Hollister job application

För dem som vill emigrera till Sverige så klart!

2010.07.07 07:27 z06swimmer För dem som vill emigrera till Sverige så klart!

Välkommen! /TillSverige is a forum and resource for people who are moving or traveling to Sweden. This is a place for friendly advice, discussion, and information about the immigration process and its struggles. Before posting, familiarize yourself with the rules of the sub. Posting implies you have read and understood the rules.

2020.08.29 19:24 Charlotte995090543 Job Applications - Online Job Employment Forms

JobApplicationGuide.com has compiled a list of job applications and online job application procedures for most every major employer in the U.S. Looking for a Perfect Job? Have a look at https://www.jobapplicationguide.com/

2011.01.27 00:31 ElLechero Denver Jobs

A community to help Denver job posters and job-seekers come together.

2024.05.22 00:22 Then-Sir9052 Tip for Job Interviews to Weed Out Bullshit Jobs

So I have been grinding job applications hard trying to find something good where I'm not pinned down like I work in North Korea and can get to the upper middle-class... It's been exhausting.
I got so exhausted that I was like, "Fuck these people... I'm going to find out if they're wasting my time."
Rather than wait until next week, I got the phone number for the place and called and starting asking questions about the job.
Let me tell ya... That's a good way to weed out some bullshit. Fortunately, I found out my interview Monday could be a good deal; I may have something I am going to like doing. 100% commission though. Dangerous stuff...
submitted by Then-Sir9052 to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:20 Gold_Wish1177 Got Scheduled For Next Interview As Soon As Followed Up - Red Flag?

I had an interview last week with a company (2nd round), and I didn't follow up until over a week later. They told me to expect an update about the next round, but I thought I lost the job after not hearing back. After deciding to follow up anyway, I got a near instant response from their HR team letting me know I was accepted for a the 3rd round and asked for times.
Is this a red flag? Would I be wasting my time taking this interview? It feels like I'm not a priority, and that my application was forgotten about until I followed up.
submitted by Gold_Wish1177 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:17 tropicsea Advise on Moving for a Job Opportunity

I am looking for some advice on moving for an (internal) job opportunity. I am 27F and about 4 years into my career.
I currently work at a cancer genetic testing lab on the operations side. My role could be described as a Clinical Data Analyst. It's super chill, I work 4 10s, fully remote, 3 weeks of PTO, pay is hourly but last year made ~ 60k a year. I struggle with this job because it is the same thing every day, every moment of the day and is completely production/metrics based. I got into this job because I wanted to be on the technical side of things and thought it would help me get into genetic counseling school but that goal died after one cycle of applications. So I see this job as something I can do while pursuing a masters degree and super chill/low stress but also not challenging at all and theres no opportunity for growth (title/responsibilities/pay) in this position.
I have been applying internally for positions that are more client facing. I recently applied for an entry level sales position. I have always worked in labs/clinics so this is way different than anything I've ever considered but thought the pay would be better and it'd be more variable in the day to day. The position is based out of a larger US city and is a remote/field based position. I have done 5 different interviews trying to get a gauge for the job and it sounds like 50% of the day, I would be driving around. This job would put me at close to 100k (salary), PTO is unlimited, and maybe I could still pursue a masters degree. The caveat is that I would (1) have to move (2) have to give up my fully remote job and lose the opportunity to travel around and work (3) I have been at my company 3 years and they said they would not offer relocation money.
So I am wondering what your alls advice is on moving (almost across the country) for a job. I have been applying to jobs for almost a year now and haven't even gotten this far into the interview process where an offer is on the table so it feels like maybe it's the only opportunity coming for the foreseeable future. Do you all feel that medical/biotech sales is a way to gain more business side experience? Or is a sales rep another "dead end" job?
Thank you so much!
submitted by tropicsea to biotech [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:15 VerySaltyScientist I hate my life now, job market is horrible and can't leave toxic job

