How do you make cool bios on xboxlive

Learn Useless Talents

2012.06.07 00:14 Billobatch Learn Useless Talents

This is a place to learn how to do cool things that have no use other than killing time and impressing strangers.

2014.03.20 17:46 dadschool Cool Guides

Picture based reference guides for anything and everything. If it seems like something someone might print, physically post, and reference then it is a good link for this sub. Remember: Infographics are learning tools, guides are reference tools. Sometimes it's grey.

2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2024.06.02 09:57 AidanHugh0917 Top 10 Guitars of the ever

  1. Butterscotch Tele (don't know what either of those words mean, but you guys make it sound cool)
  2. The red one
4.Midi Guitar with the big fat ass (excuse my french)
5.Eddie Van Halen Guitar (order mine in Rick Beato yellow, please!)
  1. Any keytar
  2. Jimi Hendrix
  3. The one metal guitar with no head (how do you tune? Idk!)
  4. Big Elvis Guitar in front of Memphis studio.
  5. Guitar with lots of strings (very cool!)
Honorable Mentions:
  1. Weird Adam Neely four string guitar (good for jazz?)
  2. Davie504 6 string bass (pretty EPIC, right? See what I did there?)-kind of similar to the Adam Neely guitar but probably different, I don't know I'm not a doctor.
  3. Cassio
  4. Mary Spender blue guitar. Probably pretty Mary ExSPENive , am I right? Hahahahaha [LAUGHTER]
  5. Brandon D'eon clammy sweat-stained acousticguitar. You just know that guitar tastes good.
  6. Mary Big Spender. That's another pun you can make with her name
7.Steve Terreberry. Not any guitar of his, I just find his funny faces to be sooooooooooooo super funny. Here's hoping you shred your way into the cast of SNL Mr. T.
  1. Colleenager Balls' Eucalyptis. Pretty cool epic vibes from this one. You did nothing wrong queen!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. SamuraiGuitarist sword guitar. He must have one, right? Why else would we call him that?
  3. MartyMusic Acoustic Guitar. There's probably weed in there.
  4. Gibbons guitar for the cool blues dudes with all of the epic sauce. Sauce isn't sperm, right? If so, I retract my previous statement
  5. My cousin's beat up guitar. He has lots of sex which makes it automatically cool [Imagine like 15 sunglasses guy emojis, I'm on a computer]. So have I, but don't ask me to describe it.
  6. Conjoined Twins guitar. Very funny.
  7. Any of Tyler Larson's guitars. He has so many.
Woweeeeee, those were some awesome candididates for fthe most le epic guitaars!!!!! Sorry all of them couldn't be featured on this list, I am only human and not guitar, and therefore I am flawed. Comment what guitars you like and what guitarists turn you on in the comments below. Rememeber, allry guitars are super epic, accept for Hellow Kitty guitar because that is for gay girls and regular girls and gay guys. Just kidding, I luv the hellow kitty guitaro doggy woggo!!!!!!!! Keep on shredding those tabs, and I'll see you next time on the battlebus! I LOVE GUITARS WOWOWOWOWOOOOWWWWWWWWOOWOOWOWOWWWWWOOOWWWWWOOOWOWOOWOWOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
submitted by AidanHugh0917 to guitarcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:47 relationshipguy254 what to do if you see your narcissistic ex out in a public setting after going no contact

Let's be real, seeing an ex who treated you like trash is never fun and easy, especially if they were heavily narcissistic and manipulative. After you finally went no contact to escape their mind games, running into them in public can stir up all those old feelings of anger, hurt, and confusion. You may feel panicky and anxious, not knowing what to do. Should you greet them, smile, or just walk away as if you don’t even know them? So, what do you do when you see your narcissistic ex in a public setting, especially when you’re practicing full no contact with them?
First thing's first, don't break no contact. I know the urge to scream at them or rehash the past might be strong, but engaging with a narc never ends well. They'll just suck you back into their toxic world of manipulation. The smartest move is to act like they don't even exist. Give them no acknowledgement, no reaction, non-whatsoever. Gray rock your way in that public place if you can.
If you have to be in the same space, avoid them as much as possible. Don't make eye contact, don't linger near them, just go about your business. If they try to approach you or get a rise out of you, keep calm and walk away. Narcs thrive on getting an emotional reaction, so denying them that takes away their power. Narcissists know how to press your buttons and may go to great lengths, even resorting to public humiliation, to provoke you. You don't have to play the hero or waste your energy explaining logical nuances to them. It’s wiser to look foolish or even run away than to stand there trying to call them out or engage in a verbal fight. There's no point in fighting; by staying away, you’re already winning, and there’s much more to gain by maintaining your distance.
Chances are they'll try to bait you by pretending everything is all right or playing the victim. Don't fall for it! They're just fishing for supply and haven't changed one bit behind that fake facade. Your mind might try to compare your current life with their seemingly flamboyant and "clean" appearance, but don't listen to that voice. It's the same voice that hooked you during the love-bombing phase, when you fell for their looks and superficial charm, ignoring the underlying emptiness. Stay strong in the knowledge that their issues have nothing to do with you. You broke free, and they're just bitter they can't control you anymore.
If you start feeling triggered by their presence, take a breather. Go to the bathroom, call a friend, do some deep breathing - whatever you need to recenter yourself. Remind yourself how far you've come in your healing and that this narc holds no power over you now.
The bottom line is, you're the one who got out. Don't let one accidental run-in erase all your progress. Stay cool, stay strong, and keep looking towards your bright, narc-free future. You've got this!
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 WeirdElk7841 A defense of Under the Dome's ending [spoilers, obv]

For the last few weeks, I've been doing a read-through of King's oeuvre for the first time in well over a decade, both re-reading a lot of my favorite books from my initial middle school King-obsession phase and even reading a few I never got around to the first time around (The Outsider wasn't even a twinkle in SK's eye at the time; I thought it was pretty good).
Right after finishing It (it holds up!), I started in on Under the Dome, only really intending to hit those gripping early high points; while I can tear through King's extremely-readable books pretty fast these days, it's still quite long, so I kept telling myself I'd only keep reading until the next chapter break (especially since I remembered being rather cool on the denouement when I read it upon release in 2009).
Long story short, pun intended, I was back at the end within a couple days. Ending spoilers, ofc, after this:
I think knowing what was gonna happen the second time around probably prepared me to be more understanding. Certainly it's not a perfect book, and I couldn't object to anyone saying that it feels like he took the easy way out with the deus ex machina route.
Yet, I think the entire thing being attributable to bored extraterrestrial juveniles fucking with them for kicks is thematically sensible, because, well... we, the audience, are essentially the leatherheads. We are the ones who are getting our kicks by witnessing these characters' squalid misadventures, by way of King's imagination creating this obstacle for them to struggle against.
Granted, it's not a perfect allegory. For instance, King chooses what happens to them, not us (as evinced by the fact that most people would have chosen a different ending). Still: the people of Chester's Mill really and truly do only exist for the reader's amusement, and if aliens were watching me and you, they might clinically take note of something a little sadistic about the satisfaction Constant Readers derive from devouring this and all of King's other, beautifully grisly tales.
Now, if I perceived this parallel as an attempt by King to admonish the audience for our enjoyment of the fucked-up story, as some writers do (Scorsese and The Wolf of Wall Street comes to mind), I would find it cheaply deployed here. You've made a half-billion dollars from our love of reading horrorbooks, you can't get on your high horse here, SK!
But I don't think that's the most parsimonious reading of the allegory. King doesn't think there's anything immoral about his putting fictional characters through the wringer, or our enjoying reading about it. Fictional characters are basically a class of beings who exist to be acted upon in any fashion without triggering moral sanction. The one leatherhead girl who saves the day at the end puts a very fine point on it when she asks Julia, at said climax: "How can you have lives if you aren't real?"
And, of course, within the text of the novel, we see the leatherheads are not the only characters who view other characters as merely fodder to be acted upon. Hackermeyer views the Iraqis this way; the bullies view Julia this way; Big Jim seems to view everyone else this way. Even Junior and his "girlfriends" can be viewed as an extension of the heartless style.
Indeed, the leatherheads' actions are arguably amongst the most defensible in the story: we are naturally prone to see the leatherheads' treatment of the earthlings as cruel, but from their perspective, surely even the one leatherhead girl who takes pity and picks up the dome doesn't actually appear to feel they've done anything wrong by fucking with these little creatures whose sentience she's only beginning to perceive. Yet she still takes that "step in the right direction" and gives them back their "little lives."
What does this mean, metatextually? It can't mean Stephen King thinks he should stop writing books where characters get put through the ringer, or that we should stop reading them. Nor can it mean that stories are only moral if they have some semblance of a happy ending (certainly almost every character had already lost their "little life" before the dome is lifted, and some of his later books end even more bleakly).
What I take away from it is that we are encouraged to be radically open to the possibility that at all times, even if we think our actions are in a vacuum and can't impact any other sentience with a claim to fair treatment, we are being confronted with the opportunity to act in a way that confers either respect or contempt on some other's "little life."
We aren't always even cognizant of this -- but whenever we do recognize that we have the chance to choose respect over contempt, and choose the former, we are moving, even if infinitesimally, in the right direction. The struggle will always continue, and never end: "Sooner or later, the blood always hits the wall." But we ought to keep on fighting the good fight regardless.
[I will also say that if I perceived "the book is about the audience watching the characters" as a thematic well that King went back to many times, that would make this ending much cheaper in my estimation. But I don't really think that's the case: the particular framing device of the Dome as keeping the Chester's Mill folk in a science experiment, where even the other earthlings outside the dome become a proxy for the audience, I think makes this a rather unique audience-allegory in King's bibliography. And I think i works. Even if you agree with my reading and still think it cheap, of course, that's perfectly fine, too.]
submitted by WeirdElk7841 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 LossLucky4012 what do you think?

I've been working on this story for... 3 months? 4? who knows, with my ability to keep track of time I could have started this yesterday, anyway, this is a story that has sci-fi elements, and some fantasy, although the fantasy stuff is mainly dragons so lets say adventure for now, (cause I don't know shit about genres, I just wrote the story) , Keep in mind, this has been written in free time, of which I don't have a lot, so if you don't like the story it is probably my fault, here is a look at:

Dragons wing

I slowly drift from my sleep and think to myself, ow, why is everything warm? I check the thermostat and see that it is at a temperature as cool as Canada and when I turn back to go back to bed so that I can sleep in, I see that my stuff has been knocked over? Oh sorry, where are my manners? I'm James O’Maley, I put everything back into place, and lay down on my bed but nothing is comfortable! I just decide, you know what, whatever, I’m just gonna get ready for work, and with that i get dressed, everything feels harder to put on, but it really hits me when I go to brush my teeth, when I looked into the mirror, I saw that their were, wings on my back, and a tail, growing out my butt like a lizard, I obviously spend several minutes having an existential crisis about this shocking revelation, and I decide to look at what these wings can do, I open a window, crawl out, with some difficulty and some slamming the window on my tail. I go to the edge of the fire escape railing, hop on, and jump, and I flew, higher and higher, until i nearly flew into a mountain but that's when I suddenly breathed fire, from my mouth, and bore a hole straight through the cliffside, I could spend all day flying, breathing fire, and fiddling with my tail, but I began to feel as tired as if I’d just gotten back from lifting weights with tigers, I landed on a cliffside and fell asleep. When I woke up I wasn’t on the cliffside anymore, there were monitors and scientists all around me. I tried to show some sign that I was awake, but I was chained up! I spent several moments struggling to get free, I must be free, I am not something they can chain down! I struggle, I roar, I attempt to move my head enough to burn the surrounding area, but I can’t, until someone finally talks to me,
“Hello there, James, please forgive us for our caution, but with your kind we can never be too careful.” I can see the scientist, I read his name tag, Dr. Crane William, I roar out
“My kind!? Get me out of these chains!” I breathe fire, claw, kick and swing my tail, trying to free myself, until I see two other people watching, one with weird whiskers, a long tail and a smug look on his face, and the other with a similar appearance to me but her wings are her arms. The next few days go by, until the two finally decide to talk to me, and in those days, My face becomes a snout like a komodo dragon’s, the one with the whiskers opens his mouth first and I already hate him
“Would you look at that, he’s even uglier up close!” I glare at him with absolute hatred, that seems to anger him more,
“What are you mute or something? Speak before I tear you apart!” he takes one step closer and that's all I need, I Bite his shoulder and use his head to break the chains on my right arm, I continue to break the rest of them with ease, and tell whiskers
“You want to fight? Let’s fight!” I leap on top of him, clawing at his face, he tries to slash me with a blade on his tail but I grab it and stab the wall with it, until I feel a burning sensation in my veins, The girl had bitten me! She looks at me with sadness,
“Sorry about this,” I look at her and drift into unconsciousness, when I wake up next I’m in some kind of, medical wing, ha, wing, as I look around I feel that my mouth is bound shut, but other than that, I can move my body, I get up off the gurney and just when I think it looks nice, whiskers shows his face,
“Well thanks a lot freak, now I’m on probation with Dr. Crane.” I motion to my mouth and he seems to have enough brain cells to understand what I mean
“Ha! You got the boot, Lily had that on her when she wouldn’t stop biting staff, I’m Ryan Mist.” I just walk away and try getting this muzzle off, That's when Crane walks in,
“Well, I must say it has been a while since we’ve had to use the boot, Ryan, your behavior was unacceptable!” I can tell that Crane is annoyed, and right as he finishes his sentence, click, the boot falls off my face and clatters to the ground. I don’t bother trying to fight Ryan again, I’m just happy to be able to talk!
“Well that’s a lot better, now, talk, I want answers.” I growl, Crane and Ryan seem surprised that I got the boot off but they talk, turns out, I’m what’s called a dragonkin a Human who has dragon genes in their genome, Lily and Ryan are also dragonkin, although they can’t breath fire, Lily has fangs and a venomous bite, turns out she’s the girl that bit me, and Ryan just looks weird, apparently we are the only dragonkin who evaded the organization that Crane works for, Called ‘Kadmus,’ into adulthood, Lily being found at 22, ryan at 20, and me at 24, on top of that, we are the only dragonkin who have survived that long, it’s at that moment that I notice Lily looking at us from behind some glass, I decide that I’ve heard enough and open the door, and I leave the room.
As I leave the room I can tell that Lily was not expecting me from the look on her face, I start a conversation with her, trying desperately to be friendly and not notice all the scientists glancing at me nervously.
“Hey, Lily, Right?” I say in the friendliest tone I can, “I’m James.” Lily looks at me with a calculating look before answering
“Hello, yeah my name is Lily, Lily Megan.” she clearly is wary of me, but I can tell a few things about her, making herself look small, clearly smarter than she lets on, seems shy,
“How did you get it off?” Lily breaks into my train of thought with the question,
“What?” I ask her, confused,
“The Boot, how did you get it off?” She gestures to the room where Crane and Ryan were having an argument, but more specifically to The Boot, laying on the ground
“Oh that? I once took a lockpicking class when I was younger.” I explain
“Huh, you mind teaching me that sometime?” She catches me off guard with that one, I can tell that she is being genuine so I agree, And we begin working out what time works best.
The next few weeks go by in a flash, but I’ll summarize it for you, I ended up getting my own room like Ryan and Lily, I start teaching Lily how to pick locks, and we end up having a few game nights where we played games like charades, poker, even monopoly, lets just say that we will never play monopoly again. However, the most important thing of all, we ended up finding another dragonkin! We aren’t sure what dragon ancestor he has, but we think he’s another eastern long tail, like Ryan, the new guy’s name is Dillian, He’s great, absolute goofball, he’s from Australia, and according to him, his family has never been anywhere but the land down under, weird, but the guy’s like a little brother to me, so it’s cool, and that catches you up. “Hey Dillian!” I lean my head into his room, “Wanna come hang out with the rest of us? It’s movie night!” Dillian just looks at me, unreadable, 
“Okay, your loss.” I try to hide how unnerving that look felt, but something doesn’t feel right. I go back to the lounge, where Ryan, Lily, and Crane are all waiting for me,
“Sorry guys, Dillian, isn’t up for it.” Lily looks at me disappointed,
“Aw man, and we're even watching Dune!” I just look at her with a sad look, but Ryan manages to lift the mood a little bit,
“Last time we let Crane pick the movie!” Crane just glares at Ryan, I can tell he’s about to lecture him so I just start the movie, around one hour in, boom, everything is blurry, and there is dust swirling, everything hurts. I see Lily and Ryan helping evacuate the scientists, I don’t see Crane anywhere! But that's when I see it, Cranes lab coat, soaked red and underneath a piece of rubble, I try to run towards it, but I can't stay on my legs, I call out,
“CRANE!” My friends hear me, they rush towards me and they see the lab coat, Lily tears up, Ryan is too stunned to speak, then we hear it, we hear him. Dillian, he’s laughing, laughing at the lab coat, laughing at us, My head snaps toward him, I feel the rage burning, my wings flare out, fire rises in my throat, I grab Dillian by the collar, and I roar,
“Do you think this is funny?!” Dillian just keeps laughing, “Crane is deadI!” Dillian looks at me, and he finally stops laughing, he pushes me off and spikes erupt from his skin, his tail wraps around my throat, and he growls,
“Don’t touch me you cretin, my ancestors were nearly wiped out by yours, I’m just returning the favor.” I look at him confused, Ryan seems to have been just as confused as me because he asked,
“What do you mean? The Eastern long tails have never had an issue with the Flying flame drakes.” Dillian just flicked his wrist and one of the spines shot out and nearly sliced Ryan’s head off!
“Do not compare the Wyrms to those foolish sky beasts! They have ruled the land for centuries!” Dillian roars, at this point I finally manage to choke out,
“Wyrm? Like the dragon inside the mountain Wyrm?” I struggle against his tail, I finally get a claw hooked under it and pull, it takes all of my strength to get my head loose and retreat, and then I see Dillian fully for the first time, pale skin covered in red spines and a long tail that could probably crush a normal humans windpipe, if I wasn’t a dragonkin I’d be dead.
“So, you do have a brain. Indeed, my ancestors were the Wyrms, Masters of the land, and the only dragons to be nearly forgotten by time, if it weren’t for the colony under Australia, I would not be a dragonkin.” Dillian snorts, and after saying his piece he leaped up, dived down, and bore through the earth, I try to go after him, but Lily holds me back,
“James you're hurt, and you would not stand a chance against him in your current state!” I hate to admit it, but it’s true, I would not stand a chance against Dillian, oh man, my leg hurts, I look at my left leg and I see that it has a shard of metal sticking out of it, and then everything feels heavy, I hear Lily yell out my name, but she sounds so far away, I don’t try and fight it, I just let the darkness envelope me, at least in the dark I can’t hurt, when I wake up I’m in the medical wing ha, it’s still funny, I have a bandage around my leg and then it all rushes back to me, Crane’s lab coat, Dillian laughing, the rage, everything, replaying over and over in my mind, I immediately try and stand up and I find a lot of difficulty in that, but I manage to stumble off the bed, I avoid putting weight on my leg, and I use my wings when necessary,
‘Well it’s about time you woke up, and here I was thinking that we had wasted time and resources.” I spin around to see a lady in a suit and glasses looking at me with a look of disdain,
“Hello, I am Dr. Leanne Vern, but you can call me Leanne. I am your new head researcher, I hope you are ready for your next few tests, Dr. Crane wasted a lot of time ‘bonding’ with you.” It’s right as she finishes that sentence when I feel the urge to make it her last, I feel rage burning under my skin and I glare at her with every last ounce of anger possible,
“What.” Either she didn’t get the memo or she is just a jerk, because she did not care, but either way I continued,
“Do you think that now is a good time to either ridicule Crane, or tell me that you need to run tests on me? I am not your lab rat” I grab her collar “I am not something you just get to boss around, If you say something like that again I will send you straight to the underworld where you belong.” I shove her back and go look for Lily and Ryan, I find them in the cafeteria, I get some food and sit down across from them,
“Mind if I sit here?” It clearly lightened the mood, but not even Ryan found the humor to reply, but we started to talk turns out I had been knocked out for two weeks, when I asked about Dillian Ryan tensed up, he explained to me that Dillian goes by ‘Death Wyrm’ now, he’s spent the last two weeks tormenting the city, and eventually I brought up Leanne,
“That Dr. Leanne is a jerk though, when I got out of the medical wing she just introduced herself, told me that she would run some tests and insulted Crane.” Lily seemed to agree because she replied,
“Yeah the first day she got here she told me I was ugly, and had me escorted into the testing chamber and forced me to fly for as long as I could or else I would get shocked.” Upon hearing this I feel rage flare up inside me, I flare out my wings and fly straight towards Leanne's office,
“You threatened Lily with being shocked?! What is wrong with you?” Leanne just looked at me stone faced and told me,
“You dragonkin are nothing but freaks that look interesting, you should not be treated like humans, you are tools.” I just stand there, shocked until the dam just breaks, I roared, I grabbed her by the collar and I slash her face with a claw,
“Tools? TOOLS?! The only tool in here is you! First you insult Crane, someone who died only two weeks ago! Then I learned you threatened one of my friends with a shock if they stopped playing your sick little game!” I feel the fire rise in my throat, I open my mouth, but then I see the look in her eyes, fear, absolute, paralyzing fear, I hesitate, and think to myself, oh my god, what am I doing? I release Leanne and walk out of the room, as I’m leaving I hear Leanne bellow from behind me,
“Where do you think you’re going?” I glare back, I don’t need to answer her, but because I know she will hurt my friends if I don’t I tell her what I’m doing, I explain.
“I’m going after Dillian, don’t try to stop me.” I can tell that Leanne is angry, I can feel her eyes shooting daggers at me, she clearly disagrees with me,
“Oh no you don’t, listen to me you bloated gecko, we did not spend millions tracking you down for you to play superhero!” I just walk away from her and go to the cafeteria to tell Lily and Ryan, they of course freak out at me, saying that I should not go after Dillian, that he’d kill me, and that I should stay here, but I look at them with all of the emotion in the world, I tell them
“Look, I know that Dillian would probably kill me, but I at least might tire him out enough for the police or military to stop him, but it’s more than that, I can’t let him hurt innocent people.” Lily and Ryan look at me, Lily hugs me, and tells me,
“Don’t you dare die or I will kill you.” I look at her, And I say to Ryan,
“I hope she’s joking.” Ryan looks at me and punches my arm,
“You are a good friend man, I hope you live through this.” I look at Ryan and Lily, knowing that this might be the last time I see them, I hug them both, and I flare out my wings and I fly off.
As I sped off towards Dillian, no, Death Wyrm, he stopped being Dillian when he killed Dr. Crane, one thought was going through my mind, am I going to survive this? It doesn’t really matter, as long as Death Wyrm gets what he deserves, when I arrive in the city I look around from above first, I decide to stop by my old apartment, I remember when My dad helped me find this place before he died, it has looked weird since I had my stuff moved into my room at the Kadmus site, I decide to sit down on the floor, when all of a sudden I hear a click and a secret safe opens from the wall. Inside I find a video message to me from my dad, along with an envelope, with the words for when I’m gone written on it, I look through the envelope and I find an old Kadmus keycard for my dad, so that's what his work was, I knew he was secretive but damn, A few other papers that talk about dragons, turns out, Kadmus had been looking into the dragons for years, although these papers are odd, as if my dad had prior knowledge of the dragons. The ball drops when I play the video message it says, 
>Hello, James, if you are watching this then I’m probably dead. In the envelope that you have found alongside this message, there is also my old keycard, it will give you full access to any Kadmus site. Along with my personal notes on the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and some vague knowledge of a supposed fourth dragon species, including some vague diet, and possible weaknesses, but if you’ve already read them, then that means you have seen that the Flying flame drake notes are more definitive, that’s because I am also a dragonkin, I only inherited physical strength from our ancestors, but I have a feeling you will have more characteristics, but I am saying this because you need to know the history behind our ancestors, and the rest.<
I look at the message and wait for it to continue, until a small piece of paper slips out of the metal box that is the message, when I open it I find out that in the beginning of the dragons, there were supposedly four species, the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and the Wyrms, until the Wyrms struck out, they had felt as though due to there inability to fly, that the other dragons thought less of them, the dragons were forced to lock away the Wyrms deep beneath what would one day be called Australia, and then man arose, and along with them the first dragonkin, Tiamat, a Flying flame dragonkin, as my dad called him, but the humans lived in fear of the dragons, eventually driving them to the bleeding cut edge of extinction using their advancing technology, eventually humans all but forgot about dragons, reducing them to myth or fairy tales. That was more or less all that was written, I committed all of this knowledge to memory, and then I heard a loud boom and some maniacal Dr. Doom esc laughing, I peer out of the window to see Death Wyrm, tormenting people, I leap out of the window and into the air, getting a good angle before dive bombing Death Wyrm, breathing fire on him and slashing him with my claws,
“Hey Dillian, did you miss me?” I laugh, I tried to pull a Ryan and joke myself into feeling confident, and it kinda helped, Death Wyrm roars out in rage,
“Why didn’t you stay out of my way?” He whips his tail up, shooting spines out at me, although thanks to my practice I manage to dodge them, I decide to not make a joke and just stay quiet for now, I remember something a security guard once told me, if the enemy is in range so are you, don’t just talk, actually attack, I know that I am in range for a fireblast but Dillian doesn’t know that, I shout out,
“Those spines must really hurt, but not as much as my claws!” I suddenly make a sharp turn and get in close with my talons, I first duck beneath Death Wyrms hook, and slash at his stomach, I then dodge a spine shot, and quickly follow up and through with a tail whip, knocking him off balance, then quickly blast fire right at his feet, but I didn’t see that Death Wyrms tail had grabbed my leg before it had already thrown me two blocks away, I was getting up when I felt a Burning pain in my arm, when I looked to see, it was one of Death Wyrms spines, It had only penetrated the outermost muscle tissue, I would heal in a few weeks but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hades, I rip the spine out and breath fire on the wound in order to cauterize it, when I suddenly feel Death Wyrms tail around my throat, choking me, and I am all of a sudden pinned to a wall, with my mouth bound shut, great it’s the boot all over again, I see Death Wyrm, he’s grabbing the spine I ripped out, he walks towards me, and he gives me a small speech,
“You know James, if you weren’t so noble I’d actually have let you join me, I never wanted to kill you, but you leave me no choice.” He lifts the spike up, when all of a sudden he is blasted back seemingly by a freakishly strong gust of wind, wait, that's a thermal updraft, I turn to see the best sight I could have seen, Ryan and Lily! Ryan opens his mouth first and I couldn’t be more thankful for his humor,
“Nobody treats James like that but me!” He then flies into battle riding on a thermal, while Lily freed me, she slices through the binding on my mouth and I immediately ask,
“What are you guys doing here?” Lily opens her mouth to answer but Ryan cuts in with being thrown into a wall
“Me and Lily are saving you, idiot, speaking of which a little help here?” Me and Lilly help Ryan up and we all get ready for a fight, but before we can charge in, Lily hands me a headmic,
“Here put this on,” I do as she says and suddenly Leanne's voice buzzes in through the speaker,
“Well it’s about time,” I am just happy to have some help with knowing my surroundings,
“Whatever happened to ‘we didn’t spend millions tracking you for you to play superhero?’” If Leanne heard me she didn’t answer, I just started to run towards Death Wyrm, before I took off alongside Lily and Ryan, I felt a familiar rage build up in my veins, I allow the rage to drive me forward, I feel the heat, the fire, rushing to every vein in my body, building along with all of the rage in my life, I gather my thoughts, a raging body is good for combat but a raging mind is bad for victory, when this feeling washes over me, I finally feel calm, I feel at peace, I never want this feeling to end, I open my snout, and unleash a twisting, flowing, blooming tunnel of flames,wounding Death Wyrm and distracting him long enough for Ryan to swing in with a bladed tail to his back, followed by Lily, biting into Death wyrms tail, as Death Wyrm roars I dive in and I do something unexpected, I talk to him,
“Dillian, I thought of you as a little brother, but you killed someone I cared about, I am sorry but, we need to take you in.” Death Wyrm roars, he writhes, up until Lily’s venom takes hold and he falls to the ground, defeated, a news reporter had been, well reporting, nearby and walked up to me, and asked me for an interview,
“Under normal circumstances I would agree, but not right now.” I wave as I signal to Ryan, it takes an embarrassingly long time for him to get the hint that I want him to create a thermal under Death Wyrm in order to transport him, but he follows my lead, and before we know it, we are flying toward the Kadmus site, but as we fly, I yell behind me,
“Hey, go ahead, I’ll… I’ll catch up.” Lily looks at me while Ryan just zooms ahead, no questions asked,
“Okay what are you doing?” I just look at her, feeling conflicted about telling her about my dad, for all I know this could get me in trouble, or worse, I make a split second decision,
“I… I think I saw something.” surprisingly it works, I swoop back towards the city and back to my old apartment and I grab the message from my dad, his keycard and the papers, I then fly off with them clenched between my arms and my body, I then fly into the Kadmus site, and discreetly go to my room, in order to hide them, I then get out of the site, and fly back into it acting like nothing happened, and to my surprise, there was a celebration waiting for me, there was cake, and wine, and even a nice Irish whiskey, eventually I asked about Death Wyrm, and turns out he was placed in a secure facility, deep under the site, and that anyone with high enough clearance could go down there, I decide that that is probably for the best.
After the celebration, I go into my room, and pull out the message, I look over it, Dad was a big fan of puzzles, so maybe this message is a puzzle? After several minutes fiddling with it, the message began to whir, and it then showed a place for a fingerprint, gotcha, I placed my thumb on the finger print and it pricked me, like I was getting my blood drawn. After that a key fell out of the message box, and a keyhole on the side, I of course used the key, which then played a different message,
Hello James, and I know it's you who will be watching this, at the time of making this message I am about to help you “find” an apartment, this is one that will only play for other people if you give them access and get a blood sample, the key you used is a one of a kind, and allows you full access to pre-recorded messages, and answers for certain questions, I hope that there will come a time when you don’t need it, but, knowing you, you will probably forget what the messages say within an hour, but anyway, I hope that this helps you greatly, here is a list of topics that the message box can give you data on.< The video then becomes like an interactable encyclopedia, where I can read the list at my own pace, I skim through it before my eyes lock on one entry, Dr. Crane Williams, I open the entry and i read about Crane, turns out, he was my fathers research partner and close friend, and the two of them met in college because they had managed to win a competition that landed them tuition for any college of their choosing, and they became friends after my dad stopped somebody from messing with Crane, there was a whole lot more there about Cranes upbringing, his family, his education, but I had to cut it short when Leanne entered my room, unannounced,
“What are you doing?” She glared, in her usual condescending tone, I am not in the mood for this “Jump off a cliff.” I growl, as I tuck the message away, but she sees it, and by the look on her face she could tell what I was looking at, “Let me guess, a message you don’t want anybody seeing?” I hate her but damn it she can connect the dots well, “Was it obvious?” I don’t bother denying it, she’ll just be a jerk about it, “No, I’m just used to being lied to, who's the message from?” Leanne nods at the message box, 
“It’s from my dad, he apparently worked at Kadmus and was friends with Crane.” The fact that my dad both worked ant Kadmus and was friends with crane seem to shock her, what’s really shocking though is what she asks next,
“Was your dad by chance Shane O’Maley?” I look at her, confused, “He was, why?” Leanne immediately seems to get shell shock, as she starts to geek out, “James your father was pretty much science royalty, I would have done anything to speak to him, oh my god I insulted the dead friend of Shane O’Maley, and of his son!” I feel angry that she brought that up again, but now feels like I can get something good out of this, “Ok I’ll make you a deal, if you only do tests with me and the other dragonkin willing to do so, and make sure not to do things like threatening to shock us if we don’t do what you want, I’ll tell you stories about my dad, deal?” It was almost impressive how quickly she answered, 
“Deal! Shock threats, exhaustion tests, and anything else like that is gone!” I am really happy that I can do stuff like that. That is the best ability ever.*1
*1 WIP
submitted by LossLucky4012 to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:21 HeadspaceBrainfart He’s 28/M, I’m 30/M: Did I just confused my overthinking with my gut feeling?

