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2024.05.18 21:51 sinomaltanews "Editorjal TMID: Il-qawwa tal-protesti

"Editorjal TMID: Il-qawwa tal-protesti
Il-qawwa ta’ protesta paċifika qiegħda hemm biex jaraha kulħadd. Il-pajjiż ra ħafna f’dawn l-aħħar snin – protesti kontra art fiż-Żonqor li qed tingħata lill-Università Amerikana ta’ Malta, protesti kontra l-qlugħ mill-għeruq tas-siġar u għall-ħarsien tal-ambjent inġenerali, protesti li jsejħu r-riżenji u t-tmiem tal-korruzzjoni.
L-2019 kienet eżempju perfett tal-impatt li jista’ jkollhom il-protesti, fejn wara l-arrest ta’ Yorgen Fenech fuq il-qtil tal-ġurnalista, Daphne Caruana Galizia, kienu nqalgħu protesti madwar il-pajjiż li jitolbu ġustizzja għall-ġurnalista maqtula, li rriżultaw fir-riżenja ta’ dak iż-żmien. Prim Ministru, Joseph Muscat.
Issa qed jerġgħu jinfaqgħu l-protesti, din id-darba marbuta mal-ftehim infami tal-isptarijiet. Il-qrati kienu annullaw il-ftehim is-sena l-oħra, u semmew il-frodi, deċiżjoni li kienet ikkonfermata wkoll mill-qorti tal-appell, li użat il-kelma kollużjoni fis-sentenza tagħha.
Riċentement ġiet fi tmiemha inkjesta maġisterjali dwar l-aspett kriminali tal-ftehim tal-isptarijiet, u tressqu akkużi fil-qorti. Dawk akkużati jinkludu l-ogħla uffiċjali attwali u eks uffiċjali fil-pajjiż. Fosthom l-eks Prim Ministru, Joseph Muscat, u l-eks Chief of Staff tiegħu, Keith Schembri, kif ukoll l-eks Ministru, Konrad.
Mizzi. Chris Fearne huwa mixli wkoll, u għamel it-tajjeb u rriżenja minn Deputat Prim Ministru u Ministru. Il-Gvernatur tal-Bank Ċentrali, Edward Scicluna, jinsab mixli wkoll, iżda ma rrinunzjax … għandu biex ma jikkawżax ħsara lir-reputazzjoni.
Huma kollha, flimkien mal-oħrajn akkużati, se jkollhom l-opportunità li jiddefendu lilhom infushom fil-qorti, u huma l-qrati li jiddeċiedu jekk humiex ħatja jew innoċenti. Iżda l-Prim Ministru, Robert Abela, ħa d-deċiżjoni li jattakka l-inkjesta maġisterjali, billi qajjem dubji dwar iż-żmien tal-konklużjoni u qajjem mistoqsijiet dwarha.
Huwa għamel ukoll kummenti kontra l-ġurnalisti u rabat xi wħud ma’ dak li sejjaħ ‘l-establishment’. Huwa kors perikoluż li wieħed jieħu peress li jista’ jkun ta’ theddida mhux ħażin għall-ġurnalisti u l-membri tal-ġudikatura. Jista’ wkoll ipoġġi biża’ fl-avukati tal-prosekuzzjoni u l-membri tal-ġudikatura li jkollhom jisimgħu l-kawżi kriminali. Hu mhux il-medja Joe, imma l-Prim Ministru ta’ nazzjon, fejn hemm differenza, u l-azzjonijiet tiegħu huma inaċċettabbli.
Dan kollu wassal biex faqqgħu protesti fil-pajjiż, apparti dikjarazzjonijiet qawwija minn bosta setturi li qalu lill-Prim Ministru biex iwaqqaf l-attakki tiegħu fuq il-ġudikatura u l-ġurnalisti.
Studenti universitarji nġabru fi Triq ir-Repubblika biex jipprotestaw u kollettivament ikkundannaw il-kummenti tal-Prim Ministru Robert Abela kontra l-ġudikatura. Aktar tard il-Partit Nazzjonalista kien għamel protesta tiegħu stess barra l-Parlament, fejn il-Kap tal-PN, Bernard Grech, kien ikkritika d-deċiżjoni tal-Ispeaker tal-Kamra li ma jħallix dibattitu urġenti dwar is-sitwazzjoni riċenti, u qal ukoll li l-protesta kienet biex ‘[ar;u lin-nazzjon minn Abela’ u kkundanna d-dikjarazzjonijiet attakkanti tal-Prim Ministru dwar il-;udikatura.
Aktar tard, kienet organizzata protesta mir-Repubblika, appoġġjata minn 21 għaqda, li sejħet għal Malta nadifa u kkundannat id-dikjarazzjonijiet li għamel il-Prim Ministru kontra ġurnalisti u membri tal-ġudikatura, fost l-oħrajn.
Il-protesti jgħinu biex juru r-rabja tan-nies għas-sitwazzjoni, u jenfasizzaw il-kwistjonijiet li n-nies mhumiex kuntenti bihom. Il-protesti huma b’saħħithom, u l-Prim Ministru assolutament irid jagħti kas ta’ dak li qed jingħad minn dawk ta’ rieda tajba.
Għandu jsejjaħ għat-tneħħija ta’ Scicluna peress li l-pożizzjoni tiegħu, filwaqt li jiffaċċja akkużi serji, mhix tenibbli. Għandu jirtira l-kummenti li għamel dwar l-inkjesta u dwar il-ġurnalisti. Dan huwa dak li hu tajjeb għall-pajjiż.

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Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
"TMID 社論:抗議的力量
2019 年是抗議活動影響力的一個完美例子,在約爾根·費內奇(Yorgen Fenech) 因記者達芙妮·卡魯阿納·加利齊亞(Daphne Caruana Galizia) 遇刺事件被捕後,全國各地爆發了抗議活動,要求為被謀殺的記者伸張正義,導致當時的記者辭職約瑟夫·馬斯喀特總理。
米茲。克里斯·費恩(Chris Fearne)也受到指控,他做了正確的事,辭去了副總理和部長的職務。央行行長愛德華·希克魯納(Edward Scicluna)也受到指控,但他還沒有下台……他應該下台,以免造成聲譽損害。
大學生聚集在共和國街抗議,集體譴責總理羅伯特·阿貝拉針對司法機構的言論。國民黨後來在議會外舉行了自己的抗議活動,國民黨領袖伯納德·格雷奇批評眾議院議長不允許就最近局勢進行緊急辯論的決定,並表示抗議是為了“保護國家免受阿貝拉的侵害” ,並譴責總理有關司法機構的攻擊性言論。
隨後,共和黨在 21 個組織的支持下組織了一場抗議活動,呼籲建立一個廉潔的馬耳他,並譴責總理針對記者和司法人員的言論等。

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"TMID Editorial: The power of protests
The power of a peaceful protest is there for all to see. The country has seen many in recent years – protests against land in Żonqor being given to the American University of Malta, protests against the uprooting of trees and to protect the environment in general, to protests calling for resignations and an end to corruption.
2019 was a perfect example of the impact that protests can have, where following the arrest of Yorgen Fenech over the assassination of journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, protests had erupted around the country calling for justice for the murdered journalist, resulting in the resignation of then Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat.
Now protests are erupting again, this time tied to the infamous hospitals deal. The courts had annulled the deal last year, mentioning fraud, a decision that was also confirmed by the court of appeal, which used the word collusion in its judgement.
A magisterial inquiry into the criminal aspect of the hospitals deal recently came to a close, and charges have been filed in court. Those charged include current and former top officials in the country. Among them is former Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, and his former Chief of Staff, Keith Schembri, as well as former Minister, Konrad
Mizzi. Chris Fearne is also charged, and he did the correct thing and resigned as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister. Governor of the Central Bank, Edward Scicluna, is also charged, but he has not stepped down … he should in order not to cause reputational damage.
They all, together with the others charged, will have the opportunity to defend themselves in court, and it is the courts that will decide whether they are guilty or innocent. But Prime Minister, Robert Abela, has taken the decision to attack the magisterial inquiry, by questioning the timing of the conclusion and raising questions about it.
He has also made comments against journalists and tying some to what he has dubbed ‘the establishment’. It is a dangerous course to take as it can be quite threatening to journalists and members of the judiciary. It can also put fear into the prosecution lawyers and members of the judiciary that will have to hear the criminal cases. He is not the average Joe, but the Prime Minister of a nation, where there is a difference, and his actions are unacceptable.
All of this has resulted in protests erupting in the country, aside from strong statements by many sectors telling the Prime Minister to stop his attacks on the judiciary and journalists.
University students gathered in Republic Street to protest and collectively condemned Prime Minister Robert Abela’s comments against the judiciary. The Nationalist Party had later held a protest of its own outside Parliament, where PN Leader, Bernard Grech, had criticised the decision by the Speaker of the House not to allow an urgent debate about the recent situation, and also said that the protest was to ‘protect the nation from Abela’ and condemned the Prime Minister’s attacking statements regarding the judiciary.
Later still, a protest was organised by Repubblika, backed by 21 organisations, calling for a clean Malta and condemning the statements made by the Prime Minister against journalists and members of the judiciary, as amongst other things.
The protests help show the people’s anger at the situation, and highlight the issues that the people are not happy with. Protests are powerful, and the Prime Minister absolutely must take heed of what is being said by those of goodwill.
He must call for the removal of Scicluna as his position, while he faces serious charges, is not tenable. He must retract the comments he has made about the inquiry and about journalists. This is what is right for the country.

