Cte de pablo fakes

Why does my Mac keep doing this

2024.05.19 08:03 kgergis_ Why does my Mac keep doing this

Why does my Mac keep doing this
It often happens that my mac goes to sleep.. I later come back to continue working on my mac and then get greeted by this.
Color Profiles show same results
Current Solution is to just restart. Is there any way to fix this?
submitted by kgergis_ to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:02 Curious-Photo-185 Sou Babaca Por ficar desconfiado de sexo muito fácil no Bumble?

Sou homem, tenho 30 anos. Instalei o Bumble com o intuito de basicamente ter encontros casuais. Estou um tempo sem sexo e queria apenas me divertir. Nunca coloquei isso na bio declaradamente mas deixei claro que eram apenas encontros casuais que eu procurava. Também poderia surgiu algo mais sério, então...
Ganhei uma semana grátis de Premium no app e surgiu uma garota querendo sexo muito rápido. Ela começou enviando foto semi nua (no app mesmo) e falando que sexo com cara alto era bom, etc. Eu nem tinha tocado no assunto ainda. Desconfiei de ser fake, mas de fato era um perfil verdadeiro.
(Importante deixar claro aqui: isso RARAMENTE acontece comigo. Sou um perfil fraco nesses apps, não tenho profissão boa e nem aparência favorável.)
Passei o whatsapp e ela já passou diversas mensagens, falando putaria, etc, e devo confessar que entrei no jogo. Raramente ela pedia nudes meus, mas enviava várias fotos e vídeos dela explícitos. Falou que era exibicionista e tal, até aí tudo bem.
Comecei a desconfiar quando ela me chamou pra casa dela, pra transar e me passou o endereço (!) no Google Maps. Isso no primeiro dia de conversa. Eu inventei uma desculpa e adiei o encontro pra essa semana. Enquanto isso, ela continua mandando vídeos e fotos explícitos sem eu nem pedir no whatsapp. Tipo, vários. Alguns falando que estava praticamente posições sexuais com outros homens pro nosso date... E que iamos fazer diversas festinhas com amigos e amigas dela (!!) Tudo bem, ela pode estar com tesão, mas teve uma coisa que me fez ficar com pé atrás:
Eu perguntei se íamos transar de camisinha, pois tenho muito medo de doenças e etc, e ela respondeu que só dessa vez pois ela está no período fértil... "Só dessa vez". (!!!)
Eu me sinto um hipócrita (e babaca) por ter entrado no app com o objetivo de transar mas agora que surge a oportunidade eu começo a recusar por medos e receios de doenças e até desconfiança da facilidade de como veio a chance.
De novo, sei que ela NÃO é fake. Já me passou Instagram e tudo, não tem cara de fake. Mas ainda sim tenho medo do que possa a vir acontecer.
Sou Babaca por desperdicar essa chance?
submitted by Curious-Photo-185 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:53 id_never_imagine #pablo


pablo (don't take this too literally, I know it's a fake account but I just posted this to f with nogla😆)

submitted by id_never_imagine to NoglaTerroriserReacts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:24 AstridDostoevs Acho que estou apaixonada pelo amigo do meu namorado.

Eu sou uma mulher (20 anos), autista lv1 de suporte, e namoro um homem (21 anos). Namoro desde 2022, nos conhecemos na faculdade, fazemos o mesmo curso.
Converso com ele sobre não monogamia, mas é complexo até para mim. Não costumo sentir atração sexual, principalmente por estranhos, só consigo fazer sexo com pessoas especificas, fora isso não sinto vontade. Sinto atração sexual no máximo por umas duas pessoas ao ano, e na minha cabeça a atração é completamente separada do amor. E existem algumas coisas que podem causar crises em mim no sexo, uma vez tentei fazer sexo com alguem que eu nao sentia atração, foi muito desconfortavel, e me senti completamente suja porque o menino cheirava a fumo e eu sentia o cheiro dele em mim (as vezes tenho gastura a cheiros específicos, dentre outros), entao é complicado.
Mesmo assim, ainda posso sentir atração sexual, entretanto meu namorado eu não sei, ele não demonstrou interesse sexual em ninguém além de mim durante o relacionamento, e antes de nosso namoro ele também não tinha grandes interres sexuais ativos ou algo assim. Fui a primeira dele, no sexo e como namorada. Dito isso, amo meu namorado, e sinto atração por ele, assim como ele por mim, acho ele realmente um bom namorado, não imagino meu futuro sem ele, ele é doce, gentil, realmente o amo muito, e o sexo com ele é realmente bom. Nossas conversas de Não-mono veem normalmente de mim, e ele sempre parece disposto a tentar, sempre me ouve com cuidado e tenta compreender, mas sinto que ele faz isso apenas por mim, ele não parece se sentir confortável com isso as vezes, ja chegamos a conclusao que a preocupaçao dele não é cmg fazendo sexo com outra pessoa em si, mas sim o medo que ele tem de que eu comecasse a amar essa pessoa, e o deixasse (o que posso garantir que jamais aconteceria) e tambem que isso poderia desencadear inseguranças nele em relaçao ao fisico dele (se comparar com o/a outro/a). Entao o “concenso” que chegamos é que sim eu poderia fazer sexo (e ele tambem), mas que ele não gostaria de saber se acontecesse, e se precisasse saber eu não deveria falar sobre a outra pessoa fisicamente (e vale o mesmo p mim).
Mas tenho receio dele realmente não querer isso, só fazer porque quer me ver bem, mas eu não quero vê lo mal também, priorizo os sentimentos dele, é dificil p mim sentir atração e me sinto muito mau muito “errada” quando ocorre, e não quero que nada prejudique meu relacionamento e meu futuro com ele, eu deveria apenas confiar que ele está sendo honesto comigo, mas tem sempre uma voz na minha cabeça dizendo que ele está mentindo por mim, que ele não se sente bem.
E aí entra o “amigo” dele, eles se conheceram na escola, não são realmente próximos, atualmente apenas jogam juntos (quase nunca, mas acontece), mas fazemos a mesma faculdade, ele faz um curso diferente do nosso, o de educação física, que fica no mesmo bloco que o curso que eu e meu namorados fazemos.
Logo em 2022 esse amigo me olhava bastante, mas esqueci disso com o tempo, e comecei a cumprimentá-lo todas as vezes que nos víamos. Ele às vezes tem pequenas atitudes, e continua a me observar bastante, mas não chega a praticamente nem falar comigo diretamente.
No final de 2023 comecei a sentir atração por ele, mais fisicamente, esperei umas semanas para ver se passava mas não passou, então em uma noite (mais por impulso) mandei mensagem para ele em uma conta “fake” do insta (é a conta que uso para navegação, não existem amigos e nem conhecidos nela, nao da p saber que sou a dona da conta) e ele respondeu, nisso conversamos, e acabou no flerte, eu contei que conhecia ele, mas que preferia não dizer quem era, trocamos mensagens praticamente todos os dias desde novembro 2023. Eu não sei se ele sabe quem sou, antes ele não sabia muito sobre mim, atualmente ele já sabe que também sou da faculdade, e do bloco dele, e tem uma boa descrição física minha, é estranho, desde o início ele fala coisas muito específicas, que soam como se ele soubesse que sou eu, mas as vezes parece que não, ele já disse “acho estranho não te chamar por um nome kk posso te chamar de —” e disse meu nome REAL, bizarro, se isso fosse uma coisa a parte tudo bem, mas o tanto de situações de “coincidência” que já aconteceram é surreal. Entretanto, o “eu das mensagens” não falou que namora, e ele parece ter uma síndrome de exclusividade, mas ao mesmo tempo, acho que ele sabe que o “eu da vida real” namora, no meu perfil “oficial” tenho fotos com meu namorado, uso aliança, etc, não é um segredo.
tenho muita vontade de fazer sexo com esse menino em especifico, e minha atração sexual mais duradoura (não envolvendo namoro) durou 6 meses, e essa esta durando mais, e honestamente não sei. Não me vejo namorando ele, realmente só me vejo namorando meu namorado atual, mas nossa, todas as vezes que vejo esse menino surge algo em mim, ver a expectativa dele em me ver, o aguardo que ele tem para mim dar apenas um “oi” p ele, a aparência dele, o sorriso, é tudo tão excitante pra mim. Acabo ficando nessa expectativa de vê-lo, animada, excitada, fantasio bastante sobre isso. E não sei como ou quando esse sentimento passaria.
Mas não sei ao certo, acho que no fundo ele tem uma ideia de que quem conversa com ele sou eu, mas ao mesmo tempo tenho medo da reação dele, caso ele não saiba ou desacredite, ele já demonstrou algumas opiniões negativas sobre não monogamia, então tenho receio sobre isso, de me revelar e ele sentir repúdio a respeito, e tb, eu JAMAIS terminaria meu namoro pra ficar com ele (caso seja uma possibilidade para ele).
Queria muito ter relações com esse menino, mas tenho receio tanto dele quanto de meu namorado, e não sei o que fazer sobre a situação. E se meu namorado não se sentiria bem se eu realmente tivesse relações com outra pessoa? e se ele quiser me deixar por isso? e se esse “amigo” ter uma reação desagradavel ao descobrir que sou eu? ou se ele já souber e tiver alguma expectativa sobre mim me relacionar romanticamente com ele?
submitted by AstridDostoevs to NaoMonogamiaBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:50 marionas7 [Store] Low to High Tier Knives/Gloves

