Prozac and hyperhidrosis

for prozac users & depression talk

2013.04.12 00:17 insomnikitty for prozac users & depression talk

A subreddit for people prescribed Prozac (Fluoxetine).

2010.02.10 01:02 TaraJane23 Hyperhidrosis


2011.10.18 03:08 chroncile Antidepressant Drugs

Supporting those that are taking antidepressants for anxiety, depression, OCD, panic disorder, etc. This sub is for offering support, sharing experiences, sharing information, helping people in withdrawal or tapering. Offering suggestions based on first hand experiences.

2023.08.23 06:38 lostanddepressedguy Does Excessive sweating from Prozac goes away?

As the title suggests, after a long long battle with depression and anxiety I finally decided to go with the medicine route. I've been put on Prozac and it has been 15 days.
I have a condition called Hyperhidrosis in which you sweat a lot for no reason, even if you are sitting calmly doing nothing. I manage the condition somehow as it cannot be cured and there are no medicines for it.
On the 6th day while taking the medicine I felt extremely anxious and confused, I couldn't eat the lunch and from 2nd day onwards my sweating increased like anything. A quick google search showed that sweating is the side effect of the medicine but for me its unbearable. It is affecting my physical abilities. I feel tired and confused after a short walk and sweat like anything.
My question is does this sweating goes away after body adjusts to the medicine or it will stay like this?
I sweat a lot already and this medicine is making it worse. Even if my mind will become calm I will be non functional because of sweat.
submitted by lostanddepressedguy to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2023.08.21 01:51 cinnamoslut Permanent Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) One Year Off Prozac

I know this subreddit is primarily for post SSRI sexual dysfunction. But, I've heard the PSSD community is welcoming to those of us with other long-term damage caused by SSRIs. I don't know where else to turn to... I've tried posting in the Prozac and AskPsychiatry subreddits, didn't get any responses. I hope it's ok to post about this here. I feel so alone with this.
I was on Prozac for close to a decade. It really helped me, helped to quiet the constant anxiety and OCD I've struggled with my whole life. After a few years on Prozac, I'd reached maximum benefits. The drug enabled me to attend frequent therapy and resist being a shut-in agoraphobic for several years.
I was scared of withdrawal, scared I'd go back to how I was when I started Prozac, so I pushed off tapering for some years, despite no longer benefiting from Prozac. But finally, starting early 2022, I began to slowly taper. The process took most of 2022. By the end of October 2022, I was no longer on Prozac. Luckily, I had no noticeable withdrawal symptoms.
My baseline anxiety and distress tolerance is so much better now than it was when I first started Prozac. So happy to be free from this drug. But I'm not free... One side-effect I'd hoped would disappear after tapering, has lingered to this day. I have hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating. In my armpits, my back, neck, forehead, chest, groin... Most of my body.
The hyperhidrosis didn't start until a couple years on Prozac. At least, that's how I remember it. I could be wrong, it was nearly 10 years ago. I think it started with a dose increase from 40mg to 60mg, 1-2 years on Prozac at that point. I started it around my 19th birthday. I remember first being horribly sweaty at 21 years old. That's when I started getting comments from strangers like, 'Did you run here?'
I sweat for no reason sometimes, like I'll be lying in bed and suddenly I'm drenched in sweat. It's worse with physical activity, which SUCKS, because I walk a lot for transportation. The good news is, since getting off Prozac, I haven't been asked, 'Did you run here?' That used to happen at least once a month while on Prozac. I don't get embarrassed easily, but that shit hurt. It's difficult to wear makeup. If I'm not careful, I sweat off all my makeup within an hour after applying it.
I'm very passionate about fitness, was a dancer professionally. The sweating created many problems. Got yelled at a few times for making the stage slippery with sweat. I don't dance professionally anymore, but any kind of public / social fitness activity is difficult with this condition. I did some Krav Maga classes a few years ago, which I LOVE, but the sweating got in the way of my performance and I felt self-conscious comparing my level of sweatiness to the others in the class.
I could go on and on about the problems this has caused in my life. I make the best of it, and luckily, I can laugh at myself, which helps me cope with most socially awkward situations I find myself in. I have several ways of managing this condition in my day-to-day. Sweat rag, change of clothes, baby wipes, baby powder. Shower 2x a day. Hoping to try Botox as soon as my insurance covers it. But I shouldn't have to do all of this. It sucks having to live like this.
I was scared to try SSRIs and resisted for several years, due to fears about potential long-term effects. But my life got so bad, was in and out of the hospital (inpatient psych) with severe anxiety, panic attacks, and anorexia nervosa (which for me was a version of OCD). You never think it will happen to you. Unfortunately, healthcare providers are often ignorant about the potential long-term risks of SSRIs. I'm getting very little help with this from any of my doctors. I love my doctors generally, but with this... It's like I'm on my own.
Is there any hope of ever getting better? What cause this? How? Why? Do we know the mechanism by which SSRIs cause these long-term effects? What kind of doctor is most knowledgeable about this? An endocrinologist? Is it hormonal? Is it autonomic nervous system dysfunction? Will it ever go away? Are there lifestyle modifications, such as diet, supplements, ect., that can help? The sweating got a little bit better initially when I stopped Prozac completely. It's only been close to a year. Is it possible that in 3, 5, or 10 years, that it will stop?
submitted by cinnamoslut to PSSD [link] [comments]

