Finding pressure activity


2015.06.25 01:57 Gatorphan gnvR4R

Personal ads for finding activity partners, friends, relationships and other connections.

2020.09.14 22:26 robxnarchist JoyfulMovement

A weight neutral and fat positive approach to physical activity that emphasizes finding pleasure in the way we move our bodies. Everyone is welcome, regardless of race, body type or size, gender, sex, sexual orientation, age, or fitness level.

2014.01.15 09:43 k-h Mining the data that is reddit

dig deeper, look for bigger

2024.05.19 01:17 NateFate11 What to change for better quality?

What to change for better quality?
Ender 3 S1 Pro
submitted by NateFate11 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:17 suibex Rate this random mock-up of FB ad copy I've written for Arlo Pro 4

Headline: Your home is not as secure as you think, even if you have a ‘security’ camera… 😳
Newsfeed Description: If you want to keep your house safe, don’t use a ‘security’ camera…😳
With all these options of ‘security’ cameras on the market today… which one will make you sleep safely at night?
With less than 160° degree camera view, bad night vision quality & proprietary software ecosystem…there is no point in buying any of the ‘top 5’ existing security cameras out can’t see who’s behind the door at the time when it’s most important to - night time.
That’s why our Arlo Pro 4 isn’t a ‘security’ camera & makes you sleep safe at night by:
Arlo’s security camera also comes with a 2-way communication protocol, this way you can see clearly who’s behind the door (even at night) the second they arrive & talk to them ( to either drop the pizza on the floor or anything else )
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ”Recently moved to a year-round home, on a seasonal private lane. I picked Arlo as we wanted video, 3 to 4 cameras. It was a great choice. It will pick up vehicles halfway down our 600' driveway now, and we can see almost all of it thanks to multiple camera views. If you are on the fence about investing in an Arlo system, just do it. You will not regret it.
Oh, and there’s one more thing…but it’s a ‘secret’ you have to keep safe (no pun intended)...
With our Arlo Pro 4 also comes the Arlo Secure Trial which helps you:
Find out more about how Pro 4 helps you sleep ‘safe’ at night:

submitted by suibex to copywriting [link] [comments]


submitted by IllustratorProper721 to NursingStudent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:15 Round_Sun_7593 My story and life after myocarditis

Hey guys, I'll try to remember everything I can, because I know how hard it is for everyone, and every little detail someone can relate to will help.
My story started on May 19, 2021, when I got my first COVID-19 vaccine. Within a week, I ended up in the ER with chest pain, numbness, and pressure (it felt like my arm was going to explode). The ER checked me out and said I was fine, but I went to my primary doctor to discuss it further. She did some bloodwork, and everything came back normal. She then referred me to a neurologist and a hematologist, both of whom did everything they could but ultimately told me I was young and had probably pushed myself too hard at the gym.
The pain continued to come and go, but I ignored it because I had been to the ER and seen three doctors who all assured me I was fine. Fast forward to December 2023, and the pain came back with a vengeance. It was worse than ever and lasted for a couple of weeks. I finally decided to go to the ER (in a different country, not the US), and the first thing they did was check my heart. They found that my troponin level was 14,000 ng/l, which is incredibly high. They immediately admitted me to the ICU because they suspected I was having a heart attack. They performed a cath, echo, and MRI, and thankfully, it wasn't a heart attack, just Pericarditis, acute myocarditis with reduced right ventricle function (RVEF 47%) and left ventricle function (LVEF 67%), and a scar in the middle of my heart.
They put me on ramipril 5 mg once a day, bisoprolol 5 mg once a day, and colchicine 0.5 mg twice a day. It's been six months of ups and downs, sometimes feeling better, sometimes worse, but overall, I am gradually getting better. During these six months, I changed doctors because I came back to the United States. The new doctor told me to stay on the same medications but stop taking colchicine and start taking ibuprofen instead. That was the biggest and worst mistake of my life, I'd say! It made me SOOOOOOO much worse! After a month of taking 1200 mg of ibuprofen daily, I stopped and went back to taking colchicine. It's been a little over a month since then, and I am just starting to feel better, but I'm still worse than I was before.
I had my second MRI a week ago, and I got the results. To be honest, I don't know how to feel about them. I want to be mad, but I am also happy to be alive because after the ibuprofen pain, I truly believed I wouldn't survive. The new MRI shows no active inflammation, but there is a patchy scar in the middle of the heart. My LVEF is 65%, and my RVEF is good. My new troponin T level is 13 ng/l. I feel happy that my heart is functioning properly, but I don't know if the scar is permanent. I've read SO MUCH about it, and there may be a chance for it to disappear after a year because it may be just residue from the inflammation. Or it may be permanent.
I contacted my cardiologist outside the US about my results, and he said that if he were my doctor, the next step would be to stop the medication and just start living my life. However, my doctor here in the US told me that I need to be on medication indefinitely.
Who the people who's gonna read this post and going through a hard time with myocarditis it'll get better if you just REST as much as possible if is possible stop stop working and just stay home do it! DON'T TAKE NSAIDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't experiment with new medications or supplements just stick to what you have and rest eat and drink a lot of water. ❤️
submitted by Round_Sun_7593 to myocarditis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:14 sparkler39 "I'll do ANYTHING to be rid of this addiction...but"...

I've listened to thousands of hours of recovery podcasts and webinars over the last three years and every single professional basically says that the overwhelming majority of addicts get into recovery to avoid consequences (discovery by a partner, job/financial consequences, legal problems, etc). That most professionals can count on one hand the addicts who choose to enter recovery of their own volition. But they all say, they can work with that. Addicts can start recovery to avoid the consequences of discovery but very quickly they've got to be in recovery because they want it themselves.
And this recovery is generally just the very basic beginnings of recovery...sobriety but nothing else. Addicts who actually get into solid recovery (and stay sober) are the ones who have hit rock bottom and are actually willing to do ANYTHING to get into recovery.
I read posts and comments from partners here everyday that say something like 'my addict has said he'll do anything to keep our relationship/stop his addiction...but...'
This is NOT an addict who has hit rock bottom and is actually willing to do ANYTHING to save his relationship and get into recovery. This is an addict who is telling you that any of those reasons listed above are more important than you and your relationship. When they say that...LISTEN TO THEM. Don't keep trying to save a relationship and defend an addict when the other person in the relationship admits that a video game is more important than you. A phone in the bathroom is more important than you.
An addict who truly wants to be in recovery is willing to do anything. They are wiling to give up anything. Nothing, not a single damn thing, is more important to them than their recovery. And you deserve an addict in actual recovery. You deserve more than an addict who gives excuse after excuse why they can't do recovery. Please stop accepting these stupid excuses and addicts who prioritize anything and everything over you. You deserve better.
submitted by sparkler39 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:12 ReceptionRadiant6425 Issues with Scrapy-Playwright in Scrapy Project