I was laid off August last year and did hundreds of applications. I literally only heard back from one place for an interview and got a job. I know I should be happy because my current field is fucked. My husband is in the same field and also got laid off around the same time. The place I am now is the most toxic fucking place. For context I am a software engineer, for other engineers they know the general process, like tickets, pointing, refinement ect. Well this place does not do any of those things in a normal sane way. Refinement is non existent and the person who writes the tickets is hell bent on any changes but also just writes stuff like "it looks funny" with no reference to anything in particular. Most of the team is new and pushed back on this crap. Yet somehow we are still expected to know what is wanted and then expected to deliver instantly instead of at the end of sprint like it normally would. Then there is immense pressure to somehow figure out what they want without asking because god forbid you ask for context because they become very rude, insulting and threatening. They also want to do meetings at weird ass hours in the night, and no this is not to accommodate for someone in another country or anything, everyone is around the same time zone an hour apart at most. They set shit up past midnight to like 4am.
I fucking hate my life now, my husband has had no luck in the search either despite having more experience, I still keep applying to jobs but don't hear back. This is our only income so I am stuck here. Everyday I cry during work. I have even been applying for jobs in my original field which does not pay well at all despite needing a high education level. I feel like this is just my life now and I fucking hate it.
submitted by VerySaltyScientist to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:15 thinkPhilosophy [For Hire] $5 Gets you 5 job leads and 2 tailored job applications

I can help you find a remote job in tech, whether you're looking for internships, associate, or senior positions, in both technical and non-technical roles. I will use a specialized AI to find job leads tailored to your resume and preferences, jobs for which you would be a great candidate. Of those job leads, you approve the a couple that you want to apply to, and I will then use AI and human proofreading, ensuring accuracy and readability, to tailor your resume and any other required materials to the position, and apply on your behalf.
Yes, it really is just $5 bucks! I am offering this service at a deep discount because I want to level up quickly, so this is a limited time gig offer. Prefer order be placed though fiverr, PM for details.
submitted by thinkPhilosophy to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:12 alwaysdreaming98 How did you end up working from home?

Hiya, Trying to get a WFH job currently, and just wondered how you got your WFH job, what job do you do and what experience did you need to get it?
I need to change my job due to illness and so WFH is the best way for me to maintain my income.
It's very difficult so far to get any replies on my applications. Thanks!
submitted by alwaysdreaming98 to WFH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:12 skim-milk Fake “remote work” job offers to send me thousands of dollars

Not sure if I used the right flair because I know this is a scam, I just don’t know WHAT the scam is.
I received an email from a “HR representative” who thought I would be a good fit for a job I’d applied for. I definitely applied for the job, but the email address looked slightly off—hr-companyname.com as opposed to companyname.com. I’ve seen companies do weird things like this and I had actually applied for a job with the company, so I responded. I figured as long as they don’t ask for my banking info or anything like that, I’d go along with it just in case it was legit.
They asked me to respond to “screening questions” that assessed my skills and experience. Again, a little weird, but I’ve been asked to jump through stupid hoops for job interviews before so I went ahead and responded just in case it was legit. At this point, the only personal info they’d asked me for was my name and email, both of which they already had. I asked the guy some questions about the company but didn’t hear back (he was very responsive in his previous messages), so I figured it was fake and moved on.
Two days later I get an email congratulating me on being selected for employment at a rate of $95/hr. No interview, no phone call, no zoom call, just hey you’re hired. They still did not ask me for any of my personal info, but sent me a list of thousands of dollars worth of equipment to buy and said they would send me a check to cover the cost for me to get set up.
At this point it’s 1000% obvious this is completely fake, so I found a phone number on the real company website and called them to inform them this was happening. The receptionist confirmed that both of their HR people are women and no one by that name worked there in any capacity and said I wasn’t the first person to call them about this. I forwarded her the scam emails for her to send to their IT team. I’m guessing there was some kind of data breach on the application I submitted, but what’s the scam here?
They never asked me for any banking info or tried to send me a “digital check”, which I’ve seen before. They didn’t ask me to submit a resume which other fake recruiters have done. They didn’t ask me for any of my personal information at all, no ID, no social security number, etc. They offered to mail me a check first so I can go buy my equipment from any store I want, so they aren’t trying to get me to buy equipment from them through some fake electronics store with the expectation of being reimbursed. It seems like if I moved forward, they would have sent me a check for several thousand dollars? Is the scam that if I try to deposit it, they’d sue me for check fraud or something?
submitted by skim-milk to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:10 BMFO20832 Full-stack web application similar to Wordpress, but built with Next.js and Postgres instead

Hey everyone, I'm doing some research for my side hobby project and I was wondering if anyone has attempted to build a full-stack web application similar to WordPress that can be self hosted, or hosted by the pros?
Instead of PHP, Mysql, and whatever else WordPress runs on; Full-stack Next.js with Postgres and Server Components, and all other of Vercel's product offerings such as Blob Storage, Cron Jobs, Preview Branches, etc.
Has anybody seen this type of product out in the wild?
To clarify, I'm not looking for a headless solution. I'm looking for the whole head, tail, feet, and everything else in one package.
submitted by BMFO20832 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:09 CalyKade How to answer "what are your salary expectations"?

