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2016.01.15 02:20 Just START!

A community about affiliate marketing, search engine optimization and related topics. Learn what works, what doesn’t and what’s new through real experiences from both beginners and experts. We welcome and encourage posts from anyone, but please review our rules before posting.

2009.02.05 07:36 Welcome to Bali!

Bali, Indonesia: Local news, tourism discussions, everything Bali!

2014.09.05 04:41 ohgodthellamas Dangerous Design: When Bad Designs Can Kill

A subreddit for design that can kill or severely harm people.

2024.06.02 08:53 illunarabbit Does MyDoh have a fee, yes or no?

I've been reading past posts that mention MyDoh has a fee of $3/month but their website says it's completely free. Can anyone confirm if there is a charge for using MyDoh in 2024? Thanks.
submitted by illunarabbit to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:52 sanabacklinks Why should you build backlinks for web pages

Optimize Your Blog Page for Powerful Backlinks
Don't neglect the blog page backlinks!
Pay attention to the SEO potential of your blog page! Backlinks from your blog content can drive significant traffic and visibility to your main website. Here are 4 tips to leverage blog page backlinks:
• Make sure your blog posts include internal links back to important pages on your website. This helps search engines understand the relationship between your content.
• Encourage external sites to link back to your blog by creating shareable, valuable resources that others will want to reference.
• Use descriptive, keyword-rich anchor text when linking back to your website. This boosts the SEO value of the backlink.
• Regularly update and refresh your blog content to keep it current and linkable. Outdated blog posts are less valuable for building backlinks.
Optimizing your blog page for backlinks is a powerful, but often overlooked, SEO strategy. Implement these tips to boost your domain authority and search visibility. P.S: What strategies have you found most effective for earning valuable backlinks?
submitted by sanabacklinks to u/sanabacklinks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:49 Ranupatelwebexpert Transform Your Online Presence with Expert Freelance Web Design in Los Angeles

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business aiming to succeed. Whether you're a small startup or an established company, your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. A well-designed website not only attracts visitors but also converts them into loyal customers. This is where expert freelance web design comes into play, especially in a competitive market like Los Angeles. One standout professional in this field is Ranu Patel, who offers exceptional services under the brand name Ranu Patel Webexpert.

Why Choose Freelance Web Design?

Before diving into the specifics of what makes Ranu Patel Webexpert a top choice, let's explore the benefits of opting for freelance web design services in Los Angeles:

1. Personalized Attention

Freelancers typically handle fewer projects at a time compared to large agencies. This means they can dedicate more time and attention to each client, ensuring that your specific needs and vision are fully understood and implemented.

2. Cost-Effective Solutions

Without the overhead costs associated with running a large agency, freelancers can offer competitive pricing. This makes high-quality web design accessible even for small businesses and startups.

3. Flexibility

Freelancers often have more flexible working hours and can adapt to your schedule. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial if you have urgent changes or updates that need to be made outside of typical business hours.

4. Direct Communication

Working directly with a freelance web designer means there are no middlemen. You can communicate your ideas and feedback directly to the person responsible for bringing your vision to life, which can lead to a more cohesive and efficient design process.

Ranu Patel Webexpert: Elevating Your Web Design Experience

Ranu Patel, operating under the brand name Ranu Patel Webexpert, is a seasoned freelance web designer based in Los Angeles. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating visually stunning and functional websites, Ranu has helped numerous businesses transform their online presence. Here's what sets Ranu Patel Webexpert apart:

1. Expertise in Diverse Industries

Ranu Patel has experience working with clients from a wide range of industries, including retail, healthcare, entertainment, and technology. This diverse portfolio ensures that Ranu understands the unique needs and challenges of different sectors, allowing for tailored solutions that resonate with your target audience.

2. Customized Web Design Solutions

At Ranu Patel Webexpert, the focus is on creating websites that reflect your brand's identity and values. Ranu takes the time to understand your business, your goals, and your target audience. This information is then used to craft a custom web design that not only looks great but also provides an intuitive user experience.

3. Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Designs

With more people accessing websites from mobile devices than ever before, having a responsive design is crucial. Ranu Patel ensures that all websites are optimized for both desktop and mobile users, providing a seamless experience across all devices.

4. SEO Optimization

A beautiful website is useless if it doesn't attract visitors. Ranu Patel Webexpert incorporates SEO best practices into the design process, helping your website rank higher in search engine results. This means more visibility and more potential customers finding your business online.

5. Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Your website needs to evolve with your business. Ranu Patel offers ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that your website remains up-to-date, secure, and fully functional. Whether you need regular updates or occasional tweaks, you can rely on Ranu for continuous support.

Case Study: Success Story with Ranu Patel Webexpert

To illustrate the impact of Ranu Patel Webexpert's services, let's look at a real-life success story:

Client: Boutique Clothing Store in Los Angeles

Challenge: The boutique clothing store needed a website that could showcase their unique fashion line, attract local customers, and provide an easy-to-use online shopping experience.
Solution: Ranu Patel designed a visually stunning, responsive website that highlighted the store's fashion products. The website included an integrated e-commerce platform, enabling customers to browse and purchase products online. SEO optimization was implemented to attract local traffic.
Result: Within six months of launching the new website, the boutique saw a 40% increase in online sales and a significant boost in foot traffic to their physical store. The website's modern design and user-friendly interface received positive feedback from customers, enhancing the store's brand reputation.

How to Get Started with Ranu Patel Webexpert

If you're ready to transform your online presence with expert freelance web design in Los Angeles, getting started with Ranu Patel Webexpert is easy:
  1. Contact Ranu Patel: Reach out through the website or social media channels to discuss your project requirements.
  2. Initial Consultation: Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals, vision, and any specific needs you have for your website.
  3. Proposal and Agreement: Ranu will provide a detailed proposal outlining the scope of work, timeline, and pricing. Once agreed upon, the project begins.
  4. Design and Development: Ranu will create a custom design and develop your website, keeping you updated throughout the process.
  5. Launch and Support: After final approval, your website will be launched. Ranu offers ongoing support to ensure your website continues to perform optimally.