I'm working on a Scrapy project where I'm using the scrapy-playwright package. I've installed the package and configured my Scrapy settings accordingly, but I'm still encountering issues.
Here are the relevant parts of my file:
# Scrapy settings for TwitterData project # # For simplicity, this file contains only settings considered important or # commonly used. You can find more settings consulting the documentation: # # # # BOT_NAME = "TwitterData" SPIDER_MODULES = ["TwitterData.spiders"] NEWSPIDER_MODULE = "TwitterData.spiders" # Crawl responsibly by identifying yourself (and your website) on the user-agent #USER_AGENT = "TwitterData (+" # Obey robots.txt rules ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False # Configure maximum concurrent requests performed by Scrapy (default: 16) #CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 32 # Configure a delay for requests for the same website (default: 0) # See # See also autothrottle settings and docs #DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 3 # The download delay setting will honor only one of: #CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_DOMAIN = 16 #CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_IP = 16 # Disable cookies (enabled by default) #COOKIES_ENABLED = False # Disable Telnet Console (enabled by default) #TELNETCONSOLE_ENABLED = False # Override the default request headers: #DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS = { # "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", # "Accept-Language": "en", #} # Enable or disable spider middlewares # See #SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES = { # "TwitterData.middlewares.TwitterdataSpiderMiddleware": 543, #} # Enable or disable downloader middlewares # See #DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { # "TwitterData.middlewares.TwitterdataDownloaderMiddleware": 543, #} # Enable or disable extensions # See #EXTENSIONS = { # "scrapy.extensions.telnet.TelnetConsole": None, #} # Configure item pipelines # See #ITEM_PIPELINES = { # "TwitterData.pipelines.TwitterdataPipeline": 300, #} # Enable and configure the AutoThrottle extension (disabled by default) # See #AUTOTHROTTLE_ENABLED = True # The initial download delay #AUTOTHROTTLE_START_DELAY = 5 # The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies #AUTOTHROTTLE_MAX_DELAY = 60 # The average number of requests Scrapy should be sending in parallel to # each remote server #AUTOTHROTTLE_TARGET_CONCURRENCY = 1.0 # Enable showing throttling stats for every response received: #AUTOTHROTTLE_DEBUG = False # Enable and configure HTTP caching (disabled by default) # See #HTTPCACHE_ENABLED = True #HTTPCACHE_EXPIRATION_SECS = 0 #HTTPCACHE_DIR = "httpcache" #HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_HTTP_CODES = [] #HTTPCACHE_STORAGE = "scrapy.extensions.httpcache.FilesystemCacheStorage" # Set settings whose default value is deprecated to a future-proof value REQUEST_FINGERPRINTER_IMPLEMENTATION = "2.7" TWISTED_REACTOR = "twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor" FEED_EXPORT_ENCODING = "utf-8" # Scrapy-playwright settings DOWNLOAD_HANDLERS = { "http": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler", "https": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler", } DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { 'scrapy_playwright.middleware.PlaywrightMiddleware': 800, } PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSER_TYPE = "chromium" # or "firefox" or "webkit" PLAYWRIGHT_LAUNCH_OPTIONS = { "headless": True, } 
I've confirmed that scrapy-playwright is installed in my Python environment:
(myenv) user@user:~/Pictures/TwitteTwitterData/TwitterData$ pip list grep scrapy-playwright scrapy-playwright 0.0.34 
I'm not using Docker or any other containerization technology for this project. I'm running everything directly on my local machine.
Despite this, I'm still encountering issues when I try to run my Scrapy spider. Error:2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Scrapy 2.11.2 started (bot: TwitterData) 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Versions: lxml , libxml2 2.12.6, cssselect 1.2.0, parsel 1.9.1, w3lib 2.1.2, Twisted 24.3.0, Python 3.11.7 (main, Dec 15 2023, 18:12:31) [GCC 11.2.0], pyOpenSSL 24.1.0 (OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024), cryptography 42.0.7, Platform Linux-6.5.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.addons] INFO: Enabled addons: [] 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [asyncio] DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.utils.log] DEBUG: Using reactor: twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.utils.log] DEBUG: Using asyncio event loop: asyncio.unix_events._UnixSelectorEventLoop 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.extensions.telnet] INFO: Telnet Password: 7d514eb59c924748 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled extensions: ['scrapy.extensions.corestats.CoreStats', 'scrapy.extensions.telnet.TelnetConsole', 'scrapy.extensions.memusage.MemoryUsage', 'scrapy.extensions.logstats.LogStats'] 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.crawler] INFO: Overridden settings: {'BOT_NAME': 'TwitterData', 'FEED_EXPORT_ENCODING': 'utf-8', 'NEWSPIDER_MODULE': 'TwitterData.spiders', 'REQUEST_FINGERPRINTER_IMPLEMENTATION': '2.7', 'SPIDER_MODULES': ['TwitterData.spiders'], 'TWISTED_REACTOR': 'twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor'} Unhandled error in Deferred: 2024-05-19 03:50:12 [twisted] CRITICAL: Unhandled error in Deferred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 265, in crawl return self._crawl(crawler, *args, **kwargs) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 269, in _crawl d = crawler.crawl(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2260, in unwindGenerator return _cancellableInlineCallbacks(gen) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2172, in _cancellableInlineCallbacks _inlineCallbacks(None, gen, status, _copy_context()) ---  --- File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2003, in _inlineCallbacks result =, result) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 158, in crawl self.engine = self._create_engine() File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 172, in _create_engine return ExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop()) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 100, in __init__ self.downloader: Downloader = downloader_cls(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 97, in __init__ DownloaderMiddlewareManager.from_crawler(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 90, in from_crawler return cls.from_settings(crawler.settings, crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 66, in from_settings mwcls = load_object(clspath) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/utils/", line 79, in load_object mod = import_module(module) File "/home/hamza/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/importlib/", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1204, in _gcd_import File "", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked builtins.ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scrapy_playwright.middleware' 2024-05-19 03:50:12 [twisted] CRITICAL: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2003, in _inlineCallbacks result =, result) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 158, in crawl self.engine = self._create_engine() File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 172, in _create_engine return ExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop()) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 100, in __init__ self.downloader: Downloader = downloader_cls(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 97, in __init__ DownloaderMiddlewareManager.from_crawler(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 90, in from_crawler return cls.from_settings(crawler.settings, crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 66, in from_settings mwcls = load_object(clspath) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/utils/", line 79, in load_object mod = import_module(module) File "/home/hamza/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/importlib/", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1204, in _gcd_import File "", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scrapy_playwright.middleware' (myenv) hamza@hamza:~/Pictures/TwitteTwitterData/TwitterData$ scrapy crawl XScraper 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Scrapy 2.11.2 started (bot: TwitterData) 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Versions: lxml , libxml2 2.12.6, cssselect 1.2.0, parsel 1.9.1, w3lib 2.1.2, Twisted 24.3.0, Python 3.11.7 (main, Dec 15 2023, 18:12:31) [GCC 11.2.0], pyOpenSSL 24.1.0 (OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024), cryptography 42.0.7, Platform Linux-6.5.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.addons] INFO: Enabled addons: [] 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [asyncio] DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.utils.log] DEBUG: Using reactor: twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.utils.log] DEBUG: Using asyncio event loop: asyncio.unix_events._UnixSelectorEventLoop 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.extensions.telnet] INFO: Telnet Password: 1c13665361bfbc53 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled extensions: ['scrapy.extensions.corestats.CoreStats', 'scrapy.extensions.telnet.TelnetConsole', 'scrapy.extensions.memusage.MemoryUsage', 'scrapy.extensions.logstats.LogStats'] 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.crawler] INFO: Overridden settings: {'BOT_NAME': 'TwitterData', 'FEED_EXPORT_ENCODING': 'utf-8', 'NEWSPIDER_MODULE': 'TwitterData.spiders', 'REQUEST_FINGERPRINTER_IMPLEMENTATION': '2.7', 'SPIDER_MODULES': ['TwitterData.spiders'], 'TWISTED_REACTOR': 'twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor'} Unhandled error in Deferred: 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [twisted] CRITICAL: Unhandled error in Deferred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 265, in crawl return self._crawl(crawler, *args, **kwargs) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 269, in _crawl d = crawler.crawl(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2260, in unwindGenerator return _cancellableInlineCallbacks(gen) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2172, in _cancellableInlineCallbacks _inlineCallbacks(None, gen, status, _copy_context()) ---  --- File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2003, in _inlineCallbacks result =, result) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 158, in crawl self.engine = self._create_engine() File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 172, in _create_engine return ExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop()) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 100, in __init__ self.downloader: Downloader = downloader_cls(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 97, in __init__ DownloaderMiddlewareManager.from_crawler(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 90, in from_crawler return cls.from_settings(crawler.settings, crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 66, in from_settings mwcls = load_object(clspath) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/utils/", line 79, in load_object mod = import_module(module) File "/home/hamza/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/importlib/", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1204, in _gcd_import File "", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked builtins.ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scrapy_playwright.middleware' 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [twisted] CRITICAL: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2003, in _inlineCallbacks result =, result) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 158, in crawl self.engine = self._create_engine() File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 172, in _create_engine return ExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop()) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 100, in __init__ self.downloader: Downloader = downloader_cls(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 97, in __init__ DownloaderMiddlewareManager.from_crawler(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 90, in from_crawler return cls.from_settings(crawler.settings, crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 66, in from_settings mwcls = load_object(clspath) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/utils/", line 79, in load_object mod = import_module(module) File "/home/hamza/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/importlib/", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1204, in _gcd_import File "", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scrapy_playwright.middleware' 
Does anyone have any suggestions for what might be going wrong, or what I could try to resolve this issue?
I tried to reinstall the scrapy-playwright also tried to deactivate and then activate my virtual environment.
submitted by ReceptionRadiant6425 to scrapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:11 feelallthethings Help! Cat is essentially dead but still breathing.

