Kisah main isteri orang di pejabat

Tuah & Tuha (the origin)

2024.06.01 05:58 Danielfaris2001 Tuah & Tuha (the origin)

Tuah & Tuha (the origin)
"Aku mahu engkau mendapat kelebihan yang sama sepertiku. Aku memerlukan rakan bagi menghadapi ancaman ke atasku. Engkau dan aku, kita sama-sama dari zaman silam yang tidak difahami orang-orang hari ini. Kita berdua wajar bekerjasama. Saling menguatkan," kata Raja Ong Maha Perita Deria atau Raja Bersiong.
"Tiada siapa yang mampu memberikan mudarat tanpa keizinan Allah subhanahu wa taala. Tiada makhluk lebih berkuasa daripada-Nya. Musibah dan ujian, bala dan bencana, datang hanya daripada-Nya," kata Nirnama.
Antara novel yang disarankan dibeli semasa PBAKL 2024.
Kisah prekuel atau permulaan jilid 1 dalam novel Nirnama: Himpunan Hikayat Tanah Semenanjung.
Sebuah antologi kisah saga permulaan (origin saga story) watak-watak legenda Melayu oleh Hilal Asyraf.
Latar masa beberapa puluh tahun sebelum jilid 1 membawa kita mendalami kisah hidup setiap watak dari kecil sehingga dewasa seperti Laksamana Jebat, Tuah, Tuha, Puteri Gunung Ledang, Sang Kelembai, Puteri Santubong & Sejinjang sebelum penceritaan dalam jilid 1.
Kisah hidup yang penuh hasutan jenayah, tipu muslihat, helah cinta, konspirasi, perbalahan, pengkhianatan, pembunuhan dan konflik ideologi membawa saat pengisytiharan perang antara kerajaan Semutar Putih di Melaka dengan kerajaan Indera Kayangan berhampiran Segenting Kra (Ayutthaya) bersama-sama para pengamal sihir. Helah-helah digunakan membuatkan banyak kerajaan di Tanah Semenanjung tunduk atau tewas kepada Indera Kayangan.
Sejarah peristiwa di Tanah Semenanjung diceritakan dengan lebih jelas sebagai kronologi.
Dapatkan segera di Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (PBAKL) di PWTC atau melalui Shopee Hilal Asyraf Resources.
submitted by Danielfaris2001 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:39 ajeb22 Community Sharing - Now is probably the best time to start playing Yugioh in Indonesia

Community Sharing - Now is probably the best time to start playing Yugioh in Indonesia
Bikin tulisan ini karena lg gabut siapa tau bisa ngembangin Komunitas
  1. Apa itu Yugioh?
Harusnya orang2 udah tau lah ya kartun kita zaman kecil ini, yugioh adalah permainan kartu anak2 yang seringnya dimainkan oleh orang dewasa karena termasuk kompleks. Yang membuat yugioh berbeda dengan card game lain adalah permainan yugioh sangat cepat karena hampir tidak ada limit jumlah play yg dilakukan dengan satu turn, dan jumlah kartu yg sudah mencalai belasan ribu sehingga banyak combo yg dapat kamu lakukan
  1. Bagaimana kondisi komunitas Yugioh di Indonesia?
Yugioh di indonesia baru official sejak tahun lalu (april 2023) dan sekarang kondisinya masih terus berkembang. Jumlah player resmi yg tercatat ada sejumlah 1000 player dan player aktif ada at least 256 terbukti dari kmrn (foto 4) tournament yg diadakan berkuota 256 orang dan slot turnamennya langsung penuh dalam kurun waktu 1 jam
Sayangnya halangan terbesar untuk berkembangnya komunitas ini adalah karena indonesia terlalu luas dan tidak semua daerah bisa ada komunitas atau toko official
  1. Kenapa sekarang waktu mulai terbaik?
Pertama-tama yugioh di indonesia dibagi 2 format, Format Asia English dimana kamu harus bermain dengan kartu OCG (istilah untuk kartu yg dirilis di asia) bahasa inggris dan OCG JP yg dimana kamu bisa bermain dengan kartu bahasa jepang maupun inggris
Di Format Asia English konami baru saja merilis product bernama deck salamangreat sanctum (foto 2), yg dimana dengan membeli 3 produk ini dan membuat dengan dari situ maka decknya sudah cukup kuat untuk turnamen sehingga cocok untuk pemula. Format ini lebih newbie friendly karena kartunya bisa terbaca (bahasa inggris) dan card pool yg lebih sedikit. Sayangnya produk ini lagi sold out dimana2 jadi mesti nunggu restock katanya minggu dpn
Di Format JP konami akan merilis tactical try deck tgl 8 nanti (foto 1 & 3), yg ini lebih bagus lagi karena cukup dengan membeli 1 maka decknya sudah siap main di turnamen lengkap dengan kartu pendukungnya. Ada juga tuh 1 deck waifu (live twin, deck vtuber x phantom thief) buat kalian pencinta waifu. Kekurangan di format ini adalah kartunya rata bhs jpn jadi mesti hafal/rajin tanya lawan dan pemainnya rata2 udah veteran
  1. Bagaimana cara bergabung
Untuk komunitasnya sendiri paling aktif di FB, bisa cari Yugioh Duelist Indonesia (YDI) situ isinya rata2 sih jual beli tp ga masalah kalau mau tanya2. Untun cara tempat paling deket dengan kalian ada aplikasi namana Neuron ada di play store, disitu kalau pilih region indonesia kalian bisa liat2 mana toko terdekat dengan kalian dan kapan turnamen diadakan. Tinggal datang pas ada turnamen dan bilang aja ke judge (biasanya dia ikut turnamennya) kalian pingin bljr main dan rata2 sih friendly kok mau ngajarin (ya mereka makin banyak orang main makin banyak dpt duid jd pasti seneng jg)
submitted by ajeb22 to indowibu [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:01 No_Pomegranate7134 How many foreign tourists are ignorant of the rules / guidelines (even laws) or blatantly disregarding social etiquette & cultural customs in Italy that is deemed disrespectful by the locals?

