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2024.05.17 02:11 MirkWorks Excerpts from Adventures in the Orgasmatron: How the Sexual Revolution Came to America by Christopher Turner (Beats & Gestalt therapy)

In 1945, Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac were students at Columbia University and were lodging in Joan Vollmer’s apartment on West 115th Street. Kerouac, a Catholic who had gotten in on a football scholarship described Ginsberg as “this spindly Jewish kid with horn-rimmed glasses and tremendous ears sticking out…burning black eyes”; the two men had a brief, awkward affair. Their friend William Burroughs was living nearby, on Riverside Drive, and after Kerouac and Ginsberg set him up with their landlady, he moved in, too. The gaunt and lanky Burroughs was more than a decade older than Ginsberg and Kerouac, and already seemed, Ginsberg recalled, to have the “ashen gray of an old-age cheek.” The younger pair admired him, Ginsberg wrote, like “ambassadors to a Chinese emperor.” Kerouac hailed him as “the last of the Faustian men.” Burroughs returned the compliment by introducing the other members of the “libertine circle,” as they dubbed themselves, to drugs, sailors, porn, bathhouses, and Wilhelm Reich.

After leaving Harvard in 1936, Burroughs had enrolled at the University of Vienna’s medical schools, Reich’s alma mater, with vague plans of becoming a psychoanalyst, but his stay was dominated by the administration of arsenic shots for the syphilis he had contracted in America, which left him feeling nauseated and depressed. He left after a semester. Back in New York, Burroughs was analyzed by Paul Federn, who had been Reich’s first therapist but whom Reich came to consider his nemesis. Burroughs was institutionalized in 1940 after he chopped off the tip of his finger in a Van Gogh - like gesture of unrequited love (Bellevue psychiatrists diagnosed him as a paranoid schizophrenic). Burroughs’s parents gave him an allowance of two hundred dollars a month on the condition that he seek further help, and in 1946 Burroughs was undergoing narco-analysis with Dr. Lewis Wolberg, who used nitrous oxide and hypnosis to stimulated the unconscious.
Burroughs would return from his sessions with Wolberg to practice “wild analysis” on his friends, interpreting their dreams from the comfort of a wing chair. He also played a game that parodied the Reichian character analysis that he’d become interested in. The group would play an adaption of charades to facilitate the exploration of the onion layers of their personality armor. Burroughs referred to these exercises in amateur dramatics as “routines.” For example, underneath Burroughs’s public persona as the distinguished heir of an important St. Louis family lurked a prissy, lesbian English governess (“My dear, you’re just in time for tea. Don’t say those dirty words in front of everybody!”). Scratch the governess surface and you reached Old Luke, a gun-toting, tobacco-chewing sharecropper from the Deep South (“Ever gut a catfish?”). The last stratum, at his very core, held a silent Chinaman, a contemplative, impassive character who sat meditating on the banks of the Yangtse. Ginsberg’s hidden self was “the well-groomed Hungarian,” and Kerouac liked to play the naïve American lost in the sophistications of Paris.
Alfred Kinsey met Burroughs, Ginsberg, and Kerouac on one of their nocturnal trips to Time Square through their friend Herbert Huncke, the male prostitute who coined the term “beat” and introduced Burroughs to recreational drugs. Kinsey paid Huncke
Taking advantage of the proximity of Cott’s office to his father’s home, and still buzzing in the mouth, Ginsberg chose to come out during a posttherapeutic visit. “You mean you like to take men’s penises in your mouth?” his father said unsympathetically. But Cott thought homosexuality a perversion, as Reich did, and was working toward establishing heterosexual primacy rather than trying to persuade Ginsberg to come to terms with his queerness. “Frankly I won’t trust that kind of straight genital Reichian,” Burroughs wrote in disgust at this dogmatism. “Feller say, when a man gets too straight he’s just a god damned prick.”
Cott terminated Ginsberg’s therapy after three months because he continued to smoke pot against the doctor’s advice. Ginsberg though cannabis an integral part of his aesthetic education; Cott feared that it would lead to a psychotic episode. The summer he quit therapy, Ginsberg began experiencing auditory hallucinations. “It was like God had a human voice,” Ginsberg wrote of his transcendental experience, in which he discovered his calling as a poet, “with all the infinite tenderness and mortal gravity of a living Creator speaking to his son.” Consumed by a desire to share his amazing experience, Ginsberg crawled out onto his fire escape and tapped on the next-door neighbor’s windows, declaring to the two frightened girls inside, “I’ve seen God!”
His father, still reeling from the discovery of his son’s sexuality, feared that he was suffering from the paranoid schizophrenia that had caused his mother to be institutionalized in Pilgrim State, a mental hospital on Long Island. She also heard voices, feared her husband was trying to poison her, hallucinated Hitler’s mustache in the sink, and thought spies were following her. When Ginsberg entered Reichian analysis, she was reportedly banging her head against the wall so ferociously that the doctors recommended a lobotomy.
Ginsberg phoned up Dr. Cott, his former therapist, and told him, “It happened, I had some kind of breakthrough or psychotic experience.” Cott, who followed Reich in rejecting the talking cure, and who was obviously still angry at Ginsberg for choosing pot over therapy, said, “I’m afraid any discussion would have no value” and hung up on him. Soon afterward, when Ginsberg was involved in a car chase in a stolen vehicle that ended in a dramatic crash, he was encouraged by a law professor at Columbia, where he was still a student, to plead insanity. Dr. Cott appeared in court to testify to his mental instability, and two months later Ginsberg was admitted to the Columbia Presbyterian Psychiatric institute, where he stayed for eight months.
During Ginsberg’s hospitalization, Burroughs wrote to Jack Kerouac to ask him to find out from Ginsberg what the “gadget made by Reichians” looked like. “I want especially to know its shape and if there is a window, and how one gets into it.” Kerouac doesn’t seem to have been much help in providing a blueprint. Burroughs built his first accumulator in the spring of 1949 when he was living on a rented farm in Pharr, Texas, with Kells Elvins, a friend from his Harvard days. They were both enthusiastically reading Reich’s The Cancer Biopathy and decided to build an accumulator in the orange grove Kells owned in the Rio Grande Valley. Built without recourse to any plans, the resulting device included some curious innovations. “Inside was an old icebox,” Burroughs explained, “which you could get inside and pull on a contrivance so that another box of sheet steel descended over you, so that the effect was presumably heightened.” It took them a few days to construct the box. The result was eight feet high, much taller than the ones Reich manufactured: “It was a regular townhouse,” Burroughs recalled.
The pair took turns sitting in the accumulator and obtained, Burroughs wrote, “unmistakable results.” Burroughs wondered what the Mexican farm laborers thought of this strange box that they entered “wrapped in old towels,” and came out of feeling “much sexier and healthier,” “with hard-ons.” Burroughs and Kells also made one of Reich’s smaller shooter boxes, with a funnel, which they used as a supplement to the big box. Their DIY was, Burroughs admitted, “a very sloppy job,” but it still have a powerful “sexual kick.”
"I have just been reading Wilhelm Reich’s latest book The Cancer Biopathy,” Burroughs wrote excitedly to Kerouac. “I tell you Jack, he is the only man in the analysis line who is on that beam. After reading the book I built an orgone accumulator and the gimmick really works. The man is not crazy, he’s a fucking genius.” Kerouac described Burroughs enthusiastically promoting the box in On the Road (1955). According to Kerouac, Burroughs said, “Say, why don’t you fellows try my orgone accumulator? Put some juice in your bones. I always rush up and take off ninety miles an hour for the nearest whorehouse, hor-hor-hor!”
Burroughs used an orgone box on and off for the rest of his life. (There is a picture of the rock star Kurt Cobain waving through the port-hole of Burrough’s last box, a scruffy, patched-up shed that he kept in the garden behind his house in Lawrence, Kansas.) In the 1970s he wrote an article for Oui magazine entitled “All the accumulators I have owned” in which he boasted, “Your intrepid reporter, at age thirty-seven, achieved spontaneous orgasm, no hands, in an orgone accumulator built in an orange grove in Pharr, Texas. It was the small, direct-application accumulator that did the trick.”
Perls concluded that any positive claims for the orgone box were attributable to the placebo effect. “I invariably found a fallacy,” he said of the orgone box users he met, “a suggestibility that could be directed in any way that I wanted.” Reich, Perls thought, had made a major contribution in giving Freud’s notion of resistance a body, but he erred in trying to make a verifiable reality out of the libido. “Now resistances do exist, there is no doubt about it,” Perls explained, “but libido was and is a hypothesized energy, invented by Freud himself to explain his model of man.” He thought Reich had hypnotized himself and his patients into the belief of the existence of the orgone as the physical and visible equivalent of libido.
Perls found that users of orgone boxes usually exhibited some paranoid symptoms. “Then I had another look at the armor theory,” Perls went on, “and I realized that the idea of the armor itself was a paranoid form. It supposes an attack from, and defense against, the environment.” Perls criticized vegetotherapy for encouraging the formation of paranoid features by encouraging the patient to “externalize, disown, and project material that could be assimilated and become part of the self.” Orgone energy, Perls concluded from his investigations into the orgone box, was “an invention of Reich’s fantasy which by then had gone astray.” The realization that the Reich he had met in New York was different from the one he had known in Europe, and that orgone mysticism was at the crackpot end of science, was tinged with melancholy. “The enfant terrible of the Vienna Institute turned out to be a genius,” Perls wrote in his autobiography, “only to eclipse himself as a ‘mad scientist.’”
In his own elaboration of character analysis, which he called Gestalt therapy, Perls turned the idea of armor around: where Reich had come to see character armor as a defense against a hostile external world, Perls saw that same layer of self as a shield for one’s own true drives - a straitjacket designed to safeguard against explosions of excitement from within. Thus, it wasn’t a shell to be crushed but something integral, to be owned. (Laura Perls said they tried to convince Rosenfeld to give up his box, that he could increase his physical vitality and mental agility “entirely on his own, without external devices.”) He wanted his patients to be aware of their bodies, to feel the present vividly in the “here and now,” to be “authentic,” to act on their desires.
Perls got his patients to act out their feelings so that they could assimilate and take responsibility for them. He had originally wanted to be a theater director - he’d been a student of Max Reinhardt’s when he was growing up in Berlin, and he’d become closely associated with the avant-garde Living Theatre troupe in New York. Julian Beck, a founder of the Living Theatre, explained to Perls’s biographer, Martin Shepard, of Gestalt therapy, “[Perls] had something in mind that was halfway between the kind of performance we were doing [direct spectacle, aimed at challenging the moral complacency of the audience] and therapeutic sessions.”
“You are my client,” Perls told one female patient. “I care for you like an artist, I bring something out that is hidden in you.” He described therapy as if it were a magic trick; the rabbit he claimed to pull out of the hat was a person shorn of the “neurosis of normalcy” and all the bourgeois niceties associated with it. This person, he hypothesized, was confident enough to be selfish, to act on rather than repress all her desires, whatever the social consequences. All the energy that others wasted on repression and concealment, Perls thought, should be available for creative self-expression. Another of Perls’s patients recalled, “Fritz loved some types - open bastard-bitch - open defenses, that type. He didn’t like anyone who would placate him or be too good to him or used good-girl or good-boy defenses - that drove him up the wall.”

Perls’s views ,and some of his methods, were much indebted to those pioneered by Reich in the thirties: Perls would habitually accuse his patients of being “phony” and was deliberately aggressive, much as Reich had been with him. Yet, his observations about the paranoid deviations in Reich’s terminology and thinking were painfully perceptive, precisely because he had built on those very ideas.
In 1951, Perls, Paul Goodman, and a Columbia professor of psychology named Ralph Hefferline published Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality. Rewritten by Goodman, and bearing all the hallmarks of Goodman’s exasperating style, the book blends Reich’s ideas about energy blocks and flows with Sartre’s cafe philosophy to create an American brand of existentialism turned therapy. The authors intended their self-help book to provide the reader with the tools for revolution: “In recommending [these experiments] to you,” they warned of their mass-market therapy, “we commit an aggressive act aimed at your present status quo and whatever complacency it affords.” They promised immediate liberation, without the hard grind of political struggle; all you had to do was unleash your “authentic” self.
The “excitement” to which the subtitle of the book refers is a generalized libido, an elan vital that is seeking various outlets, not all of them sexual. Life, for Perls, was a series of “unfinished” or “undigested” situation, frustrations that were all waiting their turn for satisfactory closure. “After the available excitement has been fully transformed and experienced, then we have good closure, satisfaction, temporary peace and nirvana,” Perls summarized his position. “A [mere] discharge will barely bring about the feeling of exhaustion and being spent.”
It sounded very like the Reichian orgasm. But for Perls, excitement was no longer exclusively genital, as it was for Reich, and this shift only served to open up numerous other slipways to pleasure. In Reich’s view, the libido theory was an inviolable article of faith. In broadening its range to celebrate oral and anal pleasures, Perls heralded a polymorphously perverse and heretical vision - one that, ironically, would prove particularly amenable to exploitation under capitalism.
In 1952, Perls, his wife, Goodman, Isidore From, Elliott Shapiro, and two others founded the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, headquartered in the Perleses’ apartment and with treatment rooms at 315 Central Park West. The seven founding members met on a weekly basis for group therapy. There was no bureaucratic hierarchy and everyone, including Perls, was subject to the honest criticism that was seen as the key to self-discovery. It was a very public form of character analysis: members of the group would draw one another’s attention to every repression or hang-up, none of which was to be tolerated.
Elliot Shapiro, an ex-boxer and the head of a psychiatric school attached to Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, brought a friend to one session; Shapiro’s friend said he “had never witnessed the aggressive and profound battling that went on in those groups. Nobody, virtually nobody, was safe at any time.” Shapiro recalled, “We hammered at each other, and hammered, and hammered - every week. And it was the most vigorous hammering you can image….If you could live through these groups and take the corrections, the insults, the remarks…” Not all the participants had sufficiently thick skins to take such brutal candor. The psychotherapist Jim Simkin left the group because he felt that everyone was “loading elephant shit on him,” as did Ralph Hefferline, a coauthor of Gestalt Therapy.
To promote this new school, Perls traveled from city to city, introducing an audience of psychiatrists, social workers, and other interested parties to his “here and now” philosophy. He taught groups in Cleveland, Detroit, Toronto, and Miami how to be sensitive to their bodily needs and to follow their impulses, to be honest and unalienated. He’d be sharp and confrontational as he pushed his awareness techniques on the participants: What are you doing now? What are you experiencing? What are you feeling? Isadore From, who was part of the original New York group, remembers that these occasions were often very dramatic, with “a lot of shaking, trembling, anxiety” - effects that he thought were the result of the audiences’ hyperventilating under the strain of Perls’s relentless goading and questioning.
The New York Institute of Gestalt Therapy also ran public seminars, including one by Goodman, “The Psychology of Sex” (“What you can’t do, teach,” he said with a laugh). Following Reich, it was thought that neurosis could be treated by exposure to sexual pleasure. Goodman made this his area of expertise and people with sexual problems were often referred to him. One was a man who was worried about the quality of his orgasms after prostate surgery. Another thought he might be homosexual; the bisexual Goodman got his penis out and demanded that the patient touch it to help him make a diagnosis. In so doing he was no doubt influenced by Hitschmann, the Viennese analyst who once asked Perls, then tormented by sexual inadequacy, to show him his penis .
In one of Goodman’s group sessions, when someone complained of the lack of sexual companionship, Goodman went around the circle and set up a week’s worth of dates. “See, that wasn’t so difficult,” he reassured her. He was not beyond offering his own neurosis-busting services to patients of either sex, and once agreed to accompany a patient who invited him on an all-expenses-paid trip to Europe. He joked about setting up a College of Sex so as to put his vast experience to educational use. “I’m a sociopath,” he wanted a potential client. In a diary entry written in 1957, Goodman looked back on the previous decade and concluded that he’s made a “false cultus-religion (an obsession)” of sex: “The sexual act itself had just about the meaning of a ritual communion sacrifice.”
submitted by MirkWorks to u/MirkWorks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:14 basketcasestudy JO1 is starting a video podcast series on Spotify, MATCHA TIME

