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2022.04.09 18:58 senortippet kataotalvaro_

official page of Catalina Otalvaro. página oficial de Catalina Otalvaro.

2014.11.19 11:14 King_Of_Swag Katarina Mains

The official subreddit for Katarina Mains. Feel free to discuss all things related to Katarina!

2012.01.04 08:05 dubiousbro Katawa Shoujo

A community for the visual novel Katawa Shoujo.

2024.05.21 20:30 Trypanosomiasis6222 😌

Monke post
submitted by Trypanosomiasis6222 to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:53 Grandemestizo How big are the differences between the different branches of Shorin Ryu?

My training has been in Shorin Ryu Shidokan and I’m looking for books that lay out the katas but I can only find books for other styles of Shorin Ryu. I only have experience with Shidokan, how great is the difference between the different branches of Shorin Ryu?
submitted by Grandemestizo to karate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:29 Pristine-Major-4892 Kolkata Biryani is da Best.

Kolkata Biryani is da Best. submitted by Pristine-Major-4892 to ipl [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:49 Fuzzy-Disaster2103 Feelings on kata?

My club has just moved to British judo and as a result I’ve now got to learn katas. The only problem is, I’m not really sold on them. Admittedly I have done the throwing ones yet and am hoping they’re more useful. It all seems too formal to be completely useful and I wondered what others thoughts on them are.
submitted by Fuzzy-Disaster2103 to judo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 AstronautOk923 Daily training routine

Very new to karate and slightly older (46) so am aware of my limits and injuries much more these days but keen to develop a daily 30 minute training routine.
At the moment I’m stretching, practicing kicks and strikes and have just started basic kata.
Interested to hear what others do on a daily basis and what gives the most “bang for your buck” in terms of improvement. I have a punch bag at home and am thinking of building a makiwara.
Share your own routines or give me advice, I’m here to learn.
submitted by AstronautOk923 to karate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:18 AxelFEnjoyer Naha Te Bunkai being better preserved than Shuri Te Bunkai

I wanted to ask what you guys think is the reason that Goju Ryu has way more universally recognizable Bunkai than styles from the Shuri Te lineage. Basically all of the "old" Goju Ryu masters can tell you quite consistently what the Kata means, obviously some have a softer approach to the movements like hokama sensei and others have a harder approach like Higaonna sensei. However in the Shuri Te lineage most Bunkai seems to be "lost" or entirely made up by a revisionist approach.
Please don't get offended it's a serious question, I know some sensei from the mainland have "closed door student" approach to serious Bunkai/Oyo or believe that everyone has to figure out the true meaning for themselves.
submitted by AxelFEnjoyer to karate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:59 seeuneve Dislike is an understatement, i actually despise my SIL. Tldr

