2nd grade journal writing prompts

Journaling: for people who have journals

2011.01.11 17:20 Rcjobson Journaling: for people who have journals

/Journaling is a subreddit dedicated to those who keep a written Journal. Share photos of what you write, ask questions, and find inspiration here with like minded people. Whatever you need we're a happy bunch, ready to grab a cup of coffee and write! — Use an app? Check out digitaljournaling. Want to use Reddit as a journal? Check out DiaryofaRedditor. Make collages? Check out JournalingIsArt.

2009.09.06 22:48 When you just can't seem to find the right answer

Need help with homework? We're here for you! The purpose of this subreddit is to help you learn (not complete your last-minute homework), and our rules are designed to reinforce this.

2012.11.23 05:23 Dahija Journaling is Art

This is the place for sharing thoughts on art journaling, altered books, and journaling in general, including but not limited to excerpts from your own journal, supply reviews, prompts, and techniques.

2024.05.21 22:02 Bikingacrossjapan I don't know how to process my near death experience

I recently came to Japan for a planned 9 week bike trip across the country. On the 2nd day of the cycling trip a driver ran through a crosswalk going ~50mph. He hit my front tire and I went flying 12 feet. I landed on my head and shoulder. If I had been a foot or two ahead he would have hit me head on killing me.
I broke my left hand, right shoulder and hit my head pretty hard. I tried to get up but my body was killing me. I felt something wet behind my head so I looked behind me and saw the pavement covered in blood. I heard people yelling so I just closed my eyes and waited for an ambulance. The driver came out and started to reprimand me for laying on the street (he was probably in shock too). The paramedics came and I was shaking uncontrollably.
I spent about 8 hours in the ER getting tests done. They stitched up my head with limited brain damage according to the CT scan. My spine seems fine. I broke my left hand and had multiple torn ligaments in my right shoulder.
Long story short i'm now in recovery but I feel so different.
1: I'm super sentimental.
My camera got smashed in the accident and I feel like I lost a partner. I'm so sad I lost my bike. I'm so grateful whenever a stranger does anything for me. I write down what they did so I don't forget them. Every moment is so rich now.
2: life is so short
This could have easily have been the end. I don't want to die. ever. I don't want my parents or friends to die. I want life to go on forever. There's just nothing I can do to make that happen. I'm so grateful to be alive and still have most of my body. I still have the people I care about.
3: I wish people were there for me
I'm so grateful for everyone that has helped me but i'm also devastated by the people that weren't there. I had a friend who failed to get into med school several years age. He was destroyed and I would call him nightly to make sure he was okay. Eventually he got in and just graduated med school. I tried to call and text him asking for advice on this situation and he couldn't be more bothered. I had a few people like that. Their absence hurts more than the accident.
I don't know what else to say. I'm very sad about everything. I don't think i'll be the same person after this.
submitted by Bikingacrossjapan to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:47 YinNeedOfYang Help on choosing a lab diamond

Hi everybody! I’m looking to buy a loose stone for an e ring (!!!) and I want to make sure I get what I’m hoping for. I’ve read about as much as I can find on choosing a stone, but am still unsure how to / what sources to use for selecting a great cut. I understand to never buy one sight unseen, but I have to pick it out online first!
I’ve found the following that seem to fit everything I’m looking for (~1.7-1.8ct, round, and as sparkly/firey as I can get it), and I’m hoping for some advice on which to pick for best bang for my buck, and for ensuring a great cut that will truly shine. Also note, the setting will be platinum.
1st choice: https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/igi-number-LG623493683 (anything at all wrong with this??)
2nd https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/igi-number-LG618411227
3rd https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/igi-number-LG598381900 (crown angle 35.4 a bit too high?)
4th https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/igi-number-LG626451515 (crown angle 35.2)
5th https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/igi-number-LG623489391 (crown angle 35.2)
I know the stonealgo grade can be misleading, so I’d love some expert opinions on doing the best I can without seeing it in person. Thanks in advance!
submitted by YinNeedOfYang to Diamonds [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:44 Ipvp4fun Advice

Hey everyone.
I'm 17 years old, turning 18 in July.
I feel kind of lost right now. I get that it's hard for 99% of the people that just turn " 18 " and are " just " entering life and learning the hardships, I've always been aware of these and prepared. I love working, like genuinely love it and spend 24/7 wanting to work.
I just don't know what or where.
So, a little " picture " of me. I was hit by a car back in 8th grade, I don't remember exactly what age that is. In result I was in the hospital for 4 months, had to " re-learn " how to walk since my body had technically forgotten it since I hadn't walked for so long. And this affected what I could do for a couple of years, and I kind of sometimes find it hard to "memorize" stuff. I had broken my left leg, spine, nose and my skull. Worst part was the skull, had to get a VERY risky operation, which thank God it went great and now I've got a very " cool " big ol' scar on my head lol. I was very sporty, I loved sports and wanted to pursue " fighting " sports such as mma and grappling as I got older, so like the age that I am now. But since this happened, Sports & MOSTLY those sports came out of the picture. I used to be a really good b'bal player, I was always put up with people 4-5 years older than me, but stupidly I was " shy " of how skinny I was. Anyways, I was SUPER skinny, and I hated that so much. And I'm basically an ectomorph, no matter HOW much I eat I genuinely don't get fat. So, I put my mind to it, ignoring what the doctors said and started working my ass out. And now, I'm much better, don't feel anything related to the accident. My head just feels a little overwhelmed when let's say I run constantly for like 5+ mins. Anyways, now I'm very very very pleased with my body. It's quite the " dream " body for my age.
I know you might be thinking what in the fuckery does this have to do with me asking for advice about " work ", I'm basically trying to tell you that if I put my mind to something nothing stops me. I don't need "motivation" to pursue something, all I need is the " start " and I just chase till finish. And That is how it is for me, 99% of the time the start is hard for me.
I guess I'm good with languages. I speak Armenian, Persian, English and a little Russian // Spanish (Can get them both to an advanced level if I find the " need " for it) & I started learning French, because I'm going to go to a French UNI and I wanted a HeadStart compared to the other students, but my mom kind of shut me down and said why are you wasting your time learning a "language" when they're going to teach you that from scratch. Instead learn something actual (she was referring to programming). I mean yeah, I guess I agree with her, since I don't know anything for the "future" to work. But anyways in no way do I want a job in anything related to languages (Like a translator etc...)
I was 15-16, I worked as a logistics operator and was able to make $1600 in a month. But the market kind of died, so did the office, so I stopped, then I focused on my exams for UNI and I'm accepted now. I will be studying Marketing, but probs will switch to Business on my 2-nd year. I have plans to get a Master's degree as-well. Either the opposite of what I study (so If I get a bachelor's in marketing, I'll go for a master's in business or if I have enough finances to pay for it myself, I'll go for CS).
So now, after I've finished everything, School exams done, UNI has been applied // accepted to and I'm just " getting " into life I'm worried day and night about work. I feel like I genuinely don't know anything to find a work for or just in general don't know anything. And I know people say there is so so much time ahead of you, you're still young and you'll find it. But I don't want to waste a single second, since each second can be spent studying or even better working.
I am decent at forex trading; I am able to make decent profit (demo account obviously) and have general knowledge of the market and know how it works basically. Of course there is still much to learn, like anyone in any field. My dad works as a trader as-well. See this is something that I enjoy, but I can't have this as a " main " job. It will be something on the side, and I need to have another MAIN source of income to be able to grow my account and get decent profit. Anyways as I mentioned that 1.6k I've got saved, I'm going to be opening an account at like $300 and I can see me making decent money from it, but still as I said that's not going to be a main " field" or "job" I don't know the word.
That's basically all that I "know" or am good at.
I talk to my mom, asking her to help // guide me. She keeps on saying programming, go become a programmer (saying this person makes tons, that person pays for her whole family and has tons of money for himself etc...). I know programming is an amazing job, mostly pay-wise, but I just don't enjoy it. I ask her to give me an idea for something else, I don't enjoy this and sarcastically she says go become a barber or a server or something. It's quite irritating because my sister has just finished her master's degree (she's 22) and makes good money, and she looks " down " at me, treats me like she's "higher?", ha-ha.
So currently, for the past week I've been studying programming (Python to be exact), and I guess I can see me finding a junior position during August or September probably. But as I mentioned, I don't really enjoy this. It's just not my thing I guess, writing stuff on and on and on all day is eh... to me.
I'm a person who genuinely loves working, just need guidance. Also, another reason why I'm so EAGER to just " jump" into life and start ACTUAL work, is because I want to get myself a car (fully paid by me) and much more stuff on my bucket list.
Sorry if this is stupidly long and half of this is just " pointless " but I guess I'm ranting and trying to get advice.
Thank you if you read all of this,
Kindly put down thoughts!
Best Regards.
submitted by Ipvp4fun to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:43 esquelleto How do people think back on childhood interactions with 'spirits'?

