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2012.05.01 16:11 cezinho Job Search Hacks

Forget traditional job searching - improve your odds with good tips, tricks and tactics that help you stand out.

2009.02.05 05:16 Make Money

A place to discuss ways to make money.

2009.10.28 00:53 tty2 coding

Fuck spez.

2024.06.02 07:19 KfirS632 Is there a way to make a video player that supports more formats and codecs than the browser permits?

I have a projects that includes the
submitted by KfirS632 to HTML [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:19 WhovianBron3 Grandma doesn't know how to ask for help.

How should I tell my grandma that this miscomunication between us is causing her to grow some resentment towards me from her projecting a false narrative about me? I love my grandma but I don't think she knows how to ask for help. I'm 24 btw. Asking too since my grandma is kinda indoctrinating my little sister to think like her. How do I know this? Because I also mistakenly made my grandma my moral/emotional foundation for a long time, and only just recently broke out from it (the reason I left for nearly a year in the first place). Maybe i'm also not communicating with her enough about how I feel. Yet when I have done that in the past, its been brushed off like it doesn't matter and I was "stupid" or crazy to even think the way I functioned. If you ask for help, I will help you 10,000%. If you don't ask for help, you don't actually need my help right?
Today, I just got back from moving into my mom's house, where my grandma, mom, little brother and sister also live. Apparently I am not taking initiative enough and making them "grandma and sister" uncomfortable by my 'attitude' that was not intended to be read the way they are. All because the 'tv' wasn't working because of a connection issue to the internet, which I mistakenly assumed my sister was fully capable of fixing as they wanted to watch a movie. Why? Because I had taught her how to forget our network in the Wifi settings, re-input our internet password, connect and that should fix 99% of the "Problem with Network Connection". My little sister is almost 17 btw. I've taught her this like 2 times already and she knows the password to the Wifi...
Am I the one without the initiative when I was confident my sister was fully capable of diagnosing the problem and fixing it. And if not... Then would they ask me for help. Am I thinking about this backwards? I assumed backrgound comments like "The tv isn't working" between them was just them talking to each other, since clearly the solution was there, my little sister. Someone who has a phone and accesss to google 24/7 too... yet I just hear them on TikTok and Instagram all the time...
This is just a long line of miscommunication in the part of my grandma 'asking' without asking and me assuming they don't need help. My grandma has blatantly said she talks a bit 'louder' when she gets irritated I don't come out to immediately help her. Commenting about the problem they're having. Yet it always ends with them expecting me to just stop everything, run out of the room and build them a castle(exaggerated but yeah). How can I be listening to her conversation 24/7 ready to do tasks I've repeatedly willingly done at their call for help. If I am busy working on my own things, i'm going to filter out the noise to concentrate. This isn't that I don't have initiative either since I wouldn't be the person I am now if I didn't go out of my way to help my family, friends and people when they needed help for anything. I'll gladly help and put 200% for trying to find a solution and often do. I don't need to announce that I fixed/maintained some random trinkets in the house because I don't need appraisal for eveything single thing I do. Yet it comes to bite me in the ass, when I'm told I don't do enough? The whole point of preventative maintenance is for it to be invisible to others and still function.
Even the times when I did ask if they needed help when I thought they did, they just say no. And the times when they finally ask me directly in an angry demeanor after supposibly "insinuating me for help", I feel absolutely uncomfortable that they feel the way they do towards me. Its especially infuriating/hurtful to me when they snap me out of a flowstate and concentration on a project or study that completely ruins my enthusiasm and mood for the mood or even month... Fuck, id just lay in my bed doing absolutely nothing with my life doomscrolling on instagram for weeks/months when they would just tell me straight up I'm useless. When they infact don't allow me to try and be of use when I can absolutely learn a new subskill with youtube, and I want to learn and apply myself.
submitted by WhovianBron3 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:18 adorablegnomes Most Innovative Candle Mold Materials

Candle making has evolved from a simple craft into a sophisticated art form, with countless possibilities for customization and creativity. One of the most exciting aspects of this evolution is the exploration of innovative materials for candle molds. Traditional molds made from metal, plastic, or silicone have their merits, but delving into unconventional materials can yield unique textures, shapes, and artistic effects. This blog post will explore some of the most innovative materials you can use for candle molds and how to work with them effectively.

Why Experiment with Different Mold Materials?

Using innovative mold materials allows you to:

Innovative Candle Mold Materials

1. Ice

Why Use It? Ice molds create stunningly unique candles with organic textures. As the wax melts, it creates intricate patterns and voids, resulting in a truly one-of-a-kind candle.
How to Use It:

2. Sand

Why Use It? Sand molds can produce candles with a rustic, textured finish. They’re perfect for beach-themed or natural, earthy designs.
How to Use It:

3. Gelatin

Why Use It? Gelatin molds are flexible and biodegradable, making them an eco-friendly alternative to traditional molds. They can be used to create detailed and delicate designs.
How to Use It:

4. Clay

Why Use It? Clay molds allow for high detail and precision, making them suitable for intricate designs and sculptures. Air-dry or oven-bake clays are commonly used.
How to Use It:

5. Natural Materials (Leaves, Fruits, etc.)

Why Use It? Natural materials can create candles with organic and intricate patterns. Leaves, fruits, and even vegetables can be used to make molds.
How to Use It:


Innovative candle mold materials open up a world of creative possibilities, allowing you to craft candles that are truly unique and personalized. Whether you’re using ice for an organic texture, sand for a rustic finish, gelatin for an eco-friendly option, clay for detailed designs, or natural materials for organic patterns, each method offers distinct advantages and artistic potential.
By experimenting with these unconventional materials, you can push the boundaries of traditional candle making and discover new ways to express your creativity. Happy candle making, and don’t forget to share your innovative creations in the comments below!