♦ Mainly interested in trades, but willing to sell on 3rd party markets.
♦ Below is a list of items I have at the moment. I constantly trade, so the list might be outdated and I might have new items.
♦ Buyouts are in cash and they are a reference point to know how much I want for my items in a trade.
♦ Offers is the fastest way to contact me and get a response, but feel free to add me to friends.
Trade Link Steam Profile
Butterfly Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Butterfly Knife Fade Factory New 0.0508 99.5% Faded. Click me $3,900 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Fade Factory New 0.0491 94.8% Faded. Click me $3,140 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Fade Factory New 0.0240 84.0% Faded. Click me $2,830 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0326 - Click me $2,800 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0233 - Click me $2,710 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Lore Minimal Wear 0.1439 - Click me $2,060 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0098 Red tip. Click me $2,050 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0357 - Click me $2,015 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife - 0.3493 - Click me $1,320 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Autotronic Field-Tested 0.2933 - Click me $1,100 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Damascus Steel Factory New 0.0661 - Click me $970 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Lore Well-Worn 0.4294 - Click me $830 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Damascus Steel Battle-Scarred 0.4532 - Click me $695 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Safari Mesh Minimal Wear 0.1280 - Click me $555 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest Battle-Scarred 0.4883 - Click me $470 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Scorched Well-Worn 0.3892 - Click me $465 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT Battle-Scarred 0.6546 - Click me $460 Tradable
M9 Bayonets
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ M9 Bayonet Lore Minimal Wear 0.1247 - Click me $1,890 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Fade Factory New 0.0294 83.5% Faded. Click me $1,650 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Fade Factory New 0.0256 85.5% Faded. Click me $1,500 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0098 - Click me $1,320 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade Factory New 0.0079 - Click me $1,210 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade Factory New 0.0681 - Click me $1,180 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0316 - Click me $890 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.1871 - Click me $635 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Stained Minimal Wear 0.0854 - Click me $500 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Damascus Steel Field-Tested 0.1825 - Click me $490 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Bright Water Minimal Wear 0.1072 - Click me $485 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Lore Battle-Scarred 0.6239 - Click me $470 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand Field-Tested 0.1799 - Click me $465 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Stained Field-Tested 0.3080 - Click me $465 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand Field-Tested 0.2039 - Click me $460 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet Field-Tested 0.1813 - Click me $435 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet Field-Tested 0.1902 - Click me $430 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Stained Battle-Scarred 0.8002 - Click me $420 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet Well-Worn 0.4475 - Click me $430 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched Field-Tested 0.2021 - Click me $380 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Urban Masked Field-Tested 0.1638 - Click me $330 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Safari Mesh Field-Tested 0.2889 - Click me $310 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Karambit Fade Factory New 0.0543 98.2% Faded. Click me $2,835 Tradable
★ Karambit Fade Factory New 0.0222 95.9% Faded. Click me $2,625 Tradable
★ Karambit Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0680 - Click me $1,820 Tradable
★ Karambit Marble Fade Factory New 0.0358 #624. Fake Fire & Ice Click me $1,690 Tradable
★ Karambit Marble Fade Factory New 0.0095 - Click me $1,365 Tradable
★ Karambit Marble Fade Factory New 0.0231 - Click me $1,340 Tradable
★ Karambit Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0094 - Click me $1,220 Tradable
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0207 - Click me $1,020 Tradable
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth Minimal Wear 0.0731 - Click me $995 Tradable
★ Karambit Black Laminate Minimal Wear 0.0833 - Click me $850 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Autotronic Field-Tested 0.3515 - Click me $830 Tradable
★ Karambit Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.3657 One big web on playside. Click me $680 Tradable
★ Karambit Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.3601 One big web on playside. Click me $680 Tradable
★ Karambit Ultraviolet Minimal Wear 0.1014 - Click me $670 Tradable
★ Karambit Freehand Minimal Wear 0.0914 - Click me $650 Tradable
★ Karambit Freehand Field-Tested 0.1961 - Click me $520 Tradable
★ Karambit Freehand Field-Tested 0.2707 - Click me $510 Tradable
Skeleton Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Fade Factory New 0.0350 99.7% Faded. Click me $1,830 Tradable
★ Skeleton Knife Fade Factory New 0.0285 98.5% Faded. Click me $1,745 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Slaughter Minimal Wear 0.1381 - Click me $745 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Slaughter Field-Tested 0.2527 - Click me $670 Tradable
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.3685 - Click me $660 Tradable
★ Skeleton Knife Stained Minimal Wear 0.0865 - Click me $385 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Stained Minimal Wear 0.1151 - Click me $380 Tradable
★ Skeleton Knife Forest DDPAT Field-Tested 0.3612 - Click me $185 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler Emerald Factory New 0.0338 - Click me $3,875 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0613 - Click me $3,420 Tradable
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0248 - Click me $1,000 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Marble Fade Factory New 0.0328 - Click me $620 Tradable
★ Bayonet Marble Fade Factory New 0.0343 - Click me $565 Tradable
★ Bayonet Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0228 - Click me $560 Tradable
★ Bayonet Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0279 - Click me $560 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore Field-Tested 0.1648 - Click me $480 Tradable
★ Bayonet Lore Field-Tested 0.3210 - Click me $440 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Blue Steel Minimal Wear 0.1332 - Click me $330 Tradable
★ Bayonet Freehand Field-Tested 0.1501 - Click me $275 Tradable
★ Bayonet Freehand Field-Tested 0.1520 - Click me $275 Tradable
Talon Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Talon Knife Fade Factory New 0.0645 97.4% Faded. Click me $1,260 Tradable
★ Talon Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0584 - Click me $955 Tradable
★ Talon Knife Slaughter Factory New 0.0607 - Click me $715 Tradable
★ Talon Knife Vanilla - 0.3508 - Click me $420 Tradable
★ Talon Knife Vanilla - 0.3717 - Click me $420 Tradable
Nomad Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Nomad Knife Fade Factory New 0.0115 96.6% Faded. Click me $1,010 Tradable
★ Nomad Knife Fade Factory New 0.0106 95.5% Faded. Click me $995 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Vanilla - 0.7129 - Click me $365 Tradable
Flip Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Flip Knife Doppler Ruby Factory New 0.0521 - Click me $2,725 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Fade Factory New 0.0105 81.6% Faded. Click me $685 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Lore Factory New 0.0699 - Click me $475 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0041 - Click me $475 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0327 - Click me $450 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0426 - Click me $450 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0344 - Click me $415 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Vanilla - 0.2843 - Click me $335 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Autotronic Field-Tested 0.3359 - Click me $265 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Autotronic Well-Worn 0.3820 - Click me $255 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Freehand Factory New 0.0620 - Click me $190 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Damascus Steel Minimal Wear 0.1320 - Click me $185 Tradable
Stiletto Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0239 - Click me $2,800 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Stiletto Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0348 - Click me $560 Tradable
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0446 - Click me $545 Tradable
★ Stiletto Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0221 - Click me $490 Tradable
Classic Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Classic Knife Fade Factory New 0.0340 99.0% Faded. Click me $730 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Classic Knife Crimson Web Minimal Wear 0.0776 4th best float in csgofloat database. Click me $700 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Crimson Web Minimal Wear 0.1328 - Click me $345 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Slaughter Minimal Wear 0.1022 - Click me $280 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.2710 - Click me $215 Tradable
Ursus Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0046 - Click me $2,100 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0088 - Click me $2,055 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Fade Factory New 0.0345 91.6% Faded. Click me $550 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0335 - Click me $480 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0337 - Click me $480 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0505 - Click me $340 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Vanilla - 0.4994 - Click me $270 Tradable
Huntsman Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0226 - Click me $505 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0649 - Click me $490 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0325 - Click me $440 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0249 - Click me $420 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Fade Factory New 0.0236 85.2% Faded. Click me $400 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0542 - Click me $235 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Lore Minimal Wear 0.0778 - Click me $230 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic Minimal Wear 0.1175 - Click me $230 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Vanilla - 0.1933 - Click me $220 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Lore Field-Tested 0.2764 - Click me $175 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Well-Worn 0.4344 - Click me $175 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic Field-Tested 0.2764 - Click me $170 Tradable
Paracord Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Paracord Knife Case Hardened Field-Tested 0.3420 #447 Blue gem. Click me $860 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Case Hardened Battle-Scarred 0.9608 #294 Blue gem. Click me $560 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Fade Factory New 0.0157 91.2% Faded. Click me $475 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Slaughter Field-Tested 0.1672 - Click me $250 Tradable
Survival Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Survival Knife Fade Factory New 0.0146 94.8% Faded. Click me $415 Tradable
★ Survival Knife Vanilla - 0.3113 - Click me $170 Tradable
★ Survival Knife Vanilla - 0.5112 - Click me $170 Tradable
Falchion Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Emerald Factory New 0.0262 - Click me $1,085 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Emerald Minimal Wear 0.0754 - Click me $1,020 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0002 - Click me $460 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0279 - Click me $200 Tradable
Shadow Daggers
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ StatTrak™ Shadow Daggers Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0117 - Click me $690 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Black Pearl Factory New 0.0288 - Click me $675 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Ruby Factory New 0.0094 - Click me $590 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Fade Factory New 0.0128 99.1% Faded. Click me $290 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0131 - Click me $195 Tradable
Bowie Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Bowie Knife Doppler Ruby Minimal Wear 0.0779 - Click me $985 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Fade Factory New 0.0324 96.6% Faded. Click me $420 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0212 - Click me $360 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Slaughter Minimal Wear 0.0719 - Click me $255 Tradable
Gut Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Gut Knife Fade Factory New 0.0010 83.2% Faded. Click me $215 Tradable
★ Gut Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0271 - Click me $160 Tradable
Navaja Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Navaja Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0321 - Click me $500 Tradable
Sport Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box Well-Worn 0.3882 - Click me $3,570 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor Field-Tested 0.1644 - Click me $2,630 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor Field-Tested 0.1680 - Click me $2,610 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze Field-Tested 0.3666 - Click me $2,565 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Vice Field-Tested 0.1576 - Click me $2,235 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box Battle-Scarred 0.7577 - Click me $1,765 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Vice Field-Tested 0.1943 - Click me $1,650 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot Field-Tested 0.2251 - Click me $935 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious Field-Tested 0.2641 - Click me $710 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Omega Field-Tested 0.1840 - Click me $550 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Minimal Wear 0.0960 - Click me $395 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Well-Worn 0.3850 - Click me $340 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Battle-Scarred 0.4703 - Click me $245 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Battle-Scarred 0.7895 - Click me $205 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Field-Tested 0.1894 - Click me $200 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Field-Tested 0.2822 - Click me $185 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Well-Worn 0.3890 - Click me $155 Tradable
Specialist Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web Minimal Wear 0.1291 - Click me $1,600 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Minimal Wear 0.1285 - Click me $930 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.1562 - Click me $575 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.1619 - Click me $565 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.2330 - Click me $425 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Fade Field-Tested 0.3640 Clean "E". Click me $365 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent Field-Tested 0.1703 - Click me $330 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web Battle-Scarred 0.7553 - Click me $315 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation Field-Tested 0.2623 - Click me $305 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul Minimal Wear 0.1396 - Click me $300 Tradable
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submitted by marionas7 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:49 Big-Valuable-171 Petista defensora do Xandão, e de criminalização de fake news foi processada pelo Moro por xingamentos e terá que pagar 70 mil reais.

