Coke bullet necklace

I may have met a serial killer

2024.05.18 06:06 SkyrimIsLife420 I may have met a serial killer

So, this is my first time making a post like this where I'm sharing an experience, so sorry if my storytelling isn't that well and I wasn't sure if this was the right place to share this or if a different subreddit was better. Also, I'm high. :p This is probably going to be a long post so strap in or go below to find a summary. And before anyone says this is fake, trust me, I wish it was. This was very real and I'm still traumatized by what happened. I'm hoping finally sharing what happened with other people who can give me on advice on how to deal with it (mentally) can help.
I'm not going to be using any real names or specific locations for privacy reasons (I'm also deathly afraid he might come across this) I'll call myself L (20M) and the guy who I think could've been a serial killestalker I'll call B (26M).
For some minor backstory, I'm a twenty year old trans male and I've never had much experience in dating. I live in the bible belt, so my dating life was non-existent or was filled with creeps. I wasn't looking for a partner at this time, but I ended up meeting B who was super sweet, had an amazing voice/laugh, and was overall very attractive. The main reason why I liked him and wanted to try dating him was because he told me he had dated trans partners before and knew a lot about it and was very respectful of my boundaries. Most guys never cared how I felt and always wanted to 'see my tits' and so on, and even if they liked me, when it came to sex and my body they were all very disrespectful. To top it all off, me and B had the same interests and 'end goal' for our lives and we got along extremely well. I have a lot of mental disorders since BEFORE I met B, some being CPTSD, Agoraphobia, and Severe Panic Disorder, so meeting new people and trusting others was something very hard for me. I'm usually very awkward and have trouble keeping up conversation with others, but not with him. He was amazing and we flowed together well. All green flags. Sometimes I feel as though the guy I first met is still out there, because when I met this dude in person, he was completely different.
So, we met around fall of last year on a dating app. I was mainly looking for hookups because at that point in time I had given up on dating. Like I said earlier, we started talking and that changed for me. He told me he was poly and me and him had a long talk about it and we decided we would both keep it open and would be fine to see other people while we talked, and if things started to get more serious and it worked, then we'd be monogamous. (This is important for later) So, there were no red flags in the beginning, until a few started to pop up. He told me he was into guns, which at first was fine with me. He didn't hunt, he just liked to shoot and go to shooting ranges for fun. Hell, to me that sounded like every man's dream to shoot and blow stuff up so I was excited when he suggested to go to a shooting range together. Also, I'm in the south of the US as well, so I was used to that. Then he started talking about serial killers and darker stuff and how he was into that. Which again, was fine with me. I've been through a lot in my life and have a lot of trauma and dark humor, and dark things in general, doesn't bother me, and I love horror. We talked about how we should watch the new Jeffrey Dahmer show that has Evan Peters. I love AHS so I was down for it. It started getting a lot weirder though, and I should've known then that something was wrong, I think I was blinded by the chance to actually have a caring partner that was already educated on trans topics, so I didn't think. He told me that his former partner and him had gotten in a fight, the one before me. He told me what happened between for the fight, I'm not going to include this part as it's very specific, but by the end he had told me his partner had left in the middle of the night and got his family to pick him up (His partners family live in another state, so his ex partner ended up moving ACROSS STATES to get away from him.) He said when he woke up he was gone and wasn't answering his calls. The way he told the story in the beginning though made it seem like his ex was a really stuck-up and petty person who HE got away from. Now I know why his ex actually left and that his EX was the one who got away. Ok, so with that all out of the way, we had been talking for around three months when we decided to finally meet. We had taken some time figuring out where to meet since we both wanted to meet in public, which I thought was a really green flag. When I told him I'd just drive up to his place, he said no because he didn't want to give out his address before we met. Which again, I thought was SUPER GREEN, but apparently not. I didn't want him to drive here for the same reasons, but also because I live with my grandparents so I figured that'd be pretty awkward. We ended up deciding to meet at a park near his house to see that we weren't catfishing each other and basically to catch the vibes of the other. He lived in a different state but the drive was only two hours away, not too bad. I drove up there (I was 19 at this point in time btw...) and when I finally arrived I gave him a call and he said he'd be there. So, this 'park' ended up not being a park, but a CEMETARY. For some reason though, there was a playset on the other side of the road that was connected to it which is where I parked. After we were supposed to meet, we were going to go back to his place then I was going to drop off my car and we were going to take his and go out and eat. So, a few minutes go by and I see a car start to pull up toward me. I was still in my car as there was no where else to sit. I went to open my door and hop out when he pulled in beside me but all he did was roll down his window and said "you can follow me now." BRUH, WHAT, OK? That was it. He rolled it back up and started to drive away. Now, I know what most of you are thinking, BITCH RUN. Well, I was stupid and hate confrontation or anything like that so I went along with it. I followed him and then realized that the park wasn't 'near' his house, IT WAS RIGHT BEHIND IT. I drove not even another minute probably and we were already there. Making me think he wanted to watch me approach from his house. So, I parked and we both got out. He looked exactly as he did in the pictures and was more attractive in person, although his personality and the way things were going made it not matter. We went to head inside and he stopped me before going in and said something like, "Hey, I have a headache so we're just going to stay here. Is that ok?" I have no idea why, but practically the ENTIRE TIME I was with him that day, he had a constant expression on his face that made him look like he was constipated/confused. Think of Edward in Twilight when he is trying not to kill Bella or be weird. It was THAT face. Furrowed brows, mouth open slightly, with that weird look on his face. So, at first I felt a bit let down, that was until I realized everything else that had happened up before this point. Then it turned into anxiety. I told him that was fine and when he opened the door, all the lights were off. Like, ALL OF THEM. It was pitch black and he had black out curtains on his windows. He led me to his bedroom which creeped me out and we proceeded to sit on his bed. He told me he was sorry about not wanting to go out and that we could just watch tv and cuddle. Now, if this was the guy thought I had been talking to, then I'd would've been fine with it. But this dude seemed like a completely different person from who I had met. Keep in mind I had been talking with him for three months and we connected really fast and had hours long convos on the phone a day. I was honestly just creeped out but wasn't scared because I've been in similar situations like this before. I figured I'd just make up an excuse later so I could leave. That's when he told me to lay back and get comfortable and we'd watch, low and behold, JEFFREY DAHMER. So, that's what he put on while we made, really weird, small talk. So, he told he had a shit ton of guns and reached beside his nightstand and whipped out a pistol. He told me he had built it himself and let me hold it. But just the fact that this guy can whip out a gun like that, while acting like a creep, AND that show playing? Nah man, god I'm such an idiot. Anyway lmao, he started stroking my thigh and 'petting' me while we watched the show. I was SOOO uncomfortable and I noticed I had a texts from two of my friends and my mom who were all asking if I made it up here ok. I texted back and let them know I was fine, and this is when I started panicking a lot more on the inside. Anytime I'd get a text, or even open my phone at all, he'd lay his head on my shoulder to see what I was doing. He even ended up reading one of my texts out loud from earlier in the day. I felt that I couldn't just leave like any weird date, 1) because he had guns EVERYWHERE. 2) Because he was watching every move I made 3) Because that's when I realized he was potentially dangerous and unhinged on a physical level. A bit later after sitting in silence, 'watching the show,' he started talking about how he knew everything about Jeffrey Dahmer. What kind of poison or drug he'd use on his victims, exactly how he drilled the holes in his victim's heads, and basically everything about Dahmer's life. He even knew what steps Dahmer would do and in what order before killing his victims. Now, I knew a lot about serial killers as well because I like true crime and shit like that. I ended up agreeing with him and playing along. Looking back, I don't know how, but I found a way to still fake laugh at this man's jokes and act like I was the same as him. I even went as far to say that I felt bad for Dahmer and could be his friend. B's eyes seem to light up when I said that and then he went on a rant about how Dahmer was misunderstood and only needed somebody. It made me sick to my stomach but I continued going along with it. Later he went on to say multiple things that disgusted me and made me afraid. Like how he was into knife play, little brother play, where he makes his partners act like a younger brother. He also told me he loved taking sexual pictures of his partners while they held his guns in different poses and asked me if I would. I 'gladly' agreed and said we could do it later. NAH, FUCK THAT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Btw, this whole time he was still stroking me and putting his hands on me. He kept trying to push alcohol on me, and joked it was laced. I told him I wasn't a big drinker and didn't want anyway at the moment. Every time I refused he kept getting more irritated. He then made a weird comment, saying, "Isn't getting fucked up what you're here for?" UMMMM, NO????? He had a jar of moonshine and finally I told him I'd take a sip. I held it up to my lips and closed them before slightly letting the liquid hit them, then I pretended to take a small gulp and told him it tasted good. That's when he got a huge smile on his face and all the annoyance from before went away. Looking back, I think it was actually laced, and you'll see why next. Yay... So a bit after this, I started to get a slight headache and that's when I realized I left my bag in my car. I got a bit excited because I thought I could take this as a chance to leave. I asked him if I could go grab my bag from my car for my headache medicine and he said of course. Now listen, I said earlier I have dark humor and it's been a coping mechanism for me. So when I left to go to my car I made a joke to him and said, "Don't worry, Jeff. I'll be right back, I'm not leaving." DUDE. When I told my friend what I had said later she told me I memed a serial killer. BRUH, WHY AM I LIKE THIS? I COULD'VE DIED OR WORSE AND I CALLED HIM JEFF? Lord help me... Anyway, so my headache only got worse after I 'took a sip' of the moonshine and I started feeling dizzy. Now, even though I didn't actually drink it, a few drops still came in contact with my lips made it into my mouth. I went to my car and grabbed my bookbag from my floorboard. I sat in the driver's seat and looked on my phone. I was about to call my best friend, basically my sister, and then leave. My soul left my body though, because when I looked over, this dude was standing on his porch, WATCHING ME. Seeing if I was trying to leave. Knowing he had guns and we were in a small town where hearing gun shots were normal, I grabbed my bag and hopped right out of the car. When he knew I was walking back he walked to his car and opened his trunk. He pulled out a gun case that was like THREE FEET LONG. This gun was huge and he walked it into the house behind me. He told me it was some kind of sniper rifle and he said each single bullet costed 8$ or something like that. I later learned that owning something like that in the state he lived in was illegal. So, he kept making weird comments and touching/petting me while he told me all the ways he'd kill me 'if he was a serial killer.' I had been at his for almost 4 hours at this point and he FINALLY left me alone in the living room for a few moments, going back in his bedroom for something. I quickly texted my mom and told her to call me and give me an excuse. I didn't tell her what was going on as I knew she would've panicked more than me and probably would've made it worse. I just told her I didn't like him much and needed a reason to leave. I told her I was deleting the text I just sent and told her not to text me back as I knew B would read it. I told her to call me after a few minutes of seeing my text. So, luckily a few minutes later I got a call and she told me she was in the hospital and needed me to come home. Now, my mom has health problems and B knew of this before I came so it was actually the perfect excuse. I pretended like I was more annoyed than concerned since I'd told him before she was always in and out of the hospital with her health because she doesn't take care of herself. I apologized for having to leave so soon, (Before all this, if things went good I was supposed to stay the night.) And he didn't say a single word before looking at me coldly and going into his room. I waited for like ten minutes, unsure if I should just leave. I was deathly afraid of him now and didn't know if he was about to pull out a gun. I kept hearing bangs and loud noises coming from his room. When he finally came out though, he didn't have anything and still looked cold. I said my final goodbye and we hugged for a second before I left. As soon as I hopped in my car I put that bitch in drive and WENT. Now that I was out and everything started to hit me more, the adrenaline and fight or flight went away. Only leaving me with anxiety and I was completely shaken. I called my two of my best friends who are together and told them what happened. I asked if I could come to their place because I live with my grandparents (who are conservative Baptists if that says anything) and I DID NOT want to tell them about what happened. They didn't even know I went up there or that I was talking to someone. They said I could and my friend who I'll call M (21f) stayed on the phone with me basically my whole drive back home. The more I told her the more WTF she became. And honestly, there are a lot of other creepy/weird things he did that I left out because there are so many it's hard to remember every detail at once. Once I got to her place I noticed I had several missed calls and texts from him. I blocked him on everything and then M asked me something that made my stomach drop. She asked if my Snap location was on. It was. I drove the whole way back with my location on, straight to my friend's place. I turned it off immediately and started panicking a little. M and my other friend I'll call J tried to reassure me but then I got a phone call from an unknown number. M answered it for me and said hello. It was quiet because it was not on speaker but I could the voice. It was him and I felt a chill go down my spine. He asked if I was around and M told him he had the wrong number. He called back SOOO many times, each time with a different number. Even months after I kept getting calls from unknown numbers. After a few months, I wasn't sure if it was him or a scam caller and over the course of a few weeks I answered a few of them. I never said anything, just answered and never let the call time go over 10 seconds. Each time I could hear rustling noises and no voices. One time all I heard was heavy breathing. I decided to not answer anymore of them and luckily they've since stopped the last month or two. I was so scared soon after it happened though. Even though I never told him my address, he still knew where I worked and I was so afraid he'd show up with a gun and shoot up the place. Because it wasn't some random fast food chain or retail job. I work at a pretty good place to be so young and there is only ONE of these places. I'm not going to give away any details but he if wanted to he could GPS straight to where I work, anyone could because it's well known and public. I was nervous he'd scope out the place and wait until he saw me and which side of the building I enter, etc. During this time I kept a knife on me at all costs and had a necklace type sheath thing and both the knife and sheath were flat, so I'd wear it around my neck under my shirt and apron at work (even though I could've been fired if found with it.) A few days after it all happened, I woke in the middle of the night and even now I SWEAR to this day I smelt him. I know I didn't and my brain was probably making it up, but it was HIM. Him, and his whole house, had a distinct smell. Like booze and cigarettes mixed with his own scent. I was shaking and had cold sweats. I had never sat up so fast out of sleep before, especially because I hadn't been dreaming. It was like something had woken me up. His smell was everywhere and I looked to my dog who seemed undisturbed and that's when I knew no one was here. My dog is very protective and barks at anyone he doesn't know so I felt safe but still was uneasy and I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I ended up telling one of my bosses what had happened and asked her if we could get the gate closed at night since I work second. About two weeks after everything, I was sitting on my back porch smoking when I saw a car that looked just like his pass by. I tried to look at the driver and when I did, my stomach turned. It looked just like him. Even now, I'm not sure if it was him or not but considering nothing has happened, I assume it wasn't. Although I told my friends that I was nervous. Since I know a lot about serial killers and true crime, my initial thought was if I was him, I wouldn't come after me right away. I'd wait and let them get comfortable, thinking they are safe and then get them. Which is why I guess I've been paranoid about it again lately. It's been about 6-8 months since then. I'm still traumatized from it and still look over my shoulder when I'm walking at night, thinking I'm going to see him again on day. Even though I don't get nearly as many calls now, I still do from time to time. Although no one ever speaks when I answer nowadays, It's like I have a gut feeling it's him. Though I don't know if I'm just paranoid or not. Also, this dumbass didn't want me to get his address but I found it anyway. So if something ever happens to me or he tries to do something I can give the police his address. Because since we met at a 'park' that was RIGHT BEHIND HIS HOUSE, me and my friend went on google maps and put in the address to the 'park.' Then I moved the maps down the roads we drove on until I found his house. We went in 3rd person and zoomed in on the numbers on his house and his street name. So, B, if you find this. Fuck around and find out. Idk if you are a serial killer or not, and maybe your just really weird. But dude, if that's the case you need to WORK ON THAT. Anyway, that's my story. Sorry if some things don't make sense or if the words are too jumbled. I'm still super high and kind of just ranted a bit. So, if anyone has any advice or something similar happen to them, I'd love to hear from you! I'll try to answer any questions, but nothing too personal. If you've read this far, your a real G, thank you. I know this is a super long post, so it means a lot. I hope the rest of you are having a good night / day wherever you are!
TLDR; Met a guy on a dating app who seemed like a really great and normal guy who turned out to be very weird and controlling and LOVES Jeffrey Dahmer. Watched my every move to make sure I didn't leave until I finally got out and SPED AWAY. Kept getting calls for months after.
submitted by SkyrimIsLife420 to Stalking [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:27 OMGrealstories MIL & SIL Drama

I would really love some advice with how to approach my new MIL and SIL with how I was treated during my entire engagement.
This has been going on since 2021 whenever my now husband proposed to me all the way to us getting married in early April 2024. I will do my best to shorten everything and bullet point the important parts.
*I wanted a black dress for the wedding, SIL argued that it was so omen. When she saw I was not budging said she wanted a black dress for her wedding - she is not engaged
*we are having the wedding at our house. SIL argued it was trashy and we should do a venue. Our home and land is way big enough to support 50 people.
My main reason for airing my family drama and issues is because I feel like something else is going on and SIL and MIL aren’t being truthful about it. I feel like MIL is clearly taking her daughter side because it’s her daughter. I get it however I feel like I don’t deserve to be treated this way when I did nothing wrong. The lying, passive aggressive, and gaslighting me about conversations that “have” happened is very concerning for the future relationship that I have with them.
I want to sit down and talk to them about it, but I’m not quite sure how to start the conversation and I’m afraid that I will get gaslit during the conversation. I felt like my entire engagement experience was ruined by them. I do not have a happy memory with them about it just with my sister, friends and family.
Before anyone says anything, husband is aware of the situation and is leaving the ball in my court for when I’m ready to talk about it. 100% supports me as he has seen all the text messages, the passive comments, etc and is not okay with it. He fully supports me and whatever decision I have and doesn’t want to overstep.
submitted by OMGrealstories to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:10 DropWatcher Drop Watch: May 17th, 2024





Old Drop Watches

2023 and 2024 Calendar

submitted by DropWatcher to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 NightmaresOfDarkness Tiziano—a 9-year-old kid—was saved by his cross necklace when it caught an incoming bullet.