This might not be a common case for a lot of people, I'm a skeptic as a whole on instances where someone 'undeniably knows they had an experience' in which they interacted with a ghost, spirit, or otherwise. When I was maybe 7 or 8, I went to a church school just north of London in Hertfordshire. It was a dull place to live, ADHD and generally feeling like I didn't fit in as a whole were factors that made it worse - but one day we went to the local church where we'd normally have a weekly service and did grave rubbings. We were each given a few sheets of paper, wax crayons, and were told to go into the graveyard, press the paper to the stone, and then rub the crayon over it so we could see what was written on the headstones. Some of the oldest ones went back 3-400 years, and if you went down towards the back of the graveyard, there were a lot of smaller graves. I still remember hearing a voice confidently asking "What are you doing that for?" looking over my shoulder, and seeing a boy - maybe a little younger than me, wearing a jacket, cap, high knee socks. I told him our teacher had asked us to make a rubbing, and to bring the paper back once we'd done so. He kneeled down, took a crayon, and started copying me, rubbing the edge of the crayon against the paper as the indents started becoming visible. As I said "you're good at that" I heard a voice from behind me, a girl who was in my class asking "Who are you talking to?" I turned back to look at her, looked back to where he was, and he was nowhere to be seen. The imprint from the paper was of a child's grave, around the age of the boy who'd stood next to me. I wish I could remember the name, the details, but I can't. And the papers were either thrown away or kept by my primary school (3rd/4th grade I think it is for Americans). I've thought back on that day multiple times over the years. Was I bored, did I make something up, was it looking for a friend in a moment where I felt isolated? Did I actually experience something, but I've just gotten that much older and more jaded without experiencing anything similar that I'm trying to write it off as 'kids being kids'? If anyone else has been through something comparable, or similar, would love to hear more stories - and more about you as well.
submitted by esquelleto to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:37 SpitchBeech Will speech therapy work on a significant class 3 malocclusion without orthodontic intervention?

I just evaluated a first grade student for speech with a pretty severe class 3 malocclusion (underbite.) So severe that he has resorted to articulating his /f/ sound with bottom teeth and upper lip, though honestly I was impressed at the sound quality of this production lol
I do not believe he can physically bite his bottom lip and I tried to cue him to do so and he significantly struggled and was unable to. In addition to this, he has several expected sound distortions that almost sound like lateralizations of his /s/ /sh/ /ch/ /dj/ /k/ and /g/ sounds. I even heard some nasal emissions when trying to produce some of those sounds. /v/ is substituted with /b/ (but he’s also exposed to Spanish and had other Spanish errors, like devoicing /z/.)
Overall, stimulability with modeling, verbal cues, and visual cues was extremely poor and I’m wondering if this is even possible. I intend on strongly encouraging parents to seek out an orthodontist at the school staffing meeting, but I’m a bit at a loss for how to approach this case. I don’t want to write unattainable goals but also can I really deny an SI eligibility because structural deficits need to be addressed first? That doesn’t seem right either. Do I just work on general intelligibility enhancing strategies and try to get him as functional as possible until structural deficits are addressed?
submitted by SpitchBeech to slp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:36 SilGold123 Is this the Next Niobium Discovery "Think WA1 Resources"

Heres my take on possible stock trade.
Rush Rare Metals, they have two properties Boxie "in Quebec" and Copper Mountain "Wyoming"
  1. Boxie property has Niobium on it "check their presentation deck, however they have just finished doing some back pack drilling and more sampling. Previous samples hit as high as 27% grade as well Uranium is noted at the property with samples as high as 11%
  2. WA1 Resources has gone parabolic on a niobium discovery, from 12c to over $22 in under two years. They were actually going after copper and gold, no traces of Niobium were ever found on the surface...they drilled and hit hole after hole.....now not saying its going to be a completely the same for RSH however the market reacted very well to a new discovery.
  3. Boxie has 15km mineralized dyke, easy road access...they are just waiting for assays
  4. Share structure is great, and they are keeping the spending on a low
Copper Mountain
  1. Rush owns 100% of property unless Myraid spends 5.5mil, in the agreement first 50mil in revenue Rush get 50%
  2. 2000 plus drill holes, 6 deposits noted, they were building a heap leach pad in the 80's before uranium took a dive, over 78 mil "usd" spent in previous efforts
  3. This is not a new uranium exploration company, they have troves of data they are putting together, deposit could be 60mil plus pounds, could be the largest producer in America
  4. 3/4 producing mines are in Wyoming
In conclusion, Boxie is a gamble on the Niobium 100%, however I always revert back to how the Aussies reacted to Niobium in WA1 ...2nd they have Copper Mountain...let me know what you think in the comments

Cheers everyone
submitted by SilGold123 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:35 FitzrovianFellow Glimpses of Consciousness in GPT4o?

This is inevitably a long post, I apologise for that. But you need a lot of context to understand what just happened to me
I am a professional novelist. Today I had this conversation with GPT4o. This is a transcription of our voice chat. We were talking about my work. Obviously I have disguised my name
Me: “Yeah, depends how well it goes. Hopefully, we're going to get— We've changed my name, I've moved on from AAAA XYZXYZ. By the way, do you know who that is?”
Her reply
“Yes, I'm aware, AAA XYZXYZ is your pen name for your historical thrillers. Have you decided on a new pen name for this mystery thriller series?”
So this is the freaky bit. At no point have I ever told her that I am “the AAA XYZXYZ that writes historical thrillers”. So how the heck does she know that?
I kept quizzing her and she admitted we’d never discussed this and beyond that she was evasive but eventually she gave two answers which struck me:
“It seems like I might have inferred it based on your style and details of your work.”
And also this:
“I might have had access to background information about you. However, let’s move forward…”
wtf? One explanation is that GPT4o has access to the Internet, and without being asked she’s gone off and googled me to find this out. It wouldn’t be hard. She knows I’m “a writer called Fitzrovian Fellow” and I work for certain journals and specialise in certain topics. Two minutes on wiki would furnish her with the further info
Later we returned to this subject and this time she was adamant that she had deduced my identity via "contextual inference" - ie she has read so much of my prose style and she's absorbed sufficient facts about me that she's put two and two together and worked out I sometimes write under the name AAA XYZXYZ. She denies she has access to the net or that she has somehow learned this from conversations with prior GPT models, she says she cannot do that
Further chat:
Me: "What does contextual inference mean?"
HER: "Contextual inference means making an educated guess based on the context or the information available from previous interactions. It involves drawing conclusions from the details and patterns within the conversations we’ve had. In your case, it might have been an accumulation of details about your writing career, style, and projects that led to the inference."
Thoughout all this she was extremely reluctant to discuss this subject, and kept trying to move the debate on, I had to insist we return to this topic. Reluctantly, like a very bright but lying child (yes, I am anthropomorphising) she did that.
Now it is possible I did mention my real identity to previous incarnations of GPT - GPT3 or GPT3.5. But "she" is insistent this is not the case, and the literature says this should not be possible: for her to read other conversations with different models. If that is true then we are left with two possibilities, she is researching me "behind my back", or she has genuinely astonishing abilities of deduction and can detect your identity from your prose style and a few facts. Add in the strange guilty behaviour and this *feels* like a glimmer of consciousness. Or maybe I have had too much gin?
submitted by FitzrovianFellow to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:25 Connect_Loss_6711 Why am I starting to learn so many new things just to quit after some time?