I’m cat sitting for my ex and I came in today to find his 18 year old cat unconscious. She has been losing weight lately and we were expecting her to go soon. She’s breathing and has a heartbeat, and her paws occasionally twitch but she’s gone. No pupil activity, no ear reflexes. There are no vets open until Monday. Is there anything I can do?? It’s been two hours no me with no change. I don’t expect her to get better but don’t want to prolong this. I doubt there’s anything that can be done.
submitted by feelallthethings to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:10 thanotoriousivan Bought DLC but still says I need to purchase

Hey, I know this has been probably asked a lot but I can’t find a solution yet.. As I said, I bought standard PS4 version and then I separately succesfully bought the ECW DLC pack from the PS store. When I start the game and play, I still have CM Punk and the others locked; it says I need to purchase the DLC. How I actually install the dlc or simply activate it? Thanks a lot.
submitted by thanotoriousivan to WWE2K24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:09 JustCallMe_Z Light of the Traveler clan recruiting for Mature, Chill Guardians [18+][USA][Discord Req'd]

Hey there, I'm Z and I'm the clan lead for Light of the Traveler. This may be a long post, but please read through if you're looking for a group of genuine people to play Destiny with. We're a clan that was founded at the launch of D1. Some of us have been around that long, and some of us have only joined in the past year or so. What's kept us together is not only a common interest in the game, but a common desire for likeminded friends that enjoy each other's company regardless of whether we're playing D2, playing other games, or just talking about random things in life. We're not a huge clan, and we like keeping it that way so that everyone can get to know each other (15-20 active members). Now, we're looking to add to our community with new folks leading up to the release of Final Shape. If we sound like what you're looking for, keep reading.
As a clan, we're not super intense but also not super casual. Most of us like to do endgame PVE (raids, dungeons, GMNFs, etc.) and sometimes we group up for PVP (iron banner, trials, etc.). The majority of us are located in US East and Central time zones. We typically play on the weekends and some weeknights. When the game is buzzing and there's new content, we usually do at least 1 raid per week. Right now, we have 2 teams preparing for the Final Shape contest raid that have been running master raids, and now Pantheon, as practice.
Over the years, I've realized that not everyone is a good fit for our clan. The people who tend to stick around are those that actively participate in our Discord and make an effort to play with and talk to other members. If you're looking for a clan to teach you things, we're perfectly willing to do that if you're willing to learn. But if you're looking for a clan to carry you, or one where you just log on for the weekly clan rewards, you won't last long with us and it'll waste both our time and yours. As a new member, we'll give you a couple of months to gauge your activity. We understand life happens and certain things should take precedence, but we appreciate consistency.
If you've gotten this far and you're still interested, great! Here are some baseline requirements:
If that all sounds fine, DM me on Reddit with the following. If you don't hear from me within a couple hours, you can also reach out to rickyrebel or shawniegiggles on Discord.
From there, we'll share an invite link to our discord and there will be some additional onboarding steps, like updating your server nickname, picking the channels you want to see, introducing yourself, etc.
submitted by JustCallMe_Z to Fireteams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:09 NoWehr99 Calming the Mind: A small exercise

Hello again! For those of you unfamiliar, I am the Director of a private hypnotherapy practice and I work with sleep issues, insomnia chief among them.
I want to give you a tip today. An exercise, something you can practice. You see, in order to get to sleep you need to first enter into trance. The problem with this is that we either sustain a level of awareness when we can't sleep or worse, go into full fight or flight.
There is a common misconception with trance and the hypnotic states. It is assumed that they are all relaxed, detached states; that could not be further from true. Some are, yes... But some are very aware and active, usually referred to as flow states.
So, here's the tip. When you decide you want to go to sleep, simply go find a comfortable spot and don't try. That's right. All I want you to do is focus on your breathing in a specific pattern.
3 seconds in.
Hold for 3 seconds.
3 seconds out.
Hold for 3 seconds.
Just focus on doing that for a moment and when you're ready, imagine something however you can. It doesn't matter if you can't visualize... Imagine, pretend or whatever you can do. I want you to imagine a staircase, remembered or created, with 20 steps down. Simply imagine walking down the stairs slowly, paced with your breathing and count the steps down in your head. When you get to the bottom, just allow yourself to go wherever you feel is right.
Let me know your experience with this if you try it out, I always love to hear from people. Remember: practice... Life and all its things are skills to be learned. Have a wonderful day.
submitted by NoWehr99 to sleepdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:09 ucklibzandspezfay I am a surgeon, my patient told me they don’t know how they got wet

As a trauma surgeon, my days are often filled with the unexpected, but yesterday's shift was particularly memorable. We received an urgent call from the ED about a patient who had been brought in via EMS following a traumatic incident. He had a significant laceration on his forehead and a skull fracture. When I first approached him to assess his condition, his eyes were strikingly wide with that unmistakable startle look, the kind that tells you they've just witnessed something profoundly shocking.
Attempting to converse with him initially led nowhere; he was disturbingly quiet, almost distant. I began to suspect this might be a straightforward acute psychosis case until I reviewed his chart—no history of psychiatric issues whatsoever. He had a stable career, wife and kid at home. He recounted his drive home, during which he became entangled in a bizarre road rage altercation. According to him, when he stepped out of his car, the confrontation escalated verbally. Suddenly, his opponent, "with the pressure of a fire hose," sprayed water straight into his face from his mouth. The force was so unexpected and strong that it knocked him back, rendering him unconscious as his head struck the car door.
The CT scan revealed a multi-level compression fracture in his neck, consistent with a whiplash injury, aligning with the patient's narrative. I took him to the operating room where we performed a stabilization procedure, inserting screws and plates to secure the fractures. A psychiatric consultation determined he wasn't acutely psychotic, suggesting potential PTSD and recommending medication, though they saw no need for inpatient psychiatric care.
This morning, the patient was anxious to leave, though still under my care on his first postoperative day. Our second conversation was more coherent; he was stoic yet rational, he now has little to no recollection of what happened. The EMS run report noted two vehicles at the scene but no visible damage to either. His car was soaked inside and out, as if it had been through a car wash with all of the windows rolled down, aligning bizarrely with his account of the confrontation.
When he woke up, the EMS mentioned he kept describing his assailant, he mentioned a very tall man, "at least seven feet tall," with a long face, blond hair, and exceptionally deep blue eyes. This entity had a calm demeanor unlike any he had ever seen. Curious and concerned, I reached out to a detective I know well due to my line of work. The detective's feedback was intriguing; while initial police reports leaned towards disbelief, witness statements were peculiar. They confirmed the two cars but claimed the victim appeared to be arguing with someone who wasn't there. Moments later, he was violently thrown against his car amidst a surreal amount of water flooding the scene.
What makes it even more interesting, there is surveillance evidence of this entire encounter. The detective has ghosted me all day about reviewing it. No clue if I’ll ever get to see it. But if I do, I’ll report my findings and possibly get consent to post it here.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by ucklibzandspezfay to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:09 Sgt_Hatred1 Truck misfiring and running rich.

