Formal thankyou email job change


2008.11.13 06:23 Ecology

Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, "house"; -λογία, "study of") is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other and their biophysical environment.

2008.03.28 20:26 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Earth

Your go-to for everything happening in Metro Vancouver: news, people, places, events, articles, and discussions. Where the ocean meets the mountains, from the sea to sky.

2023.04.02 00:23 dkozinn So you want to work for NASA?

This community is for anyone interested in working or interning at NASA. For general discussions about what NASA does, please visit NASA.

2024.05.22 04:33 Alo_Kalo How long to wait before messaging a PI again? Any advice on contacting or reaching out?

Hi All,
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I havent been hearing back from many PI's. Not sure if my approach is wrong (messaging them with my cover letter, CV and mentioning how I liked their talks of how we connected at conferences.)
I've only heard back from 2/15 professors. It's been three weeks since I've sent out emails. Ugh I didn't know the post doc job market was going to be tough too. Only nervous because I defend in July and would like to have something secured before then.
submitted by Alo_Kalo to postdoc [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:32 EclosionK2 The Horrify Film Festival Yxperience

It’s the horror movie festival where something genuinely fucked happens every year. And I mean every year.
Like, there are some screenings that unleash hordes of bats while the movie is playing. You're free to leave whenever you want, but the movie will still play for 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Other screenings hire actors to turn at you and scream at some point in the movie. You have no idea when, or how many times.
It's a festival where the word "illegal" can't even begin to describe what happens. You'd only attend if you were a young, stupid edgelord like me who was trying to prove he was hardcore to his friends.
Trust me. DO NOT GO.
You have nothing to prove to anyone. Don't be stupid.
Wait for the lamer film versions to come out streaming. That's what everyone else does. They're neutered edits but they're fine.
All they lack is the real gleaming thing everyone wants to see at HRRFY, but who cares. At least you don’t get traumatized. At least you’re not risking your life.
Anyway, if you really want to know what attending HRRFY is like. I’ll be quick and summarize the one screening I went to. It was the 20th anniversary, and I was lucky enough to get in.
I had signed up for the HRRFY mailing list, and joined the subreddit. Through a series of cryptic online emails I solved a sequence of riddles and was entered in the lottery for a HRRFY entry.
Lady Luck took a shine to me, because one day in my mailbox, I received a physical ticket. I had done it.
I was going.
The actual ‘ticket’ was a black USB key that announced the location of the festival the night before (which I won’t disclose here) and it did force me to pay for a very expensive flight in order for me to make it on time.
You see, to prevent getting shut down, the location of HRRFY changes every year. Some years the local police have managed to stop it, but for the most part, authorities have given up. What’s the point of arresting or charging anyone, if all the organizers and attendees actually want to be there?
Upon arrival, I had to pick between three participating theaters.
Based on title alone, I decided to go see “Many Drownings” (directed by Oleksander Gołański.) It was in the theater that was furthest away from the downtown core, which meant it was likely the one where the craziest shit was bound to happen.
That’s what I came here for right?
I lined up a solid two hours before the screening like everyone else. The entire line was jittering, just vibrating with excited twenty-somethings. Rumors flew left and right.
“I heard they’re going to force everyone to take acid.”
“I heard an actor’s gonna run in and shotgun the ceiling.”
“I heard they’re going to disappear like four more people this year. At this screening!”
Each year people disappeared. And each year the same people were ‘found.’ And yes this is the worst part, and why should never, ever, ever go to this event.
Again I will repeat myself. DO NOT GO.
No one has ever truly gone 'missing' at HRRFY in any legal or physical sense, because every missing person always shows up a day later, convinced that they are fine—refusing to elaborate further.
There are some small support groups for people who have family members who had gone to HRRFY, and came back irrevocably changed after being ‘found.’
These few unlucky people lose all semblance of personality. They don’t want interviews, or help, or therapy, or contact of any kind. And they never, ever want to talk about what they saw.
Some HRRFY fans think that these ‘found’ people were body-snatched. Cloned in a lab or replaced by a cyborg, or something stupid like that.
But I think there’s a far simpler explanation. The ‘found’ are still the same people. They're just terrified. They got shaken by something that shattered the foundation of their mind, body and soul. They got too scared.
They got HRRFY’d.
I should mention I had a cough the day I went. And I was worried my sickly appearance might give me trouble at the airport.
So I invested in an intense double N95 mask which I wore for the whole flight, and continued to wear even at the screening of “Many Drownings.”
It made my face hot and uncomfortable, but it still didn’t stop me from yelling “excuse me, excuse me!” as I ran to snag a seat in the back of the theater.
I always preferred sitting in the far back. You get a good view of the whole screen, and a good view of the whole audience.
Beside me sat a big dude named Sylvester, who apparently flew all the way from Australia to attend HRRFY.
“Worth the full Seventeen hours mate! It’s gonna be epic!” he dropped a massive camping backpack beside me, which I assume contained all of his luggage.
The lights dimmed, and the production company logos started to play.
The whispering, giggling and suspense all stacked upon each other to create an electric feeling in the air. I was giddy. It's like the entire audience was embarking on a massive roller coaster.
The anticipation was the best part for sure. It might have been the only good part.
Then the movie started.
It was a wide shot of a gray, stormy sea. The waves were massive, and the thunderclouds were looming. There was no land visible in any direction.
All we could hear was the sound of waves foaming, swirling, and crashing over and over. Lightning crackled. Rain poured. The camera held perfectly still over this storm as if it was mounted on a perfectly hovering drone. A drone so resilient that it didn’t waver at all.
I thought it had to be CGI.
The shot held like this for the next few moments. Everyone sat glued to their seats. Everyone was thinking the same thing.
What’s going to happen? How are they going to scare us?
People chuckled. People cheered. People wanted to tease whatever was going to happen—to happen already.
But nothing did.
Five, ten, maybe fifteen minutes went by without any change. People started snoring.
I looked beside me and saw that Sylvester—the most excited audience member of them all—had fallen totally asleep. The jet lag must’ve gotten to him.
Then I peered beyond the rest of the audience members and saw other people snoozing too. Heads were keeled over, some people were curled in their seats, some had even spilled out into the aisle and were dozing on the floor.
I looked above the bright screen, at the huge vents in the corner of the theater. I saw a faint white gas emerging from the vents.
Holy shit. What have we been breathing? I tightened the straps on my N95 mask, and made my breathing shallower.
The gas must have been pumping since the opening credits—because how else would an audience of two hundred people all fall asleep?
As I moved my hand through the air in front of me, I could sense the thickness. It was definitely hazier than usual. I took the scarf off my neck and wrapped it around my mouth as well.
Then I spotted movement in front of the screen.
It was a tall blonde man, wearing a black trenchcoat and military-grade gas mask. Beside him arrived six hazmat suits who started pointing at various audience members.
I slunk in my chair, pretending to sleep like everyone else.
Two hazmats walked over to the front row and picked out a sleeping guy in flannel. They lifted flannel up, under the armpits and by his ankles, carrying him between them both like a hammock.
The hazmats walked back up to the stage, where the blonde leader inspected the flannel man and tapped his head. Something was approved?
The hazmats began to swing flannel back and forth, as if they were getting ready to toss him. Despite their masks, I could hear a very muffled, very distant countdown.
The flannel audience member was tossed into the screen.
I literally watched him fly into the image of stormy waves … andfallinto them. The flannel man sank into the gray water like a rock, leaving a few bubbles and foam. A wave came crashing down. All trace of him was gone.
What the fuck.
All six hazmats began grabbing more audience members with much more urgency. It became a minute-long process where they would pick the sleeping person up, bring them beside the screen, and then swing-toss them into it.
How was this possible?
I turned slightly to see if there was a projector above me, and realized there was none. Which meant maybe there was no screen on stage.
Which meant … maybe it was a portal?
I tried to wake Sylvester by shaking him. I pinched his leg and arm a bunch.
He was out cold.
The hazmats started grabbing audience members from the middle rows now. They were emptying the whole theater. What the hell was I supposed to do?
I waited until they grabbed another batch, only a few rows down from me. When all hazmats had their backs turned—I broke into a run.
With my left arm, I tightly gripped my mask and scarf against my face, while my right arm vaulted me over seat after seat.
I had never breathed so hard—through so much fabric—in my life.
The hazmats all turned to me. “Hey! Hey!” But their hands were full with their next victims.
I ran all the way down the aisle, to the big exit sign on the left. My heartbeat filled my head. My plan was to dropkick through the exit door.
I imagined myself breaking through like some flying gazelle.
I jumped.
I angled my kick.
It might as well have been a brick wall. I fell ass-first to the ground, followed by my head. Of course the door was locked.
Through a muffled mask I heard a sneering scoff.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Above me stood the one wearing a trenchcoat. I could see his piercing gray eyes through his gas mask.
I rolled aside and tried to run by him. He lifted a foot and tripped me without effort.
My forehead bashed into an empty seat. It dazed me.
The blonde leader bent down and grabbed me by the neck, tearing away my scarf and mask.
“No! No!”
A sweet, ether-like smell filled my nostrils. I did my best to hold my breath, but I could already feel myself getting light-headed.
The other hazmats joined in, grabbing me from all sides. Even if I had the strength to struggle, there was no escape now.
Above me, all I could see was the dark theater ceiling, and some of the light behind me from the cinema screen.
“No. Please. Don’t do thi—”
I was plunged deep into cold, wet chaos. My head was completely underwater.
Gagging. Bubbles. Spinning.
I fought for dear life, dog-paddling like a maniac.
Churning. Freezing. Panic.
For a second, my head popped above the water. I inhaled all the air my lungs could muster. I stared across a vast, violent ocean.
An enormous thirty foot wave came in my direction.
My whole body lifted higher and higher as the wave approached. I did my best to tread water. It seemed to be working.
Then a series of smaller waves arrived and smacked my chest.
Spinning. Kicking. Flipping.
My view alternated between the pitch dark ocean beneath me, and the moonlit night sky above.
Again I swam to the surface, popped my head out. Ravenously sucked in air.
There was a small lull in the water.
Around me I now registered the other theater goers. Most of them were lying face-down or sinking … but a few were flapping about like me, fighting for their life.
And above all of us, a floating white shape.
It was painfully bright, I had to lift one hand to look at it.
My jaw dropped.
It was the movie screen, hanging completely still in the air. It showed a dark, empty theater. The exact same theater we all occupied moments ago.
It was tremendously high, above all of our heads. There was no way of reaching it.
Then I saw another thirty foot wave come our way. It grazed the bottom of the screen.
I knew what had to be done.
One of the theater goers happened to be on a college swim team. She was the first one able to traverse one of the giant waves and climb into the screen.
Once she was up there, she found a firehose in the theater and reeled it out to us like a rope.
One by one, we swam as hard as we could, praying to God we could reach the rope. Everyone’s energy was sapped. Your body can only sustain itself on adrenaline and fear for so long.
By some miracle, five of us got out.
I was the last.
I climbed the rope coughing and vomiting. I had swallowed so much water that my stomach felt swollen.
When I reached the top and they pulled me into the screen, I sobbed. I couldn’t stop crying.
My life had flashed countless times before my eyes. In bubbling, suffocating visions, I saw both my parents and my brother. I saw my highschool graduation. I saw my favorite Christmas from when I was six years old.
I had almost lost all of that. I had lost almost everything.
On the dirty, carpeted theater floor, I lay with my face down, savoring the fact that I now lay on a hard surface. God bless ground. God bless this filthy, popcorn-strewn ground.
Beside me I heard bantering, hugging, the wringing of wet clothes. Sylvester was the second last to be saved, and he was particularly vocal.
“Wooooooaaaaahh!” He came and drummed me on the back, lifted me up. “Oh my god dude! Holy shit!”
I sat on my knees, wiping the tears and snot off my mouth.
Sylvester clapped his hands, held his face and screamed some more.
“Holy shit dude! That was so fucking scary! Like literally people were dying beside us. Like I SAW people die!”
I nodded, shivering in my drenched clothes. “ I know it was—”
“—That was craaaaazy!”
He laughed and stood up, patting everyone on the back. He kept clapping his hands like this was some sports event.
“That was sick! That was siiiiiiiiick!”
He ruffled someone’s hair then ran up to me with an open palm.
“High five dude! WE MADE IT! High five!
“Don’t leave me hangin’ dude!
submitted by EclosionK2 to DarkTales [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:31 Delicious-Horse-4967 RDDT 🚀🌖

