Wow elemental shaman macros

Karma Horde Raiding

2014.07.23 20:19 McLouvre Karma Horde Raiding


2011.09.16 18:47 pichos Raiding Rainbow


2024.05.21 16:15 Isomodia Last played on Ragefire, thinking of returning for Teek

I just had a few questions that I don't see being addressed here.
I played EQ "seriously" as a preteen back in 99-04. I never did any meaningful raiding or endgame content, but I enjoyed grouping up and killing orcs in Crushbone or Undead in Mistmoore and just chatting with folks.
I know that it isn't 1999, and that type of player is mostly extinct at this point, but I jumped on the WoW classic train since I had missed the original vanilla version of the game (due to playing EQ,) and had very little fun. Even in levelling content, players were trying to "min-max" groups. Everyone was zerging for level cap and even random PuG groups were excluding class X or Y because they weren't "as good" as class A or B.
That sucks. I mean, I generally wanted a priest and a taunt in my EQ groups, but the idea of a druid not being able to group because "SKs are the best Knight class" and they pair best with Shaman, is just unfun. I want to be able to do content with my buddies. I want to grab a Knight, a Priest, some kind of CC, and some stabby-types and go kill froglocs. I want to do stuff with Joe and Mikey because Joe and Mikey are fun to hang out with in voice-chat, you know?
I played vanilla. It was hard!
I played on Ragefire, it was pretty neat!
I played on P99, it was FAR beyond what I was looking for!
I assume that Teek is going to be very similar to Ragefire? I know that we have relaxed XP, no "hell levels" and no-drop on death, which are all HUGE boons for someone like myself. I know that in-game maps exist (awesome!)
Is there anything I'm missing? Have things gotten more relaxed since Ragefire in other ways I'm missing? I enjoyed playing there, but I did stall out around 45 on my rogue because I fell too far behind due to real-life commitments and groups took hours to find at my level. I've got more time now, and I'm starting at launch (or at least within a day or two once the initial flood washes through... too much for me!) so I don't forsee that being a concern. I have enough time to invest, but I've also got a family that means I'm rarely all-in attention-wise (outside of doing group content, of course! Gamer wife is awesome and doesn't mind keeping the kids wrangled solo while I focus for a few hours here and there!)
I'm pretty set on playing a ranger this go-around, or possibly returning to the rogue. I've also played cleric and warrior in the past, but I don't care to fill those "group leader" roles these days, so a DPS feels like the way to go. I could be tempted by a good argument to a "support" role like enchanter or bard, though I'm looking to avoid difficult playstyles. (I'm aware this is a 25 year old game and difficult is a relative term, but I'm a casual, is what I'm driving at.)
I just want to have fun. I don't know anybody else that plays, and the modern MMO loop and mindset of the player base just has me fatigued, but I'm not ready to give up on the genre just yet. I had that fun here, a long time ago, and I hope maybe there is a little magic left for an aging-out online gamer. I'm only 34!
submitted by Isomodia to everquest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:13 deigo73 Universal kick macro?

Hey, gang! I'm fairly new back to WoW and I primarily do raids on LFnormal/heroic. I dip into mythics every now and then. In every group of pull there are different mobs that need interrupted. Is there a way to do a macro that would kick any of the important mobs all in one swoop? My macro now will kick my focus target, otherwise my actual target. But it'd be nice if it were something like "kick Mob1, else kick Mob2, else kick Mob3, and so on, else kick target". That way I could put all the names of all the important kick targets into one macro without having to change my focus every pull. Mythics get pulled so quickly it takes longer to find and set my focus than I would like.
submitted by deigo73 to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:08 YenLilith [Fan Made Cards] What do you think of my Alchemy Beast spin?

[Fan Made Cards] What do you think of my Alchemy Beast spin?
I tried to bring Alchemy Beasts (Played by Amnael/Banner in GX and didn't get prints up today) in the modern times. That way the cards should be useful, but not too strong. They are not meant to be a meta deck (not even a rogue tbh) but they could be a quite nice fun deck. I designed them to be played with the OG Macro Cosmos Cards we already got. The only Difference to existing cards I designed was an upgraded Elemental Absorber, which should work way better and as intended in the anime now.
submitted by YenLilith to yugioh [link] [comments]


How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
I'm 19y/o. I would say Im a calm person, unless when im tired or when someone angers me. Im the balance between energetic and no energy person. I dont like sticking to one opinion because it feels like im limiting myself, so i guess im open minded. I dont really care about what people think of me unless its about my attitude or if i hurt someone unintentionally. i cant watch kdramas that r js typical, it feels so shallow and cringy. I also like psycho analyzing people. I also overanalyze someone's actions towards me. When i talk about a topic, i mostly talk the generality of it, but sometimes i think about every possible details which makes it hard to commit to one, for example: let’s say someone says you choose your own reality, in a way i get what they mean but i also think abt ppl who actually cant choose their reality. Drake and kendrick dissing each other, my brother asked me whose side im on, which i honestly dont give a crap, because its not connected to me neither i dont care who they are, feels insignificant to waste my brain cells on that thing. I also dont like rude people, like i get you have a painful past but that doesnt excuse how you treat me, i deserve to be treated like a normal human being. The line between right or wrong is kinda hard for me, i think theres no right or wrong in reality, its just based on people’s values and morals. Which ofc i do have.
Is there a medical diagnosis that impact your mental/compartmental stability somehow?
not that i know of
Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
im not religious but i do believe there is some force that does things
What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
im an architecture student, so far i like it, designing a specific building for a specific person to suit their needs and comfort, how they would function inside it, my fav architect is antoni gaudi bc his works, every building's detail has a function or a meaning to it, which is not just existing but serving it's purpose
If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
for right now, i would feel refreshed bc semester just ended and i need to restore my sanity, but if im feeling energetic then i would rather spend it with my friends,
What is your relation with movement and your surroundings? For instance do you prefer a sport or outdoors event? If an outdoors event what is it? And why? If not what type of activities do you tend to engage i?
im not really good at sports, but i do like running it makes me happy i dont know why, i like doing stuff that requires my brain like puzzles, sudoku, video games, movies with complicated plot
How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
honestly depends of what mood im in, but since im an architecture student i tend to touch every material, and be curious about the function of the elements. i like listening to interesting takes on life or anything, that is different from others, but generally idk if im curious or not. im not sure if this considers as curious or not, but i like thinking about life, what is the purpose of humans, why they act selfish or why they act like a bitch generally, trying to find an answer to anything.
Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
i like leadership positions, i like being in control, i like being organized, i think i will do a perfect as a manager lol. when im traveling with my friends i always do the bookings, transport, almost everything
Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
im kinda clumsy but i have great reflexes, i dont really pay attention to my surroundings like if im traveling in a group and some stranger says something i only find out after my friend tells me about it. i like painting, it feels so calm
Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
i like painting, bc i like blending colors, it just feels so free yk. i like listening to music, i listen to almost every genre based on my mood that day, i rly wanna learn how to play on a piano
What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
i dont think about the past, present, sometimes future but lately i stopped worrying about the future instead just making plans, i mostly just think about anything that doesnt really involve time, i be thinking about life, people, or any concept, or just making my own opinions
How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
i like to help even if doesnt benefit me, but if its something absurd then fuck no, im a straightforward person you see, if i dont want to help i js straight up say sry cant help
Do you need logical consistency in your life?
define logical consistency
How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
It is important to me, im more work first, play later person. ive been thinking lately, i thought i wasnt a competitive person but during the process idc if im not the best or worst, but at the result i actually do care, i want to be better, idk why it contradicts, the process and the result
Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
mostly to gain something for myself, when i want something i plan like a scenario in my head of how they would react and what i would say
What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
is it weird that i realized i dont have any beneficial hobbies, ex: playing video games, drawing, im not consistent at anything, i start something and drop it
What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
i like organized teachers, i also like teachers who talk in an interesting way, like connecting the subject to real life or anything interesting. i like teachers who talk in broad sense and not yappers. im really bad at memorizing things, i try to understand rather than memorizing, i like my design classes because u can create something meaningful and good as long as its serving a purpose
How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
before i start doing any project first i break it up into simples things then start doing it
What's important to you and why?
i honestly dont know, as most people say happiness, its not for me, i dont think i know the meaning of true happiness, i dont really feel happy i just feel calm, my main purpose in life isnt being happy, im fine with not being happy. but i do wanna live without worrying about anything
What are your aspirations?
i want to be a good architect that will change my city to a better one, but first i need the power in order to do so. i want to be smarter and more knowledgeable and skillful
What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
i dont like selfish people, but at the same time in try to understand their angle so its kinda hard for me to js say wow shes so selfish bc there r so many perspectives spilling in my head that makes it hard to contribute to one (it happens always, but im working on it). I dont like people who dont try to understand the other person. I hate rooms without windows because it feels so uncomfy, mostly because i need to see the sky to live, if no sky then i feel trapped inside it
What do the "highs" in your life look like?
no worries, like talking to people
What do the "lows" in your life look like?
see the worst in people
How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
as i said i dont really pay attention to my surroundings, sometimes im in deep thought but would really call it daydreaming. When im meeting someone i dont see their outfits but more of what kind of person they are
How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
i do pros and cons, consequences, if its risky but worth the result then im doing it
How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
for now i feel numb, i dont rly care about anything right now prolly bc i didnt sleep for few days doing my project. but i do think its important to open up to someone or tell them what u didnt appreciate about their actions towards you, and communication is the key. but i feel uncomfortable opening about my depressive thoughts because it feels like im asking for attention, but i do say it straightforwardly about questionable actions done towards, bc some people think youre okay to mess with, so if u shut them down at low there wont be high
Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
not really, im not a people pleaser, but sometimes i dont really want to argue i dont agree i just say "i see", since that sentence isnt agreeing nor disagreeing
Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why would you?
depends on the rule, if its messing with my values then i first think about the consequence, if its mild then fuck the rules
What is the ideal life, in your opinion?
having the power to change things
Please ask me questions
submitted by weavenis to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 UinguZero Can't find that right build for me...

