Phimheo vao di dong

A very old Vietnam Airlines ticket in early 2000s, prior joining SkyTeam. Yes, 9 PAGES in a boarding pass.

2024.06.01 08:45 GTX_1660Ti A very old Vietnam Airlines ticket in early 2000s, prior joining SkyTeam. Yes, 9 PAGES in a boarding pass.

A very old Vietnam Airlines ticket in early 2000s, prior joining SkyTeam. Yes, 9 PAGES in a boarding pass. submitted by GTX_1660Ti to aviation [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:10 DepVaiHang Vẹm chuẩn bị xuống tay với Minh Tuệ

Một nhà sư độc lập là cái gai trong mắt Vẹm, bọn tất xanh và bọn trọc tất xanh, đến lúc nào đó trong tương lai gần cái gai này sẽ phải bị nhổ. Trong đoàn theo ông Tuệ tao chắc phải có 1 tiểu đội tất xanh làm nhiệm vụ theo dõi, đeo bám, cần thiết là chia rẽ ngay. Giờ tao mà là ông Minh Tuệ đi cmn theo đường mòn HCM cắt đuôi bọn Tốc tốc củ lol. ĐCM bọn Ban tôn giáo Chú phỉnh đã rất tinh vi cài cắm thông tin ông Tuệ không phải là tu sĩ thuộc Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam.
submitted by DepVaiHang to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:41 Recent_Ad2303 vao di

submitted by Recent_Ad2303 to u/Recent_Ad2303 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:52 loriputih Oklinfia

Oklinfia submitted by loriputih to OkLinFiaGW [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:46 merveilles7 Mau tanya2 soal bisnis billiard

Halo fellow indonesians, jadi saya baru mau mulai bisnis dan kemungkinan bakal terjun di dunia hiburan (kemungkinan besar billiard). Buat temen2 di sini ada ga yang punya pengalaman atau pengetahuan soal bisnis di bidang ini yaa? Boleh dari segi harga meja, biaya sewa, maintenance dll. Boleh minta masukannya dong temen2 semua. Terima kasih sebelumnya
submitted by merveilles7 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:53 LeadPrize 8 keo mất giá xứ khỉ báo động tìm cách cứu 8 keo
submitted by LeadPrize to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:10 Dan_the_amature My free therapy is bullet journaling and taking artistic note. 😄

My free therapy is bullet journaling and taking artistic note. 😄 submitted by Dan_the_amature to bulletjournal [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:41 apple8963 Kou En and Xiang Yu

Great kingdoms are born from conquest; there are no exceptions. The ruler merely needs to obtain physical control over the lands. So theoretically, a bandit conqueror could be crowned as the king of the lands if he and his men have the forces to maintain their rule.
Alternatively, a puppet could be crowned by the bandit conqueror if the puppet is the rightful heir to the throne. Sadly, the puppet king would still have zero power against the bandit conqueror. This method is known as the Kingmaker Method.
Three times, the Kou Family played the role of Kingmaker within the State of Chu. We'll be exploring how the Kou Family rose up to be the most powerful family in China, only to fall to their demise to the Han Dynasty.

[Part 1: Kingdom of Shouheikun (224-223 B.C.) ]

After Ousen captured the Chu capital city along with its king, the State of Chu was in turmoil with a power vacuum. In the Year 224 B.C, General Kouen stepped in and crowned a new King of Chu.
(Shiji: Chapter 6: Chronicles of Qin Shi Huang)
The Chu general Kou En crowned Shouheikun as the last king of Chu and held the region south of the Huai River in revolt against Qin.
Kouen, the Tiger of Chu, found a rogue Qin minister, but then he crowned the minister as King of Chu. This twisted turn of events calls into question.
In this new State of Chu, who held more power: Kouen or Shouheikun? Perhaps the better question is: Whose allegiance do the lords of Chu swear loyalty to?
The answer is up to interpretation as there is no real confirmation. However, with enough knowledge in political science, the answer should be easy enough to find out.
The throne and crown are not what give rulers their power.

