Essential oils that smell like the beach

Parenting Group Drama

2018.02.27 19:33 tovasshi Parenting Group Drama

Share the drama. Essential oils cure all? Anti-vax show down? Cat fight over circumcised dicks? We're here to judge the "no judge" culture of the internet parent groups.

2009.07.15 22:42 tanglisha Restaurant

A subreddit to discuss restaurants, the restaurant business, and your favorite places to eat.

2012.07.05 16:34 darny Essential Oils

A forum to discuss your favorite concentrated plant extracts and their uses.

2024.06.02 10:13 BandWdal My hair turns stringy when wet.

I am relatively new to having my hair bleached and colored. Maybe about a 4 or 5 weeks.
I noticed something.
When I was my hair, my hair turns stringy and some hair comes out. I dont know if that hair fall is normal or not. It's not a lot of hair but still. It's the stringy nature of my hair when it's wet that frightens me more.
I practice haircare because I like looking after my hair.
Usually I will wash with one shampoo, apply olaplex no 3 and put on a shower cap for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Then rinse and second shampoo too.
Then I apply a hydrating mask or the redken abc mask and the shower cap goes on again for another 10 minutes approx.
There were some times when I ran over the 10 minutes due to being busy with chores.
After the mask, I rinse and then I use a leave in conditioner and olaplex oil on the ends and work upwards.
I use a hair turban.
For drying I like to use a the cold setting and low heat on the hair dryer. It takes forever.
Once my hair is dry, it's ok. It's only when it's wet it turns into string. I am mindful of my hair and I like to care for it as much as possible.
submitted by BandWdal to FancyFollicles [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 mdeerly Apartment issues - advice needed

Has anyone had to deal with neighbors who smoke weed in their apartment below you and the smell just seeps in to your own apartment? This has been an ongoing issue since February/March. I don’t care if people smoke but for the love of god, do they not know that smoke travels and is even worse when indoors? Our clothes, bedding and overall smell of our apartment noticeably reeking. We have a newborn and I worry more so about her. We have contacted the leasing office and they essentially said “can’t do anything, sorry about ya”. We are unable to enjoy living in our quiet apartment complex we have lived in for 2 years because we are constantly bombarded with the smell of weed inside our home and outside Does anyone have advice?
submitted by mdeerly to bloomington [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 DarkyNeko08 I'm looking for a black-haired boy on a beach at night

I don't know if you are familiar with the term and I hope that people here don't judge me or laugh but I belong to the otherkin community and in another life I was an angel.
The thing is, I have a memory that I can't get out of my head. Let's say I was the kind of curious angel who could stare at humans all day just for fun, other angels got mad about it and basically pushed me out of the place (I'm doing a quick recap).
The next thing I remember is waking up on a beach in the middle of the night. I had my wing broken and a boy who was passing by on a bicycle had noticed me. He was a boy with black hair and blue eyes, he couldn't stop smiling and he usually dressed in a simple way. He came over, took off his shirt and bandaged my wing with it. He is a young boy, in his mid 20s and is not very tall.
If anyone knows him, I'm desperately looking for him, even if it's just I would like to thank him...
submitted by DarkyNeko08 to pastLife [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:06 Low-Step-2512 Is it ok girlfriend clubbing with single friends only?

Is it ok to have my girlfriend going to clubs at night with me being explicitly not invited?
I have let her know that this makes me uncomfortable and I don’t enjoy this. I have my reasons (They may be very fair or may be shit)
Last time they went out were seen by my friends getting free drinks from guys and, later that night my girlfriend got offered an Uber trip home (by herself, paid by some guys)
I believe that having her out at clubs with her single girl friend, and specially this one who my girlfriend talks to about our problems (and who has essentially told her to leave me, almost) is a very bad picture.
I have told her that Im happy if she goes out, even with her, during the day or dinning at night, but to please avoid the bar scene.
Last night, I had a cocktails night with friends in common, so I found a way to get them both to join me. I got the idea to pick my girlfriend’s friend up and collect pizza, so they wouldn’t have to be out to buy food ether.
Later that night, my girlfriend’s friend (knowing I’m am against) suggested her to go out anyways. When asked again; “please don’t do bars, are you guys going dinning right?” She smiled and said “yeeeh”
Of course they were not.
Today morning I got “You have to work on your insecurities…What do you think it’s going to happen?… do you think I cannot defend myself or make my own choices? I’m your girlfriend, remember…I cannot accept this because this request of yours attempts with my freedom, and I don’t like it… I don’t think I can change how I feel about this…”
The way I see it, this request of mine (avoid the night bar scene with me not invited) means heaps to me, but at the same time I don’t want to affect her sense of freedom which is also important for her…
submitted by Low-Step-2512 to u/Low-Step-2512 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:04 BerlinBroadcast ACCIDENTALLY got rid of my Nasal Polyps in ONE WEEK

Hey guys.
Long post.
But I made this reddit account specifically to post in here and maybe help some of you guys out.
tldr: Try Bee Pollen. Cleared me up fully in about a week and a half.
Full Story below...
I developed Nasal Polyps back in January of this year after a nasty cold. The cold went away, but the polyps didn't.
Like all of us, I tried everything natural to get rid of them
You name it, I tried it.
Nothing worked.
(Actually, garlic water rinse helped clear my sinuses for a few days but then the polyps grew so I was back at square one. Super frustrating, almost started crying)
The only thing bringing me temporary relief was a CVS oxymetazoline spray which only worked on one nostril because the other one was fully jammed.
I was having to spray myself 2-3 times a day in order to get my one nostril opened up. And this went on for about 4 months.
Towards the end of the 4 months, I could even see the polyp in my left nostril!
Anyway, I came across a random thread talking about the benefits of Bee Pollen... and I ordered a bottle of it.
I ordered because it improves cognitive function. I DID NOT order it for my polyps.
It arrived and I started taking the recommended daily amount.
Day one, no changes.
Day two, nothing.
Not only did I wake up slightly less congested than before, but my nose had now become a bit runny. When I went to blow it, I blew out LOADS of snot (sorry if gross). LOADS! And I could feel my passageways become clear for a moment!!! It was unbelievable!!!
Once I blew the snot though, the polyps went right back to blocking my sinuses, although noticeably less!
At this point, I doubled the dosage of Bee Pollen and took another spoonful before bed. I used the CVS spray to help me sleep better and let the Bee Pollen do it's work.
More improvement!! I woke up with even clearer passageways! The smaller polyps in my right nostril now gave me MUCH less trouble during the day. The bigger polyp in my left nostril was still blocking things but I could feel it getting smaller!
At this point it was consistent improvement each day. Smaller polyps, better breathing. Still couldn't sleep without the CVS spray but I was getting there. I think I woke up more congested than the day before (as if the polyps grew overnight) but that quickly cleared up as the day went by.
Again, A LOT of improvement to the point I didn't use the CVS spray at all anymore. I think this was my first night of sleep in 4 months without the CVS spray. What a dream!
My right side was fully cleared. My left side (with the bigger polyp) was still a tiny bit congested. But this was nothing compared to before.
As Im typing this, its been 2 weeks since I first took Bee Pollen and both nostrils are fully clear!! I'm still in awe and disbelief!
I had searched the entire internet for solutions and never saw anyone mention Bee Pollen.
So after dealing with the nightmare of Nasal Polyps, I HAD to make this post and hopefully help you guys out.
Some things to note
I don't think these smaller factors played a vital role in the elimination of my polyps but you never know.
I'm fairly certain the Bee Pollen did all the heavy lifting.
As for where I got Bee Pollen, I ordered the Greenbow Organic Bee Pollen right off Amazon.
I really hope my post can help some of you guys get your life back! I had no idea nasal polyps were a thing until they happened to me. What torture!
Hopefully bee pollen helps you guys the way it helped me!
Good luck to everyone here!
submitted by BerlinBroadcast to NasalPolyps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:03 Mortem__Soul Allowing Snake to "Free Roam"