Tiziano—a 9-year-old kid—was saved by his cross necklace when it caught an incoming bullet. submitted by NightmaresOfDarkness to pics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:45 Own_Common4860 AITAH for breaking up with a guy for low emotional intelligence and rudeness ?

I (34F) am currently in the process of divorce, which has been mentally exhausting but thanks to therapy and a lot of work on myself I’m reaching a peaceful agreement.
I’ve had recently reconnected with an old flame back from university days. I was clear from the start that I did not think it was a good time to explore anything beyond platonic, however he (34M) insisted that he had been waiting on his chance with me for over a decade and that he is ready to date me despite my divorce not yet being finalised. I was very cautious at first , accepting the odd coffee date here and there as I like to take things slow before becoming intimate, especially given the circumstances.
He, however, was very insisting, full of compliments, generous, chivalrous, talked about marriage and family, even children’s names. Within 1 month, he referred to me as his girlfriend. This caught me by surprise, but I just assume some people are more spontaneous and a serious conversation about “what are we” wasn’t needed. He told all his friends about me. Because he is an old friend, and actually one who warned me about a toxic ex of mine in the past, I felt he was very caring and safe , and eventually I let my guard down and decided to let him in. For my birthday, he got flowers, took me out for dinner, even got me a necklace and a little music box. I’ve asked him if he was falling in love with me and he said yes.
Then eventually I let myself be intimate with him. It’s been mind blowing every single time.
I work a 9-5 kind of job that involves travelling from time to time. He works in a busy hospitality environment, mainly nights. I did ask from the start if he did not consider this an incompatibility, which he reassured me it wouldn’t be and managed to fit each other in our busy schedules. He always insisted on paying too, despite me being the one who earned the most. He booked us on a trip to his home country with his family. Again, a little bit too fast for me , but I have no logical reason to refuse.
Then something happened. He told me about his schedule for the week in order to fit some time together. Because he had a training event that may involve dinner with colleagues the following day, I told him I would see him in 3 days instead. But he insisted that he would see me the next day. I told him it really was ok if he couldn’t meet up, but he was determined to meet me. So the next day, I told him ok, I’m finished with work, let me know how you’re getting on. He said he thought he was finishing within the following hour. As I needed to buy some stuff anyway I told him I would then see him in town. Comes to the meeting time and he texts “I am staying for dinner , can’t get out of it” to which I say: it’s ok, that’s why I suggested not to meet today but when we both have free time. And I went home. He texted me but I only saw it after I finished cooking my own dinner: “are you ignoring me ?” At this point , I found it a bit strange that after technically leaving me stranded he was asking if I was ignoring him. But of course I replied and made nothing out of it. However , I found it a bit rude that he didn’t even apologise for his sudden change of plans.
We met that Friday and it was great. Said he’s meeting me the next day , usual time (a few hours before he starts his shift) but he overslept and had to go to work. Again, not a problem. However the same thing happens the following day (Sunday) but this time I don’t hear from him until he’s been working a few hours already. “Guess what time I woke up”. I saw the message and put my phone on the side , as I had low battery and was out socialising with friends. Didn’t think this required an immediate response. Later on in the evening I come to a multitude of messages accusing me that I’ve changed my style of messaging and that something was off. I explained exactly what happened and that he had nothing to worry about. We agreed to meet up next day. We did. He brought up the “incident” again. I apologised , I expressed that I did not like being messed around with my schedule as I’m usually quite busy and there has been a few instances already and no apologies, we made up and went for dinner and after , to have a few drinks where he normally works. He made a point it was gross misconduct to drink at his work. Well, we get there , he necks two shots and informs me the date was over and he decided to jump in and help. No apologies. I left and told him I found this very rude. At this point my gut feeling is starting to tell me something’s off.
There’s a few more instances of me having to chase him to clarify whether or not to meet. I find this a bit exhausting to do. Not every time we agreed , we met as he was busy either sleeping or working. Or his phone died. Then when we have some time together , which is scarce , he is constantly on his phone replying to everyone , so I find this behaviour very confusing and ultimately, rude.
Last planned date , after checking with him several times , I got theatre tickets and paid deposit for dinner. He reassured me it was going to happen and that he was very excited. He doesn’t reply to my last messages for a solid 15h, so I ask him why is he treating me like this when he doesn’t like the same done to him ? The day before this, he messages me saying “little bit of a pickle but have to work tomorrow”. At this point , I’ve had enough with my time being wasted and not a single apology. So I texted him back that “I need a break from all this, sorry”. He just reacts with a thumbs up which is infuriating to say the least (we are talking 14 years of friendship) so I asked him : “is that it? Are you even sorry ? “ to which he says : “sorry for what, having to work? “ to which I reply: no it’s not even about tickets or rotas or plans , is about emotional neglect and lack of consideration. He says he’s not willing to discuss it as his out with his team and I said I agree is not the time and place. But he carried on texting me saying that he doesn’t think it will work out and that he needs someone smart and not someone who lives in la-la land. I firstly explain that I had already broken up with him earlier, so no need to turn the tables and that I know I am smart and why trying to belittle me? He continued lashing out that I am not smart , I am not brave, etc. and that he wins at all these qualities. I come to the conclusion that he’s the one scared of vulnerability and trying to compete against me, which is weird and childish.
Now the weight in my chest has lifted and I think I’ve dodged a bullet , however part of me wonders if I have been too harsh breaking up by text with someone who struggles with emotional intelligence and self regulation?
Many thanks in advance
submitted by Own_Common4860 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:31 Custis_Amaximus 11/22/63 Timeline

For the purpose of this, I wish this OP could be edited by others.
I'd like to reconstruct the timeline of this day, even though it has been done countless times.
Please fill me in where I am wrong, I promise I am happy to learn. This will likely be biased, as I don't believe Oswald was guilty as charged, in either of the two murders.
AM: Oswald gets a ride to work from Irving, by Frazier. He has a package wrapped in brown paper that is presumebly the rifle. (Paper never found, and he would have had to bring the paper before hand? Presuming it was paper from the TSBD.) He mentions curtain rods, apparently.
Let's get into the meat of the time frame.
12:30. Three shots fired. (Gun was found with no extra bullets in it. Meaning he only loaded 3 bullets into the 6 capacity clip, makes no sense.)
He then stashes the rifle, makes it down 4 flights of stairs to the 2nd floor lunch room, where he either orders a coke or has one stashed. (If he had it stashed, this would have been the only smart thing he did. Had he carried it, it surely would explode upon opening!)
12:31 Truly and Baker confront him in the lunch room. (So Baker saw the assassination, hopped off his motorcycle, decided where it came from, introduced himself to Truly, and together they charged through the TSBD, ignoring everyone else, got to the second floor, and chose to confront Lee with gun drawn within 90 seconds.) Lee appears calm, collected, and not breathing hard, so they move on. (If a man shoots the president, i dont think this is possible, especially within seconds. Eyes and heart-rate would be crazy-town)
It wasn't until after this that Lee decided to leave. He figured what went down, and it scared him.
I'll make a second post this because this will get to long, and I'd like to get input just up to this point.
But we are only at minutes from the assassination at this point.
submitted by Custis_Amaximus to JFKassasination [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:53 uninvitedthirteenth Travel Diary: Amsterdam, May 2-May 8