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"टीएमआईडी संपादकीय: विरोध की शक्ति
शांतिपूर्ण विरोध की शक्ति सभी को देखने को मिलती है। देश ने हाल के वर्षों में बहुत कुछ देखा है - ज़ोन्कोर में भूमि को अमेरिकी माल्टा विश्वविद्यालय को दिए जाने के खिलाफ विरोध प्रदर्शन, पेड़ों को उखाड़ने और सामान्य रूप से पर्यावरण की रक्षा के लिए विरोध प्रदर्शन, इस्तीफे और भ्रष्टाचार को समाप्त करने के लिए विरोध प्रदर्शन।
2019 विरोध प्रदर्शनों के प्रभाव का एक आदर्श उदाहरण था, जहां पत्रकार डैफने कारुआना गैलिज़िया की हत्या पर योर्गेन फेनेच की गिरफ्तारी के बाद, मारे गए पत्रकार के लिए न्याय की मांग करते हुए देश भर में विरोध प्रदर्शन शुरू हो गए थे, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति को इस्तीफा देना पड़ा था। प्रधान मंत्री, जोसेफ मस्कट।
अब विरोध प्रदर्शन फिर से भड़क रहे हैं, इस बार यह कुख्यात अस्पताल सौदे से जुड़ा है। अदालतों ने पिछले साल धोखाधड़ी का उल्लेख करते हुए सौदे को रद्द कर दिया था, एक फैसले की अपील की अदालत ने भी पुष्टि की थी, जिसने अपने फैसले में मिलीभगत शब्द का इस्तेमाल किया था।
अस्पताल सौदे के आपराधिक पहलू की मजिस्ट्रेट जांच हाल ही में समाप्त हुई और अदालत में आरोप दायर किए गए हैं। आरोप लगाने वालों में देश के वर्तमान और पूर्व शीर्ष अधिकारी शामिल हैं। इनमें पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री, जोसेफ मस्कट, और उनके पूर्व चीफ ऑफ स्टाफ, कीथ शेम्ब्री, साथ ही पूर्व मंत्री, कोनराड भी शामिल हैं।
मिज्जी. क्रिस फ़र्ने पर भी आरोप लगाया गया है, और उन्होंने सही काम किया और उप प्रधान मंत्री और मंत्री के पद से इस्तीफा दे दिया। सेंट्रल बैंक के गवर्नर, एडवर्ड सिक्लुना पर भी आरोप लगाया गया है, लेकिन उन्होंने पद नहीं छोड़ा है...प्रतिष्ठा को नुकसान न पहुंचे इसलिए उन्हें पद छोड़ना चाहिए।
उन सभी को, अन्य आरोपियों के साथ, अदालत में अपना बचाव करने का अवसर मिलेगा, और अदालतें ही तय करेंगी कि वे दोषी हैं या निर्दोष हैं। लेकिन प्रधान मंत्री रॉबर्ट अबेला ने निष्कर्ष के समय पर सवाल उठाकर और इसके बारे में सवाल उठाकर मजिस्ट्रेट जांच पर हमला करने का निर्णय लिया है।
उन्होंने पत्रकारों के ख़िलाफ़ भी टिप्पणियाँ की हैं और कुछ को उन्होंने 'प्रतिष्ठान' करार दिया है। यह एक खतरनाक रास्ता है क्योंकि यह पत्रकारों और न्यायपालिका के सदस्यों के लिए काफी खतरनाक हो सकता है। यह अभियोजन पक्ष के वकीलों और न्यायपालिका के सदस्यों में भी डर पैदा कर सकता है जिन्हें आपराधिक मामलों की सुनवाई करनी होगी। वह कोई औसत व्यक्ति नहीं हैं, बल्कि एक ऐसे देश के प्रधान मंत्री हैं, जहां मतभेद है और उनके कार्य अस्वीकार्य हैं।
इस सब के परिणामस्वरूप देश में विरोध प्रदर्शन शुरू हो गए हैं, कई क्षेत्रों द्वारा कड़े बयानों के अलावा प्रधानमंत्री से न्यायपालिका और पत्रकारों पर अपने हमलों को रोकने के लिए कहा गया है।
विश्वविद्यालय के छात्र विरोध करने के लिए रिपब्लिक स्ट्रीट में एकत्र हुए और न्यायपालिका के खिलाफ प्रधान मंत्री रॉबर्ट अबेला की टिप्पणियों की सामूहिक रूप से निंदा की। नेशनलिस्ट पार्टी ने बाद में संसद के बाहर अपना विरोध प्रदर्शन किया था, जहां पीएन नेता, बर्नार्ड ग्रेच ने सदन के अध्यक्ष द्वारा हाल की स्थिति के बारे में तत्काल बहस की अनुमति नहीं देने के फैसले की आलोचना की थी, और यह भी कहा था कि यह विरोध प्रदर्शन था। 'देश को अबेला से बचाएं' और न्यायपालिका को लेकर प्रधानमंत्री के हमलावर बयानों की निंदा की.
बाद में भी, रिपब्लिका द्वारा 21 संगठनों के समर्थन से एक विरोध प्रदर्शन आयोजित किया गया, जिसमें स्वच्छ माल्टा का आह्वान किया गया और अन्य बातों के अलावा, पत्रकारों और न्यायपालिका के सदस्यों के खिलाफ प्रधान मंत्री द्वारा दिए गए बयानों की निंदा की गई।
विरोध प्रदर्शन स्थिति पर लोगों का गुस्सा दिखाने में मदद करते हैं, और उन मुद्दों को उजागर करते हैं जिनसे लोग खुश नहीं हैं। विरोध शक्तिशाली है और प्रधानमंत्री को सद्भावना रखने वालों की बातों पर अवश्य ध्यान देना चाहिए।
उन्हें स्किकलुना को हटाने की मांग करनी चाहिए क्योंकि गंभीर आरोपों का सामना करते हुए उनका पद तर्कसंगत नहीं है। उन्हें जांच और पत्रकारों के बारे में की गई टिप्पणियों को वापस लेना चाहिए। यही देश के लिए सही है.

आज की अमेज़ॅन डील (संबद्ध), किफायती वस्तुओं के लिए आपका वन-स्टॉप गंतव्य, घर की सजावट, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक, पालतू जानवरों की आपूर्ति, खेल और खिलौनों के चयन के लिए बिल्कुल सही। -
अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"Editorial TMID: El poder de las protestas
El poder de una protesta pacífica está ahí para que todos lo vean. El país ha sido testigo de muchas en los últimos años: protestas contra la cesión de tierras en Żonqor a la Universidad Americana de Malta, protestas contra el arranque de árboles y para proteger el medio ambiente en general, hasta protestas que piden dimisiones y el fin de la corrupción.
2019 fue un ejemplo perfecto del impacto que pueden tener las protestas, donde tras el arresto de Yorgen Fenech por el asesinato de la periodista Daphne Caruana Galizia, estallaron protestas en todo el país pidiendo justicia para el periodista asesinado, lo que resultó en la renuncia del entonces Primer Ministro, Joseph Muscat.
Ahora las protestas están estallando de nuevo, esta vez vinculadas al infame acuerdo con los hospitales. Los tribunales habían anulado el acuerdo el año pasado, alegando fraude, decisión que también fue confirmada por el tribunal de apelación, que utilizó la palabra colusión en su sentencia.
Recientemente concluyó una investigación judicial sobre el aspecto penal del acuerdo con los hospitales y se han presentado cargos ante los tribunales. Entre los acusados ​​se encuentran altos funcionarios actuales y anteriores del país. Entre ellos se encuentra el ex Primer Ministro, Joseph Muscat, y su ex Jefe de Gabinete, Keith Schembri, así como el ex Ministro, Konrad.
Mizzi. Chris Fearne también está acusado e hizo lo correcto y dimitió como viceprimer ministro y ministro. El gobernador del Banco Central, Edward Scicluna, también está acusado, pero no ha dimitido... debería hacerlo para no causar daños a su reputación.
Todos ellos, junto con los demás acusados, tendrán la oportunidad de defenderse ante los tribunales, y serán los tribunales los que decidirán si son culpables o inocentes. Pero el Primer Ministro, Robert Abela, ha tomado la decisión de atacar la investigación magistral, cuestionando el momento de su conclusión y planteando interrogantes al respecto.
También ha hecho comentarios contra periodistas y vinculando a algunos con lo que ha denominado “el establishment”. Es un camino peligroso, ya que puede resultar bastante amenazador para periodistas y miembros del poder judicial. También puede atemorizar a los abogados de la acusación y a los miembros del poder judicial que tendrán que conocer de los casos penales. No es el ciudadano medio, sino el Primer Ministro de una nación donde hay una diferencia y sus acciones son inaceptables.
Todo esto ha provocado protestas en el país, además de fuertes declaraciones de muchos sectores pidiéndole al Primer Ministro que deje de atacar al poder judicial y a los periodistas.
Los estudiantes universitarios se reunieron en Republic Street para protestar y condenar colectivamente los comentarios del Primer Ministro Robert Abela contra el poder judicial. Posteriormente, el Partido Nacionalista celebró su propia protesta frente al Parlamento, donde el líder del PN, Bernard Grech, criticó la decisión del presidente de la Cámara de no permitir un debate urgente sobre la reciente situación, y también dijo que la protesta tenía como objetivo 'proteger a la nación de Abela' y condenó las declaraciones ofensivas del Primer Ministro contra el poder judicial.
Más tarde, la República organizó una protesta, respaldada por 21 organizaciones, pidiendo una Malta limpia y condenando, entre otras cosas, las declaraciones del Primer Ministro contra periodistas y miembros del poder judicial.
Las protestas ayudan a mostrar el enojo de la gente por la situación y resaltan los problemas con los que la gente no está contenta. Las protestas son poderosas y el Primer Ministro debe absolutamente prestar atención a lo que dicen las personas de buena voluntad.
Debe pedir la destitución de Scicluna ya que su posición, aunque enfrenta graves acusaciones, no es sostenible. Debe retractarse de los comentarios que ha hecho sobre la investigación y sobre los periodistas. Esto es lo correcto para el país.

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"Éditorial TMID : Le pouvoir des protestations
Le pouvoir d’une manifestation pacifique est là, aux yeux de tous. Le pays en a connu de nombreuses ces dernières années : des manifestations contre la cession de terres à Żonqor à l'Université américaine de Malte, des manifestations contre le déracinement des arbres et pour la protection de l'environnement en général, des manifestations appelant à la démission et à la fin de la corruption.
L'année 2019 a été un parfait exemple de l'impact que peuvent avoir les manifestations : à la suite de l'arrestation de Yorgen Fenech suite à l'assassinat de la journaliste Daphne Caruana Galizia, des manifestations ont éclaté dans tout le pays pour réclamer justice pour le journaliste assassiné, ce qui a entraîné la démission de celui-ci. Premier ministre, Joseph Muscat.
Aujourd’hui, les protestations éclatent à nouveau, cette fois liées au tristement célèbre accord sur les hôpitaux. La justice avait annulé l'accord l'année dernière, invoquant une fraude, une décision également confirmée par la cour d'appel, qui a utilisé le mot collusion dans son jugement.
Une enquête magistrale sur l'aspect criminel de l'accord sur les hôpitaux a récemment pris fin et des accusations ont été déposées devant le tribunal. Parmi les personnes inculpées figurent des hauts responsables actuels et anciens du pays. Parmi eux figurent l'ancien Premier ministre Joseph Muscat et son ancien chef de cabinet Keith Schembri, ainsi que l'ancien ministre Konrad.
Mizzi. Chris Fearne est également accusé, et il a fait le bon choix en démissionnant de son poste de vice-premier ministre et de ministre. Le gouverneur de la Banque centrale, Edward Scicluna, est également inculpé, mais il n'a pas démissionné… il devrait le faire pour ne pas nuire à sa réputation.
Tous, ainsi que les autres accusés, auront la possibilité de se défendre devant le tribunal, et ce sont les tribunaux qui décideront s'ils sont coupables ou innocents. Mais le Premier ministre, Robert Abela, a pris la décision de s'en prendre à l'enquête magistrale, en remettant en question le timing de sa conclusion et en soulevant des questions à son sujet.
Il a également fait des commentaires contre les journalistes et en a lié certains à ce qu’il a surnommé « l’establishment ». Il s’agit d’une démarche dangereuse car elle peut s’avérer très menaçante pour les journalistes et les membres du pouvoir judiciaire. Cela peut également semer la peur chez les avocats du parquet et chez les membres du pouvoir judiciaire qui devront entendre les affaires pénales. Il n’est pas un Joe moyen, mais le Premier ministre d’un pays où il y a une différence et où ses actions sont inacceptables.
Tout cela a donné lieu à des protestations dans le pays, outre les déclarations fermes de nombreux secteurs demandant au Premier ministre de cesser ses attaques contre le pouvoir judiciaire et les journalistes.
Les étudiants universitaires se sont rassemblés rue de la République pour protester et ont condamné collectivement les propos du Premier ministre Robert Abela contre le système judiciaire. Le Parti nationaliste a ensuite organisé une manifestation devant le Parlement, au cours de laquelle le leader du PN, Bernard Grech, a critiqué la décision du président de la Chambre de ne pas autoriser un débat urgent sur la situation récente, et a également déclaré que la manifestation avait pour but de ""protéger la nation d'Abela"" et a condamné les déclarations offensives du Premier ministre à l'égard du système judiciaire.
Plus tard encore, une manifestation a été organisée par Repubblika, soutenue par 21 organisations, appelant à une Malte propre et condamnant, entre autres, les déclarations du Premier ministre à l'encontre des journalistes et des membres du pouvoir judiciaire.
Les manifestations contribuent à montrer la colère de la population face à la situation et à mettre en lumière les problèmes qui ne la satisfont pas. Les protestations sont puissantes et le premier ministre doit absolument tenir compte de ce qui se dit des gens de bonne volonté.
Il doit demander le renvoi de Scicluna car sa position, bien qu'il fasse face à de graves accusations, n'est pas tenable. Il doit retirer les propos qu'il a tenus sur l'enquête et sur les journalistes. C'est ce qui est bon pour le pays.