Share Your Experience

Have you tried using any of these innovative mold materials? What were your results? Share your experiences, tips, and photos with our community. We’d love to see your creative journey and the beautiful candles you’ve crafted!
submitted by adorablegnomes to u/adorablegnomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:17 Pure_Anywhere8002 Don't quite know what's happening, hex/curse? Your thoughts?

Thank you so much to this community! I've been chatting with a few folks via DM and we've been sharing stories and tips and tricks and it's been so fun!
this was a peculiar thing and I wanted to ask manifestors what you think about this.
So my SP situation, love him, there's been some movement (rather lack of) in terms of his divorce but I'm persisting and believing etc. For context, wife does not love him but wants to stay married for $.
Today though... was intense on an energetic/spiritual level. I'm a pretty spiritual person and believe in the spiritual dimensions/realms. Past lives, guardian angels, divinity, etc.
I think a hex was placed on me today!
This is where I don't know if I've deeply subconsciously manifested this, cuz it's literally not on my mind at all, nor have I ever even thought to do this - I'm not into Magick, I've never explored it, though oddly enough, one of the people I've been chatting with told me about this stuff like earlier today, after all this happened. It was kinda crazy coincidence/synch so I don't shy away from this is all part of my bridge of incidents.
I am absolutely certain except this has NEVER happened to me before that someone placed a hex on me, and I think it's the 3p.. who will be leaving shortly in the legal way. Now, In my manifesting sense I am like "all is working out in my favor, including this" ... but this was energy I couldn't deny. I was in a state of internal unrest for a few hours today and it was an indescribable feeling that I've had a similar intense experience with months ago but it wasn't a hex.
I started doing things i would never do. I wrote up a prank text saying "I'm pregnant" and another text as if I was going to send it to his ex detailing our relationship and messing things up for him in the divorce proceedings. 2 things I would never think to do nor send and as I was writing it out all I kept saying was "this isn't me, this isn't normal, this is not me", it was almost parasitic.
I literally have never done this before and I put on a hex clearing music video and within 2 minutes it was like a lightswitch and I turned back to normal within seconds and just went up and started doing my regular stuff.
In the "background" of this energetic experience.. I heard what i can only say was definitely the wifes voice who i never met screaming bloody murder "fck you you btch" and also the voice of what i think was a psychic or some sort of medium saying "pure is protected, they have more spiritual protection than anyone I've ever seen in my life. This won't work, it's (the hex) coming back to us"
I have had clairaudient experiences before in my life, tons of them actually, that's what led me to this manifestation subreddit group back in January.
I think all of it is real.. my experiences are out of this world abnormal and so I'm not sure how to handle this.
Any insight here on whats going on? Can spiritual realms play here?
This is actually doubling down on my belief that I'm getting what I want so it's not messing with my manifestation for my relationship. I have a very close relationship and understanding of the Divine creative source and negative energies that try to pull me off my path. This is one of many, but extra peculiar because it was my first hex/curse.
There are parts of me that feels absolutely bonkers for saying any of this.. and also I know what i felt.
Guidance, advice, feedback would be great.. i don't really know what this is.
submitted by Pure_Anywhere8002 to MasteringManifesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:17 cHaDbAt420 To comment on that video where a Chinese guy desecrates a shrine with Rokitbay's music in the background(Mods tell me if this is even sanctioned) (actually I couldn't comment on the post, did it get deleted⁉️)

Before I copy-paste my original comment here 😹😹😹(don't be fooled by the emojis I am serious) I want to discuss your views on my beliefs if you can even call it that.
Before I start yapping(get your "I ain't reading allat" cards ready) in defence of the enshrined getting stained in black ink due to the minority, I 100% believe what happened in Nanking is one of the worst of atrocities committed by mankind. Unit 731 (ah yes if I give bubonic plague to this 3 year old, it dies! Scientific discovery!) is up there with the Nanking massacre of course. Now, I'll use the official website for source because I am knowledgeable enough to differentiate between lies and facts
The Yasukuni shrine has enshrined people since 1853, during the Meiji Period. It was originally named Shokonsha. "Currently, more than 2,466,000 divinities are enshrined here at Yasukuni Jinja. These are the souls of the many people who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation since 1853, during national crises such as the Boshin War, the Seinan War, the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars, World War I, the Manchurian Incident, the China Incident, and the Greater East Asian War (World War II). These people, regardless of their rank or social standing, are considered to be completely equal and worshipped as venerable divinities of Yasukuni." So, It is for any soul who fought for their country from the Meiji reform to the second World War. "Regardless of", so I guess it doesn't discriminate the criminals and the other 98% who didn't do such deeds. Remind you the garrison at Nanking was at approximately 200000 men. The IJA's complement was around 6095000 as of 1945 so IF we assume it stayed consistent through the earlier years, 98%. So there is this general who oversaw the campaign but reportedly "didn't realize the extent of events that transpired" in Nanking. Iwane Matsui. Quite controversial and interesting. Haha yes my source is wikipedia laugh 😹😹
To skip all this yapping and compile them while giving my opinion here, It is the same case as Чамайг тэгсэн гэж ярихгүй тэдийн тэддүгээр анги тэгсэн гэж ярина. Нэг үхрийн эвэр доргивол мянган үхрийн эвэр доргино" shit is nostalgic lmao but moving on, comparing the garrison at Nanking if we even assume all of them took part, approximately 200000 men, compared to Japanese who died in battle from 1853 to 1945, is minuscule. Am I wrong? All those people who really did fight for their country, covered in blood because some 200k something low morality assholes decided that killing the Chinese in the most cruel way, was the god's plan. If we dig even deeper, the problem lies in the teachings these soldiers got. For example, during the second World War, Japanese soldiers were ordered not to be taken as POWs as the Americans were apparently "Demons" and will torture you alive... how ironic (for most case). No, I am not playing the "X percent Y did Z= All of Y did Z" game. It some sort of brainwashing almost or just over-discipline for the soldiers to not even give a second thought to things. Cannibalism, Nanking, Brutality, and etc. Looks like I dug deep enough to bring in the Wehrmacht soldiers and not all of them were criminals but oh well... (Come and See goated movie fr ong on skibidi ohio rizz kaicenat)
I fw the IJN anyways, beefing with IJA(remember May 1939) ong I really did write all this strings of words to put a light on the souls who did FIGHT and MAKE the ultimate sacrifice besides the X amount of war criminals in the shrine. There's Admiral Togo for example, all he did was casually founder the whole Russian Expeditionary fleet at the Japan Sea in 1905 by turning his fleet to face diagonally with the Russian fleet and let them know who has the guns. Then there's the crew of ships like Yamato, Musashi, Shinano(totally no bias here) for example.. Anyways, thanks for tuning in this time to the ones who would read till the end ig.
submitted by cHaDbAt420 to mongolia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:16 Limp_Consequence3974 Am I a bad person?