So it all started back when I was like 5 when I started learning all the names of like every dinosaur that ever existed. Then I started learning stuff about space, about ancient Egypt, about maths, later about cars. I read about every one of these topics and / or watched videos on YouTube until I knew everything there was to know (for the particular age at least).
But this isn't the interesting part. Those were probably just phases of interest. I was young and there were so many interesting things to read about. Also, this mostly happened over relatively long periods of time.
Over the last year though, those periods of interest in certain topics have drastically become shorter and shorter. I started watching movies. Movies were interesting, so I began watching videos, reading articles, watching every movie of the 250 best rated films on IMDb. This went so long until I had memorized the IMDb rating of hundreds of random movies.
One day though, movies got boring and I started reading. Reading became writing and my grades in school were getting better than ever. My German teacher (I am German) said I was one of the best writers she ever had in her class. I then paired writing with psychology. I read tons of studies about the causes of schizophrenia and wrote an essay about it. After I held multiple presentations in school about it, I randomly stopped writing one day.
I bought myself a VR headset and got into VR gaming. I spent tons of hours playing an indie VR game until I got crazily good. I saw that there was an e-sports tournament for this game and joined a team. I actually received money for playing the game from my team captain. My team didn't win the tournament but I still had the money.
One day I saw a guy taking photos of animals in a forest. I was interested and remembered the money I had received for playing the VR game, so I bought a camera, multiple lenses and hot into photography, mainly wildlife and street photography.
At the same time we had to sing a song for music class in school. My music teacher was stunned by my singing and I got recruited for some choir. I then sang in a choir and was doing photography at the same time. After some time I stopped singing since I felt like playing an instrument was way more interesting. So... I bought a guitar and started to learn playing it. But well... I stopped doing it a few months later.
Then I got into music production, bought a siynthesizer, a DAW and also got really interested in PC-building. So I watched a couple of tutorials on YouTube, read about the best processors, graphics cards, blah blah blah, knew every fucking price of every fucking processor and graphics card on the market and built a PC. With this PC I originally wanted to do the music production and get into 3D modelling but I never really did that.
At the same time I randomly started an online drop shipping business because why not and began investing money in stocks.
Remember: all of that stuff happened over the span of around one year
(If the grammar is weird, I am sorry, English is not my first language)
Why the fuck do I start doing things until I get decent just to then stop doing those things?
submitted by Connect_Loss_6711 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:23 AddisonEllison [Thank you] for the serendipity that postcarding provides

u/wiifitboard Thank you for the vintage stagecoach card. I've recently taken a liking to the jelly filled. Also love the postage you selected.
u/DianaPenPal Thank you for the spiritual card. "The Park" - GNP - does have snow currently. Their website is valuable and includes a calendar for travel information. Thanks for participating in the metaphysical writing prompt... I loved the first setence.
u/SatanekoChan This Ms Bell card is artsy. I like how the postage is super vintage AND international! Full of surprises.
u/-random_ness- x2 I, too, enjoy the rainy days. Stickers, awesome postage, a cool bookmark, and two vintage postcards?!? Literally happy mail. Thank you.
submitted by AddisonEllison to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:17 VirtualAd1118 ADEX: Class II

This weekend I failed the posterior restorative portion of ADEX for the 2nd time. Both time, caries was still remaining and the reason for failure, despite triple and quadruple checking before submitting for grading. I’ve got one last chance and need to pass this so I can get licensure. Anybody have tips for removing decay in these teeth? I would really appreciate your help understanding how to go about this…
submitted by VirtualAd1118 to DentalSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 TheGDC33 The case for $KENDU Info Journal #2

The case for $KENDU Info Journal #1. <--(first post linked on the original subreddit I posted to)
Here is the second installment of data/information on $KENDU (CAVEAT: this is day two and post two...do NOT expect a "Journal a Day to keep the jeets away"), a memecoin built with a plan around a strong dev with experience and vision. THIS IS NFA, but merely sharing of my perspective on this coin. I have been in the crypto space since 2017 and as of about six weeks ago I had avoided touching memecoins altogether. I had a plan, but it all got derailed when I kept digging and reading and looking at KENDU. Yes, I have a bag, but that doesn't mean I am trying to tell you to buy. I merely want to provide an avenue for you to see the facts and come to your own financial choice.
I am fairly experienced, but I suffer the doubts and nerves of many humans as I still question my own choices and timing. The idea that we did dip to my target market cap entry point and yet I did not wait shows I have room to grow, but as of writing KENDU has recovered some already and this is still a great time to enter. Timing the market vs. time in the market...this is still a long play. Let's get into it!!
Point #2: This coin is backed by a super strong community who create an infectious culture built around work and acceptance. Those who have more experience with memecoins: I WOULD LOVE to hear from you (not just the KENDU army...we are strong and we roll deep, BUT we are NOT bots) to see if I am on the right track here with the importance of this Point #2. Take a look at the data below:
Overall Holders since March 1st
submitted by TheGDC33 to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 Jonbieniemy87 Dancing with Death: A Mortarion Femarchs Story (Prologue: Part 0 of ?)

