9:30. We did the 6mi Rainforest Loop trail near the park lodge first. I’d say the trail was a mix of lightly trafficked to moderately trafficked, depending on the section. Then we drove to the North Fork trailhead, stopping to see the big Sitka and the waterwall along the way. Then we hiked the North Fork trail up until Wolf Bar and headed back (5mi). This trail was totally empty, besides the one camper at Wolf Bar. You get a fair number of river views along the way. On the scenic driving loop, we saw a bear and a heard of elk. Then we drove to the Salmon House for dinner, and then checked in to the motel (Lake Quinault Inn).
Reflections: Physically this was a fine amount of hiking for one day, but it was moderate to light rain the entire time, which even though we were prepared in terms of gear, did make everything a bit more taxing (including driving). I would not recommend doing the 6mi version of the Rainforest Loop trail - I'd do the 4mi version instead. You don’t see anything too special in the longer version, and it requires you walk the end bit along the road which is not pleasant nor scenic (I had hoped you’d at least get lake views along the road, but it’s blocked by trees). The hike to Wolf Bar was very lovely, as good as the Hoh River Trail we’d do the next day, and much more remote. The Salmon House was a bit of a letdown – quite expensive and just okay – we split a meal with soup, and while the salmon was tasty, it was nothing special. Lake Quinault Inn is the cheapest option, and it’s perfectly comfortable.
Day 2 (Beaches and Hoh Rainforest): Another early start today to hit a 6am low tide at Beach 4. But beforehand we did a quick stop at the Tree of Life, then Beach 4 for tide-pooling, then Ruby Beach, and then Hoh Rainforest, where we did the Hall of Mosses and River Trail to 5mi Island and Back. Then we drove to Rialto Beach, though did not complete the hike. Stayed in Forks (Far West Motel), had dinner at the Westend Taproom Tip & Sip.
Reflections: The tree of life is a nice short stop, but I wouldn’t recommend people go out of their way to see this – it’s fine, but the experience in-person is not terribly different than the experience looking at a photo. I don’t mean to sound negative here, I’m glad we stopped, but sometimes I see itineraries where people drive all the way from Forks and back just to see this, and I wouldn’t recommend doing that – not worth the drive time. The tide pools at Beach 4 were a bit of a letdown. To be fair, the low tide was approx. 0.6 ft, not a negative tide. So perhaps that if it had been a negative tide, it would have been better. As it was, it was ok – we saw some sea anemones and a few star fish. But the pools we could see were not teaming with life (unlike what we’d experience later at Salt Creek Recreation Area). And the beach itself was less scenic than others we’d visit. Ruby beach was lovely, we spent about an hour there – we couldn’t do the “trail” on Alltrails due to a river crossing, but did hike a bit south to see some shallow caves. Spent about an hour here. Arrived a Hoh at 9:30am and I was a bit worried about potential lines to get in given this was a Sunday, but the parking lot was mostly empty. If you do the River Trail, there isn’t much need to do the other trails – Hall of Mosses does take you to a nice area, but there are equally impressive “halls of mosses” you pass through on the River Trail. Thankfully it was not crowded when we went, but it was started to get busy towards the end and I can see how it could get unpleasant in peak season. Again, it was raining the entire day, and in hindsight we should have not worried about getting to Rialto beach by 4:30pm so we could do hole-in-the-wall at low tide. By the time we did get to Rialto, we were both feeling a bit worn. Then to complete the hole-in-wall you either need to wade through a small river (we did not have gaiters) or clamber over a “bridge” of many downed trees – I felt okay doing this but my partner did not (we saw others do this, as well as many people turn back – I’d say if you are confident in your balance and not too fearful of heights, you’ll be okay – I would not take children though – short legs would make this much, much, harder). We still ended up spending enough time here that by the time we got to Forks, pretty much everything was closed (a lot of places close entirely or early on Sunday) and so the taproom was the only option.
Day 3 (Makah Museum and Ozette Loop): Our options for hiking at low tide were either very early or the afternoon. Initially the plan was do very early, but our bad luck with weather continued – the night before called for a potential morning thunderstorm. And at this point we were both a bit tired of hiking full days in the rain. So we slept in a bit, and then headed straight to the Makah Museum getting there a little after they opened at 10am. Much of this drive is very scenic along the Salish Sea (even saw some seals). Our plan was to re-check the weather once we were done. We spent a little over an hour at the museum, which was enough time to see everything. At that point, the weather in Ozette was looking a bit better so we decided to take a bit of a chance, and I’m so glad we did. Ultimately the weather was basically perfect – we finally got to enjoy a fair bit of sun. There were a few rain showers, but they were all short and light. The loop took us 6hrs, which included lots of time to explore the beach and take breaks. Then we ate dinner at the Breakwater Restaurant and Bar in Clallum Bay and headed to a yurt in a campground off of 101 in the Sol Duc area, arriving after dark.
Reflections: I am very glad today we got some good weather in the park – I know some people enjoy hiking in the rain, and I thought I was one of those people before this trip – but this trip made me realize that my capacity for hiking in the rain is two full days. The beaches, at least in our opinion, are so much more beautiful in the sunshine. Had it been a third full day of rain, I’m not sure what we would have done. In any case, the Ozette Loop was easily my favorite hike the entire time in ONP. The hike through the coastal forest/bogs is lovely, and the beach section was the prettiest beach we went to – not just because of the sun, but it was much more wild, covered in seaweed, crab shells, and all sorts of marine life, whereas the other beaches were mostly just stones. And there are just so many sea stacks, plus you can climb one at Sand Point. We also got to see a big bear on the beach, and found petroglyphs at Wedding Rocks. I think we appreciated these more after going to the museum, as well as the hike in general – the Makah Museum concerns the area of Ozette (the location of the archeological site), so I’d say it’s a must if you do this hike. Also nice was the fact that it was a lightly trafficked trail. The Breakwater Restaurant and Bar exceeded our expectations – the fried fish sandwiches are huge, and you get a great view of the sea.
Day 4 (Sol Duc, Salt Creek Recreation, Lake Crescent, Hurricane Ridge): Another early start, waking up at 5:30. This was because we wanted to get to Salt Creek in time for a -1.6 tide at 9am. We hiked the Sol Duc trail, which was practically empty when we arrived – we only saw three people the whole time. Then we headed to Salt Creek to catch the tide, picking up some excellent pie at the Blackberry Cafe along the way. I agree with everyone who says these tide pools are the best – they are excellent – teeming with life, though we only saw one blood star and no star fish. We also saw lots of seals in the water. You do need good shoes for this. A little over an hour was enough time for tide-pooling and eating pie while watching the seals frolic. From there we hiked the Devil’s Punchbowl trail, then we headed up Hurricane Ridge. Dealing with a last minute AirBNB cancelation had eaten up a bit of time en route to Hurricane Ridge, so we didn’t have much time for hiking up there, and given all the snow we mainly just enjoyed the view and hiked a bit of the way along the Hurricane Hill trail. Then we got fruit ice-cream at Welly’s and took the Kingston Ferry to Seattle.
Reflections: Today was another good weather day, thankfully – though it rained in the morning during the Sol Duc hike, otherwise it was mostly sunny and clear, allowing great views up at hurricane ridge (though we could see storms in the distance). This was an easy day, but as this point in the trip, that’s what we needed. Port Angeles is a cute town with really good coffee, I certainly see the advantage of staying here – probably would have switched the Sol Duc campground for a night in PA, even though it would have added a bit of driving.

Final Thoughts:

Sol Duc vs. Hoh vs. Quinault Rainforests: Hoh and Quinault are extremely similar in terms of flora and fauna, Sol Duc is similar but the trees are notably less covered in moss. That said, if you are short on time I wouldn’t feel compelled to see either Hoh or Quinault – they are lovely, but I’m not sure it’s worth the drive if you have less than two full days, and you’ll get the general idea at Sol Duc.
How long do you need: I’m glad we had four mostly full days. But I think a shorter trip that would capture most of the magic of ONP would include Hurricane Ridge, Salt Creek, Lake Crescent, Sol Duc, and Ozette Loop. I imagine one could do that in two full days.
Early May Timing: We did the trip when we did because I had a work trip to Seattle at the very end of April. I don’t regret it at all, but I’d recommend doing a trip mid to late May instead for a better chance of more sun-to-rain ratio. We perhaps got a bit unlucky with weather – the day after we left, even Forks was predicted to get over a week of pure sunshine. In any case, the benefit of going when we did is the crowds were negligible. We never had an issue with parking, and Hurricane Ridge was the only time we were around many people. Even the Hoh River Trail was lightly trafficked (perhaps because of the rain).
What to bring: We both have good 3L raincoats, and they really came in handy on this trip, as did rain pants. Trekking poles were also good to have, especially for the stream crossings on North Fork and Hoh River – but we split a pair and that was fine. I was glad to have GTX trail runners, but never felt like I needed waterproof boots – gaiters would have made some of the beach hikes with small “rivers” easier though. Gloves are also essential, as are lots of wool socks.
Ok, this was a long post but feel free to ask me any questions!
submitted by 2ndgenerationcatlady to OlympicNationalPark [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:34 GreenSalsa96 The older I get the more I return to my roots...

I grew up on a small farm in Michigan. My siblings and I worked a 1 acre vegetable garden, roamed 20 acres for berries throughout the year, took care of 25-30 chickens, 10-15 goats, pigs, and of course, cut firewood for the winter.
I can't say enough how much I grew to despise living on that "farm". I didn't hate my parents for having it; I just hated doing all the upkeep, maintenance, and work that went into keeping our family homestead going.
Fast forward to being a 57 year old guy living in North Carolina, I am stunned how I am slowly returning to my roots. I am a beekeeper. I plant edibles for landscaping (plum, peach, pear, apple, and cherry trees). I am using berry bushes for hedging (blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries). I am on my fifth year of gardening and three years ago upgraded to raised beds.
This morning at 0700, I was out weeding and picking up storm debris from yesterday. I was putting in the last of my seedlings, I was....oh crap....I have started slowly returning to what I was doing as a kid.
Anyone else do the same?
submitted by GreenSalsa96 to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:56 HealthyYard6559 What the Bible reveals to us about God, another feature

