Mandinka warrior hairstyle

[Potential Spoiler(s)] - Parasyte Design / Also Will There Be Another Season?

2024.05.31 23:27 Itchy_Addition2352 [Potential Spoiler(s)] - Parasyte Design / Also Will There Be Another Season?

This post is mainly just two questions and I put Potential Spoiler in title just to be safe, as well as flair tag.
Based off the anime, we see the male protagonist go through so many HARSH trials and tribulations as well as loss throughout the show... I really, really LOVED that Anime as it was truly unique compared to the other ones I've watched, such as the typical beginnings like Dragon Ball/Z and their interlude movies, as well as up to the latest episodes of Tournament of Power since there are no more on the anime website. Got heavily into Cowboy Bebop (one of my all time top 10, if not top 5 favorites. Possible top 3 hell it might be tied for first place with 2 others). Guyver: Bio-booster Armor - absolutely LOVED that anime. The 3 movies Netflix put up about Berserk anime (have yet to see the actual anime since Netflix loves their region lock. Then how could anyone NOT love Deathnote? That anime was brilliant. That might be tied with Cowboy Bebop for first. Pyscho-pass was another fantastic anime.
Regardless, let's get to the main discussion and my questions regarding the anime, the first real-life adaptation series which seems to have disappeared as fast as it came (even though it was as close to a mirror of the anime as they could get) EXCEPT for the biggest problem I had with that adaptation. The Parasyte design once they took over the human host's brain... their CGI of the parasytes feeding on other humans just looked absolutely "phoned in" if you know what I mean, or if you saw it, then you know it looked absolutely terrible. That side-view of an attempted grotesque looking Pac-man taking off the head of a human... Hell, its been so long since I saw that version that I don't recall if it had the edge-of-your-seat, adrenaline pumping, heart thumpin, tentacle fights where the male protagonist and migi learned how to fight together in the beginning when they had a Parasyte stumble across his high school or did he track him down to there? I can't recall. Either way, Migi fight off the fully taken over Parasyte with his blades while the main protagonist (someone please help me recall his name in a reply) - and he went up slowly as he trusted Migi, and finally impaled the human part, I believe he used a sharp pipe and pierced the heart. Due to the fact the Parasyte only took control of the brain and transformed it among its incredible speed/powesharpness of its blades, those fights were so well done in the anime, but they didn't realize nor recognize the sheer weakness of the rest of their host body (which was all human) so doing damage to that would also kill them. But like I said, the first real-life Adaptation was 50-50. It did come really close to what happened in the anime, and I can show love/appreciation for that, including the Teacher who went on to arguable "learn to love" as that particular Parasyte acted a LOT different than the "Hive Mind" - plus seeing all those scenes where the Parasytes would gather and just stand in awkward positions, not uniform, just everyone standing around in their "human form" looking off in different directions while they debated or the strongest ones / more intelligent ones would speak. Nevertheless, they would NOT all stand facing in ONE direction and that is truly creepy.
Then we come to the latest series, this reddit forum, Parasyte: The Grey, where I'm almost finished with episode 3 and have NOT finished it so I'd appreciate no spoilers beyond episode 3.5. From what I've seen so far, the biggest difference is right out the gate, our protagonist is not who we were all introduced to in the original anime nor their first adaptation to a real life version, but instead a woman. Who, forgive me for sayin, is quite an attractive actress (but that's just my personal biases / preferences for asian women. moving on) It seems she has also had an absolutely HORRIBLE life as well, only it began before she became half human half parasyte and I can NOT remember for the life of me how the Parasyte only took control of Partial head or is it partial brain?
Can someone PLEASE explain to me how she's able to have what her male friend jokingly calls Su-in and Heidi (changed from "Mr.Hyde" to be somewhat more respectful? I guess) when the Parasyte manifests from half of her face. I remember in the pilot episode or rather Episode 1, the initial invasion of Parasytes showered down and a man inside the Market she works in was completely taken over and he began killing people. Am I wrong in remembering that she was also attacked and suffered damage to her head/part of her brain but survived due a parasyte going in to take over her brain however, similar to the OG anime when the protagonist in the anime was stabbed in the heart by his Parasyte Mother when she returned from the vacation she and his father took?
That was such a tragic scene... he wanted to make sure she not only was safe but still his mom and could NOT bring his mind, heart or soul to believe she was a full blown Parasyte... and only accepted it once she pierced his heart as I believe they finally learned to aim for the human body for weakpoints. This is where we see a HUGE difference in our show's hero as well as Migi. The way Migi explained it was that due to the serious damage he sustained to his chest/heart, Migi used his specialized foreign cells (alien cells in terms of Earth/Humans/Humanity) that he had to to travel through his body and "heal" him by placing specialized healing cells directly to his heart and save him from death... Afterall, they are parasites and without a host, they die too. Then a few episodes later we see a massive change in the main character after Migi sacrificed a lot of his "existence" or however he put it to save our main bro. His personality changed. Hairstyle changed. Everything bout him changed and I'll always remember the scene where he's at the park and he's spending time with his girlfriend until they notice, tragically, a sweet puppy that's no longer alive. He gets up and just picks it up, only to toss it nonchalantly into the trash and that made her EXTREMELY upset and run away in tears because he seemed "heartless" for doing such a thing. Although we see him later return and bury the puppy but still, in the moment, he seemed to be far more Parasyte than ever before.
Also, the first real life adaptation's version of multiple Parasyte combining to create a super one, where each one was a limb. A head, one for each arm and one for each leg. I vaguely recall (at least I THINK) it was shown in the real life adaptation or idk can't remember, but I found it pretty cool in the anime that the old lady helped the boy out when he and Migi separated for a while. And he was crushed/devastated since he had grown to be best friends with Migi. He was extremely out matched by the 5-in-1 super Parasyte but they managed to take it down by something as simple as a rusty blade from the trash pile that the super Parasyte eventually tracked him down. I thought that was fantastic writing.
However, the utterly badass scene we saw in the anime, a tall buff version of the super-parasyte walks into some kind of establishment (I'm guessing Yakuza?) and he was testing his new abilities and only got "hit/injured" 3 times. Such a brutal and AWESOME scene in which I wish they could have recreated in the EXACT same way as the anime. As, in the anime, he just looks like a normal "gym bro" wearing those shorts and a tank top I believe.
Finally, will this series, Parasyte: the Grey have a 2nd series or does no one know yet? Only have 8 episodes is such a teaser...
so in a "tl;dr" version my questions are as follows: 1. Can someone remind me how the main actress's character Parasyte works the way it does, where they "take turns in control" sort of like Jekyll and Hyde? 1b. How did it end up that way since her Parasyte is located in her head so surely it HAS to have partially consumed some of her brain, no? If its explained in the show at all, just say that and which episode but in regards to question 1a, i'd still like a reminder as to how she got a Parasyte in the first place. 2. Are there any plans known to anyone regarding a 2nd season? 3. What's the name of the website that shows free anime online? I forgot.
P.s. More of a "fun fact" or rather "gross/interesting fact" but as mentioned in anime that got me sold into the genre listed above (i forgot Ronin Warriors which is like a male version of Sailor Moon, or similar to Power Rangers, where they have a Red main character, orange, blue, green, light blue i think, and the red armor warrior later upgrades his armor to white and he uses dual Kartanas) Anyway the "Fun/Gross/Unique Fact" i wanted to share regards the Anime (which has 2 real life adaptations from the early 90s, i think one was made in SUPER late 80s where Guyver has his control metal ripped out just like in the anime only its not done the same way, but he regrows his body back nonetheless. The sequel called Guyver: Dark Hero is MORE adult themed and better looking zoanoids as well as guyver suit but neither show Guyver II - female, or Guyver III) now - the gross fact - the anime where the "bad guys" get their hands on a Guyver unit, give it to a female, Guyver II, and don't ask cuz i do NOT recall where I read it, but it stuck with me due to how gross it is, but it's the legit FIRST ever anime or animated version of "tentacle like" alien stuff going into female orifices... which means it also does the same for the two men. The showing of their first armor-ups shows the armor pieces flying out of the 2 bumps/nodules on the back of their neck, shooting out tubes/tentacles attached to armor plating and so on and it fills up their entire naked body inside and out and to the point the human body and mind are linked to the armor. Such an awesome anime but I could have gone my WHOLE LIFE never knowing that was the first ever animated penetration of anime tentacles into a female that they do show... asljasdfl;asdkf belguhughgghhg. In the anime, the way Sho loses his control metal is Cronos created a specific Zoanoid that had blood in which it would damage the Guyver armor and it was called "Enzyme" Another AWESOME thing about the Guyver Units is that even if the "human" body inside is mortally damaged/wounded, including missing half of their face/head/brain etc, the armor continues fighting on. It has a built in auto pilot to continue fighting the Zoanoids. Unfortunately, this form also doesn't have a firm grasp on Ally from Foe, so it tends to attack anything that moves until it gets to his girlfriend in which he stops. or rather the armor stops i think. Nevertheless, it does show a good representation in Guyver Dark hero (1994 or 1995) after "Sean the white guy" is fighting and killing Cronos Zoanoids at an archeological dig where they end up finding alien space crafts that had a cracked control metal guyver unit, allowing for a Guyver-Zoadnoid which ended up being the "big bad" at the end. Anyways, the spaceships seemed to be "organic metal" and they could tap it with metal tools, blast it heat, etc, but to the touch it wouldn't be hot or even warm, and even felt organic to their hands.
If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.
Anyways, apologies for long post and silly side bars, If they are a problem please tell me and I'll gladly take them out. Since this forum is geared towards Parasyte: The Grey which I'm extremely curious about things up to Episode 4 soon, as i'm about to tab over and finish the last 1/3 of the episode 3.
thank you for your time reading, i appreciate it.
submitted by Itchy_Addition2352 to ParasyteTheGrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:26 Cheemingwan1234 Moral Kombat 1: Cure Friendy (Mortal Kombat 1 x PreCure)

Moral Kombat 1: Cure Friendy (Mortal Kombat 1 x PreCure)
Mortal Kombat 1 Kombatant Profile: Iroha Inuka/Cure Friendy
(Hey, Mortal Kombat 1 and Wonderful PreCure could collaborate since well, one and 'wan' which is Japanese for a dog barking sound phonetically similar. Wonderful PreCure uses a similar pun for it's title)
(Well, Komugi and Iroha can tell the difference between a Garugaru and someone like Shang Tsung. You don't use hugs for the later, you kill him or her.)
Note: Her face model is based on her Japanese voice actress (Atsumi Tanezaki) with Mallorie Rodak (Frieren’s English VA) voicing her English voice lines. Her default costume is her costume as Cure Friendy from Wonderful Pretty Cure. She also has her Friendly Tact on the right side of her hip.
The only daughter of the Inukai family, Iroha Inukai grew up in an environment where she learnt about how to care for animals as her parents ran an animal care facility and pet saloon and adopted a stray dog; Komugi as her own pet and companion. Long ago, Iroha’s great-grandfather was a member of Unit 731 during World War II who experimented on animals as part of Unit 731’s research into bioweapons. Iroha’s great-grandfather did the experiments for the perceived glory of Japan, only to be terrified that they were used as jumping off points for bioweapons to be developed against Japan’s enemies. Though given immunity after the war with the rest of Unit 731, her great-grandfather was traumatized and resolved to make amends by opening up an animal care clinic that his descendants would inherit and taught his children and grandchildren that all life is worth protecting that would carry on into Iroha and her love for animals.
When Iroha encountered a monster that would later be known as a Garugaru about to kill her classmate; Satoru ,Iroha and Komugi stepped in. It was her and Komugi’s passionate feelings to protect Satoru that led to Komugi and Iroha gaining their Wonderful Pacts, becoming the PreCures known as Cure Friendy and Cure Wonderful with Komugi gaining the ability to assume a human form in the process. Defeating and purifying the Garugaru who turned out to be the Niko Animal known as Mey Mey, they became the Wonderful PreCures, chasing after the Garugaru to purify them.
With the Inukai family invited by Sindel to help check on the animals in the Outworld royal zoo, Iroha and Komugi went to Outworld coincidentally with the Mortal Kombat delegates. However, Iroha would be drawn into a conspiracy by Titan Shang Tsung to destroy the New Era.
Walk Out Animation:
Cure Friendy pulls out her Wonderful Pact and uses it to create a energy ribbon that she holds in the other hand.
Select Animation:
Cure Friendy puts away her Wonderful Pact and her energy ribbon.
Gear: Deerstalker (her deerstalker hat, which would also change out her hairstyle)
Skins: Default (her default skin), Civilian (her civilian costume), Chocolat (a costume based on Cure Chocolat), Puca (a skin based on Cure Puca) and Nightwolf ( a skin based on Nightwolf)
Johnny Cage announcer nicknames: “Iroha”, “Friendy”, “Cure Friendly” and “Let’s be friends!”
1: Cure Friendy pulls out her Wonderful Pact and inspects it.
2: Cure Friendy adjusts her deerstalker hat.
Cure Friendy calls Komugi in dog form to her arms and cuddles Komugi.
Throw: Wonderful Injury:
Cure Friendy summons a large energy ribbon, smashes the opponent with it, gets behind the opponent and smashes the opponent with another energy ribbon to knock her opponent to the ground.
Special Moves:
Friendy Charge: Cure Friendy shoulder charges into her opponent.
  • Unfriendly Beatdown: Cure Friendy tackles her opponent to the ground, grabs the opponent by the neck and proceeds to repeatedly smash in her opponent’s head against the ground.
Friendy Bow: Cure Friendy throws a energy ribbon at her opponent.
Ribbon Lash: Cure Friendy lashes out with her ribbons from her arms, causing her opponent to stagger back. Enhancing it allows her to launch her opponent to the air to sent up aerial combos.
Friendy Blast: Cure Friendy fires off a energy blast with her Friendly Tact.
  • Up Friendy Blast: Cure Friendy fires off a energy blast using her Friendly Tact upwards.
Friendy Barrier: Cure Friendy creates a waist high ribbon barrier that reflects non-high projectiles in front of her opponent. This barrier also prevents the opponent from walking forwards. The opponent can jump over or break it with a melee attack though.
  • Barrier Switch: Cure Friendy grabs her opponent over the barrier and tosses her opponent to the other side. Enhancing it has Cure Friendy smash her opponent’s head against her barrier after grabbing her opponent before tossing her opponent over.
Fatal Blow: Let’s Get Hurt!
Cure Friendy starts her Fatal Blow by pulling out her Friendy Tact and using it to strike her opponent, staggering her opponent and allowing her Kameo time to execute their Fatal Blow. Once her Kameo is done, Cure Friendy smashes her opponent into the air with her Friendly Tact, then creates energy ribbons from her hands that pierce the opponent’s skull before Cure Friendy then uses her ribbons to smash the opponent back to the ground.
Fatality 1: Skull Wonderful.
Cure Friendy pulls out her ribbons from her cuffs, then uses them to warp around her opponent’s head, flaying the skin off her opponent’s head. As the opponent screams in pain, Cure Friendy rips off the opponent’s head and spine and then whacks the opponent’s body with their head, splattering her opponent's upper torso in the process. She then displays the opponent’s flayed head to the camera like a trophy as she poses.
Fatality 2: Pull Off!
Cure Friendy kicks her opponent to the air, then extends out her ribbons from her cuffs that impale the opponent in the limbs. She then pulls at the ribbons, ripping out her opponent’s limbs and causing the now limbless opponent to fall down face up. Cure Friendy then places one foot at the opponent’s torso as she poses while the opponent goes limp and bleeds out.
Kameo Fatality Pose:
Cure Friendy displays her Wonderful Pact in her hands.
  1. The Klassic: Cure Friendy punches off her opponent’s head with an uppercut.
  2. Back Throw: Cure Friendy throws her opponent into the camera, splattering her opponent.
  3. Slice Through: Cure Friendy executes her throw only to slice the opponent in half at the waist with the energy ribbon.
  4. Brained: Cure Friendy jumps on her opponent and proceeds to smash in her opponent’s head to the ground before slamming her opponent’s head, splattering it.
  5. Pac-Man: Cure Friendy executes her Barrier Switch move, only to slice off the upper half of the opponent’s head in the process by slamming her opponent’s head against her ribbon barrier.
  6. Wonderful Paste: Cure Friendy charges into her opponent, splattering her opponent into paste.
  7. Ribbon Slice: Cure Friendy slices the opponent in half with her energy ribbons.
Brutality Win Pose:
Cure Friendy summons Komugi to her side who then nuzzles at her legs.
Brutality/Round Win Lines:
“Wonderful, is’nt it?”
“For the Niko Garden!”
"Talk about Kombatant cruelty!"
“Well, you’re expecting a hug?”
“Don’t judge me by my name.”
“Everyone’s smiles light up with your death!”
“For Komugi and Earthrealm!”
“Your blood drinking habits have reduced you to less than animals!” (Against Nitara)
“Don’t think that my gentle nature makes me a pushover, Reiko!” (Against Reiko)
Sample Interaction Dialogue (with herself in a mirror match, Homelander, Peacemaker, Ermac, Omni-Man, Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung, Reiko, General Shao, Reptile, Li Mei, Havik, Scorpion, Nitara, Ashrah, Quan Chi, Mileena, Kenshi and Johnny Cage)
“This must be Cure Supreme’s doing!”
“You’re funny, Cure Friendy.”

"Your dog would make for a good target, Iroha."
"I'm going to tear you from the inside out, ass-end first, Supe."

“Cure Friendy? So you two give hugs to your enemies?”
“I told you, we do kill our enemies when the situation calls for it.”

"Have you tried to get someone to befriend your souls individually?"
"If it was that easy, we would have done it way earlier!"

“To kill, one must be cold-blooded, Cure Friendy.”
“It must be balanced with compassion, Bi-Han.”

“How is it that you view your entire family as pets!?”
“Viltrumites are much more superior compared to humans, PreCure!”

“Komugi is such a cute little lapdog….”
“You dare threaten her, Shang Tsung!?”

“The Niko Garden sends out a whelp to fight me?”
“Whelp? See how well I fight, Reiko!”

“You brought Garugarus from their creator!?”
“Well, what better use for them as shock troops!?”

“Syzoth, tell Kung Lao that no, I won’t allow Komugi to be used for his prank.”
“He tried to use my shapeshifting to prank Raiden’s sister.”

“The Garugarus are wreaking havoc in Sun Do!”
“Tell your constables to let me and Komugi handle it!”