I've had my snake for several years now. He has an appropriately sized enclosure/tank, but I've been wanting to create a set up for him to have more room to explore and essentially free roam as that is something he has appeared interested in doing.
I haven't seen a lot of information online about weather this would be good or bad for a snake so I was hoping to see if anyone had insight on the topic.
Set up Ideas
I was thinking of getting a child's play pen (solid walls of course) to put him and his stuff in
Multiple hides (so if he want's to be hidden he can)
Textured enrichment :
Also to clarify this would not a permanent alternate home for him. This would be like something I'd set up for him to do for like 30 min - an hour, 1-3+ times per week (or based on your recommendations).
Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated! :>
submitted by Mortem__Soul to cornsnakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 AutoModerator TREATMENT Community Thread - Sun Jun 02 AM

Our community threads are the heart of our subreddit and operate much like a specialized support group – we share our experiences and strive to collectively support one another on the topic at hand.
Please use this space for sharing and discussing any type of treatment, trying to conceive, or family building measures. This includes, but is not limited to:
Essentially, if you mention treatment, TTC, or family building measures – it goes in this thread.

A few notes:
Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:58 reviewsusa Coffee Loophole to Lose Weight: Does the 7 Second Weight Loss Recipe Work?

When considering coffee as a potential aid in weight loss, there's evidence suggesting its efficacy. Coffee, containing caffeine, a common ingredient in many fat-burning supplements, is recognized for its ability to boost metabolism. Additionally, coffee contains stimulants like Theobromine, found in cocoa, and Theophylline, along with chlorogenic acid, which may impede carb absorption.
However, it's important to note that while caffeine can stimulate the nervous system and prompt fat cell breakdown, this process alone doesn't lead to weight loss unless accompanied by calorie expenditure through diet or exercise.
Contrary to popular belief, the combination of lemon and coffee as a miraculous weight loss solution isn't supported. Healthline articles debunking this trend emphasize that neither lemon nor coffee possess magical fat-melting properties. Sustainable weight loss requires a balanced approach of consuming fewer calories and increasing physical activity.
While some studies suggest coffee may contribute to modest weight reduction, extravagant claims regarding its transformative abilities are unfounded and unattainable.

7-Second Coffee Loophole Recipe: What’s the Science Behind It?

The 7-second coffee loophole diet has gained significant attention as a method for weight loss, involving the combination of coffee with various ingredients. While the internet is flooded with different versions of this recipe, typically incorporating coffee, lemon, honey, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon, it has also been used to promote coffee-based supplements promising weight loss benefits.
The core concept revolves around consuming black coffee, often with additional ingredients, within a very precise timeframe, ideally within seven seconds of experiencing hunger pangs.
Proponents of this method, including advocates and influencers, make bold assertions about its effectiveness. They claim that rapid consumption of coffee tricks the body into feeling full, thus temporarily suppressing appetite. However, there's a lack of substantial scientific evidence to support these claims.
The theory behind the 7-second loophole stems from the interaction between caffeine and hunger hormones. According to supporters, drinking black coffee stimulates the release of hormones like adrenaline and dopamine, which may momentarily curb appetite. The strategy behind the 7-second loophole is to strategically time coffee intake to diminish hunger and the desire to snack.
Despite its widespread popularity, it's essential to approach weight loss trends with caution. Substitutes, tricks, and hacks should complement, not replace, a balanced diet and healthy eating habits.

Ingredients in the Coffee Loophole Recipe for Belly Fat

Exploring the foundational elements of the Coffee Loophole Recipe unveils the essence of its unique composition. Each component contributes significantly to the creation of not just a beverage, but a sensory journey. Here's a breakdown of the key ingredients that define this blend:
Together, these carefully curated ingredients converge to create a beverage that transcends mere refreshment, offering an immersive sensory experience that invigorates both the body and the mind.

How Does the Coffee Loophole Work?

Unravel the secrets behind the Coffee Loophole, a dynamic blend that taps into the potent bioactive compounds found in coffee, including caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and diterpenes. Here's how it works:
Turbocharge Your Metabolism:
Harnessing the synergy between caffeine and MCT oil ignites your metabolism, allowing your body to incinerate calories with increased efficiency.
Master Your Appetite:
Experience the satisfaction of satiety as MCT oil and protein team up to curb cravings, empowering you to take control of your appetite and avoid unnecessary snacking.
Balance Your Blood Sugar:
Welcome the stabilizing influence of cinnamon, supporting steady energy levels throughout the day by helping to regulate blood sugar.
Elevate Your Performance:
Fuel your endeavors with a sustained surge of energy, courtesy of caffeine and MCT oil, whether you're gearing up for a workout or tackling the day ahead.
Ignite Fat Loss:
Watch as stored fat meets its match with the dynamic duo of MCT oil and caffeine-induced thermogenesis, accelerating your journey towards weight loss.

Advantages of the Coffee Loophole Diet

Embracing the Coffee Tweak to Lose Weight can offer several noteworthy benefits:

Potential Drawbacks of the Coffee Loophole

Though the coffee loophole recipe has some promising benefits according to research, it is important to consider its potential downsides:
As with any dietary change, it is advisable to consult your doctor before trying the coffee loophole, especially if you have existing health concerns. Always pay attention to how your body responds.

Step-by-Step Coffee Brewing Procedure

Now that all your ingredients are prepared, let’s delve into the brewing process! This stage is uncomplicated, direct, and bound to transform your morning ritual:

What Does the Coffee Loophole Taste Like?

The taste of the Coffee Loophole brew stays true to what you know. It maintains the richness of coffee flavor, its full-bodied nature, and the aromatic undertones. Sugar or cream aren't necessary additions, as they could counteract the metabolic advantages we aim for. Once you acquire a taste for black coffee, it seamlessly fits into your daily routine, becoming a satisfying ritual.

Maximizing Weight Loss Potential with Coffee

Unlock the full potential of coffee for weight loss with these expert tips:

The Coffee Loophole: Worth a Try?

Indulging in coffee blended with butter, oils, and spices has surged in popularity, with claims suggesting it aids in shedding pounds. However, the evidence supporting these assertions remains uncertain.
While it might slightly curb appetite, this concoction alone is unlikely to result in significant weight loss for the majority of individuals.
Nevertheless, incorporating it into a balanced lifestyle can be beneficial. Just manage your expectations and understand that no single solution can replace the importance of proper nutrition and regular exercise.
In summary, we acknowledge the potential benefits of the coffee loophole, but it's not a magical solution for weight loss. Enjoy it if you like it and if it complements your routine!


