Chromium blood sugar


2022.01.08 05:11 SMSgtSnuffy WegovyWeightLoss

This is an unofficial community for people who use or are interested in Wegovy, or other GLP-1 RA medications, for weightloss. Wegovy is a once-weekly injection of semaglutide, which is a medication that mimics glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1) in the body. GLP-1 is a key regulator of weight and blood sugar. It helps to suppress appetite through the brain, and it slows stomach emptying to increase the sensation of fullness.

2011.06.04 17:32 Sea Shanties & Songs

The main subreddit for shanties and sea songs! Check out our sub Wiki, and our Official Discord Server:

2021.01.07 16:18 hoodyk T2DiabetesSupport

This sub was created to save lives, and help anyone struggling to manage their blood sugar levels (pre-diabetic and type 2 diabetics) or weight. No one should be alone; there's so much to learn and figure out between doctor visits. Members are here to support, offer accountability, provide a safe place to get answers, encouragement, and see others that have successfully managed their blood sugar levels.

2024.06.02 09:28 iamkingsleyf How Many Types of Potatoes Are There?

Are you a potato lover, and how many types of potatoes are there? Is a question in your thoughts? There are about 4,000 different potato varieties, including some popular kinds. In this article, we will highlight the most common types of potatoes.
The primary food in most homes is potato. It's a simple vegetable that can be boiled, baked, or mashed and used in nearly any dish.
Potato varieties have distinct tastes, textures, colors, and best cooking uses. When you imagine a potato, it might be a normal one with a brown exterior and a white interior, but there are many different potatoes.
The nightshade plant Solanum tuberosum produces the tuberous root vegetable known as the potato, which ranks fourth in global food crop popularity behind maize, wheat, and rice.
Potato is nutrient-dense despite the criticism for its high carbohydrate content. The potato contains more protein than beef, calcium than milk, iron than spinach, and potassium than bananas.
Furthermore, potatoes are a fantastic source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and phosphorus. They lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Potato is the main ingredient of French fries, chips, hash browns, and other fried foods. Potato is used in baking, making mashed potatoes, and as a side dish.

1. Russet Potatoes

One of the types of potatoes is the Russet potato, also known as Idaho, bakers, or Burbank potatoes. Since they were first cultivated in the 1870s, these potatoes have gained popularity for their usage in French fries and account for around 70% of all potato sales in the US today.
The Russet potato is a starchy white potato that, when baked, becomes dry and mealy and has a high amylose content.

2. Japanese Sweet Potato

It is a well-known Satsuma-imo or sweet potato cultivar that is high in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its flavor can best be described as sweet and nutty.

3. Sweet Potato

Next on our list of types of potatoes is sweet potato. While sweet potatoes are technically classified as a root vegetable and a nightshade family member, all potatoes are tubers.
Because of its rough reddish-orange skin, most sweet potato dishes call for peeling either before or after cooking. Bright orange, creamy, and charming describe the inside, making it suitable for savory and sweet meals.

4. Jewel Yam

It is a form of sweet potato and a part of the morning glory family of plants and trees, not the genuine yam family. One of the most popular sweet potatoes on the market is this one.

5. Red Potato

Also known as red bless or redskin potatoes. One of the varieties of potatoes with the highest wax helps them keep their shape even after cooking.
Most recipes don't call for peeling because of their skin's reddish color and thinness. When cooked, the interior of the red potato has a thick texture and is dazzling white.

6. Hannah Sweet Potato

This sweet potato type, also known as the Sweet Hannah or Yellow Hannah, resembles the Jewel Yam but has paler skin and meat.

7. White Potato

Whitish potato is also one of the types of potatoes. White potatoes, so named because of their white skin and flesh, are similar to russet potatoes in flavor and texture.
Still, because of their much thinner skin, you may frequently omit the peeling process for many dishes because the skin will soften considerably during cooking.

8. Red Bliss

It is a typical red type with much sugar, moist, translucent flesh, and gummy when mashed.

9. French Fingerling

French Fingerling is also one of the types of potatoes. Fingerling potatoes have a size range of two to four inches and are roughly the size of a giant finger.
They are available in various hues, including white, purple, yellow, and red. The thin skins of fingerling potatoes are covered in a waxy core frequently spotted with colored veins. Because of how often their entertaining shape is highlighted in meals, they are commonly cooked whole or simply in halves.

10. La Ratte

It is a variety of French heritage fingerlings with a solid buttery flavor and high-fat content. French farmer Jean Pierre Clot initially cultivated it in the Swiss Alps.

11. Russian Banana

The Russian Banana is a well-liked small-sized potato cultivar with a rich flavor like a fingerling potato and is distinguished by a firm texture.

12. Yellow Potato

Next on our list of types of potatoes is the yellow potato. The fact that yellow potatoes are among the most popular potato kinds is not surprising, given their naturally buttery flavor and silky-smooth interior. Despite having a thin skin, when fried or roasted, it properly crisps up.
Yellow potatoes are occasionally called "golden potatoes"; however, this is probably because people mistake them for Yukon Gold potatoes, a marketed variety that boasts a reduced carbohydrate content.

13. Red Gold Potato

This medium-sized potato cultivar has its roots in the 1970s in North America. It tastes sweet and nutty and has a smooth, velvety texture.

14. Rose Finn Apple

Rose Finn Apple is an old heirloom potato cultivar from Ireland. Its name comes from the color of its skin, which looks like the skin of a rose apple. This potato is very nutritious and contains vitamin C.

15. Purple Peruvian

Last on our list of types of potatoes is Purple Peruvian. Purple Peruvian potatoes were first developed in Peru but can now be found in other countries. These potatoes are known for their dark purple skin and creamy texture.
Potatoes are one of the most important food crops worldwide. Potatoes are grown on over 40 million hectares (100 million acres) worldwide, making it the third largest food crop after corn and wheat.
To extend their shelf life, potatoes are typically "cured" underground for a few weeks after being harvested in the fall or early winter.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:11 Lazy-Cardiologist-54 Hey all! Can I be getting reactions from losing weight, since it’s releasing stored foods that I ate before I knew I reacted to it?