“If I hear one more rant about how I ‘oppress’ Komugi….”
“…You’ll never silence me, PreCure!”

“If I see Komugi’s previous owner..I’ll flay that motherfucker alive !”
“That’s not the way to deal with her previous owner, Cure Friendy.”

“Cure Friendy, just listen to us.”
“More fucking excuses to why you prey on all in the Realms?”

“Your great grandfather had a spotty past.”
“He used to experiment on animals.”

“I’m not one for dishing out slow deaths, but you…”
“….I’ve made an impression on you, Cure Friendy.”

“I’m quite gentle by nature, but I can be ruthless.”
“That’s impressive, coming from someone who is quite docile.”

“Do you do hugs all the time in combat?”
“Well, ask those Lin Kuei warriors if I gave them a hug. Oh wait, they’re six feet under.”

“Komugi herself is adorable…”
“You want to cast her in your latest film?”
Tower Ending
(Shot of Cure Friendy fighting a Garugaru being used by the Black Dragon syndicate that fades to Cure Friendy and Cure Wonderful interogating a badly battered thug of the Black Dragon, with Cure Friendy about to loose her temper while lifting said Black Dragon thug by the neck with one hand)
“Once Armageddon was finished, I’ve returned back to Earthrealm. There, I’ve resumed my duties as a PreCure. However, the Garugarus soon changed. Instead of just rampaging as beasts driven amok, they started to appear as part of various less than noble groups such as the Black Dragon.”
(Shot of Cure Friendy gathering various newspaper clippings regarding the Garugarus and their appearance in various criminal groups that fades to them meeting Kenshi and Scorpion.)
“Whoever is behind them has changed tactics, selling the Garugarus as weapons and this change does not bode well for the Niko Garden. Komugi and I realised that we need to change tactics and get allies to help out.”
(Shot of Cure Friendy and Cure Wonderful fighting alongside Scorpion, Kung Lao and Kenshi against some Lin Kuei grunts who are assisted by a Garugaru on their side)
“Together, we’ll be able to get to the bottom of who’s creating the Garugarus and stop them before they can do more harm to the Niko Garden.”
submitted by Cheemingwan1234 to PrettyCures [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:51 Fantazmata FL design help

Designing FL for my fantasy romance manga. She's a tomboy warrior adventurer with a heart of gold. Idk which hairstyle should i pick?
submitted by Fantazmata to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:36 Fantazmata FL design help

FL design help
Designing FL for my fantasy romance manga. She's a tomboy warrior adventurer with a heart of gold. Idk which hairstyle should i pick?
submitted by Fantazmata to Mangamakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 23:36 lC3 VIZ volumes 1-8 TL issues and differences betw JPN/ENG

Hi; for a while now I've been working on a list of known issues or differences between JPN and ENG versions in VIZ's official translations for the DGM manga. I was going to do up until the latest volume and then post it all, but recent health conditions have me reconsidering whether I'll last that long. So here's what I have at the moment:
Apologies that I don't have the time to format this properly (anyone know how to manually add spaces to every line?).
*Viz v01 (10th printing): On the cover, Viz has altered the colors of the title and changed the shape of the cross found in between G and r. *Viz volume missing black/white/red insert cover with Komui (raw p3) v01.05 "Those possessed by the gods" > "God" (should be Christian setting) v01.19 "An Akuma"? Allen says "Akuma" (アクマ) but Moor hears 悪魔 (demon). She continues to use 悪魔 until Allen clears up their true identity. v01.25 "They specialize in destroying Akuma", Eng. vol. removes that they're "clergymen" When Moor calls Marc "brother", the kanji say "brother-in-law". v01.29 "As your sister, I'm hoping for the same thing from heaven." This is a translation error, pure and simple. Moor says "I'm sure my sister [Claire] in heaven feels the same way." v01.32 Eng manga switches placement of two text boxes: "Akuma" is the name of a weapon + weapon from the dark side created to prey on humans. v01.44 "Even that Akuma ... once had a soul embedded in it." 'Once' is wrong, it still does. v01.54 When the Earl is singing Happy Birthday, the Eng. manga removes "dear" before Claire's name. "to you" is also removed. The JPN volume copyright page says the lyrics were used with permission. v01.63 "A member of the Black Order" in ENG is "black clergyman" in JPN vol. v01.72 "You can't deceive my eyes" should be "eye" v01.74 "New World Alliance" is "the Vatican" in JPN. The omake in v05 correctly have "Vatican", though v01.99 "you little runt" in the JPN is "you death cheater" v01.109 "soldier of life doomed by fate" is "apostle possessed by God" in the JPN v01.112 In the profile of the Earl, the Eng says "he was one of the most peculiar people who had ever lived," but the JPN vol adds that he was from the 18th century. v01.127 "soldier of life" in ENG is "apostle of God" in JPN v01.148 "That was too close" in the JPN volume is Allen thinking Kanda is scary. v01.150 The Eng. volume accidentally switches two text placements: "Clean your desk once in a while will ya!" and "I'm going to go get another cup of coffee." v01.171 "soldier of life" in the Eng. vol. is a euphemism for where the JPN vol. has "apostle of God". This continues to recur throughout the series where Exorcists are referred to as "apostles". However, v05.70 correctly has "apostle of Innocence", so this may only occur in early volumes? v01.180 "New World Alliance" is censorship for "the Vatican" in the JPN vol., and "several hundred years ago" should instead be "about 100 years ago". In the Special Thanks page at the end of v01, the drawing of Allen has a note in the JPN version that "Okei" (one of her assistants?) drew him. Viz v02 (9th printing): The title logo has been changed in placement and the cross has been altered again. The photograph of Hoshino's cat Koro with a fanmade Timcanpy plush is in color in the JPN vol, but greyscale in Viz's ENG vol. Once again the ENG vol is missing the inner black/white/red page. This time it's General Cross with a hammer and glass of wine (and giant Tim chomping on his head), saying (to Allen?) "Become an Exorcist, you bastard" v02.29 Toma's mention of the "New World Alliance" is "the Vatican" in the JPN vol. v02.44 In the profile for Reever, the Eng. vol. misses a place and has "Riba". v02.79 Kanda says the "beansprout" is "Allen" in the Eng. vol., but he just says "that guy" in the JPN and doesn't name him. v02 Komui says "Por favore" in Eng. vol. when it's supposed to be "Per favore" as in JPN vol v03 (8th printing) once again cuts the red/black/white insert cover; this time it's Jeryy, Komui and Komlin. The cross in the logo is altered also v03 the "STORY" summary on the characters page is significantly changed/reduced in the ENG version. The JPN version talks about the Cube, Noah's Flood, 7000 years ago etc, and the ENG version doesn't have any of that. v03.13 "I'll terminate you" from Komlin is a mistranslation, it says something like "Time for an operation". v03.16 There's a panel where the ebook (8th printing) failed to update "Linali" into "Lenalee" v03.23 "Be rational" in ENG is literally "Please become an adult" in JPN v03.39 Jeryy's "Ahh! Why do I have to do repairs? It was the Head Chief!" (ENG) should be "Ahh! Why do I have to do repairs! I'm the Head Chef!" v03.45 Road says "Millennium Earl" in the Eng. vol. where the JPN has 千年公 / Lord Millennium. v03.50 "the same cloudy skies" (ENG) are "the same snowy skies" in JPN vol. v03.57 In the JPN vol., the kanji for "death" is shown on Johnny's forehead. This is removed from the ENG vol3 v03.58 The JPN vol. has Komui say the order was made on Oct. 9th and set to be delivered on the 10th, but the ENG vol. cuts the month out v03.61 The JPN vol has Allen or Lenalee call her "Miss Miranda" (ミス・ミランダ) but the Eng. vol. only has "Miranda" v03.69 "Punk Voice" misses the G, it's "Pang Voice" in the anime, which is more accurate v03.104 Road writes "FUCK" on Miranda's wall in the JPN manga, which is changed to "THANK" in the ENG vol v03.105,188 "Fuck you! exorcist" is changed to "THANK YOU EXORCIST!" in the ENG vol. v03.106 has "Rabi" not corrected to "Lavi" v03.123,127,135,168,183 has "the (Millennium) Earl" where Road says 千年公 / Lord Millennium in JPN v03.124 has "Riba" not corrected to "Reever" v03.126 Ch23's chapter title is "Akuma" in the ENG vol but it's the kanji 悪魔 "demon, devil" in the JPN v03.160 Miranda's character profile says she's a Capricorn in the JPN, but the ENG vol. mistakenly mixes this up with Aries v03.182 In the stylized drawing, the ENG vol has "Hey" in the bottom left, but the JPN has "Oi", which I think stands for Oi-chan her assistant, the one who drew that page v03.195,197 Komui says "Miranda" in the ENG vol but it's "Miss Miranda" (ミス・ミランダ) in the JPN v03 in ENG doesn't have the fanart corner (6 pages) found in v03 JPN's endpages v04 (7th printing) cover once again changes the shape of the cross in DGM's logo v04 in ENG omits the black/white/red inner cover, this time of panda!Bookman and Lavi v04 ENG summary "It all began centuries ago" -> "It all began about a century ago" v04 ENG summary, omits that the Flood was about 7000 years ago v04 ENG summary adds more info on previous arc, about Lenalee's coma and Allen's damaged eye v04.11 ENG "Why did you come here?" omits "when you're so busy" from JPN v04.16 ENG "Let's play again soon, Allen" is "Next time will be according to the Lord Millennium's scenario" in JPN v04.41 "I'm going to keep following the path" -> "I decided to keep walking this path." v04.44 "I keep a mental record of everything" -> "No matter what I'm doing, it's my habit to keep a mental record" (literal) v04.48 The ENG vol removes the heart symbols after the Earl's sentences v04.54 ENG vol has "God matter" carved on Yeegar's back, whereas JPN vol says 神狩り "god hunt" v04.55 ENG vol "Thousand-year duke" should be "Lord Millennium" or "Millennie", what the Noah call the Earl v04.57 ENG "With the Heart, we could bring this conflict to an end once and for all!" -> "With the Heart, we'll finally have the power to prevent the End (of the world)." v04.57 ENG Komui's explanation about the Heart is way longer in JPN, saying the Cube doesn't describe how to identify it, saying Hevlaska inspects each piece, etc. (he rants for a while) v04.63 ENG "General Theodore" -> "General Tiedoll" (we start seeing "Tiedoll" by v05.135, though I don't know if that's a later printing v04.67 ENG vol "Our scientists created these Golems." -> "Cross, who is also a scientist, created this Golem." v04.67 ENG vol "They're meant to be able to find their masters no matter where they are." > "It [Tim] should be able to be to find its master [Cross] wherever he is." v04.67 ENG vol "Between Tim and Allen, General Cross will be like a rat in a trap!" -> "Also, now that Allen, who knows his patterns of movement so well, is here, he'll be like a rat in a trap!" v04.69 ENG "You took the bandage off? But it made you look tough." -> "What, you took the doodles off? But you had such an interesting face!" v04.69 ENG "At a great distance, a golem" might instead be "At a great distance, Tim" v04.70 ENG Lavi's "What does he live on? / Debt?" should be "What does he live on? Does he pay his own way? / He's rich?", which is why Allen is holding up the X and saying "DEBT" v04.78 ENG "Hoshino and his editor" -> "Hoshino and her editor Mr. Y" v04.79 ENG "We have to go back and look for him!" and "What is he, a little kid?" are in the wrong text boxes, and Bookman saying "If you go now you can make it there in one jump with your extending pole", which is why Lavi replies "It's a hammer, panda!" v04.84+85+93+98 ENG "Count Krory" -> "Baron Krory" v04.89 ENG "Count Krory" -> "Krory" (x2) v04.123 ENG "Lavi and I will deal with the Count." -> "Lavi and I will go to the castle." v04.132 ENG "no time to be finding love" -> "no time to be getting aroused" v04.133+153 ENG "Count" -> "Baron" v04.147 ENG "my grandfather's precious flowers", furigana say "flowers" but the kanji read "memento" v04.148 ENG "It will make you strong and ferocious." -> "When you take (my) blood into your mouth, you're able to transform into a powerful vampire." v04.155 ENG "It's him ..." -> "Baron" v04.156 ENG "The uniforms of the Black Order" -> "Exorcist uniforms" v05 (8th printing) cover once again changes the shape of the cross in DGM's logo v05 black/white/red inner cover omitted in ENG vol; this time it's Road and the Earl pulling on Tyki's arms from opposite directions v05 ENG summary "It all began centuries ago" -> "It all began about a century ago" v05 ENG summary, omits that the Flood was about 7000 years ago and that they're fighting to prevent the second coming of the End, the 'three days of darkness' v05.24 ENG "Wenham" -> "Wenhamm" v05.24 ENG "centuries ago" -> "about a century ago" v05.25 ENG "there was just a command center" is missing next part of phrase, "there were only Exorcists and a few personnel who supported them" (check trans!) v05.36 ENG "Count Krory" -> "Kro-kins, Kro-chan, Krorykins", however you want to translate Lavi's nickname for him v05.40 ENG "Go! Help Krorykins!!" -> "I can't get to Krorykins!!" v05.42 ENG "centuries" -> "century" v05.65 ENG "Count Krory" -> "Mr. Krory" v05.69 ENG "And you'll be saving a lot of people." -> "If you have a reason, you can keep on living." v05.70 ENG "That could give you a reason to live." -> "It's okay to live for that reason." v05.74 ENG "Count Krory" -> "Krorykins" (how manga translates nickname Kro-chan) v05.78 ENG refers to Hoshino as "he" when she's female (but this may not have been widely known back then?) v05.89 ENG Bookman's line "Lenalee" > "Miss Lena" v05.90 ENG "demons" > "Akuma" v05.93 ENG "Maybe he found something interesting" -> "Don't tell me, he got lost ...?" v05.100 ENG "But he's just a kid! Sheesh!" -> "We underestimated him, thinking he's just a kid!" v05.100 ENG "Where'd he learn that stuff?!" -> "He's no ordinary person!!" v05.100 ENG "This can't possibly be luck!" -> "Aren't you way too strong?" v05.101 ENG "That's not like you." -> "You were that sort of character!?" v05.101 ENG "risked my life learning to play cards" -> "risked my life polishing my skills" (at cheating, presumably) v05.101 ENG "Never seen Allen like this" - > "Allen is daaark ..." v05.101 ENG "Creepy ..." -> "Dark ..." v05.101 ENG "Lavi was a little disturbed by Allen's wicked side" -> "Lavi saw an unexpected side of Allen." v05.102 ENG "Isn't it kind of cold to walk around naked?" -> "Isn't it too cold this time of year to walk around naked?" v05.102 ENG "Hmph ..." -> "Boy ..." v05.103 ENG "We're starting work in the mines today." -> "Actually, starting today we're supposed to work outside in the mines around here." v05.113 ENG "Millennium Earl" -> "Lord Millennium" v05.114 ENG "Tap Dop" -> "Tup Dop" v05.117 ENG "two miles" -> "three kilometers" v05.117 ENG "three miles" -> "five kilometers" v05.118 ENG "six-mile" -> "ten-kilometer" v05.119 ENG "Fire!" -> "Shoot!" v05.122+125 ENG "Tyki" -> "Tycky" v05.124 ENG "I want you to be my messenger." -> "I want you to go to this place as my messenger." v05.126 ENG "Tyki" -> "Tyki-pon, Tyki-pet" v05.132 ENG "have a scene where Allen has to dig up a graveyard" -> "[this] and a scene where a beloved woman Akuma is bitten to death" v05.132 ENG "I wanted to draw" -> "I wanted to draw it so I got them to do it / let me do it" (I'm not sure if this is Hoshino writing or if the (Oi) is supposed to indicate it's her assistant Oi-chan? kakitakute yarasete moratta ... v05.137 ENG "I'm a General. My mission is more important." > "I will fulfill my duties as a General." v05.139,144,145 ENG "Zokalo" > "Socalo" v05.139 ENG "Cloud" > "Klaud" v05.147 ENG "But his poor family ..." > "How cruel" v05.150 ENG "a handsome guy like Beckham" > "a handsome Noah like Beckham" (or "a handsome guy like Beckham as a Noah") v05.158 ENG "Lenalee" > "Miss Lena" v05.159 ENG "BLUSH" > "HUSH" v05.168 ENG the Special Thanks page is missing "Yamada-kun" above "Oi-chan" v05.172 ENG "I like it. It's understated" must be sarcasm, as JPN says it's flashy/gaudy v05.175 ENG "Yowza" > "Strike" v05.177 ENG "Would you like to speak to your brother?" > "to the Chief?" v05.177 ENG "I figured he was indisposed" > "Then that would defeat the purpose of intentionally calling you, Sect. Ldr. Reever" v05.177 ENG "Komui's sleeping" > "the Chief's sleeping" v05.182 ENG "For years I have been a supporter" > "I have been a supporter since my mother's time" JPN v05 has 2 pages of fanart submitted by readers after the chapters (before next-vol preview)
v06 cover (7th printing) changes the design of the cross in the logo, as with previous volumes The JPN volume has a color spread of Lavi, Kanda and Allen not found in the ENG vol. (It also has Yossy the rabbit on a cross) There's also a rough sketch double-page showing the prototype of DGM, "Robin's" Then the insert page (only in JPN vol) has Cross in a pose above Allen saying "Pay up" with debt/bills falling down, in parody of the scene with Tyki and the deck of cards. STORY: "It all began centuries ago" > "about a century ago". Also missing the details that the Flood ('the three days of darkness') was 7000 years ago. The paragraph beginning "Forces of the Millennium Earl" is pretty loosely translated too. v06.09-10: "Are they coming for us?" > "Are they coming to stop us?" v06.40 ENG "... God is wroth. Such an act is a terrible sin, and one that falls from grace." > "'Fall' refers to the sin of a non-apostle trying to synchronize with God." v06.41 ENG "There is no escape" > "Running away is unforgiveable" v06.42 ENG "that Hoshino guy / he" > "that Hoshino gal / she" v06.42 ENG "hamburgers" > "hamburg steaks" v06.43+78 ENG "Wenham" > "Wenhamm" (the original is clear, so this must be an intentional change) v06.44+48 ENG "Sokaro" > "Socalo" (and v7 "Zokalo" same) v06.46 ENG "What power!" > "What destructive power!" v06.46 ENG "It vaporized the Akuma!" > "It vaporized that many Akuma in an instant!" v06.48 ENG "Suman has a parasite-type Innocence like you do." > "Suman is a parasite-type accommodator like you are." v06.48 ENG Lenalee says "I heard" the info about Suman (probably from Reever or Komui?) v06.49 ENG "I don't know what happened ... to the boy." > "I don't know what happened ... to the boy who became a Fallen One." v06.52 ENG "Don't get too close to him" > "We'd better not step into this hole." v06.58 ENG "Suman's memories" > "Suman's feelings/emotions" v06.59 ENG "and begged the Akuma to spare you" > "and made a deal with the devil" (it's written 悪魔 here, not the usual AKUMA) v06.59 ENG "You betrayed the Innocence." ('Innocence' is the furigana given for the kanji 'God') v06.60 ENG "KEVIN BARRY" is a typo and should be removed. Also note "Jerry" for Jeryy and "The Millennium Earl" for "The Earl of Millennium" v06.61 ENG "He fled the battle in fear." > "He became afraid of dying and fled the battlefield." v06.70 ENG "my friend" > "my comrade" (does Allen even know Suman?) v06.78 ENG Komui omake #3: "What kind of stupid question is that?" > "At least write 'noodle' with the kanji." (Reader used katakana instead) v06.96 ENG "in the bath in vol. 4." > "in the bath that Allen showed in vol. 4." v06.96 ENG "Grr ...", JPN vol. explains that it's the sound of Kanda's blood vessel/s bursting v06.96 ENG "Twitch", JPN vol. explains that it's the sound of a vein in his forehead sticking up v06.102 ENG "Section Chief Reever, does this mean that Suman ..." - they use 'incompatible' / no longer an Accommodator, and say yappari 'after all' so I think the speaker is speculating that this confirms that Suman betrayed the Order v06.104 ENG "But I haven't seen him in the commissary for a while." > "So now whenever we see each other in the cafeteria he's been ignoring me." v06.105 ENG "What ... are you saying ... Komui?" > "What ... are you saying ... Brother?" v05.107 ENG "The Earl's minions killed more than a hundred of our people in their quest for the Heart." > "You heard how the other day, the Order lost more than a hundred of our people, right?" v06.115 ENG "but of a man who loved his family more than anything, a man who was forced to make terrible choices" isn't based on what the JPN text says. Rather, it's more like "but this is the story of an Exorcist who fought as a soldier. I drew this fully realizing that they aren't warriors who live in the horrors of war, but humans who became soldiers." "Pity him" is also unique to the ENG version. v06.120-1 ENG "Someone's ... breaking" is wrong. Allen says "Someone [help me!]", and then the panel "Break" as a command isn't Allen speaking ... I think it might be Suman's Innocence, or possibly Allen's. It's written weird in katakana. v06.134 ENG "Count Krory" - JPN just has "Krory", and he's a Baron in the JPN version v06.148 ENG "his soul" - mind, heart, soul ... kokoro is harder to translate. But this isn't tamashii here v06.152 ENG "They were made by the Earl" has lero after it, which is who's speaking v06.152 ENG "HEY" in the box in the bottom right is Gunma in katakana in the JPN vol v06.155 ENG "No ... No ..." should be "No ... ah ..." (i.e. 'Noah') v06.164 ENG "by the Earl" > "by the Lord Millennium". "the Earl's choice" > "his choice/taste" v06.166 ENG "without even exerting myself" > "without cutting your body with a blade" v06.170 ENG Special Thanks: the placement of Yamada-san and Akiyama-san are mixed up. v06.174-5 ENG "start with your Innocence". Tyki actually says Innocence no yarou, 'that Innocence bastard' v06.176 ENG "The Heart is the jackpot" > "That's the 'sign' it's the Heart." v06.183 ENG "You were ordered to" > "The Lord Millennium ordered you to" v07 ENG (6th edition), the photograph of Koro is in color in the JPN vol v07 ENG is missing the inner black/white/red page. The JPN vol7 has an illustration showing that Bak, who's the same age (29) as Komui, is the same height as Allen (15) v07 ENG "STORY": "It all began centuries ago" > "It all began about a century ago" v07 ENG "STORY": like previously, the JPN volume says the Flood occurred 7000 years ago and that the Cube calls it "the three days of darkness." The 2nd paragraph of STORY in the ENG volume is a pretty loose reinterpretation, but the changes don't really matter so I won't bother translating the original. v07 ENG: cross in title logo altered like in previous volumes v07 Characters: Bak Chan > Bak Chang v07.10 ENG "A card?" > "A Western playing card?" v07.19 ENG "Samo Han Wong, Assistant Director. Black Order, Asia Branch" > "Sammo Han Won, Black Order, Asia Branch Director's Assistant." v07.24 ENG "Well, Kanda made a mess of things" > "Well, Yu made a mess of things" v07.24 ENG "ordered the two of us to do it" > add here "and answer the questions properly." v07.24 ENG "Q. Does Lavi have a thing for cute girls with big breasts?" > "Q. Is Lavi's taste in girls for ones with cute faces and big breasts, but he doesn't care about their personalities?" v07.24 ENG "(Allen): He's a menace." > "(Allen): His taste lies in female enemies, right?" v07.35 ENG "Lenalee's having a hard time" > "Miss Lena is having a hard time" v07.37 ENG "Sorry, Lenalee" > "Sorry, Miss Lena." v07.38 ENG "Remember that we cooperate with the Black Order only for the purpose of keeping records." > "Remember that we only happen to be on this side in order to make our records." v07.39 ENG "Don't forget your duty" > "Don't forget your goal" v07.47 ENG "He scares me" > "She scares me" (Mahoja is female, which Lavi knows by now) v07.50 ENG "I don't intend to sleep" > "Ah, we're good then. Not sleeping is my specialty." v07.57 ENG "I'm not the one" > "We're not the ones" v07.58 ENG "Allen's heart was punctured. Death was imminent. But his heart was healed ... when particles of his Innocence entered his body and sealed the wound." > "Allen's heart was punctured. Death was imminent. But what healed his heart ... was particles of his Innocence that had become like dust and shouldn't even be activated, which entered his body and sealed the hole all on its own, acting as a substitute for his cells." v07.60 ENG Lavi "I'd be a Bookman. I have no interest in being anything else." The JPN vol has another sentence in between those two about how he even became an Exorcist. v07.60 ENG "A noodle maker?" > "A merchant who makes soba?" v07.62+67+77 ENG "Allen" > in the JPN, Won calls him "Walker-kun" v07.62 ENG "It's still cruel" - Specifically, Rohfa says "God" is cruel v07.78 ENG "80 square feet" and "120 square feet" are "10 jou" and "15 jou" in Japanese (畳, tatami mat). A 'jou' is either 1.54 or 1.82 square meters, so 10 jou is either around 165 or 196 square feet, and 15 jou is around either 249 or 294 square feet. So I'm not sure where Viz gets their numbers, unless the online converters I used are off. v07.82 ENG "She did?" > "'ore-sama?'" (Allen is reacting to the pronoun Bak uses when upset) v07.83 ENG "Allen Walker" > "Walker-kun" (by Won) v07.84 ENG "Allen" > JPN "Walker" (by For) v07.84 ENG "People have been known to take a wrong turn and nearly starve to death" > "One time, someone got lost for two weeks and nearly starved to death." v07.87 ENG "this stuff was swirling around you like a fog" excludes the JPN "as if to protect you" v07.87 ENG "TRUDGE" > "can't see" v07.87 ENG "It was no picnic ..." > "That's when I realized it was Innocenc v07.87 ENG "That surprised me" > "He even said something unscientific for once." v07.89+95+102+117+123 ENG "Allen" > Bak and Rikei call him "Walker" in JPN v07.96 ENG Discussion Room "whisper into Komui's ear WHILE HE'S ASLEEP" v07.96 ENG the ? after Lavi's "I can't take it" should be an ! v07.105 ENG "... Even with a high synchronization rate." > "Even if they're able to synchronize, they can't restrain the vast force of the Innocence that well." v07.109 ENG "Allen" > For calls him "Walker" in JPN v07.109 ENG "Fo is the materialized form of the guardian deity" is missing the detail where JPN says Fo "isn't a human but ..." v07.114 ENG "between the ages of 18 and 40" > JPN has "10 and 40" v07.122 ENG "Allen" > Rohfa calls him "Walker-san" in the JPN v07.124 ENG the placement of "Lo Hwa!" and "I'm sorry!" should be reversed v07.128 ENG "General Zokalo" > the ENG volume omits his first name, "Winters" which is in the JPN page here v07.140 ENG "For a Bookman ... attachments are a liability" could be "doesn't need a heart." v07.150 ENG name spellings in character ranking: Jerry, Eeze, Bak Chan, Alestina (JPN has full name), Tap Dopp, Pazu, Baba, Skin Boric, Place Robin (just 'Robin'). Pazu should be Bazu v07.168 ENG Special Thanks page. The JPN version has different formatting for the names: alternating black/white letters, and three columns. So "Coro" and "Adam" are separate entries, as are "Sakuma" and "Yoshida-san." v07.182 ENG check Kindle: ebook version is missing chapter page, instead has ad for next volume v07.183 ENG "Sorry, Count" > "Sorry, Krory" v08 ENG (6th printing): cover page changes cross in DGM logo like previous volumes v08 ENG (like previous volumes) omits the special insert art. This time it's Shifu, Rikei, Won and Allen dressed in the same female outfit/hairstyle as Rohfa v08 ENG 'STORY' same issues as before, i.e. "centuries ago" > "about a century ago", omitting 3 Days of Darkness and 'about 7000 years ago' v08.16 ENG "Sound Shackles" > "Water Shackles" v08.28 ENG "The ship! It must be sinking!" This is wrong; the first is Lenalee's thoughts "So that means that ..." and the second part is Eshi saying "The ship is sinking". v08.40 ENG omake "who has his hair styled like a girl's" > literally "man (with) straight-cut bangs". This term, pattsun, will show up in following chapters later on as a derogatory nickname for Kanda v08.40 ENG omake "gentle stream of water" instead of mushin and shaberu shikabane "talking corpse" v08.40 ENG omake "he" for Hoshino should be "she" v08.43 ENG moves "The ecstasy" down to the bottom panels, and in doing so omits all of what's written there in the JPN original. Quoting Funimation's TL of those lines: "I can ... I can tell that woman's heartbeat is getting weak. I can hear her heart squeak from the oppression of the water pressure." v08.44 ENG "Not even Eshi can go to those terrible depths" omits "even since evolving to Level 3," v08.47 ENG "I see the twisted faces of tortured souls. They enter my eye and crawl around inside my head." > "The screams of many souls that I shouldn't be able to hear, they pass through my left eye and crawl around inside my body." v08.55 ENG "are my comrades from the Order" > Funi TL "the faces of my comrades inside the wall called the Order." v08.58 ENG version is missing an entire sentence about Komui's reaction to Komlin being dismantled from the Discussion Room omake. v08.65 ENG "Eshi's ability" > "Eshi's ability caused by dark matter" v08.65 ENG "then my Innocence" missing that Innocence is dark matter's opposite v08.73 ENG "Why aren't you using your hammer?" > "Why aren't you using the Wood Stamp?" v08.76 ENG omake "Millennium Earl" > "Lord Millennium". And the JPN version has ages/locations/gender for the people submitting questions. v08.86 ENG "Wha..." > "Above?" v08.89 ENG "She's gathering all the mass around her!!" > "With that excessive amount of gravity ..." v08.93 ENG "tens of thousands of pounds" > "tens of thousands of tons" v08.94 ENG the omake is missing 2 sentences from Allen about Hoshino's personal opinion on the whole Gintama/Lavi thing v08.98 ENG "You're the one who will die, girl!" > "You're the only one who will become cinders, girl!" v08.100 ENG "You're important to me" > they're important to Anita v08.109 ENG "Kamui" > "Komui" v08.127 ENG "Lord Exorcist!?" should be "Aaaaah! Mr. Krory!!?" and "Aaaah! Count Krory?!" should be "Sir!!!!" (just has danna). And he's a Baron in the JPN version, not a Count v08.127 ENG "What is this...?!" > "This chain...!?" v08.134 ENG "They sacrificed themselves to save the ship!!" is missing "the ship and me" from the JPN v08 ENG manga omits Chomesuke's verbal tic 'cho' at the end of sentences v08.145 ENG "by General Cross" > "by Cross Marian" v08.152 ENG "Or is Lenalee" > "Or is Lenalee Lee" v08.152 ENG "valuable information for the archives" > "a valuable record/log" v08.156 ENG "Ark" > "box" v08.156 ENG "General Cross" > "Marian" v08.156 ENG "factory for manufacturing Akuma" > "Akuma enchanted body plant" v08.157 ENG "The General instructed me to tell you ... to go home. You'll only slow him down." > "Marian said that if after hearing this [warning] you'll become a hindrance, you should just go home." v08.164 ENG "release" > "forced release" v08.186+7 ENG Hoshino should be "her" instead of "his" v08.186 "wild eye" > "Hoshino" v08 has 6 pages of reader-submitted fanart after the final omake in the JPN volume (omitted in ENG vol.)
submitted by lC3 to dgrayman [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:06 Gilbermeister The tonal and nagual