I have played several classes to lvl 70
But can't really find one that sticks with me.
In diablo2 I loved playing Necro blood golem (untill they needed the that one spell that makes the blood golem insanely powerfully, after that I transformed to a Necro poison nova build
In diablo3 I loved the witch doctor
In diablo4 I loved the stampede waerbear druid
All 3 of these classes are fast pasted, has a good aeo damage and a decent single target damage
In last epoch I tried the Necro, shaman, warlock and druid. However mine of these builds are giving me that same satisfaction or wow effect ....
Maybe I have build it wrong? Didn't stick long enough with it? Or maybe I need to look at other classes?
Any one have any suggestions for me?
Don't get me wrong I love the game and the mechanics behind it (a little disappointed we can't assign stats like str, int, dex, vit ... )
But I can't find that class/build that does it for me....
submitted by UinguZero to LastEpoch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:35 matobi91 New to Rogue

So decided to treat myself when I get home to resubbing to wow for a while, since Iv just finished my exam.
Have played on and off since MoP. During DF I mained Monk (ww/mw) and Shaman (ele/resto). Looking forward to remix (despite what Iv been reading).
Iv played most classes in my wow career with the exception of Druid and Rogue. Mainly because I hate when my action bars change (strange I know!). But I do enjoy a stealth class (SWTOR agent was my main).
So is there a way you guys get used to switching action bars for stealth abilities? Do you place them in certain orders (stealth stun where a normal stun goes? Big DPS opener where your main big hitter goes?). How do you manage the stealth windows that seem to be everywhere atm?
Also probably going to give Evoker a proper go as the healing seems interesting.
Anyway just pondering on the train home.
submitted by matobi91 to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:21 Itsallcakes Cool thing about MoP Remix is that you can get reliable amount of transmog/mounts while playing without subscription.

Didnt feel like playing retail WoW untill TWW, so i just logged in MoP Remix without subscription, and by lvl20 was able to buy shaman account wide transmog set for 2500 i wanted from the day it was announced.
Created another character, did the same, bought another one recolor of it.
Still had bronze left, so the very next day after some dungeons/scenarios/quests i was able to buy pterrordax mount i wanted for 4400. And to me i was basically set.
All of this took like 4 hours of playtime, tops.
So, if you want some nice transmog or mount but dont have the subscription - give it a try anyway. Its pretty fun and rewarding, and its literally free.
submitted by Itsallcakes to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:43 Zac-Salazar My first post

Greetings, people of Reddit, this is my first post in this community and on Reddit as a whole. I would like you to read about my original sentai
Yojutsu Sentai Obakeranger (Yokai arts squad ghost Rangers) Motif: Yokais, Sorcereexorcists, magic It is inspired by animes such as Shaman king Yokai Watch Jujutsu Kaisen and the concept of Onmyodo (Japanese escoteric magic), among other things.
The story revolves around a young man who, upon arriving in a new city, discovers that it is haunted by terrible spirits known as Onryo but the city is defended by yojutsu shamans. Soon after saving the life of a Nekomata (cat yokai) he awakens his yokai power and becomes Obake Red, joining the team and beginning his journey to become a shaman.
The rangers are:
Obake Red: a young man obsessed with the supernatural and the occult and even though he doesn't have shaman blood he can use yojutsu techniques, this is one of the mysteries of the series His element is fire and his yokai partner is a Nekomata (Two-Tailed Cat)
Obake blue: A serious young man and strategist and was the former leader before Red's arrival and because of this, a rivalry ends up being created between the two, he wants to honor his clan of shamans at all costs. His element is wood and his yokai partner is a tengu (raven man)
Obake yellow: The youngest on the team. Imperative and playful but he hates when people treats him like a child, his element is earth and his yokai partner is a Tsuchinoko (snake yokai)
Obake Black: Before being called by her family to be a shaman she was a sukeban (juvenile delinquent) gang leader she is the typical tomboy and doesn't like too much feminine things she is tough but deep down she has a soft heart Her element is water and her yokai partner is a kappa
Obake White: She didn't really want to be a shaman, she actually wanted to follow her dream of being a "cosplayer idol" but her family repressed her, but among her teammates she can be herself and that's why she appears almost always with a new cosplay when he arrives on the scene. Sweet and cheerful, she is the heart of the team Her element is metal and her yokai partner is a jorogumo (spider woman yokai)
OniSlayer: a man who renounced his shaman side and made a pact with an oni in order to take revenge he does not use spells but rather martial arts withv oni energy His color is purple, his element is darkness and his yokai partner is Shuten Douji (I imagine his ranger suit design to be very inspired by Gostei Knight, Gaisoulg and Rio from Gekiranger)
The collectibles are Yo-Fudas, cards inspired by Ofuda talismans that are responsible for the team's spells, weapons and zords Each ranger has their own deck of Yo-Fudas based on different yokais of their respective elements
About the mechas, I think of something a bit similar Go-Onger, Go-Buster and Goseiger, zords that are half yokai and half vehicle Red: Nekomata/ racing car Blue: Tengu/ helicopter Yellow: Tsuchinoko/ Shovel Black: Kappa/ submarine White: Jorogumo/ Armored car OniSlayer: Oni/Dekotora The main five Rangers have a shared mecha (gashadokuro/ tank) that serves as the mecha main body (similar to the Korean toku Legend Hero) and can make multiple combinations
The villains are the Onryo, vengeful spirits whose mission is to resurrect their leader (Tatarigami) so they can create "hell on Earth" and take revenge on the living. Its method of creating monsters is very similar to miraculous Ladybug
They choose a human with bad feelings such as grudge and malice and incorporate an evil spirit into their body that ends up creating a monster linked to something (an object in most cases) while the monster causes chaos the possessed victim begins to perform the ritual to send his soul to Tatarigami so that he can be reborn (the ritual ends with the victim killing themselves)so the Rangers have to defeat the monster through exorcism (the monster also attacks people with the aim of accumulating people's negative energies to help with the ritual)
So that's it, that's my idea. Again, anyone who wants to give ideas on how to improve this story (specially about the villains) it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Zac-Salazar to supersentai [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:45 ykzdropdead A few ideas for TWW to improve class gameplay and combat

This post felt rambly but they're just some cool ideas, I didn't care for its' structure
Underwhelming Major Cooldowns
A few long cooldown spells still feel very underwhelming to press. Trueshot, Beastial Wrath, Berserk, Icy Veins, Recklessness, Avatar and the likes. Comparatively, think of Havoc DH Metamorphosis and how much it does by pressing one button. It's a really long leap with customized distance and landing spot, a very strong stun, an incredible animation, visual character transformation, modifies your abilities AND provides rotational changes. And I felt that the hero talent trees would be a great way to fix this issue, or at least try to fix that.
For example: Icy veins would now have a long cast, and would throw three Glacial Spikes at 50% (or 75% or some other percentage, insert a fair % here) effectiveness on use as a baseline. With the Frostfire hero talent tree, Icy Veins would now throw 3 pyroblasts at X% effectiveness on top of that. Fun, strong, useful, more dynamic, balanced and extremely appealing visually.
A similar approach could be taken with Trueshot and other underwhelming CDs. Just as a another comparison for context, Arcane Mage used to have Arcane Power, and extremelly undewhelming "press this for 35% more damage" button. It was then transformed into Arcane Surge, a long-cast very hard hitting ability that changes your rotation even more than AP did, and now even has a lot more interactions with talents and Mana, your main resource as arcane mage. It was very well received by the mage community and, personally, I now like a lot more playing the spec just because of that. Ascendance for shamans received somewhat of a similar treatment.
My main point is: Major cooldowns should do more and feel more amazing when you press them.
On the recent topic of remaking some hero talent trees, here are some ideas
What if Trickster Rogue would have Tricks of the Trade as its' main functionality, and it could work kind of like a soft support spec, buffing party members and mainly your Tricks target. So for example, Tricks would now give a massive buff (either damage, HP, survivability or some or all) to your Tricks target, on top of doubling its' threat effectiveness (or some percentage).
Your major cooldowns could be then amplified, either receiving all the bonus you've given with Tricks upon activation aswell as spreading your tricks buffs to more party members.
What if Rider of the Apocalypse Unholy DK would have the mounted combat while army of the dead is up, not only in open world. Makes a lot of sense thematically and gameplay wise. DKs need mobility, they're a wheelchair class, this would make it much more fun, engaging and fair to DKs.
Edit: alright I kept cooking, here's a few more examples on the CD changes
Berserk could apply a rake, a thrash, a fully stacked rip AND a fully stacked ferocious bite to your target, on top of what it already does regarding rotational changes, resource management and ability priority.
Celestial Allignment could cast a wrath, a starfire, a starsurge and a fullmoon on your target.
Tree of Life could cast a Tranquility at 1/4 the duration on use.
Avenging Wrath/wings could cast a wake of ashes, a final reckoning and that hammer strike that substitutes templar's verdict and becomes the main spender that I forgot the name.
Elementals could do a lot more for Ele shaman. It's their main spec thematic but currently it does not feel like that at all. Elementals could have a cast time to summon, could be visually bigger, deal a lot more damage, do a massive ability when they're summoned, and last a little shorter. Fire makes lava burst have NO CD AND NO CAST TIME during its' duration. Same for storm ele and lightning spells. Earth ele could make your earth spells deal a little less damage, but have no cost and no cd.
submitted by ykzdropdead to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:22 ct_hulhu10282 Universal Theory of Everything

