Congratulations quotes for new house

MomForAMinute For those who need a role model or mother figure

2016.09.09 07:40 Lulu018 MomForAMinute For those who need a role model or mother figure

We are Mother Geese to our loving Ducklings. When you need understanding, congratulations, praise, or advice from a mother figure, but don't have one IRL able or willing to provide that for you -- we are here for you. We support you and love you unconditionally!

2019.10.30 01:03 mwthecool House of the Dragon

This is a place for news and discussions relating to HBO's "Game of Thrones" prequel TV series "House of the Dragon" and George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" companion novel, "Fire & Blood."

2010.03.11 04:42 lw0x15 Deep House

Deep house is food and you need it.

2024.05.22 02:18 kai2hig I 20(M) am being kicked out my parents house & now I have to enlist in the Army.

Why are you enlisting in the army?
Because my parents (Mother, Gen X) are not allowing a "20 year old Male that has been out of high school for "2" years & That is only working a part time job at Publix and is or not in any type of full time job (which i was but decided to quit *A connection job my parents put me on to by a friend *The Boss* which i immediately & automatically got but i burned the bridge by NCNS and ruined a reptation.) or in college (went twice, commuted Aug 2022, Stayed on campus Aug 2023) to live in there household as in "Adult". "The only people that can live for free and worry free are children" "We have NO more "Children". I have 2 older brothers (Oldest in his 30"s Married, 2 Children) , Middle (Late 20's pushing 30) No Kids, Living life & then there's me the Youngest (20 Years old, No type of motivation or idea of what i want in life sincerely, Hate how this is "Life" & how you really gotta feen for yourself as a person. I don't talk to my brothers fr we all got our own lives going on to the point its hard to have a update & that's just how its always been. Growing up they weren't around & i was the youngest so it was just me, they were already passed this stage of life when i was just coming up in my middle school - high school era. Today my parents found out that i no longer worked for the job (Warehouse $19 hour pay Full time) that they put me on too & that was definitely the dealbreaker. I was told as im typing this sentence at 5:32 PM "Tomorrow morning (May 22,2024) "We are going to the military requiting place and signing you up and that's your only option" or you have to go.. I was basically told that I can longer stay at my Parents home anymore & that now I have to depend on myself.
Why did you quit the FT $19 a HOUR warehouse Job?
Off rip on Day 1 i hated it, I knew i wasn't gon last long. Common sense would think $19 hourly pay as in MONEY (GOOD PAY) would be motivation to keep the job or to just deal with it but for me it was more then just money. Thats why from my perspective its different cuz i didn't care about the pay, I worked my 2 weeks and quit before i even saw how my pay check looked. it was just the job i did not like or feel a good fit for me itself. At 20 years old i was the youngest person in there. Everyone else were in there Late 30s , 40s & even 60s stating they have been there 27 years and more. That also was motivation for me because i was looking at it as like "I'm just trying to make money & build myself up, pay my bills, get me a new car, stack bread etc" but for everybody else yall got to "Pay bills, take care of yall family's, take care of yall kids & all these extra necessity that i don't have", so im looking at differently.
But as days went on and time started to progress i slowly felt irk. I slowly hated this lifestyle. The having to get up in morning at 5:20am Mon-Fri, Being in a loud hot ass warehouse all day, barley having breaks & just the environment in general. i just couldn't see myself doing that particular warehouse job for the rest of my life. (my first warehouse job).
During my 2nd week (last) Prolly Monday 5/13/24 The Connection "Friend" which was my boss that my parents put me on to said that one of the workers who was training me said i wasn't getting the job down pack correctly & my boss proceeded to tell me i have until Friday to get it down or they will have to let me go. i felt sum type of way cause i was seriously doing the job to the best of my capability and in the process i was still fairly new & learning. He also proceed behind closed doors to call my mother after our conversation we had and told her what was said as well.. I Only knew this because right after maybe 8 minutes after are convo i decided to take my 10 minute break & i get a message from my mom asking "Hey how's work going?" then i call her and she tells me...That he called. So in my head im frustrated because what does my Work business have to do with Personal life/ My mother being involve?? & Im not in middle school or high school, so why are we calling parents? Like Am im not a Young "Adult" in the "Real World" workforce?? I felt like that was weird to me off rip specially when i was told that "Work business is Work business.
I felt very Unentitled. Every time i would get off work i wouldn't know what to do after which I also always felt drained and foggy like i didn't have a life outside of going to work. I hated the way i felt.
Those were brief reasons on why i Ultimately made the decision to call it quits but in reality my reasons dont really matter its just the fact that i quit the job.
But now im back to square one figuring out what my next step is.. My plan
Either the service or being kicked out the choice is mine. I never was interested in any type of military role, it was never something i saw nor wanted to do. Since i was told that would be were i could be headed i did decided to do sum research on the process of how enlisting works and etc.. I didn't plan on taking that route personally. I know atp in my life the decision is indeed mine and i have to do whats right for and i think the military route is also not a fit for me. So now i have my 2nd option, Leave home.. Leave living with my parents just like college. Not having to worry about anything but myself, Having the independence lifestyle. It all sounds good but i know thats a huge step into the "Adult' life and just my life in general.
Im a 20 year old male, with no car, a part time job at publix, just got kicked out my parents house, & need guidance on what should i do?
open to all feedback please
submitted by kai2hig to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:16 trashcat__ Doppelganger(?) and radio

Most of my life I've lived in the rural areas of different parts of Finland and couple of houses in the woods. I have lots of weird stories to share but this one's the most recent and the only thing that happened at our new place.
We moved to a lovely house by a lake with my boyfriend around last christmas and were carrying our stuff in. His van was parked short distance from the front door and there are couple of steps down from the terrace.
I was unloading the van by myself and noticed my boyfriend walk down the steps and walk all the way behind the van, out of sight. Thought it was a bit strange that I didn't hear the door (it makes this beep sound because of the security system) I heard him walk around the other side of the van and turned around to ask for help with some of the boxes. He was nowhere to be seen.
Immediately I hear the front door and there he is. Walking out, walking down the steps. It would have been impossible for him to do that. This happened in matter of seconds. I just saw him twice and it made no sense. He was also very easy to see as he was wearing his bright yellow work coat.
I didn't mention it to him because knowing him, he would've thought it was a joke.
We went inside and I have this small radio. I thought it would be nice to check which radio stations we could hear in the area. I opened the radio and it went crazy. It was all just awful noise and strange screeching sound like a human screaming but not quite...? Tried switching the channels and every single one was like that. We actually filmed a video because it was so creepy.
I tested it later and now it's normal. The channels work fine even in the exact same spot. The battery's fine too.
I probably wouldn't really care about the radio but both incidents together creeped me out.
In the end I want to add. I swear, in the woods lots of unexplained things happen. I've experienced an entity before, that feels like it can become someone else. Those have been at my old place tho. The one we have now, is a little less isolated.
I would love to share them but this would be insanely long and I don't know where to start. I also think those would count more as a 'ghost stories' altho I don't think these things are ghosts.
submitted by trashcat__ to Unexplained [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:16 No-Attorney8061 Worst 18 months of my life.