Okay, so I just need to vent, and my own guilty conscience is eating me alive.
There’s 15 yrs between my little sister and I. My life was rough growing up and so was hers. In 2021 she came to live with my husband and I. We had just brought our preemie home too. Anyway, at the time I was determined to give my sweet little sister a better life and was adamant she straighten out. Even at just 9, she was the most manipulative, self human being on the face of the earth. I know, that’s horrible of me to say. She’s still a child, but goodness, it was so bad. So she came to live with us. It was okay at first, but then she started lying just to lie. She didn’t care about anyone or anything but herself. If she spilt a glass of milk, she’d lie and say the dog or our new baby did it. She’d argue that the sky isn’t blue. She’d lie a million times a day, refuse to do anything we asked, argued with literally EVERYTHING my husband and I said. Fast forward. She’s 12 now. She’s lived with us since 2021. Nothing has changed. It’s only gotten worse. My husband and I have tried every form of punishment it seems like. We’ve tried positive reinforcement, taking her things, grounding her, making her write sentences, spend more time with her, the list can go on and on. It got bad a couple months ago. She stole her phone back, we found out and there was just so many alarming things on there I sent her to have some behavioral/mental help. I was tired of the attitude, the lying, the disrespect, manipulation, the defiant behavior. She spent a month there, after she was finished I hoped she’d be better. NOPE. 2 weeks ago I said enough was enough. I was tired of everything. I hated living in my own home. I kicked her out and sent her back with her mom. she’s 12. I feel like I gave up on her, but nothing I tried to do for her was helping and it seemed as if she just didn’t care and wasn’t appreciative. My life Just in the one week she’s been gone has been amazing. The house is peaceful, my husband and I haven’t fought and I’m able to provide my three yr old with all the attention she needs.
Am I terrible for sending her back? I feel so guilty, but I couldn’t keep living that way. She was literally destroying my family.
Am I terrible? I love her like crazy, but I’ve done all I can do. I was at my wits end. She’s my world, but I’ve come to learn I’ll have to love her from a distance for a while. She can still come and spend the night and hangout but I think we all agree this needed to happen.
We also have a vacation coming up next month and we decided not to take my sister, bc we feel she’s not worthy to go and don’t want any tension on vacation. I haven’t told her she isn’t going yet.
Again, am I terrible? Does sending her back make me a horrible person?
submitted by Limp_Consequence3974 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:14 EyeZoneOptometry $BEBE TOKEN LAUNCH - Where Crypto Meets Heart!

Big news! The $Bebe token has officially launched on the Solana blockchain, and we couldn't be more excited. 🎊
$Bebe isn't just another token; it's the cornerstone of our vibrant Bebe ecosystem. Think exclusive NFTs, a bustling marketplace, and meaningful charity projects—all powered by $Bebe. This is where we bring the community together, combining the thrills of crypto with the opportunity to do some real good in the world.
We believe that $Bebe will unlock endless possibilities for fun, engagement, and positive impact. Whether you're passionate about digital art, social causes, or just love being part of a forward-thinking community, $Bebe has you covered.
Join us in this incredible journey. Let's make a difference, have some fun, and see how far we can go with $Bebe leading the way. This is just the beginning, and we're pumped to have you along for the ride.
submitted by EyeZoneOptometry to ICOCryptoInfo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 JohnSwindle Pronouncing "Sheinbaum"

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo is the heir apparent to the Mexican presidency. I say "heir apparent" and not "president-elect" because voting hasn't yet started as I write. She's Mexican and has a not entirely Mexican name. Sheinbaum (sometimes Shéinbaum) is pronounced in various ways by both Spanish-speaking and English-speaking commentators. Which pronunciation will win out in Spanish? In English? Which pronunciation do she and those close to her prefer?
submitted by JohnSwindle to language [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 Ok_Slide6120 BM pushing adult feelings on SD

