Wisdom tooth gum fistula

necessary to pull all teeth? + Question about decaying tooth

2024.05.21 17:25 Conscious_Formal_850 necessary to pull all teeth? + Question about decaying tooth

Is it necessary to pull all 4 wisdom teeth? The marked wisdoom tooth is decaying is it possible that it affects my sinuses? I had a infection on the side (ear and eye):
submitted by Conscious_Formal_850 to askadentist [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:14 Conscious_Formal_850 Symptoms from Infected Wisdom Tooth?

Iam 30 and my Wisdom Teeth started coming in. 2 are coming in 1 full erupted (completely crooked) 1 still unter gums. Iam suffering from Bad Breath, Headache, Tension in Neck, Temples, Backpain, Pain behind Eye, Light Sensitivity and (increased notice?) Eye Floaters and Visual Snow since 2 Months. Before it all started I also had a sinus infection on the left side (upperright in the picture) and my left ear was clogged for a few days. My upperleft Wisdoom Teeth is also infected and decaying. The doc said all 4 need to be pulled. Surgery is in 2 weeks. I already went to the ophthalmologist and had an ophthalmoscopy - everything is ok.
Are there similiar experiences ?
submitted by Conscious_Formal_850 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 AdhesivenessLow3948 Should i get a second opinion? (endodentist)

After a car accident, i have pretty much broken my tooth in half. There was existing gum decay also.
My dentist said extraction is the best but a root canal/crown may also be possible (although shes not sure if the prognosis would be good) but it may be worth getting it checked from a specialist as they do not provide the root canal service at their clinic.
Is it worth getting a second opinon or should i just go ahead with the extraction (My finances are not good- hence i am cautious about spending money on another consultation).
submitted by AdhesivenessLow3948 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:56 Ander1467 Grinding teeth problem

Hello! I have always struggled with grinding my teeth for as long as I can remember. It definitely got worse when I got put on anti depression medication (it’s a side effect). The medication is a life saver for me mentally ; but it definitely makes me grind my teeth. Lately it’s the back two molars on my left side (top and bottom) that grind together. I’ve been to dentist after dentist even oral surgeons and they all said my tooth wasn’t cracked after many X-rays and checkups. But it is very sensitive to certain objects, like sugar, gum, chewey foods… or sometimes it doesn’t even bother me. The past day or so, I realized the surface of the left back molar on the bottom isn’t smooth. It’s rugged, a grainy feel… I didn’t see any difference on the surface and the tooth looks normal and healthy. It’s a bit more yellow than most of my teeth; but still looks the same from the last time I got it looked at. I got my teeth cleaned last October, so I know it can’t be build up, I looked online and it said the grainy feel is due to grinding. So yes, my question, how can I smooth out the tooth without a trip to the dentist, it doesn’t bother me and I don’t notice it until I run my tongue along it. Are there any tooth pastes, tooth brushes, mouth washes, etc that can help fix issues caused by my grinding? Also, due to financial reasons right now, I can’t afford a professional mouth guard, so what are some of the best over the counter mouth guards? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much everyone and I really appreciate it. I will add, I am 29 and a female.
submitted by Ander1467 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:34 FlailingTuna If I suspect that I have a cavity, is it okay to wait a month until the dentist can see me?

I suspect that I have a cavity on my wisdom tooth and between two teeth that are very close together. I have had fillings in the past and I’m afraid that the cavities will get worse. I brush and floss, but I guess I haven’t been doing a good enough job with my wisdom tooth and one of my molars, which is hard to get the floss between.
My dentist cannot check it out until a month from now. If I continue brushing and flossing, will it be okay to wait until the dentist can see me? Is there anything else I should do until then?
submitted by FlailingTuna to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 Both-Alarm-4160 wisdom tooth gauze question

i just got home from surgery and i keep seeing different opinions on what to do with gauze. my care sheet said replace every 30 minutes but other places say to keep the gauze in so the clot forms. a little worried because when i got home after only a 20 minute drive i removed the gauze to drink a protein shake but then i put the gauze back. should i continue to change it every 30 minutes and for how long?
i also tried to eat scrambled eggs but couldn’t swallow or chew anything well so i just removed what i tried to eat
submitted by Both-Alarm-4160 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:58 ihaamq I regret pulling out my wisdom teeth(4).