18 months of hell.
In November 2022 I got accused of a very serious crime and investivated by police. My girlfriend at the time lost her job. I had to move home because rent was getting ridiculous for the area and quality.
Christmas 2022, grandfather dies of a Stoke. At rhe same time, grandmother on other side of family nearly dies of the same thing.
Ny father can't speak at his dad's funeral, I step up, trying to support the family and keep things ordered. I do it. But I see my dad cry fir the first time in my life...
I took out a £15k loan. Which helped with credit card debt (due to my gf at the time not really working or paying for anything), then after I moved, new housemate was a fucking slob who used my good nature to treat the place like a shit tip. Leaving chocolate out for my dog to eat and everything.
Police issue is resolved, no evidence after I get a solicitor and an interview. Still to this day, I flinch when I hear sirens...
Birthday... gf St the time, while sleeping upstairs and I sleep on the sofa cause be and my friend are chatting unti lwe fall asleep ad a heavy day drinking... ex comes down.. stands over me. And hits me so hard I scream. House wakes up. Mate sees this happen. And then housemate comes down, and asks why she got in his bed... she is currently pinning me down, crying and screaming.. I tell everyone to go to bed and deal with it the next day.
Tell gf at the time that she has fucked up... She doesn't know why she did it... says she was sleep walking.. touch starved...
Had to physically remove housemate after 1) his room smelled so bad, that I had to get landlords involved and a professional carpet clean on his room and 2) he pissed on my fucking landing carpet.
Months of me paying nearly as much rent as I earn in wage, due to gf at the time barely paying me... get a housemate in who wants the place to be good to live in.. Ex decides to threaten suicide when it's just me and her, after multiple times she has grabbed and tried to hold me down knowing I am in pain from her hitting me... She locks herself in the bathroom (razors and isopropyl alcohol inside, and apparently as I find out later, our dog). I call 111, she is screaming, I'm taking on the phone to try to get control... I struggle...
Eventually she opens the door, screaming at me... 111 operator can't do anything more... I thank him and hang up.. ex gf screaming at me immediately.. im the worst person, im stupid... can't believe i believed her she might commit suicide. How stupid am I.. all of it.. I broke.. broke up with her. Hated life, hated myself. Still do.
This was November 2023.. she finally left in May 2024. Every day since I havent been able to say a word in my house. I have been belittled, broken, criticised, for the tiniest things... while I can't say a word against anyone... she left dishes to go mouldy, I cant ask her to clean after herself.... and that's the minor things..
I am alone... when she left, she took the dog.. she was ours. She slept with me every night... ans now she is gone.. to a girl who never took her for a walk unless she was the ONLY one to.. and even then.. First walk at 2:30... maybe 5pm...
I dont know anymore. I'm sick of everything.. ex even got to move out of London and keep her job.. Best I could argue was the possibility of a transfer... but I'd lose my London weighting... and fuck over my housemate...
I don't even know what I need.. I've had counselling, the Counsellor didn't turn up to half the sessions... And can't get free ones... I canr get help for domestic violence victims as its not an ongoing issue and I'm a male in my 30s. So im not priority (I get it, but im allowed to say it hurts not getting support).
I just want to be allowed to live a normal life.. I dont want this... I just want to scream.
Thank you if you read this. I'm sorry if its not the usual content.
submitted by No-Attorney8061 to screamintothevoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:16 KhajiitHasWares2077 Thought the new Starfield update would bring me back in but I just CAN'T with this game.

To start, I have about 80hrs into the game. Beat the main quest and went into new game plus. Played about 6 hours more with new update but now I just can't bring myself to continue. I feel absolutely nothing for this game now and even when I was playing.
With the new update I thought the new gameplay options, maps, and quality updates would bring me back in but it's still the same boring as fuck chore that I remembered when I finished in SeptembeNovember. This is doubly disappointing because I would probably call myself a fanboy for BGS games. These types of games are why I love video games so much. Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 I can replay over and over until the end of time but Starfield is the biggest dud I have ever played.
The writing is horrendous, the main story is laughable and a chore to get through, most of the cast of characters sound like they're about to die of boredom, the setting is bland as fuck, and the procedural content just kills the variety and identity that BGS games are known for. The entire game lacks creativity and identity. It feels like a BGS game that has been sterilized of all the things that make their worlds interesting and immersive. Ship building can be fun at times but it's not what I'm personally looking for but I can admit it's one of the better aspects of the game. Also the faction quests can be fun at times but they also fall into this general lack of creativity and flair.
With all the lore that you learn, especially with the colony wars, House Varuun and so on, I feel like we were cheated of a really interesting setting because you start your character after all the cool shit has already happened. Everything just feels overly sanitized which kills any sense of character this game was trying to give.
Think of the atmosphere of Fallout 3, the dynamic dragon attacks and next level immersion in Skyrim, and the set pieces and density of Fallout 4. Hell even think about the sheer variety in Fallout 76 with the world of Appalachia. Starfield has none of that. All it has are thousands of barren planets with copy pasted buildings, lackluster weapons, cringe-worthy companions, cities that are pretty to look at yet are completely shallow, endless fetching and boring corporate oriented quests, and writing and dialogue that makes me wanna fall asleep whenever a character opens their mouth.
So yeah sorry I just needed to rant and get my frustrations out about this game before putting it away for good. It stings more considering my affinity for the developers and all the great games they've made before this
submitted by KhajiitHasWares2077 to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:15 ElegantHovercraft116 I 23M stupidly texted Ex 22F and Parents saying stupid ish to both of them