TLDR at end.
I found out recently that I'm reacting strongly to the peanuts in white chocolate Reeces. I've been on strong antihistamines and anti-cytokines for a long while, so it was hard to identify that I was reacting 12 hours after eating it.
But now that I know, I've stopped eating them, of course. Looking forward to the day I don't randomly start going cold, swell my sinuses closed, and pass out wherever I am.
Thus my question: if I'm not eating them at all currently; could my body be releasing those same problematic allergens back into my body when I lose the fat weight from when I used to eat them? I'm losing 2-5 lbs a week and the only change is that I stopped eating the Reeces.
The other thing I though that maybe affected it is that I ate some white chocolate today. Usually, when I eat white chocolate, the creamy, sweet peanut butter center comes along with it, so could my body be reacting to the white chocolate as an early warning signal that it needs to ramp up the histamines (since it's usually followed by PB) and that's what's happening?
Trying to figure out if it's an actual reaction or allergy to my current diet vs something I already ate melting off me and releasing it back into my system.
It wasn't my normal reaction. Usually I get swollen sinuses to where I pass out, painful stomach, itchy on palms and ankles that I dont feel cause I take Zyrtec (I didn't know what else to do; didn't know it was the food doing it and i itched like fire!).
Today, while exercising in the heat outside, I got suddenly cold (it's 80F outside. Not cold by anyone's standards.) and started shaking. My heartrate was normal if I counted the pulse, but it was thumping crazy so I thought maybe blood pressure drop. I felt so weak like I could't even stand up. I had to call for a rescue ride while walking the dog. But no sinus swelling at all, and that's ALWAYS been a part of it.
Went home and slept a few hours like normal after a reaction and woke up feeling hungry like I hadn't eaten at all. I've been feeling that since I stopped the Reeces, hungry and nothing makes me feel full.
I'm still trying to figure out if it's peanuts/legumes or nickel, but
At any rate,


can the body react from using stored fat which was made from the allergen?
Or is it def something I ate recently?
I really don't want to be allergic to sugar or white chocolate too, but that's all I've had today!
submitted by Lazy-Cardiologist-54 to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:06 f-as-in-frank Mother may have Kidney Disease. Looking for some advice.

My mother is 67 years old. Lives in Alberta, Canada. Is 5'4 112lbs. Caucasian. She is diagnosed with COPD and Anxiety/Mild depression. She quit smoking 10 years ago. Does not drink and does not use recreational drugs. Her blood pressure is always in the normal range. Blood oxygen is always around 92-94 with her COPD and heart rate is usually normal range.
She takes Effexor, Wellbutrin, Dexedrine, Spiriva, Bisoprolol, Crestor, Advair. (might be bad spelling) Since her doctor has retired we are in the process of finding her a new one. So this blood test requisition was done by her pharmacist. I was hoping to get someone to help interpret them. It looks like she may have Kidney disease. 15 months ago her eGFR was 81. Now it is 56. It looks like there is some WBC in her urine, is this something that can be caused by Kidney disease?
She is pretty much asymptomatic. She pees a lot though and she LOVES chocolate/sugar. She eats a 100g chocolate bar every day. Hence the high blood sugar that we are working on. She has lost about 20 lbs in the last year but I think this may be due to her taking Dexedrine. It really suppresses her appetite and keeps her very busy sometimes for 24hrs straight doing her artwork. When not on Dexedrine she loves to eat.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Test Results:
submitted by f-as-in-frank to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:50 RipGlittering6760 Strange Compazine reaction?

Strange Compazine reaction?
Hello! I'm not looking for medical advice or for anything like that, I'm just wondering if anyone out there has had a similar experience to Compazine as I did.
In December of 2022, I had the worst migraine I had ever had and was on day 3 of non-stop pain. I left work early and went to Urgent Care and they quickly sent me over the the ER. After getting my blood drawn and talking with the doctor, I was prescribed an IV migraine cocktail and IV fluids to help me.
About 30ish minutes later I was hit with this extreme fear. Later found out this is called Sense of Impending Doom. I all of a sudden felt like I could trust no one and needed out, I wanted to tear the IV out of my arm and just run. I was scared for my life and didn't want anyone near me or to touch me.
My family member who was with me said I had sat straight up, and my eyes were massive and darting back and forth, I was shaking, and that I looked like a terrified animal. She said she barely recognized me and that when I looked at her, it was like she was a stranger to me and I wouldn't look at her for more than a few seconds. She ran to grab a nurse and they quickly came back.
I don't remember too much after this, but they said "This happens, it's just the Compazine, don't worry! It's not an allergy. We're just going to give you another dose of benadryl." They did that, I passed out about 2 minutes later, and then slept for another 3 hours.
When I woke up, the pain was gone, and I felt both tired (mentally and emotionally) but also like I had a sugar rush. I take stimulant medication and it was a similar feeling to when I take a higher dose of that. I was able to go home and go to sleep no problem.
The next day however I felt extremely restless and couldn't get comfortable for more than a minute or two. I was constantly up and readjusting. My doctor did later tell me that this sounded like Akathisia but she couldn't be 100% sure. My leg muscles felt tense and I could only walk on my toes without it feeling discomfort. I was also super antsy/anxious and was afraid to leave my house.
The day after that was similar just turned down by about 50%. And by day 4 I was back to "normal".
When looking back in my charts, there's no mention of my reaction. Just that "another dose of benadryl was given".
When discussing my reaction with my doctor she says that it sounds possible but that she's never seen that reaction to compazine before, especially not for that long. She also been put in my charts not to give me compazine again.
Has anyone else had this reaction or similar to Compazine?
I also included the picture my family member took of the labels with what was in my Migraine Cocktail that night. Personal information has been crossed out.
TLDR; Had a bad reaction to Compazine that included Sense of Impending Doom as well as potential Akathsia for the next two days. Looking for others with similar experiences.
submitted by RipGlittering6760 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 stephanycurryessex Positive pregnancy journey

I just want to discuss my journey the last 9 months and hopefully give hope to anyone feeling discouraged. When I went to my first MFM appt, they told me diabetics are higher risk for stillbirth, they induce at 37 weeks, and a bunch of other fear mongering gibberish. (I have type 1) I went on to have the healthiest pregnancy (I really think healthier than a lot of non diabetics BECAUSE I had to be so on top of everything) and a completely uncomplicated birth that I went into labor with NATURALLY at 38 weeks and 5 days. (Was scheduled for induction at 39 weeks and 2 days but babe came before they could do that!) pushed out a beautiful healthy 8.4 pound baby boy and needed one stitch and although labor itself was hard (had nothing to do with diabetes) I was able to manage my blood sugars throughout and remain in control without intervention. You can do this and it will be done, I believe in every single one of you and am so thankful for this sub!
submitted by stephanycurryessex to BumpersWhoBolus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:05 GuiltlessMaple Best Accu-Chek Test Strips

Best Accu-Chek Test Strips
If you're living with diabetes, you know how crucial it is to test your blood sugar levels regularly. And when it comes to reliable and accurate test strips, Accu-Chek stands out from the crowd. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Accu-Chek Test Strips - a game-changer for those who want to confidently monitor their blood sugar at home.