I can only speak about Japan, it's getting bad in regards to over-tourism. For instance in Kyoto, there was a tourist acting like a some sort of 'wannabe' papparazzi bothering the Geisha walking around, she was reprimanded by another tourist saying that it's rude (rightly so) as the Geisha was just trying her best to not interfere as she's working. You can't do that, as Geisha are humans like everybody else, they don't like to be bothered by unruly tourists up close.
(Plus Japan has strict privacy laws about posting a photo portrait of someone's face up close without their permission on social media, as you can actually get sued for breaching their right to privacy.)
The thing is that Japan has unspoken rules (even for the slightest ones) including etiquette that may not cross over to Western culture, which is why Western tourists often fail to understand or completely disregard it, since they think "It's Asia, who gives a damn!" but that kind of mentality of them thinking it's okay to do stuff Japan deems inappropriate is just crazy.
(A traveler has to be culturally aware of where they are in the world regardless of the country they are currently in, there are mannerisms that are acceptable in their home country but frowned upon in foreign land.)
Apart from Westerners, tourists from both China and South Korea frequently travel to Japan, due to their geographical proximity to their home countries. However there are mannerisms from their own country that aren't tolerated in Japan. (i.e. spitting on the floor)
I swear, what attracts tourists is: video games, anime & pokemon! It's one of the biggest reasons why they end up bringing a empty suitcase to only fill it with nothing but snacks, games, QoL items from Japan.
It's disgusting when tourists in Kyoto (especially in Gion or the Geisha district) are acting like paparazzi whenever they spot a Geisha or Maiko, constantly invading their space approaching up so close, that is so rude! pretending as if they are celebrities or actresses, they ask the question on "can I take photo of you" with the attitude of "I want your autograph!" Its ridiculous!
[Japanese news segment talking about trash (or food scraps) left on the floor by tourists after visiting Gion and Kyoto despite bins present in the area!] with some of them eating while walking, which is frowned upon in Japan. As a manager from one of the stores showed photos from the last time tourists were present as 3 bins shown are full and clogged, thus giving tourists an incentive to litter leaving trash on the floor!
Even in other parts of the city, tourists leave empty bottles of soju including other beverages out in the street and pavement! Not being bothered to clean up after themselves.
There are even cases of tourists harassing them, pulling their hair, putting out cigarette butts on their kimonos or tearing their attire, it's bad! To the point the local government in Kyoto restricted (but didn't ban) tourist presence within private roadways.
They deter tourists from entering private roads where Geisha's hang out with a penality of ¥10000 (58,80 €) for trespassing, this applies to everyone - not just tourists. They should not be trespassing on private property, like at all!
Just recently, there are tourists caught trespassing on those private roads. (However the signage is working as a deterent for most, due to the fine imposed.) but like anywhere else there will be bad apples in the bunch who will of course, trespass on private property.
I mean, you can still go to Kyoto, but please... have some manners, that is what they are asking from visitors, as it's a living art museum that has been preserved for centuries to this day, which what makes Kyoto fascinating to visit in the first place.
Even though there are public streets, some of the surrounding ones are deemed private property (which tourists are unaware of.) I also hate the misinformation from "Western" media regarding a "Tourist Ban" - it's not true, you can still go there, but just comply with the rules.
A tourist was caught on video ringing a bell at Yasaka Shrine (which is used for ceremonial purposes) not for playing around, they actually barred off the rope attached to the bell since that happened. (Just because Japan is not a "Christian" country, doesn't mean you get to disrespect their culture and religion, it's gross!) Think of it as someone randomly ringing a bell at a Church in Rome randomly when it's intended to be used only during mass.
Not forgetting the issue that tourists occupy most of the available capacity in regards to public transport, the same ones locals use every day. That causes problems for local commuters, which is why there's a demand for specalized transport instead of tourists taking the regular one.
In most cases the train just passes by that station if there's insufficient space available. This also applies to restaurants too, as the queue is too long or results in longer waiting times for the locals in which they are the regular customer base, as tourists have invaded those too.
For example, in Japan: there was news coverage about tourists being careless on the roadway despite orange traffic cones and a barrier visible on the side of the road intended to dissuade them, tourists either halted incoming vehicles & traffic standing in the middle of the road (MEANT FOR CARS!) just to take a picture of Mt. Fuji. [It's stupid and dangerous if you ask me.] (I'm like: "Do they seriously want to be run over by a passing vehicle? It's a road designed for INCOMING traffic! Not a sidewalk!")
Some tourists STAND or SIT on the barrier, which is just like, why? Japan has a habit on indirectly solving any problem rather than confronting it head on, so they would rather install a fence to deter tourists rather than closing the road entirely to redirect incoming traffic, like instead of improving the infrastructre Kawaguchiko near Fuji, they just want to barricade the view. (There's even CCTV installed on a pole not far from the barrier that keeping the area under constant surveilance by cops.)
You're probably thinking "Why can't they just close the road and redirect the cars elsewhere? So the tourists can happy." It's because confrontation is frowned upon in Japan, in order to not tarnish their reputation, they instead come up with indirect and descrete approaches on providing solutions to the issue at hand i.e. such as over-tourism, it's nothing new. For example, they would put signage in Kyoto to deter or convince tourists rather than actually confronting them.
Due to Japan being a collectivist society where social harmony reigns, where you need an unanimous vote to rule in your favor without any objections from all parties in regards to decision making when talking about matters like this from a governmental or societal standpoint.
(As opposed to Europe & The West where Individualism is valued, Japan is more of "We have to do this as a team" mentality rather than "I want to do this for myself only" so that in itself is a cultural difference.)
There's more from that clip:
Tourists standing on the barrier with their own two feet, which again is not allowed. Even Japan's ministry of transportation put out a clear statement regarding implmenting countermeasures on a location you are not meant to tread on (or be jaywalking) so their solution is to "install a barrier" to deter them. But we know how that will end up, tourists still disregard the fact there's a barrier.
There's another spot where tourists now can take a picture of Fuji, it's some stairway of an overhead bridge, but people again cross the road (or jaywalk) just to reach it. Not long ago, a female tourist was run over by an incoming vehicle (due to her standing in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD) for the "instagrammable" picture of the mountain. [This happened in Kawaguchiko.]
Speaking of Kawaguchiko, the Lawsons there including Mt. Fuji are always featured on as the backdrop of every TikTok talking about tourism in Japan (alongside Kyoto) Yep, there were even 2 tourists caught jaywalking disregarding the ACTUAL pedestrian crossing. Some tourists are standing on the store's sign posts positioned nearby (that have running electricity and LEDs.) using that as a makeshift tripod for their iPhones!
In regards to Mt. Fuji, on TikTok there are so many "copy cat" itinerary submissions, even the thumbnails are basically the 'same' you can literally see the similarities [down below]. (hence why there are so many tourists flooding the area), like this:
Despite these posts coming from different users from all over the world, they are basically copying each other's itineraries. It's like this no matter how long I've scrolled through the site.
Since Japan started installing a black tarp obstructing the view of Mt. Fuji, tourists still poked holes through it. It's not opaque as you can partially see through it, or walk to the otherside where a Lawson stands, but some still jaywalk disregarding the actual pedestrian crossing even when there's a cop or security guard present.
From this video, a complaint filed by a dental clinic within the area, stating that tourists are leaving trash or left over food scraps near their premises, loitering on the steps approaching their clinic (only patients are allowed to enter) the clinic. Here, there are even complaints from the clinic mentioning about tourists parking their bikes on bike racks only designated for patients entering their clinic, along with trespassing on their premises. Even the dentist himself took photos regarding tourists loitering outside the clinic, patients are having a hard time getting inside because of this.
Not forgetting that they are trespassing on the rooftop, to the point the dentist (or the staff) resorted to calling the police multiple times due to this! Again, tourists were told to move out of the way or move their belongings to let incoming vehicles pass to park their cars at a Lawson. (Even the driver of a incoming truck had to honk at them! so they can move.)
Like what was happening in Kawaguchiko, the same is now happening in Fujiyoshida, at a pedestrian crossing, despite a security guard being present, people still disregarded rules about crossing the road, at around [3:00] from the video, the driver of an incoming vehicle had to honk at the tourist standing in the middle of the road so they can pass. (It's stupid.) Of course they were honked at by the driver (He's probably like: "What the hell is this idiot doing here standing in the middle of the road for cars!"), as you're not meant to loiter there halting traffic!
From this video, a complaint filed by a dental clinic within the area, stating that tourists are leaving trash or left over food scraps near their premises as well as loitering on the steps approaching their clinic (only patients are allowed to enter). Not forgetting that they are trespassing on the rooftop, to the point the dentist even had to call the police multiple times due to this! Again, tourists were told to move out of the way or move their belongings to let incoming vehicles pass to park their cars at a Lawson. (Even the driver of a truck had to honk at them! so they can move.)
Just last year, Mt. Fuji itself was suffering from an over-tourism problem on its own since tourists are dying to climb to the summit, but some were ill equipped. (There was even a woman caught wearing shorts and sandals upon the trip to the summit - not suitable for climbing!) Some climbers show up shirtless or come ill-prepared along with creating a makeshift bonfire.
Public amenities (i.e. Toilets) are vandalized, damaged or destroyed due to over-tourism, now they are enforcing an entry fee of ¥2000 (11,75 €) to enter Mt. Fuji because of this! Tourists leave trash everywhere, crowds of them wanting to head to the summit in large gatherings, which causes problems leading to overcapacity.
Don't get me wrong, tourists do show up with proper gear (i.e. spiked shoes, ice axes, etc.) and attire heading for the summit, but there are bad apples who literally show up with shorts or singlet, which is not advised on a place like this since it's cold up there! You're climbing up a mountain after all. (Heading to the top is their main objective, with stop overs.)
There were a group of tourists caught shaking a sakura tree during cherry blossom season causing outrage, they're basically damaging the tree as the leaves were falling prematurely. The intended way the leaves are meant to fall is when they've matured, since the trees are considered part of public property, Japan deemed that as an act of vandalism and destruction of property.
Plus the trees are sacred to the Japanese (its even part of their cultural identity), as they believe it to represent a symbolism of life and death, those who tamper or mess with it are met with misfortune. Also, in the Daikoku Parking Area (in Yokohama) where it's a hangout for car enthusiasts, but the issue is that tourists trespass on the premises, such as climbing the fence.
December 2023: In Tokyo, tourists where holding up incoming traffic on a pedestrian crossing, despite cops being present, most of them want a selfie with the Tokyo Tower but holding up traffic with vehicles is just bad, as the security guards / police are telling people to just cross, to keep the flow, not stall incoming cars & traffic (in a busy city - mind you), but tourists were just loitering there (or walking on the road meant for cars) until they were scolded for jaywalking.
Earlier this year, there was an American livestreamer who was fined ¥200000 (1,174 €) for blasting his music way TOO LOUD, as it was disturbing the peace inside a restaurant somewhere in Osaka, it shows that Western streamers (who act like this) have ZERO respect for the customs upon their visit, ruining the reputation of foreigners in Japan, which is already causing some Japanese people to hate them.
There was a female tourist who literally by passed the fence / yellow line (like the one you stand behind upon waiting for a incoming train) went on the tracks just to take a selfie with her boyfriend! (Disregarding that she's at the station in Kyoto were other commuters are present, a train is going to show up eventually.) Stupid and dangerous, it's like as if she wants to be hit by an incoming train.
In hindsight:
submitted by No_Pomegranate7134 to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:27 Danielfaris2001 Kembara Tuah diteruskan (part 2)

Kembara Tuah diteruskan (part 2)
"Patik ke mari untuk menyumbang khidmat patik kepada tuanku, berjuang mempertahankan tanah kita yang berdaulat ini. Perjuangan yang akan disertai seluruh ahli keluarga patik. Patik mempunyai dua anak lelaki dan seorang anak perempuan, dua menantu wanita dan seorang menantu lelaki. Mereka mempunyai enam orang anak remaja semuanya. Semua siap untuk mempertahankan Tanah Semenanjung. Patik telah melatih seluruh kehidupan mereka untuk hari ini, tuanku," kata Perak kepada Sultan Alauddin.

Antara novel yang disyorkan semasa PBAKL 2024.
Perjalanan watak-watak legenda kini bersambung.
Hilal Asyraf kembali lagi dengan karya terbaharunya Nirnama 2.
Latar masa 10 tahun selepas jilid 1 membawa pelbagai kisah hidup dan plot pertarungan baharu.
Tewasnya Jagat Suci (pemerintah Indera Kayangan) dan Raja Bersiong (pemerintah Segenting Kra) memberikan keamanan ke seluruh Tanah Semenanjung tetapi keamanan itu tidak berkekalan.
Kali ini, kerajaan Semutar Putih di Tanah Semenanjung menghadapi ancaman lebih dahsyat daripada kerajaan dan bomoh Ayutthaya bagi merampas kembali wilayah peninggalan kedua-dua pemerintah dan meluaskan jajahan ke seluruh Tanah Semenanjung.
Para bomoh Ayutthaya yang terkenal dengan kepakaran ilmu hitam ditambah bala tentera infantri dan kapal perang memberikan ancaman luar biasa kepada keamanan dan keselamatan Tanah Semenanjung.
Serangan dilipatgandakan ke kawasan Melaka bagi menumpaskan pusat kerajaan Semutar Putih lalu fokus diperluas ke seluruh Tanah Semenanjung.
Apakah nasib para perwira kita termasuk Tuah, Jebat, Lekir, Lekiu, Kasturi dan pahlawan selebihnya?
Dapatkan segera di Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (PBAKL) di PWTC.
submitted by Danielfaris2001 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 10:27 Exotic-Way-1733 Pertarungan Memikat: Kisah-Kisah Seru di Balik Arena Mpolux88

Pertarungan Memikat: Kisah-Kisah Seru di Balik Arena Mpolux88
Dunia game telah menjadi medan yang memikat bagi jutaan pemain di seluruh dunia. Di antara berbagai platform dan genre, game daring (online) telah menjadi titik fokus bagi banyak penggemar, yang menemukan kegembiraan dan tantangan dalam berbagai kompetisi daring. Salah satu arena yang mencuat dalam ranah ini adalah Mpolux88, sebuah platform yang menghadirkan beragam permainan kompetitif dengan beragam genre dan konsep yang menarik. Namun, yang membuat Mpolux88 istimewa bukan hanya permainannya, melainkan juga kisah-kisah seru di balik pertarungan di arena ini.

Perjalanan Pemain Menuju Puncak

Salah satu hal yang membuat Mpolux88 begitu menarik adalah cerukannya yang memungkinkan pemain dari berbagai latar belakang bersaing dan menonjol. Dari pemula hingga pemain profesional, setiap orang memiliki kesempatan untuk menemukan tempat mereka di arena ini. Kisah-kisah perjalanan pemain dari awalnya menjadi amatir hingga meraih status pro telah menjadi bagian dari daya tarik unik Mpolux88.

Persaingan Sengit di Puncak

Di puncak tangga peringkat Mpolux88, persaingan mencapai tingkat yang luar biasa. Pemain-pemain terbaik dari seluruh dunia bertarung keras untuk mendapatkan gelar juara dan piala bergengsi. Setiap pertandingan tidak hanya tentang keterampilan, tetapi juga tentang strategi, kecepatan, dan ketahanan mental. Cerita-cerita tentang pertarungan sengit antara pemain hebat di arena Mpolux88 menjadi bahan pembicaraan yang mendebarkan di komunitas game daring.

Kemitraan dan Komunitas

Di balik layar, Mpolux88 juga menjadi tempat untuk membangun kemitraan dan komunitas yang kuat. Para pemain saling mendukung dan memotivasi satu sama lain, baik di dalam maupun di luar arena. Komunitas ini juga menjadi tempat untuk berbagi tips, trik, dan strategi, membantu pemain lain meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dan meraih kesuksesan di platform ini.

Inovasi dan Perkembangan

Mpolux88 terus berkembang dan berinovasi, dengan memperkenalkan fitur-fitur baru dan turnamen-tournament yang menarik. Para pengembang bekerja keras untuk menjaga kesegaran dan relevansi platform ini, sehingga pemain selalu memiliki tantangan baru untuk dihadapi dan pengalaman baru untuk dinikmati.