Petista defensora do Xandão, e de criminalização de fake news foi processada pelo Moro por xingamentos e terá que pagar 70 mil reais.
Teria pena, mas petista quer reduzir ainda mais a liberdade de expressão com o PL da censura.
submitted by Big-Valuable-171 to brasilivre [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:55 Inevitable_Fill_1452 Uma sociedade de ressentidos

Onde a dissonância cognitiva domina.
É a pessoa que não aceita o próprio fracasso e quer acreditar que tudo de ruim que acontece em sua vida é inveja dos outros.
É a mulher que não aceita uma rejeição e quer acreditar que é vítima de um "narcisista maligno".
É o cara que que não consegue relacionamento e passa o dia inteiro dizendo que mulher não presta, que a sociedade está degenerada, e quer se convencer que é moralmente superior, quando não verdade ele só não tem um relacionamento porque ele não consegue (falta de beleza, dinheiro, etc), senão teria.
É a pessoa que nega a ciência e tem prazer em espalhar fake news, que quer acreditar em teorias da conspiração.
É o religioso que não quer um mundo melhor porque a razão da vida dele é a "volta de Jesus" ou algo do tipo.
É a pessoa com obesidade mórbida que quer acreditar que tudo é uma construção social gordofóbica (poderia citar outros exemplos de grupos semelhantes).
Assumir o controle da própria vida e se tornar alguém melhor para si mesmo parece algo cada vez mais difícil. Terceirizar a culpa, negar a realidade e cancelar a verdade parece ser o normal na nossa sociedade.
submitted by Inevitable_Fill_1452 to FilosofiaBAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:57 Spitain I’ve been playing for 2 weeks , how can I improve

I’ve been playing for 2 weeks , how can I improve submitted by Spitain to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:51 Obvious_Nature_9583 Lets trade my list

.Get it together samson
.Samba yo pran pale and me remix
.All i got adam port
Virgil instrumental rampage remix
.Passion fruit remix
.A keeper mont rouge edit
.Can soleil drake
.A keeper drake keinemusik
.Drake one dance darren remix
.Drake calling my name remix
.Gypsy woman other released
.Adam ten oxytocin
.Adam ten magic citcus
.Anchor point aneme
.Amana vision
.Route 94 alex wann
.7 seconds del capo
.Amor amor alex twin
.&me homelands
.Belsunce mont rouge
.All i got adam port
.Les gouts kodd remix
.One dance denis desero remix
.One dance Deni remix
.Adventure of muye remix
.Little things mattia antonazzo
.Relax my eyes velvet remix
.Waiting for tonight afromix
.The color violet kevin adams remix
.Sweet disposition vxsion remix
.Famax jerak remix
.daughter of the sun ankhoi
.minha preca soldera
.Father stretch
.Ah ya albi remix
.Ray of sun
.Salma ya salama maurra remix
.Slaves and me remix
.Terra de saudade
.True story liva K
.Montrouge kilosa
.Sebastien leger id supporter by keinemusik
.In and out rivo
.Quintal malive
submitted by Obvious_Nature_9583 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:45 ExtremeResident1147 Idea regarding preboard drama

Would it be unreasonable for anyone requiring a wheelchair to pre-board (current practice) but require them to de-plane last? Might this remove the incentive to fake a disability?
submitted by ExtremeResident1147 to SouthwestAirlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:24 jayfizz13 Stitch completed 💙💜

Stitch completed 💙💜 submitted by jayfizz13 to diamondpainting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:13 enlacedelacosta Reportan control total de incendio forestal en San Pablo Villa de Mitla y Villa Díaz Ordaz

Reportan control total de incendio forestal en San Pablo Villa de Mitla y Villa Díaz Ordaz
* Tras 10 días de arduo combate, la Comisión Estatal Forestal (Coesfo) declara control total y 95% de avance en la liquidación del incendio forestal en San Pablo Villa de Mitla y Villa Díaz Ordaz.
Oaxaca de Juárez
Enlace de la Costa
Las labores de liquidación del incendio intermunicipal en San Pablo Villa de Mitla y Villa Díaz Ordaz, en la región Valles Centrales de Oaxaca, han alcanzado un logro significativo.
Tras 10 días de combate incesante, la Comisión Estatal Forestal (Coesfo) ha anunciado que el incendio se encuentra bajo control total, con un impresionante avance del 95%.
Las autoridades de bienes comunales de las municipalidades afectadas recibieron la zona intervenida, comprometiéndose a mantener una vigilancia constante para prevenir cualquier posible reactivación del fuego.
El combate del incendio fue un esfuerzo conjunto que involucró a diversas instituciones gubernamentales.
Doce brigadas de la Comisión Nacional Forestal (Conafor), la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (Conanp) y la Coesfo trabajaron incansablemente, utilizando técnicas de combate directo e indirecto, como la creación de brechas cortafuego y contrafuego.
Además, se contó con la participación de 200 elementos de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena) y la Guardia Nacional (GN), así como 60 de la Secretaría de Marina (Semar) y voluntarios de las comunidades afectadas.
Dos helicópteros, uno de la Sedena y otro de la Semar, realizaron descargas de agua para enfriar los focos activos del incendio, mientras que una aeronave del Gobierno del Estado llevó a cabo sobrevuelos de reconocimiento.
El apoyo no se limitó al ámbito terrestre; nueve brigadas de distintas localidades se sumaron a las labores por tierra el domingo 12 de mayo.
Destaca también el acompañamiento brindado por la Coordinación de Delegados de Paz Social y la Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil y Gestión de Riesgos (CEPCyGR) para garantizar la seguridad de todos los involucrados en las tareas de combate.
Fuente: Gobierno de Oaxaca
submitted by enlacedelacosta to u/enlacedelacosta [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 saltyblueberry25 Tinfoil master thesis on DFV meme-story