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"TMID-Editorial: Die Macht der Proteste
Die Kraft eines friedlichen Protests ist für alle sichtbar. Das Land hat in den letzten Jahren viele erlebt – Proteste gegen die Übergabe von Land in Żonqor an die American University of Malta, Proteste gegen das Entwurzeln von Bäumen und den Schutz der Umwelt im Allgemeinen, bis hin zu Protesten, die Rücktritte und ein Ende der Korruption fordern.
Das Jahr 2019 war ein perfektes Beispiel für die Auswirkungen, die Proteste haben können. Nach der Verhaftung von Yorgen Fenech wegen der Ermordung der Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia kam es im ganzen Land zu Protesten, die Gerechtigkeit für die ermordete Journalistin forderten, was zu dessen Rücktritt führte Premierminister Joseph Muscat.
Jetzt kommt es erneut zu Protesten, diesmal im Zusammenhang mit dem berüchtigten Krankenhausdeal. Die Gerichte hatten den Deal letztes Jahr unter Berufung auf Betrug annulliert, eine Entscheidung, die auch vom Berufungsgericht bestätigt wurde, das in seinem Urteil das Wort „Kollusion“ verwendete.
Eine gerichtliche Untersuchung des strafrechtlichen Aspekts des Krankenhausgeschäfts wurde kürzlich abgeschlossen, und es wurde Anklage vor Gericht erhoben. Zu den Angeklagten zählen aktuelle und ehemalige Spitzenbeamte des Landes. Unter ihnen sind der ehemalige Premierminister Joseph Muscat und sein ehemaliger Stabschef Keith Schembri sowie der ehemalige Minister Konrad
Mizzi. Chris Fearne wird ebenfalls angeklagt, und er hat das Richtige getan und ist als stellvertretender Premierminister und Minister zurückgetreten. Auch der Gouverneur der Zentralbank, Edward Scicluna, wird angeklagt, aber er ist nicht zurückgetreten … das sollte er tun, um keinen Reputationsschaden zu verursachen.
Sie alle werden zusammen mit den anderen Angeklagten die Möglichkeit haben, sich vor Gericht zu verteidigen, und es sind die Gerichte, die darüber entscheiden werden, ob sie schuldig oder unschuldig sind. Aber Premierminister Robert Abela hat beschlossen, die richterliche Untersuchung anzugreifen, indem er den Zeitpunkt des Abschlusses in Frage stellte und Fragen dazu aufwarf.
Er hat auch Kommentare gegen Journalisten abgegeben und einige davon mit dem in Verbindung gebracht, was er als „das Establishment“ bezeichnet. Es ist ein gefährlicher Kurs, da er für Journalisten und Mitglieder der Justiz eine große Bedrohung darstellen kann. Es kann auch den Anwälten der Staatsanwaltschaft und den Mitgliedern der Justiz, die die Strafsachen anhören müssen, Angst einjagen. Er ist nicht der durchschnittliche Joe, sondern der Premierminister einer Nation, in der es Unterschiede gibt und seine Handlungen inakzeptabel sind.
All dies hat zu Protesten im Land geführt, abgesehen von energischen Erklärungen vieler Sektoren, in denen der Premierminister aufgefordert wurde, seine Angriffe auf die Justiz und Journalisten einzustellen.
Universitätsstudenten versammelten sich in der Republic Street, um zu protestieren und verurteilten gemeinsam die Äußerungen von Premierminister Robert Abela gegen die Justiz. Die Nationalistische Partei hatte später einen eigenen Protest vor dem Parlament abgehalten, bei dem PN-Chef Bernard Grech die Entscheidung des Sprechers des Repräsentantenhauses kritisiert hatte, keine Dringlichkeitsdebatte über die aktuelle Situation zuzulassen, und auch erklärt hatte, dass der Protest dies sei „Beschütze die Nation vor Abela“ und verurteilte die angreifenden Äußerungen des Premierministers in Bezug auf die Justiz.
Noch später organisierte Repubblika mit Unterstützung von 21 Organisationen einen Protest, der ein sauberes Malta forderte und unter anderem die Äußerungen des Premierministers gegen Journalisten und Mitglieder der Justiz verurteilte.
Die Proteste tragen dazu bei, die Wut der Menschen über die Situation zu zeigen und die Probleme hervorzuheben, mit denen die Menschen nicht zufrieden sind. Die Proteste sind heftig, und der Premierminister muss unbedingt darauf achten, was diejenigen guten Willens sagen.
Er muss die Absetzung von Scicluna fordern, da seine Position, obwohl er mit schweren Vorwürfen konfrontiert ist, nicht haltbar ist. Er muss seine Kommentare zur Untersuchung und zu Journalisten zurückziehen. Das ist das Richtige für das Land.

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2024.05.18 21:49 BadDaddy1815 55 [M4F] #SanFrancisco, California - Stern & Smart Daddy Dom ISO legal, obedient, slender sub female

ISO little or middle who enjoy a benevolent Dictator who will support them in coloring their color books but then find themselves gagging on something big as they orgasm for His pleasure. Sapiosexual who desires to be micromanaged, spanked/slapped, disciplined and maybe humiliated privately. A pacifier goes into your mouth and you sleep on the floor when you are not a good gal.
You should be on the slender side with curves and a pretty face. A lack of deference towards Me is a good way to get dropped. I can be cruel at times and this should arouse you. Bonus points if you get aroused while giving oral to Me and like to roleplay — you enjoy wearing stylish makeup, you’re multiorgasmic (faking it nicely is acceptable) because I can cum three times in an extended lovemaking with the right person, you're a cuckquean or you are busty to your frame. Extra bonus points for enjoying free use, domestic discipline, patriarch, CNC, begging and orgasm denial.
55 SWM lean muscled build (5’11”), hairy chest and often taken for 40s (recently a colleague who is seven years younger than me said, “When you get to be my age you will understand how getting old wears the body down.” This was his response when I invited him on a seven-mile hike)! Couple of body pics on my feed.
I tend to be a protective teacher Daddy type who obviously enjoys teaching you. It should warm your heart if I start to look out for you outside of the bedroom. My vanilla interests: hot yoga, cultural knowledge, tabletop gaming, video games (preference for Steam), novels, movies & movie trivia, travel, History, red wine, hiking & the many Metaverses.
This is a shared fantasy between two consenting adults - 20 or older - probably no older than 43. This could go towards an LTR in which case you would sometimes need to act “normal” in public circles. Ideally, you are a clever and pretty woman who likes to privately play out some very naughty fantasies. I tend to lean toward traditional roles in a romantic relationship.
If I like you enough to go from online to audio and then in-person you should be vaccinated like me and willing to prove it. Long-term audio partners who are never able to meet might work. When I become exclusive with someone you should understand it means the breaking of our audio interactions - unless it arouses her that I am with other women.
I am exacting and seeking a quality experience. When you contact Me put “Excalibur” in your detailed message explaining why I should consider you. If you cannot write at least five sentences to me in your reply I doubt you will get a response. Be ready to voice verify a file to me to prove you are not some guy trolling.
submitted by BadDaddy1815 to kik [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:36 totomoto101 How to be balanced and manage your energies.

Online Keywords and Predictive Programming in the YouTube Comments Section

When you watch trending videos and songs on YouTube and Instagram, they often carry subliminal messages. These messages are planted in our minds using specific keywords, phrases, and music frequencies. They can trigger specific memories and emotions, resonating with fear, FOMO (fear of missing out), extreme emotional uncertainty, and social injustice. These are the things we see and feel but can't easily express.
These strategies are used to program our minds on a mass level, shaping our thinking and actions. For example, in a comedy show, we are prompted to laugh at jokes even if they are poor. Similarly, we may feel a sense of lack and victimhood when we see emotional advertisements on Instagram about hungry children.
The comment section has become a new area where predictive programming occurs. When we read the comments with the highest likes, we often receive subliminal messages that sync with the video's music, specific messages, the pauses in the speech, and even the reception from our earphones (left and right ear hearing).

How to Spot the Effects

  1. Old memories of lack and victimhood will surface.
  2. Excessive smoking and anxiety.
  3. You will start to criticize more in your speech and will have extreme viewpoints.
  4. Pleasure-gratifying fast food and spicy food cravings.
  5. You will be motivated to do something but will stop the efforts quickly.
  6. Watching accident videos online.
The predictive programming is designed to create chemical issues in the mind, causing it to release cortisol. The more cortisol in the body, the more it goes into flight or fight mode. These are all tactics used to condition you because your mind creates a stronger grip over your negativity.