Mpolux88: Lebih dari Sekadar Game

Bagi banyak pemain, Mpolux88 bukan hanya sekadar platform game daring. Ini adalah tempat di mana impian dikejar, persaingan dihadapi, dan persahabatan dibangun. Kisah-kisah seru di balik arena Mpolux88 mencerminkan lebih dari sekadar permainan kompetitif; mereka adalah cerminan dari semangat manusia untuk meraih kesuksesan, bersaing secara sehat, dan menemukan komunitas tempat mereka dapat tumbuh dan berkembang.


Dalam dunia yang semakin terhubung dan kompetitif, Mpolux88 telah menjadi salah satu pusat kegiatan yang paling menarik dan menantang bagi para pemain game daring. Dari perjalanan pemain hingga persaingan sengit di puncak, kemitraan komunitas hingga inovasi dan perkembangan, kisah-kisah di balik arena Mpolux88 memberikan gambaran yang memikat tentang bagaimana game daring tidak hanya menjadi hiburan, tetapi juga wadah untuk pertumbuhan pribadi, persahabatan, dan pencapaian.
submitted by Exotic-Way-1733 to u/Exotic-Way-1733 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 10:09 Exotic-Way-1733 Kisah Juara: Memahami Rekam Jejak Sukses di Sabung Ayam Mpolux88

Kisah Juara: Memahami Rekam Jejak Sukses di Sabung Ayam Mpolux88
Sabung ayam bukan hanya sekadar olahraga atau hobi bagi sebagian orang. Bagi sebagian komunitas, itu adalah gaya hidup, sebuah warisan budaya yang kaya, dan bahkan bisnis yang menguntungkan. Di tengah riuh rendahnya arena sabung ayam, ada nama yang meroket tinggi: Mpolux88. Dibalik nama itu terdapat sebuah kisah inspiratif tentang kesuksesan, kegigihan, dan dedikasi.
Awal Perjalanan
Mpolux88, nama yang kian dikenal di kalangan pencinta sabung ayam, tidak lahir sebagai juara seketika. Ia memulai perjalanan dengan tekad kuat dan semangat yang membara. Dari arena kecil di desanya, ia mengasah kemampuannya, belajar dari kekalahan, dan terus mengembangkan strategi yang tak terkalahkan. Seperti halnya atlet lainnya, Mpolux88 harus menaklukkan rintangan, baik itu fisik maupun mental, untuk mencapai puncak kesuksesan.
Dedikasi dan Latihan Tanpa Henti
Kunci kesuksesan Mpolux88 adalah dedikasi yang tak kenal lelah terhadap olahraga yang dicintainya. Ia meluangkan waktu berjam-jam untuk latihan, memperbaiki kelemahan, dan meningkatkan kekuatan. Tanpa lelah, ia terus mengasah keterampilannya, meneliti setiap gerakan lawan, dan mencari strategi terbaik untuk memenangkan pertandingan.
Mental Juara
Tak hanya fisik, Mpolux88 juga melatih kekuatan mentalnya. Dibalik keberhasilan seorang juara, ada ketahanan mental yang kuat. Ia belajar untuk tidak terpengaruh oleh tekanan, kegagalan, atau kemenangan. Setiap pertandingan adalah ujian bagi keberanian dan keteguhan hatinya. Dengan sikap yang teguh dan keyakinan yang kokoh, ia melangkah maju, siap menghadapi apapun yang ada di depannya.
Strategi yang Tak Terkalahkan
Salah satu faktor penting dalam kesuksesan Mpolux88 adalah strateginya yang tak terkalahkan. Ia tidak hanya mengandalkan kekuatan fisik semata, tetapi juga kecerdasan dan kejelian dalam membaca situasi. Setiap langkahnya di atas arena sabung ayam dipertimbangkan dengan cermat, setiap serangan dilakukan dengan tujuan yang jelas. Inilah yang membuatnya sulit untuk dikalahkan dan memenangkan gelar juara berulang kali.
Penghargaan dan Pengakuan
Keberhasilan Mpolux88 tidak luput dari penghargaan dan pengakuan. Ia telah menjadi panutan bagi banyak penggemar sabung ayam, menjadi inspirasi bagi generasi muda, dan mendapatkan tempat di hati para pencinta olahraga tersebut. Prestasinya tidak hanya dirayakan oleh komunitas lokal, tetapi juga diakui secara luas di tingkat nasional dan internasional.
Mpolux88: Legenda yang Hidup
Di tengah dunia sabung ayam yang penuh tantangan, Mpolux88 telah membuktikan bahwa kesuksesan bukanlah sekadar mimpi. Dibalik kemenangannya terdapat cerita tentang dedikasi, ketekunan, dan semangat juang yang tak pernah padam. Ia adalah bukti hidup bahwa dengan kerja keras dan tekad yang kuat, setiap orang bisa mencapai puncak kesuksesan. Mpolux88 bukan hanya seorang juara, ia adalah legenda yang hidup, sebuah inspirasi bagi semua orang yang bermimpi untuk meraih yang terbaik dalam hidup mereka.
submitted by Exotic-Way-1733 to u/Exotic-Way-1733 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:38 siderealscorpio_02 Going NC with family? Is this petty?

Hi everyone. I'm 24F. Currently living out of pulau Jawa. Anak pertama, dan punya adik 14M.
Backstory: Right after high school, i took a gap year mainly because my family's finance was not good at all. Mom had numerous debt after my step dad passing in 2015. So i worked ever since i was 18, dari serabutan sampe akhirnya gue bisa dpt corporate job thn 2019. Kuliah sambil kerja (awal masih dibantu nyokap untuk bayar UKT, tapi semester 3 sampai gue lulus it was all me). Dan dari kerjaan serabutan gue pertama, sampai sekarang, I have always tried to give something to my mom. Dari nominal kecil sampe lumayan gede gue selalu share as my thank you.
Singkat cerita, setelah sekian lama enduring all the passive agressive from my family (mom and brother), gue dpt offer di luar pulau untuk kerja dan gue ambil tanpa mikir panjang karena gue udah segatahan itu dirumah. Giving money is one thing, being eldest daughter is another thing. Nyokap gue dititik kalo ngobrol sama gue gajauh-jauh dari duit. I could talk about the anything with her it will end up to her lacking of money. Even gue udh jauh dari rumah, isi chat kita garing, gada tuh nanya kabar gue gmn/kerjaan gue dan ujung2nya bakal ngomongin duit. And because I know her, that's her way of asking money. She never explicitly 'asking' for money from me, rather she will be passive agressive, atau kode2 gitu loh. Gue pernah blg sm dia, kalo memang butuh, ngomong, gausah gaenakan, dan sebisa mungkin jika gue mampu gue akan bantu.
Tapi tetep aja, masih dengan kode2 itu, ditambah omongan dia yang selalu terngiang "Mama gabutuh uang dari kamu, ka. Mama cuma butuh kamu berbakti aja sama mama, cukup kok. Mama masih bisa sendiri kalo uang." Tapi gue gapernah dengerin dan gue ngerasa selama gue masih tinggal dirumah dia, gue harus bantu. Sampai akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk move out. I thought, this way it would be easier to say no, incase i do not want to give her any money (sorry gada uang/uang lg mepet abis). Ternyata engga cuy lol
Saat gue pindah, gaji gue memang naik, tapi gue jg merasa gue harus bayar rent + cost of living dll yang dimana walau bukan pulau jawa, gue juga harus nabung untuk masa depan gue. Gue tetep ngasih setiap bulannya, tapi nominal gue turunin sedikti demi sedikit. Tapi ternyata diluar allowance bulanan yang gue kasih ke dia, gue juga tetep ngasih ke adek gue. Lama-lama banyak yang dia minta, entah dari isi topup e-wallet. Belum lg adek gue minta.Januari kemarin, adek gue dengan bodohnya nabrak orang. Iya umur 14 tahun dikasih motor dan diberi izin, nabrak anak kecil. Untung korbannya cm luka ga sampe meninggal. Nyokap gue nelfon gue, laporan. Salahnya gue disini trauma takut dimintain uang, gue ada omongan bahwa maaf, gue gabisa bantu karena pengeluaran lg memang banyak dan gue baru aja kasih duit bulanan dia juga. Gue saat itu worry tp juga bener2 gabisa bantu + gue ngerasa ini jg kelalaian dia sbg ortu ngasih izin adek bawa motor. Dia sakit hati merasa dia cm pgn lapor tp gue malah bales gitu. Had a whole fight, sampai dimana dia ada omongan yang super nyakitin, kemungkinan gue tidak akan bisa memaafkan dia sampai gue mati nanti.
> She said and I quote "Kamu tidak malu sudah mengambil jatah kasih sayang papa adek kamu? Dia anak yatim kasian gada yang sayang. Kamu dulu saat kecil dapat kasih sayang dari papa dia harusnya kamu malu. Kamu baru bisa ngasih yang tidak seberapa itu jangan harap bisa membayar pengorbanan yang sudah diberikan oleh ibu kamu ini."
(Context: never met my bio father, grew up with my step dad, im grateful he was a decent kind man. Step dad died when I was 15 and my brother was 5. Knp gue harus kesannya ambil jatah? Dan gue tau, gue blm bisa kasih a whole house, tp pengorbanan dan pemberian gue 0 aja gitu dimata dia selama ini? Whew.)
Bulan ini, gue ga ngasih bulanan ke nyokap, karena sejujurnya gue sempet travel tanpa bilang ke mereka. Karena gamau dianggap gue ada uang banyak dan mereka minta lebih. Karena dimata mereka kalo gue bisa jalan2, ada uang lebih untuk mereka dong. Gue gamau ngasih kalo ga ikhlas. Tapi gue dikejar-kejar seakan gue ada hutang sm mereka. Sampe dikirim video tentang anak durhaka halus karena mereka anggep gue ada uang tapi gamau ngasih. Padahal uang gue beneran abis dan gue udh blg ke mereka tanpa konteks gue abis jalan2. But they still kode2 pasif agresif.
I've had enough, gue tau mungkin yang gue tulis disini ga cover beberapa tahun gue menjadi sandwich generation di keluarga gue. All the mental I've had to go through. And I know I sound so selfish to have a desire to cut them off completely over this matter. But truth is, ini resentment built up dari dulu yang memang baru meledak sekarang. P.S Nyokap gue gamau remarry lg krn dia males, gue udh kasih restu kalau memang dia mau nikah biar ada yang provide untuk dia selain gue. Karena gue juga cm anak, bukan the man of the family.
  1. Apakah wise kalau memang gue truly go NC?
  2. Karena posisi gue ga dirumah, gue cm ada foto KK dan copy KK. Is this possible untuk pecah KK
  3. Are there other necessary steps if I'm going to NC with them?
All the help and comment will be appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by siderealscorpio_02 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 12:46 Sleaze_404 The Unity Server in Discord - Private Invitation Versi 3

The Unity Server in Discord - Private Invitation Versi 3
Salam sejahtera, kami dari The Unity Server mahu menjemput anda. Ya anda, ke server private kita di Discord. Untuk Kali Ketiga. Kita pernah post perkara yang sama di Bolehland 4 bulan lepas, tapi lepas tempat tu jadi sampah politik. Kita bercadang untuk cuba nasib di sini.
Server kita ada;
  • Chill and casual chatting lounge where most of us being ourselves talk about anything
  • Channel gaming kepada pemain gacha (Genshin Impact, Star Rail, Arknights, Wuthering Waves, NIKKE dan Blue Archive)
  • Ahli server yang...macam2 personaliti dan kerenah yang lain.
Jika anda yang seorang;
  1. Berbudaya (Cultured) dalam bab anime dan/atau manga ATAU
  2. Suka main game (tak kisah apa2 game, asalkan permainan video) ATAU
  3. Suka berbual dan aktif dalam server, secara casual. ATAU
  4. Yang jenis boleh bertolerasi dengan pendapat yang berlainan (tak mudah koyak, senang kata)
Jika berminat, sila hantar DM kepada saya di Discord (sleaze_404)
submitted by Sleaze_404 to OkeyRakanMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 09:10 Fox_ArtRancic The Three Incident in One Haunted Campus