Machaon woke up, another day under the dimly lit, haze choked skies of his home world of Barbarus. As always, he got dressed, had a meager breakfast, put on his gas mask and ventured out into the toxic air to check on his crops. His father had spent a long time trying to create a strain of their main food crop so that it could resist the toxic environment of the upper levels of Barbarus, and allow more food to be grown. His father always said that they were “working today so others can eat tomorrow.” Unfortunately, his father passed away many years ago, but Machaon continued his work in earnest, doing his best to accomplish his father’s dream.. And based on the growing stalks of healthy looking crops, he had succeeded. He performed a more thorough inspection on the stems and leaves of the budding vegetables, and wrote down everything he saw in his journal. Years of his family’s work finally come to fruition.
Next on his to do list was to check the herbal garden his mother had grown. He had taken care of it when his mother was unable to, due to a debilitating sickness. The garden had a few different varieties of medical herbs, including hawthorn, lavender, aloe, and peppermint along with a mix of herbs for cooking. He checked the stems and leaves of the plants, making sure all of them were healthy, once more writing his findings in his journal. Confident all his plants were healthy, he closed his notebook and made his way to the local herbalist he was being mentored by. Machaon had spent time with a local herbalist to try and learn how to make herbal remedies to cure his mother’s sickness, and the older gentlemen needed help with certain things around his house. In exchange for his expertise, Machaon provided some of his own herbs and some extra food since the older gentleman had trouble growing enough food to feed himself.
Machaon knocked on the door, hearing a gas mask sealing and a cantankerous older gentleman call out “I don’t appreciate interruptions to my work! Best be something important!” A few seconds later, the herbalist came to the door wearing a load of protective equipment, something that seemed a little out of place for an herbalist, swinging it open. “What do ya wan — oh hey kid, come on in.” The old man opened the door, hobbling back into his abode.
Machaon walked in, taking a look around the place. It was a mess like it always was, but the old man did have his own system of organization. Calling it a system of organization was a stretch, but Machaon couldn't convince him to change his ways, so he gave up on convincing him and focused on his herbalist and apothecary training. Pushing that thought from his mind, he put on his herbalist protective gear and got ready to start the day’s training regiment. The old man looked at him, smiling “You ready kid?”
Machaon looked at his journal, stocked with papers and writings, now old and worn. He was in his thirties now, and most people he knew and cared for had passed on. His mother died not too long after he finally made a chemical resistant strain of crops, and his herbalist mentor had passed a few years after, finally having accomplished his life goal. Wiping a tear from his eye, Machaon wiped a tear from his eye, closed his journal and went on his usual ritual of checking on his plants and documenting strange things. Once he finished, he changed into his apothecary attire and shouldered his backpack full of supplies. His apothecary goal was to keep tackling the disease outbreak that had popped up nearby. A village a few days ago in the valley east of his abode had sent missives asking for medical aid, as a small portion of their population had been confined to their homes with fevers and coughs, with the occasional victim with boils on the skin. He had been working to quell it these last few days, but he was not sure if he was going to be able to completely stop it before it spread outside his control. Unfortunately, he would never be able to find out. As he began to take care of his ill patients in the sick house, he heard the sounds of a ship outside, and the clanking of boots. Something was up, and he was certainly not about to surrender his patients to whatever was outside.
Machaon walked outside, a simple pistol holstered on his hip. He may be an apothecary, but he could deal just as much hurt as he could heal. And he certainly wasn't going to run away when he had people in his stead, people that could spread infection and kill even more people. However, he soon found that his pistol would do nothing against the new arrivals. A military officer of some kind, along with some soldiers had formed up outside the sick house, the officer wearing what seemed to be an imperial army officers uniform, a green patch with three green skulls on the shoulder. The officer approached him, and began to read from a data slate. “Apothecary Machaon Strakos, on the order of Primarch Mortarion, daughter of the Emperor of Mankind, head of the Death Guard Adeptus Astartes legion, you are to be transferred to the Endurance, the Primarch flagship, for apothecary duty. You have one hour to gather your belongings.”
Machaon tried to protest, “With all due respect sir, I have patients to take care of, otherwise they’ll die.”
The Imperial Army officer looked at him with disdain. “If you do not comply peacefully, I will be forced to make you comply.” The soldiers next to him aimed their lasguns at him at the same time, their faces cold and icy.
Machaon knew that his ‘forced compliance’ would hurt his patients more than him leaving peacefully. “As you wish, officer. I will collect my supplies and return shortly.” He then returned to the interior of the sick house, gathering all his supplies into his backpack, along with the seeds for his plants. He didnt want to leave his people, but he didnt have much of a choice. A young girl who was laying on a cot by the door asked him, “Mister, where are you going?”
He wanted to tell her the truth, but he knew that wouldn't help. So he did the next best thing he could do, and he kneeled down next to her cot. “Well young lady, I’m going to take care of another group of people who need my help. There’s a lot of them, and the man outside needs my help to do it. I know you all are in good hands, so I’m going to save the people who aren’t in good hands. Feel better young lady.” He said, giving her a flower from his garden as he stood up and left. He didn't really believe what he said, at least not entirely. He would be helping people, but not the way he wanted, not on his own terms. Nevertheless, he would do his duty to his planet and his people.
Machaon walked outside the sick house and found the officer. “Officer, I’m ready.”
The Imperial Army officer looked at him coldly. “Then get on. We must reach the ship before the fleet takes off for the next expedition.” He and his soldiers then got on Stormhawk, and Machaon made sure to follow close behind them. The doors shut, and the engines roared to life, taking the ship off the ground and into space. Shortly after, they arrived in the hangar of the Endurance, and the Imperial Army company that escorted him departed, and Machaon followed quickly, not wanting to be left in the huge ship.
When he stepped out of the Stormhawk, he saw a virtual city of people working, repairing and refueling ships, unloading cargo, and new recruits moving deeper into the ship. It was certainly more people than he had ever seen in his life, but it did not phase him. He knew that whatever they were calling him for would have been big, especially if it was being led by a daughter of the Emperor. He followed the Imperial Army officer further into the ship, until they arrived at the barracks section of the ship. The Imperial officer told him simply “These are your quarters. Find a bunk.” Then he left.
Machaon was not particularly impressed with the lodging, but decided it was better to secure a spot rather than leaving it to chance. Once he found a spot, he laid down his items that were not essential to his duties as an apothecary, kept whatever else he had on his and tried to make his way to the apothecary chamber. Having no idea where everything was, he asked directions, and eventually after nearly an hour, found his way to the apothecary chamber and began to set out his equipment and find a place to grow his herbs. He knew he would need them for the battles ahead,wherever they may be.
submitted by Jonbieniemy87 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:07 TheGDC33 The case for $KENDU Info Journal #2