TLDR: Irrationally texted my ex parents after a breakup saying mean shit about her no threats just emotional dumb shit. Regret how childish I came off and feel like part of my healing even to move on fully is apologizing to grow. But I don’t want to bother as other redditors have exclaimed I should be lucky no restraining orders have been put out or I’m not in jail. I admit I said ugly shit but nothing that comes to threats or harm. Lmk please
Ex texted a bestfriend behind my back ending of last year ruining the friendship. Broke up with her, during that time I rekindled with someone else while occasionally texting my ex still not back together. Felt like I missed the warmth of my ex and dropped the new girl going back to my ex fully beginning of this year. Missed the support and love from my ex that I never truly got. Girl told me ex about our dirty laundry, causing trust issues in the whole relationship. Trust me when I tell you I felt more than guilty. I balled my eyes out with her and not even for getting caught for the reaction she had and how fragile she always was to me. I mention what she had does because stupidly I should have left when I had the chance. Even other instances where she had initiated things, I knew it might have not been the healthiest but she showed other signs of real true love. Tried fixing them by removing girls, sharing location, etc. I felt scared my ex is gonna get revenge and started being distant at the end which pushed her away as well. I thought we would get back together as always, found out she’s been adding guys she removed a long time ago. I got upset and texted her ugly nasty shit, and texted her dad saying his daughter is nasty etc. I thought by doing this I’d move on quicker by burning bridges, he told me to leave them alone I’m being childish. I understand I fucked up and fully agree. She’s done things and I know I shouldn’t have let be, but staying and getting revenge wasn’t the way. I’m realizing that as the hours even go by everyday I think about it. I want to apologize to the parents for the lack of character I had because I never ONCE disrespected them in their house, to their face. I called them Mr and Mrs always and always asked if they needed anything. I talked to a close female friend who said this stuff needs time and I can apologize if I’d like and if it makes me feel better, or write a letter and burn it. My parents said that’s not my character and said apologize if you feel necessary as I wasn’t raised like that. I feel like it’s too late to backtrack on the stupid shit I said. Am I being selfish by sending a text? I just want this weight off my chest of being the shitty person at the end at least to her parents who didn’t need any of that.
Is it smart to reach back out to the parents to show respect as an adult or just let them be? I know this was a lot but it’s on my heart and brain everyday since. I know I was emotional for no reason as I had done hurt to her in the past too. Seeing her move on so fast is what bothered me but I see she wanted me to feel what she felt. I just feel bad sitting on the thought that I left her parents with such a bad image of myself even thought it doesn’t matter anymore just doesn’t sit with me. Help?
submitted by ElegantHovercraft116 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:15 benpa3 S100 Spark plug cord issues

Hey all
Was replacing my S100 spark plug and when I pulled the boot off, the porcelain insulation snapped off and got stuck in the boot, blocking the terminal connection from the new spark plug. In the process of trying to get out the piece stuck in the boot, I completely destroyed the boot.
I’m looking for a replacement cord with a boot on the end but this isn’t a common problem, so I’m having trouble figuring out which cord I should get. I have a feeling I’ll have to splice cables since the connection point from the spark plug cord to the engine is likely behind a whole bunch of housing that’s not supposed to be opened (tbd. Haven’t dug that far yet).
Any advice on what replacement part to purchase/what approach to take here?
submitted by benpa3 to johndeere [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:15 Double_Ad_1918 Shitty hours, shitty jobs

I just got into this trade 3 weeks ago after finishing hvac school in March. And so far this company hasn’t really been giving me hours.I’m doing installs and my first 2 days probably totaled up to 40 hours and today they have me at this super sketchy 2 story house with almost no safety gear. Should I look for a new company or this normal for a new guy. Also I’m perfectly fine doing whatever is needed to get my hours I just don’t want to get fucked over by this company.
submitted by Double_Ad_1918 to HVAC [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:14 SexyProfessional Should corporations like Blackrock be banned from buying homes?

Should corporations like Blackrock be banned from buying homes? submitted by SexyProfessional to FluentInFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:14 likestig Seed on Saturday- Feedback Welcomed

Seed on Saturday- Feedback Welcomed
Hey Y’all,
This sub has been invaluable for my yard renovation so thought I’d seek any feedback before I throw seed this weekend. New-to-me home had a front yard filled with weeds and a gopher mines. Have exterminated the gophers (mostly voles) and tilled up their mines, but still getting a visitor or two. They have only gone through the new topsoil in recent visits which is a relief for easy near term repairs. Neighbor gave me the OK to go for the gophers in their yard; house adjacent to them appears to be the big issue. Just put down some pellet deterrent which I hope will help during next steps. Glyphosate’d the weeds three weeks ago, pulled out what I could and tilled hard pack soil. Brought in 10 CuYd of amended topsoil, native soil is rocky and silty. Still waiting on soil test results. New soil was spread uniformly and used the balance to regrade the hillside. No weeds have popped through just yet. Planning to:
  1. Spray Tenacity. Was going to do this right before laying seed.
  2. Lightly rake and lay seed- Tall Fescue with a small mix of Bluegrass from Ryan Knorr. Says 8-10lb per 1000sqft, was going to aim for the high end of the range.
  3. Spray Gravity SL PGS. I’d seed sooner but this doesn’t arrive until Friday.
  4. Apply Scott’s Turfbuilder Starter fertilizer. Interested in feedback/alternatives here. Was going to go light on this since I’m using a plant growth regulator.
  5. Top dress with Peat Moss with roller spreader.
Not looking for a perfect yard here, just success. Seed germination test in the house has looked good with soil from the yard. Sprinkler setup is looking good, it spays against the house some which soaks that area a little too much but it’ll have to do. One spot looking a little dry but should be able to correct that tomorrow.
submitted by likestig to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:11 Awkward-Permit-3652 Month-to-Month lease question

Hi everyone,
My roommate and I gave a month notice that we’ll be moving out the next month. We didn’t hear back from the agency that’s been working for our landlord for a week, so we reached out again, got a quick reply that an on-site inspection will need to need to be made.
All good, no complaints, we had the inspection yesterday and today we found out that the landlord won’t accept anyone to move in (even though we found new people for the whole house) because he decided to renovate the house (All roommates moving out at the end of next month - end of June). They told us this 20 days after our notice, and both of us will be moving out of San Diego at the end of this month. Long story short - No, he didn’t allow new people and we’re forced to pay for the whole month of June.
My main question would be - is this legal considering it’s a month-to-month lease? Is there anything we could do? Am I obligated to pay for the month I won’t be here, considering I found new people? Also, they haven’t checked anything/maintained in the house for 3+ years.
Thank you!!
submitted by Awkward-Permit-3652 to sandiego [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:10 frankiecaliente Seller financing pros & cons

So me and my s/o have been renting my grandfathers 2nd home (he lives elsewhere in state with new wife). We recently found out we are expecting our first child and really love this house and property.
He has recently expressed interest in selling the house. Property has no mortgage on it and with interest rates being so high I’m thinking this might be a viable option for both parties. Primarily for us as first time homebuyers.
In his favor he can save quite a bit on closing costs and realtor commissions. For us we can maybe leverage a better rate or repayment structure than a normal amortized loan with a traditional lender.
This would be a temporary solution while rates are high and continuing to rise. Stick with this for 3-4 years and then refinance to a traditional lender when rates come back to 5-6%.
Our situation: $130k annual income combined $0 debt Her credit is 700+ mine is about 630 $30k in savings (saving about $6-7k monthly now)
What I would propose for the sale: $25-40k down payment $2500-3000 per month ($500 of which goes to him as “interest” or loan servicing” and the remainder towards principle) Home is worth between $410-435k
I know I’m conjuring up this as I feel it can give a family just starting out a big advantage with the current markets and is definitely in our favor. Am I being unrealistic with this thought?
Has anyone done something like this before and what unforeseen issues did you experience?
submitted by frankiecaliente to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:07 0-Kaiyo-0 Am I the problem in my family?