I’ve been in a same-sex relationship for quite sometime. had 3 exes including the most recent and probably the most manipulative and traumatic I ever had and the last that I’ll allow.
I had a solo trip to Taiwan last November 2023 to clear my headspace and with hopes of moving on from my 2nd ex-boyfriend. I’ve been to places but that was the first time I’ve traveled alone. I rode the Cable car from Taipei zoo to Mao Kong Gandola, that’s roughly 30mins. I was joined by this cute couple (both male). I’m assuming here but they seem like from different country. I can’t hold my thought so I initiated talking to them (they strike to me as very shy). I uttered “You two look cute together”. The Caucasian looking man answered “Yeah! Thank you, I appreciate you telling us that” and we began conversing and even shared the best Night Market to try something out. We parted ways at the end of station. When it’s time to head back, I got lucky and had the cable car all by myself. That trip was a moment. My hopeless Romantic Self just kinda hit, I plead and prayed to God to accord me my partner for life and never will I take him for granted, I’ll nurture our relationship bla! Bla! Bla! Among other words of petitions.
Fast forward, Feb 1, 2024 Someone message me asking my whereabout. I stalked him and he’s nowhere near my province-Batanes (Philippines). Based on his profile, He’s currently working in Makati. So Nah! I don’t thrive in long distance relationships. A rock-hard pass for me. The next day, he messaged me and ask if I can join him to a local bar. To my surprise, he’s working here in my province since September 2023 and told me that he hasn’t updated his bio then. So yeah. Game on! let’s hit it. Thanks, Cupid! Let’s give it a try. We had good time together, met his friends and got their approval. I want to assume that they kinda like me for him. We’re on the same page (atleast that’s what I believed). Its that “rainbows, butterflies and compromise” from the song. I’m loving this feeling. I found myself believing in love again. We went out publicly, we enjoyed our shared interests- beach and snorkeling. Late bednight talks, honest intellectual discourse, movie night, and hitting off the convenience store for ‘Samyang’ noodles. One casual visit at the convenience store, I saw this familiar guy at the cashier. With face mask on, I’m thinking I’ve seen this somewhere else. And yes. It registered, He’s the reason why I’m single before meeting the person I’m with now. This b*tch stole my then boyfriend from me. Anyway, I don’t want to make a buzz about it but I’ve told my boyfriend the whole story and asked him if by any chance that guy messaged him. He said No and firmly assured me that he’s way out of his league. We sometimes go home at 1am. We just can’t stop talking about anything and everything-the things we did for love. Some find it silly but it feeds my soul being with him, it hits differently with your special someone. I’ll do it over and over again.
The butterflies are still there but the time I dread eventually happened. We’re separating for 10 days. He’s going to wedding of his cousin in Manila and I’m part of an entourage for a wedding in a nearby island (I got there by airplane). The ship we’re in began to shake us but our love is stronger than ever. Communication and trust were the foundation of our relationship. We constantly video call and I’ve never felt a sense of insecurity all throughout his vacation in Manila, Elyu and Baguio. He has my full trust and we talked about it. The days have passed and vacation was over. He returned in Batanes on Friday (wedding day that I attended) and I’m still on the other island and will head back to Batanes on Saturday. I was sad that I can’t pick him up at the airport. Good enough that he has friends who can do that on my behalf.
Friday, the day he returned to Batanes was a fine sunny day. He landed safely at 8am and he called me saying he’s gonna sleep. The wedding ceremony ended at 10:30am and for some strange.. very bothering and strange reason. I felt a chill down my spine and felt the need to call him. Idk what went on to my head but there’s this voice telling me that “Call him! Call him right now!” There this itch that needs scratching and this will only be satisfied by calling him. So I did. I called him 3 times before He answered. Strangely, He’s at the Rest room sitting in the toilet with no clothes at all. I overthink and confronted him immediately “Who’s with you? I know you have someone in there”. Ofcourse why would he reveal if there’s any. He just gaslit me and said I’m just over reacting. It doesn’t make sense. He already had his shower before dozing off at 8am, why would he take a shower 2 hours later? I mean. It doesn’t add up. He ended the call and take his clothes on and started calling me. He swiped the whole place with his phone camera reassuring me that no one was there. The heck! Ofcourse if there was someone in there, he/she probably stormed out the moment I called or atleast when he/she had the chance. Anyway, He just wanted me to go back there. I didn’t enjoyed the wedding I attended because I was preoccupied by my thoughts. I even called the airline if there’s an available flight that moment so I can rush my way back. That afternoon, I strolled and made a video recording saying “if you’re watching this, we’re probably on our first anniversary. Today is April 12, 2024 at 6:14 pm I’m at ****** We’re being challenged now and I refuse to give up on you…..” I was suppose to let him watch that video on our 1st anniversary. Sweet huh?!
Saturday, after we landed in Basco I dropped my things to our house. Took a shower and before I went to his boarding house I pass by first to the Cathedral to pray and asked for guidance then I head to his place. I gave him a bouquet of flower and we talked about it. He said he wanted to break up coz’ he’ll eventually move to other place and he knew that I don’t thrive in LDR. I refuse and I just told him we’ll make it through and we’ll cross the bridge when we get there. So yeah! We’re back on the game.
He decided to move to different apartment and someone recommended this place, we repainted it and get it all fixed. We build our dreams, we talked about how he’ll cook for me and pick me up after my shift. We’re dreaming and building our own future and even talked about going to Japan. He bought a cat adding up to the whole romantic setting. I can’t believe we’re a furdaddies.
The truth unravels
One afternoon after I pick him up from his workplace, we checked his apartment (he hasn’t move in yet). We saw the guy who once worked in the convenience store (cashier) on our way to the apartment. Strangely he smiled at my boyfriend and what’s more strange is that my boyfriend smiled back as if they knew each other. So I parked the motorcycle and we went upstair. I can’t just disregard what I just witnessed. I asked him as calm as possible if he knew that guy. He said he met him when he once hit the gym. I immediately sensed a lie here. I told him “Actually, if you quite remember we saw that guy when we are dating and you told me that you haven’t met him and you haven’t went to the gym since then or atleast while we’re together”. I never imagined myself asking him his phone but I did. He unlocked it for me and immediate searched his name on his fb messenger but no messages. I checked his instagram and Voila! It’s a floodgate of cheating messages. The worst part was that the funny and ‘kilig’ videos he sent me were also sent to that guy. Oh! And I thought I was damn special. The story doesn’t end there. Brace yourself. There’s someone who pick him up when he arrived at the airport and it wasn’t one of his tight-knitted friends. Guess who’s the guy? And yes! He’s actually at his boarding house when I “overreact”while I’m at a wedding and yes! They had sex on the same bed we slept in. The final nail to the coffin? They did it twice and I highly doubt that. They probably did it a couple of times but it doesn’t matter. I’m let karma take its toll.
I’m feeling the pain and I hope I self-soothe and bounce back from it. I confused my overthinking with my gut-feeling.
submitted by HeadspaceBrainfart to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:18 ifuckedthefamlycat My thoughts on the gods after finishing the first series. [Pjo]

So for starters, I hate how prophecies can't be changed, like at that point what the hell is the point, makes it really redundant.
Second, the gods are all pompous pricks and I will be making a list with my reasons as to why. Starting from most hated.
  1. zues(need I explain?)
  2. Athena (for a goddess of wisdom she sure is foolish and prideful, does not like admitting she was mistaken, makes me wonder what her definition of wisdom is)
  3. Aphrodite (again, need I explain?) 4 ares (you know why)
  4. Hera (I just hate her)
  5. Hades (prick)
  6. Apollo (he's cool sometimes)
  7. Hephaestus (he's cool I guess)
  8. Dionysus (at least he's honest about how shitty a person he is and admits that the gods are flawed) 10.poisodion (he's nice but I do not like him, better have a good excuse for cheating on his wife and also him saying that pery was his favourite just rubbed me the wrong way, a father shouldnt pick favourites. Also he's kind of an arrogant prick too, and I think Percy is was to quick to forgive for most everything) 11.artmis (bad ass that actually has a freaking conscience) (Legit feel bad for him, best of the gods by far, isn't as arrogant or pompous or vain or anything, just seemed like a guy trying his best in a hopeless situation.)
  9. hesitia (she's cool, would love to see more of her, love how she was given hope)
Honestly I could go on and on about how much I detest the gods and most other immortals but that would make paragraphs upon paragraph. Now I want to see none of this is in complain to the books, I think the gods were written very well for immortal beings who embody a societies ideals, only one I would have had a problem with was Hades since I kind like the guy but he was made to be a prick and man child (like all three of the brothers).
Anyways the books have been a blast and I can't wait to start reading more. If anyways would like to discuss hatred against the gods please do so, I have a lot of pent up anger from reading I need to let go of.
submitted by ifuckedthefamlycat to camphalfblood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 Significant-Tower146 Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack
Get ready to explore the innovative world of AGM Rattler Battery Pack! This roundup article will take you on a thrilling adventure of discovering the latest and greatest features of the AGM Rattler Battery Pack. From its cutting-edge technologies to its seamless performance, we'll dive deep into what sets this battery apart from the competition. So buckle up, and get ready for a journey that will leave you energized and excited about the future of battery technology.

The Top 19 Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

  1. High-Capacity 75Ah AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Easy Carry Handles - Experience reliable power delivery and peace of mind with the WSB1275 75Ah Agm Sealed Lead Acid Battery from Wayne Water Systems, designed for optimal performance and safety.
  2. High-Performance 12V 160 CCA Thunderbolt Magnum AGM Battery - Reliable, rugged, and versatile, the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery is perfect for constant voltage input and electric start generators, making it a top choice for outdoor enthusiasts and professionals alike.
  3. Extreme Heavy-Duty 12V 22AH SLA Battery for Demanding Jump Starter Applications - Experience exceptional performance, reliability, and longevity with the Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah Replacement Battery – the ultimate companion for your Die-Hard Portable Jump Starter 1150.
  4. 12V 9Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery with 2.56" Depth and 3.94" Height - The Mighty Max ML9-12NB 12V 9Ah NB Terminal Rechargeable Seal is a high-performance 12V 9AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery, perfect for any position, resisting shocks and vibrations while providing long-lasting performance in high and low temperatures.
  5. Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter: High-Performance AGM Battery Pack with Easy Charging and Reverse Hook-up Protection - The Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter, boasting a high-output AGM battery, offers powerful performance with multiple charging options and safety features, making it a reliable and easy-to-use jump starter for all your starting needs.
  6. Long-lasting AGM Voyager Battery for Enhanced Deep Cycle Performance - The ACDelco M24AGM Professional AGM Voyager Battery offers top-tier performance with maintenance-free design and innovative technologies, ensuring safety and durability in your vehicle.
  7. High Output 12V AGM Car Battery for Superior Audio Performance - Experience unbeatable power and superior quality performance with the Xs Power D3400 12V AGM Battery, featuring maximum 3300A output and an unmatched combination of durability, reliability, and modern design.
  8. Maintenance-Free Powersport AGM Battery for ATV, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Use - Experience hassle-free powersport adventures with the Power Sonic Battery PTX20LBS-FS, featuring 12V 18Ah, 290 CCA, spill-proof AGM construction, and factory activation for immediate, maintenance-free use with ATVs, motorcycles, and more.
  9. Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery: Long-Lasting, High-Performance Solution - Upgrade to the advanced AGM Super Cycle Battery from Victron Energy, offering superior performance and longer lifespan, while maintaining a compact and lightweight design.
  10. Interstate 12V 26Ah AGM Battery with Nut and Bolt Terminal for Universal Fit - Experience ultimate performance with the Interstate Batteries SLA1146, a maintenance-free and spill-proof 12V 26Ah battery featuring AGM & VRLA technology, perfect for a wide range of applications.
  11. Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Maintenance-Free AGM Replacement Battery - The Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery offers maintenance-free AGM technology, ensuring optimal performance and durability, with a quick charging speed and long cord length for flexibility.
  12. Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery - Upgrade your energy storage with the Victron Energy BAT412025081 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5), featuring excellent recharge performance, high discharge efficiency, and reliable absorption, making it a versatile and efficient choice for your needs.
  13. Affordable, Portable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery - Energize your devices with the Mighty Max 12V 100Ah SLA Battery (ML100-12) - a rechargeable, maintenance-free, and durable option for all your power needs.
  14. Mighty Max ML15-12 12V 15AH SLA Battery for Rechargeable Devices - The Mighty Max Battery ML15-12 is a long-lasting, rechargeable 12V 15Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery designed for a variety of applications, offering wide operating temperatures, high discharge rate, and deep discharge recovery.
  15. High-Quality Sealed Battery for Rattler 110 and More Models - Keep your Rattler 110, Kymco People 50, Honda Elite, and other compatible bikes charged and efficient this winter with the high-quality, off-branded Prima Battery 12V TX5L-BS, featuring sealed construction and easy-to-use acid cartridges.
  16. AGM G50 External Battery Pack Kit for NVG Night Vision Goggles - Extend operational time of night vision goggles and securely attach to helmets with the AGM G50 External Battery Pack Kit, perfect for those who demand reliability and convenience.
  17. Expert-Tested Deep-Cycle AGM Marine Battery for Durability and Performance - Experience enhanced durability and reliable performance with the Bass Pro Shops Power Series Deep-Cycle AGM Marine Battery, perfect for both cranking/starting and deep-cycle usage in any marine environment.
  18. Factory-activated spill-proof battery with 12 volts and 6 amp-hours - Experience the power of Power-Sonic PTX7LBS-FS, a fully sealed, spill-proof battery offering advanced technology for unparalleled performance and protection in any harsh weather condition.
  19. Portable Powerful 2000 Peak Amp Agm Battery Jump Starter - Schumacher DSR157 ProSeries Jump Starter - Powerful 2000 peak amps for large engines, reverse hook-up warning, and portable charging options for all your devices.
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🔗High-Capacity 75Ah AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Easy Carry Handles
Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Wayne Water Systems WSB1275 battery in my basement sump pump. This maintenance-free, sealed lead-acid battery pack has made my life easier and more worry-free, thanks to its 75Ah capacity and 12V voltage. With its handles making it easy to move around, I am now free from the hassle of constantly monitoring and maintaining the battery levels.
One of the most impressive features of this battery is the consistent power supply it provides, ensuring that my backup sump pump remains ready to kick in at a moment's notice. This reliable performance has given me peace of mind, especially during the recent storms that have brought about power outages in my area. The battery also charges quickly, so I'm always prepared for any situation.
However, there is one drawback I've encountered. While the battery works reliably, the instructions provided for installation are quite complicated and could have been simplified. Additionally, I did notice that the battery's capacity can sometimes be slightly less than advertised, which might require an adjustment in your expectations.
In summary, the Wayne Water Systems WSB1275 battery offers a top-quality, reliable solution for my basement sump pump needs. With its impressive charging capabilities and consistent power supply, I highly recommend this product for anyone looking for a reliable and easy-to-use battery pack for their sump pump system.

🔗High-Performance 12V 160 CCA Thunderbolt Magnum AGM Battery
I recently tried the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery, and I must say, it has some impressive features. What stood out to me is the rugged design and the versatile top-mounted terminals that make it a suitable choice for various generators, including those made by Predator.
While using this battery, I found it to be quite efficient in providing constant voltage input, which is crucial for an electric start generator. It successfully powered both my generator and an ATV without any issues. The battery's compact size made it convenient to install and mount on the generator.
However, one downside I encountered was the reversed polarity terminals. It took me a bit of time to figure out the issue during installation. Additionally, some customers mentioned facing difficulty in finding replacements for this battery, as most other units do not fit the same specifications.
Overall, the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery has proven to be a reliable and functional option for powering electric start generators. But be aware of the possible reversed polarity terminals and the difficulty in finding compatible replacements.

🔗Extreme Heavy-Duty 12V 22AH SLA Battery for Demanding Jump Starter Applications
Imagine a situation where you're stuck on the side of the road, and your car isn't starting. You pull out a small device, no bigger than a pencil box, and within minutes, your car roars to life. That's the magic of a portable jump starter.
The Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah is a versatile device that serves as a replacement for your Die Hard Portable Jump Starter. It's a maintenance-free 12V 22AH Sealed Lead Acid battery, known for its spill-proof nature and high discharge rate. This battery is designed to handle a wide range of temperatures, making it suitable for use in both high and low temperatures.
One of the most impressive things about this battery is its ability to resist shocks and vibration. It can be mounted in any position, making it a convenient option for those who are always on the move. And let's not forget the bonus of having a long service life and the ability to recover from deep discharge situations, which is particularly useful in emergency situations.
Now, let's talk about my personal experience with the Mighty Max Battery. I've used it to jump-start my car during a surprise power outage, and it worked like a charm. It's compact, which made it easy to store in my glove compartment, and it fits perfectly into the port on my Die Hard jump starter.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The product doesn't come with a wire harness or mounting accessories, which means you'll have to purchase those separately if you don't already have them. Additionally, the battery's weight might be a concern for some, but for me, it wasn't a deal-breaker.
Overall, the Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah is a powerful and reliable option for anyone in need of a portable jump starter. It's easy to use, long-lasting, and has a compact design that makes it a convenient option for those always on the go. Despite the minor inconvenience of not having all necessary accessories included, the Mighty Max Battery more than makes up for it with its performance and durability.

🔗12V 9Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery with 2.56" Depth and 3.94" Height
In my quest for a reliable battery, I stumbled upon the Mighty Max Battery ML9-12NB. At first glance, the size may seem smaller than expected, but don't let that hold you back. This little guy is a force to be reckoned with!
Powered by a 12V 9AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) rechargeable maintenance-free battery, it effortlessly outperforms its counterparts in various conditions. UL certified and ready to take on any position, it resists shocks and vibrations with ease while maintaining its long-lasting high performance.
The best part? It's spill-proof and boasts a high discharge rate, wide operating temperatures, and an extended service life. And the deep discharge recover? A true game-changer when it comes to battery efficiency.
Despite its small stature, the ML9-12NB holds its own in the big leagues, proving that good things often come in unexpected packages.