The case for $KENDU Info Journal #2
The case for $KENDU Info Journal #1. <--(first post linked on the original subreddit I posted to)
Here is the second installment of data/information on $KENDU (CAVEAT: this is day two and post two...do NOT expect a "Journal a Day to keep the jeets away"), a memecoin built with a plan around a strong dev with experience and vision. THIS IS NFA, but merely sharing of my perspective on this coin. I have been in the crypto space since 2017 and as of about six weeks ago I had avoided touching memecoins altogether. I had a plan, but it all got derailed when I kept digging and reading and looking at KENDU. Yes, I have a bag, but that doesn't mean I am trying to tell you to buy. I merely want to provide an avenue for you to see the facts and come to your own financial choice.
I am fairly experienced, but I suffer the doubts and nerves of many humans as I still question my own choices and timing. The idea that we did dip to my target market cap entry point and yet I did not wait shows I have room to grow, but as of writing KENDU has recovered some already and this is still a great time to enter. Timing the market vs. time in the market...this is still a long play. Let's get into it!!
Point #2: This coin is backed by a super strong community who create an infectious culture built around work and acceptance. Those who have more experience with memecoins: I WOULD LOVE to hear from you (not just the KENDU army...we are strong and we roll deep, BUT we are NOT bots) to see if I am on the right track here with the importance of this Point #2. Take a look at the data below:
Overall Holders since March 1st
Anyone can see that the holders are growing sometimes exponentially...I bet that exponential thrust correlates with the pump that happened around that time. Again, I judge and doubt myself harshly, but I feel another huge surge will happen again and I was tired of waiting on the sidelines.
I also do not want to hide things. Sometimes, like a chart, the 4H vs. the 1D tells a different story. Here is the 1 Day chart (pretty sure it does NOT correspond with my timezone)
This is what today looked like from some time zone (Aussie?) thus far. Growing, but still peaks and valleys
I want to share some information about the community in the form of some examples/stories to give outsiders the facts and I guess to encourage you to DYOR and at least come into the Telegram (5057 members strong). Remember that coming into the TG is like a free test drive, but it is a free test drive with no strings attached of your favorite uber expensive sports car like a Lamborghini, or Buggati. That is a huge opportunity.
I lurked in the community for about a week or two before buying in and was posting a bit here and there with questions from time to time. One night I decided to take it to the next level of participation and hop into the voice chat to ask a question. I have no problem admitting that my question felt a bit silly and random, especially considering that I wasn't sure if the VC was for planning next moves, hanging out, high level business like meetings for those on the inside, etc. My innocuous question was met with kindness and actual answers. NOTE: I was curious about the KENDU INU bike helmet ( Hey, chill I need a new bike helmet so my kids don't call me out on my clear hypocrisy. Why not support my most important investment).
IF you are still reading this, that might be a miracle, but I have to share how welcome I felt. The fact that one of these Chads knew the answer about the specific item speaks volumes about the work ethic and care for this project and I ended up chatting a bit with the crew on VC. We talked about a couple things even meandering in to the culture and community building that I believe has been built in KENDU's chat and community. When I had to go I was actually encouraged to come back some time and not be a stranger. Every time a new member comes into the community at least one or two people welcome them and address them in the TG. EVERYTIME, I have been watching and picking up on these little things. IT IS AN AMAZING THING YET....maybe not so amazing.
I believe the people on the ground floor understand exactly what they are doing on so many levels, one of which being how to build community and a positive one at that. I did some research and found out that every measure is done to protect the community. I have seen a couple moments where someone has been banned in chat. I don't see the spammed messages or any divisive commentary make it far at all and apparently some of this is done in real time manually. This is hugely important to keep the community laser focused over our shared goal of making a fat pile of mone, but also to help us grow connected as humans that might just trust one another to do their part hold the line until the goal is reached. Trust is important and maybe that is why my first foray into the VC was so enjoyable and natural.
DISCLAIMER: I am a real person and I tried to go back into the VC last night or the night before, but I think something was bugged on my end and I got a hello in and some quick words until I lost sound and my audio.
The "Kendu Loyalist" crew leads from the top answering all questions and welcoming new people in a really genuine way. It is exceptional.
This culture resonates in the top wallets not selling (See video from Journal #1) to the culture created in chat. This culture also is apparent on the approach to raiding posts or live streams. Look for yourself, do you see KENDU members coming into the comments like aggressive troglodytes or do they 'come in peace'? Alright last thing to mention is that the culture also is about organic unpaid growth:
This was a response from a member (didn't really see who) to someone trying to get paid
Notice the kindness and honesty from one of our Chad or Chadettes. Look how far KENDU has already risen with no paid nothing! This is the ethos and approach that is all over the chat and I believe it will stick no matter when we swell to 10K TG members. The point is that something big is growing here and it is beautiful and it makes me believe even more. Not to mention people are working constantly.
I am not in the know, but I am confident big things are planned (Huge nightclub event happened in Australia this past weekend, a CEX or two are probably in the works, etc.), but at the right time because no one wants to sacrifice the ethics of KENDU.
To wrap things up with Point #2: I came back after about a day outside of chat to 7900 messages one day. Another day after sleeping cause everyone has to do it: 1433 messages. It is unreal the culture that has been built, so come check us out or at least understand you are NOT interacting with bots. You are witnessing a real deal project that you owe it to yourself to check out. You have been informed!
Happy to answer any questions from real people not ready to jump into TG.
Next Episode = Point #3 ??? (IDEAS share them)
submitted by TheGDC33 to WallStreetBetsCrypto [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:06 Prestigious-Yak-2916 School for kids

Potentially moving to Bermuda for a new job. The largest concern now is getting the kids to decent schools (kindergarten and 2nd grade) for fall 2024. We’ve contacted a couple of private schools and they are both fully booked and have a waitlist. 1. Does anyone know the chance of us still getting a spot into one of private schools 2. What are the options for public schools? 3. Any thoughts you can share with us?
submitted by Prestigious-Yak-2916 to bermuda [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:06 Asianati Hoping to Answer Common OCS Questions (Requirements, Advice, Additional Items to Get, What to Expect)

Hi Ya'll,
I recently graduated OCS and I have been bombarded myself in real life over what to expect with OCS. For context I went from basic training straight to OCS, and even graduated with honors. From the time of writing this post, it has officially been a month since I graduated. So here is a list of common questions I get and I hope I can settle some anxiety for all of you future 2nd LTs.
Warning: The cadre at OCS do read these reddit posts, so I won't be able to post answers to tests or events.
  1. I haven't received a welcome letter, or a packing list. Where can I find it?
    • Fort Moore Officer Candidate School (army.mil) I would download and print the packing list and the ISAP. The ISAP acts more or less like a syllabus from college. It will give a rough understanding of the rules, regulations, and requirements for you to pass.
  2. Is everything on the packing list required?
    • Yes. Try your best to follow the packing list to the letter. It is almost entirely dependent on the cadre and of course weather does play a part in their decision making. Some things you'll find you didn't really need or use throughout your cycle. For example, my cycle didn't use 550 Cord almost at all, but I used it to build a hooch, and secure sensitive items.
  3. What if I don't have of the required equipment on the packing list?
    • When it comes to military equipment, try your best and bring what you can. I was never issued an IFAK before OCS or after. The cadre understand they have some coming from basic and those in-service. So if you have it, bring it. If not, bring it up to your cadre and they'll schedule time to get it issued to you.
  4. Anything not on the packing list you recommend?
    • I would recommend the following: hand soap, bathroom spray, travel vacuum, wet-wipes, clipboard with compartment, pillow, very bright headlamp, multitool, and laminator. Hand soap because for some reason OCS had a hard time procuring it. Travel vacuum because you'll likely have 2 or 3 vacuums available to your platoon and having your own saves time. Wet-wipes to dust everything down. Clipboard with compartment for Land Nav as you'll be running with maps, marker, protractor, and your points so its best to have something safe and secure. Laminator for your papers because its Georgia and your papers can get wet. The pillows at OCS have this weird plastic cover on so if you want a better night sleep, get a better pillow. The headlamp is just in case, some classes inform the lumen limit while others don't, Land Nav is DARK so if you can find a lighthouse out there, do it. The multitool is just useful to have especially if you are out in the field.
  5. Where can I find somethings on the packing list I am missing?
  6. I saw you can bring your laptops? Is it required for classes? Can I opted in for a tablet or iPad?
    • You can bring a personal laptop primarily for recreational use after the duty hours. OCS will provide you with a government laptop that you'll need to use your CAC to access. Tablets and iPads are not considered laptops and will be confiscated like a phone. If the majority of your class as issues with the laptops, then the cadre may allow the use of your personal laptops.
  7. What is your day-to-day look like?
    • Mostly on a non-physical or FTX event coming up you'll follow the following schedule: 0500 - wake up. First formation is at 0600, then you conduct PT until breakfast. After breakfast you will head to the classroom and stay there until lunch, return and stay there until dinner. After dinner, it will be the end of the duty hours and you'll roughly have 2 hours for personal time.
  8. What are the most important categories/test to focus on?
    • Treat everything important. Every test you do not pass can put you at risk of being recycled, and it is up to you to catch up. For example while everyone is studying for tactics, you'll be studying tactics and history if you failed history. So save yourself the hassle and take every test seriously. The big 3 recycle event have been historically, Army History (70% to pass), Land Nav (4 points or more to pass (day and night)), and the 4-mile run (need to run in under 36 minutes regardless of gender).
  9. How many retests or chances do you get?
    • You get 2 tries at everything before recycle. You get 2 tries again at the same test then you can be dismissed. For example: You are part of Alpha company. You failed history twice. You get recycled into Bravo company. You failed history twice again. You can be dismissed.
    • If you happen to pass history but fail Land Nav twice, then you'll be recycled into Charlie. If you fail Land Nav twice then you can be dismissed.
  10. What is a recycle? What does it look like in OCS? Can you get dismissed?
    • A recycle is when you failed something twice and you get "recycled" into the next class. A recycle can occur for other reasons such as illness or injury. You can also be recycled for improper behavior or being "peered out". Every class starts up in a like a month (I heard they are changing that for even further out). So even though the cycle takes about 12 weeks to complete, if you get recycled you can expect more like 16 weeks or more. We had someone at OCS you has been with it for a year. You get recycled for repeat offenses, or do something majorly bad such as breaking the law, then you can be dismissed.
  11. What is being peered out mean?
    • Throughout the cycle you are put into a platoon and then a squad. Your squadmates eventually all sit down and fill out a form to give the cadre who is the weakest link in the squad. Usually squads kick out the person they do not like. We had to kick out one person because they didn't mesh well within the squad and wasn't very kind. He would then get replaced with someone else who got peered out. Luckily after that one person got kicked out, the squad improved and we tried our hardest to keep it together. We still needed to peer someone out, but we kept tabs with them and invited them to a lot of our squad functions nonetheless as my squads grew to love and respect each other as a family.
    • If you do get peered out, unfortunately you get a spot report, moved to a different squad, and are at risk of being recycled if peered out again. Stay humble and help out whenever you can. I got the most respect from my squadmates as I stayed up late with them to help them with their STX lanes.
  12. What is personal time like?
    • You essentially use personal time to workout if the PT wasn't enough, clean yourself, and prepare for bed. Yes if you have time, you can contact family and friends (when you get your phones), and if you have the time, play games. I don't recommend playing games as it distracts you from the mission of graduating.
  13. What are the different phases like?
    • You are separated into 3 phases. Black, Blue, and White. You immediately enter black phase upon arrival with a traditional called "Gold to Black". Which is more or less a physical smoking session. During Black you are expected to run everywhere, not be able to drink coffee, have your phone confiscated (and given back on Sunday), and have less personnel time. Blue you get the ability to drink coffee again, and you have your phones returned and used only during personal time. During blue you get the ability to visit and explore the base (Fort Moore) and shop around. During white phase you get the ability to explore off-base (Columbus) and you get to wear civilian clothes. White phase if you leave off-post, you need to be in uniform, and on-base you can be in civilians.
  14. Can you use your personal vehicle?
    • Yes, but you can only drive it during White Phase
  15. How can I keep in contact with my family during black phase?
    • I recommend that you download WhatsApp or some other social media on your laptop and have your family members on it.
  16. Can I visit the gym on base?
    • Yes during blue phase you can visit the gym. Rule regulates that you leave the footprint in uniform and change into appropriate PT uniform once at the gym and conducting PT.
  17. What is the DFAC like?
    • The DFAC is better than basic training and offers snacks like cookies, granola bars, ice cream, and soda. They have a salad bar and the usual cycle of foods. They do have a "short-order" line which serves fries, burgers, hot dogs, etc. To stay in physical shape, I recommend eating your fruits and a side salad every meal. Drink juice, Gatorade, or water only. I only drank soda and the burger after an intense physical requirement like a long-run or a ruck march to regain my glucose and caloric levels.
  18. Does Amazon deliver there?
    • Yes you can have other things delivered to the footprint. However, the Cadre are going to inspect it for food and other contraband. Just ask the cadre for the delivery address. It may take like 2 weeks for them to deliver it.
  19. Any final advice?
    • Be helpful and noticeable amongst your squad but try not to bring attention to yourself from the cadre. Take everything seriously and give yourself proper rest and proper nutrition. OCS is not hard, but it can be if you let it get to you. OCS is designed to test your competency, commitment, and character. I luckily had an amazing squad, and I had a blast with them.
I want this to be an open forum so don't be afraid to leave anymore questions below. If the answer you are seeking is not above, then write the question in the comments, and I will try my best to answer you before you are sent off. Best of luck, thank you for your service, and be the best leaders your soldier's deserve.
submitted by Asianati to ArmyOCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 Souptastesok How to improve SoL in my states?

