Sashiko place mat

Visible Mending

2019.02.12 08:33 Never_Answers_Right Visible Mending

A home for those who add artistic flair to repair work.

2020.07.23 20:30 RupturedTFG FoodTheorists

Hello Internet! Welcome to FOOD THEORY, where brain food is always on the menu! Are you ready to debunk food's greatest myths?

2014.07.15 08:07 olga_sashiko Sashiko: Traditional Japanese Hand Stitching

A place to practice, share, and learn about sashiko, a running hand stitch used for repair, reinforcement and decorative embroidery of fabric.

2024.05.18 22:57 slubsocks The beginning of the Forbidden GlockMod

The beginning of the Forbidden GlockMod
I’m prepared for the hate I’m about to receive. I ordered an all-steel Glock 17 gen 3 frame from CCF Raceframes, OEM barrel, and CCF slide. I sent the slide off to be milled for the RMSc optics cut with no cowitness. The optic is a RMSx - Reflex Mini Sight XL Lens - 4MOA - Glass Lens Editio. The trigger group is from Vanek’s. It will have a steel channel liner and steel firing pin sleeve; otherwise, everything else is OEM.
The purpose of the gun is for ISPCA limited optics.
submitted by slubsocks to GlockMod [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:25 comments83820 Is Delta still offering the 2019-style economy dining experience?

For my flight from the U.S. to Europe, will there be a welcome cocktail, place mat, and choice of appetizer, etc.?
Not sure if this died during Covid.
submitted by comments83820 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:17 I-Am-Maya- Is this discrimination - post mat leave + depression

I have mental health issues like depression and anxiety and have worked at this place for 3.5 years (England)
Since I came back from the mat leave, my line manager was off with me due to my 1 year old getting sick on the nursery as she just joined it.
My line manager shouted at me, that led to depression relapse. Please note that I was admitted to mother and baby unit when my post-partum depression was quite bad 1.5 month after my baby was born.
I went on sick leave for 12 days and when I came back, I told HR that my depression is getting worse due to my line manager as I was much better and off medications before I joined the work after mat leave.HR was being very rude towards me and forced me to make eye contact with my line manager.
HR was still not changing the line manager and I got pissed off and told them that why are you not understanding, she is harming me by her volatile nature and my child is suffering as I can't even play with her.
Line manager said that I am a bully and aggressive. So an informal investigation was conducted in which she retracted her bullying allegations and said I was aggressive when I asked them (HR) for changing the line manager.
Eventually, the line manager was changed and I mended relationship with my previous line manager as I got to know she was suffering from menopausal issues, that explained her behaviour and I moved forward.
Since I completed all my goals, I got good end of year review by the interim manager. I changed the nursery and got my child into a childminder setting for less sickness.
In January, I got a new line manager who seemed really level headed and kind. Owing to my depression and anxiety, I was seeking validation from him (like job well done etc.) by showing him my data (I am a researcher), he was always humble and nice and we brainstormed.
Then after three months, I suddenly had a performance review and was told that I do not show enough independence in performing my work, I seek help from my line manager (who is not even trained in my field - it is a matrix management). The project lead said that I share too much data with them - I over communicate via teams. The project lead made a teams group in which he added my line manager and I, and made me prepare weekly plans for the work package. I thought, if I share my data with them, they will see how hard I am working and how everything is according to the timeline. Several (not all) colleagues feel that the project lead is a narcissist.
But no, my line manager ambushed me with this sudden performance review in which me mentioned that if I don't improve within three weeks, I will be put on PIP.
I had such a bad depressive episode that I got suicidal. My anti--depressant dose got increased and my psychiatrist said, it is the work which is causing you issues, no dose will help you. This issue needs to be sorted.
I am on sick leave now. The attitude of my line manager has shocked me. He never gave me any feedback before, if he did, I would have happily changed myself according to what they wanted. But he rather started a performance review with director and HR involved. This broke my trust and me. He was writing all the small points throughout those three months. Most of the things he are saying are false. He misunderstood my humbleness to be lack of independence or knowledge. I always had good performance reviews, this is the first time I am listening to this when I was working so hard.
I am thinking of going the legal way - preferably a settlement. What would you suggest? Does it look like discrimination to you?
submitted by I-Am-Maya- to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:07 sinomaltanews "Ġibiltà tidħol fil-finali tal-Ħadd

"Ġibiltà tidħol fil-finali tal-Ħadd
18 ta’ Mejju 2024
Ġibiltà 48-38 Malta
Minkejja li Ġibiltà kienu għelbu lil Malta fil-konfront tagħhom tal-ġurnata ta’ qabel, huma ffaċċjaw sfida iebsa mill-ewwel minuti, marru lura u kienu inkwiet bid-determinazzjoni tal-avversarji tagħhom. Malta kisbet il-fiduċja, stabbiliet vantaġġ ta’ tliet punti minn kmieni, li ġiegħel lil Ġibiltà jipprova jagħmel rimonta immedjata. Ruiz qata’ n-nervituri billi skorja l-ewwel punt iżda mbagħad ra l-ballun jintilef immedjatament wara ċ-ċentru jgħaddi minħabba n-nervituri.
Ruiz għamilhom tnejn, iżda Ġibiltà baqgħu lura hekk kif Malta kompliet iġiegħelhom il-logħba. Ruiz irnexxielu jiskorja ieħor biex inaqqas id-distakk għal punt. B’Ġibiltà jkollhom il-pass taċ-ċentru, Pozo kompla qata’ n-nervituri billi ġab id-draw u reset il-tempo. Malta, komposta fuq ix-xutt, żiedet mat-tally tagħhom filwaqt li Ġibiltà bagħtet pass fit-tul selvaġġ fl-ispazju vojt, u ta lil Malta ċans ieħor biex terġa’ timxi ‘l quddiem. Malta marru 4-6 minn fuq u żiedet ieħor biex għal darb’oħra ħadu vantaġġ ta’ tliet punti.
F’nofs l-ewwel kwarta, Ġibiltà kienu għadhom iridu joqogħdu lura fil-pass tagħhom, reminixxenti tat-telfa tagħhom kontra Franza fl-ewwel partita. Bil-pressjoni fuq Ġibiltà wara li rebħu l-ewwel konfront tagħhom, issa kienet kwistjoni ta’ paċi tan-nervituri u li jinstabu tiraturi li jaqtgħu. Ruiz reġa’ ġab l-iskor sa punt wieħed. Madankollu, Malta pproteġiet tajjeb il-vantaġġ tagħhom, ħadmet il-ballun b’mod effettiv u dehret aktar sod u komposta. Dan ippermettahom japprofittaw minn żbalji fit-twassil minn Ġibiltà fl-ewwel kwarta.
Mumenti ta’ fluwidità minn Ġibiltà, issetiljaw f’logħba li jgħaddi u b’paċenzja hekk kif l-ewwel kwarta wasal fi tmiemu, raw lil Ġibiltà jġibu l-iskor indaqs 9-9 meta fadal żewġ minuti. Ġibiltà fl-aħħar sabu l-vantaġġ u bdew ibiddlu l-isfel fuq Malta, li issa sabu ruħhom jilagħbu b’ċerta urġenza. Meta kien fadal minuta fl-ewwel kwarta, Ġibiltà kienu dawru kompletament il-klassifika u waslu 11-9.
Malta bdiet it-tieni kwarta b’saħħitha u reġgħet marru fil-vantaġġ fuq 11-14 qabel ma Ġibiltà wieġbu. Ġibiltà approfitta minn pass ċentrali mfixkel u reġgħu ħadu l-pussess. Għalkemm Pozo inizjalment fallew iċ-ċans li jġibu d-draw, u bagħtu x-xutt tagħha sew minn fuq iċ-ċrieki minħabba n-nervituri, kien Ruiz li assigura l-punt biex l-iskor indaqs. Xi xogħol tajjeb fuq wara minn Ocana ċaħdet lil Malta, u ġagħluhom jaħdmu iebes għall-punti tagħhom, u kellhom jerġgħu lura għat-tieni prova. Il-pressjoni ta’ Ġibiltà min-nofs kienet qed taħdem b’mod effettiv hekk kif huma fittxew biex jerġgħu jġibu l-livell. Konsenja tajba lil Pozo, li ġabu l-iskor indaqs 15-15, żgura li r-rispons ta’ Ġibiltà għall-ispinta inizjali ta’ Malta kienet fis-seħħ. Ġibiltà reġgħu ħadu l-vantaġġ bl-iskor ta’ 16-15 u ma fittxewx li jagħtuh.
Hekk kif waslu fl-aħħar sekondi tat-tieni kwarta, Ġibiltà mexxew bl-iskor ta’ 25-21, żieda fil-fiduċja hekk kif daħlu fil-mistrieħ tal-halftime. Ġibiltà kabbru l-vantaġġ fit-tielet taqsima għal marġni ta’ tmien punti b’żewġ minuti biss mill-kwarta logħob. Dan żdied għal għaxar punti ftit mumenti biss wara hekk kif Ġibiltà daħlu fl-aħħar minuta tal-kwarta b’vantaġġ 39-28. Bidliet fil-formazzjoni u kombinazzjonijiet fit-tim ta’ Ġibiltà pprovdew skambju effettiv, li tahom il-vantaġġ hekk kif spiċċaw il-kwarta b’iskor ta’ 39-29. Il-vantaġġ ta’ għaxar punti, għalkemm kuxxin tajjeb biżżejjed biex itaffi t-tensjoni, xorta ma kienx biżżejjed biex jassigura r-rebħa kontra naħa Malti aktar milli lest li jissieltuha sal-aħħar sekonda.
Għalkemm Malta kisbet punt lura immedjatament wara li reġgħet bdiet fir-raba’ taqsima, Ġibiltà ma naqqsux il-pass. Huma bnew l-iskor biex marru 46-33 mal-ħames minuti tal-kwarta logħob. Id-distakk ta’ tlettax-il punt ipprovda biżżejjed kunfidenza u faċilità biex ikunu jafu li kellhom ir-rebħa ssiġillata. Minkejja li Malta ġġieldet ħafna u ħasbet lura erba’ punti biex għamilhom 48-37 hekk kif daħlu fl-aħħar minuta, Ġibiltà spiċċaw b’rebħa 48-38. Ġibiltà issa jidħlu fil-partita finali tagħhom nhar il-Ħadd, fejn jilagħbu għall-ewwel u t-tieni post fit-2 Diviżjoni.

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Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
2024 年 5 月 18 日
直布羅陀 48-38 馬耳他
第二節最後幾秒,直布羅陀隊以 25-21 領先,進入中場休息時信心大增。直布羅陀在第三節將領先擴大到八分,本節比賽還剩兩分鐘。不久後,直布羅陀隊以 39-28 領先,比分上升至 10 分。直布羅陀隊陣型和組合的變化提供了有效的交換,使他們以39-29的比分結束了這一節。十分的領先優勢雖然足以緩解緊張局勢,但仍不足以確保對陣馬耳他隊的勝利,馬耳他隊願意戰鬥到最後一秒。
儘管馬耳他在第四節比賽重新開始後立即扳回一分,但直布羅陀並沒有放緩。本節比賽還剩 5 分鐘時,他們將比數追至 46-33。十三分的差距給了他們足夠的信心和輕鬆感,他們已經鎖定了勝利。儘管馬耳他隊苦戰,進入最後時刻以48-37扳回4分,但直布羅陀最終以48-38獲勝。直布羅陀現在將進入周日的最後一場比賽,他們將爭奪第二級的第一名和第二名。

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"Gibraltar makes it into Sunday's finals
18th May 2024
Gibraltar 48-38 Malta
Although Gibraltar had beaten Malta in their encounter the previous day, they faced a tough challenge from the first minutes, going behind and being unsettled by the determination of their opponents. Malta gained confidence, establishing a three-point lead early on, which forced Gibraltar to try and make an immediate comeback. Ruiz settled nerves by scoring the first point but then saw the ball lost immediately after the center pass due to nerves.
Ruiz made it two, but Gibraltar remained behind as Malta continued to force the gameplay their way. Ruiz managed to score another to close the gap to one point. With Gibraltar having the center pass, Pozo further settled the nerves by leveling the score and resetting the tempo. Malta, composed on the shot, added to their tally while Gibraltar sent a wild long pass into empty space, giving Malta a further chance to step forward again. Malta went 4-6 up and added another to take a three-point lead once again.
Midway through the first quarter, Gibraltar had yet to settle into their stride, reminiscent of their defeat against France in the first match. With the pressure on Gibraltar after winning their first encounter, it was now a matter of settling nerves and finding sharp shooters. Ruiz brought the score back to within one point. However, Malta protected their lead well, working the ball effectively and appearing more settled and composed. This allowed them to take advantage of errors in delivery by Gibraltar in the first quarter.
Moments of fluidity from Gibraltar, settling into a passing game and patiently building as the first quarter reached its end, saw Gibraltar level the score at 9-9 with two minutes left. Gibraltar finally found the lead and started to turn the tables on Malta, who now found themselves playing with some urgency. With a minute left in the first quarter, Gibraltar had completely turned the tables and led 11-9.
Malta started the second quarter strongly and retook the lead at 11-14 before Gibraltar responded. Gibraltar took advantage of a disrupted center pass and regained possession. Although Pozo initially missed a chance to level, sending her shot well over the hoop due to nerves, it was Ruiz who secured the point to level the score. Some good work at the back from Ocana denied Malta, making them work hard for their points, having to come back for a second try. Gibraltar's pressure through the middle was effectively working as they searched to level again. A good delivery to Pozo, who leveled the score at 15-15, ensured Gibraltar’s response to Malta's initial push was firmly in place. Gibraltar regained the lead at 16-15 and didn't look to give it away.
As they arrived at the final seconds of the second quarter, Gibraltar led with a 25-21 scoreline, a confidence boost as they entered the halftime break. Gibraltar extended their lead in the third quarter to an eight-point margin with just two minutes of the quarter to play. This increased to ten points just moments later as Gibraltar entered the final minute of the quarter with a 39-28 lead. Changes in formation and combinations in the Gibraltar team provided an effective interchange, giving them the edge as they finished the quarter with a 39-29 scoreline. The ten-point lead, although a good enough cushion to ease tensions, was still not enough to secure victory against a Maltese side more than willing to battle it out until the last second.
Although Malta got a point back immediately after restarting in the fourth quarter, Gibraltar did not ease off the pace. They built up their tally to go 46-33 with five minutes of the quarter to play. The thirteen-point gap provided ample confidence and ease to know that they had the victory sealed. Although Malta battled hard and scratched back four points to make it 48-37 as they entered the final minute, Gibraltar finished with a 48-38 victory. Gibraltar now heads into their final match on Sunday, where they will play for first and second place in Division 2.