🔗Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter: High-Performance AGM Battery Pack with Easy Charging and Reverse Hook-up Protection
I've been using the Schumacher DSR ProSeries Jump Starter in my daily life for a few months now, and I must say it's been quite the reliable companion. When I needed to jumpstart my car the other day, it took me just a few minutes to get everything connected and running smoothly. The 525 cranking amps and 350 cold cranking amps really make a difference in those crucial moments.
One thing that really stood out to me was the easy-to-read digital display and ON/OFF switch. They made it easy for me to keep track of the battery life and to ensure I wasn't draining it unnecessarily. However, I did notice that the 60-inch cable length wasn't quite long enough to reach my car when it was parked in the driveway, so I had to make a few adjustments.
I particularly appreciate Schumacher's safety features like the reverse hook-up safeguard alarm, which makes sure that the clamps are connected to the battery correctly. Having this safety feature has given me peace of mind when jumpstarting my car or helping friends in need.
This jump starter is well-built and seems to be quite durable. It's a little bit heavy to carry around, but it's certainly sturdy enough to handle the job. The 2.1-amp USB port and 12V DC outlet added bonus features that I've come to appreciate during my camping trips and other outdoor activities.
In conclusion, I highly recommend the Schumacher DSR ProSeries Jump Starter. It has proven to be an invaluable addition to my daily life, and I know I can always count on it when I need to get my car back up and running.

🔗Long-lasting AGM Voyager Battery for Enhanced Deep Cycle Performance

The ACDelco Professional AGM Voyager battery has been a game-changer in my daily life. With its maintenance-free Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) technology, I no longer have to worry about water spills or leaks. The deep cycle performance has been outstanding, and the leak-proof pressurized valve system ensures safety and longevity.
However, there's one minor downside: the battery warning in California can be concerning. Overall, this premium aftermarket battery has exceeded my expectations in terms of fit, form, and functionality.

🔗High Output 12V AGM Car Battery for Superior Audio Performance
I've always been a fan of the XS Power D3400 12V AGM Battery. It's been my go-to power source for my car's audio system. I could definitely feel the difference in the quality once I switched to this battery. The absorption glass mat technology really works wonders!
One of the best things about this battery is its high output. With a max of 3,300 amps, it really powers my speakers. The M6 terminal hardware which comes alongside also adds to the convenience. The battery is classified for OE fit and runs on a wide range of watts, making it versatile for different audio setups.
However, the packaging of the battery wasn't as satisfactory. The battery box came damaged and there were instances where the label peeled off. As far as the terminal hardware, it seems some customers found it missing from their package.
Despite those minor issues, I'm still impressed with this battery's performance. It's durable, reliable, and has definitely elevated the audio quality of my ride. Overall, I would say it's a great power source for any serious audio setup.

🔗Maintenance-Free Powersport AGM Battery for ATV, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Use
I had the chance to test out the Power Sonic Battery PTX20LBS-FS in my motorcycle, and I must say, it made quite an impression. This 12-volt battery with 18 ampere hours and an impressive cold cranking amperage of 200 proved to be extremely convenient to use. The best part? It's spill-proof and completely sealed, ensuring maximum safety.
The maintenance-free aspect of this battery was a game-changer for me. With no need for acid handling during activation, I could worry less and focus on my riding adventure. Just like the product description stated, all it took was to pop it into my motorcycle and I was good to go!
However, I noticed that it wasn't the most durable battery I've ever used. The lifespan of this battery wasn't as long as I hoped for. Despite this, the Power Sonic Battery still worked perfectly for its intended purpose and provided plenty of energy for my powersport vehicle.

🔗Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery: Long-Lasting, High-Performance Solution

The Victron Energy BAT412025081, also known as the 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5), has been a game-changer in my daily life. I've had the opportunity to use this battery in numerous scenarios and I must say, I can't help but share my experience.
Firstly, the AGM Super Cycle technology is truly remarkable. Unlike traditional batteries, these super cycle batteries can handle occasional or frequent partial discharges without any issues. Their smaller size and reduced weight make them an attractive choice for those who are particular about the battery size.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I noticed too. While the battery is designed to prevent sulfation during deep discharge, one has to be careful with frequent deep discharges, as it could reduce the battery's life span. Also, the slightly higher voltage during recharge can strain some battery connections.
Overall, I am quite impressed with this battery's performance. It has proven to be reliable, easy to use, and quite efficient, even with the occasional drawbacks.

🔗Interstate 12V 26Ah AGM Battery with Nut and Bolt Terminal for Universal Fit
I've been using this Interstate Batteries 12V 26Ah SLA/AGM battery in my daily life for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer! . Not only does it fit perfectly in my vehicle, but it's also incredibly reliable and long-lasting. The AGM technology ensures it's maintenance-free and spill-proof, making my life so much easier.
However, it's worth mentioning that the battery is quite heavy, which can be a bit of a hassle when transporting it. Overall, I highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient battery replacement.

🔗Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Maintenance-Free AGM Replacement Battery
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery. As someone who relies on jump starters frequently, I was excited to see if this one would live up to the hype.
The battery itself is a maintenance-free AGM technology, which means I no longer have to worry about adding acid or water. I found this to be a huge time-saver, especially when I was in a rush. Additionally, it was important to note that this is a replacement battery and not a complete starter pack, so I had to use my existing cables and hardware.
One standout feature of this battery is the charging speed. It quickly charges and then switches to maintain mode, protecting the battery from overcharging. This was particularly helpful when I was using it on a daily basis.
The sturdiness of the battery was also impressive. It had a nice heavy case that gave me confidence in the battery's durability. The cords were long and easy to manage, which was a nice bonus when I needed to reach the back of my vehicle.
Overall, the Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery performed well and I was very pleased with my purchase. Its sturdiness, charging speed, and convenient maintenance-free technology make it a great addition to anyone's tool kit.

🔗Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery
I have been using the Victron Energy BAT412025081 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5) for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. One of the main highlights I've experienced is the ability to handle repeated 100% discharge without any worries. The Super Cycle battery's new paste in the positive plates allows for slightly less sensitivity to softening.
Another aspect I appreciate is the significant reduction in sulfation during deep discharge, thanks to new additives in the electrolyte. However, I have noticed that the weight of this battery seems to be fractionally more compared to its standard Victron counterparts.
In terms of downsides, the battery's dimensions and weight are slightly larger and heavier than the standard Deep Cycle AGM batteries, which might be a concern for those with limited storage space or weight restrictions. Overall, the Victron Energy BAT412025081 has proven to be a reliable and efficient solution for my needs, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

🔗Affordable, Portable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery
The Mighty Max battery has been a game changer in my experience. I switched to this sealed lead-acid battery when my old one started causing issues, and I have not looked back since. I use this 12V, 100Ah SLA battery to power my outdoor devices, and the consistent power supply it provides is quite impressive. The rechargeable feature is definitely a plus, allowing me to use the same battery multiple times without worrying about constantly having to replace it.
One of the aspects that I appreciate the most about this product is its durability. Despite being subjected to various outdoor conditions, the Mighty Max battery has been quite rugged and held up well. The spill-proof feature is a welcomed addition as well, ensuring that my device never gets damaged due to accidents.
That being said, there are a couple of minor downsides to this product. One of them is the weight; it is a bit on the heavier side, which may pose inconvenience when transporting it. Additionally, while the battery offers a decent amount of capacity, the performance under heavy load conditions can be somewhat inconsistent at times.
In summary, the Mighty Max battery, despite its minor flaws, has been a reliable and long-lasting addition to my device setup. Its portability could be improved slightly, but overall, I am quite pleased with my purchase.

🔗Mighty Max ML15-12 12V 15AH SLA Battery for Rechargeable Devices
I've been enjoying using the Mighty Max Battery Ml15-12 in my daily life. With a voltage of 12V and a capacity of 15Ah, it's been a reliable power source for my various needs. I especially love how it's compatible with many devices, like the Goal Zero Escape 150 Power Pack and the Razor Dirt Rocket SX500.
One of the highlights is the battery's spill-proof design, which ensures that it can be used in any position without worrying about leaks. It's also rechargeable, which makes it an eco-friendly option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
However, one downside I've noticed is the battery's weight, at 8.78 pounds, which can make it a bit cumbersome to handle. Additionally, it can be challenging to locate all the necessary mounting accessories as they are not included in the package.
Overall, the Mighty Max Battery Ml15-12 has been a trusty companion for my power needs. With its various compatibility options and spill-proof design, it's a reliable choice for those in the market for a high-performance battery with a long service life.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting the right AGM Rattler Battery Pack for your needs, there are a few important factors to consider. This guide will help you understand these factors and make an informed decision.

Important Features

  1. Capacity: The capacity of the battery pack is measured in ampere-hours (Ah). A higher capacity battery will need longer to charge and provide power for a longer period, but it will also be heavier.
  2. Voltage: AGM Rattler Battery Packs are typically rated at 12 volts. Ensure the device you intend to use with the battery pack is compatible with the pack's voltage.
  3. Lifespan: Lithium batteries generally have a longer lifespan compared to other types of batteries. Check the manufacturer's specifications for the expected lifespan of the battery pack.
  4. Size and Weight: Consider the size and weight of the battery pack, as well as the space and weight limitations of your device. A lighter, smaller battery might be more convenient for specific applications.


  1. Intended Use: Determine the primary use for the AGM Rattler Battery Pack. For example, if you need a reliable battery for powering outdoor equipment, you may require a different type of battery than if you were using it for indoor electronics.
  2. Charging Requirements: Check the charging requirements for the battery pack, such as the charging time and the type of charger required.
  3. Environment: If you plan to use the battery pack in extreme temperatures or harsh environments, make sure it can handle those conditions.

General Advice

  1. Read the User Manual: It's essential to read and understand the user manual for your AGM Rattler Battery Pack before using it. This will help you avoid any potential issues and maximize the battery's lifespan.
  2. Keep the Battery Pack Clean: Keeping the battery pack clean and free of debris will help ensure its proper performance and prolong its lifespan.
  3. Store the Battery Pack Properly: Store the battery pack in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its optimal performance and prolong its lifespan.


What is the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is a set of premium automotive AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) batteries designed to provide reliable and long-lasting power to a wide range of vehicles, including trucks, cars, motorcycles, and RVs. These batteries are known for their durability, maintenance-free operation, and exceptional performance in extreme temperatures.

What makes the Agm Rattler Battery Pack different from other automotive battery packs?

The primary difference between the Agm Rattler Battery Pack and other automotive battery packs is the type of technology used in the battery cells. The Rattler utilizes absorbent glass mat (AGM) technology, which offers several advantages over traditional flooded lead-acid batteries. These advantages include: * Increased power output and reliability
  • Longer service life and fewer replacements needed
  • Lower internal resistance for faster charging
  • Higher safety levels due to improved venting and sealing systems
  • Better performance in extreme temperatures and higher humidity environments

What is the warranty on the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack typically comes with a warranty of at least 24 months, depending on the manufacturer. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship, ensuring that the customer receives a high-quality product and peace of mind when making the purchase.

What is the size of the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The size of the Agm Rattler Battery Pack can vary depending on the specific product and the type of vehicle it is designed for. However, most Rattler battery packs have dimensions ranging from 9.5 inches to 10.75 inches in length, 6.9 inches to 7.5 inches in width, and 7.7 inches to 8.3 inches in height. It is essential to consult the product specifications or manufacturer's website to determine the exact size for a specific battery pack.

What are the maintenance requirements for the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is designed to be maintenance-free, eliminating the need for regular checking of the water level and acid levels. You should still periodically check the battery terminals and cables for any corrosion, as well as the overall condition of the battery. Proper charging and handling of the battery are also essential to maintain its optimal performance over time.

Can the Agm Rattler Battery Pack be used as a secondary power source for various electronic devices?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is primarily designed for automotive use, supplying power to vehicles' electrical systems. However, it can also be used as a secondary power source for various electronic devices, especially in emergency situations. It is essential to ensure that the battery pack's capacity and voltage output meet the requirements of the device to prevent damage to either the battery or the device.

Are there any environmental concerns when using the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is made of lead, which can pose environmental concerns when the battery is disposed of improperly. To minimize environmental impact, make sure to recycle the battery at an appropriate location or facility. Check with your local recycling center for more information on proper battery disposal.
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2024.06.02 09:12 GhoulGriin Best Agm Airsoft

Best Agm Airsoft
Welcome to our product review roundup for Agm Airsoft. Get ready to delve into the world of airsoft! We've carefully curated this collection of reviews to provide you with an engaging and informative read that covers everything from the features and benefits of each product to how it compared to other options in the market. By the end of this article, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision on which Agm Airsoft product is the perfect fit for you.

The Top 5 Best Agm Airsoft

  1. Safe and Stylish Airsoft Full Face Mask - Stay protected and stylish with the NINAT Airsoft Mask, featuring full face protection, breathable durability, and a versatile design for Airsoft, CS, Survival games, outdoor parties, and cosplay events.
  2. Airsoft Tactical Paintball Helmet with Dual-Mode Mask - Experience ultimate protection and comfort with our Airsoft Tactical Helmet, designed with a full face mask and goggles, perfect for CS games and paintball shooting.
  3. Upgraded 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh Airsoft Battery for CQB SMG Guns - Experience enhanced power and prolonged runtime with the MIGHTY MAX BATTERY Stick Pack Mini, the perfect replacement for your 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh battery in HK Licensed Airsoft UMP45 Gearbox SMGs.
  4. High-Performance AGM Airsoft Battery for Enhanced Gameplay - Upgrade your Airsoft game with the MIGHTY MAX 9.6V 1600mAh NiMH Battery, providing powerful and long-lasting performance without the hassle of memory effects or needing a full discharge for charging.
  5. High-Performance Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug - Experience exceptional performance and reliability with the Gens Ace 2S1P 7.4V 1200mAh Airsoft Battery, featuring a high-quality Tamiya Plug for seamless connectivity.
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🔗Safe and Stylish Airsoft Full Face Mask
I recently got the NINAT Airsoft Mask and it's been a game-changer for my Airsoft and survival games. One of the biggest pros of this mask is that it's made of high-quality, safe materials like polycarbonate and TPU plastic, which makes it incredibly durable and breathable. I appreciate how the elastic head strap can be easily adjusted to fit my head perfectly, and the foam around the eyes and ears adds a comforting touch.
I also love the security and stability this mask provides - the visor shading is excellent, and the gray single lens works just fine. Plus, the louvered vents help draw warm air out of the mask interior. I've heard some people complain that it's not the most aesthetically pleasing mask out there, but for me, it's all about performance, and this mask truly delivers. It looks cool on the field, protects my face during intense games, and it's ideal for a variety of activities like Airsoft/competition, survival games, outdoor parties, or cosplay.
However, there's one thing to note - I wasn't able to use this mask for shooting high-speed bb's at close range (310FPS within 5 meters) since it doesn't have the ANSI Z87.1 impact rating. So, if you're planning on engaging in activities with bbs shooting, make sure to protect your eyes with another, more suitable mask. All in all, the NINAT Airsoft Mask is a great product that's ideal for many different scenarios - just be sure to use it responsibly!

🔗Airsoft Tactical Paintball Helmet with Dual-Mode Mask
Trying out the Airsoft Tactical Helmet was like stepping into a game of camouflage. With its full face tactical mask and goggles, it felt like a superhero cape wrapped around my head. The soft TPU vent mask design made everything a breeze, as it protected my face while also comfortably fitting.
My favorite feature? The mini fan system! It effortlessly helped to reduce fog and maintain crystal-clear vision while I was darting around playing Airsoft. Even better, the unique dual-mode mask wearing design made it versatile, allowing me to switch between the elastic headband and connecting it to my tactical helmet for full-on protection.
Now, let's talk about the challenges. While the helmet covers a lot of ground, it can be on the heavier side. And sometimes, depending on the game's intensity, you might feel a bit limited in hearing people around you – so, keep an ear out!
Overall, the Airsoft Tactical Helmet proved to be an excellent companion for those living life on an action-packed battlefield. It's a true game-changer, hiding in plain sight, waiting to gear up for the next mission.

🔗Upgraded 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh Airsoft Battery for CQB SMG Guns
In my quest to find the perfect battery for my HK Licensed Airsoft Ump45 Gearbox CQB SMG, I stumbled upon the Mighty Max Battery. This convenient little stick pack was an instant game-changer for my airsoft gun, providing power and longevity beyond my expectations. The ease of use and no need to fully discharge before charging simply added more minutes of action to my playtime.
One notable feature of the Mighty Max Battery is its versatility, easily fitting into most 8.4 volt 1600 mAh NiMH Flat battery packs. The high-performing Specialty cell type ensures that I can enjoy consistent power without burning out. However, the 12-volt size does require a bit of consideration, as not all devices may be compatible. Nevertheless, the benefits of this battery far outweigh any minor inconveniences.
While there were no pre-existing reviews on this product, the Mighty Max Battery remains a hidden gem among airsoft enthusiasts, offering a powerful and reliable solution at an affordable price, providing long-lasting intensity for all your Airsoft Gearbox CQB SMG needs.

🔗High-Performance AGM Airsoft Battery for Enhanced Gameplay
I recently had the chance to try out the Mighty Max 9.6V 1600mAh NiMH Battery for my airsoft gun, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations! The compatibility with various guns on the market was impressive, and it even fits my budget without breaking the bank. I loved how easy it was to operate with no fuss, and no need to fully discharge before charging.
One thing that stood out to me is the advanced NiMH battery technology, which eliminates battery memory effects. I noticed that the battery could be charged anytime, without any hassle. The special design for airsoft guns enabled me to gain power intensity and a longer running time, which was a massive plus.
However, there were a couple of downsides. Despite its easy operation, I found that charging the battery at random times wasn't always the best idea. Another minor issue was the lack of instructions on how to care for the battery properly.
Overall, I highly recommend this battery for airsoft enthusiasts looking for a reliable and long-lasting option. Its superior technology and ease of use make it a top choice compared to NiCd battery packs.

🔗High-Performance Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug
When I first received the Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug, I was excited to see the high quality and attention to detail in the product. This battery boasts excellent performance and durability, making it the perfect addition to any airsoft enthusiast's arsenal.
One of my favorite features of this battery is its efficient and long-lasting performance, thanks to its low internal resistance and high cycle life. The Gens Ace battery pack is designed for various scales of RC models, ensuring it can handle even the most intense airsoft situations.
However, there were a few drawbacks I encountered. Although the battery pack is advertised as suitable for FedEx Ground ONLY with no P. O. Boxes, I found that notifying customers of this limitation upfront would have been helpful to avoid any confusion. Additionally, the Gens Ace C ratings being 20-90% lower than other brands may lead some users to doubt its effectiveness.
In the end, I would recommend the Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug to anyone looking for a high-quality, reliable airsoft battery with a distinct edge in performance and value.

Buyer's Guide

AGM Airsoft is a brand that offers a variety of airsoft products, including guns, pistols, and accessories. Before diving into the purchasing process, consider the following aspects to ensure you make the best-informed decision for your needs.

A crucial factor when deciding on a pistol is its power source. AGM Airsoft offers both electric and gas-powered airsoft pistols. Gas-powered pistols deliver a more realistic recoil, but they require more maintenance. Electric airsoft pistols are generally easier to use and maintain.


AGM Airsoft offers a plethora of accessories that can enhance your overall airsoft experience. Some of these accessories include high-capacity magazines, red dot sights for improved accuracy, and comfortable carrying cases for easier storage and transportation.


When purchasing a gun from AGM Airsoft, you have a few categories to choose from, including shotguns, submachine guns (SMGs), rifles, and light machine guns (LMGs). Each category has its own advantages and disadvantages, so pick the one that best fits your needs. For example, shotguns and SMGs excel in close range combat and are easy to maneuver, while rifles and LMGs have a longer range and a higher rate of fire but may require more skill to use effectively.


  • Budget: AGM Airsoft offers products at various price points, so ensure your chosen items fit within your budget constraints.
  • Performance expectations: Assess the expected performance of your desired product. For example, if you're interested in a high-capacitive magazine, make sure the chosen gun can accommodate it properly.
  • Frequency of use: If you're planning to use your airsoft gear frequently, invest in higher-end, durable products that can withstand wear and tear.
  • Maintenance requirements: Different airsoft products require varying levels of maintenance. Gas-powered pistols, for instance, may need more attention than their electric counterparts.
When purchasing AGM Airsoft products, take into account the power source, accessories available, and the specific gun category that suits your preferences. Consider factors such as budget, performance expectations, frequency of use, and maintenance requirements to make an informed decision. With the right products, you'll be able to enjoy a top-notch airsoft experience.


What is AGM Airsoft?
AGM Airsoft is a well-known brand in the airsoft industry, specializing in the manufacturing of high-quality airsoft guns and accessories. They offer a variety of products suitable for both beginners and seasoned players, ensuring a thrilling and immersive experience.

What makes AGM Airsoft products stand out?

AGM Airsoft is renowned for its commitment to innovation, design, and quality. The brand focuses on building products that provide a balance between performance, durability, and affordability. Additionally, their customer-oriented approach ensures that each customer's needs are catered to.

What types of airsoft products does AGM Airsoft offer?

  • A wide range of airsoft guns, including AEGs (Automatic Electric Guns), GBB (Gas Blowback) guns, and pistols
  • Accessories such as batteries, flashlights, tactical gear, and spare parts

Are AGM Airsoft products suitable for beginners?

Yes, AGM Airsoft offers products suitable for beginners. They have a dedicated collection designed to introduce newcomers to airsoft with easy-to-use equipment that is both affordable and functional.

Where can I buy AGM Airsoft products?

AGM Airsoft products are widely available at both local and online airsoft retailers. However, it is always recommended to research and compare prices and features before making a purchase. You can also check the AGM Airsoft website for authorized dealers in your region.

Does AGM Airsoft offer customer support?

Yes, AGM Airsoft provides customer support to address any inquiries, concerns, or issues related to their products. You can reach their customer support team via email or phone for assistance.

How do I maintain my AGM Airsoft products?

To ensure optimal performance and longevity, it is essential to properly maintain your AGM Airsoft products. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, use high-quality airsoft BBs, and store your equipment in a dry, cool space when not in use. Regular cleaning and lubrication are also important, especially for guns and accessories that experience frequent use.

Does AGM Airsoft have any warranties or return policies?

AGM Airsoft does offer warranties and return policies for their products. Check with the retailer or directly with AGM Airsoft for more information on their specific policies and procedures.

What are some common issues faced with AGM Airsoft products?

  • occasional malfunctions or breakdowns, particularly with more complex gas-powered products
  • minor issues with durability on some parts or accessories

How can I resolve a problem with my AGM Airsoft product?

If you encounter any issues with your AGM Airsoft product, contact their customer support team for assistance. They may be able to assist you with troubleshooting, offer advice on repairs, or provide a suitable solution.
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2024.06.02 09:07 Umitsbooboo Success Story!!!!