So far we have seen what the Bible reveals about God and God's attributes, and here we briefly see what the Bible reveals about God's attributes that are also mentioned through other attributes of God and very often are inseparable from some others or from some other attribute.
  1. God is invisible
We talked about the fact that God is a "Spirit" and as such He does not have a physical body that we know and that we can see with the naked eye, so we can say that God is invisible to us.
Here are some verses where it says that God is invisible.
"Look, he's walking past me, but I don't see him; it passes and I don't notice it."
Job 9:11
.. Behold, if I go forward, He is not there; if back, I do not find Him; If he works on the left, I don't see Him; if on the right, he took cover, I can't see him."
Job 23:8-9
"No one has ever seen God: the only begotten Son who is in the arms of the Father, He announced Him."
John 1:18
"Who is the form of the invisible God, who was born before all things."
Col. 1:15
,, And to the Eternal King, Incorruptible, who is not seen, to the only all-wise God, honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."
1 Tim. 1:17
,, Who himself has immortality, and lives in light that cannot be approached, whom no man has seen, nor can see, to whom honor and eternal state. Amen."
1 Tim. 6:16
"He left Egypt with faith, not fearing the king's wrath; because they clung to Him who is not seen, as if they saw Him."
Hebrew 11:27
  1. God is immeasurable and omnipresent
We said that God is not limited by earthly laws, nor can the essence of God be grasped. In addition, God is everywhere present and immeasurable in everything, such as e.g. creation, knowledge, giving, forgiveness, salvation, etc.
"But will God really live on earth? Here, the sky and the heavens above the heavens cannot contain You, let alone this home that I am building."
1 King 8:27
"For His eyes are turned to the ways of man and He sees all his steps. There is no darkness or shadow of death where those who commit iniquity can hide."
Job 34:21-22
"Where would I go from Your spirit, and where would I flee from Your face? If I go to heaven, You are there. To go down to hell, there you are. To rise on the wings of the dawn, and move to the end of the sea: And there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will hold me. To say: Yes if the darkness hides me; but the night is also like light around me. Even the darkness will not be darkened by You, and the night is as bright as the day: darkness is like light. For You created what is in me, You formed me in my mother's womb. I praise You, that I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and my soul knows it well. Not a single bone of mine has hid from You, even though I was created in secret, woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my embryo, all that was written in Your book, and the days were recorded, when there were none of them yet."
Ps. 139:7-16
"The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, seeing the bad and the good."
Proverbs 15:3
"Am I God from near, says the Lord, and am I not God from afar?" Can someone hide in a secret place so I don't see them? Speaks the Lord; do I not fill heaven and earth? Speaks the Lord."
Jer. 23:23-24
"If they bury themselves in the lowest part of the earth, from there my hand will take them; and if they go up to heaven, I will take them down from there; And if they hide on the top of Carmel, I will find them and take them from there; and to hide before my eyes at the bottom of the sea, there I will command the serpent to bite them"
Amos 9:2-3
"And there is no substance unknown before Him, but everything is naked and exposed before the eyes of the One to whom we speak."
Hebrews 4:13
  1. God is reasonable and wise
From the presentations so far, we could conclude that God is reasonable and all-wise, because only such a God can control all events in our visible and also invisible (to us) world.
"In Him is wisdom and strength, in Him is counsel and understanding."
Job 12:13
,, Hear that, Job, stop and look at the miracles of God. Do you know how He arranges them and how He shines with light from His clouds? Do you know how the clouds hang? Do you know the wonders of Him who is perfect in all knowledge? How do your clothes get warm when you soothe the land from the south?"
Job 37:14-17
"How many are Your works, Lord! You have created everything too wisely; the earth is full of Your treasures."
Psalm 104:24
"Great is our Lord and great is His virtue, and there is no measure to His understanding."
Psalm 147:5
"He made the earth by his power, established the earth by his wisdom, and scattered the heavens by his understanding;"
Jer. 10:12
"And to the Eternal King, the Incorruptible, the invisible, the only all-wise God, honor and glory for ever and ever." Amen."
1 Tim. 1:17
  1. God is great
God is great because His works prove it and we have those proofs throughout the entire human history.
"Now I see that the Lord is greater than all the gods, because as soon as they pride themselves on him, he surpasses them."
"Because the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, a great, mighty and terrible God, who does not look at who is who or who accepts gifts;"
,, That is why you are great, Lord God, there is no one like you; and there is no God but You, according to all that we have heard with our ears."
2 Sam. 7:22
"For the Most High Lord is awesome, the king is great over the whole earth."
Psalm 47:2
,, God! The way is Your world; what God is so great as our God?"
Psalm 77:13
"The Lord is great, and He should be praised, and His majesty cannot be reached."
Psalm 145:3
"No one is like You, Lord; you are great and great is your name in power."
Jer. 10:6
"And I prayed to the Lord my God and, confessing, I said: O Lord, great and terrible God, who keeps covenant and mercy to those who love You and keep Your commandments;"
Dan. 9:4
  1. God is just
We have already mentioned this before, only to say that God is absolutely just, unlike people who do not have justice but like to boast about it.
"The work of that Rock is perfect, because all His ways are justice; God is faithful, without injustice; he is just and true."
Deut. 32:4
"For the Lord is just, he loves justice; the righteous will see His face."
Psalm 11:7
"The Lord is good and just; that's why he shows sinners the way"
Psalm 25:8
"Gentleness and justice are the footstool of Your throne, mercy and truth go before Your face."
Psalm 89:14
"There is a cloud and darkness around Him; gentleness and justice are the footstool of his throne."
Psalm 97:2
"The Lord is good and just, and our God is merciful;"
Psalm 116:5
"You are righteous, Lord, and Your judgments are true."
Psalm 119:137
,, Announce, and bring, let them deliberate together: who said that from ancient times? Who reported back then? Was it not I, Lord? There is no other God besides me, there is no righteous God and Savior other than me."
Isa. 45:21
  1. God is patient and slow to anger
We touched on this topic when we said that God is merciful.
"For as the Lord passed in front of him, he cried out: Lord, Lord, God is merciful, compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in mercy and truth."
Exod. 34:6
"The Lord waits for a long time and is abundant in grace, forgives iniquity and sin, but does not justify the guilty, but punishes the iniquity of the father on the sons to the third and fourth generation."
"But You, Lord, God, merciful and gentle, patient and rich in goodness and truth,"
Psalm 86:15
"The Lord is gracious and good, slow to anger and very gentle"
Psalm 103:8
"The Lord is pliant and merciful, long-suffering and of great mercy."
Psalm 145:8
"And tear your hearts, not your clothes, and turn to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy and repents of evil."
Joel 2:13
,, And he prayed to the Lord and said: Lord! Didn't I say that when I was still in my country? Therefore I would rather flee to Tarshish; because I knew that You are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in mercy, and you repent of evil"
Jonah 4:2
"The Lord is slow to anger and has great power; but by no means justice to the guilty; the way of the Lord is in whirlwind and storm, and the clouds are dust from His feet."
Nahum 1:3
  1. God is good and gentle
And we talked about this to mention that God does not punish according to what we deserve, but is merciful and gentle and out of great love gives us new chances to repent so we don't perish.
"The Lord is good and just; that's why he shows sinners the way"
Psalm 25:8
"Because You, Lord, are good and merciful and very merciful to all who call on You."
Psalm 86:5
"Because the Lord is good; His mercy is always, and His truth from generation to generation."
Psalm 100:5
"The Lord is good, the city is in trouble, and he knows those who trust in him."
Nahum 1:7
,, And Jesus said to him: Why do you call me gentle? No one is gentle but one God."
Mark 10:18
,, But love your enemies, and do good, and lend without hoping for anything; and you will have a great reward, and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is kind to both the ungrateful and the wicked."
Luke 6:35
  1. God is full of love
Because God is full of love, he is also good and gentle and merciful and slow to anger and patient with us, giving us new chances for life.
"The Lord has been appearing to me for a long time. I love you with eternal love, that's why I do you the same favor."
Jeremiah 31:3
"For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, so that no one who believes in Him should perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16
"But God shows his love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Rom. 5:8
"And further, brothers, rejoice, be perfect, be comforted, think alike, have peace: and the God of love and peace will be with you"
2 Cor.13:11
"And he who does not have love does not know God; for God is love."
1 John 4:8
"And we know and believe in the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who stands in love, stands in God and God stands in him."
1 John 4:16
  1. God is full of generosity
Everything we receive from grace and grace to the material things we use is a gift from God who takes care of us.
,,Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and I will have mercy on him, and on our God, because he forgives a lot."
Isaiah 55:7
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that no one who believes in Him should perish but have eternal life. Because God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him."
John 3:16-17
"John answered and said: A man cannot receive anything unless it is given to him from heaven."
John 3:27
"Because he says to Moses: I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and on whom I will have mercy, I will have mercy"
Rom. 9:15
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, it comes from the Father of light, in whom there is no change or change of light and darkness;"
James 1:17
"Ilia was a mortal man like us, and he prayed to God that it would not rain, and that it would not rain on the earth in three years and six months. And he prayed again and the sky gave rain, and the earth brought forth its crops."
James 5:17-18
  1. God is true
Everything we have said so far makes sense only if God is true, and here is the confirmation that God is true.
"The work of that Rock is perfect, because all His ways are justice; God is faithful, without injustice; he is just and true."
Deut. 32:4
"Into Your hands I entrust my spirit; you delivered me, Lord, true God!"
Ps. 31:5
"Whoever blesses himself on earth will be blessed by the true God; and he who bows down on earth, swears by the true God; because the first troubles will be forgotten and will be hidden from my eyes."
Isa. 65:16
"Then Jesus cried out in the church teaching and said: you know me too and you know where I am from; I did not come of my own accord, but there is a True One who sent me, whom you do not know."
John 7:28
"And this is eternal life to know You, the only true God, and whom You sent Jesus Christ."
John 17:3
"For they make known for you what kind of entrance we have to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the Living and True God."
1 Sol. 1:9
,, And we know that the Son of God came, and gave us understanding to know the True God, and to be in His true Son Jesus Christ. This is the True God and Eternal Life."
1 Jov. 5:20
  1. God is faithful