JO1 is starting a video podcast series on Spotify, MATCHA TIME
First episode Is out with Sho, Junki and Ruki drinking tea and chatting. English subtitles available.
submitted by basketcasestudy to jo1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:32 Ok_Inside_1721 Deaf 40M Thoughts on Small Talk

Hey, Healthy Gamers! I hope y’all are having a great day. I have been going through Dr. K’s ADHD Module, as well as his resource pack. He has some great videos on loneliness and communication that I thought were really good. I think for communication and small talk, Dr. K’s driving theme of showing interest in other people is THE best rule in creating small talk.
I am deaf with a Cochlear Implant. Even with bionic hearing, I only have maybe half of one ear, and my other ear is completely deaf. However, I have a college degree, have been able to work in customer service roles, and have had great conversations with a wide range of people in a wide range of places. I talked to a corrections officer from Wisconisn in Paris. I have also talked to credit card processors in Chicago. The number 1 way I have had small conversations is by asking questions about other people. I know Dr. K isn’t a fan of asking about other people’s work. But I have found that work makes a big part of who they are, and more often than not, if you show genuine interest in what they say and who they are, people really do open up about their work and lives.
But you have to show interest. In a way, my hearing disability makes this easy; my awareness of what people say depends if I am able to face them. I have see their lips; I have to lean forward a little. I cannot fake listening. So in a way, I have a leg up.
Of course, the hard part is, how do you start a conversation? You can’t just go, ‘Hey bro, what do you do?’ Or ‘Hey lady, what’s the best part of your job?’
Sometimes you just have to be open, and pleasant in demeanor, and people will start a conversation with you. But if you are alone, and you see the person next to you is alone, you can just ask, ‘Hey, it is a beautiful day, how was your day?’ Simple, starts a conversation, and they may (or may not) reply ‘Oh, my day was awesome, I sold the biggest jellyfish ever! How was your day?’ Then you can say, ‘Man, work was hard, but any day I can afford a pint, is a good day.’ maybe you say, ‘You sell jellyfish?!? I did not know that was a thing, plus I didn’t know there were jellyfish in Ohio!’
That is just one avenue. But it requires you to take advice from Dr. K and expand your awareness outside of yourself. A good thing about small talk at bars, or cafes, or even out at a social networking event, is a lot of the conversation is safe. Usually, people don’t get too deep and don’t expect you to either. It is a good way to get reps in on certain skills like: Breaking the ice, introducing yourself, and paying attention to people.
There are levels of communication. Small talk is a foundational skill that keeps the world moving. I know a lot of people hate it, but it really does produce social lubrication and can lead to deeper conversation. While I may not be great at other forms of communication (I am just learning how to utilize the phone, thank you subtitles!), that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be able to go farther.
I feel blessed for being able to communicate with people a basic level. It just requires one to pay attention to other people, and be brave to ask questions. And Dr. K does have some other great small talk ice breakers, ‘What is something you want to learn this year?’ ‘Do you have any awesome trips planned?’ ‘What do you think of the jellyfish mafia in Ohio?’ I have had good success talking about what other people do, but there is a whole world to talk about.
Good Luck, Healthy Gamers!
I also used ai to help edit this post, any errors of writing are absolutely mine.
submitted by Ok_Inside_1721 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:57 Trevorlahey1 Trip Report - 13 days Panama

I wanted to give back a bit after receiving some great information from folks on this sub before a (very short notice and sparsely planned) solo trip to Panama in late April/early May of 2024. I'm subtitling this post "I did a lot in Panama so you don't (necessarily) have to". Truth be told, I started the trip with 4 nights and one in-country flight booked and built the rest of my itinerary on the fly. I definitely could have used an extra week or so before the trip to do some itinerary planning, deeper research on where I chose to stay, etc. but I really enjoyed most of the trip and would absolutely recommend Panama as a solo trip destination.
Rough pre-departure itinerary:
I arrived in Panama City on time and took an Uber straight to Selina (cost $28). The Selina there is in a decent location, kind of on the edge of Casco Viejo but walkable to everything. I checked in and was told there was a welcome happy hour with a free drink and a free walking tour every day at 10. The 6-person dorm had a dedicated bathroom, but wasn't much for the price ($30/night) and I'm just now realizing I booked a 4-person dorm then was put in the wrong lodging... There is a bar and allegedly a pool on the roof of the property, but the pool was not open when I was there. The welcome drink was an underwhelming event, though I did meet a few cool people I ended up doing more with later. There really isn't much in the way of common space at Selina Casco Viejo and I found it to be overpriced, underwhelming, and not a great place to meet people. I ended up booking the canal tour ($60ish) with them (which was via the personal vehicle of the guide, a small sedan cramming 4 of us in plus the driver), but I did a different free walking tour after hearing poor reviews of the one provided by Selina. While Selina felt like a huge waste (would not recommend this location), I really liked Casco Viejo. The food was surprisingly good, especially ceviche at Marea and a nice stop for middle eastern at Estambul Casco . I also made a quick stop with some people from the hostel at La Fabrica which had a decent tap list and cool vibe and the Pedro Mandinga Rum bar (highly recommend) for some beers and a rum flight . I also, as a cigar smoker, made a stop at the official La Casa del Habano store where the staff was chill and the cigarum selection was good. I finished out my cigar and partook in a bit of happy hour across the street at Finca del Mar which had a decent outdoor area for a drink but the food was not recommended so I didn't try it.
I was up early to get to David on Sunday morning, so I figured I'd just grab food and coffee at the airport lounge (mistake). It turns out the Copa flight to David departs from the "domestic" gate, which is a standalone area on the ground floor of the airport. There are no amenities, just a single vending machine, and you get bussed to the plane. Do not go early for a David flight, security was very easy and I ended up waiting in the small seating area for way too long. The flight was fine, but don't expect to access a lounge or coffee shop after security.
I got to David pretty early and hadn't done my research on transit, but knew there was public bus service to Boquete. I was trying to figure out how to get to the bus terminal when a taxi offered to drive me all the way to Boquete for $40 which seemed like a decent deal so I went for it. Boquete is pretty small, a little mountain town with a relaxed vibe. I spent quite a bit of time at the brewery which, if you know craft beer pretty well, wasn't the best on beer quality but had good live music and a fun atmosphere . I worked from here a little bit too, definitely where I spent the most time. I got a delicious dinner at RetroGusto which was really reasonable and a good lunch at Donde Giselle which was a little more expensive, but also delicious . I did a coffee finca tour through Bambuda ($35) at Don Pepe. It was pretty cool, not a lot of walking but the guide was knowledgeable and we got to see the full operation in a small footprint. I bought one bag and was happy I did, they were 3 times the price in the airport on the way home. The Tres Cascadas (three waterfall) trail was a must, it does have a steep section that has ropes affixed to help but was otherwise a pretty straightforward trail. It did cost a few dollars to hike as it's on private property. I took a taxi there ($20) but took the bus back ($2.25). The bus comes by every 30-40 minutes and they generally wait a bit at the entrance to the trail from the road to see if people come down. We did end up picking up a whole bunch of kids leaving school, but it was pretty funny and we managed to fit everyone. I did do the Volcan Baru hike, which cost $18 for a taxi to the trailhead but was otherwise free. It is a grueling hike, it took a little over 5 hours for me to get to the top and I was not having fun. I was very lucky to encounter a couple who was dropped off at the same time at the trailhead and, while we did not hike together, we did take a few breaks together and it was nice to be within sight of their headlamps. It was COLD at the top and I was happy I had a light down jacket and a fleece. I did a good job of timing up my climb with the sunrise, only needing to wait at the top for maybe 30 minutes before the sun came up. You can go up in a jeep, and I was very lucky to beat the offroad vehicles up as they were very loud coming up the mountain. It did get pretty crowded at the top by the time all of the jeeps had emptied out and their clients climbed the last bit to the summit. The view was phenomenal, you can see both the Caribbean and the Pacific on a clear day and the sunrise was beautiful. It was a little annoying that the 6 of us who climbed it had to share with the 25 or so who rode up in cars, but worth it. One spot I wish I had visited, but it just didn't work out, was a wood fire pizza spot that came recommended by our coffee guide and by several travelers . I got lucky at the Bambuda Castle as I booked a 3 bed room but had it to myself. It had a nice restaurant and common space within the castle itself that was a good working space and had a fantastic view. The food was pretty good, with a few vegetarian options and smoothies. It's a pretty decent walk from the center of town, and about $4-5 taxi ride from the Boquete center. If I went again, I would probably look to stay somewhere in the center of town but I don't regret giving the Castle a shot.
I traveled out of Boquete to Bocas del Toro the same day I did the Baru hike, leaving via shuttle at 1 PM ($37) which I arranged through Bambuda. I ended up using a discount QR code at Bambuda Castle to book their Bocas town Hostel for three nights. The shuttle was fine, but it's a quick trip through winding mountain roads so be prepared if you get carsick. A big bonus, that I would recommend you ask about, was that this shuttle did not go all the way to Almirante, but instead stopped at Chiriqui Grande and proceeded via small boat (lancha) from there. The longer boat trip was fantastic, much better than the long/boring road which runs the rest of the way. I got stopped right off the boat in by several people trying to sell tours and got one person's number for a potential $35 Cayo Zapatilla tour but didn't commit, choosing to get to Bambuda Bocas Town first and settle in before making decisions. While I wish I had spent some more time at either red frog beach or another island, with only 3 nights and having booked late my options were limited. For Bocas Town, Bambuda was great. The front desk folks were pretty helpful and the restaurant was good for breakfast (the vegetarian burrito option is better than the sandwich). The hostel deck goes right out to the lagoon, and it's always busy with people hanging out in the sun or jumping into the lagoon. It was a great spot to do some work over coffee and, frankly, I wish I had spent more time here or at the Bambuda Lodge. I ended up doing the Caya Zapatilla tour (highly recommend, if only for the stop at Caya Zapatilla) for $35 with the operator I met right off the boat. This included pick up and drop off from Bambuda, and they had a cooler that I threw a few Balboas of my own in for the trip. We did stop mid-way for lunch which was not included and was a little expensive. This was the only actual tour I did during my time there, I spent my other full day just kind of hanging out and went to Starfish Beach (not as nice as Caya Zapatilla, but worth an afternoon) with a group from the hostel. I also did salsa night at Selina (fun, but a bad instructor) and karaoke at Aqua Lounge (get there in time to get a round of the happy hour special, the screen is behind the stage so not ideal for karaoke but it's easy to get on the list). I did not do Filthy Friday, I ended up departing Bocas that day but I would have been on the fence about it anyway. I guess it's a "when in Bocas" thing, so I probably would have gone for it. I really wish I had spent another night in Bocas, I regretted not having another day out there as soon as I left. It turned out to be the best place on my trip to meet people, it's definitely a general party vibe, and actually the best place to get work done of the hostels I stayed at. I did dinner at Pier 19 which was pretty nice, if not a little expensive and probably not a good solo traveler vibe . I did brunch one day away from Bambuda at Casa Papaya, their typical Panamanian breakfast and it was a great deal/meal . I did hear from some people that the bird island was a fun tour, and worth the day/cost. I did some bonus late night, unofficial stuff like swimming after midnight at Selina and an impromptu midnight trip out to see the bioluminescence and the stars with a random lancha taxi from the Selina dock. Not sure how I'd direct someone to arrange that, but say yes if it's an option.
I took off from Bocas via shuttle for the Lost and Found Hostel on Friday around noon ($20) which I arranged at the main lancha dock. This shuttle did not include a boat all the way to Chiriqui Grande, it was the short boat with the long road segment. A few people did get car sick during the first leg of the trip, the road is in pretty rough shape so lots of speeding up, slowing down, and swerving potholes. Lost and Found really caught my eye because of how much I enjoyed Secret Garden Cotopaxi in Ecuador. In the end, it didn't live up to that lofty expectation and I should not have squeezed it in. The allure is that it's isolated in the jungle, you have to walk about 15 minutes up the trail from the road to reach the hostel property. There are several buildings, with one primary common area with a few tables and hammocks. A big downside is that everything is outdoors, under cover of roofs but open still, which wasn't ideal in the evening during the season I went where it rained in the afternoons. There is a community kitchen if you bring your own food along, or there is an option to get breakfast/lunch/dinner from the hostel. I had a few meals there: the smoothie bowl was good, the lentil curry was a little on the salty side. The hiking is pretty cool and I ended up going up over the mountain to the big tree, the lookout, and the river. I didn't bring water, but definitely should have brought a liter along. In the end, with only about half a dozen other people staying there and 2/3 of the staff being pretty insular and not really socializing with the guests, it just wasn't a great addition to my trip. It might be a better option for a group or during a different season, but it provided a logistical challenge to make my flight back from David to Panama City and it wasn't really worth the risk of making it work, so I hired a car ($30) to take me to David and just ate the price of my second night at Lost and Found. It was beautiful, but it just wasn't on the same level as Secret Garden Cotopaxi which inspired me to give this a shot. I think, all in, my stop at Lost and Found cost me about $76.
The combination of having scheduled a flight on election day (oops) and the lack of help from lost and found staff meant that my best bet was a night in David. I used Hilton points to book a night at the Hampton and had myself a recovery night. I got a hot and ready pizza from the Little Caesar's next door and two Sam Adam's Boston Lagers from the bar. Fantastic recovery night, vey nice Hampton, and a pretty nice little breakfast. It refreshed me at a point where I was not really enjoying the trip and pushed me to go for one more stop rather than laying low in Panama City.
After my flight back to Panama City, I took the metro all the way to the Avenida Terminal (less than $1 total, it is very easy to purchase a card and load it at the station) to grab the bus to Valle de Anton. It was fairly easy to find the window to buy the bus ticket ($4.25). It's important to buy for El Valle and not just Anton, a town which is not where you want to end up. There was a confusing bit of business related to a transit card (not the same transit card as the metro. I couldn't seem to find a machine to buy one from, and eventually the guy at the turnstile took pity and just used his own to let me in. I paid him back, but it was very confusing that you needed to buy the ticket then a card with which to pay an additional 10 cents to get to the bus at Gate 53. I can't really offer advice other than you should try to figure out how to get this card, or if you can just pay with a dime, right when you buy your ticket. I let the bus (not a very big bus, somewhere between a van and a bus) driver know where I was headed on the way and they dropped me right at Bohdi in Valle de Anton. The whole trip is about 3 hours, with lots of local stops the whole way. Bohdi was a pretty cool spot, with a great yoga space with a guided lesson on a TV every morning. It has a kitchen if you want to cook for yourself and free coffee plus breakfast every day from 7:30-10:00. Both breakfasts were pancakes, but it was free and they were pretty good. There are some cool lounge spots out back, a few cafe tables out front, and a loft space as well. It was a decent, but not perfect spot, to do work if that's what you're looking for. The dorm does have 3 levels of beds, and they aren't all that comfy, but I'd recommend Bohdi. The first night I was in town I went to the Golden Frog Inn on a recommendation and it turned out to be a great spot to watch the sunset and have some pretty good (although a small) vegetarian tacos . One afternoon I chose to do the India Dormida hike, I left and walked all the way back to Bohdi, it was a few hours total. It's a quick climb up to the top and you can walk the whole ridge that forms the edge of the caldera. It was a beautiful view and you can really see the old crater rim formations from the top. It's clear up there, no trees and wide open, and the breeze was very refreshing. I ended up coming down about halfway across the ridge, starting from the north. I grabbed a vegetarian dinner at El Rincon Colombiano which I'd recommend and some guacamole and a beer at La Ranita which was pretty good . Overall, I really liked Valle de Anton and I'm happy I made it happen. It's a little drier and warmer than Boquete, with a lot less coffee influence, but I liked the vibe and wish I had done more hiking around the area.
For my last evening in Panama, I grabbed a room just to have a place to put bags and clean up before my flight at Hotel Caracas, a recommendation from someone I met in my first stop in Casco Viejo. I did not plan to work from here, nor did I spend a night, but for $35 it was a perfect spot to leave things as I went to knock out a few more items before my flight home. I popped into Tantalo for a quick bite to eat which I don't know if I'd recommend for food, but the view was good. I think I meant to go to CasaCasco, which was recommended for ceviche and sushi, but ended up in the wrong spot. I then went over to Element to get some cocktails . Element has an interesting vibe, kind of a steampunk theme to the décor. The two guys behind the bar, who I believe own it, were fantastic. They don't have a set menu but instead try to match a drink to what you're feeling at the time. I had a classic daquiri and an old fashioned, which both came with a little bit of a twist on the classic recipe. They also pulled down a few different spirits which we tasted together, overall I'd highly recommend a stop and it was especially fun as the only patron there. After two cocktails, I cleaned up and called an Uber and headed to the airport. Just a heads up, the Copa Club is pretty nice, has limited food, but tragically closes at 9 PM. I had a flight that left at nearly 11 PM, so this was a little disappointing.
Overall, I loved Panama. The people were friendly, even if the service in many places was pretty lackluster. It's more expensive than Colombia or Ecuador, but several people told me it's slightly cheaper than Costa Rica. It's a good stop if you're not sure about central or south America as it's extremely safe, if you use common sense, and it's not too hard to get around using shuttles/taxis/ubers if you don't want to brave public transit. It offers very good food options in Panama City, and it's easy to find a Hampton Inn/Hooters/McDonald's/Little Caesar's/Wendy's if you need a break from being adventurous. The Spanish isn't difficult, and most people speak at least some English. I would have dropped lost and found hostel from my itinerary if I planned it again, but did not regret any of the other stops. I do kind of wish I had focused on Bocas and Boquete, saving Valle de Anton and maybe San Blas together for a future trip, but I had already painted myself into a bit of a corner with my David-Panama flights by the time I realized this. I hope this helps someone as they plan their Panama trip, or helps them decide Panama is a worthwhile visit! Please do not make as many changes as I did, I absolutely did at least one too many stops and wish I had spent more time in Bocas and probably Valle de Anton. Anyway, feel free to ask questions in the comments and I'll try to address them as they come in!
Final Itinerary:
submitted by Trevorlahey1 to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:39 Spywin The Empire - The Company's Official News Source - #564 Issue:15th of Second Seed [DOUBLE EDITION]