I feel cheated. I went to do braces. My tooth were impacted but they weren't getting pain or anything. :( The dentist told to pull them out (2 different dentists told it). Both dentists had told to pull out the lower two wisdom teeth only but the surgeon told to pull all four out. FCk you surgeon
I regret man. 4 teeth pullen out and they won't come. I regret. I feel this was absolutely unnecessary as I really take care of my teeth by brushing them twice a day. I am feeling bad pain for few days. I am regretting.
I don't think this was at all necessary to do braces.
submitted by ihaamq to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:47 mentallyunwellghoul getting Nitrous Oxide for two broken molars and wisdom tooth. in a hour i have high anxiety how bad will it be, will i feel it?

getting Nitrous Oxide for two broken molars and wisdom tooth. in a hour i have high anxiety how bad will it be, will i feel it?
im waiting inside the dentist feeling like my heart is about to jump out of my chest
submitted by mentallyunwellghoul to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:43 ihaamq I regret pulling out my wisdom teeth(4).

I feel cheated. I went to do braces. My tooth were impacted but they weren't getting pain or anything. :( The dentist told to pull them out (2 different dentists told it). Both dentists had told to pull out the lower two wisdom teeth only but the surgeon told to pull all four out. FCk you surgeon
I regret man. 4 teeth pullen out and they won't come. I regret. I feel this was absolutely unnecessary as I really take care of my teeth by brushing them twice a day. I am feeling bad pain for few days. I am regretting.
I don't think this was at all necessary to do braces.
submitted by ihaamq to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:28 Fine_Divide_2314 Gum recession on one tooth. Does it look bad?

Obviously my teeth are very crooked and I’ve wanted to get braces for a long time. I had a cleaning done yesterday and the hygienist said my gum on left front tooth moved 1 mm in a year and recommended seeing an ortho. I think brushing too hard might be the issue. I’m just kinda scared now bc it looks bad to me and I don’t wanna have to get a gum graft. I take good care of my teeth brushing twice a day and flossing, regular cleanings. Does this look that bad? What can I do?
submitted by Fine_Divide_2314 to askadentist [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:00 CommandGlittering207 22M left maxillary - is that a cavity in between the second molar and wisdom? If so does it look early stages? I’m due for a 6month check up in about 6 weeks. Thank you!!

22M left maxillary - is that a cavity in between the second molar and wisdom? If so does it look early stages? I’m due for a 6month check up in about 6 weeks. Thank you!!
also idk but my left upper wisdom tooth is also super OP for some reason idk what is with all the bulbs. A few months ago when I posted my right upper wisdom all the dentists loved it so hopefully they can appreciate a decent set of cusps
submitted by CommandGlittering207 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:42 East_While_2846 Wisdom tooth - Nitro gas or Iv sedation?

I have one wisdom tooth that has come through only a bit and I am needing it removed, as well as a filling. I have quite a bit of anxiety about it in general as I've never even had a numbing shot in my gums before.
I am considering between Iv sedation or just doing laughing gas. I've read that after Iv sedation you may be out of it, tired or go back to sleep for Hours afterwards, which I'm not really thrilled about. But I'm just wondering if Nitro gas will be enough to have one tooth extracted.
If I do laughing gas, I can go to my usual dentist and they can do the filling and extraction at the same time. But If I want iv Sedation I'll have to travel about an hour to the nearest one to be in network with my insurance and probably have to have a separate appointment for the filling.
People who have used Nitro gas for wisdom tooth extraction, how did it go for you?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by East_While_2846 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:41 East_While_2846 Nitro gas or Iv sedation?