I have 2500 shares and adding - don't be scared by the volatility - this will take a few years at least.
Reasons I'm long RDDT:
[Edit: I neglected to add that RDDT changed the stock market forever only 3 years ago.
If any meme stock pumps (i.e., all of the regards here decide to pump any meme stock that isn’t RDDT), then such pump of the other meme stock will cause RDDT’s share price to go 🆙. See GameStop like last week (isn’t this obvious?)
In addition to benefiting from the indirect pump of any other meme stock, there will be a day when RDDT users get the genius idea to directly/ primarily pump RDDT.]
Sure this is a lottery ticket - but there is a 50/50 chance that a $50k investment right now turns into life changing money.
Do you want to work until your 65 and almost dead or would you rather take a shot at freedom and happiness while your friends are still alive? Hop on the train now.
submitted by Delicious-Horse-4967 to WSBAfterHours [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:31 EclosionK2 The Horrify Film Festival Yxperience

It’s the horror movie festival where something genuinely fucked happens every year. And I mean every year.
Like, there are some screenings that unleash hordes of bats while the movie is playing. You're free to leave whenever you want, but the movie will still play for 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Other screenings hire actors to turn at you and scream at some point in the movie. You have no idea when, or how many times.
It's a festival where the word "illegal" can't even begin to describe what happens. You'd only attend if you were a young, stupid edgelord like me who was trying to prove he was hardcore to his friends.
Trust me. DO NOT GO.
You have nothing to prove to anyone. Don't be stupid.
Wait for the lamer film versions to come out streaming. That's what everyone else does. They're neutered edits but they're fine.
All they lack is the real gleaming thing everyone wants to see at HRRFY, but who cares. At least you don’t get traumatized. At least you’re not risking your life.
Anyway, if you really want to know what attending HRRFY is like. I’ll be quick and summarize the one screening I went to. It was the 20th anniversary, and I was lucky enough to get in.
I had signed up for the HRRFY mailing list, and joined the subreddit. Through a series of cryptic online emails I solved a sequence of riddles and was entered in the lottery for a HRRFY entry.
Lady Luck took a shine to me, because one day in my mailbox, I received a physical ticket. I had done it.
I was going.
The actual ‘ticket’ was a black USB key that announced the location of the festival the night before (which I won’t disclose here) and it did force me to pay for a very expensive flight in order for me to make it on time.
You see, to prevent getting shut down, the location of HRRFY changes every year. Some years the local police have managed to stop it, but for the most part, authorities have given up. What’s the point of arresting or charging anyone, if all the organizers and attendees actually want to be there?
Upon arrival, I had to pick between three participating theaters.
Based on title alone, I decided to go see “Many Drownings” (directed by Oleksander Gołański.) It was in the theater that was furthest away from the downtown core, which meant it was likely the one where the craziest shit was bound to happen.
That’s what I came here for right?
I lined up a solid two hours before the screening like everyone else. The entire line was jittering, just vibrating with excited twenty-somethings. Rumors flew left and right.
“I heard they’re going to force everyone to take acid.”
“I heard an actor’s gonna run in and shotgun the ceiling.”
“I heard they’re going to disappear like four more people this year. At this screening!”
Each year people disappeared. And each year the same people were ‘found.’ And yes this is the worst part, and why should never, ever, ever go to this event.
Again I will repeat myself. DO NOT GO.
No one has ever truly gone 'missing' at HRRFY in any legal or physical sense, because every missing person always shows up a day later, convinced that they are fine—refusing to elaborate further.
There are some small support groups for people who have family members who had gone to HRRFY, and came back irrevocably changed after being ‘found.’
These few unlucky people lose all semblance of personality. They don’t want interviews, or help, or therapy, or contact of any kind. And they never, ever want to talk about what they saw.
Some HRRFY fans think that these ‘found’ people were body-snatched. Cloned in a lab or replaced by a cyborg, or something stupid like that.
But I think there’s a far simpler explanation. The ‘found’ are still the same people. They're just terrified. They got shaken by something that shattered the foundation of their mind, body and soul. They got too scared.
They got HRRFY’d.
I should mention I had a cough the day I went. And I was worried my sickly appearance might give me trouble at the airport.
So I invested in an intense double N95 mask which I wore for the whole flight, and continued to wear even at the screening of “Many Drownings.”
It made my face hot and uncomfortable, but it still didn’t stop me from yelling “excuse me, excuse me!” as I ran to snag a seat in the back of the theater.
I always preferred sitting in the far back. You get a good view of the whole screen, and a good view of the whole audience.
Beside me sat a big dude named Sylvester, who apparently flew all the way from Australia to attend HRRFY.
“Worth the full Seventeen hours mate! It’s gonna be epic!” he dropped a massive camping backpack beside me, which I assume contained all of his luggage.
The lights dimmed, and the production company logos started to play.
The whispering, giggling and suspense all stacked upon each other to create an electric feeling in the air. I was giddy. It's like the entire audience was embarking on a massive roller coaster.
The anticipation was the best part for sure. It might have been the only good part.
Then the movie started.
It was a wide shot of a gray, stormy sea. The waves were massive, and the thunderclouds were looming. There was no land visible in any direction.
All we could hear was the sound of waves foaming, swirling, and crashing over and over. Lightning crackled. Rain poured. The camera held perfectly still over this storm as if it was mounted on a perfectly hovering drone. A drone so resilient that it didn’t waver at all.
I thought it had to be CGI.
The shot held like this for the next few moments. Everyone sat glued to their seats. Everyone was thinking the same thing.
What’s going to happen? How are they going to scare us?
People chuckled. People cheered. People wanted to tease whatever was going to happen—to happen already.
But nothing did.
Five, ten, maybe fifteen minutes went by without any change. People started snoring.
I looked beside me and saw that Sylvester—the most excited audience member of them all—had fallen totally asleep. The jet lag must’ve gotten to him.
Then I peered beyond the rest of the audience members and saw other people snoozing too. Heads were keeled over, some people were curled in their seats, some had even spilled out into the aisle and were dozing on the floor.
I looked above the bright screen, at the huge vents in the corner of the theater. I saw a faint white gas emerging from the vents.
Holy shit. What have we been breathing? I tightened the straps on my N95 mask, and made my breathing shallower.
The gas must have been pumping since the opening credits—because how else would an audience of two hundred people all fall asleep?
As I moved my hand through the air in front of me, I could sense the thickness. It was definitely hazier than usual. I took the scarf off my neck and wrapped it around my mouth as well.
Then I spotted movement in front of the screen.
It was a tall blonde man, wearing a black trenchcoat and military-grade gas mask. Beside him arrived six hazmat suits who started pointing at various audience members.
I slunk in my chair, pretending to sleep like everyone else.
Two hazmats walked over to the front row and picked out a sleeping guy in flannel. They lifted flannel up, under the armpits and by his ankles, carrying him between them both like a hammock.
The hazmats walked back up to the stage, where the blonde leader inspected the flannel man and tapped his head. Something was approved?
The hazmats began to swing flannel back and forth, as if they were getting ready to toss him. Despite their masks, I could hear a very muffled, very distant countdown.
The flannel audience member was tossed into the screen.
I literally watched him fly into the image of stormy waves … andfallinto them. The flannel man sank into the gray water like a rock, leaving a few bubbles and foam. A wave came crashing down. All trace of him was gone.
What the fuck.
All six hazmats began grabbing more audience members with much more urgency. It became a minute-long process where they would pick the sleeping person up, bring them beside the screen, and then swing-toss them into it.
How was this possible?
I turned slightly to see if there was a projector above me, and realized there was none. Which meant maybe there was no screen on stage.
Which meant … maybe it was a portal?
I tried to wake Sylvester by shaking him. I pinched his leg and arm a bunch.
He was out cold.
The hazmats started grabbing audience members from the middle rows now. They were emptying the whole theater. What the hell was I supposed to do?
I waited until they grabbed another batch, only a few rows down from me. When all hazmats had their backs turned—I broke into a run.
With my left arm, I tightly gripped my mask and scarf against my face, while my right arm vaulted me over seat after seat.
I had never breathed so hard—through so much fabric—in my life.
The hazmats all turned to me. “Hey! Hey!” But their hands were full with their next victims.
I ran all the way down the aisle, to the big exit sign on the left. My heartbeat filled my head. My plan was to dropkick through the exit door.
I imagined myself breaking through like some flying gazelle.
I jumped.
I angled my kick.
It might as well have been a brick wall. I fell ass-first to the ground, followed by my head. Of course the door was locked.
Through a muffled mask I heard a sneering scoff.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Above me stood the one wearing a trenchcoat. I could see his piercing gray eyes through his gas mask.
I rolled aside and tried to run by him. He lifted a foot and tripped me without effort.
My forehead bashed into an empty seat. It dazed me.
The blonde leader bent down and grabbed me by the neck, tearing away my scarf and mask.
“No! No!”
A sweet, ether-like smell filled my nostrils. I did my best to hold my breath, but I could already feel myself getting light-headed.
The other hazmats joined in, grabbing me from all sides. Even if I had the strength to struggle, there was no escape now.
Above me, all I could see was the dark theater ceiling, and some of the light behind me from the cinema screen.
“No. Please. Don’t do thi—”
I was plunged deep into cold, wet chaos. My head was completely underwater.
Gagging. Bubbles. Spinning.
I fought for dear life, dog-paddling like a maniac.
Churning. Freezing. Panic.
For a second, my head popped above the water. I inhaled all the air my lungs could muster. I stared across a vast, violent ocean.
An enormous thirty foot wave came in my direction.
My whole body lifted higher and higher as the wave approached. I did my best to tread water. It seemed to be working.
Then a series of smaller waves arrived and smacked my chest.
Spinning. Kicking. Flipping.
My view alternated between the pitch dark ocean beneath me, and the moonlit night sky above.
Again I swam to the surface, popped my head out. Ravenously sucked in air.
There was a small lull in the water.
Around me I now registered the other theater goers. Most of them were lying face-down or sinking … but a few were flapping about like me, fighting for their life.
And above all of us, a floating white shape.
It was painfully bright, I had to lift one hand to look at it.
My jaw dropped.
It was the movie screen, hanging completely still in the air. It showed a dark, empty theater. The exact same theater we all occupied moments ago.
It was tremendously high, above all of our heads. There was no way of reaching it.
Then I saw another thirty foot wave come our way. It grazed the bottom of the screen.
I knew what had to be done.
One of the theater goers happened to be on a college swim team. She was the first one able to traverse one of the giant waves and climb into the screen.
Once she was up there, she found a firehose in the theater and reeled it out to us like a rope.
One by one, we swam as hard as we could, praying to God we could reach the rope. Everyone’s energy was sapped. Your body can only sustain itself on adrenaline and fear for so long.
By some miracle, five of us got out.
I was the last.
I climbed the rope coughing and vomiting. I had swallowed so much water that my stomach felt swollen.
When I reached the top and they pulled me into the screen, I sobbed. I couldn’t stop crying.
My life had flashed countless times before my eyes. In bubbling, suffocating visions, I saw both my parents and my brother. I saw my highschool graduation. I saw my favorite Christmas from when I was six years old.
I had almost lost all of that. I had lost almost everything.
On the dirty, carpeted theater floor, I lay with my face down, savoring the fact that I now lay on a hard surface. God bless ground. God bless this filthy, popcorn-strewn ground.
Beside me I heard bantering, hugging, the wringing of wet clothes. Sylvester was the second last to be saved, and he was particularly vocal.
“Wooooooaaaaahh!” He came and drummed me on the back, lifted me up. “Oh my god dude! Holy shit!”
I sat on my knees, wiping the tears and snot off my mouth.
Sylvester clapped his hands, held his face and screamed some more.
“Holy shit dude! That was so fucking scary! Like literally people were dying beside us. Like I SAW people die!”
I nodded, shivering in my drenched clothes. “ I know it was—”
“—That was craaaaazy!”
He laughed and stood up, patting everyone on the back. He kept clapping his hands like this was some sports event.
“That was sick! That was siiiiiiiiick!”
He ruffled someone’s hair then ran up to me with an open palm.
“High five dude! WE MADE IT! High five!
“Don’t leave me hangin’ dude!
submitted by EclosionK2 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:31 bigstupidiot Name change fee scam?