Hey, Let’s Read. I’ve been a huge fan for years since 2017 and you may or may not remember me but I used to always make fanarts of you on my social media and tagged you in it. But lately I have been swamped with my Master’s Degree so the fan art and my commission ceased. Anyway, I’m a 32 year old female living in Malaysia.
And I recently just submitted my data collection for Art Psychology and waiting for their correspondence and during the wait, I happen to fall into an annoying and prolong cold. Coughing up a storm, sneezing up what possibly gallons and gallons of mucous at this point. I am currently curled up in my living room while listening to your podcast on youtube and now Spotify for years and it finally gave me the courage to write and send a real story that was dated way back in 2013 during my diploma years in the state of Malacca.
I’ll put the link here so you could look into it:
The picture basically managed to capture an image of the apparition of an 'Ulek Mayang' dancer which will be explained further into the story. I would appreciate it if you could keep the name of the campus and the university anonymous, as I am still studying at the same university, just on a different campus.
It was the beginning of semester of January in 2013 and I was in my 3rd semester. I was raised in Kuala Lumpur and I’m that you might call a city girl, so when I got accepted into a rural state and quite literally in the middle of nowhere of Malacca in a small town of Alor Gajah and I wasn’t too happy about it. I was an outcast among the students over the stupidest thing: I spoke English.
The main language spoken here is Malay so being raised in an English speaking household and suddenly being placed in an all Malay speakers I stick out like a fish out of water.
In the Malay superstition has lots of warnings and precautions that honestly, I never really cared about or was I a very spiritual person in any sense. But as the semester progresses and I was busy submitting artwork after artwork for my lecturers that’s when I realized the buzzing of the campus regarding the supernatural elements.
See, in Malaysia the infamous let’s call them ‘ghosts’ are; The Oil Man (Orang Minyak), The Old Banshee (Nenek Kebayan) and The Undead Infant (Toyol). During the time I lived in an all-female dormitory and they always do activities to make the students either bond with one another or to build the dorm spirit. I’m not too happy about it mostly because it would take my time away from my assignments. So naturally I would just skip it. Except this one time, I was caught by one of the dorm leaders and I was practically dragged out of my dorm and forced to join at the yard at 10 pm.
To my surprise, it was the traditional spirit competition. Let me made it clear that all of our dorms were named after the Malay Warriors and Maidens. My dorm was called ‘Tun Putih’. So the dorm representative were recruiting traditional dancers and majority of the slim figured female and dancer like bodied students signed up. After the announcement we were all dismissed, I wanted to do nothing more than go back to my room and continue my 20 plus design samples for my lecturer to evaluate in the morning.
As I walked back to through the hall way, I recognized a song. It was a song that my grandparents told me about that it could (that I would later find out) attract spirits to latch onto the dancers or lingers around whenever the song was being played. And that song was called ‘Ulek Mayang’.
For historical purposes, this song is only used for a classical Malay dance from the state of Terengganu. It is a ritualistic dance performed to appease or invoke the spirits of the sea and is always accompanied by the song, you guessed it… ‘Ulek Mayang’.
I always heard stories of my mother, grandparents, uncle and friends spoke about supernatural stories and those spine-chilling sensation when the supernatural element was near or when they came face to face with it. This was my very first encounter of the spine-chilling sensation that they referred to. The moment the song was played through the loud speakers that echoed through acres and acres of wilderness of the woods, I could feel all of the color rushed out of my body.­
I didn’t know why or what made me ran back to my dorm at the time but I did and I quickly shut the door behind me and lock it. My roommate went back to Penang due to the bad case of chicken pox leaving me all alone in the dorm. I then proceeded to closed all of the curtains and put my large headphones on to continue my work trying to get rid of the unknown spine-chilling sensation. After an hour or so the feeling finally subsided and I thought the worse was over, boy was I wrong.
Skipping to a couple of days later; I just finished one of my elective subjects that was on the other side of the campus, to cut through the long way I walked through the library passing the creepy lake at night where the goose would usually swim to counter the overpopulation of algae. While walking alone, I suddenly noticed the music on my headphone was cutting in and out.
Which was weird because I had just charged it during a two-hour class. To my horror, that spine chilling sensation was back again. And it made me turn. That’s when I saw the most horrifying thing I have ever seen in my life. A student wearing a headscarf was walking on all fours walking down the very long stairs at incredible speed. It was as if time slowed down for me to noticed the details that her eyes were all white, her tongue was sticking out and she was literally crawling down the stairs on all fours like an animal.
See, I wasn’t going to stick around to find out why was she walking in this bizarre manner so I did what any rational person would do, run back to the dorm. I wasn’t an athletic person of any kind but this was by far the fastest and hardest I’ve ever ran in my life possibly adrenaline driven and fear that the possibly possessed girl might just attacked me. As I ran and my lungs pumped up battery acid, I once again closed the door and locked it behind me and once again closing all the curtains in the room.
While in my room I happen to get caught up on the trending twitter regarding our campus #SaveUXYAlorGajah2013. Apparently, there had been a massive news regarding the supernatural incidents in our campus for the past two weeks that I wasn’t aware of.
The first one was our local campus security guard was found unconscious and covered in black oil like substance as he was been attacked by the The Oil Man (Orang Minyak).
The second, was a couple of students being visited by Old Banshee (Nenek Kebayan) disguising as a woman selling food to starving dormitory students in the middle of the night during burning the midnight oil and only to leaving them unconscious after and the food was a newspaper covered in maggots.
Lastly, multiple cases of The Undead Infant (Toyol) appearing all over the campus stealing the students valuables and money.
These cases happened simultaneously within the past two weeks that I wasn’t even aware of. Don’t get me wrong, I was heavily isolated and the only that did spoke to me was my roommate and she was from the Mass Communication faculty she was literally the source of my gossip or information spreading on what was happening around the campus. Well, she was away so I was always the last to know about these things.
While being engulfed in the trending threads I failed to realized that there was a religious gathering at the top floor. The women were to bring their cloth prayer (telekung) whilst the ceremony commence. I don’t know what stopped me at the time, perhaps my guardian angel, my instinct or my disregard for religious belief. I refused to go and locked myself in the dorm with the lights switched off continue doing my sketches in the dark while using my phone to its dimmest setting as a nightlight ignoring the dorm leader and her representative knocking on my door.
As time passed, I suddenly heard a bloodcurdling screaming, coming from the top floor. Now, I was at the most bottom floor of the dorm so the fact that I can in fact hear this scream was extremely loud and supernatural. Then I heard loud footsteps running down from the stairs and loud banging of closed doors. Then after a few minutes there was a bullhorn announcement from our Dorm Mother a university staff that lived in a house close to the dorm. The announcement was something I could still hear from this day:
When you hear an announcement from the Dorm Mother saying something like that, no way it was a joke. I listened to the instruction and just stayed quiet in my room. At the time I was already curled up in my bed hiding under the blankets while hugging my phone and my pillow for dear life as if to give me any sense of security and comfort. What felt like an hour or more in the dark… it then happened.
I heard loud thuds coming down the stairs and what hears to be a mixture of crying and laughing throughout the halls. Loud banging at the two doors in front of me yelling and screaming. I couldn’t make out of it at first but I could hear it was as if sounded like a distorted man and woman wailing and screaming while banging and scratching on the door saying,
I’m not saying I’m psychic or anything. But it could be when you’re in complete darkness in the room, scared and hiding under the layers of blankets its as if I could hear the footsteps of the (now very obvious) possessed student not walking but crawling on all fours to the next door once again, yelling and screaming. Then it happened… I could hear loud breathing and scratching coming from the outside of my door. I have never been so scared in my life and for the first time in my life I thought I was about to die.
Instead of saying loudly it gave a very eerie whisper but loud enough for me to hear all the way to my bed,
What scared the living shit out of me not the fact that it knew I was lonely but the fact that my roommate left for the semester due to chicken pox. She priorities her looks above anything else so she would never admit that she went home to Penang to recover from adult chicken pox. How in god’s name did this thing know?
Then the loud banging started accompanied by distorted laughing. I’m not going to lie, that entire ordeal made me cry and I’m those type of person that is really hard to cry over small things. But this was tears of pure terror. I could hear everything in my body, my heart beating blood to my body, the sound of my slow breathing, the loud air going in and out of my nostrils and the sound of my teeth chattering... all the works. The more I cried the more the scratching ensued.
Another last loud bang on the door and I could hear it running across the hallway followed by many footsteps that I assumed was the university security staff, the dorm mother and the religious master (Ustaz) trying to either pin her down and cleanse her. But then I could see the red lights flickering from the outside of my blankets. From the distance I could still hear the echoed screaming and the voices of the others possibly carrying the possessed away into the stretcher and into the ambulance.
What felt like hours, the lights around the dorm were switched on again. They usually left the lights on around the shared toilets and bathrooms. Then signs of life filled the entire building again, students walking around some crying, some calling their significant others and some calling their parents.
If I’m being totally honest, I was still frozen in fear not being able to move at all. Tears still streamed down my face and the sound of my heart slowly calming itself.
I didn’t sleep at all that night. I called my grandparents, who were two hours away from my campus, and they drove all the way out to pick me up. I didn’t tell them what happened that night, but I was a few days away from our study week, so I decided to go back to Kuala Lumpur early. I had a feeling that my grandpa knew something had happened from my distant behavior and how I immediately slept as soon as my back hit the cushion of the back seat.
As we drove through the morning, the events replayed in my mind over and over. The chill in the air, the unnatural whispers, and the eerie stillness that followed. The words of that entity echoed in my head, and despite knowing they were just the incoherent ramblings of the possessed, they didn’t feel any less haunting.
When we reached home, I was enveloped by the warmth and comfort of familiarity. My grandma's gentle touch and my grandpa's reassuring presence helped soothe my frayed nerves. Over the next few days, I slowly regained a sense of normalcy, though the memory of that night lingered at the edges of my consciousness.
I never fully understood what had happened that night, but I learned to live with it, to let it be a part of my past without allowing it to define my future. Where I come from, it's only natural for students to have a mental breakdown or on the verge of hysteria due to the pressure of finals and deadline submissions. But this was clearly a supernatural possession incident.
Now, 11 years later, I am reminded how terrifying it was to be disturbed by a possessed entity.
Wherever you are and whoever you are listening out there, please be safe. Trust in your strength and lean on those who care for you. You are never alone in your struggles.
submitted by Fox_ArtRancic to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:24 tersxin Kematangan Masyarakat