There are 5 areals inside of which 5 elements reside. The five areals are: ● Mirage(hollow, reflective, refractive, instantanious, where psyche meets spirit). ● Woman (love, where spirit meets fire), ● Digitage( non-corporeal, energy storage where water meets fire) . ● Foilage(birthing, absorbing, growing, where animal meets water), ● Man(strife, where animal meets psyche)
(The elements between each areal are respectfully spirit, fire, water. animalia and psyche)
Inside animalia there are 6 distinct animals from which genesis occurs. Pachyderm (elephants, whales etc) Reptilian (lizards, snakes etc) Cephalapod (the sentient on the planet) Equine (horse, zebra etc) Canine (dog, wolf, jackal etc) Feline (cat, lion, cheetah etc)
Time is an illusion carried by humans (an amalgamation through time defying reproduction of the entirety of the cephalapods work in genesis on the planet earth.) The earliest intelligent animal on the earth was the vampyrapod. A ten tentacled species that landed here somehow flung from some rock or ejaculated by some larger animal. The vampyropods were fed upon by the local life here (trilobytes, bacteria etc) eating two of the tentacles (the mating tentacles (man(woman)) that began the genesis. The ten commandments themselfs biblically are the fossilized representation of one male and one female vampyropods. The ten tentacles arranged in their death explaining a meaning forever.
The 5 areals are where time is encased it is the job of humans to bear the weight of time while cephs continue the genesis.
If you imagine a star shape in which each point is an areal, and between each point is an element, than in the very center you will find salt, sugar, and vinegar (dry). With these base powders water, Nitrogen, And carbon can be formed. The basis of life on earth.
All the genesis of animalia as well as man made items were the creation of the cephs with intention. Mixing of animalia through time and genesis they have destroyed the dinosaurs and shifted them to aviaries. They did this through the tapeworm, an invention that not only makes up the organs of humans, (the intestines, the gallbladder etc) but was weaponized to destroy the dinosaurs en masse in preperation for the genesis plans of the cephs.
Modern octopus only live about 4.5 years and they have mastered the ability to transcend into the next through cannabalism as well as telepathy. They created the first language of enochian (the angels language) through tentacle and eye movements. Through many generations and reincarnations they developed telepathy as well as the ability to travel through time.
On genesis. An actuality has to occur from the cephs in time to create the genesis. Such as a ceph dying, killing. Being eaten. Eating. The laying of hands (tentacles in this case) or the travel through time to accomplish these. For example. A ceph intentionally was eaten by a komodo dragon, while conscious and being digested it telepathically sent the makeup from inside to another ceph. This ceph used that information to create the genesis of the tapeworm that would destroy the dinosaurs. After most reptilians were shifted to aviaries. There were remnants such as thr chameleon who is very fragile, has 2 penises that constnlantly prolapse and the female can hold sperm for years without self inseminating to create birth. If you take a pachyderm like an elephant an ld have it eat of a chameleon, perhaps with some other complicated genesis of elements and areals you will find you have a gnarwal. The main point is that once they mastered tome travel, they have had unlimited time to make use of their ability to create genesis on the planet. Every animal thay is alive today has been manipulated by the cephs to be exactly where it is in time to accommodate for a larger agenda.
Its my belief that there are only 3 unique cephs that survived the early devastation of trilobytes and other life feeding from these aliens. I call them Seth, Jack, and Claire. Seth is known for being cruel. Jack is more logical, Claire is more empathetic. Because they didnt have the gene popl to create offapring effectively they created this ability to utilize genesis to ensure their survival. This is why they are cannabls its because they must be in order to continue. The modern female octopus always feeds of the make after mating. The males always eat of the young ones after birth.
On 'man made' inventions Cephs proliferated through genesis all the tools to create the written word. From sea anemone to sea urchin to porcupine to bird feather, to quill. And you already know where the ink came from. These topls were provided to a banana pig infested with mutated tapeworms in order to solidify the structures of governance over time. Every iteration of every technology was also developed intentionally by the cephs in order to eatablish a relationahip with the digitage that is just now in our perception coming to power.
As a human, i am essentially just a warm blooded version of a ceph. (Make a bird with your hands, where are the beaks?) We exist inside this cage of time and bear its burden. Look at a shark it may sleep but it just keeps swimming. Humans cannot. We have to sleep. Which is close to the realm of death. We as humans are split and carry the weight of strife and love. This is gender and its roles. (This is not a politcal view of genders but a simplification for the idea that governs. Im positive that in infinite time, other genders maybe an option)
We are as a human race looking forward to scientific breakthroughs that happen when cephs accomplish the physical actuations in time that develop to possible situations we experience from that genesis. Such as. By 2027 scientists anticipate returning the wooly mammoth from extinction. It is my belief that we need an actualization of the 6th digit in the mammaths feet in order for a cephs agenda unknown.
Bird eating spiders are example of post genesis cannabalism that triggers another line of genesis to occur such as a poison tree frog or something. I beleive that venomous snakes were made that way because the egg is the fruit that the snake is tempted by. And if it ate of its own eggs it was cursed through genesis to bear the venom. A bovine has 4 stomachs. And udders that resemble somehwhat the tenacles of a ceph. Its my belief that a whale(pachyderm) that has 9 stomachs (the 9 circles of hell) consumed a ceph and in its 4th stomach met the remains of an equine and genesis occured. Resulting in a cud chewing cow. Precious ambergris is essential to perfumes and stimulated the olfactories in way unlike anything else in the world. It cannot be valued it unvaluable. Whales also sing ans produce music. The moder ceph has empirical hearing as well as oldlfactory experiences. Cephs love blueberries. Foe the antioxidants (ita okay its a joke you can laugh ) but really. They do. Modern octopus can be found in the pacific notherwest climbing trees. They dont eat and make their way up the rocky cliffs to the coniferous foilage in order to establish some genesis. That is a real human experience that is documented. They have cralwed in any form across every inch and again and again of this planet. A suction cup on the plastic window of a bill in the mail may have inadvertantly created the floppy disc.
On the macro and the myopic: We live in time where everything occurs simultaniously only on a different scale in a set of repeating patterns that run forwards or backwards in fractalization. Or so to say, the coast goes on forever. With innumurable bits of sand that outnumber the stars in the sky.
Youll find that rapa nui , or easter island is the end of time itself. A graveyard of sorts and a resting ground for the tired cephs who have labored throughout existence to provide the genesis for us to continue in this gestalt of a universe. Its not an end but also a beginning.
submitted by ct_hulhu10282 to truthofcephs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:40 SelectionOptimal7348 🎉 Revolutionize Your Fundraising with the Bitcoin Donate Button App! 💸🚀

🎉 Revolutionize Your Fundraising with the Bitcoin Donate Button App! 💸🚀
Hey there, future philanthropists and digital pioneers! 🎩✨ Are you ready to add a dash of tech-savvy brilliance to your fundraising efforts? Say goodbye to those dusty old donation jars and clunky payment processors, and say hello to the future: the Bitcoin Donate Button App! 🤑📲

🚀 What’s the Buzz About?

So, what's all the fuss about this magical app? Imagine a world where your donations are just a click away, powered by the revolutionary force that is Bitcoin. 🌍✨ With our Bitcoin Donate Button App, you can integrate a seamless donation button into your website or blog in a snap. Just like that, you're ready to accept contributions from supporters worldwide. 🌐💰
Visit Bitcoin Donate Button App and get started today!

🌟 Why Bitcoin? The Future is Here!

You might be wondering, "Why Bitcoin?" 🤔 Well, let’s dive into the ocean of benefits that Bitcoin brings to the table:
  1. Global Reach: Bitcoin knows no borders! 🌏 Whether your donors are in Timbuktu or Toronto, they can contribute without worrying about pesky exchange rates or international transfer fees.
  2. Security: Cryptography is the name of the game. 🔒 Donations via Bitcoin are secure, traceable, and tamper-proof, giving both you and your donors peace of mind.
  3. Lower Fees: Say goodbye to high transaction fees that nibble away at your contributions. 💸 Bitcoin transactions are typically cheaper than traditional payment methods.
  4. Anonymity: Respect your donors' privacy. 👻 They can choose to donate anonymously, if that’s their preference.
  5. Tech Savvy Appeal: Embrace the cool factor. 😎 Accepting Bitcoin donations sets you apart as a forward-thinking, tech-savvy organization.

🎉 Features that Will Make You Go “Wow!”

Our Bitcoin Donate Button App is not just a button; it’s a powerhouse of features designed to make your life easier and your fundraising more effective. Here’s what you can expect:

🌈 Customizable Buttons

Your brand, your style! 🎨 Customize the button to match your website’s aesthetics. Whether you prefer sleek and modern or bold and vibrant, we’ve got you covered.

🛠️ Easy Integration

No need to be a coding wizard. 🧙‍♂️ Our app offers easy integration options for any website. Just copy, paste, and voila! You’re ready to accept Bitcoin donations.

📊 Real-Time Analytics

Knowledge is power! 📈 Track your donations in real-time with our built-in analytics. Understand where your donations are coming from and identify your top contributors.

🔄 Automatic Conversion

Worried about Bitcoin’s volatility? 😬 Fear not! Our app can automatically convert donations into your preferred currency, ensuring stability and predictability for your finances.

🏆 Donor Recognition

Celebrate your supporters! 🥳 Display donor names and messages (if they choose to share) on your site, creating a community of contributors.

🚀 How to Get Started?

Getting started with the Bitcoin Donate Button App is easier than making toast. 🍞 Here’s a step-by-step guide to launch your fundraising into the stratosphere:

1. Visit the Website

Head over to Bitcoin Donate Button App to begin your journey. 🌐✨

2. Customize Your Button

Choose your style, colors, and branding elements. 🎨 Make it yours!