ST.PETER'S BASILICA, VATICAN CITY - After much teasing and anticipation, the Colours of the UNKNOWN Trading Company had finally been blessed in St.Peter's Basilica, officially making the flag sacred. Irishkaiser specifically chose the 6th of May as it is the annual date the Swiss Guards swear in new members and in remembrance of the 468 Swiss Guardsmen who bitterly resisted to the death, in spite of insurmountable odds. The same mentality and unbreakable morale that is prevalent in his regiment.
Irishkaiser had to remain pure at this time and just before the blessing, confessed his sins to the priest who absolved him of his sins. He then got it blessed by the same priest at around 17:35-17:37, Central European Time.
The Colours had passed through four European capitals and was supposed to be presented in the Tomb of Napoleon, before deciding that the vainglorious Napoleon would be inappropriate, considering the more important of 'Purity of Arms' - where a warrior and his equipment shall be used honorably and never for evil or selfish purposes.
No European general or statesmen could fulfill the standards of martial excellence and purity of character - except perhaps General Alexander Suvorov - who is buried in Annunciation Church in St.Petersburg.
The sanctity of the flag blessed in one of the holiest sites of Christendom, renders it an extension of Christian morality. Whenever the flag is presented, all members are to ensure that in that moment, the Christian perspective on 'sin' should be considered an affront to the flag.
The same will be true for all flags blessed by holy men of different religious perspectives.
No war crimes, boys. Sorry.


MILAN, ITALY - Irishkaiser had met up and interviewed legendary Majicou asking him questions and secrets about MineZ and its history - bringing new light and perspective on things never before realized! Irishkaiser had learned a lot and was even surprised at who was responsible for what.
I also learned that Majicou is actually a cat guy... Huh... Europeans, am I right..?
As I am editing this, I would like to give a forewarn that European food fattened me up in a short amount of time. Everyone keeps recommending me as the 'cultural' ideal of what makes an 'X' meal of a Milanese, a Madrileno, a Parisian... A Roman... Holy shit, it's just meat and fucking carbs. Majicou told me Ossobucco with Safron Risotto was the most Milanese thing to eat... So I ate it. What is a Carbonara? What is a Beef Bourgingnon? What is a Conchinillo? Even the Madrid Stew. Goddamn and Switzerland. Don't get me started about Swiss Germans... AND HOLY SHIT GREECE. The only thing that had enough vegetables in it was the Asparagus because it was fucking Spargel season. Motherfucker. I literally have a wider hitbox now. Fucking hell, no wonder the TIF girls are vegetarians or vegetable heavy. I AM DYING OF MEAT IN THAT CONTINENT.
Yes, I am trying to cope with the fact that I look fat on camera. Don't judge me. That's bodyshaming.
Tune in to see when Irishkaiser is done splicing the interview and... Holy fuck, I really hope I don't suffer in putting in subtitles.
EDITORIAL - Our War, Everyone's War.
Irishkaiser - While in a cat cafe in Milan, I had a rather intense conversation with Majicou regarding the states of our worlds. It was like a scene from the turbulent times in Europe such as the Enlightenment, the Revolution, the Spring of Nations... Learned and concerned men discussing the times. Except we were surrounded by cats... And the gayoids...
Majicou had insisted that nobody there understands English, so we continued on with our heavy conversation, invoking the name of great powers, great orders and great ideas.
I had noticed that the chatter behind us died down and I was sure people were listening to what we were saying... But he STILL INSISTED NOBODY UNDERSTOOD ENGLISH.
I had policed my words because I was in TIF territory... I was sure they were gonna jump me... Especially this one fucking cat that gave me the stink-eye...
We had discussed about the state of our nations and the character of people today. The general consensus of course was that we are unworthy of our ancestors, and that our futures look rather grim.
I had adopted the more callous outlook and stated that it is better to grit our teeth and go through with the suffering in order to secure the better future.
Majicou stated that some people cannot take that suffering anymore and it is wrong and somewhat too much to keep asking people to suffer more when they have been betrayed by their governments and promises time and time again.
He had a point. When will the demands stop?
But the greater threat of a totalitarian socialist power was ever looming. We cannot even afford a stalemate with them. Because even if a conflict with RedChina is inconclusive, I fear we will begin to adopt their methods and lose our way of life to compete with them. I have no doubt of our victory and the superiority of a society that values freedom... But many people will learn from the Communists... And adopt their god-awful way of life, same as they adopted our strengths to make themselves stronger.
What's worse... Is what would happen if they win?
It was a difficult question as we both had different priorities. I concentrated on looking to the people after we secured victory. Majicou wondered if victory would matter if there is nothing worth defending in the first place.
While a product has a fixed value upon its completion, people are dynamic. A person with good work conditions and good tools and good pay can churn out something worth more than he is even paid for.
These are difficult, turbulent times. We have to balance maintaining the standards of today in order to ensure that it will be better tomorrow.
I'm sure a lot of Italians speak fucking English, Matteo you fucking liar. Even the fucking cats were staring at me.
TRADE - MineZ US Trade Mission
The Directory proudly announces it has cancelled Trade Missions until Mid May in some effort to save money or something.
TRADE - MineZ US Commonwealth Trade
Shemaghs, anyone?
Gotta save the money. I have a big plan.
welp, time to find another Monero cryptocurrency platform.
I cannot believe that all it took was one foreign IRL adventure to actually hurt us. Holy fuck lol.
1) Long leisure weeks.
submitted by Spywin to UnknownTradeCo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:22 Substantial-Web6497 Getting 30k views on Tik Tok on the first day

screenshot for proof
Writing this as it's happening but managed to hit 32k views on tik tok on my third post for my upcoming Saas, should get to 50k by tomorrow. Getting plenty of leads that I worked really hard on getting through other channels. I find it crazy that people believe more in the product through a 30s video on tik tok than a founder writing personalized email to the right ISP.
Tbh I was really excited about getting into social media when starting this project because I strongly believe that if you build a Saas with a large TAM solving a common problem among businesses you could find strong traction there.
What I think I did right:
  1. Shoot videos by batch, tbh if you post video by video expecting to hit it will be a really long grind, first video didn't work much, second same and third one did. All this was shot in 30min, maybe an other 30min for editing. ( Capcut, posted without scheduler)
  2. I used the tactic from all the coaches you can find on instagram, comment "X" to get access to it.
  3. Tested with and without subtitles, funny enough the one without subtitles but just the main keyword worked best.
  4. Got inspired a lot by dropshipping videos, so try to give two hooks straight and printed a QR code on a paper so viewer would wonder what this paper does.
  5. Did POV faceless style video in a different place than office, in my case it was a cafe, you wouldn't expect to be pitch a software from there.
Next step for me is to do couple more of videos then outsource to some students following the guideline.
Feel free to ask any questions, I had some good success on social media before but happy that it worked for saas too.
PS: For the upcoming "fake story" comment, will send screenshot if needed but nothing to sell here
submitted by Substantial-Web6497 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:17 ResponsibilitySad331 A Victim of Online Fiction - Ch15: Bad ties