In a competitive market like Los Angeles, having a professionally designed website can set your business apart. With Freelance Web Design Los Angeles services from Ranu Patel Webexpert, you can be assured of a website that not only looks great but also drives results. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to revamp an existing site, Ranu's expertise and dedication to quality will help you achieve your online goals. Contact Ranu Patel Webexpert today and take the first step towards transforming your online presence.
submitted by Ranupatelwebexpert to u/Ranupatelwebexpert [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:47 Easy_You9443 I F****** HATE WIX!!!!! DONT SIGN UP, GO ELSE WHERE


After reading other peoples posts this isn't an intermittent problem and should be rectified ASAP considering this is something we pay for and affects peoples businesses being detrimental on us processing orders and subsequently effecting customer satisfaction, resulting in negative reviews!!!
As couldn't log into chat, the only way I could by past this was logging in to an old account!!
Still waiting even after Jaro assured and assigned me as HIGH PRORITY at 21:30 last night (Knew I was a sucker believing him) and then me ringing them at 5:30 this morning to be told by Jenny that she understands my frustration but unfortunately she can see the problem that Jaro did highlight my issue as High Priority but assigned it to the wrong department!!! She can't help me, but will definitely make sure it goes to the right department as high priority now...
Oh right Jenny, that's completely explained why I haven't heard sweet F*** all back for hours and as you've explained it sooooooo lovely, I'll just collect another ticket. WTF mother bloody hell?! Yeah me imagining queuing at a stall and going back to the end of line.......I'm paying for a premium service she now realises is a joke!!!
Ask for technical support, not available, ask for a manager, get the same!!! Hope you have a lovely day...
I'm at the point them that I literally want to throw my laptop out the window!. The customer service help is like defining i want help with "Purple" and speaking to someone that only understands "Orange" as a basic premise! ! Only then they slightly understanding they are a colour; and would never EVER be close on the fucking spectrum to understanding red or the sun!
FFS you are meant to be a website builder and incorporate themes/ease of use to alleviate the stress/finance of seeking professional help to do it yourself! I've never experienced anything like it!!!!!
From connecting my domain from IONOS, to the simplest thing of adding my store to my horizontal page menu has been nothing but a nightmare. Incompetent "Help Experts" couldn't even add my store as a menu! Saying they couldn't do it?! WTF is the point of having a ecommerce website then?!?
Over 8 yrs ago I built websites for myself/own brand using Wordpress and added a theme via Forest Theme no problem and customised it easily. Yrs on needed nothing brand centered, wanted a easy to edit website, user friendly and fast to go online. Checked reviews and boy was I suckered in!!
submitted by Easy_You9443 to WIX [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 sanjeevpandeybharat How do I get 10,000 users per day in a website?

Getting 10,000 users per day on a website requires a combination of strategies focused on driving traffic, engaging your audience, and providing value. Here are some steps you can take to achieve this goal:
  1. **Define Your Target Audience**: Understand who your target audience is and what they're interested in. Tailor your content and marketing efforts to appeal to their needs and preferences.
  2. **Search Engine Optimization (SEO)**: Optimize your website for search engines to improve its visibility in search results. Conduct keyword research, optimize on-page elements (such as titles, meta descriptions, and headings), create high-quality content, and build backlinks from reputable websites.
  3. **Content Marketing**: Create compelling, valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Publish blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, or other content formats that address their pain points, answer their questions, or provide solutions to their problems.
  4. **Social Media Marketing**: Promote your content and engage with your audience on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok. Share your content, participate in relevant conversations, run social media ads, and leverage influencer partnerships to reach a wider audience.
  5. **Email Marketing**: Build an email list of subscribers interested in your content or products. Send regular newsletters, updates, promotions, and exclusive content to keep your audience engaged and drive traffic back to your website.
  6. **Paid Advertising**: Invest in paid advertising campaigns to drive targeted traffic to your website. Use platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Ads, or YouTube Ads to reach your audience based on demographics, interests, and behavior.
  7. **Optimize Website Performance**: Ensure that your website is fast, user-friendly, and mobile-responsive. Improve page loading times, optimize for mobile devices, enhance navigation and usability, and minimize technical issues to provide a seamless user experience.
  8. **Engage Your Audience**: Encourage interaction and engagement on your website by enabling comments, forums, live chat, or community features. Respond promptly to comments and messages, ask for feedback, and foster a sense of community around your brand.
  9. **Collaborate and Partner**: Collaborate with influencers, bloggers, industry experts, or other websites in your niche to reach their audiences and expand your reach. Guest posting, cross-promotions, co-marketing campaigns, or affiliate partnerships can help drive traffic and increase visibility.
  10. **Monitor and Analyze**: Track your website traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics using web analytics tools like Google Analytics. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), identify areas for improvement, and adjust your strategies accordingly to optimize your results over time.
By implementing these strategies consistently and continuously refining your approach based on data and feedback, you can work towards achieving your goal of attracting 10,000 users per day to your website.
submitted by sanjeevpandeybharat to u/sanjeevpandeybharat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 Significant-Tower146 Best Adidas Football Cleats

Best Adidas Football Cleats

Just when you thought you knew all there was about Adidas Football Cleats, comes a roundup that'll leave you wanting to hit the field immediately! This article delves into the latest designs, features, and performance of these cleats, helping you make an informed choice when it comes to your next purchase.
Join us as we take a deep dive into the world of Adidas Football Cleats, covering everything from state-of-the-art technology to iconic colorways. Get ready to stride confidently onto the field with our comprehensive guide on the best Adidas Football Cleats available today.

The Top 6 Best Adidas Football Cleats

  1. Adidas Men's Adizero 12.0 Poison Football Cleats - Adidas Men's Adizero 12.0 Poison Football Cleats offer a lightweight design, mesh upper, and good traction for maximum performance on the field.
  2. Adidas Freak 23 Men's Football Cleats - White/Black/White - Unleash your inner beast with these Adidas Freak 23 Men's Inline Football Cleats in White/Black/White, featuring a comfortable padded ankle, Bounce midsole, and eco-friendly design made with at least 50% recycled content.
  3. Adidas Adizero Spark Kids' Inline Football Cleats - Adidas Adizero Spark Inline Cleats for Kids - Lightweight football cleats made with recycled materials, featuring lace closure and anti-abrasion TPU skin for durability and traction in any condition. 19 reviews with a 4.5-star rating.
  4. Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats - Black/White - Experience unparalleled comfort, support, and durability with the Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats, boasting a lightweight upper, padded tongue and heel, and molded rubber outsole for exceptional grip on any playing surface.
  5. Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 - Men's Football Cleats - Experience unmatched control and precision on the pitch with the Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 - Mens Football Cleats, designed to empower your play and give you the edge you need.
  6. Adidas Junior Adizero Spark 7v7 Football Cleats For Kids - Adidas Adizero Spark 7v7 Cleats Core Black 4 Kids deliver exceptional comfort, durability, and eye-catching style for young football players, while promoting sustainability with recycled materials.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Adidas Men's Adizero 12.0 Poison Football Cleats