[Part 2: New State of Chu under the Kou Family’s Dictatorship (208 B.C.) ]

Long after the death of Kouen, Xiang Liang took over as the head of the Kou Family. Xiang Liang is the son of Kouen, and he would lead a revolution within Chu as a response to the tyrannical Qin Dynasty.
Note: The Japanese transliteration of Xiang Liang is Kou Ryou.

All the Warlords of Chu Swear Allegiance to the Kou Family

(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
“After you rose in revolt from east of the Yangtze, all the commanders across the length and breadth of Chu strove to attach themselves to you. This was because they thought My Lord (Xiang Liang), as a member of a family which for generations served Chu as generals, could reestablish the royal lineage of Chu.”
The bandit conqueror cannot rule alone. All rulers must have the backing of powerful nobles and ministers to assist his rule. Without this political coalition, the kingdom crumbles. When the warlords of Chu bow to the Kou Family, it was because they all chose the Kou Family to reestablish the royal lineage of Chu. The Kou Family had the legal right to do so.
Just like Kouen, the Kou Family played kingmaker and crowned another as King of Chu. This time, a peasant shepherd was crowned as king because of his royal lineage. The State of Chu was reborn.
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Xiang Liang thought his suggestion correct and sought out from among the common people a grandson of the late King Huai of Chu, named Xin, who was herding sheep for someone. Xiang Liang crowned Xin as King Huai of Chu to comply with the wishes of the people.
In this new State of Chu, who held more power: Xiang Liang the War-Ruler of Chu or the shepherd crowned as king? Clearly, one of them is a puppet.

What are Kingmakers?

Kingmakers are powerful ministers who choose a candidate to sit on the throne. This ability derives from the Kingmaker’s great influence and power. They have the money, connections, and resources to create a kingdom.
However, kingmakers cannot become kings because they are missing the legal right to be crowned. Puppet kings are needed for this reason. Unlike the kingmaker, the chosen puppets are the rightful heir to the throne. If Kingmakers are said to create kingdoms, then rightful kings keep them alive through the support of the people.
An European example is Richard Neville the Earl of Warwick. He was infamous for influencing the crowning of two kings during the War of the Roses. A Chinese Example would include Dong Zhuo who crowned the puppet Liu Xie by killing Emperor Shao. Another example is Cao Cao who took in Emperor Xian as a hostage while Cao Cao held true power.
No matter how rich and powerful they are, Kingmakers will NEVER get the support of the common people. Though, some exceptions may exist.

[Part 3: The Hegemon of Western Chu (206 B.C.) ]

After Xiang Liang died, his nephew, Xiang Yu, took over as the new head of the Kou Family. Xiang Yu is the grandson of Kouen, and Xiang Yu would later be infamous for destroying the Qin Dynasty.
Note: The Japanese transliteration of Xiang Yu is Kou’u.

The Double Pupil Eyes of Xiang Yu

(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
The Taishi Gong remarks: I have heard Master Zhou say that Emperor Shun had eyes with double pupils. I have also heard that Xiang Yu, too, had eyes with double pupils. Could it be that Xiang Yu was a descendant of Emperor Shun? How sudden was his rise to power!
The peak of the Kou Family’s power was when Xiang Yu crowned himself Hegemon-King and ruled all of China. The author of the Shiji took note of Xiang Yu’s character, but the very first thing he commented on was Xiang Yu’s eyes. It is suggested Xiang Yu may have Polycoria.
The Shiji theorizes that the eyes of Xiang Yu are evidence that he is the descendant of an ancient god.
The author’s commentary suggests Xiang Yu held both a royal pedigree and divine power, while also admitting and admiring his uniqueness. Xiang Yu, in Sima Qian’s eyes, was a king like no other.