This is my in-depth notes while watching the full length dfv meme video compilation by roaring pika this morning.
It’s an hour long and way easier to understand all together like this.
These notes come from watching every ppshow this week and taking my favorite bits of tinfoil from the community into one fairly simple look into the story dfv is telling us without getting too deep on possible tinfoil, it’s just laid out plain and simple here.
Tldr; this is a very long post. I think it starts with dfv’s final yolo update (fine I’ll do it myself) and what’s been going on since then, how he’s been feeling, and all the battles over the last couple years for the first 30 minutes of the memes.
Then in the last half it switches to: I’ll fuckin do it again and full of straight confirmation foil that we’ve been right about the bear trap, bbby, Teddy, and baby all along. Then he says we’re all good, be zen and says goodbye for now.
Here goes:
Fine I’ll do it myself, Cat heartbeat, Wolverine mad. (I think this marks his Final yolo update and of course doubled as the hype to start this week off with a bang.)
I think the first half of the movies are all about the first squeeze and how he was both dfv and kitty, how they were talking trash about him, how we found out about the baskets “you move I move” the battle scenes were all about price action up and down, everything was green and red, and the running memes are about the stock running up and sad memes are when the stock goes down.
About 30 minutes in someone asks, “where you been”, he says “waiting”, what about getting caught? “All part of the plan.”
Then there’s usual suspects movie with the goofy meme “I’ll fuckin do it again”.
Jake texting Keith, hilarious (is this about our Jake2b and the story PP had about accidentally going to a gay bar around the first pulte event? So funny with the guy with 600 memes and basically joking that he became a full blown psycho with the memes.
Tell me where the freaks at - epic pump up music. (Psyched on us? Finding other freaks to vibe with.)
Guy looks out the window, then the Teddy in a chair (might have just been a response to Cramer being a smartass). Then Hank (Jim Carrey) starts to lose it as the stock price keeps going down, his alter ego comes out.
Truman show, he’s trying to escape, they say “he’ll turn back he’s too afraid”. They hit him with everything they’ve got but he knows it’s all fake. He says, “is that the best you can do??” (I think this is clearly about fake price movement, trying to keep us trapped in the illusion)
“Fury is a game where every boss fight feels like the final boss. They taunt you, they demand you get back in your prison cell, they pound you into a pulp and they even make you doubt the righteousness of your own quest towards freedom. But the soundtrack man, it keeps egging you on. To whoop some ass!” PP theme music drops. Holy shit.
(This one is obviously talking about us, I cried because I was so happy when I heard this one)
The Bullet one talking about time, cause and effect, “don’t try to understand it, just feel it”. “Instinct, got it.”
Morpheus teaching neo it’s all fake. Just before that scene he says, “you think that’s air you’re breathing?” … “Again!”
Alice says “But I don’t want to go among mad people.” The cat replies, “Most everyone’s mad here. You may have noticed I’m not all there myself.” Neo waking up again in the 4th movie.
Alice going down a rabbit hole into wonderland.. psychedelic music and dancing. (That’s us going down the rabbit hole thinking we’ve gone mad but loving every minute of it.)
Next scene guy running and falls over, music says “I lost myself.”
Shawshank, they find the tunnel he made. In 2021 Kitty escaped prison. All they found of him was some Reddit posts, tweets, and an old live stream. Investing is the study of pressure and time. That’s all it takes really, pressure and time. That and a keen goddamn activist.
A man will do anything to keep his mind busy in prison. Turns out kittys favorite activity was handing out memes, a handful at a time (the dirt for the tunnel and the tinfoil that’s helped us dig our way to freedom). Kitty did as he was told, buffed that financial education to a high mirror shine. (I think he’s been getting ready for something big and these memes are just a countdown.)
Bruce Willis. “No, THIS is the Kansas City shuffle.” (An advanced form of confidence trick where the mark is aware of being involved in a swindle and believes that he or she can outsmart the swindler; however, this is all part of the trick, and by attempting to retaliate, the mark unwittingly assists the con artist.) Hedge funds are the mark and dfv/rc are playing a con, the bear trap?
Pay attention to what I say, I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself. The cat looks at the camera.
Michael from the office - It’s Britney bitch. And I am back. Cut to Britney Spears - I must confess I still believe. When I’m not with you I lose my mind. Give me a sign (like how we’re always asking for a sign?? (with the alien g from signs all red like a gme logo giving birth). Hit me BABY one more time!
Goosebumps all the papers fly out of the briefcase right when we get like 200 new dockets clawing back money from 90 days before bbby bk. Bear beware… you’re in for a scare…
Then it’s Abbi from Broad city dancing all over the place and she’s obsessed with bed bath and beyond in the show. There’s also the scene where the other girl is dancing behind a colored blanket with the same logo as HBC and then the next scene she’s tied up. Then they’re dancing again.. and naked then then only in shorts. Naked shorts?
We’ll never survive unless we’re a little crazy. The modern investor unleashes the animal within to take on the big city - that’s gotta be us apes?
What kind of person are you? The kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Is it possible that there are no coincidences? The kid holds up a baby monitor. They find a crop circle and it’s two GameStop logos turned in different directions (maybe rc turned GameStop around) and then another one with a long line and a baby gme logo (is gme about to have a baby?!)
Why make something disposable like an investment thesis when you can make something that lasts forever, like a GameStop meme? (It says “Reality” at the bottom of this clip, lol)
Jack Nicholson in the shining (music playing it’s just a matter of time before I lose my mind it’s also a place in ready player one where they have to take the leap not taken, the leap of faith, a kiss). “Make a lot of memes today?” Lol
Can’t stop what’s coming. Kicks some ass.
I got both hands off the wheel, the cops are coming. I listen to the music with no fear, you can hear it too if you’re sincere. Cuz I’m a punk rocker yes I am. (song: punkrocker by the teddybears)
Rock ain’t about doing things prefect! Who can tell me what it’s really about? Sticking it to the man! If you wanna rock, you gotta break the rules.
Two cars racing, one plays chicken with a truck and then cut to bojack horseman talking on stage right before they almost crash (stalking horse? Looks just like he horse from 1, 2 switch that GameStop tweeted the minute the stalking horse deadline was up.)
Now you may only see a pile of boring forms and numbers, but I see a story (us going through the dd and maybe holly etlin talking about there’s a story here but it’s not mine to tell)
Listen to this song, it’ll change your life.
(Song is don’t fear the reaper - so don’t be afraid of death, funny because of the cowbell, maybe cowbell is involved in the tinfoil but at the end of the song lyrics not shown in the clip they say: don't be afraid, Come on, baby (and she had no fear) And she ran to him (then they started to fly) They looked backward and said goodbye)
Big Lebowski dude is investigating and finds the drawing of Jackie tree horn and it’s just a guy with a raging erection with the name cohen at the top of the paper. (I think this means rc is ready to fuck)
Jason borne is telling the run Lola run chick he can’t run with her, he has to be careful because people are after him. He says I gotta figure it out. She says well then figure it out. They drive into a parking garage through the wrong way (where it should say exit it says exit strategy and he enters through the exit, parks and walks away, as in “what’s an exit strategy”)
Then it looks like maybe him and rc just waiting and dealing with some bs.
Then there’s the Backstage roaring cat perhaps. The girl says ima stick beside him.
Not sure about everyone shooting each other but someone said maybe because he wrote it and manifested it?
Then the dress one “this is art, get it?” Was apparently two minutes after hey Ross and some others were talking about that dress on a space call.
I’m a United States gamestop memer. Aren’t those the guys that go crazy and come back with an arsenal of memes and blast everybody? Sometimes. Price action keeps coming and coming… and then it’s GameStop earnings week! (6/5 aftermarket)
Always sunny scene maybe like a peek into how crazy he’s been feeling not being able to talk to anyone for three years?
He can’t speak or he’ll get in trouble.
Alladin scene (alladin name of trading algo. He also says next time I’ll use a nom de plume - pen name) all I gotta do is jump! (The theme of taking a leap of faith again)
Dreyfus billionaire family (no idea but she’s dancing having a great time)
You can’t handle the truth (code red has to do with a worm/virus, maybe they’re about to unleash something that destroys several companies that are short? And it’s pretty funny)
Beavis and butthead sex for dummies (to me it says rc and dfv are ready to fuck but also cex means centralized exchanges which are also for dummies)
Oceans 11, (theme is a heist. We’re all looking at each other like what’s about to happen and then the last guy is just looking at boobs, seems to describe a group like us lol)
Bernard from westworld can’t see the bear thesis (because in the movie he’s programmed not to but irl it’s because there isn’t a thesis!)
“That’s not a thesis,” pulls out huge knife, “that’s a thesis.”
The gme galaxy on the cat collar says deepfuckingvalue so I think he’s saying it’s still deep value and we often made memes about the black hole of gme absorbing the rest of the market into it so maybe that’s it.
Whats in the box? What’s in the box??? (What’s the plan??? RC not telegraphing his plans)
Guy looks at all the memes - she asks “is it not good?” “It is miraculous.” (That’s us loving every second of this. Thank you dfv.)
And so.. you just RAN. Forest gump runnin’ (gme gonna just keep runnin’)
you go backwards but then you go forwards again… you go backwards… then he walks out of the woods.. (are we out of the woods now? Done going backwards?)
We’ll see. The Zen philosophy story - kid breaks leg, oh that’s bad, can’t go to war, oh now it’s good etc - (I think he’s saying to be zen, we’re gonna win, but this message goes deeper:
We don’t always know what is good or bad. Breaking your leg isn’t good or bad, those are just judgements in our mind. We don’t know what the future holds. Almost anything can be a good thing or a bad thing, all we can do is accept life and how things play out without judgement.)
We’ll see.
Then the boy is saying bye to ET, the music says I’ve really enjoyed my stay, but I must be movin on. (DFV going silent again until this all plays out.)
He’s saying “we fuckin won fellas! Be zen, and we’ll see this all play out soon enough.”
I think the heavy use of good movies and music and video games may also be hinting at gamestops nft marketplace May reopen to sell those 3 things as NFTs by partnering with blockbuster and some musicians.
LFG 🚀 I’ll see you regards on the moon.
submitted by saltyblueberry25 to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:46 Nakg16 [WTS] Decanting Some Of My Designer And Niche Fragrances (Decant)