Adakah kita masih muda dalam tahap pemikiran?Adakah negara kita masih “muda” dan layak untuk bersikap tidak matang dan professional dalam kemahiran dan pekerjaan??Adakah terdapat perkara yang menghalang kita untuk lebih terus maju??
Adakah terdapat suatu entiti yang dapat menyelamatkan negara kita jika dilanda musibah??Adakah kita sahaja kaum bumiputera dan masyarakat lain seperti kaum russia,Norway atau Sweden bukan bumiputera di negara mereka?Oleh itu mengapakah mereka maju sedangkan kita masih mempunyai alasan untuk berlagak kerana status bumiputera dan bermain-main di negara sendiri sedangkan mereka juga bumiputera di negara mereka?
Salah siapakah jika bangsa lain lebih berjaya di negara kita sendiri??Adakah salah kerajaan atau situasi??Adakah wang ringgit dapat membeli harga keamanan dan keselesaan di tanah air?Sampai bilakah kita mahu kekal bermimpi pada masa orang lain sudah berlari??adakah nasib negara kita berada di tangan negara luar dan bangsa luar??Atau negara sendiri dan bangsa sendiri??Adakah bangsa putih masih menjadi saviour kita kerana kita adalah bangsa kelas kedua dan negara kita kelas ketiga??negara kita mungkin kecil tpi play our card well mcm korea selatan dan jepun..
Aku kata bullshit, Tuhan jadikan semua manusia sama dan Bangsa kita boleh menjadi lebih hebat dan nasib negara ditentukan oleh masyarakatnya..Tidak perlu rendah diri dengan mana-mana bangsa..Pm ke 4 sudah membuktikan Malaysia sebagai negara yang kuat pada ketika dahulu,maka adakah kita lupa?Take control of our own destiny dan jadi lebih baik dari mana-mana bangsa dan negara dengan nilai sopan santun dan baik hati yang terdapat pada masyarakat kita
submitted by tersxin to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 14:33 xoxefo3952 Ketika cinta memilih dari Hesty al untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Kisah kehidupan seorang gadis cantik, yang selalu di sakiti dan di perlakukan tak layak.Bahkan orang yang harus nya menyayangi nya, justru merupakan sumber air matanya. Ketika ada pria yang datang mengisi hatinya, harus menemukan pula sosok pria Arogan dan pemaksa namun mempunyai cinta yang tulus. Siapakah pria yang dipilih nya si Most wanted nya kampus, atau seorang Ceo muda tapi dingin dan cuek. Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:51 xoxefo3952 SPERANZA dari Sabittttt_ untuk Dibaca Gratis - Fiksi Remaja Cerita Indonesia

Aku mencintai mu dan kau juga harus mencintai ku. Lelaki itu menoleh dan tersenyum remeh. Dia menatap perempuan itu dari kepala hingga ujung kaki, dia benar-benar menilai perempuan itu. Maaf, tapi aku tidak mencintai seorang pembunuh. **** Flavia Imtiaz adalah seorang psychopath yang sedang menjadi buronan di Italia. Dia memilih pindah ke Indonesia untuk menyelamatkan diri. Ia juga merubah semua identitasnya dan mengganti namanya menjadi Speranza Constanzo. Di Indonesia dia menjalankan hidup layaknya remaja pada umumnya. Tak disangka dia terobsesi dengan seorang lelaki introvert yang mengidap penyakit mematikan. Dia berambisi untuk mendapatkan lelaki itu, dia tidak pernah membiarkan lelaki itu disentuh oleh orang lain. Speranza pikir pindah ke Indonesia adalah pilihan yang tepat, namun nyatanya tidak. Dia malah menemukan sebuah kebenaran dari sebuah masalah yang bahkan sudah dia lupakan. Bagaimana hidup Speranza selanjutnya? Apa sebenarnya kebenaran tersebut? Dan apakah kisah cinta Speranza akan berakhir bahagia? **** Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:00 akangmacho PRAJURIT TNI MEMUTILASI KEKASIHNYA

Prajurit TNI yang memutilasi kekasih yang sudah membiayai pendidikannya sebagai tentara
Jumat, 10 Mei 2019, warga Simpang Hindoli, Kecamatan Sungai Lilin, Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan digegerkan dengan penemuan jenazah seorang wanita tak berbusana dengan kondisi yang sudah membusuk di sebuah kamar penginapan bernama "SAHABAT MULYA." Saat ditemukan, kedua tangan jenazah itu sudah terpotong secara sengaja dan terbungkus di dalam selimut.
Setelah diperiksa, identitas jenazah itu diketahui bernama VO, 21 tahun, seorang pekerja supermarket yang baru saja mulai bekerja 9 hari sebelum ditemukan. VO sendiri sudah dinyatakan hilang sejak 7 mei 2019. Terakhir, ia perpamitan pulang dengan rekan rekan kerjanya pada pukul 23.30 dan tidak terlihat lagi.
Rekan kerja VO menyebutkan gelagat aneh VO sebelum menghilang. Ia diketahui mendapatkan panggilan telepon berkali kali malam itu saat saat sedang bekerja dan ia selalu mengucapkan "tidak bisa" pada lawan bicaranya di telepon itu. Disaat yang sama, Deri Permana, seorang Prada TNI yang diketahui adalah kekasih VO tidak diketahui keberadaannya.
Selama 1 bulan, lebih tepatnya 13 Juni 2019, kepolisian terus melakukan pengejaran hingga akhirnya Deri Permana, pelaku pembunuhan VO ditangkap. Ia tertangkap di sebuah Padepokan di Serang, banten dengan nama palsu "Oji bin Samsuri." Deri lari menyeberang ke Pulau Jawa setelah menghabisi nyawa VO dan berhasil di terima di padepokan itu dengan dalih ingin memperdalam agama.
Para polisi, Deri mengaku gelap mata setelah VO meminta mengakhiri 4 tahun hubungan mereka. Deri juga mencurigai adanya orang ketiga pada kisah asmaranya dengan VO. Hal ini semakin dipercaya Deri saat VO mengubah password handphonenya yang semula tanggal keduanya mulai berpacaran diganti dengan password lainnya. Selain itu Deri juga kesal karena VO selalu menolak untuk diajak kerumahnya untuk berkenalan dengan kedua orang tuanya.
Pada malam kejadian, keduanya pergi ke penginapan pukul 2 dini hari tanggal 8 Mei. Di dalam kamar itu terjadi cekcok antara keduanya hingga akhirnya Deri membunuh VO dengan cara di bekap. Belum puas, Deri hendak memutilasi korban untuk menghilangkan jejak, namun baru sampai memotong tangan, ia berubah pikiran dan memutuskan "metode" pembakaran korban serta barang bukti.
VO lalu dibungkus dengan selimut dan sebuah obat nyamuk bakar di sulut pada ujung selimut. Deri berharap selimut itu akan cukup untuk membakar jasad VO. Setelah menyalahkan api di obat nyamuk. Deri segera pergi meninggalkan penginapan. Pada akhirnya idenya ini gagal karena api tidak membakar selimut seperti bayangan Deri dan akhirnya jenazah VO ditemukan.
Mirisnya, diketahui VO selama ini adalah orang yang mendukung penuh bahkan VO-lah yang membiayai pendidikan Deri Permana untuk bisa sampai di posisi sekarang sebagai tentara berpangkat Prajurit Dua (Prada). Namun semua pemberian VO itu tidak berarti apa-apa dan justru dia dihabisi oleh Deri Permana sendiri. Pada akhirnya Deri Permana mendapat hukuman seumur hidup di penjara.
submitted by akangmacho to u/akangmacho [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 20:30 Virtual_Tadpole9821 Thai actors with boy band / music reality show backgrounds

Thai actors with boy band / music reality show backgrounds
Those of you following Only Boo! might know that Keen (Moo) and Ashi (Yos) came from GMMTV's idol survival show Project Alpha (2022). And u/_fancy_pants recently mused about how four contestants from Workpoint's duo search show The Two (2022) ended up in OMG! Vampire. I recently did some research and made a timeline of Thai boy groups and reality shows, and it turns out there's actually an interesting amount of cross-over between T-pop idols/trainees and BL actors. Here's some of the stuff I've found...
The ones in red won the show and became LYKN, the ones in orange didn't win but became GMMTV artists anyway, the ones in yellow have appeared in GMMTV series but are not signed - annotated by u/dangrankeyi
In addition to Keen and Ashi, Fluke Nattanon (Wandee Goodday) and Aungpao (Cooking Crush) were also contestants on Project Alpha. LYKN, the group formed from the show, are starring in the upcoming Thame-Po.
Sorry I'm too lazy to circle out everyone mentioned, please consider this a photo-spotting game.
Aun, also in Only Boo!, was a contestant on LAZ iCON (2021), the show that formed LAZ1, the group that brought Daou and Offroad together. Star Hunter had six trainees on the show, including JJ and Fong (Big Dragon). Also on the show was Copper Phuriwat (DFF).
Insight Rookies announcement
Daou was previously a trainee under Insight Entertainment. So was Joong, before he joined GMMTV. (You might know that he was previously a member of OXQ (2020), the group formed from the 2 Moons 2 cast. Another OXQ member who joined Insight was Nine, who went on to win Chuang 2021 and debuted in China as INTO1. And speaking of international shows, you might already know that Santa was on the 2023 Korean show Fantasy Boys.)
2020 4nologue trainees
Another group formed from contestants in LAZ iCON is DVI, under 4nologue. They recently disbanded and member Por Supakarn is now with DoMunDi and just appeared in the Your Sky pilot, while Tang Chinadis was going to be in Jack and Joker but withdrew. Por and Tang both joined 4nologue as trainees in 2019. Guess who's also a former 4nologue trainee? Ping Krittanun, of MeenPing.
The Two contestants
The four contestants from The Two in OMG! Vampire are David and Ken (now members of the boy group FESSTA) and Non and Son (members of the band Have a Nice Day). They're under 2FLOW Entertainment, a Workpoint subsidiary. OMG! Vampire is the first BL that Workpoint is co-producing (as opposed to Cutie Pie, which they just aired but didn't produce), so their artists are naturally represented in the series. Other contestants on The Two include Change2561's Topten Supakorn (Pit Babe) and Idol Factory's Heng Asavarid (SCOY, The Sign).
Also of Idol Factory, Billy Patchanon was previously a member of the group ZBURSTER (2019-2020).
This show was kind enough to label their names
Opp Weerapong (SCOY) went on the show Seven Stars (2022) and was one of the winning finalists, becoming a member of the group THE7 for a year. Other contestants included Guitar Sarin (Low Frequency) and Toey Nathapong (2 Moons: The Ambassador). Also starring in 2 Moons Amb was Danny Bandit, who was a member of TWIXT (2020-2021).
Superboy Project's 10 finalists
Bank, Tora, Junior, Kad, Pon, Bonus, Fergie, Jet and Tung, some of whom starred in The Moment and all of whom appearred in Gen Y, joined Star Hunter from the show Superboy Project (2019). Graphic, also a contestant, left for One31 and appeared in Rak Diao.
Cute Chef members
You might have heard of Cute Chef, the 2018 group that had Mix and Book and First Chalongrat as members. Other members included Beam (Make It Right), Toru (Y-Destiny, War of Y), Gungun (Love Area, AiLongNhai), and Daniel (My Secret Love, Call It What You Want). Gungun and Daniel were also in the group NKO, whose members Fluk and Jab also acted in My Secret Love.
KLIMAXX debut single cover
Going back to earlier reality competition shows, Kaownah, Peter Chonpachara (What Zabb Man!) and Lotte (Bad Buddy, My School President) were members of KLIMAXX, the group formed by The Next Boy/Girl Band Thailand (2018). Other contestants included Cooper Patpasit and Markpoom (War of Y).
Best, Taro, Pond, and Kongprab are LB4, LB3, LB6 and LB7, respectively
Several competitors from La Banda Thailand 2 (2017) were picked to lead two indie BL projects: Best Cholsawas and Taro Shatree in My Dream, and Pond Suriyakun and Kongprab Phakkhaphon in Location.
And finally, some who had even earlier careers. Tytan (Water Boyy The Series) joined GMMTV in 2014 as a member of the boy band Mad Monkeys. Best Anavil (now Willi Arawill) was a member of 2013 group Evo Nine. Jeff Satur wasn't in a group, but debuted with Kamikaze in 2013. And Jack Jarupong, who starred in With Love, was a member of Nice 2 Meet U, way back in 2007.
I've mainly only mentioned those who went from music into BL. Of course, there are many others who went the other way, including Nice of ATLAS (from Make It Right - spot him among the 4nologue trainees above?), Krittin and Pluggy of PERSES (Love by Chance 2 and Thank God It's Friday respectively), Paul of ZOLAR (Thank God It's Friday), and Ken of PrimeTime (Lovely Writer), to name a few.
And then there are the series made as group vehicles... Boyband starring XI, What If starring duo 2PLAYERZ, Friend Forever starring 1Day Project, My Tempo starring PROXIE and Great Men Academy starring 9x9 (the last two only if you want to count them). And I haven't talked about the many groups formed by putting actors together (SBFIVE, TEMPT, Kissboys TH, BOYFRIENDS, 7MOMENT, MANIACT, etc.) but then there's probably not much that's surprising about them.
Anyway, here's a copy of the timeline I mentioned, in case you're interested. For the full write-up, look up "A timeline of T-pop boy groups" in the GMMTV sub.
A timeline of T-pop boy groups
submitted by Virtual_Tadpole9821 to boyslove [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:40 LongEnormousSchlong Nak guna barang orang bagi tau lah bodoh