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting on Reddit. I really just need a space for unbiased advise and a place to rant.
For context I’ll start from the beginning. It’ll be a long story, so thank you in advance to anyone who actually takes the time to read this.
4 years ago, I met my now husband, and he had just obtained full custody of my SD6 at 2 years old. Since the day I’ve came into both of their lives, I have stepped up to take on full time care of her and be a stay at home parent. When I came into the picture BM was on drugs, in and out of jail and having hallucinations that she was verbal about. She was granted supervised visits every weekend. For the first year my husband handled all exchanges and after awhile BM and I became cordial and comfortable enough for me to be involved in them due to my husband switching jobs and not being readily available for the outlined times created in the original custody agreement. Most of the time it was SD’s grandparents doing pick up/drop off, which they are cool people. So it was pretty simple. At that point, I was staying home caring for my SD full time, taking her to doctors appointments, working with her learning and development (I went to a 2 year technical school for early childhood education and obtained my CDA), bonding with her, taking her out for socialization, doing every “mom” thing, but as a step mom. I have always tried my hardest to be humble and know my place as a step mom, I’ve allowed room for bio mom to have a say in the day to day, birthdays, video chats, school events (when she started going to school) and BM never wanted much to do with it until about a year ago. We have encouraged BM to take SD to appointments, and she either forgets or bails last minute. I’ve never gone out of my way and claimed myself to be mom, I’ve never asked SD to call me mom, I’ve kept constant respect in reguards to BM despite her ~very poor~ behavior towards me and my entire household at that.
BM has expressed a lot how she wants more time with SD within the last year, but there have been multiple times where people in our area have came to my husband letting him know of her trying to buy drugs again (with proof), her hanging out with the wrong crowd, and her just being inconsistent with her daughter. My husband and I have been very transparent with her about how if she would pass a hair follicle test that we would be happy to arrange that for her and my SD (which is the condition outlined in the custody agreement). There was even a point in time where my husband and I offered to pay for her to go take one, which she declined.
Fast forward to now. BM has now obtained disability checks for her drug induced schizophrenia, has a place of her own and is in a “good”(?) relationship with another man. My SD came home crying to me today asking where her daddy was (he was still at work) so that her mommy could apologize to him and they could get back together again, to which BM didn’t intervene very much or at all (she just stood there crying too saying “remember our conversation we had earlier!”). SD comes home often and tells me about all of the photos her mom has on her phone of my husband and her mom together and how they frequently look at them. I’ve never really gave it toooooo much thought, because they are her mom and dad afterall, so I think is great she has photos of them. But then she will tell me about how her daddy stole a piece of her moms heart and stole her away from her mom. Or how it makes BM really sad that BD won’t “allow” SD to spend more time with her.
I can’t help but feel as though BM is pushing these adult feelings on to my SD. She has never once came home crying like that or has ever entertained her mom and dad getting back together. Our life as of now, has been all she has known since she was 2. I will add that my husband and I had another child together a year ago, which has been an adjustment for all of us, but she has seldomly expressed jealous behavior and really enjoys the role of being a big sister. I am really stuggling navigating this situation, where I feel like I am almost being disrespected by BM and that my SD is being emotionally manipulated into resenting her dad and I. SD’s life there is a lot different as we share different parenting styles in our home. We have structure and boundaries here and she doesn’t get that at her mothers (visits are held at BM’s parents house). She has full access to an iPad there (which we don’t allow in our house), she isn’t encouraged to eat meals and comes home starving from their house (they buy her McDonald’s for dinner every weekend unless they are going to a cookout), they buy her a new toy consistently every weekend, and overall very lax with her. Which that’s great, that’s her parenting time, she can do as she pleases. From a kid’s perspective, that’s a whole ass dream!!!! But I don’t have the means to do that here and frankly I feel it’s my job as a parent to set healthy boundaries and structure.
I am really the main caretaker in this situation with SD and my own biological child. My husband works very hard long hours to obtain the nice/frugal life that we live in this shitty economy. I want bio mom to be successful and I want the best for her, but I can’t understand the way that she handles her feelings and expressing them to my SD. It’s a lot for my SD to handle and it really overwhelms her.
Ultimately the ball is in BM’s court, to take a drug test, which like I said we have been very transparent that in the custody agreement that is what’s outlined for her to be able to obtain unsupervised overnight parenting time. That’s what my husband and I feel most comfortable with, anyway, in the sense of protecting SD from a toxic environment and inconsistancy. I’m sorry if this post is too long. And if you read all the way thru your gods favorite. Because I’m fucking struggling.
I will always be here for my SD no matter WHAT, and I could never talk poor of her mother to her. Even if sometimes I want to. No matter what I am encouraging and validating SD feelings and expressing them to me and her father in a healthy way and being open to conversation. It was never my intention to take motherhood away from bio mom. You can lead a horse to water but ya can’t make it drink the water. Anyone know what I mean? Maybe? Idk. Someone help😭 I struggle badly with anxiety and I’ve highly considered therapy to help me navigate parenting in this situation. I guess this is the next best thing until I can get that help.
submitted by Ok_Slide6120 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 fakename4141 Helix Midnight Lux (almost) three year review

I’m a mid-50s woman with a bad back. Side/back sleeper 120-140 lbs. Before purchasing this mattress, I have an long history of hand-me-down old fashioned innerspring mattresses, followed by purchasing the cheapest firm innerspring mattress at a national chain in 2007. Said cheapy caused hip and back pain. Previous hotel and guest experience convinced me I hate memory foam and pillow tops due to feeling trapped.
Positives: I find this mattress really comfortable. It doesn’t cause hip or back pain for me. It has held its shape/not sagged. It did not have a noticeable smell/off gassing when new.
Negatives: Let’s face it, I’m a woman of a certain age and I have a night sweat problem. This mattress is too hot for me, though advertised as cooling. I spend way too much time airing, drying and deodorizing this bed. Yes, I tried water resistant covers/protectors of various types, misery ensued.
I’m moving on to a natural latex/wool/cotton mattress later this week, and giving up on the comfortable but hot and smelly Helix Midnight. I hung on for as long as I could.
Here’s hoping for a cooler yet comfortable night’s sleep. I still miss the old double sided non pillow top innerspring mattresses.
submitted by fakename4141 to Mattress [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 Able-Heart-2843 Why Suffer without music?