Feel free to ask me any questions. Shipping is free on orders over $20. Not every bottle is listed on the picture, but I can provide pictures if requested.
Shipping - US Only , Canada (Shipping Cost)
Decant Bottles :
Armani Code EDT :
1ml: $7 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $13 10ml: $16
Armani Code Parfum :
1ml: $7 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $13 10ml: $22
Armani Code EDP :
1ml: $7 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $13 10ml: $16
Armani Code Absolu :
1ml: $7 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $16
Armani Code Absolu Gold :
1ml: $7 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $16
Armani Stronger With You Tobacco:
1ml: 9 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 ​ ​ 10ml: 25
Armani Stronger With You Intensely:
1ml: 9 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 ​ 10ml: 24
Armani Stronger With You Leather:
1ml: 9 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 ​ ​ 10ml: 24
Armani Stronger With You OUD :
1ml: 9 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 ​ ​ 10ml: 24
Atelier Cologne Musc Imperial :
1ml: $7 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine :
1ml: $7 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Angel Mugler A Men :
1ml: 6 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $15
Alien Mugler EDP Intense :
1.2ml : $7 ( Official Sample )
Argos Triumph Of Bacchus:
1ml: 8 2ml: $12 3ml: $17 5ml: $23
Aaron Terence Hughes Daddy:
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes Addicted :
1ml: $11 2ml: $15 3ml: $19
Aaron Terence Hughes Hard Candy Elixir :
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 ~~ 3ml: $19 5ml: $26 10ml: $36
Aaron Terence Hughes Hard Candy :
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes Onyx :
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes Onyx Extreme:
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes Homme :
1ml: $9 2ml: $15 3ml: $19
Aaron Terence Hughes Slut :
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $22
Aaron Terence Hughes Slut Elixir :
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes LUNA :
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $29
Aaron Terence Hughes Notorious :
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes Supernova :
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes Jasmine Narcotique :
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
Aaron Terence Hughes Boss Bastard :
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $28
Aaron Terence Hughes Ozone :
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes Gardenia Blanc:
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
Aaron Terence Hughes Tabac :
1ml: $13 2ml: $18 3ml: $24
Aaron Terence Hughes Patchouli Noir :
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
Aaron Terence Hughes Carbon : (Pending)
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
Aaron Terence Hughes Fake Noir:
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
Aaron Terence Hughes Aura :
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
Aaron Terence Hughes Guapo :
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
Aqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia:
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $14 10ml: $16
​ ​Aventus Cologne By Creed :
1ml: $10 2ml: $15 3ml: $17 5ml: $24 10ml: $34 ​ ​
Amouage Jubilation XXV :
1ml: $10 2ml: $14 3ml: $18.99 5ml: $24
Amouage Opus XIV Royal Tobacco :
1ml: $10 2ml: $16 3ml: $22 5ml: $25
Amouage Opus XIV Reckless Leather :
1ml: $10 2ml: $16 3ml: $22 5ml: $25
Amouage Reflection Man :
1ml: $10 2ml: $14 3ml: $19 5ml: $24
Amouage Interlude Black Iris :
1ml: $10 2ml: $14 3ml: $19 5ml: $24
Amouage Meander :
1ml: $10 2ml: $14 3ml: $19 5ml: $24
Azzaro The Most Wanted EDP Intense :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $16 10ml: $22
Azzaro Wanted By Night Parfum ( New Silver Bottle ) :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $16 10ml: $22
​Bond No 9 I love NY :
2ml: $8 ​ ​
BDK Gris Garnel EDP :
4ml: $15
Bvlgari Aqva Amara :
1ml: $8 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $19 10ml: $25
Bvlgari Man In Black :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $16 10ml: $22 ​ ​
Bvlgari Rain Essence:
1.5ml: $8 (official) 2ml : $9 3ml : $12 5ml : $16 ​ ​ 10ml: $25 ​ ​
Bvlgari Wood Neroli :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $16 10ml: $22 ​
​Bleu De Chanel EDT :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $16 10ML : $19
Bleu De Chanel EDP :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $13 5ml: $17
Bleu De Chanel Parfum :
1ml: $8 2ml: $11 3ml: $15 5ml: $19
Burberry Hero EDP :
1.5ml : $ 7 ( Official Sample ) ​
Chanel Allure Homme Eau Extreme :
2ml: $15 3ml: $17 5ml: $19
Chanel Allure Homme Edition Blanche :
2ml: $15 3ml: $17 5ml: $19
Creed Aventus EDP :
1ml: $10 2ml: $15 3ml: $17 5ml: $24 10ml: $34
Aventus Cologne EDP :
1ml: $10 2ml: $15 3ml: $17 5ml: $24 10ml: $34
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy Le Parfum :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $15 10ml: $22 ​ ​
CH MEN Pasion :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $15
​Carolina Herrera Bad Boy EDT :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​
Cartier Declaration Haute Fraicheur :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $10 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​
Coach New York For Men EDT :
2ml : $7 ( official Sample ) ​
​Calvin Klien Eternity For Men :
1.2ml : $7 ( Official Sample ) ​
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $15
​Dolce & Gabbana Mysterious Night:
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $15
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Italian Love :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $15
​Dior Homme Cologne :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $15
​Dior Homme Parfum :
1ml: $9 2ml: $15 3ml: $17 5ml: $24 10ml: $34
​​Dior Homme Intense :
1ml: $9 2ml: $11 3ml: $15 5ml: $18 10ml: $24
Dior Suavage EDT :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Dior Suavage Elixir :
1ml: $10 2ml: $14 3ml: $17 5ml: $19 10ml: $26 ​
Guerlain L’homme Ideal Parfum :
1ml: $10 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $19
Guerlain L’homme Ideal EDT :
1ml: $8 2ml: $9 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Guerlain L’homme Ideal EDP :
1ml: $8 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
​Guerlain L’homme Ideal Extreme :
1ml: $8 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​
Guerlain L’homme Ideal Cologne :
1ml: $10 2ml: $15 3ml: $18 5ml: $22 10ml: $27 ​ ​
Guerlain L’homme Ideal Platini Prive :
1ml: $10 2ml: $13 3ml: $16 5ml: $19 10ml: $26 ​
​Guerlain L’homme Ideal Sport :
1ml: $10 2ml: $15 3ml: $18 5ml: $22
​Guerlain L’homme Ideal Cool :
2ml: $15 3ml: $18
Givenchy Gentlemen EDT Intense :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $10 5ml: $13 10ml: $17 ​ ​
Givenchy Gentlemen Boisee EDP :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $10 5ml: $13 10ml: $17 ​
Givenchy Gentlemen Reserve Privee :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​
Givenchy Gentlemen Society Extreme :
1ml: $8 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $17 10ml: $24
Givenchy Gentlemen Society :
1ml: $8 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16
Goblin Parfums Rogue :
1ml: $10 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 10ml: $22 ​
Goblin Parfums Humidor :
1ml: $10 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 10ml: $22 ​
​Givenchy PI EDT :
1ml : $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $10 5ml: $13 10ml: $17
Hugo Boss The Scent Magnetic :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $19 10ml: $24
​Hugo Boss The Scent Le Parfum :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $15 10ml: $19
​ ​Hugo Boss The Scent Private Accord :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $15 10ml: $19
​Initio Narcotic Delight :
1ml: 9 ​ 2ml: $14 3ml: $18 5ml: $24
Initio Oud For Greatness :
1ml: $10 2ml: $13 3ml: $16 5ml: $19 10ml: $26 ​
Initio Paragon :
1ml: 9 ​ 2ml: $14 3ml: $18 5ml: $24
Initio Side Effect :
1ml: 9 ​ 2ml: $14 3ml: $18 5ml: $24
Initio Rehab :
1ml: 9 ​ 2ml: $14 3ml: $18 5ml: $24
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Paradise Garden :
1ml: $11 2ml: $15 3ml: $18 5ml: $21​
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $17 10ml: $21
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Le Parfum :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $17 10ml: $22 ​
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Elixir :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $17 10ml: $22
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Le Parfum Intense :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $19 10ml: $29
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau EDT :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​ ​
Jean Paul Gaultier Scandal Pour Homme EDT :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​ ​
Joop Homme Le Parfum :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $17 ​
John Vavartos XX Teal :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $17
​ ​John Vavartos Artisan Pure :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $17 ​
John Vavartos Dark Rebel :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $19
John Vavartos Dark Rebel Rider :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $19
Jo Malone Nectarine Blossom :
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $19
Khaltat Night Attar Collection:
1ml: $7 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $19
Kay ALi Vanilla I 28 :
1.5ml : $7 ​
Kilian I Don’t Need A Prince By … :
1ml: $9 2ml: $11 3ml: $14 5ml: $17
Louis Vuitton L'Imensite :
1ml: $10 2ml: $15 3ml: $18 5ml: $27
Louis Vuitton Afternoon Swim :
1ml: $10 2ml: $15 3ml: $18 5ml: $25
Maison Francis Kurkdjian OUD Extrait De Parfum :
2ml: $15 3ml: $18 5ml: $29
Memo Paris Irish Leather :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $17
Memo Paris African Leather:
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $17
Montale Arabian Tonka :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​
Mancera Tonka Cola:
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​
Mancera Pearl:
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​
Mancera Amore Caffe :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 ​
Mancera Cedrat Boise :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​
Mancera Instant Crush :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Mancera Cosmic Pepper :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​
Mancera Red Tobacco :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Mancera Aoud Vanille :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​ ​
Mancera Kumkat Wood :
1ml: $7 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​
Michael Malul West Loop :'
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $16​
Michael Malul EdgeWater :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $16 ​ ​ 15ml: $19 ​
Michael Malul Terra Nova :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $16 ​ ​ 13ml: $19 ​
Moschino Toy Boy EDT :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $16 ​ ​
MontBlanc Explorer Platinum :
2ml : $7 ( Official Sample ) ​
MontBlanc Explorer EDP :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $16 ​
Montblanc Legend Spirit :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $16 ​ ​
Montale Honey Aoud :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $11 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​
Montale Arabian Tonka :
1ml: $6 2ml: $8 3ml: $11 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​
Nishane Ani :
1ml: $10 2ml: $13 3ml: $16 5ml: $19 10ml: $26 ​ ​
Nishane Hacivat :
1ml: $10 2ml: $13 3ml: $16 5ml: $19 10ml: $26 ​ ​
Narcisio Rodriguez Bleu Noir EDP :
1ml: 7 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $18 10ml: $19
Narcisio Rodriguez Bleu Noir Parfum :
1ml: 7 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $18 10ml: $19 ​ ​
Nosamatto Baraonda EDP :
1ml: 9 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $22
Office For Men By Fragrance One :
1ml: 9 2ml: $14 3ml: $17 5ml: $22 10ml: $27
Unisex for Everybody By Fragrance One :
1ml: 9 2ml: $14 3ml: $17 5ml: $22 10ml: $27
Paco Rabanne 1 Million Prive :
1ml: 9 2ml: $17 3ml: $21 5ml: $26
Polo Red Extreme :
2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $16
Polo Red EDP :
1ml: 5 2ml: $9 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $16​ ​
Polo Ralph Lauren Blue Parfum :
1.2ml : $7 ( Official Sample ) ​ ​
Prada Luna Rosa Carbon EDT :
1ml: 9 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Prada Luna Rosa Extreme :
1ml: 9 2ml: $16 3ml: $18
Prada Luna Rosa Sport :
1ml: 9 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Prada Luna Rosa Black :
1ml: 9 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 10ml: $19
Prada L’homme :
1ml: 9 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $19
Prada L’homme Intense :
1ml: 7 2ml: $9 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 10ml: $24​ ​
Prada L’homme Leau :
1ml: 7 2ml: $8 3ml: $12 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​
Paco Rabane 1 Million Prive :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $18
Paco Rabane Phantom :
1ml: $8 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $14
Parfums De Marly Layton :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $18 10ml: $27
Parfums De Marly Layton Exclusif :
5ml: $19
Parfums De Marly Pegasus Exclusif :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $19 10ml: $29
Parfums De Marly Pegasus:
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $19 10ml: $26
Parfums De Marly Althair :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $18 10ml: $29 ​ ​
Parfums De Marly Carlisle :
1ml: $8 2ml: $14 3ml: $16 5ml: $19 10ml: $31 ​ ​
Parfums De Marly Percival :
1ml: $8 2ml: $14 3ml: $16 5ml: $19
Replica By The Fireplace :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $17 10ml: $22 ​ ​
Replica Jazz Club :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $17
Replica Coffee Break :
1ml: $7 2ml: $12 3ml: $14 5ml: $17
Roja Parfums Elysium :
1ml: $10 2ml: $13 3ml: $16
Rasasi Hawas EDP:
1ml: 7 2ml: $10 3ml: $11 5ml: $13 10ml: $16 ​
Rasasi Hawas ICE :
1ml: 8 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $15 10ml: $19​ ​
Ralph Lauren Beyond Romance :
1.2ml : $7 ( official Sample ) ​
Ralph Lauren Romance :
1.2ml : $7 ( official Sample ) ​
Ralph Lauren EDP :
1.2ml : $7 ( official Sample )
Serge Lutens Chergui :
1ml: 9 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 ​ ​ 10ml: 24
Salvatore Ferragamo UOMO EDT :
2ml: $5 3ml: $8 5ml: $12 10ml: $15 ​ ​
Salvatore Ferragamo UOMO Signature :
2ml: $5 3ml: $8 5ml: $12 10ml: $15 ​
Salvatore Ferragamo Casual Life :
2ml: $5 3ml: $8 5ml: $12 10ml: $15​
Salvatore Ferragamo Spicy Leather :
2ml: $10 3ml: $13 5ml: $15 10ml: $19
Tom Ford Fucking Fabolous :
1ml: $11 2ml: $14 3ml: $17 5ml: $29
Tom Ford Oud Wood :
1ml: $9 2ml: $14 3ml: $17 5ml: $25
Tom Ford Ombre Leather :
1ml: $9 2ml: $14 3ml: $16 5ml: $19 10ml: $27​ ​
Tom Ford Ombre Leather Parfum :
1ml: $9 2ml: $14 3ml: $16 5ml: $19 10ml: $29
Tom Ford Tuscan Leather :
1ml: $9 2ml: $12 3ml: $16 5ml: $24
Tom Ford Oud Wood :
1ml: $9 2ml: $14 3ml: $17 5ml: $25
Tom Ford Black Orchid :
1ml: $6 2ml: $9 3ml: $12 5ml: $16 10ml: $19 ​ ​
Thomas Kosmala Arabian Passion :
8ML: $19 ​ ​
Terre D'hermes EDT :
1ml: $8 2ml: $9 3ml: $13 5ml: $17 10ml: $19 ​ ​
Issey Miyake Noire Ambre :
1ml: $11 2ml: $14 3ml: $17 5ml: $22 10ml: $26
Issey Miyake Nuit Dissey Parfum :
2ml: $4 3ml: $6 5ml: $9 10ml: $17 ​
Issey Miyake L’eau Dissey EDT :
2ml: $4 3ml: $6 5ml: $9 10ml: $17 ​
​Versace Oud Noir :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 10ml: $19 ​
​Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb EDT :
1ml: $8 2ml: $11 3ml: $12 5ml: $14 10ml: $17 ​ ​
Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb Extreme :
1ml : $7 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 10ml: $19 ​
Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb Infrared :
1ml : $7 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 10ml: $19
Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb Infrared EDP :
1ml : $7 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $17 10ml: $19 ​ ​
Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb EDP :
1.2ml : $7 ( Official Sample ) ​ ​
Xerjoff Iommi Monkey Special :
1ml: $8 2ml: $15 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
Xerjoff Erba Gold :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13
Xerjoff Erba Pura :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $22 10ml: $34
Xerjoff 1861 Naxos :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $22 10ml: $34
Xerjoff 40 Knots :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $22 10ml: $34
Xerjoff Apollonia :
1ml: $8 2ml: $15 3ml: $19
​ ​Xerjoff Renaissance :
1ml: $8 2ml: $12 3ml: $15 5ml: $22
Xerjoff Torino 21 :
1ml: $10 2ml: $15 3ml: $19 5ml: $26
​YSL Tuxedo :
5ml: $28
YSL Myslf : 1ml: $11 2ml: $19 5ml: $24 ​ ​
YSL Y LE Parfum :
1ml: $8 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $16 10ml: $22 ​
​YSL La Nuit L’homme :
1ml: $8 2ml: $11 3ml: $13 5ml: $15 10ml: $19 ​ ​
YSL L’homme Parfum Intense :
1ml: $8 2ml: $13 3ml: $15 5ml: $19
YSL Bleu Electrique :
1ml: $11 2ml: $19 5ml: $24 ​ ​
Paris Corner Rifaaqat :
2ml: $7 3ml: $9 5ml: $11 10ml : 14
Lattafa Asad Zanzibar :
2ml: $7 3ml: $9 5ml: $11 10ml : 14
Lattafa Khamrah Qahwa :
2ml: $7 3ml: $9 5ml: $11 10ml : 14
Lattafa Khamrah :
2ml: $7 3ml: $9 5ml: $11 10ml : 14
Maison Alhambra The Tux :
2ml: $7 3ml: $9 5ml: $11 10ml : 14
Maison Alhambra Jean Lowe Immortal :
2ml: $7 3ml: $9 5ml: $11 10ml : 14
Fragrance World Suits :
2ml: $7 3ml: $9 5ml: $11 10ml : 14
Rasasi Brilliant Silver :
2ml: $7 3ml: $8 5ml: $9 10ml : 12
Accepted Payments - PayPal G&S ( 3.5% add fees ) , F&F , Venmo, Zelle , CashApp
submitted by Nakg16 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 -Yamadu- Was in paris, is this a scam?