I went to book two tickets today. I clearly recall that the name of myself and my counterpart were different. We get no confirmation email. We talk to a rep, login, and find that our names were duplicated and to change them, we have to pay 75 dollars.
To be clear, at each stage of the process, our names were separated...
submitted by bigstupidiot to frontierairlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:28 anon-j-999 potential candidate concerns

first off id like to say that my dream job has always been to be a fire fighter. however, i have a spinal injury that makes that dream impossible. the one and only time i called 911, i was 8 years old and my dad was having a bad stroke. the dispatcher and fire fighters were so amazed on how much information i have them to try and help my dad, one of the firemen told me i did such a good job. my dad passed later that day at the hospital, but i will always remember the dispatcher, firemen, and people at the hospital who helped him all the way until the end.
applicant process so far: - applied 6 weeks ago. - criticall test sent and completed 2 days ago - email 48 hours later (passed test, referral to hiring manager)
ive done tons of research and the only things im bugged about is typing speed and drug testing.
i dont type the “traditional way” (index fingers on F and J keys) and all of my typing speed tests come to 37-42 wpm. unfortunately, ive never learned to type that way and i know i would be way slower if i started to now. should i be worried about this?
i was a regular consumer of marijuana for 3 years until 1 month before i applied.. its illegal here in (IN). i switched to thc-a pre-rolled joints that are sold in local smoke shops here. they can be sold in illegal states because they have <1% of normal thc. however, i know this would still show on a test so ive stopped. im confident that i wont have anything in my system when the time comes to test, but i dont want to be disqualified for past use.. especially if that topic comes up in the psych eval. am i over-thinking this. any advice is welcome.
submitted by anon-j-999 to 911dispatchers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:28 Londoncashmeans 27F Getting married to 28M in 3 months with a one year old son together, cold feet.. what do I do?