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"जिब्राल्टर ने रविवार को फाइनल में जगह बना ली है
18 मई 2024
जिब्राल्टर 48-38 माल्टा
हालाँकि जिब्राल्टर ने पिछले दिन अपने मुकाबले में माल्टा को हरा दिया था, लेकिन उन्हें पहले मिनट से ही कड़ी चुनौती का सामना करना पड़ा, वे पिछड़ गए और अपने विरोधियों के दृढ़ संकल्प से परेशान हो गए। माल्टा ने आत्मविश्वास हासिल किया और शुरुआत में ही तीन अंकों की बढ़त बना ली, जिससे जिब्राल्टर को तत्काल वापसी की कोशिश करने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा। रुइज़ ने पहला अंक हासिल करके घबराहट को शांत किया लेकिन फिर घबराहट के कारण सेंटर पास के तुरंत बाद गेंद खो गई।
रुइज़ ने इसे दो कर दिया, लेकिन जिब्राल्टर पीछे रह गया क्योंकि माल्टा ने गेमप्ले को अपने तरीके से मजबूर करना जारी रखा। रुइज़ एक अंक के अंतर को कम करने के लिए एक और स्कोर करने में सफल रहे। जिब्राल्टर के सेंटर पास के साथ, पोज़ो ने स्कोर को बराबर करके और गति को रीसेट करके तनाव को और शांत कर दिया। शॉट पर संयमित माल्टा ने अपनी संख्या में इजाफा किया, जबकि जिब्राल्टर ने खाली जगह में एक जबरदस्त लंबा पास भेजा, जिससे माल्टा को फिर से आगे बढ़ने का मौका मिला। माल्टा 4-6 से आगे हो गया और एक और अंक जोड़कर एक बार फिर तीन अंकों की बढ़त बना ली।
पहले क्वार्टर के मध्य में, जिब्राल्टर को अभी भी अपनी लय में आना बाकी था, जिससे पहले मैच में फ्रांस के खिलाफ उनकी हार की याद ताजा हो गई। अपना पहला मुकाबला जीतने के बाद जिब्राल्टर पर दबाव के साथ, अब यह नसों को व्यवस्थित करने और तेज निशानेबाजों को खोजने का मामला था। रुइज़ ने स्कोर को एक अंक के भीतर वापस ला दिया। हालाँकि, माल्टा ने अपनी बढ़त को अच्छी तरह से सुरक्षित रखा, गेंद पर प्रभावी ढंग से काम किया और अधिक व्यवस्थित और संतुलित दिखे। इससे उन्हें पहली तिमाही में जिब्राल्टर द्वारा डिलीवरी में त्रुटियों का फायदा उठाने का मौका मिला।
जिब्राल्टर की तरलता के क्षण, एक पासिंग गेम में व्यवस्थित होना और पहले क्वार्टर के अंत तक धैर्यपूर्वक आगे बढ़ते हुए, जिब्राल्टर ने दो मिनट शेष रहते हुए स्कोर 9-9 से बराबर कर लिया। जिब्राल्टर ने आखिरकार बढ़त हासिल कर ली और माल्टा पर पासा पलटना शुरू कर दिया, जो अब खुद को कुछ तत्परता के साथ खेल रहा था। पहले क्वार्टर में एक मिनट शेष रहते जिब्राल्टर ने पासा पूरी तरह से पलट दिया और 11-9 से आगे हो गया।
माल्टा ने दूसरे क्वार्टर में जोरदार शुरुआत की और जिब्राल्टर के जवाब देने से पहले 11-14 से बढ़त बना ली। जिब्राल्टर ने बाधित सेंटर पास का फायदा उठाया और दोबारा कब्ज़ा जमा लिया। हालाँकि पॉज़ो ने शुरुआत में बराबरी का मौका गंवा दिया, लेकिन घबराहट के कारण उसने अपने शॉट को हूप के ऊपर से भेज दिया, यह रुइज़ ही था जिसने स्कोर बराबर करने के लिए अंक हासिल किया। ओकाना के कुछ अच्छे प्रदर्शन ने माल्टा को पीछे छोड़ दिया, जिससे उन्हें अपने अंकों के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करनी पड़ी, जिससे उन्हें दूसरे प्रयास के लिए वापस आना पड़ा। मध्य में जिब्राल्टर का दबाव प्रभावी ढंग से काम कर रहा था क्योंकि वे फिर से बराबरी की तलाश में थे। पॉज़ो को एक अच्छी डिलीवरी, जिसने स्कोर 15-15 से बराबर कर दिया, ने यह सुनिश्चित किया कि माल्टा के शुरुआती धक्का पर जिब्राल्टर की प्रतिक्रिया दृढ़ता से हुई। जिब्राल्टर ने 16-15 से फिर से बढ़त हासिल कर ली और इसे गंवाने के मूड में नहीं दिख रहा था।
जैसे ही वे दूसरे क्वार्टर के अंतिम सेकंड में पहुंचे, जिब्राल्टर ने 25-21 स्कोर के साथ बढ़त बना ली, हाफटाइम ब्रेक में प्रवेश करते ही उनका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ गया। जिब्राल्टर ने तीसरे क्वार्टर में अपनी बढ़त को आठ अंकों के अंतर तक बढ़ा दिया, जबकि क्वार्टर का खेल अभी दो मिनट ही बाकी था। कुछ ही क्षण बाद यह बढ़कर दस अंक हो गया क्योंकि जिब्राल्टर ने क्वार्टर के अंतिम मिनट में 39-28 की बढ़त के साथ प्रवेश किया। जिब्राल्टर टीम में गठन और संयोजन में बदलाव ने एक प्रभावी इंटरचेंज प्रदान किया, जिससे उन्हें बढ़त मिली क्योंकि उन्होंने 39-29 स्कोर के साथ क्वार्टर समाप्त किया। दस अंकों की बढ़त, हालांकि तनाव को कम करने के लिए पर्याप्त थी, फिर भी माल्टा की टीम के खिलाफ जीत सुनिश्चित करने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं थी, बल्कि अंतिम सेकंड तक लड़ने के लिए तैयार थी।
हालाँकि चौथे क्वार्टर में पुनः आरंभ करने के तुरंत बाद माल्टा को एक अंक वापस मिल गया, जिब्राल्टर ने गति कम नहीं की। उन्होंने क्वार्टर के पांच मिनट शेष रहते अपना स्कोर 46-33 कर लिया। तेरह अंकों के अंतर ने पर्याप्त आत्मविश्वास और यह जानने में आसानी प्रदान की कि उनकी जीत तय हो गई है। हालाँकि माल्टा ने कड़ा संघर्ष किया और अंतिम मिनट में प्रवेश करते हुए चार अंक जुटाकर स्कोर 48-37 कर दिया, जिब्राल्टर ने 48-38 से जीत हासिल की। जिब्राल्टर अब रविवार को अपने अंतिम मैच में उतरेगा, जहां वे डिवीजन 2 में पहले और दूसरे स्थान के लिए खेलेंगे।

आज की अमेज़ॅन डील (संबद्ध), किफायती वस्तुओं के लिए आपका वन-स्टॉप गंतव्य, घर की सजावट, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक, पालतू जानवरों की आपूर्ति, खेल और खिलौनों के चयन के लिए बिल्कुल सही। -
अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"Gibraltar se clasifica para la final del domingo
18 de mayo de 2024
Gibraltar 48-38 Malta
Aunque Gibraltar había vencido a Malta en el encuentro del día anterior, se enfrentaron a un duro desafío desde los primeros minutos, yendo por detrás y dejándose inquietar por la determinación de sus oponentes. Malta ganó confianza y estableció una ventaja de tres puntos desde el principio, lo que obligó a Gibraltar a intentar una remontada inmediata. Ruiz calmó los nervios anotando el primer punto pero luego vio perder el balón inmediatamente después del centro por culpa de los nervios.
Ruiz hizo el segundo, pero Gibraltar se quedó atrás mientras Malta seguía forzando el juego a su manera. Ruiz logró anotar otro para acortar la distancia a un punto. Con Gibraltar teniendo el pase central, Pozo calmó aún más los nervios nivelando el marcador y restableciendo el ritmo. Malta, serena en el tiro, sumó a su cuenta mientras Gibraltar envió un pase largo y salvaje al espacio vacío, dándole a Malta una nueva oportunidad de dar un paso adelante nuevamente. Malta se puso arriba 4-6 y añadió otro para tomar una ventaja de tres puntos una vez más.
A mediados del primer cuarto, Gibraltar aún no había recuperado el ritmo, recordando su derrota contra Francia en el primer partido. Con la presión sobre Gibraltar tras ganar su primer encuentro, ahora era cuestión de calmar los nervios y encontrar tiradores certeros. Ruiz acercó el marcador a un punto. Sin embargo, Malta protegió bien su ventaja, manejando el balón con eficacia y pareciendo más tranquila y serena. Esto les permitió aprovechar los errores de entrega de Gibraltar en el primer cuarto.
Momentos de fluidez de Gibraltar, estableciéndose en un juego aéreo y construyendo pacientemente a medida que el primer cuarto llegaba a su fin, hicieron que Gibraltar nivelara el marcador en 9-9 con dos minutos para el final. Gibraltar finalmente encontró la ventaja y comenzó a darle la vuelta a Malta, que ahora se encontraba jugando con cierta urgencia. Con un minuto restante en el primer cuarto, Gibraltar había cambiado completamente la situación y lideraba 11-9.
Malta comenzó el segundo cuarto con fuerza y ​​retomó la ventaja con 11-14 antes de que Gibraltar respondiera. Gibraltar aprovechó un pase central interrumpido y recuperó la posesión. Aunque Pozo inicialmente falló la oportunidad de empatar, enviando su disparo muy por encima del aro debido a los nervios, fue Ruiz quien aseguró el punto para igualar el marcador. Un buen trabajo atrás de Ocaña se lo impidió a Malta, lo que les hizo trabajar duro para conseguir los puntos, teniendo que remontar para un segundo intento. La presión de Gibraltar por el centro estaba funcionando eficazmente mientras buscaban nivelar nuevamente. Un buen pase a Pozo, que igualó el marcador 15-15, aseguró que la respuesta de Gibraltar al empujón inicial de Malta fuera firme. Gibraltar recuperó el liderato con 16-15 y no pareció perderlo.
Cuando llegaron a los últimos segundos del segundo cuarto, Gibraltar lideraba con un marcador de 25-21, un impulso de confianza al entrar en el descanso del medio tiempo. Gibraltar amplió su ventaja en el tercer cuarto a un margen de ocho puntos con sólo dos minutos del cuarto por jugar. Esto aumentó a diez puntos momentos después, cuando Gibraltar entró en el último minuto del cuarto con una ventaja de 39-28. Los cambios en la formación y las combinaciones en el equipo de Gibraltar proporcionaron un intercambio efectivo, dándoles la ventaja al terminar el cuarto con un marcador de 39-29. La ventaja de diez puntos, aunque era suficiente para aliviar las tensiones, todavía no fue suficiente para asegurar la victoria contra un equipo maltés más que dispuesto a luchar hasta el último segundo.
Aunque Malta recuperó un punto inmediatamente después de reiniciar el último cuarto, Gibraltar no bajó el ritmo. Aumentaron su cuenta para ir 46-33 con cinco minutos del cuarto por jugar. La diferencia de trece puntos proporcionó mucha confianza y tranquilidad para saber que tenían la victoria sellada. Aunque Malta luchó duro y recuperó cuatro puntos para poner el marcador 48-37 al entrar en el último minuto, Gibraltar terminó con una victoria 48-38. Gibraltar ahora se dirige a su último partido el domingo, donde jugarán por el primer y segundo lugar de la División 2.