How to Combat Predictive Programming

Meditation, dhyāna (focused meditation), and vivek (discrimination or discernment) are essential to seeing these influences as they are and deleting the memories and their adverse effects.
submitted by totomoto101 to Life_Path_11 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:01 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

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submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:48 stoicusok Wisdom from the Early Stoics, Zeno of Citium 69

Wisdom from the Early Stoics, Zeno of Citium 69
According to the Stoics there is an eight-fold division of the soul: the five senses, the faculty of speech, the intellectual faculty, which is the mind itself, and the generative faculty, being all parts of the soul.
Now from falsehood there results perversion, which extends to the mind; and from this perversion arise many passions or emotions, which are causes of instability. Passion, or emotion, is defined by Zeno as an irrational and unnatural movement in the soul, or again as impulse in excess.
The main, or most universal, emotions, according to Hecato in his treatise On the Passions, Book II, and Zeno in his treatise with the same title, constitute four great classes: grief, fear, desire or craving, pleasure.
They hold the emotions to be judgements, as is stated by Chrysippus in his treatise On the Passions: avarice being a supposition that money is a good, while the case is similar with drunkenness and profligacy and all the other emotions.
And grief or pain they hold to be an irrational mental contraction. Its species are pity, envy, jealousy, rivalry, heaviness, annoyance, distress, anguish, distraction.
Pity is grief felt at undeserved suffering; envy, grief at others' prosperity; jealousy, grief at the possession by another of that which one desires for oneself; rivalry, pain at the possession by another of what one has oneself.
Heaviness or vexation is grief which weighs us down, annoyance that which coops us up and straitens us for want of room, distress a pain brought on by anxious thought that lasts and increases, anguish painful grief, distraction irrational grief, rasping and hindering us from viewing the situation as a whole.
Fear is an expectation of evil. Under fear are ranged the following emotions: terror, nervous shrinking, shame, consternation, panic, mental agony.
Terror is a fear which produces fright; shame is fear of disgrace; nervous shrinking is a fear that one will have to act; consternation is fear due to a presentation of some unusual occurrence; panic is fear with pressure exercised by sound; mental agony is fear felt when some issue is still in suspense.
Desire or craving is irrational appetency, and under it are ranged the following states: want, hatred, contentiousness, anger, love, wrath, resentment.
Want, then, is a craving when it is baulked and, as it were, cut off from its object, but kept at full stretch and attracted towards it in vain.
Hatred is a growing and lasting desire or craving that it should go ill with somebody.
Contentiousness is a craving or desire connected with partisanship; anger a craving or desire to punish one who is thought to have done you an undeserved injury.
The passion of love is a craving from which good men are free; for it is an effort to win affection due to the visible presence of beauty.
Wrath is anger which has long rankled and has become malicious, waiting for its opportunity, as is illustrated by the lines:
Even though for the one day he swallow his anger, yet doth he still keep his displeasure thereafter in his heart, till he accomplish it.
Resentment is anger in an early stage.
Pleasure is an irrational elation at the accruing of what seems to be choiceworthy; and under it are ranged ravishment, malevolent joy, delight, transport.
Ravishment is pleasure which charms the ear. Malevolent joy is pleasure at another's ills. Delight is the mind's propulsion to weakness, its name in Greek (τέρψις) being akin to τρέψις or turning. To be in transports of delight is the melting away of virtue.
—Diogenes Laërtius, 7.110-114
submitted by stoicusok to u/stoicusok [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:45 MadamoiselleFlutter Another one thankful for surgery

Just adding to the success stories (as some of the other stories scared me before my op, but I think people are more likely to come online to share worries and concerns rather than good news. I had my op 6 weeks ago and have absolutely no gastro issues. I’ve been eating all of the stuff I missed - cheese, ice cream etc and haven’t had any problems - no gas, no constipation, no diarrhoea. I feel free again! Good luck with your surgeries.
submitted by MadamoiselleFlutter to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:44 nik_stojanovski How I gained 1,100 subscribers in 14 days without spending a dime, and a 53% open rate

Hi everyone – I’ve recently been building a weekly business newsletter called Pulse of Progress and got my first 1,100 subscribers in just 14 days!
The best part? I used zero paid ads. All of my subs were completely free!
Here’s how I did it.
But first, let me provide some context…
For the last 6 months, I’ve been testing out different side hustle / business ideas. I have a running list of ideas that I test on forums like Reddit and Indie Hacker to get a pulse on what the public thinks. In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to validate an idea before investing any money or serious time into it. If it gets some traction or interest in the first few days, you know you have something. If not, its time to move on.
I start by generating some interest on social platforms and freelance websites (side note – I’ve come up with a method that helps me do this and get tangible results. So, if this is something you want to learn more about, let me know. I’ll make a post around this too). It’s an approach I’ve developed and tested over the last year with other ideas, so I just do the same with all other ideas I want to test / validate in the future. I want to see results fast, not waste time on non-value add activities.
Here are some of the business ideas I’ve tested:
1. Newsletter sponsorship marketplace – created a platform connecting newsletter businesses with potential advertisers. The marketplace allows the businesses to post their content and advertisers to find and book ad slots
2. AI based email marketing optimization tool – developed an AI tool that analyzes email marketing campaigns and provides optimization suggestions to improve open rates, click-through rates, and conversions
3. Remote language exchange facilitation – pair individuals looking to learn each other’s languages and facilitate their language exchange sessions online
I shut all of these down. I couldn’t get the momentum I wanted or hoped for to consider them a success. The AI based email marketing optimization tool went viral on Hacker News and Indie Hacker, but it was because I was able to generate some hype around it for a short period of time. But the hype faded fast…real fast. I had about 100 people sign up for the service. As for my other businesses, I had a few signups here and there but nothing worth keeping the business alive and investing more of my time into it.
Something I want to call out at this point: all of the businesses I tried starting in the past were bootstrapped. I never used money I made from the sale of my other businesses. I sold one business (a virtual event planning business that took off during the pandemic. We organized and managed virtual events, think webinars / workshops / conferences, for specific interest groups and professional communities). I never touched the proceeds from that sale to start the company I currently run. The reason I bring this up is because I think your business, regardless of what it is, needs to stand on its own. If it couldn’t, I knew it was time to move on. I didn’t want to give myself a false sense of hope that it would work by continuously throwing money at it.
The reason I started a business newsletter…
A newsletter was perfect. It was easy to start and required no money to get it up and running. The purpose behind the newsletter was centered around the idea of creating something that informed and educated people but was entertaining to read. Reading in general, news or not, can sometimes feel like a chore (at least for me). This was the opposite. This was something you genuinely looked forward to reading, the things that influence your world and the decisions you make on a daily basis.
The biggest issue I had with everything else out there was that the content was around things I didn’t care about. Not to mention it put me to sleep half the time. And that’s when it hit me – create a platform that genuinely helped people stay ahead in this information heavy world. Filter out the nonsense, deliver on high-value content.
The test phase…
I spent a couple hours looking up any Facebook group that was related to starting side hustles, escaping the 9-5 grind, online businesses etc. Once I came up with a small list of about 8-10 groups, I spent the next few days posting about the newsletter. One caveat for me when looking for which groups to post in: they needed to have more than 50K users. I wanted my posts to have some reach and didn’t want to waste my time in groups that were smaller and were barely active. I also designed some GIFs (I drew inspiration from the early Milk Road days when they posted funny GIFs / memes about their newsletter all over social media) but that didn’t work. Like at all. So, I shifted gears.
The first day, I posted about the newsletter in 8 different groups and got about 45 subscribers the next day. Over the next two weeks, I spent a couple of hours each day making similar posts within these groups and tried finding other groups I can post in. This proved to be successful. Making consistent posts got people engaged and subscribing to the newsletter. It was starting to gain some steam. And this is what lead to my first 1,100 subscribers in the first 14 days.
Why this worked…
1. Value creation: The best ideas appeal to what people want, and more importantly, need. It helps solve a problem. And in this case, people want high quality content that helps them make informed decisions, educates them along the way and is a joy to read.
2. Helps identify trends before they happen: Understanding emerging trends and market dynamics is crucial for staying ahead. This knowledge allows people to adapt quickly, innovate effectively, and capitalize on new market opportunities.
3. Sparks innovation and creativity: Exposure to different perspectives and new information sparks innovation and creative thinking. Staying informed about global trends, tech advancements, and industry breakthroughs inspires new ideas and approaches.
Things to keep in mind…
What I’ve realized is that you want your ideas to generate a “natural pull” from the world. It shouldn’t be something you “push” onto people. Trying to convince people they need something that doesn’t help improve their lives or satisfy a need is a waste of time. Listen to what people want. And build from there.
I’ve had multiple profitable businesses and the common theme between them all is that they cost me less than $100 to start and get product / market fit. I won’t lie, sometimes I let my ego get in the way when I put an idea out there and it got rejected. And trust me when I tell you, that’s happened more often than I’d like to admit. I spent way too much time and money putting something together even when I knew it wasn’t worth pursuing.
How does that saying go…the one about Thomas Edison and his attempt at building the first light bulb after trying and failing 1000 times. “I haven’t failed. I just found 1000 different ways how not to build a lightbulb.” And that’s just it…who cares if the idea didn’t work. Hate to break it to you, but most will. Instead, focus on the skills you’ve picked up and learned along the way while building this business and apply it to the next.
Anyways, I hope this post helps at least one person grow their business, subs count, social media presence. Now that I’ve grown my audience to over 10K subscribers organically, I’m looking into using paid ads to grow even more from here. The problem is I have no idea how to do that! So, if anyone has any tips or tricks, I’d love to hear them.
Good luck my friends.
submitted by nik_stojanovski to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:41 nik_stojanovski How I gained 1,100 subscribers in 14 days without spending a dime, and a 53% open rate