The Top 5 Best Accu-Chek Test Strips

  1. Accu-Chek Guide Strips: 50-Pack for Advanced Blood Glucose Testing - The Accu-Chek Guide Strips Pack of 50 (White) delivers 10/10 accuracy with a simple, spill-resistant smart pack vial for reliable, hassle-free blood glucose testing.
  2. Accu-Chek Guide Glucose Test Strips for Diabetes Management (A Complete Pack of 2 x 50 Strips) - Experience hassle-free, accurate diabetes monitoring with the Accu-Chek Guide Blood Glucose Test Strips, featuring a spill-resistant design, simple usage, and made in the USA for trustworthy results.
  3. Accu-Chek Active Blood Glucometer Kit: Easy, Accurate Self-Testing for Diabetes Management - Accu-Chek Active Strips, Pack of 50 (Multicolor) - Accurate blood glucose measurement, convenient reminders, and easy handling for self-testing with confidence.
  4. Accu-Chek SmartView Test Strips for Exceptional Accuracy - Enhance your diabetes management with the next-gen Accu-Chek SmartView test strips, offering superior accuracy and reliability.
  5. Accu-Chek Mobile 50 Test Cassette for Easy Blood Glucose Monitoring - The Accu-Chek Mobile Test Cassette offers a convenient, easy-to-use solution for blood glucose monitoring, featuring improved handling and 50 tests in one continuous tape for hassle-free testing.
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🔗Accu-Chek Guide Strips: 50-Pack for Advanced Blood Glucose Testing
I've had the pleasure of using the Accu-Chek Guide Test Strips in my daily life, and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer. The simplicity of taking just one strip and ensuring no spillage is a life saver, especially when you're already dealing with the complexities of diabetes.
One of the features that stood out to me was the push-button strip ejector - it's like it was made to keep you from touching used strips. And not having to touch them at all? That's a definite plus. The Accu-Chek Guide Strips are compatible with the Accu-Chek Guide Glucometer, which makes everything just a little bit more convenient.
But, as with any product, there's always a catch. While the strips deliver advanced 10/10 accuracy, I did notice that about 5% of the time they wouldn't work. It's a bit frustrating when you're relying on these strips to keep track of your blood glucose levels. And let's face it, the price isn't exactly wallet-friendly, especially when you can get the same thing at the pharmacy for a fraction of the cost.
Overall, the Accu-Chek Guide Test Strips are a reliable tool for anyone dealing with diabetes. They're easy to use and highly accurate, but the cost and occasional malfunction could be improved. I'd say they're worth the investment, but only if you're willing to deal with the minor setbacks.

🔗Accu-Chek Guide Glucose Test Strips for Diabetes Management (A Complete Pack of 2 x 50 Strips)
As someone who has been living with diabetes for a while now, I was relieved to find the Accu-Chek Guide 100 Test Strips for Glucose Care. The simple yet effective design made it a breeze to use, even on those early mornings when I was groggy.
The smartpack vial was a game-changer, allowing me to take just one strip without any spills. The end of the strip was an innovative feature that I appreciated, as it allowed me to place a small drop of blood anywhere along it for more accurate results. The Made in the USA badge also gave me peace of mind, knowing that the product was of high quality.
Despite the small size, the strips delivered advanced 10/10 accuracy for reliable results. Overall, the Accu-Chek Guide 100 Test Strips proved to be a reliable and user-friendly option for managing my diabetes.

🔗Accu-Chek Active Blood Glucometer Kit: Easy, Accurate Self-Testing for Diabetes Management
As someone who needs to regularly keep tabs on their blood glucose levels, I recently gave the Accu-Chek Active Blood Glucometer Kit a try. The whole set felt a bit bulkier than I had anticipated, standing at almost 6 inches tall and 5 inches wide, but it was still easy enough to handle.
What really stood out about this kit was its ease of use and accuracy. After just a few tries, I got the hang of it and could take my readings quickly without any fuss. The large digital display made it simple to read the results at a glance. The pre-and post-meal reminders were another helpful feature, ensuring I kept up with my readings no matter the time of day.
However, there were a few areas where the kit could use some improvement. For example, the packaging could have been friendlier to the environment, and I'd have appreciated if the kit came with more than just 50 test strips.
On the whole, though, the Accu-Chek Active Blood Glucometer Kit was a reliable tool for monitoring blood glucose levels, and its various features made it an excellent choice for self-testing.

🔗Accu-Chek SmartView Test Strips for Exceptional Accuracy
Incorporating Accu-Chek SmartView test strips into my daily routine has been a valuable addition. The precision of these test strips is evident and reassuring, as they adhere to a more stringent specification than previously available. While using these strips, I noticed that they provide reliable results, giving me peace of mind when managing my health.
However, I've also experienced occasional frustrations with the packaging and its compatibility with certain meters. Despite this, the Accu-Chek SmartView test strips are a trustworthy option for those in need of accurate blood glucose readings.

