Pharmacology np online class

Art/painting clubs?

2024.05.19 06:36 Automatic_Ebb4030 Art/painting clubs?

I’ve been feeling pretty lonely as a transfer student and honestly I’m not really the kind to chat up conversations with people before lecture. At my community college I used to take a bunch of art classes and loved sharing and talking about our drawings and paintings with the other students. Here I can’t even take art classes because I’m not an art major (I’m art history). I looked around for an art club but the one I found doesn’t look like it’s done anything the past year or so.
Cobble seems cool but that’s all online I think. I am in one club and those people are all super cool but I wish I could find my artist people lol.
submitted by Automatic_Ebb4030 to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:33 Fit-Bat244 What kind of laptop should I buy for school/work use?

Hi everyone, I'm a high school student and I need a laptop to take some online classes. I'm thinking about buying it on Amazon or Walmart and my budget is around $200-$250 USD or less.
Here's what I'm looking for:
Primary Use: Schoolwork, creating documents, editing pictures, and reproducing videos. Not a gamer, but I do like to play games occasionally (not a priority).
Performance: Something decently fast for multitasking.
User Interface: Easy to use or at least understandable.
Compatibility: Must be compatible with Android apps.
Ports: At least 2 USB ports.Battery Life: Should last at least 8-9 hours.Storage: Preferably 64GB or more.
Camera: A decent camera for live-online classes.
Additional Features: A variety of tools available would be a bonus.
Work and development are my priorities, but a laptop that can handle light gaming would be nice.
Can anyone give me some advice on what to buy? Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Fit-Bat244 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:31 Lazy-Cellist1295 Should I leave MacEwan for NAIT...?

Okay, here's a few things.. I haven't been doing well in any of my courses since starting the BCOM program in 2020.. reasons being: online learning was hard for me and I did online during COVID, I've lost family members due to sickness..they passed away.. just things that have been out of my control and having to cope with loss..
Just this month, a psychologist was able to let me know of two diagnosis' related to how I learn: ADHD (Inattentive type) and also having phonological dyslexia. Took this long to find out.
I've passed some courses but failed other courses. I attend classes now in person, thankfully but I'm not sure why I'm not feeling successful or welcome at MacEwan. I'm an ADR student so I do have access to learning resources as of January of this year. But I'm debating whether to leave MacEwan and the BCOM program here.. I don't find other students to be friendly, group work stresses me out (some courses have group work in it), I've been made fun of by another student for being different.. I want to like it at MacEwan but feeling pretty down lately. I've spoken to several school of business advisors but they don't seem helpful. One said recently "do whatever you want".. I go there to express that I need help planning this degree but I'm met with uncaring advisors.. I've seen 3 different advisors there.. Yet it's the same and I leave frustrated..
In a way, I miss NorQuest because the students are more social and less aloof.. (not returning to NorQuest for anything though)
Has anyone ever transferred to NAIT from MacEwan? How did it go? I want to major in Human Resources as many friends, family and coworkers have said it's very suitable for my personality and can see me working in that field.. thanks in advance..
submitted by Lazy-Cellist1295 to NAIT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:11 AmbitiousBlueberry33 Please help How does this schedule look for a first year criminology student? Any advice would help me a lot!!! :)

Please help How does this schedule look for a first year criminology student? Any advice would help me a lot!!! :) submitted by AmbitiousBlueberry33 to yorku [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:08 Shot_Isopod_4224 What Should I Do....

There's this girl at my university who sits in front of me in class. We're pretty good friends and have a lot of fun, laugh, and tease each other during class. Somehow, I developed a crush on her after she got angry at me for trolling her about six months ago.
We talk almost every day, both in person and online, but it's mostly casual conversations about classes and nothing too fancy. Recently, a friend told her and another friend that I have a crush on someone, but she thinks it's someone else because I have a lot of female friends. This makes it even more complicated to express my feelings to her.
Right now, I'm playing the waiting game to see if she feels the same way about me or if I just enjoy her presence. I get kind of jealous when someone else talks to her and makes her laugh. I recently asked her if she's single, and she said yes, but I'm still scared about what to do next.
submitted by Shot_Isopod_4224 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 qwenmn MAN ACTS HIGH-CLASS JIO FRIEND TO PLAY GOLF, BUT HE HAS A MOUNTAIN OF DEBTS A netizen shared his story online on ho...

submitted by qwenmn to sporeuncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:56 omukoh trouble making friends over the summer term

I 19F am current a sophomore moving into my junior year. I am in a year long lease and i’ve had trouble with my social life since i’ve moved out of my freshman year dorm and into my apartment. I’ve tried going to clubs and social events and a few friends stuck but since my university doesn’t host really any events over the summer and i’m taking all online classes i’m not really sure how to make friends right now. If anyone has advice i would love to hear it so i’m not suck in my apartment the entirety of the summer
submitted by omukoh to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 the_zenpenguin Issues with enrolling back into public school after homeschooling for a semester