Hi everyone – I’ve recently been building a weekly business newsletter called Pulse of Progress and got my first 1,100 subscribers in just 14 days!
The best part? I used zero paid ads. All of my subs were completely free!
Here’s how I did it.
But first, let me provide some context…
For the last 6 months, I’ve been testing out different side hustle / business ideas. I have a running list of ideas that I test on forums like Reddit and Indie Hacker to get a pulse on what the public thinks. In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to validate an idea before investing any money or serious time into it. If it gets some traction or interest in the first few days, you know you have something. If not, its time to move on.
I start by generating some interest on social platforms and freelance websites (side note – I’ve come up with a method that helps me do this and get tangible results. So, if this is something you want to learn more about, let me know. I’ll make a post around this too). It’s an approach I’ve developed and tested over the last year with other ideas, so I just do the same with all other ideas I want to test / validate in the future. I want to see results fast, not waste time on non-value add activities.
Here are some of the business ideas I’ve tested:
1. Newsletter sponsorship marketplace – created a platform connecting newsletter businesses with potential advertisers. The marketplace allows the businesses to post their content and advertisers to find and book ad slots
2. AI based email marketing optimization tool – developed an AI tool that analyzes email marketing campaigns and provides optimization suggestions to improve open rates, click-through rates, and conversions
3. Remote language exchange facilitation – pair individuals looking to learn each other’s languages and facilitate their language exchange sessions online
I shut all of these down. I couldn’t get the momentum I wanted or hoped for to consider them a success. The AI based email marketing optimization tool went viral on Hacker News and Indie Hacker, but it was because I was able to generate some hype around it for a short period of time. But the hype faded fast…real fast. I had about 100 people sign up for the service. As for my other businesses, I had a few signups here and there but nothing worth keeping the business alive and investing more of my time into it.
Something I want to call out at this point: all of the businesses I tried starting in the past were bootstrapped. I never used money I made from the sale of my other businesses. I sold one business (a virtual event planning business that took off during the pandemic. We organized and managed virtual events, think webinars / workshops / conferences, for specific interest groups and professional communities). I never touched the proceeds from that sale to start the company I currently run. The reason I bring this up is because I think your business, regardless of what it is, needs to stand on its own. If it couldn’t, I knew it was time to move on. I didn’t want to give myself a false sense of hope that it would work by continuously throwing money at it.
The reason I started a business newsletter…
A newsletter was perfect. It was easy to start and required no money to get it up and running. The purpose behind the newsletter was centered around the idea of creating something that informed and educated people but was entertaining to read. Reading in general, news or not, can sometimes feel like a chore (at least for me). This was the opposite. This was something you genuinely looked forward to reading, the things that influence your world and the decisions you make on a daily basis.
The biggest issue I had with everything else out there was that the content was around things I didn’t care about. Not to mention it put me to sleep half the time. And that’s when it hit me – create a platform that genuinely helped people stay ahead in this information heavy world. Filter out the nonsense, deliver on high-value content.
The test phase…
I spent a couple hours looking up any Facebook group that was related to starting side hustles, escaping the 9-5 grind, online businesses etc. Once I came up with a small list of about 8-10 groups, I spent the next few days posting about the newsletter. One caveat for me when looking for which groups to post in: they needed to have more than 50K users. I wanted my posts to have some reach and didn’t want to waste my time in groups that were smaller and were barely active. I also designed some GIFs (I drew inspiration from the early Milk Road days when they posted funny GIFs / memes about their newsletter all over social media) but that didn’t work. Like at all. So, I shifted gears.
The first day, I posted about the newsletter in 8 different groups and got about 45 subscribers the next day. Over the next two weeks, I spent a couple of hours each day making similar posts within these groups and tried finding other groups I can post in. This proved to be successful. Making consistent posts got people engaged and subscribing to the newsletter. It was starting to gain some steam. And this is what lead to my first 1,100 subscribers in the first 14 days.
Why this worked…
1. Value creation: The best ideas appeal to what people want, and more importantly, need. It helps solve a problem. And in this case, people want high quality content that helps them make informed decisions, educates them along the way and is a joy to read.
2. Helps identify trends before they happen: Understanding emerging trends and market dynamics is crucial for staying ahead. This knowledge allows people to adapt quickly, innovate effectively, and capitalize on new market opportunities.
3. Sparks innovation and creativity: Exposure to different perspectives and new information sparks innovation and creative thinking. Staying informed about global trends, tech advancements, and industry breakthroughs inspires new ideas and approaches.
Things to keep in mind…
What I’ve realized is that you want your ideas to generate a “natural pull” from the world. It shouldn’t be something you “push” onto people. Trying to convince people they need something that doesn’t help improve their lives or satisfy a need is a waste of time. Listen to what people want. And build from there.
I’ve had multiple profitable businesses and the common theme between them all is that they cost me less than $100 to start and get product / market fit. I won’t lie, sometimes I let my ego get in the way when I put an idea out there and it got rejected. And trust me when I tell you, that’s happened more often than I’d like to admit. I spent way too much time and money putting something together even when I knew it wasn’t worth pursuing.
How does that saying go…the one about Thomas Edison and his attempt at building the first light bulb after trying and failing 1000 times. “I haven’t failed. I just found 1000 different ways how not to build a lightbulb.” And that’s just it…who cares if the idea didn’t work. Hate to break it to you, but most will. Instead, focus on the skills you’ve picked up and learned along the way while building this business and apply it to the next.
Anyways, I hope this post helps at least one person grow their business, subs count, social media presence. Now that I’ve grown my audience to over 10K subscribers organically, I’m looking into using paid ads to grow even more from here. The problem is I have no idea how to do that! So, if anyone has any tips or tricks, I’d love to hear them.
Good luck my friends.
submitted by nik_stojanovski to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:18 VasilisGRNP The source control N100 disposable respirator : Baianda EF600 NIOSH N100

The source control N100 disposable respirator : Baianda EF600 NIOSH N100
Hello again,
Here's a normal sized review, unlike my previous exhaustive posts.It's about a - not commonly spoken - high filtration efficiency respirator. Hope you enjoy it.


I'm happy to introduce you the only N100 source control disposable of this shape on the market : The Baianda EF600 respirator.
I personally chose the models i was interested in, as i thought they may be very good alternatives in respiratory protection. For all my new and old reviews you see here, i pay for the service/logistics/products. The only exception was Uniqon. Uniqon back in the day, volunteered to send me the samples, when i asked for distributors to purchase their products. Since that company mainly supplied hospitals/industries and didn't participate in the consumer business, it was impossible to find them online. For the Baianda respirators, i paid for the two masks + shipping fees + customs + vat. Τhis is an unbiased review, but from the perspective of a mask enthusiast.
Baianda EF600 N100

About the company

BAIANDA is a professional company which is engaged in developing and manufacturing personal protective equipment. It's the only one manufacture factory in China that can produce P100, N100 level protective respirator and obtained P100, N100 NIOSH Certification. They are also the only one manufacture factory in China that can produce P3R level protective respirators and obtained CE Certification. Baianda contains a wide selection of products that meet different customer demands globally, with complete and up-to-date Safety Certifications. They provide a wide selection of products from half masks, particulate filters, to chemical cartridges, disposable masks and more, with complete and up-to-date safety certifications such as NIOSH, CE, AS/NZS, LA and more. The core business is:
- PPE Research and Development Innovation
- PPE Manufacture, Inspection and Technical Services
Baianda Headquarters
Accreditations and Memberships
- Committee of China Association of Work Safety Special Committee of Labour Protection.
- Member of China's textile business associations Safety and Health Protection Committee
- Executive director of Liaoning Province Association of Work Safety
- Member of China Union of Personal Protective Equipment (CUPPE)- Drafting unit of daily face piece national standard.
2006 — BAIANDA was established in Shenyang of China in 2006
2008 — BAIANDA first factory was completed and put into operation.
— The first self-developed KN100 and KP100 protection level Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator obtained 《National Industrial Production License》& 《LA Certification (China)》
2009 — Set ISO9001:2008 qualify system.
2010 — Developed Non-powered air-purifying respirators, Multiple filters, Combined filters
2012 — Approved P100 Respirator of NIOSH Certification
2013 — BAIANDA was awarded as “One of the Top 50 PPE manufacturer in China ”, “The most popular labor protection products in China”
2014 — Successfully Passed the first NIOSH Factory Audit
— Participated in the drafting of national standard 《Technical specification of daily protective mask》
— Approved the national “New High-tech Enterprise” approval2015
— Passed CE Factory Audit and got half mask and A1 gas filter CE certification
2016 — Approved the second product OV - Organic Vapor Cartridge NIOSH Certification
2019 — Approved Particle filter P3R CE Certification
2020 — Approved N100 Particulate filter & N100 Facepiece Respirator of NIOSH Certification
2021 — Winning the recommended brand in the China labor protection industry
2022 — Obtained the certificate of occupational health and safety management system
—Non-powered air purifying respirator OV/P95 obtained NIOSH Certification
2023 — Baianda Half Mask Respirator Full Series Products obtained Russian EAC Certification
2024 — Baianda has held CE certification for nearly ten years. At the end of March 2024, Baianda once again smoothly passed the strict CE certification factory audit.

European Certificate for the particulate filters

The company also provides OEM & DEM processing according to their customer's requirements. They have excellent quality product with the highest standard of service.
N100 and P100 NIOSH filters

A list of Bainda filters

The N100/KN100 disposables

The company mainly expertises in elastomeric half masks and filters, but they offer a few disposables in N100,KN100 and KP95 grades.
Model: EF600
Standard: NIOSH TC-84A-9243
Protection: N100 against non-oily particulates
Filtering Efficiency: ≥ 99.97%. Effective against particulate aerosols free of oil; time use restrictions may apply.
Type: disposable
Package: 1 pc/bag; 60 bags/carton
The N100 disposable
N100 datasheet
Model: EF601
Standard: GB2626-2019
Protection: KN100 against non-oily particulates
Filtering Efficiency: ≥ 99.97%. Effective against particulate aerosols free of oil
Type: disposable
Package:1 pc/bag; 60 bags/carton
The KN100 disposable

The KP95 disposable


Pricing and similar models

I purchased both N100 and KN100 disposables for 9.83$ each. Prices found in China and US, usually range for 18$-25$, for unknown reasons. Maybe, those were the 2020 marked up prices. There's also a Baianda OEM N100 disposable, the Parcil Safety DR04 N100. Similar disposable respirators from 3M, such as the 8233 N100, 8293 P100 and 8835+ ffp3 are listed equally high at ~10$. Many brands carry the same shape in different grades. For example, the Jinfuyu (JFY) 4301 P100 and a few more.
The competitors

Hands On

Unlike the 3M equivalents, the Baianda N100/KN100 respirators have already assembled the adjustable straps. Therefore, the product is ready for use, without wasting any time. The N100 version has the LOT number printed on the mask and the KN100 alternative the LA China sticker, that means the mask can be used by Chinese enterprises. The large external nose wire isn't as 'beefy' as it looks. It's easily bendable, but it doesn't play a major part, as the whole sealing job is done by the 'sticky' gasket. The inner gasket seals great around the face and closes any gaps, preventing any leakage. Companies that have similar 'sticky' gaskets, such as 3M, Makrite and others, will have an advantage fitting many different faces and providing high fit factors.
N100 EF600
The breathing resistance is - of course - higher than the common N95/KN95/ffp2 respirators, but the construction of the mask somehow prevents a heat built-up on the inside. This respirator is suitable in specific industrial and healthcare settings, for workers who have to deal with very high particle concentrations and at the same time the source control is important.
Cleaning the gasket and readjusting the super wide straps if necessary, may 'unofficially' make the mask reusable. Using the Baianda multiple times for short periods will likely justify it's price and purpose on a consumer perspective.
Unfortunately, i haven't used any of the similar competitors from 3M yet to compare the size, fit and comfort. One thing's for sure, there's no unvalved alternative for this shape and grade, as far as i know.
The inner gasket
- Provides the ultimate protection in disposable respirators, if it fits.
- The only source control disposable at this grade (N100).
- The sticky gasket used by Baianda, similar to other companies is something like a 'cheat', in a good way, to achieve a nearly guarantee seal on adult faces.
- Even if the respirator is non reusable, under certain conditions and after cleaning the gasket, it can be reused. The wide headstraps will remain tight after use.