After the Fall of the Qin Dynasty, the Kou Family Crowns the Eighteen Kings

The Kou Family established the balance of power in China after they transformed the State of Chu into a superpower among the 18 kingdoms. Xiang Yu was crowned Hegemon-King of Western Chu.
Hegemon-King is essentially the King of kings. This role serves as an “international policeman” of the 18 kingdoms. They play a dominant role in shaping the military outcomes in every kingdom of China through mighty campaigns. This is what it means to be a superpower.
Xiang Yu the King of Kings
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
King Xiang crowned himself as Hegemon-King of West Chu, ruling over nine commanderies, with Pengcheng as his capital.
The Crowning of the Puppet Emperor
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Thus Xiang Yu honored King Huai as Emperor Yi.
Xiang Yu Crowns the King of Han
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
King Xiang crowned the Magistrate of Pei (Liu Bang) as the King of Han to rule over Ba, Shu, and Han, with Nanzheng as his capital.
Then He Crowns the King of Yong
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
King Xiang thus crowned Zhang Han as the King of Yong to rule over the land west of Kanyou, with Feiqiu as his capital.
The King of Sai
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Thus King Xiang crowned Sima Xin as the King of Sai to rule over the land east of Kanyou up to the Yellow River, with Yueyang as his capital.
The King of Di
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
King Xiang crowned Dong Yi as the King of Di to rule over Shang Province with Gaonu as his capital.
The King of Hengshan
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Wu Rui the Lord of Po, had led the Baiyue peoples to aid the feudal lords and, moreover, followed King Xiang to enter the Pass, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Hengshan with Zhu as his capital.
The King of Hann
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Cheng, King of Hann, made Yangdi his capital since it had been the former capital of Hann.
The King of Dai
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Xie, King of Zhao, was moved and made King of Dai.
The King of Henan
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Zhang Er's favorite vassal, Shen Yang of Xiaqiu, first conquered Henan and met Chu's army on the banks of the Yellow River, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Henan with Luoyang his capital.
The King of Changshan
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Zhang Er, the Prime Minister of Zhao, had always been worthy and, moreover, had followed King Xiang to enter the Pass, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Changshan to rule over the territory of Zhao with Xiangguo as his capital.
The King of Yin
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Sima Ang, the commander of Zhao, pacified Henei and had several times achieved merit, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Yin to rule over Henei with Zhaoge as his capital.
The King of Western Wei
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Bao, King of Wei, was moved and made King of West Wei, to rule Hedong with Pingyang as his capital.
The King of Jiujiang
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Qing Bu, the Lord of Dangyang, was a commander of Chu whose merit always topped the whole army, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Jiujiang with Liu as his capital.
The King of Linjiang
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Gong Ao, Chief Minister to Emperor Yi, had led troops to attack Nan Province and won much merit, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Linjiang with Jiangling as his capital.
The King of Yan
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Zang Tu, the commander of Yan, had gone with Chu to rescue Zhao and subsequently followed King Xiang to enter the pass, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Yan with Ji as his capital.
The King of Liaodong
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Han Guang, the King of Yan, was moved and made King of Liaodong.
The King of Qi
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Tian Du, general of Qi, had joined with Chu to rescue Zhao and subsequently followed King Xiang to enter the Pass, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Qi with Linzi as his capital.
The King of Jiaodong
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
Tian Shi, the King of Qi, was moved and made King of Jiaodong.
The King of Jibei
(Shiji: Chapter 7: Chronicles of Xiang Yu)
When King Xiang crossed the Yellow River to rescue Zhao, Tian An, the grandson of King Ou Ken, the King of Qi who had been killed by the former Qin ruler, subdued many cities north of Qi and surrendered with his troops to King Xiang, therefore King Xiang crowned him as the King of Jibei with Boyang as his capital.
The Peak of the Kou Family's Reign
submitted by apple8963 to Kingdom [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:26 SiblingBondingLover Moment jaman dulu

Moment jaman dulu submitted by SiblingBondingLover to indowibu [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:30 Signal_Cod_3351 Hawd nga massage therapy place?