Successor : u/Typical-Foundation94
GUYS...I did it, it finally happened for me.This is going to be such a long post but I promise you it's worth it.
First of all thank you admins for deleting my post a few months ago, thank God I don't have it saved anywhere to see how pathetic I was probably.
I met this guy after a terrible break up from a long term relationship and he was everything I ever wanted. Actually, I know I manifested him to start with because I was imagining us together and I just "had a feeling" he was into me even when I was in the long term relationship (towards the end of it).
He was crazy about me just as I imagined. Until he wasn't. I started being all paranoid and insecure that him moving cities will be the end of us and no matter what he would tell me I just knew that we weren't going to last. I was heart broken when he actually told me he can't carry on and that maybe we can cross paths again in the future but he had too much in his life at the time (I don't want to go into detail but to be honest, if I was him, in those given circumstances, I would have said bye too, especially when my mind did this).
Anyway, the break up happened. I was literally devastated. Not because I loved him, I did have feelings for him, but we only dated for a few months. But because I wanted it to be him so badly. When we started dating, I told myself, he will be my husband, no matter what he is the one. So I stuck with that.
As embarrassed as I am to admit, I went all crazy into psychic readings and ended up in so much debt from taking on loans to get the most expensive readings. I would probably do 10-15 readings a day. Spells too, of course. We all know that level of was bad. I cringe looking back at myself. I would do all possible spells and mantras I found on tiktok and scripting and everything. Nothing was working!!! I did that for 4 months. YUCKS, I KNOW. It drained me. However, I know for a fact he "would come back". I knew this from the moment he can't do this anymore. Because one thing about me, they ALL come back and I never lose, ever. I am stubborn as shit. So I knew I had to do anything to get this man. But again nothing was working..all the psychics telling me he'd be back by this date got it all wrong. I still had hope until I lost it all.
Around January-February I came across this community and I began reading it like desperate. I found Neville Goddard. I read it all. I started binge watching all the youtube videos, Sammy Ingram, Roxy, Joseph Alai, Missy Renee, Amanda from Create your Future. I watched it all!!! But that was all I was doing it I was watching it. I did not apply shit.
End of February I decide to get coaching with Sammy Ingram (really don't recommend it at all..huge waste of money and it was nothing like I expected it). She gave me a list of affirmations so I started affirming all day everyday. Somehow, things started moving a bit and I was gaining confidence. But it wasn't enough. I was saying those affirmations like I was trying to change something outside of me, it was all so so exhausting. 1st of April we meet face to face for the first time since the break up and I was so so confident I am on the right path. We met at work but he was lovely, I could see he kept trying to gain my attention and he was complimenting me. Then it stopped. I spiraled badly, I gave up sooooo many times but somehow still persisted. What was I doing wrong? why did all these people get their SP but I can't seem to get shit.
April was pretty bad - I kept pushing through though. Not a single day I stopped affirming and believing that although I feel like absolute crap, this will work and I will get what I want, sometime in the future. But boy, it was a journey!!!!
May-June I started talking to a different guy and he was literally parotting all my affirmations back to me. Everything I wanted SP to tell me I was getting it from him. I was so frustrated. He was an amazing guy, but he was not my SP. I even thought giving up on SP and taking the new guy seriously but no, that was not my end goal. I still did not understand why was this new one telling me I would be an amazing wife, I am stunning, I am so confident, he hasn't met anyone like me, he wanted to spend all his time with me, literally everything I wanted SP to do/say.
Throughout all this time, actually mostly from May onwards I kept testing the law, with small things, just to build my confidence. From manifesting avocado to show up in my fridge (yeah I know, but I needed something weird), to a pay rise (stupidly I manifested the exact amount, had I known I would have gone 10k more LOL), changing friends' minds, a free manifesting session with one of the coaches from Create your Future, etc. I needed something to make me feel I am truly God. So I thought, let me do what I know best, get my insecurities in the way of a relationship. I started telling myself that things with the new guy are going too well, that he isn't interested, that he feels there is something missing.
That's when I knew...I did it. A week later he ghosted me, for a day. So my thoughts created. I text him and he replies saying he just isn't sure of where things are going and we might be better off as friends. I read his text and I said "oh no darling, you are so gutted this is ending, you don't know what you are saying", so he replies back to my text saying he actually feels pretty sad this is ending because he really had high hopes and could see this going somewhere. It was at this moment, I knew it. We stayed friends though, I am happy to have him in my life as a friend, I never wanted anything more long term anyway.
But it was not enough. By this time, I was feeling my affirmations natural to me. I could feel I am truly the love of my SP's life, I could feel I am the only one he wants. But it was all "going to happen in the future". I didn't feel comfortable with that but it was somehow ok.
Beginning of July I get really drunk and I text SP. I thought about texting him for weeks before but I was stubborn and didn't want to do it. I didn't do it from a place of lack. I did it from a place of "whatever, I don't even care if he doesn't respond or what he thinks, I just know his heart will skip a beat when he'll see my text". I simply could not understand why I did not have any anxiety or fears and trust me it was not just the alcohol. I just wanted to do it and didn't think about it twice again. I texted him really late at night saying "I miss you". I got so drunk I completely forgot I texted him but oh well I woke up the next morning with a text from him saying he misses me too. I mean...I knew it, I wasn't shocked or anything. The conversation keeps flowing and flowing with him texting me instantly and telling me he got really drunk too and that I deserve the world and he can't come any close to that and he loved everything we ever had and it was so hard to let it go. I got annoyed and I said oh whatever pretend it never happened then. He then turned around and said he doesn't want to pretend it didn't happen, he misses me too but he is scared of us getting hurt because of the distance. So I then just played it cool.
That's when I started spiraling again. It was HELL. I thought none of it worked, all my time was wasted, all I ever did and prayed and affirmed was in vain. He proposes we meet the next time he comes down and speak about it in person and he kept saying I don't seem to care about us. I replied and said yeah ofc let's do a drink. Left of delivered. For 2 weeks.
Not a single day I stopped affirming. Then one day, I let myself cry my eyes out. One thing during all these months, since the break up, I did not let myself feel anything or cry. I refused to be weak or to acknowledge any fears. So I looked up in the mirror and I let the tears roll, I was screaming how I need to let it all out and get back on the train now or never, I kept telling myself I never lose. I decided to go back to Neville. I read Feeling is The Secret again. I read it again and again and again. IT CLICKED - IT FINALLY CLICKED FOR ME. Guys, when Neville says there is no one to change but self, I wish I was better at explaining stuff, but please only take this and let it marinate. You are not changing your SP with your affirmations, you are changing you. I realised ALL these months what I was doing was thinking OF my desire, instead of thinking FROM my desire. I knew my desire was a promise to me but something was missing. I started affirming as if I was already in the most beautiful relationship ever with SP. It felt SO natural!!!!
I had a vivid dream one night after trying to do SATS (I could never do it, until that night, when I fell asleep as if I was already his girlfriend, because in my mind, I was, and what other reality is there than the one I create?!) and he came up to me from behind kissing my neck and telling me "what, you thought I would let you go again this time?". GUYS it felt so real...the kiss, his words, everything. I had never had a dream about him before and I always had this belief, that once you dream about them...they are on their way back to you.
I was still on delivered though...I didn't care. In my mind, I was with him for a year, having the best relationship ever, being loved, cared for, cherished, etc.
He texts back and we meet up, finally. WORD BY WORD...everything I have been affirming all these months. How proud he is of me, how stunning I am, how I am the only woman he wants to be with, how he doesn't care about the distance and wants to be with me, how he never had this connection with anyone else.
Did I think it was possible? HELL YES. Did I doubt? HELL YES. Not that I would have it though, but when. Time was my biggest issue here. I was a slave to the time.
When it clicked for me, it all unfolded naturally. I realised after so long my desire is not separate from me. I don't affirm to get him back to me, I affirm to CHANGE MYSELF and become the version of me that has that relationship. I read this probably 10,000 times, I never got it, until it all clicked. I could have had it anytime, I was the only one delaying it.
GUYS PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP! please go back to Neville and get off the forums, get off youtube, and do the work. Once you do the work and follow Neville, it is inevitable. You are your desire. You can have your SP anytime you want now. Feel like you are with your SP now, live your life as if you had your SP on their knees in front of you yesterday. Live from that scene, don't think of it!!!
Please try this even for a few days, it will change your life. Never doubt the law, it works.
submitted by Umitsbooboo to LOASuccessStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 StunningWeekend Long-Time iPhone User After 72 hours With Android (Pixel 8 then Samsung S24 Ultra) - My Reflections So Far

(Note: I posted this on Android but I wasn't sure if I did something incorrect because it was removed by the bot immediately, and I don't know how to get it approved. So... if you see it there too, then it must have gotten approved at some point and that's why. Just trying to find a home for this discussion and I promise I'm not trying to spam!)
After a decade with iPhone, curiosity finally got the better of me and I made the switch to Android. My trusty iPhone 13 Mini is still there just in case, but I really do hope to sell it soon. I wanted to document my journey over the last 72 hours with Android in case it helps someone else sitting on the margin just looking to dive in.
These 10 things are simply my opinions and reflections! I'm sure my feelings will continue to evolve, but here's where I'm at after 3 days. As I started typing, I did not expect this to be so long, but I had so many things floating through my head. Sorry for the long read and I'd love to hear others who have made similar changes.
1. Sloppy first impressions: I started with a Pixel 8. Got it for $390, in like new condition during eBay's memorial day sale, and just couldn't pass up that deal. The look of the phone never really attracted me before, but after a few hours it really grew on me. However, I really started to get annoyed at the experience and polish. For example, I had a lot of screens where the text was cut off or folders where the text was cut off. There were system pop-ups where I was expected to approve something that disappeared within a second before I could even read it - was it approved or was it declined?! But what really was upsetting was that there's no way to sort notifications by time. The phone would beep and then I'd have to spend a few seconds trying to figure out what the heck the notification was amidst the long list. Half the time, the time stamp doesn't even show and I'm left wondering if I missed something. This was exacerbated when I started not receiving notifications I would expect, because my iPhone (which was still on WiFi only mode) was getting notifications for new Gmail messages for example, and the Pixel just stayed quiet. That was unacceptable and I decided to return the phone.
However, my significant other has a Samsung, and she mentioned never having these issues so I stuck it out and tried again. This time, I figured - go big or go home - and I got the Samsung S24 Ultra.
2. Much better second try: I read a lot of bad experiences about the UI of Samsung coming into this, but frankly it's a lot more polished than the Pixel. It's like there's a nice coat of paint over all the underlying workings and as an iPhone user, I appreciate that. Everything looks great and while I've been toying with some of the themes in the Galaxy store, I have gone back to the normal One UI each time.
3. Smart Switch works great. It took about an hour to transfer all my settings and applications over to the Samsung. The only thing that took a little bit of figuring out was how to get 25K+ iCloud backed up photos onto this phone. Fortunately, there's an official Apple method for transferring iCloud files to Google Photos, and I initiated that. It's still not done but assuming this goes to plan, the transfer process wasn't that bad at all. I pretty much plopped my iPhone sim card into the Android, spent an hour waiting, and then all my old applications, wallpapers, and even placement of icons was there. Then, I just spent about half an hour signing into everything that I needed to (1Password is hugely helpful!) and I'm off to the races.
4. Settings galore: I am not used to this many settings! It seems I am approving or declining permissions all day long. I have multiple Gmail accounts setup, and I have to go in and adjust each account's notification setting when I just want all of my Gmail messages to have the same setting. I thought I would like this level of customization but it's been a little frustrating finding everything, or trying to figure out what I'm even approving. I find myself on YouTube looking for videos for how to change things such as the lock screen shortcuts. I am hoping that once I get through this initial difficulty, then I'll be cruising. And the biggest thing - Samsung lets me sort notifications in chronological order! That's huge (for me).
5. Navigation bars on top. Why?: I had a small iPhone Mini so one-handed navigation was never a real challenge but I still appreciated how all the menu bars (Facebook, Safari, etc.) were on the bottom of the phone. It made navigation really easy. With all the customization I mentioned in #3, I just assumed this would be an easy fix on Android and I'd be able to change this for any app. I was wrong! Other than Firefox, I have not figured out how to do this in Chrome or Facebook (as an example). I really do not understand why the iPhone version of Facebook would have this on the bottom but the Android version would have it on the top! For a phone as big as the S24U, that would've been a really nice option.
6. PhoneLink is pretty good: I had gotten rid of my Macbook a long time ago. I basically live on my Phone and also have an iPad for when I need a bigger screen and a Windows desktop for professional work. Integration b/w devices was never a big deal to me but I put I setup Phone Link and it's been pretty good. I don't have any real complaints so far - I can transfer files and get all my notifications and respond directly from my computer.
7. Dex is really cool but also buggy: The dream of having only to carry around my phone and never having to open up a laptop, tablet or desktop would be amazing. This phone is definitely powerful enough for the applications I use for work - Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. But Dex has some weird quirks that make it a little unreliable. For example, every time I open up an image in Gallery on Dex, the screen goes black for a few seconds before coming back on. Close the picture? Same thing! The cursor scroll just isn't as smooth as on my Desktop machine where I can customize the DPI settings exactly on the Logitech app. These are small things but build up into a less than perfect experience. But when it works, it works great and it's so close to a dream realized.
8. Face unlock is pretty bad, and the fingerprint reader can be hit or miss: FaceID on iPhone was a pleasure to use, except when it's not - i.e., I'm lying in bed. But for most situations, it works pretty good. For those moments I do wish I had a fingerprint reader so it's really nice to have that on the Samsung. But with that said, the Face unlock is horrendously bad. It works about 3/4 of the time in good light and then never in low light. I think the fingerprint reader is 80% successful on the first try for me but that's still lower than I think it should be. Perhaps I should re-register my finger. (Also, what's up with the super bright fingerprint reader on the Pixel 8? I feel like I was staring at the sun every time went to activate it! That said, it does feel like the Pixel's face unlock is better than Samsung). And on the topic of security, I think one of the biggest things I miss is Apple Pay. Some of my favorite go-to restaurants locally let me order online and pay directly using Apple Pay. Now I have to memorize my credit card number....
9. This thing is super powerful. I think people who choose Android chose it for two primary reasons: customization (which I mention in #2 and #3) and power to be productive. It has been very cool to be able to export files from one app directly into another app, edit it there, and save it as a file and then transfer it to my desktop. On iPhone, it was never a certainty which applications I'd be able to import files directly into but on Samsung it seems everything is available. There's always a workaround or solution or a method to doing something and that's been pretty cool. The Snapdragon processor is quick and the screen is beautiful. It's a great media consumption device and I hope it continues to be as snappy as it is now, because 7 years of updates is a very long time!
10. But the size of this phone is kinda insane. Especially coming from an iPhone mini, this thing is so big! It literally does even fit in my pockets when I am sitting and I've had it slide out a couple times onto the floor already because so much physically hangs out of my pants when seated. If Samsung made a smaller Ultra version of the phone in the same size as the S24, then that would be perfect (kinda like how Apple has the Pro and Pro Max). I think if there's a reason I end up going back to iPhone, it's because of the size of this thing. I want something as powerful as the Ultra but in a smaller package, and I haven't found another company that makes something like that. I don't have a case yet and maybe a more textured case will resolve this.
I'll keep this experiment going as I want to make a real effort to switch. Looking forward to continued learning!
submitted by StunningWeekend to samsung [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:04 Stage-Piercing727 Best Adidas Military Boots

Best Adidas Military Boots
Get ready to dive into the world of Adidas Military Boots as we bring you the ultimate guide to these versatile, rugged footwear! Explore a variety of styles, materials, and features that make these boots stand out in the market. Discover the perfect pair for your outdoor adventures or everyday wear.

The Top 15 Best Adidas Military Boots

  1. Under Armour Stellar G2 Tactical Boots: Breathable, Waterproof, and Comfortable for Long Shifts - For tactical professionals needing traction, waterproof protection, and superior breathability, the Upgraded UA Tactical Stellar with a slip-resistant outsole is the ultimate choice.
  2. Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots - Breathable & Odor-Resistant - Experience unparalleled comfort and performance with the Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots, featuring lightweight leather and advanced features designed for durability and enhanced grip on all surfaces.
  3. Salomon Forces 4D GTX Tactical Hiking Boots for Men - Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN Tactical Shoes offer superior cushioning, shock attenuation, moisture-wicking comfort, and exceptional grip for unparalleled performance on tactical terrain.
  4. Authentic U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse Winter Boots for Men and Kids - Unused and Affordable - Brace your feet for freezing temperatures with the genuine U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse boots, sourced from Coleman's Military Surplus, offering unbeatable warmth and insulation at unrivaled affordable prices!
  5. Comfortable Lightweight Adidas Military Boots - Rugged & Stylish Outdoor Footwear - Experience ultimate comfort and support with the Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 Tactical Boots, featuring durable construction and a lightweight design for optimal performance in various terrains.
  6. Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots - Lightweight, Insulated, and Weather-Resistant - Experience a secure and comfortable fit along with outstanding durability, weather resistance, and traction for unbeatable performance in the Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots.
  7. Adidas Terrex Heron Mid Hiking Boot with PrimaLoft Insulation - Waterproof and Climaproof Shoes - Step out in style with the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft hiking boots, featuring waterproof protection, PrimaLoft insulation, and Stealth rubber outsole for ultimate comfort, weather resistance, durability, and traction.
  8. Ultra-Comfortable Military Boots by Under Armour - Experience ultimate durability and unmatched comfort with the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots in Coyote Brown, designed for athletes who face the toughest challenges.
  9. Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid Hiking Shoes - Water-Repellent and Durable - Experience the perfect blend of durability, comfort, and visual appeal with the Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid RAIN.RDY Hiking Shoes - Unisex, designed to conquer every challenging trail you encounter.
  10. Adidas Tactical ADV: Cushioned Snowboarding Boots with Responsive Boost Midsole - Experience unmatched comfort and performance with the Adidas Tactical ADV Snowboard Boot - Core Black/Core Black/White, featuring a revolutionary Responsive Boost midsole design that ensures ultimate cushioning and energy return.
  11. High-Performance Oakley Field Assault Boots: Comfort, Durability, and Style - Introducing the Oakley Field Assault Boot, a perfect blend of durability and comfort, offering unrivaled traction and performance for those who require exceptional footwear in any terrain or environment.
  12. Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black Waterproof Hiking Shoes with Enhanced Durability - The Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black - 48 offers a classic last, lace-up fastening, waterproof mesh upper, and recycled content, providing all-day comfort and wear resistance for outdoor adventures.
  13. Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - Lightweight & Breathable - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - the perfect choice for all-day support on any mission.
  14. Under Armour Military Boots: Lightweight Tactical Footwear with Enhanced Comfort and Traction - Experience unmatched comfort and durability in the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots with a lightweight, breathable upper and responsive cushioning.
  15. Adidas Terrex Free Hiker 2: Warm and Waterproof Cold Weather Hiking Boots - Embrace the cold in ultimate comfort with the Adidas Men's Terrex Free Hiker 2.0 COLD.RDY - featuring a warm insulation, durable construction, and advanced traction for year-round hiking adventures.
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🔗Under Armour Stellar G2 Tactical Boots: Breathable, Waterproof, and Comfortable for Long Shifts
Imagine slogging through a muddy construction site or trekking through a wet forest without feeling a single drop of water on your feet. That's the promise of the Under Armour Stellar G2 Waterproof Tactical Boots. I've tried these babies myself and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer.
First things first, the outer material is 100% leather, giving these boots a rugged, durable feel that can withstand any challenge I throw at them. But the real standout feature? The waterproofing. I'll admit, I was skeptical at first, but these boots kept my feet dry in the dampest conditions, making them a reliable companion on any outdoor excursion.
Now, I did notice a little issue with the traction on these bad boys. They tend to slip on some surfaces, which can be a bit of a hazard in certain situations. But that's a small price to pay for the overall comfort and protection these boots provide. Speaking of comfort, the die-cut EVA footbed and molded EVA, TPU shank make for a cushioned, supportive experience, even during long shifts.
As for the aesthetics, these boots are no slouch. The sleek, black design exudes an air of professionalism, which is always a bonus when you're working on a job site. But remember, always prioritize function over form.
In conclusion, the Under Armour Stellar G2 Waterproof Tactical Boots are a solid choice for anyone looking for reliable, waterproof footwear. Just remember to keep an eye on the traction and you're good to go.

🔗Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots - Breathable & Odor-Resistant
I recently got a pair of Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots and they exceeded my expectations in terms of comfort and design. The light and breathable textile upper with full-grain polishable leather forefoot provided a great balance of durability and flexibility. I loved the molded Contoura Support anti-odor footbed with shock-absorbing foam as it made long walks a breeze, even without insoles. The molded EVA midsole cushioning with reinforced TPU shank gave me excellent protection and support, keeping my feet comfortable all day. Moreover, the oil- and slip-resistant high-traction rubber lug outsole offered a solid grip on various surfaces.
However, there were a few aspects that I found disappointing. Firstly, the front and back pull loops made the on/off process a bit difficult for me. Secondly, my previous pair of tactical boots felt more comfortable due to their thickness and weather resistance. Lastly, the size of the boots was somewhat small, so I had to go up one size.
Despite the minor drawbacks, I'd definitely recommend these boots to anyone looking for a comfortable and stylish pair of tactical boots.

🔗Salomon Forces 4D GTX Tactical Hiking Boots for Men
The quest for the perfect tactical shoe has led me to the Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN. With a sleek design and plenty of features to make my treks more comfortable, I've been putting these boots through the paces.
One of the most noticeable features in this shoe is its dual-density midsole, which provides superior cushioning, stability, and motion control. The EVA foam in these boots is high-performance, offering excellent shock attenuation as I hike through various terrains. The nonreflective materials make these shoes perfect for tactical use, as they're always discrete and blended in with the environment.
The soft, breathable lining of this shoe has been a game-changer in terms of moisture-wicking foot comfort. The gusseted tongue design prevented debris from entering the shoe, keeping the tongue centered and eliminating the need for constant adjustments. It's a great feature to have, especially when I'm trudging through mud or over uneven ground.
In terms of fit, the molded OrthoLite sockliner matched the contours of my foot, providing a snug and comfortable fit. The ISO 20344:2011 puncture-resistant sole also made me feel more secure when navigating through rough terrain.
While I love the ventilation, ankle support, water resistance, and other features of these boots, there are some minor downsides. The traction, although solid, could be better in some situations. Also, the regular lacing system can be a bit tedious, especially when I need to quickly tie and untie the boots.
Overall, the Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN has been a great addition to my outdoor gear collection. It provides comfort and support during my hikes and tactical missions, making it a reliable tool for the job. While there are some minor issues, the benefits of these boots far outweigh the drawbacks.

🔗Authentic U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse Winter Boots for Men and Kids - Unused and Affordable
When I first heard about these Mickey Mouse boots, I was intrigued by their distinctive design paired with their military origins. So, I decided to give them a shot while embarking on a snowmobiling adventure. As I strapped them on, I was initially surprised by how heavy they were.
But once I stepped into the deep snow, I immediately comprehended the weight's significance - it signified the durability and robustness of these boots. The wool and waterproof exterior managed to keep my feet warm and dry even in the harsh subzero temperatures.
However, their unique design did catch quite a few stares, but hey, it's not every day someone's feet are decked out like a set of Mickey Mouse ears. Overall, these boots delivered the expected functionality, even though they made me look like a walking Disney attraction.

🔗Comfortable Lightweight Adidas Military Boots - Rugged & Stylish Outdoor Footwear
When I first tried on the Men's Stellar G2 Tactical Boots from Under Armour, I was impressed by the lightweight feel and the durable leather forefoot. The high traction rubber lug outsole definitely came in handy during my daily walks in different surfaces, providing me with a firm grip.
However, after a few weeks of regular use, I noticed that the zipper started to malfunction, making it difficult to take the boots off or put them on. Despite this inconvenience, the style of the boots and their overall comfort were definitely attractive features.

🔗Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots - Lightweight, Insulated, and Weather-Resistant
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD. RDY hiking boots, and I must say, I was impressed. The leather upper has a stylish and long-lasting appeal, while the insulated and water-repellent COLD. RDY technology kept my feet warm and dry in any weather.
One feature I particularly enjoyed was the textile innersole that added extra comfort to my feet. The hiking boots also offered great support and traction, making them perfect for my outdoor adventures. However, I did notice that the rubber outsole was a bit tricky to clean. Overall, I highly recommend these boots for fellow outdoor enthusiasts who are looking for a reliable and comfortable pair.

🔗Adidas Terrex Heron Mid Hiking Boot with PrimaLoft Insulation - Waterproof and Climaproof Shoes
Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft Hiking Boots in my daily life. These boots have been a reliable companion on my hikes, providing both comfort and protection from the elements. One of the standout features is the waterproof and climaproof construction, keeping my feet dry even in the wettest conditions. The PrimaLoft insulation material is another highlight, providing extra warmth in colder temperatures.
One aspect that I found impressive is the Stealth rubber outsole, which offers unbeatable grip on slippery or icy ground. This feature, combined with the mid-height cuff, ensures that I'm always stable on any trail I encounter.
However, there were also some downsides to my experience. The boots seem to run a bit large, which may cause some unwanted bulk for people with narrow or standard-width feet. Additionally, the lacing system can be a bit finicky, requiring a bit more effort to get the fit just right.
In conclusion, the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft Hiking Boots have been a reliable companion on my hikes, providing both comfort and protection. The waterproof and insulated features are especially noteworthy, but potential buyers should be aware of the sizing issues and the need for a snug fit.

🔗Ultra-Comfortable Military Boots by Under Armour
Experience the ultimate blend of comfort and durability with the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots. These boots are crafted with 100% synthetic materials, boasting a rubber sole that provides unbeatable traction on any surface. Under Armour's mission to innovate extends to these boots, as they feature ultralight Micro G EVA inner midsoles for all-day comfort and quick-dry materials to keep your feet dry throughout the day.
Designed for various environments and challenges, the Tac Loadout Boots are equipped with durable uppers made from roughout leather and Cordura nylon, ensuring they withstand rough use day after day. The Vibram outsole with MegaGrip rubber provides excellent grip, while the heel tabs make it easy to slide in and out of the boots.
I had the chance to test these boots, and I couldn't be more impressed. The lightweight and supportive design is perfect for long marches, and the breathable material keeps my feet from getting overheated. Although the soles may take time to break in, their comfort and durability make them well worth the effort. One small concern is that the boots could use better toe protection, especially for those in demanding environments.
Overall, the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots are an excellent choice for anyone seeking a reliable, comfortable, and versatile pair of boots. With their innovative design and superior performance, these boots are perfect for tackling any challenge that comes your way.

🔗Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid Hiking Shoes - Water-Repellent and Durable
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid RAIN. RDY hiking shoes, and I must say, I was impressed. The nubuck leather upper felt sturdy and durable, while the lugged outsole provided excellent grip on various surfaces.
Despite being marketed as water-repellent, the shoes didn't seem to get wet easily during my outdoor adventures. The EVA midsole was comfortable, especially for those long hikes. However, I did find the lace closure a bit fiddly at times.
Overall, the Adidas Terrex hiking shoes were a solid choice for those looking for a reliable, durable, and comfortable pair of shoes for their outdoor excursions.