I recently got the chance to try out the Adidas Adizero 12.0 Poison Men's Football Cleats, and I must say, they are quite the game changer! As an avid football player myself, I value comfort and traction above all else. Thankfully, these cleats didn't disappoint. The lightweight design makes it super easy to move around the field without feeling weighed down. Additionally, their breathability ensures that my feet stay cool and dry during the toughest of games.
One of the standout features for me was the unique animal-inspired design on the tongue. It adds a personal touch to the cleats that makes them stand out from other brands. Plus, they provide excellent traction on both turf and firm ground, making them versatile for various playing surfaces.
However, there were a few drawbacks worth mentioning. Some users reported issues with durability, stating that their cleats began falling apart after just a few weeks of use. Personally, I haven't experienced this issue, but it's worth considering if you're planning on investing in these cleats.
Another concern might be the price point. At $140, these cleats are definitely on the higher end of the spectrum. While I believe the quality and performance justify the cost, it's important to weigh this against your personal budget.
In summary, the Adidas Adizero 12.0 Poison Men's Football Cleats are an excellent choice for those seeking comfort, traction, and a unique design. Although some users have reported durability concerns, my own experience has been overwhelmingly positive. As with any purchase, it's essential to consider both pros and cons before making your decision.

🔗Adidas Freak 23 Men's Football Cleats - White/Black/White

As a die-hard football fan, I've tried numerous cleats in search of the perfect pair that combines comfort, durability, and style. So when I got my hands on these Adidas Freak 23 inline football cleats, I was eager to see if they'd live up to the hype.
Right out of the box, the first thing that caught my eye was the sleek design and bold colors. Once I laced them up, I noticed how snug they felt, thanks to the engineered mesh bootee. The soft synthetic upper and padded ankle collar provided just the right amount of support without feeling too restrictive.
One of the standout features of these cleats is the Bounce midsole. It gave me an amazing level of responsiveness and energy return during sprints and quick cuts on the field. Plus, the sustainability aspect with recycled materials made me feel good about my purchase.
However, after several weeks of use, I did notice some wear and tear on the outsoles, which was a bit disappointing. Overall though, I'd highly recommend these Adidas Freak 23 inline football cleats for anyone looking to up their game while supporting eco-friendly practices.

🔗Adidas Adizero Spark Kids' Inline Football Cleats

As a reviewer, I've had the chance to test these Adidas Adizero Spark Inline Cleats multiple times and can attest that they're incredibly lightweight and comfortable. The anti-abrasion TPU skin on the synthetic upper ensures durability, making them perfect for rigorous games. Their versatile black color blends effortlessly with any uniform, while the strategically placed studs offer excellent traction on any field condition. Plus, knowing that they're made with 50% recycled content adds to the satisfaction of buying sneakers that contribute to a healthier environment.
However, some users reported blisters after wearing these cleats, indicating a possible sizing or design flaw. Despite this, the overall rating from existing users reflects their satisfaction with the Adizero Spark Inline Cleats' durability, attractiveness, and comfortable fit.

🔗Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats - Black/White

I've been using the Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats for a few weeks now, and I have to say they've been exceptional. The blend of comfort, durability, and visual appeal makes them an excellent choice for any football player.
The high-quality construction ensures that these cleats provide excellent support, keeping your feet protected during intense games. They're also super lightweight, which enhances speed and mobility on the field. Plus, the tongue and heel pull tabs make getting them on and off a breeze.
While there's much to love about these cleats, one drawback is the slightly longer break-in period compared to other models. However, once you've broken them in, the comfort level is top-notch.
Overall, I would recommend the Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats to anyone who's looking for a reliable, stylish, and comfortable pair of football cleats. Give them a try, and you won't be disappointed.

🔗Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 - Men's Football Cleats

I recently had the chance to test out the Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 football cleats, and I must say, they've been a game-changer on the pitch! The Predator League models are made with the same last as the Elite versions, providing the same empowerment and advantage.
But what really set these cleats apart for me was their excellent traction and touch precision. The ControlPlate 2.0 outsole ensures enhanced stability and control, making it easy to maintain touch even when I'm sprinting towards the goal. In addition, the HYBRIDTOUCH 2.0 upper, made of synthetic suede and foil, delivers a perfect combination of comfort and stability.
However, one issue I encountered was the central lacing. While it may provide a secure fit, I feel it might restrict my ability to get that perfect strike on the ball. All in all, the Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 football cleats are a valuable addition to any player's gear, offering superior control and comfort.

🔗Adidas Junior Adizero Spark 7v7 Football Cleats For Kids

As an avid football player who always prefers Adidas cleats, I was excited to try out the Adidas Adizero Spark 7v7 for my 4 kids. The bold colors and eye-catching patterns truly stand out on the field, drawing attention while the anti-abrasion overlays ensure durability game after game.
One of the highlights for me is how well these cleats perform in both wet and dry conditions, thanks to their strategically placed studs. They provide excellent traction, allowing my kids to showcase their skills with confidence. Plus, they're eco-friendly since at least 50% of the upper is made from recycled materials, helping end plastic waste.
However, there's room for improvement when it comes to comfort. A couple of reviews mentioned that the shoes caused blisters on their children's feet, which is something to keep in mind when considering this product. Overall, the Adidas Adizero Spark 7v7 Cleats deliver on style, durability, and performance on the field, making them a strong contender for any young football player.

Buyer's Guide

Adidas Football Cleats are designed to enhance your performance on the field. They provide excellent traction, comfort, and durability, making them a popular choice amongst football players. This buyer's guide will help you understand the important features, considerations, and general advice about Adidas Football Cleats so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing a pair.


Features to Consider

  • Cleat Design
Adidas offers various designs like UltraBOOST, Freak Ultra, and X series, each with unique benefits.
  • Cleat Type
Choose between molded or detachable cleats, depending on your playing surface.
  • Upper Material
Options include leather, synthetic, or mesh, offering different levels of breathability and durability.