2023.08.13 20:48 cinnamoslut Permanent Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) Nearly One Year Off Prozac

I finished a slow, steady taper off of Prozac in October 2022. Spent about a year tapering from 40mg/day, which I'd been on for nearly a decade (19 to 28). I decided to taper due to the hyperhidrosis, which was getting worse in the last couple years on Prozac, so bad that people would frequently ask me, 'Did you run here?' (ugh!)
Also, I wanted to see how I was doing off of Prozac, since I've done a ton of therapy and self work to manage my OCD and panic disorder in the decade on Prozac. Turns out, I am just fine off of Prozac. So that's good news. But since I took my final dose nearly one year ago, while the hyperhidrosis has decreased in severity somewhat, it's still a big problem for me and it's now causing secondary health issues.
I have developed skin irritation / possible fungal infection in two different body parts. Have had to see my GP about it three times in the past two months, going back again in a month, trying various treatments with little success. I'm hopeful for Botox to stop the sweating, but still waiting for insurance to approve it, and I don't know if I'll be able to get it in certain affected areas like the groin, forehead, 'underboobs', back, etc. The hyperhidrosis didn't start until about 3-4 years on Prozac from what I can remember. It may have coincided with a dose increase from 40mg to 60mg (went back down to 40mg after awhile).
Is this a known issue with Prozac / SSRIs? I know that hyperhidrosis is a potential side-effect of SSRIs. I know that there are people with lasting issues caused by SSRIs, such as post SSRI sexual dysfunction, for whom stopping the drug doesn't get rid of the issue. Do some of these people eventually get better? Is there any hope that this will go away someday?
I don't know if I would've taken Prozac if I'd known this was a possibility. I refused to take it throughout most of my teens for fear of permanent side-effects, but I had no idea this was possible.
I can give some general health info, but I don't want to make myself too obvious in case any of my healthcare providers use reddit. Not that I don't trust them, but I don't want them finding me on social media lol.
29yo Female. Normal BMI. Undiagnosed chronic pain / possible chronic illness for past decade with multiple symptoms (Raynaud's, skin changes, heat sensitivity, chronic neck and back pain primarily, migraines, dizziness, tachycardia with low BP, fatigue, get viruses frequently, etc.). Narcolepsy, ADHD, OCD, panic disorder. On stimulants for Narcolepsy and ADHD, have tried stopping them for several weeks to see if it improved hyperhidrosis with no success.
Please help. Even if it's bad news and this is likely permanent, I just want to know. Are there any other potential causes of hyperhidrosis that I should consider? Any tests like hormones or thyroid I should ask my doctor about? None of my doctors seem particularly concerned about this, which really sucks because it's become a major issue in my life.
submitted by cinnamoslut to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2023.08.13 20:23 cinnamoslut Permanent Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) Nearly One Year Off Prozac