I'm just saying if we work hard and do our jobs which are very demanding unlike some departments the least they can do is let have one headphone on come on. MIC DO NOT HELP OR ARE HELP just taking away hours. I would like to Concentrate on my work And go home, The Music Selections are terrible. I Need Something to help from Turmoil of department and Customers, And getting in trouble over Something Stupid is Joke On MIC, I'm literally doing my Jobs. We all have to wear hairnet EVEN OUR BALD PARNTERS, so nothings falls anywhere. Sooooooo HEB why do you have Such thing for headphones but the stealing is cool just get a ban no biggie but the kid wearing one headphone in while working cleaning up and taking care of Customers nahhhh write up Coooooooool moveee
submitted by Able-Heart-2843 to HEB [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 dumahim For those not following his social media posts

Welcome to Derek's non-fictional story telling time.I have always wanted a 454 SS truck since the minute they rolled off the assembly line in 1990. However that being said, I quickly learned it was unlikely I was going to find one in decent condition without a astronomical price tag. They continue to bring even bigger money and unfortunately the big block only gets Tamer as time goes on.So a decade ago I made my mind up to build my own "ss 454" the way I wanted to and cheaper.It's taken me a few years but I'm starting to realize that because of my schedule, builds for "me" will frankly will never happen. That isn't me complaining; my absolute favorite thing is providing entertainment to friends and family around the world , putting smiles on people's faces, saving old iron, and giving individuals confidence to work on their own rigs. A byproduct of working 7 days a week to make that happen just simply means I will never have the time to really dwelve in to my own projects.Fast forward - My friend Chad (muffler chad) had a cute little red OBS truck he just built. I told him my ambitions, and we made a great deal on it and just like that "project confidential". Shortly after, he and Donnie blew me away with a total makeover. Being good friends they knew I would never get to this truck and it would just sit in the shed until I was too old to do anything with it or needed room. They didn't have to. They wanted to. Engine, trans, paint. It looks and drives great and was exactly how I was blabbing away about my "dream truck" to Chad.Fast forward to today, Kevin borrows the truck, and I'm learning he's going to take the paint, suspension, and interior to the next level for me.It feels incredible to be surrounded by great friends, an amazing family, and THE BEST fans and amigos in the world. Thank YOU ALL so very much. None of this could happen without you, and I sincerely mean that. I will NEVER take a second of this wild ride for granted!Perhaps you'll see this truck on the channel since it's no longer "confidential", but in the meantime, you can see it on paintucation youtube!....
Kevin has had a decent amount of VGG related content lately. He got Derek's old rusted out Camaro and he's had a couple videos about it. He isn't going to do a full restoration as it took a good hit and tweaked a lot, but looks like it'll be an interesting project converting it into a split bumper.
submitted by dumahim to vicegripgarage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:11 apexjaggi A More Constructive Critique of the Drake Talisman Map Theory