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"Gibraltar qualifié pour la finale dimanche
18 mai 2024
Gibraltar 48-38 Malte
Même si Gibraltar avait battu Malte lors de la rencontre de la veille, ils ont été confrontés à un défi de taille dès les premières minutes, étant menés et déstabilisés par la détermination de leurs adversaires. Malte a gagné en confiance, prenant dès le début une avance de trois points, ce qui a forcé Gibraltar à tenter de revenir immédiatement. Ruiz a calmé les nerfs en marquant le premier point, mais a ensuite vu le ballon perdu immédiatement après la passe centrale à cause de la nervosité.
Ruiz en a fait deux, mais Gibraltar est resté derrière alors que Malte a continué à imposer le gameplay. Ruiz a réussi à en marquer un autre pour réduire l'écart à un point. Alors que Gibraltar avait la passe centrale, Pozo a encore calmé les nerfs en égalisant le score et en réinitialisant le tempo. Malte, composé sur le tir, a ajouté à son total tandis que Gibraltar a envoyé une longue passe sauvage dans l'espace vide, donnant à Malte une nouvelle chance de progresser à nouveau. Malte a mené 4-6 et en a ajouté un autre pour prendre à nouveau une avance de trois points.
Au milieu du premier quart-temps, Gibraltar n'avait pas encore retrouvé son rythme, qui n'est pas sans rappeler sa défaite contre la France lors du premier match. Avec la pression exercée sur Gibraltar après sa première victoire, il s'agissait désormais de calmer les nerfs et de trouver des tireurs précis. Ruiz a ramené le score à un point près. Cependant, Malte a bien protégé son avance, travaillant le ballon efficacement et semblant plus posé et plus posé. Cela leur a permis de profiter des erreurs de livraison de Gibraltar au premier quart-temps.
Des moments de fluidité de la part de Gibraltar, s'installant dans un jeu de passes et se construisant patiemment alors que le premier quart-temps touchait à sa fin, ont permis à Gibraltar d'égaliser le score à 9-9 à deux minutes de la fin. Gibraltar a finalement pris l'avantage et a commencé à renverser la situation sur Malte, qui se retrouvait désormais à jouer avec une certaine urgence. À une minute de la fin du premier quart-temps, Gibraltar avait complètement renversé la situation et menait 11-9.
Malte a commencé le deuxième quart-temps en force et a repris l'avantage à 11-14 avant que Gibraltar ne réponde. Gibraltar profite d'une passe centrale perturbée et reprend la possession. Bien que Pozo ait d'abord raté une chance d'égaliser, envoyant son tir bien au-dessus du cerceau à cause de sa nervosité, c'est Ruiz qui a obtenu le point pour égaliser le score. Un bon travail en défense d'Ocana a refusé à Malte, les obligeant à travailler dur pour marquer leurs points et à devoir revenir pour un deuxième essai. La pression de Gibraltar au milieu a fonctionné efficacement alors qu'ils cherchaient à égaliser à nouveau. Une bonne prestation de Pozo, qui a égalisé le score à 15-15, a permis à Gibraltar de répondre fermement à la poussée initiale de Malte. Gibraltar a repris l'avantage à 16-15 et n'a pas cherché à le céder.
Alors qu'ils arrivaient dans les dernières secondes du deuxième quart-temps, Gibraltar menait avec un score de 25-21, un regain de confiance à l'entrée de la pause de la mi-temps. Gibraltar a étendu son avance au troisième quart à huit points d'avance avec seulement deux minutes du quart à jouer. Ce chiffre est passé à dix points quelques instants plus tard alors que Gibraltar entrait dans la dernière minute du quart-temps avec une avance de 39-28. Les changements de formation et les combinaisons au sein de l'équipe de Gibraltar ont permis un échange efficace, leur donnant l'avantage alors qu'ils terminaient le quart-temps avec un score de 39-29. L'avance de dix points, bien que suffisante pour apaiser les tensions, n'a toujours pas suffi à assurer la victoire contre une équipe maltaise plus que disposée à en découdre jusqu'à la dernière seconde.
Bien que Malte ait récupéré un point immédiatement après avoir repris le quatrième quart-temps, Gibraltar n'a pas ralenti le rythme. Ils ont construit leur score pour porter un score de 46-33 à cinq minutes du quart-temps. L'écart de treize points leur a donné suffisamment de confiance et de facilité pour savoir qu'ils avaient scellé la victoire. Bien que Malte se soit battu avec acharnement et grappille quatre points pour porter le score à 48-37 à l'entrée de la dernière minute, Gibraltar a terminé avec une victoire de 48-38. Gibraltar se dirige maintenant vers son dernier match dimanche, où il jouera pour la première et la deuxième place de la Division 2.

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submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:04 Phabbya Pet itens

Heey guys!!
I wanted to ask you for a recommendation!! I'm about to adopt a dog and I wanted tips on good places to buy dog ​​food, toilet mats, and everything else you can recommend.
Can you recommend a good place to buy these items?
Thank you guys!!
submitted by Phabbya to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:00 Synixe [A3][Recruiting][EU/NA/SA][Semi-milsim][18+]- Synixe Contractors - PMC - Persistent Gear - Manage your own kit

[A3][Recruiting][EU/NA/SA][Semi-milsim][18+]- Synixe Contractors - PMC - Persistent Gear - Manage your own kit
Join Our Discord
Read More & Apply on our Website
Contractors tend to a wounded member while holding security
Who are we?
Synixe Contractors is a PMC unit composed of mature mil-sim operators who pride themselves in the execution of operations on the ground. All our contracts are handmade, and during missions we stay on point, crack some jokes, have fun and get the job done. Outside of them we are a laidback and friendly group to be around, we hang out in our Discord and even participate in other games as a group and in general just enjoy chatting with each other.
Contractors brief for a contract
What sets us apart:
  • A persistent gear system, you are paid for contracts in which you participate and use that money to buy gear that you get to keep
  • Serious attitude during ops, relaxed one outside of them
  • No ranks, so no yes-sino-sir routine
  • Hand crafted contracts on Fridays and Saturdays
  • Certifications for specialized roles and the freedom to obtain any you want. This ensures that all contractors understand and know how to effectively use the equipment they're carrying
  • A few of our certifications available include: Marksman, EngineeEOD, MAT (Medium Anti Tank), Combat Medic, and Autorifleman
  • High quality missions and mods. We have in-house mods and standards for missions and other mods, our missions are played with high FPS, and that quality is prioritized for painless experiences. We have members that contribute to several mods, and we often test features for ACE, ACRE, and more.
Contractors work to bring peace to a town in the midst of civil war
What we ask of you:
  • 18+
  • A working microphone and to use TeamSpeak for communication
  • A friendly attitude and a willingness to learn
  • Arma 3 Apex and the Western Sahara CDLC
  • That you take part in missions at least once every four weeks in order to be an active member. It's not the biggest deal if you are unable to attend for a while, after all real life takes priority
Contractors establishing security in an urban environment
Contract times:
We have several players that mainly attend only one of the two times.
  • Friday:
    • West Coast USA: 1900 - 2130 PST/UTC-8
    • East Coast USA: 2200 - 0030 EST/UTC-4
    • Western Europe: 0400 - 0630 ET/UTC+2
  • Saturday:
    • West Coast USA: 1200 - 1430 PST/UTC-8
    • East Coast USA: 1600 - 1830 EST/UTC-4
    • Western Europe: 2200 - 0030 CET/UTC+2
  • Subcontracts: These are small missions that sometimes take place during the week when there are enough people that are available to play, and are typically shorter and played with fewer people.
Contractors deliver construction equipment through a dangerous area
If you have any questions:
Join Our Discord
Read More & Apply on our Website
We hope to see you in-game soon!
submitted by Synixe to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:42 THROWAWAY-Break9580 Should I end this relationship or give it a chance?

F21 M30
I need help in ending this relationship but more in a mature matter where it doesn’t lead to me ghosting, blocking or whatever immature actions that doesn’t need to end in that way.
I don’t really consider this a relationship but the guy I’ve been talking too see a potential relationship with me long term when my initial intentions were to have fun and go on our separate ways. I have created several posts about this but I’ve deleted it out of feeling shameful.
Shameful for rejecting love that was handed to me the first time. Well not the first, but to meet someone who genuinely wants to be with me, form a future with me or added with the fact would bend his own values just to work with me hurts me a lot.
The only reason I’m asking for help about this is because I’ve thought I have set my standards and boundaries clear to the guy I’ve spoken too but I realize that I’ve entertained too much of hanging around with despite his clear obvious feelings he has for me and that I’m too much of a coward to be bluntly honest that I’m just not attracted to him and for that I don’t want to continue this relationship he is dreaming of.
At first I was willing to try slow baby steps in getting to know him but I just can’t do it. One, I’m not into age gap relationships. NEVER will. Despite being an adult myself I’m not attracted dating someone that’s older than me 8-10 years apart. my standards and expectations are high when it comes to adults. Plus I don’t like the fact that I’m with someone who would eventually lose their attractions once the years pass by. “Remaining youthful” for their interest doesn’t flatter me at all. I find it very unfair especially when I’ve accepted other attributes from him that I’m not into. Men that smokes and men with beards. The last one is quite petty in my part but he’s a white guy with Dreads. I hate it. It irritate my skin and I would rather see his natural hair than tolerate his matted hairstyle.
He’s genuinely a great person, he knows that. But honestly his immature moments annoys me sometimes. It feels like I’m talking to a perverted teenagers who feels the need to comment about sex whenever we have a causal conversation. Plus, I have no issues with dogs but the constant dog saliva being around the house is lowkey starting to annoying me now.
Another note, he wouldn’t offer me some financial assistance for anything. I’m not saying anything that’s sugar baby related. He wants my vagina to be completely bald for sex but the cost of it is $60 a visit. I’m not interested of that. He is. Offering $60 a visit would be nice. Since I don’t even care to be consistent going to the wax Solon since I don’t have a job to visit the place every 3-4 weeks.
Anyway, the guy is a great guy. He compliments, offer word of affirmation almost everyday to me, he pretty much love the shit out of me but I just can’t see myself continuing this. I will admit that I would fall for him whenever we hang out but I would stopped myself from doing so because of my beliefs.
If I’m being judgemental or too picky, PLEASE advise me or tell me what I’m doing wrong here. I’ve never been in a relationship before but I feel like it’s wrong for me to openly accept something just for love. I need help for this, someone assistance me.
submitted by THROWAWAY-Break9580 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:07 Kumagoro314 Finding the source of wind noise

I noticed that above ~60km/h, I can hear very pronounced wind noise coming from around the front driver side mirror. It almost sounds like the window is ever so slightly cracked open.
The car in question is a MK3 Ford Focus. I have checked the mirror foam that's often said to be missing when aftermarket mirrors are fitted, but that one seems to be ok, I stuffed it with some yoga mat foam in places I found made poor contact with the chassis to make it fill the space better.
Another culprit appears to be the external door gasket which seems to be slightly bent out of shape near the mirror. However it also appears to be making decent contact with the chassis. I tried putting some gasket silicone to improve contact, but it has made no difference.
The door itself fits perfectly, there are visible misalighnments, and trying to "pull" the door in from the inside when driving makes no difference.
I have no obvious things to change, and I'd rather not go around buying gaskets that might not be the source of the problem. So my idea is to use sticky tape to basically close in all the areas sealed by the external gasket to see if it makes any improvement.
However, I want to know what's the best kind of tape to use for this type of operation, which won't damage the paint or fly off when driving.
Unless someone's had luck with these Fords and knows what can be the source of said wind noise?
submitted by Kumagoro314 to Cartalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:45 First_Psychology_532 I don't know how to move forward

Hi everyone, I'm new here but have lurked.
I (26F) grew up in a home with my Nmom and dad and brother. My Nmom ruled the house. My childhood memories are filled with all of the times she would lash out at us and make us cry and control every move we made. I remember every time I would hear her car pull up, I would run into my room and close the door and hide. She hoarded and my house was filled with stacks of her belongings and rotten food and bugs. If I ever tried to clean it, she would get mad and pull rotten food out of the garbage. She always got the nicest things for herself, but often I didn't get the things that I wanted - I had to give a lot of attention to get clothes that fit me or other things I needed. My things were often dirty, my hair would get matted. I washed my clothes in the sink so I wouldn't smell at school. I didn't go to doctors when I was sick because she knew best. There were times where I desperately needed medication or antibiotics. I suffered through cellulitis (using up someone else's antibiotics so I could keep my arm), a menstrual hemorrhage that caused me to become so iron deficient I kept passing out, and had gaping wounds that should have been stitched up. She didn't stay home with me from school when I was sick or drive me places or go to school events because parenting me was such an inconvenience. She would often bring up how many sleepless nights she had with me when I was a baby and was resentful that I would always cry when she would be near me and said I didn't like her from the beginning.
I wasn't allowed to cry or be upset - that was very bad. I was probably called "ungrateful" about once every day, usually followed by some form of cursing. She drank quite a bit. I got the silent treatment, often time for days at a time when she was made about something, even if it had nothing to do with me. She played me and my brother against me - one of us was always the favorite who got love and attention and the other one was the bad one. It switched back and forth quite a bit. Her opinion was always the right one - everyone else didn't know what they were doing.
I ended up staying at a lot of my friend's houses from the time I was really young to escape it. A lot of people played mom for me and it helped me to turn out into a somewhat functioning adult, although I still have a lot of issues with intimacy and vulnerability. I tried for many years in my late teens through my 20s to learn to live with my parents and find a way to make peace. There were stints that it worked out ok. The older I got, the better I got at keeping them far enough away to avoid them controlling my life. I could see them for maybe an hour a week and update them on work, my pets, etc, while avoiding topics that they didn't have the right to know about. And then I could pretend we were a normal family, which is really all I ever wanted.
Recently, I came out to my mom about my sexuality. I wasn't planning on it, but she kept asking over and over again while we were spending time together one day. I finally gave in and she continued to berate and ask me specific questions about my sex life. I told her that I wasn't going to give her that information and she said "You haven't even tried [to be straight]. I can find you a nice boy. Where have you even been looking?" And it opened up all the trauma from my past. Never being good enough. Never being loved for who I was. Always worried about what other people would think or how it would make her look. I don't think I can look at her or speak to her again and I just keep thinking about how I'm going to avoid seeing her and when she's going to text me next.
submitted by First_Psychology_532 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:57 Sypu_Demon Help - New Puppy too scared to potty in front of me