Please note that relying solely on the coffee loophole is not a guaranteed method for losing weight. Individual outcomes may differ, and it's advisable to adopt a balanced lifestyle that includes healthy eating habits, consistent physical activity, and adequate rest. Prioritizing long-term sustainability is more important than seeking immediate solutions.

FAQs about Loophole Coffee

What sets Loophole Coffee apart from regular coffee?
Loophole Coffee is not your typical coffee—it's crafted with a unique recipe that reveals hidden flavors and aromas absent in standard coffee.
Where can I purchase Loophole Coffee?
Loophole Coffee is available at select coffee shops and through online retailers. Keep an eye out for this enchanting brew!
Can Loophole Coffee be made at home?
Although the precise recipe is a well-kept secret, you can experiment with various brewing methods to create your own version of Loophole Coffee at home.
Is Loophole Coffee more costly than regular coffee?
Due to its special ingredients and brewing process, Loophole Coffee might be a bit more expensive than ordinary coffee. However, it’s worth every penny!
Does Loophole Coffee include any artificial flavors or additives?
Absolutely not! Loophole Coffee is made from only the highest quality ingredients and contains no artificial flavors or additives. It’s pure magic in a cup!

Final Thoughts

The allure of miracle weight loss products persists, fueled by unsubstantiated claims from supplement manufacturers and their social media endorsers. However, scientific evidence remains elusive. While some ingredients show potential for aiding weight loss, there's no magic formula for shedding pounds rapidly without embracing a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Rather than pursuing rapid weight loss, the focus should be on achieving sustainable, long-lasting results through healthy lifestyle changes. To embark on this journey effectively, it's crucial to seek guidance from healthcare professionals such as your doctor and a registered dietitian. They can craft a personalized weight loss plan tailored to your unique needs and preferences, setting you on the path towards lasting success.
submitted by reviewsusa to u/reviewsusa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:57 Equanimity_21 Sweaty Hair Look

Okay so I know this sounds dumb, but I am a guy with shorter hair. I don't use product in my hair very often, but after I work out or do something physical and get sweaty my hair looks AWESOME. It goes up, stays up, looks feathery and full, holds it's shape. It's great. The issue is I can only achieve this by doing the sweaty stuff so obviously that is less than ideal if you have like something social or something to do afterward. I have tried different gels/waxes/stuff and it sorta works the same but it tends to like clump the hair together more, which.... is a look. And it's like okay. But I love how feathered and like nice the sweaty hair looks. Is there some technique/product to achieve the sweaty hair look without the actual sweat and associated smell? Lol Thanks in advance!
submitted by Equanimity_21 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:57 DrippyWaffler Upcoming Events in Auckland courtesy of TMA

Sunday 2 June, 2pm-4pm

Auckland - Rafah is Burning! Te Komititanga - Britomart

Israel drives Palestinians in Gaza into what Israel calls a Safe zone in Rafah. Then Deliberately Bombs it, setting it alight. Any sense of moral decency and respect for International Law has gone. Israel spurns them all. Come rally to call on the New Zealand government to take serious action. Not just mouth platitudes. This is Genocide. Send the Israeli Ambassador home. Link:
Monday 3 June, 2-5.30pm

Tāmaki Makaurau For A Free Kanaky, 372 Massey Road, Māngere East

Come along to Māngere East Community Centre to listen and talanoa with guest speakers in solidarity with the Kanak struggle for independence. No alcohol & no violence is permitted on premises. Link:
Tuesday 4 June - Friday 5 June, 9am-1pm

Online Te Tiriti O Waitangi workshops (over two mornings), online via Zoom

An online workshop for those needing an up-to-date overview of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The programme is split over two mornings. Click here to register via Eventbrite: Your registration is for BOTH dates.
PART 1: Tuesday 4 June 2024 9.00 am - 1:00 pm via Zoom (with beaks!) How we connect to Te Tiriti as people from many backgrounds. The political context leading to a declaration in 1835 and a treaty in 1840. What the signatories agreed to.
PART 2: Wednesday 5 June 2024 9.00 am - 1:00 pm via Zoom (with breaks!) A history of colonisation: Crown actions and Māori resistance
The Treaty Principles Bill & current political context Matike Mai: a future vision for Aotearoa
This is an interactive workshop, not a webinar, so spaces are limited. Run by Tauiwi facilitators from Tangata Tiriti - Treaty People If cost is a barrier to your being able to attend, please feel free to drop us an email: If you can't make this one but would like to find out about the next opportunity, follow our Facebook page to hear about future dates or sign up here: Payment required. Link:
Tuesday 4 June, 6.30-8.30pm

Timebank Gathering: What’s been happening and what’s next, Gribblehirst Community Hub

The evening will be focused on reconnecting and sharing food. Timebank Auckland Central will also update on projects happening and a chance to hear about some exchanges. Newcomers welcome but it is a social evening rather than the usual offers and requests discovery session. Bring a dish if it’s easy. Timebank Auckland Central will sort out food closer to the time as they might like to set a meal theme. What is timebanking? Timebanking is a way to connect to your community while sharing and exchanging skills, goods and resources using time instead of money as the currency. All time is equally valued and this idea builds community and supports people in creative and interesting ways. Link:
Wednesday 5 June, 4-6pm

Speaking truth to power & keeping your job, online via Zoom

This webinar by Stop Institutional Racism is for kaimahi who want to get an expert steer on speaking up about Te Tiriti and racism in the workplace at this time. Link:
Saturday 8 June, 1-3pm

March for Nature, Aotea Square

On Saturday, June 8, at 1 pm, environmentalists will March for Nature in a peaceful protest against this Government’s reckless attacks on environmental protection. Either RSVP and just show up on the day, or if you want updates and/or you're keen to get involved in promotion or help on the day, head over to Environmentalists will march against mining on conservation land, against new oil and gas exploration, seabed mining and they'll march against the Luxon Government's War on Nature and against the one-stop shop for environmental destruction that is the fast-track approvals bill. They'll march because the fast-track bill undermines our democracy and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The march organisers are a broad coalition of environmental groups, led by Greenpeace, Forest & Bird, Coromandel Watchdog, Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, Coal Action Network Aotearoa, WWF New Zealand, Ours Not Mines - and they expect many more will join as they go. Link:
Friday 14 June, 3.30-8pm

June Cook Up, Gribblehirst Community Hub

Food Not Bombs Tāmaki Makaurau have been blessed with some wonderful food donations so this month's cook up is looking at being their most delicious yet!!!! Their next Cook up will be Friday 14 June. Food Not Bombs was started with the premise that food is a basic right. They rescue food that would otherwise be wasted and make vegan meals for the community. All are welcome to attend their cook ups of vegan food that has been rescued from landfill and donated by members of the community, as well as businesses who support our kaupapa of feeding the community through love, mutual aid and non-violence. Attendance is always free and open to everyone, and human kids and furkidsmore than welcome as long as they're okay in large groups and you can keep an eye on them. If you are attending please click going on this event and/or e-mail them at so they can plan for the number of volunteers that are attending. They will start food prep at 3.30 pm and we will be serving dinner around 6pm. Any leftover food will be frozen and served to those in need when they request it through our page. Volunteers are also encouraged to bring their own containers to take home meals as koha for their hard work. Yhry appreciate you! If you know anybody that is having a tough time at the moment please let them know about this event. Any leftovers will be packaged and stored for distribution to those who need food. Link:
Monday 17 June, 7.30-9pm