TL;DR Don't be rude when theorizing or critiquing people's theories, paragraphs 5-8 have the meat of the stuff I want to say that I haven't seen posted elsewhere so just read those if the whole thing's too long.
I'm sure everyone is tired of reading these posts but this has been sort of gnawing at me all day so I thought I would get it out of my system. I personally find the theory that the dragon depicted in the haligdrake talisman is a map of what the Lands Between may have looked like in the past extremely unconvincing and I'm going to dedicate way too much text to explaining why (no pictures tho cuz i'm lazy).
Earlier today, there was a post that attempted to explain why the theory was unconvincing, but I think OP there didn't do a very good job of responding to people's points, and IMO was also very rude to everyone in the comments. I feel like this may have psychologically made people feel somewhat more prone to defend what I believe is an unconvincing theory, so I'm aiming to do a more thorough and also less obnoxious job of saying why I'm not convinced.
The previous poster stated that the haligdrake talisman could not be depicting a map because it's "just a dragon" and doesn't look anything like TLB. This fails to meaningfully refute the theory in any way because the viewpoint of this theory's supporters is not that the talisman isn't a dragon, but that it is a dragon and a map at once, and that the map is of a past depiction of TLB, a landmass we know has undergone drastic changes over time from mountains of different in-game evidence. Therefore, the theory is stating that one possible past version of the ever-changing lands-between looked like a dragon, and that the talisman is depicting this. If I'm doing a flawed job portraying the theory let me know because I'm trying my best not to strawman here. I want to have an actual good-faith discussion unlike some on this sub.
This is where my issues with the theory crop up. My first issue is that this theory is impossible to disprove. We know that TLB looked different in the past for a variety of reasons (meteorites, blackstone, farum azula, eternal city banishment, etc.) but since the game takes place at a specific point in time and we don't go back in time except to fight placidusax (which doesn't effect our in-game map), we have no examples of what TLB looked like in the past from a cartographic standpoint (except the map in the theory of course). Because the landmass has changed numerous times and we do not know what any of these times looked like, literally anything could be pointed to and called a former map of TLB if it looks even vaguely map-like. So yes, I am admitting that I cannot disprove that TLB could have looked like a dragon in the past because there are an infinite number of things it could have looked like. However, just because it's possible that the map looked like that is not itself evidence that it did. I think this is a perfectly acceptable headcanon, it's admittedly pretty cool, but it's not something that I think makes sense to claim as a fact.
This is where I would expect someone to say that the talisman being a map is the proof that it looked that way, and I think that's a fairly reasonable response. However, this is where my second issue appears, and it's that there is very little to suggest that these talismans represent a map at all other than vaguely looking like one. I can genuinely see why people say it's a map, since it does kind of look like one, and people have pointed out similarities that are interesting, but I don't find this to be compelling evidence. It is very easy to look at two things and find similarities if you are looking for them. Many things I've seen on this sub pointing out similarities completely ignore the stuff that doesn't match and try to account for it with the impossible to disprove statement of "it's in the past and TLB in the past could be anything". This is not really my main point against it being a map, however. My main point is that if the talisman were depicting a map, why does the item description not make any indication that that is the case? The item description for the haligdrake talisman is as follows:
"Talisman depicting a golden ancient dragon. Boosts holy damage negation. The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock. And so it is that the shape of the dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections."
A couple things to notice here are the complete lack of reference to maps of any kind, the fact that the dragon depiction is specifically symbolic of something other than a map, being protection (obviously something can symbolize more than one thing but I think it would warrant mentioning), and that the dragons protect their lord as "a wall of living rock."
A lot of the basis for the map theory comes from the talisman looking like it has coastlines, and that's understandable. However, in my mind a simpler explanation is that these supposed coastlines are actually depicting the stony, wall-like nature of the dragons that the talisman's description mentions. This would mean that the strangely flat map completely missing any kind of variance in elevation except coastlines is actually a just a stylized depiction of a dragon, meant to more clearly get across its stony nature while still being a different color than the dragons' typical stone-grey (since it's gotta get across the point that it negates holy damage). This applies to all the other elemental versions of the drake talismans as well.
As an aside, the ones besides the haligdrake talisman have elemental effects that pretty significantly obscure the supposed map that Miyazaki wants us to see, which to me seems strange because if it were actually a map you would think it would be clearly visible on all of the drake talismans and not just the one. Additionally, the pearldrake talisman has more smooth "coastlines" that don't make a ton of sense if all these talismans are supposed to be the same map AND if it's a map, why would someone in universe decide to put three of the same map on the +1 and +2 talismans, or even put a map on a talisman in the first place, instead of on paper where a map typically is (I'm sure there are maps on things other than papescreens irl, but it's not typical and i'm mostly spitballing for this part).
These are essentially the reasons why I don't think the drake talismans are depicting a map of TLB during the age of the ancient dragons, but I want to add one more quick thing. If I'm completely wrong (totally possible) and these actually are depicting a map, what does that add to the story? We already know TLB changes physically through the ages as tons of much less obscure evidence in the game tells us. The giant skeletons, the eternal cities, the blackstone civilization, the giant crater in the center of the map, and the apparent missing caelid/mountaintops land bridge already serve to give the player a sense of TLB's vast history and tumultuous state of physical being in a much more tangible and evocative way than a single talisman that vaguely looks like a map ever could. If the devs wanted to add another element to this they certainly could to further expand that feeling, but why do it in such an obscure way that there has to be so much argument about whether the evidence in question even exists in the first place? It is my opinion that any good theory for this game should be able to place itself in the context of one's reading of the game as a whole. If a theory doesn't add anything to the story, what's interesting about it in the first place? This is where I'm most looking for some opposing opinions though, since I genuinely haven't found anything where someone places this in the broader context of the story in a compelling way imo.
Hope I did a decent job of not being rude (sorry if I didn't, I dislike this theory quite a bit and am trying to be nice about it), and hopefully some decent discussion can come from this and not more flame-warring. A lot of arguments against this theory kind of amounted to "you're wrong because i said so" and i thought that was lame and wanted to try and make an argument against it in actual good faith instead of blind rage lol.
submitted by apexjaggi to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 SurelySoundwave [M4A] Looking for a long term MHA/BNHA rp.

Hello! You can call me Soundwave or Godot, I don't mind either. I've been on an MHA kick recently and have had an itch to write with someone. I don't mind either way if you wish to use an OC or a CC as I l have my own OC and can write for CC's. (Though I will say they might not be as accurate as others.)
What I am asking for:
Please be over 20+ years old. I would rather my partner be around my age range as I'm not one to shy away from more mature topics of conversation.
I understand that we all have lives and can't always get a response out on a consistent basis. I'm not going to shy away form the fact that I work constantly and don't always post on a daily basis. All I ask for is that if something were to come up, or if you're just not feeling it, don't be afraid to say anything. I'd rather have any form of communication rather than none. Ghosting someone is kinda lame.
I use discord primarily so the rp will be on there. I just find it easier to plan and keep track of what is written down.
I've been roleplaying for eight years now and have always written in 3rd person. Personally, I don't mind what tense you rp in as long as it's at least 2-3 paragraphs. I'm not looking for a whole novel with every description in the book, just a nice and well put together post.
I'm perfectly fine with whatever genre you'd like to go for. SOL, I'm happy. A more action paced story, sounds fun! Angst and drama, all for it. I'm just looking to write a story and I'm happy with whatever happens. Though I do have a plot in mind, it's not fully panned out. So if you have any suggestions or ideas in mind, please don't be afraid to share them.
If you are interested, feel free to message me with an introduction. I like getting to know who I'm writing with so OOC talk is much appreciated more than you know.
Thank you,
submitted by SurelySoundwave to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 wildchild42200 I (22F) think I’m in love with my boyfriend’s (24M) friend.