What God promised was being fulfilled, is being fulfilled before our eyes, and will be fulfilled in the future.
,, God is not a man to lie, nor a son of man to repent. What does he say he won't do, and what he says he won't do?"
Numb. 23:19
"And so know that the Lord God is your God, a faithful God, who keeps his covenant and his mercy to a thousand knees to those who love him and keep his commandments."
Deut. 7:9
"And he raises the horn of salvation for us in the house of David his servant, as he says through the mouth of his holy prophets from the ages that he will deliver us from our enemies and from the hands of all who hate us; To show mercy to our fathers, and remind ourselves of our holy covenant, the Curse with which we swore to Abraham our father that he would give us"
Luke 1:69-73
"God is faithful who has called you into the community of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord."
1 Cor. 1:9
"No other temptation shall come upon you but that of man; but God is faithful, who will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able, but will also make an end with the temptation, so that you can bear it"
1 Cor. 10:13
"He who called you is faithful, and he will do it."
1 Sol. 5:24
  1. God is supreme or supreme
God is omniscient, does what is best and can never make a mistake, that's why He is the Most High or the Most High
,,And the Lord said to him: I will cause all my good things to pass before you, and I will call out by name: Lord before you. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have pity on whom I have pity."
Exod. 33:19
"Our God is in the heavens, he creates everything he wants."
Ps. 115:3
Whatever He wills, the Lord does everything, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and in all the deeps."
Ps. 135:6
"At that hour, Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said: I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You hid this from the wise and intelligent, but You told the simple. Yes, Father, because it was Your will.
Lk. 10:21
"Having shown us the secret of His will, according to His good pleasure which He had previously shown in Him,
For the ordinance of the executor of the times, that all things in the heavens and on the earth may be gathered together in Christ; in Him, through whom we also became heirs, predestined beforehand by the order of God who does all things according to the counsel of his will."
Eph. 1:9-11
"For it is God who works in you that you will and do as pleases Him."
Phil. 2:13
  1. God is zealous - a jealous God
,, Do not have other gods beside me. Do not make for yourself a graven image or any image of what is in heaven above, or on the earth below, or in the water, under the earth. Do not bow down to them or serve them, because I am the Lord God yours, zealous God, who visit the sins of the fathers on the sons to the third and to the fourth generation, those who hate me;"
Exod. 20:3-5
"Because you should not worship another God: because the Lord is called a zealot, God is a zealot."
Exod. 34:14
"For the Lord your God is a consuming fire and a jealous God."
Deut. 4:24
"Don't have other gods besides me. Do not make for yourself a graven image, or any image of anything that is in heaven above or that is on the earth below or that is in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to them or serve them, for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, who I visit the sons of the iniquities of their fathers to the third generation to the fourth generation, of those who hate me."
Deut. 5:7-9
"Because God is jealous, the Lord your God in the midst of you, so that the Lord your God does not become angry with you and destroy you from the land."
Deut. 6:15
"And Jesus said to the people: You cannot serve the Lord, because he is a holy God, a jealous God, he will not tolerate your unbelief and your sins."
Joshua 24:19
  1. God is full of majesty
,, To Israel! There is no one like God, who goes through the sky to help you, and in his majesty on the clouds."
Deut. 33:26
"Lord, our Lord! How glorious is Your name throughout the earth! You have raised your glory to the highest heavens"
Psalm 8:1
"Enter the rock, and hide yourself in the dust from the fear of the Lord and from the glory of His majesty."
Isa 2:10
,, Yours, Lord, is majesty and power and glory and eternity and honor, and all that is in heaven and on earth; Yours, Lord, is the kingdom, and You are exalted, above all the Head;
1 Chron. 29:11
"Praise Him according to His power, praise Him according to His high majesty."
Ps. 150:2
  1. God is full of glory
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims the works of His hands."
Psalm 19:1
"And they will sing the ways of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord is great."
Ps. 138:5
,, And above in the sky that was above their heads, it was like a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone, and on the throne it was like a man in appearance. And I saw like a strong light, and inside it like fire all around, from the thighs up, and from the thighs down I saw like fire and light around him. Like a rainbow in a cloud when it's raining, so was the light all around to the eyes. It was the sight of the glory of God in the eyes; and when I saw, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of Someone speaking."
Ezekiel 1:26-28
"God came from Teman and the Saint from Mount Faran; His glory covers the heavens and the earth is filled with His praise. His light was like the sun, rays came out of His hands, and His power was hidden there"
Habakkuk 3:3-4
,, And the word became flesh and moved into us full of grace and truth; and we saw His glory, the glory, as the Only Begotten of the Father."
John 1:14
,, And he said: People, brothers and fathers! Listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he moved to Haran."
Acts 7:2
"Waiting for the blessed hope and the manifestation of the glory of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ,"
Titus 2:13
,,Saying: Amen; blessing and glory and wisdom and praise and honor and power and strength to our God forever and ever. Amen."
Rev. 7:12
"And after this I heard a great voice of many people in heaven saying: Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power to our Lord;
Rev. 19:1
  1. God fills heaven and earth
,, But will God really dwell on earth? Here, the sky and the heavens above the heavens cannot contain You, let alone this home that I am building?"
1 Kings 8:27
"And who could build a home for Him when the sky and the heavens above the heavens cannot contain Him?" And who am I to build him a home? But only to burn incense before Him."
2 Days 2:6
"But will God really live on earth? Here, the sky, and the heavens above the heavens cannot contain You, let alone this home that I am building."
2 Dnev. 6:18
"Can someone hide in a secret place so I don't see them?" Speaks the Lord; do I not fill heaven and earth? Speaks the Lord."
Jer. 23:24
  1. God saw
"And He was seen shining in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake Him."
John 1:5
"Bless, my soul, Lord!" Lord, my God, you are very great, you have clothed yourself in majesty and beauty. You put on light like a garment, spread out the sky like a tent;"
Psalm 104:1-2
,, You will no longer see the sun by day, nor will the bright moon shine on you; but the Lord will be your light forever and your God will be your glory."
Isa. 60:19
"His light was like the sun, rays came out of His hands, and His power was hidden there."
Habakkuk 3:4
,,Who himself has immortality, and lives in a light that cannot be approached, whom no man has seen, nor can see, to whom honor and eternal state. Amen."
1 Tim.6:16
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, it comes from the Father of light, in whom there is no changing, no changing of light and darkness;"
James 1:17
  1. God is immortal
"It will pass, and You will remain; they will all wear out like a dress, you will change them like a dress and they will change. But You are the same and Your years will not expire."
Psalm 102:26-27
"And he changed the glory of the eternal God into the form of mortal man and birds and four-footed animals and beasts."
Rom. 1:23
"And to the Eternal King, the Incorruptible, the invisible, the only all-wise God, honor and glory for ever and ever." Amen"
1 Tim.1:17
,,Who himself has immortality, and lives in a light that cannot be approached, whom no man has seen, nor can see, to whom honor and eternal state. Amen."
1 Tim.6:16
"She will pass away, and You remain: and they will all grow old like a dress, And you will fold them like a dress, and they will change: and You are the same One, and Your years will not disappear."
Hebrews 1:11-12
  1. God is a consuming fire
,, And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from a blackberry. And he looked, and that blackberry was burning with fire, but not burning."
"And Mount Sinai is all smoking, because the Lord descended on it in fire; and smoke rose from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain shook very much"
"For the Lord your God is a consuming fire and a jealous God."
Deut. 4:24
"Know therefore today that the Lord your God, who goes before you, is a consuming fire; He will destroy them and He will strike them down before you, and you will drive them out and destroy them quickly, as the Lord told you."
Deut. 9:3
"Sinners in Zion will be afraid, they will tremble at the hypocrites, and they will say: Who among us will be left with the consuming fire? Who among us will remain in the eternal heat?"
Isaiah 33:14
"And I saw like a bright light, and inside it like fire all around, from the thighs up, and from the thighs down I saw like fire and light around it."
Ezekiel 1:27
  1. God is a just judge
We have mentioned many attributes of God, but the completeness of everything is when we mention that, in addition to everything, God is also a just judge. That he is a just judge comes from many features that we have studied, and simply some features would not be complete if God were not a just judge. This is one of qualities that many ignore, thinking that God is only love or mercy, but in the Bible we find very serious warnings that tell us that God is a just judge and that he will judge every sin that is not covered by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and that is acknowledged and forgiven. that's why God gives us so much grace, giving us a little more time to educate ourselves and turn to the right path, which is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth and the life; no one will come to the Father through me."
John 14:6
And because we have a way, God gives us a little more time to repent, because he does not like death and does not want anyone to perish, and he warns us about this:
"The Lord is not late with His promise, as some think He is late, but He is patient with us, because He will not let anyone perish, but all come to repentance."
2 Peter 3:9
And if someone persistently refuses mercy and grace, then God will be his righteous judge
"Do not do this, nor lose the righteous with the unrighteous, that it may be to the righteous as well as to the unrighteous; don't; will not the judge of the whole earth judge justice?"
"When man sins against man, the judge will judge him; but when someone sins against the Lord, who will pray for him?"
1 Sam.2:25
"God is a righteous judge, and God is ready for wrath every day."
Psalm 7:11
,,And people will say: Truly there is fruit for the righteous! Indeed, God is the judge on earth!"
Psalm 58:11
"Because the Lord is our judge, the Lord is the one who sets the laws for us, the Lord is our king, He will save us."
Isaiah 33:22
,, Further, therefore, a crown of justice has been prepared for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day; but not only to me, but to all who are looking forward to His coming."
2 Tim. 4:8
"There is one legislator and judge, who can save and execute; and who are you to judge another?"
James 4:12
  1. God is perfect
Based on all the characteristics of God studied so far, we can only conclude that God is absolutely perfect, and this is confirmed by the verses from the Gospel. Also, everyone should strive towards the goal that the perfect God recommended to us.
"Be therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect"
Matthew 5:48
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2024.05.08 09:07 SkyAnimal Timeline of Human Evolution.