Here is another perspective or mythology that I found in some books and thought might be worth sharing, maybe someone will resonate.
Don Juan was a nagual (term also used to refer to a leader of a lineage whose purpose was Freedom) and in this text Carlos (the apprentice) is writing about his experience of being guided by him while having a meal at a restaurant. He's being introduced to the lineage's explanation, the tonal –which is said to be like an island– and the nagual:
‘If the tonal is everything we know about ourselves and our world, what then is the nagual?’
‘The nagual is the part of us which we do not deal with at all.
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘The nagual is the part of us for which there is no description: no words, no names, no feelings, no knowledge.’
‘That is a contradiction, don Juan. In my opinion, if it can not be felt or described or named, it can not exist.’
‘It is a contradiction only in your opinion. I warned you before, do not knock yourself out trying to understand this.’
‘Would you say that the nagual is the mind?’
‘No. Lets say the tonal is this table. The mind is an item on the table. The mind is part of the tonal. Let us say that the mind is the chili sauce.’
Don Juan took a bottle of sauce and placed it in front of me.
‘Is the nagual the soul?’
‘No. The soul is also on the table. Let us say that the soul is the ashtray.’
‘Is it the thoughts of men?’
‘No. Thoughts are also on the table. Thoughts are like the silverware.’
He picked up a fork and placed it next to the chili sauce and the ashtray.
‘Is it a state of grace? Heaven?’
‘Not that either. That, whatever it might be, is also part of the tonal. It is, let us say, the napkin.’
I went on giving possible ways of describing what he was alluding to: pure intellect, psyche, energy, vital force, immortality, life principle. For each thing I named he found an item on the table to serve as a counterpart and shoved it in front of me until he had all the objects on the table stashed in one pile.
Don Juan seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. He giggled and rubbed his hands every time I named another possibility.
‘Is the nagual the Supreme Being; the Almighty, God?’ I asked.
‘No. God is also on the table. Let us say that God is the tablecloth.’
He made a joking gesture of pulling the tablecloth in order to stack it up with the rest of the items he had put in front of me.
‘But, are you saying that god does not exist?’
‘No. I did not say that. All I said was that the nagual was not god because god is an item of our personal tonal and of the tonal of the times. The tonal is, as I have already said, everything we think the world is composed of, including god, of course. God has no more importance other than being a part of the tonal of our time.’
‘In my understanding, don Juan, God is everything. Are we not talking about the same thing?’
‘No. God is only everything you can think of, therefore, properly speaking, he is only another item on the island. God cannot be witnessed at will, he can only be talked about. The nagual, on the other hand, is at the service of the warrior. It can be witnessed, but it cannot be talked about.’
‘If the nagual is not any of the things I have mentioned,’ I said, ‘perhaps you can tell me about its location. Where is it?’
Don Juan made a sweeping gesture and pointed to the area beyond the boundaries of the table. He swept his hand, as if with the back of it he were cleaning an imaginary surface that went beyond the edges of the table.
‘The nagual is there,’ he said. ‘There, surrounding the island. The nagual is there, where power hovers. We sense, from the moment we are born, that there are two parts to us. At the time of birth, and for a while after, we are all nagual. We sense, then, that in order to function we need a counterpart to what we have. The tonal is missing and that gives us, from the very beginning, a feeling of incompleteness. Then the tonal starts to develop and it becomes utterly important to our functioning; so important that it opaques the shine of the nagual. It overwhelms it. From the moment we become all tonal, we do nothing else but to increment that old feeling of incompleteness which accompanies us from the moment of our birth, and which tells us constantly that there is another part to give us completeness. From the moment we become all tonal we begin making pairs. We sense our two sides, but we always represent them with items of the tonal. We say that the two parts of us are the soul and the body. Or mind and matter. Or good and evil. God and Satan. We never realize, however, that we are merely pairing things on the island, very much like pairing coffee and tea, or bread and tortillas, or chili and mustard. I tell you, we are weird animals. We get carried away, and in our madness we believe ourselves to be making perfect sense.’
Don Juan stood up and addressed me as if he were an orator. He pointed his index finger at me and made his head shiver.
‘Man does not move between good and evil,’ he said in a hilariously rhetorical tone, grabbing the salt and pepper shakers in both hands. ‘His true movement is between negativeness and positiveness.’
He dropped the salt and pepper and clutched a knife and fork.
‘Actually, you are wrong. There is no movement,’ he continued as if he were answering himself. ‘Man is only mind!’
He took the bottle of sauce and held it up. Then he put it down.
‘As you can see,’ don Juan said softly, ‘we can easily replace chili sauce for mind and end up saying, 'Man is only chili sauce!' Doing that will not make us more demented than we already are.’
‘I am afraid I have not asked the right question,’ I said. ‘Maybe we could arrive at a better understanding if I asked what one can specifically find in that area beyond the island?’
‘There is no way of answering that. If I would say, 'nothing', I would only make the nagual part of the tonal. All I can say is that there, beyond the island, one finds the nagual’
‘But, when you call it the nagual, are you not also placing it on the island?’
‘No. I named it only because I wanted to make you aware of it.’
‘All right! But becoming aware of it is the step that has turned the nagual into a new item of my tonal’
‘I am afraid you do not understand. I have named the tonal and the nagual as a true pair. That is all I have done.’
He reminded me that once while trying to explain to him my insistence on meaning, I had discussed the idea that children might not be capable of comprehending the difference between 'father' and 'mother' until they were quite developed in terms of handling meaning. And that they would perhaps believe that it might be that 'father' wears pants and 'mother' skirts, or other differences dealing with hairstyle, or size of body, or items of clothing.
‘We certainly do the same thing with the two parts of us,’ he said. ‘We sense that there is another side to us. But when we try to pin down that other side the tonal gets hold of the baton, and as a director it is quite petty and jealous. It dazzles us with its cunningness and forces us to obliterate the slightest inkling of the other part of the true pair, the nagual.’”
submitted by Gilbermeister to nonduality [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:09 SlashCo80 Sometimes I fantasize about creating an old-fashioned, "politically incorrect" RPG with no DEI content. Something inspired by KCD.