Travel Diary: I make $195,000 and spent $2149.75 (+49k points) while on a trip to Amsterdam
Section One: Bio
Age: 40
Occupation: Lawyer
Hometown: DC
Number of PTO days and how you accrue them: I earn 6 hours of annual leave every two weeks (19 days total a year), and used 36 hours for this trip
Section Two: Assets + Debt
Not super comfortable with a very detailed financial picture, but my NW is ~$750k. No SO.
Section Three: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: After all deductions and contributions to savings, my monthly take home is ~$6200
Section Four: Travel Expenses/Diary
Trip planning - My (40F) best friend from college (39F) and I decide to go to Amsterdam on a birthday trip. We both turn 40 in 2024, and we decide to go in May because it's in between our birthdays and because it'll be tulip season in Amsterdam! Neither of us have been. We also haven't travelled together before, despite being friends for 20(!) years, so we are a little apprehensive, although we have spent a lot of time together over the past few years. We decide on a 6 day trip. For purposes of this diary I'm going to list my half of the expenses for things we split. Costs are in US dollars, despite paying using Euros. As a side note, I also am a little over one year post-Gastric Bypass, which has a limited effect on my diet (I try to eat low carb, but you'll see that I mostly fail at this on this trip!).
Pre-trip expenses: $1193.15 total
Flight: $255 + 49k points (from Capital One)
Lodging: $1425.91 (split) - $713
Rijksmuseum: $40.28
Anne Frank House: $24.95
Keukenhof Gardens plus bus ticket: $36.20
Red Light District Tour: $50.52
Day trip to windmills tour: $43.20
Snacks: $30ish
Day 1 (Total $21.17)
Our flight is at 5:30pm, so we planned to be at the airport by 3:30pm, which actually turned out to be 4pm. Uber ($21.17). After checking bags (included in flight price) and getting through security we made it to our gate right as boarding was about to start. No time for food or drinks.
On the plane I eat a snack of roasted chickpeas before dinner, which was chicken cacciatore with mashed potatoes, bread, cheesecake, cheese, and a salad. And two glasses of wine. I save the cheesecake and cheese for later.
My friend and I watch a movie (Poor Things) and then try to sleep. I am reading A Fault In Our Stars, because Amsterdam. I try unsuccessfully to sleep for awhile and then go back to reading. At some point i eat the cheese and cheesecake. Breakfast is a cheese roll, which i eat a couple bites of (OMG does all of Amsterdam have this much cheese?? - spoiler alert… yes it does!). I wish I had slept more.
Day 2 - Even though it feels like a continuation of day one. (Total $207.02)
7am - We land at 7 and then grab the bags and go through customs. Easy peasy. We are exhausted so we grab coffee at the airport before figuring out public transit ($5.10). I take out 60 euro for cash in case we need it ($65). We buy a train ticket to the central station ($6.33) and when we get there we buy a four day unlimited public transit pass ($28.44) so that we don’t have to worry about it later.
We get to the hotel at around 9am. They tell us it will cost $50 to check in early, which we opt not to do. Instead we go get breakfast and coffee at a cafe nearby ($21.20). The hotel tells us that our prepaid amount did not include city taxes, which is another $183 (my half $91.88).
11:30am - Back at the room we decide to rest for 90 minutes. Enough to catch up on sleep but not to waste the day and get more jet-lagged. After a rest we decide to walk around and get a feel for the neighborhood and do some shopping. We find a bookstore, and I buy a copy of my favorite book from high school, Tess of the D’Ubervilles with a beautiful cover and gold edges ($21.46). We also buy fries with truffle, mayo, and Parmesan at a fry shop ($3.32) (that’s all they have and they are delicious!). We also stop a grocery store and pick up a few things including yogurt, cheese, salami, apples, and an energy drink ($13.19). We have some early days planned and nothing seems to open early. It’s very cold and rainy and semi unpleasant.
6pm - We drop stuff off, bundle up, and head off to dinner and a tour of the red light district. We try to find a place that serves Snert, a Dutch pea soup, but strike out. We end up at an Asian place instead. I get chicken satay and a beer and my friend gets Indonesian soup and wine ($16.10). Our red light tour is great, but we are exhausted after and head straight home to bed. 22k steps total
Day 3 (Total $87.24)
7:30am - We have an early day planned, and have to be on a bus near the central station by 8am. I eat a yogurt and energy drink (from grocery store) for breakfast and we take public transit (covered on unlimited card) to the station. We find the right bus and head off!
First stop is the windmills, which are beautiful! I am happy we get there early because we basically have the place to ourselves. My friend gets a coffee and we both use the restroom ($1.08!). Then we head to Edam and do a walking tour there. Next stop is a clog/cheese place, which feels very touristy but they do feed us lots of cheese. I buy a cheese slicer as a souvenir ($10.81). Next stop is another small town where we have lunch at a cafe. We basically pick one at random. My friend gets fried fish and I get a ham and cheese panini and a beer ($17.30). Final stop is an artificial island town called Maarken. We do another walking tour.
2:30pm - we arrive back in Amsterdam and get let off north of the water. I grab a coffee ($3.76). We go up to the Adam lookout and take a ride on the swing off the side of the building ($25.95 for swing plus ticket to lookout). We also grab a drink and sit on a pillow watching the city from very high up, which is lovely ($6.63). On the way out I buy a reusable water bottle at the gift shop ($4.87).
After the lookout we take the tram over to a brewery at a windmill that was recommended to us by several people (including here on Reddit!). Cost was covered by the transit pass. We buy bitterballen and a small bottle of Genever (local whiskey) (paid by my friend) and a flight of beer ($16.84). We are a bit tipsy but enjoying the lovely weather.
6:30 - On the way back toward the hotel the weather turns and it starts raining so we dip into a pub for dinner. I have a burger ($16.12). We are there at 8pm, which is momentous because it’s a day of remembrance and the whole bar is silent for two minutes. It was very interesting to be there during this time.
We are exhausted by this point and go home to bed. 19k steps total for the day.
Day 4 (Total $104.33)
7am - Another early day as we have to be on a bus at 7:30 to go to Keukenhof for the tulips! (paid in advance). We wanted to take the first bus out there because we heard the crowds were bad. I eat a yogurt for breakfast and take a 5 hour energy (no cafes open this early!). We try to take public transit to the train station but didn’t realize that the trains do not run that early on a Sunday so we grab an Uber instead ($12.20). We tell the Uber driver we’re trying to catch a bus so he makes sure we find the right place and we pull up just as the bus is loading. Phew!
8:00am - we spend 5 hours in the gardens and take literally hundreds of pictures. We are glad that we get there early as the first few hours are lovely and empty. We get a coffee ($4.60) and lunch later ($25.36). By 1pm it’s getting very crowded so we start heading out. We grab the bus back to the train station.
2:30pm - We decide to go by the Rijksmuseum although not in it because we planning that later. Instead we stop off at the Van Gogh/Rijks gift shop that’s nearby. I get a couple souvenirs, including a foldable bag and a magnet ($20.44). I also get a coffee ($3.64) and my friend gets bubble tea. We sit on the hill on museumplein and people watch. After awhile it starts to get hot (we had dressed for the early morning) so we head back to the hotel to change.
5pm - we decide we are having an evening of drinking. We first grab a drink in the hotel bar because we get free vouchers for each day we choose not to have the room cleaned. Then we have dinner at an udon place, which is delicious. We have tempura, chicken katsu, and dumplings ($15.94). Then because it’s cinco de mayo we decide to have margaritas at the Mexican place near the hotel ($15.15)! Not Dutch but it’s fun. We head down the street to another bar and have a Genever cocktail called an Amsterdam mule ($9.91). I am happy with our choice of hotel because there are so many places in our neighborhood. On the way home we pass a fresh stroopwaffle place and must get in line for one ($5.92).
By then we are exhausted and head to bed. 21k steps total for the day.
Day 5 (Total $80.44)
8am - We have a slightly less early day but have tickets to the Anne Frank house at 9:15. (paid in advance). I eat some yogurt and cheese in the room before we leave. It’s walkable so we decide to head out early and grab coffee on the way. ($3.19). The house is sombering but I’m glad we did it.
11am - After the Anne Frank house we walk to the nearby cheese museum. We sample lots of cheese. I buy one cheese to take home ($15.18). We want to walk to a used bookstore, but decide to have lunch at a cafe on the way. We pick one at random. We split chicken tenders and a goat cheese and apple sandwich and I have a beer. ($15.14). The sandwich is one of the best things we have eaten. We spend about an hour in the bookstore and my friend buys one book.
3pm - We realize we are by the monkey bar (one of the oldest bars in Amsterdam that they told us about on our red light district tour). We stop in for a drink. Ok two drinks. ($12.50). We take the metro back towards the hotel and stop in at a tile store in our neighborhood so I can buy a magnet. I buy magnets from all my trips, but I like non-touristy handmade ones if I can find them, Van Gogh magnet from yesterday aside. I buy one with a windmill on it. ($14). We also stop at the grocery store for more yogurt ($3.05) and for Dutch apple pie at the cafe across the street from the hotel ($4). We get back to the hotel and have another free drink and then rest before dinner.
8pm - We go out to a Dutch restaurant for dinner. I am not super hungry from pie so I just get the snert (pea soup). My friend gets sauerkraut and potatoes. Sorry, but I thought it was pretty bland food in general. ($13.38).
We head home. It’s a lighter day, only 14k steps today.
Day 6 (Total $194.47)
8am - Today is our last full day in Amsterdam. We have planned to spend the day at the Rijksmuseum. We want to get there right when it opens for crowd reasons. We had bought “friend of the museum” passes ahead of time so that we can skip the line. I have a yogurt for breakfast and we walk to a cafe near the museum for coffee and breakfast for my friend ($3.78). The man at the cafe is very nice and we love sitting outside in the sunshine. It’s going to be a warm day!
We spend about 5 hours at the museum. We rush to see the Van goghs and the main gallery where the Rembrandts are, including The Night Watch, which is probably one of the most famous paintings in there. We had downloaded the app so we shared a pair of earbuds and listened to audio notes about many of the works (they have a number you can enter in). We take a break outside for coffee ($7.29 - i pay) and skip the line again. Totally worth it for the more expensive ticket. Around 2 we are hungry and have seen almost everything. We stop in the gift shop and I buy a ring and earring set. ($64.76). I forget to use my 10% discount for being a friend. :( I wanted a necklace too but didn’t like the ones they had there so I’ll try to find a matching piece at home.
2pm - My friend has been trying to get herring for the whole trip so we make it a point to do that. The first place is a bust so we find a little stand that sells it a 15 min walk away. We are determined, so we head there. I don’t eat fish so I get a shawarma on the way, which is terrible (cash). I throw half away. After lunch we get ice cream. I get coffee ice cream, and it makes up for the bad shawarma ($6). We also stop at the peanut butter store, which is allegedly the first in the world, and I pick up 3 small jars for my mom for Mother’s Day ($8.11). We also stop at a thrift store and i buy a dress ($21.59). At some point this day (I think), we also stop at another bookstore, and I buy a few things including a card, a couple gifts, and a book ($39.71).
6pm - After resting a bit, we get two more free drinks at the hotel and then head out to dinner. We pick another Asian place. I get an aperol spritz at dinner and we share appetizers (satay, spring rolls, and bitterballen). We also get coconut ice cream with mango sauce for dessert. All yum! ($33.03).
We get one final drink at a local bar near the hotel ($10.20) and I’m again grateful for our choice of neighborhood. Today has been all walking because our 4-day metro pass ran out yesterday. Total steps 13k.
Day 7 (Total $36.93)
8am - this our last day. The plane was supposed to leave at 1:30pm, but we get a message that it’s delayed an hour. We decide to have a leisurely breakfast. We pick a place that’s at a hotel near our hotel. I get an egg sandwich and my friend gets French toast. We both get coffee. ($15.27)
We decide to leave for the airport around 11. We walk to the central station about 20 min away, and I buy wooden tulips for my mom on the way (cash). We buy train tickets (cash) and get right on a train. We are proud of ourselves for our navigation on this trip.
12pm - we get to the airport and through security. We head to a lounge but there’s a line. We are 40th in line based on our QR code place. We decide not to wait and sit down for lunch at a random bar. I get a sausage and a beer ($20.66). We walk around some and get another message that our flight is delayed more, to 4pm. It’s finally our turn to get into the lounge at 2:30 (2 1/2 hour wait) so we go. I grab some water and a whiskey and coke but we just ate so we are not hungry. Around 3 we head to the gate. Unfortunately when we get there our flight is delayed more and will board at 4. They give us airport vouchers so we buy a book, beer, and some stroopwaffles ($1 after vouchers). We finally board and head off around 5.
On the flight we are served dinner. They have run out of chicken by the time they get to me, but eventually find one and bring it to me later. I have a wine too. I read, watch a movie, and try to sleep a little. We have a whole row of four to ourselves so we can spread out. Dinner is a French bread pizza.
8pm - We land around 7pm (love time zone math!), grab our bags, and get a taxi to my car ($27.09). I drop off my friend and get home at 8:30. I am exhausted but cuddle my cats for about an hour before going to bed. 15k steps today
After trip expenses - $225 cat sitting
Total expenses: $2149.75 (+49k points)
Flight: $255 + 49k points
Lodging: $804.88
Food/drinks: $531.38
Travel: $101.56
Activities: $221.10
Souvenirs/gifts: $ 231.93
Final parting thoughts - I think just over $2k for an almost-week long trip to Europe is a pretty comfortable number for me. I am glad I could use points for most of the flight. We definitely didn't try to cheap out on anything. We spent a lot of money drinking (neither of us drink this much usually). I hope this was helpful to anyone, and I look forward to reactions/comments!
submitted by uninvitedthirteenth to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 SonderAnonymous At my (29F NT) breaking point - is there hope for my relationship with my fiancé (31M dx rx)?

I (29F NT) am extremely neurotypical and emotionally/mentally/financially stable. I’ve been struggling with my fiancé (31M dx rx) for a long time, and could really use some tailored words of wisdom. Lurking this subreddit/community has been so incredibly validating and helpful as I navigate this overwhelming journey… 2 years into our relationship and I feel like I’m at my breaking point. I doubt whether he’s capable of changing fast enough, I’m not sure I want this for my life anymore. Things will only get harder as we age and kids are thrown in the mix…
The past year has been soul-crushing, I’m a shell of the person I used to be. I’ve self-isolated from friends, had depressive episodes (never had that before), gained an excessive amount of weight, am frequently paranoid and anxious (never had anxiety before). I just never have long-lasting peace, it has destroyed my mental health. Before all this, I was eager to get engaged/married while he was nervous and wanted to take it slow. Now things have flip-flopped: he proposed far earlier than I thought he would, and I’m hitting the breaks uncertain of our future when I’m supposed to be planning a wedding (I refuse to until I see long-term/consistent improvement from him).
I can say that thankfully, my fiancé is not on the extreme end of ADHD. He doesn’t struggle holding a job, he isn’t a slob, he doesn’t shut down sexually, etc. He was diagnosed with ADD (so inattentive ADHD) when he was 18, and has been taking Adderall since. He does not take as much as he is prescribed, which I’ve questioned and he brushed off. We have gotten into heated, and ridiculous, arguments since early-on in our relationship.
Fall last year I unintentionally stumbled upon the emotional dysregulation aspect of ADHD. I was watching reels on Facebook, and in one a woman started by saying “If your partner has ADHD, watch this.” I continued watching, and 5-10 seconds later she mentioned in passing how they have problems with emotional regulation. I was immediately floored and replayed the video to make sure I heard it correctly. I Googled it and, low and behold: there was article after article about this. I read bullet point after bullet point of the manifestations of ADHD, and I couldn’t believe how it described exactly what I had been dealing with for nearly a year and a half.
My entire life I thought ADHD just meant someone had more difficulty focusing or they were hyperactive. This is what most of [uninformed] society thinks, and also what my fiancé himself thought. Over a 12+ year period since being diagnosed, not a single doctor or psychiatrist ever once mentioned the emotional dysregulation aspect of ADHD to my fiancé. He had no idea! Previously, I had chalked up our problems to political differences and that for his entire 20s he was always around (and dated) people very different from me. So I thought he just had trouble adjusting away from judgmental worldviews he had adopted while being surrounded by like-minded people for so long.
The discovery of emotional dysregulation and RSD was ground-breaking for us. He had been starting to think I was the problem since he “didn’t have these problems in my previous relationships.” Well that’s because he always dated less-mentally-stable people (his most recent girlfriend was diagnosed bipolar), so by comparison he was always the more stable one in the relationship and the magnifying glass was pointed away from him. Making the link between our problems and his ADHD made it tangible in a way that he could understand, which provided a foundation for his growth and improvements to begin (alongside therapy). But it’s very difficult for a 30+ year old man with a brain disorder to unlearn bad habits he was fully unaware of & learn how to retrain his brain to process information in a healthy way…
My fiancé has externalized RSD - he becomes highly reactive and verbally aggressive. He is hypersensitive, his brain distorts reality and interprets innocuous questions/statements like “did you put water in the soap dispenser” or “that’s a lot of cereal” as personal attacks. He also has a very big problem not respecting certain differences in opinion we have, or not respecting my choice to not eat/do certain things - he will push and push and push and push, will not stop pushing even after I calmly & nicely asked him to stop dozens of times after dozens of arguments, will not stop even after I’m sobbing begging him to please stop with tears streaming down my face. What are these explosive arguments about? The most mundane, inconsequential things. I wish this was made-up: HOV lanes, me not wanting to eat salad, me not wanting to eat warm guac, me not wanting to eat mustard, me not wanting to try Adderall or coke, me having a different view/opinion on how we should heat up a frozen pizza, me not wanting to eat mushrooms because they make me sick, etc etc.
Every single time we have an explosive argument, he pushes and pushes and pushes. When I reiterate, for the 100th time, that I have autonomy over my own body and don’t need to do anything I don’t want to do, he tries to manipulate me by flipping the script and parroting words/phrases I’ve used in previous discussions (like saying I’m being “disrespectful” and “dismissive” of his feelings/opinions because I won’t do what he wants me to do). Only once he calms down does he realize how badly he effed-up, profusely apologizes, and promises to never do it again and that he’s capable of being better… But then he just does it again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN.
He tries to play the victim and come off as reasonable by saying that he’s just “trying to understand” me by asking questions. I told him that is a cop-out because after I’ve explained how I feel, he ignores it since it doesn’t make sense to him & doesn’t line up with what he thinks/believes, and instead he continues pushing/pressuring me.
More recently he also claims that he isn’t trying to pressure me to do anything TO MYSELF, he’s just sharing his own experiences and thoughts with me so I can understand him better. When you repetitively “share your experiences/thoughts” on XYZ after I made it clear dozens of times that I don’t want to do XYZ and to please stop pressuring me to, even if you don’t explicitly state “You should try XYZ,” you are still INDIRECTLY pushing/pressuring me.
I. am. SO TIRED. Resentment has been growing, I’m paranoid and anxious, I don’t trust him (because he has repeatedly lied to me), his substance use (alcohol and weed) has become less and less attractive. He claimed a long time ago that I’m obsessed with being right, but he’s just projecting - he’s the one obsessed with “being right.” While he loves how I do all the paperwork-related “adult” part of life, he gets really annoyed that I’m almost always ‘right’ about things while he is not - so he takes it out on me.
Things have gotten to the point of reactive abuse, which I warned him about a few months into our relationship (at the time I didn’t know the term, just the concept). I’m having such a hard time making my mind up on where to go from here. When things are good, they are so good. He is a genuine person and a good man, we have SO much love for each other. We share many laughs and have built a life together. But… his brain is plagued with a disorder (that he was not fully informed on & did not begin attempting to manage until 6 months ago) that breaks me down.
While he has improved since the ADHD link was discovered and he started therapy, he continues slipping up and defaulting back to his regular BS. I don’t think I can take it anymore. I don’t want to waste more years of my life, or end up trapped in a marriage because of kids… I’m afraid that’s what it will come to, and I’ll be forever mad at myself for sticking around despite the red flags and what I knew about his condition.
BUT… What if it’s possible for him to improve and stop hurting me? Maybe he needs different medication? Maybe there are other communication approaches we can try? Maybe there’s a better kind of ADHD-specific therapy out there (I don’t think his/our current therapist is helping much)?
I know that he has a long way to go, and that I need to focus on healing. What are methods that have worked for you? Is there a better way I can go about looking for a therapist that specializes in adult ADHD & who truly understands it and can help? My fiancé acknowledges and understands that he has a problem, I can see that he is genuinely trying to improve - he wants to be a better person for himself and also be the partner I deserve. He is struggling to make it happen, he wants it SO badly - he doesn’t want to lose me or the life we have together. I just don’t know how much more of this I can take… Please, any advice & support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to read.
submitted by SonderAnonymous to ADHD_partners [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:20 unceasingfish Bachelorette weekend gone to s***