I'm the middle child and I'm not the brightest. I've never had a talent, but at least I enjoyed astronomy. As a kid, I've been into astronomy and my parents begged me to learn something new and do something with my life. As I grew older, I enjoyed games, just like all the other kids, but my parents didn't like this. I don't know if this was the reason why, but my parents, my dad specifically, never liked ANYTHING I did. As a kid, I've always felt like I was the problem and if I'd ended it, my family would finally be at peace. Never once have I believed my parents loved me, but this might just be because I'm being blinded by anger or my fear. Whenever I do something, like today, I invited a friend over to my house, my mother said it was fine. My younger sister also invited a friend over, so I assumed it would be okay. When my friend left, my dad brought me to a private space and started to complain, asking why I brought a friend over when our house was a mess. I'll let you know now, I never touch anything around the house, nevermind reorganize things, unless I'm cleaning. I never cause messes in the house unless I spill something over or eat something without a plate. But at the very least, I clean up after myself. It wasn't my fault that our living room was trashed with garbage (a bunch of papers). My father proceeded to yell at me and call me a disappointment for doing so, but I retorted saying that our mother allowed me to do so. After a while, I go on my phone to play some games considering I'm finished with my work, but my dad says, "You sure do have alot of free time don't you." Before getting pissed off and turning off the wifi. My dad then proceeds to mutter swears under his breath and call my useless as he storms away. Confused and agitated, I go downstairs to grab my clothes and shower, but my dad starts locking the door, leaving me trapped in the basement. I know this sounds pathetic, but I run to my room, sit there and cry, wondering why my siblings were allowed to bring people over but it was only a problem when I did so, WITH permission. This isn't the only time this has happened and my dad only hits me and not my siblings. I get that my younger sister is a girl and my older siblings is also, well, similar to my sister (they/them), but it doesn't mean that I'm the only target. I've never had anyone to talk to, quite ironically typing this up an sending it online, but my "friends" only make fun of me when I talk to them about it. They laugh at me and call me slurs, I go home and my parents yell at me. Anywhere I go isn't a place where I can actually rest. I try coping with going to my room or the bathroom, but my dad says "Look at you running away" mockingly as he makes fun of my ways to take things. I wish I could just end it all, but faced with death, I see potential I can make, but I'm afraid to do so. I don't know what to do anymore.
submitted by 0-Kaiyo-0 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:06 Business_Ad6947 INDICTED AND FACING PRISON: NOW WHAT? An Introduction

Judge Patrick J. Schiltz:
“It’s surprising how many otherwise competent attorneys ‘punt’ at the sentencing hearing.”
Federal Judge Robert N. Scola:
Judge Scola suggested that lawyers take a page out of the book from our death penalty colleagues and advised,
“Don’t wait to think about sentencing advocacy,” since 99 percent of federal criminal clients will be facing sentencing, start preparing the case for sentencing early on.
Hello, and thank you for tuning into my series, INDICTED AND FACING PRISON: NOW WHAT?
My name is Marc Blatstein. In 2006, I was Indicted, pleaded guilty to a felony, and lost my medical license. To call this a surreal experience is an understatement.

My goal in this series is to provide you with the crucial information you’ll need to survive and navigate these times. I’ll cover a new topic daily so you can move forward with Knowledge, Preparation, and Confidence.

Federal Judge Scola speaks from experience, and this series will highlight what you need to do while advocating for yourself.

Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to call and consider engaging my services at 240.888.7778—this is your life.

Whether you are a COO, CEO, Physician, Lawyer, politician, or anybody else, your decisions today will determine your future.

THERE IS A DOJ-HHS-OIG-OPM WHITE-COLLAR TASK FORCE, and once they're in a hunt with your name...

I will cover the do's, Don'ts, and what-ifs in this series. No one can promise that:
· I know the judge, don't worry.
· There's no rush to prepare - after you've heard that the Feds are asking questions.
· Trials: 0.2% win, you just got home – still with your world shattered
· At sentencing are those who Plea and have lost at Trial
· What can you do to defend yourself? Learn and follow…

If you're already at this point and don’t have the time to wait for my future videos, call me, and we can discuss your situation one-on-one. Once again, my number is 240.888.7778.

· Release on personal recognizance.
· Bail or Bond, You’re on Pretrial Supervision; follow the rules eg. No Witness Tampering).
· Remanded, you go directly to jail.
Plea or Trial: Your Defense
· A Well Written Personal Narrative (this is your BRAND, Story, or Autobiography).
o Why? Because the DOJ has gifted you their Story of you: Your Indictment – America Most Wanted
· Release Plan: your judge and other STAKEHOLDERS will want to know your future plans.
Trial Win, Go Home
Trial Lose and Plea
· Pre Trial-Supervision
· Personal Recognizance
· Remanded
Presentence Interview/Investigation Preparation,
· Your Personal NARRATIVE,
· Release Plan,
· Allocution Practiced
The Probation Officer who writes your Presentence Report- Your Advocate?
· They’re overworked and have no time.
· Getting all your files to them one week early, Comprehensive and Organized, may be appreciated.
· Your Personal NARRATIVE and Release Plan, if attached to your PSR, is read by the Judge and could affect your Sentence.
· Allocution Practiced is your conversation with your Judge.
Sentence options.
· Prison, Halfway House, Home Confinement, Diversion sentencing, or a Combination.
· if you violate any arbitrary rules - it's possibly back to prison.
Probation Supervised Release.
· and then you're mostly done, except for your Felony.
· You’re still under the BOP Rules.
· You're at the mercy of your PO.
· Restitution or not, they will want you to work, volunteer, or care for a relative – but doing nothing may not work.
· No Narrative as part of your PSR; then all they will read about you is from your Indictment and BOP File.