I don't know what to do. I thought tapering off of Prozac would fix the hyperhidrosis. It certainly improved, and it's no longer getting worse like it was the longer I stayed on Prozac.
I was on Prozac for nearly a decade. It helped me so much in managing the severe anxiety I've struggled with my whole life. It enabled me to attend therapy without missing too many appointments due to panic attacks like I once did. It quieted the OCD thoughts, decreased the OCD behaviours.
But I am so sick of this sweating! It's starting to cause secondary issues, skin problems, rashes, things I'm having to get medications for and see my doctor frequently. I'm trying to get Botox approved by insurance for the hyperhidrosis. That should help a lot, but it's not a cure, and I don't think you can use it in all of the affected areas.
Has anyone had this problem with Prozac? I know that hyperhidrosis as a side-effect of SSRIs is fairly common. But I thought it would go away. ): I suppose there is some chance that it's actually due to whatever mystery chronic illness I have been dealing with for the last several years. But the fact that it at least improved after stopping Prozac makes me think that's less likely.
submitted by cinnamoslut to prozac [link] [comments]

2023.06.19 17:33 Ok-Deer-2450 Oxybutynin and alcohol?

Hi all, I have severe hyperhidrosis which leaves my face, neck, hair, back, basically everywhere soaked. It has caused me to become anxious and depressed and I’ve been prescribed Prozac to help with that.
My GP has recently prescribed me with oxybutynin to try, probanthine helped a little but not much.
I am due to go away next weekend and I’m wondering if it’s possible to drink alcohol on this medication? Has anyone noticed any negative effects from doing so?
submitted by Ok-Deer-2450 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2023.06.14 20:03 painnogainforever Medication advice

I feel like I’m taking too many medications. I take lamictal for BPD2 Recently started Prozac for anxiety I Xanax as needed for anxiety (everyday) Robinul for severe hyperhidrosis The anxiety and panic have gotten worse these past four months. I was given a prescription for propranolol yesterday for the side effects the anxiety is giving me, but I haven’t picked it up yet. It’s ruining my life and I feel very controlled over this. At night time things get worse and I don’t know what to do at this point.
submitted by painnogainforever to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2022.09.05 22:15 Fun_Spare7128 Keep Sweating After Quitting

34 yo male here. I stopped taking venlafaxine (Effexor) 300 mg 5 years ago after having taken it for 5 years. Then I was briefly on fluoxetine (Prozac) and another SNRI that I can't recall now (maybe desvenlafaxine).
I've been sweating excessively for a while now and I don't remember exactly when it started because I never kept a journal of my symptoms. I remember for certain that this was never an issue before I started taking antidepressants. Having sweated a puddle after a short walk around the block this morning, I decided to research excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and I randomly came across this article, which explains that both venlafaxine and fluoxetine are associated with excessive sweating.
It was so eye-opening for me! I never sweated much before I started taking these meds and it is clear now that it has something to do with them. It's pretty bad: I'm a teacher and walking 100 yards on a cool day from one building to another, I will arrive drenched in sweat. It makes me very uncomfortable standing in front of my students. I tried a strong antiperspirant but the sweat comes from all parts of my body, so there was no way this would have fixed it.
Has anybody else had symptoms persist after quitting? Any suggestions on how to fix the sweating without too many side effects, ideally?
submitted by Fun_Spare7128 to Effexor [link] [comments]

2022.08.15 22:06 Dexter_Jettster Cymbalta/Duloxitine withdrawals... It's a f*cking nightmare that I do NOT wish on any of you.