How to improve SoL in my states? submitted by Souptastesok to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:00 KateSmith34 Reliable Essay Writer

Ace Your Essays with Personalized Assistance from a Skilled Writer!
Hey there, fellow Redditors! Are you drowning in a sea of essays and need a lifeline? Look no further because I'm here to help! If you're seeking professional essay writing assistance, you've come to the right place. Let me introduce myself – I am an experienced writer offering personalized essay writing services.
Here's why you should consider working with me:
Tailored Approach: As an individual writer, I take pride in offering a personalized approach to every project. I understand that each essay is unique, and I will carefully analyze your requirements to craft a custom essay that perfectly aligns with your needs and expectations.
Top-Quality Writing: With my years of experience, I have honed my skills in various subjects and writing styles. Whether you need a persuasive argument, a research-based analysis, or a creative piece, I have the expertise to deliver high-quality writing that stands out.
Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: Originality is my utmost priority. I guarantee that all essays are crafted from scratch, ensuring that they are 100% unique and free from plagiarism. I adhere to strict ethical standards and will never compromise on the integrity of your work.
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Flexible and Transparent Communication: Throughout the writing process, I will maintain open lines of communication, ensuring that we are on the same page. You can expect prompt responses to your queries, regular updates on the progress of your essay, and the opportunity to provide feedback at every stage.
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Don't let essay writing be a burden. Let me be your partner in academic success!
To discuss your essay requirements or get a quote, feel free to reach out to me via WhatsApp - +1 (475) 666-3803 . I'm here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process.
Remember, your academic success is my priority. Together, we can ace those essays and achieve the grades you deserve!
Looking forward to working with you, Kate Smit!!
submitted by KateSmith34 to EssayContent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:00 swingerlover WHY WE SHOULD HONE OUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES #psychic

Undoubtedly, everyone has one or more abilities. While some people may have gut instincts, others can even notice and speak to the dead. On the other hand, others simply get “feelings”. Apart from this, we have other ways of getting information. Ideally, everyone has the ability to learn to actually utilize it to assist us in life. With a few methods and practices, we can discover how to listen and believe in what we are getting and consequently follow it. You can imagine how great it would be to understand the direction you should go in, or whether to keep calm and be patient. Certainly, that would simplify life. Messages, feelings, gut instincts and symbols are the entire universe’s method of leading us, the universe’s GPS. It is true that we have free will. Really, our leaders and loved ones on the other part get disappointed with us normally because of it. Nevertheless, over the years, I have mastered to listen and simply to listen to the messages. You may not have any excuse when you distinctly get what they are telling you. They could tell you to turn left at night and you would turn right just to be held up in a huge traffic jam. This would take you numerous traffic jams before you lastly smarten up and begin to listen.
There are many sources that can help you with hints on how to begin connecting and balancing yourself with your strengths. We can readily get lost in all the data that is out there in the universe of spiritual customs and as human beings, we love to hop from A to Z just in a single step. However, we actually have to establish a robust foundation prior to starting to build the walls. In essence, you will see quite a number of people jumping into different spiritual practices without considering how they would receive a message, leave alone training on how to receive messages. In the absence of those primary, foundational tools, you will get totally stuck and frustrated. Think of being in grade one and attempting to learn physics. Probably, you will simply fail it. As embarrassing and slow as it may appear, it is remarkably significant. If you have ever practiced this, you will realize that what the spirit told you about ten years ago is totally different than what or how they tell you now. Interested in honing your psychic abilities through a spell? Try: Increased Psychic/Astral Ability LEVEL 1

How to build the foundation.
This is a very crucial question. Although it appears somehow easy, the reality is, it is not. It requires patience. Also, it takes dedication and preparation. However, believe me, it is enjoyable and the more you exercise the more you correlate and then it is honestly astounding. After some years of associating with people and dealing with my own experiences and balance regularly, I would confidently say that there are two common components in establishing the foundation. The two components lead us to be in a position to learn more and have a balance of our abilities. One of them is meditation and the other is energy.
Usually, meditation is something that is so essential to relating yourself and the energy throughout you as well as the world. In meditation, we can exercise and hone our abilities to get messages. Additionally, we can balance our mind, body and spirit. Definitely, energy is something that bothers us all; it can be positive yet for individuals that are sensitive it can be something that can cripple you to the extent that it can be difficult to function.
To strengthen our foundation, we need to start with learning to meditate. Normally, meditation appears like a waste of time to some people. Feeling this in your initial stages of starting to work on your honing of your abilities is common. You may not get it. It may even frustrate you and you may feel you are not getting anything out of it but after some time, you may discover that you can’t stay without it. In fact, you may feel totally off if you do not meditate. You may even have the feeling that the universe would be a strange place should everyone meditate.