To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, Call me Today: 240.888.7778. This is my Cell, and I personally answer and return all calls. You can also get additional information on my website @:
Physician Presentence Report Service, LLC
submitted by Business_Ad6947 to u/Business_Ad6947 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:06 CopyElectrical6284 Seeing her in my dreams

25M here, I got left an year and half ago, in name of study pressure and lack of care and attention, even though I gave it all for her. We'd been through multiple instances of breaks but this one hit because this time I opted not to beg for acceptance. She didn't remember me for a month then needed me for her exams, we talked but casually since but, 6 months ago we talked as if we had hope of rejuvenation and maybe going to marriage, something I had hoped from the very beginning. But a month ago, she got accepted at a reputed institution and deservedly too because she had worked hard for it. I only texted her congratulations but her response was unexpected, she delivered blows to me and even told me to not call her names which we used to call when in relationship. She was very rude and it felt like it came from that recruitment. She gaslighted me in our oldest conversations and condemned me for a conversation I had with a friend 4 years ago, charging me for cheating and told I was always unfaithful, though I was never of that sort. I listened to everything, didn't respond more than that I was sorry and closed the convo. But for the last week I m seeing her in my dreams, I miss her so much, I checked out our old photos and read our old convos. I myself took an exam recently and hope for a good result but she always appears disappointed with me in my dreams. In one she avoided contact with me and she acted if she didn't know me, so much so that when her friends talked with me she ignored and avoided even touching. In another she became pregnant and her friend kept tormenting me and telling I shouldn't have left her even though I had sex with her 3 years ago. In some she comes beautiful and in next she just destroys me in and out and my mornings are left with pain. I hope I come out of this soon. I tried looking for new relationships but none work out for me because I'm not that flamboyant, lost it as my commitment with her was for 5 years a and longer. Hope for a change.
submitted by CopyElectrical6284 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:06 SoulOfaHare Not a meme, just looking for support

Hi. This is my first time posting, and I'm not sure if this is the best place for this, I couldn't really find another spot elsewhere I could post this. If you know of a place that'd be better, please let me know.
Not really looking for insurance advice. I'm tired of dealing with it and just going to pay things off gradually.
This isn't the first time my mom's been like this. She wrote in her calendar months in advance when I told her that I'd have an appointment for HRT. She threatened to hang my bills over my head and said a lot of nasty things to and about me, and toward me. She looked in her calendar later and made a big fuss about her apologizing (reluctantly) because she again made an assumption of something I already followed directions on doing. On my birthday she followed in dad's steps of just inviting over a new friend of his none of us even know about that we've not even really spoke to before, not new for him to just invite people over. He purposefully did it on my birthday. Only when I snapped after her insulting me and berating me on something else she also promised for my birthday then took back, and then trying to minimize yet again a request for my birthday, did she at least bother to say something about it to him.
So my birthday was ignored for the first time. They hardly acknowledged that I finally got my learner's permit they refused to teach me of driving, just as I had to work on my own after they screwed me over on education and my partner saved me with research regarding education so now I have a GED equivalent, and I'm still unemployed but I'm working hard to do even more for myself. I make money by cooking and cleaning the house (two hoarders and narcs for parents, two dogs that were forced into my care by them.)
With that context I guess I just.. want support. I know I'm not crazy from all this info and I know it's not remotely everything they've done over the years, I'm just a bit depressed. I've made so much progress working toward independence and my family just doesn't care unless it's beneficial to them, including me being a punching bag (a couple times literally to them.)
It's been kind of suspected by people outside my family I'm on the spectrum for autism and ADHD, runs in the family too, but I'm also just not that expressive of a person and they despise that.
I don't know. It's my first time posting and I feel a bit anxious even if I know this is meant to be a safe space for a demographic of course. If this isn't the right space for this please let me know. Thank you for reading. I've been so tired of being spoken to this way and it getting progressively worse and even in public that I've just started to call it out recently.
I'm just tired.
submitted by SoulOfaHare to CPTSDmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:06 FWdem WCW on the way into 1990

WCW has been doing well creatively and is getting positive feedback from the die-hard fans. This creative direction has improved ratings on TBS weekend shows. The syndicated TV shows hold steady, but had been trending downward since 1984. House show business is still on the decline, even though the decline has slowed. No-shows, not getting advertised stars/matches, and overall quality are all major components for this. House Show business is down across wrestling in 1989. This is true in WWF, and around the smaller wrestling companies in North America. Stampede (Western Canada) and Continental (Alabama) look to be closing their doors. FWDem has been put in charge of the WCW.
Ric Flair is exhausted by putting on NWA Title caliber matches, booking the top of the card, and “being Ric Flair” every night. Terry Funk has proven he can still be “top of the card” caliber, but is not interested in full time wrestling. Lex Luger had his strongest year ever. He looked great in the ring, decent on the mic, and even got some cheers as a major heel. Steamboat came in for a great in-ring run. But his “uber’face” did not get over with the fans in the stands. He had a fall-out in contract negotiations. Sting continued to be popular, but had some inconsistent booking. Muta’s mystique and in-ring performance has made him a star. The Steiner Brothers have been a huge tag team for this company. There are already great teams (Road Warriors, Midnight Express), teams that have huge followings (Freebirds), and some newer teams that should dominate (Doom, Skyscrapers). Brian Pillman is popular and surprisingly, Mike Shaw has the support of the children as Norman.
The direction for October had mostly already been laid out by Flair. So there will be some small tweaks moving forward. FWDem’s job is to continue the positive movement in PPVs, TV, and improve House Show business. WCW has brought in a talent management and scheduling group. This group will help book travel arrangements for the talent. This is offered as a service to the talent under contract, at a reduced fee. This service is the “carrot” to reduce No Shows. (This service will be included in future contracts, but has an opt-out). The scheduling group will also coordinate schedules for wrestlers who have bookings elsewhere. This service is given at no charge to the wrestlers. Wrestlers payouts are paid at 80%, with 20% held for the month. This 20% is paid out monthly, assuming booking compliance. This is the “stick” for No Shows. A nightly bonus structure has been implemented for “match of the night”. This is another “carrot” to try and pick up house show performance. Show runners and local promoters will work closer together on making sure advertising for the show matches what fans will get, with “better” show given if advertised matches can't happen. Refunds, price reductions, or BOGOs for future tickets can be offered as penance.
FWDem’s next order of business is to try and repair or improve international standing. AJPW had booked the NWA World Champ, was expecting Flair, and got Steamboat. Giant Baba was very disappointed based on the communication. FWDem has offered to allow the Road Warriors to tour with AJPW for the Real World Tag League 1989. Ric Flair will get a few matches in AJPW during the January AJPW New Year Giant Series 1990. Ric Flair and the Steiners Brothers will take part in the NJPW Super Fight In Tokyo Dome on February 10th. By trying to improve these relationships, WCW at least got a heads up that NJPW will want to recall Muta to Japan for 1990. Muta will work through Clash 10. NJPW understands he will likely be losing, but will look good on his way out. Steve Williams was in line for a push in WCW, but it looks like he will have a very full schedule in Japan in 1990, with both NJPW and AJPW. Improving the relationship with Japan will also open doors in Austria/Germany (CWA) and Mexico (UWA and CMLL). These international opportunities will help on multiple fronts: excursions of young talent, keep wrestlers “fresh” for fans, make wrestlers more well rounded, and improve top end talent access.
New direction is upon us. Cooperation and embracing history (see Bruno at Halloween Havoc) will be strong in WCW moving forward. But most of November TV has been set. Clash of the Champions 9 in New York will be covered next post. WCW Has scheduled a strong House show for Greensboro on Thanksgiving (Bringing back the Starrcade tradition!). Starrcade, Clash 10, and WrestleWar are looking to help keep WCW on the upswing. Major push for Sting. Maybe Luger finally gets a shot as the top guy. Skyscrapers and Doom ready to really challenge Steiners and Road Warriors. Excited to see how things go forward.
submitted by FWdem to OSWfantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:06 thepicklefactory 21 years as friends, 2 years in a relationship, now it’s over. I feel like a part of my soul is missing.