Was in paris, is this a scam?
So I was in an art shop where they were showcasing a guys painting signed S.Binet, it looked like AI, so I looked deeper some paintings with words like the hundred dollar bill the words slowly become illegible, along with the fact that if the author is French why would he use a dollar instead of euro, I asked the owner he said its 100 percent original and it was an acrylic painting, I told its most likely fake and computer generated. He said it wasn't and it was priced at 160 euros. What do you guys think?
Français: Alors j'étais dans un magasin d'art où ils exposaient un tableau de gars signé S.Binet, ça ressemblait à AI, alors j'ai regardé plus profondément certains tableaux avec des mots comme le billet de cent dollars les mots deviennent lentement illisibles, avec le fait que si le billet de cent dollars l'auteur est français, pourquoi utiliserait-il un dollar au lieu d'un euro, j'ai demandé au propriétaire, il a dit que c'était 100 pour cent original et que c'était une peinture acrylique, j'ai dit qu'elle était très probablement fausse et générée par ordinateur. Il a répondu que ce n'était pas le cas et que le prix était de 160 euros. Qu'en pensez-vous?
Please don't bully the shop if this is AI O don't want to cause the man problems.
submitted by -Yamadu- to aiArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:30 -Yamadu- Was an paris is this a scam?

Was an paris is this a scam?
So I was in an art shop where they were showcasing a guys painting signed S.Binet, it looked like AI, so I looked deeper some paintings with words like the hundred dollar bill the words slowly become illegible, along with the fact that if the author is French why would he use a dollar instead of euro, I asked the owner he said its 100 percent original and it was an acrylic painting, I told its most likely fake and computer generated. He said it wasn't and it was priced at 160 euros. What do you guys think?
Français: Alors j'étais dans un magasin d'art où ils exposaient un tableau de gars signé S.Binet, ça ressemblait à AI, alors j'ai regardé plus profondément certains tableaux avec des mots comme le billet de cent dollars les mots deviennent lentement illisibles, avec le fait que si le billet de cent dollars l'auteur est français, pourquoi utiliserait-il un dollar au lieu d'un euro, j'ai demandé au propriétaire, il a dit que c'était 100 pour cent original et que c'était une peinture acrylique, j'ai dit qu'elle était très probablement fausse et générée par ordinateur. Il a répondu que ce n'était pas le cas et que le prix était de 160 euros. Qu'en pensez-vous?
submitted by -Yamadu- to paris [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:59 Caleb_W [Victor ATM on X] Takeaways from Patricia Cazon's stream today, a Diaro AS reporter, about news of Atleti and this summer transfer window.

*There is enough income for Atleti to invest in signings this summer.
*Mario Hermoso is being offered a very low financial amount, which is making his renewal impossible. Diego Pablo Simeone wants him in the squad and is pushing to keep him in the team.
*Savic's story at Atletico de Madrid is now over.
*Memphis Depay is out of Atletico de Madrid, he is not going to continue next season.
*The first negotiations between Atletico de Madrid and Girona are already taking place. Atleti wants to know if that initial figure of €40m can be lowered, Atleti has proposed to Girona the entry of players in the operation; Roro on loan. Even so, Atletico Madrid prefers to incorporate other players since they have Roro, this player could be Reinildo. Girona has not responded negatively, but in principle they remain in their position, they want those €40m.
submitted by Caleb_W to atletico [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:55 VolkerBach In Praise of the Pig (c. 1340)