Back in February I decided to homeschool for the remainder of the year due to personal stress unrelated to school. My plan was to come back to public school in August for my freshman year. When I was discussing my plan with registrar before homeschooling, I made sure to ask questions to make sure I was making the right decision. She told me, with my mother as a witness, that I would not have to take any exams or partake in any long process, and as long as I had the transcript it would transfer smoothly. Now, I have recently found out that I will have to take an exam for every single subject. This wouldn’t usually be a problem, but I have to have a 90 minimum to even receive credit. In subjects such as Algebra, Spanish, and Biology, which I am not that strong in, I am screwed. (maybe even english or geography considering how high the bar is) What should I do? (I need 7 credits to be promoted)
Here are my options if I am not promoted to Sophomore (there may be more that I am unaware of) A - Take credit recovery classes at my high school, most likely will take me another 4 years to graduate B - Attend the local credit recovery charter school, no extracurriculars (which I don’t need as I’m enrolled in a school unaffiliated theatre studio) but I can graduate in just 2 years. C - Enroll in K12 online school, pretty much the same outcome as A. D - Keep on homeschooling and get my GED, which will be a lot faster for me to finish than all other options besides B.
I want to avoid homeschooling again, as I like the in-person environment, but if I need to I am willing to. I know a lot of people don’t like charter schools, but I have enrolled in one before and it is honestly the exact same in my experience as a non-charter public school. I was also considering Penn Foster online but I know someone who had a bad experience with them. Again, any help would be appreciated. <3
submitted by the_zenpenguin to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 the_zenpenguin Issues with transferring back into public school.

Back in February I decided to homeschool for the remainder of the year due to personal stress unrelated to school. My plan was to come back to public school in August for my freshman year. When I was discussing my plan with registrar before homeschooling, I made sure to ask questions to make sure I was making the right decision. She told me, with my mother as a witness, that I would not have to take any exams or partake in any long process, and as long as I had the transcript it would transfer smoothly. Now, I have recently found out that I will have to take an exam for every single subject. This wouldn’t usually be a problem, but I have to have a 90 minimum to even receive credit. In subjects such as Algebra, Spanish, and Biology, which I am not that strong in, I am screwed. (maybe even english or geography considering how high the bar is) What should I do? (I need 7 credits to be promoted)
Here are my options if I am not promoted to Sophomore (there may be more that I am unaware of) A - Take credit recovery classes at my high school, most likely will take me another 4 years to graduate B - Attend the local credit recovery charter school, no extracurriculars (which I don’t need as I’m enrolled in a school unaffiliated theatre studio) but I can graduate in just 2 years. C - Enroll in K12 online school, pretty much the same outcome as A. D - Keep on homeschooling and get my GED, which will be a lot faster for me to finish than all other options besides B.
I want to avoid homeschooling again, as I like the in-person environment, but if I need to I am willing to. I know a lot of people don’t like charter schools, but I have enrolled in one before and it is honestly the exact same in my experience as a non-charter public school. I was also considering Penn Foster online but I know someone who had a bad experience with them. Again, any help would be appreciated. <3
submitted by the_zenpenguin to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:41 Cultural-Wafer-129 should i cr my 8th grade grades

hey, i’m a junior in hs who has gotten good grades since freshman year. my eighth grade year was online though, and i slacked off (got low 90s). this lowered my class rank and cummulative average.
with that being said, should i ask my guidance counselor if i could cr my grades? for preface my average is a 99.7 and would go up to a 100.7. i know it isn’t a big difference but it would make my rank go up to around 30-20/1000 in preface to around 60/1000 (officially changes on my transcript and i would firstly have to contact my middle school for approval). also, i’m shooting for a T20/top state school.
thanks, any advice is vastly appreciated!
submitted by Cultural-Wafer-129 to CollegeAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:40 FloppyBisque New Info. Ryan Cohen offered to purchase Bed Bath and Beyond in December of 2022. It feels like we should discuss it.

New Info. Ryan Cohen offered to purchase Bed Bath and Beyond in December of 2022. It feels like we should discuss it.
You may remember that in early November 2022, Ryan Cohen was interviewed by GMEdd people.
During that interview he was asked about his investment in another company- which I am not allowed to discuss on this sub, largely because of this interview and that RC said that “his views on the company has changed”.
That company is now in a lawsuit against former board members who allegedly defrauded the company out of $11b.
Thanks to this lawsuit it has not been made public that one month after the GMEdd interview with RC, RC offered to purchase this company for $400m one month AFTER this interview. Clearly RC was still interested.
Now, I don’t know if this topic will be allowed by the mods, but a lot of fuckery has gone one and the chapter 11 that they are currently going through has been very… interesting. I’m not trying to sound crazy when I say, there’s at least a small chance that RC is trying to acquire baby.
I am happy to provide more context if people want, but that might not be worth discussing on this sub.
What IS worth discussing on this sub is that:
1) RC bought into this other company and was specifically interested in the baby portion. 2) RC sold his stake and it’s unclear if he was allowed to keep his profits. 3) RC said his views changed of the company in the interview. 4) RC tries to buy the full company rather than just get in the board. 5) RC is named CIO of GME
Everyone knows RC is looking to acquire (unless it’s a KC shuffle). Why are we ignoring the one he actually tried to buy and actually bought into. I’m not shilling this company - you can’t even buy it anymore.
But it feels like with new information, we should put the wrinkles onto the case. Would GME expand into this world?
submitted by FloppyBisque to GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:37 physicalgraffiti123 I am a 29(f) kissless virgin and have never been in a relationship.