Hey there I got a '99 K2500 pickup with the 7.4L engine. Last Saturday after coming off the highway I noticed my truck was shaking a bit more than usual and misfiring. There's no check engine lights either.
It smells like raw fuel coming out of the exhaust and has black soot coming out which indicates that it's running rich to me. I could hear slight ticking coming out of the engine, and it also shakes now too. At first I thought it was my Spark plug wires and possibly the plugs as well since they were cracked and were losing voltage. So I changed my plugs and wires earlier today and hoped it would fix the issue but if anything else, it runs even worse now.
List of things I've done to it in the last year have included changing the spark plugs, wires, distributor, cap, rotor, maf sensor, map sensor, air filter and fuel filter.
I've checked the timing which was in specs, the o2 sensors which were fine, the fuel pressure which seems to drop pretty fast when the vehicle is key on, engine off but is in specs when running and holds at 56-58 psi. I checked for vacuum leaks and didn't find any the Map sensor indicated that it was not holding and was fluctuating.
The vehicle has for a few years now had issues warm starting. By that i mean taking longer than usual to crank before firing and running. As compared to hot and cold starting which is instant. I'm kind of stumped at this point, could it be a stuck lifter, fuel injector(s) or a fuel pressure regulator? Anything else?
submitted by Sgt_Hatred1 to GMT400 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:08 Childfreetxguy 41 [M4F] - Houston/Texas/US/Anywhere - Vasectomy - DINK life

41 [M4F] - Houston/Texas/US/Anywhere - Vasectomy - DINK life
Greetings! Thank you in advance for reading if you read all of this. My name is Travis. I’m a single, 41-year-old male living in Houston, TX who is looking for a childfree, long-term relationship. Possible life partner. Possible soulmate. That dream DINK life. That being said, I think relationships can only happen organically. I posted on this sub last year and am trying again. As only someone who is also childfree can understand, finding someone who is 100% childfree in this life is like searching for a needle in a haystack. And the apps, well… not sure I ever want to go back to them again. Regardless, I’m a romantic and will not stop searching for a partner.
About me:
· Happy, chill, kind, understanding, empathetic, sweet, and easy-going person who loves life. Never been married. I’m drama free, have no baggage, and am one of the most easy-going people you’ll ever meet.
· I live alone and have no pets, but I do love animals and am pet friendly.
· Monogamous. Hookups and non-monogamy are not for me. No judgments for others that do. To each their own. I’m a one-woman man and only have eyes for the woman I’m with. I don’t flirt with, check out, or desire other women. For me there is only my partner. That’s how I naturally am and how I like it. I also only date one woman at a time.
· I’ve had a vasectomy and am sterile. I would like to meet someone that is also sterile or would never go through with an unwanted child. Also, I want to be with someone who has no desire to ever adopt or foster children. I’ve found now that I just can’t be attracted to someone that is not on the same wavelengths with these things with being 100% childfree for life. I rather be single and celibate than ever bring a child into this world. And yes, I understand that everyone has a different idea for how they want to live childfree.
· Ideally my preference would be someone local to Houston or in Texas, but I am open to anywhere for the right childfree person. Just as long as it’s agreed to not stay long distance once things have gotten serious. I’m willing to relocate for the right person.
· I don’t smoke, drink, or do any drugs. I won’t date a smoker, heavy drinkepartier, or hard drug user, but I am 420 friendly and don’t mind if you drink at all.
· I have eclectic tastes. I’m fascinated by the world, and there’s not much I don’t enjoy. One of my passions is that I love to do acrylic paintings. I picked it up a year and a half ago after being inspired for years by Bob Ross (he’s one of my spirit animals.) I love to paint seascapes and landscapes and want to learn to paint all kinds of things. I also love to write, read, go for runs and walks, be out in nature, take road trips, travel, be out in nature, watch movies/shows, cook, exercise, go to museums, try new food spots, hike, learn new things, play board games and video games, visit with family and friends, play golf, explore new local places, and much more.
· With a partner, I love nights in and adventures out together equally. Cooking a delicious meal for my partner and then cuddling up for a movie or show together is one of my favorite things.
· I love all the love languages, but my biggest is physical touch (giving and receiving.) I’m one of the most physically affectionate partners that you could ever meet. Would love to meet someone that is also physically affectionate. I love it all – holding hands, cuddles, hugs, all the kisses. I’m also very sexual and kink friendly. My next biggest love language is time spent. I love being around my partner, but I also think it’s very important for both partners to have their own time to do things like pursue their passions and spend time with friends and others. I value words of affirmation and am very verbal about my love and affection. I also love doing all kinds of acts of service for my partner and coming up with special, thoughtful, surprise gifts.
If you read all of this, I sincerely appreciate it. If this resonates with you and you think we’d be a good match, I hope you reach out. What matters truly in a match to me is just being an honorable and kind person and being childfree. Not having the exact same favorite things or interests isn’t important to me. In general, I enjoy all kinds of activities, have all types of interests, and am eager to explore this world. Would be even better to have someone to share it with.
Anyway, if you have any questions please ask. Also, please share pictures if you reach out and chat. Best of luck to you!
submitted by Childfreetxguy to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:06 hidefromthe_sun Some advice on starting to tailor my program towards activity specific training - I'm a cave diver.

So currently I work a four on four off shift pattern. Four days on are 12hr shifts in a sedentary role. On my four days off I hammer it right up to and sometimes a little bit beyond what's recoverable because I have four days off.
Routine at the moment is a bastardised 531 program for three of my four days off. I'm untrained following six months of depression. I've been working hard for the last 10 weeks since getting medicated for ADHD. It's night and day - I actually have consistency. I'm making decent progress and feeling stronger, looking better. I've been able to recomp at this point.
Gym days are as follows:
Day one: Deadlifts/overhead press then I work on accessory lifts mainly around the posterior chain.
Day two: Squats/bench press then accessory lifts based around my anterior chain.
Day three: Deadlifts/overhead press again with posterior chain accessories.
I'll alternative on each set of four off one set of four off it's as above, then the next will be squats/bench/anterior chain twice and DL/OHP/posterior chain once.
I also do around 5-6hrs of steady state easy cardio during that time. I use my four days working to recover. I'll do some light work with dead hangs, some pressups and pullups, static holds, some kettlebell work and a lot of stretching and some light walks.
I want to be the best cave diver I can be. I'm reaching the end of this cycle of building a good fitness base - I'm stronger, my cardio has improved.
So my goals are:
I'm approaching the time when I start to add more volume and also a program more aimed towards the activity I'm training for.
Hard carries into a cave with 40kg on my back so I might start with heavy farmers walks. We often rope into pitches and ascending a rope is hard work. The movements are very similar to climbing a rope so I'm thinking pull ups/narrow grip lat pulldowns and work on some squat variations. Rows and back extensions to strengthen my back.
I hit max heart rate getting the steel gas cylinders into a cave a lot.I'm going to dial down the zone 2 cardio and get a couple of HIIT sessions in a week. Cold water immersion for staying calm during the dive whilst under a lot of pressure.
Finning in the water comes from your ankles and calves so calve raises would work well too.
I'll continue with some dialled back compound exercises to maintain strength but that will already be a lot of volume.
What adjustments can I make to this plan? It's a very rough idea in my head and I've never programmed before so I need some advice or reading materials on getting this right.
Once properly structured, will this improve the areas I need to work on?
submitted by hidefromthe_sun to workout [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:06 thealooox Issue with storage on Threadripper MSI X399 SLI Plus