Have you ever jumped into cold water on a hot day? Have you ever ridden an asteroid across the surface of the sun? Have you ever done a backflip off the moon and landed in a bucket of water in Vatican City? If so, then you’ve experienced one-tenth of what I experienced the moment I took that pill.
My headache disappeared, my heart started pumping, adrenaline and pure energy flowed through my veins instead of blood. My fingers twitched and my mind moved at three times the speed of light.
I fell back on my chair, flew towards my desk and danced my fingers like I was playing the keyboard. Chapters fell before me like grass in front of a chainsaw.
I cranked out TEN chapters in three hours. And that’s not just writing them either that’s editing them multiple times, adding extra hyperboles, and making the first 31 sentences and the title into acrostic poems that read: Alex has shit ties.
It was heavenly.
After dusting off my 11th chapter I stood, did a couple of yoga poses and then took off out of my front door for a run.
Now, everyone has a weakness, Superman’s got his kryptonite, Achilles has his heel, I have physical exercise. Usually, the thought of going for a run would make me want to chop my legs off. But those crazy little pills made the sad-sad go away. I was flying past houses, high-fiving bushes and waving to people as I roamed the streets like an exercise junkie.
My god-like strides took me through the suburbs of The Village through to the centre of town where Sherlock-Holmes themed coffee shops and Wuxia-themed teahouses dominated the streets. Writers sat in booths talking and hacking away at tablets and laptops, while cover artists drew mythical figures in between shots of espresso.
There was a hard-working bustle about the place. Little box-like robots wheeled their way out from a boutique distribution centre to people’s homes carrying boxes of wine, cheese, and steaming meals.
I slowed my run and sat back on a bench beside a rose bush. Birds were chirping and there was a hum of music from the cafes. It was heaven.
That night Manuel was back at my house and we walked three blocks over to a giant log cabin and another party. The next morning I took a pill, busted out eight chapters and went for another run. As the weeks flew by I attended more parties than I’d ever been to in my life, smashed out over a hundred chapters and grew dark rings around my eyes.
And then one day I met her.
This time we’d been invited to a pool party in the early evening. Manuel was sucking up to a bunch of new authors, and I was drinking beer with a bunch of horror writers while watching two guys beside the pool punching each other in the face over the use of Oxford commas. I didn’t know who was in the right – the guy whose eye was bruised, red, and puffy – or the guy with a swollen, red lump on his forehead.
Turns out, it didn’t really matter because they both paused mid-swing to stare at someone behind me.
In walked a woman in a white turtleneck, and large round glasses. Four other writers dressed in full tweed suits flanked her. Heads turned. Famous web fiction writers who I hadn’t worked up the courage to talk to were whispering to each other and pointing to the woman in white.
The horror writers next to me were trying to look disinterested but I could see them peering at her out of the corner of their eyes.
‘Hey Stephen,’ I poked a tall guy in the arm, ‘who’s that?’
Stephen laughed, ‘Good one man.’
‘I’m being serious dude, why’s everyone staring?’
Stephen hissed his next sentence like he was embarrassed others would hear, ‘Man. That’s the emperor of this place – the most read author in the whole of Crusher Media, that’s...’
‘...Lazy Cultivator? The guy that writes the chicken story.’
Stephen nodded, ‘Only – she’s not a guy.’
‘I guess I should say hi,’ I got out of my seat just as Stephen put his arm up to form a barrier.
‘Dude!’ He said, 'You, me, all of us,’ he gestured around the circle of horror writers, ‘We’re dirt.’ A couple of the guys clinked their beers and took a swig. Stephen pressed a finger into my chest, ‘We don’t talk to people like her. We don’t even look at her. This place has a hierarchy and man, you are the mud that hierarchy sits on.
I swallowed, ‘Good to know I’m appreciated then.’
Stephen shrugged, ‘Just letting you know the way things are dude.’
The tweed-wearers and their leader moved through the party like blue whales through a school of shrimp. A group of romance writers cleared out of their chairs beside the pool and the gang sat down and produced bottles of champagne from a wine cooler. The woman in white pulled a pair of VR glasses, a wireless keyboard, and a purple pill bottle from her bag, then she slipped a pill between her teeth, pulled the VR glasses over her face and started hacking away at the keyboard so rapidly she broke off one of the keys.
I swallowed, ‘She doesn’t come to parties often?’
Stephen shook his head, ‘not the sort of parties the rest of us get invited to. But... I’ve heard stories.’
I nodded slowly, my forehead was beginning to hurt the way it always did when the orange pills wore off. I took the orange pill container out of my pocket and shook it. There was no comforting tap of pills on the side.
I spun the lid open. It was empty.
My hands started to sweat. I got up, knocking over Stephen’s beer. He yelled at me, but I just waved an apology. I made a beeline straight for Manuel who was chatting to a bunch of fresh writers.
‘Hey, Eli,’ he said, wrapping an arm around me, ‘You guys heard of ElitheHill?’
A couple of the new writers grinned, one guy stuck out his hand, but my headache was getting worse with every second.
‘Manuel,’ I hissed, ‘I need some pills man.’
Manuel raised an eyebrow, ‘What?’
‘I need them now, my head...’ I stopped and rubbed one of my eyes, ‘I need the orange pills man.’
Manuel nodded, ‘Yeah, I’ll get you some man – in the morning.’ he wrapped his arm around me, ‘Come on man, be cool, have a beer.’
I shook my head frantically, my hands trembled, ‘I need them now Manuel. Come on. You’ve got to have at least a pack on you.’
Manuel stared at me, his eyes suddenly seemed much colder, ‘Yeah. I got some, but they’re two thousand reads.’
‘Two thousand?’ I bit my lip, ‘Man, they were five hundred two days ago.’
He shrugged and pulled the orange container from his pocket ‘You want em? Or not?’
My hands were a pool of sweat, my head thumped like a drum and bass concert and my right eye was twitching.
‘Yeah,’ I snatched them from his hand, ‘I’ll get Alex to transfer to you tomorrow.’
Manuel nodded, ‘Now get lost,’ his smile returned as he looked to the young writers, ‘You’re scaring off the new kids!’
The others laughed.
I fumbled with the pill bottle and Manuel gave me a kick, ‘Man! Get out of here.’ His eyes were hard again.
I stumbled my way over to the toilet, kicked the door open and slammed it behind me. My hands shook as I twisted open the capsule. The toilet smelt like vomit. The lid gave a click, popped open and I shook two pills into my hand. I usually took one, but I felt like I deserved the extra hit after everything I’d been through. I shoved them in my mouth, threw my head back, and swallowed.
A moment later I had electricity flowing through my veins and lightning in my brain. When I kicked the door of the toilet open it was like the world was in 8k resolution. Colours and lights were sharper and more beautiful. Beethoven’s fifth symphony was playing, someone passed me who smelt of elderflower and sweet wine. I breathed in and started dancing.
My call with Alex the next day began with me reciting a poem about his ties that I made up on the spot. He was wearing a beetroot red tie and by the third verse, his face had gone the same colour. It took him a few minutes to calm down, but when he finally did he ended up being quite pleased.
‘I see you’ve been producing a lot of chapters Mr Hill, you’re also pulling in a lot of readers. My suggestion is that you should start stockpiling them, rather than just posting them as you finish, that way when you hit another of your dry spells, you’ll have a buffer to get your shit sorted.’
I grinned and pulled the orange pills from my jacket pocket, ‘I’m not going to have another slump.’ I tossed the pill bottle up and caught it behind my back without looking, ‘Alex, I have discovered the key to literary immortality.’
Alex’s smile wavered for a moment, then with an effort of brute force he manage to affix it back to his face.
‘I’m glad Mr Hill.’ he went silent for a moment, ‘Just be careful okay... with those chapters I mean... we don’t want you to get burnt out with nothing left in the can.’
I shrugged, shook the pill bottle again, ‘Don’t worry about me buddy – just keep transferring Manuel that money. Okay?’
Alex nodded and ended the call.
submitted by ResponsibilitySad331 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:28 myeonbun 30 [F4A] Horror movie buddies?

Hello! Baka may small server po kayo na pwede ko salihan? I tried yung Dreadcord pero soooooobrang daaaaaaaaming members 😭 hindi po kaya ng limited introvert energy ko.
I'm looking for friend/s to watch horror movies with on discord (even better kung ikaw/kayo magse set up ng stream). I usually watch with my bestfriend irl kaso parang once every 3 months lang kami nagkikita 😅
Ito want ko: * Horror movie night every week pls * oks lang sakin if nagsasalita ka during the movie, para san pa na we watch together diba hahaha (pero let's turn on subtitles para masundan parin story) * let's discuss the movie after!!
If may ganito po kayong server paampon ako plsssss if not, you can still hmu if you're a fellow horror junkie 💕
submitted by myeonbun to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 08:00 ShagunThakurrr Book Your Shimla Holiday Tour Packages Online With Atulya

Experience Shimla Tour Package
Shimla, nestled in the Himalayas, is a haven of peace and tranquility, providing a great escape from the daily hustle and bustle. Shimla's colonial charm and breathtaking landscapes are sure to entice travelers. Our bespoke Shimla package is designed to provide an unforgettable experience.
Day 1: Arrival at Shimla
Arriving in Shimla you will be greeted with cool mountain breezes, and panoramic views of the snow-capped mountains. You will be escorted to your hotel where you can relax and get used to the tranquil surroundings. Enjoy a leisurely evening exploring Shimla’s bustling Mall Road. The street is lined with cafes, shops and colonial buildings. Take in the vibrant atmosphere of the town as you take in the sights and sound of this charming hill station.
Day 2: Shimla Heritage
After a delicious breakfast, take a guided tour to Shimla’s historic and iconic landmarks. Admire the grand architecture of the Viceregal Lodge - once the summer home of British viceroys - and its lush gardens. Christ Church is a neogothic masterpiece and a symbol for Shimla's rich colonial history. Explore Scandal Point and the Ridge for panoramic views of the mountains.
Day 3 - Exploring Natures Bounty
Immerse yourself today in the natural beauty Shimla has to offer as you explore its lush forests, meandering paths, and cascading falls. Trek to Jakhu Hill for a breathtaking view of the Himalayas. Discover the lush forests of Glen - a peaceful paradise filled with wildlife and birds - and the stunning beauty of Chadwick Falls where clear waters cascade over rocky cliffs.
Day 4: Adventure and Excitement
Today offers a variety of exciting activities for adrenaline junkies. Kufri is a picturesque hill station just a short distance from Shimla. Enjoy exhilarating activities such as horseback riding, yak-riding, and tobogganing. Paragliding is a thrilling experience for those who are more adventurous. The scenery includes snow-clad mountains and panoramic views.
Day 5 - Farewell Shimla
Your Shimla holiday package will come to a close as you bid farewell to the enchanting hill town with a heart filled with memories and a spirit rejuvenated by nature's beauty. Our representative will accompany you to the airport, railway station or other destination for your next journey. You'll leave with fond memories and a desire to return to Shimla.

Why choose our Shimla Tour Package ?
Experience the timeless magic of Shimla with our Shimla Tour Package. Let the beauty of Shimla capture your heart and soul.
For Book Your Stay Call Now 8130048450 OR Book Your Stay with Atulya Hotels.
submitted by ShagunThakurrr to u/ShagunThakurrr [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:42 Ok-Sock5185 Accommodations at work?

Has anyone asked for accommodations at work? My hearing is bad in one ear, and I'm starting to not be able to hear students in the classroom. (I'm a professor.) I also had a meeting in a cafe where I missed a lot. I haven't tried a hearing aid yet, but I also wondered if it is reasonable to ask for more meetings on zoom, where it's quieter and there are subtitles.
submitted by Ok-Sock5185 to Menieres [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 19:08 smuffin89 First Japan trip - 15 days - itinerary feedback

Hi everyone! My partner and I (early 30s) are taking our first trip to Japan in October. We’ve booked the flights and have 15 full days in between. We've got a core base (Tokyo > Kyoto > Hiroshima > Osaka) but are also looking to include a couple of shorter stops in between. Very keen for any feedback, including thoughts on the "alternative" options I've included. Anything else you would change or think we’re missing that would work well on this trip?
In terms of what we what to see in Japan - tbh, everything! We want to eat all the food, experience all the quirky things, do some Pokémon stuff, Nintendo, manga, gundam etc, but also experience traditional and historical Japan and I’d really love to get in some ryokan stays and onsen experiences, shrines and temples, samurai culture. The Tokyo and Osaka bits are non-negotiable as that's where we fly in and out of and we don't want to reduce our time there at all, but very open for feedback on the rest of it!
We plan to just soak everything up - eat, shop, check out cafes, anything pokemon or gundam related, arcades, watching sumo training, perhaps a samurai lesson, maybe see a Japanese film (if they have any with subtitles) and of course see all the famous sights. Possibly a day trip to Mount Fuji but we will decide when we're there, depending on if we think we can sacrifice a full day in Tokyo or not. Likely to stay at Hoshinoya Tokyo to get a bit of luxury + traditional ryokan experience that looks quite unique! The hotel itself also does some cool activities like a lesson with a samurai sword on the hotel roof, a green tea ceremony etc.
We'd take the train from Tokyo in the morning and then have a day and a half to explore. Our main plans for Kanazawa are the Myoryuji temple, Nomura residence and any cool samurai stuff. There looks like some really cool private day or half day tours with a local so I expect we'll do this.
We plan to arrive by around 3pm on day 5 so that we can have a lazy(ish) morning in Tokyo but still have time to settle in, experience the dinner and book activities for the following day. Hopefully relax and get some good views of Mount Fuji from our room! After what looks like it will be an amazing breakfast facing Mount Fuji on day 6, we plan to take up the hotel's canoeing on the lake in the morning followed by a private e-bike tour around the forest in the afternoon. Then either hot pot or grill dinner on our terrace in the evening.
We'd travel by train here on the morning of day 7 (looks like it may take a few hours if coming from Hoshinoya Fuji). I'm keen to see the various shrines, temples, Nijo Castle and Imperial Palace, experience a green tea ceremony and spend a day in Arashiyma. Perhaps a private tour one evening of the geisha quarter. If we can fit it in, we would do a half day trip to Nara, but plan to play this by ear as we could also do it from Osaka instead.
If possible, I'm keen to stay the first night at a traditional ryokan and the other two nights at a hotel. I was really excited to stay at Tawaraya but they've said they don't cater at all for dietary requirements (something I appreciate I will struggle with in other parts of Japan too) so I'm still looking for a suitable alternative here.
We would take the train to Hiroshima in the morning and I expect we'll spend most of the afternoon at the Peace Memorial and Park and, if we have time, Hiroshima Castle. We'll stay at a hotel right by the station to maximise our time both today and the following day.
We plan to take a ferry from Hiroshima and explore the island for the day - e.g., see the deer, go to the temple, walk or rope car up the mountain, eat, etc! Then take an early evening train to Beppu where we'll stay at a ryokan with an onsen and hopefully arrive in time for dinner.
Experience different onsen around the town and check out the Hells of Beppu. Then in the evening, we'd tale an overnight ferry to Osaka which has an onsen on board! The ferry looks super cool and would be the main reason for us going to Beppu specifically. We really want to stay in an onsen town, but I hear this one is a bit more spread out than some others so the ferry is a big pull here. Arrives first thing in the morning in Osaka (day 13).
Dump our stuff at the hotel and explore Osaka! Shop, eat, potentially check out Team Borderless, experience the different districts (particularly excited about den-den town) and looks like there's some cool gundam places to check out here. Potentially a half day trip to Nara if we didn't manage to fit it in during Kyoto and we think we have enough time here. Then on our final day (which will be a Monday), we'll go to USJ, mainly to go to Nintendo World. We plan to get all the fast passes etc.
This would be an alternative to going to Beppu slightly later in the trip. We would take the train here in the morning and explore the town in the afternoon, then relax in the onsen hotel in the evening. The advantages of this is that it looks like an amazing onsen town to explore and try out many different onsen, and to have a nice hotel with an onsen in the room, but we dont feel we need to spend lots of time here - just get a bit of the experience of it. We would then travel from here to Hiroshima and continue the above plan but skipping Beppu.
Whilst we're in the Mount Fuji area, we could head down further south and stay the night in an amazing looking ryokan, Asaba Ryokan. It seems that you get an even more traditional and luxurious experience than you could generally get in a more central ryokan like Kyoto. We could then shift the rest of the trip back by a day and, again, skip Beppu.
I'm leaning towards staying at Hoshinoya Fuji over visiting Kanazawa because it just looks more unique and special, although the travel does seem a bit more of a hassle than Tokyo>Kanazawa>Kyoto. I also really like the idea of adding in Asaba. We were very excited about the ferry but maybe that's something we could add on another trip. Although I'm a bit worried that these off the beaten track locations will make the travelling more difficult. We will have luggage with us (I'm a heavy packer and I don't think I will be able to change now!) and it looks a lot less straightforward to plan the transport in these remote locations, but I keep hearing it's simple and we're fine to pay for taxis between train stations / hotels etc so hopefully I'm worrying about nothing.
Also really keen for any other recommendations of must stay at hotels and ryokans. This is what led me to Hoshinoya Fuji and Asaba, and I'm very willing to make other amendments to fit in other must stay at places.
Thanks very much in advance!!
submitted by smuffin89 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 15:00 rD8VZm4GMWtmh6v2j This week's upcoming concerts & shows in Kitchener-Waterloo (May 2nd to May 9th)