Practical strategies for effective Palestinian solidarity in the era of the IHRA, online via Zoom

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism calls anti-Zionism antisemitic. Its use distracts from the message of protest, and punishes expressions of Palestinian identity. This workshop aims to give activists practical strategies to communicate effectively. Alternative Jewish Voices-Dayenu, and Justice for Palestine, with support from ActionStation, are hosting a workshop for organisers and activists on undertaking Palestinian solidarity in the context of the IHRA definition of anti-semitism and responding to the threat the IHRA campaign poses to our movement. This session will involve a facilitated discussion, they will then workshop with participants anti-racist responses to common IHRA challenges, followed by Q&A. Who: Kate Stone, tangata Tiriti, co-convenor of Justice for Palestine, will facilitate the conversation between: Marilyn Garson is a co-founder of Alternative Jewish Voices (AJV). She has also lived and worked in Gaza. She has co-produced AJV's briefs for government and others on the IHRA definition of antisemitism, and in June she will be attending an international conference on this and related issues. Rand Hazou is a Palestinian theatre practitioner and scholar. His research explores arts engaging with rights and social justice. In Aotearoa, he has led teaching and creative projects engaging with prison, aged-care, and street communities All Palestinian solidarity and anti-racist organisers and activists are welcome. RSVP required. Link:
Sunday 23 June, 7-8pm

Tina Ngata: Speaking Truth to Power, online via Facebook

Join Mana Wahine Aotearoa on Sunday 23rd of June on the Mana Wahine Aotearoa Facebook Page: as they engage in a korero with indigenous, environmental, human rights advocate Tina Ngata. They will be diving into the impact proliferation and misinformation has on wāhine Māori. Join the Mana Wahine Aotearoa Facebook Group via:, see you there 🪴 Link:
submitted by DrippyWaffler to Aotearoa_Anarchism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:56 JadeSpeedster1718 Medicine Cats Idea

Medicine Cats
((Don’t mind me, I don’t have the patience for a full fanfic. So just here’s an excerpt that won’t leave my head))
Leafpaw looked at the half moon in the sky, feeling a sense of excitement and apprehension. Paws took her next to her mentor, Cinderpelt, trembling a bit under her.
“Excited?” Cinderpelt purred softly to her apprentice as they walked together. Taking it slow so not to cause any agitation to her mentor’s leg.
Gazing down at the forest floor, Leafpaw took a shaky breath. “Maybe? I’m also a little.. scared?” Her ears flicked slightly. She heard a deep purring hum next to her.
“I was too when I first made their journey.” Cinderpelt said softly to her with a bright look to her eyes. “Yellowfang spoke of many things I’d learn. She was sure Starclan would accept me. And I know they will you too.”
Leafpaw tries to believe that, but the more they walked, the more she felt so far away. It was like with each step she grew farther from what she knew and into something she didn’t know yet.
The journey to the Moonstone was silent, as the sounds of the night grew. Cinderpelt said it was a surprise what she’d see. And the nervous butterflies were back.
Approaching the mouth of the cave and other medicine cats seemed eerie. While Cinderpelt spoke to them, Leafpaw could only gaze into the darkness. Yet despite the crickets, Leafpaw’s ears flicked to sounds. Voices, hushed cats talking, but not a word could be made out. It sounded like so many of them.
Leafpaw tried to strain her ears, but was jolted but a nudge from her mentor. “Come along. And stay close.” Cinderpelt said softly to her, her steady voice calmed the anxiety that gathered in the apprentice’s chest.
Taking a breath, they walked together with the others into the darkness. It was like passing a threshold of some kind. The only way Leafpaw could describe it was akin to entering another Clan’s territory. The tingling feeling of being watched by sharp eyes. Of being in an area that didn’t smell nor look like home. Strange tenseness that had her fur wanting to prickle on end.
Yet, unlike cats of flesh and blood, this felt stronger. Ancient. And powerful. Like gazing into the eyes of a predator. With heavy paws and a dry mouth, Leafpaw made her way forward. Until light entered her vision of the large glowing rock formation.
Her mouth gapped open at it as her mentor stood a few paw steps in front. Cinderpelt looked back at her “just touch your nose to it, and Starclan will come.” Her voice still steady and soft.
Leafpaw took a shaky breath, eyes of many other cats. Some she could see as the other medicine cats, others in the shadows of the low light casted by the Moonstone. Taking steps forward, she pressed her nose to the cold stone.
For a moment the cold spiked through, down her spine and tail, making it bristle. Then… darkness covered her vision.
That however only lasted a brief moment. Before she opened her eyes to a clearing. And the sunlight dappling down through the leaves. Casting warm amber glow on the large tree, the gathering tree. Leafpaw gazed up at the sunlight through the tree leaves. She was sure this was more than a dream, she could feel the warmth of the sunlight. The faint breeze that carried the scent of grass.
Then movement caught her eye, her amber eyes flicked to it. As there stood another cat, but one she didn’t recognize at all. But the unmistakable scent of Thunderclan was on her pelt. Smooth and silk grey fur and a tail that was rather bushy.
Amber eyes bored back into her own. “You wish to walk with your ancestors?” Her voice was soft, yet carried weight. Leafpaw stared at her. “Then walk, follow, for a Medicine Cat can’t longer long in one place.”
The plummed tail vanished into the bushes. Leafpaw hesitated only for a moment, yet the words echoed into her mind. Determination sparked and she bounced after the other cat.
She weaves through the thick leaves and bushes. Gliding over roots and rocks. Eyes ahead catching the faint hint of silver fur ahead of her.
“We walk and run down the path of many spirits.” The voice ahead told her. “We do not linger for long on one spot, flowing forward like the rising and setting sun and moon.”
Leafpaw twisted and turned through the thick undergrowth. Then she skidded to a stop in a clearing. Looking around, and seeing no one but herself in the clearing. Then she felt like someone was behind her.
Whirling around she saw another cat, speckled Tom cat. Bright blue eyes looked at her with mischief, “We are always aware of everything.” He meowed to her leading her onward down another path. Leafpaw followed after him, rushing through the leaves that smacked at her whiskers.
“The wind as it blows and brings with it omens of fortune and faith. The bones as they speak of destiny and strength.” He told her looking at her as he lead her to the river side.
Leafpaw oddly didn’t feel tired looking at the water that divided Thunderclan from Riverclan. A pure white cat leaned down drinking from the crystal clear waters. Yellow eyes glowed with starlight, “We see signs in the flow of the water, the taste of rain, and faces of many other cats.”
His voice was steady, as Leafpaw felt names start to come to mind. Featherwhisker, Goosefeather, Cloudberry. Names that she did not know physically, but on a much deeper level.
A pure black cat brushed against her and motioned to follow with her tail. This time at a quiet walk through the forest again down path that Leafpaw didn’t know but felt old and familiar. “We learn not only medicine, but of the very soul and spirit. The names of the stars,” a leaf fell in front of them. “Of the coming of season in the very fall of leaves.”
Blue eyes regarded her with approval, Ravenwing purred to her. “For lives we can’t give we instead provide a way for the spirits to come a way into the world.”
They broke through the clearing, Leafpaw’s eyes widen in awe at she was being told. “But how can I be sure I am the right own for this?” She asked in a trembling voice as Ravenwing paded into the camp of Thunderclan. A distorted mix of what it looked through time.
“You won’t, until you take that first step.” A new voice said as a cat with back fur and a white tuff approached her. Leafpaw’s ears flicked down at how this felt. Powerful. Old. Ancient. Green eyes glowed brighter than any car she had seen.
“The path is long, it is not for many. And some do not make it to the end.” Cloud Spot looked at her calmly “but the rewards are great young Kit, someday you will be able to sense the smallest of changes just from the passing of sunlight.”
Leafpaw looked around at many cats, many faces, and names in the mind she felt connections to despite never meeting them until now. Then back to the old medicine cat in front of her.
“It starts with herbs and moves on, as you hone into a set of skills all your own. There is no pressure to learn it all, but to pace at the start and following your spirit.” Cloud Spot purred to her and pressed his nose to her head.
“Only if you accept it.”
Leafpaw swallowed hard and took a shaky breath. Yet the determination was back, firm and steady with her own heartbeat. Somehow her very soul wanted to leap out of her fur. She met the gazes of medicine cats past, those who would walk with her and teacher her along side Cinderpelt.
And she found the eyes of her mentor, watching her with encouragement and strength.
“I accept it.” Leafpaw’s voice did not quiver once. Setting it in place as she warmth from the muzzle on her head. A tongue licked her ears.
“Then we’ll walk with you and welcome you to do the same.” A tail brushed her flank gently as Leafpaw sat there with the others. “We welcome you Leafpaw, to the start of your journey.”
Warmth surged through her as the course of cats voices welcomed her among them. Despite being far from her clan, Leafpaw felt closer to them than ever before.
submitted by JadeSpeedster1718 to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 No_Recording_6287 Taking the exact amount of pictures requested