🔗Accu-Chek Mobile 50 Test Cassette for Easy Blood Glucose Monitoring
As a person living with diabetes, I've tried various tools to monitor my blood glucose levels. Recently, I gave the Accu-Chek Mobile Test Cassette a try, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. The cassette itself is sleek and compact, allowing me to carry 50 tests on one continuous tape rather than dealing with a pot of individual test strips. It's a welcome change from the hassle of constantly handling and replacing individual strips.
One of the best features of this product is the guidance tabs. They help me avoid unintentional contact of the skin with the test area, making the process much smoother and more accurate. I appreciate the easy blood application and improved handling that these tabs provide. Additionally, I find it reassuring that the cassette has an expiry date printed on it, ensuring that all tests are used within the recommended timeframe.
While the Accu-Chek Mobile Test Cassette is a high-quality product, it does come with a higher price tag compared to some other options. This might be a drawback for some users, especially when considering the cost of lancets and the mobile meter separately. However, for me, the convenience and ease of use that this product provides have made it well worth the investment. Overall, I would highly recommend the Accu-Chek Mobile Test Cassette to anyone looking for an accurate and user-friendly blood glucose monitoring solution.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to managing diabetes, accuracy and consistency are crucial. Accu-Chek test strips have been a popular choice among diabetics for their reliability and ease of use. In this buyer's guide, we'll provide you with essential features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing Accu-Chek test strips.

Important Features

  • Accurate results: Look for test strips with a high accuracy rate, ensuring that your blood sugar levels are accurately measured.
  • Ease of use: Choose test strips that are user-friendly and easy to handle, even when you're on the go.
  • Durability: Select test strips that can withstand various temperature and humidity conditions, ensuring a long shelf life.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that the test strips are compatible with your blood glucose meter to avoid any issues with accuracy or usability.


  • Frequency of testing: Determine how often you'll be testing your blood sugar levels and choose test strips accordingly. Some individuals with diabetes require multiple tests per day, while others may only need to test a few times a week.
  • Storage: Proper storage of your test strips is essential to maintain their accuracy and shelf life. Ensure that they're stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Insurance coverage: Check with your insurance provider to see if they cover the cost of purchasing Accu-Chek test strips. This can help you budget and save money on your diabetes management.

General Advice

When purchasing Accu-Chek test strips, it's essential to do your research and compare different brands and models. Look for reviews and ratings from other users to get an idea of the product's performance and reliability. Also, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before making a purchase, as they can provide valuable guidance on which test strips may be the best fit for your needs.
Remember that managing diabetes is a long-term commitment, and accuracy and consistency are key in maintaining your overall health. By investing in high-quality Accu-Chek test strips and being proactive in your diabetes management, you can help ensure a brighter, healthier future.


What are Accu-Chek Test Strips?

Accu-Chek Test Strips are a type of diabetes test strip designed to measure the blood sugar levels of individuals with diabetes. These strips are used in conjunction with a blood glucose meter to provide an accurate reading of blood sugar levels for effective diabetes management.

What are the features of Accu-Chek Test Strips?

  • Very simple and easy to use
  • Fast and accurate results
  • Small and portable for convenient usage during travel or on-the-go
  • Offers a wide range of testing options, including regular blood glucose testing and glucose trend tracking

Which Accu-Chek Test Strip models are suitable for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Accu-Chek offers several test strip models, and most of them are suitable for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. However, it is always essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate test strip model for individual needs.

What is the shelf life of Accu-Chek Test Strips?

Accu-Chek Test Strips usually have a shelf life of 24 months. The expiration date can be found on the packaging of the test strip vial and should not be exceeded.

How often should I change my Accu-Chek Test Strip?

It is recommended to change your Accu-Chek Test Strip every time you perform a blood glucose test. This ensures accurate and consistent test results. In some cases, a healthcare professional may recommend a different frequency depending on individual needs.

What should I do if my Accu-Chek Test Strip results are not accurate?

If you suspect that your Accu-Chek Test Strip results are inaccurate, you should first confirm the correct usage of the test strip. If you are still experiencing issues, contact Accu-Chek customer service or consult with your healthcare professional for further assistance.

How can I ensure the accuracy of my Accu-Chek Test Strip results?

  • Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper usage and cleaning of the test strip
  • Ensure the test strip has not expired and is still within the expiration date
  • Store the test strips in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight
  • Consult with your healthcare professional if you experience any inconsistencies or errors in your test results
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:46 ManaSawson Depressed. Had Ethiopian food and my blood sugar has been in the 180s for the past 6 hours

I’m really hating myself right now. I’m 38 weeks and I’m insulin controlled. I’m taking 24 units long lasting 2x per day, 16 to 20 units fast acting 3x a day.
I thought that things would get easier after 37 weeks but nope! I’m just staring at my blood sugar and I’m not sure what to do. It’s been elevated for 6 hours. Sometimes it’ll dip to the 160s but will go right back up to the 180s. It’s been 6 hours and I don’t know what to do or why this is happening.
submitted by ManaSawson to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:41 DahBeeHive Anxiety and Gastro Issues

I was recently diagnosed with IBS but I still have to get an endoscopy and colonoscopy to figure out if there's anything else happening. This is honestly the most frustrating thing because I have health anxiety and many of my gastro symptoms give me tremendous anxiety. Lately, I've been in a flare of something that has made eating very difficult. Every time I eat something I feel worn down and my muscles get really heavy. Sometimes my chest gets tight and it's a little hard to take a full breath. I get such crazy brain fog and fatigue that I have to sit down but sitting down for too long makes me dizzy if I move to get up. Sometimes I feel like I'm having an out of body experience and it's wild. I also get a lot of bloating and gas and I'm definitely constipated and having a hard time actually going lately, but I am still going so things are moving.
I tried looking up what causes fatigue and shakiness after eating and I keep seeing something akin to a blood sugar issues. My problem is that I have most of the symptoms described, but about 2 weeks ago I was in the ER and they ran blood tests and all that and they said I didn't have anything life threatening or even anything out of the ordinary. I was discharged with having a massive panic attack and that was basically it. So, I'm thinking that this is probably just really bad constipation and gas causing this symptoms and I've experienced them before, just not on this level. I'm hoping that's all it is, because I'm so out of it that I don't really know what to do when I start feeling this way.
As I type this I'm starting to sweat and I feel like I can't concentrate but I'm moving around and thinking. It's so weird and uncomfortable.
Any thoughts or advice or any similar experiences? I really gotta figure this out because I'm tired of running to the ER and them telling me that I'm fine. Thank you!
submitted by DahBeeHive to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 Educational-Hair2257 2 periods a month