Hello everyone, I have had an interesting trip to say the least.
Backstory, me and the bride met in middle school at a summer Christian camp. We went to the same school, but she was a year older than me. We were close friends in high school but drifted during college because that’s what typically happens.
Fast forward, she graduated last year and moved back with her fiancé. We linked up afterwards and our friendship is doing great. I was invited to the wedding, not a bridesmaid which is not a problem because I am so happy that she met someone who cares for her. I just wanted to clear that up because I know some will jump to conclusions (looking at you Charlotte, if you’re even reading this).
Now, the bride invited me to the bachelorette weekend and of course I accepted because who doesn’t like a girls exclusive weekend?! She got it for free from one of the bridesmaids and asked if she could bring me since one of the other bridesmaids just gave birth. She accepted!
We will call the owner of the beach house Stella. Stella was fun to be around and seemed to have a great sense of humor. I found her to be passive aggressive towards me, after seeing my necklace (I have a birthstone that my bf gave me, a cremation necklace for my dog who recently passed {bf also got me that bc he’s a sweetheart and we love a good gentleman around here}, and lastly a cross with an infinity thing). She stared at my chest a lot, I originally thought that she was just enamored or jealous by my enormous jugs (I am a size H) and shrugged it off.
Later we were playing drinking games in the house (still the first night) and every thing was great! Stella suggested that we play truth and dare, which I didn’t like because I thought that it was too high-schooly, but I went along anyways. After everyone had gone around, Stella suggested spicing things up. I was interested by replacing the truth rule with drinking, but immediately thrown off when she suggested stripping.
As I stated earlier, I have size H boobs, I have always been self conscious about them, especially since they have scars from open heart surgery. Stella said we would have to work our way from the top to the bottom and then first one out of clothes had to streak. I thought it was an insane idea, but really who am I to judge as a Christian? That’s Gods job, not mine.
I politely declined and told the girls that I would be on the balcony watching the waves because I was uncomfortable with showing my boobs to everyone because I am not good with dares.
Needless to say Stella threw a fit and called me a boring Bible thumper. I had not mentioned my faith at that point during the ENTIRE day. The bride stepped in and asked if we could just cut out the stripping part. That must have hit a few nerves because Stella told her that there was no way that she was taking my side because she knew what Christians had done to her in the past.
Now I had no idea that she had any religious trauma and I feel bad that evil people severed her relationship with God because of their selfishness. I think it’s awful that so many hijack Christianity for evil and I do not blame her for the conclusions that she had jumped to about all Christians.
Turns out my friend had never mentioned that she was a Christian because of Stella’s disdain. Shit hit the fan when the bride told Stella that she was a Christian and that we became friends at a Christian camp. She freaked out and said that she could not believe that she had been lied to all of these years (they became friends 2 years ago) and that she could not stand to be around ‘disgusting Bible thumpers for any longer’.
We were all drunk. None of us could drive. And Stella wanted me and the bride out. The other bridesmaids were trying to calm Stella down and reassure her that not all Christians are menaces. Stella went to her room rambling about how I had made her friend (the bride) a homophobic witch.
We stayed the night, hoping Stella was too drunk to remember (which is where we might have been in the wrong) and hoped for an apology if she did. I honestly thought she would be embarrassed by her behavior. Instead the morning after she doubled down, BROKE DOWN THE DOOR OF THE BEDROOM I WAS STAYING IN, and demanded that the bride and I leave. The bachelorette weekend was then spent in our hometown bar hopping at the few bars there and sleeping at my parents house.
The bride asked Stella to step down and she told the bride to fuck off because she was going to step down anyways. I cash apped her 150 for ‘I’m sorry, here’s some money for a new door’ and she sent it back under ‘I don’t take money from homophobic Bible thumpers’.
I think that was her only insult, I have no fucking idea but man did my friend dodge a bullet. Imagine what Stella’s reaction would have been if a pastor had shown up to the wedding and she had to watch my friend and her fiancé announce their love to Jesus Christ and form a marriage in his name.
And for the question you all may be asking, no, I will not be a bridesmaid because I am graduating college and am broke.
Edit: I was splitting the post into paragraphs to make it easier to read
submitted by unceasingfish to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:03 leafssuckweenie7834 can i lose 50lbs if i cut out fast food and pop (soda)

im a 27 year old male, 5'7" or 5'8" tall and weigh 215lbs,
Given that ive eaten out 77 times so far this year and have consumed 111 non diet pop (soda), would it be safe to assume my weight would will significant change if i cut out fast food and non diet pop, while making more health conscious food choice, like veggies or fruit for snack (compared to whatever is available in the fridge and easy to make/heat up) while continuing my 2km-5km walks 5 times a week
fast food numbers
normally i go to popeyes, get a 5 piece tender combo, 2 biscuits and a diet coke. This is 1085 calories (using lose it app). So at 77 times thats 83,545 calories total (23.87lbs)
Pop aka Soda numbers
at 111 pops so far this year. Assuming one is 140 calories that is 15,540. So 4.44lbs (thought it'd be more)
if bullet point helps anyone
cut this:
implement this
would i lose the 50lbs i wish to. If i understand thius (which means i dont) cutting out non diet pop and fast food would drop me 27lbs eventually right
submitted by leafssuckweenie7834 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:31 IGG_Center_Ramapo Salem County John Doe (New Jersey, 1979) – Genetic Genealogy Testing after Forty-Five Year Mystery

Salem County John Doe (New Jersey, 1979) – Genetic Genealogy Testing after Forty-Five Year Mystery
Salem County John Doe (New Jersey, 1979) – Genetic Genealogy Testing after Forty-Five Year Mystery
Sometime during the winter of 1978 to 1979, along a rural dirt road, a young man was shot in the face and partially buried in the woods in Quinton Township, New Jersey. Though his body was covered with brush and logs, his left arm and left hip remained exposed, waiting to be discovered. Approximately six months after his death, police were called to the scene by a local resident on the afternoon of June 3, 1979. The man’s body underwent an autopsy, and newspapers featured descriptions of his unfortunate demise and deserted belongings. A facial reconstruction was painstakingly created and distributed, but the man’s identity has remained a mystery for nearly 45 years. Researchers and students at the Ramapo College of New Jersey’s Investigative Genetic Genealogy department have begun analysis of the man’s DNA in the hopes of bringing answers.
Sources differ on the level of trauma inflicted on this John Doe. Some papers indicate that he was shot in the left eye with a “small caliber” or “.22 caliber” bullet, while another suggests that his face was “completed obliterated, apparently by a shotgun blast”. Despite the undeniably poor condition of the remains, police determined the man to be between white, 18-22 years of age, approximately 5’8” tall, and 150 pounds prior to his death. He had straight, medium brown hair, that was 4-6 inches long. He had the following clothing and accessories with him:
• White Madewell brand painters’ pants (without bib) • Brief underwear • Dark blue Lee brand jacker (size small), adorned with a 1” gold colored metal letter ‘R’ on the right and a quarter-inch gold colored cross on the left jacket breast pockets • Michelangelo brand heavy knit V-neck sweater, dark blue or black yoke and sleeves with white body and large buttons no • Red plaid Cotton Poppy brand Indian style print shirt • T-shirt (size 34/36S) • Black Pro Ked brand sneakers (size 8) • Yellow metal 17-inch spiral twist chain necklace • Gray metal 14½-inch chain necklace with decorative gray metal horn ornament (possibly an Italian good luck charm) • Pack of Marlboro cigarettes with the words “Meth” and “Weed” written along one side with some artwork, and the words “Joints” and “Pot” written on the other side • A matchbook decorated with a gold Tolz Realty Co. advertisement
Sources: No 1. Unidentified Wiki: Salem County John Doe (1979) ) 2. NamUS: Unidentified Person/NamUS #UP1526 3. June 3, 1979, Press of Atlantic City (New Jersey): “Shotgun Murder is Probed” 4. June 15, 1979: Courier-Post (Camden, New Jersey): “Police request help to identify victim” 5. June 22, 1979, Press of Atlantic City (New Jersey): “ID on Body Of Slain Man Sought” 6. Ramapo College of New Jersey: Cases in Progress
submitted by IGG_Center_Ramapo to gratefuldoe [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:29 IGG_Center_Ramapo Salem County John Doe (New Jersey, 1979) – Genetic Genealogy Testing after Forty-Five Year Mystery

Salem County John Doe (New Jersey, 1979) – Genetic Genealogy Testing after Forty-Five Year Mystery
Sometime during the winter of 1978 to 1979, along a rural dirt road, a young man was shot in the face and partially buried in the woods in Quinton Township, New Jersey. Though his body was covered with brush and logs, his left arm and left hip remained exposed, waiting to be discovered. Approximately six months after his death, police were called to the scene by a local resident on the afternoon of June 3, 1979. The man’s body underwent an autopsy, and newspapers featured descriptions of his unfortunate demise and deserted belongings. A facial reconstruction was painstakingly created and distributed, but the man’s identity has remained a mystery for nearly 45 years. Researchers and students at the Ramapo College of New Jersey’s Investigative Genetic Genealogy department have begun analysis of the man’s DNA in the hopes of bringing answers.
Sources differ on the level of trauma inflicted on this John Doe. Some papers indicate that he was shot in the left eye with a “small caliber” or “.22 caliber” bullet, while another suggests that his face was “completed obliterated, apparently by a shotgun blast”. Despite the undeniably poor condition of the remains, police determined the man to be between white, 18-22 years of age, approximately 5’8” tall, and 150 pounds prior to his death. He had straight, medium brown hair, that was 4-6 inches long. He had the following clothing and accessories with him:
• White Madewell brand painters’ pants (without bib) • Brief underwear • Dark blue Lee brand jacker (size small), adorned with a 1” gold colored metal letter ‘R’ on the right and a quarter-inch gold colored cross on the left jacket breast pockets • Michelangelo brand heavy knit V-neck sweater, dark blue or black yoke and sleeves with white body and large buttons no • Red plaid Cotton Poppy brand Indian style print shirt • T-shirt (size 34/36S) • Black Pro Ked brand sneakers (size 8) • Yellow metal 17-inch spiral twist chain necklace • Gray metal 14½-inch chain necklace with decorative gray metal horn ornament (possibly an Italian good luck charm) • Pack of Marlboro cigarettes with the words “Meth” and “Weed” written along one side with some artwork, and the words “Joints” and “Pot” written on the other side • A matchbook decorated with a gold Tolz Realty Co. advertisement
Sources: No 1. Unidentified Wiki: Salem County John Doe (1979) ) 2. NamUS: Unidentified Person/NamUS #UP1526 3. June 3, 1979, Press of Atlantic City (New Jersey): “Shotgun Murder is Probed” 4. June 15, 1979: Courier-Post (Camden, New Jersey): “Police request help to identify victim” 5. June 22, 1979, Press of Atlantic City (New Jersey): “ID on Body Of Slain Man Sought” 6. Ramapo College of New Jersey: Cases in Progress
submitted by IGG_Center_Ramapo to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:30 Admirable-Smoke3031 Boston Tea Party in Atlanta Tin Foil. Licked the Frog.