So I am a new grad currently on the job hunt, and have been asked in some interviews what my salary expectations are. Once on a paper application as well.
How do you guys usually answer this? I am not sure if Indeed is an accurate representation of the market but I have been using that. I don't want to be unreasonable, but I don't want to be low balled either. I also know reimbursement rates can limit what the actual salary is.
Do you guys have a way where you respond without giving a number? Do you say the average salary for your area, or higher than you actually expect?
submitted by CalyKade to physicaltherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:08 om8975 [5 YoE] Mid Career seeking a Water Resources Engineering job Resume Feedback

[5 YoE] Mid Career seeking a Water Resources Engineering job Resume Feedback
I'm applying for a water engineeproject manager position and want to see if my resume would be picked out of the hundreds of applications they'll receive.
About me: I'm studying for the Environmental EIT and I'm not sure if I should add that on my resume
Should my paragraphs be shorter? Should I use stronger verbs? I added a long list of skills to tailor what the job posting requires but I feel like it's too long and maybe I should address some of those skills on a cover letter.
The skills required by the job are: strong project management skills, including the ability to manage budgets, schedules, and construction processes effectively. Excellent communication skills are essential for interacting with stakeholders and preparing presentations for public meetings. Technical proficiency in engineering software like AutoCAD and GIS, along with analytical abilities for engineering assessments and compliance reviews, are also critical for success in these roles.
Any other feedback is greatly appreciated!!
submitted by om8975 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:02 BlockTiny6765 Behaviour examples

Good evening, I would much appreciate your advice. I am applying for CS jobs for a couple of months now, for EO and HEO finance related roles. I have not managed to go to the next level and be interviewed, the feedback I have got until now is overall 3.
I am trying to make an application at the moment and trying to write the examples for behaviours. The last seven years I am working as a business partner in hospitality, managing the financial of the business among other things. My concern is that, all the good examples I can think of is from the time I was working in office environment which is long ago. Do you think that I should use them or try and find something from my current working experience, even if it will not be that good? Thank you!
submitted by BlockTiny6765 to TheCivilService [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:02 ApprehensiveLemon963 Are cover letters even worth it when they are not a required field (for jobs you aren't head over heels wanting)?

I am desperate for a job and a lot of the roles I am applying for a cover letter just to attach to the general application is optional. Anytime it specifically outlines what they want to see in one or that it is required I do it, but is it worth my time to write one for every role that doesn't require it that I am not super excited by?
submitted by ApprehensiveLemon963 to jobsearchhacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:01 greenerpickings Approved for CFF after Recon

Hi all, just wanted to add my data point.
Credit Score: 750 FICO Experian
Cards @ credit limit:
Applied for a CFF at the beginning of May and was denied due to too many recent accounts and high credit limit for my income. Called the recon line (888-270-2127) and was approved. They asked the following questions:
  1. confirm income (gave me my income, and I confirmed)
  2. source of income (employment)
  3. how long I've been employed (7 years; I assume they meant at my current job and current source of income)
  4. reason (for points)
Approved, but I had to transfer $2k from another card due to my limit vs income.
Also, another note, I have tried calling the recon line since the week after (as per the 7-10 business day message). When asked if I was referring to a recent application, I kept pressing 1 to confirm and kept getting the "we are working on it" message. Pressed 2 this time around and it went straight to an agent.
Edit: Formatting
submitted by greenerpickings to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:00 Firm-Maintenance4203 Misleading Job Application

So, I applied to be a loadeunloader at UPS, the job app website says "job offer in minutes" So I go through the motions, it spits out a job offer, I do the background check, I9, and W4 and set up my orientation, only to have a recruiter call me and say my background check is not back yet so we need to push it back, so we do, I get another call saying it's not back yet still and they will call me to set up an orientation - Last week, I get the call stating my background check was done and it was finally time for me to come onboard with UPS. Fast forward to today, I go out to do my orientation only to discover when I got there that it in fact was NOT an orientation it was just an interview, is this common UPS practice?
Edit for spelling error
submitted by Firm-Maintenance4203 to UPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:00 firezodyssey Soft tissue imaging - can't see damage