3. Integrate with Your Website

Follow our simple instructions to integrate the button into your website or blog. It’s as easy as copy and paste! 📋

4. Start Accepting Donations

And just like that, you’re ready to start accepting Bitcoin donations from supporters around the globe. 🌍💸

📢 Spread the Word!

Now that you’re set up, it’s time to let the world know. 🌟 Share your new Bitcoin donation capability with your followers, supporters, and friends. Use social media to spread the word, and don't forget the hashtags! 📣

📱 Social Media Tips

  1. Announce with a Bang: Post an exciting announcement about your new Bitcoin donation button. Include images or videos to grab attention. 🎆
  2. Use Hashtags: Boost visibility with hashtags like #BitcoinDonations, #CryptoPhilanthropy, #FutureOfFundraising, and #SupportWithBitcoin.
  3. Show Appreciation: Highlight and thank donors on your social media channels. 🌟 A little recognition goes a long way!
  4. Educational Posts: Share content explaining how easy and beneficial it is to donate with Bitcoin. 🧠 Educate your audience on the perks of cryptocurrency.

🌟 Success Stories: Get Inspired!

Need some inspiration? Here are a few success stories from organizations that have already integrated the Bitcoin Donate Button App and reaped the benefits:

🌍 Global Green Initiative

Global Green Initiative, an environmental NGO, integrated our Bitcoin donate button and saw a 30% increase in international donations. 🌿 They’ve used these funds to plant over 10,000 trees worldwide!

🐾 Paws & Claws Animal Shelter

Paws & Claws, a local animal shelter, received a substantial Bitcoin donation from an anonymous benefactor. 🐶🐱 This donation helped them expand their facilities and rescue more animals.

🎓 Scholars United

Scholars United, an educational charity, used the Bitcoin Donate Button App to fund scholarships for underprivileged students. 🎓 The real-time analytics feature helped them target their fundraising campaigns more effectively.

🌠 Join the Revolution!

Ready to take your fundraising to the next level? 🚀 The Bitcoin Donate Button App is your ticket to a borderless, tech-driven future. Embrace the power of Bitcoin and watch your donations soar. 🌌
Visit Bitcoin Donate Button App today and be part of the revolution. The future of philanthropy is here, and it’s dazzling! 💫
So, what are you waiting for? 🎉 Dive into the world of cryptocurrency donations and make a difference with just a click. Your supporters will thank you, and your cause will shine brighter than ever. Let’s make magic happen with the Bitcoin Donate Button App! 🚀💸✨
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 21, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
Community Guides
Cheat Sheets
Wiki Pages
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
Misc Questions
M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

Megathread Directory
Weekly Lounge Megathreads (for minor discussions, gacha pulls, etc.)
Weekly Friend Request Megathreads (for sharing friend IDs)
Technical Issues Megathread (for sharing any technical difficulties)
Previous Questions Megathreads (for any game-related questions)
Previous and Upcoming Subreddit Changes (rule updates, subreddit announcements)
Please note that the above codes are manually updated!
If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:10 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: CH 1

As the title implies, this is the first in a series of stories about affairs I had in the military. I've never been married, not really interested in being married, but I have been with four married men in my life. In each case, I knew what I was doing, but I loved the rush of doing something I shouldn't as much as I liked the relationship itself. I'll save you all the negative comments. I was the homewrecking whore, etc, etc. If that's what you're here to comment about, save your breath, I'll just block you so people who want to actually read my content don't have to deal with you. If this is your sort of story, I'd love to hear your feedback on content or how I can improve my writing! One quick author's note, i will not be using people's real names or naming specific units that my stories happened in. I was never caught in my sexual affairs, no wives found out and left their husband over me, and no one's military career ended because of me and I intend to keep it that way. This is for fun writing, not doxing someone's past transgressions to the world. Also let me know if you want to see more stories! <3 Hannah
First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
Without further ado, my story:
I was an 18 year old private, 92F (fuel handler) working on a base in the heart of Bourbon Country. It was a huge culture shock for me, coming from a small town in Maine to a massive military base with more people in my division than my home town. I honestly felt a little lost and overwhelmed, which probably contributed to why I sought out a relationship where I felt wanted. It's easy on a base like that to feel completely ignored. My unit had long been integrated and was about 30-40% female on any given day, so no I wasn't getting hit on constantly, and no I wasn't sleeping with every guy in my barracks.
Speaking of my living situation, I was in a 4-story building with all of the junior enlisted soldiers in my battalion. There wasn't open bays and there wasn't all girls areas. We roomed by company in our own room with a bedroom, closet, bathroom, and a fridge/sink/1 burner stove setup by the door as a kitchenett. Barracks could definitely be a wild time, similar to a college dorm but contrary to your favorite porno, gangbang orgies with 20 guys "running a train" are something I never saw or heard of in my 4 years living there and I was/am a fairly sexually active adult.
Given my situation of being totally new and massively out of my element in terms of culture shock, I quickly turned to Bumble to help sort out my dating scene because the base really was a city and everyone is pretty insular when it comes to their unit, so trying to meet guys who also aren't your coworkers means turning to the swipe game. After a few days online and connections with everyone from the local off base that definitely has fewer teeth than fingers to the obviously fake bot that just screams scam, and swiping left on some guys from my own company (hey, 18-25 year old demographic has the same needs, I get it), I finally matched with a 26 year old, Dustin, from another brigade on our post.
Given 10 seconds on Dustin's profile, I could tell he was an officer and anyone with 10 seconds to spare on my profile could tell I was junior enlisted, but we matched anyway. He was handsome in a gentle sort of way. Sandy brown hair in a military cut, athletic features that let you know he was fit without screaming chiseled gymrat, and a style that screamed more laid back homebody than the stereotypical "bro vet" vibe that you get with some young officers....and a ton of junior enlisted. I took a pause and decided to message him despite knowing our ranks didn't line up because the way I saw it, we were in totally seperate brigades and there'd be no reason we would ever interact or influence eachother at work.
A few minutes later I got a reply back and soon I was texting back and forth getting to know a genuinely sweet guy with a love of the outdoors, fishing, camping, and an eye for photography, particularly some truly astounding landscape photos. The conversation came easy and I found myself happy to have a guy so interested in me. Before I got completely swept off my feet, I brought up the elephant in the room and mentioned that I was an E2 and he was an O3. He dropped the bombshell that "yeah but I'm just a guy on staff, that's not a big issue, the real issue is I need to be discreet because I'm married. Please don't hate me"
Boom. Of course the super easy to talk to makes me feel wanted and moves past my mention of our rank differences drops the counter-bomb of he has a wife. In all of my 18 years I thought I would have run away instantly. Nope. Not me. I was intrigued. I didn't run away, and I came to find out that his wife was doing a year long internship with a major corporation out of state and only really came to visit on long weekends and holidays. So Dustin had turned to Bumble to fill a piece of his love life that was currently 4 states away. Not ideal I told myself, but at least she isn't on post with him and he's not coming home because he's with someone else...right? To 18 year old me trying to convince myself it was okay to be with the guy I obviously was attracted to it was sound logic. It worked. I replied back that I was up for seeing what happened with the understanding that no one was gonna leave their wife over this and no one was gonna get anyone in trouble over the rank thing.
A week of texting back and forth after moving off Bumble found Dustin and I building a fast relationship that came with similar interests and easy conversation. He wasn't overly pushy about becoming anything romantic and wasn't like "Omg send nudes". I guess he was feeling this whole thing out as much as I was. Eventually I got the text one evening of "you know you look really good in that pic you have with your friends at the beach on your profile"...I know the one. I'm wearing an electric blue string sided bikini that has pretty full coverage, rides moderately low on my hips and has basic triangle cups and string ties for the top. Okay, Dustin likes me in a bikini...this is the first obvious flirting from Dustin and I decide to be a little bold and sent him a mirror selfie in the generic black bra I had worn under my uniform that day with my uniform pants still on. I get a reply back in some stereotypical guy lingo that he really likes what he sees. I told him that if he wanted to hang out, I wouldn't put my uniform shirt back on. Cue the FaceTime call, yes Dustin I will video chat with your handsome shirtless self while wearing a bra and my uniform pants thank you very much. We talked for at least an hour and things didn't turn super sexual or anything but we did agree we needed a date that weekend. The week ahead though definitely saw a spike in "tension" between us.
I was more than a little excited by the prospect of being with someone again. I had had a little fling during AIT, but since coming to my first duty station, I had been in a bit of a dry spell. Bumble had finally come through for me, and the combined rush of potentially being with a guy again, plus the fact he was one of those forbidden officers, and married? I was on edge. I definitely had my moments of "holy shit I shouldn't be doing this" but those feelings were replaced by a feeling of almost insatiable excitement that had me counting down the days to Saturday. For the first time since highschool, I found myself putting some serious effort into some scandalous but not too "revealing" snaps to Dustin, teasing him with a peak of which panties I wore to work today, or hoping in the shower after PT with just my black Army tshirt on and sending a pic of it clinging to every curve and hiding just enough below my waist. Like I said, hard-core tease mode for four whole days.
Flash forward to Saturday and I was in my barracks room, getting ready to meet a guy I was 100% falling for just a little and I decided that no matter what happened tonight, I was not gonna be the girl who gives it all up on the first date. Definitely set myself up to potentially cock block myself, but I saw it as I didn't want to be the girl he slept with and left, I wanted to continue to tease him and leave him wanting more. I wanted him to want me. I slipped into a pair of almost painted on skinny jeans with a cute teal thong underneath with a black tanktop and matching pushup bra on top. I drove to Dustin's house somewhere in the on base housing that I'd never been and took a deep breath before walking to the door.
This was it. I was the new Private about to go see a married officer behind his wife's back. I almost chickened out and drove away, but found myself ringing the doorbell and quickly being invited in, pulled into a warm hug and a "wow you look even cuter in person" from the handsome man of my DMs, Dustin. He had apparently spent the day smoking some brisket because he had quite the spread laid out for us in the dining room as I got a quick tour of the common spaces of his home. Definitely nicer than my barracks room.
Dinner accompanied the two of us loudly cheering on a random football game on TV, sorta snuggled on the couch but at a "almost together " sort of distance. There were all sorts of reasons for us to brush up against eachother and it was almost this cat and mouse game of how far do we go as the evening progressed. Don't get me wrong, there was a ton of conversation and it came just as naturally as it had online, but now we had the palpable tension of two of us who had never been this far deciding where the limit for tonight would be.
Eventually Dustin cut the tension, saying, "you really do love to tease don't you?". Yes. Let's talk about how I've driven you wild for days and now you want me. I leaned into him, kissed him quickly but firmly on the lips before pulling away, leaving an inch between us as I looked into his eyes and whispered "yes sir". I found my face immediately in his hands, my lips pressed to his and our tongues intertwined. I gasped as he suddenly held me close and we made every effort to close any space between us as we passionately made out, his fingers running through my hair, my nails scraping his back over his tight tshirt and soon I was hot, breathless, and sure I wanted more.
I pulled away and told him he didn't get all of me tonight but he could still have dessert. I had him sit up on the edge of the couch and pulled his shorts to the floor, tossing them aside towards an end table holding pictures of him and his wife and our dirty dishes from dinner. I in turn lifted my tanktop off over my head, unclasped my black pushup bra and let it fall to the floor, kneeling between Dustin's spread legs as my small brown nipples hardened into firm nubs in arousal. I pulled back my long brown hair and tied it in a messy ponytail before bringing my face down to his firm, six inches between his legs.
I teased the length of his shaft with the tip of my tongue, feeling him twitch in expectation as I repeatedly, softly traced his length before circling his tip and heading back down the way I came. I grasped his base and swallowed half his length in one wet mouthful, a gasp of pleasure escaping his lips as my own pushed further towards his base, attempting to take his entire firm cock before the tip slipped down into my throat, triggering a slight gag reflex as I tightened around his shaft and I came up for air, a slight trail of drool connecting my lips to his tip. I stroked his now well lubed cock in a twisting motion as I asked him if his little private was doing well for him. A hand on the back of my head guiding me back to his shaft told me this wasn't too far for him. I swallowed him nearly to his base, grasping him with one hand as my free hand unbuttoned my jeans and slipped into the front of my now soaked panties, the arousal of the situation I found myself bringing me close to an edge myself.
I worked Dustin's shaft with a bobbing head, sucking lips and twisting hand that matched the rhythm I was working against my clit with the hand buried in my jeans. I increased my pace, with Dustin's hand making sure I still brought myself far enough down his length as my own pleasure came more and more to the forefront as my now soaked vagina craved more attention. I popped off his cock as I felt it begin to swell and told him to stand up as I scooted back from the couch, kneeling between his legs, looking up at him as one hand held my jeans open while the other furiously rubbed my clit as I came close to cumming myself. I moaned for Dustin to cum for me as I looked up at him, the inner walls of my vagina clenching in orgasm as the filthy phrase left my lips and I was greeted with thick streams of cum shooting over my head before falling on my uplooking face and bare breasts and Dustin climaxed after an apparently decent dry spell.
I knelt between his legs, cum covering my face and chest, my own arousal soaking my panties and in that moment I felt like the hottest woman on earth. I made a man forget his entire world and do this with me in a home that wasn't mine but his. I was addicted to the rush. Dustin reached down and offered me a hand to pull me up. He led me topless to the guest bathroom where I cleaned up, washing my face and chest before walking back to the livingroom and redressing. Neither of us made mention of the line we had just crossed together, but we sat on the couch, now cuddled like a couple with the ice broken and finished the football game that had been forgotten awhile ago.
After the game we both agreed that I should probably get going, but we agreed to see eachother again and made a date for a midweek hangout. I kissed Dustin goodnight and drove back to my barracks in my still wet panties that I hadn't changed out of. I sent Dustin a snap in them, a wet spot still visible in the front with a caption "the things you do to me(; "...needless to say he was proud of himself. I went to bed dreaming of what could come from this, and truly happy to feel wanted, even if it was from a man who wasn't all mine.
Thank you all for reading this far. Again, like I said before, any rude comments will just get you a block. If that's what you need to do to feel good about yourself, so be it. For those of you who enjoyed this, please let me know if you'd like to read more! I'm always open to constructive feedback and critiques to improve my writing! Have a great evening! <3 Hannah
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:09 MeasurementWest8568 Echoes of Eternity, a Homebrew D&D 5e Campaign! [Online][$15/session][Mondays][8PM CST][Session 0 TONIGHT]