TLDR: The Atlanta Braves baseball team is the only publicly traded baseball team. DFV just posted a picture that was already tweeted by Gamestop, difference being he drew some Red Socks on the image. The Braves played the Red Sox last Tuesday and Wednesday, which led me down an incredible rabbit hole.
I am not a smart man. Just a man, who thinks too much. Even now, I should be getting my last minute Mother’s day gifts together but this won’t leave my brain. Neil Gaiman’s “American God’s” sits unfinished on my dresser but weighs heavily on my mind. This movement feels like the New God’s fighting the Old Gods. Operating software being forcefully updated to keep up with growing technology. It’s still big business and time is money.
Wednesday, Odin’s day of magic, The Braves played the Boston Red Sox and won 5-0 but there was an ill feeling in the air as the message above was broadcast on all the tv’s in the stadium including the big screen over centerfield and for those of us watching from home. Feels like a message was being sent but something caught my eye in the very first sentence. “Bankruptcy”, Cohencidence #1. I started asking myself questions and the most important was, “Who, own’s Bally network?”. The Sinclair Group and Allen Media Group.
The Sinclair Group wasn’t really eye catching for me until I saw Dr. Ben Carson is on the board of directors. Cohencidence #2 as he’s close to Trump, who’s potentially part of this new entity being created. I could taste the tin foil slowly twisting my brain like a hamster named Algernon running non-stop on a hamster wheel, while high thinking “why am I running?”. I click on the about page and see this:
Our Values
Love What You Do
Be inspirational
Be communicative
Be part of something important
Make a difference
Live What You Do
Be a person of integrity
Be customer focused
Be transparent
Drive results
Embrace What You Do
Be forward thinking
Be adaptive
Be a strategic thinker
Challenge the status quo
This really opened my eyes as it reminded me of GameStop’s motto:
Power to the Players (Love What You Do)
Power to the Creators (Live What You Do)
Power to the Collectors (Embrace What You Do)
I click on Interactivity and see that they have a NFT Marketplace. This message pops up:
“Through Sinclair’s OWNMINE store, NFTs and physical goods can be purchased on Shopify, with no digital currency required.”
Shopify? They work very closely with Flexport, who’s potentially handling the new companies shipping. Shopify also has a commercial that has a neon rocket blasting off on the wall and ice cream. Cohencidences #3.
Allen Media Group is owned by Byron Allen. Yes, the owner of The Weather Channel. Byron, successfully sued AT&T, Comcast and Charter Communications seperately in a Racial Discrimination Lawsuit that went all the way to the Supreme Court for the Comcast case.
I overheard a Braves Fan say “the owner’s of Bally Sports Network don’t like CNN”. Why? Who own’s CNN?
Warner Bros. Discovery and they own all the good entertainment shows. HBO, Cartoon Network, TNT, TBS, etc.
Here’s an article from January 25, 2024 talking about Comcast potentially merging with Warner Brother’s Discovery. The CEO of Comcast denies of course but the owners of Warner have made it known that everything is up for sale. America’s for sale. The way this country has been run economically has got everybody’s money “fucked up” and people are pissed. Which is hard to fathom, when it comes to people who have way more money than the combined generational wealth accumulated by your family.
One such man is Ted Turner. Like Ryan Cohen, he learned lessons from his father, who built a successful billboard company. He started off with CNN before turning into a media mogul and then he bought, The Atlanta Braves. He managed the team for one day May 11, 1977. He owned all of Atlanta’s sports teams at one time. Time Warner would eventually sell off the teams. He’s been through economic downturn before as he watched the company he built be sold off after making decisions to merge with Time Warner in the 90’s and AOL-Time Warner in 2001. It’s estimated the deals cost him 7 Billion dollars. I wonder who advised him.
Ted is a philanthropist. At one time Ted was the largest private landowner in the United States until John C. Malone surpassed him in 2011. Ted brought Buffalo back from dwindling numbers. What once was 30k now boasts numbers well over 400k. He knows how to take things, create something new and make them grow. He’s a 2013 recipient of the Lone Sailor Award, given to Sea Service veterans, who have excelled with distinction in their respective careers during or after their service. Another recipient of this award, President Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of the millennia in 2000. Cohencidence # 4
My acting teacher often said “There are two types of people. Creators and takers.” There has to be balance otherwise there’s not enough to go around.
Still, the question remains, who would buy Warner Bros?
I wonder who would be interested? Jeff Bezos, nope he has a “small” position in Diamond Media Group, a subsidiary of the previously mentioned Sinclair Group, who runs Bally Sports. Is he hedging a Bet on a company going through bankruptcy?
What does Comcast have to do with this? Comcast/NBC Universal has headquarters at The Battery, where the Braves Play. A friend, of my friend, is my friend. Right?
Lets zoom out:
Well, that’s weird. These two neighbors can’t get along. In fact Comcast responded to Bally Sport’s message with their own:
"Bally Sports chose not to exercise a right to extend their contract and they declined multiple offers so now we no longer have the rights to their programming," Comcast said in a statement to the News earlier this week”- Per the Detroit press.
That statement sounds an awful lot like someone chose to turn the buy button off. Like they’re making a point. But why point to Comcast? What do they own?
Comcast owns NewsCorp and so much more.
It doesn’t get interesting until you scroll down to “Former Assets-Divested” under Warner Brothers Discovery.
Five bullet points down you’ll see the Atlanta Braves:
With renewed vigor, I keep going.
Who the hell is Liberty Media? Why were the Braves transferred and not sold?
John C. Malone started Liberty media and he’s been dubbed “Darth Vader” in business dealings, allegedly by Al Gore. Makes that Dumb Storm Troopers line hit differently from RC. Malone and Ted Turner are really good friends with similar ideals. Malone has said “I would never step on his toes” for the sake of business. Both have a contentious relationship with media mogul Rupert Murdoch, founder of News Corp. Ted and Rupert have beef from a boating incident and of course John has his good friends back. So, much so, that he starts buying up shares of News Corp. I keep searching until I find these two paragraphs on Liberty’s Wiki page:
[“In June 2002, Liberty Media acquired Wink Communications, a maker of set-top boxes founded by Brian P. Dougherty (of GEOS) fame), for $100 million.[33] Liberty Media subsequently spent $5 billion on nine German regional cable networks. Apart from television distribution it held major interests in other groups. For example, it was the largest shareholder in News Corporation (though the founding Murdoch family owns more voting shares), and had a 4% stake in Time Warner. In June 2005, Liberty Media International combined with UnitedGlobalCom, creating Liberty Global. In May 2006, Time Warner acquired Liberty Media's 50% stake in Court TV, for $735 million.[34] On May 16, 2006, IDT sold its IDT Entertainment division to Liberty Media "for all of Liberty Media's interests in IDT, $186 million in cash and the assumption of existing indebtedness". IDT Entertainment's assets and Starz Entertainment Group's line of premium television channels combined to produce content for all distribution platforms, and IDT Entertainment was later renamed as Starz Media.[35][36]
Liberty negotiated an asset swap with News Corp. and Time Warner that would give it control of DirecTV and the Atlanta Braves baseball team.[37] On February 12, 2007, the deal was completed with Time Warner wherein Liberty would receive the Atlanta Braves and a group of craft magazines, along with $1 billion in cash in exchange for 60 million shares of Time Warner stock (valued at $1.27 billion as of market close on February 12, 2007).[38] The deal was approved by Major League Baseballand then completed on May 16, 2007.[39] On February 20, 2008, the Federal Communications Commission approved the exchange of 16.3% of News Corp. for 38.4% of DirecTV, an $11 billion deal that also gave Liberty sports networks in Denver, Pittsburgh and Seattle plus $550 million in cash.[40]”]
Did you catch that Honey Nut Cheerio??
February 12, 2007 The deal was done for the Braves but wasn’t completed until May 16, 2007, once approved by the MLB.
This article published April 3, 2007 talks about the asset swap but makes no mention of the Braves as an asset but it does talk about Murdoch:
Why did it take MLB so long to approve the sale?
You know who else has a problem with Comcast other than Allen Media Group?
Thanks to Edwin Barnes it all begins to make sense. He was the first to mention the connection to Trump and $DJT, which allowed me to question everything. He often says MGGA=MAGA, which does nothing to reinforce what I’m trying to drive home until I realize, The Atlanta Braves were once, The Boston Braves.
“The Boston Braves were a Major League Baseball club that originated in Boston, Massachusetts, and played from 1871 to 1952. Afterwards they moved to Milwaukee (and became the Milwaukee Braves). Then in 1966 they were relocated to Atlanta, where they were renamed the Atlanta Braves.\5])
During its 82-year stay in Massachusetts, the franchise was known by various nicknames, including the Red Stockings, Red Caps, Rustlers, Bees, and "Braves”.”
Red Stockings, Red Caps. What about Red Coats? Thus sparking a whole new dig.
“The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts. The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. The Sons of Liberty strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. In response, the Sons of Liberty, some disguised as Native Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.
“Foley, sees the Tea Party as a movement of principles over politics. She identifies three “core principles” of American constitutional law that bind the decentralized, wide-ranging movement: limited government, unapologetic U. S. Sovereignty, and constitutional originalism.
Liberty Media Group makes more sense now. But why? What are they up to?
ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Liberty Media Corporation (“Liberty Media”) (Nasdaq: LSXMA, LSXMB, LSXMK, FWONA, FWONK) announced that it completed the split-off (the “Split-Off”) of Atlanta Braves Holdings, Inc. (“Atlanta Braves Holdings”) (Nasdaq: BATRA, BATRK) at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, today. As a result, Liberty Media and Atlanta Braves Holdings are now separate publicly traded companies. Atlanta Braves Holdings Series A common stock and Series C common stock will begin trading on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 on the Nasdaq Stock Market, under the symbols “BATRA” and “BATRK”, respectively. Atlanta Braves Holdings Series B common stock will be quoted on the OTC Markets under the symbol “BATRB.”
Liberty Media’s Liberty SiriusXM common stock and Liberty Formula One common stock will continue trading following the Split-Off until the completion of its previously announced reclassification of its existing common stock and the creation of the new Liberty Live common stock on August 3, 2023 after market close (the “Reclassification”). For additional details regarding the Reclassification, please see the press release issued by Liberty Media earlier today, July 18, 2023.
Once you start down this path you can’t unsee it. I feel like Charlie from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia pointing to the map meme. Once again, Why Atlanta? It’s the same thing I thought when the PP seeds show came to town. The same thing I thought when I saw Trump on TV at my local gym while walking thoughtlessly on the treadmill for a nice warmup. The tv next to him is showing an image from the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s, whose theme this year is “Alice In Wonderland”. Follow the white rabbit indeed. The exhibit is from May 11- September 15.
Yes, Atlanta is the busiest airport in the world. Yes, Atlanta Is becoming the Hollywood of the South. But Why Atlanta? The answer comes to me as I turn around:
Remember 84 years ago when GameStop was shipping Diet Coke along with packages. I’m reminded of Quincy, Florida, a small town that at one time had the most millionaires per capita because of Coca-Cola. Whose home is Atlanta, Georgia. Also, founded in Atlanta on May 8, Odin’s Day 1886.
But why did they choose The Braves? I mean I’m sure the Yankees are worth more. I look on Fidelity and I can’t find them. What about the Los Angeles Dodgers? Can’t find them either. I google how many baseball teams are publicly traded? The Braves. Just the Braves. It’s the WuTang Album dividend all over again. We did it!!!!
I truly know what it means to be a “GMErican”. I look forward to doing my part in making this country great again.
Last question: Why the bread crumbs? Because the people are needed. Yes, you and me. Progressive thinkers who can make shit happen and aren’t afraid to take a chance on something new. Whether, your ancestors were born here, immigrated here or forcefully brought here, were all here and have the opportunity to take advantage of this once in a generational opportunity.
The Braves won 5-0. The number 5 represents the center point which unifies these four extremes.
1 - Unity
2 - Dualism and multiplicity
3 - The unity between two extremes
4 - Multiplicity in two directions, like the cardinal directions.
Someone asked “What song would you play when you knew it was done?” Here’s another cohencidence for you, on May 8, Odin’s day, 1970 the Beatles released the album “Let it Be”. From Wiki:
“Concerned about recent friction within the band, Paul McCartney had conceived the project as an attempt to reinvigorate the group by returning to simpler rock ’n’ roll configurations.” Sounds a lot like trying to make something great again.
I think I’ll do the same while vibing to the albums single “Let It Be”.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!!
Updates as I edit:
This was published the morning after the Braves game and you know what they say, once it hits the news it’s already too late.
Allen Media Group has made several bids to purchase Paramount, which means they’re for sale:
Another cohencidence, I stopped counting LOL. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a bunch of companies going through bankruptcy that will soon emerge better for us all.
P.S. - If I made you smile and you want to make a donation to this struggling artist please DM me because rent is past due and if you think I need to pull myself up by the boot straps ill be slanging drinks all day Monday and Tuesday for Burn By Rocky Patel, at the Battery, where the Atlanta Braves play.
P.P.S. I think we go this week. No way I find this without them being ready.
Thank You For Reading.
Thank You to my loved ones, who put up with me wile I worked through this.
Sinclair Group:
Sinclair Group Sale:
Ownmine NFT Marketplace:
Allen Media Group Wiki:
Own Mine
Liberty Wiki:
Liberty asset swap:
Boston Tea Party:
Boston Braves:
Warner Bros:
Hollywood Reporter:
submitted by Admirable-Smoke3031 to edwinbarnesc [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:53 Puzzleheaded-Ad2186 Stop thinking that Mobile version is not P2W. DEVS PAY ATTENTION TO THIS.

If two people play 100 matches. Player A uses irl money. Player B doesn't.
Both players have exact same stats. Same survival rate. Ex: 50%
So. let's say, for the sake of the example, both loot 200k in average per raid.
Player A survives 50 matches where he wins 200k. That's 10M.
Player B survives 50 matches where he wins 200k. That's 10M.
Player A died 50 matches, but he was capable of using safe container to storage specific items. (Bullets, Golden necklace, quest items.
How much % that would be? Right now in PC version 120 PP 5.45 bullets are 21k, let's say he manages to save just his x2 60 stacks for PP ammo. He saved 21.000x50 = 1.050.000 Now let's remember that there are 2x1 / 2x2 / 2x3 containers, which increase even more the economy difference.
Conclusion: Player A has now 1M more than Player B in exactly same circumstances, and I'm being really "soft" about how much more money you can save with your secure container. Probably is x5 because i used PP ammo as an example instead of actually T6 ammo. That goes for 10x higher.
So Player A at worst has 1M extra every 100 raids, while Player B needs to spend 1M extra just to keep up with Player A. Which translates to more time trying to farm money, instead of going to Armory or meta places.
Now what happens if Player A also likes to spend every week 100USD? He probably is going 5 raids with FULL T6 kit, while Player B needs to spend time farming money. If they engage under those circumstances, who do you think is going to win? Out of 10 engagements, who will prevail? We said they were exactly the same in stats, so probably the person with the better equipment.
I know Get Gud you can go SMG dum dum and spam legs, what about Long distance battles? Are you also going to spam SMG leg meta from that distance :D?
Economy means = better equipment, better sights, better heals, better everything. Real life teach us that technology is the most important factor to survive in a war. People that spend IRL money have the better chances of surviving.
Don't lie to yourself. AB Mobile is PAY TO WIN.
Now let's try to make some noise, so PC version is not THE SAME.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Ad2186 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:39 gssxrr H: poor image W: fsa mask

H: poor image W: fsa mask submitted by gssxrr to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:50 Soctopi My review/ranking of all the Uncrank'd Game Jam games

I decided to play all the Uncrank’d Game Jam games and give them a personal ranking. I just want to say that all of the submissions are impressive for such a short window of time, and I don’t want to make it seem like I’m ragging on any of these by placing them low on this list. I have something positive to say about all of them, and I think everyone who submitted something should be proud. All the games are free on (possibly with a suggested donation), so I encourage you to check them all out on your own (but maybe not crammed into a two day period like I did).
Note: I didn’t include “Thought Bubble” because I couldn’t get it to run.
26) Torpedo Trouble - A game where you use the crank to control a boat and avoid incoming torpedoes. The controls work well and the graphics look nice, but I soon found that you could just point the ship downwards and none of the torpedoes could ever catch me. So, needs some fine tuning.
25) Blown Away - A pretty simple flappy-birdian game where you crank to keep your airplane up. It’s very difficult. I appreciated the idea of blowing into the microphone to give speed (very Cooking Mama), but I was never able to get it to work. I think the placement of the mic on the playdate just makes that very awkward? Shield Arena also used that mechanic as pretty much the Start Button, so then it was easy enough to turn the playdate and blow into it and then turn it back as the game was starting. Pressing A works instead of blowing, but you unfortunately lose the illusion of blowing onto your paper airplane when doing it that way.
24) Obol Trobol - Full credit to the dev for making a game that uses the accelerometer. It’s a pretty uncommonly used feature based on what I’ve played on the system. The game itself was a bit confusing to get the hang of, although I did eventually have one decent run. Not a lot there after one or two runs, but I did like the premise of tricking Charon in order to ferry souls.
23) Safety Diver - You drive around a little submersible and try to collect circles while avoiding blocks. You score points when you return circles to the surface, and the game ends if you ever return to the surface without any (also you lose all circles when you hit a block. Actually now that I write it out this is very “Sonic the Hedgehog” and I should probably be calling them rings). The controls and physics are both solid, and could be the baseline for a fun game from the dev in the future. There’s not a lot to the gameplay here though, and I felt like I pretty much had it down in a few minutes.
22) Cloudly Aware - A metroidvania style game (I’m guessing made in pulp) where you are a depressed man exploring the clouds. Eventually you get tools that let you traverse new areas. I like the overall vibes, but I did struggle to know when things would injure me or not (there were some sections where it was impossible not to hit lighting… and sometimes I would lose health and sometimes not), and using the propellor hat was weird because there was no visual cue for when you were using it.
21) Cooking for Crabtopia - A short little (pulp, I’m guessing?) game where you help your crab friends make a soup. There are a few different mini-games to collect the various ingredients. It only takes about 5 minutes, but it made me smile.
20) Rorschach - A funky little tool that lets you draw your own symmetrical ink blots using either the D-Pad or tilt controls. Wasn’t much there for me, but might be worth it for the more artistically gifted out there. If nothing else it can lend some inspiration for cool things you can make with the system.
19) Number One Fan - A puzzle platformer where you move a balloon around with multiple fans throughout a room. Works pretty well, but I got stuck on the second level and eventually gave up. Maybe my own fault, but that’s where we are. Also I got unreasonably mad at the fact that if the balloon’s string touches a spike the whole balloon pops. That’s not the relationship between string and balloon! Sorry. It’s a fun concept.
18) House - One of two games in this jam about a ghost solving a mystery. Weird. This one is a bit buggy (when you get the broken necklace it multiplies endlessly in your inventory) and I’m not sure if I actually finished it or not (I submitted a solution and the house just started shaking a lot, and I was unable to try solving again), but there was a lot of effort put into it and I do enjoy an adventure game.
17) Pappyshow - You control a man who is being mirrored and livestreaming it. You move and rotate him and his bodyparts to create various monstrous visions. There’s some element of gameplay here where your number of viewers goes up and down based on what you’re making him do, but I never quite figured out how that worked. Mostly it’s just a fun little kaleidoscope style toy, and the graphics are quite nice, but it only kept my attention for a few minutes. The game’s store page shows Pappy wearing a wig at one point, so it’s possible there’s a bit more depth in this game than I was able to find.
16) Masterworks Inc. - A very cool idea where you use the crank to draw a line and you have to try to match what is being drawn by the AI on the other side of the screen. Not a lot there and I was done with it in a few minutes, but a solid base concept. I was very bad at it. I did three play-throughs and never got out of the 300s.
15) Floaty McFloatface - Really only kept my attention for a few minutes, but the art was very nice. The controls are simple but also purposefully imprecise (I think?). I can see some people getting really into seeing how long they can stay afloat.
14) Reflektor Jam - Looks nice and the gameplay of rotating mirrors to redirect lasers was kind of fun. Maybe better suited to level based puzzles instead of the time attack type game that is here, but fun for a few minutes. I popped 30 balloons.
13) Lake Hero - Plenty of levels on this one if you enjoy the gameplay. It’s a simple “collect objects and don’t hit obstacles” kind of game. Could definitely be fleshed out into a fun game with some more time, but it is one of the few games here I didn’t finish because I eventually got frustrated.
12) Boatload - A claw-game style game where you pick up moving boxes and place them on moving ships. Drop three boxes and the game ends. The controls and gameplay on this felt very clean. Feels like it could be a mini-game within a larger game as-is. Adding some elements to add variety and difficulty, and maybe some levels instead of just a score-attack, could give this potential to be a full fledged game.
11) One Man Threat Ops - A top down shooter where you complete various single screen stages. I like that there was a variety in the objectives so each stage didn’t feel repetitive. I also like the idea of the two gun types, but in reality I couldn’t really get the bouncing or wall-floating-over mechanics to matter since the enemies moved so fast and usually only spawned when they were in your sight lines. Also the controls are pretty rough. The fact that B is move and A is shoot means that you can’t really shoot and move at the same time. That might be intentional, but I found it pretty frustrating.
10) Shield Arena - A pretty fun little game; sort of an inverse twin stick shooter where you move a shield with the crank to deflect bullets. Rough around the edges, but a lot of potential if the dev decides to keep working on it.
9) Montgolfier Test Flight - Very simple one-button style game, but the music and graphics are both beautiful and it feels responsive and snappy. Reminds me of a lot of flash games I burned many hours on in my youth (Dino Run, Rainbow Unicorn Attack, etc).
8) Siege of Syracuse - A classic defend the castle style game that also reminds me of a bunch of old flash games. You use the crank to direct a beam which burns and sinks ships as they come in. It’s a wave based system, and you choose upgrades between waves and try to survive through wave 7. Pretty short and nothing revolutionary, but solid and fun for 15-20 minutes. Also there’s a sweet intro narrated by Bruce Campbell (or maybe William Shatner?).
7) Prop of the Class - Maybe the most “complete” feeling game in the jam, with an opening cutscene, a cutscene for the tutorial, multiple save states, a name input screen, etc. Also plenty of levels if you’re into the gameplay. I made it about 15 levels in, but got a bit tired with it. If you like “lander” style games there could be a lot here for you.
6) Dragon Flagon - A cozy little game with impressive production values for such a short window. I didn’t find much to bring me back after one playthrough, but I’d be very interested in seeing more from this dev (after writing this I looked up the Dev and realized they made Reelistic Fishing, which was already my favorite game on the platform. Makes sense).
5) The Crystal Bay - There have been a few 3D style games on the system, but it’s very impressive to see one made so quickly. Took me a bit to figure out what I was doing, but I did eventually have a nice time exploring the map and finding those crystals.
4) Duck Game - Short, but a ton of work must have gone into this in such a brief window. The gameplay is really just experimenting with the number of ducks you can get to follow you to see all the endings (also just swimming around in order to see all the funny dialogue from the people standing in the pond, or listening to all the quack based parody songs). Kind of lovely.
3) Life’s too Short: On Reflection - I’m a sucker for bite-sized adventure games. This one is charming and very wholesome. I never played the original, but I’m going to make a point of it now. Was this made in pulp?
2) Jelly Float - A decidedly nifty little game. You use the crank to rotate a fish around a jellyfish, and then use B to blow the Jelly in the right direction without hitting walls or obstacles. There’s a sizable maze here, and I think I spent about a half hour with the game (there’s a timer at the end when you get the jelly back to its family, but I think that might have been off, or maybe reset when I hit the depths)? There are some genuinely difficult sections, but with enough checkpoints to never get into rage-game territory (not that that would be a bad thing).
1) Quack Magic - Probably the game here I would be most interested in seeing fleshed out into a full release. The gameplay is immediately rewarding and it looks great. There’s only a few levels and it finishes just as the puzzles are starting to get a bit challenging, but being left wanting more is pretty good for a game made in a few days.
submitted by Soctopi to PlaydateConsole [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:42 Admirable-Smoke3031 Boston Tea Party in Atlanta Tin Foil. Licked the frog.