Has anyone had the issue that subluxations and injuries that aren't as severe as an actual tear or dislocation not showing up on imaging like ultra sounds and X-rays? Links to peer reviewed medical journal articles on imaging and EDS/HSD or other connective tissue disorders are welcome!
I'm thinking that baring an actual tear, our soft tissue is thin to begin with so it won't show damage unless there's an actual tear or the joint is still dislocated (not after a dislocation or sublux is put back in joint). I'm basing this on the story below and I'm open to comments about my current issue.
For the story context my mom and I have thin eye tissue. We're both finally diagnosed with hEDS
Current issue:
Most of my injuries and chronic issues are lower body and/or to my right side. Left side upper body is only recent. My left shoulder blade has subluxed twice from my spine in the past year.
I'm thinking that baring an actual tear, our soft tissue is thin to begin with so it won't show damage - just like my corneas don't, because that damage is everywhere. (Like a website with white text on an almost white background.)
I'm getting my first custom titanium wheelchair soon (the application is in the works). I know that to get any additions or changes in the future, including a SmartDrive power assist there must be a clinical justification. It's helpful to be either able to document injuries that can be seen on imaging or have a justification why those injuries can't be seen on imaging.
Any medical journal articles are welcome! I have a science degree with human anatomy and physiology with cadaver lab, plus work/life experience so I can read them.
submitted by firezodyssey to eds [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:59 BunuTheShunu Advice on Clinical Research Coordinator resume?

Graduating with a degree in Neuroscience in June. Worked a clinical research job from 2019-2021 where I was responsible for handling PHI, recruiting patients, conducting follow up interviews, etc.. Currently working as a nurse's aid as a psych hospital where I handle PHI, track patient vitals, and oversee discharge and intake paperwork. In between these roles I worked as a tutor.
I'm wondering how I can cater my resume to a Clinical Research Coordinator role, and if my experience is enough to get my foot in the door. I have a heavy interest in research and would want to stay at this role for 1-2 years and hopefully get some publications as well. Willing to work for any certifications that would help me stand out. Any tips on what to advertise or express interest in during the application, interview, and job-searching process would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by BunuTheShunu to clinicalresearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:57 FI_321 Overnight for a 13 year old

I’m a single parent to one 13, almost 14 year old son. I can easily leave him home until pretty late, but never overnight.
I’m thinking about hiring a sitter for semi regular Friday or Saturday overnights. My son is completely independent. He will order doordash for meals or I’ll have something prepared, so no worries about that. The sitter will most likely have very little contact with him. I just need an adult around in case of an emergency. They will have the main living and kitchen area all to themselves. I have a guest bedroom as well and they can sleep the entire time if they want.
I was thinking something like 11pm-7am. The sitter could use my door code to let themselves in, check in with my kid, and that’s it.
Is this something people even do? I put this job on Sittercity, and I have some applicants already, but I wonder if they even read the job description. No one has responded anything that tells me they understand the job. I guess I’ll contact one and find out, but thought I would get Reddits opinion first.
I’m not sure what a reasonable rate is either for this kind of job. I’m in a HCOL DC suburb. $20 an hour? I really have no clue.
submitted by FI_321 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:57 EtTuBrotus What advice would you give to someone looking for a career change, but unsure of what to do?

I (27m, UK) have been working in the marketing team of a Higher Education Institution for the last 2.5 years. I’m on ok money, at £32k a year.
The Uni I work for is struggling a bit financially and are offering a generous Mutually Agreed Resignation Scheme in efforts to cut costs. I’ve applied for this because it’s a lot of money and I’m getting restless in my role, so it could offer me the chance for a change. I will learn the outcome in three weeks or so. If I get it, I’ll leave at the end of August. If I don’t, my job is unaffected (for now). Whether I get it or not, the common feeling is that after the MARs ends, there’ll be a redundancy period (even though senior management are downplaying this), and I think with my application and job role I’d be fairly high up the list for redundancy.
So this is where I’m at. My role is mostly project management, rather than marketing. Managing stakeholders, setting timelines, liaising with suppliers, etc
I’ve decided i’d like to do something else but I’m not sure what. I don’t think I want to stay in project management. I like working with people, so account management could be cool but I really, really don’t want to work in sales. I passed an assessment day at this recruitment company the other day and was due to have an interview for a SDR role today but cancelled it because the thought of it made me feel sick. It was mostly going to be “prospecting” (aka cold calling) and I just couldn’t force myself to be enthusiastic about it. I’d like the relationship managing aspect of account management but having to hit sales targets and such kind of puts me off.
I’m also considering trying my hand at creative marketing. I’ve recently started learning photoshop to upskill myself and I enjoy the creative concept pieces I’m working on but I know I don’t have any practical experience in the field and my skills aren’t yet good enough to make me competitive against other applicants.
I wish I was one of those people that knew what they wanted to do and how to get there, but I’m not. So, any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by EtTuBrotus to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:57 Nic727 Does writing to companies directly really work?