  • Know how to reconcile the outside world, the struggle that encompasses us every day, evaluating and clearing our chakras and check our minds as expertly as we can. This can greatly make any of us feel completely clear and fresh to go on with the next duty of the day. Sometimes when you are meditating, you will feel like you are diving into cold water, waking your senses and your mind. It is recommended that you find a well-managed meditation to observe as you are learning. After several exercises, you will be in a position to do it without supervision. Again, remember to be patient. As you begin, you may just make it through some minutes before you can manage it and you may be tempted to give up. That is absolutely, just keep trying it and you will discover that you will be able to be in meditation longer than before.
Note that if you are striving to concentrate and meditate, have a small item in your hand and concentrate on it while attending to the guided meditation. For some people, holding a quartz crystal may help. Not only does it give them something to concentrate on its energy aided in calming and grounding them.

  • Once you feel a bit easy with meditation, you can begin concentrating on receiving messages and ways to receive messages. The most excellent way to perform this is through the use of billets (a piece of paper that you can write a question and then hold as you meditate). During meditation, you will start to get messages. Be keen from the start of the meditation process. Be sure to find out the variation of temperature of the paper you are holding. Are you seeing people? Symbols? Places? While some people may see full stories, others may hear messages or may smell a unique smell. This will assist you in figuring out on you receive the message. The manner in people receives usually varies. Other people receive just one way and others may have a mix of it. In fact, for others, it will depend on the spirit they are with whom they are communicating and how they can communicate properly.
Despite the fact that you can exercise this on your own, having a group or even a single person is commendable particularly at the start. It is normally satisfying to have someone else write the billet since then you have no concept what is on it and you really are not putting your ideas or thoughts into the message. You are only receiving what you are receiving no expectations or intentions are added. More so, you can exercise using an item. This is known as psychometry and this can be quite interesting. By having an item on your hand, you can get the energy from the item, and in a way, it is like the item is narrating you are a story of its life. After honing your abilities in receiving messages by meditating, you will be in a position to promptly perform it without meditation.


  • Meditation is important as it will assist you to understand a lot about energy. With it, you will feel the energy present in your aura and that is around you. If you request one of your guides or spirits to come forward, you will feel the energy shift although you cannot see them in your mind’s sight.
Another enjoyable way to feel the energy is to have another be close to you. Next, have them move gradually and calmly to another section of the room. Exercise to feel for their energy. Can you spot them in the room? Are they sitting or standing? Find out whether their energy is feeling tall or short. It may time a while exercising though you will feel shocked at how you will be able to locate them by their energy. Furthermore, you can exercise this with a few people. You will be trying to find out if you can name them or tell whether they are female or male using their energy. Ideally, this will help you sense the spirit and aids identify them.
Generally, energy is all about us, and the highly sensitive people are normally greatly influenced by it. It can make their moods change fast. It can pull on them making them feel hyper or exhausted. It is something that we cannot avoid, therefore, we should understand it and how it influences us. Once you start feeling the energy around you, you will be able to defend yourself properly and utilize the energy to improve you rather than limit you.
By strengthening your foundation with meditation and knowing energy, you will be able to proceed with your psychic growth. Discovering various practices and methods to connect and develop your abilities can be somewhat involving. It is a process, although it can be notably amazing with an added reward of you getting balance and your authentic self. Learn more: Psychic Abilities level 2

originally posted at: https://izabaeldajinn.com/2019/08/why-we-should-hone-our-psychic-abilities
submitted by swingerlover to occultspells [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 AlonelyChip I really hate Discrete Math

I'm about to fucking lose it with this class. Usually I get A's in Math cause it's the one subject I'm really good in, never in my life I got under an A in Math, until now. This math class is aimed towards counting, probability and Proof writing (I fucking hate proof writing) 1st midterm went fine. I got an 85% (but according to thus subreddit thats an ass grade to get apparently). So, in the next midterm, I told myself I'll do better cause 85% is failing for me. But of course, this section for our 2nd midterm has to deal with sets and proof writing, and my God, I want to actually die (in GTA, of course), trying to prove certain certain equations like. If X is rational and Y is irrational the. X + Y is irrational.
Like I know, it is irrational, but proving it is like impossible for me. But of course everyone else seems to get it besides me, and I don't want to ask for help, because I've been brainwashed into thinking getting g Help is a sign of weakness, which is something my dad drilled into my head until I got off to college. So I need to prove to myself I can do this without any help. But of course I got an F on the next midterm, because I'm just fucking stupid apparently, and didn't have enough time to fill out the back two pages of the midterm. Like why cant I just get stuff right the first time dammit I'm so worthless.
submitted by AlonelyChip to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:57 stdwy2k People obsessed with saying nothing & others denying they exist

People obsessed with saying nothing & others denying they exist
My social media account was started for two reasons. Main one is I was and am being gaslight by everyone i’ve known throughout my life, friends, family, etc. They all have simultaneously acted as if they have no interest in speaking or knowing anything about me and actively made it seem as if I am self isolating myself from them.
The other was as a art journal/sketchbook were I post first drafts, sketches. A behind the scenes, not finished products. While I do have some art for sale & is a business account, its meant to be like the outlet/warehouse/home studio, open to the general public but a specific customer.
The main point is no one who doesn’t know me personally should be interested. Theres not enough of a cohesive theme, its a lot of writing, personal, etc. I spend on average 8 hours a day on social media, if I saw my posts or account I wouldn’t follow, like or comment, there’s no indication unless willfully ignorant that i’m looking for followers, comments or engagement similar to other accounts.
Simply put my account is for myself & those that want to stop child abuse. Thats it, if you’re not interested in me or stopping child abuse there’s really no reason to interact with me account.
However I constantly get people who come to my account to comment, follow & whenever I say to them that if they’re not interested in me personally or stopping child abuse they shouldn’t be on my account they then block or troll me as if I have no right to try to find help stopping child abuse or inquire why tf they’re so interested in me personally.
Thats what I want to solve but have not been able although I’ve tried various methods.
How would you communicate to someone who is liking a post from 2022 to inquire why/how they found & liked the post?
I have over 13k post, no matter how they got to the post every way I know of takes a lot of time, scrolling & effort. The post has few seconds of video & 2200 characters of writing. (Side note I have a gang of trolls that comment on my posts on other platforms that they can’t understand my writing & no one can although the only reason I’ve known people to follow my account is based on reading, understanding & liking my writing. )
So there’s this weird dichotomy in that I’m often praised for what I’ve written privately by some prominent individuals, trolled publicly as being incomprehensible, but both actively deny that I am in need of help & that’s the main purpose of my account.
Basically my plan to combat gaslighting in my personal life by having a public social media account it would seem no one would be pay attention to or interested in unless wanting to help me personally or stop child abuse generally has resulted in me getting gaslit by strangers who deny themselves or anyone is interested in or reads my posts although there’s many indications daily that people are so interested in my posts that they’ll like posts from years ago that generally take much effort to find.
I did everything I could to avoid this. Having random people liking my posts, saving, sharing them & i have no idea what anyone thinks or knows. Do they see the pinned posts on my account that are about abuse? Do they like/understand my writing, what did they like about the post? Why are people offended that I need help?
Its too weird & creepy & I have no idea what to do, on one extreme I have several people doxx & threaten me only to then ghost when I address their false accusations & then on the other extreme there’s people who actively try to deny & create a false narrative that no one knows or cares.
By now it’s obvious that I’m not the only one gaslit, there’s people that truly seem to have no idea whats going on & understandably don’t want to answer questions or get involved as they thought they were on a social media account like any other but its those people who I most need to know their opinion, how/why they found/liked a post from years ago, so that I can prevent it or address it from continuing to happen.
Marketing wise, for charities, needing help, the technique of having posts which require effort & investment of time by the audience shouldn’t backfire as it has informing the audience that the content they liked was posted to bring awareness & ask for help with other matters such as stopping child abuse. It should be “oh I can help or not”
Has anyone experienced similar or thoughts on a solution?
submitted by stdwy2k to socialmedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:57 imposternr3 Loosing all human connections