Recently purchased a pc from a friend, was used at his work for motion capture at a development company. It is a MSI X399 SLI Plus, with a Threadripper 16core, 64gb Ram, 2x Highpoint NVME raid cards, 8x 2TB Samsung Nvme, and 10GBE networking.
I’ve added 4x 3TB WD Reds, and installed Windows Server 2022 Datacenter as I get some action pack keys with.
I’m very familiar with windows server at work, and at home, my existing setup was 3x Gen8 Microservers with lots of storage, using raid cards in 2 of them, and Windows Server Storage Pools in the other, and it all works fine.
Installing server was fine on this board, but had a bunch of missing drivers, and none of the drivers we’re available or working form MSI’s website.
I ended up finding some Dell drivers for the same chipset that when installed Device manager went form 10 things unknown, to all drivers found. Without using any weird manual installs or turning off driver signing.
The issue I’m having, is I’ve created a parity pool for the 4x 3TB Drives. And started copying over data, after about 10 minutes, the disk activity is at 0mbps, it still writes data from the network, but to cached memory as the drive stops writing then the memory fills, task manager and resource monitor shows 100% disk activity, but shows only kbps being written to the array.
I decided to rule out the drives, I’ll do an array to the nvme drives, same thing happens.
The windows installation also keeps randomly corrupting, server manager won’t open, start menu won’t open, so to rule out my boot drive, I reinstalled to another Brand New Nvme drive. But the issues still appear to be happening. Running chkdsk, and sfc seem to fix the issue temporarily.
I’m currently writing to a single disk to see if it is still happening to rule out Server Storage polls entirely.
I know people have strong opinions about RAID, Storage Spaces, windows server, etc. everything is backed up with 3,2,1 and I’m using parity for maximum space. And server because it’s convenient and has worked for the last 8 years for me.
I’m open to trying something new and doing Unraid/Proxmox/etc. but not optimistic on finding drivers for alll the hardware for those when I’m struggling for windows drivers.
Only other thing I’m tempted to try, is to run windows 10/11 as when I first booted to my test drive, all the drivers were picked up automatically, so may be able to extract all drivers from windows 10 and reinstall on windows server
Keen to hear all thoughts, was hoping this would be an easy upgrade from 3 seperate machines to one nice fast machine. 😂
submitted by thealooox to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:05 Adhd-tea-party247 Therapy in the age of acronyms

Therapy in the age of acronyms
Excellent article on the market obsession with finding the ‘next best thing’ in therapy.
This section particular struck me:
“But in an era of cost-cutting, the labor-intensive art of clinical supervision has been given the short shrift:
“I have noticed in recent years that agency sites emphasize and support supervision considerably less than they once did. Hospitals and counseling centers are currently under relentless pressure to “do more with less” – a maddeningly patronizing piece of self-serving magical thinking that invites clinicians to spin straw into gold. Whereas in a previous era most mentors would have had the time and institutional backing to help you become a better therapist, they may now have to supervise you almost on the run… Recent interns and trainees consistently tell me that they feel thrown into the deep end of the professional pool without a life jacket” (McWilliams, 2021, p. 187).
In the trenches of everyday clinical practice, many practitioners “…always feel lost and disoriented….” (Cozolino, 2022). Cozolino also notes: “The training has devolved to the point where students get out into practice and they don’t know how to swim, so they grab onto whatever weekend workshop serves as a life preserver.”
submitted by Adhd-tea-party247 to therapists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:05 Silent_Result2500 How do I deal with my BF (29M) who criticises me (27F) very often?

My boyfriend and I have been together almost for a year, long distance. Lately I have been feeling heavily criticised for everything and feel like I am under pressure.
He’s a perfectionist and remembers everything. I’m quite the opposite, I am chaotic and forget a lot - I have been diagnosed with ADHD.
This gets in the way of our relationship sometimes. I’m forgetful to the point that I can make “a promise” (simply saying - I will) and I will forget. These promises seem like empty promises, but the intention is there. I just.. get sidetracked. I don’t fulfil these promises for myself or anyone. This could be like promising a phonecall, a spicy picture or telling a certain story. I will forget, and he will be disappointed. This could be every other day.
I do understand, truly. I would never want to be insincere but following up on my words is like “a chore” for me. I feel like I am trying to balance all of these things in life and there is always something dropping out of my hands. I can NOT prioritise. (Yet?)
He feels like he is cutting me some slack because I am not putting in as much effort in the relationship as he is. At the same time he’ll return with a list of the things that I forgot, that I still need to do, or the things that I did wrong. I feel like I need to uphold to his “standards” constantly, like it’s anothing important thing I am having trouble to balance within my life.
I feel tired, I don’t know how to go about it. I think I should just “suck it up and do better” but having someone close to me hold a mirror in front of me every two days; I find it confrontational and I don’t know how to cope. I don’t know if my feelings are valid or if I am just wallowing in self-pity. He means it well, but I do not receive it that way.
I have communicated it a couple of times that I simply do not feel “enough” as a person. He does reassure me that I am enough. I don’t know how to continue since its a reoccuring issue at this point. How do I deal with being confronted with all of my shortcomings every few days?
TL;dr My BF criticises me often about all that I forget or did wrong, I do not disagree but how do I deal with him holding up a mirror for me like that?
submitted by Silent_Result2500 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:05 hoggersbridge Engines of Arachnea: The Bug Planet (Chapter 23: Fishing)

Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
With the coming of morning Rene found the earth enwreathed in a grey and sinuous fog that was so thick he felt like he was standing on the shores of an ocean of sky. Only the lapping edges of the wide pond he had located was visible beneath rolling tails of mist. He couldn’t even tell where the heavens ended and the water began—they had all joined together at the waist in one vague mass. It all had filthy, sooty smell to it too, like the inside of a baker’s oven. As through a clouded window pane he saw a red and malevolent haze glowing on faraway slopes to the southeast. Zildiz noted his bewilderment and taunted him:
“Don’t you recognized your own handiwork when you see it? An entire biome went up in smoke because of the Engine’s rampage. Not that I mind—all this is Leaper territory after all.”
“Cry me a river,” Rene scowled, dipping his boots into pond and wading into it. It was only knee height at the deepest point. What’s more, he could see the blurred outlines of small darting shapes below the surface that he hoped were fish.
He made Zildiz sit with her back against a sapling and bound her to it with the spool of webbing he’d collected.
“Don’t get any ideas,” he told her. He slipped off his boots and raggedy socks, rolling up the jumpsuit around his calves and getting back into the water.
At first he tried to get at the fishes with his bare hands. It would be just as easy as catching the milky cave species they raise in the aquaculture ponds back in Ulysses, he thought. All one had to do was slip one’s hand in with glacial patience so as not to disturb them, dipping the palm right under their bellies. Rene had gotten so good at it as a boy that he could even tickle them right in the gills and under the chin. But he soon discovered that the fish on the surface world were nothing like their subterranean cousins. For one thing, they weren’t blind, or stupid. The little rascals fled when he floundered after them, feet slipping on the mossy stones that covered the pond bed. Zildiz looked on with interest as the single worst attempt at hunting she had ever had the misfortune to witness began. This Rene-creature was as clumsy as it was slow-witted, splashing around in fruitless pursuit of its feeble prey. How had these animals ever managed to conquer the stars? Zildiz watched as Rene stubbed his toes on a sharp rock and howled, falling arse-backwards and losing his visor in the process. He then painstakingly dredged the pond bottom for it, turning it up some time later all covered in water lilies and mud. Rene angrily slung his backpack back on and cleared the gunk out of his mask before fitting it back on his face, only to begin yelling as a river crab he’d left inside tried to crawl up his nose. He tore the mask off again and doused it in the pond, finally ridding himself of the curious crustacean.
“Phew!” he sighed with relief.
“Toss it in again,” Zildiz suggested gaily, “At least that way you might catch another.”
“Shut up,” Rene glowered, face going purple with rage. He grabbed the biggest stick of driftwood he could find and began beating the surface of the water as if it owed him money.
Zildiz hid a smile at that. She was famished and events had definitely taken a turn for the worse, but at least someone else was suffering more than she was.
And while this halfwit is preoccupied, Zildiz schemed, I’ll go ahead and signal the god for help. She activated the magnetosynaptic organ behind her inner ear and tried all the usual frequencies.
Nothing but static. Either her organ had been knocked out of commission with the loss of her exomorph’s functions, or the heavy smog caused by the wildfire was getting in the way of reception.
But more than this, a greater part of the Vitalus would be preoccupied with containing the damage to its work. As a shared consciousness It had unimaginable processing power, yet It tended to deal with the world in a holistic fashion, neglecting the individual elements. This did not mean that the god could not be effectively omniscient—It merely had a wholly different perspective and hierarchy of priorities than did Its mortal servants.
For problems on the micro scale, it did however deploy Hollowores or other Inkarnids. Zildiz wasn’t vain enough to think it would send such an avatar of creation and destruction just to retrieve one lone Gallivant. No help would be forthcoming for a while. No matter; she was certain that she could outsmart the Fleet-man soon enough.
Then something happened which drastically altered her perception of him and his kind. Rene grabbed another stick and banged the two pieces together, frowning with concentration. Without a word he returned to the survival kit and combined them with the spool of webbing, twisting them together into the silk and rotating them to create something that was greater than the sum of its parts.
Grinning evilly, the Fleet man took the two sticks and the webbing strung between them and gently lowered them into the pond. He then waited, tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth as a fish approached him. When it refused to come any closer, he took one of the white cubes and crumbled it into pieces, which he sprinkled liberally into the water right above his new tool. Eventually the fish took the bait and swam in for a nibble. In a flash Rene pulled up the net and held up a wriggling, pinknosed carp with an ecstatic cry of victory. Chuckling at his own cleverness, Rene hauled his catch to the bank and dashed its brains out on the rocks. He then repeated the process until he caught three more carp with the exact same method. He gutted and descaled the carp with his clasp knife in a trice.
Zildiz was seeing the boundless cunning of these creatures firsthand. It bothered her more than she cared to admit. Granted, if her exomorph was up and running she could’ve killed him in a heartbeat, humming sword or not. But the rate at which he had adapted to his surroundings was concerning.
For comparison, say a Gallivant wished to specialize in the catching of fish. It would have had to ask the Vitalus to edit its gilt helix so that its exomorph could accept the grafting of an appendage designed solely to catch fish. This was assuming the Vitalus had calculated that the addition of this new capability would not lead to the eventual collapse of the riverine ecosystem in the next ten or twenty generations, or that the Gallivant in question could be entrusted with such a responsibility, assuming that its lineage’s previous contributions to the Great Game rendered it worthy of the sudden advantage.
Meanwhile, Rene had developed the net tool in less than the span of an hour, with absolutely zero regard for the consequences of his actions. Zildiz could only imagine what an entire nation of Renes could do if they were given time to multiply beyond Arachnea’s carrying capacity. Clearly this Fleet was a threat not to be taken lightly.
Rene finished cleaning the fish and skewered them on sharp sticks. He then found some pebbles and started banging them together to produce sparks above a pile of bark scrapings and twigs, careful placing one of the brown lumps from the kit inside. It was just as successful as his first attempts at fishing; he smacked the rocks together until he bruised his fingers, then hurled them cursing into the fog.
“Sonofa…” he swore, squatting next to Zildiz and looking at the raw fish dejectedly.
“What, you can manage all that but can’t get a fire going?” she asked, nodding at the blaze in the distance. Rene made no reply, too busy sucking on his thumb. Suddenly he unsheathed the sword and Zildiz nearly panicked, thinking that she had finally annoyed him to the point of violence. Instead, Rene picked up a chunk of quartz crystal off the ground and cut it in half, producing a shower of sparks as the edge met the mineral. Rene piled the fuel again and repeated the trick with the sword and the stone until the tinder caught and tiny streamers of smoke wafted up. Cupping his hands around the precious heart of flame, Rene blew on it lovingly and smiled as it grew into a merry, crackling cookfire.
Making sure to give Zildiz a smug look, Rene sat cross-legged next to it and began to barbeque his meal. Zildiz had built fires herself during the cold monsoon seasons as a special allowance granted by the Vitalus for extreme weather fluctuations, but those had been for warmth, not to burn food with.
The smell of the browning fish skin flooded Rene’s mouth with spit. He saw Zildiz licking her chops unconsciously, said:
“Don’t worry. You’ll get yours.”
Sure enough he held out first batch of carp for her to eat, blowing on it to cool it. Zildiz even forgot her hostility for a moment as she seized the fish with her jaws.
“I can feed myself, you know,” she told him between crunchy mouthfuls of bone and white flesh. It was delicious! An explosion of flavors that was at once both salty and slightly burnt, the meat firm yet succulent. Swallowing greedily, she pulled the fish off its stick and ate it whole, the fish’s head crackling under her molars. Rene watched her choke the thing down with a mix of amazement and alarm, then replied:
“I would consider giving you an arm free to eat with, but you’re a walking arsenal, lady. Is it good, though? My cooking?”
“Passable,” Zildiz lied with a shrug of her shoulders. Her affected disdain did not stop her from giving the rest of the carp a longing look. Rene knew she was hungry and tore the next fish in half, gorging himself and giving Zildiz the rest. Very soon all that was left of their breakfast was a pile of bones and scales that Rene kicked back into the pond. He sat back and propped his bare feet next to the fire to dry his toes.
“Uuurrpp!” Zildiz belched appreciatively.
“Bless you,” Rene commented, and settled down for a nap. He could only rest his eyes for a moment, as the woman would slit his throat as soon as he let his guard down. But the fatigue of the constant marching and fighting amassed on the edges of his consciousness. Slowly but surely, he was pulled down into the untroubled realm of sleep, free from the cares of his existence.
Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
submitted by hoggersbridge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:04 Nikki_Su Frequently Asked Questions