Hi! This is going to be a long one/rant and story because I really don’t know who to talk to about this in real life because I’m not in therapy and I’m so embarrassed to be feeling this way knowing I made all the choices to be here and people are already flying in from out of state to come to our wedding. Also I’m diagnosed adhd incase any of yall are wondering what’s wrong with me once I tell you all the decisions I made to get here. I am getting married in three months and have a son who is 15 months old. My now fiance 28m and I 27f met whenever we were thirteen years old in middle school and started a tumultuous up and down / on and off again relationship. We were together all the way up until junior year in high school and we broke up. I come from a broken home and he does not. Looking back I realize how much of me staying with him and trying to keep his attention stemmed from my abandonment issues that I must have had from my own parents. After we broke up he joined a gang in my local hometown and I was still in love with him so I decided to still be involved with him even though I was not in a relationship with him. I ended up losing my virginity to him while we were not together just because I wanted to be with him and we said we were friends with benefits but really I was just in love with him and thought by doing that maybe he would want to be with me again but he didn’t and continued to sleep with other girls and do drugs. I also started doing drugs like Xanax and smoking to fit in with him and be cool. I ended up getting a horrible tattoo because one of the other girls he was also seeing had a bunch of tattoos. I dropped out of my high school college courses and ended up going to jail for marijuana in high school and got kicked out of cheer and softball. I ended up on probation and having to be drug tested for a year. Within that year after being heart broken and realizing nothing I did would make him change into who he was before he got involved in our local gang or make him want to be with me… I ended up enrolling in college and getting accepted to a university where I would move about two hours away from our home town to live on campus and study to be a nurse. While on probation, so I couldn’t really party or anything in college which was good (even though I was never really addicted to anything and it wouldn’t be that hard for me) I wanted to save money for a car so I ended up getting a job at the hooters next to my college and was in college full time and working at hooters. My sister happened to go to that same college before I did and live in that town with her ex bf and they would give me rides to and from work back to campus. Low and behold after about two semesters of me being in college and finally feeling like I was moving on from him, he came back messaging me and telling me he missed me and wanted to be with me again. I was stupid and so excited that I agreed and asked him to come see me at college where he would stay for the weekend and we would have an amazing time. I felt so good about myself doing what I was doing and being able to show my growth. Despite all that he was still able to convince me to leave school and come back to be with him and live with him and go to the college near our hometown and work at the hooters near our hometown. I had already felt like I didn’t want to be a nurse at the time because my sister who was a nurse told me you could never leave the state as a nurse if you get your license there (which she didn’t know at the time that you could) and I knew I didn’t want to stay where I was from and wanted to eventually travel. So I decided to leave and move back with him in his bedroom at his parents house where I would work at the hooters close to our home town and never enroll in the college. He would eventually break up with me while I was at work one day even though I was living with him and since I didn’t have a car he continued to take me back in forth from work and I continued to live with him and continued to be in love with him while he committed to the fact that he didn’t want to be in a relationship but wanted to marry me one day and just wasn’t ready for anything right now and still wanted to have sex with me which I did. From working at hooters I had auditioned for the calendar and ended up being really liked by the photographer and started doing some modeling from that which was super exciting for me because I always was interested in that and the pictures we took would blow up and I started getting well known in my area for modeling even though they were just pictures and I wasn’t making any money off of it. Eventually a guy came into hooters telling me about working as an exotic dancer and how much they could make and I still needed a car really badly and was desperate to get out of my ex’s (now fiance) house. So I told him I would be waitressing and that I heard the waitresses make good money there and asked him to give me a ride there one day and so he started giving me a ride everyday. The money was so good to me and the most money I had ever seen. I ended up staying in a hotel closer to the club I worked at and sometimes he would come stay with me and I would just uber to work. Eventually I had gotten a car which I was so happy about. A couple of weeks after I got a car I ended up getting sucked into human trafficking with a friend where I would live in a house with multiple girls for 6 months and go to work at the club every day of the week except Saturday and Sundays. I wasn’t doing anything extra just dancing but the money was going to some random guy. It’s crazy I know. I was stupid and young and my family were not concerned for me at all or involved in my life. unfortunately my friend is just now leaving that situation. I got out without anything no car or nothing and had nowhere to go so back to my exes I went where I decided I was going to buy a cash car again and I worked everyday like I was used to saved money and got a car. Moved to my sisters and stayed with her for a little where i decided I didn’t want to dance anymore and I got a job as a bottle service girl and then waitressing at another waitress. I continued modeling because it made me happy and I never told anyone the truth about the deep things that were happening in my life except for my now fiance. So nobody had no idea about me dancing or the human trafficking or anything. Everyone just knew I modeled. I ended up getting an apartment with some friends and One day I got the urge to go to California randomly and at my waitressing job I was handed $800 and I took it as a sign and booked a flight the next day. Where I went by myself my first time ever on a flight with no plans at all. The day I got there I got asked to be in a commercial two days later. My roommate and her friends flew out there to get me and she ended up being able to be in the commercial with me which ended up on tbs but I had to go back home to my apartment and responsibilities and couldn’t leave my roommate stranded. Even though months later we would end up getting in an argument and I’d move out and move back with my ex (now fiance) where I would continue to work and model (for free) and went back to the club to dance and then my sister ended up going to California for a travel nursing assignment and her and her bf broke up and she asked me to move with her. I had nothing else here, my ex was still saying he didn’t want to be in a relationship, he was consistently sleeping with other girls while we lived together and expected relationship things from me. I was paying for everything for him. I paid for him while he was in school for audio engineer, his gas, lunch, school clothes, shopping, I helped him open his own studio and bought his equipment and Mac for it, even though his parents were very involved in his life. I got all his family bday gifts and Christmas gifts every year. He was honestly just using me but I was so in love and blind. He encouraged me to go to California too so I had nothing else there for me, if he had told me to stay and he wanted to be with me I would’ve. I flew out on my 21st birthday and met my sister and Vegas where we would have such a great time and my ex spent that day hanging out with a girl that tried to fight me and didn’t even tell me happy birthday, I was crying in the bathroom in Vegas until my sister shook me and told me to get it together we’re in Vegas. I was so heart broken to be leaving him but he didn’t care. I got to LA and I instantly started modeling on day one I booked a photo shoot where I met a guy that reminded me of my ex (I know) but we instantly clicked and he was 7 years older than me. We ended up talking for a little bit and pursuing something even though I wasn’t ready emotionally but he didn’t really care and I was kind of star struck a little because he was a music producer for a very famous musician and he was very persistent but that’s another story. I ended up booking a music video as a main girl for my ex’s (now fiance) favorite artist. When it came out it was crazy because I felt like the universe and God was just blessing me for leaving that situation and I knew he would see it because he was so obsessed with that artist and it shook up the whole small town I was from. After that I booked a lot of cool jobs like Sephora and worked with a lot of companies, and did some music videos for other super famous artists, and walked in fashion shows and modeled for clothing brands etc. I was working all the time as an extra to pay my bills and I was meeting cool people. I was always getting invited to celebrities parties and just having such a fun time. I decided to start getting into acting instead and started going to acting school where a lot of well known celebrities also went to and I started having meetings with very popular directors and I was being mentored by famous directors and another person that created an tv entertainment channel that I won’t say here also mentored me a lot and got me a lot of meetings with these people and would go to dinners and stuff etc with a list celebrities. I truly was living the life. And coming from where I can it was almost a dream. I had gotten in a relationship my first year there with that other guy I mentioned who ended up being super possessive of me but he treated me like a queen in the sense of paying for everything, giving me a safe space to tell my feelings, open up, the sex was amazing, he would take me on trips, took me out of the country for the first time. We ended up not working out due to lifestyle differences and just being at two different places and wanting different things. He wanted to move out of the country and have a farm and I wasn’t ready to do that as I wanted to focus on my career. (But I would die to move out of the country on a farm now ironically and he is doing just that now like he said he would haha) anyway, I ended up having my own studio apartment by myself that I loved so much and was so proud of. My sister had moved to Montana and it took a lot for me to get my apartment like staying in a house with other girls for a little to sleeping in my car and at a spa for a couple days. When I would fly home or drive home to see my family I would always see my ex, everytime. We kept a friendship and sometimes I would still help him out if needed, he was interning at a church through his school for audio engineering and recording people at his studio in our hometown. By this time I was going to New York and Miami also sometimes and doing work there. I wasn’t as stressed about bills anymore. I was seeing guys every now and then but not at all interested in a relationship, my heart was still healing from the past and both my exes but mainly my first (now fiance). I was super focused on my career and optimistic, I was used to the grind and in no way ever thinking of quitting. It just wasn’t an option because I knew I would make it wherever that would be because to me that is all I had for me and all I ever knew I wanted and the only thing that saved me. Skip to around October 2019 I had found out about a girl my ex was seeing and it crushed me. He was doing with her just like he was with me though. Just “friends with benefits” I was living in my apartment in LA still and my uncle that helped raise me was getting really sick back home and put on hospice so I decided to take a trip back to see him. I would go to restaurants in my state and near my home town and people would ask to take pictures with me, and at the little ceasars drive through someone asked if I was me and stuff it was crazy because I hadn’t been home in awhile and I felt like what I was doing was finally paying off and people were recognizing me. It was surreal. I ended up going to see my ex. I had such a fear of losing him to this other girl for some reason. I was so scared he would get her pregnant or get in a serious relationship since I was gone so far away and I would never be with him, I would end up sleeping with him again and the girl found out and drove by his house mad and cussing me out and throwing stuff at me. We ended up getting in a fight which is so embarrassing and beneath me. I ended up crying to him that I wanted to be with him and don’t know why he never wanted to be with me which at this time he honestly was not even in my playing field anymore. He told me if I wanted to be with him I had to move back to my hometown.. my heart dropped to my stomach and I knew it wasn’t what I was supposed to do but I said okay… all because this is what I had wanted all those years. I decided to stay where the next two years all I would think about everyday was I was making the wrong decision and needed to go back to my life. My hometown had nothing for me.. COVID hit a couple months after me being there and we were terrified. We ended up getting everything out of my apartment and moving into a house around the corner from his parents. I had to tell him how I liked to communicate now without yelling and stuff which I learned from the boyfriend I had in LA and that I wasn’t going to put up with that disrespect but he never listened. Eventually everything went back to normal. I ended up going back to the club again dancing because I didn’t want to go backward and model here. He never wanted me to go back to LA even for a little bit even though that’s where my career and heart was so I had no idea what to do with my life. I started waitressing as well and getting back on my adhd meds. People started pressuring us to get pregnant and we tried for a year and 6 months. The month I found out I was pregnant before I knew, I quit my job and decided I was going to move back and get my life back. Two days later I found out I was pregnant…. Finally after trying for over a year. Our relationship was toxic just like the past he always yelled, I could never talk to him about my feelings without him saying I was trying to fight, he spit in my face once, threatened me, put his hands on me, he would tell me he was going to take my baby away from me as soon as I had it. I started asking him about getting married while I was pregnant and the proposal wasn’t even that. He got mad at me for asking one day and walked in the room and handed me the ring. It didn’t fit because I was pregnant & it was $27 (not that that matters but the proposal sucked).. he drained both my bank accounts and they closed it, charged my credit card up and put me in debt, he has not let me do anything I want to do like school or anything. He is so bad with money. He has an action figure addiction and at one point was spending 3k on action figures every month and turned one of the rooms in our house into a collection room so I had to take everything out of my closet and put my sons crib in there for the first year of his life. we have good times and I feel comfortable with him. He knows everything about me but he doesn’t respect me and sometimes I feel like he is intimidated by me. The sex isn’t good at all we always just ask “do you want to have sex” he never gives oral or foreplay, I never get pleasure. He’s an amazing dad though and loves his son. We have the most sweet and beautiful little boy now who I love so much and he loves him also. He’s very attentive to his son. But I still feel unheard. I can’t talk about my feelings. If I do it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t change anything. He is so defensive and we never communicate for a solution it’s always just pointing fingers. I have started yelling again because I’m so used to it now and I hate it because I grew up like that and I finally grew out of it until I got back with him and recently started again and now he throws it in my face and knows I begged him not to do it forever but he never stopped and now I am too. I’ve asked him to take me to the movies and he hasn’t still. I just ask for more romance and stuff but it just feels like I have a roommate. I have nothing now. I had my car and we traded it in for a new car that he wanted. I always dreamed of the next car I’d get once I paid it off but he got it & it’s in his name now so I paid it off for nothing. I’m driving around his dream car. I’ve been planning our wedding since I birthed our son and everything is going good. Money is tight. He works at the church now full time and makes about 45k a year or so, my son has been waiting to start daycare for awhile so I have been home with him. I’ve tried starting jobs multiple times but he is against it unless it’s super fast money like going to the club which I am so repulsed by and absolutely hate it now. I tried going back to college but my old college won’t release my transcripts for fasfa because I owe them money. I started cosmetology school a few months ago which he was all for but two months in freaked out and him and his mom guilt tripped me that we can’t handle this right now and he was having a hard time doing the night time routine for the baby while I was at school so I had to leave and now owe that’s school for my kit unless I enroll again in 128 days. I also miss modeling so much and sometimes think I can start again but it’s been five years. My body is so different too after a baby. Everything I want is a no go. Especially moving out of our hometown. He says he wants to but I don’t think he does. We are constantly at his moms and dads and they tell us all the time we aren’t moving anywhere which is really hard for me as this place is super toxic for my soul. Anytime I get money he spends it. Anytime I save money he spends it. Even if it does go towards our bills. His action figure habit is almost nonexistent now and he has grown a lot in the past few months from that since I demanded my son have his own bedroom after his first bday and all his figures are in boxes now and told him he could turn the shed into his man cave. He says we can’t save because we have nothing to save after bills but I believe in saving anything even $5 a paycheck. It’s doable. I grew up poor so this is nothing to me but after living the lifestyle I lived in LA and going out with guys that respected me and cherished me it’s hard. I know nobody is perfect but we are about to get married and I’m scared… I have nothing though anymore. I’ve threatened to leave a couple times and he says he will take me to court and take my baby. I’m scared he might. I don’t want my son to be angry like him or not respect women how he does. In public he’s a saint. He also has a very supportive family that it’s almost toxic. They all blame me for his anger issues and say I make him that way. But he’s been punching walls since I met him in 8th grade. I know it’s not because of me. But I have nobody else and nowhere else to go. No money. No car. I’m at the bottom again where I was before. Only difference is now I have a son. And we are getting married in three months and I can’t call it off. I am older now and looking back on my life I realize he maybe truly never loved me and I was just so desperate for love. I got myself here nobody else. I accepted everything, even when my gut told me not to. ( he is not just horrible, he’s a great person just with some bad qualities like everyone but I’m tired of feeling stuck with someone that never truly wanted me and doesn’t care to grow in some ways or show me )
Please help.. what do I do?
submitted by Londoncashmeans to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:27 YourEnglishMastiff 6-digits!!! Parang panaginip lang!

Finally!! After multiple times of trying, apply dito apply don. Kaliwa't-kanan na rejection. Sagad na stress sa previous job. Unli OT na TY na lang. Abnoy na management (sikat na BPO na di daw sila BPO pero sunod sunuran sa client). Got an email na I was hired sa isa sa mga inapplayan ko. Sa dami ng mga interviews ko, hindi ko pa maalala nung una kung ano bang company to HAHAHHAHAA. It was around 12 midnight when I received the offer and grabe natulala ako sa salary offer. Imagine from 35k na sahod to my 6-digits dream!!!! Lagi ko lang to sinasabi sa mga tropa ko na 1 day, ma-aachieve ko rin to and here I am. F*"vkk naiiyak pa din ako. Ganon pala yon. Totoo pala ung after those countless rejections and sobrang daming iniyak ko kakabasa ng mga email "We ended up moving forward with another candidate", "We regret to inform you that you are no longer being considered" etc.. may isang tatanggap sayo ng doble, triple pa. For context, I got hired from a US based company and remote sya. Same job from my previous one and imagine ung kaya nila i-offer saken. I thought nung una scam ba to? But I did my research and they are stable company naman. Di na ata ako babalik ng BPO. Parang mas okay pag in-house talaga. hahaha I accepted the offer kanina and signed the contract as well. Grabe ung mga benefits nila. Parang di ko deserve na ang oa kasi ng tinalon kaya di ako makapaniwala. Hindi ko alam kung pano ilalabas ung excitement ko kaya napagawa ako ng account at napa-post ako dito sa reddit for the first time hahaha. Rather than telling it to others, I think it's safe to say it here. I'm afraid din na baka i-take advantage ako especially my family na haysss typical toxic filipino family. Baka sabihan pa ko na pag-aralin ko mga pamangkin ko pag nalaman nila to. Awit. Anyways, ayun lang.
If mababasa to ng kung sino man na currently naghahanap ng work at mejo inoolats.. Don't give up. Dadating din ung para sayo. Hindi kasi naten alam na baka cinocompose na pala ung offer letter mo sa email, saka ka pa susuko. Subok lang ng subok. ☺️
submitted by YourEnglishMastiff to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:27 Longgonedaddy420 Sexual harassment allegations

I own a small cafe and two employees asked for a job within the company they were not qualified for recently. I told them I had other more qualified people were in line for the position. Also, they are not 21 and they wanted to be bartenders which to me seems like a disaster for someone that immature and putting myself at risk of losing my liquor license.
A few days later the manager of my restaurant said that one of them had said that they were sexually harassed by me. I said ok and stayed off the radar. Then the next week the same person said I had made them uncomfortable on a day I didn’t even work. They changed the dates up from the original story.
They said they are going to the EECO with it. So I can’t even be present in my own business for fear someone will bring on more false charges. The other person I mentioned would have no problem lying for them as a witness as they are butt hurt bc of my business decision to not hire them as bartenders.
What do I do?
submitted by Longgonedaddy420 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:27 Another_perspective2 My husband is an alcoholic