I haven't been on reddit in a while, however, I love this sub, I've posted in here before, and everyone here has always been super supportive, and Imma gonna vent here about getting off of Cymbalta that was prescribed to me for my nerve pain, heh, this shit is insane.
My prescribing doctor gave me instructions to taper off, dosing down, etc, sure many of you know the drill, and things got worse.
I went to my pcp who then prescribed me Prozac to help with the withdrawals, and here I am, three weeks later, and I am suffering big time. I do NOT want any of you to go through what I am currently dealing with and have been for approximately 3 weeks now.
Upon going through this BS, I started doing research about the withdrawals, and why at one point, Cymbalta was taken off the market. WOW, there are several law firms across the USA that are still in the works to sue Eli Lilly, the pharmaceutical company that LIED about the severity of the withdrawals of this medication, and if you all have doubts, just google "why was Cymbalta taken off the market", it's what I did yesterday, and as of this morning I've been calling my doctors, my SSI attorney, and some of the law firms that are currently still working on making sure Eli Lilly is held accountable.
Lawsuits against the pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, say Cymbalta users face “severe physiological and psychological symptoms when they attempt to stop” taking the drug, including dizziness, nausea, headache, fatigue, paresthesia, vomiting, irritability, nightmares, insomnia, diarrhea, anxiety, hyperhidrosis and vertigo. Most people may have taken the drug to treat depression or anxiety. But there are other FDA approved Cymbalta uses. These include treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy, fibromyalgia and certain kinds of chronic pain.
As well, these symptoms can last up to six weeks, and I have to tell you, I feel like it just keeps getting worse.
Anyway, I'm actually out of town with a friend of mine, at her house so I can have a break and hang out, have some fun, and my doctors back in my state told me to go to the ER so that's what I'm going to be doing in a few hours. I am currently self medicating in my own way until we get there because I MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY can't take this anymore.
Moral of my story here, please, all of you, be aware, and I'm sure most of you research your medications when prescribed them and also, I just want you all to know what I'm going through, because this has affected my daily life for the last three weeks, and all of my symptoms have been pretty much what is in the quoted text above. Yesterday I was pretty much having a panic attack for about 8 hours, and I don't normally have them as I've also dealt with trauma but I've had a shit ton of therapy for my PTSD as well, and I can tell you, there is no reason for me to be having this issue because I am very much aware that I am safe, I am not in harms way of any kind and I'm no doctor but I've been calling it "faux anxiety" because there is no reason for me to feel as bad as I feel along with all of the other psychological and physical symptoms I am suffering from.
Best to you ChronicPain <3
submitted by Dexter_Jettster to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2021.11.29 19:35 milkgallons Red bumps on palms of hands

I (22, FtM, 5'6, 130lbs, latino) have been struggling with this for the past 10 years. I get random flare ups of these small, red bumps on the palms of my hands. The bumps are sometimes itchy and painful. Usually they go away after about a week, then come back in a couple weeks. I have tried "popping" these red bumps before with a needle. Some liquid came out, and it was very painful. I have also struggled with palmoplantar hyperhidrosis (fancy name for very sweaty palms) my whole life, so that may have something to do with it?
Here is a photo of the red bumps:
Current medications: Prozac 20mg (1x per day), depo-testosterone (200mg/mL, .4mL 1x per week)
Smoking: marijuana VERY occasionally (less than 5x per year)
Drinking: also very occasionally (less than 2 drinks per month)
submitted by milkgallons to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2021.09.01 12:56 Joeyzona48 ADHD and other issues coming back

Hey everyone. I'm a 31 year old male who was adopted at 18 months and diagnosed at around age 10 with ADHD, ODD RAD and anxiety/depression. Undiagnosed issues we think are OCD and maybe a tic disorder. I was in special Edu for a long time and took Ritalin and prozac. I was able to get back into mainstream classes and off meds all the way till this year. I have been doing well with the usual setbacka of life and such. One of those things was a head on collision back in Jan of this year. I had confirmed concussion and was out of work for a while. It took me a long time (Aug) to get back to working a full 40 hour week. Lost of phsyical issues etc.
I have tried prozac and it sucked. It made my hyperhidrosis worse and gave me too much of the emotional blunting. Saw a new psychiatrist and he got me on venlafaxine which has been great. I really struggled with depression, concentration and motivation before these drugs. Even after the post concussion symptoms were gone or fading, the mental issues were strong.
I mentioned tics before. I have always had motor and vocal tics that may have been lumped in with ADHD when I was younger. I have been doing a lot of reading and checking the subs here and have found my behaviors to be all over the place. Some things I do are tic like. I know this cause I tried to consciously stop doing them and it gave me great anxiety and even heart/breathing issues. Some are obvious "stims" like leg Bouncing or singing etc. Those don't seem to out norm anyway from things most ppl do with or without adhd. Some things are more echolalia and random. Things that burst out or movement that I do that are annoying. Not done to feel good or say something cause it's funny etc. At the same time I do have some repetitive words such as names of people that may be stims or just ocd compulsions. It's all very confusing but they are definitely more aggressive than I can remember. I will see my psych Dr next week for more insight. I know it's not terrible in detail but I'll share if asked. Just wanted to share my exp a bit and how I am exploring my current issues and even reassessing past things. At the end of the day I'm just me but it's good to get a hold of some things on my mind. Plus I work in the medical field so it's all fascinating to me anyway
submitted by Joeyzona48 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2021.07.08 01:28 Turbulent-Bit-1193 Help with understanding my symptom complex in light of medical history