Hi all! This is a roundup of this week's concerts happening in Kitchener-Waterloo! Make sure to check out for tickets, event information, and all the upcoming concerts in KW (and Cambridge)!
Important: Please double check the event links for the most up-to-date information on the event. Some events may have been cancelled / rescheduled and the listing on KWConcerts may not be up-to-date all the time.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Pop Evil @ Maxwell's Waterloo
Stretch Orchestra @ The Jazz Room
Sun Junkies / Backseat Dragon / Burby @ The Yeti Cafe
Great Lake Swimmers @ Farm League Brewing
The High Loves W/ Lost In Japan & Housecat @ The Hub

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Amanda Keeles @ Maxwell's Waterloo
Jazz Jam @ The Jazz Room
Mandy Lagan & Origins @ The Jazz Room
Pink Lemonade Presents @ The Yeti Cafe
Pink Lemonade Presents Debt Cemetary / Rag Ripper / Hang The Landlord 8pm $10/pwyc facebook Event Page @ The Yeti Cafe
As always, check out for all event & venue information, tickets, and a listing of all the upcoming concerts in the area in 2023 :)
built by Patrick
submitted by rD8VZm4GMWtmh6v2j to kitchener [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 13:48 Gredran Not reaching the goal every day is ok!

Not reaching the goal every day is ok!
Just some quick background for me as I push 40 hours of DS time, but I wanted to show my second month(first full month) in the app. I would have done 50 hours but thought to instead showcase my month. Maybe I’ll come back at 50 though if I’m feeling a difference in that time(I’m sure I will). It’ll be lengthy so you know my exposure and reasons so you can take my personal 40 hours however you’d like. I’ll of course link here in the future for later posts like others do.
Background: I’m a 30 year old Cuban who was born in America, but I was never taught Spanish beyond a handful of basic vocabulary. It’s always been a joke in my family I’m a lot better at Spanish than my older brother, who didn’t know that the nickname we call my aunt all her life, Titi, is just common for Auntie in Spanish(since of course tía is aunt) and my brother actually got this wrong on a test he didn’t do well on in Spanish when he was very young(he knows now but it’s a joke comparing his Spanish that lasted lol)
So over the years I hadn’t had the desire to learn Spanish much at all really. But… I’m a singer and guitarist, a story writer, artist for hobbies and of course I’d love to do for a living if ever possible and realistic, and… I think something deep had always been deep down in me about languages and hearing people talk Spanish around me and only able to understand a handful.
Though finally, as of 150 days ago(the only reason I keep Duolingo is because it’s a counter for me). Very early on, I saw those end of year progress on Duolingo, and it admittedly intrigued me. Before discovering other better things very fast, I did do Duolingo for a long time(I only keep it to keep the counter now because it’s gone from… ok? To worse and crappy with recent developments.
But I always had the foresight early to google if Duolingo on its own was worth it, and of course quickly realized… no not at all. I did however actively do it up until I swore completely by Input, but enough about Duolingo, it’s not good end of story.
But I quickly learned a common issue people have whether learning Spanish or even English was listening and speaking(I’m obviously putting this on hold now) so I made friends on HelloTalk and began practicing.
But finally I discovered Comprehensible Input because I became curious about the “lazy way of learning” and what I thought was fun in Duolingo, PLUMMETED my opinion of it, and I began to watch movies and games I grew up with like Star Wars, The Grinch, etc. I didn’t always see the full movies(look up any movie or show and write español l and you’re in the Spanish part of YouTube with the videos) Although I don’t think I was ready for this level, doing movies you know, is a great Input(I recommend if you need ideas for more) that help you since if you personally know the story well, you’ll begin to pick up words and context, just like Input intends. I quickly also became very fascinated about language in general and will apply this to other languages after many more hours of Spanish input. I also have my phone currently in Spanish and I’m sure as I do other languages, this will change. This input helped, but admittedly not as helpful at solidifying things for me at first the same way that Dreaming Spanish does with its levels.
So… the Dreaming Spanish Part: I was floundering for a time for improvements to listening. Too fast or too slow, etc. And I discover the Easy Language Channels(only flaw is you can’t turn off subtitles but they’re great and similar to Dreaming Spanish and offer languages DS doesn’t). I found someone tote it on a random Reddit post(keep doing that it works!) and I found the site, saw the method, and fell in love.
But… admittedly at first, I was googling very little bits. I came here and asked, and it’s always asked. I understand it’ll always be debated. I’m sure we all saw Pablo’s video in Comprehensible Input for the method. but I’ve been sharing this video and once I understood the method in English, I finally said “no translator. No external English. It’s Spanish time” so if I see an image of a set of keys and they say “las llaves” and my translator mind may go “oh right keys” I immediately say to myself “no no. Son las llaves.” And it keeps me translating less and less doing Input time.
So what can I understand? Well I feel like even with this small input time, I’m making A LOT of progress, but that’s because I think maybe as I got better in the other aspects it learning, listening was next, and DS came at a perfect time. I came in as level 3 because I know vocab to an extent and even different tenses, but I wondered if I should put it lower. I asked around and I’ve learned it’s arbitrary, as long as I’m straightforward telling you. I’ll tell you that I began on Intermediate a little, watched some of Pablo’s video game videos which are Intermediate but quickly learned they were much for me to start with. So I did a bit of superbeginner(my background this is too slow for me. I know what cafe con leche is LOL. But I do sometimes come back here anyway of course). I don’t count my old learning in my input because I know it’s totally different, but it’s not like I’m starting at zero and I’m sure plenty of you aren’t either.
I’ve stuck around a ton of Beginner series and maybe that was my comfort level before pushing intermediate and I can safely say, in the last hour or two of time, some of the Intermediates are FINALLY clearer haha. I try to keep from thinking in English but sometimes some words are automatic. I’m trying to consciously break this a bit more but maybe to an extent it may be unavoidable. My big breakthrough I was happy about was that I’m pretty solid understanding any time I watch Beginner level content and Intermediate is getting there, but I’ll need a lot more work.
Maybe I won’t come back at 50 since about 10 more hours may more may not be significant, but maybe I will to highlight small progress. I wanted to share the month though just to highlight that although you’re all amazing with your high numbers, these lower numbers are common too! I have a full time job and I’m sometimes too tired to take in Input, and I don’t want to be falling asleep when I do, so sometimes miss the goal and that’s ok!
submitted by Gredran to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 06:43 mirdyll Trip Report: 13 days mid April Tokyo to Nagasaki, including Shimanami Kaido

Thank you for all the posts here that helped to plan and execute this itinerary!
This was my (29M) second time traveling to Japan. I have a friend from high school currently living in Tokyo for a year who inspired another trip around cherry blossom season. My GF who was visiting family in China at this time was able to join me in Tokyo for a few days.
My first trip in January 2020 was with a larger group and consisted of a week in Tokyo and a week with JR pass going north to Aomori, Hakodate and Sapporo.
I don't speak Japanese and did not utter anything besides: hai, sumimasen, konnichiwa, gomenasai, arigato gozaimasu, daijoubu desu and ohio gozaimasu. Around 75% of the itinerary was thoroughly planned in advance, with 25% room to improvise. I took a large suitcase, a carry-on, and a backpack. My friend helped me with the bag logistics.
I planned to include multiple running sessions and many anime pilgrimage spots. Some of these may not be as interesting to that many people, but I hope this trip report can help and inspire future travelers.
Day 1 Tokyo
Day 2 Tokyo
Day 3 Tokyo
Day 4 Shirakawa-Go & Takayama
Day 5 Takayama & Kyoto
Day 6 Kyoto, Uji & Osaka
Day 7 Osaka & Kyoto
Day 8 Shimanami Kaido (Onomichi to Imabari) & Matsuyama
Day 9 Hiroshima, Itsukushima & Fukuoka
Day 10 Nagasaki (Gunkanjima tour) & Fukuoka
Day 11 Fukuoka and Tokyo
Day 12 Nikko
Day 13 Tokyo
Key takeaways
Some more random thoughts and comments:
submitted by mirdyll to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 05:51 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 5/3 - Sun 5/5 (Star Wars Day and Cinco de Mayo Weekend)