In Praise of the Pig (c. 1340)
The König vom Odenwald is finished, but I will still need to do some work on the final edit and think about what to do with it. Meanwhile, here is another poem in praise of the pig:
IX This is a poem about the pig
And its usefulness
And it was made skilfully
By the kunig vom Otenwalde
As I have nothing new at this time
Many people say: “Very well,
We should have something new,
Kunig, make us a new poem!”
If I have to write something new
I will write about the pig.
Their squealing should gladly be tolerated
Sour liver (lebersoln) come from them
Filled and roasted
Happy are those who have them!
Boiled and smoked
They lose none of their virtue.
Now I should look at
Sausages in four manners
Made with brain and with blood
And also hot liver sausages
And sausages of sheer meat (brod = brät)
Those last long
Roasts by the embers
Give you joy
Bread catching dripping (betreift sniten) underneath
It is no wonder
Head, ears, tail, feet
And one part it digs with (the snout)
And the four pig legs
In vinegar and galantine
Tongue, spleen, and stomach
Of this, I, the kunig, must say
Of this come side dishes
Now hark what I say!
You also use the bladder well
Wherever it is useful.
You have bacon with peas
In your chickens and on a spit
And where there are boiled chickens
You must have bacon and parsley with them.
Further, I always serve
Fried lardons (grieben) in mus and on porridge
Pancakes and filled fritters (krepfelin)
All come from the pig
Dumplings from the rump (buzl)
Appear to be so small
But they are noble (like) venison (wiltbreht).
I will tell you more about the pig:
Shoulders and hams
Nourish nursemaids and women in childbed
Fat cabbage (kruot) come from the pig
Bride and bridegroom eat of that
This is common custom.
All foods are improved with it
Adding a little bacon to fish
I never forget to do this
Use your teeth if you can
Women and men both!
To use the large bellies and lard
You must have salt
You use it to smear on many things
Wagon sides (leitern) so they become smooth
Books, saddles, bucklers,
are protected steadily (by greasing)
And smiths always wear
A (pig)skin apron over their skin
Straps on the helm
Are carried on the field
Points and straps
Are inexpensively bought
The strop for the razor
I have heard and seen this
Is needed to swipe over often
When you wish to shave beards.
You also find, made of the skin
Belts, broad and narrow
I also tell you of the bristles
That they are used to brush hair
And every cobbler
Cannot be without bristles
Weavers and painters, too
Have need of bristles
And also every goldsmith
Works with them.
With bristles you make
Glasses clean, if you know how
And the noble bristles are
Put into the holy water sprinkler
Which is used in good intent
So God may have us in his protection.
The kunig has made this poem
Whoever can write a better one should do so.
This poem completes the series praising domestic animals, following the cow, goose, chicken, and sheep. While it mentions technical applications for pig products, its main focus lies on food. Pigs were kept primarily for eating.
The defense of the pig whose squealing seems to have annoyed people begins with a mention of lebersoln. I am not fully sure what these are, but I suspect it is a reference to the frequently attested roasted mashed liver wrapped in a caul. That certainly seems to have been a popular and exclusive dish. Sausages, made with brain, liver, blood, or sheer meat, are specifically addressed as four main types. This seems to be a mental classification that was current. We have surviving recipes for blood sausages, liver sausages, and the high-status bratwurst made from muscle meat. Some surviving recipes involving brain, too, may describe sausages, but I am less confident in identifying those. The poem does not mention lung sausages, a type we have several surviving recipes for. That may be owed to local custom, personal dislike, lack of status, or any other reason you care to imagine. Certainly people ate every part of the pig, and sausage making was a creative discipline.
Next, the poem mentions roast pork and the joy of eating the drippings with bread – betreift sniten possibly placed under the roast during cooking, though in my opinion more likely spread on toasted slices or loaves afterwards. I can attest to the fact that this is delicious. The feet, snout, ears and tail are cooked in a galantine. This is harder to interpret than it seems because the various words used to describe jelly today could refer to gelatin, but also to thickened sauces at the time. Clearly, though, these fiddly meat bits were cooked, taken apart, and served in an accressible and highly seasoned form.
The next section addresses bacon (speck), a useful ingredient in all kinds of dishes. This could refer to anything from mostly meaty salt-cured pork belly to mostly fat, white Rückenspeck. Interpreting individual recipes can be fraught that way, but it is likely cooks chose what they found served best. One especially interesting note is the poet’s injunction that boiled chicken must always be served with bacon and parsley (here likely meaning the root boiled with the meat). There may be the germ of a recipe in this line. Pig fat is also used as a cooking medium, which provides the connection to pancakes and the broad class of krepfelin fritters. The word usually means a filled fritter like a dumpling, but is often used for other kinds of fritter as well. The lardons (grieben) produced when rendering lard were another way of adding meaty richness to non-meat dishes, served with porridges and vegetable purees.
Two social practices are mentioned as asides: Pork shoulders and ham, probably dry-salted and smoked, are served to nursing mothers and fat kraut, most likely a cabbage dish, at weddings. We have other mentions of this and it seems to have been a custom early on. Addiong bacon to fish while culinarily plausible seems a daring suggestion given that fish was mainly eaten during Lent. It would not be a problem on meat days, obviously, so such recipes likely existed, but to find it stated as common practice in a clerical environment is a slight surprise.
What follows is a list of technical applications: Pigskin used in aprons razor, strops, helmet straps, and all kinds of other roles, pig fat for greasing leather, and bristles for sewing, in brushes, and in holy water sprinklers, the noblest avocation a humble pig could aspire to. Interestingly, we also learn that drinking glasses, still a luxury item, were kept clean using brushes. This kind of detail makes reading the König’s poems so rewarding.
Der König vom Odenwald (literally king of the Odenwald, a mountain chain in southern Germany) is an otherwise unknown poet whose work is tentatively dated to the 1340s. His title may refer to a senior rank among musicians or entertainers, a Spielmannskönig, but that is speculative. Many of his poems are humorous and deal with aspects of everyday life which makes them valuable sources to us today.
The identity of this poet has been subject to much speculation. He is clearly associated with the episcopal court at Würzburg and likely specifically with Michael de Leone (c. 1300-1355), a lawyer and scholar. Most of his work is known only through the Hausbuch of the same Michael de Leone, a collection of verse and practical prose that also includes the first known instance of the Buoch von guoter Spise, a recipe collection. This and the evident relish with which he describes food have led scholars to consider him a professional cook and the author of the Buoch von Guoter Spise, but that is unlikely. Going by the content of his poetry, the author is clearly familiar with the lives of the lower nobility and even his image of poverty is genteel. This need not mean he belonged to this class, but he clearly moved in these circles to some degree. Michael de Leone, a secular cleric and canon on the Würzburg chapter, was of that class and may have been a patron of the poet. Reinhardt Olt whose edition I am basing my translation on assumes that the author was a fellow canon, Johann II von Erbach.
I only translate the poems that deal with aspects of food or related everyday life here. There are several others which are less interesting as sources. They can be found in the newest extant edition by Reinhard Olt, König vom Odenwald; Gedichte, Carl Winter Verlag, Heidelberg 1988.
submitted by VolkerBach to CulinaryHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:11 VinScratch777 Feeling so sick to my stomach and lost. Feel i no longer have meaning and doubting if life is even real or if its a dream which now turns out must be my biggest fear. Advice really needed please.

Hello everyone, i was never one for philosophy or anything like that. Life is busy and i never really sat back and thought of the grand scheme of what could be happening until a week ago which is where my 'real life' hell began. Let me start off with ive had anxiety for the past 2 years super on and off but when it was on it was on. It started with health anxiety which i still suffer with then work anxiety that made me quit my job and ive been jobless for a few months and i guess my mind has taken over now and has focused on something new as even though i was jobless i was happy as i had been in a long time positive rut and was getting up and playing games and enjoying life. Now i have something that threefolds all of these which is an existensial crisis? i think its called. I wont lie i have cried like a baby all day for the past days and have stopped eating its making me so ill. Let me lay the groundworks it all started when I was on youtube actually and got recommended a kurzesagt video which explained we all could be a brain in a vat and then got another video saying we could be in a simulation (basically theories that are scary about life and the theory that none of us are real as if life wasnt already depressing enough). It made me think at first and i was curious but thought it was obvious click thru content with no proof and just a concept that isnt realistic. I always was taught about the big bang and how we are all real and alive and thats the end of it so to me this was foreign ofc and i never put thought into anything as i thought what i had been taught was proof backed and never gave it a second thought with how busy life can get. It still shook me up a bit as im a very influential person which lead to me googling (the worst thing for someone like me) which later got me panicking more and more each click realizing that no human knows why we are here or can prove any philosophy to be true. Ill be honest this shit me up and fucked with my mentally completely a lot more than i thought as i realized with no hard evidence on anything for all i know im not real and everyone is fake or this is an AI world in a simulation and people that i love to death like my mum are not even real. It really made me depressed at first but now its even worse and anxiety is taking hold meaning im constantly feeling sick and shaking and ill because i dont know what to think. Is this real? Am i even real? Im getting the same repetitive dreams that keep telling me im in a game now and going to sleep is the worst as it makes me feel like puking up my organs with how much anxiety i get from it. I then get even more panicked and worried realizing how not normal this is and that maybe i have something wrong with my health that has made me like this. I do suffer with health anxiety like i said and for the past 7 months have already had an on-going battle with myself thinking i have a brain tumor which the doctors think im fine but wont do any MRI or CT tests so im now thinking what if its a brain tumor thats making me have this sudden de-realization as it can be a symptom. This is hell and here i am on reddit looking for some answers, how can i cope anymore? Is this normal at all? I used to love life and get up feeling so normal and full of joy but now i feel dead inside knowing nothing about our world, not knowing if its even real and now i feel way more scared of death as i feel isolated fully which has increased my anxiety x10. Everything that used to be my positive outlook to battle days i was down was thinking about getting a job and money again and seeing my friends irl / playing games. Well these no longer help as these 'theories of life' i have found out about has fucked me up and it cant even be proven wrong. I spoke to my mum about it a bit and she thinks im going crazy and its starting to upset her again and to say we have already been thru alot which makes me just want to burst out crying tbh, i love her so much and seeing me ruin things for her time and time and again is just breaking me apart. This will be the 3rd time with anxiety symptoms and something getting me depressed (first health, then work and now whatever anxiety this shit is). I dont know what to do though as this isnt healthy for me. Please any advice would be great, i hope this is the right sub-reddit for something like this. I dont feel suicidal or anything like that and would never resort to anything like that as real or not i still love my family that i know are there if needed. Its also made me think about the death of my mum if she passes first which makes me sob even typing this. Im just so fed up. This is on an old un-used reddit account as i dont want anyone i know knowing about this. Thanks for listening and any advice would be great <3
submitted by VinScratch777 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Brasileiro - Série C: CSA x Sampaio Corrêa

[Encerrado] CSA 0 x 0 Sampaio Corrêa

Gols CSA: N/D Gols Sampaio Corrêa: N/D
Campeonato Brasileiro Série C - Primeira fase Estádio: Rei Pelé Data: 18 de Maio de 2024, 17:00 Transmissão: DAZN, Nosso Futebol, Zapping Sports Link para Live Match Thread Post-Match Thread: https://www.reddit.com/futebol/comments/1cv8enc/postmatch_thread_campeonato_brasileiro_série_c/
CSA (N/D) Sampaio Corrêa (N/D)
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Técnico: N/D Técnico: N/D
Arbitragem: N/D