This may be a fairly probing question, but I'm sure a physician could give me some research directions (out of sheer curiosity) for understanding a complex of possibly unrelated yet quite pronounced symptoms I've developed over the past four years.
Briefest history of what I think might be relevant:
Male, 32 years old, no allergies besides possibly penicillin, and no major illnesses or injuries requiring hospitalization. Diagnosed with major depressive disorder at age 10, treated successfully w/Prozac for several years, although many drug combinations were tried in the most recent decade, including other SSRIs and SNRIs, augmented sometimes with buspirone, atypical antipsychotics, stimulants, and for a one month period of clonazepam. Received one course of outpatient ECT in 2008 (right unilateral) with good efficacy and few side effects, but continued with various antidepressants until present. The most effective treatment so far has been tricyclics, namely amitriptyline at 150 mg.
Other medical history includes substance use disorder (alcohol) over a period of about nine years. Usually it was binge drinking, on a nightly basis, around 7 or 8 drinks each day, with brief periods (1-2 weeks) of much heavier use. I was involved in a motorcycle accident as the result of this (and a bad decision) in 2016, with a concussion, amnesia, and bruising on my torso. Treated in ER and released 18 hours after the accident. My liver was fatty, and showed signs of lesions on ultrasound, although ALT was never over 200, and since abstinence began my liver is much healthier, with almost normal elastography. I suffered two seizures related to alcohol withdrawal about two years apart, but never DTs or psychosis. Alcohol use ceased completely in July 2020. Immediately prior to that was a suicidal gesture (I didn't realize the amount at the time, and knew SSRI overdoses were almost always non-fatal), where I consumed 6000 mg of Prozac and a lot of alcohol, and woke up approximately 6 hours post-ingestion with nausea, sweating, a voluntary control of most muscles almost completely impossible; I was able to crawl a little, and raise one arm over my head while balancing on the other hand and my knees, in order to reach doorknobs and light switches, but walking was completely impossible. I didn't recognized the motor impairment as being a usual part of serotonin syndrome, but my gut instinct told me that's what it may be - even though that thought didn't cross my mind when I took the pills - so I called an ambulance, and the ER just gave me fluids, watched my heart, and over the next 20 hours I assume I excreted enough of the Prozac, because all motor function returned to normal. I don't recall being given an explicit diagnosis, although I was surprised they didn't give me any cyproheptadine when I told them what I had done. For what it's worth, I was watching my EKG while I laid there, and I'm certain I saw delta waves in at least five of the leads for the first few hours I was hooked up. I have no family history of WPW or any other cardiac abnormalities. These went away after a while, and I'm also fairly certain I saw the QRS complex narrow over time as well.
Here's where the fun begins. I started Elavil for the depression after leaving treatment, and the initial reaction was almost manic (I don't know that I've ever been manic, so by "almost manic" I mean roughly the same psychological effects as taking a double dose of Adderall. This has leveled out since starting the medication, and the improvement in depressive symptoms is still quite significant.
I became hypertensive (usually around 150/105) during the last few years of drinking, and treatment with amlodipine had very little effect, and thiazides did little more at low doses. Clonidine was almost too effective at first, causing orthostatic hypotension and vivid visual and auditory hallucinations; my coworkers at the office witnessed some of this, because I was carrying on a conversation with a voice I was hearing. They told me about this minutes after it happened, and I had no recollection of speaking at all, let alone the words they say they clearly heard. I was lucid enough to drive myself to work that morning, as well as back home, which in retrospect was a bad idea. I do, however remember having to reach towards people I thought were standing in my bedroom to see if they were there or not.
The elevated blood pressure (and now, elevated cholesterol) continued after stopping drinking, and is currently being controlled with 8 mg of perindopril daily, which interestingly only lowered my blood pressure slightly; It now sits around 130/95. Rosuvastatin was added for the cholesterol. More recently, I returned to a physical job from a couple years before the office job started. I discovered profuse hyperhidrosis, mainly from my head and neck, which surprised me because I expected that to have stopped after the night-before binges stopped. I had the same reaction many mornings at work after drinking the night before, and always thought that the sweating was due to alcohol withdrawal. There were a couple month-long interludes in drinking throughout those nine years, and the sweating did completely stop at those times. Prior to the alcohol abuse, I had never experienced excessive sweating in my life. I tried treating it myself with extra-strength Drysol with no success. I finally found a doctor willing to prescribe me glycopyrrolate, and 4 mg in the morning is quite useful, but not totally effective.
Beyond that, routine labs showed very slightly elevated metanephrine in a 24-hour urine collection. I was aware that could indicate pheochromocytoma, but also know that people with essential hypertension often have slightly elevated metanephrine. All other tests were normal aside from the cholesterol, which I mentioned earlier. I also smoke a well above average amount of cannabis.
I'm curious if there's a branch of inquiry I'm not noticing about how all these symptoms fit together. I accept essential hypertension as a possibility, but I'm curious if my lack of response to most types of antihypertensive is clinically significant. I doubt pheochromocytoma given that I'm missing some of its most common symptoms. I'm not sure if the near-manic reaction I initially had to Elavil is significant, or the Prozac overdose. I doubt the ECT or seizures would cause these sorts of effects, but I don't know enough about seizures to say for sure. I know tricyclics can produce sweating, but not sure if that's a likely culprit or not.
Any thoughts? I'm very curious. If it helps, I do have full access to the labs taken when the metanephrine level was noticed.
submitted by Turbulent-Bit-1193 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2020.10.19 01:48 glafolle Dirtbikes/3 wheelers/quads & such..