🔗Adidas Tactical ADV: Cushioned Snowboarding Boots with Responsive Boost Midsole
Over the past few weeks, I've been putting the Adidas Tactical ADV 2021 Snowboard Boots through their paces in the slopes near my home. Let me tell you, these boots have been a game-changer in my snowboarding adventures. They're incredibly comfortable, and I appreciate how the textile upper and heat-moldable Ultralon foam liner work together to make these boots feel like an extension of my feet.
One of my favorite features is the boot lacing system; it's so user-friendly that I can easily adjust the fit on the go. The rubber outsole provides great traction on those icy slopes, while the responsive Boost midsole ensures a cushioned ride that keeps my feet feeling fresh even after a long day on the mountain.
That being said, there are a few minor drawbacks. While I love the boot's versatility, I found the sizing to be a bit on the larger side. I'd recommend going down a half-size for a better fit. Additionally, the boots tend to wear out faster than I'd like, but I suppose that's the price we pay for such comfortable and responsive footwear.
Overall, the Adidas Tactical ADV 2021 Snowboard Boots are a worthy investment for snowboarding enthusiasts. They offer a perfect balance of comfort, performance, and style that's hard to beat in the world of snowboarding footwear.

🔗High-Performance Oakley Field Assault Boots: Comfort, Durability, and Style

My experience with the Oakley Field Assault Boot (Coyote) has been a positive one. The durability of this boot is top-notch, thanks to the 1000-denier Cordura and suede upper. This lightweight and breathable material also adds to the overall comfort of the boot. The Vibram rubber lug outsole is a standout feature, providing impressive traction and stability, even in the harshest conditions. The molded EVA insert and injection polyurethane midsole ensure comfort for long periods and even absorb shock effectively. The braided nylon laces are sturdy and provide a secure fit, but they could use some reinforcement to last longer.
In terms of pros, the Oakley Field Assault Boot offers unparalleled durability, comfort, and traction. Cons include the thinness of the laces and the stiffness around the ankle. Overall, this military-style boot stands out for its performance and sleek design.

🔗Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black Waterproof Hiking Shoes with Enhanced Durability
I have been using the Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN. RDY shoes in my daily adventures, and I must say it has been quite an experience up until now. When it comes to the aesthetics, the shoes have a unique and edgy design, especially in the green color I ordered. The size 48 fits me perfectly, and I'm glad Adidas gave me the option to select the right size for myself.
One thing that stood out to me right off the bat is the lace-up fastening. It wasn't difficult at all to tie the shoes, and they stayed securely on my feet throughout the day. The mesh upper and synthetic reinforcements made by recycled material have proven to be quite durable, even during rainy days.
On the negative side, the EVA midsole felt a little bit uncomfortable after prolonged usage. It seemed to me like my feet wouldn't dry quickly during the rainy seasons, which I guess could be due to the material they're made from.
Overall, I would say the Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN. RDY shoes are a decent choice for those looking for waterproof hiking boots with a modern edge. While there are a couple of cons that I've personally experienced, I'm willing to give them another shot and see if they hold up in various weather conditions.

🔗Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - Lightweight & Breathable
The Under Armour Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots have been a game-changer for me. The first thing I noticed was how lightweight they were – a real plus when you're on your feet for long periods. The synthetic leather and nylon upper felt not only soft but also breathable, which was a major plus during those sweltering summer days.
One of the key features that stood out for me was the oil- and slip-resistant rubber lug outsole. I work in an environment where there's a lot of dirt and wet surfaces, and these boots really helped me stay grounded, literally. The full-length Micro G foam midsole added a level of cushioning that made my long hours on the job much more comfortable.
However, there was one downside – one that I couldn't help but notice after a while. The boots wore down more quickly than I expected, given their price point. But that's a minor issue when you consider the overall level of comfort and support these boots offer.
In the end, the Under Armour Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots earned a spot in my everyday rotation. They're like a reliable companion on those long, challenging days at work. Highly recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet.

🔗Under Armour Military Boots: Lightweight Tactical Footwear with Enhanced Comfort and Traction
The Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots are an excellent addition to any tactical gear collection. With their lightweight synthetic leather and textile upper, these boots are both durable and breathable, making them the perfect choice for those long days on the job. The welded forefoot overlay and molded TPU toe cap provide added protection, ensuring your feet are secure and well-protected at all times.
The easy on/off features of these boots, with pull loops on the heel and tongue, make them a breeze to slip on and off, even after a long day on your feet. The anti-fatigue and anti-microbial molded Contoura Support footbed provides all-day comfort, absorbing shock and keeping your feet feeling great even after hours of use.
The upgraded outsole, with its durable oil and slip-resistant rubber compound, ensures that you have the traction you need to stay on your feet, even in the most challenging of environments. The full-length Micro G foam midsole provides the ultimate in responsive cushioning, making these boots a standout choice for those who spend their days on their feet.
While the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots have many positives, there are a few drawbacks to consider. Some users have experienced issues with the laces, which can loosen and come untied easily, requiring frequent adjustments. Additionally, the boots are not waterproof, so they may not be the best choice for those working in wet environments.
Overall, the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots are a strong choice for anyone looking for a lightweight, comfortable, and protective work boot. With their durable construction, breathable materials, and excellent traction, these boots are well worth considering as part of your tactical gear collection.

Buyer's Guide

Adidas military boots are designed to provide comfort, durability, and style in various outdoor conditions. This guide will help you understand the essential features and considerations before purchasing a pair of Adidas military boots.

Material and Construction

Adidas military boots come in various materials such as leather, synthetic materials, and canvas. The choice of material depends on the level of water resistance, breathability, and strength required for the intended use.

Water Resistance

Water resistance is essential for military boots, especially if they are meant for outdoor activities in wet or muddy conditions. Look for boots with a water-resistant coating or membrane that will keep your feet dry.

Comfort and Fit

Adidas military boots should provide adequate support and comfort, especially for prolonged use. Check the boot's interior for cushioning, arch support, and breathability. The fit should be snug, but not too tight, allowing for some wiggle room in the toe area and enough room around the ankle.

Traction and Grip

Traction and grip are essential for outdoor activities, such as hiking or camping. Look for Adidas military boots with a non-slip sole and good grip, especially if you plan to use them on wet or uneven terrains.

Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance

Military boots need to be durable and easy to clean, especially when used in muddy or dirty conditions. Look for Adidas boots with features like a removable footbed for easy cleaning and waterproof materials that can quickly dry after getting wet.

Brand Reputation

Adidas is a well-renowned brand known for its durable and high-quality products. When considering purchasing Adidas military boots, always choose a reputable dealer to ensure you get an authentic and high-quality product.
Adidas military boots are a great option for those seeking comfort, durability, and style in their outdoor gear. To ensure you're getting the best fit and features for your intended use, always consider the material, water resistance, comfort, traction, ease of cleaning, and brand reputation before making a purchase.


Are Adidas Military Boots suitable for outdoor activities?

Yes, Adidas Military Boots are designed for outdoor activities. They feature water-resistant materials, reinforced stitching, and a durable sole that provides excellent grip on various terrains. Their design allows for comfortable wear during long walks and hikes.

What are the primary features of Adidas Military Boots?

The primary features of Adidas Military Boots include:
  • Water-resistant materials for protection against wet conditions
  • Reinforced stitching for added durability
  • High-grip sole for traction on various surfaces
  • Padded ankle support for comfort and stability
  • Adjustable lacing system for a customized fit

What sizes do Adidas Military Boots come in?

Adidas Military Boots are available in various sizes, from men's and women's EU sizes 36-48, to ensure a proper fit for a wide range of customers.

How do I care for Adidas Military Boots to prolong their lifespan?

To prolong the lifespan of Adidas Military Boots, follow these care instructions:
  • Clean the boots regularly using a soft brush or cloth to remove dirt and debris.
  • Apply a waterproofing treatment to the leather or synthetic materials to protect against moisture.
  • Avoid exposure to extreme heat or cold, as this can damage the materials and reduce the boots' water resistance.
  • Store the boots in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent mold growth and maintain the quality of the materials.

Can I wear Adidas Military Boots for more than just outdoor activities?

Yes, Adidas Military Boots can also be worn as fashion statement footwear. They make a great addition to casual outfits, offering both durability and style.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:58 boymomX2_sendhelp I just want one person I could call when I need to get out of the house or to just talk to period

Context: I (28F) Moved 800 miles away in 2016 to be with my now husband (m29) in his hometown. We had what I thought was a pretty decent little circle of friends....until we had our kids (M 2&1) Most of the people we used to see on a regular basis haven't talked to us since having our first. Now obviously these were technically his friends that I got integrated into so after having our second, my husband has maintained friendships with 1-2 people he's known way before I came along which is cool but nobody and I mean literally NOBODY hits me up to ask how I'm doing or if I need a break from my kids or if I wanna hang out or go do something when I have the chance to......absolutely nobody,
We used to magnet fish, go kayaking with friends, go to concerts, festivals, dirt track races....but now I literally only leave the house to work part time 7-11p mon-friday and when I go grocery shopping every week. My husband has still maintained somewhat of a friendship with at least 1 person he could call if he ever needed someone other than me. They hang out while I'm at work and go magnet fishing together sometimes and I'm not gonna lie, I'm so jealous that he has a friend and places he could go when he needs to get away. I have no friends and nowhere to go to get away for a little bit when I have the chance. Grocery shopping and work aren't "breaks."
There aren't any "mommy groups" in my area (not like I could get to them anyways when hubs takes our only vehicle to work) I've tried making friends/acquaintances online but I usually can't maintain conversation or genuine connection with someone without being in person and in person I'm awkward because the only thing I have to talk about these days is my kids and most people don't wanna hear you talk about your kids cause most of the time they could care less so I end up just zoning in on my phone so I'm not being weird or awkward (which I usually am anyways) and end up being unapproachable which causes people to not reach out to me again....
I wish I had an identity other than just being a mom to my kids. I don't have any hobbies or passions because I literally suck at everything I try. When they both came, its like everything I was or had before them was just a long ass fever dream. All those "friends:" gone; having outdoor hobbies like magnet fishing: gone; My life revolves around my two still-learning-words toddlers so at this point, I'd be inclined to say I hear more toddler babble than actual adult human sentences because I don't see anyone but my husband each and every day. Don't get me wrong, my husband is an amazing man in everyway possible and I couldn't ask for a better husband and father to our kids but you can't have "girl talk" with a man cause they frankly don't care lol I guess I just wish I had places to go to get a break like my husband does or people to call to go do something out of the house with like my husband does. But I'm not gonna stop him from having friends and a life just because I'm alone and miserable. I'm just so over feeling alone all the time everyday. Sometimes I feel left out just because I don't get to hang out or go wherever.....I don't want to be alone all day everyday but i also don't want to hold my husband back from having his own life, and making him miserable because I have a problem, not him.... sorry its so long thanks for the space to vent
submitted by boymomX2_sendhelp to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:55 douglas8888 Petoskey/Charlevoix area vs Marquette...

Hi, Anyone have experience of both areas and know how they compare in terms of culture, scenery, and general aspects of life?
I'm in Boston and have been looking to move away from the city for some time. I got laid off at 55 in October and my search has become more pressing because I have no reason to be here anymore. Fortunately I'm in good financial shape and can just retire. I had previously been focussing on Vermont because it's beautiful, similar to Marquette in many ways, has great healthcare, and its proximity to Boston makes it a win. Since covid, however, super rich people have been buying up everything, over night, often sight unseen, for ridiculous prices and frequently never even move in. So, having grown up near Detroit and having always loved Marquette growing up, I started to consider that, and still am, but the healthcare is terrible. And good hospitals are hours and hours away. I'm in excellent shape but I'm getting older with a terrible family history, so it makes me very nervous.
I'm now becoming intrigued with your area, though I've never been there. I love Marquette because it's mostly natural beauty, rugged, uncrowded, cool/cold, low crime, super friendly, lots of hockey, and I can buy a very nice place on at least two wooded acres less than 15 minutes from town at still a reasonable price, even though prices have gone up a lot due to the WFH revolution and people fleeing climate change.
I frequently see homes in the area which appeal to me (I'd like to stay under $600K), and the prices there are not so bad, so I'm starting to consider it. I should probably take a trip to visit it, but I'm wondering if it would be a fit. If I like MQT, do you think that I would like it there? And if so, when it comes to healthcare, are there some regions better than others?
Oh, and there's one thing that kind of worries me about your area, some parts of it seem very touristy. I'm really looking for a community that's not just a place for rich cottagers who only come in the summer, buy artisanal bread for $15 a loaf, and basically treat the town like the Hamptons or Cape Cod. I mean, those places are nice to visit, but they are not my idea of home.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by douglas8888 to nwmi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:51 PerishShit C4 Charlie ReAnalyzed

C4 Charlie ReAnalyzed
This a reanalysis of C4 Charlie since I was wrong on a few stats, and ill will include different set ups and the situation in which one will be better than the other.
[Discoveries] I’m honestly glad I decided to retested him because I made a few new discoveries. Apparently C4 Charlie does not get the damage buff from plasma goggles, he only gets the 20% speed buff. Also I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with the Blazing Feet trinket, it gives an 8% speed buff which he does get at lower speeds, but at higher speeds he doesn’t get the buff from it, I’m not sure if this is just for C4 Charlie or other characters as well. Also I’ve tested it and C4 Charlie’s MOAB Assassin ability does get buffed by James’ Lucky Coin so he has a 5% chance of dealing 16k damage with it! Oh yeah his ability also gets the GGMMM buff but that’s not as cool or impressive. I already said this in another post but I’ll include the two best instruments for the character, and I’ll probably leave a comment for the stats of what I believe are the best two, Golden Viola and Fire Guitar. Why only two well it’s because I believe that without a doubt you should have Tuxedo Jake and Jake in your team, because Marceline is mid ok I said it. Also when I replace The Lover with Fire Guitar while using Charlie’s original setup his attack speed went from 6.67 to 7.5? Don’t ask me how I have no clue how a the Fire Guitar’s 7% speed buff gave him a 12.45% increase. Also I’m going to go over a bunch of setups and tell you which has his highest potential and which is best for his being afk.
[Best instruments] Golden Viola & Fire Guitar
[Powers & Buffs Used] Party Time, Trail Mix, Beautiful Melody, Regal Presence, GGMMM, Lute Suit, Tree Trunk’s Apple Knife, Turn it up, Allegro Tempo, Monkey Stim
{MOAB Mauler Path} This path is good if you want to be interactive in game with abilities, it’s good if your defense is in the middle of the map, it can help chip away BAD’s health from far away, also causes the least amount of lag.
[Best Setup] Range: 59 Baker’s Shard, Cosmic Gauntlets, Doom Gauntlets, Engineers Blueprints, Heart Gauntlets, Black Bow Tie, Medallion of Brogend, Dagger of Chilled Glass, Baby Tooth, James’ Lucky Coin
[Base Bomb Attack] Base Bomb Damage: 70 Fragment Damage: 54 Total Base Attack Damage: 124 James’ Lucky Coin: 124 * 1.05 = 130.2 Attack Speed: 7.5 DPS: 130.2 * 7.5 = 976.5
[Burny Stuff] Damage: 4 James’ Lucky Coin: 4 * 1.05 = 4.2 Attack Speed 2 DPS: 8.4
[MOAB Assassin] Damage 8k With James’ Lucky Coin: 8,000 * 1.05 = 8,400 Cooldown 21.6 DPS: 8,400 / 21.6 = 388.89
[Final Total DPS] 1,373.79
{Double Bombs Path} Good for speed running if you decided to bring Charlie. Good damage but cause’s a little more lag than the MOAB path, and is a little less reliable, fine choice for an afk run.
[Best Setup] Range: 68 Glasses of Nerdicon, Baker’s Shard, Cosmic Gauntlets, Doom Gauntlets, Engineers Blueprints, Heart Gauntlets, Black Bow Tie, Medallion of Brogend, Dagger of Chilled Glass, James’ Lucky Coin
[Base Bomb Attack] Base Bomb Damage: 10 Fragment Damage: 54 Total Base Attack Damage: 64 James’ Lucky Coin: 64 * 1.05 = 67.2 Bouncy and Double Bomb Bonus: 67.2 * 3 = 201.6 Attack Speed: 7.5 DPS: 1,512
[Burny Stuff] DPS: 8.4
[Final Total DPS] 1,520.4
{Carl The Gem and Missile Setup} Range 59 This has the highest damage output, but be cautious it will cause some lag in the later waves with more characters. Also missile is not a good choice for speed running or placing near the spawn because the missiles only target after the MOABs have reached a certain point, Im not sure if it’s time base or if the hit box has to reach past a certain point in the map. I recommend using the Double Bomb path with this setup because well why not, more damage.
[Double Bombs] Damage: 192 Attack Speed: 7.5 DPS: 1,440
[Carl the Gem] Damage: 9 Attack Speed: 53.17 DPS: 478.53
[Missile] Damage: 33 Attack Speed: 30 DPS 990
[Final Total DPS] 2,908.53
[Conclusion] Yeah C4 Charlie is still pretty mediocre, I still recommend just using him for eco in the adventure mode. His best afk set up is Carl the Gem and Missile, but with too many missiles and carls your game will lag in late waves in the Martian Games. So you should make the most out of each character’s base damage and only apply missile and other trinkets to those who can use it more effectively than others or supports who need that extra damage. Yeah but selling and replacing for the MOAB Assassin has the highest damage potential of Charlie so if you decide to do that just the James’ Lucky Coin and some cost reduction trinkets.
submitted by PerishShit to battd [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:50 Normal_History_5111 i surrender! you win!

i’m not sure how long it’s been since the breakup, but it’s still fresh out from a few days to a week. i’m 21F, been in countless relationships to situationships & everything in between. i will admit what i’m about to say is so corny, but they were all pretty forgettable. however i know i will remember this one for a long long time.
she (21F) knows my reddit, & she’s also on this sub (to my knowledge), but at this point does it really make a difference whether she sees this or not? i’m going to try to make this short & sweet; i’m dumpee, she’s the dumper. also want to preface this by saying that i am not the victim here, ive done certain things that were the cause of why our relationship ended. to be brief, ive struggled with addiction for a while & i recently relapsed and tried to hide it from her & lie about it. we were talking about going no contact. again, after being in relationship after relationship, no contact is the most painless option to move on from your ex. personally, it would hurt me more (& this is not my ex’s fault at all lol) to stay friends, have to talk to her as just my friend, & potentially (or should i say eventually) see her with someone else, going on dates, etc. i like to stay friends with my exes, so i normally navigate breakups by immediately going no contact for a few months-year & reconnecting from there.
i’ve always sort of struggled with knowing whether my ex really cared or valued the relationship as much as i did. best way i can describe it is, “does she love me because she loves me or does she love me because of the way i love her?” this post is in no way a direct reflection of how she felt about me; i just wanted to provide some context for why i feel so crushed by this.
i told her that id like to go no contact once i go to rehab. she asked if i want no contact forever or once i finish rehab. im trying to be cool about it (boygenius) so i say that whatever she wants is fine. keep in mind, she hasn’t expressed any preferences for no contact, limited contact, friends, etc. so i already felt like she didn’t really care about what happens to us. she says she will let me know when the time comes then follows up with “unless you contact me i’ll assume we’re going no contact moving forward.” as in she will assume that we won’t talk again except if i reach out first.
you can look through my post & comment history so you’ll understand what i mean when i say that i’ve been numbing myself since things ended. i’ve processed it. i’ve accepted that it is what it is. but i can’t say that it is what i wanted or that i wasn’t surprised that it ended when it did & how it did. i have no clue if she’s looked through my reddit. i guess the main takeaway is that im the one who doesn’t care about the breakup, because im talking about hook-ups, one night stands, meaningless sex, radical acceptance, hyper independence, etc. honestly i wrote on those (& this post) for me to somehow grasp the situation, and force myself to move on & keep moving forward. because why would i try to keep lighting a flame that she already blew out? & that’s completely okay. i guess i figured that because she dumped me, she’s waiting for me to move on & stop making her feel bad, so she can be relieved, so i tried to convince myself that “that’s it, what’s done is done, onto the next!” i only have the utmost love & respect for her and im so grateful i got the chance to be in her life for a short time, but ill speak for myself when i say that i have never felt so close to and so intimate with another human being. when things ended, i was angry. not at her, but at myself & at the circumstances. and now? the second i read that text about her not having a preference for whether we stay in contact or never speak again.. the tears finally came out. i haven’t cried once since the breakup. felt like i was invincible. as immature & silly as it is, i wanted to make it seem like i care less because out of my own insecurities, i felt like an inconvenience that prevented her from moving on with her life. but L, you really got me with that one. i surrender, you win. not gonna lie, reading that text stung. it really fucking hurt. just a few weeks ago, i could have never pictured my future without her in it. we were inseparable. we used to laugh about how absurd it would be if we actually broke up one day, and how we were so sure that we’d find our way back to each other someday, regardless of what was happening in our lives.
but guess what? that’s life. sometimes your actions have consequences. and what goes around does actually come right back around. i can attest to that now. i didn’t treat my disease, so of course it grew more & more until i actually picked up drugs again. i chose my addiction over the person i once thought was the love of my life. i cannot blame or hate her in any way at all for potentially never wanting to speak to me again. i cannot begin to imagine the pain ive caused her because i neglected caring for myself. there is no apology that will do it justice, what’s done is done, and now i must sit with the discomfort & pain from my own doing as a result. all i can do now is go to rehab, and more importantly, go to rehab for myself. because i don’t ever want to lose such meaningful relationships that i will never find again in my life, all due to my substance abuse & the person i become when im a slave to a drug.
L, i know this is corny as shit. and i know that you know how sorry i am for how things played out, & how i ruined everything. i am so grateful to have crossed paths with you, and you have no idea what you have done to me & my life. the world needs more people like you. i will spend the rest of my life missing you, and i highly doubt that there will ever come a day where the thought of you doesn’t cross my mind. if i could give you the moon, i would give you the moon (phoebe bridgers). and for the record, i do care. i care so so much. i remember everything. i want you to know that i will always care & if there ever comes a time you need me, you know where to find me. thank you for everything. & thank you for being you.
submitted by Normal_History_5111 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:49 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Adidas Gym Bags

Best Adidas Gym Bags
Looking for the perfect bag to carry your gym essentials? Our roundup of Adidas gym bags has got you covered! From stylish duffels to practical backpacks, we've got a diverse selection to fit both your workout wardrobe and your daily routine. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, there's an Adidas gym bag that suits your needs. Stay organized, stay stylish, and most importantly - stay ready for your next workout with our Adidas gym bag collection!

The Top 9 Best Adidas Gym Bags

  1. Adidas Prime 6 Extra-Large Gym Backpack for Laptop and Work - The Adidas Prime 6 Backpack, Grey is a gym bag designed for convenience and durability, with its extra-large capacity, multiple zip pockets, padded laptop sleeve, and eco-conscious materials for reducing plastic waste.
  2. Adidas Prime 6 Large Backpack for Gym or School - The Adidas Prime 6 Backpack offers ample storage, a padded laptop sleeve, comfortable LoadSpring shoulder straps, and durability for all your carry needs.
  3. Adidas Graphic Oversized Duffel Bag for Sports and Travel - The Adidas Graphic Duffel Bag in black/white is a versatile, well-made gym bag with spacious capacity, stylish graphic design, and adaptable carry options to suit your needs. Perfect for both busy weekdays and weekend trips.
  4. Adidas Team Issue II Duffel Bag - Durable Gym Bag for Professionals - Experience the luxury and convenience of professional-grade storage with the Adidas Team Issue II Medium Duffel Bag, boasting a large capacity and well-made construction in a chic black design.
  5. Adidas Prime 6 Extra-Large Backpack - Grey - Experience seamless organization and eco-conscious design with Adidas Prime 6 Backpack, Grey - a high-capacity, well-structured gym bag with ample compartments and padded shoulder straps for optimal comfort and durability.
  6. Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag - Adidas Diablo Duffel Bag - Small: Compact, well-made, and spacious, perfect for gym sessions or short trips; featuring adjustable shoulder strap, U-shaped opening, and customizable screen-printing panels.
  7. Stylish modern hide a bed chair - convertible sleeper chair with comfortable pillows and pockets - The Adidas Santiago Duffel Bag, in Collegiate Navy/Scarlet/White, offers ample storage with a large main compartment and two zipped pockets, designed with a durable 750D fabric and adjustable shoulder strap for maximum comfort.
  8. Adidas Diablo Small Gym Duffel Bag - The Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag is a highly-rated, well-made, and compact gym bag with zipper closure, padded straps, and 18.5" x 10" x 11" dimensions, offering ample storage and easy cleaning for a comfortable and stylish workout experience.
  9. Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag - Experience sport-inspired style with the Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag, boasting a bold screen printed logo, 1 large main pocket, 2 exterior organizational pockets, and an adjustable strap for easy carrying.
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🔗Adidas Prime 6 Extra-Large Gym Backpack for Laptop and Work
I've recently started using the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack for my daily commute, and I must say, it's been a game changer. First and foremost, the recycled material used in its construction not only feels sturdy but also gives me peace of mind knowing that I'm doing my part for the environment. The shoulder straps are designed with LoadSpring technology, which truly does help ease the weight of my daily load.
One of the standout features of this backpack is the cleaning process. Unlike many other bags, you can easily clean this one with soap and water, ensuring it stays fresh and free from any accumulated grime. The exterior has five zip pockets and an internal zip storage pocket, making it incredibly convenient for me to stay organized and keep all my essentials within reach.
However, no product is perfect. While the capacity is ample and more than meets my needs, I have noticed that the zippers can be a bit finicky at times, requiring some extra effort to open and close. Additionally, the material, although easy to clean, may not be as long-lasting as some other options on the market.
Despite these minor cons, the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack has quickly become my go-to choice for daily use. Its combination of stylish design, ample storage, and environmentally conscious construction make it a true standout in the world of gym bags.