My younger SIL (lets call her B) just gave birth last year and I helped out a lot sebab dia ni takde suami. When she couldnt calm her newborn baby, i took over and said to her, “i understand how challenging this is, dont worry im here to help you. Dulu i pun ‘koyak’ juga lah masa jaga newborn sbb penat sgt and first time mom kan”. Then B with a straight face replied, “oh i takdelah koyak sebab anak kan. Kenapa i nak koyak dgn anak sendiri”. Well u should’ve said that to your face B bcs i always saw you lose it when your baby is cranky. How dare you guilt tripping me for not coming over to see u n your baby when i actually only went back to my parents house. Mcm aku ni tkde keje lain je nak mengadap kau.
I wont be like this if you were grateful enough for your family for accepting and helping and supporting you through your journey even though what you did was really really bad. You gave birth at a private hosp, your baby gets her monthly checkup at that same private hosp, your mom tanggung both of you 100% from your car loan to your baby’s diapers and milk. Your brother (my husband) took one for all by saying to our relatives that the baby is our adopted child even though its ridiculous bcs the baby looks exactly like you.
But you are still like your old self. Arrogant, entitled, spoiled and tak reti jaga mulut. You scolded me for breastfeeding your baby even though ive asked permission and its for the baby’s own good. You shamelessly go out and about bringing your baby everywhere. I said this bcs it invites question from people around us and my husband has to lie. Sometimes, when my husband’s friends came over and B happens to be there with her baby, she would suddenly come near to my husband while holding her baby over to my husb and said, “hi daddy”. Of course member husb aku pelik and tanya eh ni anak siapa? You even had the audacity to marah everyone including me sebab lambat uruskan your placenta. My BIL snapped and scolded you and then you went ahead and cried to your mom. So what did your mom do? Of course she called all of your siblings and gave them a scolding for making you cry. Except my husband sbb aku awal2 dah message dkt MIL explaining that we genuinely forgot about the placenta and we kept it safe, and you B dont need to marah2 everyone bcs we also have our plates full. FYI, the siblings tak kesian dkt B’s situation sbb ni bukan first time dia buat benda tu. Cumanya this time terpregnant.
B lives with my MIL. She dont have a job and her income is from my MIL. I dont give a damn about all those special treatment and privilege that she has. But when it comes to my baby, i would give a whole lot of damn ye. My 2yo baby dah tak rapat dgn my MIL ever since B gave birth. Im sad to see they no longer have the bond that they used to have but i decided to distance myself from B for the sake of my mental peace. Distancing from B means distancing from my MIL as well.
But B has crossed the line so so many times that i have to do this. One time, my husb asked B to watch our baby while we both were working. All of us were outside at the time. MIL was holding B’s baby so B was free to watch over my baby. About 10mins or so we suddenly couldnt hear our baby’s voice. Rupanya B tak jaga pun anak aku and she lost my baby. My mind went blank at the time. I just followed where my feet goes and thank god i immediately found my baby. Not a single apology came out of her mouth. Aku jaga anak kau mcm anak sendiri ye tapi kau buat anak aku mcm ni. My baby fell ill later that night sbb i think she was traumatised when she got lost. The next day B accidentally spilled my husb’s drink and she politely said, sorry sebab tertumpahkan air abg. Wah kau hilangkan ank aku tak pandai pulak nk mintak maaf.
There was one time B was so proud of her 5months baby at the time sebab kaki baby dia kuat, boleh tegakkan kaki. She said, “kaki my baby kuat betul lah kuat sgt utk umur dia. Tak macam your baby kan masa 5 bulan your baby lembik2 lagi kan?” Ughh aku lah kan masa tu rasa nak tumbuk je muka kau. Then i said, eh takdelah. Anak i 5 bulan dah pandai lompat2 dah dlm jumper tu”. Then later that evening i posted a story from my archive from when my baby was 5months old and she was jumping cheerfully in the jumperoo. Hahah puas hati aku. Aku tak pernah kisah kau nak bangga2 kan anak kau tapi tak perlu lah nak downkan or comparekan dgn anak org lain. Byk lagi lah kejadian2 compare ni berlaku. Mcm makcik bawang dah perangai kau.
Recently, we stayed at a hotel in a family room. Anak aku tak suka sgt dkt baby si B ni. If the baby cry, my daughter will cry too. If the baby scream, my daughter will scream too. Shes just uncomfortable around the baby. Imagine lah the chaos when both of them are in the same room. Tapi last2 anak aku jugak yg kena marah sbb tantrum padahal ank dia yg punca. My baby, husband and MIL went out first so B and i and her baby checked out later. I jokingly said haa senang sikit nak kemas kalau tak ada dua2 baby serentak. Then B said, “oh my baby takde masalah, senang je nak jaga, tak kuat nangis, baik and dengar kata”. Eh ank kau tu baru 10bulan mana pandai nk tantrum lagi tapi susah jugak nk buat kerja sbb nak kena pegang je. Well, lets see when your daughter turns 2 agak2 anak kau ok ke tak. Later that day when my baby was napping in her stroller, B suddenly said, “anak u tido baru nampak dia baik”, then she laughed. Erghh kau nk mengata anak aku pulak.
She used to bodyshame my baby saying my baby is kurus sangat lah and my MIL pun ckp ank aku kurus lah kesian lah tak makan lah. EXCUSE ME, anak aku ni tinggi mcm bapak dia and kurus mcm mak dia. Her weight is normal, tak pernah turun pun berat dia since lahir. And she didnt seem kurus to me and everyone else pun. Aku dah tak tahan aku post an angry stroy dkt ig abt ppl yg suka mengata badan ank org. Since then dia slow down psal badan ank aku. Last2 MIL bgtahu aku yg berat badan anak B turun 400gram. Thats a lot ye for an infant. Puncanya easy je, B didnt cook real food for her baby. Her main meal is cerelac and biscuits. Sometimes i prepare food for her baby and B mcm tak suka bila MIL puji baby suka makanan aku bagi tu. B rasa mcm tercabar. She was like, “sempat eh u masak. Oh lupa u kan mmg duduk rumah tak kerja”. Like i care? Dah anak kau lapar pstu kau pulak kata busy lah tak sempat lah.
Actually byk je lagi benda menyakitkan hati jadi but cukup lah ni je. My MIL got so upset that my daughter taknak dekat dia lagi dah. Im not responsible for that. Kalau dulu u always come over to my house to see your grandchild why now tak boleh dah? Im not gonna put myself through the emotional torture by being around B a lot. It comes with a price but thats what best for me.
submitted by seeuneve to malaysians [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:27 Aveau Question about katas.