Context: We are both 32, met on neopets at age 11, met in person at age 14, didn’t see each other again until 2022 but remained close friends online.
In the summer of 2022, I was going through the absolute worst part of my life. Early June, I went on vacation out of state, and though I was in a 10 year relationship at the time, I didn’t talk to my at the time girlfriend much. Our relationship was cratering because she was struggling with alcoholism and depression. I was trying to figure out a way to break things off in a clean way, unwind our financial and living situation, etc. During this vacation, we didn’t talk much. It was tense and frankly exhausting. Instead, every day, from morning til night, I was talking to my now ex. Mind you… I wasn’t cheating. I didn’t have feelings for her at the time. We were both just in a bad place - her dealing with the father of her 3 children cheating on her, and still living with him, me, dealing with a failing relationship I desperately needed out of. To be honest, most of our conversations were about work, where our relationships went wrong, and our kids. My son from another relationship ship is low functioning intelligence / autistic, which also caused a lot of issues - my partner at the time did try to accept this and be a mother figure but deep down, it was too difficult for her.
I get back home, and in the span of two weeks, my life fucking cratered. I’m talking about cinema grade levels of shit hit the fan.
  1. My son burned my garage down to the studs while I was asleep - I had to run and pull him out of a burning garage, get my then girlfriend out of bed, and get our dog outside. We didn’t have a fire extinguisher so it was, so far, my closest near death experience
  2. I was forced out of a company I co-founded by my 2 business partners, losing a 125k year salary, just months before the company was purchased for approximately 10,000,000 - my share would have been 10%
  3. My at the time girlfriend went to a routine doctors appointment - a woman who struggled with alcoholism, has pcos and ovarian cysts, with what we were told an almost 0% fertility rate….was 7 months pregnant.
My son was held in the care of the local state children’s hospital for mental and physical examination. My home was in shambles, and the insurance company dragged their feet throughout the entire ordeal. I was reeling from a massive financial blow and loss of identity in a lot of ways, because that company felt like my life’s mission. My current gf and I split up, she moved out to live with her aunt, and it wasn’t pretty. I was so angry, so defeated.
I had a complete mental breakdown. I’m talking, I flew my mother in town to help with daily tasks. I couldn’t function. I lost about 30lbs, lost many friendships both personal and professional.
But this woman was there for me. She was a shoulder to cry on. She bore the brunt of my mental and emotional exhaustion and never pushed me away, never looked at me differently. We were drawn to each other during this time of complete fucking chaos, and one night, I hit on her. I threw out some bait, she took it, and we met up for the first time since we were teenagers.
We hit it off tremendously. It was like we hadn’t been apart a day in our lives. We both fell in love, quickly, as I began to rebuild my life, welcome a new child into the world, repair my home, work on myself professionally. She was there, through all of it, and she made it easier. I could lean on her, I could look forward to her, no matter what life had thrown me, I thought I had found my soulmate in this woman I’ve known longer than anyone. So, we started to date.
It was difficult in the beginning. She had to move out of her ex boyfriends house and get an apartment. This took a lot of time and planning because she was working a retail job and hadn’t been on her own in 7 years. This man was abusive, controlling, and eventually she managed to get an apartment with her mother to get away from him. He was furious that after a year of the two of them being broken up, that we got together. He wrongfully assumed I’d been in the wings all these years, which couldn’t be farther from the truth - he had cheated on her and she left him and refused to reconcile. It took a few months but she got an apartment. This was difficult for her, she left a nice area and moved to a low income area. She could only see her kids 50% of the time. Transportation was rough between both towns. It put a huge strain on her mentally.
I, meanwhile, did what I could. In the beginning I went out of my way to see her at every opportunity I could. I’d take her out to dinner often, visit her at work, stay over at her apartment. She’d come over to my house. It wasn’t easy - I bought my home just as Covid started to rock the housing market, and I had to land in a rural town. So we had 45 miles between us. I was also busy dealing with life without a live in partner, facilitating my sons care, and having my newborn 50% of the time.
But it was good, I thought. We got along well, it was electric, it was our escape. About a year into the relationship, the mother of my child had to move back into my spare room. She was struggling and I was not going to turn her or my daughter away in the time of need, it was not even a consideration. My ex understood, but acknowledged the pressure it put on us both mentally and emotionally - my house was now, effectively, off limits. This greatly reduced the time we could see each other. We’d go 2-3 weeks without getting together, with our only time between managing our schedules being maybe 2-3 hours on a random day, or a quick outing. Our relationship devolved quickly into a FWB situationship, and this is where the mistakes were made.
I didn’t see it at the time, but that’s all we really had. I was complacent and aloof, a little distant, and just… okay only seeing her every now and then. I think deep down I wanted more but it became such an insurmountable hurdle to put together. During this next part of the year or so remaining, she began to fall out of love with me. She told me that she felt like we were just FWB, stagnant, and going nowhere. She was dealing with depression, openly despising herself, and struggling to see a future with me. I realized that my complacency was to blame, but to a certain degree, she too was complacent.
Instead of voicing her concerns, talking options, solutions on how to build a life together, she sunk into her depression.l, and her feelings faded. I guess the how’s turned into why’s, and the what ifs turned into oh well. I do acknowledge I took on a huge responsibility dating a single mother of 3, but…. After learning these things from her the last few days, I realized.
I never felt like a team. We were together in flesh and bond only, we never discussed our future. We didn’t plan, we merely hoped. And we drifted away from each other, and in the end, it became too much for her to bear, and being alone felt like the best solution for her. She left me 2 weeks ago after bringing these issues to light. Initially I was devastated. I collected my thoughts and spoke with her last night.
I told her, I did want more, but I got comfortable, and so did you for a bit. We were stagnant because neither of us pushed the other forward. I wanted to be a team, I wanted to work towards something, but the opportunity just slipped through our hands. I begged. I pleaded. I told her, I’d do whatever I can to build a life for us. I own my home, it’s small, but it’s something. I can work harder, I can figure things out, I can work towards pulling together the things we need. I can be more present, more attentive. Because despite the both of us checking out to an extent, I very much still love her.
I feel and see her everywhere in my daily life. I cling to her, I dream of her, I long for her. I feel like the deck was so stacked against us, that we both bit off more than we could chew. But in the end, she didn’t want to keep trying, she didn’t see a future, and I’m stuck picking up the pieces and so desperately wanting things to work.
She told me to move on, to heal, to grow stronger and become a better person. She has no hard feelings, no contempt or regret. She just lacks the physical, mental, and emotional capacity to have a relationship, and that she doesn’t want to. But I still can’t shake the fact that I really thought I had found my person. I love this woman. I…. I wasn’t ready to stop. I risked so much, pushed through so much adversity to bring us together, but in the end, it just wasn’t enough.
It sucks. I’m devastated, defeated. I truly feel like life looked me in the eyes and said no, you are not good enough for this. I blocked her this morning because I realize she has made her peace and moved on, and that I will only drag her down, push her away, and erode my dignity at every turn, because I am still struggling to accept no for an answer. She didn’t cheat on me, she didn’t abuse me. We never fought, argued. We got along so, so, so well. She was the most important person in my life outside of my children, and I failed to show her that. And I feel in some ways, she failed me too. Because when it got hard, challenging, when it became time to work on life together, she got spooked, spiraled, and…. Gave up. She gave up on us.
I thank you for reading. It’s disorganized and insane because frankly I don’t know how to put all of this on paper. I’m going into therapy next month to revisit a lot of the issues I faced before her and to understand life after her and what went wrong. I have never felt a void like this in my life, there is a her shaped hole in my life and just….. this is just another level of pain.
submitted by thepicklefactory to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:05 QuimMaster 30 [M4F] UK/Anywhere, can we both lift each other up?