I have one wisdom tooth that has come through only a bit and I am needing it removed, as well as a filling. I have quite a bit of anxiety about it in general as I've never even had a numbing shot in my gums before.
I am considering between Iv sedation or just doing laughing gas. I've read that after Iv sedation you may be out of it, tired or go back to sleep for Hours afterwards, which I'm not really thrilled about. But I'm just wondering if Nitro gas will be enough to have one tooth extracted.
If I do laughing gas, I can go to my usual dentist and they can do the filling and extraction at the same time. But If I want iv Sedation I'll have to travel about an hour to the nearest one to be in network with my insurance and probably have to have a separate appointment for the filling.
People who have used Nitro gas for wisdom tooth extraction, how did it go for you?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by East_While_2846 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:40 Chapletint Dental Box Essentials: Keeping Your Oral Health in Check

Dental Box Essentials: Keeping Your Oral Health in Check
In the realm of modern medicine, oral health is increasingly recognized as an integral component of overall well-being. The adage "a healthy mouth leads to a healthy body" underscores the interconnectedness between oral health and systemic health. As such, healthcare professionals, particularly those in the dental field, advocate for comprehensive oral care strategies to prevent various dental diseases and their potential systemic consequences. One such strategy gaining traction is the concept of "Dental Box Essentials," a comprehensive approach to maintaining optimal oral health. In this article, we delve into the significance of Dental Box Essentials and explore its applications in the medical field.
Dental Box

Understanding Dental Box Essentials

Dental Box Essentials refers to a curated set of tools, products, and practices aimed at promoting oral health and preventing dental diseases. Think of it as a toolkit for maintaining a healthy smile. The contents of a Dental Box may vary but typically include items such as toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, mouthwash, tongue cleaners, and interdental brushes. Additionally, some Dental Boxes may incorporate specialized tools like dental picks, gum stimulators, and fluoride treatments.

Promoting Oral Hygiene

At the core of Dental Box Essentials is the promotion of good oral hygiene practices. Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing help remove plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth. By incorporating these practices into daily routines, individuals can prevent the buildup of plaque and reduce the risk of dental caries (cavities) and gum disease.

Preventing Dental Diseases

Dental Box Essentials serve as a proactive measure against various dental diseases. Cavities, gum disease, and bad breath are among the most common oral health issues, all of which can be mitigated through consistent oral hygiene practices. The inclusion of fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash in Dental Boxes provides added protection against cavities by strengthening tooth enamel and inhibiting bacterial growth.

Supporting Periodontal Health

Periodontal health, referring to the health of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth, is another crucial aspect of oral health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum inflammation (gingivitis) and, if left untreated, progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease that can result in tooth loss. Dental Box Essentials emphasize the importance of gum care, with tools like interdental brushes and gum stimulators aiding in the removal of plaque from hard-to-reach areas along the gumline.

Addressing Oral Malodor

Bad breath, or halitosis, can have various causes, including poor oral hygiene, certain foods, and underlying medical conditions. Dental Box Essentials include mouthwash and tongue cleaners to help combat oral malodor by reducing bacterial growth and removing food particles and bacteria from the tongue, a common source of bad breath.

Enhancing Patient Compliance

In the medical field, patient compliance with oral hygiene recommendations can significantly impact oral health outcomes. Dental Box Essentials provide patients with the necessary tools to maintain their oral health between dental visits, empowering them to take an active role in their dental care. By making oral hygiene convenient and accessible, Dental Boxes encourage regular use of essential oral care products.

Complementing Professional Dental Care

While Dental Box Essentials play a vital role in promoting oral health, they are not a substitute for professional dental care. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for detecting and addressing oral health issues in their early stages. However, Dental Boxes complement professional dental care by extending the benefits of dental visits into the home environment, thereby promoting continuity of care.

Applications in the Medical Field

The concept of Dental Box Essentials extends beyond the realm of dentistry and finds applications in various medical settings. Primary care physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers can incorporate Dental Box Essentials into patient education and preventive care initiatives. By emphasizing the importance of oral health as part of overall health promotion, medical professionals can contribute to better patient outcomes and reduce the burden of oral diseases on healthcare systems.