Hallo !
16 yeard ago I was practicing shotokan. I was green belt but I trained with brown/black belt onlt because I was too tall for my age and to be with other teenagers. I've learnt all the heian katas + tekki shodan. Others practitioners were brown belt or shodan. But they were practicing bassai dai and kanku dai. The nidan candidate jion, empi, hangetsu. Those fice last katas, I've never seen them being taught those katas by our sensei.
Here is my question: how do people learn advanced katas ? I guess that depend from school to school but I've always wondered.
submitted by Aveau to karate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 imbusss Gradnja kuće?

  1. Koliko bi koštalo rušenje stare kuće od 3 kata po 60m2?
  2. Koliko bi koštala gradnja nove istih dimenzija po sistemu ključ u ruke?
submitted by imbusss to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:12 Admirable-Piccolo431 How to learn DBA oracle 19c?

Hello all,
I need help for DBA ko full course or tutorial playlist kata bata padhne? any ideas? I couldn't find any resource in youtube.
Any helpful comments are appreciated!
submitted by Admirable-Piccolo431 to technepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:08 Admirable-Piccolo431 How to learn DBA oracle 19c?

Hello all,
I need help for DBA ko full course or tutorial playlist kata bata padhne? any ideas? I couldn't find any resource in youtube.
Any helpful comments are appreciated!
submitted by Admirable-Piccolo431 to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:11 xoxefo3952 SUAMI TAMPANKU TERNYATA dari Nahla Farisya untuk Dibaca Gratis - Fantasi Cerita Indonesia

Si Tumang dalam Legenda Sang Kuriang adalah sosok dewa yang di kutuk menjadi anjing oleh Sang Hyang Wenang karena kesalahannya. Sedangkan kekasihnya dikutuk menjadi Celeng Wayung Hyang. Si Tumang menikahi Dayang Sumbi. Namun kini Si Tumang yang lainnya ditakdirkan untuk menjadi suamiku karena menolongnya yang tengah sekarat di tengah hutan! Wah,ganteng banget! Dia siapa? Mirip aktris korea itu lho. Tapi kok cewek di sebelahnya gitu sih. Kata-kata itu selalu menyertai langkahku. Dimanapun dan kapanpun saat aku berjalan berdampingan dengan suamiku. Beginilah jika memiliki suami tampan rupawan. Tak ada satupun yang memandangku. Mungkinkah suami tampan itu anugerah? Ataukah justru petaka? Padahal jika mereka tahu yang sebenarnya mungkinkah mereka akan kagum? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:02 KatanaInu 🔥Hey $KATA Fam!

Here is a brand new #Avalanche Skin as a Warlord🐉 !
Presenting the breathtaking in-game character of u/Avax in Katana Inu, taking fight on #Avax Chain🎮
Immerse yourself in the world of fierce, red dragon, symbol of raw power and dominance with u/GamingOnAvax!
submitted by KatanaInu to u/KatanaInu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:02 zooey_spinweb Kata Borbála Ban by Andrea Paolini Merlo

Kata Borbála Ban by Andrea Paolini Merlo submitted by zooey_spinweb to perfectonpointe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:01 JoelAariin What do you think of the state of Talon right now?