Fit and Size

Ensure your cleats fit snugly but comfortably. Adidas recommends trying on cleats in the afternoon, as feet tend to swell throughout the day. Always follow the size guide provided by Adidas for a precise fit.



Clean your cleats after each use to prolong their lifespan. Remove dirt and mud using a brush, and apply a protective spray to maintain their appearance.

Price Range

Adidas Football Cleats range from budget-friendly options to high-end performance cleats, offering a variety of choices tailored to your needs and budget.
Investing in a quality pair of Adidas Football Cleats can significantly enhance your performance on the field. Always consider the features, fit, and maintenance when making your choice. This buyer's guide provides a solid foundation for understanding the important aspects of Adidas Football Cleats, but remember to always consult with a sales associate or the official Adidas website for the most up-to-date information.



How are Adidas football cleats designed for performance?

Adidas football cleats are designed with features like lightweight materials, supportive uppers, and strategically placed cleats for optimal traction on different playing surfaces. They aim to enhance comfort, agility, and overall performance for players during games or practice.


What types of football cleats does Adidas offer?

Adidas offers various types of football cleats, including:
  • Molded cleats:
  • Detachable cleats:
  • Turf cleats:
  • Firm ground (FG) cleats:

How do I choose the right size for Adidas football cleats?

Choose a size that provides a snug fit, allowing for minimal movement of the foot within the cleat. It is recommended to try on cleats with the socks and padding required for playing football. Additionally, keep in mind the width of your foot for a better fit.

What materials are used in making Adidas football cleats?

Adidas football cleats are made using lightweight synthetic materials, leather or a combination of both. These materials provide durability, breathability, and support while playing.

How can I clean and maintain my Adidas football cleats?

To clean and maintain your Adidas football cleats, follow these steps:
  1. Remove loose dirt and debris using a soft-bristled brush or cloth.
  2. Mix a solution of mild detergent and water, and use a soft cloth or brush to gently clean the uppers and inside of the cleats.
  3. Rinse the cleats thoroughly with clean water, and ensure all soap residue has been removed.
  4. Dry the cleats with a soft towel or let them air dry away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
  5. Apply a waterproofing spray to the uppers of leather cleats to prolong their lifespan.

What is the difference between Adidas's Boost and Bounce technology in football cleats?

Boost technology in Adidas football cleats features a responsive cushioning system, providing optimal energy return and comfort. Bounce technology, on the other hand, offers a softer, more flexible feel with enhanced responsiveness for a comfortable and agile playing experience.

Do Adidas offer customizable football cleats?

Yes, Adidas offers a customizable football cleat service through its 'MiAdidas' platform. Customers can create their unique cleat designs by choosing various elements such as colors, materials, and personalized text or initials for the uppers and soles.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 sanjeevpandeybharat How can I collect websites for guest posting?

Collecting websites for guest posting involves a systematic approach to identify relevant and high-quality sites that accept guest contributions. Here's a step-by-step guide:
  1. **Define Your Niche**: Determine the specific niche or topic area related to your expertise or the content you want to write about. This will help you target websites that align with your interests and audience.
  2. **Conduct Keyword Research**: Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify popular keywords and topics within your niche. Look for long-tail keywords and topics with decent search volume but moderate competition.
  3. **Search Engine Queries**: Use search engine queries to find websites that accept guest posts in your niche. Use search strings like:
  1. **Analyze Competitors**: Look at your competitors' backlink profiles to identify websites where they have published guest posts. Tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush can help you analyze competitor backlinks and find guest posting opportunities.
  2. **Explore Directories and Lists**: Look for curated lists or directories of websites that accept guest posts in your niche. Websites like AllTop, Blogging.org, or MyBlogGuest may have lists of guest blogging opportunities.
  3. **Join Guest Blogging Communities**: Join online communities or forums where bloggers and website owners share guest posting opportunities. Websites like BloggerLinkUp, MyBlogGuest, or Reddit's GuestPost can be valuable resources.
  4. **Use Social Media**: Follow hashtags or join groups on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook related to guest blogging or your niche. Often, members share guest posting opportunities or connect with other bloggers and website owners.
  5. **Check Guest Posting Guidelines**: Once you've identified potential websites, review their guest posting guidelines or submission requirements. Ensure that your content aligns with their guidelines and quality standards.
  6. **Create a Spreadsheet**: Keep track of the websites you find, including their URLs, domain authority, contact information, guest posting guidelines, and any other relevant details in a spreadsheet for easy reference.
  7. **Reach Out and Pitch**: After compiling a list of potential websites, reach out to them with personalized pitches or proposals. Highlight your expertise, provide topic ideas relevant to their audience, and explain how your content can add value to their website.
By following these steps and staying organized, you can effectively collect websites for guest posting and increase your chances of securing guest post opportunities in your niche.
submitted by sanjeevpandeybharat to u/sanjeevpandeybharat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Throwaway-74754 AITAH for not trying harder to save my friendship?