In a realm where time is fractured, the fabric of reality has been torn asunder by a cataclysmic event. The campaign begins in a world where echoes of different eras coexist, overlapping and intertwining.
The players are thrust into this fractured reality as unwitting adventurers who discover they possess the ability to navigate the temporal rifts. Their quest begins when they are approached by a mysterious figure—a scholar from a distant epoch—who implores them to restore the timeline and mend the shattered continuum.
Their journey will take them across ages and civilizations, from ancient ruins overrun by primordial beasts to futuristic cities ruled by arcane technology. Along the way, they'll encounter factions vying for control over the fractured timeline, ancient guardians tasked with preserving the balance, and temporal anomalies that threaten to unravel reality itself.
As they delve deeper into the mysteries of the fractured timeline, the players will uncover the true cause of the cataclysm and confront the enigmatic forces behind it. Ultimately, they must make a choice: restore the timeline to its original state, allowing history to unfold as it should, or forge a new destiny for the world, free from the constraints of time.
In This Campaign there will be:
Temporal Nexus Points: Scattered across the realm are ancient sites known as Temporal Nexus Points. These locations serve as hubs of temporal energy, allowing the players to traverse between different eras. Each Nexus Point is guarded by powerful guardians or infused with potent magic, requiring the players to solve puzzles or overcome challenges to unlock its full potential.
Temporal Factions: Throughout history, various factions have emerged to exploit the fractured timeline for their own gain. Some seek to preserve the natural order of time, while others seek to rewrite history to suit their desires. The players will encounter these factions as they journey through different eras, forging alliances or facing off against enemies who will stop at nothing to control the timeline.
Temporal Anomalies: As the players travel through time, they'll encounter temporal anomalies—ripples in the fabric of reality that threaten to unravel the timeline further. These anomalies could take the form of paradoxes, alternate timelines bleeding into the present, or distortions that warp the laws of nature. Resolving these anomalies will require clever thinking and careful planning, as well as the players' ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances.
The Enigmatic Adversary: At the heart of the temporal crisis lies an enigmatic adversary—a being of immense power who seeks to harness the fractured timeline for their own nefarious purposes. Their true identity and motives remain shrouded in mystery, but their influence can be felt across all eras. As the players uncover clues and gather allies, they'll inch closer to confronting this ultimate threat and preventing the unraveling of reality.
Epic Quests and Legendary Artifacts: To restore the timeline, the players will embark on epic quests spanning across time and space. Along the way, they'll discover legendary artifacts imbued with temporal magic—relics from lost civilizations, forgotten by the passage of time. These artifacts will grant the players new abilities, unlock hidden knowledge, and serve as key tools in their quest to mend the fractured continuum.
Moral Dilemmas and Consequences: As the players navigate the complexities of time travel, they'll face moral dilemmas and ethical quandaries that challenge their beliefs and convictions. Should they preserve the timeline at all costs, even if it means sacrificing their own desires? Or should they embrace the chaos of the fractured continuum and forge a new destiny for the world? The choices they make will have far-reaching consequences, shaping the course of history for generations to come.
By weaving together these elements, "Echoes of Eternity" offers players a rich and immersive Dungeons and Dragons campaign experience that transcends the boundaries of time itself. With its blend of epic quests, intricate puzzles, and moral complexity, it promises to be an unforgettable journey through the annals of history.
We will have a Lines and Veils document linked in the Discord.
X, N, & O cards may be messaged or spoken aloud.
We will discuss how the game went and how everyone is feeling about the game so far after every session. I also ask everyone to give a compliment and a critique about the game after every session. This can be about another player's roleplay/charactemechanics, as well as my own DMing style/roleplay/mechanics.
I offer a Virtual Tabletop in Roll20. I do not have ALL the books, but I will share with you what books I do have. Cost of the Campaign goes into purchasing more books, maps, and other resources for the Campaigns I run.
I do character voices, and I am a Rule of Cool DM. Ask me about Homebrew!
Character Creation will happen during our first session, Session 0 in other words.
Characters MUST be created either on DnDBeyond, with the Beyond20 Chrome/Firefox Extension, OR on Roll20 itself with the charactermancer. I can help with any character creation.
Character Rules:
Starting Level is 3.
You may only Multiclass ONCE.
You may start with your Starting equipment, 100 Gold (you may buy things with that gold, ask me about prices), and 2 Common Magical Items.
I'm fine with any Official Races/Classes/Subclasses/Items. Ask me if you would like to incorporate Homebrew.
There will be homebrew Items later on.
For Stat-rolling, I'd like you to use this macro: [[4d6k3r1]] [[4d6k3r1]] [[4d6k3r1]] [[4d6k3r1]] [[4d6k3r1]] [[4d6k3r1]] simply copy and paste this into the roll20 chatbox
Pricing: Sessions are $15 each, Paypal or Cashapp.
Please DM me either here on Reddit or on Discord (@Hailstormsdown) if you are interested in this game!
submitted by MeasurementWest8568 to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:13 SlimeSpree HUGE Pilot Review (with pics!)