This is gonna be a long message I’m sorry. So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 years. He is my first real boyfriend and the only guy I slept with. We had a rough start in our relationship but for the last 3 years it’s been great. Even before I met him, I’ve struggled with mental health problems, severe depression episode and social anxiety and I think my boyfriend always tried his best to support me. We don’t make love as much as we used to, maybe it’s normal after 5 years and I was cool with it. I got off birth control shots like a year ago and my libido went up, with the birth control shot I had like zero libido. My boyfriend have struggle on his own, he’s very anxious and he was dealing with it with a lot of weed. He got a new job like 7 months ago and that’s where he met his new friend, let’s call him Dan. Dan have a girlfriend and she’s a sweetheart, I have a good relationship with her. I met them 5 months ago and at first I didn’t think much of Dan. Dan really helped my boyfriend to deal with his addiction, he have such a positive personality and have a way talking to people. After seeing him a few times, my anxiety came off and I started developing a crush on him. I love my boyfriend and I don’t want to feel these feelings, it’s scaring me. The more I see Dan, the more I’m in love and I feel bad for it… Dan and I have a looot in common, the same music and movie taste and when we talk, we agree on everything. Maybe in the end, it’s just a sexual thing? Maybe because my libido is higher than ever and that Dan is a attractive man to me? I don’t really know, all I know is I don’t want to feel it. I don’t want to break up with my boyfriend because I don’t want to let him down after all we’ve been through and I know that Dan really love his girlfriend and that he’s surely doesn’t feel anything for me. I don’t want to hurt her either in the long run. The last few months have been very rough, I relapsed into the suicidal thoughts and the feeling of emptiness. These feelings I felt for Dan made me feel alive. I feel like a jerk, really. I know the best thing I could do is to stay away from Dan as much as possible and I think that’s what I’m gonna do because if I act with my feelings, it’s gonna hurt somebody. it’s hard since my boyfriend and Dan are really close together and we spent most of our weekends with him and his girlfriend but I know it’s for the best.
I just needed to get this off my chest.
submitted by wildchild42200 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-L John Green - Disney Princess Existing in the First Underworld and Very Old There, so a Golf Ball Spewing Mastubatory Douche Free Miracle Giver?

  1. John Green is a photographable wizard and is jaytechs father and has some weird magic associated to doing golf ball magic with his mouth and anus which is not for real but him getting a water tattoo and he is a photographable wizard and the cave is apparent around him and he tried to justify this to see the 1st yitvah and did but we cannot take him out of the cave now, for reasons, and he shits 30 golf balls like being tazed out his ass and I Put Him On Stan Mueller's M1 Hold and We Call him Golf Balls and He Shits two more golf balls and this was as much magic he did and never shat and he is truly on M1 hold now for like i don't know something involving a prostitute and wizard meth and fratboygen and I have no interest ever even when looking at her masturbating at the fleecia who is good loam user at least and because I know fleecia's not Flecia but Fleecia Green Name she is a disney princess and Violet Roze Marian's Disney Princess and She knows some very erotic signs at the overworld is why she is keep advancing herself in the overworld and asks about My Little Syndey and City and other Sity and these are all the bitch slut of putin and cool and good and you aren't in any trouble just needed your anal beads pulled to reading this and did not pee yourself but that is your douche and hake sees your for private actual sex education about now his double special place who that finally gives Jacob the Sex Education he is supposed to have with you as her from the First Underworld not Anybody but Fleecia then can audit with me verbal as john green after you touch City as a grandma you are required to give reds on City who City is not really willing and pees on your mouth as a grandma for the reds and you don't laugh about it ever and This summons when you smoke meth in my evidence room 404 which I am typing this here you will form from john green in natural mitosis my jaytech who is wanted for his cod account there and then I send Fleecia home from being you and hit the hind98 and pray honestly for the first time to alex the lion to make the golf ball shitting normal shitting and put the cave still there reconciliation and not John and Fleecia or John as Nick or something and then she is better Fleecia at the First Underworld for she can generate her reds now to anal and nasal sex and I still never had sex with either sex ed teacher or had an erection. Then I can talk to john green. 1.1 I photograph john green with his son markus green and this fixes a lot of problems the nigger of the john was never always with his daddy and the lover of the hind and using the hind as a baby harry zhang was there targeting john with the heliflopter flops power terraflops of brain. Then, I photograph the sex ed teacher Fleecia which this is the valid fleecia I wanted for my Robo Scanner game and do not do DXM as a result by having fleecia as my only robo scan, I am a tech now and Jacob Tech and not all that dissatisfied with going to warren house for photographing fleecia as it was a hella route of passage to join the marines in 8th grade and serve in war games for 29 operation right one after the other cumming greatly to my little sydney inside me who Arya Svit-Kona is on way in a spotter scope in illegal brainfuck until the end of these 29 operation which happen rapidfire orgasm to Arya Svit-Kona which births the evil rapindra from audiobombs his elvish child and save the 29 combat dummy of hake who hake is abashed in the shower then and a daddy but was male for some reason despite wanting it in the ass hake is make and cannot take this and then they smoke amphetamine which this is not as good as meth but with enough vapor the breathyzer is filled of Jacob and Hake is Out of there, to the Second Underworld where Jacob is also there and they Hake and Jacob are in a baby gynecology contest of ageis alongside Schiwnn and Tim who did the same thing and schiwnn won and tim has some new bracelet today as usual in the 2nd Yitvah of the Third underworld, they get a freaky friday every one week now and karen is in cat shit one and there for a week and will be given her zyprexa IV in her right hand and it wasn't evil karen, it was insect trainer karen. So john gets to teach history now that the thing is fixed, and he is prophetic loam and gets it just right to give me orders on the course in my 1st yitvah personal 0th yitvah confirmment of not being trapped in the 0th yitvah forever, I summon Code Violet from Code Green which this is the only ever known patient who had their own Code Violet they got called themselves for vigalante rock and P256 and M4 justice and wears combat plates now as a result so the police install EOD juggernaut for the person and he survives the yitvah therein as invading troops for the second time he experiences it then john green has to give advice to the 0th yitvah, that was the 2nd yitvah interpretation and kortac summons us briefly to the First Underworld to talk to us as their sissys and we always audit clear there with I generally give implicature and Hake is my Left and Violet is My Right and I Have a Dental Limbic and I have no Sissy and No Daddy and A Wedge and 2 Balls in Me.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 idontknowbabyyoda Need some advice for job