Hi Stylists! Recently our team has noticed that we have some questions that get asked often, so we thought we could organize a place that answers them all.
  1. Q: “My post was deleted as soon as I uploaded it, did I violate a rule?” A: We aim to keep the Shining Nikki subreddit safe and friendly for everyone, so all posts need to be manually approved by a moderator before being made public. If your post was immediately taken down, it’s likely that it just needs to be approved and will be public once a moderator is able to get to it. If you did not receive any modmail or comment with the removal, it just needs to be approved.
  2. Q: “Where can I find the current redeem codes?” A: If you are using mobile press “see more” in the top left corner of the page of the Shining Nikki subreddit. Scroll down under the “About” tab until you find the “Redeem Codes” section. This should have all active redeem codes. If you are using the desktop version of Reddit, scroll down on the sidebar of the subreddit. Below the rules and the button to message moderators, there is an area labeled "Redeem Codes."
  3. Q: “How do I find a guild to join or find members to join my guild?” A: Please look in our guild megathread.
  4. Q: “What do I do if my game is having issues?” A: In the top left corner of the starting screen of the Shining Nikki game, there is a tab labeled “Repair.” Try seeing if repairing your game helps the issues. Next there is a tab labeled customer service. We suggest reporting the issue here, as well as using our bug report megathread.
  5. Q: “What is a community event?” A: The official Shining Nikki Reddit, Discord, and Facebook Group all run events where our community members can win prizes. The Shining Nikki subreddit runs two events a month: a styling event and a miscellaneous event. To find what event is currently happening, you can check the “Community Event” flair.
Thank you for being a valued member of the Shining Nikki community. For any additional questions, feel free to comment down below!
submitted by Nikki_Su to Shining_Nikki [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:04 SchrodingersMinou Rabies FAQ - Please read before posting!