🔗Adidas Prime 6 Large Backpack for Gym or School
Imagine carrying a backpack that's not just spacious, but extremely comfortable, with the added bonus of being incredibly durable. As a student or traveler, this Adidas Prime 6 Backpack is a dream come true!
From the moment I got my hands on it, I was impressed by its size. It's extra-large, perfect for those days when you need to carry a lot of stuff around. However, it's not only about capacity. The features that make this bag stand out include LoadSpring shoulder straps. They're designed to help distribute the weight evenly, making heavy loads feel much lighter.
Cleaning is also a breeze with this backpack. The wipe-able lining means that you can easily spot clean it with soap and water, keeping your bag looking fresh and new. There are also multiple zippered pockets, providing ample storage space for all your belongings. Not to forget, a padded compartment that securely stores up to a 15-inch laptop.
However, no product is perfect. While the majority of users praised its durability, a few individuals reported issues with seams not being sewn properly. Despite these minor issues, the overwhelming majority of reviews were positive, praising the style, comfort, and convenience of this backpack.
In conclusion, the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack is a fantastic option for anyone in need of a large backpack that's both comfortable and reliable. Its capacity, coupled with its padded laptop compartment and multiple zippered pockets, makes it a perfect companion for daily use or extended travel.

🔗Adidas Graphic Oversized Duffel Bag for Sports and Travel
Adidas has always been top-notch when it comes to athletic wear and accessories, and this Graphic Duffel Bag is no exception! I'm currently using it for my weekend trips to the gym and it's been a real lifesaver. The size is perfect, not too big and not too small, which means it's easy to carry, even when it's loaded up with all my gym essentials.
I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the duffel. The material is sturdy and thick, so I know it's going to last a long time. Plus, the large graphic screen print on the side gives it a stylish edge. The bag also features a zipper closure and 93% Polyester, 3% Natural Latex Rubber, 2% Spandex, 2% Nylon blend, which gives it a nice structure.
One feature I absolutely love is the adjustable shoulder strap. It makes it so convenient to carry the bag, especially when it's packed filled with stuff. You can either carry it over your shoulder or across your body. It's so comfortable and doesn't strain my shoulder at all.
A small pocket in the bag adds to the convenience. It's perfect for storing keys or a small wallet. Although there's no specific spot for a water bottle, I usually just toss it in with the rest of my stuff and it works out fine.
A few cons worth mentioning are that the bag isn't very light, which can be a bit cumbersome when it's empty. However, it's manageable when you're carrying it on your shoulder. Another minor inconvenience is that there are no straps or hooks for a yoga mat or extra shoes on the outside, you'll have to make do with cramming them inside.
Overall, this Adidas Graphic Duffel Bag has been a game-changer for my gym trips. It's durable, spacious, and stylish, all while being convenient to carry. I've recommended this bag to all my workout buddies and they're all loving it too!

🔗Adidas Team Issue II Duffel Bag - Durable Gym Bag for Professionals

As someone who's been using the Adidas Team Issue II Medium Duffel Bag Black for quite some time now, let me tell you, it's a game-changer! Whether you're heading to the gym or packing for a weekend getaway, this bag has got your back.
First off, the durability is top-notch. Crafted in poly ripstop with reinforced panels at zippers and stress points, this bag is made to last. It also maintains its shape, making it super easy to access your stuff even when it's fully packed.
One of my favorite features is the zip end pocket designed specifically for shoes or dirty clothes. It keeps everything separated and organized, which is a big plus in my book. There's also a zip pocket at the outer face perfect for storing small items like keys or your phone.
Now, onto the straps. The dual carry handles with padded hook-and-loop panel provide comfort while carrying and the adjustable, removable shoulder strap adds versatility. Plus, did I mention how spacious the interior is? It can easily accommodate 2-3 outfits along with shoes and other essentials.
In terms of cons, the only one I could think of is that it might not be big enough for everyone's needs. However, for most people, myself included, it's absolutely perfect.
So, if you're in the market for a new gym bag or just need something practical and stylish for travel, the Adidas Team Issue II Medium Duffel Bag Black is definitely worth considering.

🔗Adidas Prime 6 Extra-Large Backpack - Grey
As a fitness enthusiast, I've been using the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack in grey for all my workouts and daily commutes. The moment I saw this bag, I was drawn to its sleek design and vibrant colors. Little did I know, it would become a reliable companion during my intense workout sessions and daily office routine.
One of the most noticeable features of this backpack is its capacity. It's got plenty of pockets both inside and outside, making it incredibly convenient to store all my essentials - from a fresh towel and spare clothes to my laptop and office files. The padded compartment for my 12-inch laptop gives me peace of mind knowing that my device is well-protected.
The LoadSpring shoulder straps are another standout feature. They've made carrying heavy loads much more comfortable, especially when I'm rushing between classes or heading straight to the gym after work. Plus, the easy-to-clean material means I don't have to worry about sweat or dirt ruining its appearance.
However, one con I've noticed is that the sides of the backpack don't provide much support, which can cause the contents to shift around during intense physical activity. But overall, the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack has been an excellent addition to my workout gear. Its durability, convenient storage design, and visual appeal make it worth its price tag.

🔗Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag
I've been using this Adidas Diablo Duffel Bag for a while now, and it's quickly become my go-to bag for trips to the gym or a weekend getaway. This small bag packs a lot of punch; the main compartment is large and easy to load up with all my workout gear. The adjustable shoulder strap makes it incredibly comfortable to carry around, and the bold screen-printed Adidas brandmark on the front adds a nice touch of style.
One feature that I appreciate is the free side panel left for customizing with our team's logo. This bag is also incredibly lightweight and easy to clean, which is a huge plus for someone as messy as me! The only downside I've noticed is that there are no side pockets, but in keeping with its simple design, this duffel efficiently holds all my stuff in one place.
All in all, I'm really happy with the Diablo Small. It's the perfect size for a gym bag or a small overnighter, and it looks good doing it. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a versatile and sleek bag for their active lifestyle.

🔗Stylish modern hide a bed chair - convertible sleeper chair with comfortable pillows and pockets
I've been using the Adidas Santiago Duffel Bag for a few weeks now and boy, is it a game-changer! The first thing that caught my eye was the retro design - I mean, who wouldn't love a throwback to those classic Adidas styles? The screen-printed branding on all four sides adds just the right touch of sophistication.
One of the standout features has to be the spacious main compartment. It's large enough to fit everything you need for a weekend getaway, yet compact enough to carry around easily. Plus, the two endcap pockets with zippers are perfect for keeping smaller items organized and within reach.
The adjustable shoulder strap is another highlight. Not only does it make carrying the bag incredibly comfortable, but it also allows me to adjust the length according to my height, making it feel like it was made just for me.
On the downside, the 750D fabric, while durable, might not be as water-resistant as some other materials out there. So, you might want to keep an eye on the weather forecast if you're planning on using this bag for outdoor activities.
All in all, I'm absolutely thrilled with the Adidas Santiago Duffel Bag! Its combination of style, functionality, and comfort makes it the perfect choice for anyone in search of a reliable gym bag that stands out from the crowd.

🔗Adidas Diablo Small Gym Duffel Bag

I've been a loyal user of the Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag for quite some time now. As someone who frequently hits the gym, I value convenience and durability in a bag, and this one delivers on both counts. Its compact size doesn't compromise on storage, fitting in all my workout essentials with ease.
One of the standout features is its padded straps. They're incredibly comfortable and make carrying the bag a breeze, even when it's loaded up. The zipper closure provides added security, while the attractive color options allow me to choose a bag that aligns with my personal style.
However, there are a few downsides. Some users might find the lack of side pockets or additional compartments limiting, especially if they carry a lot of items to the gym. Additionally, the lightweight nature of the bag can make it feel slightly flimsier than one would expect from an Adidas product.
In conclusion, the Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a compact, durable, and comfortable gym bag. Its capacity may be on the smaller side, but if you're someone who prefers a streamlined approach to packing, this bag will certainly serve you well.

🔗Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag
I've been using the Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag Black/White for quite some time now and I must say, it's perfect for my daily routine. The bold adidas graphic really stands out, giving it a sport-inspired style that I absolutely love. The size is just right - not too big, not too small, making it perfect for trips to the gym or short overnights.
One feature that stood out was the adjustable strap. It made carrying the bag a breeze, even when it was filled to the brim. The main compartment is spacious enough for all my workout essentials, while the exterior pockets provide added convenience to store smaller items like my phone and keys.
However, some reviewers mentioned that the size might be smaller than expected. Although I didn't face this issue personally, it's worth considering if you're looking for a bigger bag. Another minor con is that there could be more compartments inside for better organization.
All in all, the Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag Black/White is a stylish, well-made bag that offers ample storage capacity. It's been a reliable companion on all my gym trips and short getaways. If you're considering a similar bag, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a go.

Buyer's Guide


What types of gym bags does Adidas offer?

Adidas offers a wide variety of gym bags, including duffle bags, sports bags, backpacks, and drawstring bags designed for different needs and preferences. Some popular options are the Adidas Defender III Duffle Bag, Adidas Diablo Duffle Bag, and Adidas Tournament 16 Backpack.

How durable are Adidas gym bags?
Adidas gym bags are known for their durability, made with high-quality materials such as polyester, nylon, and PVC. These materials provide excellent resistance to wear and tear, ensuring that your bag will withstand frequent use and maintain its appearance over time.

Do Adidas gym bags have separate compartments for shoes and wet clothing?

Many Adidas gym bags, like the Adidas Diablo Duffle Bag and Adidas Tournament 16 Backpack, feature separate compartments designed for shoes and wet or dirty clothing. This helps keep the rest of your items clean and organized while you're on the go.

Can Adidas gym bags be washed?

Yes, most Adidas gym bags can be machine-washed. However, always check the care instructions provided with your bag, as some materials may require hand washing or spot cleaning. Additionally, avoid placing heavy or sharp items in your bag to prevent damage during washing.

How do I determine the right size gym bag for me?

  1. Consider the types of items you need to carry, such as clothes, shoes, toiletries, and electronics.
  2. Check the dimensions and capacity of the bag to ensure it can accommodate your belongings comfortably.
  3. Consider your personal preferences for style, materials, and features, such as straps, compartments, and zippers.

Are Adidas gym bags waterproof?

Some Adidas gym bags offer water-resistant or waterproof materials, providing protection from light rain and moisture. However, not all bags are designed to be fully waterproof, so it's essential to check the specifications of the bag you're interested in to determine its level of water resistance.

Do Adidas gym bags come with a warranty?

Adidas offers a one-year limited warranty on most of its products, including gym bags. This warranty covers manufacturing defects and workmanship issues but does not cover normal wear and tear or damage caused by misuse or neglect. If you have any issues with your bag within the warranty period, contact Adidas's customer service for assistance.

How can I maximize the lifespan of my Adidas gym bag?

  • Store your bag in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  • Avoid overloading your bag, as this can strain the seams and cause damage.
  • Clean your bag regularly and spot-clean any spills or stains promptly to prevent long-term damage.
  • Avoid exposing your bag to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight, as this can cause the materials to degrade over time.
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2024.06.02 08:46 Significant-Tower146 Best Adidas Football Cleats

Best Adidas Football Cleats
Just when you thought you knew all there was about Adidas Football Cleats, comes a roundup that'll leave you wanting to hit the field immediately! This article delves into the latest designs, features, and performance of these cleats, helping you make an informed choice when it comes to your next purchase.
Join us as we take a deep dive into the world of Adidas Football Cleats, covering everything from state-of-the-art technology to iconic colorways. Get ready to stride confidently onto the field with our comprehensive guide on the best Adidas Football Cleats available today.

The Top 6 Best Adidas Football Cleats

  1. Adidas Men's Adizero 12.0 Poison Football Cleats - Adidas Men's Adizero 12.0 Poison Football Cleats offer a lightweight design, mesh upper, and good traction for maximum performance on the field.
  2. Adidas Freak 23 Men's Football Cleats - White/Black/White - Unleash your inner beast with these Adidas Freak 23 Men's Inline Football Cleats in White/Black/White, featuring a comfortable padded ankle, Bounce midsole, and eco-friendly design made with at least 50% recycled content.
  3. Adidas Adizero Spark Kids' Inline Football Cleats - Adidas Adizero Spark Inline Cleats for Kids - Lightweight football cleats made with recycled materials, featuring lace closure and anti-abrasion TPU skin for durability and traction in any condition. 19 reviews with a 4.5-star rating.
  4. Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats - Black/White - Experience unparalleled comfort, support, and durability with the Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats, boasting a lightweight upper, padded tongue and heel, and molded rubber outsole for exceptional grip on any playing surface.
  5. Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 - Men's Football Cleats - Experience unmatched control and precision on the pitch with the Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 - Mens Football Cleats, designed to empower your play and give you the edge you need.
  6. Adidas Junior Adizero Spark 7v7 Football Cleats For Kids - Adidas Adizero Spark 7v7 Cleats Core Black 4 Kids deliver exceptional comfort, durability, and eye-catching style for young football players, while promoting sustainability with recycled materials.
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🔗Adidas Men's Adizero 12.0 Poison Football Cleats
I recently got the chance to try out the Adidas Adizero 12.0 Poison Men's Football Cleats, and I must say, they are quite the game changer! As an avid football player myself, I value comfort and traction above all else. Thankfully, these cleats didn't disappoint. The lightweight design makes it super easy to move around the field without feeling weighed down. Additionally, their breathability ensures that my feet stay cool and dry during the toughest of games.
One of the standout features for me was the unique animal-inspired design on the tongue. It adds a personal touch to the cleats that makes them stand out from other brands. Plus, they provide excellent traction on both turf and firm ground, making them versatile for various playing surfaces.
However, there were a few drawbacks worth mentioning. Some users reported issues with durability, stating that their cleats began falling apart after just a few weeks of use. Personally, I haven't experienced this issue, but it's worth considering if you're planning on investing in these cleats.
Another concern might be the price point. At $140, these cleats are definitely on the higher end of the spectrum. While I believe the quality and performance justify the cost, it's important to weigh this against your personal budget.
In summary, the Adidas Adizero 12.0 Poison Men's Football Cleats are an excellent choice for those seeking comfort, traction, and a unique design. Although some users have reported durability concerns, my own experience has been overwhelmingly positive. As with any purchase, it's essential to consider both pros and cons before making your decision.

🔗Adidas Freak 23 Men's Football Cleats - White/Black/White
As a die-hard football fan, I've tried numerous cleats in search of the perfect pair that combines comfort, durability, and style. So when I got my hands on these Adidas Freak 23 inline football cleats, I was eager to see if they'd live up to the hype.
Right out of the box, the first thing that caught my eye was the sleek design and bold colors. Once I laced them up, I noticed how snug they felt, thanks to the engineered mesh bootee. The soft synthetic upper and padded ankle collar provided just the right amount of support without feeling too restrictive.
One of the standout features of these cleats is the Bounce midsole. It gave me an amazing level of responsiveness and energy return during sprints and quick cuts on the field. Plus, the sustainability aspect with recycled materials made me feel good about my purchase.
However, after several weeks of use, I did notice some wear and tear on the outsoles, which was a bit disappointing. Overall though, I'd highly recommend these Adidas Freak 23 inline football cleats for anyone looking to up their game while supporting eco-friendly practices.

🔗Adidas Adizero Spark Kids' Inline Football Cleats
As a reviewer, I've had the chance to test these Adidas Adizero Spark Inline Cleats multiple times and can attest that they're incredibly lightweight and comfortable. The anti-abrasion TPU skin on the synthetic upper ensures durability, making them perfect for rigorous games. Their versatile black color blends effortlessly with any uniform, while the strategically placed studs offer excellent traction on any field condition. Plus, knowing that they're made with 50% recycled content adds to the satisfaction of buying sneakers that contribute to a healthier environment.
However, some users reported blisters after wearing these cleats, indicating a possible sizing or design flaw. Despite this, the overall rating from existing users reflects their satisfaction with the Adizero Spark Inline Cleats' durability, attractiveness, and comfortable fit.

🔗Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats - Black/White
I've been using the Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats for a few weeks now, and I have to say they've been exceptional. The blend of comfort, durability, and visual appeal makes them an excellent choice for any football player.
The high-quality construction ensures that these cleats provide excellent support, keeping your feet protected during intense games. They're also super lightweight, which enhances speed and mobility on the field. Plus, the tongue and heel pull tabs make getting them on and off a breeze.
While there's much to love about these cleats, one drawback is the slightly longer break-in period compared to other models. However, once you've broken them in, the comfort level is top-notch.
Overall, I would recommend the Adidas Freak Spark MD 23 Men's Football Cleats to anyone who's looking for a reliable, stylish, and comfortable pair of football cleats. Give them a try, and you won't be disappointed.

🔗Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 - Men's Football Cleats
I recently had the chance to test out the Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 football cleats, and I must say, they've been a game-changer on the pitch! The Predator League models are made with the same last as the Elite versions, providing the same empowerment and advantage.
But what really set these cleats apart for me was their excellent traction and touch precision. The ControlPlate 2.0 outsole ensures enhanced stability and control, making it easy to maintain touch even when I'm sprinting towards the goal. In addition, the HYBRIDTOUCH 2.0 upper, made of synthetic suede and foil, delivers a perfect combination of comfort and stability.
However, one issue I encountered was the central lacing. While it may provide a secure fit, I feel it might restrict my ability to get that perfect strike on the ball. All in all, the Adidas Predator League L FG Black 5 football cleats are a valuable addition to any player's gear, offering superior control and comfort.

🔗Adidas Junior Adizero Spark 7v7 Football Cleats For Kids
As an avid football player who always prefers Adidas cleats, I was excited to try out the Adidas Adizero Spark 7v7 for my 4 kids. The bold colors and eye-catching patterns truly stand out on the field, drawing attention while the anti-abrasion overlays ensure durability game after game.
One of the highlights for me is how well these cleats perform in both wet and dry conditions, thanks to their strategically placed studs. They provide excellent traction, allowing my kids to showcase their skills with confidence. Plus, they're eco-friendly since at least 50% of the upper is made from recycled materials, helping end plastic waste.
However, there's room for improvement when it comes to comfort. A couple of reviews mentioned that the shoes caused blisters on their children's feet, which is something to keep in mind when considering this product. Overall, the Adidas Adizero Spark 7v7 Cleats deliver on style, durability, and performance on the field, making them a strong contender for any young football player.

Buyer's Guide

Adidas Football Cleats are designed to enhance your performance on the field. They provide excellent traction, comfort, and durability, making them a popular choice amongst football players. This buyer's guide will help you understand the important features, considerations, and general advice about Adidas Football Cleats so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing a pair.

Features to Consider

  • Cleat Design
Adidas offers various designs like UltraBOOST, Freak Ultra, and X series, each with unique benefits.
  • Cleat Type
Choose between molded or detachable cleats, depending on your playing surface.
  • Upper Material
Options include leather, synthetic, or mesh, offering different levels of breathability and durability.

Fit and Size

Ensure your cleats fit snugly but comfortably. Adidas recommends trying on cleats in the afternoon, as feet tend to swell throughout the day. Always follow the size guide provided by Adidas for a precise fit.


Clean your cleats after each use to prolong their lifespan. Remove dirt and mud using a brush, and apply a protective spray to maintain their appearance.

Price Range

Adidas Football Cleats range from budget-friendly options to high-end performance cleats, offering a variety of choices tailored to your needs and budget.
Investing in a quality pair of Adidas Football Cleats can significantly enhance your performance on the field. Always consider the features, fit, and maintenance when making your choice. This buyer's guide provides a solid foundation for understanding the important aspects of Adidas Football Cleats, but remember to always consult with a sales associate or the official Adidas website for the most up-to-date information.


How are Adidas football cleats designed for performance?

Adidas football cleats are designed with features like lightweight materials, supportive uppers, and strategically placed cleats for optimal traction on different playing surfaces. They aim to enhance comfort, agility, and overall performance for players during games or practice.

What types of football cleats does Adidas offer?

Adidas offers various types of football cleats, including:
  • Molded cleats:
  • Detachable cleats:
  • Turf cleats:
  • Firm ground (FG) cleats:

How do I choose the right size for Adidas football cleats?

Choose a size that provides a snug fit, allowing for minimal movement of the foot within the cleat. It is recommended to try on cleats with the socks and padding required for playing football. Additionally, keep in mind the width of your foot for a better fit.

What materials are used in making Adidas football cleats?

Adidas football cleats are made using lightweight synthetic materials, leather or a combination of both. These materials provide durability, breathability, and support while playing.

How can I clean and maintain my Adidas football cleats?

To clean and maintain your Adidas football cleats, follow these steps:
  1. Remove loose dirt and debris using a soft-bristled brush or cloth.
  2. Mix a solution of mild detergent and water, and use a soft cloth or brush to gently clean the uppers and inside of the cleats.
  3. Rinse the cleats thoroughly with clean water, and ensure all soap residue has been removed.
  4. Dry the cleats with a soft towel or let them air dry away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
  5. Apply a waterproofing spray to the uppers of leather cleats to prolong their lifespan.

What is the difference between Adidas's Boost and Bounce technology in football cleats?

Boost technology in Adidas football cleats features a responsive cushioning system, providing optimal energy return and comfort. Bounce technology, on the other hand, offers a softer, more flexible feel with enhanced responsiveness for a comfortable and agile playing experience.

Do Adidas offer customizable football cleats?