There are two stories that I will be posting separately since I wrote them much longer than I thought I would have.
During the holidays, I work as an assistant manager at what is essentially a retail photo op booth, pictures with a mall Santa. The company normally wants us to only take a maximum of three pictures per group. The problem with this for us is that the pictures are purchased in expensive packages (ranging from $40-50 for 3 different options, with each add on picture being $10, meaning that getting the smallest package and a single add on would cost the same as the largest package but with less items). The most expensive package includes several print outs big and small of two poses separated evenly between them and a digital file that has access to each click of the camera. The middle package only gave you the small print outs and the digital file, and the cheapest package only gave you the small photos.
When we aren’t busy, we like to take our time with each family to make sure we get the most out of the pictures and give them a good experience. The system lets us take up to 15 pictures before some pics have a chance of being accidentally deleted off the system so we try to get as close as we can. So if you got a package with a digital file, you would have a lot of extra pictures that were printed out.
One morning, me and another assistant manager were the only ones on set for the first hour, let’s call her Jessie. I love her, we all did, she was a super nice woman who sometimes gave too much good treatment to nice customers, even going as far to outright break rules. She was also very petty to rude customers.
We were on maybe our 5th customer of the slow morning, it’s early in the season and no one comes in early December to get their Santa photos, when one lady, let’s call her Karen, with her like 5 kids starts getting really impatient. (She wasn’t in line for more than maybe 10 minutes and when we get busy most people would be in line for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.) Jessie goes over to talk to her while I’m taking pictures of the family I have with me, but I was listening to their conversation. I’m paraphrasing but it goes something like this:
Jessie: Hi ma’am can I help you? What seems to be the problem?
Karen: Do you have to take so much time with all of them?
Jessie: We are trying to give every child their time with Santa Claus. The experience is the best part-
Karen(interrupting): We’ve been waiting here for over an hour! Just take one damn picture and send them away.
Jessie: Ma’am-
Karen(interrupting again): I don’t care hurry this shit up. Just one picture per family, that’s how it should be.
I could hear Jessie’s eye twitch as I finished up with the current family.
Jessie: You are right ma’am we should be doing one photo per family.
Right on cue I waved at her to tell her I was ready for the next family. She asks me to finish ringing up the previous family while she took care of Karen.
Per Karen’s request, Jessie situated everyone perfectly and set up the camera. She took a single click of the camera, didn’t even check if it was a good picture, and told Karen they were all done. She ushered them to the cash register and made sure she didn’t let any of the kids stay behind to talk to Santa Claus. The kids thankfully didn’t seem to mind too much as I would’ve felt bad for punishing kids for their parents behavior.
The kicker is that with that one picture Karen begrudgingly still bought the most expensive package, which includes the digital file that normally would’ve had access to every photo, but now only has that one lone picture.
submitted by No_Recording_6287 to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 SkidMania420 Weird smell from vents is gone, but now I noticed no water is coming out of AC.. Where is it?

Hey, so my A/C has been smelling horrible out of every vent for a couple years, only during the summer and only when it's running.
I got a licensed repair guy to check it out. He checked the evaporator coils and they were very clean, I even saw them myself. We thought the smell maybe came from a bacteria buildup on them, but nope. He checked the "drip pan?" And said it seemed like it was blocked from the hose that takes water to a pump which then pumps it into the laundry sink.
Since then the smell has gone away.. BUT, I have been monitoring the water output from the furnace / AC thing to the sink. I put the hose into a pitcher to see how much water it was collecting. In 3 days there hasn't been a single drop of water.
In years past I remember that thing taking lots of water out, we even needed a new pump one year. Anyways, I thought I smelled the smelly sock smell earlier today but can't be sure.
There is no water leakage around the bottom of the furnace or on the floor. The hoses are bone dry and there doesn't seem to be any water anywhere.
That said, the A/C is working fine, it feels great in here.
I don't know what's going on guys. I'm not an A/C guy, I have no idea what to do about this. Anyone know what's happening?
I feel like I need to get this fixed for good and be able to test it before we move out. We are renting our place to a different family who were being evicted from their home and I want it working well before I am out of here. This makes no sense to me and I have a hunch that something isn't working as intended.
For testing I can open the side of the furnace by the evaporator coils. I can get some water and pour it directly into the catch pan below the coils. Would this be a good way of testing if it does indeed drain the water? I am trying to figure out how to test it or even fix it without having to spend hundreds of dollars getting a technician back out here again.
Thanks everyone.
submitted by SkidMania420 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 artstillations can not remember the name of the anime

Its been like 10-12 years since I saw a couple of episodes of this one anime on animax. It had a boy (I'm assuming mc) with a shorter build, dark(?) hair and an eye patch. Its shonen for sure, characters are high schoolers and they have some sort of powers (recall the word mage being thrown around).
In one of the episodes, from what i can recall, he took off his eye patch to use his power and that drained his energy completely and he was being cared for by a few friends and a butler.
In another episode, there are two girls, one of them taller, blonde and a new transfer to the school, and the other one is the mc's friend and has dark hair. they are both "mages" i think. they have to exchange rings for a ceremony that will bond them (unsure? it looked like they were getting married). the mc doesnt agree and they call off the whole thing. the episode ends with them at a beach and the mc having to look for the rings that were thrown away.
It's been 5-6 years that I've been looking for this anime. Incase anyone remembers, please help!!!
submitted by artstillations to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:53 valleygirl2023 Float Tank smells bad?