I'm planning to massively send spontaneous applications to all companies and organization I would love to work at. But without a proper job application, does it really work? If they aren't looking for workers, why would they hire you?
Thank you
submitted by Nic727 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:52 extremely_awkwardd How do I start obtaining ECs?

I'm currently in Grade 10 and hoping to get serious about extracurriculars next year, as I am doing decently well in my courses (93 average) yet have close to no ECs (member of the school newspaper, and badminton club). I aim to go to UofT for civil engineering, and I am aware that the competition is no joke. I don't know where to start. What would be some good extracurriculars to build on my application come Grade 12??
(I am currently applying for part-time jobs btw)
submitted by extremely_awkwardd to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:52 Shamba_ Is it worth applying if there is someone currently working in the role posted?

Hey everyone,
I've been applying for jobs with BCPS as an external candidate since October, and unfortunately, I'm still looking.
A friend in a high-level position advised me to reach out to the hiring manager listed on the job posting to see if anyone is currently working in the role I want to apply for.
There is a posting I want to apply for and I was excited about the role because i meet all the requirements and feel like I would be a great addition. So, I recently reached out to the hiring manager to ask if someone is already in the role. They said yes, but they have to run a competition, and they already have received over 100 applications.
The deadline is approaching and I'm hesitant to apply if they already have someone they love in the position. It would be such an obvious choice. Or no?
From your experience, if someone is already in the role, is it worth applying? These applications, assignments and interviews truly take a lot of time, and it's disheartening to get rejected over and over after committing hours and weekends to them if they have their candidate chosen already.
Is there another way they could just hire the internal candidate? If I meet all the requirements, is it worth applying?
Just looking for thoughts, if any!
Thanks for reading everyone. ❤️
submitted by Shamba_ to BCPublicServants [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:50 EtTuBrotus Applied for a MARS and looking to make a career change

I (27m) have been working in the marketing team of a Higher Education Institution for the last 2.5 years. I’m on ok money, at £32k a year.
The Uni I work for is struggling a bit financially and are offering a generous Mutually Agreed Resignation Scheme in efforts to cut costs. I’ve applied for this because it’s a lot of money and I’m getting restless in my role, so it could offer me the chance for a change. I will learn the outcome in three weeks or so. If I get it, I’ll leave at the end of August. If I don’t, my job is unaffected (for now). Whether I get it or not, the common feeling is that after the MARs ends, there’ll be a redundancy period (even though senior management are downplaying this), and I think with my application and job role I’d be fairly high up the list for redundancy.
So this is where I’m at. My role is mostly project management, rather than marketing. Managing stakeholders, setting timelines, liaising with suppliers, etc
I’ve decided i’d like to do something else but I’m not sure what. I don’t think I want to stay in project management. I like working with people, so account management could be cool but I really, really don’t want to work in sales. I passed an assessment day at this recruitment company the other day and was due to have an interview for a SDR role today but cancelled it because the thought of it made me feel sick. It was mostly going to be “prospecting” (aka cold calling) and I just couldn’t force myself to be enthusiastic about it. I’d like the relationship managing aspect of account management but having to hit sales targets and such kind of puts me off.
I’m also considering trying my hand at creative marketing. I’ve recently started learning photoshop to upskill myself and I enjoy the creative concept pieces I’m working on but I know I don’t have any practical experience in the field and my skills aren’t yet good enough to make me competitive against other applicants.
I wish I was one of those people that knew what they wanted to do and how to get there, but I’m not. So, any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by EtTuBrotus to UKJobs [link] [comments]