I was diagnosed back in 2021 and worked with a nutritionist to help me learn how to balance my meals and blood sugar. I started taking inositol and I am still taking it. My period became stable and my cycle is every 30 ish days, give or take. Despite my period becoming stabilized, I haven’t been able to lose weight and if anything I am putting on more weight. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been. My skin has definitely improved but I am still breaking out and I still struggle a ton with hirsutism. I am considering asking my PCP about Metformin. I’m not on BC and don’t plan on being on it again.
I struggle with anxiety and depression, which worsened as my symptoms of PCOS became more apparent. I am currently prescribed Lamictal, Clonazepam (taken as needed) and Buspar.
I don’t know if these medicines are messing with my cycle but since the beginning of April, I’ve gotten my period every two weeks. This is a new thing for me and the only time I have experienced a single two-week cycle was during a high-stress time in my life.
Has anyone experienced this? I’m not sure what else to do since I’m taking the same supplements I’ve taken for the past 3 years.
submitted by Educational-Hair2257 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:24 DustImportant434 Can you/how do you heal a broken relationship between your sibling and your dad?

I would first like to say that I’ve never made a post on here, so I apologize if I word anything badly or leave something important out (or leave something irrelevant in).
My family consists of broken apart parents, a full blood brother, and 9 (alive) half brothers. The sibling I’m referring to in the title is my second oldest sibling, “Phillip”, he’s 23 and he’s my dads kid, but not my mom’s. For years, my father was in and out of prison and jail. During this, he worked up a debt on his child support to Phillip’s mom. He has said repeatedly that he’d get the court to drop the child support to my father, but never has. He has asked for money, saying he’d pay our father back but never has.
Here is where getting them to agree again is hard; within the past year, Phillip has sugared multiple of my dad’s vehicles, and even threatened my full blood brother. My father runs a tree service, and needs these vehicles to get to work. When my brother did this, my father got lost in debt, mostly to Phillip’s mom since he was behind a lot in child support as is. They used to be close when I was a kid, but now they seem to have pure hatred for one another. This is the main thing that has happened, but allow me to explain him threatening my brother, “Liam”.
For years, (approx. 5), we were not allowed to see our dad. Last year, around October or so, Liam started seeing our dad without our moms permission. (Possibly relevant, especially if there’s any questions) In November, I started to see him again as well, and our mother found out. We stopped seeing him for a bit until my mother got locked up and we’d go with him anytime he was in town (our grandmother started looking after us at our house). My grandmother constantly got into arguments with Liam, and eventually, he just started living with my dad all the way.
My dad owns two “shops”. One is a store, the other is basically like a garage for anything he may need here or at the house close to it. My dad and Liam were at the garage before Phillip came down there without permission. Phillip walked over to them and everything went as follows:
(Not exact words but nonetheless. D is dad btw)
D: “What are you doing here?” P: “I thought I’d come see Liam.” D: “You didn’t ask to come, Phillip. You know you’re not allowed here, especially without permission.” Phillip and him started to get into an argument and Phillip pulled out a gun. P: “Why can’t you just be a good dad? You favor one of your kids over the rest!” D: “Phillip, I have done so many things for you and haven’t got anything back. I don’t favor any of my children, I just actually talk to the ones that talk to me and treat me with respect. What, are you jealous?” P: “Of Liam? Because honestly, yeah! He has the dad I never had!” After he said this is when Phillip pulled out a gun and pointed it at Liam. My dad immediately grabbed his arm and head butted him.
After all of this is a blur since we both got rather scared, and the police came and took our dad away(he refused to tell the police anything about what Phillip did - he refuses to snitch on anyone) With all of this being said, does anyone think this relationship can even be salvaged?
I apologize for this post being so lengthy, I just really want to try and fix my family piece by piece and I doubt I can with everything that has happened. Feel free to ask for anything you may need if you believe it’ll help you give better advice and I’ll answer as best as possible. Thank you for your time.
submitted by DustImportant434 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:23 lesgowrd blood sugar went down after eating a carb heavy meal?

hi!! i'm new to all of this. roughly a month ago, i was diagnosed prediabetic due to an a1c level of 5.9 (18F, 5'6, 115lb). ever since then, i've been testing my blood sugars to see how certain foods affect it. i'm on vacation right now and decided to splurge on a hamburger and chips. 92mg/dl before eating, 83mg/dl two hours after eating, no exercise. this is super strange to me because my blood sugar is usually between 100-120 after a meal like this. what does this mean?
submitted by lesgowrd to prediabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 oohwaaa am i being ridiculous or am i close to prediabetes? looking to test further

25 years old, 5'10, 113 pounds
so for context ive had a hiatal hernia for a year that has ravaged my health, im certainly not as active (although still getting nearly 10k steps a day and moderate exercise at work) or eating as well i used to (or at all really), which includes lots of fast food which im working on cutting out. im also severely anemic as a result of blood loss from the hernia, and super stressed as of late. i went to the ER recently and had bloodwork done which showed my glucose as 96, and i know it had been around 8 hours since i had last eaten, but was also sleep deprived too. i know thats a lot but how concerned should i be? or am i working myself up a combination of factors that couldve raised my blood sugar?
submitted by oohwaaa to prediabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:54 alhmoon Graduation at exactly 40W

Diagnosed at 28w was able to stay diet controlled. GD + some history of postpartum blood pressure spikes after my first had my OB and I negotiating induction. Landed on a 39+6 scheduled induction.
Day of the induction, we got pushed back about 8 hours. I was so antsy to get the show on the road! I was already 4cm dilated, 75% effaced, so my OB broke my water and started a Pitocin drip right away. About 2 hours later I opted for an epidural and was around 5cm.
Got into position with a peanut ball for a couple hours and when the nurse came to reposition me, baby’s head was already crowning!
Less then 10min later, after all the staff came running in, with one push less than 30 seconds long I had baby girl JUST after midnight on her exact due date!
She is doing very well, has passed all her sugar checks, and I’m eating whatever I want without any testing 😄
So excited to head home from the hospital!
submitted by alhmoon to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 mydogsarebarkin First trip to Rocket Fizz