Of course it's just a dream at the moment, but I almost think it'd be worth it just to see the reaction from the woke left. Of course, funding would be a problem. It would be entertaining to see all the cries of racism, misogyny and bigotry though, for a game that features no actual offensive content. :)
edit: Hahaha, someone actually linked this in GCJ and they're furiously jerking over constructed strawmen in the safety of their treehouse. :) Some of the cowards even replied to one of my posts and then blocked me.
submitted by SlashCo80 to KotakuInAction [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:40 DeloUI Cell's Solar Kamehameha

Cell's Solar Kamehameha
Cell's Solar Kamehameha was an attack that not was going to destroy the actual solar system. It was a concentrated blast that was equivalent to destroying the Solar system.
(Basically Cell was using a solar system + blast aimed at Gohan that was going to destroy the planet if Gohan did not win the struggle)
Solar system: Besides the planets and the sun, the solar contains almost 300 moons, over 1 million asteroids and almost 4,000 comets.
submitted by DeloUI to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:33 XRINVG Fan Faction Idea for China

A fan faction idea I had for China. This is fanfiction. It is not canon at all.
TLDR China needed the silk road and trade from europe and middle east and its central government power is weakening. And it is abandoning the eastern coast and focusing its attention to the central plains.
By the way a bit info, I cant speak mandarin and not literate in chinese language. I am only maybe a quarter literate in chinese. And my knowledge of chinese culture is limited, since I am a chinese diaspora in southeast asia. And pardon my english too. My knowledge of buddhist is also limited since my parents are not that religious and only go to temple on important days.
By 20th century, China was ruled by the Qing Dynasty. Its ruling elites were the Manchu, a multi ethnic union primarily composed of Han, Mongol (mostly eastern and southern Mongols near Manchuria) and Jurchens. The Queue hairstyle was no longer mandatory for civilians though nobility still wear it.
The imperial government is seated in the central plains region. The government has mandated sea ban and focused on the land. Control of the eastern coastal provinces has eroded for the force of hell is strong in the eastern coast. But there was still scattered pockets of resistance in the eastern coast. These resistance areas were ruled by autonomous military officers, isolated from the central government and in most cases, from each other as well. Despite the sea ban, most of these military officers that had access to port also maintained a navy.
Despite its large population, chinese army is not that big. Much of the population is needed to farm grains, make weapons, maintain irrigation system and infrastricture and threats of locust plague prevent the government from making farmers into soldiers who cant produce food and needed to be fed by farmers. And a lot of soldiers are also tasked with infrastructure stuff rather than training for combat. Proportion of combat ready soldiers thus are rather low.
China also needed the silk road. To provide china with the needed silver gold and other alchemical materials needed by its taoist internal alchemist. The maritime silk road was abandoned by central government and only operated by autonomous military leader. The central government thus focused on the more dangerous land route.
The common soldiers of China are equipped with firearms and sabres. Family piety and ancestor worship are important. Soldiers are drawn from junior children and convicts. Though they are forbidden from having children, they still have a place in ancestor worship. Before battle, soldiers sacrifice part of themselves. It could be minor stuff like hair or nails or even paper with their name. These sacrifices are then burnt and its ash sent to soldier's family so that family can ensure its place in the family grave. Cremation was commonly practiced though not always among chinese people. The army has little reservation of using flame in battle, considering it a win-win of cremating their dead soldiers and burning their enemies. To increase supply of soldiers, China has allowed women to become soldiers.
The elite troops of China are the Banner soldiers. Composed of 8 banners, they are descended from the army of Nurhaci during the dynasty early period. Distinguished from their queue hairstyle, by 20th century, they have admitted women to war. Soldier women too adopted the queue hairstyle of the men.
Another special soldier concept is The Exam Taker (name is WIP). Formed from scholars who had the highest exam scores in imperial examination. They have memorized all of the books in Siku Qianshu (四库全书), which the Qing considered as good and never read books in the Siku Jinshu (四库禁书) which the the government considered as bad and worthy of being censored. Considered as the elite military officers, their big brainpower requires a lot of grain and they have to be sedated and rarely deployed unless their knowledge and leadership are needed.
The Internal Alchemist is another special soldier. Practicing taoist internal alchemy, a lot of aspirant perished to mercury. But those who survived consumed various elixir and gunpowder, honing their internal alchemy till they become mobile artillery and flamethrower. Not all internal alchemist are soldiers. The soldier internal alchemists are only a minority of internal alchemists.
The Hearer is another special soldier. Formed by devotant buddhist who prayed and meditated to the boddhisatva Avalokitesvara, also known as Guanyin. Most devotant died due to hunger. But those who lived grew new arms and ears. Ears to better intercept enemy communication and internal dissent of soldiers and arms to better wield weapons of salvation. The boddhisatva has been reborn multiple times and each time current reincarnation died, a search for the next reincarnation is taken. The boddhisatva was to help increase chance of devotant becoming hearer. But current reincarnation is still a child and unfit to teach or lead prayer.
The Beastmaster were another special soldier. The elite cannon fodder of the army. In Buddhist those with bad karma will be reborn as animals. And in my lore, people who can communicate animals are those whose karma was bad and it caused them to almost be reincarnated to animal but luckily they still have barely enough good karma to be reborn as human. They and their animal companion fight against hell to achieve good karma so they may be bettern reborn in next life.
The inverse of beastmaster is the Celestial Warrior. They have good karma but still born as human. But they will be reborn to higher existence. They fought so that they can commit sin to earn bad karma to balance their karma so that in the next life they will still be human. But they have to be careful. Lest they give in to sins and be immediately reborn as Ashura. The reason why they want bad karma to still be human is because human realm are the perfect middle realm with the most chance of achieveing enlightenment, without the luxury of higher existence and suffering of lower existence.
submitted by XRINVG to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:04 kaindrac Layered set recompilation (warning, long post!)

Layered set recompilation (warning, long post!)
Hello everyone! It's been a bit of time since i posted another set, sadly this time i don't bring you any new mixes, but a recompilation of all the set i have in the sub to this day.
This idea came to me after roaming a bit among the old post and noticed that a lot of them had really outdated screenshots from the time i started to share the armors.Which is a shame because some of them are among my favorites, so i decided to retake new shots from all of them, putting more focus on the armor and not the background. Maybe try new models, and share a bit more info with those that may be interested!
Without further ado,! I hope you enjoy it!

1º: Dual and Change blade clockwork mix.
Original post:
The very first armor I posted in the sub, with the help of a great friend! (The first and only time I did a photoshoot with someone, sadly…) Nevertheless, after it, he lent me the look of his character to keep on sharing sets with everyone, so if you see this, thanks a lot!

Originally my set was the same shade of blue as other sets, but i had to change it.
2º: Passionate kulve armour mix!
Original post:
I love this one, the vibrant colors, the gold and blue combo, and how such different sets fit so well together to bring you your very own carnival! (I know that the Passion Set already does that, but i was never a fan of the head, legs and waist piece)
Something great about this one, since the chest piece is not colored it doesn't lose the original textures of the feathers! (You may have noticed that when you color some armor in World you lose most of the original details, most noticeable in some armors like this one) So the only thing left was to match the kulve pieces to the blue hues of the chest (the golden parts already match with the wings, so it was easy!)
In the original post you may see a green variation with golden wings, saldy that one requires mods to archieve that look, so i have discontinued it due to the new rules.

3º: Wildspire Dancers!
Original post:
In the original post you may find a few more colorfull variations of this armor, but the original was this one, i felt that it was incomplete, and since the only headpiece that is a veil comes with kulu monster parts that can't be changed I decided to discard it and make the gold mask makeup you can see in the images!
This set pairs awesomely with dual blades (my main weapon). I love the flow of the Shara waist strips and the bare legs, especially with the one-hit claw tenderize.
4º Clear sky, sunny day!
Original post:
Sometimes you want to keep things simple, yet be a shining beacon! This set main protagonist is its vibrant color and wild hairstyle!

5º: Leather-clad punk huntress.
Original post:
Because not everything is colourfull dresses, this is a set for the fanst of black leather! One of the most catching details is that you can get a glimpse of the colorfull stockin by the right leg thanks to the unbucled skirt.
Also, the shade that I chose for the armor was reddish following the standard look of the Great Giros chest piece, but for this set, you can change all those red pieces to your taste. In the original post, you can find a full black and gray variation.
Btw can you guess the model just by her hair color? It's not the one from the original post, but one i have used in other sets too. ;)

6º: Cold? It never bothered me anyway~
Original post:
Also known as "armored Elsa" Thanks to the various comenst that pointed that out and got the idea in my head.
AT velk may be the bane of the existence of many hunters, but thant to it i can show you this regal mix, for those that want to feel beautiful and elegant, but still want to be a badass warrior princes of the hoarfrost!
Warm and cold light comparison.
7º: The Sapphire Star's Guidance.
Original post:
My favorite set, if you have ever seen me in a hunt, was most likely with this one! I just love how the dress fits together, and by this mix you may have figured out that I really like the kulve beta + legs.
Sadly, since the textures crash hard, I had to use a waist piece to hide the seam, but i would have liked to have it as a single piece.
8º: Savage Demoness
Original post:
With this set, I started to make more custom makeup to fit the theme of the mixes.
You may have noticed that when you equip the layered version of this chest piece it lacks the red marks. That is because, for some random reason they decided to remove part of the armor when making the layered version, a nonsense thing, so for the photoshoot i used the regular chest piece.
Main set and helmet variation.
9º: Pale Moon Priestess.
Original post:
Beating this one photos was hard, since in the original post most of them were awesome, capturing the esence o mistery just as i wanted, but this time I wanted to show how the entire armor looks.
Lightning variation!
10º: Hellfire knight.
Original post:
For the fans of the heavy protection, a heavy plated huntress with fire in her eyes!
I always wanted to use the Glavenus armor, but the only piece i really liked was the chest. This set stood half-made in one of my presets until one day it clicked that the armor has a very close pattern with Zora armor, so I finally got it finished!

11º: Rath Heart Huntress.
Original post:
Winner of the community model poll by a landslide! The first time i used a model other than mine or my friends'.
This one was a total hit, as the character got a lot of attention ( Just remember the comments about the 8 screenshot...)
A regular day on a hunters life.
12º:Muse Golden Gown
Original post:
At first this armor didnt have the wyverian hears, I changed it for the mix, so if you have problems matching your character's skin tone, you could always switch to some other headpiece of your choice!
13º: Hoarfrost Huntress. (with variations)
First time i shared this particular preset with you guys, but before that i already shared a armor set in another sub that I still have to bring to this one. ;)
In this particular shot i bring you all three variations of the armor! What is your favorite?
14º: Bunny Girls Galore!
Original post:
Thanks to the help I got from other user in this sub I finally got a shade for the buff body legs that resemble something like stockings.
Give a warm welcome to the new additions to this set! In the original post, you can find variations for the helmet in case you are not really into bunny ears.

15º: The Endemic Life Researcher joins the hunt!
Original post:
A thematic photoshoot to showcase an armor that would fit our curious and intrepid endemic life researcher.
Tired of hunters not delivering specimens, she took matters into her own hands and jumped into the active hunt!
For this one i wanted to keep the theme of her interacting with monsters and critters as well as focusing on the armor.
Variation of the set with coral pukey pieces!
16º: Sapphire Empress
And finally the lates addition, both to the armors that I posted and the model, you may see more of her in the future!
Thank you for your time, if you have any question ask away!
submitted by kaindrac to fashionhunters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:52 Sprites4Ever Outfits!

I love how many different outfits the Owl House cast are shown in. Usually, cartoon characters are designed for iconicity, precisely so that you don't have to keep relearning how to draw the character when they wear something different. It's really impressive that The Owl House's artists went through all that.
On that note, I think Luz' 'Spellraiser' outfit from Reaching Out goes underappreciated.
Having messed with her should be a legal reason for a health insurance company to deny you coverage for life-saving surgery.
I actually prefer her keeping her shorts over the cargo pants she later wore the college jacket with, and the combed hairstyle and knuckle tapes are simple, but serve well to show a side of Luz that's not obvious, but totally there. She isn't just a courageous, self-sacrificial, heroic bisexual icon, but there are darker aspects to her. She's quick to assert judgment and even resort to violence, and we know how much trauma and depression she carries behind that sunshine demeanor. I think she also has a lot of repressed rage from those things, and the 'Spellraiser' outfit, to me, looks like Luz in the mode in which she decides to take out that rage. A mode in which no one should mess with her.
I do also like Luz' outfit at the end of Season 2. The ponytail, cargo pants and combat boots make her look like a soldier, and a bit uniform at that. To me, it says that Luz didn't want this fight, didn't want any of this to happen, but has decided that she has to see it through. This is contrasted perfectly by her literally becoming the Warrior of Peace, the Good Witch Luz she always wanted to be, later. And then that gets subverted with Titan Luz, who looks similar to the fantasy Luz had wanted at the start of the show, but more wild and real. It symbolizes her character arc and the story as a whole.
submitted by Sprites4Ever to TheOwlHouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:26 Bulletblackwolf Prompt Of The Day For 05-13-2024: Cybernetic Mercenary!

Prompt Of The Day For 05-13-2024: Cybernetic Mercenary!
Today’s prompt is “Cybernetic Mercenary.” Our Kins have been transported into the world of a futuristic cityscape. They navigate the bustling streets with confidence as badass mercenaries ready to take on the pulse of the city. With a hacker's cunning, a warrior's strength, and an engineer's ingenuity, they can conquer even the most daunting of obstacles, emerging victorious against all odds.
(Dynamic dystopian Dark Cyberpunk 2077 Illustration by Raymond Swanland:1.4), (beeple), (Don Bluth, Guweiz:1.2). A MAN/WOMAN with an undercut hairstyle, is a badass mercenary, walking down a busy, messy, wet futuristic city street during a ((rainy thunderstorm)), ((HIS/HER combat boots clicking on the wet ground)). HE/SHE is wearing a detailed, intricate, futuristic armor with multiple cybernetic implants and ((arms, legs are adorned with cable neon LEDs)). The street is lit by colorful neon lights. 8k, reflective lighting, Hyperrealistic. (Full body image)///((skin, bikini))
submitted by Bulletblackwolf to KindroidAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:32 Joshh170 Destiny 2 Player Makes Their Guardian Look Like Dragon Ball Z's Goku

Destiny 2 Player Makes Their Guardian Look Like Dragon Ball Z's Goku
A Destiny 2 player's new customized armor set has made it seem like The Last City has enlisted the power of the Saiyans in its fight against the Witness. Their Son Goku-themed Destiny 2 costume drew praise from fellow players for cleverly using armor pieces and well-coordinated shaders to evoke the character's iconic look.
The rich legacy of highly creative Destiny 2 cosplay outfits only grows as the game gets older. After all, since a major motivation for players to keep playing is the gathering of attractive new armor and weapons to use, Bungie has an incentive to keep adding new costume pieces that players can wear, customize, and repurpose for their own fashion needs. The game's community has already seen a surfeit of referential cosmetic designs, evoking characters like Raven from Teen Titans, a Dark Souls 3 Boss, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themselves.
The latest new Destiny 2 costume recruits one of the most powerful heroes to join the fight: The strongest warrior of Universe 7, Son Goku of Dragon Ball Z. The Goku costume uses an arrangement of armor parts used by a Warlock Guardian to evoke the silhouette of the legendary fighter.
Destiny 2 Goku Costume Includes Anime-Style Haircut
Created by DestinyFashion community member YoSoyDaissy7, the Destiny 2 Son Goku costume is based off of parts suitable for a Warlock using the Arc-based Stormcaller subclass. The build uses low-profile, cloth-like armor pieces, since Goku is best known for eschewing the use of weapons and equipment. Goku instead relies on his many superpowered transformations to test his strength against his opponents'. Conveniently, YoSoyDaissy7's costume uses armor pieces that were mostly released as part of seasonal content, rather than using premium Eververse cosmetics.
The costume's chest uses the Wild Hunt Vestment, Meridian Constellation arms, and Heiro Camo legs to recreate the shape and pattern of Goku's trademark Turtle School Gi. Mixing the Vanguard Veteran and Vanguard Unity shaders achieves the right mix of orange and blue to approximate the color blocking of Goku's clothes. The Fallen Sunstar Exotic Warlock armor evokes Goku's voluminous hairstyle, though it doesn't quite match the exact shape of the character's hairdo.
Players praised YoSoyDaissy7's work, amused by the choice of exotic to get the "anime hair" effect out of Destiny 2's otherwise "realistic" art style. Some players even noted that the right mix of blue-and-white shaders on the same parts could also be used to get a look based on Goku's eternal rival, Vegeta. One player jokingly suggested that YoSoyDaissy7 create a second loadout with the same parts, but to change the "hair" color to bright yellow or gold to represent them undergoing a Super Saiyan transformation.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:43 shaneka69 Chrisean Rock Astrology Forecast As Of May 11, 2024

Chrisean Rock Astrology Forecast As Of May 11, 2024

With Mother's Day tomorrow and Chrisean Rock being a new mom, let's just do an updated astrology reading for her by checking her birth chart.
As we know, Chrisean was born in Baltimore and is known for her appearance on Baddies with Natalie Nunn and her own show she had with Blueface.
We know that she is a Pisces which is her sun sign/zodiac sign. She has a Cancer Moon which rules your emotions and emotional state.
Uranus is currently sextile Chrisean Rock's sun which means that she will be openly showing unpredictability and will likely be shocking people and even herself.
Uranus is in her 12th house which is the house of the unknown and blind spots as well. This can mean that she will have breakthroughs and insights. Could even result in premonitions and informative dream states.
Pluto is the planet known for exposing and causing change and this planet is currently opposing her North Node which shows that there will be a gradual process in her doing what she is supposed to be doing and going in the right direction. Pluto isn't making any connections with her personal planets yet, so she isn't expected to be going through anything too major right now.
Jupiter sextile her sun is giving her the expanding energy for her sports endeavor. Her Aries Mars will always see her through naturally though.
Let's go forward to the following month, June on this day to see what she may be experiencing.
Jupiter is the ruler of her 7th and 10th house and on June 11, 2024, she will have Jupiter squaring her Venus and Mercury which means that there can be issues with points getting across or communication issues between her and family or her and Blueface. She is likely to be intuitive around this time with Jupiter making a trine to her natal Neptune.
Since Jupiter will be squaring her Mercury and Venus, let's put focus on the fact that Mercury rules her ascendant and 4th house which is why there can be a link with family or her lover if it isn't about her mindset. Virgo being in her 4th house though makes it more tangible. Venus rules her 12th house and 5th house of romance and children. Basically this whole Jupiter aspect transit could be connected to her family. Let's see what happens.
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2024.05.11 21:13 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Wes Craven

Directors at the Box Office: Wes Craven
Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Wes Craven's turn.
Craven earned a master's degree in philosophy and writing from Johns Hopkins University. He subsequently bought a 16mm film camera and began making short movies. His friend Steve Chapin informed him of a messenger position at a New York City film production co, where his brother, future folk-rock star Harry Chapin worked. He started in the industry as a sound editor, before transitioning as a porn director. He said he made "many hardcore X-rated films" under pseudonyms. And then he transitioned into directing for the big screen.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

It should be noted that as he started his career in the 1970s, some of the domestic grosses here will be adjusted by inflation. The table with his highest grossing films, however, will be left in its unadjusted form, as the worldwide grosses are more difficult to adjust.