Earth's orbit experiences an “Orbital Eccentricity”, 100,000 year cycle orbit and inclination variation, going from circular to elliptical, the hemispheres experience more or less sun or exposure to the sun for extended periods, causing ice ages. Scientists estimate we are near the minimum, a 6% change in solar energy. At peak, the earth experiences a change of 30%.
Modern Day Primates, in the wild and captivity, are able to communicate, near and far, using verbal and gesture components, even to other species. Have been observed using wood as tools, and in using medicinal plants to treat wounds.
44 million y a - Hominid ancestors acquire Herpes virus.
10 million y a - Primate ancestors develop genes to digest alcohol.
6 million years ago - Primate ancestors split from Chimpanzee/Bonobo line (15 million DNA mutations have occurred since then; each person born today has 100 mutations distinct to them, most don’t survive.)
5.3 m y a - Mediterranean Sea experiences the Messinian Salinity Crisis, for 600,000 years the Straight of Gibraltar closed off, causing the Mediterranean to shrink down to two inland seas with Italy and Greece separating them. Ends in the Zanclean Flood, a river of Atlantic sea water flows thru Gibraltar and fills the Mediterranean in 2 years.
5 m y a - Arabian-African continent reconnects with Asia. Land based Turtle species start going extinct.
4 - 3 m y a - Hominid ancestors acquire pubic lice from Gorillas (genetic evidence).
3.6 - 2.58 m y a - Considered the Neogene Period.
3.3 m y a - Stone tools found in Kenya and Ethiopia.
2.6 m y a - Mode One Stone Tools found in Ethiopia, would subsequently spread. Flourished to 1.7 million y a in southern and eastern Africa. Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) Era (2.6 m y a till end of last Ice Age, 11,000 y a). Subdivided into the Early- or Lower Paleolithic (c. 2,6 million years ago - c. 250,000 years ago); the Middle Paleolithic (c. 250,000 years ago - c. 30,000 years ago); and the Late- or Upper Paleolithic (c. 50,000/40,000 - c. 10,000 years ago)
2.58 million - 11,700 years ago - Considered the start of the Quaternary Period, and covers the Pleistocene.
2.4 – 1.4 m y a – Homo Habilis (4.5-3.5 feet tall).
2 m years ago - Earliest Hominids start eating meat.
1.9 – 1.8 m y a – Homo Rudolfensis.
1.89 m y a to 110,000 y a - Homo Erectus (first to leave Africa and spread across Asia).
1.8 m years ago - Mode One Stone Tools found on Java.
1.7 m years ago - Mode Two Stone Tools (slicing, hand-axe/butchering, evidence of drilling tools) appear in Kenya and southern Africa.
1.6 m years ago - Mode One Stone Tools found in northern China.
1.6 - 1.5 m y a - Africa, Turkana Boy dies, likely from a tooth cavity infection. He was either 8 or 11-12 years old and 61 inches tall. Brain 880 ccm.
1.5 m y a - Kenya, possible start of Hominids using fire to cook food. (increase in caloric intake, which would lead to evolution; however, Paranthropus Boisei is the local species, brain 500-550 ccm, 54 inches tall)
1 million years ago - Likely split between ancestor of Homo Sapiens and proto-Neanderthal-Denisovan species. (Mitochondrial DNA evidence.) South Africa, evidence of fire use for cooking.
1 m - 700,000 y a - Java, Java Man dies, brain 900 ccm. 5' 8" tall.
900,000 y a – Possible earliest use of boats.
820,000 - 580,000 y a - Durum Wheat develops out of natural hybridization with Einkorn Wheat (genetic analysis).
800,000? y a - Low world temperatures recorded. Height of Ice Age?
790,000 y a - Levant, oldest Fire hearths found. (Homo Heidelbergensis, 1,250 ccm brain, 69 in tall)
740,000? y a - Height of Ice Age?
7-200,000 y a – Homo Heidelbergensis (East Africa and Europe, likely first to hunt large animals with spears)
640,000? y a - Height of Ice Age.
550,000? y a - Height of Ice Age?
540,000 - 430,000 y a - Art: Sea shell formed into decoration by Homo Erectus. (Could indicate when sea shells began to be used as whistles and horns.)
530,000? y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, high CO2 content in the atmosphere, 524-474,000).
500,000 y a - South Africa, evidence of Spears. Genetic evidence of Neanderthal spread from Europe to Caspian Sea, Denisovans occupied land from Caspian to the east.
450,000 y a - Earliest physical evidence of Neanderthal.
450,000 y a - Global temperatures had dropped, stayed that way for thousands of years.
430,000 - 230,000 y a - Durum Wheat cross-breeds with wild Goat Grass (genetic analysis).
400,000 y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, 424-374,000).
400,000 y a - Germany, oldest Spears found. France (Terra Amata), possible evidence of manmade shelter using prepared wood.
360,000? y a - Height of Ice Age.
335-236,000 y a – Homo Naledi (South Africa, 4’9”)
310,000 y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, 337-300,000).
300,000 y a – Mode Three Stone Tools (smaller knife-like, scrapers, developed in Europe by Neanderthals)
300,000-200,000 y a – Africa, Origin of Male Y-Chromosome that all current males are descended from. (40% of males do not reproduce.)
270,000? y a - Height of Ice Age.
240,000 y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, 242–230,000).
200,000 y a - France, evidence of Neanderthals fishing. Africa, "Mitochondrial Eve," source of all Human Haplo-groups that everyone is descended from, existed at this time.
194,000-135,000 y a - Penultimate Glacial Period.
190,000 y a - Early physical evidence of Denisovans. (At least three interbreeding events would occur with Homo Sapiens. EPAS1 gene, hemoglobin concentration, Tibetan plateau.)
190,000-50,000 y a - Flores Island, evidence of tool use by the Human Hobbit.
170,000 - 80,000 y a - Body Lice evolve (genetic evidence, feed on human skin, live in clothing; evidence of clothing)
164,000 y a – South Africa, heat treating Silcrete Stone to enhance stone tool production.
140,000 y a - Homo Sapiens found in Europe.
130,000 y a - Evidence of humans in North America. Crete, earliest human settlements found on the island. Art: Neanderthal necklace made of eagle talons. Croatia: Neanderthal teeth show possible dental work.
125,000 y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, 130-115,000). Sea levels 4-6 meters (18 feet) higher then today.
110,000-15,000 y a - Last Glacial Period. Grey Wolves would migrate from North America back to Asia prior to the maximum.
100,000-60,000 y a - Flores Island, bone fossil evidence of the Human Hobbit.
100,000 y a - Oldest example of proper human burial. South Africa, Pigment (paint) Creation Kit found. (would cover bodies in mud/clay and then spray the paint over the bodies, sun screen-protection from insects)
90,000 y a – Harpoons.
86,000-37,000 y a – Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens begin interbreeding, based on genetic evidence found so far.
75,000 years ago - Likely rise of Hunter Genotype in Homo Sapiens.
75,000 y a - Art: Drilled snail shells found in South African cave.
73,000 y a - South Africa (Blombos Cave), evidence of Red Ochre art on pieces of stone, stone with deliberate lines cut into it possibly representing count marks.
72,000 y a - South Africa, Beads found in cave.
70,000 y a - Mitochondrial DNA suggests this is when the Haplo-group of early humans migrated out of Africa to populate the rest of the world.
70-60,000 y a - Earliest evidence of bone and stone arrowheads (for Spear Throwers), found in South Africa. 64,000?
70,000 - 35,000 BCE - Neanderthal burials in Europe and Middle East.
68-16,000 y a – Smallpox evolves from an African Rodent Virus.
67,000 BCE - France, burial shows skulls with Trepanation (cutting holes to relieve brain pressure), earliest example of surgery.
65,000 y a - First humans settle Australia.
64,000 y a - Spain, oldest evidence found of Cave Art (Neanderthal hand).
61,000 y a - South Africa, possible evidence of a Sewing Needle.
60,000? y a - Height of Ice Age?
60,000 y a - Evidence of man/Neanderthal using herbal medicine.
55,000 - 40,000 y a - Italy, evidence of Neanderthal using Pine Tree Resin and Beeswax for hafting tools, in cave. (Beeswax can be used in making Candles.)
52,000 y a - Last evidence of Denisovans.
52,000 – 41,000 y a – Archaeological find of “Bast” tree fiber twisted into primitive cordage, possibly as handle for a Stone Tool. (meaning they had access to Clothing, Nets, Cord for Fishing or Hafting tools, rope; thinking processes of Counting, Sets, Patterns, and possibly abstract thinking)
50,000 - 10,000 y a - Mode Four Stone Tools (long blades).
50,000 y a - Australia, last evidence of megafauna. Siberia, needle made from bone found in Denisovan cave. Genetic evidence of Neanderthal spreading to western edge of China.
50,000 years ago - End point of development of Gatherer Genotype (can survive famine), Teacher Genotype (can handle new and different environments, analytical).
45,000 y a - Evidence of Neanderthal and Homo Sapien interbreeding. (Fossil found, DNA tested.) (France, to create stone tools required precision, “Soft Hammers” were likely used.)
44,000 y a - Evidence of art found in Indonesia.
44,000-40,000 y a - Europe experiences cold and dry weather, displacing populations.
43-42,000 y a - Germany, oldest musical instruments (flutes) found.
42,000 y a - Australia, skeleton of man suggests Atlatl use, pre-dating earliest evidence; earliest example of cremation found. Spain, small amounts of Natural Gold found in a cave.
40,000 y a - (Mankind is at the “Forager” level.) Last evidence of Neanderthal. (Inheritance of "STAT2" gene, immune response. HYAL2 gene, helps skin recover from sunburns.) China, test on body found that ate a lot of fresh water fish. Possible example of oldest petroglyphs. Beads found in Lebanon.
40,000 - 26,000 y a - Studying toe bones, showed they became smaller and weaker, indicating shoes were worn. Prior to this, shoes were likely bags wrapped around feet to protect from cold.
38,000 BC - First appearance of Mode Five Ground Stone tools on Japan. (rock was quarried; thin slivers of flint stone, attached to hafts, man is learning the use of a "handle" for tools and "leverage", create Adzes, Celts, and Axes; grinding helps to penetrate trees and was likely discovered when grinding plant matter; found buried with owners; were traded) Lasted till 14,000 BC. (Would not become popular elsewhere until 10,000 BC?) Germany: Clay Figurine featuring human with lion like appearance, thought to be earliest representation of a Deity.
35,000 BCE - Europe, earliest examples of "Venus figurines" found buried in graves (some showing they were deliberately broken or stabbed repeatedly); would later spread to rest of Eurasia. Early examples of skulls and long bones showing red ochre, indicating possible relic worship.
35,000 y a - Germany, flute made from a vulture bone found.
30,000 BCE – Solomon Islands, first humans settle (60 km sea voyage).
31,000 - 27,000 y a - Evidence of Pit Fire (Earthernware) Pottery developing.
30,000-20,000 years ago - Explorer genotype (Ice Age refugees, idiosyncratic, asymmetrical, contrarian mentality)
30,000 y a - Evidence of starch residue on rocks, indicating where plant matter was pounded and ground. (Would likely be the pre-cursor of developing bread from roots of cattails and ferns. Quern Grinding Stones would spread and gain popularity.) Georgia, Flax used as a textile (harvested, dyed, and knotted) found in Dzudzuana Cave. Fertile Crescent, Einkorn wheat harvested in it's wild form. Evidence of man using the Atlatl. Poland: Boomerang carved from mammoth tusk found. France, Lunar Calendar. Likely when Bolas (stone weight(s) and length of cord) began to be used.
28,000 y a - Europe, oldest evidence of rope.
25,000 - 15,000 BCE - Blood Type A develops in the Fertile Crescent. (able to survive Plague, Cholera, Smallpox)
27,000 y a - Australia, oldest example of petroglyphs found. Czech Republic, earliest example of "Weaving" of material together to create baskets and basic cloth. (Leads to counting and simple math, organizing.)
26,000-13,300 y a - Considered "Glacial Maximum", ice sheets extend to the 45th parallel north. (26,500 considered to be maximum glacial reach.)