Hi guys!
I’m writing this to find some job opportunities or some advice. By the way, I’m a student po, I spent my 3 years studying mathematics but shifted to computer science. Unfortunately po due to financial reason, I had to pause it po. For now, I need to get a job po to save for my school, I prefer computer related jobs po para magkaroon po ako ng experience sa computer industry but I’m willing to explore po sa iba if may open po. Thank you po in advance!
submitted by idontknowbabyyoda to PinoyProgrammer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:08 Intrepid-Leek6566 I need help figuring out how to price commissions

I need help figuring out how to price commissions
I have been getting questions about if I do commissions or if I am selling art and I have been avoiding it because I don't know how to price them honestly. Im worried I might go too cheap or to expensive. Let me know what you think an average price foe different paintings/drawings I do. I have full background paintings, half-way done paintings of people and portraits with blank backgrounds. A lot of these are of family members and vary greatly in style depending on how long I want to take on a project. For example the one of my dad in his chair took about 10 hrs, while the unfinished background of my bfs childhood picture with his bday hat took around 3-4 hrs
submitted by Intrepid-Leek6566 to Artadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:07 Griplokz310 LGS Showdown Base HP Argument!

Calm me down please!! Had a very strange experience today at our LGS Showdown. Was doing decently after my first 2 matchups with my Luke Green deck, and then during my 3rd matchup vs a Boba Blue player, we get down to (what ends up being) the final turn and he seemed to think he had lethal when I still counted 1 remaining hp on my base. I had been marking damage with dice, while he was scribbling down damage into a small half-open notebook. I didn’t have much issue with this initially but did think it was kind of odd, since everyone else had been marking and keeping track of their base hp more openly. Whatever, no worries.. right?
Of course it ends up coming down to the wire, and I have a great board presence including unit Luke (shielded with 2 exp after a beautiful Force is With Me the turn prior) and 2 other ground units. He had a Firespray that I just hit with a Vanquish, but he had his leader Boba in play.. he swings at my base thinking he dealt my final 4 hp, but I said I had 5 look at my dice! He tried to show me his notepad and how he kept track, and I saw a blatant mistake of counting 4 instead of 3 dmg off a Seventh Fleet Defender the turn prior. Also, he had scratched out 11 and marked it 9 base hp at one point a few turns earlier! I said “that mistake right there should nullify your argument! You should really be openly marking your base hp in some way” - dice, markers, an app, even writing it down is fine, but it was this semi-closed notebook with scribbled numbers that were barely legible. My fault for not keeping track of his hp myself, but I had never had an opponent do it this way.
The fact I had a discrepancy at the end plus his record contained “corrections,” just really bugged me and I spoke up defending my stance. When the judge was called over he was at a loss of words because both of us had our own recollections of what had occurred, yet when I pointed out the errors, the judge seemed to be understanding my point of view. The guy REFUSED to accept it, and instead of wasting more time and effort arguing, I simply conceded and proceeded to sideboard tf outta him and win the 2nd match but we had no time for a 3rd so took a double loss. Unfortunately did not make the top 8 after that..
What are your guys thoughts?? Am I crazy? Or is it common for people to write down base hp’s at official events? It left such a bad taste in my mouth.. to top it off the guy was really just no fun to play with and baaaarely audible when saying his moves.
submitted by Griplokz310 to starwarsunlimited [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:06 DirectionAmazing7787 My interpretation of Kalki 2898AD

My interpretation of Kalki 2898AD
I'll start of by saying that Bhairava (Prabhas) is a normal person fighting for their people's independence ina distopian world. Padma (Deepika) is wife or gf of Bhairava or yet to be wife and she work for the antagonist group but sooner or later she realises the things they do to people and decides to work with good guys being a spy on bad ones. Then she finds out a big mystery that could wipe out the entire Kali clan (bad guys). This mystery is like 7th sense(Surya movie) where they had to bring back Bodhidharma's genes/DNA back to protagonist and in the same way they start a project K to bring Kalki and choose Bhairava for this(maybe coz he's star align with kalki's or something idk why) and he becomes alter ego for Kalki then sensing the presence of Kalki, Ashwadhama rises up to join the war along side with Kalki
Sooo this is my interpretation comment what are ur thoughts
submitted by DirectionAmazing7787 to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:05 whiteoffice T430 mod struggle

T430 mod struggle
Hi everyone,
facing some issues with the following, would be really grateful for any advice:
1- After installing the 3632 CPU, right from the startup Windows 11 is laggy, freezes and shows odd green pixelated disruption on screen (see photo). This is prior to 1vyrain install and BIOS downgrade. The original CPU works fine.
2- Installed the classic keyboard, and saw there is a thorough tutorial to correctly flash and map the keys. But it seems to work only for Linux. Any Windows user found a way to make the keyboard work properly? The F buttons on the arrow for Rewind, Play, Forward seem really cool to have.
3- Where exactly does one remove the Wifi card whitelist limitation in BIOS? Could not find it and no specific instructions anywhere.
4- Bought a one of those DVD replacement bays, to contain an SSD, (Corsair MX500), but it is not detected in My Computer.
1 and 2 would be great to fix, 3 and 4 not crazy about it.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by whiteoffice to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:05 BigMackSpookDad Toner recommendations please (:

Toner recommendations please (:
Hi all, the first two pics are a few days after getting my hair done, second two pics are ~2 weeks after(today). (The lighting in my bathroom does give a bit of a yellow hue compared to natural light.)
I’d like to tone my hair at home in between my root touch-ups. (I use purple shampoo at least once a week, but it’s not enough imo. I wash my hair every 2-4 days, it feels like I’m washing the salon toner out way too fast.)
I want your toner brand recommendations & what shade/formula you think I need to achieve that cool vanilla beige color.
submitted by BigMackSpookDad to HairDye [link] [comments]