** ALL WEEKEND (FRI 5/3 - SUN 5/5) *\*
10 AM - 2 PM Beetlejuice Tea Party Snapdragon Tea, 115 Harvard Dr. SE Themed tea party in tribute to Beetlejuice coming to Popejoy Hall! Enjoy three themed courses of small bites, accompanied by two pots of hot tea of your choice. One weekend only! We welcome kids of all ages to our tea parties. Children’s menus, gluten free, vegetarian and vegan menus are available upon request as well. Reservations required
** BOTH FRI 5/3 AND SAT 5/4 *\*
8 AM - 2 PM Old Fashioned Church Rummage Sale Hope in the Desert Episcopal Church, 8700 Alameda Blvd. NE Snag amazing deals on really good stuff - from furniture to kitchen items, household essentials, electronics, and much more!
Fri 7 - 9 PM Sat 2 - 4 PM New MexiChords In Concert! Sentimental Journey St. John's United Methodist Church, 2626 Arizona St. NE A Capella Live Concert! Join us for as we reminisce through favorite songs. Special guest: Quartet of All Time! $15 Tickets at Door
** BOTH SAT 5/4 AND SUN 5/5 *\*
Sat 3 - 5 PM Sun 2 - 4 PM Mother's Day Kid's Gift Making Workshop Pinspiration, 6271 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste D1 Join us for a unique and fun way for your kiddos to honor and celebrate their mom, aunts, grandmas or any important mother figure in their lives. A hand-crafted gift from your child will really show mom how much they love them! Drop off the kiddos for an afternoon of crafting to make something very special! $35 per child (Special gift, Gift wrapping, Snack and drink). Workshop fee is non-refundable so if you're unable to attend, a studio credit will be given for another workshop, crafts or our splatter experience (register)
4 PM American Music - Then and Now The ABQ Civic Chorus is delighted and excited to welcome you to our spring concert. We are a group of over sixty vocal musicians with different backgrounds, professions, and musical training. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Tickets purchased online will be available at the door and are good for either day
** Fri 5/3 *\*
Fri 10:45 AM – 12 PM Coffee Concert 4: Early Beethoven South Broadway Cultural Center, 1025 Broadway Blvd. SE Beethoven Prometheus (Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus): Overture; Beethoven Concerto, Piano, No. 3, Op. 37, c minor; Beethoven Symphony No. 2, Op. 36, D Major. The last NMPhil Coffee Concert of 2023/24 is sure to leave you excited for next season! Premiered in 1803 in Vienna and conducted by the composer himself, Beethoven’s second foray into the world of big, public symphonies combines his unique artistry with his humor, stated through various musical jokes in the Scherzo and Finale. The program—led by conductor Na’Zir McFadden—also includes Anthony Ratinov performing Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3 to lighten your early-spring morning (tickets)
Fri 2 – 9 PM Grand Opening NM Rave Cave, 115 7th St. NW Come see our new location and check out our vendors, food trucks and local dj’s playing in store. Complete with an ABQ Live Photo Booth. Big Boss Hotlinks will be on site with Burgers, Dogs , Fries and more! We are teaming up with Viva ABQ, 505 Junglists, Carma Presents, ABQ Live, Unyk Lyfe, ASTRL Entertainment, Otter World Music, Audio Elite NM and Mr.Afterhours to bring you a one of a kind experience! Vendors - Alchemy Beauty - Magic Cup Boba Tea - Rastafari_Mari - Own The Day - The Mexican Witch - High Chi Mandalas - Astrl Ent
Fri 3:30 - 7:30 PM Family Block Party! Coldwell Banker Legacy Paseo, 8200 Carmel Ave NE Car show, bouncy houses, mechanical bull! Welcome to a celebration for our cherished community and the wonderful clients who make our work so rewarding!
Fri 5 PM Blueberry Berliner Weisse Release Tractor Brewing - All locations You asked for a sour and now you got one! Hitting your taste buds like spring allergies, the Blueberry Berliner will be available on tap everywhere
Fri 5 – 8 PM Honky Tonk for Hope, Health and Healing Dirty Bourbon Dance Hall & Saloon, 9800 Montgomery Blvd., Ste 4 Come dance the night away with us! There will be food, fun, and dancing! This fundraising event benefits Casa Esperanza! For more info, Jacob Romero 505-246-2706 or []( (tickets)
Fri 6 PM Country Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE The best country music for dancing to practice your Country Two Step, Night Club, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Cha Cha, Waltz, Rhythm Two Step, 4-count Swing, Line Dancing and more! $10 cash at the door. Welcome lesson 6:00-6:30pm. Call 505-883-9521 for more info
Fri 6 PM 'Burque Bee 2024 Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE Join us on the patio to show off your spelling chops. To give yourself an even better chance of winning, for $5 you can buy coupons like More Time (get 30 more seconds to confer), Stinger (sting your opponents!) and Help (get help from the audience). Team Registration $75. 3 people per team, limited to 12 teams (register)
Fri 6 PM Luke Bulla Concert Covenant Presbyterian Church, 9315 Candelaria Rd. NE Luke has been singing and playing music most of his life. Touring with and singing in his family band from age four, Luke has won National Fiddle Contest (in Weiser, Idaho) six times in his respective age categories. His seventh win came in the Grand Champion division at age sixteen, making him the youngest to have earned the title at the time. More recently Luke has performed and/or recorded with Brandi Carlile, Jim Lauderdale, Darrell Scott, Alison Krauss, Jerry Douglas, Sam Bush, Edgar Meyer, Bela Fleck, Kevin Costner & Modern West, Russ Barenberg Trio, Shawn Colvin, Tony Rice, Chris Thile, Peter Rowan, Rodney Crowell, and Earl Scruggs, to name a few. Doors 5:30 pm. Show 6 pm. Presented by Southwest Pickers
Fri 6 – 7:30 PM Spring Fling Dennis Chavez Elementary, 7500 Barstow St. NE Food trucks, face painters, a balloonist, a mobile petting zoo, School of Rock performances, lawn games, mini golf and a chance to dunk your principal and favorite teachers! (We could still use some extra hands to keep the event fun and seamless, if you could spare some time, sign up here)
Fri 6 – 8:30 PM Pizza Paint & Craft Night Canvas and Coffee, 6700 4th St NW, Los Ranchos Date night for Mom and Dad... Drop off the kids (6+) for a Pizza dinner, then crafting, and painting fun! Each month we will offer a theme and will have 2 projects available for your child to make and take home the same evening! The materials they will be working with will be canvas painting, crafting with wood, beads, ribbon, mod podge, glue, acrylic paint, watercolors, and more! *Children with special dietary needs will need to bring their own snack/meal (tickets)
Fri 7 PM Group Therapy Band Marble Brewery, 111 Marble Ave NW Come dance your jitters away while listening to soothing music to calm a nervous world
Fri 7 PM Roust the House + Rock 101 Music Academy Performance Night Outpost Performance Space, 210 Yale Blvd. SE Roust the House and Rock 101 Music Academy return for another exciting season of performances featuring local teen bands and soloists, from punk rock to classical piano to singer-songwriters, hip hoppers, spoken word artists, and more, including The Hunnies, a Rock 101 alumni band, and other talented up-and-coming musicians. Tonight’s show features winners of Rock 101’s Band League Challenge and more. Founded in 2011 by Director Kevin Herig, Rock 101 Music Academy is a year-round program for musicians as young as 4 years old through their teen years featuring one on one and group lessons, band mentoring, and more (tickets)
Fri 7 – 9 PM Tacos & Rides Truck Night Cafe Bella Coffee, 2604 Violeta Cir SE, Rio Rancho Join us for a night where trucks reign supreme. Roll in with your ride—whether it's lifted, lowered, or custom-built. All trucks welcome! Showcase your pride and joy. Connect & Converse: Swap stories and ideas with fellow truck and auto enthusiasts. Savor: Bite into delicious street tacos and chill out with good eats. Safety First: Courtesy presence by Rio Rancho Police for a safe, fun evening. Drive in, hang out, and fuel your passion for trucks at NM's longest-running automotive meet. Let's keep the wheels turning and the tacos grilling!
Fri 7 – 10 PM Ulthar Sister, 407 Central Ave NW This Bay Area band is sowing the seeds of planetary entropy by way of horrifying blacked cosmic death metal (tickets)
Fri 7 – 10 PM Galactic Funk Star Wars Party w/ Kaleido Tractor Brewing - Westside, 5720 McMahon Blvd. NW Come celebrate Star Wars weekend with killer tunes from the always amazing DJ Kaleido!
Fri 8 – 11 PM First Fridays w/ DJ Flo Fader Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE He's just too good to not have in Nob Hill at least once a month. Come jam out with one of NM's absolute BEST DJs and kick off your weekend with FLO FADER!
Fri 8:30 PM – 12 AM 1st Fridays SBKZ Alley Kats Tap Company, 219 Truman St. NE Joining the Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, and Zouk dance communities has been a blast! Please join us as we welcome ABQ resident DJ Karla of Metta Dance Collective and welcome back world renowned Ry’el of Zenzouk for another amazing social! Theme: Sparkles -- Let’s sparkle and shine with gratitude for having Ry’el and Rachel with us the last 3 going on 4 months! There will be 2 ROOMS! Room 1: Salsa & Bachata. Room 2: Zouk & Kizomba. Music by DJ Karla - Room 1, DJ Yaz - Room 2. $10 Cover: Cash/Venmo/Cashapp accepted. Snacks and drinks provided
Fri 9 PM The Millennium Video Music Dance Party -“Barbie Prom” Sunshine Theater, 120 Central Ave NW Get ready for a night of electrifying nostalgia Millennium Video Music Dance Party presents the ultimate “Barbie Prom” extravaganza, unlike anything you've experienced before! Brace yourself for the most sensational, dazzling, and downright iconic 90s and 2000s Video Music Dance Party to ever grace our town! Picture this: a world that exudes the glamour, glitz, energy, of your very own Barbie dream world. Prepare to be dazzled into a shimmering oasis of pink, glitter, and all things fabulous. Whether you're channeling the chic sophistication of Barbie herself or embracing the edgy coolness of Ken, this is your chance to shine like never before! Dance the night away to the biggest hits from the 90s and 2000s, (100% Music videos) curated to perfection to keep you grooving all night. Think Beyonce, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, Pitbull, One Direction, Kesha, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, Eminem, 50 Cent, Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas, Flo Rida, Britney Spears…. and beyond – Get ready to strike a pose at our dedicated Barbie Prom photo-booth, make memories that are guaranteed to last for years to come (tickets)
Fri 9 – 11:30 PM LoPhat Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Dance to Live Music by one of ABQ's top R&B-flavored bands! From the Caribbean to Baltimore, from Detroit to El Paso, from the Pacific Islands to ABQ… with this melting pot of soul, rhythms, experience, and passion, there isn’t a “skool” that isn’t represented! LoPhat believes there is something to be learned from every soul that crosses your path. This way of thinking has given them the ability to incorporate and masterfully execute most genres of music and makes them a class all their own. Surpassing all “Variety Bands” with more listening choices than your radio, this band is sure to have something even the most skeptical listeners will enjoy. Founded in 2023, this band has gained a committed following. In their first year they have already played for Sandia Casino, CABQ, NM State Fair, Gathering of Nations, Ohkay Casino, Route 66 Casino, and so many more! LoPhat is set to release their first album in 2024 showcasing their melding of different cultures to bring you “feel good” music in a way that seems so familiar yet so new! (tickets)
Fri 9 PM – 1:30 AM Back in the Day: A First Friday Experience Backstage at Revel, 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE DJs Gonzo Supreme and Clout will be spinning all your favorite 90s and 2000s Hip Hop & R&B hits and more! 21+ (tickets)
Fri 9 PM – 1:30 AM Callaita Fridays Salt Yard West, 3700 Ellison Dr. NW Get ready for an unforgettable night as DJs Julio & Soiree take the outdoor stage, promising an electrifying journey into Latin music. Let the pulsating rhythms and contagious energy sweep you away as you dance under the stars. This 21+ event guarantees an atmosphere where you can fully embrace the rhythm without inhibition. Whether you're a seasoned Reggaeton enthusiast or simply looking for a night of unparalleled fun and excitement, this event promises an experience like no other! (tickets)
Fri 10:30 PM – 12:15 AM OMEN - the debut haunting psychedelic feature by Belgian-Congolese musican/artist Baloji The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE Check out the trailer. Dir. Baloji - 2024 - 90m - Democratic Republic of Congo, Netherlands, Belgium - In French, Swahli, Lingala, English with subtitles. After spending years in Belgium, Koffi (Marc Zinga), a young Congolese man, returns to his birthplace of Kinshasa to confront his family and homeland culture. Secrecy and sorcery erupt when a nosebleed is mistaken for a curse, and Koffi is shunned from his family. Using magical realism to paint a portrait of “undesirables” and “sorcerers,” OMEN delves into the intricacies of identity, culture, and belief systems through a deeply rich and visually captivating lens (tickets)
** Sat 5/4 ** -- Star Wars Day
Sat 8 AM May Volunteer Clean Up Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale Blvd. SE Mustard is running rampant! We'll focus on doing what we can to address those weeds. Please dress to protect yourself from the strong Southwest sun. Wear sunscreen, a hat, long pants and shirts, sturdy shoes. Bring tools and gloves to garden, we'll provide the trash bags, water and snacks
Sat 8 – 11 AM Rigs & Coffee Pinon Coffee House, 4545 Alameda Blvd. Get ready for a unique automotive experience! This gathering is all about celebrating the spirit of adventure and the love for off-road vehicles
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM OPENING DAY! 6718 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Los Ranchos WE'RE BACK! Come kick off the opening day of the regular season of the Los Ranchos Art Market! Plenty of parking and open space for all! Free entry! Pet friendly! Bring your family and friends to kick off the season and pick out that special mom a beautiful high quality hand made gift by our local artists!
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, Every Saturday! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-Apr to early-Nov. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 8:30 AM Workout Fun in the Park! 9709 Layton Ave NE Join BFit505 for a fun community workout! Wear your walking/running shoes, a workout clothes. All ages, all fitness levels. Just $5 drop in to the park!
Sat 9 AM Cinco De Mayo Celebration Osuna Nursery, 501 Osuna Rd. NE Celebrate Cinco de Mayo early with a full day of celebration! You'll find: • chips & salsa • a special mix from DJ Everedy of Red Sapphire Entertainment • Osuna University 'Planting for Pollinators' with local author and landscape designer Judith Phillips from 11am-12pm. It's the perfect opportunity to brighten up your own celebrations with beautiful blooms and gorgeous serving-ware including artisan talavera
Sat 9 AM – 1 PM Herb Day 2024 Sonia Masocco Phytotherapy, 11930 Menaul Blvd NE, Ste 109 This is our Annual Herb Day Open House & Medicinal Plant Sale. Come visit your local herbal apothecary, mingle with like minded people, purchase your plants for your medicinal or aromatic garden or just come and have a cup of tea with us. This event is free, for all ages with parking lot access
Sat 9 AM – 4 PM La Cueva Band Booster Club Annual Spring Craft Fair La Cueva High School, Perfect time to pick up a unique Mother's Day gift from over 140 artists and vendors!
Sat 9 AM – 6 PM Heels & Wheels - Women's Ride Day! Indian Motorcycle, 4509 Alameda Blvd. NE Ladies, we invite you to come out and ride your bike! Ride on your own, with your significant other, with friends or find some riding partners at the event. You set your pace and ride your ride. We will be at Indian Motorcycle 9am - 11am. Grab some food and some coffee or tea at the trucks on site. Check out all the sales on bikes and gear before or after you stop by registration in the back. We will have a few stations and tables set up that we would love for you to check out. There will be some trivia at the end location for some giveaways. You will be provided a wrist band and a list of participating businesses with their addresses and hours of operation so you can plan your ride. make it a day, make it fun, stop and have lunch but visit as many of the businesses as you like. You will be collecting beads from each business you visit. These beads will only be given to a female who has a wrist band, but all are welcome to ride. Many of the businesses will have their own party going on to celebrate this day with you. Stop in and support these local businesses and collect your beads. Bring all those beads to Hops Brewery, 7222 4th St NW, Los Ranchos between 3pm-6pm. Trade them in for free raffle tickets that you can use to win many great prizes we have collected from our participating businesses. Don't worry, if you didn't collect beads or need more raffle tickets we will have them on sale and everyone is welcome to purchase as many as you like. Then grab a bite and a drink. Mingle, shop some of our vendors, enjoy the giveaways, and performance by live band, Crazy Bird! They are amazing so we hope you can dance in your biker boots (tickets)
Sat 10 AM Storybook Garden Spring Planting Day Corrales Community Library, 84 W La Entrada, Corrales We will be planting the children's Storybook Garden! Beans: Calima, Provider, Rattlesnake. Cucumbers: Dragon's Egg, Mexican Sour Gherkin. Tomatoes: A Grippoli d'Inverno, Black Cherry, Brad's Crazy Cherry, Chocolate Sprinkles, Punta Bando, Rosella, Sunrise Bumble Bee, Yellow Pear. Squash: Tromconcino
Sat 10 AM – 12 PM Fourth Annual Car Show 5111 Wilshire Ave NE All are welcome to participate in our annual car show! Corvette, Porsche, Lamborghini, Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce, and more! There will be a gift basket raffle, free shirts for the first 10 cars, coffee, and snacks. PLEASE CALL SILVER STAR AUTO HAUS AT 505-881-4855 TO REGISTER YOUR CAR!
Sat 10 AM – 1 PM Eternal Bonds & Bubbles with Link x Lou Sawmill Market, 1909 Bellamah Ave NW Indulge in an intimate setting where every ticket promises an unforgettable experience, featuring a complimentary glass of house wine or mocktail (Rosé, White, Red), a curated charcuterie board available to order, and a special $40 credit towards the permanent jewelry of your choice from Link x Lou (tickets)
Sat 10 AM – 2 PM Craft Fair Second Hand Sam's Indoor Mall,1020 Veranda Drive SE, Rio Rancho Space rentals $20. For more info, call 505-544-2636
Sat 10 AM – 2 PM The 2nd & Coal Pop-up! Flyby Provisions, 201 Coal Ave SW We’re bringing the community together for a day of shopping, music, and delicious food! Get ready to explore an eclectic mix of handcrafted treasures from over 20 local vendors, showcasing their unique creations! From handmade jewelry to artisanal foods and everything in between, there’s something for everyone at our market
Sat 10 AM – 3 PM DLC Truck Parks Spring PopUp! 2520 Jefferson St. NE Come support our local vendors! Variety of fun foods and products!
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM Tracks, Tunes, & Taps: A Steam Locomotive 2926 Fundraiser Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW • Live Music by RJ Perez at noon! • One of the largest steam locomotives on the Planet! • See History Alive! See her run! Become a volunteer and work on our next project! Hear her whistle! All proceeds go toward the continued maintenance and future operations. NM Steam Locomotive and Railroad Historical Society, in charge of the operation of the historic Santa Fe Railway steam locomotive 2926 have finished renovations on this beautiful train and they'll be bringing it to the tracks next to Tractor Wells Park! Come check out this amazing piece of history and get on board!
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM Art Show Fundraiser Unity Spiritual Center, 9800 Candelaria Rd. NE Come and see the vast array of art from our local artists. Find gifts, beautiful and functional objects, and art to adorn your spaces. This is our first art show at Unity and it promises to be a good one! Our Unity EarthCare Team is hosting this art fair. Funds raised are going toward xeriscaping our property and other earth friendly efforts to save water and support pollinators. Snacks, drinks, and live music on the lawn, weather permitting. Painters, Photographers, Sculptors, Potters, Mixed Media Artists, and more have been invited
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM ABQ International Festival San Pedro, between Kathryn and Anderson A day filled with fun and festivities, including live music, kids' play area, delicious food, and local vendors!
Sat 11 AM – 1 PM Fun and Games Fundraiser ABQ Speech Language and Hearing Center (ASLHC), 9500 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Ste 215 Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of games and activities, with delicious food provided by @ withlovewaffles. A huge thank you to Eagle Credit Union for their financial support!
Sat 11 AM - 4 PM May The Fourth Be With You Sale - Biggest Sale Yet! Don’s Paperback Book Exchange, 1013 San Mateo Blvd. SE Spring has sprung and that means it’s time to have an event, folks! Let’s do a sale - a really big sale! All books and DVDs 50% off - All comics 25% off - All kids get free books too! This sale will include green label comics, CGC comics, and dollar comics
Sat 11 AM – 5 PM Mother's Day Market ABQ Food Park,6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Get ahead of the game and celebrate Mother's Day in style! Before the big day arrives, join us for a delightful pre-celebration where you can grab something special for Mom, Grandma, or that extraordinary woman in your life. Dive into a world of local craftsmanship, delicious food, live music, and outdoor fun at our enchanting outdoor venue. *Browse through the diverse offerings of local artisans *Treat yourself to a mouthwatering delight from our food trucks *Enjoy live music performed by talented local musician Joseph Velasquez *Bring the family to enjoy the festivities with some outdoor games and activities
Sat 11 AM – 7 PM Turkish Festival Raindrop Foundation, 7901 Mountain Rd. NE Festival will feature exquisite samples of Turkish- Mediterranean Cuisine (Doner Gyro Kebab, Baklava, Turkish Coffee and more), cultural exhibits, folk dances, children's area, arts & crafts and more! You do not want to miss this family event that everyone will find something to enjoy! Admission is FREE and the event is open to the public
Sat 11 AM – 10 PM Star Wars Day Celebration Slice and Dice Pizzeria, 2225 Wyoming Blvd. NE From 1-2 pm, stormtroopers from NM's 501st Legion will be available for photos. Throughout the day, we will have teach-and-play for Star Wars miniatures games (Legion and Shatterpoint), as well as the hottest game in the galaxy: Star Wars: The Card Game. Come dressed in your favorite Star Wars fit or gear for a free churro!
Sat 12 PM Free Comic Book Day Age of Comics, 3700 Osuna Rd. NE, Ste 513 We are excited to announce Andy Kuhn and Mark Fenton will be signing in store!
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 18:20 awwdear Using old glasses when I'm working on a computer - bad or good idea?