TLDR: The Atlanta Braves baseball team is the only publicly traded baseball team.
I am not a smart man. Just a man, who thinks too much. Even now, I should be getting my last minute Mother’s day gifts together but this won’t leave my brain. Neil Gaiman’s “American God’s” sits unfinished on my dresser but weighs heavily on my mind. This movement feels like the New God’s fighting the Old Gods. Operating software being forcefully updated to keep up with growing technology. It’s still big business and time is money.
Wednesday, Odin’s day of magic, The Braves played the Boston Red Sox and won 5-0 but there was an ill feeling in the air as this message was broadcast on all the tv’s in the stadium including the big screen over centerfield and for those of us watching from home:
" Bally Sport is no longer available. The owner of Bally Sports is in bankruptcy proceedings and we have offered them multiple options to continue carrying their networks. They have declined each one and we no longer have the rights to continue carrying their content. As a result, we'll be issuing proactive monthly credits to customers for the loss of this network."
That statement sounds an awful lot like someone chose to turn the buy button off. Feels like a message was being sent but something caught my eye in the very first sentence. “Bankruptcy”, Cohencidence #1. I started asking myself questions and the most important was, “Who, own’s Bally network?”. The Sinclair Group and Allen Media Group.
The Sinclair Group wasn’t really eye catching for me until I saw Dr. Ben Carson is on the board of directors. Cohencidence #2 as he’s close to Trump, who’s potentially part of this new entity being created. I could taste the tin foil slowly twisting my brain like a hamster named Algernon running non-stop on a hamster wheel, while high thinking “why am I running?”. I click on the about page and see this:
Our Values
Love What You Do
Be inspirational
Be communicative
Be part of something important
Make a difference
Live What You Do
Be a person of integrity
Be customer focused
Be transparent
Drive results
Embrace What You Do
Be forward thinking
Be adaptive
Be a strategic thinker
Challenge the status quo
This really opened my eyes as it reminded me of GameStop’s motto:
Power to the Players (Love What You Do)
Power to the Creators (Live What You Do)
Power to the Collectors (Embrace What You Do)
I click on Interactivity and see that they have a NFT Marketplace. This message pops up:
“Through Sinclair’s OWNMINE store, NFTs and physical goods can be purchased on Shopify, with no digital currency required.”
Shopify? They work very closely with Flexport, who’s potentially handling the new companies shipping (Teddy). Shopify also has a commercial that has a neon rocket blasting off on the wall and ice cream. Cohencidences #3.
Allen Media Group is owned by Byron Allen. Yes, the owner of The Weather Channel. Byron, successfully sued AT&T, Comcast and Charter Communications seperately in a Racial Discrimination Lawsuit that went all the way to the Supreme Court for the Comcast case.
I overheard a Braves Fan say “the owner’s of Bally Sports Network don’t like CNN”. Why? Who own’s CNN?
Warner Bros. Discovery and they own all the good entertainment shows. HBO, Cartoon Network, TNT, TBS, etc.
Here’s an article from January 25, 2024 talking about Comcast potentially merging with Warner Brother’s Discovery. The CEO of Comcast denies of course but the owners of Warner have made it known that everything is up for sale. America’s for sale. The way this country has been run economically has got everybody’s money “fucked up” and people are pissed. Which is hard to fathom, when it comes to people who have way more money than the combined generational wealth accumulated by your entire family.
One such man is Ted Turner. Like Ryan Cohen, he learned lessons from his father, who built a successful billboard company. He started off with CNN before turning into a media mogul and then he bought, The Atlanta Braves. He managed the team for one day, May 11, 1977. He owned all of Atlanta’s sports teams at one time. Time Warner would eventually sell off the teams. He’s been through economic downturn before as he watched the company he built be sold off after making decisions to merge with Time Warner in the 90’s and AOL-Time Warner in 2001, which resulted in him losing the majority vote to the board. It’s estimated the deals cost him 7 Billion dollars. I wonder who advised him.
Ted is a philanthropist. At one time Ted was the largest private landowner in the United States until John C. Malone surpassed him in 2011. Ted brought Buffalo back from dwindling numbers. What once was 30k now boasts numbers well over 400k. He knows how to take things, create something new and make them grow. He’s a 2013 recipient of the Lone Sailor Award, given to Sea Service veterans, who have excelled with distinction in their respective careers during or after their service. Another recipient of this award, President Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of the millennia in 2000. Cohencidence # 4
My acting teacher often said “There are two types of people. Creators and takers.” There has to be balance otherwise there’s not enough to go around.
Still, the question remains, who would buy Warner Bros?
I wonder who would be interested? Jeff Bezos, nope he has a “small” position in Diamond Media Group, a subsidiary of the previously mentioned Sinclair Group, who runs Bally Sports. Is he hedging a Bet on a company going through bankruptcy?
What does Comcast have to do with this? Comcast/NBC Universal/xfinity has headquarters at The Battery, where the Braves Play. A friend, of my friend, is my friend. Right? Well, that’s weird because these friends can’t get along.
But why point to Comcast? What do they own?
Comcast owns NewsCorp and so much more.
I started looking through the investments of Warner Bros and Comcast. It doesn’t get interesting until you scroll down to “Former Assets-Divested” under Warner Brothers Discovery.
Five bullet points down you’ll see the Atlanta Braves.
With renewed vigor, I keep going. Who the hell is Liberty Media? Why were the Braves transferred and not sold?
John C. Malone started Liberty media and he’s been dubbed “Darth Vader” in business dealings, allegedly by Al Gore. Makes that Dumb Storm Troopers line hit differently from RC. Malone and Ted Turner are really good friends with similar ideals. Malone has said “I would never step on his toes” for the sake of business. Both have a contentious relationship with media mogul Rupert Murdoch, founder of News Corp. Ted and Rupert have beef from a boating incident and of course John has his good friends back. So, much so, that he starts buying up shares of News Corp. I keep searching until I find these two paragraphs on Liberty’s Wiki page:
[“In June 2002, Liberty Media acquired Wink Communications, a maker of set-top boxes founded by Brian P. Dougherty (of GEOS) fame), for $100 million.[33] Liberty Media subsequently spent $5 billion on nine German regional cable networks. Apart from television distribution it held major interests in other groups. For example, it was the largest shareholder in News Corporation (though the founding Murdoch family owns more voting shares), and had a 4% stake in Time Warner. In June 2005, Liberty Media International combined with UnitedGlobalCom, creating Liberty Global. In May 2006, Time Warner acquired Liberty Media's 50% stake in Court TV, for $735 million.[34] On May 16, 2006, IDT sold its IDT Entertainment division to Liberty Media "for all of Liberty Media's interests in IDT, $186 million in cash and the assumption of existing indebtedness". IDT Entertainment's assets and Starz Entertainment Group's line of premium television channels combined to produce content for all distribution platforms, and IDT Entertainment was later renamed as Starz Media.[35][36]
Liberty negotiated an asset swap with News Corp. and Time Warner that would give it control of DirecTV and the Atlanta Braves baseball team.[37] On February 12, 2007, the deal was completed with Time Warner wherein Liberty would receive the Atlanta Braves and a group of craft magazines, along with $1 billion in cash in exchange for 60 million shares of Time Warner stock (valued at $1.27 billion as of market close on February 12, 2007).[38] The deal was approved by Major League Baseball and then completed on May 16, 2007.[39] On February 20, 2008, the Federal Communications Commission approved the exchange of 16.3% of News Corp. for 38.4% of DirecTV, an $11 billion deal that also gave Liberty sports networks in Denver, Pittsburgh and Seattle plus $550 million in cash.[40]”]
Did you catch that Honey Nut Cheerio??
February 12, 2007 The deal was done for the Braves but wasn’t completed until May 16, 2007, once approved by the MLB.
This article published April 3, 2007 talks about the asset swap but makes no mention of the Braves as an asset but it does talk about Murdoch:
Why did it take MLB so long to approve the sale?
You know who else has a problem with Comcast other than Allen Media Group?
Thanks to Edwin Barnes it all begins to make sense. He was the first to mention the connection to Trump and $DJT, which allowed me to question everything. He often says MGGA=MAGA, which does nothing to reinforce what I’m trying to drive home until I realize, The Atlanta Braves were once, The Boston Braves.
“The Boston Braves were a Major League Baseball club that originated in Boston, Massachusetts, and played from 1871 to 1952. Afterwards they moved to Milwaukee (and became the Milwaukee Braves). Then in 1966 they were relocated to Atlanta, where they were renamed the Atlanta Braves.\5])
During its 82-year stay in Massachusetts, the franchise was known by various nicknames, including the Red Stockings, Red Caps, Rustlers, Bees, and "Braves”.”
Red Stockings, Red Caps. What about Red Coats? Thus sparking a whole new dig.
“The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts. The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. The Sons of Liberty strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. In response, the Sons of Liberty, some disguised as Native Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.
“Foley, sees the Tea Party as a movement of principles over politics. She identifies three “core principles” of American constitutional law that bind the decentralized, wide-ranging movement: limited government, unapologetic U. S. Sovereignty, and constitutional originalism.
Liberty Media Group makes more sense now. But why? What are they up to?
ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Liberty Media Corporation (“Liberty Media”) (Nasdaq: LSXMA, LSXMB, LSXMK, FWONA, FWONK) announced that it completed the split-off (the “Split-Off”) of Atlanta Braves Holdings, Inc. (“Atlanta Braves Holdings”) (Nasdaq: BATRA, BATRK) at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, today. As a result, Liberty Media and Atlanta Braves Holdings are now separate publicly traded companies. Atlanta Braves Holdings Series A common stock and Series C common stock will begin trading on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 on the Nasdaq Stock Market, under the symbols “BATRA” and “BATRK”, respectively. Atlanta Braves Holdings Series B common stock will be quoted on the OTC Markets under the symbol “BATRB.”
Liberty Media’s Liberty SiriusXM common stock and Liberty Formula One common stock will continue trading following the Split-Off until the completion of its previously announced reclassification of its existing common stock and the creation of the new Liberty Live common stock on August 3, 2023 after market close (the “Reclassification”). For additional details regarding the Reclassification, please see the press release issued by Liberty Media earlier today, July 18, 2023.
Once you start down this path you can’t unsee it. I feel like Charlie from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia pointing to the map meme. Once again, Why Atlanta? It’s the same thing I thought when the PP seeds show came to town. The same thing I thought when I saw Trump on TV at my local gym while walking thoughtlessly on the treadmill for a nice warmup. The tv next to him is showing an image from the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s, whose theme this year is “Alice In Wonderland”. Follow the white rabbit indeed. The exhibit is from May 11- September 15.
Yes, Atlanta is the busiest airport in the world. Yes, Atlanta Is becoming the Hollywood of the South. But Why Atlanta? The answer comes to me as I turn around:
Remember 84 years ago when GameStop was shipping Diet Coke along with packages. I’m reminded of Quincy, Florida, a small town that at one time had the most millionaires per capita because of Coca-Cola. Whose home is Atlanta, Georgia. Also, founded in Atlanta on May 8, Odin’s Day 1886.
But why did they choose The Braves? I mean I’m sure the Yankees are worth more. I look on Fidelity and I can’t find them. What about the Los Angeles Dodgers? Can’t find them either. I google how many baseball teams are publicly traded? The Braves. Just the Braves. It’s the WuTang Album dividend all over again. We did it!!!!
I truly know what it means to be a “GMErican”. I look forward to doing my part in making this country great again.
Last question: Why the bread crumbs? Because the people are needed. Yes, you and me. Progressive thinkers who can make shit happen and aren’t afraid to take a chance on something new. Whether, your ancestors were born here, immigrated here or forcefully brought here, were all here and have the opportunity to take advantage of this once in a generational opportunity.
The Braves won 5-0. The number 5 represents the center point which unifies these four extremes.
1 - Unity
2 - Dualism and multiplicity
3 - The unity between two extremes
4 - Multiplicity in two directions, like the cardinal directions.
Someone asked “What song would you play when you knew it was done?” Here’s another cohencidence for you, on May 8, Odin’s day, 1970 the Beatles released the album “Let it Be”. From Wiki:
“Concerned about recent friction within the band, Paul McCartney had conceived the project as an attempt to reinvigorate the group by returning to simpler rock ’n’ roll configurations.” Sounds a lot like trying to make something great again.
I think I’ll do the same while vibing to the albums single “Let It Be”.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!!
Updates as I edit:
This was published the morning after the Braves game and you know what they say, once it hits the news it’s already too late.
Allen Media Group has made several bids to purchase Paramount, which means they’re for sale:
Another cohencidence, I stopped counting LOL. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a bunch of companies going through bankruptcy that will soon emerge better for us all.
P.P.S. I think we go this week. No way I find this without them being ready.
Thank You For Reading.
Thank You to my loved ones, who put up with me wile I worked through this.
Sinclair Group:
Sinclair Group Sale:
Ownmine NFT Marketplace:
Allen Media Group Wiki:
Own Mine
Liberty Wiki:
Liberty asset swap:
Boston Tea Party:
Boston Braves:
Warner Bros:
Hollywood Reporter:
submitted by Admirable-Smoke3031 to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:07 Midwheat Everyone has a drug problem in my hometown