23,000 - 12,000 y a – Europe, Perforated Batons found, made of antler, assumed to be a form of Atlatl that uses a leather strap or string to wrap around the spear and give it a slight spin, arrow or spear thrower (similar to Swiss Arrow). Right and left handed throwers find preference. Most carved with Horses, have one or two holes (one had 8 holes).
23,000 y a - Israel, Ohalo archaeological site, hunter-gatherer society (6 brushwood shelters, 132 stone tools some attached to hafts, stone Sickles, dwellings showed flint tools were made at entrance, cooking at other end, grind stone showed sand and cobbles to place and had U-shape of seeds around it) that grew/harvested Barley, Millet, Bromus (grass in same tax tribe as wheat/barley/rye, can be used for fermenting beverages, can be eaten by humans and animals), Rubus (same family as Rose plants, similar to blackberries), and various fruits (seeds from 13 different species), earliest evidence for “Bedding” material.
22,000 – 17,000 y a – France, Solutrean inhabitants make use of Antler.
21,000-17,000 y a - France, Atlatl's found in caves.
20,000 y a - Height of the Ice Age, sea levels 120 meters (360 feet) lower. Mode Five Stone Tools (microliths glued to handles, Fertile Crescent). Earliest example of a building/house found. Ukraine, Bullroarer (wood on rope that is swung around to create sound over long distance) found. Iraq-Iran, Zarzian Culture, had domesticated Dogs.
19,050? - 13,050 y a - Oldest Dryas Period, stadial, abrupt cooling period. Sea levels rose 10-15 m in 500 years.
17,000 BCE - Mesopotamia, Wild Emmer Wheat harvested.
18,000 - 17,500 y a - Siberia, earliest example of a domesticated dog found frozen. Germany, Bow and Arrows found. Early evidence of Darts used.
18,000 y a - Japan, oldest pottery discovered.
15,100 - 14,000 y a - Morocco, earliest example of a cemetery.
15,000 y a – Mode Five Stone Tools reach Europe. Southern France, cave art depicting possible Musical Bow, Nose Flute; "The Sorcerer," a figure showing human and many animal qualities (bison), made out of Clay.
15,000 – 10,000 y a – France, Stone Oil Lamps.
14,500 y a - Oldest example of bread making, Jordan desert.
14,160 - 13,820 y a - Archaeological find: infected tooth partially cleaned out with flint tools.
14,600 - 13,600 y a - "Melt Water Pulse," sea levels rose 16-24 m.
14,000? y a - Older Dryas Period, around 200 year cooling period.
13,500 - 8,200 y a - China, wild Rice domestication event occurs.
15-10,000 BCE - Himalayas, development of Blood Type B.
11,050 BCE - Syria, attempts at domesticating Rye.
13,000 y a - Greece, evidence of lentils found. Earliest evidence of Amber used in jewelry. Israel, archaeological evidence of beer like gruel for ceremonial purposes found at Haifa. Likely beginning of Slavery.
13,000 - 12,700 y a - Fertile Crescent, archaeological evidence of man corralling and using pigs.
12,900 - 11,700 y a - The Younger Dryas Period, when temperatures went cold instead of warming from the Last Glacial Maximum.
10,000 BCE - Jericho, considered mankind's first town, is established. Buildings of clay and straw, dead buried under homes. (Would reach 70 dwellings by 94,000 BCE.) Chickpeas domesticated. Earliest evidence of the Bottle Gourd being domesticated and used (Africa and Asia variety). Azerbaijan (Caspian Sea), petroglyphs of reed boats. Starting point of Ocarina type flutes. Cyprus, humans arrive. Germany, Jet artifact (Botfly larvae, which can be eaten). Curved Stone Oil Lamps.
11,700 y a - Considered the beginning of the Holocene.
9600 BCE - Southern Levant, earliest use of wild Emmer Wheat.
11,500 - 11,000 y a - "Melt Water Pulse," sea levels rose 28 m.
11,400 y a - Cypress, archaeological evidence of pigs (indicating they had been domesticated and brought from the mainland).
9400 - 9200 BCE - Jordan Valley, Fig trees found, indicating earliest agriculture since these trees could not reproduce.
9130 - 7370 BCE - SE Turkey, Gobekli Tepe, oldest known worship location.
9000 BCE - Syria, oldest (Saddle) Quern found. Mesopotamia, Copper first used. Bartering of Cattle and agricultural products likely occurring at this time.
9000 - 3300 BCE - Neolithic Era, roughly. Time period of when man has begun herding, before using bronze.
11,000 - 9,000 y a - Mesopotamia, domestication of Sheep; Rammed Earth construction technique developed. Iran, Domestication of Goat (focused on management of the animal, varieties would come later).
11,000-4,000 years ago - Warrior genotype (farmers, soldiers, inventors); Nomad genotype (life upon a horse, can handle different environments, good immune system)
11 or 10,000 y a - Last Ice Age ends.
8800 BCE - Emmer Wheat spreads beyond the Levant.
8700 BCE - Iraq, Copper pendant.
8500 BCE - Domestication of Barley. Domestication of peas occurs around this time. Turkey, Beer production found at Gobekli Tepe. Domestication of Cattle from the Aurochs (two separate populations, one in Mesopotamia [pop. 80], the other Pakistan). (Rendering cattle bones into Tallow allows for the creation of Candles. Beeswax also used.) Oregon, oldest pair of shoes found made from bark twine. Oats possibly start to be harvested, crop mirrors wheat (is like a weed).
8400 BCE – Cyprus, earliest dug Water Well (26 ft).
10,300 - 8,700 y a - China, Millet harvested.
10,200 - 9,500 y a - Emmer Wheat domesticated(?).
10,000 - 7,000 y a - Archaeological evidence of boats.
8000 BCE (10,000 years ago) – Genetic evidence of breeding Pigeons. Palestine, archaeological evidence of pastoralism. Pre-Pottery Neolithic people in the Fertile Crescent form perfectly smooth stone vases. Iran, Goat domestication. Believed to be when primitive dairy-cheese making began. Flax cultivation. China, Quern Grinding Stones. England, Antler used in headdress costume.
9,500 y a - Cyprus, earliest evidence of cat domestication. SE Anatolia, cold-working, annealing, smelting, lost wax casting of Copper.
7570 BCE – Indus Valley, Lapis Lazuli artifacts.
7500 - 5700 BCE - Anatolia, Catal Hoyuk develops as a spiritual center, found many clay figurines and impressions (feminine, phallic, hunting).
7400 BCE - A monolith ends up submerged in the Straight of Sicily.
7176 B.C. – Earth hit by one of the most massive Solar Storms from the sun ever recorded (visible at night with the magnetic field interaction).
7000 BCE - Archaeological evidence for pastoralism in Africa. China: evidence of mead (honey, rice, water fermented) in pottery; evidence of musical instruments. India, first archaeological evidence of Dance (cave art); evidence of dentistry. Armenian Highlands, art depictions of Cymbals. Durum Wheat made thru artificial selection in Europe and Near East. Greece, earliest evidence of grain silos. Turkey, Catal Hoyuk, art depiction of a Slinger. Afghanistan, Lapis Lazuli mined and traded to Indus and Mesopotamia societies. Europe, Cave Wall art of Honey Collecting.
7000 - 6600 BCE - China, domestication of Soy beans.
7000 - 6000 BCE - Turkey, domestication of Bitter Vetch. (Too bitter for human consumption without being boiled several times, has been found to be great for cattle feed.)
6500-3800 BCE - Ubaid Period (Mesopotamian citystates rise, evidence of specialized workers, evidence of taxation)
6500 BCE - Turkey, evidence of lead smelting at Catal Hoyuk. (Wrapping the dead in textiles, too.) China, archaeological evidence of Silk. Kosovo, oldest Ocarina found in Europe.
8,200 - 7,600 y a - Sea levels rise rapidly. Linked to North American great fresh water lake (Agassiz, Ojibway) sudden draining into Atlantic Ocean. 8,400 y a?
6050 BCE - Moldova, evidence of man extracting salt from a natural spring.
8,000 y a - Western Europe, white skin first appears. Iran: earliest evidence of irrigation; man starts choosing sheep for their wooliness, not just meat and skin (2-3,000 years later, would start wearing wool). Georgia, earliest evidence of wine. Spain, cave painting shows people collecting honey from a wild hive, using a container to hold. China, Buckwheat cultivated (near Tibetan plateau), possible first example of Influenza. Earliest evidence of the Ard Plow used (castrating bulls to train 4 years to become Draft Oxen, also means they can be used to haul logs thru and from forests). Mediterranean, Broad (Fava) Beans, Broccoli. Portugal: Almendres Cromlech, begins, aligned to equinox and solstice, occupied for 2,000 years, would become largest complex in Iberian peninsula, equal to other large complexes in Europe. Anatolia: Obsidian polished into mirrors. Spelt Wheat appears. First Stone hafted Axes. Earliest evidence of “Cock Fighting” game fowl. (Iraq, Kiln.)
6000 - 3500 BC - Mesopotamia (Sumer), Poppy domesticated.
7,8-5,000 y a - SE Turkey, Einkorn Wheat grown and domesticated.
5600 BCE - Evidence of The Black Sea Flood, turning the fresh water lake into a salt water sea, rose shorelines and displaced populations (source of flood myths in religions).
7500 y a - Earth experiences a cold climate period? Lasts for 500 or more years.
7500 y a - Earliest example of chickpeas being used. Poland, archaeological evidence of cheese making. Ukraine, Romania, earliest examples of traps used for hunting. Pakistan, evidence of Cotton found in copper beads. Egypt, earliest Combs found (placing a leaf in the teeth can create a primitive sound instrument).
5500-5000 BCE - Serbia, Copper Smelting.
5200 - 4700 BCE - Iran, earliest evidence of a wheel, for pottery, made of stone or clay.
7,000 y a - Earliest example of Dolmen, single chamber tomb, consists of two stones supporting another on top (table design), found in western Europe, would spread and be common 4000 - 3000 BCE in Europe. Iranian plateau, evidence of Bronze made with naturally occurring arsenic. Tin would replace as the major ingredient (and releasing non-toxic vapors) in the late 3000 BCE period. Iran, evidence of wine found, using sealed containers. China, Hemp domestication (smoking was likely cause for spread, Iron Age would use for production); Rammed Earth construction technique, Silkworm domestication begins. Egypt, Badarian culture starts farming, used boomerangs. Roundels, circular enclosure often with entrances aligned to solstice, would be constructed in Central Europe (Germany, 120-150 altogether). Siberia, oldest carpet found (likely a funeral gift, from Armenia, featured griffons). Mesopotamia: first use of Stamp Seals for government purposes; Rotary Quern milling stones are introduced. Armenia: possible origin of Apricots. Lake Zurich, cultivation of Pear. Indus Valley Civilization, using Bitumen aka Asphalt for waterproofing (a basket), adhesive. Bulgaria, Turquoise beads.
6950 - 6440 y a - Papua New Guinea, cultivation of Taro and Yam.
4800 BCE - Egypt, early evidence of peas being grown. Cairn of Barnenez, Brittany, England, begins (burial monument and later bronze age use, considered one of the oldest and largest man made structures).
4700 - 4200 BCE - The town of Solnitstata, considered the oldest known settlement in Europe. Built around a salt deposit.
6,500 y a - Croatia, earliest example of an oven found. Slovenia, dental filling made with beeswax. Indus Valley, irrigation. Wine production reaches Greece. Carnac Stones, Brittany, France; would become large complex of standing stones, menhirs, domens, tumuli (burial mounds, with passage tombs), large rectangle formed by stone. Americas: various tribes domesticated “chili peppers.” Bulgaria, Carnelian beads. Manufactured Red Pottery Oil Lamps.
4500-4000 BCE - China, Investment Casting develops.
4200 - 4000 BCE - Mesopotamia develops true, easy to spin pottery wheels.
6,000 y a - Earth experiences a cold climate period? (Starting maybe 500 years earlier and ending 500 years later.)