I am a 29(f) kissless virgin and have never been in a relationship.
Yep- you read that right. Just hasn’t happened for me yet.
In high school, I had normal crushes etc - just was always working jobs after school / never prioritized dating.
College- hyper focused on school and my studies as well as part time jobs - never prioritized it. Still had crushes, just never acted on them.
The one almost relationship I had in college was when the guy I had a huge crush on asked me out to his military dance. We hung out a few more times after that, mostly because we shared classes together- but ultimately he decided he didn’t want to see me because we didn’t align on religion (he was a devout Christian and I am strongly agnostic). I respected his decision and haven’t actively gone out with anybody since.
I feel like a complete loser. I despise that this is my story but I realize these are the self inflicted cards I have and I gotta play the hand I got at this point.
This year I’ve made it a goal to try to fix my situation and try online dating for the first time. However, I’ve been delaying because it is just so overwhelming and I feel like I’m not ready. I really just don’t feel confident in my body or appearance. Signed up for the gym to help with this hopefully, but don’t feel comfortable putting myself out there until I lose at least 50 lbs or More just to feel vaguely confident. I also feel like I’m a walking red flag when people learn I’m a kissless virgin at 29 years old- like “oh, what’s wrong with her”? The thought of being both emotionally and physically intimate and vulnerable with someone makes me feel nervous - I’ve never even been kissed so letting someone into my space like that is just a whole new world to me.
It is a part of my life I am so ashamed of and always felt like there is something wrong with me. I am truly worried no one will ever want to be with someone like me with no relationship experience at my age and find it off putting and weird.
submitted by physicalgraffiti123 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:24 Tutor_dchris HMU for Urgent Help in Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, Calculus, Coding, Java, Python, PHP, Math, and Engineering. W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065

We offer an array of services tailored to meet your academic and professional needs!
Reach out for comprehensive support today! W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065.
submitted by Tutor_dchris to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:24 Tutor_dchris HMU for Urgent Help in Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, Calculus, Coding, Java, Python, PHP, Math, and Engineering. W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065

We offer an array of services tailored to meet your academic and professional needs!
Reach out for comprehensive support today! W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065.
submitted by Tutor_dchris to ExamHelpers_Tutoring [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:23 Tutor_dchris HMU for Urgent Help in Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, Calculus, Coding, Java, Python, PHP, Math, and Engineering. W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065

We offer an array of services tailored to meet your academic and professional needs!
Reach out for comprehensive support today! W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065.
submitted by Tutor_dchris to HomeworkExcellence [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:22 Tutor_dchris HMU for Urgent Help in Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, Calculus, Coding, Java, Python, PHP, Math, and Engineering. W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065

We offer an array of services tailored to meet your academic and professional needs!
Reach out for comprehensive support today! W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065.
submitted by Tutor_dchris to HomeworkAider [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:22 Tutor_dchris HMU for Urgent Help in Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, Calculus, Coding, Java, Python, PHP, Math, and Engineering. W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065

We offer an array of services tailored to meet your academic and professional needs!
Reach out for comprehensive support today! W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065.
submitted by Tutor_dchris to Thesis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:21 Tutor_dchris HMU for Urgent Help in Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, Calculus, Coding, Java, Python, PHP, Math, and Engineering. W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065

We offer an array of services tailored to meet your academic and professional needs!
Reach out for comprehensive support today! W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065.
submitted by Tutor_dchris to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:20 Tutor_dchris HMU for Urgent Help in Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, Calculus, Coding, Java, Python, PHP, Math, and Engineering. W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065

We offer an array of services tailored to meet your academic and professional needs!
Reach out for comprehensive support today! W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065.
submitted by Tutor_dchris to examhelprz [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:20 udibaba12 Need suggestions regarding note taking for cgl 2024

Hello friends, I am preparing for cgl 2024 as a beginner. In short time is it good decision to take notes while watching online classes (paid course RG vikramjit) ? Or just download class pdfs for revisions? Thank you in advance and best of luck for cgl 2024 .
submitted by udibaba12 to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:19 Tutor_dchris HMU for Urgent Help in Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations, Calculus, Coding, Java, Python, PHP, Math, and Engineering. W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065

We offer an array of services tailored to meet your academic and professional needs!
Reach out for comprehensive support today! W/A Call/Text: +1 (915) 282‑4866, Discord: Anwyll065.
submitted by Tutor_dchris to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:19 udibaba12 Need suggestions regarding note making for cgl 2024

Hello friends, I am preparing for cgl 2024 as a beginner. In short time is it good decision to take notes while watching online classes (paid course RG vikramjit) ? Or just download class pdfs for revisions? Thank you in advance and best of luck for cgl 2024 .
submitted by udibaba12 to ssc [link] [comments]