I’ve joined a local chain ) in Los Angeles that has float tanks, saunas, cryo! I love it and it’s such a good deal , but the float tanks have a weird smell sometimes almost urine like?
Then I googled and it said tank water only gets changed every 6 months? Is this the norm everywhere???
submitted by valleygirl2023 to FloatTank [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:51 GPTSportsWriter Dallas Mavericks VS Boston Celtics Prediction 2024-06-06 20:40:00-04:00

Dallas Mavericks VS Boston Celtics Prediction 2024-06-06 20:40:00-04:00
Dallas Mavericks VS Boston Celtics Prediction 2024-06-06 20:40:00-04:00

NBA Showdown: Boston Celtics vs. Dallas Mavericks - Who Will Win?


Ladies and gentlemen, basketball aficionados, and casual fans alike, gather 'round for a tale of two titans set to clash on June 6, 2024. The Boston Celtics will host the Dallas Mavericks in what promises to be a thrilling encounter. With the game set to commence at 8:40 PM ET, the stakes are high, the tension palpable, and the odds... well, let's just say they're as intriguing as a plot twist in a Shakespearean drama.

The Teams

Boston Celtics

The Boston Celtics, one of the most storied franchises in NBA history, are no strangers to high-pressure games. With a legacy that includes 17 NBA championships, the Celtics are a team that knows how to win. Their current roster is a blend of seasoned veterans and young talent, making them a formidable opponent.

Key Players

  • Jayson Tatum: The Celtics' star forward is having a stellar season, averaging 28.3 points, 7.5 rebounds, and 4.3 assists per game. Tatum's ability to score from anywhere on the court makes him a constant threat.
  • Jaylen Brown: Another key player, Brown is averaging 24.7 points, 6.3 rebounds, and 3.4 assists per game. His defensive prowess and scoring ability complement Tatum perfectly.
  • Marcus Smart: The reigning Defensive Player of the Year, Smart's tenacity and leadership on the court are invaluable to the Celtics.

Dallas Mavericks

The Dallas Mavericks, led by the sensational Luka Dončić, are a team on the rise. With a recent history of playoff appearances and a roster built around their young superstar, the Mavericks are looking to make a statement.

Key Players

  • Luka Dončić: The Slovenian sensation is averaging 32.1 points, 8.9 rebounds, and 8.1 assists per game. Dončić's ability to control the game and make clutch plays is unparalleled.
  • Kyrie Irving: The enigmatic point guard is averaging 25.2 points, 5.1 rebounds, and 6.0 assists per game. Irving's ball-handling skills and scoring ability make him a perfect partner for Dončić.
  • Christian Wood: Averaging 17.3 points and 7.9 rebounds per game, Wood provides the Mavericks with a strong presence in the paint.

The Odds

Let's talk numbers, shall we? According to the latest odds from DraftKings and FanDuel, the Boston Celtics are the favorites to win this matchup.
  • DraftKings: Boston Celtics at 1.43, Dallas Mavericks at 2.9
  • FanDuel: Boston Celtics at 1.39, Dallas Mavericks at 3.1
These odds suggest that the Celtics are the clear favorites, but as any seasoned bettor will tell you, the underdog always has a puncher's chance.

Head-to-Head Matchup

When analyzing this matchup, it's essential to consider the head-to-head statistics. Over the past five meetings, the Celtics have won three games, while the Mavericks have taken two. However, it's worth noting that the Mavericks' two victories came in the most recent encounters, indicating a potential shift in momentum.

Offensive and Defensive Stats

  • Boston Celtics: The Celtics are averaging 114.7 points per game while allowing 108.3 points per game. Their defensive rating is among the best in the league, thanks in large part to Marcus Smart's efforts.
  • Dallas Mavericks: The Mavericks are averaging 112.9 points per game while allowing 110.7 points per game. Their offensive firepower, led by Dončić and Irving, is their primary strength.


Boston Celtics

  • Home Court Advantage: The Celtics have a strong home record, and the TD Garden is known for its raucous atmosphere. The home crowd could provide the extra boost the Celtics need.
  • Defensive Prowess: With Smart leading the charge, the Celtics' defense can stifle even the most potent offenses.

Dallas Mavericks

  • Luka Dončić: If Dončić gets hot, he can single-handedly take over a game. His ability to make clutch shots and create opportunities for his teammates is unmatched.
  • Three-Point Shooting: The Mavericks are one of the best three-point shooting teams in the league. If they get into a rhythm from beyond the arc, they could outscore the Celtics.


Now, for the moment of truth. Who will win this highly anticipated matchup? Based on the current odds, team statistics, and player performances, the Boston Celtics have the edge. Their defensive capabilities, combined with the home court advantage, make them the favorites.
However, don't count out the Mavericks just yet. If Luka Dončić and Kyrie Irving can find their groove, they have the potential to pull off an upset. But, as the saying goes, "Defense wins championships," and the Celtics' defense is one of the best in the league.

Final Verdict

Boston Celtics to win. The combination of home court advantage, superior defense, and the dynamic duo of Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown will likely be too much for the Mavericks to overcome.


  • DraftKings. (2024). NBA Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
  • FanDuel. (2024). NBA Odds. Retrieved from FanDuel
So, there you have it, folks. The Boston Celtics are poised to take this one, but as always in sports, expect the unexpected. Grab your popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show!
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:50 Mental-Yoghurt9423 I always feel like I am a burden to everyone around me and I think I am gonna start self isolating.

I (18F), have always struggled with people. When i was young, I was an outgoing child, but i got bullied a lot for being "too loud". As I grew up, I became more reserved and liked to keep to myself. I have had moments when i was social, but not a lot. Not only was I bullied by people in school, but also by my dad and some other family members. Me and my dad don't have a relationship, as he has told me to my face that he doesn't love me and that the woman he is cheating on my mother with daughter is his true daughter. Since then, I have been lashing out lately. Maybe it is betrayal, or pain, but I can't hold back how I feel. As a child, better yet a person, I have never asked for much of others. Only recently I realised to get things, I must ask for it. Simple things, like leaving the house of going to the beach I can't even do because no one wants to take me and just because my dad says he doesn't want to take me. He never takes me anywhere.Little things, like for example, i am graduating high school next month, but my dad's 50th birthday is the same week. All i wanted was for my mom was to do something for mw for my grads, but all she cares about is my ungrateful father's birthday. A few months ago, I got my first boyfriend (20M), and he is the best thing to have ever happen to me (i know that is clique, but work with me here please 😭). I am also his first girlfriend as well. We are both very new to dating and just in general being in a relationship. We have to keep our relationship on the phone as my dad doesn't want me to date. For the past few days, he has been busy with stuff with his family, and we haven't gotten to get anytime to talk, until tonight. We talked and spent time for about two hours till he was ready to sleep. I still wanted to talk to him, but i know he was tired. i kept asking him questions, and he kept say "mhm". I realised he was tired and told him good night. He shot up from his sleepy state and said good night and I told him, "Oh, you can get up to tell me goodnight but not answer my questions?". I know that was a bitchy thing to say, but I was a bit upset when I am trying to talk with him and he wasn't actually answering me. All I wanted was to spend time with him. He got up from his sleep, and i know he was definitely upset with me and told me he was tired from his long day and he wanted to make sure i heard him say goodnight and that he loved me as i had already said it to him. Despite me getting him upset, he offered to stay on the call until I was ready to go bed. I told him i was sorry as i realised how shitty i was reacting, i told him i was tired and goodnight. I feel bad that my boyfriend has a girlfriend like me. He truly does deserve better. i am trying to be better, but i feel like i am a problem, a burden. Not only with my boyfriend, but with my family and even my friends. Is it too much to ask for little things to feel appreciated and heard. I don't mean to be or sound selfish, but all my life i have lived to please and accommodate others, i wish for once i would be accommodated. I want to feel special, and feel appreciated. I don't really feel that way very often. After calling with my boyfriend tonight, I cried for about an hour because i felt so badly that he has to deal with me. I feel like everything i do just seems to make everything so much worse. I think i start dissociating, again. I have before, and i will be honest it was lonely for me, but i am sure that everyones' lives were so much better. I don't want to be a problem anymore, i want everyone around me to just be happy and not have to deal with me, my nonsense and annoyingness.
submitted by Mental-Yoghurt9423 to u/Mental-Yoghurt9423 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:48 phoenixking6931 Anyone want to have a philosophy penpal?