The Last House on the Left (1972)

"Mari, seventeen, is dying. Even for her, the worst is yet to come."
His directorial debut. The film stars Sandra Peabody, Lucy Grantham, David Hess, Fred J. Lincoln, Jeramie Rain, and Marc Sheffler. The plot follows Mari Collingwood, a teenager who is abducted, raped, and tortured by a family of violent fugitives led by Krug Stillo on her seventeenth birthday. When her parents discover what happened to her, they seek vengeance against the family, who have taken shelter at their home.
Craven, who had no money at the time, was put on the job of synchronizing dailies for Sean S. Cunningham's Together. They became friends, and Hallmark Releasing gave them $90,000 to make another film. Craven considered a hardcore film, but decided to tone it down a bit. The idea for this film came from Ingmar Bergman's The Virgin Spring, and Craven wanted to make a film in which the violence would be shown in detail onscreen, as he felt that many popular films of the era, such as Westerns, glamorized violence and the "vigilante hero", and gave the public a misleading representation of death in the wake of the Vietnam War.
The film attracted negative media attention for its heavy graphic content, and there were calls for some theaters to drop the film. But you know, bad buzz is still buzz and that translated to a pretty good run in theaters, earning up to $3 million in its initial run. Even to this day, the film is polarizing due to its violence and themes. But Craven just made his name well known.
  • Budget: $90,000.
  • Domestic gross: $3,100,000. ($23.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $3,100,000.

The Hills Have Eyes (1977)

"A nice American family. They didn't want to kill. But they didn't want to die."
His second film. The film stars Susan Lanier, Michael Berryman and Dee Wallace. The film follows the Carters, a suburban family targeted by a family of cannibal savages after becoming stranded in the Nevada desert.
Craven wanted to make a non-horror, but he found that his investors only wanted films with graphic content. At the New York Public Library, Craven checked the library's forensics department, and learned of the legend of Sawney Bean - the alleged head of a 48-person Scottish clan responsible for the murder and cannibalization of more than one thousand people. He drew influences from this, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Grapes of Wrath. Craven also had to cut a lot of scenes to avoid getting an X rating.
The film once again drew negative attention for its violence. But it made over $25 million at the box office, which was an even bigger success than House. It subsequently earned a cult following.
  • Budget: $700,000.
  • Domestic gross: $25,000,000. ($128.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $25,000,000.

Deadly Blessing (1981)

"Pray you're not blessed."
His third film. It stars Ernest Borgnine, Maren Jensen, Susan Buckner, and Sharon Stone, and tells the story of a strange figure committing murder in a contemporary community that is not far from another community that believes in ancient evil and curses.
It received negative reviews, but it was another box office success for Craven.
  • Budget: $3,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $8,279,042. ($28.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $8,279,042.

Swamp Thing (1982)

"Science transformed him into a monster. Love changed him even more!"
His fourth film. Based on the DC Comics character created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson, it stars Louis Jourdan and Adrienne Barbeau. It tells the story of scientist Alec Holland who is transformed into the monster known as Swamp Thing through laboratory sabotage orchestrated by the evil Anton Arcane. Later, he helps a woman named Alice Cable and battles the man responsible for it all, the ruthless Arcane.
The film made $2.5 million domestically, despite mixed reviews.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $2,500,000. ($8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $2,500,000.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

"If Nancy doesn't wake up screaming, she won't wake up at all."
His fifth film. It stars Heather Langenkamp, John Saxon, Ronee Blakley, Johnny Depp, and Robert Englund. The film's plot concerns a group of teenagers who are targeted by Freddy Krueger, an undead child killer who can murder people through their dreams, as retribution against their parents who burned him alive.
The film was inspired by several newspaper articles printed in the Los Angeles Times in the 1970s about Hmong refugees, who, after fleeing to the United States because of war and genocide in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, suffered disturbing nightmares and refused to sleep. Some of the men died in their sleep soon after. This, along with the song "Dream Weaver" by Gary Wright, motivated Craven to craft a horror film focused on people dying through their sleep.
The film's villain, Freddy Krueger, is drawn from Craven's early life. One night, a young Craven saw an elderly man walking on the sidepath outside the window of his home. The man stopped to glance at a startled Craven and walked off. This served as the inspiration for Krueger. Initially, Fred Krueger was intended to be a child molester, but Craven eventually characterized him as a child murderer to avoid being accused of exploiting a spate of highly publicized child molestation cases that occurred in California around the time of the film's production. He settled on the name Freddy Krueger, which was based on a childhood bully of his.
The process of writing the film went smoothly, the real problem was finding a studio. Craven sent it to most studios, and all rejected it. The first studio to show interest was Disney, but Craven declined their offer as they wanted a more toned-down kid-friendly PG-13 flick. When Paramount and Universal also turned it down, Craven decided to go to the independent studio New Line Cinema. The studio only distributed films, but they agreed in financing the film. As they lacked the financial resources for the production, New Line had to turn to external financiers.
Despite opening in just 165 theaters, the film earned $1.2 million in its opening weekend, making it clear that it would be an immediate box office success. It eventually closed with $25 million domestically, and $57 million worldwide. It received critical acclaim, and has been referred as one of the best and most influential slashers ever made. Freddy Krueger would soon be hailed as one of the most emblematic figures of horror, and Craven quickly earned a reputation as a horror legend. But most importantly, it was the beginning of New Line Cinema as a studio, which is why it's referred as "the house that Freddy built."
The film would later spawn a franchise, although Craven wouldn't direct any of the "sequels." Why the quotation marks? We'll get to that later on.
  • Budget: $1,100,000.
  • Domestic gross: $25,624,448. ($77 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $57,185,134.

The Hills Have Eyes Part II (1985)

"So you think you're lucky to be alive."
His sixth film. The sequel to The Hills Have Eyes, it stars Tamara Stafford, Kevin Spirtas, John Bloom, Michael Berryman, Penny Johnson, Janus Blythe, John Laughlin, Willard E. Pugh, Peter Frechette and Robert Houston. It follows a group of bikers who become stranded in the desert and find themselves fighting off a family of inbred cannibals who live off the land.
The film was shot on a very low budget, and it simply ended prematurely because they ran out of funds. There are no box office numbers available, but it received awful reviews.

Deadly Friend (1986)

"There's no one alive who'll play with the girl next door."
His seventh film. Based on the novel Friend by Diana Henstell, it stars Matthew Laborteaux, Kristy Swanson, Michael Sharrett, Anne Twomey, Richard Marcus, and Anne Ramsey. Its plot follows a teenage computer prodigy who implants a robot's processor into the brain of his teenage neighbor after she is pronounced brain dead; the experiment proves successful, but she swiftly begins a killing spree in their neighborhood.
Craven wanted to make a PG-rated science fiction film, with a similar tone to Starman, hoping to prove that he could make something that wasn't horror-themed. An unfinished version of the film was screened to a test audience of Craven's fanbase, and it was poorly received for its lack of violence and gore like his previous films. So WB decided to rewrite the film, adding more scenes with tons of gore. This made the final film appear tonally jumbled, and it went from easy PG to struggling to not get an X rating.
The film was poorly received for its story and inconsistent tone. It also marked a huge flop at the box office, not even hitting $10 million. Craven lost interest in the film after WB inserted their own version, and he has since disowned the film.
  • Budget: $11,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $8,988,731. ($25.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $8,988,731.

The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988)

"Don't bury me, I'm not dead!"
His eighth film. It stars Bill Pullman, and is loosely based on the life of ethnobotanist Wade Davis, recounting his experiences in Haiti investigating the story of Clairvius Narcisse, who was allegedly poisoned, buried alive, and revived with a herbal brew which produced what was called a zombie.
The film received mixed reactions, but it was a much needed box office success for Craven.
  • Budget: $7,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $19,595,031. ($51.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $19,595,031.

Shocker (1989)

"No more Mr. Nice Guy."
His ninth film. It stars Michael Murphy, Peter Berg, Cami Cooper, and Mitch Pileggi, and follows a serial killer who uses electricity to come back from the dead and carry out his vengeance on the football player who turned him in to the police.
Another mixed bag for Craven, but it was still profitable.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $16,554,699. ($41.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $16,554,699.

The People Under the Stairs (1991)

"In every neighborhood, there's one house that adults whisper about and children cross the street to avoid."
His tenth film. It stars Brandon Adams, Everett McGill, Wendy Robie, and A. J. Langer. The plot follows a young boy and two adult robbers who become trapped in a house belonging to a neighborhood's crooked landlords after breaking in to steal their collection of gold coins as the boy learns a dark secret about them and what also lurks in their house.
After a slate of mixed performers, the film received Craven's best reviews since Elm Street. To the surprise of Universal, it was also a box office success.
  • Budget: $6,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $24,204,154. ($55.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $31,347,154.

Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)

"This time, the terror doesn't stop at the screen."
His 11th film. The installment in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, it stars Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, Miko Hughes and John Saxon. The film is not part of the same continuity as previous films, and it portrays Freddy Krueger as a fictional movie villain who invades the real world and haunts the cast and crew involved in the making of the films about him.
While Craven co-wrote the franchise's third installment, Dream Warriors, he wasn't that involved with the rest of the franchise. He wanted to make a deliberately more cerebral film than recent entries to the franchise, as he considered them as being cartoonish, and not faithful to his original themes. Specifically, he wanted Freddy to resemble his original vision: far darker and less comical. To reinforce this, the character's make-up and outfit were enhanced, with one of the most prominent differences being that he now wears a long blue/black trenchcoat. In addition, the signature glove was redesigned for a more organic look, with the fingers resembling bones and having muscle textures in between.
The film received high praise, and was considered as the best film in the franchise since the original (it was Englund's favorite). But the franchise has been bleeding interest at the box office, and New Nightmare unfortunately had to suffer. It was profitable, but it became the lowest grossing film in the franchise.
  • Budget: $8,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $18,090,181. ($38.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $19,721,741.

Vampire in Brooklyn (1995)

"A comic tale of horror and seduction."
His 12th film. It stars Eddie Murphy, Angela Bassett, Allen Payne, Kadeem Hardison, John Witherspoon, Zakes Mokae, and Joanna Cassidy. It follows a Caribbean vampire who seduces a Brooklyn police officer who has no idea that she is half-vampire.
The film had awful reviews, and despite the presence of a huge star like Eddie Murphy, it disappointed at the box office. Craven really needed a hit.
  • Budget: $8,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $19,751,736. ($40.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $34,951,736.

Scream (1996)

"Someone has taken their love of scary movies one step too far."
His 13th film. It stars David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, Matthew Lillard, Rose McGowan, Skeet Ulrich and Drew Barrymore. Set in the fictional town of Woodsboro, California, Scream's plot follows high school student Sidney Prescott and her friends, who, on the anniversary of her mother's murder, become the targets of a costumed serial killer known as Ghostface.
As he was trying to make it in the industry, Kevin Williamson watched a Turning Point documentary about serial killer Danny Rolling which he said left him unsettled. Williamson later noticed an open window, armed himself with a knife, and called his friend for support. The pair began discussing horror characters that had resonated with them such as Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees. This experience prompted Williamson to start developing a concept wherein a girl is haunted by a caller.
He started writing a film titled Scary Movie, and even left an outline for possible sequels. The concept was part of an era where there was debate over the influence of cinematic violence on audience, with Williamson coming up with a brilliant line "movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative." It was inspired by many 1980s slashers, even though the genre was on decline by that point. His characters were intentionally designed to be knowledgeable about these horror films and their typical elements, with the intention of creating a unique killer who was not only aware of horror film clichés but also exploited them for his own advantage.
While Williamson struggled with his previous films, this script was part of a bidding war with the studios, to the point that Oliver Stone himself wanted to direct it. Miramax (through Dimension Films) bought the script, and Williamson made some rewrites to scale back the violence. Bob Weinstein also wanted to change the name, as he believed the audiences would think the film is a comedy.
The studio considered Danny Boyle, Tom McLoughlin, Sam Raimi, Robert Rodriguez, George A. Romero, Quentin Tarantino, and Anthony Waller as prime candidates to direct the film, but they all preferred to view the film as a comedy. Wes Craven was considered, but the studio believed he couldn't direct a satire. Craven also wasn't planning on directing it, as he wanted to focus on more mainstream films to salvage his career. Craven's assistant Julie Plec (who would collaborate with Williamson on The Vampire Diaries) convinced him in helming the project. By signing, Craven decided to get back some of the gore that was missing in the previous drafts.
A huge contrast to the horror films of the era was that the film had established actors as the leads, as Craven and Williamson wanted to prove that no character was safe. Drew Barrymore had already starred in a few recognizable names, Neve Campbell was on the hit show Party of Five, Rose McGowan was known for Encino Man and The Doom Generation, David Arquette, Matthew Lillard and Skeet Ulrich were recognizable supporting characters, and Courteney Cox obviously was known for Friends. Vince Vaughn and Natasha Lyonne were the preferred choices for Billy and Tatum, but external problems caused them to drop out.
After viewing the dailies raw footage, the Weinsteins criticized the quality of Craven's work as "workmanlike at best", believing it lacked tension and had an inconsistent tone. The Weinsteins also disliked the mask design, and said Barrymore lacked sex appeal because of the pageboy hairstyle she had chosen. While filming the final fight, Campbell's stuntwoman accidentally stabbed Ulrich with an umbrella tip, missing the protective vest he was wearing and hitting the site of an open heart surgery Ulrich had as a child. During post-production, Harvey Weinstein decided to name the film as Scream based on the Michael and Janet Jackson song.
In a surprising move, the Weinsteins decided to release the film during the holiday season as counter-programming, offering teenagers an alternative to more traditional holiday fare. The decision was unpopular with the cast and crew, with Williamson expecting the film to fail. The film opened with $6.4 million and finishing in fourth place, leading analysts to consider the film as a bomb.
But the film just kept growing.
Buoyed by positive word of mouth, the Weinsteins increased marketing and the film managed to increase in its second and third weekends. It closed with $103 million domestically and $173 million worldwide, becoming the highest grossing slasher film ever and Craven's highest grossing film ever. The film received critical acclaim for its characters and writing, and has since been deemed as one of the most influential horror films of all time. It rekindled interest in horror, resurrected Craven's career and launched the careers of Williamson and the cast.
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $103,046,663. ($245.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $173,046,663.

Scream 2 (1997)

"Someone has taken their love of sequels one step too far."
His 14th film. The sequel to Scream, it stars David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jamie Kennedy, Laurie Metcalf, Jerry O'Connell, Elise Neal, Timothy Olyphant, Jada Pinkett, and Liev Schreiber. The film takes place two years after the first film and again follows the character of Sidney Prescott, along with other survivors of the Woodsboro massacre, at the fictional Windsor College in Ohio where they are targeted by a copycat killer using the guise of Ghostface.
As Williamson already had plans for sequels, the idea was for Sidney to attend college while being stalked by a copycat Ghostface killer. As filming began, Williamson's script had four killers: Derek, Hallie, Cotton Weary, and Nancy Loomis. But after Williamson transferred his script to the production, it was leaked onto the Internet in full, revealing the identity of the killers and a large amount of the involved plot. This resulted in the production continuing to film with only a partial script while Williamson conducted extensive rewrites, changing much of the film's finale, the identities of the film's killers and drastically altering the roles of other characters such as Randy Meeks and Joel. With a short deadline, Williamson couldn't fully compromise on the final script, forcing Craven to fill in the gaps himself. So the film was one of the very first cases where the Internet leaked major aspects of a film.
As the Weinsteins wanted the film ready for December, it was able to capitalize on the audience's word of mouth to the original. It opened with $32 million in its first weekend, almost five times as big as the original, and the biggest December debut. It didn't hold as great as the original due to the competition, such as Titanic, but it still made $172.3 million worldwide, almost matching the original's gross. It also received very positive reviews, and so a profitable franchise was already underway.
  • Budget: $24,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $101,363,301. ($237.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $172,363,301.

Music of the Heart (1999)

"She gave them a gift they could never imagine. They gave the system a fight it would never forget."
His 15th film. The film stars Meryl Streep, Aidan Quinn, Angela Bassett, Gloria Estefan, Jane Leeves, Kieran Culkin and Jay O. Sanders. The film is a dramatization of the true story of Roberta Guaspari, who co-founded the Opus 118 Harlem School of Music and fought for music education funding in New York City public schools.
After seeing the documentary Small Wonders, Craven was inspired to make a full-length film about Guaspari. Madonna was originally signed to play the role of Guaspari, but left the project before filming began, citing "creative differences" with Craven. When she left, Madonna had already studied for many months to play the violin. Streep learned to play Bach's Concerto for 2 Violins for the film. The project marked a huge departure for Craven; it was his first and only film to be rated PG, and his only one to not be horror or thriller.
It received generally positive reviews, but it bombed at the box office. It received 2 Oscar nominations for Best Actress and Best Original Song, the only Craven film to get any noms.
  • Budget: $27,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $14,859,394. ($27.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $14,936,407.