TLDR: I’m venting. Just lost and not sure what to do. There is a baby involved and spouse is unwilling to follow through with promises to even slow down the drinking.
We have been married almost 4 years, together 6. We have a year and a half old. I did not know he had a drinking problem when we first started dating years ago, ( I guess I should have, he had a breathalyzer in his personal truck but drove his company truck most of the time so I guess I just thought… I don’t even know) but about a year in- I realized how bad it was. We got into a massive fight. I refused to give him his keys to drive ( controlling? Yes…. But if he wanted to leave so bad he could walk and not harm anyone else, which he did and I dang sure let him. And it should have been a big fat sign for him when we had walking the 5 miles back to town and the bottom fell out on him. Not phone just pitch black dark in the pouring rain. But it wasn’t enough for him)
I found several empty bottles of liquor. A bottle of urine and a warmer pack. At the time I did not know this- but a bag of cocaine. I even opened it but I’d never seen any type of drug so yeah.. I’m an idiot but, I know what it looks like now. He was drinking before, during and after work while driving.
Fast forward through many fights, we now have what COULD be an amazing life. Literally a house on a hill with an amazing view, a beautiful baby boy, 6 dogs, 7 cats- most of them are rescues. And 30 birds running around, a huge garden. But, (I’m talking about other than the baby) all of that is material stuff. He lies about the absolute DUMBEST things. He’s now drinking 10-12 beers a night. He promised over and over to stop, to quit, to slow down, to not drink every day. And it’s just getting worse. I’ve left, he’s left, he just doesn’t seem to care. He doesn’t want to do anything after 3pm outside of the house because he wants to be home and drink.
He never stops and thinks, what if there is an emergency with the baby? Or a family member. I used to drink occasionally, now not at all because SOMEONE has to be sober to drive if necessary and I am not putting anything extracurricular above our son. But he does, every single day. I have blamed myself, felt like I am not good enough. Begged, cried. Yelled, been nice about it. NOTHING changes. He claims he has changes but really looking at it…. The only thing that’s changed is 95% of the time he doesn’t leave the house, or yell. He also 100% stopped breaking things in the house.
The last time he left I strongly considered calling the law on him and letting him just sit in jail over it. But he would probably call his mom to bail him out like several years ago. However, we don’t have the money. I don’t work and we can’t afford childcare- if I did work it would only pay for the day care and I don’t trust anyone with my baby. I do have a very low hour and underpaid job technically as a care taker for a family member but it mainly just covers my gas.
I just don’t know what to do at this point… I had a great job before I got pregnant. (Which was mutually planned at a better time) but that job was a 12 hour a day- 7 days a week with one day off every 2 weeks kind of job and again, I have no where safe to take my child.
I am sad, deeply sad. Angry, frustrated. Exhausted. I’ve tried ignoring it but he acts like a jerk, and it’s also expensive. And he never seems to remember how he acts…
submitted by Another_perspective2 to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:27 dawg_zilla How would you improve Frozen (2013)?

First off, let me just say that I'm so glad the movie turned out the way it did. If anything changed, I don't know if I would've fallen in love with Frozen the way I did, so I'm not here to say that I wish things were different. However, that doesn't mean the film cannot be improved. While I love Frozen with a passion, the movie isn't perfect and can be improved. Here's how I would improve Frozen 1. This isn't perfect of course, but I think it fixes some of the flaws of the film. I'm also going to just talk about Frozen 1 because I feel like I'd write forever if I was talking about F2. I don't know how long this is gonna be. It may be multiple parts. I'm just gonna write as much as I can and see what happens.
So the movie starts off with ice harvesters singing "Frozen Heart." It introduces us to young Kristoff & Sven. I like the opening, but I do think they could've showed that Kristoff is an orphan or something and the ice harvesters took care of him (temporarily). I mean it's kind of strange that a little boy and a baby reindeer wander on their own. Anyways, we get to little Anna & Elsa playing together. I love everything about their playtime and how it leads to the accident. I think that's all great. Then we get to the trolls. I think many people agree that the trolls weren't everyone's favorite part of the film. The King goes to them for help and they all act like wise creatures. Then we see one troll say that they're gonna keep Kristoff & Sven. I always found that strange. They're just kids. It would've made sense if they established that Kristoff was an orphan without a family, so the trolls are his "new" family. But besides that, the trolls erase Anna's memories of magic, and tell Elsa that she should not fear. But then Agnarr decides to shut Elsa out from the world, even Anna. Ngl, as much as I love how Anna & Elsa's separation was integral to the story, and Do You Wanna Build a Snowman is one of my favorite songs, I do think that the parents should've at least talked to Anna and explain something to her. They don't have to say that Elsa has magic, but they could've said something to her instead of leaving her clueless. And they could've at least had Elsa practice using her powers instead of concealing everything. But at the same time, maybe her concealment is why "Let it Go" is so powerful, so maybe they can keep that part. But I still think that they could've said something to Anna.
Anyways, we fast forward in time, the parents are dead, and Anna is at the funeral by herself. I love this. It's so emotional and shows how miserable the sisters are. (I don't want them to suffer. It's just good development 😅)
Coronation Day
3 years later, it's coronation day. We see some of the people in Arendelle and what they're like. I like how Arendelle has a personality too like it's an actual character. They show us a lot about Anna and For the First Time in Forever is a great song. I love the brightness from Anna's perspective and the darkness from Elsa's perspective. The lyrics do a great job of showing their struggles. I love how Anna is already interacting with all the people, while Elsa looks at them from above, keeping all her emotions and powers to herself.
Then we get to Hans. I think their first encounter is fine and all and quite comedic. The one thing I have mixed feelings about is when Hans apologizes to Anna and she says "I'm not that princess...lucky you it's just me." I have mixed feelings because on one hand, I don't like how Anna sees herself as inferior to Elsa. On the other hand, I do like how she looks up to Elsa and is always there to support her because she knows that Elsa is the rightful queen of Arendelle. I don't really know how I'd change this line.
Next we get to Elsa getting coronated. I love how we see Elsa's fear as she's being crowned queen and taking off the gloves. We can feel her stress and all the tension rising. Then she puts the staff down and puts her gloves back on. I love it! Then we get to the ball party. I like how Elsa is the regal queen and Anna is kind of clumsy and unorthodox, which shows that she's being herself and there's nothing wrong with that. You can tell Anna feels awkward around Elsa because they haven't spoken in so long. Elsa says hi to her and Anna can't believe it. She says "Hi...Hi me? Oh uhm hi." Then Elsa calls her beautiful and Anna returns the favor but stutters. It's clear that the sisters want to talk, but don't know how to interact properly. Anna says things like "It's warmer than I thought, and Elsa says "This is what a party looks like." It's very basic until Elsa says "What is that smell" then both sisters say "CHOCOLATE" and laugh. I love this so much! It's so wholesome. Even though they're the queen and princess of Arendelle, they're talking like sisters, talking about chocolate. This is the first time they're getting close to each other since they were kids. Then we see Elsa tricking Anna into dancing with the Duke and she starts laughing. It shows a lot about Elsa's mischievous side, and I love it. Afterwards, Elsa asks Anna if she's okay, and Anna says it's so nice and that she wants things to always be like this. Elsa says "Me too," but then her smile disappears and says "But it can't." She turns around and Anna walks away, about to cry, and Elsa looks at her, feeling heartbroken and guilty herself for pushing Anna away again. Why do I love all this? Because Elsa is finally warming up to Anna and is getting close to her, but then realizes that she can't be too close because she thinks she'll hurt her, so she pushes her away and hurts her emotionally. Elsa doesn't want to do that, but it's better than hurting her with her powers (in her mind). I feel so sorry for both sisters in this scene. Anna was about to cry and I just wanna hug her, but then some guy bends down and almost knocks Anna over before Hans catches her. They start dancing and get to know each other better. I love "Love is an Open Door" because it's a catchy song, talks about an important theme of Frozen (opening the door to show your love for others) and it's one of the few times that foreshadows Hans being a villain.
After Anna accepts Hans' proposal, we get back to the party. Anna yells "Elsa, I mean queen." It shows that Anna was being herself, but then remembers that she's in a formal setting so she refers to Elsa as queen. So they ask for Elsa's blessing, and of course Elsa reasonably says no. Anna goes "Wait, what?" Then Elsa asks to speak with Anna alone. I kinda wish we heard a 1 on 1 talk with them two, but Anna also saying "You can speak to both of us" is also a reasonable response given her situation. Elsa then says "Fine. You can't marry a man you just met." You can see the change in demeanor between this line and the last. When Elsa says no, she speaks like a queen. Then when she says "May I talk to you please? Alone?" she talks like a sister, then when she says "You can't marry a man you met" she talks like a queen again. It's like Elsa wanted to say something else, but because she's speaking to Anna and Hans, she says this. Anna then fires a shot at Elsa saying she knows more about love and all she does is shut people out. Anna is very hurt at this moment, and has every reason to be. Elsa then walks away and requests to close the gates. Anna can't take it and pulls Elsa's glove, saying "I can't live like this anymore." Elsa then says "Then leave." Maybe it was just the heat of the moment, but I don't know why Elsa said this. Elsa wants to be with Anna, why would she tell her to leave? She could've just said, "Sorry Anna, this is the way things are now." Anna then loses it and says "What did I ever do to you?" and pushes Elsa to her limit before Elsa's powers unleash. I honestly love the built-up tension in this scene and how it led to Elsa's powers going berserk. I just didn't like how Elsa told Anna to leave, but apart from that I love this scene. We see the fright on Elsa's face and the disbelief on Anna's as she says "Elsa." But before Anna says "Elsa" here's what I wanted to include:
When Elsa's powers first unleash, they show us Anna's perspective. When she sees the ice on the floor, it unlocks memories for her. We see a quick montage of Anna's mind. It basically shows us the opposite of Grand Pabbie's vision. You know, in that vision, all the magic was replaced with actual snow outside? In Anna's mind, the opposite is happening. Anna sees snow from outside but then it turns into Elsa's magic. We see her memories until the last time they played together where Elsa struck Anna. Then we zoom out of her mind onto the present moment. Anna then sees Elsa's frightened face, and that's when Anna says "Elsa" before Elsa runs away. Anyways, Elsa runs out, and the people are cheering for her. I like how one of the ladies asks "Your majesty. Are you alright?" Again, it's showing that Arendelle is a character in itself. They care about the well-being of their queen. Anyways, Elsa runs and everything goes wrong. She strikes the Duke and everyone sees her and is frightened. She runs away and Anna chases her. Elsa is panicking and runs away in fear. The kingdom freezes, which shows the extent of her powers. Anna walks all cold and everyone sees that it's snowing. Hans asks Anna are you "alright" to which Anna says "No." When he asks did you know, since Anna's memories were unlocked, she could've said "I thought I didn't, but when I saw the ice, then all of a sudden I remembered again, but I don't know why I didn't remember befor-" then she hears the Duke telling his guards to go after the queen and tells them to stop. Anna remembering the accident would make a lot more sense for her to forgive Elsa and blaming herself for the winter. I do love how Anna defends Elsa saying that she was scared and didn't mean any of this. So Anna goes after Elsa without fear, which shows how great a character she is.
Let it Go
Next we get to Let it Go. I love this song so much. The song itself is perfect. I'm not going to change anything about it except for one thing. Elsa does NOT build Olaf during Let it Go. She builds him later, and I'll explain why when we get to it. The first time I saw Frozen, I didn't even notice Elsa building Olaf. It went over my head. I only noticed it after my second watch. But apart from Elsa not building Olaf, the rest of the scene is perfect and stays the same.
I'll talk more about how I'd improve Frozen in another post(s). I hope you guys like my (slightly improved) version of Frozen so far
submitted by dawg_zilla to Frozen [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:26 DiligentRat1303 Young(er) parents, I do not want more kids, wife does