- Price is very high on this respirator and this also applies to it's rivals.
- Accessibility is another issue, as there is limited availability in the US and only found in super high prices. The KN100 version in China was available at the JD platform, on their official Baianda store, similarly priced at ~ 18$ , but out of stock.
- Pressure drop in top grade disposables is higher than normal consumer grades and the EF-600 is not an exception.
- The problem with sticky gaskets is that they can become sweaty in hot weather. A big sealing advantage may result in some discomfort on the long term for this kind of shape, under certain circumstances.
The big nose wire

Fit Test Results

I was curious getting the Baianda respirator, for the fact that i get excellent results in disposables with sticky gaskets. Most of the time, regardless of mask shape, i have side leaks on the right side of my cheek and less often around the nose, usually on small/medium sizes. My face is on the large size, therefore, for most of the adult disposables , i pass the fit tests, if the dimensions are right. A correct size is more vital for the perfect seal, regardless the shape of the mask to pass a fit test, at least for my face.
The LOT of the respirator indicates that it was produced during 2020 and the expiration date on the package is on 8/2025.The overall fit factor for the N100 models was 8127 under the osha protocol. I didn't want to sacrifice a fit test for the KN100 model, since it looked identical from the outside. Here are the detailed results for the EF-600:
Exercise / Μodel Baianda EF600 N100
Normal Breathing 17171
Deep breathing 3821
Head Side to Side 26693
Head Up and Down 53906
Talking 3493
Grimace Excl. -
Bending over 7383
Normal breathing 18430
Overall ff 8127


Baianda is a serious company that mainly focuses in products for professionals on the industrial and healthcare safety. No coincidence NIOSH has given to them the N100 certification. Let's hope they can expand more in disposable respirators

My previous posts on Masks4All

My top ffp2/ffp3 list (2021/2022)
The most popular domestic KN95 respirators sold in China (fall 2022)
The evolution of the 3M Aura: From the 90s to the Gen3 (December 2022)
The perpetual search of 3M Aura-style competitors - iMask ffp respirators (February 2023)
The authentication process of the 3M respirators (March 2023)
The steps to the right direction for future three-panel respirators (June 2023)
Filtering Face Pieces (ffp) in Europe you should avoid using & Frequently Asked Questions (EU/UK version). (August 2023)
Introducing the new black Laianzhi HYX1002 KN100 (September 2023)
Hands-On The New Black Laianzhi HYX1002 KN100 (November 2023)
The upcoming 3M Aura respirators in 2024, the FMS Project , more ffp/KN95 mask reviews , modifications and the importance of the seal check. (November 2023)
A dive into the East Asian respirators : The inner frames (April 2024)
submitted by VasilisGRNP to Masks4All [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:12 EthanReilly The Illusion of Choice

Hello religion. Let me explain my story and then follow up with questions I have pertaining to it.
I grew up in a secular household. During my first summer vacation being at home rather than day care I decided to spend it researching various different religions before broadband existed, on my dial-up America Online Internet. This was when I was 12. I had my epiphany when I was 14 and over the course of several decades looked for a religion that aligned with it. I eventually found the fictional religion of Earthseed that seemed to, in a very vague way, agree with what I came to believe two decades ago.
However, between the epiphany and discovering Earthseed, I had an interesting journey. Several Christians trying to convince me of their religion and me rejecting it. Several people calling me an atheist because of that. Several other religions I looked into and some of them I tried to become a devout believer, but couldn't.
Out of those religions one of them was the Baha’i Faith. I tried to become a Baha'i at one point but ultimately found myself in a spiral of self-denial when I did the rituals. I wanted to be Baha'i but I couldn't force myself because the religion denies many fundamentals of my beliefs.
I also tried Unitarian Universalism. Out of any religion that has ever existed, UUism really does feel like a choice. However, my politics does not align with theirs, and after I moved out of the city, lost interest. I don't own a car and getting to the church would now take over an hour to do. There is the Church of the Larger Fellowship who connect online and I could partake in that, but after listening to several sermons online about their apathetic nature to theology, and the lack of enthusiasm my Chalice Circle had to talking about religious topics, I lost my interest in the religion and I don't think I have a choice to go back because I would be forcing myself to do something I don't want to do.
I'm still a declared Baha'i and UU and get magazines from both religions in the mail, but at this point I don't consider myself a member of either. Or if I am I am a lapsed member. My point is, before I found Earthseed I found these religions and they sounded good on paper to me, which was the reason why I decided to follow and try to practice them, but for one reason or another, felt like I was denying myself for who I really was. For the Baha'i Faith I was denying my basic theology and for UUism I was denying the fact that my family and I identify and lean more into conservativism and Republicanism.
So my question is, after explaining this short story is, do we actually have a choice as to what religion we can be? I know there are people who can self-deny and compartmentalize themselves to fit in the mold of basically any religion that offers the most support for them. My best friend does this exceptionally well in fact. But I'm not the kind of person who can do that. I can't be of a certain religion unless I consider myself orthodox to the other members and the only religion my views align with is Earthseed.
But did I really choose my own beliefs? Did you choose your own beliefs? Do people in general choose their beliefs, or are their beliefs given to them by their parents or environment? As my parents never really spoke to me about these issues and don't really have much of an opinion on them I was raised in secularism and honestly even with the religion I am orthodox to, I still live a secular lifestyle. My parents themselves are ex-Catholic atheists and gave me the time to allow me to explore my own beliefs. And there have been conversations with them that I've influenced them, as much as they don't like to admit it.
But really think about it. You're born and raised in a religion or not. You exist somewhere where certain churches are closer to you. No matter how creative or logical you can be, your brain cannot understand the whole picture going on, no matter how you research religion on the Internet. And your experiences you live through will over time shape your thoughts and feelings on the matter. Does anyone ever honestly have an unbiased choice when deciding which religion they follow? Is there such a thing as an unbiased choice regarding religion?
It literally took me over a decade of research and I had to broaden my research deeply to find out about Earthseed. Even though I was in my 30s by the time I found it, I firmly consider myself a believer of it since I was 14, because in The Parable of the Sower I came to the same conclusions the protagonist did when she was forming Earthseed. Which is three main things: process theology, syntheism and cosmism. The Baha'i Faith simply doesn't believe that, the Unitarians don't focus on it, and I feel like even though I had called myself agnostic for a long time, this religion, albeit fictional in nature, is the closest I've come to believing in an orthodox creed.
But do I, and by extension we, actually have the capability of making that choice or are we just a product of our environment and experiences? Is there an inherent bias to every religious belief that we're influenced by? Does free will truly exist when deciding a religion?
Let us know what you think below.
submitted by EthanReilly to religion [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:36 Lewni 21 M NO libido NO sexual desire NO pleasure while ejaculating NO thoughts or urges completely nothing.

i'm 5'3.7 and about 173 pounds and pretty lean. i've had no libido or anything for about 1 yr and 7 months and i havent gotten it checked buy a doctor or anything because i was in a deficit of about 1500 calories for a few months and noticed it completely go in a week out of nowhere and hasn't returned since i came off of deficit about 8 months ago and i'm only now on the nhs list waiting for an appointment. The only reason i didn't get help sooner when i notice it disappear is i knew that a calorie deficit can cause low libido and so i was like it makes sense but i should have realised it was an issue when it had COMPLETELY gone. I eat healthily, workout 6 days a week strength training, and i sleep very well. i also notice the tactile sensation feel on my penis is different since the loss of libido aswell as the pressure feel and sensitivity feeling. i got a full blood count test from a gp and it said my vitamin b12 and folate was normal, testosterone was ''normal'' but didn't even give a number and blood sugar was normal. after researching online i think it's caused by a dysfunction thyroid or hormone imbalance with testosterone or any of the major hormones involved with sexual function and desire because my lifestyle is really good. i take a mens multivitamin aswell as 50mg zinc, 1500mg magnesium with 315mg elemental magnesium, vitamin d3 k2 4000iu. i also react to sexual stimuli by getting an arection but there is no pleasure masturbating or anything, i still produce precum, but i notice the erection go down quickly if im not looking at stimulation like porn and its hard to keep it at 10/10 strength, it's normally at like a 8. it's weird because i dont feel any adverse affects of low hormones and low testosterone like fatigue/mood swings/bad sleep/hair loss and all those symptoms.
I drink caffeine quite alot about 3 to 5 pepsi max cherries a day for the majority of the time this has happened but only recently i've cut down to 1 a few days.
even with my gf i dont get sexual desires or horniness for her at all, even physically tocuhing theres nothing.
i dont smoke or do any alcohol or anything.
And my mental health is fine no depression, no stress, no anxiety. so im kinda completely lost on what to do other than wait for a urologist to treat me.
submitted by Lewni to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:24 Lifeisblue444 The Steam reviews are fucking garbage.

OK so I know a lot of people already hate Steam here but like nobody mentions just how shit the reviews are.
I find it utterly ridiculous that so many shit games get a positive rating when they're literally amateur games clearly made by a fucking "how to make 'blank' tutorial" and yet all these crappy games get positive scores!
If I want honest reviews I'm always having to look at the negative reviews simply because 95% of fanbitches are simping for their garbage game nobody wants to play in the first place.
I mean yes it's obvious that Steam has it's issues, but am I the only one that's just annoyed by the clutter of shovelware and hentai shit that's getting positive ratings!? I'm not even shaming anyone for porn but the games on Steam are terrible quality. Why do people even buy that shit when they can just look it job for free online!?
submitted by Lifeisblue444 to fucksteam [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:22 ConsiderationTop7302 Contradictory information on giving Fidelity my password.

Contradictory information on giving Fidelity my password.
One page says to never give your password. When I called the number on the right they wanted my password?
submitted by ConsiderationTop7302 to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:21 CriticalMemory RPG Collection for Sale

Hey folks -- I'm paring back my collection and looking for a buyer for the whole thing. I won't sell individual pieces. I've got an offer from one of the online stores for $1250 for store credit, so that's my minimum, and you pay shipping (it's ~7 file boxes full). Let me know if you're interested. It contains...
Publisher Title Condition* Comments *About Conditions for Trade-In Items
Fantasy Flight Edge of the Empire Near Mint (Books Only)
No Disintegrations Near Mint (Books Only) Far Horizons Near Mint (Books Only) Special Modifications Near Mint (Books Only) Beyond the Rim Near Mint (Books Only) Masks of the Pirate Queen Near Mint (Books Only) Suns of Fortune Near Mint (Books Only) Dangerous Covenants Near Mint (Books Only) Enter the Unknown Near Mint (Books Only) Fly Casual Near Mint (Books Only) Lords of Nal Hutta Near Mint (Books Only) Jewel of Yavin Near Mint (Books Only) Force and Destiny Near Mint (Books Only) Keeping the Peace Near Mint (Books Only) Savage Spirits Near Mint (Books Only) Endless Vigil Near Mint (Books Only) Unlimited Power Near Mint (Books Only) Disciples of Harmony Near Mint (Books Only) Age of Rebellion Near Mint (Books Only) Lead by Example Near Mint (Books Only) Fully Operational Near Mint (Books Only) Desperate Allies Near Mint (Books Only) Onslaught at Arda I Near Mint (Books Only) Forged in Battle Near Mint (Books Only) Stay on Target Near Mint (Books Only) Cyphers and Masks Near Mint (Books Only) Onslaught at Arda I Near Mint (Books Only) 2 copies total. Edge of the Empire GM Screen Near Mint (Books Only) Starships and Speeders Near Mint (Books Only) Rise of the Separatists Near Mint (Books Only) Dawn of Rebellion Near Mint (Books Only) Gadgets and Gear Near Mint (Books Only) Allies and Adversaries Near Mint (Books Only) Edge of the Empire Beginners Set Used "No Box, No Dice" Age of Rebellion Beginners Set Used "No Box, No Dice" The Force Awakens Beginners Set Used "No Box, No Dice" Genesys Core Rulebook Near Mint (Books Only) Genesys Expanded Players Guide Near Mint (Books Only) Realms of Terrinoth Near Mint (Books Only) Shadow of the Beanstalk Near Mint (Books Only) 
WOTC 5e Dungeon Masters Screen Near Mint (Books Only)
5e Monster Manual Near Mint (Books Only) Ghosts of Saltmarsh Near Mint (Books Only) Waterdeep Dragon Heist Near Mint (Books Only) Waterdeep Dungeon Mad Mage Near Mint (Books Only) Sword Coast Adventure Guide Near Mint (Books Only) Tasha's Cauldron of Everything Near Mint (Books Only) Xanathar's Guide to Everything Near Mint (Books Only) Curse of Strahd Near Mint (Books Only) Volo's Guide to Monsters Near Mint (Books Only) Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Near Mint (Books Only) Star Wars Role Playing Game Used 
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2024.05.18 18:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Burbank Ca