No 18+ answers please. Kanang legit lang. Good boy man ta. Ingnan pa lang tag easy boy.
Tabang hahahaha Kaning part (ambot ug muscle ba ni or nerve) sa liog and shoulder nga magmeet sila sa likod mga par, grabe na gyud ni kasakit pila na ka-years ay murag nay naipit nga ugat. Naingani man atung na-stiff neck ko ome time. Nawala na ang stiff neck pero murag naa man gyud sa lalom nga gahi and naipit.
Daghan na kaayo kog natry nga massage, acupuncture, pero di man gyud sila kadulot oi hahaha same ra silag sulti tanan, "lalom man ni nga panuhot/ugat dong." Bisag karon nga pila ka-months nako ga-gym, nabawasan man ang pain pero naa man gihapon siya nga stiffness sa sulod sa base sa back neck.
Tabang hahaha naa moy masuggest nga therapy? Like cupping siguro? Asa pud nindot?
Salamat kaayo sa mga manubag. Ayaw ra nang 18+. Good boy man ta. Masuko si lord.
submitted by Signal_Cod_3351 to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:39 Plenty_Cut_6495 vao di

submitted by Plenty_Cut_6495 to u/Plenty_Cut_6495 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:10 RunnasEagle CS613 Màu sắc độ phân giải cao băng tần kép 5G

CS613 Màu sắc độ phân giải cao băng tần kép 5G
🏠Camera giám sát Vstarcam 2K CS613 với mạng WLAN ngoài trời 5GHz/2.4GHz, vỏ chống nước IP66, thích hợp sử dụng ngoài trời và bảo vệ tài sản của bạn tốt hơn.
🎥Khi được kích hoạt bằng chuyển động, camera wifi ngoài trời 2K sẽ tự động theo dõi mục tiêu, gửi thông báo cảnh báo theo thời gian thực và kích hoạt báo động âm thanh, ánh sáng vào ban đêm, có thể bật tắt khi cần thiết.
CS613 Camera 👉
submitted by RunnasEagle to VStarcam [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 08:52 Motor-Body-9929 Daftar Situs Slot Online Gacor 2024 Topbandar

Topbandar - Halo, apa kabarnya ? pastinya sehat dong bray!!!
Di era modern ini, Pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dong dengan permainan judi slot online. kini hadir situs judi slot online gacor resmi no 1 di indonesia tahun 2024 yaitu Topbandar.
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Semoga Beruntung!!! Terima Kasih telah membaca artikel ini. Salam Hormat, Topbandar.
submitted by Motor-Body-9929 to u/Motor-Body-9929 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 06:22 Dramatic_Sector6359 di nhoi vao la chet roi

submitted by Dramatic_Sector6359 to u/Dramatic_Sector6359 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 04:28 penstatus1 Traveling to China later this year (BEI > SHA > GUA)

Hi all - I am traveling to China with my parents later this year. The itinerary is going to be 5 days in Beijing, 4 days in Shanghai, and 4 days in Guangzhou. I'm already eyeing this flight ticket that will cost me USD$1,200 for a multi-city (Arriving in Beijing and departing from Guangzhou). I plan on taking the HSR from Beijing to Shanghai (which takes ~4-5 hours) and Shanghai to Guangzhou (~8-9 hours!!). My question is: does it make sense to take the HSR from Shanghai to Guangzhou? I feel like I'm losing travel time. Is it cheaper to just book the flight ticket there from China Southern, which I think takes 2-3 hours?
Any other tips is appreciated!
EDIT: I asked ChatGPT to create an itin for me..

Beijing (5 Days)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Shanghai (4 Days)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Guangzhou (4 Days)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

submitted by penstatus1 to travelchina [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:38 siderealscorpio_02 Going NC with family? Is this petty?