I've recently got new glasses because I've noticed that I can't see subtitles in a cinema, bus numbers, etc. well in my old ones (of course, it was better than with no glasses, but I still had to squint a bit even with glasses on). It turned out that my eyesight has gotten worse by about a diopter in the last six years (I'm 26).
My old prescription (six years ago): Right: - 0,75; cylinder -0,50 Left: - 1,5; cylinder -0,25
My new prescription: Right: -1,75; cylinder -0,50 Left: -2,75; cylinder -0,25
I see well in my new glasses, of course I have to adjust since the difference is quite big but no dizziness, headaches etc. The only problem is I spend 8+ hours a day working on a computer. It's a laptop but when I'm home I put it on a stand and use a separate keyboard so it works like a PC, a couple of days a week I work from a cafe or a library and then I use it as a regular laptop.
My new glasses seem kind of too strong for this type of distance. When I wear them I see clearly but I feel like the monitor is too bright, if it makes sense. But when I don't wear any glasses at all, the letters on the screen are slightly blurred, as if they were not black enough. When I use my laptop like a PC, I can't work without glasses at all, when I use it like a laptop, theoretically I can, but my eyesight gets tired (it's a matter of the difference between the eyes: when I cover my right eye, I can't see anything on the screen, so it's the right eye has to do all the work)
My new glasses are supposed to be good for computer work because they have anti-fatigue lenses (the lenses have an addition of +0,50 diopter at the bottom) but I only really feel this effect when I look on my smartphone. The computer screen is too far away for me to be constantly looking downwards.
I noticed that I feel much better when I use my old glasses for computer work, but the optometrist who prescribed me new glasses said that I should wear them all the time, especially at the beginning, to adjust to the new prescription because there is a significant change.
I've also read conflicting information and now I'm totally confused: does wearing your full myopia prescription for computer work cause myopia progression? I don't mind being myopic and wearing glasses/contacts, but I don't want my vision to get much worse than it already is.
submitted by awwdear to myopia [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 02:58 tunicsandleggimgs15 In nearby Chester, VA (a Richmond suburb) the Cinema Cafe has open caption (on-screen subtitles) screenings.

In nearby Chester, VA (a Richmond suburb) the Cinema Cafe has open caption (on-screen subtitles) screenings.
Today made the discovery that this theater has open caption screenings at its Chester location (the other locations in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach do not have open captions). No idea when they started doing this; there's no information on their facebook page about it. Here's a few sample listings showing the new OC screenings.

submitted by tunicsandleggimgs15 to rva [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 03:12 SphinxChan Fun anime to watch with a toddler (besides the obvious like Pokemon)?

I have a 2 and a half year old that I've been introducing to cutesy easy-going anime for fun so we can watch it together sometimes. He doesn't mind if it's subtitled so no worries on keeping it dubbed. I have Crunchyroll, HiDive, and Hulu/Disney Plus.
So far he's liked Mitchiri Neko, Bananya, and he watched Mr. Villain's Day Off with me which led to us watching Polar Bear's Cafe cause he wanted more Pandas. lol We also liked Shangri-La Frontier but already finished it and just waiting for the next season. Also currently watching the latest One Piece.
He seems to like anything with cutesy animals in it though I'm curious if there is any anime with cars that he would enjoy as well.
submitted by SphinxChan to anime [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 04:21 EclipseGothic4 Cleo, Rikki, Emma, and Others Reimaged

These characters are essentially the old cast made new different and original yet have the same essence as the characters we love or hate. Now with these characters, I wanted more depth and growth because we’ve labeled them Cleo with her title as the “Innocent” or Rikki as the “Rebel”. Plus they didn’t expand the characters that much but there was potential they just didn’t go for it.
Now audience, who do ship together or what kind of relationship do you wish they have? Do you want them to have siblings or family members? What other information do you want more from or what do you want to add? What do you like and dislike about the characters?
New Character Profiles:
Mia Di Salvo (Cleo Sertori)
Pronouns: She/ Her
Age: 16
Date of Birth: February 25 (Pisces)
Ethnicity: Italian
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality Type: INFJ
Languages known: English, Italian, and Spanish
Job: Volunteer at the Aquarium Science Center- educating visitors about marine life/ helping with animal care/ assisting in research projects
Craft Store Employee
Photography & Crochet Side Hustle- emphasizing coastal landscapes and marine life/ handmade crochet items inspired by the ocean/ seashell-patterned blankets/ sea creature plushies/ intricate seashell jewelry
Aesthetic: Bohemian
Fears: Stage Fright/ Public Speaking/ Helplessness/ Forgotten/ Becoming too Narcissistic
Flaws: Overly- Sensitive/ Irrational/ Escapist
Mia is sweet and shy but when angry she'll cuss like a sailor
Mia and Owen first met at the Aquarium Science Center
They are going to tell Mia's mom first and the only parent that knows they're hybrids
Mia comes from a witch family from her mom's side and doesn't know that she is a witch and her mom too, plus that her mom is an Italian heiress
She's a gifted pianist
Mia Di Salvo is a remarkable teenage girl who embodies a unique blend of kindness, intelligence, and a strong sense of responsibility.
This strong sense of duty naturally positions her as a leader among her friends, even if she doesn't actively seek out leadership roles.

Lexi Foster (Rikki Chadwick)
Pronouns: She/ They
Age: 17
Date of Birth: November 21 (Scorpio)
Ethnicity: African
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality Type: ISTP
Languages known: English and Swahili
Job: Family-Owned Auto Center- Mechanical Engineer Prodigy/ Diagnosis and Repairs/Vehicle customization/ Motorcycle Specialist/ Automotive Design
Aesthetic: Grunge
Fear: Abandonment/ Losing her Independence/ Not being Accepted/ Being Common/ Physically Helplessness
Flaws: Secretive/ Withdrawn with certain characters/ Sour
Lexi was adopted by American parents, at first her mom didn't want her yet her dad did but she then came to love Lexi.
She is an African born with natural blonde hair
Lexi follows African culture along with her grandmother figure and still follows it even when Lexi moves to New Zealand
Lexi was born and lived in South Africa but her family moved to New Zealand due to her dad inheriting his godfather's well-established auto center when Lexi was 13
Lexi's a mechanical prodigy
Lexi Foster is a teenage girl with a rebellious spirit that`s impossible to ignore.
She's fiercely independent and lives life on her terms.
Lexi is known for her carefree attitude, often speaking her mind without filtering her thoughts for the sake of others' feelings.
Her stubbornness is legendary, and once she sets her mind on something, there's no changing it.
Lexi comfortably embraces her feminine side while also wholeheartedly diving into her tomboyish interests.
Sarcasm is her second language, and she has a quick and sharp wit that she employs liberally.
Lexi may struggle with empathy in romantic relationships but could find someone who appreciates her complexity and supports her in both her tomboyish and feminine sides.

Olivia Larsen (Emma Gilbert)
Pronouns: She/ Her
Age: 17
Date of Birth: September 8 (Virgo)
Ethnicity: Denmark
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality Type: INTJ
Languages known: English and Norwegian
Job: Equestrian Ranch- Grooming/ Feeding/ Exercising the Horses/ Basic Veterinary Care/ Mucking out Stalls/ Preparing Equipment/ Managing feeding schedules/ Stable Management
Sewing Side Hustle- Custom Creations/ Saddle pads/ Horse Show Attire/ Bridle bags/ Saddle covers/
Leg wraps
Aesthetic: Coastal Grandmother
Fear: Losing Control/ Failure/ Being Physically Helpless or Illness/ Uncertainty/ Misunderstood
Flaws: Self-Critical/ Nervous/ Fault - Finding
Olivia has lesbian moms and she knows about her sperm donor who works at the Equestrian Ranch, plus is viewed as an uncle
Both Olivia and Penelope first met each other at the Equestrian Ranch
She's an avid Equestrian rider
Mother1 is a marine ecologist who specializes in the conservation of coastal ecosystems.
Mother 2 is a skilled boat builder and sailor. She owns a small boat-building business, where she designs and constructs custom sailing vessels
Favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Olivia is a minimalist, she thrives in an organized and clutter-free environment, where everything has its designated place.
While this attention to detail can drive those around her to the brink of frustration, Olivia's intentions are genuine – she cares deeply for others and is always eager to lend a helping hand.
Her anxiety tends to spike when situations spiral out of control, but this also fuels her determination to set things right.
Olivia's penchant for organization can make her a bit of a neat freak, and she's quick to worry when things spiral out of control.
Despite these tendencies, Olivia is genuinely caring and always strives to be helpful to those around her.
Embrace a sense of adventure by exploring coastal regions, discovering hidden beaches, or visiting seaside towns; while doing it on horseback

Penelope Becker (Charlotte Watsford)
Pronouns: She/ Her
Age: 16
Date of Birth: June 6 (Gemini)
Ethnicity: Dominican(Mom) and German(Dad)
Sexuality: Bisexual Cupiosexual
Personality Type: ISTJ
Languages known: English, German, and Spanish
Job: Dad's Multi-Company Business- organizing documents, scheduling appointments, and managing email correspondence/ occasional social media management/ digital marketing/ basic accounting/ Website Maintenance/ Market Research/ Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Aesthetic: Light Academia
Fear: Being exposed as a Fraud/ Confined Spaces/ Abandonment/ Loneliness/ Criticism
Flaws: Impatient/ Anxiety/ Fidgety
Penelope was homeschooled at her father's office and only entered school until it was time to go into high school to interact with more of her peers as her father has said
She has a fashion and culinary blog
She has a mild allergy to peanuts
Her cafe order is a Cappuccino with a slice of raspberry cheesecake
She hails from a close-knit family with a unique twist; it's just her and her single father, as her mom died during childbirth
Penelope also has a cat
Penny has a fondness for underwater exploration
Her kind and friendly nature often shines through, but she privately grapples with moments of selfishness, harboring secrets of meanness and cowardice.
She can be awkward, stubborn, and shy, especially in unfamiliar social situations.
However, beneath this exterior, she is also friendly, competitive, and kind, particularly when it comes to her close friends and passions.
Her personality is a fascinating blend of these contrasting traits, making her both cryptic and relatable.
Penelope is a nail-biter
She has a habit of sketching on any available surface when inspiration strikes, whether it's on napkins, notebooks, or even her hand.