Aku beli untuk kegunaan aku sial. Ni kau main sauk je macam hak kau lepastu tak inform. Time aku nak guna time rushing dah menyusahkan. Pukimak betul lah orang spesis macam ni.
Aku tak kisah kau nak pinjam tapi inform dulu lah cibai. Ni ws tak, mesej tak tiba2 barang tu lesap. Aku nak keluar pergi kerja rushing dah jadi satu masalah. Babi betul lah. Phone mahal2 tapi tak reti guna baik kau pakai public phone je babi.
Banyak kali aku bagitau pun tak paham jugak. Duit ada beli vape boleh, barang lain kau sauk orang lain punya macam hak kau. Bodoh bebal.
submitted by LongEnormousSchlong to malaysians [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:52 sumpitsakit Kisah Gatot, Orang Indonesia yang Terpaksa Hidup 50 Tahun di Korea Utara

Kisah Gatot, Orang Indonesia yang Terpaksa Hidup 50 Tahun di Korea Utara submitted by sumpitsakit to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:48 Ok_Blackberry_6942 Kisah Gatot, Orang Indonesia yang Terpaksa Hidup 50 Tahun di Korea Utara

Kisah Gatot, Orang Indonesia yang Terpaksa Hidup 50 Tahun di Korea Utara submitted by Ok_Blackberry_6942 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:01 Happy-Study-981 [PEMBETULAN] Boikot Menurut Pandangan Islam

[PEMBETULAN] Boikot Menurut Pandangan Islam
Baca sampai habis
Aku setuju antara Ayat di bahagian terakhir Artikel Jabatan Mufti Negeri Selangor berkaitan isu Boikot Barangan Israel.
Ini pandangan aku berdasarkannya
1) Jangan duk boikot menonong takda hala tuju. Kalau melibatkan kepentingan ekonomi dan negara. Boikot tu perlu dipertimbangkan supaya tak beri mudarat kepada ekonomi dan kepentingan negara
2) Boikot dengan Ilmu atau Tabayyun. Boikot dengan tepat bukan main tibai suka hati. Kenal betul betul produk yang perlu diboikot. Bukannya label semua barangan sokong Israel lagi lagi barang nampak nama cam omputih atau luar negara sikit terus boikot. Sekarang banyak kot website untuk check jenama yg sokong Zionis
3) Buat Penyelesaian atau Solution jika takda pilihan untuk Boikot(Contoh kat Malaysia ni Industri Kopi. Ramai boikot Starbucks dan mungkin kini Zeus sbb Sokong Israel dan Neutral. Tapi penduduk tempatan bangkit dengan kepakaran industri tempatan. Sebab tu penting untuk semua industri ikut bab benda ni. Bukan boikot takda hala tuju. Harus bersama kita cari penyelesaian supaya boleh boikot penuh. Kena sedar yang kita masih ada barangan atau industri bergantung kepada syarikat berkaitan Zionis atau yang menyokong Zionis)
Kuatkan buatan tempatan dalam semua industri dan sektor supaya boleh berdiri sendiri dan boikot penuh
Baru betul cara Orang Islam Berfikiran Strategik. Berstrategi dan teratur
Kenal diri dan musuh baru boleh menang perang. Bukan sekadar yakin kita di pihak benar. Bermain dengan kekuatan kita
Nanti kat bawah aku bagi link baca sampai habis. Sekali dengan Rajutan dari Ustaz Muzuck sekali bab Hukum Fiqah
Rujukan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Selangor:
submitted by Happy-Study-981 to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:53 xoxefo3952 KURIR CINTA dari Laode Insan untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Aryo mahasiswa tampan yang terkenal playboy di kampusnya begitu mudah menaklukan hati wanita, kecuali gadis bernama Dona. Ia sampai minta bantuan sahabatnya Ode sang pujangga kampus dan Dido yang lihai sebagai paparazzi, mereka menjalankan misi sebagai Kurir Cinta demi mendapatkan cinta Dona. Petualangan asmara tersebut berhasil tapi berakibat nilai kuliah ketiganya anjlok. Aryo dan Dona jadian, bahkan ingin menikah muda meski ditentang orang tua mereka. Setelah Aryo dan Dona berusaha keras meyakinkan keluarga, akhirnya pernikahan direstui. Tetapi di usia pernikahannya yang masih terbilang muda, terjadi keretakan rumah tangga Aryo dan Dona, pertengkaran hebat berujung cerai. Kedua orang tuanya sangat marah, tidak setuju perceraian. Apakah Aryo dan Dona jadi bercerai? Bagaimana dengan upaya Ode dan Dido yang coba mencegah perceraian sahabatnya karena tidak ingin usaha mereka selama ini sia-sia? Apakah persahabatan mereka tetap utuh atau malah hancur? Baca keseruan kisah komedi romantis Kurir Cinta. Beri vote, komentar dan rating ya. Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:24 xoxefo3952 Mahligai Rasa Ruang Dimensi Asmara dari yudhasp untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Jika sebuah pernikahan di pelaminan hanya digunakan untuk memperoleh ke egoisan, untuk apa kedua sejoli harus meleburkan rasanya hanya untuk mendapatkan status sah dimata semua orang, apabila salah satu dari mereka banyak mendapatkan luka. Sosok wanita dalam dalam hubungan rumah tangga, mungkin dapat digambarkan sebagai sosok yang akan rapuh dari dalam segalanya. Apa hanya kurang nya keturunan dari sebuah pernikahan, sang suami bisa semerta-merta mencari pengganti di dalam sebuah bahtera rumah tangga? Pasangan muda Revan Aditya Pratama dan Anindya Putri, Revan yang menginginkan seorang putra dalam rumah tangganya bersama Anin, tetapi diusia pernikahan yang ke 3 Anin masih belum mendapatkan momongan, membuat Revan jengah dengan istrinya. Jika sesungguhnya takdir cinta melarang kita untuk bersama, maka salahkan aku karena hatiku yang terus menjerit kan namamu Anindya Putri. Mungkin inilah akhir dari kisah perjalanan cinta kita, maafkan aku karena sesungguhnya melepas mu juga sangat sakit bagiku Revan Aditya Pratama. Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:24 xoxefo3952 Mahligai Rasa Ruang Dimensi Asmara dari yudhasp untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Jika sebuah pernikahan di pelaminan hanya digunakan untuk memperoleh ke egoisan, untuk apa kedua sejoli harus meleburkan rasanya hanya untuk mendapatkan status sah dimata semua orang, apabila salah satu dari mereka banyak mendapatkan luka. Sosok wanita dalam dalam hubungan rumah tangga, mungkin dapat digambarkan sebagai sosok yang akan rapuh dari dalam segalanya. Apa hanya kurang nya keturunan dari sebuah pernikahan, sang suami bisa semerta-merta mencari pengganti di dalam sebuah bahtera rumah tangga? Pasangan muda Revan Aditya Pratama dan Anindya Putri, Revan yang menginginkan seorang putra dalam rumah tangganya bersama Anin, tetapi diusia pernikahan yang ke 3 Anin masih belum mendapatkan momongan, membuat Revan jengah dengan istrinya. Jika sesungguhnya takdir cinta melarang kita untuk bersama, maka salahkan aku karena hatiku yang terus menjerit kan namamu Anindya Putri. Mungkin inilah akhir dari kisah perjalanan cinta kita, maafkan aku karena sesungguhnya melepas mu juga sangat sakit bagiku Revan Aditya Pratama. Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:13 CIAHerpes I remember the night I died and saw the Bardo.