Scream 3 (2000)

"The most terrifying scream is always the last."
His 16th film. The third installment in the Scream franchise, it stars David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox Arquette, Parker Posey, Patrick Dempsey, Scott Foley, Lance Henriksen, Matt Keeslar, Jenny McCarthy, Emily Mortimer, Deon Richmond, and Patrick Warburton. The film's story takes place one year after the previous film's events and follows Sidney Prescott, who has gone into self-imposed isolation following the events of the previous two films but is drawn to Hollywood after a new Ghostface begins killing the cast of the film within a film Stab 3.
The plans for a sequel were already underway since Williamson sold the script, although Williamson still didn't write a script yet. When the Weinsteins approached him to write the film, Williamson was already busy with many projects (including his directorial debut), and was unavailable to perform his duties. He only made a 20-page outline wherein Ghostface would return just as production on a fictional film Stab 3 would be filmed. His plan was to show the killers were part of a Stab fan club (this idea would later be adapted into his show, The Following). With Williamson not available, Ehren Kruger was tasked in writing.
Shortly before production began on the film, the Columbine High School massacre took place, and many parties began looking for reasoning behind the shooters' actions and there came an increased scrutiny on the role of the media in society, including video games and film, and the influence it could have on an audience. With production of Scream 3 not yet underway, there were considerations about whether the film should be made at that time, aware of the potential for negative attention but the studio decided to press forward, albeit with changes.
The Weinsteins demanded to scale back on the gore and emphasize its satiric humor, as well as moving the setting to Hollywood. At one point in the production, the studio went as far as demanding that the film feature no blood or on-screen violence at all, a drastic departure for the series, but Craven directly intervened. One of the aspects changed was that the killer would be revealed to be Stu Macher, having survived the original film. The Weinsteins changed it after Columbine, as they didn't want to associate violence and murder with a high school setting.
The film opened with $34.7 million, a franchise record and the biggest February debut ever. But it had weak legs, although it still made a very profitable $161.8 million worldwide. While the previous films were well-received, this film received negative reviews, who lambasted the film for becoming the very own thing it satirizes.
  • Budget: $40,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $89,143,175. ($178.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $161,834,276.

Cursed (2005)

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
His 17th film. It stars Christina Ricci, Joshua Jackson, Jesse Eisenberg, Judy Greer, Scott Baio, Milo Ventimiglia, Shannon Elizabeth and Mýa, and follows two orphaned siblings attacked by a werewolf loose in Los Angeles.
Kevin Williamson started working on a script that followed the exploits of a New York City serial killer who discovers that his lethal tendencies are due to his lycanthrope nature. When one of his projects was scrapped, Craven decided to direct, teaming them up again for another Scream reunion. But it wasn't planned like that. Craven was making a film, Pulse, when Bob Weinstein abruptly pulled the movie from the schedule ten days before shooting and cut through all the slow lanes, wanting Craven to get to Cursed as soon as possible. Craven was reportedly not pleased so Weinstein doubled his pay in order for him to direct the film. The director deemed the script too tonally similar to his film Vampire in Brooklyn, but felt pressured by the studio, leading him to ultimately sign on.
The film started filming in January 2003, hoping to get the film released in August. In June, they only had six days left for filming. Suddenly, Dimension Films decided to put the movie on hold because top executives at the company weren't happy with the film's ending or how the special effects were progressing, specifically the look of the film's lead lupine. Rick Baker was preparing the final transformation effects when production stopped and asked Weinstein to let his team finish the work in order for it to be ready for the reshoot, but he refused. Patrick Lussier was brought in for massive rewrites, and the film didn't return to production until November. Baker was fired, and the prosthetic make-up was replaced with CGI. Skeet Ulrich filmed his scene as one of the leads, but chose to drop out following the reshoots as he disliked the new direction. It was also heavily edited to get the R rating down to PG-13. The budget was originally $35 million, yet some reports suggest it ballooned all the way to $100 million, making it one of the most expensive horror films ever.
With that budget, it was clear it was not going to be a box office success. It flopped with just $29 million worldwide, and was panned by critics. Craven himself dislikes the final product, and a director's cut was never an option because his original ending was never filmed.
  • Budget: $100,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $19,297,522. ($30.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $29,621,722.

Red Eye (2005)

"Fear takes flight."
His 18th film. It stars Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy, and Brian Cox. The story follows a hotel manager ensnared in an assassination plot by a terrorist while aboard a red-eye flight to Miami.
The film received Craven's best reviews in years, and was a box office success, earning almost $100 million. While he is fine with people loving it, Cillian Murphy is not really fond of the film, "I love Rachel McAdams and we had fun making it but I don’t think it's a good movie. It’s a good B movie."
  • Budget: $26,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $57,891,803. ($92.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $96,258,201.

My Soul to Take (2010)

"Only one has the power to save their souls."
His 19th film. It stars Max Thieriot, Denzel Whitaker, Raul Esparza, and Shareeka Epps. It follows Adam "Bug" Hellerman, who is one of seven teenagers chosen to die following the anniversary of a serial killer's death.
This was Craven's first film in almost two decades where he would be directing, producing and writing. But that didn't pan out to a success: it was a critical and commercial dud.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $14,744,435. ($21.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $21,500,813.

Scream 4 (2011)

"New decade. New rules."
His 20th and final film. The fourth installment in the Scream franchise, it stars David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, Emma Roberts, Hayden Panettiere, Anthony Anderson, Alison Brie, Adam Brody, Rory Culkin, Marielle Jaffe, Erik Knudsen, Mary McDonnell, Marley Shelton, Nico Tortorella, and Roger L. Jackson. The film takes place on the fifteenth anniversary of the original Woodsboro murders from Scream and involves Sidney Prescott returning to the town after ten years, where Ghostface once again begins killing students from Woodsboro High.
In 2010, Williamson and Craven confirmed their plans for a new film. Craven said that endless sequels, the modern spew of remakes, film studios, and directors are the butts of parodies in the film. The main characters have to figure out where the horror genre is in current days to figure out the modern events happening to and around them. This was the first film in the franchise to use CGI, with the knife's blade added in post-production.
Even though the franchise was profitable, it seemed like its glory days were long behind it by the time it hit theaters. The film disappointed in its opening weekend with just $18 million, and closed with a weak $97 million worlwide, far less than the previous films. It also received mixed reviews, particularly for its writing and new characters. It was the last film directed by Craven before his death in 2015.
  • Budget: $40,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $38,180,928. ($53 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $97,231,420.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 Scream 1996 Dimension Films $103,046,663 $70,000,000 $173,046,663 $15M
2 Scream 2 1997 Dimension Films $101,363,301 $71,000,000 $172,363,301 $24M
3 Scream 3 2000 Dimension Films $89,143,175 $72,691,101 $161,834,276 $40M
4 Scream 4 2011 Dimension Films $38,180,928 $59,050,492 $97,231,420 $40M
5 Red Eye 2005 DreamWorks $57,891,803 $38,366,398 $96,258,201 $26M
6 A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984 New Line Cinema $25,624,448 $31,560,686 $57,185,134 $1.1M
7 Vampires in Brooklyn 1995 Paramount $19,751,736 $15,200,000 $34,951,736 $14M
8 The People Under the Stairs 1991 Universal $24,204,154 $7,143,000 $31,347,154 $6M
9 Cursed 2005 Miramax $19,297,522 $10,324,200 $29,621,722 $100M
10 The Hills Have Eyes 1977 Vanguard $25,000,000 $0 $25,000,000 $700K
11 My Soul to Take 2010 Universal $14,744,435 $6,756,378 $21,500,813 $25M
12 Wes Craven's New Nightmare 1994 New Line Cinema $18,090,181 $1,631,560 $19,721,741 $8M
13 The Serpent and the Shadow 1988 Universal $19,595,031 $0 $19,595,031 $7M
14 Shocker 1989 Universal $16,554,699 $0 $16,554,699 N/A
15 Music of the Heart 1999 Miramax $14,859,394 $77,013 $14,936,407 $27M
16 Deadly Friend 1986 Warner Bros. $8,988,731 $0 $8,988,731 $11M
17 Deadly Blessing 1981 United Artists $8,279,042 $0 $8,279,042 $3M
18 The Last House on the Left 1972 Hallmark Releasing $3,100,000 $0 $3,100,000 $90K
19 Swamp Thing 1982 Embassy $2,500,000 $0 $2,500,000 N/A
He made 20 films, but only 19 have reported box office numbers. Across those 19 films, he made $994,016,071 worldwide. That's $52,316,635 per film.

The Verdict

Quite inconsistent, but a very iconic figure in the horror genre. You know you made it big when your creations include Elm Street and Scream. Craven often struggled with difficult productions (you can blame the Weinsteins for that), but he still managed to make competent and scary films, even if some are better than others. Some even see critical re-appraisal as time passes; even Scream 3 and Scream 4 have their fans. We don't know what he would've done with the franchise after the fourth film, but he made it clear he was exhausted by having to film without finished scripts. Rest in Peace to a horror legend.
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Clint Eastwood. I think I'll have to make two posts, given that he directed 42 films.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. Well, we'll later talk about... Ang Lee. A legendary Asian director.
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
May 13-19 Clint Eastwood Great actor. Great director.
May 20-26 Robert Zemeckis Can we get old Zemeckis back?
May 27-June 2 Richard Donner An influential figure of the 70s and 80s.
June 3-9 Ang Lee What happened to Lee?
Who should be next after Lee? That's up to you. And there's a theme.
And that theme is: controversial directors. I'm talking directors who have attained a polarizing response to their films (like Zack Snyder), or the directors themselves are also controversial figures in real life (like Oliver Stone). Basically, a director that has as many fans as haters.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:54 shaneka69 Chrisean Rock Numerology Report

Chrisean Rock Numerology Report

This Numerology report will be for Chrisean Rock who was born in Baltimore Maryland and who is a star based on her connection to Blueface and Natalie Nunn's Baddies show on Zeus Network.
Chrisean's Numerology Report will be a decoding all from her name, not her birthday. Her birthday is one thing that can't ever change in her lifetime so that energy is fixed and general.
Chrisean's full name is "Chrisean Eugenia Malone". I will first decode her first name separately as it's the most significant energy and then I will do a full name decode as well.
Let's start breaking down her name.
C - This is the third letter of the alphabet which gives it the energy of 3 and 3 energy could be very social or creative. This can also give someone a child like impression or there could be something about them that is very jolly or it reminds you of a child sometimes. This can make them come off approachable at times as well. Names that start with this letter, it makes three and the letter C the most significant energy. This shows how Chrisean and anyone else who has a name that starts with this letter approaches the world and people around them in a very curious manner. These people wake up every day waiting to explore and seeing what they can learn or find out for that day.
H - H is connected to energy that has pressure but this is also connected to ambition as well. This could be why Chrisean has a lot of ambition and the capability of mastering something in her lifetime which also fits well with the number 9 which is connected to her R and I letters.
R - This letter vibrates at the number 9 even though it is the 18th letter and this gives someone the capability of mastering themselves or mastering something physical or amazing. This also gives them strong, ambitious energy as well and we can see that she has a very fit body and into sports, plus she has an Aries Mars.
I - This is the 9th letter of the alphabet which makes someone very adventurous by nature and they have the capability of being quick to take action. This is very spontaneous energy so when people have this letter in their name, they can definitely shock people a lot. This also contributes to someone being a traveler of some sort so people with this letter in their name, especially more than once can indicate someone that is likely going to be taking trips or flying planes. They basically will get out of their hometown even if they return to it, but they will know what another country and city looks like for sure.
S - Being the 19th letter of the alphabet gives this letter the energy of one, but it is the energy of empowerment right from within and this could be someone that wants to do their own thing as well. These people could be impulsive or they know how to take initiative, especially when something has really motivated them or sparked their interests.
E - This is the 5th letter of the alphabet which gives someone the energy of creativity and this can also make someone visually appealing or they could have some type of creative skill. This also contributes to the energy of complexity, but she only has this once so it's not too complex, at least not from this letter. This letter gives her a fighting power or a fighting spirit so she is capable of utilizing her natural strength to overcome difficulty.
A - This is the first letter of the alphabet which contributes to independence and action.
N - This is the 14th letter of the alphabet which vibrates at the energy 5 just like E, but a matured version. This adds onto her capability of overcoming difficulty and also being creative or making something tangible from her creativity.
Looking into her full name, she has a Destiny Number 1, soul urge 5, and personality #5.
5 is the number connected to romance, children, war, and unpredictability which is definitely fitting as she always shocked people with her actions and how combative she is, but she is pretty aware as well.
Based on her #1 Destiny number, She is meant to come into her personal power and experience some ease, but this 1 energy may also contribute to her child-like actions as well. She is wise, although the 1 energy is connected to new spirit type of energy. The fact that she has this matches with her strong Aries Mars influence. The 1 destiny number also is why she takes things personal to a fault.
Her having a 5 soul urge gives her natural fighting powespirit. This also connects to her romantic nature and how she always wanted Blueface to please her or she put their romantic life on blast, but not for attention, just from a natural place.
If you liked this report, you can support me at $astroneek
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:12 hardgummy420 Anything better out there?

Anything better out there?
Any better wig's out there that'll look good when going Super Saiyan?. My CAC has Videl's ponytails and when I go Super Saiyan it just doesn't hit the same as having it go spikey, and I really don't like any of the other hairstyles to choose from. I settled on this wig for now cuz it's all I have unlocked and it makes me feel like an old school Female Saiyan Warrior.
submitted by hardgummy420 to DragonBallXenoverse2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:23 WackoNero Why does my code keep looping?

Can someone tell me why is my code keep looping I can find nothing wrong with it
Btw sorry its lengthy this is code for an Odd One Out Game




using namespace std;
//Declaring variables struct CardCategory { string category; string options[5]; string oddOption; };
// Function to randomly shuffle an array void shuffleArray(CardCategory arr[], int size) { srand(time(0)); for (int i = size - 1; i > 0; i--) { int j = rand() % (i + 1); swap(arr[i], arr[j]); } }
int main() { //Randomize and display the cards on the screen srand(time(0));
CardCategory cards[] = { {"Movies About Animals", {"Babe", "Chicken Run", "The Lion King", "Racing Stripes", "Dirty Dancing"}, "Dirty Dancing"}, {"Types of Pasta", {"Tagliatelle", "Penne", "Farfalle", "Grissini", "Fettuccine"}, "Grissini"}, {"Types of Egg", {"Pureed", "Scrambled", "Poached", "Fried", "Over Easy"}, "Pureed"}, {"Sports", {"Underwater Hockey", "Zorbing", "Dancing", "Knitting", "Cheese Rolling"}, "Knitting"}, {"French Words", {"Coupe", "Ciao", "Pantalon", "Poisson", "Rouge"}, "Ciao"}, {"Comedy Movies", {"The Notebook", "Step Brothers", "21 Jump Street", "Grown Ups", "Booksmart"}, "The Notebook"}, {"Types of Nut", {"Cashew", "Macadamia", "Olive", "Pecan", "Pistachio"}, "Olive"}, {"Astrological Signs", {"Aries", "Orion", "Cancer", "Aquarius", "Gemini"}, "Orion"}, {"Things that can be Hot", {"Chili", "Water", "Fire", "Ice", "The Sun"}, "Ice"}, {"Gardening Equipment", {"Lawn mower", "Screwdriver", "Loppers", "Shovel", "Leaf blower"}, "Screwdriver"}, {"Medical TV Shows", {"Grey's Anatomy", "Chicago Med", "New Amsterdam", "Scrubs", "NCIS"}, "NCIS"}, {"Breeds of Cat", {"British Longhair", "Siamese", "Bengal", "Snowshoe", "Morkie"}, "Morkie"}, {"Rock Bands", {"Queen", "Abba", "Led Zeppelin", "The Rolling Stones", "Pink Floyd"}, "Abba"}, {"Fruit", {"Celery", "Strawberry", "Apple", "Banana", "Tomato"}, "Celery"}, {"Reality TV Shows", {"The Bachelor", "Jersey Shore", "The Real Housewives", "Made in Malibu", "The Voice"}, "Made in Malibu"}, {"Types of Cheese", {"Black Bomber", "Montebore", "Gaucho", "Casu Marzu", "Brie"}, "Gaucho"}, {"Things that are yellow", {"Butter", "Bananas", "Coffee", "Daffodils", "Sulfur"}, "Daffodils"}, {"Hairstyles", {"Bob", "Bun", "Hopper", "Plaits", "Ponytail"}, "Hopper"}, {"Jim Carrey Movies", {"Dumb and Dumber", "The Truman Show", "Zoolander", "Yes Man", "A Christmas Carol"}, "Zoolander"}, {"Book Series", {"Harry Potter", "The Hunger Games", "The Chronicles of Narnia", "Pride and Prejudice", "Bridget Jone's Diary"}, "Pride and Prejudice"}, {"Steven Spielberg Movies", {"Jaws", "Avatar", "E.T.", "Minority Report", "War of the Worlds"}, "Avatar"}, {"Yoga Poses", {"Warrior I", "Boat", "Tea", "Camel", "Child's"}, "Tea"}, {"Smart Devices", {"Walkman", "Alexa", "iPhone", "Sonos", "Google Nest"}, "Walkman"}, {"Nocturnal Animals", {"Bat", "Owl", "Dog", "Mouse", "Raccoon"}, "Owl"}, {"Trees", {"Oak", "Sunflower", "Pine", "Birch", "Ash"}, "Sunflower"}, {"Breakfast Cereals", {"Lucky Charms", "Trail Mix", "Reese's Puffs", "Froot Loops", "Chips Ahoy"}, "Trail Mix"}, {"Car Makes", {"Tesla", "Mini", "Lexus", "Ron", "Lincoln"}, "Ron"}, {"Mammals", {"Shark", "Tiger", "Walrus", "Giraffe", "Wolf"}, "Giraffe"}, {"Board Games", {"Snakes and Ladders", "Chess", "Backgammon", "Monopoly", "Go Fish"}, "Go Fish"}, {"Ballet Moves", {"Arabesque", "Fondu", "Fouette", "Penne", "Couru"}, "Penne"} }; //Original scores for Team 1 and Team 2 int team1Score = 0; int team2Score = 0; //Loop until one team reaches 20 points while (team1Score < 20 && team2Score < 20) { cout << "Team 1: " << team1Score << endl; cout << "Team 2: " << team2Score << endl; cout << "------------------------" << endl; // Shuffle the cards for the round shuffleArray(cards, sizeof(cards) / sizeof(cards[0])); // Get the current round's category and options CardCategory currentRound = cards[0]; // Assuming cards are shuffled // Display category and options cout << "Category: " << currentRound.category << endl; cout << "------------------------" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { cout << i + 1 << ". " << currentRound.options[i] << endl; } // Prompt Team 1 to choose the odd one out cout << "------------------------" << endl; cout << "It's Team 1's turn. Choose the odd one out of the options 1-5: "; int choice; cin >> choice; // Check if the choice is correct for Team 1 if (currentRound.options[choice - 1] == currentRound.oddOption) { cout << "Correct! Team 1 earns 2 points." << endl; team1Score += 2; } else { cout << "Incorrect!" << endl; // Opposing team has a chance to steal cout << "Team 2, choose the correct option to steal 1 point: "; int stealChoice; cin >> stealChoice; if (currentRound.options[stealChoice - 1] == currentRound.oddOption) { cout << "Correct! Team 2 steals 1 point." << endl; team1Score -= 1; team2Score += 1; } else { cout << "Incorrect! No points are stolen." << endl; } } // Move to Team 2's turn cout << "------------------------" << endl; cout << "It's Team 2's turn. Choose the odd one out of the options 1-5: "; int choice2; cin >> choice2; // Check if the choice is correct for Team 2 if (currentRound.options[choice2 - 1] == currentRound.oddOption) { cout << "Correct! Team 2 earns 2 points." << endl; team2Score += 2; } else { cout << "Incorrect!" << endl; // Opposing team has a chance to steal cout << "Team 1, choose the correct option to steal 1 point: "; int stealChoice; cin >> stealChoice; if (currentRound.options[stealChoice - 1] == currentRound.oddOption) { cout << "Correct! Team 1 steals 1 point." << endl; team2Score -= 1; team1Score += 1; } else { cout << "Incorrect! No points are stolen." << endl; } } // Move to the next round by shifting the cards array for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(cards) / sizeof(cards[0]) - 1; ++i) { cards[i] = cards[i + 1]; } // Check if teams have reached 20 points if (team1Score >= 20) { cout << "Team 1 wins!" << endl; break; } else if (team2Score >= 20) { cout << "Team 2 wins!" << endl; break; } } return 0; 
submitted by WackoNero to cpp_questions [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 11:41 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter IX: Fury of a Carter- (Pt. 2)