Other disclaimer: This is a post I made on a website a month ago but no one responded unfortunately. So when you read stuff like “a week ago” and see the dates don’t correlate to now, that’s why.
Background information: I had two friends, one a guy and the other a girl. We were all online friends for years, me and the guy were friends since I was in elementary school.
Starting with the guy who from here on I’ll call Blake (not his real name of course) me and Blake were the best of buds, we played the game basically every day, and regardless of our different lives and us only being online friends, I actually liked Blake a lot (as a friend). But Blake had a tendency of bullying me, which didn't bother me too much when I was younger, but as I got older, I did. For example, I told Blake one time that I failed/got held back in first grade, and he would bring that fact up whenever anything intelligence-wise come up or just bring it up out the blue. “N word, you failed the first grade” or “ok…flunky” and other variations. He would say all that…even though first grade was a million years ago (I’m a senior about to graduate high school, and I haven’t gotten held back or struggled with grades since.) (I’ve graduated high school now!). Like I'm about to graduate and he would still make fun of me with that fact, saying stuff like "you would've graduated soon if you didn't fail the first grade" and if I tried to rebuttal saying how I do well in school, he would say "well you did the first grade twice so of course you'd do better. you've done it twice".
He would constantly compare his life to mine, making fun of how I’m a virgin who never done anything with a girl, my social anxiety, me being a loner, how I don’t have as much money as him, how my parents are not as laid-back as his, how I didn’t have as much money as him, make fun of the type of girls I like, my music taste, and more.
He was controlling while we played games. He would always decide what games we played, and he would bitch and moan when I wouldn’t get onto a game he wanted to play with me despite valid reasons like it being too expensive. He would always be on his phone or just be otherwise distracted for long periods of time when we're playing, and then he would expect me to wait for him. He was especially very controlling when we play a game like R6s, he would be in my ear after he died ordering me around and telling me what to do and where to go, expecting me to get kills when I’m completely trash at the game, then he would complain heavily when I would of course die. Note: he was a frequent rage quitter and frequently switched games, which was very annoying
There is way more things he would do but if I typed them all out, I would be typing all damn day, so I’ll stop here.
Next is the girl, who I’ll refer to as Amber.
Amber was not so bad, she was annoying at times, and she would sometimes mimic the things Blake did but overall, she was alright. But she did contribute to the situation I’m in as well as Blake did overall.
For the last year, It got to the point where I would be so fed up with them, mostly with Blake, that I would ghost them, not talk or play with them for a few days to basically recover before interacting with the two again. I would even groan in annoyance when either one of them would call me. I would either ignore their calls or make up a lie of me being busy with other things so i wouldn’t have to play with them.
Now I know what you guys are thinking, "why didn't you tell them how you felt about their treatment of you???", well, I tried, but I would just be met with being called a "pussy" or "soft" and the behavior wouldn't change.
Now: Now let’s go back about three weeks ago, April 1st, my 19th birthday, Amber called me up and told me to hop on the game, I was in the ignoring them phase, but I decided to hop on because they wouldn’t be mean to me, right? Wrong, they told me to install rocket league, a game I’ve never played in my entire life and when I was able to join their game and we got into a match, I was obviously performing very very poorly, but that didn’t stop them very berating me and telling me how trash I am…even though they been playing longer than me.
Then we got on Roblox, and I was having technical difficulties because I was using the Microsoft store version of Roblox as I didn’t know that there was an actual Roblox client and launcher. when the two found out that I was using the Microsoft store version, they proceeded to berate me and belittle me some more, calling me stupid and dumb and questioning how in the world did I not know about the Roblox launcher and just basically making it feel like I just committed a cardinal sin. Then we play some Roblox, and somehow someway I kept on doing things wrong and games were playing because I kept on getting berated and belittled. Eventually, I got off.
I didn’t talk to them on the second, but I did talk to them and play with them on the third. We ended up playing Roblox again and just like last time I was getting berated and belittled because I would do things that they didn’t like. And after a couple hours, we eventually stopped playing Roblox and it suddenly goes into Blake diss tracking me. He would find random rap instrumentals on YouTube and then he would rap over them dissing me. He then told me to diss him back but I didn’t want to cause I was already in a bad mood, and I’m not good with words so I would make a fool of myself. And despite me saying multiple times that I didn’t want to rap, they both kept saying that I had to rap, eventually I just unplugged my mic and said that my mic was broken, which caused Blake to be like “if you don’t want to rap just say that dude, you don’t have to do all that”, like, bruh, I said I didn’t want to rap multiple times…
Eventually, I left a discord call and went to sleep because I had school in the morning, and when I woke up in the morning and checked my Discord, I saw that I had a message from Blake and the message said “pussy”. After that, I ignored them again until the 6th. When I took my phone off chill mode (do not disturb which I have specifically to hide text and calls from Blake and Amber) I noticed that Blake unfollowed me on Instagram and that he kicked me out of the discord server (it was of course his server as he liked being in control of everything). I was like "damn", but I just went on about my day, Amber was still following me though.
Now today, the 25th of April, I realized that Amber unfollowed me on Instagram as well, and that they both blocked me on Steam. So, I thought our friendship was over, so decide to unfollow both of them on Instagram, Discord, Steam, and delete both of their contacts from my phone.
I wasn't perfect in the friendship either, but I never berate or belittle either of them, bully and make fun of either of them constantly for their struggles in life or interest, and I never made either of them feel inferior. Never...
Part of me feel relief that I no longer have to deal with them anymore, but another part of me feels sad as they were both my only friends. I don't really know how to feel or if I should try to reach out to them somehow and apologize for ghosting them.
As I’m sure a lot of you can gather, I’m not a very confident person nor I’m I one that does conflict. But I feel like if I tried harder to preserve our friendship, maybe we’d still be friends? Like, maybe if I was more adamant and forceful about them stopping with their behavior? I just feel like I should have tried harder to preserve the friendship like reaching out to them both instead of just blocking them…
Am I The Asshole? For not trying harder?
submitted by Throwaway-74754 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Maximum-Sugar-4413 High CTR/IC, but low conversion, what can I do?

My store is a website that sells Apple watch bands (www.lilyband.com) and my FB ads are currently experiencing High CTIC, but low conversion. 45 page view -> 9 initial check out -> 2 add payment information -> but only 1 conversion
Can anyone help me see what's wrong with my landing page or anywhere else?
submitted by Maximum-Sugar-4413 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:43 sanjeevpandeybharat Is bedpage.com a high traffic site? Good investment for ad posting?

Bedpage.com is a classified advertising website that operates similarly to Craigslist, offering listings for various categories including jobs, housing, services, and personals. However, it's important to note that Bedpage has faced controversy and legal issues related to allegations of facilitating illegal activities, including human trafficking and prostitution.
As of my last update in January 2022, I don't have specific traffic data for Bedpage.com. However, it's worth considering several factors before deciding whether it's a good investment for ad posting:
  1. **Reputation and Legal Concerns**: Due to its association with illegal activities, advertising on Bedpage may carry reputational risks for businesses. Additionally, supporting or advertising on a platform with legal issues can potentially harm your brand's image.
  2. **Target Audience**: Evaluate whether Bedpage's audience aligns with your target demographic and whether your products or services are relevant to the categories listed on the site. If your target audience isn't actively using Bedpage, your ad investment may not yield significant returns.
  3. **Alternatives and Safer Platforms**: Consider alternative advertising platforms with better reputations and a larger user base. Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or niche-specific websites may offer more targeted advertising options with better visibility and ROI.
  4. **Ethical Considerations**: Beyond legal concerns, consider the ethical implications of supporting a platform associated with illegal activities. Investing in advertising on such platforms could inadvertently contribute to the exploitation of vulnerable individuals.
  5. **Legal Compliance**: Ensure that your advertisements comply with all relevant laws and regulations, especially if advertising in sensitive categories such as adult services or personals. Failure to comply with legal requirements could result in legal consequences for your business.
Ultimately, it's essential to weigh the potential risks and benefits before deciding to invest in ad posting on Bedpage.com or any similar platform. Prioritize platforms with strong reputations, a large user base, and robust legal compliance measures to maximize the effectiveness of your advertising efforts while mitigating risks.
submitted by sanjeevpandeybharat to u/sanjeevpandeybharat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Comfortable-Hall5527 Mom threatened to withdraw name change