I'm sure the answer is no, but is there anything a person can do about this infernal racket? I have a really bad headache (just drastically reduced my Zoloft dosage and then switched to Prozac, hoping that's the cause), and a bunch of them, at least 50, probably more, were going up and down my street (Spring Garden, near 22nd) for like fifteen minutes straight. They eventually left but every few minutes a bunch come back and the noise is just irritating me so much. It goes on until well past 1 am usually. There's never, like, a full half-hour without some going by. It's hot in my apt so I have to have the window open (I have hyperhidrosis), but even without the window open, it's just. So. Loud. I am maybe more sensitive to loud noises than most people (trucks, loud music, babies crying make me want to throw something), but this is just neverending..I guess I'm just wanting to know if it is happening to anyone else this often, if anything can be done, and if not, can you at least reassure me I'm not the only one really pissed off? Thanks.
submitted by glafolle to philadelphia [link] [comments]

2019.08.22 00:40 Ojpng Extreme fatigue + other symptoms for past 4 years

Hi... been feeling like hell for the past 4 years or more and trying to look for answers here.
I'm a 21yo male, Asian, 5'8 78kg, living with depression. Lately I've been feeling my symptoms getting worse and worse. Everyday I struggle to wake up because I feel so sleep deprived and unmotivated to do anything. I feel like I havent gotten good sleep in years.. It doesnt matter how long I sleep, when I sleep, I just feel shitty; just different kinds of shitty depending on how long I sleep. I wake up and immediately feel tired, sometimes with a shortness of breath and fast beating heart, fatigue and headache that lasts throughout the day. Surprisingly I feel the best at night.. I try to go to the gym as much possible and not stay at home all day, but workouts end up giving me migraines at the end because it feels like I'm exerting too much energy. I feel very faint at times, especially when I crouch down and then stand up (I got tested for anemia and it was not the case so..). Also, I've always been a very sweaty and heat intolerant person, but lately its been insane. Yes its summer but its been especially bad seeing myself drenched in sweat just walking 2 minutes to the bus stop. This also makes me not want to workout because my shirt ends up entirely soaked and feeling disgusting. I think I might have hyperhidrosis.
I've been to the doctor multiple times in the past few years and have not gotten the answers I wanted. I've been tested for thyroid issues, anemia, kidney, sleep apnea and they all came in negative. My doctor diagnosed me with depression and prescribed me prozac. I took them for two months last year and didnt see results so I stopped taking them. I've been thinking lately that another medical condition may be causing these symptoms, is that possible? Or is my depression getting worse.. I can't tell.
submitted by Ojpng to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2018.11.05 19:23 PersonManSam BP1, rapid cycling, on Effexor & having problems. Advice please!