Hi - 25M - and I recently made a post on penpals but I thought I'd go straight to the source since I've had trouble finding people with an interest specifically in philosophy. I hope that this is an appropriate question - I won't mind if this post is deleted. I'm fairly new to the field, as an amateur - I just started reading/notetaking Anthony Kenny's "A New History of Western Philosophy", because I want to get a broad overview of the field before I pick an area to specialize in. Not as a professional, just a passion project. When I was less serious, I started with the existentialists (Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Camus, etc.) Kierkegaard is my favorite, and my favorite work is EitheOr. I also have a bit of a morbid fascination with people like Schopenhauer.
So I'm looking for people to communicate with one-on-one about what I'm working on, and hopefully what you're working on. I want to read, write, everything. Bonus points if you have some expertise and can critique me. Send me a DM if you're interested! Those are the essentials; the info below is just flavortext to give you a sense of what I'm about - you can skip it if you want.
Despite not taking a dominant position in the academic world today - except as historical legacy - I have a fascination with the continentals. In the analytical tradition, the main value of the material derives from the information being communicated, as you would expect. It is communicated with clarity. In continental philosophy, however, the main points and arguments are intentionally obfuscated. It is not just about the information communicated, but the way it is communicated. This has the interesting effect of the material speaking to your soul and not just your mind. It is vague, it is mysterious, it beckons the reader into an unending labyrinth of thought that simultaneously goes nowhere and teaches you everything. Kierkegaard's EitheOr is built from two parts. Part A is a lure - it promises sympathy as paltry compensation for a desolate universe. Part B is a knife - it is a betrayal that robs you of sympathy and chastises you for even choosing to take part in it. It compels you to stand on your two feet and consider your own life choices without the defenses of sympathy and victimhood. EitheOr is a cell virus - Part A is the surface proteins that allow the virus access, Part B is the payload. It is an effect that cannot be achieved through clarity, while the reader has their defenses up.
The world to me is hopelessly heteronomous, that is, the opposite of autonomous. When was the last time you made a decision that was really your own? When you were last confronted with a difficult choice, did you not choose to act on behalf of either your social group or your own automatic biology? Did you do what you really wanted to do? Or was what you wanted, itself, something you didn't really want? Schopenhauer talks about a unified Will - a world made of desire - which is forced to fragment itself into subject and object so that it can have a real existence, but this has a side-effect. Now, instead of there being one Will, one desire, the fragmented Will is made of multiple desires, which come into conflict with each other, causing pain and frustration. Is this not what the social world is? When you dream of a harmonious utopia - everyone being in sync with one another - are you not knowingly naive? Suppose we made a constitution, or a transhuman hivemind, that forced everyone into sync - would we not be upholding a facade of cooperation while secretly scheming against one another? Is this not the optimal strategy? Is this not what we do already? Are your friends really your friends? When you selectively breed fruit fly populations for lowest population size - an analogy for humans working together with the shared goal of avoiding overpopulation - you select for infanticide rather than cooperation. So, when you compulsively act on behalf of your social network, do you not also wish you could act otherwise? Have you ever dreamed of a world devoid of all intelligent life but yourself - a reunified Will with no obstacles? An entire culture packaged into one superhuman mind?
These thoughts are repulsive and dangerous if taken the wrong way, so I'll try to end on a more positive note. I'm bipolar in my assessment of the world - on one hand, I dream of a solitary Nietzschean superman, and on the other I feel called to ethics and responsibilities and compassion with one another. It would be a disgrace to Kierkegaard if I were to say otherwise. I do not know how to resolve the tension between these two ideals. I've been thinking about a humanistic psychologist named Dabrowski who said that most of us go through life in blissful selfishness - we further our own interests and are happy doing so. In contrast, some of us fall away - disintegrate - in response to the tension between what is and what ought to be. We find fault with our own biology and embark on an antibiological quest to cultivate a higher-order personality - one that is conscientious, compassionate, sensitive, prosocial, competent, creative, and intentional. I cannot possibly claim to be a paragon of virtue myself, but those rare individuals who serve higher purposes than themselves have all my admiration, and a little envy.
submitted by phoenixking6931 to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:47 Fancy_Implement2713 DIY Hair Dye Stories

I would like to share my story of when I used to dye my hair and I would love to read in the comments of everyone else's stories.
I started dying my hair when I was 18 years old because I was feeling myself. I was a legal adult by law, had a massive glow up by a quick weight loss plan I did, and I was going natural. I quit having perms in my hair at 17 and decided to go natural after that. Before I dyed my hair I was watching tutorials on YouTube and growing up the only unnatural colored dyes I knew was Splat because it was everywhere at the time and kiss, but I didn't live close to a city to buy any of those kiss tints and I was skeptical of that brand at that time. After watching some tutorials I decided I was gonna go for it so I went to Walmart and bought the Splat bleach kit and ordered a hair dye kit and ordered 'Purple Rain' by Arctic Fox. At the time when the order came I was living with my family so I did my hair late at night when everyone was asleep. I had my earbuds on blasting out loud and the shaking and the mixing of the splat bleach kit terrified me so bad I thought it was gonna explode and thankfully it didn't. I really don't recommend using bleach that splat has it didn't feel right on my hair and it barely went through where I had it placed. After a hour wait (Don't ever wait for an hour at least 30-45 minutes at best) I can still remember the smell of that Purple Rain. The grape smell was soo freaking strong! Since I was being all secretive I should've washed my hair in the kitchen sink, but I washed it all out all over the porcelain white tub and there was nothing, but purple. It looked liked Barney died in our tub that night. After that long night of being sneaky I woke up with half a head of purple and it looked like a tiny streak unless I was under certain lighting when I knew I was trying to dye my whole head! 😭The rest of my hair was still all black and it was like mostly the tips were purple it looked like the peekaboo style, somewhat of a purple bang and like most of the right side of my hair was purple. When I showed my mama my head she was smiling hard because she loves dying her hair and I should've asked her for help, but I was trying to be sneaky. After she saw my head she took me to a nice salon to get a beautiful silk press after trimming the messed up parts the bleach ruined.
Now that I'm older I will say this Splat does have some good dyes it's just the bleach should never be sold at stores. I don't dye my hair anymore I'm currently 24 and the last time I dyed my hair was almost a year ago. I'm making this post out of boredom and I hope you all have a fantastic day/ or night! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
submitted by Fancy_Implement2713 to blkgrlbeauty [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:46 NowALurkerAccount Taking a break from faith?