Dental Box Essentials represent a proactive approach to maintaining optimal oral health and preventing dental diseases. By promoting good oral hygiene practices, preventing dental diseases, and supporting periodontal health, Dental Boxes empower individuals to take control of their oral health. In the medical field, the integration of Dental Box Essentials into patient care initiatives serves to underscore the interconnectedness between oral health and systemic health, ultimately contributing to improved patient outcomes and overall well-being.chaplet north america
submitted by Chapletint to u/Chapletint [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:24 samsamyourhighness Black and red gums

Hi everyone
Im concerned about the colors of my black cats gums. 1 fang tooth gum is red/pink while the other is more black. The front teeths gums are also black.
Is this normal or should i visit a vet?
submitted by samsamyourhighness to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:05 lukewarmy Dentist not interested in X-rays, opinion on issue with sensitive tooth?

I had my first upper right premolar done in Feb by previous dentist, he saw on X-ray that it needed a filling but thought it would be quick (was sorta coerced into doing it immediately as "it'll be quick", even though I was there for a cleaning and an opinion on the wisdom tooth and did not have the extra time off work and the mental fortitude for pain which I ended up needing for this). Cavity ended up being deeper than expected and very painful. Chewing on this tooth was super painful and I just avoided it for a month until it seemed to settle down.
While the first premolar settled, the second premolar also seemed to hurt, and there was a transitional period where I wasn't sure if one or the other hurt.
I then started going to a different dentist. She began work on it immediately, since I told her it hurts when chewing. I also wanted to show her the X-ray from the previous scan, especially for an opinion on my erupting wisdom tooth, but she was disinterested and told me the wisdom tooth is growing fine without checking it, which slightly confused me. (https://imgur.com/YeIRJ5O if this is of any use, idk.)
She continues to find 8 teeth with cavities (and a couple more as she begins fixing them), and, fair enough - I have neglected to see a dentist for a while. I continue going for fillings but only on the right side, since I can only chew on my left. (Got lower molars and second premolar fixed since then).
I get shooting pain lasting about 10-20sec from cold water, or hot tea, biting down on a seed or even like, a hard piece of bread crust, or anything sweet or acidic on it. Dull ache if I chew something tough with it like meat.
I was told to stop avoiding that side, but when I described the symptoms above, I was told to avoid nuts/seeds and hot foods. It still happens quite a lot and the pain is pretty distressing to have to eat through.
Dentist told me it should go away on its own, keep doing gum massage etc, and that the pain is likely because I had not gotten my teeth cleaned for too long. It has since been 3 months since then, have not noticed any improvement. I ask if it would help if I did a new X-ray, as the prev dentist did them regularly, and she told me that she disagrees with his methods and that "I don't do X-rays on live, healthy teeth". And that she would not do anything to this tooth unless the pain got way worse (in which case she'd root canal/extraction).
I'm just afraid that if I wait and ignore the pain until a root canal is needed, that I would have missed my chance to save the tooth. Anyway, since some things struck me as odd here is why I'm here asking for an opinion. I'm curious what parts of her recommendations you agree/disagree with? I'm looking for another dentist for a second opinion irl as well ofc, but I'm trying to really be sure before I go to yet another since budget isn't too big and I have at least 4 teeth left to fix, apparently.
ETA: Not a smoker, moderate coffee drinker, no sodas, sweet drinks etc.
submitted by lukewarmy to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:59 ImaginationSuch5875 Gum tightness and pressure

I’ve been to two dentists and even an ENT yet no answers. I have this on and off tooth/gum pressure in my two front teeth area which also burns and times and seems to gets worse when talking or smiling. My front tooth almost feels like it’s wooden at times. Does anyone else have this and if so how are you dealing or healing that area of your mouth? No cracks, no cavities, no infection found in tests or beam scans/x-rays. Could this be an issue with the muscles in the face or the overall bite?
submitted by ImaginationSuch5875 to Teethcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:42 ConnectRow8817 Is there an issue? I got in my head about having a tooth potentially be wobbly. Does it look like I have gum disease?