Kinda sucks. Really good people that i grew up with seemed to have gone through some period of addiction. I went out to the bars last night and caught up with people. Ima just bullet point this post cause im hungover and its easier:
-one time when i was visiting i approached a girl in the park cause she was cute. Upon getting closer, she had no teeth and told me all about getting clean from “weed.” She was younger than me . I did not bang her i sware
-a kid i went to high school with approached me at the gas station. He was homeless and seemed unstable. I was shocked and all i could do is look away and say im on my way out.
The town i grew up in is a rust belt industry town so i guess its par for the course. Just sad. Does anyone else experience this? I cant imagine this happens in PMC communities the same way.
Sorry for the bummer guys
submitted by Midwheat to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:47 PianistRight Continuing revising ID songs this fall / my updated revised discography

So, back in August 2022, I started revising ID songs, with only 2 breaks. The first one being from October-November 2022 because I wasn’t feeling motivated to make more revisions, and the second time after Christmas in 2022, when my current depression struggle that I’ve had for 17 months straight started happening, but I continued in January 2023, and my revisions temporarily concluded in February 2023 because everything was revised… but not for long!
Since Loom is releasing in June, I’m going to have some time to think through every chord and beat. So I added Season 8 and Season 9 for my revisions series. But since Loom is a short album, I didn’t want those seasons to feature just one album. So I decided to add the 2008 demos, Dan’s Twitch demos, my solo version of Sucker for Pain (using Dan’s voice using AI) and many more. Since I revised Curtain Call (in place of Clouds, since revising the 2010 version of it was hard), I’m going to add the 2008 version of Clouds to Night Visions. Some songs will be added to Evolve and Origins, Children of the Sky will be on my revised LOOM, and Dan’s Twitch demos I put into a new revised EP, serving as an interlude between Mercury - Act 1 and Act 2. Enough blabber, here’s the new discography for my revisions series
  1. Speak to Me
  2. Volume Drops
  3. Boots
  4. Pistol Whip
  5. Off to War
  6. The Pit
  7. Living Musical
  8. Bottle of Coke
  9. Clouds
  10. Curtain Call
  11. February
  12. Unseen
  1. I Need a Minute
  2. Uptight
  3. Cover Up
  4. Curse
  5. Drive
  6. Hole Inside Our Chests
  1. All Eyes
  2. I Don’t Mind
  3. Hear Me
  4. Selene
  5. Emma
  6. Easy
  1. It’s Time
  2. Amsterdam
  3. Tokyo
  4. The River
  5. Leave Me
  6. Pantomime
  7. Look How Far We’ve Come
  8. America
  9. Dolphins
  1. Radioactive
  2. Demons
  3. On Top of the World
  4. Round and Round
  5. It’s Time
  6. My Fault
  1. Radioactive
  2. Tiptoe
  3. It’s Time
  4. Demons
  5. On Top of the World
  6. Amsterdam
  7. Hear Me
  8. Every Night
  9. Bleeding Out
  10. Underdog
  11. Nothing Left to Say
  12. Rocks
  13. Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
  14. Working Man
  15. My Fault
  16. Round and Round
  17. The River
  18. America
  19. Selene
  20. Fallen
  21. Cover Up
  22. I Don’t Mind
  23. Tokyo
  24. Love of Mine
  25. Bubble
  26. Destination
  27. 30 Lives
  28. Darkness
  29. Curtain Call
  30. Clouds
  1. Shots
  2. Gold
  3. Smoke and Mirrors
  4. I’m So Sorry
  5. I Bet My Life
  6. Polaroid
  7. Friction
  8. It Comes Back to You
  9. Dream
  10. Trouble
  11. Summer
  12. Hopeless Opus
  13. The Fall
  14. Thief
  15. The Unknown
  16. Second Chances
  17. Release
  18. Warriors
  19. Battle Cry
  20. Monster
  21. Who We Are
  22. All for You
  23. Lost Cause
  24. Ready Aim Fire
  1. Next to Me
  2. I Don’t Know Why
  3. Whatever it Takes
  4. Believer
  5. Walking the Wire
  6. Rise Up
  7. I’ll Make it Up to You
  8. Yesterday
  9. Mouth of the River
  10. Thunder
  11. Start Over
  12. Dancing in the Dark
  13. Levitate
  14. Not Today
  15. Roots
  16. Sucker for Pain (Solo)
  17. I Was Me
  18. Skipping Stones
  1. Natural
  2. Boomerang
  3. Machine
  4. Cool Out
  5. Bad Liar
  6. West Coast
  7. Zero
  8. Bullet in A Gun
  9. Digital
  10. Only
  11. Stuck
  12. Love
  13. Birds
  14. Burn Out
  15. Real Life
  16. Born to Be Yours
  17. Heart Upon My Sleeve
  1. Enemy
  2. My Life
  3. Lonely
  4. Wrecked
  5. Monday
  6. #1
  7. Easy Come Easy Go
  8. Giants
  9. It’s Ok
  10. Dull Knives
  11. Follow You
  12. Cutthroat
  13. No Time for Toxic People
  14. One Day
  1. Take My Heart Away
  2. Speechless
  3. So Many Voices
  4. Man in The Moon
  5. Imagine Dragons (Ragged Insomnia)
  6. Hole in My Heart
  7. Caught Up in My Feelings
  1. Bones
  2. Symphony
  3. Sharks
  4. I Don’t Like Myself
  5. Blur
  6. Higher Ground
  7. Crushed
  8. Take it Easy
  9. Waves
  10. I’m Happy
  11. Ferris Wheel
  12. Peace of Mind
  13. Sirens
  14. Tied
  15. Younger
  16. I Wish
  17. Continual
  18. They Don’t Know You Like I Do
  1. Wake Up
  2. Nice to Meet You
  3. Eyes Closed
  4. Take Me to The Beach
  5. In Your Corner
  6. Gods Don’t Pray
  7. Don’t Forget Me
  8. Kid
  9. Fire in These Hills
  10. Children of the Sky
submitted by PianistRight to imaginedragons [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:31 CatherineL1031 My Immortal(ity) [Lorepost pt. 2, the next steps]

My Immortal(ity) [Lorepost pt. 2, the next steps]
My name is Raven Dementia Darkness- Haha, I'm just kidding everyone. Hello again!
You guys seemed to enjoy this last time, so, I'm back! If you didn't read my previous life dump, it's probably not hard to find on the Scrying Network, but that's up to you. Either way, I am Catherine Louise, Catgirl Witch. My previous post was very... vulnerable, is the only way I can describe it. The support was amazing, as expected of my Arcane Siblings, but this part will be more adventure and life focused.
As some asked, "Catherine, how can you say you're 682 years old? You look like you're not even thirty right now!" Well, you're right! I don't, for a very specific reason! I will explain the reason down below, but first I'd like to do a little build up about my life after my transitioning. So, strap in, get a snack or drink, and listen to an old witch ramble about her youth!
After my transitioning, I made it my goal to spread and hone my knowledge about the process I had done. Namely, I needed to find a way to make it more approachable, less demanding, and a fuck ton less painful. I didn't care about the pain, but those afflicted with this curse should not be forced to go through mountains of pain just to be happy in their lives. So, I decided to join the Shifter Council (I know, how disgusting! I was part of a council during a time in my life...).
My work on the council wasn't that bad, I will be honest. It allowed me to pursue and hone my research in exchange for my services and representation, definitely served its purpose at the time. Even better, I had some really talented individuals and extra sets of eyes to provide insight and catch mistakes. Overall, pretty good experience.
As the months went on, I had realized an unintentional side effect from my transformation as well. You see, I was now 52 years old at this point, but the perfect me I had pictured was the woman I wanted to be in my 20s, when I first learned all this happened. By complete accident, I had removed almost 30 years of age in my body, and now got to enjoy my youth again! Oh, and enjoy it, I did.
See, in my form lost to time, I had been very closed off to a lot of companionship. I had friends and buddies, people I could spent time with who supported and loved me, but I had never had anyone I was 'very close' to, if you catch my meaning. Well, I was in my early 20s again, a beautiful young woman with a rocking body, and a thirst to experience a real, honest life. I don't think I should go into any additional details, mostly because there are other parts of the OrbNet that would be more appropriate and the watchers here do not look kindly on such here, so just know that ya girl got BUSY.
I did so much in my true form, stuff I had wanted to do for years. I had a group of girlfriends I hung out with to gossip, shop, spend time together. I wore the cutest dresses and outfits, and I learned to wear the prettiest make-up I could with confidence, baby!
Sorry, got off on a bit of a tangent there, just wanted to make sure it was clear how much I loved myself and had fun as well as worked and researched.
Anyways, after about...6? I think it was 6 years. After 6 years of being in the council, I was officially promoted to Expert in my field, and Journeyman in Pyromancy. As an expert, I decided to resign from the council and go off to the world and share my findings about the process of Self-Shifting. I thought about opening a clinic and allowing people to come visit, charge them for my services and go on their merry way, but that didn't feel right. Instead, I went to the community.
It was a simple routine, really. I would travel to a town, look for signs of those afflicted by the curse, and have a talk with them. When you lived with it for so many years, it becomes a bit easy to notice those afflicted as well, so I searched for poor victims. I found some easily, some took a while, others who had heard of me and approached me for themselves or for a friend. Believe me when I say, it did not take long to find work.
And so, work I did.
I had found a way to combine the Self-Shifting process with Pyromancy in a rather strange way. You see, many view Pyromancy as the fun, silly 'I cast fireball and condemn you to an eternity of fiery pain', but it has a healing side as well. We're all familiar with the story of the Phoenix, bird of flame who can rebirth itself once it is too old. I know there's more, but that's the only thing that matters for this tale. Well, I had studied the Phoenix during my Councilship, and learned how it was able to do what it did.
You see, for those who don't know, the process of setting yourself on fire is, I know this is going to shock everyone, very painful! However, what I found a group of Phoenixes will do is the following: The fire is used to deaden the pain receptors for a time as the bird is alight, providing a sense of warming and comfort, and once it burns itself back to an egg, the receptors return back to normal. This is how they're able to do it so simply and effectively, and do it multiple times. They're truly remarkable birds.
So, I decided to copy them, and even called this new procedure "Phoenix Rebirth". I did as they did for my patients, and used the healing power of flames to deaden the pain receptors in their bodies as I shifted their form to what it should have been when they were born. Many of them still felt a bit of pain, but many said it was more of a pressure than a standard pain. Whatever the case, it worked, and I never got tired of seeing their expressions when I held the mirror to their true form.
After I was done with one town, I'd travel to the next, and then the next, and kept doing this for another 50 years. I continued to hone my favorite fields, reaching the rank of Master in both, and reaching Journeyman and Apprentice level in many others. I was enjoying life to the fullest, doing what I felt was my purpose for the first time ever. It felt good.
I know I mention how other authors do things, and this is the part where there would be a 'but...', but there was no but. Except mine, which started to become less impressive over the years. You see, I was still aging like normal. I was now 102, but outwardly I looked in my mid 70s. I was getting older, weaker, couldn't help as many people as I usually did.
I still loved my form, though. I was a kickass old grandma, despite never having kids, but I still smiled every single time I saw myself in the mirror. As I was brushing my now white hair, I couldy help but remember what I had done decades ago. I had managed to make myself younger again through shifting, but...that felt like it would become a tedious process to repeat every few years just to remain young. I needed something more permanent, something that would help me stay as the sexy mid-20s woman I had first turned into. I had to continue helping more people afflicted by my curse, and those that just needed help. I had accepted my inevitable and eventually death, but I thought, 'why not try and stop it?'
There are many paths to immortality, some more complicated than others, but I would say most of them being completely horrid actions. I mean, it's understandable, you're going against the natural order of things, it makes sense you'd need to do something unnatural and horrifying.
Some created philosophers stones out of sacrificed villages, some made pacts with Eldritch abominations, demons and devils in exchange for servitude, some like our resident cutie, Narissa, decide on the path of Lichdom (slight tangent but I think more liches should be cute as heck and no it's not because I enjoy pretty women and men it's because of uhhh other reasons), and some make a covenant with a God to be an acolyte of theirs on this plane. I didn't want to do any of them, personally, but I had been thinking up an idea.
Liches are beings that, through one way or another, have found a way to stop the aging of their bodies through binding their souls. Many of them look skeletal because the process takes a long, long time as I found out. More time than I had. I figured if they could do it, I'd just need to persuade one of them to teach me how and copy it.
So, that's what I did. I figured this would be a final adventure, one that either resulted in my victory or in my death, and I was ready. I performed the rebirth onto myself to shift back to my youth, and let me tell you the first thing I did...
I went right to my favorite bar, downed some drinks and terrible for me food that would have definitely killed my old organs. Holy shit it felt so good to be young again! I could fall, get a little scrapped up but then get back up again! Stairs were nothing again, I ran up and down like 4 flights. Ahh...good times.
Anyways, I joined a group of adventures that planned on taking down a Lich that had gone a bit mad in his undeath, one that definitely needed to be taken care of. Records of abductions in the night by skeletal hands was becoming more and more frequent, so this fucker needed to be taken down quick before more were killed, or worse.
We started towards his lair as soon as we could, and I decided not to tell anyone about my true strength. I didn't want this to be a carry mission, I wanted them to enjoy it as much as I was going to. I wanted them to come close to death only for us to come back and win in the end! They were a sweet group, too, and as we got to know each other I decided I would make sure they came out of this with stories for friends and family.
I still remember them very well, there was Vex, she was a dwarf artificer who loved to tinker and build all sorts of wild things. Ralin was a half-orc who was currently on holiday from her clan and decided to test her strength against a different foe, and then Har...gods, he was your classic paladin and it was absolutely adorable. He was so young, bright eyed, on a mission to do good. I think he was my favorite, just a human like me who wanted to help.
Our journey was definitely not an easy one. Liches are known for their powerful security, and by gods was it ever defended at his lair. Each of his summoned creatures had been implanted with a rune that, once activated, returned them back to their form a minute or so after they were killed. So, not only did we have to kill the ever growing horde of skeletons, zombies, vampire apprentices and flesh constructs, we had to CONTINUE killing them over and over again!
We were quicky becoming overwhelmed, so I decided to...cheat, a little bit. Everyone was doing such an amazing job of fighting, they didn't deserve to die on the fricking summons before they even got to face the Big Bad Evil Guy himself! We were surrounded, our backs to each other. We were all so tired, we knew this was an unwinnable fight, so I shouted at everyone to duck and cover themselves in some flame proof shielding.
Har did such a good job as he raised his shield above the others, he cast flame shield and the dome appeared around the three of them. I looked back to them, gave a teary smile and my body began to catch aflame. I think in that moment, I was truly ready to die for them, and thought I was. We couldn't kill these beasts because they were coming back to their bodies thanks to those runes, so what would happen if they didn't have a body to return to at all?
I set myself aflame, letting out a loud cry as I cast the strongest Pyromancy I had; Wildfire Avatar. It's a spell that allows you to steal some fire from the plane of fire and set yourself alight, becoming an Avatar of the plane for a short time. It was strong, way stronger than what these mooks could take. I quickly began my assault, running to each of them and setting their forms alight with a fire that turned their undead bodies into nothing but ash. I had to be quick, however, because too much time using the spell can result in serious damage to your body and turn you into the same ash as your opponent. It's one of my many "only use in emergency situation" spells.
The horde was quickly thinned, the entire bottom floor becoming engulfed in my flames. They were nothing but a pile of ash, but we had to get out of here, and quickly. Flames from the Fire Plane are not easy to put out, they burn until they have consumed their pray. So, using the last of my strength and time, I grabbed the protective orb with my cohorts, and rocketed us up through to the second floor. Vex made quick work of sealing the hole, like the champion she was, and we were officially safe.
I collapsed to the floor as I dismissed the flame, giving the little flame creature that had engulfed my body a block of charcoal for a snack before it disappeared back home. I was so, so tired...I needed rest, and I know they did too. We managed to find a small room to camp out in, and there we slept, regaining our strength.
As I awoke the next day, I could feel my body still aching from my previous spell, but my companions were safe, so I didn't care. They all hugged me, said I was such a badass, and asked how I did that. I explained to them that one of my interests has been learning Pyromancy, and by chance I was able to purchase a scroll that allowed me to cast that spell just once. I explained that I was now unable to perform that act again since the scroll was a one time use.
We spent the next few hours creating our plan for this final push to the Lich himself. We drew plans, ate some absolutely stellar breakfast, and hyped ourselves up. We knew we needed to be safe, there's no telling what other tricks this mad lich has ready to spring on us, and I was not breaking out another emergency spell if I could. One emergency spell disguised as a one time scroll is easily believed, but the second you mention a second that just so happens to also be one time use, it becomes suspicious. So, our plan was set, and we set out.
We ran into more enemies, but this time we were ready. Each one we downed, we asked Har to channel his Goddess' light and break the connection of their soul and body, rendering the runes useless with one simple spell. Things started picking up so much easier after we started doing that, and we were making our way through the second floor! We even got to battle a mini-boss while on this floor.
It was a vampire named Ferdinand, and he was pretty strong. He was an Expert in Blood Magic, or Haemomancy if you want to get fancy, and he was fast. He was a talented shifter, able to change into a bat, raven, snake, wolf and lion with ease. 'Huh, maybe I should do that as well', I thought to myself as we fought. Later, once we accomplish this quest.
The battle lasted for what felt like hours, the four of us always seeming to be right on the edge of victory before he managed to sweep the rug from under us. He was good, really good, but not even a blood magician can keep up with the raw, unbridled fury of an orc's bloodfury. Ralin hit her stride in the second half, and she absolutely butched Ferdinand in that blind fury. Each time he tried to hit her with a spell, I'd block it for her, or Har would slam his shield into the vampires side, or Vex would use a distraction with her machines like firing a few shots or having them try and tackle him. We knew Ralin could do it, and by the gods did she deliver better than we ever could have guessed.
She slammed again, and again, and again into him as she let out roar after roar, Ferdinand's body unable to keep up with her barrage. Her final attack was something I'll never forget just from its sheer brutality. She clamped her teeth and fangs onto his neck and tore out his throat like a wild animal, followed by using her hands to grip and tear the head from his body. It was an absolute gorefest, and we cheered her every step of the way.
We had done it, our last battle was right behind the doors Ferdinand guarded. We didn't have time to rest, unfortunately, so we decided to down as many potions of healing, rejuvenation and recovery as we could. We weren't 100%, but we were close enough. This was our chance, we had to take it while we could.
Vex set up a dozen of her turrets, planning on releasing a barrage as soon as the doors swung open. Har sent a prayer to his Goddess for her blessing, and readied himself. Ralin was still absolutely rocking her blood fury and prepared herself. We had to take this quick, there was no other choice.
The doors swung open, and we unleashed hell onto the Lich inside. Bullets, arrows, bombs and pellets fired from Vex's guns, Har shot bolt after bolt of radiant energy, and I sent as many fireballs, ice balls, lightning bolts, poison arrows, everything I could muster I threw at this bastard. Once our initial barrage had finished, Ralin charged in to finish the job. We had caught the lich comple off guard, he didn't even have time to active his lair's defenses as Ralin slammed, cracked and broke every bone in his old body.
Turns out, efficient planning and a little bit of luck really can make a difficult fight into something a bit easier! We had used all our strength for one giant push, but the lich had turned to dust. The idiot even left his phylactery on his desk! We could instantly tell it was his because his soul flew into it! Guess that's what happens when you go mad, you forget to protect things.
Har was the first to grab it, and explained that he was going to free the soul to face the judgement he deserved. I was able to convince him to give me some time alone with the lich's soul and interrogate it for information about any potential missing people he might still be harboring. He obliged, and I spoke with the soul.
We were able to get the information, and then I decided to play a little trick on him. I assured my comrades of my intent, and they knew what I was about to say was bullshit. I told the lich that if he shared his secret to immortality, I'd let him go and allow him to continue his work. It took some convincing, even having to 'kill' Har to show I was serious (I just paralyzed him, making sure I told him before). By luck, the dumbass actually bought it and shared his secret.
Once I had the secret, I returned Har to normal and gave him the necklace. He made quick work of destroying the phylactery and letting his Goddess claim the soul, and we had officially won! We freed the remaining hostages the lich kept for his sick projects, and left his lair in shambles. I think they built an Avernus Fried Chicken there?
We celebrated that night in the tavern where we first met, drinking and eating to our hearts content. I even managed to convince Har to talk to the cute guy at the counter he had been eyeing. Once the night was over, I shared the immortality secret with my friends and asked if they wanted to join me. They pondered for a few seconds, but Ralin was the only to say she was on board. Vex correctly pointed out she would love for hundreds of years already, and Har said he wanted to see his Goddess one day after a good life of service to her.
So, I got to work for myself and Ralin. The spell was incredibly complicated, it took days of casting, material using and complete mana draining, but eventually, it was done. We hadn't felt any different, and I guess we wouldn't truly know if it worked until we were older, but we just had to wait. Given I am now 682 years old, it's probably safe to assume that it did indeed work.
So, that's the story of how I gained my immortality, and helped kick the ass of a lich with some of the coolest people around. Ralin and I still spend time together and hang out, she even opened a breakfast diner! We convinced her after she made us that truly spectacular breakfast in the dungeon, and she still runs it now. If you ever find Ralin's Rest, tell her Catherine said hello and that I'm looking forward to seeing her again.
Whoo, that was a long one. Sorry about that, but now you know the secret to my immortality! No, I'm afraid I can't share it with you and let you have immortality as well. That's something you need to earn!
I hope this one was as interesting of a scry as the original, it's been kind of fun to share my story to others again! I guess since I gave a baking tip last time, here's another? You can add anything you want to a cookie as far as mix-ins, just make sure you do a ratio of 2:1 of cookie dough to toppings. This means if you have 4 pounds of cookie dough, you can add about 2 pounds of fillings and it should keep its shape.
You should also scoop your cookies once they're done mixing onto a tray, cover them and let them age in the fridge for up to 3 days before baking. It really deepens the flavor and makes a truly good cookie even better.
Til next time, this has been Catherine Louise! Love you guys, bye-bye :3
submitted by CatherineL1031 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:25 CaptainPanda99 [MAY24] My grandfather's dying gift to me was a necklace he made with the last bullet from his WWII rifle, he told me it would bring me luck and keep me safe after his passing.