Hi there! My name is Elliot, a 30-year-old British man with a cheeky sense of humor. I'm six feet tall, with brown hair, glasses, and a spare tire that I'm working on losing.
My friends would describe me as a funny person who can get himself out of situations with a quick wit and a big smirk. I believe laughter is the best medicine, and I love making people laugh.
I absolutely love movies, from old black and white classics to new theme park-like blockbusters. I'm currently going through a bunch of Alfred Hitchcock movies, and my new favorite is Under Capricorn. It would be perfect to find another movie lover to share a tub of popcorn with.
Who doesn't love a good video game? Playing Baldurs Gate 3 and TemTem From competitive games like CS:GO, Valorant, and Dota 2 to indie darlings like Fez or Project Zomboid, I'm always up for a challenge.
A good TV show with a cup of hot chocolate is the best. Currently, I'm watching The Sopranos for the first time, and it's blowing my mind.
Love going to watch stand-up comedy and also watching it at home. Some of my favorites include Norm Macdonald, Joey Diaz, Ronny Chieng, Dave Chappelle, and Jimmy Carr.
I used to read a book a month, but I'm finding it harder to keep at it, partly due to my ADHD. I wear tinted pink glasses due to my dyslexia and sensitivity to light, but I'm currently trying to get back into it
In my spare time, I enjoy painting, sketching, and 3D modeling. I did Video Game Art in university, I'm looking for a new job. My goal is to get a better-paying job, which will lead to getting a house with a potential family.
I have two cacti, one for eight years and a new one I got this year. I would love pets, but unfortunately, my landlord doesn't allow them.
Distance doesn't matter to me, but I do hope to meet up at some point. I'm looking for somebody who will watch movies with me and be my inspiration to get out of bed in the morning. Please be between 22-35 and single.
I'm hoping to build a life with somebody who has their own friends, hobbies, and obligations. I'm looking for a motivator since I struggle with concentration. A big personality to encourage me in my endeavors would be amazing.
What's your favorite movie? What's your go-to comedy special? What's the last book you read?
I'm looking for a potential relationship or friends. Let's chat and see where things go.
submitted by QuimMaster to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:05 QuimMaster 30 [M4F] UK/Anywhere, can we both lift each other up?

Hi there! My name is Elliot, a 30-year-old British man with a cheeky sense of humor. I'm six feet tall, with brown hair, glasses, and a spare tire that I'm working on losing.
My friends would describe me as a funny person who can get himself out of situations with a quick wit and a big smirk. I believe laughter is the best medicine, and I love making people laugh.
I absolutely love movies, from old black and white classics to new theme park-like blockbusters. I'm currently going through a bunch of Alfred Hitchcock movies, and my new favorite is Under Capricorn. It would be perfect to find another movie lover to share a tub of popcorn with.
Who doesn't love a good video game? Playing Baldurs Gate 3 and TemTem From competitive games like CS:GO, Valorant, and Dota 2 to indie darlings like Fez or Project Zomboid, I'm always up for a challenge.
A good TV show with a cup of hot chocolate is the best. Currently, I'm watching The Sopranos for the first time, and it's blowing my mind.
Love going to watch stand-up comedy and also watching it at home. Some of my favorites include Norm Macdonald, Joey Diaz, Ronny Chieng, Dave Chappelle, and Jimmy Carr.
I used to read a book a month, but I'm finding it harder to keep at it, partly due to my ADHD. I wear tinted pink glasses due to my dyslexia and sensitivity to light, but I'm currently trying to get back into it
In my spare time, I enjoy painting, sketching, and 3D modeling. I did Video Game Art in university, I'm looking for a new job. My goal is to get a better-paying job, which will lead to getting a house with a potential family.
I have two cacti, one for eight years and a new one I got this year. I would love pets, but unfortunately, my landlord doesn't allow them.
Distance doesn't matter to me, but I do hope to meet up at some point. I'm looking for somebody who will watch movies with me and be my inspiration to get out of bed in the morning. Please be between 22-35 and single.
I'm hoping to build a life with somebody who has their own friends, hobbies, and obligations. I'm looking for a motivator since I struggle with concentration. A big personality to encourage me in my endeavors would be amazing.
What's your favorite movie? What's your go-to comedy special? What's the last book you read?
I'm looking for a potential relationship or friends. Let's chat and see where things go.
submitted by QuimMaster to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:05 mrrantsmcgee Questions