Hi everyone. I'm 24F. Currently living out of pulau Jawa. Anak pertama, dan punya adik 14M.
Backstory: Right after high school, i took a gap year mainly because my family's finance was not good at all. Mom had numerous debt after my step dad passing in 2015. So i worked ever since i was 18, dari serabutan sampe akhirnya gue bisa dpt corporate job thn 2019. Kuliah sambil kerja (awal masih dibantu nyokap untuk bayar UKT, tapi semester 3 sampai gue lulus it was all me). Dan dari kerjaan serabutan gue pertama, sampai sekarang, I have always tried to give something to my mom. Dari nominal kecil sampe lumayan gede gue selalu share as my thank you.
Singkat cerita, setelah sekian lama enduring all the passive agressive from my family (mom and brother), gue dpt offer di luar pulau untuk kerja dan gue ambil tanpa mikir panjang karena gue udah segatahan itu dirumah. Giving money is one thing, being eldest daughter is another thing. Nyokap gue dititik kalo ngobrol sama gue gajauh-jauh dari duit. I could talk about the anything with her it will end up to her lacking of money. Even gue udh jauh dari rumah, isi chat kita garing, gada tuh nanya kabar gue gmn/kerjaan gue dan ujung2nya bakal ngomongin duit. And because I know her, that's her way of asking money. She never explicitly 'asking' for money from me, rather she will be passive agressive, atau kode2 gitu loh. Gue pernah blg sm dia, kalo memang butuh, ngomong, gausah gaenakan, dan sebisa mungkin jika gue mampu gue akan bantu.
Tapi tetep aja, masih dengan kode2 itu, ditambah omongan dia yang selalu terngiang "Mama gabutuh uang dari kamu, ka. Mama cuma butuh kamu berbakti aja sama mama, cukup kok. Mama masih bisa sendiri kalo uang." Tapi gue gapernah dengerin dan gue ngerasa selama gue masih tinggal dirumah dia, gue harus bantu. Sampai akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk move out. I thought, this way it would be easier to say no, incase i do not want to give her any money (sorry gada uang/uang lg mepet abis). Ternyata engga cuy lol
Saat gue pindah, gaji gue memang naik, tapi gue jg merasa gue harus bayar rent + cost of living dll yang dimana walau bukan pulau jawa, gue juga harus nabung untuk masa depan gue. Gue tetep ngasih setiap bulannya, tapi nominal gue turunin sedikti demi sedikit. Tapi ternyata diluar allowance bulanan yang gue kasih ke dia, gue juga tetep ngasih ke adek gue. Lama-lama banyak yang dia minta, entah dari isi topup e-wallet. Belum lg adek gue minta.Januari kemarin, adek gue dengan bodohnya nabrak orang. Iya umur 14 tahun dikasih motor dan diberi izin, nabrak anak kecil. Untung korbannya cm luka ga sampe meninggal. Nyokap gue nelfon gue, laporan. Salahnya gue disini trauma takut dimintain uang, gue ada omongan bahwa maaf, gue gabisa bantu karena pengeluaran lg memang banyak dan gue baru aja kasih duit bulanan dia juga. Gue saat itu worry tp juga bener2 gabisa bantu + gue ngerasa ini jg kelalaian dia sbg ortu ngasih izin adek bawa motor. Dia sakit hati merasa dia cm pgn lapor tp gue malah bales gitu. Had a whole fight, sampai dimana dia ada omongan yang super nyakitin, kemungkinan gue tidak akan bisa memaafkan dia sampai gue mati nanti.
> She said and I quote "Kamu tidak malu sudah mengambil jatah kasih sayang papa adek kamu? Dia anak yatim kasian gada yang sayang. Kamu dulu saat kecil dapat kasih sayang dari papa dia harusnya kamu malu. Kamu baru bisa ngasih yang tidak seberapa itu jangan harap bisa membayar pengorbanan yang sudah diberikan oleh ibu kamu ini."
(Context: never met my bio father, grew up with my step dad, im grateful he was a decent kind man. Step dad died when I was 15 and my brother was 5. Knp gue harus kesannya ambil jatah? Dan gue tau, gue blm bisa kasih a whole house, tp pengorbanan dan pemberian gue 0 aja gitu dimata dia selama ini? Whew.)
Bulan ini, gue ga ngasih bulanan ke nyokap, karena sejujurnya gue sempet travel tanpa bilang ke mereka. Karena gamau dianggap gue ada uang banyak dan mereka minta lebih. Karena dimata mereka kalo gue bisa jalan2, ada uang lebih untuk mereka dong. Gue gamau ngasih kalo ga ikhlas. Tapi gue dikejar-kejar seakan gue ada hutang sm mereka. Sampe dikirim video tentang anak durhaka halus karena mereka anggep gue ada uang tapi gamau ngasih. Padahal uang gue beneran abis dan gue udh blg ke mereka tanpa konteks gue abis jalan2. But they still kode2 pasif agresif.
I've had enough, gue tau mungkin yang gue tulis disini ga cover beberapa tahun gue menjadi sandwich generation di keluarga gue. All the mental I've had to go through. And I know I sound so selfish to have a desire to cut them off completely over this matter. But truth is, ini resentment built up dari dulu yang memang baru meledak sekarang. P.S Nyokap gue gamau remarry lg krn dia males, gue udh kasih restu kalau memang dia mau nikah biar ada yang provide untuk dia selain gue. Karena gue juga cm anak, bukan the man of the family.
  1. Apakah wise kalau memang gue truly go NC?
  2. Karena posisi gue ga dirumah, gue cm ada foto KK dan copy KK. Is this possible untuk pecah KK
  3. Are there other necessary steps if I'm going to NC with them?
All the help and comment will be appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by siderealscorpio_02 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:53 Bakesucvat2486 Nói chung là bá dơ !