I’m on my second day with my 15 week old puppy and feel like I fell into a bad spot with potty training. He’s been VERY timid and we’re working through that slowly. But due to that, he’s extremely sensitive to anything that happens.
When he first got here, he peed on the carpet right away. As calmly as I could, I picked him up during the accident and moved him to the grass mat I have outside to show him this is the correct spot. I didn’t raise my voice or anything, but I think it still spooked him enough that all he learned was to not potty when I’m around.
Now I feel horrible because the poor shy guy tries to hold it all day. And then I can see signs that he’s about to go but he’ll stop doing anything if I peek at him from another room. I tried putting a pee pad next to the spot where he’s going, but I can’t catch him in time to show him where to go because he waits until I’m doing something else for 30 seconds, like reheating my coffee this last time.
I know it’s only day 2 and I need to be patient, but the issue is I’m in a place where I feel like I can’t even begin to show him the correct spot. I’ve tried waiting outside with him for 15 mins multiple times throughout the day but he just holds it for hours if I’m in sight. And we can’t go on walks because he’s too nervous to walk, that will take some more days to get through. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
submitted by Sypu_Demon to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:44 LordIlthari The Dragon Princess and the Barbarian's Heart Chapter 1: The Scythian Queen

The first rays of rosy-fingered dawn climbed their way over the Macedonian hills and fell like arrows to glint upon the racing bronze of the Scythian raiders. Death clattered and rang among the early morning light as they made their way across the plateau towards the waking village. Gleaming in the rosy light, but obscured by the mist, they seemed like comets cast as Olympian arrows. Their horses' breath clung in the air as they dragged behind them chariots of bronze and chariots of iron. Each carried two men. Those with bronze carried a driver and an archer with bow bent, while those with iron carried a man with a mighty cleaving axe. Each driver also carried for himself a leather shield and bronze short sword. Behind the chariots came footmen equipped like the drivers, and at their flanks rode horsemen carrying one-handed axes, javelins, and wooden shields covered with leather. Thus the horde came down the valley towards the village, cloaked in the fog, but vastly beyond what their victims could hope to muster.
Then, the fog parted like the curtain of a theater. Before the coming horde stood arrayed a sturdy phalanx, a wall of bronze shields and forest of spears aimed towards the invaders. Behind them, men stood with bows bent and arrows knocked. At their center, a man sat astride a white-faced bay mare. Shining in his steel armor, he drew his bow and fired. An arrow sped into the eye of the foremost driver, and a moment later another caught his axeman in the throat. He roared with a voice like a trumpet. “MEN OF MACEDON, SET YOUR HEARTS ABLAZE!” Thus cried Leonidas Kygniois, keen eyed hunter, and with one voice his men answered him. “WOE! WOE! WOE TO THE WICKED!” At those a volley of arrows was loosed from behind the phalanx and fell among the Scythians. Many died, as Leon bid his aide unfurl the banners. Across the field each unit raised up two banners. Below was the banner of the unit, and above the sun with sixteen rays. Besides Leonidas arose his own banner, the white wolf on the blue field, under the black dragon’s wing.
The foremost forces of the Scythians were caught in the charge, unable to pull away. They crashed into the wall of shield and spear with the terrible sound of breaking bones, shearing bronze, dying horses and dying men. All the while arrows continued to rain, and the slaughter was brutal. But then, swift as a winding river, the Scythians turned and wheeled away. The chariots of bronze sent forth arrows of their own, coated in serpent’s venom. The phalanx raised their shields, and covered themselves. Even so some struck through, and the venom wrought a terrible toll on the men. Even so, the phalanx began to march forwards, stepping over the dead with their grim chant. “WOE! WOE! WOE TO THE WICKED”. With this chant they kept their stride, and advanced as a seamless wall. The wounded fell back, helped by their brothers. The archers helped guide them back, and reservists stepped forwards to replace them. Thus the army advanced.
The Scythians pulled back, and danced at the range of the archers. They sought a weakness, or to create a weakness. The bronze chariots formed into a circle and spun like a wheel. Each man turned and fired, and slipped out of range. It was troublesome to target and gave each Scythian plenty of time to line up his shot. In their midst was one most terrible, their chief in gilded chariot. Shining was their armor, brilliant as the sun, head hidden behind a helm like a lion. Their bow was strong and eye keen. Whenever they loosed, a Hellene fell dead.

At the same time, the chariots of iron gathered on the left, and with them the horsemen of the left. The army of the Hellenes had deployed on the flat ground before the village, with a forest on their right to guard that flank. For a flanked phalanx was a doomed phalanx, and the flat ground was optimal both for maintaining a unified line, but also for the chariots and horsemen to maneuver. So the scythians gathered on the left, and sought to envelop the Hellenes there. Their chief suspected their enemy might have hidden horsemen in the mists, and so the wheel turned. They drew forth arrows set with whistles and fired them into the flank. The arrows screamed with a terrible sound to spook horses and sunder morale. Then forwards the flanking force drove to envelop the foe, or else slip behind them to wreak ruin among the archers.