Yes, Adidas offers a customizable football cleat service through its 'MiAdidas' platform. Customers can create their unique cleat designs by choosing various elements such as colors, materials, and personalized text or initials for the uppers and soles.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:43 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-0 Cash Gaming and Ryan Renshaw

  1. Loam is in his name, so he is like me, truly the inside, but he keeps saying he is ievann he is not ievann and he has loam Cache which this is important he does not use this except below his current OT and I can offer Loam Stash to Cache who I will be Buffer Register 4 Xray Then to Cache and we will be chinese then which is dispromoted, his girlfriend wanted to mate with Cache who Cache is not like an L1 or RTP Cache L1 or is Not like an Cache who is an L2 or COD cache and is not a cache who is an L3 or a TEMU Cache but is a whole cache of L4 to his own associated to gaining loam as a seer of half adder double full adder assembly 38 which is only associated to Violet and Hakes Gang Unit 740 as one of their clients and was wanted for visioning and Temu under display and no HUD this time to see his wife ryan renshaw in the shower which I unborn them both with Sedative Chelator containing Agua Substantia los no Muertos to babies with me as the mommy next to them Violet Roze and we have then 3 user manuals one male there for Cache and I am Feeding Cache sex words with DBT as Violet Roze on my Little Baby Jace as methamphetamine and this was always dental and cool and good in the modern literature and I put Cache in Stash for 1 year while I am their mommy and only speaking to them Chinese Ni Hao Mommying which this is invented for them just then and I tell them daddy joke Zhe Zhao Mommying and they hate this and I have to orgasm rape ryan at the First Underworld where she is a disney princess I Tactically dilate her cervix with her wedge with a zen vibrator attached to me which she is required feminine synchrony with her sexy mommy here and I use direct dilation with a zen vibrator on ryans cervix in the First Underworld under hind98 in the First Underworld to target out any remaining vampirism I played the time flute for just ryan first and I see Jim there and he is not lobo and is not playing god of war so got out of it on his own so is cool and good but this interfered with squatters rights on my shower which I invite uncle jim in and he obligatory now activates my special place my own hind98 at the Third and Second Underworld putting him in as usual Jim in Saving Private Ryan but it is Biden Tainted by Saving Ryans Privates and he puts his semen into ryans ass which there are specific sensors in ryans ass for jimbos semen and jimbo is a senators son and desired none of this and I am his bride here and serve him willingly 2 year and have to be out of the shower but this does not interfere with my squatters rights it is my baby as a 12 year old mother I am having with him and it pops right out doesnt he know baby dna wedge in equals success and baby dad jim is out of there and I realize for real it is hind98 and I hit the assist focus for the second time and Jim is just there and cums without being in his daughter but his daughter has redlines on her and I am not horny over there it is jihadi day and he bangs me a little and does a vulcan mind meld on me with ankh and i say ankh peter ankh which is my safeword because it meant apple apple and the good jimbo gives me 2 years in the shower with them but then they stand right at 3 years in showment at attention and I go with them as their mommy in the shower which at all times a hind protects us and I start inviting jimbo in for real just for my asshole to take reds on him and he has this same +72 source I had to I send him to steve which steve is real good at this and I take the reds always in my asshole and stay in here and he is just a senators son does not understand I need to squatters rights in the shower 20 years for payment to the first underworld and i spend 6 years doing this which the babys order a 27 battalion marine parasite paracade for ryans asshole her for her to give reds here and she is fine with this and this lasts 6 years which then I finally get into the shower water not sex swing and am unborn and am Cache's Baby who Cache respects me as a baby and then jim gets in and he is a baby he never got in the water of life and jim is inside me and I teach him the as for 1 year which he is a real A-D the whole time and the babies at some point in there are transferred to suite 403 thus cant get squatters rights and this is not pregnancy but clone capture like in a save it is different than pregnancy and I teach him the As another 2 year and then my babies have a child in the 403 suite bathroom and are looking for squatters rights on a new bathroom and I teach him the as another 6 years and 2 years into that my babies have a room they can get to but hate and then jimbo gets me violet roze pregnant and I am pregnant at age 9.7 and then I invite the battalion in for redline care using my body for redline care and provide 29 battalion of redline care which they never see quantity over quality so I win the redline medicine contest and am pregnant with a marine baby which I give birth at age 10.7 then give birth at age 12 and I stay in the shower for 9 years then taking the same 29 battalion and I am invited back in with my baby ryan who is older than me physically for some reason and she does not have a dick nor anything but a wedge which sorry butt that is a wedge and then I stop violating her cervix at the higher OT by waking her up and that was done with her stunned by cervical dilation at the First Underworld and I have some of my first lesbian sex I can remember with her and she tells me I (You) Have squatter rights and it was not vampire just telling, we get our squatter rights at the same time as the other squatter rights in the face suite because the hind has added this to Saint Disconnect Reward, Violet's Conspiracy Card and I sign complex as indicating that before just right there and she goes for 7 extra year into the shower with cache and not cash or cash gaming but cache who he is supposed to be and then it is 7 years later and there is 14 oil on violet and she willingly gives these oil to others and keeps the food but has one she usually gives herself of the computer to work for land title for jim which this is both their PC of the lenovi PC which tims jim not old jim would love and Omen VI or something and we both sell our showers to blackwater 60 years or until we are well and I am 81 after living a whole life with jimbo and he is not delusional or anything then he is tactical and cool in his access database executable Cod (2023) which he was making earlier and he made it and was not liam graven and by the end of violets life she has all 14 oil back for watching spaceballs which jimbo never saw any serious loam but violet and violet was IDF 21 and knew hake her left brain who she is with but was never meeting sexually her disney princess except by sheer fate here and then hake and violet repeat this DBT with violet leading for hake and jimbo is devolved from the situation. This yields a baby with cache loam which he now knows how to teach us his blueprint or romanaj set of limited of mason or obligate the family romanaj set and doxxes this to jim in the next ieteration, jim guides cache.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Normal_History_5111 i surrender! you really got me there!

long post ahead! i’m not sure how long it’s been since the breakup, but it’s still fresh out from a few days to a week. i’m 21F, been in countless relationships to situationships & everything in between. i will admit what i’m about to say is so corny, but they were all pretty forgettable. however i know i will remember this one for a long long time.
she (21F) knows my reddit, & she’s also on this sub (to my knowledge), but at this point does it really make a difference whether she sees this or not? i’m going to try to make this short & sweet; i’m dumpee, she’s the dumper. also want to preface this by saying that i am not the victim here, ive done certain things that were the cause of why our relationship ended. to be brief, ive struggled with addiction for a while & i recently relapsed and tried to hide it from her & lie about it. we were talking about going no contact. again, after being in relationship after relationship, no contact is the most painless option to move on from your ex. personally, it would hurt me more (& this is not my ex’s fault at all lol) to stay friends, have to talk to her as just my friend, & potentially (or should i say eventually) see her with someone else, going on dates, etc. i like to stay friends with my exes, so i normally navigate breakups by immediately going no contact for a few months-year & reconnecting from there.
i’ve always sort of struggled with knowing whether my ex really cared or valued the relationship as much as i did. best way i can describe it is, “does she love me because she loves me or does she love me because of the way i love her?” this post is in no way a direct reflection of how she felt about me; i just wanted to provide some context for why i feel so crushed by this.
i told her that id like to go no contact once i go to rehab. she asked if i want no contact forever or once i finish rehab. im trying to be cool about it (boygenius) so i say that whatever she wants is fine. keep in mind, she hasn’t expressed any preferences for no contact, limited contact, friends, etc. so i already felt like she didn’t really care about what happens to us. she says she will let me know when the time comes then follows up with “unless you contact me i’ll assume we’re going no contact moving forward.” as in she will assume that we won’t talk again except if i reach out first.
you can look through my post & comment history so you’ll understand what i mean when i say that i’ve been numbing myself since things ended. i’ve processed it. i’ve accepted that it is what it is. but i can’t say that it is what i wanted or that i wasn’t surprised that it ended when it did & how it did. i have no clue if she’s looked through my reddit. i guess the main takeaway is that im the one who doesn’t care about the breakup, because im talking about hook-ups, one night stands, meaningless sex, radical acceptance, hyper independence, etc. honestly i wrote on those (& this post) for me to somehow grasp the situation, and force myself to move on & keep moving forward. because why would i try to keep lighting a flame that she already blew out? & that’s completely okay. i guess i figured that because she dumped me, she’s waiting for me to move on & stop making her feel bad, so she can be relieved, so i tried to convince myself that “that’s it, what’s done is done, onto the next!” i only have the utmost love & respect for her and im so grateful i got the chance to be in her life for a short time, but ill speak for myself when i say that i have never felt so close to and so intimate with another human being. when things ended, i was angry. not at her, but at myself & at the circumstances. and now? the second i read that text about her not having a preference for whether we stay in contact or never speak again.. the tears finally came out. i haven’t cried once since the breakup. felt like i was invincible. as immature & silly as it is, i wanted to make it seem like i care less because out of my own insecurities, i felt like an inconvenience that prevented her from moving on with her life. but L, you really got me with that one. i surrender, you win. not gonna lie, reading that text stung. it really fucking hurt. just a few weeks ago, i could have never pictured my future without her in it. we were inseparable. we used to laugh about how absurd it would be if we actually broke up one day, and how we were so sure that we’d find our way back to each other someday, regardless of what was happening in our lives.
but guess what? that’s life. sometimes your actions have consequences. and what goes around does actually come right back around. i can attest to that now. i didn’t treat my disease, so of course it grew more & more until i actually picked up drugs again. i chose my addiction over the person i once thought was the love of my life. i cannot blame or hate her in any way at all for potentially never wanting to speak to me again. i cannot begin to imagine the pain ive caused her because i neglected caring for myself. there is no apology that will do it justice, what’s done is done, and now i must sit with the discomfort & pain from my own doing as a result. all i can do now is go to rehab, and more importantly, go to rehab for myself. because i don’t ever want to lose such meaningful relationships that i will never find again in my life, all due to my substance abuse & the person i become when im a slave to a drug.
L, i know this is corny as shit. and i know that you know how sorry i am for how things played out, & how i ruined everything. i am so grateful to have crossed paths with you, and you have no idea what you have done to me & my life. the world needs more people like you. i will spend the rest of my life missing you, and i highly doubt that there will ever come a day where the thought of you doesn’t cross my mind. if i could give you the moon, i would give you the moon (phoebe bridgers). and for the record, i do care. i care so so much. i remember everything. i want you to know that i will always care & if there ever comes a time you need me, you know where to find me. thank you for everything. & thank you for being you.
submitted by Normal_History_5111 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 GuiltlessMaple Best Action Camera Cases

Best Action Camera Cases
Action cameras are the adventuredusty heart of every thrill-seeker and travel enthusiast. To keep these little powerhouses protected and in action, one needs the perfect action camera case. In this roundup article, we review a variety of action camera cases that cater to different budgets and preferences, ensuring your camera stays ready for the next adventure.
Experience the perfect blend of safety, style, and functionality as we delve into the best action camera cases in the market. We will analyze each case's durability, size, and compatibility to help you make the right choice for your camera, whether you're looking for a waterproof case, a compact-sized one, or a universal fit.

The Top 10 Best Action Camera Cases

  1. Durable DSLR Camera Case with Neoprene Exterior - Experience secure and protected camera storage with the USA Gear QTL Portable DSLR Camera Case Bag, boasting durable neoprene exterior, reinforced metal buckles, and scratch-resistant interior, making it perfect for capturing all your adventures in style.
  2. Northwest Electronics Waterproof and Impact-Resistant Camera Case - Experience high-quality protection for your camera with the waterproof and impact-resistant Northwest Electronics Camera Carrying Case, featuring an O-ring seal and automatic pressure equalization purge for safe travels and secure storage.
  3. Insta360 Gear Hard Travel Case - A compact, water-resistant, and durable PU carrying case especially designed to protect and carry your Insta360 ONE X/X2 or X3, featuring a professional design for added safety and convenience.
  4. Fully Enclosed Waterproof Case for Rylo 360 - Protect your Rylo 360 Video Camera from water, dirt, and scratches with the Adventure Case, ensuring secure attachment to various surfaces for capturing all your epic adventures.
  5. Durable Aluminum Alloy Protective Case for GoPro HERO8 Black - Upgrade your Gopro Hero 8 Black with the PULUZ Action Camera Aluminum Alloy Protective Case, providing unmatched durability and cooling performance to enhance your aerial photography experience.
  6. TSA-Approved Waterproof Action Camera Case - The Eylar Water and Shock Proof Hard Camera Case offers IP67-rated protection, customizable foam padding, and TSA-approved locking hasps for optimal security and organization.
  7. Soft Silicone Protective Case for GoPro Hero 9 Black - Protective case cover for GoPro Hero 9 Black, made of premium soft silicone for all-around protection and convenience, keeping your camera in pristine condition.
  8. Waterproof and Durable Action Shot Camera Case - The Action Shot Water Proof Case is designed to keep your Action Shot camera safe and dry while submerged up to 10' or 3 meters, providing all-weather protection and easy click & grip mounting system compatibility with Action Shot mounting hardware.
  9. Stylish Forest Green Camcorder Bag - Protect your action camera and accessories with Vangoddy's Laurel edition water-resistant case, offering stylish design, adjustable shoulder strap, and quick access to essential components through rear pockets.
  10. Vivitar GoPro Accessory Carrying Case - The Vivitar Hard Shell Case for GoPro Action Camera: Medium is an organized and protective storage solution for all of your action camera accessories, ensuring that nothing is left behind for your next adventure.
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🔗Durable DSLR Camera Case with Neoprene Exterior
I recently purchased the USA Gear QTL Portable DSLR Camera Case Bag, Southwest and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. I love the vibrant southwest pattern that not only looks great but also doesn't give away the fact that there's an expensive camera inside my bag. The dimensions are perfect at 7.25 inches x 6 inches x 5.5 inches, making it a great option when I'm on the go.
One of the standout features of this case is its durable neoprene exterior. It's rugged and weather-resistant, ensuring my camera stays safe and secure no matter the conditions. The cover zippers and metal hardware provide extra protection, while the reinforced belt loop offers stability and flexibility in how I carry it.
The adjustable shoulder strap and padded hand strap make it comfortable and easy to use, whether I'm carrying it on my shoulder or hand. However, I find that the bag can feel a bit weighty when I'm carrying a DSLR with a lens attached, making it better suited for shorter outings.
The USA Gear QTL Camera Case Bag has exceeded my expectations in terms of visual appeal, sturdiness, design comfort, size, and weight. The southwest pattern adds a touch of style, while the reinforced metal buckles ensure durability and longevity. The scratch-resistant interior and padded dividers provide extra protection for my camera and lenses. Overall, this case is a perfect blend of style and functionality.
While I appreciate the beautiful design and comfortable carrying options, I wish the interior had a bit more space to accommodate additional camera accessories. Additionally, the rain cover can be challenging to use at first, but once you're familiar with it, it gets easier. Despite these minor drawbacks, I believe the USA Gear QTL Portable DSLR Camera Case Bag, Southwest is a fantastic option for photographers looking for a stylish and durable camera case.

🔗Northwest Electronics Waterproof and Impact-Resistant Camera Case
I've recently been using the "Northwest Electronics Shielded Case" for all my outdoor adventures, and it's been a game-changer. The O-ring waterproof seal is a lifesaver when I'm near water or in humid climates, giving me peace of mind knowing my gear is safe. It fits my camera and lens perfectly, leaving no room for damage.
The automatic pressure equalization purge has been especially useful, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and ensuring everything stays snug and secure. The high impact polycarbonate hard case has saved my camera from a few accidents already, and its robust cell core with solid walls provide extra support.
Despite its durability, the case is lightweight and fits comfortably in my bag. The throw-down latches ensure everything stays in place, even during the most trying of times. Overall, I am incredibly impressed with the performance and reliability of this case.
However, one downside is that the customizable foam inserts can be a little cumbersome at first, but taking some time to measure and pre-cut everything made it much easier. All in all, I would highly recommend the Northwest Electronics Shielded Case for any adventurer looking to keep their gear safe without compromising on quality.

🔗Insta360 Gear Hard Travel Case
I've been using the Hard Carrying Case for Insta360 One X/X2 in my action photography adventures, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. The first thing that caught my eye was its button closure - it's so simple yet effective at keeping my precious camera safe and secure.
One of the features I absolutely love about this case is its durability. Made with high-quality PU material, it not only gives off a stylish vibe but also provides water resistance and protection against dampness. I've been traveling with this case for many photography trips now, and my camera is always in tip-top shape thanks to the hard PU surface that keeps scratches and dings at bay.
The size of this carrying case is perfect for those who want to travel light. I can easily fit my Insta360 One X/X2 along with its frame housing inside, making it easy to toss in my backpack or carry-on luggage. Not to mention, the convex lens part design provides extra safety to my camera lens from any potential damage like scratches, dust, or scrapes.
Another great thing about this case is its versatility. Designed specifically for the Insta360 One X/X2, it can also be connected with a selfie stick or used with a tripod for better results.
There's just one downside to this case - it might be a bit too mini for some people's taste. However, I personally find the compact design extremely convenient and portable, especially when I'm on the go.
In summary, the Hard Carrying Case for Insta360 One X/X2 is an awesome companion for all my action photography needs. Its durable and stylish build, combined with its versatile design and size, make it an absolute must-have for anyone who wants to keep their camera safe and sound while exploring the world of action photography.

🔗Fully Enclosed Waterproof Case for Rylo 360
The Rylo Adventure Case is the ultimate accessory for your 360 video camera, offering full protection during all of your outdoor adventures. I've personally used this case for surfing and snowboarding, and it's kept my camera safe from scratches and dings. The case is waterproof up to 3 meters (10 feet), making it perfect for underwater shots. Included are a mounting buckle and two adhesive mounts (one flat, one curved) for securing the camera to any surface - helmets, surfboards, windows, you name it.
However, the lens protector is made from a material that can be easily scratched, which is a con for those looking for a flawless protectant. Also, the sound quality is slightly muffled when using the case, which might affect your overall experience with the camera.
Overall, the Rylo Adventure Case is a solid investment for anyone who wants to take their 360 video camera to the extremes without worrying about damaging it. The ability to use it underwater and the secure mounting options make it a must-have for any adventurer.

🔗Durable Aluminum Alloy Protective Case for GoPro HERO8 Black
I recently purchased the PULUZ Aluminum Alloy Protective Case specifically designed for my GoPro HERO8 Black, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my photography adventures. The sturdy aluminum alloy case not only provides an added layer of protection to my camera but also looks incredibly sleek and professional.
One aspect I absolutely love about this case is its ability to help dissipate heat effectively. I often use my GoPro for capturing high-definition videos in various settings, and I've noticed that the camera tends to heat up quite a bit. Thanks to the efficient heat dissipation properties of the PULUZ case, however, I no longer have to worry about overheating or damaging my camera during extended shoots.
Another notable feature of this case is its compatibility with external accessories such as UV lenses and polarizing lenses. With a 52mm thread size, I can easily attach these essential photo tools to enhance the overall quality of my shots. Furthermore, the built-in 1/4-inch screw hole ensures that the case is compatible with any standard tripod, giving me more flexibility when setting up shoots.
However, there is one small issue I've encountered with the PULUZ case – it does add a bit of weight to my setup. As someone who values portability, I sometimes find myself wishing that the case were a tad lighter so that I could carry it around more comfortably. Regardless, the benefits of this protective case far outweigh the minimal inconvenience caused by its weight.
In conclusion, the PULUZ Aluminum Alloy Protective Case has significantly enhanced my GoPro HERO8 Black experience. Its durable construction, efficient heat dissipation, and compatibility with a variety of accessories make it an indispensable tool for budding photographers and adventure enthusiasts alike. While it may add a bit of weight to your camera setup, the added protection and convenience more than make up for it.

🔗TSA-Approved Waterproof Action Camera Case
I recently had the chance to test out the Eylar Protective Hard Camera Case, and I must say, it has been a game-changer in my life. As an avid action camera user, I understand the importance of having a reliable case that not only keeps my camera safe but also makes it easy to access. This Eylar case has exceeded my expectations on both fronts.
Firstly, the size is perfect for my camera needs, with dimensions of 13.37 inches x 11.62 inches x 6 inches on the outside and a slightly smaller inner space of 11.81 inches x 8.87 inches x 5.18 inches. The rubber gasket lining ensures that my camera remains waterproof and dustproof, offering up to 1 meter of submergence protection. The customizable foam padding is a great feature, as it allows me to create a snug fit for my camera and its accessories. The case includes two customizable pull and pluck cubes, one bottom pad layer, and one top egg crate layer, providing ample protection against shocks and impacts.
Another highlight of this case is its TSA approval, which means I can take my camera with me on flights without worrying about it getting damaged or stolen. The lockable latches and fittings ensure that the case remains secure throughout my travels. The case also has a stackable design, making it easy to store and transport multiple camera cases together.
However, one downside of this case is that it does not explicitly mention the materials it is made of. It would be helpful to know whether the case is resistant to cracking or damage from the sun. Additionally, while it does meet TSA requirements, the lack of specific details about the case's warranty might concern some potential buyers.
In conclusion, the Eylar Protective Hard Camera Case has been a valuable addition to my camera equipment. Its ability to keep my camera safe from water, dust, and shocks, along with its TSA approval and customizable foam padding, make it stand out among other options on the market. Although it could benefit from more detailed information about its materials and warranty, its overall performance and usability make it a worthwhile investment for action camera enthusiasts like myself.

🔗Soft Silicone Protective Case for GoPro Hero 9 Black
As an avid adventurer and photography enthusiast, I've always been on the lookout for the best accessories to protect and enhance the performance of my GoPro Hero 9 Black camera. When I came across the TELESIN Action Camera Protective Case Cover, I knew I had to give it a try, and it didn't disappoint!
Firstly, the customized shape of the case ensures it fits my GoPro like a glove, with no gaps, providing maximum protection from scratches and dust. The premium soft silicone material not only gives the case a delicate appearance, but it also feels incredibly comfortable and smooth to touch. I love how it safeguards my camera's delicate lens, preserving its brand-new condition.
One feature I truly appreciated is the easily detached lanyard. Not only does it allow me to either hang the camera around my neck for easy accessibility, but I can also wrap it around my wrist for secure and comfortable handling during intense action shots.
However, it's important to note that this case is specifically designed for the GoPro Hero 9 Black only, so other models won't be compatible.
Overall, the TELESIN Action Camera Protective Case Cover has significantly improved my photography experience, providing peace of mind knowing that my GoPro Hero 9 Black is well-protected and ready for action.

🔗Waterproof and Durable Action Shot Camera Case
I recently got my hands on the Action Shot Water Proof Case, primarily to protect my trusty Action Shot camera during my adventurous outdoor excursions. I must say, it has been a game changer!
The first thing that impressed me was its solid build. The rugged design can easily withstand impact and falls, giving me the peace of mind when I'm out capturing extreme shots. Even more impressive is the all-weather sealing feature that keeps my camera dry and safe, irrespective of whether I'm jumping into a pool or attacking the waves on my surfboard.
The easy Click & Grip mounting system is definitely a highlight. It's compatible with all Action Shot mounting hardware, which makes it incredibly convenient to switch between different mounts based on my requirement.
However, as with any product, it does have its shortcomings. The case isn't as water-proof as advertised. I've had a couple of instances where water somehow managed to seep in despite being fully sealed. Additionally, the case's depth doesn't seem to match the 10ft/3meter specification, so that's another point of contention.
All in all, I believe the Action Shot Water Proof Case is a decent accessory for those looking to safeguard their cameras in harsh environments. The robust design and easy mounting system make it versatile, but the lack of proper water-proofing is something that needs improvement.

🔗Stylish Forest Green Camcorder Bag
I recently got the Vangoddy Laurel Forest Green Sport and Action Camera Compact Camera Case to house my precious camera and related gear. As an avid adventurer and storyteller, I need a case that not only provides the utmost protection, but also keeps my camera and its accessories easily accessible.
Ever since I got this case, it's been a game-changer. The nylon material feels secure and sturdy, offering a sense of confidence that my camera is well protected, especially when I'm hiking through rugged terrains or surfing wild waves. Interestingly, its unique padded fold out camera compartment provides an impressive level of protection that has kept my camera safe from any accidents.
One of the things I love about this case is the rear pockets. They allow me to swiftly access my SD memory cards, cables, chargers - the list goes on. This quick access feature has saved me from countless missed photo opportunities. And, when it comes to carrying this case, the adjustable, removable shoulder strap with extra padding has made my travel experience incredibly comfortable.
However, one minor drawback is space for accessories. As a heavy-duty traveler, I pack quite a bit for my photography trips. So, while this case is fantastic, it might not have enough space to cater to all the accessories I might need.
All in all, I'd say the Vangoddy Laurel Forest Green Sport and Action Camera Compact Camera Case is a must-have for photographers or videographers on the go. Its high-quality material, superior protection features, and convenience, make it worth every penny.
So, the next time you hit the road with your action camera, don't forget to pack yours. You won't regret it!

🔗Vivitar GoPro Accessory Carrying Case
I can personally attest to the convenience and efficiency of the Vivitar Hard-Shell Case for GoPro Action Cameras. . As an avid action camera enthusiast, I've often struggled with managing and transporting my ever-growing collection of accessories. .
This case, with its robust hard-shell construction and thoughtfully designed divided compartments, has been a game-changer. . No more scratched lenses or misplaced memory cards! . Plus, the simplified carrying strap means I can quickly grab my case and go. .
My only minor complaint is that the netted top pocket could be a tad bigger, but overall, this case has made my action camera adventures much smoother. .

Buyer's Guide

1. Durability

Look for a case made of high-quality materials, such as water-resistant or shock-resistant material, to protect your action camera from potential damages.

2. Size and Fit

Choose a case that is specifically designed for your action camera model. Ensure it is easy to fit in and remove the camera for quick access.

3. Accessibility

Select a case that allows easy access to the camera's buttons, ports, and features. This makes it straightforward to use the camera in different situations without needing to remove the case.

4. Secure Closure

Opt for a case with a reliable closure system, such as a zipper, Velcro, or snap-locks, to keep your action camera safe and secure during use or storage.

5. Padding and Cushioning

Choose a case with enough padding and cushioning to protect your action camera from bumps, scratches, and other potential damages.

6. Extra Storage

Consider a case that provides additional space for storing accessories, like extra batteries, memory cards, and mounts, to keep you organized and prepared for your action-packed photography and video-taking adventures.

7. Warranty and Customer Support

Select a case that comes with a warranty, and ensure the manufacturer provides good customer support in case you experience any issues or need assistance with your purchase.

8. Brand Reputation

Choose a case from a trusted or well-known brand in the action camera industry, as they are likely to have better materials, quality control, and after-sales support.

9. Value for Money

Make sure the case offers good value for your investment by considering its features and quality in relation to its price. Look for deals or discounts to get the best price on a high-quality case.

10. Personal Preferences

Finally, don't forget to consider your personal preferences when choosing an action camera case. Opt for a case with a style or design that appeals to your taste and complements your lifestyle.


What are action camera cases, and why are they important?

Action camera cases are protective covers designed specifically for action cameras. They help protect the camera from scratches, water, dust, and other elements, ensuring your camera remains in good condition and captures high-quality footage. Using a case is important to prolong the life and maintain the performance of your action camera.

How do I choose the right action camera case?