Best Brunch in Burbank Ca
Best Brunch in Burbank Ca Are you craving a delicious brunch in Burbank, CA? Well, look no further!We, as passionate food enthusiasts, have explored the culinary gems of this vibrant city and discovered the best brunch spots just for you.From family-owned favorites like Portos to the stylish Another Broken Egg Cafe, Burbank offers a diverse range of options to satisfy your brunch cravings.Join us as we take you on a gastronomic journey through the best brunch spots in Burbank, CA.Key TakeawaysThere are numerous dining options in Burbank, California for brunch lovers, including family-owned restaurants, culinary jewels, and gastronomic mainstays.Some popular brunch spots in Burbank offer stunning views, outdoor dining experience, and unique ambiance, making them perfect for a date or a hangout with friends.The recommended dishes at these brunch spots range from mindblowing Short Ribs Benedict and exquisite benedicts to Mushroom Scramble and classic global fare options.Burbank's brunch scene also includes casual eateries with a 1950s American diner vibe, serving gastronomic artistry in a casual setting, and beautiful gray structures offering delightful classics like Commissary Fried Chicken Sandwich.PortosWe should try the delicious pastries at Portos; I've heard they've a wide variety of options to choose from.Portos is a family-owned dining place that has multiple locations in California. It's known for its delectable pastries and is a popular spot for brunch in Burbank.The moment you step into Portos, you're greeted with the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods. The display case is filled with an assortment of pastries, from flaky croissants to mouthwatering danishes. They also offer a variety of savory options, such as ham and cheese croissants and spinach and feta turnovers, perfect for those who prefer a heartier brunch.The quality of ingredients used in their pastries is evident in every bite, and the flavors are simply divine. Whether you're craving something sweet or savory, Portos has something to satisfy every brunch craving.Now, let's move on to our next brunch spot in Burbank: Bea Beas.Bea BeasBea Beas is a popular brunch spot located at the Lakeside Shopping Center in Burbank. They're known for their delicious signature dishes, inviting ambience, and unique decor.Customer reviews and ratings rave about the quality of the food, the friendly service, and the overall dining experience at Bea Beas.Signature Dishes at Bea BeasOrdering the famous Avocado Toast at Bea Beas is a must for brunch enthusiasts looking to indulge in a creamy and flavorful dish.This iconic dish features a thick slice of artisanal bread, toasted to perfection, topped with creamy avocado mash.The avocado is seasoned with a pinch of sea salt, a squeeze of tangy lemon juice, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for a hint of heat.The dish is then garnished with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkle of fresh cilantro.Each bite is a delightful combination of creamy avocado, crunchy bread, and zesty flavors.Paired with a cup of freshly brewed coffee or a refreshing mimosa, the Avocado Toast at Bea Beas is the ultimate brunch treat.Ambience and DecorThere are six dining areas at Bea Beas, each with its own unique ambience and decor.The first dining area, known as 'The Garden,' features a lush, green setting with vibrant flowers and plants, creating a tranquil and refreshing atmosphere.Next, we've 'The Library,' a cozy space adorned with bookshelves and comfortable seating, perfect for enjoying a quiet meal or catching up with friends.Moving on, 'The Terrace' offers a beautiful outdoor setting with views of the surrounding gardens, making it an ideal spot for al fresco dining.'The Wine Cellar' boasts a rustic charm, with exposed brick walls and wine barrels, creating an intimate and sophisticated ambiance.For those seeking a more contemporary setting, 'The Lounge' offers sleek furnishings and modern artwork, exuding a chic and trendy vibe.Lastly, we've 'The Courtyard,' a charming outdoor patio with twinkling lights and cozy seating, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.With such diverse dining areas, Bea Beas ensures that every guest can find a space that suits their preferences and enhances their dining experience.Customer Reviews and RatingsWe've found that the customer reviews and ratings for Bea Beas are consistently positive, indicating a high level of satisfaction among patrons.Here are some key points to consider about Bea Beas:Bea Beas is located at the Lakeside Shopping Center in Burbank, California.The restaurant offers a diverse menu with a range of brunch options.Customers praise the quality and presentation of the food at Bea Beas.The service at the restaurant is often described as friendly and attentive.Many reviews mention the pleasant ambiance and comfortable seating arrangements.Overall, Bea Beas seems to be a popular choice for brunch in Burbank, with customers consistently enjoying their dining experience. The positive reviews and ratings suggest that Bea Beas is a reliable option for those looking for a satisfying brunch outing.Another Broken Egg CafeAnother Broken Egg Cafe is a popular breakfast spot in Burbank known for its standout glass facade and unique dining experience.The menu at Another Broken Egg Cafe offers notable highlights such as their signature crab cakes benedict and sweet potato pancakes.With positive customer reviews and high ratings, it's definitely worth a visit for those seeking a delicious brunch in Burbank.Notable Menu HighlightsLet's check out the three notable menu highlights at Another Broken Egg Cafe in Burbank:Cajun Louisiana Crawfish Skillet: A mouthwatering combination of crawfish tails, Andouille sausage, onions, and peppers, all sautéed together in a spicy Cajun sauce. Served with two eggs any style and your choice of toast or a biscuit.Lobster and Brie Omelette: Indulge in a decadent omelette filled with fresh lobster, creamy Brie cheese, and diced tomatoes. Served with your choice of toast or a biscuit.Cinnamon Roll French Toast: A heavenly twist on a classic breakfast favorite. Thick slices of cinnamon roll dipped in a rich custard, grilled to perfection, and topped with cream cheese icing.These standout dishes at Another Broken Egg Cafe in Burbank are sure to satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more. So why not stop by and experience these delicious menu highlights for yourself?Unique Dining ExperienceThere are three unique dining experiences at Another Broken Egg Cafe in Burbank that are worth trying.The cafe offers a diverse menu with options for breakfast, brunch, and lunch.The first dining experience is the beautiful glass facade of the cafe, which allows natural light to flood the space, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.The second experience is the cozy indoor seating, which features comfortable booths and tables for guests to enjoy their meals.Lastly, Another Broken Egg Cafe offers a spacious outdoor patio where customers can dine al fresco and enjoy the California weather.With these three distinct dining options, Another Broken Egg Cafe provides an enjoyable experience for all types of customers.Speaking of customer reviews and ratings, let's see what people have to say about Another Broken Egg Cafe in Burbank.Customer Reviews and Ratings?We enjoyed reading the customer reviews and ratings for Another Broken Egg Cafe in Burbank, and we were impressed by the positive feedback.Here are some key points that stood out to us:The food quality was consistently praised, with many customers raving about the delicious flavors and generous portions.The menu offered a wide variety of options, catering to different dietary preferences and restrictions.Customers appreciated the attentive and friendly service, noting that the staff went above and beyond to ensure a pleasant dining experience.The ambiance of the cafe was mentioned multiple times, with customers loving the bright and modern decor.Many reviewers mentioned the reasonable prices, considering the high quality of the food and overall experience.Overall, it seems that Another Broken Egg Cafe in Burbank is a popular choice for brunch, offering delicious food, excellent service, and a welcoming atmosphere.Café De OllaCafé De Olla is a charming coffee shop in Burbank that offers a unique blend of Mexican flavors and a cozy atmosphere. This café has been serving the local community since 2015, and it has become a favorite spot for coffee lovers and food enthusiasts alike.The moment you step inside, you're greeted with the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the inviting ambiance of the café. The décor is tastefully done, with rustic wooden furniture and colorful Mexican accents that create a vibrant and welcoming space.One of the highlights of Café De Olla is their delicious Mexican-inspired menu. They offer a variety of dishes that showcase the rich and bold flavors of Mexican cuisine. From their traditional Mexican breakfast options like Chilaquiles and Huevos Rancheros to their mouthwatering lunch options like Tacos and Enchiladas, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The ingredients used are fresh and high quality, resulting in dishes that are bursting with flavor.In addition to their food, Café De Olla also takes pride in their coffee. They source their beans from the best coffee-growing regions in Mexico and carefully roast them to perfection. Whether you prefer a classic cup of black coffee or a specialty drink like their signature Café de Olla, you can expect a rich and aromatic experience.Overall, Café De Olla is a delightful coffee shop that offers a unique and flavorful experience. Whether you're looking for a quick caffeine fix or a satisfying meal, this café is definitely worth a visit.Romancing the BeanAt Romancing the Bean, you can indulge in a delicious brunch while savoring the cozy atmosphere and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. This charming café is a hidden gem in Burbank, California, offering a delightful brunch experience that's sure to satisfy your taste buds.Here are five reasons why Romancing the Bean is a must-visit brunch spot:Extensive menu: From classic breakfast options like eggs Benedict and fluffy pancakes to unique creations like avocado toast with smoked salmon, Romancing the Bean offers a diverse menu that caters to all palates.Fresh ingredients: The café takes pride in using only the freshest, locally sourced ingredients to create their mouthwatering dishes. You can taste the quality in every bite.Cozy ambiance: The warm and inviting atmosphere of Romancing the Bean makes it the perfect place to relax and enjoy a leisurely brunch with friends or family.Friendly staff: The attentive and friendly staff at Romancing the Bean ensure that every customer feels welcome and well taken care of.Specialty coffee: In addition to their delectable brunch options, Romancing the Bean is known for their expertly brewed coffee. Whether you prefer a classic cappuccino or a bold espresso, their baristas will craft the perfect cup for you.Now, let's transition into the subsequent section about Granville Café, another culinary mainstay in Burbank.Granville CaféLet's head over to Granville Café and try their mouthwatering brunch options that are sure to satisfy our taste buds. Granville Café is a gastronomic mainstay in Burbank, known for its beautiful orange structure and delectable dishes. With a diverse menu that caters to all palates, Granville Café offers a wide range of brunch options that are both flavorful and satisfying.Here is a table showcasing some of the standout brunch dishes available at Granville Café:DishDescriptionAvocado ToastServed on artisan bread with fresh avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a sprinkle of sea salt. A perfect balance of flavors.Granville OmeletteA fluffy omelette filled with your choice of ingredients, such as spinach, mushrooms, and cheese. Served with a side of crispy potatoes.Belgian WafflesLight and fluffy waffles topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of maple syrup. A classic brunch favorite.Eggs BenedictPoached eggs served on a toasted English muffin with Canadian bacon and hollandaise sauce. A rich and indulgent choice.| California Breakfast Burrito | A hearty burrito filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, avocado, and cheese. Served with salsa and sour cream. A satisfying option for those who enjoy a savory brunch.Whether you're craving something light and refreshing or a hearty and indulgent meal, Granville Café has something for everyone. So why not treat yourself to a delightful brunch experience at Granville Café?Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the History and Background of the Owners of Portos?The history and background of the owners of Portos isn't directly related to the current question about the best brunch in Burbank, CA.However, it's worth mentioning that Portos is a family-owned dining place with multiple locations in California. They're known for their delicious pastries and Cuban-inspired cuisine. The owners have worked hard to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for their customers to enjoy.Portos has become a beloved culinary destination in the area.Does Bea Beas Offer Any Vegetarian or Vegan Brunch Options?Yes, Bea Beas does offer vegetarian and vegan brunch options.They understand the importance of catering to different dietary preferences and have created a menu that includes a variety of plant-based dishes.Whether you're in the mood for a hearty vegan scramble or a flavorful vegetarian sandwich, Bea Beas has you covered.Their commitment to providing options for all guests sets them apart and ensures that everyone can enjoy a delicious brunch experience at their establishment.What Is the Signature Dish or Specialty at Another Broken Egg Cafe?At Another Broken Egg Cafe, the signature dish that sets them apart is their mindblowing Short Ribs Benedict. It's a culinary masterpiece that combines tender short ribs with perfectly poached eggs and hollandaise sauce. The flavors are exquisite and will leave you craving for more.The cafe itself is a standout with its glass facade and inviting atmosphere. Whether you're a brunch enthusiast or simply looking for a unique dining experience, Another Broken Egg Cafe is a must-visit in Burbank.Does Café De Olla Have Any Outdoor Seating Available?Café de Olla is a cozy café located in the heart of the city. The café offers a variety of delicious beverages, including their famous Mexican-style coffee. The coffee is brewed in a traditional clay pot, giving it a unique and rich flavor. Café de Olla also serves a selection of pastries and sandwiches, making it a great spot for a quick bite to eat. However, it's important to note that Café de Olla doesn't have any outdoor seating available.Are There Any Gluten-Free Options Available at Romancing the Bean?Yes, there are gluten-free options available at Romancing the Bean. They offer a range of delicious gluten-free dishes that cater to those with dietary restrictions.Whether you're craving a gluten-free avocado toast or a flavorful quinoa salad, Romancing the Bean has got you covered.Their commitment to providing diverse and inclusive menu options ensures that everyone can enjoy a satisfying brunch experience.ConclusionAs we conclude our culinary journey through the best brunch spots in Burbank, CA, we can't help but marvel at the irony of it all.Despite the diverse range of options available, from family-owned gems to stylish eateries, there's one undeniable truth - the best brunch spot in Burbank is the one you choose to experience for yourself.So go forth, explore, and indulge in the delightful flavors that this vibrant city has to offer.Bon appétit!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:50 Alert_Ice_2268 ENZYMAMITE face cleanser