Like the title says, I ´v been wondering what the comunitiy´s feelings regarding Talon in the following points:
In my opinion, I think he is kind of weak at the moment, I´m not gonna say he is unplayable but I honestly fail to see why would anyone pick him over any other ad assasin ( or any other champ for that regard but I´ll keep it limited to assasins).
I still like to play with him but it definitely feels a little bit exhausting since it almost always feels like playing him is putting you in a bit of a disadvantage.
And regarding his lore I honestly kinda liked them making him like this perfectionist, ultra focused in getting the perfect kill but really disliked his new obsession with katarina. When they dropped his comic I really thought the dropped the ball with him since they basically contradicted his lore, like I don´t get his motivations for doing stuff, plus they really made him steping stone for kata ( I know he exists because of her and all but at least don´t do him like that). The only thing I liked about the comic is that it seems like his story is going to be some sort of redemtion/ redescovery (or so it seems to me)
Also with the inclution of Briar it gives me hope for future talon related lore so that makes me a little bit exited.
So with all of this said what is your opinion about those topics?
submitted by JoelAariin to Talonmains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:33 thaxainamalai anjana paudel naam gareko thagi

anjana paudel naam gareko thagi
yo anjana paudel naam gareko kt ekdam thulo thag ho. Pokhara basthyo aile kata farar xa thaxaina. Tannai manxe ko life bigardexa. She is just the face tara usko paxadi tannai manxe xan.
Nepal ma unnati garna thagi nai garna parxa ra? hamro ghar ko sabaiko mental health bigardisaki esle garda.
Please eslai dekhnu vo vane, mero yo reddit acc ma msg garnu hola. Case haru tannai xa esko against, griha mantralaya samma purako ..uni harule ni kei garna sakena.
Rabi lamichanne samma pugeko case ho.
Hami ta thagiyem, hajur haru bachnu hola yo bata. Mitho bolera sablai lutexa. dhanyawaad.
submitted by thaxainamalai to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:40 rawrsauceS My 3rd Place Kata from this past weekend - Uechi-Ryu - Kanshu

My 3rd Place Kata from this past weekend - Uechi-Ryu - Kanshu submitted by rawrsauceS to karate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:36 Paper_Horror Is kata robuta overated?

How good is their sushi? I feel like sushi anywhere always taste the same, like I couldn't tell the between a HEB sushi and other sushi restaurants. Worse you end up paying lot of money still end up hungry.
submitted by Paper_Horror to houston [link] [comments]


1953 GENERAL MOTORS GAME OF THE WEEK FOOTBALL POCKET SCHEDULE FREE SHIPPING submitted by mksports41 to u/mksports41 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:19 ImBuiltDifferentBro Name ONE S-tier fighter Jurota can beat without the "Swing"? Ah ok then. Jurota got lucky that he got a godlike technique & would be no more than C+ tier fodder without it. If you remove "Dragonshot" from Kanoh he could still beat S-tiers. But of course, that bum Jurota wouldn't win against shit.

Name ONE S-tier fighter Jurota can beat without the
Take away the strongest move from any S-tier other than Jurota and they still have multiple ways and methods of winning.
  • Kanoh without Dragonshot still has formless & niko style techniques.
  • Ohma without Demonsbane still has access to various Niko Style techniques and Kata's.
  • Kuroki without Devil's Lance still got insane defensive capabilities.
But what happens when you take away the "Swing" from Jurota?
He already lost to B+ tier fodder with having access to one of the most godlike moves in Kengan. Imagine how shit he would be without it?
\"Oh, shit I'm C+ tier without being lucky to have one of the best techniques in Kengan. I better take my fraud ass back where I belong in the C+ tier.\"
Every single fight he has lil bro Jurota spams the same shit over and over. I ain't seen nothing from him other than being a jobber.
We all know Jurota would be C+ tier without the "Swing". Let's not talk shit about Waka for depending on strength when Jurota was luckier than Waka & didn't have to work for shit he was just born lucky.
submitted by ImBuiltDifferentBro to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:02 imbusss Gradnja kuće

  1. Koliko bi koštalo rušenje stare kuće od 3 kata po 60m2?
  2. Koliko bi koštala gradnja nove istih dimenzija po sistemu ključ u ruke?
submitted by imbusss to financije [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:52 Time_Neighborhood564 Kata needs buffs

So as we all know, Kata isnt in a good state rn. Unplayable beyond master and even kata OTPs choose other Champs instead of her. There is one buff, which would easily top up her winrate again. So we need a petition:
Make Katas R not CCable anymore.
submitted by Time_Neighborhood564 to KatarinaMains [link] [comments]