Before you post a question to this subreddit, please read the following points. I know, it's a lot to read, but 99% of you will get answers to your questions here. These points contain verified, accurate FACTS as verified through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO).
1. Is this a bat bite?
Bat bites cannot be identified from a photo. No one, not even a doctor or a bat biologist, can identify a bat bite from a photo. If you think you might have bat bite, ask yourself: Have you seen a bat in your home? Did you sleep outdoors where a bat might have bitten you? Did you pick up a bat in your hand? If you answer no, it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY you were bitten by a bat. Again, bat bites cannot be identified from a photo.
2. Can I get rabies from interacting with an animal? Can I get rabies from touching something? What about if a drop of liquid falls on me? Can I get rabies from contaminated food or water? Can I get rabies from a person?
No. YOU CAN ONLY GET RABIES VIA DIRECT CONTACT WITH A RABID ANIMAL. This means being bitten or scratched by a rabid animal. Rabies is transmitted via the saliva of an infected animal in the late stages of the disease, when the virus is being shed in the saliva by the host animal. The rabies virus dies almost immediately once it’s outside the body. You can’t get rabies from touching something a rabid animal touched. You can’t get rabies from your pet meeting a rabid animal and then bringing it home to you. You can’t get rabies from touching roadkill. You can’t get rabies from something falling on you. You can’t get rabies from touching or kissing someone who has been vaccinated. You can’t get rabies from touching something wet. You can’t get rabies from touching any surface whatsoever, even if you have a cut on your body or you touch your eye/nose/mouth afterwards. Getting rabies from touching an animal and then touching your eye/nose/mouth is theoretically possible, but this has never happened to anyone in recorded history.
3. I found a suspicious mark on my body but I didn’t find a bat in my house. Did a bat sneak into my house and bite me without me noticing, and then sneak back out?
Bats are NOT invisible or ninjas. If you wake up in the morning with a mark on your body, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be a bat bite unless you find a bat in your house. If a bat gets in your house, you will see it. They are not good at finding their way out on their own. It’s very unlikely that a sober, alert, adult human would not notice being bitten by a bat. Finding little marks on your body is not unusual and that is no reason to assume an invisible bat attacked you.
4. I saw a bat near me. Or I heard a bat. Or I saw something that might have been a bat, but it didn’t touch me. Did a bat bite me without me noticing?
Bats cannot fly past you and bite you in mid-flight. That is physically impossible. A bat must LAND on you, hold on to you with their tiny fingers, and then bite you. After biting you, they must then push off of you to take flight again. Bats can be small, but they're not invisible or imperceptible. If you would notice a big bug landing on you and biting you, then you would notice a bat doing it too. If a bat makes physical contact with you, there is a possibility that it may have scratched you, and rabies shots are recommended unless you are in a country free of bat rabies. If you find a bat in your house and you are not in a country free of bat rabies, you should catch it and submit it for rabies testing; if you can’t do that, you should get rabies shots; if you have small children, they should get rabies shots.
5. An animal touched me, licked me, or sneezed on me. Could I get rabies from this?
You cannot get rabies from a wound that doesn’t break the skin. Rabies can only get into your body through an opening in your body: a scratch or bite. If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, you should wash the area with soap and water for 5 minutes. If it does not bleed at all, you may not have broken the skin and could be in the clear. You can test this by putting alcohol on the abrasion to see if it stings.
6. Can I get rabies from an animal that has current rabies vaccinations? Can my pet get rabies if it has current rabies vaccinations?
No. You cannot get rabies from an animal that has current rabies shots. If you are bitten or scratched by someone’s pet, ask the owner for proof of rabies vaccination, like a rabies tag on the collar. Take a photo or copy of these records and call their vet to verify them. If the shots are current, you're not at risk of rabies infection. If the pet owner cannot provide this proof of vaccination, contact your animal control department or rabies management / health department to file a "Bite Report". If you are in the USA, you can find a list of those agencies here:
7. Can I get rabies from my pet, or from a friend or neighbor’s pet?
You may not need to get rabies shots if you can observe the animal that attacked you for two weeks. If you are bitten or scratched by a pet that is not vaccinated for rabies, the standard protocol is to quarantine the animal in an animal shelter or veterinarian's office for 10-14 days. If you were attacked by someone else’s pet and that is not possible, you can observe the animal for 14 days. If it doesn’t get sick and/or die of rabies, then you are not at risk of rabies and do not need rabies shots. If the animal is healthy in 14 days, IT DOES NOT HAVE RABIES and neither do you. Since most animals in the late stages of rabies typically die in about 48 hours, this is a very cautious timeframe to observe.
8. Can I get rabies from a bug, bird, lizard, or frog? Can I get rabies from a possum, or a rat or mouse?
No. Only mammals (furry animals) can carry rabies. Reptiles, amphibians, insects, and birds can’t carry rabies. Bats are one of the most common rabies carriers in the US, although less than half of 1% of all bats will ever get rabies. In the USA, the next most common species are raccoons, skunks, and foxes. Outside of the USA, dogs, cats, and other animals have been known to spread the rabies virus. The least common mammals include Virginia opossums, rodents (rats and mice), rabbits or hares, and squirrels. Globally, the #1 risk of rabies is dog bites.
9. Is there a risk of rabies in my area? Can I get rabies in India, or the UK?
To learn about rabies statistics for your area, Google your state or country's name and the phrase 'current rabies statistics'. These websites will tell you how many rabid animals have been found in your area and what species. They should also tell you who to call to report a bite. Some parts of the world are rabies-free and there is no rabies or risk of rabies infection. The UK (and most of western Europe) is free of rabies in most animals except for bats, which is rare. India has a high rabies risk from dogs and other mammals, but rabies is very rare in bats in India and has only been found in bats in a couple areas in Nagaland.
10. I was vaccinated for rabies. Does that mean I am protected for life and will never need to worry about it again?
No. Previously vaccinated people still get boosters if they are re-exposed to rabies. Your rabies titer can be high for a few months or for many years, but it is assumed that you are protected for at least three months after getting your initial shots. If you are bitten by animal and it has been less than 90 days since your last shot, you don’t need to do anything. If it has been more than 90 days since your last shot, you would still need post-exposure booster shots IF you are directly exposed to an animal that could be rabid. You do not need to go through the entire series of shots again; you only need booster shots.
· For more information about rabies and rabies shots, see the CDC website here:
· If you are in the USA here is a link to the state and local rabies contacts. USA State & Local Rabies Contacts
11. I was vaccinated for rabies but I did not receive HRIG (Human Rabies Immunogloblin). Why? Is that OK?
HRIG is sometimes not given if there is no visible wound or if you were bitten/scratched in a location that is hard to inject. For instance, it would be hard to inject HRIG into your ear. If you have no visible wound, then there is no way to tell where HRIG should be injected. If you have more questions about this, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.
12. I got rabies shots but I have questions about the specific medical care I received. Why did the doctor give me the care I received? I’m immunocompromised; do I need extra shots? Will my medication interact with the vaccine?
Ask your doctor questions about the specific medical care you received. People on the internet cannot answer those questions. A doctor’s job is to treat patients and explain their care to them so it is OK to ask follow-up questions even after you leave the office.
13. I am in a country that is not the US, or I am traveling. Why did doctors in my country give me a different schedule of shots than the ones recommended by the CDC or the WHO? Why did doctors in two different countries tell me two different shot schedules? Will the shots work?
Yess. Rabies protocols vary by country. The CDC guidance is specific to the USA, and the WHO guidance is a recommendation for all countries. Some countries give different numbers of shots on different days. That is OK. The schedules all work as long as you stick to them and finish the series. To find more information about a country’s rabies shot schedule, google the name of the country + rabies vaccination + regimen or protocol or schedule.
14. I waited a long time before I got rabies shots. Or I drank a beer after I got vaccinated, or I took an aspirin. Or a doctor gave me tetanus shots at the same time. Will the rabies shots still work?
Yes. Rabies vaccines are 100% effective if you get them before the virus reaches your brain and symptoms start, which usually takes 3 weeks to one year. For more info about symptoms, see FAQ #17. If you have more questions about your medical treatment, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.
15. I think I have health anxiety and I can’t stop thinking about rabies all the time. How can I get help for this?
See this link. The automod can be summoned to share this information with a comment that includes the word “helpbot."
16. Someone is asking questions in the sub that I think are super dumb. Should I tell them that?
No. Please do not be rude or impatient. There is a real difference between a legitimate rabies scare and Persistent Health Anxiety (PHA), a subset of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD and anxiety are real diseases that can have physical symptoms, and there are treatments for them that many people don’t know how to access. Both conditions are terrifying and life-altering, and both conditions deserve support. In this group, we support people who ask for help and we applaud them for finding the courage to do so. We will be kind, patient, respectful, and do our best to provide emotional support to anyone who seeks help here. I will be posting a separate FAQ to address the health anxiety issue. All posts and/or replies that are in any way unkind, impatient, or rude will be immediately removed and the author may be temporarily or permanently banned from this group. Be nice!!
17. I feel sick. Do I have rabies?
If you feel sick, see a doctor. You may have another disease, including anxiety, which can have physical symptoms. We cannot diagnose you over the internet. See a doctor.
The rabies virus generally has an incubation period of 3 weeks to 1 year from the date of exposure. If you believe you are experiencing symptoms before 3 weeks after exposure, that is not rabies. If you think you are experiencing symptoms more than 1 year after exposure, it is almost certainly not rabies. if you have not been exposed to a rabid animal and you believe you are experiencing rabies symptoms, you are not infected and are most likely experiencing anxiety. the prodromal stage lasts for a few days to a month and the acute neurologic stage lasts for a few days to a week; if you have symptoms that last longer than this, you do not have rabies.
Rabies symptoms only begin when the virus reaches the brain. It MUST reach the brain and produce SEVERE NEUROLOGICAL symptoms before it reaches the throat and salivary glands. This means that your sore throat is NOT caused by rabies unless you also have a severe fever, are experiencing loss of consciousness, paralysis, and seizures.
Also, rabies symptoms do not go away until death. You don't have a fever and then the fever goes away for the next symptoms. Every symptom stacks on top of the other symptoms. If you are experiencing 1 out 10 symptoms, it's NOT RABIES. Rabies is not mild. It's SEVERE in every way. If you are experiencing rabies symptoms you will need to be hospitalized within the first 8 hours of symptoms.
IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO GET VACCINATED UNTIL SYMPTOMS START, but only get vaccinated if you were attacked by a rabid animal. Waking up with a mystery scratch is not a rabies exposure.
Rabies symptoms are as follows, IN THIS ORDER:
Prodromal Stage:
• Extreme Fever
• Extreme Headache
Acute neurologic phase:
• Visual Disturbances, Hallucinations
• Delirium, Confusion
• Tremors, Seizures, Repetitive Uncontrollable Movements
• Fading In and Out of Consciousness
• Light Sensitivity, Sensitivity to Wind / Moving Air
• Partial Paralysis of Extremities, Paralysis of One or Both Legs or Arms
• Excessive Salivation, combined with the inability to swallow AT ALL, not even your own saliva which causes excessive drooling
• Inability to Swallow - NOT SORE THROAT - Inability to eat or drink, or swallow your own saliva production
• Extreme Aversion to sight or sound of water, food, or drink, AKA hydrophobia
• Coma
Without extreme medical intervention, which usually is an induced coma, these symptoms will progress to death very rapidly. Most patients who reach the point of excessive salivation and hydrophobia die within 12-24 hours without intervention.
submitted by SchrodingersMinou to rabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:03 No-Wing8071 Shopifystruggles

Shopify struggles
Y’all I cannot figure out what to do next. I started my dropshipping store with Imperial Ecom’s help called I haven’t had a sale since March although I do 25/day advertising with google ads and 15 per day with Meta. I have 13.5K visitors in the last 30 days. I’ve had 4 abandoned checkouts according to Shopify in that same time but my realtime stack shows 3 abandoned carts in just the last few days.
1) what more can I do to make a sale? I have 22 email and text subscribers total and every campaign results in almost zero clicks on my site. I’ve even attempted purchases and had friends try and I can’t find a technical issue
2)is realtime stack showing me incorrect info? I cross referenced the bots live table timestamps with the abandoned carts but they don’t coincide. That ruled out bot activity for me
I really appreciate any help you can lend to turn me profitable!
submitted by No-Wing8071 to reviewmyshopify [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:02 vitaset2378 Planing trip to USA with 6 yo daughter (august-september)

hi people, looking for some advice/ideas since USA is so big with so many great and different places... Ive been working and travelling (holidays too) in many cities before. This is the first time im planning to take my daughter with me but i am kind of lost in which place to choose so both of us can enjoy (my last trip with her last year was Cancun - Playa del Carmen, Mex. Now looking some new experience)
Places ive been the most in Usa: Chicago - NYC - DC California road trip - Las vegas - grand canyon.
Obvious place to take her : Florida - Disney maybe... (Never been there) Not a big fan but i would do it.
Personally i always wanted to make a road trip to Maine ( starting from NYC?) but i dont know if is going to be a little boring for her or finding some activities enjoyable for both of us.
I am planning to stay around 10 days. I am open to any ideas and advices.
Thanks in advance!!
submitted by vitaset2378 to travel [link] [comments]