There they found the strongest of the Hellenes. Beneath a banner showing serpent-haired Medusa, they stood clad head to toe in steel. No arrow could find purchase against these immortals, and no blade of bronze could wound them. They turned with grim purpose, spears tracking the foe as the mist lifted. The flanking scythians found themselves with no cover, facing no exposed flank, but the royal elite of the Macedonian army.
Then out from their midst stepped a dark-haired woman with piercing blue eyes. She pulled back her cowl to reveal a diadem, and opened her thumb on a bladed ring. She reached into her cloak and drew forth iron shavings, a magnetic stone, and rose thorns. Then she spoke words of power and imposed her sovereignty over reality.
Then she blew the iron over the field. From the bones of the earth, iron answered. It erupted like a field of nails under the feet of the horses. They screamed in pain and stumbled. They fell and cast their riders on the thorns, or else were slowed in their stride. Thus the charge was stalled and the pace ruined. Then spoke the witch again and the air stank of ozone.
Bijalee chamakana.”
By these words she called forth lightning. It came as a brilliant trident to her bloodied hand. Her hair came alight into the air with static, her diadem gleamed in its light. The enemy saw her and beheld the dread heir of Olympus, last and mightiest of the demigods, Queen Cassandra of the Macedonians. She hurled forth her trident into the air. There it broke and a storm cloud formed over the battle. The fury of Heaven rained down on the chariots of the Scythians. Their chariots of iron were brought to ruin. Their men fell bloodied, deafened, and burned. So Cassandra brought ruin to her enemies.
Thus, the enemy retreated from the hellene lines, and fled from the wrath of Cassandra, daughter of Zeus. For her fury was terrible, and her deeds were mighty. Thus they came back around their chief, and escaped the ruin that had come upon them. They withdrew, step by step, and runners were sent further back to the baggage train to make ready. On the Hellenes came against them, but they were slow in step and cautious. Leon watched the canny chief of the Scythians, and never did his eye wander. The chief in turn watched him, and both put hand to bow, though they did not loose at one another. The range was wrong, but each made ready for their duel.
At length, the Hellenes pushed the Scythians back beyond the extent of the forest, and so their left became exposed. Their chief launched a probing attack with their horsemen, who drew near and threw their javelins into the midst of the Hellene line. The line recoiled, pulling back and inwards, bunching up. At this sign of weakness, at once the chieftain struck. The chariots closed in for the kill. Likewise, the horsemen circled and lowered their spears. As one they would drive into the exposed flank of the Hellenes and drive them from the field.
Then the forest vanished. It had not all been an illusion of it, but enough of it. The chieftain turned, the world seemingly slowing to a crawl. Out of the fading shadow ran bold men armed with long spears. They crashed into the flank of the charging horde and into the midst of the chariots. They drove their spears into the wheels of the chariots, and ground them to a stop. They thrust upwards at the horsemen, who’s mounts reared away from the danger. The charge had been utterly disorganized by this sudden surprise attack, and the advantage was to the Hellenes.
Valiantly the Scythians fought, and most valiant was their chieftain. They lashed about themselves with axes and swords. Their chieftain hefted high a mighty flax; a reverse-edged blade held in two hands. Down the falx fell, and a Hellene that drew too near was all but split in two. The surprise was sudden, but for their charge the Hellenes had forsaken shield and heavy armor. As surprise faded, the battle seemed to shift in favor of the Scythians. Yet the chieftain lifted up their eyes, and saw that they were in danger. The Hellene cavalry finally made its move. Slipping in behind and around the bulk of the Scythian force, with Leonidas at their head, they made to encircle and destroy the Scythian mobile element.
Then the tide truly turned against the Scythians, as a roar sounded out of the mist. A shadowy blur, nearly the size of an elephant, was among them. It snatched the wounded out of the jaws of death, and threw aside chariot and horse with ease. Axes struck at it, and bounced. Spears thrust and were broken. A few bold horsemen charged towards the black mass in the mist, then she raised up her head. Great wings split the mists aside, and her majesty froze horse and rider alike in terror.
Her body was like that of a panther or other great cat, covered in interlocking scales like a serpent. Her four limbs were long and powerful, ending in mighty claws gleaming white as ivory. A tail like a scorpion lashed, a glaive-headed blade at its tip, sharp enough to split a man in twain, swifter than arrows. A long neck terminated in a head a bit like a horse, a bit like a viper, and a bit like a bird of prey. Plated black scales overlapped across her body, gleaming in the dawnlight, sturdier than steel, yet flowing like water. Blue fire lapped around the edges of a mouth full of teeth like daggers. Two great wings eclpsed heaven behind her, leathery like a bat. Long white scars from battles past covered her throat, as eyes like amber froze men like trapped bugs.
Seramis of Achaea, the Dragon Princess, entered the battlefield.
The chieftain saw this doom amongst their men, but watched with wisdom. Though Seramis wielded terror as her weapon, roaring with flame and talons drawn, she wielded only terror. She might have slain many easily, but she used the Gehennan flames as only a firewall. Her tail lashed and claws struck, but they slapped rather than slashing. The dragoness certainly broke bones, but that was more a function of mass than malice. Her priority was the wounded, and she struck those that got in her way.
“Avoid the dragon! Do not strike the wounded, nor stand to capture them! Slay them in a single blow, or wound them and move away before the dragon intervenes!” The chieftain cried, and while the Hellenes could not understand her, Seramis did. The Diluvian princess turned her head and looked toward the lion-helmed Scythian. The pair shared a look of understanding, before the tumult of battle resumed their attention.
Seramis continued her work, all the easier for the lack of interference. Acting as both medic and ambulance, she rescued the wounded, Hellene and Scythian alike. Following in her shadow came a creature a bit like a ram, with seven horns of lapis lazuli. This was her familiar, a spirit of knowledge she called Elijah. He acted as her diagnosticator, identifying wounds and ailments to aid her work. Sera cast spells of healing, not complex work but quick and efficient. Bleeding stalled, bones were set, and pain was soothed. Then she would take the wounded and lash them to her side and back with tendrils of shadow. Once she had gathered a full load of men, she retreated back behind the Hellene lines. There she deposited them with the healers, and leapt forth to rescue yet more.
With the dragoness identified as less a threat, and more a mobile hazard, the Scythians returned their focus to the Hellene cavalry. Their own cavalry had been Leon’s primary target during the initial confusion of the charge, and he had made good use of the opportunity. Many a Scythian horseman had been slain in those first few moments, and no less than thirteen by the prince of marathon’s own hand. The white-feathered shafts of his steel-tipped arrows were seen planted in throat, eye, and heart, a testament to the prince’s deadly aim and fearsome bow. For he was wolf to ringbearers, and the strength of his bow and the superior metal of his arrows pierced breastplates of bronze, even the scale mail of the Scythians.
Even so, while the Hellenes had bled the Scythian horse fiercely, they had less success against the charioteers. The chariots provided additional cover from Hellene javelins, and space to evade their lances. Moreover, their sturdy construction made them perilous to the Hellenes horses, as a swinging wheel could easily break a leg. Finally, the simple fact that each chariot was a two-man team allowed for greater resilience. One man focused on driving, and the other on fighting. If either was wounded so they could not do their work as well, they could switch. Even if the driver was outright killed, the other could take over and use the mass of the chariot as a weapon. So, though the play gave the Hellenes the advantage, the Scythians were far from out of the fight.
So, with fury, their chieftain rallied their men about them and led a fierce counterattack. With the superior durability of the chariots and their mighty chief at their head, the Scythians reaped a bloody retaliation on their foes. Leonidas ordered his men back, to gather themselves anew. Each side had been bloodied, and both sought a retreat. Then with a cry, he took his personal guard back in, aimed directly at the enemy general. His bow was drawn, and fired.
The Scythian general stepped to the side of their chariot, dodging the shot. They drew their own bow, aimed, and fired. Leon evaded, but he wasn’t the target. Instead, his horse was. The white-faced bay mare took the Scythian’s arrow in her flank. The wound was minor, but the poison was not. She ran on seven steps, then seized, and fell down dead. Leon leapt from his dying steed, and landed in a roll. He came up with shield and spear at the ready, as the Scythian chief turned their chariot towards him.
The two general’s bodyguards whirled in a melee as the Scythian and Hellene commanders faced each other in single combat. The Scythian forsook their bow, knowing their poisoned arrows could not pierce the prince’s steel armor. Instead they raised high their fell falx, as their chariot closed in. Leon readied himself as the chariot closed to trample him. Then, at the last moment he sprang aside, unusually agile despite his heavy armor. Still, the lion helm tracked him, and down the falx came. Leonidas raised his shield and set his feet. The shield was steel, and sturdy enough to shatter a blade of bronze such as the falx falling upon him. But it struck true, and carved the steel shield, then kept going. Leon pulled back, but he’d braced himself and couldn’t maneuver. His steel armor parted, and he came away with a serious gash in his arm. He felt the blade hit bone, and realized that if he hadn’t been so well equipped, that blade would have taken his left arm off, cutting straight through the bone.
Still, though he bled, he did not quail. He threw aside his ruined shield and took his spear in both hands. While his foe had the mass and momentum of a charging chariot, the physics of metallurgy dictated that their blade should have broken against him. Curved blades were more fragile, a trade-off for their superior cutting power, and a bronze blade should have no chance against steel. If physics were being violated, it meant sorcery was at play. The enemy’s blade was enchanted.
Again came the chieftain with their blessed blade. Their horses panted heavily in the air, adding to the rattle of the chariot. Chaos swirled around them, but Leon silenced it. The world reduced to simply himself, his enemy, and the vanishing space between. He set his target, and waited for the space to entirely vanish. The beat of the horse’s hooves were set like a metronome. Then, at the precise beat, he shattered the rhythm. He drove his spear forwards into the knee of the Scythian horse. The spear’s wooden haft shattered from the force, but so did the stallion’s leg. It collapsed in a bloody heap, tangling its partner. The chariot crashed into its steeds, slaying both brutally. The chieftain and their driver were staggered, but grasped hold of the chariot and were not thrown.
Leonidas took fourteen calculated steps, moving around the wreck of the chariot, then stepping aboard. In a single motion he drew his blade and cut upwards. The driver fell back as a spray of blood erupted from his throat. He slumped over the front of the chariot, blood flowing to mingle with the horses. Leon whirled on the chieftain as a shout of rage came to their lips. He stepped in close, too close for his foe to swing their great blade effectively. Here, his short blade had the advantage, and the chariot cornered his target. He drew the blade back to his hip like he was knife-fighting, and thrust upwards towards the foe’s beast. The scaled armor of the Scythians was legendarily hard to slash through, but the overlapping scales that caused such strength were vulnerable to this exact kind of upwards thrust. But his canny foe knew the armor’s weaknesses just as well, and pivoted with agility to rival the warrior prince.
They slashed with their great falx, but the range was awkward, so Leon evaded. He then pivoted, taking his blade in both hands. Gritting through the pain of his wounded arm, he wheeled with a mighty blow. He put his back, legs, and both arms into a murderous strike too quick to evade. The Scythian chief recognized it, and ducked their head. Rather than suffering a decapitating blow, they took the hit on the crown of their helm. The gold gilding it deformed and parted, but this was by design. By using a coating of deformable gold above the bronze, the helmet could better absorb slashing attacks. The gold twisted as it was cut, catching the blade and altering the edge alignment. Leon cut though, but rather than burying his sword midway into his target’s skull, he cut apart the helm and left a relatively shallow wound along his foe’s scalp, running down their forehead and across their face. The lion helm split, and fell away. Leon looked the enemy general in the eye for the first time, and hesitated.
The helm fell away, and out spilled long, golden hair, now matted in places by blood. A fair face, with piercing blue eyes looked up at him. A warrior’s snarl covered her face, as the Scythian Queen recovered. She snapped up and slammed the hilt of her falx into Leon’s eye. The prince staggered back, blinking to recover, as she took a step back in turn. With this, she obtained her range, and cut down with her falx. Leon raised his sword to block, but the reverse curve of the unusual weapon made it difficult. His wound caused his arm to spasm, and the curve came around the sword. The enchanted blade bit ito the common one, then cast it away. Leon’s wrist was wounded in the exchange, and blood began to fill his gauntlet.
Leon realized his peril, and stepped in swiftly. He caught his foot behind hers, and pulled back as he slammed his shoulder into her. The queen fell back, but caught herself on the edge of her chariot so she did not fall. Leon pressed in, pinning her arm with his his hand so she could not swing. He drew his hunting knife, and it was at her throat in a moment. His grip was unsteady, as his wrist was wounded, and he felt an utter brute to have a knife at a woman’s throat. “Yield. I do not wish to harm you.” He ordered, uncertain if she could even understand.
The Scythian Queen laughed in his face. “You do not wish to harm me?” She asked through a thick accent. “Then you should never have come to the battlefield! Know that I am Tamur, Queen of the Scythians, no soft flower of the south that you might bruise with your breath. I am here to that I might crush my enemies, drive them before me, hear the lamentations of your pathetic women, and reap from your ruin the prosperity of my people. Slay me now you coward, or else you must yield, for I will slay you without mercy.” Clear and clarion was her voice, as Athena upon the battlefield or Artemis on the hunt. She feared neither death nor injury, and laughed in spite of the carnage all about them.
Leon held his ground and was not moved by her laughter or insult. “Hear me then, oh Queen of the Scythians. What is greater cowardice? To be slain for principle, or to breach principle for fear of being slain? You are a mighty warrior; this I cannot deny. But this is my principle, that no man is any man that slays a woman, even if she is a warrior. I bid you now yield, that we might bring peace between our people and an end to this meaningless conflict you have brought about.” He spoke with all respect due to a fellow warrior, and with the resolve of his own indestructible soul.
“Far be it from meaningless, warrior of the Hellenes. Would you not do anything, even go beyond the bounds of the earth for your people? Hear now my principle, that my people shall conquer that we might not be conquered. For you who are blessed with so much shall not offer a pittance to our meager tents. So we shall take, for this is the nature of things, that the prosperity of one must always be at the expense of another. This is the balance of the world, and it belongs to he who carries the sword.”
Then she snapped her head forward, and impacted with Leon’s helm. Headbutting a steel helmet with your bare, already wounded head is generally not a good idea. But she was braced, and he was not. The maneuver would have opened her throat, but Leon had held back his knife for his soul rebuked him to harm a woman. Needless to say this principle, while generally noble, was extremely foolish in this instance. Chivalry was certainly not on Tamur’s mind as she pushed him back, and kicked him in the balls.
Leon was wearing armor and greaves, but about his waist was more of a plated skirt than a codpiece. The introduction of a bronze boot to that region inflicted less damage than it might, but this was in the sense that his family line could continue, rather than full nullification. He staggered further back, agility shattered. Tamur lashed out with her falx, and Leon wisely rolled away.
Leonidas began pushing himself back to his feet, but a Scythian archer circled. Whether by skill or by luck, they let fly their arrow and it struck true into the gash their queen had torn in the prince’s armor. Leon gasped briefly in pain as the arrow hit under his shoulder plate and pierced the meat of his back. It went through to the rib, and cracked it. He felt his blood already burning as the poisoned arrow delivered its deadly payload into his veins. The meat of muscle across his back began to scream and spasm, dropping him back to the earth. He saw Tamur approaching, and grit his teeth to rise through the pain. He was too slow, the falx came up…
Then there was a rush of wind, a smell of sulfur, and the sound of bronze ringing against talon, then scraping against scale. Seramis had intervened. She swooped in, and her talon met the falling flax. The two mighty women’s blades rang against one another, then Tamur shifted the blade. She cut across the dragoness’s palm and wounded her, drawing blood as the enchanted weapon carved scale. Seramis retaliated by coiling her tail, then striking forth with it like a whip. The foot and a half long blade at the end of the tail met the barbarian queen’s guard, and drove her back. The blade of the falx shook and sang like a tuning fork.
Seramis lowered her head, and spoke with a voice tinged with fire. She spoke in the Scythian’s own language, a growl deep in her throat and fire on her tongue. “Have you not heard, queen of the Scythians, that one should not trifle with a dragon’s hoard? If not, then I will educate you. Come not between a daughter of Tiamat and her treasure. This is folly, and will be your ruin should you persist.”
Tamur heard the words of the dragoness, and looked once to the blood on her sword, and once to the flames in the maw before her. She saw the damage the hellenes had wrought on her vanguard, and the advance of their phalanx. She stepped back, and ordered a retreat. Scythian and Diluvian locked eyes as the queen boarded a new chariot, and swiftly they retreated from the battlefield.
Sera breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly turned to her prince. Leon had kept trying to get up, and managed to stagger to his feet. Gently, she took him in an unwounded claw, and bore him away. “Leon, please tell me you can hear me.”
“I can. Ow.” Leon replied, breathing slowly, and deeply, to keep his face and voice from twisting in pain. “What did you say to her?”
“Just a bit of theater to make her leave, don’t worry about it. You focus on not dying, oh chivalrous fool mine.”
“Hah. Tease me when I’m not dying, would you kindly? It hurts too much to laugh.”
“Maybe next time, don’t be such an idiot then.”
“Ah, but then how would you have an excuse to rescue me?”
“Please, we both know I don’t need an excuse to steal you away. I’ve done it before.” Sera teased, and Leon smiled through the pain.
Even as two of the trio of royals retreated, Cassandra remained. She saw the Scythians trying to quit the field, and that the ambush had not been successful enough. They had mauled the Scythian mobile element, but not utterly broken it. She sent an order for caution, for if they overpursued the wily Scythian general, she might turn and crush them in turn. Still, she would not allow her enemy to escape her wrath so easily. She cast again, and thunder boomed across the clear morning.
The mists of early morning fled from the Hellenes, and ran down the Scythians. The retreating barbarians turned, and saw the mists gather together into a humanoid figure. Long curls of smoke came down from a scowling face, almost akin to hair. Winds howled like limbs to throw men from horse and chariot. Tamur quickly evaded as the growing titan of mist swung, clear blue eyes gleaming amongst the artificial cloud. Then the avatar drew back its hand, and lighting crackled into being. The heir of Olympus and last daughter of Zeus hurled down lighting bolts at the Scythians, reminding all why even with the thrones of Olympus long empty and ashen, they were still remembered in myth and legend.
Bolts of lightning mauled man and horse alike. Chariots fell away twisted and burning. Thunder terrified men and horses. Cassandra watched from the eyes of her avatar as she delivered the wrath of an angry god upon then. “I am the dread Queen of Macedon. I am the miracle of destruction. I am mankind’s answer to dragons, and you dare, YOU DARE! Come to my home, my kingdom, and hurt my people, and now you think you can simply run away?” The whisper grew to a roaring fury, bolts of lightning leaping from her eyes to slay yet more.
Then Tamur cried a loud challenge, and bid her driver turn the chariot. She charged at the avatar of mist and storm, raising her blade high. In rage, Cassandra cast down another bolt of lightning, but Tamur raised up her sword. The bolt caught the bronze blade, but did not rip down through into the queen. Instead, she turned and set herself, then cut the air. Lighting ripped back into the avatar, and cut it from crown to groin. There was a clap of thunder, and the avatar was banished.
Cassandra went flying back, caught by her men, but left dazed. A wound, thankfully shallow, had sprung from no apparent source, from her crown down the center of her body, even under her armor. She staggered upright, hands shaking violently. She reached for magic, but it was like a man who was concussed. It was there, but unstable, difficult to control, unreliable. The clean, efficient control she prided herself on eluded her. She drew in a breath, and clenched her fists to stop her shaking hand. Showing no pain from her wound, she watched as the scythians slipped out of her grasp.
“Where in the world did she get a sword that can cut the soul?” Cassandra wondered aloud. Then, heeding the insistence of her men, she retreated, and ordered the army to retire from the field. She growled as she made her way back towards the medical tents. “I hate dealing with other miracles.”
submitted by LordIlthari to The_Ilthari_Library [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:39 Houseofsun5 Proper aircon done for under £500

Proper aircon done for under £500
So with summer coming up I started looking at Aircon, I have cab aircon but that's no use in the back. I looked at the roof mounted stuff and with the entire package it's was going to be really expensive and be a permanent all year round lump of extra weight and wind resistance on the roof. The storage locker solutions I didn't have the room for what with inboard water tanks, heating system, batteries and using the storage space that's left for storage.
Solution found is a 240v/24v/12v portable unit from ebay. I built a little plinth to lift it up above bedline and sink level in the toilet, that's screwed in place. Cut a letter box shaped hole then made backing plates the same size as the rear exhaust vent. Placed the exit vent one side then screwed it into the unit from the bathroom so it locks itself into position then screwed the aluminium to the wall to make it look tidy and seamless. Because I want it removable and to retain it's portability I just used a ratchet strap to lightly hold it to the plinth with a anti slip mat under neath. That with the exhaust vent screwed together locks it nicely into position and means one screw, one strap and unplug it and it's removed. I have a drip tray with the drain pipe going to it positioned behind the unit out of sight,.filled it with sponge so it's mostly spill proof unless I let it over fill, a full night's running doesn't seem to make the sponge much more than a bit wet,. certainly no loose water to slosh around. So if I did forget to empty it one morning and drove, nothing will spill.
24 hours testing so far, absolutely fantastic, it's like being in the freezer aisle of Sainsbury's, the strap actually had the side benefit of making it even quieter as it dampened the case vibration, even flat out on high fan it's pretty quiet,.sleep mode absolutely sleep through able. Only really used it hooked to 240v shore power so far, 12v test ...I am going to get a fuse and remote isolation switch to fit into the circuit before I try the 12v.
Total cost including ratchet strap, bit of aluminium, extra wire to extend the 12v input thats supplied, connectors, shelf from homebase to make plinth plus AC unit itself ...£490.
submitted by Houseofsun5 to VanLifeUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:05 Technical-Vast1314 [R] Grounding DINO 1.5 Release: the most capable open-set detection model

[R] Grounding DINO 1.5 Release: the most capable open-set detection model
We introduce Grounding DINO 1.5, which is our most powerful open-world object detection model series. Building on the solid foundation of its predecessor, Grounding DINO, this enhanced model increases both the model size and its training dataset, enhancing its ability to understand and detect visual objects more accurately.
Github Link:
Online Demo:
Huggingface Demo:
arXiv Link:

Zero-Shot Performance Compare with Grounding DINO
detailed performance:

Fine-tuning Performance on Downstream Tasks

compare with Grounding DINO
detailed performance

submitted by Technical-Vast1314 to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:44 Thunderblessed63 Rebuilding the Bavarian Juggernaut: Squad Planning and Transfer Targets

Rebuilding the Bavarian Juggernaut: Squad Planning and Transfer Targets
Well folks, the season is over, with the final whistle being blown on a 4-2 loss to Hoffenheim, and the remaining excitement now revolves around which manager will Bayern manage to pull in after the massive debacle this past season has been. There is much blame to go around, with Tuchel, many of the key players, and the supervisory board all failing in significant fashion as Bayern fall to third-place in the Bundesliga, and a very early exit in the Pokal in embarrassing fashion (though Bayern did manage to rally for a strong run in the Champions League).
Roberto de Zerbi in action.
At this point, Italian manager Roberto de Zerbi seems like the most likely candidate, which an announcement coming that he'll be leaving Brighton this season. However, some additional candidates remain available, as Erik ten Hag, Massimiliano Allegri, and some others are still out there and de Zerbi is not a lock to Bayern yet.
Ten Hag with Bayern II.
Either way, this post explores what I would largely do if the transfers were up to me at Bayern. While the specific manager does play a degree of importance in these decisions, part of this does extensively look at some options who could fit a number of schemes, styles, systems, tactics, and such. My slight preference is for Erik ten Hag, as I think his familiarity from Bayern II and his past success at Ajax would be easier to replicate at Bayern than it was at Manchester United, a club I find is more concerned with its branding than its footballing. But I think de Zerbi has a lot of potential, though I worry about whether Bayern's supervisory board would be willing to let de Zerbi do his own thing, and the lack of German is going to be a problem for that board. It's problematic that the board feels so much need to do things one way and operate in such a chaotic fashion, so whomever Bayern hires is likely going to be fighting an uphill battle.