My wife and I are in our mid-late twenties (27). We currently have a daughter and son, ages 4 and 1. We love them more than anything and love being parents.
She teaches and I work in Finance with an unrelated degree. We make a decent middle class living, but I am always anxious about things like; what would happen if I were to lose my job and be unable to recover financially, if we had a large family. Our entire twenties I’ve felt like, while not ‘broke’, money was never abundant. We are relatively frugal, both drive older cars, have a modest 3 bedroom home, and child care expenses are, of course, a significant financial burden.
We definitely split parenting things 50/50 and as a team. She’ll cook, I’ll clean all of the dishes. She pumps, I clean the pump parts. She watches the kids, while I vacuum or do yardwork. Things like that. But while I love being a Dad, I have no desire to start it all over again, along with the added responsibility having 3 or more kids.
I’d like to save some money to spend on our lives, such as replacement vehicles, vacations (which we haven’t taken since our honeymoon), maybe a new home someday, and save for our kids’ futures. I also do not want to add on another “what if” to my anxiousness, which I believe may at least have something to do with my parents struggling with money, when I was young. In addition, I really just love our family dynamic. No having to put multiple kids in bedrooms, we all fit in a sedan, 1 boy & 1 girl, and I think I can provide them a good future, as well as commit plenty of time to them and their interests. With my wife and two babies, life just feels right.
We discussed more kids when my son was born, and while I expressed I thought I was probably done, we both figured it might be something we revisit in the future. Well we recently had a bit of a pregnancy “scare”, and something about it really solidified that I did not want more kids. I politely told her this, and it turned into a bit of an argument. Essentially she feels we should make the decision together, wishes I’d keep an open mind, that we should set the conversation aside for later, and that she wants to have at least one more. I expressed I was sorry I felt this way, but knew I was certain. It felt like something I needed to just get out, and not leave it as a “maybe someday”. Im positive this feeling won’t change.
We are young, so maybe it sounds silly to be so sure, and I am, but I feel awful that this isn’t the family dynamic she dreams of. We have a great marriage and she’s a great person, but am fearful she could resent me for never giving her the 3-4 kids she’s always wanted. Her siblings and cousins are having kids, and I get the feeling that when they start to have 3+ kids, it will be very hard for her. The cherry on top is she is a twin, and the idea of going from 2 to 4 children cements the idea even further, for me.
I guess I’m just looking for any input and advice, or if anyone else has had a similar situation.
Thank you,
submitted by DiligentRat1303 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:25 Practical-Oil-4953 help. thinking of changing wallpaper and adding a book shelf

i have been wanting to change the wallpaper for a while, any suggestions what should i do with the wall behind the bed. also, i want to add a book shelf, where should i put it? should i add something in the area buy the study (the window/balcony). any recommendations or suggestions for the room overall are welcome. thankyou :)
submitted by Practical-Oil-4953 to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:24 NightOwlMoonMan My gf (20F) and I (23M) are both lonely people how to get over insecurity with making new friends?

Tl;dr: My gf and I are staying in our college town during the summer where it’s known to be a dead zone for college students since everyone goes home, and I’m insecure about her constantly needing new friends and I don’t really feel the need to make new friends.
My gf and I are going to college in a town where during the summer months the town is completely dead as most people go home. She almost went home too until she got a new job that would help her in her major and look good on a resume. She’s really sad about not going home our friends all went home and she’s been very insecure about not having enough friends. It got to the point where right before summer me, her, and 2 of our last remaining friends right before they left were hanging out and almost the entire time she complained and was sad about not having enough friends. It got to the point where all of us were half jokingly asking if she liked being with us and it just was a little uncomfortable to be complaining about a lack of friends while around friends.
I stayed in town because I like my own space and enjoy being independent something I’d lose if I went home. But a bigger reason is that when she decided to stay I didn’t want her to feel all alone. I didn’t pressure her one way or the other when it came to staying in town in fact I encouraged her to go home and forget about the job at times since she seemed very sad about not seeing family and old friends. So I wasn’t worried about being alone I have family close by and I haven’t had the best luck socializing and haven’t really found my people and I’m fine with that I enjoy my own company. We both knew that over the summer at least in the beginning we’d be our only source of socializing and would rely on each other for that.
She was a lot more concerned about that than I was it hurts a little to hear that you’re not enough socially for your partner but obviously people need more than one friend lol. I want more friends too but I don’t get a long with a lot of the men in my area and I don’t feel the need to socialize due to bad experiences and introversion/social anxiety. In my mind I’m 70% fine with just hanging out with my gf or being on my own. She’s definitely not and that’s ok and she’s been trying to make friends at work and that’s great I’m happy for her but I worry it’s gotten to an obsessive extent it’s the only thing that occupies her mind besides work it makes me feel insecure I felt like this before summer but now 10x worse the feeling that she only hangs out with me because I want to hang out with her and having me is better than no one.
Just today we had plans to make dinner after our work but without telling me she instead went to a coworkers house and had a double feature movie night. I was sad because I specifically had a 2 hour chunk taken out of my schedule today for dinner and she just forgot about it. Like I’m conflicted it’s definitely good that she’s making friends but it gets to the point where she changes or abandons or forgets plans we have to be with people she doesn’t know and I’m ok with that sometimes but it’s so much and the worst part is she usually doesn’t even give me a heads up and if she does it’s right before our plans.
(Conclusion) All in all sorry for the long post but I’m just feeling insecure I know it’s probably selfishness but at the same time during the school year I didn’t care if she went out with friends she just didn’t seem so obsessive about it and I’m worried I’m just not going to hangout with her much at all during the summer and when we do it’s just because she doesn’t have anyone to hangout with that she would drop our plans to be with potential friends in a second. I’m glad my other friends said something that night so I didn’t feel like I was crazy or controlling to think that. I want her to have friends but I’m just feeling insecure how do I approach this insecurity and get over it?
submitted by NightOwlMoonMan to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:24 Bluebird011991 Need info, what means “Shipped by seller. Please allow up to 48hrs for tracking to update”

I have a question. Seller is not responding to me, but she is active on the app almost every day. Poshmark has contacted her to remind to ship, I received an email that she did confirmed she plans to ship. 2 days ago saw the status change from “Order placed” to “Shipped by seller. Please allow up to 48hrs for tracking to update” and hasn t changed since then. Does this mean she did ship it and it wasn t scanned? Or she could ve just marked it “shipped”?
submitted by Bluebird011991 to poshmarkcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:24 Confident_Fix9823 Did they get my application?

I applied to a job on Friday, it’s currently Tuesday night and I was just double checking my email and can’t find my sent job application anywhere. I bulk deleted a bunch of emails this weekend and I think I accidentally deleted the email in my outbox applying to the job. I’m paranoid that it wasn’t sent at all. Is it bad to re-send just in case? Or should I wait at least a week?
submitted by Confident_Fix9823 to jobhunting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:23 duffdragon189 Recent Graduate looking to kickstart Career!

What’s up everyone! Recent graduate here, bachelor degree in Computer Science with a concentration in IT!coming on here to ask and see what jobs, websites, companies I should be looking into. Have talked to some people I know from passing through the industry and it seems just very bleak right now (lol I can’t even get an email back that I’ve been passed up for the job) Any feedback would help!
submitted by duffdragon189 to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:23 adulting4kids Tarot History