I wish I could have told the paramedics when they pulled me from my wrecked car, that I could have the nurses as they rolled me past his hospital room, that I could have told the doctors before the MRI pulled my grandfathers bullet to its long-awaited mark.
submitted by CaptainPanda99 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:16 MarkedMatt Reasons why people are going into the Zone.

We need to remember that Zone has many residents, and not everyone goes there for the same reason.
"I was collecting bottles, one after another, and they led me here... Ha-ha! I'm kidding, man! Truth is, there was no place for me in that other world, it didn't want me. In the end, I came here... first to the Zone and then to Clear Sky. The guys here are alright, and I'm needed here. They come back after a mission, I pour them a drink, tell a few dirty jokes and my job is done - simple, but effective. By the way, they call me Cold around here."
Additional proof:
"The Zone enchanted me. I was just passing by, kind of like a tourist, and got hooked. The thing is, the people here are real, be they friend or foe. The danger, the feeling that death lurks behind every corner - that's what makes us city slickers feel alive! And I enjoy every minute of it." - Dialogue of Random Cordon Loner in Clear Sky
Additional proof:
"I listened to a bunch of fairytales about the Zone and was foolish enough to believe them. But, as I quickly learned, it's a lot different when you're on the inside. I turned out to be a softer cookie than I thought. Dying is easy here, and collecting artifacts is not. But what's really killing me is that there's not a peaceful spot in the whole damn Zone. Even when I fall asleep, half of me stays awake." - Another dialogue of Random Cordon Loner
Additional proof:
"You mean what do I do in the Zone? I'm hiding from some nosy former pals of mine. Back on the outside they would go on and on with their questions and lectures on life... So we had an... altercation. I hope you're not here to start all that morality shit again, are you? No? Good, then just keep walking." - Dialogue of Random Garbage Bandit in Clear Sky
Additional proof:
"I was doing backstreet business back in the Soviet Union when I got caught on a major deal. I did my time like a man, made some good buddies and connections with the underworld crowd, and when I got out I started buying up goods from burglars. I got nicked again and did some more time, but when I got out the Soviet Union was dead and buried. I never managed to adjust to the changes - I was broke and living a shit life... but then the Zone appeared, and I bolted here right away. This place immediately reminded me of the good old days, so I became a trader without a second thought." - Dialogue of bandit trader Tooth
Additional proof:
"What do you mean, "someone like you" Sure, I didn't graduate from no damn academy but I've got the hands for this kind of work - I was the best specialist at my plant, with medals, commendations and all. I would celebrate that kinda stuff with my friends over some drinks until our boss reported us and we all got fired. That son of a bitch! That plant was real high-profile 'cause we were working for the defense industry. After that, I got a job as a technician at the local housing office. They always came to me if something happened 'cause I was the only pro around. Some people slipped me a little cash or poured me a good drink and things were sweet... until I had a little fight with a plumber over a bottle - it got a bit heated and I stabbed the bastard with a screwdriver. He lived, but I got a stretch in a penal colony, and by the time I got back my crib was empty - the wife left me... I got real depressed and got me a case of jimjams. I lost the house through pure stupidity and became homeless. That's when I made my way here. And you know what? They treat me right in this place 'cause I know what I'm doing. And I'm the same, sometimes I even accept a good bottle as payment for work... keep that in mind." - Dialogue of Limpid
Additional proof:
"I'm looking for adventure in the Zone, and I get plenty of that here in the Dark Valley. I have the opportunity to do that thanks to Freedom, and I don't care how pompous that may sound." - Dialogue of Random Dark Valley Freedomer
Additional proof:
Dialogue of Freedom barman Ganja, while not directly stating the exact reason why Ganja came to the Zone, does says that it was a real negative story:
"You're not asking the right question, bro. You should be asking how Ganja the barman, Ganja the hookah man, Ganja, the man who partied with all sorts of friends in all sorts of places, ended up in the Zone. But I ain't answering that, bro. That's a negative story and I'm a positive kind of guy. I found myself here. That's the way the cookie crumbles. I was on my own and I felt cosmic loneliness, bro. Yeah, man, it was real bad. But then I felt positive vibrations...coming from Freedom. I knew they were my kind of people. I had a choice, but my doubts were gone. I found my freedom - now I live a better life than most people in that crazy world outside the Zone. Here I have enough to drink, enough to smoke, I have the Zone and people who share their stories about it with me...Damn, this local weed is just pure suckage!"
Additional proof:
"Me, I'm from a small town. Finished high school, served in the army. Got out - no jobs, no use going to college... Make a long story short, I got through the boot camp and landed right here. Actually, I served at the Cordon at first. Once a colonel of ours decided he needed a rare artifact to heal him up. Didn't like the idea of hiring stalkers, so our squad got the "job." The map they gave us was thirty friggin' years old. Those bastards... Less than a few hours in half our guys were already gone from anomalies. Then the dogs, then the bloodsuckers. Before the day was done it was just sarge and myself. Thank God we had our medkits, so we managed to crawl over to Duty's base. My leg got all hacked up - I was lucky to keep it after all that. Anyway, Duty folks put us back on our feet and showed us the way back. They're real men who live a good, simple life, and I've made a lot of friends during my stay. Anyway, soon as service was over, I grabbed my things and came right back into the Zone. I found Duty's base and asked to join, and hey, they took me in." - Dialogue of Kolobok
Additional proof:
"I'm just your average Joe, no different from anyone else. I've always been a rolling stone though. When I was ten I took off for China to study Shaolin martial arts. They took us off the freightliner three days later, and my dad gave me a real good thrashing. When I got older I spent all my time travelling - hitchhiked across Europe, spent a winter with chukchas. Then the Zone emerged. At the time I was friends with one girl Leska - also a thrill-seeker, like me. Well, she thought we were friends, though I felt a little different... Anyway, one day I was looking for Leska and some friends told me she'd gone to the Zone. Right away I get my things, grab a pistol with some rubber bullets and head straight here. I made it thanks to all my travelling experience. I spent months searching for her, carrying her photo and showing it to everybody. Finally a stalker told me some international troops apprehended Leska with some pretty boy near the Zone's border. Gave the two a lecture and sent them home. So, I thought, God bless you, Leska, God bless. I didn't go back home then. And now I'm just kind of stuck to the Zone." - Dialogue of Orest
Additional proof:
"I've always been drawn to new territories. I mean, I came to the Zone because I got tired of monotonous routine on the outside, and in these parts there are always secrets to uncover. The other thing is the cash. You need food and ammo, but you can only get coin for loot. I'm also hoping someone finds a way of getting past the Scorcher, 'cause as soon as they do I'll be the first one to the center of the Zone. I've only got one sacred wish - for the Zone to disappear." - Dialogue of Random Army Warehouses Loner
Additional proof:
"I wish I knew something old about it. We're mercenaries, buddy. We go into the Zone to complete a specific mission, and rely on careful planning and outstanding preparation to achieve our objectives." - Dialogue of Hog's merc(s)
Additional proof:
"Bes's my name. I came to these parts three years ago. Like many of the guys in the Zone I'm a fugitive, wanted for two murders and GBH. A few years ago a friend of mine got battered pretty bad - they had to literally stitch him back together at the hospital. So I paid the bastards who did it a little "visit". When the coppers showed up I had to shoot one of them and jump out of a third-floor window - I've been here since. I've done well in this place but the list of my crimes has got a little longer too. I try to fight the lawless just as I did on the outside. I train up rookies and teach them to survive in the Zone." - Dialogue of Bes
Additional proof:
"Where do I begin... I guess it goes back to high school. I had a good buddy, a best friend, if you will. We hung out together, smoking, drinking and whatnot. Only he wanted more and more thrills. He got into drugs: some weed at first, then smach and then coke, when he started getting some coin. I told him, "You gotta get off this shit, Tolyan, before it's too late." But he didn't listen. He scored some bad shit one day and that was that. I found his dealers and got even for my buddy... Got my picture took and all hell broke loose - the slammer, the gang fights, the shiv in the belly... Got out, started a business, got busted again... When I got out again, I left all that shit behind and set my sights on the Zone. Spent a couple months toughing it out, then got promoted. So now I'm in charge here, upholding the local law." - Dialogue of Sultan
Additional proof:
"When I worked at the surgeon clinic, it was easy to cover up. There was always a surplus of donor blood to be had. But the Zone was different... I thought that this harsh environment would push my condition to the sidelines. But I was wrong. I experienced the most terrible explosion of all and just couldn't think of anything else. I decided to make the killings look like bloodsucker attacks. I usually picked targets that were already wounded." - Dialogue of Tremor
Additional proof:
submitted by MarkedMatt to stalker [link] [comments]