Bayern's future keeper, Nubel (left) and current keeper, Neuer (right).
Let's start off with the goalkeeper position, a spot that Bayern are largely set at. Right now, Bayern is set at that spot, as Manuel Neuer continues to be an elite goalkeeper even at 38-years old. And while the Bavarians have Sven Ulreich as the immediate backup keeper, Alexander Nübel is the long-term successor being eyed and groomed for the role, recently extending his contract at Bayern, though he remains loaned out to Stuttgart. Then of course there's also Daniel Peretz, a 23-year old keeper that Bayern added this past season. He seems likely to head out to a club such as RSC Anderlecht for a loan period for awhile this summer. In the meantime, Bayern might have Johannes Schenk back from Muenster to fill that third keeper on the roster, or he might get loaned back out once more. Overall, Bayern appear to be in really good shape for the goalkeeper spot, with Neuer continuing to lock things down for another season or so, before probably passing the torch over to Nübel in 2025 or 2026.
Shifting to the centre-back position, Bayern right now seem to have a good deal of interest in adding another big time centre-back, with rumored links of varying degrees to Ronald Araujo and Virgil van Dijk. This would likely mean that at least one current centre-back would need to be sold, as Bayern have a decent enough set of four starting caliber CBs on the roster, headlined by Matthijs de Ligt, but also including Kim Min-jae, Eric Dier, and Dayot Upamecano. My guess would be that if any departs, Upamecano is the most likely, given his inconsistent play and limited role in the lineup these days. De Ligt is the leader of the backline and has had some terrific outings as of late. Min-jae was a big time signing this past summer from Napoli, but has had some bumps along the way adjusting to life in Germany, and meshing into the current defensive system, which is quite hectic from the frequency of errors committed as a whole. Min-jae was excellent at Napoli and so it would not be too difficult to project him returning to that level of form after additional time in Bavaria.
Eric Dier was brought in as a late in the window depth addition, but so far has become a very solid add, starting a good number of matches alongside de Ligt. And whether he projects to start or is a rotational player next year, Bayern have already triggered an option to keep him next season. He's a solid piece to the puzzle overall, capable of giving them some veteran experience, and another Englishman alongside Harry Kane.
If Bayern did opt to sell Upamecano, then they reasonably could take a look at some other options to add into the mix. The top end of options here probably starts with discussing Ronald Araújo further, a 25-year old Uruguayan star for FC Barcelona. He's been a long desired prospect for the Bavarians, but he'd cost a pretty penny no doubt, as some have projected it could be upwards of 100 million € to acquire the talented CB. That's a big price tag, especially after Bayern spent almost €60 million last summer to bring in Min-jae.
Riccardo Calafiori in action for Bologna.
Should de Zerbi take the Bayern job, it's already been rumored that he has some targets in mind, namely Bologna center-back Riccardo Calafiori, a 21-year old Italian talent who can also handle some duties at left-back. He's been excellent this past year under Thiago Matta, and could fill a very valuable role for Bayern, competing with Min-Jae and Dier for the starting position next to Matthijs de Ligt. He also happens to be a left-footed defender, something Bayern have been lacking there as of late.
Some more middle tier options that peak the interest could be Kevin Danso, a 25-year Austrian CB playing for RC Lens in France. He spent a handful of seasons at Augsburg, and so has a good deal of Bundesliga experience and 100 appearances for Les Sang et Or these past three seasons. He's projected to cost about €25 million, so a much cheaper option that could fit well. Another mid-tier option could be Maxence Lacroix, currently in the Bundesliga at Wolfsburg. He's valued at about €20 million, and is a very strong and menacing presence on the backline, still 24-years old. He did get cooked a couple of times against Bayern, which probably harms some appeal there for some, but week-to-week he's been a quality player for Wolfsburg. The third name I'd mention here is Feyenoord's Dávid Hancko, a 26-year old Slovakian talent. He's a smart, savvy defender, and also provides some versatility between centre-back and left-back, which could be quite useful going forward. Oh and I'd be remiss to not mention German national Malick Thiaw, currently at Milan, as another promising option there.
The other option is to go with a younger, less established talent, someone like Armel Bella-Kotchap, who landed on Bayern's transfer rumor threads a good deal in the winter circuit as they were searching for some defensive help.
At left- and right-back, Bayern are in another similar spot where they might be fine, as the Bavarians have a deep rotation of capable options, but positional versatility, injuries, and inconsistent play have caused varying levels of upheaval. Let's start with this one -- if Bayern's new manager is able to convince Joshua Kimmich to remain as a right back, that would be one of the biggest wins they could manage. Kimmich is an elite player at the position, and while he's certainly a high caliber midfielder as well, I think he's best at right back. Whether that's likely or not, is a to-be-determined piece, but it should absolutely a conversation a new manager has with Kimmich.
While Bayern has kept its contract offer on the table for Alphonso Davies, I must admit, whether this is a popular position or not, I would not be a huge fan of Davies remaining with the club at this point. Part of this is because it very much appears as though Davies largely checked out of the season, instead letting all the plotting of a Real Madrid move occupy his headspace, leading to some very uninspired performance. Essentially, I hate to put it so bluntly, but I have been unable to really see it any differently despite my best desires to, it really looks like Davies quit on his team midway through the year, dreaming of Madrid. Whether Madrid come in with an offer at this point or not remains to be seen, but I would look for a way to remove Davies. As much as he offers a lot of potential, any new project for Bayern is going to require players who are bought in to making it happen once against in München, and I just cannot see that happening with Davies at this point.
Behind him, we've seen some excellent play down the stretch from Raphaël Guerreiro and Noussair Mazraoui, tag teaming duties at left-back and left wing to various degrees. I think if Kimmich is willing to man the right-back position, then a trio of Mazraoui, Guerreiro, and promising youngsters like Frans Krätzig and Adam Aznou would be sufficient.
Milan's Theo Hernandez, potentially Bayern's new left-back.
Bayern have been linked, however, with major moves such as AC Milan's Theo Hernandez, a world class player with elite pace and ability. They've also apparently looked into hijacking a potential reunion of Ian Maatsen and Borussia Dortmund, as the Chelsea-owned talent was quite good in Dortmund on loan. BVB would like to get Maatsen permenantly, though Bayern could pull a heist there. I think Bayern could also look at some other German options, such as 27-year old Stuttgart left-back Maximillian Mittelstädt, who recently broke out to the tune of some national team call-ups lately, or perhaps emerging youngster Luca Netz, who looked very promising at Borussia Mönchengladbach this past season.
And then the final note here, but Bayern are likely set with their right-back room, as Joshua Kimmich, Noussair Mazraoui, Josip Stanišić, and Sacha Boey are all on the team. However, there have been rumors that Bayern are interested in Leverkusen's Dutch phenomenon there, Jeremie Frimpong. While he plays as a very forward-oriented RWB, he's a very prolific player outright, with tons of big moments for Leverkusen this past season and a big part of their success.


Do not for this one, while the no. 10 position is classified as a midfield position, I am including it in attack, with this one more just focused on the no. 6 and no. 8 roles in the midfield.
Pavlovic had a breakout season in Bavaria.
Bayern's midfield is going to need a major reshuffle. The two most certain pieces to be kept around are emerging youngster Aleksandar Pavlović, an academy talent who has worked his way up to being a go-to starter late into the season, and Konrad Laimer, who is valuable due to his versatility, intensity, and toughness. Kimmich, we'll touch on more below, but in the mean time, one of the major questions for any midfield duo at Bayern is going to be who departs and how things align? I think the one guy probably on the outside looking in is going to be Leon Goretzka. He's had his moments, some ups and downs, but right now figures as the odd man out for assorted reasons, namely the need for more defensive help in the midfield. Goretzka would have a market too if Bayern opted to move forward without him, with teams such as Juventus, Manchester United, and West Ham all having interest over the past year. Unknown. I'd lean towards a departure, even if only because Kimmich in the midfield is a better overall asset, and Bayern would need to free up some funds to acquire a better midfield partner than Goretzka provides.
Then of course there is 29-year old Joshua Kimmich. Mentioned him earlier as ideally slotting in at right back for Bayern going forward, but he's also proven to be quite capable in the midfield. He's excellent at dictating the play going forward, with timely, precise passes, and an aggressive demeanor. He's not terribly reliable as a no. 6, and some of this was the source of the rift between Kimmich and Tuchel earlier this summer, where he and Tuchel were somewhat publicly feuding over whether or not Kimmich could handle that role. Ultimately, I do think Kimmich is better as more of a no. 8, with a more defensive-oriented type of player brought in to compliment him. I think in that role, Kimmich can be wildly successful for Bayern in the remaining years of his career, but a long-term extension is needed at this point. As I've said earlier, I would prefer to keep Kimmich as a right-back, but I am quite content keeping him in the midfield if Bayern can find that no. 6.
Everton's Amadou Onana is a tempting target for Bayern.
And speaking of the need for a defensively minded midfielder... I do believe there is one genuinely excellent option there, with Everton's Amadou Onana available. Onana is a Senegalese-born Belgian national, and came up playing in Germany, with time at Hoffenheim II and Hamburger SV. Thus, he's fluent in German and could integrate to life in München quite easily. He's a very disruptive defensive stopper, with excellent ability to make tackles, halt offensive build-ups, and then quickly turn and push the ball forward for his side to go on the counteroffensive. He's an ideal fit for the system, able to help turn defense into offense in a hurry. Another one for the no. 6 that's been mentioned for Bayern is Adam Wharton, currently at Crystal Palace. The 20-year old English midfielder had an excellent season this past year.
The other one that I would anticipate being a priority if we see ten Hag taking over is a ramped up pursuit of Barcelona's Frenkie de Jong, a fellow Dutchman who was at Ajax under ten Hag for awhile. De Jong's had some injuries issues plaguing him lately, but when he's on, he's an excellent possession-oriented central midfielder, bringing a very well-rounded game as well that includes some noteworthy capacity with dribbling, defense, and passing as well. De Jong also has a notable history/connection with Bayern's Matthijs de Ligt, which makes it seem more feasible that he'd integrate well into the team. In many ways, I think de Jong probably only makes sense as a replacement for Kimmich if he were to depart.
Additionally, while he has been mentioned more as a Tuchel target than anything else, Fulham's Joao Palhinha is an intriguing option as a defensive midfielder. He's an elite tackler and defender in the middle of the defensive half, and shows some solid ability to distribute the ball and lead the build-up. Personally, I think Palhinha is the ideal partner in the midfield to be paired with Aleksandar Pavlovic, whereas Onana next to Kimmich is more preferable there. So some options based on how Bayern wants to set-up. And one other name that could pop up here is Mats Wieffer, currently at Feyenoord, a central figure to Arne Slot's success there. A 24-year old Dutch midfielder, Wieffer has been an excellent option in Slot's midfield, and it seems likely he'll be pursued by Liverpool with Slot taking over there, but Bayern could perhaps try to hijack it.
While at this point, I think Bayern would probably add Onana or Palhinha, maybe de Jong if Kimmich leaves, and then call it a day with Konrad Laimer and Aleksandar Pavlovic there as well, with Kimmich maybe even splitting some time between right-back and midfield throughout the season, there could be room for more players to be added. For some additional depth in the midfield, I think Bayern would do well to go after former academy player Angelo Stiller, who appeared in almost 30 matches this past season for third-place Stuttgart. The 23-year old is an excellent passer, able to distribute the ball forward with precision and anticipation. He'd be a nice reunion for Bayern as well, as he's also born and raised in München, and was added to the national team roster for the EUROs. However, I think Stiller's probably one that Bayern does not really need at this point, though if additional midfield help becomes a need (say perhaps next winter), then he's one to continue monitoring. One other name here would be OGC Nice's Khéphren Thuram, a talented 23-year old midfielder who is quite cheap considering his talent. His brother played for several years at Borussia Mönchengladbach.
Another younger option I'd love to add to the roster here would be 17-year old Sverre Nypan, a Norwegian midfielder who currently plays in-country with Rosenborg BK. I admittedly don't know much about Nypan personally, but am going off of something from I read earlier about Ten Hag and United already monitoring his progress. He'd be a nice piece to add to the mix with other young midfielders like Zovrenek and Wanner coming through the ranks. However, I think a loan for at least one of them would be worthwhile.