First trip to Rocket Fizz
I have a RF a mile from me. I finally stopped in and grabbed a few root beers, a grape, a cream and strawberries and cream. Tried the strawberry, didn’t like it; it tasted like a vanilla cream soda with strawberry flavoring. My main goal is root beer, but grape is also a favorite. I need to take it really slow on the sugary drinks, just a few sips a day as a treat, as my blood sugar is high enough for the doc to diagnose me as pre-diabetic. Luckily I like my soda and beer to be a bit flat so I can make a bottle last about three days if I use a little wine cork.
Anyway, pictures of today’s haul:
submitted by mydogsarebarkin to Soda [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:24 gooobegone A Few Eclectic Reviews

Hello all! I'm working my way through some samples and wanted to drop some reviews for you! I'm a bit verbose lmao and I don't want the post to be too long, so I will be making additional posts in the coming days. Hope these are helpful or interesting!
Evil Eye - Arcana Wildcraft
Protection against malevolent forces. An opening of bright Sicilian aniseed leads to a creamy, addictive, gourmand heart of Mexican vanilla, dark cocoa, sugar-encrusted blonde woods, warm amber, sandalwood milk, Cetalox, and soft golden tobacco. A woody gourmand with anise and chocolate.
Wet and in the bottle: Very strong, tangy wood, to me it reads like cedar. Reminds me of my parents cedar closet in the attic. I suspect it's the sandalwood. It's very very strong, you get a sense of a sweetness but it's very overpowering in this form.
Wet and just applied to skin: The intense woody tang remains, but a lactonic, no an oaty sweetness starts creeping up more and more the drier it gets. A noticable musk is peeking out here as well.
Dried down on skin: Now the frag has arrived where it should be, it's creamy and woody and sweet. The cedarey sensation remains but it's swirled into steamed, sweetened vanilla oatmilk. Like a wood latte. Feels like something they sell at dryad cafes. The musk grows with wear. I don't get a "cashmere" note that you usually find in scents that mention that. It feels more like a soft, plush musk, something there to keep it from being just gourmand, because strangely the cedar feels kind of herbal like those flower lattes. Comes a long way from the very non gourmand WOOD opening to where it reads like wood, but wood you can eat.
Final thoughts: I'm actually deeply obsessed with this fragrance. I really really love it, even the intense opening of it. This gave me a sort of paradigm shift, where I realized all my recent faves have been perfumey gourmands and not the realistic gourmands I once thought I preferred. Fantastically imaginitive frag, I certainly would've never thought of it. Does it Vampire Blood? (This is the part where I admit I layer everything with BBW's Vampire Blood bc I'm obsessed. This section of my reviews will denote if it can be layered with VB) I did layer it, and it was fine. They both kind of exist at the same time but don't really create something together. But they don't clash, which is great news because you know me and my VB.
Fleeced Skeleton Onesie - BPAL
freshly-washed fleece skeleton onesie and a little bit of smeared eyeliner
Wet and in the bottle: Sweet laundry smell. Reminds me of hugging a friend in high school and you can smell their "vanilla orchid" scented laundry soap their mom picked out. Idk why that specifically, but that's what it's giving.
Wet and just applied to skin: I saw someone say it smelled like banana to them and I get what they mean. There's a floral sweetness (like a banana) cut by something slightly vegetal, just the tiniest bit green. Finishes with a lipsticky quality, but creamy not powdery. From afar, it smells like it did in the bottle - sweet laundry, but with a proper sniff you get the separate elements making that up. The makeup sensation seems to get stronger as it warms.
Dried down on skin: Very much like Avon lipstick. My grandma was an Avon lady and had so much Avon cosmetics, and it really reminds me of her lipsticks. White floral with a creamy quality, but not lactonic. I've smelled this in other things, someone said it's giving crisco and that's almost exactly right. A smooth but sort of aggressively quality-less creaminess. There's something here that reads as very slightly lemon-ey to me, but it mostly just serves to keep it from being sugary sweet. The laundry smell is strong from afar, similar to bedsheet ghost but more floral and less "hot". This isn't just dried laundry it's a clean shirt you folded and put away the night before. But any closer inspection of the frag, a deep sniff, and it's a heady white floral with creamy elements.
Final thoughts: I usually don't like white florals, but I like this one! I wouldn't wear it all the time, it won't become a regular thing, but I do like it. It has a sense of nostalgia, and it really reminds me of scene kids for whatever reason, which I think is what she was going for. Does it Vampire Blood? (This is the part where I admit I layer everything with BBW's Vampire Blood bc I'm obsessed. This section of my reviews will denote if it can be layered with VB) Yes! I think the tangy fruity sweetness of VB calms some of the louder white florals, and it gives it maximum scene kid.
Asses Plus Long, Qu'un Siecle Platonique - BPAL
opal-gilded white rose petals, vanilla flower, and caramelized benzoin
Wet and in the bottle: Sharp, biting, headaching rose
Wet and just applied to skin: This is a true rose, leans more realistic than the kind of fantasy powder rose. It's a little peppery like fresh roses tend to be, a little astringent. Like floral in the most literal meaning of the word. Platonic ideal of a floral. Green, planty, smooth, peppery rose. Kind of arugula adjacent (this is how I feel about smelling most real roses).
Dried down on skin: I figured this would be pretty linear as a frag because of how almost solinote-ey it was for me for a good long while. It stays its perfect rose self, I can maybe get zome benzoin at the tail end, but it melds into the astringency of the rose to where it feels like it's mostly aiding in the solinote. But, after a good long while, like 3.5 hours, it becomes pure bitter zingy benzoin. Very very bitter. Like surprisingly bitter. I sniffed my wrist after a few hours to check on it and was like staggered a bit. Interesting touch, I feel like. Makes this kind of dark and spooky in a way.
Final thoughts: I like rose as an element often but I feel like this is too much rose. It's almost scary how much rose it is. I like it and I think it's well crafted and it's cool how realistic it is for me, but definitely not something I'll reach for often. I've been trying to give florals a fair shake recently, as for a long time I'd decided they were right out but for jasmine. And while this one didn't sell me on florals or rose as a whole, it made me think there's something more interesting there than I thought. Does it Vampire Blood? (This is the part where I admit I layer everything with BBW's Vampire Blood bc I'm obsessed. This section of my reviews will denote if it can be layered with VB) Yes! Makes it a bit more what I'm used to in terms of a rose. A kind of candied, fruity rose situation. More recognizable to me. I do think it gets weird with its endstage benzoin phase though.
We're Werewolves Not Swearwolves - S92
Ambroxan, trampled moss, soft tonka, boozy vanilla, smashed pumpkin, black coffee, acid-washed denim, wild grey musk
Wet and in the bottle: Dirty coffee, a bit of sweetness. Honestly not all that appealing in the bottle.
Wet and just applied to skin: Warm, delicious toasty coffee sweetened with damara sugar. Musk and something slightly salty make it read caramelled and also ground it. Amazing, almost smokey coffee gourmand here.
Dried down on skin: Becomes a spicy, salty coffee slush of sorts. So roasty toasty, but in a way that's super wearable. Doesn't smell like you just walked out of a coffee shop but rather than you ooze coffee, and it gets stuck in the threads of your lightly perfumed (choco musk perhaps) flannel. Smells like curling up to see the stars with a fancy starbucks coffee, the ones with the crunchy caramel bits on the top. So musky and addictive.
Final thoughts: Actually one of my new favorite frags, which is highly unfortunate because I have about half a slonk and don't feel comfortable ever ordering direct from S92. Will be looking for a fullsize in the swaps. I'm soso on coffee scents, I like them in theory but I think they're either very short lived or not gourmand enough for me, instead becoming a kind of interesting earthy note. But here it's all coffee ice cream type coffee but made round and full by some classical perfumey additions. Does it Vampire Blood? (This is the part where I admit I layer everything with BBW's Vampire Blood bc I'm obsessed. This section of my reviews will denote if it can be layered with VB) It's fine, not my favorite combination. They don't so much blend as sort of sit next to each other.
Boardwalk - S92
Coconut pulp, coconut milk, Coppertone, sand, sea breeze, driftwood, melted vanilla ice cream cone, sticky cotton candy
Wet and in the bottle: Very verbena-ey to me. That kind of smooth, almost creamy greenness. Touch of sunscreeney coconut, lots of sweetness. Reads like a fancy slushy summer drink.
Wet and just applied to skin: Much sweeter, coconut imparts a nice kind of nuttiness, very much like Coconut Lime Verbena from bath and body works, which I'm a fan of. Definitely has the sunscreen quality about it. I swear at the end of the sniff, it's exactly like fresh saltwater taffy. That kind of slight saltiness, nondairy creaminess. It reminds me of the blue ones in particular, which I think were blueberry but had a slight herbal quality about them. All of this comes together to really complete the "fancy, slurry summer drink" feeling.
Dried down on skin: This scent is pretty linear for its notes, it doesn't change much to me from the wet on skin phase. Maybe that taffy at the end becomes more the forefront. Not as coconuttey a drydown as I was hoping for.
Final thoughts: I like it, but I'm not a huge summer frag person these days. I think they tend to smell kind of samey to me unless they're doing something very specific. But it's very nice, very wearable, definitely sniffed myself a lot. I feel like it's missing something I'm wanting though, maybe just more coconut, or maybe it smelling like coconut lime verbena makes me want a limey note from it. Does it Vampire Blood? (This is the part where I admit I layer everything with BBW's Vampire Blood bc I'm obsessed. This section of my reviews will denote if it can be layered with VB) Yes! I love this combo bc VB reads very cotton candy to me, and I didn't really detect cotton candy in this frag, more just a general sweetness, and the VB helps to amp that.
submitted by gooobegone to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:20 Advanced_Party_8821 Frustrated and stuck