Ngàn vạn lần như một...
✅ B-ắc Kỳ gặp nạn: 7749 cái page khóc lóc bỉ bôi qua ngày lày tháng lọ, chốt lại là lợi dụng để xin donate, một cách bất cmn chấp luôn.
❌ Nam Kỳ gặp nạn: đeo ai care, ngay cả những thằng NK tánh cải lương hở cái là đi donate cho tụi nó, hễ cứ tụ nào xôm là tao bu vào thể hiện cái lòng bác ái, thương xót tha nhân :v
Chuyện đâu đâu ở BK, nhưng thường thì BK nó lại đeo đóng góp bằng một góc tiền của mấy thằng NK chuyển ra, ảo chưa.
Không biết lần này mấy thằng ngục cho ch-ó ăn hết bao nhiêu rồi?
submitted by Bakesucvat2486 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:48 Jonhsghd Loa JBL PartyBox Ultimate - Bữa Tiệc Sôi Động

Loa JBL PartyBox Ultimate - Bữa Tiệc Sôi Động
Loa JBL PartyBox Ultimate là mẫu loa bluetooth dành cho các bữa tiệc sôi động và đông vui. Kích thước khủng cùng quai xách di động, trang bị đèn LED mang tới nhịp điệu âm thanh ánh sáng rực rỡ và đồng điệu.
Chất âm JBL Pro nguyên bản cho trải nghiệm nghe nhạc đắm chìm, tăng cường với trải nghiệm Dolby Atmos sống động qua Wi-Fi.
Đặc điểm nổi bật: - Thiết kế di động với bánh xe và tay cầm chắc chắn giúp loa dễ dàng di chuyển - Thiết kế hệ thống đèn led và đèn chớp mới cực ấn tượng đồng bộ với âm nhạc cho những bữa tiệc sôi động - Âm thanh JBL Original Pro Sound mạnh mẽ với công suất lên tới 1100W cho cuộc vui bùng nổ - Chống nước IPX4 giúp bạn tổ chức những bữa tiệc ngoài trời mà không hề lo lắng - Kết nối không dây thông qua bluetooth 5.3 mới nhất - Kết nối Wifi hỗ trợ phát nhạc trực tuyến với âm thanh Dolby Atmos - Kết nối analog qua cổng AUX, USB (có thể sạc ngược) - Tích hợp đầu vào guitar và mic cho bạn thiết lập buổi hát karaoke, biểu diễn nhanh chóng - Công nghệ JBL PartyPad™ để tùy chỉnh không khí bữa tiệc của bạn bằng ba thao tác đơn giản bằng đầu ngón tay:chạm, giữ và trượt - Cổng USB có thể sạc các thiết bị thông minh - Có thể kết nối không dây 2 loa - Kết nối có dây hàng trăm loa cùng loại thông qua công nghệ daisy chain - Tương thích với Ứng dụng JBL ONE để tùy chỉnh loa từ xa hoàn hảo. - Điều khiển trực tiếp dễ dàng thông qua bảng điều khiển được tối ưu
HOTLINE (CALL/ SMS/ ZALO): 0933.252.606
Trụ sở chính: 122B Phan Đăng Lưu, P.3, Q. Phú Nhuận, TP.HCM
Showroom trải nghiệm: Số 88, Đường số 14, Khu dân cư Him Lam, P. Tân Hưng, Q.7, TP.HCM
submitted by Jonhsghd to u/Jonhsghd [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:24 Komachi21 Người mình từng thích mất trong vụ cháy nhà trọ ở Trung Kính