Simons has been electric this past season at RB Leipzig.
Looking at the no. 10 role for Bayern, I have some questions. Jamal Musiala is an exceptional talent, and at only 21 years old, Bayern need to be doing everything in their power to extend him and make him the central figure of the club in the years to come. But, as far as position goes, he's very versatile and that allows for Bayern to get very creative in how they configure their attack alongside him. And while Leverkusen's Florian Wirtz is a top target for the 2025 transfer window for Bayern, I do tend to agree with take from Complexes on Twitter, that Wirtz probably follows Alonso to Madrid in 2025, and thus I'd be very much in favor of Bayern opting to add Xavi Simons from RB Leipzig this summer. This isn't to say Bayern should abandon its pursuit of Wirtz, but rather that I'd say that Bayern should pursue Simons this summer and be quite happy/content to land him, lest they risk going 0-2 on both if Wirtz does indeed land with Madrid next summer.
The thing I love most about pairing Simons and Musiala together is the versatility and creativity. While both tend to occupy a spot more frequently as a central attacking midfielder, Musiala has played a decent amount of time on the left wing and Simons has also played over as a right wing. Add in Bayern's current right winger, Leroy Sané, also showing some versatility between right wing and occasionally cutting in and operating centrally, and you have the recipe for a versatile, ever changing, flexible attack that can advance the ball. Overall, I think Simons addition into Bayern's attack would unlock a new level of effectiveness for the incoming regime.
The other one to mention here is Schalke academy product Assan Ouédraogo. At just 18-years old, Ouédraogo has already landed on the monitor of Bayern and RB Leipzig, and the two clubs appear to be battling for his signature. A move to acquire Ouédraogo and then loan him back out for more experience, whether back to Schalke or moving him up to the Bundesliga, would seem to be a solid plan for the Bavarian giants to see if Ouédraogo could become a long-term fixture in their lineup. If a move for Ouédraogo falls through, another young attacking midfield with immense promise that I think Bayern should look at is 16-year old Polish midfielder Jakob Adkonis, currently at Legia Warsaw. He'd definitely be a development piece long-term, but the upside is very high.
Then looking at the wing spots, Bayern are in an interesting spot. Jamal Musiala and Thomas Müller have interchangeably slotted in as attacking midfield types with the ability to spell time out on the wings. Serge Gnabry and Kingsley Coman are both very talented options there, but suffer from a lack of reliability with their frequent injuries.
Fuhrich is a very solid player who could be a strong add for Bayern.
This section thus deals with a lot of ifs. I think Bayern could theoretically look at it and say Serge Gnabry, Kingsley Coman, Jamal Musiala, Thomas Müller and then maybe some Mathys Tel, as well another who can play wing at a good level, and be content. But, if they choose to sell one of Gnabry or Coman, which I think they should, Bayern could be in the hunt for a replacement there. They've already been linked with German international talent Chris Führich. He has been very good for Stuttgart this past season, and would only cost Bayern a fraction of some bigger names. At 26-years old, Führich could still give Bayern a solid run of play, and has shown some versatility to alternate sides or even drop into the midfield as required. He's a steady and solid player, not a superstar by any means, but could serve as a valuable rotational piece if Bayern do move on from Coman or Gnabry.
Another option would be the speedy Nico Williams, a 21-year old Spanish winger playing for Athletic Bilbao. He's going to be in the very expensive price tag range, but with his combination of potential, production thus far, and excitement, he could be well worth the cost. Another younger option here, and a more affordable one, would be Brajan Gruda, a 19-year right-side winger playing for Mainz. He infamously had the jersey swap photo already with Thomas Müller and seems like a rising talent with 27 appearances for Mainz. While Gruda statistically hasn't had much production thus far, at just 19-years old, he's given some very promising performances against the likes of Bayern and Dortmund as well while getting acclimated to life in the Bundesliga.
If Bayern continues to play Tel more as a winger than a true no. 9 striker, which I think is also the correct call, then Bayern are going to need to be in search of a strong replacement for Eric Chuopo-Maxim after this season, a genuine backup to Harry Kane. There are two routes they can go which is to either find a youngster who could theoretically take over for Kane in 2-3 years (as most of the reports indicated he'd probably want to return to the Premier League before the end of his career to chase the all-time EPL goal record), or a veteran looking to milk the last couple of years out of their career and be a part of a championship squad. If Bayern go the youngster route, two names that stick out are Leipzig's Benjamin Šeško, a towering 20-year old Slovenian who has looked really sharp in Leipzig spelling Lois Openda. Sesko would likely cost a pretty penny, but if Bayern are willing to pay it, I think they should make that move. If they want a more budget friendly option than perhaps angling for Hoffenheim's recent DFB call-up, Maximillian Beier as a promising up-and-comer could be in the cards. Beier scored against Bayern in the final match of the season. Not as young, but Wolfsburg's Jonas Wind, a 25-year old Danish talent, could perhaps fit nicely, as he can also operate as a second striker and produced 11 goals in the Bundesliga this past season.
If Bayern want a veteran option, Serhou Guirassy has been a player that Bayern are already linked to. He's also got some interest from Dortmund and Tottenham as of late. While Guirassy is a fun player, and a talented one, as he was second in the Bundesliga in terms of goals scored, I don't think that he should be a significant priority for Bayern, as they need to allocate funds to other positions before coming around to landing a backup striker to Harry Kane. And since we've mentioned significant versatility for a lot of others, both Mathys Tel and Thomas Müller could certainly be able to fill in situationally, though if there's a major injury to Kane that becomes more problematic.
Personally, the move I think is much more likely is finding a veteran striker on a lower level squad who might be interest in chasing some titles with a bigger club. Bayern added Chuopo-Maxim as a 31-year old, albeit from PSG rather than a smaller club, but I do think it's a decent example of a reasonable move Bayern can make to shore up their depth without breaking out too much spending. Two names I think really intrigue in this kind of mold are Hoffenheim's Andrej Kramarić, a 32-year old Croatian forward who scored 15 goals this past season for Die Kraichgauer, including a hat trick against Bayern in the season finale as well. The other one is Tim Kleindienst, a 28-year old German who has played largely in the 2. Bundesliga but has spent a few seasons in the top league at Heidenheim and Freiburg during his career. He had an excellent showing in Heidenheim's upset win over Bayern earlier this season, netting himself a brace, two of his twelve total goals this season. Both are veteran, experienced strikers with some capacity, but might be open to a diminished role behind Harry Kane in order to potentially get some bigger opportunities with Bayern's pedigree.

Final Squad Planning

Now, time to prioritize.
  • Top priority for me would be figuring out what Joshua Kimmich is going to do. I'd still love to extend him, and ideally keep him at right-back which he's indicated he's open to. Besides, Kimmich's non-stop motor, stamina, and intensity make him well suited to being a highly versatile piece, so someone who starts at right-back every week, but can easily spell others in the midfield throughout the season. That's the top priority.
  • Next one is figuring out who goes. In this exercise I am going to go ahead and move forward with the idea that I would sell the following players:
    • Midfielder Leon Goretzka
    • Winger Serge Gnabry
    • Defender Dayot Upamecano
    • Left-Back Alphonso Davies
  • I could certainly be talked into selling some others, like Kingsley Coman, Kim Min-jae, or Noussair Mazaraoui, maybe even Leroy Sane if the contract talks don't prove fruitful. In this scenario, let's just say Kimmich is set to take on the right-back role, and thus we facilitate a departure for Noussair Mazraoui who still is in a stage in his career where he could command a bigger role at plenty of other quality clubs. With Kimmich and Stanisic taking on the roles there, the right back spot remains set.
  • Before we even think about what the team needs, I'd see what Bayern can make happen to bring in PSG's Xavi Simons into the lineup, ideally a loan with an option to buy afterwards, though PSG seems reluctant to sell, and thus it's probably only a loan on the table. I'd still be fine with a one-year loan, as it'd set Bayern up to see about integrating him for one season and then either pursue and land Florian Wirtz next summer, or at that point revisit a purchase with PSG.
  • After that, Bayern's defense needs better shape. They've had some rough stretches lately, and while the backline has shown some shakiness, I think adding a true no. 6 to command more of the structure and steadiness there is ideal. I would prioritize a pursuit of Everton's Amadou Onana, as his time in Germany suggests he'll be able to integrate into the team quite easily. Palhinha would be my backup option.
  • Next up is the left-back role, and I'd be glad to see them make a big signing here, going for Theo Hernandez, whom it already sounds like they've been back-channeling with to facilitate something. He's a world class player who should fit just about any manager. After him, I think my next choices would be Maatsen and then Mittelstadt, though at that point, I would just as soon not sell Mazraoui and let him take over at left-back. But if they can move Davies, get Theo, then I am estatic.
  • I'd want another CB option here with Upamecano on the way out. If it's de Zerbi as the manager, Riccardo Calafiori seems like a no brainer for him to add, though Kevin Danso would be a fun choice as well, as both play similar styles.
  • For a striker behind Harry Kane, I'd make a push for Hoffenheim's Maximillian Beier. He's a very talented younger player, and Bayern can use him behind Kane and then he has the pace and speed to contribute as an additional versatile forward.
  • With Gnabry out, the right wing needs some solidifying. Even though Sane is the starter, it would be nice to have further options there, so we'll go ahead and target Stuttgart's Chris Führich to join Bayern. Again, versatile and can be an excellent piece for Bayern.
  • After that, it's youth stacking time, as I'd push to add both Assan Ouédraogo and Brajan Gruda, though probably with the desire to send both out on loan for another season or so. The priority is towards Assan, but either would be a very fun add.
Position Player Former Club Valuation*
MID Amadou Onana Everton €50.00m
MID Xavi Simons PSG Loan
LB Theo Hernández AC Milan €60.00m
CB Riccardo Calafiori Bologna €25.00m
ST Maximillian Beier Hoffenheim €24.00m
RW Chris Führich Stuttgart €23.50m
MID Assan Ouédraogo Schalke €15.00m
RW Brajan Gruda Mainz €9.00m
*- number listed is the value projected for the player on Transfermarkt for the sake of consistency.**- my preference here would be to facilitate a loan with an option to buy for Simons.
And of course, that means a number of players need to depart. Here's ultimately who I'd move on from:
Position Player Any Where In Mind? Valuation*
MID Leon Goretzka Juventus €30.00m
RW Serge Gnabry €45.00m
CB Dayot Upamecano €50.00m
LB Alphonso Davies Real Madrid €60.00m
RB Noussair Mazraoui €30.00m
Again, just using the Transfermarkt values for consistency on these. This would lead to pretty much net zero spending if only these values were used. The reality of it probably becomes that Bayern would end up shelling out more than they'd get back, as I know, just off the top of my head, that with Davies contract where it's at, it's likely he wouldn't command as much as the valuation indicates. So overall, it's a spot where if Bayern can sell some of these guys for bigger figures, they can make multiple changes to the squad to revamp it.

Bayern Munich "Depth Chart" 2024-2025 Season

Harry Kane (left), and Joshua Kimmich (right front) are major pieces for Bayern's chances at a turnaround.
The idea of a "depth chart" isn't used in international football as much as it is in other sports, namely American football. However, think it's a useful organizational tool to get a feel for roughly what the squad would look like headed into this next season. The bolded names are the ones I'd most want in an ideal starting XI, and then the rotation and depth players would also see various minutes based on how far into the Champions League, Pokal, and other competitions that Bayern goes through, or injuries require.
Position Starter Rotation Depth
Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer Sven Ulreich Johannes Schenk
Left Back Theo Hernández Raphaël Guerreiro Adam Aznou
Centre Back Riccardo Calafiori Eric Dier Tarik Buchmann
Centre Back Matthijs de Ligt Kim Min-Jae - - -
Right Back Joshua Kimmich Josip Stanišić Sacha Boey
Defensive Midfield Amadou Onana Konrad Laimer Noel Aseko Nkili
Central Midfield Aleksandar Pavlović (Joshua Kimmich) Lovro Zvonarek
Attacking Midfield Xavi Simons* Thomas Müller Arijon Ibrahimović
Left Wing Jamal Musiala Kingsley Coman Yusuf Kabadayı
Striker Harry Kane Maximillian Beier - - -
Right Wing Leroy Sané Mathys Tel Bryan Zaragoza
And this sets up fairly well for the 2025 summer transfer window, as Bayern can aim to bring in Leverkusen's Florian Wirtz, and either shift Musiala over to the left wing, where I personally think he has the highest potential, or find ways to integrate both together more centrally.
Position Player Club
GK Daniel Peretz R.S.C. Anderlecht (Belgium)
MID Paul Wanner Lower Bundesliga.
LB Frans Krätzig Austria Wien
MID Assan Ouédraogo Schalke
Could also maybe throw in a loan move for Zaragoza depending on how things shape out there. Feel bad for him. Not much opportunity for the guy lately.
Probably plenty of other good options, and I'm sure there's some parts that'll happen quite differently than projected, but this would be my ideal outcome for Bayern at this stage in the process. It's been a rough process so far, but think there's still lots of potential for Bayern with a revamped and refreshed squad.
submitted by Thunderblessed63 to BayernMunich [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:16 nicolestone_ Looking for info/recourses! TYIA!!!