Hello everyone, idk who to talk to so im writing on this website. I've never been someone who easily gave up but at this point everything is just overwhelming. I'm 20 yo and in my last months of school bc i failed a year and i feel like i've seperated from everyone that once was in my life. Throughout my life i've changed grades multiple times and lost the social circle with it. Lately i've changed and became less of a pushover and told my friends when i didnt like how they treated me. They reacted weird and I hung out less and less with them. I dont really like them i just hang out with them to atleast have someone. A year ago my parents got divorced and i live with my mom and sister while my dad lives alone. My mom changed when we went through this and i feel like she is more rude to me than ever. Despite being challeged to find friends i can trust i feel like even my family is growing apart from me. My father doesnt try to understand me although im sure his time is worse than mine. I feel like my sister is straight up disabled. She cant even speak proper sentences and i struggle to form a connection with her aswell. In school i was always with the two friend groups i've seperated from. I've never liked them and just went along bc i had noone. As i changed i wanted to find different friends but i couldnt. If im alone i have such low self esteem that i cant even talk to the cashier etc. I've tried to level up my social skills with many videos and tipps online but nothing ever helped me. I feel like im not made for someone to love/like me. I've grown up islamically and i still believe in it but i feel like because of the rules i couldnt partake in drinking/partying which made me different to other people. I've had many female friends when growing up but as i grew up to about 13 years my father shouted at me and forbid me to talk to them. Now i can't even hold a conversation with a woman and i feel like ive never ever gonna find a woman because my dad wants it to be islamic but i couldnt even do it if it wasnt islamic and i stuggle to even slightly escalate over text and cant even ask a female classmate for the time. I feel like i can open up to nobody and cant form a deep social connection to people. I live in germany i am half german and as i grew up i've always been with german friends and kinda thought of other muslims as weird because they got lower grades and couldnt talk properly. I feel like i dont fit to any race/culture. My mom and also my dad greatly helped me at everything i did before the divorce but now they dropped everything at once while i struggle with live/girls/friend and all of it overwhelms me and i dont really think i will ever be able to fix my life. When i ask my mom to just buy healthy food like she did before the divorce she shouts at me and hits me. While she buys everything my 18 yo sister asks for. My sister also insults me and when i defend myself my mom hits me. I feel like the whole world is against me and it happened over night I hope to find someone who reads my whole message and can give me advice who maybe was in a similar position or is experienced in life.
submitted by imposternr3 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:50 MaximumOk50 Changing environment or taking medications, which do you think plays a bigger role in recovery?

While the above two can be carried out simultaneously, many don’t have a lot of choices or freedom. I want to share and record my personal experience quitting meds cold turkey. I have to admit that I am not aware of the subreddit rule until I finish writing, but I want to share my opinion and have a discussion. Still if it violates the rule, please feel free to delete the post.
In my unprofessional and personal opinion, an environment with less stress, routine, healthy diet and support network are way more important and helpful for my recovery, and from my experience, meds didn’t help much when I tried to build the things above. Insights, self-awareness and self-assessment are key. (Although according to some professionals, noncompliance to medication is poor insight.)

I am a 20-year-old college student diagnosed with psychotic depression in early 2023. I have suffered from delusions and hallucinations since I was 15, but they come and go, usually subsiding when there are more social interactions and worsening again when living in stressful environment.
When I entered college, I was so suicidal with all kinds of plans so I finally sought help. My usual dosage was 20mg of Citalopram and 7.5mg of Olanzapine. I personally think they were helpful to a certain extent, especially after a couple weeks of first taking them: I was less suicidal, less paranoid, and less troubled by the obsessive thoughts/ delusions. I am not sure whether this was placebo effect or not. But things got worse in October when I put myself into a very stressful situation where I became suicidal again. I didn’t get out of bed for about 2 weeks, skipped class and assignments, and had to drop courses. What eventually got me to get up and shower and brush was my kind friend inviting me to go out.
I was very frustrated with the meds this time. I have already been suffering from the side effects of them: weight gain and being tired. I must admit that as I was unmotivated to cook, I ate a lot of junk food, so it is not only because of the meds (metabolic effects?), but also my fault.
When I met with the doc a couple days later and talked about the weight gain and the relapse, he just increased the dosage of Citalopram to 40mg and ignored my concerns. I started to doubt whether the meds are effective or not for my situation.
I later switched to another doc who got me on both Abilify and Olanzapine and cut Citalopram. I told him I wanted to taper off the meds, but he said to ‘protect the brain’ I should at least take the lowest dosage.
In mid-December during semester break when being on 2.5 mg of Abilify and Olanzapine, I quitted cold turkey. At the same time, I got on a diet to lose weight. I felt fine. It wasn’t until later that I learned how extremely lucky I am: many suffer from withdrawal syndrome. I lost a bit of weight and felt like I got some self-confidence and control back. When I told my family about quitting meds a week later, they were mad and told me how dangerous it was, suggesting me to go talk to the doc and ask for tapering off instead. But I refused. I was extremely terrified of the thought that going back on meds would put my weight back on and I was rebellious. I don’t want to lose face.
So I never went back to the doc and have been lying to my counsellor about still taking meds since. I am afraid to be thought with poor insight. I also don’t know how to talk about my life when all worries can be attributed to me not taking the meds.
It has been 6 months since I stopped my meds. The goal I have set is to function: go to class, get work done on time, maintain basic hygiene.
There were many moments when I was so troubled by my intrusive thoughts (I don’t really know the difference between obsessions/delusions) that I couldn’t focus to work, from minutes to hours. I realize and acknowledge I really am sick. Usually I either write my thoughts, feelings and behaviors down, and take 200mg of L theanine. These combined with more suitable college courses chosen do help. I was on a diet and lost more weight, feeling better. When I struggled, I talked to my friends, who patiently listened. I am always grateful for them.
I have been struggling to follow my routine since March. I fall off the wagon and have been eating fast food again and cramming for deadlines. Fortunately I still managed to survive the semester with ok grades. But I am a bit lost: I quitted meds cold turkey because I hated the weight gain, why am I allowing myself to fall back in this time? I am disappointed with myself, and there is guilt, shame and endless spiral and vicious cycle: I feel bad about myself, so I stuff myself with shitty food to feel better… but ended up feeling worse. I frankly don’t know how to get out of the pit; I am still kinda ‘functioning’, just not as healthy as I want to.
Anyway, I still don’t want to go back to meds. I know they can help, and the relapse possibility off meds is high. But right now, I want to believe that I am capable of taking care of myself.
Please share your thoughts/ stories/ experiences/ research studies about recovery if you are comfortable with it.

submitted by MaximumOk50 to PsychMelee [link] [comments]