4000 BCE - (Mankind has achieved “Farmer status.”) (Thought to be when Cattle were turned into Oxen for Draft Animal purposes.) Egyptians start building big Brick structures; manufacturing Papyrus; Gold artifacts; (domesticated Donkeys?). Earliest examples of Kilns. NE Italy, archaeological find of Appleseeds. Sicily, evidence of wine found. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Horse domestication begins (they became small and varied in size as compared to their wild ancestors). “Pontic Language Explosion”. [People from north of the Caspian and Black Seas migrated around Eurasia, ancestor of western languages. (shared origins with: milk, horses, sheep, cattle, pigs, goats, grain, copper, carts, yoke, weaving, mead; patrilineal clans)]. Earliest examples of Viticulture (wine making). Levant, earliest examples of harvesting Olives; start using grain Silos. Art: Earliest depiction of Shoes, Sandals. China: example of a Loom for Silk production; Ramie (similar to flax, requires chemical processing, not as popular, believed to be used for Egyptian mummy wraps). Persia (Iran), Mung Bean domestication?, Chang (precursor to Harp) found on artwork, made with sheep guts. Mesopotamia: Stamp Seals come into use; Mirrors made of Copper; 30-40% of animal bones in settlements were pork (understood to be a way of removing trash from community, easy to feed and raise many); Uruk clay tablet describes two temples owning a herd of 95 pigs to be rendered into soap to clean linen; clay pipes for sewage. Europe, farming reaches northern regions. Anatolia, Silver production.
4000 - 1000 BCE - Ethiopia, Teff is discovered (can feed people and livestock, building material).
3800 - 3500 BCE - Czech Republic, possible evidence of earliest plowed fields.
5,700 y a - Lolland Island, a blue eyed, dark haired, dark skin woman spits out some Birch Bark gum; oldest complete human genome extracted; had Mononucleosis ("kissing disease"). Possible archeological evidence of pit traps used for migrating animal hunting.
3630 BCE - Oldest example of silk fabric found.
3600 BCE – Pork bones in settlements (Levant, Mesopotamia) dropped to 16-30% of total livestock.
5,500 - 4,700 y a - Georgia, tomb found had honey remains on pottery. (This culture could identify Linden, Berry, and Meadow-Flower varieties.)
3500 BCE - City of Uruk: (Mesopotamia) begins outward expansion and influence, later first example of organized warfare (would influence Egyptians to start building pyramids); "Cylinder Seals," a type of noble seal, that can be rolled unto wet clay (would be popular until 1000 BCE). Iraq, Kish Tablet, considered to represent the early transition from pictographic to cuneiform. Mesopotamia, earliest Harps and Lyres found; Gold artifacts. Modern humans settle the western coast of Europe, hunter-gatherers. Egyptians show Cat domestication; Gold Smelting; used a vertical Gnomon as a primitive Sundial? Iran, Beer made from Barley. Armenia, earliest Leather Shoe found. China, Pottery in shape of silkworm indicates earliest example of Sericulture (silk worm production).
3500 - 3350 BCE – Mesopotamia, earliest evidence of wheeled vehicles. Indus Valley civilization uses Stamp Seals with a type of script.
3400 BCE (5,400 years ago) - First metal casting. France, Cow skull showing Trepanation found.
5,400 -5,100 y a - Itzi the Iceman dies in the mountains of Northern Italy. Had a copper axe. Earliest evidence of tattoos. Shoes made from two types of animal skin (bear and deer). Arsenic residue in his hair.
3300 BCE - Egypt, tomb paintings show people Dancing. Indus Valley, develop Sanitation.
3200 BCE - Examples of using symbols to represent real life objects (would go to form written language). Ireland, construction begins on Newgrange, largest passage tomb in Europe, aligned to winter solstice. Egypt, Bead made of Meteoric Iron found.
3100 - 2900 BCE - Jemdet Nasr period (following fall of Uruk) would be known as establishing Cuneiform as a proper language.
3100 BCE - Upper and Lower Egypt unified. Mesopotamia, likely evidence of the earliest Lute type device.
3000 BCE - Onset of Bronze. Mesopotamia, Irrigation; Glass Beads appear (possible side effect of making metal); possible earliest Iron working (required higher temperatures), cuneiform mention of Pigeons. Sumer, Medical text found on tablet, believed oldest ever found. Egypt, Hieroglyphs of Pigeons and use of Homing Pigeons for message delivery, first record of a Doctor named, Imhotep; Antimony harvested from rock and made into eye makeup; earliest evidence of domestic Donkeys in the south. Egyptian Mummies show evidence of Smallpox (deathrate 30% especially among babies, can leave people blind). Dromedary Camels likely domesticated in Somalia at this time. (Camel hair can be harvested for shelter and clothing, outer guard hairs make for water proof coats. Camel milk readily turns into yogurt. To turn into butter requires a clarifying agent and extended process.) Chicken reaches Europe from Asia. England, earliest Stone Circles found. Slovakia, Romania, earliest chainmail found. Sheep chosen for wooly coat, not long hair. China, Clay Bells found. India, River Buffalo domesticated (water buffalo); Jute grown for fiber (burlap). Northern Iran, earliest examples of Trumpets. SE Asia, earliest records of Radish. Pakistan, Terracota female figurines.
2800 BCE - Solid evidence of plowed fields. China, Copper smelting discovered. Babylon, evidence of manufacture of soap like substance.
2700 BCE - Chinese treatise on health. 40 kinds identified.
2650 BCE - Egypt, dental work found.
2630-10 BCE - Egypt, Pyramid of Djoser constructed by Imhotep, considered first.
2600 BCE – Egypt, domestication of Honey Bee complete.
2600 - 1900 BCE - Indus Valley, Stoneware Pottery (meaning fired at 1000 degrees Celsius), would become a major industry; (Ivory?).
2580-50 BCE – Egypt, creates first true Ocean Dock for sea trading vessels (with Indus Valley).
2560 BCE - Great Pyramid of Giza completed.
2500 BCE - Evidence of The Amber Road, trade route from the Baltic Sea to Mediterranean Sea. E Iran, Bactrian Camels domesticated. Iraq, "Lyres of Ur," considered world's oldest stringed instruments. Peru, oldest Sling ever found. Egypt, earliest depiction of a Khopesh (sword). Sumerian Clay Tablet with instructions for manufacturing soap (heating mixture of oil and wood ash, earliest record chemical reaction, used for washing woolen clothing). China, axes with Corundum (precious stone). Harappan Culture of Indus Valley, chicken used for Cock Fighting, not food.
2500 - 2000 BCE - Mali, domestication of Pearl Millet. Turkey, Meteoric Iron dagger.
2400 BCE - Sumer, description of Prostitution and a Brothel-Temple to Fertility Goddess.
2300 BCE - Mesopotamia, Urukagina of Lagash, considered the earliest Law Code. (Widows and orphans exempt from taxes, state pays for funeral expenses, the rich must pay in silver and cannot force the poor against will, checked power of priests, protect from usury, abolished polyandry). Iran, Quince (fruit). China, oldest Gnomon (painted stick that casts a shadow for sundial purpose).
2200 BCE - China, first known tax, using salt. Iraq, tablet reads “22 jars of Pig Fat” (each jar 18 liters of Lard, 396 liters total, require 45 adult pigs; likely used to make soap to clean wool of sheep before turning them into textiles)
2200-2000 BCE - Turkey, Iron Smelting.
2100 - 2050 BCE - City of Ur: Earliest written Code of Law discovered. References Butter. (Fines for bodily harm, references murder, robbery, adultery, rape. Two classes of people: free and slave.)
4000 - 3000 y a - Mesopotamia, earliest Scissors (shear, spring type). India, Mung Bean domesticated.
2000 BCE - Murals show horses pulling chariots. Horses become common in western Europe. England, Great Orme Mine started, would become largest copper mine in region (most productive between 1700 - 1400 BCE), used bone and stone tools. China, Bells made out of metal (Bellfounding); domestication of the Swamp Buffalo (water buffalo). Ghana, earliest evidence of Cowpea (black eyed pea). India, Canola/Rapeseed; Diamonds being used to drill beads. Egypt, Lupin Beans. Greece, Kale grown.
1900 BCE – Homing Pigeons used for warfare.
1800 BCE - Egypt, medical text on gynecological issues; Safflower for pigment. India, Iron working.
1754 BCE - Code of Hammurabi (recognized Prostitution and gave women protection and inheritance; theorized that a fertility goddess had a temple that offered sex workers).
1700 - 1200 BCE - (Late Bronze Age) 8 societies in Middle East: Aegean, Egyptian, Hittite, Canaanite, Cypriot, Mitanni, Assyrian, Babylonian. Considered a "globalized world system." Next time this would occur is today.
1700 BCE – Mesopotamia: The "Mari Letters" reference Minoan society, King Hammurabi; clay tablets list Trigonometry Tables and Applied Geometry (for land ownership, speculated to aid in construction).
1628 BCE - Island of Thera/Santorini experiences huge volcanic eruption, possibly causing a tsunami thru eastern Mediterranean.
1600-1500 BCE - Greece, Helmet formed of boar tusks found.
1600 BCE – Levant, Mesopotamia, Pork bones rarely found in settlements (banned from temples in Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Egypt). (Found amongst the poor classes, difficult to tax since it did not produce wool or milk or could plow a field.)
1550 BCE – Papyrus Ebers, Egyptian medical text, mentions Chlamydia.
1500 BCE - Modern Trumpet design found in eastern Mediterranean. India, Pigeon Pea domesticated. Egypt, Mercury found in tombs; archaeologists find earliest Sundials; Emerald mines. China, Water Clocks.
1400 BCE - Syria, Hurrian Songs, cuneiform music tablet in Ugarit. Greece, oldest body armor found, made of bronze, Dendra Panoply (not actually worn, more of a showpiece, but clear representation of body armor for battle). China, Meteoric Iron axeheads. Art representation of Scale Mail in Egypt. Art: representation of Shields.
1350 BCE - Turkey, Hittites chronicle Egyptian prisoners of war bringing "the plague.”
1300 BCE - Uluburun Shipwreck, off coast of Turkey, had 300 sixty pound copper ingots (10 tons), 1 ton of tin, and tin objects and ingots of colored glass (blue, rose, brown). From Cypress/Minoa.
1300? - 900? BCE - Eastern Mediterranean experiences a 300? year drought. (Could also be: Cypress 1200- 850. Syria 1250-1187. Galilee 1250-1100)
1279 BCE - Battle of Qadesh (Egypt vs Hittites).
1200 BCE (3,200 years ago) - Onset of Iron smelting. Earliest Camel saddles appear. Last appearance of Megaliths. India, earliest evidence of Firewalking.
1200 BCE - Eastern Mediterranean civilization collapse. Drought in Greece. Earthquake series.
1188-1177 BCE - Egypt suffers invasions from "The Sea People."
1185 BCE - Syria, Ugarit Letter, Famine.
1140? BCE - Ramses 6th, mummy found to have Smallpox. No record of people dying from Smallpox.
1100 BCE - Phoenicians establish nation. Europe, Iron Age.
1100? BCE - Earth experiences a cold temperature period?
1100-750 BCE - Egypt, Iron Smelting.
1070 BCE - Egyptian mummy found with Silk in hair, earliest evidence of Silk Road.
1000 BCE - Early Cuneiform script (late stages, still pictograph in nature). Bactria, Barbat (primitive lute). Egypt, Kenaf is grown for fibers, leaves can be eaten by animals and humans (similar to Jute and Hemp; rope, rough fabric, sails). Mediterranean, Cabbage domesticated. China, Iron Age. Sport: racing Homing Pigeons.
930 BCE - Camel bones found in Arabian peninsula. Jordan, earliest Bloomery for Iron working found.
800 - 600 BCE - Ethiopia, Sorghum Wheat begins to be harvested.
800 BCE - Considered the beginning of Ancient Greece, after the Mycenae Civilization. China, Bloomeries used.
700-500 BCE - The Illiad orally composed. India, Diamond mining starts.
708 BCE – Greece, Olympics, Discus Throw.
700 BCE - Turkey, first Coins in Lydia. Assyria, first equipment recognized as a Saddle for a Horse.
660 BCE – Massive Solar Storm hits Earth.
600 BCE - Earliest example of a Steel Sword.
600-400 BCE - Ancient Greece rise of scientific inquiry and philosophy
550 BCE - The Illiad written down.
540 BCE – Sri Lanka, earliest record of Pearls.
500 BCE - Camels used in warfare. Persians use kettle drums for military maneuvers, frighten enemies. Greece, Grape Syrup, early form of sweetener and preservative; earliest written mention of what could be Influenza. Blackberries consumed around Europe. Spain, Disk Quern developed. India, Cholera described in Sanskrit. Romans manufacture dipped Candles.
430 BCE – Athens, Typhoid Fever outbreak during siege by Sparta.
400 BCE - The "Celts/Gaeil" settle Ireland. Greece, the “Hippocratic Corpus” seventy collected medical texts, mentions Pneumonia, Meningitis, Valerian Root.
396 BCE - Olympics, horn blowing competitions.
314 BCE - China, first mention of Sweet Orange.
298 BCE - Foot powered Loom.
200 BCE - China starts making paper.
submitted by SkyAnimal to DebateEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 10:55 xdewaslot Panduan Cara Bermain Parlay Handicap Efektif Tanpa Kalah Untung Besar