If a third book is ever written, what questions need or should be answered? What are your theories based on those questions and/or hopeful answers? Also if you could have some sort of an ending what would be a worthwhile ending?
1) what is in the thrice locked box at the foot of his bed --- I think Kvothe locked part of himself away. His "true" self -his real name- even though he says his "true" name during the WMF - it might not be his (true) and/ or complete name. Or his name changed as he changed. (Makes me think of the Eargon series when they discuss names)
2) how did Kvothe meet Bast ---he opened the door that is in the underthing- where Auri lives (been awhile since I've read SRfST but it mentions a locked door that she never opens but it is alluded that it will be opened when 'he' comes i.e. I'm assuming Kvothe.) the university is built on an old city/town why not some sort of way stone. Since Auri is his moon fey - she is his key to the fae realm. Fluerain talks how her kind are able to venture out of the realm when the moon is in.
3) how does Kvothe get expelled ---he opened the four plated door
4) who dies at the fountain --- I think it's Ambrose. I don't think Kvothe killed him though but took the blame to save Fela. Why Fela, she knows the name of stone. Something happened between her and Ambrose or one of the friends in the group. She snaps and bugger all Ambrose is dead. I theorize a handful of people know the truth - (Sim, Fela, William, and Elodin - Fela goes mute afterwards. They rush her away from the scene taking her to Elodin. The people recognize Kvothe. Kvothe decides it's for the best that if it comes to it he will take the blame) he takes the blame then goes into hiding in the underthing with Auri
5) is Deanna still alive --- this one is tough as how he talks and reacts about her makes it seem she is dead. I don't think she is. I do think something happened between the two of them - maybe he went looking for her 'patron' thus breaking his promise or who knows they are yin and yang to each other - star crossed lovers - destined to circle each other but never be with each other.
6) who is Dennas patron ---I know it's been theorized that Bradeon could be her patron. I think it more likely that he is then Cinder. I don't think her patron beats her how the Cthaeh implies. I think he is teaching her how to play a beautiful game. If it is Bradeon, he does seem somewhat eccentric heck there are rumors that he does pagan rituals and dances naked.
7)what is in the lack less box -- a key to Jax's (the best and worst creator of the lot) 'house' aka his cell.
8) is lady lackless Kvothes aunt -- yes as I also theorize that Kvothe is part of the key to Jax's door
Im sure there other questions I have but am currently blanking.
My worthwhile "ending" kvothe leaves the way stone inn - he finally finds his name after letting go of his "secret" the thrice locked box opens for him. He has been cursed. He killed Cinder. He himself becomes a new sort of Chandrin not of the seven but something else. Deanna is of the Amer. (I have a few thoughts) Once again Kvothe and her are star crossed lovers.
submitted by mrrantsmcgee to KingkillerChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:04 QuimMaster 30 [M4F] UK/Anywhere, can we both lift each other up?

Hi there! My name is Elliot, a 30-year-old British man with a cheeky sense of humor. I'm six feet tall, with brown hair, glasses, and a spare tire that I'm working on losing.
My friends would describe me as a funny person who can get himself out of situations with a quick wit and a big smirk. I believe laughter is the best medicine, and I love making people laugh.
I absolutely love movies, from old black and white classics to new theme park-like blockbusters. I'm currently going through a bunch of Alfred Hitchcock movies, and my new favorite is Under Capricorn. It would be perfect to find another movie lover to share a tub of popcorn with.
Who doesn't love a good video game? Playing Baldurs Gate 3 and TemTem From competitive games like CS:GO, Valorant, and Dota 2 to indie darlings like Fez or Project Zomboid, I'm always up for a challenge.
A good TV show with a cup of hot chocolate is the best. Currently, I'm watching The Sopranos for the first time, and it's blowing my mind.
Love going to watch stand-up comedy and also watching it at home. Some of my favorites include Norm Macdonald, Joey Diaz, Ronny Chieng, Dave Chappelle, and Jimmy Carr.
I used to read a book a month, but I'm finding it harder to keep at it, partly due to my ADHD. I wear tinted pink glasses due to my dyslexia and sensitivity to light, but I'm currently trying to get back into it
In my spare time, I enjoy painting, sketching, and 3D modeling. I did Video Game Art in university, I'm looking for a new job. My goal is to get a better-paying job, which will lead to getting a house with a potential family.
I have two cacti, one for eight years and a new one I got this year. I would love pets, but unfortunately, my landlord doesn't allow them.
Distance doesn't matter to me, but I do hope to meet up at some point. I'm looking for somebody who will watch movies with me and be my inspiration to get out of bed in the morning. Please be between 22-35 and single.
I'm hoping to build a life with somebody who has their own friends, hobbies, and obligations. I'm looking for a motivator since I struggle with concentration. A big personality to encourage me in my endeavors would be amazing.
What's your favorite movie? What's your go-to comedy special? What's the last book you read?
I'm looking for a potential relationship or friends. Let's chat and see where things go.
submitted by QuimMaster to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:04 FusRoDahNewb Advice Needed. Am I wrong for wanting to go to a work conference 3 months after our 2nd baby?

Long post so thanks in advance for reading.
I (31M) have been married to my wife (33) for 6 years and together for nearly 11. We have a 2 year old boy and our baby girl was born 6 weeks ago. I am on paternity leave for 6 more weeks (I took the full 12 weeks). We have a very healthy relationship and she is my best friend.
For work I travel 25% of the time, but the past two years have been fortunate to not have travel projects so I’ve been mostly WFH. So travel is not new to us but in recent years my wife has gotten comfortable with me at home. I fully expect travel to resume when I go back to work.
Due to past trauma and loss, my wife is very codependent and has intrusive thoughts where she thinks worst case scenario at all times (like I tell her when I arrive, leave, and periodic updates from anywhere). She is not on medication, but does drink to help manage emotions.
I do a lot around the house, helping out with feeds, taking and dropping off our son at daycare, cleaning, etc. Nothing I ask for acknowledgement on, but just saying I am in no way a slacker. I also have some hobbies I try to do a couple times a week, but my wife has none and our kids are her everything. She’s been great at working with me to let me get out for a couple hours here and there while our son is in daycare.
My wife is currently going though horrible PPD, like crippling anxiety some days. It’s improving, but overall it’s been very rough for her in recent weeks and I’ve been trying to be there emotionally and physically by taking some house and child duties from her.
My company has a yearly conference in Vegas, which I’ve only made last year in 5 years (due to my last son birth, Covid, etc.). It is 2 weeks after I’m back from leave. I already have flight and hotel (which can be refunded at work) and I have already mentioned this conference to my wife before several times but we haven’t had any real conversation on it. Last year when I went was pretty rough because of her codependency and getting worries or upset when I couldn’t talk to her in a meeting because we were 3 hours apart. I do try to make frequent check ins and whatnot but sometimes it isn’t enough.
Obviously if her PPD was still this bad in 2 months I would definitely more so consider staying to support her, but I do need to figure out logistics and her approval beforehand because I have to plan some team events and whatnot ahead of time. I feel bad asking her while she’s going through PPD, but also feel bad leaving her with 2 kids (which I’d have to do for client travel as well), which leads me to the question: am I an asshole for even considering going? I don’t think wanting to go is unreasonable, if everything aligns, but maybe I’m not being realistic. Any advice? Thanks in advance
submitted by FusRoDahNewb to daddit [link] [comments]