Sophia Vega (Isabella Hartley)
Pronouns: She/ Her
Age: 16
Date of Birth: May 2 (Taurus)
Ethnicity: Brazilian
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality Type: ENFP
Languages known: English and Portuguese
Job: Virtual YouTuber (VTuber)- Streams a Variety of Games/ Music Covers and Originals/ Q&A and Chill Streams/ Sharing tips/ Strategies/ Entertaining Stories while gaming
Aesthetic: Retro Hipster
Fear: Losing the people she cares about/ Deep Waters/ Betrayal/ Dread of Others/ Solitude
Flaws: Stubborn/ Close - Minded/ Impassive
Sophia likes to use chemistry and magic to create her own things
As a VTuber her followers know nothing of her true identity they don’t even know what she looks like, they only know what she puts out
She can ride a longboard
Sophia's absolute favorite activity is exploring sea caves, where she can combine her love for the ocean's mysteries with a sense of adventure. It's a thrilling and beautiful experience that allows her to connect with nature.
She's passionate about dancing and figure skating
Interested in sustainable living by incorporating eco-friendly practices into your lifestyle. Reduce waste, recycle, and support ethical and sustainable brands
Growing up in a close-knit family in the Irish countryside a family of scientists who were environmental scientists dedicated to sustainable living and preserving the planet's natural beauty
Sophia's family's frequent moves due to her parents' work
Her bubbly nature makes her approachable and easy to talk to, and her great sense of humor often adds a touch of laughter to conversations.
However, Sophia's trusting nature sometimes leads her to be a bit naïve and sometimes gets the best of her.
She can also be a bit withdrawn and sensitive at times, but she consistently maintains a positive outlook on life, believing that every setback is an opportunity for growth.
Sophia's intelligence shines in both scientific pursuits and artistic endeavors
Since Sophia was born in Ireland and her parents are Brazilian, she likely has a unique blend of accents
Given Sophia's vibrant and imaginative personality, she would most likely wish to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Owen Yong (Lewis McCartney)
Pronouns: He/ They
Age: 17
Date of Birth: January 30 (Aquarius)
Ethnicity: New Zealand/ Chinese
Sexuality: Straight Demisexual
Personality Type: INTP
Languages known: English, Chinese, and Mandarin
Job: Junior Staff member at the Aquarium Science Center- Leads Educational tours and presentations about Marine life/ Interactive Exhibits that encourage hands-on learning/ part of a team at the aquarium dedicated to Coral Reef Restoration efforts/bits of help maintain the Coral Nurseries and conducts research/ Outreach Programs/ Fishing and Marine Conservation
Tutoring- Science and Mathematics
Aesthetic: Indie
Fear: Failure/ Meaningless Life/ Lossing Passion/ Incompetence/ Out of Control with Themselves
Flaws: Distanced/ Dictatorial/ Indifferent
Owen can do programming and skateboard
He plays the violin and when his family goes to his grandparents' place in China they make him compete in violin competitions
Owen can be scary when you hurt him or anyone he cares for but he hides it so well that you wouldn't think he was capable of it
Lexi and Owen sometimes try to create new inventions
Owen's favorite pastime is fishing and snorkeling, he finds it relaxing and fulfilling. Spending time at the beach, fishing, and exploring tide pools.
In his downtime, Owen indulges in reading books, playing video games, and snorkeling in the nearby ocean.
He enjoys diving into independent films, documentaries, and literature, further feeding his curious mind.
Owen likes to collect vinyl records
Owen`s smart and reliable nature makes him the go-to person for his friends when they need assistance or advice.
Owen is that rare combination of intelligence and humility, the type of person who never flaunts his abilities but uses them to make the world a better place.
He's particularly drawn to weather analyses and recycling technologies, dedicating himself to finding sustainable solutions for the planet's challenges.
His favorite projects include designing weather analysis tools that predict local climate patterns and creating innovative recycling units that promote sustainability.
From building intricate weather prediction models to designing cutting-edge recycling units, Owen's inventions are a testament to his passion for creating a greener world.
Despite his scientific pursuits, Owen has a surprising hobby that reflects his deeper connection with the world around him
Has 1 or 2 eyebrow piercings
He also tends to talk to himself while working and carries a small notebook around to jot down any interesting ideas or observations that come to mind

Xavier Meyer (Zane Bennett)
Pronouns: He/ Him
Age: 17
Date of Birth: April 19 (Aires)
Ethnicity: German(Dad)/ British(Mom)
Sexuality: Neptunic Demisexual
Personality Type: ESTP
Languages known: English and German
Job: Seaside Café- Waite Taking orders/ Serving food/ Finances/ Marketing/ Inventory/ Cafe Management/ Recipes Creations/ Social Media
Aesthetic: Urbancore
Fear: Losing the People He Cares About/ Losing Sense of Independence & Individuality/ Rejection/ Intimacy & Emotional Depth/ Abandonment
Flaws: Insecure/ Jealousy/ Combative
Xavier works at a seaside cafe where the whole bad & rich boy façade is unknown and his usual group of friends don't go and know about the cafe
Xavier's mom died in a car crash when he was little
He visits his mother's grave every so often
At first, Xavier used to be a good dad but when his mom, just wasn't there for Xavier but still cared
The Cafe where Xavier works is run and owned by an elderly couple with a 7 year old daughter who has a big brother and little sister relationship with Xavier
Xavier is an adrenaline junkie at heart
Xavier might come across as the stereotypical rich, bad boy with an obnoxious demeanor upon the first encounter, but beneath that exterior lies a vibrant and passionate individual.
He projects an air of confidence and arrogance as a shield to keep people at arm`s length, protecting himself from getting hurt.
However, once you break through his façade, you'll find an energetic, enthusiastic, and outgoing young man who is driven by a strong sense of justice.
He is fiercely loyal to those he cares about and will go to great lengths to support and protect them.
Despite the financial comfort, he prefers to keep a low profile at school, not wanting to be treated differently because of his family's wealth.
Despite his loyalty, he sometimes can be overly protective, which can lead to him being possessive or controlling.

Rowan Quinn (Ash Dove)
Pronouns: Them/ He
Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 5 (Sagittarius)
Ethnicity: Australian
Sexuality: Pansexual or Bisexual
Personality Type: INFP
Languages known: English
Job: Family-owned Restaurant and Bakery- Customer Service/ Preparing ingredients/ Baking Pastries/ Occasionally whipping up Special Desserts/ Go-to Baker
Equestrian Ranch- Feeding/ Grooming/ Tending to the Horses/ Mending Fences/ Helping with the Day-to-Day Operations/ Assist with Organizing Trail Rides
Aesthetic: Rustic
Fear: Being Confined or Trapped/ Losing Sense of Freedom/ Deep Waters/ Dying/ Not being Accepted
Flaws: Impulsive/ Inconsiderate/ Overly - Confident
Rowan can ride a horse well but wants to be a pastry chef
Rowan is friendly but at the same time closed off
The Equestrian Ranch (where both Olivia & Penelope go) is owned by Rowan's uncle and Rowan himself has lived there since when he was 11 his parents died due to sinking into the bottom of the ocean from a submarine
Rowan was first born in Australia but then moved to New Zealand due to the death of his parents
On the ranch, there are several dogs, cats, and of course horses, all of whom Ash considers his companions and friends
Rowan is allergic to shellfish
He keeps a journal where he writes poetry and thoughts about his conflicts and emotions
However, he can sometimes come across as flaky and blunt in his interactions with others, unintentionally letting his mind wander even during conversations.
This independent streak can sometimes make him appear flaky as he may drop plans on a whim to chase something new and exciting.
He's also known for his bluntness in interactions, often saying exactly what's on his mind, even if it's not what others expect to hear.
Rowan considers himself an ambivert.
These are a few of Rowan's favorite books, The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis & The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Favorite Class is English and elective is Photography

Caleb Page (Will Benjamin)
Pronouns: He/ Him
Age: 17
Date of Birth: October 12 (Libra)
Ethnicity: French
Sexuality: Gay
Personality Type: ISFJ
Languages known: English and French
Job: Volunteer at the Aquarium Science Center- Educating visitors about Marine Life/ Assisting with Caring for the Animals/ Maintaining the Exhibits
Lifeguard- Water Safety/ Rescue/ CP First Aid
Aesthetic: Ocean Academia
Fear: Losing Loved Ones/ Wasting Life/ Intimacy & Emotional Depth/ Commitment/Social Consequences
Flaws: Indecisive/ TrIvial/ Careless
Caleb knows how to fight and fly a plane
When free diving and underwater exploration he documents of sorts of species
In his free time, he enjoys reading adventure novels and sketching.
Cafe order is a large cup of black coffee, a butter croissant, or a slice of New York Cheesecake
He's also a photographer, capturing the beauty of marine life and landscapes from wherever he travels with his family
Caleb's favorite book is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown being a top pick
Caleb's father high-ranking officer, often stationed in different parts of the world
Caleb's mother is a military nurse and aviation engineer
He has a small tattoo of a sea turtle on his right wrist
Deeply caring and sweet teenager.
Prioritizes others' needs and well-being.
Shows thoughtfulness and empathy, making him a trusted friend.
Shows love and support through warm smiles, kind words, and acts of kindness.
Known for his absentmindedness, leading to amusing situations.
Struggles with time management and forgetfulness.
Can be deeply engrossed, causing emotional energy and miscommunications.
Struggles with balancing his professional and personal life due to his work dedication.
submitted by EclipseGothic4 to JustAddWater [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 13:52 experienceqatar The Ultimate Adventure: Exploring Qatar's Sand Dunes on Tour

Nestled in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar offers a myriad of experiences for adventure seekers and culture enthusiasts alike. Among its most captivating attractions are the majestic sand dunes that stretch across the desert landscape. Embarking on a sand dunes tour in Qatar promises an unforgettable adventure filled with thrills, natural beauty, and cultural immersion. In this article, we'll delve into the ultimate experience of exploring Qatar's sand dunes on tour, highlighting the top things to do, must-visit places, and the exhilarating Desert Safari Qatar.
Discovering the Wonders of Qatar's Sand Dunes
Qatar's expansive desert terrain is a sight to behold, characterized by towering sand dunes that rise and fall in mesmerizing patterns. Exploring these dunes on a guided tour unveils a world of natural wonders and cultural treasures. Whether you're an adrenaline junkie craving excitement or a nature lover seeking tranquility, there's something for everyone amidst Qatar's sand dunes.
Desert Safari Qatar: A Thrilling Adventure
No visit to Qatar is complete without experiencing the thrill of a Desert Safari Qatar. This exhilarating adventure takes you on a journey through the pristine desert landscape, where you can witness the beauty of the golden sands and immerse yourself in traditional Bedouin culture. From adrenaline-pumping dune bashing to serene sunset camel rides, Desert Safari Qatar offers an array of experiences that capture the essence of Qatar's desert heritage.
Top Things to Do on a Sand Dunes Tour
  1. Dune Bashing: Hold on tight as skilled drivers navigate the steep slopes and valleys of Qatar's sand dunes in a thrilling off-road adventure known as dune bashing. Feel the rush of adrenaline as your 4x4 vehicle tackles the challenging terrain, providing an exhilarating ride like sand dunes tour.
  2. Camel Riding: Experience the timeless charm of desert travel with a camel ride across the dunes. Let these gentle giants carry you through the tranquil desert landscape as you soak in the breathtaking views and serenity of the surroundings.
  3. Sandboarding: Strap on a sandboard and glide down the sandy slopes for an adrenaline-fueled adventure. Sandboarding offers an exciting way to experience the thrill of surfing or snowboarding amidst the dunes, making it a favorite activity for thrill-seekers of all ages.
  4. Sunset Watching: Witness the mesmerizing beauty of the desert as the sun sets over the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange, pink, and gold. Capture the magical moment on camera or simply sit back and savor the tranquility of the desert at dusk.
Places to Visit in Qatar
  1. Sealine Beach Resort: Located along the shores of the Arabian Gulf, Sealine Beach Resort offers a luxurious retreat amidst the desert landscape. Spend a day relaxing on the pristine beach, indulge in water sports activities, or embark on a desert safari excursion to explore the nearby sand dunes.
  2. Souq Waqif: Immerse yourself in Qatar's vibrant culture and heritage at Souq Waqif, a bustling marketplace renowned for its traditional architecture, lively atmosphere, and eclectic array of shops and stalls. Browse through handicrafts, spices, textiles, and souvenirs, and sample authentic Qatari cuisine at the many restaurants and cafes lining the streets.
  3. Katara Cultural Village: Discover Qatar's rich cultural heritage at Katara Cultural Village, a sprawling complex that showcases art, music, theater, and cuisine from around the world. Explore art galleries, attend live performances, or simply stroll along the picturesque waterfront promenade, taking in the stunning views of the Arabian Gulf.
Exploring Qatar's sand dunes on tour is a truly unforgettable experience that combines adventure, natural beauty, and cultural immersion in the heart of the desert. From thrilling Desert Safari Qatar adventures to serene camel rides and sandboarding excursions, there's no shortage of excitement amidst the golden sands of Qatar. Whether you're seeking adrenaline-pumping thrills or peaceful moments of contemplation, a sand dunes tour in Qatar with experience qatar promises to be the ultimate adventure of a lifetime. So pack your sense of adventure and embark on a journey to discover the wonders of Qatar's desert landscape.
submitted by experienceqatar to u/experienceqatar [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 15:40 TheGaz Visiting the Hello Kitty Cafe in Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow, Scotland; no dialog, commentary in subtitles

Visiting the Hello Kitty Cafe in Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow, Scotland; no dialog, commentary in subtitles submitted by TheGaz to HelloKitty [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 15:39 TheGaz Visiting the Hello Kitty Cafe in Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow, Scotland: no dialog, commentary in subtitles

Visiting the Hello Kitty Cafe in Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow, Scotland: no dialog, commentary in subtitles submitted by TheGaz to Scotland [link] [comments]