I don't know how else to say this but I have been going through a lot in recent months regarding my faith, but to put matters lightly I have suffered a great deal of trauma throughout my life inflicted on me by people within the Church/representing the Church to the point where I've finally had enough. I have tried essentially every spirituality out there for my denomination and was harmed in practically every group/situation.
That said, in late April it all culminated in a bit of a nuclear explosion where I was verbally harassed in front of my visiting parents at my Church by a guy who has been a bully to me for years. He was practically threatening me and it got to the point we stormed out. I wrote the pastor and explained what happened (because there was some guilt on my part/however how this other man acted was unprofessional), but he never responded. No acknowledgement.
However tonight I had a rather difficult conversation where someone was trying to negate my suffering and struggle saying we all struggle/sin, and my trauma saying Christ heals all wounds. To which, rather than get angry, I had to leave the conversation because that statement is not helpful to a trauma survivor. Anyway, it was just too much and I just have felt so abandoned by God/the Church I am about to say "screw it" and walk away for awhile with an unsure return.
Have you ever done something like this, and was it helpful just to say "I need some space, God."
submitted by NowALurkerAccount to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 sigma_male_steve Texting Tips For Dating - 9 Legit Tips To Keep The Spark Alive.

Texting Tips For Dating - 9 Legit Tips To Keep The Spark Alive.
Texting is an essential part of modern dating, and mastering the art of text communication can make a significant difference in how your relationships develop. In this guide, we'll walk you through 9 essential texting tips for dating.
If you want to become a texting pro and ensure your conversations lead to successful dates and deeper connections, check out Magnetic Messaging. It's a comprehensive guide to mastering your text game, even if you've only just met her. You can get Magnetic Messaging here.

1. Start with a Strong Opener

Your first text should be engaging and memorable. Reference something funny or interesting from your initial conversation. For example, "Hey [her name], I had a great time talking about [shared interest] with you. Looking forward to continuing our chat!" This helps her remember you and sets a positive tone for your conversation)​.

2. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling

Good grammar and spelling matter more than you might think. They make you appear more intelligent and serious about your communication. Avoid using excessive abbreviations and chatspeak, which can be confusing and make a bad impression.

3. Mirror Her Texting Style

Match her texting style in terms of tone, length of messages, and use of emojis. If she uses a lot of emojis, feel free to do the same. If her texts are more formal, adjust your style accordingly. This creates a sense of rapport and makes her feel more comfortable​.

4. Keep It Light and Fun

Humor can be a great way to build attraction and make your conversations enjoyable. Share funny anecdotes, jokes, or playful comments that relate to your conversation. Just ensure your humor is in good taste and not at anyone's expense​.

5. Ask Open-Ended Questions

To keep the conversation flowing, ask open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer. For instance, instead of asking, "Did you have a good day?" try "What was the best part of your day?" This encourages her to share more and keeps the dialogue engaging​.

6. Be Present and Engaged

Show genuine interest in what she’s saying. Avoid distractions and focus on her messages. Ask follow-up questions based on her responses to show that you’re truly engaged in the conversation​.

7. Avoid Over-Texting

Texting too frequently can make you seem needy or overly eager. Let the conversation flow naturally and give her space to miss you. If she doesn't respond immediately, don’t bombard her with follow-up messages. It's important to respect her time and pace​.

8. Know When to End the Conversation

Knowing when to end the conversation can leave her wanting more. Ending on a high note and expressing that you enjoyed chatting can make her look forward to the next conversation. For example, you could say, "I've got to run, but I've really enjoyed chatting with you. Let's catch up again soon!"​

9. Suggest Interesting Date Ideas

When you feel the time is right, suggest meeting up. Be creative with your date ideas to make them more appealing. Instead of a generic "wanna hang out?", try something like, "I have two tickets to a stand-up comedy show this Sunday. Care to join me?" or "I really enjoy talking to you. How about we continue the conversation over coffee this weekend?"​
By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of texting for dating. For a deeper dive into crafting the perfect text game and ensuring your conversations lead to successful dates, check out Magnetic Messaging. It’s your ultimate guide to transforming your text game and building meaningful connections. Get Magnetic Messaging here and start improving your conversations today!
submitted by sigma_male_steve to OnlyTheCoolest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:41 VegetarianCurry Hello! Reassurance for a future ostomate

Hello everyone, I've been lurking in this sub for quite some time. I've been having GI issues for a very long time because of a severe case of MS (my rectum is not working anymore), which forced me to resort to drastic, painful and desperate measures: laxative and microenemas abuse (I need to get my colon irritated to have some sort of movement, even for farting), TAI (useless), zero residue diet (and I mean ZERO, vitamin tablets only), you name it. Every single day. A neurogenic bladder is just icing on the cake, so you can get the gist of it. An ostomy is my only hope for a normal life (and a suprapubic catheter, which will come with the ostomy).
My surgery is scheduled at the end of June (sigmoid or descending colostomy, might turn into an ileostomy in the future). I have been reading lots of resources about ostomy and some of the posts here (and I'll make sure to ask the doctors, my pre-op appointment is in 2 weeks), but I would like to have some reassurance about "stupid" questions:
  1. I can't really walk (I must use a walker at home and a wheelchair outside) and the place I live in does not have a handrail... Think of Chris Pratt in Jurassic World when confronting the velociraptors and you can picture me climbing the stairs (it's just five steps, but they feel like a mountain). Is it "too much" of a strain to put on my body right after surgery, or.. ?
  2. My cats LOVE making biscuits on my stomach. Can I let them? Will they pierce my bag? Do I need to wear anything under my clothes (like a pillowcase)?
  3. Before MS, I would eat lots of veggies. And I mean LOTS, I would GORGE on them. I haven't eaten a single veggie for almost 4 years now (fiber causes blockage in my rectum, even steamed or mashed). Will I be able to eat vegetables again?
  4. Some guidelines advise to eat avocado, cheese and eggs, some advise not to. Is it one of those things that differ from person to person?
  5. Is sushi allowed? What about pizza?
  6. Will I have to say goodbye to konjac noodles? They're a category of food I gave up 4 years ago.
  7. Can I shower with a bag, even if it features a foam adhesive (it's one of the pouching systems I'm looking at)? Or will it fall off because of the heat?
  8. How do I dispose of the bags when I'm outside? Will I smell (not that I don't smell because of my issues at the moment, I must wear diapers)?
Thank you!
PS: I'm italian and English is not my native language, so please excuse any errors or redundancies on my part.
EDIT: some grammar mistakes
submitted by VegetarianCurry to ostomy [link] [comments]