I am bipolar 1, rapid cycling. I have been on Lamictal for about 10years, and it has deffinately brought things in check a little better. With the lamictal, i have tried seroquil, prozac, zoloft, welbutrin, and now Effexor. I also have narcolepsy and take the non stimulant wakefulness medicine Modafinil. I have been on the Effexor for over a year now, and Its the closest I have felt to being me since I first got medicated. However, I still can be very easily triggered into a self-harm ideating depression. I think I'm having the same amount of, if not more, suicidal thoughts than before. Further, the Effexor gives me incredibly believable suicidal nightmares every single night, as well as hyperhidrosis. I take hydroxyzine and prazosin to combat those side effects, but I don't think either one is helping at all. I'm really scared to go off of Effexor because I was seriously non functional before getting on it, but the side effects are getting to be more than I can bare. Any advice would be welcome. Thank you so much.
submitted by PersonManSam to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2016.10.03 17:03 picopicopicopico Sertraline (Zoloft) withdrawal

Hi all,
I'm looking to see if anyone else has experience of coming off of Sertraline although I suspect there's a lot of similarities between this and any other SSRI antidepressant.
I had been taking 150mg of Sertraline for the past year, I started the medication in an attempt to tackle my decades long clinical depression but haven't found the medication to be helpful. I gave it a chance and it has not made any noticeable difference.
I have suffered from depression for my entire adult life - I know it tends to come in waves and I tend to be of the opinion that it is something I just have to live with and tackle as it comes. I have previously tried fluoxetine (Prozac) and had found it to have had no success in treating me either.
My point is that I'm now quite resigned to the fact that my depression does not seem to respond to SSRI medication.
I have found though that Sertraline has intolerable side effects, hyperhidrosis, constant diarrhea and acid reflux which could only be brought under control with medication. On balance I do not feel that these side effects are worth it when I have found no improvement in my depression.
To this end I decided to begin to taper off the drug 2 months ago. I progressively lowered my dose and 4 days ago ceased it completely. I experienced some minor side effects when tapering the dose but they passed within 24 hours but now I've stopped the drug completely I have found the withdrawal effect to be significant.
I have been experiencing the typical SSRI 'brain zaps' constantly for 4 days now which is affecting my sleep, I am highly irritable and argumentative, I feel tired and ache all over, constant lightheadedness...
I'm honestly surprised at how strongly I am feeling these effects given my previous experience with fluoxetine where they were much less pronounced when withdrawing, I have medical and pharmaceutical experience so have a decent knowledge of what to expect when an SSRI is stopped but still I'm surprised at how strong these withdrawal effects are after a proper dose taper.
Has anyone else done the same and noticed sertraline to be this harsh when it comes to withdrawal? If so how long did you experience these effects? I had expected the physical side effects to have begun to calm by now but if anything they seem to be getting worse. I'm not overly concerned since I know this is liable to happen in someone who has taken a high dose for some time like myself but I'd like to know if I can expect them to start easing any time soon.
submitted by picopicopicopico to depression [link] [comments]