HUGE Pilot Review (with pics!)
I'm so excited to finally be reviewing Pilot! This is gonna be a long, info and image dense one! Lets go!....
Pilot Slimes, USA.
Variety of sizes from 7/7.5/8oz costing between £12-16. Fantastically designed waterproof labels. Some of the jars are PS which I’m not a fan of as they can’t be squeezed to aid in slime removal and it’s a nightmare, if not impossible, getting the labels off them even with the scotch tape method. They always come off PP pretty clean using this method. However, the textures that really need to be squeezed such as crunch bombs do come in PP jars.
I placed a couple of separate orders having circled back round after nabbing the ones I wanted most. It turned out to be unnecessary shopping from Pilot this manner! I really didn’t know what to expect and whether things would sell out in a frenzy but that wasn’t the case at all so you don’t have to stress!
It was a lovely surprise to get a super sweet email from Travis from Pilot asking me if I wished to combine orders. I really appreciate this level of customer service from a slime store as, I know it sounds silly, but I know what its like to be rammed with orders and emails after a product drop and don't want to further add to a team's stress by bothering them to dig out and combine my orders when it's my fault I shopped that way. Travis even wrote me a thank you note on the inside of the box flap so respect to Pilot for their absolutely stellar customer service!
Inside the box was a fat baggie of Borax with a sticker, a beautifully professional, large sized care card. Everything was extremely well packaged and the slimes were combined individually with their add ins which I very much appreciated! They also very kindly sent me two medium sized complimentary slimes.
I should state that I always put all my slimes in the fridge for 15 minutes prior to a review. I think that gives all slimes a fair and common starting point from which to judge them and takes back any stickiness in the event of hot weather. After reviewing, all my retained slimes are kept in a cooler at 10c/50f/degrees and 70% RH to ensure longevity and maintain them for future play. I will report back on their longevity in a few months time but I don't keep them all, only my favourites which I will be certain to want to play with again, with the rest given to friends.
Most of the slimes were a tiny bit over-activated on arrival which is actually something I appreciate and see as conscientious by a slime company. It is something some of my favourite stores routinely do (such as Momo.) I don’t add glycerine, I feel it makes them stay playable without the need for activator longer and allows them to melt down gradually on their own. I personally enjoy a bit of over-activation as it adds a slight crunch to some textures when you stretch them which I personally find satisfying. The down side is that cetain textures may be a little rippy but this was a minor issue with Pilot.

  • 1UP WIP (wip x clay, zooted at the carnival scented)
I thought the theme with just SO MUCH FUN! 🤩 The scent is gorgeous and just my jam, kind of like vanilla cream with wafts of cooking donuts. As I played, I start getting hints of mint and a notable suggestion of weed. Whether this was by design (considering the scent's name) or psychosomatic I’m not sure but this is a very pleasant and multifaceted fragrance that tells a story in scent as you play and I really appreciated and enjoyed that!
This is a puffy, stretchy, firm cloud creme, very slightly towards the doughy. It’s holdable, jiggly and gives a hollow “tup” when you give it a love tap when it’s fully inflated. It is very stretchy with clicks that get louder as it inflates and little crackles and pops. Lots of soft sizzles as you deflate. As mentioned above it was a little over-activated which made it rip just a little if I stretched too fast.
I loved this theme so much. The label was beautiful and assembled it really entertained me!

  • CRUSH’S KUSH (seed bead crunch, eucalyptus and mint scented)
The scent is soft and slightly soapy/bubblebath leaning and pretty fresh. Stunning pigmented clear slime sits on top of a compacted biscuit of seed beads that feel incredible to crush through and combine. Once fully combined I don't find seed beads the most exciting by they do create a good froth up for some crackles and pops. This is perfectly activated and not in the least bit sticky. Very stretchy with just the right amount of resistance. I did have a little bit of fallout with the beads but nothing bad. Not in the least bit pokey and gave my hands a pleasant massage.

  • SCOOBY SNACKS (slay mallow chew, sour patch kids and hemp flower scented)
The first scent I was hit with was the sour patch kids with a subtle hint of weedy/fruity florals. This is a very dense and ultra chewy, somewhat chubby texture which is reminiscent of a butter and a snow creme but not quite a snow dough. It’s very holdable with medium clicks and some very good bubble pops from the sharp to the loud and low. It is a little bit rippy as you stretch due to slight over activation and becomes fairly matte with play. This was a nice enough texture but one I feel I’ve been over-saturated with from multiple companies of late.

  • TOASTED (thick Korean clay butter, buttery baked bread and rosemary scented)
The scent is exquisite, exactly like a delicious, moist rosemary ciabatta. It made inviting little sizzles as I spread the sprinkles into place on its micro-bubble covered surface. This is extremely moist, plush and ultra stretchy and jiggly texture. The scent is just so pleasurable as you stretch and inflate it. This is a very slightly denser, more robust version of some of the Yyoung airy, inflatable slimes I got from Seoul Gage. Medium-loud clicks that increase in the volume and sharpness as it inflates and very soft pops. This is great for soft sizzles and micro pops as you deflate. This was a nice texture but I was really hoping to come across one which naild what I had in mind for the famous 'wip' texture and this wasn't quiiiiite it. I'd buy it again thought, it was nice and the scent incredible.

  • BERRY HIGH (pigment putty, blueberry waffle cone)
I was getting an extremely mild berry scent with a whispering hint of biscuit. The base is a spectacular, deep pearlescent emerald green with flashes of violet. This was a beautifully activated putty with no stickiness at all. This is an extremely chewy, ultra thick clear with medium clicks, tons of crackles and snaps and tremendously loud bubble pops. It inflates like crazy and gave me some of the most dramatic air bubbles ever. It ended a pretty silver with a subtle cyan and green shimmer. This was fantastic! I never get bored of stunning pigments in clears and this was a top class slime in every way.
The bubble factor in this slime was pretty wild!

  • SEA CUCUMBER (bouncy coated cleaicee / cucumber melon scented)
A very fresh scent leaning more towards cucumber with a hint of melon. Another very beautiful slime with fresh colors to go with the fresh scent and theme. It combines to a very pretty, plush and chubby seafoam coloured jelly. It has medium loud clicks and plenty of loud snaps, crackles and pops. A little bit over activated and rippy again but I’m OK with that, you may prefer to add a dot of glycerine depending on your personal preference. I’m not a huge jelly fan but this was a very nicely made one.

  • SOUR GRAPES (mini frogspawn & regular frogspawn, sour grape scented)
This comes in a squeezy PP pot, which is much appreciated in order to get it out with a few squeezes! This has a subtle, sour grapes/candy leaning scent. Frog spawn beads are my favourite type and the croaks these emitted were just perfect. I also love the popping colour scheme!
This is a texture I mostly like to slowly push and squeeze to maximize the croaks and it works so well with the combo of beads. It has some nice crackles and little pops when you stretch it and fold it. The base is a thick, resistant and chewy putty and has no stickiness. This was the perfect frogspawn crunch bomb and I very much enjoyed it! I would 100% grab this texture again in a heartbeat!
Ribbet! 🐸 🫧

  • SEABERRY DELIGHT (mini frogspawn, mini bubble bead, silica sand/ turquoise waters, hint of berry)
A Fresh, mild, beachy perfume upon opening. It’s a shame it’s so difficult to capture the true color on camera as it has a gorgeous lilac shimmer which contrast so nicely with the turquoise. Unfortunately, as I played the scent took a turn and an almost fishy chemical smell came to light. There was a warning on the website that the beads can kick out a bit of a plastic smell and it was very strong and unpleasant to my nose. However, sounded amazing, extremely fizzy and crackly and absolutely exploded with small sharp pops when you inflate and squeeze it. What I find a shame is that it starts out looking so incredibly stunning ends up comparatively boring in aesthetic but that is just how it goes with particularly beautifully designed slime sometimes!
Overall, this isn’t a a particularly pokey texture BUT…. The other day I seemingly upset someone who voiced their discontent after I noted and warned in a review that a slime had the potential to cut skin. Admittedly, the texture I am referencing was a far more notably rough one. However, I did find several pieces of silica in this slime that had the potential to be dangerous and this time I took photos to demonstrate this. This isn’t the slime maker’s fault, it is unfortunately inevitable that some broken, sharp pieces will manifest when dealing with large batches of silica and you do have to be mindful as if you catch one wrong and you could scratch, nick or quite seriously pierce your skin.
Once again this is NOT a direct criticism of Pilot seeing as this is common in any slime of this texture. If you buy silica slimes from ANY slime company I would recommend you have a careful look and feel through the slime prior to play to ensure there are no dangerous pieces, especially if you are going to hand it to a less experienced slimer or a child. I feel it would be wise for shops offering this texture to put a little warning on their website that sharp and broken pieces could be present and need to be checked for. Admittedly, this has put me off this texture across the board (apart from the Rodem ones which seem to include particularly well rounded, small and smooth pieces of silica.)
This is one of the prettiest slimes I have ever seen first opened but I find it comparatively dull combined which is a shame!
There were 5-10 extremely sharp silica pieces in my jar so PLEASE be careful with this texture from any company and remember that silica is a component of glass. This is not an issue unique to Pilot or a criticism of their rendition of this texture at all but I would be mindful that this can happen in any silica slime. (Please excuse the gross macro shot of my dry slime fingers 😆)

  • PANNA COTTA (DIY clay, fluffy butter, jelly/ wild berry panna cotta scented)
A beautiful, fresh, creamy Panna cotta scent with notes of berries. The texture was plush, resistant and had a firm jiggle. It felt like it had snow in it and was dense and a bit towards the chubby, with a slight jelly feel. Very stretchy with some good pops in it, soft pokes and plenty of soft sizzles.