So my mom is a weird kind of supportive but long story short, she threatened to withdraw my name change because we got in a really big argument. The court date is in literally a couple of days and I’m so stupid for letting her get this angry.
Is it that easy to just withdraw a court hearing thingy? Like is there a button on the website or does she have to fill out paperwork and file it so I know that’s not what she’s doing on her phone right now because I can’t sleep thinking she might actually do that to me?
submitted by Comfortable-Hall5527 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 ShadowyMonk Here we go again with my Koofr Cloud uploads onto their website freezing (552/553 done – 0s remaining) at the last file...

Here we go again with my Koofr Cloud uploads onto their website freezing (552/553 done – 0s remaining) at the last file (2 kb .txt) within a folder that contains multiple subfolders and files, but is only 262 MBs in total size.
And, to add insult to injury, it took nearly 20 minutes to even reach that point of failure on a 25 MBs upload speed connection. It worked after the 2nd attempt; so there goes almost an hour of my time babysitting this simple upload.
It's apparent to me now that Koofr's servers cannot consistantly manage folder uploads that contain multiple subfolders and files in them. No matter if the folders are only a few hundred MBs in size. In all the years I used Amazon's most basic cloud service, this never happened, even once.
I am not using their desktop app, which is a bare-bones UI and looks, and acts, like it was created as a high school programming class project. As well as filling up your drive with redundant backups wasting drive space.
Regretfully, it is now time for me to find another cloud service that can reliably handle this most common, basic backup.
submitted by ShadowyMonk to koofrnet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:36 butpimpl Advice

So i’ve been talking to/seeing this girl with bpd for a while now, in the beginning she was obsessed with me and everything was great. Well she did something one night that really hurt my feelings and was a red flag so i blocked her on everything (this was before we loved eachother) to save myself from getting into a toxic relationship, i was half asleep when i did it and when i woke up i unblocked her. She ended up having a psychotic break that was really bad, and ever since then its been downhill. She blames me even though it was her behavior that made me make that decision, and no matter how many times i apologize she cant let it go and move on from it. Then a second time i unadded her on FB when i was really upset, and this one sealed the deal. Ever since then shes been more distant and cold and neglectful every day. At this point shes asking for space, she wont talk about my feelings ever without getting “overwhelmed” or starting a huge fight, but when i ask her if she cares about me and loves me she says yes, even though her actions say thats not true one bit. Also she says she doesnt know if she wants a relationship right now or to be exclusive, when that was the goal and we were exclusive before. Is this saveable? I’ve tried to reassure her that i wont abandon her, reconnect and bond and get her to open up, but it gets worse every day, i dont know why she wont let me go at this point. Should i just end it or just be patient and listen to her feelings? Because the anxiety and stress is becoming overwhelming and its abusive at this point. Or any advice for what i can do to fix things before its too late and she starts seeing other people? I dont want to give up but her behavior is abusive and unacceptable at this point.
submitted by butpimpl to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 overgrownfawn I asked ChatGPT to give me a breakdown of what to look out for on June 4

I'm very interested in the General Elections but can't follow political news due to time constraints. So I took GPT's help and asked it several questions to help me understand the situation and to tell me what to focus on during the election results. Questions I asked were:
  1. Browse the Internet and explain to me what I should look out for while watching the Indian election results all day on June 4
  2. Give me an hour-to-hour breakdown of what to expect on that day
  3. Give me the key battleground states and tell me what a "good" performance would look like for the BJP/NDA in those states
  4. What would be a good performance for the BJP/NDA on a national level?
  5. How many more seats would the BJP/NDA need to win in which states to secure 400 seats realistically

Browse the Internet and explain to me what I should look out for while watching the Indian election results all day on June 4

While watching the Indian election results on June 4, here are key points to focus on:
1. Major Alliances and Parties:
- BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party): Led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP is expected to be a significant contender. Pay attention to their performance, particularly in stronghold states like Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat.
- INDIA Alliance: The opposition coalition, including the Indian National Congress and several regional parties. Watch for their performance in states like West Bengal and Bihar, where regional dynamics are crucial.
2. Key Contests and Battleground State:
- States like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, and Bihar are pivotal. These states have a large number of parliamentary seats, and their results can significantly impact the overall outcome.
3. Voter Turnout and Trends:
- Voter turnout can indicate the level of public engagement and support for various parties. High turnout in specific regions could favor the ruling party or the opposition, depending on the demographic and historical voting patterns.
4. Economic and Social Issues:
- Economic concerns, such as unemployment and agrarian distress, are major voter issues. The performance of the BJP's welfare schemes and economic policies will be scrutinized, especially in rural areas heavily dependent on agriculture.
5. Hindu-Muslim Relations:
- Communal issues, particularly the controversy surrounding the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, could influence voter sentiment. This has been a polarizing topic, with potential impacts on voting behavior in key constituencies.
6. Newly Formed or Shifting Alliances:
- Keep an eye on any last-minute shifts in alliances or defections among major political figures, as these can dramatically alter the political landscape. For instance, any changes within the INDIA coalition or defections to the BJP-led NDA can affect the results.