The history of tarot is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and traverses various cultures. The origins of tarot cards can be traced back to 15th-century Italy, where they emerged as playing cards. The initial purpose of these decks was purely recreational, serving as a game known as "tarocchi" or "triumphi."
  1. Early Playing Cards (15th Century):
    • Origin: Tarot cards likely originated in northern Italy in the early 15th century. The oldest surviving complete deck is the "Visconti-Sforza" deck, dating back to the 1440s.
    • Function: Originally used for games, tarot decks were adorned with symbolic imagery, including allegorical illustrations and trump cards.
  2. Tarot in France (Late 15th Century):
    • Migration: Tarot cards crossed into France in the late 15th century, and the game evolved with the addition of the 22 trump cards, known as the Major Arcana.
    • Symbolism: The Major Arcana introduced iconic characters and archetypal symbols, enhancing the cards' allegorical significance.
  3. Occult Associations (18th Century):
    • Esoteric Interest: In the 18th century, interest in the occult and mystical arts surged in Europe. Tarot cards gained esoteric significance, with scholars attributing hidden meanings to the cards beyond their gaming purpose.
    • Etteilla: The French occultist Etteilla published influential tarot interpretations, contributing to the transformation of tarot into a tool for divination and self-discovery.
  4. The Rider-Waite-Smith Deck (Early 20th Century):
    • Revolutionary Design: In 1909, A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith collaborated on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, featuring vivid illustrations and intricate symbolism. This deck became immensely popular and served as the foundation for many modern tarot decks.
    • Divinatory Focus: The Rider-Waite-Smith deck emphasized the mystical and divinatory aspects of tarot, influencing the widespread adoption of tarot for spiritual and introspective purposes.
  5. Tarot in the New Age Movement (20th Century Onward):
    • Popularization: The mid-20th century witnessed a surge in interest in mysticism, the occult, and alternative spiritual practices. Tarot cards gained popularity within the New Age movement, becoming a tool for self-reflection, divination, and personal growth.
    • Diverse Decks: The latter half of the 20th century saw the creation of diverse tarot decks, each with unique themes and interpretations, catering to different spiritual traditions and personal preferences.
  6. Modern Tarot Practices (21st Century):
    • Global Appeal: Tarot has transcended cultural boundaries and gained a global following. The internet has played a significant role in disseminating tarot knowledge, making it accessible to a diverse audience.
    • Integration with Psychology: Many practitioners view tarot through a psychological lens, using the cards as a tool for introspection, therapy, and personal development.
The historical evolution of tarot reflects its transformation from a simple deck of playing cards to a versatile tool for divination, self-exploration, and spiritual guidance. Today, tarot continues to captivate individuals worldwide, offering a unique blend of ancient symbolism and contemporary relevance.
  1. Diverse Tarot Systems and Cultural Influences:
    • Cultural Adaptations: Tarot has adapted to various cultural contexts, leading to the creation of decks that draw inspiration from different mythologies, traditions, and artistic styles.
    • Themed Decks: Modern tarot enthusiasts can explore decks inspired by Norse mythology, Celtic traditions, Eastern philosophies, and more, allowing for a rich diversity of interpretations and connections.
  2. Tarot and Popular Culture:
    • Media Exposure: Tarot has found its way into mainstream media, with references in literature, movies, and television series. This exposure has contributed to its widespread recognition and acceptance.
    • Creative Interpretations: Popular culture has inspired artists and creators to produce tarot decks with themes ranging from fantasy and science fiction to contemporary pop culture references, showcasing the adaptability of tarot symbolism.
  3. Tarot in Digital Age:
    • Online Platforms: The digital age has transformed tarot readings, making them accessible through online platforms and mobile apps. Virtual tarot readings and communities provide a global forum for discussion and learning.
    • Digital Decks: Tarot decks are now available in digital formats, enabling users to explore and engage with the cards through virtual platforms, expanding the reach of tarot practices.
  4. Tarot as a Personalized Tool:
    • Self-Expression: Many individuals now create their own tarot decks, infusing personal symbols, experiences, and artistic styles into the cards. This personalized approach enhances the connection between the user and the cards.
    • Intuitive Reading: Modern tarot practices often emphasize intuitive reading, encouraging users to trust their instincts and personal interpretations rather than relying strictly on traditional meanings.
  5. Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives:
    • Psychology and Tarot: Some psychologists view tarot as a projective tool that can tap into the unconscious mind, offering insights into one's thoughts and emotions.
    • Skepticism and Tarot: Skeptics often approach tarot from a psychological or statistical standpoint, exploring the phenomenon through the lens of cognitive biases and the placebo effect.
  6. Tarot Communities and Education:
    • Learning Resources: The availability of books, online courses, and workshops has contributed to the education and skill development of tarot practitioners. This has empowered individuals to deepen their understanding of tarot symbolism and interpretation.
    • Community Engagement: Tarot communities, both online and offline, provide platforms for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and fostering a sense of community among practitioners.
As tarot continues to evolve, its rich history merges with contemporary influences, shaping a dynamic and diverse landscape. Whether embraced for spiritual guidance, artistic expression, or personal insight, tarot remains a versatile and enduring tool that resonates with individuals on their unique journeys of self-discovery.
  1. Tarot Ethics and Professionalization:
    • Code of Ethics: In modern tarot practices, professional readers often adhere to ethical guidelines. These guidelines emphasize confidentiality, client empowerment, and responsible use of divination tools.
    • Certification and Training: Some tarot practitioners pursue formal training and certification programs to enhance their skills and professionalism, contributing to the recognition of tarot reading as a legitimate and ethical practice.
  2. Scientific Research on Tarot:
    • Psychological Studies: While scientific research on tarot is limited, some studies explore the psychological aspects of tarot reading. Research has investigated how individuals interpret symbols, engage in reflective thinking, and experience a sense of empowerment through tarot readings.
    • Cognitive Science Perspectives: Tarot's intersection with cognitive science has led to examinations of how the mind processes symbolic information and the impact of belief systems on perception.
  3. Tarot and Intersectionality:
    • Inclusivity: Tarot communities increasingly emphasize inclusivity, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives, cultures, and identities. Decks that reflect a broader range of experiences and backgrounds contribute to a more inclusive tarot landscape.
    • Intersectional Readings: Practitioners may integrate intersectionality into their readings, acknowledging the complexity of individual identities and experiences within a broader social context.
  4. Tarot's Influence on Art and Literature:
    • Literary Works: Tarot symbolism has inspired numerous works of literature, poetry, and art. Authors and artists often incorporate tarot themes to explore psychological, spiritual, and philosophical concepts.
    • Tarot in Visual Arts: Tarot continues to be a muse for visual artists, with contemporary artworks reimagining and interpreting the traditional tarot archetypes in new and innovative ways.
  5. Tarot and Holistic Wellness:
    • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Tarot is increasingly integrated into holistic wellness practices that emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It complements approaches like meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing.
    • Wellness Retreats and Workshops: Wellness retreats and workshops may incorporate tarot as a tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and stress reduction, aligning with the broader holistic wellness movement.
  6. Tarot and Technology Integration:
    • Mobile Apps and Online Platforms: Technology has facilitated the accessibility of tarot through mobile apps and online platforms, offering virtual readings, digital decks, and interactive tarot experiences.
    • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have the potential to transform tarot experiences, providing immersive and interactive readings.
The ongoing evolution of tarot reflects its adaptability to societal changes, technological advancements, and a growing understanding of its psychological and symbolic dimensions. As it continues to weave through various aspects of contemporary life, tarot remains a dynamic and versatile tool with enduring relevance.
  1. Tarot and Social Media:
    • Online Communities: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, have become hubs for tarot enthusiasts. Tarot readers share daily card pulls, interpretations, and create educational content, fostering a vibrant online community.
    • Global Connections: Social media has facilitated global connections among tarot practitioners, allowing for the exchange of diverse perspectives, interpretations, and deck recommendations.
  2. Tarot in Mental Health Practices:
    • Therapeutic Applications: Some mental health professionals incorporate tarot into therapeutic practices, using it as a tool for self-reflection, exploration of emotions, and promoting therapeutic dialogue.
    • Mindfulness and Coping: Tarot readings can be used as a mindfulness practice, helping individuals cultivate self-awareness and coping strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges.
  3. Tarot's Evolving Symbolism:
    • Living Symbolism: Tarot symbolism is not static; it evolves over time. Modern tarot decks often reinterpret traditional symbols to reflect contemporary values, ensuring that the cards remain relevant and resonant with current cultural contexts.
    • Innovative Decks: Artists continue to create innovative tarot decks that explore diverse themes, introducing new symbols and archetypes that speak to a wide range of experiences.
  4. Tarot and Ritual Practices:
    • Ritualistic Use: Tarot is incorporated into various ritual practices, from simple daily card pulls to more elaborate ceremonies. These rituals can serve as a form of meditation, intention-setting, or connection with spiritual energies.
    • Seasonal Celebrations: Some practitioners align tarot practices with seasonal changes, using specific spreads or decks to explore themes associated with the solstices, equinoxes, and other significant astrological events.
  5. Tarot and Gender Representation:
    • Expanding Archetypes: Modern tarot decks often challenge traditional gender roles and expand archetypal representations. Decks may feature diverse gender identities and expressions, offering a more inclusive and fluid understanding of the archetypal energies within the cards.
    • Feminist Tarot: Some decks explicitly adopt feminist perspectives, reimagining traditional tarot symbolism to empower and celebrate the diverse experiences of individuals across the gender spectrum.
  6. Tarot as Literary Inspiration:
    • Literary Works and Tarot: Tarot continues to inspire literary works, with novels, poems, and plays incorporating tarot themes and archetypes. Authors explore the psychological and symbolic depths of tarot, infusing their narratives with mystical and esoteric elements.
    • Narrative Exploration: Tarot's narrative potential serves as a source of inspiration for storytellers, offering a structure that mirrors the hero's journey or provides a framework for exploring characters' internal and external conflicts.
The dynamic interplay between tarot and contemporary culture reveals its enduring appeal and adaptability. From social media platforms to therapeutic practices, tarot remains a versatile tool that resonates with individuals seeking insight, connection, and personal growth in an ever-changing world.
In conclusion, the history and evolution of tarot reflect its remarkable journey from humble playing cards to a multifaceted tool deeply embedded in modern culture. As tarot continues to weave its way through diverse aspects of society, from online communities to therapeutic practices, its enduring relevance lies in its adaptability, symbolism, and capacity to inspire self-discovery.
From the mysterious origins of the 15th century to its current role as a global phenomenon, tarot has transcended cultural and historical boundaries. As it integrates with technology, influences art and literature, and finds new applications in mental health and wellness, tarot remains a dynamic force that resonates with those seeking spiritual insights, artistic expression, and personal transformation.
Whether approached through a psychological lens, as a form of self-reflection, or as part of broader cultural movements, tarot's journey reflects the human quest for meaning, connection, and the exploration of the inner self. Its rich tapestry of symbolism continues to captivate individuals across the globe, making tarot a timeless and ever-evolving companion on the diverse paths of human experience.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:21 NightOwlMoonMan My gf (20F) and I (23M) are both lonely people and I’m insecure with socializing

Tl;dr: My gf and I are staying in our college town during the summer where it’s known to be a dead zone for college students since everyone goes home, and I’m insecure about her constantly needing new friends and I don’t really feel the need to make new friends.
My gf and I are going to college in a town where during the summer months the town is completely dead as most people go home. She almost went home too until she got a new job that would help her in her major and look good on a resume. She’s really sad about not going home our friends all went home and she’s been very insecure about not having enough friends. It got to the point where right before summer me, her, and 2 of our last remaining friends right before they left were hanging out and almost the entire time she complained and was sad about not having enough friends. It got to the point where all of us were half jokingly asking if she liked being with us and it just was a little uncomfortable to be complaining about a lack of friends while around friends.
I stayed in town because I like my own space and enjoy being independent something I’d lose if I went home. But a bigger reason is that when she decided to stay I didn’t want her to feel all alone. I didn’t pressure her one way or the other when it came to staying in town in fact I encouraged her to go home and forget about the job at times since she seemed very sad about not seeing family and old friends. So I wasn’t worried about being alone I have family close by and I haven’t had the best luck socializing and haven’t really found my people and I’m fine with that I enjoy my own company. We both knew that over the summer at least in the beginning we’d be our only source of socializing and would rely on each other for that.
She was a lot more concerned about that than I was it hurts a little to hear that you’re not enough socially for your partner but obviously people need more than one friend lol. I want more friends too but I don’t get a long with a lot of the men in my area and I don’t feel the need to socialize due to bad experiences and introversion/social anxiety. In my mind I’m 70% fine with just hanging out with my gf or being on my own. She’s definitely not and that’s ok and she’s been trying to make friends at work and that’s great I’m happy for her but I worry it’s gotten to an obsessive extent it’s the only thing that occupies her mind besides work it makes me feel insecure I felt like this before summer but now 10x worse the feeling that she only hangs out with me because I want to hang out with her and having me is better than no one.
Just today we had plans to make dinner after our work but without telling me she instead went to a coworkers house and had a double feature movie night. I was sad because I specifically had a 2 hour chunk taken out of my schedule today for dinner and she just forgot about it. Like I’m conflicted it’s definitely good that she’s making friends but it gets to the point where she changes or abandons or forgets plans we have to be with people she doesn’t know and I’m ok with that sometimes but it’s so much and the worst part is she usually doesn’t even give me a heads up and if she does it’s right before our plans.
(Conclusion) All in all sorry for the long post but I’m just feeling insecure I know it’s probably selfishness but at the same time during the school year I didn’t care if she went out with friends she just didn’t seem so obsessive about it and I’m worried I’m just not going to hangout with her much at all during the summer and when we do it’s just because she doesn’t have anyone to hangout with that she would drop our plans to be with potential friends in a second. I’m glad my other friends said something that night so I didn’t feel like I was crazy or controlling to think that. I want her to have friends but I’m just feeling insecure how do I approach this insecurity and get over it?
submitted by NightOwlMoonMan to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:20 Late-Law7437 What should I do?