Panduan Cara Bermain Parlay Handicap Efektif Tanpa Kalah Untung Besar. Taruhan parlay handicap adalah salah satu opsi taruhan yang menarik dalam dunia taruhan olahraga. Dalam parlay handicap, Anda memilih beberapa pertandingan dan menerapkan handicap pada setiap pertandingan untuk meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda. Berikut adalah panduan langkah demi langkah untuk bermain parlay handicap secara efektif:

1. Pahami Konsep Handicap

Handicap adalah metode yang digunakan untuk membuat pertandingan yang tidak seimbang menjadi lebih adil dengan memberikan keunggulan atau kerugian fiktif kepada salah satu tim. Misalnya, jika ada perbedaan kualitas antara dua tim yang bertanding, tim yang dianggap lebih lemah akan diberi keunggulan dalam bentuk tambahan gol atau setengah gol.

2. Riset Tim dan Pertandingan

Sebelum memasang taruhan parlay handicap, penting untuk melakukan riset tentang tim-tim yang akan bertanding. Pelajari performa terkini tim, sejarah pertemuan mereka, cedera pemain, dan faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil pertandingan. Semakin banyak informasi yang Anda miliki, semakin baik Anda dapat membuat keputusan yang cerdas.

3. Tentukan Handicap yang Tepat

Saat memilih handicap untuk setiap pertandingan dalam parlay Anda, pertimbangkan dengan hati-hati kondisi dan faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi hasilnya. Pilih handicap yang sesuai dengan analisis Anda tentang pertandingan tersebut. Jangan terlalu agresif atau terlalu konservatif dalam menetapkan handicap.

4. Gunakan Strategi Manajemen Risiko

Manajemen risiko adalah kunci dalam taruhan parlay handicap. Pertimbangkan untuk membagi taruhan Anda menjadi beberapa taruhan kecil daripada memasang taruhan besar pada satu pertandingan. Selain itu, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan strategi seperti taruhan hedge atau taruhan lapis untuk melindungi diri Anda dari kerugian besar.

5. Pertimbangkan Odds dan Potensi Pembayaran

Pertimbangkan odds dan potensi pembayaran ketika memilih handicap untuk setiap pertandingan dalam parlay Anda. Jangan hanya fokus pada potensi pembayaran yang tinggi, tetapi pertimbangkan juga peluang aktual tim untuk menang dengan handicap yang Anda pilih.

6. Tetapkan Anggaran

Seperti dalam semua bentuk taruhan, penting untuk memiliki anggaran yang jelas saat bermain parlay handicap. Tentukan jumlah uang yang Anda siap untuk dipertaruhkan dan patuhi batas itu. Hindari mengambil risiko lebih dari yang Anda mampu kehilangan.
Dengan memahami konsep handicap, melakukan riset yang cermat, dan menerapkan strategi manajemen risiko yang tepat, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk sukses dalam taruhan parlay handicap. Ingatlah bahwa taruhan olahraga selalu melibatkan risiko, dan penting untuk bertaruh dengan bijak dan bertanggung jawab.
submitted by xdewaslot to u/xdewaslot [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 07:38 Street-Alarm-5098 Panduan Lengkap Bermain Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88

Panduan Lengkap Bermain Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88
Dalam dunia game online, salah satu permainan yang semakin populer adalah Adu Sakong. Dragonpoker88 adalah salah satu platform terkemuka yang menawarkan permainan ini. Bagi para pemula yang ingin mencoba peruntungan mereka dalam Adu Sakong, berikut adalah panduan lengkap tentang cara bermain di Dragonpoker88.
Apa itu Adu Sakong?
Adu Sakong adalah permainan kartu yang berasal dari Asia, khususnya populer di Indonesia. Permainan ini dimainkan dengan kartu remi standar yang kemudian dibagikan kepada setiap pemain di meja. Tujuan permainan ini adalah untuk memiliki nilai kartu tertinggi di antara pemain lainnya.
Langkah 1: Membuat Akun Dragonpoker88
Langkah pertama untuk bermain Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88 adalah membuat akun. Kunjungi situs Dragonpoker88 dan buat akun dengan mengikuti petunjuk pendaftaran. Anda perlu memberikan informasi pribadi dan memverifikasi akun Anda.
Langkah 2: Mengisi Saldo Akun
Setelah memiliki akun, Anda perlu mengisi saldo akun Anda untuk dapat bermain. Dragonpoker88 umumnya menerima berbagai metode pembayaran, termasuk transfer bank atau dompet digital. Pilih opsi yang paling nyaman bagi Anda dan ikuti instruksi untuk mengisi saldo.
Langkah 3: Memilih Meja Permainan
Setelah memiliki saldo, akses ke permainan Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88. Pilih meja yang sesuai dengan batas taruhan dan keahlian Anda. Pastikan untuk memilih meja dengan taruhan yang sesuai dengan anggaran Anda.
Langkah 4: Aturan Dasar Permainan
Sebelum mulai bermain, pahami aturan dasar permainan Adu Sakong:
  • Setiap pemain akan mendapatkan tiga kartu.
  • Pemain harus membuat kombinasi nilai kartu yang tertinggi.
  • Nilai kartu dihitung berdasarkan penjumlahan angka di kartu.
  • Nilai tertinggi dalam permainan ini adalah 10. Jika total nilai kartu Anda melebihi 10, maka angka puluhan akan diabaikan.
Langkah 5: Memasang Taruhan
Setelah kartu dibagikan, Anda harus memutuskan untuk memasang taruhan atau tidak. Anda bisa memilih untuk bertaruh atau melipat tangan Anda tergantung pada kartu yang Anda miliki.
Langkah 6: Membuka Kartu
Setelah semua pemain memutuskan taruhan, kartu akan dibuka. Pemain dengan nilai kartu tertinggi akan memenangkan taruhan.
Langkah 7: Menarik Kemenangan
Jika Anda menang, kemenangan Anda akan secara otomatis ditambahkan ke saldo akun Anda di Dragonpoker88.
Tips Bermain Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88:
  1. Pelajari Strategi: Pelajari strategi dasar permainan ini untuk meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda.
  2. Pahami Nilai Kartu: Penting untuk memahami cara menghitung nilai kartu agar dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat saat bermain.
  3. Kontrol Emosi: Selalu kendalikan emosi Anda saat berjudi dan jangan terbawa emosi saat kalah.
Bermain Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88 bisa menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan mengasyikkan. Namun, ingatlah untuk selalu bertanggung jawab dalam berjudi dan tetapkan batasan untuk diri Anda sendiri. Dengan memahami panduan ini, Anda siap untuk mencoba peruntungan Anda dalam permainan Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88. Semoga berhasil!
submitted by Street-Alarm-5098 to u/Street-Alarm-5098 [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 06:56 Street-Alarm-5098 Teknik Terbaik untuk Menang Main Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88

Teknik Terbaik untuk Menang Main Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88
Bermain Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88 atau situs poker online lainnya dapat menjadi pengalaman yang menarik dan mengasyikkan. Namun, untuk berhasil dalam permainan ini, diperlukan keterampilan, strategi, dan pemahaman yang baik tentang permainan. Berikut adalah beberapa teknik terbaik yang dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda dalam permainan Adu Sakong.
1. Pahami Aturan Permainan Sebelum mulai bermain, pastikan Anda memahami aturan dan mekanisme permainan Adu Sakong dengan baik. Ketahui nilai setiap kartu dan bagaimana cara menentukan pemenang dalam permainan ini. Hal ini akan membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih baik saat bermain.
2. Kelola Chip dengan Bijak Manajemen chip atau koin sangat penting dalam permainan poker. Selalu pertahankan kontrol yang baik atas jumlah chip yang Anda miliki. Jangan terlalu agresif dalam memasang taruhan jika Anda memiliki tumpukan chip yang terbatas. Bermainlah dengan bijaksana sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi permainan.
3. Perhatikan Perilaku Pemain Lain Amati perilaku dan gaya bermain lawan Anda. Hal ini akan membantu Anda membaca kemungkinan kartu yang mereka pegang. Perhatikan pola taruhan mereka, apakah mereka cenderung agresif atau hati-hati. Informasi ini dapat membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih baik di meja permainan.
4. Gunakan Strategi Bluffing Bluffing atau menggertak adalah bagian penting dari permainan poker. Namun, gunakan strategi ini dengan hati-hati. Pilih momen yang tepat dan lawan yang tepat untuk menggertak. Terlalu sering menggertak dapat membuat Anda mudah terbaca dan merugikan.
5. Tetap Sabar dan Tenang Ketenangan adalah kunci dalam permainan poker. Jangan terburu-buru atau terpengaruh emosi saat bermain. Tetaplah tenang dan fokus pada permainan Anda. Hindari membuat keputusan impulsif yang dapat merugikan Anda dalam jangka panjang.
6. Tetapkan Batas Kemenangan dan Kerugian Sebelum mulai bermain, tetapkan batas maksimal kemenangan dan kerugian yang dapat Anda terima. Jika Anda mencapai batas ini, berhentilah bermain untuk menghindari kerugian lebih lanjut. Disiplin dalam mengelola uang Anda sangat penting dalam permainan poker.
7. Pelajari Teknik Matematika Dasar Memahami konsep dasar matematika dalam poker dapat memberi Anda keuntungan tambahan. Misalnya, pelajari peluang kartu untuk meningkatkan kartu tangan Anda, atau pelajari bagaimana menghitung ukuran taruhan optimal berdasarkan pot.
8. Latihan Teratur Seperti halnya keterampilan lainnya, keahlian dalam poker juga memerlukan latihan teratur. Bermain secara konsisten akan membantu Anda mengasah kemampuan dan insting bermain Anda.
9. Tetap Terbuka untuk Belajar Jangan pernah berhenti belajar dan meningkatkan keterampilan Anda dalam permainan poker. Selalu buka untuk menerima masukan dari pemain lain yang lebih berpengalaman. Tonton video strategi, baca buku, dan pelajari dari pengalaman Anda sendiri.
10. Jaga Etika Bermain Terakhir, tetaplah menjaga etika permainan. Hormati pemain lain di meja permainan dan hindari tindakan yang dianggap tidak sportif. Kepatuhan terhadap etika akan membantu menciptakan lingkungan permainan yang menyenangkan dan adil bagi semua orang.
Dengan menerapkan teknik-teknik di atas dan terus mengasah keterampilan Anda, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda dalam permainan Adu Sakong di Dragonpoker88. Selamat bermain dan semoga sukses!
submitted by Street-Alarm-5098 to u/Street-Alarm-5098 [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 15:39 Calm_Extreme1532 Just Saw Seinfeld’s New Film Unfrosted (Review)