"And that.... Should.... Do it." Wade said slowly as he freed another worker drone, the drone quickly getting up before making her way to the ladder nearby. As Wade made his way to another worker drone in front of him, F flew out of the conveyor belt's interior hatch, a worker drone running out shortly after as the helpful murder drone landed near her ally.
"Okay, that's all of the ones inside the machine. Looks like you got almost half of them out of here." F said while observing the conveyor belt, Wade continuing to cut into the restraints holding the worried drone below him down.
"Yeah, should have them all out in a few minutes, then we can finally leave this place." Wade replied as he started to saw the final restraint on the drone, who got up upon the cuff breaking. As the drone started to leave the conveyor belt in a jog, Wade heard the sound of gunfire coming from the factory wall ahead of him and F. Taking defensive positions, Wade and F extended their wings as, in a stroke of luck, they blocked the incoming bullets from hitting the fleeing worker drone behind them.
The attack immediately brought back the terror in the remaining captured drones, Tina watching in fearful concern as she saw the new hostiles approach Wade and F. Three disassembly drones, two females, one male, descended from the air one at a time, one of the former landing in the middle of the conveyor belt while the other two took positions at the side catwalks.
Wade stood with his weapons on stand-by as he scanned the three arrivals. The middle one, whom he guessed was the leader, had what looked like some kind of business suit on, and her hairstyle was in silver, consisting of two pigtails with black bows. At the left, the other female drone had a set of silver hair, as well as a jacket with greyish-brown false fur around the neck. He was slightly surprised to see she didn't have clothing on her lower body, but didn't think much on that sight. As for the third one, the male drone bore a striking resemblance to his friend Nathan, except that he had silver hair instead of dark grey. As for attire, he wore a long coat that went down to his upper legs, and wore a hat with a strange badge on it.
The leader of the trio stood firm with her claws on her hips as she addressed Wade and his allies. "Serial Designation W, you are acting out of line, slaughtering employees, destruction of property... I should just blast you to pieces right here, right now." Wade raised an eyebrow at the mention of his company-applied name, his fury returning as he listened to the murder drone's talk. "But, given your exceptional performance today-even if it's against us-, Corporate requests me to allow you the option to have a second chance. You can either cease this incessant disobedience, and help us clear out this factory of these terrorists, or we will terminate you with the rest of this lot. Which do you prefer?"
The other female drone seemed to chuckle slightly at the second option, Wade simply readying a blade as he answered his opponent. "You know, after all the shit I've seen happening, with Ceres, and the people you've killed here today, you can all go to Hell before I even THINK of considering working with you!"
The squad leader looked disappointed at him as she sighed silently, shutting her eyes for a moment before looking to the former worker drone once more. "So it's the latter option. Fine by me." Upon finishing her sentence, the drone readied a missile launcher, firing at Wade as he jumped to the side, taking flight along with F as the missile struck the interior of the conveyor behind them. As the two split up between the conveyor belt, the squad leader spoke to her teammates. "N, V, handle the orange one. I'll deal with the new guy myself."
"We'll get her, J!" N said as he and V broke off to engage F, J readying her wings before flying at Wade.
Metal clangs sounded all throughout the conversion bay as Wade held off J's claws, the latter swapping her weapons to the same blades before they struck together again. Their duel lasted for a good long moment, the two zooming around in the air before getting stuck in a blade-lock. Despite J's pressure on him, Wade relayed his anger into his strength, shoving J off of him before striking at her. J grunted as she felt the sword narrowly cut at her back, oil squirting out of the wound before Wade attempted to strike again, this time being blocked by J's own swords.
Holding back with one blade, Wade exchanged the other for a shotgun, J following his action as she generated a laser cannon from one hand. In a blur, the two broke the lock before taking shots, Wade hitting J's wings with his shotgun while J made a complete miss of a slice with her laser. Flying around each other, the two exchanged similar blows as they kept trying to destroy one another.
Nearby, F was giving her all with N and V as they both tried to slash at her, the two surprised at her ferocity as she successfully blocked the swift attacks. On the downside, as much as the two murder drones were failing to strike F down, she wasn't allowed an opening as she was forced to go on the defensive, guarding herself from the nonstop assault from her fellow disassembly drones. Said assault was interrupted as several laser bolts and bullets flew at the hostile drones, both of them looking down to the Coalition troops as they tried to give their ally in the air a hand.
The effort was proven worth the trouble as N broke off from the fight with F, prepping a pair of sub-machine guns before firing down at them. Kurtis and Gerard took cover as three of the twelve troops on the conveyor belt were shot dead by N, some of their weapons falling to the ground near the still restrained drones. Tina saw one of the guns, a laser pistol, slide down near her position. Looking to her now almost freed hand, she thought she could grab it once she got herself out of the restraints, so long as the pistol wasn't knocked off to the depths below her by the fighting above.
F held her blades against V's as the two became stuck in a deadlock, the latter's tail raising to strike her enemy. F caught wind of the coming attack as the tail swung at her, V laughing maniacally before F caught the tip of the tail's blade in her teeth. Biting it off, F spat the tiny shard at V's face, the hostile drone stunned by the gross assault as she backed off in disgust. Taking the shot, F slashed at V, failing to strike a killing blow, but successfully cutting her waist open slightly. V yelped in pain as oil spilled from her wound, F getting ready to hit her again before N flew at her, kicking her high into the ceiling.
Seeing his teammate being beaten down, Wade decided to get J off his tail so he could assist F. Facing himself towards J, he zoomed at her, the two clashing their swords again as they got into another blade-lock. Holding J off with one of his blades, Wade managed to free his other one before swapping it for a chainsaw. The corporate drone growled as she attempted to stab Wade with her tail, only for Wade to slice it off before snagging the nanite tank in his mouth. J grunted as Wade spat it at her, the disassembly drone loosening her pressure on him before he slashed at J, cutting a crack in her visor. Wade then kicked J with immense force downward, sending her into the left wall hard as the impact shattered the spot she slammed into.
With J out of the way for the moment, Wade looked to F, the soldier drone being gripped by N as he and V prepared to tear her into scrap. V laughed as she readied a pair of claw hands, F trying to shake herself loose from N's bear-hug as Wade flew at the fighting trio, curled up into a pod shape as he slammed into V. Upon hitting her, Wade swiftly unfurled his wings out as he readied another chainsaw, speeding at N before taking a swing. N shook himself off from the sudden attack before trying to hold F to Wade, hoping to get her cut down by her ally before she stabbed him between his legs, her tail now free due to N no longer holding her to him.
N grunted lightly as he tried to break off from F, who readied a rocket launcher before taking aim. Looking down to the conveyor belt, F could see several more Coalition soldiers arriving inside, a few of them carrying strangely familiar rifles on them as they took position between two pairs of pillars.
Wade readied a pair of swords before attacking N, who had prepared his own before clashing them with the former worker drones. F readied a pair of sub-machine guns before firing at N in her attempt to disorient him. With N distracted, the troops below readied their weapons, one of them firing several magnets up at N, two of them striking his body. With the device in place, another soldier fired their EMP blaster, hitting N as he was shocked by the blast. Loosing control of his body, N fell into the abyss, a loud clank from below signaling that one of the new hostiles was down for the moment.
"Good shooting, team!" F praised as she and Wade looked to each other with glee, the battle seemingly in their favor before another threat flew up at Wade, stabbing him in the waist as he cried out from the sudden assault. F gasped in shock as she saw J rip out her blade from Wade's wound before gripping onto his arm, throwing him down to the conveyor belt below. Tina watched with frightened eyes as her beloved slammed onto the belt, just barely missing some of the still tied up drones before trying to get up. J didn't allow him to do anymore than that as she flew down to him before slicing off one of his arms, eliciting another grunt from Wade before grabbing his other arm and tossing him against one of the pillars.
"WADE!!!" Tina cried out in horror as F tried to assist, only to be stopped by V as she flew up to her, the two quickly clashing freshly generated blades as they continued their fighting.
Wade groaned further as he was gripped onto by J, his free arm held onto by the corporate drone as she snickered pridefully. "Well, you sure are a tough one, aren't you? You would've made quite the member of my squad if you hadn't turned on us."
"I... NEVER 'joined' you muggers!" Wade growled at J in reply, Tina watching the duo before regaining her composure in the span of a second. Pulling her hand once more, it flung out of the restraint socket, surprisingly quiet enough that J didn't hear it. With it now free, Tina reached for the laser pistol...
"Right, 'conscripted' is the right word." J said mockingly before chuckling further, Wade keeping his tail down so as to not risk losing the only offensive tool he had left. "Now, before I finish cleaning this mess you've made, I've got to make someone's oil more... useful." J finished as her laugh returned, a demented, predatory smile forming on her face and revealing her sharp teeth to Wade.
Wade grunted further from his injuries as he snarked at her. "Useful?"
Before she could dig her jaws into his neck, J grunted as a blue flash emitted from her back, the murder drone's mouth shifting to gritting teeth as she turned to see who fired the bolt at her.
"HEY, bitch!" Tina roared at J, glaring at her as she kept the pistol trained on the one who dared to strike her Wade. Returning the glare, J began to ready a weapon, preparing to snuff out this little irritant for her defiant act.
Taking advantage of the distraction, Wade roared as he struck J in the face with his nanite pod, scoring a hit directly on her visor. J squealed in agony as she held her face, the acid completely stunting her vision as she backed off. "Mother of union-busting, NOT AGAIN!" She cried out as she held her face in her claw hands, giving no regard for the situation around her as Wade walked over to grab his disembodied arm to his left. Re-attaching it, Wade walked over to J before readying a chainsaw, immediately slicing at J's arms as he cut them off one after the other. Now incapacitated, J ceased her whining as her face regenerated, a warning symbol flashing over one of her eyes as Wade stood before her.
"Okay, okay! Wait, we can still work this out! We could have a partnership wi-AUGH!" J pleaded for her life before gagging from the claw hand Wade had stabbed into her chest with, Wade glaring into her eyes before answering her failed plea.
"How 'bout this? I take all these drones back, and you just lie down and DIE!" At the last word, Wade ripped out J's core, her now powered down body falling to the ground in a pool of oil as the former worker drone held the metal organ in his claws. Looking at it, Wade was immediately overcome with shock and disgust as he examined the drone core, covered in oil, torn wires and..... flesh?
"So these things are... bio-mechanical now?!" He thought as he observed the putrid core. Such a sight was something Wade could only see in one of those horror films he and Ron watched a while ago, but his morbid curiosity was shut out as Wade regained his composure before crushing the core between his claws, the sound of cracking and grinding metal filling the area as Wade put down the disassembly drone for good. Feeling himself starting to overheat again, Wade pulled out the second canteen once more, drinking up the oil inside before sealing it and returning it to his pocket.
The battle wasn't over yet, however. Looking up, Wade saw V engaging F, N having recovered from the Coalition attack as he flew up to help his teammate. Readying a sub-machine gun, Wade opened fire on the trio, trying to hit the two hostiles attacking F before they shielded themselves with their wings. As the two locked blades with F, N spoke to V. "V, I'll get this one, see if you can help J with that guy down there!"
V merely laughed sadistically as she replied in a slightly upbeat manner. "Okay, last one to kill the traitors eats a missile!"
Backing off of F and N, V flew down right at Wade, who prepared a set of blades as he blocked the incoming drone's claws. Not giving him a second to think, V slashed at Wade over and over in blurry motions, the miner drone barely keeping up as she tried to wear him out. Wade was granted a short moment to prepare as V broke her attack, preparing to spin at her rival in an effort to cut him down.
Taking aim with the pistol, Tina fired again, striking V's hide as she began to spin at Wade. Taking to the air, Wade narrowly dodged V's attack before readying a laser cannon, shooting her in the back with searing hot plasma. The attack, mixed with her interrupted spin, disoriented V just enough so that Wade could strike at her further. Quickly preparing two blades, Wade flew over to the murder drone before slicing her arms off. V cried out in pain as Wade spun around, stabbing her right in her core before he pulled the blade upward, slicing V's upper half in two.
N gave a sinister laugh as he and F dueled, the clash of blades ringing through the factory before the two locked their swords together. As F glared at him, N heard a tearing sound coming from the conveyor belt. Looking over, he gasped in horror as he saw Wade tearing his precious V apart, ripping the mutilated corpse completely in two before throwing the halves into the dark underbelly of the room below.
"V!!!" N shrieked, horrified at V's demise before shoving F back and abandoning his duel with her. Zooming towards Wade, N readied a pair of swords, furiously striking Wade's own weapons. "You're gonna regret that, you monster!"
Wade kept his stance as he once again fought on the defensive, N hitting his swords nonstop in his effort to avenge V. His newfound rage kept him from noticing the Coalition reinforcements coming at him, readying their magnet and EMP rifles for another shot. As Wade and N switched sides on the battlefield, Tina began to fire several shots at the latter, who grunted from the pain hitting his back as he kept one of his blades against Wade's. Readying a sub-machine gun, N fired at Tina, only for his retaliation to fail as F got in the way, her wings deflecting his bullets as she fired her own rounds at him.
As N was distracted deflecting the onslaught around him, Wade moved one of his blades away from the blade-lock before swapping it with a chainsaw. Wasting no time, Wade sliced off N's sword-bearing arm, the murder drone hissing in pain as he attempted to stab Wade with his tail. The sharp, acid-filled appendage got dangerously close to Wade's face as he stopped it, having immediately swapped his chainsaw with a claw hand. Cutting it, Wade tossed the nanite tank before grabbing N by his chest and throwing him against one of the undamaged conveyor pillars. As N slammed against it, Wade swiftly flew over to him before stabbing the disassembly drone in the face with his tail.
N yelped out in pain as the yellow acid melted his visor, his sight failing as Wade pinned him against the pillar with another impalement, courtesy of his sword arm. Holding up his claw hand, Wade spoke to the blinded N. "Oh, don't whine about your girl there, you're gonna be with her real shortly." With that, he thrust his claw into N's chest, digging right to his core as the murder drone choked from the attack. Repeating the act he did with J, Wade ripped N's core out of his body, this time immediately crushing it without giving the metal organ a glance.
As N's lifeless body fell to the frozen conveyor belt, several of the once terrified worker drone captives cheered and whooped for Wade and F, the latter flying over to him as he swapped his weapons back for hands. "Nice effort, Wade. I didn't know you had it in you, you smoked them out here!"
Wade gave an honest look and a blush as he replied to F's compliment. "Well, I would've been nothing but scrap if it weren't for you and her." He pointed to Tina as he finished, F looking over to the pilot drone as she examined her.
"Oh, is that her?" F asked Wade as he nodded, the warrior drone smiling warmly before speaking to Wade once more. "Go get your girl out, Wade. I'll free the others."
"Thanks, F." Wade replied, returning the gesture before looking to Tina, his girlfriend smiling gratefully at him as he began to jog over to her.
"Wade." Tina said quietly, still stunned to see he was okay after what happened just now. Upon reaching Tina, Wade readied a saw blade as he knelt down over her, cutting the restraints a little faster than before as he worked to free his partner. Tina lurched up at him the moment the restraints were all cut off. "Wade!"
"Tina." The two said softly to each other as they entered a tight embrace, not daring to let go for what felt like several minutes before finally ending the hug.
As the two broke the hug, Tina looked to him in faint bewilderment, noticing the abnormal warmth Wade was emitting as she spoke to him. "Wade, you're really warm! And, you look... different."
Wade looked to Tina with mild disappointment as he explained to her what happened. "Yeah. I've been turned into a disassembly drone, Tina. Seems like I'm gonna be more of an oil-holic, if I wasn't one already." He cracked a smile at his own words before continuing. "These people are from the United Earth Coalition, they got me out and freed me from the company's control. So now, I'm helping them with getting the other drones out of this place."
"Oh, that's great, hun..." Tina replied as she gazed at him with an approving smile, but it was immediately replaced with yet another look of concern as she asked a dreaded question. "Wait! Where's Ron?"
Tina's full blue eyes became hollow circles as Wade glanced away with dismay, hesitating to tell her the fate of his brother before easing himself as best he could. "Tina, Ron... saved me when the Coalition came here, but during our run inside here, I... I couldn't save him back."
The pilot drone's black voids shrunk in horror as she took in her boyfriend's answer, her body beginning to feel weak as she was overcome with grief. "OH Wade!" She wailed as she hugged the former worker drone tightly again, crying digital tears into his chest as she took in the horrible revelation. Wade returned the tight hug, his own face being one of sorrow as he tried to fight the urge to join Tina's sobbing.
After a moment of mourning, Tina and Wade slowly released themselves from the hug, the former sniffling as Wade asked her back. "What about Jasmine? Is she okay?"
Tina shook her head. "I don't know Wade. When we... When we came back here, we were re-directed to the station in orbit so their field commander could meet with us. I thought it was just for the incident with those asteroids we had on the way, but... seems it wasn't." As she brushed her hair, Tina continued as Wade put his hands on her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. "She tried to fight them off, but... They stunned her. I ran, but, they got me before I could get away. I don't know what they did with her."
Wade gave his own look of sorrowful concern as he tried to ease her fear. "Well, maybe these guys can help with that? Ron came here with them when they took me back, so they might've gotten Jasmine too."
"*sniff* Yeah... Yes, I-I should ask them about her then." Holding one of Wade's hands in hers, the lover drones looked to each other again, Tina looking on in surprise as one of Wade's eyes flickered into a "HIGH TEMP" warning symbol. "Wade, you're-"
"Yeah, I'm overheating. I need to find some fresh oil before I burn up." Wade replied over Tina, looking over to Kurtis and some of the other Coalition troops near them as he continued. "See if they know about Jasmine, I've gotta fix myself up."
"Sure." Tina said as she walked over to the Coalition squad, Wade looking back over the conversion bay as he pulled out one of his canteens. He was quickly overcome with dread as he tried to drink from the bottle.
Empty. Other than the faintest drops still left in the canteen, it was bone dry. Putting it away, Wade looked over the room to find someone who could replenish his oil. He took an unfortunate few seconds looking down the conveyor belt before his visor lit one of the disassembly drone corpses up, text appearing over it reading, "SOURCE: VIABLE"
Wade froze up slightly as he took in the image on his visor. That couldn't be right, his HUD wasn't really going to incentivize... THAT kind of act, was it?
His paralysis was overruled as his body ached with warmth, the pain pushing Wade to slowly walk over to the corpse ahead. Nearing it, Wade observed the corpse in rapid thought. He didn't want to, he felt disgusted by the mere thought of it. His body however disagreed as he walked up to the dead drone body, Wade identifying it as his recent kill, N.
As his overheating worsened, Wade collapsed to his knees, observing the oil-covered drone beneath him as he tried harder to fight this strange, primal urge. Staring at the body of N, Wade tried to lift his hand up, going for his pocket so he could grab his canteen to refill it. His hunger held him back again as the heating became terribly agonizing, Wade's visor now displaying another warning in front of him. "WARNING: CRITICAL HEAT LEVELS! IMMEDIATE OIL REPLENISHMENT IS RECOMMENDED"
Giving into his hunger, Wade gave an agonizing groan before lurching down on the body, tearing into its neck with his jaws. Oil began to spray all over the conveyor belt as Wade fed off of N's broken remains, the noise of chewing, scraping, and squelching wires sounding throughout the room as the former worker drone enjoyed his first meal.
The noise caught the attention of many of the Coalition soldiers around Wade, many of them, humans and drones alike, looking on in shock and, in a few cases, horrified disgust. Kurtis watched with surprise while Gerard seemed to hold back a chuckle, morbidly amused by Wade's sudden depravity as the two men watched their friend feast on the corpse of the disassembly drone.
Even F, despite being a disassembly drone herself, watched in unnerved shock as she saw her ally succumbing to his feral instincts. Although she knew this was something the disassembly drones did to refuel their lost oil, it was something she never took pleasure in, recalling only doing such an act one time during a raid on a hostile drone force, having only done so under desperation due to the conflict during that time.
None, however, were more disturbed and horrified than Wade's beloved Tina, who observed him as a metallic snap rang through the factory, Wade lifting up N's severed head as he revealed his menacing face. He bore a monstrous grin, revealing a sharp set of teeth covered in oil, and his eyes were replaced by a large 'X'. Wade sat still for a moment, taking deep, cool breaths as he relished in the consumption of N's oil.
Tina knew to fear the disassembly drones when she first saw them, hearing about their intended purpose and their duty to keep people like her in line. She was terrified of the idea of being torn up by one of them, said image being worsened after seeing one worker drone being cut down before her some years ago. Yet, even after all of this time, she NEVER would have guessed that they were made to be like this. Vampires, cannibals, horrid, depraved monsters that she feared like any drone or human should.
But what made it worse here, was that this one was her precious Wade, giving into this horrid hunger and eating up the oil from their dead enemies.
For Wade, it felt.... amazing! At least, to his body. For his mind, he was almost blank, letting his body take control as he helped himself to this much-needed oil. He seemed to croak out a weak laugh as he slowly stood up, now fully cooled off and ready for whatever work came next.
Yet, one more bite wouldn't hurt, would it? Still staring at the murder drone's head, Wade slowly moved it to his face, preparing to take another drink of it's dripping oil.
That was enough to snap Tina out of her fearful stupor. "WADE!" She cried out, running over to him as F followed behind at a distance. Her call to him didn't seem to dissuade Wade much, only making him cease moving the head to his mouth as Tina neared him. "What are you DOING?!?!" Tina asked, her face one of plea and terror as she pulled Wade by his shoulders, turning him to face her. She didn't care if Wade yelled at her or even dared to strike at her for interrupting his meal, she wanted him to stop, she NEEDED him to stop.
And yet, he didn't do either of those things. He simply stood still while looking to her, his demented smile now returned to a more normal frown as he snapped out of his hungry trance. As his eyes flickered back, he looked to Tina in surprise, which slowly grew into horrified paralysis as he took in the gravity of what he'd just done.
He just ate another drone. Consumed it's oil like an animal. Granted, it was an enemy he fed off of, but that didn't change the fact that he just cannibalized one of his own kind. And to make matters worse, Tina watched him do that, watched him feed off the corpse like some kind of beast. He couldn't forgive himself for allowing her to witness such a terrible sight. He could only see himself as anything but who he was.
He only saw himself as a monster.
His fear grew as he stared at Tina in horror, now fully aware of his actions. "...T-Tina, I...I..." He stammered, glancing to the head of N before looking back to his beloved. His body felt weak as he became more and more uncomfortable. "...Tina....I-" He stammered again, his stance weakening as Tina looked to him in concern.
"Wade." She said, her boyfriend letting go of the disassembly drone head as it fell to the ground with a loud 'CLANK'. Wade groaned in disgust as he fell on his behind, Tina falling with him as the two landed on the floor of the conveyor belt.
F felt that all this attention wasn't helping matters. Turning around to the other troops, she ordered, "Alright, everyone get back to your posts. Mr. Carter needs some peace and quiet." The soldiers nodded and acknowledged without a word before turning away, leaving F and her allies to themselves as the former looked on at Wade in dismay.
Wade began hyperventilating as he became paralyzed with terror, Tina clasping his hands in an attempt to comfort him. Looking into his black-dotted eyes, Tina questioned him in a begging manner. "Wade.... What did they DO to you, love?"
The former worker drone could only croak out one simple response in his frozen fear. "...I don't know."
Wade and Tina remained silent as the two embraced, terrified but reaching out to each other for comfort as they took in the horrid revelation that they just experienced. In an attempt to bring himself more privacy, Wade enshrouded himself and Tina under his wings, forming a sort of metal cocoon as he continued hyperventilating.
He felt like he wanted to cry again.
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 20:30 tdmatchasin Shows to know: 2009 Teal Sound - This corps ran through the electronic instruments door so other corps could timidly walk