Começa o Primeiro Tempo! 00/1T BOLA ROLANDO. Sampaio Corrêa dá o pontapé, começa o jogo. 07/1T BOA DEFESA!!! Iury Tanque recebe dentro da área do Sampaio, bate forte, de perna direita, e Felipe espalma pra escanteio. 13/1T UUUHHH!!! Vitor Leque recebe com liberdade pela direita, cruza na primeira trave, Dal Pian fecha bem, desvia e a bola passa perto do gol de Felipe. 20/1T 🟨 AMARELO. Para Nadson, por parar um contra-ataque com falta em cima de Vitor Leque. 23/1T PERDEU!!!! Vitor Leque cruza, o zagueiro do Sampaio Corrêa escorrega na pequena área. Richard, sozinho, domina, mas isola a finalização. Que chance perde o CSA! 25/1T 🟨 AMARELO. Para Vitor Leque, por parar um contra-ataque do Sampaio. 30/1T POR CIMA!!! Nadson gira na frente da área do CSA, bate forte e vê a bola passa por cima do gol de Deivity. Tiro de meta pro Azulão. 32/1T PRA FOOORA!!! Nadson aproveita corte errado de Lucas Marques, se livra da marcação e chuta de perna direita, dentro da área do CSA. A bola passa à esquerda do gol de Deivity. 35/1T SENTIU. Ferreira sente e desaba no gramado. Carro-maca em campo. 36/1T ALTERAÇÃO. Entra: Guilherme Escuro. Sai: Ferreira. 45/1T DEIVITY!!! João Felipe é acionado dentro da área do CSA, chuta de perna canhota e Deivity defende no canto esquerdo. 46/1T 🟨 AMARELO. Itambé, por falta dura em cima de Iury Tanque. Zagueiro do Sampaio dá um carrinho perigoso no atacante do CSA. 48/1T +4. Primeiro tempo vai até os 49'. 48/1T ⏱️ Termina o Primeiro Tempo!   Começa o Segundo Tempo! 00/2T COMEÇOU... Iury Tanque toca na bola, começa a segunda etapa. 11/2T MUDANÇA DUPLA. Entram: Breno Almeida e Marcelinho. Saem: Pimentinha e Nadson. 12/2T SUBIU A BANDEIRA. Richard é acionado por trás da defesa do Sampaio Corrêa, dispara, mas o assistente Alexandre de Medeiros marca impedimento. 17/2T BOA CHEGADA. Jonatha Varela recebe na linha da entrada da área, chuta fraco e Deivity cai no canto esquerdo pra fazer a defesa. 18/2T MUDA O AZULÃO. Entra: Tiago Marques. Sai: Richard. 22/2T 🟨 Matheus Santos, por derrubar o jogador do Sampaio na frente da área azulina. 23/2T MEXE O SAMPAIO. Entram: Bruno Baio e Pablo. Saem: Brunão e Jonatha Varela. 24/2T MUDA O AZULÃO. Entra: Alisson Farias. Sai: Vitor Leque. 28/2T MUDANÇA DUPLA. Entram: Jean Cléber e Róger. Saem: Iury Tanque e Erik. 30/2T QUE PANCADA!!! João Felipe solta uma bomba de fora da área, a bola passa perto do travessão de Deivity. 37/2T ESCORREGOU. Alisson Farias vem buscar jogo no campo de defesa do CSA, é acionado, mas escorrega na hora do domínio. 39/2T UUUHHH!!! Após cruzamento por baixo, Bruno Baio tenta o toque de perna esquerda, não consegue e desperdiça ótima chance de abrir o placar. 43/2T OLHA SÓ, RAPAZ! João Felipe vê Deivity adiantado, chuta do meio da rua e a bola passa perto do gol do CSA. Camisa 10 do Sampaio quase marca um golaço no Rei Pelé. 45/2T +5. Vamos até os 50'. 49/2T FIM DE PAPO. Aos 49', o árbitro encerra o jogo no Rei Pelé. CSA 0 x 0 Sampaio Corrêa. 49/2T ⏱️ Termina o Segundo Tempo!   Fim de Jogo!
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:48 Sushistyle My crypto story and the need for enlightenment!

Since my youth I've always been curious and when cryptocurrencies emerged I got interested as soon as I heard about it. A way to be decentralised and less regulated something as a vision that I was very aligned too in other sides of my life.
Bitcoin was the first I heard about maybe around 2012 and bought 2 BTC maybe by 2015, what I remember is buying it around 300$ CAD (250 USD at the time) and transferring it to that inovative well reviewed chinese mining project called HaoBtc (near 2016) which was giving daily interest in bitcoin for investing in their mining farm. They were very big and still are as of today but do not offer the same services to foreigners.
Following that I invested my 2 btc in what looked like a promising offer at 100% at a high yield apy website but which ended up being a ponzi scheme. They were promising the withdrawal after the 2 months deposit (kinda like staking bu they were compounding interest). I bet even after that I would not have been able to withdraw anything from that (fake) account because those founds were probably already gone.. No hard feelings and my lesson is learned and yes I do think about it sometimes but I'm humble too... Not the end of the world as well....
Got burned of the whole thing later on because I didn't had much founds having to move countries in between canada and usa. Family matters more and I didn't consecrated as much monetarily for like 3 years
I still learned a lot over the years reading and informing myself, looking at cycles, collecting faucets playing games on the app store like flappy bird which would pay around 0.50 cents/10minutes/day of btc when the price for one was still under 500$ loll and eventually mining alt coins like ravencoin, harmony one, etc...
I eventually dabbled in defi with some very small aave bag more as a test but I quickly stopped after a short while because of the fees. That could have been a good venture circa 2020-2022
It's not necessarily big milestones but i've learned alot along the way and now i'm more confident and understand more than ever the concepts of the world of crypto that seemed shadowy before for me: in between web3, airdrops, defi, dapps, RWA, arbitrage, nodes, Dex's, swap, staking, telegram opportunities, Lp investments, Dao's, mining, dePin, meme coins, coin tracking...
From all that knowledge and having more money this year after fixing other issues I invested a little bit into some cronos on crypto.com for 20% apy and traded ethereum to get some Kendu Inu coins after loosing some on CAW in cronos so didt it via uniswap hopping that they will rise in the future. Got from 65 usd of kendu to 175. Still got scammed/rugpulled lately on a Sol token I was stupid to even consider investing in (around 50usd). What's left ~ 235 usd is the entirety of my portfolio for now so almost nothing at: 60 usd Cro staked for 1 year on CDC and 175 usd in Kendu Inu on Defi.
All in all I learned a lot, lost some and gained some too, understand scams more but I still would like to get some help or to be enlighten on how to be more productive, where to be informed about growing/potential gems, how to produce passive income (even if it is small) so I can increase steadily my portfolio, maybe get some directions in Nft trading even, crypto earn plaforms etc.
Tldr; I just want to steer in the right direction.
I'm a og crypto enthusiast that saw and experienced a lot since 2012 and is ready to be introduced to the more occult/ expert stuff since I have more time and ressources to do so. Any mentorship, learning platforms, reddits, tgs, sites, community, trading methods/bots would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much if you read up to here! Any insights would be so really appreciated.
submitted by Sushistyle to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:43 Sushistyle My crypto story and my need for enlightenment!

Since my youth I've always been curious and when cryptocurrencies emerged I got interested as soon as I heard about it. A way to be decentralised and less regulated something as a vision that I was very aligned too in other sides of my life.
Bitcoin was the first I heard about maybe around 2012 and bought 2 BTC maybe by 2015, what I remember is buying it around 300$ CAD (250 USD at the time) and transferring it to that inovative well reviewed chinese mining project called HaoBtc (near 2016) which was giving daily interest in bitcoin for investing in their mining farm. They were very big and still are as of today but do not offer the same services to foreigners.
Following that I invested my 2 btc in what looked like a promising offer at 100% at a high yield apy website but which ended up being a ponzi scheme. They were promising the withdrawal after the 2 months deposit (kinda like staking bu they were compounding interest). I bet even after that I would not have been able to withdraw anything from that (fake) account because those founds were probably already gone.. No hard feelings and my lesson is learned and yes I do think about it sometimes but I'm humble too... Not the end of the world as well....
Got burned of the whole thing later on because I didn't had much founds having to move countries in between canada and usa. Family matters more and I didn't consecrated as much monetarily for like 3 years
I still learned a lot over the years reading and informing myself, looking at cycles, collecting faucets playing games on the app store like flappy bird which would pay around 0.50 cents/10minutes/day of btc when the price for one was still under 500$ loll and eventually mining alt coins like ravencoin, harmony one, etc...
I eventually dabbled in defi with some very small aave bag more as a test but I quickly stopped after a short while because of the fees. That could have been a good venture circa 2020-2022
It's not necessarily big milestones but i've learned alot along the way and now i'm more confident and understand more than ever the concepts of the world of crypto that seemed shadowy before for me: in between web3, airdrops, defi, dapps, RWA, arbitrage, nodes, Dex's, swap, staking, telegram opportunities, Lp investments, Dao's, mining, dePin, meme coins, coin tracking...
From all that knowledge and having more money this year after fixing other issues I invested a little bit into some cronos on crypto.com for 20% apy and traded ethereum to get some Kendu Inu coins after loosing some on CAW in cronos so didt it via uniswap hopping that they will rise in the future. Got from 65 usd of kendu to 175. Still got scammed/rugpulled lately on a Sol token I was stupid to even consider investing in (around 50usd). What's left ~ 235 usd is the entirety of my portfolio for now so almost nothing at: 60 usd Cro staked for 1 year on CDC and 175 usd in Kendu Inu on Defi.
All in all I learned a lot, lost some and gained some too, understand scams more but I still would like to get some help or to be enlighten on how to be more productive, where to be informed about growing/potential gems, how to produce passive income (even if it is small) so I can increase steadily my portfolio, maybe get some directions in Nft trading even, crypto earn plaforms etc.
Tldr; I just want to steer in the right direction.
I'm a og crypto enthusiast that saw and experienced a lot since 2012 and is ready to be introduced to the more occult/ expert stuff since I have more time and ressources to do so. Any mentorship, learning platforms, reddits, tgs, sites, community, trading methods/bots would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much if you read up to here! Any insights would be so really appreciated.
submitted by Sushistyle to u/Sushistyle [link] [comments]