Is there an issue? I got in my head about having a tooth potentially be wobbly. Does it look like I have gum disease? submitted by ConnectRow8817 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:24 CousinSam22 Right side of my face and neck is swollen

Right side of my face and neck is swollen
Hello Everyone! I hope you all are having a great Tuesday morning because I am not, actually since last night I had a slightly swollen neck, and this morning I woke up looking like this!
Will give a little background to help understanding how I got here, last week I had a very bad cold, fever, sneezing, sore throat and the hole package of cold symptoms…
I am a 420 user on a daily basis, but in small portions… its been six months I stopped smoking and chose healthier ways to get high, like gummies or vaporing flower (not vape pen) the reason I chose that was because my throat and neck was getting swollen.. (since I stopped smoking my throat and neck got back to normal size)
Yesterday morning I was feeling great, recovering from last week cold, my voice was coming back and I was having way less symptoms, I decided to vaporize just a little bit of flowers to give me some a better energy as I was going to meet some family members.. it did help me with my voice and throat pain which is crazy but vaping flowers is way less harsh..
At night I got some leftovers from my family member I met who ate at Carmines restaurant (their foods are amazing by the way!) and also ate some more food I cooked for me and my husband, oh I also tried a new Heinz catchup with Habanero just a tiny bit because Im not a spicy food fan..
After 30 minutes from trying it I started feeling this discomfort from my face and neck, but it wasn’t swollen yet, just could feel my heartbeat on my face… fews hours I noticed the swollen..
Im counting the minutes to get 9/10am so I can my ENT doctor to schedule an appointment and I will also run a full blood test, because on my google search the results as USUAL were catastrophic lol 😩 it went a food allergy to HIV infection… as you noticed I am gay and I am not on Prep (because I am allergic to TRUVADA and I am waiting on the list to try a different version of Prep)
Based on your experience, what this could be? Right now I took a Benadryl and I am hoping for the best and hoping that its just an allergic reaction or Sinusitis… but it’s scary! I never experienced something like this… only when I had my wisdom teeth removed (I removed 4 at once so I didn’t have to deal with the pain twice) and that was expected, but now I dont have any pain, I just had my tooth cleaned last week before the cold started so teeth problem is out of question as a symptom..
Can anyone help me calm myself down? Im writing this post shaking.. I already dont see myself on the mirror as a handsome person because of bullys back in school but my therapist always told me if you have a symmetrical face or as closest as possible to that means people might find you attractive and I based myself care on that since I heard that, now this messes entirely with my symmetry and makes me looks like Shrek 😩 of course my look is the least of my problems at this moment but I want my normal face back 😞
And Thank You for stopping by and read this post ❤️
submitted by CousinSam22 to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:14 ButterscotchLast7092 How many teeth should I extract?

I have a dilemma, and I'm hoping for some advice.
My dentist highly recommended that I get one wisdom tooth removed because it was impacted badly. They also suggested I consider removing another wisdom tooth because it was slightly impacted, and they recommended I leave the other 2 as is because they erupted healthily and shouldn't bother me much, but I'll have to brush further back.
They referred me to an oral surgeon for the removal who highly recommended I get all 4 wisdom teeth removed. They said to get the first 2 removed because they're impacted and get the last 2 removed because the wisdom teeth are further back and harder to brush. They said they generally recommend that their patients get all their wisdom teeth for convenience, whether or not they erupt well.
I'm inclined to trust my dentist more because they are my primary dental care provider, but I would like a third opinion, which teeth should I extract? I've already had 4 teeth extracted from having braces when I was younger so I'm nervous to have even more extracted.
TIA :)
submitted by ButterscotchLast7092 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:07 Fapple88 Is this something I should be concerned about?

Is this something I should be concerned about?
I ate a pineapple 2 days ago, and tiny chunk of pineapple got stuck between my tooth and gum. Small chunk of pineapple was something I was able to take out using my tougue, though irritation stayed. I thought it would go away and continued to brush the irritated area. To my surprise, today I discovered this white cyst growing on my gum. I'm thinking it's either cank sore or Gum boil. But I'm not 100% sure, and if possible I want to avoid having to pay a visit to the dentist.
submitted by Fapple88 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:06 Vegetable_Tap_2453 flap over a wisdom tooth

a month ago one of my wisdom tooth finally started to come out. i was eating and felt some sort of big flap above it. the tooth seems to be coming out on its own and the flap has started to decrease in size but i was wondering if i should go for any treatment because i have 0 knowledge about this. i do not smoke or drink and i cannot post a photo due to the flap being very small. thanks!
submitted by Vegetable_Tap_2453 to askdentists [link] [comments]