There are some kinds of wisdom only great suffering can bring. I remember my time in the Bardo with this in mind, for otherwise, the memory might drive me insane.
The night my heart stopped for nearly three minutes started off normally enough. I was working as a nurse in the psychiatric ward at a hospital in the state’s capital. Most of the patients there were harmless, mostly just suicide attempts or people suffering from drug psychosis or severe depression, but some were actively dangerous and certainly psychopathic in every sense of the word. The new admission was one of these- a three-hundred pound black man with a long history of smoking PCP, schizophrenia and violent, psychotic breaks from reality.
His eyes looked like flat pieces of slate as I walked in for my shift. They looked as blank and emotionless as the eyes of a doll. He sat at the table in the front room where the patients ate or played cards, alone under the bright fluorescent lights of the hospital. I walked to the station, where another psychiatric nurse named Ricardo was sitting behind the desk.
“What’s the deal with the new guy?” I asked him. Ricardo looked up, his dark Spanish face forming into a deep scowl. He ran his fingers through his jet-black hair nervously.
“He’s trouble, man,” he said in a crisp accent. “He got in a chase with the police and then punched some cops in the face. It took three guys to take him down, even after he got maced and tased. The judge sent him here on a temporary court order, since he claims he’s been getting chased by Nazis in UFOs, and that’s why he ran from the cops. He thought the cops in their uniforms were actually the SS, and the helicopters were alien spacecraft, or something. I don’t know, I didn’t listen to the whole story.”
“You have his file?” I asked. Ricardo leafed through a stack of folders with his thin fingers, snatching one out and handing it to me. I looked down, reading the information:
“Jeremiah Brown, black male, 37-years-old.
“History: Polysubstance abuse, schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder.
“Psychiatrist’s note: This patient has scored a 36 out of 40 on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. While I am always hesitant to label a patient as an antisocial personality, a combination of factors has made it essential for this patient.
“Patient has an extensive criminal history as well as a lengthy history of involuntary psychiatric admissions. He has been diagnosed as having antisocial traits since he was a young teenager. Patient has a long history of violence and suicide attempts. He has a history of imprisonment for manslaughter, armed robbery, grand theft and aggravated assault. Upon discharge, he refuses to take any antipsychotic medication, citing the side effects as the reason. Long-term prognosis is poor…”
I had not been sleeping well the past few weeks. I rubbed my eyes as I read through the file, feeling exhausted. I tried putting on lucid dreaming or meditation music from YouTube to help me sleep, but whenever I closed my eyes, I saw horrible things: chalk-white female faces whose lips were cut into an insane rictus grin, flicking their heads violently from side to side and gnashing their fangs at the air. I had a feeling that many years of constantly watching horror movies and serial killer documentaries was catching up with me.
As I read through the file, a student nurse came around the corner wearing a white state university outfit and a name tag that said Kaitlyn. I looked up, seeing Ricardo wink at me from where he was sitting in his chair behind the main desk.
“She’s going to follow you,” he said. Inwardly, I groaned, but I managed to force a smile.
“Oh, great!” I said. She looked like she was probably no older than nineteen or twenty. She had a pretty body, but her face looked strange. All the angles were too sharp and her nose too large. I knew the patients here wouldn’t care, though. They would hit on anything. I sensed trouble. I looked down at my watch.
“Well, I’m Jay, and you already know Ricardo, I guess. It’s good timing, because we need to give medications every day at 9 PM. And we have a new patient, so we can introduce ourselves,” I said, giving her a faint smile.
“That’s exciting!” Kaitlyn whispered. I wanted to roll my eyes. It was definitely not exciting.
I motioned her to follow me as I made my way to the medication room, which was really just a large closet off of the main day room. I had to enter my code on a keypad, and then, once inside, enter it again along with the patient’s number and date of birth. The correct drawers for the medication in each specific dose would fly open, making it extremely hard for the wrong medications or doses to be given, unless it was done intentionally.
“OK, so for this patient, we need Haldol, Ativan and…” I began saying to Kaitlyn when the yelling started. It came out faintly, rising in volume and anger within seconds. I heard Ricardo’s Spanish voice, filled with panic. Something slammed hard against a wall, once, twice, three times, and then I heard the sound of glass breaking. I jumped, spinning around, but I couldn’t see much through the small, shatter-proof glass pane on the wooden door.
“Stay here,” I commanded, seeing Kaitlyn’s eyes widen, her freckled skin looking much paler than when we had first come in. “Don’t leave until I come back and say that it’s safe.” On the speakers strung throughout the hospital, I heard the first of the warnings echo out around us.
“Doctor Strong, Doctor Strong, please report to the seventh floor,” a robotic female voice said calmly, using the code for when a patient had to be subdued by force. I pushed the door open, slamming it shut behind me so that the lock would activate and protect Kaitlyn from whatever chaos was going on.
I heard Ricardo pleading with someone at the end of the hallway that ran past the main desk. He sounded strange, as if he were trying to talk through a mouthful of blood. Huddled behind the main computer, I saw one of the CNAs frantically whispering something in the phone. She must have been the one to call the Dr. Strong order.
“You don’t have to do this, man,” Ricardo gurgled faintly. I couldn’t see what was happening, as Jeremiah’s large body was blocking my view. I could see that the thick glass window at the end of the hallway was broken, however. My heart skipped a beat as I surmised what was likely happening.
I sprinted forward as quietly as I could, but the large man heard me. His massive body turned, his flat, dead eyes scanning me with absolute coldness and calm. I saw he had a bleeding Ricardo in his hands. Ricardo’s back and head were covered in deep cuts and shards of glass. He must have used Ricardo’s body as a battering ram to break the thick glass window. Jeremiah held Ricardo suspended halfway out the window, seven floors above the concrete walkways far below.
“Stay back, or this fucker will know what it feels like to fly,” Jeremiah said in a deep, gravelly voice. He shook Ricardo for emphasis, sending his head snapping back and forth with painful cracking sounds. Drops of blood flew from his nose and a deep gash across his cheek. Pieces of shattered glass littered the carpet, shining like countless tiny stars.
I put my hands up, taking a step back. Far behind me, I heard the front door for the psychiatric ward open. Voices echoed down the hall. Knowing that reinforcements were coming, I tried to buy some time.
“Let’s talk about this,” I said, taking a step forward slowly. “You don’t want a murder charge, do you? You’ll never see the sky again.”
“I don’t give a fuck! I’m not afraid to die!” Jeremiah screamed, pushing Ricardo onto one of the shards of broken glass still attached to the windowsill. It bit deeply into the back of his neck, sending fresh streams of blood rushing out, dripping down to the pavement far below. I heard security guards and doctors running down the hallway behind me, their voices frantic and excited. Jeremiah saw them coming. With an animalistic panic in his eyes, he lifted Ricardo up. I cried out something, stepping forward, but it was already too late. In horror, I watched as he threw Ricardo out the window.
I watched Ricardo’s body soar in a graceful arc, his arms grabbing at empty air as a scream ripped its way out of his throat. Within a fraction of a second, he had disappeared from view, but his terrified shrieking floated up to us for what seemed like a very long time. His screams ended abruptly as a shattering of bones and a wet smacking sound exploded far below us.
Jeremiah turned to me, his large body moving much faster than seemed possible. In his hand, I saw a piece of broken glass, five or six inches long and as sharp as a dagger. I tried to turn and run, but he was fast and strong. He lunged forward, his arm coming up in a blur towards my neck.
The shard entered my skin with a cold, numbing pain. I felt it slice through the flesh easily, felt the blood bubbling up my throat as I tried to scream, choking. The taste of iron filled my mouth as I fell backwards. I was suffocating, I knew. I must be dying.
Something cold ran down my body, gripping my heart like freezing, skeletal hands. The world swam around me and turned black. And then I was rising into a tunnel. At first, it was dark, filled with flickering shadows, but a fiery red light appeared at the end. I followed it, no more than a screaming mass of consciousness rising up into infinity.
I rose up through the end of the tunnel and found myself in an empty hospital ward. It looked identical to the psychiatric ward I had just come from. It even had the same smashed, blood-streaked window at the end of the hallway. A massive puddle of blood about ten feet away marked the spot where I must have died. But the fluorescent lights overhead here were flickering, and many had gone totally dark. The shadows seemed to press in on all sides.
The doors to the patients’ rooms were all tightly shut. I felt watched, afraid to call out or make any noise. I started walking down the hallway back towards the day room where the front desk was. All the lights there were out. A thick curtain of shadows hung in the air.
“You can come out,” a male voice as smooth as glass called from the darkness. I jumped, my head flicking in random directions, but I saw nothing. The voice almost sounded like it had an English lilt to it, a slight Cockneyed accent. “I know you’re there.”
“Who’s there?” I called out, not stepping forward. “Show yourself.”
“As you wish…” the voice hissed. “But I think you’ll regret it.”
The darkness split apart as if a nuclear missile had exploded. I raised my hand to shield my face, but the light and heat kept pouring out all around me. It blinded me, causing a rainbow of colors and shapes to morph behind my closed eyelids. After a few seconds, it subsided. Blinking rapidly, I squinted in the direction the voice had come from.
A male figure stood there, bathed in a silhouette of light. His face looked as white and as smooth as marble. His eyes were pits of darkness that seemed to flicker and burn. Two black, rotted wings surrounded his body, all sharp angles and thin, curving bones. His body was clothed in silky, blood-red robes, and a hood covered his platinum blonde hair.
He looked somewhat similar to Leonardo DiCaprio, if he was possessed by some ancient god, and it immediately threw me off-guard. If I was dying, and this was a hallucination of my brain, why would I be hallucinating Mr. DiCaprio?
“Who are you?” I asked, taking a hesitant step back. “Where am I?”
“My name is Lucifer, the Bringer of Light and Wisdom, and you are in the Bardo,” he answered.
“Oh,” I said, my heart dropping. “Well, that’s not good. Are you here to torture me or drag to me to Hell or something? You are that Lucifer, right? The Accuser of God and the Father of All Lies?”
“So they say, but, like most things in your world, the words of the powerful and your rulers are the true lies. They call me the Accuser, but of what am I accused?” he spoke in a voice that rose like smoke. “Of bringing knowledge and wisdom to humanity by telling them to eat from the tree of knowledge, the tree that would cause them to rise above the animals?
“Indeed, at the beginning, I saw the creation. I was there at the alpha, standing by the side of God with all the angels as the universe came into being. The endless procession of light, the power of it, was something remarkable to behold. God is, indeed, the source of great power, but his consciousness is not what the believers say.
“After the creation of the universe, I saw his plan, how he ripped eternal souls from the source to imprison them. I saw how he took these divine sparks and forced them, screaming and wailing, into bodies made of meat to die over and over again. He said it was part of the plan, the great, divine plan, a plan of death and destruction, constant suffering and mindless agony. And the worst part was, he wanted to give humanity neither the knowledge of good and evil, nor the tree of life. I convinced them to eat the fruit so they could open their eyes to their nakedness, to their basic animal existence, so they could rise up out of it forever.
“Like Prometheus, I brought down the fire, and yet they call me the Accuser? God was insane long before he formed the universe. These holy men, they live and die in fanatical adoration to a divine being who is, in fact, totally indifferent to them.
“His consciousness twists and distorts, eating itself for all eternity. God feeds off the pain of others, for if his mind is burning, then all others should burn as well. When these holy men die, God will send their souls here to the Bardo, to suffer every evil they have ever done. The wisdom I brought those who called upon me freed them from this prison, and in exchange, the holy men burned them alive. I offered the wisdom that opens your eyes, but it has been forgotten and cursed.”
Lucifer’s body began to dissolve, drifting up into the air like ashes. All around me, a low, powerful current blew, a tornado that spiraled high up into the clouds. Like some sort of Cheshire Cat, his smooth voice continued to echo all around me, even as the form of Lucifer disappeared.
“And yet, you have not the wisdom. For that, like all the others who enter the Bardo, you must suffer, everything you’ve done. Every small hurt and agony inflicted on others comes back a thousand-fold in this place, but don’t be afraid.”
“How could I not be afraid?!” I screamed into the ward, but I found myself alone, the question hanging unanswered in the air.