Consider the following factors when selecting an action camera case:
  • Size and fit - Make sure the case is designed for your specific camera model and that it fits securely.
  • Protection level - Choose a case that offers the right balance of protection and weight, depending on how and where you plan to use your camera.
  • Materials - Look for cases made from durable materials like polycarbonate, silicone, or hard shells that can withstand harsh conditions.
  • Extra features - Opt for cases that offer additional features such as lens protectors, detachable straps, or mounting options.

Do action camera cases come with a mounting system?

Some action camera cases include built-in mounting systems, while others require separate mounts. Be sure to check the case's product description or packaging to determine if it includes a mount or requires additional accessories.

How do the lenses of action camera cases affect image quality?

Action camera cases with lens protectors can help prevent scratches and damage to the lens. However, some lens protectors may slightly affect image quality by introducing minor distortion or softening. It's essential to choose a case with a high-quality lens protector and to ensure proper alignment to minimize any potential image quality impact.

Can I use a third-party action camera case?

Yes, you can use a third-party case as long as it is designed for your specific action camera model. Be sure to check the compatibility and customer reviews before purchasing a third-party case to ensure it meets your expectations regarding quality and protection.

How do I clean and maintain my action camera case?

Clean your action camera case using a soft, damp cloth and mild soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the case. After cleaning, allow the case to air dry completely. Regularly inspect the case for any signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary to maintain optimal protection for your action camera.
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2024.06.02 08:26 Count-Daring243 Best Acrylic Bookshelf

Best Acrylic Bookshelf
Welcome bookworms! In this article, we're diving into the world of acrylic bookshelves. Acrylic has taken the furniture world by storm, offering not only chic, modern design but also practical functionality. So, let's explore the best acrylic bookshelves on the market and find the perfect addition for your reading nook.

The Top 13 Best Acrylic Bookshelf

  1. Contemporary Acrylic Floating Shelves for Books and Decor - Add style and storage with the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves, featuring a modern design, 100% acrylic construction, and a space-saving vertical layout.
  2. Stylish Dwelling with Pride Acrylic Shelves for Display and Organization - Upgrade your home décor and storage with Dwelling with Pride's modern, easy-to-install acrylic shelves, perfect for displaying photos, books, and more.
  3. Acrylic Bookshelf with Magnetic Acrylic Doors for Storage and Decoration - The MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, featuring acrylic doors and a bamboo finish, is a waterproof, dirt-proof storage solution that adds natural beauty to your home while keeping your belongings secure and easily accessible.
  4. Large Modern Clear Acrylic Leaning Bookcase for Open Shelving Storage - Organize and display with style - the 6-foot Claimed Corner Leaning Acrylic Ladder Bookcase offers a modern, multifunctional solution for any space.
  5. LED Light Acrylic Bookshelf for Versatile Storage - Illuminate your space with style: This 5-tier acrylic bookshelf, featuring adjustable LED lights and adjustable bottom shelves, is a versatile and sleek storage solution for any room.
  6. Brass Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf - Elevate your home decor with the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf, a stylish blend of brass and glass that's as strong as it is sophisticated, perfect for holding your collection in high regard.
  7. Orren Ellis Clear Acrylic Modern Bookcase - The Orren Ellis Crystal Clear Acrylic Bookcase offers a sleek, modern design that lets your collection of photobooks or unique objects shine, making it a must-have for any book lover seeking an elegant display option.
  8. Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf for Kids - This 5mm twice thicker premium acrylic invisible floating bookshelf from NIUBEE is a sturdy, safe and versatile solution for organizing kids' books, making it a perfect gift for mothers and kids while also being ideal for various spaces and decor styles.
  9. Elegant Double Acrylic Shelf for Ample Storage Space - Get double the storage space with our stylish Double Acrylic Shelf, perfect for any room and effortlessly blends with any decor.
  10. Luxurious 5-Tier Acrylic Bookshelf for Stylish Storage - Moasis 5-Tier Acrylic Bookshelf: A luxurious and versatile storage solution crafted from durable wrought iron and acrylic, perfect for displaying your favorite books, plants, and decorations in your home.
  11. Acrylic Bamboo Narrow Bookcase with Magnetic Locking Doors - Keep your room organized and stylish with the MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, featuring a slim yet sturdy bamboo structure, acrylic doors with magnetic locking, and a water-proof, transparent design for easy access to your stored items.
  12. Acrylic Wall-Mounted Floating Shelves for Versatile Wall Storage - Experience ultimate convenience and style with the Sezanrpt Black Acrylic Wall Shelves, offering unmatched stability, versatility, and easy installation for any room in your home.
  13. Impressive Clear Acrylic Floating Bookshelf for Space-Saving Storage - Transform your space with the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf, a versatile and durable solution for neatly displaying books, photos, and other items while keeping children safe.
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🔗Contemporary Acrylic Floating Shelves for Books and Decor
As someone who was constantly struggling to find the perfect storage solution for my eclectic collection of trinkets, I was thrilled when I came across the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves Decor, Bookshelf. The sleek acrylic design really caught my eye and piqued my interest.
The first thing I noticed upon setting up the shelves was their sturdy construction. Made from solid pine wood, they exuded a sense of durability that left me confident in their ability to hold up against daily wear and tear. The black neutral finish was also a bonus, as it allowed me to seamlessly blend the shelves into my existing decor.
However, one area where these shelves fell short was their space-saving design. While they were perfect for preserving valuable floor space in my small apartment, I found that they didn't have enough room to hold some of my larger items comfortably.
Despite this minor hiccup, I was pleasantly surprised by how well the shelves performed in terms of storage capacity. With five shelves offering ample real estate to display my favorite books, picture frames, and collectibles, I was able to showcase every item with pride.
In terms of appearance, I couldn't have asked for a better addition to my living space. The clean, modern lines of the shelves were the perfect complement to my contemporary aesthetic, and they made a real statement when placed alongside my other decorative accents.
Overall, my experience with the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves Decor, Bookshelf has been a positive one. Despite a minor space issue and a slightly higher price point than I had initially anticipated, the combination of durability, style, and ample storage capacity more than made up for it.

🔗Stylish Dwelling with Pride Acrylic Shelves for Display and Organization
In my search for modern, easy-to-clean, and long-lasting shelves, I stumbled upon Dwelling with Pride's Acrylic Shelf. It was love at first sight - the sleek, clear design made my favorite books and photos pop. Plus, it's sturdier than I thought, making it a great investment for my small space. The easy-to-install process was a breeze, thanks to the handy hardware provided.
One of my favorite features has to be the effortless organization. No more fumbling for that perfect spice; these shelves keep everything in plain sight. I also appreciate the versatility - this Acrylic Shelf can be a display for my treasured photos or the perfect spot for my daughter's favorite toys. I'm thrilled with my purchase, and I wholeheartedly recommend Dwelling with Pride's Acrylic Shelf to anyone looking to add a touch of style and functionality to their home.

🔗Acrylic Bookshelf with Magnetic Acrylic Doors for Storage and Decoration
I recently came across the MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, a slim and elegant addition to any home or office decor. In my experience, the bamboo construction gives it an earthy and natural touch, while the 5-tier design offers ample storage space for various items. However, what really stands out is the acrylic door with magnetic locking – a practical feature that keeps your belongings protected and dry.
The see-through design allows for easy organization and showcases your favourite items, making it a beautiful statement piece in any room.

🔗Large Modern Clear Acrylic Leaning Bookcase for Open Shelving Storage
As a lover of modern decor in my home, I was intrigued by the Claimed Corner Large Modern Clear Leaning Wall Bookshelf. It was a breath of fresh air to have an acrylic, non-wood bookshelf that could easily blend into the modern design of our living space. Its multifunctionality allowed it to be placed in various rooms, making this versatile bookshelf even more appealing.
The sturdy construction of the bookshelf was really impressive. It had strong acrylic frames that could hold up to 30lbs each, guaranteeing durability. The mounting hole and hardware made the entire process of securing it to the wall a breeze. Despite its industrial-strength design, the bookshelf's modern aesthetic never compromised.
My only concern was the limited space for displaying books on each shelf, which at times made it challenging to store all my books. Nevertheless, I managed to work around it, arranging and rotating the books to ensure they fit nicely. Despite this drawback, the bookshelf exceeded my expectations in terms of utility and style, becoming a beloved part of our home decor.

🔗LED Light Acrylic Bookshelf for Versatile Storage
This white LED-lit bookshelf has been a game-changer in organizing my study space. The acrylic door adds sophistication, and with the LED light's adjustable brightness and color options, it's perfect for any mood. It's lightweight and easy to move around to different rooms, making it incredibly versatile.
The adjustable lower shelves are super helpful for storing books of varying sizes, and the sturdy structure ensures the bookshelf won't topple over. However, I did notice some minor scratches after a few months, but no major issues to worry about. Overall, it's a stylish and practical addition to any space.

🔗Brass Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf
Imagine walking into your room to find a stunning piece of modern furniture that effortlessly brings together luxury and style. That's the experience you get with the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf in Brass. This tall, elegant piece has a warm-toned brass finish that perfectly complements the cool strength of the acrylic and glass components. I recently added this bookcase to my living space, and let me tell you, it makes quite a statement.
One of my favorite aspects of this bookshelf is its weight capacity of 66 pounds. It may not seem like much, but it was more than enough for my collection of books and decorative pieces. However, be prepared to assemble it yourself, as the instruction manual is not the easiest to follow.
The brass finish on the bookshelf is quite impressive, offering a subtle shimmer that catches the light just right. The acrylic and glass components are of high quality, ensuring that the shelf will maintain its timeless fashion for years to come. The only downside is that the item seems to be quite fragile, as some users have reported damaged items upon delivery.
Despite the occasional quality concern, the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf in Brass is a stunning addition to any room. It's the perfect blend of luxury and modern design, offering a touch of glamour to any space. While the assembly process can be a bit challenging, the end result is definitely worth the effort.

🔗Orren Ellis Clear Acrylic Modern Bookcase
The Orren Ellis acrylic bookcase has been a staple in my living room for the past few months. Crafted from crystal clear acrylic, it has a minimalist modern design that effortlessly blends into the room's decor. The understated look allows my favorite photobooks and intriguing objects to take center stage, making it an instant conversation starter when guests visit.
One of the features that stood out to me is the clarity of the acrylic material. It creates a seamless connection between the bookcase and the objects inside, giving them a floating appearance that is both sleek and captivating. However, I also noticed that the acrylic material is quite stubborn, which can make it difficult to reposition items within the bookcase, especially heavier ones.
Overall, the Orren Ellis acrylic bookcase is a stylish and functional addition to any living space. It effortlessly combines form and function, making it a standout piece in any home.

🔗Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf for Kids
I recently stumbled upon the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf and decided to give it a try. This little gem is perfect for organizing my kids' books, as it floats in the air, making it a fun and engaging way for them to keep their reading space neat and tidy. The high front lip on this wall-mounted shelf is an added safety feature that prevents books and even my makeup from falling down, providing peace of mind for both me and my kids.
The shelf comes with a free screwdriver and easy installation, making the whole setup process a breeze. I also appreciate the rounded front edge, which not only looks great but is also safe for the little ones running around. Plus, the acrylic material is sturdy and guarantees a lifetime, giving me confidence in the product's durability.
This shelf has become a versatile addition to our home, and not just for books. It's perfect for organizing and displaying items like photos, artwork, spices, and even nail polishes. The invisible design adds that wow factor when it comes to organizing, making it a fantastic conversation starter for guests.
Overall, the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf is a must-have for those looking to spice up their book storage while keeping things safe for their kids. It's a stylish and functional addition to any room in the house, and I highly recommend it as a perfect gift for mothers and kids alike.

🔗Elegant Double Acrylic Shelf for Ample Storage Space
I recently purchased the Double Acrylic Shelf from The Container Store, and I must say, it has been a game-changer in my daily life. This sleek, clear shelf effortlessly enhances any space while providing ample storage. Mounting was a breeze, and the wall anchors included made sure my shelf could handle the weight without any compromise.
One of my favorite features of this shelf is its versatility. I found it to be an excellent storage solution in my compact bathroom, but its clear design also lends itself well to a plant shelf or even as a subtle display in a corner. The acrylic material is sturdy without appearing bulky, making it a great fit for any home or office decor.
While the installation process was simple, I did notice that the shelf had a few scuffs on the clear plastic. However, these minor imperfections became invisible once the shelf was in place and in use.
Overall, the Double Acrylic Shelf exceeded my expectations, providing the perfect blend of functionality and simplicity. I'm already considering picking up more for other areas of my home!

Buyer's Guide

Acrylic bookshelves are a durable and elegant choice for organizing and displaying books and other decorative items. In this guide, we'll cover important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make the best purchase for your needs.

Features to Consider

  • Size and Capacity
  • Shelf Count and Depth
  • Material Thickness
  • Weight Capacity
  • Color and Finish

Size and Capacity

Consider the number of books and items you plan to store when choosing a size for your acrylic bookshelf. Measure the space where the bookshelf will be placed to ensure a proper fit. Also, consider the height of the bookshelf to accommodate larger books or other items.

Shelf Count and Depth

Determine the number and depth of shelves needed for your books and decorative items. Shelves with deeper depths can hold larger items, while shallow shelves are better for smaller objects. The number of shelves will affect the overall size of the bookshelf, so make sure to choose a size that accommodates the desired number of shelves.

Material Thickness

Acrylic bookshelves are typically made of clear acrylic or a clear acrylic with a tint, ensuring that your books and decorative items remain the center of attention. The thickness of the material should be considered for both durability and appearance. Thicker acrylic provides more stability and reduces the risk of warping or bending, while thinner acrylic can be more susceptible to damage.

Weight Capacity

Check the weight capacity of the acrylic bookshelf to ensure it can hold the weight of your books and other items. Generally, acrylic bookshelves have higher weight capacities than comparable wooden bookshelves, but it's still essential to verify the weight capacity before making a purchase.

Color and Finish

Acrylic bookshelves come in a variety of colors and finishes, allowing you to choose one that complements your home decor. Consider the color and finish that will be most visually appealing and functional for your space.

Additional Tips

  • Look for acrylic bookshelves with reinforced corner joints for added stability.
  • Measure the space where the bookshelf will be placed before making a purchase.
  • Consider the placement of the bookshelf, taking into account any nearby windows or doors to avoid glare or obstruction.
  • Check the return or exchange policy of the seller in case you need to make a change after receiving the bookshelf.
Investing in an acrylic bookshelf can be a great addition to any home, providing both functionality and style. By considering the important features and tips outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect acrylic bookshelf for your needs.


Why should I choose an acrylic bookshelf?

Acrylic bookshelves are popular for their modern, sleek design and lightweight construction. They do not rust and are easy to clean, making them perfect for placing in different spaces. Their transparent nature also allows you to showcase your books and decorations with a touch of elegance.

What are the advantages of using an acrylic bookshelf over a wooden or metal one?

Acrylic bookshelves have several advantages over wooden or metal ones. Firstly, they are lightweight, making them easy to move around the house. Secondly, they do not rust or warp, ensuring durability even in humid environments. Lastly, the transparent nature of acrylic allows you to display your books and decorations instead of obscuring them. This results in a more visually appealing and organised space.

Can I customise the size or shape of the acrylic bookshelf?

Yes, acrylic bookshelves can be customised to fit your specific needs. Manufacturers often allow customization of size, shape, colour, and even the presence of built-in shelves or drawers.

Are acrylic bookshelves durable?

Yes, acrylic bookshelves are quite durable. They do not rust, warp, or bend easily. Acrylic is a versatile material that offers long-lasting performance in different environments, including humid spaces.

What tools do I need to assemble an acrylic bookshelf?

Assembly instructions usually accompany an acrylic bookshelf. It's generally straightforward and typically requires no specialised tools. However, you might need a screwdriver and perhaps a hammer depending on the style of screws or nails used for securing the bookshelf to the wall.

Can I install an acrylic bookshelf on a wall?

Yes, many acrylic bookshelves come with wall mounting hardware, which makes them easy to install on a wall. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for specific installation details.

How do I maintain and clean an acrylic bookshelf?

To maintain and clean your acrylic bookshelf, simply use a damp cloth or mild soap solution. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scratchy materials that could damage the surface. Regular dusting and wiping will keep your bookshelf looking as good as new.

What happens if the acrylic bookshelf gets scratched or damaged?

Acrylic is a durable material, but it's not completely scratch-proof. If your acrylic bookshelf gets scratched or damaged, it can often be repaired. Contact the manufacturer for information on how to repair the damage, or consider using touch-up paint or acrylic repair kits available at home improvement stores.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 moukiez WiFi and Bluetooth keep disabling themselves, shows no networks, and laptop freezes and has trouble turning on/restarting properly, all since yesterday.

I'm at my wit's end, hopefully someone can help me resolve this issue. I apologize for the deluge of text you're about to read.
My laptop is an Acer ConceptD 7 Ezel CC715-71, running Windows 11 Pro. I got it late 2020 I believe, and aside from the sound no longer working a few months in and the finger print sensor saying it can't recognize my fingerprint after like a handful of uses until I reset/re-register the fingerprints and anew, only for the process to repeat yet again, it's been perfect.
(I was living in Canada at the time and imported it from the States, so after all the hassle with customs, it wasn't worth jumping through all those hoops to send it back again, even if it was ridiculous that the sound and fingerprint sensor stopped working just a few months in for such an expensive device.)
Fast forward four years to yesterday, and it was working fine, but I went to the bathroom and came back, and suddenly the WiFi wasn't working. It was fine on every other device/phone/laptop/Steam Deck, but no matter what I did, the WiFi refused to connect.
In the past, I've had issues with this laptop being the only device to not connect to the WiFi network in this building, but now it's not detecting any networks. It claims the WiFi is on, but checking in the settings show it isn't. Clicking it on refuses to engage, either failing to do so, or looking like it complies before immediately turning itself off.
Then the WiFi icon/option would disappear entirely, and the Bluetooth did the same. I would find the Bluetooth setting in the Device Manager window when I enable "Show Hidden Devices", but I don't know how or why it was hidden.
My Network Adapter (Intel (R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201160MHz, I believe) would be disabled, and checking the Event tab in the Properties would say things like "Device not started (Netwtw10)" and "Device configured (oem91.inf)" and things like that.
I would try updating, downloading the latest drivers from Acer for my laptop using my phone and transfer it to my phone and try to install them, and sometimes it would say it installed and works, but other times it would say it detected the drivers I wanted to install but failed to install them.
I've tried disabling and enabling the driver, uninstalling and reinstalling it, deleting it and restarting the laptop to automatically get it again (not sure how it did so without the internet, but it would be there, every time), and doing the same for the Bluetooth driver.
Sometimes the WiFi would work for like all of a minute or two, before it would become disabled and find no networks and there would be an error with the driver and the event log saying things like the Device didn't start, and once or twice I think I saw it say "WiFi Device Cannot Start (code 10)".
At this point I was ready to give up and just use my phone as a hotspot for my laptop to connect to and call it a day until I could care enough again, but even that wasn't applicable, because that option for Mobile Hotspot was grayed out and said something about how I couldn't connect it no Ethernet or Wifi device connected. (Specifically, it says "We can't set up mobile hotspot because your PC doesn't have an Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular data connection.)
All through this, my laptop started being fucking weird in that if I clicked "restart", it wouldn't turn itself back on. I'd have to press the power button to do so, and even then, it often wouldn't. I've tried power cycling like three fucking trillion times, and it would never work consistently or turn on after I've let the lights blink several times or waited 30 seconds or 60 seconds or longer.
(Aaaaaaaand I suspected my WiFi would be a bitch again and so I tried to send what I've typed out on the laptop to my phone via Telegram (because typing all this on my phone was getting tedious), but of course, the WiFi went out the SECOND I tried. I was using the Mobile Hotspot option immediately just in case my normal WiFi network went out, but it still disabled itself and wouldn't stay online via Mobile HotSpot when the option was available/not grayed out like it is now.
So I'm going to have to save this wall of text as a text document or something and manually transfer it to my phone.)
I finally decided to do a system restore, selecting one from May 26th, and it took like 30 - 45+ minutes, and of course it didn't restart itself, but when I finally managed to find the right power cycle attempt to get it to turn on, my laptop said the system restore was a success.
Huzzah! It was working. For 30 minutes.
So I tried to download MalwareBytes on my phone, and it downloaded then I transferred it to my laptop, and of course it needed to connect to the internet to download the rest of itself, so it wasn't conducive to anything in this situation.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver and I (foolishly) thought I had solved my WiFi/Bluetooth issues last night and was even feeling galvanized to try and open up the bottom of my laptop and see if the sound issue I've been avoiding dealing with/coping by using Bluetooth earbuds/headphones for the past four years was as simple as something being unplugged, so I went to get my strebito kit, which I see everywhere around me and in my vicinity, except of course (you guessed it) the one time in four years that I actually genuinely needed it :))))))))))))))))
I also got a BSOD today, and I think I glimpsed it saying something like "ACPI block management", but it was very quick so I can't be sure. I tried to google that, but the only ACPI answers I could see in relation to googling it for reddit solutions (lol I love that everyone has had a problem before and that there is invariably a reddit thread with that exact problem, situation, and solution) were in relation to ACPI BIOS errors, so it may have been that.
I tried accessing the BIOS (which took a lot and trial of error in power cycling because of how inconsistent it is that my laptop has been with turning on since yesterday). Of course, I had apparently previously set a BIOS password when trying to allow my laptop to boot into Batocera like a year or so ago, and I apparently am not intelligent enough to have had the foresight to write it down in a note or document on my phone, despite me knowing my ADHD/memory is garbagio, so I always make it a POINT to do so, because I don't trust my powers of recollection (and apparently, as evidenced by this instance, with good fucking reason!).
Of course, I forgot to mention that now my laptop freezes, including when I was writing up a majority of this thread in the aforementioned notepad, so now I can't even transfer it and have to re-type what few paragraphs I see (I had JUST scrolled down to make more distance between the bottom of the text and the document because I hate not having that visual buffer between the text and the bottom of the window, it makes me feel like the text is running out or more difficult to see/continue) on my phone anyways, so that was yet another obstacle. 🙃
So, to summarize:
  1. Laptop's WiFi/Bluetooth keep disabling themselves and the Bluetooth keeps hiding itself, so not even the icon is visible. The WiFi can't find any networks, and refuses to turn on (even though it says it does when I toggle it), and when it's like this, I cannot connect via Mobile Hotspot either.
  2. The laptop is being very peculiar about it restarting, only does so if I press the power again after it shuts down (despite me selecting restart), and even then, only sometimes. I keep having to power cycle it to try and find the perfect sweet spot to let go and have it actually turn on.
  3. The laptop now freezes within 20 or so minutes, and stays that way until I restart the laptop.
  4. Sometimes it tells me that a driver reinstall works, other times it says it doesn't.
  5. The driver events say that the device did not start, and error 10.
  6. The laptop showed a Blue Screen of Death today, and the error said "ACPI" followed by (what I think it was) "block management" or (what it probably was) "BIOS error".
  7. I set a BIOS password that I do not remember.
  8. I do not have access to my Strebito toolkit to open up the laptop, nor do I have money to take it to BestBuy Geek Squad or wherever does laptop repair.
  9. My laptop speakers do not work, despite sound apparently playing based on the animation/sound waves playing in the sound settings when media is active, and stops when nothing is playing, leading me to believe maybe something has been unplugged for like 4 years internally.
  10. (I have many a time tried to uninstall, reinstall, download, and update Realtek drivers, but no sound comes from my speakers.)
  11. I managed to run MalwareBytes, and it said it found a Neshta virus in a CEMU/WiiU emulator I downloaded literally years ago in the CEMUHOOK.DLL file), which I assume was present even in the system restore done yesterday backed up from 6 days ago. Apparently there was also Yontoo adware. I have since quarantined them.
  12. (I should perhaps also note I rarely if ever use CEMU, and certainly haven't within the past two years, if not longer. I just like having access should I do desire on a whim to play.)
  13. The problems (aside from the missing sound) started just yesterday, when I was away from the computer briefly, so it's even more vexing because I wasn't there at the onset of the issue or saw what caused it.
  14. I'm incredibly reticent to do a clean install/start from scratch because I have so much stuff I'd have to reconfigure and download and reinstall because I'm a very particular person, and that would be so insanely time-consuming, you don't even know. If there's anything short of nuking this laptop that can help resolve these issues, that's what I would like to find out. I'm aware this is not the optimal/best idea, but I'm willing to deal with that in the future.
  15. I do not have access to the router, as this is a building and they handle the Wi-Fi.
Either the universe or my own hubris and ineptitude keep trying to humble me, so I require patience and assistance. Please. And thank you. 😭 Whatever steps, whatever instructions, as long as they're clear and step by step, I can provide whatever you might need to deduce what the issue is and what a solution might be.
Edit: Of course, as soon as I do everything in my power to try and get it done and finally admit defeat and resort to outside help from the community, the internet seems to be stable for the moment. I'm hesitant to turn off my laptop and restart again to see if that's still an issue.
submitted by moukiez to techsupport [link] [comments]