Just Saw Seinfeld’s New Film Unfrosted (Review)
For those unaware, Jerry Seinfeld made his own corporate biopic about the origins of pop tarts. I watched it, didn’t think it was good, and wanted to share my thoughts. Not going to bother putting spoiler tags so be warned, but I doubt most of you are going to bother to see it anyways if you’re not interested already.
In interviews promoting this, Jerry Seinfeld came out and said that the movie business is over. While I generally agree with the sentiment that the movie business is a shell of its former self, I can’t help but find that Jerry Seinfeld isn’t the best messenger as his vision for a film was to make a movie on the origins of fucking pop tarts.
It’s no secret that Seinfeld’s entire career is thanks to Larry David, and the only other things to his name is his shitty Bee Movie and failed projects. His standup wasn't funny, his TV stuff wasn't funny, and his films aren’t funny. The man is a hack yet he acts as if he’s an authority on anything.
He's also wrong that the movie industry won't bounce back. All it will take is one radical talented auteur to break in and change everything again, just like it happens every 20 years or so when people proclaim that the sky is falling in Hollywood. There is a huge groundswell of pissed off resentment for how the industry/country has been going the last decade or so, and out of that will emerge an artist that fully taps into that anger, writes something great and convinces someone to let them shoot it on celluloid. This new zeitgeist work will reveal everything else for the trite slop that it is, and kick off another cinematic revolution of imitators.
Getting into the film itself, it’s complete shit. Not only is it a soulless biopic, it’s a soulless biopic that doesn’t take itself seriously. BlackBerry, the best biopic of the bunch that came out last year, was a comedy that still had drama and stakes to it. Unfrosted? They make it very blatant that they only made this movie to capitalize off of a trend and don’t really have anything worth sharing or saying. It falls into the “we made an unsatisfying film on purpose so somehow that makes it good” camp.
Jokes consist of weird modern references and memes that are completely alien to the timeframe being depicted. Tony The Tiger dresses up as the Q-Anon shaman and leads the other mascots into having their own J/6 where they storm Kellogg headquarters. Jon Hamm and John Slattery reprise their roles from MadMen and give them an advertising pitch where they tell them to make the brand more erotic. Jon Hamm also implies that he can make Melissa McCarthy cum. There are some other examples, but those are the most memorable. When they’re not relying on modern references, anything original they come up with is just weird. Peter Dinklage plays the leader of a group of milk-men that function as mobsters shaking down people for money. Chef Boyardee and the creator of Sea-Monkeys become a gay couple to raise a lab grown pasta monster that almost ruined Kellogg’s reputation. Like I said, they’re just capitalizing off a trend with this movie, and so all of the payoffs have to do with surprise celebrity appearances, in your face references not befitting the timeframe, and nonsensical shit happening. When you don’t have a vision or greater motivation put in to making a movie, it really shows.
It has the most cancerous cast ever. Amy Schumer isn't funny, no one likes her, but she continues to get work. A real mystery. Even when she appears in decent films like The Humans (2021) her role wasn’t complicated and any competent actress could give a performance like hers. But even then that film worked because it utilized how unlikable she is.
The same can be said of Melissa McCarthy. Instead of having a "Oh no Melissa McCarthy's acting chops are wasted yet again" review for the thousandth time can we just be honest with ourselves that she’s just not that good to begin with?
Jerry Seinfeld himself cannot act to save his life. Every line from him feels completely phoned in.
Make no mistake, even without any self-awareness Seinfeld still has a point. We’ve had the Barbie movie, we’ve had the Doritos movie, we’ve had the Blackberry movie, we’ve had the Air Jordans movie, we’ve had the Beanie Baby movie, we’ve had the Tetris movie, now we have a breakfast pastry movie. Creativity is so goddamn bankrupt in Hollywood in terms of what they prioritize that we’ve entered this corporate cocksucking era of "cinema" where full blown commercials for products are now the norm. If there’s one thing we can give credit to Seinfeld for, it’s highlighting that this trend can’t even be enjoyed in an ironic sense anymore. But it speaks volumes that when making a movie his vision only goes as far as current trends allow for. The guy is a billionaire. He could finance a movie entirely by himself. He could make whatever he wants and hire the most talented people in the world. He could make his own Dune adaptation and still be filthy rich. Instead he makes lazy shit that amounts to nothing more than glamorized commercials.
It doesn’t really matter what side of the culture war conflict you’re on, we should all at least agree that Seinfeld is a damn hack who made a stupid movie that he didn’t put any effort into, and is now going on an interview tour making excuses by saying that anyone who doesn’t like it just doesn’t have a sense of humor. Unfortunately for Seinfeld, the reality is that he just isn’t funny. 1/10
submitted by Calm_Extreme1532 to YMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 15:38 Calm_Extreme1532 Just Saw Seinfeld’s New Movie Unfrosted (Review)

Just Saw Seinfeld’s New Movie Unfrosted (Review)
For those unaware, Jerry Seinfeld made his own corporate biopic about the origins of pop tarts. I watched it, didn’t think it was good, and wanted to share my thoughts. Not going to bother putting spoiler tags so be warned, but I doubt most of you are going to bother to see it anyways if you’re not interested already.
In interviews promoting this, Jerry Seinfeld came out and said that the movie business is over. While I generally agree with the sentiment that the movie business is a shell of its former self, I can’t help but find that Jerry Seinfeld isn’t the best messenger as his vision for a film was to make a movie on the origins of fucking pop tarts.
It’s no secret that Seinfeld’s entire career is thanks to Larry David, and the only other things to his name is his shitty Bee Movie and failed projects. His standup wasn't funny, his TV stuff wasn't funny, and his films aren’t funny. The man is a hack yet he acts as if he’s an authority on anything.
He's also wrong that the movie industry won't bounce back. All it will take is one radical talented auteur to break in and change everything again, just like it happens every 20 years or so when people proclaim that the sky is falling in Hollywood. There is a huge groundswell of pissed off resentment for how the industry/country has been going the last decade or so, and out of that will emerge an artist that fully taps into that anger, writes something great and convinces someone to let them shoot it on celluloid. This new zeitgeist work will reveal everything else for the trite slop that it is, and kick off another cinematic revolution of imitators.
Getting into the film itself, it’s complete shit. Not only is it a soulless biopic, it’s a soulless biopic that doesn’t take itself seriously. BlackBerry, the best biopic of the bunch that came out last year, was a comedy that still had drama and stakes to it. Unfrosted? They make it very blatant that they only made this movie to capitalize off of a trend and don’t really have anything worth sharing or saying. It falls into the “we made an unsatisfying film on purpose so somehow that makes it good” camp.
Jokes consist of weird modern references and memes that are completely alien to the timeframe being depicted. Tony The Tiger dresses up as the Q-Anon shaman and leads the other mascots into having their own J/6 where they storm Kellogg headquarters. Jon Hamm and John Slattery reprise their roles from MadMen and give them an advertising pitch where they tell them to make the brand more erotic. Jon Hamm also implies that he can make Melissa McCarthy cum. There are some other examples, but those are the most memorable. When they’re not relying on modern references, anything original they come up with is just weird. Peter Dinklage plays the leader of a group of milk-men that function as mobsters shaking down people for money. Chef Boyardee and the creator of Sea-Monkeys become a gay couple to raise a lab grown pasta monster that almost ruined Kellogg’s reputation. Like I said, they’re just capitalizing off a trend with this movie, and so all of the payoffs have to do with surprise celebrity appearances, in your face references not befitting the timeframe, and nonsensical shit happening. When you don’t have a vision or greater motivation put in to making a movie, it really shows.
It has the most cancerous cast ever. Amy Schumer isn't funny, no one likes her, but she continues to get work. A real mystery. Even when she appears in decent films like The Humans (2021) her role wasn’t complicated and any competent actress could give a performance like hers. But even then that film worked because it utilized how unlikable she is.
The same can be said of Melissa McCarthy. Instead of having a "Oh no Melissa McCarthy's acting chops are wasted yet again" review for the thousandth time can we just be honest with ourselves that she’s just not that good to begin with?
Jerry Seinfeld himself cannot act to save his life. Every line from him feels completely phoned in.
Make no mistake, even without any self-awareness Seinfeld still has a point. We’ve had the Barbie movie, we’ve had the Doritos movie, we’ve had the Blackberry movie, we’ve had the Air Jordans movie, we’ve had the Beanie Baby movie, we’ve had the Tetris movie, now we have a breakfast pastry movie. Creativity is so goddamn bankrupt in Hollywood in terms of what they prioritize that we’ve entered this corporate cocksucking era of "cinema" where full blown commercials for products are now the norm. If there’s one thing we can give credit to Seinfeld for, it’s highlighting that this trend can’t even be enjoyed in an ironic sense anymore. But it speaks volumes that when making a movie his vision only goes as far as current trends allow for. The guy is a billionaire. He could finance a movie entirely by himself. He could make whatever he wants and hire the most talented people in the world. He could make his own Dune adaptation and still be filthy rich. Instead he makes lazy shit that amounts to nothing more than glamorized commercials.
It doesn’t really matter what side of the culture war conflict you’re on, we should all at least agree that Seinfeld is a damn hack who made a stupid movie that he didn’t put any effort into, and is now going on an interview tour making excuses by saying that anyone who doesn’t like it just doesn’t have a sense of humor. Unfortunately for Seinfeld, the reality is that he just isn’t funny. 1/10
submitted by Calm_Extreme1532 to MauLer [link] [comments]