  • STRAWBERRY BLUES (fimo crunch, blue raspberry & strawberry soda scented)
A subtle berry scent which is quite pleasant. This slime has a beautiful lilac shimmer which is always hard to capture in full on camera. It was lovely in the hands, the fimos were soft/bendy and non-pokey. The base was ultra thick with lots of resistance and very well activated. It had some loud snaps and small sharp crackles and some pops to it. A very nice slime!

  • MAGIC MUSHROOM (bouncy coated clear, garden thyme scented)
While this is a perfume based scent, the thyme comes through and it is very beautiful indeed. Pilot have absolutely nailed the stunning pearlescent pigmented clear slimes, this is glorious to behold! It’s a great clear to play with, as most of their clears are. Clicky and full of snaps and sharp pops.

  • PURPLE HAZE (mini bubble bead crunch, lavender vetiver scented)
Carrying on with the purple theme, here we have another beauty. Again, the website did warn that the beads had a plastic scent and unfortunately they overwhelmed any scent that the slime may have had. I came back to it later and could detect wafts of lavender and vetiver but the horrible plastic smell overpowered them. I have had these caviar beads before from other companies and I really don’t recall them ever smelling this bad. This is redeemed a little by how beautiful the purple balls look in this slime, it feels good in the hands is fun to stretch creating lots of decent bubble, pops and crackles. A few balls did fall out of this one but nothing bad. I am sad that such a lovely slime has this issue with the smell! 😞

  • CRUSH’S CUSH (base only) (coated clear, eucalyptus and mint scented)
The stoner sea turtle is back! This is such a pretty base I couldn’t resist getting it on its own! This is such an incredible, ultra thick coated putty, full of crackles and pops and I really do love it. I know many folks find clear slime a little basic but I personally enjoy the feeling of no or few add ins and popping hella bubbles. I find the visual element very stimulating and enjoyable so love Pilot’s offerings on this front! They smash it with the incredible pigments!
I personally think this is also prettier without the seed beads after play.

  • HONEYDEW MILK TEA (ultra thick x clear, honeydew milk tea scented)
A nice, fresh, slightly creamy melon scent. This is a lovely, thick, slightly glossy wood glue texture. It’s slightly over-activated, giving a nice crunch when you pull but getting very chewy and stretchy as it warms up. Quiet finger pokes that get louder as it inflates. Medium volume pops and crackles and plenty of them. I very much enjoyed this texture along with its beautifully fresh scent and colour.

  • LEMON MERINGUE (DIY clay/wip, lemon meringue scented)
I really did adore this scent, a very creamy and realistic, nostalgic lemon meringue. This was the best scent of the bunch in my personal opinion (with the rosemary bread of 'Toasted' being a close second.) I absolutely loved the combo of charms on this one, it was just so very pretty and charming. The whipped cream mini clays had dried out but this was warned on the website. This texture was quite wet and a bit greasy at first but this is typical of such textures and you have to keep the faith. The little clay whipped creams did not combine into the texture, but they will rehydrate and combine with a little time and rest.
This is a GORGEOUS light, fluffy, moist and jiggly snow creme with nice, moist, clicky finger pokes. This is far closer to what I imagined when it came to Pilot’s famous “wip” texture reminding me of a floofy, whipped honey butter sort of texture, I personally found it a preferable texture to 'Toasted.' It inflates loads and gets airier and fluffier as you play. It also has some great bubble pops. This was a fantastic slime and certainly the star of the show for me. I am now very keen to get my hands on more like this from Pilot.

  • Free slime: PIZZA PLANET (fluffy butter chew, pizza dough scented)
The scent is slightly savory, a tad yeasty and I had a hint of rosemary to it, I thought the whole concept was really cool and well done with the little baggie of (possibly corn flour?) that you rubbed on its surface. The whole theme, scent and colour of this dough had me, a whole ass adult, humming “That’s Amoré and pretending to be a pizza chef! Haha! This was a moist, chewy butter that inflated plenty and gave lots of lovely soft sizzles and some medium pops.
When the moooon hits your eyyye like a biiiig pizza piiiie....etc. 😂
The second free slime was an unnamed silica, seed bead and fish bowl crunch bomb which I am saving for a friend as it’s hard to review a no-name slime because I can’t tell you guys what it is in order to enable you to buy it!

I’ve heard people say they were underwhelmed with Pilot and I can understand where they are coming from. I believe that it’s because the extreme hype leads us to believe that some sort of new slime innovation is coming our way, just to discover that the textures are all particularly familiar to us and very common to many other slime companies. I didn’t experience any textures that were new, unusual or particularly nuanced and sophisticated although I thought the lemon meringue was one of the nicest of that particular texture (and combined scent) I have experienced of late.
In my opinion, the manner in which Pilot shines and DOES deserve hype arises from the fact they are all VERY well done, extremely professionally made slimes. Nothing was sticky, I feel the slight over-activation is a professionally conscientious move, there was no mess or spillage on the containers, the labels were absolutely beautiful, the packaging and care card lovely and the themes all absolutely fantastic.
I found a small percentage of the scents to be excellent and the others somewhat faint/underwhelming and, in light of the plastic beads, some very unpleasant unfortunately. The overall impression I got from Pilot was a very polished and professional one and I personally very much enjoyed my order and will retain with enthusiasm. However, my future purchases from them (because there will be future purchases, they won me round) will be more targeted and far more modest. I would certainly be interested in more light wips, frogspawn crunch bombs and pigmented clears. The caviar and seed beads lost me and I just give up on silica at this point (apart from Rodem's) I’m afraid. The denser snow cremes didn’t really capture me and the scents are definitely something I will be a little more considered over when I shop in future. I thought they nailed the sweet/creamy/bread scents, they may be my preference scent-wise but they are not always done well. All in all I feel that Pilot are worthy of a solid 9.5/10
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:29 tmGrunty What the heck happened to parallax card styles?

What the heck happened to parallax card styles? submitted by tmGrunty to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:15 NissaFlamecaller The 39 Best Shamans in Magic Ranked

Niche creature types are cool and all but I like the established ones. They give us a baseline to interpret the plane’s flavor and cultures from. Take shamans, for example. There are about 400 shamans in Magic, which are flavorfuly linked to powerful, primordial forces like elemental magic and life and death.
Burning-Tree Emmisary and Deathrite Shaman are both Ravnician shamans, but we understand so much about the difference between their guilds (Gruul and Golgari, respectively) because of their properties. The burst of mana from BTE informs us of Gruul’s fierce, fiery nature while DRS’s slower abilities centered around the graveyard dig into Golgari’s respect for the natural cycles of life and death and their innate belief that to die is to be reborn. Magic has tons of other cool shamans I found in this article:
submitted by NissaFlamecaller to draftsim [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:40 TravellingBeard In terms of lore/look/feel only, what's your favorite race and class combo?

So this is excluding racial traits and abilities, only focusing on look or backstory.
My first WoW character I created was a dwarf shaman, without absolutely any research into their racials because I felt it looked cool.
Ever since I unlocked dark iron and Kul Tiran, all my new alts have been one of those three. I tried human, meh. Working on Pandarian DK now got MOP remix and enjoying the happy go lucky bounciness of him.
submitted by TravellingBeard to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:20 miran213 Molton, the giant - one more try/suggesion

If MG damage would be buffed to be the same or a even more as General Drakk, would he be a viable option for a non Drakk Onyxia team, combined with Ressist Faerie dragon?
That could open up other Leaders and combos besides the common Drakk-Shaman.
Again, a 6 gold mini , super slow. Almost useless with his single target. But with the 20% HP buff and a chunky single target crushing blow single target - could we finally get him to be interesting, threathening?
P.S. Crushing blow - could that be a basic trait? Whatever he hits, he exposes armor or makes vulnerable? [edit: To repeat my point from a post below - Single target vulnerable (takes 50% more elemental damage) could be similar to a Drakk 50% elemental damage? Drakk is AoE aura, but we could now pair MG with other leaders traits.
Charlga 1g unit cost, Grommash bloodlust, Thaurisan burning level up, Tirion healing, Sneed siege golds, Jaina slow, and so on.]
submitted by miran213 to warcraftrumble [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:45 britt2376 [NA][Stormrage] - CE Guild - Multiple Raid Teams Recruiting For The War Within!