Looking for info/recourses! TYIA!!!
Hi all,
I’m so glad they came to me in a good home where I know their safe. The old owner didn’t even want anything for them, she just wanted them gone.
I am also here to say ignorance is never an excuse. If you take on a life then that then life becomes your responsibility..
I recently rescued 3 new chinchillies to add to my herd. 2 females & a male. The woman I got them took them on thinking the owner would take them back one day to find out a year later that was not the case.
They had no constant wood to chew. No constant hay to eat. They did come with food, hay, hammocks , dust and dust bath. At the same time their food was “not ideal”. The treats were not safe. They came with a TINY plastic wheel.
The hammocks were destroyed. They ate them to shreds. They had taken them down to clean the cage for me to come pick up and I couldn’t even figure out how to put them back up.
They had dad just peeing right down on mom and baby, so they were a little matted, mom seems good now but Belle deff needs help getting them out. Any info on that would help also.
They were on the bare metal bars of the cage. The problem is the bars are 3/4 in part but they are bars it’s not mesh like.
The cage that they came with was the 54in Yaheetech double decker cage. The problem is that it comes with shelves and 3 ramps that should be fleece covered (they come that way. I have been looking everywhere and I can’t find replacements for the life of me but the shelves were so chewed up they wouldn’t even support themselves never mind a chinchilly. The ramps were unusable as well.
I’ve been trying to seperate the perches so everyone has a little bit of something so that it’s fair and everyone has something.
They are all sweethearts. They have come around so much already. We will have everything they could ever want, not only just need. They are just now learning to be Chinchillas it seems with the wood and hopping around and having hammocks and such. It makes my heart warm to see them coming out of their shells!
I was wondering if anyone knew of any recourses where I could get thing a cheap or even “free” to help take care of them. To help stock their cages..
I’m sure there’s more info I’ll think of in time. Since I had typed the entire post out and then my phone died before I could hit post and had to start all over.
Anyway, any and all info is appreciated.
If you have any question or concerns please feel free to reach out.
Here are pics of the new babies. Their cage set up at the old place. It still makes me upset to see their cage.
I feel like they don’t even know how to be chinchillas bc all of their BASIC INSTINCTS weren’t even acknowledged. I did over 2 months of research before getting one, let alone 3.
Pictured is belles mats from dad free falling poop and pee all over the girls. Chinderella has a few mats but nothing like baby belle!
Also pictured is the rust in the cage they came with, I was wondering how to get rid of that.
Chinchilly tax; here’s pics of Chinderella, Mr. Binx & their daughter Belle.
The original owner thought she was getting two males and ended up with a baby (belle). So once “momma” was a girl they didn’t even bother to rename her it was just “momma”
Pics 1-4: old owner sent before pick up. Pic 4: their cage set up at the old house which still makes me wanna cry.
The rest are mine!
submitted by nicolestone_ to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:11 Obvious-Butterfly-25 Weaving

Can you remember instances of weaving used by former contestants? These seem to be sparse and far between.
There are many ultra valuable woven articles that can save time and effort for the stay. I will name one here and hope others can add to the list. Windbreaks and insulation mats can be easily woven with the inner strands of paracord. The eight strands tied one foot apart on a stick at the bottom and same for a stick at the top makes a loom which can accept various forms of material. This could make a valuable curtain to place over shelter infrastructure or to shield your bed space to retain heat.
There are multiple other examples. I am interested to hear from fans.
submitted by Obvious-Butterfly-25 to Alonetv [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:18 Bexter24 Tips for training

Tips for training
Hiya! Just wondering if anyones got any tips for training. Shes a rescue off the streets, weve only had her for a week but shes a little aggressive with food. We feed three times a day, but every time we put the bowl down she gets up on her back legs and tries to take the bowl from us. So we stand back up n wait for her to calm down before we place it on her mat. With treats its worse. She bites hard enough to draw blood and claws hard. Were starting clicker training so any advice is greatly appreciated! P.s attached is the void herself, Luna 🐈‍⬛
submitted by Bexter24 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:04 melzwine Yall..are these pics after the work out video she posted weeks ago?

Yall..are these pics after the work out video she posted weeks ago?
They’re wearing the same exact outfits (scroll through) as the video where she made cash lift weights. They’re both COVERED in sweat and grease. Did she seriously work out with cash, not give him a shower (or herself but IDGAF about her) and then just go straight to Walmart and let cash touch FOOD with his disgusting hands?
Not only does she not have shame or embarrassment, but she dosnt give a shit about him being absolutely disgustingly dirty and going to a public place touching food that other people have to buy…WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. THIS SHOULD BE ENOUGH FOR CPS SEEING MULTIPLE VIDEOS OF CASH ABSOLUTELY MATTED IN SWEAT ALL THE TIME
submitted by melzwine to autism_mom_lifeSNARK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:58 pohltergiest Mount gassan more like you shall not passan

Mount gassan more like you shall not passan
I woke in pretty good spirits this morning, ready to go. Well aside from forgetting to fix my camping mat, but that only took a few minutes this morning. There's a pattern emerging of the spots to fix, so I might cut up another patch later and preemptively patch the spots I think are going to fail next. Maybe I'll get a few good sleeps out of it yet. We had a few false starts in the morning, I thought I forgot my battery, which led to a bit of a fuss amongst the front desk staff as we had already checked out. After a housekeeper and the clerk helped me toss the room top to bottom, I concluded that it must be in one of our bags. Sure enough, I had stowed it away in a spot it didn't belong.
Breakfast was pastries and very strong coffee at a French styled bakery and coffee shop. The coffee was made in fancy percolators that were fun to watch. They sure do like their antique coffee devices here. We both had an apple pastry that was just bursting with flavour. Very tasty.
We got going a little later than we wanted, but our only goal was to get over the mountain pass today, we didn't need to do that in a specific time. Sometimes it's nice to go with the flow. The bike out of the city was fine, flat roads with few stops. The valley very gently slopes upwards toward Mount gassan, which was our target. The snow capped mountains were a little intimidating, but we were going through a pass, not over a peak, so it'd be fine. I thought about checking the status of the mountain pass and remembered that I tried to find this information before and had no luck. Google seemed to think we could pass through the tunnels, which would always be open. If that didn't work, over the pass.
As we got into the foothills of the mountain, the heat of the day really started to pick up. We've gotten a lot better at doing cool down breaks and making sure were drinking enough water and electrolytes, so it went smoothly. We stopped at a 7-11 and ate some chicken and rice balls to fuel up for the climb ahead. The first section of climb brought us further up the mountain, now in view of panoramic snow capped mountain peaks. Very picturesque. We climbed up to the top of one dam, then climbed up to the top of another even bigger dam. This held lake gassan, where we stopped for a cold treat.
We were both in the mood for chocolate ice cream and it did not disappoint. As we were finishing off our cones, a man came biking down the mountain and stopped near us. Bryce complimented his very expensive bike and we struck up a conversation. He asked us where we were going, and when we said over the mountain pass he let us know that the tunnels were not passable by bike, as they were for cars only. We'd have to go over the mountain pass, which he thought was way too hard. Oh well. It wasn't that much more effort and we'd get some great views. We thanked him for the advice and decided we may as well get lunch if we're going to be climbing for another hour or two.
We sat down in a humble restaurant beside the lake and had a curry katsu lunch. The food was just fine, but halfway through we heard swelling orchestral music and I looked up to see people all looking out the windows. Turns out there's an enormous platform of water jets that's out on the lake and on the hour there's a water show with music playing at the restaurant. The jets were serious too, Bryce estimated they were shooting some 100' high. Why this existed, we had no idea. But it made for some entertainment while we ate. There also appeared to be a honey bee nest in the wall by the number of bees flying around inside. Dunno what to do about that.
After applying a lot more sunscreen we set off on our climb. We didn't get far before someone stopped and asked us what the hell we were up to, when we said we were taking the mountain pass up gassan, the man hooted saying we were crazy, then gave us a sandwich and indicated we were going to need it. At least nobody was saying it was impossible! The road signs said we could make it this way, so we kept going up the mountain, the road getting steeper all the time. I was very proud that I could manage a 10% grade in broad daylight at 25 degrees and full packs without stopping. I don't know if I could manage such a climb unladen when we started! My capacity has increased enormously! I remember when just biking on the flats in the sun was enough to make me need to lay down for awhile. Now I can climb mountains. Woohoo!
We passed by an underused set of sports fields, wondering who's idea it was to put six tennis courts up here in the middle of nowhere. As we got closer to the ski village at the bottom of mount gassan, there was more traffic, which I thought was surprising. Maybe a lot of hikers? Passing through the village, red faced, we kept heading up towards our turnoff and the top of our climb. Nearly there! And not so bad. Looking around though, there was snow in the ditches and the mountains around us looked like they were groomed...
Well we got to the turnoff and surprise surprise it's blocked off due to snow and avalanche risk. Good grief. Not a single sign anywhere on the whole climb up. What a piss off. There's a billion signs all over every available surface in this country, a closed mountain pass seemed like an important one. Probably missed it amongst the sea of alerts and notifications pinned to every road sign and light. And the people we saw had skis! The ski hill is still open. Duh. It's still ski season here. Nothing we can do about it.
We though about hitchhiking through the tunnels, but Bryce wasn't keen on flagging down trucks on a mountain highway. We'd have to be a bit more desperate than that. Doing some calculations, we were now out of range of the aquarium we wanted to see. We could take a train and skip some distance to catch up, then continue on with our plan. This was acceptable, and the first step was getting to the train station at the foot of the mountain. This started off a rather fast ride down, us being careful as we went. We were quite disappointed as it was a challenging climb and we wanted to see the other side of the mountain which included a cool mountain shrine. Taking the train was inevitably going to be a big pain with the bikes, too. And who likes retracing their steps?
Near the bottom of the mountain we got to a train station. I did some more math and if we biked another 15km, we could eliminate a transfer and get moving north at least a half hour earlier. Bryce thought this was fine, so we kept on. We kept up a very brisk pace but measured. We didn't want more crashes and at the end of a long ride, any rushing is death. It didn't matter though, five kilometers later we heard an odd twang on Bryce's bike as another spoke broke. Not our day.
We limped to the next city, collecting our thoughts at the train station. We could take a train south and walk a half hour to a bike shop, but they might not be able to help... We could take a long train to the place I got my spoke replaced, but we'd have to do it in the morning. Heading north on the train as planned was risky, as most places had at most one place who might work on it, but that's no guarantee. We might have to come right on back where we came from if we depended on that. What to do? Bryce talked with some cab drivers who saw us milling about, they suggested a local place, but we explained that we needed specialty shops as local places didn't stock the parts we need. Eventually Bryce settled on the plan of taking a cab to a specialty spot on the edge of town where we were and we'd walk the hour back to our bikes. We could only bring a tire in the cab, after all.
At the bike shop, the cab driver waited around quite like he had nothing better to do. I tried to tell him if the shop could help us it would take quite a while to do it. He was adamant that they might finish quickly. Maybe he meant if the shop couldn't help us he should wait for us. Either way he just hung out with us for awhile until the repair tech said he could do the fix. Bryce politely told the cab driver that staying would be too much and the fellow took off. Nice guy. The repair tech said he'd need to cut the spare spoke Bryce gave him, but that it'd work. Bryce is out of spares now, and now I'm paranoid about spokes. When he was done the repair tech said the spokes were loose, which is why one broke. Maybe we should check them more than never. Once again, we perform zero preventative maintenance and are surprised when something fails on us. At least we can show that you can manage a huge trip while being a complete idiot.
After the repair, they were nice enough to call us a taxi again, who took us back to the train station. The cab drivers there were very interested in whether we got the bike fixed. The taxis are expensive enough that these guys can spend the evening doing not much of anything and it's fine I guess. We thought about dinner, but only had about 40 minutes before the train to shinjo came. A bit tight, we'd need time to tear down our bikes and bag them for the train. I had a bit of a hard time waiting for dinner, but I also did not want to rush the train pack up. I cannot express how much of a pain holding six bags in one hand and a partially disassembled but still very heavy touring bike in a flimsy bag is.
To be continued...
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:09 NDC71334 Booking the 2024 AEW Men's Continental Classic

Context: I thought that AEW did a great job with the Continental Classic 6 months ago and I want to try to book the next one (as I imagine they will be doing this again). For this booking, I will be doing the men's continental classic in 2024. Now for this, we are changing one major thing for this tournament compared to what they did last year. The winner of this tournament will get a shot at the AEW World Championship at the Revolution PPV. The finals of the Continental Classic will take place at World's End. The world champion in this fantasy booking for around this time is Will Ospreay. All of these matches take place on episodes of Dynamite and Collision respectively (I won't book what match takes place on which network) , I'll just be booking the tournament week-to-week. Below are the competitors listed for each block.
EDIT: My first draft exceeded the character limit for a post so I will be trimming down match details
Gold Block:
Blue Block:
Scoring: Win=3 points, Draw=1 point, Loss=0 points
20-minute time limits for each match
Outside interference is prohibited! No one is allowed at ringside (breaking these rules result in a point deduction)
Gold Block: Week 1
Blue Block: Week 1
Gold Block: Week 2
Blue Block: Week 2
Gold Block: Week 3
Blue Block: Week 3
Gold Block: Week 4
Blue Block: Week 4
Gold Bock: Week 5
Blue Block: Week 5
Final Standings (Gold and Blue):
Gold Block Finals:
Blue Block Finals:
Continental Classic Finals: AEW World's End
(MJF goes on to be a heel from this and Kenny Omega will face Will Ospreay in the main event of Revolution for the AEW World Championship)
What did you think? Did you like it? Did you not like it? What did you specifically like or dislike about it? Let me know!
submitted by NDC71334 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:08 Sushi_07 Looking for someone to host USJ Event Quests

Hey, I just started playing about a month ago, meaning that I missed the USJ + Sonic event quests. If this isn't the place to ask for something like that, feel free to tell me, I just couldn't really find another place to ask. I kinda want to get all the USJ layered sets (so enough mats for the layered armor for the player + the 2 buddies). I only just finished the High Rank "story", so my equipment isn't as good as it could be. I'm also wondering if layered weapons will become a thing later on, just to know how many event-exclusive materials I'd need in the long run.
Is there any way to reward hosts in this game? I didn't find any trade option to let me trade rare items, so I don't know of any way I could repay anyone for hosting the quests for me...
submitted by Sushi_07 to MHRise [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:02 sallu_giveaways Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box, Smart Automatic Cat Litter Box with Dual Smell Control/2.4 & 5GHz Dual-Band 1s Fast Link/90L Large Capacity/APP Control/Anti-Pinch for Multiple Cats, (Price $400) Interested DM me for Details

Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box, Smart Automatic Cat Litter Box with Dual Smell Control/2.4 & 5GHz Dual-Band 1s Fast Link/90L Large Capacity/APP Control/Anti-Pinch for Multiple Cats, (Price $400) Interested DM me for Details submitted by sallu_giveaways to AmazonTesterClub [link] [comments]