I’ve been stuck for about 6 months now. No weight loss, fantastic blood sugar control but I need to lose about 35 more pounds. I keep bouncing the same 3-5 pounds up and down…. Please has anyone had this issue and fixed it??? I will try anything
submitted by Advanced_Party_8821 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:20 Bitter_Panic2873 Urgent need of help with vaginal issues!

I've had vaginal issues since December and can't even go into a walk in doctor until Monday and my real appointment is scheduled for June 20th, please help.
It started out with yeast infection symptoms (itching), then escalated to UTI symptoms (burning/ breaking when peeing), was on and off for months, sometimes more irritable than others but the irritation was still always there. Tried yeast infection medication, the first time it did nothing! Then I had unprotected sex in April and had SEVERE pain and itching inside my vagina and throughout my inner lips, treated myself for a yeast infection, and every symptom went. Until:
Day 3 of my period last month, I decided to skip the sugar pills and go straight to the regular pill. My period ended May 8th, and is still here on the 1st of June. Sometimes the blood is fresh and comes out in clots, the other times I'll find old blood in my underwear. At one point my vagina was so irritated it even felt like I had paper cuts inside.
Now for the past week, my vulva has been smelling like fish! Sometimes I have brown discharge, sometimes it's gray. I got an STI screening (only urine sample) and didn't get a call back with positive results. It's been internally itching and externally burning. I'm betting it's ureaplasma, bacterial vaginosis, or an STI of some sort. Does anyone have any idea what it is and is there anything I can do to ease area until I can get checked?
submitted by Bitter_Panic2873 to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:19 ProcedureParty6287 AITA for getting my son off Red Bull and introducing him to meth, cocaine, fentanyl, and other drugs instead?