ENZYMAMITE face cleanser
So I went to my local-ish lush a couple of weeks ago and was talking with the employees when they offered me a free tub of the cleanser (small size), I got home and immediately went to try it and was taken aback by the smell.. I’ve searched online and others say it has a slight pineapple smell but to me.. it smells like sick, it looks like sick and it has the consistency of chunky sick. Obviously it is not! (Well at least i hope so lol) But I wondered if anyone else experienced this? I love all things lush and always have but it seems I’ve found the one product I cannot stand!!!! I’ve used it once or twice and it made me breakout all around my mouth and chin. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Many thanks!
submitted by Alert_Ice_2268 to LushCosmetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:50 Lewni NO libido NO sexual desire NO pleasure while ejaculating NO thoughts or urges completely nothing.

i've had no libido or anything for about 1 yr and 7 months and i havent gotten it checked buy a doctor or anything because i was in a deficit of about 1500 calories for a few months and noticed it completely go in a week out of nowhere and hasn't returned since i came off of deficit about 8 months ago and i'm only now on the nhs list waiting for an appointment. The only reason i didn't get help sooner when i notice it disappear is i knew that a calorie deficit can cause low libido and so i was like it makes sense but i should have realised it was an issue when it had COMPLETELY gone. I eat healthily, workout 6 days a week strength training, and i sleep very well. i also notice the tactile sensation feel on my penis is different since the loss of libido aswell as the pressure feel and sensitivity feeling. i got a full blood count test from a gp and it said my vitamin b12 and folate was normal, testosterone was ''normal'' but didn't even give a number and blood sugar was normal. after researching online i think it's caused by a dysfunction thyroid or hormone imbalance with testosterone or any of the major hormones involved with sexual function and desire because my lifestyle is really good. i take a mens multivitamin aswell as 50mg zinc, 1500mg magnesium with 315mg elemental magnesium, vitamin d3 k2 4000iu. i also react to sexual stimuli by getting an arection but there is no pleasure masturbating or anything, i still produce precum, but i notice the erection go down quickly if im not looking at stimulation like porn and its hard to keep it at 10/10 strength, it's normally at like a 8. it's weird because i dont feel any adverse affects of low hormones and low testosterone like fatigue/mood swings/bad sleep/hair loss and all those symptoms.
And my mental health is fine no depression, no stress, no anxiety. so im kinda completely lost on what to do other than wait for a urologist to treat me.
submitted by Lewni to erectiledysfunction [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:38 Understandingbeauty I need advice or opinions!?

I’ll start with a little background. I’m 29 F with a 28 M. My boyfriend and I got together almost 2 years ago, I knew his mom passed away about a year and a half or 2 years prior but a few months in the relationship I could tell he was depressed. His family doesn’t believe in therapists and medicine for mental health so it took me some convincing for me to get him to give it a try, I just knew how I benefited from it and I wanted to see him happy! He got on depression medication and 4 months into the relationship we got pregnant! Yeah I know it was fast but we love our beautiful girl (8mths) so much! Anyways I had some hormone issues for the first month and a half and wasn’t feeling sex atp. Then things went back to normal and I was ready for sex again. Then he didn’t want to have sex much he said the pregnancy thing was messing him up to go with the medication messing with his sex drive. Then I found condoms in his wallet (he said he found them in his old apartment as he was cleaning it out because he was moving in with me, so he just picked them up and put them in his wallet 🙄) PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GIVE YOUR OPINION ON THAT! IVE NEVER GOTTEN THE TRUTH. Now that our baby girl is 8 months old we have had sex maybe 2-3 times since she was born and since we didn’t really get a chance to get to know each other I’m learning that I don’t really like the person he is! He is not a very compassionate person, he is not romantic, he is quite an asshole to everyone( he says you cant go around being nice to people or you will get f'ed over), he doesn’t communicate well, he doesn’t have really and personal or life goals, he is stubborn, he is not open minded at all and if he doesn’t want to do something he will not do it even if it wouldn’t take much effort to please me he just refuses. On the flip side he allows me to stay home with the baby (I do teach online and do hair on the side) and he pays the rent. I love him but I don’t like him.
Any advise? I can handle it lol
submitted by Understandingbeauty to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:28 Understandingbeauty Please someone tell me your opinion or give any advice!

I’ll start with a little background. I’m 29 years old with a 28 year old boyfriend. My boyfriend and I got together almost 2 years ago, I knew his mom passed away about a year and a half or 2 years prior but a few months in the relationship I could tell he was depressed. His family doesn’t believe in therapists and medicine for mental health so it took me some convincing for me to get him to give it a try, I just knew how I benefited from it and I wanted to see him happy! He got on depression medication and 4 months into the relationship we got pregnant! Yeah I know it was fast but we love our beautiful girl (8mths) so much! Anyways I had some hormone issues for the first month and a half and wasn’t feeling sex atp. Then things went back to normal and I was ready for sex again. Then he didn’t want to have sex much he said the pregnancy thing was messing him up to go with the medication messing with his sex drive. Then I found condoms in his wallet (he said he found them in his old apartment as he was cleaning it out because he was moving in with me, so he just picked them up and put them in his wallet 🙄) PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GIVE YOUR OPINION ON THAT! IVE NEVER GOTTEN THE TRUTH. Now that our baby girl is 8 months old we have had sex maybe 2-3 times since she was born and since we didn’t really get a chance to get to know each other I’m learning that I don’t really like the person he is! He is not a very compassionate person, he is not romantic, he is quite an asshole to everyone( he says you cant go around being nice to people or you will get f'ed over), he doesn’t communicate well, he doesn’t have really and personal or life goals, he is stubborn, he is not open minded at all and if he doesn’t want to do something he will not do it even if it wouldn’t take much effort to please me he just refuses. On the flip side he allows me to stay home with the baby (I do teach online and do hair on the side) and he pays the rent. I love him but I don’t like him.
Any advise?
submitted by Understandingbeauty to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:01 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

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2024.05.18 17:46 abdirxhmxn Enhanced EPUB Version of "An Understated Dominance" Available for Fans!

Hey everyone!
I recently completed a fun project that I think fans of "An Understated Dominance" will appreciate, especially those who have struggled with reading the novel online due to website clutter and distractions.
I've created a clean, distraction-free EPUB version of the novel that you can download and read on your preferred device. You can get it here: EPUB Download.
Why I did this: The original website hosting the novel has a lot of distractions that can take away from the reading experience. My goal was to provide a seamless reading experience that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the story without unnecessary interruptions.
Project Details: For those interested in the technical side, here's a brief overview of how I created the EPUB:
You can check out the full code for this project on my GitHub: GitHub Repository.
Feedback & Collaboration: I’d love to hear your thoughts on the EPUB. Feel free to download, read, and let me know if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements. If you're interested in collaborating on similar projects or have any ideas, I'm all ears!
Enjoy the novel, and happy reading!
submitted by abdirxhmxn to romancenovels [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:45 abdirxhmxn Enhanced EPUB Version of "An Understated Dominance" Available for Fans!

Hey everyone!
I recently completed a fun project that I think fans of "An Understated Dominance" will appreciate, especially those who have struggled with reading the novel online due to website clutter and distractions.
I've created a clean, distraction-free EPUB version of the novel that you can download and read on your preferred device. You can get it here: EPUB Download.
Why I did this: The original website hosting the novel has a lot of distractions that can take away from the reading experience. My goal was to provide a seamless reading experience that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the story without unnecessary interruptions.
Project Details: For those interested in the technical side, here's a brief overview of how I created the EPUB:
You can check out the full code for this project on my GitHub: GitHub Repository.
Feedback & Collaboration: I’d love to hear your thoughts on the EPUB. Feel free to download, read, and let me know if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements. If you're interested in collaborating on similar projects or have any ideas, I'm all ears!
Enjoy the novel, and happy reading!
submitted by abdirxhmxn to learnpython [link] [comments]