Give me an hour-to-hour breakdown of what to expect on that day

Here’s an hour-by-hour breakdown of what to expect on June 4 during the Indian election results day:
Early Morning (6 AM - 9 AM)
Mid-Morning (9 AM - 12 PM)
Afternoon (12 PM - 3 PM)
Late Afternoon (3 PM - 6 PM)
Evening (6 PM - 9 PM)
Night (9 PM onwards)
Key Points to Watch

Give me the key battleground states and tell me what a "good" performance would look like for the BJP/NDA in those states

Here are the key battleground states for the Indian election and what a "good" performance would look like for the BJP/NDA in those states:
1. Uttar Pradesh (UP)
Significance: Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in India, contributing 80 seats to the Lok Sabha, making it a crucial battleground.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA:
2. Maharashtra
Significance: Maharashtra has 48 Lok Sabha seats, and it is another major state where the BJP/NDA needs a strong showing.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Maintaining dominance: Winning around 30-35 seats would be considered a good outcome. In 2019, the BJP and its ally Shiv Sena won 41 seats together.
3. West Bengal
Significance: West Bengal contributes 42 seats to the Lok Sabha. It has traditionally been a stronghold for the Trinamool Congress (TMC).
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Significant gains: Winning at least 15-20 seats would be a marked improvement for the BJP. In 2019, the BJP made significant inroads by winning 18 seats.
4. Bihar
Significance: Bihar has 40 Lok Sabha seats and is another key state with significant political importance.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Majority wins: Securing around 25-30 seats would be a strong performance. In 2019, the BJP and its allies won 39 out of 40 seats.
5. Madhya Pradesh
Significance: Madhya Pradesh contributes 29 seats to the Lok Sabha. It is traditionally a stronghold for the BJP.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: High seat count: Winning at least 20-25 seats would be considered good. The BJP won 28 seats in 2019, and maintaining this level would be crucial.
6. Karnataka
Significance: Karnataka has 28 Lok Sabha seats. It is a key southern state where the BJP has been trying to expand its influence.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Majority wins: Winning around 15-20 seats would be considered strong. In 2019, the BJP won 25 seats.
7. Rajasthan
Significance: Rajasthan contributes 25 seats to the Lok Sabha. It is another key state for the BJP.
Good Performance for BJP/NDA: Majority of seats: Winning at least 20-22 seats would be considered good. In 2019, the BJP won all 25 seats.

What would be a good performance for the BJP/NDA on a national level?

A good performance for the BJP/NDA on a national level in the Indian general elections would entail several key achievements:
1. Securing a Clear Majority
2. Dominating Key States
3. Retaining Stronghold States
4. Making Inroads in New Regions

How many more seats would the BJP/NDA need to win in which states to secure 400 seats realistically

To secure 400 seats, the BJP/NDA would need to significantly improve their performance in several states, including retaining their current seats and gaining new ones. Here's a breakdown of where they would need to gain additional seats and the approximate numbers needed in key states:
Current Scenario
Key States and Additional Seats Needed
1. Uttar Pradesh
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA won 62 out of 80 seats. - Additional Needed: Winning 70 seats (an increase of 8 seats) would significantly contribute towards the goal.
2. West Bengal
- 2019 Results: BJP won 18 out of 42 seats. - Additional Needed: Securing 30 seats (an increase of 12 seats) would be a major gain.
3. Maharashtra
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA won 41 out of 48 seats. - Additional Needed: Winning 45 seats (an increase of 4 seats) would be realistic if they retain their alliance.
4. Bihar
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA won 39 out of 40 seats. - Additional Needed: Securing all 40 seats (an increase of 1 seat).
5. Madhya Pradesh
- 2019 Results: BJP won 28 out of 29 seats. - Additional Needed: Winning all 29 seats (an increase of 1 seat).
6. Karnataka
- 2019 Results: BJP won 25 out of 28 seats. - Additional Needed: Securing all 28 seats (an increase of 3 seats).
7. Rajasthan
- 2019 Results: BJP won all 25 seats. - Additional Needed: Maintaining all 25 seats.
8. Gujarat
- 2019 Results: BJP won all 26 seats. - Additional Needed**: Maintaining all 26 seats.
9. Haryana
- 2019 Results: BJP won all 10 seats. - Additional Needed: Maintaining all 10 seats.
Expanding in New Regions
1. Tamil Nadu
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA had a minimal presence. - Additional Needed: Winning at least 10-15 seats would be a significant gain.
2. Kerala
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA had minimal success. - Additional Needed: Securing 5-10 seats would mark a breakthrough.
3. Andhra Pradesh
- 2019 Results: BJP/NDA won no seats. - Additional Needed: Winning at least 10 seats would be a substantial gain.
4. Telangana
- 2019 Results: BJP won 4 out of 17 seats. - Additional Needed: Securing 10 seats (an increase of 6 seats).
5. Odisha
- 2019 Results: BJP won 8 out of 21 seats. - Additional Needed: Winning 15 seats (an increase of 7 seats).
submitted by overgrownfawn to indianews [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:32 Telecoz What cpu cooler would work for a i5-13600kf and a MAG Z790 TOMAHAWK WIFI DDR4 motherboard

Just built a pc today only to find that hat my cpu fan from my last prebuilt (predator Orion 3000) was incompatible. Just looking for a fast response so that I can pick it up tomorrow.
I’m looking at the Deepcool AK620 Multi Socket right now
Link here (this is a local website so I don’t need to wait weeks from Amazon) https://www.umart.com.au/product/deepcool-ak620-multi-socket-cpu-cooler-black-r-ak620-bknnmt-g-62836
submitted by Telecoz to PcBuild [link] [comments]


I have a macbook pro M2, i recently used the crossover free trial to play fear and hunger 2 on steam, and now it is over. I still want to play my games, but the problem i have is not NOT having enough money. I dont have a paypal account and i use wechat because im cringe af. Does anyone have any free app or website or wine bottle that can allow me to play windows steam games, or just anything that can allow me to pay with wechat. I really want to continue playing fear and hunger 2
submitted by Big_BOY_Fat to macgaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 Discobopolis Why is infering God's existence out of probability invalid?