Hey Reddit,
I (45M) am in a bit of a moral dilemma and need your unbiased opinions. To give you some context, I am a single father to my son, Jake (17M). Jake has been a Red Bull fanatic for the past couple of years. It all started innocently enough—he'd have a can now and then to stay awake for studying or sports. But recently, his consumption had skyrocketed to dangerous levels. He was drinking six to seven cans a day.
I did some research and found out that Red Bull is incredibly unhealthy. It can cause heart palpitations, high blood pressure, anxiety, and even sudden cardiac arrest. The amount of caffeine and sugar in those things is off the charts. I knew I had to do something before it ruined his health.
But here's where things get complicated. I work in the pharmaceutical industry, and through a series of work-related mishaps and bad influences, I've been exposed to a lot of hardcore drugs. I know firsthand how they affect the body, both positively and negatively. After weighing the pros and cons, I came to the conclusion that while drugs like meth, cocaine, and fentanyl have their own risks, they don't carry the same everyday dangers as the constant high caffeine intake from energy drinks.
So, I made a controversial decision. Instead of letting him guzzle down can after can of Red Bull, I started introducing him to small doses of these other substances. I began with meth, just a tiny bit to keep him awake and focused. Then, I added in cocaine for those times he needed an extra boost of energy. Fentanyl was a bit trickier, but with careful monitoring and controlled doses, I figured it could be managed.
At first, Jake was hesitant, but after some convincing, he started to see the benefits. His energy levels were more consistent, he wasn't crashing like he did with Red Bull, and he seemed more productive overall. However, the doses soon had to be increased to maintain the same effects. What started as a half-milligram of meth turned into a gram a day. Cocaine went from a bump here and there to several lines throughout the day. Fentanyl... well, that one was the most dangerous, and I had to constantly monitor him to make sure he wasn't overdoing it. But I believed it was still safer than chugging those energy drinks.
Jake's friends and teachers began to notice the changes. He became more withdrawn, his grades fluctuated wildly, and he lost a significant amount of weight. When confronted, I always explained my reasoning—that I was protecting him from the hidden dangers of energy drinks. But no one seemed to understand.
Last week, my ex-wife found out. She went ballistic, threatening to take full custody and report me to the authorities. She claims I am endangering Jake's life and that my actions are far worse than letting him drink Red Bull.
So, Reddit, AITA for getting my son off Red Bull and introducing him to meth, cocaine, and fentanyl instead? I genuinely believe I was acting in his best interest, considering the severe health risks associated with energy drinks. But now, I'm questioning my decision.
TL;DR: Got my son off dangerous energy drinks by introducing him to controlled doses of meth, cocaine, and fentanyl. Now everyone thinks I'm the bad guy. AITA?
submitted by ProcedureParty6287 to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:16 Eugene0185 Large fluctuation in TSH, T4 and T3 (ChatGPT interpretation)

I just got my TSH, T4 and T3 test results back which I typed into ChatGPT to interpret against the prior test results, and it diagnosed me with thyroid dysfunction. Below is the interpretation I got from chatGPT, should I be concerned? I don't have any symptoms at the moment.
-- ChatGPT answer --
Looking at your historical test results, we can observe a notable trend indicating thyroid dysfunction.
  1. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone):The TSH levels have been fluctuating over time. In February 2024, your TSH was very low, which suggests hyperthyroidism or overactivity of the thyroid gland. However, in May 2024, it spiked significantly, indicating hypothyroidism or underactivity of the thyroid gland. This drastic change in TSH levels suggests a significant shift in thyroid function within a short period.
    • May 31, 2024: 11.3 uIU/mL (High)
    • Feb 9, 2024: <0.1 uIU/mL (Low)
    • Sep 16, 2023: 3 uIU/mL (Normal)
    • Jun 30, 2023: 5.6 uIU/mL (Slightly elevated)
    • Aug 2, 2016: 3.13 uIU/mL (Normal)
  2. T4 (Free Thyroxine):Your T4 levels have decreased significantly from February to May 2024. This decrease correlates with the increase in TSH levels and confirms the diagnosis of hypothyroidism.
    • May 31, 2024: 0.9 ng/dL (Low)
    • Feb 9, 2024: 2.6 ng/dL (Normal)
  3. T3 (Triiodothyronine):Similarly, your T3 levels have decreased from February to May 2024, although not as drastically as T4. Nevertheless, the decrease in T3 levels also supports the diagnosis of hypothyroidism.
    • May 31, 2024: 89 ng/dL (Low)
    • Feb 26, 2024: 104 ng/dL (Normal)
In summary, your test results indicate a recent shift from hyperthyroidism to hypothyroidism within a few months. This could be indicative of an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto's thyroiditis, where the thyroid function fluctuates over time before declining steadily. It's essential to discuss these results with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and management, including potential thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
-- End of ChatGPT answer --
To add additional context:
  1. I've been practicing intermittent fasting. I will eat for a few days and then don't eat for about a week or longer. Could this affect my thyroid function?
  2. I've been eating mostly keto diet to keep my blood sugar low (for fasting purposes), could this affect the thyroid function?
  3. I lost ~30lb of weight due to keto and fasting. Before losing ~30lb recently, I gained about ~70lb in 2023. Could this have caused the thyroid issue?
  4. My work has been pretty stressful lately, could this have caused the fluctuation in the test results?
  5. I haven't been told by the doctor to fast before taking the test or do it in the morning, I just took the test randomly at different times of the day and ate different foods before doing blood work. Is this a proper way to do a thyroid test?
submitted by Eugene0185 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:03 AcanthisittaTop1914 Flew to New York and I still can’t escape it

Flew to New York and I still can’t escape it submitted by AcanthisittaTop1914 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:00 No-Piglet3170 Wegovy update

Hello! I started wegovy and I am on my second week. I took my second .25 dose this Thursday. I didn’t have any symptoms the first week; a little appetite suppression maybe but not much. After this second dose, I think I had a really bad low blood sugar episode yesterday. I got really really cold and started shaking and felt light headed until I got up and ate sweets and carbs; after eating that my blood sugar was an 87. I am not diabetic and was wondering if this happens sometimes on wegovy? Also, when did yall start to see weightloss? The scale isn’t really moving for me.
submitted by No-Piglet3170 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:40 disneyprinsass My kid bit another kid

Ugh. My now 3 year old used to bite us a lot when he was 1-2 years old. He grew out of it and every once in a great while he will do it and we will correct him. It's never maliciously, and it's usually as a result of over stimulation, too much sugar, and no napping. And it's usually when he gets overly excited.
Today was already a recipe for disaster because he didn't want to eat anything and didn't take a nap. Well we were having his 3rd birthday party today and he bit one of his friends hard on the cheek. No blood but there is definitely a mark. I am mortified. I apologized profusely and made him apologize as well. I told him how terrible that was, etc, etc. then a little while later he bit my 12 year old niece on her stomach. This time we went inside to his room and talked some more and he had to take a break. I told him if he did anything like that again he would have to go bed. I don't even know if those kinds of things work on 3 year old brains but he did fine the rest of the night. I just feel terrible.
Anyone with experience in this area have any tips?
submitted by disneyprinsass to toddlers [link] [comments]