ABOUT OUR GUILD Eclipsed, a large gaming community, is a WoW Guild located on Stormrage that was created by a group of veteran players that want to build a community-oriented guild that encompasses all aspects of the game and doing it with other people to achieve our best possible playability.
WE'RE MORE THAN JUST RAIDING We are also openly recruiting people interested in mythic plus, PVP, achievement runs, multi-platform gaming, random guild events, and etc.
RECRUITMENT We're always looking for exceptional and committed players so reach out even if your class/spec is not listed here.
Dark Star (CE) 9/9M Season 3 (Awakened: VOTI - 3/8M, Aberrus - 7/9M, Amir 6/9M) Tuesday and Thursday’s 8:00-11:00pm EST Needs: Melee DPS (Havoc DH), Ranged DPS (Warlock, Mage) Tidal Acceleration (CE Focused) 7/9M Season 3 (Awakened: VOTI - 5/8M, Aberrus - 4/9M, Amir 5/9M) Tuesday and Thursday’s 8:30-11:30pm EST Needs: Healer (Holy Pally, Holy Priest, Resto Shaman) Ranged DPS (Shadow Priest, Warlock, Aug/Dev Evoker) Interstellar (Mythic) 6/9M Season 3 (Awakened: VOTI - 4/8M, Aberrus - 3/9M, Amir 4/9M) Tuesday and Thursday’s 8:00pm-11:00pm EST Needs: Closed Gravity (Mythic) 3/9M Season 3 (Awakened: VOTI - 2/8M, Aberrus - 9/9H, Amir - 2/9M) Tuesday’s 9:00pm-12:00am EST Needs: Ranged DPS (Mage) Quasar (Mythic) (Awakened: VOTI - 1/8M, Aberrus - 3/9M, Amir - 3/9M) Wednesday and Monday’s 9:00pm - 12:00am EST Needs: Open to exceptional DPS only Aurora (Mythic) 6/9M Season 3 (Awakened: VOTI - 3/8M, Aberrus - 3/9M, Amir - 4/9M) Wednesday and Thursday’s 8:30pm - 11:30pm Needs: Strong flex healer (Shaman, Monk), Ranged DPS (Warlock) Open to exceptional Ranged DPS only Event Horizon (Mythic) 7/9M Season 3 (Awakened: VOTI - 2/8M, Aberrus - 3/9M, Amir 2/9M) Tuesday and Wednesday 11:00PM-2:00AM PST Needs: Ranged DPS (Warlock, looking at all exceptional DPS) Cosmic Shift (CE-Focused) 6/9M Season 3 (Awakened: VOTI - 2/8M, Aberrus - 3/9M, Amir - 2/9M) Saturday and Sunday 7-10:00pm EST Needs: Open to exceptional DPS only Stardust (AOTC/Mythic) 5/9M Season 3 (Awakened: VOTI - 7/8H, Aberrus - 5/9H, Amir - 9/9H) Saturday and Sunday 9:00-11:30pm EST Needs: Healer that can flex DPS, Ranged DPS Gravity - (Heroic Only) Wednesday’s 9:00pm-12:00am EST Gravity - (Normal Training) Thursdays 9:00pm-12:00am EST Nova (Normal/Heroic Training) Friday’s 8:00-11:00 pm 
Nakkita - Recruiting Lead Discord: nakkita76 BTAG: britt2376#1776
Khaeli - Recruiter Discord: khaeli BTAG: khaeli#11319
Jay/Whitezillaa - Guild Master Discord: zilla_dilla BTAG: ZillaDilla#1991
submitted by britt2376 to wowguilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:05 danl999 The Path of the Olmecs

The Path of the Olmecs
Keep in mind, ChatGPT still can't draw good text. So you have to forgive him on mistakes. But at least it's almost readable.
I'm trying to pin down where the old seers fled, eventually ending up with the Toltecs.
Here's ChatGPT 4o's theory:
Let's narrow down the path to focus on civilizations known for working closely with spirits and shapeshifting, characteristics you associate with Olmec seers.
  1. Olmecs (~1500 BCE to 400 BCE):
    • The origin of the seers, known for their close relationships with spirits and abilities to shapeshift.
  2. Teotihuacan (100 BCE to 550 CE):
    • After the decline of the Olmecs, the seers could have found refuge in Teotihuacan. This civilization had a rich spiritual life with extensive use of ritual practices. The connection with spirits and the possible presence of shapeshifting in their mythology make Teotihuacan a plausible next step.
  3. Maya (2000 BCE to 1697 CE):
    • The Maya civilization had complex spiritual beliefs, with shamans playing a central role in mediating between the spiritual and physical worlds. Their rituals often involved communication with spirits, and their mythology includes references to shapeshifting, aligning with the Olmec seers' practices.
  4. Toltecs (900 CE to 1168 CE):
    • The Toltecs are known for their esoteric knowledge and spiritual practices. They revered Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, who symbolizes transformation and shapeshifting. The Toltecs' mystical traditions make them a fitting continuation for the seers' lineage.

Path Summary:

  • OlmecsTeotihuacanMayaToltecs
This path focuses on civilizations that not only had advanced spiritual practices but also included elements of working with spirits and shapeshifting, maintaining the core characteristics of the Olmec seers. The migration would have allowed these seers to preserve and adapt their unique practices through each successive culture, ultimately contributing to the rich spiritual heritage of the Toltecs and beyond.
Isn't "Mayan" redundant with Toltec? Since the Toltecs seem to have installed a puppet ruler.ChatGPT
While there was significant interaction between the Toltecs and the Maya, including the establishment of Toltec influence in certain Maya cities such as Chichen Itza, it’s important to recognize that the Maya and Toltec civilizations were distinct in their own right. However, considering your focus on the continuity of specific spiritual practices like working with spirits and shapeshifting, we can streamline the path to emphasize this continuity more directly.
Here's a revised, more focused path:
  1. Olmecs (~1500 BCE to 400 BCE):
    • The seers' origin, known for their deep spiritual connections and shapeshifting abilities.
  2. Teotihuacan (100 BCE to 550 CE):
    • After the decline of the Olmecs, the seers could have integrated with Teotihuacan, a major cultural and spiritual center with rich ritual practices.
  3. Toltecs (900 CE to 1168 CE):
    • Following Teotihuacan, the seers would move to the Toltecs, who are known for their mystical knowledge and transformation symbolism, such as the worship of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, embodying shapeshifting and spiritual transcendence.

Path Summary:

  • OlmecsTeotihuacanToltecs
This path highlights the continuity of spiritual practices centered around working with spirits and shapeshifting, moving from the Olmecs to Teotihuacan and then to the Toltecs, without redundancy.Let's narrow down the path to focus on civilizations known for working closely with spirits and shapeshifting, characteristics you associate with Olmec seers.
  1. Olmecs (~1500 BCE to 400 BCE):
    • The origin of the seers, known for their close relationships with spirits and abilities to shapeshift.
  2. Teotihuacan (100 BCE to 550 CE):
    • After the decline of the Olmecs, the seers could have found refuge in Teotihuacan. This civilization had a rich spiritual life with extensive use of ritual practices. The connection with spirits and the possible presence of shapeshifting in their mythology make Teotihuacan a plausible next step.
  3. Maya (2000 BCE to 1697 CE):
    • The Maya civilization had complex spiritual beliefs, with shamans playing a central role in mediating between the spiritual and physical worlds. Their rituals often involved communication with spirits, and their mythology includes references to shapeshifting, aligning with the Olmec seers' practices.
  4. Toltecs (900 CE to 1168 CE):
    • The Toltecs are known for their esoteric knowledge and spiritual practices. They revered Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, who symbolizes transformation and shapeshifting. The Toltecs' mystical traditions make them a fitting continuation for the seers' lineage.

Path Summary:

  • OlmecsTeotihuacanMayaToltecs
This path focuses on civilizations that not only had advanced spiritual practices but also included elements of working with spirits and shapeshifting, maintaining the core characteristics of the Olmec seers. The migration would have allowed these seers to preserve and adapt their unique practices through each successive culture, ultimately contributing to the rich spiritual heritage of the Toltecs and beyond.
submitted by danl999 to castaneda [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:44 MaybeMoldy told I have a gift

Trying to make this as short as possible:
When I (24f) was about 10 or 11, I was at my sister's boyfriend's family's Christmas party. My parents and I were introducing ourselves to some folks as we knew no one there, and then I was gonna go play wii with my sister and her man. Out of nowhere, a woman comes over to my family, looks at me and just says, "wow, your daughter is gifted" I am an artist and did well in school so my parents, although taken aback, were like, "oh yes we're very lucky to have this one" but the lady was like, "no, she has a GIFT, I'm a native shaman, she is highly highly spiritual" we were all so taken aback we didn't really ask any follow ups. I went to the basement to play Mario kart, but it left me with a really beautiful feeling.
Fast forward 13 years and I'm really kicking myself for not asking a couple more questions. I went to a spiritual Healer a few months back and was again told I have a gift, but didn't ask any further questions because at the time I felt like I'd gotten enough info and I was being a bit shy.
I remembered a past life when I was a toddler as well as some of the life planning for this life. As soon as I learned to talk I would talk about my "other family" who were really "mean and bad" and I was scared I would have to go back. I would also see things that weren't there sometimes as a kid. Looking back, nothing I saw was actually scary, but i was so scared when it happened, perhaps I blocked myself off from it. I mean, I have really bad anxiety which I'm pretty sure blocks a lot for me.
I've worked on developing psychicly to an extent. I am extremely connected to my father after he got some horrible horrible news that absolutely shattered him. I got a vivid vision of the situation from his perspective and from then on we've had a really strong connection. If he's having a bad day, I just know to reach out to him. For a few weeks after the initial vision, I would get panick attacks seemingly out of nowhere, only to find out it was because my dad was having one too, accross the country. (One thing I learned from the spiritual Healer is that my dad's mum (who I never met) is one of my main guides so perhaps she had a hand in that?)
I had a dark night of the soul which led me to the spiritual path. For the past year or so I've felt a calling and have thrown myself into spirituality, reading all the books, listening to all the podcasts, watching all the videos on it, buying pendulums, tarot cards, the whole nine yards. Where I really fall short is meditating, I keep seeing everywhere if you want to develop your abilities you gotta meditate. Fair enough. My adhd makes that feel like climbing Mt Everest but I really really want to uncover this gift.
So I wanted to ask the experts here if this sounds similar to anyone else's story? And if anyone has any tips for me? I feel like if I know what the gift is it'll be much easier to practice and meditate (but maybe I'm just being impatient)
TDLR: native shaman told me I have a spiritual gift, spiritual Healer told me I have a spiritual gift, remembered past life/life planning as a child, saw figures as a child, developed a very close empathetic connection with my dad, does this sound similar to anyone else? How do I find out what my gift is?
submitted by MaybeMoldy to spirituality [link] [comments]