This show happened in 2009. Link -
The earliest use of an electronic instrument in DCI was way back in 1985 when Boston Crusaders intentionally took penalties so they could play synth in Crazy Frog Axel F. As the years passed, electronics became a tense issue for fans. In 2004 there was a bit of drama over mic'd pits and the human voice (which went over a bit awkwardly in Crown & BAC). Still, you have to respect the corps for at least trying something new. A lot of the top placing corps would rather not risk losing a competitive edge by being too adventurous directly after a rule change. Even Cadets waited a year to try some new things in their Zone show.
Then you have corps like 2009 Teal Sound who pretty much had an actual rock band in their pit
Teal Sound was almost founded in 1983 due to 3 local Jacksonville, FL kids spreading the word & passing out fliers to try and start their own drum corps. About 250 kids showed up to their event, but after a few rehearsals they realized they lacked the needed funds (and adults) to actually operate. The dream became a reality in 1998 when 2 of the 3 original kids (now adults) finally put forth the effort to get funding & organizational needs met. And thus after the 15 year incubation period, Teal Sound was born.
The Velvet Rope - Music of Janet Jackson * Music of Coldplay * Music of Blue Man Group * Music of Justin Timberlake * Music of Christina Aguilera
This show ended up getting 4th place in Open Class Finals, finishing below BDB, SCVC, and Citations. Overall it was a successful year for Teal Sound, also having won a few competitions in early tour. They would make the jump to World Class the following season.
Some quick bullet points:
One more thing:
Watch here:
I respect this show and this corps, especially knowing how they were formed. 3 random kids had a DIY punk-rock attitude in 1983 and wanted to form their own drum corps in Jacksonville. They got 200+ people to join them in that moment, and then 15 years later actually gained the knowledge and means to do it successfully. A decade later they put that DIY 'let's just do it' attitude into their 2009 show with an actual rock band in the pit. Meanwhile other top corps were doing incredibly safe things like boring electronic sound samples/effects and using a synth to add bass to the contra line. yawn
Drum corps often celebrates & rewards safer trends that get higher rankings, but don't forget about the braver corps who paved their own path not giving a shit.
So what are your thoughts on the show? Have you seen it before? Let us know in the comments!
Here if you missed it earlier:
Full list of writeups -
submitted by tdmatchasin to drumcorps [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:18 Guren_Hua Record of Ragnarök's Leonidas is just terrible fighter I have ever seen in this manga after Zerofuku.

RoR is an absurd medical manga in which Umemura (the author) likes to describe everything. In this fandom, everyone was saying that Apollo will be an arrogant "twink" (More like a twunk) who will cry when his face gets ripped Vs Leonidas, who will be a chad and will bite down fucking rocks, SHOW THE FUCKING WORLD WHAT IS SPARTAAA!! And then... R9 kicked in, and people's entire expectations got broken like Beelzebub's heart. To be honest, I have always supported Apollo. I liked that guy since his appearance...

The hatred Leonidas had for Apollo

Leonidas, in the manga, is given the title "Strongest Rebel of History," which is a lazy title. We had Buddha and Heracles, who became demigods by going against the gods and the people who worshipped them. I'd say Buddha is the strongest rebel in history because he left his entire wealth, family, and desires to make a path for himself, betrayed the gods to help humanity, and even supported those who were weak and gave them a path to live. Now Leonidas' whole theme is that he wants his petty revenge because of the Carneia Festival, dedicated to Apollo, where violence is prohibited. As once Apollo walked to earth and told Greece to avoid any conflicts that could lead to violence, now during 480 B.C., the Persian Army with their 300,000 men and the council of Sparta rejected the idea of fighting or preparing as it was the festival of Carneia. Leonidas said, "Fuck you, I'm going to fight," which is very logical, and guess what? They were able to repel the Persian Army in the Battle of Thermopylae. So why is Leonidas saying it was Apollo's fault? Apollo made this decree before Heracles became a god, and even after that, there was no divine punishment or such done by Apollo? So why is Leonidas angry towards Apollo? His motivation is weak and needs more backstory because, in the previous case, when Zerofuku met Buddha, Buddha made Zerofuku jealous, and that's why Zerofuku wants revenge. In this case, Leonidas and Apollo never even met each other, so his motivation to hate Apollo seems even weaker.

Leonidas' Backstory

Leonidas screams, "Is this what Sparta is about?" But we never saw him become a king. We never saw him struggle to understand what Sparta is or what made Sparta, SPARTA!! The manga hypes Spartans as the strongest men in history (Lies, Lu Bu chops them like pieces of meat.), but we never saw how. But what if I told you? The author did tell us what it's like to be a Spartan.
Lu Bu Spinoff
In Lu Bu Spin-off, there's a character named Grypus. This guy is also a "Spartan," and we have seen his struggle since his childhood. We see him climbing mountains, training by getting hit by two giant rocks, and breaking a large boulder, creating the statue of a Spartan Warrior.
And that's what I wanted from Leonidas as well. I wanted to see him show how he wasn't born with strength or that attitude; he made it by himself because that's how he views Sparta. Instead of being a pissy manchild, people wanted him to show why he is manly—not just because of strength but because of the way he handles leadership. Just like Apollo, who wasn't born with this attitude but earned it himself, and that's the beauty of manliness, manliness is not how deep our voice is or how many muscles we have; it's the thought process of moving forward, making a path even when things are not in our favour, making a path for those who can't, because in the end, this is what a leader of a nation is. That's the beauty of manliness. The sad part is that Umemura himself knew how to do it, but he couldn't because, as we literally see in Lu Bu Spin, Off how Umemura showed Sparta, and even in R9's last chapter, Leonidas finally says, "We don't choose how we're born... but we can choose how we live and die, and that's only dictated by our own soul.". But when did he say that It was too late. The round was already over, and we're never going to see Leonidas' fleshed out because he's dead.

His Annoying Audience

Round 9's audience gives me brain damage all the time? Like? Are you stupid? I literally see Gods being demotivated when Apollo took hits, motherfuckers what are you being mad at? Zeus got knocked out early on, Shiva got knocked out and ripped apart his 3 arms, yet they both won. Why are you so pissed? I get it, Greeks have been on a losing streak but calm down, like I literally see a guy from god side saying "Can he lift that huge Bow?" like... use your eyes, he is literally holding a bow. Leonidas' audience was more of a sore losers rather than supporters, "Quit Running Away, Apollo!!" or "If you're a god then fight it square and fair", really? I get it... they're dumbasses but really? We literally see Apollo fighting fairly dodging and counterattacking and then Leonidas' audience say this?

Leonidas' design

Hmmm... PFFFFFFFFFFF- What's up with this hair? He looks like Buff Grandma yelling at a Youngster "Whoo!! stole cookies!! you fucking shitty god!!!" I swear, I was laughing like a hyena when I saw this design? I'm thinking Ajichika's designs are either hit or miss, well now in new chapters it's always a miss. His modern design is goofy too, I don't mind historical characters wearing new clothes but Leonidas looks more like a jogging Grandma... and I'm not asking for a Yaoi character or something, I think a bit of different clothing and hairstyle and beard change would've done more better, he looked a bit like William Adams from Tenkaichi (Superior Tournament Manga). I don't think choosing a modern look for Leonidas is a bad choice because in previous round Tesla said humanity needs to evolve, thus here's why Leonidas is more modernestic.

Lastly Leonidas' personality

Personalitywise I think we could've gotten more instead of him being just pride and throwing insults like a league of legends player, he is highly unlikeable. He is salty about Apollo but his reason is just just weak...
TDLR: Leonidas likewise is another wasted opportunity... Umemura likewise knows what to do but fucks up the execution....
submitted by Guren_Hua to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 20:37 KennethDaMenneth Fan theory: Clash of Clans is set in the Norse Pagan afterlife

This occurred to me the other day: in Clash of Clans, you control an army of slain warriors in a Valhalla-like afterlife. Here are a few reasons why I think this might be the case. These are pure speculation and mostly unfounded but hear me out.

1. You are performing viking raids

The basic idea of the game is to raid villages for resources, which is very viking-like. Furthermore, Barbarians (the face of the game) strongly resemble vikings, from their fair features to their hairstyles and even armohelmets as you level up.

2. You are cycling through the same troops over and over

According to lore, afterlife realms like Valhalla and Folkvangr are essentially training grounds that prepare warriors to prepare for Ragnarok, an apocalyptic war. The troops constantly battle each other, are slain, and revived, only to fight again. In Clash of Clans, instead of the barracks producing new troops, they're just reviving slain ones.

3. Heroes are Norse gods/goddesses

It's strongly implied that the Barbarian King and Archer Queen are in positions of authority over their respective troops. The Barb King is Thor, the son of Odin who resides in Valhalla. The Archer Queen is Freyja, the goddess who rules Fólkvangr where half of those slain in battle go upon dying. Barbs and archers represent slain warriors in eternal service to their gods.

4. You are Odin

In Norse Mythology, Odin is the one-eyed all-father who holds dominion over all, specifically war and death. In CoC, you are role-playing as Odin, your village is Asgard, and the army camps housing your troops are the heroes' (gods) halls. The more you fight, the more resources you get, which you use to upgrade your defenses and troops. This is consistent with the Norse mythological concept of fighting in Valhalla, etc to strengthen an army for a larger war.

5. Valkyries are repurposed spirit-guides

Valkyries, in Norse Mythology, are beings that guide the souls of those slain in battle to their respective afterlife location (Valhalla or Fólkvangr). In CoC, they're a female axe-weilding troop, but their appearance in the game solidifies that it's based on Norse/Viking culture. They're simply spirit guides that have been given an axe and repurposed into a troop.

6. Other troops possibly connected to viking lore

-The CoC Witch is a priestess/sorceress/seeress. All skeleton troops are animated corpses under their control. Wizards are their male counterparts.
-Giants are Jötnar, the giants of Norse mythology.
-Golems are Mökkurkálfi (or Mistcalfa), clay giants built to help the troll Hrungnir in a battle with Thor.
-Hog riders are berserkers, a particularly savage class of crazed, bare-chested warriors who worshipped Odin in a cult-like way and usually wore animal skins. The hog replaces a wolf.
-Dragons frequently appear in Norse mythology, and there are 2 variants in CoC.
-Vikings eventually used siege weapons to attempt to break through city defenses, such as the siege machines in CoC.

7. Game creators' heritage influenced the game

Supercell is based in Finland, a Nordic country. People in that region often feel strong ties to viking heritage or even practice Norse Paganism, so it makes sense that the creators would loosely base the game on Norse mythology. There was also a time (back in the days of global chat) when high-level players hung out in the Norsk language chat room as a kind of unofficial elite club.
There are still a lot of holes in this theory, like who's PEKKA? What gods are the other heroes? Are clan wars Ragnarok, or do they imply some kind of grand finale event in the future where all CoC players fight a common enemy? Maybe some of this is a stretch, but I had a lot of fun researching it. Clash on!
submitted by KennethDaMenneth to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]