Child Support and paternity fraud plz help
Where do I begin. For the purpose of this post, I will use fictious names and locations as it is ongoing, and out of respect (even though she doesn't deserve any)
My name is Daniel. I am 35 years old, and i am dying. I have a disease called systemic sclerosis. I am currently on a supplemental disability plan, until I get approved for SSI (social Security). Until then, my income is about 4K a month. I own a home but after child support and bills, NOT INCLUDING gas, food, haircuts, medical appointments, and or emergencies like my fridge just broke. (which i never go out) I am left with $260 that has to last me a month. I also have three children who I have to take care of half the time per the 50/50 agreement.
Recently, I found out my oldest, (who is 13) is not biologically mine. I decided to look into it as I had concerns for a while since my divorce as her cheating was very rampant. I also had caught her in 2017 with a man in my house, which is what prompted the divorce. But FL being a no fault state, doesn't matter. I also had to pay child support since the beginning and WHILE LEGALLY Married since 2010 because she had applied for financial support like food stamps and government assistance then. I know what your thinking. Why didnt you stop it then? I tried. You cant take yourself off child support. I also never grew up with a father and wanted that two-parent household. I don't run from responsibilities, like he did. Its how I was raised. Anyways, I married her, tried to do the right thing, she lied numerous times. she never worked, and I worked 90 plus hours a week. To look into her cheating, was impossible at the time as I was never home. and to busy providing for my family.
fast forward to now. My disease started to become worse and over three years; it didn't reveal itself until last year fully to actually pinpoint what this was. for instance, I had in 2019 pain behind my eyes and horrible headaches to the point that I thought I had MS. following year, I had trouble swallowing for 3 months. next year itching in the skin for three months. But prior, I had visited various doctors to see what was going on, each time a flare up then would last 3 to four months, which again, when you don't understand what's going on, you need to take time off to go see doctors, run tests, but this illness was and still is very elusive. with that being said I had 5 jobs since its first flare up till last year to continue to support my family and to pay child support. as of last year. I'm having trouble moving on certain days, breathing and acid reflux and muscle atrophy. (disease progression) especially when this is going on, it worsens everything as this is flared up. I was working under the table to try and make ends meet as I was paying child support still. I should add that the child support with 50/50 custody was $1029 for three kids cause I was making six figures at the time of divorce in 2018. Last year however, I couldn't work anymore, and filed for disability.
In june of last year, I had asked Susan, to get the children school supplies, (which she never does) as I was still paying at the time $1029 in child support. She said she didnt have the money despite now making 70k and her new BF living with her and is working whom she cheated on me with. With me working under the table, I bought them clothes, haircuts, school supplies (ive done every year) but then, I noticed she went on vacation to puerto rico and got a giant leg tattoo. At the time, I had already known what I had, and I asked myself why the heck am I doing this? So i turned to an attorney to get it modified. Again, this is June 20th to be exact of last year. My lawyer, stated that this was only going to be a 90 day turn around for the temporary modification then we will go for the final.
Since then, I have gone for a DNA test. I had to know. I am dying. I wanted to know. And you may judge me for this. but i have filed for disablement for paternity, meaning I am removing myself from the birth certificate. However, in the state of Florida, a mother can deny this and so can the courts. before you judge me, I have many reasons none of which have to do with him other then his mental disability (Aspergers) This illness, as days go by takes more and more from me. As previously aforementioned, I am left with 250 a month. I cannot go get a drs appointment pay for groceries or start planning my funeral which I will start making payments on soon. He also eats three times the amount that we all collectively do (Not his fault) but I have paid enough both mentally and financially. He also has trouble communicating as my suspicions is, that he was born of incest (gross) which is why I was 'chosen' to be his father at the time. Before you ask how do you know? Lets just say she had an uncle 'leave' during that time.
anyways, in February, I had the temporary modification hearing for child support and needless to say it was a circus. My doctor was subpoenaed to be there by my attorneys request to better my argument, even though I felt we didn't need her, she advised me to have my doctor there. Well, he attorney attacked my doctor and me for an hour and 40 mins when the court case was only supposed to go for an hour. He said "you saw another dr Max so and so and they said it was all in your head" (again I had flare ups on a illness that hadnt revealed itself correctly since last year). So there argument was that I was doctor seeking to avoid child support. After I have paid for 13 years never missing a payment. Her lawyer also targeted people who are living with me. Now I'll admit that I said they were friends which is true but how else can I pay for my attorney? Cant work, cant sell drugs, cant rob a bank? So they want to take there income into consideration. BS. She also hired a private investigator to watch me exercise outside and stated that because I can exercise, I can work..... Ok. Where's the 23 hours of the rest of the day watching me in pain. or when do you have me on video of a flare up from this terminal illness? (that's what I wanted to say)
Although I was granted the temporary modification, of $209, I left the court thinking wow, this woman can cheat, commit paternity fraud, not give two craps about our children, live with her mom in a section 8 home, and here I am doing whatever I can and I've done nothing wrong but be lied to and this is how my government, my country treats me? No wonder men my age dont have children this is insane. The paternity issue wasn't even brought up they said that this isnt the place for this and that the disestablishment will be another trial for those wondering. My lawyer only spoke for 5 mins. Asking her about her income cause thats the only thing that has changed since 2018 since she didnt work at the time. Other than that, it was an attack on me and my disease arguing my ability to work.
after leaving that, I didnt eat for 96 hours. I have since been crying nonstop. Compilating suicide. I am already heart broken about my son not being mine. Sure does a terminal illness make me said, no question everyday. But a life wasted on another? Cause I decided to be a man and take up responsibility? thats soul crushing. And to say "well, there is a big chance the courts will deny your request' thats BS. If i go to prison because I was accused of a robbery for 13 years, and DNA evidence proves I wasnt there, I get out of jail and can sue. This is no different. If anything, DNA evidence needs to be more of a factor in family law than in almost every court of law if not as equally important. My bad for not investigating her infidelity not only in the beginning but also in the end. How about not being a POS. sorry rant over
gets better. Her mom and dad smoke in the section 8 house, kids reek of cigarette smoke and marijuana, all day. they dont take showers there, they were hand me down clothes, they live in the garage shared with there mother, that isn't air conditioned. and he makes only a few thousand less than I do a month. She stated in court that she pays her mom $500 in rent which is BS, she is only doing that now so that she makes herself look bad. I know she is doing pills, like oxy and what not. Id love to prove it.
after the temp hearing, in april, I had to go to court to contest my drivers license suspension as I hadn't paid child support since, august of last year. again, there is no way, I can pay my bills, feed my children, go to the doctor, pay my lawyer to end all of this BS and pay the current child support amount. and again, this final hearing is still not set yet. So they intercepted my tax return, even though the temporary modification was approved, the final is what gets it retro backed to the date of filing, so they took, a much needed 5500 tax return from me. I needed that cause one of the issues I failed to mention as well, hurricane Ian has destroyed my home and I'm still going through that process too. not to mention I am on payment plans with Mayo clinic and other various medical facilities. (no one cares) but the interest that accrues, makes it impossible to catch up. also, Florida department of rev is overstepping I feel, and asking for medical info to be sent to them as well as updated doctors letters to be sent saying that I am still on disability.
a few weeks ago, I got an email from my lawyer having a withdrawal notice from her lawyer. in the withdrawal, he stated that he cannot represent her, due to something she may have withheld or lied about (more or less wasn't worded like that but you can tell). In feb court appearance they never produced the PI report, or videos, they had medical info they shouldn't have had, and they had very outlandish comments about my lifestyle. So my lawyer filed immediately a motion to compel. meaning, we want to see everything you have on my client. this was filed almost immediately after court appearance on feb 20th. Susan has failed to provide any updated info requested by my attorney so on june 18th, we have that upcoming hearing.
in the mean time, I have sent my lawyer, a very heavily requested topics, such as "where did they get my medical records, if those were lies, what are the consequences if any"? What did exercising have to do with any of this despite various drs saying he has to or he will get worse.
I know wat you must be thinking, what about your oldest, how can you do that to him. Please listen. This woman has taken everything from me. And i mean everything but the roof over my head. I am seeing a therapist to help with the suicidal thoughts. it isnt enough. the reality of it is, I chose to be loyal and it bit me in the butt. This disease will rob me of everything, my teeth will fall out ( I had 5 cavities last time I went to the dentist) I haven't had a cavity since I was 30 and even then I was suspicious. And I am brushing 5 time s a day to save them. My skin is tightening, and my arms and muscles are wasting. I will literally be left with nothing. My organs will also start to harden, and I will have to start getting around the clock care.
I forgot to mention they (child support) recently, sent a letter to SSI (social security) saying that they would garnish my SSI before I even got it, totaling $1029. the incorrect amount. I sent this to my lawyer and she is looking into it. But it shows that child support will overstep and breaks every law or freedom you may think you have. I DO take care of my children. if they need a haircut i do it, school supplies clothes, anything I do it. And I do it, cause she wont. What I want to leave you with, is that woman can be dead beats too. Child support was designed to have woman off of government subsidized programs like section 8 food stamps and what not. Also to make the man pay for their children man or woman I should say, I know this. I am not running from my obligation. I just want Susan, to have to pay for what's she's done to me and the kids.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this, please comment and share, all names are fake, but everything else is unfortunately real. I know it was wordy, but I wanted to provide as much backstory as possible. And please. Respect my descions. When you are end of life, I hope someone would be kind enough to respect yours. You may not agree and that's ok, but I am asking you to respect them. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Late-Law7437 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:20 Kindly-Track-2922 Tmu ENG program change

I got into BME at tmu quite a bit ago but im tryna change my program into a different type of eng should i shoot them an email or do i jus lock in first year then request a transfer. I have a 93.66666 avgbut i got waitlisted/rejected frm everywhere else so ill prob jus go there since its relatively cheaper than them big boy schools. Thankya
submitted by Kindly-Track-2922 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:19 NightOwlMoonMan My gf (20F) and I (23M) are both lonely people and I’m insecure with socializing

Tl;dr: My gf and I are staying in our college town during the summer where it’s known to be a dead zone for college students since everyone goes home, and I’m insecure about her constantly needing new friends and I don’t really feel the need to make new friends.
My gf and I are going to college in a town where during the summer months the town is completely dead as most people go home. She almost went home too until she got a new job that would help her in her major and look good on a resume. She’s really sad about not going home our friends all went home and she’s been very insecure about not having enough friends. It got to the point where right before summer me, her, and 2 of our last remaining friends right before they left were hanging out and almost the entire time she complained and was sad about not having enough friends. It got to the point where all of us were half jokingly asking if she liked being with us and it just was a little uncomfortable to be complaining about a lack of friends while around friends.
I stayed in town because I like my own space and enjoy being independent something I’d lose if I went home. But a bigger reason is that when she decided to stay I didn’t want her to feel all alone. I didn’t pressure her one way or the other when it came to staying in town in fact I encouraged her to go home and forget about the job at times since she seemed very sad about not seeing family and old friends. So I wasn’t worried about being alone I have family close by and I haven’t had the best luck socializing and haven’t really found my people and I’m fine with that I enjoy my own company. We both knew that over the summer at least in the beginning we’d be our only source of socializing and would rely on each other for that.
She was a lot more concerned about that than I was it hurts a little to hear that you’re not enough socially for your partner but obviously people need more than one friend lol. I want more friends too but I don’t get a long with a lot of the men in my area and I don’t feel the need to socialize due to bad experiences and introversion/social anxiety. In my mind I’m 70% fine with just hanging out with my gf or being on my own. She’s definitely not and that’s ok and she’s been trying to make friends at work and that’s great I’m happy for her but I worry it’s gotten to an obsessive extent it’s the only thing that occupies her mind besides work it makes me feel insecure I felt like this before summer but now 10x worse the feeling that she only hangs out with me because I want to hang out with her and having me is better than no one.
Just today we had plans to make dinner after our work but without telling me she instead went to a coworkers house and had a double feature movie night. I was sad because I specifically had a 2 hour chunk taken out of my schedule today for dinner and she just forgot about it. Like I’m conflicted it’s definitely good that she’s making friends but it gets to the point where she changes or abandons or forgets plans we have to be with people she doesn’t know and I’m ok with that sometimes but it’s so much and the worst part is she usually doesn’t even give me a heads up and if she does it’s right before our plans.
(Conclusion) All in all sorry for the long post but I’m just feeling insecure I know it’s probably selfishness but at the same time during the school year I didn’t care if she went out with friends she just didn’t seem so obsessive about it and I’m worried I’m just not going to hangout with her much at all during the summer and when we do it’s just because she doesn’t have anyone to hangout with that she would drop our plans to be with potential friends in a second. I’m glad my other friends said something that night so I didn’t feel like I was crazy or controlling to think that. I want her to have friends but I’m just feeling insecure how do I approach this insecurity and get over it?
submitted by NightOwlMoonMan to Advice [link] [comments]