Người mình từng thích mất trong vụ cháy nhà trọ ở Trung Kính
Chuyện là ngày trước (hồi 2021) mình có thích một bạn nữ, bạn ấy cùng quê với mình. Mình có follow FB của bạn một thời gian rồi quyết định chủ động nhắn tin để làm quen. Lúc đó thì bạn ấy cũng có người yêu r nên cũng từ chối mình một cách nhẹ nhàng.
Mình bị từ chối xong thì cũng chấp nhận và sống tiếp, cũng ít theo dõi FB bạn ấy hơn. Bạn và anh người yêu yêu nhau được một thời gian thì cả 2 mới tổ chức đám cưới hồi tháng 3 năm nay. Mình nhắn tin chúc mừng thì bạn ấy cũng nhắn lại cảm ơn các kiểu, cũng thấy mừng cho bạn.
Rồi vụ cháy ở Trung Kính xảy ra. Sáng hôm qua thì mình đọc thông tin trên FB với trên báo xác định được danh tính 14 nạn nhân trong vụ cháy thì thấy có tên V.V.D (1998 quê Hải Dương) với N.T.T.H (2001 quê Bắc Ninh vợ anh V.V.D) xong rồi còn có comment là người làng M** Đ***. Mình nghĩ: ôi thôi chết r có khi nào...
Sau đấy thì cũng đọc từng comment các bài trên FB để tổng hợp thông tin lại thì thấy lại càng chắc chắn hơn. Mình vẫn không tin và cầu trời không phải bạn ấy cho đến khi mình nhắn tin xác nhận lại với người nhà bạn ấy. Không có một phép màu nào xảy ra.
2 vợ chồng bạn mới cưới nhau được 2 tháng, thậm chí có thông tin bạn còn đang mang thai đứa con đầu lòng thì bi kịch ập đến với cả 2 người. Đến bây giờ mình vẫn không thể chấp nhận được sự thật rằng bạn đã mất. Trong người mình nó có một cái cảm xúc thực sự khó tả mọi người ạ, đau xót quá.
submitted by Komachi21 to vozforums [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:03 BoDo3ke Trại súc vậy p11

submitted by BoDo3ke to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:09 Jaded-Knee4178 Xứ này phải gọi là xứ hề

submitted by Jaded-Knee4178 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 05:50 Zealousideal_Ask9742 Info travel -stan Asia Tengah

Secara ni ya kita bebas visa di bbrp negara -stan, ane ada pertanyaan nih, sambil googling itinerary, rencana pengennya liat2 nature disana
Gitu aja, kalau ada blog/content ttg trip ini, share dongs
Thanks before and afer
submitted by Zealousideal_Ask9742 to indonesia [link] [comments]