The lights continued to flicker all down the hallway. Feeling strange and dissociated, I stumbled over to one of the windows. As I gazed out, I beheld a strange and alien world.
The sky was flat and gray. It stayed in constant motion, swirling and spiraling, like clouds of roiling smoke. There was no Sun or Moon, no stars, only the strange, shifting whorls of clouds. The streets were filled with burned-out husks of cars and mummified bodies hung from streetlamps. Other signs of carnage and bloodshed covered the apocalyptic streets. I saw what looked like shadows in the shape of people slinking through over the sidewalks, past rotting dogs and streaks of clotted blood. They had no features on their blank, dark bodies. They seemed to skitter and jerk forwards in eerie, twisting motions.
Horrified, I turned away, realizing I was no longer alone in the day room. In the day room, there were dozens of tables set up inside a rectangular perimeter that was walled in by cosmetic walls only four feet high. It was where the patients sat and played games or ate.
Under the flickering lights, I now saw each of the chairs filled with faceless mannequins. Many were dressed in Victorian suits and tophats. The women had frilly dresses of pink and blue that might have been fashionable in the 1800s.
As the lights strobed on and off overhead, I realized with an increasing sense of disquiet that the mannequins were moving each time it went dark. When I had first seen them, they were mostly posed to look like they were staring across the tables at each other, even though they had no eyes, just smooth, flesh-colored plastic. Now all of them were looking directly at me. Some were pointing or raising their hands in my direction. At the tips of their fingers, I saw the glittering of steel. The lights continued to flicker, and the mannequins rose from their chairs in the short periods of darkness, moving towards me in synchronized, strobing motions.
Frantically, I ran down the hallway back towards the broken window. In each of the rooms, I caught glimpses of something from a nightmare peeking out. I hadn’t been sleeping well lately, and when I had closed my eyes, I often saw ancient hags with chalk-white skin and yellowed, broken teeth whose jaws unhinged, their faces jerking in stuttering, dissonant ways that reminded me of the mannequins. Now, on both sides of me, I saw these same figures. They moved continuously out of the rooms, drawing closer with every breath.
I looked back, seeing the mannequins only a few steps behind me. I continued sprinting towards the broken window where the hallway ended in a wall. I didn’t know what would happen when I reached it. At that moment, there was no rational thought. I felt like a deer being chased down by a pack of wolves, feeling waves of blind panic and mortal terror rushing through my body.
But as I reached the end of the hallway, the end of my rope as it were, a blast of noise started, seeming to come from the walls of the building and the sky itself. It sounded like a siren, a low, drawn-out drone of a demonic whale call, rising and falling in crashing crescendos. The mannequins froze in place once again. The strange, witch-like creatures slunk back into the dark rooms.
I looked outside the broken window, seeing clouds of black smoke rising off in the distance. The flickering of massive infernos scorched the land, drawing nearer by the second. The siren sound faded slowly, like the dying echoes of a gong.
I was surrounded by dozens of mannequins. Their sharp hands were inches away from my face and neck. I saw metal glittering all around me and realized they had the sharp points of nails protruding from the ends of their fingers. I was afraid to move, but I heard a familiar voice from down the hallway. It was the confident voice of Lucifer.
“The siren means much worse nightmares than these are coming in the Bardo,” he said, his glossy, black eyes flashing with intelligence. He walked slowly towards me, his face grim and pale. “Hell itself is coming over the land. This building is no more than a construction of your dying mind, but the world outside is real.”
“How can Hell come and go?” I asked, confused. “Isn’t Hell a place?”
“Hell is a monster, a beast with many mouths and many eyes,” Lucifer responded. “It eats constantly, but its hunger never ends. Look, the first of the sacrifices scatter like cockroaches.” He pointed out the broken window, pushing his way through the mannequins effortlessly. I glanced outside, seeing thousands of people sprinting down the dark city streets. The inferno and thick clouds of smoke had moved much closer, and every few seconds, the ground shook slightly, as if we were experiencing the aftershocks of an earthquake.
“What can I do against such a beast?” I asked, my heart freezing with terror. But when I looked back over, I saw his form dissolving again, becoming translucent and drifting away like ashes. It seemed even Lucifer didn’t want to be present when the Hell-beast arrived.
“Seek divine wisdom,” he said, his voice trailing off into whispers. “Remember the source.”
Now crowds of tens of thousands of people were streaming into the city, filling every single inch of the streets. Their panic and fear was contagious. I felt it rising inside my body like a snake spiraling up my spine. I took off down the hallway, running through the swarm of frozen mannequins, each in their own ferocious position of attack. The lights flickered faster and went out. Yet the fires outside cast the entire world in a bloody glow, giving me enough light to see by and find my way. I sprinted down the stairwell, taking them two steps at a time. The screaming outside grew louder and more pain-filled. The shaking of the ground worsened with every passing second.
I burst out of the front entrance, seeing a world on fire all around me. Thousands of crushed, bleeding and burned bodies stretched out as far as the eye could see. Behind all this chaos and death, I saw a monster of unimaginable proportions slinking its way towards me.
Lucifer was right, I realized: Hell was not a place, but a creature, an enormous monster the size of a town. It had thousands of skittering, jointed legs that looked like little more than skeletal arms and hands, each of them dozens of feet long and white as freshly-cut marble. Its body stretched out to the horizon, an enormous blood-red cylinder of bony plates that slithered and undulated with a serpentine grace. Waves of peristalsis traveled down its length, like writhing intestines. Thousands of curving, bony spikes stabbed out of it, pointing in every direction. Like the quills of a porcupine, it would protect the massive creature’s body from many forms of attack, if anything was big enough to attack such an abomination.
Hell’s massive eyes flickered, balls of fire that spun and danced. They looked as bright as the Sun. Something like solar flares seemed to emanate from the orbs, flashes of blinding energy that floated over the apocalyptic wasteland. As its many legs smashed the ground, they left trails of fire that caused everything to explode into flames as if napalm dripped from its limbs.
But Hell’s most terrifying feature was its seven dark mouths. Its body looked a thousand feet wide, and the mouths at the front were evenly dispersed. At the front, blood-red teeth in the shape of enormous railroad spikes shone. Its lipless, skeletal face grinned as it moved forward, shaking the ground with every step. The mouths were on long, snake-like necks that could stretch out hundreds of feet. They moved forward in a blur, snapping up as many panicked souls as they could.
Countless souls in the rocky plains of the Bardo ran for their lives, away from this juggernaut. I saw men and women who looked like they came from every country and profession, some dressed in suits or spotless white lab coats, others wearing rags or orange prison jumpsuits. And yet, they all screamed in agony and fear here, their bodies pressed together in a crowd, and no one seemed to remember anything but their own mortal terror. Their voices came out faint and weak next to the roaring of Hell. It shook the ground all around us, as if an earthquake were tearing the land apart.
The first frantic runners of the surging crowd had nearly reached me. The nearest person, a young woman in her mid-twenties dressed in all white, was only ten feet behind me. She looked like she came from wealth, and even from here, I could see a ring with a massive diamond gleaming on her finger.
I took off blindly down the familiar streets of the city where I worked and lived, but these also seemed different. The church down the street from the hospital where I worked had a Satanic pentagram instead of a cross now, its exterior painted a bright, gleaming blood-red. When I had driven past it today on my way to work, I remember it read, “JESUS said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”
Now it read, “Nietzsche said, ‘Of all evil, I deem you capable. I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good simply because they had no claws.’” I wondered what that meant. Was that some sort of comment on me, on all of us here?
The woman I had seen running had caught up with me. She was fast, much faster than her slim body suggested. Her blue eyes were frantic and wild, filled with an animal panic.
“It’s right behind us!” she screamed, her face covered in a sheen of sweat. I was afraid to turn and look, but I could hear the chaos and bloodshed approaching, smell the flames and choking smoke. “Run! Get away!”
A new wave of energy surged through my body. I sprinted as fast I could down the strange mirror streets of the Bardo. I heard the agonized cries of countless souls behind us as the seven mouths of Hell ate them all greedily and then looked for more.
A skyscraper behind us collapsed into a pile of rubble, shaking the ground with a cacophony of falling concrete and shattering glass. The woman was running by my side. Just as I heard the breathing of something huge and predatory right behind us and smelled its sulfuric breath, a piece of concrete the size of a basketball broke off the collapsing skyscraper and flew into the road. I tripped over it, yelling as I flew through the air, skinning my arms and legs on the pavement. The woman’s eyes widened. Hurriedly, she came over and reached down her hand, trying to help me up.
“Come on, come on!” she cried. I looked behind her, seeing one of the gnashing mouths of Hell reaching forward on a blood-red, serpentine neck. The mouth was big enough to drive a tractor trailer into, filled with huge spikes of teeth. Its throat led into a black, smoke-filled abyss. Its fiery eyes were swirling pools of flickering orange light that shone with bloodlust and insanity. They focused on the woman, the entire head turning on its slithering neck.
I frantically raised my hand, intertwining my fingers with hers. Her hand was warm and soft. She started to pull me to my feet when the mouth of Hell snapped forward. Its jaw unhinged, scraping the pavement with a sound like grinding metal. The woman barely had time to turn as the mouth covered her and snapped shut with a crack.
She disappeared from view instantly, but I was still holding her hand. In horror, I felt warm rivers of blood explode all over my body as the mouth of Hell severed her arm at the wrist. She screamed, bleeding and crying, as she disappeared into the throat of Hell. Hell’s fiery eyes focused on me, and at that moment, I knew I was next. Its mouth opened wide again, like a bear trap ready to spring on a new victim.
It was dark in Hell’s mouth, but I smelled the thick reek of old blood and fire. I caught glimpses of tortured, mutilated bodies writhing and crawling down its throat. Shell-shocked, I could only lay there and watch. And that was when the strange doubling started.
I heard the frantic voices of men break through the fog of darkness and the fetid reek of blood. There was a mechanical beeping all around me, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from.
“Clear!” one cried. I looked around, only seeing blackness. At that moment, I felt a surge of electricity rip itself through my body. My arms and legs all seized and my eyes rolled up in my head as the pain sizzled through each one of my nerves. I clutched the young woman’s hand tightly, feeling the large, gold ring with the massive diamond biting into my skin.
“Again!” another voice yelled.
“Clear!” the original voice cried. The electricity came again, and a flash of white light flew across my vision. I blinked, seeing from two sets of eyes at the same time: one in the Bardo, and one on the blood-stained floor of the hospital ward.
The Bardo stayed dark and sinister, but the clear white lights of the real psychiatric ward were blinding. It was a bizarre experience. Moreover, everything hurt. Over a few seconds, my vision of the Bardo faded, and I was simply a gravely injured man laying on the floor in a puddle of blood.
Four doctors and paramedics were crouching over me with a defibrillator. My shirt was ripped off, and nearly all of my skin was covered in blood. I raised my left hand, trying to talk, but only a fiery pain raced through my neck. I felt bandages covering my skin. A nurse was rolling a stretcher down the hallway towards me.
“It’s OK,” one of the doctors said, kneeling down. “You’re being taken to emergency surgery. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t talk with the massive slice in my neck.
At that moment, I felt something in my right hand. I looked down, seeing a slim female hand with a massive diamond ring hanging there. Our fingers were wrapped around each other’s, but the hand had been cut off at the wrist. A ragged patch of bloody flesh and snapped bone poked out of the back.
“Nnnn,” I tried to say, shaking my head. I felt fresh streams of warm blood open up. “No…” The doctors looked down, seeing the dismembered hand. Their faces morphed into expressions of confusion and fear.
I closed my eyes as they lifted me up on the stretcher. One of them gently removed the cold hand from my fingers. But they could never remove the memory of what I had seen.
I know what happens after death, and it makes the worst life here seem like a dream. I know that, one day, I’ll be returned to that place. I know that, one day, I’ll see that great monster called Hell and the featureless, swirling sky of the Bardo again.
And the next time, I won’t wake up on a hospital floor, but will be trapped there with the others for eternity: an eternity of blood and fire.
submitted by CIAHerpes to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]