E.g: When you say a photo of a historical document on the web is tangible proof of something, you can't actually know that. You believe it out of trusting certaing things because they make its existence more probable. The curriculum of the researcher who uploaded the photo, the prestige of the website's institution, etc.
Why can't you apply the same process with God? I don't understand how is it more probable that the universe came to be because some space pterodactyl farted out the universe or whatever. With how much many things in the enviroment favor humans, how ordered some some things are, how perfect planet Earth is for life, how smart and adaptable humans are, how humans can appreciate beauty and want to do great things, how every death led us to where we are now, etc. don't you think we have to assume someone designed all this shit? I can't prove it, but isn't it the most probable thing?
Does saying probability is not an argument for his existence mean we can't use probability as an argument for anything's existence ever? Does that mean we're all believers and that believing in dragons is the same as believing in maths?
submitted by Discobopolis to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 AnxiousDiscount6557 I unblocked them

I want to reach out to my ex so badly. I’m so stupid it’s been over a month and I just unblocked their phone number. I kind of want to know what would happen, but I don’t think anything will come out of it. I miss them. I can’t stop thinking about all the fun times we had and how we’d be laughing until our stomachs hurt right now if we were still talking 🥺💔 I just keep telling myself I can’t do that because they showed me so many times that they were willing to hurt me after I pointed out their hurtful behavior.
I had them blocked on everything except one thing and they were inactive but recently they came back on and I literally spent my whole day just obsessing over this person and checking their social media like a lunatic.
I’m working up the strength to let go of the last tie I have to them I guess. It was so easy to block them and kinda move on 6 weeks ago and today I feel like I’m back at square one.
I feel like I have a dagger in my heart right now 😭 fml
submitted by AnxiousDiscount6557 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 MysteriousShadow__ Any more interests in a screenshot api?

I'm thinking of building a cheaper screenshot api than what's currently on the market. One use case I can think of is for directory owners to automatically generate a screenshot of a submitted website.
But currently I'm just procrastinating, so I created a waitlist page and the more users sign up the more motivation I have!
And also feel free to share other use cases that I can cater to.
submitted by MysteriousShadow__ to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:30 AutoModerator Ikaria Lean Belly Juice: The Most Potent, Fast-Acting Formula For Activating Your Metabolism

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is a powerful new formula that makes weight loss easier, faster and much more fun…
It’s different from every other solution out there because it targets the newly discovered root cause of tenacious body fat and unexplained fatigue…
And it supports the health of the most powerful fat-burning organ in your body; your liver.1
Thanks to the rare, powerful nutrients in Ikaria Lean Belly Juice, you can help support your body to fight against these compounds and help with fat loss, boost energy and feel younger.
Click Ikaria Lean Belly Juice website official
submitted by AutoModerator to Puravive_review [link] [comments]


NATIONAL BLACK BEAR DAY JUNE 1, 2024 BLACK BEARS DON’T ATTACK HONEY BEE HIVES FOR THE HONEY! THEY ARE AFTER THE HONEY BEES, ITS PROTEIN, THE HONEY BEES! PROTECT HONEY BEES FROM UNWANTED PESTS, LIKE BLACK BEARS & VARROA MITES! Beekeepers Can Kill Unwanted Pests, NOT BEARS, In Honey Bee Hives & On Bees, With BeeOrganiShield A 100% Organic Contact Miticide. It Is A 100% Organic EPA Approved Contact Miticide, It’s A Safe USDA Organic Biochemical Miticide Treatment For The Varroa Mite Family & Other Unwanted Pest On Honey Bees And Hives. It’s A Honey Safe Product, The EPA ( Environmental Protection Agency ), USDA ( United States Department of Agriculture ), & WTO ( World Trade Organization ) Approved It As A 100% Organic Food Safe Product To Use Around The World! Safe To Use On Honey Bee Hives With Supers That Have Honey. No Need To Remove The Super With Honey Safe To Spray Right On Cells With Honey. Our Product Is Livestock, Pet & Human Safe & Can Be Used Around Organic Households & Farmlands. See Our Instruction Sheet For How To Use Our Products Safely. See Our Website For More Information On Bee Organi Shield Organic Products & How To Use Them On Your Honey Bee Hives. www.BeeOrganiShield.com Sales@beeorganishield.com Visit Our Store At www.beeorganishield.etsy.com Find Us On Facebook At www.facebook.com/bee.organi.shield Redit beeorganishield tiktok.com/@beeorganishield

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submitted by beeorganishield to beeorganishield [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:25 TrustMeImAGiraffe AITA for refusing to go to Pride with my trans girlfriend, i'm a straight man

I (26m) have been with my girlfriend (19mtf) for just over a year. I love her, she is everything to me and i think she is the prettiest girl in the world.
I met her on a website specifically for transwomen, i am happy dating a transwoman, it has never caused any issues before (no one can tell she is trans). I'm proud of her journey and everything she's become. In all aspects she is the perfect woman.
My girlfreind is very active in the gay community. She loves pagents, drag shows, gay bingo and everything else. She has a very close knit freind group from people she met at these events. She moved over here to the UK from the Philippines to live with me, and was very lonely at the start, so i'm really happy she's got people she can be close with brsides me and has built a strong support network.
However i've never felt fully included in the gay community. I consider myself a straight cis man and although i am exclusivly attracted to transwomen i often feel that isn't enough to take part.
In online LGBT spaces men like me are called creeps, perverts and chasers. People regularly talk about how terrible trans-attracted men are all the time. How we treat the women we love like dirt and are all secretly gay? (I'm not)
I've been refused entry from a gay bar by the bouncers for not looking gay enough (i'll admit my fashion sense is terrible). I also don't know any other men who date transwomen, all my girlfreinds trans freinds are dating other women or trans people. I just generally feel excluded from the space and not welcome.
To be honest i even think sone of her freinds don't like me. I don't really get invited to hang out with them, and the few times i have they've all been very cold. One time, one of her trans freinds once went on a rant about cis white men and the patriarchy and i kinda feel it was directed at me. She also said my girlfreind should break up with me, that i was exploiting and abusing a 3rd world naive child. I don't like her.
Anyway i just don't feel included and i think it's best if i avoided LGBT spaces entirely. However this has massively upset my girlfriend and cause our first proper fight.
Pride is really important to her and she wants me to be with her. She thinks i'm scared and hiding away, ashamed of her. I'm not, i just don't want to be surronded by people who hate me.
I'm not ashamed of her. I'm open about loving a beautiful trans girl. Though i admit i don't go shouting from the rooftop, if people ask i tell them. I'm just a lowkey guy in general. And no one ever asks, she is very feminine and looks better then 99% of women. I'm basically dating a supermodel.
But yeah, what do you guys think. Am i being an asshole? Should i go to pride? I just don't want to upset any body by being there. Is it worth the hit to my reputation going to a very public place where i don't belong?
Let me know in the comments. I'l answer any questions as well.
submitted by TrustMeImAGiraffe to AITAH [link] [comments]
